thebrothershardy · 7 years
in regards to the whole joss (bess/joe) ship, i definitely think they'd hook up/kiss when they got drunk/have some happy flirtatious moments but i don't think they'd be a serious long-term couple!! i'm with you. i think joe's a little cutie and he makes some snarky remarks about bess' ass and MAYBE they'd cuddle up at night but that's about it!!
i’m in agreement with this 100%!!! i actually always enjoyed the little coy romantic moments they had in the supermysteries because it was fun to read and i even think it would be neat if herinteractive explored that a bit, but ultimately i wouldn’t want them together for the long run.
(oh, and they would totally fight over who is the favored aunt/uncle to frank and nancy’s kids. seriously. there would be competitions. bribing those kids so damn much. so much that frank and nancy come home sometimes and there’s just this giant bouncy house in the backyard and frank is like JOE NO and joe says I HAD TO BESS TOOK THEM TO DISNEYLAND)
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authors-haven · 7 years
“I can’t believe you.“ 
"She deserved it. It had to be done." 
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queen-daenerys · 7 years
positive vibes, angel ♡
thank you so much lovely
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thecoffeedesk · 7 years
this is going to sound like a silly question, but when you write the letter s, do you start from the bottom and go up, or start at the top and go down? i'm practicing my handwriting and the letter s is the most difficult for me to get consistent and was wondering if you had any tips since i'm trying out new styles :) thanks! @tess-studies
honestly, i do either! hahaha but i instinctively start from the top 😊
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teamdoofus · 7 years
do all for francy taM I NEED THIS
1. Who takes the trash out?
Nancy makes a schedule for all the chores right at the beginning that she hangs up on the fridge, so they always take turns, like little anal retentive worker bees
2. Who reminds the other to take care of themselves?
ohhhh they’re both pretty awful at taking care of themselves when they’re on a case (and, uh, otherwise they’re not much better tbh…….), but Nancy is OBJECTIVELY worse, so it’s definitely Frank, ESPECIALLY whenever Nancy is sick, because holy shit is that girl ever stubborn about getting work done and refusing to rest
3. Who is happier when they are out in nature?
both, if they’re on a case! otherwise…… ehhhh, Frank. I think he’s got some serious camping skills from going camping with the family and also boy scouts because OBVIOUSLY
4. Do they like to go in the hot tub together?
hahaha why is the idea of Frank and Nancy in a hot tub so hilariously awkward in my head…… so I don’t know that if they were just being Frank and Nancy that they’d do that? (unless it was a matter of like, their friends pestering them to just let their hair down already and get into the tub and stop being fuddy duddies and they just roll their eyes and are like fiiiiiiiiine I guess a few minutes in the tub won’t hurt….) but you know…. I feel like if they were on a case and had to be in a ~pretend relationship, I could soooo picture a scene where they have to talk to another couple who are suspects while they’re at this resort and the hot tub just so happens to be the perfect non-conspicuous place to ~casually grill someone while everyone is relaxed and barely clothed and drinking beers I’m js
5. Do either of them avidly follow a celebrity and/or fandom?
hahahaha NO, not if you count detective shows and detective magazines (YOU KNOW THE ONES I’M TALKING ABOUT) from which they can learn
6. Who builds a pillow fort?
…… neither tbhhhhh…….. WHICH IS SO SAD???? Someone build these fuddy duddies a pillow fort!!!
7. Who plans the romantic date?
oh god they’re both awful about this?? it’s like a few years and a couple weeks in and suddenly Nancy looks at the calendar and realizes that OH NO, she forgot their anniversary again and when she calls Frank she finds out that he also just realized and was about to call her to apologize because they’re absolute derps and perfect for each other before concluding that they don’t need a day on the calendar to know that they love each other, because they already do that every day /SO CHEESY OMG GET A ROOM YOU GUYS
8. Who likes to play with the other’s hair?
hmmmm. Frank plays with Nancy’s hair until he catches himself doing it. meanwhile, Nancy is a perpetual hair-ruffler
9. Who calms the other down when the other has a nightmare?
you know, I think both of them have nightmares from time to time, especially given their chosen professions, but I think frank might actually suffer from night terrors, and ofc nancy is always there for him when that happens. they usually get up, go into the kitchen, have scrambled eggs, and maybe enjoy a tea or warm milk with honey before finally going back to bed
