#apparently there was a photographer and videographer there on the day
aimeedaisies · 11 months
I just love the gif of Anne and Tim's wedding as your profile picture, especially when they both turn around and look at their guests, I still wonder what were they saying to each other - Mr and Mrs Timothy Laurence
Their very special day 🥰✨
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I’d love to know what they said 🥹 make your guesses in the comments
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sports-on-sundays · 4 months
hello hello, saw you were a bit bored apparently and had open requests soo…😛
how about a fic where gavi meets the reader during media day for the new kit launch, and as gavi doesn’t really like these events where cameras are, he’s a bit nervous hihi
the reader is the photographer or videographer and she’s shy too, but something between them sparkles🤭 they’re both too shy to talk but in the end gavi makes a move and he takes her on a date or something? just some cutesy fluff:) ty!💞
camera-shy / Pablo Gavi
Summary: Pablo x photographer!female!reader - Two shy people are drawn to each other.
Requested?: Yes!! Thank you lovely!
Author's Note: WHAT A CUTE IDEA! LOVE IT! 💞
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"Gavi- Can you look at the camera, please?" the young Spanish man is asked for about the millionth time.
"Hm?" he asks, and looks up once more at the camera.
You snap a few pictures as the PR person who had spoken before says, "Come on; relax your face a bit. Smile. Yes, good. But brighten your eyes, please-"
"How am I supposed to 'brighten my eyes'?" Pablo Gavi asks in confusion and slight exasperation.
It's been a long media day for everyone, but especially Gavi, you can tell. He's not the type that likes the being filmed.
In photography, one of the biggest obstacles are people who are just simply, naturally camera-shy.
And you can tell this footballer, with his big brown eyes, is one of those people. The way he's averting his eyes, getting distracted. His stiff smiles and awkward laughs.
He's a nightmare.
But you, unlike a lot of people with your trade you know, don't get as upset about it.
Because you're one hundred percent more camera shy than him.
Besides the fact that you love the art of it, that's why you became a photographer.
You always get to be the one behind the camera.
A famous footballer being camera shy, though? That doesn't work out as well.
Suddenly, the PR guys taps your shoulder, and asks you, "Don't you have any methods of making his... you know... Appearance, better?"
"S- Sorry?!" you ask softly. Yeah, you're not only camera-shy. You're just shy-shy.
"You know, making him smile bigger, or angles for him to look-"
Suddenly, he's interrupted by Pablo Gavi saying, "Stop bothering the photographer."
You look up in surprise, but quickly look away when your eyes meet Gavi's. You silently thank him, though, as the footballer continues, "There's nothing she can do." He clears his throat, taking a deep breath, and nods, opening his eyes, looking at the camera. "Better?"
"Oh, God, perfect," you murmur as he looks at the camera with a certain playful yet thoroughly serious glint in his eyes. You quick snap some photos.
Pablo will admit he hates PR, and he hates being on camera. As his career has progressed, it's gotten better, for sure. But some days? Some days, he just isn't in the mood to do it.
It's unfortunate that today is one of those days, and it's a whole day completely dedicated to media.
His brain is spinning with the dark room, screen behind him, flashing cameras, rambling managers, and-
And, well, with the pretty photographer.
She's cute, he thinks with a small, shy smile at the girl.
She thinks he's looking right at the camera, and snaps a picture of the little smile. Right after, the PR manager snaps, "Good smile, but put a bit more strength into it!"
What the hell is a 'strong' smile?!
Then, finally, after over two hours of snapping pictures, he's done. He sighs a huge sigh of relief. Apparently, 'that will have to be good enough,' as the PR manager says.
Right, then.
But suddenly, as Pablo is about to leave, a slight disappointment in his chest stops him.
The cute girl. That photographer, I might not see her again...
He looks back over his shoulder, watching as you pack up your camera carefully.
Oh, get over it, he thinks, shaking his head.
You're too awkward to actually talk to her anyway. Just leave it. She's so beautiful, she's probably taken already anyway.
You'll just make a fool of yourself, Pablo.
Suddenly, though, from across the room, you look up.
And your eyes meet.
Pablo can't look away. It's like there's a magnetic force, a spark, holding your gazes together in the air, across the room.
Pablo, it's no use, his anxious brain screams as his legs begin walking over to you. Give it up.
Too late now.
"H- Hey," he smiles when he reaches you.
You gulp. "Uh... Yes... What can I do for you, Gavi?"
Aw. Her voice is so soft, he thinks as he says, "I... I just wanted to thank you for being so patient with me today..."
"Oh," she smiles shyly. "Of course. It's my job."
He lingers, and says, swallowing, "What's your name?"
"Y/n Y/l/n," you smile softly, scratching the back of your neck nervously.
"Oh," he smiles. "Nice to meet you... Uh... so..." he gulps, before sort of blurting, "I was wondering... if, uh, I could have your number...? Maybe, if you're free tonight..."
Your eyes widen as your face flares up pink at the handsome football player's suggestion. "Are you- asking me out?" you breathe.
"I- uh, I mean, if- you know, if-"
"Yeah!" you giggle. "I mean, sure!" You, without thinking, grab a pen and his hand, before scribbling your number on his hand. "That- That way you won't forget it."
"Oh," he nods, loving the fleeting feeling of his hand in your softer, smaller one, for just a moment. "Yeah, sounds good!" he laughs. "We can text the details!"
"Uh, yeah, right!" you laugh awkwardly.
Your head spins as he walks off.
You sit across from Pablo Gavi, over dinner. "So, uh, Gavi-"
"You can call me Pablo," he says right away with a little smile.
"Oh... Okay... So... I'm, uh, sorry... I know I'm kind of awkward..."
He smiles, hastily resting his hand on top of yours. "No, it's fine. I am, too. I was almost too nervous to talk to you."
"Oh?" you laugh a bit. "And don't worry about the filming thing today... I'm actually pretty camera-shy myself, so I get how it is..."
"Oh, you are? That's funny, for a photographer."
You grin with a little giggle, "I always get to be the one behind the camera."
He smiles warmly, his eyes almost shining in a strangely dreamy way, for a girl he just met today, as he says, "You're really cute."
You flush pink. "Oh- Uh- Thank you. You, too..."
He gives a little adorable crooked smile. "Thanks, I guess."
Throughout the dinner, as you continue talking, your fingers slowly entwine with each other. Once you're both finished eating, you're tightly holding one another's hands.
"Thanks for... talking to me, even though we're both a bit hopelessly shy..."
He smiles. "It was worth it... So, would you maybe like to go out again...? I've had... a really nice time with you."
"For sure," you giggle as you stand up together. "I've had a great time, too."
Just as you're about to slip your hand away from his, he uses it to pull you to him, into a hug. You gasp a little by the sudden touch, but immediately lean into it, hugging him back.
You stand there together, for a few moments, arms wrapped around each other, before he whispers, "Thank God I got over my nervousness and just asked you today, because I have a feeling this little date is going to go places beyond what either of us can imagine."
And in that moment, you know, deep down inside, that he is completely correct.
And you smile big, because you can't wait!
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bedlamsbard · 2 years
⭐ for the fanfic director's cut -- author's choice!
Let's talk about seven months post-Snap Grand Central Terminal + Stark Tower/MetLife Building! Seen in Horizon 14.
Natasha had been in the main concourse of Grand Central Terminal before. Even at three in the morning it had never been as empty as it was now, completely deserted except for a couple of stray pigeons that stared fearlessly at the Avengers as they passed by. Bars of thin winter sunlight slanted in through the sixty-foot arched windows on the east wall, illuminating the marble floor and striking sparks from the four-sided clock on top of the empty information booth. The departure boards above the closed-up ticket counters along the south side of the concourse were still illuminated, reading CANCELLED – CANCELLED – CANCELLED on every line. None of the station’s usual Christmas decorations had gone up even though Thanksgiving had been two days earlier; the station had already been closed then, with no civilians allowed in. Police tape blocked off the stairs to the north entrance. Somewhere far in the distance she thought she heard the rumble of the trains traveling through the empty station without stopping, but it could have been her imagination.
She had seen pictures of the concourse in the immediate aftermath of the Snap, not to mention the famous TIME magazine cover that had come out a week later: a little girl knee-deep in drifts of black ash, holding a doll and staring in incomprehension, the American flag huge behind her. From the pictures Natasha had seen the concourse floor had been blanketed in ash; the Snap had struck at rush hour, and the station had been full of people. It had become one of the most iconic images of the Snap in the United States.
The eerie emptiness of the place made the back of her neck prickle. The steps of the Avengers seemed to echo overly loudly as they crossed to the escalators on the north wall, standing still and silent and blocked off with more police tape. The engraved marble arch above them read STARK TOWER 45TH STREET.
I really wanted to dig into the visuals of post-Snap America, partially because, well -- I think in a very real way Horizon was my way of coping with the 2020-2021 hellscape. For this, I went and looked up the vast array of spring and summer 2020 photographs of New York City, specifically for Grand Central and the MetLife Building. (There's a neat post here with a slider that has pictures/video of pre/post covid New York.)
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For some reason I didn't make the connection that the interior of Grand Central got smashed up in The Avengers (you see the four-sided clock bouncing as a leviathan crashes into it), so there's actually no acknowledgment of that in this scene, but we are talking about Marvel so it would probably get rebuilt exactly like the previous version.
The police taped-off stairs are another covid detail, though I've also put the police tape across the escalators leading to Stark Tower (source -- this one also has an "a day in Grand Central Terminal" video.)
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Canonically, Stark Tower is the MetLife Building with the top whacked off and the Tower built on top of it, so the sign that IRL says "MetLife Building" says "Stark Tower"
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I've gone off the assumption that the building's official name is Stark Tower, not Avengers Tower; the latter is a nickname, but not its actual name. That's why they're used near interchangeably throughout Horizon.
Natasha's description of going from Grand Central to the MetLife Building (a.k.a. Stark Tower) is as accurate as I could make it, because you know what? apparently you can't videotape inside the MetLife Building so the walkthroughs I found all got cut off when a security guard intercepted the videographer. My big divergence from canon is that I used the MetLife Building's lobby, not the Stark Tower lobby that we see in Endgame, which was filmed in a completely different building in Atlanta. This was specifically because I wanted to use this:
The glass storefronts of the shopping concourse on the ground floor stared emptily at them, most with the signs removed – Rhodey had been right, very few tenants had remained by the time the tower had been sold. A few had still been open until the Snap, and printed or handwritten signs on the locked doors and windows read variations on TEMPORARILY CLOSED – CLOSED DUE TO STATE OF NEW YORK MANDATES – CLOSED 30 DAYS SEE YOU JUNE 1. Through a window Natasha could see a glass-fronted refrigerator in one café, the shelves fully stocked with food and beverages except where a soda can had exploded.
