#anywho !! I hope you’re all still having a great day today <3
Oh shit, Mae? Honestly kinda loving it.
Sometimes murder is okay, especially when the killer is🥰🥰
Idk if Woo is just acting or suddenly a tolerable non-douchebag…. Prolly the former
Hiii!!! How are you? You eating and/ or feeling good? Hope you’re drinking water! Sending love and support 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Bestieeeeeeee!!!! So a few things
1.) the dance is Friday, i’m freaking outt
2.) we’ve been holding hands a lot(!) and recently i’ve been chilling on his lap, but today i took a lil nap while on his lap and after waking me up for class he said “I couldn’t feel my arm but it was worth it, i’d let it happen again, many times actually” and i just🥰🥹 cause i was scared that i’d add too much weight of sumn and without me even bringing it up i was reassured 😭.
2.5) this one isn’t big just felt like mentioning it. During the last class of the day we sit next to each other and we were holding hands under the table right? Then when i had to write j moved my hand, now i expected him to start writing too but no! he moved his hand onto my thigh and kept it there until i stopped writing (cause then i could hold hus hand again). Its amazing bc im a stage 5 clinger & he reciprocates the clinginess😊
3.) so I have this ring that is soo cute but doesn’t fit any of my fingers, so i put if on a chain. We now share the necklace.. like deadass if i feel like wearing it ill just go take it off of him then give it back later. And its not just the fact that he’s wearing something of mine but also that he likes it, and he looks good in it.
4.)im in marching band yea? So tonight was a v important game (it was against the rival school, we won 47-0) and he came!! Like ik he was coming but still☺️. So once halftime is over meaning band is done with the halftime show i see messages from my dad & aunt….. why were they sitting right behind him 😭 they got along but i was so scared the entire time, not to mention the nerves that were already there from performing in a bigger stadium than im used to
Like im convinced he’s trying to kill me. Cause literally why else would he be this great? Like wdym you like clinginess, you get along with my dad, and you’re keeping your hand on my thigh??? This man must be stopped. Anywho just wanted to do a lil catching up (and ranting abt him bc im sure my other friends are sick n tired of hearing abt him
Is it actually Mae though 🧐 she could kill me and I would thank her regardless 🥵
Hi bestie 🥰 I'm doing well ! Drinking water and eating well. I hope you are too. Sending so much love and support your way. It's coming. You can't stop it 💕💕💕
Omg bestie all of this. All of this is so cute. I am obsessed. Like I feel like I was there and watching my best friend find someone good for them and I'm just smiling 🥹 this is so cute and soft and I am so very happy for you !!!
Such a green flag that he gets along with your dad honestly. And that he supports you. Like yes. So much yes. I am seeing a neon sign that says yes !!!
And you can always come here and tell me about everything because I love hearing about this ! I want to know everything. Please tell me everything 😭
But omg bestie my boyfriend has been too cute to me lately. He keeps calling me his princess and his wife and I 🥺 he even did matching profile pictures with me because I asked. He will literally just randomly text me out of the blue "wife I love you" and I swoon every time. This man is the whole ass love of my life I swear.
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nancypullen · 2 years
Time of Death 1:39PM
I’m calling it.  I have religiously watered, fertilized, and pampered the pumpkin vines, but there’s still no evidence of baby pumpkins.  I’ve had dozens upon dozens of blossoms, didn’t see any female flowers, and even if there’d been a girl bloom or two, I rarely see pollinators around here.  There will be no Great Pumpkin at the Pullen house this year.  Please respect my privacy during this difficult time. On a happier note, I’m not mad at the weather today.  It’s wonderful. Normally this time of afternoon is like an oven.  Could this be a hint of fall or am I reading too much into one cloudy day?
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The mister and I have a date after he finishes work today.  We’re crossing the state line and shopping at the Lowe’s in Camden, Delaware.  It’s just 30 minutes away and they have a bird bath that I want.  I’m trying to lure song birds to our patch and a water source is one way to do it.  I could have been there and back while he’s upstairs working, but I may need his help lifting my purchase.  Besides, maybe we’ll pick up dinner while we’re out.  There’s a method to my madness. Always. Did I mention that Mickey has been asked by the Caroline County Tourism Board to photograph everything from parks to businesses for their new book/marketing launch?  Yep, he’s only been here four months and he’s got fans.  Here’s the best part - last week he went over to Ridgley to snap the historic train depot and the very popular Ridgely Pharmacy Cafe across the street.  The cafe is known for its ice cream and it’s good lunches.  It’s also a pharmacy...and there’s a gift shop upstairs.  One stop shopping, folks. Have a cone while you’re waiting for your prescription, then pop upstairs and get granny’s birthday present.  Anywho, as he chatted up the nice gals at the cafe and let them know what he was doing they insisted that he take home a container of their famous chicken salad, on the house.  How nice! He dropped that off in the frig and said that he wanted to run over to Craft Bakery here in Denton and take a few snaps as well.   Craft Bakery is HEAVEN. Pure, decadent, delicious heaven!  We’ve had their quiche and I swear it compares to the quiche that made my eyes roll back in Paris.  We’ve tried a variety of their baked goodies and can’t decide what’s best.  They also do lunches - sandwiches and soups with flavor combos that will blow your mind.  So I waved him off to Craft Bakery with my blessing.  You guys, same scenario - he eplained his task and they sent him home with scrumptious goodies! Oh my.
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#1 -  Mickey’s favorite, the Prosciutto Everything Knot - warm & yeasty roll with prosciutto rolled in, topped with Everything Bagel seasoning
#2 -  Another Mickey favorite, a bacon and scallion biscuit - tall, fluffy, and flavorful. #3 - Pumpkin Cheesecake Danish w/ Salted Toffee Drizzle - I mean, honestly, do I have to say anything else? This was TO. DIE. FOR.   I cut off about a quarter of it and immediately went back for another quarter...until it was gone. #4 - The Morning Roll - I haven’t tasted this one, but they’re VERY popular at the bakery. Looks like a cinnamon-sugary delight.  Mickey loves them.  Disclaimer: Mickey has never met a baked good he didn’t like.  #5 -  Blackout Cookie - a delicious, deep, dark chocolate cookie with sea salt on top and it is FABULOUS. So thanks to Mickey’s snapping finger we enjoyed yummy chicken salad sandwiches for lunch and had amazing desserts for days.  At this rate I’m going to need him to go photograph a Caroline County Weight Watchers group so I can get a free membership.  Just kidding, I’d never give up Craft Bakery. That’s all the news I have to share on this Wednesday afternoon - just stuffing our faces and shopping for bird baths.  We’re classy like that.  I hope that your afternoon is peaceful, and if it’s not I hope you get a cookie.  Just get the cookie anyway, you deserve it. Stay well, stay safe.
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(still missing that key) Nancy
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oneprompt · 3 years
Helloooo! How u doing? Hope things going over there!
Glad to meet another one piece x reader blog! 💕💕 I was wondering if I could have a drabble or headcanons (whichever u prefer honestly) about jealous Zoro x chubby s/o? It can be NSFW or SFW (again whichever u prefer)
A jealous partner just hits different u know? 😳😳😳
Thank u for ur time!
authors note : hello ! <3 im doing rather well , thanks so much for asking <3 hope you’re doing lovely <33 i hope you don’t mind that i picked NSFW for this one ;; jealousy just blends perfectly with NSFW .. Anywho ! i hope you enjoy the headcanons + drabble <3 Oh ! i mainly kept the reader gender neutral , as i wasn’t sure if you wanted it as a female , male or nb. i hope that’s alright with you <3
NSFW WARNING BELOW <3 please skip if such content makes you uncomfortable.
Jealous! Zoro x Chubby! Reader Headcanons
tags : jealousy , ( slight ) breeding kink , possessiveness , marking
• It takes quite a lot to get Zoro jealous. He’s a swordsman and swordsmanship is all about honor and respect , even towards opponents.
• But if a certain Straw Hat even breathes in your direction, he’s quick to make jealous. Sanji had no limitations when it came to his flirtatious attitude, he didn’t even hold back flirting with you, someone who was knowingly in a relationship, let alone someone who was dating Zoro.
• Zoro doesn’t hesitate to stride over to you and Sanji, quick to shout and possibly hit Sanji. Who does Sanji think he is? Zoro hated that sleezy face Sanji would make, allowing his eyes to trace along every piece of exposed flesh you had as you sunbathed on the ship deck. And Zoro especially hated how your face would flush in embarrassment from the other mans compliments.
• When he’s jealous, Zoro gets a lot tougher when it comes to bed room activities. Most of the time, he’s slow with his strokes, leaving light kisses along your stomach or neck, depending on what position you two were in. But when he’s jealous? Boy, oh boy... Jealousy is the plague! Do not expect to be able to walk straight afterwards
• He’ll definitely bury your body in hickies and bite marks, wherever his mouth can reach, it’ll be throbbing from Zoro’s lips. Zoro lacks shame, really. He doesn’t mind if people notice the marks he leaves upon you. If anything, Zoro wants people to see them, it strokes his ego.
• Zoro wants to be able to see your face 100%. He loves seeing your sweet expression sink with pure ecstasy. The way you’ll drool and blush an unbelievable shade of red as he rams up into the warmth of your body makes him grin with delight. Zoro knows nobody can do this for you, that only he can. And that feeling is the greatest to ever bask within him, the feeling of superiority of all the men who have ever looked at you in a lewd way.
• Zoro loves to grope your body, as well. He likes to feel every bit of you, from your chest to your lovehandles, he wants to feel it all. He loves knowing your plump body is only for him to feast on.
• If you ever show shame in your body type, Zoro is quick to correct you with eager touches. How idiotic do you have to be to neglect such a treasure? Zoro will always be there to remind you of the value your body holds to him, and why you should find pride in it as well.
• When Zoro is in a mood, he often likes to drain his seed inside of you, filling you to the brim with his musky semen. He’s very territorial , as you can tell. Very into marking, wether with marks or his own cum.
Jealous! Zoro x Chubby! Reader Oneshot
“H-hey... can’t you be a bit gentler?” Your voice seeped out in between the harsh pants that circulated from you. The way Zoro was palming at your body was as tight as the grip he would use upon his sword. Mixing such powerful touches with the grinding of his rock hard member made it even more difficult to speak through. You could feel his precum dribble against your hole, making your warm body hotter then it already was.
Zoro didn’t make an effort to reply, as he was clearly in his own little world. All of this over Sanji and his cooking .. All you had done was compliment the chef on the straw berry and vanilla parfait he had graciously served you. It wasn’t your fault Sanji took ever little thing to heart... Yet, even as you had explained the scene, Zoro still didn’t let up with his sudden yearning for your body.
It was embarrassing, nearly. The way Zoro’s face smothered against your stomach, his calloused fingers scaling against the surface of your body. Everytime Zoro would leave a kiss or hickey against your stomach, you’d jolt in pleasure. It felt so good but having him smother your stomach like that... it was far too much.
“Zoro...not my stomach...its-“ You gasped out loudly as you were suddenly impaled on the forth of Zoro’s member, that action completely cutting off your words. You felt your toes curl and your legs tremble from the intrusion. You were already so sensitive, and that certainly amped it up further. Your eyes peered up at Zoro as he sat up, his tanned hands firmly squeezing your love handles as he let you consume every inch of him.
“Eh? It’s not what, Y/n?” Zoro smirked down at you, letting out a raspy laugh. He didn’t hesitate to begin to move his hips, letting his member exit your warmth before burrowing deep inside once again. “You better not have been thinking what i think you were...” Zoro knew how you felt about your body. You didn’t hate it but some days he would notice the way you’d gaze upon yourself, a small frown taking over your face. “Because.. the whole Grand Line can tell how fucking hot you are,” Zoro hissed, his breath growing slightly heavy as he quickened his thrusts.
You couldn’t tell if your face was hot from the temps tire of the room and the man that hovered over your naked form, or if it was hot from what Zoro had just said. Zoro was never new to vulgar compliments but that one was far too for you to handle, making you tighten around Zoro’s shaft. This was certainly different from the sex you two typically had. Zoro was never a man to falter, always staying at a steady pace but today, it was nonstop. You couldn’t help but let the loud moans that brewed within your throat out. You felt guilty, because God knows the rest of the crew was trying to sleep right now. But you couldn’t help it, you couldn’t help but gasp and call out for your lover as he pounded your deepest parts.
Zoro felt a never ending source of confidence against the rest of the ship and their mates. He knew he was the only person to make you scream in such a way. The thought that he was the only one who ever got to see you in such a manner just made him even more excited. Nobody got such a great view, nor would they ever. You were Zoro’s and Zoro’s alone, no one could come between you two, not even a damn War Lord.
Zoro was consistent, never stopping his rapid and rough strokes. He didn’t even pace himself, as you two got further into the session. It was sloppy, at that point. You two had been going at it like animals for about an hour or so, giving not a single Straw Hat time to get a blink of sleep in the time window. Fluids gushed from the both of you, the sticky fluid you dumped against his member just made such a lewd noise every time he would thrust inward. It was loud as he rammed into you, matching with the smacking of flesh.
You were close, and with the look that rested on Zoro’s face, he was just as close as you were. The room was full of moans and groans, the playful banter from before had ceased to be, melted within the bed sheets, along with the sweat that was produced from you and Zoro.
“Zoro...! I’m close!” You mustered out, throwing your head back into the mess of pillows that remained behind you. It was as i you were molding into the bed, slowly sinking into the wet bed sheets, marked with your own juices as well as the ones from your lover.
With how suddenly your walls clamped against Zoro’s shaft, it didn’t give him a single moment to think about pulling out. It was as if you were attempting to milk him of every drop of cum he could produce. And so, you did. The warmth of Zoro’s seed was an overwhelming force that seeped into you, painting your walls white with the thick fluid.
An animalistic groan escaped Zoro as he drained his balls, filling you as much as he could with his semen. It felt so satisfying to fill you, almost as if he were trying to impregnate you, wether he could or not. The feeling of him not just branding every bit of you on the outside but as well on the inside was the best feeling he could ask for.
You were his. Inside and out, you were marked by the worlds top wanted ‘ pirate hunter ‘ , the right hand man to the worlds future pirate king.
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suckmybigtoeoikawa · 3 years
I LOVE YOUR ENERGY WTF,, all of your writing is top tier omg,, i was wondering if i could request suna, semi, tendou, akaashi, and futakuchi w/ a short s/o who has like a tiny waist, small boobs, etc. except their butt is big?? like their petite and then bam big butt and wide hips?? does this even make sense?? thank you for reading this <33
Girll yessssss, I’m jealous I wish my body was like that, god daum 👴🏾
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🍃: he likes to lay on you
🍃: Suna is a ass man
🍃: your figure often has him confused in a good way, he likes how different you body is compared to the other girls
🍃: he’s the type to hug you while your staring and he’s sitting and he grabs you ass
🍃: he also may lay on your chest and on maybe on you butt
🍃: you guys also take a lot of selfies so yk those selfies where he holds onto your ass, yeah a lot of those
🍃: also the type to put his hands in your shirt
3:16 pm
You and Suna have been staying at each other’s houses back to back. This time you were at his house. I imagine that his bed is very comfy so you guys don’t wanna leave it and also it’s easy to fall asleep in it.
You usually wear hoodies whenever you come over his house but for some reason this time you were wearing a regular shirt.
“Do you think that that your a robot?” Suna asks
“Ayo what?”
“Like I saw this thing online and it just made me think like... what is I’m real and your not... you know”
After a point less conversation about robots, you guys both started to drift off to sleep.
5:48 pm
You woke up in a sweat, and it was hella hot. You turn over to look at Suna and see him still rested peacefully. You look down and see that his hand was under your shirt and holding your boob.
You didn’t know what to do but you decided to grab your phone and take a picture. Now whenever you show him he blushes and ask if the next time he can do it again, it’s up to you wether or not you wanna say yes or no 😌
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◻️: I hate to say this so often but Semi is the type to get Jealous
◻️: and lemme just push some more publicity for my stories here 😌
◻️: so when he does get jealous best believe he’s gripping onto your hips 😌
◻️: probably gonna squeeze them to depending on how he be getting
◻️: you might have to shoo him off like
◻️: other than that I believe he’s pretty chill
◻️: his favorite part of you is your hips
◻️: he’s gonna use you as his personal heater, blanket, and stuffed animal
◻️: y’all will be watching movies or whatever and he’s gonna hold onto like his life depends on it 😩
“You’re comfy” he says while nuzzling into your neck
“thank you” you say still engaged on the movie
Some more time goes by and at this point you the only one engaged in the movie, Semi is about to fall asleep.
“Sweetheart” he says in his raspy voice (AHHAHAHAHAHAHHHH I JUST GOT BUTTERFLIES)
“yes” you say still watching
“Can you turn over?” He asks
“what?” You say
“I said can you turn around real quick”
You turn to face him, but your body stays facing the the tv
“What do you need?” You ask
“Nooooo” he whines
“I need you to turn all the way around”
“Like do a 360?”
“No just stand up real quick”
You stand up and now your looking down at him
“Okay good now straddle me”
“But i wanna watch the movie” you say
He looks up at you with pleading eyes
“Pleaseeee, you can still watch the movie”
“.........fine” you give in and straddle him
“Is this what you wanted?” You say annoyed
“Yes” you can hear him smiling
He holds onto you with his dear life and starts to fall asleep, while you try to watch the movie almost snapping your neck 😐🔪
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💋: Simce your short yk, he believes that it’s his responsibility to take you everywhere
He may say stuff like
“Your so cute and Smol🥺😩”
“I wanna put you in my pocket 🥺”
💋: so then he thinks it’s okay to pick you up
💋: he picks you up while your straddling him so he has hands on your ass
💋: and he’s gonna take you everywhere
💋: He so happy that he’s with you
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💋: Since Tendou is insecure he so glad he has you to come to
💋: he’s the type to kiss down your waist to you hips
💋: and then tell you how much he loves your body
Your probably just standing in front of your bathroom mirror changing out of your shirt.
Then as your not paying attention Tendou comes up from behind you and tickles your waist.
“AHH BITCH” you scream and punch him in the lip
“Owwwww” he whines
“Oh I’m sorry 😅”
You walk him over the the toilet and you sit him down as you look over his face, it wasn’t that bad
“I’m sorry againnn” you hug him
“It’s fine”
“Well this would be a great time to talk about your day right?” You say moving away from the hug
“My day was alright I’m glad I got to see you” (literally says it with hearts in his eyes) he coos
“Aww I’m happy to see you too” you smile
“What were you doing?” He asks
“I was just trying on shirts” you responded
He then lifts up your shirt and starts the hood onto your waist
“Don’t ever let someone hurt you..okay” he says while hugging you
“I won’t” you smile while rubbing his head
He kisses you your stomach (This lowkey sounds like a pregnancy story omg), then stands up. At this point he’s looking down at you. He leans in for a kiss and smack your ass.
