#apt Melie
khfankeri · 1 year
Rising Like a Phoenix (Chapter 15 of a Bond Greater Than Family updated)
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Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged. -Samuel Johnson
Rated: Mature
Pairing: Amicia de Rune/Lucas the Apprentice (aka Lucas de Rune of course...)
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renegade--soul498 · 1 year
Bittersweet Homecoming
Opening old wounds that one had buried and forgotten can hurt more that the ones that recently healed. Coming home and meeting an old friend was never supposed to be this bittersweet.
Mélie & Amicia. Post Requiem Epilogue.
This drabble was written in about 20 minutes while I was in a writer's block for another fic I should probably be writing in. I am not proud but I'm not sorry. Enjoy!
Fallen leaves crunch beneath boots that carry a soft march with them. It's a pace one takes while wandering, while feeling nostalgic, while admiring the surroundings. The forest ends at the sight of civilization, though abandoned and left to rot: a city that burned down, that couldn't be saved, the memories that once were warm are now painful to see up close. Amicia thinks it was a bad idea to go back.
Unbeknownst to the last de Rune, the last spark of life left in the God forsaken city is one that is trapped in by a collar– one that she didn't think she'd see again. The felon is barely breathing, afflicted by the Bite. It is embarrassing to not be caught for years but the one thing that kills her is a goddamn illness. Her mind's drifting but her senses still keep her aware, though one would think it is her mind playing tricks on her but she knows better when she recognizes the silhouette of a girl approaching.
She closes her eyes and smiles sadly. One's in relief and joy, because at least she got to see her again. Two in nostalgia and sorrow, because this may be the last time they see each other and she would've liked to see her while in a better state, physically and mentally, instead. Mélie doesn't try to speak, she knows her throat is dry and the effort may only get her closer to her demise. She just opens her eyes to regard the former noble. Amicia had changed a lot, Hugo's not with her, her clothes make her look more like a warrior than the princess she used to remember, her hair is short– shorter than she had seen a woman sport ever, and fuck everything and her miscalled sin, she looks regal even with all the dust and dirt on her. Mélie then wishes she hadn't left.
Amicia recognizes the blue eyes amongst the ashes and the scarred skin. The mischief is gone, the playfulness is gone, the voice that carried so much irony and sarcasm doesn't come and fill her ears, the banter doesn't happen; and so she just mourns in advance of what could have been. She walks over but notices that Mélie tries to move back, slowly and painfully in vain, as if not wanting her to come closer at all. She noticed the signs of the Bite while approaching but it didn't stop her, it hasn't stopped even after two years of his death.
Mélie tries to look up and meet her gaze, but the collar makes the action difficult. So carefully tiptoeing around to find the chains, she brandishes her sling and frees her old friend without touching her at all. The thief can barely stand but Amicia can't do anything but watch, feeling her chest tighten at the sight, unable to do anything – once again. She had already resigned herself to these situations. Every single friend and companion she had, died in front of her or in her arms. It didn't make it any easier though.
Amicia then wishes she had insisted a bit more.
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sheigarche · 3 months
Amicia and the others in Innocence: to the death!
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Also Amicia and the others when people start dying:
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theclod3215 · 5 months
I don’t usually write or even post what I write, and I’m more likely to leave a fic alone for years but!! I decided I would post my fic here nonetheless
Mélie meant it to be a quick grab and go job.
She swears.
It's not her fault that the way too hot daughter of the resident lord found her stealing and decided to help her. And it's definitely not her fault that said way too hot daughter asked her to come back. Though perhaps it is her fault that she did go back. ...multiple times.
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: A Plague Tale (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mélie/Amicia de Rune, Arthur & Mélie (A Plague Tale), Amicia de Rune & Hugo de Rune Characters: Mélie (A Plague Tale), Amicia de Rune, Arthur (A Plague Tale), Hugo de Rune, Robert de Rune, Béatrice de Rune, Laurentius (A Plague Tale) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, alternate universe - no rats, Useless Lesbians, POV Third Person
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gaia-ki · 1 year
A Plague Tale Requiem - Thoughts (SPOILERS)
I've just finished playing A Plague Tale Requiem and well…it became my favorite game ever. lol
It was a perfect sequel to Innocence and it improved in all aspects compared to the first game, even where I didn't think it was possible.