MORE SPRING/SUMMER 2020 DETAILS, FRIENDS! The description of the untouched refrigerator with the exploded soda can is a detail borrowed from a friend of mine who actually works in Midtown Manhattan; she got a LOT of questions from me and walked her phone around the exterior of the MetLife Building for me at one point. The "see you June 1" sign is a real sign that I can't find a picture of right now. (In the original covid version it was, I think, April 1 or May 1.)
I have never actually been to Grand Central or to the MetLife Building (the last time I was in New York was in, I think, 2003), so I tried really hard to make it accurate; I don't know if it actually is. But I was trying for a very specific vibe that I should, I think, be familiar to us. I looked at a lot of photographs, I read a lot of news articles, I wracked my own memory, I watched a lot of vlogs about New York from that year.
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lovesosweeet · 6 months
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competing for the best toast at their best friends' wedding, calum and tanner go from being pretend rivals to… something like friends. maybe a little more? may the best man win.
read on ao3
part seven
The morning of the wedding is as chaotic for Tanner as she expected. Valerie wakes her up at 6 am because she’s nervous and can’t go back to sleep, which is apparently Tanner’s problem. They watch their comfort movie, Uptown Girls, while they wait for the rest of the girls to wake up and for the rest of her family to arrive for the day.
Once the rest of the bridal party is awake and drinking mimosas, Tanner heads out to grab Waffle House. She tries to not be annoyed at the traffic on the way there or the fact that the employee on the phone acted as if it was their first day and Tanner had some kind of incomprehensible accent, but, an hour and a half after she had left the house, when she returns, she’s scowling out of frustration. 
She takes a deep breath when she sees that the photographers and videographers for the day have arrived, with Lou finally in attendance  — the whole team personally recommended and vetted by Tanner, of course — and tries her best to wipe away her visible stress. She doesn’t want to have resting bitch face in all the pictures they take of the getting ready process. 
As she walks up to the front porch, bags and boxes of food balanced in her arms, she stops in her tracks. 
None other than Calum Hood is sitting in a rocking chair, presumably waiting for her. On the table next to him sits a drink tray filled with coffees, which she doesn’t even notice. She’s more concerned with him simply being there, at the “bridal house” on the morning of the big day. 
“You gonna sit there and stare at me or are you going to help me up these steps with all this?” She teases, making him spring into action to take the nearly falling top layer of her high stacked boxes. Tanner huffs out a ‘thank you’ and nods while he opens the door for her. 
“A man is entering the house!” Tanner yells, earning a side eye from Calum who is following her lead to the kitchen. 
“Why is a man here?” Sarah yells from her seat in the living room where a hairstylist has begun to curl her hair. 
“Just helping Tanner with breakfast,” Calum says. He puts the food on the kitchen counter. “You look pissed,” he whispers. 
She glares.
“Hey, just stating the obvious, don’t get mad at me, please.” 
She sighs and begins to take everything out of the bags to form a makeshift buffet for everyone, Calum just doing what she is silently, careful not the poke the bear. 
“Why are you here?” She whispers to him, keenly aware to the pairs of ears that are nearby. 
“Oh, uh, I,” he stutters out, making Tanner stop what she’s doing to look at him with eyebrows raised. “You said the coffee at Waffle House was gross, and I… noticed while we were in Vegas that you don’t drink drip coffee anyway. So I pulled up your guys’ coffee orders that you sent me out to get while we were on the trip and got everyone what they ordered then. Figured you could use some fuel for the day.” 
It’s such an unexpected answer that she doesn’t know what to do. She settles on smiling. “That’s really sweet of you,” she says. “Thank you.” 
“Oh, that’s not even the best part,” Calum adds, grinning to himself. 
“Oh? It’s not?”
He laughs. “You’d asked for two different things on the different days I ran out for coffee, so I got both, since I didn’t know what kind of mood you’d be in.” 
“Well, thank you, and I hope the guys say thank you to you, too. You’re a great best man.” She means it, truly. 
He nearly snickers at her comment. “Oh, yeah, um, the guys are just getting random coffee shop drip coffee in a jug. They’re gonna water it down with whiskey and Bailey’s, so they really don’t give a shit about the actual coffee.” 
She shakes her head. “You’re an interesting creature, Allen.” 
Once they’ve put out all the food, they retreat back to the porch, where Tanner notices the tray of coffee that she had somehow missed before. She sees Valerie’s iced mocha with whipped cream, Sarah and Elle’s iced vanilla lattes, and Lauren’s iced dirty chai. Her strawberry matcha and oat milk cappuccino stand out amidst the other drinks and she doesn’t even know which she’d rather have right now. She also wonders why she didn’t think of stopping to get good coffee on her errand, but then remembers the traffic and less than stellar customer service at Waffle House. 
“You really didn’t need to get me two drinks,” she says.
Calum shrugs. “I actually got you three, but I drank the third myself because it looked really good. I wasn’t gonna tell you, though, because I knew you’d give me shit for it. Too late.”
“What was it?” 
“You’re gonna be mad.”
“What was it?” She repeats.
“It was a Lucky Charms latte.”
Tanner’s eyes narrow. “I am mad.”
He giggles and shrugs. “I warned you!”
“Yeah, you did,” she huffs. “Well, despite your indiscretion, I am very thankful for you this morning. You’re welcome to stay for breakfast, if you’d like?” 
Calum shakes his head. “No, no, I should let you guys eat and get ready. But, I’ll see you in a bit, yeah? Text me if you have any maid of honor emergencies. You’ve done enough shit, so let me do my part if you need something, okay?” 
Tanner smiles. “Thank you, but hopefully everything will go smoothly from here on.”
“For some reason I don’t foresee that, but hey, maybe I’m wrong.”
They both laugh and they find themselves not really wanting to part ways, even though they have a big day ahead of both of them.
“Tanner!” Valerie’s mom screeches from inside, making the two wince.
“That’s my cue,” Tanner says, grabbing the drinks. “See ya later, Allen.”
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theparksavoy-blog · 9 months
Tips For Creating Your Wedding Budget
You might not be aware of this, but a big part of wedding planning is budgeting. Crafting a wedding budget that works for you is crucial, and yes, it can be a bit tricky. But fear not! With some simple steps and a dash of organization, you can create a wedding budget that keeps your wedding dreams within reach without breaking the bank. Keep reading to learn more about creating a wedding budget and how The Park Savoy Estate can help bring your dream wedding to life.
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Understanding Your Financial Landscape
First things first, it’s imperative to have a clear understanding of your overall financial situation before diving into the details of your wedding budget. This means sitting down with your partner and possibly family members who might contribute, to figure out a total budget that feels comfortable for everyone involved. Be honest and open about what you can realistically afford. This will help prevent any financial strain down the line and set a clear boundary for your wedding spending.
Breaking Down the Budget
Once you have a total figure, the next step is breaking it down into specific categories. Typical expenses include the venue, catering, attire, entertainment, photography, decor, and more. Start by assigning a portion of your budget to each of these categories. Remember to prioritize areas that are most important to you. For example, if you’re a food enthusiast, you might allocate a larger portion of your budget to the food. Or if documenting the big day is what you’re really interested in, maybe a larger portion of the budget goes to the photographer and videographer vendor budgets. This step requires balance – splurging on some aspects while saving on others.
Smart Saving Strategies
In wedding planning, a little creativity can go a long way in saving money. Consider having your wedding during the off-peak season or on a weekday to avail discounts. DIY projects can add a personal touch while cutting costs. Be on the lookout for deals and don’t hesitate to negotiate with vendors. Sometimes, the savings from these strategies can add up significantly, allowing you to allocate funds to other areas of your wedding.
Track and Adjust Your Spending
Keeping a close eye on your expenses as you start booking vendors is vital. That is where using a spreadsheet really comes in handy. You can use it to track the money spent on each category and vendor so you can adjust as necessary. If you find that you are under budget in one category, you can reallocate those funds to another area. On the flip side, if you’re over-spending, you’ll know it’s time to rein it in elsewhere.
Remember the Hidden Costs
Don’t forget to factor in those often-overlooked expenses that can sneak up on you. Things like gratuities, taxes, and service fees can add up. Make sure to read contracts carefully and ask vendors about any additional costs that might not be immediately apparent. Allocating a small portion of your budget for these unexpected contingency expenses can save you from stress later on.
Your Dream Wedding Awaits
Many people think that creating a wedding budget is not the most fun part of wedding planning, but it can be! With a well-thought-out budget that addresses every aspect of the wedding, you can ensure that your big day is everything you want it to be and more, without the stress of overspending. And if you’re envisioning a wedding venue that combines elegance, history, and breathtaking beauty, look no further than The Park Savoy Estate. Nestled in the heart of New Jersey, The Park Savoy offers stunning garden views, a magnificent ballroom, and a team dedicated to providing white glove service and making every wedding a uniquely memorable event. Visit The Park Savoy Estate and see how they can transform your wedding dreams into reality. Contact us today and take the first step towards your perfect wedding day!
