#i like feeling like my music is MINE and its way better aesthetically
demadogs · 11 months
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I’m curious, what do you think about Zelda games and continuity in general? I know one point of contention with BOTW/TOTK is the “lack” of continuity which yeah, i get it. It could be better. However the Zelda series is not known for its continuity lol. Like, take OOT and MM for example. MM is supposed to be a sequel to OOT, right? Well, tbh it’s not a very good one. Besides the fact that Link is the same one from oot, and the happy mask salesman and skull kid return, it feels really disconnected from its predecessor. I think Twilight Princess fits more as a sequel to OOT than MM. I could go on and on but what are your thoughts?
Very good question! So yeah, I know that the Zelda games give 0 craps about consistent lore or continuity, which is fine! I think they put forward a lot of different and interesting ideas. As a fandom, and especially as writers, we can treat it like a buffet of ideas to sample and play around with.
You raise an interesting point with oot/mm. I think the difference between oot/mm is the fact that they have very little in common with each other. New map, new characters, a completely different concept. There's a lot of mechanics that are the same but it really feels like you're in a new universe with the same aesthetics as the previous one, and that's about it.
I think TOTK stands out to people because it is a direct sequel with only a few years between them in-universe, but there is very little story, lore, and setting continuity between botw and totk. If it were a whole new game with a new slate of characters and a new map, I don't think the discrepancies would feel as jarring. That being said, I really love totk as a game! It's fantastic and I've sunk at least 100 hours in.
However, botw remains my favourite game because: botw is a gesamkunstwerk. TOTK is not a gesamkunstwerk.
And now here's my very long tangent about this:
I'm sure I've seen a video talking about this idea before but basically, a gesamkunstwerk is a German term for "total work of art." Coined by the composer Richard Wagner (whom we do not like, but his ideas were very influential), a gesamkunstwerk is a large scale work where everything reinforces each other. It is "a work of art that makes use of all or many art forms, or strives to do so." So in opera, for example, this would be how the orchestra, the costumes, the text, the music, the set pieces, everything comes together to tell one unified story.
I believe botw is a good example of a gesamkunstwerk: the open world setting serves the narrative framework, the Sheikah technology is incorporated seamlessly into the game mechanics, the story is scattered throughout the world for you to discover, but everything is still centered around your final goal and the narrative arc you're meant to travel. You're meant to explore, meet people, hone your skills, then face off against the final foe that you've been staring in the face for the whole game. You're meant to discover the world, to do all these things, as the player and as Link. Everything in botw reinforces everything else. It's not a perfect game by any means but it is incredibly well crafted.
And while totk improves on all the things in BOTW, it loses the cohesiveness that tied the first game together. I find that totk fights itself in a lot of ways. It didn't commit to being a linear game but it clearly has a linear path in mind (hello dragons tears...I am so glad a friend of mine told me to do them in order) The integration of zonai and Sheikah mechanics made no sense to me. The sages... Good gravy the sages...
Anyways this turned into a much longer post than I intended, but I hope this all made sense.
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temporalreverie · 11 months
ponysona ref sheet :3
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[text transcript: Carrie Go-Round, or Carrie for short It/She, Trans Mare, Lesbian Can prance through air with its saddle on. Gives carousel sky-rides to help others. It likes going around again, solving puzzles, helping with problems, music, good fortune, and going around again. Beholden to the whims of its fate & cycles, it tries its best to be carefree but secretly feels aimless at times.]
Extended character bio & art process thoughts below the cut v
Carrie Go-Round is a unicorn with carousel themed magic. Carousel magic works in mysterious ways. It can direct the magic somewhat and hone certain patterns through repetition, but it’s ultimately at the whims of the fate chosen for it. Usually everything works out just fine though.
While actively using its carousel magic and wearing its saddle, it can prance on top of air. It takes others on rides through the sky using this, giving them time and space to think through a problem they’ve been having. These rides can involve a conversation, a magical spectacle of lights and music, or simply peace and quiet, whatever will help the other pony best. Flying, putting on light shows, and making music are all come naturally when the magic is in service of another.
Carrie has adapted an outwardly carefree and playful nature. It’s partially its true self, and partially a defense mechanism in response to the lack of control that the carousel makes it feel. When you’re stuck going around in one big circle, it’s easy to feel aimless and confused. Helping someone else with a problem of theirs always makes it feel better though. It's also fond of rhymes, puzzles, and riddles.
It’s somewhat taller than average. Not very strong, but when its magic is active any passengers feel light as a feather. Both the color and shape of its hair is all natural.
Art process thoughts:
An idea for a ponysona design popped into my head the other day and I'm really happy with how it turned out! Multiple times I've played with designing a ponysona by taking more grounded and literal elements of myself but none of those struck me as exciting or fun. Being freely indulgent and overdesigning a pastel magic horse is way better.
In terms of the drawing itself, this is probably the closest you'll ever see me mimic the G4 artstyle! I referenced a couple screenshots of pinkie to get an idea for scale, and then I cut apart my rough sketch into chunks so I could stretch out the neck & back because I like when the bodies are longer than proportions on the show. This also doubles as making its tallness present in the art but really I would've done that regardless.
The carousel concept is a fun way to tie in the colorful aesthetics with themes of cycles and fate. Girls love to be stuck in a loop of mayyyybe their own choosing. And it also means I get to bring back the saddle & bridle fashion concept Lauren Faust considered for the show's pitch bible. It's definitely kind of weird but in a fun way.
Carrie Go-Round like Merry-go-round but also like Carrie short for Carousel but also like Carry because she physically carries other ponies & helps lift them emotionally. Do you get it.
This is my first time adding ALT text to my images; I did my best to be thorough but not too verbose.
Miscellaneous design thoughts: I love pink and green together! IRL horse coat patterns are so so cute I wish more MLP characters had them. Plus the bubbly shapes on the hooves match her cloud prancing. Duality is everything to me: two different shapes and colors of hair, two symbols on its cutie mark, two little eyelashes. Although I tried less to make it look like me, its hair still has the same general shape (however mine will only rarely form curls like that all on its own). Also the cutie mark arrows being green is a slightly inspired by a real dream I had about getting my cutie mark:
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I've been meaning to make a ponysona for a long time now. All in all this was very fun to do and now I'm excited to draw more of my own OCs and their interactions.
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noneuclideangarf · 2 days
how did you learn to produce breakcore? were there like particular resources or methods of practice you found helpful?
So, this question took me a little while to come up with a decent response, because in some respects I feel like I am still new to breakcore, since I’ve only really been making breakcore tracks since early 2023. With this in mind there is a couple things I did to get better at producing it. First, less so a production thing and more so a listening thing. I listened to a lot of breakcore artists or artists who incorporate breakcore into their music. I was already a fan of Venetian Snares, and during 2023 I came to really like Femtanyl and MAILPUP’s work as well. This listening helped to develop my ear for what breakcore sounds like. In addition to this, I was personally was really interested in Jungle, the genre which preceded breakcore, so I listened to a bunch of artists in that genre too just to get a better idea of where breakcore came from. I also took notes of some of the stuff I liked in it because its not all too dissimilar to breakcore and there’s some overlap of aesthetics. Secondly, I did a lot of experimenting with trying to emulate the sound/create in the style. This really started with me downloading the amen break and just chopping and rearranging it to create new beats. I played around with doing really intense stutter effects, repitching stuff, etc.. I also downloaded some other breaks and samples and tried chopping and re-arranging them as well (you can use basically anything for breakcore!). Once I had chopped the break in a way I liked, I would then try and add some extra instrumentation on top of it to make it feel like more of a full track. I then practiced by making tracks pretty frequently, I wouldn’t always finish them and I certainly didn’t release many of them but it was useful in developing my skill. So, in summary my general advice would be to listen to artists you like who make breakcore, and experiment with chopping breaks and other samples. If you are looking for ideas of how to chop a break, a friend of mine showed me this video called “how to kill breakcore” (mild flashing lights warning). While it isn’t so much a tutorial, the video does showcase some ways you can approach chopping a break, that I personally found useful and gave me some ideas to try when messing around in my DAW. In terms of more specific advice: - try putting some distortion on your drums, it doesn’t have to be too much (though that can be fun!) but a little bit will add a lot of warmth, volume, and additional punch to the them. - try layering in one-shot kick drums and snares and other percussion into your chopped break to add some additional oomph. This can be especially handy if you feel like your kick or snare is too weak in the track but in general, having layers to your percussion can make a track sound really energetic. - as much as making super dense tracks that stick to one particular groove can be fun, try building in contrasts when making breakcore. Swapping to a new section or paring down the density of the track at times are good things to try when arranging a breakcore track. I find this brings a lot of energy to and keeps it from feeling too repetitive or overwhelming. - do weird shit in your track! Do some fun sound design and incorporate odd samples! do what you want but be interesting! Venetian Snares incorporates a lot of really strange stuff into his tracks and it sounds great so don’t be afraid to experiment! I hope this is helpful!