“Anywho, Do you think Ushi Gushi watches porn?”
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🍃: he’s being respectful
🍃: when he looks at you ass he is looking respectfully 😅
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Just very, very, very respectfully 😳
🌊: he’s the type to hold onto your hips endearingly yk?
🌊: like he would come up behind you and hug you nothing sexual unless you want it that way 👀
🌊: he’s secretly eyeing people to back away from you
🌊: and if someone talks about you
😐+🔫+👹+🦉= 🚫🧍
🌊: he’s gonna grab his ski mask, his gun, and bokuto and their off
Let’s ride 🔫👹
🌊: he may also rub his hands down your sides and then hug you
🌊: he has 1,000,000,001 ways to hug you 🤪
🌊: and a million and one ways to murk a bitch
🌊: if you ever complain about your lower or upper half of your body he’s gonna come over and hug you and tell you why you should appreciate that part of your body
🌊; he shows a lot of affection through his words and what he says he means
“Baby, I feel like my boobs are small” you whine
He comes over to you and hugs you from behind, now the both of you are looking at yourself in the mirror.
“Don’t say that, your boobs are just right, you also have a beautiful body 🥺”
🌊:he calls your body beautiful, don’t at me 😩
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🧩: he is as smooth as a cucumber 😌
🧩: he probably walks up to you and goes “damn imma smooth dude *cue lightskin lip bite*”
🧩: please beat his ass up 🙂
🧩: he’s gonna enjoy it too
🧩: I feel like when he first saw you he was like all flirty and shit yk
“Hey lemme walk you around the school”
“Uhm okay, thank you”
As soon as you turned around he was like
🧩: take all his rights away because he will be barking like a dog
🧩: constantly touch you on you ass
🧩: he’s always slapping it to and then on top of it he grips it after
🧩: and that shit hurts but he doesn’t care
🧩: also the type to fake bang you
🧩: ... in public
🧩: .... hard
🧩: like uhm calm down stop right now
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🧩: just a horny bastard-
You won’t talk to Futakuchi because of what happened in the grocery store today. You and Futakuchi were at the grocery store getting some groceries (ofc).
You were simply just walking and all of a sudden *SLAP* *SLAP*
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That slap was so loud, it woke up animals in the lion king ✋🏾 the fact that he slapped both of your cheeks 👴🏾🔫
Everyone was looking in your direction but Futakuchi didn’t care he was looking at some bread
“Wheat bread or White bread?” He asks
Then later when y’all were looking for pasta, you dropped the box and went to pick it up. You did this without thinking that your boyfriend was behind you. Then *SMACK*, it sent you into the shelf a little bit, this dude really had the audacity to grab where he slapped to 😐
Which is the reason why you both are driving home in silence. It’s up to you on whether or not you accept his apology or don’t talk to him for a few days or weeks, all in the end he loves your frame so much 😩.
I’m sorry y’all this took me a while I was busy with school and then I just didn’t feel like writhing but I finished it and I hope you enjoyed it 😩
I hope you enjoyed it 🤍 Please Like, comment what you think and follow 🤍 have a great day 🤍
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𝐿𝑒𝓉’𝓈 𝑀𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝒞𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒯𝓇𝓊𝑒
Pairing: ATEEZ Kang Yeo-Sang & Reader.
Warnings: This Is Explicit. Please. Watch. Out. Also, It Could Be A Bit Much. 
Inspiration: Sleep Deprivation x 3.
Basic Idea: Aye~ You Had A Wet Dream. Yeo-Sang Came Back Home & Witnessed That.
Type: Suggestive (Very.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It was just like any other day. You were getting ready for bed, rubbing some lotion into your face while being on a call with Yeo-Sang. “When are you coming back home from practice?” you asked as he hummed, thinking.
“I think around two AM.. I still have to catch a few key parts.. Sorry,” he winced as you smiled, “It’s all right Yeo.. I understand, you don’t have to apologize -- you are doing what you love,” you chuckled as he then smiled at you. “No wonder I fell for you,” he whispered out.
Feeling your cheeks heat up, “Hmph, you better have,” you pouted as he chuckles. “Yeo-Sang-Ah! We gotta go back to practice,” Yun-Ho called him as Yeo-Sang looked at you. “Gotta go now, sleep well, Princess,” he waved as you waved back.
Once your routine was done, you laid in bed and hugged one of Yeo-Sang’s plushies. You then thought of him while looking at the shelf -- each layer showcasing one of his prized drones and their boxes.
With the calming sound of the rain’s droplets hitting the window, you fell asleep.
Shuffling sounds made Yeo-Sang whip his head over to you. He had just come back home, drying his hair from the rain. Smiling, he sat down next to you, watching your sleeping form as you hugged his plushie. He noticed how you were comfortably sleeping in his hoodie...
And gawked at your lack of pj shorts.
However, he let it slide, understanding that it was more comfortable to sleep partially naked.
As he placed his hand on your shoulder, you shivered, a breathy moan leaving your mouth. It caught him off guard, making him quickly retract his hand. “_____?” he whispered out as you then started panting.
Your hips started moving in a rhythm that caught Yeo-Sang’s attention. He gulped, unsure of what to do.
“Princess?” he called again as you woke up when he placed his hand on your waist. Gasping, you jolted up right, sitting on bed as Yeo-Sang looked at you with a mix of concern and lust. “Are you all right?” he asked again as you sighed, partially in relief while the other was sad at the fact that your dream was stopped.
Looking at your slightly disappointed face, Yeo-Sang smirked, chuckling softly while kissing your forehead. He then lowered down to your ear, giving it small nibbles before asking you; “What were you dreaming of, Princess?..”
His breathy growl sent chills down your spine. You suddenly felt extremely sensitive to your surroundings, the air conditioner’s breeze making you realize that your intimates were wet. Yeo-Sang then held onto your bicep, his touch making you twitch and moan softly.
“Tell me.. What was your dirty dream?” he questioned once again while trailing kisses down to your collarbone. “I’m not telling you,” you whimpered out as Yeo-Sang hummed, sucking on your sweet spot. “Suit yourself~” he purred as his hand sneakily massaged your clothed intimates.
“Oh ho~.. You’re very wet, my darling,” he whispered in your ear huskily, his fingers making you even more wet. You then pouted, “No fair..” you huffed out as he smiles at you, “Then you should tell me your dream,” he responded cockily as you threw your head back from the pleasure.
You decided not to. And that was a bad decision. He parted the cloth, truly playing with your exposed intimates. You held back the moans, his fingers gracefully performing mysteries as you then felt yourself close to your high.
But then it was ruined. You whine in pain and need as Yeo-Sang stopped. He smirked at you, leaning back, standing up, and getting ready to shower.
He was teasing you.
He licked his fingers clean, as you panted. “Meanie!” you cried out as he just lets out a small scoff. “That’s what happens when you don’t tell me the truth,” he said as you sigh. You looked away as he then looked at you, expectantly.
You then told him your dream, which included so many dirty things that you yourself were even ashamed of. Before you finished, Yeo-Sang crashed his lips on yours, kissing you hungrily while making you lean back on the bed.
While kissing you, he unbuckled his belt, getting ready to complete for first fantasy.
“Now that wasn’t hard, was it? Princess.. Well~ What should I do today? Punish you for hiding the truth or reward you for telling the truth?..”
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Helloo, Bunnie here!
Sorry for being offline for some time -- got overwhelmed with school work and well, I didn’t have enough time to type imagines. 
It’s been a rough month but I do hope that I get to type a bit more soon. 
Also, I am sorry if this imagine is a bit much -- I myself feel like I may have crossed a line, but I do hope that you guys enjoy it!
I did say that I’d try to tone down the explicitness, but this has been an idea for a while so... Yeah...
Also (x2), I changed my Tumblr’s theme so it looks a bit more polished :DD I hope you guys enjoy the new look. 
Remember that my inbox is open so y’all can submit requests and stuff! I’d actually enjoy to get some since I don’t have anymore ideas. 
Thank you for the patience and support! 
I hope you all have a great day/night! 
I’ll catch y’all next time! 
Have fun with your imagination~~
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aalissy · 3 years
Game Night
Day 3 is done! This does contain spoilers for Truth so if you haven’t seen that episode yet please do before reading this!! That being said I need more reveals like this hehe. Anywho, I hope you enjoy <3 <3
About to enter her first class of the day, Marinette was paused in her tracks by an arm yanking on hers. She let out a startled yelp as she was dragged away from the classroom door before she turned around and met the wide eyes of Alya. With a small scowl, Marinette rubbed on her arm after her best friend let her go. Giving a small huff, she pouted, “What was that for? For the first time ever I’m on time to class and now we’re going to be late!”
“I need to speak to you,” her friend said urgently, a look of regret entering into her hazel eyes.
Marinette nodded quickly, “Ok. Is something wrong?”
“Kind of,” Alya ran a hand through her hair frustratedly, “I know we haven’t been able to hang out as much because you’ve been busy with the bakery and homework. I mean, that’s why we set up the games night later because you, me, Adrien, and Nino are all finally free today.”
“Oh no,” she sighed quietly, “Can you guys not make it?”
Alya glanced away before meeting Marinette’s gaze once again, “Well, here’s the thing... Nino and I can’t come because I suddenly got swamped with babysitting the twins and he got grounded after we got our exams back. But, Adrien’s still free.”
“I don’t know, Alya,” Marinette murmured, her eyes glancing down at the floor as she nibbled on her lip, “It’s not going to be as much fun without you and Nino and I still have a lot of work to catch up on anyway. Don’t you think I should just cancel and reschedule for a different time?”
“No way, girl!” She spoke decisively, “You’re almost never free and you’ve been absent from all of our recent meetings! You need to have some relaxation time.”
Marinette shifted uncomfortably, “But it would be just me and Adrien. You know I’m still working on just being his friend and Luka and I broke up not that long ago.”
“Which is why you should totally do this!” Alya gave her a wide smile, reaching out to squeeze her shoulders tightly, “Prove to yourself that you really can be a great friend to him. And besides, it’s not like you and Adrien have never played video games together alone before.”
She giggled, shaking her head amusedly at her friend, “Alright, I’ll do it. But only because you’re right. I really do need to spend some time with friends. I swear I’m going to die from stress alone.”
“I don’t know how you do it girl,” Alya bumped her shoulder with hers playfully as they began to walk back to their classroom.
“Me neither,” Marinette sighed quietly to herself. Sliding into her seat, however, she turned back to Alya, “We are definitely going to need to find another time where it can be all four of us though.”
Alya nodded her head quickly, “Oh, of course! I’ve finally learned a few tricks in Ultimate Mecha Strike III that I think might let me win a few rounds against you.”
“Psh, good luck with that!” Marinette snickered quietly to herself before their teacher entered the classroom and began her lesson.
Listening to her lectures that day was a lot more difficult. Half of her thoughts were still stuck on whether or not she would be able to handle acting like she was just a friend to Adrien. The other half of her thoughts were plotting. Where she’d go if there was an akuma attack, how she was going to keep the miracle box away from Adrien’s sight, and how to keep the kwamis quiet during their playthroughs.
Marinette still scribbled down notes, of course, but every so often she would glance out the window during her lectures, certain that there would be another akuma attack to ruin her day. Her leg jostled restlessly throughout the entire day, hoping that Hawkmoth would send it before her game night with Adrien.
No akuma came, however, and Marinette was left to sigh silently to herself as she trudged out of the classroom, positive that Hawkmoth was just delaying the inevitable. The warm sunlight that beamed down upon her face when she stepped outside didn’t do much to lighten her mood. She was about to begin her walk to the bakery when a hand touched her shoulder.
With a startled yelp, Marinette whirled around, meeting the wide, green, sheepish eyes of Adrien Agreste. He gave her a crooked smile before rubbing the back of his neck, “Sorry, Marinette. I couldn’t help but notice though that you looked down. Is something wrong?”
“No, no, I’m fine!” She panted out, a hand on her chest as she attempted to calm her racing heart rate. Feeling awkward, she tugged on her backpack straps, “W-well, I mean, I am kind of upset that Nino and Alya can’t make our games night. Did you hear?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “Nino told me, and actually that’s what I came over to talk to you about.”
Marinette felt a relieved smile form on her face. He was going to cancel too, wasn’t he? Good, that meant she could spend more time preparing for Hawkmoth’s akuma. She ignored the brush of disappointment that she felt over yet another missed opportunity to spend time with friends and opened her mouth to tell him she was fine with him canceling.
He stopped her before she could, though, beaming down excitedly at her, “Do you mind if I go home first and drop my stuff off before meeting you at the bakery?”
Oh. Marinette blinked a few times. He wasn’t canceling on her. Happiness filled her as a small smile formed on her face. Hawkmoth and her duties as Ladybug could wait for one afternoon then. Alya was right, she really needed a night out with friends.
Her smile grew wider and more teasing as she nodded, “Of course not, Adrien. Take all the time you need before you come over and get absolutely destroyed.”
“Hey!” he said mock-offendedly, “I’ll have you know that I’ve gotten a lot better since the last time we played against each other. Who knows, I might even surprise you.”
Adrien gave her a playful wink and she quickly shoved down the flurry of butterflies she felt begin to swirl around her stomach. No! They were friends. Just friends.
“Good luck then,” Marinette laughed, “I’m looking forward to those new tricks you have up your sleeve.”
Adrien chuckled with her before giving her a quick wave, “See you soon then, Marinette.”
“See you soon, Adrien,” she gave a small nod, the beginnings of a dreamy smile forming on her lips before she pursed them, scolding herself internally. Turning around, she began to head towards the bakery. As she got farther and farther away from him, though, Marinette began to sink deeper into her thoughts once again. Unable to stop herself, she looked around for any signs of a familiar, black butterfly.
Funny how Chat and Adrien were the only two who could manage to take her mind off of everything. Looking behind her, Marinette managed to catch a glimpse of the black limo slowly pulling away from the school. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to calm herself down as anxiety and stress ate away at her.
I can do this, she thought to herself, I have a plan and I’m ready for anything Hawkmoth sends my way. With those last determined thoughts, Marinette turned decisively back to the bakery and continued her trek home.
Saying hello to her parents when she finally arrived, she quickly made her way to her room. Once there, she ran over to where she hid the Miracle Box, checking to make certain that it was still hidden. Breathing out a sigh of relief when it was, Marinette collapsed into her desk chair. She sent a small, lonely glance at the other three chairs that she had set up earlier this morning. Pushing herself up, she began slowly moving two of them out of the way.
“Next time,” she murmured to herself before standing up straight with a long stretch. Marinette yawned quietly as she looked outside her window anxiously. She’d know if an akuma began to attack Paris, right? I mean, there was no way she’d get too swept up in her night with Adrien that she’d miss an akuma attack.
Nibbling on her lip, her thoughts strayed even further. What if she did make it to the battle too late? What if one day she wasn’t there and Chat got hurt. Marinette’s lip wobbled as a lump settled in her throat. This was such a bad idea! What had she been thinking?! She didn’t have time to goof off. There was only Ladybug and saving Paris.
Her eyes shot over to the hidden Miracle Box before a voice shouted close to her ear, “Boo!”
Jumping into the air, Marinette yelped for the third time that day. Forgetting where she was, she reached behind her, grabbing onto something before throwing it over her shoulder with all her strength. Her blue eyes widened as she saw everything happen in slow motion. It was Adrien whom she just threw over her shoulder.
In that split second where he was falling, however, Marinette would have sworn that she saw another familiar, blonde boy flying through the air. Instinctively, she reached for the yo-yo at her side, only for her hand to wrap around nothing. Instead, she could do nothing to stop Adrien’s crash as he hit the ground. Wincing as she heard him groan quietly, Marinette quickly rushed over to him.
All of her previous fears and anxiety were completely gone as she peered down at him in worry. A stunned look was in his emerald green eyes as he looked up at her. Crouching down, she spoke panickedly as she looked for any broken bones, “Oh my god, Adrien are you alright?! Did I hurt you?!”
“No,” he wheezed out, “Besides, it was my fault for scaring you.”
Marinette leaned back as he slowly began to sit up. She examined his face and body worriedly as she gnawed on her lower lip, “A-are you sure? That was a pretty nasty fall.”
Adrien rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled lightly, “Yeah, I’m okay. I think I’m getting used to it now.”
They both froze, blinking at each other slowly. Neither spoke as they sat in a tense silence. Surely not, Marinette thought to herself as her brow furrowed. Attempting to brush off the tension that had suddenly entered the small room, she stood up. Brushing herself off, she offered a hand down to Adrien, “I-I’m still really sorry about that, Adrien. I-I didn’t mean to throw you at all, I just didn’t notice you come in.”
Instead of taking her hand, he continued to stare up at her for a few seconds, a small furrow between his eyebrows as he looked up at her. It was only when she managed to tear her eyes away from his piercing gaze, shifting uncomfortably that Adrien took her hand, using it to pull himself up.
With a small gulp, Marinette looked back towards him. He was smiling and relief filled her as she realized she hadn’t completely broken him. Giving him a small grin back, she motioned her head towards her computer, “D-do you want to play now or should I see if I can get you some painkillers.”
“No, I’m fine,” Adrien shook his head, the smile still on his lips, “I think I’m ready to get ‘destroyed by you now.’” He laughed as he copied her words from earlier.
Marinette’s face flushed as she quickly turned to the computer. Logging into the game, she handed him the controller silently. He took it from her with another small, grateful smile.
As they began to play a round together, she lost herself in the motion of the game. Her fingers moved automatically over the controller as she tried to brush the wave of familiarity screaming at her away. Like she had predicted before, she won easily. Too easily. Adrien’s movements were jerky and disjointed and Marinette shot him a suspicious glare.
“Where were those fancy moves you promised me earlier?” She raised an eyebrow at him, “Those were worse than usual, Adrien.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, “I think I’m still a little dizzy after that fall.”
Immediately, her face fell. Standing up, Marinette put her controller down, “I knew you needed painkillers. I’m so sorry for making you play with me, Adrien. Maybe you should go home and rest.”
“No!” he practically shouted, grabbing onto her wrist as she turned to scramble her way downstairs. Her mouth fell open in shock, staring at him in bewildered confusion after his latest outburst. Adrien blushed and then spoke in a softer tone, “I-I mean, no. I’m fine, I promise.”