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] Hurricane Ian made landfall in South Carolina at 2:05 p.m. ET Friday close to the town of Georgetown on Winyah Bay — marking the official begin of the storm's second main assault on the U.S. mainland. Some injury was instantly seen, with at least two piers collapsing into the ocean. The magnitude of the encroaching ocean has already made historical past, with all-time record-breaking flooding as far-off as coastal North Carolina. In phrases of constructions threatened by storm surge, Pawley's Island, a comparatively dense coastal neighborhood, largely bore the brunt of Ian's assault in the course of the first few hours.The White House declared an emergency in South Carolina yesterday, as had South Carolina's governor, though no evacuations have been ordered. SEE ALSO: Save up to 55% on emergency kits, generators, and other supplies for hurricane season As the storm's toll started to be felt regionally, it was doable to witness the ability of Hurricane Ian on-line. Several customers posted photographs and video of the storm surge and flooding, sharing documentation of the continuing injury from this days-long catastrophe for the advantage of the general public — whether or not they have been awaiting security's sake or out of sheer curiosity. And bear in mind: At this part in a information story, social media paperwork like these are always in need of confirmation. Videos purportedly present devastation from Hurricane Ian in Pawley’s IslandThe police in Pawley's Island have been evidently among the solely residents out within the storm, documenting the climate's impression. Their tweets appeared to point out shockingly excessive storm surge. Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) That similar Twitter account additionally documented the obvious collapse of the neighborhood's pier. Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) A South Carolina resident named Jerry Lieberman took video of what was a seaside, after it was utterly swallowed by the flood, if the video is to be believed. Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) Lieberman additionally noticed what regarded like a fireplace elsewhere on Pawley’s Island.  Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) Apparent video from Myrtle Beach exhibits Hurricane Ian's wind injuryNorth Carolina meteorologist Kaitlin Wright posted footage of what seemed to be a roof being broken by Ian's highly effective winds, as documented by a videographer named Kelsey Lyons. Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) At Murrells Inlet, simply south of Myrtle Beach, footage by photographer Norma Coote appeared to doc a harmful flood a number of ft excessive. Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) Climate change is impacting hurricanes. Some of those impacts are clear, particularly more serious rainfall and historic flooding, together with increased storm surges. Other impacts, like how the relentless warming oceans are affecting how sturdy these storms develop, are an intensive and ongoing space of analysis. var facebookPixelLoaded = false; window.addEventListener('load', function() document.addEventListener('scroll', facebookPixelScript); document.addEventListener('mousemove', facebookPixelScript); ) function facebookPixelScript() if (!facebookPixelLoaded) facebookPixelLoaded = true; document.removeEventListener('scroll', facebookPixelScript); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', facebookPixelScript); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script','//connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js');
fbq('init', '1453039084979896'); fbq('track', "PageView"); [ad_2] Source link
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weddingphotca · 2 years
Read this if you are looking for the best destination wedding photographer in Toronto
A destination wedding is a marriage carried out away from the hometown of the bride and groom, but there is more to it than only traveling far away from your house to a beautiful city or place. 
Regarding marriage ideas and what people crave for their ideal ceremony, youngsters are remaking and modernizing the trends! Worldwide, couples are included in the ranking as well.
To make your D-Day unforgettable, please visit the official website of NG Studio, Toronto. They are excellent at clicking the best wedding shots and clicks.
Wedding Photography
A wedding ceremony is becoming increasingly popular among Indian spouses. More and more Indian couples are selecting specific places for their weddings. The initial and most apparent advantage of having a destination wedding is - marrying your lie partner in an area that is your dream location. It's a dreamy experience. Don't worry; NG Studio professionals will do the best job when it comes to capturing your lifetime-memorable time of uttering the couple vows with your spouse.
For some lovers, it means making promises in Venice, the land of beauty; for others, it might suggest making a lifetime memorable "engagement" while witnessing beautiful natural beauty in Toronto.
Through this article, We will tell you more about destination weddings, Toronto wedding photography, professional photographers, and how to book them! Let's dive into it.
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Destination Wedding Photography
When planning a destination wedding in Toronto, it's apparent that you want a picture-perfect wedding day! That's where wedding photography Toronto comes into the game. Wedding videos & photos are not only files; these are those that cherish you your entire lifetime, and that's why you must fix your dream date with NG Studio, Toronto.
Let's know what destination wedding photography is:
Destination wedding photography is a contemporary form of creative photography. It's connected chiefly with high-quality photographs clicked by professional photographers ( in case you are from Toronto, make sure you contact NG Studio for your wedding date! Many times, they have amazing offers and discounts for their customers) in the desired destination of the couples who will tie the knot. Destination wedding photography is incomplete without the touch of expensive and deluxe premium quality photographs that make your wedding "THEPICTUREPERFECT" marriage. It implicates a location in an environment different from the photographer's hometown. It's comparable to a provincial marriage because there are similar relatives, friends, guests, family members, bride and groom, photos, gifts, dresses, and feelings. The one thing which creates the difference is the venue of the marriage. And that has its unique collection of excitements and fun as well.
Couples often get confused about which photographers to book, as so many. Still, if you trust and consult NG Studio for the lovely Toronto wedding videographer, you will receive the finest grade of engagement clips, wedding cake cutting shots, portraits, landscapes, group shots, and clips. Worth investing!
Services offered by NG Studio
You have already made up your mind about booking NG studio; you most probably know how sophisticated and professional they are! You will feel jaw-dropping to see the ranges of services they offer. Here's a glimpse.
Engagement and Pre-wedding photography
NG studio covers everything from an engagement session to different photography shots for the entire day.
Wedding photography
Professional photographers from NG studio are equipped with the finest cameras, flashlights, and other setups to deliver you the best wedding photography shots in Toronto.
Wedding cinematography
Everyone loves to see themselves as the hero and heroine of a movie when it comes to their wedding videos. The NG studio for photography and cinematography prioritizes its customer's need for a high-quality wedding video. That's why they have different unique features for wedding cinematography.
3. Drone video service
Drone shots have always been unique for people who love photography and videography, and if it's about their wedding day, there will be no denying a high-quality drone video service. If you are also a short drone lover, contact the NG studio, Toronto, for photography and cinematography.
Editing on the same-day
Most of the time, waiting photographers and studios take longer to deliver or mail high-quality, uncompressed photos and videos of a wedding. Still, with NG studio for photography and cinematography, you will experience the same-day editing service where you can get your favorite albums on the day you get married.
HD albums & large format of printing
The NG studio for photography and cinematography uses cut-edge technology to create HD wallpaper like photos and albums. They can provide you with different printing formats of your favorite wedding photos to get a keychain or wallpaper size wedding photo.
Why The NG Studio is the Best?
We are giving you the top reasons why the NG Studio for photography and cinematography is the best solution in Toronto if you are searching for a wedding photography studio.
Photographers' time and responsibility for their job are the top priority. If you hire destination wedding photographers from Toronto-based NG Studio, they will offer you the best wedding photography experience at a pocket-sized cost! With dreams come accurate shots, poses, dressing, editing, lighting, positions, frames, and more. They don't waste your valuable time. 
Professional destination wedding photographers of the NG Studio in Toronto are always present almost one hour ago; your event takes place. They offer you the golden moments of your life, being punctual and manageable virtually all the time.
Experienced and skilled photographers of the NG Studio pay close attention to minor details. They will not just be present for every photo but also ensure everything is in order. It's similar to retaining your private attendant! They plan everything Very nicely, as they wish to create every shot ideally. To look fantastic, they will modify the lights, change backdrops, and instruct the pose, hairstyle, clothing, attire, and accessories to ensure that every frame is perfect.
Final Words
All the professional, experienced photographers working with the NG Studio, Toronto, offer the best quality service to their customers.
Everything is premium, deluxe, and exclusively designed for clients, from pre-editing conditions to post-productive works. You can rest as your professional, cherished images are safely affirmed and prepared for a few wizardry editing.
Experienced and professional destination wedding photographers of the NG Studio spend a lot of money and effort purchasing the best and lofty tools and accompaniments to perform at their outstanding. Contact, and book them now!
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some hcs where jake is a model and bradley is a photographer.
in the industry jake is considered as a menace. he always have some of the most difficult requests, and some staffs think he could be the rudest model they’ve ever met.
BUT, whenever jake and bradley is in the same photoshoot, jake is surprisingly calm, collected, and behaved. even his manager, callie, is always surprises by how quiet and tamed jake is around the photographer.
some people think that jake has a massive crush on bradley, other think that bradley is just THAT intimidating even the bratty model succumbed into him. which both are correct either way.
it’s a secret but they slept with each other once or twice back in jake’s early modeling day, thinking bradley is just another dumb, lustful, wannabe model—turns out he’s the right hand of Pete Mitchell, the infamous broad director of a well-known fashion magazine—and jake felt so doomed that he can’t even talk around bradley, which is highly appreciated by the photoshoot staffs who work with them.
bradley thinks that jake’s cute, and he is a hardworking person that bradley can appreciate despite people’s words about him. it’s not a surprise to meet bitch of a model in the industry, and bradley have met many of the worsts.
jake always throw gifts away—beside reasonable gifts from fans—and bradley knows that, but he saw jake with the shirt he gave him on his birthday, and the headphone he gave jake the other day.
they got together secretly at some points in their pining period, and no one noticed it. paparazzi caught them hanging out a few times, but both bradley and jake always denied the relationship rumors about them.
bradley always makes sure that jake eat properly, because sometimes jake won’t eat just to avoid visible bloating on his pictures. he also skipped meals when around show weeks, and bradley take it as his duty to make sure his boyfriend eats his meals properly.
bradley has a dog, and jake loves to take him on his evening run. this is how they finally reveal their relationship to the world, because the dog jake pet-sits is apparently the same dog bradley posts on his instagram page, and people surprisingly can do math on that facts.
their relationship shocked the hell outta people, but they’re happy for the couple regardless. especially callie, and bradley’s assistant and videographer, bob and natasha. sure they’ve seen bradley and jake hangout, but they’re still surprised nonetheless by the news.
im gonna add more i guess. i love this trope.
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
(where does the tour/behind the scenes footage go) I really do blame their three photographers and videographer who are more interested in CreAtiNg ArT than providing regular old video content for the fandom. the balance of them getting to make their art and us being provided with useable video footage so WE can make stuff is not there, has not been there since 2017… call me old fashioned but I just want some casual videos and more candid interactions?
I understand your frustration (and I know a lot of people share it as well) but I have to disagree with where the "blame" falls tbh. Andy, Sarah, Ryan and any other creatives the band employs for content are working under the directive of the band, it's not like they're hired to capture straight footage/photos and all go off the rails with filters and films in the name of "art." It was pretty clear that going into the YB era, the band decided they wanted a style shift and since then, they've remained true to that aesthetic, with even the people they've worked with outside of that trio - for example, the grainy aspects of the anniversary show and what's affectionately (?) being referred to as the "cave" acoustic video we got the other day were all shot and produced by outsiders - sticking to that same look, so it's apparently something the band likes.
I think in that same regard, the shift from the "regular old video content for the fandom" to the type of content we get now is also probably deliberate on part of the band. As they've mentioned before (and was driven home many times in the 10 Years podcast), they weren't really in control of their image or how they were presented before the YB era and were often uncomfortable with how much they were treated as a "product". So in that context, it's understandable that their official non-musical output is now more artistically based (and aesthetically cohesive) than the content of years past, which for better or worse, was more of an obligation/marketing tool to cater to their younger fanbase, a purpose they no longer are interested in serving imo. (And also in the age of TikTok/IG Story, the silly goofy content is still available when they choose to make it for us but it can live and die there as opposed to pulling focus from the actual work they want front and center 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Art, of course, is subjective so there's not much that can be done if you don't vibe with the same aesthetics they do (I personally think the grainy/70s/classic rock look is an excellent match for them but again, ymmv, especially if you're a content creator) but as far as the content itself goes, I think things like the MYT tour diaries and the WWJ recap vid are good examples of the spirit of the past content you may be missing combining with their modern day objective.
