#anyways. my regular students beloved are going to do so well they have worked so hard and i’ve seen their passion for doing well :)
grrrr it’s annoying when students act like they’re entitled to you
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
“lucky ending”
First at all, I like do much your writing and I hope you are doing well. Second, I was wondering what would happen if the MC (Fem!s/o I guess) decided to not go back to her world, like she decide stay with her villain? Can you do make headcanons of this for the dorm leaders? Thank you very much.
-- from Anonymous
A/N:  Hi Anon! Sorry for taking so long! Thank you so much for liking my work and for sending in this request! Since this was submitted before I opened my headcanons request, I’ll assume you wanted a scenario! It reminded me of a particular Japanese middle school/high school tradition... I don’t want to spoil it, but I do hope you enjoy it!
edit- additional pieces: ver i (this), ver ii (???), ver iii (rook & lilia)
“Hey, did you know?” 
You looked up from your meal to see a grinning Ace. 
“Well... you haven’t told me what this is about Ace.” you finally said in a dry tone. “So, no—I wouldn’t.” Beside you, Epel’s lips curled up in amusement. 
"Are you sassing me?” Ace squinted at you.
“Who could say.” you shrugged your shoulders. “Anyways, what is it?” Ace studied you for a couple more seconds before he too seemed to ‘shrug’ it off and continue.
“There’s actually a tradition in Twisted Wonderland during graduation season.” Ace’s smile turned wicked, as he raised his hand and tugged at a button on his shirt.
“Please don’t strip. Nobody needs to see that.” you said—Deuce promptly choked on his food and Grim snickered beside you. On his other side, Jack sighed as he patted the man on his back. 
“It’s not that!” Ace scowled. “Sweet Queen, if you keep going on like that, I swear—”
“Sorry, sorry.” you raised your hands—palms up. “So, what is it?” 
“This button.” he pointed at the second button from the top. “Well, for NRC, they go with the fifth button—but either way...” Sebek leaned forward in interest.
“Is this the button tradition?” his eyes sparkled, “you see, I was thinking of giving—” 
“It doesn’t work like that Sebek.” Ace said—at which the Diasomnia student immediately deflated in response. 
"People give this out at graduation.” Ace continued. “It’s like the last chance to confess--before you leave the school life behind.”  
‘Last chance huh...’ you thought, as you remembered Crowley’s words from the other day.
“In my generosity, I have found a way to bring you back home... but...” the Headmaster peered at you with glowing eyes. “Something tells me you don’t want that anymore.”
“And because I’m so generous... I will let you decide what you wish to do.” his eyes brightened behind his mask. “I hope to hear from you soon...”
"Why not the first button?” you couldn’t help but ask. Ace, who had just finished recounting how many buttons he had given out in his last graduation was startled by your question. 
“Err...” Ace scratched the back of his head. “I dunno?” 
“It’s the second button, because on the regular school uniform... it’s closest to the heart. Because graduations at NRC are in the summoning robes—that means the fifth button.” Jack finally spoke up, “what normally happens is... someone confesses, and the other party decides whether or not to give the button. When the other party gives their button—it means they return the love of the person who confessed.” Grim’s face twisted at that. 
“In conclusion... disgusting.” Epel shrugged his shoulders, before he shot Jack a look. “I’m surprised you, of all people know that.” Jack’s whole body twitched, and his tail bristled in response. 
“So. you were being a little shit.” Deuce told Ace.
“Yeah Ace, you’re an asshole.” Grim huffed.
“Not true, all of the people who wanted my heart, got it~” Deuce grimaced in disgust at his roommate’s response. On his other side, Sebek shifted upright.
“I don’t care what you all say, I’m giving—” 
“Sebek, no.” 
As your friends erupted into chaos your hands fell on top of your second button and you fiddled with it thoughtfully.
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“Alright, what is up with you two?” Riddle turned around to glare fiercely at the squabbling Ace and Deuce. At his movement, the long cloak of the summoning robes shifted around his legs.
“Nothing, Dorm Leader!” the two immediately squeaked out, and Riddle sighed—exasperated, but continued to eye them suspiciously. As a fourth year, Riddle had no need to visit campus as often as he did. Ace was already made the Dorm Leader, and Deuce was his Vice Dorm Leader once the two had entered their third years but—
‘I know Trey told me not to worry…’
Cater and Trey had long since graduated from Night Raven College—but the former was still ever so interested in what his friends were doing. He had easily convinced Trey and Riddle to go on call that night to catch up. It was during that call that Riddle had confessed his fears about leaving the fate of Heartslabyul to Ace and Deuce.
“Wow~ Riddle is much more of a mother hen compared to Trey~” Cater had laughed, delighted. Riddle had instantly puffed his cheeks, ready to defend himself. Trey—sensing the argument that was about to come—quickly placated him.
“I don’t think it’s wrong of you to care so much, Riddle.” Trey had said, in his same soothing tone. “You’ve held onto the dorm leadership for three straight years… it’s natural that you worry about how Heartslabyul will do… but… I believe—the dorm will be what our juniors make of it.” 
“That’s my worry.” Riddle grumbled in response.
“Well—the two of them did shadow you as Vice-Dorm Leaders during my fourth year, yes?”  
“I think they know what they can and cannot do by now.” Trey consoled, “Have a little bit more faith in them—after all, you were the one who entrusted the Dorm’s future to them in the first place.”
“I suppose…”
“If all else fails,” Cater chimed in, “[Name] will be there, won’t she?”
“I’d like it if I didn’t have to rely on her for the two of them but…” Riddle unconsciously smiled at the thought of you. “but yeah… she… she certainly had a hand in how Heartslabyul changed to be the way it is today...”
“Ah~ I’m a little jealous you still have an excuse to see [Name]~” Cater hummed. 
“I—” Riddle felt his cheeks flush at that, “It’s not like that!”
“Huh~? I didn’t say anything though~” Cater cackled knowingly. Riddle tensed, and Trey only sighed in amusement as the red head began to lecture the older man.  
Despite Trey’s (and admittedly, Cater’s weaker) attempts at getting him to be more hands off—he continued to conduct surprise visits to the campus. Primarily to keep a check on both Ace, Deuce and how they were currently running his beloved dorm. He knew it almost always made the two panic, but he just wanted to ensure that—they were doing fine. Riddle worried endlessly— 
“I don’t think it’s as surprising as you think.” You had told him once, a giggle on your lips. “Riddle… despite everything… you still genuinely want the best out of people. It’s the way you are.” He had flushed red when you put it that way, but he was incredibly appreciative of the fact that you noticed. He was also happy that you didn’t think it as something he should change immediately. 
“Ace and Deuce—I can see why you worry but…” you had patted his hands gently, and shot him the same sweet grin you had given him that time—about two years ago—after his embarrassing Overblot. “You’re also improving yourself. Take it step by step—little by little, and I’m sure one day you won’t think twice about whether or not those two can do justice to the Heartslabyul in your vision.” 
Seeing you as often as he did was just a bonus—or so he’d like to think. He hasn’t quite admitted to himself, how incredibly fond he has grown of your presence, and how much some of his visits was more to see you again—rather than visiting his juniors.
He could feel the way his lips unconsciously curled up just at the thought of you. He quickly turned away from his juniors—if only because he could not stop smiling. 
“Come to think of it…” he mused, pretending that this was just a thought that came to mind—and not something he’d been eagerly looking forward to— “Where is [Name]?” When there was no response, he felt his smile drop and his brow twitched at their silence. 
“Come now—if there’s anytime you’re going to be quiet…” he turned to look at them, only to realize that they had incredibly guilty expressions. “… Is something wrong? Is she hurt?”
“Well—no.” Deuce rapidly stuttered out, “It’s just—well—” he glanced hopelessly at Ace, whose eyes shifted around in an uncomfortable manner. 
“Err—it’s a little hard to explain…”
“What is going on?” He demanded, his expression growing dark as he thought back to the last time, he had seen you. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with you—you had greeted him as kindly as you normally had. You had looked healthy to him and nothing had seemed to be weighing too much on your mind… “Tell me right now.”
“Thank you, for coming with me.” You had smiled, “but you can leave me here, really.”
“Do you even know why Crowley called you?” Ace asked, his hands crossed behind his head when he noticed the most subtle shift in your expression.
“[Name]?” he arched a brow, and you shook your head, a smile bloomed on your face at his concern.
“No, it’s… it should be nothing.” You looked down at Grim. “You’ll stay with them, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” The monster scowled. “I don’t know why Crowley wanted just you… It’s not like you won’t tell us after…”
“That’s true.” Deuce had agreed easily.
“I will tell you if it’s important.” Ace’s eyes narrowed at the way you phrased your sentence, and when you slipped into the office—it was only Ace who stayed, his gaze fixated on the door.
“Is something up Ace?” Deuce turned to see that the Heartslabyul Dorm Leader hadn’t moved from his position by the door.
“I think she’s not telling us something.” Ace said, before he approached the door and pressed his ear against it.
“Ace! That’s rude!” Deuce moved to pull him away, but Ace shook him off.
“Sssh! I can’t hear!” he hissed at Deuce before he leaned harder against the door.
“—I have found a way to bring you back home—” Ace and Grim immediately stiffened. Deuce looked on, wary of their reactions.
“What…” he swallowed, “what did you overhear?” 
“She still hasn’t said anything.” Ace said after he told a frozen Riddle the story. “and… well… none of us have the heart to bring it up.” 
“Well Grim certainly wanted to.” Deuce interjected. “But we figured… it was probably something we should wait for her to say… are you okay, Dorm Leader?”
“You don’t need to call me that.” Riddle replied immediately, before he exhaled. He raised his hand and pressed it against his forehead as he thought of the situation.
‘Of course, …of course, I should’ve thought of it.’ His hand fisted in his hair, as his brows furrowed. ‘This isn’t home to her this is… it’s the farthest thing from a home.’ He felt the blood drain from his face, and the minute shake of his hand at the realization.
Riddle made the two promise to not speak to you about it—and that he’d try to bring it up instead. Deuce looked like he wanted to protest. Riddle could understand—the three of you had a certain type of friendship that should mean that Ace and Deuce had a right to bring it up with you but… Ace had always been much more perspective than he actually let on, and agreed to let Riddle handle it.
Whether Ace understood the depth of Riddle’s feelings or not, was currently inconsequential given the circumstance. What Riddle needed to focus on—was speaking to you about the… issue.
No, it’s wrong to call it an issue—and neither is it a problem… It’s just… perhaps best called a big decision. One that Riddle knew your likely answer to, and how it’s not the answer he would want to hear.
In his defence, ever since coming back, Riddle did try to talk to you about it. He tried very hard to confront you—but whenever he’d try to tell you—he’d take one look at your smiling expression and think about how much he’d like this moment to last longer. ‘Just a little longer… Let me have their smile a little longer—’ because he knew that the moment, he brought it up—you might no longer smile at him.
Unfortunately, time is nobody’s friend—and during a break from his graduation practice, he ran into you.
“Oh, [Name].” he blinked in surprise before his eyes narrowed when he noticed that you weren’t smiling as usual. “Did something happen?” he asked, immediately anxious for you.
“Ah it’s…” you paused, and your expression grew even more distressed. “I don’t… know how to phrase it.” He grew cold at that—he had a general idea on where this conversation could head… Before he could get a word in, the doors to the Hall of Mirrors opened, and a bunch of other fourth years exited noisily.
“Do you want to talk somewhere else about this?” The slightest furrow in his brow, and the tiny down-turn curve of his lips expressed his concern for you. Your heart did a little leap, and you briefly got lost in his pretty grey eyes before you slowly nodded.
Your voice was soft as you explained the turmoil you’d been going through the past few days. 
“I… want to stay. I want to stay so badly that I keep coming up with excuses to do so but… at the same time… I know that this means I’ll be abandoning my family… my old life behind and…” you looked down at your hands, and Riddle’s frown only grew as your voice got shaky. “that’s unfair to them—isn’t it? That—I’ll just up… and leave… and say nothing.”
“If you want to stay, then just stay.” You didn’t look to be convinced, and Riddle felt his heart twist that he isn’t enough of a reason for you to stay.
“It sounds so easy, doesn’t it?” you chuckled, your tone low, “maybe my life here is certainly far better than anything else I could dream of but… the guilt will eat me alive. That I just turned away from them… It’s so selfish of me.”
“I don’t think it’s wrong for you to be selfish.” Riddle disagreed as he reached out towards you and held your hands. At the action, your eyes fell to your twined fingers, and you observed the gentle way in which Riddle rubbed the back of your hand. “I think you earned that much. I don’t believe anyone’s ever been in your situation before so—there’s no right or wrong about what you’re doing. It’s all about what you want to do.”  
“You think so?” your voice cracked, and he leaned forward so that you could see the honesty in those pretty grey eyes of his.
“I know so… and if you still feel guilty then allow me to bear it with you.” He took a deep breath before he slipped one hand away from you to tug at the fifth button of his summoning robes. Your eyes widened—stunned, as you recognized what he is about to do.
“Let me express to you my own selfish desire.” He pressed the button into your palms as he met your gaze evenly. “I love you [Name]—I want you to stay—so—can I be the reason you do?”
His deep red hair fluttered in the cool wind that passed through the open halls of the college. You could see sweat dribble down his temple, and the smallest shake of his bottom lip. He swallowed; his Adam’s apple bobbed. His own eyes peered and searched your gaze too—for any indicator of the answer you would choose to deem him with.
As you looked at Riddle, you knew that a part of you will always feel guilty about the choice you were about to make but—that honest affection in those eyes were enough for you to know that Riddle, as he is, was always going to be enough of a reason to stay.
“Yes…” you murmured, and Riddle’s nervous expression broke away for a joyous one—an expression that made your heart do a little dance. “Yes—I’d want you to be the reason I stay.”  
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It took all your courage (and the fact that it was his graduation—Great Seven did he look so good in those robes—) to finally tell Leona about what Crowley had told you.
“Good riddance.”
You felt your face pale, and your soul—shatter at Leona’s reply.
“What… what did you say?” you stuttered, “Did you just really…?”
“I said good riddance.” Leona rolled those green eyes of his at you. “You can finally go home. You can finally stop bothering me.” His eyes turned poisonous—and you felt your whole body weaken. You would have dropped to your knees if Leona’s glare hadn’t frozen you in the first place.
“You…” you swallowed, “you don’t mean that… you don’t… right… Leona…?”
“Good—” his green eyes became murky with an emotion you couldn’t quite understand, “—riddance.” He then scoffed and stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Now leave me alone.”
He began to walk away—but desperate—you grabbed him from behind. Your hands wrapped around his chest, as you clung to him as tight as you could.
“Herbivore... The hell are you doing?” Leona hissed as he moved to rip your hands off him. 
“Wait!” He froze at the command in your tone, and the way you pressed your head in between his shoulder blades.
“Let me... let me say something... Please...” 
‘Were you crying?’ Leona tensed; his tail flicked about in irritation—ready to confront anyone who made his woman cry—
He hissed at his own thoughts. 
“I’m not going to listen to your shit, woman.” He snapped, and he felt you flinch against him. Something deep and primal in him whimpered—because he knew he had terrified you.
He had to convince himself—this is for the best. This is for your sake. 
You were not his woman. You were not his mate. You should not have a future with him.
You were supposed to be leaving.
He wanted you to leave. 
It would be better that way.
You didn’t deserve the second prince. You didn’t deserve a rebel. You—
You deserved much better than him.
‘So please let me go.’ he thought, a little desperately, ‘because if you don’t... then I won’t be able to let go.’ 
“Leona... I... I really have no courage. I can’t even look you in the face because I’m...” He growled at that, and he felt you flinch again. “Let me do this...” He felt you move your hands, and you pressed something into his own palms. You curled your fingers around it, before you pulled away. 
“I want you to have this. If you won’t let me say anything... then please let me do this.” 
There was a brief silence—as you studied the way Leona remained tensed, his tail jerked around in irritation and your eyes shut in despair.
‘Of course... It’s Leona... what was I thinking?’ 
‘Of course, he wouldn’t want you to stay—of course—’ you realized your own foolishness. ‘Of course, he wouldn’t want you.’
“I’ll go. I’m sorry.” you said before you rushed off, as you tried, desperately not to make a sound as you cried.
Leona’s ears moved rapidly; despite your attempt to not make a sound—he could clearly hear you cry your heart out as you ran away from him.
“Tch…” he looked down at his hands, only for his brows to furrow in confusion. “This is… a button?”
“Does the herbivore…” He lifted his head to look off into the direction you took off in. “does she know what this means…?” His brow twitched in irritation; he pulled his hand back and got into a stance to throw the button away—but something in him couldn’t do it.
‘Are you really going to throw her heart away?’
“Shit!” He swore to himself as he threw a fist at the closest thing he could—one of the trees in the garden. He paused, as his eyes lingered on the patch of grass that he enjoyed taking naps on… with you.
He thought of all the things he would lose—
The way you smiled at him, despite how hopeless he was as a person. The way your skin felt against his own when he could get away with hugging you despite never saying those three words… The way you looked at him with acceptance—regardless of his glaring faults.
He thought of all the things he would never experience—
The way you would suit the crown of a princess—more than any other women he’d known. The way you could glow under the light of Afterglow Savanna’s sun. The love you two could’ve shared if he would just stop being such an asshole—“Stupid woman…” he growled low to himself, as he spun to give chase to you. His hand reached up to rip a certain button off his own robes. “I just can’t be selfless—”
‘Not when it comes to you.’
‘Not when I desperately need you.’
When he pushed open the doors of the Hall of Mirrors, Crowley turned around, startled.
“Kingscholar—?” the Headmaster gaped.
“Is that still connected to her world?”
“Yes but—what are you doing?” Crowley cried, alarmed as Leona rushed for the portal.
‘If there’s a god out there… if the ancestral spirits do exist… then please—’ he faltered at his own thoughts before he shook his head. ‘Please—don’t let me be late—’
“You’re back!” Your mother had only paused for a second, stunned when you popped out of the mirror in the living room, and fell to your knees. She quickly dropped down onto the ground before she reached for you and pulled you into her embrace.
“Mom—I’m—” you felt your eyes tear up, “I’m home—” you said—even if a part of you felt that home should have been two green eyes, a cocky smirk, and a warm patch of sunlight on the grassy ground.
“Oh… sweetie…” Your mother pulled back to cup your face in her hands as she studied your expression. “Never mind that—tell me what happened? I need to hear everything!”
You blinked rapidly and nodded. She brought you to the kitchen and sat you down as she whipped up a snack for you to eat as you recounted your adventures in Twisted Wonderland.
You were—baffled—she didn’t seem as terrified as you thought she would be. You had thought you would’ve come back to her crying—or, you don’t know—police in your house maybe? She was calm—and she was simply… interested in your story.
Like she knew all about it already—and she just… wanted to hear your point-of-view.
When you got to the part about Leona—you got all choked up. Regardless of how he treated you—you knew that a part of you would always love him. If anything—it would be something you would desperately cling onto, and in the depths of your heart—you will continue to nurture it. It was the only thing of him, you had left.  
“You loved him.” Your mother held your hands, and you shook your head as you gently corrected her.
“I’ll always love him, mom.” You felt tears hang onto your lashes. “I’ll always… wonder… ‘what if.’”
“Would you go back if you could? Would you stay with him?”
“I… I would but—it’s not like he wanted me.” Your lower lip trembled, and you felt your chin wrinkle at that. “He didn’t want me.”
“I think he did, sweetie.” Your mother wiped your tears away. “Leona is pretty dishonest to others… and especially to himself.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at that.
“He pretty much is.” And that’s when it dawned on you.
“Wait you—” you looked up at your mother with furrowed brows. “Why does it sound like you know him—? You—you haven’t met—”
That’s when the door swings open, and your father’s voice echoed in the house.
“We’re back!” You only had a moment to question what he meant by ‘we’ when he entered the dining hall with a familiar figure.
“Leona—?” Both males looked at you—surprised. Despite how happy you were to see both—your eyes naturally gravitated to Leona.
Your eyes met his, and he blinked slowly before a smirk crawled up his lips.
“Took you long enough.”
“Time isn’t exactly linear across two worlds.” Is the first thing Leona told you as he brought you to your room—or more recently referred to as his room. He dragged you onto the bed and pulled you onto his lap with relative ease—his fingers tangled in the cloth of your shirt. The only reason there was a distance between you two—was because of the way you Leona stared at you with a hungry fervour.
He looked at you like he was a starved man who had just caught sight of an oasis in the middle of a desert. There was also a difference in the way he held you—a certain desperation in the way his fingers pressed against your skin—as if making sure that you were no desert mirage. You had just seen him—but it felt as if he was seeing you for the first time in an unbearably long time.
“You entered the portal before I did.” Leona studied you with his vivid green eyes. “but when I went through the portal… I arrived a day after you were first taken to Twisted Wonderland.”
“Wait… so how long… did I miss out on?” you asked weakly.
“It’s been a year.” He replied quietly, and you looked at him—stunned. 
“That’s—you—” you cleared your throat. “why?”
“Why what?”
“Why—why wait? Why—why did you stay?” you whispered, “you could’ve just gone back—” He scoffed.
“That’s simple.” He stared at you evenly. “If I hadn’t waited for you I…” he paused. “I might have never seen you again.” You felt your eyes go wet, but you inhaled sharply as you resisted crying. He pulled you even closer to him, his arms wrapped around your waist. Though you tried to move away—it was futile, Leona was stronger than you.
“Why—I thought you said—”
“I tried to be selfless with you.” Leona confessed lightly, his eyes studied your face—the way your eyes glimmered, the way your lips pouted as you attempted to hold back your tears—you hadn’t changed from whence he last saw you but—
Having lived in a world without you for one year—only strengthened his resolve to be with you.
“I tried to be selfless with you.” Leona repeated, “but I’m sorry—I can’t be. I have to be selfish because—the future I want… it’s one I can only realize by your side so—” He moved his hand away from you only to move it to his pocket. When his fist opened, your eyes widened to see an elegant black button on his palm.
“I’ve waited a year to return my heart to you.” He murmured softly, as you began to cry in earnest. “Will you accept it?”
“Of course, I will—you big—asshole—” you cried, as you hit his chest. Leona could only chuckle, as he raised his other hand to brush your tears away.
“I deserved that.”
“Yes, you did.”
With your fingers laced with Leona, you went downstairs to meet up with your parents. Your mother cooed happily, while your father nodded gruffly at Leona.
“You promise you’ll take care of her, alright?” Your father eyed him, and Leona nodded.
“I will.” He promised.
“You will visit, won’t you? Or call through the mirror?” Your mother asked hopefully, and you looked at her surprised, before you glanced up at Leona in a questioning manner.
“So, you would never need to choose.” He dodged your gaze; a light flush rose to his cheeks. “I worked with Crowley and Malleus,” your eyes widened—he willingly worked with Malleus? “to establish a proper connection between your world and mine. I kept in contact with the Crowley who let you through the door in the first place… and now we’ve managed to keep the timelines properly linked.” He raised a hand to scratch at the back of his neck. “Basically… you’ll be able to keep in contact with your parents… or anyone else you wanted to keep in contact with in this world.”
“Leona…” you felt your eyes water at that.
“Don’t cry.” Leona reached down to wipe your tears away, “cry anymore—and your father will retract his blessing.” You looked at him, a little stunned—he didn’t seem like the type of person who’d ask for someone else’s blessing.
“Of course, I did.” Leona said as he figured out where your thoughts had headed, though he sounded slightly offended that you would think he would not have asked.
“It took him a year too.” Your mother said fondly while your father snorted. Leona swiftly cleared his throat before you could ask again.
“A story for another time.” He said way too quickly, before he offered you his hand again. “For now—” his green eyes softened as he met your eyes, and your fingers instinctively laced together once more.
“Shall we go home?” he gestured for the mirror that begun to glow. You smiled, and quickly jerked on his arm to pull him down. Surprised at the sudden motion, Leona’s face drew close to yours—and you leaned forward to press a kiss against his cheek.
“Silly kitty,” you giggled, “I’m already home.” He speedily pulled back. Despite the grumpy expression on his face, you were delighted to see the flush rise to his cheeks once more.
“And I… I am too.” He murmured softly, and your smile slipped into something much more tender.
You were excited to see what the future would hold for you two. 
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“Azul.” Azul blinked as he turned his head to the approaching Jade. He arched a brow at Jade’s bemused expression—the man rarely made that face. If Jade ever encountered something he didn’t understand, he was more likely to react to it with curiosity and excitement. So, for Jade to be confused—with the lightest flicker of worry… well, Azul immediately found himself to be anxious. 
“What is it?”
“According to one of our juniors, [Name] came by to ask for you earlier—but we were at graduation practice. They redirected her to your office to wait.” Jade’s brows furrowed. “Apparently… she looked quite distressed.” Azul felt himself frown immediately at that. 
“I was going there anyways because of this—” Azul raised his hand to present some documents. “I’ll speak with her.” Jade nodded; his expression looked a little bit more relieved.
“I’ll keep Floyd off for awhile then.” Jade decided, “there must be a reason why she specifically seems to want to speak to you.”
“Alright.” Azul agreed, before the two parted ways. He thought back to when he had met you earlier that day—you had been thrilled to see them. Floyd had happily picked you up and spun you around several times—before you needed to be saved by Azul and Jade. Shortly after that, you had to go attend class—at which point they bid you goodbye, with the promise of spending more time together, later.
Azul, Jade and Floyd had just returned to Night Raven College today for the graduation practice. They hadn’t seen you in person for quite a while because their internships took them far away from the College. Azul wasn’t particularly happy with it (none of them were, really—even you) but you had always known how important success was for Azul (especially him) so you had encouraged him to pick what he knew was the best choice for the future.
His heart sped up at the thought of how deeply you understood his feelings—and his desires. At that point, he promised that he would ensure—his future would be spent making you happy and that you would never be left wanting.
You will get the best from him because he knows how much you deserve it.
You deserved so much better than him—he knew that—he’s accepted it as an irrevocable truth. However—you had chosen to stay by his side, despite his past—and despite his inexcusable actions.
“Azul… I think you shouldn’t be ashamed of your past.” Your voice resonated in his mind, and he’s instantly brought back to that time the two of you quietly stood in front of his elementary school photo.
“After all, it’s because of that Azul—that you’ve become the Azul I see today and…” You turned to him with a tender smile that instantly made his heart soar like a flying fish and his eyes well up with tears.
“I think you should know—that the Azul before me today, is not as terrible as you like to believe.” Then you giggled, and his cheeks flushed red at your next words.
“It’s quite the opposite actually—you’re someone I can’t help but watch because… I think you’re amazing.”
So, he was going to do his best for you.
He was an inherently selfish person.
 You were someone he wanted to hold onto for as long as possible. He knew that maybe one day you’ll realize that he wasn’t worth it. He knew that it will hurt him—but he also knew that if that day comes, he wouldn’t stop you.
He’d let you go.
As selfish as he was—he knew you deserved for him to be selfless for once. Especially if it meant you being happier.
It would hurt so much but—knowing how much better you could probably have—he would do it. 
‘While you’re by my side…As long as you’re in my life… for however long I’m allowed too…’ 
Until the day that someone … or something—that was inarguably the better choice for you comes along— 
‘I’ll treasure you… take care of you… treat you like a Queen—’ 
He stopped right before his office doors, and briefly fiddled with his hair. He inhaled, before he pushed the doors open. You turned to look at him with a despondent expression.
“Azul.” You hiccupped, and his heart dropped to his stomach at seeing your tears. There’s a part of him that immediately goes into a cold fury—‘How dare anyone make you cry—’
“Shh… It’s alright.” He slid the door closed behind him, dropped the paperwork carelessly onto the ground and opened his arms.
You immediately took it as an invitation to delve into his arms. Your breath was shaky, but Azul’s familiar and fresh ocean scent immediately calmed you down. You buried your head in the crook of his neck, and he rubbed one hand consolingly down your back. He slowly led you to sit down on the couch, and let you stay in his arms as he plotted a way to get back at whoever it was that made you show such a sad expression.
Once you pulled away, he immediately pulled out a handkerchief to pat away the wet tear tracks across your face.
“Are you alright?”
“I… yeah… just… I was… overwhelmed.” You said, breath still heavy. "I have something to tell you.” Azul hummed, as he moved to tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear.
“The Headmaster... he’s found a way.” 
“A way...?” Azul cocked his head, not quite understanding what you meant.
“...” At the sudden silence, Azul raised his head to see you look down at your hands. He noticed that you were trembling ever so slightly. Azul narrowed his eyes at such an action.
You looked up; your eyes were glassy—with one blink you would probably start crying again. He could see the minute tremble of your jaw. 
“I can go home, Azul.” 
“That’s...” Azul blinked rapidly—stunned but at the same time—his heart tightened in his chest, and he automatically clenched his fists. 
‘I didn’t think it would happen so soon…’
‘I didn’t think I’d have to let go of you so quickly…’
‘I don’t want you to go.’ 
Azul was selfish—he has always known that he was selfish... but with you... he always tried to not be. 
He would be selfless with you.
He promised himself that much.
You had always been more than what he deserved—so how could he ask you to stay with him?
Knowing that—he knew what he had to say to you.
“You must be happy.” He finally managed to speak, and he prayed that you didn’t realize how shaky his voice got. He was barely able to keep himself from crying too. “You will go home, won’t you?” 
“Is that it?” you asked, heartbreak in your voice but he gritted his teeth in response. 
“Well... what else did you want me to say?” 
“I...” you stood up; your breath shaky. 
‘I wanted you to give me a reason to stay.’ went unsaid. 
“... Nothing. I just... came here to tell you.” you finally said, your voice soft. “I’ll... see you later Azul.” You turned quickly—but not fast enough for him to not see the tear that slipped down your cheek as you escaped Mostro Lounge’s VIP Room. 
Azul laced his hands together, before he rested his forehead against his hands. A whimper left his lips, as he began to shake in his seat. 
His heart squeezed tight—and he idly wondered if this was the type of feeling that Floyd’s victims got. It hurt—it hurt so much. Azul’s pathetic whimpers turned into guttural sobs. His fingers spread to cover his eyes—and his glasses slid off his face, down to his lap and then to the ground—at his actions. His whole body shook as he cried his heart out.
The one time he tried to be profoundly good—
The one time he tried to be selfless—
It was only right that he felt this much pain over it—after all—he always believed that he deserved it.
He struggled to remind himself how much this was for your sake. How this was better for you. Even if you began to hate him for it (and witch, did the thought of you despising him made another disgusting whimper slip out of his lips—), he’ll watch over you—only the best for you.  
When you rushed out of the room, you immediately slammed right into the twins. They are both briefly stunned by your expression, but just as quickly, you clung onto the closest twin—in which case, it was Floyd. The man immediately wrapped his arms around you. He began to coo comforting words to you as he shot a look at his twin. Jade’s eyes flickered between you and Azul’s shut door, before he ultimately decided to shuffle you and his brother into a nearby room. Once you were sat down, Jade quietly coaxed the story of what happened out of you.
Through your tears, you tell him. You grow a little terrified as both twins gain a quiet look of rage almost identical with Azul’s earlier expression at your tears. The two share a look, and Floyd almost immediately got up—until you stop him.
“Please… don’t be mad at Azul…” you muttered, “I… I don’t think he means it.”
You remember the expression Azul made. First—there was fear, pain—before it shifted to something more like acceptance.
You don’t understand.
Why wouldn’t he think he was worth it?
He had always been selfish—and you wanted him to be selfish with you—and yet—
“You must be happy.”
He had said, but you had immediately caught the slightest bit of wetness that had began to well up in his blue eyes. You had noticed the way he had stiffened, the way his breath and voice hitched as he did his best to hide from you what you were truly feeling—
Jade and Floyd exchanged another glance, before coming to the same conclusion.
“Listen [Name].” Jade reached and cupped your chin in a delicate manner. “Here’s what we’ll do…”
When Azul finally exited his office, he had to fix his robes, and his make-up—if only to keep his unflappable façade as Azul Ashengrotto of Octavinelle. What he didn’t anticipate was to be immediately blocked by the Leech twins.
“Ah. There you two are.” Azul cleared his throat, his voice still scratchy from the amount of crying he just did. “There are some things we need to do—” Floyd slammed a hand against the wall right next to Azul’s head, before he leaned closed—his eyes dark as he studied the octopus merman in front of him.
“Shrimpy ran by here. She was crying.” Floyd’s eyes narrowed, and Jade sighed from behind him. “What did you do?”
“Apparently, the dear girl is being offered a chance to go home.” His voice trembled at the last word, but he held fast to his belief that this is the best choice for you. “I congratulated her on it.”
“Why?” Floyd hissed, “why would you—Azul—”
“It was only logical to assume so.” Azul said in response. “I presumed she wished to go home.”
“What… makes you think she wouldn’t want to stay here?” was Jade’s quiet query.
“It’s obviously the better choice for her to go. There’s nothing for her here.” Both twins blinked, a little awed that Azul—their selfish, greedy Azul—just said that.
“… There’s nothing here worth staying for. Not for her at least.” Azul said—at the sight of their expressions. “I’m sure—she’ll be happier in her home world. She should have never even come here.”
And wasn’t that a terrifying thought?
He wondered what it would have been like to have lived in a world where he had no concept, no idea of you. He shuddered immediately—he would rather always be able to remember you. If he could not have you, then he would cup the memories you shared together in his palms and hold on as tight as he could.
Floyd let out a disbelieving laugh.  
“Is that truly what you believe?” Jade’s eyes narrowed, “that there’s nothing for her here?”
“You can’t sincerely believe that!” Floyd snarked, his expression twisted in displeasure. “The Azul we know—he would be selfish.”
“Don’t you see?” Azul, fed up, finally yelled, “It’s because I’ve always been selfish with her that I should be selfless for once.” He gritted his teeth aggressively.
“Of course, I want her to stay! I practically need her to stay.” He inhaled sharply, as he looked at the twins with wet eyes—frustrated that, as per usual, he had lost control of his emotions and tears. “But I also need to acknowledge that it may not be the best choice for her! So, I don’t want her to consider me when she’s making this decision—It’s not about me. It’s about her.” He exhaled, a part of him satisfied that he had managed to stun the twins once more… that is until Jade let out a soft chuckle and stepped aside to reveal that you were standing right behind him. Floyd stepped back, while a snicker escaped his lips.
“Azul.” You peered at him with wet eyes, and he tensed.
“You two—” Azul looked up to glare at the twins, who shrugged easily as they retreated away.
“Azul… why do you think like that?”
“…” He looked away, he didn’t want to answer, but when he felt your soft hands cup his face so that you could direct him to look at you—seeing that familiar look in your eyes—the one that told him how badly you wanted to understand him—instantly made him soften. “I always think about it… you deserve better. Better than me.”
“Azul… you need… to stop thinking of yourself like this. I love you.” You added, and his eyes widened, “Regardless of what you think—I think the best option for me… is to be by your side Azul.”
“You… really think that?” his voice shook, and you sniffled too.
“Of course, I do! Even if you didn’t want me… or need me…” you lower lip trembled, and Azul wanted to kiss your worries away. “I would cling to you as tightly as possible—it hurts but—I’d stay. You’re always going to be worth it for me.” Azul’s whole body quivered, and without thinking his hand slid onto a button on his blouse. He took one of your hands off his face to press a button onto your palms.
“You have my heart.” He murmured, voice soft, and his eyes moist. “and you have my future… if you’ll let me share them with you.”
“It’s a deal, Mr. Ashengrotto.” You said, your own eyes pricked with tears—and he let out a little chuckle.
He will continue to do everything in his power to always—remain—the best option for you.
“What a couple of cry-babies.” Despite Floyd’s tone, a pleased smile made its way to his lips.  
“Our cry-babies.” Jade murmured, a familiar smirk plastered on his own face as he watched you and Azul bawl into each other’s arms.
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You were, once more, invited to Scarabia’s annual graduation party for their fourth-year students. It was… one of their grander parties and it was hardly the first one you had ever attended since befriending their Dorm Leader two years ago.
However—what made this party different from the others you’ve attended so far, was because a part of the graduating batch were your friends—Kalim and Jamil. The very fact Kalim was graduating, made the Asim family decide to sponsor this year’s party. This meant that even as far as grand parties would go—this year’s party blew the past other parties away in terms of extravagance. There were a lot of people (guests of the graduates), food (completely catered—for sure Jamil slunk away a little miffed that he didn’t get to cook), music (hired by the Asims) and dancing (right in the centre of the room too!)
It was incredibly beautiful—and just… something you have never believed you would have had the chance to experience. You expressed as such to Kalim, who, with a grin—laced his fingers with yours as he pulled you straight to the dance floor. His warm hand landed on the curve of your waist before he began to lead you in a complicated dance. You let out a few squeals here and there—especially because dances native to the Land of Hot Sands were quick, and nothing like you’ve experienced before. Kalim only grinned happily as he twirled you around then rapidly pulled you back into his arms. You could feel your cheeks flush red as you were pressed up against the man’s well-defined chest.
“Isn’t this fun, [Name]?” Kalim let out a boisterous laugh as he continued to spin with you at the centre of the celebration. His dark summoning robes shined under the opalescent light of the room.
“Yeah…” your eyes flickered away briefly, before landing back on his face. Luckily, Kalim had not noticed your slightest hesitation—nor the fact that you were lying.
It wasn’t that you weren’t enjoying yourself—you always enjoyed any moment you could spend with Kalim—that was the truth but—
You could feel the countless dark stares that many of the eligible young women of Twisted Wonderland shot as you hogged Kalim’s attention. Ever since you had arrived at the party, Kalim had happily, and staunchly stayed by your side throughout it—eagerly sharing with you details from the Land of the Hot Sands.
It made you… nervous… insecure.
“Hm? Is something wrong?” Kalim cocked his head to the side, bright red eyes curious—but you didn’t want him to feel upset on such an important day for him.
“It’s really nothing.” As the music finished, you pulled away. “I do think I’m a little tired… So, I think I’ll go rest back at the table.” He gave you a worried look.
“Are you sure?” he cocked his head in an innocently curious manner that made your heart hum in pleasure of his concern. “You’re my friend, [Name]! So, I want to make sure you’re well!”
‘You’re my friend.’
‘You’re just a friend.’
You felt your lips tightened at such a damning sentence, and you quickly looked away.
“Yeah, I just…” you paused, “maybe you can dance with someone else?” you suggested—even if you wished with all your heart that he’d notice how you were truly feeling.
“Oh! That’s a great idea!” Kalim beamed brightly, before he turned around and happily waved his arms. “Who wants to dance with me next?”
In an instant, the Asim Heir was surrounded by gorgeous women, and you were elbowed out of the crowd.
“Oof.” You grasped at your stomach after you were harshly pushed away, and some of the ladies at the outermost part of the circle, sniffed haughtily at you before they turned away.
You stood there for a moment, as you wondered if it would be too late to fight your way through the crowd to reach his side but… You watched Kalim offer his hand to one of the beautiful women. Something in you lurched, and you could not bear to watch so you quickly retreated to your seat—you felt like a coward.
Your table was devoid of your year mates now. Grim was hanging around with Deuce near the buffet table. Ace and Epel, on the other hand, were incredibly popular and seemed to be dancing with some other women too. Ace looked pleased, but Epel’s expression practically begged for someone to get him out of there. Jack on the other hand, claimed that the noise was too much for him, and had eagerly retired to his dorm. You let out a small giggle, as you briefly met Epel’s suffering gaze, before he and his partner turned again. In the process, your eyes landed on the ever cheerful Kalim… and his incredibly enthusiastic partner.
The woman had herself pressed up against his body and seemed to be saying something right into his ear… but judging from her slightly frustrated expression—whatever she was saying had no effect on Kalim. 
“In my generosity, I have found a way to bring you back home... but...” the Headmaster peered at you with glowing eyes. “Something tells me you don’t want that anymore.”
You frowned as that memory, unbidden, returned to the forefront of your mind. You were supposed to tell Kalim about it but… Your eyes flickered up to see him dance away with the woman.
You doubted you would get the chance to do so now.
Which you definitely… did not do on purpose.
You just—did not know—
How does one bid goodbye to the sun?
As the music ended, the same hoard of women surrounded Kalim once more. Despite the pang in your heart—you couldn’t help the exasperated but fond sigh that left your lips as you see Kalim smile cheerfully at them all.
Not at all bothered.
Still of a kind heart.
