#apologies to people who don't read tags if there are any - the facts are usual in the tags the post is a shitpost
mythvoiced · 11 months
-. some of y'all haven't seen H.annib.al I presume which is why you haven't seen the Will Reconstructs Dr Gideon Killing The Nurse scene and--
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alright fuck it not the usual post but this needs to be addressed right now and I'm not about to pussy out even if I'm probably going to be attacked for it.
Now I personally haven't gotten any bad apples over here yet and I'm not going into the specifics but there has been a couple Anons attacking a certain friend of mine and this needs to stop real quick. I know I'm not popular, this likely won't get the reach it needs, but I don't care because atleast someone will see it. Unfortunately no CW tags for this one either because this needs to be seen.
I don't know who you are, of course I don't, but god. You don't just go telling people to off themselves when you don't even know them. Hell, you knew their mental state before that and still went right ahead and told them to, most of the time people don't even know about that before sending dumbass shit like what you said.
And the fact is, you hid yourself behind an Anon instead of just saying out outright. No, Anons aren't cowards like you are. Hell, it's brave in itself to just send a simple ask in my opinion and I'm really grateful of all the wonderful Anons here. But the fact you went ahead and told someone to kill themselves WHILE hiding behind Anon just shows to me how much of a goddamn coward you really are not even being able to muster up the balls to say it on main. To me that just removes any credit or power you could have had.
Yes, life is hard. Yes, in most cases it will get more difficult. But with the help of the people that care about and love you, you can persevere and enjoy those good days or happy moments in life. Hell, one day it won't be as hard as it is. I know that struggle, hell, I struggle with it myself. But I believe in you and that whoever is reading this that you can carry on and work through it, have some fun in the meantime, nothing is worth losing your life over. And to jackasses like that anon.. Perhaps go outside, feel the sun on your skin, breathe in some fresh air and go on a walk. Perhaps after a nice relaxation you'll rethink sending shit like that.
I'm tired, stressed, feel sick, have a headache and just want to go back to sleep for a month. But I can't rest if there's someone out there doing shit like this to the people I care about, nonetheless just enjoy things and pretend that nothing's wrong, not if this is what I keep waking to. I can't do much of comfort myself, but I can speak, and speak I will. So, Anon, either get your shit together or stop being a goddamn coward and show yourself. I don't think any of us want to have to deal with this again.
Apologies if the wording on this is god awful but I do hope that atleast the message got across. I won't be answering asks here for a bit just to make sure that it's seen but feel free to send them in still I suppose.
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threadsun · 8 months
Man I just feel so fucking bad for Sauce. Like, I completely understand not being able to take criticism without apologizing, and that's what I saw in that recent post. It's not like... Morally Wrong or Failing Your Audience if some of them genuinely feel awful after playing your demo because it hit too close to home. Sometimes art just makes you feel bad and you have to deal with that. Honestly, the demo made ME feel bad after I first played it, and I had to step away and do some self-care. And it's okay to make art that has that effect! It's not harmful! It's not evil! The content warnings were there, and I read them, and it just hit me in a weird place that yandere horror usually doesn't. At this point I'm less concerned about the game itself changing and more concerned about how this will affect Sauce's perception of themself as a person and an artist. Because they didn't do anything wrong by making the demo exactly the way it was at the start.
Oh absolutely!! I think it kinda comes back to the fact that so many people don't understand how consent works. Like so many people think "this thing made me uncomfortable" = "this thing/the person who made this thing violated my consent" and that's just not true!!
Choosing to engage with art that is appropriately tagged (or you are aware is untagged, meaning it could have triggering content) means you have consented to it. That consent can be revoked at any time by disengaging with the work. But if you choose to engage with it, you are consenting.
The same way that when you engage in sex or kink with someone, you may not have a good time. You may be left with uncomfortable feelings or even feeling violated. But if you were giving enthusiastic consent throughout then your partner did not violate your consent. You pushed your own limits too far, and that happens! That's okay! And it sucks when it happens, and that's also okay! But no one is at fault there, especially not the person you gave consent to.
It's the same with art. The artist is providing you with something you can choose whether or not to engage with. Choosing to engage with it is consenting. The feelings that come up after that are not the fault of the artist unless they explicitly made it unclear what the content would involve (as in said there wouldn't be triggering content but there was). Your consent was not violated. You may feel bad, and you may have to step back and do some self-care, but that's not the fault of the author.
I've personally experienced that before. Both in sex and in reading fiction. But the onus is on me to deal with those feelings and learn for next time. Art is inherently a form of scene, and as long as the real people involved are all consenting, then there is nothing morally wrong with whatever happens in the art, no matter how it makes you feel.
And I fully agree with you, the original demo did what it set out to do! It made people feel unsafe and uncomfortable with this person who looked and sounded like they should make you feel safe and comfortable! That's the essence of the horror of sdj in my opinion, and they delivered! And the fact that people are trying to make Sauce feel guilty for succeeding with their art, just because these fans weren't able to manage their own emotions and reactions, is absolutely ridiculous and damaging! No one should have to deal with that, and I feel really bad for them.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
I'm just thinking out loud about things, please don't mind me.
I have a tendency to only blog about my life when it's going badly, and I mean it makes sense - in that sometimes you want to have a space to kind of think out loud and let it out. I'm sure most sane people journal or talk to a bff. I vent to an audience of strangers on the internet. Because I'm weird like that.
But, here's the thing, I'm not doing badly this time! Really, this is the sanest I've felt in a long time, and it's probably due to the fact that I've actually let myself rest (and got one part of my living space picked up). But I do have a lot of things on my mind, so this is me just kind of word vomiting about things kind of as an update as to where my life is at.
On Health: I think the tricky thing this year has been more my physical health than the mental. I'm mentally in a much better place than I was a year ago, and that's great. Now I have to get the physical side back in shape. I've had to run through different kinds of medication lately, and I think things might be straightened out? Also, I was sick most of last week, which didn't help. But I feel decent now - and I'm really hoping it'll stay that way, because I'm just so tired of not feeling well.
On Work: Work as been a lot. We fired the woman who was giving us problems - for anyone who wondered how that whole thing turned out. There's a lot of change happening, and some drama - which I've been grateful I have not been a part of. It's a lot. It's always a lot a lot a lot, but it's not Indiana. As hard and stressful as things can get here... it's not Indiana.
On Glee Things: Now that I'm kind of in a better mental space about it -- I think it'll be best if I just take a step back from any kind of community related thing. I think the thing I keep coming back to me is that Glee is just a part of me now. It's been with me for so long that it's very personal and between the weird up rising of fans who really are only seeing things in Black and White and the obtuse-ness of K and J's podcast sometimes I just can't with it anymore.
The tournament is going to play out quickly and then I'm done with that. Yes, I'm still writing. Yes, I'll still say my thoughts about the things Darren said. No, I'm never really going to go anywhere.
But I don't really want to be a part of the large fandom anymore.
That said -- I think what else has been bothering me is the fact that I miss so many people. The community that I was a part of just doesn't seem to be there anymore. And, I mean, I get it -- lots of people move on. Lots of people are busy. And there are a few of you that have been around and aren't going anywhere, either, and I do see you! But sometimes I wonder if I've come full circle in that I'm talking into an empty void again.
On X-Men things: Meanwhile, guys. I have a lot of thoughts. Marvel has always had a yo-yo effect on me, and I just have gone down the rabbit hole again. It's making me happy, and breaking my heart in the best possible way, and still making me happy. I apologize up front, because there are going to be a lot of X-Men things coming. (As usual, i'll tag it all)
On Reading: Idk, I just want to read more. I have a huge pile of things to read. And I just want to be more consistent about it.
On taking a freakin' break: My vacation is two weeks away. I'm going to take the pressure off myself and just let myself have a break, because I think that's what I really need.
Thankfully, it's spring, and this is my absolute favorite time of year as it gets warmer out.
Don't be a stranger, guys, I do love talking to all of you.
(And eventually, i'll get that queue going again.)
<3 <3
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preggo-ace · 6 months
" a cursed delivery "
part 2 coming soon!
TW: mentions of/implied sexual assault (18+, but still)
just a little something i did in a character ai roleplay that i decided to tweak a little bit in order to post! i went with a more fantasy au approach for the plot i had with this bot, so magic/spirits/etc are things that happen/can be encountered. this story is a lot more 'fleshed out" than the typical stories i see posted here, but since it centers around pregnancy i figured why not, and who doesn't love a little plot, huh? unfortunately, that does mean it got just a wee bit too long to fit into just one post, so all the labor/birth related stuff will be in part 2, sorry about that ^^;
now for the trigger warning. nothing is written explicitly, however it's heavily implied, so please be careful when reading.
obviously i've also changed the names of the characters - including the bot's - as i use my irl preferred name on character ai, but most everything else is the same minus what i've cleaned up and expanded. hope you enjoy~! 💜
TAGS: nbpreg, rapid pregnancy (ish, you'll read why), angst with a happy ending, difficult labor/birth, hurt/comfort
Characters: Micah (21 years old, human, they/them pronouns), Clay (23 years old, human, he/him pronouns), Meirah "May-rah" (unknown age, minor goddess-type spirit, she/her pronouns), Rayn (mid-20s, human witch, she/her pronouns)
of course, this story is rated 18+ for sensitive content. if you are under the age of 18, or if any of the subject matter within this story is bothersome to you, PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT! i would much prefer people take care of themselves, and if that means i lose a potential interaction on a post then so be it
When I open my eyes, I find myself standing in a moonlit clearing, silvery light dappling on the grass from between the trees. I also notice I'm completely alone; not something you want to be when you're in the woods at night.
