#argh i will get over this tomorrow it will all look different
dummerjan · 1 year
having a bit of a very unexpected emotional crisis
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Rafayel Fanfic - Drunken Intimacy
This story is inspired by the 4* Rafayel card "Oceanic Nightfall," though I personally don't like how MC handles the situation, so here's a different scenario where I think things could get better.
Hope you've been enjoying my delulu so far
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Imagine you just came back from a tired mission trip, and Raf has just finished throwing a party and got drunk....
Drunken Intimacy
You had just finished carefully placing your suitcase back in your bedroom after a long mission trip when you spotted a figure slumped against the sofa by the window, holding a glass of wine you had set down countless times since you saw him.
"Argh, this boozer."
You muttered under your breath. Resigned, you navigated around the remnants of a party scattered across the living room, making your way towards a collection of overflowing wine bottles. The sight of the trashed mansion after a long and tiring trip filled you with a mixture of surprise and disappointment.
You'd envisioned a different homecoming with Rafayel – a walk by the lake or a visit to his favorite restaurant, as usual. But this scene was far from what you'd expected. Since arriving home, you'd been deliberately avoiding Rafayel's gaze, not wanting to betray your disappointment, even though deep down you knew he must have had his reasons.
Rafayel remained motionless on the sofa, swirling the wine in his glass. His eyes, usually sharp, held a strangely gentle glint as they met yours. An unsettling silence lingered between you, broken only by the jarring ring of a phone.
You recognized the ringtone as your own, but couldn't find it anywhere. It wasn't until you spotted it lying beside Rafayel on the sofa that you realized he must have noticed your avoidance too.
You approached Rafayel with your gaze fixed elsewhere. You quickly snatched your phone and answered the call from Thomas. Just as you were about to move away to talk, Rafayel suddenly grabbed your wrist, pulling you down. Taken off guard, you fell onto Rafayel's lap, right as Thomas' voice echoed from the other end of the line.
"Is that […]? Are you home already?"
You shot Rafayel a glare, but his grip was firm, preventing you from moving. You sighed and switched on speakerphone to answer. "Yes, I just got back. Is there something wrong?"
“Oh, you're back already? The party organizers and I wanted to apologize to you! The party tonight was supposed to be held at the pre-booked hotel, but due to unforeseen circumstances, they couldn't accommodate us. That's why I had to ask Rafayel to let us use his place. He usually refuses these requests, but for some reason he agreed today, which is why the party ended up being such a success. Please don't blame him, he didn't want any of this. On another note, there was a sudden power outage, and by the time Rafayel chased everyone out, we couldn't clean up. We'll send some staff over tomorrow to tidy things up."
You cast a sidelong glance at Rafayel before replying, "It's alright, Thomas. I understand."
Relief washed over Thomas on the other end of the line. As he was just about to ask about your trip, the call abruptly cut out. A moment later, it dawned on Thomas that Rafayel must be sulking again.
You yourself were also taken by surprise. All you'd heard was Thomas' voice on speakerphone, and the call had just abruptly ended because somebody’s slender and beautiful fingers pressed on the disconnect button. Still sprawled across Rafayel's lap, you lifted your eyes to meet his, their gazes locking. His eyes, glazed over with intoxication, held an undeniable intensity as they looked back at you. His body burned with heat, his cheeks flushed a deep red all the way across his face to his ear. Despite the haziness in his eyes, his focus remained fixated on you. His hand reached out to take the one holding your phone, gently setting it aside before wrapping his arm around you, pulling you close as if to meld you into his chest. The intensity of his grip startled you. You pushed yourself up, bracing your hands against his chest to create some space, forcing him back onto the sofa before sitting above him to catch your breath. A mix of annoyance and amusement bubbled within you.
“What is it? Are you trying to convince me that all this mess wasn't intentional?"
Rafayel remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he stared at you. His scorching hand reached out to touch yours resting on his chest. He squeezed it tightly, then began to stroke it gently, sending shivers down your spine. You realized there was something different about Rafayel today. You let him keep hold of your right hand while reaching out with your left to touch his cheek.
“Tell me," you said softly, "What’s bothering you today?”
Rafayel finally spoke, but his words were nonsensical.
“Do you think a mother turtle can climb trees now?"
What? Mother turtles?
As if lost in his own thoughts, Rafayel continued rambling. "Jellyfish must be able to walk, and sharks know how to eat grass as well."
You finally realized what he was hinting at. You sighed reluctantly, "Didn't I tell you the trip would take two weeks?"
"You said two weeks, but you came back a day late without telling me!"
Rafayel said, his voice laced with a hint of sulking. You felt a pang of guilt. You had indeed been delayed a day, preoccupied with finding a souvenir for him and forgot to inform him. This was serious… he was really upset.
You sighed and gave in, "I’m sorry…"
"We haven’t done yet!" Rafayel’s voice grew more "ferocious.”
“Do you know how annoying those people were today? The ladies with their suffocating perfume, the pot-bellied old men with their sly faces, just looking at them made me lose my appetite. But more importantly..."
Rafayel suddenly stopped, his voice dropping, gloomy
"...Without you, I don't want to do anything."
Rafayel’s hand moved from holding your hand to stroking your cheek. His eyes softened but were still filled with sadness.
“To you... it's just a day... but to me it has been long enough that I've stopped counting... until I see you again..."
Ah, it’s this topic again...
Though you knew about Rafayel’s Lemurian heritage, he rarely spoke about his distant past.
Except at times like this.
Sometimes, you wondered what had happened to make Rafayel show such pain, and you had a feeling it was connected to you...
Maybe you would never be able to change or control what had happened in the past, but at least, at this moment...
Putting your thoughts aside, you leaned down, your hands gently touching Rafayel’s handsome face and then placing a kiss on his forehead. You kissed him deeply and forcefully on his forehead as if to create your own "protective" mark.
"Do you know what kissing the forehead is for?"
You leaned your elbows on his chest and gently stroked the mark you had just left,
“This is a mark only for those who need to be protected. I don't know what you've been through, but as long as I'm here, I'll be your bodyguard, protect you like how you 'hired' me before."