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qloverreviewsfilm · 1 year
"nah. i'm gonna do my own thing."
spider-man: across the spider-verse (2023) - 97%
when i first saw spider-man: into the spider-verse (2018) in theaters with a dear friend of mine, it was an amazing experience. i had been a lifelong fan of spider-man noir, and seeing him on screen made me so happy. that was my expectation going into it: "i hope noir is good." little did i know i was in for one of the most innovative movies of all time. not even most innovative animated movie (which it was) or superhero movie (which it was), just one of the most innovative movies i'd ever seen.
that being said, when they announced a sequel, i wasn't surprised at all. i wasn't surprised that it kept being delayed (animation at that level, yeah, it'll take a while). i was surprised, however, when they announced it was going to be in two parts- as opposed to just a second movie and a third movie. trilogies seem commonplace enough in modern film, but a trilogy where two of them are part of the same story... it was interesting! (godfather being the exception because part one and two really do feel like two whole stories on their own).
so, i saw spider-man: across the spider-verse (2023) in an empty theater at noon. i wished i could've gone to a packed showing, but i'm glad i got to have the one on one with the story. it allowed me to feel more immersed. immediately i was astounded at the movie, with gwen's world's colors and style, with the familiarity of her story as a spider-person without it feeling trite at all. i was immediately engaged, and it didn't ever stop.
i think, structurally (anyone who knows me knows i'm in love with the study of story structure), the movie takes a few blows. no scene feels out of place, but some feel they overstay their welcome. some of the overlapping dialogue didn't hit as well as i feel like the movie wanted, to me.
but those being my only critiques, i think that this movie (and its predecessor) are two of the most important movies in the meta-modern era. not only are they built on the expectation of referential storytelling, but they don't take themselves too seriously- they know what they are, 50% fun superhero rollercoaster, 50% serious storytelling. and they balance that so, so well.
and i don't even know what to say about the animation- it surpasses the first one tenfold. it's the most beautifully animated movie i've ever seen. i think this movie and the netflix show arcane are quite literally changing the animation industry for the better. i think animation in media can tell stories that lend themselves to the abstract, to the existential, to the philosophical in ways that live action may have trouble with. not that live action can't do those things, but it takes more skill and intention, in my opinion. i think it's easier for animation to tap into visuals that evoke emotions that aren't as familiar, and therefore more memorable.
maybe i don't know what i'm talking about. but what i do know is that i wish spider-man unlimited got some speaking lines, or more screen time at least. here's hoping he gets a good scene in beyond.
love, q <3
entertainment - 22/24
writing/characters - 17/20
acting/direction - 18/20
cinematography/aesthetic - 24/24
music/sound - 16/16
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maddipoof · 1 year
living in the past, it's a new generation - tell me as much as you want to about yourself and I'll make a mood board of what i imagine your past life would be (i'm obsessed with historical fashion, let me indulge myself)
this is so creative oh my goodness how do you come up with these??? also i went a little overboard while talking about myself i hope thats ok<3
i'm an isfj, and i'm fairly shy. i have anxiety, and i get really quiet in social settings- i have 3 close friends who mean the world to me, and i'm part of a really small friend group but i value individual friendships much more because of how intimate they are. i listen to music quite often, read too much (i get caught up in books really easily), listen to a lot of music - taylor swift wrote mirrorball for me - and i'm an academic validation girlie. my aesthetic is somewhere in between coastal granddaughter and coquette- i kind of dress like rory gilmore, i wear flared jeans a lot and floral or lacy tops. 
i use she/her pronouns, and i'm straight but mayyybe bi?? i like to think i'm feminine- i love perfume and lavender and candles and claw clips and locket jewelry. i'm 5'2, petite, and i have medium-length hair that's light brown in the winter and strawberry blonde in the summer (idk but something about the sun changes its color, i don't know how). i'm really fair skinned, blush easily, and i have a few freckles- i get sunburned really easily so i try to take really good care of my skin. my teeth aren't very straight but i like to think it's a cute little character flaw haha.
i'm a ballet dancer but i also ice skate for fun, and i play touch football in the spring. i'm also obsessed with pearls. i write a lot as well- mostly poetry, but i don't post it on here lol. i adore pretty trinkets and dresses, iced matchas from starbucks, gracie abrams, romcoms, and pale pink converse. my favorite show is gilmore girls & anne with an e, and my favorite movies are little women (2019) and dead poets society. thank you<33
babe, why do we have the same hair except mine is only red because it's so stained
And also, don't apologize for talking about yourself. This is science, I need DATA!!!! It's also an excuse for me to know you better<3 (this is also gonna be lowkey fantasized because old times be rough and I'm not gonna put your past self through that) We are here for lighthearted gaiety!!!! Nothing more, nothing less!
Anyway, I got carried away and made a pinterest board rather than a mood board, sorry, but anyway, absolutely 100% certainly late victorian ballerina
I kinda feel like its low hanging fruit cus like, you said you love ballet but honestly I was thinking it the whole time, I just got lucky when you confirmed it el oh el
I think you wouldn't be nobility exactly, but like gilded age and whatever, you'd have money so you get a fancy education and excel in all your courses but then you start ballet and you're definitely better than everyone there too. So you eventually become on of the most famous ballerinas and duh everybody wants to be you or be with you but you're like naaahhhh I have enough friends, thank you though. BUT THeN! One day, at some dinner party your obscenely wealthy grandma is having in your honor at her beach mansion house (because you're the bestest ballerina of them all) you meet gaspspps A Devilishly dashing (person of whatever gender you're feelin, I won't tell you what to do) and it's a relentless back and forth of will-they-wont-they and your friends all say yes but you say no because "they're probably just like everyone else, they don't want me for me, they want me for what I do, what I could offer them"
BUT THEN! dun dun dun,,,a totally random accident that happens out of nowhere and is completely unrelated to dance (i'm hella superstitious and if you think i'm putting that out there? Haha no way), leads you to an early retirement because you still love to dance but the fame isn't all you bargained for, so you move to the seaside and DUN DUN DUN! Who comes to visit??? Your beloved suitor!! and then you have a beautiful life filled with perfume bottles, lockets, lavender sprigs, and beach picnics <3
ummmm I got very carried away but i hope you liked it <3
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murkyhazed · 1 year
FAVORITE COLOR(S): i personally like yellow, blue, and mint green has been an aesthetic of mine lately so FAVORITE FLAVOR(S): well it really depends on what. if we're talking ice cream, then chocolate obviously. if its candy, i do love a good blue raspberry. FAVORITE GENRE(S): of what, movies? shows? i suppose i like a good comedy and some drama. FAVORITE MUSIC: i like most music honestly. FAVORITE MOVIE: i can't pick one, i like too many. way too many. i guess some honorable mentions would be lotr/hobbit trilogies, the harry potter movies, jurassic movies... FAVORITE SERIES: the walking dead, abbott elementary and 9-1-1!! LAST SONG: the last song i remember actually paying attention to was anti-hero by taylor swift LAST SERIES: 9-1-1 and i'm finished it now so my life has no meaning LAST MOVIE: good question.... i can't remember? uhhhh probably some kinda disney movie iunno. CURRENTLY READING: i don't read i'm terrible CURRENTLY WATCHING: the gourmet makes series on youtube. they're old and claire left the BA kitchen a long time ago but they're still good to watch CURRENTLY WORKING ON: this i guess? maybe replies if i feel like it, i'm pretty tired and also at work lmao.
