#are those sleeves like . made of ice or something and he just didnt want them anymore when he Rembered
a-big-chicken-nerd · 7 months
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the textures on zanes vs the ice emperors sleeves are NOT the same btw hes got a cool new outfit on for his reign of terror hes the most stylin emperor alive (ignore how the texture turns back as soon as he gets his memories back hes just built different)
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whoreanghae · 2 years
please stay ; jeon wonwoo 
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genre - fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers
wordcount - 1.5k
disclaimers - lowercase is on purpose. fic under the cut ^^
a/n - this is my first, very simple but the wonwoo brainrot would not quit!
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“im sick of your shit y/n, i really am.”
it seemed like all of the time spent with your boyfriend ended with an argument. dont get it wrong, you love him, but hes great at finding issues in every little thing you do. at first it was things like not texting him when you wake up in the mornings, or getting coffee with a friend from one of your classes, but recently he had thrown a tantrum over every move you made. the current argument at hand being the fact that he showed up at your apartment unexpected and you had only made enough dinner for yourself.
“i don’t understand what you expect from me!” you raised your voice, growing annoyed at his constant outbursts. “will there ever be anything i can do that will satisfy you?” he had an icy glare as he stepped towards you, while you were trying to act unbothered even though he had at least 6 inches of height on you.
“well maybe if you just did things right once in a while, i wouldn’t have to put you in your place so often.” there was a bitterness to his tone, and not an ounce of love to be heard. 
tears started to form at the corners of your eyes, but you wouldn’t dare let them escape. wouldn’t dare let him win. 
“i’m sure my ex wouldn’t have let it get this far. maybe i made the wrong decision all along.” 
he had a wry smile on his lips as he leaned against the wall, drinking in your shocked and hurt expression. he had always had this smug aura around him, but this was worse. this was cruelty. he was getting pleasure from your pain.
you tried to speak, but you weren’t able to form words. none that you wouldn’t regret anyways. “i… well if thats how you feel…” you looked down at your feet, hoping that if he doesn’t see the hurt painted on your face he won’t get the satisfaction he craves.
he laughed. “you know what? maybe i’ll call her. im sure you’d be just fine too, i’ve seen you with those singer fuckboys you think are your friends. you should call one of them, maybe you’ll be a better woman to them than you were to me!” he pulled out his phone and started typing something as he walked towards the door. 
“wait, ‘were’? what do you mean ‘were’?” you knew what was coming, but your brain didnt quite process it in the moment. 
he looked up from his phone, the same sick smile not leaving his lips the entire time. “god, you really are stupid, aren’t you?” he let out a laugh that felt like the twist of a knife. “we’re done, idiot! don’t bother calling me either, i already deleted your number.” he chuckled as he opened the door and disappeared without another word.
as your apartment door shut, everything hit you like a tidal wave. you crashed onto your sofa, sobbing into your hands and struggling to catch your breath. your entire world was in slow motion until a knock at your door brought you back to reality. you stood up, vision blurry from the tears, and walked over to the door. you opened it to be greeted with somehow the first, and last person you had wanted to find you in this state.
“oh my god y/n, what happened? are you okay?” wonwoo said, concern laced in his voice as he stepped towards you and put a hand on your arm to calm you. you tried to act like nothing was wrong, but everything was so fresh and wonwoos concern just made you unravel all over again.
you and wonwoo had been friends since you quite literally bumped into him whilst rushing around the city one day when you were running late to one of your classes. you had been speedwalking through the streets, rushing to get to your campus in time. you slept in, but you just had to stop at your usual coffee shop before class. being somewhat in your own world, you accidentally bumped shoulders with wonwoo and ended up spilling your fresh iced coffee all down the sleeve of his shirt. apologizing profusely, you quickly asked if you could send him money for the drycleaning, or just pay for a new shirt. he laughed the same laugh that would still sound like music to your ears months later. he assured you that it was fine, and even said that it was his fault. his one request was that you give him your number so that he could get you a replacement coffee sometime when you both were free. so you agreed. from then on, one coffee turned into two, which turned into three, which turned into movie nights and impromptu 2am drives when you can’t sleep. you never would’ve thought that your clumsiness would lead to meeting your best friend, but some would say it was fate.
you tried to tell wonwoo everything, but the only words that you could muster up between sobs were “he left me.” he stepped forward to give himself room to shut the door behind you two. wrapping an arm around your shoulders, he guided you towards the sofa. at this point he had entirely disregarded the reason he came to your apartment in the first place. you collapsed into wonwoos arms as you reached the sofa. he held you close as he whispered reassurances into your hair. 
just being in wonwoo’s presence helped to calm you down, so within 10 minutes you had been able to collect yourself and you were able to tell wonwoo the whole story. he was visibly angry, but tried to hold it in so he could comfort you and not stress you out further. after telling wonwoo everything that happened, you realized that you weren’t quite sure why he showed up in the first place. but its not like you were going to complain.
“i should’ve asked before, but what did you come here for anyways?” you said, quirking an eyebrow at him. he simply shrugged. “i came here before practice to grab the phone charger i left here on saturday, but i’m happy i came when i did.” the fond smile wonwoo had on his face made you feel like the only person on earth. 
“oh, you have practice?” you tried to mask the disappointment in your voice. you knew how important wonwoo’s job was, and you didn’t ever want to come in the way of that. but a part of you hoped he wouldn’t leave just yet.
“not anymore,” he said, looking down at his phone screen, “i just told the guys that something important came up. they’ll understand.” he smiled the same smile at you that he always did before. but this time it felt.. different? “unless you just want to be alone? i can leave if you want.” 
you looked at your hands for a moment before looking back up and meeting his gaze. “...please stay.”
that was all he needed to hear. wonwoo shrugged off his jacket and put it on the back of the sofa. you watched his actions intently. for some reason, the actions you had watched countless times before had started to stand out more than usual. the way he nudges his glasses up his nose, the way he runs his hand through his hair, why were these things so prominent to you now? you pushed these thoughts to the back of your head as you watched wonwoo open netflix on your tv. he scrolled through the options until reaching your favourite movie, the one you had made him watch with you too many times to count.
“wait, i thought you said you were sick of this movie?” you tilted your head towards him. he looked over at you, the same fond look you’ve been basking in since he showed up at your door. “but it reminds me of you, how could i ever get sick of it?” 
you playfully hit his arm and turned away to hide the rosy haze shading over your cheeks. he just smiled, knowing that he couldn’t see himself in any other position than he was right now. 
he put his arm out, inviting you to his side of the sofa. you obliged, scooting over to insert yourself under his arm and wrap around his side. he rested his arm around your hip as he quietly spoke. “listen, even if i have seen this movie thousands of times, i’ll be damned if i don’t see you smile at least once today.”
and he succeeded. you couldn’t do anything but smile as you sat snuggled into your best friends side, forgetting the earlier parts of the evening ever happened. soulmates were real, and you two were living proof. he was your soulmate, whether platonic or not.
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First Impressions
AYO its ya girl! let me pretend i didnt fall off the face of the earth for the entirety of july and august as i slide you Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Day 1- Meeting for the First Time 
Maribat Masterlist AO3 @maribat-bdbwm
Word Count: 1.2K words
Marinette could barely contain her excitement.
She was going to meet her father for the first time ever!
BD!Bruce Wayne Day 1- Meeting for the First Time
without further ado:
The plane ride was long and boring. Hours upon hours of listening to the whispered conversations and the poorly concealed snores was enough to drive normal people insane. The seat, though lavish and soft, grew uncomfortable after the first three hours of the fourteen hour flight. She slept, ate and watched two movies but there were still three more hours to go. Marinette’s neck had cramped from being seated for so long but not once did she let her discomfort show. She was a big girl now, all of ten years old, and she would not embarrass her mother and her training while being in first class of the plane. 
“Don’t look so tense, darling,” her mother’s sweet voice called out to her, a warm hand on her shoulder. “The plane will be landing soon and then you can stretch your legs.”
“Yes, maman,” despite her discomfort, she was still excited. It was her first time going to America and she was going to meet her birth father! Her parents have spoken of him a few times but each time left her yearning for more; yearning to know the man that made her, that gave her her eyes and pale complexion. She imagined all the possibilities. Was he kind? Was he secretly funny? He was probably as big as her papa! Her maman liked tall guys, she said it made her feel safe. Marinette wanted to feel safe too. He was a warrior, her maman had said, a hero. Could he fight like her papa? Her papa used his imposing size to his advantage, overpowering all his enemies but never causing a scene. Maman used to tell her stories about her papa, about how he used to be known as The Silent Bear, a strong fighter who worked with a group called the League of Shadows before becoming a member of their village. Was her father from that group too? Maman never told her how she met neither her papa nor her father. 
“Marinette,” her voice called her attention. “We’ve landed, sweetie, let’s go.”
Disembarking was a whirlwind of bustling bodies and luggage. The airport smelled different from the Pudong Airport. Not a foul smell, but it was stuffy with fear and anxiety. It made Marinette’s skin crawl. Her maman’s grip on her arm was anchoring as she was dragged throughout the airport and into an awaiting black car. It was nighttime and Marinette was, despite the long flight, still restless with excitement. She watched as her maman merely nodded at the driver before they were off into the night. 
The city was much different from where she grew up. She knew of only her maman’s village and the elders that lived there. The tall buildings, skyscrapers, her English teacher’s voice said, were infinite as they reached for the sky. Some looked old, lined in brick and gargoyles while others were steel and silver like the shiniest of knives. They complemented each other, like the blade and hilt of an old sword. The traffic was crazy though. Marinette has never seen so many cars going in the same direction except for the journey to the airport in Shanghai. 
On top of one of the older buildings, perched on a gargoyle, Marinette saw a shadow. She couldn’t tell what it was until it opened its wings and jumped, swooping over the city like a bat out of hell. 
“Maman! Did you see that?” She was shaking her maman’s sleeve to get her attention to the figure. “It’s him! It’s him!”
“Yes, darling.” Her maman’s smile was sweet and sent warm feelings all throughout her tiny body. “Just be patient, dear.” 
The car turned off the main road and in another five minutes was pulling up to what Marinette believed was called the Gotham Harbour. There were shipping crates and the distinct smell of salt water and dead fish. Marinette couldn’t control her face and turned her nose up in disgust. Not the worst smelling place she’s been but still not nice. The car crawled around corners until it stopped between two forklifts. Before her stood the same figure she witnessed in the city. 
The Dark Knight.
The Caped Crusader.
Her father. 
Her maman and papa had never referred to him by his real name; Marinette didn’t think he had one besides ‘Batman.’ He was always ‘the Bat’ or ‘Batman’ when her parents spoke of him. He cared for his city, he fought for justice and was an honest man. But she wanted, no, needed to know more. Would he win in a fight against her papa? Her maman? Her maman was rather fond of long-ranged weapons but her parents said he was a close-ranged fighter like her papa. The excitement was sweet on Marinette’s tongue. She had so many thoughts and questions to voice, none that she could voice from the seclusion of the car.
“Wait here, Marinette.” Her maman had a look on her face, staring out the windshield, boring into the man waiting for them. She had that look whenever she faced a troublesome problem. She fixed her with a softer look, her eyebrows relaxing but her dark eyes as cold as ever. “And remember your manners.”
It was like ice had been injected into her veins. Marinette put a lid on her excitement. Her mother had let her joviality run free long enough. She was representing her village now. She was not going to embarrass her upbringing. Her fidgeting stopped and she took large breaths to calm her heart and mind. She would not be naive into thinking her father would be as warm and welcoming as her dreams had crafted. But she still hoped. Just a teeny bit. 
“Yes, mother,” was her response. Her mother nodded at that and stepped out of the car without a word.
She couldn’t hear what they were saying and her lip-reading skills were not the best. Her mother barely came up to this man’s shoulders. Her deep red blouse was the only splash of colour against his black silhouette. Marinette looked at the crates that boxed them in and saw more figures hidden in the shadows. Those must be his birds. They were unmoving, and huge. Most of them.
Tapping on the glass of her side of the car brought her attention back to her mother. Her eyebrows were back in their previous scrunch. Taking a deeper breath, Marinette squared her shoulders and stepped out of the car. The chill of the air against her skin reminded her of her earrings, her greatest weapon if things went bad. 
She prayed things didn’t go bad.
With a final look at her mother, she stood as tall as she could and paced to her father. To Batman.
Holy cow, Batman!
This was the moment of truth. She would not embarrass herself or her family name. 
“Hello, father,” she started. She kept her voice low and as even as possible, remembering her manners. Her keen eye caught the hesitation in his breathing, she felt the energy on the harbour shift at her words. She took the silence, that lasted only a second, to fully look at the man before her. He was an impressive figure indeed and her mother liked her men tall, but something stuck out to her. Her curiosity rang out and threw her manners away. Her next words left her before she could fully think them over. 
“I thought you’d be taller.”
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peanut-in-the-goal · 3 years
characters belong to @lumosinlove
Logan and Finn had been together for years. Still, neither of them were happy. Not as happy as they used to be. Some nights it felt like old times, when everything was new and fresh, that honeymoon period of their relationship back at Harvard.
The soft smiles and quiet laughter. The way their hands brushed together when they walked. They went on car rides, one of their favorite pastimes from when they wore the crimson colors that they had grown to love. Finn remembers what it was like those days. He and Logan were young and immature, in for it for the fun, only serious about the game.
They had a good rhythm about it. Any drama or arguments they left off the ice. The ice was their home, it always had been since they were young, at different rinks, in different cities. It was familiar, smooth, something that was reliable to not change too much.
The lines on the ice were recognizable anywhere, marking their territory. There was something about the adrenaline that raced through them when they stood on the ice, that feeling of carrying the puck at your stick and gliding along the ice.
It was magical. Something that you couldn’t forget no matter how long it’s been.
But Harvard was a long time ago, years ago. Some days it felt like they were treading on thin ice around each other, doing everything they could so the other wouldn’t just leave.
The love was still there, but it was fraying between them, like a blanket that was being ripped apart at the seams. It ripped slowly but they were never complete without the other half. No matter how hard they wanted it, this relationship wouldn’t save itself, the two of them were willing to put in the work, but even that couldn’t save them. They were losing each other.
Everything was tense and stressful, Finn couldn’t take it. He loved Logan, he knew he always would, but he couldn’t do this anymore. They couldn’t play this game anymore, acting like everything was fine when it so clearly wasn’t. He couldn’t bear to watch Logan slip away without trying to pull him back in.
But he had tried that already, hadn’t he? He wasn’t willing to go along with this anymore and work and work and work to fix things when Logan didn’t seem to care.
He wanted out. So he was going to call it off. He couldn’t put himself through this anymore, waking up and seeing Logan curled up on the other side of the bed when he used to be so close.
He was so tired of saying things were alright when they so clearly weren’t. So as much as it pained him to say it, it was over. It hurt to love someone who made no show of loving him back.
That plan didn’t last very long.
Finn had been trying to find the right time to tell Logan, the days seemed to just drag on. Soon days were becoming weeks. He was starting to second guess himself, so either do it now or do it never.
