kyseya · 24 days
Ancient Mummy
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Imagine working as an archaeologist for a museum. However things hasn’t been going so well lately and there are hardly any visitors during opening hours. Sadly, you’ll be forced to close multiple exhibitions and if conditions are not met, the entire museum might have to shut down.
But by some miracle, a new tomb has been discovered in Egypt; undisturbed, unexplored and completely untouched by humans for centuries. It’s said to be the grave of an ancient king- a pharaoh- who was betrayed and murdered by his own cousin.
It’s the perfect opportunity! Maybe you’ll find something that can bring back interest and by extension, save the museum.
You go along with a few other colleagues to the site in Egypt. The journey was a bit tough but it was a hindered percent worth it. With avid curiosity you explore alone and with the others, the different things to find inside the tomb; artifacts and additional discoveries. It’s all very interesting. Wanting to save the best for last, you finally get an in-person look at the grave itself- the sarcophagus.
You have already heard the main tale of the pharaoh within, so you are a little surprised that there is more to the story than you previously believed.
Over the entire stone coffin were multiple hieroglyphs, each one helping and becoming a story together. Your collegue read some inscriptions and told you a basic summary of what it’s about.
Centuries ago there was a king. He had a wife whom he adored more than anything. She was provided with riches, glory and honour. There was nothing he wouldn’t accomplish for her. The people saw the care he held for his wife and therefore both respected and feared her as well, since any ounce of rudeness might end up with their heads spiked on a pole. It was a punishment fitting for those who dare disrespect his queen.
Unfortunately tragedy struck- a disease, more specifically. It took the lives of many and left whole villages empty. That hardly mattered to the pharaoh though, all his focus went to his ill wife; she, too, had been snatched by death. Up until the moment of her demise the pharaoh spent all day and all night at her side, attentively worrying about her needs. When she was gone he was ruined. He didn’t eat, he didn’t sleep, he didn’t even have the energy to clean himself. What was the point? His beloved was gone so there wasn’t really anything left for him.
It was after this that everything took a turn. It appeared that the king had enough with laying around and decided to do something. There were records of him behaving strangely- even by ancient standards- and drabbling in dark magic. He was later overthrown by his brother, who ordered him to be buried alive. It was quite the terrifying penalty go give one’s sibling. The brother didn’t want the darkness to spread out into the world from the old pharaoh, so he locked him inside the sarcophagus and sealed him far away.
What a tragic story, you thought. Well it was back in the old times and a lot of things were practiced then that aren’t okay in modern day. You suppose it wasn’t the most horrible incident that have happened.
It hadn’t been long since your colleague told you the backstory of the tomb and its inhibitor, but now the others wants to get to the good part and open up the stone coffin. You don’t think it’s the best idea in the world- of course something like this needs to be examined closely and so on, but there is something special about the tomb.
Ever since you’ve arrived, you have had a strange feeling following you around. It’s hard to explain. You feel almost drawn to the sarcophagus or perhaps it’s because it feels as if it is looking back at you. You tried ignoring it, however, the feeling came back stronger than ever the moment the others began preparing to open it up.
You should have told them of your concerns. If you did, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
The first few seconds after opening it everything was fine. All was as it should be; people flocking around to see the discovery and fawn over it while being mindful of its fragility. Then it changed. Your colleague who had been the closest had suddenly been strangled by the thin, dirty arm belonging to none other than the ancient corpse that previously had been resting in death. Everyone was silent as her face turned blue from the lack of oxygen. It was only after she fell to the floor dead that people began panicking. It was hard to process what had just happened, after all.
There was chaos.
Folk ran around like chickens fleeing from a fox that’d managed to get inside the coop. In a way, that was exactly what was going on, though. You had watched as the mummified corpse sat right up and climbed its way out of the cold coffin. It stumbled on its bony legs and quickly found a cornered man and approached him. He screamed when the mummy grabbed ahold of his face and brought it before its own. The creature started sucking the life out of the man- literally.
The man who had previously been a healthy and active person was now shrivelled up like a raisin. His face was dry and wrinkled. He died soon afterwards, only a soft wheeze leaving his lips as he passed.
The opposite seemed to happen to the former-corpse, though. It attacked more and more people and for every kill, it appeared to revert to its original state- a man, pharaoh of an ancient kingdom. The flesh grew back and filled up in the right places and he seemed human again.
How can that be? He had been dead for centuries. Although, just about everything was pretty fucked up in this moment, so his make-over is the least important factor.
You backed into a corner. Your eyes followed the mummy’s every move, it was impossible to look away. There was hardly anyone left apart from you. The one person that was still there was getting attacked by the monster and it wasn’t long until they were reduced to nothing.
Now it was just you and the creature, and it appeared it knew that too.
It turned to look at you. The mummy had now completely reverted back into a man and he was nothing short of breathtaking(and very naked, but you tried not to think about it). It pained to to admit it but it was the truth. He was easily the most handsome man you’d ever laid eyes on. His long, dark hair flowed when he stalked towards you. Despite his outer beauty, you couldn’t forget what you’d just witnessed him do.