You looked at him and smiled mischievously, making Rafayel sink into his old distant memories.
The girl in the Lemurian outfit, radiant as the sun, smiled and declared that she would give him everything. He was her belief, and she would become his faith. She always stood on an equal footing with him, never backing down.
While reminiscing about that distant memory, Rafayel felt a gentle pat on his face. You were staring at him with scrutinizing eyes. Before Rafayel could even react, you had pressed down on him. Seeing his ears gradually turn red, you blew gently on it and teased,
"But let me warn you, my bodyguard fees aren’t cheap."
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oceans-goddess · 9 months
Negan x reader pt. 1
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Author's note: Guys, I'm sorry, this is so shit. All I've written lately are papers for class, so I just wrote this to get the creative juices flowing. I know its not much, but PART 2 IS COMING AND IT WILL BE FLUFFIER DON'T WORRY!!! Trust the process🙏🙏🙏🙏. I'm planning on having this be a multi-part story because I've been fucking obsessed w this man lately like fucckkkkkk just LOOK AT HIM ARGH anyways let me know if you wanna be in the taglist😘😘
Summary: Female!reader is on her own until she comes across Negan and his men on a supply run.
Warnings: mentions of death, panic attack
Making it this far was pure luck. When the walkers came, I’d been lucky enough to have a father who’d been in the military and could teach me how to shoot. When we had to leave home and live life out on the road, constantly searching for cans of old food, I’d been lucky enough to always come across something to eat. When it got cold, we got lucky enough to find houses with fireplaces and enough firewood to last us the night.
I guess my luck ran out a month ago when a walker fell out of a closet and latched onto my dad’s throat while we were scoping out another house to stay in.
Since then, I’ve been on my own, running out of bullets, out of gas, out of hope. But I had to keep going. He’d been so sure that we would find others. Survivors. People who could help us. I had to find them– to know that his hope wasn’t for nothing. He’d kept a map with him, and we had been driving in a circular pattern, the center being our house in southern Virginia, looking for evidence of a settlement.
So here I was, staying in the master bedroom of a quaint house with a well-stocked pantry, planning out my next steps– with every closet checked, of course. I was plotting out the highway exit I would take tomorrow when I suddenly heard an engine.
A car engine.
I hurried over to the window and peaked through the blinds. Surprisingly, the people in the trucks and vans stopped just a few houses down from the one I was in. Why didn’t they continue on?
Several men climbed out of a large truck– and all of them were equipped with massive guns. I knew that they were likely for walkers, but the sneers on their faces were unnerving. I watched to see what they would do.
Then, a man with a black leather jacket and a barbed bat hopped out of the cab of another truck and began ordering the men in different directions with a wild smile plastered across his face. Anxiety grew in the pit of my stomach.
After a few minutes, his men came back out of the houses nearest to the trucks with arms full of soup cans and furniture. When they were done, he ordered them to continue on in other houses, pointing directly at the one I was in.
My father might’ve been right– there were other people out there– but I never really considered that they might not want to help me. That they might not want me to join them. Not to mention I hadn’t seen a single woman come out of any car...
I needed to get out before they got here.
I dropped to the floor, grabbed my things as quickly as I could, and shoved them into my pack, but before I could stand, there was a bang from downstairs. I heard men speaking, laughing.
My heart racing, I pulled the closet door open as quietly as I could and slipped inside, listening for a moment before I realized where I stood.
I was standing inside a closet, waiting for someone to finish searching the house.
Images of my father bleeding out on the floor surged into my mind. I gagged as I remembered the foul smell that billowed out of that closet when it opened just moments before I lost him. I remembered his screams, and my hands shaking as I shoved a knife through its skull. And then through his when he died.
Tears streamed down my face, and I covered my mouth, choking back sobs. They couldn’t find me. They couldn’t. I could tell these men wouldn’t allow anything to take them by surprise like my father had. They would shoot first, ask questions later.
I heard footsteps as a few men clomped up the stairs. More tears fell. All I could think of were their guns, and my father’s blood; their knives, and him lying there on the floor.
* * *
“It’s a girl, sir.”
Negan raised a brow.
“A girl? In the house? Alive?”
“Yes, sir. She was hiding in a closet upstairs, crying.” The leader of the Saviors hummed in reply, and stood thinking for a moment.
“Should I… should I bring her out here?” his subordinate asked. He only waved a hand in response and walked toward the house.
Inside, men looked at him with wide eyes and confused expressions. One man-- Nicholas, he believed his name was-- walked up to him and explained that the girl wouldn’t move from the closet floor.
Upon reaching the master bedroom, more of his men bombarded him with dimwitted statements.
“Sir, she won’t move."
“She just keeps crying.”
“Alright, alright, guys. Honestly, it is just a girl. I’m sure you’ve seen one before, so fucking relax,” he said with exasperation in his voice. He stopped when he heard a sniffle from the closet, then walked over and peered inside.
Though Negan wasn’t known for his big heart, he was sure his broke a little when he saw the young woman that sat before him. 
* * *
“All of you, out. Now.”
That was all the man in the leather jacket had to say for the room to become empty again, save for the two of us. I was still on the floor, my chest heaving, my hands shaking.
The man squatted in front of me, bat in hand. It was chipped and cracked in several spots, especially at the head. In the blemishes, I swore I saw faint splotches of red. I thought I would vomit.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he said, in a voice that sounded as if he was speaking to a cornered animal. In a way, I suppose, he was.
“Are you alright? Why are you crying? You hurt?”
I inhaled, meaning to respond, but all I could manage was another weak cry.
The man cocked his head to the side a bit, then looked down at the bat in his hand, realizing what was the matter. He tossed it behind him onto the bed, then turned back to me and raised his hands and continued.
“Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget I’ve even got her in my hands... I’m Negan. What’s your name, doll?”
With the bat out of sight, it was a bit easier to concentrate on his hands, his face. Though he looked quite rugged, with a shaggy beard and thick eyebrows, his brown eyes were soft, inviting.
“Y/n,” I whispered after a moment. My voice was hoarse, and I let out a cough. He sat down fully on the ground and crossed his legs.