The gameplay was smoother and felt more nautral, I loved the new way we had of controlling the rats, which I found a bit too hard in the first game. Loved all the new ways of killing enemies, including the crossbow, and how all the weapons just felt instinctive to use.
Also, I thought that Sophia's prism was a very creative way of avoiding the rats.
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The visuals were even more stunning than Innocence, which was BEAUTIFUL.
In Requiem, though, literally every scene was straight out of a painting. I spent so much time wandering around and trying to catch every little detail and glimpse of this beautiful world.
I was particularly impressed by chapter 9: such a big space to walk around compared to all the other chapters, and it was just as beautiful and full of details as the others.
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The music was perfect in every moment and was fundamental to convey the strong emotions of the story, exactly like the dubbing that was just amazing. (When Hugo said 'I love you' to the tree my heart sunk in my stomach lol)
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The story was very well written even if (of course) it leaves you with a bittersweet feeling at the end. And I think that's how Amicia feels at the end too: the plague has been stopped but… yeah, you already know.
The new companions were written flawlessly and you grow to care for them exactly like it happened in Innocence with all the kids.
It's insane how this game is capable of making you see a character in all his facets, and makes you appreciate characters that you first considered enemies. Like it happened with Arnold but even with the rats themselves: they first were a threat, and later they become an asset to help you go forward in your path.
Also, the very last scene where we see the new born baby bearer of the Macula, suggests that, if there will ever be a sequel (I HOPE), it will probably take place in a more modern setting, given the sound of the mechanical respirator we can hear in the back. And I don't know how to feel about that😅.
Because, obviously I would love another great game and to know more about the story, but at the same time I want Amicia, Lucas and Sophia to be back!😭 I'm not ready to leave them yet.
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And this brings me to the only sour note about Requiem: why didn't they bring Melie back?
They told us in the finale of Innocence that she left the group because she was scared of Hugo basically.
And this left a big scar on Amicia, like we can see with Sophia: when Sophia sees for the first time what Hugo is capable of, Amicia is terrified she will leave them, exaclty like Melie did… (part number 324234232 where my heart broke).
Amicia can handle when strangers look at Hugo fearfully, but Melie was her friend and they built a strong bond during the first game.
All the kids were like family, that's why it felt so wrong when she just left… no goodbyes, no last scene.
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She was clearly torn apart by the pain of loosing Arthur, and she couldn't help but blaming Hugo for it, but I really hoped that when this wound would've healed a little, she would've come back to the only friends she has.
And now, more than ever, that they have both lost the only brother they have, they could've been there for each other and understand each other like none else could.
That's the reason why I hoped to see her again until the last frame of the game, but also simply because I grew attached to her character and I missed her. *sigh*
But yeah, if the hypothetical sequel will take place in the future, there is less than 0 chances of seeing her again. Of seeing ANY of them again, for that matter.
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Bottom line, this game was ridiculously good and it broke my heart from start to finish, when I was just trying to hold back tears (unsuccessfully).
It's a shame A Plague Tale isn't more known, because it deserves the same recognition as games such as The Last of Us.
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P.S.: favourite funny moment, Silent Lucinda, and Hugo being terrified of goats ever since. lol
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bozuksaatim · 1 year
2 yaşında bebek sesi gelmiş
Akaevler Mah. 424 sok. melis apt c blok
irtibat no : 0507 636 8019
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historyhermann · 2 years
Webcomics Focus: "Bring Me Love"
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Bring Me Love tells the story of Brie who falls in love with another woman after her previous relationship comes to an end.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog, and Wayback Machine. This was the fifteenth article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on November 24, 2021. Also, this post has been slightly changed from the original.