He chose the former.
Finn decided to just tell him, choke down his nerves and tell Logan that this wasn’t working out. He swallowed, clearing his throat to get Logan’s attention.
“Logan, um. I—” He stammered, before inwardly groaning at being cut off. That might’ve been a good thing.
The door swung open, coach walked in with this tall blonde following behind him. Finn inwardly made a mental note to befriend this dude. Sirius walked forward immediately, shaking his hand. The two exchanged words, but Finn wasn’t listening, too busy looking him over.
Coach’s hand was resting on his shoulder protectively as the kid got his first look at his teammates. His eyes brightened up when they landed on Finn and Logan. Finn noticed his hand go to his left wrist, tugging at his sleeve there a little, pulling it further down to cover his wrists. The outline of a bracelet was visible through the cuffed sleeves.
Finn tried to gather his words and think of a more private place to talk to Logan but had to shake the thoughts from his head when Dumo steered the blue-eyed kid towards them. When had Dumo taken the coach's spot in showing the new rookie around?
He throws on a smile, extending his hand before he can even reach them.
“Mon fils,” Dumo smiles, clapping the kid—who Finn has realized is really fucking tall— on the shoulder. “This is Leo,” he pronounces proudly.
Leo’s shy at first, he shares a timid little smile where his dimples make an appearance. Finn thinks that it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
He catches the fond look that’s already gleaming in Logan’s eyes. Maybe, just maybe, things were knitting back together slowly.
Maybe Leo would help them in more ways than one.
Leo was around more in the weeks that passed. The weeks quickly turned into months, and the three were practically inseparable on and off the ice.
The rest of the team saw it too. Finn and Logan were obviously happier than they’ve been in a long time. Logan laughed more, his guarded eyes that they were used to seeing all the time were finally coming down. Finn smiled again, he hadn’t done that in such a long time. Sure, he smiled for the camera and the team, but something was always off about it, forced even.
Now it wasn’t. Now his smile was the way it was when he first joined. Free. He wasn’t worried about anything or anyone, it was just him, Logan, and the team.
But now it wasn’t just them. Now there was Leo. With his baby blue eyes that could light up anyone’s day just looking at him. The boy seemed so innocent from the moment they met him. He had looked around the locker room in awe like he couldn’t believe that he had actually made it here.
That one of the dreams he worked so hard to achieve was actually successful in the end.
Dumo had practically adopted Leo as he had with Cap. Like he would have with Logan had he lived with the Dumais’ and not Finn. Although Pascal has practically adopted everyone on the team as one of his own didn’t he?
There was still tension between Finn and Logan, especially when they lived alone in the same apartment. They had Leo over as much as they could, but he could only be there so long before going back to Dumo’s.
The peace couldn’t hold forever, something was bound to happen and one of them was bound to snap.
Leo just wished he wasn’t there to hear it.
On his way to their small apartment, he heard the yelling. It was loud, it was mean. It was hurtful.
Leo knew that Logan and Finn didn’t have the best relationship when he joined the team. That was easy to pick up immediately. He just never thought that he would be the reason for their misery.
When he heard the yelling he didn’t expect his voice to come out of their mouths, his name was spoken like it was acid on their tongues. He wasn’t even there, he didn’t do anything, so why was he the one who was being blamed.
The yelling didn’t silence when he turned the key in the lock. If anything Logan and Finn didn’t even spare him a glance, like he wasn’t even there. They probably didn’t even notice he was there to be honest.
It was like the fraying thread finally snapped.
Logan was red in the face, yellingand hurling insults that he’d regret a few hours from now. But at the moment he was too driven by rage and insecurity to protect, protect, protect. Anything hurtful thrown at him, he’d have to throw back something worse.
Finn’s face was blotchy, tears of frustration rolling down his cheeks. His hands waved around in front of him, trying to convey the words he was too choked up to say.
The room was full of nothing but harsh breathing for a moment, neither having anything to say to the other. Their eyes bored into each other across the room.
Leo let the door slam shut behind him.
Logan and Finn both startled, turning to stare at him standing in the entryway.
The fight seemed to drain out of both of them at once. Logan’s shoulders drooped and he turned to look away from both of them. Finn stubbornly rubbed the tears from his eyes with the palms of his hands.
“What the fuck?”
There was a beat of silence, no one said anything and Leo didn’t think he was going to receive a response. He was going to follow up on his question, asking what happened, why his name was getting thrown around and-
“I’m sorry…” Logan sounded small, like he was the one crying and not Finn.
Any questions Leo had were stored away for later.
“It was bound to happen.”
Suddenly Leo felt like he was intruding. They invited him over but he wasn't sure if he should be there, not when they were having a moment. Not when it looked like they may be finally healing.
“It’s not going to work out,” Finn continued. “This,” he gestures between the three of them, “isn’t going to work if me and you didnt work, Lo.”
Maybe not, Leo thought.
“I know.”
It was true, Leo knew. The two of them had had a rocky relationship since he joined the team.
But Leo thought he could make a difference, he thought he was enough to try and save their relationship.
He also loved them, he wanted this, he wanted to fight for them. He wanted them to stay.
But he also can’t be the only one who wants this to work, they all need to put in work for this relationship. He can’t be the only one pulling his weight.
Sometimes it’s better to save your breath. That’s what his father told him when he was younger and had just lost a friend dude to a silly argument. Some people are better to let go, they’ll hold you back and won’t make you happy. Always choose to be happy Leo, make the decision of fighting and giving up. Because giving up does not make you weak, some of the strongest people I know are the strongest because they gave up.
Leo really hoped he was right.
“I guess I should be going then.”
Finn and Logan nodded sadly, and Leo felt something in him break a little more. He turned and walked back out the door he came from.
Leo remembers crying on the way home. He hadn’t driven to their house, so the walk home felt like it took forever and no time at all.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Would you ever write something about daddy Henry giving his little maintenance spankings to make sure she behaves (because she's a little brat)?😋
Summary: Maintenance spanking for a naughty little girl who didnt want her icecream after dinner.
Warnings: DDLG, Spanking, Swearing, Temper Tantrums, a Waste Of Ice Cream
Tagging: @viking-raider
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"What the hell was that young lady?" Henry growled as he thundered down the hall hearing your foul language.
After throwing a tantrum in the kitchen about eating veggies you'd had the audacity to get up from the table without being excused and thought he let you eat ice-cream instead.
It was a ballsy move, opening the icebox freezer when he had told you not to and fishing out ice-cream he had forbid you from eating before finishing your dinner.
Henry had enough by that point, you'd done all this in front of him with a haughty little expression
You thought you'd be spared a spanking because of your tooth ache but you were wrong, very wrong.
After standing up and confiscating the spoon you'd got to eat your icecream you'd run off whilst he called for you to sit down and eat your dinner.
You huffed and left the kitchen tipping over your chair on the way out prompting him to follow.
And now here he was standing at the door to the living room where you had stormed off to and was now sulking.
"you want to repeat that to my face little one?" he growled hearing the half muttered curse words you were calling him.
"N-nothing daddy" you gasped panicking slightly eyes wide as you realise your little fit may have just cost you.
"Oh no go on daddy's a what? Come on tell me" he grunted tipping his head at you frowning non to impressed with you cussing him out under your breath.
"Go on princess what is daddy?" He grunted staring at you
"A... very handsome amazing king?" You tried to backtrack and pretend that you hadn't just been cussing him out to Kal who was sitting in the corner giving you the 'ooo your in trouble' eyes.
"Really because it sounded to me that you called me an asshole?" Henry asked shifting on his feet casually looking huge and intimidating by the door blocking your only exit.
"No daddy I-I'd never do that!" you spoke voice going high as you realised he may be serious this time.
"And lying too? Oh no poppet! No no no!" He growled crossing the room.
You squeaked and turned on all fours trying to scamper away over the sofa.
You were fast but he was faster henry managed to cross the room and sit on the sofa capturing your ankles and dragged you back as you whimpered yelling as he held you face down over his lap.
"Now here we go, a little brat needing a reminder~" he hummed striking your up turned bottom in a loud slap, the sting was instant even through the jeans.
"And why? Because daddy is an asshole that wont let you eat a whole litre tub of caramel ice-cream after refusing to eat your dinner" he huffed holding you down with one hand as you made a fuss.
"No I'm sorry daddy no!" You whined kicking out trying to find some leverage to kick off and escape.
Henry moved propping his knee higher so you wouldn't kick the table beside the sofa and knock everything off.
"Now now none of that, after all I'm an asshole and wont listen" he said in a jovial mood despite you being rude?
"bu-but daddy my tooth hurts!!??" you yipped trying to fight him but he was just to big and strong.
"and now your ass will too!" He muttered moved quickly tugging your jeans down as you squirmed wriggling your hips trying to get away only managing to help him pull them over your bottom dragging your small knickers with them leaving you bare.
You cried out covering your bottom only for him to tuck both wrists in one hand holding them in your back before letting out a chuckle.
"Oh baby look at this pale little rump~" he teased patting the still cold cheeks rubbing a little heat into them.
"Noo daddy please don't! I'm sorry!" you cried out as he move popping your cheeks a few times letting a slow warmth creep across them.
"Nothing says sorry like a little red tushy and you haven't had one of those in a while love its why your being a brat!" he commented before landing heavier spanks across your bottom.
You kicked out but it was futile, you whined in defeat hanging your head sniffling resigning yourself to a spanking.
"Good girl, now you hold still while daddy sees to this very naughty botty" he said cheerfully before beginning to administer a proper thrashing.
Your sobbing began quite quickly as he began to impart a lesson onto your vulnerable cheeks scolding you all the while about being rude and naughty.
You squirmed as he lit a fire in your ass giving you something to be sorry about, leaving stinging burning swats over the whole of your ass without breaking a sweat.
"there we go! A very red bottom~ Something to be embarrassed about"
"oh baby your butt is soo cute all red and hot~ like a tiny rip cherry daddy is tempted to take a bite" he teased as you wailed below the sting was to much and your bottom was swelling already.
" there we go! A very sorry little princess...Now you will be marching right back to the table and eat your veggies without the attitude!" he scolded finally tipping you up to stand you your own two feet beside him as you sobbed into your hands trying to hide your shameful tears in your palms.
"y-yes daddy... B-but my tooth really did hurt daddy" you offered pitifully as you wiped your face on your sleeves.
"i know, you have a trip to the dentist tomorrow for an emergency appointment" he explained slowly bending over to capture your knickers and began shimmying them up your legs.
"nooOOOoo daddy i dont wana goo!!!" you complained at him shaking your knees trying not to stomp at him before your undies were even covering you.
"well thats a shame isnt it? Your going now come on up we get" he drolled finally pulling your knickers over your bottom but made you step out of your jeans
"daddy?- I want-" you pointed to your thick jeans that would offer some protection should he decide to give you a few more swats.
"nope, these are staying off, its warm enough and means I can get to you easier if you start acting up again now into the kitchen" and stood up pointing to the door.
You blinked at him eyes still wet with tears, lip quivering but he raised a brow prompting you to spin and head for the door at a snails pace.
"mush" he said walking behinde you patting your tender ass making you yelp and move faster.
"now you will finish half of your mash potato and all of your carrots! Daddy made soft veggies specially for you tonight and your sore tooth" he instructed leading you over to your seat whilst fetching your plate out of the oven where henry had put it to keep warm before chasing you.
You sniffed but took the offered fork and began eating small bites feeling sorry for yourself.
Henry moved to the sink quickly rinsing his own plate once he was sure you were eating nicely.
"oh look? The icecream you were trying to sneak is all melted now well that is a shame isn't it?" he said whilst picking up the drenched ben and jerry's carton you had been trying to steal.
He shook his head and stepped on the peddle of the bin
You whined tearing up as the carton hit the bottom of the bin with finality.
Instantly you burst into tears again holding your arms out making grabby hands to him.
"come on love eat your dinner" the scolded nodding to your half full plate.
"b-but daddy that was a full carton?!" you cried out loud upset over the loss of your special icecream.
"yes well brats don't get icecream now finish your dinner" he said with no remorse what's ever
"but what about pudding?" you whimpered moving to nibble another baby carrot as slowly as you possibly could.
"you get none, now hurry and eat before daddy thinks you need another reminder to do as your told" he threatened calmly leaning back on the counter watching you closely as you picked at your food.
You looked down in self pity and began to eat a little faster
"if you finish everything on your plate you can have some chocolate custard" he caved unable to see you so miserable but wanted to remain firm.
"r-really daddy?" you sniffled peering at him shyly
"yes poppet but only if you clean your plate" he reiterated making you smile softly to yourself and nodded before eating your dinner nicely.
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honeydew-mel0n · 4 years
A Very Pink Revenge
Dante has been pretty rude to his S/O, so, the reader takes things into their own hands. Well, theirs and Patty's. (Also on AO3)
Anime Dante x reader (Heaven in a Devil's Palm)
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You have the luxury of knowing your boyfriends sleep schedule (or lack there of), as well as how deep of a sleeper he is. That information is dangerous. Especially after Dante decided to get on your nerves during your last job. Also equally as dangerous, you have access to a certain little girl who loves to give pink, frilly makeovers.
Sneaking Patty into the office wasnt the hard part, she somehow finds her way back in any time she wants, convincing her to let you do everything by her direction was. As someone who's had to endure her makeovers, you know she can be quite aggressive with putting in hair clips and aggressively rubbing makeup brushes all over your face. Dispite Dantes deep sleeping, you know it would wake him up instantly.
Patty leans against your side, holding into your sleeve with a vice grip. "Okay, blue eye shadow now." She whispers as you get a liberal amount of light blue powder on the brush, lightly sweeping it over his eyelids. You almost scream as his mouth opens, expecting one of his snarky comments to indicate the deep shit you'd be in. But instead your ears were greated with a light snore.
The two of you look at each other with a sigh of relief. Well, this will make it easier to apply lip stick. You finish up the eyeshadow, placing it back into your makeup back you grab a stunning red. It was your favorite, and for good reason. Cherry's in the Snow applied smoothly to this lightly chapped lips, thank god for its pigment.
A giggle is heard from below you and you cover her mouth, shooting her a scolding look. Patty nods and gestures to the black liquid liner in your bag. You nod back grabbing it and going to work. Kat Von D sucks as a person, but boy are you glad you were gifted this liner. Have fun getting this off babe.
You look back down and Patty puts her hand under her chin, nodding in approval. You lean down to her height, whispering. "Do you think we can get lashes on him, or just move onto your hair clips?" Her face lights up with a profound joy. "Lashes!" She whispers back.
You blow on the glue, waiting for it to get tacky. These were no weak thin lashes, absolutely not, okay this is a punishment. You place the thick, wing like lashes on your boyfriends eyelid then repeat. You take a step back to look at his beat face. The box of hair clips are inserted into your hands. You look at the obnoxiously pink clips and follow her directions once again.
You take a few photos before running to the couches, looking them over, the two of you giggling to yourselves. looking up, your boyfriend stirring in his chair, yeah, he's gonna be pissed.