“I’m sorry, can you say that one more time? I didn’t quite catch it.”
“Sorry… It’s-- it's Y/n,” I repeated, wringing my hands together as I spoke. He smiled.
“Y/n. What a beautiful name. It suits you, it really does. Look, I’m sorry we scared you, sweetheart. Is this your house? We didn’t know anyone was here when we came in.”
I shook my head.
“No, this isn’t my house. I was just passing through.” The man, Negan, nodded.
“Are you by yourself, honey?”
I hesitated. He put his hands up again.
“I promise, we don’t wanna hurt you. We were just lookin’ for supplies to take back with us.” My eyes widened as I recalled what I had been thinking when Negan’s trucks first arrived on the street. This could be my chance to escape the world my father hadn’t been able to. This is what he would have wanted for me, I knew it.
“I… yes, I’m alone. I have been for a while now.” A short whistle sounded from Negan’s lips. 
“You’ve been surviving out here all on your own? That’s fucking badass, I hope you know that.”
I smiled shyly, looking down at my lap and sniffling.
“Hey, have you eaten in a while?” he asked. “We’ve got a few sandwiches, apples, some sodas, down in one of the trucks. I’m sure we could spare some for you if you’re hungry.”
“I don't wanna take your lunch–”
“Aw, don’t worry about it, doll. There’s plenty extra. But I appreciate you bein’ so considerate,” he explained, finishing with a smile. He must’ve known he was making progress with me. I wiped my eyes a bit.
“C’mon, let’s go grab you something to eat,” he said, standing up and holding his large hand out to me. Looking up at him from where I sat, I could imagine how meek I must’ve looked– how embarrassingly harmless. But looking up at him stirred something in me. His confident half-smile, his slicked back hair-- his entire persona was so charming, so comforting.
I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up with ease before grabbing his bat and leading me downstairs.
* * *
“You feel like having another?” Negan asked as I finished my second peanut butter and jelly. We sat in the dusty cab of the truck he’d come in, and he tapped his fingers rhythmically on the steering wheel while watching me eat. I shook my head.
“No, I’m okay, thanks,” I responded. The bed of the truck shifted up and down as men piled boxes of supplies into it. If they needed this much stuff, I thought, there had to be a ton of people where they came from that were planning to use it. With that in mind, I cleared my throat to ask the question I’d been gathering the guts to ask since I’d sat down.
“Negan,” I began, and he hummed. “Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything you want, honey,” he said, a smile spreading across his face. I blushed and looked away, then carried on.
“You said you were taking the supplies back with you…”
“Mmhmm,” he grunted, gently urging me to continue.
“Back to where, exactly?” I whispered. He twisted to face me more in his seat.
“We’ve got sort of a compound set up,” he explained. “It’s not too far from here. It’s got fences, walls. Lots of people, and plenty more food to go around.”
All this time, my father had been right, and then some. People weren’t just surviving out here in this world– they were thriving.
“Do you… have any extra space?”
Negan laughed heartily.
“For you, doll? Abso-friggin-lutely.”
I nodded.
“So I can… I can come back with you?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
“I’d love to have you come back with us, y/n. Can’t leave a pretty thing like you with them ugly sons of bitches, now can I? You’d be much more protected there than you are here, I can tell you that.”
* * *
About an hour later, Negan sent a grumbling Dwight to find a new seat in another truck and was driving back to the compound with y/n in the passenger seat.
She was a cute little thing, he’d decided, and he’d been watching her shamelessly since he’d brought her outside. Her teary, guarded eyes, her cute little pout, everything about her was fucking adorable.
Although, he was also amazed at how long she’d held up out here. People like her, people who hid and cried instead of standing and fighting, those people were pretty much gone by now. How had she made it this far?
He struck up a polite conversation, asking questions here and there. There had to be some explanation for how she’d survived for all this time. After a few minutes, though, it was clear that the questions were making her nervous. His curiosity about her was eating away at him as he drove– he was used to getting answers faster than this. But he supposed he could wait this time.
The sweet girl beside him sat silently for the rest of the drive, and though the questions piled up in his mind, Negan was smiling.
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countessofravenclaw · 8 months
El Lugar más Feliz de la Tierra: Chapter two
To all that come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future.
- Walt Disney
Luna had never heard these words before, nor had she heard of the man who had said them... well until she and Mateo end up having a movie night and Luna comes up with an idea. If there is really a place that can be called "the happiest place on the earth" she wants to see it for herself. So she and all her friends leave on an adventure ... an adventure over to a place where you can leave today and enter the world of the past, future, adventure, and fantasy.
The song of the chapter V ¤
All around the world sun is shining
“So I thought two suitcases would be enough but we’ll see.” Luna put two colorful suitcases onto the bed where Nina was sitting. It was Friday and they were flying out to California on a 13:30 flight the next day. We’ll be checking then anyway so it does not matter. Are you sure you have time to help me?”
“Of course,” Nina said as she scrolled through the checklist on the tablet. Luna and Ambar had done all the planning together and the list had everything Luna still needed to make sure of. “I already sorted the clothes and other stuff I’m taking. Gastón is putting them into our suitcases with his own after he gets off work. Everything I need as a carry-on, I’ll have time to pack tomorrow.”
“You trust him to do that?” Luna questioned as she dumped a mountain of socks to the bed. “Matteo always says that he can’t navigate my clothing and Ambar doesn’t let Simon even touch hers.”
“Well, we are all different. Whatever works for you is fine. But my husband is very capable of doing that.”
“I still can’t believe that you are actually married,” Luna exclaimed while starting to throw shirts off their hangers and next to the socks.
“Well, sometimes I don’t believe it myself,” Nina laughed and looked at the narrow white gold band that was encrusted with small sapphires, which was now accompanying the sapphire and diamond engagement ring on her left ring finger. “But I have to say, it is pretty nice.”
“And fun?” 
“Yes, that too.” Nina looked down and tried not to blush, when she thought all that fun actually included. “I mean, I know I would give a 15-year-old myself a heart attack if she ever learned that by the age 24, she’d be Mrs. Perida.”