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jangmi-latte · 4 years
>♡< may i order some cheesy pomefiore headcanons with an s/o who's a ballet dancer?
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➻ content: almond chocolate cocoa
➻ warnings: none
➻ comments: i've always wanted to try ballet. makes me wonder how weak my legs are. i've broke my boots one time attempting to stand on my toes :'D this was fun to write. i do be having mad respects for ballerinas.
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i. vil schoenheit
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➺ with him as a model and actor and you as a ballerina, there is no doubt that both of you will have strict self-care schedules for yourselves. daily yoga and workout with him during the mornings (maybe even late at night) is one of the ways you two would bond with each other.
➺ you may have your own healthy diet and vil somehow keeps track of what you eat to keep your slim figure.
➺ your diet is probably not as strict as vil’s so there are times you would tease him when it comes to any cheat day.
“look vil, i bought fried donuts.”
“get those detrimental calories away from me.”
“but they’re yummy :D”
“come on just have a small bite for me.”
“y/n no--!”
➺ vil is a very supportive partner. he values and respects the hard work you went through just to master balance and grace. he would be there for your rehearsals and performances. if magicam had a story function similar to instagram, he would totally add you to his stories.
➺ being a ballerina includes inevitable bruises and wounds while practising. vil makes sure these instances are taken care of instantly. he cares for your physical wellbeing.
➺ dance practices with each other is one of your dates. he would catch you doing a grand jete and would smile in delight. like, damn look at his lover go.
➺ you're a sub mentor during the vdc.
➺ struggling to do a certain dance routine? vil is there to help you. we all know how strict he can be as a teacher and he’s no different when he’s helping you. you handled his teachings before anyways, there’s nothing new to it.
➺ he also uses that as an excuse to touch you (affectionately).
➺ imagine having his hands on your waist while he helps you posture properly during a certain step and then it wanders towards your stomach. the last thing you know he’s already hugging you from behind.
➺ if you’re a popular ballerina then it’s no doubt the paparazzi already caught wind of your relationship. vil would, one day, post a picture of you together and there you go, shippers everywhere.
➺ pomefiore students would be baffled by how flexible you are. you know those flexibility challenges on tiktok? you would definitely do that and the students would question if you have any bones. it’s possible you’re more flexible than vil, he’ll totally ask how you stretch during yoga.
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“stretching that far back is scaring me,” he said, watching as you bent back while you sat in a front split. “be careful, you might break your spine.” you sat back properly, smiling at your boyfriend while you brought your legs back together. sitting doll-like while stretching your feet, “that’s my favorite stretching position. really helps with the back.” you stretched your arms this time, arms rising above your head before standing back up. vil simply sighed, knowing not to question the capabilities of a ballerina. you are far beyond your liege. his eyes wandered over to the shelf in the dance studio. there sat both your awards, his from modeling and acting, while yours are from your magnificent dancing. the real epitome of hard work.
vil’s mind began to wander at how far you two had gone-- until he heard a loud bang against the studio floor that his head snapped over to your fallen form. “ow…” you giggled while he clicked his tongue. “see, from stretching too much you got weaker. doing too much of one thing isn’t good.” his legs swiftly brought him to your fallen form. strong arms lifting you up bridal style towards a chair. “are you hurt?” he spoke with concern laced in his voice.
“this fall is nothing compared to how hard i’ve fallen for you though,” you shrugged.
“okay, that’s enough bonding with rook and epel,” he sighed.
“i love you though.”
“vil! ow- ow okay okay i may or may not have bruised my knees--!”
ii. rook hunt
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➺ most supportive boyfriend you had.
➺ it’s likely he fell for you after seeing you dance. would compliment you in the most poetic ways possible and even knows the words to ballet steps.
➺ his phone gallery and camera will be full of pictures of you. ranging from you in your ballet costumer to you during rehearsals yet in the most elegant pose you can do. you would think his wall would be adorned by your pictures too, but no, he has a corkboard just on the other side of his room with pictures of you.
➺ you bet, he’s there during your performances.
➺ would call for your help concerning the vdc since he knows you have potential that can help vil training the juniors. he really just wants you there since he, himself, gets tired from practicing yet he doesn’t show it.
➺ you accidentally kicked him on the face once you did a high split and damn, even with a bleeding nose, was he impressed. let’s not ask how you even kicked him, he just popped out of nowhere.
➺ if you were able to use a bow and arrow using your feet then… just imagine hearing a thump somewhere in the room because rook probably fell off a tree seeing that. that’s some hard ass skill to do and he just fell for you more.
➺ totally your videographer and photographer!!! taking confidence in your skills and looks considering you have to look fit and need to feed your fans with some content, rook would be your best go-to person when it comes to taking videos and pictures. he has got the best angles to capture your utmost beauty.
➺ people wouldn’t even question why rook is smiling while staring at a distance again. yet, as vil and epel had observed, his smile was more soft and sweet while he watched you suddenly dance in the school’s courtyard. he can’t believe you were actually his lover.
➺ is willing to run around and help you with what you need. leg warmers? check. water bottle? check. just as long as he gets to watch you perform he’s contented.
➺ if you have a performance outside of the country, rook would try his best to watch via social media but before you leave, he’s going to give you encouraging words and how he’ll miss you. when you come back home, you got, not only rook with a very proud smile on his face, but also vil (who apparently watched after seeing rook so immersed).
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you cried and yelled awake as another cramp hit your calf. oh, those very painful cramps when you stretch your legs after continuous leg workout. rook was jolted awake by your screams and immediately sat up and bent your toes backwards. his hair disheveled and eyes panicked and concerned despite having sleepiness in them. “mon cheri...” his husky (still sleepy) voice called as you whined, feeling the pain immediately leave from the aid of your boyfriend. “are you alright?”
“sorry…” you sniffed, carefully adjusting your leg after rook had let go of your toes and laid back beside you. “that was your third cramp this week,” he spoke worriedly. half-lidded green eyes looking in concern. “aren’t you overworking yourself?” he asked. rook is, no doubt, a very supportive boyfriend when it came to your talents, but that doesn’t mean he’ll support the fact you're getting hurt and tired from overworking yourself. he has woken up to your screams of pain for three consecutive nights. he didn’t mind waking up to aid you, he’s just really worried unto why you’re even having cramps in the first place.
“maybe…” you mumbled, hiding your face on the crook of his neck, “scold me next time please… i don’t really like waking up to this or even disturb you from your sleep.”
rook chuckled quietly, whispering, “your dancing is one of the reasons i love you. but if i do need to watch out then i’ll call vil. i’ll be too immersed watching you dance to even notice.”
“rook,” you whined.
“alright, alright. now relax yourself, mon cheri. bonne nuit.”
iii. epel felmier
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➺  is amazed at how high you jump and how flexible you are. he’ll attempt to do the same even though he has no idea how to do it exactly. when you mentioned it’s ballet, he went red and exclaimed, “t-that’s ballet…?!”
➺ remember when he complained to vil about the dane being meandering and girly and now he needs to do ballet? guess who he ran to.
➺ is actually quite skeptical that he may not look manly as he wanted to be but after you said that learning ballet can help with his muscles, he’s already bombarding you with questions.
➺ thanks to vil, both him and deuce already have ballet shoes. since they didn’t have to do a releve, it was just simply stretching and balance to teach.
➺ “epel, you need to look like a swan not a seal having an asthma attack.” “wHAt?”
➺ sure, you’re both in a relationship, but epel would still get flustered by your touches during dance rehearsals. like come on, he’s supposed to be the guy holding your waist to look attractive and not the other way around.
➺ even so, he’s thankful for your help. you’re not as ‘demonic’ (as ace would put it) as vil. 
➺ when he’s just watching you, damn, the admiration in his eyes was oiling your gears more. he really wants to be strong and you know even your talent can help him go where he wants to be with vil’s guidance as well. 
➺ deuce would downright be confused on how close you two are until you kissed epel’s cheek when he successfully spun without toppling over. the first year was dumbfounded.
➺ “all thanks to y/n!” he would cheer when vil pointed out epel’s improvement. man, seeing vil’s proud smirk and epel’s victorious grin-- you had to hold onto rook to avoid fainting.
➺ epel would want to have an innocent competition with you on who can spin the most without getting dizzy and he instantly lost while you’re still spinning. and you’re on a pointe.
➺ your magicam would be videos and photographs of him attempting and succeeding certain ballet routines or even just him practicing for the vdc. relationship goals and ace feels stupid about love.
➺ you would let him smack your ballet shoes (to soften them) on stairs or something if he’s pissed. at least your shoes will be easier to use. 
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“shit, this is harder than i thought,” the first-year pants as he collapsed on the floor. you rubbed your nape, watching as deuce’s knees quivered while balancing on a board. “alright, enough you two,” you called and gave them water bottles. you assisted the both of them epel by removing his ballet shoes and there, your eyes softened. he hasn’t even experienced the full ballet course (like what you’ve experienced) and you can already see bruises and the evident veins prodding on his skin. 
“we’ll do some stretching tomorrow. you both did enough balancing for today. no legs shall be strained too much, who knows what’ll happen if you got injured during the duration of the vdc.”
“no, wait! i can do more!” epel persuaded as he stood up, only to wince and drop back on the floor after feeling the pain on his ankles. “see, that’s what i mean.” knowing the ice bags would come in handy, you approached your boyfriend and laid them on his feet. “you’re excelling enough, epel. do it more slowly. you were able to do a pirouette even without doing a releve and that’s already an achievement.”
you heard him sigh, watching his face grow solemn as he looked at his feet. “i just want to prove myself to vil…”
“and you’re proving yourself enough. he’ll see your progress and i can already see him being proud. all i did was guide you, you did all the hard work yourself and that’s what’s important to vil. chin up.” you smiled, pecking epel’s nose as he immediately looked away. his lips quivering to a small smirk before nodding. “t-then...i’ll make sure i can be strong enough to even beat vil! that’s my promise!”
poor deuce being a third wheel.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
I’m in Love With You Dumbass (Christen x reader)
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Request: R are in love with Chris and she’s close with Chris and Tobin so she really think that she wont stand a chance. R is USWNTs videographer/content creator.
Authors Note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ cause without her this would probably still be trapped in my drafts. Also this turned into something a little silly and a little fluffy, and i really hope you enjoy it!
You blinked at your laptop, squinting as you processed the ten thousand pictures that you had taken during national team practice trying to decide which ones you wanted to put out for the fans. 
It was always a balancing act, giving them little glimpses at training and not giving your major secrets away, but you had mastered it over the years. 
You bit your lip as you swiped past several pictures of your best friend (who you totally didn’t have a crush on). The shot was perfect, well almost. Her green eyes were shining, and her dimples were showing. The only problem you had was that the smile was directed at one Tobin Heath instead of you. 