The way he was right now…
‘He truly is the sun.’ you thought, you looked around and you noticed—that everyone was paying attention to Kalim. Their gaze fixated and focused on Kalim’s next actions.
‘Everyone here is a heavenly body, orbiting the brilliant sun.’
Kalim had always had a sense of magnitude to him—always had a spark that attracted everyone… even those who were never meant to stay.
‘And I’m a meteor off course.’
Your eyes hazed over and watered immediately at the realization of your position.
‘I cannot stay.’
You ducked your head frantically—as you felt the inevitable spill of your tears down the curve of your cheeks.
‘I have no place here… no place to stay.’
No one ever willingly bids goodbye to the sun.
They spend the rest of their lives trying to find the right way back to it.
And you know the path you must walk will take you universes away from the one sun that you wished you could orbit around for eternity.
You choked briefly, and instinctively grabbed a nearby napkin to dab at your face. You were glad Grim was enjoying the festivities at the table across—had he been with you, everyone would have probably noticed your complete breakdown.
You sniffled quickly and froze as a hand that held out a handkerchief, entered your line of sight. Your eyes traced the tanned forearm, up the toned arm, before your gaze was caught by deep dark eyes.
Jamil stared at you with a frown on his face as he pressed the handkerchief into your hands. You flinched, startled, before you grabbed it.
“Thanks.” You stuttered, voice low, and Jamil gazed at you unflinchingly.
“You’re thinking of going home.” He murmured in that soft spoken, delicate tone of his. “No… you’re already going home.” His eyes narrowed, and under the candlelight of Scarabia’s halls—the shadow of the flames licked his face and made his dead, calm expression somehow… even more terrifying than usual.
“Please… don’t look at me like that.” You bowed your head, as some of your tears slipped down your knuckles. You could hear Jamil sigh.
“You’re going to break his heart.” Jamil murmured, his voice as cool and collected as ever.
“How can I break something… that I’ve never held in the first place…?” You muttered as you lifted a golden goblet up to your lips. Jamil shot you an unimpressed stare at that.
“Regardless of what you believe,” Jamil pursed his lips. “You will hurt him.”
“It’s not going to last.” You said in defence. “He’ll move on…” you looked up; tears got caught in your lashes as you blinked rapidly. “He’s going to meet people even more amazing… Like someone who …”
‘Someone who will suit him.’
‘The best person that he could be with.’
“I’m sure of that.” You tried to sound convincing—but you couldn’t truly—not when your heart believed otherwise.
“… That… isn’t something that you alone can decide.” Jamil’s eyes slid to Kalim. The man was burning as bright as ever in the centre of the room. “Kalim should have a say in that as well.”
“I can’t believe you’re the one saying that.” It was wrong of you to say that. It was—without a doubt—a low blow. Judging from the most miniscule of movement above Jamil’s brow—you had guessed he thought the same.
He didn’t blow up and instead, the man sighed deeply as he picked up his own golden goblet for a drink. You look down onto the handkerchief that you clenched in your hands.
“Jamil…” you did not look up, and instead your hand reached for your own pocket. “would you… give him this letter?” you pulled out a wrinkled envelope—one you had penned immediately after learning from Crowley that you could go home.
You… you couldn’t bear the thought of watching Kalim get sad.
You had always figured that if something like this came up you would tell him in a letter instead.
So, that you would never have to face his sadness or his tears.
“… You’re a coward.” Jamil said quietly, before he grabbed the envelope anyways.
You don’t say anything.
He was right of course.
You were just a coward—as you frantically cupped your heart in your hands in the hopes that it would not burn away into nothingness.
“Then,” Crowley peered down at you with glowing eyes. “Are you ready?”
You had to drag your eyes away from the doorway—that you had stared at whilst you wondered if anyone would run after you.
Though you knew nobody would.
It had been what you wanted in the first place.
You didn’t want… you hated seeing people get sad. So—you had chosen to write letters to all your friends… and you had set them in places you’re sure they’d see. It was so selfish of you but—
You remember Kalim’s tears when Jamil had overblotted, two years ago…
‘It’s better this way.’ You reassured yourself before you looked at Crowley.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You tried to smile, and something about the way Crowley tilted his head made you feel as if he pitied you. He chose not to say anything, and instead the Headmaster gestured to the glowing mirror.
You took one step toward the mirror before the door behind you dramatically burst open.
“[NAME]!” Your heart stopped at the voice, and you turned around to see that Kalim was standing right there—his hands on his knees as he panted in exhaustion.
“Ka…lim… why…” your eyes caught sight of a Jamil who slowly dragged his feet into the Hall of Mirrors before your line of sight was completely blocked out by Kalim’s red eyes.
“[Name]! Why—why are you leaving?” His lower lip wobbled, and your heart wrenched itself at the fact that you were the cause of such an expression. “And you didn’t even tell me—have I—are we not friends? Is that not enough reason for you to stay?” His expression looked so genuinely heartbroken, but you snapped into attention at his words.
“The thing is Kalim…” you tried to avoid his gaze. “It’s exactly because we are friends that I… that I cannot stay.” You managed to force out.
“What? Why?” he gaped at you, and your frustration at the situation made tears begin to slip out of your eyes.
“Because I love you, you idiot!” you practically yelled, uncaring of your audience. Kalim gaped at you.
“But—but—I love you too!” Your heart quickened at his statement, but you frantically shook your head.
“No, you don’t—you love me—as a friend.” You emphasized, “and I can’t stay knowing that—you need to end up with someone… better than me—”
“I mean it [Name]!” honesty shone in those red eyes. There was a flicker of desperation in those eyes before he quickly fell to his knees in front of you. You gaped at him in surprise as he reached for his chest.
He looked up at you, as he stretched out his hand to offer you the gleaming button.
“I love you [Name].” He met your eyes head on—and the seriousness in that gaze of his made an exquisite shiver run down your spine. “So—won’t you marry me?”
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As the graduation ceremony in the Mirror Chamber concluded, Vil and Rook exited first out of all the Pomefiore fourth years. They quickly approached their Pomefiore juniors, who were all, enthusiastically cheering for them. 
"Congratulations Senior Schoenheit! Congratulations Senior Hunt!” 
Epel shuffled forward and offered the two seniors a big bouquet of brilliant red roses each. 
“Oh~ They are beautiful~ Merci, Epel.” Rook took the bouquet with a pleased expression, and happily sniffed the roses. “and very fragrant too~” 
“You were so impressive, Senior Schoenheit! You got so many awards!” said one particularly awed junior.
“Naturally.” Vil inclined his head, as he inhaled the intoxicating scent of the roses. Around him, his juniors continued to give bouquets to his fellow seniors. Disinterested in that—his eyes flickered around in a slow pace... looking for...
Vil frowned behind the rose bouquet when he could not catch sight of you.
‘Now, where could you have gone, sweet potato?’ 
“Er...” Vil glanced back down at Epel, to see him quickly flicker his eyes in a direction. 
‘I see.’ 
“Excuse me.” he murmured underneath his breath before he proceeded to move away from the Pomefiore gathering, down the path Epel had signalled him too. 
“Congratulations Vil. I mean—I guess you didn’t need it but--ah... no... I’m saying this all wrong...” he heard you before he saw you. His glossed lips curled up in an amused smirk at the sound of you practising your congratulatory message. Vil turned the corner to see you seated at a bench in the middle of the open courtyard. Unlike him, you were dressed properly in your version of the school uniform. You had furrowed brows, a wrinkled nose and pouted lips as you stared into a bouquet of what looked to be dark coloured flowers. He almost called out to you when you began to speak to yourself again. 
“Hi, [Name] here. I wanted to congratulate you and also... tell you... Agh! Is this really the time to tell him about that? God... I don’t want to...” 
“Don’t want to what?” You jumped in your seat. You turned your head quickly, only to immediately loose both your train of thought and breath at the sight of him. 
It was not the first time you had seen Vil in the summoning robes—he had been one of those students that had immediately caught your eye during that entrance ceremony—all those years ago.
It was like seeing him for the first time—if that made sense.
His light blonde hair twisted into loose lavender waves that accentuated his sharp but delicate features. The sheer brilliance of his violet eyes in contrast to the paleness of his lashes were further accentuated by the dark make up that no one else but Vil Schoenheit could possibly hope to pull off. His lips were glossed gently with that pale lavender colour that had you dying. How long have you dreamed of kissing those lips? Smearing that lavender colour across his cheek? Ruining him, the way he’s ruined you?
How could you ever hope to fall out of love with Vil Schoenheit? 
How could you ever hope to fall in love with someone else, after Vil Schoenheit?
He approached you slowly, with an elegant countenance only heightened by the way his robes swirled around him. 
“Sweet potato?” He arched a fine brow. You were still silent despite that he had taken the seat next to you. While he may draw pleasure from the way he made you speechless, your earlier words still held fast to his curiosity. You snapped into attention after you realised that you had been staring for quite a while at him.
“T-That is—Senior Vil! Congratulations on your graduation!” you stuttered out as you simultaneously offered to him the bouquet in your arms. You peered up at him worriedly, and promptly got distracted by the way his long lashes tangled briefly as he blinked. 
“Roses as well?” he tilted his head, pale blonde hair curled gently around his cheeks. You paused and saw that he also had a bouquet of vivid, red roses in his arms. 
“Oh! Um! How presumptuous of me... I didn’t mean... that is to say...” he always turned you into a nonsensical fool. It was impossible to string words into sentences when everything would fall away in the face of Vil. He stared at you, bemused, as you babbled. “Sorry, I suppose you wouldn’t want this—Right, that’s that—I can just—” 
“I did not say that.” Vil’s slender shoulders shook in laughter. Vil dropped the bouquet of red roses he had already been holding, to take the bouquet you offered him. He peered at it gently and noticed that what he had originally thought were black roses were actually—not. As he moved it under the light of the sun, the roses would shift between a dark violet or a deep blue. His breath caught in his throat. Red roses were—no doubt—classic. They were beautiful—but this bouquet you gave him… the roses were bewitching. 
“What colour are they meant to be?” he finally asked as he leaned down to inhale the familiar, comforting scent of roses.
“What do you see?” At that, he looked up at you with a curious expression. You looked back, eager to hear what he thought. 
“I can see violet and blue toned colours... they also seem to be black in some angles.” 
“Are they not meant to be like that?” 
“No, no they are... I asked ah... Professor Crewel to help me breed these type of roses... It’s amazing what magic can do for plants.” you admitted, his eyes flickered quickly between you and the bouquet.
“You bred these... specifically?” 
“Ah... yeah... back home...” you struggled briefly, “there were these roses that were either bred or coloured to look pink and yellow. I wanted to make ones that were violet or blue. Thanks to magic, it’s possible to actually create these.” 
“Why?” he scrutinised your expression as you quickly flushed.
“Er... That’s because I couldn’t choose between either of the colours.” You said quickly as you licked your chapped lips—momentarily realising that you had forgotten to bring your lip balm. ‘Vil is looking at me, and I’m horrendously ugly. What hasn’t changed?’ you bemoaned to yourself.
“I figured... Pomefiore colours, yeah?” 
You watched as he studied the way the colours of the rose petals would shift in the light. You were happy to note that there was a little glow of awe in those violet eyes, and—what you hoped was delight. His expression quickly shuttered after you noted that they were Pomefiore colors, and he dragged his gaze from the deep coloured roses to glance at you.
“You know sweet potato... lying isn’t very attractive.” he said, nonchalant, and you froze. 
“What... lying?” you chuckled nervously. His eyes narrowed briefly, and you winced.
“You thought I wouldn’t notice?” You quickly avoided his gaze as you felt your eyes immediately begin to go wet, “Sweet potato, look at me.” You inhaled sharply as you slowly turned your head to face him again. You chewed nervously on your lower lip, and his eyes narrowed again. 
“Don’t do that.” 
“Sorry.” you knew he was referring to your habit of chewing on your lower lip. 
“... I was hoping you wouldn’t notice until... later.” you finally admitted. “though who am I kidding—I wanted you to know... I wouldn’t have given that to you if I hadn’t wanted you to know that...” 
“Violet roses mean ‘love at first sight’.” Vil murmured softly, “Blue roses mean ‘impossible love’... and Black roses have so much meaning... just what are you trying to say with this bouquet, [Name]?” you flinched as he named all the colours that appeared in the bouquet. 
“Black roses... I... this is also me saying... goodbye.” Vil froze, as he turned to you quickly, his eyes turned even sharper. 
“What are you going on about?” 
“Headmaster Crowley... he found a way for me to go back.” you swallowed, “and... I think I’ll go.” 
“And what about the violet and blue roses? Will you ignore what you just told me?” Vil demanded, and you looked away—unable to look at him—because you know that if you do, your resolve will falter. 
“That’s... I just... I wanted to confess. To get all these feelings out because I know... I know it’s impossible.” Your lower lip trembled, but you held fast and tight onto your resolve.
‘Just let it out. Get it out of your system and... and maybe you could start again.’ 
“Why do you believe it’s impossible?” You hear Vil sigh, exasperated. “For the Queen’s sake—look at me [Name].” 
“No, look at me.” you snapped back, and he recoiled briefly at the sudden flash of anger. "I’m more than aware that we...” 
‘We have no chance. I, of all people—know that. It’s just some dream I cooked up in my head.’ 
“Look at us.” you said, miserable. “I... you’re so beautiful... and amazing... and I’m just... me. How could I ever suit someone like you? How could I make someone like you, happy?” 
“You will stop talking like that.”
“Like what?” 
“Putting yourself down the way you’re doing right now.” He replied, “and look at me when I’m speaking to you, [Name].” You feel a soft, gentle hand cup your cheek, and move it to face him. Vil had a frown on his face—and while he never looked less pretty because of it, you still hated that you were the cause of it.
“[Name]... you...” he paused, sighed before he dropped the bouquet of dark coloured roses down onto his lap and raised a hand to his uniform. 
Your eyes widened as you watched Vil rip a button off from his uniform before he offered it to you. 
“Vil—that—you—” you stuttered. You remembered him talking about the importance of the uniform, and he was the last person you would ever imagine, who would actually—
“What normally happens is... someone confesses, and the other party decides whether or not to give the button. When the other party gives their button—it means they return the love of the person who confessed.” Jack’s voice echoed in your head.
“There’s a tradition at graduations in this world.” Vil began gently as he placed it in your hands, “when one person confesses—the other can chose to—” 
“Give them a button.” you murmured and Vil tilted his head to the side in surprise.
“You know of it?”
“The others... Jack... told me.” you mumbled, “but this... Vil... you...” 
“My happiness will not be dictated by others—no, Vil Schoenheit is a person who will grasp happiness with his own hands.” He leaned towards you and pressed his forehead against you. His eyes softened as your eyes watered and the tears began to spill. “I’m giving you this button because I’ve already found happiness by your side. Nothing you say will change that so...” He brushed your tears away with the thumb of his hands, and you found yourself lost in the gentle affection in those violet eyes. 
“Won’t you stay with me?” Those lavender lips curled—and you’ve never ever wanted so badly to kiss someone in your life, “I’m not a generous person, [Name]. You can only answer yes… or yes.” 
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“Ah—[Name]!” Ortho signalled for you to come close quickly. You moved to the boy’s side, before he gestured for you to peak into Idia’s room. You had expected to see Idia as he fiddled away with his computer—as per usual. To your surprise however—Idia was in fact—just stared off into space. You gaped at him, before you peered down at Ortho who nodded worriedly.
“Big Brother’s been like that for a while.” You could hear the frown in Ortho’s voice. “I don’t know what to do—not even his games can pull him out of it.”
“Really?” at the disbelief tone, Ortho looked up at you with wide golden eyes.
“Really!” he nodded, his fiery hair bobbed at his movement. “He hasn’t touched a single game in a while! He’s actually gone to some of his classes—well I still needed to bring him there—but he didn’t resist like usual… In fact, he didn’t complain at all! He’s even gone to graduation practice! That’s why he’s—” Ortho gestured at his outfit, and you realized that Idia was, in fact, dressed in the summoning robes.  
“What do I do?” Ortho asked, and you knew if he could cry—he probably already would be.
“I’ll… I’ll try to talk to him. You can stay here, alright?” Ortho nodded, and with a deep breath, you pushed the door open.
Idia, on the other hand, still stared off into empty space—unable to register anything. All he could do was think about what had got him so distracted.
Crowley had bothered him too much about graduation—and Idia just simply… didn’t want to think about it. Unluckily for Idia, the Headmaster could become incredibly annoying when he wanted to be. Whenever Idia just wanted to brush aside the issues—Crowley only pressed him even more. At his wit’s end, Idia had thought to mess around with his computer… or something. Perhaps jam Crowley’s ability to connect to Idia—or even better—plant something that will hear his secrets… (‘I sound like Azul,’ Idia had even despaired briefly).
It was as he hacked his way into Crowley’s system in the Headmaster’s office that Idia had accidentally listened into a particular conversation that he sorta wished he remained oblivious too.
“You asked for me?” Idia had jostled in his seat when he heard you speak. He rapidly looked around his room—wondering if you had made it in without him realizing (again). He had an excuse on his lips—ready to be said if you wondered what he was doing. (He had a feeling ‘annoying Crowley because he wants me to physically attend graduation’ might not up your support levels together much.)
“Ah yes [Name]! Please! Do come in! And sit, sit! For I am gracious.” Idia whirled around to look at his monitor. With some rapid taps onto his keyboard, he was able to get a visual of Crowley’s office. He quickly recognized your form from behind.
‘What are you doing in Crowley’s office?’ Idia thought. He didn’t need to wonder too long however because his question was quickly answered.
“My dear girl, I’ve done it!” Crowley said rather cheerfully, “For I am gracious!”
“That’s… great?” Idia could imagine your cute, confused expression. You made it often enough whenever he tried to explain anything about the games he played. Though your worlds bore many similarities when it came to consoles—there were minute differences that often slipped your mind. He let out a soft giggle at that—you were adorable, and just having thoughts about you made his mood all better.
“That’s great.” You had repeated slowly, “but ah… I’m confused—what is this about, Headmaster?” you inquired, genuinely sounding like you had no idea what he was talking about.  
‘Maybe I should go off. I don’t want to listen in and… I’m sure she’ll tell me whatever it is about—yeah?’ Idia nodded to himself, and just as he’s about to click the button that would cut off the audio—
“Well, what else could it be about my dear girl~?” Crowley had cackled, “In my generosity, I have found a way to bring you back home—”
Idia’s hand slammed down on the keyboard in shock, as he began to choke. He stared at his black screen in shock—not sure how to feel about what he had just heard.
‘You’re going home?’
He shouldn’t… have been as surprised as he was really.
He remembered that day, around two years ago, when you were first isekai’d into Twisted Wonderland. He knew that the plan had always been to send you home as soon as Crowley actually found a way to do so but…
As he spent time with you—he had gradually forgotten.
No, he didn’t forget—he—
Put it out of his mind.
He was so caught up in enjoying the time he had with you, that it had slipped his mind that it wasn’t permanent. That it wasn’t something that could last for as long as he wanted.  
He knew that you always had your past world—your family, friends, and life—in your thoughts. He would too—if he were suddenly isekai’d in some foreign world where he had nothing.
So, Idia thought little of the possibility that you would remain in this world any longer. He knew—
He knew you’d want to go home because—
“What would keep you here?”
“What would keep who here?”
Idia yelped and leapt off his chair at the sound of your voice. He turned around to see you, as you peered at him with an amused smile. His heart skipped a beat at the way you smiled.
‘This is illegal—! You shouldn’t have power over me like this!’ He wailed inwardly, ‘Especially when—’ He let out a strangled noise as you pressed a warm, soft hand against his forehead.
“You don’t seem sick…” you mused, and you tilted your head in a way that Idia squealed at. You were just… so cute. Perfect waifu material for sure—you were kind—always so kind to him, and always willing to understand him in ways no one else ever was able to do. Ortho loved you too—
“Idia?” you leaned closer, and Idia frantically moved back. A wire made him trip backwards, and he let out a pained grunt at that.
“Oh no—are you okay?” He raised a hand to prevent you from drawing any closer.
“I’m okay!” he squeaked out, “I’m fine—just—give me a moment—”
“Alright.” You drew back, and with little hesitation, you chose to sit down on his bed as you watched Idia slowly stand upright. He patted his behind and winced—at which you let out a soft giggle. After a few more moments, Idia shuffled to sit right beside you. He fiddled with his sleeves awkwardly, his eyes flickered away—and back to you.
“Why—why are you staring at me like that?” he finally managed to say, and you smiled.
“Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in the summoning robes.” You said, “they suit you. You’re very handsome Idia.” Idia’s face quickly flamed up, and his hands rose to cup his own cheeks as he began to stutter rather fiercely.
“That—you—but—I—you lie!” he settled on; his face completely flushed with embarrassment.
“I’m not lying.” You shook your head, as you admired him in his summoning robes. You really weren’t—Idia can clean up rather nicely, and the dark colour of the robes accentuated the blue of his hair and the gold of his eyes.
“Thanks.” He said, his hands still covered the bottom half of his face.
“Are you really okay, Idia?” you asked, a little more concerned when your attempt at a conversation fell through.
“Yeah…?” he looked at you confused, and your eyes moved to the door. You knew Ortho was still there but…
“Ortho was pretty worried about you. Said you were acting all weird.”
“That’s because…” he chewed his lower lip, and he looked at you from the corner of his eye. “Well…”
“You can tell me anything.” You said—as you always did, when Idia worried himself to a frenzy at what you might think of the things he liked. “You know me Idia, I don’t mind.”
“Yeah… it’s…” he hesitated before he turned to you—Idia’s expression was different—it was, strangely serious and intense—not in any way you’ve seen it before. It instantly made you even more worried. “The truth is…”
He was never particularly good at lying—nor was he good at keeping secrets from you. You were a person he considered a dear friend—and he was always the type of person who ended up spilling everything to you. He liked being able to talk about the things he enjoyed—he liked that he had found someone who wanted to hear him out.
So, he told you what he had overheard, his eyes fell to his palms because he could no longer face you. He was worried about what you’d think when you found out that he heard what had happened—and he was worried that something on your face will make him break down.
Idia was afraid of losing you.
Idia was afraid of losing a person who was so willing to be his dear friend.
His fists tightened on his shirt, and he wondered if there was any reason, he could give you so that you would stay.
“Idia…” you began, but your sombre tone made him squeeze his eyes shut because he didn’t want to confront the truth—that you were actually going to leave and…
“Are you really leaving?”
“Please don’t leave!” you faltered briefly, and looked at the way Idia was hunched over, with his eyes squeezed shut. It would have been quite the comical sight if it were not for the seriousness of the topic.
“I really—I don’t want you to go—” he fiddled with his robes. “I know that’s… selfish of me—and I know you’re probably thinking of your family but I think—no—I know—” He hesitated, and he looked up at you, his expression shy, his chin wobbled.
“I… lo—” he shut his eyes quickly as finally blurted out how he truly felt. “I love you [Name]!” He tugged quickly on a button in his robes before he offered it to you with shaking hands.
You stared at him—stunned—you knew what Idia was like. You knew how much courage it must have took him to be tell you this—and to confront you about it too…
“Idia… won’t you look at me? Please?” you asked, gently. He glanced up at you, and you gave him a sweet smile that had his heart run a mile a minute. With that tender expression, you took the button in his hands and rubbed it gently with your fingers.
“Idia… you didn’t hear the whole thing, did you?” Idia furrowed his brows, before he shook his head.
“I accidentally quit the program…” he admitted, “and… I was too scared to go back on so…”
“Idia—I’m not leaving.”
“I guess it wasn’t enough—wait, what?” his head jerked back up to see your happy expression.
“I have no plans on leaving. If you had listened further, you might’ve heard that.” You giggled lightly, “I didn’t want to leave you—so I asked Crowley if it was possible to just… communicate with my world instead.” Idia gaped at you, completely surprised.
“Wait—you’re staying?”
“For me?” he squeaked, and you nodded.
“For you. For us.” You held up the button between your fingers, and he looked at it for a moment before he met your gaze again, his face rapidly turned a bright red.
“So, I—I didn’t need to—do this—?”
“Technically…  no?”
“Can you just forget the last few minutes please—”
“Absolutely not!” He made a strangled whimper-like sound at the back of his throat, and you laughed as you moved to embrace him. “I won’t forget it—because I love you too!”
“You—you do?”
You pulled back, to cup his face in your hands. His cheeks burned red, but you disregarded that to look into his gold eyes. His pupils shook, and you could see how nervous he was—you could feel the way he trembled in your hands.
“I love you Idia—and I’ll happily accept your heart.” Idia exhaled heavily, as he slackened into your arms, before he moved to wrap his arms around you.
“And… I love you…” he mumbled, less nervous—a little more assured—but for sure, deep in love. “Thank you… for staying with me.”
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When Malleus himself invited you to Diasomnia—you gathered all your courage to go and tell him about what Crowley had told you.
"Ah [Name].” Sebek greeted you with a cheerful smile as you entered Diasomnia’s Main Hall. “Care for a button?” 
Your brows shot up as you realized that he was carrying a bunch of buttons in his cupped hand. 
“Err... Sebek... why...” you cleared your throat. “Why do you have so many... buttons?” Sebek brightened up at the question.
“You see, remember when Ace was speaking about the Second Button tradition?” At your hesitant nod, he continued, “I have come to understand that I shouldn’t be thinking about exchanging buttons with the Young Master—” 
‘Oh dear.’
“As his vassal, I should be more concerned with the fact that should he exchange buttons with someone, it would ruin his attire—and by extension it may ruin his reputation.” Sebek nodded to himself, pleased with his own reasoning. “So, I chose to prepare a lot of buttons for the Young Master to pass out to those seeking his button.” 
“I... I see.” You exhaled. If you had to describe what you felt for Sebek at this very moment—you would describe it as exasperated, but fond. He wasn’t a bad person--just... hilariously attached.  
Had it already been two years since you came to Twisted Wonderland? Had it already been two whole years since you had met him in the gardens of the Ramshackle Dorm?
No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t remember how dark it had been that night—nor could you remember the exact reason why you had still been awake.
“Hm. Who are you?”
What you do know is that everything faded away in favour of remembering how you felt when you first laid eyes on Malleus. 
“Well now this is a surprise. You are a child of man.” 
Long dark hair that tumbled down to the small of his back, pale porcelain skin, and vividly green eyes that were framed by long, thick lashes. The light of the moon was bright enough to illuminate him and it made him all the more ethereal in the night. 
As you had stared at him, you felt your throat dry, your heart picked up its pace and your cheeks burned. You didn’t know—you still don’t know—but something about Malleus just left you so speechless... and in awe. 
You raised a hand to your chest, as you felt it skip a beat just at the thought of him.
‘I have it bad.’ you had to accept that much—even if you knew you had—practically—zero chance with him. 
“[Name]?” Sebek brought you out of your stupor. You dragged your eyes back down to Sebek’s palm, and the shining buttons in his palm. 
“I’m surprised you’re even offering.” you pointed out, and Sebek glanced at you thoughtfully.
“Regardless of my personal feelings,” Sebek sniffed. “I at least know that the Young Master thinks of you as an important friend.” 
‘What was it that Jack said?’ 
Jack had said it was something of a serious promise (Ace completely disregarded it--but... well, you were more likely to believe Jack between the two of them). You also remembered that Malleus wasn’t even allowed to show up in front of the Ghost Bride because he was the sole heir of the Valley of Thorns... 
‘It’s not like Malleus would give me his he...’ You couldn’t help but blink in surprise at the bitterness of your thoughts. ‘Since when did I...’ You quickly shrugged it off, before you finally nodded at Sebek.
“Sure, why not?” After you picked it up, you began to play with it in between your fingers. 
“Come to think of it [Name], what are you doing here?” Sebek eyed you suspiciously. 
“Ah that’s because—” 
“I invited her here.” At the sound of his voice, a shiver ran down your spine—and you felt the tips of your ears burn with a blush. You both turned to see Malleus as he entered the main hall. 
Your eyes widened, and a gasp slid past your lips at the sight of him dressed in the dark coloured summoning robes. As the robe billowed around his long legs, he moved with a certain grace that made it seemed like he was gliding towards you. 
“Woah...” you raised a hand to your lips in surprise. In return, Malleus’s lips only curled—pleased at your reaction.
“Ah, Young Master! You look amazing!” Sebek exhaled, as awed as you. 
“Thank you.” He inclined his head elegantly, before his eyes shifted back to you. You shuffled in place uncomfortably, before his lips raised into a gentle smile.
“I apologize I could not come to Ramshackle tonight. We were busy preparing for graduation.” Malleus said, “I thought we could walk instead in the gardens of Diasomnia... before I escorted you home. Not a bad plan, no?” 
“Young Master...” Sebek furrowed his brows briefly, but Malleus only raised a hand—his eyes never leaving your form.
“It is fine Sebek. I will not take too long.” He tilted his head; his dark hair gently fell across his face at the motion and your struck by the motion to tuck it behind his ear. You had to curl your fingers together to stop yourself. 
“Shall we?” 
You walked quietly beside Malleus through the gardens; your heart pounded in your ears. 
‘I have to tell him. I really need to.’ You glanced at him quickly from the corner of your eyes. His eyes had slid shut as he inhaled, his shoulders rose and fell at his action. Your heart twisted regretfully, and you could feel your eyes tear up briefly.
His smile was gentle—delicate, much like the fairy lights that naturally accompanied him every night. 
He looked so peaceful. 
He looked content.
He had once been so forlorn.
His eyes had been so viridescent and sad. Loneliness had wrapped him up in a cold embrace.
You wondered if centuries from now—Malleus would remember you. 
You doubted it. 
You were just a drop in the ocean of Malleus’s life. 
As if you could ever... 
“I’ve been wondering.” you flinched as he suddenly spoke, and you blinked rapidly—as you hoped that none of the wetness in your eyes fall out. 
“Yeah?” you hoped he didn’t notice the way that you had been so overcome with your feelings that you had to choke that out.
“That.” Malleus pointed at button that you had been unconsciously playing with your hands. “Why are you holding a button?” 
“Oh that’s...” you looked down at the button in your hand, “Sebek gave it to me. He said he was passing it out to people who would ask you for your button.” 
“My button?” the dragon fae blinked slowly. You quickly told him about the tradition Ace had mentioned. 
“Ah.” Malleus let out a soft chuckle. “Yes, I do believe Lilia mentioned it.” then he peered down at you again. “That begs the question... why did you accept the button from Sebek?” 
“Well... that’s because...” you nibbled on your lower lip. ‘It’s not like I can tell him that I...’ you stopped walking, and when Malleus realized that you had stopped moving—he turned around to face you.  
“Little one?” 
“I just figured... well... I don’t think I’d ever get one.” you said in a self-deprecating tone. “So, I thought... might as well... It’s a cute tradition anyways.” 
Malleus felt his brows furrow in response. He had easily noticed that your mood was not particularly bright. He frowned; he despised the things that would make you sad—it made your light dim. 
Your brilliance saved him. 
He would be damned before he let anything cause you to flicker out like a dying star. 
When you saw his shadow approach you, you couldn’t help but flinch. You didn’t want him to look at you right now—when you know your feelings are all over your face—when you couldn’t control the way your heart hummed in pleasure—knowing he was with you. 
Malleus grabbed your hands, and you swear he could probably feel the way your heartbeat moved into a rapid pace at his touch. At this proximity—Malleus’s scent—gentle but fragrant—of wildflowers and smoke—enveloped you, it made you instinctively relax. You looked at your hands as he gently pried your fingers open to take the button away from you. 
“I see...” 
Before your eyes, the innocent little button caught a flame and burned away. 
“Malleus, that’s overdoing it—don’t you think—” when you looked up, you caught sight of the way he reached for the buttons on his uniform.
“I wish you spoke to me first.” Malleus said softly as he pressed the button into your palms. He looked down at you, with those eyes—
Vivid greens--but so gentle, so loving. 
Nobody had ever looked at you like that. 
“After all, I would gladly give my heart to you, my bright light.” your eyes widened, and they began to sting.
“You can’t... you can’t just do that... You’re a fae prince... and I.... I don’t belong here... I... I...” Malleus listened intently as your breath grew uneven as you tried not to cry. “I... I don’t...” you tried to give the button back, but Malleus only pressed your fingers close. “Crowley told me I could go home...” 
“You do not have to.” Malleus leaned down and lifted your head so that he could press his forehead against yours. Your eyes were too sad—too wet.
He could not believe that you thought of yourself like this. 
‘You don’t understand little light... If there’s anyone who should be unworthy to bathe in your presence it would be I....’ 
“You could stay here, with me. You could be my Queen...” Malleus paused thoughtfully, “No... that is wrong. You already are my Queen.” 
“I’m no fae. Not even a magician. Not a speck of magic in me.” your grief escaped you through your tears, “you still want that?” 
‘Volatile as I was... so arrogant and self-assured in my own powers.... but you had not given up on me, little light.... that is why... I won’t let go of you either.’ 
"Of course.” he replied easily, “you possess more power than you think. You possess so much power over me.” he whispered, and his breath fanned over your face. “I do not mind how powerless I am against you.” 
“I’m not an immortal. You... I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“Oh, bright light... I would prefer to live the rest of your life by your side... rather than spend centuries contemplating what it could have felt… to hold you in my arms.” Malleus professed. You were now openly sobbing, and Malleus pressed his lips against your jaw, onto your cheeks and over your eyelids. 
“And should you worry about the centuries after... that is alright my bright light. I will simply find you again.” 
As he pulled away, he noticed that your breathing was still shaky, and he leaned in again to give you several more comforting kisses. 
“Won’t you... get bored of me?” 
“Ah... but you are such a bright spark... I will never tire of you.” He made sure to stare straight into your eyes, “I will never tire of the way you look at me, the way you blush... the way you react when I call for you—and the feel of your heart...” He moved his thumb to feel the rhythmic beat of your heart. 
“Will you not… let me…have your heart too?” He found the button—his button from earlier—and pressed it once more into your palm, to remind you of his earlier gift.
‘His heart...’  
“...How... can I say no?” you choked out, “Yes... of course... Malleus.... I’d... there’s never been anything I wanted more.” 
He could feel his shoulders slacken in relief at your response, as he bent down to brush his lips across yours. 
‘I was terrified that you would slip away from me... Thank you...’ 
“Then let whatever years we have together... be ours only....” 
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Ingenium Fracta
Chapter three: Fear and pain
Tw: funerals, doctors, suffocation, nightmares.
"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here to celebrate the life of Iida Tenya; honoured friend, beloved son and brother. He was a good young man, taken from us too soon. Tenya was a model student and a perfect future hero, who was taken from us by an event none could see happen. It's safe to say that he's in a better place now, he's-"
There had been a funeral, the entire class had shown up. No one really spoke, it was nice catching up with Tensei he supposed, but the fact that it was at a funeral for the poor man's brother really put a damper on things. Aizawa had never felt more guilty for anything in his life, he couldn't believe he'd let a student die like that, how could he be a teacher now?
They never even found the body, Aizawa figured it was because Iida had been fighting Shigaraki at the time. That poor boy, Aizawa couldn't imagine what his family was going through. Class 1-A had completely refused to vote in a new class president, seeming offended at the very idea. Aizawa couldn't blame them at all and he managed to get Nezu to agree that the class would be fine with only a vice president. It was going to be a bit difficult for poor Momo but she was adamant she could manage, replacing Iida would be an insult.
Recently, Aizawa had found himself having regular nightmares about losing more students. It was one of those nights where Hizashi found him, he didn't know where Hizashi had been but he didn't really care. All that mattered to Aizawa was that his loving husband was now holding him gently, "Sho? What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" He nodded in response and was suddenly lifted up and placed onto Hizashi's lap, a hand combing through his hair, "it's ok babe, it wasn't real, it's just a nightmare."
"I dreamt I lost more students…"
"Oh Shouta…" Hizashi kissed the top of his head, "it isn't your fault, it never was. You couldn't have known the villains would be there, no one could."
"But…" he was crying now, "I'm supposed to be their teacher, Hizashi, I'm supposed to be a hero!"
"You are a hero! You're EraserHead! Those kids adore you Sho! And they don't hold a single thing against you, please don't hold it against yourself." He was brushing Aizawa's hair now, making sure to be careful of all the knots and tangles. Aizawa had no idea where he found such a perfect husband, he certainly didn't deserve someone so loving. "You did everything you could, but you had to watch the whole class, it's understandable that one slipped through the cracks."
It was silent for a bit after that, Aizawa just sat there trying to process Hizashi's words as the husband in question continued to brush his hair- he was braiding it now. It was very bad when Aizawa couldn't sleep, he usually slept through everything, his thoughts had to be incredibly bad if they were keeping him awake. The guilt that followed losing a student was more than enough though, not only that but it had been the class president, it had been Tenya Iida, Aizawa used to be in the same class as Tensei; the guy was the sweetest, most caring hero they had in their class. It really showed when he saw how Tenya behaved with class 1-A, everything he did reminded Aizawa of Tensei, but now seeing Tensei's face at the funeral, Aizawa had only seen Tenya. What a horrific way for the tables to turn.
The Iida's were a proud family, with a long and incredible lineage; they'd been doing good for people before quirks even evolved. Aizawa had always known them to be a little stuck up in their attitudes, Tensei being the clear outlier- the more he'd seen of Tenya, the more he realised both the Iida brothers were outliers. The funeral had been the first time he'd ever seen any of the Iida's cry- well except from Tenya, who had cried when the hero killer had hurt Tensei and was now unable to cry at all, or even feel emotions. Aizawa couldn't blame Iida's parents for crying; their baby had just died after all. They'd had one hell of a year, first Tensei's legs and now their youngest son.
A child had died. That was the hardest part for Aizawa to cope with; the fact that a child, barely 16, had died due to his failings as both a teacher and a hero. The civilians that had been on the same floor had praised Iida, commenting that they had felt safe around the next Ingenium. They told everyone about how cool and composed he had been when instructing them to evacuate and then one even mentioned him running in to disarm the villain. Aizawa honestly couldn't have been prouder of the kid, Iida had been the perfect picture of a model hero. That's what it was all about, saving and protecting the public. That was why Aizawa was a failure; he couldn't even save one child.
Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do now. It was too late to save him. So all Aizawa and everyone else could hope to do was move on and grow from it, he had argued with Nezu for the fourth time about getting his class a specialist councillor and he'd finally agreed to it, saying he'd look for one. His kids really needed it, Aizawa could well imagine how the death of a classmate felt to them, and it wasn't any classmate either; it was their beloved class president. When the news was broken to them, Aizawa had even seen Mineta and Bakugou shedding tears, and neither of them were even friends with Iida.
It was safe to say that everyone would miss the boy greatly, Aizawa didn't even like calling him a boy; Tenya Iida had proven himself more of a man then Aizawa was. The hero course favoured the flashy and the violent, but true heroes like Iida were really overlooked. Aizawa would make sure to praise the model students he had in the future, he shouldn't waste so.much time with the problem children. There should be a balance; heroes are supposed to be the protectors, but who protects the heroes? Aizawa would've liked to say it was him, but clearly he was lacking in that department.
Black smoke, filling his lungs, stealing his air. He was choking, he was on the floor. He'd been asked to revv his engines, to show what they could do, now he was choking on his own exhaust fumes. He was on the floor, when did he fall to the floor? There was yelling all around him and he wasn't sure what was going on in the slightest. He felt his consciousness slipping away from him as he gasped for air, his eyes were shut tight but he could feel the tears running down his face. He finally lost consciousness as he heard one of the men yelling, "get both! Just in case!"
When he came to, he was laying in a bed. Judging by the room it was probably Toga's bed, the mattress was so soft and the aching feeling in his legs didn't feel so bad when he lay there. He was surrounded by Toga, the burnt man and three men Tenya hadn't met yet. One man was wearing a full body suit, in blacks and greys, the second man was clearly just a mechanic, the third being a doctor, both the two regular men were clearly being held at gunpoint. Tenya had the vague idea that this was illegal, but he was too tired to think much of it.
"Are you alright kid?" The burnt man asked, putting a hand on the bed frame, "apparently part of your engine got disconnected and we had to get a doctor and a mechanic to fix it for you."
"Oh," Tenya paused, he hadn't considered the fact that bring trapped under rubble would affect his engines, although to be fair, he didn't really understand how his engines worked- or at least he'd forgotten, "well they do kind of ache…"
The doctor nodded, "that'd be the stitches, they'll ache for a little while but they should degrade on their own… can I go home now?" The mechanic looked just as desperate to leave as the doctor, and both men were led downstairs by the man in the catsuit.