“Sad thing is that time travel has not been invented yet.” Luna laughed. “Can you go through the list one more time. Ambar is counting on me, and I am sure I have forgotten something.”
“Okay. Did you make sure everyone has the app?”
“Yes, I sent the link to the group chat last week, and everyone is registered there as one group.”
“Good,” Nina said as she scrolled down the list. “Ambar took care that everyone has the boarding passes… I think everything is done. The gate is 56 and we’ll meet up there at 12:15. We're picking you and Matteo up at 11:00. You and Ambar did amazing planning for this vacation.”
“I know right?” Luna grinned, “I am so excited! Okay so, what of these do I take with me, and what do I not?” She was eyeing the shirts that were now laying on the bed as one big pile. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten them out of the closet before you chose.” Nina pointed out.
“Huh… yeah, that sounds smart. Oh well, no going back now.” Luna tilted her head. 
“You can at least get rid of all the long-sleeved ones. It is July, so it is going to be hot in Anaheim.”
“Okay!” Luna started pulling all the long-sleeved ones out of the pile while Nina started folding the short-sleeved ones.
“The weather forecast didn’t show any indication of rain, but you can never be too safe, so take one jacket,” Nina said after they had finished sorting Luna’s shirts. 
“Yeah, that is a good idea.” She grabbed one jacket from the closet and threw it on top of the other clothes in the suitcase. “Okay, what's next? Shoes… argh, I have no idea what to do with them.”
“I am pretty sure Roller Skates are forbidden, so you should not even try, or we won’t get past the park security.” Nina said while arranging the jacket nicely in the suitcase. “I only packed flats for the park, you know, sneakers and low heel boots.”
“Well, I thought I’d wear this to the plane,” Luna held up a floral jumpsuit, “and then these shoes.” She pointed to hot pink boots. “Hmmm, then I could take my Converse and the colorful Nikes… oh and I need the purple boots for that Jazmin’s thing.” Luna started throwing shoes to the second suitcase. 
“Can you fold these?” Luna dropped a bunch of bottoms in front of Nina, before starting to rummage through some drawers, mumbling something about missing earrings.
Nina just shook her head laughing and started folding the clothes until she noticed something amongst them…
“Hah! Found them!” Luna pulled her head from a drawer holding something and turned toward Nina with a victory smile.
“Luna, what is this?” Nina was looking at her disapprovingly while holding Luna’s engagement ring in her hand. 
“Wait what?” Luna’s eyes shot to her left hand. “How did it end up there?”
“Luna, you need to tell Matteo that it is too big so you can get it resized.” Nina said with a serious tone of voice, 
“You’re right,” Luna sat on the bed. “But I always forget and there is no time now.”
“You can’t wear it to the parks, if it is falling off, you’ll for sure lose it there and it will be impossible to find it. I am sure you don’t want to lose it.” Nina handed the ring back to Luna, “It can be a millimeter game. Mine was a little too big, so I didn’t even notice it and even the jeweler said it wasn’t exactly necessary to resize it, but Gastón still insisted on it. I am sure Matteo would want the same.”
“I know, the ruby is one of the only things he has left of his mother. But what do I do now? I can’t just leave it home.”
“You could wear it on a chain.” Nina suggested. 
“I don’t really want to… it is my engagement ring,” Luna lamented, “Oh, what if I use one of those, you know, security rings?”
“Yes, I know them,” Nina responded, “You have any?”
“No…” Luna shook her head, pondering, “Maybe Ambar does. I’ll ask her.” Luna grabbed her phone and started typing on it at lightning speed. “Yes! She does!”
“Will they fit you?”
“They will!” Luna grabbed her jewelry box and placed it on the bed. “We have the same ring size… or at least her wedding band fitted me… okay so should I just take all of my jewelry? Or just some of it? I can’t choose.”
“You tried on Ambar’s wedding ring?” Nina questioned. On the surface, it might not seem like a big deal, but she could not imagine herself ever letting anyone else wear her rings. They had too much emotional value.
“Yeah, she had me model it so she could take a picture of it—” Luna noticed Nina’s gaze, “—relax. I wore it on the right hand.”
“Okay, let's move on.” Nina shook her head, “Jewelry wise, you should pick the pieces that you pack, so they don’t take extra space.”
“Can you do that for me? I never know what to pick. I’ll just get a couple more things and then we should be done.”
Maybe after another 30 minutes or so, Luna and Nina were squeezing Luna’s suitcases shut. They had ended up being so full that Luna had to sit on it so Nina could pull the zippers shut. 
“You better warn Matteo before you open these up at the hotel,” Nina noted, “I am not sure that these will not explode.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter.” Luna pulled the suitcases to the floor and jumped on the bed. “I AM SO EXCITED!!! I have no idea why I didn't think of this years ago.”
“I should have shown you frozen years ago.” Nina laughed. “I have been wanting to visit the parks for years… but Mom never let me. Dad would have taken me. I honestly don’t know, now that I think about it, why we never visited the Paris park with Gastón while we were in England. Well, we can do it once we’ll go over to Europe next time. We could take our children someday.”
“Speaking off…” a mischievous smile grew on Luna’s face. “So, you do not have anything to tell me right?”
“Luna, no.” Nina rolled her eyes after catching onto what she meant. 
“Oh well, had to ask.” Luna laughed, “You never know what happens on the honeymoon.”
“Luna, neither of us is even 25 yet. I am trying to finish my second book. Gastón has been at his job for only six months. He is doing extremely well, but still new there. Not to mention that we got married only a month ago. We have talked about it, there is no rush.”
“Okay, but I just wanna be an auntie,” Luna jumped on the bed.
“Then pester Simon and Ambar about it.”
“Okay let's change the subject,” Luna relented. “I went through the English phrases you provided.”
“You probably were the only one,” Nina sighed. Their group was tragicomically very mismatched in their English abilities, but at least Luna was trying. 
“So, if I need to find something I’ll just ask: Where is and then the thing I am trying to find, right?” Luna pronounced, surprisingly quite well. 