Marinette huffed with a small amount of frustration, “Adrien, you just told me you got dizzy playing a game. You’re not okay! I’ll be right bac-”
“Where did you learn how to do that?” He cut her off, staring at her intensely.
Her jaw dropped open once again, eyes moving from his down to the hand still holding her wrist before she looked away from him completely. I’m a superhero and I go gallivanting around saving the city, Marinette thought to herself as her lips twitched slightly.
Bringing her gaze back to his, she cleared her throat, “W-well, um, I-I take, uh self-defense! Yeah, self-defense!”
“Really?” Adrien asked as a knowing grin began to spread across his face.
Once again, Marinette felt a wave of familiarity before she shook herself from those thoughts. Nodding her head quickly, she gave a wide, awkward smile, “Really. S-so, c-can I go get you some painkillers now.”
“No,” he spoke simply, squeezing her wrist before he stood up, looking down at her with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, “I feel completely fine now.”
“But you just said...” She trailed off, frowning with confusion.
“Seriously, Marinette, don’t worry. I told you I’m used to it by now,” Adrien shrugged, a soft smile on his lips.
She giggled uncomfortably, glancing away from him and his sparkling eyes. It felt like something was on the tip of her tongue. Something important that she should know but just couldn’t connect. Shifting uncomfortably, Marinette murmured, “You make it sound like you get thrown around by girls often.”
“Hmm,” Adrien hummed, tilting his head as he considered her words, “Maybe not often. But it is weird that it’s happened twice now.”
Marinette snapped her gaze back to his, her eyes narrowing as a spark of something flared up within her, “Then maybe you should stop sneaking up and scaring people.”
She blinked a few times, her hand coming to press against her lips. Why had she just said that? Opening her mouth to apologize for essentially blaming him after she was the one who flipped him, Marinette was cut off by Adrien wrapping her up in a giant hug.
“It is you,” he whispered softly in her ear.
For a brief moment, she tensed up before everything clicked. Oh. Everything made sense now. Of course, her kitty was Adrien. Marinette reached up to hug him back just as tightly before she buried her head in his shoulder.
“Chaton,” she murmured softly, nuzzling into him as she felt his warmth seep into her. Every last worry that she had melted away as she realized she had someone else she could confide in now.
“M’lady,” Adrien spoke quietly back, causing her to sniffle happily.
Eventually, they both pulled back, staring back at each other with wide, adoring smiles fixed on their faces. Just as Adrien opened his mouth to speak, a crash sounded outside on the streets. Both of their gazes snapped to the window before they looked back at each other. A silent understanding filled them both as they nodded at each other.
“Later,” Marinette spoke first, before calling on her transformation. Adrien did the same and she felt relief fill her as she felt less alone for the first time in so long. She could do this. With him by her side, she could do anything.
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midnghtcities · 3 years
cherry flavoured / chapter 3
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Christmas. A time of celebration, joy, and cookie-induced food comas. Hazel Shaw needs this holiday season to be the best one yet, but a neighbour by the name of Harry Styles could completely destroy that ideal.
An enemies-to-lovers Christmas mini-fic about old mistakes, new prospects, and those cherry flavoured conversations you wish could be forgotten. 
Written for the 1DFF discord server fic challenge.
read on wattpad / story page
(A/N: yes i know christmas was almost a month ago but i am terrible at keeping schedules!! anywho, just a short epilogue after this part!)
! TW: brief description of a seizure !
Friday, 25 December
Alcohol the night before Christmas is never a good idea if you want to have a good night sleep. Pair that with a boy who you once upon a time thought you could be in love with admitting to something relatively shocking, then you’re definitely not in for a good night sleep.
My alarm chirped happily at seven and I unhappily dragged myself out of my cocoon of comfort. I don’t think I had roused myself this early on Christmas morning since I was 10 years old, but I wanted today to be perfect. Normally, mum would take on the duties of preparing Christmas Day but I had insisted on her taking as much rest as she needed. It was my turn to take charge. I promptly forced all lingering thoughts about last night to the back of my mind and began to get on with the day. 
Once downstairs I busied myself with arranging our presents under the tree, switching on the Christmas lights, and setting the table for our traditional Christmas breakfast. I grabbed the supplies I had stashed in the cupboard earlier and got to work on our breakfast gingerbread house. 
I knew to many it would seem pretty silly that we indulge on something so sweet for breakfast, but it was our tradition. As a kid, I was always half excited to see the presents under the tree and half excited to see what gingerbread monstrosity my mum had created. Some notable mentions include the 30cm lighthouse she had somehow erected in 2005 and her infamous attempt at the Buckingham Palace in 2011. This year, we would have to do with a simple house though. Time constraints meant I had to use a simple store-bought kit.
It was just past half nine when I put the finishing touches on the gingerbread house and I finally called up to mum, telling her she was permitted to come downstairs to begin our festivities.
“Happy Christmas, mum!”
“Happy Christmas, Hazel.”
I immediately wrapped mum up in a hug once she had fully descended the stairs. Both of us held on a little longer than we normally would.
“This looks fantastic!” Mum beamed.
It was nothing compared to what mum used to do back in the day but I appreciated the sentiment. I pulled mum over to the sofa and we began exchanging gifts, both of us laughing at how we seemingly got all the gifts so perfect for once. After the wrapping paper had been stashed away, I proudly brought out my gingerbread creation. The roof was barely hanging on and I had to make extra icing in order to hold the walls up, but all in all it was a decent effort. Mum had the honours of smashing the whole thing apart and we both dug in, a full pot of tea accompanying our sweet escapade.
It was almost midday. We had packed the remains of the gingerbread house away before we made ourselves sick and we had both donned our garish Christmas jumpers. I had set mum up with some corny Christmas movie that was on Netflix whilst I busied myself with preparing our lunch. A typical roast dinner, but for lunch obviously.
“Are you feeling hungry yet? I think the food is pretty much ready,” I peered into the oven, the golden skin of the chicken confirming my suspicions. I gave the mashed potatoes on the stove another stir, making sure it wasn’t getting gluggy at the bottom.
“Mum?” I called over my shoulder again.
I turned around, finding her lack of response strange.
She was standing rigidly near the dining table, her right hand clasped over her mouth. Her gaze was fixed on the wall.
“Mum…” I felt my heart leap into my throat. I had seen this before. I dropped the wooden spoon I was holding and immediately walked over to her.
In the six steps it took for me to get to her, it all happened. The glass I didn’t even realise she was holding fell from her left hand and shattered. She crumpled and fell, knees collapsing beneath her. That guttural groan I had hoped I would never have to hear again. Eyes rolling. Jaw locked. Shaking. Jerking. She was having a seizure.
I dropped to my knees beside her, rolling her onto her side as best as I could. I checked her airway like the paramedic had shown me last time. It was clear thankfully. With surprisingly steady hands, I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and dialled 999.
It didn’t even feel like it was me speaking. A voice so even and calm couldn’t possibly be coming out of my mouth right now. I relayed the personal details with ease, told the lady on the other end of mum’s condition without a stutter over the big medical words. Who am I?
“Paramedics are on their way to you now. You’re doing a great job, love.”
I blinked. Mum had stopped shaking, but her eyes were still closed.
“They should be right outside love,” the call takers voice interjected. 
I thanked her and hung up, mystified at how they had arrived in seconds. When I looked down at my phone screen I realised that the phone call had been going for more than five minutes. I blinked again. Blue flashing lights slicing through the living room blinds. A firm knock at the door.
I was walking underwater. My legs were not moving fast enough. I held my arms out as though I was about to lose balance. I made it to the door, let the paramedics in. 
Now I was sitting on the sofa. Look at me. Take a breath. Tell me what happened. How long was she out? You did a great job. She’s going to be okay. 
I was pulled out of the water. My senses ignited, the scene before me truly unfolding. Two paramedics, one assessing mum and one crouched before me. I could hear a steady beeping, mum’s heart on the monitor I’m assuming. And Harry. He was standing in the doorway, eyes wide with horror. Anne and Gemma were behind him, with similar looks of panic. They were all wearing those crappy paper Christmas hats.
And it was as if that’s what tipped the scale. It was Christmas day. My mum just had a seizure. I burst into tears.
I launched myself off the sofa and towards Harry. He had already begun moving towards me so he caught me immediately. I sobbed horribly into his jumper, my chest heaving and throat almost instantly becoming raw as I let it out. I cried for Christmas Day being ruined. I cried for the pain my mum has had to endure. I cried for the fact that mum would most likely not be here this time next year. I cried for my mum being diagnosed with glioblastoma at the age of 52.
“You’re okay…” Harry continually whispered into the top of my head, his hand rubbing circles on my back. I clinged to him like he was the only thing to keep me afloat right now.
I wasn’t sure how long we had been embracing, but I eventually calmed down. I carefully pulled my head back from his chest, bringing my arms away from his waist to rub my eyes clear. He kept his arms locked around me though, like he wasn’t sure if I was ready to be let go. I was glad he kept them there.
“You’re bleeding,” he said worriedly.
“Oh…” I looked at my hands and realised he was right. I must’ve leant on the glass when I was beside mum. As soon as I realised the cuts were there, I felt the throb of pain. “I think… I might’ve gotten blood on your jumper…”
“Wha--” Harry spluttered, like he was lost for words. “I-- I do not give a fuck about that! Come here.” He pulled me back over to the sofa.
I took the moment to glance around the room. Anne was talking to the paramedic. Gemma was distributing glasses of water. And then there was Mum, sitting up on one of the dining table chairs. She looked so tired, but despite that, when I met her gaze she sent me a smile. It was the same look she gives me after every medical episode she’s had in the last year. It was her way of saying all was fine, no need to worry. What she didn’t realise was that all I had been for the past year was a pit of worry.
“Is it alright if you check to make sure there’s no glass in the cuts?” Harry’s gruff voice pulled me back in the moment.
“Of course,” the paramedic bobbed down in front of me and asked to see my hands.
Harry immediately took up the space beside me, his arm snaking around my waist once more. I leant into him almost automatically. I didn’t care that it felt so right to be like this with him. I didn’t care that he pressed his lips to the top of my head when the disinfectant the paramedic applied caused me to wince. I especially didn’t care that he kept me entwined with him even after the paramedic had finished tending to the cuts.
“We’re gonna take her upstairs,” the other paramedic addressed me a few minutes later. “Her vitals are good and we’ve given some pain relief for the headache she's sporting. Seeing as this isn’t her first seizure we don’t need to bring her in. But if anything changes in her condition, ring and we’ll come straight back.”
I nodded mutely and despite my protesting heart, I pulled myself up and out of Harry’s arms.
“It’s alright Hazel,” Anne jumped in quickly, “you stay there and I’ll show them where your mum’s room is.”
“No, it’s okay,” I finally found my voice. “You’ve done so much already, I don’t need to spoil your Christmas anymore.”
“Hazel… Don’t say that…”
“Please, go back to your Christmas lunch. I promise we’re okay now.”
I could tell Anne wanted to fight me on this but Gemma grabbed her mum’s hand and began leading her towards the door.
“Thank you…” I said quietly as they passed. Anne pulled me into a hug, whispering that I could call if I needed anything.
Harry stood from the sofa, his expression somewhat unreadable. As suddenly as I had felt at ease with him, it all slipped away and I felt the frostiness of our current relationship seep back in. I had broken down in front of and clutched onto the man that I had promised myself five years early that I would have nothing to do with anymore. How do you move past that?
“I… Uh-- Thank you, as well,” I said lamely.
It looked like he was about to say something in response, but instead he swallowed thickly. Clearly, the moments we had shared earlier have officially passed.
I motioned to the paramedics to assist bringing mum upstairs. I knew the Styles’ would be able to show themselves out. I tried not to wince each time mum took a laborious breath as she came up the stairs. However, I felt a strange lightness when they finally settled her in the bed.
I thanked the paramedics profusely, which they accepted graciously. They promised to close the front door behind them, urging me to stay with mum for a bit to make sure she’s comfortable.
“I’m so sorry Hazel,” mum spoke as soon as they left.
I went and sat beside her. “Please don’t apologise, you can’t control these things.”
“Yes, but I know how much effort you had put into today. You deserve to have a special day.” A soft but sad smile graced her features. I knew she was skirting around the big issue that we always tried to avoid. The impending end that her diagnosis was going to bring. 
“We have lots of time for a special day,” I said quietly, bringing her hands into my own. “And even if we don’t… I am so thankful for the countless ones we’ve already had. Never feel guilty that you’re taking something away from me.”
Mum’s eyes turned glassy with emotion. She tugged on my hands, signalling that she needed a hug. 
“Get some rest,” I spoke after pulling away a few seconds later. “Maybe we can still have some Christmas dinner if I can salvage the chicken.”
She laughed but agreed. I wanted to stay and watch her fall asleep - to be sure - but she assured me that she felt fine and told me to go. I begrudgingly agreed.
 Carefully, I closed her bedroom door and walked gingerly back downstairs. I knew I needed to clean up the mess. And try and rustle up something edible for us.
“Is she alright?”
“Jesus Christ!” My heart almost leapt out of my chest at the unexpected sounding of a voice. Harry was standing in my kitchen, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed in what looked like concern. “You scared the shit out of me. What are you still doing here?”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay… And your mum. Is she?”
I was shocked that Harry hadn’t left. After what had happened earlier I was sure he would’ve wanted to put as much distance between us as possible. “Uh… yeah. She seems to be,” I managed to get out, “she’s just resting at the moment.”
“Good, good,” he said softly. I kept forgetting what it was like to have him talk to me like this, like we were before.
“You cleaned up,” I noticed that the shards of glass had been surreptitiously swept away and the floor wiped clean of any evidence of what had happened. I suddenly felt my throat tighten and that telltale pinch behind my eyes. Harry had literally held me together a mere hour earlier and yet this small act of kindness was sending me over the edge again. I didn’t want Harry to see me like this once more. I quickly walked over to the cupboard to grab a glass and filled it with water from the sink.
“Least I could do,” he replied, seemingly not noticing my change in demeanor. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t save your chicken. Mum made you both a plate though from our leftovers, I put them in the fridge. I can heat it up for you if you’re hungry now…”
He was being so nice. It felt so jarring. One day he was all eye rolls and words filled with venom, and the next he was offering to get me food. With the absence of my earlier heightened emotions, his sudden concern felt like he was trying to portray some act.
“I’m alright for now,” I finally spoke after a few beats of silence. I turned from the sink to face him again. His eyes held that look of pity - poor girl with a sick mum. I hated it.
“Okay then… Do you wanna just watch a movie then? Get your mind off things?”
It was like a switch had flipped in my mind. I had enough of fake niceties and acts of kindness formed out of pity. I slammed my glass down onto the counter, water sloshing out the side. “God, why are you here?” I said sourly.
“What? I told you, to make--”
“To make sure I’m okay, yeah, I heard that. But why do you even care?”
I watched Harry’s gaze harden. “You… Seriously? What is your problem? I’m trying to do the right thing.”
I clenched my hands into fists, my nails pressing deep into the palms of my hands. I was desperately trying to prevent myself from exploding at him. “Why? Cause you feel sorry for me?”
“No, of course not!”
“Then why do the right thing now? After all these years?”
Harry shook his head in disbelief and began to pace across the floor. He ran his hands through his hair. “You know, a thank you would be nice,” he spat after a few moments.
“A thank you? A thank you?” I could feel my face heating up, not in embarrassment but in anger. It was getting harder and harder to keep it together. “You should be thanking me!”
“What the fuck are you on about?”
“For helping you to get back with your girlfriend.”
Harry stopped in his tracks and faced me, eyes wide in bewilderment. “Hazel, I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.” His frustration was palpable as he threw his hands up in the air. “I thought this was about your mum!? Or me apparently helping you too much today.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose and squeezed my eyes shut. I forced myself to take three deep breaths. I reopened my eyes to see Harry staring at me expectantly. 
“It’s about the fact that we have barely spoken to each other for the past five years and now you expect us to sit on the sofa and watch some bloody movie?” I said in a surprisingly even tone.
“It’s not my fault we haven’t spoken in the last five years,” he replied icily.
“Excuse me…”
“I’m sure you remember the last summer before uni?” Harry crossed his arms across his chest, an eyebrow raised expectantly.
“How could I forget,” I said darkly. I could feel that my hands were shaking ever so slightly.
“So you remember that--” he swallowed thickly, “--that last night.”
I nodded mutely. This was the first time we had ever spoken of that night.
“So then you definitely must remember how you moved across the country the next day without saying goodbye to me and have ignored me since.”
My mouth fell open. That is not what happened. My body flushed as I tried to process what Harry was telling me. Memories of that night flooded back, it had been so long since I had allowed myself to think of them. 
I remember the heat - we had been suffering through a heat wave all week. Someone from our form was having a final hurrah before we all went off to uni. Harry and I went together - as we always did - and we drank. A lot. Those god damn cherry vodka sours. As we stumbled home, he kissed me. I’ll never forget the look that clouded his eyes when he pulled away. And next thing I knew we were in his bed, all fervent mouths and quiet moans.
“You slept with me,” I spoke as I finally pulled out of my reverie, “and the very next day run right back into the arms of Lucy, who you told me you had ended things with…”
I watched as Harry’s eyebrows knitted together in what looked like confusion.
“All I was to you was a quick fuck to help sort out your feelings,” I said quietly. It had taken me a long time to accept the truth of Harry’s actions but admitting it outloud was almost harder. A tear suddenly slipped down my face. I hadn’t even felt myself well up.
“So yes,” I continued on when I realised Harry was just going to keep staring at me with a look of dumbfoundedness, “I did leave for London without saying goodbye. But I think I had a pretty good reason to.”
Harry continued to stare at me, his eyes wide. I waited a further few seconds, expectant of a response, but nothing came.
“I think you should leave,” I finally spoke.
He didn’t move.
“Fine then,” I stormed past him not even taking care when my shoulder careened into his own. Just as I was about to climb the stairs, I felt his hand around my wrist. He pulled me to a stop.
“I wasn’t talking to Lucy to get back with her. I was telling her… that she was right.” His voice was raspier than earlier.
I begrudgingly turned to face him, “Right about what?”
“She was the one who actually ended things…”
“What? You told me you did.”
“I know, I didn’t want you to know the real reason why she broke up with me.”
I raised an eyebrow, “And what was the real reason?”
Harry drew in a shuddering breath, “She thought… Well she insisted on the fact that I was actually in love with you.”
