#are y'all excited for the concert movie??
rachelhankeart · 1 year
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✨💙I can still make the whole place shimmer 💙✨
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kismets-barista · 10 months
Lil Brozone, Floyd- centric oneshot for y'all's enjoyment!
Spoilery for Band Together, so if you're still awaiting watching the movie I'd suggest waiting to read, my friends! Have a lovely night!
Five months, twenty eight days.
That’s how long it had taken him to be able to walk without having to stop for breath.
Floyd was fully recovering, slowly but surely. After moving back to Pop Village, there’d been nothing for him except plenty of rest, John Dory’s incessant mother henning (seriously, that guy was the textbook definition of Anxiety even if he continued to deny it,) and help from his brothers to recuperate. They’d laid off on any public performances, putting aside thoughts of the word tour for later on. Way later on. 
But today was the day. Finally the day they’d decided to put on a public performance, a day that had all of them on their toes with preparations for the five song ‘concert.’ The energy buzzing in the air was something Floyd had missed, but the troll could honestly barely concentrate on how excited he was as his chest filled with sticky, sludgy feelings of dread. The magenta-haired troll sat in front of his light-rimmed vanity mirror, staring back at the shock of white that ran from the roots of his hair and up to the middle. 
He thought he’d gotten over this. 
It wasn’t going to change. It was evident that his hair, along with himself, had permanently changed as a result of that capture. Of his death. 
And pretty much everyone in the village knew that it was a result of something. A bad something. 
Some of them, Cooper specifically, had outright asked. But he didn’t have the best buffer, so Floyd couldn’t find it in his heart to be mad. Others had given him looks, even staring as he began to get out of the house those first months. He could remember the eyes trained on him as John Dory slowly helped him along, talking about an adventure he’d gone on way ‘back in his day,’ as he liked to call it. Floyd had kept to himself, mostly, until John Dory noticed how quiet his brother was being and did something the younger couldn’t.
He stared back at the trolls. Sure, it probably planted the seeds of assumption that John Dory was every bit as standoffish as Branch used to be, but Floyd had to admire his brother’s determination to keep him comfortable. 
“Ten minutes til final soundchecks!” Mayday (Brozone’s stage director’s) voice cut through the silence, and Floyd jerked out of his reverie. He sighed, opening the drawer to his desk and fished through a thousand hair products and ties to pull out a fluffy, white scrunchy. Maybe pulling it up would help lessen the… amount of times people had to see his hair. Floyd let out another sigh as he pulled up his hair, staring himself down in the mirror as he twisted it every which way. “Come on… there’s gotta be some way I can make you look normal again,” he whispered fiercely, tugging on his hair harder as desperation bubbled in his chest. Every way he moved it, white, white, white. The young troll’s hands began to shake as he started to tie it up, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as his breathing shortened. 
How could he go out there looking like this? It’s bad enough as it is, why did he think for a second that today would be any different with how he felt about this… this awful hair of his? 
He considered flaking on his brothers as his breaths began to come out in short gasps. A thousand different excuses flitted through his mind, and Floyd began to grasp at them, one by one. He wasn’t feeling well. He was exhausted again. He couldn’t catch his breath quite right - no, that one would send them into a panic, probably. The thoughts crescendoed, and Floyd yanked on the scrunchie a bit too hard. It snapped, and rebounded on his hand. Causing the duo-tone haired-troll to yelp in pain. He flicked his head in the air, waving off the sting before letting his head sink down to rest on the top of the vanity. He was getting himself way too worked up… this wasn’t going to help anything. He needed to do this show. Needed to prove that he was… fine. Well. As fine as he could be.
“This is for all the lonely people…” he whisper-sang to himself, voice breathy as he steadied his pounding heart. Pulling on his fingers gently. “Thinking that life has passed us by…”
“We won’t give up until we, drink from that silver cup, and ride…” Floyd’s voice tapered off as he frowned, momentum to sing even to himself puttering off. Today was supposed to be a happy day. But here he slumped, moping like someone had just kicked a box of kittens in front of him.
“Ride that highway in the sky.” The lyric lifted softly as a question, and the troll sat up and looked behind himself in confusion. His face lit up at the sight of Branch, his baby brother leaning against the doorframe with his arms loosely crossed against each other.
“Oh, Branch. Hey.” Floyd offered him a grin, to which his younger brother readily responded with one of his own. 
“Hey. Was looking for you. JD wanted us to have a little meeting or whatever before our final soundchecks for the show so I came to get you. How’re you feeling?” He asked while walking over, sitting near his brother. Taking in everything about the older troll, inquisitive blue eyes flitting over the top of Floyd’s hair and down to his toes.
“I’m fine,” Floyd shrugged, stretching as he stood. Paused as he realized that saying ‘I’m fine’ was not an appropriate response, as Branch had told him so many times before. Practically drilled it into his head, at this point. He cut Branch off before his younger brother could say anything by shaking his head and letting out a loud “I meant- I meant that I’m feeling really good. I’m excited for the show, I slept plenty last night so I’m not tired, and I stretched this morning so I’m not achy like I usually am when I wake up.”
He could visibly see Branch’s tightly-wound demeanor relax, and the younger troll stood to join his brother as they headed out of the dressing room.
“Great. Now come on. They’re not too far away.”
And it was only when they made it into the break room, overstuffed couches laden with throw pillows and the ground practically made of mismatched rugs that Floyd realized all of his brothers had hair caps on. They’d happily yelled out his name when he walked in, and Branch had guided the troll over to a couch to sit down before nodding at JD, who’d been chuckling at the fact that Floyd was staring at them as if they all had grown second heads. 
“How ya feelin’, bro-bro? Ready for BroZone’s big debut into Pop Village?”
“Well, when you put it like that, admittedly nervous. But excited, all the same. I’ve missed singing with you all, truly.” He smiled up at his older brothers, who, upon hearing that, all exchanged a look. They nodded at each other, and Bruce took a deep breath while reaching up to the cap covering his hair.
“Well, buddy, we’ve got a bit of a pre-show gift for you,” he started.
“We know how much your hair means to you, and how hard the change has been on you,” Clay continued.
“So we wanted to do a little something just to remind you that you aren’t alone, with how you’re feeling. No matter how hard it may be at times,” Branch finished, and all four of them pulled off their hair caps after JD counted down from three.
And Floyd instantly burst into tears.
Streaking through each of their hair was bold white streaks, the color dyed at the roots of their hair and stretching up and up, just like Floyd’s. It looked natural- how did they do that? 
A million thoughts were running through his mind, but Floyd couldn’t grasp at a single one as the tears continued to pour down his face. He reached out to them, and his brothers were all surrounding him, hugging him tightly. 
“Surprise,” Branch sang softly, and Floyd grabbed onto his arm, squeezing it tightly as he hugged him. He was making his best attempt to hug everyone, which, seeing as it was four full-grown trolls was a bit hard- but the appreciative smile that was plastered onto his face like the sun piercing through a veil of thick clouds was hard to miss. He continued to cry into the hug, emotions overwhelming him as he went from sobs, to weeping that had the four of them pulling him down from the couch and to the ground and up into their arms. 
It took him a few minutes to pull himself together enough to wipe his eyes, but when he did, Floyd gave his brothers the most grateful look he could manage. He didn’t expect to see them crying, too, but it was clear that he’d affected them by crying so hard- and, the fact that they’d already been having a hard time keeping it together even before surprising him with the monumental change. Trolls didn’t just dye their hair- tinsel and extensions were normal in Pop Village but to physically change it like that? It was almost taboo.
“Man, I love you guys so much. I can’t believe you’d just… do that. For me. It means… it means so much.” His voice wavered as he broke down into tears again, but forced himself to reel it in as John Dory patted his back with a big grin.
“Believe it, bro. We’d go to the ends of the earth for you, this wasn’t nothin’ but a stone’s throw across the water if you ask me.”
“What’d I do to deserve such good brothers?” Floyd laughed tearfully, and Clay ruffled his hair gently. “Some would say you were born into this family. And that’s how you got such good brothers.”
The younger troll laughed, taking his brother’s hand and squeezing it tightly.
“Okay, that was a little cheesy,” Floyd chuckled. “But I gotta ask, who…”
“It was John Dory’s idea,” Bruce boasted proudly for the older troll, who’s ears turned bright red as he looked away.
“Dah, anything for my little brother,” he tried to play it off. But Floyd wasn’t having any of that. The younger troll dove into his older brother, pulling him into a hug. He was followed by his four other brothers, who practically dogpiled him and fell on top of each other. A stunned silence befell the brothers before they burst into laughter, and Floyd could feel a massive weight he didn’t even know that was sitting on his chest lift and dissipate. And he knew right then and there that no matter how down he was feeling about himself, how bad everything could get at times, he would always have his brothers to rely on. There were going to be much, much brighter days ahead.
“I love you guys. So much.” “We love you too, Floyd. Don’t you forget it.”
And he wouldn’t. He never would. 