Toga sat on the bed next to him, "normally I like seeing boys all injured like that, but that was really scary- there wasn't even any blood!" She frowned at him, "are you sure you're alright? I don't want my new friend dying on me!"
"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm from very hardy stock."
The burnt man raised an eyebrow at that, "do you remember what stock? Recall any family members?"
"Hmm…" unfortunately Tenya still couldn't remember anything about his family outside of his last name, "still no, my apologies."
"Don't apologize kid, they abandoned you too didn't they? Didn't even care that their kid 'died', only about those poor, defenseless heroes."
"Yeah!" Toga added, frowning, "those meanie heros left you to die! You shouldn't care about them!"
Tenya nodded, that made sense to him. The thought of people calling themselves heroes leaving someone to die in a wreckage made his blood boil- he hoped that didn't translate to his engine, he didn't want to put any strain on it at the moment. Instead he just watched them leave the room, and he settled down for a nap; he may as well use Toga's bed whilst he had it.
Dispite Kurogiri's concern, Tenya had ended up moving into Toga's room anyway; they were the only ones close enough in age and since Tenya was gay and Toga already had a crush, the adults figured it would be fine. Tenya had been happy to help the burnt man, who Tenya later found out was named Dabi, set up his bed. Kurogiri even bought him an Ingenium poster, which Tenya found off because he could have sworn that *he* was Ingenium… but nevertheless, Tenya found it very nice of him, he hadn't been expecting that. The man known as Twice somehow managed to get him a new pair of glasses as his last pair had been broken, he'd also bought Tenya some bedsheets and pillow covers, as well as many books to help Tenya keep up with his studies.
In fact, Tenya was studying when Toga looked over at his book, "whatcha doin'?"
"I'm reading about algebra, see?" He showed her the notebook he was trying the questions in, "it's like maths but there's letters! It's rather fun!"
"Why would there be letters in maths? That doesn't make any sense!"
He chuckled at that, shuffling to the side so she could get on the bed with him, "oh it's easy when you think about it, come on; I'll show you." He put his bookmark in the book and flipped back a few chapters, understanding that Toga would probably need something a little easier.
"Let's try something simple, okay?" He smiled at her, beginning to write the question down when she nodded. "So let's say that A means one, and B means two, what would A plus B make?" He wrote the question down as he said it, making sure it was clear.
She nodded slowly, taking the pen from Tenya as she slowly wrote down the answer, at least she understood basic maths- although her handwriting was terrible. "Is it three? Or do I have to write down another number?"
"Well technically you're right, unfortunately the rules of algebra dictate that the answer would be AB."
Toga proceeded to look at Tenya like he was a moron, "so it's not even numbers? Why is it still maths?"
He sighed, unsure of how to explain it to her, "well you've got to figure out how to shorten the question I suppose, it doesn't entirely make sense- but that's what makes it so fun!" He smiled, knowing there was no point in explain it to her, she hadn't finished middle school so there wasn't much of a chance of her grasping algebra.
"You're so weird Ten-chan! Stick to liking murder like the rest of us!" She giggled, they both knew there was no malice behind that, her genuine smile showed that. Toga got off of the bed and went back to her own, toying with her knife. "Do you want to talk about Izuku?"
"Who?" Tenya didn't think he'd ever heard that name before, but he had a funny feeling of deja vu from it.
"Huh?" Toga was once again looking at Tenya like he was stupid, "you know? Green hair, freckles? Sometimes goes by Deku? Izuku Midoriya?"
A gasp, "Midoriya?" Tenya knew Midoriya, he loved Midoriya! Midoriya was his best friend, was Izuku his first name? Tenya felt a little guilty that he didn't know his best friend's full name, or even how he looked. To be fair though, he did have memory issues, so he couldn't be blamed really.
"Yeah! That's Izuku's last name! You wanna talk about him?"
"Of course I want to talk about Midoriya! He's my best friend!"
Toga giggled, taking out her phone and beginning to show him the photos she'd taken. They were photos of Midoriya, Tenya instantly recognized him, despite not remembering his face. The fear on his face in every photo was particularly familiar, and Tenya found himself having flashes of an image in his head, of nothing but pure worry and stress on Midoriya's face. Toga snapped him back to reality, beaming happily, "isn't he cute??"
Tenya had to nod at that, "his hair is very fluffy, and I like his freckles." He did agree with Toga, Midoriya was a lot more adorable than Tenya had expected. This was his best friend? Oh Tenya must be the best at making friends then, to befriend someone so pretty.
"I know, right? I like him best when he's covered in blood!"
A moment of silence and Toga paused, "I don't know, just think he's attractive," she shrugged, clearly not having a real answer. Tenya didn't really mind, he was just curious, he didn't actually care either way.
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destielficarchive · 4 years
Deleted Author Profile: TamrynEradani
Author and co-author of more than 50 fics, for a while TamrynEradani was one of the most popular authors in the fandom, especially known for their break-out BDSM fic, “Carry On.” They’re also one of the easiest deleted authors to talk about, because they gave warning before they deleted so people could save files and (as far as I know, anyway) gave blanket permission for copies of their works to be distributed. 
Work Highlights:
Carry On, and its Timestamp (Explicit). 148,087 words (main story); 5,985 words (timestamp). No Archive Warnings Apply.
When Sam gets into Stanford, Dean needs a bigger paycheck than Bobby's garage can give him. Luckily, he knows a guy.
This is the original summary but it unfortunately gives little idea of what Carry On is actually about; basically, from a “fandom history” stand point, Carry On (written in 2013) created the BDSM genre for the Destiel fandom. While of course it wasn’t the first Destiel BDSM fic, and far from the only one even at the time it was published, it was such a major work in terms of popularity, and so well known and widely read that, especially in 2014 and 2015, almost every BDSM story that came out bore echoes of Carry On. The basic premise is: Dean needs money for Sam’s tuition, and so he decides to become a sub-for-hire, and is hired by Cas. Sound familiar? Well, Carry On did it first. (don’t take this as a judgement call or a statement on the quality of Carry On or any of the works that came after).
(Archivist’s Note: don’t expect me to write quite so much about every story, but unlike the vast majority of the fics in the Archive, I actually read Carry On, when it was still up on AO3, and so I can speak a little more than usual to it’s backstory and plot.)
Set Me Up, Buttercup (Teen+). 30,071 words. No Archive Warnings Apply.
Dean is the starting setter for his college's volleyball team. His plans for the year include winning Conferences, passing his classes, kicking Benny's butt at basketball, and making sure Ash remembers to eat and bathe on a semi-regular basis. He doesn't plan on meeting Cas Milton but once he does, Dean's carefully planned year changes.  
TamrynEradani’sentry to the 2013 Dean/Cas Bing Bang is a college AU with art by crimsonswirls.
Time of My Life (Teen+). 35,940 words. No Archive Warnings Apply.
Dean Winchester is an ice dancer who is scrambling to find a new partner after his couldn't skate with him anymore. Castiel is an ice dancer who can't seem to keep a partner. They're each other's last chance but can they also be each other's best chance?
It’s been years since I read this but irc, Time of My Life isn’t a Cutting Edge AU - TamrynEradani had never seen the movie, I think is in one of their author’s notes - but if you’ve seen the movie you’d never guess that. As the summary makes clear it’s not a precise overlap, but there’s definite commonalities.
The Dean Smith ‘Verse (Explicit). 6 stories, 28,483 words. No Archive Warnings Apply.
Dean Smith is a man of routine. Castiel takes him apart.
Another BDSM AU; Dean Smith becomes the sub for Cas. As a side note, the verse includes a threesome with Benny, but is most definitely primarily a Destiel AU.
This Crooked Fish, co-written with clotpoleofthelord (Explicit). 3 stories, 52,249 words.
With the first Lady Knight in centuries, a tournament and Progress to honor a Royal Marriage, and the Crown Prince falling in love with the King of the Rogues, it's certainly not going to be a boring year in the kingdom of Tortall.
Written with Tamryneradani, who is no longer on the internet.
Note that This Crooked Fish is still available on AO3.
Interested in any of these or other works by TamrynEradani? There is a publicly accessible list of their most popular works, with links to download them, that can be found here. (the archive also reblogged this post earlier this week)
Or, click on the read more below to see a list of which TamrynEradani fics are available in the Archive, and which we’re still looking for!
Warning: While I am willing to distribute what I have - please contact me by DM for more information - if I hear anything from the author or their representative asking me not to distribute these fics I will cease to do so. Thank you for understanding!
Fics by TamrynEradani currently in the Destiel Fic Archive:
A Glimpse of the World
A Lesson in Communication
An Empty Heart and a Full Clip 1: An Empty Heart and a Full Clip
An Empty Heart and a Full Clip 2: Graduation Party
Baking Season
Both Sides Now
Carry On 1: Carry On
Carry On 2: Five Times Sam and Cas Met
Dean Smith Verse 1: Delayed Gratification
Dean Smith Verse 2: Who I Am When I'm With You
Dean Smith Verse 3: Positive Reinforcement
Dean Smith Verse 4: Work It
Dean Smith Verse 5: Weekend Getaway
Dean Smith Verse 6: Caught in Between
Don't Stop Believing
Employee of the Month
Games We Play
Get Out Alive
He Prayed to You Every Night
Heavenly Delights
Here in Your Arms
His Mother's Son
I Can Haz Kittenz
I'm Sorry
If You Rock the Boat, You're Gonna Get Splashed
Inside Your Heaven
Like a Human
Morning Sunshine
Mornings Like These
Most Obnoxious Angel in the Garrison 1: Paging the Righteous Man
Most Obnoxious Angel in the Garrison 2: Baked Lays and Nail Polish
My Morning Light
Never Enough
No Place Like Home
Now I See
Part of the Family
Patchwork Project
Peace of Mind
Rest for the Weary
Set Me Up, Buttercup
Softly Spoken, Softly Received
Take Us Home
Teacher Dean 1: New Students and New Beginnings
Teacher Dean 2: Tea Parties and Burritos
Teenage Rebellion
The Auction
The Dean Winchester Guide to Dating 1: Consent and Intent
The Dean Winchester Guide to Dating 2: Flowers are a Must
The Life of a Hunter
The Monster Within
Time of My Life
To Boldly Go
Unusual Combinations
Welcome to the Dork Side
What's in a Name
Whisper My Confessions to the Dark
Work It
A Lifetime Special
Angels We Have Heard on High
Deck the Halls
Get Off My Beach
I Put Myself in Your Hands
My Pretty Boy
Speak Now
Tinfoil Dinners
Note: if you know of or have a copy of a TamrynEradani work that is on neither of the two lists just above, that means I don’t know said story even exists, and even if you don’t have a copy I’d appreciate if you could tell me the work title so I can try to find it. I do my best to be thorough, but tracking down full work lists for deleted authors is an imperfect art at best, and can be nigh-impossible at worst. Thank you!
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buzzdixonwriter · 4 years
Another Pointless Top Ten List (But You’ll Keep Reading, Anyway)
My brother Rikk recently mailed me another top ten list of his, in this instance being his top ten favorite TV comedy shows (which he defines as 30 minutes or less, no movies).
The Three Stooges
The Andry Griffith Show 
The Beverly Hillbillies
Hogan’s Heroes
I Love Lucy 
The Honeymooners 
All In The Family
Get Smart 
Gilligan’s Island
His honorable mentions include F Troop, The Patty Duke Show, My Three Sons, Gomer Pyle USMC, Batman, Petticoat Junction, Mr. Ed. Bewitched, and I Dream Of Jeanie.
Again, one of those personal favorite lists that you really can’t argue with because it reflects personal tastes and / or fond nostalgia (though I am calling shenanigans on The Three Stooges; they were theatrical shorts shown in movie theaters, not a TV show, and besides, Laurel & Hardy are soooooo much better…).
But of course we’re going to play the game, so I’ll respond, first throwing in a caveat:  No skit comedy shows such as Monty Python’s Flying Circus, The Marty Feldman Show, Benny Hill, Second City TV, The Kids In The Hall, or Love, American Style.
I’m also omitting programs like The Gong Show and Jackass because while hilarious and under 30 minutes, they weren’t scripted or story driven.
So here’s my list:
The Dick Van Dyke Show -- the sitcom art form at peak perfection.  Carl Reiner’s insight into what writing for a mercurial TV star is like (in his case, Sid Caesar on Your Show Of Shows, for Van Dyke’s Rob Petrie it was Carl Reiner as Alan Brady).  If you’ve never seen the show, start off with their two best episodes, “Coast To Coast Big Mouth” and “October Eve” (though they’re all good).  “October Eve” is the one where Sally (Rose Marie) finds a nude painting of Laura (Mary Tyler Moore playing Dick Van Dyke’s wife) in an art gallery.  SALLY:  “There’s a painting here you should know about.”  LAURA: “If it’s what I think it is, I can explain.”  SALLY:  “If you need to explain, it’s what you think it is.”
The Mary Tyler Moore Show – this is the first American novel for television.  It’s a novel of character, not plot, and it traces the growth of Mary Richards, a 30 year old woman-child who realizes she needs to grow up, as she blossoms into a mature, self-reliant adult.  You can select two episodes at random and by comparing her character growth determine not only which season they were filmed but when in that season.
I Love Lucy -- eking out a bronze medal for its longevity and pioneering of the art form.  The first sitcom shot on film, it led the way in the rerun market.  Not just a historical icon but consistently funny.
WKRP In Cincinnati -- as crazy as a sitcom could get and still be within the realm of plausibility.  Never loved by its network, they bounced it around for four seasons until it faded away (it made a syndicated comeback a decade later, of which we shall not speak).  Great supporting staff, dynamite writing.  While they never steered away from serious subject matters (such as an actual rock concert tragedy in Cincinnati where several fans were crushed when rushing the stage), they will be forever and justly remembered for the beloved “Turkey Drop” episode.
Fawlty Towers – only two seasons and a mere 12 episodes and yet more comedic bang for the buck than anything else on this list.  John Cleese as a frustrated, short-tempered, conniving hotelier practically writes itself.  SYBIL FAWLTY:  “You know what I’ll do if I find you’ve been gambling again, don’t you, Basil?”  BASIL:  “You’ll have to sew them back on first, m’dear.”
That Girl -- looking back it can sometimes be hard to judge just how groundbreaking certain shows were.  Marlo Thomas as a struggling young actress finding romance and success in Manhattan seems positively wholesome today, but in the mid-1960s it was considered quite daring and progressive.  The Mary Tyler Moore Show took their opening credits inspiration from Marlo Thomas’ character exploring Manhattan in the opening credits of That Girl.
He & She -- a one season wonder from 1967.  Another daring and progressive show for its era.  Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss played a young married couple, he being a cartoonist who drew a superhero strip (the actor playing the superhero on TV in the series was Jack Cassidy at his manic best).  Another show with a dynamite supporting cast…and just too hip for the room at the time (honorable mention to Love On A Rooftop, a similar show from the previous season that also proved too advanced for audiences at that time).  
Green Acres -- started out silly but quickly took a turn into the surreal, breaking the fourth wall, commenting on the opening credits as they ran by, all sorts of oddball stuff.  Dismissed as a hayseed comedy, the truth is the supporting cast possessed dynamite comedic chops and their sense of timing is a joy to behold.  Forms a loose trilogy with The Beverly Hillbillies and Petticoat Junction since all three referenced the same small towns of Hooterville and Pixley  as well as occasional crossovers (honorable mention to the first season of Petticoat Junction which is as pure an example of Americana as one could hope to find and could easily be distilled into a feature film remake).
The Young Ones -- another two season / twelve episode wonder from the UK.  Four stereotypical English college students go through increasing levels of insanity as the series progressed.  Unlike most shows of the era where there was no continuity episode to episode, damage done in an early episode would still be seen for the rest of the series.  (They also would simply end a show when they ran out of time, not resolving that episode’s plot.)  Their random / non sequitur style proved a tremendous influence on shows like Family Guy.
Fernwood 2 Nite / America 2-Nite -- a spin off from the faux soap opera Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, this presented itself as a cable access variety show for Mary Hartman’s hometown of Fernwood.  With Martin Mull as the obnoxious host, Fred Willard as his incurably dense second banana, and TV theme song composer Frank De Vol as the band leader.  Because it’s so rooted in 1970s pop culture it doesn’t age as well as some other shows on the list, but many of the gags still land solidly today.  For the second season the show-within-a-show went nationwide and became America 2-Nite. Very funny, very well written, and all the more remarkable because these guys were doing five episodes a week!
Okay, so what can this list tell us?
Buzz is old.  Like really, really, really old.
Buzz stopped watching sitcoms in the mid-1980s.
There’s a reason for that.  By that time I was writing for TV and trying to get my own work done.  I didn’t have time to sit and watch TV on a regular basis (still don’t), and too often I could see the gears turning and guess where the episode was heading by the end of the first scene (still do).
I’ve veered away from “must watch” TV, especially shows that require the audience to keep track of what’s gone on before.
Tell me I have to see the first six seasons of a show to appreciate what happens in the seventh and you’ve just lost me as a potential viewer.  I’m strictly a one & done kinda guy now (though I will binge watch if a mini-series has a manageable number of episodes, say six).
My list represents a time capsule for what caught my interest and attention during a very formative period of my life, i.e., from the early 1960s as I became more and more aware that writing was where my future lay, to the mid-1980s when I hit a good peak stretch.
I don’t doubt there are great and wonderful hilarious comedies out there that I haven’t seen, I’m just listing what I have seen that did make an impression on me.
Your mileage may vary.*
    © Buzz Dixon
  *  It should vary!  Be your own person!
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isiddthesloth · 4 years
I Got a Feline, Chapter 3: A My Hero Academia Fanfic.
I’d really appreciate it if you could head over to AO3 and let me know what you think in the comments there! If not, I’ll post this entire chapter here. I’m working on chapter 4 now.
     Were you going to walk casually in, as if there was nothing wrong? Or was Aizawa going to introduce you, just as he had introduced you as his assistant teacher on your first day? You shuddered at the thought. You didn’t want to stand in front of all of Class 1A again, being sized up by children much smaller and younger than you. You were fine when you were teaching them but answering questions about yourself was a different matter. Would they even be able to understand what you were saying in tiger-form, anyway?
     Aizawa strolled in, casually tapping his lesson notes over his shoulder. He hadn’t even spoken to you once since you’d transformed. You wanted to chalk it up to him being sleepy and grumpy, but you knew that even before today, he had always been a little stand-offish.
     “Don’t worry about it!” Hizashi had said over lunch during your first week. He leaned back dangerously in his chair. “I’ve known Shota for years. He’s always like that with everyone!”
     You had cocked an eyebrow at Hizashi. “Uh huh. He doesn’t act that way with you,” you smirked, raising an eyebrow at him (a talent you were quite proud of).
     Hizashi had chuckled. “It’s ‘cause I’ve battered him down with my irresistible charm!” he winked at you, and you rolled your eyes.
     “I bet Aizawa wouldn’t call it that.”
Continue reading on AO3 or
     Aizawa now stood behind the front podium, running through a couple of announcements. You waited nervously just outside the door. As soon as he’d finished, even before he could take the next breath, Tsu raised her hand. Before Aizawa called on her, she rushed forward.
     “Aizawa-sensei, where is [Y/N]-sensei?” Tsu asked. Most of the girls nodded in agreement, chorusing, “Yeah, where are they?” “Shouldn’t they be here by now?” “What if they were attacked by a villain?” “What if they’re DEAD?” You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. 1A had the special ability to always make you laugh, even when you didn’t want to.
     The panicked mumbles of the class grew louder and louder, and you looked at Aizawa with concern. “That’s enough!” His eyes flashed and all the students immediately settled down.
     “[Y/N]-sensei had a quirk-related incident earlier today.” Before any of the kids could interrupt him with more questions, Aizawa continued. “They will be remaining in this form temporarily.”
     You took that as your cue to enter. For a moment, there was only a shocked silence. Then, all of a sudden, there was an uproar. Many students almost jumped out of their seats (they had the good sense to not actually leave them; Aizawa already looked more than slightly annoyed).
     You tried to give the class a small smile, even as most of the kids began shouting questions, some of them even lifting out of their chairs with their hands raised.
     “That’s so AWESOME!” Kaminari yelled. Mineta fainted and fell out of his chair (you rolled your eyes at that). Bakugo and Todoroki looked unimpressed and a little bored. Midoriya immediately pulled out his notebook, looked at you, then frantically wrote, looked back at you, and then took more notes. Black Shadow cowered behind Tokoyami.
     Oh yeah, birds are afraid of cats. You would have to be careful not to frighten Tokoyami too much. You weren’t the type of teacher who terrorized their students.
     “[Y/N]-sensei still have their earrings! How many do you have?” Sero yelled. Embarrassed, you flattened your ears against your head.
     Aizawa’s eyes flashed again, and the class settled down for a moment. He’s going to tire himself out if he keeps using his quirk like that, you thought.
     “[Y/N]-sensei, please proceed to the back of the room, as you are usually stationed.” You nodded and began the excruciatingly slow walk to the back of the classroom, every students’ eyes on you (except Mineta; he was still on the floor).
     “Midoriya, please take Mineta to Recovery Girl-san’s office,” Aizawa instructed. Midoriya and Mineta were seatmates. You were glad Aizawa didn’t ask Yaoyorozu. Knowing Mineta, he would suddenly regain conscious all of a sudden and try to pull something on Momo.
     Tenya Iida immediately stood up, hand raised high into the air. “Aizawa-sensei, please allow me to escort Mineta. As class representative, it is my duty to ensure the well-being of the class.” Minoriya nodded in agreement; he definitely wanted to stay and continue taking notes.
     “Oh mon!” Aoyama cried, back of his hand dramatically resting on his forehead. “Whatever shall we do? Our beloved sensei!” This exclamation gave the rest of the class the opportunity to start a ruckus once more.
     “But they’re so cute!” Ochaco squealed, eyes shut tightly, fists clenched under her chin. Her legs swung back and forth, as though she was in overload from cuteness.
     “I think this is wicked cool,” Jiro said, casually lounging backwards in her seat, twirling her earphones around one finger.
     “I agree!” Mina said. “I want to be an animal too! Which one would I be?”
     As you continued to the back, you were passing by Koda when he leaned out of his seat towards you. “Are you all right, sensei?” You nodded and growled in response.
     “That’s good to hear,” Koda said. Oh wait! Koda’s quirk is AniVoice! Maybe I can communicate with him?
     “Koda, can you understand me?” you asked in.
     “Of course, sensei.” You responded by jumping lightly in excitement. Wait, you thought again. I can’t use Koda as a translator. Your face fell a little. But this was the first time Koda had ever directly spoken to you! He was usually so shy and quiet, you had a difficult time getting to know him. Looks like he felt more comfortable talking to you in your animal form. As an instructor, you couldn’t use Koda’s Quirk to help you for personal reasons, no matter how frustrating your missing ability to communicate was. But maybe this could be an opportunity to bring him out of his hard shell!
     “Thank you for asking, Koda. If you need help with anything, let me know. I will still do my best as your teacher.” You said to him. He smiled sweetly at you. Progress!
     You passed by Kirishima’s seat, and he too leaned out of his chair. “You’re so soft!” he squealed, rubbing the top of your head. It felt really nice, especially as the itching from earlier today hadn’t completely subsided yet.
     “Keep your hands to yourself, Crazy Hair!” Bakugo yelled, throwing his workbook at Kirishima, who dodged it easily. Eijiro started scratching underneath your chin, and you started thumping your tail against the floor in happiness.
     Aizawa interrupted the petting session from the front of the room. “Yes, hands to yourself, Kirishima,” Aizawa threatened. Both of you shrank in fear a little. Aizawa seemed to be getting even more annoyed, if possible.
     Kirishima recovered quickly. “But Aizawa-sensei! Can I please sit in the back with [Y/N]-sensei?” He didn’t stop scratching you. In fact, he continued leaning forward, and forward, until he fell out of his chair. You jumped back quickly enough not to collide with him, but he hit the floor hard.
     “Are you okay?” you asked frantically. You hated seeing any of your students get hurt, especially if you were (partially) to blame. As he lay on the floor, you started licking his face, making sure he was okay and unhurt. Kirishima started laughing, trying to get up and play-wrestling with you.
     “Don’t start with me,” you growled at him.
     Undeterred, Kirishima said, “I’m okay! I’m not hurt! But your tongue is tickling me!” As he playfully fought back, you toppled him to the floor and sat on him, continuing to lick his hair, making it stick out at even crazier and odder angles than it normally did. You made sure not to put your full weight on him, although you could tell he’d already hardened to make sure to protect himself. Good boy!
     Neither you nor Kirishima paid any attention to Aizawa. “KIRISHIMA!” he yelled. At that, the both you looked at him: you, with your tongue sticking halfway out of your mouth, mid-lick.
     “Aw come-on, Aizawa-sensei! I can pay attention from down here! In fact, I’ll pay even more attention! He Bakugo, throw me my workbook again, will you?”
     “Back of the room!” Aizawa pointed at you. You pouted. You were hurt. You never actually expected Aizawa to speak so angrily at you, especially in front of the class.
     “I was just trying to make sure Kirishima was okay!” you said. Of course, Aizawa didn’t understand.
     Finally, he was able to start class, with you stationed in the back. Usually, you’d be observing how he taught the class, and when bored, you’d be grading papers or homework to pass the time. However, you clearly could do none of that. This is so BORING! Am I this boring when I teach? You were going to have to come up with more ways to engage the class.
     Why not start now?
     Aizawa finally started his lesson. The kids paid attention to him for the first few minutes after his angry outburst, but Hagakure turned around in her seat and waved at you. This started a chain reaction of various kids trying to get your attention every time Aizawa turned to write something on the board.
     You weren’t exactly sure how to respond. They never behaved like this on a regular basis. You lifted one enormous paw to wave back at them, but you put it down quickly, feeling sheepish.
     You hadn’t put it down quickly enough, though, as Aizawa made eye contact with you. “[Y/N]-sensei, please come to the front. Everyone! Eyes up here!”
     Embarrassed, you crawled under the front desk and hid. As Aizawa droned on and on, you tried to make yourself comfortable. How on Earth are cats able to sleep on even the most uncomfortable of surfaces? You wondered. It was still a mystery that eluded you. May you would understand in your final tiger form.
     However, you were still a little miffed that Aizawa yelled at you, and you were really bored. I bet everyone is too! You were going to do something you were really going to regret later. But you had to get back at Aizawa!
     You stuck your tail out from under the front of the desk and waved it back and forth. Kirishima, in true fashion, was the first to laugh; Sero and Kaminari followed soon thereafter. Aizawa turned around quickly, glaring at everyone. The room immediately silenced. A few minutes later, you stuck your paws out, pretending to catch something dangling from a string. The class immediately erupted into laughter once more.
     This time, Aizawa’s eyes flashed and his hair stood on end, his wraps levitating around him. He didn’t even need to say anything this time for the class to quiet down. He leaned down to eye level with you, the desk obscuring you and him from the class. You smiled sweetly at him. He glared at you. You blinked prettily at him again, tilting your head to the side. After trying to intimidate you for a few moments, he sighed, rolled his eyes, and extended a hand to quickly ruffle the fur on your head. He resumed teaching before your face was even able to morph into a look of surprise.
     The bell rang, signaling the end of class and the beginning of a five-minute break. Before anyone could get up from their seats and approach you, you bounded out of the classroom. A chorus of “aww”’s and “Where did [Y/N]-sensei go?” sounded behind you. You skidded to a stop in front of the teacher’s lounge and briskly entered. Catching sight of Aizawa’s yellow sleeping bag, you bounded over, grabbed it in your mouth, and then made your way back to the classroom.
     “Hey! That’s my sleeping bag!” Aizawa grumbled at you. He didn’t want to risk playing tug-of-war with it against you, in case it ripped. You were too busy to respond, laying the sleeping bag down and circling around yourself, trying to get comfortable. Honestly, none of these movements felt instinctual at all; you felt as though you were simply copying movements from all the cat videos you’d watched in your lifetime (there were many). As you circled around the bag, you were distracted by your fluffy tail and started chasing it. Again, the class burst into laughter, while Aizawa looked on. I bet they’ll all have stitches in their sides from laughing so much! You didn’t catch it, but Aizawa smiled briefly at you in amusement as well. You finally settled down and began drifting off to sleep, the sleeping bag smelling comfortably and reassuringly like its owner.
     Being an assistant teacher was a lot of work.
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ellebabywrites · 5 years
The Hitman - In Exodus
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Type : Oneshot (Part of The In Exodus Series) // Angst // Fluff // Smut // Cartel!au
Warnings : angst, death, cussing
Author Note : This took me far too long and had my anxieties far too high. I’m finally happy with how it turned out and hope you all enjoy it too !! Please give me some feedback because I’ve worked so hard on this chapter..
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀*⋆.*:*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆**・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚.: ⋆*・゚☾
The smell of freshly baked croissants flood the streets, a sign that the Bakery is about to open and the day beginning. Shutters rise and doors open. The busting workers of Exodus bracing for the day ahead; a day of sales to kids who can barely walk straight with the amount of poison saturating their bloodstream; a day of fighting with the guy from down the road who insists that things were ‘cheaper last week’; a day of overworking for much less of a profit than it’s all worth. Living the dream.
The bakery was different though. Something about it felt like home, and everyone treated it as such. It was the only building for miles that wasn’t painted in graffiti, the only business that was doing well for itself, a little slice of goodness in the middle of all that bad.
That’s what everyone thinks anyway.
Across the street, Jongin is watching through the scope of his rifle. Watching the Baker unlock his doors and flip the closed sign to open. He scoffs. Such a poser.
Saying Jongin enjoyed his job would be pushing it; how much enjoyment can one really get from taking a life without being a psychopath? But he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t looking forward to taking out this one particular man.
He watches the Baker great the first of his customers with a toothy grin, hugging Mrs Jamison when she comes in for her regular morning pastry. If only Mrs Jamison knew all the dirty things that man had been doing with the hand she shakes so willingly.
The town’s beloved Baker wasn’t nearly as squeeky clean as he liked everyone to believe. After hours, he found himself in SUjU territory, hanging out with drug runners, dancing around the subject of Exodus till the haze of alcohol took control, divulging any and all information that might get him another drink.
Pathetic Jongin thinks, noticing how the Baker danced around his customers with such fictitious glee, as if he hadn’t sold them out a hundred times over.
Again, not to say EXO were any better, but surely there should be some sense of town loyalty right? Jongin thinks so; making this particular betrayal all the more infuriating and his death all the more inevitable.
Jongin lines up the crosshairs of his gun against the Baker’s head, having the courtesy to wait for the shop to empty. One. The corner of his lips pull into a smirk, the buildup of adrenaline flooding his veins working as his own personal high. Two. Is it sick to say he can’t wait to kill this guy? Maybe? He deserves it Jongin thinks, afterall, he did try and ruin their business for a few shots of tequila. Thr…
“Hey Joey!”
So close…
“Well this is a surprise! How’re you today darlin’?”
Usually, you would only visit Joey’s bakery at the end of the week, needing some sort of sugary treat to get through the piles of work you had to do; but today your classes were cut short and you were gagging for something with chocolate.
“Our professor had to leave early and a girl needs her goodies!” You joked, leaning against the counter.
Joey had been a staple in Exodus for your entire life, the man was everybody’s uncle, everybody’s friend, you could talk to him about anything and your weekly visits had become a huge part of your routine.
“Good job I’ve got a whole bunch for you to choose from duck,” Joey laughs at how your eyes quickly scan over the trays of baked goods like you were a starving puppy, “Ooo I know what you should pick, I need someone to try out my new brownie recipe!”
Fuck. Joey moved away from Jongin’s line of fire just enough to grab the box of brownies from behind the counter, the perfect shot ruined by a few brownies.
“Well if you made them Joey then I’m sure they’re absolutely delicious!” you coo, giggling at how easily you can make him blush.
Just as you were about to leave and the Baker to return to the firing line, a rush of people came flooding into the small shop, putting a stop to whatever chance Jongin had at completing his mission right now.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Nini groans in frustration, packing up his equipment quickly as to get away unnoticed, “he was right there, I could have had him!” It was frustrating sure, delaying his plans a few more hours before there would be another chance to take out his target; but there would be another chance and Jongin would get the job done. So while the sweet-toothed girl had momentarily saved old Joey’s life, it wouldn’t last much longer.
The clock read 11:57pm as you were hunched over on the living room floor, trying to finish this essay that you’d definitely not been putting off for weeks…
“Need ...sugar ...immediately..” you whine, dramatically throwing yourself across the floor to grab the box of brownies Baker Joe had gifted you earlier in the day. Mmnn, indulging yourself in the chocolatey goodness, you decide now is the perfect time for a break, only 6,000 words left to go anyway…
Completely oblivious to the ramifications those few brownies had had on the day for more than one party, you munched away the last of them, licking the crumbs from your fingertips and moaning at the euphoria a simple treat could bring.
‘Breaking news tonight : Beloved Exodus baker found dead. The 56 year old’s body was discovered an hour ago near his home, cause of death is officially named as a GSW through the neck…’
A chill runs up your spine as the news plays quietly from the television. Baker Joe was dead. Someone had killed him! You’re confused and hurt and angry all at once. Why would anyone want to hurt Joey? He was one of the only decent people in this shit-show of a city and now he was gone. Your eyes wander to the now empty box of goodies, the bakery’s logo printed on the front in swirly gold font and you feel the sudden need to cry, so you do.
Who did this guy think he was? An MX falcone wandering the streets of Exodus without a care in the world, stealing from the market stalls as he sauntered his way through the crowds. Minhyuk is his name. When Baekhyun had gotten word of their latest visitor, Jongin was immediately sent to take care of it. Honestly what did they think was going to happen? That they could just hang out in Exodus without consequence? That no one would be the least bit suspicious?
“You like the farmers market huh,” Jongin keeps a trained eye on Minhyuk as he moves from stall to stall. There were far too many people around for a direct hit so all he could do was watch and wait for the perfect opportunity.
“Why the fuck are you here?” He mumbled in annoyance, MX were getting far too comfortable for anyone’s liking; it was like the calm before the storm, except the storm was standing right in front of him chatting about produce with Mr Kim.
Suddenly, Minhyuk takes a sharp left, making his way out of the bustling crowd towards the alleys. He’d been made. Fuck. Following as quickly as he could, fighting his way through the sea of people, Jongin tries to keep up.
“Excuse me, I’m trying to get to…”
Minhyuk is fast, but maybe if you weren’t standing in front of him, blocking the way, Jongin would have been able to get him.
He doesn’t immediately recognise you. Your hair is tied differently and you’re wearing a different coat, but once Jongin places you as the girl from the bakery, he’s immediately on guard. Twice now you’ve gotten in the way of a hit. Could it just be a coincidence? Sure Exodus is small, you’re bound to run into the same people more than once. Baker Joe’s was a town staple and the market is always busy, but what are the chances? Jongin tries to side-step passed you, eyes scanning the crowds for Minhyuk, but you move along with him.
Holding out a map in front of him, you try again to ask for directions but Jongin doesn’t have time. He doesn’t have time to entertain the possibility that seeing you again could be anything but a coincidence, not when he’s about to lose yet another target.
You watch in astonishment as he pushes you out of the way before storming off. What an asshole you think; all you needed were directions, a simple no would have sufficed. Then again you’d come to expect nothing more from the people of Exodus. Sighing, you carry on your way alone, soon forgetting about the rude man you had met on the street.
8am lectures were the bain of your existence, but Professor Jeong’s class was always worth it.
Armed with a large cup of coffee and a stack of notes to aid you through, you made your way to an empty space near the front of the lecture hall. Biology never came easy to you, but the drive you had to succeed more than made up for it.
“Sorry I’m late guys,” Professor Jeong rushed into the busy hall, his own cup of coffee balancing on a pile of books clutched between his arms, “I got caught up with Professor Lyn, he’s such a ...fungi!”
The room fills with groans and muffled laughs at the attempt of a joke so early in the morning, but the Professor didn’t seem to mind. “Okay I’m sorry, let’s get into today. Can anyone tell me where we left off last week? Y/N?”
From the back of the room Jongin notices you.
“Oh you have to got to be kidding me..”
Once again, you happen to show up right in the middle of a job. There had to be a reason. There was no way this could be a coincidence anymore. Were you following him? Working with MX? Trying to get intel on EXO? Jongin didn’t know, but at this point he didn’t care. You were a problem.
Jeong was another star poser in Exodus. The esteemed environmental science professor, that drew students from across the country just to take his conservational bio class. The hotshot teacher who was already in the running for tenure. The slimy asshole that used his connections in the science world to help EXO’s competitors recreate their patented drug.
This was supposed to be an easy hit, wait till after class and use the pocket knife hidden in his belt to slit the professor’s throat before next period. But now, Jongin had to put those plans on hold so that he could figure out what to do about you.
Following you was far easier than Jongin had anticipated, thinking that he’d be kept on his toes trying to avoid getting caught, but you seemed completely oblivious to the fact that someone had been following you, watching your routines and judging them oh so harshly.
He kept his distance at first, observing from afar as you went about your daily activities. But soon enough, Jongin found himself immersed in the story that was your life. On the sidelines, a spectator, keeping mental notes of your behaviours.
Keeping space between you, Jongin follows you down the familiar street. He knows exactly where you’re going, the same place you’ve gone to for lunch every day that week. After your first class of the day you head straight to Lou’s café to grab something to eat and get some studying done. Like clockwork, the only thing to change was your order. Jongin would never admit that he’d grown to enjoy the establishment himself, but it was one of the least tedious moments of the day.
With the sky starting to darken in the cold weather, you fumble around your bag for your wallet amongst the loose scrunchies and old receipts, Jongin scoff in disbelief.
“How have you not been jumped yet?” He mumbled to himself. Before you’ve even walked through the café doors you have your money in hand, out in the open for anyone to take. Jongin had picked up on the blissful ignorance you had in regards to the danger in Exodus, instead, choosing to carry on carefree. Stupid he thinks.
Standing in line a few spots behind you, he watches as you let person after person cut in front and he just doesn’t get it. You only have an hour before the start of your next class and yet you’re willingly letting yourself be pushed back? People were clearly taking advantage of your kindness, but you were either incredibly stupid or didn’t care. When the older woman in front of you is a few dollars short, you don’t hesitate before lending her the difference, even putting back your own drink just so you could afford to help her. How could someone so generous be apart of something so evil? Then again, most of Exodus were playing that game.
Grabbing a coffee of his own, Jongin sits a table over from where you plant yourself, what had become your regular spots. Finding amusement in the way you struggle to fit both of your study books in the small space.
Now, only a short while before you needed to be back in class, you attempt to get as much work done while shoveling food down your throat as you could. Jongin thought it was hilarious, bar the tuna mayo that is. “Tuna? Really? It’s 11am jesus christ!” Maybe it was easy for him to judge you from a distance, but out of all the things he’d learnt, your love of tuna was the worst.
He watches your face scrunch and eyebrows furrow as you try and absorb the information, recognising the same study book you’ve been working on all week, the one for Professor Jeong’s class that you’d been struggling with. The pages covered almost entirely in highlighter with notes and doodles littering the margins. Cute.
You just seem so harmless. No matter how hard he tries Jongin just can’t seem to figure you out. Perhaps MX were blackmailing you? Maybe they had something that forced you to be their spy? It was the only explanation he could think of, because it just didn’t seem plausible that the girl in front of him, furiously editing her notes for the hundredth time that hour, the one with drops of mayonnaise left over on the corner of her lips, could be willingly working with the notorious MX. But you were involved somehow, of that he was sure.
The library is quiet, the sound of rustling papers and hushed whispers being the only source of noise. Luckily, it was busier than usual due to the wave of group projects being assigned, it made it easy for Jongin to blend in.
He watches you curiously from behind one of the bookshelves, trying to understand why you haven’t slapped the asshole beside you yet. He’d been cutting you off and putting you down every chance he could.
“I just think if we..”
“Seriously Y/N don’t strain yourself, I think we’ve got it.”
Even Jongin wanted to punch this guy. Being the only girl in the group, the others found it easy to dismiss everything you offered.
“Why doesn’t she say anything?” Jongin wondered, once again you were letting people walk all over you.
