#apple music supremacy
demadogs · 11 months
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sabrinalovesyou · 4 months
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a few songs from my 2024 playlist
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pralinesims · 7 months
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Mental illness core
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gwentsluvrr · 6 months
wait. I do.
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sweaty-confetti · 11 months
some thoughts about cultural appropriation
a few important notes before you read this: 
- here, when i say “white,” i am referring to specifically white canadian, white american, and white european, with white european being a rather loosely defined term but typically relating to britain. this is not intended to ignore the existence other white identities such as white south africans, but i am a mixed-race indian+white person who has spent most of his life in the united states and does not have enough experience or knowledge of these identities to make accurate takes about them.
- this is not me making excuses for cultural appropriation. it is a dangerous thing that waters down and erases culture, and should not be encouraged. - this is written in a gentle and hopefully palatable way to white audiences, who i encourage to read this. not every take from a poc is going to be nice-nice about these kinds of things, but this is.
i find it very interesting that when you ask white folks about why they’re so obsessed with certain aspects of culture, the palatable, easily-appropriated ones like native headdresses and whatnot, their reason usually is in the form of “mysticism” and “exoticism.” this is a problem in itself, obviously, tying into the long-standing colonial fetishization of culture, but here’s the bit i actually want to talk about:
when you ask why it’s so “exotic” to them, why it’s so obviously “different and other” at a personal level - it comes from a sense of community.
let me break this down a bit. culture and community are often used as very loose synonyms, and for pretty good reason. a culture is based around the ideas of societal norms and roles, material things, ways of thinking and whatnot - and these all come down to community.
there are certain things that are intrinsic and unique to every culture (even if they are a medley of various different cultural influences), whether they be classical carnatic music in south india, pinakbet from the ilocos region of the philippines, or the ninauh-oskitsi-pahpyaki social role/gender in the blackfoot tribe. even cultures we would consider to “appear” white have these, such as the tales of tuatha de dannan in irish mythology. but the idea of whiteness as a concept does not have these.
whiteness as a concept is a sterilized, “de-cultured” identity that attempts to assimilate most/many folks who appear “white” into a single monolith. this is obviously very damaging and dangerous to many cultures - for example, many ancient celtic traditions have been lost due to the deliberate erasure of these in order to assimilate these people into whiteness.
whiteness as an identity was founded on a basis of eurocentric values and traditions as well as either the deliberate assimilation or erasure of all other cultures and traditions - white supremacy. it still exists like that today (see groups like the KKK or proud boys).
now we know obviously that not all white folks are intentionally racist and a large portion of them genuinely don’t mean harm to poc communities…so why is cultural appropriation so rampant, even in white folks who would otherwise be decent allies to poc?
again, it’s coming down to a sense of community.
i have grown up and lived in the united states for most of my life, and as early as i can remember i have always had questions about the cultural identities of white americans. i’d look at the indian half of me and indian culture that i partook in and experienced, things i cherish such as cooking traditional South indian food, learning carnatic classical music, participating in religious ceremonies, etc. and then i’d look at the white half of me. there was no culture there i could find.
sure, i could look at typically “american” things, such as hamburgers and surfboarding and apple pie, but these fall apart very easily with minimal research. similar hamburger-looking foods appear in europe as far back as the 4th century. bodysurfing/surfboarding has existed in peru, africa and various polynesian countries for thousands of years. versions of apple pie existed in british and french cookbooks as far back as 1390 BCE with influences from the ottoman empire - and apples aren’t native to the americas.
the colonization of the americas and the subsequent reframing of canada and the states as “white” areas is due to the influence of colonization, obviously - and the genocide of millions of first nations people. this was deliberate.
but here is the interesting bit. for hundreds of years, as far back as the pilgrims, cultures that were not fully assimilated into whiteness were rejected and oppressed - even as they colonized.