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restinslices · 9 months
Earth realm boys dating a popstar???? 👀👀👀👀
“Send me ideas guys” *proceeds to hit brain block* I didn’t know if you wanted the Lin Kuei Bros or Syzoth involved but imma add this little rule/guideline(?) so I don’t throw myself down the stairs. So the Earthrealm Boys will be Johnny, Kenshi, Kung Lao, Raiden and Liu Kang. Lin Kuei Bros are Bi-Han, Kuai Liang and Tomas. You can also ask for specific characters but IMMA LET YALL KNOW RIGHT NOW y’all have a limit of FIVE people per post or I’m sleeping in traffic.
Johnny Cage 
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If you think Johnny Cage is anything other than excited, you're wrong. 
There's no way he doesn't enjoy dating a pop star. 
He'd tell you how great your names sound together. Johnny Cage the movie star and you the pop star. 
He's probably asked you if your songs can be in his movies. 
I think he'd be extremely supportive. Sometimes a little overbearing. Some people might enjoy him wanting to come to every show, while some people may say “dude, calm down”. 
Your ringtone on his phone is one of your songs for sure 
He also asks for some of your merch for free since ya know, debt 😀
If there's a dance that goes along with it, I can definitely see him learning it and showing you how good (bad) he is 
Please let him be in your music videos. He's on his knees begging 
He has such a huge ego, he'd probably say something like “you can't possibly turn down an A lister like me”
He's so President of your fanclub 
He also posts exclusives of you on his social media 
This may sound selfish but he's hoping your popularity will increase his. When we meet him, his fame is dying out so he's hoping being seen with you will remind people he exists 
Don't get it misconstrued though. He adores you. He just can't help but have these thoughts 
Probably makes you promise to dedicate a song to him too. Realistically he wants an album but he'll take whatever
He's so Ken coded to me and remember, Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him. You're his Barbie, regardless of gender 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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Considering the fact that he's on the run from the Yakuza, uhhhh he's not the happiest 
Is he proud? Yeah. But dating him puts a huge target on your back. Kenshi can hide. You, as a popstar, can't do that. You're always in the spotlight. And since the Yakuza got connections, they'd find out somehow. 
He'd encourage you to take a break until things cool over. Only problem is he doesn't know when that'd be, and the music industry is competitive. You don't have time to be on a break. People could forget about you. 
Under any other circumstance, he'd be happy for you. Not many people can make it in the music industry. There are tons of people who have big plans but settle for less. 
In any other circumstance he'd listen to your songs, spread the word about your concerts, buy your merch cause he's not in debt, even attend a few concerts. 
Now though, he's uptight and worried. Every concert you have he's worried will be your last. Any fan meet you have he's worried will end in death. 
I honestly think he'd try to actively avoid anything that has to do with your career. It's a constant reminder that you're doing the exact opposite of what he's asking you to and you're putting yourself in danger. This could possibly cause a lot of arguments since he could come off as controlling when in reality he's worried and trying to be cautious 
He's trying to avoid anything to do with your career but every playlist he has has your songs sprinkled throughout them 
Overall he's proud of you but life has him pretty uptight. He'll be his normal self once he restores his clan. 
Kung Lao
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This cocky little shit is so hype his partner is famous 
I can see him talking about your music with others like “my partner? They make music. You probably know them. I don't know yours though cause they're unknown. How are y'all paying the bills?”
You tell him not to do that but he continues anyway. Everyone had to know how awesome you were compared to them
Idk why I have this scene in my head of him buying your concert tickets to sell it again but make it more expensive. I legit don't know why but I couldn't ignore it. 
Kung Lao has such a huge ego and your success does not help that. In fact, it makes it worse 
How many people can say they're dating a popstar? Or anyone famous for that matter?
I can see him “helping” with lyrics but the shit he tries to add is dog shit so you do not add it, which he does not get. 
“I have an ear for music” “An ear. Not a talent”
Starts a fanclub and forces Raiden to be involved 
You'd think he's the popstar with how much pride he has when it comes to your career 
Like Kenshi, he has a whole playlist dedicated to you and your songs are sprinkled throughout his other playlists 
If you ask for his honest opinion on a song, he's gonna give you his honest opinion so be prepared. It's like asking a kid if a jacket makes you look fat. 
He doesn't mean to be malicious. He just can't have you releasing bad shit. His approach just isn't the best but it's all with love 
“What do you think about Bubblegum?” “The chorus isn't catchy at all if I'm being honest. You've definitely made better” 
He'd help though by saying what he liked from other songs and it'd steer you in the right direction 
Your career? No. Y'ALL career. UterUS type shit
In all seriousness, he's very happy that out of all the celebrities you could be with, you chose a non celebrity like him.
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Honestly I don't think anyone would even know you're dating. He's just too shy. 
With Johnny, he's famous and has no shame so that's how people know you're together. The Yakuza is out here so that's how they know about you and Kenshi. Kung Lao is Kung Lao, idk how else to explain it. With Raiden though, I don't think he'd want your fans to know you're dating. 
He's shy and also values privacy and you respect that. Your fans know you're dating someone just not who. 
He probably has a second account he uses to stay up to date with fan discourse 
Likes every edit of you and shows you them. 
“Were you looking these up?” “I… don't know what you could possibly mean”
I don't think he's a big concert person. I don't know why. At least not a huge, no personal space type of concert. So I think he'd do other things to support like using that second account to promote your activities, reposting edits, and buying your stuff. 
Knowing his luck, that second account for privacy and being sneaky would end up getting fans attention. He'd become the main update page everyone goes to. Guess he wasn't sneaky enough 
Probably asks you to sing to him when it's quiet 
Has bought a poster of you and forgot to take it down when you came over 
“Kung Lao put that up” “Mhm, sure”
He has two hats. His normal hat and a hat that has stickers of you on it. Kung Lao or Johnny probably did it to tease him but he kept it anyway 
Dedicate a song to him and watch how flustered he gets. He'd be so honored 
If you had an MV and there was a love interest in it, he wouldn't wanna be jealous but it'd happen. 
Everytime he sees you perform or hears you, he falls deeper in love. Like Kung Lao, he's very happy you picked him to be your love and muse 
Liu Kang
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He probably saw this coming based on your life in the past timeline
Knowing how the past timelines were though, your life was probably chaotic and your music career was probably disturbed by the constant threats 
Seeing you just having fun and making music in this timeline would make him extremely happy and proud of himself for creating such a peaceful timeline (at first)
Liu Kang has glowing eyes so there's a chance concerts aren't happening, but I think he'd still stream your music like everyone else 
Would probably try to keep you far away from any disturbances. When he takes his champions to Outworld, he makes up a lie. He doesn't want what you're passionate about disturbed at all 
Supportive in the sense that he's always going to say “yes” to whatever ideas you have. A breakup song? Great idea. A fun party song? Awesome. A fan meet? Sounds fun. 
He genuinely just wants you happy this time and music makes you happy. 
You could talk him into using his fire as some background effect as long as others won't see 
He talks you into doing smaller performances at Madam Bo's. You're spying on Raiden and Kung Lao without even knowing 
Whenever you find out about the shit storm going on, he does not want you involved and will say so. He wants you to focus on your passion and let him take care of it. Whether you do or not is up to you 
After all that though you'd probably end up making music for Johnny's movie about shit that happened. He doesn't disapprove but thinks you can do better than make a soundtrack for Johnny 'Big Mouth’ Cage 
Secret fanboy. Forced to act all serious all the time but he's mumbling your lyrics under his breath, even if it's super cutesy. 
He's just so happy for you. I know I keep repeating it but you probably DIED in the past timeline or some shit so seeing you happy and just living? It shows his efforts for peace paid off. 
I usually say smth after but idk what to say. I wanna start art commissions so bad but half bodies are kicking my ass. I’m finna start tweaking fr
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sissylittlefeather · 5 months
We Can Make the Morning
(or Angel Take 7)
A one-shot
A/N: I've had this idea for a while and just decided to go ahead and write it the other day while I was watching Elvis On Tour. I hope y'all enjoy this 1972 Elvis x fem!reader one-shot!
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, kissing, cussing, handjob, ejaculation, oral sex (f receiving), possible concussion
Word count: ~3.7k
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Greensboro, North Carolina. You've lived here your whole life. And you've been an Elvis fan since you heard his first record at the tender age of fifteen. Now you're in your early thirties and you finally find yourself at one of his shows. You've never managed to go to one before and something about this feels like destiny. Still, the best you could afford is a seat at the front of the balcony, but you're next to where he'll walk into and out of the arena. If you push, you might be able to get a pretty good glimpse of him, and that's all you've ever really wanted. You dream of more, but you know better than to think he's going to notice you or anything.
April 14th, 1972 is show day, finally. You get dressed and try to ignore your nerves as you fix your hair and swipe on your makeup. You opt for your favorite bell bottoms and a cropped peasant blouse. It's not the dressiest outfit you own, but it flatters you and shows off all your best assets. Not that it matters much. He'll never see you.