Bring Me Love, by Ariann, a Mexican illustrator, is a romantic story drawn in pastel colors. However, it has adult situations and themes, with a warning that it is only "recommended for mature audiences." That is probably in part because of topics like alcohol use, like drinking too much and passing out. Let me make clear that this review will have spoilers about the webcomic's plot and characters.
Brie Williams, the story's protagonist, declares to her friend that she will never date again after breaking up with her girlfriend, Gina. However, she is drawn to a brown-haired and brown-skinned woman named Lou, who flirts with her. She later meets Lou at a local bar, opening up to her about her troubled life, and she drinks too much, resulting in Lou bringing her home. The following day she breaks down crying after fighting with Gina and is surprised to see Lou at her door.
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Bring Me Love has compelling characters and plot, even though it is primarily focused on two characters: Brie and Lou. At times, simplicity can work in the favor of a broader story. In this case it definitely does, just as with some parts of High Guardian Spice. It's not that the scenes have no design, but its rather that the most detail and focus is on the characters, making it clear what those reading the webcomic should pay attention to: the visuals, the characters, their expressions, their emotions, and what they are going through from panel to panel. That is the driving force of this webcomic above anything else.
And that makes it wonderful in its own way. Not every webcomic needs to be so detailed in everything or have a whole team working on it like some of the more popular webcomics. Some webcomics can be like this one, and still have a unique character to them, something which makes them different from any other webcomic and amazing in many ways. The colors of this webcomic are amazing and every panel pops out to the reader, making you interested in reading more and becoming more invested in the story and its characters, as it progresses forward.
Bring Me Love, which has eleven episodes currently, is written and illustrated by Ariann. She is also known for Odd Worlds, which is available on WebToon and Tapas. In a recent update, she stated that the story is based on her own experiences and she would make it more detailed by changing episodes from the very beginning and encouraged readers to leave comments to let her know if they liked the changes or what improvements they'd like in the story moving forward. Basing a webcomic on one's lived experiences makes sense, especially for a webcomic such as this one, which is based in a more real life setting than a magical fantasy like High Class Homos or Spellbound.
Bring Me Love is one of the many recent stories to focus on girls' love. In fact, one of the stories she recommended was Meli Apt's Saving You, another girls' love story! Other examples include Curryuku's Not So Shoujo Love Story, Madamka's Diamond Dive, Tiana Warner and April Weaver's Ice Massacre, Amaiiuwu's Mira!, to name a few.
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Bring Me Love is available to read on WebToon.
You can find Ariann on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. The webcomic can be supported on Patreon.
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444names · 2 years
the entire article on thanos from wikipedia + irish forenames