tagged by : @ner0tic
tagging : yknow what all of you
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hikari-ni-naritai · 2 years
Sunshine firefly ice cream bumblebee sundress freckles sunset water
Sunshine: what makes you happy?
talking to my girlfriend, learning a new raid in ff14, hanging out with friends (obviously online i dont see people in real life), going for a drive for an hour with an album i can sing to
Firefly: what is your best personality trait?
maybe like. natural patience? i dont like to get mad so i dont. ive also heard a good trait of mine is that im Kind Of A Bitch. so one of those i think
Ice cream: what is your favourite aesthetic (dark academia, cottagecore, etc.)?
hmmm.. i feel like i used to know the answer to this. oh! clockwork shit. give me that. the more gears the better
Bumblebee: what do you really need right now?
really need to get back to work lol
already did sundress
Freckles: what do you wish more people understood (about you, or in general)?
in general: would LOVE if people understood that like. trans people real and not fucking predators.
about me: it would be cool if people understood like. the way all my mental problems are extremely internal? which ive mentioned before like, my social anxiety has nothing to do with strangers and none of my like, weird compulsive shit is related to expectations from others. its all me. and idk if thats something that makes sense to anyone else
Sunset: what do you hope never changes about you?
my fervent desire not to have a dick. cause this shits not reversible!!!
Water: what’s a small thing you do to help you feel good? Would you recommend others try it?
probably listening to music i like? id recommend it in general but i cant say id recommend the specific music lol
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thoughtcock · 2 months
self manifestations for 2023/24 (progress)
[X] rent an better actual apartment, by myself or with someone else: I am currently here now :) sitting by myself in the comfort of my living room, while listening to lofi music on youtube as background. And boy, what an amazing feeling it is. it is merely just over 400 sq ft, a small size by most standards. yet its just enough for me and the bf who comes over.
I used to feel like I don't do well in the ordinary, life had to always be happening or I have to be on some unconventional route (i mean it kinda is but still) to be happy or whatever. But lately, I really do appreciate the peace and the ordinaryness. I now romanticise the chill/hiding away to my safe space. I love doing my silly little home decorating and just feeling present at this apartment. my safe space.
I gradually became a much more neater and organised person. seriously, i started making my own bed more regularly and you could point a gun at me and i would find it so pointless to do it. its just going tog et messy again so who cares? but now.... i see why people do it.
i thought me being messy was just a personality trait of mine and i hoped people around me will accept it. but i dont know... i guess there's this new-found form of respect i have for my space now, and keeping it tidy just makes it so much more pleasant for me. the only issue with that is i spend significantly more time tidying, and my boyfriend still hasnt caught up to speed yet.
But still... I finally get ikea catalogues and how they are always selling this idea of a beautiful home enriching your life. because its true. and i get why people buy picture frames and decorative tissue boxes and carpets and all. to make a space much cozier, which in turn makes u happier and more at peace. And I get why people buy extra practical things like a water filter, storage space for your appliances, a speaker, a standing desk. because why wouldnt you? it boosts your quality of life in different ways.
Yes, its not cheap to rent, but damn I would rather pay with money than with my mental health. for seven years i've lived with the bare minimum. mostly stuck to buying necessary stuff for my home, or barely buying anything at all for fear it will eat up the little space i was allocated to. and now to have the space(!!) and options to buy something just for the aesthetics is suddenly new to me again. for 8 years i've been living in cramped dorms/subdivided rooms/flat share. i am so grateful and i cant wait to make more and get an even bigger space maybe (i still wish for a bigger kitchen, and an actual designated to hang clothes without taking over the living room space).
In the meantime maybe i can start thinking about owning a home. though i still dont feel ready, need to save more haha
[ ] get my first tattoo: still in the works. all the artists i like are either based far away, or i am still undecided and frankly procrastinating. slighly worrying about the fallout with the mother. also there is a bit of inertia to just fuck it and out trust in an artist for a tattoo that im not sure of yet.
[ ] adopt a cat: unlike getting a tattoo, i dont think i can just bite the bullet and bring an animal to my life full-time. since having a family dog, i realised how important it is to consider how I really have to be responsible for a pet. And making space for said pet in your life. my family dog came to us in a "yolo" way of sorts, and while he is amazingggggg, i know if it were up to me i'll do so much more to give him a better life. and so, i would like to carefully consider everything before fostering one. and also because my new apartment is so great as it is, how can an animal live in it well without destroying the space i worked so hard for?
[X] adapt well in new job: giving this an X because so far i've performed better than how i did in my first year. but there's a lot of self-pressure and probably managerial pressure to step up and do even more, learn even more etc. tbh sometimes it feels like my brain is swimming from all these new things i've learnt or am expected to learn. i dont want to disappoint people, but i am also trying to give myself the space/patience to improve and be better. after all im paid much better to live in this nice apartment.
[X] buy fancy decorative stuff for said new apartment (eg. plates, candles, artsy fartsy stuff)
[ ] be reading more: definitely falling back on reading... sometimes its hard to get the attention span to do so. i've been told i should get back on self-help books. so far i've read more autobiographies. there are some books i own that take me back to chaotic times (Eg. 2019) and i'm sure if i even want to touch them for fear of bringing up not so great memories and how this city is quietly turning to shits. well at least i have my nice place as it turns to shit... privilege much?
[ ] continue to choose myself: i feel like its a half-half on this...
[X] be okay with change: something i read recently is how because nothing last forever, its best to appreciate things are they are now before they are gone. the glass is already broken. impermanence makes things more beautiful.
[ ] have more reflective alone times: unfortunately not doing as much of that, but i hope that will change!!!! sometimes i live life on autopilot mode, and i could feel myself living in that mode for months since i've stopped going to therapy. autopilot mode isnt bad, but yeah i know i dont truly reflect on my feelings much if that is so. and i find my thoughts so muddled and messy at times. its like what the fuck do i want sometimes, why am i overthinking this and that, am i doing enough of this and that bla bla,,, but i dont know WHY im thinking like that. sometimes writing this in word vomit mode helps to rationalise and write out all the things in my head which is great... although i feel like a terrible writer because everything is so messy and word vomity
[X] solo travel (either a beach getaway or city gal holiday, or both): my first solo trip coming up soon! a beach getaway is something i always want to do. im not going to plan much or keep everything to a schedule, just see where this trip takes me. im hoping to just chill and be rejuvenated, and yes try to be more reflective
[ X] turn off my brain when work is over: a WIP but i would say i've gone heaps and bounds since leaving my last job. work stops at 6 and i try not to open my emails/messages, but i guess with more responsibilities sometimes i cant help it. but i can safely say i do have more time for other things without feeling like some manager will find me to settle a story or whatever. it feels nice to have no one bug u after work hours!!
[X] maintain close relationships with the people who matter: not sure whether to tick this since i've become a lot more introverted this year. i no longer do big parties or try to organise one anymore. in that sense i do feel more distant from people now, sometimes i dont even know who matters and who doesnt. but this time, i feel perfectly okay with it. i think its the new house effect, i just want to stay home all the time. maybe the person who matters most in my life is me, after all.
[X] restart seriously saving and investing again: getting paid more helps. though i do need to re-evaluate my investing choices. i jsut need to be careful about lifestyle inflation and balance things properly. i started budgeting again this months so hopefully i can stick to it.
[X] stay away from people with bad energy: its actually easier to do that when u have a significant other and u are okay to be alone. no longer interested in clubs or gettign fucked up, or getting on dating apps anymore.
-[X?] feel valued in a workplace/relationship: yes for work, thanks to great managers and great benefits. relationship, i would like to think my friends value me, and as for my boyfriend? i guess he does in his own ways, though i would like to feel more of it.
New goals:
learn diving
solo travel/travel to more unconventional places
romanticising life more
take a chill hobby like coloring
exercise at least 1x a week
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Voxel use in games and art
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Voxelmade is a website dedicated to the sharing of voxel art and resources. It has pages for tutorials, software, artists and feautured art. What else do you want me to say
Sir Carma:
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Sir Carma is a French digital artist and Art Director at the Brace Yourself Game Studio, the team [well, half the team now] behind Crypt Of The Necrodancer. I really like his work due to the warmer palettes and softer, cohesive tones in the first two images. This is something I'd like to [be able to at least] emulate in my work. He works in 3D sculpture as well as voxels [although predominantly in the former]. Whilst I'm not going to be able to work on anywhere near the same scale, I do intend to recreate certain aspects of his work in my game.
