#apple is only popular bc it got popular. it is not popular bc its a good product. i also wanna mention how you cant drop an apple
ancient-reverie · 7 months
still not over my friend putting his hand on my thigh and saying "I think apple is a superior product" and looking me dead in the eye while he said it
and then he like backed up and inched away because I think I like stiffened and probably had a look of disgust on my face bc he quickly dropped the topic and moved on bc I was not about to go THERE
You're ALLOWED to like Apple. You're allowed to say it works best in certain situations compared to other things. Like music production and video editing.
But don't you dare say they're superior, especially in front of me. there's not a superior anything. and claiming the product you choose to use is better than other products is a one way ticket to treating other things that way.
As a basic device for basic things it genuinely won't matter what brand your phone is.
If you're a techy. If you're conscious of your consumption. If you're conscious of the ethics of the companies making the products you buy. If you're aware.
Then you get it, and you do research for whatever product is gonna do the thing YOU need. Apple may be the best choice for a music producer. A windows PC is gonna be a better choice for a let's player.
It's subjective, meaning no product is better or worse. And yes your Apple can get hacked and can get a virus. Sorry but Apple hasn't magically solved humans being smart and coding in order to break into things if they want to. Every time you update to make software more secure, someone learns how to get into that eventually. Which is why updates are constant and ever evolving.
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tuesday again 7/30/2023
this post half brought to you by viewers like you! thank you!
all my brain wants is charli xcx's apple on repeat. i understand there's a very popular dance with it but it's not H-O-T T-O G-O so i don't know anything about that. extremely effective song to have on loop while writing. peppy but very even and easy to just sort of bop along to in the background. looking forward to this being my #1 most listened song on spotify this year after the (DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT) number of hours last night working on yeehawgust.
thank you to my real-life sister for 1) teaching me about brat summer after i sent her a pic of the neon green pool outside and 2) telling me i would like this album. i do!
i saw a photo on here several weeks ago of Balfour Tower, a brutalist residential building in London where all the mechanics are in the little tower on the right and said to myself "what the FUCK is that. how does it WORK."
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someone else who said "what the FUCK is that. how does it WORK." was JG Ballard, previous tuesdaypost feature. there are only two books i reread most years, Jane Eyre in the fall and Ballard's The Drowned World in the summer (one of the nicest vintage hardcovers i own, from @morrak ).
let's yoink the description off wikipedia bc it's the most succinct:
The story describes the disintegration of a luxury high-rise building as its affluent residents gradually descend into violent chaos. As with Ballard's previous novels Crash (1973) and Concrete Island (1974), High-Rise inquires into the ways in which modern social and technological landscapes could alter the human psyche in provocative and hitherto unexplored ways.
it's less "the building is evil" and more "by incentivizing residents to not leave the building by providing everything they need, including a liquor store, the building is a petri dish for fucked up british social interaction".
Ballard is extremely good, on a very technical sentence level, of creating an immersive cocoon of dreamlike unreality in the middle of an otherwise functioning world. this is Not good for my brain when i am having a particularly prolonged bout of The Morbs. High-Rise was extremely effective in creating its particular pocket of fucked-up happenings in the middle of the "real world" but was EXTREMELY not the book i needed at this particular moment.
The Burglars (1971, dir. Verneuil). this is a french heist film but i'm just going to drop my letterboxd review here.
do you want to see an all-in-one safecracking kit in a beautiful imitation leather suitcase straight from the catalog? with a computer to make a punchcard for the key cutting device also in the suitcase? do you feel strongly about emeralds? do you want to see a fuckin lupin iii style real life car chase where they run a little red fiat ragged? a man dumped out the back of a dump truck to fall down a slope half a mile long? do you want to see tits? do you want to see omar sharif get grain entrapped? this movie may be for you!
i would do anything for omar sharif and his big brown eyes.
the title sequence and a remarkably spare morricone soundtrack go SO hard. graphic design IS my passion!!!
how'd i find this: needed to use up some credits on kanopy. the gadgetry in the actual heist part of this film... mwah. a very poorly paced movie, but by god does it Look.
thank you VERY much @sybilius for gifting me Pentiment! i would describe this as a point-and-click/visual novel murder mystery rpg?
it's endlessly charming. it is dense with medieval sociopolitical factions. i would expect nothing less from je sawyer. i loooove the different fonts: the printer in town has a custom font for his dialogue, other characters' dialogue changes fonts as you learn more about them (a noble's font changes from scrabbly handwriting to fine lettering after we learn he's got some education under his belt).
much like High-Rise, but for visual novel pace reasons and not content/atmosphere, this is not quite the right game for my brain at this time, but i am very excited to loop back around to it when better brain weather rolls in!
yeehawgust prep! i manage to do one prompt every other year but we'll see how this one goes
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foliejpg · 5 months
oh yippie more asks:D
i have a lot :3
you dont have to answer all of them but here you gooo
oh hell yes this is gonna be so fun <3
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
i don't remember specifically how, but i know i first interacted with shipping on youtube in like 2007-08 back when you could comment on people's profiles and message other users, so i think i must have commented on some like.. pokeshipping amv and just struck up a convo before i followed some friends i made to ff.net and deviantart, and started writing on ff.net lol
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
so i don't use spotify, i'm an apple music girlie and i really only listen to my own playlist i made that is composed of all of my top 100 songs of the year going back to 2015 LMAO
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@actuallyalaska she got me
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
every writer i tagged yesterday!! all of whom take part of the @bandomthememonths go read all these great fics by these awesome writers<333
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
@judasisgayriot your gifs are a godsend and i always love getting a comment from them <3
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
my name is short for guinevere lol
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
so i'm sort of picky abt my dash lol i try to stick to foblr so if you post mostly fob then i'll prob follow! i do a good scroll through to get the vibe, but if they post a lot of non fob stuff, i usually skip bc its just not for me but no hard feelings ever<3
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
well i just bought a new (refurbished) computer for the first time in a few years, so that's exciting! i've recently started making embroidery patches and that's been a lot of fun lol idk i've just been having a good time<3 i'm doing a lot of home renovation projects so i'm excited to have a brand new kitchen soon lmao
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
not a fandom character but as far as bandom goes, i don't really care for mcr and maybe that just has everything to do with that i'm really not familiar with lore/band mbrs etc., but danger days is the only mcr album i really connected with especially when i was 16-17 and its still one of my favorite albums, but i'm good on their other albums lol
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
just be kind<3 ik that's super cheesy but i think its easy to forget that other ppl have feelings too and maybe just being nice to someone will make their day. also don't ever pay full price for anything if you can avoid it. generic brands are just as good as name brands
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
i have.. no idea honestly lmao
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
listen when i figure it out, i'll let you know lol when i'm stuck i eat an edible and stare at the wall until something comes to me
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ANY AND ALL!!!! especially when they tell me a specific part they liked - even if its just a line makes my heart go bu-bump<3
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
genuinely i can't think of a character i hate, i really don't watch anything but like. seinfeld and its always sunny in philadelphia lmfao
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
this is my cat bear<3 she's ten years old and sleeps in a drawer in my desk while i work
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🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
here and here and here and this nsfw fanart from my bubbline au these are all my absolute favorites <3
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
i answered this here but its super long so<3
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cinematicnomad · 1 year
now that it's been a few months, can i say that i didn't like the ted lasso finale and i think the series as a whole got weaker and less focused the more bill lawrence stepped away?
more thoughts below the cut
s1 is peak television (that seriously benefited from its release date in the middle of a global pandemic) in part bc it was so tightly plotted and each episode stayed as close to that 30 minute mark as possible. bill lawrence, tv superstar alum from back in the days of scrubs, helmed s1 and it's obvious that his expertise really helped to keep the show zeroed in on the story it was trying to tell.
s2 was clunkier—in part bc apple added 2 additional episodes last minute after the season was already written, but also bc bill lawrence began to step away and act more in a supervisory role. the episodes became longer, the story became less focused, the cast more sprawling, but there was still a cohesive idea keeping it all together. there are some real high points in s2 (i'm looking at you man city) that really shined and helped make clear why this show was still so popular.
but s3 felt v jarring in comparison to the rest. bill lawrence was clearly v focused on his new show shrinking and seemed to have fully passed on the reigns to jason and the others. in the moment s3 was enjoyable to watch bc you could keep hoping that they'd get to other things later. but it never really came to pass. and this is partially bc the show and the team behind it seemed to be stuck in a terribly awkward place of having promised this would be the end, then deciding they didn't really want to end it...only for it to be clear that their lead and star was ready for it to be over. everything about s3 feels? messy. unbalanced. ted takes the backseat in stories where he should be center focus bc they're clearly trying to prime the audience for a future version of ted lasso without ted. episodes were bloated with 50, 60, 70 (!!!) minute runtimes and even with the additional time characters and plotlines were introduced and quickly abandoned with little fanfare (hello shandy) or left unresolved entirely (keeley, roy, jamie). ted, who had been the emotional center for so much of the show, felt untethered from the rest of the cast and the ending felt less like a grand finale and more like a broken down car sputtering to a pause.
i won't be surprised if they come back with a new spinoff under a new name but at this point i'm happy to hop off the ride. if i get the urge to do a rewatch in the future i'll probably stop after the s1 finale. i enjoyed it while it lasted but i'm happy to move on now.