Apon waking, Dantes face felt itchy. It usually does. Nothing to worry about. The entire shop was lit up in oranges as the sunset shown through the windows. A smile spreads on his face at the sight of you, with Patty against your chest. Both in a deep sleep. You've always been so good with her, with kids. He felt odd watching the two of you together, it made him long for something he didnt know.
You looked so sweet, the way the orange light made you glow.
Yeah, that's his angel.
He stands from his desk, stretching then walks to the bathroom, shutting the door before turning the light on. Both your and Pattys eyes shoot open, having been faking sleep, as a angry yell echos echoes throughout Devil May Cry. You grab her by the back of her dress and haul her out the door. "Go! I'll take the blame!" You slam the door shut and when you turn around he's already out of the bathroom. Storming your way.
"No I wont!" You throw back open the door only to have the back of your shirt grabbed. As you're yanked back, the door slams shut. You look up at him, those ice blue eyes holding only rage. You clear your throat, hoping to clear the air. "Hey baby, you look nice."
You sit, trembling, on his desk. Dante has never once put his hands on you, and never will. But you've seen what he's capable of, god he's kinda terrifying. The two of you sit, holding tense and uncomfortable eye contact. His tense shoulders slump with a sigh. "How do you get this shit off?" You let out a laugh, after all, that's all you can do when you're nervous. "Well, you can start by unclipping the hairpins."
He reaches up, tugging them through his hair, cringing at them as they pass through the tangles. "Oh my God, you know what?" You shove his hands away and start unclipped them yourself. "It wouldnt hurt as much if you brushed your hair more often." You mumble, which earns you a huff in response.
"Now whatever these heavy things on my eyes are." You cock an eyebrow. "You mean the lashes? Just pulled them off." He scoffs. "Sure babe, like I'm dumb enough to believe that." "You are dumb though." You say, grabbing one of the eyelashes and yanking it off. He flinches, obviously expecting his entire eyelid to come off with it.
"Its... that easy?" As you nod, he pulls the other one off. Noting how the glue still sticks to his gloves, Dante sticks it to your exposed thigh. You roll your eyes and reach for your makeup wipes. "Come here." Is whispered as you cup his jaw and wipe the makeup from his face. Lipstick, foundation, then the eyes. "Close them for me." He does letting you scrub off the pigmented shadow and annoyingly stubborn eyeliner.
You go over his face once more, making sure everything is off. "Better?" You say his face still in your hand. He nods, leaning against your hand. "You arent mad anymore?" "No, I'm still mad."
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pinkykitten · 4 years
synopsis: you make romance cookies for your friend Fred and finally confess to him. turns out someone had the same idea. 
a/n: im in a harry potter phase atm lol im like obsessed w it recently. i love fred sm he is so bf material like i want him in my lifeeeeeee. i think i got in my feels w this and made this so fluffy bc i was listening to selena quintanilla. 
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Add the chocolate icing on top. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. 
“Done,” you announced as you added the finishing touches. You wiped the powdered sugar on your apron that lingered on your hands. The hope within you spiraled out of control, wanting for Fred to like your present and hopefully feel the same way as you. Being at Hogwarts made you embrace confidence, it made you open up to the world around you more and more. 
You looked up, wishing, taking the chance as you poured the plate of cookies in a paper bag, cluttered with heart stickers. 
“What are you doing?” George leaned his head against his palms as he eyed the bag of cookies. Noticing the stickers, his smile widened and he grew a blush. “Oh, I see! These for a special someone?”
You rolled your eyes. Flicking his oncoming hand that was about to steal a cookie. “These are not for you. These are for your brother.” Today was finally your day. “I’m going to confess.” You embraced the cookies, love struck, as you spun on your heels. You were on cloud 9. Yes, you were terribly nervous but excitement bubbled inside. 
“Really? I didn’t know you liked my brother.” George acted shock. 
You were trying to hide your bashfulness. George was trying to act funny because you and him were very close friends. He knew everything about you, especially your big crush on Fred. He was trying to get you embarrassed and become a shy puddle. He loved to tease you. 
Continuing with your plan, you said, “I’m going to go to the common room and hand it to him there. I told him to meet me at 6. It’s almost time. How do I look?” You posed to George. Eyes full of curiosity and wonder. 
George looked closer. You had powder sugar on your nose. He chuckled, “you got a little something here.” He was about to wipe it off when you read the clock and it showed it was already 6.
“Oh gotta go. How time flies! Thank you George.” You kissed your besties cheek, waving goodbye. “Wish me luck!”
Heart was thumping, out of breath, you raced to the common room. The ends of your robe slapping against your skin and dancing from the motion. “Almost there.”
You finally made it to the common room and the sight almost made you cry. A girl stood there, big smile on her face as she handed Fred a present as well. Why was irony and a coincidence a thing? It looked more expensive too. Fred’s grin was wide and he was talking to the girl at a fast pace. Happy is what you saw. Unneeded is what you were. 
Looking down at your pathetic gift you almost wished you would have never developed this crush on Fred. He was known and you weren’t. This girl beat you to confessing, now she was his. 
A tear fell down your cheek as you brushed it away, ready to leave. Fred saw you out of his peripheral vision, leaving sad. 
“Excuse me,” he went after you, worried. You were someone so important to him. He knew when you were good and when you were not. He saw you in the corner, down on the floor, crying into your knees. 
“Love, what’s wrong?”
That nickname stabbed your heart. You knew it didn’t mean a thing. “It’s nothing, just bad day.”
“I know when it’s just a bad day, this is something more.” He slid down beside you. His comforting hand found its way on your knee. “C’mon darling, tell me please.”
You wiped your tears with your sleeve. “I saw you in there with that girl and she gave you a present.”
“Yeah, she gave me socks. Why? Did you like those socks?”
“No, it’s just. I had a gift for you and it’s not even that special. I don’t even think you’d like it.” You were wanting to end the conversation, ready to leave.
“Wait you had a gift for me? What is it?” He was acting cheeky.
You huffed, “you can have a look inside.” You gave him the heart sticker bag. 
Fred opened the bag and gave a tiny gasp as he looked at the cookies. They were so cute and precious, like you. “I love them.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“No really I do.” He bites into one and moans. “Wicked.” He smiled big, chocolate on his lips. 
You chuckled as you wiped the chocolate away with your sleeve. 
“You got something too.” Fred saw the powdered sugar. You wiggled your nose and crossed your eyes to try to see it. “Where?”
“Here,” he whispered as he wiped your nose. His face so close to yours. “I have to say something Y/N.”
“I think I-”
“Love you?” You inched closer to him. 
You bit your lip, “me too.”
a/n: i feel like george was like noel in gbbo like what r u baking today? lol also didnt know how to end this so srry fam.
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apolloamongothers · 4 years
What if Glatt can, just like Ghostbur, only remember happiness?
...and for some reason he recognizes absolutely nothing around him except for a young man with a bloody apron and a boy with burn scars across his face
And can you imagine the confusion and hurt when both turn away from him and seek distance whenever he just looks at them?
And he wakes up. And nothing around him looks familiar. He doesn't recognize the people, the buildings, the place people tell him used to be his house.
But as he takes a walk through the destroyed L'Manberg, he spots something, a figure in the distance, a tired face, a glint of burning eyes.
The memories are blurry, he's unable to comprehend them, understand them. He doesn't know who the man with the sunny yellow, clipped wings is, but something about those eyes burning with fiery heat feels so familiar.
But as Glatt moves closer, as the man makes eye contact and recognizes the pale ghost, a gust of wind suffocates the embers and the dull black is chilled by a freeze that Glatt can tell hurts both of them, though in different ways. He sees the icicles digging through flesh into the young man's guts, right through his ribs and freezing the blood. Only, Glatt can't begin to understand why. And as the man turns around and seeks distance, Glatt is left with the former feeling of dullness, of emptiness, of being lost. And confusion that no one is willing to explain is all that's left.
Glatt continues to wander, not seeing the young man in the bloody apron for weeks. He isn't sure if he will see him again. If the clipped winged man will allow it.
Eventually he comes to a tall building, so cold and unfamiliar that Glatt is sure he could see his breath form fog if he were to have any breath left in him.
He would just turn his back on the building that was so cold it froze even his immaterial bones. But there was something. Glatt followed the urge to go inside, even if it pained to be inside, if every step on the polished stone floor felt like ice shards digging into his feet.
He walked up stairs and down hallways, eventually coming to dark, gorgeous doors. Hearing no voices from inside, he stepped through the doors into the gorgeous office.
Portraits hung on the walls, one less familiar than the other. He spotted one - the man portrayed with strong horns and hungry eyes, a dangerous smile not playing but tearing at the corner of his lips - it was like looking into a mirror like those in the arcades he used to go to with childhood friends without faces - except instead of being obscurely large or intimidatingly tall, instead of feeling a laugh bubbling up in him like sizzle in a soda pop - all that filled his veins was nausea and the urge to run.
Glatt turned, finally caved in, and had he still have physical shoes he's sure the heels would draw an echo, a panicked rhythm, from the tall walls that seemed to give way any moment.
Glatt didnt allow himself to slow his hasty pace until he couldn't see the building behind the horizon, until the panic echoing in his hollow shell made room for the emptiness.
He walked down wooden plated paths the rest of the day, only reaching the outskirts when the sun was already on its way to rest after the way too long day.
It was quiet, Glatt reminiscing in blurred memories and empty thoughts as he imagined his feet making noise as they tapped down the wooden path.
A soft tune pulled him out of his state, the hair on his neck rising and his ear twitching, flapping once, then again. Another hum floated through the golden evening atmosphere, something akin to warmth blooming in Glatt's heart for the first time since the young man ran away from him.
Glatt followed the voice that had planted the seed to a comforting flower in his chest, that finally gave something to fill the aching emptiness.
He walked up a short flight of wooden stairs, and in the distance he could see a boy sitting on a bench under a tree. A record player was sitting nearby, though the music disc laid in the boy's hand as he hummed a caring melody. Possibly the melody from the disc? But why would he hum it instead of just putting on the disc on the record player? And why was Glatt able to predict every next tone the boy would hum?
Glatt didn't dare near the boy. Not after the young man ran away. He didn't want to risk the boy running as well.
So Glatt stood in the golden light, for once thankful he didnt have legs that could buckle and give away his presence.
His eyes were fixed on the boy, he was unable to tear away his gaze. He had brown hair, like Glatt did. He wore a neat suit, golden embroidery decorating the seams. It looked similar to the suit that beast on the portrait had worn.
But Glatt couldn't help but notice the small horns peeking out between the neatly brushed hair, the boy's ears pointing towards his shoulders limply as he stared at the disc in his hand and hummed the melody. Glatt remembered brushing his hands through that hair, lightly rubbing his thumbs against the riffles in the horns. The horns had always irritated him when he wanted to ruffle the boy's hair, always in the way.
Glatt tilted his head. Only now as the sun was almost gone, throwing last, desperate rays across the horizon, did he notice the burn scars dragging across the boy's face. They looked like an explosion, going out from the boy's chest. And they looked painful, no doubt. He couldn't imagine where they came from. Why would a child have marks of war? What happened to the boy?
The boy lifted a sleeve, wiping at the corner of his eye. Glatt remembered lifting his own hand to that boy's cheek, where the scar was now, thumbing away the small pearls of tears. What happened?
The boy got up. He opened the black box nearby, engulfed in purple particles. With both hands he carefully laid the disc into it, as if a simple gust of wind could damage the disc, break it for good. After closing the box, the boy turned and headed down the wooden path, his back turned to the lonely ghost.
Glatt took a silent step forward, reached out a hand as if he could pull the boy close.
The boy freezes in his tracks, stabbed in the back with icicles. Glatt can see the frigid water running down the boy's back, causing the hair in his neck to rise. Tubbo's ear twitches. Once, then again. He tilts his head to the side - not enough to see his full profile. He doesn't dare turn further.
"Tubbo, please."
Glatt's voice is lighter than the soft evening breeze, yet weighs down on Tubbo's shoulders like a blanket of stone and iron.
Tubbo's ear twitches again. Glatt can see his brows furrow, taste the salt he used to thumb away on the tip of his tongue.
Then Tubbo takes off, and once again Glatt is left with a feeling of confusion, and an icicle impaling his missing heart.
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l-egionaire · 3 years
Owl House Fic - Remember Me
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They'd been close before he was gone.
He'd called her his "princesa", his "pequeña estrella fugaz", and all sorts of of other cute nicknames delivered while she was swaddled in his arms or being given tickly mustache kisses by him.
He was the only person who ever seemed to be able to get her under control. Whenever she had too much energy and was bouncing off the walls, he'd give her some crayons and a pad of paper or ask her to help him with a project while making it sound like an exciting game. Thus, she was able to channel all her overexcitement into something productive. If she tried to do something risky, like play witch by jumping off her bed while holding a broomstick, he was able to talk her out of it and help her find a safer activity.
He was just as weird as she was. Where she was obsessed with magic and witches, he fawned over art. He talked her ear off all the time about famous artists, sculptors, and painters. He planned trips for him, her, and Mamá to go to museums, practically vibrating with joy at all the different works they saw. Anytime he didn't spend at his job at the auto shop was spent painting, drawing, and sculpting. She was always amazed whenever she saw his hands seem to almost effortlessly glide across a paper or through wood and turn an ordinary object into something extraordinary. It was like real magic and the first time she saw it, she begged him to teach her. Every Saturday became their art day where he would teach her his craft bit by bit, revealing to her the secrets of the magic he practiced.
More than anything though, he was her best friend. All the other kids were usually scared off by her intensity, so he was the only person willing to play with her. They'd read stories together, him doing funny voices and helping her sound out the hard parts. They'd eat massive ice cream sundaes smothered in peanuts, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce. Before diving into them he'd wink and make her promise not to tell Mamá he fed her so much sugar. They made so many drawings, crafts, and paintings that they almost ran out of room to put them all. He was without a doubt the person she was closest to in her life.
Which is why it hurt so much when he left them.
She was 8 years old. It was just an ordinary day, specifically a Saturday. Their art day. The two of them had been working hard on finishing a family portrait that they'd been working on as a surprise for the upcoming Mother's day. Unfortunately, he had been called in to work, so she'd spent most of the day in the living room waiting for him to come back, their art supplies set out and ready to use the minute to get back.
Her heart filled with joy when she heard the sounds of her mamá coming down the steps, sure that she was about to tell her that he was on his way home and ready to start painting with her. She moved to hide their half-finished painting from view as her mamá came in, but her smile faded when she saw the hollow expression on her face.
She'd never forget what she said next.
"Luz....mija, I'm sorry. Your papá, he's....he's gone."
Mamá then began to tell Luz how papá had been driving home from work but, another driver hadn't been watching where he was going when they hit her father's car. But Luz could barely hear her, as the words "your papá is gone" repeated inside her head. She didnt even react when mamá bent down and gave her a tight, shaky hug.
Luz went through the next week and a half completely numb. She did things like eating and going through the school day on autopilot. Whenever anyone talked to her she responded with short answers in a monochrome tone. Even her dreams, which used to be filled with vivid magical adventures were now empty and black.
