#anywho. yeah. song fics. interesting one...
helianskies · 2 years
For the fic writer questions: 1 and 8!
okie have cookie 🍪
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
my work is so varied i don't think i can give just one recommendation? so for something softer, i think Restoration. for my other fun stuff, then You, Me and Our Misery ;)
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
on the one hand, too many songs. on the other hand, i don't know, because i'm not big on song fics as such. i don't often listen to songs that make me go 'oh this as a fic would be good!' so much as, 'oh the mood of this song goes really nice with this scene i've been thinking about'. i guess music doesn't often fit into my writing? sorry :')
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therebels787 · 2 years
No Need To Be Shy
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Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I haven't really had the inspiration to write another fic. This one a bit cheesey honestly but I thought it was a cute idea. I also have another one I'm working on that a bit of a lewd on but honestly I don't think that'll be any good. Anywho I hope you all enjoy this one, it was fun to write.
You looked throughout the apartment, your bedroom lay empty and clean, the guest-turned office was slightly a mess but really who cared, as long as no one was in there, you were good, and the living/dining room was also empty. Finally! You could do something you hadn't had the chance to do in such a long time.
    Cloud was bone-tired, he had been on the road for what felt like a month. He had been travelling back and forth between Kalm and Edge all week. No one was making up their damn mind or talking to one another. It absolutely drained the poor man. At least now he's a little better at talking with people, so it wasn't as bad. Compared to how he was a few years ago, it's like he was a different person. Sometimes though, when he's been gone for a bit too long, he wonders what would’ve happened if things had taken another course.
    ‘I might’ve never met Barret's annoying ass, reunited with Tifa, had the kids, made a new family or met…y/n,' he paused for a moment then shook his head, 'I definitely wouldn’t have been as happy.’ Cloud thought with a small smile. He just really couldn’t wait to see you. All he wanted was to relax with a nice warm meal, cuddle up next to you, watch some corny movies, and just sleep with you in his arms. The thought alone made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Something he never would admit to liking, since he still had a reputation to keep.
He quickly got to your guys' shared apartment, and went to unlock the door. He was picturing you giving him that sweet smile of yours, walking up and embracing him (with a kiss hopefully), and just expressing all those annoying lovable feelings that he only let out for you.
What he wasn’t picturing when he unlocked the door, was to hear music. Naturally, Cloud knew you were really into music, but most of the time you would only listen to it when you had your earbuds in after dinner, when you both cleaned up or when you were working from home on some commissions in the office. This was slightly out of his comfort zone, but nevertheless, he walked through the door and shut it behind him.
The song was not something he thought you would listen to. He knew you for your f/m/g, something he could also enjoy if you had played it around him, but this was a bit more modern. More…he didn't know what, but it sounded really cliche? Anywho, he looked around the living room trying to figure out just what was happening before he noticed a slight bit of movement in the kitchen. Slowly he approached. What he found was quite…interesting to say the least.
There you were dancing, your sweet little heart out to some old pop songs that so many people hated back in the day. You never really were good at dancing but that didn't stop you at this moment. You were twirling, shaking your hips, hell even jumping at some point. None of that mattered to you. You were having the time of your life and Cloud loved it. 
He leaned on the doorframe of the kitchen and just watched, honestly if he had a camera he would've been recording but that felt a bit weird. Either way, he loved watching this side of you.
Once the song was done you let out a shaky breath and went over to turn off the music. Once that was taken care of you turned to see your boyfriend giving you a goofy smile.
"...heya." You whispered and gave an awkward wave.
"Hello," he replied with a nod of his head.
"...so how much did you see there?"
Cloud thought for a moment, "I'm not too sure."
"You looked like you were having fun," he said as he moved from the doorway towards you.
"Y-yeah, it was pretty fun tbh." You reply as you bow your head, feeling too embarrassed to look at him. Cloud, being Cloud though, was not about to let you keep feeling like that. He lifted your head, and gave you a reassuring smile before dragging you into a tight hug, which you quickly returned.
"Why are you such a dork?"
"Maybe because I'm in love with one?" You muttered back against his shoulder, causing him to laugh.
"And here I was, about to offer to be your dance partner for next time."
That made you gasp, you knew about the whole "Miss Cloud Incident '' from Tifa, so you had just assumed that Cloud wouldn't want to dance. You softly pushed yourself away from him just so you could look up into his eyes, which honestly you could just get lost in for hours on end (because you have, too many times now to count), and blinked a few times before asking-
"Really? You would dance with me?"
Cloud wasn't expecting you to sound so surprised.
"Of course," he started to feel a bit flustered with the way you were looking at him. It was the same face you made when he confessed way back when.
You looked like someone that was told their whole life that they could finally have the one thing they were never even allowed to look at, let alone think of. That face always made him feel like he was worth something, that you made him worth something, (he knew that wasn't how it works but still).
"I'd do anything for you, y/n." He said before capturing your lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. You both stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling away. You relaxed a little more and placed your head on his chest as he held you. "Just don't expect me to do any crazy dance moves ok?" He said.
"Of course babe." You laughed, causing Cloud to think for a moment.
"...Tifa told you, didn't she?"
Cloud quickly regretted this agreement.
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
For @drarrymicrofic prompt: prompt. I'm doing something a little different here. I hope yall enjoy this. It's self-insert, technically, but in a way I think could be fun. We're going meta, folks! Rated M!
I put my laptop aside and thunked my head against the couch cushion. "This is useless."
"What is?" Harry sat down next to me, sipping from his cup of water and setting it down on the coffee table.
I turned to look at him. "This fic. I can't think of a prompt."
"Have you checked the—"
"Yes, I checked the microfic prompts. They're all great but I've already done a lot of them and the others haven't sparked anything specific yet." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why can't you and Draco do something interesting for me to write about?"
Harry raised an eyebrow. "Why can't you come up with something interesting for us to do?"
"Like each other!" Draco called as he walked in from the next room. Harry snickered as Draco approached us and sat next to Harry on the couch.
I rolled my eyes. "Draco, for the last time, I'm not interested in writing smut. As much as I might love to read it, and adore my writer friends who do, it just doesn't inspire me creatively."
"Mmm but we get pretty inspired, don't we, Potter?" Draco took Harry's chin in his hand and brought their lips close.
"We do," Harry murmured, leaning in and kissing Draco.
I wrinkled my nose. "Can you not? Or at least do that in another room? I'm trying to be inspired to write something about you two idiots and your making out isn't helping."
Draco rolled his eyes. "Oh as if you don't love it. But—fine. We shall delay our mindblowing sex in order to help you pay appropriate homage to our relationship."
"How generous," I said dryly. "Now help me!"
Harry pursed his lips. "Have you tried listening to music?"
"Yeah, but all the songs I listened to I've either done already, or didn't really hit me right," I said. "Can't you two give me ideas? Just—give me words or short phrases that you might like to see me write about for you."
"What makes you think we know?" Harry asked. "You're the writer!"
"Phoebe, and I say this with all due respect," Draco drawled. "As both a manifestation of your writer's block and one of your—what's the word? Blob?"
"Blorbo," I said, smiling amusedly.
"Yes, that," Draco said waiving a hand at me. "What a ridiculous term, but anywho. As a beloved blorbo, I must remind you that you cannot force a good story. Inspiration strikes when it comes, and neither Harry nor I can tell you what to write. We are yours to place in infinite scenarios, but seeing as we exist entirely within your own mind, we are unfortunately no more informed about writing prompts than you are."
I narrowed my eyes again. "You're right, but entirely unhelpful."
Draco smirked. "I'd call that a job well done. Anyway, I'm bored of this. Harry, darling, care for a shag?"
Harry's eyes lit up. He nodded. "Let's go," he said, letting Draco pull him to his feet. They jogged toward their shared bedroom. "Good luck with the writing, Phoebe!" Harry called over his shoulder before they slammed the door.
I cringed and cast the strongest silencing spell I knew at the door. I picked up my laptop. "Useless," I muttered, and refreshed Tumblr once more.
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kamiversee · 3 months
if you were to assign a “theme song” for TFL, what would it be? as in if this were to have a cinematic trailer, what would you envision as the background music of that trailer?
Okay first off in case no one knows this, I love music so much it’s not even funny. Like I actually love music more than I do writing and I write A LOT.
So to pick ONE song for that fic is rlly hard because there’s so many different ones that could describe so many different situations in the story… 😖
When I had the fic on wp I was gonna make this aesthetic lil playlist chapter for Gojo & Choso at least since they’re the love interests & I’m not sure if I’ll do that here even tho I want to
But again, putting a song to the entire song is difficult…BUUUUT I could give it an album 🌚
& tht albumn would be After Hours by The Weekend I love him sm btw & could yap abt tht man’s music for hours on end pls dont get me started
Anywho, I say tht album because a lot of the songs on there inspired multiple things in this story & or correlate to a lot of the scenes or emotions expressed.
There’s actually so many references from so many artist’s songs in this entire fic it’s not even funny, even in the next chap I’m gonna put out soon there’s a frank ocean reference like ??? again, i love music
Idk music is in everything I do so yeah, hope I answered this decently enough😭
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ivettel · 5 months
Dude no honestly thank you for writing 😭 I legit thought you were done (or at least for a while) and I’m so thankful you came back.
I’ve been too shy to comment anything on the new one but it’s been filling me with a kind of deep melancholy that only you can muster from your writing. I just feel so bad for mark you know?
Seeing your take in how they would behave is so interesting. You’re so good at character analysis. Anywho if you ever got any over enthusiastic anons about ur writings it’s prolly me (sorry)
I legit had to have a phone call w my SO the other day on how good “if you’re sure it’s what you need” is. As a self contained narrative and as part of the wider girl!seb universe.
It’s so curious to me to link Ethel Cain songs to your fics, but it’s one of the best parts.
omg 😭 im hiding my face behind my hands you're literally so sweet and seeing u in my notifs is always like a leo-pointing-at-the-tv moment for me!
I legit had to have a phone call w my SO the other day on how good “if you’re sure it’s what you need” is. As a self contained narrative and as part of the wider girl!seb universe.
sorry i know you're being nice and i'm taking this as a compliment but also im strapping a rocket to my back and finding the nearest space station somewhere in earth's orbit YOU TALKED TO YOUR SO ABOUT GIRL!SEB? i am so sorry first of all second of all thank you so much i have never thought of my writing as anything other than unmemorable Doodles that i need to get out to appease the gremlins in my head so it is. bluescreening my brain that anybody would talk about it aloud. thank you 😭
It’s so curious to me to link Ethel Cain songs to your fics, but it’s one of the best parts.
honestly this is so interesting because i started listening to ethel cain almost at the height of my fascination for/regret of my relationship to The Faith and yeah her work is something i associate with girl!seb but aside from titles i don't know if i consciously thought to draw any parallels... there are indeed moments when i write that i feel closer to whatever higher power is above me so maybe there's some related energy there, or maybe i just can't remember the process, idk.
anyway! thank you again, seriously. always a pleasure to hear your thoughts 🙏
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purlturtle · 2 years
I got tagged by @aflawedfashion - thank you!
Anyone who wants to do this too can feel tagged - I would love to learn more about any of my mutuals!
Here we go:
Four ships:
Bering and Wells - my forever OTP. Look, I am not a fandom-socialized person. I didn't know about ships and OTPs and all of that. All I know is that I saw them together and I loved them. Instantly and unconditionally. I loved them in a way I'd never felt about any pairing on screen or page before, or since. So when I go on in this list, the distance between them and the next entry is basically astronomical.
Kathryn Janeway and Beverly Crusher, and it's all @ussjellyfish 's fault (affectionate).
Jadzia Dax and Lenara Kahn. "Rejoined" broke my heart, and I want them together. Rabidly want them together.
Jadzia Dax and Kira Nerys. They were a surprise ship, but I'm glad I found them! I even wrote a little fic for them!
(edited to add: bad reading comprehension here, whoops! Anywho, have this fifth of four anyway:) Deanna Troi and Will Riker. Long before I knew what shipping was, I adored their story, both in the show and in the novels ("Imzadi" is so good, in so many ways). They are my go-to het ship; I'm 💯 sure they're open to all kinds of polyamory and fun sexytimes and shenanigans with all consenting interested parties, and they just support and love each other in the best, maturest way possible. They're also my go-to for "we weren't right for each other then, but we're right for each other now", which is a criminally underused trope! (See also Pete and Amanda from W13.)
First ever ship: as explained above, Bering and Wells or Troi/Riker, depending on your definition.
Last song: listen. I'm incredibly, impossibly impressionable. You even just so much as mention a song that I know, and hey presto, it's in my ears. Earlier this morning it was the Cat Bus Song from Totoro. Right now, due to a post on my dash, it's Carol of the Bells. In five minutes' time, it might be anything.
Last film: watched The Eternals on Friday. Was thoroughly unimpressed. A few good ideas, and some good acting (and I love love love that we got a female Asian lead), but yeah nah, that didn't hit the spot for me. Can't wait to see the new Death on the Nile though!
Currently reading: novels? I can't. Like, seriously, I'm burned out for reading stories that don't have characters that I know. So at the moment, fan fic. Since the last two years, really. Like, I got Priory of the Orange Tree lying right there, but I can't. I finished Gideon the Ninth and hated it. (I know many people love it and that's fine with me, but I. Just. Couldn't.) So, I'm making my way through the Sanvers Big Bang fics, and through other fics I'm randomly finding, and that's it. Loved Roadie's Mermaid fic.
