#anyways… my little vent is over ❤️
wroteclassicaly · 6 months
I’m not sure if I’m gonna do my planned series anymore. No one was interested when I announced it, and I’m losing steam. I don’t feel a passion that much when I post, and I was excited today, but my blurb fell flat. Idk… I guess it just feels like my work doesn’t have a chance because I’m not a bigger blog.
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mj0702 · 8 months
The other Bronze – Pt.7.1
Okay guys... since I'm having just too much fun writing the Beach day, here are about 7k of Beach and we're not done that's why I decided to split Pt.7 into two chapters😉
I hope you have fun with this part - the next one will be coming in a couple of days ❤️❤️
Lucy parked her beloved holy Cupra in a parking deck near the Beach to one have the car away from the sun so it won't heat up so much and two give you some more time to “prepare”. As she killed the engine she turns over to look at you
“Firstly... I'm proud of you for not destroying my Car by pushing any buttons” she grinned and you rolled your eyes playfully “and secondly... it's about a five minute walk to the Beach... it COULD happen that I get recognized by fans... if so, please don't start trouble – most of them are REALLY nice and also really respectful... but you know yourself from previous encounters there are some that are rude...” she said insistently.
“Lucy... it's not the first time I'm out and about with you...” you rolled your eyes annoyed
“You once kicked a man in the knee” your sister raised her eyebrow at you
“He was inappropriate, extremely rude, loud, demanding AND intoxicated...” you defended yourself remembering this encounter
“You were 10” your sister reminded you
“Mills and Jill bought me the biggest ice cream as a reward” you grinned happily at this particular memory
“They always rewarded you for shitty behaviour... he could have hit you... he was fairly drunk” Lucy said rolling her eyes again “but we're not talking about the past... we're talking now... please don't start trouble IF we encounter fans...”
“As long as they're cool, I'm cool” you shrugged your shoulders. Just because Lucy was the older one it didn't mean you couldn't be just as protective of her as she is of you
“I'm able too handle it, okay...” she said insistently again “... I'm not even sure if we run in to them anyway”
“Yeah okay... I TRY to behave” you huffed and opened the door “I take ice cream as payment”
“You can shove that ice cream up your...” your sister started as you smirked at her
“Stop it” Lucy groaned as she took your bags and locked her car “Stanway turned you into a monster... definitely going to “talk” to her about that”
“If you hurt her I'll leak baby videos of you” you threaten her light hearted
“I know you would” your sister grinned as she laid her arm around your shoulder pulling you into her side and press a soft kiss to your temple “I really missed you Bubs”
“You're too young – never thought I'm going to say THAT but here we are – for Menopause.. what's with the hormonal stuff” you looked at her pulling a face never being one for affection in public
“Just enjoy it, Devils Spawn” Lucy mocked “and remember you can ALWAYS come to me for anything... advice, talking, venting, even if you just need a shoulder to cry on... I'm here Bubs”
“I know” you whispered softly
“Okay... than lets go... as soon as we're close to the Beach you need to stumble a lot... you did that... and you had this loopy grin... uh... and you only called Keira by her name... everyone else had nicknames... Alexia was “pretty spaniard”, Atiana was “flawless spaniard” and Mapí was “colorbook spaniard”...” your sister listed off
“I left out Ona?” you looked confused
“Oh no... she was just “spaniard”... you have another hour to find a new name for her.. and you basically got everyone to scramble around for you... just... hold back with Tana... she is shy anyway and you calling her flawless probably made her a little uncomfortable” Lucy shrugged her shoulders before asking you to told back on the flirty comments towards her teammate
“No flawless spaniard... got it” you nodded seriously – today was for funnies’ anyway
“Good... they won't take you serious if you do it right anyway, so... flirt away if you can justify yourself to your girlfriend if there are clips leaked” your sister grinned evilly
“You are honestly one big bitch” you said bewildered at her implication while she just started laughing pulling you along
Of course Lucy got recognized by some fans on your way to the Beach and she patiently signed and took pictures with all of them while you waited near by. You noticed a small girl – maybe four or five – who looked longingly at your sister. You slowly shuffled towards the girl not to startle her you crouched down next to her
“Hi” you said smiling friendly as the girl just looked at you afraid “What's your name, wee one?”
The girl just keeps staring at you but at least she didn't run or scream so you took that as a win – that's until you remember that you are in Spain where small girls probably don't speak english. You didn't speak spanish.
“Y/N” you tried it the old fashion way pointing at yourself before pointing at her looking at her expectantly smiling
“Bella” she said in a tiny whisper and you smiled wider as she answered you
“Hola Bella” you know opted to sit down next to her on the sidewalk as your sister was still occupied with signing stuff. You decided to “talk” to the girl pulling out your phone for a translation app since your spanish was more than broken – or more non existent.
“Cómo estás” the robotic voice of the App suddenly spoke and you smiled at the girl
“Buena gracias” she answered shyly which you actually understood
“¿Qué estás haciendo aquí solo?” the unpersonal voice said again after you quickly tipped in your question
“Esperanto a Lucia” Bella answered and you tried your best to type in what she said and finally concluded that she said she was waiting for Lucia
“¿Es Lucía tu... hermana? ¿mamá? Tía?” you really became a fan of that App after asking the young girl if Lucia was a relative and she seems to understand what you mean.
“No... Lucía Bronze... ella estás justo ahí” the little girl shook her head and pointed towards your sister.
“oh... OH... Lucy” you said understanding suddenly before typing quickly in your app again “¿quieres conocerla?”
Bellas eyes grow big for a minute before she started to fidget with her fingers looking down ashamed “no tengo un bolígrafo” she said quietly
“Okay... now I need your help, kiddo” you mumbled before holding out your phone to the little girl signalling her to write down what she just said. After a minute she seems to understand and started typing. You waited patiently until she handed your phone back looking at the screen looking up at her surprised
“What you need a pen for?” you said more to yourself than her typing out the question already
You communicated like this for a while and you learned that Bella was actually Isabella she was 5 years and 3 month old, she lived with a lot of children and Signora Viola in a big house, they currently are on an adventure – you looked around and saw a playground near by so you put together that the girl bolted once she saw Lucy and she was a BIG Fan of the Barcelona Femeni. You asked her again if she wanted to go over where you could see your sister wrapping things up and again the little girl got all shy. You told her that there was nothing to be shy about and that “Lucia” was just a normal person like her and you. Isabella shook her head furiously looking at you shocked comparing Lucy to “normal” people. You laughed wholeheartly before holding out your hand offering it to the small girl. After a second she took your hand and you slowly walked over to where a few fans were still standing around your sister waiting patiently.
“Oi Bronze” you yelled from a few feet away grinning widely as all heads turned to you your sister not even bothering to look up where she was signing a picture of – herself
“I said.. OI BRONZE!” you yelled louder as you came closer the little girl half hiding behind your legs
“I don't react to rude fans” your sister said calmly ignoring your presence before smiling for another picture “I thought we talked about it”
“Good thing then that I'm firstly NOT a fan and secondly I have found the most precious fan you'll ever meet” you grinned at your sister carefully pushing the small girl in front of you
“Where is her mother? Please don't tell me you kidnapped a kid” Lucy looked at you pleadingly
“Just... sign something for her it'll make her day... she doesn't have a sharpie tho...” you said and your voice told you're sister that you'll talk later. She trusted you so far that you didn't kidnap a little girl and crouched down to smile friendly at her.
“Hola soy Lucy y tu quien eres?”
“Isabella” the little girl answered shyly and pressed herself against you
“Hola Isabella, ese es un hermoso nombre.” Lucy smiled at the little girl
“Muchas gracias” Isabella mumbled “Mi mamá me lo dios antes de convertirse en ángel”
“Fuck” Lucy mumbled as it dawned on her and she looked at you “She doesn't have a mom?”
“From what I got through the app she's an orphan... and she's a big fan... so.. make her day” you gritted the last part through your teeth smiling down at the girl reassuringly
“Tu mamá eligió el nombre correcto: un hermoso nombre para una hermosa niña” your sister smiled warmly at Isabella “Qué puedo hacer por ti, Conejita?”
“no tengo papel ni lapiz” the girl sounded sad suddenly which made you perk up
“I told you to make her day not to make her sad” you looked at Lucy confused
“She said she doesn't have pen and paper so I think she would like to have an autograph but has nothing where I could write it on” your sister explained looking at you annoyed but her voice didn't show it because she didn't want to give a false impression to the kid
“Can you occupy her for hot minute?” you looked at your sister and she immediately knew you had an idea
“Sure... in comparison to you I speak spanish” she smirking at you
“In comparison to you I look good” you said before pushing Isabella towards your sister smiling at her encouraging
When you were sure the girl was happy enough talking now more freely with Lucy you searched your sisters back for her wallet before grinning brightly as you found it, took some money (a lot to be honest – but hey... she gets a good salary) and went back the way you came from the parking deck. Unknowns to your sister you immediately spotted a Jersey Shop when you exited the parking space and that's where you went. You quickly found the shop again, looking at kid jerseys as a blonde salesgirl walked over to you smiling
“Stalker much?” she asked and you immediately noticed the voice turning quickly on your heels
“Caro?” you asked confused but broke into a smile quickly as you recognized your new friend
“I see you're still alive so your sister didn't kill you?” she smiled
“She was THIS close.. but no.. she didn't kill me – but she overdosed my pain meds and let me made a fool out of myself in front of the whole team” you rolled your eyes
This made the german girl burst out laughing knowing immediately which team you were talking about
“You didn't call me.. or texted...” you said faking sounding hurt
“Yeah... funny story... I paid the Uber with your 20 – forgetting what was on the back of that bill” she said embarrassed
“Are you serious?” you looked at her stunned
“Yeah... sorry” she grinned apologetic
This time it was you bursting out laughing “That is such a Me move”
“You know I'd love to chat more but my store manager is already looking over... so... what can I help you with?” Caro put on a fake smile feeling the eyes of her boss on her
“I need a Jersey... for a five year old... Bronze on the back... and a sharpie if you sell those too” you said quickly as you didn't want to get her into trouble
“Anything you want to tell me?” the blonde grinned at you as she skilfully grabbed a plain Jersey
“Just met a girl... from what I got she's an orphan... she's a fan” you said as she pushed the small jersey into your hand and led you over to the printing station
“With the number?” Caro asked not wanting to push the subject
“Yeah... go all out... my sister is paying” you grinned thankful for the topic change as you held up a bundle of bills
About you 15 minutes later you left the store grinning a small bag in your hand and your sister about 150€ lighter (110 for the jersey and 40€ tip for the staff) but in your bag was a brand new kids Jersey with your sisters name on the back of it. You were still smiling as you rounded the last corner spotting your sister immediately sitting in the shade next to Isabella with an ice cream in her hand. You stopped for a second to take in the scene before quickly taking out your phone snapping a picture before yelling over to them
“OI BRONZE... can I have an autograph?” you grinned as her head snapped up at your voice
“Everything for my biggest fan” she smirked back at you as you walked over to them snatching Lucys ice out of her hand before tossing the bag in her lap
“Sign that and make that girls day” you said as you licked the ice cream “For good heavens... what's that?” you pulled a face making Isabella giggle
“Liquorice and Lavender” your sister answers distracted as she looked into the bag “You bought a Jersey?”
“What is wrong with you??? Are your taste buds this fucked? You have disgusting taste... and yes... I... you... you bought a jersey... a kids one... UWCL version... did you know the jerseys here are freakingish expensive?” you gagged trying to get the taste of the ice cream out of your mouth as Lucy told you you just had a lick of Liquorice ice cream
“I bought a jersey?” Lucy asked you confused as she pulled said item out of the bag
“Yep.. took your money... it's your jersey, so your money” you shrugged your shoulders taking a glance at the small girl who sat beside you silently watching your interaction but became big eyes when she saw the jersey.
“We'll talk about that later” Lucy shot you a glare before signing the Jersey and holding it out to Isabella telling her something in spanish. The small girl first smiled so widely she could have lit up a whole dark alley in seconds. Then she seems to remember something as she retreated a little bit getting a sad look on her face mumbling some spanish words. Lucy frowned at that and for you it looks like she tried to reassure the girl to take the jersey. Suddenly you noticed a woman coming running out of the playground area looking franticly around.
“Luce... I think that's this Viola woman” you nodded towards the woman with your head “I think precious Bella here bolted without telling someone”
It was in the same second as the woman spotted the little girl coming running over quickly rattling spanish words a million miles an hour – which caused you to just look at her bewildered and Lucy at least tried to keep up. Isabella looked down her hands behind her back. You gathered it was a spanish scolding which sounded even worse than all the scolding you received (are still receiving) from your sister.
