#i spout nonsense
binkusdinkus · 3 months
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Hi falsettos nation (extra down yonder 👇👇👇)
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xoxoemynn · 9 months
I know it shouldn't surprise me, but it's frustrating af to step outside the fandom and read about OFMD's cancellation on more general entertainment sites and see the majority of reactions be along the lines of "oh well it was probably Taika being over it, he always gave me the ick anyway so, whatever," and then often devolving into comments about his personal life, or conspiracy theories that can be disproven if you use your brains for 30 seconds or maybe step outside and touch grass idk idk.
And this isn't me saying "omg how could you dislike Taika" bc truly unless you're being racist or antisemitic (which, let's be real, many are), I don't give a fuck what you think about him.
But the point remains that if you have a show that is all about celebrating queer joy and finding yourself later in life, that has a diverse cast of characters in terms of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and body type, that was WRITTEN by a diverse group of writers, that is receiving praise from critics and fans alike, that from all reports was one of Max's most successful shows despite them doing next to no promotion the first season, that had two successful seasons and the creator is on the record saying he had a plan to tell the entire story in three, and it gets CANCELED.
I don't give a fuck how you feel about Taika, or how you feel about OFMD. You SHOULD be concerned about that. Because your show is next.
And before you come at me with "it's just a show, have you seen what's happening in the world?" Yeah. I fucking have. And the arts matter. They have always mattered. It's how we've shared stories and fostered communities and passed down what's important to us as a society. And they've brought us joy. And I don't know about you, but I think we could all do with a fuckton more joy in our lives.
This is absolutely a huge loss, and unfortunately it's not going to be the last as streaming services continue to go deeper in crisis. If that doesn't concern you, idk, go enjoy yourself watching season 47 of The Bachelor.
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teddie-bear420 · 7 months
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Emily! You naughty thing heheheh
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More of teddz thoughts and feelings under the cut
So I think Emily is the cutest gal ever, I like her design in the show (kind of… not really) (I just like princess) and I really hope she gets to do girl best friend stuff with Charlie in season two. They are my most vanilla crack ship. (The evil one is Charlie x lute)
So I really like the idea that both Charlie and Emily have very little to no friends, at the start of hazbin Charlie only has vaggie and angel, but gains more friends as the show goes on. She beats people with the power of friendship, music, and this gun she found.
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Note the pastel baby blues, and big ass eyes
Girls is bugs
Emily however, has none, she is socially inept just like charlie and I think they bond over that. And princess x princess is really cute. Like I have them both solid pupils for their innocent personalities and all I can think of is Charlie having 2 angel girlfriends! If Emily ever falls to hell due to her support of Charlie’s dream I am positive that Charlie will catch her in her arms,
Hrmmmm I think Charlie would start dressing to look masculine so she could impress Emily. Gay prince and princess!! Yesssss.
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Emily x lute is cute too, a princess and her knight in shining armor, though I can also see tha angst that comes with lute. Like lute can pretend to be this chivalrous knight that saves the princess but her betrayal of vaggie keeps pushing itself to the surface and she starts going a little crazy!
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Idk if there’s a vaggie x Emily swing to this maybe I’ll think of something
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 2 months
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I gotta wrap my head around
What my heart is telling me
I've been trying to drown it out
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moffie-moff · 5 months
Old Glass Animals songs were so cool and epic saying shit like “OhHhh your spiT tastes Like rusty nails and ENvelopes,,,,,,,,,,” or whatever but Heatwaves neutered them
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fungifanart · 11 months
MC: Guys, this dude is HELLA shady. I really think we'd be better off ignoring him.
Ace: Oh, SEVEN FORBID a man be whimsical and silly sometimes, MC.
Fellow Honest: Truly, you wound me, my dear boy! (To the camera) Hehehe, little do these suckers know that I'M the reason The Great Seven forbade it.