“Yes, that is quite good,” Nina nodded. “More polite phrasing would be Where can I find or How do get somewhere, but for you that can work fine.”
“Jim, do you have the tickets?” Yam came into their living room while dragging an empty suitcase.
“Yes, I do. We need to be there at 12:15.” Jim was already sitting on the floor with her empty suitcase. 
They had decided that this time they were going to be orderly and get the packing done well in advance… the night before the flight… but that was in advance. 
“But… How are we getting to the airport? The bus will take at least an hour.”
“Maybe Ramiro can drive us,” Yam pondered and started texting on her phone. “Okay, so we need to get to packing…” She put her suitcase next to Jim’s and sat on the floor. “What first?”
“Let’s put the special outfits in first,” Jim suggested. “Can you go get them, and I’ll get our shoes from the closet.”
Yam nodded and got off the floor and pulled Jim with her. Jim walked to the door and opened the closet where they kept their shoes in. She was just about to grab another pair of sneakers when she heard Yam shriek, and she soon came running from the bedroom. 
“What happened? Were our special outfits not there?”
“No, I got them here,” Yam dropped the pile of folded clothes into the suitcase. 
“Then what is the problem?”
“We don’t have any other clothes!”
“What, why, how?” Jim looked at Yam flabbergasted…
“THE LAUNDRY!”  They exclaimed in unison. “WE DIDN’T DO THE LAUNDRY!”
They ran to the bathroom as fast as they were able, and Jim threw her head into the laundry basket.
“How did we forget to do the laundry?”
“I don’t know, but we need to hurry!”
The girls threw all the clothing from the basket, not caring what color they were, into the washing machine, poured the powder into the slot, and turned the washing machine on.
“Pheeewww, disaster avoided,” Jim sighed.
“Hey, Ramiro said he is going to pick us up at 11:20.” Yam said while looking at her phone. 
“Now we just need to get the stuff together and our clothes will be done in two hours.” Jim looked at the clock on the wall. “We’ll be finished by midnight.”
“No, wait.” Yam suddenly looked up, “We don’t have a dryer. How will we make the clothes dry? We can’t leave them overnight… we’ll forget them.”
“Won’t they dry in the suitcases?” Jim suggested.
“You know what,” Yam looked at her, “That is our only option.”
Delfi sighed and closed her wedding folder as her phone started ringing. Of course, it was Jazmin. 
“DELFI! Have you packed yet, because I can’t choose—” Jazmin’s voice rang as soon as Delfi picked up the call. 
“No, I haven’t packed yet. I need to call our wedding planner and florist before I can focus on that,” Delfi sighed. “What’s the problem?”
“I can’t choose the shoes.” Jazmin said from the other end. “But shouldn’t you relax a bit. That is what this trip is about?” 
“Pedro is saying the same, but I need to inform everyone that I can’t be contacted about anything wedding related for a week,” Delfi shook her head. 
“Relax and listen to your Maid of honor here,” Jazmin grinned, “the wedding is not going anywhere even if we have some fun. Anyways, about the shoes…”
“Take something you can walk in.” Delfi responded. “Pedro is probably just packing his drumsticks, so I need to sort his stuff too.”
“Also, did I tell you that I got a new GoPro? Perfect timing. Now I can live stream from the parks and do a lot of interviews.”
“So much about this being a leisure trip.”
“Well, I can still get amazing content,” Jazmin continued, “I am getting a ride, right?”
“Of course, you are, but maybe it is time for a car Jazmin,” Delfi sighed, “You can afford it.”
“That kind of shopping is not fun at all.” Jazmin whined. “Anyways, send me pics of all the outfits you are packing. See ya!”
Delfi sighed and put her folder down after Jazmin had hung up. She really should get to packing. She walked to the cupboard they had next to the kitchen in their apartment and pulled suitcases out of it and dragged them to the bedroom where Pedro was laying on the bed. 
“I just got off the phone with Jazmin. We’re giving her a ride.” 
“So, I did more research and apparently you can go inside the castle!” Luna was rambling to Nina on the back seat as Gastón pulled up on a ramp in the airport’s parking garage. They were going to park on the top level’s gold premium parking lot, which Gastón had access to through his parents. “There was a restaurant inside the castle! We so need to eat there.”
“I don’t think that is there,” Gastón said from the driver’s seat after flashing his ID to the guard on the gate of the parking lot. “That sounds like Disney World to me.”
“I think so too.” Matteo remarked from the shotgun seat. 
“Huh, thats a bummer,” Luna pouted as Gastón parked the car and everyone got out. 
“Didn’t we go eat at that restaurant in the castle when we were there?” Matteo asked while pulling Luna’s second suitcase out of the car. “What did you pack in these? Bricks?”
“Wait, you ate at the Disney World’s castle when you were 14?” Nina questioned. They had left the parking garage and were now walking toward the bag check area. They had done the flight check in online, so they didn’t need to worry about it anymore. 
“I think we did,” Gastón said with a pondering voice while lifting the bags on the conveyor belt. “What? Did you think we would have thought ourselves too cool for that? You should have known me and Matteo when we were 14…” Gastón quieted once Matteo made a shushing noise. “...on another thought, maybe it’s better that you didn’t know us.”
“You’re afraid that I’d run away if I had?” Nina raised an eyebrow at him, “I think it is a bit too late for that.”
“It is still nice to hear you say it,” Gastón smirked while wrapping his arm around Nina as they had gotten released from the bags. 
They went through security with no additional problems, outside of Luna almost forgetting her carry-on bag on the TSA conveyor belt.
“She will probably never stop forgetting stuff,” Matteo shook his head as they watched Luna dash for her bag after they had already started to walk away. “I’ll need eyes in the back of my head not to lose her at the parks.”
“Either way it will be an adventure.” Gastón shrugged as Luna caught up with them. “One good thing about this is that the gate is right there.” He pointed forwards as they rounded a corner. 
The airport was relatively crowded but there was no one yet waiting in front of their gate, outside of two people who were sitting on the benches. They were Simon and Ambar who were facing away from the four of them.
“Booo!” Luna dashed towards them in lightning speed. 
“Luna!” Ambar and Simon got up from the bench, “You scared us!”