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salted-caramel-tea · 3 months
OOHOHOHO VERY GOOD and since we have similar taste imma need u to give us all recs or simply share all ur faves! I really wanted to order some again so i might as well ask an expert
alright let’s cover what bases we can . highlighting names for ppl who don’t want to read
for fruit tea i love the peach raspberry rose i use this one for iced tea too but i tend to leave it brewing in the fridge overnight for better flavour . very berry crush is the store best seller however .
. oh girl this is going to be long .
no added flavouring-
ok for black tea really depends on your strength preference my personal favourite is scottish breakfast (on the website as assam tgfop1 2nd flush ) i love assam its full bodied and malty it’s a single origin and anice alternative to english breakfast blends . darjeeling is a nice delicate black tea if you’re not a fan of super malty teas . indian origin teas are my favourite . margaret’s hope first flush darjeeling should be coming in soon too that’s a very exclusive tea only harvested in one area of the darjeeling province one month if the year so it’s very limited stock and £24 . returns every summer .
there’s japanese green teas we have genmaicha, gyokuro and sencha asigiri, as well as our classic green tea blend . personally i like genmaicha .
speciality teas we also have formosa jade oolong and silver needle white tea but the STAR of the show is milk oolong. she’s so phenomenal she’s £19 but she’s a gorgeous high altitude oolong delicate and creamy texture with buttery caramel notes its one of the best taiwanese teas i’ve ever had
black tea? piccadilly blend - strawberry rose and lotus flower . lovely fruit and floral blend with a delicate black tea base . her sister is covent garden blend which is black tea with peach and apricot with safflower and marigold petals . blood orange crush is also so so so good and has dried blood orange chunks in it it’s fierce
green- CHERRY BLOSSOM !!! she’s so gorgeous she’s a large leaf green tea with sakura petals and the most delectable a cherry scent and flavour i literally make samples of this for anyone i can it’s so so so good . mango and bergamot is probably the best seller tho
other- peach oolong she’s fierce . it’s pretty sweet and it’s such a fragrant tea literally it’s so good . we recently got in coconut oolong too which is limited edition it’s been pretty popular
black - english rose is a classic . black tea with rose and slightly sweet too . orange blossom is good with the cute citrusy notes and fragrance
not many for green tbh but for other there’s a chelsea garden white tea which we recently just got in teabags which is white tea with rose (i like the rose teas)
black tea- chilli chai is one of my all time faves but be careful bc the chilli really does hit the back of your throat if you’re not expecting it but it’s so warm and comforting . rhe classic spiced chai is a good alternative it’s your standard masala black tea and it’s really good on cold and rainy days especially.
for no caffeine there’s a few herbal mainly on the w wall in the large loose leaf caddies but if you ask for cinnamon vanilla chai or turkish apple or vanilla honeybush and orange they’re some of my favourites . there’s some rooibos if ur into that but i think only rainforest rooibos and blueberry rooibos are available
i don’t drink coffee so we are skipping that .
hot chocolate
for milk chocolate i think salted caramel (tastes like a crunchy) and cookies and cream (tastes like oreos) are my fave . coconut is limited edition and the best seller rn
for white . sticky toffee pudding is the way to go . raspberry ripple if also fierce it tastes like melted raspberry ripple ice cream
for instant teas
we got a bunch of new ones in and they’re all really fierce. lychee and rose, sour cherry and cranberry raspberry. literally cannot go wrong with any of them . turkish apple is my fave from the regular line
i think that’s it
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thisblogisblank · 2 years
Concept: Island where, instead of collecting and breeding monsters, you collect and breed critters.
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A few hcs underneath the cut bc I've been thinking.
So the Critters, contrary to popular belief, are just as smart as the majority of monsters, and even have their own microsociety - and I really mean micro - hidden away from everyone else. The Monster Handlers/Helpers keep it all hush-hush because the Critters have vocalized that they're afraid of exposure disrupting their society.
Nobody knows how most get to and from the islands. It's a complete mystery.
The Wublin Island Critter is one of the Wubbox's very first creations, a prototype of Zynth that only look like balls of light because they are incredibly tiny. The one seen on the Critter island accidentally got biggified, so it's much larger than the typical Wublin Critter.
The Cold Island Critter initially hid its limbs underneath itself to keep them warm in the snow, but eventually just kept them like that almost everywhere because it's more convenient and comfortable. They only come out when it plays its part.
The Collisingum Critter has poor eyesight, so it evolved to be very skittish and hide at any sudden noises or movements.
The Collisingum Critter is super sweet and kind, but it's MUCH stronger than it looks. Despite being a few inches tall, it can knock a full grown Entbrat off its feet!
Elusharks are super playful and fun!! They're kinda tricky, but they love everyone. It's said that Hyehehe, as a cub, was influenced by Elusharks that popped by Earth Island on occasion.
It's also said that Elusharks can travel through different dimensions and reappear wherever they so please - so if you see an Elushark disappear into thin air, assume it's visiting an alien dimension, or just exploring the Monster world.
As it says on the image, the Composer Island Critter is a distant relative of Furcorn!! It makes similar vocalizations, but is much more energetic and a bit more feral than their cousins. They also bite on occasion.
The Fire Haven Critter is absolutely obsessed with fruit. Like. To an insane amount. Give em an apple and they'll be your best friend for life.
Also, they're very fluffy, despite living on Fire Haven. They're ALWAYS hot. Save them.
Expect more coming soon!! I'm absolutely OBSESSED with this concept hsh.
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redecoratetrees · 2 years
A’ight, help a baby clikkie out.
what are like. The top 5 essential tøp live performances/things I should see. (can be more than five idc)
combing through YouTube myself is hard, assume I’ve seen nothing but Icy. Gimme homework vids 💛 ERS intro blew my mind yesterday.
ok so this has taken me a while bc im trying to put together something comprehensive but not excessive. there this playlist that someone made that collects a ton of vessel (and a little rab) bts stuff so like tour diaries, interviews, etc. RAB the webseries is on there and RAB the webseries is rly fun if u like cute behind the scenes stuff. It's also the source of the sampled vocal on the hype, where u can hear tyler say "we're gonna rely pretty heavily on technology and energy to cover up for the fact that we're only two people." which i find cool
theres also a few tour recaps from BF era but my personal favorite is sleepers. they also did some for bandito tour.
Admittedly i dont watch a ton of interviews but the halloween one is very popular and gets referenced a lot. i also just rly like old interviews (second one is pre-josh and also has a live performance that i find rly charming)
and of course my whole thing is "guy with the excessively curated live playlists" so heres just a rundown of my favorite shows of theirs on youtube, why i like, why u shd watch (it got long, i italicized the ones i think are the most "important"):
Twenty One Pilots - Friend, Please Live @ The Battle Of The Bands 10-11-09 - as far as i know the only time theyve played it, this is the oldest video of them on youtube. this guys channel is a treasure trove for old videos.
Twenty one pilots- ode to sleep - that time they played in an apple store. total classic, i just chose ode to sleep bc its my favorite
Twenty One Pilots - Ode To Sleep Live @ The Newport Music Hall 5-27-11 - earliest show i have ever found with josh in the band! from that weird period after the og drummer left but the bassist was still there.
DRUM BATTLE: Twenty One Pilots - Groove Street Fest 2011 - 9.24.2011 - honestly i just have a personal fondness for this video. the idea that wd become the drum island, the guy in orange going ham, tyler drumming, them doing their own gear, its all very small band charming.
UG Studios session "Addict With A Pen" by Twenty One Pilots - in a word: iconic. a ridiculously emotional performance
Skeleton Bones Remain (Gunshot Intro) - twenty | one | pilots - literally just a 20 second intro but it is absolutely legendary. the british voice is named nigel he used to show up more, rip nigel (actually found a video of the intro going into OTS)
twenty one pilots: Heathens & Stressed Out (Live AMA Awards Performance 2016) - when they came out in those full face masks? iconic. twitter was blowing up, it was awesome.
twenty one pilots - Firefly Music Festival 2017 (Full Show) 1080p HD - this particular set is nothing special but its a festival set so its an hq multicam recording of a full set from blurryface era. it's got drumline josh, its got the crowdstand, its got the hamster ball, im pretty sure it has josh vs josh drum battle, all ur rly missing is the iconic (and dearly missed) old song medley, with the coolest B-stage design theyve ever had (yes cooler than bandito fight meeee)
Twenty One Pilots: Live at Lollapalooza Chicago 2019 (Full Show) - festival set for the hits but its trench now! bandito tour b-stage is also an essential tho. first leg they had the skybridge after that they walked thru the crowd.