Abhght Achave Achin Acid Activadh Ades Aglán Aided Ainsuble Akeld Aldited Alibees Alims Alle Allothol Andann Ands Angeting Annor Annultelte Anán Aodhg Aoibhing Aoidaming Aolige Aort Apts Aráineage Assing Atempark Ation Attly Atuaddeth Avass Avely Avity Awnste Bact Bainamhgh Bary Batheocked Bats Beadh Beakelín Bear Beareark Beced Bects Beeffe Belay Bert Binn Blation Bleal Blover Blán Bodlincon Bormal Bragod Brapes Briceach Brisortann Broilter Broin Brosm Bróing Bulne Calls Camboruib Capeinult Carce Catagulait Catel Ceict Chdhón Chicte Chilitiong Chla Chlan Cidh Cidhóg Cilds Cinnter Ciobhewean Ciont Cocal Coce Coicer Collachán Collece Colloclair Colly Comight Comnes Compts Conarn Conervinn Confla Coniven Cons Contromer Costelia Cove Covesse Crachúr Cres Cring Cruces Cruiens Crummed Cruts Cych Cúch Dabed Dabse Damhght Dauguarang Dayalk Dayssive Deard Deart Deef Defed Denit Deraz Derept Diallons Ding Dism Disomáirel Disong Doenthed Doils Donas Dontes Doven Dran Durisney Dyin Dáin Eacu Eappersado Earles Eigheroys Eille Emas Embecer Ente Entodlect Ents Escriú Essort Everris Eviaming Eving Eviver Evormances Extest Extrídes Fablim Fach Fadh Fallarity Faminach Fart Fatens Fattande Feed Feeillogy Feimed Feingent Felds Fele Fery Fiallon Ficheled Ficive Fienteds Fiers Fiespown Fines Fing Finjus Fiogus Fion Fionstre Foesse Frear Freetrad Fremand Freviver Gasmaold Gatemplaxy Gaus Geosesse Gesse Ghanainis Gily Gormehout Gran Grawn Grew Hach Hale Heocke Hindert Hing Horabirry Humn Ighadef Igmadech Imed Imoriselt Inal Inge Inghushe Ings Init Innair Irectic Ished Itived Jand Jann Jimodhóg Joronter Jung Kilde Kinditlín Kinds Kinins Kirew Kneaded Lact Laiter Landyin Laodistroy Learce Leart Lian Lidhlach Littior Livemally Loch Logy Loot Lorpsych Mait Mann Maogra Maoth Marelike Masene Mated Mathaity Mchlacid Mely Memanny Mentan Mickly Milles Miravin Mover Muadiste Muibhe Muillaing Muirna Muiroilín Máill Máing Mónán Nessuring Niande Niust Nockup Nual Ober Ofeled Offins Oird Onins Oundime Ountlín Ovelin Owis Pagentaity Pann Papachimer Parchnerid Pasonn Pearadhna Pecon Pectobly Pheibhe Phommender Piong Plaidh Plasts Pleas Plowelly Portin Pose Pows Preacksons Preal Preast Preciera Proarlanne Psycheatal Publer Pubmilt Qual Rankeathed Ratimption Reame Reated Reater Remet Restomhght Reuniatont Riadhait Riah Ribuken Ricts Rins Rist Rocheoin Roes Roira Roln Ronnéard Ronthan Rosicion Rossest Rougasks Roughs Routhers Royeaster Rults Rónach Sace Sach Sainia Sairíd Save Scov Sculnianow Searnán Seary Sended Sent Sess Shearge Shene Sher Sherne Shing Siaity Siatept Simptiníle Sindefulm Sing Sionachán Siong Sionsit Skiputs Sonded Spaging Spers Spin Strains Strin Stron Stuseatera Stíoghany Suguy Suievin Sumain Sumaing Suppere Sych Tage Tainfoons Tally Tans Tele Tellmes Ters Theats Ther Thinced Thoibla Tielies Tingeferal Tion Tiornán Torts Towed Trants Tred Tritly Tron Turd Uarga Uarred Uncebeall Uncily Unds Unfighelf Unliedgait Unte Ushiliss Vent Verwoorld Voillair Volmed Wairevers Warg Watenting Wating Whan Whoighel Wincies Wing Winntence Witic Wityramps Wombloct Wongha Wood Worchist Worcárd Worknown Wormfhly Wort Writedins Yeases Yuldréanch Áile Éades Éadion Étabhín Éthy Únaibrí
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akilice · 4 years
The plague squad chapter 4
Summary: Not being able to sleep at night is hard.
Pairing: Amicia de rune & Melie.
Melie is online.
Melie: hi losers is anyonr awake
Lucas is online.
Lucas: Melie why are you awake at 4am.
Melie: for gay reasons
Lucas: That literally explains nothing.
Melie: well why are YOU awake
Lucas: Research. Theories. Science.
Melie: Arthur does theories too but u dont see him doing that at this hour
Continue on AO3
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val-bananatine · 5 years
So I've recorded the game when I played it, rather moments where Amicia and Melie had interactions but also some others...
And that's mostly to see how exactly they talk and behave (alone and around each other) to get them as accurate as possible in fanfics.
