#are html sites reliable
ceyhanmedya · 2 years
New Post has been published on https://hazirbilgi.com/what-is-html-when-and-by-whom-was-html-created/
What is HTML? When and by whom was HTML created?
HTML  is a markup language that defines the structure of web pages. HTML is one of the basic building blocks of every website . For this reason, it is among the first details that web developers will want to learn. 
While HTML is an important building block, it is not enough to make a web page look good. It  must be supported by CSS  and  JavaScript  . HTML is essentially code and is used to structure the content of a web page. 
The content on the web page can consist of a number of different paragraphs, images and tables. It is possible to format them with HTML. In this way, the web browser knows how to configure the web page that a person visits and displays it in the direction desired by the developer.
What is HTML and when was it invented?
HTML or  hypertext markup language is a markup language developed for displaying materials or data on the internet. Each material has a known buyer location,  called a web page  . Web pages contain hypertext links that allow the fetching of related pages.
HTML is the markup language used to code web pages. HTML  was designed by  British scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1980 . HTML markup tags  contain document elements such as headings, paragraphs, and tables. Once formatted, they can be viewed by programs or applications known as web browsers.
When viewing a web page, web browsers interpret it according to permitted technology. Thus, items such as headings, paragraphs, and tables are presented adapted to the screen size and font used. HTML documents also contain anchor links, called links to other web pages.
What is Semantic HTML?
Semantic HTML is the conveying of literal meanings for the uses of HTML tags. Semantic HTML was used effectively throughout most of the 90’s and  became an important part of the standard HTML structure . Since the late 90’s,  CSS has become more important in web pages when it has been used effectively .
Semantic HTML 
It consists of tags such as , ,,, and . One of the most important reasons to use semantic HTML tags is that web crawlers can easily index the web page. In this direction, it is possible to improve the web page in terms of SEO . Also, semantic HTML is important for accessing web pages from screen readers.
What are HTML Versions?
After HTML was designed, it has developed in many different forms over the years. For this reason, the HTML versions that are used effectively have changed from time to time. There are five different versions of HTML that are used effectively. Each of them made extra contributions to the HTML structure, making it easier for the developers to use it.
HTML 1.0: It is the first version developed for HTML. It was published in 1991 and was used effectively until 1995.
HTML 2.0: Version released in 1995. It has been accepted as the standard version in web design. Added support for features such as text boxes and buttons.
HTML 3.2: Published by the W3C in 1997. It provided extra support in terms of table creation and form elements. It is considered the official standard since 1997.
HTML 4.01: Released in 1999. It is the stable language for the HTML language and is considered the official standard. It has added CSS support to the HTML language.
HTML5: It is the newest version of the HTML language and was announced in 2008. This version  is developed by W3C and  WHATWG .
What’s the Difference Between HTML Tags, Elements, and Attributes?
HTML tags , HTML elements, and HTML attributes are often confused and used interchangeably when defining. However, there are differences between these three elements. Each  HTML tag has its own unique meaning. HTML elements are used to describe content. HTML attributes provide additional information for existing HTML elements.
What are HTML Tags?
HTML defines the formatting of a particular web page. For this reason, the text, images and other content on the page should be displayed in a shaped way. For example, you may want some text to be uppercase, lowercase, bold, or italic. To do this,  you need to use HTML tags .
HTML tags are like keywords that define how the web browser will display the content. When a web browser reads a document containing HTML, it reads it from top to bottom and from left to right. Thanks to HTML tags, a web browser can distinguish between HTML content and simple content. Each HTML tag can have different properties.
What are HTML Elements?
HTML  consists of three elements , opening tag, content and  closing tag . Some elements are used as empty. HTML elements are often confused with HTML tags. However, an element consists of a combination of three different elements. All HTML files are made up of elements. These elements are responsible for creating web pages. They also describe the content on the web page.
Theoretically, the opening tag, content, and closing tag should go together. Some elements may not have content and closing tags. Such elements  are called empty elements or self- closing elements  . For example, a line spacer  and a straight long line.
elements in this structure.
What are HTML Attributes?
HTML attributes are placed in the opening tag, and they  range from the “style” to  the “id” description. HTML attributes help convey more information about an element. In addition, these attributes ensure that needs such as styling elements on the web page with JavaScript are met.
While HTML attributes provide additional information about elements, they are modifiers of the HTML element. Each element defines the behavior of the element to which it is attached. HTML attributes must always be applied with the start tag. Although the names to be given to HTML attributes are case sensitive, standard usage consists of lowercase letters.
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copperbadge · 10 months
Migrating Off Evernote
Evernote, a web-based notes app, recently introduced super-restrictive controls on free accounts, after laying off a number of staff and introducing AI features, all of which is causing a lot of people to migrate off the platform. I haven't extensively researched alternative sites, so I can't offer a full resource there (readers, feel free to drop your alternative sites in notes or reblogs), but because I have access to OneNote both in my professional and personal life, I decided to migrate my Evernote there.
I use them for very different things -- Evernote I use exclusively as a personal fanfic archive, because it stores fics I want to save privately both as full-text files and as links. OneNote I have traditionally used for professional purposes, mainly for taking meeting notes and storing information I need (excel formulas, how-tos for things I don't do often in our database, etc). But while Evernote had some nicer features it was essentially a OneNote clone, and OneNote has a webclipper, so I've created an account with OneNote specifically to store my old Evernote archive and any incoming fanfic I want to archive in future.