At the arena, you make your way to your seat and try to survey whether you'll be able to get to a place where you can really see him up close. Eventually the lights go down and the music starts up. You head over to the railing, but there's a hundred girls between you and the tunnel. There's no way you can fight through them this time. You'll have to try again at the end of the concert. You head back to your seat with a new determination.
The show is incredible.
He's wearing a dark blue jumpsuit with a belt that has an owl on it, as he points out during one of the songs. Even as far away as you are, you can tell he looks amazing. His voice is on point and his performance is unmatched. You sit in silence with your lips parted slightly and your eyes wide. It's like he's made of stardust. And you're not going to let him pass by without seeing him up close.
He ends the show with Can't Help Falling In Love and then bows with his arms held out holding the silver cape. You know he's going to move fast through the tunnel, so you run to the railing and push your way through all the women gathered there. It's hot and hard to breathe and your heart is pounding. You're pressed up against the railing where it hits you just below the waist. Your position on your platform boots is precarious but you lean over anyway, just in case he reaches up. You feel yourself getting lightheaded from the excitement, but you're not going to miss this for anything, no matter how you feel. Just then, you see him headed for the tunnel. Your ears start ringing and the edges of your vision go dark. You can't believe it's really him. As the blackness envelops you, someone behind you pushes on your back and you feel yourself falling...
On stage, Elvis knows he's putting on a hell of a show. The energy from the crowd is electric and the camera crew seems excited by the footage they're collecting. In truth, he's ready to be done with this damn movie. Ready to be done with this damn tour. He enjoys the stage portion but everything in between is grueling. And honestly, the loneliness has been setting in pretty hard for him, especially in the middle of the night. Sometimes he picks up a girl at a show, but most of his encounters are empty. And even if he does find someone he likes, the conversation is lacking or she's so starstruck she can't do much more than giggle or try way too hard to impress him in bed. He longs for a real connection.
On stage, though, he lives his dream every night. This show in North Carolina is particularly satisfying for some reason and he comes off the stage with a smile on his face. He makes his way quickly to the car, heading for the tunnel lined with screaming fans. Looking up briefly, something strange captures his eye.
He reacts quickly without thinking, throwing his arms out to catch you just before you hit the ground. Somehow, you fall perfectly into his grasp and he holds you like a baby. He's stopped running, so his entourage encircles him to urge him forward.
"You can't stop here, man!"
"Put her down; let's go!" He looks down at you in his arms and realizes you're out cold.
"I can't! She's out, guys!"
"You're gonna have to drop her!" He shakes his head vigorously.
"No. I'm bringin' her with me." The guys make eye contact across him. They know when he's like this there's no arguing with him. He starts moving forward again with you in his arms.
At the car, the guys try again to get him to drop you with a security guard, but he refuses.
"It's my fault she's like this! I'm not leavin' her!" He gets into the backseat of his car, holding you on his lap. The other guys roll their eyes and squeeze in with him. It was a tight fit even before you were there, so now it's almost impossible for them to smash into the car. He wraps his arms around you tighter and holds you to him while the guys pile in. Sweat from the show slides down his face and he looks at you in his arms. The gentle lines of your features are intriguing and he wonders what your name is. For a moment, he forgets where he is and does something a little strange. He pulls your face to his and presses his lips to your forehead. That's when your eyelids flutter and you stir.
You sit up quickly and look around, trying to figure out where you are. You're in a car of some kind with a bunch of men you don't recognize. You try desperately to remember how you got here.
"Hey, honey. Are you alright?" When you hear his voice, you whip your head around.
"Oh." You answer breathlessly. "It's you."
He chuckles softly and his smile almost causes you to pass out again.
"It's me. I'm sorry, honey, I just didn't want to leave you there in that state."
"Do you remember falling over the wall?" You cover your face in embarrassment.
"Oh my god..." He laughs softly again.
"Honey, it's okay. It happens."
"This has happened before?!"
"Well, not exactly..." One of the guys cuts in and you realize you're sitting on Elvis's lap with his arms around you. You fight to keep your composure.
"We're here, boss." The door opens and the guys climb out of the car until it's just you and Elvis.
"I'd like you to stay, so I can keep an eye on you. Is that okay?"
"I'm not sure it's necessary..."
"I say it is. Come on." You're not going to argue with him. He pats your bottom and you climb out of the car, followed closely by him.
On the sidewalk, you stumble a little, still woozy from passing out. He wraps his arm around your waist and steadies you.
"Do I need to carry you, honey?" The concern on his face is so endearing you almost melt into the ground.
"N-no, I think I'm okay."
"Alright. I'm gonna keep a hold of ya, though." You nod and he smiles genially. Then, the two of you make your way into the hotel surrounded by his bodyguards. At the elevator, he tries to dismiss them, and they refuse to leave him alone, but when he speaks sternly and insists that he'd like to be left alone, they listen and watch as he gets on the elevator with just you. Once the doors slide shut, he turns to you and puts both hands on your hips.
"What's your name, honey?"
"Oh! I'm y/n. I'm really sorry about this."
"Don't be." He waves his hand to dismiss your apology. "I just want to make sure you're okay. Do you remember if you hit your head on the way down?"
"I don't. I think I might've been out before I fell."
"You still might've hit your head." The elevator dings and the doors open. He keeps one arm around your waist and ushers you down the hallway to his room. You look at him in his jumpsuit and wonder where he might possibly have a key stashed. He bends down and pulls it out of his boot, standing and unlocking the door. You stumble a little walking across the threshold and he steadies you again, watching you with even more concern. Once you're in the room with the door shut behind you, he seats you next to him on the couch. You yawn and blink slowly. Somehow, you're exhausted.
"Are you sleepy?"
"Mhmm." You answer, yawning again.
"Okay. We need to keep you awake. If you hit your head, you shouldn't go to sleep."
"I don't feel like I hit my head." He reaches out and puts his hand on your cheek.
"I'm not willing to take any chances, honey." You nod slowly and notice that his eyes flick down to your lips. He clears his throat and pulls his hand back. You're a little surprised that he almost seems shy.
"You're sure I can't just lay down?"
"No, baby, you gotta stay awake." He looks down at himself and then to the bathroom. "I need to shower, though. But I hate to leave you alone."
"I really think I'm okay." He looks at skeptically as you yawn yet again.
"No. You're comin' with me. You can wear your underwear in the shower. I won't touch you. C'mon." He makes you stand up off of the couch and takes your hand, walking you to the bathroom. You want to tell him that you'd happily get in the shower with him naked, but you don't. He puts you in first, facing the back of the shower and then you hear him undress and get in behind you. You're dying to peek and see what he looks like without his jumpsuit, but he's being so kind that you can't violate his privacy like that. Still, the knowledge that Elvis Presley is naked behind you in the shower makes you a little crazy. Just when you think it can't get much more endearing, he starts humming. Your heart melts when his humming turns to quiet singing and you're dying to turn around and wrap him in your arms. He's so much more precious in person than you ever dreamed he could be.
You're lost in a reverie when the shower turns off and you feel him turn to face you. You can tell he's looking at you and you want to turn around so badly. Everything inside you is screaming at you to just turn around. But it's like you're frozen where you stand. When he kisses your shoulder, though, your head rolls to the side and you're desperate for him to touch you. He doesn't though. Instead, he whispers.
"You stay here, baby. I'll get you a towel." He gets out of the shower and hands you a towel. "There's a robe hanging on the door. I'm right outside."
You dry off and slip out of your wet undergarments, wrapping the fluffy robe around yourself. When you open the door, he's sitting on the couch with a towel around his waist. He looks up at you in the robe and swallows deeply. You sit on the edge of the bed and smile awkwardly. He returns your smile.
"I'm going to get dressed. Stay here and don't go to sleep."
"Yes, sir." He chuckles softly and moves back to the bathroom. You settle against the pillows and hastily break your promise to stay awake. The warmth of rest washes over you and your eyes close.
Elvis puts you in the shower in your underwear facing away from him. It's impossible for him not to notice your figure, though. The curve of your ass in your white panties about drives him crazy. He strips naked and turns the shower on. Through the whole shower, he tells himself not to get aroused just at your proximity. Once he's finished, he pulls the handle to make the water stop and then turns to face you. Your hair and your body are wet from the shower and he wants to touch you so badly that it almost hurts. Without thinking, he leans down and presses his lips to your shoulder. It's an indulgence he should have resisted, but something about you is intoxicating. He breathes deeply and pulls himself away to get you a towel. Once he does, he walks out into the room and sits on the couch. What is it about you that has him so out of sorts?
When you come out in the robe, it takes all of his self control to keep from ripping it off of you. But he wants more from this. He wants to know you, not just fuck you and move on.
"I'm going to get dressed. Stay here and don't go to sleep." You give him a salute and he chuckles, making his way back to the bathroom. After about thirty seconds, though, he has a bad feeling. He doesn't even get his pants on and walks back into the room still in his towel.