She finally started to come to her senses on the day of the funeral. Mamá put her in a new black dress and they drove to meet with her abuela on her papá's side. The two of them embraced each other tearfully, mamá rubbing soothing circles into her back as she thanked her for being in his life.
They and the rest of his relatives all rode together to the funeral home. Inside was the casket with Papá's body inside. Everyone took turns going up to it and saying their goodbyes. When Luz and her mamá's turn came up, Luz felt a sharp pain in her heart at seeing him laying in the coffin. She had the urge to kiss him on the forehead in the hope he might wake up like the princess in a movie they'd seen together once. But her mamá held her back.
Afterward they had a ceremony where people came up and talked about Papá and his effect on their life. So many stories Luz had never heard about him. Once the ceremony was over they went back to the cars and drove to a cemetery where they had one more speech before Papá's body was buried.
As she watched them lower his casket into the ground, it all finally seemed to hit Luz.
Her Papá was dead.
Which meant no more art Sundays together. No more movie nights with she, him and Mamá snuggled up on the couch, the two of them sneaking kisses while Luz groaned at their mushy romance. No more coming down to find him cooking breakfast, singing along badly to a song blaring from the radio.
He wouldn't be there for her 9th birthday, or her 10th, or 11th. He wouldn't see her graduate from Elementary school along with all the other kids. He wouldn't watch her grow up and become a famous painter like she'd told him she would. They'd never finish their painting for mother's day.
Slowly the sharp pain that she'd felt back in the funeral home came back with even greater strength. It was so intense, she gripped her chest in the hope that would make it stop.
Luz wanted to cry. She wanted to scream. She wanted to leap down into the grave, bang her fists on the casket and beg her papá to come back to her.
She was seconds away from doing any one of those things or maybe even some combination of the three when she noticed the sound of sniffling come from next to her. She looked over and realized it was coming from Mamá.
For the first time since she'd told her about his death, Luz actually looked at her mamá. She saw the deep anguish on her face. Noticed the bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. Saw the heavy stream of tears pouring from her eyes despite them already being extremely red. Even her usual bun was frayed and frazzled looking.
Luz gently tugged on the sleeve of her dress. "Mamá? Are you okay?"
She sniffled heavily and warbly replied "Si, Luz. I'm sorry Mija, I just....I can't....." And that was all she could choke out before breaking down into heavier sobs.
Seeing her crying like that, the pain that was in Luz's heart morphed into a deep twisting guilt.
She wasn't the only one who'd lost Papá. Mamá lost him too. She wouldn't be able to go on date nights with him anymore. She wouldn't be able to greet him with a kiss to the cheek when she came down to the kitchen for breakfast. Never get to have their "alone time" Tio Rosa said they had whenever they got Luz to watch her.
And here Luz was. Only thinking of herself. So caught up in her own feelings that she completely ignored how her mamá was feeling. How could she be so selfish?
Despite how tough it was, Luz stuffed all her pain and sadness down and took her mamá's hand. She gently rubbed circles into the back of her palm.
"It's alright mamá. I'm here for you."
She didn't have time to think only about herself. She couldn't be that selfish.
Someone else needed her.
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This story takes place during the Sanders Asides Are There Healthy Distractions Episodes, suggested by @heavy-metal-papillon . The idea comes from Logan voicing Deciets line when he pops up to grab his hat from Logan, so in this story Deciet and Logan switched places in the episode.
Switching Sides
Summary: Logan wants some time to himself and Janus wants to enjoy a movie with the other sides in peace. They support and respect eachothers wants and needs, agreeing to switch places for movie night. In doing so, they both gained a bit more than they bargained for.
Warnings: none, but if you see any just say something!
Ships: platonic Lociet, past platonic Anciet
WC: 2, 305
Janus adjusted the his tie one final time, giving himself a once over in the mirror. His hair was combed back smartly, hat tucked away safely in his room for the time being. He had gotten the type right this time, and the white embroidered brain logo stood out against the plain black polo. The stiff dark Jean's were a little uncomfortable but the dress shoes fit nicely so he couldn't complain too much. This had to be perfect, even if it was a somewhat casual setting, he couldn't afford to-
"You know you could've just asked."
Yelping, he whirled around to face the real logical side currently sizing him up with a less than impressed expression. "We aren't discussing anything important today, why are you replacing me again?"
Janus sputtered. "I wasn't!"
Logan's eyebrow raised even more. "So my choice of clothing is just that comfortable, right down to the glasses?"
The deceitful side snapped his head up to glare at the other. "Not so loud! You dont know if one of the others would hear!"
Logan cleared his throat. "No one is left in the mind scape currently except us. Even Remus is currently hiding behind the couch. I assure you no one will overhear us, though of course I will call you Deciet if that would make you more comfortable."
Narrowing his eyes, Janus took a careful step back. "Why aren't you angry at me?"
Logan shrugged. "Why are you disguising yourself to simply watch a movie?"
"Because I-well in case...just in case something comes up that....hes using this to distract himself and that's sort of like lying to yourself so it stands to reason i would want to be there." Satisfied with jus excuse he glared at the other, daring him to argue.
But Logan simply nodded. "I've been meaning to get more work done anyway and would rather do that than watch Roman rig the vote multiple times only to complain about the plot of the movie he picked out. Straighten the tie and be careful."
"Just...just like that? You don't even care?"
"I require time to....gather my thoughts, after the more recent dilemmas Thomas seems insistant on making harder than they should be. Peace and quiet would be nice right now and if you're willing to take my place then I wont argue." Nodding more to himself, Logan reached out to hand him a thermos. "Caffiene helps stave off the inevitable headache. I highly recommend it."
Dumbfounded, Janjs could only clutch the thermos go his chest as he watched the logical trait walk back to his room and quietly shut the door behind him. Something he couldn't quite identify tugged in his chest but he brushed it off quickly and sunk down to the apartment below.
Patton was the first to notice him as he settled down stiffly on the couch, waving excitedly and almost spilling what looked like cocoa all over the floor in the process. Nodding he looked up as Roman began to speak.
"Finally! Now that we have our resident nerd here we can vote." Janus watched curiously as little slips of paper were passed around, narrowing his eyes at the clump that Roman hid in his sleeve but decided not to say anything. He looked over as Thomas cleared his throat, taking the paper offered to him with an excited smile which he quickly dropped in favor of Logans usual impassive expression. He didnt expect to win the vote, but maybe since it was movie night they'd watch all the suggested films to make it fair. He didnt really know how this was supposed to work, Remus and....well, nobody ever watched movies together in the part of the mind he resided in.
Quickly jotting down his selection he waited rather impatiently for the rest to finish, gripping the paper tightly as a hat was passed around.
He could only stare as the collection hat got to him. How had they gotten his hat? When did they even get it?....How often did they sneak into his room without him knowing? He wanted so badly to yell, take his hat and sink out, but that wasnt who he was right now.
"Hey L, you good?"
His head snapped up so fast he felt his neck creak. Virgil had never....not for a long time....that tone of voice wasn't for him. Virgil stayed with the "light sides" now, he only showed concern for them. Swallowing around the lump in his throat he reluctantly handed the hat back to Thomas to give back to Roman.
"I'm adequate thank you."
His hand shook slightly as he raised the thermos of coffee to his lips, but if Virgil noticed he didn't say anything.
Swinging his attention back to the current conversation he caught Pattons response to whatever had been said. "...voted for Frozen Roman but I'm still rooting for-"
"Oh my gosh! One hundred percent of the votes went to Frozen!"
He scowled as Patton cheered. "No, fu - falsehood, I did not vote for Frozen!"
"You didn't get a vote because you didnt wear a onesie!"
Taking a preemptive swig of coffee, he mumbled out, "I don't wear those anymore, they're too childish."
"No onesie, no vote, like our founding fathers believed!"
Janus snorted quietly, covering it up with an exasperated sigh as he settled more into couch. While the movie was being set up he glared again at the stolen hat on the floor, bringing out his phone discreetly.
Dee: I know I don't have much right to ask you this, but might I request a favor?
Logan: I assure you it's fine. What do you need?
Surprised at the quick response he continued to type, glancing up every now and again to be sure no one noticed his silence.
Dee: Roman stole my hat somehow, I was wondering if it would be possible cor you to get it back? I know you don't like shifting but I'm not sure how discreet it would be for me to try and get it as you.
Logan: It isn't that I don't like it, I'm just not equipped to be good at it. It does not make logical sense to disguise oneself, therefore I am at a disadvantage when it comes to such things. However, I can replicate your scales if I may have permission to 'raid your wardrobe' so to speak. Only with your permission of course.
Dee: Thank you and it's fine. Just dont go snooping around. You may not like what you find.
Logan: I will not. I have no reason to do anything other than procur clothing and so that is all I will do.
Sighing in relief, Janus settled back somewhat comfortably to watch the movie, letting the other sides' idle chatter wash over him.
"Fear will be your enemy."
Janus snuck a glance at Virgil at this line, glancing back away quickly at the look of panic that flashed across the anxious sides face. He wondered if Virgil would ever open up about his true nature....though perhaps until things truly calmed down it was for the best he remained determined to be closed off.
He nearly jumped out of his skin as Remus popped up suddenly behind him, clapping his hands at the prospect of Anna and Elsa's parents dying at sea, seemingly completely naked and comfortable enough to showcase go the entire living room. Janus shot him a warning look as Remus peered at him curiously, thanking God that for once Remus seemed content to keep his mouth shut.
"Wait, Hans is tricking Anna making her believe hes in love with her, but shes not around...why make that face?" He had watched the movie before of course but now that he had people to discuss it with that weren't making sexual innuendos every other sentence he felt much more comfortable speaking out.
"Yeah your right...."
Janus promptly turned out the rest of Roman's sentence, discreetly entering the date into his phone that Roman had admitted he was right in something, even if he didnt know who he was speaking to.
"Do you think this place has a lavatory?"
"Ice toilet!" Patton giggled.
"Or a bed?" Roman countered.
"Ice bed!"
"This place sounds awful." His nature made his blood run colder than normal anyway and the thought of sleeping on a freezing cold bed on top of a mountain surrounded by walls of ice made him very much wish he had in fact worn his onesie.
Janus chugged another mouthful of coffee in irritation. "You meddled with the vote to ensure we would watch this and yet you're the one constantly making fun of it."
"Look, this is how I show my love!"
Janus rolled his eyes and settled back into the couch wondering if Roman showed his love this way with the others just as much as he did with his beloved disney films.
Janus watched as Virgil voiced his thoughts on the matter that had made them all plan this movie night in the first place. A familiar kind of second hand hurt tugged in his chest while the others' thoughts spiraled further and further, unconsciously blanketing the room with an ever more suffocating blanket of anxiety. He watched as Roman grimaced from across the room, Patton fidgeting in place and gripping his mug ever harder and Thomas dragging fingers through messy hair as Virgil only continued talking faster and faster, becoming more and more worked up as the literal word vomit consumed any rational thoughts left in the room.
"Thomas, Virgil?" He waited calmly as Thomas peeked out from his hands and Virgils panicked face snapped towards him. Pushing down the old familiarity he continued on. "Please do me a favor and name me five things that you can see."
"Staircase." Thomas sighed.
"Impending doom." Virgil quickly countered.
"A future without friends."
"Now four things you can feel."
"A bad feeling."
"The couch."
"Three you can hear." He smiled in relief as Virgil began to participate more, visibly calming as his mind was brought back to the present.
"The fan."
"The ice machine for some reason."
Thomas really needed to fix his appliances. "Two things can smell."
"Clean shirt."
"The deodorant Thomas put on because....he was gonna go out tonight."
"And one thing you can taste."
"A sour taste in my mouth probably leftover from those reheated tai noodle leftovers."
Both variably more calm, Janus tried gently explaining the technique he had used, though he knew they both already knew it seemed like a good idea to remind them that they were allowed to use the technique whenever they needed it.
"Thank you, Logan." Thomas breathed out as he leaned forward tiredly.
Janus smiled, going to take another swig of his dwindling coffee when he caught site of a figure dressed in black and yellow on the stairs, nobody having noticed his presence yet.
Allowing himself a smirk behind the thermos, he responded. "No problem. Just your cool teacher being his cool self."
He smiled slightly wider as he heard a quiet scoff from the figure, just loud enough that he could hear it. He hoped Logan didn't think he was making fun of him, this was a rare day where he hadn't lied once around the others.
Logan settled quietly on the stairs til the end of the movie, seeming content to join them quietly until Roman brought Janus' hat back out.
After they had discussed the movie's ending, with Virgils anxious thoughts still persisting, he realized they needed to do something else that more actively distracted them all from the situation. As Roman brought out his hat to vote on another activity Logan stepped in quickly, Virgil hissing at him much to Janus' amusement while Logan snatched his hat back without a glance in his direction.
"I was looking for this! Don't touch my shit!" Janus bit his lip hard to keep from busting out laughing at the reality of Logan swearing at Roman for him, a warm feeling enveloping him as the others continued with whatever conversgion they had moved on to. His focus came back as the ending of some kind of Frozen fix it fanfiction was being discussed, making it very hard not to feel smug as his suggested was acted upon and Thomas definitely seemed happier than he had previously. Not being needed for whatever ridiculous story was sure go come out he sunk back down into the mind scape, startling slightly when he appeared right next to Logan who was currently fixing a spare tie as he left Janus' room.
"Ah, you're back. I left your hat on the bedside where I assume it was taken in the first place. I'm the future know that with a little concentration we are able to keep certain sides out of our rooms. I would suggest you utilize this to prevent future thievery."
Janus shook off his disguise and held out the stolen tie. "Thank you...for letting me, well you didn't have to allow me to ho in your stead. I....appreciate the trust."
"Keep it." Logan gestured to the tie before turning away. "Just in case."
Janjs watched in confusion as Logan returned to his room to lock himself away again, finally sighing and turning to his own. Smiling a little he laid the tie carefully in a drawer before plunking his hat back on his head, shoulders sagging in relief at the familiarity.
It was nice to pretend to be someone else and talk with fake friends. But maybe, in allowing himself vulnerability, he had found himself another real one.
This work is also available on AO3!
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1a-imagines · 5 years
Their first time cuddling with you.
Request: love what you've done so far. may I request the fluffy feel scenarios of first cuddles for our top boys Izuku, Todo, and Kat. first try at cuddling can be so awkward and just precious despite being a weird new experience
characters: Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki.
Ok something was definately wrong here.
You and Midoriya had been relaxing and watching some old hero videos online after a hard day of training. You both wanted to relax for the night but everytime you got too close to him he would completely shy away from you.
For example, when you had shuffled closer to him to see the screen better he had ended up shuffling away. You noticed his behaviour but figured it was probably nothing and when you shuffled closer again. It wasn't until he shuffled away yet again that you got suspicious. This same thing repeated until he ended up falling off the couch.
"I think I'll just stay down here." He chuckled nervously, which only made you more confused. He would rather sit on the floor than next to you?