take italian-americans, for instance. the late 1800s to early 1900s saw a huge influx of italian immigrants to the united states. these immigrants faced oppression in the form of religious and political discrimination (anti-catholic sentiments and anti-communist sentiments). they were often subject to horrible living conditions compared to their american white counterparts as well as violence - one of the largest lynchings in america was the mass-lynching of eleven italian immigrants in new orleans in 1891.
yet today, when we think of italian-americans, we often see them simply as “white.”
a huge amount of immigrants to the united states and canada were forced to give up their original cultures in order to assimilate into whiteness. if not, they were subject to prejudice, discrimination and overall just shitty conditions. for some groups that resembled “white americans” in appearance, such as irish folks and italian folks, this method worked eventually and they were assimilated and accepted into whiteness. for many others due to their skin color or features, such as black enslaved folks or jewish folks, even giving up their own culture still meant they were not accepted as white - they didn’t “look white.” additionally, many cultural groups resisted assimilation and rejected being seen as white.
this is somewhat why i believe so many white americans, canadians, and british participate so heavily in cultural appropriation. it comes from a sense of loneliness, of little to no original culture - and whatever is left has been bastardized and reduced to just “white,” neglecting the cultural nuance.
growing up as a brown-skinned mixed person with heavy ties to the indian side of my culture, i was subject to a fair amount of racism. i remember people asking why my hair was “oily and gross,” and then begging my mom to never put coconut oil in my hair ever again. i remember people telling me that the khichdi my mom had carefully made for my lunch “looked and smelled like fish eggs,” and then only eating bland sandwiches at school. but there is one experience i remember very clearly.
i had a white american best friend when i was very young, from kindergarten to third grade. she never judged me for my food or my clothes or my grandparents’ accent or any other part of my culture and i loved her for it. but i remember having this experience with her one day.
she’d met my grandmother who came to pick me up, donned in an elaborately-formed red sari. the next day, when i sat with her at recess, she said something like, “i liked your grandma’s dress. it was pretty.” taken aback by open appreciation of my culture, i just mumbled a pleased “oh, thanks.” but she didn’t stop there. she said, “my grandma only wears boring clothes, like sweaters and granny dresses. i wish i was indian.”
i said something like, “granny dresses can be nice. you can be white and wear cool clothes.”
“yeah, i know. but any old person can wear sweaters and dresses. they’re just…not from anywhere.”
at the time, i didn’t fully understand her desire to be connected to a specific culture, but i understood in a bit of a detached way. i was always very connected to and appreciative of my indian culture, but look to the white side and i was met with exactly that - a gaping white void. the closest answer i got was “well, your great-grandparents came from germany.” that answer dissatisfied me, although i couldn’t articulate why. now i can.
it’s something like, “but after such a long time, they’re not really german anymore.” i’d seen the absence of culture in whiteness, and how my white friends and family could name a distant time where their family belonged to another culture - but not anymore. now, they were just “white.”
whiteness as a concept strips and sanitizes culture to fit a very, very narrow version of culture - a culture defined on the surface by cheeseburgers and british accents and football and canadian politeness, but dig deeper and you find colonialism, colonization, eurocentricism, racism, and various other systems of oppression.
once again, this is not an excuse for white folks who appropriate culture nor is this me trying to reason my way into approving of it. it’s not, and i’m not. i die a little bit inside every time i see some random hippie on the internet bastardize and water down the concept of chakras. but it is a bit of an explanation, and this is why i have some degree of sympathy for white folks who culturally appropriate.
so, to all white or white-passing folks who read this and understand/relate to it: i implore you this. please, please, please, if you have the time and resources to do so, reconnect with your native culture. talk to older irish folks, or learn about traditional welsh folklore. learn german, or watch documentaries of italian culture. read stories from white-passing native folk, or talk with your black grandparents. please do not lose the culture that your ancestors had to give up in order to assimilate into whiteness. understand that whiteness is a part of you and that it impacts those around you, but if you can, please make the effort to reconnect with your culture. it does wonders for your identity and sense of self.