Microsoft discontinued the tool that it offered for migrating Evernote to OneNote directly, but research turned up a reliable and so-far trustworthy independent tool that I wanted to share. You export all your Evernote notebooks as ENEX files, then download the tool and unzip it, open the exe file, and import the ENEX one by one on a computer where you already have the desktop version of OneNote installed. I had no problem with the process, although some folks with older systems might.
I suspect I might need to do some cleanup post-import but some of that is down to how Evernote fucked around with tags a while ago, and so far looking through my notes it appears to have imported formatting, links, art, and other various aspects of each clipped note without a problem. I also suspect that Evernote will not eternally allow free users to export their notebooks so if nothing else I'd back up your notebooks to ENEX or HTML files sooner rather than later.
I know the number of people who were using Free Evernote and have access to OneNote is probably pretty small, but if I found it useful I thought others might too.
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tmmyhug · 2 years
mangoball archives
(follow up to this post)
so since twitter is collapsing, the search for a good mangoball backup led me to this project by @this-glittering-world and. it is absolutely fantastic. it's a full mangoball recreation in html, including the christmas special and author's notes. there's dark mode and light mode and even the option to read it as a chat fic without all the twitter styling?? not to mention it's just a well designed site? i'm very impressed.
imo, this is the best backup of mangoball right now and it deserves much more attention. check it out:
the other archive I want to direct attention to is the one on thread reader. this is slightly less reliable because if the thread gets deleted or if twitter goes down it'll stop working, but it works for now. also it looks like you can save the threads as PDFs for a couple bucks which is handy. here are the links to the og and the christmas special:
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ramlightly · 12 days
Hey! If this is presumptuous that's totally fine and you can ignore it, but I saw you mentioning building a website and I wanted to offer any help if you might want it.
I used to work as web developer, left (read: economy sucks and everyone got laid off) to start working on comics with my partner, but we needed a website for that and lo and behold, industry skills came in handy. So I'm more than happy to field questions or help you get started if you don't have another resource!
We use neocities for our comic site & my wife's portfolio site. It's free, literally costs nothing, they've been around for a while which is also reassuring in this era. You can pay $5/mo if you want to get a little more storage space and use your own custom domain, but if you're just using it as an art site/portfolio, then the storage space they offer should be completely fine.
Note: it is *not* a website builder, to use neocities you need to code your own web page using html, which truly isn't as scary as it sounds! w3schools.com is a great resource for learning or referencing html & how to make it look pretty, I used it to teach myself how to do this and managed to eventually land a couple actual tech jobs, so I'm a big fan of it for newcomers.
Anyway, whichever you choose, I think a website is a great idea as an archive, and way more reliable than... well. All of these social media platforms that feel.... impermanent, to say the least ( ´-`)
Oh, and one more thing!! Part of why we chose neocities instead of like... bluehost or other hosting sites (which we had been using before): neocities allows NSFW :)
Ah yes I've been looking at neocities! It seems great, I'm just not very... code minded... It would be something I would need to sit down and learn and I just haven't had the time for that lately. One day soon, perhaps, as certain projects are winding down.
Thank you, I appreciate the thought!
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sohrleas · 3 months
Guess who made more art for @lennjamin-o7 's Death Shall Come?
Me! I did!! Look at it!
(honestly, I could probably do better, and there's half a dozen details I want to add, but if I delay showing this until I've got all those details done it'll never be posted.)
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This time we get to see the Besties together, dressed fairly casually.
Fun little facts with this one: I mentioned in the previous art post that Sumerians loved Carnelian and Lapis Lazuli, and thought that Techno would wear carnelian more and Philza would wear Lapis more...but they're both wearing necklaces with the other stone. I thought about making the large pendant-gems that they're wearing Emeralds instead, but I couldn't find any examples of that from reliable sources, and I got a bit stubborn about trying to be at least a little accurate. (I can always go and change it later anyways). Also, Phil's eyes are Lapis, Techno's Carnelian. Because I can. and colors are hard sometimes
The Jewelry is based off of Pu-Abi's funerary jewelry; I have more notes at the other post I made as well as sketchy-bits: https://www.tumblr.com/sohrleas/752839783945994240/new-session-archive-of?source=share
Also, have the site I used as reference because it pleases my magpie-brain: https://sumerianshakespeare.com/117701/118101.html
I don't imagine that Techno would be the biggest fan of long robes because mobility, but the length of clothing was directly related to the status of the individual. Since he's King, I imagine that the people who make his clothes for him would make the majority of his clothes look as high-status as possible in order to avoid offending him/getting straight-up smited. Smote?
Philza's wearing clothes that lean a little more to the feminine styles; the wraps that spiral up like that and drape like that I mostly saw on women, but saw similar on men as well. I figured it'd be easiest for his wings. As for the colors, I tried to keep to similar to what natural dyes of the region could do; the gradient is maybe a bit of a stretch but not impossible, it'd mostly be really annoying to get right.
I've been working on this while Lenn's been streaming hardcore, it's been pretty fun! I definitely recommend hopping on if you get the chance.
(little details I want to add but want to practice first: texture to the lapis and gold. Techno's hair shade?? Phil's hair shade?? Wing shading. Better texture for the cloth (I used to be good at this, what happened?). Wing Jewelry! Background.)