The second incident happened after you convinced him to get up off the floor and sit beside you again. You had went to hold his hand but he moved it to grab his drink of the coffee table and instead of putting it back down once he was finished, he just kept it in both his hands. You suddenly felt as though he was doing this on purpose and it was worrying you.
It was getting old and making you really self conscious. You had asked if he was ok but he just froze up and denied that anything was wrong.
You knew him better than that though. Something was definately on his mind. You didn't question it further, not wanting to make things even more uncomfortable than they already were.
An hour later you two had decided to finish the videos some other time. It was really late. You hadn't noticed the time flying by, your mind was too preoccupied with worrying for your boyfriend.
You felt too tired to move off the couch and go to your room, you contemplated just sleeping here for the night. You tried to fight against your eyes, in hopes they would stay open but you weren't winning. You let out a small yawn and went to rest your head onto Midoriya's shoulder when he noticed you getting closer again, He shot up to dodge it but he only ended up hitting the side of your face with his shoulder and you hissed out in pain.
"Oh my goodness! (Y/n)! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" He knelt down in front of you, his face full of worry. He had completely forgotten about everything else and now only felt guilty for hurting you. He couldn't see your face properly because your hair was been covering your eyes but the sight only made him worry more.
You rubbed your now sore cheek with your free hand, a frown etched onto your lips. Had you done something wrong? Did he already not want to be with you anymore? Was being near you that awful to him?
Midoriya almost jumped back when he heard you sniffle. Had he made you cry? Did he hurt you that bad? His heart was beating so fast it made him feel sick. He reached forward and shakily grabbed your hand, causing you to finally look up at him. You eyes were glossy from the tears building up in them. "I'm so so sorry (y/n) I-if it hurts too much we can get you some ice-"
"That's not why I'm upset..." You muttered, drying your eyes with you sleeve, none of the tears had spilled, luckily, so you wouldn't end up with tear stained cheeks at least.
"You've been avoiding me all day. Did I do something wrong? Do you not like being near me anymore?" The question had completely caught the boy off guard. Sure it was obvious he had been avoiding your touches lately but he didn't think you'd assume it was because of anything you did and especially not because he didn't want to be near you. He took a deep breath and sat back down next to you.
"Of course you didn't do anything wrong, and it's not that I don't want to- c-c-cuddle you. O-or h-hold your hand. I do want to! I just... this is all really new to me and I don't want to mess it up."
You blinked a few times at his confession, feeling completely dumbfounded. "Th-thats why?" You chuckled softly, feeling a little better that it wasn't for the reasons you had thought. "H-hey! Don't laugh at me.." Midoriya tensed up a little as his cheeks flushed red.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just- how on earth could you mess up cuddling with someone?"
"I-i-i- well- what if I'm not comfortable, or what if I'm not warm enough? What if you dont like it? What if-" he got cut off when you rested your head onto his shoulder. This time without getting an injury. He sat there, still tensed up but shyly placed a hand around your waist. Trying his best to sink into it. You both leaned back to get more comfortable, and after a few minutes, the awkwardness eventually passed and you both started to find each others warmth had a soothing affect. You were so comfortable curled up into his side, your arms wrapped around his torso, he had one hand around your waist and the was playing with your hair. It didn't take long before you both began to fall asleep cuddled up to each other.
"This is nice. Let's do it more often." Midoriya muttered in a sleepy daze. You grinned when he tightened his hold on you.
"I can't believe those jerks! I mean- I try so hard to become a better hero and yet all my family can say is. "You could do better." As if I'm not even trying! I know I have a lot to live up to but it's not fair! No matter how hard I try They always find something I'm doing wrong-!"
The blond let out an irritated sigh as he sank further into his bed. You two had been hanging out in his dorm room when he noticed something wasn't right with you. You had been silent for the most part and so that caused him ask you what was wrong.
But now he slightly regretted it because you had been pacing back and forth, ranting, for a good hour now. At first it started with you yelling about not doing so good on a test despite all your hard studying and then it went to your family life and how they don't appreaciate a single thing you do. Don't get him wrong, at first he was upset and pissed for you when he heard what your family had been saying. He felt bad you had been working so hard and not getting anywhere. Hell, he had even tried to comfort you but he couldn't get a word in edge wise. You didn't even take a moment to breath and it was starting to piss him off.
He was almost certain if he got up and left the room You wouldn't even notice. You were too busy letting off all that steam you had apparently been holding in.
His crimson eyes followed you around his room and he felt a small tug on his heart when he realised just how much you had been keeping to yourself. You looked about ready to have a mental breakdown. Tears threatening to spill, your cheeks red with anger and fists clenched up tightly. He didn't realise how bad you had it, you had always acted so happy. Like nothing was wrong with you. He never would've guessed you had been carrying all this stress with you this whole time.
He knew you weren't going to let him get a word in so instead he opted for grabbing you by your wrist and pulling you on to the bed. You let out a squeak of suprise, your ranting finally coming to an end, as you fell into his arms.
Bakugou wrapped both his arms and legs around you and pulled your back to his chest. Holding you there in a tight embrace. "What are you doing?" You almost stuttered from the feeling of him pressed right up against you.
"You wouldn't shut up..." He muttered into your shoulder. His hold on you was strong, it made you feel safe, he was so warm too it helped you calm down and you felt much better being in his arms. Although you couldn't deny how shy you were about it. You two hadn't been dating long and he wasn't exactly the most affectionate guy. So this really did come as a shock to you. It was the first time he had ever held you like this.
You relaxed into his hold after awhile, feeling a lot less shy about it than when he had first pulled you down. His grip didnt loosen at all, no matter how many minutes went by. You both sat in silence whilst you held onto each other. You felt yourself leaning back into him and placing your arms over his, your tears drying and your muscles relaxing.
"Listen you dumbass." He broke the silence. "It's obvious you've been keeping too much to yourself. Next time you have a problem talk to me about it. Don't just fucking pent it up until you burst. It's not healthy. I shouldn't even have to tell you this!" He grumbled against your shirt. You couldn't help but smile, these moments were rare but they really did show he cared about you
"Ok. Yeah, you're right. Sorry "
"You better be! I had to listen to you running your mouth for a whole god Damn hour." He finally lifted his face from your shoulder and you turned your head to meet his eyes.
"And as for your family. They don't see you at school, Or in training. They don't see all the effort you put in, but even so- their opinions don't matter. The only opinion that should matter to you is your own."
You hummed in appreaciation and closed your eyes, your cheek was now pressed to his as you traced small shapes into his arms.
"You're right. Thanks katsu."
"Of course I am, idiot. Where would you be without me?" He smirked and you almost wanted to roll your eyes but you knew he had a point. He did make you a much stronger person, both mentally and physically, so you really didn't know where you would be without him.
"You know, this is weird. You being the one to calm me down? Usually it's the other way around." You teased him and he grumbled under his breath in annoyance. "Don't push it or I won't ever cuddle you again, brat." You knew that was a lie. He seemed just as happy as you were right now, Being in each other's arms was so nice.
"You're so warm..." You rubbed your nose into his neck before pulling a face. "Kind of sweaty, but warm." You didn't even have to open your eyes to know he was glaring at you. You felt him pinch your side and you let out a shriek.
"What kind of shitty compliment is that!?"
"A truthful one?"
"You're a fucking nightmare."
"Aw~ I love you too."
Your eyes sparkled with excitement as you carefully read through the pages of the newest manga you had bought. It was becoming so intense, so deep, there was so much left to uncover about the main character. Would they finally win this battle? Get the love interest? Well, more than likely but you wanted to know how they did so. You were so intrigued by the plot line reality was becoming distant. Like you were being completely sucked into another world. It wasn't until you felt a pressure on your shoulder that you lifted your head from the manga. You turned to see your boyfriend had sat beside you on your bed and placed his head onto your shoulder. He was staring at you with a slightly mischevious look.
"Is something wrong shouto?"
"Well, I've been calling your name for the last 5 minutes, but it seems you were in a different world to this one." You felt you cheeks heating up and you used the book to try and shield him from seeing the embarrassment on your face.
"O-oh? I'm sorry. I didn't realize. Did you need something?"
"Not really. I just wanted your attention for a bit." His bluntness only made you blush even more. He was always so forward with you, there was no beating around the Bush with him. He didn't speak a whole lot but when he did it was usually just what was on his mind.
"It's nice to see you so happy when you're reading that manga, but I think I'd prefer to be the reason you smile."
You felt slightly amused by he confession, he really did want your attention that bad? Just how long has you been ignoring him for? Not that you had meant too in the first place. You both were almost always in each other's company but that doesn't mean you both talk every minute of the day either. Sometimes you both would just do you own thing whilst the other was around. Like today, you had both been reading. You could've done it alone, sure, but it was just nicer doing things beside the person you cared about most. You personally loved the fact you both could have fun together and not need to always be talking. It took away a lot of pressure. Just being beside each other was more than enough for you two.
Of course you couldn't deny him the attention he wanted and so you put the manga down and shuffled closer to him, lifting up a hand to run it through his soft hair. You were a little nervous about it honestly, You two hadnt been this close before. However Todoroki didn't seem bother by it at all. In fact he was really enjoying the affection. When your fingers came into contact with his scalp however, he shivered and reached up for your hand. "Your freezing." He muttered softly, holding onto your hands tightly and using his quirk to heat them up a little. You sighed in contentment. "That's so nice."
You sank closer towards his warm body and rubbed your face into his hair. His head was still firmly planted on your shoulder and it was safe to say you were both so comfortable you never wanted to move away from this position ever again. Of course that wasn't possible, but you could dream.
After a good while of comfortable silence you looked over to your desk to see your phone had lit up. Someone must've been messaging you and you wanted to know who it was. It was probably your family asking about how school was going. You hadn t gotten to see them as much because you lived in the school dorms now, but you still tried to message them every day.
"Hey, Shouto? I need to get my phone." You spoke softly through the silence, You didn't want him to let go but you didn't want to ignore your family either. If you ignore them for too long they'll get worried and spam you until you reply. You didnt want that kind of guilt hanging off you. However, when you didn't get a reply you shifted your head so that you could see his face. His eyes were closed and his breathing was steady. You giggled quietly to yourself.
"You fell asleep?" You heart fluttered with joy, he was so comfortable he had fallen asleep on your shoulder? It was so incredibly adorable you almost squealed in delight but you didn't want to disturb him so you had to swallow it down. This was the most peaceful you had ever seen him and you weren't about to destroy that.
You closed your eyes and placed your head on top of his own. Your family could wait.
"Sweet dreams, my Prince."
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buginabog · 5 years
Grow Old With Me?
Summary: childhood friends to lovers arc because WHY NOT
Pairing: Royality, analogical,
Warning: homophobia
Patton sat on the swing, swaying back and forth slightly, watching the other kids play. It wasnt that he didnt want to play, it's just that he was too shy to talk to anyone, and no one came up to him really.
"Hi! I'm Roman! What's you name? Do you want to be friends?"
Well, other than this kid. Patton blinked at him in shock, and then smiled, "Yeah! My names Patton!"
Roman grin took up almost his whole face, "Hi Patton!" He held up the plastic sword, "d'you wanna quest with me?"
Patton hopped off the swing and picked up a stick, brandishing it like a sword, "let's go!"
Roman stood under the awning with Patton, talking energetically as he waited for his dads to come pick him up.
"-and THATS why Eugene is the BEST Disney prince ever! Even my Papi agrees, he agrees a lot actually. Dad says he has a crush on him because he likes him so much!"
Patton tilted his head, confused, "you have two dads?"
Roman's smile faltered slightly, "um, yeah, is that ok?"
Patton thought for a second, and then nodded, smiling, "yeap!"
Roman's grin returned full force, "great! By the way, who's your favorite Disney movie?"
And they talked and talked until one of the monitors called out, "Roman Sanders! Your parents are here!"
Roman smiled and waved to Patton, "see you tomorrow best friend!"
Patton smiled back and waved, "bye Roman!"
Roman climbed into his car, "hey Ro! Have a good first day of kindergarten?"
Roman smiled at his Papi, "yeah! I made a new friend! His name is Patton and hes really cool and he has a Winnie the Pooh backpack and he fought a dragon witch with me and hes my new best friend!"
His Dad smiled at him in the mirror, "I take it you had fun today, Roman?"
Roman smiled back, "I did!
Logan smirked at his husband, "I told you he would be fine."
Virgil huffed slightly, "you wound me, my love."
Patton woke up excited. Why? Because it was the first day of third grade, and he would get to see his best friend for the first time in three months.
He got on the bus nervously, hoping none of the kids had gotten mean over the summer. Thankfully, and kind of sadly, no one talked to him as he walked to his seat, everyone was tired and ready for the day to begin.
He walked into his new class, hoping it had Roman in it, but he didnt see him. He walked around, looking for a seat that was somewhat on its own, before he was hugged from behind, "Hey Pat!!!"
Patton turned around, smiling at his best friend, "Hi, Roman!"
Roman smiled, grabbing his hand, "let's go find places to sit!"
After Christmas break, the teacher went up to the front of the class guiding a little boy by his shoulders, "everyone, this is Emile, say hello!"
The entire class chorused, "Hello Emile!"
The teacher smiled, and turned to Emile, "is there anything you'd like to say about yourself?" Emile shook his head, looking at the ground. The teacher smiled, "that's ok dearie!" She looked around the room and her gaze landed on Patton and Roman's desk, which had one other kid, "why dont you sit over there, ok?"
Emile nodded and walked over slowly. As he sat down Patton smiled, "hi! I'm Patton!" Emile smiled slightly, but didnt say anything back, instead opening a book and starting to read.
It was fifth grade that Patton realized, he liked guys maybe more than other boys did. It wasnt his fault he hadn't noticed! He thought everyone liked boys like that! It wasnt like he didnt like girls though, so he couldn't be gay. He had had a 'girlfriend' in fourth grade! Well, they had never kissed or anything, but still! It wasnt like he was gay!
One night, in sixth grade, when he was sleeping over at Roman's house, he decided that the best person to ask about whether or not he was gay would be one of Roman's dads.
He walked into the kitchen, where Mr. Logan was grading papers, "Mr. Logan?"
Logan looked up, "yes Patton? Do you need water?"
Patton shook his head, "uh, no, I just... had a question..."
Logan frowned and leaned back in his chair, "about what?"
Patton nervously bounced on the heels of his feet, "well, I, uh.... howdidyouknowyouweregay?"
Logan frowned, "what possessed you to ask me all of a sudden?"
Patton chewed on his bottom lip, "well, I was thinking, and I realized I like guys, like, a lot, but I also like girls so..."
Logan smiled, "have you ever heard of bisexual? Or pansexual?"
Patton tilted his head, "uh.....no?"
"Its basically when a person likes people regardless of gender." Logan explained.
Patton sighed, "oooooooohhhhh. Oh, ok." He grinned, "thanks Mr. Logan!"
Logan bowed his head, "my pleasure Patton."
One day, in seventh grade, Roman strutted into the classroom wearing a red skirt and gold long sleeved shirt, he was also wearing a golden necklace with a small dark garnet on the pendant.
Patton blinked at his friend for a minute, not fully computing the image in front of him, "...what are you wearing?"