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lannisterdaddyissues · 10 months
tag game
thanks for the tag @saengak!! these are some good questions!!
name: mar
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home? a little place i like to call "east california"
cereal of choice: peobably a toss-up between life and froot loops tbh
are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? i am one of those infuriating-to-work-with people because i am physically incapable of doing something unless i am instructed visually, aurally, and THEN kinesthetically in that order. twice
first pet: cat, naturally <3
favorite scent: i never look at the labels on candles when i sample them, but i think i like lavender?
do you believe in astrology: that stuff makes no sense to me whatsoever, congratulations or sorry that happened
how many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music? several of them are just my family members' playlists but i regularly use 3 playlists and then i have about 3 more that i play every once in a while when i get bored of the same songs
sharpies or highlighters? highlighter supremacy!! neon color supremacy!!
song that makes you cry? old soul by saint motel :,)
song that makes you happy? the riddle by gigi d'agostino!
and finally, do you write/draw/create? i haven't written anything in a while but i guess i do! i don't draw though
tagging @deanwinchestersfloralwallpaper @blueisglueredisdead @awkwxrdapple @nicejobkid @doodledraw @ladywaffles @ilsastrenchcoat @airlocksandaviaries @redbelles @starryinspace @taeminsairpods @faeratil @browneyeslouis @waterandsilver @wasp-coffee @brendaonao3 and anyone else who wants to!
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ttpdlistener · 30 days
my apple music was lagging the other day, and taylor Swift merged with 5sos for a brief second-
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purple third album supremacy ✊🏽💜
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Kate Briquelet at The Daily Beast:
MAGA pastor Sean Feucht and a band of Christian nationalists are glomming on to campus protests against Israel’s war on Gaza, leading “United for Israel” marches at Columbia and the University of Southern California while professing their belief that the conflict is a harbinger of the “End Times” predicted in the Bible. On Wednesday night, Feucht’s followers and far-right extremists rallied outside USC with the help of a police escort—an image that stands in stark contrast to the LAPD officers in riot gear who previously arrested activists from the school’s pro-Palestinian camp. The Christian Zionist parade kicked off with Feucht performing contemporary worship music (“Our God is an awesome God”) and anti-LGBTQ speakers like preachers Lou Engle and Ché Ahn, who once crowed at a “Stop the Steal” rally: “We’re gonna rule and reign through President Trump and under the lordship of Jesus Christ.”
Feucht, looking every bit the part of a Jesus rocker in a black jean jacket, fired up the crowd with a concert before the march. “Lord, we stand together against hatred, bigotry, anti-semitism, violence that’s taken over this campus and the streets of the city,” Feucht said between songs. “God, I just pray today that America would see a different story tonight.” “Where they’ve seen division, they would see unity and joy,” added the 40-year-old Sammy Hagar-coiffed pastor, who once prayed over former President Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his wife Casey. Afterward, Fox News portrayed Feucht as a hero of sorts for the Jewish people. “We want Americans to see that we are fed up with this rot of anti-Semitism on the college campuses, and that we’re gathering together in unity, bringing prayer, bringing hope,” said Feucht, who’s risen to MAGA fame and riches after holding worship concerts flouting COVID rules in 2020.
The irony of divisive activists making up the “unity” flock didn’t seem to be lost on reporters and extremism researchers, including Kate Burns, Jeremy Lindenfeld, and Kelly Stuart, who documented the scene in real time. They estimated a few hundred participants showed up versus Feucht’s projection of “thousands.”
“There’s a veneer of interfaith, there’s a veneer of solidarity,” said Taylor, a senior scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies (ICJS). “I do interfaith dialogue for a living. These people are not doing interfaith dialogue. They’re doing Christian supremacy, but they’re cloaking it in the garb of interfaith solidarity.”