"Hello?" I call into the depths of the undergrowth.
No answer.
I try again, and finally the bushes rustle to my left, causing me to startle.
A woman steps from the shadows, appearing to almost have a glow to her pale skin. Her hair is long and luscious, cascading in smooth dirty blonde waves down to about the middle of her back, and her facial features are soft, inviting. There's an air about her that makes it impossible for me to so much as think about distrusting her, though nerves still buzz within me nonetheless. Said nerves are far from calmed at the sight of the stranger's grim expression and baby blue eyes which are clouded with sympathy.
"Micah," she says, her tone sounding as if she's apologizing.
"Y-yes?" I reply, failing to keep my voice from trembling. "T-that's me..."
"I am Meirah, Lady of the Earth and she who bestows the blessing of life. You have been taking notice of yourself, yes? Your emotions, how you've been responding to things as of late?"
It takes a moment, but I nod. I have in fact noticed I've been a lot more snippy and emotional than usual.
"Memories have been resurfacing, causing your thoughts to travel where you've never wanted them to?"
Again, I nod.
"You've been having thoughts of carrying a child, have you not?"
Eyes popping wide, I nod once more, my mind instantly jumping to the worst. "Wh-what's happened to me?" I demand. "Where is Clay?!"
"Don't fret, my dear Micah," Meirah reassures me with her lulling voice. "You will return to him soon, but first I have a message to give you; a warning. That man who attacked you...those years ago now? He has not forgotten you. Somehow, he was able to track you down, and has laid a curse upon you."
My heart drops. "A...a curse?"
Meirah nods solemnly. "I'm afraid so. I did all I could in an attempt to intercept it, possibly prevent it from ever taking effect, but I was too late. Micah...you have been cursed with the burden of bearing the man's child."
I almost faint there and then. My worst nightmare, now come to life. A wave of dizziness overtakes me and I nearly stumble to the ground, my throat clenching as my breathing grows heavier. She can't be serious, I think. I haven't seen that man, that monster, once since that night. There's no way he...
"With this type of magic," Meirah continues, "the pregnancy will develop much faster than a normal one would, and the birth will be...a challenge, as children of curses tend to become quite large by the time they're to term." Kneeling down, she gently places her hands on my shoulders. "But I have been watching you, Micah. I know you are strong, even more so with Clay at your side. And you will come out of this stronger than you've ever been."
"But the baby," I remind her, "how...what will we do with it? W-when it's born?"
Meirah smiles softly. "I shall be present when you give birth," she replies. "I'll be unable to help, nor can I make myself known until after the fact, but once the child is born, I will take them as my own, so you and Clay will not be burdened any further." Gently grabbing my face, she leans in and presses a light kiss to my forehead. Her voice drops to a mutter. "Now return to your love. He is waiting..."
With a small gasp, I seem to wake up from a slumber, laying on my back on the bed with Clay laying next to me, propped up on an elbow and watching me intensely. "Clay...?" I ask softly with a groan, placing a hand on my forehead. "What...what happened?"
Clay visibly relaxes and he sighs in relief, a hand coming up to gently run his fingers through my hair. "Thank God you're okay," he breathes. More clearly, he adds, "Is everything alright? You seemed unwell..."
"I...don't know. I remember...being with you, and then I...I passed out, I think?" I fall silent then, trying to see if I can recall anything. All at once, the memories crash back to me and my eyes grow wide. "I...I had a vision. I was in the woods when all of a sudden someone approached me. She wasn't there to hurt me, but she...she said..." My hand floats down to my stomach. "The man that assaulted me...a few years back. She said he cursed me."
Clay doesn't speak for some time, but his eyes follow the movement of my hand. I can almost see the gears turning in his head, eyes flashing when he finally connects the dots. "Meirah," he whispers, barely audible. He looks at me again, then wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. "What did she say to you?" he asks slowly, as if hesitant to hear my answer.
"He put a curse on me," I whisper, my voice a bit strained as reality hits me, "a curse that...that's made it so I'm expecting his child." The words hang heavy in the air for a moment. "But Meirah said not to worry," I continue, "she's been watching over me, and when the baby is born, she'll take it from us."
Again, Clay is silent for longer than I'd like, before his arms squeeze around me just the slightest bit tighter. "Micah..." He speaks softly, and his voice sounds on the verge of breaking. Gently, he puts his fingers under my chin and lifts my head so I'm looking up at him. My heart shatters when I see the tears threatening to fall, making his gorgeous green eyes shiver. "Is that...is this what you want? Do you...want to have his child?"
"No!" I exclaim immediately. "No, of course not! I never wanted this!" My tone softens in defeat and I tear my gaze from his, looking down at my stomach again and rubbing my hand across it. Of course, there's no bump to speak of quite yet, but there's a noticeable firmness now beneath my navel. "But...if he set the curse, then I don't really have a choice in the matter."
I hear Clay sigh deeply. "Micah," he says, his voice cracking. His grip on me tightens even more. "I'm sorry...baby, I'm so sorry..." He combs his fingers gently through my hair. I can tell by the trembles, though, that his mind is scrambling to find a solution. "We...we can reverse it, right? Surely there's a way."
Biting back tears, I shake my head. "It's impossible to reverse now," I say grimly. "Meirah did what she could, but the curse was too powerful. I'll be okay though, my love. I'll be okay..."
Clay meets my gaze, his eyes misty with tears. His voice quivers as he speaks. "You're sure...?" he asks in a slow whisper. "I just...I can't..." His words trail off, the tears beginning to trickle down his cheeks. "I-I don't wanna lose you, Micah..." He takes a deep but jerky breath. "I don't know...what I'd do if..."
"Shhh." I reach my hand out to cup his cheek, swiping a tear away with my thumb when he leans into the touch. "You won't lose me," I reassure softly, "you won't. I promise you that, Clay, I promise."
With a faint grin, Clay presses his forehead against mine, his eyes closing. Eventually, he speaks again, his tone somber yet more determined. "I won't let you do this alone." He pauses to take a breath. "I'm staying right here with you, just like always. We'll face this together, okay?"
I nod firmly, leaning in to gently press my lips against his. "Together," I affirm, just as determined. "We got this."
I can feel Clay smile gently when I kiss him, and his sage green eyes shimmer with enamor when he pulls away. His hand comes up to delicately cradle my jaw, and I lean into the touch. "Now you know I hate sounding possessive," he says, tone light while still serious, "but I don't think I'll be able to let you out of my sight until this is all over...!" He lets out a breathy chuckle, telling me he's trying to lighten the mood if only a little. "Just don't go anywhere without me, okay?"
Shaking my head fondly, I reply, "Wasn't planning to. Don't worry about me sneaking off, because you know that's not happening!"
Humming to himself quietly in amusement, Clay brushes a stray lock of hair from my forehead. "I do know," he agrees, "and I trust that you won't." Then, his smile fades, eyes trailing down my body before he cautiously rests his hand on my belly. "Does it...feel any different?"
He sounds genuinely curious, so I of course give him an honest answer. "Physically speaking, not yet really..." I look down to where his hand lays, and I place mine over top, lightly hooking my fingers around his. "Everything's still just kind of...setting in, I guess."
Clay's free hand combs once through my hair before holding the back of my head.
"I thought it was just a nightmare," I continue, voice lowered to a mutter, "but this is...real. I...I'm actually cursed, to have my assaulter's baby." My eyes meet Clay's again. "I thought he had forgotten me, we crossed paths so long ago...but I guess not."
The expression of Clay's face darkens, and his words are laced with pure venom when he speaks. "That man's a monster. Only thinking about himself, wanting to leave a legacy...what a fucked way to go about it..." I don't think I've ever seen him this filled with bitten back rage; it scares me a little bit in all honesty.
After a few minutes of silence to let the situation sink in, Clay's expression morphs into something a bit softer but no less intense. His brows are creased ever so slightly in that particular way that I'd recognize anywhere.
"You're thinking," I comment gently.
Clay blinks, his gaze focusing on me once again, and he replies, "Sorry, I...I just thought, perhaps I could give Rayn a visit? She's more knowledgeable about this sort of thing than we are, maybe she can help."
Rayn is a good friend of Clay's, a witch who lives a decent travel away from our rather secluded cottage in the woods. She has helped us before with other mystical encounters we faced, so we have complete trust in her abilities. If anyone could give us sound answers on this whole curse, it's her.