My favorite shows that dont exist in one video are: vessel release show at basement. they played the whole record, secret show, very cool. and all of tour de columbus, which was when after BF they did a takeover tour style thing but just in columbus. I saw 2 of those and its my biggest flex to this day.
besides shows I wd also check out the MUTEMATH sessions (which i was blessed enough to see some of live! so badass!), this session where he did alt versions of some trench tunes (fought for my life to win tix. i did not win), also the video for the hype berlin is rly cute.
this got kinda lengthy with all the shows, i just love so many of them. I'd also seek out their snl performances if u feel like it, iirc they did ride, stressed out, and heathens, tyler did just the |-/ instead of the full paint on his hands it was sweet.
and to anyone else seeing this PLEASE add if theres anything u think i missed, any random events u remember that were cool, etc. most of what i remember is annoying twitter drama bc i was a teenager for BF
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literaticat · 1 year
With the decreasing popularity of Twitter, I'm curious what your take is on naming social media apps in books. Instagram seems pretty perennial, but I think many people thought that about Twitter... so in the case of, for example, a manuscript that relies on social media as part of its storytelling/plot (in the vein of Tweet Cute), do you have any advice on not "dating" your writing? Is referencing Twitter basically obsolete at this point, for books published from here on out?
This question is sort of similar to another I get asked a fair amount, which is, are authors allowed to "name drop" specific brands / media companies / social media, etc. The answer to which is basically, sure, but SHOULD you?
Naming specific current companies is, IMO, a bad idea if you want your book to be timeless, because you have no idea if, in three or five or ten years time, that company will be forgotten, or a joke.
For example: "Friendster" and "MySpace" and "NeoPets" were insanely popular -- but pretty much the only way they'd get said in a current context is as a punchline or a nostalgic throwback.
So unless you WANT your book to be tethered to a specific time and place, I'd avoid that. And maybe you do! Like, a book about tech-savvy teenagers that is set in 2006 would likely include MySpace, your MC might have a hot pink Motorola Razr flip phone, and drive a new mint-green VW beetle. If your book is NOT specifically set in 2006, but is rather supposed to be "now" (whenever now is to the reader -- but basically, 2023 or later) -- it would be rather weird to include any of those items, because like -- they aren't popular or a thing anymore?
So you might say, OK, I'll make it be Twitter or Insta, and an Apple 13 Pro iPhone, and a red Tesla 3. And sure, if your character is the type of person who WOULD namedrop those specific things, and you don't mind the story sort of being tied to "2022/23-ish" -- no problem. But I guarantee you that in ten years time, those specific brands/models will mean something different to people, for better or for worse.
ETA later bc I'm still thinking about this lol: I'm currently listening to YELLOWFACE, which is set in the world of contemporary publishing, and there's a lot of talk about Twitter specifically -- and yes, that means that future-people will know it was set sometime in the late 20teens/early 2020s -- but THAT'S FINE, because it IS speaking to a specific contemporary moment, "cancel culture", cultural appropriation, toxic/scary online activity, "who-is-allowed-to-write-what", etc etc -- while I don't THINK she says the year (though she might???), I do think that it is supposed to be now or now-ish -- and ten years from now when Twitter is long gone and likely our conversations around all that stuff will have shifted in some way as well, it will still totally make sense to the audience. And in 100 years, it will seem like a relic of a day gone by, but also resonate with those audiences in different ways perhaps, like how we read satire from the Olden Days.
ANYway -- if you want to sidestep all this, there's an elegant solution that will give you more longevity -- be a little more generic and don't say the name brand, or just make something up? While Twitter itself is kinda obsolete already, social media generally isn't -- there will probably always be SOME kind of social media sites as long as we have internet to connect with people. While the Razr flip phone or an Apple IIc are relics, people will likely always have SOME kind of computer or phone, at least for the foreseeable future (and if they don't, and instead we are in a post-apocolyptic water world or something, I highly doubt reading books will top of mind)!
So just say phone, or smartphone, or tablet, or laptop, rather than iPhone or iPad or whatever. Say "convertible" or "SUV" or "minivan" or whatever instead of a specific model. Like "When I was 16, my grandma got a new car and gifted me a 20 year old grey beater that sort of smells like cigarettes and makes me feel like an undercover cop." Say "my notifications were blowing up" or "I told myself I wouldn't check social media..." instead of "my twitter" specifically -- or make up a site that everyone goes to. "We're not allowed to check Kloutt at school, but as soon as the school bus comes, everyone whips out their phones.."
Say "mint green convertible" instead of VW beetle -- OR, specify that it is a "vintage mint-green VW beetle" so that it's not supposed to be new -- and that also evokes a specific type of character.
(Ah, how well I remember the fact that Lila Fowler in Sweet Valley High drove a "lime green Triumph" -- that company already was basically done by the time the books came out, and rare in the US, so by naming that brand specifically the author was saying Lila is a 16-17 year old who owns a rare and flashy vintage sportscar, labels and exclusivity mean a lot to her (and her dad who bought it for her), she's horrifically spoiled, they aren't just rich, they are RICH-rich, etc. You could even, based on the context around it, surmise that not only is she a snob/"mean girl", but that her parents buy her fancy presents instead of giving her quality time, and that is probably why she is such a beeyotch and has daddy issues! That's a fair amount of characterization that comes just from name-dropping a car!)
OK I'm just naming things now lol - you get the pic, right?
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yyunari · 11 months
omg HAHAH yess epic winter is banger!! im thinking 🤓🤓 that ngl i dont really like that faybelle didn't really "learn"(?) much out of it? like the whole signing a deal without reading. like we can tell she's implied to BE better cus she's in the bff pics in crystal's room at the end but it feels so rushed? in a sense 🤠🤠🤠 like i get she's gonna be a villain eventually but like man come on do my girl some justice 😔😔👎 like when i saw the outfits when i was a wee lil kid i was like THIS IS THE MOST GORGEOUS THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! esp faybelle's and her crystal wings i need to kiss whoever thought of that that was GENIUS 🤯🤯🤩🤩
ok yes but it feel like jackie frost and northwind's takeover of the snow kingdom was ALSO rushed like the ppl were fs like "OH HECK WE HAVE NO MORE TIME EVERYONE GOGOGO LET GOOD WIN ASAP" like they were annoying but like not omg i NEED to punch them annoying ykwim AKKDLWG maybe it's just me LOL but yes way too wonderland is super banger too!!
esp that scene where raven returned the pages to each chara HELLOOOO that was so tear jerking i may or may not have shed a tear esp after apple's character development!! in the whole do you wonder song where they all got pretty wonderlanderful outfits idk maybe it's bc im just pessimistic but if i was darling and i didnt have a whole transformation with them and ended up in a tree and woke up only when they left idk how 15yo me would have took it LMAOO 😭😭😭 defo not well tbh i would have CRIED but darling is so cool i love her aaaaa (can she save me too i mean WHAT)
oh lord i lost the plot BUT yeah i fr thought eah was super super popular too but i guess not?? maybe bc we were young so we didn't know. also i can get why people find apple annoying but most of them don't talk about/see her development like ok it's not the best and she can grow more but her change and how much she grew is amazing esp for a 15-17y.o. like i just KNOW the same people who hate her are the same people who complain about characters who have no flaws like ???? how do u hate development but also hate no development can u pick a struggle 😭😭🤠🤠
but yes i did wanted to ask on ur opinion on the characters (like apple) too. maybe i should make a 20(?) questions thing for eah bc my brain is WORKING 😃👍 i agree that eah had so much potential esp for all the characters' development!! and also!! omg which dolls do u have :O
also girl (is this gendered term ok with u btw, bc i can stick with slayer if not!) did u leave ur computer on bc i slept at 5:30am (for me) and it's almost 3pm now and u are still online HELP 😭⁉️ and yes i DID sleep ok (lol <3 hrs gang wya) THIS GOT SO LONG LMFAO I THINK ITS GONNA BE SPLIT NAURRR (update it's not somehow :O) istg i NEED eah to come back apparently the last activity/media/wtv of it was back in 2018 can mattel use all the barbie profits to fund a reboot PLSSS 😔😔
but i would like to say thank u for returning the energy and answering everything om 😭😭🩵🩵 ive always struggled w that growing up woop so it feels weird but amazing owo (i didnt answer about niki Lol looking forward to the fic and the references!!also common niki L (affectionate) hehe 🥰🥰
yesss i completely get what ur saying i feel like towards the end of the series they definitely rushed some things but it still slapped🙏🙏🙏 THE OUTFITS WERE ALWAYS AMAZINGGG like for literally everything they somehow managed to make every character wear a drop dead gorgeous outfit like even to this day i want to steal all of their wardrobes🤓 faybelle was too queen for everyone to handle but no one’s ready for that 🫡
omfg and rosabella and daring😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 that shit was crazy to me when i was younger LMFAOOO esp since i was so apple and daring
SPEAKINF OF APPLE im so glad u brought her up because I COMPLETELY AGREE😭😭😭 i literally love apple so much and it pisses me off that people only pay attention to the side of her that’s pushy and stuff and don’t ever talk about her development like?? the thing about apple that most people don’t realize is that she never tried to hurt her friends and that she always only cared about raven, like she pushed raven to follow her destiny because she was worried that raven was going to poof and she didn’t want to see her friend disappear ☝️ and during true hearts day when ashlynn and hunter revealed they were dating apple was confused about it at first but she was willing to push aside all her previous biases against royals and rebels dating to try to understand ashlynn because she CARES about her 😔😔😔 it’s so sad to me that people only pay attention to the annoying side of apple and not the side of her that cares about her friends and is genuinely looking out for them ughhhh i love her sm her character development is so good
that 20 questions thing sounds so fun LOL u should definitely do it🙏 in terms of characters, my top three is ashlynn, cupid, and apple i love them sm☝️☝️☝️ my main character opinion is that apple isn’t the villain that most people make her out to be but this is random but i wish the creators made hunter huntsman hotter LMAOOOO cus i’ve never really found him attarcttive, i like his character and he’s good for ashlynn butttt at the same time ashlynn is really pretty and he’s kind of mid in terms of looks… but he’s nice😋
the dolls i had were all they in their regular outfits, i think it was apple, raven, maddie, and possibly blondie? i cant really remember if i had any more or not but those were the dolls i can think of, i also had other eah branded things because i was literally sooo obsessed like i had a diary that was rebel on one side and royal on the other, and it played the theme song but i lost it😭😭😭😭
yess girl ok with me since i do identify myself as female🙏🙏 i think tumblr just always says i’m active since it’s on my phone LOL idk discord does the same thing for some reason😵‍💫 and i’m glad u slept well!! istg eah needs to come back or i’ll cry😢 if they come back they should do a live action and i will literally audition to be ashlynn🙏🙏 idc that she’s supposed to be white i’ll be the first asian ashlynn 😜😜
and omg im glad i always try to answer everything when i’m having a conversation with people because i know what it feels like for things to be ignored and i hated that feeling so🙏 but yes look forward to the fic bc i literally finished it today WOO WOO it’s all coming together😍😍😍☝️
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olivieraa · 4 months
Ok, I need to rant. And its gonna be quite long. Esp cause of screenshots.