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kradeelav · 1 month
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the tl;dr
IRON CROWN as a free comic is now off of wordpress and can be viewed by a neat, robust HTML/CSS/JS comic template called rarebit! effectively nothing has changed for the reader, beyond expecting a little more reliability of uptime over the years.
all comic pages and previously paywalled patreon posts can also be downloaded in this art dump for free, as mentioned in the new author's notes.
the long story:
When talking shop about site/platform moves under this handle, I think it's useful to realize that us (taboo) kink artists live in an actively adversarial internet now, compared to five years ago.
meaning that we have to live with an expectation that 99% of platforms (including registrars and hosting, let alone sns sites) will ban/kick us without warning. this might explain the overly cautious/defensive way we discuss technologies - weighing how likely (and easily) the tool can be used against us vs the perks.
for example: has a harassment mob bullied the platform owners into quietly dropping lolisho artists? trans artists? does the platform/technology have a clear, no-bullshit policy on drawn kink art (specifically third rail kinks like noncon)? does the platform have a long history of hosting r18 doujin artists/hentai publishers with no issue? does the company operate in a nation unfriendly to specific kinks (eg fashkink artists fundamentally incompatible with companies based in germany, when other kinks might be OK?). i talk with a few different groups of artists daily about the above.
but that gets tiring after a while! frankly, the only path that's becoming optimal long-term is (a) putting kink art on your personal site, and if possible, (b) self hosting the whole thing entirely, while (c) complementing your site with physical merch since it's much harder to destroy in one go.
with that said - I've been slowly re-designing all of my pages/sub-domains as compact 'bug out bags'. lean, efficiently packed with the essentials, and very easy to save and re-upload to a new host/registrar near instantly (and eventually, be friendly to self-hosting bandwidth costs since that's now a distant goal).
how does this look in theory, you ask?
zero dependencies. the whole IRON CROWN comic subdomain is three JS files, a few HTML files, one CSS file, and images. that's it.
no updates that can be trojan horse'd. I'm not even talking about malware though that's included; I'm talking about wordpress (owned by the same owners as tumblr cough) slipping in AI opt-outs in a plug-in that's turned on by default. I used to think wordpress was safe from these shenanigans because wordpress-as-a-CMS could be separate from wordpress-as-a-domain; I was wrong. they'll get you through updates.
robust reliability through the KISS principle. keep it simple stupid. malware/DDOS'ing has an infinitively harder time affecting something that doesn't have a login page/interactive forms. You can't be affected by an open source platform suddenly folding, because your "starter" template is contained files saved on your desktop (and hopefully multiple backups...). etc.
so how does this look in practice?
To be fair, you're often trading convenient new shiny UI/tools for a clunkier back-end experience. but i think it's a mistake to think your art site has to look like a MIT professor's page from 1999.
with IRON CROWN, I've effectively replicated it from a (quite good) comic template in wordpress to 98% of the same layout in pure HTML/CSS/JS via rarebit. Should rarebit's website go "poof", I've got the initial zip download of the template to re-use for other sites.
I frankly have a hard time recommending rarebit for an actively updating webcomic since you personally might be trading too many advantages like SEO tools, RSS feeds, etc away - but for a finished webcomic that you want to put in "cold storage" - it's amazing. and exactly what I needed here.
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greater-than-the-sword · 11 months
How to Back up a Tumblr Blog
This will be a long post.
Big thank you to @afairmaiden for doing so much of the legwork on this topic. Some of these instructions are copied from her verbatim.
Now, we all know that tumblr has an export function that theoretially allows you to export the contents of your blog. However, this function has several problems including no progress bar (such that it appears to hang for 30+ hours) and when you do finally download the gargantuan file, the blog posts cannot be browsed in any way resembling the original blog structure, searched by tag, etc.
What we found is a tool built for website archiving/mirroring called httrack. Obviously this is a big project when considering a large tumblr blog, but there are some ways to help keep it manageable. Details under the cut.
How to download your blog with HTTrack:
Website here
You will need:
A reliable computer and a good internet connection.
Time and space. For around 40,000 posts, expect 48 hours and 40GB. 6000 posts ≈ 10 hours, 12GB. If possible, test this on a small blog before jumping into a major project. There is an option to stop and continue an interrupted download later, but this may or may not actually resume where it left off. Keep in mind that Tumblr is a highly dynamic website with things changing all the time (notes, icons, pages being updated with every post, etc).
A custom theme. It doesn't have to be pretty, but it does need to be functional. That said, there are a few things you may want to make sure are in your theme before starting to archive:
the drop down meatball menu on posts with the date they were posted
tags visible on your theme, visible from your blog's main page
no icon images on posts/notes (They may be small, but keep in mind there are thousands of them, so if nothing else, they'll take up time. Instructions on how to exclude them below.)
Limitations: This will not save your liked or private posts, or messages. Poll results also may not show up.
What to expect from HTTrack:
HTTrack will mirror your blog locally by creating a series of linked HTML files that you can browse with your browser even if tumblr were to entirely go down. The link structure mimics the site structure, so you should be able to browse your own blog as if you had typed in the url of your custom theme into the browser. Some elements may not appear or load, and much of the following instructions are dedicated to making sure that you download the right images without downloading too many unnecessary images.
There will be a fair bit of redundancy as it will save:
individual posts pages for all your tags, such as tagged/me etc (If you tend to write a lot in your tags, you may want to save time and space by skipping this option. Instructions below.)
the day folder (if you have the meatball menu)
regular blog pages (page/1 etc)
How it works: HTTrack will be going through your url and saving the contents of every sub directory. In your file explorer this will look like a series of nested folders.
How to Start
Download and run HTTrack.
In your file directory, create an overarching folder for the project in some drive with a lot of space.
Start a new project. Select this folder in HTTrack as the save location for your project. Name your project.