You were so focused on picking out a picture of Christen that you didn’t notice you were no longer alone in the dining hall. Hell, you didn’t notice anything until two hands landed on your shoulders. 
“Hey,” Emily yelled directly in your ear, you jolted in your seat, nearly falling as Emily and Lindsey cackled. 
You held your hand over your chest, fighting a smile of your own. You might not like being scared, but at least they were having a good time. 
“What are you two up to down here?” 
“Trying to fight the boredom of a lazy day. What are you up to?” Lindsey laughed, settling down into the seat beside you, and leaning over to look at the photos displayed on your laptop. 
“Just editing stuff for tomorrow’s release,” You shrugged, clicking so the photos advanced forward. 
“that last video has the fans going crazy,” Emily mumbled, leaning over the back of the chair to get a better view of the screen, and smirking when she saw a string of pictures focused on a certain forward. 
“Hmm, I’m glad, but it’s you guys who did all the work, I just shot the camera,” You hummed shaking your head. The women were so charismatic and funny that most of it took almost no artistry on your part. You just had to aim and capture. They were the ones giving you golden content. 
“Don’t sell yourself short, you edited like 15 hours of footage into 8 minutes,” Lindsey snorted, and you blushed just a little. Most people didn’t realize how much time a single clip took to put together, so it was kinda nice to have the acknowledgment. 
“But I have a question,” Emily said, her head popping over your shoulder as you began to edit one of the clips from today. It wasn’t anything spectacular, just Tobin threading a ball through for Christen. 
“Yeah Sonnett?” You asked, tilting your head, your tongue trapped between your teeth as you decided where to cut the clip into the one before it. 
“Why does Christen always get more screen time when she’s in those leggings?” 
You froze, the flush moving up your cheeks all the way to your ears. You weren’t that obvious, were you? She just looked so good in those pants, you really couldn’t help yourself. It was for the fans after all… 
“She doesn’t. I just pick the cool shots and stuff,” You grumbled, crossing your arms and slumping in your seat. 
Lindsey’s eyes softened. “If you ever wanna talk about it, you know where to find us,”. 
“There’s nothing to talk about. She’s my best friend and probably dating someone else anyway. I don’t stand a chance,” You mumbled, staring adamantly down at your twiddling fingers in your lap. 
You had known Christen since college, and you had had a crush on her for almost as long. Years ago you had been poised to make your move when one Tobin Heath entered the picture. She had all but swept Christen off her feet, and you knew you didn’t have a chance with the girl. Why would she want the shy camera girl when she could have one of the best players in the league. 
“Yeah, cause she totally doesn’t stare at you as much as you stare at her,” Emily snorted, patting your back. 
“I don’t stare…” You grumbled, pouting. 
“Whatever you say,” Lindsey cackled, a plan beginning to form. 
Christen was not brooding. So she happened to be sitting in a corner, sipping on her beer watching you laugh with someone near the counter across the room from under her eyelashes. But that was not glowering, or even remotely stalkerish. Okay, but who WAS that that you were talking to, and why were they making you laugh so hard you almost choked on your drink?
“Hey Chris, nice view?” Tobin said, sliding into the seat next to Christen. 
“Peachy,” Christen said sarcastically, not looking away from where you were standing. Apparently, that girl you were talking to was interested in cameras, as you were currently showing her yours. Bitch.
“Hm, then why are you glaring at the nice rookie who is buying Y/n drinks?” 
“She’s a lightweight. If Sophia Smith buys her another one of those Long Island Iceteas then Y/n won’t be able to drive home,” Christen grumbled, sipping her beer. If Kelley could get you drunk with three margaritas, they were definitely in for it with the 3 long islands you had consumed. If only the rookie knew what a stupid move it was. 
“So she’ll order an uber.” Tobin shrugged with a smirk. Christen balked at the notion. You were a handful when drunk, and she wasn’t going to leave you alone in the hands of some poor college students. 
“Uber has unethical business practices.” She dismissed Tobin’s suggestion easily. 
“Maybe one of the Riveters will offer to take her then. Are you really going to sit here and pretend this has nothing to do with the fact that you’re head over heels for our favorite photographer?”
Christen rolled her eyes. There was no way in hell she was going to let you get in the car with one of your fans. No matter how supportive they were. 
“Maybe.” She pouted, crossing her arms. 
Tobin rolled her eyes at the reaction. God the two of you moved slower than Sloths. If you kept going at this rate you would be 70 by the time you finally got together. “So are you going to sit here and pout, or are you going to go get your girl?” 
“What if she doesn’t want me?”
“Trust me, she does,” Tobin snorted. Your crush was pretty obvious to anyone with eyes, as was Christen’s on you. The team had bets about how long it would take the two of you to grow the balls to ask each other out (and who would do the asking). 
Christen held Tobin’s eyes for a second. Then she set her drink down on the table and walked over to where you were standing with Smith. You turned to look at her, your eyes taking a second to refocus before you recognized her. 
“PRESSIE!” You screeched, then ducked down and whispered “sorry, too loud.”
“How many of these have you had?” Christen said, casually taking the glass from your hand. 
“Just two- you know that two-drink Y/n has problems with volume control!” You said, laughing at your Brooklyn 99 reference as you stole your drink back and took a big swig. “Don’t worry, I’ll switch to water next.”
“Right. So are you having fun talking to Sophie?” Christen said, not sure how to start the conversation. 
“Oh, sophies nice! Like she’s so funny. She pretended to be interested in photography so I could talk about it since I didn’t know any of the television shows she was talking about. Apparently, I need to watch she-ra or something, but I just don’t have time. And I already promised to watch that thing with you. You know that period drama thing. And you’re nicer. And really pretty. And you give really good cuddles. Even if you always like the villain characters in movies best, like a weirdo.”
“Just because I said Tom Hiddleston was hot one time-”
“It’s Okay, Pressie. I acknowledge that you have a terrible taste in men, you bi disaster you, and that’s okay. I love you anyway. Boop” and with that, you tapped her on the nose. 
Christen rolled her eyes, “Okay, let’s get you home before you profess the rest of your love for the team,” 
“Hmm, don’t love the rest of the team. Just love you, even if you love Tobin more,” You sighed, leaning your head on her shoulder. 
Christen tensed. “What?” She asked. Her and Tobin were strictly friends, and anyone with eyes knew she was hung up on you. 
“I wanna date you, but you’re dating tobito. That makes me sad. She scooped you up before i could profess my undying love, ” You pouted, scrunching your eyebrows together. You meant to tell her after Standford beat North Carolina so many years ago, but they had lost and she had gone to congratulate Tobin. 
Christen shook her head. “I’m in love with you dumbass, not Tobin,” 
You sat up and blinked owlishly at her, suddenly more sober than you had been 20 seconds ago. “You are?”
She rolled her eyes at you, kissing your nose lightly. She wasn’t about to argue with you about who she was in love with while you were drunk off your ass. She would investigate more later, profess her love when you were both sober, and make up for all your lost time “Alright, i think you’ve had enough. Let’s get you home hot stuff,”
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flowered-mp3 · 2 years
Can I ask what's going on with the DNA team? I've been at work all day so I haven't been able to check my phone. I've seen a few vague posts referencing the team and Mark but that's it. And I honestly kind of refuse to get on Twitter if I can help it....
before u read this, please do not take ANY of this at face value. this might be hearsay but it also might be true, so do not take this one source (ie. me) and form your opinion on this situation.
tbh i am not fully versed on the situation either, but here's what's been gathered so far:
essentially, there are accusations going around that mark's friends (ie. the dna team) have been using their position as mark's friends to sneak girls backstage to meet him (ie. give them tickets/vip passes), get dates, etc. apparently, this also included texting fans and using mark's name on dating apps.
in addition, there's an accusation that will (mark's friend/videographer/photographer) matched with an 18 yr old girl on hinge and followed her on insta? once again i'm not sure if this is valid or not BUT will posted an apology on this whole situation.
mark is a great artist and all but i am not dealing with nor supporting his "team" or his friends, and frankly i never really did.
also, i don't wanna see people defend mark's friends simply because they're involved with him. tbh, mark should get heat for this and i just don't care enough to feel bad about it.
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jtrbluv · 4 years
shutterbug | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 4.1k
warnings: swearing, unbearable but relatable tiger parents
request: Jungkook,, one shot,, 38 + 40 please 😊😊 @asiivnc 
“you leave whenever you feel like it.” & “don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.”
A/N: sheesh, i have not posted in a hot minute! i’ve been trying to work on this single request throughout quarantine and it really only came down to these last few days where i literally had a spike of inspo and drive and well,, ideas LOL. i considered an alternate angstier ending but i am a self-indulgent mofo who doesn’t like to make myself cry even though i’m sure i cried while writing this at least once (maybe twice). there is so much jk content on my blog i wanna set aside more time to write for other members from now on until i’m satisfied! regardless, thank you @asiivnc for requesting this and sorry for the wait luv, hopefully this can make up for it !!
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Jungkook was known to be heavily passionate and fully invested in whatever his life had revolved around at that moment. As a film/photography major, as well as a man that just had a strange knack for being naturally adept at whatever was thrown at him, he incessantly poured his utmost efforts into his works. You weren’t any different, as you held just as much significance in his life as the way his serotonin levels would skyrocket as soon as his fingertips touched his precious camera.
Not to be self-absorbed, but you always thought of yourself as his muse. Or befittingly for his sake, the subject of the photo that you would give the title ‘his lover’.
You were so indisputably sure that you loved the boy and even moreso that he felt the same. While being so accustomed to his own nurturing ways and devotion to you and the reciprocated energy on your part, the bone-crushing weight of college hindered all and didn’t give a single fuck about anyone or anything.
Carrying the begrudging burden of having to succeed because he didn’t take the traditional lawyer/doctor career route, was always at the forefront of his mind. Likewise, for fuck’s sake, he nearly got disowned by his own parents and it took him what seemed to be a lifetime’s worth of energy to convince him to just give him a chance. Jungkook was not planning on taking that chance for granted.
Jungkook, being the person he is, was excelling, and his name was beginning to become known in the community of photographers and videographers, and he was finally starting to feel at ease. His parents were even acknowledging his successes to the extent that they were helping him financially with school, which was a huge burden off of his shoulders. And then you suddenly crash-landed into his life and just made his life even more fulfilling and by all means, worth living in.  