It’s not like you particularly enjoyed being treated that way, in fact you were daydreaming about slamming said assholes’ face into the wall at that very moment, but you couldn’t do that. This project defines your grade for the semester and you couldn’t afford that kind of taint on your record. So you bite your tongue. Act none the wiser and count the seconds before you could go home and be done with them all.
Across the library you spot Minho, the cute senior who’d been working as the student librarian for the last month or so. He’s scanning out returns at the desk, eyes glancing up occasionally, you presume to keep an eye on things . God he’s cute. When he spots you staring and then takes a look at the rather heated debate going on between your group, he decides to save you from the disarray, waving you over.
“My hero,” you tease, almost running to where Minho is.
“It was getting too painful to watch! What’s he ranting about this time?” He teases playfully, knowing all too well the constant tension in your study group.
“Ugh I don’t even know, it’s so much easier just to tune him out,”
Jongin’s teeth clench watching the exchange between you and the librarian. The childish giggling, the ‘accidental’ touches, the lingering stares. Disgusting.
“Who even is this guy?” If he didn’t know any better Jongin would think this was jealousy, but he did know better, so all of these unfamiliar feelings had to be from just how pitiful the sight was. This guy was clearly flirting with you, the blush on his cheeks and sweaty palms said as much, but from everything Jongin had learnt, you weren’t going to reciprocate. Tragic.
“Are you kidding me? Why is she twirling her hair like that!? He’s not even her type! He’s... he…” his mumbled ranting cut off by the sound of you laughing across the room. “Well if that is her type then no wonder she’s corrupt.”
He watches the pair of you for a little longer before the need to throw up eventually overtakes his need to stay, deciding he could catch you up later and spare himself the torture of sitting through whatever this was.
The open sign light bounces off wet concrete, illuminating your face with such a subtle glow of pink that Jongin could barely make out the streaks of tears running down your cheeks. He almost missed you sitting crouched over on the pavement, the smell of smoke being what made him stop. Why is she crying? He thought to himself, seeing you curled up in a ball, cigarette dangling from your fingertips haphazardly concerned him. Jongin didn’t have to wonder for too long though, the closer he got to you the clearer he could hear your muffled cries.
“Stupid fucking Geord,” you cuss, taking another long drag to calm your anxieties, “takes all my ideas, monopolises the entire presentation and then my contribution isn’t enough!?”
Jongin had come to know the infamous Geord all too well this last week, the pompous ass that had belittled you in the library, the snotty rich kid with mommy issues that just loved being right. Honestly the fact he hadn’t killed him yet was an accomplishment in itself; but still, seeing you clearly so upset gave Jongin a weird feeling.
You were either getting much better with your performance skills, or he was actually getting mad for you…
With each sniffle, each tear drop, Jongin felt his resolve breaking away and being replaced with a type of anger he’d never felt before. Why did he care that you were crying? Why was it affecting him so much? He didn’t know, but it took all his strength not to go find Geord and make him regret whatever he’d done.
As quickly as you put out the cigarette that was now burning short, you’re reaching for the box to light another. You only really smoked when you were feeling particularly stressed, Jongin hated it. Ironically it was the most disgusting thing he’d ever seen; painting the walls with someone’s brain was nothing compared to the strong stench of nicotine that passed your lips.
For a second Jongin lets his mind entertain the thought of approaching you, but the professional side of him reminds him who you were. This could be a trick...She’s not an idiot. Then he considers calling you out. Drawing his gun and putting an end to MX’s game once and for all, besides, he’d been observing you for a week now and he couldn’t afford for his attention to be diverted any more, he still had the good old Professor to end.
Before he gets the chance to do either however, you stand up. Taking one last drag before stomping out the flame, your hands carelessly wipe at your face in a feeble attempt at clearing the remnants of your breakdown.
“I’ll be fine, let’s just go home,” you whisper, more than familiar with putting yourself back together and wanting nothing more than a hot bath and warm bed.
When you first noticed that the new guy on campus was following you, you tried not to think too much of it. In all honesty, you were far too busy trying to keep on top of everything to pay much attention as to why you were being followed. Knowing the people in Exodus, you figured it was just his creepy way of flirting, or at the very worst he was planning on robbing you, not that you had much to take anyway. But as the days went by and the presence of your stalker persisted, you were growing frustrated. It’d been a stressful week and the last thing you needed was some guy watching your every move.
After getting the results back from Professor Jeong for your group presentation, you weren’t exactly in a ‘good mood’ and the looming shadow of the man trying to be inconspicuous as he followed you home, was the last straw.
"How much longer are you planning on following me?” You shout over your shoulder, not having the energy to even face him. When you get no response, you reluctantly decide to turn around to stare him down.
His chocolate coloured hair is pushed back exposing his forehead, eyes golden but harbouring so much animosity that they could have turned black, the jacket adorning his shoulders almost blending him into the dark street behind. He was handsome, strikingly so.
“Look dude it’s been a long day, can’t you just lay off the stalking for one night?”
Jongin stiffens at your words. So you did know he was there? And chose now, while you were both alone in a dark street, to confront him? God she’s stupid.
“Sorry Darling, can’t do that,” he insisted, watching how your shoulders slumped and fingers twitched at the side of your coat.
“Of course,” sighing deeply, too tired to argue, you decide to continue on towards your apartment, stalker be damned.
“Aren’t MX getting bored of this game yet?” Jognin calls. He figures if you already knew he was following you, then now would be the perfect time to put an end to it. You were alone after all.
When he sees you freeze at the sound of MX, he takes a tentative step closer, you’re still turned away from him, just a few steps ahead. “I mean, were you really the best they could do? We expected more.” The smirk on his face when you turn to him, wide eyed and lost for words, only grows at your reaction. Gotcha.
“What are you talki..”
“Come on now Darling, we both know what’s going on here.”
“I promise you we do not.” You’ve heard whispers of MX around town, while you didn’t know much, you did know that if this guy thought you were somehow apart of it, then this was a dangerous misunderstanding.
“You have a choice.” Jongin takes another step closer, “You can leave, now, and make sure MX stay out of Exodus for good,” Reaching under his jacket, he grabs the gun that’s been burning through the back of his shirt since you called out to him, “Or I can send them a message myself. Choose.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about!” You tried to keep calm, swallowing the lump forming at the back of your throat. When you spotted the gun being pulled from his coat, it was like a pin dropped and the reality of the situation finally began to sink in.
Exodus is a dangerous place. Exodus is full of dangerous people. You were standing alone with a strange man that you’d just yelled at, that had been following you for god knows how long, a gun pointed at your face and not a soul in sight that would help you.
He doesn’t flinch when you jump back, his smirk doesn’t falter when you start begging for him to listen. In Jongin’s mind, the fact you’d acknowledged his presence at all was enough to prove you were involved.
“Please, please, just listen to me, t-there’s been a mistake, I d-don’t kno…”
“Oh my god shut up!” He yelled over your desperate cries, “It’s over! Done!”
“I don’t know who you think I am, b-but my name is Y/N I grew up a few towns over with my parents, I-I study Conservation Biology at the university because when I was little I saw a film about sea turtles and now I love them.. I...” you read somewhere that telling a killer personal information about yourself would make them less likely to kill you; so, with your hands held up in surrender, you start begging, pleading, letting slip every boring and mediocre fact about yourself in hopes that the handsome stranger will let you live.
Jongin was taken aback to say the least. Never had a target begged for their life quite like  this before, but the more you rambled on and the more tears that fell down your cheeks, he couldn’t help it. He believed you.
This is a mistake... Did I mess up here? Fuck! His mind raced to find a way out of this, but his composure was breaking down with each second you plead your case. How could he have gotten things so wrong? Looking at you now; scared and shaking, there was no way you could be with MX. Jongin’s mind quickly looks back on all the time he’d been watching you, at school, at the library, with friends, home alone... Is it possible he let feelings cloud his judgment? No… Jongin didn’t have feelings.
In a split second the air was slashed with bullets, plastering the wall behind you with open wounds. Your body drops to the floor, hands covering your ears like a scared child at a fireworks display, your screams piercing through the air.
Jongin doesn’t even think about it before he’s at your side. He fires back some warning shots, just enough to cover the pair of you so he could pull you out of there, but you were frozen in place.
“C’mon we need to get out of here! I can’t get a clear shot!”
Jongin hoisted your trembling body into his arms, waiting for a gap in the bullet wave before rushing out of the street. Weaving between the crumbling buildings, waiting in the shadows for a free moment to sprint out of there to a nearby underpass. It was sheltered and open, meaning Jongin could keep a solid eye on the surroundings while still keeping you safe while he let himself freak out a little.
As soon as he puts you on the ground you melt into the concrete, hugging your knees to your chest and crying into them silently. It’s all too much. How did this happen? Yesterday you were failing Bio and trying to avoid the creeper puppy boy that’d been following you. Now…. you were pretty sure you were going to die tonight.
“Fuck...fuck..fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Jongin paces back and forth, using the barrel of his gun to scratch away the headache slowly spreading across his temples. How could he have messed up this badly? He’s the best… at least... he was the best.
With every footstep he takes you flinch a little, hyper aware of the gun swinging from his hand, fingertip dancing along the trigger. You still don’t know who he is or why you’re there but you’ve seen enough to know to keep quiet. So you stay sitting on the ground, letting the tears melt into the fabric of your jeans, watching the state of panic escalate in the man in front of you while your own turned into something akin to resentment.
After almost half an hour of silently waiting for some sort of direction, you’ve had enough. Eventually Jongin had stopped pacing, choosing to lean up against the wall with head in hands, instead. In your mind, you have nothing to do with this. There is nothing connecting you to whatever chaos was happening here. You had no reason to wait around to get shot.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!” He shouts, annoyance bubbling beneath his skin.
“You can’t!” Pushing himself off the wall, Jongin reaches for your arm in an attempt to keep you still. You try to shake him off but his grip is too strong.
“I DIDN’T ASK FOR ANY OF THIS!” You’re screaming at him now. Tears no longer from fear, but anger. You feel trapped in whatever this was and it wasn’t fair, you just want to go home.
“Yeah well tough shit Darling, because unfortunately you’re my responsibility now and it’s my job to make sure you don’t get yourself killed!”
“I can take care of myself! I’ve been doing it long enough!” He rolls his eyes at your response, growing tired of trying to be the good guy for once. “Let me go! I’ll be just fine! Like always!”
Finally loosening the grip on your arm, Jongin let’s you storm off. Waiting, only out of spite, for you to be out of ear shot before cussing out loud at himself.
Somehow you managed to drag yourself to class. The events of last night still burning fresh at the back of your mind, but you were desperate enough for a distraction that even Professor Jeong’s morning class was worth that extra effort.
Barely able to keep your eyes open with the little sleep you were actually able to get, it takes you a moment to recognise the familiar body that plants themselves in the desk next to yours.
Jongin doesn’t look at you. Maybe it’s pride, maybe it’s nerves, but he keeps his eyes trained on the professor’s desk up front, waiting for his cover to be inevitably blown all for the sake of keeping you safe.
“Good morning class!” The professor’s abrupt entrance pulls your shocked and frustrated gaze from burning holes in the side of Jongin’s neck. His tan skin glowing under the plain white tee he’s wearing, hair falling into his eyes softly, contradicting the hard image he’d worn the night before. Does he have his gun with him? You wonder, letting your eyes wander to the waistband of his jeans, remembering how he’d pulled the weapon from them the night before. Stop! You hope he doesn’t realise you’ve been blankly staring at his crotch, mind racing with questions, you don’t even know his name.
“Today we’re picking up the remaining presentati…” When the admirable Professor meets eyes with Jongin, smirking from his seat beside you knowingly, he loses all train of thought.
It’s a feeling Jongin had missed. When a mark knows they’re done for, that he’s coming for them. When their eyes double in size. When fear pales their skin. When they lose all hope of fucking over EXO and getting away with it.
“T-today..um…” You can see the Professor eyeing your seat partner nervously, stuttering over his words. You’d never seen Jeong like this before, he looked terrified, and after last night it didn’t take a genius to figure out why.
Jongin shifts in his seat, enjoying the effect his presence has on the esteemed scholar. While Jeong tries to regain some semblance of decorum, Jongin wraps one of his arms around your shoulders and squeezes tightly, keeping eye contact with the professor, claiming you.
“What are you doing?” keeping your voice low as to not draw anymore attention to you both, you try to push Jongin’s arm away from you, only for him to put it right back.
“My job. Now be quiet.” He hisses, hiding the harshness of his voice behind a sickly sweet smile.
Professor Jeong spends the entire lecture avoiding your side of the room, refusing to make eye contact, completely ignoring you. You try not to take it personally of course, it’s definitely not because of something you did, that you know for sure; but for once you actually know the answers to some of these questions and want to participate.
“I told you, I can take care of myself!” you grumbled, again trying to physically get Jongin away from you, but he just smirks. Like he was enjoying it. Like this was all just some big game and not the life threatening situation he’d made it out to be the night before.
And you would probably believe that were true, if it wasn’t for his nails digging so sharply into your shoulder.
By the time class finishes you want to run a million miles away. The pressure of Jongin’s arm around your neck you’re sure will leave you aching for days; but as long as he’s far away from you, you can deal with it. You all but sprint out of the lecture hall, forgetting all about your next class and heading straight home; taking a back street you hope he hadn’t seen you use before.
“What the hell is this?” You mumble to yourself, pushing down the fear as far as you can in hopes the empty space will leave room for answers. You’re so caught up in your head, trying to figure out what you did to deserve this, you don’t even realise that Jongin’s been on your tail the whole time, watching you freak out and creep around like the amateur he now knows you are. It’s not until he steps into your building’s elevator with you that you realize he’s there.
“Jesus! Fuck, can’t you leave me alone!” He was exhausting; flattering when you thought it was a puppy crush, less so now you know he wanted to kill you.
“I can’t,” Jongin leans against the side of the elevator, growing tired of the chase.
“Why?! You’re the only one stalking me here!”
“Oh Darling, you have no idea.”
“Then explain! Because I’m tired of this! I have work to do, classes to study for, and I can’t when you’re scaring my teachers and dragging me through shoot outs!!”
Jongin understands why you’re annoyed. He gets it, he messed up and now you’re in danger. But to admit that outloud… to admit that to you… he’d rather not.
He doesn’t give you an answer, finding his reflection in the steel doors far more interesting, chewing the inside of his cheek and fixing his jacket over and over.
When you finally reach your floor, it becomes a race of wills to get to your apartment. Jongin trying to force his way in; you trying to lock him out. You sprint for the door, key in hand; almost managing to slam it shut in his face before Jongin’s hand pushes it back open, forcing himself through the small gap and locking you both inside.
In a second he’s slamming your back against the door with his hand covering your mouth, keeping you in place with the weight of his body, trying to work up the nerve to finally tell you the truth.
“I’m not going to hurt you, but you need to listen to me just for one fucking second… My name is Jongin, okay?” he asks, face dangerously close to your own. You manage a weak nod under his hold, terrified but needing answers.
“I made a mistake. I...I thought you were working with MX,”
Your eyes widen at the second mentioning of the infamous gang, more confused than ever as to why he thought you would ever be involved with them. He didn’t even know you.
“There’s rumours they’re coming for EXO territory..”
He’s with EXO. The realisation floods through your body like a lightning strike, frying your nerves, limbs locked in place while the rest of your body falls limp into his arms. EXO. The kings of this city. The reason shops close early and children aren’t allowed out after 9. The  doctors responsible for prescribing the death, the destruction, of a city once so healthy and vibrant. Monsters, as far as you’re concerned.
“They must have seen me tailing you and after last night, I think you’re a target.” Jongin watches as your eyes well up with tears, red and swollen as you choke back the sobs you so obviously want to release. It doesn’t affect him… it doesn’t make him angry… he doesn’t want to wrap you in a hug and take it all back… right?
“So as much as you don’t like it, I’m here. I messed up so I need to fix it, because this isn’t a game and this isn’t a joke. If they think you’re with us they will kill you. Milk carton kids, where are they now, 27 club dead.”
You wish he was a better actor. That he could hide the shame, guilt, pain he feels for putting you in this position better. That the cold exterior he wears so well didn’t have quite as many cracks, because then maybe you could tell yourself that everything was going to be okay. But if Jongin looks scared, then you’re absolutely terrified.
Blinded by the fear, your body reacts before your mind can catch up. Fists pounding into his chest weakly as the sound of your sobs rip into his heart. You’re in hysterics, screaming at him for an answer to questions still lodged at the back of your throat. Jongin doesn’t break down with you, as much as his body tries. Instead he just grabs your wrists, stopping their assault and pinning them into his embrace. His hold the only thing keeping you standing as you finally let the last walls crumble, letting out every tear, every scream, every desperate cry for it all to be some twisted dream.
Jongin doesn’t know how you both ended up on the floor, your head buried between your knees as his hand finds itself brushing through your hair. Somehow you manage to calm yourself down, letting the sobs turn to whimpers and cries to sniffles. Finally numb after the dust settles in your mind, you force yourself to look back up at Jongin. He looks how you feel, just doing a better job at hiding it; you don’t miss the concern that washes over his face and maybe that’s why you decide to let him stay. If he was so determined to fix what he’d done, you weren’t going to stop him. At least not tonight.
“I need to sleep,” you say weakly, standing on shaky legs but brushing off Jongin’s worried hands when he tries to help, “you can stay on the couch.”
Tiptoeing across the living room, shoelaces dangling from your teeth while your hands clutch onto your books; you’re desperately trying not to wake a sleeping Jongin. His sprawled out body half falling from the couch, you admit he looks a lot cuter when he’s sleeping.
Before you can stop it, one of your shoes drops from between your teeth, making Jongin jump up at the sound.
“What are you doing?” he mumbled, rubbing the fatigue from his face, stretching back into his familiar hard persona.
“Uhh, going for breakfast?”
“Did you not hear me last night!” It didn’t sound like a question. His voice raising ever so slightly in frustration as he stands to tower over you. Failing miserably at being as intimidating as usual, with his hair a mess and cheeks puffy.
“I heard you,” you say, pushing your feet into the fallen shoes before giving him a chance to stop you, “I’m just not going to hide away like a victim when this is your mess.” He stiffens at your words, ignoring the cut they etch into his heart, instead focusing on your relentless stubbornness in such a risky situation.
“If they catch you out alone they won’t miss another shot!” Jongin clenches his jaw when you roll your eyes at his remark, unsure of what he can do to change your mind.
“Look if you’re so worried, you’re more than welcome to join me,” you offer, determination radiating off of your face in such a way that Jongin finds himself unable to argue.
For the next few days Jongin stays by your side, sleeping on your couch, going to breakfasts, your classes, all to make sure you were safe.
He walks the familiar routes around town with you, not from a few paces back this time, but shoulder to shoulder. Sitting beside you in Professor Jeong’s early morning classes, Jongin was having far too much fun watching the colour drain from his face each time he showed up to one of your lectures to kill him just yet.
Everything became a threat to your safety. As far as Jongin was concerned, your life was in danger and MX could strike at any moment…. Even if it had been quiet since the shooting… it was better to be safe. That’s what Jongin told himself everytime he stayed a little longer.
“Hey Y/N!” Minho waved at you from across the library, he was reshelving returns when he spotted you studying at your usual table.
Jongin felt his ears burn red at the sight. Jaw clenching when he sees the boy walk over. Eyes narrow in judgment when you return his warm smile.
“Hey Minho, how are you?” It’d been a few days since you’d last had the chance to talk with Minho, him still as handsome as ever, but your heart not jumping quite so high at the interaction.
“I’m good, are you? I’ve missed seeing you around lately..” Minho let’s his words fade noticing the glare he was getting from the man sat beside you. “Oh I’m sorry, I’m Minho, Y/N’s friend!”
Jongin glances at Minho’s outstretched hand between them, choosing to throw his own over your shoulder rather than shake it.
“I’m Kai, Y/N’s boyfriend.” He smirks at the shocked expression that Minho wears, ignoring your startled one in favour of silently challenging the boy to leave.
“Oh...oh uh… Nice to meet you, I’ll see you guys around..”
Jongin keeps you close till he’s sure Minho has gone, only loosening his grip when he feels you nudge him gently.
“What the fuck was that, Kai?” You’re more amused than angry, but you’d never let him know that, enjoying seeing the varied emotions you can bring out of him now, when  he was supposed to be a stone cold killer.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” feigning innocence, Jongin tries to go back to reading the book he’d randomly grabbed from the pile in front of you both.
You scoff at his reaction, or lack thereof, staring at him quizzically till he finally gave in.
“That guy is sketchy! I’m here to protect you right?  So I’m protecting you. Good?”
“Minho is not sketchy,” you giggle and Jongin can’t help but smile at the sound, “and who is Kai?”
“It’s what my friends call me!”
“Hey!” Jongin had appeared out of nowhere, pulling the cigarette from between your lips and stomping it out. With Geord goading you relentlessly for the last hour of class, you were desperate for a smoke. You would argue that those little white sticks of bliss were the only thing keeping you from ripping his throat out.
“It’s disgusting,” he says, leaning down to your height so he could look you in the eye, “why do you do this?”
With a deep sigh, you stuff the near empty packet of unlit cigarettes back into your coat  pocket, storming away in frustration, knowing he’d follow you.
“Wait, I’m serious!”
“I like them!” you shout back, thankful the streets were empty so you could argue in peace.
“They’re bad for you you know!” he teases, laughing when you throw your middle finger up behind you.
“My cigarettes are better for me than you are!” Teasing back, you finally turn to face him, a cheeky smile on your face.
“We got him.”
While making dinner for the pair of you, Jongin’s phone buzzes on the counter, a string of messages coming in from someone called Minseok. You tried not to be nosey, sitting on the counter beside him while he cooked, but he didn’t even glance at it.
“Wasn’t MX. Some small town nobody trying to prove himself.”
“Call me when you get this”
“Boss wants you back asap”
The thought of Jongin leaving had never even crossed your mind till then. It hadn’t been that long at all, but it felt like an eternity since he’d first come into your life. Maybe it was selfish to want him to stay.
Jongin had recently started to open up to you more about his work with EXO. He was their protector, he kept them safe. You didn’t see him as this dangerous monster anymore, he was just Jongin, Kai, the one who took care of things. Just like he’d been taking care of you all this time.
You knew deep down that when he left you’d probably never see him again; if what EXO suspects is true and MX really were making their way into Exodus, then there was a storm coming and Jongin would be right in the middle of it. He wouldn’t risk getting you anymore tangled in EXO’s mess.
“Here, try this,” Jongin held a spoon up to your mouth expectantly; pretending he didn’t see Minseok’s messages, pretending you didn’t see them either, holding on to this reality for just a little longer.
“We need you back Jongin,”
After ignoring Minseok’s messages a few days ago, Jongin couldn’t ignore another call from the boss.
“Jun I have to pr..”
“No you don’t! We took care of the shooter, the girl will be fine! EXO needs you, I need you!”
He doesn’t want to leave. Jongin doesn’t know what it is that makes him want to stay near you, keep you safe, go to breakfasts at Lou’s - but the thought of leaving it all behind makes his heart twist and turn in unimaginable ways.
His whole life had been about EXO. They’re his friends, his family, and he would never abandon them. But somehow he’s made a new home with you, in his heart at least. You feel like home. Sitting on your living room floor watching Blue Planet feels like home. Falling asleep on your shoulder in the middle of your lectures feels like home. EXO have been his entire identity for so long, but now there’s this other life, another door, and Jongin was finding hard to resist stepping through.
“Be back today. We have work to do.”
After Junmyeon’s orders, the frustration coursed through Jongin’s body with such force he hadn’t even realised he’d thrown the phone till you were beside him, asking what was wrong.
“I...I have to leave.” He couldn’t look you in the eye. He didn’t want to see the betrayal, the disappointment, the pain reflected in them. “It’s my fault you’re in danger and now I have to leave you…”
He doesn’t know that you know.
“I..I’ll be okay Nini.. I can look after myself remember?” Your voice is weak but you do your best to convince him; as much as you want him to stay you know that’s not an option, and you know he knows it too because he can barely look at you right now.
“Y/N… I don’t want to leave..”
It broke your heart but there was no other choice. You had to let him go. The boy you’d tried so hard to avoid just a few weeks ago, you now didn’t want to see go.
“I know..” You cup the side of his face, forcing him to look at you as you spoke, “but they need you Nini...” It was hard to keep how you were really feeling hidden, especially when he looked like he was about to break, “You’re the best Nini, they deserve the best.”
He knew you were right. He needed to be there for EXO, his family. Things in Exodus were about to get a lot messier and the fallout would be astronomical, if he wasn’t there to do his part there’s no telling what could happen, then you really would be in danger.
Leaning into your touch, Jongin grips onto your hips like it was the first time not the last, pulling you flush against his body. Memorizing the shape of your hips, touch of your skin, smell of your shampoo. Locking you inside his heart. Melding the memory of you into his soul so that this wouldn’t be the last time. He would forever be with you and you would always be there for him, long after he’s gone.
Looking at you would be too much, he might not be able to force himself away if he saw your eyes. Saying goodbye felt too final, like the end of something that never really was. Instead Jongin buried your head into his shaking chest, placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head, pretending he can’t feel your tears soaking through his shirt, before turning away and walking out of your life forever.
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swellwriting · 5 years
Datapads and Love Letters - PT.2
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Reader x Armitage Hux
Warnings: this contains Smut
A/N: HERE ITS IS finally part two, took me a while because its a little longer but I hope it pleases you all. I love love love writing for Hux so expect more of him in the near future.
Word Count: 5.3k   Part Three
You both ignored the summons from the Supreme Leader, you figured there were other things worth doing and walking with Armitage to his office proved more time worthy. You could only ignore the Supreme Leader for so long though, you had to train with him in ten minutes, taking into account the 8 minute walk and that you usually always arrived early. You felt your thoughts nagging you to leave but as you stood in Armitage’s office doorway watching him organize his papers that Millicent had knocked over, the way he gently pet her with his free hand, you never wanted to look away.
It was him who looked at his wall clock and then at you with a concerned brow perked up on his face. “You're going to be late.”
“And for once I don't really care.” You replied with a shrug of your shoulders, the fear of being in trouble a mere tiny thought in the back of your head right now.
“He's already angry enough, you want to make it worse?” He asked, the fear of his superior evident in his voice.
“He has no right to be angry, I'm my own person.”
“You’re his apprentice, who he adores, and I'm the general that he hates, I'm sure he wants me as far away as possible from you as to not distract you.”
“He doesn't really get a say in what I do in my personal time, or who I spend it with.”
“He does get a say when he kills me for being even more of an inconvenience to him,” Hux argues as he sits down, Millicent jumping into his lap trying to calm him down.
“Then he would lose his beloved apprentice, besides he wouldn't kill you, I've seen you use a blaster, you’re quite skilled don't downplay your strengths, especially against a man with so many weaknesses.”
“The Supreme Leader has no weaknesses.” Hux points out with disdain rather than admiration.
“Sure he does, you just have to train with him for months on end to find them, luckily I have done exactly that and I can tell you each and everyone.”
“That's a conversation for another time, I don't want to make you late, you should really go.”
“A conversation for another time, like later tonight?” You ask as he walks towards the door, beginning to push the door shut until he hears your proposal.
“Tonight?” He asks, his voice unsure all of a sudden.
“Yeah, make me dinner General, and I’ll give you all my top-secret intel.”
“Oh-okay,” he stutters as his cheeks glow rosy pink yet again.
“Okay, see you at 7.” You declare a time so confidently and then lean up on the tips of your shoes and kiss him on the forehead. He smiles bashfully before realizing anyone walking by could have seen that and then he closes the door. He rests his now hot forehead against the cold metal of the door frame, exhaling slowly to calm himself down as Milicent weaves between his feet.
“You're late.” Kylo declares as you walk into the training room, without even turning around to face you.
You point at the wall on the clock, using the force to press the buttons on the side messing up the time and setting it back five minutes.
“Actually, I'm two minutes early!”
“Haha very funny. Fix the clock, and sit down,” he says sarcastically.
You fix the clock with ease and then sit on the mat in front of him, assuming the position to meditate, mirroring his own.
“Sorry for missing out on a bit of meditating, a few lost minutes would set me back so far in my training I'm sure.”
“You need to learn to focus.”
“I am focused,” you argue.
“Learn to focus on the things that matter, no distractions.”
“Oh, here we go.” You tease and he drops his hands and gives you a pointed look. He begins to speak but you hold up a finger to silence him, “Don't.”
“So you're telling me what to do now?” Kylo asks looking taken aback, “please remind me which of us is the Master and which is the apprentice.”
“I mean technically, I am the level of apprentice in the backwards mix of Jedi, Sith and general force training situation we have here, but technically you’re a padawan still.”
“Y/n,” he warns closing his eyes in frustration. You may be inferior to him, almost as strong but not as skilled and practised as he is, but that doesn't mean you bow down to him, you give him the attitude he deserves, and you live to annoy him since nobody else has the guts to.
“Kylo,” you tease, but in your mind, you really think about calling him Ben which he reads easily since you didn't try to hide it from him. One of his strengths is reading minds, digging into people’s thoughts. He prides himself in how good he is at it, he has only ever been stumped by the “girl” and you.
“You let me read that thought, but how did I not know about your relationship or romantic feelings.”
“I think it has been established that I'm very good at tuning you out, though I'm not the first.”
He exhales loudly, clearly getting annoyed by your attitude and rowdiness today, and you haven't even started training.
“I have a personal life, though it's near impossible on this floating piece of space junk, covered in the blandest shade of grey paint and metal finish, and I like to keep that to myself.”
“You question me about my personal life all the time.”
“I have to, you have nobody else to talk to about it, I'm your only friend on this ship.”
“We are not friends,” he argues, trying to act stern, his relationship and training with Luke and Snoke were nothing like this, he was such a better well-behaved student compared to you, but he couldn't deny that he liked you, he admired your strength, he needed you and he couldn't help but become friends with you, especially because nobody else bothers getting close to him. He doesn't want to lose this part of the Master/ Apprentice relationship he has with you over some stupid general.
“Are too, you're the Supreme Leader you don't have any code you need to worry about breaking, you make the rules and the rules can say that you are allowed to be friends with me, dare I say care enough to die for me in battle,” you say standing up and getting in a stance to practice your fighting.
“So I can make more rules for you to break?”
“Well, rules don't apply to me, I'm one of a kind. Unless that Rey girl decides to switch sides and become your apprentice but I don't see that happening anytime soon, I think I’d kill her first anyways.”
“Words and empty threats you can’t fill.”
“Maybe I can if you get up off your ass and start training with me instead of worrying about any relationships I may or may not have.”
“Oh she barks like a Corellian hound but can she bite like one?” He teases as he pulls his mask over his head, you mimic his action, turning your heal and bending your knee preparing to outmatch his strength with your speed and agility. You pinched every one of his nerves in the five minutes of meditation before training, he wouldn't be going easy on you today.
A few hours of training later and some bruises and scrapes waiting to be tended to and a shower that was calling your name all waited for you behind your door, you anticipated the sweet feeling of being in your own personal space so much so that you basically had tunnel vision. Your fingers twitching you to use the force to press the buttons once you were closer but your mind lost focus at the sound of your name.
An officer you often work with is walking down the hall with General Hux by his side and a few troopers, as the lower officers you're familiar with usually do, he says hello.
“Good afternoon General Y/L/N.”
You nod with a weak tired smile, the blood dripping down from your nose, thanks to Kylo’s elbow. Hux gives you a concerned look as he turns his neck to keep looking over your appearance, your tattered clothes, and messy hair, if it wasn't for the blood dripping down your face he would be looking at you with pure admiration.
You give him a wide smile to help him see you are truly okay and his worried expression fades to his usual stern one before he looks away from you and replies to the officer he's walking with.
Hux should be finishing up his work for the day soon, there is no way he's working late today especially when he has to shower, make himself look presentable and then manage to cook dinner for you without even really knowing what you like.
He knows you well, as well as any coworker would, but he doesn't know you like a friend, the way Phasma knows you or as much as he hates it, the way Kylo knows you better than anyone.
You shower, wipe the blood from your face and braid your damp hair so it’s both out of your face and effortlessly wavy for later. Since you have time to kill and you are too lazy to get ready now you sit in your bed still wrapped in your towel and lose your mind to whatever interesting things you can find on your datapad.
You don't really care that your sheets might be getting a bit damp from your towel, or that you should be spending time perfecting your appearance for Armitage. Not to say that you aren't going to put the effort in, but he just saw you looking like you crawled out of a garbage compactor and aside from your bloody nose he still looked at you like you were dressed for the Canta Bight casinos.
One of the dressed in the back of your closet, reserved for political parties and undercover intel missions, that hadn't been worn yet would be perfect. It was this dark grey colour, sheer fabric with a silk underlying that was stark black, it was elegant and far fancier than it needed to be but you wanted him to see you in something different than your usual black tight pants and black cape type shirt thing with the oversized hood you always wore. You really needed some more colourful clothing items.
You planned on wearing a regular set of black lacey underwear and no bra as the silk underlining of the dress was tight enough to keep things mostly in place.
Owning such lavish expensive things was new to you, but the first order had money, and being a general and apprentice to the Supreme Leader meant your pay grade was well above the normal officer. Before the first order you were poor, so going from wearing dirty rags and stolen clothes to fancy sheer dresses and lace underwear was quite the upgrade.
Comparing washing up in a cold lake to your personal black tiled ferrocrete shower was otherworldly, literally.
You put your datapad down and for a moment imagined what Hux’s room actually looked like, you had barely seen the entryway as you had been too busy either staring at his face or kissing it to take notice. 
You wondered how much it mirrored yours, if he had any windows, if he kept it cold but had fuzzy warm blankets like you do, what his bed looked like and how much you wanted to be in it with him.
Maybe this was all too presumptuous of you, based on stories you've heard of relationships from officers who like you enough to dish about their love life to you, since Kylo and Phasma were not the best people to give you any sort of relationship insight.
You assumed Hux was inexperienced, his father was strict, the academy was strict and now he was so strict himself, so busy upholding his position as general that you had never seen him being close with anybody, you couldn't imagine him inviting an officer to his quarters for dinner. You hoped he had never looked at anyone the way he looks at you, never blushed so cherry red the way he does because of you, never cooked anyone else dinner like he was doing right now for you.
Hux was probably rushing around his kitchen, stressed beyond belief and trying not to trip over a Milicent who had never seen him move so fast around his quarters except when he was chasing after her.
This was so strangely new to you too, you had spent your whole life fighting to survive, not trusting anyone to let them close enough until now. You couldn't help but hope he was as inexperienced as you were.
You crawled out of bed and dropped your towel to the ground, slipping on your underwear and looking at yourself in the mirror hoping that what you saw in the reflection was something he would like, running your hands up your thighs to your hips, across your stomach and then doing a spin before walking to the closet to grab your dress, it was easy to slip on and after pulling your hair free from the braid and slipping on your sandals you only wore indoors on the ship, you walked your way to Hux's door. 
Knocking just as you had earlier, still just as nervous, the queasy feeling in your stomach had returned and before you could knock a second time Hux opened the door, face already pink and blushed at the thought of you, his face heating up the longer he looked at you before grabbing your hand and inviting you inside.
Hux was wearing his uniform, though it somehow looked neater as if he had pressed it more than usual which seemed impossible, his hair gelled back the way he usually does it and he looks so professional, exactly how you would expect.
When he sees you, with your hair down, a sheer dress and sandals, no cape or lightsaber to be seen, something Kylo would highly disapprove of, he feels underdressed. He wishes he had something more for this occasion, but he always had to wear his general uniform, he didn't have fancy suits to wear to galas and he never had to go undercover. He wished he could be more for you.
You walk up to him and his hands quickly fall to your sides holding you close as he waits to see your actions.
Your hands travel up the front of his smooth uniform, the cold pins brush against your fingertips as you make your way up. You may be the same rank as him but he has so many accomplishments marked with pins and patches, more than you could ever have. Even if you had no feelings for this man you would argue forever with Kylo about how no one else could do Armitages job, no one as skilled as him existed in this line of work, the First-order was thriving because of him and Kylo could deny it all he wanted but it’s the truth.
Your hands slide up his neck and his cheeks, they are baby soft without a stray hair of facial hair at all. He hoped for a moment that you would kiss him, pull him by his cheeks and meet your lips to his.
Instead, and much to his dismay, you fingers continue their travel, sliding between his hair and his scalp and pulling gently messing up the prim and proper hairstyle with a shake of your fingers.
He frowns and is about to complain when you pull his hair gently, bringing him closer to you and finally give him the kiss he was hoping for. It's forceful and messy as you continue to ruin his hair, which is an improvement in your eyes.
By the time you pull away his lips are red and he seems to have forgotten about his appearance.
“Hungry?” he asks, still holding you close.
“Of course.” You reply sweetly as you make your way to the table.
“How was training with Ren?” He asks as he brings you a plate and sits across from you.
“Rough, but worthwhile. I talked to him about us, I think he was most angry about the fact that he didn't see it coming, that I hid my feelings from him for so long.”
“How long?” Hux blurts out, instantly wanting to know how long these feelings have existed for.
You tried to hide your amused smile as you spoke, “The exact moment of realization and acceptance of my feelings for you is hard to pinpoint to a specific time, but I suppose I had thoughts about you, different from anyone else on this ship, that I felt I had to hide since I first met you.”
This admission was too much for Hux's heart to take, he tried to think about the first time he met you, how he had also been enamoured with you since that very moment, trying and failing to keep his emotions concealed until he geniusily wrote them down for the entire ship to get their hands on and be made aware of.
“And I hid them well until you decided to write your feelings down and manage to let the whole ship in on it.”
Hux smile faded, clearly missing the joking sweet tone of your voice, “I'm sorry about that,” he was mentally punishing himself again.
“Oh, don't be stupid Armitage, if you hadn't I wouldn’t be here right now, eating dinner with you, I wouldn’t be able to mess up your hair or kiss you. I wouldn't be here patiently waiting for you to ask me to be your girlfriend so we have a title to tell people when they inquire about us,” you tease and he looks up at you from across the table, he stands and walks over to your chair kneeling beside you so your faces are level.
“General Y/L/N, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend, an official title to add to your many others.”
“Mhhm it does sound like it will be my favourite of them. Not quite as much as when I steal your last name but it will do for now.” You tease knowing the thought will make him perfectly flustered.
“So that's a yes?” He asks nervously holding your hands in his.
“Only if you kiss me.” You say with a wide smile, as he leans closer and kisses you.
You’re not one to wait around, now that feelings and titles have been established you might as well act on how you feel and what you want, you’re in a floating piece of space junk that could be blown up any second so risks were something you took often.
Right now all you wanted, or felt as though you needed, was for him to be closer, to touch him in every way you ever thought of late at night. You grabbed his shoulder pushing him away from you, half using a bit of the force so he would be pushed to the floor. You crawled onto of him, straddling him and feeling the cool tile of the floor against your knees, your dress bunched up and your lace panties pressed against the growing tent in his pants.
When Hux was making dinner, getting ready for tonight, he never thought he would wind up in this position with you. He's thought about it before, but it didn't seem realistic to him that you would want him this way. He knew what he wanted, but he had no experience with any of this to think up and accurate timeline. How do two people confess their feelings, establish a relationship, mention marriage and do whatever this is or whatever it ends up leading to, all in one day?
Maybe it was the feelings being held back for so long, the mutualness of it all, the similar feeling of need and impatience, the trust they had already established with one another, that made everything so easy to click into place.
He isn’t sure what to do next, he wants to touch you but he's shy and he isn't sure what he is allowed or not allowed to do so he settles on keeping his hands on your waist where he knows he's allowed to.
You lean down and kiss him feverishly, your hands sliding up his chest and messing up his smooth uniform, running your fingers through his hair and tilting his head back against the ground so you can kiss down his neck and around the collar of his pressed shirt. You kiss and bite and lick the soft skin of his neck and he stares up at the ceiling, finding it hard to breathe, his hands squeeze your hips to stop him from moving them. He tries to focus on the feeling of your lips on his skin instead of how much wants to touch you but it only makes his fingers dig into the skin of your hips harder, pushing against the silk and sheer fabric he wishes wasn't there.
You feel his fingers, you stop your kisses for a moment to see his face and his eyes are screwed shut which makes you worry that you're doing this all wrong.