For the url, enter https://[blogname].tumblr.com. Without the https:// you'll get a robots.txt error and it won't save anything.
Open settings. Under "scan rules":
Check the box for filetypes .gif etc. Make sure the box for .zip etc. is unchecked. Check the box for .mov etc.
Under "limits":
Change the max speed to between 100,000 - 250,000. The reason this needs to be limited is because you could accidentally DDOS the website you are downloading. Do not DDOS tumblr.
Change the link limit to maybe 200,000-300,000 for a cutoff on a large blog, according to @afairmaiden. This limit is to prevent you from accidentally having a project that goes on infinitely due to redundancy or due to getting misdirected and suddenly trying to download the entirety of wikipedia.
Go through the other tabs. Check the box that says "Get HTML first". Uncheck "find every link". Uncheck "get linked non-html files". If you don't want to download literally the entire internet. Check "save all items in cache as well as HTML". Check "disconnect when finished".
Go back to Scan Rules.
There will be a large text box. In this box we place a sort of blacklist and whitelist for filetypes.
Paste the following text into that box.
+*.mp4 +*.gifv -*x-callback-url* -*/sharer/* -*/amp -*tumblr.com/image* -*/photoset_iframe/*
-*/tagged/* (if you don't want to save pages for all your tags.)
-*/post/* (if you don't want to save each post individually. not recommended if you have readmores that redirect to individual posts.)
-*/day/* (if you don't feel it's necessary to search by date)
Optional but recommended:
-*/s64x64u*.jpg -*tumblr_*_64.jpg -*avatar_*_64.jpg -*/s16x16u*.jpg -*tumblr_*_16*.jpg -*avatar_*_16.jpg -*/s64x64u*.gif -*tumblr_*_64.gif -*avatar_*_64.gif -*/s16x16u*.gif -*tumblr_*_16.gif -*avatar_*_16.gif
This will prevent the downloading of icons/avatars, which tend to be extremely redundant as each image downloads a separate time for each appearance.
Many icons are in .pnj format and therefore won't download unless you add the extension (+*.pnj), so you may be able to whitelist the URLs for your and your friends' icons. (Honestly, editing your theme to remove icons from your notes may be the simpler solution here.)
You should now be ready to start.
Make sure your computer doesn't overheat during the extremely long download process.
Pages tend to be among the last things to save. If you have infinite scroll on, your first page (index.html) may not have a link to page 2, but your pages will be in the folder.
Shortly after your pages are done, you may see the link progress start over. This may be to check that everything is complete. At this point, it should be safe to click cancel if you want to stop, but you run the risk of more stuff being missing. You will need to wait a few minutes for pending transfers to be competed.
Once you're done, you'll want to check for: Files without an extension.
Start with your pages folder, sort items by file type, and look for ones that are simply listed as "file" rather than HTML. Add the appropriate extension (in this case, .html) and check to see if it works. (This may cause links to this page to appear broken.)
Next, sort by file size and check for 0B files. HTMLs will appear as a blank page. Delete these. Empty folders. View files as large icons to find these quickly.
If possible, make a backup copy of your project file and folder, especially if you have a fairly complete download and you want to update it.
Finally, turn off your computer and let it rest.
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insanityclause · 4 months
did you know that Tom has cancer? That’s sad!
OMG - you sound so excited about this!!
Yes, I totally believe news that is:
Posted on a pretty unused Tapatalk gossip board by someone with a screen name of Ladia (with no other posts or interactions).
And that post is basically screen shots of other gossip sites (you know, where all the reliable news comes from).
There's also 'medical records' that come from an... essay writing site??? So basically, someone fed in the information they wanted to create, and someone wrote it up for them (AI? They claim not, but it's so poorly written and the spelling, grammatical and formatting errors are numerous that's hard to believe). This is a work of fiction.
Also, one of those screenshots? This tweet?? Which links to the clickiest of clickbait sites??
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If you bothered to actually click... here's what it actually says. So gtfoh with your lies.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Also, there's only one person going around trying to spread this info right now. You've been blocked and called out by half the fandom. I've blocked at least two of your accounts here, even though you begged me to follow you.
Stop spreading your hate and fake news in the guise of 'caring'. Maybe seek therapy.
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the-bar-sinister · 14 days
Hello i hope your having a good day! I was wondering what you use you draft your stories or if you use anything to check for mistakes?
Sorry if its an odd question, I'm just curious since a lot of people talk about different apps, websites and add ons.
Hey! Thank you! I wish I had a more interesting answer for this question.
For writing, I use google docs. I know, google docs sucks. But the thing about it sucking is its reliable, and I have never, ever lost work while using it.
I used to use microsoft word and even with their autosave feature, I still sometimes would lose hundreds or in bad cases, thousands of words.
I tried using open office, and I immediately lost a hundred words or so.
So until there's a reliable cloud service word processor that isn't google docs I'll keep using it. I have my eye on Ellipsus right now and I'm hoping things work out for them.
For 'checking for mistakes' I don't use anything but spellcheck and myself as an editor. The spellcheck on google docs is getting worse and worse due to AI, so with fanfiction I often end up doing a second spelling pass on AO3 when I upload.
The other tool I use is a website called html-cleaner (.com) which strips out the unnecessary html formatting from google docs work, and makes it so I can more reliably set the spacing between lines and paragraphs on AO3.