“What is she saying?” you mumbled leaning slightly towards Lucy not wanting to get caught in the crossfire of that womans rant
“I have no clue” your sister whispered back
“Didn't you tell me you speak spanish?” you teased Lucy under your breath
“If she would speak spanish I would probably understand enough to string together what she's saying... but that's catalan” Lucy answered and you nodded understandingly
The womans head snapped in your direction making you shuffle carefully behind Lucy as the womans look could kill a dead guy. She took a few deep breaths before starting to talk to your sister who looked lost.
“Tell her you speak bad spanish – but not catalan” you nudged her from behind making her pushing back against you roughly but followed your idea talking to the woman in spanish. She seems to understand what Lucy tried to tell her immediately slowing down on the words pronouncing them more clear. The two talked for about five minutes (which you stayed for safety reasons behind your sister – you would easily volunteer her as a tribute if you had to) before Lucy gave the woman the little jersey and it looked like she made her something promise as you made out the words “Isabella” and “Camp Nuo”. Both – the Viola woman as you named her and little Isabella – said their goodbyes before going back towards the playground.
“Soooo... what was that about” you asked after you made sure the woman was gone
“Isabella really bolted – apparently she does this quiet often... and you were right... she's an orphan, lost both her parents about a year ago due to a car accident” Lucy said sadly “This was the housemother... she told me that Isabella is a good kid – very smart... introvert... reads a lot.. and sadly gets picked on a bunch because she's not as outgoing...”
“Luce... you told me once not as long as you play professional” you said your voice low and your sister knew immediately what you meant
“It's just not fair... I was painfully shy when I was younger and she deserves someone to stand up for her and tell her it's okay” your sister replied and you noticed it really bothered her
“I know Lucy... but.... you know yourself” you tried to bring your point across
“Yeah I know...” your sister huffed defeated
“I mean... mom would lose her shit if you come home for Christmas with a little girl calling her “Grandma”... I actually dig it...” you grinned trying lift your sisters mood
“She would definitely go hard on the egg-nog” Lucy mused but you saw a small smile tugging on her lips
“So... when are you going to see Isabella again?” you ask knowingly
“I've invited them to the next game... Viola said she needs to speak to some other people about it and yeah... I hope they can make it happen” your sister shrugged her shoulders
“Will you tell Ona... sorry... will you tell the spaniard about this incident? I really need to get into the headspace of being high” you asked mumbling the last part to yourself
“Maybe... when we have a quiet, uninterrupted moment” Lucy looked at you pointingly
“I slept till nearly lunchtime...” you defended yourself
“And I didn't met Isabella until 30 minutes ago you space cadet” your sister looks at you stunned by your not-logic
“Oh yeah... didn't think of that... uh... ice cream” you started before you got distracted by a small ice cream shop
“You really rock this pretending to be high scenario” Lucy looked at you proudly
“Thank you” you grinned “now... ice cream and then beach?”
“Course” your sister laughed as she pulled a five Euro bill out of her wallet “you really took my money???”
“It's not like I'm working” you shrugged your shoulders turning to the ice cream guy pointing to the two flavours you wanted – Espresso dark chocolate and Speculoos. Your sister paid for your ice cream grumbling under her breath but smiled as she saw how happy you looked with your ice cream cone.
“Bubs... beach rules apply for Barcelona beaches as well, do you hear me” Lucy looked at you intensely
“Awww man come on....” you whined licking away on your ice cream
“No... you don't go into the water without telling either Alexia, Keira, Ona or me... I would say Ingrid too but you haven't met her officially” your sister said stern
“It's the black haired Norwegian... girlfriend of the colorbook spaniard” you grinned being proud of yourself
“How many words did you spoke with Ingrid?” your sister raised her eyebrow as she led you towards Mar Bella Beach
“Ehrm... none?” you wrecked your brain for a second
“Exactly” Lucy grinned “By the way....” she pulled out her phone “... your hour starts... now”
Immediately your whole body language changed sinking against Lucy for support gripping your cone a little tighter starting to stumble along
“Why now?” you whispered
“Because in about 2 meters we're in eyesight...” Lucy whispered back holding onto your side tightly as you rounded the last corner
Just as your sister said you spotted the Barca femeni team immediately. Some of them were playing beach volleyball while others opted for relaxing in the hot sun and you instantly made out Keira. Which wasn’t hard – the only white white person in between a bunch of lovely tanned girls and she sat under an umbrella to not sit directly in the sun. So typical english.
“Keira is so english it's embarrassing” you mumbled making your sister burst out laughing “What... even YOU have a tan”
“Without tan-lines” Lucy smirked evilly
You really wanted to gag and whine but it would have blown your cover before your prank even began
“I hate you” you growled under your breath before getting interrupted by a VERY upset spanish voice
“Really Lucia... again??” Alexia exclaimed shocked and angry
“NOT my fault this time... she overdosed herself” Lucy held both her hands up in surrender letting go of you which made you “stumble” in the sand
“holasita pretty spaniard” you grinned trying to look as loopy as possible
“Ay dios mio...” Alexia mumbled as she pinched the bridge of her nose
“You look so pretty” you “slurred” and your sister gave you a secret thumbs up
“You told me before, Cariño” the Captain huffed “But thank you”
Right this moment you heard a “cuidadosa!!” and the volleyball hit you on the side of your head making you drop your ice cream cone
“María Leon!!!” Alexia yelled turning around in anger “I TOLD you not in this direction!”
“My ice cream” you whined looking down where your ice cream hit the sand
“I'll get you new ice Bubs” Lucy jumped in deciding to play along a little bit
“Oh no you won't” the blonde (pretty) spaniard interrupted your sister “María will buy ice cream... for EVERYONE”
“Que???!!!” Mapí exclaimed while you squealed happily
“I want that one” you pointed at your melting ice cream in the sand – you really liked playing the drugged one it seems to get you free stuff.
“Bubs... you need to choose something new... the place here doesn't have Speculoos... but the strawberry is really good” Lucy found fun in your little play too “supporting” you – even if it means she would lose 50€
“But I want Spec... Specs... Loos... Specloosers” you pouted mispronouncing the word on purpose
“I know... but look... you can have strawberry now and Speculoos later okay?” Lucy tried to “negotiate”
“What have you done to her?” suddenly a very arrogated Ona stood next to the two of you with Alexia still “discussing” with Mapí about how stupid actions have stupid consequences
“I did nothing... you told her where her painkillers were” Lucy defended herself again and this time you helped her out
“Thank you friendly spaniard – you're a good friend” you smiled all teeth at Ona
“You two can't be left alone for a few hours without causing trouble??” the small woman said bewildered and you heard Keira snickering behind you “Welcome to their World, Ona.. you will have A LOT of situations like these”
“Kei” you happily exclaimed turning quickly
“Hey Bitsy... come here a second, will you... your sister has to talk to the friendly spaniard for a moment in peace” your fellow englishwoman smiled inviting and you took her up on it and stumbled over to her.
“Hey Kei” you smiled “loopy” as you plopped down beside her on a towel
“For how long do I have to pretend to not notice that you definitely not high?” she asked you smirking after she studied you for a second
“What... How... Why??” you stared at her shocked
“Bitsy please... cut me some slack... I told you before... I was always able to tell.. what did Lucy promised you if you could pull this off?” Keira grinned speaking in a low voice not wanting to out you since you seemed to have fun
“50 bucks if I could pull it off for an hour without you noticing” you huffed sadly
“It took me one look if it makes you feel better” the english grinned “but I'll play along because it's actually fun seeing what you can come up with”
“Thanks Kei...” you smiled slightly before looking up “which of them did I call flawless?”
This time it was Keira bursting out laughing as she pointed at Aitana who was relaxing in the sun wearing an orange bikini, big sunglasses and a big white hat.
“At least I got that right” you looked impressed
“Do I have to remind you already that you have a girlfriend?” Keira smirked
“Doesn't mean I can't appreciate beauty if I see...” you started before you stopped abruptly your mouth dropping wide open as you see another woman approaching “Fuck me sideways... WHO's that... she's gorgeous”
“Huh??” Keira looked at you surprised before turning around looking who literally made you speechless
“Really Bitsy? Are you really drooling over Jenni?” she asked you with a raised brow turning back to you
“Gonna name her sexy spaniard” you grinned texting Georgia immediately who you kept in the loop all the time
“You have a girlfriend” Keira stressed
“And she just said either sexy or damn girl spaniard...” you grinned showing Keira the text from your girlfriend
“You two are really made for each other” the englishwoman groaned starting to massage her temples knowing she will have a lot to put up with in the future
“Don't worry Kei... you're going to be the one giving me away when we get married” you grinned
“Your sister won't let me do that” the blonde grinned
“She won't be able to walk because she fucked up her knee even more and I'm not walking next to her hobbling self” you waved off
Keira laughed and hugged you into her side smiling as Lucy came over having finished her talk with Ona about how this time it wasn't her fault that you were “high”
“Hey Bubs... you behaving for Kei?” she asked you smiling
“She's very good” Keira confirmed not showing that she knew you were in fact very much not high or overdosed
“Good... wanna join me and Ona over there?” Lucy pointed over to where Ona just laid down on her towel
“Nope” you answered popping the “p” “... not getting involved in your lovey-dovey shit”
“You're unbelievable you know that?” your sister exclaimed rolling her eyes “I have a very high self-control so not everything is about... THAT”
“You can't even say sex around me... what will you do when you find out that I have sex?” you asked the fact that you could pretend to not know what you're talking about helped you immense to rile your sister up
“Don't remind me” Lucy mumbled shivering
“Our Kid is growing up, Luce... let her be” Keira laughed swatting her exes shoulder playfully
“It must be your influence... if it would my influence she'd die a virgin” Lucy grinned back
“It's young love...” the blonde englishwoman rolled her eyes but smiling “... should I remind you how we were...”
“Please don't” you interrupted quickly “I already got scarred for life by her”
“Keira, Lucy.. you remember Jenni, sí?” Alexia interrupted your little banter appearing out of nowhere right next to Lucy
“Sí... hola Jenni... Cómo estás?” your sister smiled friendly laying her arm around your shoulders pulling you into her side away from Keira
“Estoy bien, muchas gracias...” Jenni smiled back pushing her sunglasses into her hair
“Pretty spaniard” you whisper yelled waving over excited trying to get Alexias attention which made Jenni looking at you confused raising an eyebrow at your antics
“Sí y/n?” Alexia looked at you grabbing your good hand to stop your waving
“Who's the sexy spaniard?” you ask “whispering” nodding her head excessively towards Jenni
Alexia closed her eyes breathing deeply her hand shooting up to her forehead starting to massage it as Jenni made a surprised noise
“Who?” the dark haired spaniard asked confused and surprised
You stayed in “character” making a little squeaky noise trying to “hide” behind Lucy
“Overdose on pain meds” your sister grinned widely before pointing towards Alexia “this is pretty spaniard... Aitana over there is flawless spaniard, Mapí is colorbook spaniard and YOU apparently are... what is Jenni Bubs?”
“Very sexy” you mumbled from behind Lucy
“Very sexy spaniard... welcome to the gang” your sister laughed as Jenni continued to look confused as hell
“I... can't follow” Jenni said her spanish accent thick as she spoke english
“Dear Mary mother of god” you half moaned “she sounds very sexy too... keep talking” you peaked over your sisters shoulder looking at Jenni expectantly
“Stop drooling... you are in a relationship” your sister said as she turned her head looking at you
“I'm so sorry Jen... don't take her seriously... she's... she's a walking disaster but really lovely at the same time – she's Lucias little sister” Alexia explained “you can always ignore her”
Jenni slowly nodded her brows still raised. You peaked out behind your sister again trying your best to look as loopy as possible. You took a step around Lucy just for Alexia to push herself between you and Jenni
“Y/n no... sit with Keira in the shade and...” she tried to keep you away from Jenni as you happily interrupted her
“Colorbook spaniard!!!” you yelled across to Mapí and waved
“Baby Bronze!!!” Mapí yelled back and also waved happily “You're high again”
You stumbled around Alexia and Jenni towards Mapí and NEARLY got to her as you were hauled back as someone grabbed you around your waist
“No Bebita... we don't interact with Mapí right now” Ona said softly
“But she...” you started to pout but Ona ignored you successfully
“No no... no buts... come on.. back to your sister you go” the blonde spaniard said firmly
“You're mean” you pouted towards your sisters girlfriend
“And you're high... so nothing new on both sides” Ona replied dry as she pushed you forward her arms still secured around your waist while you started to wriggle around trying to get rid of Ona
“No Bebita” the blonde spaniard said sternly before looking towards Lucy who had an amused smile on her face “Help please?”
Your sister grinned as she made her way over and got in front of you “Behave Devil Spawn – or I'll make sure you'll behave”
“But the colorbook spaniard wants to play... she needs super...spicion” you lulled mixing up words
“Mapí can play with Pina and Patri... you can play with Keira in the shade” your sister said winking at you before pulling you away from Ona “Thanks for catching her in time Babe”
“No problem... I don't want to think about what these two would do” the blonde smiled slightly
“I'll let you drive my Cupra in the Camp Nuo parking lot if you get Jennis number in your “current state”...” Lucy lead you over to Keira whispering in your ear as she did so
“You serious?” you whispered back surprised
“Dead serious... because I REALLY want to witness that” Lucy chuckled under her breath
“Deal” you grinned and stumbled in her arms for good measure.