Currently watching: I'm slowly making my way through Xena. Never really watched it in any consecutive or deliberate fashion, and am doing so now. I'm at the beginning of season 2.
Currently consuming: uh... like in food? Delivery Kung Pao (my beloved). We live in the 'burbs, and it's damn hard to find good delivery food here, but there's one place that has both good sushi and good other Asian dishes. They're one town over, though, so you need to order a lot with them to make the minimum amount they drive out for. So my wife and I often order sushi for that night, and then a non-sushi meal to eat the next day. And 9 times out of 10, it's kung pao for me and fried rice for the wife. And so when my wife was out (friend's b-day party) on Friday, I got that exact delivery for myself (including her fried rice for Saturday). And I still got some kung pao left! So that's what I'll have once I'm done with this post! 😁
Currently craving: well. Guess. 😂
So, I said anyone can feel free to do this - that's also because I'm always nerve that when I do mention someone specifically here, other mutuals will feel left out. But I'm really curious about what @magicmumu2 would say to these questions, and @strangesmallbard, and @galactic-pirates . So if you guys wanna do this, go ahead, if not, no worries!
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deejadabbles · 3 years
A Thousand Songs (Atem/Yami x Reader)
Chapter One: We Are Broken
One /// Two /// Three /// Four /// [Five Coming Soon]
Summary: You knew that you and your band could make it big. Not only that, but stay together while doing it; the five of you were family, after all. The only problem was that despite all your musical talents...none of you were particularly good at lyrics. After years of struggling to put out your first full album, the solution finally made himself know in chance meeting on an empty stage.
Rock Band AU, Atem x Reader, gender neutral reader.
A.N.  Woo look at me, starting a new series before I finish my current ones. Don't hate me I have the attention span of a squirrel! I know band AUs are pretty cheesy but I don't care, this idea has been floating in my head for awhile and it's super cute okay?? I was also going to wait to post this until all the chapters were done but I couldn't control myself anymore. These chapters will be much shorter than my usual length so hopefully that means I can update faster??? I won't make any promises but I'll try. Anywho, I hope you guys like fashionable, sensitive Atem because that's who'll be featured in this fic <3 The reader's gender is never mentioned but I will admit I tended to lean more towards songs sung by women in this, I don't really think that matters though (I have Atem sing songs originally sung by women so...). I really hope you guys like this series and I'll love to hear your thoughts <3 Also: @ohyema​ This is the series I told you about all that time ago lol
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I am outside
And I've been waiting for the sun
With my wide eyes
I've seen worlds that don't belong
My mouth is dry
With words I cannot verbalize
Tell me why
We live like this
The crowd was small, as always, but it was enough. Anyone hearing your songs was enough for now, or so you told yourself week after week. You felt Yugi’s eyes on you as you leaned away from the mic, plucking the cords of your Stratocaster for the brief solo and you looked to your left to see him smiling at you; always the positive optimist, the sun that shone on you and the rest of the band.
You flashed him the briefest smile in return before turning back to the mic. If you closed your eyes, got lost in Anzu’s keys, Jou’s steady beats, and Honda’s strings, you could almost pretend you were playing in front of a packed venue. One full of fans solely there to hear music, and not just a dozen or so patrons who enjoyed the music as a backdrop to their late-night drinks.
Keep me safe inside
Your arms like towers
Tower over me
You could have sworn you heard another voice in the crowd join yours as the chorus came. Ah, so there was an actual fan in the crowd.
Cause we are broken
What must we do to restore
Our innocence
And all the promise we adored?
Give us life again
Cause we just wanna be whole
Your eyes fluttered back open for the briefest second and through the smoky haze in the room, you saw that someone at the bar was holding up their phone, camera aimed at the stage. That managed to make you smile, at least you had someone’s attention.
Lock the doors
Cause I'd like to capture this voice
It came to me tonight
So everyone will have a choice
And under red lights
I'll show myself it wasn't forged
We're at war
We live like this
“Are you guys on SoundCloud or anything? Cos that was pretty awesome!” asked a young man who looked barely old enough to be in the bar at all.
You were just helping Yugi pack away his turntables, having finished your set and wishing the small crowd a good night. The young man was with two others, all of them looking enthused as they stood at the base of the small stage. The girl even giggled when Honda winked at her.
Yugi, as usual, was the one to speak up and pulled out a small leather folder from his back pocket. “Yeah, we are actually! We also have a youtube channel,” he pulled cards from the folder, black cardstock with your band’s name, logo, and media accounts scrawled across it in gold text. He handed one to each in the trio, smile still bright on his face, “Check us out if you get the chance, we’re trying to put out a new album this summer, so we should have plenty of new songs to listen to soon.”
With a few ‘cool man’s and ‘awesome’s, the trio wandered back to the bar, the one who had spoken already pulling out his phone with the card in hand, and the girl waving at Honda over her shoulder.
“You know you shouldn’t get their hopes up,” Anzu whispered as she set her keyboard case at the foot of the stage, “Two songs does not an Album make- we have no clue when we’ll actually have it out!”
“Well,” you chimed in, clicking one of Yugi’s several cases closed, “Maybe telling new fans to expect more from us will finally light a fire under our song-writing-asses.” When Jonouchi opened his mouth, that cheeky look on his face, you held up your hand to silence him, “And yes, I know I procrastinate too much, I’m to blame too.”
Yugi lifted two of his cases- and answered after Jou jumped in to take the heavier of the two, “I still think all of us should take a week's vacation, lock ourselves in our studio and work on the album together. Only getting together a few times a week is what’s really killing us I think- we can’t get into a creative groove!”
You and Anzu exchanged a look, knowing full well that neither of your bills would appreciate the week's loss in pay. Still, maybe it was something that you guys could find a way to work out. Then again, there was another idea that had been brewing in the back of your mind for a while now, and you weren’t sure if it was really something that the others in your band would go for...like, at all.
“I don’t know, a week probably wouldn’t even be long enough,” Honda chimed in after slinging his guitar case over his shoulder, grabbing an amp in the free hand.
Jou nodded as you all started filing out the bar’s back door, “I’m still thinking that gettin’ together every single night until the album’s done is the best way to go, even if it’s just for a few hours!”
This was the usual road the song writing debate took, or at least, how it usually went the past month or so, and soon enough the topic came to a standstill, as it usually did.
After loading up Jonouchi’s truck with your equipment, Honda gave the suggestion of stopping for some burgers at the 24 hour joint down the road, a common ritual after your monthly gig at “The Bandit’s Den”. As usual, Jou parked in the space best visible from the front windows of the dinner, and the five of you were glad to find that not another soul sat at the tables.
After settling at your usual booth and ordering, Yugi actually splayed his hands out on the table, looking rather determined. “You don’t start work until seven tomorrow. Right?” he asked you.
“I think we should take another trip to the station.”
You actually had to repress a sigh at that. Yugi was all about trying to trigger inspiration for songs, and the “station” referred to an old train station on the outskirts of town. You guys had discovered it long ago and were eager to use it in a music video, but were waiting for the perfect song to go with it. Sure, the old giant clock and brick stairs were a perfect setting, but it had only sparked a line or two of lyrics, nothing to make a full song.
Out of the five of you, most of the lyric writing fell on your’s and Yugi’s shoulders, with Anzu, Honda, and Jonouchi giving occasional input. Since you were the lead singer most seemed to think you would be the natural lyric maker, but the truth was that, despite your talent in singing and playing the lead guitar, lyrics just weren’t your forte. You’d had some luck when teaming up with Yugi, his emotional maturity helping you work through the written expressions, but that only went so far. Yugi also tried things like this, exercises and field trips in the hopes that it would spark creativity.
“How many times have we been to the station before, Yugi?” you asked, “I just don’t think it’s the oracle of inspiration we all hoped it would be. I still want to film there some time, but I don’t wanna take time out to visit it again, I’ll just get annoyed when it doesn’t lead to anything.”
Yugi’s set expression seemed to blink away, replaced with something almost like guilt, “Okay, I was just trying to think of something to get our inspiration flowing…”
Now you’re the one who felt guilty. “I know...hey maybe we could try something new? Like we could go some other place or try some different way to spark our heads?” you suggested, trying to sound positive.
Yugi’s eyebrows lifted in interest, but he was cautious when he asked, “Like what?”
“I…” you trailed off when your mind came up blank. It remained blank even as your eyes trailed over the entirety of the empty dinner as well as the dark scenery outside. A growl of frustration left your throat as you face planted on the table, “I don’t know!”
You heard Yugi giggle as he reached out and patted your head. Beside him, Jonouchi said, “What you need is some brain food! That’s sure to help some ideas come- ah! And here’s our feast now!”
Even though the food was good, kick-start your brain, it did not. If anything the meal just made you more sleepy, even as you guys chatted over the next hour before paying the tab and piling back into Jou’s truck.
Like always the next stop was the studio, the home and hideaway for you and your friends. For a small-time band whose biggest fame was on Youtube, all of you were actually quite proud of your studio. Yugi’s grandfather owned a few rental properties, and since the building wasn’t fitting for a residential space, nor in a part of town that would serve a shop well, he had agreed to give you guys the small building in exchange for help around his game shop every week.
Working together to make the space your own was some of the best memories you had with your oldest friends; going to second-hand shops to gather fitting set pieces, saving up for the sound dampeners so you could record your songs without paying a big-time studio, setting up the back room with tattered old furniture and a mini-fridge that was sure to break down any day.
The only thing that beat those days were the times you actually spent in the studio; rehearsing, recording your few music videos, spending downtime together writing new music on lumpy bean bag chairs and worn rugs (and definitely getting distracted by each other every ten minutes).
The night was late enough that no one bothered the five of you as you unloaded the truck, and soon enough all of you were taking your usual spots in the back room (Anzu sprawling out on the battered chaise, Jonouchi and Yugi filling up the loveseat, Honda falling onto a pair of beanbags, and you plopping down in the hammock chair).
“Alright you guys, I’m just going to come out and say it,” Anzu sighed after a few moments of hanging off the arm of her seat, “We need help writing our songs.”
You actually sat up as straight as you could in your chair and peered over at her- had she really just said what you had been thinking of saying for weeks?!
When she saw your look, something like panic colored her face as she waved her hands, “Not that I don’t think you’re a good writer! The songs you came up with were awesome! ...But-”
You waved off her concern, the hard motion causing your hammock to spin a little, “No- no, Anzu, I totally agree! I just didn’t know if I should bring it up...”
Even if you hadn’t thought of it too, Anzu had plenty of reason to think you needed help. In the whole four years since your group had started the band, from the first days sitting in class drawing up logo ideas, you had only written six original songs- and that included the two that were meant to go on your new album. You had gotten by with relying on covers to fill out your live sets and media accounts and making a host of excuses for the lack of originality.
“You really think bringing in another bandmate’s a good idea?” Honda chimed in, eyes narrow as he leaned back in his beanbag chair.
“Yeah, we don’t wanna end up like half the other bands out there,” Jonouchi chimed in, seeming to subconsciously pull Yugi closer to his side, “you guys know the only reason our band works is because we get each other- we’re family! We can’t just bring another person into that, it’ll ruin it and maybe even break us up!”
Yugi put a hand over Jonouchi’s, “Hey hey, slow down, don’t you think we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves? First of all, bands hire ghostwriters all the time, and they don’t always join the band. Besides... I don’t know, if the person’s really cool, would it be that bad to have another member?”
“We could always have them ghostwrite for us for a while, and if we like them, then talk about letting them join,” you offered, and were glad when everyone seemed to contemplate that with at least some positivity. “But that brings up the issue I think we’ll have, I’m not sure we can find someone who fits with our style all that easily. Like Jonouchi said, there’s a reason all of us work well together.”
It was true, all of you brought something to the table, something more than an instrument. The five of you had slightly different tastes, all of it coming together in something that wasn’t quite punk, not quite rock, not quite pop or even metal, and that’s what worked to your advantage. You wanted to prove that different sounds and styles could come together in harmony and appeal to listeners all across the spectrum. Not fit into a genre-labeled box that only fans of said genre would even bother listening to.
Eventually, Anzu gave a shrug, “We won’t know until we try. Why don’t we put the word out and see what happens?”
“We can still work on our own, and if we don’t find anyone who fits, we didn’t really lose anything besides time,” Yugi added, and that pretty much settled the matter.
Tomorrow the search for a new member of your team began.
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countesskittymeow · 3 years
And here we are for episode two. Couldn't watch it last night cz my kid woke up xD anywho, first thoughts, Im kinda digging this green and gold marvel logo a lot more than the boring red one xD
Mind control? Evil Loki Variant does mind control. I wonder if this Variant ever faced Thanos. Also! They used the song! Its one of my favourite songs!!! Now i wanna sing along but unfortunately I can't because my kid is asleep and I dont want to wake her up in the middle of the night. I do wonder why the variant kept the hot commander alive unlike all the other attacks
Why does the TVA have such a retro vibe?
Loki definitely wants everyone to know how awesome he is.