Roman smirked at sat down, "a skirt, was it not obvious?"
Patton giggled a little, "yeah but... you can DO that?"
Roman smiled, "of course! It's just clothing!"
Patton looked at the desk, "oh."
Roman's smile faded, "is it weird? Do you not like it?"
Patton shook his head, "no, no, I love it!"
Roman tried to ignore the small thrill that went through him at that, "then what's wrong?"
Patton thought for a second, "well, nothing actually!"
Roman grinned, "perfect! Because I look awesome."
Patton giggled, "I'd have to agree."
"Yeah Pat?"
"...I have a problem."
"With what?"
Just after Roman had uttered the question, Remy Somnus walked past, the problem in question, he smiled slightly at Patton, "Hey Pat!" They said, raising their hand in greeting.
"Um, hi, Remy" Patton squeaked, blushing bright red. Remy smiled before moving on.
Something twisted in Roman's chest, something dark and ugly and... painful. But he shoved it down at Pattons pleading eyes. He always was a sucker for those puppy-dog eyes. "Please help me. I'm a disaster around them."
Roman laughed despite the pain in his chest, "obviously."
Patton grinned, the gleam that entered his eyes whenever he was about to pun returning, "I need, roman-ce advice!"
Roman laughed, "one of your better puns Pat!"
Patton gave him a little bow, "thank you sir"
Roman smiled, "but yeah," he internally screamed, but what came out of his mouth was, "I'll help you with Remy."
Patton grinned, "oh my- THANK YOUUUU!"
Eighth grade was the worst year of Roman's life. He had, true to his promise, helped Patton with Remy. Unfortunately, that worked. So Patton and Remy dated for the entirety of eighth grade.
However, halfway through summer vacation, Patton called Roman.
"Sup Pat?"
"Are you ok?"
"... can we go get ice cream?"
"Let me go ask my dads..."
His dads said yes without much protest once he explained how dejected Patton had sounded over the phone, and drove him over to Pattons, and then to an ice cream place, where they told Roman to text them when he was ready to leave and left them alone.
Roman licked his ice cream cone, "soooo, what's up?"
Patton stabbed his ice cream with his spoon, "...me and Remy broke up."
Roman feigned sadness while the asshole inside him danced around laughing, "what?! What happened? Who do I need to beat up?"
Patton looked at him, shocked, "no! You dknt need to beat anyone up!"
Roman frowned, "then... why are you so sad?"
Patton sighed, "they told me that they thought I was into you and told me to choose you or them."
Roman was stunned, "and... you chose me?" His hopes soared higher than a skyscraper.
Patton looked taken aback, "of course! You're my best friend!" His hopes fell all the way back down to the ground, and then some.
He smiled, "well, thanks."
Patton grinned, "of course!"
It wasnt until tenth grade until Patton returned Roman's feelings, Roman had come to school wearing a high waisted skirt and leggings, and a red tank that said, "The Prince" in glittery gold letters. When Patton first saw him, he almost had an anime nosebleed moment. Roman noticed him and grinned, running toward him, "hey pat! Like the outfit?"
Patton nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
"You ok? You look a little like an owl there buddy."
Patton shook himself back into reality and smiled, "no, no, I'm fine. You look amazing!"
Roman grinned, "I know right?"
Roman invited Patton over for the night, their New Years tradition since first grade, and Patton was intent on telling him how he felt.
His first opportunity came during dinner, the talk had turned to romance, with Logan and Virgil telling stories of when they were first dating, Roman had sighed wistfully and said, "I hope I have such a compelling story to tell my kids."
Patton could have said something, he opened his mouth, but he... he couldnt.
The second came as they were playing a game, "I wish as many people liked me as they like you." Roman said.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, so many people like you. I'm just... there."
'You're so much more than that.' Patton thought, but he said nothing.
The third opportunity came at midnight, he was going to kiss Roman to start the new year off right. But... he couldnt.
But finally, while Logan and Virgil were setting off fireworks, and Roman was looking at them, awestruck, and he looked so beautiful in the shades of red and pink and yellow, and finally, Patton tapped Roman on the shoulder. Roman turned to him, his smile slightly confused, "yeah Pat?"
Pattons heart was beating a thousand miles per minute, and finally he exhaled, looked Roman in the eyes, and said, "please dont hate me after this."
Roman frowned, "Patton what do you mea-"
Patton cut him off with a soft kiss. Then he pulled away, "was that ok?"
Roman looked at him the same way he had looked at the fireworks, "Patton, I-" he sighed, and smiled, "yeah, it was perfect."
They kissed again, until they were interrupted by Virgil yelling, "Wait! Wait! Which one of you finally did it?" Roman and Patton looked at him in confusion, but Roman pointed at Patton. "Dammit! Now I owe your father twenty bucks!"
Logan smiled and draped his arm around Virgils shoulders, "I would take a different kind of payment."
Virgil rolled his eyes, but smiled as he leaned in to kiss his husband.
The day before eleventh grade started, Roman opened the door, which someone had been banging on with the force of a medieval battering ram, and saw, "Patton?"
His boyfriend was red in the face, and panting, and sweating like he had ran all the way here. There was a canvas duffel bag at his feet, and tears running down his face. He rushed at Roman and hugged him tightly. "Whoah, whoah, babe? Are you ok?" Patton mumbled something into his chest, "darling, I cant hear that."
Patton pulled his head away, and started talking through his sobs, "my, my mom, found out, she, she found out I'm pan, and she, she said it's just because, just because I've been around your, your family, and she, she kicked me out."
Romans eyes flared and he wanted to find that bitch and strangle her. But right now Patton needed him. "Shh, it's ok, I got you, ok? We're gonna figure this out."
"Roman? What's going on?" Virgil walked into the entrance hallway and saw the scene, he took in the duffel bag, the crying Patton, and Roman who looked like he wanted to strangle someone. He put a hand on Pattons shoulder and asked him softly, "do you need a place to stay?"
Patton nodded, and Virgil nodded back, "ok, you can stay in the guest room." He glared at Roman, "no he cannot stay in your room."
Roman whined, "why nooooot."
Virgil raised an eyebrow, "hes your boyfriend. Do I have to explain further?"
Patton laughed as Roman muttered, "I guess not."
Roman adjusted the cuffs on his suit jacket. He was dressed in a red jacket with black slacks and a white shirt and gold bow tie. "Patton! Are you ready? We have to leave soon!"
"Almooooost!" Came the call from upstairs. Roman waited a few seconds before Patton sung-called "I'm ready!" Roman turned towards the stairs and had to catch his breath. Patton was wearing a long sleeved blue blouse, and a swishy yellow skirt, separated by a pink ribbon with a bow in the back. He was wearing a white headband and a rose gold necklace with a small rose pendant on it, all with sky blue flats with small bows on the toes. He smiled and twirled, then placed his hand in Roman's, "ready for prom?" He asked, his eyes shining.
Roman grinned, "of course."
They were twenty five and walking through the park on their anniversary. Patton was fiddling with something in his skirt pocket, had been the whole date, and Roman noticed, but he didnt say anything. They walked up to a fountain, and stood, watching the water fall for a minute, before Patton began talking, "Roman?"
"Yes mi amor?"
Patton sighed and turned to him, "we've been dating for 11 years, and they've been the best years of my life."
Roman looked at him, confused, "mine too."
Patton smiled and bounced slightly, "well, I just cant believe that all of this is real, and... well, I'm not good at romantic declarations so..." he got down on one knee.
"Oh my god." Roman brought his hands up to his face in shock.
"Roman Royal Sanders,"
"Oh my god" his eyes started to fill with happy tears.
"Would you grow old with me?"
"Oh my god YES! YES!" He flung himself at his boyfriend-fiancè and hugged him, then kissed him.
Patton pulled back and slid the ring onto Roman's finger, a band of gold with a ruby sun set on it.
Roman took a breath as he looked at himself in the mirror, he was wearing a black and white tuxedo with a red tie. He took a deep breath and shook his hands out. "Nervous?" Came from behind him.
Roman turned around to see his Papi in his black and purple suit. "Papi!" He said, and ran and hugged him, he pulled back, "to answer your question, yes. Very. I'm very nervous."
His Papi smiled, "did you know I was nervous when I married your dad?"
Roman frowned, "you make it sound like you were so confident though!"
Virgil laughed, "yeah, well, I was. But I was still nervous." He clasped Roman's shoulder, "it's a big move. I'd be worried if you weren't nervous."
Roman smiled, "thanks Papi."
Roman looked at the archway where his now-husband would come through. The wedding location could barely be more picturesque. It was a large field full of wildflowers and ringed with trees, the archway was draped with babys breath and yellow tulips. And then Patton walked through. He was wearing a beautiful white dress with blue train, he had a flower crown on his head, and a bouquet clutched between both hands. He was so handsome.
The priest said all the usual things, and then left them to their vows.
Roman went first, "Patton, when I first met you, we were so young, and we've grown and changed since then, and I quite like it all. But what mesmerizes me the most, is how, out of millions of galaxies, planets, universes, we ended up here, holding hands, getting married, and I could not be luckier. So, Patton Thomas Hart, I take you for my lawfully wedded husband."
Patton smiled, "Roman, when you first met me, I was a shy, lonely little kid, and I wanted a friend more than anything, and you gave me one, and so much more. You helped break me out of my shell, helped me figure out who I am, you helped me when I needed it, and even if theres no such thing as soulmates, you're the closest I could get. So, Roman Royal Sanders, I take you as my lawfully wedded husband."
(Can yall tell I've never been to a wedding before? Oh, wait, I have, I just wasnt paying attention)
Roman paced the waiting room, breathing heavy, and trying not to faint. Patton smiled at him from his seat, "Roman, honey, itll be fine."
Roman groaned, "what if I mess them up? What if they hate me? What if, what if,"
Patton stood up and rested his hand on Roman's arm, "Roman, honey, b r e a t h e."
Roman sighed, "yeah, yeah, ok."
Patton smiled, and the doctor came in, "you can go in now sirs."
They walked in and smiled at the girl on the hospital bed. She smiled tiredly and gestured at the crib holding the baby. "There he is, can I just... hold him for a second?"
Patton nodded, "of course." He picked up the baby and gave him to his mother.
She smiled sadly at the baby in her arms, "hello there. I'm sorry, but these men can give you a better home than I can, ok? I'm not ready. Not yet. But they are, you be good for them ok? They're your dads now." She smiled at them, tears in her eyes, "what are you gonna name him?"
Patton held her hand, "Thomas."
She smiled, "ok, Thomas, this is my goodbye, ok? Bye bye."
Patton kissed his new son on the forehead, and smiled up at Roman, then looked back to the tired girl on the hospital bed, "we'll take care of him."
She smiled, "good."
Patton breathed in and out as he laid in the hospital bed. It had been a long life, and he was ready to go. He smiled at Roman, who was crying. "No, you can't go, I'm not ready."
Patton smiled sadly and put a hand on Roman's cheek, "I am, and I will meet you there, I promise."
Roman breathed out, "ok, ok."
Patton laughed weakly, "thank you for growing old with me, Roman."
Roman kissed him softly, "I would do it over again in a heartbeat."
Patton smiled as he sank into the pillow.
He died with a smile on his face.
Roman ran toward the lonely boy on the swings, "Hi! I'm Roman! What's your name? Wanna be friends?"
The other boy blinked, then smiled shyly, "yeah! I'm Patton!"
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the kings daughter
part three
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he knew her father only threw these big fancy dances because she loved them, she loved the laughs, the music, the gowns,the dances and she loved being care free
"oh isn't it wonderful papa!" she twirled roynd him hugging his arm placing her chin on his shoulder to look up at him, he smiled down at her lifting up her hand before bowing
"indeed,may i have this dance sweetheart,"she smiled bouncing on her feet before dropping to a small curtsy
"why of course papa,"he looked to her a smile still on his face as he led her to the floor
it was a fun dance with alot of twirling and lifting and laughs filled the whole room it was a flurry of dull coloured dresses yet it still hurt his head,but he then saw the males moving away from their female partners and soon anne was leading a dance but what shocked him was how she carelessly hiked her skirts up showing of her slim legs and heels that seemed to accentuate her legs even more, the woman and men were both shocked that she had a no shame in showing her legs, the ladies behind her lifted the main layers up and left a light one so their legs were covered
"wouldn't mind being inbetween those legs,"sigurd slurred in ivars ear to which ivar swung round almost knocking him out
"you best watch your mouth dear brother,for i shall not be so kind next time you say something crude,"sigurd just did not care, If he got a wooden stake up his arse ivar was positive he wouldn't mind
sigurd stood up wobbling hands up in mock surrender "okay,okay,okayyyyy," he trailed the 'y' out stumbling backwards into a man carrying a glass of french wine "my apologies sir," he moved away from the unimpressed man
"I'm terrible sorry for him my lord, he seems to forget his place most time,"ivar shook his head disappointingly,to which the man gave a small smile, and he was about to say something but dropped into a bow
"your grace," ivar turned round to Anne a soft smirk playing across her crooked lips she nodded her head pearl earings bobbing "and my prince, it is fine, thank you for the apology, but i must take my leave for i see my son over there and id like to speak to him
"are you enjoying yourself my prince?" he nodded staring as she lowered herself to the floor arms resting on the arm of his chair, although the room was still loud the sounds had toned down as she sat on the floor staring up at him,she was beautiful,different but beautiful none the less,and her eyes were dark almost as dark as her hair but they still were enchanting
"you're presence makes it all the more enjoyable Anne," his eyes widend as he let her name slip past his lips and the statement "forgive me your grace I-" she laughed holding her hand up in dismissal
"no, please call me Anne, and if i may call you Ivar," he smiled at her French accent that peaked through, especially on his name, he nodded and carefully took her hand and placed it to his lips
"you look beautiful,Anne," she blushed casting her dark eyes away from the prince but not before looking up at him through her long lashes
"would you care to dance my prince?" he was shocked at the proposal it was no shock that he was a cripple and could hardly walk straight up
"but my condition,"she smiled softly standing up shaking her head, as he looked up at her his mouth open in shock
"this dance you will be able to do my prince, i can assure you, now, come on, are you a mouse or a man," he sighed grabbing his crutch pushing himself up out of his chair, anne placed her hand in his and he shook a bit as it was the hand he always placed on his leg to steady himself
"dont worry, I've got you," she whispered smiling as the crowd parted "i wont let you fall," he turned to look at her,he didnt know how she always managed to be so sweet im everything she did,no one ever treated him like she did, she was kind to him almost as kind as his mother
"you promise?" he whispered against her dark hair she nodded, he could feel the jealous stares of all the men in the room but he did not care all he cared about was the female twirling around him, her curls kissing his arms
Asluag watched as they danced happily, shew watched the girl for any moves that would show she wanted her little boy for some sort of power but yet there was none she seemed to be perfectly fine with her rank she was spoilt as she was her fathers youngest, the smartest very virtuous and not to mention his only daughter who learnt how to read and write
"so wife," asluag turned to her husband who plopped onto the chair beside her "what do you make of her?" he question raising his cup to his lips looking towards his youngest and lady Anne
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"she's as intelligent as she is beautiful"she nodded to her self smiling as her son looked down laughing as Anne hit a lady with her long sleeves but the laughing stopped as ivar was shoved into Anne making them both topple to the floor Anne under ivar but ivars hands wrapped around her head and her back sheliding her body from the rough floor
"a cripple with the greatest beauty in the world? look at him he couldn't even hold himself upright" asluag watched with a watchful eye as Anne rolled ivar over carefully onto the floor and stood up taking ivars blade with her
"you dare come into my kingdom and shove my husband and insult him?!" her voice was no longer as sweet and soft it came out strong powering over the noises in the background "i should have you blood eagled for your disrespect to my prince," shock, it was a mutal feeling between everyone, how could she know what blood eagling was? she was a christian women but as he was about to open his mouth her hand latched onto the back of his neck nails digging into the sides as she pushed the blade to the underside of his jaw
"your majesty,"she pushed it closer drawing blood "i mean no disrespect to you," she shook her head a dry laugh leaking through her lips
"by disrespecting my husband, you have disrespected me," her hand moved quickly slicing a clean line through his throat blood covering her face,jewels and gown "and for that you shall pay the price," she stared as his body crumbled beneath her,she twirled around blood falling to the floor "let this be a lesson, a warning to anyone who disrespects ivar the boneless,any of the princes for thst matter, this was a merciful death, but the next time,i shall not be so merciful," she wiped the knife on her gown before helping ivar up and walking with him to his father and mother his brothers sat mouths wide as she dropped into a curtsy as if there was no blood on her
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"you killed a man infront of everyone! and for what? your husband? who is not your actaully husband?!" her mother shook her head blonde waves shifting above her shoulders "you made yourself seems as though you cared for those heathens, even worse, you acted like a heathen,a heathen whore,dancing with him,kneeling before him in low cut dresses,lifting your skirts up to show your legs," Anne stared eyes filled with unshed tears,she shook her head
"mama,you know i never meant to embarrass you all but, they're just humans like us! They don't go shoving their religion down peoples throats,if you can belive in your god then they can belive in theirs, why are you always so cruel?" it was true her and her mum clashed like ice and fire though at times they did get on and in her mothers way altough she may not see it she had mothered her the most
"because i care for you!" her mother rushed to her side silken green dress pooling to the floor as she clutched her daughter's hand in hers "in my way i have mothered you the most out of my children!"