It felt like someone had sucked all the air out of lungs. My vision swam for a moment. I placed my left hand on the wall as though my legs were going to give way. “And… You went to tell her that she was right…”
“I thought maybe you felt the same, especially after… But with you leaving so suddenly, it made it pretty clear that I had come to the wrong conclusion.” Harry’s gaze shifted away from my own, he clearly was feeling uncomfortable.
His admission made me view the last five years in a new light. His actions did match those of a scorned lover. In fact, it matched my own.
“You weren’t wrong,” I breathed out. I reached forward, my hand landing on his chest. Even through his jumper I could feel his heart beating erratically. 
He met my gaze once more and all I could see was that look - the one he held all those years ago. 
Without another second of hesitation, our lips crashed together. My hands immediately found their way into Harry’s hair, fingers curling around the tendrils as though to keep us locked in this place for eternity. I felt Harry’s own hands dig into my waist, pulling me flush against his chest. Heart to heart as we should be - something I never thought would happen again. Something that I hadn’t realised I had been longing for all this time.
Against my better judgment, I pulled away. Harry gave a small noise of protest which I smiled at. “Wait…” I said whilst trying to catch my breath. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions so easily when I saw you--”
“Don’t you dare apologise. We were both arses. I should’ve reached out, found out what was wrong.”
I captured his lips with my own again. “Agree to both be sorry then?” I spoke after pulling away.
He laughed softly, “Alright then.”
I rested my head against his chest, glad to have Harry’s arms around me. “I can’t believe we wasted five years…”
“Might’ve been for the better, you would not have enjoyed my long-haired phase in my second last year of uni.”
I looked up at him, both of our eyes crinkled with laughter. “And I suppose you wouldn’t have enjoyed me in my last year where I was determined to hit up every bar in London.”
I watched his expression drop ever so slightly. “Right, London.” He loosened his grip on me, pulling away. “I suppose you’re heading back there tomorrow?”
The reality of real life crashed down like a bucket of water had been tipped over me. How could I forget that Harry and I have crafted full lives in completely different cities.
“It’ll be hard to say goodbye to you knowing how we both feel now,” he said quietly.
I chewed my lip, “You know… I could extend my leave. Maybe until after New Years. I’m sure I could get some special considerations.”
Harry raised his eyebrows, “Are you sure?”
“We’re not fucking this up a second time.”
He grinned and wrapped me in his embrace once more, his lips making quick work to find my own.
“You know,” I pulled away.
His groan cut me off, “Stop bloody doing that.”
I shushed him with a laugh, “I was just going to say that in case my leave doesn’t get approved that we should make the most of the time we have left.” I looked fixedly over to the sofa.
“Fuck, I love the way you think.”
Without a second thought we tumbled over to the sofa, our legs becoming entangled, clothes discarded, and hands roaming - eager to find what had changed in the last five years. And as Harry peppered kisses down my torso and brought forth feelings so intense I hadn’t thought possible - I knew I wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. Even if that meant quitting my job or moving halfway across a country. 
Harry and I. This was it.
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Promise I’ll Never Let You Down | g.w.
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Masterlist here
Word count: 1224
Request: Could you write a Fred or George Weasley (or both, hehe) imagine where the reader is with someone else who is an absolute prick and becomes very mean towards her, but when she tells the twins they threaten to take care of it (obviously she already took care of it because she’s a boss ass bitch)? Maybe one of the twins offers themself as the better option for a boyfriend? Please and thank you so much 😊 
A/N: I wrote this for George because I never see enough love for him <3 most of the way I write for the twins is based off of other fanfics I’ve read because I don’t think they appear nearly as much as they should in the books AND the movies, which is a shame. Anywho, i hope you enjoyed this and feel free to request more!  also i wrote this at midnight sorry not sorry
“I don’t want you hanging out with the Weasleys anymore.” Blake Jennings, your boyfriend, told you point blank. He’d pulled you out of lunch for a petty fight, but you wouldn’t back down anymore. 
You were a Gryffindor, and now was the time to act like it. 
“Why?” You challenged, standing your ground.
“B-because…” Blake stuttered, obviously not used to you fighting back. You’d taken most of your arguments with a grain of salt, but today was the last straw. 
Fred and George had been your best friends since the three of you were in your nappies. The three of you were always running around Hogwarts, owning the school the moment you stepped into the Great Hall. And no jealous boy or girl could get in the way of your friendship.
“Because what?” Your words now dripped with venom. There was a reason why you had nearly made it into the Slytherin house; when you were angry, you were someone no one wanted to fight with. “Because I’m spending time with my friends?” 
Blake scoffed, although it was clear he knew who was winning the argument at this point. “No friend looks at a girl the way one of them does.” 
“Who cares if one of them has a crush on me or not? Funny, I remember saying yes when you asked to go with me. I’m not the one at fault here.” You crossed your arms. 
“After today, you won’t see them again.” 
“Are you trying to cut me off? God, what utter horseshit have you been consuming? I am not a puppet you can control. Let’s make that crystal clear.” You growled. “I think the only person I should be staying far away from is you, Jennings.” You started to walk away when Blake stopped you again. 
“I’ll tell the whole school about this! I’ll ruin your reputation!” He yelled and you rolled your eyes. 
“The only one who has a say in my reputation is me.” 
Later, you were trying to study in the common room when the twins popped up. “Hey, (Y/N), where’d you go during lunch? We looked up and you were gone.” 
“I was fighting with Blake.”
“Again?” Fred sat in front of you with George following suit. “What was it about this time?” 
“Nothing.” You shook your head, going back to your parchment and quill. 
When you started dating Blake, the twins had heavily objected. He was a general ass to most people, but he seemed nice enough to you. When he initially asked you out, you only really said yes to see if it could make the twins, specifically George, jealous. It wasn’t like you ever really kissed or acted very couple-y with Blake, but it was enough to get people to notice. 
“It wasn’t nothing.” George said, and you shrugged. 
“It doesn’t matter.” 
“Did he hit you?” 
“Did he yell at you?” 
You shrugged your shoulders again. “It was a standard couple fight. A little yelling, no hitting.” 
“Do we need to go beat him up for you?” George offered. 
“Or we could prank him.” Fred suggested. 
“Pranking would be fun.” The two of them said in unison, and you groaned. 
“I hate it when you do that.” You set your quill in the ink pot and looked at them. “You don’t need to do anything.” 
“D’you hear that George? We need to do something.” Fred’s face turned serious, and you rolled your eyes. 
“You don’t need to do anything because I may have put itching powder in his underwear this morning. I dumped him at lunch.” You said nonchalantly, putting your things away. There was no point in studying now that the twins were here, and you weren’t even sure what you had been writing for the past inch of your notes. 
“You dumped him?” Both of them exclaimed at once, glee very present on their faces. “And pranked him on the same day?” 
“Bloody hell, (Y/N). You’re evil.” George laughed. 
“What made you finally kick the bucket?” Fred questioned. 
“He gave me an ultimatum. Said that if I wanted to keep dating him, I couldn’t talk to you two. And that’s not an offer I’m ever going to accept, no matter the person.” 
“Aww.” The twins chorused, causing you to laugh again. 
“Well, we’re still pranking him.” George said, and you stuck out your tongue at him. “Fred, can you get the notebook?” 
Fred stood up faster than usual. “Yep, on it!” He practically raced off, and you eyed George suspiciously. 
“I thought we made an unbreakable vow to never prank each other.” You said, and George grinned. 
“It’s not that, I promise. Are you sad about Jennings?” 
You always liked talking to George. Even if the moments where it was just the two of you were often few and far between, George was the softer twin. That wasn’t to say that Fred was mean, but where Fred was hyper and treated most things like a joke, George was a little mellower when it came to serious matters. Perhaps that was the reason why you loved him. You and Fred always came first to him, even if he had to put aside his own troubles for the afternoon. 
“Not really. I reckon we all saw it coming.” You sighed, sinking into the back cushion of your chair. “Only a matter of time, really. I don’t even know why I said yes to him in the first place.” 
“I always thought you could do better than that bastard. He never treated you right.” 
You raised an eyebrow, looking over at the red headed twin who sat beside you. “Oh? What do you think would be the better option for me?” You were starting to walk a tight line and you knew it, but your suspicions needed to be sure before you did anything else. 
“Someone who would do anything to make you smile or laugh so hard you can’t breathe properly.” He said sincerely, staring back into your eyes. Your cheeks reddened, your heartbeat racing. 
“And who would that person be?” You asked, trying to avoid stuttering. George leaned closer, your faces inches apart. 
“Me, i-if that’s what you want.” He wanted so badly to touch you, cup your cheek and seal the distance between you. Instead, he kept his hands on the couch, eyes asking for an answer.
You weren’t too aware of what you were doing as you leaned forward, closing the gap and fluttering your eyes shut, kissing him. His eyes widened in surprise before he moved closer, moving his lips in sync with yours. When you finally pulled back for air, you looked at him, biting your bottom lip. 
“Does that give you your answer?” You mumbled, smiling at him. Both of your faces were red, and only became darker as Fred walked up to you, wolf-whistling. 
“That took too long. Keep it PG for the rest of us, aye?” He smirked as George shot him a glare and you grinned, hiding your face into George’s shoulder. 
“Shut up.” George rolled his eyes. “I didn’t even ask her out yet.” 
“You don’t need to.” You and Fred both spoke together, your voice quieter and muffled compared to the other Weasley twin. 
“Do you need another kiss for your answer?” You teased, laughing as George’s cheeks reddened once again.
181 notes · View notes
emachinescat · 3 years
Does It Count as Eavesdropping if You’re Comatose?
A Psych Fan-Fiction
by @emachinescat ​
@febuwhump​ day 28 / alt. 3 - coma
Summary: They say people who are comatose can still hear what is going on around them.  This is what Shawn heard.
Characters | Relationships: Shawn, Henry, Gus, Juliet, Madeline, Lassiter, Jack, Despereaux, Buzz, Woody, Chief Vick | Shawn/Juliet
Words: 3,898
TW: coma
Note: I really hope you enjoy this piece.  It was one of the most emotionally taxing, cathartic, and fulfilling pieces I’ve written in a long time.  I hope that comes across when you read it.  
Keep reading here, or on AO3!
If you enjoy, please consider liking, commenting, or re-blogging, and you can follow me for more content like this! :)
Where’s the doctor?  I need to speak to him.  Busy, my ass!  My son is in a coma.  I get that you’re just doing your job.  Just… find me someone who can give me an update.  …  Please.
Hey, bud.  I, uh – 
Shawn, for the love of – what the hell did you think you were doing?  Going off on your own like that, not telling anyone where you were going or what you were doing.  You knew these people were dangerous, and you still… I know I taught you better than this.
Why, why do you never listen? 
Hey, Shawn.  Don’t think that just because you’re in a coma right now that we’re going to let this go.  You’ve pulled some stupid-ass stunts in your time, but this … this takes the cake.  And you know you’re supposed to share any cake you get with me.  Fifty-fifty split.
We’re partners, Shawn.  Why did you go in alone?
Well, all I have to say is that you better wake up soon.  The doctors say they are cautiously optimistic that you’ll have a full recovery if you will just wake up.  We’re all well aware that you are the laziest time-waster in Santa Barbara, but just this once, will you prove us wrong?
Please, Shawn.  You’re my best friend.  I … I can’t lose you.  Just.  Just come back, okay?
The doctors said that you might be able to hear what we say to you.  In my experience, doctors always say that, but, I don’t know.  It seems a little weird, don’t you think?  I mean, the thought of you lying there, so still that you might be … you know.  Anyway.  To think that you could actually be hearing everything I’m saying right now is…
It’s actually a little bit embarrassing.  Gosh, why do I always ramble like a moron when I’m nervous?  This is worse than the movie theater, the first time I asked you out.  Remember that?  Now that was humiliating.  
I know your dad and Gus have probably already given you enough lectures to fill up a novel, so I won’t yell at you for being an impulsive, stupid idiot.  Not yet.
For now, Shawn – his hand is really cold; is that normal?  Should I call the doctor?  No? – just know that I love you, with all my heart.
And that if you don’t wake up soon, I’ll kill you myself.
Mr. Spencer.  
I… I apologize for not coming to see you sooner.  It’s no excuse, but we’ve been really busy.  God knows how you did it, but you somehow managed to still get us the evidence we needed to take these guys down, even on death’s door.  These monsters have been tormenting a lot of very good people for far too long, and until you… did what you did, our hands were tied.
I suppose what I am saying is thank you.
It was incredibly stupid, and I – we all – wish you had never done it, but… thank you.
Wake up soon.  That’s an order.  
Oh, hi, Henry – I was just stopping by for a moment.  How are you holding up?  Yes, I – 
Hey, Goose.
I would have been here sooner, but I was stuck in New York.  I was in for a conference, and my flight got delayed because of snow, but… but you don’t really want to hear about that, do you?
You look good, considering.  From the way your father talked, I thought you’d be wasting away.  But your color is good.  You don’t have that gray pallor I’ve seen so often in those who have given up.  
That means you’re still fighting.  And that’s good.
If you’re wondering where your dad is, don’t worry.  Juliet and Gus dragged him to the cafeteria for some actual food – or as close as you can get to real food in a hospital.  Your father… That man, Shawn, I just don’t think you know how much he cares about you.  Not that it’s your fault.  Henry has never been good at showing how he feels.  
Sometimes I wonder if that’s why I married him, so long ago.  Maybe I thought I could fix him.  But you can’t really fix people, can you, Goose?  Not the way you’d like to.  
The doctors are doing everything they can to fix you, Shawn.  So don’t give up.  
Oh, here comes your father –
He’s fine, Henry – did you eat something?  Gus, did he actually eat something?  What did he eat?  Henry Spencer, coffee is not food!  Good grief, I’ll be right back...
Oh, Guster!  I… I didn’t know you would be here.  I’ll just… I was in the wrong room, that’s all.  Yeah, I was just visiting an old friend of the family.  Who?  None of your business, actually.  Just a friend, who is not Spencer.
What do you mean, I should stay since I’m already here?  Guster, I have important things to do, cases to solve, people to see!  Well, I suppose… Just for a minute, do you understand me?  This is ridiculous… Spencer butts his nose into my case, breaks the whole thing open, and damn near dies in the process…  
Guster – where the hell are you going?  You can’t leave me alone with Spencer!  …  What do you mean, talk to him?  Are you insane?  I don’t want to talk to him when he’s awake, why would I –?
You don’t have to shout.  I’ll stay while you step out.  
But I won’t talk to him.
Well, Spencer, this is a fine mess you’ve put yourself in.  
I mean sweet justice, man, do you ever think about what you’re doing?  About how it will affect other people?  The people who love you?
Not me, of course.  You know I could care less about you.  But my partner, your girlfriend, for some unfathomable reason, has chosen to be with you.  To like you for – man, this is hard to say – to like you for who you are.  I mean, have you met you?  That’s something that should never have happened, especially not after all the stupid stunts you’ve pulled over the years.  
But it did.  She… Juliet, she cares about you.  A lot.  If you could see just how much she’s hurting right now… 
Spencer, I once told you that if you hurt my partner, I’d kill you.  Well, you’ve gone and done it.  But I’m a fair man.  Well, I can be a fair man if given the right circumstances.  Okay, fine, I’m not exactly fair, but I do care about Juliet, so I will give you an ultimatum: If you go ahead and wake up, if you put a smile back on her face, then I will let you live.  But you’ve got to do it soon, got it?  No lollygagging like you usually do.  Just…
Guster!  You cannot just sneak up on a man like that!  No, I wasn’t talking to Shawn, don’t be ridiculous.  I’m on the phone with someone … Bluetooth.  
What?  NO!  My eyes are not “misty.”  Good lord, man, not everyone is a crybaby like you.  No, I’m not staying any longer!  Dammit, Guster, I don’t care – 
Hey, Shawnie!  
Look, this is a little awkward, I know, especially since I haven’t really been in touch since the whole Buchard’s treasure incident, but when your father finally got ahold of me, I rushed right over.  Bygones, and all that, am I right?  
Anywho… I brought you a penny.  I know it’s not much, but this one’s special.  It’s a 1943 bronze Lincoln.  One of the rarest out there.  I’ve been holding onto it for a while, but I thought you could use a little luck.  Well, a little more than a little, but…
Anyway, kiddo.  I hate seeing you like this.  I’m getting ready to go cliff diving in Peru, but I’ll be here with you in spirit, you got that?  Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone. 
Or do.  I guess if you’re doing something stupid, then you’re not sleeping anymore. 
Damn it.  I’m not good at this stuff.  
See ya around, kid.  
Hey, Shawn, my man!  Long time, no see, huh?  Do you mind if I eat something while we chat?  Want a bite?  It’s your favorite…
No?  Well, more for me, I suppose.
Hmmmm… your color looks less gray than last week.  Maybe the doctors are right, maybe you really are recovering, but… I don’t know.  Gah, I really wish they’d let me take a crack at you – ah, I mean, examine you, just in case, but… Apparently “someone who spends all day with the dead isn’t the right person to diagnose a living person, blah blah blah.”  Between you and me, friend, I think they’re hiding something from us.  It’s a conspiracy.  … Not like the Chief Vick is actually a time traveler conspiracy, mind you.  A real one.
Ah, whatever.  Whatever happens will happen, am I right, Shawn?  I have to say, you’re excellent company today!  I do miss your witty retorts, but you’ve got that comforting presence I’ve come to expect from my friends in the morgue.  They only get chatty when I haven’t slept for four days straight.  
Huh, you normally would’ve laughed at that.  
Anyway, keep on keeping on!  Whatever happens, whatever direction this thing ends up going, just know I’ve got your back.  And if you don’t make it in this world, well… let’s just say I picked out the perfect body bag to carry you into the next.  Spoiler alert: I embroidered this one myself!
Oh, and don’t forget!  I’ve called dibs on your autopsy, should it come to that!  Gosh, I can’t stop wondering if your heart really is going to be two sizes bigger than most.  I know it’s scientifically improbable, but you just love so damn much…
Ah!  Oh, Henry, you scared me!  I was just – no, I don’t have the body bag.  Promise.  Cross my heart and hope to – well, you know.  Little joke of the trade, hehe.  You’re not laughing – Shawn would have.
Okay, okay, I’m getting out, I’m leaving!  But if anything happens, you know that I – OW!  Okay, okay, yeah, got it.  Geez Louise, you’ve got a tight grip.  Did you arm wrestle in high school?  
Hey, Shawn.  How’s it going?
I mean, you’re in a coma, so I imagine it’s not great, but… I dunno, maybe it is.  Maybe it’s nice, wherever you’re at.