Basically what I do is this:
past the rich text from google docs into html-cleaner
click the 'clean-html' button
take the cleaned html from the site and paste it into my text editor (I use notepad++)
Do a find/replace searching for linebreaks (\br) and replacing it with paragraph breaks (\p) instead.
take the results and paste it in html-cleaner and click the "clean-html" button one more time.
past THAT html into the html area on my AO3 chapter and hit publish.
That process makes sure my chapter doesn't have any wonky formatting and especially not the giant "double spaces" between paragraphs that sometimes happen.
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peltk9 · 5 months
A Simple (relative!) Way to Save a Lot of Fanfic to EPUB at Once
Disclosure: This is a relatively simple way. There are still a lot of steps and requires a little bit of computer know-how. However, many other processes involve copy-pasting URLs one-by-one, which, for 100+ fics, takes a long time.
This guide is particularly meant for Fanfiction.net works, which, at the time of writing, can no longer be downloaded in bulk from the Calibre FanFicFare plugin (rip in peace). FicHub can still reliably download from FFN, and there is a FicHub CLI to bulk-download from a list of URLs.
Regarding AO3: Using FicHub CLI with AO3 appears to be a bit finicky. FicHub CLI is more likely to give up on URLs in longer lists. Your mileage may vary. Personally, I recommend either the in-built AO3 downloader (one-by-one downloading only) or the FanFicFare Calibre plugin (for bulk downloading). EDIT: there is also this python program from tumblr user nianeyna: https://nianeyna.tumblr.com/post/659921552559783936
Regarding Wattpad: It does not look like FicHub can download from Wattpad. However, FanFicFare can download from Wattpad.
What You Will Need
Windows PC (theoretically this will work on a Mac or Linux, but will require different steps vis-à-vis python and the command prompt)
Python (version 3)
If you don't have Python installed, and don't know how, please follow this tutorial: https://realpython.com/installing-python/#how-to-install-from-the-full-installer (if it asks to create an account to view, open in a private window)
(I know the full installer works for the purposes of this tutorial, but you'll need to make sure you install pip--under Customize Installation--and add Python to the PATH. I am unsure if the Windows App version does both of these.)
Install Notepad++ from the official site: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
If you installed Python correctly, then to install fichub-cli (https://github.com/FicHub/fichub-cli):
Open the Command Prompt in Windows (Windows search bar "cmd")
Copy-paste the following: pip install -U fichub-cli
Hit 'Enter'
Wait for the Command Prompt to do it's thing . . . and you're done!
Getting the URLs - FanFic dot Net Favorites version
(These instructions are specifically for the Favorite Stories on a user's account, but can be modified to get any story URL on any page of FFN.)
Open Firefox and go to FFN. Now go to the mobile version of the site by clicking the smartphone icon on the top bar, left-ish side of the screen. You can also replace the 'www' in the URL to 'm'.
Log into FFN if you aren't already, then go to your account > Favorite Stories. The reason why we're using the mobile site is because it won't paginate your favorites. All your favorite stories will be all on one page, which means it's only one copy-paste for everything.
Right-click anywhere on the page and hit 'Inspect (Q)'. This will pull up DevTools, which will give us a nice place to get all the URLs. Look at the left-most panel in the the 'Inspector' tab. It should have a bunch of HTML code in. Find the <tbody> that's right before a bunch of <tr>...</tr>.
Right click the <tbody>, Copy > Inner HTML.
Open Notepad++. In a new file, paste in that Inner HTML we just copied. This is where we extract just the URLs for the stories from the mess of HTML by having some fun with regular expressions.
Open the Find & Replace in Notepad++ (Ctrl+F, or on the top bar Search > Replace ...). In the window, make sure you're on the 'Replace' tab. In the bottom-left-ish of the window is some Search Mode options. Select 'Regular expression' and check the box labeled '. matches newline'.
In 'Find what': .*?(/s/\d*/1/) In 'Replace with': $1\n
At this point, you should be able to click 'Replace All'; but if you want, click 'Find Next' to see Notepad++ highlight the first place it finds a regular expression match and click 'Replace' to see it change that highlighted section to just the /s/ . . . /1/ part (the /s/ . . . /1/ is the story URL on FFN). Depending on where your cursor was when you first opened Find & Replace, you may need to click 'Replace' once or twice even after 'Replace All'. You may also need to move your cursor to before the very first letter.
Once you've clicked 'Replace All', you should be left with a long list of partial URLs, looking like /s/ . . . /1/. There will be one section of unneeded HTML, probably near the bottom of the page. Manually delete it to leave only the URLs.
Now to change those partial URLs to a full URL. Open the Find & Replace again. In the Search Mode, select 'Normal'.
In 'Find what': /s/ In 'Replace with': https://m.fanfiction.net/s/
Click 'Replace All' (and maybe 'Replace' once or twice if needed--move your cursor to before the very first letter if needed) and now the list of partial URLs should be full FFN mobile URLs.
Save as a .txt file with whatever name you want.
Using FicHub CLI
First and foremost make a new folder somewhere on your computer. Name it whatever you like, but remember where it is and what you named it. Take the TXT file of URLs and move it into that new folder.
Open Command Prompt (Windows search bar "cmd"). In Command Prompt, navigate to the folder you made. If you don't know how to change directories in Command Prompt, this guide can help: https://www.howtogeek.com/659411/how-to-change-directories-in-command-prompt-on-windows-10/
For example, if I made a folder called 'FFNDownloads-2024-01-01' on my Desktop, I would type: cd Desktop/FFNDownloads-2024-01-01 in the command line and hit 'Enter'.