He was right. You're asleep.
He moves to the bed quickly and sits next to you, shaking you gently.
"Hey, baby, wake up." You don't stir and he starts to panic. He thinks back to how he woke you up in the car and leans in and kisses your forehead. Still, you stay asleep. He kisses your cheek and then finally, he presses his lips to yours. Finally, your eyes flutter open and he smiles. "You're back."
"I am. You kissed me."
"I'm sorry; I was getting desperate." He looks into your eyes and your smiles fade.
"Do it again." You whisper and he nods, pulling your face back into his. He crashes his lips into yours and the kiss moves to a fever pitch as he parts your lips with his and slips his tongue into your mouth. He puts both hands on your cheeks and you sit up on your knees, ready to crawl into his lap. Thats when he notices his erection under the towel. It's impossible to hide and he pulls away, looking down, and trying to push his cock down to make it less obvious.
"Oh, god, I'm sorry, honey."
"Don't be. It's okay." He shakes his head.
"No. It's not. I brought you up here just to keep an eye on you and now this." He's ashamed at his reaction to you. He feels your finger under his chin and you pull his face to looking into yours.
"Elvis, I've loved you for as long as I can remember. Meeting you? Knowing you? It just confirms everything I've ever believed to be true about you." He melts at your words and pulls you in close to him, kissing you deeply. But he pulls away again.
"I don't want to hurt you. I don't know if you should do... this..."
"Then maybe I can do this..." You reach your hand forward and run it down his chest to the top of the towel. Then, he inhales sharply as you move further down to where his cock is erect underneath it. You slide your hand under the towel carefully and take him in your palm. He moans softly as you begin to stroke him, moving his foreskin back and forth gently.
"God, baby, that feels so good. You don't have to-"
"Shhh. You've been taking care of me all night. Let me take care of you." His hips buck into your hand as you continue to pump him. He grunts and leans his head back as you move your hand a little faster.
"Mmm, baby..." He moans as you push his foreskin back and collect a bead of precum that's gathered there, running your thumb across his sensitive head. He leans back and lets you move the towel out of the way to free his cock and stroke it in the open. You pump him a little faster and he groans again. "It's so good, baby."
He feels your lips on his cheek as you move your hand on him and turns to kiss you. He looks into your eyes and puts his hand on your cheek, leaning in to capture your lips again. Then, he presses his forehead to yours and whispers.
"Thank you..." You smile and continue moving your hand up and down on him gently. He throws his head back and his hips buck again. "Fuck, baby, I'm gonna-"
A guttural groan rises from his throat as he cums, hard, and shoots his climax all over your hand. You pump him through his release and he shudders into your palm. He uses the towel to wipe your hand clean and then lays back on the bed.
You giggle a little and lay back with him. He turns and looks at you.
"I haven't been that satisfied with a handjob in years."
"I haven't given one in years." You smile. He rolls over and smothers you in kisses, forgetting for a second that you might be hurt. He pulls back and looks into your eyes, reaching down to undo the tie on your robe. His hand runs underneath it onto your stomach and down to your hip.
"Can I make you feel good too, honey?" You nod frantically and he laughs out loud. Then he stops and looks at you seriously. "Alright, just don't move around too much. I'll never forgive myself if this hurts you."
"I really think I'm fine." He sinks to the floor between your knees and pulls you to the edge of the bed. He spreads your legs, kissing the inside of each of your thighs gently. You moan softly as he leans forward and drags his tongue up your slit to the bundle of nerves at the top.
"Oh, god, Elvis!" You whimper as he continues to move his mouth on you. He swirls his tongue over and around your clit in tantalizing circles. The sensation drives you wild and your pussy clenches around nothing as he licks you. He dips down and pushes his tongue into your slit several times before slipping one of his long fingers inside you. You whine and arch your back as he pumps his finger in and out and goes back to dragging his tongue over your clit. The pressure of your orgasm builds as he works and you know you won't last too much longer. He pulls back a little and flicks your sensitive bud with the tip of his tongue, teasing your orgasm out of you.
"Cum for me, baby." He whispers, pressing his whole mouth to you and moving his tongue on you hard.
"Oh, yes! Yes!" You cry out as your orgasm crashes into you, pumping through your veins like electric shockwaves. He continues working his mouth on you as you ride out your high, your hand in his hair.
When you finally come back down and stop shuddering, he pulls back, wiping his face with his hand and laying next to you on the bed.
"Wow." He chuckles and looks over at you. "No, seriously, I've never had a man...get me there."
"I mean, they've tried, but never successfully. It's like I was waiting for you."
"Honey, I feel like I've been waiting for you too." He rolls over and put his hand on your cheek.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't explain it. Something about being here with you, feels like I was meant to catch you."
"It feels like I was meant to fall." He presses his lips to yours, kissing you deeply. You shimmy out of the robe and get under the covers with him. He holds your naked body close to his own, running his hands over you gently as you talk.
You spend the rest of the night in conversation and soft touches. He tells you stories about his life and listens attentively when you share yours. The connection between you strengthens with each passing hour and each soft caress and each sweet kiss.
When the sun peeks through the curtains of your hotel room, he pushes a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
"I think you're okay, baby. You haven't had any other symptoms and it's probably been long enough now that you would have."
"Should I leave?"
"Not unless you want to."
"I don't."
"Then stay. We made it to the morning. We can rest now." You nod and he settles on your chest. You're both asleep within minutes, wrapped around each other.
Eventually, there's a harsh knock on the door and someone calls to him from the other side of it.
"Hey, boss, we gotta be wheels up in twenty."
"Okay." He hollers back, groaning and stretching.
"I'm sorry I kept you up all night." You whisper.
"Don't be, honey, that's the best night I've had in years." You both get up and start to get dressed. When you're fully put back together, he grabs you and pulls you into a warm embrace.
"I hate that you're leaving." You mumble into his chest.
"Come with me."
"What? No, I can't."
"Why not?" You wrack your brain for a reason, but there's nothing keeping you here. Nothing that's more important than him.
"Okay." You look up into his face, your arms still wrapped around each other.
"Yes. Can we swing by my apartment and let me grab a few things?"
"Baby, I'm Elvis Presley, we can do whatever we want." He leans in and kisses you softly again. "You know somethin'?"
"I know I caught you when you fell, but I think you're the one who saved me tonight." He takes your hand to lead you out of the room and into your future. "My own little angel fell right out of the sky. I'm so glad you did."
The End
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things
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reysdriver · 1 year
Behind The Venue | J.P.
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(part 1 to this fic) you discover rockstar!james is cheating on you through a fan's social media post — modern!rockstar!james x fem!reader angst
warnings: james being a cheater
words: 1k
warnings: umm just to let y'all know, a lot of my writing is gonna be angst for the time being cus i'm going through a breakup lol and also let me know if you want me to write a part 2 to this cus i can defo see it already
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James was currently on tour with the boys; last night was Berlin, tonight was Vienna. Although you both wished you could join them as they visited almost every European capital, you couldn’t leave everything for two months. 
Well, you could. James had made it clear you didn’t need to work, that he would buy you anything you ever needed or wanted, but you didn’t want to be completely dependent on him. So while he travelled all around the continent, you stayed home to wait tables and keep your flat warm. 
But it wasn’t like you were completely away from your boyfriend for the whole time; you called each other every night—even the ones where the boys got blackout drunk in foreign hotels, and you constantly stayed updated on everything regarding the band. 
The little bits of connection were how you found yourself on Austrian social media scouring the hashtags related to The Marauders. You scrolled through selfies of fans in front of the empty stage, waiting for the boys to start. Some people brought posters and gifts for them, which always made you smile. Some of the fans even mentioned you in their posts and you commented on a few of them, wishing them a fun time at the concert. 
Then, you sent James a good luck text and went to make yourself dinner. You’ve learned that the best concert pictures and videos get posted a day or two after they’re taken, so you know you don’t need to stay online all night. Instead, you take your food to the couch and put on a movie while the concert hall in Vienna was electric with excitement. 
Near the end of the second movie of the night, you almost fell asleep in your living room, but your heavy eyelids shot up at the feeling of your phone buzzing shamelessly against your thigh. 
It had been going off periodically before, but the notifications increased exponentially in the last few minutes. 
Although you were half-asleep, you couldn’t just let your phone explode with activity. Scary thoughts that something happened to James at the concert overtook your mind and you quickly reached for your phone while attempting to hope for the best. 
It was about James, just not what you were expecting. Someone had caught a video of your boyfriend making out with Lily Evans, the lead singer of their opening band, outside behind the venue. 
The clip was short but inarguable. That was obviously James and Lily, and there was no debate on what they were doing. 
It showed them quickly, then the teenage girl who took the video flipped the camera to herself and said something in German. The only thing you could understand was your own name, and you weren’t sure you wanted to know what the rest meant. 
The video was just posted, but it was already spreading. There were so many comments and reposts; everyone seemed to have something to say on the matter. 