Crossy Road:
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Crossy road is a 2014 game from Aussie studio Hipster Whale, based on the 'Why did the chicken cross the road' joke. It has since become comically popular and profitable. Using voxels in all of its visuals, it has a very simplistic style with bright, block colours and no unnescessary detailing or shading. This works well for the game due to appealing to its younger target audience. Although Crossy Road is a good example of how a voxel game could look, the artstyle wouldn't work in a first-person game due to be environment being far closer to the camera and so feeling more empty due to the lack of detail. However, this could be countered by using a number of smaller objects to build up the environment and make it feel alive despite being block colours.
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oh come on, you saw this coming a mile away.
Minecraft is the most popular example of a voxel game by a colossal margin. Instead of producing a [coherent] story and direction, Minecraft allows the player to shape the world however they like, with the only constraints being how much time and social interaction they're willing to sacrifice. Due to a simple but entertaining gameplay loop of mining and building [god how did this game get so big], players are encouraged to keep playing to expand their world, obtain new and better items and so on. Although the textures in my game will be more detailed than those of Crossy Road, they will likely not be as textured as Minecraft as certain parts of the world need to stand out more than others to direct the player.
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I really wanna play Teardown.
Teardown is a combination destruction sandbox and puzzle game - like Payday but without penalty for killing civilians - where you stuff up, tear stuff down, and steal stuff. Fun! Developed by the swedish Tuxedo Labs, it uses a combination of Ray Tracing [actually simulating rays such as light - hugely expensive on hardware but stunning if used intelligently] and destructible voxels to accurately simulate what happens when you ram a mid-sized Sedan through a brick wall at 60kph. As much as I [if you couldn't tell] love Teardown, I will in no way be able to use the combination of Ray Tracing and destructible voxels - it's miles beyond my understanding. Even if I could, it wouldn't be the main feature of the game so Ray Tracing would annihilate the frames per second for insufficient benefit.
Skies Of The Past:
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y e s
SotP is a vast open-world game developed by Sebirit. Still in pre-alpha, the game's entire aesthetic is designed to be calming and relaxing with soft colours, piano music, and quiet rain and wind. It just looks amazing, I don't have much else to say*. Although I don't intend to use this sort of aesthetic for my project, I absolutely plan to recreate something similar - maybe with more pastel colours than neutral tones though.
*he did, in fact, end up having more to say
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Fugl - Norwegian for 'Bird'
Fugl is an open-world exploration game where you play as a slowly morphing bird flying through stunning procedural generated environments. Developed by English/Norwegian studio Fugl Studios [at least they're straight to the point], the player is able to fly about an infinite world as their bird absorbs the characteristsics of whatever inhabitants it encounters or create their own custom level or bird. As genuinely cool as Fugl is, I'd be unable to program the procedural generation aspect or the shape-shifting bird, both of which are kinda important.
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ozdwibe · 10 months
july heat got me writing may to august
the longest poem i write could be anything
my rawest give, spontaneous overflow not enslaved
crude chaos left to VICE, origin plus progress
heard some oldy say, drunk verses his had no faults found
my drunk intents the same, my heart broken by hers, my heart broken by me, the songs that helped,
my kadhal i kept locked in,
girl superficial chances with me, my brag real in potential
my kinetics my tech to fuck find out, find fuck out
my slow, result of my want to relevance
my strength eliot, his complex length
shoutout to ignorance, i know nothing nor do you
questions unanswered my might, words omitted mystery
halkat jawani my affiliation with the unknown
so intoxication i own,
unacceptability be purpose less rebellion
i take a moment savouring
my moment passing
my verse not intuit my verse modified
me pure, my sensitivity not, it all numb i harbour
less generalization for sake reputation
have tossed my cig, seen cig to corruption,
mistook sapien girl as my sapio muse
nakama captain beside me,
his wish broke i, for i his better
my ego i integrate, my lust too
my coherence for the elite
cant enough about me,
this write i continue till my high lows,
till no twice think about farts
creative juices uncurbed da
side chicks mine upkeep hope i grant second chances
i dont, so i haven't
ego holds notion of higher consciousness
limitations realities yet experienced
for this one too, dont end soon
y'all learn soon, autocorrect is autowrong
my mind goes hehehehe, mango ente ooril manga
this absurdity my legacy my drunkardness my time
my music my empowerment my moment for the life i love
google helps me, consequently i help it back
my courage boosted by the man made, the gods interfered
imma call her
give dopamine to myself
my young blood to impress her
her my imagination
all amagalamation,
gonna think of her
of alcohol
of being higher
of intergrating mistakes, of accepting the correct
of looking fine
quest freedom, evermore more
might decide for myself
like i said, i won't stop till the high, low matter nay
its not that deep, she knows, detached pisces
i know she likes me too, more when her blood gravitates
mahn these water signs, thier confusion with ease
bring simplicity, fire asks courage
what do i ask, only presence yours
lets stop compensate with imagination
teamwork, make manifestation work please
manz tryst with autopilot
alliteration, mistakes my strength
my inspo for more, this would take me to all the ones i image, my slow token to understand the why of slowers, my aim to make feel slow, my aim taken over my aime with the e, i lose track, im timebomb/ reminded of hope... i need to write more,,,,, my conversation, coherence soon
my argument with myself turns hope into answers
few personal space time cuts later, i sync with current sync
not living from one obsession to another
not about not doing, but about doing different
im going to let touch my heart, ill let hold it
i choose not to stand in way
this not bravado, this necessary
so long, having let not feel
pray consequences of own
this time embody wild, not talk
my immediate sucess is here
my success postponed
from all the plays delays
no touch to taste
this dirty song, that i judge
betray song!
my dirt song from all stories
the seen, the mislead
the trust of few, misused misflourished
my beat is all i know
my beat is all i can
you never know
i know
i can
no i no
beat is no know
no know
no can
i no u no
we both no no
what you get
you never know
what you can
feel outbeing
solace outbeing
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My opinion on plastic surgery
well to start off,hi im Amara and on this little blog of mine i give my own opinion that no one asked for on any topic that has been on my mind and in this post we will be talking about plastic surgery
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the following points will be mentioned:
-the normalization of plastic surgery
-plastic surgery causing unrealistic standards
-how plastic surgery is dangerous
-how you should love yourself instead of getting surgery done
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have you ever went on TikTok and saw a video on your fyp encouraging you to get plastic surgery or seeing multiple videos of before and after's or even multiple videos of girls who have gotten plastic surgery.
the normalization and encouragement of plastic surgery is very dangerous to young people especially since the majority of the users of TikTok are under the age of 18.
imagine you're a young girl with insecurities and see that some medical surgery can make you look how you want.
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have you ever seen a pretty girl online and thought to yourself ''i wish i looked like that'' or something along those lines and felt bad about yourself. Most of the time when we see people who we think look better than ourselves we start to feel bad but have you ever stopped to think maybe this is not real. If someone looks too perfect they are often highly edited or have gotten surgery and this includes actors, musical artists and models.
some people are born pretty but there is no such thing as being born perfect. Have you seen someone who was born with perfect skin, perfect hair, a perfect face and a perfect body? probably not and if you see someone who ticks all those boxes then they probably got some work done.
Plastic surgery can cause unrealistic beauty standards in several ways. One way is by creating a false impression of what is natural or normal for human bodies. Some celebrities or influencers who have undergone plastic surgery may deny it or hide it from the public, making their fans or followers believe that their appearance is achievable without any intervention one popular example is Kylie Jenner. This can lead to dissatisfaction, insecurity, or envy among those who compare themselves to these unrealistic ideals.
Plastic surgery is a complex and personal decision that involves various factors such as health, aesthetics, psychology, and ethics. It can have positive or negative effects on one’s well-being and self-image. It can also influence how others perceive and treat them. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential consequences of plastic surgery and the unrealistic beauty standards that it can create or perpetuate.