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xf-cases-solved · 25 days
mulder vs. scully and her period
-first off, he 1000% keeps track of her cycle - it's vital to his survival - but he would never ever ever ever tell scully that
-he learned to start keeping track after too many blunders during their first year working together. like, he'd had girlfriends in the past, obviously, but he didn't travel the country constantly with them day in and day out. even diana was rly reserved about her period, preferring to keep that sort of thing to herself. but scully is a medical doctor. while she may take issue with any emotional aspect, and be uncomfortable and embarrassed about that part, she is completely nonplussed by the physical aspect, and talks about it very bluntly and openly, and that took mulder by surprise at first. he wasn't used to being around a woman who wasn't bashful about it, and it made him uncomfortable at first, but eventually he was like "ok, this is going to be part of working with her, i need to get over myself and up my game"
-in their entire time working together, mulder has made one (1) "are you on your period or something?" joke. it was about six months into their partnership, and scully was (rightfully) irritated at him about something and he had tried for some levity. let's just say that he, ah... he has never made that mistake again
-he always has a tampon on hand. like, always. it is more reliable to ask mulder if he has a tampon than it would be to ask another woman in the bathroom if she has one. he started keeping them on him when she got her period on a three hour long flight that had an hour delay on the tarmac, and she'd accidentally forgotten to take a couple tampons out of her checked luggage, so he'd watched her shift around uncomfortably with a makeshift pad made of thin, coarse airplane bathroom toilet paper, and he felt really bad that he couldn't do anything about it, so on the flight back, he bought a travel pack pack of like, six tampons when he went to get sunflower seeds, just in case. then at some point he was like "mb i should keep a couple in my overnight bag for her," and that led to, "she's in my apartment a lot, i should throw a couple under the sink," until eventually he was King of the Tampons
-(he even has different absorbency levels, okay? like, he is on top of his shit)
-he used to buy chocolate for her on long drives when he knew she was on the rag, always saying something like, "it was two for one, don't worry about it," even when it wasn't, until he started to pay closer attention, and he realized she actually tended to crave salty foods instead of sweet ones, so he switched from chocolate to potato chips and pretzels. (he would play it off as though he got them for himself and then would keep offering her some, bc he knew that would help her not sit there and (completely needlessly) dwell over eating junk food)
-she gets really bad cramps the first day and a half or so, and he haaaates it, bc even tho she waves it off, he can see the way she clenches her jaw, and is hunched over whenever she thinks he's not paying attention. if she's over at his place when they're happening - even if they're working - he makes her sit with a heating pad and encourages her to drink the whole glass of water when she takes her midol. he has massaged her lower back on more than one occasion
-she stopped getting her periods regularly when she was going through cancer treatment, her body too sick and weak. about two months after going into remission, she bled through her slacks on some rural highway in arkansas, and although mulder listened to her complain and validated her frustration, he was secretly so relieved, bc he knew it meant that her body was really and truly starting to heal
-her periods become kind of a taboo subject in a way they hadn't ever been before once she learns of her infertility. she doesn't talk as openly about them anymore, but he's still always prepared and after four/five plus years together he doesn't need her to tell him how to make her feel better. he can intuit it. she doesn't say it, but he knows that she's grateful
-her periods become a dark topic when the ivf fails. the period that confirmed it didn't take was hard on both of them, and she spent every night of it at mulder's apartment letting him hold her and allowing him the privilege of caring for her, which she usually resisted
-he actually noticed that she missed a period before he was taken in oregon, but he had no reason to suspect it was anything but just a fluke, so he didn't say anything. when he glanced at his calendar and saw what week it was, though, he did have a fleeting moment where he was like "what if?" not in a serious capacity, but in a wistful way. i mean, they'd been going at it like rabbits and had never once even considered using a condom. like, why would they, right? but in his brief fantasy, he thinks about how she would react seeing a plus sign on a pregnancy test. it would be familiar - that look of disbelief and awe she got whenever they witnessed something unexplainable - and he would be the cause of it, and how amazing would it feel to be able to give that to her? to give that to both of them? but he knows it'll never be anything more than a pipe dream (bitch, you thought!)