This is absolutely nothing new to me. Half my blog is filled with rants identical to this. Like, I have no faith in men, I've no faith in anime fans, I have very little faith in anime in general.
But I do like voice actors. And bc I got into them quite early, I... remain ignorant to their flaws. They're my "celebrities", basically, but I dont engage in voice actor fandom. I know some things about them here and there - I listen to OnoD and Kamiya's radio wnv it gets translated amongst others (theirs is the main tho), I watch the stage shows, I know some facts here and there, I know a lot of them are married to each other, etc etc
But in terms of controversies, gossip, anything of the like, I know mostly jack shit.
Voice actors aren't perfect, there's gonna be some bad apples, so maybe it occurs a lot or they're mostly a good bunch. Who knows. The only one's I know of is the Takahiro scandal where he has apparently cheated on his wife for 10 years with multiple women without her knowing. And something similar with Suzuki as well. I don't know what's happened in terms of Takahiro's career since he has huge roles (from Jujutsu to Osomatsu), but I know that Suzuki was replaced in at least one anime. I've no further knowledge on that.
Now, acting is art. And voice acting is art. What VA's manage to convey to me through their work is v special to me.
I defo dont know how the industry works, esp in Japan. I hear this and that about it. It seems v confusing. In terms of how they get roles, it seems to be the main two. They audition, or their called in for a part, esp if they're big VA's.
I..................... idk....... I liked to believe that VA's, after they become more known and have a steady income, like actors in general, start to choose their roles, esp when I see a pattern...
So to bring back Takahiro for a sec, or even OnoD, or Kaji Yuki - all three of them have played some of my faves. Takahiro as Misaki, OnoD as Shizuo, Sebastian or Midorima, and Kaji... uh, Hermes would be the closest I'd have as a fave for his work, but I thought he portrayed Eren brilliantly, and he has some fun roles that make me laugh.
But three of them have also played despicable characters, that I cant stand. And not one or two, quite a few.
And that's fine for the most part. It's acting. They're playing a role. They are not their characters. When they play the hero, the womaniser, the gentleman, the sweetheart, the asshole, the villain, the whatever, they are not their characters. They dont share the morals of their good or bad characters. This is common sense.
However, I just feel like... when a VA isn't more choosy with their roles, and plays the worst kind of character out there, a character that honestly? Shouldn't even exist... It gets to me. I wish it didn't but it does.
Like, Index is an anime that I'm appalled was ever even made. Its an "I hate women" anime and the male creator is rich from it bc its popular. Who is it popular amongst? Males ofc lol. Target demographic and they love that misogynistic shit. They do not hide it. And I'm sure the creator knows what the fans of his work are like. He's one of them. The main character in this anime is my most hated character. And I honestly........ honestly cant help myself when I avoid anything that the voice actor for this character is in, unless I didn't know about it at first (like Yowapeda). When I hear his voice, I just kind of... opt out. But I rarely see him pop up in animes I'm interested in anyway, so I'm lucky.
And so the pattern I was talking about... How come VA's like Maeno manages to almost never play a misogynistic douche? In fact, the grossest character I remember him playing was v early in his career, so prob during a time he couldn't be picky. But since then, its been mostly fine. Same with Nakamura, and Suwabe, and Kamiya honestly. VA's like Takahiro and OnoD and Kaji, like I said, have played a good bunch of despicable characters. Seeeeveral of them.
When I split it in two, what I see with the first bunch is that they make a choice not to play certain characters. With the second bunch I get the vibe that they just go for whatever role they're offered. And so I appreciate the first bunch more, I cant help but feel that way... And maybe I'm making that up and these VA's dont give a DAMN what characters they play as long as they're paid. IDK! But due to the pattern, it helps, its like... If I see certain VA's in the list for a certain anime, I can sort of trust the anime. And that's been mostly true.
Now, onto my main point. There's an anime currently airing. Idk why since I never engage in it, but I get a lot of anime crap on my facebook. And... this came up today
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Nothing about this surprises me. Not a woman being beaten up in anime by a man (and I mean no matter what she happened to do, whether she was bad or innocent, a man beating a woman is v common), the laugh reacts, or the comments. In fact, this was of no surprise to me
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I went to watch the scene. Now this wasn't a fight, this was him beating the shit out of her. Just so much one-sided punching. I stopped counting how many times he hit her. It went on for about 6 mins.
And this... gross prick... with an icon that looked like that... an oversexualised BDSM looking anime woman... wanted to see her beaten more. For at least another 6 mins.
BUT ANWYAY, I'm not ranting about that. Fans of these animes that look like this esp
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--with all that harem bullshit, are of no surprise to me. That's whatever at this point. Male fans will always have these animes made for them.
Oh also, apparently she's a masochist and ends up falling for him
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What kinda got to me was who happened to be the VA for this character. Now, he's not one of my faves, but he plays a lot of characters I love.
He's Vector in Zexal, Shinkai in Yowapeda, Daichi in Haikyuu. He's not struggling for roles...
If I was an actor not struggling, and just accepted any role given to me, idk... I feel like you can either contribute to terribleness being put out into this world, or you dont. I was mad at the Game of Thrones actors for a while until... I realised that ofc they made the choice to be on that show. Nobody was a big star at the time, this created their stardom. They now get to be picky. They now get to choose what media to be a part of. I dont think even I would have refused to be on that show if I was starting out. I'd just bash it afterwards like how whatshisface does about Twilight.
I believe the existence of Game of Thrones is an awful thing. Bc it has shown me, with fan reactions, what people are willing to accept, joke about, and in a way... emulate in real life. I have heard the grossest comments from real life males about what happens to women in that show. If you are involved with media that is harmful, whether you're just an actor in it or not, you've contributed to the message it puts out.
This VA defo had the choice when he read the roles and saw "main character beats the crap out of woman, will most likely draw in male fans in droves with comments like #now THIS is what I call equality, and #ive fapped to worse, and #bitches need this kinda beating", would you still like to do it?" and chose "YES got no problems here"
Well, you contributed, and at this point in your career where you can be choosy, I'm so disappointed
I'm just glad he's not one of the VA's I generally feel like I can trust with their roles, since, idk, they NEVER seem to choose those extreme roles that draw in the worst fans, but still. I cant help but just... sigh. And be wary.
If I go back to Maeno for a sec, yeah there's a possibility he'll disappoint me one day. But for how often he does shoujos, and BL's, and when he does shounens he's likeable (whether he's a hero, anti or villain), I truly like to believe that, he knows that female anime fans are why he's successful, and so he's loyal to them and the kinda roles women would like.
But yeah.
Rant over.