Say, I wonder if you’re in the place your psychic visions come from.  When you wake up, do you think you’ll be even more psychic than before?  That would be so cool…
Oh, Franny and Mrs. Pickles say hi.  She wanted to bake you a pie – Franny, of course, not Mrs. Pickles, he’s a cat – but I told her you were on a feeding tube, so she made me a pie instead.  It was blueberry.  One of the best pies I’ve ever tasted.  She told me to tell you that if, I mean when, you wake up, she’ll make you a pineapple upside down cake.  A whole one, just for you.
You’ve just got to wake up first, Shawn.
I … I really hope you wake up soon.  I miss seeing you around the station.  Heh, I even think Lassiter’s missing you.  He doesn’t say it so many words – or any words at all, for that matter – but he’s different.  Angrier, and I wasn’t even sure that was possible!  And he keeps glancing over at the front doors, like he’s expecting you to come waltzing in at any moment.  
Or, I dunno, maybe he ordered a pizza, but I’m betting he’s missing you, deep down.
We’re all missing you.  Get better soon, okay, buddy?
Well, kid.  It’s been five weeks.  You’ve always been a slowpoke in the mornings, but this is getting ridiculous.  
I’m running out of things to talk about.  Bet you’re not too broken up about that, huh?  Never did like to listen to what your old man had to say.  Still… you listened when it mattered.  Sometimes.  
I’m thinking about retiring again.  Karen’s trying to convince me to stay.  She says that she’s always got a place for me, that they may be bringing in a couple of temporary consultants in the next few weeks, to help lighten the caseload.  There’s a criminal profiler, a young woman who really knows her stuff, but Karen’s been holding off on hiring her.  Honestly, the girl’s good at what she does, but she doesn’t hold a candle to what you do.
Then again, she’s not an attention-seeking moron who runs head-first into danger without thinking of the consequences, but… she’s still not you.
Anyway, I told Karen I’d think about it, but I don’t know.  I’m getting old, kid.  I thought I wasn’t, I still felt pretty young, but recently… I don’t know.  The world just has a little less color in it than I remembered, and that’s what growing old looks like, isn’t it?  
If I retired, would you wake up?  If you didn’t have me “hovering” over you all day at work, would you finally come back?  I mean, I accepted the job in the first place to keep you safe, and that went to hell in a handbag.  Maybe I’m not so good at that job, after all.
Anyway, kid, you need to get off your lazy ass and wake up.
Believe it or not, I’m really starting to miss hearing your voice.
I love ya, kid.  And I want you back.
Shawn, you will not believe what came in the mail today!  
Seriously, guess.  
Come on… 
Dang it.  I really hoped that would get you curious enough to open your eyes.  
Anyway… something really did come in the mail.  Well, sort of.  I found it on your desk in the Psych office when I came in to check on things.  I’ve been advised that it might be a good idea to stop paying rent for an office I’m not using, but that feels like letting you go, like I’m giving up on you, and I’m not ready to do that.  So I’m going to keep paying that bill, okay?
But as I was saying, this envelope was just sitting on your desk!  Just your name on it, too.  At first I thought you were finally getting your Hogwarts letter, because it’s in a really fancy envelope.  It wasn’t, by the way.  Damn, I’m really rambling today.  Sorry.  I’m just … tired.  But I wanted to read you this letter before I head out to see a few more clients.  Here we go:
Dear Shawn,
It has come to my attention that you have been gravely injured and are in a coma in Santa Barbara Hospital.  My contact has informed me that you’ve been in this state for nearly two months now.  I am devastated to hear about this, and hope that by the time this letter finds you, you have awoken and are back to your normal self.  If not, then I can only hope that your friend Mr. Guster will be kind enough to read you this letter.
I regret that I was unable to visit you myself, but as I am currently wanted in no less than four countries, I thought it best to stay away from any place that is crawling with police officers.  I don’t know if you are aware of this, but between your lovely lady friend and her grumpy assistant, along with all of your other friends at the SBPD, you have an officer of the peace in your hospital room nearly around the clock.  And I know what you’re thinking – I made my name sneaking in and out of impenetrable places.  You would be right.  Perhaps I cannot face seeing you in such a terrible way with my own eyes.
You must recover soon!  I stole a lovely Van Gogh in your honor, but there was no way I could have mailed it to you without its being confiscated by the authorities.  I do think of you every time I see it upon my mantle.  
Pierre Despereaux, Gentleman & Art Thief 
Did you hear that, Shawn?  Your iffy role model Despereaux is even worried about you.  I know that you would – for some reason – do anything to make that man proud.  So what do you say?  You ready to wake up yet?
Dammit, Shawn.  I don’t know how much more of this I can take.
Hey, there, Goose.  
I know it’s been a while since I’ve visited, but I’m actually on a conference tour right now, and your father is keeping me up to date on all developments.  You look nice today – your father just gave you a shave, and though it’s not the most even of cuts, it makes you look more like yourself.  
So, your father called me yesterday in near hysterics.  He said that you had shown the first signs of waking – when your nurse took your blood, you pulled away.  For the first time since all this started, you reacted to something in your surroundings.  Of course, I flew right in.
You haven’t responded to anything since, though.  Shawn, I –
You know I love you, right?  I realize that I’ve never been the best at this sort of thing – at being a mother.  I know I didn’t always make the right decisions.  Even now, I…
I miss you, son.  If you can hear me at all – and I know that you can – please, please, just… whatever is trapping you in your own mind, whether it is fear or trauma or pain or … please, just.  Come back to us.  I – 
Oh, Henry, when did you get back?  No, you don’t have to leave, I –  No, no, I’m fine, I told you I’m fine, I – 
 – It’s all right, Maddie.  I’ve got you.  You don’t always have to be strong, you know. – 
Okay, Shawn, I know I normally try to keep things light and positive, but I don’t think I have it in me to do that today.  I’m sorry, I just…
Today sucked, you know?  Like, really sucked.  Well, if I’m being honest, the past seven months have sucked.  But today was extra special.  
I won’t burden you with all of the details, but work was difficult today.  Lassiter and I got assigned a tough case, and, well, it didn’t end up the way we’d hoped.  Long story short, we uncovered a dirty cop.  It was, um… do you remember Lawson?  He worked in narcotics.  Turns out he’s done some things … hurt some people.  He wasn’t always accountable out in the field, and some things came to light.  Anyway.  It’s a mess.
And then there’s this whole thing with you.  I just … every time it looks like you’re making improvements, you just … you just retreat back into yourself, and I feel like I’m losing you more every day.  I promised you when this all started, on day one, that I would wait for you, that I would be patient, and I’m trying, but…
It’s not that I want to leave you or anything.  Not at all.  My patience is just wearing thin, and I can’t sleep and night and every day I wake up terrified to look at my phone, because what if I have a message that you’ve woken up, but that you don’t remember me at all?  Or worse, what if I get a message that you’ll never wake up again?  
Our bed feels empty.  I sleep with Mr. Snuggles every night, though – do you remember Mr. Snuggles, you know, the bear you won me at the fair when we started dating?  He’s soft, but he’s wearing a bit thin.  I guess holding a stuffed animal like it’s a lifeline every night for over half a year will do that, but I’m afraid he’s going to break soon.
I think… 
I think I’m already broken, Shawn, and I can’t – 
I’m sorry.  I’m sorry, I don’t mean to… I just miss you.
Did you know that I kiss you every night before I leave?  Nothing fancy, just a single, light kiss on the lips.  Sometimes I pretend that you’re the damsel in distress and I’m Prince Charming, and I almost manage to convince myself that when I pull back, your eyes will be fluttering open to look at me, like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty.  But every time, you stay asleep.
Maybe this time, you’ll wake up.  Can you do it for me, baby?  Please?
Well, it was worth a try.  I miss the way you used to kiss me back.  I’ll try again tomorrow.
I’ll never stop trying.  
I love you, Shawn.
I just don’t get it, Mr. Spencer.  The doctors say he’s recovered from his injuries almost perfectly.  Even the head injury, on the surface, has healed.  Why isn’t he waking up?  It’s been eleven months!
If I knew, Gus, I’d be the first to tell you, but I have no idea what’s going on inside that thick head of his. 
I’m sorry.  I know you’ve got a lot on your plate right now, too.  I shouldn’t be –  
Gus.  Just like I told Jules, we have to be here for each other.  That’s all we can do.  That, and be here for Shawn when he wakes up. 
If he wakes up.
Don’t say that, Gus.  You know Shawn.  He’s the most stubborn person either of us knows.  He’ll wake up.  He’ll make it through this. 
How long are we going to keep telling ourselves that?  He’s been comatose for almost a year, Mr. Spencer.  Every time he shows signs of coming back, he just… doesn’t.  How long do we keep waiting?  Two years?  Five?  How long until we’ve reached the point of no return?  Will we even know it when we see it?
Gus, the point of no return doesn’t happen until he stops breathing, and that’s not going to happen, okay?  We stick by Shawn until our prayers are answered or are no longer necessary.  Got it? 
You’re right, I’m so sorry.  Of course I’d never give up on Shawn, I’m just so tired –
I am pouring my heart out here!  I let you cry on my shoulder yesterday, and you won’t even let me –
First off, I wasn’t crying, and even if it was, I wouldn’t be doing it on your shoulder.  Secondly, I could have sworn I saw – yes!  He’s moving!  Do you see his hand, Gus?  Gus! 
I … I dunno Mr. Spencer.  Could be another false alarm.
Maybe, but… this feels different.  Shawn?  Shawn?  Can you hear me, bud?  Can you open your eyes? 
He’s stopped moving.  His heart rate’s normalizing.  I think –
Oh my – thank GOD, Gus, get a doctor, get a nurse – call Jules – Shawn, Shawn, can you hear me? 
I’m here, Shawn, I’m here.  Open your eyes for me – there you go.  Gus has gone to get the nurse.  He’ll be back with someone in a second. 
She’ll be here, she’s just outside.  Thank God you’re awake, I – 
“I h-heard, Dad.”
“I heard.  Everything.”
You did, huh? 
“Yeah… do you a-always sound like a dying lawn mower when you cry?”
Dammit, Shawn, can’t you let me enjoy having you back for one second before you ruin it?
“L-love you, too, Dad.”
Welcome back, son.  It’s good to see you smile again. 
“Yeah, you too, dad – weird… But good.”
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osamusriceballs · 4 years
Good(eve)ning Eve! see what I did there? I couldn’t resist the pun....I’ll see myself out....
Just checking in making sure you’re taking care of yourself and actually sleeping enough because I think our time difference is 6 hours (I’m in the US) so sometimes I’ll see you post at what is like 4am your time and I just glare at the screen (I’m not actually mad I promise I only glare because I care but you gotta sleep it’s so important). Don’t get me wrong, kinktober is all well and good but I think I’d speak for everyone when I say we’d prefer you to be well rested and relaxed even if it means you’re late with a fic. Your writing is great but we care more about you you know? Don’t ever feel pressured or like you have to get things out at a certain time ok? Okidoki
Anywho, take care of yourself, eat your favorite snack or just do something nice for yourself because you more than deserve it <3
Ps: I saw on my yoga ask you said I’m chill and that made me laugh because I’m literally just a 5’4” ball of anxiety but I appreciate that lol. Yoga does help though took a while to get into but I enjoy it a lot
Me after reading this:
Tumblr media
Damn Ninjas 😭😭
PETER- YOU ARE THE CUTEST. Like- I’m not sure how to express my feelings rn, but you radiate so much caring energy, my heart gets so warm when I see your name on my phone, I’m just: 🥺😭💖💖
I did definitely not sleep enough these past few days, but don‘t worry! I‘ll try to go to sleep early today, and I hope that will fix it ✊🏻💖
Thank you for saying that 🥺 I think I just need to hear things like that from time to time. Like, I know that I‘m not obligated to post all fics in time, but I still somehow pressure myself, even if I know I shouldn‘t 😫😫 it‘s okay though, I accepted that I will not be able to post them all in time, and that’s fine by me! 💖
AND YOU‘RE 5,4 THAT‘S SO CUTE AHH 😫😫 you seem like an incredibly nice and calm person to me, I don’t get any anxiety vibes from you at all 🥺 You’re such a precious little (little at least to my 5,8 tall self 👈🏻✊🏻) sunshine, I’m sure that we would have gotten real good friends in real life too!! 💖💖🥺
LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!! I‘ll promise to take care of myself, if you also take good care of yourself!! 🥺💖 it‘s a give and take here!! 💖
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hajimine · 3 years
dear hottie lex,
i'm back :D why do i start every ask with im back LMAO anyways,, are you feeling better?? i sure hope so !! i also hope you've been drinking enough water 😌✋🏼 lemme grab some water rq 😻 please i finally have my peace noe that i can do what i want two weeks long 😫✋🏼 although me and 3 of my classmates/friends have to record a PODCAST for a project at the end of the holidays,, a PODCAST . i cant believe this SJDJDJ 😀 probably gonna be embarrassing but its better than writing 8 pages or sum at least we could choose what to do 😌 im still waiting for the new aot ep to drop on the site where im watching it im in pain 🚶🏻‍♀️ it do be like that :,) question is it just me or do you feel also bad when you sleep for too long? yesterday i woke up at 1pm and got up at 2pm and i felt like i wasted so much time of the day 😭 wouldnt be surprised if it was just me ngl 🚶🏻‍♀️ anyway bestie tell me about your day, what have you been up to? how are you? i'm listening 😼😌 that being said, i'll continue watching anime, i hope you've had a great day bubs!! kith for u hottie <3 and hugs <33 mwah
with much love,
your sexy 🐉 anon 😼
to my beloved 🐉 anon,
i am feeling a lot better thank u baby 😁 ouh yea actually i’ve been going back to using my 1L bottle again so i’ve been drinking lots of water lately 😼👍🏼 omg have fun on your holiday!! hopefully u can have a lil more time to chill & watch naruto and all the other animes you’re watching rn :0 HAVSJAJ WAIT,, that sounds like fun tho lowkey (maybe bc i love talking n i ramble a lot bye) but good luck! what are u supposed to talk abt on the podcast tho?? is it a free topic sorta thing or does it have to be school related? hhhh i still havent watched it yet even tho it’s tuesday 🧎🏻‍♀️idk when i’ll have the time to watch it smh but from what i’ve heard from other people, i think im gonna be in a lot of pain 😻🙏🏼 ooooh actually yeah,, i get that sm bc u feel like u should be doing sth productive but here u are, sleeping in🚶but u deserve the extra hours tho!! im sure u didn’t have as much time to sleep when u had school :,) and youre on your school break anyway so it’s chill 😼🤏🏼 my day was pretty good!! i took a 3h nap and wasted so much time tho jshdjshs but other than that it was pretty good,, i might stay up a bit later to watch some more lectures bc of the nap, we’ll see 🏃🏻‍♀️ oh and,, i wore my seijoh practice tshirt today and i felt like i slept in iwa’s shirt so that was great ☝️😻 this reply is kinda late im sorry 😞 but i hope u had fun watching the anime!! im still trying to slowly read the jjk manga but i literally fell asleep reading it last night bc i was so tired 🤼‍♂️ anywho,, how are you!! did u do anything fun today? dont hesitate to treat yourself bc youre done w school for now 🙇🏻‍♀️ that calls for a celebration imo <3 sending u lots of hugs and kithes as well angel, have fun on your break and stay safe!! ily mwah 🥸 <33
yours forever,
lex 😈
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ladymelissaduthe · 4 years
challenge #5 (part 2)
aka fireworks (aka clownery and delusions luv) 
a/n: i jwu after 3 hours of sleep and edited this. this is a particularly spicy one featuring Felicity and Arin. Full disclosure, I needed a drink to write like half of this RP AHAHHDKJNKD #dumbbitchjuice Thank you @arin-schreave and @/felicity-graham aka Anna for these RPs. I love you ma’m you’re doing amazing. Link is in the aka title as usual for the doc for easier reading. Enjoy the clownery of part 2 of the ball and keep your eyes peeled for part 3 (5845 words)
I give my laptop’s camera another twirl, seeing my Mama and Grammy’s jaws drop as I feel the weight of my gown catch what little air it could.
“Prettier than an orange blossom in your Papaw’s Orchard.” My Grammy’s voice rings from the speaker, her expression looking quite pleased with my dress.
I actually got ready faster than I thought it was gonna take me, my maids having done amazing fast work with my hair and make up. After they finished and fixed what they needed to fix, I had asked my maids for a moment to myself so I can videocall my family for this.
It was the first look anyone’s got of me in my dress, and I can’t help but smile at how beautiful it was.
“Blue really is your color darlin’.”
Blue, almost Lilac.
“You look every bit a princess should look.” My mama says as she seems to be leaning closer to their computer screen, probably to get a closer look.
When my name was announced a couple of months ago, I think the only person more excited than I was about the Selection was my Mama. It made her so proud that I had a chance of being a Princess, she told everyone in her circle of friends 5 minutes after I was called and was running around the house.
It reminded me of the days when I did those little pageants in Orleans. Mama was always so supportive with the dresses she made for me, teaching me how to walk and curtsey. She had dreams for me, that’s a fact I’ve known since I was tiny. Part of those dreams before was to settle down early before. Now I think she just wants me married.
“I was just talking with Betty, ya know your Aunt Betty, right honey? Anywhos, I was just talking with her about you and she was telling me how lovely you looked in your Selected pictures.” I hear Mama talk, going onto sharing how she was sharing with her friends about my experiences in the Selection—how far I’ve made it through. Saying that the prince must have definitely taken a liking to me.
Sometimes I wish I had the heart to tell her the truth.
Sometimes I worried about how she’d react if she found out that I cried after my first date with the prince, or what she’d say that I’ve only gone on one other date besides it.
I smile to her, smoothing down the embroidered blue fabric of my skirt, trying to play it coy.
Maybe it’s too early to tell her all of that.
“Well, Mama, I’m always trying to put my best foot forward.”
Not all hope was lost, things were progressing well with Arin at least. He wasn’t actually half-bad, if not just a little too serious. I was willing to wait and see this through, and I wasn’t going to give up on my chances with Arin or my chances of a fairytale.
“As you should! Oh honey, you’re never giving me all the details I wanna hear!” My Mama says before Grammy seems to push her to the side, which makes me giggle at the sight.
Grammy’s expression is a little funnier to see onscreen. “Oh, hush Caroline! Let the girl have a little privacy. She’s not 14 anymore, and you can’t spy on her from the living room window no more.”
I blink to the screen as I take a seat on my vanity, shaking my head at that memory.
I feel a small lump in my throat at another reminder that memory brings.
A day in the Spring, hot as ever in Orleans. 14 and feeling light as air as Daniel walked me back home from school, him holding a jacket over me to shield me from the sun and the heat— catching my mother’s eyes peaking through the curtains of one of windows.