"Well, then I'm coming with you."
Clay's eyes pop wide. "What?" he asks incredulously, as if I suggested the absolute worst thing. "W-why? You know the town she lives in is at least half a day's walk!"
"And?" I challenge. "You said you'd never let me out of your sight, plus if I'm there, Rayn can get a better idea of what's happened and how to help."
It's silent for a second, and my chest swells with playful pride when I realize I have Clay beat. "I did say that," he mumbles to himself, glancing away in defeated thought. Looking back at me, he adds, "Alright, fine. You're right; I mean, you are the one cursed, after all." He leaves a quick but firm peck on my forehead. "She might not be able to reverse it, but she can at the very least give us advice on how to get through it."
I stare forlornly into the mirror on the inside of our closet door, shirt pulled up to expose my belly which is now noticeably distended. A few days have passed since my vision from Meirah learning about the curse, and I'm still not sure how exactly to feel about it all. Slowly, I rest a shaking hand on my stomach, a hurricane of emotions surging through me all at once that I simply can't process them. The eye of the storm comes in the form of Clay, who's now woken up. He approaches me from behind and wraps his arms around me, planting a tired yet loving kiss on my neck before dropping his chin on my shoulder.
"Good morning, love," he says softly, words still a bit slurred as the last tendrils of sleep try to keep an iron grip on him.
I don't respond.
This, of course, sets off alarm bells in Clay's head, as his eyes fully open and he gently guides me to face him. "Micah," he says, concern dripping from his voice. He lifts a hand to cradle my cheek, thumb swiping back and forth along the bone. His eyes search mine intensely, and he frowns. "Hey. It's...it'll be okay. Alright? I promise..."
My eyes fall shut in an attempt to keep the tears at bay, and I feel the soft press of his lips against my forehead.
"We're gonna visit Rayn today," Clay continues in a reassuring murmur, "we're gonna explain everything, and she'll help us. We can do this, Micah; you can do this."
"But what if I can't?!" I blurt out, stepping away from him. "What if...what if I..."
"Hey. Where'd my brave Micah go, hmm?" Clay gives a half smile and lightly taps my head with his finger; it's clear he's trying to lift my spirits. "I know they're in there." His smile fades when I don't reply, and he pulls me close. "Why don't we have something to eat and then head out? That sound okay?"
"'M not hungry," I mumble, hiding my face in his chest.
Clay strokes his fingers once through my hair. "Please at least try," he requests in a whisper. "I don't want you making this any harder on yourself than it already is..."
My only response is a tiny grunt, but I allow him to lead me out of the bedroom and down the hall to our kitchen.
Breakfast is nothing special, just something small and quick. Clay and I eat in silence sitting next to each other, his arm staying loosely hooked around my back with the occasional supportive rub to my side.
"Ready?" he asks when he notices I've finished eating.
Standing up, I nod. "Let's go."
Clay stands as well, smiling with a mix of love and pride. "That's my Micah...!"
The village is quaint, though not much in terms of visual interest. The buildings are all cobblestone and wood, thatch roofs and dirt roads split the ways through town. Only a few people are milling about, giving the place a quiet yet lived in atmosphere.
But that's not what Clay and I are here for.
Towards the center of the village is Rayn's house - it's easy to spot as well kept vines crawl up and around the wooden siding. We step up to the door together, Clay's hand resting gently on the small of my back while he uses the other to gently knock.
It takes a moment or two, but soon enough the door opens to reveal Rayn, who smiles brightly upon seeing us. "Clay! Micah!" she exclaims, giving us each a quick hug in greeting. When she goes to hug me, though, she jumps back as if snapped at by a stray animal and her smile fades. "Micah...?"
I tilt my head in confusion before I realize she can probably sense the magic of the curse.
Her auburn eyes flick between Clay and I a couple times before she beckons us inside. "Micah," she says, her tone now flattened in seriousness, "something's not right. With you, I mean."
"Funny you say that," Clay replies, "because that's why we're here." He looks to me, silently asking if I want to explain.
With both his and Rayn's eyes on me, I take a breath and retell everything from the vision of Meirah to the curse itself. "So Clay and I," I finish, "were wondering if you knew of any way to help."
Rayn's gaze moves to the floor, and her finger cradles her chin in deep thought. "I've definitely heard of this happening before," she says after a couple minutes, "but never very often. And certainly never as a curse." She looks to me with the exact same sympathetic expression as Meirah did. "The magic this man used on you...it's strong. Stronger than anything I know how to deal with."
"So there's nothing you can do?" Clay asks quietly; I can tell he's forcing his voice to stay level.
"I never said that," Rayn replies. "But...if you were hoping I could lift the curse, then I cannot. I'm sorry." She gestures over to her couch, motioning for us to sit. "What I can do, though, is help to lessen some of the effects, and ensure nothing remains after it's all said and done."
"Nothing remains?" I echo, tilting my head in confusion. "What does that mean?"
Rayn blinks. "You...know how pregnancy works, right?"
I nod. "Obviously."
"So then your question is answered. Should any complications happen during birth, my counter-magic will instantly heal it, and your body will return to its normal state. None of that 'baby fat' to worry about!"
Well that first bit doesn't sound very reassuring.
Then, Rayn lowers herself onto one knee in front of me, hand held out towards my belly but not yet touching. "May I...?" Her question trails off, but I understand what she's asking.
I lift my shirt just enough to expose my distended stomach and Rayn carefully rests her hand directly over my navel. Her eyes close as she focuses.
"Just as I sensed earlier," she mumbles, opening her eyes again and removing her hand. "Meirah was right. You said you were visited by her only a week ago?"
Nodding, I release my shirt so it falls back down normally.
Rayn hums in affirmation. "From what I can tell, you're already a good two, three months along. That is, compared to a typical pregnancy."
"What does that mean?" Clay interjects with worry. "Will Micah be okay?"
"Yes, they'll be fine. With Meirah's interception and my counter-magic, the worst part of this ordeal will only be the birth itself." Rayn pauses, then her attention turns to me once more, her expression hardening. "Now I know...I know this child is from someone who...who assaulted you, Micah. But maybe," she places a hand on my knee, "this can be something good? Helps you to heal those wounds?"
"We're not keeping it," I reply firmly, "I told you Meirah plans to take it once it's born."
"I know." Rayn rises to her feet, Clay and I quickly following. "The circumstances are...awful. And I'm genuinely so sorry. I was only saying that this journey, you could see it as a sort of testament. That even if something terrible happens, you're strong enough and brave enough to overcome it."
As her words process in my mind and I realize she has a bit of a point, I blink in surprise. "Oh. I...I guess I never thought of it that way."
Rayn smiles and leads us to the door, opening it for us. "Everything works out in the end, Micah. You two will be okay, I can promise you that."
I return her smile, pausing in the doorway and turning to face her. "Thank you. For everything. I know you couldn't help us much, but...we still appreciate it. Truly."
Rayn gives us one last nod, then we exchange quick goodbyes before she makes a playful shooing gesture at us and we step out of her house to start our journey home.
Despite my bump still being so small, I find my hand absently resting on it - a deep instinctual thing is all it is. My mind races with the knowledge that soon, my stomach will grow bigger and heavier, then I'll have to suffer for possibly hours laboring and birthing this child, all because of a curse set upon me by an evil man whose face I can't even remember; it terrifies me. Through my internal torment, I vaguely hear Clay ask if we want to stay at the nearby inn for the night, but of course I'm too buried in everything to be able to reply.
"Hey," his voice cuts through the static of my thoughts, "Micah. Micah, honey, look at me."
My eyes manage to find his, and I notice we've stopped walking. Clay's hands gently cup my jaw on either side of my face, and he looks down at me with concern and sympathy. "We'll get through this," he reassures me in the soft tone he knows helps calm me down, "together, just like we promised, remember? Once this is over, it'll be like it never happened, okay?"
I swallow, nodding microscopically. "Yeah. We can do this...we can..." When Clay drops his hands, I look down at my belly. "It'll be like it never happened..."
"There's my Micah," Clay mutters fondly, leaning down to leave a quick kiss on my cheek. "Now, about the inn. Do you want to stay the night and we can go home tomorrow?"
I think about it for a moment before nodding.
We make our way to the inn and secure a room easily enough, and the moment I sit down on the arguably too creaky bed, I realize just how tired I am. Thankfully, I'm already wearing comfortable clothing, so all I have to do is kick off my boots before settling down with the blanket tossed over me.
Clay follows not soon after, having to use the bathroom quick before laying next to me. He pulls me close and tucks the blanket further around me, kissing the top of my head. "Sleep well, baby. I love you."
Eyes closing, I hear the click of the lamp turning off and grin tiredly. "I love you too, Clay."