“Am I hurting you?” You ask quietly hovering over his face.
His eyes open up wide, like that's the most ludicrous thing you have ever said.
“Oh kriffs no, not at all I'm just...I’m...I don't know what I'm doing.”
Though the hold on your hips isn't as tight his hands are still there so you take his wrists in your hands and bring them to your knees on either side of him, sliding them up and underneath the materials on your dress until he’s holding your hips again, only a faint trace of lace against his fingertips and your soft supple skin.
“You can touch me,” you say softly as you take your hands away placing them on the ground to support your weight as you lean down and begin to kiss up to his neck again, “however you'd like.” You finish as you grind your hips down on him making him almost bite his tongue trying to hold in a moan.
He clearly wasn't expecting that.
You continue your movements against him in a timed rhythm grinding up and down against him as he slides his hands under your lace underwear grabbing at your ass pulling you down harder against him.
This time you moan as you kiss under his ear and the sound is so sweet he feels like he couldnt melt at this moment. You kiss him heavily, tongue and teeth clashing in the messy attempt of making out while both of you are only half focused on kissing and mostly focused on the feeling of you grinding against him.
“Armitage,” you whisper into his ear, a sultry tone, “take me to your bed please?” You ask and he quickly fumbles to get up, removing his hands and flattening down his uniform out of habit. You giggle to your self at this, him tidying himself up as if you aren’t about to take every piece of that uniform off of him. He looks at you for a moment before you jump into his arms, he quickly grabs the back of your thighs holding you in place and you hold yourself up by wrapping your arms behind his neck. 
Kissing up his neck and using one hand to start unbuttoning his uniform as he tries to walk to his room placing you on his bed, he goes to let go of you but you pull him down with you by the back of his neck. The buttons are intricate and you don't want to rip them, so as he kisses you, his hands sliding up under your dress again, making it pool at your hips that were wrapped around his waist, you use the force to undo his buttons one by one until you can push the uniform off his shoulders and throw it onto the ground, he pauses for a moment to see his uniform in a piled mess but you place a hand on his cheek and direct his attention back to you. 
“Take mine off now,” you tell him and his hands that were at the sides of your stomach continue their journey, his fingers tremble when he feel no lace or material across your ribs, meaning your only wearing lace panties underneath. He manages to continue with shakey fingers until your dress is easily pulled over your head. He barely gets a moment to admire you, careful not to touch yet even though he has your permission before you grab his undershirt pulling it over his head and begin to unbutton his pants, pulling at his belt.
He helps you a bit, kicking off his pants until he’s just in his underwear. You dig your heal into his back pulling him flush against you, grinding as you had done before.
“If you keep doing that, I'm gonna, I mean I'm not gonna be…” he struggles to find the right words, a man with the vocabulary like his and he can figure out how to tell you your about to make him come in his underwear.
You just smile up at him mischievously and he's so nervous he can’t even smile back. “So you're telling me to just get on with it then, stop messing around?” You ask, completely ready to have him inside you but his eyebrows furrow.
“No, not rushing you I just, I wanna touch you a bit first?” He asks.
“Well, how can I deny a request like that?” You tease and bring him down for a kiss as his hands brush against the skin of your ribs before he cups your breasts in his hands, his fingers travel across the skin tickling you and making you smile into the kiss. His thumb brushes against your nipple and you can’t help but arch your back into him.
He takes that as a sign that he's doing good so he copies your earlier ministrations and moves his kisses to below your jaw, down your neck, sucking and biting lightly just as you did. His kisses a trail down further than you did, kissing around your collar bone and then down to your chest where he licks shyly testing what you like and don't. When your head tilts back and you grip his hair harder between your fingers he gets his answer. 
While his mouth continues kissing your breasts his hand travels down sliding under the front of your lace underwear not really sure where to go after that. You grab his wrist with one hand and guide his fingers as he slides two inside of you, his palm rubbing against your clit making you close your eyes and bite down on your bottom lip.
When you grab his briefs and begin to pull them down he stops and pulls your underwear down too, sort of hopelessly following all of your actions to try to get this right.
You offer him an awkward but sweet smile before pulling him closer, kissing him and then guiding him between your legs. You grab his hip and push him in slowly, it’s easy even though he was larger than you thought he would be, he had you soaking before you even made it to his bed. The feeling is strange though, he stretches you blissfully inch by inch as you pull him in by his hip. 
Once he's fully in you wrap your legs around him and he slowly and nervously begins to move his hips in motion, he stops kissing you, his sweaty forehead now placed against yours and you watch his delicate face, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his cheeks red and flushed. You watch as his look of frustration is taken over by a look of pleasure and bliss before he hides his face in the crook of your neck, attempting to kiss your skin but doing too many things at once is very hard when he feels this good, sliding in between your legs like this.
It's slow but filled with pleasure and love and need. He doesn't last long but neither do you, it isn't long before you're squeezing around him, causing a groan to escape his throat and the air leaving his mouth the tickle your neck.
You let out a series of moans as well, a mixture of pitchy sounds and murmurs of his name. You can tell he's about to whisper something into the skin of your neck as you feel him twitch inside of you, your stomach twisting tighter and tighter with each thrust. He doesn't manage any words though he just moans agaisnt your neck as he comes, you pull his hair as gently as you can manage as you do the same.
His hands slide underneath you to hold you close as he keeps his face hidden, perhaps a little embarrassed about the whole ordeal. You only move away to pull him out of you and let him pull you both onto your sides instead of him lying on top of you.
He still doesn't look at you, he is sort of frozen, holding you tightly is all he knows how to do right now. He isn't sure what comes next, he knows you're his girlfriend now, that was established before all of this happened, but he doesn't want you to leave and he fears if he let’s go that you will.
You are not frozen at all, completely content being held in his arms as your breathing calms, you gently play with his hair, and scratch his scalp, your fingers glide over his back tracing circles and shapes, trailing his shoulder blades and spine with tiny tickling touches. This helps him relax and you can feel that the way he sort of becomes less rigid and slumps in your arms.
“We should get up,” you say quietly and he holds you tighter.
“I don't want you to leave,” he whispers against your neck.
“Who said I was leaving, I just said we should get up.”
“What if I don't want to?”
“Well, if you don't want me to leave and you don’t want to get up then that leaves me having to shower all by myself and that doesn't seem much fun does it.
Armitage moves back and looks at your face for a moment before asking, “You want me to shower with you?”
You smiled and kissed his slightly swollen pink lips, “well we can have a bath if you'd prefer that, I assume your refresher is equipped with both like mine?”
“Yes it is, and that sounds rather nice,” he says and then smiles against your lips.
He watches as you stand up and walk over to the kitchen instead of the direction of the refresher.
“It’s that way,” he says loud enough for you hear before you walk back into the room with the bottle of wine from dinner and two glasses.
“Oh I know,” you say with a smile before gesturing for him to follow you.
Meanwhile, Kylo is sat in his room, brooding, he can sense that you’re in Hux’s chambers, that you feel very happy and so does Hux, and he hates every second of it.
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prism-rush · 5 years
King of Prism Road to Shiny Seven Stars 1 Main Story translation
I, Shin Ichijo, am a 1st year in senior high!! I’m going to the entrance ceremony!!!
Translator’s notes: Road to Shiny Seven Stars was a series of events on the Prism Rush game covering the gap in the King of Prism timeline from after Pride the Hero and before the SSS anime. 
So if you read my posts when this event was actually in progress, you may remember some additional stuff happening. Like details of where Taiga was before and after the entrance ceremony, and Louis flirting with Shin at the photo shoot while Leo got jealous, etc. Well that’s because that stuff did happen. But all that and more happened exclusively in the card stories. I will be translating some of the card stories but not all for every event. There will be a link at the end to any card stories I have translated so far.
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(On the morning of the Kakyoin Academy Senior High Division entrance ceremony.)
Leo: Shin-kun! Please hurry up! 
Shin: O-okay! Here I come... 
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H... How do I look?
Leo: Wooow! The senior high red blazer! It really changes up your image! ♪ Your new uniform looks so good on you! 
Kakeru: Yeah, lookin’ good! Way to go Shin-chawan! 
Yukinojo: Indeed, you do look sharp. ....Excuse me for being rude, but isn’t it a little big?
Minato: He’s still a growing boy, so at this age a little big is actually just right. 
Kakeru: Minatocchi, you sound like someone’s mom.
Shin: Thank you everyone! ....So I’m really a senior high student starting today. I’m kind of nervous. 
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Yu: Ahhh I want to wear red already.... 
Yukinojo: No need to rush. You should appreciate the junior high school uniform while you can. 
Kakeru: Yes, yes. Us senior high students couldn’t wear them anymore even if we wanted to. 
Leo: I agree. The green blazer is cool too!
Yu: Y.. Yeah.... that’s right. It will be only two more short years before I’m wearing red! 
Minato: Now that we’ll be in the senior high division together, we’ll be seeing you around a lot more often from now on, Ichijo. 
Shin: Yes! I’ll be looking forward to it. 
Yukinojo: So will we.
Minato: Our school life will be even more fun from now on. 
Kakeru: And as your upperclassman, I’ll teach you lots of secrets about the senior high division ♪
Shin: Secrets...? Like what?
Kakeru: Hmm, let’s see. For example... lend me your ear?
Shin: Oh, okay.... 
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Kakeru: The physics teacher, Ms. Takikawa’s.... *whisper whisper*
Shin: Huh? ....HUUUH!? REALLY!? I’ll take a closer look next time! 
Minato: Kazuo! Don’t fill his head with that sort of nonsense! 
Kakeru: Eheh, sorry sorry. ...Hey, wait! By the way, where is our other freshman? 
Yukinojo: Oh. Now that you mention it... 
Minato: Hmmm. Do you think we should go wake him up....? 
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Taiga: ...*yawn*.... sle..... py............
Kakeru: Good mornin’ ☆ Speak of the devil! Our delinquent has finally arrived! 
Taiga: What are you so cheerful about this early in the morning... Ahh I’m starving.... 
Minato: Leave that to me. I’ve got everything prepared. Since today’s the morning of your entrance ceremony I went a little overboard. Toast and eggsluts with homemade meat sauce. A morning assortment of vegetable salad, and then minestrone soup! And of course.... it’s got celery in it!
Shin: All right! 
Yu: Hm? Hey, Taiga’s school uniform.... 
Kakeru: Yeah, it’s no different than before. Ah! Could it be... You break-danced too hard in your new school uniform and ripped it to shreds already?
Taiga: You idiot. Of course not. 
Shin: Taiga-kun, you’re going to wear the same uniform to senior high school?
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Taiga: .............Argh. 
Shin: Huh??
Yu: ??? What are you so mad about all of a sudden.... 
Yukinojo: I think he’s trying to tell us that something is different. 
Leo: Taiga-kun certainly has his own way of doing things, doesn’t he. 
Yu: ....? So there is something different!?
Taiga: Tsk! 
Kakeru: Heyy.... You don’t need to pout.... We already know that you’re feeling disappointed that we haven’t noticed.
Taiga: Can it, Kazuo! 
Leo: Ah, Taiga-kun... Your necktie is all twisted. 
Taiga: Hm? Oh... 
Leo: I’ll fix it for you.... there you go. You look so handsome! You changed your necktie to red, just like the senior high blazer!
Taiga: ...Yeah! 
Kakeru: Oh?
Shin: ....AH! Now that you mention it, it was green before but it’s red now! 
Kakeru: Oh yeah that’s right! 
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Yu: This is like playing spot the difference on a quiz show.... 
Taiga: GAH! 
Leo: The two of you look so dashing in your new senior high uniforms! 
Shin: Thank you! It’s a little embarrassing to hear so many compliments, isn’t it Taiga-kun?
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Taiga: ............
Minato: Well, let’s sit down to breakfast. If we don’t get to eating soon we’ll be late. 
Kakeru: That’s right. Yaay, breakfast time! ♪
(Around that time, at the Edel Rose dorm administration office.)
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Hijiri: They sure are lively this morning. We can hear their voices from the dining hall all the way up here. 
Yamada: Those boys. Even though they moved up a grade, they never change. 
Hijiri: It’s a good thing. I’d like them to learn to fly with their own wings... Shin and Taiga were able to enter senior high, and the others successfully moved up a grade as well. 
Yamada: ….By the way, how did Taiga’s exams go?
Hijiri: …Ha ha… Well, it’s over now. Let’s not discuss that anymore. 
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Yamada: …..I’ll buy you a drink later. 
Hijiri: Anyway, it’s a wonderful morning. A morning of new beginnings. Let’s pray the roads they will embark upon be as sunny as this beautiful day. 
Yamada: Yes, let’s. As long as they can enjoy what they’re doing, that’s all I’d ask for. 
Hijiri: Yes. And thanks to them Edel Rose has made remarkable progress. I have high hopes for their future. 
(A few minutes later.)
Yu: ...Hey Taiga, are you really planning on going to school like that? 
Taiga: What do you mean?
Yu: Well... I guess if that’s what floats your boat, it’s fine with me. It’s just that if only one person is wearing a different uniform at the entrance ceremony, it will stand out, won’t it....
Taiga: Whatever.
Yu: You know what! You need to work on that attitude! Recently, you...
Leo: Settle down, settle down. It will be OK. He’s got Shin-kun with him! 
Shin: Yeah! Leave it to me. 
Kakeru: Yes, yes. And he’s got us as well. ....But even if he did have the same school uniform, he’d probably still cause a scene... 
Yukinojo: Yes. Indeed, it seems like that is destined to happen no matter what. 
Shin: Huh? What do you mean.... 
Kakeru: Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s just get ourselves to school first! 
Shin: W-woah, Kakeru-san you’re pushing me... 
Taiga: Ugh, you’re annoying as always.... 
Yukinojo: Heheh, it’s nice to see everyone lively as usual. 
Minato: Yes, Tachiba--
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Shin: ...........!
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Kakeru: ..............!!
Leo: What’s going on? Why did you two st--W-WOAH!
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Hiro: Hello there! Good morning everyone.
Kouji: Good morning. Did you all sleep well last night?
Kazuki: Morning. It’s really important to get both a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast to build up the strength to start your day off right! 
Shin: Hiro-san! Kouji-san! Kazuki-san!
Minato: What are you all doing here so early in the morning?
Kakeru: And isn’t today your university entrance ceremony...?
Hiro: Yeah. But the starting time for our university entrance ceremony is a bit later.
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Kazuki: We all thought, “We want to see our beloved underclassmen off on their fresh new day!” And then BAM! All of a sudden we were wide awake.
Kouji: Eheh. What they said.  
Hiro: So let us say it one more time. Shin, Taiga, congrats on becoming senior high schoolers!
Kazuki: Taiga, your school uniform…
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Taiga: *twitch*
Kazuki: I think it’s great! It’s just like you! You’re off to have a straightforward, fired up lifestyle in senior high school too!
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Taiga: Yeah… Thanks…. (ALL RIGHT!!!!!!)
Kouji: And you look sharp too, Shin, in your new senior high uniform. 
Hiro: Eheh! Even though we only graduated last month, looking at those uniforms makes me feel nostalgic already. 
Kazuki: Me too. Take good care of those uniforms! This time of your life only comes once!
Kouji: Yu is a junior high 2nd year… and Leo is finally a 3rd year! Leo, you’ll look after Yu, won’t you?
Leo: Leave it to me!
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Yu: Don’t leave anything to him! Since when do I need “looking after.”
Hiro: Kakeru, Yukinojo, and Minato are all 2nd years in senior high now too... 
Kakeru: That’s right! We’re all dependable upperclassmen now ♪
Kazuki: It will probably be tough for all the new freshmen. This goes for Taiga and Shin too, but we’ll be leaving all of the Edel Rose underclassmen in your hands! 
Yukinojo: Of course. Understood.
Minato: We’ll make you proud!
Shin: And congratulations to you three too for entering university! 
Hiro: Thank you!
Shin: Going to school in regular clothes seems so cool. 
Kazuki: Since we have only known what it’s like going in uniform it’s a little strange. 
Kouji: I feel as though the more time passes, the more it will probably sink in that we really are university students now. 
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Leo: Since everyone was able to successfully move up a grade and/or get into their new school, wouldn’t it be great to have a party to celebrate the new school year?
Shin: Oh wow! That would be great! 
Leo: We could eat dinner and snacks in the dining hall and all share our goals for the semester! 
Shin: Yeah! Yeah that sounds fun! 
Minato: Eheh. In that case I’ll take care of the catering. 
Kouji: I’ll help too, Minato. Two sets of hands in the kitchen would be better than one, right?
Minato: But you should be one of our guests of honor to celebrate your entrance into university. I’ll be alright on my own this time...
Hiro: Oh come on. We may be starting university, but all of you are starting new years in school as well. It’s like we’re all moving onto a “new stage” together. So I think we should celebrate equally, no?
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Kouji: Hiro is right. Everyone is a guest of honor this time. How about that?
Kazuki: A new stage... It sounds so exciting when you put it that way! 
Leo: All right ♪ This is gonna be so super fun! 
Yukinojo: Indeed. I agree as well. However....
Kakeru: Yeah. I don’t want to be a wet blanket here, but I think I know what Yuki-chan’s about to say...
Taiga: Huh?
Yukinojo: The idea of getting never mind just us Edel Rose students, but all of us together at the same time seems kind of daunting... doesn’t it?
Shin: ...Ah, that’s right!
Hiro: Yeah, that’s a good point... We’re booked with jobs both solo as and Over the Rainbow for a while... 
Kouji: Yeah.... And now that you mention it, you are all busy too aren’t you? If I’m remembering correctly, later today--
Kazuki: Yeah, and you guys have a TV appearance lined up as well.
Hiro: Oh I heard. You’re going to be guests on the “Let’s Play With Naru-chan New School Year Special”?
Shin: Oh! Yes! We are! Leo-kun, Yu-kun, Taiga-kun, and myself. The four of us are going to be on the show together. Aaah, and before that we have a photo shoot… Ohhh I’m so nervous.... 
Taiga: It’s no use getting yourself all worked up now. Calm down already.
Kakeru: You say that, but you’re excited too, aren’t Taiga-kyun? I know you’ve been recording episodes of “Let’s Play With Naru-chan” and studying them…
Taiga: You…! I… I’m not… Goddamit, Kazuo…..!
Leo: But this really is like a dream come true! To think we’re really going to be on that program! 
Yu: “Let’s Play with Naru-chan” is super popular.
Hiro: It’s not just popular. It’s also a really high quality program. 
Kouji: With Naru-chan as the main host it’s in good hands. 
Kazuki: That’s right. Have fun, you guys. Even if you’re feeling down, being on that show will take care of that! 
Shin: Okay! We’ll be sure to make the most of it!
Kakeru: Mmm... but you know, with Over the Rainbow so busy, and you four with your TV gig... In the end, we can’t have that party can we?
Shin: I guess we can’t.... 
Yukinojo: Yes, it seems like that is the case. We may be able to work around your schedules, but... 
Minato: We should probably wait until things have settled down to have a party though. Kouji and the others will be busy with getting settled in to university for a while.
Kazuki: I guess you’re right. We have to go through an orientation program and pick out our classes and stuff... 
Kouji: For the first two weeks they really press a lot of stuff on us. 
Shin: I see.... that’s rough....
Hiro: Well, just that’s how life is. All of you will go through changes little by little as well.
Shin: Things will… change….
Hiro: Yes. However, change isn’t always a bad thing. 
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I think it’s necessary for things to change in order for us to grow. You’re all starting a new chapter of your lives. For example, from now on you’ll get all sorts of new job offers… But as you embrace these changes, I think you’ll find so much potential for good things is waiting for you.
Kouji: Hiro is right. And the more things do change, I think you’ll also be able to see how much certain things will stay the same.
Hiro: Exactly. For example… No matter what happens, what will never change is that Edel Rose here will always be our “home”!
Shin: Hiro-san.... You’re right! Thinking about all these changes still makes me a little sad... but change is a good thing, isn’t it?
Hiro: Of course! 
Kazuki: There will still be lots of chances for us all to get together. As long as we want to make it happen, it will! Right now what we should be doing is encouraging each other to challenge new things! 
Shin: Kazuki-san... Okay! 
Hiro: Oh! I think it’s just about time for us to get going, isn’t it?
Kouji: Wow, it’s already this late? You’re right. Take care getting to school, everyone. 
Kazuki: See you! We’ll be back again soon enough! 
Shin: Right! Thank you for stopping by! 
Leo: Safe travels everyone and have a good day!
Yu: ….Aw crap! Hey Leo! We have to get going too!
Leo: Huh? Ahh you’re right! Well then! Shin-kun, Taiga-kun, do your best at the entrance ceremony!
Taiga: I don’t even know what that means. All we’re going to do is listen to a bunch of boring speeches.
Kakeru: Our little bright eyed freshmen are dragging their feet as well. Are you guys going to be OK?
Yukinojo: Indeed. The new students are supposed to arrive earlier than the rest of the school if I recall correctly... 
Shin: AHHH! Oh yeah that’s right! Taiga-kun, we have to get going!
Taiga: I don’t see any reason to rush. Even if we’re late I don’t really ca–
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Shin: Nope, that’s no good! It’s your entrance ceremony! We’re going right now!!
Taiga: Okay, okay I heard you! I’m going already so stop pulling me so hard….
Kakeru: ...... Hey Yuki-chan, Minatocchi. You don’t think Taiga-kyun would actually skip his entrance ceremony.... do you?
Yukinojo: ....Surely he wouldn’t. Not after Kazuki-san gave him such hearty encouragement.... 
Minato: Everyone, Kougami is a senior high school student now. Surely we have nothing to worry about. Now, we should get going too. 
(At Kakyoin Academy, in the gym)
Principal: And.... so... as I was saying, as all of you gradually begin to embody our school traditions.....
Shin:  (Ahhh… As I thought, the atmosphere is totally different in the senior high division…. 
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All the upperclassmen look so mature…. ! Well, from now on I am a senior high school student. I have to work harder than ever before!)
Shin: (Huh? There’s some sort of commotion going on over by the door...?)
Male student 1: …Hey, that guy is Kougami, isn’t he?
Male student 2: He’s late for his own entrance ceremony… He really is a rebel, just like the rumors said.
Shin: (Huh… Taiga-kun?!)
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Taiga: ……
Shin: (It really is him! But how? We left the dorm at the same time… Even though we got separated at some point, we weren’t all that far from the school the last time I saw him.)
Teacher: So you’re Kougami, huh!? So this is how you’re starting off the school year... I’ve heard all about you! 
Taiga: ....*sigh*..... 
Teacher: Don’t you get an attitude with me!
Shin: (Ahh! Ahh! And he’s on the teacher’s bad side already! W.. What should I do… Should I step in and try to help him out….)
Taiga: I told you! I don’t need a reason to be late!
Teacher: To have the audacity to show up to your own entrance ceremony with no reason! Who do you think you are.... 
Taiga: ...If I don’t have a reason I don’t have one... 
Shin: (Huh? Is… is something poking out of Taiga-kun’s stomach?)…What is that?
(And so, an annoyed Taiga begrudgingly sat in his seat and began to sing the school song for the end of the ceremony.)
Shin: (I was really worried for a while. But I’m glad Taiga-kun and I both get to be at our entrance ceremony together.)
♪~ ♪~
Taiga: ….Ow! 
Shin: (Ow?)
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Taiga: Ah, hey! Stop you idiots! Settle down… AH…! 
Cat: Meow! 
Shin: C… Cats?! Cats are coming out of Taiga’s shirt!? 
Teacher: K... Kougami! What is going on here! 
Taiga: ....Ugh. 
Cat: Meow.... 
Female student: Huh--cats?! So cute!
Male student: WHAAAA! What are a bunch of cats doing here!?
Shin: (Oh no, this is turning into a panic!) Ahh well um… Here kitty! Here kitty, kitty! It’s alright… Phew, well I got two of them. Now where is Taiga-kun… Oh, there you are! Taiga-kun!
Taiga: Huh? Oh, Shin… You caught them for me? Thanks.
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Shin: Well…. You don’t need to thank me, if you could just tell me why you have so many cats?
Taiga: Uhh… Well. Y’know. Okay, 1, 2, 3…. 
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All right! I got all seven of them back!
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Shin: S… Seven?! You had SEVEN cats in your shirt?!
Taiga: Yeah. They were keeping calm in there but I guess the school song woke ‘em up. Well anyway, thanks for the help. I’ll be going.
Shin: Huh?! Taiga-kun, wait! The entrance ceremony isn’t over yet…
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Taiga: I don’t have time for that when I have these guys to look after.
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Shin: Wha… whaaaaat?! ….He left.
Teacher: Hey, WAIT! KOUGAMI!!! ....What a piece of work we’ve got in the freshman class this year.... 
Shin: (Eek! The teacher is furious... and the entrance ceremony was almost over too.... Well I guess I’ll go back to my seat.... ) 
Male student 1: Taiga Kougami…. he’s that street style guy, right?
Male student 2: …Hey, and isn’t that the same Shin Ichijo who was in the Prism King Cup?
Shin: (Huh? Were they just talking about me?)
Female student: Eee! To think we’re going to be so close to real prism stars! Kakyoin Academy is the real deal ♪
Shin: (Huh? Huuuh? Why is everyone talking about Taiga-kun and me? And I feel like everyone is looking this way too… W-What’s going on?)
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Yu: ...WHAT. He did WHAT at the entrance ceremony? Taiga, that guy.... 
Leo: I’m sure he just wanted to help those kitty-cats. Taiga-kun is really kind. 
Yu: That’s not the problem.... Rumors are spreading about Edel Rose already as it is. 
Shin: Ah! Yeah that’s right! There were people who already knew Taiga-kun and I at the ceremony! A lot of them too! I wonder why?
Yu: Why, you say.... Well, I guess it was spring break so you didn’t hear the news. You may not have noticed, but we’re really starting to get more and more well known. 
Shin: HUH!? REALLY!?
Yu: Of course! You were in the Prism King Cup! And it’s not just you and Taiga, either. Alec and Joji from Schwartz Rose are suddenly the talk of the town as well. 
Shin: Oh really.. I had no idea..... 
Yu: But this is all only just the beginning! From here on out is our is our real chance to make things happen! The more everyone knows us, the more jobs we’ll get! Let’s keep on goin’ until Edel Rose is a household name! 
Shin: Yeah! All of a sudden I’m all excited! 
Leo: Let’s all do our best together! But first things first, we have a job to do today!
Yu: Yeah! .....Oh, and what happened to Taiga after all that anyway?
Shin: Well... After the entrance ceremony ended I asked Kakeru-san and the others if they had seen him, but nobody has. 
Yu: WHAT!? Where did he run off to... He’s not going to miss our photo shoot, is he....
Leo: I’m sure he won’t. We can count on Taiga-kun.
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Yu: You think so....?
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Taiga: What are you talking about? 
Yu: Woah! Speak of the devil! Taiga, where the heck were you?
Taiga: ....Nowhere special. 
Shin: Ah, Taiga-kun! Are the cats OK?
Taiga: Yeah. You don’t need to worry about it. 
Leo: Ah! Since we’re all together, let’s head over to our job! It’s getting to be almost time! 
Shin: Ah, you’re right! We should get going....! 
Leo: Oh yeah, and I heard there will be other prism stars there too... I wonder who it will be? 
(Inside the studio.)
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Shin: Wow so this is what a magazine photo shoot is like... I’m so nervous...! 
Yu: Since they will be doing a feature on prism stars, they found a photo studio you can actually do a prism show in!
Shin: Huh? We’re going to do a prism show here!?
Leo: I think it just means they want to take photos where it looks like we’re doing prism shows, right? 
Shin: I see... This is so exciting.... 
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Louis: Hello. 
Shin: Louis!?
Louis: You’ve got a new school uniform. 
Shin: Yeah! And you too! 
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Alexander: ......Oh?
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Taiga: .......Oh. 
Leo: So the other prism stars to be joining us are you guys from Schwarz Rose I see ♪
Louis: Shin, are you doing a photo shoot here now?
Shin: Yeah! And you guys?
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Louis: Yup. (....A job together with Shin.)
Shin: Wow.... So this is what the Schwarz Rose school uniforms look like.... They’re really cool.....
Louis: Eheh. And the red blazer looks good on you too, Shin. 
Shin: Eheh... thank you!
Yu: Well aren’t these two buddy-buddy. Wish I could say the same for our street-style friends....
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Taiga: ........
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Alexander: ........
Taiga: What are YOU doing here!?
Alexander: Oh shut your hole! I don’t have time to fry a small fish like you!
Yu: Alec, Taiga! Cut it out, you two! We’re on a job. If we cause any troubl–
Alexander: Stay out of this, short stuff!
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Yu: WHAAA?! I’m not “short stuff”, I’m ZEUS!
Shin: Um Yu… now you’re the one that needs to calm down….
Taiga: Well this is good timing anyway. I was just thinking I felt like kicking your ass! Let’s finish what we started at the Prism King Cup!
Alexander: It’s payback time!
Yu: Hey, Shin! Kisaragi! Help me stop them!
Shin: U.. um… yeah! Fighting is… not good! Right, Louis?
Louis: Right. No good.
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Yu: You guys…. 
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HEY! Hands off!
Alexander: What is your problem anyway...! 
Taiga: My problem is your face!!
Alexander: Took the words right out of my mouth! 
Taiga: You wanna go!? 
Alexander: You’re asking for it!
Yu: Hey hey, if you pull any harder on your clothes they are going to---
Leo: Ah! Oh no! Taiga-kun’s necktie and Yamato-san’s buttons are.... 
Taiga: Ack! 
Alexander: Dammit! 
Yu: You guys... We have a photo shoot from now.... I tried to warn you..... 
Shin: Taiga-kun’s necktie is ripped….
Louis: And Alexander-kun’s jacket buttons have all popped off…
Taiga: ……
Alexander: …….
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Leo: What do you two think you’re doing?! I won’t stand for any violence!!
Alexander: Oh… S… Sor…
Taiga: We’re really sorry!!
Leo: I can’t believe you! Ruining your school uniforms like that! Don’t you have any respect for the people who make clothes at all?!
Alexander: …The people…. who make clothes….
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Alexander: N… nothing…
Taiga: .....My bad.....
Shin: Leo-kun, that was amazing…! They both settled down immediately. 
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Leo: Now, you two be good and wait patiently! ♡
Taiga&Alec: …..Yes……….
(As Leo got to work fixing Taiga and Alexander’s clothes, Shin began his photo shoot.) 
(And then....) 
Leo: Okay, all fixed! 
Taiga: Sorry for the trouble... 
Alexander: Appreciate it...
Leo: Taiga-kun, hold still while I straighten out your necktie.... Now, Yamato-san, here is your jacket. Lift up your arms! 
Alexander: Uh, I can put it on myself---
Leo: Okay, right side first ♪
Alexander: Gah.......
Leo: *gulp* ….You have such amazing muscles. 
Alexander: Huh? …Hey, cut it out! 
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Leo: Woah! And here too! It’s so thick! But… it’s a bit softer than I thought it would be… 
Alexander: H.. Hey! Don’t just start touching me like that….! 
Leo: You’re just so cool! Ah, your muscles over here are impressive too! They are so toned….
Alexander: ?!?!?!?! 
Yu: Ohhh? Leo is like a fearless animal trainer taming a wild beast....
(And so, thanks to Leo Alexander and Taiga’s clothing was fixed.)
Cameraman: Next up is Taiga Kougami and Alexander Yamato! The two street-style stars. I’ll be taking your photos today! 
Yu: Well, somehow it looks like things are gonna turn out alright. (To think those two would actually calm down. Leo is really something else.)
Leo: Taiga-kun and Yamato-san look so intense when they are together! They are so cool! ♪
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Yu: You’re pretty intense yourself, Leo. 
Shin: Taiga-kun and Alexander-kun really do look so cool! They can really strike a pose.... I hope I can look that cool someday! 
Louis: I don’t know about that. 
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Shin: *thump* O... Oh.... I guess you’re right....
Louis: Eheh I was just joking. 
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I like you just the way you are. 
Cameraman: Okay! That’s it! You got it! Alright, next I’d like you to look off into the distance, could you give it a try? Yeah, that’s right! Alright, keep it up! I think we’ve really captured the passion of the street! Good stuff! Keep it coming! 
Yu: Passion, he says.... It looks more like they could explode at any moment....
Camerman: Ah, so cool! This is the best! Next, can you make eye contact with each other?
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Alexander: .....Ugh! 
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Taiga: ....Hmph!
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Alexander: .....
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Taiga: .....
Yu: .... (Leo, thanks a bunch.)
Leo: Ehehe. They’re getting along so well. ♪
Cameraman: Next, how about you pose as if you’re doing a prism jump?
Taiga&Alec: !?
Taiga: A prism... jump....
Alexander: Heh heh. Now that’s more like it.... 
Taiga: Yeah... But.... do you know what posing like you’re doing a prism jump is supposed to mean...? 
Alexander: ....No, no idea. Why don’t we just do it for real then? How about it, Taiga Kougami?
Louis: ....... Those two are really good friends, aren’t they?
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Shin: U... Um.... 
Yu: Hey. You guys.....
Leo: Whawhaaa!? They aren’t really gonna--
Yu: H-hey. You aren’t really thinking of performing a prism show right here, are you!?
Taiga: Well, we might as well. They told us to pose like we’re doing prism jumps after all. 
Yu: It’s not supposed to be for real---
Cameraman: Nah, that would be amazing! The best! To think I’ll get to see a passionate street battle right before my own eyes! As soon as you hear the sound of the camera shutter don’t hold anything back! 
Taiga: ...You see. 
Alexander: You’re happy now but you’re going to be crying in a minute! 
Taiga: Oh shut up! Let’s get this started already! 
Shin: Wow, here they go!
Leo: Since this is a studio where you can perform prism shows they even have a scoring system installed. 
Yu: D... Do you think the studio will hold up...? 
Alexander: IT’S ON NOW! HUAH!
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Sonic Spiral! 
Taiga: Here I go! HUAAAH!
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Full Speed Spiral! 
Yu: It... It’s a full on battle...
Camera man: Amazing! Amazing! This is the best! 
Leo: Their auras are clashing together! They are gonna send each other flying...! 
Shin: Taiga-kun and Alexander-kun have both leveled up their jumps since the Prism King Cup! 
Louis: Wow... You can really feel their passion....
Alexander: HUAAAAH! 
Yu: And the score is...
Shin: It’s a draw!
Taiga: *panting* ...Hmph....
Alexander: *panting* ... I guess you... aren’t a total loser...... Ugh! Well, I’ll let you off easy this time.
Taiga: What? That’s my line. 
Taiga&Alec: HMPH!
Leo: H.... hey wait you two! We still have a TV program to film after this.... 
Louis: They left. 
Cameraman: Amazing! Amazing! This is the best! These photos will be leaping off the pages! This raw energy! Passion! The fire of the prism show burns in my artistry! In my 40 years as a photographer I never thought the day would come when I would capture photos like these....! 
Yu: ....That guy’s really into it. 
Leo: Well, it seems like they did a pretty god job after all.
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Shin: .......
(After filming, the Edel Rose students minus Taiga headed to the next studio.)
Leo: Phew.... the photo shoot is finally behind us!
Yu: Everything worked out in the end, I guess... Well! Finally it’s time for the “Let’s Play With Naru-chan New School Year Special” recording! Okay guys, remember “Let’s Play with Naru-chan” is Naru’s pet project that she works really hard on. If you can’t keep it together, you’ll never hear the end of it from me. 
Shin: Don’t worry, we’ll do our best!
Leo: Leave it to us! We’ll make it the best show ever! 
Yu: That’s the spirit! (Ehehe. Just you watch. I get to show off how much I’ve grown.)
Shin:  ….. (Taiga-kun and Alexander-kun have really leveled up since the Prism King cup… And it hasn’t even been a month yet! I wonder if I can ever catch up to them…)
(At the recording of the “Let’s Play With Naru-chan New School Year Special.)
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Leo: Huh? Taiga-kun and Yamato-san, you’re already here?
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Alexander: .......
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Taiga: .....Hmph. Why do I have to deal with you again......
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Kazuki: Hey! It looks like you’re all here! Let’s all have fun today!
Alexander: Kazuki Nishina!? What are you doing here....
Louis: He wasn’t at the photo shoot, but he’ll be doing the show with us?
Shin: Ah, Kazuki-san is--
Taiga: Kazuki-san is a regular on this show!
Leo: He’s super popular as the “Dancing Uncle”!
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Louis: Oh really…
Alexander: Hey, Kazuki Nishina! Let’s have a showdown!
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Kazuki: Yeah! Let’s do it up together! I’m counting on you to make this a great show today, Alec!
Alexander: Dammit! You’re not listening!
Kazuki: Hey everyone, let’s just relax and have a good time today! I’ll do my best to help you guys out in any way I can!
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Taiga: Right on! And I’ll do my best not to hold you back!
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Alexander: …Ug…
Shin: (Kazuki-san is so cool.... But I’m a senior high school student now. So I’ve got to step up my game like him!)
Kazuki: Oh yeah, and last on the program for today Shin’s going to do a prism show, right?
Shin: Ah, yeah…
Leo: Whaaaa?
Louis: Oh really!
Yu: Since when?!
Alexander: What are you talking about!
Taiga: Kazuki-san, why Shin….?
Kazuki: Hm? Oh... We did a survey a little while back called “Which prism star do you want to see do a show the most?” and Shin was number 1! So the producer gave him the offer.  
Everyone: (When did that happen....!)
Taiga: (I wanted to perform on Kazuki-san’s show too...)
Alexander: (That damn Shin Ichijo! That damn Kazuki Nishina!)
Yu: (To think he actually gets to perform a prism show on Naru’s program...)
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Shin: Wha... why is everyone looking at me like that....
Louis: I can’t wait to see your prism show, Shin!
Leo: Me neither! Shin, do you best! 
Shin: Y-Yeah. I will. Thank you.
Kazuki: It’s Shin’s turn this time. But you never know, one of you guys may get an offer next time. As long as you’re up for the challenge, many other chances will be waiting for you! Now do your best everyone! I’ll be rooting for you. Of course I’ll be putting my best performance out there too, though. 
Taiga: Okay! I’ll give it all I got!! 
(As so filming continued without a hitch and they finally reached the last segment...)
Children: When’s the prism show? I can’t wait! I’m so excited! 
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Shin: Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh calm down deep breaths.... *gasp* 
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(Okay! Let’s do this....!)
Kazuki: Okay everyone! Now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for! It’s time for the prism show! Today big brother Shin’s gonna show all you guys a shining, shimmering show! 
Children: Yaaaay! Big brother Shin! 
Kazuki: Well, here we go! You all know this one, don’t you? “Heart Iro Tori Dream”! Make sure you all sing along and have fun, OK!
Children: Yaaaaay! Happy-Naru! 
Shin: (Alright... here goes nothing!) Shin Ichijo, here I go! 
♪~ ♪~
Leo: Oh, this is a song that Kouji wrote, right? It’s such a great song….
Yu: …..
Children: Happy Happy Happy Naru….  ♪
Shin: (Wo… Woah..! When I am dancing to this song, I feel like I’m floating on air! And the children are smiling more and more!) And on top of that, this song… feels like it’s just overflowing with so many dreams…
Alexander: .....!
Louis: ........
Shin:  (To think my show can make everyone smile this much… Oh yeah, I remember now. The whole reason I started liking prism shows in the first place is because they can make people smile. From now on I want to keep doing more and more prism shows that can make everyone smile!)
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(Shin’s show was a great success! The recording ended with everyone in very high spirits.)
Shin: Thank you so much!
Louis: Shin.
Shin: Ah, Louis!
Louis: That was such a wonderful show.... It made me feel so Happy-Naru!
Shin: Eheh. Thank you!
Louis: No problem.... And thank you too.
Shin: (Something seems different about Louis for some reason....?)
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Louis: ......
Shin: (He enjoyed my show didn’t he? Hehe, that makes me happy.)
Kazuki: Great work, Shin! That prism show just now... it was so passionate! Becoming a senior high student really made you level up your charm even more, didn’t it?
Shin: Really .... !? All right.... !!
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Yu: ...... (Well, I guess admitting the strength of your rival is an important part of growing up too.) I’m a bit jealous, but I think your show was really great. I’ll be the one performing next time, though!
Leo: Shin-kun, great work! While you were doing your show, it looked like you were shining so brightly!
Taiga: ...... Yeah, it wasn’t half bad.