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Closure P2
Happy Monday! As you guyscan tell by the title, I finally finished Closure and it’s been a really long wait for this one as I couldn’t decide which ending to give it but ultimately decided what fit more so I hope you like it ^_^
If you have not read part 1 you can find it here.
Pairing: Reader x Wonwoo
Words: 3594
The next day, Wonwoo waited at the cafe anxiously. He had arrived several minutes earlier and ordered your favorite drink and his go to drink. Caramel Macchiato for you and an iced Americano for him. After a few minutes, the bell above the entrance chimed signalling that someone had entered and he grinned seeing you walk towards him with a shy smile.
You took a seat and let out a steady breath. There were alot of things you knew you wanted to say but at the same time, you weren’t teenagers anymore and you weren’t sure how it was going to go.
“I’m glad you made it” he said with a smile, “I hope you don’t mind, I ordered us coffees already.” he pushed the cup towards you. “Caramel Macchiato right?”
You smiled at him for remembering your favorite drink after all these years but then again, it was more or less the only thing you ordered when you were craving caffeine.
Taking a sip you were shocked to taste the something extra that only he of all people would remember.
“You...remembered…” you said softly looking at him as he blushed slightly nodding. He had ordered you a caramel macchiato, but included an extra shot of espresso and extra caramel which was exactly the way you liked it.
“You always liked your coffee strong but couldn’t handle how bitter it would be so you would balance it out.” he said softly before taking a sip of his coffee and an awkward silence consumed the two of you.
After a few minutes, he broke the silence with an awkward chuckle.
“So how does it feel to be known as the inspiration behind MonstaX’s current album.” he asked leaning on his arms.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you shook your head, “The guys are giving me too much credit.  We all worked on it together. Each of them put in an equal effort and that's made what the album the way it is.”  you explained purposely leaving out that you wrote three of the songs for Monsta X as a gift.
“Regardless, it shows how much you’ve grown over the last few years….” He hesitated as he thought of his next statement not wanting to upset you. “Is….is that why you left all those years ago? I know that you and Jihoon were close because it was something you were both passionate about so  it shocked all of us that you left suddenly..” he looked down, “Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving...I mean…we were so close that I thought that you’d…” his hands clenched in front of him thinking about all the emotions that went through him when he found out that you left Pledis. Disbelief/Confusion, hurt, sadness and maybe a tiny bit of anger but most of all, heart broken.
He couldn’t figure out why you decided to leave Pledis. He thought you were still training and working towards your goal of becoming an idol but when the news finally broke that you left a few weeks prior to their debut, he was absolutely crushed.  From that day on, you were a constant in Wonwoos mind, what were you doing? Were you safe? Were you secretly in touch with any other member? Why did you cut off all contact and most importantly, why did you leave?
He looked back at all the times the two of you spend together, from the first meeting to the  coffee runs and late night walks after practice. You two had fun and he truly felt that you were special to him. He was a quiet guy and was hesitant to open up but you understood that about him and that's why you got so close so fast. Because he didn't say much, you would do most of the talking but at the same time, as he got more comfortable with you, he started speaking more and more to the point where your conversations would last hours on end. The two of you talked about anything and everything. Your frustrations as trainees, your family that you left back home to pursue your passion and even books that you read as you were both very avid readers. Looking back, he really couldn’t find a time where you were unhappy nor did the thought of you wanting to leave cross his mind. You were close with a lot of people there so he couldn’t find any reason.
He looked up and saw that you were deep  in thought. He cleared his throat making you look up at him, “I just...want to know when it all started. We used to tell each other everything until…”
“ you and the rest of the guys were set to debut…” you finished making eye contact and realization fell on him like a ton of bricks.
Once Pledis announced that Seventeen was going to debut, everyone was so excited that the boys started working harder than ever and thinking back to it now, the moment it was announced that Seventeen was going to debut, things changed right away and the two of you did see less and less of each other. Because he was so focused like the rest of the boys, nothing else really mattered and it was probably then that you felt the urge to leave.
You were close with both Jihoon and Seungcheol and the two boys were leaders of their respective units and he knew you were also close with a few of the members with Pristin whom you trained with for a long time but outside of that, he knew that you joined Pledis and had left most of your friends behind.
“You were lonely…” he said quietly. “It doesn’t make sense though, you were set to debut and you had the composition under your sleeve. Jihoon always talked about it during practice, how your rhythm was always on point and that your pieces were unique…”
“And I thought that was enough” you said looking up at him, “I thought that with everything going on, not having you guys around as often was okay.” you looked down again, “But after a while, I felt like I was dragging behind everyone. Come on, I’ve been training for as long as Nayoung, Seungcheol and Jihoon but I wasn’t going anywhere with it. I didn’t feel myself and the only time I felt like I could fully express myself outside of composing was hanging out with you during our breaks but during that time period,we barely acknowledged each other. You were busy and I was trying to stay busy. Do you remember the last thing we said to each other?”
Wonwoo looked at you thoughtfully, his arms crossed as he leaned back on the chair. What  were the last things that were said between you two? He felt guilty because he couldn’t even remember, was he that inattentive during that time period? He thought that things were okay between you two. He saw how busy you were and in turn he kept himself busy as well with barley anytime for a break.
“I’m sorry…” he said truly not being able to remember. He looked at you, guilt evident in his eyes. “I really…”
“We saw each other between practices and I said good luck because it was the day before your official broadcast for SeventeenTV and you smiled at me with a nod and continued to walk….” you stated emotionlessly. You weren’t angry anymore. You were in a better place in your life and had zero regrets.
“I didn’t do that...did I?” Wonwoo asked and you nodded your head. “I am so sorry… I didn’t realize…” but you held up a hand before he could apologize anymore.
“I realized then and there that I didn’t want to become an idol. I saw how stressed you guys were getting and honestly, I just wanted to write music and seeing you all go down the idol path, I had to have a long talk with Bumzu and Baekho before the official decision was made for me to leave.” you explained, “I couldn’t talk to Seungcheol about it, he would’ve tried to get me to stay regardless and Jihoon would’ve done the same thing.”
“What about me?” Wonwoo asked automatically, “You could’ve always come and talk to me. We were close Y/N and we told each other everything and then one day it changed but never in my heart did I ever think that you were anything but the amazing person you were. You saw me for who I was before any of the other guys did, you were someone who kept me sane for the most part and I would talk to you about everything...I just thought you would do the same…” he let out and rubbed his temples.
“You were so busy with debut preparations that I couldn’t find it in my heart to bother you.” you answered, “There were so many times that I couldn’t handle it and sure, I’d be able to talk about it to Rena or one of the other girls but I knew they truly didn’t understand what I was really going through. At Pledis,I felt so stuck because everyone wanted me to debut. Next to Nayoung, the execs had high expectations and I literally felt like I was being shoved into a mold that I couldn’t fit..” you took a sip of your coffee, “I was unhappy Wonwoo and I guess after you stopped confiding in me and started confiding in the other guys cause they understood more...I felt hurt. We were best friends and everyone saw that. I would’ve accepted that we talked less but still had that best friend mentality but the moment I felt like we were strangers, I really couldn’t handle it.”
“And that’s why you left…” Wonwoo whispered finally understanding it all. Though you didn’t come right out and directly say it, you had implied that you had a crush on him when at the same time he did too which was why he wanted to work hard. To him,debuting meant one step closer to admitting his feelings for you. If he debuted and Seventeen was successful he would’ve asked you out but you left before he got the chance.
Noticing a tear slip down your cheek his eyebrows pulled together. “Y/N….why didnt you say anything?”
You shook your head. You knew that Wonwoo understood where you were coming from at this point. You knew that he knew that you liked him or in the present case, once liked him.
“Debuting was so important to you, when we would walk along the river at night, you talked about how you wanted to debut so you could send money home and give back to your family. There was no way I was going to stop that dream regardless of what feelings were involved at the time. When I left, I knew what I was doing. You guys debuted and look at that, I could not be any prouder of you guys” you said ending with a genuine smile. You were really proud of them. Proud of him.
Wonwoo was silent. Now that he knew how you felt, it all made sense and there was a part of him that only hoped that things hadn’t changed that much between you two.
“What did you do after you left?  I heard from a few people about L.A…”
You nodded your head, “Right after I left, I was on the first plane to L.A. Joshua knew that I always wanted to go so he had given me some people to look up while if I was ever there and thankfully when I left, I still had the names. I was there for a while, I had to figure a lot of things out for myself and I guess that’s why I don’t regret leaving. By leaving, I was able to figure out what I really wanted to do as a musician and grow as a human being.” you smiled thinking back to your time in L.A.
“Leaving was what made you who you are now..” Wonwoo supplied and you nodded your head.
“Exactly.” you smiled happy that the air was finally clear.
“Then how did Starship come up?” he asked curiously. Since you were in L.A, how did they track you down and how had they heard about you?
“MonstaX had a concert in L.A actually...A few of my friends were going so I thought about buying a ticket. One morning, I was at the gym and i bumped literally into Shownu and Wonho-oppa and we just started talking. It was early in the morning so I guess they were shocked to see someone there and I was shocked because I thought idols generally worked out in hotel gyms to avoid being seen but they said something about the hotel gym being  crowded so early in the morning hence why they went to one off site.” you explained.
Wonwoo’s head tilted to the side at the lack of formality in Shownu’s name but brushed it off as you two being close.
“Then how did the whole working for them start?” he asked.
“Luck? They invited me to their concert after I told them that I was a former Pledis trainee and we became friends pretty fast. It wasn’t until two years ago that they came back to L.A and I invited them to my studio. A few of their producers were with them and long story short, they were impressed and within a month there was an offer on the table.” you answered with a grin, “It’s been a good two and a half years now.”
Wonwoo looked at you, like he really looked at you and saw no ounce of regret on your face. He could tell you were happy and in turn, despite how everything left off, he was happy you were happy.
“I want you to know, as I’ve told Seungcheol and Jihoon, that I hold nothing against you guys. I was the one who was out of place and I had to do what was right for me as you guys did what was right for you. Despite it leading us in two different paths, I have no regrets and I couldn’t be happier then I am now.” you smiled at him and he returned the smile.
After putting all the seriousness aside, you caught up on the last five years of your lives and it was just like old times. Pretty soon, it was getting dark and you heard the bell above the door of the cafe chime signaling that someone had entered.
The two of you looked up when you felt someone approach your table.
“Coups” Wonwoo said and noticed the person next to him and he stood up to bow as you stood yourself smiling at Seungcheol’s companion. “Shownu Hyung, it’s been a while. Did you come together?” he watched as Shownu shake his head as he went to stand next to you.
“We actually ran into each other outside the cafe. You weren’t answering your phone and Mingyu told me that you were meeting here with Y/N.” Seungcheol explained.
“I just finished practice and was coming to meet with Y/N.” Shownu explained and looked to you, “Are you ready to go?”
You nodded your head as you gathered your things before looking at Wonwoo again.
“It was really great meeting with you today. I’m glad we got to talk.”
Wonwoo grinned and agreed with you though his eyes were watching Shownu’s movements as he helped you put on your coat and pick up your bag.
“Are you two free for dinner? It’d be nice to catch up.” Seungcheol suggested as you stood outside the cafe but you and Shownu shook your heads.
“We have plans tonight but you have our numbers.” Shownu explained as you gave both Seungcheol and Wonwoo tight hugs.
“It was nice seeing you again. Let’s have dinner soon okay?” you smiled as Wonwoo smiled back at you and tried to not let it drop as Shownu handed you a mask that you put on before you two waved and walked in a different direction.
Wonwoo’s heart dropped when he saw Shownu’s hand intertwined with yours and he looked at Seungcheol who wore a look of empathy.
Seungcheol knew that Wonwoo always held a flame for you but he also knew that you had moved on in not only your career but your life in general. When he heard that Wonwoo was meeting you, he was going to wait till he came back to ask how it went but Shownu had called him and asked him to meet at a park near the cafe prior. Never one to turn down such a request he agreed.
Seungcheol showed up at the park to see Shownu sitting on a bench near the river with a mask and cap on.
“Hyung, it’s been a while. How are you?” Seungcheol asked as the two shared a man hug.
After exchanging pleasantries,Shownu became serious but Seungcheol could also tell that his friend was nervous.
“There’s something you need to know…” Shownu started and shared the story of how how you had met the boys of Monsta X and how you came to work with Starship Entertainment.
Seungcheol was confused, he knew all of this since you told him when you met up for coffee, “I know all this Hyung...she’s doing great now and I know the rest of the guys are proud of her too…”
“There’s something else you need to know...an official statement will be released tomorrow and I know Y/N won’t say anything unless she’s asked…” Shownu rested his arms on his knees and let out a breath.