“If Sean Feucht is an enemy of anti-Semitism, why does he hang out with Proud Boys and QAnon supporters and conspiracy theorists at places that tolerate outright anti-Semitism like the ReAwaken America tour?” Taylor added. “Why does he invite far-right militia members to be security at his own events? Color me skeptical that Sean Feucht cares one whit about anti-Semitism.” (A Proud Boy and a Jan. 6 insurrectionist reportedly belonged to Feucht’s security team at his Oregon “Let Us Worship” event in 2021.) Feucht has also palled around with podcaster Elijah Schaffer, who has made anti-Semitic remarks along with his guest speakers like white supremacist Nick Fuentes. “Do you believe Jews disproportionately control the world institutions, banks, & are waging war on white, western society?” Schaffer asked in a 2023 Twitter poll.
[...] In New York, Feucht teamed up with conservative radio host Eric Metaxas, who, according to Media Matters, uses his platform to promote the belief that Christians should control the government, and once punched an anti-Trump protester in the face. A day before descending on the Big Apple, Feucht went live on Facebook and appeared almost giddy about the “end days.” “Yes, these are the end days,” Feucht said. “I know people say all the time, ‘Everyone’s saying it’s the end days.’ ‘Jesus said it was the end days 2000 years ago.’ Well, it is the end days, and we’re one day closer to the return of Jesus.” “And as that ramps up, we’re going to see a rise of evil, we’re going to see a rise of glory, and we’re gonna see a rise of hatred for the Jewish people.”
[...] Many evangelicals like Feucht believe in an End Times prophecy where Jews will return to Israel (and convert to Christianity) as part of Jesus’s Second Coming.
Far-right Christian nationalists such as Sean Feucht have traveled to various campuses where protests against the Gaza Genocide are happening to preach a right-wing pro-Israel Apartheid rally under the guise of an “interfaith rally.”
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I wish my phone did that colorful background when listening to music but I'm samsung
apple supremacy!!
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Hey friend! I saw Dabi music! So I really have a couple bands I really rely on for League music (QotSA is a big one). Here's some that I use for Dabi whether in feel or lyrics. Lots of fire themes, of course, but the genres vary from rock to punk to industrial metal to electronica.
Feet Don't Fail Me Now - Queens of the Stone Age
Head Like a Haunted House - Queens of the Stone Age
The Evil has Landed and Domesticated Animals as general League songs from the same album as the songs above. (really recommend Domesticated Animals because the lyrics are a bit freakishly bnha-specific and also there's a big "@ Hawks" vibe to it)
One last QOTSA song - My God is the Sun because I think there's a bit of Stain & Dabi's rage at the system in the lyrics. Watch the video, it's cool.
worldstar money by Joji (imagining touya burning...)
Unperson - Nothing but Thieves (also a Jin song lol)
Bed of Roses - Mindless Self Indulgence
Blood // Water - grandson
Supremacy - Muse
Right On, Frankenstein! - Death From Above 1979
Fire - Kasabian
Some Kind of Monster - Metallica
Wish - Nine Inch Nails
Is It Cold in the Water - SOPHIE
Call Them Brothers - Regina Spektor
I Gave You All - Mumford & Sons
Gasoline - I Prevail (kind of my Dabi Dance song)
Ship on Fire - Zeal & Ardor
Relay - Fiona Apple (No better Todoroki family song exists)
Firestarter - Prodigy
Father of Mine - Everclear
Winter - Tori Amos (I interpret this song a bit more cynically than we're supposed to)
Guilty - Gravity Kills
Hope you find some songs from that list!
hi! thank you so much for taking the time to put together a rec list and share it with me <3 I'm about halfway through it and though the genres aren't all for me, I'm really enjoying all the lyrics so far. I'll probably go back to this list whenever I need inspo for fic titles :'D you're def right that QotSA has some pretty spot on vibes, but the others do too
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sabrinalovesyou · 4 months
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a few songs from my 2024 playlist
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memerataphor · 7 months
7, 10, 13, 14, 18, 20, 28, 29 for the ask game :3
Oh! Hello!