He knew it was a bad idea. Distancing himself from you was the last thing he wanted to do. All his parents were concerned about was the fact that you were the only thing hindering him from making it “big”, when turns out, you became the sole inspiration and muse for most of his recent works. So they gave him an ultimatum to either be cut off financially or break up with you. He didn’t understand, because his parents liked you so much and they loved the influence you had on his work. He didn’t understand. He hated it—the fact that he was basically hanging by puppet strings and didn’t have a say in what he did considering the age he was in now.
He also hated the fact that he knew they had good intentions, and were only doing this because they wanted him to be successful. Their idea of true success for his career could only be seen as the financial benefits of being a director or producer rather than being able to just pursue and learn more about the art form that he loves. There was no use of trying to persuade them, so likewise, he did not. But why get her involved into this mess too?
Jungkook tended to stray away from confrontation and hated immediate and unexpected change as much as he acted like it didn’t phase him. He figured the sooner he can gain benefit from his passion, the less dreadful this dilemma would be. Less mess. Less stress. More time to be with you. That was the intended plan.
His next course of action was to score a film internship and potential job at the rather famous, Fox Studios. By doing so, would have to win the statewide film contest— a much larger scale than he had ever involved himself in. The mere thought of him having to showcase his own self-produced work to critically acclaimed film critics made the bile in his system threaten to upchuck onto the lemon-pledge scented floors of his dorm room. Then he remembered and was reminded— by the help of you of course, that he was Jeon Jungkook, and everyone knows that Jeon Jungkook does not like to lose.
He presumed that keeping up his grades would give him more credibility to getting the internship as well, so he put more focus onto his schoolwork. The remainder of his time was dedicated to exploring his potential ideas and storyboarding out his options and what would be most effective and most consequently— worthy of winning first place.
During this very strenuous time for the poor man, you would most likely see him trudging down the halls, hair in a complete disarray or simply hidden by the fabric of his hood, his eyelids threatening to close shut almost as if it’s taking all his willpower to keep them open, chugging down another red bull with one hand while he grips the strap of his backpack with practically no energy.
I mean you thought it was kinda cute at first, but his apparent deteriorating state mostly caused you to be more concerned than anything else.
In hopes to not hinder his creative flow but still keep his health at par, you would stop by every so often to give him food and give him reassurance—he never needed it so much until now.
Jungkook never told you about the irrational ultimatum his parents had given him. He came to the conclusion that it’d be unnecessary as long as he was able to carry out his plans. Nonetheless, the pressure of the whole situation was getting to him. The love of his life, passion for working with a camera, his parents’ disapproval, and just the own personal dream to be able to tell everyone that “Fuck you, I told you I could do it, and I did,” enveloped his whole mind these days.
Time had proved to not work in Jungkook’s favor. Two weeks passed in a mere blink of an eye leaving him with only two more weeks to finish his film in time for the film contest. This time around, he decided to choose a topic that resonated more with his own personal life. The film revolves around the struggle to be able to conform to the standards and expectations that society implements onto young people, whether it’d be from mainstream media or direct connections, like family. Typically, he stuck a title onto his projects after fully completing it, but for some reason, this time, it had worked in reverse. The title itself suddenly popped into his mind one day and from there he was able to garner ideas from it. And so the title was ‘Moulded’.
A very risky step on Jungkook’s part was what you initially thought when he first told you the idea. He knew that too, which is why he did it. You knew him long enough to be aware of the influence his parents had on his life and their outdated beliefs. You also knew the potential the boy’s zeal could take him, and because of that, all traces of worry left you shortly afterward.
Two days. The film contest was in two days. Jungkook was just about finished at this point, constantly playing back frames and adding final touches, rewatching the same parts over and over again until he became satisfied. He leaned back in his chair and let out a heavy sigh, eyes finally averting from the screen of his desktop to the clock on his bedside table.
“Only 9:15?” he muses, realizing these past four weeks had completely fucked over his sense of time, “At least I’m down, color correcting can be such a bit—”
A small jolt reverberates through his desk, interrupting his verbally spoken train of thought. His eyes beeline back to his phone, the contact picture of his mom flashing on his screen. Why would she be calling me at this time?
His brows knit together as he picks up his phone and swipes his thumb across the screen in uncertainty.
“Um, hi mom?” he greets, with the obvious tone of confusion in his voice.
He can practically hear her scoff over the line, “Jungkook-ah, how’s the film coming along?”
“It’s almost done-”
“Are you still with that girl?” she forcibly asks out of nowhere, leaving him dumbfounded to the point his mouth was hanging open in return.
A few seconds pass by as he processes what’s going on. He tightens his grip on the phone at the mention of you as he confesses through gritted teeth, “Yes mom.”
“We had a deal didn’t we?”
He retorted without waver in his voice, “Mom, I’m not a kid anymore.”
“Then give it back. The tuition money,” she affirms without hesitation, “Jungkook, me and your father have done our part. It’s about time you do yours.”
“I’ve done practically everything you’ve asked. I’m doing just fine,” he monotonously states, trying so hard not to implode on his own mother at this point, “Y/N has nothing to do with this.”
There was a short pause, leaving Jungkook in the same state of dejection per usual when he had to talk to his parents, “We just want you to be successful,” her voice softens, using the same line that somehow magically guilt-trips Jungkook every time the words travel to his ears.
He shakes his head in disbelief over hearing the stupid line that seemed to control every aspect of his life, “You say that every time.”
“And we mean it every time,” she interjects, a sigh audibly present over the line, “this discussion is over.”
She ends the call as Jungkook lets out a raspy and guttural groan, slamming his phone onto his desk in frustration with such strength it’d be surprising if the cheap glass screen protector he’s had on it didn’t suffer any damage.
“Kook,” a voice utters softly from the other side of his door, “is everything okay?”
He flinches at the sound of your voice, considering you were just the subject of the conversation he just had with his mom that left him fuming with rage more than anything.
“Can you please leave Y/N, this isn’t a good time,” he objected, adjusting himself in his seat so he’d face away from the door. Even though you couldn’t see him you could still hear the small indication of irritation in his response.
It was more than apparent something was wrong with him, with only two days left until the film contest, you knew he couldn’t manage to keep his guard down, regardless of the stress and turmoil he’d been putting himself through for the past 4 weeks, “Just because you leave whenever you feel like it…” you enunciate, raising your voice loud enough for him to hear your intentions, “doesn’t mean I will.” Both of you knew the last 4 weeks had taken a toll on the relationship, it was only then that he realized how much he’d been putting it off.
The door began to emit tiny clicking noises as he slowly turned the doorknob. He slowly widens the area as he meekly steps to the side, letting you come in as you make your way toward his bed and plop down onto his sheets.
The tension had never been this thick between the two of you, to the extent where it felt absolutely suffocating and unbearable. You had never seen him in such a state of dejection as he simply sat there, hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt as he nibbled on his lower lip, eyes diverting away from yours at all costs. The knit between his brows that would usually derive from confusion or frustration, seemed entirely different this time around. It was as if his mind was full of nothing but everything all at the same time.
You heave out a deep sigh as you finally break the ice, “Jungkook,” you begin, looking up to see him looking back at you to your surprise, “you know I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry for making it seem that way.”
“Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it,” he mutters only to see the flash of hurt in your eyes that makes him divert his gaze back to the floor, “I know I’ve been acting so selfish lately. I’d understand if you felt that way.”
“I hate seeing you like this you know,” you confess quietly, “I know there’s something up.”
His eyes meet yours once again, mouth slightly parted as if he was about to say something, but the silences ensues and he closes the gap once again, resorting back to nibbling the skin off of his bottom lip until it starts to bleed. Your eyes soften as you observe the boy once more. The span of your relationship had naturally led to the two of you being able to open up to one another so easily. You were both able to tell when the other was feeling a certain way and why. It just came with time and getting to know the other person more throughout the relationship. And alongside that was the ability to know when the other was purposely keeping something under wraps—this was one of those times.
“Jungkook”, you whisper just loud enough to catch his attention, which works as he gazes back up at you with all doe-eyed glory, the knit between his brows gone surprisingly out of sight for the first time since you came over. You glance at his bed—emphasizing the void of space next to you on his bed by patting the fabric and peering at the cryptic man, hoping he would get the sign to sit next to you.
Fortunately, he does. He places his hands on the armrests as he timidly pushes himself up from his chair. The chair produces an obnoxiously loud squeaking noise almost emulating the sound of your dog’s dog shaped squeaky toy (counterintuitive I know, but it was a gift from Jungkook himself, the prick). The sound causes you to involuntarily snort as you look away in hopes to hide the smile creeping onto your lips. Too bad you missed the smug grin on his face at your lackluster attempt.
He carefully approaches you as he warily lowers himself onto his bed, making sure he doesn’t make the same mistake twice. He shifts his body to turn towards you, propping his hands at his side. His eyes avoid yours once more, sparing glances at every inch of his own room as if he wasn’t already familiar with the enclosed space.
You pause and calculate your next move, eyes studying the boy’s body language. You outstretch your arm, gently grasping his wrist as you slide your fingers through his calloused palms and twine your fingers with his own, allowing your hands to rest on your knee. His eyes glaze over your connected hands, trailing back to finally meeting your own once again—they had this all too unfamiliar gloss to them, not the usual star-like specks you had been accustomed to looking at. As a few seconds had passed, you spotted the pool of tears starting to brim in the corner of his eyes. Taken aback, you retract your focus to his whole face and how his bottom lip started to tremble, hopeless. Hopelessness was what he was denoting, an emotion you had rarely if never seen coming from the man sitting in front of you.
Before you could formulate any words of comfort, he speaks up, voice brittle and wobbly, “Am I just a failure Y/N?”
“Wha— what? No, how could you ask that? Of course I don’t think you are,” you assert, unknowingly tightening the grip on his hand.
“It’s just,” he drawls out, pausing to think of a coherent way to voice his concerns, “maybe it just would’ve been easier if I complied with my parents in the first place y’know. I’ve been spending all my time and energy fighting it, maybe I’ve just been putting my energy into the wrong-”
“I don’t believe that,” you calmly interject, “I believe that whenever you put your energy into something, you have a reason behind it. You thought about it for a while, it obviously wasn’t something that just sprouted overnight,” you countered, staring off as your eyes land on his workspace, the flashing screen of his computer that reveal his last minute editing as well as the camera you seldom see the man without, “Working with a camera, creating art,” you say while clasping your free hand over the one that you were already holding, rubbing miscellaneous shapes into the back of his hand, “that is what you love to do.”
“I love a lot of things Y/N,” he simply states.
“Hm?” you let out under your breath as you notice the single tear that falls onto his cheek, contradictory to the straightforward tone of his voice you had just heard seconds before. Your body stiffened at the sight of the fallen drop.