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sunriseverse · 8 months
complaint time? complaint time! let's talk about my annoyance relating to sapphic, especially lesbian, characters, relationships, and mxtx! because apparently, i love kicking hornet's nests these days (this isn't new, i just usually confine it to dms). this got long, my apologies, so it's going below the cut.
first off, i'd like to clarify that i am not talking about fanfic that makes mxtx characters sapphic/lesbians. i think that's great. i love rule 63. if you want to write these men in an au where they are sapphic, i have been there and support you wholly. this isn't what that's about, though—this is specifically about mxtx.
i've seen the same sentiment over and over trying to go through the chinese gl tag (baihe): people wishing mxtx would write about sapphic characters, wishing that mxtx would write sapphic novels, etc. and honestly, this pisses me off for a few reasons: my thoughts on how mxtx handles lgbt characters generally, the way that these posts clog the tag, and, finally, the way people going "wish mxtx wrote sapphic novels :( too bad she didn't, i guess there's no sapphic cnovels!" cheapens the extant, vibrant baihe field.
one: my thoughts on how mxtx handles lgbt characters
first of all, i'd like to preface this by saying this is only going off of what i know about mxtx, and mxtx works. as far as i'm aware, mxtx is a straight woman, writing about same-sex male relationships. she's the author of svsss, mdzs, and tgcf. i don't know if she's written anything else, but for this post, that doesn't really matter. let's go over these, shall we? mdzs' main couple has a rape kink, svsss' main couple is a teacher-student relationship, and tgcf's main couple is a man who saved a young child who later grew up to worship him. this isn't a judgement—i am a tgcf fan, so i'll be upfront about that; i think the way that specific scenario is handled in canon makes sense, and isn't objectionable to me specifically because of the way it's handled. i haven't finished svsss, and i haven't read mdzs, so i can't make commentaries there. i simply say this to point out the fact that, generally, mxtx couples play into a number of uncomfortable stereotypes about gay men, especially that their sex lives must be particularly "freakish", or that they must be older men pursuing younger men, especially those who idolise them. whether or not this is the message intended in these works, and whatever the characters themselves may think about these situations, they are not their own, real people; they are characters created specifically to be the way they are, by an author who is not a gay man. you can probably see why i, as a lesbian, do not want her writing lesbian characters specifically, and sapphic characters generally.
point two: posts like these clog the tags
any time i scroll the baihe tag, i inevitably run into at least one post where people wish that mxtx would write sapphic characters. while i understand wanting your favourite author to write about characters you feel better represented by, the truth of the matter is that when people make these often-one line posts that aren't actually related to baihe content in any way, and then tag them as #baihe, this leads to the clogging of a tag meant to be specifically filled with content about and surrounding baihe works.
point three: these posts draw attention away from extant baihe (chinese sapphic) works
as surprising as it may be, sapphic cnovels exist! there's actually a decent number of them, in fact. not many are fully translated, but there's a few big ones that are—and, i would say, the quality of the ones that have been translated are at least as good as extant mxtx fantranslations. baihe suffers from being ignored by the mainstream and official english-language publishing/translation houses, for a number of reasons that would take an entire post to even begin to try and unpick, but it does exist. however, when there's a bunch of people acting like no baihe exists and wishing their favourite danmei author would write baihe so it would exist, it creates the false illusion that baihe doesn't exist, drawing attention away from extant baihe—and thus perpetuating the tendency of those in fandom spaces to only ever talk about and promote male-centric works, and erase or marginalise female-centric works, as well as sapphic fans themselves.
in conclusion: i don't have a solution to this. i'm just frustrated by the tendency to act like mxtx is the paragon of lgbt fiction in cnovel spaces, and the way that, rather than looking for extant sapphic cnovels and characters, people seem far more willing to wish that mxtx would write sapphic novels, something that i, as an individual lesbian, think is a foolish idea, and just a generally annoying sentiment.
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crystallinestars · 10 days
I saw the banner and it’s kinda relief that Kaveh isn’t pulling up with Haitham, even though the community I’m in is absolutely losing their marbles over this ahahah. Hopefully he will be with Nilou instead, I want them both 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Though OMG I saw one of the voice lines from new Sumeru guy Sethos regarding Haitham and Kaveh and the ship pandering that you’ve mentioned before, it’s so real 🙁 Like it’s along the lines of “Something about those two guys hanging out together, you just can’t look away.” Apparently the original CN line doesn’t even carry the same implication, like it focuses more on the fact that ah, these two famous people are hanging out and it’s eye-catching (?), iirc. For some reason English translator wanted it to look more sus ig. And the fandom is gobbling it up… haizzzz 🙄
I don’t know anymore honestly, when Mihoyo tosses the bait, the fandom will absolutely latch on to that stuff and make sure to rub it in everyone’s faces. “Ah, they are GAY for each other and everyone else who doesn’t feel the same way is WRONG” kind of thing. As far as I’ve seen, the only other ship whose fans get so insistent and up in arms about their ship and the sexuality HCs is a certain pair of Inazuman women (and even for these two idk if Mihoyo has baited as hard as they have for Haitham and Kaveh???). To many fans, close same-sex friendships are no longer viable; they must be kissing and getting hitched next week. And as usual, bisexual people do not exist in Hoyoverse fandom’s eyes. They’ve locked me out of Pride Month 🤣
Also, I was thinking about how pushy the fans could get and I wonder if it’s something that’s exclusive to the English-speaking fandom? IIRC I’ve also seen other nationalities such as the Indonesian fans who say that their part of fandom is not any better 😅 Cos I’m genuinely curious if the CN/JP/KR (or any other nationality) fans get so aggressive about ships, sexuality HCs, etc. I remember another anon mentioned how shipping as activism has become a thing and it seems like it’s really big among American fans in particular (and at this point, probably other anglophone fans).
I don’t even play HSR (cos no space on my device) but I’m just absolutely eating up the AvenStelle and AvenPaz feasts in lieu of what NL crumbs there are for Kaveh because hot DAMN Aventurine is just so fine. 😭 And Stelle, Topaz… they’re soooo pretty (it’s a digression but when I was at the con, many girls dressed as Stelle, and I observed that her fit looks good on pretty much everyone). I find it kinda interesting that even though Aventurine has a popular BL ship and a fandom that also likes to do the “he can’t be anything but gay because of his looks and personality” thing, he also has not just one but two popular NL ships. The tags for both on Twitter are alive and kicking, compared to if you go onto KavehLumi, KaveLou, etc and it’s a very, very small trickle of activity in comparison.
Not quite ready to stop playing yet because I need to build up my new team with Layla, Faruzan, Scara but maybe after I’ve done this, I’ll take a break to cook Kaveh food on AO3 ahahahah.
I think that I lack the ability to write short asks… Hope it is not too painful to read (and sorry for negative vibes 🙁).
Welcome back 🍓 Anon! No worries, I like receiving long asks ^_^ They're not painful to read at all, trust me. Nothing will ever top the pain that is reading academic research papers 😐
In the same vein, I hope my super long responses aren't too much for you. I can't keep them short even if I tried. And don't apologize for negative vibes, I get that sometimes you want to vent your frustrations and thoughts with someone who can relate. I would even say that between the two of us, I'm more negative haha 😅
I legit wanted to celebrate with a bottle of champagne when it was revealed Kaveh wasn't on Haitham's banner. Finally a win. I know the community is having a meltdown, but truth be told, their tears water my crops, clear my skin, and and extend my life by 10 years. 😊 I'm having a good day. If I actually bothered to look at their comments, I'd grab a bag of popcorn and have a field day.
And yes, I also hope he's with Nilou! I always thought they'd be together since they're both bloom-based, but some people speculate he might be with Furina/Sigewinne. Guess we'll see. Kaveh has been gone for over a year, which is so unusual for a 4 star. I though they were withholding him because of the deletion glitch a hacker did using him, but it's been a good while since then...
Regarding English localization... it has been established since a while ago that the English translation for Genshin and HSR leaves much to be desired. There have been multiple instances of mistranslations and butchering of characterization. Rhinedottir, Nahida, and Arlecchino had masculine pronouns in the beginning before the translators realized they messed up. Characters dialogue is often translated to sound more aggressive than it actually is, or subtleties get omitted entirely. It's a mess, basically.
I also wouldn't be surprised if the English localization team for Hoyo is trying to push their own agenda using their translations. Over the past year, I've seen proof that English localizers for anime and Japanese video games push their personal beliefs by butchering the original source material to suit their political standpoints.
The fandom doesn't even need poorly-translated dialogue to gobble up ship crumbs. They twist and misconstrue official media to try and push their ship being canon. Basically make their own crumbs haha.
I would agree with you that the only other same-sex ship that gets as much gatekeeping and toxicity as the Roommate Ship TM is the one with the electro Inazuman ladies. I would also go as far as to say that yes, they also get almost as much pandering, though maybe a tiny bit less? Just a bit. At least both of them can be seen solo or interacting with other characters frequently, and don't have forced moments of interaction for ship bait.