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Some of the most common plastic surgery complications are hematoma, seroma, blood loss, infection and nerve damage. These can result in pain, swelling, bruising, numbness, tingling and poor cosmetic outcome. In some cases, these complications can be life-threatening, such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
Plastic surgery can also affect your mental health. Some people may experience depression, anxiety, low self-esteem or body dysmorphia after undergoing cosmetic procedures. These can be caused by unrealistic expectations, dissatisfaction with the results, social pressure or stigma.
Plastic surgery can have several risks and complications. According to WebMD1, these include:
An unexpected reaction to anesthesia
Excess bleeding
Blood clots
Nerve damage
Fluid buildup
Separation at incision site
Abnormal scarring
Complications of anesthesia, such as respiratory issues during your procedure
Scarring that prevents natural movement
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We all know why its important to love yourself and we also know how hard it is to love ourselves. Like every human we all have insecurities and instead of trying to 'fix' or change the way we look we can instead embrace and love ourselves.
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
hey i really enjoyed your nightly routine post with wilbur? i was wondering if you could do something similar but in the morning instead?
awe my love! I'm glad that you enjoyed the nightly the routine... here is the morning routine!
{Morning Routine} Wilbur Soot x Reader
summary: you and wilbur made a nightly routine video that blew up more than you have thought, so now its time to do a morning routine!
pronouns: not mentioned
word count: 2280
trigger warnings: swearing, mention of a knife for going chop chop, this was too cute for even me to handle and it came from my hands
a/n: my god is this long! I really got carried away. I could've made this into two parts but whatevs
a/n pt 2: takes place after the “Nightly Routines” but not directly connected 
regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
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You deeply groaned as you fluttered your eyes open. This was not a great time to wake up. You really wanted another hour of sleep, but you knew you had work to get done today.
You looked behind you. You smiled at the sight of Wilbur in his sweet slumber, his arm lazily draped over your waist. Wilbur very much loved to be in bed with you. If he could, he would spend all day there, just you in his arms and some soft lofi in the background. 
That was something very rare to get. Being a streamer and musician, Wilbur was busy almost all the time and rarely took a day off. Mornings and nights were dedicated to you. However, there were times that you would stream with him, or stop by the office to give him food, but nothing was compared to waking up with him.
“Oh shit,” You whispered, “We’re supposed to do morning vlog today.”
You looked around for Wilbur’s camera, which was no where to be found. You settled on stretching over to nightstand and unplugging your phone. You looked back at Wilbur to make sure he was still sleeping. You could tell he was by the gentle raise and fall of his chest and subtle “Ah-woo”. You just knew that was the perfect way to start the vlog. You recored him for about ten seconds of him doing his ‘not really a snore but definitely something’ and giggled almost the whole way through.
You would think that after living with him for two months and the multiple sleepovers that you’ve had with him, that you would be used to it by now. But even today you still giggled just like you did when you first woke up with him. 
You snuck yourself out of bed and made your way to the kitchen. Once arrived you did the intro, “Good morning chat! It is currently about 6:30 in the morning, and as you realize, I am the only one awake. As you saw, Wilbur is still sound asleep and that how it is every morning. So we’re going to vlog our morning routine today, which I promise is way more interesting than the nightly routine vlog. So, Wilbur is literally the best person ever and deserves the world. And his world, besides me of course, is his morning coffee. So I’m going to use our Keurig to get his coffee started.” 
You stopped the recording and decided to get some of your creativity out. You weren’t musical like Wilbur and can't draw for shit, so videography was your way of being creative. You set your phone the in the corner and opened up the blind to let a little bit of light through. It still looked basic so you moved your plant to the background, which added the perfect look. You started brewing and hit record. 
While that was going, you measured out the creamer and syrup and grabbed your sippy cup for your chocolate milk. No judgement here. We all know chocolate milk tastes better in sippy cups. 
The brew came to a slow stop and you grabbed the camera, “Wasn't that a satisfactory angle chat? Now, I am more of an iced coffee person, so in the morning I have water or chocolate milk, and today is definitely a chocolate milk day.” You raised your cup to the camera and fake ‘clinked’ it, cutting the recording when it was closest to the camera. You finished up making Wilbur’s coffee and set it on the living room table. 
You looked at the time, 6:50 am, now was a good time to get Wilbur up. You always let his coffee sit out for a little bit, that way he could drink it the second that he woke up. You threw some napkins under your drinks and moved another plant over there. You wanted your place to look aesthetically pleasing, even if it was a little bit staged. You did a transition with your cup, this time now on the table.
“Okay chat, we all now mr. simpbur is a snuggler so we don't have breakfast in the kitchen, instead we share on the couch, that way we can get all of our snuggles in before he has to leave for the office. I have everything set up, normally I would prepare breakfast too, but I feel like cooking with Wilbur this morning. We’ll do this about once a week for some bonding time, so let's go get him up,” You decided to keep recording, just in case Wilbur woke up from your loss of presence. 
You creaked the door open, Wilbur was still asleep. He adjusted his body for that he was hugging a pillow, who you assumed was your replacement. You laid down next to him and just took a moment to admire him. It was moments like this that you forgot that you were internet personalities. This was you. This was Wilbur. Both of you living your life without needing to exaggerate yourself. This was Wilbur at his purest form. He was all relaxed, not even aware that he was being recorded.
You scooted closer to him and intertwined your legs with him. You brushed his bangs with the back of your hands and gently placed your lips on your forehead. He stirred a little bit, but not enough to wake him up. You took the pillow from him and wrapped your body around his, “Wilbur, my love, it's about seven, you need to get up.”
You could tell he woke up by him pulling you closer and burying his head only you neck. You gently massaged his head and twirled his curls between your fingers, “Come on Will, I got your coffee made already. We need to start breakfast.”
He shook his head and kissed your shoulder, “Mine.”
You laughed, “Yes Will, and ‘yours’ is hungry, let’s get up and eat.”
He slowly nodded and pulled you closer, “Mmmm... I love you.”
“I love you too, simpbur.”
He snapped his head up at the nickname and saw the camera, “Fuck-that’s today?”
You giggled and detached yourself from, “Say good morning to chat.”
He shook his head and buried it in his pillow out of embarrassment. You stop recording and put your phone on the stand. Just seeing Wilbur all flustered was enough to make you go back to bed. You laid back down with him and pulled him on top of you.
“We’re gonna have to re-record that part,” Wilbur mentioned.
You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, which he happily leaned into, “No bubs, we gotta keep it in. It was a very cute moment.”
He shook his head aggressively, “No! That was embarrassing!”
“Too bad, it’s on my phone so I get to chose what goes in.”
He huffed and grabbed your hand, accepting defeat, “You said you made my coffee?”
You two got up and sat down on the couch. Wilbur took you into his arms the second he took his first sip, his personal way of saying ‘thank you, you’re the best person to ever exist’. 
“What are you feeling for breakfast?” You asked.
“You,” Wilbur joked, kissing your temple. 
You gently pushed him, “No actually, I really want yogurt, so pick something that goes well with that.”
“Can we just make a fruit plate?”
You excitedly nodded, if it wasn't for Wilbur, you would not be eating healthy. He really made sure that you were going to live as long as he did. Neither of you could live without the other. If something crazy didn't happen to you, you were going to die from a broken heart.
Wilbur grabbed your phone and started recording, “So um, good morning chat, I’ve had some coffee and more awake now. What you just saw- no you fucking didn't. We’re on the sofa right now and we decided on a fruit plate with yogurt this morning, trying to be a little healthier considering we had ice cream at one am last night. So we’re gonna make that off camera, because if you guys get us to six million subs, we’ll do a cooking stream!”
“Oh we are now?” You questioned. “I was never told about this.”
Wilbur laughed and kissed your temple, “Well you know now, that's good enough innit?”
You shook your head and placed your hand over the camera, Wilbur stopped the recording. You go the fruit out while Wilbur prepared the sink for rinsing and knives for chopping. 
You made the plate look all nice and took it back to the couch. Wilbur placed his arm back over you and grabbed the remote with is free hand while you centered your phone.