There used to be a HULK LOKI??? Also the look on Loki's face 🤣
The one after the hulk is just... I honestly don't have words to describe that one.. just wut???
I love the geeky Loki telling them about the nuances of magic (Im already creating a headcanon that this is an act and he's only showing them what they want to see i.e. an eager to please, slightly duplicitous version of Loki who wants them to know he's super useful to keep around)
Professor Loki. I do like the sound of that even if I suddenly flashed back to all of the harry potter crossover fics i used to read where Loki became a teacher at Hogwarts.
Mobius just gave Loki an answer from Doctor Who!!! Well sorta like that, not the same one but its all wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff!
Loki is making his attempts at manipulation very very obvious and somewhat desperate. I'm really really reallllllly hoping this is an act. Come on writer people dont make me regret my decision to watch this show. I really wanna love it but I'm in that once bitten twice shy boat regarding the handling of his character so I'm either gonna come out of this series absolutely loving it orrrrrr I'm gonna hate it FOREVER and happily live in my headcanons.
It was an act! We finally see the real Loki! There is hope for this show yet!
Also the way his voice goes from the higher pitched eager to please tone to that deeper, slightly sinister yet 'i know I'm powerful and you should fear me' tone was fun to see.
This had better still be an act. He's supposed to be awesome at playing the long game.
He got shushed! So he shushed her back!
So wait... The total population on Asgard less than 10,000? Really?
Yeah Loki. Stabbing people in the back is boring. Stab them in the face! Much more fun that way.
Total Doctor Who vibes! They went to Pompeii! Ohhh imagine how fun it would be to see Doctor and Donna strolling somewhere in the background. Not that that would happen but now its my new headcanon and you'll have to stab me in the face to pry this headcanon from my claws xD
Loki, I'm loving your enthusiasm but the word Volcano was coined AFTER Pompeii's destruction. I doubt they know what you're talking about 😂 also, there's a volcano 'splodin! In the background, where the hell are the earthquakes?
Magic lizards. Loki really has a way with naming things doesn't he
Existence is chaos. Loki is the god of chaos. Since in algebra if a=b and b=c then a=c=a SO Loki is the god of existence and the variant Loki has already reached that conclusion so now the magic space lizards are feeling threatened by variant loki's potential and they want the variant dead to keep being the most powerful magic space lizards inside and outside of existence! Guys! I've just solved this season's plotline. If I don't live react to the remaining series episodes, know that I was found by you know who and taken for giving out spoilers.
Mobius: You're very clever!
Loki: and that surprises you? O_o
Asgard getting destroyed was a class seven apocalypse but the thin in 2050 is a level ten? I wonder how these classifications work.
The grin! The grin! They're both doing the grin!
You guys mean to tell me that NONE of the product packagings or designs have been altered or upgraded in thirty years? Dove, Axe, Vaseline, Tresseme, its all literally the same as the stuff I saw on the shelves at the grocers this week 🤣 i know it's a minor thing but I find that kinda hilarious.
Whyyyyyyy does Loki keep getting knocked around so much. Also, why isn't he using any magic. Grrrr... I find this most displeasing
She blond?!? Why is she blond??
Poor Mobius. I feel kinda sorry for him tbh.
And that's wrap on this episode. Still having mixed feelings about the series. There are parts that I like and then there are parts which keep bugging me. I'm not familiar with the various plotlines in the comics so I dunno whatever happened in those to the Loki though I find it interesting that Lady Loki (why is she blonddddd??? Why not make her a redhead instead? Loki was a redhead in most of the depictions pre-avengers, wasn't he?) has that broken horn on her headpiece like that one version from the comics.
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sadgurllayha · 4 years
“I miss you like an idiot misses the point...”
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Tattoo!AU Yoongi x Reader
Song Rec- S*x, Money, Feelings, Die- slowed version, Lykke Li
Word Count: 3.8K
Friends To Lovers with a twist, they did drunk stuff and regret, angst written at 1 AM, he calls you butterfly and now i’m soft, semi fluff I guess
Rain... it was raining. You sit upright from a slouched stature and stare. It was the little things in life for you. It was the way someones face lit up when you called them beautiful. It was children smiling when they got a treat. It was the way he called you his butterfly. Ever since you were little he called you that. When you meet a single blue butterfly land on your head and not knowing your name he called out “Hey, butterfly!’ And ever since then that’s who you were, his butterfly. 
Sometimes you wondered if he ever even remembered your real name. The thought of him calling out your name made you chuckle and face reality. You looked out the window again to see his car pull up to the shop. He always had a knack for art. Whether it be an instrument, writing a song, or putting pencil to paper, he somehow always managed to create a masterpiece. 
Coming out of your head you nervously stood up from behind the desk causing Jungkook to stop his sketch. Turn his head to align with your gaze he sighed. “Ya know, he’s been all in his head since last week. Messing up sketches, getting appointments wrong, he even told off Joon last week!” Your eyes bulged, shocked at that. Yeah he had a temper, but for yoongi to actually go off on someone you had to have triggered it. Yeah, you triggered it. 
Without having much more time to collect your guilty thoughts, the door chimed, letting you know he was here. He hadn’t answered a single call or text not even when you threatened to call his mom. Hearing the sound of keys and paper rustling, you tried to make yourself small and look to the ground. Stopping in your vision was a pair of boots. Yoongi’s boots. The ones he asked you to “spice up” for him. 
Finally looking up to look at his face, you were shocked at what you saw. Never in your 18 years of knowing him have you seen this expression. He appeared broken. Or like if even the smallest breeze blew he would crumble. Dropping everything, he grabbed your hand and whisked you away to his office with audible sniffles. 
Once you reach his office he softly guides you inside and says “Sit” with a crack in his voice. He goes to the closet and all though tense this peaks your interest. Upon returning, you see he has a scrapbook. Opening it to a tagged page, he turns it towards you and you feel your heart drop. “Do you remember this?” You nod your head unable to form a coherent sentence. “This is a special day but not because we graduated, because it’s the day I realized...” He stopped abruptly and walked to the window. 
Taking a deep breath he continued with his back to you, “it’s the day I decided not to die, I choose life, I choose a sober life with purpose, I choose to follow my dreams, why?” He now was facing you with tear streams down his face. “Just for me to follow you around, to hold on to you just being a friend. But when I finally feel like we’re going somewhere you take my heart and step on it...” “No!” you exclaim. “No?” he repeats. “No, yoongi, hun listen to me” you get up to stride towards him but his sudden outburst stops you. “DON”T TELL ME NO!” he hits the shelf next to him causing the items to fall and shatter. 
Realizing what he had done, he looks at you and slides to the ground. You follow him and there is a moment, just a few seconds of silence before one of you speaks. “Do you love me?” you quietly question. He looks at you with a look of disbelief. “ YES Y/N, I LOVE YOU, DAMN IT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IT HURTS! I love you and I miss you GOD, I miss you like an idiot misses the point.” You take the opportunity to scooch closer and he reaches out and pulls you into his lap. 
You sink your head into the crook of his neck, while he throws his head back with a sigh. I tatted hand rest itself on your hip and as the dust from the storm settles you whisper, “ I’ve loved you as long as I’ve been your butterfly......
A/N: This was WEAK but 🤷‍♀️, I wrote it a almost 2 AM and this is my first fic on this page, minus my other two accounts. Anywho, tell me if you liked it or if I should make this a series! Thanks, byeeeee
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master-sass-blast · 5 years
And the way I see it, we can’t do Pride month without having at least one (1) Pride themed fic. Which is why I stopped working on the previously scheduled content for this week and busted out a Pride themed fic instead!
Which is this fic here! In case... that wasn’t... clear...
Summary: You and Piotr take some of the teens at the X-Mansion to New York City’s Pride festival --and meet some interesting people while you’re there.
Rating: T for moderate language. If it wasn’t for that, this fic would be G.
Pairings: Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, and Ellie Phimister x Yukio.
(Author’s Note One: I know that Kitty is alluded to possibly being bisexual in some of the comics. Here, she’s queer in the sense that she doesn’t quite know where she lands yet, but she knows she’s not straight. Considering I have her around 17, I figured having her be a little more ambiguous --since she’s in the early stages of her journey in discovering herself--was fitting.
Author’s Note Two: I headcanon Illyana as asexual. Also, asexual/aromantic people belong in the queer community/at Pride. If you don’t like any of that, die mad about it.
Author’s Note Three: Lzzy Hale does identify as bisexual/pansexual, which is why I decided to write in Halestorm performing at Pride (aside from my obsession with them). Basically, I just want to be clear that I’m not writing in a straight person performing at a Pride festival, say, for instance, Ariana Grande. *side-eyes Manchester*
Author’s Note Four: Your sexuality, as the Reader, is kept entirely ambiguous. There are several sexuality and/or gender identities (and combinations therein) that “allow” for being attracted to and in a relationship with a cisgender, heterosexual man (which is how I write Piotr), so I didn’t want to stick a label on the Reader’s “character” and ruin the immersion for everyone who doesn’t identify with that label. If you do identify as queer, then feel free to imagine yourself in whatever Pride themed gear you have, and as attending Pride as a queer person in a relationship with a straight person! If not, your role in the story is strictly what it says in the fic: to help Piotr chaperone the teens and to support the students in embracing the most authentic versions of themselves, whatever that may be! Just so we’re all clear.)
Tag list: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie
“—and stay together… Kitty, are you listening?”
“What? Oh, yeah, totally!”
You can’t help but chuckle at your boyfriend’s exasperated expression as Kitty Pryde, one of the latest teen trainees to come to Xavier’s, continues bouncing back and forth to whatever song she was listening to on her phone.
Summer’s normally a low-key time for the Institute. Most of the students only stay for the traditional school year, which means that the summer season sees a mass exodus of most of the mansion’s temporary residents and trainees. Save for missions and training, summer’s usually an entirely dialed back, relaxed affair.
Except for June.
One thing you’ve learned since arriving at Xavier’s is that minority groups have a way of overlapping. Several of the mutants that attend Xavier’s identify as queer in some way, shape, or form –and most of the permanent residents were queer as well, having been kicked out of their homes for the identity and genetics.
Sad as the rejection rates are, you’ve witnessed firsthand just how hard the staff at Xavier’s worked to make sure that all their residents feel accepted, supported, and loved.
Including taking teenaged and adult residents to New York City’s annual Pride festival.
Illyana, already decked out in her usual muted colors and a shirt dyed with the asexual Pride flag colors, purses her lips as Kitty bobs her head back and forth. “Katya –Katya, sit still.”
“I am!” Kitty insists as she continues bouncing up and down and mouthing the lyrics to whatever she’s listening to. “I’m totally chill!”
You bite back a snort as Illyana narrows her eyes—
And then the blonde teen yanks none too gently on Kitty’s hair.
“Ow!” Kitty shrieks, dropping her phone as she claps her hands to her head. “What the heck!”
“You want hair braided, da?” Illyana plucks the earbuds out of her friend’s ears and tilts Kitty’s head back so the –barely—younger teen can see her displeased expression. “Sit. Still.”
“Gentle, snezhinka,” Piotr says to his baby sister, tone warning.
“Yeah,” Kitty agrees, smoothing her shirt with a rainbow patterned Star of David silk-screened on the front. “Chill out, ‘yana.”
“Are we almost ready?” Ellie asks as she bounds into the kitchen, Yukio hot on her heels. “We need to leave in ten minutes if we want to get a good spot to see Halestorm play.”
Piotr had volunteered –and you along with him—to chaperone the trip this year, which basically amounted to herding a bunch of particularly fickle cats all over the place.
“Chill, dude,” Kitty says as she tries to reach for her phone. “It’s just a rock band.”
“Just a rock band?” Ellie and Illyana say simultaneously, aghast.
“Are you sure we have this handled?” you whisper to your boyfriend as Ellie and Illyana both start in on separate rants about Lzzy Hale’s status as a queer woman and the classifications of rock versus metal music, respectively.
“I am having second thoughts,” Piotr admits, grimacing slightly. “But I think it will all be worth-while at conclusion.”
You smile and kiss his shoulder. “I think so, too.”
“Wait, are you still in your pajama pants?” Ellie props herself up on the counter –and, sure enough, Kitty’s only half-dressed. “Are you fucking serious, Pryde? Do you want us to end up at the fucking fringes?”
“Language, NTW,” Piotr interjects before things can get too out of hand. “Self-control, please. Kitty, why are you not dressed?”
“Well, ‘yana was going to braid my hair—”
“Which I cannot do—” Illyana yanks Kitty’s head up again, prompting another yelp from the brunette “—if you keep moving!”
Kitty glares at her impromptu stylist. “You’re a real sadist, you know.”
“Okay,” you say, picking up Kitty’s phone and earbuds and holding them out of reach. “How about you sit still and let Illyana do your hair, and then go get dressed. Ellie, why don’t you work with Piotr and get us packed up, if you’re so worried about being late.”
“Good idea, Y/N,” Piotr says, mouthing a quick “thank you” at you when Kitty finally sits still with a huff.
You wink and blow a kiss at him, then turn when the back door swings open.
Wade strolls in, wearing a black t-shirt that says “It’s time to pan-ic” with the text colored like the pansexual pride flag; Nathan follows, wearing a tank top that says “Bi until I die” with each row of text matching an individual stripe from the bisexual pride flag.