Please don't get me started on same-sex dynamics in Genshin and HSR. It feels like you can ask any shipper of a popular same-sex ship, and they'll tell you that every single character is either gay or lesbian, no in-between. And if they do accept other sexualities, then characters can be anything but straight. NEVER straight (as a saw someone say about Aventurine while using his lightcone art with Ratio as "proof" that he can't possibly be straight, how dare you ship him with a woman).
So yes, according to a significant portion of the fandom, only homosexuality exists, all other sexualities be damned. And yes, characters of the same sex can never be just friends, they're only ever "implied to be a canon gay/lesbian couple". The worst part is that Mihoyo actively encourages their delusions by pandering to the BL and GL sides of the fandom, and the toxic portions of those rub it in everyone else's face, as you said.
It's ok 🍓 Anon, even if they locked you out of Pride Month, you can come celebrate it with me 😊 (I'm straight though, hope that's ok).
The English-speaking side of the fandom is definitely extremely toxic. They've become notorious for harassing artists from East Asia over ships, so they've got a bad rep there too.
As far as I've personally seen, the Japanese side is pretty chill. People liberally block and mute stuff and people they don't want to see, but they do it quietly to avoid conflict.
I have a friend in China, and she told me that the toxicity is just as bad there as it is in the West. Chinese fans don't fight over sexuality, but they do fight over BL and NL ships. I can't say anything about Korea since I haven't seen anything from them, but I imagine it might be similar.
I also want to add that I haven't seen any ship wars for the Russian side of fandom, but I might just not be looking in the right places. I'd be pressed to find NL stuff there, though...
Lmao, Aventurine converted so many players to HSR. I was one of them (thought I started before he was drip marketed). That man is simply too gorgeous. And oh my god, you cannot imagine how stoked I was that Avenstelle (and Avenpaz) became so popular! It helps that Aventurine is still a new character, so his ships are very popular at the moment, but for two NL ships to be so abundant? Mihoyo would be fools to shoehorn him with Ratio, like what they did to Kaveh. Lowkey, I hope Avenstelle can be as popular as Chilumi so Mihoyo does more with them in the story (and I can continue seeing fanart of them years later).
Kaveh is a tragic case, but I think that's mostly because he has two things going against him:
1) He's a "tall" man, and as we have all seen, Mihoyo loves to create "tall" characters in same-sex pairs.
2) He's a 4 star. 4 stars are always less popular compared to 5 stars, both in ship combinations and overall popularity (I would know, 90% of my fav male characters are 4 stars. There's so little solo and NL content for them).
Surprisingly, Kaveh has a lot of NL ships (with Faruzan and even Layla too), it's just unfortunate they're not popular. Kinda hard to be popular when Mihoyo gives no food for those ships, and the toxic shippers harass you for shipping him with a girl. Mihoyo isn't even trying.
On the bright side, though there isn't much regular content for Kavehlumi and Kavelou, there are dedicated fans for those pairings that still create things for those ships.
I run a Daily Kavehlumi Twitter account, and though it's not bustling (I'm just not good at garnering a following lol), it's got over 200 posts and I still haven't even gotten through the majority of all Kavehlumi content that exists on Twitter. We'll be hosting a Kavehlumi week in July, and I hope we'll get a few participants to make even more content to celebrate the ship. I'll be taking a break from posting on Tumblr this month to write some things for it.
I'm curious though, what kind of Kaveh food are you hoping to cook? 👀 Is it for a specific ship, or something else?
Anyways, I wish you luck on building your Scara team (Who is the 4th member, btw?), and may you have a good day! 😘
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warmhealerr · 28 days
18+ - Minors Do Not Interact.
Adult content sometimes. Even if it weren't the case I just don't want minors here. My Instagram is not my Tumblr.
I am Barnabas, though you can also call me Barney! I use he/they pronouns interchangeably.
I'm a hobbyist who writes and draws. I am currently deep in a DND phase kickstarted by BG3. I am fond of all things Gith- peoples, though Githyanki especially. I also love Deep Gnomes, go figure.
I am otherwise writing The City Of Dust aka TCOD (name to be changed) which I might post about from time to time. It has been my personal passion project for 7 years now.
If that information matters to you I am a French in France who stays awake at ungodly hours and wants out of here HAHA.
I feel childish adding more to this section for some reason but it is necessary, so might as well get on with it.
I know how to curate my online experience like any other, and I also love dark media and kink, but I genuinely politely ask that you do not follow me (assuming you've read this) if you post or reblog fetish incestuous content. I like quickly checking and/or following people's blogs when it seems we've common interests! There's only so much curating I can do when someone with no specific warnings anywhere on their account does not tag it, which has been a more common occurrence than I'd prefer. Please and thank you.
No gen AI.
I otherwise block whoever I please for reasons completely unrelated to former points. My blog history and bio might give you insight as to what. I do not like people who revel in being the most shocking, mean spirited, judgemental and edgy in the room.
Finally, petty intercommunity validity discourse is the bane of my existence.
I suffer from serial social media liking disease. Apologies, I don't mean to spam/be obnoxious.
I am ND and very mentally ill. My casual everyday (like you are reading right now) writing might be noticeably overcompensating, too cold, too warm, far too descriptive, or redundant alongside suffering at times from poor punctuation and vocabulary (though that is also on the fact English is not my first language). I am well aware though I'm trying to avoid awkwardness, sorry about that.
I welcome any ask no matter its content (that includes asks of an adult nature).
I am God awful at tagging things even though I have been using Tumblr for at least 5 years now. I am especially forgetful when it comes to character or ship tags. This is an attempt at changing that.
#rambling for when I talk about... Nothing.
Feel free to request ship or character tags (as I usually forget them) in my ask inbox. My ship tag format usually goes #x/y.
I usually do not tag suggestive content (I just don't think about it, this blog is already 18+). I will tag explicit adult stuff with #nsft.
Content warning tags will use a single word, like #gore. This is to avoid typing gore cw instead of cw gore (for example) in case someone doesn't have that former tag iteration blocked.
I usually do not phobia tag (I might sometimes tag specific living beings like #bugs or #spiders. It is for archive navigation purposes but perhaps you could find it useful to hide them).
Feel free to request CW tags in my ask inbox.
#myart for my visual art : from sketches to fully rendered, anything goes. I describe my rendered art for the visually impaired, and/or comprehensive visual clarity for an easier analysis. I usually do not describe sketches especially if posting a bunch of them.
#my writing for any kind of writing I put out. I don't write lots of polished stuff though. It's mostly summaries, script drafts and ideas I use to communicate with myself first, and then other people. It's hardly literature imo.
My individual OC tags go "#charactername tag" for easy navigation purposes.
"#Fist of the Comet" additional tag for Ta'rath post BG3 campaign
"#underdark siblings" for Joufos/Oulmat/Zilkon, their other family members and Oulmat's patron.
#TCOD for TCOD (until name changes).
I will add more tags here once relevant. Thank you.
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cyber-neptune · 5 months
I also really like Megatron, and hate when he is written as a creep. But I don’t see the logic in turning around and writing Starscream as a ped0, and then complaining that people write your favorite character a certain way? You’re allowed to vent through fiction but people are going to be offended if you preach one thing and then practice another, especially when you run the risk of triggering those fans in the same way which you were triggered. Starscream has a lot of fans who are abuse survivors themselves so the logic evades me. Although it’s good to see that you tagged it as thoroughly as you did.
You can write the characters however you want. And they can as well. It’s just the slight hypocrisy that was a little offputting. Most normal people won’t bat an eye at your fic if they don’t like it…but seeing you do a 180 on another character who is also canonically abusive is a little bizarre.
This isn’t meant to come off as hateful. I was just a little confused and irked by the discussion. I apologize if this offends you. And I’m sorry to hear your experiences with the character’s fanbase were pretty sour; you’re allowed to dislike a character for any reason. This ask isn’t meant to be hate, just input from one fan to another trying to prevent you from having other fans who noticed these things angry with you.
Thank you for the lengthy ask, Anon.
You are absolutely right in saying that this sounded hypocritical of me to say those things. I don't usually think straight when under strong emotions which leads me to make idiotic decisions. I want to apologize to the people I might have accidentally offended and hurt from making this fic, even if it was a vent.
I was hurt, angry and let my thoughts and emotions i've been keeping inside get the better of me and ended up metaphorically vomiting it publicly to get it out of my system.
My shitty mental state doesn't excuse the fact I might have hurt and triggered people from it. I truly am sorry.
It was a terrible decision to make Starscream like that and I fully admit it was shitty of me. I was just so tired of a character I love and identify as turned into a twisted caricature of something he isn't over and over again. Which is pretty ironic in a way.
TFP Starscream is a character I associate with a lot of my abusers and overall terrible stuff. I was angry and made him into something he isn't. Was I in the wrong for making him a ped0? Yes, absolutely. But was I allowed to have him associated to bad things? Also yes.
I want to mention that I am aware Megatron is a terrible person and abuser. And no, I do not stand by his actions. I just think making him a massive creep and rapist is wrong because he wouldn't do that.