“Hey Kei... can you keep an eye on dopey here?” your sister said as she basically dropped you next to Keira
“What's in it for me?” the englishwoman smirked raising her brow behind her sunglasses
“What do you want?” Lucy asked as you already trying to bolt toward Mapí once again just for Keira to grab your shorts pulling you back down without even looking at you
“Nandos... for the next year... every time I'M home...” Keira smirked
“Okay... Deal...” your sister agreed quickly
“That's all I'm worth... Nandos? You could have had anything and you chose Nandos?” you exclaimed outraged
“Your sister has nothing I would want... so Nandos it is... and now be quiet I want to relax and enjoy my day off” Keira said as a matter of fact as your sister left grinning to herself
“I can go to the colorbook spaniard” you said happily knowing Alexia was watching you with hawkeyes and you have to remain “high”
“No” Keira said offhandly and closed her eyes “and don't even try it... firstly I will notice and secondly Alexia will notice too”
You huffed pouting glancing over to the blonde spaniard who was in a conversation with Jenni but you could tell she was having an eye on you
“What's the deal with them two” you asked quietly
“Huh?” Keira asked lifting her head to see what you were talking about “Alexia and Jenni? They had an... agreement for a bit...”
“Stress relieve agreement?” you questioned
“Yes... Alexia then met Olga” your other sister said as she laid back down closing her eyes again
“If I go to Alexia... will you stop me?” you asked already forming a plan in your head to get Jenni Hermosos number
“Oh god... what do you plan now?” Keira groaned knowing the small change in your voice
“Lucy upped the stakes” you grinned
“You will NOT hit on Alexia... I don't care what Lucy promised you, you will not embarrass you and in hindsight me since I'm responsible for you” the englishwoman said firmly
“No no no... no hitting on the scary woman... who's not so scary once you get to know her” you said quickly shutting down any concerns Keira might have
“Okay... if you go STRAIGHT to Alexia okay... I know you're not really high but I also know you AND Mapí... the two of you mean trouble” Keira pointed her finger threating at you
“I promise... and you know I keep my promises with you” you nodded your head
“Before you go... where's your sister?” the blonde asked
“Currently at the booth over there with Ona... drinking something red-ish...” you said after you spotted your sister
“You coming home with me tonight” Keira mused a smirk playing around her lips
“I am?” you asked confused
“Yes... pretty sure she's drinking Sangria... so you don't WANT to be home tonight” the englishwoman grinned as you pulled a disgusted face
“Seriously??? How do you know that??” you dry heaved
“I dated your sister for years... I KNOW what wine does to her” Keira laughed heartily as you threw out an “EW”
“Yep.... I'll definitely sleep at yours tonight” you said flatly looking over to your sister again shivering as you were “blessed” with the sight of your sisters hand on Onas ass while she drank her Sangria and laughed at something one of her teammates said (you haven't met that one now)
“Who's no.3 over there?” you asked Keira interrupting her relaxing once again
“Cata... Cata Coll... our Keeper” she answered after looking up from her position again
“Didn't she receive a yellow last game... how can a keeper get a yellow?” you remembered
“She went all Karate Kid on a player outside of her box” Keira answered patiently all your questions enjoying the interest you're showing.
You haven't showed that much interest since your last injury which she understood but it also hurted not only Keira but Lucy as well when you pulled away from them and everything that involved football. So when you started to show interest now Keira grabbed the opportunity to pull you back into it and if it was just a little bit.
“Catara Kid?” you grinned
“Basically... I'll make sure the kiddies pick up on that name” Keira laughed “I don't know what you have planned but if you want to strike you should do it now... because if you interrupt Alexia once she's relaxing you're in for it...” the blonde grinned and pointed towards Alexia who was about to sit down on her towel
“See you in a bit Kei” you quickly stood up before “stumbling” away while Keira just shook her head smiling
You knew Alexia was watching you since she twitched every time you “stumbled” ready to jump up and catch you (or pick you up). You smiled and congratulated yourself internally for doing such a good job. You came to a stuttering halt in front of her staring down on her.
“What can I do for you, Cariño?” Alexia asked carefully as you swayed slightly in the sand
“You are reeeeeaaaally pretty” you said starring down at Alexia who rolled her eyes but smiled anyways
“You came all the way over here to tell me? That's very nice of you, pequeña” the blonde spaniard smiled friendly not even trying to argue with you
“No... I want to ask you something” you mumbled looking around
“Oh... okay” Alexia looked a little taken aback “What's your question, Cariño?”
“Where is the sexy spaniard... I want to ask her something” you grinned loopy
“You want to ask Jenni something? And what would that be?” the blonde raised an eyebrow expectantly
“It's not your business that I want to ask her how she's so sexy” you “spilled” part of your plan – which you did on purpose
“Ah... okay... you just need to turn around and ask her” Alexia grinned having seen Jenni standing behind you
You turned quickly losing your balance and stumbled backwards right over Alexia and fell into the sand with a squeak. Jenni chuckled lowly as she delicately stepped over a swearing Alexia crouching down next to you
“You okay, little Bronze?” she asked smiling as you let your head fall back with a groan
“Peachy” you groaned out kind of embarrassed but since you were smart you turned the situation into your favour “I hate sand... is everywhere” you mumbled
“Yeah... sand tends to do that if you fall into it” the black haired spaniard chuckled
“Is your fault... sneaking up on me's not nice” you slurred
“I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you” Jenni smiled
“You not scary... Lexia is scary... she yelled at me you know” you mumbled as you brushed some sand of your arms
“Did she now? That's not very nice Alexia” the dark haired grinned at the blonde
“Explain to her WHY I yelled.. and I didn't even yell at you – I yelled at María” the blonde answered rolling her eyes
“I know spanish, you know... wait...” you said acting like you have to remember it
“Don't hurt your head, Cariño... you promised to never say it again” Alexia quickly interrupted your thoughts as you yell out a victorious “HA” and turning to Jenni
“Cállate la Boca, matildo hijo de puta! That's it... that was what I learned” you smiled widely at the shocked face of the dark haired one
“Dios Mio...” the blonde groaned “You can't remember your own name but THAT you remember”
“Mapí taught you that?” Jenni asked still working through her shock
“Yes ma'am” you grinned proudly
“I can see why Alexia yelled at you... that's something very bad to say” Jenni said firmly “Don't say it again”
“Say what again?” you said acting like you already forgot what you said just a minute before
“The spanish phrase you just said” the dark haired answered confused
“Give up, Jen... she won't remember anyway... it's easier to play along... she tells me every time she sees me that I'm pretty” Alexia chuckled shrugging her shoulders
“You are pretty” you said coming closer to Alexias face “so pretty”
“See what I mean...” the blonde directed to her fellow spanish national teammate “... thank you, Cariño... it's always nice to get a compliment”
“Okay wow... WHAT did they give her” Jenni laughed loudly
“Ask Ona... she apparently got her the good stuff for a sprained wrist... where is your splint by the way Cariño?” the blonde answered Jennis question before noticing your missing splint
“Was uncomfortable... left it home” you mumbled shyly
“It doesn't help your recovery if you don't listen to the doctors Cariño” Alexia sighed
“Look who's talking” Jenni mumbled under her breath
“But it hurts... not a nice splint” you pouted sadly
“I know Cariño... but it helps you getting better faster” the blonde said sympathetically
“You know...” you started before throwing in a theatrical pause “... you are so pretty”
“Ugh...” Alexia huffed out at your short attention span as Jenni laughed again
“This is amazing...” the dark haired laughed
“You are very sexy” you smiled loopy
“Thank you little Bronze...” Jenni laughed “... but I think it's time for getting rid of the sand, hm?”
“Ugh...” now it was your time to huff “... I hate the sand... gets everywhere”
“I know... come on... I'll help you wash it off since you would probably drown in the shower” the dark haired laughed
“You sure? I can too” Alexia looked at the two of you sceptical
“It's okay... It's my fault she fell...” Jenni nodded smiling
“Yeah... it's her fault” you threw in for good measure
“Off you go then... don't leave her out of your sight for a second... she'll be gone, trust me” the blonde warned before making a shoo-motion with her hand
Jenni pulled you up into a standing position and you swayed around a little bit
“Huuuiii” you smiled as you swayed
“And you probably need some water too.... I'm pretty sure your circulation is low...” the dark haired spaniard smiled friendly as she grabbed your hip securely
You leaned against her letting her lead the way towards the public showers passing your sister on the way you held onto Jennis waist hearing Lucy choke on her Sangria as she realized who just passed her. You grinned to yourself knowing exactly how it must look to anyone as you held your other hand up behind your back flipping your sister off.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
line without a hook ! yuki t. x ofc (filo!indie singer!ofc)
“do you like it when i’m away?”
summary: pia ellis misses the boyfriend that everyone thought she made up in her head, and when she vented about it to her fans — who designated themselves as her therapists — and twitter, they begin to wonder who he really is. OR she spiralled a little bit when yuki tsunoda posted photos of his ‘boyfriend’ pierre gasly, but it’s safe to say that he misses her too.
content warning: use of explicit language, ofc and yuki calling each other ‘asshole’ but they love each other, a fairly short one (both of them and the smau fic), short gf 🤝 short bf, yuki and ofc have false user to stalk each other (secret relationship)
note: my first yuki fic but it’s beabadoobee because they lowkey would vibe
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liked by yukino22, girlinred, taiverdes
taiverdes i think the second one calls for grass touching pia 😭😭 liked by papayapia
papayapia (gr)ass touching*
girlinred have you been drawing him again p? liked by papayapia
papayapia he doesn’t look as good as he does irl 😮‍💨
user2 lowk don’t know if i should believe you about the whole bf thing
papayapia i live on my own small world anyways 😔
yukino22 such a dirty mind you have smh
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tagged pierregasly
liked by pizzapia, pierregasly, zhouguanyu
user1 my fave couple ever 😮‍💨❤️
user2 i wanna be one of them idc
pierregasly you’re gonna get me in trouble with all of these posts and photos you make of me yuki 😭🤣 liked by yukitsunoda0511
user3 pierre??? what does that mean?
user4 yuki??? our baby??? has a partner???
pizzapia don’t mind me, i’m just waiting for your call here or something 🙍‍♀️
pizzapia u two look cute together. just together tho bc he’d be ugly without you
pizzapia i ship ❤️
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tagged papayapia
liked by pizzapia, pierregasly, landonorris
user1 NAW MANS HARD LAUNCHED HIS GF 😭😭 my baby boy is grown up
user2 she’s literally hot and you’d post pierre over her???? bad move tsunoda 🙄
user3 him: ❤️ her: 👍
oscarpiastri god i was ready to scream at you for keeping her a damn secret 🤬
user4 god love oscar piastri and his love for everyone’s gfs 😭😭
pierregasly i’m finally off the hook 😮‍💨😮‍💨
papayapia says who ? 😊🤔 you’re literally on top of my hitlist
papayapia eheh
papayapia i love u yukinooooo ❤️ liked by yukitsunoda0511
yukitsunoda0511 i love u too but answer my facetime calls pls
papayapia on it best friend 🤭🫡
user5 girl weren’t you just tweeting about him? papayapia
papayapia that ain’t me, that’s philomena 😨
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poppy-metal · 2 months
coming off of anon to share my thoughts here. this is a loong one but hear me out…art as joe goldberg from the tv show YOU. meets you at a tennis match or the campus bookstore and thinks you’re just so wonderful and gentle and kind, so it’s not his fault when he follows you home and watches you through your bedroom window. there are sickos out here who could hurt you, and you never seem to close your blinds. what if some pervert was watching? so he makes sure to look out for you and keep you safe <3
eventually he finds out everything about you. what you like. where you go in your free time. the friend group you have who can never cherish you like he does. finds a way to weasel his way into your life. suddenly he’s showing at the coffee shop you go to every tuesday (he recognized the background from one of your myspace posts). he’s at every party you attend, every study break you take in the library, and always finds a way to brush it off as a “coincidence”. to him…it’s fate. you two are meant to be. so what if he rushes it along a bit? he’ll make the effort for you. and you think he is just so kind and caring so of course you entertain him a little. you give him the time of day, he’s such a good friend after all.
spends hours pouring over books and articles concerning your major, just so he can ask you questions about it later. makes it seem like he’s so inquisitive to know more about your super interesting degree and begs you to explain it, even though he’s known the answer for weeks now.
at night he’s furiously pumping his cock to the polaroids he snapped of you one night when your window was open and you were undressing for bed. he has to have you. the universe has put you two together, you’re his soulmate.
that is, until he finds out you have a boyfriend. he’s reeling. that fucker must have manipulated you somehow, how else could he get into your good graces like that before art did? art thinks about your boyfriends’ hands on you and resists the urge to cut them off.
weeks pass and your boyfriend’s gone missing! they found his car near the beach during spring break and everyone’s convinced he probably went for a drunk swim and drowned. of course he would. he’s that stupid. art makes sure to be the shoulder you cry on. helps you put up every poster, attends every candlelight vigil. squeezes you tight when you break down. invites you back to his dorm for some chamomile and to vent, and art is so warm and so soft to you.
art thumbs away your fat tears and tells you not to worry, whispers everything he knows you need to hear. you’ll be fine, it’ll pass. he’ll come back to you, and if he doesn’t then a girl like you is bound to be swooped up by mr. right anyways. maybe your boyfriend wasn’t as good as you thought he was. maybe he wasn’t for you. maybe he skipped town because of the pressure. you guys have been fighting lately, right? you didn’t tell art that, but he has great intuition (he hid behind a tree and listened to you two have a bout 2 weeks ago). maybe your boyfriend wanted someone else. maybe he didn’t even love you, and you shouldn’t be worrying over him. you deserve more.
art fingers your cunt while you’re curled up in his lap. your hands are gripping onto his shirt so tightly but gosh, your pussy is choking him even the more. your orgasm washes over you and he cums in his pants just from the sight. it’s even better than he imagined.
but then you feel sooo guilty. your boyfriend’s missing! he might come back to you! it was a mistake you say, flushed and embarrassed and you scramble l back to your room like a frightened deer. art decides there and then that keeping your boyfriend blindfolded and tied up in his basement isn’t enough anymore. he’s going to kill that motherfucker the very same night. after all, he can’t be showing back up and ruining all art worked so hard for.
art is so kind ❤️
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last-herondale · 5 months
Almost Part 5
Bucky Barnes x FemReader!