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ess-presso · 2 years
hiya ess!👋
ur completely correct. fics based on taylor songs are superior theres just a certain... je ne sais quoi about them. chefs kiss.
and yes! cameron from 10 things i hate ab you! get urself a man who learns french for you and settle for nothing less.
fic rec! take a shot of holy water by pinkpalaceapartments (wolfstar dorlene & jily fleabag au)
tay time! sparks fly, style, & all you had to do was stay🌟
chatting time<3
i know. people thinking the trojan horse was real still baffles me especially since theyre in an UPPER LEVEL classics course. like how do you go through uni reading and learning about the trojan war and the fact that its a FICTIONAL POEM and not a historical account & still think its real. i mean i get it. i wish it was real too.
little women 2019 my beloved <3 forever obsessed with timmy as laurie and flo as amy.
and GOD i know americans can be just. so irritating. you can always tell when tourists are american because theyre SO LOUD! and the stonehenge comment? HUH? they baffle me sometimes.
and omg another cat named pixie! i guess all cats named pixie are just. heinous bitches. buts its okay because theyre cute<3
and ty for the percy/pansy fic rec ill add to my tbr <3 excited to read about them.
u know maybe killing remus is for the best. especially if youre marrying sirius i think that itself would do him in anyways.
the incest chronicles are def super long & honestly, the first main installment of the series is kinda bland in comparison to the prequels and sequels which makes it feel inaccessible bc you have to struggle through the first 6 big ass books but i promise its worth it. ive begged my friends to read it but they all refuse bc its just SO long and you know what. fair!
and yes i recommend reading the book first. i watch the movie only so i can stare at ben barnes and go "hey it's sirius" every 2 mins.
drunk procrastinators!! my bff: dont you have a paper due tomorrow? me, half a bottle of wine down & definitely has a paper due tomorrow: no
omg the scene for the quaffle & the snitch??? best believe i Will be reading.
apple turnovers for breakfast sounds so good. now im craving one.
and 4 tubs of butter?? hey i mean the drunk heart wants what it wants.
PLUTO<3 when was younger & learned that pluto was classified as a dwarf planet and not a planet i actually cried. she doesnt deserve that💔
im glad you at least got pizza out that situation. pizza can help ease the pain of any mortifying embarrassment.
and dancing in the kitchen with wine & jazz? so real. thats like, peak humanity.
yes poutine is SO good. i wont take any slander from americans who eat jello salad (to be fair i think they sell that in canada too</3... i really dont think its popular here thank god)
barty as a ravenclaw is so important to me especially when pandora is a ravenclaw too. my fav lil chaos gremlins who are also honorary slytherins❤️
omg a pink car slay. my bff had a baby blue beetle for a while and it was PERFECt well until it literally broke cause it was so old BUT being a passenger princess / dj / gps in a cute car is always the dream.
& ill watch the apprentice! hyde guy and kim kardashian lady are enough for me so i will .
platonic soulmates <3 liv (my best friend) once said she'd drop everything to take me to a mental institution if she had to (SHE DIDNT HAVE TO I WAS JUST GOING THROUGH IT!!! she did mildly threaten me though. with love ofc<3) id die for her but id also live for her.
YES GEOGUESSR! its so addicting and just really fun and educational ig. like. now i know what the rest of the world looks like! yay! & if ur shoelaces were knotted id gladly untie them for u❤️
v sorry to hear about victoria, she doesnt deserve u !!
and the guy who came out as gay? still kinda funny like. he liked me on & off for 5 YEARS only to realize he didnt actually like girls. like was i a part of that realization?? i have so many questions.
apollo & artemis!! i love them so very much. my fav siblings❤️
fancasts! andrew & ben are great, also dont like dane as peter. YOUR JAMES? i love him. very good fancast. atj & reiky are great too but i also love thomas weatherall as malakai from heartbreak high (he oozes james energy and has like. idk how to describe it but a very "james potter" smile - example here)
and omg we have the same evan and barty fancasts. hugh as evan will forever be perfect to me. hes just So Evan. maxence as barty is also just perfect i love him. elle fanning as pandora & lewis as peter>>> also annalise basso as lily. she showed up in an episode of new girl i was watching and i was like "LILY??" i also love beabadoobee as marlene. but TIMMY AS REG. hes PERFECT. no one will ever be more regulus than timmy. love that he is the one fancast everyone can agree on. also movie reg?? WHO IS THAT MAN?? I DONT KNOW HIM!!
and omg a gryffindor!! lucky. i always wanted to be a gryffindor when i was a kid but im a slytherin</3 not complaining tho. i love my fellow snakes.
orpheus and eurydice kill me ON GOD. getting the chance to save the one you love but that very love being your downfall💔💔
a soldier! i think soldier is the rarest one so thats very cool. or maybe its poet idk. i wanted to be a poet so bad but i got king. (aka eldest daughter syndrome) heavy is the head that wears the crown ig.
phone, purse, bingo tickets, notebook & headphones = essentials for sure. i wont be caught DEAD without my headphones (and phone cause i need that for music ofc) because i have to have music in my ears 24/7 or ill die.
an athena kid! theyre the coolest and i always wanted to be an athena kid. whenever i take the quiz i get either hades or athena so thats cool ig. raising the dead could be kinda fun! i already kinda dress like nico di angelo so that works for me im just missing my embodiment-of-sunshine child-of-apollo partner </3
your top 5 albums>>. tay NEVER MISSES!!
and yes soulmates! i read too much to not believe in them fr.
answering qs!
top 5 albums: (in no particular order except no.1)
the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars by bowie FOREVER my number 1. i love that album more than anything in this world.
hs1 by harry styles
am by arctic monkeys
chip chrome and the mono tones by the neighbourhood
electric warrior by t.rex
(honourable mentions because im indecisive and would put these in top 5 if i could: folklore by tay, hozier by hozier, disintegration by the cure, led zeppelin iv by led zeppelin, & the dark side of the moon by pink floyd. (theres my top 10 then ig!!))
2. slytherin! like i said above i wanted to be a gryffindor so bad so i figured out which questions gave u which results and only answered the gryffindor ones (denial is a river in egypt girl....) but i decided i couldnt lie anymore and embraced my slytherin-ness.
3. erudite! ofc i always wanted to be dauntless cause theyre cool and tatted out and wear black but ig i value knowledge and shit more </3
4. this is def morbid but in ancient rome, where slavery was very much present, slaves had to wear collars (like. dog collars. so fucked up) and if a slave ran away, you could hire fugitivarii which were slave hunters. like basically bounty hunters. slaves were a huge part of roman economy and very important so obviously people didnt want them to leave but man its fucked up. anyway!
5. king! like i said before i wanted poet so bad but got king which broke my heart but yeah. i saw someone on tiktok say that kings are poets who are bound to duty . still trying to figure out what my duty is cause its definitely not reading fanfic and sitting on tumblr for several hours.
6. silver! i love gold jewelry sm but im super fucking pale and it looks bad on me so i prefer silver . i do wear gold sometimes but silver goes with any outfit so.
7. this is such a hard question cause i love them both but i think tay. shes just got so much variety for any mood so she wins. lana does too but her vibes are just different so.
8. CRUEL SUMMER VS DONT BLAME ME??? another brutal question ess youre killing me. theyre totally tied in my heart but for the sake of picking i think...im gonna have to go with dont blame me. i think the vibe of love making you crazy just fits me more. cause like yeah ill go crazy. but cruel summer my beloved you will ALWAY BE FAMOUS!!
9. my tears ricochet vs the great war.. AHHHHHH. i think my tears ricochet. i associate the great war with crimson rivers too much that i cant listen to it without losing it.
10. i love candles sm this is so hard. in the winter i love christmas tree/pine scents theyre so nice. but in the summer i have a lilac scented one that i burn and its lovely. but i also have one named after Rome that smells like fresh cut flowers thats so nice too. (rome did Not smell like fresh cut flowers when i visited, quite the opposite actually but i can pretend<3)
11. SLOW WALKERS! im a really fast walker and if people are in my way i get so frustrated. girl move i have places to be!!!!
12. kind of anything makes me laugh. dry humour and sarcasm especially but will laugh at anything especially if its dumb as hell
13. i do! its isabella which is very bland but what can you do.
14. i dont think ive ever heard anyone say hoser over here, maybe its an old person thing. but they do say eh! moreso in eastern canada. i have family over there and a lot of them say it. you dont hear it a lot on the west coast.
qs for u!
fav random marauders headcanons?
fav season?
fav subjects in school?
if u could visit one fictional world which would it be?
do u collect anything?
cardigan vs mirrorball
divergent faction?
if u were a mythological creature what would u be? (like vampire, werewolf, etc)
if u could live in any time period, which one would u pick?
whats your ideal first date?
do u play any sports?
board games vs video games? (or neither lol)
if u like art, whats your fav painting/work of art? or artist?
thats all for now! ill try not to die in the war. might be hard cause my eyesight is horrible and wearing glasses in a war seems impractical & i dont think they had contact lenses back during the wartimes. natural selection i suppose.
bee bee bee <3333
YES. Chef’s kiss honestly. I’m going to do one of those one day. Just you wait.