“Is anyone else here yet?” Matteo asked as everyone else got to the gate. 
“NO, just you,” Ambar shook her head, “Not surprised. We’re very well in schedule and I'm glad to see that you two are in time,” she pointed to Luna and Matteo, “but not also surprised, since the Peridas were driving.” 
“Again, huge congratulations again! Thank you for not making me and Simon feel like the old married couple anymore,” Ambar turned her attention towards Gastón and Nina and she and Simon hugged them both. “I can’t believe we have not been able to meet up since you came back.”
“Well, it only has been two weeks.” Nina hugged Ambar back. “Life keeps being busy.”
“Yikes!!!” Jim screamed from the backseat as Ramiro rounded a traffic circle. “Can’t you drive slower?”
“Yeah, seriously, we don’t want to die!” Yam tried to slap Ramiro from the front seat but he ducked. 
“Assault the driver, you end up on back with Jim.” Ramiro snarked, “Do you want to be on time or not? You were the ones who were not ready when I came to pick you up.”
“We thought you were going to be late.”
“When will you start having any faith in me? Not my fault that you don’t drive.” Ramiro shook his head as he pulled into the car park. “Can you put that energy into use, and use your eyes to find me a parking space?”
“Oh oh oh, there is one!” Jim pointed to the corner. 
“And don’t you dare to give me any parking advise,” Ramiro said as he expertly drove the car between two other ones. Jim and Yam both had to admit that he really was a pretty good driver. He even knew how to parallel park and would never risk scratching his new car. 
“What do you have in these?” Ramiro kept complaining when he lifted girls’ suitcases to the ground.
“Important things,” Yam shook her head. 
“Then why are these damp?”
“None of your business,” Jim said quickly and grabbed her bag’s handle. 
“Can you believe we are actually going to Disney?” Jim continued gushing as they were walking towards the TSA checkpoint. “I am so excited!!”
“This was super generous from Luna and Ambar.” Yam nodded as she started to unload her carry-on stuff to the security tray. 
“I know, right? Luna’s the best.” Ramiro did couple a of dance moves while going through the metal detector and got a long stare from the TSA agent. 
“I wish I’d had done more research,” Jim said while waiting for Yam to pass through. “There are going to be so many rides—” Suddenly she was interrupted by a loud beep when she passed through the metal detector.
“Miss, would you please stay still?” Two security agents suddenly approached her. 
“What’s going on?”
“Jazmin come on.” Delfi urged Jazmin who was stuffing all of her respective gadgets back into her bag. She had a tablet, phone, a camera, a tripod for the camera, three different microphones… the list went on for ages. At least the laptop had been left in the checked suitcases.
“Just a minute,” Jazmin said as she zipped her ginormous purse closed. 
“For what do you need all of that?” Pedro shook his head next to Delfi. 
“This trip will be the feature of Ja Jazmin this month,” Jazmin just shrugged, “The content will start from the airport.” 
As they started walking away Jazmin was already rummaging for her camera from her bag already. 
“Hello, my dear viewers!” Jazmin started speaking to the camera, “Today as you know, the adventure begins. I am on the airport right now with my friend Delfi and her fiancé Pedro, and were about to meet up with the rest of our friends because today we are flying to California. Because we’re going to Disneyland! Delfi how are you feeling?”
“Excited.” Delfi gave a forced smile towards the camera, “Almost none of us have been to Disney before.”
“She had to put her wedding planning on hold for this trip so thats why she may seem a bit grumpy,” Jazmin kept talking. 
“So, I have to get your two cents on this,” Ambar asked as Gastón came back to the gate with a coffee and an iced tea that he handed to Nina. “Simon always claims that the reason why I keep finding his ring in the sink after he washes anything is because it happens to everybody. Does it?”
“What? No.” Gastón looked at Simon suspiciously while Ambar also threw him a look. “Want my wife to confirm?”
“Honestly, if someone loses the rings, it is going to be me.” Nina responded. 
“I doubt that will happen.” Ambar reassured her, “Just don’t take it off. You sleep with it right?”
“Of course.”
“Matteo, I told you the chicken nuggets are much better—” Luna and Matteo walked back to the gate. They had been getting some food from McDonald’s and had apparently gotten into a fight about what to order. They quickly stopped as they joined the others. 
“Has no one else come yet?” Matteo asked while trying to sneak a french fry from Luna. 
“No,” Ambar said while glancing at her watch. “Wonder what is taking them so long…”
“Guys, we’re here!” Everyone looked up and saw Jim, Yam and Ramiro sprint towards them. 
“We’re not late are we?” Yam sat down on a bench breathing heavily.
“No, just in time actually.” Ambar was clearly embracing the group leader role during the trip. 
“You won’t believe this, but security tagged me!” Jim exclaimed. 
“For what?” Luna asked while shoving a second nugget in her mouth and ended up almost choking. 
“Why do you ask?” Ramiro joked “She obviously tried to smuggle a gun here.”
“My keys were in my pocket.” Jim slapped Ramiro on the shoulder. 
“Well, at least you didn’t get arrested.” Nina shook her head. 
“I wonder what is holding up Delfi and Jazmin…” Ambar mumbled while looking at her watch again. “...We still have time.” Then she turned towards Gastón again, “As we are waiting, can you go over some basic phrases with Simon?”
“But, but…” Simon tried to protest.
“Darling, I would love for you to find the bathrooms by yourself. I don’t trust those translator apps.” Ambar gave him a look that made him quiet down. “There will be a big crowd and I bet my whole lawyer career that we will accidentally get separated at some point.”
“Pheeeew, I finally found here.” Suddenly Pedro was standing in front of them. 
“Where are Delfi and Jazmin?”
“Jazmin saw something she needed to get footage off and Delfi went with,” Pedro explained before sitting down next to Simon. 
“Hmmm, they should be heading towards here. There isn’t that long until boarding.” Ambar picked up her phone and pressed Delfi’s contact. “Hey, Delfi. Where are you heading? Yes, Pedro is here already. You and Jazmin should start coming here as well, so you won’t be late— What do you mean you are lost?”