And through that I realised:
Amicia was only a few minutes alone with Melie and already started to curse like her.
She never cursed before in the game, she literally didn't until she was cleaning the Château of rats with the thief.
Melie just has such an effect on Amicia
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the-roanoke-society · 4 years
i was working in the lab late one night...
when my eyes beheld an eerie sight...
welcome to the final post of horror aus for halloween 2020! i hope you all enjoyed the ride. i apologize for not having everything ready on halloween like i originally planned. remember that the inbox and dms are always open for questions, comments and concerns. if you missed them, here are parts one, two and three. all warnings still apply, so be forewarned.
i know things are scary right now. but to quote the infamous n. gaiman: fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
take it from me when i say that we outnumber the monsters of this world--and more importantly, take heart.
click below the cut if you, too, like doing the monster mash (no offense but it is kind of a graveyard smash...)
there’s bloodstains beneath the carpet - a ∆ au inspired by the super, co-starring technical officer drake and @agents-of-virtue​'s agent annabelle
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it was a new start. for both drew and matthew. a new city, shining with opportunities and adventure. they had no shortage of hope--but maybe did have a little shortage of cash.
all the same, the knox-edwards boarding house wasn’t that bad. grimy and with a level of grunge akin to a garage band circa 1995, sure, but nothing unbearable.
but as drew was stuck in the hallway holding up their couch, matthew trying to figure out who needed to pivot and in what direction in order to not have furniture stuck in the doorway, he overheard it:
“what? another one? are you serious?”
two people were walking down the hallway, and they didn’t look to be much older than himself, or matthew. a man and woman, close together, as if they were conspiring.
“wait, drew, i think i got it, turn left a little bit--”
“as a heart attack. that makes it four people in three months. i’m telling you bekah, something fuckin’ weird in goin’ on here. people don’t just up and vanish from their own homes, and--oh!”
“drew! are you listening to me? turn it left!”
oh shit. oh shit. don’t act like you were obviously eavesdropping, maybe they didn’t notice...
welp. all right. be cool.
“uh--hello!” but he yelped when matthew unexpectedly let go of the couch, and it landed on the ground with a hard thud.
but drew was still processing what he heard. four people in three months? what did that mean?
mini soundtrack sampler includes: rockwell, ‘somebody’s watching me’ + absofacto, ‘dissolve’ + barns courtney, ‘99′
won’t you cut me down? - a second chances au inspired by seven in heaven
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joan, normally, wasn’t so forward. at least, not a society-thrown event where multiple agencies were represented, and especially not when he knew lilith was around and not above reprimanding an agent in front of god and everyone else in the room.
but he’d had quite a bit to drink.
the evening was winding down.
and josie... josie was breathtaking.
he couldn’t help it.
“joan--joan!” she laughed as he turned her, taking her elbow and leading her down a hallway close to one of the larger coat closets. “what are you d--”
her voice cut off abruptly to the tune of joan’s mouth on hers, and the closing of a closet door.
joan didn’t stop to think about how this particular door wasn’t room he distinctly remembered. he was tipsy and enamored and his wife consumed his senses. he didn’t care.
but he did care a while later, after they’d made themselves presentable again and opened the door to a manor that was much, much quieter than he was expecting.
and josie felt it too.
it was an odd sensation, to feel that he’d stepped out of one place and into another entirely.
josie asked quietly, “where... where did everyone go?”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: jack white, ‘i’m shakin’‘ + konrad old money & sleep steady, ‘rage’ + k. flay, ‘blood in the cut’
my hands are growing colder - an inverse functions au inspired by eli
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ginny knew erik wasn’t broken. she would rather have faced down a demon or some unholy thing sprung out of the gate than ever describe him like that.
but he was--unique.
beyond the understanding of most medical doctors, at least. even aly and caroline were struggling to treat his symptoms. it was like he’d become allergic to everything around him over the course of just a few days. his symptoms were sudden, severe, and left her nervous.