10. Who wants their dog to sleep on the bed with them?
HAHAHA, absolutely nancy. I mean, frank and joe grew up with playback, the parrot, but nancy has always had togo, and seeing as he “was there first”… nancy insists that frank just has to accept that he’s always going to be taking up frank’s foot room (and looking so darn smug about it, too, every time!) :D
11. Who can’t sleep without the other?
you know, I feel like nancy could sleep through anything (she claims she wakes up at the slightest disturbance, though), but frank used to be a bit of an insomniac. and seeing as he used to sleep in the same room as his brother, he’s used to having another person in the vicinity. so when they move in together, he suddenly finds that he falls asleep insanely quickly, and always sleeps through the night! of course, the downside to this is that, when nancy is off on a case, he realizes that he’s fucked, because he can’t sleep a wink without her there
12. Who is too nice and will listen to a sales person pitch?
hahahaha between those two, absolutely Frank. and Nancy doesn’t even rescue him. she just hangs back and listens in on his struggling amidst chuckles. (of course, this does backfire on her when he decides to get back at her smug ass by roping her into the conversation, like OH HONEY, DON’T YOU THINK THIS IS A DECISION WE SHOULD BE MAKING TOGETHER 😇😇😇)
13. Who makes the first move to cuddle?
around Nancy? please. Frank will take all of the cuddles. he just……. doesn’t often remember that they’re a thing……. but come movie or tv watching time? in bed after sex? absolutely that boy is getting his cuddles
14. What is their go to fast food place?
hahahahahahaha panera my god they’re so white and so bourgie
15. Who likes to wear the other’s sweaters?
okay Frank will not deny that he has, while hanging up and folding clothes, decided to lean in and smell Nancy’s clothes before because, LOOK, they just smell like her, okay??? and I’m pretty sure that if they were big enough, he would absolutely wear her sweaters. but as it is, he’s more than happy to bait Nancy into wearing his, which she does more than gladly (although his favorite is very clearly when Nancy puts on one of his button-down shirts and nothing else because of course it is)
Who is louder?
Nancy can be SCARY quiet during sex, and Frank actually feels a bit self-conscious at first when he realizes that he does a lot of grunting and groaning compared to her– at least until Nancy whispers to him how sexy she finds it and what a turn on it is to hear how much he’s ~enjoying her…….
Who is more experimental?
…….. Nancy, surprisingly. Frank is sort of terrifyingly vanilla, but Nancy definitely decides to branch out on the occasional sexy night together (tho definitely nothing drastic, like some light bondage will do, thank you)
Who takes more risks?
Frank, once he knows Nancy is into them :D
Do they fuck or make love?
they can fuck, of course, and have on rare occasions, but Frank has not been pining after this woman for as long as he can remember (HE WAS IN THE MIDDLE BEFORE HE KNEW HE HAD BEGUN /kill me plz) just to FUCK her, no, fuck that. he makes love to this woman, goddammit
Lights on or off?
…….. off, actually. they’re just. those sort of people.
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?  
hmmmm. you know, I don’t know if Frank would do a lot of masturbating or porn watching in the first place? buuuuut let’s also be realistic here and acknowledge that they do biologically gotta empty the tank lest they want to have wet dreams, and let’s also likewise consider that Frank probably got loads of practice jacking off and crying while thinking about Nancy, so he’s certainly no stranger to masturbation
Who comes first?
Frank is a patient, dedicated lover, okay. if she doesn’t come by the time he finishes, you bet your sweet ass he’s going to get his woman the orgasm she deserves (it helps, of course, that Frank actually loves eating pussy, so this is not usually a problem because foreplay is like Frank’s religion)
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?
FRANK. THAT BOY IS AN ORAL FIEND. A GOD AMONG MEN. it’s the one time Nancy actually ends up whimpering and moaning and screaming while she writhes on the bed etc etc (and yeah of course she’s not going to turn that down, he’s INCREDIBLE at it, and Nancy gives really awkward head…….)
Who is more submissive?
hmmm. neither? they’re just such absolute equals in life as much as in bed like I can’t even imagine them straying from a formula of respect that works, buuuut at the same time Frank can totally be the dominant one for those nights that they ~are feeling frisky (and those are the nights Nancy spends a LOT of time in the throes of ecstasy)
Who usually initiates things?
Nancy, actually! she has a pronounced sex drive (more than she has a cuddle drive, that’s for sure) and ofc he doesn’t want to push her (aaaand lbr most of the time sex is not really on the forefront of their minds anyway, those workaholics)
Who is more sensitive?
Frank can come really pretty quickly if you know what you’re doing (and he does), and Nancy is often rather stoic in these instances, so one would think that it’s him, but he has excellent self-control and he’s spent a lot of time hearing her scream his name while he was going down on her so yeah. it’s definitely Nancy.
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njmphadora · 7 years
@aphrodvite replied to your post “i really wanna start a studyblr, the question is though: can i manage...”