Kitty grins. “Damn. Looking cool, dudes.”
“Always do, Snickers.”
Illyana blinks. “What?”
“He started calling me ‘Kit-Kat,’” Kitty explains with a resigned sigh. “And then it just escalated into other candies.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, sour lemon drop.”
Your snort and shake your head before heading off to help Piotr and Ellie pack up the car.
Fortunately for Kitty’s existence and Ellie’s sanity, you arrive with plenty of time to get a good spot for the Pride concert.
“Sunscreen,” Piotr insists before Ellie can dart off to get the best possible spot remaining. He clasps her shoulder and holds a bottle of SPF 100 out to her. “Please and thank you.”
“No way!” Kitty gripes when Piotr holds a second bottle out to her. “I want to tan.”
“You’re ninety percent European Jew by ancestry,” Ellie fires off. “You’ll just burn.”
“Yeah, but it’ll turn into a tan. Duh.”
“Use the sunscreen,” Wade says with a cheery smile as he puts on a lightweight hoodie and a baseball cap. “If you don’t, you’ll wind up looking like me.”
Kitty grimaces and recoils. “Ew!”
“Be nice!” Illyana hisses, elbowing her friend in the side.
“It’s all good,” Wade says with a shrug as Kitty starts slathering herself in sunscreen. “I’m all for scaring people into making better life choices.”
The lot of you manage to get a spot about thirty feet back from the stage where most of the artists are performing. With Wade in a hoodie and cap and Nathan in a jacket and sunglasses, no one even gives you a second glance.
And then Halestorm comes onstage, and the music kicks in, and then the amount of glances you get plunges into the negative numbers.
Not that you can blame anyone for it. The energy the band manages to kick up is astounding.
Ellie looks like she’s seeing the face of God for the first time. She’s more animated than you’ve ever seen her, singing along to the lyrics of every song with flawless accuracy.
You and Piotr share a smile behind her back. So precious.
Halfway through the set, Piotr kneels down and puts his trainee up on his shoulders so she has a better view of the stage.
You manage to snap a quick picture of Ellie’s grinning face. That’s one for the memory books.
Ellie practically dives off Piotr’s shoulders once Halestorm walks off the stage.
“Blyad!” Piotr yelps, startled –Illyana barks out a quick laugh—as he catches Ellie from face-planting into the pavement. “Slow down!”
“Okay, I get why you were so excited to see them live,” Kitty says, grinning. “Lzzy’s super hot.”
“Told you,” Illyana and Ellie say in unison.
Ellie starts rummaging through her bag. “My aunt got us VIP passes to go to the signing. If we leave now, we should get there when things kick off.”
“Yeah, right,” Kitty argues. “We’re basically at the front of the crowd. There’s no way we’ll get there ahead of everyone else.”
Illyana’s eyes light up. “Everyone, grab on to me.”
Piotr frowns. “Snezhinka, nyet—”
She smiles impishly at her older brother as Ellie, Yukio, Kitty, Wade, and Nate grab onto her arms. “Sozhaleyu, medvezhonok.”
And then she winks out of view, taking everyone with her.
You bite back a laugh as Piotr’s expression morphs into one of brotherly fury. “Come on. We can check out the vendor stalls while they get their autographs.”
“Except Kitty, Yukio, and Ellie are all minors, and I am responsible for them as chaperone.”
“Oh. Right.” You do laugh this time, then squeeze his hand when he gives you a consternated look. “Well, let’s go collect our kids, then.”
By the time the two of you reach the autograph area, Nathan and Wade already have the teens waiting outside the security checkpoint.
Ellie’s practically vibrating with excitement as she shoves a CD case with a silver signature inked on it in Piotr’s face. “Check it out!”
“Very nice,” Piotr says with a smile equal parts indulgent and fond.
“She signed my hand, too!”
“And now you’re never going to wash that hand again,” Wade jokes.
“No,” Ellie says with a frown. “That’s gross, even by your standards.”
“Not really, considering I never wash my hands to begin with.”
Kitty gags and claps a hand over her mouth. “I think I’m gonna puke.”
“Alright, everyone,” you say with an amused eye roll. “Let’s go find a place to sit for lunch.”
You wind up running into some of the college students and other fledgling adults that train with the X-Men and end up sitting with them.
“Yeah, my aunt brought me to the parade last year,” Ellie says, recounting her first experience with Pride. “After I came out.”
Wade nods, genuinely listening and conversing for once. “‘Ness and I went together each year after we got together.”
“I got arrested by a cop one year for streaking.”
“Not cool.”
“I went to Tokyo Pride with my older brothers last year,” Yukio chimes in, smiling happily as she munches away at a sandwich. “What about you, Illyana?”
“Ah, not so much for me,” Illyana says, looking somewhat uncomfortable. “Russia… does not have as much for us.”
“It’s a good thing you’ve got Colossus here,” Kitty pipes up around a mouthful of pizza. “You can celebrate with us.”
Illyana favors the brunette with a small smile. “Da.”
“What about you, Cable?” Yukio asks, smiling sweetly. “Are there Pride celebrations in the future?”
“Not really,” Nathan replies. “We’re too busy trying to survive and win the war against Apocalypse to have parades.”
Kitty pinches the bridge of her nose. “Jesus Christ, you’re so depressing.”
Nathan smirks. “There’s not as much fuss about sexuality, either. Or polyamory. Love is love, and considering the people that you love might be gone in a moment, you have to make every second count.”
“At least you got that right,” Ellie mutters.
Wade elbows his boyfriend in the side. “C’mon, Cabesy. You have to admit—” he waves a hand grandly at the bright, colorful celebration all around you “—that this isn’t half bad.”
Nate’s smirk grows into a smile, and he concedes with a nod. “Not half bad at all.”
The lot of you spend the rest of the afternoon checking out the various stalls and vendor stands.
A lot of them are being run by corporate representatives. An… alarming number, really.
Nathan scowls when you pass by a booth being run by Comcast, of all things. “I thought this was supposed to be a celebration for the queer community.”
“It is,” Wade says. “At its core, it is.”
“The capitalist death machine knows no boundaries or sense of appropriateness,” Ellie says flatly.
“This is part of the problem, you know,” Nate growls, jerking his thumb at the Comcast booth. “Corporations keep sinking their claws into everything they can and milk it for all it’s worth. When they finally collapse, there isn’t anything left for the rest of humanity.”
“Okay, maybe save the depressing stuff for later?” Kitty pipes up.
“It’s okay.” Wade squeezes Nathan’s hand. “We can maim the Comcast CEO later this week if you want.”
“Nyet,” Piotr interjects. “Absolutely not.”
Wade waves a dismissive hand at your boyfriend. “Relax, Chrome Dome. I didn’t say you had to come along.”
“How about we save all conversations relating to bodily harm of others until we’re not within earshot of minors and a thousand or so witnesses,” you hiss before an actual disagreement can break out. “Capiche?”
Towards the end of your time at the festival, you all wind up stumbling across a photography group run by queer individuals. The banner over the table reads “Snapshot Studios” in crisp, jet black letters, and countless shots of people, animals, and nature shots are on display for everyone to see.
“Wow,” Kitty says, admiring a picture of a sunset over a lake. “This is seriously cool.”
“Thank you,” a young man with curly hair that’s been dyed blue says. He extends his hand and introduces himself as Aiden, one of the principle photographers for the studio. “We’re in the middle of doing a Pride-themed series, for obvious reasons. You can check it out on our website.” He hands out business cards to each of you. “If any of you are interested in participating, you can contact us at the email address on the card. There’s no fee involved; we just take your picture and ask you questions about your experience as a queer person.” He glances off to the side, where Wade’s staring intently at one of the pictures. “Hey, buddy. You like the look of something?”
You crane your neck to see which picture Wade’s looking at, and –oh. That’s a familiar face.
Wade gazes longingly at a picture of Vanessa, dressed up in a strappy black dress and winking at the camera. He lifts his hand, almost as though he wants to reach out and touch her face, then clearly thinks better of it and jams it in his sweatshirt pocket.
“That’s from our sex worker positivity collection,” Aiden says, still studying Wade carefully.
“I know,” Wade says, somewhat sadly. “That’s my ex-girlfriend.”
Aiden’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh. Uh… I take it things didn’t work out?”
Wade grimaces. “She died.”
“Shit. I’m sorry, man.” Aiden regards Wade thoughtfully for a moment, then reaches over and takes down Vanessa’s picture. “Here.” He holds the picture out to Wade. “Take it home with you. No charge.”
Wade blinks at him for a moment, shocked, then gently takes the photo out of Aiden’s hands. He gazes down at it for a moment, tracing Vanessa’s face lovingly, then reaches out for Nathan’s hand before looking back up at Aiden. “Thank you.”
Nate squeezes Wade’s hand gently, a soft smile on his face.
“No problem, man. Hey, if you don’t mind my asking, are you a burn victim?”
“Ah, no.” Wade shrugs one shoulder, looking somewhat uncomfortable. “Mutation side effect.”
“You’re a mutant?” Aiden’s eyebrows go up again.
“We all are,” you clarify, gesturing at your little group.
“Really? That’s super cool. I had no idea.”
“It’s not exactly something we show off,” Ellie pipes up. “There aren’t many mutations that alter physical appearance, either.”
“Makes sense,” Aiden says, nodding. “So, did you guys just happen to meet up with each other, or…”
“We work with Xavier’s Institute for Gifted Youngsters,” Piotr says, handing Aiden a business card of his own as he steps into the conversation for the first time.
Aiden grins as he eyes the card. “So, you’re X-Men. I thought you guys were on full-time hero duty.”
“They have a rotating schedule,” Wade interjects.
“We also have to take care of students,” Piotr says, eyeing Wade sternly. “Part of that is ensuring they connect to necessary communities.”
“That’s super dope, man. I know a lot of parents who wouldn’t do that.”
You have to drift away at that point to keep an eye on Kitty and Illyana, who’ve wandered down a few booths. By the time you get them to circle back to Piotr and the rest of the group, Piotr and Aiden seem to be wrapping up what seems like an intense discussion.
You eye your boyfriend quizzically as you all head back to the car. “What was that all about?”
Piotr smiles as he tucks Aiden’s business card into his wallet. “Networking.”
It takes a couple weeks, but you eventually figure out what “networking” means.
As chance would have it, Aiden and his coworkers are extremely interested in including mutants in this year’s Pride-themed photography series. It takes a little finagling to get some of the waivers worked out for the underage students who want to participate, and then it takes even more finagling to get a date and mutant safe location worked out, but eventually everything smooths out.
They wind up setting up in one of the training rooms first –to get the shots that require powers like Ellie’s or Russell’s, which means that the training rooms are the safest place to set up—then move out to the grounds behind the manor for the rest of the shoot.
Ellie’s aunt, Brie Phimister –who’s a spitting image of Ellie, just with wavy hair and a slightly longer face—shows up for the second part of the shoot, decked out in her Pride gear.
“So, you’re a mutant, too?” one of Aiden’s coworkers –CJ, you think—asks while Aiden gets shots of Ellie, Brie, and Yukio together.
“Yup,” you confirm, popping the ‘p.’ “I can control air –which basically means I can fly plus some fun stuff.”
“That’s super rad,” probably CJ says with a lax grin. “Hey –Aiden! She can fly!”
“No way.” Aiden grins back at you once he finishes taking his latest set of shots. “Stick around until the end. I’d like to get some shots of that, if that’s cool with you.”
You grin back. “Sure thing.”
It’s late evening by the time everything wraps up.
Kitty mugs for the camera like she’s born for it, and almost seems a little put out by being told to head inside.
The highlight of the whole thing, though (in your opinion), are the shots CJ manages to get of Nathan and Wade.
Wade, unsurprisingly, seemed a bit nervous about having his picture taken. He’d been stiff, barely smiling or looking at the camera—
And then Nathan had looped an arm around his boyfriend’s neck and pressed a fat kiss against Wade’s cheek.
The smile that had broken out across Wade’s face was nothing short of wonderful.
The other highlight of the day is when Piotr comes out as things wrap up, armored up and in his X-Men uniform.
Aiden gawks, eyes wide and mouth hanging open as Piotr strolls towards everyone. “Holy fucking shit!”
“Language, please,” Piotr says with a polite gesture towards Ellie and Yukio. “Young ones are present.”
Aiden blinks, clearly thrown, but recovers quickly enough. “I’ve never seen anyone like you, dude. You look seriously cool.”
“That’s what I said when I first met him,” you comment, grinning widely at your boyfriend.
“Understandable.” Aiden looks over at you. “And you can fly?”
You summon an air current by way of answering and lift yourself a few feet off the ground, twirling and somersaulting slowly as you drift towards the sky.
“Okay, can you do that again?” Aiden asks as he gets his camera ready. “Except over here –yeah, perfect. Okay, go! Alright, look at me and smile –eh, a little more teeth… perfect…”
You do as you’re told, grinning and twirling in the air while Aiden gets the shots he wants. “How do I look, babe?” you ask Piotr with a giggle.
He smiles fondly at you. “Very beautiful, myshka.”
“You two are together?” Aiden asks.
“Yup!” You smile brightly –and Aiden snaps another quick picture. “Have been for a while now.”