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Angst, hurt, heartbreak
Warnings: cussing
AN: yall, I love this series so far. It hurts my heart but damn.
Enjoy ❤️
You had been back from your mission for about a month now. Whatever this thing was between you and Steve, was still happening. He didn’t seem to be in any rush to define the relationship, and to be honest you were in no hurry to define anything either. Having fun might have been an acceptable answer, since the two of you certainly had a lot of that since your return. But even despite the physical attraction the two of you clearly felt towards each other, there was also the emotional connection that you two had.
You were surprised to find out just how easy it was to open up to Steve. He was a great listener. You were used to being the listener in situations like these. You had been the listener for Nat whenever she needed to talk and you had been the listener for Bucky on those many nights that he needed someone to vent to. It was nice. Freeing in a way to be able to talk to Steve. He didn’t make you feel ashamed for talking about your feelings, even when those feelings sometimes drifted to his best friend.
You found yourself thinking about Bucky less and less. Not seeing him around as often also helped your heart heal. He would turn up occasionally of course, for briefings or training sessions with Sam, but other than that he had been an anomaly to see at the headquarters. Steve offered little insight into Bucky’s whereabouts, although you wouldn’t dare ask now. Since you and Steve were… together… In some capacity anyway, you did your best to refrain from talking about Bucky Barnes.
But still, your heart ached for him in ways that you couldn't understand. The ache didn’t hurt as much as it had that night on the balcony, but even now the absence of someone who you held so dearly hurt, despite yourself… You decided that it was okay to let go. You were happy being with Steve. He was what you needed and in return you wanted to be the best version of yourself to prove you were worthy of being with him. And you knew that that meant letting go of Bucky.
Of course, fate has a funny sense of humor, because as you were passing through the hallway one late night, a door opened up and a beautiful woman stepped outside. You had been in your sleep wear, a water bottle from the kitchen in your hand, and you damn near ran head first into the woman. Your training kicked in and with the sight of a stranger in the Avenger’s tower made you grab her arm and pin it behind her back. The woman let out a muffled scream and dropped her purse.
“I’m sorry! Please, don’t hurt me!” She squealed as you pinned her against the wall.
“Who are–”
Before you could finish your question, the same door burst open and out came a shirtless, wild eyed Bucky. He had a small pistol in his hand as he scanned the hallway.
“Nadia what the hell-” his words fell away as his eyes settled on you. He lowered his weapon immediately.
“James, help me,” she whimpered.
You and Bucky locked eyes for a moment and then it suddenly hit you all at once. You hadn’t realized that you had gone down the wrong hallway, and that you were in front of Bucky’s apartment. The route used to be a familiar trek for you, but now… This girl had been leaving his company in the late hours of the night…
You dropped her arm immediately and watched as she stumbled back over to Bucky.
Right. The girlfriend.
You felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment as you quickly bent down to pick up the purse and hand it to her.
“I’m sorry, I thought–”
“What the hell?” Bucky asked angrily, holding Nadia and soothing her hyperventilation.
The anger in Bucky’s voice hit a nerve with you. It didn’t make you emotional, like you thought seeing him, and his girlfriend together, would. Instead, you found yourself clenching your jaw in frustration.
“I said sorry, didn’t I?” You snapped, “Maybe next time get your girl here an escort out the door, before someone far scarier than myself finds her in the halls. I think Tony has a special pass for late night visitors.”
Nadia scoffed at the inflection of your tone, and your allusion to her being a hooker. She looked to Bucky for some sort of help, but he just stared daggers at you. You gave her slight smirk and you put your hands on your hips.
Nadia just snatched her purse from me and stormed off down the hallway. You watched as she huffed away, and you felt a small smirk creep up on your face as you turned to look at Bucky. At first, the only thing you could see on his face was anger, his face was a bit flushed and his eyebrows were furrowed. But you swore you could have seen a spark of amusement lingering in his eyes as he stared you down.
“What the hell is your problem?” he demanded, shoving his pistol in the waistband of his sweats.
“I don’t have one,” you said between your clenched teeth, “Like I said, it was an accident, I didn’t realize this was your hallway.”
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief and you just gave out an angry huff of breath. You knew it didn’t look good for you to be so cross. Just because you had bumped into the woman that he chose over you. It was crass and unprofessional… but you didn’t care.
“Whatever, I don’t have to put up with this shit,” you muttered as you turned around to leave.
A cool metal hand caught the back of your arm, not hurting you, but gripping tight enough to stop you from leaving.
“Wait, I–”
You spun around on him, anger flashing in your eyes as you faced him.
“Oh! Are you finally going to talk to me, James? Or yell at me some more for scaring your girlfriend?”
Bucky frowned at you, clearly getting worked up as you were. You knew you needed to be careful. You didn’t want to say the wrong thing in front of Bucky, but he knew exactly how to work you up into a fit.
“You haven’t exactly been a conversationalist with me either, you know,” his voice dripped with sarcasm as he spoke. “You run away for a month and a half, not telling anyone where you’re going.”
“That’s not fair, I was on a mission…”
“Don’t use that as a fucking excuse. We all go on missions, but that was different and we both know it,” Bucky snapped, his temper rising as he was losing control of himself.
“Do you know how worried I’ve been? You, Steve, and Sam disappear after the party and fuck off to some place that no one knows where? What the hell was I supposed to think when Tony said you three had a snag in the mission. I thought you were dead. All of you.”
“We were busy…”
“Oh yeah, I know. You’ve been really busy lately, haven’t you?”
You felt your blood freeze. He obviously was referring to Steve. You weren’t sure how he knew, since you and Steve had made sure not to tell anyone anything yet. You didn’t want to announce a relationship if there wasn’t one. So how did Bucky find out? Did Steve crack and tell him? Had he been lying to you?
Heat quickly found your stomach again. You clenched your fists and met his icy gaze.
“I don’t see what business of that is yours,” you said sharply.
“He’s my best friend,” Bucky said tensely.
For a moment it looked like Bucky would continue talking, but he tightened his mouth into a line and just kept a steady gaze on you. You crossed your arms, mimicking him. You felt your temper rising to dangerous levels.
“Whatever you want to say, just fucking say it.”
Bucky scoffed out a laugh. But you weren’t laughing. You took a step towards him, willing your eyes to be sharp as daggers as you stared at him
“Say it.”
You saw the fire burning in Bucky’s eyes and he clenched his jaw before opening his mouth.
“There were other ways to get back at me, you know,” Bucky said in a deadly low voice, “But fucking my best friend is an all time low.”
You flinched as if he had slapped you.
Your chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace as you tried not to cry in front of him. You wanted to yell at him, scream at him. How dare he accuse you of using Steve as a weapon against him. How dare he get mad at you for trying to move on, when he didn’t want you. Rather than curse him up and down the hallway, you just took a step back from him, feeling oddly hollow and cold.
“I didn’t know you thought so little of me,” you said in a small voice, “but I guess that checks out doesn’t it? I guess you never thought much of me… ever.”
Bucky’s anger seemed to fall away instantly. He uncrossed his arms and opened his mouth to say something, but you were gone. You were running down the hall, tears blurring your vision as you ran. You didn’t stop to listen if he was following you. You flung open your door and slammed it shut as you slid down against the door immediately. Tears poured down your face as you sobbed. You wrapped your arms around your knees, feeling like that was the only thing you could do to keep yourself together.
You sat there, the rest of the night and early into the morning feeling so empty that if a breeze were to come into the apartment, you knew you would float away. Part of you wished that you would. You wondered how many times your heart could break before it was useless. You wondered why you continued to let James Buchanan Barnes break your heart, if you really had any control over that at all. You had hoped that being with Steve would help. Maybe Bucky was right? Were you using Steve to get over him? The thought made you want to vomit.
All you could be certain of was the pain. You felt it everywhere and nowhere all at once. It lived in you. Consumed you. What you hated the most was that you couldn’t distinguish love from the pain anymore. All you knew was that whenever you thought of Bucky, the pain returned with a vengeance. Now it had settled deep in your bones and it made you want to die.
Part 6
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suengmi · 1 year
haii, i saw that you wanted some ot8 prompts?
maybe skz’s different ways of showing affection? maybe comforting you after a long day? idk if you’ve done any of these yet but im in a soft mood today, had a bit of a shitty day myself and nearly got fired because I overslept so that was fun 🤧
get round to this if you feel like it, if not i totally understand!! keep yourself safe bby <33 -🐶x
I'm so sorry you had a shitty day :( jeez were all human. when one of my employees slept in the other day I was like "get ya hole here where you at" and they're like "IM COMIN MY BIG OLE OVER SLEPT" like damn not the end of the world yeesh ANYWAYS hope this makes u feel better pup ❤️
no warnings (mentions of non sexual nudity???) just FLUFF ACK
chan always knows you're upset, he senses it almost immediately. whenever you're upset, you need space but need his comfort just as much. kind of mixed messages. you feel guilty sometimes not knowing what you want. but chan is always there, asking you what you need in the end. sometimes you don't know, so it takes it into his own hands, cooking for you, washing your hair when you shower together, giving neck kisses while he does so. "more kisses? i have unlimited for you"
changbin, ever the fusser. he would try to make jokes after he noticed and tease you a little bit. he'll do anything to make you laugh or smile, but you weren't always in the mood. sometimes, he got a bit confused, trying to read your face. "baby, I'm sorry. what do you need?" with that, you'd melt into his touch, crying into his neck. he'd pick you up, pulling your legs around his waist. "my lil koala" he'd say, pulling his head back to give you a kiss. his kisses would get a bit aggressive in the end, telling you how much he loves you. in the end, you'd be laughing "bin stop!!"
felix would instantly come to you, hands cradling your face, probably dropping whatever he was holding not caring. "oh don't cry! why are you crying? baby what's wrong?" big cuddles, pushing your face into his chest. "felix i can't breathe." he keeps holding you for a second before he realises "oh sorry" you'd laugh a little bit, him just laughing with you about his overly affectionate way of comforting you. "i sometimes have to breathe you know" kisses all over your face and fingers sitting under your shirt, telling you how proud he is of you. MORE KISSES.
"oh shit" he'd say, seeing you crying on the couch. his bags thudding on the ground as he walked in the door. "baby no," he'd panic a bit, walking to your side to sit next to you. "what's wrong?" you'd just start crying more. "tell me baby please. what do you need?" you'd throw yourself into his arms, mumbling how you just wanted cuddles. he wasn't the quickest to pick these things up, but he knew if you'd just want to cry, letting you do what you needed. his hands soothing along your back as he rested his cheek on your head. "are you hangry? I'll get in the car right now you wanna maccas? chocolate? is it me?? do i stink??" you'd just laugh, knowing he's doing his best.
eyes wide and searching your own. you're in the sheets. nothing is said when he slips in behind you, running his hand around your waist to hold you. "you don't have to talk" he'd say, kissing your cheeks and shoulders. reassuring you that he gets overwhelmed sometimes, too, so he understands. you'd turn into his chest, enjoying his smell. it's comforting. in the end, you'd just exist in his arms, not talking about anything. he'd just kiss your head, waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to talk. patient as always
drops everything that he's doing when he hears you sniffle a little bit. "baby what is it? tell me" you'd just shake your head not wanting to talk. "bad day huh? tell me, please, i wanna know" you'd end up talking about your day, how shitty your work was, he knows you'll feel better after venting just getting it all off your chest. he knows you too well. his hands would be running through your hair and fingers gently wiping away your tears. "I love you" he'd say, all gooby and warm. this would make you cry more mumbling into his chest that you love him too.