-we won't get into sad later stuff, but i'll just say that he really, really resents the fact that he wasn't there to take care of her during her pregnancy. and he would have been fantastic at it. he would have toed the line between supportive but not overbearing perfectly. she would have had a beautiful nine months, like she had more than earned. he'll never totally forgive the universe for taking that from them
-and to conclude, let me just say for the record, mulder is all about period sex. orgasms help cramps, right? he's just being altruistic. ("YOUR orgasm doesn't help my cramps, mulder" "hey, we'll never know for sure unless we try")
-lay down a towel, lay down your woman, and get to it. bro eats crime scene evidence. there's no way he'd let a period stop him from fucking. god bless and amen
-the end
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lemonsharkgirlfriend · 2 months
alicent, a woman who’s been stripped of all power and agency and has no sway or influence amongst the green council, should have concluded her liberation arc by… coming to the understand that her mistreatment within this patriarchal system pales in comparison to the love she holds for her sons (one of whom she’s disowned in 1x08, the other pre-2x01), and she should have used the power (that she doesn’t have) to continue to support the green claim (that she doesn’t believe in). she should have thrown away her own feelings of (freely chosen) love for rhaenyra, knowing these feelings ‘don’t actually matter’ (they do), and just, again, sacrifice her body, mind, and mouth for her sons (who she 1. doesn’t believe in and 2. knows do not have her own or helaena’s best interest in mind). the driftmark scene (that alicent verbally expresses regretting and which otto tries to manipulate her into believing was justified directly afterward) and alicent standing in front of meleys during aegon’s coronation (yet another example of alicent sacrificing her body to otto’s cause that she’s been manipulated into believing is her only purpose) are definitive proof that alicent should have become a scorched earth mama bear in season 2 that should have not have had any conflicted feelings about her sons’ unnecessary violence and total ineptitude at ruling the kingdom because… the ends (i.e., aegon being in the throne… which she doesn’t believe in) justify the means. alicent could have just used her voice (again, the one that she doesn’t have in this version of the story; let go of book!alicent) to sway her sons’ policy if they were trying to do something she didn’t agree with, and otherwise, she should have just let them do what they wanted to secure the green claim (that alicent doesn’t believe in). turning to rhaenyra (alicent’s only reference for freedom and chosen love) after concluding her liberation arc is out of character (it isn’t, alicent has chosen rhaenyra over her children several times) and doesn’t make sense (i’m just going to assume you weren’t paying attention to the plot, dialogue, set design, editing, costuming, etc., that suggested alicent was seeking out rhaenyra throughout the entire season, starting with her moving into rhaenyra’s childhood bedroom before the season even began). alicent is dumb (sure, i’ll give you that) for trusting rhaenyra (she can’t trust her own sons either, and arguably, to a greater extent). alicent should realize her love for rhaenyra is no longer relevant (it is and always will be, as expressed by the writers about… one million times) because she should care more about her sons (that she doesn’t support anymore and that she cannot control) than her own happiness and securing safety for helaena/jaehaera (her children/grandchildren that she’d like to see no harm come to). also, exploring alicent’s motherhood (alicent ‘switching sides’ still does this lol) would have been more interesting than exploring her repressed queerness/lesbianism (i mean idek know what to say to this bc how the hell do you think this isn’t interesting and novel and worth exploring). ultimately, i have another version of alicent in my head (book!alicent) that i wish had been adapted instead (totally valid opinion to have! though you ultimately shouldn’t project book!alicent onto show!alicent because they have been fundamentally different characters since the very beginning), so i’m going to pretend alicent going to rhaenyra in 2x08 is bad, unpredictable writing (instead of something those ‘annoying shippers’ had been theorizing about since before the season even began because the clues were literally there, even that early).
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sparky-is-spiders · 3 months
Thinking about Jon mourning his relationship with Elias and doing it alone.
Thinking about Jon having so many little fond memories of Elias. Discussions with him when he still worked in research. Little bickering arguments from when Jon was first promoted. His fondness for scheduling. Thinking about Jon missing those times so much that it aches. Thinking about Jon mourning the person he thought he knew, the person he did know, the connection they always had. When Elias is in prison and won't even see him. When Elias is in the panopticon above the world, far away from Jon. Thinking about Jon still caring about Elias, missing him despite everything.