It ranged from ‘you should take this down, imagine how humiliating it is for (y/n)’ to ‘I mean, we’ve known this was coming lol look at their constant flirting’, and you weren’t sure what hurt more. 
And even though every single take felt like a slap in the face, you kept scrolling through them all. You were careful not to interact with any of them so as to not encourage drama, but it seemed like the fans were doing fine on their own when it came to stirring the pot. Eventually, it just became all too much. You took a screenshot of one post and sent it to James. 
But despite that, you weren’t staying up any longer. You shut off your phone, plugged it in across the room, and started getting ready for bed. You didn’t care if the only other thing to do was cry yourself to sleep, you weren’t spending any more time watching your boyfriend kiss his coworker. 
The night barely consisted of sleep. There were periods where you calmed down enough to sleep, but you woke up several times in a pool of emotions. You managed to stay asleep for long enough that you’d be adequately rested, and that was good enough for you. 
When you opened your phone in the morning, you were sure that any limits to messages and mentions must have been hit. So not in the mood to hear anyone else’s opinions on your relationship, you didn’t even bother opening social media. 
You saw that James had sent a string of texts and tried calling you several times, and your heart ached. He was the only person who you would listen to about this, but you didn’t want to hear anything he had to say. What could he say over the phone to fix this? 
Then, as if on cue, your phone vibrated with an incoming call from him. 
You were torn on what you should do. Answer and listen to him begging for forgiveness, decline and ignore everyone? If you answered and he asked for mercy, would you forgive him? You even thought about airing out all his secrets online in a petty act of revenge. But none of those really seemed like something you would want. In this fragile state, you wondered if anything could help. 
Then your attention snapped back to the picture of him on your screen, letting you know he wanted to talk. 
Compromising between all the ideas that had just been running through your head, you declined the call and opened your messages. ‘come back home and we’ll talk.’ was all you sent James before tossing your phone aside.
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redisveryyummy · 6 months
Late night modern hotd music headcanons :D
Rheanyra loves Beyonce so fucking much dude
She feels like she would have one playlist and it's just called boss bitch or something
Reputation is the only Taylor Swift album she constantly listens to and evermore but we won't talk about that
Former theater kid, if you disagree argue with the wall
I am a strong believer that she is a fan of musicals/romcoms and her and her boys have a movie night where they watch their favorites and sing every song word for word
(Daemon does not participate)
Rheanyra singing "Slipping Through My Fingers" to Jace and/or Luke has me sobbing my eyes out dude
Jace, Luke, and Joffery singing "Honey Honey" omg
Daemon listens to dad rock and dubstep exclusively, nothing else
Bro is literally the cbat guy
Daemon is really the kind of guy that would be like "there's this band but you probably wouldn't know it because it's so underground" and it's literally Weezer
Alicent loves her yearning music
Phoebe Bridgers, Frankie Cosmos, Laufey, Mitski, Conan Gray
Two words. BOY. GENIUS.
Her and Rheanyra have TOTALLY gone to many boy genius concerts together
folklore folklore folklore
Aegon 😐😑😐
Cbat guy 2.0
Listens to WAY to much house music
No real music taste
Whatever is on the radio, but like the radio in 2016 you know?? Or like late 2000's
1989 (Taylor's Version) he's not a monster lol
Usher (that's the only person I can think of rn lol)
Aemond only listens to classical music or weird experimental jazz because he thinks it makes him different
Activity hates on Taylor Swift for all the wrong reasons
Secretly likes her a little and is way too excited for The Tortured Poets Department
Helaena is so whimsical I love her sm <3
Very much into indie stuff with down to earth vibes
Hozier, The Crane Wives, Noah Kahn, Everybody's Worried About Owen, Bears in Trees, Maya Hawk
"Why Am I Like This" by Orla Gartland...iykyk
Jacaerys Velaryon is an Arianna Grande FAN I don't make the rules
Him, Beala, and Rheana definitely have little dance parties whenever they come over
Loves Ari and Brittany
Also enjoys country music
He gets it from his daddy 🥰
Taylor Swifts Self Title is his everything
It's all his mom's fault
His playlists are all just musical soundtracks
Little Shop of Horrors, Heathers, The Falsettos, RIDE THE CYCLONE, BE MORE CHILL, Dear Evan Hansen, Hamilton
Same with the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack y'all don't even know
Luke loves "Hell is Forever"
Also bro has a HORRIBLE singing voice
Anyway I will probably have more tomorrow but that is what I got for tonight :))
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sparxyv · 1 month
tag nine people you want to get to know better!
TEHEHE thank you @choccy-milky and @holdmymallowsweet for the tag!!! 💜🫶
LAST SONG? - no idea.. i listen to so much music it all blends together 😪 i THINK it was 'The Pantaloon' by Twenty One Pilots.. my fav song by my fav band 😏
FAVORITE COLOR? - purple!!! 💜🎆
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - my fav show EVER, How I Met Your Mother 😩 i literally always have it in the background and i really don't watch much else..
LAST MOVIE? - I HAVE NO IDEA 😭😭 i think it was probably Zombieland (2009)?? i honestly haven't watched a movie in a while 😔 i did watch Zombieland a week or so ago, it's one of my fav movies because i'm SUCH a sucker for found family trope. (if i wrote a fic for milena this would 100% show)
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - SPICY. I LOVE SPICY FOODS 🙏 although, i did eat buldak ramen a couple days ago and it was so spicy i started crying 🥲
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - wouldn't you like to know 🙄🙄 (single)
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - this is obvious
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - "twenty one pilots clancy tour outfits" - i have a tøp concert in 8 days (SO FKN EXCITED) and no outfit.. was looking for inspiration since i'm going shopping today 😩
no pressure tags! (pls i'm so sorry idk who has done this and who hasn't i don't wanna bother y'all 😔) - @siboom777 @syaolaurant @ccelicaa @lamieboo @keri-mcberry
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 3 months
🦌📺 More on RadioAppleStaticBand! 🐐🎸
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Honestly just full and ripe with angst. I love angst; first it's Vox and Alastor's past then the jealousy that comes from seeing Vox with Valentino and Alastor with Lucifer. I don't think they would really calm down unless feelings are mentioned even when Adam enters the picture. For whatever reason even though Lucifer is the devil the other three are the three that struggle expressing their love. Good thing Lucifer is so determined.
Considering the relationships Lucifer could start with Vox to get things going. They haven't interacted from what we see in the series but Vox would literally be TOO excited to meet the big boss of hell though he'd be shocked to find Lucifer feeling anything for him in return.
I feel like Vox and Adam are the brats of the ship, like they always have something slick to say, always have an attitude at the worst times and Lucifer would start their punishments while Alastor would finish them. Brat taming at its finest.
There's this thing with pda where they will all invest in it but Lucifer or Vox would start it, gentle in their approach knowing just how their partners are and can be.
Hugs are big in this quadship but things like kisses, backrubs, massages and stuff would come later and even more intimate actions far later.
They probably have sessions where they sit in a circle and talk about what they and the other is and isn't okay with. Communication is a big thing to hold this ship together.
Things like morning coffee?? Vox is a bit of a puppy with these three? Always so eager to be around them and show off and I see Vox cooking the meals, taking into account what everyone does and doesn't eat so he could serve them correctly. He's probably the one setting dates too with the help of Lucifer with Adam and Alastor are willing to go with the flow.
They are honestly impossible to separate once they solve and talk about their issues and problems. That'll take time and effort but once they get there it's the most true and honest love. Like there's too many emotions to explain how all four of them managed to find each other.
Alastor would enjoy quieter dates like picnics or those boat rides that couples do? Adam is more for energy, take him to the amusement park or a concert or simply things like water fights, snowball fights, wrestling, etc could get him eager. Lucifer is honestly happy to do anything and everything, he's been alone for so long that he doesn't care what they do as long as they do it Buuut he does enjoy being in his home with them for the most part. Watching movies, cuddling, painting ducks, drink nights etc etc. Vox is confident that he does many things and almost like Lucifer he is the same way though maybe Vox is the guy to want to go out to dinner before coming home for cuddles unlike Lucifer who doesn't need to be outside prior to a cuddle session. Vox loves the aquarium too, things that make him think, his field trips with the other three can be a bit nerdy but in the cutest of ways to them.
They are slightly (not so slightly) scared of affection like... All of them but Vox and Lucifer are scared in a way were they don't want to accidentally overstep... To touch when the others don't want it and they are respectful but being able to touch those they care for is big to them. Adam and Alastor are scared in a way where they feel nervous about wasting effort and time. Like they trust their partners but it's more of a deep rooted issue than anything else.
It can and will be talked about and worked on. Interestingly enough Vox and Lucifer aren't affected by waiting for as long as they need to for their partners.
Alright alright let me move on before I ramble but I am very much so tempted to do so. 😮‍💨
Ah, now I'm big on angst but right after that is my skills in smut so let me spitball some ideas at y'all.