"what you whining about?" he'd laugh when he came home hearing you start spouting off about work and the shit that came with it. this would probably make it a bit worse, frustration of him not listening and turning it into a joke. "oh babe" he'd coo, coming to your side, grabbing your hands in his. he wouldn't realise how bad you feel until he actually sees you. "sorry is it really that bad? i didn't mean to make you cry more" he'd probably feel really bad, pressing little kisses on your puffy lips. "im a dick" he'd pout, kissing you more. you're a mess now, everything setting you off. "i'm here, what do you need? I'll do whatever I can."
seungmin says nothing when he notices you crying. the kiss on your forehead would be gentle, saying it all. he'd leaves you for a moment running you a bath and lighting some candles in his bathroom. he'd bring you to the bathroom carefully moving you with his hand in yours, undressing you before him. he'd help you into the bath, sitting in behind you. just rubbing his hands up and down your arms and giving you cuddles whenever you'd cry harder, arms sitting across your chest and face nuzzling into your neck whispering how beautiful you were and how you could get through this.
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Hi! Could I request a reader insert for Funtime Freddy? Basically, readers had a harsh week and Funtime Freddy cheers them up? Readers personality is up to you! ❤️
P.S, Love your work!!
Oh. You know I have never written for this fella (fellas?) before. Let’s see how I do? You can’t have Funtime Fredboi without his trusty left hand man BawhnBawhn, so you’re getting a two for one package deal!
Battery Low
“Hello. Welcome back to your existential crisis repackaged as a promising career—“
“Oh fuck off…” You mumbled at nothing. Who programmed that annoying Hand Unit anyway…?
“We value the ideas and feedback of our employees here at Afton Robo—“ The audio glitched out, “—Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals. So, we would like to let you decide which of our friendly cast you want to visit first today. Please enter your selection into the pinpad.”
You looked in the beady googly eyes of that horrible excuse for a pinpad, thinking for a moment. Do you want to get the easiest one out of the way first, or start with the more difficult animatronic? After a second more of deliberation, you begin to type.
“It looks like you’re having trouble with the pinpad. I see what you were trying to type and will autocorrect it for you.” Hand Unit paused, “You entered: Funtime Freddy.”
“What?! No I didn’t, you dumbass computer—” You hissed, kicking the metal stand and wincing at how much it hurt.
“Let’s go see how Funtime Freddy and his best pal Bonbon are doing tonight.”
“Hell no. I’m going to Ballor—“
“Let’s go see how Funtime Freddy and his best pal Bonbon are doing tonight.” Hand Unit repeated more firmly.
“Fuckin— Fine!”
You trudged into Funtime Freddy’s area, flashlight in hand. You did not want to deal with any of this shit today, especially not Freddy’s shit. He loved to toy with you and make your job that much more difficult than it already was. It felt like eternity and you were only a week into this purgatory of a job. You get paid at two weeks, if you don’t take the choice of a gift basket, which you weren’t.
Baby said on your third night that you must not value your life too much if you keep choosing to come back here, but frankly you have no choice. You need the money. You need to escape your house for at least some time. Sure you’d even make more doing dishes somewhere, but it wasn’t worth the trouble to keep applying to other places that would reject you for “lack of experience”.
“Ohoho! I hear something!” His shrill voice echoed in the darkness, “Someone’s here to play!”
“It’s only a mouse.” Bonbon’s slightly less annoying voice whispered, “Go back to sleep…”
You took advantage of that to try and sneak back into the vents, but of course, the giant metal deathtrap of a bear had found you before you could scramble in.
“Why hello again~!” Freddy cackled, “See, Bonbon? I told you our friend was here to see us!”
“Hello, night guard!” The periwinkle rabbit waved his mitten-like paw, but paused, “Oh my! You look like you’re running out of battery…”
“Silly Bon! Humans don’t run out of battery!”
“Actually, we very much do.” You snapped bitterly, instantly regretting it as you saw Freddy’s free hand grab a sparking wire nearby.
“Well then! Let us help y—“
“NO!” You dropped the flashlight and put your hands up, “That is NOT how we charge!”
“But when other humans touch it they jitter with excitement!” The bear’s ears wiggled, “They even leak a little on the floor!”
“Look, can you stop being a total fucking sadist for ten minutes?!” You ran your fingers over your scalp, “Please, just— just ten minutes—!”
You sat down on the grime covered floor, shaking as you tried to control your breathing. It was silent apart from the buzzing of machinery for a few seconds…until Bonbon spoke.
“Freddy, I think our friend is sad.” The rabbit spoke, “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing you two can help with…”
“Sure we can!” Freddy stated proudly, “We are the best at making people smile!”
You paused. Actually… Why not just vent your problems to these two robots? It wasn’t like they could do anything worse than torture or kill you…
“It’s… just been a tough week.” The employee began, “Dealing with this new job and other things… I look happy on the outside, but on the inside I am so tired. It’s like my life is passing me by, but I can’t even enjoy it, you know?”
“Boy, we sure know how that feels!” Freddy laughed in an almost unstable manner, “Every day we perform show after show… Then we end up back here waiting to do it all again tomorrow! AHAHAHAHA—“
“Calm down…” Bonbon soothed, “What he means to say is it gets pretty lonely down here… It’s hard for us to keep being happy, too…”
The human looked up at the towering animatronic from their sitting position with a new spark in their eyes. Damn… You didn’t realize the robots would be having the same crisis as you. Now you were curious…
“So…What do you both do at night when I’m not here?”
“Well… We try to get some slee—“
“Wait for someone else to come play with us of course!” The bear cut off the rabbit, “As long as someone is here to distract me, I forget the pain for a little while!”
“That doesn’t always work, Freddy… It helps sometimes, but the best thing we can do is take care of ourselves and rest so we can keep going another day.” Bonbon looked to the guard, “Maybe you need to recharge and sleep too?”
“But that’s boringggg!” The larger funtime groaned, “Can’t we play a game instead?! I want to play chase! That will wake us all up!”
“Freddy, our guard friend isn’t in the mood for games tonight… Don’t you remember how it feels when you’re battery is low and you don’t want to play anymore?”
“…Yes…” The bear answered with the tone of a pouting child, before laughing, “It’s okay though! When that happens the silly voice in the walls says we aren’t performing at capacity and gives us zaps until I feel happy again!”
Wait, is that why he immediately went to try and shock you earlier?! You were surprised by how much his sadistic behavior suddenly made sense given that grim context…
“Sorry, guys… It’s only been a week and I am already slipping…” You growled in anger at yourself, “I didn’t mean to—“
“What are you apologizing for?!” Freddy blinked, becoming cheerful again in an unstable sort of way, “It’s okay to be out of battery! I mean… Everyone runs out eventually, right?!”
“Yeah, I-I guess…?”
“So, take a moment to recharge! Do something that zaps you with energy and makes you feel ALIVE—“
“Or take it slow.” Bonbon added tentatively.
“Slow sounds good…” You nodded, “Can I just sleep in here?”
“A sleepover?! Of course you can!” Freddy beamed, “Baby can make the voice in the walls be quiet too! I can go ask her—“
“It seems my audio is malfunctioning—“ Hand Unit blurted, “I will be offline momentarily…”
“Oh, Baby! She’s always listening!” The bear giggled.
“Shhh. Our friend is already falling asleep…” Bonbon whispered.
You were made uneasy by that last statement about Baby, but you passed out before you could really process the implications of it… God were you really falling asleep in this dangerous place? Yes… Yes you were.
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
SPEAKING of my Andriods Nightgaurd ficlet? And my ongoing campaign of Sexy Civilian!Tim encounters?
Night Gaurd Tim? owo? Jason doesn't die. But Tim's dad still does. New Dad is rich but An Asshole. So Tim studies like mad to get outta there. Lands a shotty apartment in HIS name. And a job!
That the Riddler destroys.
Okay... second try... SECOND job! Two-face. MOTHER FU-!
It keeps happening. He starts taking potshots at goons. He WANTS HIS PAYCHECK, damn it. He's tired of cheap ramen!
One of his Dad's old buddies see's him on a viral clip. He... *awkward cough* maaaay have swung a bat at Condiment King. To be FAIR... the shot super staining GOO all over the fashion line Tim JUST unboxed. He may have snapped a little.
But! It lands him a job!
Night Gaurd~ *jazz hands*
It's not like he sleeps at night anyway! Might as well get payed! He gaurds the satellite building used for staff overflow. It's only really in USE during certain seasons. But the don't want squatters or stolen company secrets.
O7 got it.
What he DOESN'T realize? That building has an EXCELLENT vantage point line of sight from certain parts of the roof. It's been part of the Bat's intersecting patrol paths for YEARS.
He doesn't notice them, at first. But they notice him. He's the cutie in uniform. Background check reveals some memes and that he used to be their neighbor etc.
Now, this can go one of two ways~ "Ivy assisted Fuck Seduction" or "I swear to GOD I WILL TRESPASS YOU-" It? Depends on if you want Timmers to notice! That waaait a second *squint*
Why does the roof... look EXACTLY the same as it did 8 days ago. Because he has freakishly good memory. Leading to him realizing the cameras? Hacked. There are 17 randomly played "night footage" banks. Son of a- *keeps open roof access to find the Bat's mid patrol Bat Burgering" YOU. #TheyCanExplain?
Or! Ivy, miffed that Bats made her MISS her girlfriends BIRTHDAY, decides? Fuck you in particular, actually. And hits him with a Pollen bomb.
He was standing RIGHT in front of the intake vent for the air conditioning. The whole BUILDING gets dusted. Not as concentrated, since it's spread out. But still exposer. Tim? Starts feeling off. Fever maybe? Weirdly horny. Really distracted, actually...
The Bat's? Drive Ivy off. Okay, who was hit? Everyone gets their antidote. We good? Let's head hooo-OMG! THE GAURD! FUCK.
And yep. Too late for an antidote too be effective. But don't worry Really Hot security Gaurd! They will- stop shoving! No you will not! I will-! No you have-! I said I WILL *Sibling jostling for the right to Help Tim*
Batman, NOT allowing himself to be distracted by gorgeous legs or the TIGHTEST little- Regardless, NOT letting himself getting distracted. Lends quite literally a hand. Gotta get that consent. For medical assistance. Because Bruce TOTALLY hasn't been fantasizing about taking this boy apart. Rocking his world then buying him breakfast.
He's just here to lend a dick in these trying times. Hero's duty and all.
And once Tim? Bat Fan and Bi Disaster realizes he has fucked the Bat's and they seemed REALLY into it? :Y he uuuh *cough* I mean, he's just SAYING... no one said you had to STOP... options THERE...
Now? They REALLY like that building. Great rest stop. Grab a bite to eat, drink something, fuck the night gaurd, take a nap, you name it!
Tim REALLY likes his new job. He's great at it.
tim being the shared fucktoy among the bats❤️
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liliumsabyss · 2 years
Hello I have once again found myself rereading the Newt fics and my love for them continues to grow. However thoughts have been thunk and I need protective Newt in my life. I’m happy to let you run wild with whatever ideas you want, if you can’t think of any here are some ones that have been floating around my mind:
Newt protecting reader while they escape the maze. Newt protecting reader at the WICKED facility (probs not what it’s called but can’t stop and think about that right now). Newt protecting reader from himself while he has the flare. Newt protecting reader from Teresa/WICKED after the betrayal.
Anything you want, I’ll take it all.
All the love for you and your work ❤️
Protecting and Patching
Newt(TMR) x Male Reader
Word Count: 1.96k
Tw: Maybe OCC Newt, Blood, Injuries, Mentions of Death, WICKED, Swearing, Weapons, General TMR Violence, Film Newt, Based on Both Novel and Film
A/n: Hey again! It makes me so happy that you enjoy the fics so much! I really like the idea of Newt protecting the reader at the WICKED facility especially since my love of that scene in both the films and novels is just <3<3<3 I love that scene so much of course I love Newt more and he’s just so great in the scenes even if it’s very subtle he does a lot of the shit in the scenes. I had so much fun writing this to the point that I rewatched the scene like eight times to include all the little detail things that happen since I just wanted to capture the feel of the scene and Newts character in that scene since it’s like their first time with face to face peril of WICKED. I had a load of fun writing this and I also learned that Thomas Brodie-Sangster the guy who plays Newt is one of the voice’s of Ferb from Phineas and Ferb I don’t know if I love this fact or if it makes me want to cry. Anyway I hope you enjoy and all the love to you! Thank you so much!