“I digress, I digress. Can’t blame a mother being just a little curious with what her daughter’s been up to all the way in Angeles.” My mother says in her defense, and I force a smile onto my face again—swallowing that lump and pushing that memory to the back of my mind, putting it back in an imaginary box with Daniel’s name on it.
“A good southern woman doesn’t kiss and tell.” I reply before giving myself one last look into my mirror, smoothing my hair down and applying some perfume to my wrists, the scent of daisies filling the room. I tried to remain conscious of the time and my laptop’s clock was telling me that it time for me to make a move.
“Best think I should be heading down now. Wouldn’t wanna be fashionably late for the dinner.” I say to the camera, my eyes moving from my mirror to my screen to my mother and grandmother’s faces. Gosh, I still wish they were here with me right now.
“Be sure to smile for the cameras! Ah, I can’t wait to see all the pictures!”
“Don’t waltz all those boys into a stuper, Missy dear.” Grammy gives me a wink as she waves to the camera.
The corners of my mouth tilts up at the thought of dancing.
“I’ll call y’all tomorrow about what happens tonight. Give Daddy all my love when he gets home. Good night Mama, Good night Grammy!”  I say as my hand moves along the mouse pad to end the call, and I close my laptop. Turning my head as I hear a knock on my door.
Perfect timing.
My hand reaches to check my dress’ pocket if my emergency kit was inside and I feel the rectangular case in it already. Never gonna know what I’m going to need tonight.
I push my seat away from the desk and stand, walking over to my door opening it to find my escort on the other side of the door.
The walk to the Great Hall was actually quite exciting, my escort was a nice young fella named Phillip. Apparently, all the Selected ladies had a guard as their escort for the night—a welcomed part of the job according to him.
We converse a bit as we walk down and I hold onto his arm like any girl with an escort should. It actually reminded me of all the debuts and cotillions I attended and planned—even my own cotillion when I was 18. Those dances and events needed an escort too, and mine was always… the same person.
A small crowd started to form outside the dining hall, everyone looking finely dressed in their gowns and tuxedos. Some Selected girls, others were probably guests of the Royal Family.
I look around the crowd as my guard guides me close to the entrance, scanning for familiar faces amongst it.
We stop close to the entrance. Phillip says that he’ll be right back for me saying that he’ll just be double checking with another guard about the events of tonight and what time they’d start letting everyone into the hall for dinner. I give him a quick smile, nodding and still scanning the room.
Everyone looked so beautiful tonight. It made me want to sigh—this Ball was grander than anything I’ve ever attended or planned in the past. Oh gosh, I wonder what the Great Hall looked like right now since it was the night time.
As I look around, I realize the closest person to me was familiar.
Felicity Graham.
Her dark hair was up in a gorgeous bun. Her ecrue off-the-shoulder dress looked something straight out of a runway. She looked like she stepped off a runway, what with being so statuesque. She was rocking on her heels, glancing around every few seconds or so.
I debate with myself for half a second if I should talk to her. There really wasn’t any harm in doing so. She couldn’t be as bad as the whispers I’ve heard about her. Plus she was Jackson’s sister. No harm in giving her a complimenting, right?
I smile in her direction and say to her, “You look pretty as a Magnolia in May, Miss Felicity.”
“I’m sorry?” is the first thing she says as she looks to me. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. I try to maintain my smile as I watch as she relaxes a bit. “Oh, it’s you.”
She gives me a onceover before she meets my eyes again.
I clasp my hands in front of me and her response makes me think that she might not know who I am, which is reasonable. I don’t think I would… research on any girl linked to my ex.
I decide to introduce myself, knowing fully well that we’ve never really spoken to each other in the past.
“I’m Missy, from Orleans.” I say, trying to channel my friendliest smile. “You look great! I love how the fabric of your dress looks like it can catch the wind just right.”
Her dress indeed was a gorgeous one, the kind that moved just right when someone walked.
“I know who you are, Missy.” Felicity replies before glancing down at her dress, then looking back up at the hint of a smile on her lips. “Are you sure you don’t have the wrong Graham?”
The wrong Graham?
I blink at her statement, a tad confused. But I still feel myself smile just a bit, remembering my conversation with Jackson earlier today.
“Is there a right or wrong Graham I should be speaking with?” I ask.
“You’re already speaking to her.” Felicity’s eyes flit away for a moment again, before she asks me “So… How have you and Arin been getting on?” the amusement in her tone was kind of clear.
“Oh,” a small laugh that sounded more awkward than I liked escapes me. I don’t quite know how to answer Felicity correctly. Partly because of Arin, partly because I didn’t want to say anything that could offend her.
I, of all people, should know the right etiquette for treating ex-fiancées. I wanted to say something that wouldn’t let in too much but I also didn’t want to lie about my less than ideal position in the Selection.
I find myself nodding once. “He kind of grows on you, to be honest.” I lift a shoulder up. “Guess I still wanna get to know him better though.”
I wasn’t lying. I was quite interested in getting to know better. Maybe tonight I’d have the chance to. I can only hope my answer satisfies Felicity’s curiosity.
She looks like she’s holding back a smirk.
“Right… Arin. Yes, he does.” Felicity rocks on her heels again, she seems anxious about something. “So, how do you feel about other people you’ve met so far?”
Her question makes me scan the area again, hoping to ground my answer onto someone, maybe even see a particular person’s face but I don’t really catch anyone familiar save for some of the other Selected girls.
“It's been lovely meeting everyone here. The girls are sweetest, it's kind of like having sisters I've never had. Have you gotten to talk to the other girls?”
Felicity looks around, surveying the girls around us and lets out a sigh. I’m not sure if it was a sigh of disappointment or something else.
“I’ve talked to a few of them. None too noteworthy…” she says before her smile returns to her face. “What about Wylan… or say Jackson? I imagine you must have run into him by now.”
“Wylan, I think I've only met him during his birthday party a few days back.” I tilt my head, trying to sum up all the good things about Jackson—especially since I was talking to his sister.
“I've run into Jackson plenty of times actually. It's been nice to talk to him whenever he drops by here.” I feel my smile soften at thought of all the kindness he’s shown to me lately. “He's been such a huge help with the community engagement project I proposed too.”
Felicity nods, “So he’s only helpful?”
“Oh no, not just that!” I shake my head immediately. I didn’t want Felicity to think that I thought her brother was just helpful. No, Jackson was caring and had the biggest heart around here, plus he has a voice I could listen to all day.
The song he sang earlier in my head rings in my head. Maybe the night holds a little hope for us dear.
Um, nope. I didn’t want to say any of that out loud.
When I think I had the right description, I still find myself tripping over my own words.
“He’s been nothing but genuinely sweet and kind to me! I like to think that he’s one of my closest friends here.” I punctuate the end of that with a little laugh, aware that I wasn’t doing a very good job describing him.
She seems to look at the floor, a small smile on her face as she nods before taking a deep breath. “Good.”
Gosh, why was I so bad at this? Still, I can’t help but think again to the soundcheck earlier today.
I think Jackson’s real performance later was something I couldn’t wait to happen.
“Can’t wait to hear him play something later. He already sounded really great a while ago.” I say before I take another glance, wondering where Jackson was before looking back to Felicity. She looked like something was troubling her. I felt compelled to ask her, wondering if my gut feeling was right.
“You okay, Miss Felicity?”
A big smile appears on her face as she answers me.
“Of course I am. It’s just the jitters.” Her smile doesn’t falter.
Something I learned here in the palace was to never pry to deep, so I simply smile back at Felicity—trying my best to give her a reassuring look.
“Now don’t let those jitters scare you too much!” My left hand goes over looking for my Grammy’s ring on my right. Only remembering that I wasn’t wearing it tonight. Maybe for the better. My left hand settles with fiddling with my bracelet on my wrist. “I hope you enjoy yourself tonight, it is Independence Day after all.”
She nods, “Happy Independence Day, Missy. I hope it’s everything you imagined it would be.”
I suddenly hear my name being called, and see my guard coming up to my side telling me that we were starting to head in two minutes. I give him a friendly nod and a thank you before turning back to Felicity.
“You too Miss Ma’m! It was very nice talking to you. Again, I love your dress.” I gesture to her dress again—maybe wanting to ask my maids for a dress similar to it—then my guard clears his throat to remind me that we should get going, which earns him a nod from me.
Phillip starts to lead me away, but I give Felicity one last smile. “Have fun!”
The night moves faster than I realize it does.
The last time I danced this much was back in my 18 Roses on my 18th birthday party, back then dancing with 18 personally picked men who each gave me a rose and a dance each. The first rose back then was obviously my Daddy, and I don’t think I’d ever forget the look on his face when we were dancing to Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You.
Both occasions still left me feeling more than just a little tired.  
Maybe it was all the dancing I’ve done with who knows how many people, maybe it was the waiting at the sides as I occasionally checked the stage and looked around if Jackson was about to start setting up.
I wanted to wait and standby so I could catch his song again, wanting to hear him singing it again.
Maybe the night holds a little hope for us.
The chorus of the song not leaving my head even if I tried to forget it. It wasn’t the only thing I couldn’t get out of my head.
So I waited.
And danced with some more people who asked me to dance when they approached me. I had no complaints about it, I missed dancing actually.
I also did the Toktik Savage dance routine with a younger guest at the party who was just as excited as I was when it started playing on the speakers.
I’m a savage, classy boujee ratchet—the whole routine.
By the end of that, I was in need of a touch up so I decided to leave the Great Hall for five minutes, hoping that I wouldn’t miss Jackson’s ((👀)) performance while I was gone.
I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t actually speed walk to the nearest powder room.
I take a minute to pat my forehead with my emergency kit’s blotting paper and dust myself with a little powder to get the shine off, dab a bit of the rouge from the pan to brighten up my complexion.
Once I’m satisfied, I give myself a final onceover with the powder room’s mirror.
Why was I in such a rush to get back?
I sigh to myself and press the heel of my palm against my forehead.
I must have really just wanted to get back to dancing, that’s it.
I look at the tiny little compact case in my hands and close it, ready to go back.
The music from the Great Hall was playing faintly as I go through the powder room’s door and I breathe a sigh of relief when the song playing doesn’t sound like Jackson’s song.
I probably should get back soon if I didn’t wanna miss it.
I take a few steps down the hallway, Jackson’s song playing over and over in my head as I walk.
I don’t expect to bump into someone else as I make my way back, most especially that someone being Arin Schreave.
“Hi Arin.” I greet him with a smile, knowing fully well we haven’t spoken since our date at the pool where he taught me how to swim. Since then I haven’t had the chance to talk to him.
Maybe this was my chance to… get to know him better. I mean, I was here to do that, right?
He seems distracted as I greet him, only responding half a second late that someone was talking to him. Arin looks up to me.
“Oh, Missy. Hi.”
I take in his appearance, realizing that he looked, for lack of better word, disheveled.
His hair was roughed up and his bow tie looked almost undone. I’m not sure if I should comment on any of that.
Instead, I clasp my hands in front of me and ask, “Having a nice night so far?”
That seemed like a good way to ask him if he was alright.
The hallway wasn’t the best lit place, but I swear I could catch a blush on his face which only confuses me even more.
Arin then swallows.  
“It’s going well enough.”  He glances around the empty hallway. “How’s your night going?”
I maintain my smile. “Nothing but good times rolling for the whole night. Dancing is quite fun, ain’t it?”
Arin’s disheveled appearance still is something I wonder if I should bring up.
I wonder if he knows… if he looks like this right now. I try to test the waters by making a light remark about his undone bow tie.
“Guess you’ve had enough fun to almost undo your bow tie.”
He blinks in surprise, and my hunch appears to be right. He didn’t know. His eyes attempt to glance down.
“Oh… I’m not sure how that happened.” He says before he reaches his hands up to his bow tie.
“If you don’t mind, I think I have a hack or two to make sure your tie doesn’t become undone for the rest of night.” I point to his bow tie, as I offer him my friendliest expression. “Only if you let me, of course.”
I loved helping tie bow ties. It was a fun little thing I did whenever a groomsman struggled with his tie for a ceremony. A wedding proof bow tie knot was something most, if not all, wedding planners should know by heart.
Arin seems to pull his hands back and nods. “Sure…” He takes a deep breath and grimaces. “How bad does my hair look?”
I give him a quick smile at his agreement, stepping up to fully undo his bow tie and start from the beginning, talking as I started adjusting the ends.
“Well, it has seen better days. I can help you with that too in a bit.” I laugh a bit, glancing to his hair. I make sure to put my thumb between the knot and his throat—making sure that it was going to be a comfortable fit.
That earns me a grown from Arin as I watch him reach up and pat down his hair. “Thank you for doing this, Missy.” He glances down to me.
His groan makes me laugh and I tilt my head in amusement.
“It’s the least I could do.” I reply, focusing more on the specific knot I had in mind. I cross and tug the ends making sure things would be properly spaced. “Lots of photographers back in the Great Hall, wouldn't want them getting any bad pictures of you.”
He glances down to his watch. “Thankfully they should be clearing out here pretty soon. Then we can get to the fun dancing.”
“Fun dancing, now I can get behind that very much.” I grin up to him, tugging at the last end I needed to pull at and gesturing to it when I’m satisfied. “One twisted knot with an extra back end to prevent any unwanted loose bows. Adds dimension but the most dance-proof knot. If you wanna take it off later, just pull at the back fold over here.”
I had to hand it to myself, I did a pretty good job with his tie. It’s been a while since I tied one those, but I’m glad that I still remembered how to.
“Oh. Thank you.” He reaches up to touch his bow tie. “I’ll keep that in mind for any more.. dancing I do tonight.”
“Best to keep that in mind indeed.” I nod before I turn my attention to his hair, putting my hand on my chin.
“As for your hair…” I shake my head as I look down the hallway for any mirrors close by so he could see for himself. Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be any nearby mirrors—and the powder room wasn’t close by anymore. “Do you know if there are any rooms with mirrors ‘round here?”
“Uh, I think the sitting room has one.” Arin glances down the hallway before looking back at me with a confused expression. “Why?”
I blink, forgetting that idea. Being alone with him in a room didn’t sound quite right.
“Just thought you’d wanna see the finished product with a much much bigger mirror.” I reply before reaching into my dress’ pocket and pull out my emergency kit, a small case that to Arin probably looked like a pocket mirror except when I open it, it has everything you’d ever need for a party or a wedding emergency: powder, blush, blotting paper, a band air, some thread and needles stuck to it, tiny scissors… and lastly a tiny tiny comb.
“It’s a good thing I brought the emergency kit then.” I smile down on it.
Arin lets out what seemingly is a genuine laugh. “Are you always this prepared?”
“You don’t have to get ready if you stay ready.” I laugh before taking the comb out and placing the kit back in my pocket. “I've planned over a hundred events, trust me-- this emergency kit is nothing.  Never know when a dress rips or someone needs a little touch up in between pictures.”
In fact the kit I had was only a scaled down version of my fanny pack of emergency tools for weddings. Oh gosh, weddings were disasters waiting to happen.
Arin chuckles, “Well, I guess if anyone ever actually tries to make it down the aisle with me I know who to call.”
I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard Arin bring up weddings on his own. It was actually quite amusing to me that he said so. Oh gosh, I can’t believe I was actually having a nice conversation with him.
“I'm sure a lucky girl is going to want to make it down the aisle with you.” I giggle as I reach up with the comb and fix a couple of strands of his hair. As I work on his hair, I can’t help but feel like it’s hard for myself to imagine myself in that position—at least not yet, but progress was being made that made me hopeful that I still had a chance with Arin.
“Do I keep the side part dominantly on the left side?”
“Left side.” He answers, smiling at me.
I nod, returning a similar smile. “You got it, Mr. Schreave.” I go back to work, easily able to reach up to his hair with my heels on. I still really wonder how his hair got to this.
“Is it okay to ask why you look like you just walked through a hurricane?”
Arin clears his throat. “I’ve just had a lot of running around… there’s a lot of people I’ve had to see.”
Ooooo, must have been a lot of running and meeting people then.
I hum at that as I smooth his side part down. “Of course. Big party with all these guests and well… us girls. Everyone would wanna get a piece of that action.”
The comb runs through a few more strands of his hair, which admittedly was the first thing I noticed when we first met. He did have nice hair.
I pat his hair lightly when I get his hair to look just right, like the way I’ve noticed he’s worn it before.
“And…” I give his hair a last minute pat, then meet his eyes. “your hair is read for the cameras again.”
Arin groans again. “If I never saw another camera again, I’d be a happy man.”
“Hey,” I laugh, amused as ever with his sentiments against cameras. I put the comb back in my emergency kit and close it with an audible click. “You can be a happy man even with cameras around. On the bright side, there'll be lots of pictures to remember stories from tonight.”
He seems to grimace at that, but he suddenly reaches up and I feel his hand push some strands of my hair behind my ear. I guess I didn’t notice that earlier.
I curl my lips in at that contact, suddenly feeling all the more conscious that we were alone in the hallway together.
Still, I wasn’t going to let this opportunity go. This was still my chance with Arin.
I thought my dream of this Selection being a fairytale with a prince were ruined back during our first date but—maybe I was wrong.
I offer Arin a small smile and a “Thank you.”
He doesn’t pull his hand back from my ear, his eyes looking me over.
I feel more conscious now more than ever with his hand still there.
What was he doing?
No, what was I doing?
Still, it felt nice. It felt familiar.
Like something I haven’t felt ever since Daniel and I were still together, like the weird little feeling in your chest when you’re 14 and unsure of what to do next after an accidental brush of hands.
It’s been so long since then.
And it feels like one of those scenes in the movies, right before the couple did some grand old romantic gesture where the princess’ foot would pop or there’d be butterflies in the main character’s stomach.
Could this be it for me?
It has to be. It just has to be.
I find myself leaning closer to Arin.
“I think I want to kiss you.” He murmurs as I feel his hand go to my cheek.
My eyes widen at him saying it out loud.
I wasn’t used to this with other people, but I was in the Selection for this very reason.
I had to start somewhere.
I wanted to fall in love here.
This was a start.
This could be the start of something I’ve wanted back for so long, at least prove to myself that after all this time I wasn’t broken after what happened with Daniel.
I find myself nodding and leaning closer to Arin, wanting him to close the gap.
“Is that okay?” he breaths out, and his eyes seem to study me. I can’t believe he’s still asking.
My face flushes the longer we stay this close and wait for something to happen—nerves I didn’t know existed making themselves known now.