Alastor's not versed in many things sexual prior to these though he and Vox had quite a few intimate moments before they fell out before Alastor's disappearance. Those times he loved so deeply that it scared him. I can see him being into cockwarming especially after these screenshots I posted recently. Like once he's in and he's all close and wrapped up how can he not take in their scent, or grip at their thighs and pull them closer, or trail his tongue over their skin? He likes the closeness when in their most vulnerable of states and it becomes less about the sex and more about the feeling of having someone to hold.
Vox is a bit keen on pleasing others even before he pleases himself, as much of a public figure this man is a menace behind closed doors. He'd definitely send a video to Alastor, Lucifer, and Adam of time experimenting with dildos and toys. All types too like call him the supplier or whatever lol. It's like he's always happy and eager to put on a show even though he knows he'll get handled when everyone finds him.
Lucifer gives BIG soft top vibes. Like he's soft until he's not and he'll give spankings, lashings, punishments of all sorts if he seems that the others really deserve them. Those types of punishments that feel so good that they hurt and I'm sure he wouldn't have trouble making Vox and Adam plead, Alastor can be a bit more stubborn but he can be tamed as well. Lucifer the dude to ask them little questions knowing the answers and when they reply he's immediately on them.
Adam is so shy when it comes to the more intimate stuff. It's not that he doesn't want to do it but that with his long history with heaven even neck kisses can make him hard beyond belief. Super sensitive?? Like don't touch bros wings... Or his horns... He'll jolt and jerk away in shock, big eyes and red cheeks like you just cupped his sack. He's so cute really, like he talks a big game but deep down all he needs is love and to be plowed until his head is spinning.
Kinks that come with these four are: cockwarming, spanking, collars and leashes, praise and degradation, marking, scenting, biting, grinding/dry humping, and others but those are the ones to come to mind first.
Like at this point everyone got they own collars for whenever the time is called for 😩😂
Hehe, imma stop here for now and see how y'all like this. If you want more follow me or wait for people to commission me or until I start the ao3 book!
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luusecret · 2 months
Hii can i request a damon salvatore x fangirl/swiftie gf hcs?
my time to shine... thank u for the request 🎀🙂‍↕️
damon salvatore x swiftie!gf headcanons
he would sit there and listen to you talk about taylor swift and her songs/album lore for HOURS.
damon is a sucker for friendship bracelets, he would help you make the ones to trade at the concert and would wear the ones you made for him everyday.
he would try and match his outfits with "the friendship bracelet of the day"
he would often make jokes abt taylor and k*nye just to piss you off, and would make up for it after with cuddles and kisses.
he would joke around calling himself a swiftie but it always has this sarcastic undertone to it, but you don't mind it at all.
not a g*ylor believer i feel.
goes to the cinema with you yo watch the eras tour movie even though you've seen her live with him before.
i feel like he would be capable of compelling his way into getting you to meet taylor backstage... i just know he would, pics and all.
his favorite album is reputation ofc
he would buy you so many merch... y'all don't get it
he goes with you at the concert ofc, he goes crazy at the "let me. see your. HANDS" part
he would get excited when you started to watch kansas city's matches with him (when you never showed interest abt them) after travis and taylor started dating.
ugh my man i love him so muchh
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Take You to a Better Place: Floyd x reader Chapter 1
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The girls and you were a brand new band coming out . Band name was going to be Sugar,Spice and Everything Thrice with you girls as the main girls in the band. Violet, Parsley, and (Y/N) that’s all who is in the band. Anyway , yall are at Brozones concert watching it to see the new competition. You watch your competition start their performance. (I’m going to assume that velvet and veneer in the movie are 16 so you will meet them as young kids like 10 years old)
(I found a video on TikTok of this part so I wanna show)
You and your band had gotten front row seats to Brozone concert. Your manager wanted you to see your new competition and to scope them out. They boys get on stage and start singing their song "Perfect". You noticed that Violet seemed to be into the lead singer JD by how she was eyeing him.  Parsley seemed to be eyeing the guy who is the fun one but you just roll your eyes at them eye looking at some boys. This was the competition. Even if you did like how the pink haired one looked and sounded. This is your career you won't jeopardize it.  Suddenly it looked like the leader JD was going off from their original choreography and they seemed to look all nervous to you. Suddenly they fall from the tower and the huge disaster happens on the stage.
You gasp in shock. Definitely not expecting that to happen. You and your girl band were shocked to say the least. Brozone ran backstage and y'alls manager decided that this was the perfect time to introduce yall together.  You distracted the audience who were upset cause of Brozone leaving.
After the concert, it seems your band has gotten extremely popular. Next day when your album was released, you sold out. You were on magazine covers and everything. Violet was the band leader and the pretty one. Parsley was the exciting and adventurous one. You were the cute and calm one who had the sweetest smile. No matter where y’all went , people recognized and asked for autographs. You were polite and always willing to take pictures.
Brozone was all over the papers the next day. They broke up. Tons of fans crying in sadness that their favorite boy band disbanded. But that just left your girl group to fill the gap. You traveled all over the trolls world, you dabbled in all types of musics to appease every troll. You had rock songs and pop songs and country songs and funky songs. Y’all even added some classical to some songs. Y’all were known far and wide and loved by many because you appealed to all music lovers.
For the next several years , y’all were on top. You won awards and had an awesome fan base . But after 8 years of making songs together, Violet wanted a solo career. She said we were too old to be in a girl group anymore. That we are in our 20s and we need to go out and make a name for ourselves but she meant herself.
Violet: “Look it’s just a “girl thing”. We knew we wouldn’t last forever. We are no “babes in toy land” and we won’t be young forever. So, “girlfriend”, I’m going solo. We used to be “the chicks” but it’s time for me to “xscape” and make a name for myself. Y/N and Parsley, all yall need is some “TLC” and I’m sure you “spice girls” will be fine. It’s time for me to “go-go.” Bye girls.
Then she up and left. You havent seen her or parsley since. Not knowing what to do next you head to Mount Rageous to find work as a music artist. This is where things get bumpy.
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Dang. I haven’t wrote a chapter story since before September last year. I am so sorry yall. I hope you liked this. Love you my darlings
Part 2
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rogueddie · 1 year
Movie AU Steddie Fics
Important: READ THE TAGS! Also, leave a comment and kudos! These fics are amazing and I love them and I hope y'all do too 📼
Free Hawkins
CassieWater354, Dandyfello
It started as a simple passion project. A discovery of what was possible with simple code. Eddie had been the one to bring it up to Steve. "The AI could be like, ALIVE dude!" He explained excitedly. Steve looked on in confusion, "Like they simulate emotions and personalities and are like real people but they're code!!"
A few more hours of erratic explaining later and Steve agreed. Well, he agreed to begin with but it was nice to see Eddie so excited. Steve loved his computer science class and it didn't fail him as Eddie rang off ideas, Steve created them and Eddie made it all look good. A well-oiled machine. It was hardly near completion but with the complexity and beauty of it they realized it to test and build interest, and funds wouldn't be so bad either. It was a hit, a huge hit. They did interviews, got a lot of hype and attention and it was mostly positive feedback. Mostly.
Words : 12,015 Chapters : 10/10 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Who's Sorry Now
Hawkins is like any place in small town America, quaint, quiet, and full of secrets. Murders, disappearances, unsolved cases swept under the rug of normalcy for the sake of security.
But it all gets ripped away one night when Chrissy Cunningham answers the phone to find herself talking to a mysterious voice. Which sets off a chain of events that truly reveals the line between good and evil.
Words : 51,160 Chapters : 8/8 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
Asking You to Love Me
Steve is a famous actor. Eddie runs a game store. After an incident involving orange juice, an unlucky romance blossoms between them. Notting Hill AU.
Words : 22,397 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
Fate's Fool
Sometimes true love is interrupting your own concert to chase the hot vampire watching in the audience.
Words : 1,285 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
Episode I - Something happens and I'm head over heels
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Words : 6,773 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : General Audiences
AO3 : x
Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts.
After winning tickets for the R.M.S. Titanic in a very "lucky" game of poker, Edward "Eddie" Munson and his friend because third class passengers on Titanic.
Words : 18,449 Chapters : 10/10 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
beetlesandstars, witchjeons
“It’s a feeling, a heartbeat,” Eddie murmurs one night, pressing a hand over his own heart. “Like this. Gu-gung, gu-gung.”
Steve snorts, before copying Eddie.
Tapping away, Eddie steps closer. “Don’t try so hard,” he says softly, taking Steve’s hand, moving it to rest over his own chest.
Words : 27,880 Chapters : 6/7 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
A Shadow Is Cast Wherever They Stand
“You should think more about whether you’d survive a horror movie. You never know when you might find yourself… in one.”
When the phone rings for Chrissy Cunningham in October 1996, it starts a wave of murders in the sleepy town of Hawkins. Who is Ghostface? And who is their next target?