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The boys flooded out of the vent into a dark room that was made of dark concrete floor and bright white concrete brick walls that were decorated with metal pipes winding and weaving into the florecently lighted hallways. The group stood antsy waiting for Thomas to give the next instructions, (Y/n) rocked on the balls of his feet, Newt quickly stepped closer to the other. Thomas started heading down the hallway.
“ Wait, go ahead I’ve got something I need to do” Aris calls out to the rest, one replying they will go with him.
The boys started sprinting down the hallway, Newt making sure the (h/c) haired male was beside him. The sound of footsteps pounded through the wall and the group turned the corner only to be met with a lady in a lab coat. The blonde quickly stumbled back making sure to put himself slightly in front of his lover blocking him subtly from the woman. 
“ What are you kids doing-“ The lady started before being cut off with the howl of sirens projecting from overhead siren lights flashed yellow. The lady’s face quickly contorted as the boys seized her holding her hostage as they continued their sprint through the corridor. They turned a corner (Y/n) being in front of the blonde when the ones who had passed the corner skidded to a stop. A man in all black with what appeared to be a large gun shouted a hey before raising the weapon and opening fire. Newt grabbed the (h/c) haired arm pulling him back clutching onto as they started to sprint the opposite way.
“ Are you ok!” Newt tried to shout over the chaotic shouts and pounding of footprints but it didn’t reach the other as he froze looking away towards where the man had come from. The blonde turned to see what the other was looking at, Minho was stopped several feet away with his fist tightly clenched, some let out calls questioning what he was doing at a time like this. Minho turned around letting out a yell as he sprinted full speed hurtling towards the wall as the man came around the corner. He kept through the air his knees close to his chest as he soared into the man taking him off guard knocking him into the concrete walls rendering him unconscious or dead. (Y/n) couldn’t exactly tell as the group surged forward Newt grabbing his arm dragging him along. Thomas had picked up the gun leading the group of boys through the winding hallways as they still kept the woman in the lab coat hostage.
A large metal door stood in front of them quickly being opened as they surged in seeing five very startled people in lab coats. Thomas holding up the large gun waving it between them screeching ‘where is she’ repeatedly. Newt turned to see (Y/n)’s face, he was biting his lip trying to push down the fear but the blonde could still see it in his eyes which had widened at Thomas’ sudden act of aggression. Newt quickly stepped in front of the other pulling his own arm behind his back to grab the (h/c) haired male's hand looking back raising his eyebrow. (Y/n) just gave the other a nod. Thomas had passed the gun to Minho who continued to keep the WICKED employee’s at gun-point. Newt ran forward grabbing a long strip of cloth attempting to tie their hands together as Thomas retrieved Teresa from the medical bed. Then suddenly someone standing next to the (h/c) haired male shouted ‘they’re coming this way!’ (Y/n) looked petrified turning towards the window in the door right where he had been standing. 
“ (Y/n) get back!” Newt screamed, his eyes widening in fear as he pushed through the crowd in the room towards the door. (Y/n) quickly sprinted out of the way, the blond pushed over a nearby metal examination table it made a loud clatter that shuddered through the already clambering room. There was a loud screech as the table was pushed by Newt up against the door barricading it. 
“ BACK EVERYONE GET BACK!” Someone shouted as a loud crash was heard, reinforcements crashed into the door trying to bash it open. (Y/n) turned at the sound of the panging of glass only to see Thomas thrusting a stool into the glass attempting to break it only to be unsuccessful. Newt looked with terror at the door as the WICKED guards were so close to breaking in so close to getting them all and then what would happen would they be killed like their so called rescuers or would only some of them be killed, would one of them be himself or even worse (Y/n), that future could not exist, he picked up another stool hurdling it towards the glass with Thomas. The loud sound of a shatter filled the room as the glass rained upon them. The boys leapt through the empty window frame that still had remnants of glass. Newt kept turning as the (h/c) haired male shakily attempted to climb through with the blonde spotting him, he however stepped on a piece of glass piercing through his foot the tip covered in blood appearing at the top of his shoe. The male let out a quick yelp falling forward onto Newt who luckily caught him.
“ Can you walk?” Newt said worriedly looking between the other’s shoe that was covered in blood.
“ I think so…” (Y/n) seethed, clenching his teeth. The blonde slowly lowered the male's legs to the ground still keeping his arms around him to take some of the weight of his foot. Newt looked up at (Y/n), (Y/n) giving a curt nod, his arm still stretched around Newt. Then they hear a loud crash. The (h/c) haired male didn’t even get a chance to look back before Newt had started sprinting, still supporting some of (Y/n)’s weight. The group sprints through the hallway being led by Thomas, Newt and (Y/n) towards the front of the group running on pure adrenaline. They all ran through a door. A man in a black ski mask with blank eyes stood there with a large gun which must have been the standard for WICKED. Thomas with little hesitation shot the man with the weapon he had been holding. Suddenly they hear the thundering footsteps echoing down the hallway from the WICKED employee’s. Someone yells shit as they race off again, they finally get to the access door all of them clinging desperately to the large industrial door. Thomas frantically swipes the ID card into the access slot, the door buzzes and a red light flashes denying access. The doors metal jaws stay clamped, some slap Thomas’ back yelling word’s of rush such as ‘c’mon’ and hurry up, but once again Thomas tries are futile as he once again frantically swipes the card it fails buzzing a sound of denial and flashing red. They hear the heavy footsteps of guards looking down the hallway and they see Jason surrounded by guards in tactile equipment heavily armed and holding up shields. Newt quickly pushed (Y/n) into the corner of the wall as gently as he could keeping in mind his injured foot shielding him from the rest as he turned to face the guard’s. Thomas quickly started walking towards Jason ready to open fire shouting at him to open the door only for him to respond with a threatening ‘you don’t want to do this’. Newts head whips behind him making eye contact with the (h/c) haired male whose hands were placed on the blondes back shaking, Newt looked away avoiding making the other more terrified he looked desperately back at the card slotted only one thought pummeling through his head how were they going to get out of this. Then as if a higher power heard Newt’s thoughts the heavy metal door screeches open its heavy jaws. Newt gives a cry of relief like most of the group as he throws (Y/n)’s arm around him, (Y/n) lets out a hopeful smile before they stumble through the door. Thomas lets out a few shots before his gun becomes jammed, throwing it at Jason and his security personnel. The metal door starts to shut slowly sliding down, everyone is screaming for Thomas to get there and in the little gap between the metal teeth of the door and the floor Thomas slides under. Jason hits the window of the door angrily as Thomas flips him off. (Y/n) still clasping onto Newt sticks his young out briefly mocking him as wide smiles spread onto the boy’s faces. They start at full speed sprinting through the large warehouse-like room stopping when they approach the large metal gate that stood a steel or iron giant whatever material it may be in front of them towering twenty feet standing between them and their freedom. Thomas quickly pulled a red lever allowing the doors to steadily open heavily, dragging open a greyish-blue smoke swirled past the door as the group flooded out.
Once they got to safety Newt and his lover separated from the group. The blonde still supported the others' weight as they hobbled to a corner where the two could sit. Newt carefully helped the other sit on the floor hoping that the pain had decreased and the bleeding stopped. He looked up at the other for permission as he went to take off (Y/n)’s shoe the (h/c) haired male nodded. Newt tried to take his shoe off as carefully as he could looking up at the other male who was biting his lip trying to not show how much pain he was in. Newt slid off the shoe to see a several inch wide gash going straight through the (s/c) skin of (Y/n)’s foot . It was bloody but didn’t appear to be bleeding as much as it was, being mostly caked in dried blood. Newt quickly took a flask of water that he had picked up earlier pouring the water on the wound. (Y/n) squirmed clenching his fists in pain.
“ I'm sorry love, I'm sorry.” Newt apologized, trying not to look up at the other in guilt. The blonde quickly tore apart part of his white cotton shirt’s sleeve, he gently held up the (h/c) haired male's foot using the cloth as a makeshift bandage wrapping the wound tightly letting the foot go carefully. The blonde then slid next to his lover putting an arm around him. 
“ This hurt’s like a shucking bitch!” (Y/n) whined to Newt waving his leg in the air.
“ It looks like we will be limping together for the time being.” Newt chuckled slightly making the rare joke about his leg only for (Y/n) to give him a bewildered look and a slight nudge. (Y/n) grabbed Newt hand interlacing them, Newt pulled their hands towards himself raising them slowly to his lips kissing (Y/n)’s hands as he peered at them with his honey brown eyes he gave out a short amused hum seeing the others bashful face.
“ We should get some sleep.” The blonde said hugging his lover slightly more into him, the (h/c) haired male leaned his head against Newt's shoulder with Newt reciprocating the action leaning his head against the others head.
“ Goodnight Newt”
“ Goodnight (Y/n), love”
The two drifted off into sleep in each other's embrace, the other boys shaking their heads at the lovesick couple leaving them alone as they continued to their shifts making sure not to wake the pair.
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lykaios2 · 1 year
hey!! if you are taking requests, i wanted to request the tmnt mm! boys having a crush on a fem! reader who’s EXACTLY like raph. she loves fighting, may or may not have anger issues, cursed with resting bitch face, BUT, she’s actually really sweet and outgoing. never afraid to speak her mind, so, she may come across as rude sometimes, but, she never really means to be. (lowkey a biased request but SSSHH, we’re not gonna talk about that)
first mutant mayhem request! glad people realized I do those now (and if you haven't, now you know)
bias? what's bias? I've never heard of that before I mean like honestly I would never be biased towards anyone (michelangelo my beloved)
anyways hope you enjoy! ❤️
-When he first met you, he thought it was going to be quite the ordeal having to watch 2 Raphs
-Being the leader, naturally it fell on him to keep everyone in check
-But over time, he came to like youAnd then, he came to like you
-He loved Raph, sure, and of course Leo had learned to live with all of Raph’s quirks
-But he never realized that seeing those qualities in someone else would make him feel like this
-We all know that Leo would get very flustered around you
-Stuttering, fidgeting with his hands, looking everywhere but at you, he’s got it all
-His confession would be one of those ones where you guys are texting at 3 am
-He’s being so cringe about it (he uses so many emojis)
<There’s, um, something I’ve been meaning to tell you…👉👈>
<Sure! What’s up?>
<I…*sigh*…I think I like you.😳 Like, like like you.>
<Oh! I never expected that. That means a lot, though. Thank you>
<Yeah, of course 🙂 so, um…do you like me back? Or no…>
-It was love at first sight
-He was at the gym one time, lifting weights
-You came over to ask if he was using something, to which he replied that you could use it
-He was a little confused though, seeing how the weights he was using were quite heavy
-But his jaw dropped when you easily lifted up the weights
-He kept stealing glances at you while you worked out, trying not to be a creep
-He was just amazed at how strong you were
-After he was done working out, he walked over to you
-He was very awkward about it, not wanting to bother you, but he made some small talk before asking for your number
-He would text you every night, asking how your day was
-Whenever he hung out with you, he was often more focused on you than anything else
-Not like being clingy or staring at you a lot
-He just wanted to hang out with you
-Raph would confess after you asked him one time
“Raph…do you like me?”
“Do you have a crush on me?”
“Just tell me!”
“Aw, you’re so sweet! Come here!”
-You remember that therapist that Raph needed?
-Yeah you kinda need one too
-And Mikey is that therapist (to an extent)
-He’s more of a sunshine to your unwelcoming demeanor
-He sees the good inside you
-He likes you because you often come to him to vent or if you need help
-It makes him happy to know that you’re okay being vulnerable with him
-However, he’s also your hype man
-Whatever you’re doing, he’ll be there to cheer you on
-That’s also how he accidentally confessed
-You were performing some crazy feat when he called out from the crowd
“Go y/n! You got this!”
“Thanks, Mikey!”
“Oh yeah! That’s my girl! I love you, y/n!”
“Yeah- wait, what?”
“Oop! Uh, nothing, haha!”
-Donnie thinks your “bad boy image” is really cool
-He’s always trying to impress you
-But being the dork he is, he usually fails at whatever he’s doing
-He’s okay with it though, because you always get a good laugh
-If he does succeed though, he gets really smug when he sees how impressed you are
-He stays up late doing research on everything you like do he has things to talk to you about
-You also listen to him rant about whatever new anime he’s interested in
-He’s trailed off in the middle of his sentence more than once looking at you while he rants
-He’s just never seen anyone so beautiful before
“And then, they go back through the portal to…to…”
“To what? Keep going, I wanna hear more!”
“Huh? Oh, right, sorry.”
“Do you remember what happened next?”
“Yeah, I was just too busy looking at your pretty face oh my god I just said that out loud didn’t I”
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ardenrabbit · 6 months
A Long and Slow Recovery - are we past the halfway point? I am so excited to see how everything turns out. Did you do a lot of research to delve into Xie Lian’s experience with recovery? It’s very well written with regard to his mental and emotional struggles. Also , I just love how you write Hua Cheng and Xie Lian’s interactions.