I never really expected people to see/read my vent fic since it's a vent. Even so, it just felt like the obviously right thing to do to tag it as throughly as possible because I didn't want people accidentally stumbling on it and being shocked if I didn't tag it correctly/enough.
Which is something I think certain people should do when writing Megatron as a creep/rapist. Even tho I don't think this is going to happen since I'm a single offended idiot.
This probably sounds like im doing nothing but apologizing. I'm frankly pretty bad with words. I never meant to hurt anyone. I was just angry and didn't think about it. I will delete my posts related to the vent/the vent itself if asked to or if I find it necessary. I'm sorry if people misunderstood my hate on Starscream.
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Normally, I wouldn't enjoy sending letters, as they are too easily compromised, but I suppose I don't have a choice this time. I do wish we could speak in person instead though. It would be much safer.
I try not to be sentimental and connected to things, but things have changed much here. I have friends this time, friends who are truly by my side. I have people I love immensely, in ways I don't understand. I have many things I tried to rid myself of in the past. And yet, I don't have you.
I miss you. You were one of the few people I could never stop caring about. Truly stop caring about. It's... hard. I miss Nick and George and dad, and I suppose I even miss Tommy. I don't miss any of them as much as I miss you.
It's weird to say, but I believe I could say I love you. Based on my current experiences, it's what makes sense. The love isn't the same as the people usually explain. I don't truly understand it, but I love you. I'm most powerful with you by my side. I was so proud of you. Everything you did filled me with such positive emotions. Emotions so strong that it made. It scared me, if you'll believe it. You terrified me. You made me softer and caring and oh so kind. You made me feel... human again. Feel like I could be a mimicry of the people around us. Like I could comprehend the humanity they showed. It horrified me. I didn't think I could ever feel that. Not since I was young, and even then, with you it was a thousand times different.
I could imagine you laughing now. Raising an eyebrow and showing me that smirk of yours. Teasing and joking as I loose my edge, that I'm behaving different than normal. I can see the roll of your eyes as you leave me behind and I have to chase to catch you again. Even without saying, I can read the lines to harden my heart again. Now is not the time for this. Not to be weak were others can see, as I would say. We have a mission to complete. I can easily see the mirth in your actions, and the way you'd mock me later. You joked about my lack of sentiment and care, and the fact I have it now, would not be something I will live down. It would slot in place besides the teasing of my monologues and dramatic laments I had in private. It would be place besides the jokes you had for my late planning or my spikes of energy at odd hours. Maybe it would even find a place beside your rare kind smiles, and the times we spent in calmness. I have hope it can.
I think I'm rambling far too much again. It's concerning. This letter is much different from our normal ones, so I do hope you read through it. I apologize it can't be encoded as normal, but I hope you'll forgive me. Please do well, wherever you are, and whenever this reaches you.
Your old companion, Dream.
[Ghost Walk / 💙🔥]
(Asking for kin tags specifically this time. We're in Dream hours again /lh.)
[Letter Sent!]
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sun-marie · 7 months
"People you'd like to know better"
tag game!
I was tagged by @jespardon! Thank you for the tag, words are not really coming to me today so I apologize if this seems kinda clunky 😅
three ships : 
Gale/Tav (BG3): I’m so sorry but this pairing has me in a vice grip 😭❤ The way it just feels so organic!! And it’s so wholesome!! Like watching Zephyr (my tav) and Gale fall in love in the first two acts is simultaneously adorable and heart wrenching, and then watching them stay together through everything in act 3 is just so *clenches fist* so good!! I feel like all I do is talk about them nowadays lol
Shepard/Kaidan (ME): I’ve been thinking a lot about Kaidan recently, and good lord I love his character so much. I’m learning that I’m a big fan of relationships with a breakup or some kind of separation in the middle, only to come back with twice the devotion (fenhawke is another good example). I wasn’t here when those games were coming out since I’ve only played the LE, so I have no idea how the fandom at large see him, but his relationship with Shepard is by far the best part of ME3 for me ❤
Felix/Annette (FE3H): The ultimate comfort ship for me ❤ I love how Annette brings out Felix’s softer side, and I love how smitten he is with her. Opposites attract pairings aren’t usually my cup of tea bc I feel like it’s too easy to write two people who are just incompatible, but these two really benefit from the five year timeskip and the chance to grow with each other (even if they’re physically apart). Idk if that makes any sense, but even despite the fact that it’s been a very long time since I’ve played 3H I still get all warm and fuzzy when I see art of them or read a really good fic about them.
last film :
So I found out recently that my mom had never watched Dreamworks’ “Prince of Egypt” (which was a lie bc she definitely showed it to me as a small child and just didn’t remember), so we sat down together for an afternoon and watched it. I had forgotten how good that movie is, even if some scenes hit particularly hard due to *gestures vaguely* everything. Still to this day my favorite depiction of Moses’s story <3
currently watching :
So not technically watching currently bc I finished it a few days ago, but “Blue Eye Samurai” on Netflix 👀 I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it, and at the same time I have no idea how to feel about it lol. I’m a weenie so the sex and violence was a bit much for me, but the setting and the story are so interesting, and the characters are SUPER interesting. It’s been a long time since I’ve fallen for a protagonist as hard as Mizu 💙 It almost got too much for me and I nearly dropped it, but then there was that scene with Fowler in the “church” and I was like "oh? Oh so this guy’s like evil evil? to the core? Fascinating 👀👀👀" And I stuck it out til the end! I’m glad I did, it was 100% worth it, even if I had to watch most of it through my fingers lmao.
currently reading :
I am not a huge reader, unfortunately 😅  But for my English class we just finished reading “Passing” by Nella Larsen, which I enjoyed! I don’t feel I have much to add about it, and even if I did I doubt there’d be a ton of value in the 72456456th white person throwing in their two cents on how people of color deal with the racial structure in America
currently consuming :
Baldur’s Gate 3
Coral Island
Way too much sugar (send help)(my tummy hurts)
currently craving :
Mass Effect 2
P*zza H*t thin crust Hamburger Pizza
Sopapilla Cheesecake (my main contribution to the Thanksgiving table, I'm so excited!!)
Tagging @full---ofstarlight @beyondthetower and @thefife01 ! No pressure at all tho if y'all don't feel like it 😊
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sameensass · 11 months
tagged by @lottieurl thankss
rules: share some unpopular opinions about 5 different fandoms of your choosing
Gonna tag @kalikojo @myhumbleme @wonderdanvers @the-lazy-traveller @fouralarm-fire @mayhemxtwins @marlokelly
1. She-Ra
I didn't like season 5 as much as everyone else seems to. I know that it was the last season they got and they had to wrap up relatively quickly, but Catra's redemption felt rushed in places, especially after seeing her "regression" arc develop over four seasons vs the one season of redemption. I think she got forgiven by others a bit too easily (mainly Scorpia she deserved so much better and Catra treated her horribly and took advantage of her for years and suddenly all is forgiven and hugs all around). There was clearly a plan on how the redemption would unfold and i think it could have worked if we got more episodes or one more season, but they just didn't have enough episodes to pace it more organically i think. They did well with the episodes they were given though, but as a whole it was unsatisfying for me. Also I watched it right after rewatching atla so after seeing how fleshed out Zuko's redemption arc was (who we saw redeem himself outside of the main group, apologizing to his uncle, and then the one on one forgiveness episodes to develop individual relationships with each main character) it was underwhelming
2. Legends of Tomorrow
I just don't really care about avalance. Lowkey stopped watching for a while because I got tired of them. They had their moments and they grew on me eventually but overall their relationship didn't really interest me
3. Warrior nun
Lots of people think the bar scene is when ava realized her feelings for beatrice but i think she realized her feelings sometime between s1 and s2 (she HAD feelings in s1 but didnt realize it til later)
Also as much as i love avatrice i really hope we get to see ava and beatrice's relationships with OTHER characters develop. i want to see more ava and camila friendship, i want to see beatrice and lilith (they grew up together!! i wanna see this!! and now suddenly they were on opposite sides of a fight after being allies and now are they going to rebuild that trust?), I wanna see more ava and lilith (both of them had the responsibilities of being/becoming the warrior nun both of them had all that pressure i wanna see them bond about it i want their begrudging friendship); I WANT TO SEE MARY AND LILITH INTERACTING WITH EACH OTHER
4. Heroes of Olympus
sorry but will and nico felt forced in the way that leo and calypso felt forced: seems like rick just took a random background character just for the sake of pairing up a main character :// at least its more interesting in terms of the juxtaposition of the brooding son of death vs the optimistic and bright son of the sun. honestly tho overall most of the non-percabeth ships i dont have strong feelings about because rick just....didnt build them up as much, i didnt really feel the /build up/ of any romantic feelings for any other couple, despite heroes of olympus also being 5 books (probably due to the fact that there were too many main characters rick had to create and develop alongside the plot and there wasnt room to do both well). Lowkey i think it would have been better that if he were to make nico and will mains in trials of apollo, he could have had them officially meet and get to know each other as friends/allies and then develop romantic feelings throughout those 5 books. As it is and how i felt after BoO, it seems like at the end of BoO, nico returns to CHB and gets a crush on the first cute guy he sees and then that just automatically means he gets to date him (HOWEVER i havent read toa yet and mb ill like them more in that and i do want to read tsats....cant say id say the same for a stand alone leo x calypso book)
5. Class of '07/Parks and Rec
This is more of a gripe with the trope in a lot of sitcoms of the (usually) fat nerdy/oblivious soft-spoken character being constantly brushed aside and dismissed. Eg Laura (ie forgettable Laura, whose whole nickname is about how everyone ignores her, she's constantly interrupted when she tries to actually be helpful to the group etc) and Garry/Jerry (constantly belittled, getting misnamed even on his tombstone). Overall not a fan of having a character whose sole purpose is to be mocked constantly
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rusanya-does-edits · 2 years
Okay! We've decided!