“Did you hear me on the phone before you came?” he questions, swiping away the tears that threatened to fall with his free hand.
You take a moment to recollect the moments that preceded until knocking on his door, “No, I just heard a loud bang. It sounded like you broke something.”
“Oh, that was my phone,” he shyly admits while scratching the back of his ear, “there is something I need to tell you.”
You perk up at his sudden willingness to tell you what was wrong. Your body language conveys the signal for him to continue, and he does.
“I got a call from my mom before you came,” he starts, “she was checking up on me, knowing the deadline is coming soon and what not.”
You nod slowly in understanding, “I see, what did she say?”
“You have the right to know,” he mutters under his breath while diverting his gaze back to your interlocked hands. He intentionally grazes your other hand before taking it into his own before flashing you a small grin of reassurance, “The farther I’m advancing, my parents just constantly feel the need to strip me of everything else. You probably knew that already. You also know that I tend to just rebel and find a loophole out of things most of the time. I don’t know, lately, it just seems like they solely care about success and money these days more than my own happiness and wellbeing, and it’s been like that for so long. Anyways, I’ve been prolonging and putting it aside for awhile now, but they threatened to cut me off financially if I didn’t break up with you Y/N.”
A single tear slides down your cheek. You’re at a loss for words and coherent thought. The only thing you muster to say is whatever decidedly popped up into your head first, “W-why haven’t you then?”
The brimming tears began to fall more frequently for you as well as from the eyes of the man in front of you. He releases both of his hands and slides his calloused palms up to your forearms pulling you closer in proximity, “I said it before, I love a lot of things Y/N,” he gingerly reiterates as he swipes away the tears from your eyes with the pad of his thumb before trailing his fingers to your fallen strands of hair, tucking them behind your ear.
“I love my parents, I love working with a camera, but I undoubtedly also am in love with you,” he tenderly professes while sliding down his hand to the crook of your neck, “I know my parents never meant harm, but they have to realize I don’t either. I owe it to myself and I realize that I am capable of obtaining and having everything I want in life,” he wholeheartedly declares despite the tears that continue to run down his face, “ And it wouldn’t be everything I want if you weren’t here with me.”
He renders you speechless, tears streaming freely as he continues to wipe them away. He was much more composed now, wiping away his own remaining tears with the back of his wrist. You, on the other hand, were practically sobbing into his palm, tears spilling all over his forearm.
“There’s a reason why I chose that particular subject for the film, “ he describes, hands sliding down to intertwine with yours once again, “It serves as a testament to my parents, to my peers, to you, but also to myself,” he beams, releasing the hold on your hands as he stands up from his bed, extending a hand out to you.
You unhurriedly grab his hand, as he tugs you to stand up from his bed, leading you to sit in his own seat. He swivels the chair for it to face his computer, stepping aside so you could sit down.
“I wasn’t planning on giving any sneak peeks, but it just seems right to show you this now,” he explains, clicking through the frames until he arrives at his destination and clicks play.
It starts off with the emulation of a glitching tv screen, the audio sounds as if someone was inserting a tape into a DVR. The ‘no signal’ screen fades into the familiar setting of the beach in his hometown. Hues of blue fading into muted shades of oranges and yellows flash across the screen, accompanied by the soft crashing of the waves washing ashore on the fine sand. The camera quickly shifts his focus to what seems to appear as Jungkook being fully enveloped and underneath the sand, his head being the only thing that isn’t submerged. Flashing his signature grin, his arm emerges from the sand as he gives a thumbs-up to the camera, making the person behind it erupt into a fit of giggles. That person was you.
The scene transitions into the city streets of the suburb that was close to the college. You were walking down the sidewalk, enamored by the bustle of the people who lived there as well as the twinkling lights that were draped from building to building. Clips ranging from his family, his friends, him working, and more are compiled and presented as he talks over it. His voice begins to say, “As individuals living in a society where opportunities seem to just be knocking left and right, we all have dreams and desires. Whether they are attainable or not, that’s what makes them all the more worthwhile and exhilarating to find out for ourselves. Society, whether we like it or not, is filled with certain conjectures that they believe can assure us of these dreams and desires, what they’ve made us believe as the path to success. They mould us from the beginning. As kids, we are told to behave well, listen to our elders, go to school, get good grades, and get into a good college. As adults, we deem success as having a stable job that pays the bills, buying a house and settling down, finding the love of your life, having kids, and working tirelessly until we become worn out and old. We have these presumptions about what’s better and what’s not, what is easier and what isn’t. Regardless of how much we get told that we can achieve anything we want to in life, we grow older and life unexpectedly throws more curveballs at you to make you think that it’s not actually the case. Well, as cliche as it may sound, I’m here to tell you that it’s just not true. Do what you want. Do what you love. Be with the ones you love. Cherish these moments. Film them as keepsakes to look back on. So… what’s your story? What are your dreams and desires? What sparks pure joy within you and keeps you on your feet? Break those moulds that have been holding you down. Reach for the moon and the stars. And maybe someday with the right amount of determination, and a little bit of luck, you can get there.”
The video ends right then and there, and you had no doubt in your mind that this was his best work to date albeit only seeing a snippet of it. A smile graces your lips as you turn your head to look at the creator of it all. He looks back at you with the familiar star-like specks in his eyes, making you feel rest assured that within all the chaos, you would both get through it all.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
Mel, my darling! ❤️ Mel's little cookout: model Percy/makeup artist Annabeth pretty please (ILYSM ❤️❤️)
I have an ENTIRE headcanon for Model!Percy and edits to make for it!!
Do you know how much I love you? This isn’t funny!
Okay! Enjoy your prompt!! (also thank you Torie @percyheartsannabeth for being an amazing beta!)
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 The Model (WC: 2,3k)
Annabeth Chase had a secret passion. Makeup. Most of her classmates would’ve never thought that she would enjoy the art of the daily enhancements, but she secretly did. Techniques, palettes, brushes, sponges… Everything was kept in boxes at home, all neat and tidy.
Annabeth Chase also never thought that she would actually get the gig at MAC to work there. She aced the multiple interview rounds, impressed her future employer with her skills and diverse approach in makeup and was nearly hired on the spot. And now she was a fairly skilled makeup artist. One of the best.
There was another thing that Annabeth Chase never would have guessed. That it would take only one random afternoon to change her life forever.
A man entered the store. He was tall, wore sunglasses and an expensive Italian suit. He chatted with Drew, Annabeth’s supervisor.
“Oh, yes!” said Drew with a polite smile. “Annabeth?”
The blonde turned around and approached them. “He wishes for something natural for the day to cover the circles under the eyes,” Drew explained. “Can you do that quickly?”
“Of course, I can. Please follow me, sir!” Annabeth rarely worked with men, but there was a first for anything.
Her client took a seat and removed his sunglasses. Despite having rich dark skin, blemishes and fatigue ruined an otherwise fairly handsome face. The man took care of himself. Mostly. Sleep apparently wasn’t important enough.
Annabeth took her arsenal of makeup and other supplies and put them in front of the large mirror the client was facing. “You are warm toned,” she softly spoke and grabbed foundations to mix them together.
“Skin is already primed,” the man added. He also sounded Italian.
“Oh yes, I can see that!” she smiled. Then she started her work. She grabbed her sponge and placed the mixed foundation. Slow buildup, little by little. She used the concealer to smooth the surface and brighten the under eye area a little bit. Highlighter for a little pop. The customer didn’t want a full eye look, just curled lashes and mascara and sharpened eyebrows. Roughly twenty minutes passed, and Annabeth stepped aside so that the man could see the magic she had worked.
“Oh wow!” the client sounded impressed and tilted his head.
“Very natural. I like that!”
Annabeth smiled. “Oh yes. A full face can be so expressive and fun but not something for the day to day. A natural look should enhance your beauty, make spots disappear, not turn you into something you aren’t.”
“Very true,” the client agreed.
“Can I book you again?” he then asked. Annabeth nodded to Drew.
“Oh sure, just ask my boss!”
The man laughed and shook his head. “No, no, honey. Can I book you?”
His hand wandered into his suit and pulled a business card out. He handed the card to Annabeth.
Charon Bianchi. Casting director. Paris – NYC - Milano. DMFASHIONSTUDIO.
Annabeth looked up to Mr. Bianchi. “Uh…sure?”
The following four years changed everything for her. Gone was the job at MAC after she had signed with Charon. Hello flourishing career as an international MUA that got booked for galas, editorial shootings and runway gigs. Even certain celebrities and YouTubers hired her.
Annabeth had seen it all in those short years and had worked with all of them. She had been in Shanghai and then in Greece two days later. Flights from Paris to Kabul, New York to London. Annabeth had crossed paths with famous makeup artists like Pat McGrath, Charlotte Tilbury or Lisa Eldridge. She had been on the sets of photo shootings with incredible photographers such as Lara Jade, Lina Tesch, Cass Bird and even the famous Peter Lindbergh before he had passed. But the more recent things she had been booked for were runway gigs. Less pay, but more fun and definitely more stress.
Paris 2020. Dior Men, the new fall/winter 2020/21 collection. Designer Kim Jones wanted Annabeth to return to the set, so she did. The venue was beautiful. That was all Annabeth could think before she and a dozen others were sent backstage to prep their own little areas before models, videographers and photographers would swarm the place. Four hours until the show began, and everybody was already stressed out. The first few models showed up. Annabeth had been given a set card with faces she would work with on that particular day. 47 looks in total with 37 male models. Second looks, great Annabeth thought. More stress.
Malick Bodian, Ludwig Wilsdorff and Perseus Jackson were the models that were assigned to her. Perseus Jackson. A handsome young man, not much older than Annabeth came to her mind. Long curls, brown skin, light eyes and a beautiful grin. Annabeth had seen Perseus multiple times, but she had not worked with him directly before. Whereas many designers or their agents chose models because they had an interesting look or a beautiful symmetrical face, Perseus had both. The IT factor. His walk was among the best of his generation.
Annabeth was done with Ludwig’s look as she saw how Perseus stepped into the hectic atmosphere. He was two hours early which meant that he was four hours too late in the fashion world.
“You’re good to go,” said Annabeth to the young man next to her.
“Thanks,” he laughed and got up to get dressed.
Annabeth waved Perseus over to her. His lips formed an “Oh,” before he sat down next to her.
“I think we’ve never worked together before, haven’t we?” he asked. She shook her head.
“Well, Percy,” he introduced himself.
“Annabeth,” she smiled.
“Don’t ask,” she rolled her eyes. “A southern thing.”