Trembling, you pressed yourself against the wall. “Stay away.” you weakly mumbled.
‘This is it. My time is over.’
You closed your eyes in fear and braced yourself for the pain that would undoubtedly come; only it didn’t. Instead of death, a hand grazed your cheek. It was a light touch, one reserved for something valuable and fragile.
A raspy voice talked, “…My love..it is you..”
You had no idea what he said, it sounded like an ancient language. You had studied hieroglyphs but did not know anything about what speech might’ve sounded like. You decided to be brave and slightly opened your eyes.
The mummy was staring at you, but there was no malice or hatred in his expression. In fact, the only emotion you could find on his face was amazement, shock and….love? No, that can’t be. This is not some ‘lovers reunited’ situation.
“How can this be? Death took you and left me all alone- not that I hold you accountable, of course. I know you would never seek to hurt me.” the mummy kept muttering to himself. “Perhaps….the magic worked after all?”
His face brightened and he smiled gently at you. Whilst he happily went on about something, you became more confused than earlier. What the hell was going on? He committed multiple murders in one swoop and now, suddenly, he is acting like you’re friends talking about your day. He isn’t even human! Or at least not anymore, not really.
You voiced this opinion weakly, “Ummm, could you let me go?” You tried pulling away from his touch, uncomfortable at his caresses.
His brows furrowed at your reaction. From the look of it, he didn’t understand you any better than you did him. He focused at the subtle way you attempted to peel his hand off your arm. You let out a yelp when his arms snaked around your waist and he pulled you into his embrace.
He leaned down and whispered into your ear, petting your hair at the same time. “Wife, why do you seem unhappy at my presence? I do not understand. Are you not joyous at our reunion? I love you so, I cannot comprehend any reason why you would not wish to see me.”
Even if you didn’t know what he was saying, you could hear the sadness in his voice. The pain and desperation. No! You couldn’t feel sad for him. He had murdured multiple of your colleagues, he’s evil! Although, why hasn’t he killed you yet? It’s very strange indeed.
The mummy continued, “I can sense things are not as they used to be. Things are different now. Although I do not know the extent of it. However I am most certain of one thing; I have miraculously been reunited with my love and I do not plan on letting you fall through my grasp again.”
He held you in an almost suffocating hug.
“I shall make you my queen once more.”
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satoshy12 · 10 months
Professor Fenton of Gotham University.
Cutest Dani with Papa Professor/Teacher Danny, who is teaching history at Gotham University. (As he can just meet historical people in the ghost zone.) +
After the years did go by, Danny was able to do better with his enemies; he was a teacher! Ghost Writer and Clockworks fault + small but of Mr. Lancer, and in the Zone he was able to meet historical figures pretty easily. + That was how Danny became the youngest professor in the US with his master's thesis in history.
And then he became a professor in Gotham; his students weren't sure how to feel about a teacher their age or younger. But ironically, he was the best teacher they ever had at the university! So people had no problem.
And Danny showing off his baby girl, Dani, is fun for him too! Hey, the job makes sure his daughter Dani can go to the university for free in the future. And his students really like Dani! + Adult Danny and Ellie Look i had before me. (Manhwa:" male lead's little lion daughter)
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And Cassandra Cain was a pretty good person who spent time with Dani. When she visits the University for Tim, she found Dani.. And kind of forgot she wanted to visit Tim. + Wayne Manor Tim:" I fear my professor will become my brother-in-law." +Extra+ Archaeologists:" I dreamed and worked my whole life to find a book handwritten by Shakespeare!" Professor! Danny: " I have like 3 of them and gave 1 to my teacher for an A+ in history and English for the rest of the year. Man, Mr. Lancer did cry for like 2 weeks after that."
+ And to the Archaeologist's horror, it's really an original one. They found Mr. Lancer of Amity Park, who proudly showed them the book. So many historians and Archaeologist don't leave Danny alone; they know he has a lot of things like that but no idea where he hides them!
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archaeologysucks · 9 days
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No problem; just push it through the screen!
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Just deleted the ask I was trying to respond to, but re: "skeptics always die in horror movies" - I have mixed feelings on that trope!
On the one hand I think it sets the tone and helps the audience suspend their disbelief - people are always complaining about horror movie characters being idiots, so this can be a way to be like "see? We DID consider rational explanations, and then someone immediately got murdered very supernaturally, so stop asking questions and accept the premise."
On the other hand, I think it definitely contributes to the idea that skeptics are close-minded killjoys who are too stubborn to accept reality, which is a very common and incredibly annoying mindset. Shane Madej did not spend the last eight years marching into haunted houses and loudly demanding that the demons inside kill him for me to still be hearing shit about how "if you don't take the supernatural seriously you will Attract Evil Energies And Die".
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666candies · 2 months
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adam and eve apple. quote translates to “I am your half”
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athlast · 5 days
so much potential and so little representation for archaeologist butches. whats more butch than a vast knowledge of ages past and also carrying a big ass picaxe over your shoulder
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I can't lie, the thought of Tintin living long enough to experience the absolute insanity that was the 80's-90's (in regards to fashion and pop culture) absolutely tickles me. I can't decide if he'd love or hate Indiana Jones but I bet he would have THOUGHTS.