Once the Command Prompt is looking into the folder where your URL list is, type the following into the command line: fichub_cli -i [NAME].txt
Replace the [NAME] with the name of your URL list file. So, for example, if I named my URL list 'ffnurl.txt', I would enter: fichub_cli -i ffnurl.txt
Hit 'Enter' and the FicHub CLI will start it's magic. It can be a bit hard to read what's happening, because some of the text is dark blue, but it will print out how many URLs it finds, then check if there are duplicates, and then go through them one by one and start downloading them into an EPUB. The EPUB files will be saved in the same folder the Command Prompt is currently looking in--which should be that folder you just created.
There is a progress bar at the bottom of the Command Prompt with a rough estimate of time left. If you have 200 or more URLs, FicHub CLI can take an hour or more. Leave the Command Prompt alone until you're done. If you need, you can still use the rest of your computer, including the Internet. Just be careful to leave the folder and Command Prompt alone until the FicHub CLI is finished.
(Why does it take so long? As a general rule, polite internet behavior for robots, like the FicHub, is to ask websites for things slowly. If a robot asks for a lot of things quickly, it can overwhelm the website and make it difficult for the website to work properly. Some internet spam attacks do this, asking for a lot, quickly in order to disable a website. FicHub CLI is slow so that it doesn't get flagged as spam.)
Once FicHub CLI is done, it will make an output.log file. You can delete that if you want, it's basically a copy of the TXT file with the URLs inside. If there were any problems, FicHub CLI will also make an err.log file. Both LOG files can be opened in Notepad++ or in the default Windows Notepad. The err.log file will have a list of any URLs the FicHub CLI couldn't download, for whatever reason. I've found that if I make a new TXT file with just the error URLs copied right from the err.log file and re-run FucHub CLI on that TXT, most of the time they will be downloaded without problem.
Any lingering error files (hopefully less than 10 at this point, if any), you can go through the https://fichub.net/ site to download them one-by-one.
Et voilà, you have successfully downloaded a lot of fanfiction, all at once, as EPUB files. Once Python and fichub-cli are installed, then the process can be repeated to get any new or updated fics. All you need to do is create a TXT file of URLs for new/updated fics, and FicHub CLI will do the rest.
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mountmortar · 1 month
so something i came across recently was straw.page, which seems to be a website hosting service similar to neocities except it makes website-building easy, so if you don't know anything about html/css, it may function as a good alternative. it lets you select from templates or just start from scratch and drag-and-drop different elements to your site until it looks the way you want it. it seems to be pretty new, so some features are marked as "coming soon" and there are some spots where it's a bit rough around the edges, but all the functionality required to build a (simple!!!) website is definitely there. i haven't tested it extensively, so i can't reliably list out all the details of it, but i can definitely say that it isn't lying when it says you can make a whole website on mobile. so if that's something that interests you (if you're interested in making a website but can't get your mind wrapped around html/css or the idea seems cool but you're too busy to learn) this may be worth a shot?
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theneighborhoodwatch · 7 months
my guy your wiki is Top Notch - i have it bookmarked and it's already helped me so much. it's easy to navigate, wonderfully laid out & decorated (the "taped" photos!!!) and organized, and delightfully accurate/detailed/thorough. i remember reading the fandom wiki's trivia section and just going Well Hey. That's Not What The Original Post Said/Meant every five seconds... your trivia is the exact opposite!
thank you so much for making it! we appreciate your hard work in giving everyone such an excellently created & reliable source of information for this awesome project 💚🍈💚
divorce-enjoyer asked: hi, just popping in to say that the work you’re doing with the welcome home wiki is absolutely brilliant. fandom.com is a pain in the ass for a multitude of reasons so its really great to see someone put so much time, effort and care into building such an important fandom resource on their own, and as someone who also has a little experience in web development i gotta say im kind of geeking out over just how good the site looks. it honestly puts fandom.com to shame.
answering both of these asks in a single post bc i really gotta stop holding onto nice asks forever and ever lest people think i'm ignoring them, but - thank you!! it's been a busy few months, but i hope i can get back to it in march as promised. at least the site currently being retooled gives me a bit of breathing room lol.
i've become more forgiving of WH's fandom wiki since one of the writers reached out to me and made it clear it was very much a case of people with a lot of excitement for welcome home and not a whole lot of info on fandom.com's controversies, but i do hope this has inspired some folks to look into alternative hosts, if nothing else. i'm glad people like it so much, it's really helped me get more comfortable with working with html/css. "the best way to get good at a creative pursuit is to become horrifyingly obsessed with something and let that guide you" is played out advice on this site these days, but like. whoever first said that was 100% right.
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cindylouwho-2 · 4 months
Tumblr media
As promised, here are the important news stories from marketing recently: SEO, social media, advertising, and more.
If you want to get this news twice-weekly instead of just once a month, become a paying member of my Patreon: patreon.com/CindyLouWho2
In the biggest SEO news perhaps ever, a massive list of Google ranking elements was leaked this week. Here’s an overview, including links to the two main leak announcements and their analysis. It would seem that Google wasn’t always honest when they told us some algorithm elements did or did not exist. Google took nearly 2 days to speak publicly about it, but didn’t say much. Expect a lot more analysis in the coming weeks. 
Instagram is updating its algorithm to favour original creators and smaller accounts, and remove reposted content from recommendations. “This won’t affect “a set of publishers” identified by Instagram with licensing agreements or resharing permissions from content creators, according to the blog post.”