“What? It can’t be that bad right?” Seungcheol asked with a chuckle but stopped when he saw the serious look Shownu held.
“Tell me, does Wonwoo still like Y/N?” the leader of Monsta X asked as Seungcheol thought about the odd question.  He knew about your history with Seventeen’s deep voiced rapper and Pledis entertainment but he wanted to make sure.
“I know that there were a lot of things left unsaid between the two of them and that he thinks about her a lot...why? What does it have to do with an announcement?” then his eyes widened as realization struck him.
“Y-you and Y/N aren’t dating….are you?” Seungcheols jaw dropped at the look on Shownu’s face which gave him the answer. “Wait, is that why she was at the award show with you that time? How long?”
“A year and a bit...our agency knows and we have theirs and everyones support...They wanted to release an official statement about six months ago so we could go out in public but Y/N asked them not to…”
“Until she got her closure…” Seungcheol concluded and Shownu nodded. “How did you manage to keep it a secret for so long?”
“When you’re a producer for the company and the leader of a group...you have the leeway to do things like that.  We used the excuse that it was a new thing but we didn’t want to keep  any secrets from the company and the rest of our colleagues and if we ever broke up, we promised that it wouldn’t affect the company in anyway.”
Seungcheol sat there for a while processing everything that Shownu had told him. “So you called me because…”
“She….cares deeply for all of you...she knows that Wonwoo may still have feelings for her but as I said, she probably wont say anything unless she’s asked...I have to go pick her up because we have a schedule but I wanted to tell you first…”
“To soften the blow. I got it.” Seungcheol gave the older man a smile, “I’m glad Y/N’s happy. I noticed the glow in her that day we met but I didn’t want to ask…it’ll be hard for Wonwoo to absorb I’m sure but thank you for telling me.” he and Shownu stood up and looked at each other and smiled. As leaders and as friends, regardless of what happens, they’d always be friends.
(End of flashback)
“Shownu told me before we met up..” Seungcheol said wrapping a comforting arm around his friend. “He knew that Y/N wouldn’t say anything but Starship will be announcing it tomorrow and he didn’t want you to be caught off guard.”
Wonwoo let out a big sigh, his chest aching slightly but despite that he smiled. You were happy and that’s all that mattered to him. You were back in his life now and despite it not being in the way he wanted it to be..he was happy that you were happy.
The two men walked back to the dorm both reminiscing on memories of you and how different you seemed from before. They were both content that you were happy and in Wonwoo’s case, despite how much it hurt for him, as long as you were happy, he would fully support you from afar.
The next day, tabloids were abuzz as Starship Entertainment confirmed the rumored relationship between you and Shownu and Wonwoo had to admit, he saw a glow in you that he had never seen before and the way that Shownus looked down at you, he could tell that you were just as important to him and he could only wish the two of you the best.
I havent met him since that one day in college and I hope he’s doing well ^_^ I want him to know that I miss him and that I will always care and regardless what path we walk, I hope that we can connect again some day :)
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lycanthrotea · 5 years
“ugh Sorry again for this I’d like to be spending the rest of the night with you but my work schedule is not something I have much control of.”
“It’s all right! I know how work is, don’t worry about it.”
“Yeah but hanging out with people is so better than working. “
Videl slumped onto the bed, reluctant to leave for work until who knows how early in the morning. at the very least it made Odd chuckle in amusement.
Anyways”, He began to stand , and fix up his shirt ,“ I told Liana not to bother you I don’t think she would but just in case. You know, I would prefer if you were just a little bit nicer to her but considering your condition I’ll let it slide for now”
“Sorry.. “
Videl Stepped over to Odd’s bedside and put his hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it chief I’m not angry. But yeah it’ll be tomorrow before you know it so try and get some rest all right?”
After saying goodbye he grabbed the bag from The bed frame and headed out. Although he would’ve preferred staying home, he didnt hate his part time job. Getting there though was a bit of Pain considering he lived in a quieter wooded area right outside the city And the fact he wasnt Very nocturnal but
Videl walked for about 10 minutes before he reached The edge of the neighborhood. The soft lights coming from the houses were no more But he had the moons to illuminate the way. He walked a little further to reach the carriage stop by the road. It wasn’t the most used stop considering it mainly Served the residents of the More upscale neighborhood so it cost bit more but that Really meant nothing if you live there. Videl took out A few coins from his pocket and inserted them Into the pole by the stop, Causing a faint light to glow From its lamp and Triggering the mechanism that would call his ride. He put his bag on the bench and proceeded to sit down and wait taking in the night air. Not something he often did As this was routine, But the air Was starting to become cooler as autumn Turned into winter. He was more than ready for that weather as It is most invigorating for him, Even if the amount consumed was pretty negligible he always liked not having to waste any magic keeping himself cool, also he had a new coat he wanted to show off. Oh And warm winter dates, lots of snuggling, extremely important. The thought made his heart flutter.
The sound of gallops over the stone road Could be heard from a distance, Videl Threw his bag over his shoulder and began to stand as A large Varic demon drawing A carriage drew near. He was quite familiar with her by now and Uttered a “hey” As she grabbed the key on her neck and held it towards the pole Get the money he had put in earlier and take her pay. Videl Brought out a little bit more As a tip.
“Eisthel Street, But if it’s too busy just drop me off in the Market stop As usual.”
He hopped into the carriage and the driver began running once more. He rested his eyes, Mainly to Continue indulging in the fantasies of good cuddles and kisses and dates. Akua technically is visiting every day to check on Odd, And they have been Taking advantage of whenever he is resting his room home for a little more quality time. But it’s nice?? And what else was he going to do in the next 20 minutes?
When he got to his destination which was fortunately was the one closer to his job. He thanked the driver and after watching her leave went through the back alleys, Making sure not to be seen. When he got to the door he made sure to do the special knock, three times a pause two times a pause and then four times. He heard his boss give him The all clear, and he produced a key to unlock and enter.
“I’m assuming you’re early for the coffee huh?”
“ yeah got up a little bit early today.”
Videl entered the back room kitchen, there were bottles everywhere today, Specifically dirty ones. He put his bag on a chair and unzipped it to start changing into his uniform, just the dress for now. A long black Fitted a line dress does that ends right below the knees. Long sleeves of course, just the traditional work garb, Made of fabric thats pretty good for working with less safe substances. there is a still a fair amount of coffee left in the coffee maker so he took whatever was left and mixed it with some milk and sugar began to chill it in his hand.
“ How’s the kid?” Asked Von. Attriche from the other room.
“Oh He’s been all right. Better than A few days ago but still pretty febrile. He seems pretty anxious sometimes but I can’t do much about it since he doesn’t wanna talk. Kind of why I would’ve liked staying at home but.”
“ I need someone to clean all those jars.”
“I noticed .” he said with a sigh. He washed his cup as soon as he finished drinking put on his gloves and began one by one cleaning each jar. And he had to make sure to do a good job too, any residue could be disastrous mixed with the wrong substances. It took him 30 minutes to finish. Listening carefully in case anyone might enter the shop. no one did, it is getting late after all but emergencies happen, a stressed out parents might Burst in desperately hoping they carry the right medicine already bottled and ready to be sold. Happened last week, startled them enough that they almost messed up the brew he was concocting. Once finished he checked the board for tonight‘s work. Unsurprisingly frost bane is highest priority. Winters become extremely coldAt times and a city like this has many traveling in and out. It’s can be exhausting for the user to consume too much too often but it’s always good to have a flask on the coldest of days. Having magic affinity towards ice meant that Videl is the more adept at infusing the mixture than other demon, so he wasn’t surprised to be tasked with making them. Aphrodisiacs, always in demand, and poisons for outdoor pests before harvest season end. After he Noted the days work he put on his mask and hood, secured it tightly and entered the shop.
Outside it only says apothecary just a shop that people who know go to not that it doesn’t get a fair amount of customers it’s right at the edge of the market place after all. Most of the shop is just the work place, A lot of leaves, animal remains and potion bases in jars all over the wall. The tall counter that divides the work area from the tiny customer area hides the long work desk where are most of the ingredient preparation is done, chopping crushing, measuring, extracting certain parts of it And so on. Gives a place a weird scent, that changes day by day depending on what’s being produced. Most of the work area floor is covered in cauldrons, whether They are small ones on tables, or the very large one for concocting large batches usually for base mixture. Special attention needed not to overheat or let them boil over get them on yourself especially when you are monitoring multiple. Keeping track of which cauldron needs which ingredients or what type of magic infused how fast it should be mixed what it should look like.
It’s a lot of work so late (as is tradition) that required much training, but Videl as much as he would not admit it enjoys it, especially since he can do so without anyone recognizing him. AlSo wearing a very nice black dress fashions important on physically and mentally exhausting jobs.
He grabbed a few jars set them By a medium sized cauldron and went to work.
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Relapsing with an eating disorder and Klaus finding out would include...
Disclaimer: this talks about eating disorders, self harm, and body image. This may be triggering. 
 Hey can you do a Klaus x reader where the reader is overweight and relapses with her bulimia and cutting. She feels worthless and Klaus finds out and he tells her she beautiful and worth it and he loves her.
Could you do a Klaus x reader where the reader relapses with her bulimia and self-harm. Klaus tells her she beautiful the way she is and is not worthless and he loves her. If not, no biggie I know they are touchy subjects. 
It’s a long one.
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you’ve been doing really well for a while. In fact, for the first time in a long time, you’re in a good place. There are good days and bad, but overall you’ve been eating healthy, portion controlled meals. Everything was going well. You even managed to look at yourself in the mirror a few times and think that this was it. You’d finally beaten it.
that was until a last week
it was the smallest trigger. Curling on the bed with your laptop, watching Netflix, the screen faded to black in the show you were watching and your reflection stared back at you. 
your eyes immediately went to the double chin reflecting in the screen
then they moved to the roundness of your cheeks
you stretched out your neck, that pit forming in your stomach
on their own, your eyes slid down to your stomach, where your laptop balanced between bent legs and the large soft folds of your cozy over sized jumper.
suddenly, you were unable to look away and not notice the convex form to your stomach. 
your heart was thudding in your chest as the thoughts that plagued you for years came rushing to your conscious mind
you were drowning and you looked at the empty wrapper of the pop-tart next to you in abject horror
that was six days ago.
you’ve spiraled like you haven’t in years
first you stopped eating
it was easy to do and hide because you faked an illness and nobody batted an eye
maybe if they knew your past, someone would have noticed
but you’re an expert at hiding it
then, when the Mikaelsons left town for a couple days to deal with something, and your stomach growled and your body demanded food, you spiraled some more
maybe it was because you hadn’t done this in so long. maybe it was because you’d been eating healthy for so long. maybe you just forgot how bad it was. 
whatever it reason it was didn’t matter in the long run because you looked out at the mass of food you had in front of you. Pizza, pasta, ice cream, chocolates, gummies, nutbutters, bread, fast food, cake, everything was there.
and you ate and ate and ate
you ate until your body begged for you to stop
you ate until you felt hot and uncomfortable and tired
you ate yourself until you wanted to scream
when you stopped, the tears streamed and you hated yourself like you haven’t in a long time.
that’s when you ran to the bathroom, desperate to get it out. it all had to come out. 
the burn in your throat, the acid taste in your mouth, the pungent smell in the air, were horrific familiarities that made you hate yourself even more.
with watering eyes, heaving breath, and a mind that swam with erratic panic and blinding hatred, you reached for the razor that sat innocently on the shelf
Klaus walked into the compound, ready to surprise you with his early return
the smile on his face morphed into shock, his eyebrows jumping up to his hairline, as he took in the disaster that as in front of him.
the room was littered with empty containers and wrappers
he smiled as he thought about chastising you for throwing a party while he was away
his smile dropped when the smell of blood hit him
a second later, the smell of vomit hit him
he was in the doorway of the bathroom within seconds and he looked down in shock, his eyes shining and his mind blank
you sat against the toilet, your head lolling back, with cuts covering your body
it looked like you were trying to carve yourself
dried blood from the small cuts and fresh blood still trickling from the deeper ones were all over you
the back of one of your sleeves was covered with crusted vomit from when you had wiped harshly at your mouth in disgust
your face was streaked with tears and snot
it was hard to tell if you’d cried your self to sleep or had passed out from the blood
Klaus bent down and gently touched your shoulder
you didn’t budge.
immediately, he bit into his wrist and fed you his blood
just in case
you didn’t wake
he picked you up and took you to his bathroom
he stripped you and placed you in the bathtub
as your wounds healed, he slowly washed you, being extra gentle
his mind was still blank
when you were clean, he dried you carefully and put you in your favourite pajamas.
when you were placed in bed, he tucked you in and made a phone call in the hall for a cleaner
he sat on your bed, watching you sleep as his mind finally started to process what he came home to
how had he not seen it?
you stopped eating. you started wearing your baggiest clothes. you avoided mirrors and photos and people as much as possible. 
how had he not seen it?
he was angry with himself
your eyes opened an hour later, as Klaus still sat on the bed watching you and feeling angry
when you saw him, you smiled
you felt so good and relaxed
as the memories of the past week came slowly to the forefront of your mind, they contrasted so drastically with the peaceful tiredness you felt now that you wrote them off as a bad dream and closed your eyes to have a good one this time
Klaus leaned over and gently caressed your cheek
you smiled again and opened your eyes to look at him
his eyes were shining and he was looking at you so gently and scared that you felt a spike of panic
what had happened?
and in one word you knew it hadn’t been a dream at all.
you closed your eyes and turned your head in horror and embarrassment as you felt yourself cry and a lump in your throat threaten to choke you
Klaus kept gently stroking your face and you hated it
you didn’t want to be touched. you didn’t want to be seen. you didnt’ want to breath. you didn’t deserve it. how could you? 
there was anger swelling in your heart. you hated yourself. you hated hated hated hated yourself
an then Klaus said he was sorry and you were too confused to hate yourself
he said he was sorry?
Klaus spoke as you refused to look at him. He told you that he was sorry for not seeing it sooner. he was sorry you felt you had to keep it from him. he was sorry he didn’t help you. he was sorry you were alone. he was sorry he didn’t come back sooner. he was sorry he hadn’t been able to help you. he was sorry.
he told you that he knew what it was like to hate yourself and believe that you’re worthless, weak, and undesirable
but that YOU were not any of those things.
when you started to cry again, he moved to sit against the headboard of the bed and hug you close to him
he whispered into your hair that even though he’s been alive for so long, learnt so much, experienced so many things, met so many people, he still doesn’t know everything and there are still moments in life where he is beaten down by those very thoughts of worthlessness and self-hate.
but what he knows, without a doubt, is that YOU are not worthless.
and that YOU are beautiful and STRONG
and, most importantly, he knows that you will never be alone like this again because he will be here for you. 
you’re going to work on this together
he is going to here to tell you this everyday and every night if he has to be 
“i’m not worth it” “yes you are”
when you don’t say anything, he just holds you closer and tighter
you let sleep claim you again, too emotionally exhausted to put up a fight
the last thing you remember is Klaus whispering that he loves you
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