7. What do you most look forward to at an aquarium?: Ok this is kinda a basic bitch answer but kinda the penguins? or the big big tank with like whole ecosystems, especially if it has one of those glass tunnels.
10. On an airplane, apple or orange? Orange supremacy! With how subdued aroma receptors are at altitude, sweet+acid is just a significantly better experience than sweet on its own. On the ground, they're on equal footing tho
13. First thing you would do during the purge? hmmmmm I feel like during the purge I would totally just bunker up and try to keep my friends safe, all the rich folk would be even more untouchable that night
14. Do you think you're dehydrated? lmao yeh probably (I am drinking water as i type this)
18. Boba order? regular milk tea half sugar (plant milk if they have it)
20. Favorite Disney Princess movie? Sleeping Beauty! The dress the three bickering co-parents the music the dragon the drama the animation (the semi-noncon is ehhhhhhhh but like. disney and fairy tales idk man idk)
28. Last meal on Earth? I dont think I'd really go for a 'last meal', if I'm getting executed then I dont want the people doing it to assuage their conscience by pretending I'm 'comfortable', and if I'm like, terminally ill then I don't want to waste any more time on food than necessary when I could do other things.
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blazenfire223 · 5 months
[ID in undercut]
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Happy 2024 everyone! I'm just gonna talk about the past of 2023 and how I'm feeling about this new year so apologies if this gets long.
Okay so first off, personally, my 2023 wasn't that bad. It was actually rather enjoyable. I started out 2023 doing art while talking with my friend Kate while drinking apple cider and I think also playing Hamtaro. It was fun. Also during that time, I had been in a school program called RISE which was basically hands-on learning and I got to create some very memorable projects that I am so fucking proud of and submitted a whole 3-page original comic for my school's zine and then later got to see the comic IN the zine. I messed around with traditional art so much more and had so much fun with it. Like, I swear that school year I was a monster of creativity and I was just having nothing but fun during those days. I was a neurodivergent POWERHOUSE. I also got to see a high school adaptation of the Percy Jackson Musical that my partner got to play a minor role in and that was very fun. I got to make a friend and hang out with said friend over the summer, I went out on an official date with my partner (outside of school dances) to see Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse, and also saw my partner during a homecoming dance where we left and went to Walmart instead. I got to watch Good Omens season 2, WWDITS season 5/6 (I forget what the newest season was), OFMD season 2, and go to see the FNAF movie!! And although all of them broke my heart (except FNAF) in different ways I was still so happy I got to see them! My cat also went to the vet to get neutered which helped with his spraying problem.
It wasn't all good though. I always had the usual problems but there was also me having to go to the doctor's a few times this year which sucked, but I also got a family doctor for the first time in YEARS and now I get to get treated for whatever it is my body is doing. There was also a big personal mess regarding my partner's family shortly after I got to see him a few times and some family issues of my own.
But overall? It's been a pretty good fucking year but, if I'm honest, I'm not very hopeful for the new year. These past few weeks have made me feel so much in so little time. Mainly, anger, sadness, and guilt. All not very "good" emotions but they've all been there. I'm also kinda tired. I've felt all these things not because of anything personal. As I've pointed out my 2023 has been fucking amazing for the most part. My anger is righteous. Livid fucking righteous anger. Anger over the fact that there are so many injustices and genocides happening in this world and the fact that the United States has a hand in pretty much all of them in some way or another. I have seen so many dead humans and my brain can barely comprehend them. I feel so much for these people literally dying at the hands of awful people with weapons and money funded by this disgusting country I live in and I can't help feeling guilt because I'm in my house, comfortable and relatively safe watching Good Omens Season 2 on repeat and I just wish I could do more or give them comfort in a meaningful way. But I know I can only do so much. I still am just a kid and only one person.