We, Rusanya (main @anendoandfriendo), seem to make so many photo edits that we have made a side blog for it!! If we have character are and like the art we try to make sure the art is either official art or that we can source the art.
Like. Seriously. There's this little "source" thing in the bottom left corner of some posts, if the art has a source (usually picsart) it will be there.
This pinned is a WIP, just so everyone knows this. Basic stuff will be that the item will be tagged with fandom, any sort of identity involved, and username if we ever get requests!
Unfortunately, any other tagging will likely be inconsistent. This is because we can only track about four or so tags at once per blog that we run. We have tried multiple times on multiple blogs to tag consistently otherwise and it have never, ever worked for us.
Also, we apologize to the blog we initially tagged. We're on mobile so we guess the app decided to be fucky. It should be fixed now.
We made the header and pfp ourselves and those can be found at our picsart!!
House Rules
This blog does not technically have a DNI, but we do sometimes block.
Please only send in two requests in a day. These can be separate or together but going over two per day will get your request rejected.
If you want a specific piece of art, this is an OC, or this is an obscure/practically un-searchable original piece of work you're asking about, please send in the image you would like us to use with the edit! We can't read your mind, as useful as that would be. :3
Yes, we do in fact do "contrary" identity requests! We have many fictives who "oppose canon," whatever the fuck that means. Make Aires Spring from Astra a boy. Make Sanji from One Piece an asexual. We don't care and we know just how frustrating it can be to find a space to ask for stuff like that.
Asking to tag: we don't really tag consistently but we try to cover what we can. This is written as "cn // [thing]" without the quotations or brackets. We will not be tagging reclaimed community slurs themselves under a content note.
Not a house rule just...stuff we've watched that's also on TV Time app.
What We Can Do
Headcanon/Pride edits
Themed edits/moodboards
Stamps of static images
Attempts at transparents (please provide the images you want transparents of)
Very simple userboxes
Stim gifs — as in a gif or set of gifs from a video of your choosing
Things We Cannot Do
Sprite edits. Sorry! We just do not have the capabilities as we are on mobile 99% of the time.
Dividers. We don't know how to yet but want to learn eventually!
Drawings/Doodles. This is more of an insecurity and a closed discussion at this time.
Blacklisted Items
If you ask for a DID pride thing, you're going to likely be getting Greys Dawn's DID flag. We need to track this down but, iwrc, the one most people use (the black/orange/white one) is literally meant to be exclusionist of origins and pushes final fusion as the only solution to be healthy. We are just very uncomfortable for what it stood for initially weather people use it differently or not now. If you do not want this please show us a different flag/specify and we will use that instead.
Any themes involving applied behavioral analysis (ABA) exposure will get an insta-reject & delete. Even if it is negative. This is absolutely not up for debate. We understand the need to cope but we do not feel safe taking those requests so you will have to find another blog for that.
Taken Anons
Juuzou Anon
Turnabout Anon
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marvelmaniac2000 · 2 years
Newly Wed Minds ~ Druig x Reader
Day 3 Valentine's Day Marathon
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Side note: There is none. Let the work speak for itself i guess… For some reason I have better luck writing for Druig *shrug* idk why lmao..
Words:+ 1330
Subject: unprotected/pulic/pool sex, Mature audience +18
**apologies for misspelling/grammar*
Summary: You and Druig unexpectedly decide to get married….So I meannnn why not???? This has a sprinkle of introverted characteristics too for the reader/(Y/N) perspective.
Characters: Druig x Reader
“Happy Birthday!!” Everyone screamed at the top of their lungs. The bar was packed with family and friends alike from your average life on earth. Today was one of your old friend’s birthday. As usual you and Druig hung out in the background of the noise and spoke when only spoken too. Even so, some of Druig’s friends Sersi and her boyfriend had tagged along. As well
You watch from your bar stool as your colleague blows out her last remaining candles. The midnight hour passed and you couldn’t help but remember how precious time meant to eternals and humans alike. Your face deepens a loss of hope realizing how complicated it was to date someone who will eventually die off. It was a bitter sweet gift and curse to be mortal as they say…
Druig stood next to you with his back leaned up against the bar counter while you sat on a stool. He observed the celebration with ease but silently kept his full attention on your thoughts.
As much as he did wish he had the ability to stop reading other people’s thoughts, it was just part of who he was. Every ribbon of thought that crossed your mind Druig dissected to figure out his next sentence to you. Although your silence is what made him attracted to you, you lived in your mind like he did, but your brain was much easier to navigate. He heard the words in your head about you being mortal. A quick swig of his drink lightens his feelings.
“If you're so worried about not living forever with me, why don't we just get married?” You quickly rolled your eyes dismissing the fact that he was back reading your mind once again.
“Look I know you're probably only saying that out of self pity” you looked over at him to find any speck of lies in his cold demeanor.
Druig turned his posture toward you and lifted your drink up, “You see this? If you had been paying attention you would have noticed someone roofied your drink love. So that’s one reason why you should marry me. It’s called protection. Secondly, even though it’s very easy for me to find out everybody’s secrets without even talking to them, I notice that your mind is by far the most beautiful. Your brain is like a canvas. I can picture and see that most people's brains are dark . Druig stared blankly into the crowd before touching your delicate hand onto yours. “Will you marry me?” He kissed your hand and rubbed the wet print ever so slightly.
“Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce” you playfully mention.
“Why focus on the negative perspective and enjoy life as is. At least you’re not me who doesn’t have to relive seeing your kind keep making the same dumb mistakes in a vicious cycle” his eyes shifted a bit realizing where this conversation was leading to.
“Notice how happy everyone is enjoying the moment?...you know the little things in life. I wish I could have you forever like Ikaris and Sersi, but nothing is ever that simple. You're a big part of my life now and I want to see you in it, so please marry me??” he searched into his pocket and pulled out a silver shaped ring. “It’s kinda bogus to propose at someone else’s celebration” you giggled. “Don’t need, just hand it to me. We can figure out the rest later’ you twisted the beautiful band around your finger.
“It’s exactly how I envisioned it '' he smiled ear to ear holding your hand.
>>>>>later In the Night
Afterward from the party, you and Druig looped back to place you guys shared. “So what exactly do engaged couples do?” you tried to wrap your head around the idea of being married. It felt like such a huge responsibility (which it was) but you knew for certain this was the man you wanted to spend eternity with.
“We just keep acting like normal people” Druig acted nonchalant from the outside when in actuality he was couldn’t contain how excited he was to finally find someone who understood him. A random idea popped into your head noticing the water faucet dripping from the kitchen.
“We should go for a swim to celebrate,” you grinned. Druig read your mind instantly and walked down to the back bedroom. “Say no more,” he replied.
One of the nice amenities of the apartment you guys lived in was that you both liked the swimming pool included.
You wore a sexy swimsuit that Druig couldn’t removed his eyes from. The best moments you guys shared together was the secluded time together. Just the moment of you two walking together in the hallway carried more weight than any other gesture. It was late at night but the pool was outdoors and it carried a beautiful view of the energetic city life. No one else companies the area but you two alone. “Ladies first” Druig extended his arm. You give him a warm smile before carefully running down the tile floor and canon ball into the water. The warmth of the water floated you back to the top. You pop your head above water to see your newly wed husband follow close behind jumping the water.
You giggle as you naturally turn your head from the huge splash he caused. You shriek as you feel his hands under water grab hold of your legs. Druig floated back to the service and pulled your legs around his.
“Do you (Y/N) take Druig to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
You admire the wedding band on your finger and wrap your arms lousy around his neck.
“I do” you cooed.
“Do you Druig take (Y/N) has your lawfully wedded wife?” you questioned back.
“I do” he whispered and looked passionately into your beautiful eyes before pressing his damped lips onto yours. Druig swam you over against the wall to begin the things that he wanted to do to you. Druig broke the kiss and delicately pulled the knot of your swimsuit to reveal your breasts. He gave you a sloppy kiss and pressed his chest against yours to feel your hardened nipples graze against his bare chest. You moan into his mouth feeling each other's tongues wrestle.