Man who learns French for you >>> (imagining james taking his duolingo lessons for Regulus)
A FLEABAG AU ??? WITH WOLFSTAR DORLENE & JILY ???? on god this is perfect already i love u for hitting all the right buttons on this rec.
tay tay -
spark fly - JEGULUS - ‘move like a full on rainstorm’ = regulus . Regulus is a rainstorm , wholly and fully. ‘kiss me on the sidewalk , take away the pain’ = reg’s thoughts , when he’s always in pain and only james can heal him 💔💔💔. ‘something to haunt me when you’re not around’ the sheer memory of regulus would haunt james , just like cathy haunts heathcliff.
style- JILY- this could go for literally so many ships. like wolfstar , jily , anything. I chose jily , simply because i feel that just like the hook , james and lily never go out of style. and also lily would ask him about reg , and he would tell her the whole truth & nothing but the truth. in a muggle au i totally see them as on and off and on and off until they’re finally on again and this time it sticks forever.
all you had to do was stay - JEGULUS - now, it’s probably pretty obvious. but this song to me is reg singing away after james breaks up with him.and him wishing the fact that he loved james would be enough. and feeling like ‘he had me in the palm of his hand’ and being all ‘mf crushed me by making a fist god damn.’
the dumbness of people surprises me sometimes. IT’S A FUCKING POEM DUDE. (i wish it was real too. if it was i think I’d genuinely be like ‘how were they so dumb’ for ages )
it’s the noise , the accent and the camera for me. it’s genuinely so fucking annoying, why are you destroying such a beautiful place with your fucking flashes and noises ????
pixie is indeed a heinous bitch , and we hate each other but I lover her , really. she a real one for telling it like it is.
(it's actually surprisingly good ! it's one of my new favourite rare pairs along with Blaise/Luna (which I've only read in Isolation & Temptation on the Warfront , but loved anyways !!! ) ( recommend both of those fics btw !!!! I love them vv much !!!)
yes , unfortunately , to marry mr Sirius Black , I shall have to kill remus lupin , because he might die of heartbreak anyways.
u know what , once my mocks are over , I might take a crack at the incest series. they seem interesting , and as long as there's no incest , I'm happy to try it out !
book before the movie 5EVER. (also yes , to me at least , there's something very SIRIUS about ben barnes in dorian grey. that just IS Sirius , yk?)
drunk procrastinators for the win !!!! me , because I handed in my paper 8 minutes before the deadline , but at least I handed it in !!!!
YESSSS I AM VERY EXCITED TO WRITE THAT STORY !!!! I will be on it as soon as doa stops kicking my arse.
apple turnovers are bae - cheap and tasty , all in one <333
No but it was LURPAK. that's the kinda butter the queen (rip bae , I meant the king) would use. and also seven sticks of Toblerone , but that's worth it . Toblerone is also bae . all chocolate is bae.
time heals all wounds ?? pswah , nah. PIZZA heals all wounds !!!
it is very much peak humanity. especially because he's taller than me , but I did keep stepping on his toes. don't think he minded too much , but honestly it was such a peaceful evening. like that was THE moment , yk ???
that's it , I shall be finding a food truck and trying poutine. (not jello salad , though. that's a crime against humanity , and whoever made that should be arrested for their crimes)
(Barty and pandora as Ravenclaws slay , but them as Slytherins also SLAY. just slaying all around.)
PINK AND BLUE CARS FOR THE WIN !!!!! lu has a black car , but it has seat warmers , so that kinda makes up for it. and passenger princesses for the win !!!! lu is the driver , and will always be the driver. I shall never learn how to drive , as long as I have him. but sometimes as a joke , I'll leave penny coins as a 'tip'. I think I'm really funny for that.
yes u must. Hyde guy is rlly hiding . like , you'll see what I mean when you see him. when you watch it , do come and tell me how you liked it !!!
platonic soulmates have my HEART. like lu has walked through aa fuckinbg rainfall to bring me a fucking turnover. and he was going to go home too??? like bro , no ???? but he wouldn't come inside , because he was wet and he didn't want to wet the floor too , so I came out and walked back to his house with him. things like that keep my faith in humanity (if he was gone , I think I'd be gone too. he is THE reason.) making me emotional and shit now. (and god damn , 'I'd die for her but also live for her' that's so cute ?? and also I so get that !!!! LIV AND LU FOR THE WIN !!! it's the L names I swear , some spice in them.
I'm actually replying to you after my first game of geoguessr , which I totally flunked , btw. I guessed Wales and the answer was fucking Spain. idk how that happens , but alright. (bro ?? making me blush and shit that's so sweet . I'd buy u an apple turnover :))) )
yes Victoria does not deserve me. I need some nice dude/dudette to do right by me.
nah imagine being someone's reverse realisation ?? like 'I kissed u and then I was gay' like bro u got some sort of power ??/ (and also I agree. very suspicious. I too have questions)
I love Apollo and Artemis too !! (them in rick riordan's books >>>)
Andrew and ben have my heart and soul I just love them a lot. ( dane isn't right , obviously , and lewis is my Peter. he just matches , yk ??) IK I LOVE MY JAMES TOO , HE'S SO PRETTY AND HE'S SO JAMES HONESTLY . (dw I don't comment that , I would never disturb him with that) atj is good for edits , as is reiky sometimes !! (sometimes people use him as desi James though , which - he's not. so I do wish they'd stop , or just say 'Somali James' !) and the smile ??/ on god , that's so jamessss. ( which brings me back to ben barnes. it's something about the way he smiles. very sirius.)
Hugh is honestly winning I love him. maxence too , but Hugh is just EVAN. (to me , at least.) and I so agree , Elle & Lewis >> . love them. TIMMY TIM AS REGGIE REG. LOVE HIM A LOT. MY FAVOURITE. (also movie reg ?? I think not.)
YES GRYFFINDOR. IT'S BECAUSE OF MY BRAVERY AND I LOVE LIONS. jk , but I love the marauders and the trio , so I'm glad to be a Gryffindor. and as u should , your fellow snakes are amazing ( most of them)
at least soldier is rare. I would've rather been the king , because I want to rule shit , not die on the battlefield. (I think every king on my fyp wanted to be a poet. literally every one. so u are one with the masses.)
MUSIC IN MY HEAD 24/7 OR I'LL DIE . so real of u , I'm listening to work song rn, and humming along with it.
Athena kids are awesome , wise n shit. as are hades kids , u guys could raise the dead. I'm going to make lu do the quiz , because he has the blonde hair n the blue eyes , so Apollo kid right there , isn't it?? let's see what he gets !!!
reviewing your q's.
ur top five albums are STELLAR. bowie on top as he should be , love him so much . HS1 altered my brain chemicals , but AMMMMMMMMM AMMMMMM . am has changed the course of my life , istg. (knee socks came up on my playlist literally right now. and lu is literally wearing his blue Lacoste top , too . this is freaky.) I've not actually heard the rest , so I gotta give them a listen. (and yes folklore and hozier >>>>> love them so so much they're so dear to me .)
SLYTHERIN SLYTHERIN. SSSSSS AND THAT. (that is also what I did , but I actually got Gryffindor , so to everyone , I am a Gryffindor. and I am one.)
ERUDITE YESSSSS. miss bee smartypants. man that's some barbaric shit , honestly.
kings that sit on Tumblr for several hours and read fic are the only ones that should exist. u are a king.
I LOVER SILVER JEWELLERY TOO. I'm wearing both atm , so it might not make sense , but I have gold and silver (prefer gold because expensive and I like expensive things. jk , if someone I love gave me silver , or even PAPER jewellery , I'd keep it forever. still have Lu's pasta necklace from when we were in year 2.)
tay does win. for me too. she just has that range , you know ??? (Lana is still mothering tho. love her.)
I am killing u . u r dead. CRUEL SUMMER FITS ME MORE !!!! I'LL TAKE CS , U TAKE DBM , AND IT'S ALL FAIR!!!
the Great War with cr ??? now I'm scared to read it ?? (my tears ricochet is my favourite song ever. like ever ever , so I agree with this opinion. I love the Great War too , though.)
lilac candles sound so nice oh my god ??? my favourite scent is the fresh cut roses one , I just rlly love that smell. (it smelt like piss , didn't it ?? just tell me now .)
slow walkers fuckin suck . my pet peeve is year sevens. always blocking the halls , the little bitches. (bless their souls , but goddamn , talk to your friends later , u silly.)
ahh Isabella . classic, I myself , have two middle names , and my mum picked one , and my dad picked the other, it's some flowery shit I swear. especially because they're from different countries , so yk. ah damn I was hoping u would be saying hoser. at least u say eh .
question time !!! -
hmmm. hmmm. I think it's gotta be that remus sat in that carriage on the way to Hogwarts in pot because the marauders always used to sit there , and to sit somewhere else would be blasphemy. also that for a second when he saw that harry had fainted , he thought it was James. heart broke.
winter. I'm a winter baby , and xmas is in winter , so it wins all around.
chemistry ! it slaps my arse , but I prefer it over the other two subjects.
Hogwarts !!! I want a magical wand too !!!
YES. I COLLECT FIFTY PENCE COINS , AND SOMETIMES THEY DON'T HAVE THE USUAL BACK , THEY HAVE SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I HAVE AT LEAST 30£ OF THEM. three of them are from lu , because he knows to give them to me. I will attach a picture of them to my next ask. (I have a Florence nightingale 2£ coin too)
CARDIGAN !!! sorry but stars around my scars > trapeze.
erudite !! just like u. makes sense because I strive for academic validation all the time. going to a grammar school really changed me dude, really really did.
I'm going to go for unicorn. because they're pretty and they can grant wishes n I love them. (sorry remus I love u too.)
if racism n sexism didn't exist , then probably the fifties. I love them , the vibe is really cool. the style , too. my second choice is the roman era , because again , that era seems special ! (and obvious as greek kids , we gotta say greek era. just need to experience it for myself , yk???)