“We could get some really good pictures of them,” another coworker with bright purple hair –you think her name is Violet, which would make sense—points out. “The contrast of their mutations would make for great thematic storytelling, visually speaking.”
Aiden hums thoughtfully, finger tapping against his camera while he considers the idea. “It really would. Are you two okay with that?”
“I’m down.” You look to Piotr. “Is that okay with you?”
He shrugs and moves to stand next to you. “Konechno.”
You use your mutation to plop yourself down on his shoulders and brace yourself against his head. “How’s this?”
“Not bad,” Aiden says, getting his camera ready once more. “Lean to the side and forward a little more –yeah, keep your hair away from your face, good. Okay, now you put your hands on her legs or something, like you’re helping her balance… perfect. Okay, neither of you move for a minute.” He snaps a few pictures, then chuckles. “Dude, you are too tall for some of this. Is there a stool I can use?”
“I’ll get one,” Ellie says before trotting off to the house.
You spend the next hour posing with and without Piotr in various positions, from sitting on his shoulders, to him holding you in his arms, to you flying above him and him smiling up at you.
Aiden jumps on and off the stool Ellie fetched for him, lays down on the ground, and does just about every conceivable thing to get the shots he wants. When the light gets too dim, he and his coworkers break out their lighting rigs and keep going.
“Y’all are seriously dedicated to this,” you comment at one point, genuinely impressed.
“You can’t have a life’s passion without actually being passionate,” Violet says with a smile.
After a while, Aiden breaks out a tripod and a camera specifically designed for slow motion and has Piotr go in and out of defense mode a few times.
“Wow,” you breathe when Aiden shows you a shot where Piotr’s face is slowly morphing into his armor. “That’s amazing.”
“No kidding,” Aiden agrees. “I think this will go on the front of the mutant spread we talked about.”
You furrow your brow, confused. “Am I missing something?”
“Back at the vendor booth,” Aiden explains. “We talked about including mutants in our Pride themed collection, but we also discussed releasing a series that focused solely on mutants once Pride month was over.” He gestures to the screen, where Piotr’s face is still visible. “This is a gorgeous shot. I wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
Piotr checks the shot when Aiden holds the camera out for him to see, then shrugs somewhat sheepishly. “If you think it works.”
“I do. Okay, I’ve got one last concept I want to do, if you guys are willing.”
“What’re you thinking?” you ask.
“I was thinking we could have your man get into his armor, and then pick you up and give you a kiss, and then un-armor while he’s kissing you.” He looks between you and Piotr. “Does that sound like something you’d both be comfortable with?”
You nod before looking over at Piotr. “Babe?”
He shrugs again. “I have no problems.”
“Awesome.” Aiden has Piotr armor up and lift you into his arms, then tests a few spots before getting back on the stool. “Alright, kiss her in three, two, one…”
You close your eyes as Piotr’s lips press –gently—against yours and loop your arms around his neck.
It’s a little weird, holding the kiss while he transitions out of defense mode, but he holds you steady, adjusting his grip as he goes so you don’t so much as wobble. Once he’s fully de-armored, he sets you carefully on the ground and moves his hands from your back to your face, cupping your head in his hands.
Aiden snaps a few more pictures, then hops off the stool and claps his hands. “Perfect.”
You grin as he shows you the screen, cycling through the series of pictures. “Damn. We look good.”
Piotr points at the picture where he’s full armored down and cupping your face in his hands. “I like this one best.”
You lean against his side, grinning. “Me too.”
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brianandthemays · 5 years
Love is a Polaroid (Roger Taylor x reader) Part 10
A/N Wow I feel like I”m finally picking up some sort of fan base for this fic! Which is fun! I really hope y’all are enjoying it! I know I’m enjoying writing it, every chapter just gets more any more fun! 
Anywho I wanna actually start a spotify playlist so if you have any song ideas please send them here
I’d rlly love y’alls input so please send me some asks!
Also! HUGE shout out to @sweet-ladyy​ who, with everything going on in her life, took the time to read and edit this. Y’all neeed to read Matters of the Heart it’s SPICING Up omg... 
Word Count: 3.4+
Warnings: Fluff, i guess angst, its cute
Other parts: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
That was how you somehow ended up in Roger’s car, heading to his family’s home in Norfolk. You were not ecstatic about the offer at first. 
               “Why don’t you come home with me?” His lips were soft on your neck but that didn’t stop you from turning in his grasp and scoffing at him. 
               “I don’t think that's a good idea.” 
But after awhile, Roger wore you down, convincing you to come with him. 
               “They’ll love you!” he insisted. “Think about it, just us for a week.”
You couldn’t deny that the thought of being alone with Roger in his hometown for a week was nice. But you still felt like things were moving quickly. So, you shook your head, wrapping your arms around yourself.
               “It’s too soon, we’ve only been together for a few months, Roger!” 
He frowned at you.
               “We can go slow! We have a guest room, you can stay there!” His eyes were pleading you, his lip jutting out in a pout. “Please?” 
And that was it. Now you were sitting in his passenger seat with the window rolled down and the music blaring some Fleetwood Mac song as the wind blew through your hair. Roger’s hand was clasped tightly over yours, with his thumb rubbing absentmindedly over the back. You look over at him as he drove, his dirty blonde hair was scattered in the wind and all you wanted to do was run your hand through it. He wore his sunglasses which he insisted helped him see better but you just scoffed at the fact that he bought prescription sunglasses because his normal ones made him look “like a tosser”. 
               “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He smirked, glancing over at you. You blushed but didn’t look away. Instead you raised your eyebrows at him and squeezed his hand once before releasing it to scrambled around in your bag. 
               “Good idea!” You presented the Polaroid that you had snatched from his room before leaving that morning. He flashed a wide smile in your direction as you flashed the camera. “Eyes on the road.” 
He grumbled at you but looked back towards the road. He flipped his hand back over, inviting you to hold onto it. You looked down at his hand an roamed over the course calluses over his fingers. You reached your fingers out and brushed over them softly. His hand was so rough from scars and scratches from various fights and gigs. 
               “They don’t hurt.” 
You glance over at him. His mouth was skewed to one side and his head was tilted as if he were thinking. You looked back down at his hand and shook your head. Your boyfriend could not have rough hands. You reached down in your bag again and this time come up with a small bottle of lotion. 
               “What are you doing?” he questioned, turning his head to look over at you. 
You move his face back towards the road with your hand, giggling softly. “Eyes on the road.” 
He humphed but obeyed. You poured a dot of lotion over his hand and slowly start to rub it in. You moved it over each finger, making sure to fill every crack and rough spot. Roger let out a small groan at the feeling of the cool lotion over his rough hand and you smiled over at him. “Feel nice?” 
               “Yeah…” he responded, stretching out his fingers. You slide yours in with his and squeeze slightly. A silence fell over the two of you once again, comfortable and relaxed. It didn’t take long after that before you started to see signs and buildings leading to Norfolk. You began to feel nervous again. You were meeting Roger’s parents after dating him for 4 months. What were they going to think of you? 
               “Hey, relax.” Roger kissed your knuckles softly. “They’re gonna love you.” 
               “Are you sure this is okay? I could find a hotel nearby. I could--” 
               “Stop.” He cut you off quickly, knowing where this rambling was going. “You’re coming home with me and that’s final.” 
You bit your lip, still feeling uneasy.                                                                                   
  “You’re the type of girl they’ve been begging me to bring home forever,” he mentioned. “Smart, respectful… everything they wanted me to be.”
You looked over at him. Roger was one of the smartest people you knew, he just wouldn’t let himself see that. Respectful wasn’t exactly the word you’d use for him but when it came to you, he was a perfect gentleman. Well, not perfect. There were often times he would say crude things in your ear while you were in public that would make you blush, but he treated you well and never pushed you too far. 
               “Roger, I think you’re being hard on yourself,” you told him. “Your parents love you.” 
He didn’t respond. He did, however, grip his wheel a little tighter. 
Eventually, you and Roger pulled up to a house a little outside the main city.  It was a quaint house, that didn’t quite match Roger’s look. But it was cute and you felt a little more relaxed in the comfortable area. You stepped out of the car and stood in the front lawn. There was a soft breeze flowing and it felt nice, it felt like home. 
You turned and saw Roger holding yours and his bags, smiling softly at you. You nodded and let him take the lead up to the door.  He knocked on the door and came to stand next to you.
“It’s gonna be okay, love,” he insisted, placing a kiss on your temple. “Everything is going to be okay.” 
A moment later, the door opened revealing a women you assumed to be Roger’s mother. A big smile broke out across her face when she saw you. 
               “Roger!” she cried, pulling him into a hug. He grumbled before loosely wrapping his arms around his mother. 
               “Hey, mum.” He kissed her cheek before pulling away and taking your hand, tugging you towards him. “This is (Y/N), remember I told you about her.” 
She smiled at you, glancing up and down over you. You swallowed hard and held out your hand before introducing yourself. “It’s so nice to meet you.” 
               “Oh, honey, you don’t know how happy I am that Roger’s found a nice girl like you.” His mother ignored your hand and pulled you into a big hug, squeezing you tightly.  You yelped slightly before hugging her back, letting out a nervous chuckle. 
               “Mum, please don’t suffocate my girlfriend,” he groaned, embarrassment evident in his tone. 
               “Oh, leave me alone, child.” She released you letting you take a few steps back. You smiled at her, letting her know you appreciated her kindness. “Now, Roger, why don’t you take your things upstairs while I introduce (Y/N) to your father.” 
Roger glanced over at you, checking to see if you’d be okay on your own. You nodded at him, giving him the answer he needed before replying. “Sounds great, mum.” 
She lead you inside, Roger turning right to go up some nearby stairs. You watched him go, trying to shove your anxiety down and out of your brain as you followed his mother into the living space. 
               “Michael, come meet Roger’s girlfriend!” she called into the house. “Why don’t you sit here while I put some tea on you.” 
You nodded, sitting on the couch awkwardly, as she disappeared into the  kitchen. You sat alone in the quiet for a few minutes, looking around the room. It was a nice living space with a few couches and TV sitting on a shelf. It reminded you of what you had at home and a pang of guilt shot through you. You tried to ignore it by looking over at a picture sitting next to the couch. It was a picture of a young Roger that made you smile. He was so young and wild looking. His hair was shooting in all directions and his smile had a mischievous glint in it. 
The new deep voice startled you, causing you to jump from your seat. You looked over at the new man in the room and saw him smiling at your reaction. 
               “Didn’t mean to scare you, dear. I’m Michael, Roger’s father.” 
Your eyes widened and you stood quickly to come shake his hand. “I’m (Y/N), thank you so much for letting me stay at your house this week, Mr. Taylor.” 
He waved you off, coming to sit in the cushioned chair next to the couch. “It’s Michael, Mr. Taylor was my father. And you’re always welcome here, dear.” 
               “Thank you,” you said you him. “Michael.” 
He smiled at you, and motioned for you to sit. “So, tell me about yourself.” 
You cleared your throat “Well…” desperately trying to think of something to say about yourself. “I’m studying at Ealing… for Public Relations with a minor in Design.” 
               “An art school!” He huffed. “Interesting. I don’t know how I would trust Roger there. Your parents must be very trusting.” 
You looked down at the floor. “Actually, my parents wanted me to stay home. Didn’t think I should bother with a real job.” You laughed lightly, trying to make it seem that you’re not as nervous are you are. 
               “Well, then it was kind of them to pay for your college education,” Mr. Taylor responded. 
               “Actually, I’m paying for myself.” 
               “What?” Roger’s voice came from the doorway. Your head whipped up to his, your eyes meeting. You had tried so desperately to keep your family struggles away from him, it wasn’t his problem. “You’re paying for yourself?” 
               “Um, yeah…” You shifted in your seat. “I’m on a lot of scholarship, though. It’s not a big deal.” 
He didn’t look convince, but as he opened his mouth to say something more but at that moment his mother walked in with a tray of tea and biscuits. You glanced at Michael who was staring apologetically at you. You took one of the cups of tea gingerly into your hand, avoiding Roger’s gaze. You could feel his eyes burning into your head as he wondered why you had left a major detail about your life out of your conversations. 
The rest of the evening went relatively smoothly. Creating conversation easily with his parents and avoiding the subject of school and your parents all together. Over dinner, Roger keep his hand on your knee, rubbing smooth circles into the soft skin on the side. You appreciated the gesture, resting your hand on top of his. 
               “So, how did you two meet?”his mother asked near the end of the meal. You looked over at Roger, smiling at the story. 
               “Well, I had just finished visiting my sister, who goes to Poly, and I had just sat down to read my book when Roger came running around the corner being chased by some--” 
               Roger’s hand squeezed your knee tightly, and you glanced over at him. His eyes silently pleading you to leave out some details of that story. 
               “By some… friends… and he saw me and tripped,” you finished. 
               “Guess you could say I fell at first sight,” Roger joked, trying to take attention away from your slip up. 
His mother cooed affectionately, going on about how romantic it was and how you were just destined to meet. You couldn’t help but stare at Roger, thinking about how circumstantial your meeting was. If you hadn’t been in that exact spot, at that exact time, you would never had met Roger. It made your heart ache just to think about that. 