“Okay chat, we’re gonna eat and watch tv for a bit, then you're gonna get ready with us. Wilbur has a test shoot at the office today, so we gotta make him look all pretty and obviously personal hygiene is a must... so yeah, brb.”
You two set up another game show to watch, it sorta became your go to show. Especially because there was no storyline and you could talk when you wanted. This was a pretty chill morning, you two enjoyed each other's presence. 
When you finished up, Wilbur took the dishes and you went to the bathroom and cleaned up a little bit. You heard Wilbur go into his closet, so you started recording, “Okay chat, last thing we do before he leaves is actually get ready. Wilbur is getting changed right now so I’m gonna brush my hair out. I can get a little aggressive with the snarls and Wilbur always thinks I'm ripping my hair out so I always do it when he's not around to make sure he doesn't get worried.”
You set the phone in the corner and set it up to record a time lapse. You heard off in distance some light pop type of music, so you knew that Wilbur got his speaker out.
“Are you playing copyrighted music?” You called.
“It’s released Lovejoy!”
You smiled, you always got giddy seeing how happy Wilbur was able to make himself with his own music. You set your brush down and started to wet your toothbrush, Wilbur slid into frame, already jamming out to his own music.
You covered your mouth with your hand stifled your laughter. Wilbur laughed with you and tugged on your waist, trying to get you to dance with him. You aggressively shook your head no, you hated dancing. You would think by now that you would be used to Wilbur and his random dance breaks, but you never came around. 
You looked down in shame as Wilbur attempted to get you to spin around. Once you made it clear that you were not in the mood to dance, Wilbur turned down the music and waddle over to the counter.
You grabbed the camera, “If someone wants a very tall British man, you can come get him. Warning: not fun dance outbreaks.”
“Oh come on now, y/n!” Wilbur wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his head on yours, “Stop pretending like you don't like to dance.” “You know I hate dancing,” You reminded him.
“Well chat, apparently I’m not allowed to have any fun in the morning? But anyway, that was a joke, but- we do really have to get ready. Should we do this Disney Channel style?”
You laughed and shook your head, “No, I think I just want to make sure you don't miss your meeting.”
“That’s at nine! We have time! Please let me have fun with you! It’s going to be such a stressful day!” He pouted with the cutest puppy dogs eyes.
There was no way that you could say no to him, “Alright, what fun we having?”
Wilbur said nothing and prepared his toothbrush like yours, “Last one to finish brushing their teeth has to do the dishes tonight.”
You hated dishes. You were winning this one. You didn't even wait for a countdown. You instantly grabbed your toothbrush and turned on the water with lightening speed. 
“What?!” Wilbur yelled. “That’s not fair!”
You did your best to bump him away, but it literally did nothing. Both of you were laughing very hard but Wilbur quickly caught up. You both fought with your hands, trying to cup a decent amount water. You both managed to get the water into your mouth and you turned to face Wilbur, it came down to who could rinse the fastest. You two just stared at each other, wishing the water around. You were dead serious. You were not doing the dishes tonight. Wilbur kept flaunting his hands around trying get himself to go faster, which ended up in him completely breaking out in laughter and spitting all over your face. It took you by surprise and all that you could you do was laugh to yourself, you eventually spit the water out in the sink, raising your hands in victory. 
“I am so sorry, love!” Wilbur took your hand and guided you into his arms, gently running his hand up and down your back, “I didn't think that would be that hilarious.” “It’s okay,” You laughed and looked back in the mirror. You were completely drenched shoulder up, “It was fun. Better to happen to me than you, you look really nice today for the shoot.” “Thank you,” Wilbur blushed and turned you around, “I think that is enough recording for today. All that we have left to do is leave so... thank you for watching! Subscribe now and remember, cooking stream at six mil! Bye guys!”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Stranger In The Crowd
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having recently ended the process of moving, Y/N is rightfully very tired but also very excited for the new chapter of her life. Funnily enough, this new chapter includes a newly formed long distance friendship/crush with a very special person from San Diego.
Requested by @boiled-onionrings Hi darling! Thank you so much for your wonderful request and I’m really sorry you’ve had to wait so long for it to be posted but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
I let out a heavy sigh, relieved to finally be at home after such a long day of standing around in the Georgia heat with only a thin layer of fabric to protect my eyes and head from the scorching sun. Yeah, anyone who says that tent did well at protecting everyone under it today is nothing but a liar. I was in a short, strapless white summer dress, the fabric of which barely had any weight and consistency to provide heat of its own yet I still damn near melted. Ok, I’ll admit, some of the roasting heat probably came from the energy and force I put into singing the songs of my band’s new album ‘Starting At The End’. 
The mini concert we held in this large open field was meant as an introduction to the city of Savannah where all the band members - myself included - are actually from but we all moved to the West Coast to pursue our music career. And now that we’ve grown, and the majority of us are married, one of us is a father now as well, we’ve decided to return to our hometown. The decision was so spontaneous and was executed so quickly due to no one objecting to it that it still hasn’t me that I’m no longer in LA. The heat isn’t helping my ‘processing’ process but I’ll get to it eventually. Do I miss LA though? Not sure I do - I think I more miss the people I was closer to while I was there.
Suddenly, as if perfectly timed, my phone dings, notifying me that I’ve received a message. I don’t have to look to know it’s from - there’s only one person I actively text and his name is....
C ~ Your virtual buddy Corpse here, making sure you didn’t die of a heatstroke today. If you did indeed survive, just reply to this message, if not....don’t do anything, I guess.
I can’t help but giggle at the sight of the message. I promised Corpse I’d text him after the concert to let him know I was ok, but the even dragged out for longer than anticipated so I’m guessing he got worried.
How cute.
Me ~ Alive and well, but I do feel like a popped tire of an overloaded truck. Hope that’s a visually appealing description
Corpse and I met on the charity livestream Jacksepticeye organized and invited our band to so we could play Among Us with some of the best gamers and streamers on the internet. It was a huge honor and a ton of fun, definitely an event I’d like to repeat in the near future because I had such a good time and I know all my bandmates did too. We all got acquainted and even became official friends with the gamers that were practically our hosts, Corpse becoming the closest friends I’d earn. That livestream happened months ago and we still text just as consistently.
C ~ Oh I know EXACTLY what you mean. Anyway, as to not exhaust you further to force you into typing, how about you send me pictures to sum up your thoughts and emotions and plans for the evening
This is OUR THING trademark, mine and Corpse’s and no one can take it away from us. It’s a significant element of our friendship that enables us both to understand one another when one of us feels the way I described in my message - a popped tire or a deflated balloon. I’m usually the exhausted one - blame the many shows we do and the many meet-and-greets we organize for our lovely fans. It’s the type of exhaustion none of the band members mind at all, but we definitely need some time to recover from it.
As I go to sit down on my couch, the flower crown I’ve been wearing slips off the top of my head, falling on the floor, creating a soft noise that attracts the attention of one of my many cats - Sasha. She’s the youngest and most curious kitty in the family, always protected by the other four - Luna, Cassie, Silver and Lynn. Those four are far lazier and a lot more disinterested in comparison to Sasha who immediately runs over to see what’s fallen.
I smile to myself, taking the flower crown and undoing it to lessen it by a few stems to make it smaller, all the while being watched by the curious Sasha whose interest is rewarded in the end when I put the now adorably tiny flower crown on her head.
While she still hasn’t shaken the thing off I manage to snap a pic which I send to Corpse who opens it mere seconds after it was delivered. 
C ~ Sasha’s pulling off your aesthetic better than you. Sorry, someone had to let you know
I burst out laughing for two reasons - 1.The message itself, damn it! It’s hilarious; 2. Corpse has learnt the name of each one of my cats and never mixes them up - not even Luna and Lynn who look almost identical. That amount of attention to detail is astonishing and very meaningful to me, it genuinely warms my heart and that may or may not be dramatic but it’s definitely not exaggerated.
Me ~ You think I haven’t caught on yet? 