Jon would have all those little memories of Elias, I think. And he would pick over them, and wonder which ones were real (all of them, in a way), and which ones were lies (all of them, in a way). And he would never be able to say anything. Because he's the only one who ever had that connection to Elias, and by the time Elias is out of Jon's reach nobody who would understand is left.
Just. Just thinking of Jon mourning his relationship with Elias, and having to do it alone.
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uninformedartist · 1 year
Ngl, I somewhat enjoy seeing more and more folks on twitter making critical posts. Many folks are seeing through Viv's bull, absolutely not giving a fuck what the fandom says and giving their opinions regardless. Also "somewhat unique body type" 🤣✋
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Ah yes "somewhat unique":
So unique and different its not like most of Viv female characters slim-thick or stick thin. Heck Viv's body types in general are: stick-twig, slim-thick, "plus sized" (balloon or slightly chubby but still slim-thick: mammon & mimzy). And the fandom goes wild, queen is giving them such variety and representation 🤩/s.
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quinxlt · 27 days
i doubt this’ll reach virtually anyone, but i cannot be the only bothered with how athena responds to aphrodite’s remarks in god games???
the goddess of love is complaining abt how odysseus ended up being the indirect cause of his mother’s death, which btw involved her throwing herself off a cliff and into the ocean (i’m pretty sure) and all athena says is..
“and tell your lover that a broken heart can mend!”
what…? anticlea THREW HERSELF OFF A CLIFF BC SHE WAS HEARTBROKEN?? athena, if that’s what u call a heart mending then gee wiz.. its not like athena is unaware of her being dead either? she knows what happened yet says the stupidest rebuttal ever???
also, need i remind u abt how achilles hunted down hector and tore apart his body every day, refusing to hand it back to his family bc pat died?? that doesn’t sound like a very mended broken heart to me athena!!!!
there’s also, oh idk, apollo vowing to sing every single one of his songs in honour of hyacinthus after the discus disaster! and how orpheus travelled into the underworld and convinced HADES HIMSELF to give him a chance to get eurydice back. (im also pretty sure he never took on another lover after eurydice bc of his sheer grieve)
im sure there are SEVERAL other instances where a broken heart does not in fact mend, but u get the point. for the goddess of wisdom that was i think the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard in my life
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saltlog · 1 year
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borderlandsmostwanted · 5 months
I think the twins had the potential to be the best borderlands antagonists if they were handled properly. Like if gearbox pulled more from reality it could have been a really interesting concept about parasocial relationships, the dangers of blurring the lines between online and reality, and how idolization can turn someone into a faux god
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hanashiz · 2 months
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[BSD117 ]"Even if I die, my ideals will live on."
— The Idealist, Kunikida Doppo
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lulla-bee · 1 year
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"I just couldn't wear a heartfelt smile in this world"
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fungifanart · 2 years
Interviewer: So what were your birthdays like in your homeworld?
MC: Tbh, they weren't anything special. We couldn't exactly afford to go all out for me or my siblings...
Leona: *eavesdropping and waiting for the right time to surprise him with a big party*
MC: It’s not like I'm complaining, though. I actually preferred the low-key celebrations. Having a huge party just sounds way too stressful.
Leona: *Freezes before immediately shooing away the performers and caterers he hired, settling for the cake he had Trey bake*
Interviewer: Surely you got cake, at least!
MC: Oh, I actually don't like cake. Instead, my parents would buy a box of donuts from a donut shop near our house that I always liked.
Ruggie, next to Leona: Nice.
Leona: *shoves the cake into Ruggie's hands and bangs his forehead against the wall*
MC: One funny thing that happened when I was younger is that my parents tried getting me an ice cream cake one year and put sparklers in it, but I was a pretty anxious kid so the sparklers ended up scaring me away! *laughs*
Leona: *immediately calls Jack* Cut the fireworks. Now.
Jack: *thought he said 'cue the fireworks'* You got it.
Leona: *walks up, grabs MC by the shoulders and kisses him on the lips* Happy birthday, Herbivore.
MC: Leona-- *Gets startled by fireworks exploding in the sky, spelling out the message, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MC. LOVE, LEONA KINGSCHOLAR." Followed by an image of their faces together*
Leona, Ruggie, and the interviewer: *facepalm*
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