I remind myself of my Mama’s hopes that I’d end up falling in love with a prince…
I remind myself of why else would I be here in the first place if not to get a fairytale romance with a prince…
…because I don’t think I’ve ever come close to that with Arin until now.
Maybe this will convince me that I actually like Arin this way and erase all my doubts.
A kiss is all it could take to realize the truth. Please work.
So I manage to softly say a “yes”.
It’s the kind of scene in the movies when you should feel fireworks go from your stomach to your heart— bathing you in a warm feeling like how when you see fireworks light up the sky on New Year’s Day.
It should feel like fireworks.
That’s how you know things are going to work.
Daniel felt like fireworks.
When Arin leans in closer, I reach up to hold his face too— then I feel him press his lips to mine.
It should feel like fireworks.
But it doesn’t.
I don’t feel anything.
I try to wait for a beat and see, maybe it just needs some time to kick in?
And I’m not sure if I imagine it, but I think I can hear the music in the Great Hall from a distance.
Maybe the night holds a little hope for us, dear.
That thought is something I push to the back of my mind as I pull away from Arin, reaching up to gently remove his hand from my face.
“I'm... uh— I'm sorry. That—” I cut myself off, trying to process what just happened. It felt like everything was crashing down onto me.
Arin wasn’t the one for me.
“Was that... Did that feel... um..? Weird for you?” I try to manage out a coherent thought, while trying my best to not make Arin angry or upset.
Arin takes a step away from me and clears his throat.
“I— I’m sorry.” He says before chuckling nervously. Well, at least he didn’t seem upset either. “Missy, you’re great. I just.... I don’t think we need to do that again.”
I blush from the embarrassment of this entire situation but nod my head a couple of times in agreement. It was stupid of me to keep on pushing the idea that Arin and I were going to work out that way.
“No, I don’t think we’d need a repeat of that... for... like, ever.” I blink, hearing myself say that out loud. My voice suddenly goes up an awkward octave trying to damage control that.
“NOT—” I catch my tone as my hands go up, modulating my voice and remain calm in this situation. “Not that I don’t think you’re great. In fact, I really do hope at least one of the girls here makes you very happy! I think I’m just not one of ‘em.”
I could let the ground swallow me whole, and I’d thank it. But Arin was still a friend, and well he seemed like he needed more friends now more than ever.
Arin’s expression seems sympathetic, like he gets the situation.
He holds his hands up. “No- I get it. I really do. You’re wonderful but I’m not sure we would be wonderful together.” He glances towards the doors that lead into the ballroom. “I think we should pretend this didn’t happen…”
Now that’s something I can get behind.
“Agreed. I completely agree.” I make a swiping motion over my forehead, trying to not let the disappointment ruin this moment. I try to smile. “Consider it memory-wiped buddy.”
No matter how uneasy I felt about myself right now—I wasn’t going to ruin it.
“You go back first or me?” I ask.
He lets out a nervous laugh, “I think there’s no harm in us walking back together.”
I snap a finger and finger gun point to him, “Sure, do I still have to hold your arm?”
The joke sounds like a sad attempt of me trying to get my mind off my ruined hopes for this Selection, which honestly it is.
That seems to make Arin frown a little.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“Don’t worry, I want to. It’s the proper Belt Belle thing to do, afterall.” I tilt my head to the door, trying to not be sad and enjoy this new discovery. I wasn’t going to cut ties with Arin just because I know he wasn’t boyfriend material for me. “Shall we?”
He chuckles at that then answers me in possibly the worst attempt of a southern accent I’ve ever heard.
“Yes ma’am.” He says as he holds out his arm for me to take and we walk back to the Great Hall together.
Once we get back, Arin and I part ways with a shared laugh, and it’s a nice consolation to know that at least we could still be friends despite everything that just happened.
I couldn’t stop the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach though. As much as I wanted to stay in the Great Hall and enjoy the party—I couldn’t stop the wave of emotions that I was trying to process right now.
To my right was a glass door opened for everyone to go through if they wanted to go through the gardens—and I needed as much space from people as I could right now.
I didn’t want anyone see me like this right now. I just needed five minutes to myself.
So I manage to go through the door and try my very best to keep it together as I picked up a part of my dress’ skirt off the ground to move faster to the gardens.
There was only one place I know no one would be, close enough for me to sort through this lump of emotions.
The greenhouse.
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mamaladykt · 4 years
Quarantine Q&A
I was tagged by @queenrisa14 which whaaaaaaa!? God when will the Sally Fields "they like me!!!" feeling go away when ever I am tagged in anything? Does it ever? I'm always stunned people are aware of my existence. Thanks girl! Anywho!
Are you staying home from work/school?
Soooooooo, about this. Hehehe. I was working. I was considered essential. To the point that my 4 day a week job turning into 7 days a week, 12 hours a day for TWENTY days straight. It took a toll. On me and my kids. So, because my kids are now out of school for the rest of the school year, my schedule not allowing for any flexibility or a leave of absence, I put in notice last week and my last day was Monday night. I felt really good about it, felt free, came home tuesday morning and filed for unemployment on grounds of childcare needs (which was immediately flagged 🙄😭) and slept. Today was a new day, started cleaning my house for the first time in over a month...... and it went down hill from there. Horrendous night and not feeling great about the uphill battle that will be getting my kids (and husband) back on track. TL;DR yes I'm home, it's a mess.
If you're staying home, who's with you?
That would be my 5 children, my oldest daughter is 11 (dear God tween hormones are no joke!) and my 4 sons, who are 9, 7, 5, and 3. My husband is still working and I miss him during the day and wanted to boot him out tonight. Sigh.
Are you a homebody?
Yes!!! I'm an introvert. If I was well and truly alone, I would never need to leave my house. I have no issues with the idea of ordering groceries online, I just ordered my first ever iPad online and I'm trying to navigate buying glasses and contacts online (PM me with links of websites if you've done this and had a good experience). I just need Amazon to get their shit together and ship my stuff! This isn't the 90's it doesn't need to take a month to get me something. Gah! Also, if I could figure out how to get my ADHD diagnosis from home via telemedicine that would be greeeeeeeeat. Seriously never want to leave my house again.
What movies have you watched recently?
Hahahahahaha!!!!!!! Omg you think I watch movies... That's adorable. Yea, noooo. The last movie I watched was Frozen 2 when it hit Disney+ a month ago. I am, however trying to gear myself up emotionally for watching Avengers Infinity War and Endgame this Sunday. It's been a year..... I'm still not ok. And I haven't watched since that fateful day in the theaters. No seriously, I cried last night just hearing the opening notes to the IW TRAILER! The trailer y'all. "There was an idea....." 😭😭 Ugly sob.
Umm, I was watching Outlander at work. I binge watched the first four seasons in like a month back in January. Couldn't wait for season 5 and lost all steam once it started. I dunno. I think it's the Brianna story line. Other than that I honestly throw on Downton Abbey or Victoria again when I need something to watch. (can you tell I have a thing for accents...) I'd love to binge watch in order from the beginning The Big Bang Theory! If anyone knows where I can get the series to stream, let me know. I've watched it out of order for years and years and love it so much but seeing it start to finish sounds like a perfect quarantine activity.
What event was cancelled that you were looking forward to?
My kids going to school on a daily basis?? Lol. No, you know what's funny. I've never gone, didn't have plans to go, but I actually shed a tear when they cancelled Comic Con 2020 in San Diego. I was hoping to go next year so it was a mix of disappointment over not streaming this year's panels/the historical significance of there not being one and feeling like next year is now unattainable because all the 2020 ticket holders will get that one? It's weird and all hypothetical and stupid. Honestly I'm a mom and I don't get to do anything. The most exciting thing on my "to-do" list that was postponed was the Black Widow movie. I have waiting 10 goddamn years for my girl to get a solo movie! TEN YEARS!!!! I needed this to distract from the 1 year anniversary of losing Tony Stark Endgame. Gah. I'm also holding my breath that Sailor Moon Crystal the movie doesnt get postponed from September to God knows when. And my October trip to Orlando for Girl Scouts USA Convention isn't canceled. I'm going to Disney World!! If Florida isn't stup.... Yea ok. 😑😒😞
What Music are you listening to?
My Seiya playlist. I have a playlist of music that I think Seiya would sing. Cuz I love him and he's cheeky and in my head he's a weird mix of Adam Levine and Brendon Urie and that's what the playlist is full of. And this one song by Dermot Kennedy called Outnumbered that is just, IMO Seiya's parting words to Usagi. That and I'm kind of obsessed with Dance Monkey by Tones and I.
What are you reading?
Other than articles about the CARES act regarding unemployment benefits, reviews of cases and accessories for my new iPad Pro (it's the 12.9 and I had no idea I bought the big one and that it's basically a touch screen iMac and I'm overwhelmed with trying to find something to protect it from my children....) or homeschool tips and tricks for kids with autism.......
So help me God, I am reading The Unintentional Seduction of Chiba Mamoru if it freaking kills me. It's been on my to-read list for freaking ever and I am dying that I haven't read it yet. And kind of hating myself. Come on KT, get your ish together sis!!! I'm sorry @floraone !!
What are you doing for self-care?
I quit my job for one. That was the ultimate self-care move. That and for my kids.
Also, Online shopping? I have purchased things for myself that I have never done before. Makeup which is so fun. Like I bought the whole Sailor Moon makeup collection from Colour Pop. I got my first Morphe palette. And big girl concealer from Tarte. Yaaaaas! My iPad and all the pink accessories I can find. A pink throw blanket because my kids have a million blankets but we have no throw blankets for the couch. What the hell? And my favorite thing, I bought a bunch of stuff from teepublic with my profile picture on it from the artist @briannacherrygarcia (seriously her work is amazing! Go check her out, I can't get enough) that created it. I mean, how cool is that. I'm usually too poor to support the content creators for which I am so grateful for. After working three 84hr weeks, I figured I deserved to splurge on something that wasn't in anyway shape or form a need. A pure joyful want. Cant be excused as anything else. It felt so good. I got stickers and an art print and a coffee mug (because coffee mugs are my favorite thing and I somehow do not have enough of them so if anyone wants to send me pretty coffee mugs!) And a hoodie!! I'm so excited.
That last question is amazing. I was feeling so down and overwhelmed by just how bad my home and everyone in it was doing after I was working so much. I am not exaggerating saying it going to take weeks to put this back together and help my kids get used to having rules and structure again. Because it wasn't gonna be a quick fix I was hating life. But listing all the ways that I managed to take care of me, something I never do, because that's what I needed the last month to literally survive, reminded me that I am in a good place and that I have time now to get this done. It took a month to get to this level of chaos it only stands to reason that it's probably gonna take a month to put it back. And shit it's not like we're going anywhere. What's the rush? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks @queenrisa14 for this! This was great and fun and so needed for my psyche. I tag anyone on my follows list who hasn't done this. Do it and say I tagged you.
MamaLK says take care of you and the rest will fall into place! 😘
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raiswriting · 5 years
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request: cute annoying bf doyoung pls uwu
a/n: hey its rai. i just wanted to say thank you for being patient with me. this is the first time i’ve written anything in like 9 months so i hope its okay and pls feel free to leave constructive criticism. ALSO, i didn’t know what format anon wanted this in so im just gonna do bullet points like the doyoung college!au which is linked here if you wanna check it out. this can kinda be seen as like a sequel to that but like they are also totally fine as stand alones okay okay that’s it enjoy!
warnings: none (unless rusty writing counts as one)
genre: fluff
pairing: doyoung x reader
summary: doyoung is clingy and you’re trying to finish an essay
word count: 980 words
so lets say this is like a solid bit into your relationship with mr. kim doyoung
like about 6ish months
are yall in love? absolutely
actually he was the first to say it, on your 3 month anniversary
it was super cute and romantic, you guys were having a picnic and watching the sunset
you were busy painting some cherries (is that random? idk. oh well)
and you could feel him looking at you so once you finally looked up towards him he just blurted it out
now i wouldn’t say it caught you completely by surprise because prior to this you and doyoung did this thing where instead of ending a phone call with “okay bye i love you” you would always add something extra to the end of it
“okay stay safe!”
“i will. bye bye, i love you…r smile”
“later babe i love you…r positivity”
ya know cute shit like that
so when he actually said it all you could do was smile at him and say it back
and it was like everything was settling into place
it wasn’t necessarily fireworks and rockets going off
it was just like how it felt watching the sunset
like everything was just right ya know?
anywho that was 3 months ago, let's talk about the present
you were currently lounging around with doyoung
well, doyoung was lounging, you were working on essay
or at least trying to
it was one of the unfortunate times where your schedules just hadn’t been working out lately
he was busy promoting and it was almost the end of the quarter which meant term papers and finals for you
so even when he got the rare day to relax and spend time with you, you were busy
and so even though you wanted to just spend all day cuddled up with him, you couldn’t
today doyoung was in desperate need of love and affection
tbh he just missed you and wanted to be near you
and right now you were all the way at the dining room table while he sat on the living room couch
which was entirely too separated for his taste
you were too into the essay to even realize that he had gotten up and was slowly making his way over to you
doyoung tried to loudly casually grab a water bottle to get your attention
when that didn’t work he tried to start up a conversation and stand directly over your shoulder as you type away
“hey y/n how’s the paper going?”
“good thanks”
“how much more do you have?”
“about 2 and a half pages”
“wow great job babe. do you want some water?”
he placed his water right in front of your face
“thanks but im good do. i just finished a glass”
“okay but what about a snack, you’ve been working for so long
“do, i appreciate the concern but i just want to power through this last bit and then we can watch some movies and order some take out.”
you turned your head up towards his and placed a kiss on his cheek before going back to writing
you couldn’t see how he huffed and puffed as he walked into the kitchen to brainstorm up another way to get your attention
he eventually decided on getting a snack for himself, some kettle cooked chips
aka the loudest possible chip he could’ve gotten
not only is it super crunchy but for some reason the bags are also super loud to open
or is that just me? just me, okay.
which was perfect
so he pulled a chair directly next to you and began to eat these chips as loud as he possibly could
and after getting about halfway through bag he realized that you would never tell him to quiet down so he wanted to up the ante
he started to hum regular
and the humming progressively got more and more intense
until he was not only full-on singing but he did ALLthe background vocals, drums, guitar riffs, synth beats.
literally every possible element of this song
and doing the choreo in his seat
all less then a foot away from you and your so close to being done paper
you sighed and slowly turned your head to him
“doyoung sweetheart. whatcha doin?”
he immediately gave you the puppy dog eyes
“huh? what do you mean y/n?”
you couldn’t help but give him a small smile because even if he was preventing you from finishing your work, you couldn’t stay mad at him
just look at him
hes too cute to be mad at
mad? no.
annoyed? a little bit.
“look doyoung i just need to do the works cited and then i promise i will give you all the attention you want”
“oh please. don’t rush on my account. i can wait as long as you need.”
you playfully rolled your eyes at him before finishing the essay as quickly as possible before he starts singing simon says lmao
and he patiently sat beside you as you worked
well if patiently means you could feel him shaking his leg up and down and could ear the incessant tapping of his fingers on the table
finally, he watched as you typed the last word
you were barely able to save the document before he dragged you into the living room and onto the couch
laughter bubbled up from inside as he threw himself next you and simultaneously draped a blanket over the both of you
where did he get the blanket from? no clue. but now it’s here.
he snuggled himself into your side as he mindlessly put a movie on netflix
and tbh the movie really didn’t matter
because finally doyoung had you all to himself at least for now
and that’s all either of you could ask for
a/n: alrighty! that’s it. i hope it wasn’t too bad. i’m still trying to get back into the swing of things but either way i hope you enjoyed. sorry if it was all over the place or sloppy, i did a quick passover and edit but like i said i am always open to constructive criticism :)
thanks, rai
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wingsporkhalo · 4 years
He’s Mine: A BakuDeku Fic Spork- Chapter 2
Here I am with chapter 2 of this mess!! For those of you who are new, I read a terrible My Hero Academia fanfiction and made funny commentary on it with some good buddies. Chapter 1 is here! https://wingsporkhalo.tumblr.com/post/190957730961/hes-mine-a-bakudeku-fic-spork-chapter-1
Support me on Patreon! I am poor!! https://www.patreon.com/WingSongHalo And check out my YouTube channel, where you can see video sporks!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTMFf7W6SyWoZdpqY9ZdPw/
Last time, the story started in the middle of an inexplicable fight, Izuku gave Shoto his phone number and had multiple houses, and Katsuki told Izuku he doesn’t want Izuku to call anyone by their first name but him! Because being controlling is romantic, right?? (Sarcasm.)
In today’s chapter, Katsuki attempts to confess his “love,” Izuku is forced to dress as a girl, Shoto kidnaps Izuku, I rant about people uke-fying my favorite characters, and Kirishima offers some terrible advice!
Special thanks to my dear friends @the-wizard-l​, @kittykatz009​, @satsuneade​, and Phos for co-commentating!
Without further ado, let’s move ahead to Chapter 2!
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My friend Phos: It’s reviewing the same stuff!!! What?? Me: but Phos!! This time it's in a different Point of View, though you'd never know that from the lack of detail!!
Um what am I doing here .
[sigh] I ask myself that every day, sonny
Why dose? Uh, because it keeps you from taking too much medication?
Why dose my chest feel weird when I see deku with half'n'half.
Uhhh... maybe you know he's lactose intolerant and you're concerned for him as a friend? ....naaahhh
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Phos: “Damed nerd” Me: I mean, from what i know of Bakugou's character, he always instantly regrets talking to Izuku Why would he be stuttering in his own head??! Also, what the fuck is damhed? Is it like being a shithead, but less profane?? Disided. Uhhhh... I guess that's when... something has two sides? I guess??
After I payed for the thing I wanted,
God this detail!! I'm so moved!!
Why was Izuku just running around? Was he late? I thought you were 10 minutes early?
I catched up to him
Sure. With your umbrella? Were you using it to travel like fucking Mary Poppins??
“Ahh” he said falling on the wet ground
I love how unemotional that is.
"DEKU HEAR" --the sound of me being completely out of character? Oh yes. I hear it
Wh--? What bottom of his uniform was he grabbing? I??? I hope you mean like the edge of the blazer?? My friend Jaz: Bottom of his shoes Phos: Bottom of the uniform might mean bottom of the pant leg— Oh Me: I mean, valid interpretations all of them, but it really sounds like he's grabbing ass if you just say "the bottom of his uniform" because that's... where the bottom is... moving on.
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I don't get it. Has Bakugou supposedly found Izuku's stare cute this whole time, or is this a recent thing? It's so outside the realm of possibility that it's not computing
We walked to school together.