Shin: Everyone......! Thank you!! 
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(I wonder if I’ve grown as much as everyone else has....! I have to keep on doing my best!)
(And so, when the boys returned to the dorm....)
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Hiro: Good work, guys! Welcome home!
Shin: Whaaa! Hiro-san!? And Kouji-san too!? What are you doing here....?
Kouji: It’s just like we all talked about this morning. We want to celebrate with everyone. So we all prepared in secret. Well, Minato was the real driving force though. Right, Minato?
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Minato: Umm... well... I just wanted to make sure we properly celebrated everyone starting the new school year is all.... Eheh...
Kakeru: Oh Minatocchi! You did such a nice thing! Take the compliment!
Hiro: Eheh. We all prepared a meal and waited for you to get home. Now, it’s time for all the guests of honor to take their seats!
Kakeru: And now that we’re all together.... Shin-chawan, how about you make the toast?
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Shin: Wha-whaaa!? Umm umm well.... 
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A toast! To everyone’s new beginning! Kanpai!
Everyone: Kanpai!
Read more: Waking Up Louis On Your Mark Taiga
Next event: Road to SSS Event 2 Main Story
35 notes · View notes
luminisvii · 4 years
okay im gonna go black out and write some bullshit about my Thoughts on Literary Analysis and Character Writing bc i love writing and i love trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. i am an unfortunate fan of fire emblem, so the real joke is on me, but let’s do this anyway. using a lot of bold as always! it makes me feel special.
Why is Leonie such a divisive character? 
as per usual, here is my disclaimer that it’s okay to like Leonie. it’s also okay to dislike her, as long as you’re not being a massive dick about it. lord knows people are rude to me about lorenz and i didn’t ask for their opinions. if you like leonie, i am not out to get you, i’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t, i’m not even mad at you. Neat! you like a character i don’t! and that’s just fine. i honestly don’t care! go have fun! 
so let’s talk. theres a TL;DR at the end so be ready.
i’ll make no bones about it: i’m in the camp that dislikes her. i don’t have the energy to hate her as i do for faye, but leonie is pretty obnoxious as a character and it’s an uphill battle to like her. i’ve played VW like three times since i’m a self professed GD stan so i’ve dealt with her a lot, read most of her supports, and seen her as a character in actual cutscenes and stuff.
the short answer: making a character obsessed with another one and having that be most of their personality is really annoying. 
the long answer: let’s start on that now! these are my personal thoughts and analysis, so you’re free to disagree with me if you think i’m falling short.
one statement i will make right away is that i’m not offended by leonie being mean to the player. a lot of people who stan leonie like to argue that people dislike her because she’s one of the few characters who doesn’t kiss byleth’s ass immediately. that’s fine. that doesn’t bother me. after all, seteth and hapi are mean to byleth at first too, and those two are far more beloved… in fact, it’s funny that they’re mean to byleth. i would also argue that my favorite lord claude is not buddy buddy with byleth at first either, but if these popular opinion threads have proven anything to me, people love taking claude’s lying ass at face value. that’s besides the point—it’s okay that leonie isn’t immediately friendly to byleth. that is not an objective character flaw. characters need something to conflict over in the narrative, and not being instantly friendly to a player insert is not a problem in the slightest.
the major flaw in leonie’s character, imo, is that the writers decided it was a brilliant idea to make her obsessed with a man who barely seems to acknowledge her. this is an extremely unfortunate reoccurring character trope in fire emblem. notable other victims that more modern fe fans may recognize are faye and cordelia, faye being the worst offender. luckily, leonie isn’t as bad as faye. but it really is irritating that leonie, along with these other women, seem entirely driven by men who cannot acknowledge them. within three houses, you have similar traits in male characters as well: cyril is another notable offender, and to a lesser extent, dedue’s fixation on dimitri. now, we do see jeralt talking to leonie at the very least, and he does speak about her at least once in my memory, and positively at that. so it’s not as pathetic as the likes of faye. 
outside of that, leonie cannot stop fucking reminding everyone she comes across: she loves captain jeralt. she’s his only apprentice. and you, dear player, who is his child, are not good enough, because you don’t love him as much as she does. practically all her convos with byleth are about how they don’t love jeralt enough, save for a slight turn around in the A support where she talks about her promise to protect byleth in jeralt’s place. to be honest, i usually ditch her in any run i’m forced to take her (hello sylvain, the superior idiot redhead cavalier) so this promise is just cute.
the arrogance in this attitude is insensitive at best, and as seen in her B support with byleth, potentially malicious and self centered at worst. 
let’s not beat around the bush. the main point of contention for leonie is her B support with byleth, which is locked to jeralt’s death. you cannot get this support until jeralt has kicked it. and if you’re on GD, chances are you have gotten enough support points with leonie to get it immediately upon his death. the man’s grave is still fresh. what does she have the gall to say to her beloved mentor’s child?
“I've spent my whole life working to become a great mercenary like your father. There were so many times when I wanted to ask his advice, but I couldn't. I just had to make do. That's how I've made it this far. Just hard work, all on my own. But then you come along... And it's like you don't appreciate Captain Jeralt at all, or how lucky you were to have him around your whole life! Ugh! It still really bothers me! You might be his kid, but I'm still his best apprentice! Got it?!”
no matter how you dice it, saying that to someone whos father just died? NOT GOOD. it doesn’t matter what her reasoning is. a lot of people argue that this is realistic, that she’s acting out of grief. maybe so. however, if the game wants me to like her, they’re failing, no matter how realistic her reaction is. if this was supposed to be seen as a moment of weakness, that would be one thing, but it’s clear leonie never learns anything from this. she never gets better. she spends the rest of her life constantly centered on jeralt, and sees byleth as a competitor and obstacle to his affections, even after he’s dead. 
i don’t want to entirely make this about byleth, because let’s be real, byleth is only one of her many supports. but it is the most easily noticeable, and the least charitable to her character. 
also fun fact i did a basic search for jeralt in her supports and thats 37 times hes mentioned lmao this isn’t even accounting for her non support dialogue! which is still a lot! 
so a decent chunk of her supports still involve her talking about how great jeralt is as if the man is jesus. her better supports don’t involve him at all. i don’t have easy access to a lot of her dialogue by chapter, but quite a bit of her regular dialogue references jeralt too, be it by name or title, and a good chunk of her endings, especially her solo one, have her just taking up his title and job and drinking habits. it’s supposed to be seen as cute.
this woman is in her 20s at the beginning of the game. she’s my age. this kind of behavior is worrying. 
so you’re thinking “tell, you’ve spent a LOT of time talking about how leonie won’t shut the fuck up about jeralt. what about the rest of her character? unlike faye, she actually has one!” right you are! i will concede that. leonie does have things going on for her outside of her constant screeching about jeralt! what are they?
we see that her personality has her as a hard worker and frugal person because she’s grown up in a life that has less than many of her peers. she’s rational and rather keen, capable of assessing her opponents correctly and outsmarting them. she likes to help others. her supports with claude are fairly interesting as they talk about their own perspectives on the world to each other in a friendly manner. she talks to bernadetta and praises her skill in craft and manages to befriend her. in fact, all her supports where she doesn’t mention jeralt at all are pretty good. she can be headstrong and sometimes quick to jump to conclusions, but leonie isn’t one to be too beholden to preset ideas and shows a capability to learn and change.
wait, this sounds like a pretty well rounded and likeable character i’m describing! what happened here? this kind of portrayal is almost contradictory to the side of her that only thinks of jeralt. 
a lot of people who like leonie like her for these aspects. at first, i had thought her to be interesting, since she’s the poorest student in the entire school, here on money raised by her entire village, which must have been extremely difficult for them to do. she doesn’t understand how nobles can be so frivolous, and butts heads with the likes of hilda, who has been raised in luxury her whole life and she clashes even harder with lorenz, who is obsessed with nobility. in a way, leonie is the slap from reality that many of the rich students from garreg mach need. and she also serves an important function in the dynamic of the deer—she’s a bit of a hapless straight man to all their bullshit. they always need one of those! in the lions, that role falls to ingrid, while edelgard plays that to her own house. 
so yes, there is merit in leonie’s character. there’s a lot to like about her here. however, in my opinion, it’s not enough to make up for the incredibly abrasive aspects of her fixation on jeralt. it really just comes back to that—that someone decided that it would be a fantastic character trait to have her never stop thinking about a man, and flaunt this to the man’s child. constantly. almost all her dialogue directed at byleth is about jeralt. post skip, a lot more of her lines become about jeralt and making him proud. it’s like she thinks that he’s her dad. she’s a grown ass woman! leonie is one of the older students! she is an adult by the time the game starts! an adult with some actual worldly experience, unlike her peers! what went wrong? why is she like this? why did they make her so fucking annoying when it comes to jeralt?
so yes, that’s what i think is the major flaw of her character. a flaw that is not easily overcome. cyril is a largely derided character for similar reasons. another simple control+f tells me that rhea is mentioned in cyril’s supports 59 times so uh, woo! he has leonie beat there.
worst of all this is a flaw that narratively, she does not overcome. she never grows and gets better from it. she never changes her single minded determination to impress jeralt, even long after he’s dead. a good chunk of her endings have her taking up his business and acting just like him, taking his title too. somehow lorenz is the more likeable character, and lorenz starts off as a much worse person than her! he starts as a stinky incel classist and somehow, especially over the course of verdant wind, manages to learn and grow and change into a much better person, while leonie remains stagnant in who she is. her own peers outdo her in almost every aspect, in that they appear to be capable of growing up while leonie, already an adult, never seems to show any signs of maturing over the course of the game. we see ignatz turn from a meek nerd to someone who’s willing to do what it takes to protect what he cares about. marianne grows from suicidal and depressed to finding the will to live because it means she’ll be able to spend more time with things she enjoys and people she loves. lorenz goes from snobbish and distant over his complex about nobility to being one of the kindest members of the deer, willing to go against his father for the greater good. even hilda matures! hilda starts the game lazy and unambitious, trying to avoid work, saying she’d never risk her life for her friends, to fighting against some of the strongest forces in the continent and ESPECIALLY on CF we see her refusing to abandon claude in his time of need, no matter how bad it gets, even if it costs her life. what does leonie do? leonie seems to forever be stuck in the mindset that she has to impress jeralt, no matter how far she goes.
this is incredibly nitpicky, i’ll admit, this isn’t really part of the character analysis, but i find she under performs as a unit too. she may have ungodly speed and no weaknesses in her skills, but damage output wise she’s easily outdone in house by the other canon paladin of lorenz and his wonky statline, and out of house sylvain has basically the same ability as her, the same color hair, and a crest + relic that make him way more effective. the man has bulk, too. so, that’s a small ding to leonie as well. i had the same problem with sully in awakening. for all the talk about how these women are just as good as the men, they appear to under perform quite a bit.
and i’m gonna talk real quick in a basic list format of arguments i’ve seen for people defending leonie, since i’m running out of like, a coherent way to talk about some of this stuff.
-She’s realistic.
maybe so, but the game intends for me to find her as likeable and sympathetic, as it is for all recruitable characters. her reactions to byleth and sometimes others may be realistic, but don’t paint a charitable image of her. again, the moment in her B support with byleth is so bad, it makes her seem like she’s acting towards them with cruel intent. while i don’t care about byleth’s feelings since byleth isn’t a real person, what it does is it paints leonie as malicious, no matter what her intent was or how realistic it is. yes, she’s in grief, she’s lost someone important to her, but in what context is telling someone who just lost their dad that they didn’t love him enough supposed to garner anything but hatred? even if she apologizes for it in their A support, that means she basically took years to do so and still seems to think of byleth as an obstacle to her being like jeralt.
although as i have said before, the rest of her personality is fine. i find her non jeralt stuff is much more well written. she’s a down to earth person amidst a sea of lunatics. that’s not a problem.
-People don’t like her because she’s mean to Byleth. 
this is probably true in some regards although i can’t say for certain. because byleth is a player insert and some might take it personally, but otherwise i find this isn’t much of a good universal claim since there’s more to the disdain to that. personally, i think it’s hilarious when video game characters are mean to me, but that’s just My Opinion, so no, i’m really not offended by leonie being mean to me. other characters are also mean to byleth, and that leads into the next point...
-Other characters act similarly towards Byleth and they’re popular.
one, look at those stupid unpopular opinions threads on twitter. they’re not as loved as you think. two, a lot of the characters who are listed for these things are often the likes of seteth and felix, and let’s talk about the context of their actions there. seteth is indeed mean to byleth at first, but his intent is wildly different from leonie’s—he’s suspicious, and rightfully so, of this mercenary who came out of nowhere and rhea is suddenly showing a lot of interest in and is giving a position of power to. seteth is not acting out of malintent or jealousy, he’s acting out of concern for the students and his daughter as well as rhea. because his core intent is “protect everyone around me” it comes off as far more palatable and dare i say, endearing. this is vastly different than “i’m jealous towards byleth because i love their dad and hate that they’re getting attention i can’t.” with a character like felix, this is outright incorrect—felix is not necessarily more rude to byleth more than he would be anyone else. felix is angry with the faerghus four in particular, but everyone else gets the same level of vague disrespect from him otherwise, so his behavior is not centralized to byleth. again, i don’t care about byleth’s feelings. there is also cyril, who is similarly obsessed with rhea, and is just as irritating as leonie for it, if not worse because he gets an extra layer of being a poc character obsessed with a white one who saved him. 
tl;dr: context and intent matters. a lot. i know this is a ton to ask of the fe fandom to consider taking things beyond face value, but please consider the context of characters actions and their intent behind them.
-People who don’t like Leonie are misogynistic.
i won’t discount that there are bad actors who are likely extra critical of leonie because she’s a female character. it could be and has been argued that the reasons that characters like edelgard and ingrid are so controversial is because they are female. but not everyone who raises criticisms is strictly doing so in bad faith. most people i’ve seen criticizing leonie do it for the same reasons i am, which is that she’s an abrasive character. these traits would not be any better on a male character and in some regards could be worse. so for this one, it’s better to take it as a case by case situation, and pay attention to how people are talking. those doing so for less savory reasons often let it slip eventually, somehow. i’ve been avoiding using the word “bitch” in this entire thing for this exact reason.
-Her non-Byleth supports are good.
this is highly subjective imo and comes down to what you personally like in a character. i do like some of her non byleth supports, but she still has an unfortunate habit of bringing up jeralt in non byleth supports, so the only ones that are truly good are the ones where she doesn’t talk about him at all. even then, some like her one with marianne can do the same accidental portrayal of her seeming like a pretty unpleasant person. this isn’t saying that leonie can’t be flawed or short tempered, after all i adore felix and he’s got Some Fuckin Issues, but her portrayal as a kind and bright person clashes with how she’s portrayed surrounding byleth and jeralt. far too much. i like her supports with claude, i like her line with bernadetta, and her seteth one is good too, but i’d also argue that as a personality she doesn’t bring much to the table. she’s a perfectly serviceable character when she’s not dealing with byleth, but i personally fail to see more appeal to her. she isn’t particularly enrapturing like some of the others, and unlike someone like ingrid who has a similar role in BL, doesn’t have the shared history and integration with the deer that grants ingrid a unique perspective on her peers. although again, this is highly subjective, so it’s tough to argue about this. i’ll grant that yes, the writing that doesn’t surround jeralt is WAY better and almost makes leonie a redeemable character.
-Other characters are worse.
very true! i’ll cite faye again as the bottom line for “this is how abysmal this character could be” and in feth itself there is, as stated many times before, cyril. however it doesn’t mean that leonie is better by association. and i also often see people citing seteth as an example over the rudeness to the player too, but once again that’s about context and intent. hapi is a lesser example, due to a similar mistrusting nature, and there’s quite a bit of the cast who are cold and rude because that’s just who they are. now, thank fucking god that leonie actually talks about things that aren’t jeralt. like, seriously, i’d die. she still talks about him too much, but i really should go through all of faye’s dialogue to do a proper count. 
so now you’re probably thinking—if you even got this far—“gee tell, you sure do like running your fuckin mouth, eh? so what’s the point of all this?” let’s wrap it up. 
the TL;DR:
what this all boils down to is that leonie’s got a serious problem in her writing where her entire life revolves around a man, and the way it’s dealt with isn’t particularly great. she doesn’t have a dynamic character arc like some others that redeem them from their problems, and the personality she has outside of her relationship to jeralt and byleth often clashes with the one she has with them, particularly centering on byleth. when dealing with byleth, the image it paints of her is extremely negative, and not one easily shaken—again, the B support moment is just THAT BAD. that is the most cited moment for why people hate her. it just seems like for all the flaws she has, they are not compensated for or grown out of like other characters in the game do for theirs.
theres also that tweet about how we put more thought into these characters than intsys does, so. yeah. definitely doing that right now. thanks, intsys, you did it again.
i will also point to the argument that we should hold the writers accountable, not the fictional characters who aren’t real and don’t have feelings. i don’t think leonie needs to be held accountable for her bullshit. i just wish the writers could have treated her better.
this is personally why i find leonie so difficult, and hopefully if you didn’t understand why people don’t like leonie, this can help enlighten you. i’m willing to hear people out if they have something to say, and as always, if you are a leonie stan, please go enjoy yourself, have fun, and don’t let me ruin your parade. i just enjoy trying to figure things out and talking a lot along the way! so that’s all, here’s hoping that in the future they do better, and remember that GD is the best house okay bye take this picture of me typing up this whole ass thing
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baeklooming-day · 6 years
Believable | Baekhyun
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Summary: What happens when you and your best friend pretend to be dating only to help out a friend on a double date?
ft. Hoseok, Jimin & Namjoon of BTS ♡
Genre: best friends!au, college!au, fluff, barely there angst
Word count: 8.7k
A/N: This fanfic is for my friend Sarah, which is pretty much based on a dream she had one night. The events in this story occur in my beloved city, shoutout to Tokyo! I hope you enjoy <3
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You promised yourself that today’s lunch break will belong to you all alone.
So as the bell rang, you quickly collected all your notebooks and rushed out of the classroom heading to the library.
You wanted to repeat the notes you took during the last lesson, study a little bit in peace for once.
Peace, that is.
Peace was the thing you needed the most right now. Being in the position you were in and always surrounded by your friends who were really loud most of the time, wasn’t exactly the calmest thing you could think of.
Not that you were complaining, though. Your brother was pretty much the most popular guy in school, you were his pretty sister adored by everyone.
Others would also say you had tones of friends, but that wasn’t entirely true. Sure, you liked hanging out with Namjoon’s friends whenever they planned something, and you often did so. But to be honest, there were only two people you would call stable friends.
One of them was your best friend, Baekhyun.
Although he was your total opposite, you somehow always manage to get along perfectly. You knew that people often wondered how you two even ended up being friends. He was loud, bubbly and colourful, while you on the other hand, always dressed in black and white and weren’t particularly amazed by a rainbow cotton candy.
Maybe that’s why you got along so well with Sarah.
You befriended her almost right away when she came to your school. Soon after, you discovered that you two had a lot of other things in common besides the same taste in music and being crazy about ramen.
You could say you were just any other regular girl friends who just happened to click so well, but, maybe that was the point and that was enough.
Just when you were about to enter the library, your phone screen lit up with a new message from Sarah.
Queen Sarah:
y/n!!! throw everything you’re doing right now and meet me at the library! VERY IMPORTANT or i’ll punch someone, COME NOOOW
What on earth, you thought. The library? Did she know you will be heading there after your Japanese class, or what?
So I guess that was it with studying in peace, you thought again.
You sighed and entered the library. You didn’t have to look for Sarah, as she was already sitting by one of the tables alongside the windows, together with Baekhyun who was shaking his head vigorously. Him too? Oh god, you just hoped that those two didn’t combine anything funny again and needed you to get them out of trouble.
They could be troublesome sometimes, to say the least. Like back then, when they decided it would be a great idea to collect some earth from your garden, shape it cupcake-alike, cover with sweet cream and give away to all the students as well as teachers they couldn’t stand. Although it actually wasn’t that big of a deal according to Baekhyun, they almost got suspended for the rest of the week if it wasn’t for you quickly coming to their rescue and telling the principal that they mistook it with actual cupcakes, while the earth ones were for a decoration. Maybe it wasn’t the best and most believable excuse, but in the end it worked.
“Hey you idiots, what’s up this time?” You said as you approached their table, putting your yellow bag on the seat next to Sarah.
“Certainly not my hopes” she mumbled.
What’s going on, you mouthed to Baekhyun, but he only sighed deeply in response.
You plopped on the chair. “So, spill the tea girl.”
“The thing is” Sarah began, interwining her both hands. “that I don’t even know what I did for him to obviously dislike me.”
“I told you to just stop wasting your time on him” Baekhyun shifted in his own seat.
Sarah only glared at him in response. “Not helping.”
“Well, I still don’t really know what the problem is” You leaned forward looking at both your friends.
“Hoseok is the problem!” Sarah helplessly threw her hands in the air. “I finally got the guts to properly ask him out and tell him I like him, okay? So imagine me, oh-so-confident, walking up to him and hoping for the best, only for him to turn around and, I swear I saw how his smile disappears exactly in the moment when he saw me approaching him. And guess what, the only thing I managed to say to him was ‘hey Hoseok’, because he mumbled a quick ‘hi’ and ran off. Ran off! And now you can both imagine how stupid I felt being just apparently rejected like that, standing in this corridor like an idiot.” She rested her chin on her hand with a miserable look on her pretty face.
“He didn’t-” You rested your arm on the table, still looking at her.
“Oh yes, he did.” Sarah straightened. “And then before I got here with Baekhyun, we saw him laughing with that bitch Sua in the doorway of your brother’s classroom.”
“That’s definetely not nice at all. “You crossed your arms. “But right now don’t think too much about Sua. You know she is always all over all the boys here. Maybe he just didn’t want to be rude or something.”
“Didn’t want to be rude? And what would you call his previous behaviour towards me? Because I personally think it was kind of rude.” She paused for a brief moment only to add: “There’s clearly something going on between them. I will just have to accept that I have zero chances with Hoseok.”
You and Baekhyun exchanged looks.
“Ah, come on, don’t say that.” You placed your palm on her shoulder in a comforting gesture.
Short after that, you noticed two boys entering the library.
You immediately recognised them. It was your older brother Namjoon, together with one of his new friends, Jimin, a blonde-haired boy with a dazzling smile.
They sat by a table on the opposite site of the library. You looked over to them waving to Namjoon, to what he responded with a grin. What a sweet brother you had.
You continued talking with Baekhyun and Sarah, only for her to stop at some point and whisper to you. “Y/N, do you know this guy?” With her head she pointed in the direction where Namjoon and Jimin seemed to be thinking hard reading something in their notebooks.
“Who, Jimin? Yeah, he’s friends with my brother, why?
“He keeps glancing at me.”
You turned your head to see yourself. Right now, Jimin was playing with his pencil, in fact sending glances at Sarah.
“Maybe he thinks you’re cute.” Baekhyun grinned like a little boy.
“Shut up, Byun.”
Sarah turned her head again to look at the other two boys, catching Jimin’s eyes. He instantly blushed and looked back into his notes.
“Yep, he definetely thinks you’re cute.” Baekhyun’s grin was even wider now.
You rolled your eyes at him.
“Oh, I think they are walking over.” Baekhyun shifted in his chair once again.
“Oh hell no” Sarah didn’t seem to like the idea. “I don’t want to deal with this right now, if he keeps staring at me like that I will-”
“Sarah, sit back and be nice.”
“You won’t tell me what to do, Baekhyun!” She threw a paper ball at him, which hit him right in the nose.
“You wanna fight? Tell me if you wanna fight” He was now crumpling a whole page from his own notebook.
“God, just quit it you babies.” You rolled your eyes once again.
In that moment when Sarah and Baekhyun were just about to start a paper war, Namjoon and Jimin approached your table.
“Hey big bro!” You kissed your brother on the cheek.
“Hey little sis” Namjoon plopped on the chair next to Baekhyun, with Jimin taking a seat on his left.
“So he always gets a hello kiss and me not?” Baekhyun shot you an offended look.
“Well maybe she doesn’t want to be linked with you more than she already is” Namjoon turned to face him. “Besides you look like you just came out of a circus.”
“Says a guy with pink hair.”
“It’s rosy purple, you jackass”
“Are they always like this?” Jimin asked you, failing to hide a smile that was appearing on his handsome face.
“You could say that, yeah” you laughed in response. “Just let them argue, they will eventually settle down.”
You couldn’t help but notice Jimin still glancing at Sarah. Suddenly a thought popped up in your head.
“Anyway Jimin, I think you don’t know my friend Sarah yet” You put your arm around her. You saw her terrified look which screamed ‘no’ but decided to ignore it.
“I didn’t have the pleasure” He smiled cutely. Oh boy, was he a cute one.
“Very well then” You continued with your arm still around her. “Jimin - Sarah, Sarah - Jimin”. Then you quickly glanced at Baekhyun. “I believe you already know my annoying best friend Baekhyun?”
Jimin chuckled. “Yes indeed, we have one class together.”
“Oh really? He never told me. Which one is it?
“Oh my god” You laughed. “Well, then maybe you can teach him a little, because I’m sure you already noticed that he totally sucks at it.”
“I could if I was good in English myself” He smiled shyly, running his hand through his gold locks.
“That’s actually not bad! I mean-” You already had an entire evil plan in your head. “Sarah is an ace in English, she can help you.” You turned to your friend. “You will help Jimin with his English homework, right?”
If only looks could kill, you would be already lying there motionless on the floor.
“That... that would be amazing” Jimin blushed once again, looking at Sarah with eyes full of hope, and... admiration?
Sarah finally woke up. “Uhm, yeah, I guess I can do it.”
“Great!” You happily clapped your hands. You caught Sarah’s glare. I will end you later, that’s what the look in her eye told you.
Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to go and try to kind of set her up with your brother’s friend so unceremoniosly, but in your opinion she needed a little distraction from all that Hoseok drama. After all it was because you cared, what else?
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A week passed since your little ‘meeting’ in the library. Ever since that day, Sarah has been regularly meeting up with Jimin to help him with his studying. You were quite proud of your little ‘achievement’, to say the least. She still was whining about Hoseok sometimes, but it seemed to you like she actually enjoyed spending time with Jimin.
Those two would make an adorable couple, you thought to yourself. But then you immediately shook that thought off, as quick as it appeared. You didn’t want to play matchmaker any further - you didn’t really like it yourself when other people did that.
You were so occupied with your own thoughts that you completely missed Baekhyun’s irritated expression.
“Hello, Earth to Y/N, still online?” He waved his hand right in front of your face. “I just asked you the same question two times.”
“Uhm? Sorry, I was just daydreaming.”
He smirked. “Daydreaming? I hope you were daydreaming about me.”
“What? Ew, no.”
“Ouch, that hurt.” He put his palm on his heart with an exaggerated offended expression.
You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Then what were you actually daydreaming about if I may ask?”
“I was just thinking that Sarah and Jimin would be really cute together.” You shrugged. “But nevermind.”
Baekhyun grinned. “You really wanna set them up, don’t you?”
“No, I’m just saying what I think.”
“Sure.” He was still grinning like an idiot.
You never understood it how someone could be so happy all the time. Baekhyun was like a literal puppy - he always found something to smile about, got overly excited and pretty much jumped around like a kid. Like a kid, he apparently still was. But being completely honest, you envied him for being so enthusiastic about life. You, in the opposite, tended you overthink and worry about things in advance, so at least being with him could… relax you, just a little? Baekhyun always tried to maintain the high spirits and, for once, you were grateful to have him as your best friend, although you would never admit it directly.
“How do you do that?”
“How do I do what?”
“Being always so happy.” You raised one brow at him.
He only shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s just the way I am.” He paused for a brief moment before adding: “Somebody has to, seeing that you are grumpy everyday.”
“Excuse you?” You raised your voice to protest. “I’m not grumpy at all everyday!”
“Right. Every two days.”
You shot a glare at his still grinning face. What an idiot. You halfway knew that he merely enjoyed annoying you in such stupid ways, yet it still managed to unnerve you. You huffed and fastened your pace.
“Aish, you’re so cute when you’re annoyed” He laughed, keeping up with you.
Did your idiot of a best friend just call you cute?
You stopped and turned to properly face him. “Cute?”
He only looked back at you, scanning your face. “Yes. Cute.”
You couldn’t stop the blush that was creeping up your cheeks. Why were you blushing? It was just Baekhyun.
“Come on, or we will never get to that ramen place.” You brushed it off and started walking again.
You only heard his chuckles from behind. Please, laugh, you thought to yourself. Sometimes as much as you wanted you just couldn’t even think of what might be in that boy’s mind.
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Later that evening just as you arrived at your place, your phone started ringing with an incoming call from Sarah.
Was she finally coming for you for putting her in those study sessions with Jimin? You slid your finger across the lit up screen.
“Y/N, problem.” She began without any preword.
“What’s going on?”
“Uhm, how to explain that” She seemed to be searching for the right words. “So I was doing English with Jimin today, right. And, ugh, just as we finished the last vocabulary on the list he just came with this question out of nowhere.” She sighed. “He asked me out on date.”
You froze. “God, please, don’t tell me you rejected him-”
“No, wait, let me finish! I didn’t reject him, and honestly I think this is the actual problem.” She mumbled more to herself than to you. “I panicked, so I might have said something about you and Baekhyun, and...” She took a deep breath before continuing. “I might have said something about you and Baekhyun, that maybe you two could tag along. I don’t know how this happened but now Jimin thinks that you both began dating past this week and we are all going on a double date next Saturday.”
“WHAT?” You thought you misheard her. “You told him what?”
“Like I said, I panicked, okay? Besides you owe me that one!” Sarah raised her voice a little. “You got me into tutoring Jimin, so you might as well help me out now! I didn’t mean any of this to happen. And I don’t want to be left with him alone!”
“Sarah, you are alone with him when you study together.”
“This is different! He asked me out on a date, heck.” You could hear her facepalming herself on the other line. “And before you tell me anything - I know, I know. But one date isn’t going to change much. I still have feelings for Hoseok, even if he’s dating Sua or hates me for some mysterious reason.”
“One date can change everything, you know.”
“Maybe, but I doubt it for me. This is just unfair towards Jimin. And it’s too late to call it off. So please?”
You groaned. “Do you really expect me to make a show with Baekhyun there? And you are a grown woman, why do you need backup-”
“Y/N, I’m reminding you that it was you who got me into this. And I’m not asking you to do it with some random guy, but with your very own best friend. So can you please pretend to be a couple on that day? Please?”
You didn’t even realise you were walking in circles around your room. Pretending to be dating Baekhyun? Sarah did have a point, at least it wasn’t some stranger but your best friend. You could totally survive this.
But what would Baekhyun say about that?
“Fine, I’ll do it.” You told her. “But you are telling Baekhyun.”
“Okay, alright! I’ll tell him.” She sounded a little calmer now. “I can even call him right now if you want.”
“Please do. And also, where are we going on that ‘date’, if I may ask?”
“Oh, right.” Sarah held back a chuckle. “Actually I think Baekhyun will like it. We’re going to Tokyo Disneyland.”
“Seriously right now?”
“What? Jimin said he’s never been there, besides I think it’s good because there will be a lot of people there, that means little probability of any awkward, unwanted scene to eventually happen.”
You laughed. “You sure it was Jimin’s idea and not your own?”
“It was Jimin’s idea.” She sighed again. “Okay, I’ll go call Baekhyun now and let him know about our, uhm, plans. Hang in there, girl.”
“See you tomorrow girl” You hung up.
What on earth did you just get yourself into?
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In these two days after getting the call from Sarah you were careful not to end up being caught between Baekhyun and Jimin. Your school was quite big, so it actually wasn’t that much of a problem. You luckily managed to never find yourself in the same room as the two boys. Maybe it was stupid, but you just wanted to spare yourself the awkwardness. Otherwise you would have to act like ‘a girlfriend’, which didn’t really amuse you. You were lucky enough that Jimin wasn’t the type to spread things around, because if he was, in the worst case the entire school would think that you and Baekhyun were dating.
You caught yourself wondering why that thought of dating your best friend occupied you so much. He was an annoying clown most of the time, but as well was the object of adoration of many schoolgirls. Maybe it was because he was just unique - he always dressed in lively colours, heck, even used colorful eyeshadows from time to time. He also liked wearing lenses, mostly green. Back then, at the beginning of your friendship, you remembered him being absolutely amazed by your bright eyecolour. Short after that he started showing up at school with green eyes. And when he dyed his hair red, you couldn’t disagree that the complete look was worth stopping an eye on it.
About the double date, he didn’t even try to bail out of it, to your surprise. After all he really had nothing to do with the whole thing both you and Sarah pulled, and was practically dragged into it.
You were also surprised when on Saturday morning he knocked on your door.
You got downstairs to answer it.
“Baekhyun?” You furrowed your brows when you opened the door. “What are you doing here?”
“Today is Saturday, remember?” He flashed you his signature smile.
“Yeah, and? We are supposed to meet with Sarah and Jimin before Disneyland first in three hours.”
“I know.” He leaned on the doorframe. “But I thought I might come pick you up as well, and make sure you don’t run away.” There he was, grinning again.
“Would you stop? Why do you always have to be stupidly grinning like that?” You shifted to the side to make space for him to enter.
“It’s not my fault you bring out my best smiles.”
How cheesy.
You rolled your eyes at him.
“Besides Baekhyun, I could just go by bus. You didn’t have to come all the way here.”
“We have to be a couple there today, right? What boyfriend lets his girlfriend go alone to a date?” He sat on the couch and leaned his head back. As he did that, some of his red locks fell onto the soft pillow.
“We have to just ‘pretend’, my dear. Why take it so seriously?”
Baekhyun straightened to look at you. “Just make it believable.” He shrugged.
“Honestly, this whole situation seems so ridiculous to me.” You looked back at him. “It’s like Jimin was some guy from your or my past who we have to lie to and convince we are one super happy boyfriend and girlfriend acting all lovey-dovey just because Sarah decided she needs backup.” You paused. “I mean, what difference is it supposed to make? And when it’s done, do we have to tell Jimin we ‘broke up’, or whatever?”
“Really, stop thinking so much for once.” He smiled again. “It can be fun.”
“Whatever. I’m going upstairs to prepare myself.”
With that, you turned on your feet and walked up the stairway, straight to your room.
You didn’t really have an idea what outfit you should go for. In the end, you chose a nice pair of light jeans, black off-shoulder top which exposed your collarbones just perfectly - and pale pink sneakers, which had fluffy fur in the same colour attached to them. You straightened your hair and let it loose.
For makeup, you went for your usual look. After cleaning your skin, you applied some essence and put on your favourite BB cream. You absolutely loved doing your eyebrows - actually there wasn’t much to do since they were already pretty full, but you liked defining their natural shape with some coloured eyebrow gel. After that, you applied a generous layer of mascara to your long lashes and stopped by the lipsticks and lip tints. You were dressed in rather neutral colours, except for your pink sneakers. Anyway, you decided to use a darker lip tint in berry-ish tones. You gently applied the tint on your plush lips and looked in the mirror.
Yes. Perfect.
You took a little black bag and went back downstairs where you found Baekhyun playing with his phone.
“I’m ready.”
“It sure took you a while.” He said without looking at you. He seemed to be very absorbed in something on the screen.
“We still have one hour to go.” You glanced at the clock hanging on the white wall. “Come on, move. I want to buy some matcha chocolate before we meet with Sarah and Jimin.”
“Seriously, you are always so needy for choc-” He stopped in the middle of his sentence right when he finally looked at you, or you were just imagining it. “Oh.”
You looked at him confused. “What? Do I have lip tint on my cheek?”
He still just stared at you with his mouth open for a couple more seconds before speaking. “Eh? No.”
What’s suddenly gotten into him?
“You’ve got everything?”
You nodded.
“Okay, so let’s go.”
He quickly stood up and directed himself to the door. If you didn’t know any better, you would think that Baekhyun, your best friend, just went a little red.
No, you thought. Baekhyun never blushes. Not alone because he saw me right now. He’s seen me dressed in other things than school uniform many times.
You decided to ignore it and followed right behind, getting on the other side of the street to his car.
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You arrived at Disneyland exactly at fourteen o’clock. As you walked towards the main entrance of the park, you spotted Sarah and Jimin already standing there waiting.
You jumped when you suddenly felt Baekhyun’s hand clasping around your own.
“What the-” You tried to free yourself from his firm grip.
“Shh” He scolded you with a look. “They already saw us.”
“I don’t care, let go of my hand Baek-”
“Ey, Sarah, Jimin!”
You noticed the slight surprise on Sarah’s face. You really, really wanted to snatch your hand away but in that moment when Jimin also was looking at the two of you - or rather Baekhyun dragging you along - you just sighed and let it go. Pretend, huh? Somehow you imagined it a lot less easy. But forget it. Now you didn’t have a choice, you had to survive this.
“Hey, you made it!” Sarah opened her arms to give you both a hug. “You look good.”
“You too.” You smiled at her.
“So” She began. “We thought that maybe we could go on some rides and other stuff first, then go get something to drink or whatever, and when it gets dark there will be fireworks. You good with that?” She looked at you, waiting for a reply.
“Yeah, of course.” You adjusted your bag on your side. “Shall we?”
Finally, the four of you directed yourselves to pass through the mint green entrance with red Tokyo Disneyland above.
You looked up in the sky. The weather was lovely - it was partly cloudy, but the sunbeams still shined through reaching your faces. It wasn’t too hot - just fine for spending an afternoon at a place like Disneyland.
You quickly glanced at Baekhyun. Wait, you thought. He was still holding your hand, still in a firm grip, even though now Sarah and Jimin were walking before you, Jimin vividly telling her some story about his English teacher from the previous school. You could easily release hands right now, when they weren’t even paying attention to you. But surprisingly, and to your horror, you had to admit that... you liked it. It was funny how perfect your small palm fit into Baekhyun’s, it almost felt natural.
Wait, nooo, nonononono.
You felt your cheeks becoming hot, the second time in this week.
You were just being weird. There must have been a logical explanation for your unusual reactions, right?
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As you walked in, you just started to go on every ride and to every other attraction that caught your eye. To your surprise, you found yourself really enjoying the time. It sure felt like being eleven again, the four of you must have really looked ridiculous to some adults with their children there, all four laughing loudly, running around and talking about everything and nothing, but you didn’t care. And when you saw the Cinderella Castle from afar, you were the one to excitedly rush the others to go in there.
“Hurry up you losers, or I will run ahead!” You shouted at the three of your friends who stayed a few metres behind.
“And thinking that you were whining because ‘Disneyland is for little kids.’“ Sarah shouted back to you.
You only laughed in response. Not your fault that Cinderella has always been your favourite Disney princess.
The castle in fact could easily be a dream place to live for every little girl.
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After exploring some rooms in the castle, you all decided that you’re slowly getting thirsty from all that running.
“I have to get some ice cream too, or I’ll die.” Sarah ran a hand through her black hair.
“We could all use some” You agreed.
As you walked through the park to find some nice café, you heard your name being called from behind. You turned around only to see your brother, Namjoon, running up to you, waving like a child.
Wait, hold on a second. What the heck was Namjoon doing in Disneyland?
“Namjoon?” You looked at him as if he had grown two heads. “What are you doing here alone?”
“I’m not alone, I’m with Ho-” He quickly stopped himself, as if he already said too much. “I’m with a friend, we were bored and the weather is super nice today, so...”
“Okay...” You were a little confused. You looked past Namjoon’s shoulder in the direction where a merry-go-round was.
You could swear, you saw a head of brown fluffy curls quickly disappearing behind a tree. Brown curls, you knew exactly one boy who wore his hair like this.
What did Namjoon say? He was there with Ho...?
Did he mean Hoseok by any chance?
“What a coincidence.”
You didn’t even want to think about it any further. You and Namjoon almost always knew about each other’s plans, usually. You couldn’t remember him mentioning anything about going to Disneyland as well. Wait, did he actually know that you and Baekhyun were pretending a couple? If he didn’t, he would have certainly given you a lecture on how much he disapproves and what are you even thinking, which he didn’t. You thought that Jimin would tell him about the date - wait, was Namjoon also doing the ridiculous backup thing? After all those two already were very good friends.
You felt your head spinning slightly from all that thoughts that came up in your head at once.
And then that, if your eyes didn’t mistake you, you just saw Hoseok hiding behind a tree.