MY IDEAL FIRST DATE !!! pick me up at my door in a nice suit/dress and give me flowers (my fave ones ) , drive me to the restaurant (French or Italian pls) and then the cinema. we watch the movie , then we go to the bookshop , and they say 'buy anything. anything' and then on the way home , they park their car , and we go on a walk and talk about life , for ages and ages , and then we buy stuff from the bakery (they know I like apple turnovers) and then kiss under the stars. if someone does this for me , I'll marry them
no unfortunately. I tried out for netball in year seven , got rejected , took it as a personal attack , and therefore just watch lu play his hockey and football from the stands. that's the extent of my sportsmanship.
BOARD GAMES. Friday is actually board game night for me and lu. busting out the monopoly board means we r no longer best friends for some time. we r enemies.
I do love art !! actually going to the Tate modern on Saturday with lu !! my favourite piece of art is 'cafe terrace at night' . I love it so much it's so special to me I love it. can imagine walking there , hand in hand with my date I love it. (might go there for my grad trip. maybe.
q's for u -
ur ideal first date ?
rep vs lover ?
hozier vs am?
do u play sports ? (pls tell me u play hockey )
favourite board game ?
take me to church vs work song ?
fave season ?
fave food ?
fave marauder hc ?
one ship u hate (hp) ?
your patronus ?
your favourite piece of art ?
ginny or luna ?
favourite restaurant ?
favourite beverage ?
[ beeeeee don't be too long I will miss u too much. I love u. (also glasses?? same ). be safe , king.]
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pegasister60 · 3 years
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A thing for @lemliv‘s MCYT Sugar Rush AU!
I wanted to make him a racer but then I remembered I couldn’t draw vehicles.
So you get this instead! Bedwars peeps (aka most of Tiredtwt) in a platformer! The name’s a placeholder but everything else I am confident in.
Aim of the game is to get to the top without dying and to clear as many stages based on Bedwars maps as you can. Heavily inspired by the og Kid Icarus in terms of gameplay with the exception of the default weapon not being a bow.
Below the cut will be more information about the game itself and how it works copied almost exactly from the discord dm where I gushed about it to a friend.
You’ve got story mode, versus mode, free climb, and secret levels.
Story mode is single-player and after the character select screen you cannot change your character. You complete levels and at the end of every level you’ll get some lore. Maybe a mini-boss fight.
Versus mode is just a race. 2 players will try to reach the end of the level without getting left behind. The screen does not split and scrolls upwards faster and faster as the race progresses. If you hit the bottom edge of the screen and vanish off it you take damage and depending on your character that might be it for you. Winner’s character does a boasting animation and the loser’s character does their death animation.
Free climb lets you select a map and then climb and climb and climb until you miss a jump and fall into the void. It does not have enemies and is good practice.
Secret levels are unlocked by beating story mode.
Normally when you play story mode if you get a game over you are given a code to take you back to the beginning of the level you failed in so you don’t have to replay the whole thing to get back. It can be input on the character select screen after holding down red and blue.
When you finish a character’s route you get given a code for a secret level for that character. It unlocks a cool mini-game.
Purpled’s is Dogchamp’s Dinner Rush. You play with Dogchamp following you as you climb through the levels. The only enemies are skeletons that drop bones instead of iron and the objective is to get as many as possible before reaching the end of the level. At the very end, Purpled will toss them to Dogchamp one by one and Dogchamp will jump to crunch them all and then do a happy bark.
It’s cute.
Now some stuff about story mode.
The enemies drop iron and gold and there’s shops you can jump into every few levels to buy stuff from. A potion that gives you extra long jumps for a bit, fireballs that shoot in the direction you’re facing when you use the item button, golden apples that let you take one free hit. You can hold more than one item but you have to use them in the order purchased and it only displays the currently usable item. The controls are pretty simple. There’s the green joystick, red jump, blue crouch, and purple button (tap to attack, hold to use item) along with the black select/start buttons. There’s two sets of controls bc versus mode. When you complete a level, depending on your character, you get either an emerald or a diamond. For Purpled if you get four emeralds you can get an extra life that looks like an enderpearl instead of a player head. When you get down to the extra life Purpled vwhoops onto the nearest free platform with tiny purple particles. This is not always convenient but it’s consistent.
When you lose a life and still have more left your hurt animation is kinda like Sonic’s. Most of your iron and gold scatters and ends up going over the edge, though anything that’s still on the ground you can pick up again.
Killing enemies is the basic jump on top of them, though some are more resilient and you have to actually strike them multiple times with your weapon. Some enemies act as springboards, usually the ones that float across on the horizontal or vertical. Others are just there so you have to actually watch your jumps so you don’t slam into them sideways.
The aim of the game? Advance and survive.
Advance obviously means onwards and upwards.
Survive means keep moving.
If you spend a significantly long time on one screen it rumbles and the dragon roar sounds. The dragon counter resets with every new screen but if you’re absolutely stuck then it’s game over. Dragon swoops up from the bottom of the screen and its wingspan takes out everything on the screen at once, enemies, player 2’s, and all.
When you 100% game over and the continue screen fades out it plays the character retreat animation (Purpled’s is getting picked up by a ufo) and gives you a leaderboard screen.
When you just die normally your character will collapse and their continue screen animation will play. Purpled’s is Dogchamp trotting over to sit next to him. When you insert a coin Dogchamp nudges Purpled and Purpled springs up to keep going.
The character select screen shows all the characters but sometimes they’re not available and their squares are grayed out. When you hover over a character their portrait gets shown along with their stats.
Wallibear has a special fireball jump he can do if you shoot one down. He starts with a fireball. His portrait shows a person in a bear hoodie but his sprite is a blue bear in a hoodie.
Purpled has the highest jump of any character and starts with an emerald. He also has objectively the most Story dialogue because if you don’t play as him he appears in almost every route and becomes the shopekeeper. In his route the shopkeeper varies. And so on.
The more hearts a character has the more damage they can take before they lose a life. All characters have three lives to start with unless you use a cheatcode.
A character’s weaknesses can be compensated for with items though how far into the game you’ll be able to afford them is another matter entirely.
Example being that with a jump boost most mediocre jumpers can match Purpled’s default. And with enough golden apples and enderpearls lined up Purpled can stop being a two-shot.
It isn’t as popular as Sugar Rush but it’s got regulars and it’s nostalgic as hell.
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val-made-a-mistake · 3 years
It's alright ! If you are willing to take another request, i was thinking something with soft!Zemo ? 🥺❤️
this i can do!! thank you so much!!
tag list because it’s zemo related: @tkachuk-dubois @prestigious-tea @chiefdirector @cable-kenobi @multiyfandomgirl40 @shrekboobies @fandom-princess-forevermore @ladyveraweasley (once again, if you’re not tagged, it’s not working)
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okay so after zemo gets out of prison he has a lot of feelings
like, he’s had way too much time in prison to question everything as well as daydream and scheme and plan and whatever
and you can barely keep your hands off each other on the private jet, which is understandable, you’re excited to see him too
you were only allowed to see him through a plastic screen in berlin, no touching
but after the touchiness fades and you get off the plane to a private villa somewhere far away from berlin, he gets unusually soft
you have a quiet lunch, something simple, it would probably take hours for food to arrive if you got it delivered
and every once in a while he’ll look at you, questionably, as though he can’t believe you stayed
you smile softly to yourself and look away. you have all the time in the world with your love.
villas are by definition huge, so most of that afternoon is spent getting used to its layout, aka walking around the premises occasionally and unloading your things out of your luggage into the master bedroom
the room looks like a tornado hit it when you’re done
you don’t want to leave helmut alone on purpose, so you come out frequently to say hello to him or w/e
most of the time he’s splayed on the couch with a book and a couple of blankets
inexplicably relaxed
and his face looks so…bright when he looks at you
you almost don’t understand
that night you have a beautiful dinner prepared by oeznik, and you talk about all the popular culture that you missed (you make sure to include the butler in the discussion because wtf you’re not rude)
like apple came out with a million new iphones and that band zemo likes released a new album and etc etc
zemo is lowkey in awe of it
you’re in a great mood by the time supper is finished, and oeznik respectfully backs away to retire for the night
meanwhile you and zemo go out on the spacious deck in the backyard with half-empty wine glasses still in your hands
you end up undressing and climbing into the jacuzzi
and for a while it’s just you and him, wine glasses long forgotten by now, with his arm wrapped reassuringly around you while you squint up at the sky
if we assume that it’s the end of may (the time i’m writing this) then summer is just about to start, which apparently isn’t desirable bc stars are brighter in winter (??? i just googled it i’m probably wrong) but you try to see them anyway
and zemo’s heartbeat is right in your ear
there’s a moment where all you can hear is the buzz of the jacuzzi and zemo kind of sighs
like in a happy way but also a “i’m kind of tired from the day’s events” way
you don’t look at him but you can feel him look down
“i’ve missed you, my love.”
and to quote taylor swift, you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
or in zemo’s case, why he managed to stay sane in prison for so long
you can’t help but smile a little like a dork
“to the very end, my darling.”