               “Yeah, we really are lucky,” you murmured thoughtfully.  He looked over at you and gave you a gentle smile, a similar thought probably going through his head. You turned his hand over and slipped your fingers into his, loving the feeling of his hand in yours. 
               “Well, you seem good for him, (Y/N),” his mother concluded finally, pushing away from the table. You went to follow her actions, beginning to pick up your plate but she took it from your hand. “Please, you’re our guest!” 
               “I’m going to go show her around a little bit, ‘kay mum?” Roger pushed away from the table, resting his hand on the small of your back. 
               “Alright, don’t stay out too late, Roger Taylor,” she commanded, putting a hand on her hip. 
               “Mmhmm, alright mum.” He began to lead you out of his house, back into the open air.  He closed the door behind him and took a big breath. 
               “They’re sweet.” 
               “You don’t need to lie to me.” 
He laughed loudly, grabbing your hand and dragging you down the street. You walked closely together, your his head bent to be near yours as you chatted and laughed together. His neighborhood was very small and nothing like the city of London. You liked it though. It was a place you could imagine settling down in. 
               “So this is where Roger Taylor grew up,” you looked up at him, grinning widely. 
He nodded, glancing around, looking fondly at the buildings. “Yeah, this is home.” He pointed at what looked like a primary school. “That’s where I played the drums for the first time. They had a little kit in the music room, and I just liked to make noise so my music teacher let me play.” He smiled at the memory. “Mum wouldn’t let me take my kits to Uni… so I just bought a new one when I got there.” 
               “That’s a cute image,” you commented. “Little Roger banging away at his little drum kit.” 
               “That’s not the only thing I can bang.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
               “That is the dumbest thing you’ve ever said to me.” 
               “C’mon, you walked right into it!” 
The two of you continued on, him pointing out buildings and telling stories along the way. You loved hearing his stories about his childhood. All the places he got in trouble, places he grew up and learned about life. It’s weird coming to his childhood town, he was so different now, at least when he was around you. 
Eventually, you came upon a bridge that was over a road next to a field of flowers. He climbed up on the railing then helped you to sit next to him. He kept his arm around you, helping you feel more stable on the railing as you leaned into him. His fingers brushed your arm softly as the wind blew smoothly through your hair. 
               “Why didn’t you tell me about your parents?” 
You knew the question was coming but it didn’t help you feel less uneasy about the topic. You looked down at your hands, twisting  your fingers around each other, leaning slightly away from him. 
               “It wasn’t important,” you deflected. 
               “Not important? Are you joking?” You couldn’t decipher his tone. Was he angry? Upset? Annoyed? Either way you felt yourself closing in again. You looked back up at him, still feeling uneasy. 
               “No, Roger, I’m not. You don’t need to know about my issues with my family,” you argued. 
               “Yes I do, that’s how a relationship works, isn’t it?” he shot back. “We have to tell each other things.” 
               “And how would you know how a relationship works, seeing as you’ve never had a real one.” 
As soon as the words left your mouth you regretted them. Your eyes widened at your own words as you watched his shoulders deflate. He moved his arm from around your shoulder, bringing his hands to rest in his lap. 
               “You’re right.” His voice was quiet, and it reminded you of that night 4 months ago when you put him to bed after his fight. “I don’t know what I’m doing here, with you.” He looked over at you. “But I’m trying my damn hardest not to let you get away.” 
You felt your eyes glass over as a tear dropped from your eye. Roger reached up and brushed the tear off your cheek. 
               “I just want to know what’s going on up there.” He taps your temple lightly, drawing a small laugh out of you. You wipe your nose, willing yourself not to let anymore tears fall. 
               “My parents… didn’t see the point in me going to a real college,” you began glancing over at him. He nodded, encouraging you to continue. “They just wanted me to go to some community college and get a basic education then settle down somewhere and have five kids.” You chuckled slightly at that. Imagining yourself doing just that, becoming the perfect trophy wife. “So when I told them I wanted to study Public Relations maybe minor in design or journalism. They told me that if I left, not to bother coming back.” You gauged Roger’s reaction. Confusion flooded his face, mixed with some anger so you rested your hand on his leg. “So I left. I’m on almost a full scholarship at Ealing and its grade based. Which is why I can’t afford to fail.” 
               “What about your sister? Isn’t she studying medicine?” He asked, his brain going through everything you told him. 
               “She was the oldest. She got to go to school and live her life. But my mother sheltered me. Thought I was her perfect little girl.” You shook your head. “Guess I’m just a disappointment now.” 
               “Hey, that’s not true.” He cupped your cheek and made you look up at him. “You’re bloody brilliant. You work so hard, and are so determined. You saw right through me the moment you met me, and had me-- quite literally -- speechless. You’re something I’ve never seen before, and everyone around you can see it.” You felt your lip quiver, as your struggled more and more not to break down right there. “You make me want to slow down and watch the world.”
You stared at him for a moment longer before leaning your forehead on his chest. He wrapped his arms back around you, rubbing up and down lightly. 
               “I just want to be here with you, Roger. I don’t want to think about anything else.” You kissed his chest softly. “Not school, not my shitty parents. I just want you.” 
               “You have me, love.” He kissed the top of your hair. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
So there you sat, on the railing of the bridge, wrapped in each other. You sat there until the sun went down behind the trees and the stars began to specle the sky. At that point, he helped you off he railing and guided you back to his house. He guided you up the stairs and into his guest room. He stood, leaning in the doorway watching you walk around the room. 
               “I’m just down the hall if you need anything,” he told you, quirking his lips to the side. 
You walked back over to him, placing your hands on his chest. “Okay.” 
He leaned down and pressed his mouth to yours. You reciprocated for a minute before pulling away and smiling at him. He nodded before turning and walking down the hall away from you. You watched him for a moment before closing the door and settling in. 
You couldn’t sleep. You closed your eyes, tossed and turned but sleep would not come. Your fight with Roger kept playing over in your head. You didn’t know why you said those things. You didn’t know why you always shut people out. You really liked him. You were beginning to think maybe even love him, but it was still too soon. Now, Roger was the only person besides Freddie who knew about your parents. You rolled over again and looked at the clock. It had barely been an hour since you laid down. This was not going to work. 
So you got up. You rolled out of bed and walked down the hall to where Roger told you he would be. You opened his door quietly, trying not to wake him. When you opened the door, he was still awake; his arms behind his head, staring at the opening door. 
               “Can’t sleep?” he asked. 
You shook your head. “I’m sorry.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows. “What for?” 
               “For what I said earlier…” You rubbed the back of your neck. 
He stared at you for a moment and then rubbed his eyes. “C’mere.” 
He opened his arms, and you realize what he meant. So you obliged, crawling in between his arms. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tightly to his chest and kissing your forehead softly before settling in.  Being in his arms felt so right, so natural and you never wanted to leave.
I hope y’all liked it!
Tag list (SO VERY OPEN): @dove-turned-destroyer @16wiishes @angiefangirlworld-2 @queenismyrealdad @blondecarfucker @perriwiinkle @chlobo6 @wolverinesbeer @onevisionliz @catnissprior-blog @thewinchesterchronicles 
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amisbro · 6 years
Let’s Answer:  Some UtaPri Q’s
That you might have had for me but never asked for some reason This is going under a cut and some answers will be short but some will be essays so that is the reason for the cut Ready?  LET’S ROLL!
Q:  How many years have you been in the fandom? A:  That would be 4 officially as of January this year Q:  What made you discover UtaPri? A:  Oddly...a gif of this guy
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Funny thing is that while...yes Ren was my “most despised” character of the series from Series 1 he became arguably my fave from STARISH later on (despite the blip in Season 4)
Q:  How many of the UtaPri Lives have you seen? A:  That would be 2 and they were unsubbed when I watched them. It was 3rd stage and 4th stage with 4th legit getting me to go at one point during an MC segment
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(to be fair this was me being a dumbass for not watching subs but I’m weird about fansubs)
Q:  Any plans to watch any of the other Lives?
A:  Funny thing about that.  I found 1st stage on Youtube a while ago but never finished it.  I’m gonna try to find it again (if Broc didn’t strike them all down) so I can watch it cos I DO want to see where the “Live Series” started in its humble beginnings. So...yes I do have intentions on at least watching the first two and then 3rd and 4th again.  5th I’m “ehh” on and I think people know my stance on 6th BUT I will make sure to expand on it in a bit Q:  Are you going to watch Maji Love Kingdom when it comes out next year? A:  As long as the Gov keeps our internet free and open...yes I have intentions on watching it.  Now will I watch it as much as say...SSX?  THAT depends on what I thought of the movie if I am going to watch it 50 times or something crazy like that (Plus to be really real...last movie I remember watching as much as the SSX OVA was the Animalympics movie that I DEMAND everyone watches...you can find it on YT so you have zero excuses) Q:  If Broccoli announces a 7th stage and it has all three groups at it again would you watch it? A:  So this takes us to the point where I will talk about WHY I never watched 6th stage despite I know I could find it if I wanted to. So...okay have I been a royal d**k about watching 6th stage?  Yeah I have and while there is probably no REAL justifiable reason for me not watching it let’s try this So you have a stage that you are going to do and for the first time ever its going to have EIGHTEEN SEIYUUS performing together.  First off that is a massive undertaking and the second thing is you have to figure out how to block stuff out.  Even WWE at its grandest show had issues with time where things went long so they had to cut things or cut them short. Broccoli and King (I know the latter probably had jack shit to do with this but I just wanted associate them cos they do the group singles) had to know that this show was going to be a project because of the fact that they were going to have a lot of people on the stage and there were probably people that were wondering what songs were going to be performed...understandable. Here is my issue The stage was announced back around...what the first episode of Season 4 so they had time to figure out what songs were going to be put in and how much time they were going to get.  I get that they also had a noise ordinance they had to deal with (basically no loud noises past I think it was 9 PM JST) so that’s fine but you had a “new group” that was performing for the first time on the stage so my issue was I thought they should have gotten to do THEIR SINGLES especially if ,as we would come to find out, STARISH and QN were getting their own stages later on (and STARISH got to go back to the place of 6th stage...kind of annoyed by that) ANYWHO Here is the other issue I think I had with them not getting as much time (or close) as one of the other groups We KNOW there is going to be this movie with STARISH ,QN and HEAVENS and there are people (away from tumblr) that think currently that this movie is going to be very “STARISH-centric” and well its not WRONG to think like that but it can be a little expected.  The issue however boils down to this The question is IF Broccoli announces a 7th stage right?  Okay let’s say they do and all three units are there THEN I will go back and watch 6th (albeit begrudgingly) because I know by then that HEAVENS will possibly get time to perform and I can be happy with that.  As of now though we don’t know if its going to happen.  If it IS and its the FINAL then its almost fitting because both STARISH and HEAVENS have 7 members! Now let’s answer this one Q:  If UtaPri got a 5th season after Maji Love Kingdom but HEAVENS wasn’t in it would you watch it? A:  Yes just like I am going to watch this movie. Here’s the thing When I started watching UtaPri it was after Season 2 had ended.  At this time we had STARISH and we had just introduced QUARTET NIGHT into the fold and as we know at that time I was staunchly in the camp of QN...still am even if you don’t hear me talk about them nearly as much. I’m NOT going to be one of those fans that goes “Well HEAVENS isn’t in UtaPri anymore so it can fuck off.  Let me just get a steamroller and smash all my CDs from the series that I bought cos its over” If I felt THAT WAY...do ya think I would be playing Shining Live right now (okay not “RIGHT NOW” cos its near 1:30 in the morning but you get the idea). The fact is I STILL need to finish getting the plat on Repeat Love and then I have Amazing Aria/Sweet Serenade and then Dolce so that is going to keep me busy PLUS I still need to get the DVDs for Legend Star and Revolutions...yeah I’m not leaving this fandom any time soon regardless whether HEAVENS is in it or not.  TsukiPara or B-Pro would need to come out in English for that to even be a THOUGHT (and even then a friend of mine on twitter told me about Fate/Grand Order..I’m gonna be busy). Q:  YOU DIDN’T FINISH YOUR BIRTHDAY FIC YOU OLD MAN...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! A:  You got me You ever come up with an idea for a fic and its far too fucking grand to sit down and write it...yeah that is what happens with my fics sometimes and this one was no exception cos it was supposed to have a lot of stuff in it but implementing it was going to take till damn near AUGUST and by that time a couple of K Movies would be out and THIS DUDE’S BIRTHDAY IS THEN TOO
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Random thing I never told anyone:  I actually considered Yukari “Genderfluid” upon repeated viewings of the movie and then also seeing RoK...thought you might be interested in that