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tintin has a bad habit of talking in the cinema
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archaeologistproblems · 8 months
Have just started reading a book by an indigenous archaeologist (Paulette Steeves) and this seems like a really good thing for me, and for all archaeologists, to keep in mind as we work:
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Archaeologists Find a Beautiful 3,000-Year-Old Octagonal Sword in Germany
A rare Bronze Age sword unearthed from a burial site in Germany is in such good condition that it still glimmers.
According to a statement the Bavarian State Office for Monument Protection released on Wednesday, the weapon was discovered in the town of Nördlingen in Bavaria, and may date to the 14th century B.C.
"Last week, archaeologists made a very special find during excavations in Nördlingen: a bronze sword that is over 3,000 years old and is so extraordinarily well preserved that it almost still shines. It is a representative of the bronze full-hilt swords, whose octagonal hilt is made entirely of bronze (octagonal sword type)," a translation of the statement reads.
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Its octagonal shape make it a rare find, as only the most skilled blacksmiths were capable of making these types of swords—known as Achtkantschwert in German—that required precise casting and decoration.
"The production of octagonal swords is complex because the handle is cast over the blade (so-called overlay casting). The decoration is made with an inlay and using hallmarks. While there are two real rivets, another pair of rivets are only implied," the statement said.
These rare and specialized swords were only made in two locations in Germany at the time, one in the north, one in the south, although the exact location of this sword's origin could not be confirmed.
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This find is especially unusual considering that most burial mounds in the area of Germany where the sword was discovered have been opened and looted in the past.
"Sword finds from this period are rare and come either from burial mounds that were deliberately opened in the 19th century or as single, presumed sacrificial finds," the statement said.
It is unclear if this octagonal sword was ever used in combat, or if it was a ceremonial blade.
However, archaeologists noted that while the blade had no signs of wear in battle, its center of gravity made it suitable for use as a real weapon, and it was capable of being used to slash opponents.
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The grave in which the sword was found contained the remains of a man, a woman and a child.
"It is not yet clear whether the persons were related or what the relationship between them was," the statement explained.
Despite these questions, the sword marks an exciting find for the archaeologists and for Germany.
"The sword and the burial still have to be examined further so that our archaeologists can classify this find more precisely. But it can already be said that its condition is exceptional. A find like this is very rare," Mathias Pfeil, head of the Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments, said in the statement.
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mintesprig · 2 months
“This is a place where they tried to kill a story. It’s a very frightened thing to do.”
will now be living rent free in my brain
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ancienthistoryart · 2 years
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The exquisite and elegant braided hair of the Caryatids. 421-406 BC. Erechtheion/Acropolis of Athens, Greece.
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floweroflaurelin · 1 year
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All hail the king! All hail the king! 👑💋
“Tumblr’s gonna love that bit” — Pixlriffs
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mossmx · 1 year
While Merlin is trending I want to thank the whole Merlin fandom
people who have been with us since 2008 and people who have just started watching, people who have left us too soon but will be forever in our hearts and people who switched fandoms but are still amazing
whereter you create, lurk, cheer or just cry in the corner (most of us have been there lol) every part of the Merlin fandom is always part of our family
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even if we have no reason to trend we will always have a reason to celebrate :D
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micewithknives · 1 year
As requested, the list of archaeology nemeses which i poses: (in no particular order other than #5 bc tumblrs formatting hates me right now, and i cant be bothered to fix it)
Whoever convinced the general public that archaeologists and paleontologists are the same thing (not the public themselves, i can be nice to them, but whoever started it.............. i just want to talk)
Trying to excavate in dry soil with high sand content and having sediment patches just... leak out in random spots from the pit walls
Cant Function A Mattock To Save My Life
Sieving wet clay is like sieving porridge and its TERRIBLE and HORRIBLE and DISGUSTING and makes HORRENDUS SOUNDS
As discussed, Munsell chart and my complete and utter inability to read colours correctly
Any varient of the "The archaeologists didnt figure this out it was some Normal Person Who Knows Crafts And Life Skills" my Dear Personal Friend i hate to rain on your anti-academia parade, but archaeologists ARE people (although jury's still out on normal for some of them...)
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opashoo · 1 year
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OCtober 2023: Shou, the Hidden Right Hand
A disillusioned fortune teller, scholar, and mystic, studied in old poems and proverbs. Their absent-minded demeanor belies a dangerous cunning and supernatural foresight with which they have cut down empires. Agent to a mysterious benefactor known only as "The Director".
Shou is nonbinary transfem (they/them)
The non-english text is in Caravan, a conlang I've been working on for about two years now. It reads from right to left:
"Hafii tokshj an, sa ejvo sheta-yjramea no / an im hafigaa eta shehn lumateh mu goro hjkkj."
There are monsters in the mountain, and we would seek shelter [from them] but / we will not find rest in the valleys.
EDIT: So I'm really indecisive and decided I really liked a dark background and no white outline, so I've replaced the original with that version. The original is below.
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kinnsporsche · 2 years
maybe sterek will be canon in the spanish dub
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