Oh my, how exciting! I wondered what was going to happen next!! And you told it so efficiently, with as few words as possible! Bravo!!
So like, WERE you getting closer or did it just FEEL like you were?
I feel like if their faces ever touched, reality would just collapse in on itself because the laws of nature would be violated
(either that or it would have to be a "one of them literally fell from a great distance onto the other one" situation)
(Which I guess isn't too far fetched since they get thrown around a lot)
Again the damh nerd is here.
Did I say something wrong?
Ohhhhkay I'm just. So confused. WHY is Bakugou suddenly aware of his "feelings," WHY is he suddenly so much nicer, and WHY is he just deciding all of a sudden to confess his love?? That's the kind of thing you WRESTLE with, if you accidentally fall in love with the dude you've hated for like 11 of your 15 years of life!! My friend Wiz, evidently affected by the reality-warping powers of this fic: jhwbebhjfewjhbwfjh
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Uh why did he have to come at a time like this.
B... because the bell is going to ring?...
Wow, I wish I could communicate entire sentences with just my face. Seems like a useful talent. Maybe that guy in class 1-B with the speech bubble for a head would be best at that
"Kacchan here" Why yes, he is here. Not sure why the sudden caveman-speak, though
Then half'n'half went of with my deku
[sits there staring at nothing for 5 seconds] [shakes self] Sorry I was just reeling at the sheer ridiculousness of everything about that sentence
I felt kind of bad leaving kacchan behind.
Then it just transitions to the next scene because fuck internal monologue I guess Jaz: When did he become Your Deku? Me: THEIR TEACHER NEVER SHOWED UP??? BITCH WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO AIZAWA??? Also, wouldn't it naturally fall to Iida to take over and decide their next course of action, as class rep? Why are the girls all hijacking the class??? Jaz: They hogtied Iida, of course Me: They're putting their names on a stick... oh god... tHEY'RE ORGANIZING A DEATH TOURNAMENT "Deku come with me" "I'd love to but that's not the pairing of this fic" Jaz: Dhdududidifhf
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I love how Izuku has no agency in this fic; he just goes with whoever and does whatever, helpless against the whims of those around him. And by love, I mean hate. I fucking hate that.
Uh *sigh*
Wow that's a mood. Jaz: Wtf is even going on Me: lskjdlkksjdf Not that Izuku wouldn't dress up as a girl if someone told him to, but I think he'd usually at least like a reason for it "Izuku the All Might Cheer Squad is missing a member; could you sub in?" "[throws everything off his desk and stands up at once] I've been waiting for this moment" My friend Satsu, just arriving: Finally caught up and I'm CACKLING Me: Somebody get Ochaco to Recovery Girl!! She's taken a blow to the face and there is BLEEDING aH THANK U SATSU <3 Satsu: HI MOM, ((note: my server calls me Mom. LOL)) lol this is so bad 😂 😂 Wiz: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING HERE JHBDJBH Me: Honestly, I think Izuku would be dreadfully embarrassed if everyone stared at him no matter WHAT he was wearing Satsu: Yeah but like, why uraraka suddenly dressed him like that??? What is the thinking process that that would be okay in the school omg Me: “Why would you do this to me uraraka-san“ Wiz: I’m crying Me: "Look, it was in my contract that I had to appear in 50 badfics a week. I'm sorry, Deku" "[hangs his head] No that's fair"
Satsu, didn't you know?? This is just what happens when the teacher doesn't show up Satsu: Aw damn, if I knew ;-;
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Wiz: I am. So confused wjhbfe Satsu: They all ran of Me: he stoped, but I can't.
Then I ran of
It was a run of girlishness and embarrassment, I'm guessing. Did they all say the slashes, or? Jaz: Did Todoroki just kidnap Deku? Wiz: These things happen Satsu: Oh dear, the last sentence My eyes Me:
Izuku ran of
--Shame and frilliness--
Mabey we went to far
"Sorry, I can't go with you this weekend. Mah bae and I are going to far." "To where?" "Far. It's this restaurant across town" Wiz: jhwbewehbj Me: What the--why was Izuku running for his life? WHAT DID HE DO Shoto: [pushes Izuku] Izuku: thank you! Shoto: uh... s-sure... should I be concerned that you just thanked me for shoving you Izuku: Probably! Wiz: MOOD Satsu: Kdbdkdbfkjf Me: What the--why's Shoto rubbing Izuku's head? Is it a good luck ritual or has Izuku turned into a puppy? Wait, no, he still has hands. I'M CONFUSED Phos: I still don’t understand the dress and wig.Well, girls uniform. Satsu: You’re not alone with that lol Me: Look, sometimes ya see an adorable messy-haired befreckled shonen protagonist and ur just overwhelmed with the desire to see him in drag....... I guess? Phos: I mean Yeah that sounds exactly like what this fic is doing Me: It sounds to me like they wanted to write moments where Shoto and Katsuki would get to interact with Izuku while he's a delicate, soft little maiden [rolls eyes] Wiz: :’)) Me: STOP UKE-FYING MY IZUKU, YOU FETISHIST Satsu: They always do that to my dear main characters :( Me: Me pulling these badfic authors up by their collar: listen here you yaoi sluts... my son Izuku is more manly than 90 other shonen protagonists put together... Jaz: Omggggg WING Phos: "yaoi sluts" I will never have a chance to use that and man I’m upset about that Satsu: Heck yeah! Me: LSJKFLKSDJ PHOS Satsu: MOOD Phos: I’m not in a lot of fandoms where yaoi is the norm in badfic! Me: Really? It kind of seems like it's the norm in every fandom nowadays. Look I love a lot of slash pairings, but yaoi I have a problem with. Yaoi is fetishization, yaoi is semes and ukes and one of them has to be "the girl" essentially and it's gross Phos: Agreed! Me: ANYWHO [steps off my soapbox] Wiz, a bit behind on the messages: YAOI SLUTS JHBFJHF
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No body saw him, but several pairs of eyes did. Three of them were Shoji's. Wiz: Wing I love you Me:
Something told me he went out side
Was the something lazy writing? I LOVE U TOO WIZ <3 <3 <3 Satsu: It's cracking me uo that it says "Bakago P. O. V" Me: Does... does this person honestly think that's how you spell "damn"? I... wh? The kinds of mistakes this person is making are not really things I see from people who speak English as a second language--tenses are more or less usually correct, etc--so I'm just. How. How do you get it wrong that many times
"Ahh" I heard someone screaming
Really? Cuz when you write it like that it looks more like what you'd say while sinking into a hot bath after a long day. Satsu: Wait, didn't Todoroki kidnap him? Where did he go? Phos: He’s been consumed by the love triangle void Satsu: He just vanished lol Me: Yeah he was like "finally, my Love Interest™️ is in drag, so I must make the most of this and Romance him" and fucked the hell off dragging poor Izuku with him Satsu: LMAO PHOS Me: SLAKFJDLKJ PHOS Phos: bows Thank you Me:
It was Deku being chased by boys
The Izuku Midoriya tag on pixiv, basically
I picked up deku and put him over my shoulder.
This is the second BakuDeku fic I've seen where Bakugou throws Izuku over his shoulder like a goddamn bag of potatoes and it's portrayed as Romantic. Wiz: w h y Satsu: I'm still wondering, is this supposed to be BakuDeku or TodoDeku? Or both????? Phos: Both, I think Me: I think it’s both, yeah Satsu: Aw, dang. My poor baby. :( Phos: I’d bet real money this doesn’t end properly, like it’s not finished Me: yeah the story is technically called "he's Mine! (tododeku kacdeku) (boku no hero academia)" Satsu: Kfbdkfjf jf Wiz: Oh joy Me: which, like, first off, who the FUCK calls it Kacdeku? I'm pretty sure I heard my cat say that while throwing up once Wiz: gfthghuji Phos: Adobe (That was a corrected keysmash) Satsu: I was about to say about kacdeku veing a very weird ship name lol Ah fuck, I always end up changing one letter or eating a whole word Me: "ADOBE" IS THE BEST KEYSMASH LSKJDKFSL mkay SO I don't think Bakugou would literally kill those boys, but he would definitely threaten it Also, how is Izuku supposed to get changed? Did he bring his other clothes with him??
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Phos: BOLD ITALIC AUTHORS NOTE Wiz: jhbjhbjhk Me: I... guess he had his uniform? ALSO YES, ONE OF MY FAVORITES, DEFS A SQUARE ON MY BADFIC BINGO Phos:
Or ... fuck him
Wow I hate this Me: I do not remember Bakugou ever looking like a lost cat, nor do I think a lost cat is a very good descriptor because cats just kinda hide or come up to people and yell when they're lost. ...Actually that second one does describe Bakugou; never mind. Katsukitty "ALL THEM BOYS" SHEEEEE-OOOT! IZUKU DONE GOT HIMSELF A HUMDINGER OF A SOUTHERN ACCENT, NOW, AHYUH-HYUH!!! I walked on a head? Wow, that takes talent. Most people use their feet but I guess if you wanna be Extra
I all ways want to force him
I mean, there are a lot of ways; do you really have to want all of them?
to force him agents a wall
Whoa, what? Where did these agents come from?? Are they investigating Todoroki's sudden disappearance?? Satsu: In which universe Bakugo is nicer with Deku more than with Kirishima Me:
and kiss him passionately
jfc. I just... hhhh. No.
Or... fuck him
Yeah that's about right. Katsuki: [thinks of Deku] well, fuck him :\ Satsu: LMAO LFBFKFHFKFB Phos: Scbsbsfddb Me: Also, Satsu, you summoned my favorite rocky cinnamon roll
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Satsu: Also I don't remember what part of season 3 are you refering to dear author lol JUST, PLEASE STOP WITH THE DAMH ALREADY Phos: What even is that page.... Me: So I guess I should be surprised that Kirishima is just suddenly here, but considering he seems to follow Bakugou everywhere, I'm not.
"I've seen you with midoria and I thought I could help"
What's midoria? Is it a medical condition? "Man, I came down with a nasty case of midoria. I was in the bathroom like seven times last night" If that's the case, Kirishima could help by just giving him some Pepto. Satsu: Kdbejqhevjdvfjd Wiz: pfffft Me:
"Well for one change your..."
Mind? Clothes? Tires once every four years or 10,000 miles? Satsu: Your brain cells!??? Me:
"well be less angry and more happy with him"
"Are you telling me to change who I am!!"
"Well... yeah, kinda. I mean, I love ya, bro, but your attitude kinda sucks." "........Okay, fair"
"Unless you want him to be with todoroki!?"
Uhhh, does what Izuku wants factor into this at ALL, or...? Also, sure, if someone doesn't like you, just change who you are! Works every time, at least until you forget which version of yourself you were using with each person!! Wiz: yaaaaaaaaayyyy Me:
Damh him
Uhhh... okay. [points to self] Wing, me.
"Fine I'll change but only when I'm around deku!"
Sure! Sounds like the basis of a healthy relationship! (: The last decade of abuse doesn't matter!! Wiz: :')))))
AND THAT IS ALL FOR CHAPTER 2! Next time, Shoto makes terrible jokes and lies to Izuku’s mother, Izuku and Shoto go on a date, and our helpless damsel protagonist gets attacked by a villain!! Next post will be up very soon! Thanks for reading <33333
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aalissy · 3 years
Day 21 is done and oh my goodness I can’t believe we’re this far into April :O. I hope you guys like this little chapter though!! I’m definitely going to miss writing these two when April’s over! Anywho, lemme know what you think of this chapter <3
“Oh my goodness, who is this little guy?!” Marinette practically squealed, feeling all of her previous nerves ebb away as she rushed into Adrien’s room. While before she had felt like she was going to pass out from having to go to his house for a school project, now she felt like she had won the lottery.
There was a small, black kitten perched delicately on Adrien’s couch, licking a paw before it blinked up at her curiously. Cooing quietly at it, she scratched underneath its chin, giggling as it swatted at her hand lightly. 
Adrien laughed softly, leaning against the wall as he watched the two of them. “So, you’re not going to greet me, then?”
Marinette’s mouth fell open before she immediately straightened up from where she was crouching to pet the kitten. Her face turned a bright red as she worried her lower lip. “S-sorry Adrien, I-I might have gotten a bit distracted. Hello!”
The black cat swiped at her hand once again and her attention immediately left him to resume petting the tiny animal. Its bright green eyes looked up at her playfully as she stroked the soft fur. Enraptured by the kitten as she was, Marinette barely noticed Adrien push off from the wall to come join her. It was only when he crouched down next to her and their shoulders brushed lightly that she realized he was there.
Joining her in petting the cat, he murmured, “She must like you, you know. She’s not usually this trusting of strangers.”
Marinette ducked her head shyly, biting her lower lip as his compliment filled her with butterflies. Stuttering slightly, she said, “O-oh, really? What’s her name?”
“Ladynoire,” he said, giving a quiet, almost adoring sigh as the kitten began to purr.
Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as her head whipped around to face him. He named his cat after her. Trying to quell her racing heart, she gave him a soft giggle, an amused smirk teasing at her lips. “Ladynoire, really? Why not Chaton Noire. I think that’d fit her and she’d be named after the usual black-cat superhero.”
The kitten mewed happily, almost as though she were responding to Marinette’s words. Her smile grew wider as she scratched Ladynoire, cooing sweetly at her. The cat seemed to very much enjoy the attention she was receiving, purring loudly at the two of them. 
“Aw, see? She does like the name.” Marinette laughed as she looked from the kitten to Adrien. Was her mind playing tricks on her or did he really have a light pink flush to his cheeks?
He simply chuckled, shaking his head with a pleased grin on his lips. “I think I’ll stick with Ladynoire, actually, but thanks for the suggestion.”
Marinette nodded lightly. She still filed the name away for future reference though, just in case she and Adrien ever decided to adopt kittens once they got married. Little Chaton Noire and Ladynoire would be the best of friends. Still focused on the small cat as she was, she didn’t notice Adrien stand up until his hand entered her vision. Blinking at it, she slowly lifted her head up to gaze into his amused, green eyes.
He jerked his head over to his desk. “Suppose we had better get started on the project now, though.”
Marinette turned a bright red before hesitantly placing her hand in his. She let him pull her up before following him over to his computers. The kitten gave a tiny, disappointed mewl and she gave the animal one last longing look over her shoulder. Sliding into the extra chair Adrien must have set up for her, she pulled out her notebook which held all of her recent notes. 
Tapping her pencil on the journal, Marinette looked at him curiously. “So, why did your family decide to get a kitten?”
At that, Adrien turned his head to look at her almost desperately. Her eyes widened as it almost seemed as if he was pleading with her. Seriously, he placed a hand over hers before sucking in a deep breath of air. “Marinette, you can’t tell them.”
“What? Why not?” She blinked at him, looking back at the kitten that was watching them curiously.
“Well,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “They don’t actually know about her. Knowing my father, he’d probably take her away from me and I really don’t want to lose her.”
Her brow furrowed before she nodded her head passionately. Marinette’s fist clenched as she gave him a determined look. “Of course I won’t tell anyone, Adrien! You have my word! Besides, I think I’ve gotten attached to little Ladynoire, too.”
Said kitten jumped onto the desk, mewing at the two of them before nudging her head against Marinette’s palm. She giggled, scratching the kitten again as it purred happily.
Adrien laughed, leaning back in his chair. “I think she may be a little attached to you, too.”
“She’s such a pretty little kitty!” Marinette cooed happily before tapping its nose playfully. Ladynoire swatted her hand away after that and she watched in amusement as the cat jumped off of the desk.
Picking her pencil back up, she gave Adrien a sheepish smile before apologizing, “Sorry for getting so distracted. I love animals, especially kittens.” Her thoughts trailed over to her partner, who would probably be delighted to see little Ladynoire. 
“No, you’re fine,” Adrien said, shaking his head, “Besides, I think we both got a little distracted by her.”
Marinette allowed herself to gaze one more time at the small animal who had gone back to lounge on Adrien’s couch before she poured her full attention back on the project. Together, they worked in tandem on their paper. 
For the first time, she actually really enjoyed having a group project. Usually, she and Alya would start laughing and teasing each other when they were partners. With Adrien, though, it was different. Whenever she had a question, he was able to easily answer it and whenever he would struggle with a certain part, she always seemed to find the solution for it. Marinette was surprised by how quickly they finished because she had assumed that it was going to take forever. Because of how well they worked together, though, it didn’t take them that long at all. 
After she had slowly put all of her notes and papers in her backpack, she turned back to Adrien with a grateful smile. “Thanks for letting me come over today, Adrien. I think we have a really great project right now. I’ll probably read it over again tonight just to double-check that there are no errors.”
He stood up with her, walking her over towards the door. “Thank you for coming today, Marinette. I had a great time working with you. Usually, whenever Nino and I are partners, we waste more time listening to music and talking than actually working.”
She giggled lightly, her teeth nibbling on her bottom lip shyly. “I’m the same with Alya.”
Adrien opened his mouth to speak again but before he could, Ladynoire gave a small meow. Marinette’s gaze softened as she went over to the small kitten. Petting her one last time, she looked up at Adrien before murmuring, “Do you mind if I bake some treats for her and give them to you at school tomorrow?”
“Or you could always come back over and give them to her yourself?” A small smile played at his lips as he watched the two of them.
Marinette blinked a few times as her lips parted. Eventually, she flushed, speaking softly, “O-oh, are you sure I’d be allowed over again?”
“Yeah,” he nodded his head at her as she stood up and walked over to stand beside him again. “I can always just say we haven’t completed the project yet and need another day.”
Giggling shyly, she nibbled on her lower lip. She and Adrien actually had plans to see each other again?! Alya was going to be so proud of her. Giving him a bright beam, she nodded her head. “I’d love to come over again, Adrien.”
“Great!” he perked up. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“See you tomorrow,” Marinette gave him a small wave before blowing a small kiss over to the tiny cat, “And I promise to bring you some delicious treats too, little lady.”
Adrien’s eyes lit up at that before he spoke excitedly, “Do you think you could bring me a croissant or two, as well?”
With a fond roll of her eyes, Marinette nodded her head. “Sure, Adrien. I can bring you a couple treats too.”
After giving those last, parting words, she walked out of his room to begin her journey home. She couldn’t stop the wide beam that slowly stretched across her lips, still not able to believe that she basically got another hang-out session with Adrien tomorrow. Pumping her fist in the air once she was safely outside and away from prying eyes, Marinette cheered excitedly. She was going to make certain that the food she made for them was the best ever. Both Ladynoire and Adrien deserved it! Already planning what she was going to bake in her mind, Marinette started walking towards the bakery.
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