What was this all about? And you thought it couldn’t get any crazier.
“Anywayyy, I’ll get going back” Namjoon adjusted his cap and started to jog back from where he appeared before you could stop him and ask questions. “Have fun!”
As he disappeared from your sight you looked back at the others. “What did just happen? He never goes to places like this.”
“Maybe he’s secretly one of those overprotective brothers who have to stalk their sisters on dates” Baekhyun was gazing at some point in the space.
You lightly hit him in the shoulder. “Not at all!”
“Guys, come ON, I really want that ice cream” Sarah tilted her head to the side before turning on her feet and starting walking again.
You decided that you will ask Namjoon about it when you get home. All that looked a little suspiscious to you, but there was no point in dwelling on it any longer right now.
You tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and followed behind Sarah and Jimin.
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“When I say cookie flavour is the best, then it’s the best” Sarah practically shoved a spoonful of her cookie ice cream into her mouth.
“So you weren’t lying when you told me you loved cookie” Jimin was holding his own walnut cone closely to his lips.
“And when you told me your favourite was walnut, I was seriously hoping you were joking.” She looked it up and down. “Like, really, walnut.”
“What’s wrong with it? Every time I say I like the walnut ones best people are looking at me exactly like you do now.”
Sarah brought her attention back to her cookie ice cream. “Disgusting.”
The four of you were sitting at a lovely spot by a small, round table under large umbrellas patterned in white and orange stripes. The sun was already slowly setting, and the light that fell on the warm-coloured material on the umbrellas was creating a very pleasing and relaxing atmosphere.
You and Baekhyun took the usual flavour you always ate - chocolate. This day will soon be over, you thought. You peeked at Baekhyun. The rays of sunshine managed to catch a side of his face, his red locks were now shimmering in the warm light. He looked like some prince of an exotic country, and when he turned his eyes on you and caught you starring at him, he smiled.
You felt something in your stomach. You couldn’t really name it, did you eat your ice cream too fast?
No, it wasn’t the ice cream. It was something different.
It felt like... something fluttered. Fluttered, and then quickly washed away as fast as it came.
What was wrong with you? Why were you starting to feel like this around your best friend? The thought alone made you nauseous.
It was Sarah’s voice that snapped you out of your trance.
“Why are these portions so small” She was holding an empty cone now. “I’ll buy myself another one, I’ll be right back.”
Before she could stand up, you unzipped your bag in a lightspeed taking out your wallet and standing up yourself. “Stay, I’ll get it for you.”
“Oh, okay.” She must have noticed the sudden rush in your tone, but if so, she didn’t show it.
You just wanted to let yourself breath for a moment, in that case going somewhere away from Baekhyun. You couldn’t, or simply didn’t want to try to understand what was going on with you. He was your best friend, for crying out loud. You couldn’t just start blushing around him and feeling fluttering in your stomach when he smiled at you. It just wasn’t supposed to be like this, and you didn’t like it in the slightest.
As you walked back up to the ice cream stand from before, you heard a chair being moved and footsteps behind you. No, you thought. Don’t tell me-
“Are you taking another one too?”
Why did he even follow you?
Dammit. So it looked like that was it with getting a little space from Baekhyun.
“Uhm, I don’t know. Maybe.”
“You took your wallet.”
“How else am I suppose to pay for that?”
“I was paying before, remember?”
“God, Baekhyun, I already told you we don’t have to pretend everything like that every second. Right now they can’t even hear us, so please.” You made a face. Why was he still taking it so seriously?
He glanced back at Sarah and Jimin. “Yeah, but they can see us.”
Then, you too looked in the direction where your two friends were still sitting. They were both watching you, Jimin with slightly furrowed eyebrows said something to Sarah, who started to seemingly explain something to him, rather nervously.
Then you heard Baekhyun’s voice again.
“Kiss me.”
“Excuse me, WHAT?” You almost choked on your own saliva. The things were getting a little overhelming now, didn’t they?
“Can’t you see he isn’t buying it at all?” He hissed. “Just kiss me, for god’s sake.”
“Alright, now you are crossing the line Baek-”
You didn’t get to finish the sentence when he captured your lips with his own.
The kiss lasted for only a couple of seconds, but it was enough to totally disorient you. And when he pulled back, your head started spinning for real this time.
You just stood there, waiting for your turn in the ice cream queue with your mouth forming an ‘o’.
So many thoughts were running in your head at that very moment, that you completely failed to hear Sarah coughing loudly in the distance.
You also didn’t even realise when it was your turn to order, so when you didn’t speak a word, Baekhyun very gently pushed you aside and got both Sarah’s and your ice cream himself.
The rest of your evening passed, thank God, rather quickly. You sat at the same table for another hour, Sarah still not having enough of cookie ice cream. You were zoning out most of the time, avoiding Baekhyun’s eyes.
Make it believable, he said. It can be fun, he said.
You still were the opinion that it didn’t make any sense from the beginning, but none was willing to listen.
Now you were just angry at yourself. Why were you such an idiot to set Sarah up in the first place? Because after all it was crystal clear to you that she liked only Hoseok, not Jimin, no matter how sweet he was.
And Baekhyun? You really, really wanted to say that the kiss was wrong, very wrong.
But it wasn’t. It felt right.
It felt almost natural.
You recalled the moment when he took your hand by the main entrance to Disneyland. It felt natural, just as if it was the way it was meant to happen.
“Hey, Y/N, are you listening?” Sarah’s voice brought you back to the reality. “It already got dark, the fireworks are supposed to start soon.”
“Oh, yeah. Do you want to get going now?”
As she nodded, the four of you gathered your things ready to head to the direction where the said show was taking place. And when you nearly bumped into Baekhyun’s chest as you rapidly stood up and took a glimpse of his eyes fixed on you, you felt as if the fireworks erupted in your stomach instead of the nightsky.
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It was almost 21:00 when you left, looking for your cars in the parking lot. All you wanted was to finally be alone, in the silence of your comforting room. You just had to survive the awkward ride home with Baekhyun, during which you sincerely hoped that he won’t bring up the topic of the kiss occurence from earlier.
You hugged both Sarah and Jimin goodbye and followed Baekhyun back to his car.
Please, you thought. Don’t talk to me.
The ride was silent so far. Maybe he feels stupid himself for doing this and regrets it, you thought.
However, you didn’t dare to look at him. You didn’t want to meet his eyes again, because you were sure you would just start blushing all over again.
You were more than relieved when you arrived at your place, and just as Baekhyun pulled the car to stop, you grabbed your bag ready to get the hell out of there.
“Uhm” Suddenly you found it extremely difficult to properly speak. “See you at school?” Without giving him a chance to reply you opened the door and rushed outside.
Drive off, drive off, drive off-
“Y/N, wait.”
“Yeah?” You were midway to your front door when he opened the door on his side and got out of the car.
“Do you...” He started, coming up to you, without looking at you first. “Do you want to talk about what happened back there?”
“You mean... the kiss?”
He nodded.
“There isn’t much to talk about.” You said in a weak voice, almost whisper. “It was wrong, and it will never happen again.”
His face changed into a hurt expression. “Wrong?”
“Yes, wrong!” You snapped. “What on earth were you actually thinking? You seriously don’t know your limits!”
“Will you stop behaving like that? God, why is it so difficult talking to you” He was now getting irritated himself.
“Well, then don’t talk to me.” You crossed your arms on your chest. “I just fail to understand why you did that. Was it so important to you to make things weird between us?”
“It was important for me to finally get you to notice one thing you also always failed to undertand.”
“Oh really, and that thing is...?”
He gave you a look, shaking his head in bewilderment.
“Are you really that blind? Can’t you see that I like you? That I have liked for a long time now?” He bit his lip. “I was always giving you hints, but looks like you missed them. Or ignored.” He added before taking a deep breath. “I thought that maybe today you will eventually open your eyes.”
What was just happening? Your best friend just confessed to you straight in your face out of nowhere.
Were you even still awake?
“Baekhyun-” You were too tired and way too confused to think clearly any longer. “Let’s just forget about today. Forget all this ever happened, and let us get back to normal. It doesn’t make any sense to me-”
“Okay, fine!” It was his turn to snap. “Forget about it, huh? Fine.”
He rapidly turned around walking back to his car.
You watched as he started the engine and drove off, without any further words.
You were convincing yourself that it wouldn’t make any sense if you eventually let something bloom between the two of you, so why did you feel like the things you so harshly said to him just a couple minutes ago were the real nonsense?
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The next day on Sunday, you just locked yourself up in your room. You didn’t feel like doing anything. Namjoon was out on a trip with some friends, so you also didn’t have an opportunity to ask him about his appearance in Disneyland the other day.
A loud sound from your phone signilising an incoming call stopped you from getting lost in your thoughts again.
Queen Sarah calling...
“Hey girl, how are you feeling?” Her voice sounded concerned. Was she some magician or something? Did she already know you were hating on yourself for what you did yesterday night?
“Are you actually asking how I’m feeling or are you referring to what you witnessed yesterday by that ice cream stand-”
“I CAAAN’T!” She yelled into the speaker. “What was that??? I mean, I wanted you to pretend you were dating but to that point? I’m impressed, I’m impressed. And shocked, and surprised.”
“Sarah, he fucking confessed to me yesterday as he brought me back home. Baekhyun told me he likes me.” You said in a barely audible voice. “When did it all become such a mess?”
“Wait, what???” She seemed honestly surprised. “Like, for real? Are you saying that Baekhyun has feelings for you?”
“That’s what I’m saying-”
“What did you tell him?”
“That he should forget it and that it doesn’t make any sense.” You suddenly felt like an idiot again. “I told him that kiss was wrong. But it felt so right, and let me tell you, so right.” You thought you were about to cry because of your stupid actions. “And the thing is, I think I might have feelings for him too. I was always pushing that thought away from me, but maybe those feelings have always been there. I just always denied it. And now I don’t have a single clue how to get through tomorrow at school.”
“Girl” Sarah spoke up. “You totally need to talk to him then. Try to make things right again. I’m sure it will all end alright. I saw you too holding hands when you thought me and Jimin weren’t looking” You could hear the smile in her voice. “You will be the cutest couple in our school.”
“I don’t know if I can do this” You told her. “But I can try. If he tells me to go get lost-”
“No, he won’t!”
“If you say so.” You paused for a moment. “And what about you? Jimin drove you home, right? What were you talking about?”
“Ah, that’s the other thing I wanted to talk about. I know, I know you had good intentions with all of that, Jimin is probably one of the sweetest boys I’ve ever met, but-” She sighed. “I can’t stop thinking about Hoseok. I just can’t. I may be stupid and hopeless, you name it. I told Jimin the truth about how I feel, I didn’t want to be more unfair to him than I already was by agreeing to that date in the first place and getting his hopes up. He said he understands. Y/N, seriously, how can he be so calm? He said he understands and if that’s so, then he at least hopes that things will somehow get clearer with Hoseok. And at the end he gave me a kiss on the cheek and said that if he doesn’t treat me like I deserve to be treated, I know where to find him.”
“Oh my god, GOLD, gold not human-”
“Right?” She sighed again. “Ugh, let us settle down today and cool off. Tomorrow is Monday. We can get through this, whatever it is.”
“I genuinely hope so. See you tomorrow. And think positive.”
“You too! Fighting!”
You hung up. Oh god. You somehow had a feeling tomorrow will be a long day.
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And a long day it indeed was. You felt like the time wasn’t passing at all. You also weren’t really listening to your teachers during the lessons, because all that was on your mind was Baekhyun.
You ran into him a few times during the day, and he pretty much completely ignored your existence, to say the least. You had no idea and no plan on how to approach him and try to effectively talk to him.
That’s why you ended up wandering around the school building during your long lunch break. Sarah was nowhere to be seen - oddly. You needed some time to make up some lines to say to Baekhyun, so you decided to look for an empty classroom where you could think.
You remembered that the Japanese classroom on the second floor, that one with huge windows, was always free of any students during the break, so you immediately opted for this one.
You fastened and got to the door, which you swiftly opened without thinking much. It was just then when you noticed someone already sitting there by the window.
It took you a few seconds to recognise him.
The boy turned to look at you. “Oh, hey Y/N.”
“What are you doing up here all by yourself?”
“Ah, nothing. Just thinking, I guess.”
You took a few steps towards him. “Mind if I sit?”
“Not at all.”
And you did so. You took a glimpse at him. He looked... miserable. Something was obviously bothering him.
“Hey” You spoke up again. “You look sad. Maybe you will feel better if you let it all out.”
He sadly smiled at you. “I don’t want to bother you with my drama...”
“Ah, come on. I’m here to listen.”
“Uhm, okay.” He ruffled his dark brown curls with both hands. “I know it might come out creepy, but... On that Saturday... I know that you, Baekhyun, Jimin and-” He paused. “-and Sarah were in Disneyland. I was there too, with your brother.”
So it was Hoseok! And there you were, thinking that you started hallucinating.
“I just-” He rested his forehead on the window. “I’m really an idiot you know? I’m sure Sarah told you all about it how I ‘escaped’ from her, am I right?”
You raised your eyebrows. “Oh, that. Yes, she did. She told me you ran off as soon as you saw her approaching. She was really miserable after that.”
Now the look on his face appeared almost tormented.
“I didn’t mean to, I didn’t, really.” He looked at you again. “The truth is, I had the biggest crush on her pretty much since she started attending our school. And it didn’t fade away. Not a bit. I know I’m usually not the shy type, but it changes when she’s around. You can laugh at me, but I’m just afraid of actually talking to her in person. Initially, I thought that I would simply mess up if I open my mouth, but clearly, I did mess up by not opening it, ironically.” He paused for a brief moment before continuing. “She makes me speechless. It’s like as if I saw an angel walking down the school corridor.” Now he started smiling to himself. “But that day when I saw you four in Disneyland, and her with Jimin talking and laughing... Well, guess what, I got what I deserve. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Jimin, we are all friends. But-”
“Wait.” You interrupted him. “Hold on. So you are telling me you like Sarah?”
“Oh dear, Hoseok...”
“I know, I fucked up-”
“No, you didn’t.” You straightened. “ At least not to that point where you can’t fix it.”
He looked at you confused.
“You can believe me when I say that Sarah has eyes only for you.” You smiled at him. “We were talking on the phone yesterday. She said she told Jimin that she can’t date him because she still likes you. I hope she won’t get mad at me because I just revealed that information to you but-” You tucked your hair behind your ear. “I’m doing you both a favour. You still have a chance. Take it.”
“I wouldn’t know what to tell her...”
“The same what you just told me. Just tell her the truth about your feelings, and I’m sure you will be fine. You can totally do this!” You tried to motivate at least him, because you yourself were rather far from being particularly motivated for what was awaiting you later.
“Alright. Okay. If you say so, it must be true then.” He shifted in his spot. “And what about you? You also looked worried.”
“Eh, this is even more ridiculous than your thing.”
“Come on. The least I can do in return for listening to my blabbering is to do the same for you. So tell me.”
You took a deep breath. “I won’t tell you the entire story because there would be really way too much to tell, so in a shortened version, Sarah kind of told Jimin something about me and Baekhyun, Jimin thought that me and Baekhyun started dating and we had to pretend to be a couple there in Disneyland.” You glanced at Hoseok. He seemed to fight back a laugh.
“I’m sorry.” He said. “Did you really pretend all along?”
“Yes! And Baekhyun was taking it too seriously. He held my hand and stuff. And then, as if it wasn’t bad enough, he just kissed me in front of everyone. Kissed me!” You flipped your head back. “And then again, when he brought me back to my house, he confessed to me. And I was being the biggest idiot of the world and rejected him.”
Hoseok seemed to think, analyzing your face. “Do you like him too?”
You sighed. “Yes. Y-yes, I think I do.”
“I think you do, too. You should as well talk to him and tell him how you really feel.”
“I might as well throw up.”
“Come on, if I can talk to Sarah, then you can totally talk to Baekhyun. We have to believe in our dumb selves.” He jumped off the window sill you were both sitting on, offering you his hand to help you down.
Hoseok was right. Sarah was right too. You could do it.
With that thought accompanying you, you confidently walked out of the classroom, ready to find Baekhyun and get it done before all the confidence abandoned you.
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After running some errands in the school building, you finally found him.
He was just about to walk into his full classroom when you quickly ran up to him and yanked him away from the door before he could even touch it.
“Baekhyun, I need to talk to you.” You let go off his arm where you were grasping him.
“Didn’t you tell me yourself there is nothing to talk about?” He was looking you right in your eyes.
“But there is. Please listen to me.”
He gave you a sign to talk.
“I-I was wrong. I was fully, entirely wrong. And I handled the situation like a total fool, I’m sorry.”
He didn’t look a tiny bit convinced. “Is that all you wanted to tell me?”
“No.” You tilted your head to properly look at him. “When you told me you liked me, I was just very surprised. I never thought you would, after all we are best friends since, like forever. And I guess I was making myself believe some stupid convictions I only thought were right. Because the truth is, I don’t know yet what that feeling is that I get when I look at you.” You quickly glanced at his lips. “But I know one thing for sure. Remember when I told you that kiss felt wrong? I was lying. It felt right like nothing else before. And I don’t want to be kissed like that by any other boy.” You finished, looking at him with your eyes full of hope.
His eyes were fixed on your own.
“You don’t?” He asked, a slight disbelief audible in his tone.
“No.” You decisively took one step closer to him. “I don’t.”
And then there he was, cupping your face and gently pressing his warm lips to your soft ones.
This time, the kiss lasted longer than the first one. It was careful, but with passion, just as if he longed for it to do it again.
And when you pulled apart and opened your eyes, you knew that this time you didn’t do any mistakes.
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A/N: Aaand, the end! The ending came out so bad, I’m sorry ;_; Actually I was super happy with the results as I was writing, but then I was like what the fu. Anyway, if you made it till here, thank you so much for reading, leave a heart if you liked it, feel free to reblog and leave me your thoughts on that, I’m curious about your opinions! xoxo <3
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purfectmlpblog · 5 years
...alright fuq it lemme explain my thoughts about the finale spoilers lol
Don’t worry, I WILL be posting this under a read-more so PLEASE turn away and ignore this now (especially with some “spoiler” tags on if you use ‘em) if you don’t want to be spoiled for the finale until it officially airs. I just can’t contain my thoughts no more after ponderin’ them and who knows when it’ll officially air in English (’cause slow schedules can be a pain to deal with lol) sooooo... yeah you’ve been warned xp 
...Ooooh boi, well admittedly I kinda skimmed through what the whole plot was about behind the last three episodes (I was moreso focused on all the stuff happening for “The Last Problem” so lol), but I’ll try to keep it brief for the most part:
-So... that whole thing about Grogar being the last “big bad” was just a total lie... since apparently it was just Discord masking himself as the guy just to give Twilight one last battle to face? ...Ehhh, I get that he apparently had “good intentions” but this just seems to be pushing it too far even for Discord’s standards tbh... like these are his friends now (including Fluttershy, his best friend) so why would he allow this much risk to be thrown at them for the sake of just teaching them a valuable lesson about overcoming obstacles? ._. Then again, this IS Discord we’re talking about so him pulling some shady stuff like this is to be expected, I guess? Idk...
-As another twist to the trio of bad guys... NONE of them get redeemed at the end (not even Cozy Glow... who again, is nothing more than a whiny child compared to Chrysalis and Tirek :P), as they all pretty much get blasted with the same stone spell that Discord was under for what I can presume to be forever. I mean... had Sombra been placed in Cozy Glow’s position then I guess I’d be a bit more satisfied with this kind of ending for them instead of feeling questionable about it (’cause again, Cozy’s young age ^^;)... but at the same time, for what it is it’s at least a refreshing change of pace from just having them all instantly forgiven and befriended by all the main heroes. Now that would’ve been cringey... >_<
-We got a reaaally big group of cameos from many past ponies/other creatures from the show to aid in the final battle, including Sunset and a few of the MLP movie characters like Tempest, Capper and Skystar! o.o A shame that Captain Celaeno couldn’t have been added along with them but still, pretty cool to see that particular trio regardless along with my girl Sunset ❤️ about time the main show acknowledged her importance to Twilight -.-
-Moving onto the big finale itself, “The Last Problem”, we cut ahead to I presume to be a couple decades or so since the last episode... where Twilight and her friends are all grown up and leading their own lives as Twilight’s pupil (Luster Dawn, was it?) comes to prepare herself for her own first friendship lesson. Surprisingly, unlike past finales it’s not so much a really heavy or action-packed episode but more of a “relaxing breather” kinda filler... yet still pushes the feels the more we get to see the aged-up cast and realize how this truly is the end for our heroes :(
-We’re also given a nice flashback to Twilight’s coronation as Equestria’s new leader, though it didn’t go according to plan it still provided some heartwarming feels to teach that friendships will always remain solid even if some end up moving far away. Awww ;w;.
-As for the “Grown up” designs themselves... I’m kinda torn, tbh lol
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On one hand, I do like Rainbow’s, Fluttershy’s, and AJ’s older looks just fine. AJ’s especially gives me the feels looking at it ‘cause of the shawl... really hits in that poor Granny Smith is no longer around by this time :( at least she’ll always keep her memory strong in her heart ❤️
As for Twilight, Rarity, Spike and Pinkie... ehhhh ^^;. Rarity’s sparkly shawl is rather pretty though that big grey steak in her hair kinda clashes too much with the regular purple imo, Pinkie’s beehive look could’ve been fine if they just took out all that random junk in her hair, and while part of me kinda likes the “ethereal princess-y” vibes of Twilight (despite the rather dark implications that she’s gonna outlive her friends now ;-;)... the fact that she still sounds like her old dorky self when speaking kinda kills the effect for me... plus idk if only a couple decades in the future would be enough to make her this tall as an alicorn, I mean even Luna (who’s older than her) is alot shorter so it’s just a little off-putting to me to see her so “Celestia”-sized ^^;. And as for Spike... yeah, I don’t even know what’s going on there, so... let’s just move on, please lol.
So then we get to look over how everyone else in Ponyville’s doing, with so many new species living there now, some old kiddos grew up like the CMC and the Cake twins, Starlight and her friends (plus the Student 6) continuing to run the friendship school together, and apparently some canon couples started to thrive during this time too including Lyra and Bon Bon, Big Mac and Sugar Belle, and... Pinkie and Cheese? o.o 
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...Um, wow lol Wasn’t really expecting that considering that most of Cheese and Pinkie’s previous screentime together (which was only in like, two episodes?) wasn’t really that romantic from what I can recall, but guess the writers decided to just throw it in anyway ‘cause it’s a popular ship? lol I mean, not like it’s a bad one or anything but it still feels a bit randomly-placed in a narrative sense imo ^^;
Speaking of their daughter (Lil Cheese, I think?), while I do think she’s cute, part of me is kinda disappointed that they didn’t really get more creative with her design like they’ve done for Flurry Heart and the Cake twins :c. Color-wise she looks okay but... why just make her a recolor of her mom’s filly design? .-. Even putting her hair in some pigtails or something would’ve worked better imo.
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-Some more design nitpicks I had were certain weirdly placed hairstyles like Pumpkin Cake’s and Diamond Tiara’s, as well as why Gummy the alligator just looks like he resized into a giant than legitimately grew into an adult lol. Also this might also be nitpicky but why exactly is everyone (minus Twilight) so old-looking with grayed hair and/or eye bags (ex. Rarity and Sugar Belle), when a couple of them have school-aged children at this point? .-. Hell, even most of the Mane 6′s parents didn’t look this old (including Twilight’s, and they’ve got a granddaughter lol), so I’m kinda confused by this type of design choice tbh.
-I don’t really remember if they explicitly stated what happened to the old princesses during this time since they didn’t show up again, nor what the final fates of Shining Armor and Cadence were (save for a brief shot of Flurry Heart having her own stain-glass window in the throne room). Idk, just would’ve been nice to have gotten more explicit about that ‘cause I don’t wanna think of these poor royals being gone now with just Twilight being the leader now ;-; 
-I guess there was also a couple “implied” ships thrown in too like Fluttershy and Discord (though that one might be more “loose” to interpret, depending on how much you like the ship) and apparently AJ and Rainbow Dash seem to be having something “deeper” going on considering they specifically walked in together when all the other Mane 6 walked in individually into the throne room. Hmmm...?
-And lastly after a bit more filler and than a montage song of the Mane 6 harmonizing together one last time, we get to close off the entire episode, season, and series with one final shot of the heroes standing on a sunset-y hillside together, saying goodbye to Twilight’s student who goes off on her own friendship adventures... and then the screen fades to a book closing as a call back to the very first episode of the series over 9 years ago... where the exact same book opened up to start off our beloved show to begin with T-T
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....aaaand yeah my feels exploded over again, sorry T-T. Despite the lil nitpicks I had here and there (and how I wish certain plot holes could’ve been handled better in hindsight), this was still a really sweet and thoughtful way to end MLP: FiM with one last batch of fluff like this... the end of a good 9-year run of the show which’ll surely leave a special place in every fan’s hearts, including mine ❤️
Though again, like I mentioned before I still won’t be considering any of this actually “canon” in the main universe I’m setting up, which is all basically an AU at this point since I haven’t really been keeping up with the show as frequently to care much for sticking with the main canon :p. For my fellow content creators, please don’t be afraid to keep working on your own next gens and such btw, even if some of it might be contradicted in this particular finale I’d say anyone is free to make their own interpretations however they want, canon or no canon~ ;p
  Hope y’all understand that well and I hope you guys have a great rest of your day! 😃 
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juleswolverton-hyde · 6 years
A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning | 01
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Genre: Smut, Romance, Angst, Stepbrother AU
Pairing: Stepbrother!Namjoon x English student!Reader
Warning: Appearance of a jealous Namjoon, rutting
Summary: Love comes in many shapes, but does not always have a prosperous fate. However, whereas parents might have found it, all the children can do is live in kalopsia.
Forbidden yet denying the mourning of the path chosen for them by Fate.
Author’s Note: Kalopsia (n.): the delusion of things being more beautiful than they are.
Also, my brain descended further into madness, deteriorating fast thanks to exams about poetry and linguistics, thus producing this fanfic which was originally meant to be a one-shot. Yet, here we are, and it would be a lie to say I am not secretly living for this.
Masterlist / Next part
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As virtuous men pass mildly away,   And whisper to their souls to go, Whilst some of their sad friends do say   The breath goes now, and some say, No: So let us melt, and make no noise,   No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move; 'Twere profanation of our joys   To tell the laity our love. Moving of th' earth brings harms and fears,   Men reckon what it did, and meant; But trepidation of the spheres,   Though greater far, is innocent. Dull sublunary lovers' love   (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit Absence, because it doth remove   Those things which elemented it. But we by a love so much refined,   That our selves know not what it is, Inter-assured of the mind,   Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss. Our two souls therefore, which are one,   Though I must go, endure not yet A breach, but an expansion,   Like gold to airy thinness beat. If they be two, they are two so   As stiff twin compasses are two; Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show   To move, but doth, if the other do. And though it in the center sit,   Yet when the other far doth roam, It leans and hearkens after it,   And grows erect, as that comes home. Such wilt thou be to me, who must,   Like th' other foot, obliquely run; Thy firmness makes my circle just,   And makes me end where I begun. John Donne, Songs and Sonnets, 1633
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Happiness can occur in life in all sorts of shapes in places both expected and unexpected, easy to reach or lying at the end of a rocky road. Sometimes it is a physical thing or activity that brings joy - a cup of coffee or tea on a dreary morning while reading a good book that university does not obligate you to read - and sometimes it is a person.
Dad found it in a foreign woman after divorcing Mom, steadily building a relationship from the ashes of the one that had just been burned to the ground, leaving only a daughter just finished with high school as the last steady though crumbling pillar. It could have collapsed had she not accepted the woman and the son who had flown over from a week earlier from the country she herself had left behind and managed to remain friendly despite the thirty-hour jetlag upon seeing the extended welcoming committee upon arrival. Even able to continue to do so in spite of insecurity, crazy working hours draining every last bit of humanity at times and - nowadays fairly decreased - social anxiety arousing suspicion around every unknown person.
At times it remains hard due to the cultural differences, but shared moments like dinners and helping with setting up the rooms for the new inhabitants has only strengthened the bond so that it has become like the days of the old marriage. In fact, travel stories alongside common interests form another source of daily bonding regardless of being busy with university and complaining about it.
Nevertheless, it is a form of love: family. And there is a gladness it has been restored to a formerly broken man trying to create the best life for an insecure though growing lass with wanderlust who likes to be more often absent than present.
Withal, these days the need to escape is grander thanks to a new reason.
Another love in the form of a person.
A big man who is five years older with the beautiful mind of an old soul and the brains of a proper academic, speaking with a silver tongue without lies and baritone tone reminiscent of the days spent by the sea during travelling in the gap year before giving university a chance forms a source of joy in this particular case. Habits like the patting of the head accompanied by encouragements and hugs coloured with a mixture of protectiveness and assurance before setting off on yet another adventure somewhere in the world when the educational and work schedule allows it or before stressful tests increasing the pressuring anxiety bring more comfort than they ought. How curious to see the rise in intimacy in comparison to the polite cold handshakes at the very start of the second journey during twelve careless months.
The sense of amenity has especially become more prominent after a particular night filled with terrors which occupied every dream, making the unconscious body futilely attempt to fight the horror. Joon came bounding up the creaking attic stairs and burst through the door, making sure everything was alright after urgently waking a girl he barely knew safe for what her father and his mother had told him, refusing to go downstairs to the simply furnished bedroom also functioning as a studio and office they built up together. Instead, the one-person bed had to be shared as a harmless bear lay down beside a koala and held her all throughout the night to form a guard against any evil that would dare disturb the calm.
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How cruel Fate is.
To send a person who unexpectedly had brought joy to a formerly bland existence filled with self-growth and a lonely road of which the emptiness was denied for surely the scenery made up for the lack of company.
But what of the local cafés for breakfast and coffee breaks, to scan through the taken pictures, show off any proud results to a companion? What of the bookstores to wander in for hours on end, the recommendations that cannot be given to a fellow bookworm?
No one is there.
Nothing but the empty shape of the man with adorable dimples and unique laugh that strangely captured the heart from the start.
All there is, is a sole pair of sneakers that are still a tad dirtied by Scottish mud when stubbornness resulted in being stuck in the hills, too afraid of falling to come down rapidly.
If Joon had been there, big hands would have guided us both down towards the beginning of Holyrood Park safely.
Been held while walking The Royal Mile and wrapped around a warm cup of freshly made cappuccino with impeccable latte art in the form of a Smeraldo flower as the rain poured from the ashen heavens yet we were sheltered from it by Miss MacIntyre’s cosy café.
If he had been there.
Thus, the girl who denied the loneliness is regardlessly left in solitude, lost among stories that can solely be shared with the one person who already loves another in the way the lone wolf loves him.
Because the bond of stepsister and stepbrother is in the way of pursuing a beloved who makes even the stressful days easier and who speaks with the distinct deep voice that can both rap and sing poetry, an odd contrast given the important day job requiring a suit, giving the genuine encouragements needed to see the hours through when everything becomes too much. Whose clothing style shows off the secret duality and sometimes becomes part of the self-developed one after coming home on a rainy day. Definitely becomes part of it if the temperatures are low and worries about potential sickness triggers the stubborn guardian inside the clumsy giant.
Namjoon makes the world not feel as if Atlas has handed over the burden. Instead, he selflessly lifts it.
And yet the truthful smile fades when low and more high-pitched murmurs and giggles on the other side of the bedroom door are heard during passing through the hallway to the attic in the evening, for it is undeniable Heungji, a beautiful onyx-haired girl on the other side of the world in a country - the place of his roots - as gorgeous as the fox herself, will keep the bear’s heart even if miles separate love. At least there is still the digital highway to connect and keep the relationship standing.
All we have are moments like these wherein the friendliness is painfully obvious while going out for a hot beverage together or lunch depending on the time of the seminar and his function as a debtor manager for the bank allows a break, even if the day has not gone awry. Nonetheless, today it has as the linguistics exam did not turn out as well as expected and the sole source of comfort - a cup of joe - cannot be paid for since everything which is necessary for the day was transferred from the bag used for the job as a retail worker to the backpack that was decidedly a better option, except my wallet.
Fortunately, the exchange student within our seminar group and also one of the loved friends made along the way, Changkyun - who goes by the name of Daniel to make it easier for the professors and likely evade embarrassment at the hand of wrong pronunciation - has offered to pay since he, too, needs a break from studying old literature. Moreover, there was no escaping the offer since the hazelnut-haired lad with a sly hint to a stoic look knows how much depends on caffeine in this student’s life and the salary earned at the supermarket in the mall would be deposited today anyway. Besides, spending some time with a fellow student, a rare occurrence outside lectures and regular class, might bring some peace of mind to the rampant mental chaos.
A buzz shaking in the back pocket of dark skinny jeans that do all but hold out the icy winter weather signifies the arrival of a message, the name upon checking who exactly sent it immediately bringing a sliver of a smile to thin lips desperate to cry out in frustration yet remaining silent. ‘Hey, how did it go? Did the practice we did last night do you any good?’
After dinner, Namjoon tried to help with the development of the skill of being able to distinguish between prescriptive and descriptive grammar as we sat in the corner of the stone-shaded L-shaped couch with the printed twenty-five page summary of all that needed to be learned. Before it would never even have occurred to the mind to lean on the broad shoulder offered so freely and embrace the strong arm which also functioned as a stress outlet whenever answering a question wrong. Joon did not mind it, merely asked in a laughing manner not to separate the limb from the body by squeezing.
It perhaps would have been after hearing yet another Skype call with Heungji.
It is silly, being so infatuated with a person who can never be held dear in the desired manner if they were ever fated to be with the lover from afar at all. But that is the way of the world: nobody can always get what they want. At least the parents who raised us have found happiness in each other, a virtue which is more important than the selfish desire for a grey-haired man who holds the middle between a wolf and a bear.
Withal, the same words spoken by the unattainable hidden philosopher when the first doubts about the study and everything surrounding it echo in the faded buzz of companions conversing with one another while waiting for the last party member: just because it is a bad day, does not necessarily mean it is a bad life.
Eager digits foolishly in love with the hallucination firmly cloaking them, refusing to lift the veil, type out a reply speaking the not so pretty truth. ‘First part went fairly well: 68/100. Guess I’m a grammar nazi, after all. The second part proved I, apparently, cannot use grammar in the normal sense. Completely screwed that up: 58/100. Hoping for an average above the 5.0.
‘Anywho, I’m going to forget about it for a wee while with Changkyun and a cup of coffee. Forgot my wallet, but he’s paying so it’s all good. Free coffee!’
An odd uncharacteristic response comes a split second later, the tone of the text containing a harshness which would normally never be associated with the kind giant regardless of the seemingly harmless proposal. ‘I’ll pay. You know what, let’s get lunch together. My treat. I’ll come to pick you up and we’ll go to your favourite restaurant near the convention centre.’
‘Joon, it’s fine. I’ll eat something at home and get back to studying. Besides, it’s only coffee before returning to the study of 1100 years of literary history and I’m sure you’re busy.’ Normally, the chance of sharing a meal after a late morning seminar would not be skipped, certainly not at the Asian fusion restaurant nearby the station and grand cinema, but it is nice to do something with someone else for a change.
Eyes widen in surprise at the determination and silent sternness colouring the turn the conversation has taken, unbelieving of the attitude Namjoon has suddenly taken on. ‘Seeing as I’m texting you, I must not be very busy. Let me take care of you. What was the address of the building where you have class again?’
‘Is this a Korean thing or just you being a very insistent gentleman? Don’t make such a deal out of it and get back to work.’ In the beginning and even nowadays there is a noticeable difference in culture as the wolf simply does not permit me to pay for my own food when the city allows repose from obligation and we should share a meal as family.
As stepbrother and sister.
The role of the latter becomes harder with the day, but the sole audience who gets to see the actress perform remains blind to the woman underneath the makeup due to the performance which crumbles behind the scenes.
The argument is completely disregarded in favour of the behaviour laced with curious possessiveness. ‘Oh, never mind. I remember now. In fact, I’ll be there in ten.’
‘Un-fucking-believable.’ With a defeated sigh and shake of the head, the phone is tucked back into the pocket and music softly sounding through crisp white earbuds turned on again. It is the variety of upbeat Korean pop songs mixed with indie artists and symphonic metal that keeps the blood boiling enough without acting in a rash impulse. Hands are tucked in the pockets of the leather jacket lined with fake wolf fur to trap all bodily warmth. Nonetheless, there is a fleeting, spiderweb-thin, unknown emotion adding extra heat to the body despite the apparent need for control. Something different than the amorous sensation normally provoked by the tall man.
‘Y/N, you okay?’ The baritone voice making one assume the lad speaking is older than the truth dictates, makes a mocking focus shift from sneakers forever engraved by adventures in Scotland and lined with sheep’s wool lightly kicking the ground to the face of the boy who has been a friend since the beginning of September. The hero of this awful day. Wearing the same style as on the matching day, raven locks parted in the middle to make the same-toned baggy hoodie appear more fashionable than it actually is and golden-rimmed glasses framing bright almond-shaped eyes the colour of the earth in autumn set above a tall nose, Changkyun stands waiting patiently for an explanation for the change in behaviour with crossed arms. ‘You already said the test didn’t go too well, but now you seem even more pissed off. Did something happen?’
‘My stubborn... brother.’ The last word comes out with difficulty for lately the situation has grown complicated due to emotions and actions both parties show and undertake, cloaking the relationship in a confusing veil outside of the eyes of loving parents. ‘I don’t know what’s gotten into him lately, but his behaviour has changed and not exactly always for the better. In fact, Joon is somehow completely against us getting coffee. Just two weeks ago he wouldn’t have minded because he knows you’re a good friend of mine, but now he’s acting even worse than I do when The Red Dragon is around.’
Withal, even before the mentioned period of change, some uncharacteristic tweaks in attitude that would soon be made part of the self had been noticeable.
The most obvious one was the curious shift from jealousy which was tried very much to be hidden underneath a calm listening expression to almost undeniable relief at hearing the male coworker turned into a good comrade on the first day of work at a new job picked up a month or so ago at the local mall as a retail worker already has a girlfriend.
A little while later, mayhaps in the week that followed, a similar rapid storm of emotions passed behind the wizened gaze of the bear who was reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes as Dad and Jeongja, the gentle lovely woman who raised Namjoon and now also has a daughter to care for, spent the evening by watching series on Netflix. The slight cramping of slender caramel digits around the bright crimson sides of the novel showed everything that secretly flashed by in the eyes partially obscured by the top side of the book at hearing a few fellow students, the sole individuals who have been deemed genuine and fun company, dropped by the store for a brief visit before heading home via the station just across the plaza. Changkyun’s name - the sole male one among the fellowship - triggered the quiet rage. The rest form no problem since they are lasses, but the stoic boy who could make an advance that would deepen the current friendship to a more meaningful bond was in the unspoken opinion seething on the stone-toned sofa.
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Still is, judging from the tiny tenses of fingers or other easily dismissible negative quirks that appear after accounting having made a linguistics or literature seminar more fun than it truly was by goofing around - in a respectful manner that did not disturb the professor, of course - with a mere companion.
Another sign of transformation are the touches in the early morning when preparing the first cup of coffee of the day, the necessary beverage to get through the following hours, and a small bowl of soy yoghurt. First, it was simply digits muzzling extremely dishevelled but clean ash blonde locks which looked as if having withstood a tornado or gentle petting if they had fallen into a messy though charming bedhead look. Then those touches turned into big warm palms wrapping over the shoulder bared by the baggy shirt functioning as sleepwear, apparently a “convenient” point of support for getting something from the cupboard - being kindly slapped with a sachet of instant coffee on the head - or fridge.
None of it has been minded thus far since it casts a mirage which only adds to the forbidden longing for the tall man who can never be had and the fact Namjoon is the sole person who is allowed any kind of showing physical affection in the morning without being grumbled at. Mayhaps this is how siblings behave in Korea, showing more affection than here in Europe.
However, the intimacy to which they have grown alongside the farewell and welcome-back hugs at the airport or after a long tiring day, certainly will make any outsider curious as to what lies beneath the surface which allows the touches to this degree.
Nonetheless, in those instances, out of the sight that would surely question and judge the skinship, the world is a bit less harsh and the day easier on the psyche.
In those delusional meaningless moments, we are more than stepbrother and sister.