He broke the kiss and sucked your bottom lip.
he stared at your lips before pulling your bottoms off. He hoisted you onto the ledge of the pool with your back slightly against the wall on an angle. He tossed his trunks off and positioned himself between your entrance. He slowly aims himself between your legs. You're excitedly waiting for the new sensation as the water crashes around or bare pussy. Druig locked his eyes on yours as he thinks about fucking you as his wife for the first time. His slick wet dick pushes into your walls perfectly. Druig watch your beautiful body give in to his dick. He hungry thrust his member further into you making you moan. His hands harden around your waist to quicken his thrust inside you.
His feverish growl filled your ears as he thrust hit sharper and harder. He lowered his face to brush his lips slightly over yours. You push his head more to give him one last sloppy kiss before feeling his warm seed fill into you. Both of your bodies felt heavy but weightless from the water floating around you. Nothing but the tiny tides of water was filling each other’s ears. Druig pulled you in closer and pressed his forehead against yours.
“You will always be the love of my life” he pecked the bridge of your nose.
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Hi Bree,
I just found your blog and absolutely love it. I've been interested in witchcraft and wiccan beliefs and practices for some time now, and I've reached a point in my life where I want and need something new and something to hold onto. Something with meaning. I apologize that this isn't a more concise question, but I was just wondering what advice you have for someone just starting out. Be that personal advice or just places with sound information that I can go to for learning. I don't have any specific area that I'm most interested in, I just want to lean the basics of the history and what is involved and elaborate my research and practice based on what calls out to me. I've done a little research, but a lot of what I've found contradicts something I've read elsewhere or heard from someone, so I wanted to reach out before delving too far into doing my own research.
I hope you're doing good and I appreciate any and all help you can offer! :3
Hello, witchling! I have lots of stuff linked on my blog that I think might help you out.
For starters, you can check out my Advice For Beginner Witches tag. That's where I keep all the posts with practical tips and advice for newer witches, or witches who might want a fresh perspective.
I also have a post listing dozens of podcast episodes dealing with witchcraft and witches in a historical context, which I'm updating whenever I find new content. If you like your learning in an audio context, that might be something to try. I also highly recommend BS-Free Witchcraft, hosted by the fabulous @traegorn, since you have a particular interest in Wicca. Trae has lots of good information on the modern witchcraft movement, minus a lot of the usual bullshit. I also have a show called Hex Positive that examines modern witchcraft from a more secular angle. Both shows can be found on your favorite podcatcher or on the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network site. (We also have a Discord server, feel free to join us!)
I understand what you mean about encountering contradictory information. That's something that happens to every witch. Lots of so-called foundational texts are older books that may have some good information, but they also have outdated or problematic views on things like gender, history, and cultural appropriation.
The best thing you can do to help mitigate that confusion is to do your due diligence. If a new piece of information conflicts with something you already know, look further into it. Try to find a mundane academic source that talks about the same subject. If a witchy source says, "Dump mugwort in your tea to see visions," look up mugwort in a book on botanicals or herbal medicine to see if this is safe. (The answer is, "Not always, and there really needs to be warning label on mugwort for pregnant people or folks with allergies.")
I highly recommend Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler and The Triumph of the Moon by Ronald Hutton if you want a good thorough overview of modern witchcraft. Both are books (TOMES, really) on the history of the modern witchcraft and pagan movements, but Adler writes from the pagan perspective while Hutton writes from the view of an outside observer and historian.
Also, if you're hearing things from people on the internet and their ideas are conflicting, that's just something you'll need to get used to. Everyone's practice looks a little different and yours certainly will too. A lot of modern witchcraft carries some degree of Your Mileage May Vary. Just take things with a grain of salt and when in doubt, fact-check.
Oh and one more thing - don't believe anything you hear or read that directly cites Margaret Murray or talks about an "unbroken line" or secret surviving goddess cults or touts Wicca as an ancient religion. Anything that talks about "the Burning Times" or claims that millions of actual witches died during the heyday of witch trials is also suspect. All of this is revisionist history that either ignores or greatly embellishes the historical record.
Also, don't believe anyone who tells you that you "must" do this or that or believe such-and-such in order to be a "real witch." There is no prerequisite, no exam to pass, no mold to cram yourself into. You are a witch because you choose to be one, and you are a real witch from the moment you set your foot to the path, even before you cast a single spell, and you will continue to be one unless and until you decide to leave it.
Hope this helps! My inbox is always open for questions. Happy Witching!
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Treasure Hyung Line Planning a Surprise Birthday Party for their S/O
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Mellow speaks: A slightly late birthday gift for @yogurteume!! Hope everyone enjoys reading this!! I can't help but be reminded of that T-Map episode where they surprised Hyunsuk, and this was just too cute to write! The maknae line version will be up soon!
Tagging: @freckledwinterfalls
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He's totally the type who would want to throw a super lavish surprise party for you, because it's your day and he wants to show you off to the world. He's gonna invite every person either of you know, and the boys will be tasked with helping him set everything up.
He's gonna be so excited that the secret will almost slip past his lips on more than one occasion, and Jihoon will have to clamp his mouth shut in order to stop him from blabbering away. It's gonna break him when he has to pretend not to remember you birthday just so he can surprise you later, the sad expression on your face almost making him cry.
When you finally make it to the party, he's gonna hug you super tight as he whispers a "Happy birthday, baby," into your ear, the biggest smile on his face while he feels his eyes get watery. He'll let you enjoy, and won't give you your present in front of the people. Because he wants to have that moment all to himself.
He'll pretend like it's not a big deal, going all "Birthdays come every year" on you, but on the inside, he's losing his mind with excitement over how he's gonna throw you the most amazing surprise party ever. He just loves you a lot, even if he puts on a facade every now and then.
He'll want to decide on and organize everything himself, but will gladly accept any form of help that the boys offer him. He knows you inside-out, from the cake flavor you like best to the kind of theme you're most into. You can bet on the fact that he'll go all in, and all that without you so much as even getting a hint about what he's planning.
When you do reach the party, he'll just stand behind you, a gentle smirk on his face as he waits for you to throw yourself into his arms. And when you do, he'll just let out a chuckle, hugging you tight as his lips place a gentle kiss to your forehead. And your gift? It's already waiting for you inside the room when you go to change.
He really wouldn't want to keep you in the dark, and will need to convince himself that your happiness at the end of it all will actually be worth it. And even when he does, he still won't be able to bring himself to not wish you "Happy Birthday." He can't bear to see you sad, after all.
He'll straight up go to the boys for help, because he's just a little clueless on how to get everything done while not letting you know. Though he will tell you beforehand that he's gonna give you his present later that night. And then he'll almost melt and tell you all about the surprise when you look at him with a pout on your face.
When he does manage to surprise you, he'll have the most beautiful smile on his face, proud of himself for having made you happy. If you end up getting teary-eyed, he'll low-key panic until you tell him not to worry. As for your present, it's probably gonna be a portrait he drew of you.
Keeping the surprise a secret from you and acting like he forgot your birthday is gonna kill him, and he won't be able to stop himself from being even more clingy than usual, a pout permanently stuck to his face as he gives you love without actually wishing you.
Truth be told, he's gonna be so obvious you'll already catch up to his antics. Even if you don't figure out what he's actually doing, you'll probably be able to sense he's up to something. As for the boys, they'll be tired by the time everything is set up, because your boyfriend is just not gonna shut up about how amazing and special and lovable you are.
And when he succeeds in surprising you, he'll become the most clingy koala ever, hugging and pouting and apologizing over and over for not telling you sooner. Forget one gift, he's going to get you at least five because he feels really guilty for having kept you in the dark, even if it was for the surprise.
He's another one who'll probably be good at acting nonchalant, pretending like he doesn't remember your birthday when in reality, he's planning the best birthday party you've ever had. Even if you ask him if he's forgetting something, he'll just laugh it off, not giving you an answer.
He'll want to be in control of everything, especially the food, because he knows you love his cooking, and on your special day, you deserve just the best. He'll make all you favorite things, trusting the boys to get the decorations done while he functions as a one-man-catering company. He might take help from Jihoon, but that'll be almost minimal, because he wants to do as much as he can, himself.
Once you step inside the room, he'll finally give you the hug he's been holding back on for days, telling you how lucky he is to have you as he wishes you a happy birthday. And your present? As if the food wasn't enough, he's got a gift ready, behind his back.
He'll not be in favor of souring your mood on your special day, and so, he's gonna be a good boyfriend and wish you first thing at midnight. The day will most likely be filled with all sorts of happy memories, with him taking you out on a super adorable date.
He'll entrust the boys with setting everything up, but will of course tell them whatever they need to get done and help them organize everything. They might call him throughout the day, asking about stuff, and every time they do, he'll excuse himself to go talk to them, enough for you to catch on to the fact that something is cooking.
And then he'll take you to the venue, placing a gentle kiss to your cheek as he lets you take in what is happening. He's already given you your gift though, so all that's left now is to enjoy your day and celebrate with the people who are close to you, the most important being Jaehyuk.
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