it wasn’t just allergies. she knew that. and if she had to seek help outside of the society, then so be it. all that mattered to her was seeing him brought back to health.
and late one night, during a despair-fueled search through some files in the archives that looked like they hadn’t been touched in years, she found a name: dr. isabella horn.
the fact that lacey, who’d been overseeing the roanoe medical wards for ages, hadn’t heard of her, should have been a warning.
but desperate times call for desperate measures.
the next day, they were on their way to a facility in the middle of the midwest--though ‘facility’ wasn’t quite the right word. it looked more like a mansion, with nothing but wheat fields all around as far as they eye could see. the horizon was only broken by the occasional oil derrick.
and they were surprised when they had to be buzzed through pressurized, completely sterile chambers to even get inside.
but there, right at the front of the welcoming committee, was a woman with dark eyes, and an easy smile.
“good afternoon! you must be ginny and erik, welcome. i’m dr. horn.”
but ginny didn’t trust her grin.
and that should have been the second warning.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: stevie wonder, ‘superstitious’ + the killers, ‘when you were young’ + the revivalists, ‘wish i knew you’
i saw your bones on the road - a pastel goth au inspired by the silence
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meli would look back on it and realize with no small sense of irony how loud it was when it began.
the screaming, the terror. how she blasted her spotify on her furious drive to guiliana’s house in the blessedly quiet suburbs, eyes constantly searching the sky. she knew that the responsible thing to do would be to listen to the coverage on the radio, but honestly? she’d heard enough. she had more than half a brain, and she knew exactly what to do.
get her girlfriend and head--okay, maybe she didn’t know exactly what to do.
but giuliana was smart. they’d figure it out together.
the government didn’t know what they were, exactly. nobody did. meli only knew that they were calling them vesps.
it was a word that she mulled over frantically. linguistics was always a welcome distraction. she thought she’d heard it before, but all she could think of was the latin vespere. it roughly translated to ‘from the evening,’ or ‘from the night.’
from the dark.
perhaps that was an apt name.
the sunset had painted the sky in shades that were obnoxiously beautiful given the circumstances, and her jeep lurched in protest as she abruptly slammed the gear shift into park in the glow of guiliana’s porch lights.
in the distance, she could hear shrieking--but not that of human beings.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: mourning ritual, ‘bad moon rising’ + twenty one pilots, ‘ride’ + royal blood, ‘trouble’s coming’
waiting for the vultures - a time traveler’s husband au inspired by the houses october built
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it had been dara’s idea.
“oh it’ll be fun! think about it, italy and the states celebrate halloween with way, way different aesthetics. think of this as getting a sampler of how america does it,” she said, sitting in silvano’s lap, charm volume as far up as it would go.
and he agreed. “all right--okay. a grand adventure across the country hitting as many haunted houses as we can.”
“geez, try not to sound too excited.”
he murmured into her shoulder, “i’m mostly excited to spend time with you. but if a road trip through october is what you want, then that’s exactly what we’ll do.”
he was rewarded with kisses peppered all over his face and a very excited dara dragging him excitedly to best buy to pick up a camcorder. “what? of course we need a camera! if we record everything then it’s like--i don’t know. like it’s ours. we can go back to it whenever want, and we can show all our friends the cool places we saw when we get home!”
dara hadn’t known then.
she didn’t know it would start with one lone figure in a clown costume standing in front of the rv like he was going to charge at it. she didn’t know that they would end up surrounded, followed. abducted.
it had been dara’s idea.
and she would never forgive herself.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: van halen, ‘runnin’ with the devil’ + the 1975, ‘if you’re too shy (let me know)’ + afi, ‘miss murder’
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khfankeri · 1 year
Rescue Operation
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Amicia and Hugo are in a very tight spot, and Lucas must join forces with the infamous Twins to rescue them! Will they be successful?