“Wow! This is so beautiful!!!” Luna was jumping up and down as everyone entered in the lobby of Disneyland Hotel. She was twirling around trying to look at everything at once. 
“The check-in seems to be right there,” Ambar said pointing toward the desk in the lobby. “Luna, wanna come to do it with me?”
“Actually can you go do it without me?” Luna shook her head. “I don’t know how much help I’ll be on the communication side.”
“Okay, then.” Ambar just nodded and headed towards the desk. 
Luna still tried to find more things to look at. The ceiling was so beautiful, with lot of stars on it. It looked so magical—
Suddenly Luna’s eyes focused on something on the corner. GIFT SHOP!!! 
“Look, there is a gift shop right there!” Luna started tugging Nina’s arm. “Lets go!” 
“I think we should probably wait until Ambar is done with the check-in…”
Luna didn’t pay attention since she was already running towards all the beautiful and colorful Minnie ears. 
“I’ll get her.” Matteo said and started walking towards Luna. 
“Matteo aren’t these incredible?!” Luna was holding rainbow sequin ears on top of her head. 
“Yeah, they are, and I’ll buy you three sets of ears later but right now we should go back.” Matteo took her by the arm, “Ambar and everyone will be waiting for us.”
“Okayyyy.” Luna whined and put the rainbow ears back. “I am coming back for these.”
“Adventure is out there!”
Yayyyyy! Now the chaos can really begin... I am coming for you all. Plus, do not ask me how everyone just has time to do this, especially Gastón who just two weeks ago had a 2.5-week long furlough from his new job for his wedding.
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day five: looking at local chicago southside sights part TWO!!!
After we left the co-op bookstore we went to Powell's, which is a used bookstore off of 54th Street. It has the same name as the one in Portland, Oregon, but apparently there is no relation between the two of them.
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It was a lot bigger on the inside than I suspected. I ducked into the second room in the back and that was where I found the poems! Not as much variety as the co-op but I saw Harryette Mullen's newest book there, so that's cool. They also had The Cow by Ariana Reines which I did end up buying, because it was cheap and I really liked how bizarre it was. Not to mention the purple typeface on the inside.
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We walked back to the apartment and @germfreeadulthood made me a little immunity drink (using the immune suport stuff and ginger powder), and then took a shower. I drank it while looking through the Chicago Reader—I don't really look at newspapers so it was cute to see some passionate write ups about new and well known underground heavy music (since I guess The Rumble is coming up, so the were writing about bands particpating or bands in similar genres)...suuuuuper cool, will be looking into the band Torture when I have time.
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I accidentally fell asleep for a good 30-40 minutes—I guess I was a lot more tired than I thought, but maybe that means I needed the rest? Was I just feeling weak from that damn train ride still? Is the way back gonna knock me on my ass too? Argh.
We walked to "The Point" afterwards, which is I believe Promotory Point, where Chicago kisses the edge of Lake Michigan. We had to walk through this tunnel beneath the road to get there and people had done a mural of "things they want to do before they die", which was cool, ad well as different encouraging phrases or things they liked about Chicago. Someone wrote something about not liking the cicadas which was funny.
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Honestly I actually I kind of love cicadas, I think they are cute and I like the droning noise they make. I am going to try to catch it on video tomorrow or something so I can listen to it when I am home. I would prefer that sound over the clanging of trash trucks or construction any day. We saw a dead cicada earlier today and I wish I had like, been able to keep it and take it home with me. I wonder if its possible to preserve it if I grab one and put it in a Ziploc baggy. I would worry about it getting squished in my luggage though.
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Anyways. Lake Michigan is fucking huge.
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You can see as far as Indiana from the coast—super fucking cool! There were some sandy beachy areas and some rocky areas, the latter was where @germfreeadulthood and I sat. We put our feet in the water and the water actually felt really good. I wish we bad gone swimming but we didn't have our swimsuits and the sun was setting so it probably wasn't going to be a good idea to get totally drenched when the sun wouldn't be out long enough to dry us. We'll probably come back again before I leave for a proper swim.
There were also some seagulls circling fhis kid throwing crackers at them—they like totally came to him as if summoned and then all perched at his feet. It was lowkey kind of magical and I wish I had taken a picture..
I walked closer to the sand to get a better scope of the area. The beach area was crowded with families and there even was what I think was a wedding happening? They were moving to a dance between the daughter/bride and the father and he got all weepy and I felt weird watching so I left.
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After that we took the bus to Saucy Porka, which is like an Asian Latin fusion sort of food place, for dinner. We both got a banh mi and shared sweet potato fries.
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The banh mi was kind of meh honestly but the sweet potato fries were absolutely delicious. I had a teeny little cup of Cherry Pepsi because I never drink soda and wanted to try it and it tasted good, but I know it has caffeine in it so I am hoping it doesn't keep me up too late.
We walked back and I showered and I think tomorrow we are going to go to the Art Institute of Chicago!!! Yippee!!
0 notes
nawilla · 2 years
Cat Mom Drama
I reintroduced dry cat food to M and N because both of them are having trouble maintaining weight and need more calories.  This is complicated by the fact that both cats get medications in their wet food (crushed thyroid pill for N, laxative powder for M).  The carbs in dry food will also make M’s diabetes extra challenging, but I’m having trouble getting both of them to eat enough and they both LOVE dry food and I only stopped because they weren’t finishing it and the leftovers were attracting bugs during the Summer of Insects in the House.
I gave them a plate of dry food on Thursday.  N went right to it and M tried to gorge to the point that I took it away so he wouldn’t get constipated, which he is prone to due to diabetes and poor kidney function, so dry food won’t help that.  
I gave it back later and made it available on Saturday and M started acting odd, like he might be mildly constipated or might be hungry, hard to tell.  His weight went up, then down and on Saturday night he was Mr. Social, he followed me to the basement to watch me pee which he hasn’t done since before D got sick.  He was headbutting, talking to me, laying on me, and was generally a happy, perky boy.  
On Sunday, both M and N picked at their breakfasts and I noticed M was guarding the water bowl and his weight was still going down.  It’s usually N who does this, because frankly she is a bitch.  Clearly M was feeling well enough to stand up to her or she was not feeling well enough to stand up to him.