Those Worthy of Following( new name change!) - I gushed about it in your comment section but need to emphasize how much I love that opening chapter with the dual between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. And this dynamic, of Hua Cheng being the prince, and Xie Lian being the bodyguard, is A+++. Xie Lian is so calm and kind and powerful. He was so fierce about Hua Cheng not talking down about himself. Like,yes gege, please show your Hua Cheng how precious he is, haha. I ❤️ reading Xie Lian showing his protectiveness of Hua Cheng, even from the man himself. I’m also keen to see how Feng Xin and Mu Qing will take to Xie Lian in this verse too.
Is there anything else you can share about it that’s not spoilers? If not, that’s fine too!
Your writing is just delicious - a pleasure, something to savor and come back to again and again.
Thank you!
Omg thank you so much 💕😭💕 Your comments are always such a delight!! It's so validating and encouraging and I hope you know that!!
We are indeed past the halfway point in alasr! I honestly just kind of know what happens in a big blob with like half a dozen bullet points, so I don't have a final chapter count ready, but Chapter 20 is basically the start of the second half of the story. I originally thought the fic was gonna end at just about the New Year celebration, but it turns out his recovery is taking a lot longer than that, and his recovery isn't even the only one we're dealing with now, so I got ambitious. The premise also uh deserves a little more closure and resolution than that lol, so Arc 2 is gonna be a little higher stakes than we've had so far.
I'm so glad you're enjoying how I'm writing Xie Lian and his recovery! Haha I did research a variety of other conditions and disabilities and read accounts from people who have them, because that's just good research. Honestly, though, inspiration for the vast majority of Xie Lian's mental/emotional struggles have been sourced from firsthand experience :)
I'm mentally and physically disabled and have been my whole life, and I wasn't even diagnosed with anything (I was somehow just diagnosed with Teenager) until I hit rock bottom about it in adulthood. I've gotten to a better place with the mental stuff, but even though it's no longer an active threat to me, my bad days can still leave me nonverbal, disconnected from reality, and sometimes catatonic. The physical stuff has been getting worse over the years, and even though I can still walk independently with a cane when I leave the house (as long as I rest a lot), I still fall down just walking in my own home. I keep having to remember that my chronic pain and fatigue isn't normal, and I keep getting evidence that I'm worse than I thought. I've had to reorganize my life around all of it and I'm uh. Not taking it well lately lol.
So alasr is my self-therapy project. Xie Lian is going to get better and I'm not, and that still kind of pisses me off lol, but it's nice to vent and see someone else get a happy ending. So...yeah, at least writing alasr has helped distract me from my own pity party, and Xie Lian's anger, despair, guilt, and forced optimism are cathartic for me. It's not just about me, though; obviously I'm trying to stay in character for him and write in the context of his specific circumstances. But I guess I relate to sick fic stuff lol
Fully aware that that was a lot of oversharing 💜
But ANYWAY, AS FOR ✨ THOSE WORTHY OF FOLLOWING ✨ I'm so glad you're liking that one so far too!! I craaaaave protective badass Xie Lian and I needed a different brand of angst and drama from alasr for a while lol. I love writing violence tbh. I don't wanna spoil too much, but I definitely wanna confirm this:
TWOF is NOT a post-canon reincarnation fic. I'm personally not up for writing that kind of loss of all their canon experiences. And there are probably some really well-written takes on it! It's just not personally my speed. 😅 This one might seem like a post-canon reincarnation fic in the first couple chapters, but it'll make more sense soon.
It IS angst with a HAPPY ending, I promise!! What I'm planning right now gets really rather sad and it might seem hopeless at some point, but I promise, I'm confident in my plan to make it genuinely happy and fulfilling!
I'm exploring a trope about which I've had some general hangups, but I honestly enjoy taking tropes and tweaking them to my preferences. I think a lot of people can already guess what trope I'm talking about, which is fine with me! If it means the buildup and foreshadowing are working, I'm happy it fits!
What I'm panicking about with this wip is that I've convinced myself that I need to earn a doctorate in Tang Dynasty battle and siege tactics to write it credibly lmao. I spent three hours the other night researching ancient Chinese fire starters and the differences between Han and Tang era tea preparation (to little avail). This one is gonna take a lot of research for my own peace of mind but I hope it pays off!
Mu Qing and Feng Xin are gonna be okay!! Someone commented on ch2 that they liked that Mu Qing got hurt because they hate him and I'm like...I didn't think I'd framed that as a good thing..... 😅 That was something a Bad Guy did.......... 😅😅😅
Thank you so much for your kind comments and all of the fun engagement!! I'm truly so honored that you've enjoyed my writing so far! 💖💖💖
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dumb-zombie-girl · 7 months
Jake peralta x reader requests? Girl I have SO MANY ideas for this, like I daydream about that man basically 24/7 (it’s a problem 😅) anyways if it’s cool with you I’ll just list out a few thoughts and if anything gives you inspiration to write then please do! If not then no worries just lemme vent out all my silly romantic frustrations 😅 sorry this is long and btw anytime I say reader this goes for plus size reader or however you wanna write the reader, I’m a plus size girl myself but I don’t mind it’s up to you!
1, Jake & reader have a series of bets (sorry Amy, I’m taking your man & his games!) like reader bets Jake can’t go a week without sugar/coffee, Jake bets reader she can’t take something out of holts office without him noticing etc ect.
2, elevator make outs!! (This could build on the bets like in relationship Jake & reader have bets on how long they can kiss in the elevator without getting caught, or they have a no kissing rule at work that one of them breaks in the elevator!)
3, reader is a barista in a little cafe/bakery place and Jake comes in, she thinks he’s cute so she gives him a free pastry and flirting happens! This occurs over several weeks until reader gets in trouble with her boss and Jake overhears then offers to take reader on an actual dinner date to pay back all his freebie’s (and because he likes her obviously 😂)
4, reader teaches Jake how to cook, lots of mess & failed attempts happen but also it’s flirty & fun! Kitchen kisses 😘 (I am yearning!!)
5, reader is a prosecutor working a case with Jake, as they go over evidence they develop a mutual respect & attraction that ends up flirty & either Jake kisses reader for luck before she goes to court or after winning the case reader kisses Jake to celebrate!
6, reader is coming over to Jakes appartement for the first time and the squad makes him paranoid about her hating his messy place so he tries desperately to tidy up but struggles & gets stressed but when reader comes over early and sees him spiralling she settles him down and says she’s not bothered by his mess, she knows him and loves him regardless! Maybe also offers to help sort out a few things with him (*cough cough* mail tub)
7, reader is harassed/bullied on the street (or in another precinct as a new detective) and Jake sees & goes hard defending her! (I love it when jakes gets angry and protective)
8, insecure reader and/or insecure Jake. Both have a hard day and don’t feel great about themselves but when the other sees them upset they immediately go to cheer them up, showering them in love & compliments and they end up cuddling 🥰 ik this is vague but just comforting vibes are needed!
9, Mafia Jake.. does anything! I’m obsessed with him in this era and there is barely anything about him 😭 reader could be his fbi contact who helps him with his new role, or in adjusting back to normal life after the case is done (also in getting over Amy, sorry again girl but how tf could you let this man go?!) OR reader is in the Ianucci (idk how to spell 😅) family but wants out/isn’t a criminal and so Jake helps her, or is assigned by the family to protect her, or she’s a rival and Jake has to intimidate her but they end up flirting! Sorry that one has so many alternatives but my god the world needs more of mafia Jake!!
So sorry this is super long & weird 😅 I have more but didn’t wanna be extra annoying 😂 again feel free to do whatever you want with these prompts! Hope you have fun writing and much love to you 😊❤️
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK. I think I'll work on one for right now but I'll also work on the others soon because all of these are so amazing
Also if you ever wanna talk about Jake I'm here I could always use a Jake/Brooklyn nine-nine friend
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dreamwritesimagines · 26 days
helloooo my love I have MANY thoughts!!! I hope you don't mind!!! I'm here just to vent about the MANY reasons why I lowkey think Charm did the right thing in a way. And I knowwww it hurt Bucky's feelings and that's also 100% justified and he's right to feel that way, but let me explain.
First of all ☝🏻 this might be controversial and I would love to hear your thoughts on this honey bc you probably know them more than I do, but I think Bucky would have gotten mad anyway. I love him and he's very hot and they have a great connection, but he is arrogant and he is possesive, and I think from the start he wanted Charm to get to the top through him, by him, and not so much through other people's help (ofc he would have supported her either way but i think he just likes it better when he's an actual crucial part of it). I think he likes feeling needed, especially by her, and any other way pisses him off a little; he would call it being "protective". So if Charm had told him about her plan, in my head he would disapprove the idea in the name of being "protective", they would fight, he'd play the "seems like you don't need me anyway so do whatever you want" card, and they'd end up pretty much in the exact same place. That's just what I think. Sooooo that's why Charm telling him or not telling him makes absolutely no difference to me.
Second of all ✌🏻 this might be way too harsh but honesty, who expects actual, honest to God trust in this business? lmao sorry but it's been said many times that these people can never 100% trust each other. And if I remember correctly, Bucky and Charm weren't oooooverly close right before getting married; they've known each other all their lives but that doesn't make them close, that doesn't equal trust, at least not to me. And yeah of course they have a lot of care and respect for eachother, but let's be for fucking real, as a woman, who 100% trusts a man?????? a man???????¿?¿?? and on top of him being a man, they're in a business like this???????? on than environment???? with the way Charm has been raised and the examples she's had???????? like pleaseeeee give me a fucking break lmao when she said "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to take this from me", that's all I needed to hear. No one can tell me it doesn't make sense or that that fear was unfounded.
So yes, I 100% support Charm, she did nothing wrong, she's the best, she's an icon she's a legend and yeah I mean she's not perfect she has ISSUES and by the love of good its like she's a fucking baby with the way she seems completely incapable of talking and communicating properly, but she's certainly not the careless "perfect new boss" villain Bucky is seeing her as.
and also him saying that to her???????? as if this business sustains itself on charity and good deeds and he's the pope himself?????? give me a fucking break. anyways I could keep ranting forever but it's been too much already sorry darling please let me know what you think if you wanttttt ok love you byeeee
I am putting this under a read more because I am so going to fangirl over you❤️❤️❤️
I think from the start he wanted Charm to get to the top through him, by him, and not so much through other people's help This is such a great analysis on Bucky's character and their dynamic omg omg-
You're absolutely right! Bucky would get upset over Charm's plan whether she told him or not for this exact reason! As much as Bucky says otherwise, there is still a part of him that sees Charm as the girl who had a crush on him and was basically lovestruck whenever he was around, thinking he's so cool 😏 And even though he knows Charm can take care of herself, he wants to be the one who helped Charm the most when it comes to getting that crown 😏
There are two factors for it, for him wanting to be that person, number one is that it is such a huuuge ego boost for him😂 Like you said, he loves being "needed" especially by Charm, because Charm left the town as the girl who got heart eyes whenever he was around, and came back as the girl who hated him and was not impressed by anything he did or said 😁 Even if he is really really good at what he does, it does nothing to Charm -even if it impresses everyone else- so him being the key person to put her there is very important for him😏
The second factor is that, in his head it's a way of making amends 😈 He knows the way he turned her down was quite brutal, and he wants to make himself forgiven for that but Charm is not interested in any apologies coming from him, so he wants to show it with his actions ❤️ By helping her get the crown, he thinks he can prove to her that he's not that person anymore but Rhett helping her? That makes him furious 😈
who expects actual, honest to God trust in this business? YOU ARE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT! 😁
Bucky and Charm weren't close at all! 😂 I mean honestly, they were closer when she had a crush on him, and after he turned her down and she left for college, they didn't even speak to each other except in summer breaks when they had to, and when she came back? The only time she spoke to Bucky was when she wanted to be snarky😁 So of course she doesn't trust him when it comes to that!
let's be for fucking real, as a woman, who 100% trusts a man?????? a man???????¿?¿?? THE FACT THAT I CAN HEAR THIS ASDFGHJKL😂
And there's also the fact that Charm has been actively betrayed by HER OWN FATHER when it comes to business? Like, she had to watch her father take away the heir position she was promised, and give it to her cousin who hasn't stopped rubbing it in her face from day one! 😏 She knows this business consists of constant backstabbing, so she couldn't trust Bucky to just "hand her the crown" 😈
she's certainly not the careless "perfect new boss" villain Bucky is seeing her as. And she was so so surprised to hear that Bucky actually thinks that about her! 😱
and also him saying that to her???????? as if this business sustains itself on charity and good deeds and he's the pope himself?????? I AM SCREAMING YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT😂
Like, so far Bucky has had the privilege not to have been backstabbed by the people closest to him, the same can't be said for Charm! And also, ALSO, he was always seen as the golden heir and when he was made the boss, no one even thought of going against that decision but Charm went from "heir" to "daddy's princess" and she has to prove herself right now to every single powerful person in the city and the people who work for her own family, aka Ian and her father 😈
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persphonesorchid · 2 years
Picking Peonies - KSJ
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Summary: Roses are outdated, and overused. Bloomingdales even more so.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: COH!Seokjin x reader
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: Seokjin's a bit jealous, that's about it.