Thank you for the AI pics @skyanddarkness! <3 
Rated: Teen and up
Read on Ao3! :)
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renegade--soul498 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: A Plague Tale (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lucas & Amicia de Rune, Mélie & Amicia de Rune, Lucas/Amicia de Rune, Mélie/Amicia de Rune, Lucas & Mélie (A Plague Tale) Characters: Amicia de Rune, Mélie (A Plague Tale), Lucas (A Plague Tale) Additional Tags: Drinking, Unrequited Love, Amicia finds her friends but at what cost, love rivals, Mélie being her sassy self, Drunk Lucas is trying so hard only to fail, Comedy, Post-Canon Summary:
A thief and an alchemist find themselves in a tavern.
..and the absurdity of their situation makes their crush wish she didn't know them.
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sheigarche · 1 year
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Lucas is being too obvious 🤭
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muses im gonna take off (but feel free to tell me if you'd rather me keep them):
- luke crain (thohh) - poppy hill (thohh) - teo (atla) - tien shinhan (dbz) - alonzo (cats) - jemima (cats) - tumblebrutus (cats) - melie (apt) - lewis finch (wroef) - peko pekoyama (dr) - victoria (twilight) - ivy robinson (bare)
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vifranalencar · 4 years
E cá estou eu novamente...
Quatro meses se passaram desde a última vez que escrevi aqui. Eu não sabia o que me esperava, mas foi suave... Suave? Suspiros. Pode-se dizer que sim. Fui muitos outros e muito eu. E hoje sou completamente diferente.  Estou leve, sozinho, faz um dia chuvoso e cinzento no Rio. Na cama acompanhado por uma manta de piquet branca, no apt 210, do número 76 da Aires Saldanha.  Ai Rio, pensei que seria dessa vez que faríamos as pazes... De verdade, não esse leng-lenga nosso de sempre. Brigamos há tanto tempo, né? Desde 2010, entre idas e vindas e muitas promessas.  Minha sensibilidade se aflora e com ela colho angélicas, elas são frágeis, mas cheirosas, inebriantes, delicadas. Elas são eu.  Ser minha companhia, aceitar ela como eterna. E nos momentos que quero gritar, eu lacrimejo, lembro de tudo que foi bom e sorrio. E, acredite, é um sorriso verdadeiro.  Esses 10 dias no Rio foram um buraco negro. Ana me mandou mensagem, Monalisa também, pensei no Vike, desejei o Marlon, olhei a foto nova da Meli no WhatsApp (ela vai operar amanhã). Criei uma nova playlist, aliás ela se criou sozinha naquela manhã no Aterro, que terminou na Praia Vermelha acompanhado do Marci e da Renata.  Vou querer que aquela noite de sexta, a caminho da Barra, se repita. Se tiver que ser, será... E o café da manhã demorado, e o vento do mar, e o cachorro que curioso olha pra mim pensando e me aconselhando: “volte a dormir, humano!”.  Daqueles momentos decisivos, daqueles momentos que quando ninguém espera, nem mesmo eu, vou lá e paro, penso e concluo: esse talvez seja um dos melhores anos da sua vida.  Vai ser gauche assim lá longe, hein Vinicius. No meio do caos político, na pandemia, no isolamento, eu floresci e sigo vivo, radiante, igual a palmeira do André – que mesmo que tenha uma tala segurando e a fazendo viver, segue lá esplendorosa.  Sinto que minhas feridas estão quase cicatrizadas e que não tenho mais forças para me machucar. Estou me curando e é bom... Aceitar foi difícil, mas eu agradeço porque a aceitação não desistiu de mim.  Que texto barato, que palavras bobas, né? Mas elas são as mais especiais e servirão para eu lembrar tudo isso daqui uns anos e me sentir exatamente como agora: confuso, leve, feliz.  Eu sigo um otimista inveterado, o melhor está por vir. Obrigado, obrigado, obrigado.  São Paulo, que assim como eu tem nome de santo, fique calmo, eu estou voltando para a terra da vertigem e da solidão. Parece que nosso caso está longe de acabar e arrisco dizer que sinto até... saudade. Até já, meu amor. 
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