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aspoonfuloffiction · 3 years
I think people are viewing the success of each individual season as a referendum on the book/couple of the season—and as such have turned into some sort of competition?
This bit!! I feel like unlike other shows there’s no which of these characters will this person end up with. Since the vast majority of fandom ship the canon couples with each other, you would think there would be no ship wars. But instead people have turned it into a popularity contest where viewership numbers decide which ship is better. That’s why people are obsessed with trailer views and each snippet views and where Bridgerton is trending. There was so much hype with the first season. And now shippers want validation that actually their ship is better and the only way to do that is by having the second season be more popular. And that’s pple want to ignore that RJP and the first book as a massive reason for why Bridgerton is so popular and why pple are actually interested in Bridgerton. It’s bc the first season laid that groundwork!
People comparing views on Bridgerton videos in S1 vs S2 is ridiculous because you’re literally comparing apples and oranges. The Bridgerton season 1 teaser was for a new show by the time the show become a phenomenon you could just watch the actual show? Season 2 has a preexisting fanbase now so ofc it’s got more views.
Honestly its pretty disappointing at how some people in the fandom talk about Regé Jean Page. I get that there was a lot of backlash from Saphne fans to the rest of the fandom after he announced his departure and people felt like they had to defend their favorite ships but that devolved into erasure of his whole contribution to the success of the show.
There are toxic fans in every fandom but you wouldn’t characterize all Kanthony fans by those who bullied Charithra off twitter or all Benophie fans that lean into biphobic rhetoric to talk about why Sophie is the only option. and you certainly wouldn’t use those fans to criticize the actors that these toxic fans claim to be fans off…And so how do people justify being dismissive of Regé and Simon and Saphne based off a few toxic Saphne fans?
I mean I know the answer-it’s thinly veiled anti blackness. Which is pretty rampant in the fandom even amongst those who’d call themselves BIPOC allies.
The most problematic thing this man has done is not sign onto a lateral career move choosing instead to take the opportunities that his overnight success afforded him and people are acting like he’s besmirching the romance genre.
Reducing RJP and why people liked him, identified with him as just about sexual attraction, that Simon was just a hot guy and not at all important is minimizing to people for whom Simon was the first time they saw themselves in a story like Bridgerton. And no one gets to take that away from someone.
Bridgerton Season 2 does not exist without Phoebe and Regé and Season 1. As many seasons as Bridgerton will have going forward will not be able to exist without Phoebe and Regé. And to say otherwise is incorrect.
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nako-doodles · 3 years
🌸BEST OF 2021: 🌸
post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year!
thank you for thinking of me darlings @rumue @kithtaehyung @minieggukie @hyunsung @rainycle @intronnevermind @min-boongie @jeonjcngkook @bisexualrapline @jeonbunkook @bangguks @suga-ssi @kkulmoon 💖✨
embarrassingly enough i barely make enough content to maintain a monthly schedule so this should be fairly simple🤣🤣 sophomore year of pixel-ing and you would think id be better at planning and time management 🤣🤣🤣
i feel like everyone has done this already so im going to poke @jung-koook @taeunwoo @gimbapchefs @hobeah @sugaftrm @blueandtaes @userjiminie @abcdefghi--lmnopqrstuvwxyzz @taee @sugajimin @slipped-away to tag me in theirs so i can relive my fave posts in 2021 💖✨
most popular: you gucci?
favourite: hello, we are dts!
⤷ i forgot i made both of these for january tbh. i only remember being stressed about frame matching for this gif of the tannies dancing, but that came out new years eve oops (i kept this in my 2021 folder tho? it sounds right?)
favourite: bts rpg mockup: taemon
⤷ the inauguration of my rpg mockups! even tho these didnt get that many notes, i learned a LOT about appropriate pixel size vs grid size, color theory, sprite animation, formatting menus, how much hubris i had for undertaking the work of professionals w my poor overworked laptop and gimp 2.10. i had all 7 members mocked out but there were too many math and formatting mistakes in my base for my perfectionist self to tolerate making more.....a moment of silence for chimrub, ggukdian, jinari (神) and their unrealized potential.........
most popular: bts rpg mockup: hoba
favourite: bts rpg mockup: erljönig
⤷ in true 94z soulmate fashion, these two practically have the same note count, but im just sliiiiiiightly more partial to joon bc i actually planned out his palette beforehand! i know! me! planning ahead!!!! im also really proud of getting hobi's item skin just right.......those rainbows gave me so much grief bc airbrushing in squares is counter-intuitive
most popular: piu~! u quiz on the block jinnie
⤷ what? you thought i would see u quiz on the block jin and NOT pixel him? banish the thought. i think this is the last time this year i leaned this heavily realistic rather than the more traditional abstract style of the medium. both have its challenges, but i find this more realistic approach to be less maddening despite the smaller size of pixel bc i didnt have to worry about details as much. and not worry my snap to grid function didnt poop out on me, gimp
most popular: tiny tan dynamite teaser
favourite: the applejinnie doesnt fall far from the tree
⤷ im actually mad proud of both of these ngl 🤣🤣🤣 for the tinytans, im really proud that i got their complicated motions a lot smoother than i did w chilsung, or w the rollerblade chaos. plus they look like they just escaped from my folders to wreck havoc i love my lil minions so much 🥺🥺🥺 yes. all ~60 frames of utter frustration, tears, and insanity. cel animators deserve all of the accolades holy fuck. for applejinnie, i was testing out a new pixel style, and i was so surprised it all worked out!!!! hes one of my fave headers that ive made, even tho i spent 10 minutes drawing him, and 4 days trying to get his apple to bounce correctly.
most popular: moonprince jinnie
favourite: whats melting?: a butter jinnie game
⤷ moonprince jinnie is my first attempt at making those ✨aesthetic✨ pixel art loops, even tho theres only 10 frames in mine, and like....300 frames in the traditional kind........either way im super proud of him and im glad yall agree 🥺🥺🥺 butter jinnie was actually just gonna be like 3 separate jinnies that gradually morphed into a behemoth of a project like i genuinely had no idea how it went from 'oooo dilf jin' to 'lets make a whole butter themed game around this' yoongi should have told me the song is not actually about butter
favourite: pumpking patch kids
⤷ this might be my favorite thing ive ever drawn this year. like. look at them being chaos and wrecking havoc on those poor pumpkings! anyways im still trying to manifest a 🕯halloween practice vers🕯 cov*d begone! leave!
most popular: happyjinnieday!
favourite: star turned villain bts & cafe date taehyung
⤷ december may seem to be surprisingly prolific for me, but its bc i spent most of october, all of november, and half of december to make all the things that came out 🤣🤣🤣 im just proud i got jin's applejinnie website up on time, and even though i missed christmas, at least the start turned villain post came out this year! i cried literal tears of blood trying to get all the details right but it was worth it™️ im also really proud of how tae came out even though i spent a fraction of time on him vs. star turned villain 🤣🤣🤣
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tunapesto · 3 years
I absolutely LOVE your Dess design! Any headcanons about Dess, Noelle, Kris and/or Asriel as kids?
THANK U!!! also yes,, i have many,, i will be keeping them under the cut for convenience
- dess plays baseball and soccer (the latter noelle sort of took interest in at some point but decided it wasnt for her) shes like. the Sport Person tm of the school at the time
- dess actually just has those clip on earrings because 1) actual piercings would hurt 2) her mom would be on her ass LMAO
- dess is generally laid back and likes goofing off. her and asriel were friends bc they were top students respectively in physical activity and academics but she thinks asriel is just some dork. thinks hes very funny though
- asriel and dess would often compare their horns and obviously dess wins and she also got taller than him . much to his dismay lol
- noelle and kris meet through their older siblings hanging out and they start getting along!! noelle was a bit more shy and kris would only talk to their brother so it was a bit of a surprise. i like to think they bonded over cartoon shows (maybe mecha?) and they made theories over it to each other
- kris definitely looks up to dess a bit. like they mess w noelle every now and then and dess starts chasing them w a bat but they think shes just really neat (the way she dressed, how she acted like, etc. in a way they sort of tried to emulate that when growing up) also i like the idea of kris seeing dess a little in susie.. they are best friends :)
- dess and asriel as friends is a funny concept i think. they are very chaotic and as asriel grew up i think hed be super charismatic and smoothtalked his way to some things (popular fandom hc and its really fun actually) and dess does not care about this,,, however when asriel is just. being genuine and unapologetically his dorky self;; dess is very fond of that az.
- sometimes asriel just calls dess as 'cember (this is terrible. she understands that bad at naming really does run in his family.) but like. shes not that creative either. she just calls him ass (lol) or az (she got it from kris calling him azzy, just shortened it a bit)
- dess has a bat with 'holiday' carved onto it. i just think thats nice
- beverage hcs for the gang: dess is a brown coffee enthusiast, asriel likes tea also but iced coffee with a ton of sugar is also cool. kris does not like anything with caffeine so apple juice would probably be their favorite. noelle likes sweet tea :)
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