ANYWHO Yeah the birthday fic got scrapped cos I legit was probably going to be into AUGUST to finish it then I have to turn around and do Yukari’s birthday post...that wasn’t happening Now this DOESN’T mean I don’t have ANY ideas for fics cos I do but its been hell with doing theory posts for Shining Live ,starting to grind on JP and other stuff.  I do have plans to do more fics though and yes this beautiful person will be involved...especially when comes to everyone’s favorite coffee addict in Shiki but “spoilers” LAST ONE!! Q:  You write a lot of self-insert fics with primarily HEAVENS or them with QN and STARISH is seemingly left out intentionally...what gives? A:  ANOTHER FUNNY THING! The last fic I scrapped was supposed to go from May 1 to May 27th (my birthday) and in it there was supposed to be at least Masa when he performed “Lasting Oneness” with Kira. Had I wrote out the fic to its conclusion (which was going to feature an appearance from Len Tsukimori of La Corda fame) it was going to feature Len and Syo doing a song together and then also Nagi and Natsuki so there were plans for that. I won’t give away the next fic plot BUT STARISH might be involved and we are gonna have some good clean fun with them...I say that cos almost all my fics are rated G unless someone legit dares me to write angst at which point I need like a month to prepare for it ANYWHO THIS POST WENT ON WAY TOO GOD DAMN LONG!  I hope there was an answer to a question you might have wanted the answer to and if not PLEASE hit me in my inbox or on my twitter machine (same as my url here) and I will definitely try to answer the question you might have Au Revoir
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amadeyus · 6 years
HI EVERYONE AND HELP: an announcement i’d like y’all to read it concerns y’all (to some extent i guess)
ok so i don’t have much time cause i travel tomorrow and i have a bunch of things to do (which i won’t ramble on but) FIRST THINGS FIRST
During my 3-day mania episode (and now spread to be a 5-day episode rip me), I thought of a lot of creation ideas (art and design, fandom and non-fandom alike)
[More long words ahead about my creation ideas and i want y’all to help me choose what i should work on next; with the exception of #6 and #7 bc those are guaranteed works i’ll work on first]
(This is a really long post ik but I’ve used the @ mention features a lot below and idk if it works under the cut so im sorry for the longass spam this is a once in a long while thing i promise)
AND bc i do not have the brainpower/energy to choose/think about these stuffs IMMA ASK YOU GUYS TO HELP ME CHOOSE which ones you want me to work on bc I love all of these ideas and are !!!! about these but honestly indecision is taking control of my brain pls send help. D: ok so to help me out (and i guess this is great for you cause you can vote to see the content you wANT)! anywho, pls help me decide (specify the number and if you can, the reason why you’d like to see it; it can be a short one sentence answer honestly idc i just want help rn):
A levihan fic-inspired work; the fic is canon-divergent where Levi dies and he’s given a funeral service bc of his efforts as Humanity’s Strongest and Hange goes up to give a speech (fic by Frances @daisybrien ); will use lyrics from Poet - Bastille
A work for Cosmic Love - Florence at the Machine lyrics for the levihans bc why not (but also partial credit to Sophie @drinkyourfuckingmilk bc i remember her mentioning it that it was a levihan song and i love both cosmic love and the levihans sooooo)
Still transparent edits for the lyrics from Stay With Me - You Me At Six for the yumikuris (my first non-levihan work idea :OOO) but also like if you remember, transparent edits are stuff like the Haunt edit I made for levihan spookfest and the All of Me poster I made for Manna @julystorms​
A gifset for Gio @themusicalbookworm 's amaze™ song called Stardust Veins about Yaoyoruzu Momo (im love her so much rn ajelddl;) - this one i have a lot of different ideas/possibilities for but I would go give Gio’s song a listen (especially if you’ve watched BNHA and or love Momo) bc honestly it was the first fanart-song I heard and honestly I don’t regret listening (i love it so much you have no idea dude)
A lyrics gifset feat. Laughter Lines - Bastille for the movie Coco (i wanted to make this for a long time and i kno i won’t be able to get to it for a while so pls if you’re reading this don’t steal my idea cause i know the film has been out for a while now)
[Urgent] Mikasa’s bday post with a hp quote - has duality themes/techniques/symbolisms if you’re interested but it’s a zekeret™ and i don’t want to give stuff away/ruin the surprise
[Urgent] Ymir’s bday post with Call of Silence lyrics and starry stuffs. I give partial credit to Gabby @sookashira who made a Ymir gifset/gfx where she said there was literally a Ymir constellation in the universe if i remember correctly so that’s partially inspired that idea (i can’t find it rn bc i’m tired but i do remember it my dude). And also partial credit to Daya @eren-s bc her latest Eren and Reiner edit of a recent manga chapter was cool and I found the way she did the dialogue pretty interesting and my idea for Ymir has dialogue sooooooo (i’m also lazy to find it bc limited brainpower sorry daya but i remember it and i talked to you about it)
A lyrics gifset/motion gfx for Shake it Out - Florence and the Machine Part 2; basically a continuation to Levi’s birthday post I made last year but with even more lyrics and cool stuffs™ (what i think is cool at least)
A lyrics gifset/motion gfx for Unstoppable - Sia feat. Hange’s moment where she shines and  dodged them MPs and is doing a bunch of cool stuff (have i mentioned how much im love her too)
ahhhhh soo this is really long and if you’ve made it to the end of this i truly commend you for your efforts (come i clap for you™). tbh this is not even all of the ideas i thought of you have no idea how inspired i was these 5 days. buT, i say again, i would really appreciate it if you could tell me which idea you like the best and want me to make (and if you’re feelin extra generous i would appreciate 1-2 sentences of reasoning re: why this idea over the others)
[i might rebagel once or twice more to get more exposure again but yeah that’s it]
and also fyi i am behind on replies and tag games and communication in general; im sorry my brainpower rip but i will get to it tomorrow after i land so it will ALL BE DAIJOUBU (hey @hushpiper look im sayin what you said earlier to me)
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What Gorillaz means to me
This might get a bit deep but I literally have no one to passionately talk about this to and ever since that Demon Dayz performance (which was the first live and full performance I’ve ever seen of them) I just need to spill it out. (if you’re on the app I’m sorry if this is super long.) I’ll try to make this an undercut thing but that’s if i figure out how to.
Anyways, so Gorillaz came into my life during this time and it has helped me so much. Most of the time whenever I find music during these various periods in my life, they only make me sad and feel worse and that’s it, I usually get over them and stop listening to them in a couple weeks, but this band is so different. Not only do they make me calmer with their slower tunes such as To Binge or Empire Ants, instead of making me angrier at the world like other groups I’ve listen to, they also have music that can switch my mood to joy and make me want to dance or even laugh (looking at you Tomorrow Comes Today, the video can either calm me or makes me laugh bc of 2D’s spinning and the band’s edge…idk it’s funny to me). The music just connects to me for any emotion I’m feeling and since I’m a very passionate person when it comes to music, it really affects me in a positive way. 
I started to learn more about the band and Damon and Jamie and I was just so interested in this virtual band concept and think it’s genius. It’s obsessive learning the backstories and everyone’s character traits/developments, the connection of music videos, all of it. It entertains me learning more and more and being a part of it right now is very fun now that I know a good amount of knowledge of the band. 
It’s not those two factors, but the community is so fucking kind.I had made some comments and even art for the band on my personal tumblr and immediately got reblogs and likes, which I never got since I usually just reblog, but I have contributed to other fandoms and they’ve never been as active as this community as been. Soon, I started reading the imagine blogs @gorillazimagines , @gorillaztrashimagines , @stupotimagines , @imagine-2d etc. and I loved it. It just added to my interest and really fed my imagination and creativity until eventually my interest of the music and writing prompts just made me think I should mix the two. (also something to learn about me is whenever I hear a song a scenario or music video idea comes in my mind and it’ll stay there until I make it a thing. I haven’t been able to make any music videos because I’m a broke bish but the idea stays in my mind but anyways,) one day I went to @gorillaztrashimagines and asked them if I should create a blog with that gorillaz song fic idea and she thought it was cool so with that validation I did it. I didn’t know how to explain my idea well so I made this whole complicated system for it and once people understood it the way I do, things went off. I started getting a lot of request and followers and in the matter of a couple weeks I went from 100..200…400..800..etc. followers, and getting messages from people saying they loved the idea of the blog/my writing and every time stuff like that or a new follower milestone or a submission or dm comes I get so happy because I feel so welcomed and like I’m making people happy which I absolutely love doing.
I started talking to people like @melancholy-blog-gorillazimagines , @tyrrant , once @imagine-2d and someone names snorillaz who i currently can’t find (all people who I loved talking to but,as mentioned before in another post, I’m afraid to bother people so I try to initiate a conversation and chicken out) and try to connect with my followers every once and a while (I get scared to bother them too, especially when I have writer’s block and can’t give them what this blog is about lol) and whenever I do I just feel like a part of something great and it brings a lil bit of joy to this shitty bump in my life.
So I’m currently at around 970 followers, almost to 1,000 and that’s absolutely insane to me. I’m very happy that a lot of people love my writing since I never get to practice creative writing because of school so I personally don’t feel like I’m the best at it, even though I love doing it. Anywho, I have that, the music and character’s activeness has made me happier than I would’ve been and gets me through a lot. It drowns out background arguments and distracts me from nerves I get during tests, all that. I have a drive other than trying not to disappoint my parents and go to college, like I have a daily motivation to come here and write and interact, and it’s all because of Gorillaz. I realized that during the Demon Dayz festival.
Like, I was watching this livestream and suddenly realized how in the matter of like 3 months all this has happened to me and I have found multiple passions beyond just loving music from Gorillaz and how they’ve made me happy in numerous ways and I just started getting this feeling in my chest. It may be kind of sad on how emotionally connected I’ve become, I’ve been kindly teased by a couple of friends on how quickly I got into Gorillaz but I couldn’t help it. It’s just a cool concept and it has amazing music and active people, what else could you want? Anyways, I just would like to thank Damon and Jamie for making such an amazing thing and bringing joy to so many people, including myself. I’m sorry this is literally an essay and I’m rambling but that performance Damon gave really made me feel things. I’d also like to thank you guys, for giving me prompts and a reason to get up and go through my days other than making my parents proud. This blog has really given me a reason for myself other than someone else which is something I need right now.
I’m gonna shut up now but yeah, just thank you. That’s what Gorillaz and all of you mean to me, I’m sorry if I’ve weirded you out, I’ll probably cringe and delete this later since that’s what I always do whenever I get deep lmao. But yeah <3
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superbatson · 7 years
groundhog day: a review
this got really long and became pretty much organized by song
here we go!
first off, the staging and choreography for this show is fantastic, i knew that right from the opening number. and each of the character's unique looks was very refreshing, especially considering how used to the costuming for jersey boys.
"small town, usa" is definitely a favorite song, has been since i listened to the soundtrack. phil is such an asshole in the beginning and andy does a great job playing him.
also rita dances a little when the ensemble breaks out into the groundhog jingle and it's???? so???? cute???? she is precious, protect her. (though she can probably handle herself, lol)
phil being a dick to the homeless guy was not cool, what an asshole
i can't remember the full line but the shorter cop's joke about the blizzard being a donut was great
i can't remember day two as much, ahh
day three was interesting. i like to title it existential crisis, the musical. it's just phil freaking the fuck out for three minutes. always kind of fun to listen to on the soundtrack, but the reactions were a little less exaggerated in the show, but it works, because you can see it. the soundtrack is, obviously, all sound, so you have to picture everything.
"stuck" has always been another favorite song of mine. honestly, i have so many faves in this show. why didn't tim get the tony for lyrics? ugh! 
anyway, the performance is even better. so, so funny. the enema part had everyone laughing, and i was too. again, choreography: a+
"nobody cares" is such a bop!!!! we had an understudy for ralph, i'll find the name later, but he was great. the choreography with the shot glasses was so clever, and was clearly inspired by THAT pitch perfect song.
(also, the car chase with the toy cars? hilarious. that aspect of the show, using toy cars to mimic driving, was also clever and very funny.)
the initial cop chase was hilarious too, with the guys holding the cars. ugh, i loved this show!!!
(also phil probably has a bondage kink bc tight handcuffs, pass it on)
(oh and a pain kink)
(i don't write smut but this show gave a fair amount of opportunity for kinks, okay?)
philandering was fun. the sex with nancy was... interesting. andy and rebecca were probably just standing there making sex noises, right? i can only imagine how hard it was to keep a straight face the first time they rehearsed that number.
(that was the number with him on the bed basically having a threesome, right? or foursome. there was a dude there. phil connors, bisexual icon.)
oh my god the diner scene. is it possible to be attracted to legs? bc andy has some nice ones. oh wow.
his acl must be doing better, though. it looked like just a compression sock-type thing was on. i'm glad he's feeling better.
(this was the song where he was even more of an asshole, right? bc it was so funny. i laughed the most here in act one, probably bc i didn't know what to expect, for once.)
"one day" is the best song in the show and you can fight me. barrett is amazing. definition of the word queen. where is her damn tony?
so, act two.
"playing nancy" is underrated. i was never a huge fan, but mostly bc i didn't know the character. now that i do, i love the song even more, and rebecca has a beautiful voice.
the next scene literally left me in shock. i knew phil's suicide was coming, but the way it happened - wow. he grabs the gun and goes beserk. he shoots the groundhog and then himself. my jaw was dropped until the spotlight came back on him in bed.
where "one day" is barrett's time to shine, "hope" is andy's. yes, he's the lead, he's been carrying songs the entire time, but this song features his absolute best vocals. i had chills. i think there were bits in this song, maybe when he kept ending up back in bed (what kind of sorcery is that? how do they do it? my mom literally asked me during the song and i was like "i have no idea"), or walked out with the covers, where people were laughing, and i didn't like it. feel what you want during a show, but suicide is not something to be taken lightly. i was close to tears during this song. absolutely amazing.
give andy karl a tony you cowards.
anywho, "everything about you" is beautiful. i loved that rita knew, even if she forgot the next day. i think it was a great development in their relationship. of course she hated him at first, but he kept changing, and i loved the trust they began to have in one another.