That made him roar with laughter. Annabeth had the entire Dior makeup arsenal next to her and was supposed to focus on enhancing his looks, but she couldn’t. He was way too charming, way too funny, way too charismatic. They talked about life before fashion. Percy got scouted at the age of sixteen as he was working at his mother’s bakery in NYC. At first, he thought it was a joke and his mother also had been very skeptical, but after the first few gigs, they realized that Percy had the potential of making it big in the scene.
Annabeth could sense that he was one of the few male models that could actually live a fairly comfortable life with his runway, video and editorial income. He was way too relaxed, and Annabeth knew how struggling models looked like.
Percy had seen Annabeth’s work before. They’ve crossed looks behind the scenes of Prada, Valentino and Isabel Marant. At first, he had thought she had been a model herself with her height and gorgeous looks. The fact that she had been hired as a makeup artist came as a total surprise to him. The blonde set the foundation. He paid close attention to the movement of her hand. That is how he saw her diamond for the first time.
“Oh, wait you’re engaged?” His eyes widened.
“What?” Annabeth looked at the ring on her finger. A birthday gift to herself.
“Oh that,” she laughed.
“I think I might have missed the memo, but I’m pretty sure that I’m single.”
“Oh,” Percy laughed. He almost sounded relieved.
The makeup was a soft look that should set focus on the grooming of the models. A glow on the cheekbones. Smooth skin. Little crystals that were set around the eyes functioned as little highlights. A black earring dangled from his left ear. Then Annabeth moved further to his lips.
Annabeth used neutral brown tones that were supposed to enhance his looks. She applied the color and slowly worked on his bottom lip. His lips slightly parted and his intense stare made Annabeth blush. Her gray eyes wandered back to his lips to finish her work.
“I think you’re good to go,” Annabeth said.
“Already?” he pouted. It was unfair. How could someone shift from fierce to seal eyes in less than a second? Features that could shift from humor to almost anger so easily from the shoots Annabeth had seen from him.
“Move,” she laughed.
Perseus got up. “See you around,” he winked. A warm feeling spread through Annabeth. He’s just cheeky. That’s all.
The collection had a touch of British fashion. Percy grabbed his stuff and was placed into a changing room by a stylist. As soon as he left, he had been swarmed by people that corrected everything. From the way the tie was sitting to the way the white jersey was stuffed into his pants. Someone actually got on their knees to work on the socks. His first look was a gray wool coat which was accompanied by a dark set of pants, a white jersey which had a silver shirt underneath. A fitting white tie and white gloves were set as highlights.
“We need someone to do a little retouch!” one of the stylists yelled. Percy turned around to see if Annabeth was around somewhere. She was not. She still sat in her niche and worked her magic on his colleague Malick. They were laughing. A pang to his heart. Disappointment.
“Hey Percy!” Makeup artist and great friend Piper McLean greeted him and redid some of Annabeth’s layers.
“All models must be ready in the next ten minutes!” yelled director Luke Castellan over the noise and busy people. “First Looks and then get in line! Ten minutes everybody!”
Percy got to the small corner where photographers were ready to take the first pictures of the entire looks. Posing, demonstrating, not getting blinded by the flashing lights. Percy stood in a group with Jason Grace, Ethan Nakamura and Taemin Park. They broke the formation after a few minutes to make room for the next set of models with other looks. Percy got in line for the runway. He wasn’t going to open the show; he was the fourth look. But he would have the honor of closing the show. A key highlight. He made a silent prayer and then it was time.
Assistant Grover Underwood gave the opening model Nico di Angelo the go to walk out. Everyone stared at the screen backstage in anticipation.
“Go!” Charles Beckendorf left.
“Go!” Jason Grace moved forward.
“Go!” It was Percy’s turn.
Annabeth was in awe of his work. Percy walked upright. The right amount of poise and elegance. A hint of arrogance. A lot of determination. He did not move his hips too much and he accentuated the movement of his shoulders. A strong masculine walk and on beat with the music too. A beautiful strut. A neutral game face but his sea green eyes were set aflame.
Percy focused the minute he had reached the middle of the runway. He could do a sloppier walk in the beginning but not anymore. Eyes open, be casual but attentive. The camera that would capture the picture for Vogue Runway which would be sent all over the world in a few minutes caught his gaze. He worked around the crowd of celebrities and fashionistas that captured his looks with their own smartphones and made his way backstage. The coat got taken off immediately. A stylist handed him the final outfit which he had to change in less than a minute. Then Piper caught up with him and did small retouches before he went to Second Looks.
Percy wore a black coat which was embroidered with silver elements. The strong silver started from the collar and was reduced by the chest area. The streaks got less and less, like feathers that were falling and captured. The black fabric of the coat took over and created an interesting silhouette.
Percy was surprised. Annabeth stood next to him and actually did his retouching again. Her thumb brushed the fallout off. A small gesture he truly enjoyed.
“What? No good luck kiss for me?” Percy asked innocently. Annabeth’s jaw dropped. She actually laughed. Cheeky. He was very cheeky.
“What would you need a good luck kiss for?” He was more than just professional. Percy didn’t need luck. He just worked and did so perfectly each and every single time.
“Go!” said Grover and pushed him out. A last cocky grin and wink to Annabeth and then he was back on stage.
Annabeth stood next to designer Kim and watched how Percy worked his magic on the runway again. All 37 models were set in a row and did one final round one after another after Grover’s go. After that, the designer went on stage and bowed to the crashing applause.
The crew backstage cheered as well. Another gig was done and over and the fashion world knew what the man would wear in the coming fall season.
Annabeth helped collect the makeup and clean the area. She turned around and nearly walked into Percy. Percy almost looked nervous.
“Oh. Is everything okay?” she asked him.
“Yeah, I wanted to ask you whether you had makeup wipes,” he said lamely.
Annabeth grabbed a few and handed them to him. He was already changed back into his casual jeans and black hoodie. It almost broke the makeup artist’s heart to see the model cleaning the canvas. But with or without makeup, Percy was a handsome man.
“Thank you,” he smiled. And he did not move an inch. A question rested on his lips.
“Would you like to drink some coffee with me?” Annabeth halted her movements and looked up to Percy.
Percy was surprised at her surprised reaction. The fact that top model Percy Jackson was single and actually had asked her out blew her mind. Annabeth nearly dropped the brushes.
“Are you serious?” Annabeth asked him. He was confused.
“Why wouldn’t I be serious? I like you,” he explained. A man that was direct. That was something Annabeth certainly liked.
“So. Coffee or not?”
“Sure,” she said and shared his smile.
The End
The looks I’ve chosen are looks 4 and 47 from Dior Men!
And of course! The letter! I haven’t forgotten! 
Thank you so much for the prompt, Becca! Writing this was so much fun!
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All Cookout Fics
Cute/Cursed Cookout Writing Prompts
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greengay · 4 years
oh making that post i got myself angry abt [redacted] again BUT!!!!!! ultimately i “won” cos....ok
he unfollowed me on all social medias bc i made a meme responding to him saying i was stealing his business idea on twitter (i’ve started making music videos for some bands and apparently that’s too close to live-streaming bands on twitch????? which is an idea he came up with and asked me for my help with and then immediately kicked me out after i asked him why he jerked off in bed next to me lmfao) and this was the meme
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cos i’m a music photographer (or WAS....before the pandemic i used to work at a venue and go on tour etc.) and nowadays no one wants to hire JUST a photographer, you have to be a videographer too.......so i’m doing that atm
ANYWAYS i posted the meme and he, like, rage unfollowed me after seeing it
and one day before i went to the (socially distanced! we wore masks and stayed away from strangers) renaissance faire, i posted a hot selfie with my tits out on my story and he SAW it which meant that he was going to my ig every day even though he unfollowed 😈 and then got a reminder that he’ll never get to see those titties in person again
the situation still makes me vaguely queasy though cos i just KNOW he’s probably painting it as if i’m just a crazy slut and they’re friendly with a couple bands i’m also friendly with and toured w (and who’s music i enjoy 100x more tbh) and just released a collab w one of the lead singers and i jokingly/not jokingly talk about how i wanna sleep w him (not TO him, but like, y’know) so........worst case scenario in my head is that [redacted] spoke to him and was like, “yo ray is so fucking crazy, when we shared a bed she said i was jerking off next to her. don’t bring her on tour dude, not worth it”
WHICH WOULD BE SO INFURIATING cos i literally said this:
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but anyways....i won cos i’m hot and have big tits and he stans elon musk unironically
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booksbooksmusic · 4 years
Six Things  You Need To Understand Before  Employing A Wedding Photographer
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A wedding is really a rather considerable occasion for that bride and groom, and also the photography component of this wedding is a must as it's one of the things remind some in their day.
And it is apparent you have a good riding on whichever photographer you opt for. Thus until you can produce your decision of employing a photographer to the wedding, you need to perform a great deal of digging .
And we here at Red Veds are here to inform you with things That You Need to undoubtedly understand before Selecting a Wedding Photographer:
What sort of photography design are you currently seeking?
This could be the first and foremost thing you have to request your self. You view wedding pictures all of the full time on societal networking and you want to decide on a decatur illinois wedding photography type which interests you personally the most. And when you have pinpointed a style, then you can start searching for a marriage photographer rather than every decatur illinois wedding photographer will offer you all the services/styles that you might ask for.
Start Looking For Photographer
You are able to start in your own search, Since you're finished picking the marriage photography model. Needless to say, you have to choose a champaign illinois wedding videographer that fits in your financial plan.
To really make the most effective of your own search, ask regarding photographers from friends and family who recently got married. Of course if this will not work, you can go on the internet.
Do your own study
Once you've short listed photographers, then you ought to check their portfolios out. Whilst the portfolio simply includes a few of these best functions but that can be misleading some of the period. So get a good notion of the photographer's knowledge, you should go and checkout each one the events that they have uploaded to their website.
Don't overlook Videography
A lot of the time partners are so occupied with all the wedding arrangement that they forget to treat champaign illinois wedding videography. Once we all here at Red Veds understand its significance. Since there is lots of dance and action in such parties some parties shoots will be best captured by a camera.
Talk Money
You ought to see this particular wedding pictures since a investment for years relive those reminiscences that are lovely, because it's going to be together with you. So you also will have the ability to deliver the exact outcome you anticipate, fits your budget and have to pick a wedding photographer that is not expensive.
Establish Decent communication with your Photographer
It may not look like it but there certainly are a lot of aspects you have to understand and look at prior to building a offer. For instance, you have to know if it can be the photographer who has the rights. It's the photographer who has the rights that they can use the images for their website along with portfolio. However, if a household doesn't want the images to be used by the photographer for the website and pro motion , then you must ensure you have the to maybe perhaps not him/her and the pictures.
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