Google is adding AI Overviews to US search immediately, with other countries to follow in the future. "AI Overviews gives answers to queries using generative AI technology powered by Google Gemini. It provides a few snippets of an answer based on its understanding of queries and the content it found on the topic across the web.” Right now, it is only affecting a small number of queries, however. While these will sometimes cover similar topics to featured snippets, the latter still exist. Early testing indicates that it does not currently show up when a search appears to be about buying something. Which is good, because you can’t turn it off, other than filtering your search to “Web” after doing it.  Oh, and Google did not waste time figuring out how to include advertising in the AI overviews - it took just one week. As with most much-heralded AI launches, AI Overviews are fumbling badly; here’s a summary of the many news articles mocking Google, including for recommending people glue cheese onto their pizza so it stays in place. 
Chrome has yet again announced that it will not end the use of tracking cookies on schedule; the new target date for starting to wind down their use is early 2025.
Reminder that your old Google Analytics files (aka Universal Analytics) will no longer be available after July 1, so download them now! “...consider archiving back to 2018 or so to ensure you have pre-pandemic data since the pandemic really presented data anomalies for many companies.” There is a spreadsheet add-on to make this easier. 
Google’s March 2024 Core Update finished rolling out April 19. “A Google spokesperson said, “The updates led to larger quality improvements than we originally thought – you’ll now see 45% less low quality, unoriginal content in search results, versus the 40% improvement we expected across this work.” Experts are struggling to analyze it, in part due to how long it lasted. Not surprisingly, Reddit was a big winner, and sites with a lot of ads and affiliate links continue to lose. 
An update on how long your titles should be for Google. “So whether your titles get cut off or rewritten in SERPs, Google still uses the HTML title tag for ranking considerations, not the titles shown in SERPs.” The author’s research is too limited to draw reliable conclusions from, and most other research in this area over the last decade shows that shorter titles tend to rank better. However, she has pulled together many recent statements on title length and how it works, which is useful reading. 
A reminder that “keyword difficulty” is a subjective score that different tools may not agree on, and that also depends on your overall site/shop and its history. This applies to all sorts of keyword tools, including those used for marketplace sites. 
It looks like Google adding its AI to search results will have a strong impact on traffic, as it will answer questions without the need to click, and “only 47% of the top 10 traditional search results are sources for SGE.” [SGE is now called AI Overviews.] That means if a page is outside the top 10 now, it may still be used to generate the answers, and could even get clicks from being displayed in SGE. 
Still with AI, Google was fined €250 million by France for using news media to train its AI, Gemini. 
Google admits to deindexing many, many pages in February, due to quality issues. 
A recent article dissects why Google search is so bad these days, and largely blames one man. While you can read the original here, you may want to start with a decent summary and the reaction from Google and the SEO community. 
Here’s a full list of Google changes and announcements from April.
Not Google
Both Microsoft and Google had excellent first quarters, with ad revenue up 12% and 13% respectively. “Bing reached over 140 million daily active users.”
OpenAI is apparently not starting their own search engine, contrary to rumours.
SOCIAL MEDIA - All Aspects, By Site
Here’s another of the periodic posts that tries to figure out the best times to post on different social media sites. It covers Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter and Pinterest. 
Direct Messages are now available on Bluesky. 
Facebook (includes relevant general news from Meta)
In another recent AI fumble, Meta has introduced an AI assistant to its various products in several countries - but you can’t turn it off in the search bar. It may also show up in group chats, including discussions about parenting. “The Associated Press reported that an official Meta AI chatbot inserted itself into a conversation in a private Facebook group for Manhattan moms. It claimed it too had a child in school in New York City, but when confronted by the group members, it later apologized before its comments disappeared.”
Here’s more on Meta’s automated ad issue that is ramping up costs but decreasing sales for many, including small businesses. 
Meta is now offering its Verification for Business subscription package to more countries, and has added new tiers as well. 
While Meta had a strong 1st quarter financially, it projects weaker results through 2025 as it spends a ton on money trying to guide its AI offerings to profitability. 
Instagram added some new features, including “Reveal”, which blurs Stories, and only releases the content once you DM the creator. 
Reels under 90 seconds perform better on Instagram than longer ones. 
To help avoid scammers on Instagram, learn how to identify and block fake accounts. 
Instagram’s Creator Marketplace - where businesses can search for influencers to promote their product - is now available in 10 more counties, including Germany, France and Indonesia. 
You should be optimizing LinkedIn posts for the platform itself and outside search engines. The article includes tips for both personal and business pages.
LinkedIn is adding games you can play once a day, which sounds weird for a professional network. 
Pinterest’s summer trend report has arrived; apparently maximalism is in yet again.  
Reddit is one of those sites that is getting worse lately as people try to get Google ranking through it (which is a whole other SEO story I have covered in these updates before).
ChatGPT will now be training on Reddit comments. The agreement meant a huge stock boost for Reddit. 
Reddit is trying to attract more French-speaking users by auto-translating the site in real-time using AI. 
After plenty of user complaints, Reddit is starting a new awards scheme. 
You can now edit your Snapchat messages within 5 minutes of sending, if you subscribe to Snapchat Plus. 
Meta wants more content on Threads, and is willing to pay well-known creators to create it. Invite only, of course.  
You can now filter out unwanted words on Threads. 
While the US government has voted to ban TikTok if the company isn’t sold, there is a lot of time left before that could happen, and a legal battle to be fought. TikTok has already filed a lawsuit, as have some major creators. Meanwhile, small business owners and creators are understandably worried. From an article by the BBC: “According to March 2024 data from TikTok, more than seven million small US businesses use TikTok, and the company reported it drove $15bn (£12.04bn) in revenue for these enterprises in 2023.”