Words : 23,713 Chapters : 9/9 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
Sincerely Yours
When a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal are forced to spend a whole Saturday in detention together, there's no telling how horribly wrong the day will go. Tensions are high, especially with the added stressor of power-hungry Principal Higgins breathing down their necks. Will the teens manage to make it through the full nine hours unscathed? Will they come to resent one another, even more so than some of them already do? Or will they become unlikely acquaintances? Will new friendships be forged? Perhaps a few...more-than-friendships?
Who's to say? After all, stranger things have happened.
Words : 41,252 Chapters : 10/10 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
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yoonmeowzz · 2 years
ateez ! on your first date
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contents: gn!reader x ateez members, fluff and lots of cliché
warnings: mention of food in hwa's, yunho's and woo's (and kinda? in mingi's)
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this boy is definitely thrift shopping with you. he would ask your opinion on every piece of clothing that catches his eye, because he wants to look good for you (for himself too ofc but u get me). every now and then he says "this would look amazing on you". and maybe he would try to find matching accessories for the both of you.
"do you like this necklace, y/n?"
    ⠀ ⠀⠀
he either takes you to a coffee shop or you have a movie night at home. maybe both. some nice background music and your dumb conversations as the only sound inside the small café he took you to. and since you both were having the time of your lives, you decided to go to his house, make popcorn (the sweet ones) and watch your favourite movies.
"wanna watch the whole star wars saga?"
    ⠀ ⠀⠀
picnic date with golden retriever boy! he would even check the weather forecast some days before asking you out. you guys decided to buy your favourite snacks, but he would try to surprise you by making something on his own. like those cute heart biscuits or some avocado makis. yunho would probably play with every child or puppy that approaches your small spot on the grass. and he's definitely cleaning the corner of your mouth with his thumb even if you have nothing.
"wait, you've got something there."
    ⠀ ⠀⠀
he would be very nervous so he chose going for a walk with you. that way you both can decide where to go and what to do. you would walk around the city, taking a look at some shops and maybe stopping at some of them to buy whatever. but his fingers would always be linked with yours. once the sky starts to get darker he would insist on dropping you at your place, even if it's on the opposite direction of his. he's just making sure you're safe.
"don't let go my hand, i don't want to lose you."
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since he's really good at videogames (and he may want to show off a little bit), he'd take you to an arcade. he would teach you how to play his favourite ones and once you're used to all the dynamics he would get a little competitive. but he's obviously letting you win some games so he can see your smile on full display. after you've played almost all the games there, he would try to get you a plushie or whatever reward you ask for at the claw machine.
"it's not fair! you're getting really good at this, y/n."
    ⠀ ⠀⠀
he wanted you to decide where to go on your first date, so you chose a theme park. they're fun and you can get a lot of prizes, what else can you ask for? mingi is very jumpy, so he wouldn't be so excited at first. but he would enjoy your date anyways. you went for the soft rides like the cups or the carousel. but at some point he agreed to go into the haunted house. bad idea, he would be screaming and hiding behind your back (or trying to) all the time. at the end you would buy some snacks and call it a day.
"i really like you, but i'm never going in there again."
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wooyoung enjoys cooking. and there's nothing better than cooking something for the first time with someone you like. you both searched some new recipes to try out and once you decided what to make you went to buy the ingredients together. you guys would be laughing most of the time. it doesn't matter for woo if it tastes bad in the end, he's happy that you had a great time together.
"let's just order something instead, i don't want us to die from food poisoning."
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his voice is really something else, so you would go to a karaoke on your first date just to have a private concert together. at first y'all would sing iconic songs, jumping around and singing your lungs out. just having fun with each other. but at the end jongho would choose a slow love song something like perfect by ed sheeran and he would not stop looking at you while he's singing. once he finishes he'd be kinda embarrassed but glad that you liked it.
"darling, you look perfect tonight."
    ⠀ ⠀⠀
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vintagelacerosette · 1 year
Tag game catch up ✨
I was tagged by these magnificent sweet peas Macy @celestialmickey Evie @energievie Ling @lingy910y Laurel @lupeloto Deena @suzy-queued Vey @look-i-love-u Emmet @grossmickey Deanna @deedala Ajax @transmickey Cross @crossmydna Melodie @sirrudo Nosho @creepkinginc Jay @surviving-maybe Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Paola @mishervellous Sisi @sisitrip Donna @sleepyfacetoughguy Kat @milkmaidovich Lyds @ardent-fox Lemon @depressedstressedlemonzest Carolie @shinygalaxyperson Ri @tanktopgallavich Jade @jademickian Michelle @mmmichyyy Arrow @arrowflier Meagan @softmick @solaq Anna @rereadanon Julia @juliakayyy Cherry @too-schoolforcool
Thanks yall 🥰
This weeks Tag game Tuesday
Name: Shermyn
Whereabouts in the world are you? Sydneeeey
Do you have any pets? My Roxy pup
What do you do for work? DMV but we actually help y'all lol
Favourite fruit? Rock melon or as mericans like to say cantaloupe 🍈
A pet peeve of yours: Music or vid in public places like doctor waiting room or in trains
Are you a fast walker or a slow walker? As many have said, bc of short legs it looks fast, but I'm just tryna catch up 😅
How do you usually wear your hair? Down & flowing & I try to make it fun with hair bows or fun clips 💕
Sunny days or rainy days? Sunny days ☀️
What time do you usually go to bed? 11pm-1am
What time do you usually wake up? Sunrise clock is at 6am but I go back to sleep depending on how late i sleep lol so 7am-8am. 9am-10am on days off lol
if you were a cartoon character, what would be your everyday outfit? My birthday dress but in the cartoon my outfit is magic so it can turn whatever I want it to be depending on the occasion but keeping them colours 🩷🩵💜 for example if I needed a business outfit it would turn into a dashing 3 piece suit 💖
Something you'd like to learn: How to write fic & to crochet
and finally, tell me something that made you happy recently: All the birthday messages from y'all (thank you) & seeing my friends for my birthday 🎂💕
Last week's tag game Tuesday✨️
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Pronouns: she/they
Your sun sign, MBTI type, and enneagram type (google them if you’re not sure!): Leo, & Nines (ok screaming bc this was the first time i did thay & can i say accuracy wtf 😭)
How tall are you? 151cm/4"11 aka cute sized by
What colour are your eyes? Dark brown
The last time you saw a movie in theaters (bonus: what was it?): Barbie movie!! It was terrific & hilarious (if i did this one time the answer wouda been Birds of Prey haha great Margot films)
Favourite dessert: Love all dessert rn I'm craving for crepes 😋
Outer space or the ocean? Now I woulda said ocean before but just Good Omens season 2 means me want outta space 🚀
You’re in a McDonald’s drive thru, what are you ordering? 10 pack nugget meal with medium strawberry milkshake & sweet & sour sauce for the nugs
Are you good with plants? Probs not bought some basil & my dad ended up take care of it idk if they still alive 🥲
Would your current self and high school self get along? Sure but she'd berate me asking wth girl thought you'd be an animater 😅
A food you can’t stand:
Something you’d do if money were no object: Have an lavish retreat trip somewhere exciting to meet all the you amazing gallabitches in the fandom, where we can have fanfic writing sessions, craft sessions & even have a meet & greet with Cam & Noel. Oh my! Am I making a dashcon for gallavich? 😆
The last app you opened on your phone: Amazon prime bc of Good Omens s2
and finally, compliment yourself! You are incredibly resilient, creative & full of light. 💖
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Concert ABC
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Five comfort characters
1. Mickey Milkovich from Shameless
2. Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed
3. Kaylee Frye from Firefly
4. Wylan Hendricks from Shadow & Bone
5. Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill
List five songs that someone else introduced me to that have made their way into my regular rotation
Last line written of fic
“Ok! Small Gallaghers, it's time to get moving and into the car, or I'll be getting chatty kathy up my as again” A familiar voice cuts through the tender moment and causes Ian to shoot up like he’s been electrocuted with Liam still in his arms.
(Ngl i haven't touched my fics in forever 😅)
Fanfic trope tier list
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linafinsterwald192 · 3 months
GHOVIE SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!! my feelings about it
omg i have so much to say y'all. SPOILERS. SPOILERSS.