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Notes: Happy Valentine's to the she's the he's, the they's and the gays. No one asked for this, but lmaooo I am fully aware of the pain I caused with Cupid's on Holiday, so , a gift! For you! Happy valentine's my loves! Also! This is like....if rules hadn't mattered and Seokjin didn't leave like a 🤡. Love y'all ❤️
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There’s a quiet murmur when you step off the elevator. The heels of your shoes click softly as you walk down the hall and into the space your open office occupies.
The office had been decorated with only a few valentine’s decorations: a string of paper hearts lining every doorway and window pane, red twirling streamers hanging from the vents in the ceiling. It’s only a bit, but you pity the poor soul who would have to go around taking them down – other departments have done a way better job at decorating than yours has.
The soft murmur grows to a buzz and quiets when you step onto the floor and everyone’s head’s turn to you. You stand at the entrance for a minute, feeling a little put on the spot by the sudden attention and the fact that mostly everyone in today is standing around your desk.
Brinny’s head pops up from the gaggle of co-workers crowding your desk, a smile blooming on her face when she spots you.
“Alright you vultures, go away!” The shorter girl waves her hands at your Officemates, “Back to work, shoo.”
Quite aware of everyone’s eyes on you, you walk quickly over to your desk. Immediately, you see what’s got everyone’s attention and why you’re suddenly the star of the morning.
Laying in a pretty arrangement on your desk is a bouquet of flowers. An assortment of Ranunculi in pinks, reds and whites, wrapped delicately in red florist’s paper and tied with white ribbons at the stems. It’s not a large bouquet, but it’s bright enough to catch anyone’s eye.
“I think they’re Bloomingdales... Someone definitely likes you.” Brinny picks up the bouquet, the pretty red paper around it crinkling softly in her hold. “There’s no card...” she frowns, trying to peek into the bouquet.
You smile anyway, not needing a card because you already know who sent them. Seokjin had been busy since the weekend, complaining that Valentine’s Day would be the busiest for him and the other Cupids in the area. You’ve barely seen him for the past couple days, which doesn’t bother you—it does a bit—he has his job to do. The flowers are a pleasant surprise, though, he’d told you not to expect anything until tomorrow because he’d be too busy to do much else.
Even if you’re unsure that he would see it, you text him your thanks and settle down for work.
An hour later, the flowers are sitting in a nice glass vase Brinny found in the store room, and you’re halfway through your emails. You’re gossiping with Brinny about anything you missed while working from home, when your phone buzzes near your hand. The silly photo Seokjin set for his contact lights up on your screen.
“Hey, sweet girl,” It’s a bit noisy where he is when you answer, and for a moment you can hear him talking to someone else before it gets quieter. “That text was vague...what am I being thanked for?”
You make a confused sound in your throat, brows drawing together, “The...the flowers?”
“...what? I didn’t—send me a photo.” Seokjin’s gone quickly after that, line cutting off and you’re left blinking at your lock screen.
You stare at the bouquet for a moment, pondering, before sending a photo of it to Seokjin. You’re wondering who sent it to you. It’s a sweet gesture, that maybe would’ve worked on you three months ago before a certain Cupid came along.
It wasn’t until lunch time, when you’re out of the office. You’re sitting across from Brinny, in a deli close by, as she goes on about upcoming projects. You’re stuffing your face with the most amazing ham and cheese sandwich when Seokjin finally sends his reply.
[12:25] Sharpshooter 🏹: That’s the worst flower arrangement I’ve ever seen in my life.
[12:25] And I have lived.
You roll your eyes at his dramatics, dusting your hands before picking the phone up.
[12:26] You: Idkk, I think it’s pretty cute.
The bell on the door of the deli jingles as it opens, a cold gust of February air disrupting the warmth of the deli. You and Brinny are sitting near the back, so you don’t see the person coming your way until they’re right in front of you and speaking.
You startle at the sudden voice, as does Brinny, who’s gaze flickers between you and Seokjin – who looks like he ran here as fast as his legs could carry him—with raised brows.
“I can’t believe you’d call that assault on my eyes cute. Ranunculus.” He huffs, plopping himself down in the chair next to Brinny, who scoots her chair a little closer to the wall. She nudges your shoe with hers, eyes darting to Seokjin in question. You’ve never told Brinny about him, the only people who know are the boys. Which is — you now realize — why everyone at the office was buzzing around your desk this morning.
“You know what’s cute? Peonies. Roses are outdated and overused, Bloomingdales even more so. What is it, the 19th century?” Seokjin takes a breath, while you watch him, thoroughly amused. He turns his head, finally seeing Brinny next to him, “Hello.”
“Hi?” Brinny laughs out her response, still looking confused. “And you are...?”
Seokjin looks mildly offended, but gives a charming smile, “Seokjin.” He points a finger at you, “Boyfriend.”
Brinny looks confused, then shocked and then she reaches over the table to swat at your arm. “You have a boyfriend?”
There’s warmth flushing your cheeks and ears, but before you can answer, Seokjin is suddenly on his feet again. Saying that he only took a moment to come here, and that he’d see you later before he’s back out the door and out of your sight.
“Where’d you even find that guy? He doesn’t even look real!”
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You hum softly to yourself, fitting your key into the lock of your door. Brinny had a bunch of questions you’d barely manage to answer, having to give her a watered down version of how you and Seokjin actually met.
When you enter your apartment, you’re almost sent sprawling to the floor. In your path was the biggest bouquet of peonies you’ve ever seen in your life. There’s a distinct aroma of steak cooking, and the underlying smell of vanilla scented candles.
“Jin?” You call, moving carefully around the bouquet to get out of your shoes. “Did you rob a florist?”
Seokjin pokes his head out of your kitchen, a smirk on his mouth. “No.” He waves you forward with a hand. When you reach him, he cups your cheeks with his hands and kisses you. You chuckle into it, running your fingers through the soft hair at the nape of his neck.
“You have to admit that peonies are way better.” He says when he pulls away, taking your hand and leading you into the kitchen where he’s set up an early dinner of steak, potatoes and steamed vegetables.
“Just say you’re jealous and we can move on.” You laugh at his rapidly reddening ears.
“I’m not.”
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Tags: @xpeachesncream @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @bangtansmauyeondan @taestefully-in-luv @matchy6812 @eoieopda @luaspersona @allhobbitstoisengard @eren-fall @dontstoptime @euphoricfilter @mssukeyna @jinsquishes @minmin2022
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hackedpitabread · 2 years
It is way too late for this sh*t and I’m tired but this was revealed to me in a dream: playing with his hair ❤️. Irl he hated the texture of hair so he wouldn’t play with our hair, probably. But his own hair is defo silky af. I 100% believe he could fall asleep to his hair being played with.🫠🥺
Oh yeah absolutely, I stretch my headcanons for RoR Tesla 💔
I’M FINALLY BACK LMAO (I saw that season 2 was out and I got motivation)
Playing with his hair, Nikola Tesla x reader
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He was tired, for once he had hit dead end after dead end. He could see his invention in his mind, he could even see how it worked, but for some reason it was just wouldn’t come to fruition. He was stressed, maybe too much so. He mulled over the thought of taking a break, but never acted on the thought until you came to drag him off to bed.
You were able to sense how stressed Tesla was just by looking at him. The bags under his eyes, his messy hair, and his laboratory a mess. You looked at him with concern from the top of the stairs- he didn’t even notice you when started walking down the creaky wooden stairs.
“Nikola?” You asked gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’s getting late, you should come to bed.”
He jumped when you touched his shoulder and whipped his head around to look at you. He looked more on edge than ever, but his harsh gaze softened when he saw your worried face. He sighed and pushed away the mechanism he was working with tiredly.
“I know it’s just- this blasted thing won’t work! I know how to make it work, it just simply refuses!” His somewhat quiet voice drastically increased in volume as he vented his frustrations. “It’s like it’s only goal is to make me insane!”
“Why don’t you take a break. It might be-“ You were interrupted by your own yawn. “It might be better to look at it with fresh eyes in the morning.”
You moved to hold his upper arm with both hands as you tried to non-verbally implore him to come to bed. He looked at you hesitantly, but you could see the inner turmoil in his eyes. He was debating in his mind over slaving away on this invention or joining you in going to bed. On one hand he might make a breakthrough somewhere in the early hours of the morning, but on the other hand if he came to bed with you he could relax and make a breakthrough tomorrow.
With a tired yawn he had made up his mind.
“You’re right my dove, It’ll be best to look at this when I can think again.” He said softly as he kissed your cheek.
He let you lead him up the stairs and to your room, and before long you both were in bed with the lights were off. You would have been peacefully sleeping if it wasn’t for Nikola’s incessant tossing and turning.
“Dearest-“ You said, somewhat exasperated as you pulled him gently into your chest. “Rest, please.”
He was about to protest until your fingers threaded through his hair gentle. He could hear your heartbeat as you gently ran your hands through his silky locks. The gesture itself started to calm his restless mind. He slowly closed his eyes as you played with his hair and hummed a soft tune. He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you gently as he slipped into one of the best sleeps in his life.
Sorry if this one’s a little shorter and took so long 💔
Life is a bitch. Anyways hopefully I’ll be updating more frequently again :b!
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pigeonwhumps · 5 months
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A look at what a BBU Tumblr dashboard might look like!
CWs: BBU, pet whump, dehumanisation, everything that comes with that
🐢 turtleonhigh
As you start contemplating gifts for your loved ones, remember guys, a pet is for life, not just for Christmas! If you've never had a pet before, Domestics or Platonics are the best starter pets, but make sure to do your research thoroughly to keep your pet happy and healthy. Additionally, adopt, don't shop! There are so many pets desperately in need of loving homes. If you're insistent on purchasing from a supplier such as WRU rather than a shelter, choose refurbished. Give a pet the second chance they deserve!
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🌟 thetruthinourstars
In Liberation this month: The shocking truth of WRU training away from prying eyes
🥸 bookworm420
(again. A year and a half after the first article and they're still having to expose it because no-one will listen...)
Oh come on, OP, everyone knows that's bullshit, spread by pet lib manipulators. Everyone: this is what bad actors look like!
🦀 just-a-crab
#and before anyone leaps on me #i mean both of you #a reminder to always check where informations coming from
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🍵 tea-and-pets
If prev was a pet, what would you give them as a little treat?
🐳 awhaleofatime
You guys are sick and perverted fuckers, I hope you know that
🌵 prickle
You're in the minority there mate
🐳 awhaleofatime
🌞 sunshinestarlight
Stfu and let people have their fun, dude
#if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all #pet love #srsly dude leave us alone #polls
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🐭 mouseandsammy
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Sammy just adores his new outfit! Look at him go!
🌞 sunshinestarlight
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🪶 fansofafeather
Ew, why am I getting WRU adverts on my dash constantly? Do I look like someone who would buy a pet to you?
🪶 fansofafeather
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This was originally just a vent, but since you asked so nicely...
Does it help? Does it really?
Stats show that 42% of vulnerable young people surveyed are scared of being picked up by WRU. Furthermore, spending on welfare in the UK has decreased by 26% over the past ten years, with ministers even saying that those who need help should become pets and go where they're wanted, where their "place" is. Vulnerable people need help, not encouragement to sign their lives away, and the pet industry isn't helping with that (even if you say that it isn't WRU's fault for merely existing, their adverts aren't glowing examples of a non-manipulative company).
I could go into way more detail, about the manipulation and propaganda, and what's been associated with them over the years, the politicians in their pockets holding up legislation that would hinder sign-ups, not to mention that this is actual, literal slavery, but I'll leave it here for now. If you're actually bothered you can ask, but I get the feeling you're not anyway.
How do you see your future? | YouGov
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How do you feel about the alleged forced sign-ups by WRU and similar companies? | Liberation
Fact-check: Has welfare spending increased? | BBC Verify
Secretary for Work and Pensions overheard suggesting that welfare recipients "go where they're wanted" and become pets | The Guardian
WRU adverts 2000-2024 | National Archives
👯 pet-love
Callout post
Be aware. User @/sam-the-multifandom is an active member of the pet lib community, who has engaged in targeted harassment of pet owners and supporters. Evidence is in their top posts. Block and report, and spread the word to other members of the community so we can stamp out this disgusting behaviour.
👁️ eyesonthewall
Oh ffs OP. This is your evidence? Seriously? Stop lying and go back to the hole you crawled out of.
💗 nolongeracult
Proving OP's point right there. I'm former pet lib, and I can honestly say it's the most toxic community I've ever been a part of.
🍰 twopets-twocakes
Even more than the Star Wars fandom? 😝
💗 nolongeracult
#pet love #their choice #petlib is toxic #love your pet #pet for life
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