How to rank on TikTok: the Ultimate Guide. Some of the tips include hashtags, keywords, and choosing the right thumbnail. 
There are several ways to remove (or avoid) the TikTok watermark if you want to use your TikTok content on other platforms. 
Twitter’s domain has finally switched over to X in some locations [but I will still call it Twitter].
(CONTENT) MARKETING (includes blogging, emails, and strategies) 
Time to gear up your content marketing plans for June. 
Search ads are converting less while costing more, something that has been going on for a few years now. “Advertisers are paying more for leads and clicks, while Alphabet, Google’s parent company, keeps reporting record profits.” This is one of the reasons the US Department of Justice argues that Google is a monopoly. 
Not enough AI in your ads? Google is solving that through video ads and more virtual try-ons. 
Google Shopping is going to start showing how many people have bought from each site recently, although businesses can opt out. 
Google is removing keywords from Google Ads accounts if they have received zero impressions in the past 13 months. While you can reactivate them, Google discourages that. 
You may be able to run Google’s Performance Max ads through particular marketplaces now or in the near future, if your marketplace signs up. For some businesses, selling through a marketplace might be cheaper than setting up a site. 
Social media advertising is now bigger than search ads, according to a recent report. Almost ⅔ of these ads are on various Meta properties. 
Slow economic growth in the United States in the first quarter of 2024 sparked worries that the rest of 2024 will be as bad or even worse. Even McDonalds is stressing that consumers can only take so much inflation. 
US ecommerce sales were up in the first quarter, more than overall retail. 
Some consumers are finding that ecommerce is tiring, offering too many options and no easy way to shop quickly. “Despite an increased emphasis on personalized experiences in recent years, 7 in 10 customers feel either no improvement or an increase in the time and effort required to make a purchase decision.” 
MISCELLANEOUS (including humour) 
Before returning orders to Amazon, make sure your cat isn’t in the box. (It’s fine, fortunately!)
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
I’m not sure if this is a good account to ask this but I’m trying to figure out how to get images to work on AO3. It’s some big complicated thing where you need to put the image on an image hosting site and link the image URL, but I’m not sure which one would work?
Legit AO3 basically just gives a list like “don’t use these ones” but not a list of reliable sites one could use.
I just found your account going through AO3 tags on here but do you happen to know any good sites?
That’s all, sorry for bothering you <3 have a good day/night :)
So you need to host the image somewhere. That's what those recommendations are. And one of those places is Tumblr itself so that is what I usually use because it's just easier and I am lazy (plus I'm usually going to post the image there anyway so two birds, one stone). So I make the post for the fic with the image on tumblr, save it as a draft, grab the image link, put it into the fic, and then post the Tumblr post.
But what you probably want is the actual HTML code which is just...
And that is literally all you need. Just switch to HTML view on the fic on AO3, put that into the test where you want it, switch back to the preview version and you should be good to go.
Now, if you want to get fancy you can do stuff like specify the width (add "width="75%" or whatever % or pixel size you want after image in that code above) or center it (put a div or p tag around the image code like <p align="center">[image code from above]</p> or just the same thing with div replacing the p) or even add a border (add border="2" after "img") or whatever thickness you wish but, at the most basic, the image code is all you need.
Fun fact! This is also how you can insert GIFs in your author notes and comments!
Does this help?
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olivegardenhunter · 4 months
i think my favourite thing about the space industry and space research is that some of our most reliable sources for raw data on space activities come from sites like Gunter's space page and Jonathan's space report and they're all just. really charming 90s-2000s style html websites that is maintained by the one singular person out of their own free will and goodness of their heart completely for free. some of them are experts in their fields while others are just hobbyists effectively and these unseeming websites get hella hella cited by things like space company reports or fucking government publishing and are highly regarded and recognised for being a highly reputable source.
what I'm trying to say is this industry would CRUMBLE if it weren't for the hard work and dedication by volunteers and enthusiasts that go unappreciated and taken for granted. what I'm also trying to say is I hope my economics professor, who does not do research into the space industry but has let me focus my assignment on it anyway, does not look at my resources and think that I do not know how to find reliable sources.
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briteredoctober · 1 year
Getting Sick of Hearing About Imaginary Beheaded Babies
Biden's administration admitted he lied about seeing pictures/confirming the event in his national briefing: https://news.yahoo.com/biden-not-seen-pictures-beheaded-135936703.html The IDF admitted that the claim has not been verified, and that only one news site ever reported it: https://theintercept.com/2023/10/11/israel-hamas-disinformation/ That site was i24, which is a Tel Aviv-based paper with a history of exaggerated and heavily propagandized coverage. They have no reliable source or evidence, either. All info traces back to one single 'journalist,' Nicole Zedeck, who has given multiple contradictory accounts. Her first account, she claims to be sourcing her information from on-the-ground IDF troops in the Zion unit (who are also under fire for other false claims): https://www.albawaba.com/node/who-was-behind-false-claim-hamas-beheading-children-1537549 After the IDF refused to back up her claim (shockingly, and even though Netanyahu did use it in his speech) and the US administration admitted they had seen no photographs or video, her story then shifted this morning to her having been a first-hand witness to these atrocities (I guess she forgot to hit record?): https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/who-is-nicole-zedeck-journalist-at-centre-of-40-babies-beheaded-story-refuses-to-back-down/ar-AA1i6nbJ
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