And what pisses me off more is that these politicians that are supposed to represent the people don't. listen. There have been thousands of citizens shouting for the liberation of these countries and for the end of these genocides and yet politicians do the exact opposite of what the majority of people are in obvious support for. All for what? Money? A sense of superiority? It has made me feel so much that I end up shaking from anger at the thought. But I shouldn't be surprised. This is the same country that was founded on the genocide of natives and black people. Founded on slavery, racism, and white supremacy. The same country that wishes to control the rights of AFAB bodies and wants to ban any and all books that they don't agree with and that, deep down, wants to eradicate trans people and other LGBTQ+ people from social life and existence. I shouldn't be surprised that they are helping with genocide and continue to help in the killing of human beings again and again. I shouldn't be surprised. Land of the Free, my ass.
This, with the fact that the whole world is basically on fire and literally was at MULTIPLE times this year, I can't say I'm feeling very good about this new year. But I know what I WANT this new year to be. I want it to be a year that is filled with good memories, good art, and good experiences, but also a year where I can say that there is a Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, and any other country experiencing oppression and harm and there are choices made to help to stabilize these countries and people. Where they have autonomy over their own land. I want a year where the oppressed get just one step closer to the equality they deserve. A year where this country isn't trying to make leaps back in time where no one but cis-het neurotypical abled-bodied white men could exist happily. I want a year where the individualistic Western mindset is burned to ash and we all actually treat each other as human fucking beings that deserve respect and not just as stepping stones for "success" (THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM BTW.) I just wish for a year where I can say that, in every aspect, it was a good year. But we'll just have to see what the future holds now, don't we?
[ID: A digital illustration of Storm (irl) and Storm (OC) sitting together on the ground. Storm has their knees up to their chest and is holding a bottle of sparkling cider while OC Storm holds them close, cradling their head with both hands. Above them both are floating heads of all of irl Storm's hyperfixations of the year. Going from right to left there is Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens), Dante (Ineffable Family AU by chibiq122), Azra and David (Bun and Dove AU by chibiq122), Raphael and Zi (Star Weaver AU |Gone Wrong| by chibiq122 and Storm), Ana and Raph (Star Weaver AU by chibiq122), Nandor and Guillermo (What We Do in the Shadows), Anna and Crawley (Happy Demon AU by chibiq122 and Storm), Raziel and Westley (Lawyer Bois AU by chibiq122), Ario and Unas and Zaraphim (Reverse AU by Storm), Sariel and Damien + their kids Eden, Calysta, and Dakota (Blind Bear AU by Storm), and finally Izzy, Stede and Ed (Our Flag Means Death). Above all the little heads are the words 'Happy New Year 2024' and they are glowing. /End ID]
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Act III, Track 08 - Rise to War
Song links: Spotify - YT Music - Apple - Tidal
By now, everyone knows the truth about Seth and the - mostly Christian - population of Europe has had to make a difficult choice: are they willing to accept being ruled by the Antichrist if in return they get a life of peace, prosperity and happiness? Or will they oppose him on principle? "More or less every man and woman of weapon-bearing age" has joined in the fight, which to my mind shows that they aren't thinking clearly anymore and are caught in some kind of mental death spiral. Whichever side wins the war - what will they eat once the battle is done? Having nearly every adult fight in a war is not a sustainable way to run a society. Who is working in the fields? Who's taking care of the children? Assuming that Seth's brilliant ideas haven't made agriculture and childcare (and a multitude of others things that need to be done every day to keep society running) obsolete, of course.
Apollonius has rallied Seth's army. He and Seth are speaking to some elite soldiers.