I am his and he is mine.
Regardless, what was minded and continues to bother the consciousness anew after being butchered by grammar and now once again tries to find a plausible explanation for the half-slumbering given excuse which bore no conviction, is this morning’s suddenly very intimate gesture. Perhaps it was an accident because there surely is no other justification for the paradoxical situation that unintentionally formed a prelude to today’s troubled train of thought.
Withal, the sensation of feeling a warm chest containing a wildly beating heart pressed against the spine while a hardened heat source pushed with the same pressure against the behind, the intention of the sensual action clear, and having arms wrapped around the shoulders in an inappropriate intimate embrace as thick grey locks appeared in the corner of barely though immediately alert vision cannot be easily let go of. Just like the full lips drowsily murmuring undecipherable statements against the shoulder blade while one hand travelled down to grip the hip and guide it to feel the slow barely noticeable rhythm set in by the wolf.
When remarking upon the fairly awkward situation, perversely wishing to remain a bit longer like this - even going as far bringing the pleasure suddenly sought after, yet not wanting to ignite any futile hope with the desire-filled images rapidly flashing by in a mental thunderstorm - Sense returned from wherever it went in an instant and the bear tainted with the traces of slumber muttered a poor excuse about not being fully conscious, having had a difficult conversation the night before with Heungji and therefore not being in the right proper mindset.
That it was just a lucid dream.
After all, we are siblings.
It meant nothing.
Simply an accident.
A bittersweet moment of actually feeling wanted as more than the sweet girl by the poet bound to an onyx fox in the land of tigers.
But it is uncertain what Heungji would think of the recent obvious displays of jealousy. Surely, it would not be much appreciated if a lover so clearly is affected by the actions of another, basically not allowing them to be with anyone who is not approved of aside from themselves. In fact, the situation a wolf and koala are in is one of cheating.
Then again, there is too much distance between the two and things are easily left unspoken.
Mayhaps I am a mere distraction.
Worth nothing.
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Howbeit, if one thing has been learned from the relatively brief time together, it is that cold false games like that are not Namjoon’s way and would be an unbelievable attempt at hiding the genuine nature underneath the sometimes intimidating exterior. Henceforth, something must have happened which has triggered the change. After all, how difficult was that conversation last night and was it the first or another addition to a series of multiple? Furthermore, there are still the kind-hearted soft female giggles and sonorous chuckles resonating from the other side of the door, although not quite so often as they used to do.
It is frustrating how the self cannot let go of Hope and let Sense lead it down another, less painful, path. That there is no progress from the dream keeping the mind captured.
What would not be given in order to escape the kalopsia.  
‘He is likely just concerned for his little sister. I know I’d be if my sister would go out, even for just a coffee, with a guy despite claiming they’re merely friends.’ A small smile forms on roseate lips, promising there is nothing to worry about and this is merely natural behaviour. ‘He’s simply being a good brother, Y/N.’
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‘Changkyun, you don’t- no, never mind.’ At the last second, the intent to use the accident as an argument is repressed, deciding it is too much information to share with somebody regardless of the bond with them. ‘Let’s just keep it at that he’s simply being weird but, as you said, a good brother.’
A lie which has to be believed every single day in order to move past the fantasies romanticizing reality and keeping the conscious blind to the all too eager harshness which would so like to make them crumble into tiny irretrievable shards.
To keep breathing when the salt shed in privacy has dried and Namjoon still is not there.
To just keep going.
‘Whatever you say, Y/N. Whatever you say.’
For a few more minutes, we simply stand basking in the warm scent of the building’s coffee corner while waiting for the last party member to return from the awful linguistics test, spending the time in silence disturbed by melodies only a sole pair of ears can hear. The music calms the nerves standing on edge with the for once negative anticipation of seeing the recently grown odd stepbrother appear in the doorway to fulfil the promise that could not be refused.
There is always a choice, you tell me that time and again when rock bottom is close or times are generally hard but not desperate. However, why is there not now? Why can’t you let me pick?
‘I’m so glad that’s over! All I want to do is go home and forget this bloody test.’ Golden straight locks round the corner in a whirlwind of temporarily gradually fading worry, held together by a caramel-toned hair tie. Judging from the tiredness dimming the normally bright - albeit tainted with stress more often than not - crystal blue stare, Monica is well and truly done with the day. ‘Let’s get out of here. I need to go home to study for tomorrow’s exam.’
‘Go take a break with us.’ The need for a brief repose is barely able to be dismissed from even the slightly happier expression breaking the stoic façade of the pale hazelnut-haired fellow caffeine addict. ‘Y/N and I are going to get some coffee anyway so join us.’
‘It’ll do you some good. Studying can wait until later.’ Fingers remove the headphones providing rest for a chaotic mind, the sounds of the world flowing in after melodies fade. A hand stretches out, tempting another soul into procrastination. ‘Or you’ll end up like Donne, obsessed with death. Death by studying. Come on, Mon. Let’s go.’
Withal, it cannot be taken nor a step set towards the exit of the edifice before an all too familiar baritone voice growls in warning. ‘How about you come with me?’
So far for escaping the sole person who wanted to be evaded at all costs to merely enjoy the rare occasion of doing something with friends, unrelated to university.
Because in the doorway and thus barring the way, clad in a neat onyx turtleneck and same-coloured pants underneath a trench coat which is a lighter shade of black, the outfit put on for work as a debtor manager this very morning, stands an intimidating wolf instead of the kind book-loving bear who helped with studying last night. And since there is no help, there is also no possible tactic that can be employed to still succeed in circumventing the six-feet-tall blockade.
There is no way to avoid Namjoon, raging with jealous menace.
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Goodbye Despair, Chapter 1: Destination Despair (Part 2)
            Yamada panicked when the knocking came, as it always did. There were quite a few things he hated, but his morning routine getting an overhaul was definitely near the top of the list… Bad enough Ultimate Despair got captured and Miss Ludenberg had no use for him – now he was getting regular meals again! Regular meals! Oh, the humanity! And he just… couldn’t… escape their clutches! These cruel tormentors were fast learners, were agile, and were quite fearsome!
            “Hello in there~!” A singsong voice came from behind the door as the knocking ensued.  
            … Quite fearsome, indeed.
            “Um… I’ll be done in, like, ten more… no… five or six more pages, okay?!” Yamada was sweating bullets as he glanced at the door, certain that wasn’t going to fly with her…
            “No excuses! Get out here, pronto!” The voice sounded more demanding now.
            Yamada lamented the curfew. He truly did. Were it not for that, he would be able to hide out on another island until breakfast was over! What’s more, the others were dragging their feet to breakfast, too, which mean their captors would be keeping a watchful eye so that no one, like him, tried to flee to safety.
            Truly regrettable.
            “Time to make my daring escape…!” Yamada, face on his cheeks in horror, edged over to the window across from the door and stuck one leg outside before nearly stumbling back in fright. “W-Weren’t you standing at the door just now?! H-H-How?!”
            Chisa Yukizome beamed smugly at the otaku.
            “Funny how that works? I had a student just like you who tried to do the exact same thing!” Chisa giggled, flashing her teacher’s ID. “Moral of the story? Don’t try to ditch your teacher!”
            To Yamada’s credit, he still made a respectable effort to bolt for it. Too bad for the otaku, Chisa was faster, and apparently stronger, as she dragged the otaku along by the ankles, kicking up a cloud of dust in their wake.
            “I don’t wanna give up the despair of starving myself! If you keep feeding me, I’ll remember the perfection that is Diet Coooke!” Yamada eccentrically wailed.
            The Imposter, dressed up as Mitarai for now and a file under his arm, shook his head pitifully as he watched Yukizome-sensei march by on her way to the hotel.
            “Poor guy… We all have to learn at some point, I guess.” The Imposter then resumed his own walking.
            Nearby, Hajime sweatdropped at hearing the comment. He was having serious déjà vu right now, and the Imposter being dressed as Mitarai wasn’t helping. Shaking his head and smiling wryly, Hajime approached one of the cottages and took a deep breath.
            This member of Ultimate Despair despised him. There wasn’t much rhyme or reason to it. She just… hated him. For nothing more than a passing resemblance to someone significant in her past, she hated him. It was petty, and made Hajime wonder if that wasn’t the brainwashing affecting her personality. Still, for both their sakes, he avoided her unless absolutely necessary.
            … And unfortunately, Munakata made it required for all Ultimate Despairs to come to every breakfast, and Hajime was the one tasked to ensure she came, at least for that morning…
            Hesitantly, Hajime knocked on the door. He nervously adjusted his tie in the few moments he waited. Talking with this girl… never went well. And that would’ve been an interesting experience, considering her Ultimate talent, but then again she was a Remnant of Despair… So, things might’ve been different, had she not been brainwashed.
            The brunet was pulled from his thoughts as the knob turned and the door creaked open slightly.
            “Hello…?” The silky, sweet voice found its way through the crack, tinged with a touch of caution. Hajime’s hand curled into a fist anxiously at his side, and he mustered a genuine smile as best as he could.
            “A-Ah… Good morning, Maizono-san. I’m here to escort you to breakfast…” His voice wavered nervously, inwardly steeling himself.
            As expected, Sayaka opened the door after a few moments – a bubbly smile plastered on her face. It would have looked much cuter and not as creepy, had it not been for the glowing red eyes that marked her as an Ultimate Despair.
            A mask. One that he was meant to perceive.
            “Ah, Hinata-kun!” The pop idol greeted with a disarming smile. Hajime knew better than to lower his guard. “With the blue sky and clean air, I thought I’d awoken from a terrible dream!”
            Hajime said nothing. Didn’t move a muscle. He waited, hackles rising. He’d been fooled the first time by this sugary sweet act… And he’d been outright humiliated and taken a severe hit to his self-esteem, as a result. His friends bolstered his spirits… but it never removed the shame of that first encounter with the former number one Pop Sensation.
            “Then I remembered I’m on an island with a worthless, cheap knockoff…” Sayaka sighed airily, shaking her head wistfully when Hinata didn’t rise to the bait. “You can’t cure me, Hinata-kun. No one can. You’re better off just letting me go, if you’re not going to kill me.”
            “We’re not gonna kill you!” Hajime protested, floundering a bit. “And we’re not gonna just let you go while you drive people to suicide with your music!”
            Maizono shrugged uncaringly, closed the door behind her, and walked past Hajime without so much as another word. Hajime floundered for more words as he reached out toward her repeating back, but no intelligible words passed his lips, and she didn’t stop even as she turned the corner toward the pool and the restaurant. Hajime sighed tiredly and dropped his arm in defeat.
            “One of these days I’m gonna make her not hate me…” He deadpanned. He nearly jumped when a voice spoke up from behind him.
            “That may be impossible. She sees her beloved in you, and you are living while he is not.”
            Hinata’s head whipped back and forth as he saw no one behind him. But then he craned his head upward to see Kamakura lounging on the roof of his cottage, looking as bored as ever. The brunet frowned agitatedly.
            “You don’t know that! We beat Junko, and she was the one that brought the world to its knees! It should be possible to…” He trailed off as Kamakura cut him off blithely.
            “Sayaka Maizono will not benefit from therapy and recovery. Every member of Ultimate Despair has found and latched onto something that brings them pain and misery. For some, that is starvation and fasting; for others, they poured money and assets, everything they had, into Ultimate Despair, an organization that they hoped would fail; and still others, they turned the people closest to them against them for the despair of betrayal. Every member of Ultimate Despair has something like this in their life.”
            “And in Maizono’s case?” Hajime questioned, tense. He stiffened more as Kamakura’s emotionless eyes never wavered from his own.
            “Sayaka Maizono has been unable to escape the greatest despair in her life. She has tried to take her mind off it in numerous ways… She murdered her father. Incited a mob of fans to massacre her bandmates, save for her closest friend. You were present when she threw that friend into a death game with the rest of Class 78’s loved ones; Ayaka Haneyama was the first to be executed in that game. Maizono even waged an all-out war on the idol industry and annihilated it down to the roots… But none of that pain, none of that despair, compared to losing the one bright spot in her life, Makoto Naegi. For Sayaka Maizono… her greatest despair is to simply keep on living. It is not even a matter of ‘moving on’… Sayaka Maizono has no will to live, yet despair compels her to keep going. Because for her, life is despair. If her brainwashing were to be undone, her subsequent suicide would be a foregone conclusion.”
            Hajime narrowed his eyes as he clenched his fists in determination.
            “I won’t let it come to that…! Even if I can’t be the one to help her… I’ll find someone that can give her a reason to keep on living!”
            Kamakura didn’t say anything for a long time after that heartfelt declaration. His eyes just bored into Hajime’s. But even with that slight discomfort, Hajime would not back down. He knew he was right about this. Even after all the things Maizono had done, she deserved a shot at redemption, just like her classmates.
            “Pointless.” Kamakura droned dully, finally making Hajime turn on his heel and leave. The brunet felt Kamakura’s intense eyes on the back of his head, but he didn’t care.
            He wasn’t going to give up on any of them.
            “Yo, Hajime! Come sit over here!”
            The brunet arched his eyebrow, tray in hand, as he saw Kazuichi pat a spot next to him at the table near the back of the dining hall. It wasn’t unusual for Souda, or any member of Class 77 really, to be friendly toward Hajime at this point. Still, something seemed to be amiss, the longer he looked into Souda’s eyes. Shrugging, he obliged the mechanic.
            “So what’s up?” The counselor asked, soon after sitting down and picking at his food idly. His eyes were on Kazuichi, though.
            The Ultimate Mechanic could only grin and chuckle nervously as he ran a hand through his hair cautiously.
            “Why would somethin’ be up? Can’t Soul Friends just stick together? Heh… Hehe…” He trailed off suspiciously. Hajime shrugged nonchalantly, sticking a forkful of food in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully.
            “I dunno… The fact you’ve been avoiding Fujisaki is just one example. Or how about when you sprint away from Sakura whenever she’s on the same path as you? Then again, you tend to pull your hat over your ears when Togami’s around…” He smiled wryly as Kazuichi shook his fist in annoyance. “… Sorry.”
            “It’s not like these are people I can just get along with, y’know?! These jerks helped end the world, and they’re really mean and violent!” The mechanic grumbled sourly. His tongue rolled out of his mouth as he grinned a little nervously. “A-And anyway, it’s not like I’m worried about any of them right now…”
            Hajime arched an eyebrow again.
            “Then who are you worried about?’ As Kazuichi abruptly pointed his finger, the brunet followed its path until he saw a dark-haired girl sitting in the corner alone, staring at their table with an intensity that made Hajime shiver a little bit.
            “I’ve been watching her, and she hasn’t taken her eyes off you since you entered the dining hall!” Kazuichi explained in a hushed, but still kinda loud, whisper. He then appeared shifty-eyed. “I don’t like it. She’s probably schemin’ something, and I can’t just let you fall into whatever trap she has planned!”
            Hajime almost looked touched as Kazuichi said that with such passion in his voice.
            “… Not before you get Fujisaki off my back, at least!”
            “I’ll talk with Fujisaki after breakfast, alright?” Hajime grinned sheepishly. “I can’t promise anything, though… Maizono hates my guts, and at least half of them won’t even listen to me. I dunno how receptive Fujisaki will be.”
            Souda scratched his cheek and sighed in mild annoyance.
            “Oi… Don’t go getting the wrong impression, alright? You’re more to me than just some guy that can talk to these crazies!” Kazuichi grinned and then gave a thumb’s up. “You’re my partner, my Soul Bro! I’d care about what would happen to ya even if Fujisaki was less hostile! … And don’t go thinking you’re not talented just ‘cause you aren’t making progress with these people! I betcha even Gekkogahara would be hitting a brick wall! We just gotta undo their brainwashing first.”
            Hajime was about to lazily wave off his friend, when another person noisily set down their tray of food to gain his and Kazuichi’s attention. It worked, ‘cause Hajime nearly leaped out of his seat, and Kazuichi let out one of his well-known screeches.
            “Indeed, the fires of pandemonium would spit these lost souls back out! Heed not their foul words nor any of their beguiling ways! Trust in my power, and we shall show them the path to true Hell!”
            Hajime cracked a small grin as the breeder sat to his left; he was taking Gundham’s eccentricities a lot better than Kazuichi, who had yet to relax his face from the very disturbed look that he sometimes got… Poor guy always got spooked too easily.
            “Hey, Gundham. How’s your morning been so far?” Hajime’s tone was light and casual, which seemed to please the breeder.
            “Kehehe… It has been splendidly hellacious! My twelve Zodiac Generals had a magnificent feast before we attended to our morning duties… And then, forsooth! The supposed indomitable Ogre challenged this Supreme Overlord of Ice to a fight to the death this afternoon!” Toward the end, Gundham, whose arms remained crossed and his eyes closed, belted out a joyous evil cackle, his eyes snapping open excitedly.
            The whole time Gundham had been regaling them, Kazuichi had managed to calm down and send the breeder an annoyed glance before resuming his meal. Hajime was picking at his own food, taking care to keep an eye on his dark-clothed friend in case he was supposed to pay particular attention to an aspect of his story. Both the counselor and the mechanic continued their morning meal in a mindless lull for about a minute before they both deciphered Gundham’s words at around the same time – particularly latching onto a single phrase in that maelstrom of childish descriptions.
            “O-Ogre?!” Hajime stuttered, wide-eyed. “You mean Oogami?!”
            “Are you nuts?!” Souda echoed his friend’s stunned reaction, hand palming his forehead. “She’s gonna snap you like a twig! Why’d you go and piss her off?!”
            Gundham crossed his arms, his mouth buried in his scarf in a huff.
            “Your concern is touching… though misplaced. For I have wrestled beasts even more Hellish than the Ogre, in her current form… She is but a lowly shell of the warrior she once was.”
            “G-Gundham… Even if you say that, Oogami’s killed a lot of people!” Hajime made a pained expression as he faced the breeder, gesturing vaguely with his hand. “I think the only one in Ultimate Despair who has killed more people than Oogami is Ikusaba, and that’s really only because of all the weapons she uses! Sakura slaughters people with her bare hands!”
            Hajime slightly winced as Gundham gave him a fierce look of disapproval, but he didn’t back down – and deep down, he believed Gundham respected that much about him. He wasn’t completely intimidated by the breeder’s ferocity.
            “Let me ask you this…” Gundham remarked gravely, fixing both Kazuichi and Hajime with the same firm gaze, arms still crossed. “Among the Ogre’s ‘countless’ victims, how many were truly capable of putting up a fight with her? Most of them? Half of them? Even twenty five percent…? Nay. A meager ten percent – at best – were truly able to defend themselves against her! I read the reports, so I know that of which I speak! She hides behind a thin veil of ‘fighting anyone and everyone’, but in reality, she aims for the weak and defenseless! That is the Ogre’s Despair! She challenges me because she underestimates my power!”
            With that hearty declaration, Gundham belted out yet another hearty, evil cackle. Hajime’s brow furrowed in contemplation as Kazuichi remained dismissive, calling Gundham nuts for accepting a challenge from Sakura Oogami. The brunet had to admit that Tanaka might very well have had a point… as a caretaker of animals, he would know to keep an eye out for these kinds of patterns in reports. The numerous reports on Oogami’s victims were staggering with the savage brutality involved in the murders, but Hajime couldn’t recall that little tidbit of information ever coming up – that most of her victims couldn’t even fight back. That said, it was understandable no one noticed, considering Oogami’s talent, but if most of the victims weren’t even capable of self-defense… Oogami would be getting no ‘thrill’ from her battles, merely despair.
            And that would match Ultimate Despair’s M.O.
            “A party…?” Togami’s eyebrows arched as he sat across the table from Munakata, arms crossed and one leg crossed over the other. “Really now?”
            Munakata was leaning his elbows on the table as he laced his fingers together and stared over his knuckles at the heir.
            “Up until now, we have been restricting your nighttime activities. I figured it might do you all some good to have at least one night out, spending it amongst friends.”
            Togami’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at the proverbial carrot.
            “You’re not going to allow us ‘true’ freedom, however… If you did, the possibility of us killing each other or plotting to overthrow you would be too great.”
            “Of course we would need to be present.” Munakata reasoned diplomatically. “Consider this a way for our two groups to come together as one, even if for just one night.”
            ‘We don’t have to be enemies.’
            Togami scoffed at the unspoken olive branch. While he himself didn’t care for socializing, he knew there were a few in Ultimate Despair who were going stir-crazy, cooped up in their rooms all night…
            There were also those, however, who would demand he shoot this business proposition down like the Nazis over London. A dissatisfied faction was inevitable. At this point, it was a waiting game until Yasuke and Miaya fixed their “Despair” program… Did it truly matter if they accepted?
            “I’ll run it by everyone.” Togami replied airily. He raised his head slightly as he peered at Munakata arrogantly. “Would you object to Ultimate Despair having a small meeting to vote on it? Place whatever restrictions you see fit, if it helps you sleep better.”
            For Togami, this would be the only topic of discussion at the meeting; anyone else could take up their grievances with the Future Foundation for all he cared.
            Munakata tapped his knuckle rhythmically as he mulled it over.
            “… Guards will be stationed at all the exits, of course. But we will let you speak privately… for five minutes.” Munakata knew he was taking a real gamble here, but if this opened up doorways for cooperation between the Future Foundation and Ultimate Despair… If this allowed for any chance for Ultimate Despair to open up, and allow the Future Foundation to help them recover … Then Munakata was taking that gamble.
            He would believe in the people they once were. Despair had claimed their minds and bodies, but Junko Enoshima was dead – the worst of the storm was over, and now the dark clouds could recede beyond the horizon. Damage could be repaired, even if they wouldn’t be exactly the same people they were prior to Despair.
            Once the last of them trickled in and sat around the rectangular table, with Byakuya and Kyoko sitting at the heads of the table opposite each other, Leon broke the silence as the door closed behind Sakura.
            “I know this is the first time we’ve gathered in a while, but anyone care to explain why he’s here?” The baseball player jabbed a thumb behind his back, towards Kamukura, who was leaning against the wall and looking as bored of everything as ever.
            Hagakure blinked before pointing in outrage at Kamukura as well.
            “Hey, yeah…! He’s not one of us!”
            Kyoko crossed her arms and momentarily looked over at Hope’s Peak’s “grand” experiment before turning her attention back to everyone else.
            “Izuru Kamukura comes and goes as he pleases. Let’s just cut to the chase and go over the proposition Togami was given; I agree that it takes precedence over everything else.”
            Togami snorted.
            “So you heard it, did you?” The heir was hardly surprised. The detective made it no great secret that she clearly and strongly disagreed with his decisions, as of late.
            “P-Proposition…?” Yamada trailed off nervously, biting his fingernails.
            “You were in the middle of a cafeteria with everyone present…” Kyoko tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “And personally, I am absolutely opposed. Regardless of the outcome of this meeting, I will not be going. Fraternizing with the enemy serves no point in this instance, and is simply frivolous. I predict none of us would be interested in taking up this offer, because it is ridiculous.”
    ��       Togami crossed his arms to mirror the stubborn Kirigiri.
            “You’re opposed, no matter what? That’s fine. I had a hunch you would be. This meeting is for everyone, not just for you.” He coldly dismissed her out of hand, and disregarded the frosty glare she sent him in return.
            Celes, who had remained quiet up until now, twirled a lock of hair around her finger idly.
            “Togami, please do explain for the rest of the class, otherwise our five minutes will be up before you two finish your tete-tete and this meeting will have been worthless.”
            “Very well…” Togami humphed before proceeding to lay it all out for everyone. Despite Kirigiri’s confidence that everyone would be united against the proposition, it appeared, for once, Togami had a better grasp on their organization’s personnel than Kirigiri did. A fact that he did not let go unacknowledged by the detective as he gave her a triumphant smirk, which she bitterly disregarded in favor of directing a silent communication with Celes.
            “You’re not shitting me, right?!” Mondo had been the first one to speak up after Togami’s explanation. “They’re really gonna let us out of our rooms at night?!”
            “Sounds like it’s a one-time deal…” Leon frowned before breaking into a wide grin and rubbing the back of his head. “But that’s still awesome…! Seriously sucks to be in those cabins for hours, nothin’ to do…”
            “It sounds like we won’t have the same freedom that we do during the day, however…” Sakura mused, closing her eyes and crossing her arms, deep in thought.
            “Plus, sounds like they’re gonna try to be buddy-buddy with us!” Asahina whined. Loudly.
            “It doesn’t mean we have to be friendly with them in turn…” Fujisaki mused, tapping his chin with a frown. Mondo grinned and gave the programmer a thumb’s-up.
            “Damn straight, kid! I’m just doin’ this to stretch my legs! The Future Foundation can fuck off!”
            “I wonder if they’re gonna let us get drunk…” Hagakure cupped his chin shrewdly, to which Celes scoffed.
            “I highly doubt there will be any alcohol… They are naïve in extending a hand of friendship, but they are not morons.” Even she had to acknowledge that much.
            “Wh-What do you think about this party, Miss Ludenberg?” Yamada nervously asked, to which the gambler began twirling a lock of hair around her finger again.
            “… Like Kyoko said, it is frivolous, and serves no purpose.” Celes then interlocked her fingers under her chin. “But I would be lying if the thought of defeating them at cards or Mahjong did not amuse me…”
            Togami narrowed his eyes at the gambler’s stance. He had his suspicions for why she was willing to come when Kyoko wasn’t going to, but he wasn’t going to call her out on it. Wagering a verbal war with Celes or Kyoko never ended well…
            Genocide Jill cackled as spit flew out of her mouth in glee.
            “Who knows?! Maybe they’ll need one or two more cooks in the kitchen, and I can slice them all up?!”
            Everyone stared at the serial killer, unimpressed. As insane as she was, she had to know, on some level, that was never going to happen. Fujisaki was never allowed near computers. Asahina wasn’t allowed out in the ocean. And Genocide Jill was never allowed blades of any kind – including butter knives. They all wrote off her comment as “heat of the moment”…
            “I, of course, shall ensure there is order during this gathering…!” Ishimaru raised a fist proudly. Kuwata groaned in annoyance, as did Hagakure.
            “You’re supposed to get wasted at parties, not treat ‘em like field trips…!” Hagakure grumbled.
            “Fuck off…” Kuwata groaned.
            Togami noticed a few of them had yet to give their opinions… although, Kamukura was likely to stay silent in his corner.
            “How about you two? Maizono? Ikusaba?” He raised his chin at them, prompting them to speak up.
            Sayaka merely beamed at all the attention on her.
            “Well… I think it’s a waste of time, but I’ll come if Hinata-kun is the one to watch me.”
            A few felt their skin crawl at the idol’s condition for coming to the party… While they were all for cruel treatment of the members of the Future Foundation, Maizono took it to another level when she was around Hajime Hinata. They weren’t going to touch that topic with a thousand foot pole… How Maizono conducted her affairs was her own damn business.
            “I’ll go.” Mukuro intoned quietly, to the surprise of some. What they all missed, however, was how her gaze was directed at Maizono when she said that.
            “To conclude this meeting, let’s just have a show of hands to confirm who will be attending this party.” Togami blandly ordered. As he looked around the table, it was going about as he expected it would… Most of them wanted to go. Kirigiri seemed to be the only holdout. Even the recluse Fujisaki and the conditional Maizono were raising their hands…
            For now, Ultimate Despair was “united.” Though that did make Togami wonder just how long that was going to last…
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rgr-pop · 5 years
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oh my GOD. okay, so, small youtuber who is climbing. beloved by many small youtubers because she is a regular girl and very nice and FROM UPSTATE NEW YORK and has social justice interests, she also posts a lot of drama content and some people (including me tbh) really like the way she kind of ~~democratizes drama content. don’t @ me it’s whatever. reddit HATES her because her mother buys her a lot of makeup for her birthday (literally) and she is not into self-punishing no-buys which is the only thing people like right now very coincidentally (going on a no-buy is apparently how you end landfills).
this youtuber is fat and not conventionally pretty--I really hate even saying the latter because it is objectively not true and also an evil thing to say even nicely, but for example she is always talking about how she doesn’t really care that her lips are small and is not interested in overdrawing or “fixing” them, and getting flamed for it. in the community (the respectable arm of it, which is the rddt, where we are ostensibly not allowed to be like “she looks terrible”), where there is smoke there is fire, and “not skilled at makeup” + maybe some nebulous complaints about whininess = she is a fat girl, end her. (”rude” = black youtuber too much power, end her.)
i’m talking about sm*key gl*w whose name is hannah, hannah #1, i think it is interesting to contrast her with the other hannah that i talk about sometimes--i try not to talk about her too much because we sort of teechnically have real world social connections and, also, i just feel bad for her. i feel desperately bad for hannah #2, because she is in her thirties having lived in art communities and global urban centers but for the first time in her life having to reckon with things like--”it is not appropriate to talk about calories at dinner, etc.” that is the second hannah, and while she is sweet and interesting to many in the small youtube community precisely because she is very alien to them (has mfa), it’s very difficult to watch, and sometimes i think she is the most “toxic” youtuber i follow. she is not an originator in any way, but she found herself in the center of a so-called anticonsumerist movement in small beautube that is kind of taking over, which is related to but not exactly minimalism--you have probably heard me talk about this already, at length. a good example of this is that second hannah recently said in a video that she was thinking of doing a shopping “fast.” i don’t know how she became this person, and how she held onto this kind of personality in spite of being in lots of communities that i am also in or have friends in where i know that if you talked this way about dieting etc. at a social event, someone would probably softly scold you. she somehow insulated herself from this kind of learning, i don’t know, then she threw herself into beautube where a woman who maybe sort of likes art and writes poetry and has heard of “fair trade” before is an absolute anomaly, but that community--like literally, where people do liposuction and skinny teas!--has only encouraged this absolutely unreal nasty and BAD behavior. etc. i have a lot of feelings about this.
so first hannah is a fat girl who is not rich--we will get to that!--but spends her money primarily on makeup. people HATE her. second hannah is thin, possibly rich in family origin (i think she is) but basically your average working artist in life. she frames her so-called overconsumption not even precisely as an addiction but specifically as a lack of willpower that she also struggles with when it comes to sometimes eating sugar (really). both of these hannahs consume and talk about quite a lot of luxury makeup--second hannah is very openly committed to luxury purchase as part of her self-conception. second hannah sometimes goes on “shopping diets” though, so people praise her! it is evil. 
above is the shit i hate day in and day out but the points below will have more to do with the screencap +...upstate new york, i guess. henceforth we are only talking about first hannah.
so this girl is from some kind of small town around rochester or syracuse--something up there. iirc she goes to a suny school i had never heard of (i looked it up and it is a “suny comprehensive college,” though i can’t remember if she transferred out of this school to a bigger school. but, as many of you know, sunys are cheap as hell and should be protected at all costs, this school costs well under half what my state school did, for residents anyway.) she is in her mid-twenties and not graduated yet, due to struggles she has had (and spoken openly about) as well as having gone to community college. they LOVE to bring up how she is too old to be a college student! she’s like...idk 24 or something. she is going to school to be a social worker in one of those accelerated programs, which she has found quite difficult (again, spoken openly about this) and which also requires, as many of you know!, lots of extra work, unpaid and paid. she said somewhere that she does not have student loans, but i don’t know if her parents paid for her college or just shouldered loans, or if she paid for it, or if it is all financial aid. (”not having student loans” is something that enrages people, ESPECIALLY when someone doesn’t have loans because they got need-based aid.) again, she probably had some financial catastrophes due to school failures (speaking from experience here), but: sunys is cheap as hell and there are a million reasons why someone could go to one and not be struggling with loans!
where was i...her parents. watching this has fascinated me! her dad was a school teacher and her mom is a social worker--absolutely public servant middle class. i thiiink (could be wrong) that her father retired already and ended up retiring from a principalship, so they were probably extremely comfortable by the time she was in college, but they are definitionally middle class. the biggest controversy around this youtuber is that for birthdays and christmas her mother goes fucking insane--probably spent two to four hundred dollars on her for her birthday. she talks about this all the time: her mother and her are very close and their hobby is shopping. people treat this like the bougiest fucking thing on earth and it is ba nanas. straight up, this girl has probably never even HEARD of anthropologie. listen, i can’t afford to live like her either but i recognize poor shopping when i see it. working class people like to blow their money on bullshit and to take issue with that is demonstrably racist and classist! i will not hear this conversation over again in 2019. for example, hannah made a video about her “high end bag” collection, in which she said she got a bcbg bag on sale for like $30 but had never heard of the brand before. she had once been gifted a kate spade bag and her DREAM was to purchase one on her own. she buys coach at the local coach outlet, which is a regional attraction. THIS GIRL IS NOT BOUGIE! THEY ARE JUST MAD THAT SHE OWNS CLOTHES AND IS ALSO FAT! she did a closet tour where she talked about how she has like 50 crop tops, they were ALL like forever 21. they are just mad about fat girl in crop tops. there is nothing to see here! does she have too much shit, and shop too much? sure. welcome to flyover country you dumb bitches. that is what I think about that!
so, she definitely makes money on youtube, but mostly enough to sustain youtube and makeup buying (possibly some savings? unsure. i know she said this in a video but i forget.) she has lived with this boyfriend of hers for a number of years and they are building a life together that doesn’t immediately include marriage, probably largely for financial reasons. i get the sense that his jobs pay a lot of their bills, but he just finished getting a teaching MA of some kind (i think he is a math teacher? i already forgot) and is entering the regular teaching job market. based on some of the following i think his parents might be wealthier than hers but i think they might also be teachers. as you can see in the screenshot above, people are enraged at this girl for apparently being a gold digger for getting a house with him before they are married! 
people are SO pissed that she was “able to buy a house” at age 25, but they did not watch the video! in which she said that they had been dealing with the death of her bf’s step grandpa all year, and the family had decided that they should take over the step grandpa’s house. (step grandpa’s family does sound “richer” because, according to her, this house had been owned by a GREAT grandparent and paid off decades ago.) her descriptions of this house are confusing to me because she keeps referring to it as both “old” and “from the eighties,”; I think it is an actually old house that had not been “updated” since the eighties. seems like the family did not “gift” it to them as much as sign it over to them in exchange for them being the ones to take out the renovation loans, which allegedly she said are $50k. unclear to me if she and her bf got approved for that loan--probably not, I think it was taken out in the family’s name. ($50k is too much to put into a house in rochester imooo but I am reserving my judgment there! rochester has a very flyover housing economy, much like ours, but with a much higher end, I think?)
so anyway, these vultures are sociopaths. “ Who gives someone a house no matter how much they like them? That seems wild to me” ...p-parents? dead grandparents? is your will gonna be like “my kid has to buy their OWN house like i did!” who are these people
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anyway I’m done. I just thought this thing would be of interest in particular to the upstate new yorkers. the whole condition of the indebted working-middle class is just like inconceivable to people who consume only ideologically pure content by wealthy west coast whites all day long 
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evangeline-perry · 6 years
Dead Poets Society: Neil x OC: part 1
A/N: hey guys, so this is gonna be my oc story, I’ll be 12 parts, and some of these parts are inspired on a fanfic i read on Wattpad: Joie de Vivre by AshleyKless, so make sure to check them out, their writing is great!
complete series
As my father and me walk out of the car I look up at the huge building in front of me, Welton academy, the boys only school. But I guess now that’s about to change. I, Evangeline Keating, am the first girl to ever go to this school… thanks dad -_-
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My dad is the new english teacher, and because he’d rather not have me go to a regular school, he took me with him. I follow my father into the crowd entering the school, first we got told there’d be an opening ceremony for the school, to introduce my father as the new teacher and me as the only female student.
I walk down the steps to the chapel when I bump into someone.
‘Ow sorry’, I say, looking at the person I’d bumped. There I see a boy from about my age looking at me. He has hazelbrown hair and deep brown eyes and, to be honest, he is rather handsome. He smiles at me: ‘No problem.’
I smile back at him and then continue to follow my father. He leaves me in one of the seats and then goes to the front of the chapel and into the door to join the other teachers.
After a few minutes of sitting there quietly, and getting some weird looks from parents and boys, bagpipes begin to play loudly. I look behind me to see a small group of boys march into the room, down a set of stairs. I realize one of them is the one I’d bumped into. 
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The boys break off to either side at the front of the church and the bagpipes cease to play. The headmaster, mr. Nolan, walks over to the old man carrying the candle and announces: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, boys, the light of knowledge.’
An organ begins to play as the old man walks forward, with shaking hands, to the young boys in the front row. Each of the boy is holding a candle and I can see him bend over to light the first one. Each boy in turn lights the candle of the boy next to him.
‘One hundred years ago’, Mr. Nolan starts, ‘in 1859, 41 boys sat in this room and were asked the same question that greets you at the start of each semester. Gentlemen, what are the four pillars?’
Suddenly all of the uniformed boys rise up and state in unison: ‘Tradition, honor, discipline, excellence.’
Drilled and brainwashed to perfection, I think to myself. And when they sit back down I look back at the front to see my dad glancing my way, and I know that he knows what I’m thinking.
‘In her first year, Welton Academy graduated five students’, the principal continues, ‘Last year we graduated fifty-one. And more than seventy-five percent of those went on to the Ivy League.’ a round of polite applause starts before Mr Nolan proceeds, ‘This, this kind of accomplishment is the result of fervent dedication to the principles taught here. This is why you parents have been sending us your sons.’ and daughter, I think to myself, though I know quite well it isn’t the reason I was there, ‘This is why we are the best preparatory school in the United States.’ Once again Mr. Nolan stops his speech to soak up the applause from the audience.
‘As you know, our beloved Mr. Portius of the English department retired last term. You will have the opportunity later to meet his replacement, Mr. John Keating, himself a graduate of this school. And who, for the past several years, has been teaching at the highly regarded Chester School in London’, applause… again, ‘and lastly, we introduce miss Evangeline Keating, the daughter of Mr Keating, she will be joining the senior students this year.’
A couple of mumbles start throughout the chapel but it is cut short by Mr Nolan who concludes his speech with: ‘you’ll be able to meet her in class.’
With the ceremony concluded my father came to find me again. We go to the school grounds once again to get our luggage out of the car. As I walk outside I see the school lawn is a filled with luggage, students and parents mulling about in every direction.
‘I need to go to my own office now’, dad told me, ‘You have your room number?’ I nod, he hugs me and walks away. And when I eventually get there, close the door behind me and look around the room I see one bed, one bedside table, one desk, one closet, a couple of bookshelves on the wall, one window and bare walls. It wasn’t much but I could make it work. 
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I put my suitcase down on my bed and get ready to start unpacking when there is a knock on the door.
‘Come in’,  I call out. The door opens to reveal the boy you’d bumped into in the hallway.
‘Hey, uh.. excuse my boldness but I thought, since you are new here, I could come along and introduce myself… I’m Neil, Neil Perry.’ I stick out my hand for him to shake, ‘I’m Evangeline Keating.’ He takes my hand and kisses the top of it, causing my cheeks to heat up. ‘The pleasure is mine’, he tells me. Then there is another knock on the door.
‘Miss Keating, this is mr Nolan, may I come in?’ Neil and I look at each other for a short moment of panic before Neil asks me in a whisper-y tone: ‘I’m sorry but may I use your closet to hide in’
To which I confusedly reply: ‘Uhh, sure...’ And so he does, when the door is closed you call out ‘Come in’ to your new principal.
‘Hello, I just wanted to stop by to welcome, and warn you’, he said, getting straight to the point, ‘I would like you to remember to keep to the school rules as closely as possible, and I will not allow any distracting of the male students.’
Really? I think, just what does he think I’m here to do? Just who does he think I am? But of course I didn’t say that, instead I smile politely and told him: ‘I assure you sir, I in no way would want to be a disturbance to any student or faculty.’
‘Thanks you’, Mr Nolan nodded, ‘well then, I wish a good year. And ..uh, lunch is at 12am exactly.’ And with that he left and I knock on the door of my wardrobe, signaling to Neil that it’s safe to come out.
When he did, he chuckls quietly before leaning against my room door, ‘It’s day one and you already did something to call over the headmaster.’
‘Yeah but I think that something is called ‘being a girl’.’
He laughs at this, but then puts his hand up to rub his neck slightly nervously handing me a piece of paper: ‘So, um anyway, this is my roomnumber, I got to go get my suitcases now, so I’ll be there myself in a bit, feel free to stop by. I can introduce you to a couple of my friends.’
‘Okay’, I say, smiling at the boy.
Next -->
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