"night will come" also hit really hard. seeing the guy die over and over was not easy to watch, and i can only imagine how phil felt. but he kept trying, and i guess he just accepted that fate in the end, right? kinda the whole point of the song. and now knowing who the "her" was in the song also hit really hard. poor ned. such a sweet man, does not deserve that kind of pain and sorrow.
sorry if my comments are becoming repetitive, but "philanthropy" is also fun. very all over the place. i love the choreography. and phil's change in character. the tin man does have a heart after all! (does that count as a wicked reference? bc i would love to make jokes about andy's other roles. there are just... so many...)
gonna skip over punxsutawney rock bc it's kinda forgetful...
"seeing you" leaves me in tears every time. from andy's soft, sweet vocals to the scenery. gorgeous song, gorgeous performance. i loved it so much.
and for the record, i am phil/rita trash. i am ready to write 10,000 soulmate aus for them. or any au. just give me all the fics. (the show has an ao3 tag now and i am ready to read everything.)
the ending is one of the best parts of the show. i was so happy phil got out of the loop, and i was a little surprised to see that rita spent the night. but i definitely don't think they slept together in /that/ way. i can see them being up late, talking about life and the snow and the town, and rita conks out and phil just smiles and falls asleep next to her. (probably doesn't really touch her much bc he knows she has boundaries.)
(look at me, already writing the fic. i'm shipper trash, boom.)
so, yeah, amazing show overall. i would love to go back, but bronx tale is my next must-see before its leads leave. (richard, most importantly, but i really wanna see bobby too bc he is phenomenal on the soundtrack - but anyway.) but who knows if i'll even get to see another show this year? last year was an unusual circumstance, with jersey boys closing and all.
i gotta talk characters real quick bc i love them all!!! fred and debbie were precious lil beans. ned was nice, and i think i've seen people ship him with phil and now i see why. nancy was sweet and thankfully got a happy ending (with the camera guy!!! aww!!!). the mayor was funny (when he talked to phil the groundhog in the bar, it had the theater laughing every single time). ralph and his drinking pal were fun and lowkey gay. (they're dating shhh.)
also!!!! the waiter guy - billy? - was dancing with the shorter cop guy (i forget his name!!!) during "seeing you" and i almost screamed. not huge representation, but still there and quite cute. (and the fact that billy's accidental coming out was glossed over and not a big deal was v great to see.)
rita is my feminist queen and i love her. 
phil is... a dick. but a redeemable one at that, as he proved in the show. i love him too and am totally adopting him, lol. he needs protection (but rita probably has that covered).
i would totally give the show a 9/10. again, would love to see a second time. such a fun show with a lot of heart. i felt so at home in august wilson, i would go back once a year if i could.
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amisbro · 6 years
Let’s answer this
If someone asked me RIGHT NOW “Where are you in terms of UtaPri and the fandom?” That is arguably the most complicated question I would ever have to answer...and I took World Culture in High School!
Okay let’s be serious UtaPri is legit one of the few franchises that tests me mentally in the sense of Figuring out Broccoli’s next move with Merch What they could do gamewise What is going to happen with the Anime Information on other projects (Shining Masterpiece/Theater ,DVDs ,Stage shows etc.) What the next step in the universe would be as a whole with the different units and COULD THEY CREATE MORE...I never discussed this one but its something I had been thinking about Its also one of the few that has allowed me to mess with the Canon and treat groups that might not have been treated fairly and write them in ways that I enjoy...matter of fact SPOILER TIME but one of the next fic works coming this month is my yearly Birthday concert but with a twist that you’ll see for the first time when the birthday comes up. It HAS also been one of the more frustrating fandoms lately that I have been in/dealt with and I’m not going to bullshit it anymore. History Lesson So back in 2013 (and more specifically near the end of it I discovered a gif of one of the characters from the series...at the time I had no idea who it was and ,if you remember, Tumblr made an update that hid the tags unless you went in the post on a person’s blog (generally the OP) and found out what it was.  In this case it was Ren Jingugji of STARISH whom I found out was voiced by Junichi Suwabe.  That name sounded familiar and I discovered he was in BroCon as the brother Kaname whom was a Monk (and also a womanizer...there’s a comho) (Also if I got the occupation for Kaname wrong I apologize.  I could have sworn that was his occupation but its been a while since I watched the series so forgive me on the mistake if there was one) Well after this discovery about UtaPri I went and looked it up on my favorite website (okay second...ANN is first anymore) in Wikipedia and I discovered it was a Otome/Visual Novel game and that intrigued me...what intrigued me more was researching some of the characters and at the time legit five intrigued me Natsuki Shinomiya of STARISH and the whole of QN QN was interesting because ,since I was just discovering UtaPri at this point, I knew jack about them...but I wanted to see what I could learn about them from observation/  Legit the ONLY SPOILER I retained at the time was that Ai was programmed with the memory of Aine or something of that effect...again its been a good while. Season 1 I watched through DVD and if you go through this blog you will see that I did two different blogs on that and Season 2.  When I did Season 2 that was through the site crunchyroll and I remember at the time I was talking with someone using the “Fan Mail” option (hey tumblr staff bring that back will ya...I actually liked that option) and before I got to Season 2 someone had told me about Camus.  The reason for this was because I mentioned (at the time) I despised Ren’s character for being a womanizing playboy that didn’t give a s**t about being an idol.  Now yes that was actually wrong but it was the thing I remembered from my first watch through (which was when the conversation with the tumblr user occurred). Before we discuss Season 2 you have to know this.  Because I knew at the time info would be readily available on the “initial 6″ (Cecil wasn’t in STARISH yet) legit the only one I remembered reading about was Natsuki and originally I thought I was going to enjoy his character...matter of fact for anyone that wants to know that doesn’t from S1 the “Best Boy” spot was something like this Tokiya (before Cecil has {BEEEEP]) Cecil And once the Season was rewatched it was Ren after realizing the crap he not only went through in Season 1 but then later in Season 2 HOWEVER Once Season 2 came about and QN was introduced anyone that knows me knows that my faves showed up in Ai and Camus (and also Ran)...Reiji I never could really embrace and I have TRIED!  Something about him I just can’t get with. (I know I know...I can’t deal with him but I have no issue with Myu right?  Yeah I’ve been working on that one for over 4 years and it ain’t easy) So Season 2 was ON FIRE! Legit all of the songs I could kind of embrace (I legit replayed Crystal Time all day for like 3 weeks straight if I remember...might have been shorter but it was a murderous loop trust me) and the story (for the most part) was a very light and funny tone from what I remembered.  Yeah there were the “heavy” moments but you didn’t want to have a nervous breakdown after the episodes ended...that was me in Season 4 when Episode 11 happened BUT ANYWAYS Season 2 was ALSO the introduction of the “Renegade Princes” in HEAVENS and around this time they were just a trio (June 6th would be the airdate and the “official” birthday of HEAVENS I guess?  I think some use the 27th of June so its funny) and I was like most people.  I wanted them to fall on their ass and never be seen again so we could get to the STARISH/QN part of the story (cos I legit watched the SSX OVA like 50 times and can damn near recite that fucker word for word if I remember scenes hard enough...I think it was the first time I saw Myu with glasses too!) Now here was the thing about HEAVENS AT FIRST I was like the fandom like “Look at these jackasses.  All they want to do is start shit and cause problems for STARISH so they need their ass beat” and well they did lose and I think I remember the first time being REALLY HAPPY about it but I think around the second time I THINK (and I would have to go back through my notes) I was less harsh on them.  I know by the time I got to their debut episode (and I finished it) a THIRD TIME I had no issues with them left...then again this might have been during the space between Season 3 and 4. Actually...yeah the third watch was between Season 3 and 4 cos I wanted to see how the “Original Trio” acted and then I would compare that with the “new boys” later.  If I remember right (cos I am trying to NOT rewrite history) when I first saw the “Fully Powered” HEAVENS The one I probably took the most issue with was Van (sorry @baku5ds) but it was because he reminded me of Ren from Season 1 and I wanted to deck his ass...still kind of want to punch him then for acting like a knob but he’s aight now! Season 4 was going to be an interesting time for me See before Season 4 started I remember asking people how they thought the season was going to go and they thought it would go like this HEAVENS would lose (well they were initially DQ’d so kind of right) and then it would be down to STARISH and QN with HEAVENS as background characters (which is what they were in Season 3 cos we didn’t see them again till the new 7 showed up). When we found out it was going to be duets between STARISH and HEAVENS it became interesting for me because remember this:  Because I watched legit the initial debut for the Trio (and their subsequent loss) twice a part of me wanted to see what Broc would do FOR THEM because I personally had kind of “been there/done that” with STARISH and I learned as much as I could for three seasons and dealing with their personalities...nothing wrong with that but after a while you need to interject new characters to freshen up a series. One thing I remember being asked was basically this “How can you like HEAVENS when you don’t know about them?” (That’s not the question verbatim but considering this question was on skype legit now over 2 years old I dunno if I can find it again) We have to remember that around the time of Season 2 (when I watched it) I legit only remembered Ai’s part of the wikipedia entry so...why should I have liked QN? I really DIDN’T read the STARISH part of the wikipedia entry so why have liked them? See the way I work as a fan is through observation and I see what I see and then make my judgements based on that.  I STILL think that the School staff was borderline antagonistic (all of them and that includes Shining) and when STARISH officially got to debut with Nanami as the composer I smiled cos in the end the “bad guys” (even if they really weren’t) “got theirs” What I got legit curious about was this during Season 4 Even if my opinion and a STARISH fan’s opinion on HEAVENS never matched up could we have that civil discussion to say “okay you don’t like them that’s cool but please respect that I do” We all know about the “3 weeks of hell” and I won’t relive those but those were the WORST 3 weeks of my life.  I legit think I damn near had a headache that lasted that entire stretch I was that annoyed cos I could legit see the story in front of me but everyone else was like “Nah fam...that ain’t true” then HEAVENS lost in the Triple S after their perseverance of dealing with “Daddy’s bulls**t” and I don’t know if I was more annoyed about that or the prior weeks with the “EiiOto Mess” and the rest of the duet project cos in my head I knew one part of the fandom would be THRILLED while the other would be annoyed...I think anyone that knows me knows where i was to the point someone made a stalk account on twitter to try and get on me...didn’t work cos I know how to block people! ANYWHO! I’m going to try and keep the rest of this brief af...I say try so we won’t go over 6th stage (and how I thought that was a trainwrck...maybe I was too harsh back then to be honest) but I do want to discuss this Whenever I hear (and others I know) that “HEAVENS’ role is only to make STARISH better” I half ass chuckle because if we are talking about groups to make STARISH BETTER well...there was QN and then STARISH was again kind of like “Nah fam” and we know what happened. I dunno that I am annoyed with the fanbase...matter of fact I can almost tell you flat out I’m not but if I had a gripe with the “Western/International” base it felt more like at times y’all didn’t want there TO BE fans of the “Renegade Princes” because I know a friend of mine made a VERY INNOCENT post when it came to Shining Live and HEAVENS and they asked “What would the HEAVENS fans want in Shining Live for them” and I remember the Anons and how they were kind of rude...not a good way to grow a fanbase kids. Let’s be clear on this and I’m going to try and make this brief I don’t hate STARISH nor their fans I don’t hate QN or their fans (obviously I am one) I’m more frustrated because you see when you are someone like me who IRL dealt with a lot of s**t and was an underdog his whole life I always root for them...I want to see that upset! I think I would have enjoyed STARISH’s story a bit more IF they showed that they could “take it on the chin” one time and then go “Okay we lost that round...let’s give it hell next time!” I know they technically COULDN’T do that with the story they were telling but don’t you think that Suwabe right?  He worked on KnB and he could have said “Well look...in this series my school beat the main school (Seirin) and then they came back eventually and beat us...couldn’t we do something like that?” Irony before anyone says anything is he ,SuzuKen ,Kishow ,OnoD ,to a lesser extent Shimono and Tatsun (might have been more...I think Toriumi was on Suwabe’s team) all knew what happened but I think because of certain issues they HAD to write UtaPri where STARISH was basically unstoppable...best guess It gets frustrating sometimes to be a fan of the series (less so for me now that I play on the JP account more full-time now) and you want...really all of the groups to do well but you know you really want your group to do well.  It also somewhat gets upsetting when you ask people “Would you watch a season that was just HEAVENS?” and then they tell you they would skip it...never mind that you watched effectively 2 full seasons of the “main group” but EYYY I dunno I think I get agitated and I know there are others that do too.  I would NEVER just turn my back on the franchise because I love it but I think I just wish that HEAVENS got repped well on this site and even facebook better than I feel like they do.  I think sometimes they will never get this “stigma” of being an “antagonist” off of them and that sucks...but for some people the “first impression is the one that lasts” so I can’t fault that anymore I guess In closing I don’t think I could ever leave UtaPri behind but all I want is what is best for my boys and hopefully their day is coming very soon Au Revoir!
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