C ~ Well, if it makes you feel any better you pull off my aesthetic better than I do
He’s referring to the e-girl look I did for one show the band had in downtown LA one night. I was drunk and looking forward to trying new things so I improvised the hell out of my outfit but I apparently looked presentable enough to leave a good impression on Corpse despite the pic I sent him being a bit blurry and being a mirror selfie in the bathroom of the very bar we were performing in. It goes without saying that the mirror was dirty too - had a bunch of writing on it which Corpse said only added to the aesthetic. Looking back on it now I kinda agree, and luckily so did the fans in the comments of that same photo when I posted it on Instagram.
Me ~ Means a lot actually. Nowhere near enough to aid the burn of having a cat pull off cottagecore better than I do, but still helps XD
As if sensing that we’re talking about her, Sasha hops on the couch, poking her head over my phone to look down at the screen.
Now this is gonna be golden.
I take a selfie with my phone in my lap, the camera capturing both me and Sasha at a rather unflattering angle which has me losing my mind laughing when I send the picture to Corpse who immediately sends back a string of cry-laughing emojis.
C ~ I can’t tell which one of you is cuter
Me ~ If that was a compliment, I gotta say I appreciate it greatly
C ~ Just telling the truth ;)
It’s times like these that the butterflies in my stomach remind me just why I’ve started catching feelings for this man despite all the distance between us and despite barely knowing him - he knows me more than I know him but I don’t mind it, oddly enough.
I’m fond of our connection and though I sometimes dream of something more, I’m also content with what we already have considering that ‘something more’ seems rather unattainable as of now.
My phone dings again, clearing the fog of thoughts and presenting me with a new message from Corpse.
C ~ Oh, by the way, look what I got....
That message is followed up by a picture of a ticket. A plane ticket to Georgia! 
While I’m still busy stomaching this and dealing with my quickly rising excitement, he sends another message.
C ~ I hope to catch a The Silver Rays concert while I’m there. Heard they had an adorable frontwoman ;)
My breath catches in my throat as a wide grin spreads across my face. The thought of having Corpse so close to me sends those aforementioned butterflies in my stomach into a raving mood and they practically explode my insides with excitement and joy like I’ve never felt it before. I can’t wrap my brain around the fact that we’re about to go from having an entire country between us, to being just some ways away - him in the audience and me on stage without a single clue of who to look for. That’s part of the excitement though, I guess, part of the guessing game that’s gonna make our meeting all the more interesting.
He’ll be a stranger in the crowd and I’ll be a performer on a stage - seemingly two people who have no relation whatsoever. But damn does it go beyond that: No one has to know how hard I’m falling for that stranger in the crowd.
Me ~ I’ve heard so too, can’t confirm it though
If this is gonna be a guessing game, I’ll flip the tables a bit - I won’t take any guesses. I’ll let the answer come to me. I’ll give the first move over to the stranger in the crowd, let’s see what he does.
C ~ I’ll check and let you know, don’t worry
Not worried whatsoever, Corpsie. I’m not worried at all.
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captaincryolicious · 3 years
Skater boi headcanons
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➳ Childe, Xiao, Bennett, Venti (separatedly) x gn!reader
➳ Headcanons ; 1.8k
➳ Modern au, first meeting ; No warnings
Literally just some random headcanons related to skateboarding and longboarding for boys I thought that would fit the concept! [27.O6.2O21]
Zep's Note ; I got this idea a few hours ago while I was skateboarding myself and before I knew it this existed? Writing about your own hobbies is actually really fun so I enjoyed writing this ^^.
content under the cut | masterlist
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✧ Childe
I can totally picture him as the kind of guy who wears a comfy hoodie, ripped jeans, vans, and a beanie.
Rides a drop-through longboard.
He's the kind of guy who mainly uses his board purely for transport; it's better than walking and much cheaper than a driver's license.
But you might also find him going on casual joy rides when the weather is nice, playing a chill tune on his headphones as he enjoys his time out.
One can often find him in the shopping streets, doing some window shopping as he maneuvers on his board through the crowd in a leisurely tempo.
Oh, he also has a dog.
A golden retriever that happily trots next to him like a good boy when Childe rides through the streets of the town he lives in.
This said dog also happens to be the reason behind how you two meet.
On a fateful day, this good boy decides it's a perfect moment to be a not-so-good boy, running off during one of Childe's longboard trips.
You suddenly find an unfamiliar dog darting around you when you're walking through a park to enjoy the sunny day.
Why does a dog greet a stranger that excitedly? That's what you wonder too, but you just go along with it and give the floofy animal its beloved belly scratches.
Haha you weren't expecting the dog's owner to be a whole cutie but your heart skips a beat when Childe appears in front of you.
"Aha, looks like my dear companion made a new friend. My name's Childe."
You just look at him in awe.
(Wakey wakey, Y/N!)
"What? A friend of my dog is a friend of mine, of course!" and he flashes you a bright smile that you can't help but swoon over.
"In that case, my name is Y/N," you introduce yourself, deciding to go along with it. "Your dog is really cute."
"What about me?" Childe pouts.
Somehow this dog often finds its way to you every time Childe goes outside when you are out too, and after the nth meeting you exchange numbers and plan to hang out *cough* date *cough* without the help of his pet.
Doggo best boy, doggo best matchmaker!
✧ Xiao
I'm sorry but he fits the classic emo skater boi image so well.
You know, dark aka always black baggy clothes, either a beanie or the hood of his jacket pulled over his head, black boots or completely worn-out sneakers, you get the gist.
He has a regular skateboard.
Isn't really interested in doing tricks, aside from the occasional slides and grinds and a rare ollie when he feels like it.
Monster Energy to complete his aesthetic? Yes.
Actually, he has multiple boards, all with different designs for different moods (hah, they're all dark and angsty).
Often goes on late-night skate trips.
Dark and empty parking lots are his favorite place, and he often finds himself skating around after closing hours lazily with the music blasting on his headphones way too loud.
You meet him in this exact place.
It's late at night and you barely make it out of your local shopping mall before closing hours, and you hurry onto the parking lot as a slightly irritated employee ushers you out of the entrance of the building.
You are so caught up in profusely apologizing that you fail to notice the sound of wheels over asphalt approaching you, and by the time you turn around and see a guy in black speeding towards you it's already too late.
Literally a crash meeting.
You barely have time to be surprised before you both collide with the ground, you letting out a yelp and he grunting in pain and annoyance.
You are lowkey terrified as you find a pair of amber eyes glaring at you, but much to your relief they soften significantly when the male finds your shocked expression.
"Sorry," he briskly says, pausing because he doesn't know your name.
"Y/N," you tell him.
"Sorry, Y/N," he repeats, frowning slightly. "Try watching where you're going next time, though."
You promise him to do that, and before you can ask him if he's hurt, he gets up, grabs his board and walks off.
The next evening you go back to the parking lot, a can of Monster Energy in your backpack because he spilled his drink yesterday because of you, and you felt bad.
You are half surprised, half not-surprised when you actually meet him in the darkness, but he is definitely surprised to see you again.
"Hey um, I know I wasted your drink yesterday, so I got you a new one," you tell him, handing him the black can decorated with the iconic green claw mark.
Interesting, Xiao thinks when he looks at you, taking the can from your hands.
"Thanks Y/N," he mutters, before turning around to walk off, but not without saying "my name's Xiao."
After that night, don't be too surprised if you find the sound of skateboard wheels approaching you after dusk falls.
✧ Bennett
Even with skating, his bad luck follows after him, and he's covered in bandages almost permanently.
Kneepads and wrist guards are a permanent part of his skating gear, along with a small box of band-aids in his pocket.
Also rides a regular skateboard.
Unlike Xiao, he's super eager to learn cool tricks with his board but he keeps messing up, landing himself in painful situations more often than not.
That doesn't stop him, though!
Every time he fails only motivates him to do better next time, because he will and shall master the trick some day.
He spends a lot of his free time in the skate park near his house, and he knows the ramps and ridges covered in graffiti like the back of his hand.
Doesn't really interact with the other skaters, but looks at them with longing in his eyes as he watches them perform their tricks with ease.
One day you find yourself wandering into the skate park by accident, and you just so happen to witness Bennett miss the pipe as he attempts a slide and falls.
You waste no time in running towards him, crouching down next to him with mild panic because you had no idea how skating worked and you couldn't tell how serious the pale-haired boy's mishap was.
"Hey, hey," you call, poking his arm as the boy grips his shin in pain. "Are you okay?"