it's fun, just very time-consuming if you want to build a solid fanbase (which i'm sure you know). plus people really look out for your own creative content + stuff, and honestly sometimes it can stress you out when it comes to actually getting work done, because everything has to be about the ~aesthetic~ which shouldn't deter you from making one, just a few thoughts! i have my own, and it's definitely helped me, but also caused some problems that i'm sorting out now. :)
thanks so much for the advice !!! i don't think i'll care too much about becoming like "big" or anything on there. like my aes sb is literally just my trashyard for the aesthetic part of my personality and i never check the follower count or rlly do anything on there but i love it sm and it's so easy to run bc my dash is full of good aes blogs. the bit i'm most worried about with it tbh is just setting it up + finding enough good blogs to follow + getting into a good queue rhythm. idk i'm probably gonna go for it anyway but if it's too much pressure or w/e then i can always just stop using it and leave it until i think i might be able to handle it a bit better. but anyway ty again :) also i really hope u get those problems sorted soon, i'm sorry you have any problems tbh and i just wish u the best sweetheart <3333 :* :*
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njmphadora · 7 years
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to celebrate the fact i just hit 4k (only not just) (this took me forever to make) (but it was recent okay) i decided that i wanted to repay all of my beautiful, lovely, incredible followers by making this fab follow forever which is in tribute to all their wonderful souls <3
( mutuals / favourites )
b e s t   f r i e n d s
@delacourr @fleurrdelacour @lilyevane @nargles @ctaeth @lilyevansh @yigrittes @howlingremus @obliviaet
a b c d e f g h
@aarya @abrcxasmalfoy @acciolunalovegood @admlynch @adnromeda@alicelongbottom @aliciavspinnet @allthevioletthings @alrightevains @alrightpotter @amortentiea @amysantigao @amysartiago @anastasiaromanov @angelinajchnson @angelinajohnsn @aphrodvite @asoftdante @atheana @audreil @audreils @auroremus @aurrorpotter @barryallhan @becauseannabeth @bennersgoober @bensolcs @biharry @billywealsey @blacksistrs @blcise @bleuczerny @bonkaiqueen @burkesandborgin @cassianandior @cassianansdor @cassiesulliven @cassionandor @cassiopeoia @causuallychaotic @cedricdiggory @chewbaca @chewbqcca @cho-chang @chocolatetoads @chovchang @chvchang @chrondule @cinderhellas @cinderlinhs @cindurellas @cuipid @crvdence @dailyprophet @darkvaders @dcsdemonas @deamus @deehaan @deer-evans @deerjily @delacour @delacouvr @dementvr @demonartist @dqrthvader @dreamthievves @dreamyoswald @drerry @drunkdraco @dvurmstrang @elizabethsbennett @euphemiapottcr @ewatson @expelumos @faeheys @faeyries @fairydusts @feministengineer @fireheartfray @fleurdealcour @fleurdelaccur @fleurdelacovr @flintswood @flleur @flntwood @flitwick-filius @foreverjily @fortesques @gabrielledelacour @gansaey @gcnnyweasleys @ginervamollly @ginnyeweasley @ginnys @ginnyweaslcy @grangr @grayweran @grcywarens @gregqoyle @goldstelns @gryffindorkx @hagridsrubeus @harheyquinn @hcgwarts @heavenlyoswald @herhmione @hermiolne @hermionees @hermionegrangcr @horcruxa @hosgmeade @hoqsmeade
i j k l m n o p q
@ickle-ronniekins @ilvermornys @isakvaltzrsen @jamespttr @johnsremus @jvshduns @katie-bell @katiebells @katjebell @kavinskiies @kcenobi @kingscross @krvm @leesjordan @leiaorganu @lilyevians @lilyevncs @lilypcttcr @lilypotthr @lindseymorgan @looonyluna @lordstark @lottiepersonn @lovegoodd @lunalocegood @lunalovey @lunsy @lupins @lydias-martin @maraudre @marrauder @mcgonnagal @milliebobby @minjard @minyardx @mollyprewett @mollywealsey @monsieurprongsy @moonyinstincts @muqqlestudies @mvlfxy @mxrcusflint @mytholgie @nacrissablack @narcissablsck @narclssa @narlilys @nbdraco @neiljosteq @nevillxes @niklausxcaroline @ninazcneik @noorcsaetre @nymqhdora @occlumecy @ohdaenerys @ohkylorens @ohpotter @oikenobi @okayjily @oliverswood @olympius @opalynch @opuggno @oscarwilds @oylmpians @oyprongs @padfootd @padmaspatil @parvaatipatil @parvatpatil @pavratipatil @pdfcct @pheonnixx @philukas @poethry @potthr @pottre @praisemalfoy @puresblood @puveblood @qinsy @qgldstein @quidditchplayer
r s t u v w x y z
@ravehclaw @ravehclaws @ravenspuff @regulusblacj @regulusblqck @remcslupins @remusluvpin @reguluz @rhelucent @richordgansey @rogvepilot @rosegranger @rosevtyler @rowle @rrey @rubeushagriid @rvenclaws @roryglimore @rosewealseys @roxanncweasley @sanssa @scamamnder @scourgify @scorpiusmalfoiys @sealands @seamusdean @sectumsempras @shahrzads @sherrybomb @siltheryn @sirjsblack @sirriusly @slytherih @slytherin-salazar @slyherins @slxofcrows @softghafas @softprongs @sokkas @starwar @stormborn @stormybisexual @sunshinepond @tcrtarus @thehound @theunseeliecourt @thunderbjrd @tjnagoldstein @tlnagoldsteln @troysivan @txmriddlx @tylorswft @umfleur @vanillasweet @vernondursley @violetbaudelire @vixenevans @vixtoireweasley @walfllower @weascleys @wvylanvaneck @xenophilius @zabini @zabiniblaise @zonnkos
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