[Apollonius:] Rise to your Emperor Rise to war [Seth:] Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! [Soldiers:] Fighting for the Emperor [Apollonius:] Face the end and dawn of time Rise to war [Seth:] All rise to me [Seth & Apollonius:] Rise and unleash fury
An instrumental interlude follows that I think sounds quite scary considering the subject matter. The mix between a marching rhythm and sudden large orchestral moments makes me think of some kind of gigantic war machinery (even though European society is canonically on the technological level of the 19th century). There is something merciless about this song, a feeling that the only way out is forward now.
Seth tries to inspire the soldiers by promising that once the war is over, the beautiful future he and his followers have envisioned will finally be possible.
[Seth:] History shall tell our tale New age to be Future will bring our name's supremacy Summon pride for us to give The strong and free Courage and we shall live Eternally [Apollonius:] Rise to war Revelation soon will end with us The past and all therein Shall come to dust
Apollonius says it explicitly: They are going through the prophecy of the Book of Revelation. I guess there's nothing left to hide at this point, the soldiers know they're fighting for the Antichrist. Seth appeals to the "pride" of "the strong and free", implying that the other side wants to enslave them. What Seth and Apollonius are saying sounds quite grim. It sounds to me like they are preparing the soldiers for a likely death.
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pendantaudio · 1 year
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Tilly’s Trans Tuesdays episode 17: Being trans in this world takes courage, but you know what? It SHOULDN'T. That doesn't change the reality though, so I invite you to come along on an adventure with childhood Tilly to learn about the dangers, and rewards, of facing your fears and doing things even if you're scared. Fintech warrior CJ joins us once again to discuss misgendering yourself, needle museums, and cheese and wine supremacy! Enjoy the happy bubbles!
Hosted by Tilly Bridges and Susan Bridges. Sound mixing by Jillian Morgan. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Samsung Podcasts, and more!
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calilili · 1 year
Wow !
I saw this movie for the first time yesterday!
So - fyi - I made the Oscars 2020 Contender #EveNGodThisFemaleIsNotYetRated
“Eve N’ God
This Female Is Not Yet Rated “ ™️
in which I costarred with movie icon #WingsHauser
and what’s amazing to me and my team -
that my movie seems to be a natural “response” movie to Carnal Knowledge!
Without ever seeing Mike Nichols’ movie, mine seems like an “answer” movie as my protagonist, named “Eve” seems to be speaking on behalf of all the women in “Carnal Knowledge!”
Without living through that time period- or seeing the film - just being a GIRL in this culture & this world ,
now in the “MeToo” era
with Roe Vs Wade , women’s rights, lgbtq , voting rights , black lives and environmental justice for our precious Mother Earth, wildlife and sealife in the balance ,
threatened by conservatives who so fear progress-
they are attempting to foment authoritarianism in America.
There is so much possibility for true healing in America and all over the world and my movie suggests we begin by recovering from all forms of supremacy & domination,
beginning with misogyny-
“ the ultimate WMD.”
Hope movie lovers check out both my film and this fascinating film by the amazing #MikeNichols side by side - we were really amazed at the parallels!
You can find “Eve N’ God This Female Is Not Yet Rated “
for rental and on demand
at YouTube movie rentals 🎬🍿as well as iTunes 🍎 Store / Apple TV , Google Play Movies, ROKU & Vimeo.
The soundtrack/ album 🎧🎵🎶
“ This Female Is Not Yet Rated ™️“
By Recording Artist :
Cali Lili
is also on
YouTube Music / Official
Cali Lili Indies ™️Music Channel
And Apple 🍎 Music :
and everywhere music streams including
iHeart Radio
Tidal Music
Pandora Music
and Tik Tok clips etc 🏝️
With Love,
#CaliLili from #CaliLiliIndies ™️
@ Cali Lili Indies ™️🏝️🌊🦋🐬🏄🏽‍♀️🏄🏼‍♀️🏄🏿‍♀️🌊Pictures Words Music In Motion ™️feMt0™️studi0™️CuttingEdge OfThePacific ™️🦀🌊
MOVIE REVIEW : August 2022
Times Square Chronicles
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