"H-Hi," he forces out, opening his eyes to look at you. "Yeah, this is pretty normal for me, don't worry."
He sits up, looking at you for a moment. He has no idea who you are, and he isn't used to strangers looking after him.
You take out a water bottle from your bag, offering it to the boy so he could clean the scratch on his leg.
"Normal or not, it looked pretty painful," you muse, not convinced by the way he casually dismissed your concern.
"Heh, can't deny that," he sheepishly grins. "My name is Bennett, by the way. Thank you for caring."
"Of course I care," you chide. "I'm Y/N. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yep," Bennett reassures you, giving you a thumbs-up. He's elated to have someone care about him.
After that day, you find yourself visiting the skate park a lot, accompanying the unlucky boy on his journey to master the tricks he's so excited to learn.
✧ Venti
Whoever decided to get this boy into skating probably wasn't expecting to awaken such a speed devil, goodness.
Wears whatever, as long as it has short sleeves so he can feel the wind pick up around him as he travels through the streets at high speed.
Longboarding is freedom, to him!
I can see him having a double drop longboard, since they are made for speed – good luck to everyone who lives near him because as I said before, he's going faaast!
*insert sonic gotta go fast meme*
Jokes aside, he just loves it when the wind plays with his twin braids, and the thrill of racing through the alleys, occasionally blasting some music from his bluetooth speaker to match his vibe.
He's very skilled, knowing exactly how to use his body and balance to manipulate the board into following his commands.
A bit cheeky, too. Goes "hehe!" in a playful manner whenever he accidentally startles someone.
Long story short, Venti is having the time of his life with his beloved board.
The downside of traveling at such a high speed is the risk of not noticing it when you drop something – which is exactly what happens to Venti one day.
Fortunately, you are there to see the small item falling from the male's pocket, but he's disappeared in the distance before you can even reach the thing and pick it up.
You shrug, placing the deactivated bluetooth speaker in your bag. This guy isn't a stranger to you, and you decide to just hand it to him later.
Basically everyone in town knows about this cheerful guy who lives his life in the fast lane, and you are no exception.
"Venti!!" you shout, flailing your arms to grab his attention when you spot him in town a few days later.
Oh boy, the last time you spoke to him was when you gave him a scolding after he almost crashed into you at full speed. You furiously hope he doesn't remember.
"Hey, it's you!" is the first thing he says when he comes to a halt in front of you. "Been a while, hehe!"
Looks like luck isn't on your side today.
"You dropped this a few days ago," you gruffly tell him, handing him the small bluetooth speaker.
"Oh, that explains why I couldn't find it," Venti concludes. "Thanks... uh."
"Y/N," you tell him. "I'm Y/N."
"Cool," the male grins, dropping his board back onto the street. "Well, catch you later, Y/N."
He waves at you before he places a foot on his board and pushes off with the other, and for the second time in a few days you watch him disappear out of sight.
Suddenly you are one of the few reasons for Venti to slow down, which he does every time he finds you in the crowd. It's a bit awkward for you in the beginning, but soon you grow to love the energetic male's presence.
Honestly, the people here feel a little safer now that their local sonic seems to have calmed down a bit, and they are definitely grateful towards you as soon as they notice that you are the reason.
What they don't know, though, is that Venti is stubbornly trying to smoothtalk you into longboarding too–
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sixleggedboar · 2 years
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The original template going around back in the day did not seem to be available anymore so I made my own. I will ramble a bit about him below the cut.
I guess a content warning for discussions of bad mental health and slight nsfw talking points
So, first off, since retribution is not officially out yet and I played the version from 2019 back then, my memories of it besides some basics are nearly non-existent, in general I feel like I still lack a lot of information regarding the worldbuilding etc. I always feel insecure writing about stuff that will probably be inaccurate etc. In general I am not really a writer. But thoughts have been keeping me up at night so it might be good to let them out. Also it is New Years eve, I am alone with a panicking dog next to me, what better way to spend my time. Happy New Year!
Second, Elvis has been a preexisting character of mine that I just take with me into every fandom and adapt him to it, there is an endless amount of AU‘s of him and he ends up being pretty different in all of them. Let me call it the Elvis Multiverse now that I think of it. (I cringed a bit at that). The one change I feel like putting here is that he usually is very very tall, this time tho I made him small for funsies. (5‘5/1,65m)
Overall I don‘t know how much stuff here is unique to him or just a general Sidestep thing. I am very confused.
Anyways, the themes I mostly explore with him in FHR evolve around identity, figuring out yourself and who you truly are, becoming the ultimate version of yourself and working towards that. Especially with telepathy as a superpower making it really difficult to not lose yourself in everyone around you. The closest thing he comes to being himself at this point in time is when he dances (not that he is consciously aware of that), its his truest and most raw form of self expression, kind of the only one he allows himself, and this is insanely precious to him. An uncorrupted, untouched part not to be shared with anybody (besides the rat king at some point). He never learned how to properly dance, he has no intention to do so, it is not about being good at it or looking cool but about being close to yourself and feeling your body and the music.
Also as a sidenote, sex-wise he would probably enjoy the “experiencing sex telepathically connected with my partner” type the most since sexual activities usually does not do anything for him.
Throughout his life he is keeping himself on a short leash, in this time specifically focusing on the person he wants to be, or more likely the person he wishes he was. Creating a facade and following the role of a kind and likeable dumbass to his perfection (actually putting a big emphasis on individuality). If he did a mistake, in his eyes, breaking out of this persona, it would be met with intense guilt, intrusive thoughts, self destructive behaviour. Originally his smoking was mostly picked up as part of this aesthetic he had created for himself. His past? His origin? non-existent. Who is she? Does not get touched.
Which is why the risk of getting close to people is too big. He certainly copes a lot with humour and sarcasm keeping everyone at arms length, and actual bonding moments are kept to fights with the rangers. But as much as he uses every ounce of self control to monitor everything he is doing he cannot control how he feels. And he cannot control Ortega. Leading to his first crush being a secret and buried beneath everything else.
Besides all of this he was well integrated, looking out for them whilst they were doing the same for him. He truly cared.
Well, he can‘t run forever. But he certainly can isolate himself. His head is shaved now for two reasons. One being of course the callback to his time at the farm, he has become his past again and is now in an active confrontation and reconciliation with it, kind of the opposite of his sidestep days. But besides that it is also a form of ridding himself of any individuality his previous mask had valued so much. (Also practicality, but that is boring, right?)
The short leash is of course still in place but this time less in regards to his environment and more focused on his goal, his core motivator being truth. Everything outside of that gets a very low priority and does not matter ending in him neglecting himself a lot. He smokes more than he eats (please someone make him eat more) and he doesn‘t really get to dance much either with the physical problems that come with bad sleeping and food/hydration habits.
And then Ortega comes, forcing Elvis out of his self-inflicted isolation. Elvis however does not bother keeping the sidestep version of him alive, being a lot more hostile towards him and the rangers to now actively not let them close. His feelings for Ortega are still there tho, despite them being very muted. He avoids casualties as much as he can, whilst still bathing in the power he gains from his armor and development of his telepathic skills with enjoyment. After his outing as puppetmaster he visits Ortega in the hospital, breaking this new developed persona with a peck on Ortega’s forehead. Knowing how fucked up the whole situation is and feeling like shit because of it. Stuff is complicated.
In all of this, the rat king has become an active and unexpected source of comfort and partnership.
Eden (puppet)
Eden is his form of escapism, and actually actively letting that leash lose. Despite knowing fully well that he shouldn’t take certain risks, they might bite him in the ass at some point. Eden’s hobby is boxing. With her he fully indulges into stuff and people may it be people like Ortega, Dr. Mortum or just a bit of normalcy and everyday life. Despite that he takes no one to the museums opening. Not wanting to actively involve them more into it than they already are. Eden is still waiting on that dinner date.
Elvis himself is very gender apathetic hence the He/They and why he is so comfortable inside Eden’s skin. (Besides, at this point, every skin is better than his own.)
Below is a quick sketch of her. She is 5’9/1,75m.
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I am pretty sure I forgot a lot of stuff that I wanted to mention but I should really go to sleep now.
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