Holy shit. HO-LY-SHIT- I went to Berlin for that (it's like, 2 hours away from me so not that big of a deal BUT i have social anxiety) and the train station and the unfamiliar cinema and all that made me anxious, but I had to be there on time, so I didn't have time for that!! I made it and i am so glad that i did and i am glad to know that copia would be proud of me. Also the tickets were ridiculously cheap. I made almost the same for the ticket AND my cinema menu, which was just mid-sized nachos with a mid-sized pepsi and two dips??? Also yes I know Berlin cinema snacks are expensive, but I paid almost 12€ (compared to around 16 for Ghost) on Avengers Infinity War tickets a few years ago, and that one I watched in a shitty small town cinema. The fans were awesome. One of them came as a ghoul(ette?) and another gave out bracelets. I now have a Mummy Dust bracelet. Picture my excitement when it played in the movie. The lightning was fucking fantastic. It was BEAUTIFUL and brought out the faces and the jackets and oh my god everything was so close and so cinematic and i fucking loved it. I expected the movie to basically be one big Chapter, so it being essentially one big concert was a surprise to me, and it took me a while to realise that this the concept of the entire movie - but I loved it! I do not have the mental equipment to go to a concert since I get overwhelmed with crowds and such, so it was amazing getting to see a Ritual on the big screen. I love the character arcs. I love Copia standing up to Nihil, questioning what he has ever done for him. I love Sister's absolute SASS when congratulating Nihil for finally being a father at last. I love Nihil actually being a father, if for like... 10 combined minutes xD I love the characters in general. I can absolutely understand that C wants to stay and it's so interesting to see Seestor trying to let him down gently - as compared to... you know... stabbing the others when it was time? I love the relationship between Sis and Nihil. Clearly in love but still nagging (for good reason). I loved the whole cartoon-y clip. I think it conveyed their relationship perfectly and while I'm not usually a fan of i like you/Go away relationships, I absolutely ship them. They match each other's crazy for real. Also the coffin kiss is part of my Roman Empire now. I wish we could have seen how Sister and Nihil felt about Sister's death. I wish we could have seen Sister looking forward to being on the same plane as Nihil again - and I want to know if they can hug and kiss again now! I was kind of grateful that they didn't include this since it leaves more room for headcanons, but I do wish Sister had gotten an on-screen death. I loved all these small funny moments. "Do you think that's air you're smelling?" was fucking hilarious, as were the eye movements with Nihil crossing and... (what is the opposite of crossing here) his eyes - i bet the actor was very proud of that one xD I liked Ashley, and I'm glad to see Copia still has Mr. Saltarian by his side. I'm SUPER excited to see if we get more chapters, now with Copia as Frater Imperator. Also, the twin thing???? Very fucking excited for that! It was also very funny to see the ghouls so well-behaved on stage. Papa, too. 12/10. would watch a million times more. the audio for the concert portions was so clear, the jackets beautiful, and my babes were rockin'.
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
Madi’s Get to Know Me Gala 💗
Hiiii, my lil’ darlin’s, my honeys, my babies! I’ve missed y’all! I am emerging from my winter hibernation to find that I’ve somehow become a strange mythical creature in the fandom that y’all seem a bit reluctant to talk to (idk, maybe it’s my imagination?? Maybe it’s the post-Pink Scarf slump? Maybe it’s my introvertedness getting in the way? Maybe its Maybelline?? 😂). The bottom line is I miss seeing y’all in my inbox. 
To prove that I am not scary and don’t bite (unless you want me to 😏), I’m gonna do a little ‘Get to Know Me’ Gala! I’ve seen these things around and they seem fun, so I figure let’s give it a try and get some interactions goin’ again!
I’m also opening up for short blurbs/requests. I’ve never done this and struggle writing short things but I figure this will be fun and good practice. I can’t promise they will be amazing or timely, but I will try my best!
Drop by my inbox with an emoji and question and I’ll respond!
⚡️Fandom Thoughts- Ask me anything about Elvis, Elvis 2022, Austin, or Elvis eras/movies/books/shows! I LOVE TALKING ABOUT ELVIS 🥰
🎶 EP music recommendations or song analysis 
😇 Ask me a personal question to get to know me better (though I reserve the right to shift the answer to something else if the question is a little too personal!)
💃🏼Random fact about me
💗Questions/thoughts about Pink Scarf or Broken Glass
💋Sexy Elvis or Austin thots
✨Thoughts/questions/recs about other movies/shows/fandoms/hyperfixations
💭Favorite fic of yours (content writers/mutuals)
💻Fic requests! I’ll write for Elvis, Austin!Elvis, and Austin (I haven’t written any Austin yet, but I’ll try it). 
Fic Options: 
Specify Fluff, Smut, and/or Angst and one of the following:
Send me an Elvis song/pic/quote and I will write something based on the vibe of it
Pink Scarf Universe related blurbs or headcanons and characters (Sandy, Jerry, Jack, etc.)
Pick an Elvis historical moment/concert 
Pick an Elvis era/year (50’s E, Teen!E, Hayride!E, early career!E, army!E, post army!E, early 60’s/Ken doll!E, mid 60s!E, ’68 Comeback era!E, DILF!E (’69-’71), ’72-’73!E, Big Daddy Elvis (I’m gonna be honest that mid-70s/BDE is not my specialty but I’ll try it!!)
Since I haven’t written any Austin yet, those are pretty open! Just know I am NOT an Austin expert whatsoever so go easy on me lol
*Also, I will assume you want romance, so if you are thinking something not romance related, please specify!
Smut: I will write sub, dom, threesomes, and various kinks (let me know if you have a specific flavor and I’ll try my hand at it, or let me choose if you want!)
*Fics will be short/blurbs (unless I get REALLY into one lol…we all know brevity is not my strong suit, but I’m practicing it! 😘)
If I don’t think I can do a suggestion justice or if I feel uncomfortable writing something, I will let you know!
Okay, I'm excited, so I can't wait to hear from y'all!
💖 Madi
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"About the Blogger" meme
Thank u sm for tag @happylikeasadsong
Star Sign(s): Virgo sun, Cancer rising and Aries Moon - * ratata, in the ghettooo*
Favorite Holidays: Christmas and New Years, I just love little lights and the snow in the trees and to be reminded that makeup is just make up by the Canadian wind, while I get bitch slapped like I owes it money, ahhh, canadian's winter. I loveeee Christmas songs, I get so excited when it'ssss timmmee ( Mariah is it you). I dream for the day were I get to put lil socks like in movies with name and everything. Might even stitch them myself uwu. We don't do it, but maybe one day, family on my own.
Last Meal: As like my last meal if I d i e or - I ate a burned sandwich, I did it to myself. Me and myself are not talking right now, the sandwich was the last straw for today. It had two large meatballs in a subway wanna be bread - could have been great- I'm getting emotional all over again.
Current Favorite Musician: Brown noise 10 hrs- no wait - Rap orchestra - that's like the current thing I'm listening to right now. Mostly Metro's concert rap Orchestra. But Tanarelle, forever my love. Sade, for sure.
Last Music Listened To: * sigh - go look at the last edit I watched** 1975- about you, the snippet of Holt singing. Last Movie Watched: Bottoms - Lmao- THEEE GAYYYZZZ
Last TV Show Watched: Craig of the Creek - Rick and Morty, Bob's burgers, I watch Bob's burgers alot.
Last Book/Fic Finished: Now why did you have to do me like dat.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: W A W Abandoned? I Do Not Abandoned My Kids. They just live inside my head until one day a smell, a sound,or an idea reminds me that they exist, or I write them on a piece of paper and forget about it OR they live inside my notes pads. Let's not speak about myout-of-wedlockk Skyrock- Wattpat and Fanfiction.net, children, they are not mine, you cannot prove it. Where is the paternity test?
Currently Reading: Y'all posts, like it's bedtime stories. Curry's fanfictions - honestly I read most of y'all updated or not fanfiction, I was on A3O Sydcarmy tags when there was barely two pages, so ouf - thank you to y'all my loves :* truly. I would lie if I said now I have too much windows open I'm confusing the timelines and fanfic. - Seasons of Sydney by shewalksoverme I am waiting for them to update. I am not handling it well, sadly *sighs*
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Canada's woods, slightly make me sounds like a serial killer but HOW would you write a werewolf Carmy,huh!? I lived there most of my life, thought it would help me get a better writing experience, yet I've been too busy to continue and now I'm alarmeling aware that we have coyotes. Great ;-;
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: I have alot but I watched the last episode of Stranger Things with my friends last year. S8 of TVD, feeling like a last survivor of some sort, trauma lol - The Howl House - the finality, it healed my inner child to see a queer neurodivergent kid being understood by her mom, kick ass and be happy lol.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: Amphibia- it's such a cute and layered cartoon. OMG - I ALMOST FORGOT - CENTAURWORLD. It deserves the praise. It deserves to be acknowledged, the bad guy changed my perception of so many things.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: I wish (His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass) when I tell you, that this fantasy world has haunted me, because of how good it was for little girl me, argh! I would watch it all over again, I wish it had a bigger fanbase - if you love Christmas-
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For:
Listen - Projects are not the issue, it's the follow-through, I'm gonna try writing mini-stories to keep my mind engaged. I'll manipulate myself into work - Also I keep losing password to things so, yeah- My fic started: Under the moon- I will this week updated it- I want to write more one-shots, more smut for sure- I am interested in exploring differents fronts of any characters. Shit, I might even a Bob's Burgers fanfic. You can't stop me, you're not my mom- that I know of :O I would like @currymanganese to do it @angelica4equity You don't have to, but like... an ant somewhere might die cauz of it so, idk- do u wanna be an ant murdereww? Yeah, that's what i thought
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