Sunday night, neither of them ate their wet food, nor the dry food and I could only get M to eat a few treats so his blood sugar wouldn’t crash.  (Cat Mom doesn’t have time to wait for M to decide to eat, so he gets insulin and a few cat treats with him meals so he at least has some carbs).  I brought the dry food later and neither would touch it.  They just lay down near their water bowls and wouldn’t eat.  I was up until 3 am cross-stitching and worrying about why they weren’t eating.  Were their rat ulcers acting up?  Was M severely constipated?  
I woke up this morning (Monday), and the dry food was gone, wet food still untouched.  No clue which beast ate it.  I tested M’s blood sugar, which was high, so clearly he had some of it, but argh.  I gave them their breakfast, cursing how much wet food was going to waste and generally pissed that neither of them were getting their medicine and called to leave a message with their vet.  The receptionist let me know the vet was going out of town for a week starting tomorrow, so I asked for a call back about what to do and would probably go to the vet tomorrow (and see a different vet) expecting expensive tests.  Because M won’t eat and M needs to eat.  Senior diabetic kitties need to eat!
Then I go give them their dry food and while I’m washing up and getting dressed, I realize they are now both guarding their water bowls and ignoring all the food, including their individual wet food and meds and the communal bowl of dry food.  I have a sneaking suspicion and I pick up the dry food, pour half next to N’s wet food and the other half next to M’s wet food.  The two little shits look at me, look at each other, then both go to their respective plates to eat their designated dry food.  
They weren’t constipated or suffering mouth sores.  They were having a standoff over dry food.  These are the same jerks who shared wet food in a communal bowl when D was still alive.  
I called back the vet to explain I had cured the anorexia, but please call back about the insulin.
Dr. B, I hope you have a great trip.  
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4dtk · 3 years
i rmb reading a drabble b4 about calling gojo 'satoru' and that it makes him feel human and seen. idk. i loved it a lot but i'm not sure who wrote it :( this is just a little word vomit on the same concept. i love him so much :(
just a side thing i wanted to write in between requests, hope y'all don't mind <3
"satoru, come to bed, it's late," yawning, you pat the space beside you. he's doing his nightly skincare routine, patting his face gently with the retinol serum he just bought.
"ya sure you don't want to try it out?" gojo offers out the dropper, a hairband cutely pushed up to prevent his bangs from interfering.
"i don't like slimey stuff on my face." you cringe, realising your mistake too late.
"and yet you give me your face to cu-"
"shut the fuck up," you severely miss him, pillow landing on the floor beside him. he didn't even bother to activate his technique, laughing out loud at your failed attempt.
gojo never did switch it on when he was with you. not when he decided that he'd give his all to you, not even he asked you to move in with him on a desperate full of nightmares, not when you first said i love you.
gojo satoru was soft around you, a sight that many would like to see yet only disclosing it to you. the you who got him falling when you'd hang out with his students, giving as much pointers as you could on cursed energy. that was when he decided, he's sure. but again, there were countless other times where gojo recalls falling deeper and deeper in love with you. he smiles at that, capping the skin care bottle before quite literally jumping onto the bed.
"argh! satoru, what in the hell?!" his weight was crushing you, emphasised more when he leans down to plant kisses on your features. the feigned anger turns to giggling and shielding hands which he easily seizes between his fingers.
"s-stop! 'toru!" your smile is like the first few hues of dusk. it makes him feel all warm and mushy inside, something the strongest normally wouldn't have the luxury of feeling. satoru says, fuck it, because even i deserve love, even i deserve to be held. he repeats those words you said to him the first time he broke down in front of you, and he does it all the time, now.
gojo is brought back to reality when you cup his cheeks gently, not minding the 'slimey stuff' as you caress his skin. your hands accommodate his smile, cheeks filling up with how he's grinning down at you.
"you're insanely beautiful, satoru," you say it like it wouldn't boost his ego, but you can't care much when that much is true, noticing how much his hair resembles starlight and how his azure eyes catch the moonlight so perfectly.
gojo could say the same about you.
he sucks in a breath when he hears the compliment, the familiar cocky smirk and corny line lingering on his lips. he figured it's just different when the words come from you.
"say it again."
"hm? you're beautiful, really so-" your mouth parts in surprise and the other lowers himself to your side, which prompts you to lie on your lone shoulder.
"no, my love, i meant my name." gojo pulls you closer.
"oh! okay! uhm, sa-toru?" you giggle, the name falling weirdly from your lips now that you were demanded to say it. you try again, "satoru."
your lover smiles, scooting closer, "again."
"satoru." the syllables leaving your lips makes him feel dizzy and giddy. while he enjoys being told his voice sounds like silk and syrup, he finds that it fits you better, bringing his face to rest only inches from yours.
"satoru," you whisper, a shy smile overtaking your lips. soon, they're captured by gojo's, moving tenderly against yours. you're certain you see the sky painted in many different colours before your eyes close, the mere thought of gojo sending you reeling and cheeks flushing.
gojo's kisses are slow tonight, savouring every part of your mouth before he slips his tongue in, entwining with yours as he continues to make you fall harder. it works. breathlessly, you smile into to kiss to hopefully get a bit of air, feeling the reply of a grin on your lips when his irises open up to look at yours.
"love you." you murmur, ghosting along his lips before he smashes his lips against yours again, albeit clumsily that you two let out collective laughs.
people only ever call him gojo satoru, the strongest. he's never found much identity, always a pawn for the higher-ups to play with, but when sa-to-ru falls from your lips? god, he can compare it to being caught in cupid's arms. you give meaning to his name—satoru, satoru, satoru you whisper, knowing that it meant enlighten, and he's certain that's all you do whenever you're around.
you're always lighting up his life, always loving him with no restraint.
"angel?" gojo whispers in between kisses. you respond sleepily, tracing incoherent patterns along his chest. the words are caught in his throat when you fingers go over the 悟 of his name, three syllables packaged into a single character. he didn't expect you to remember, but it breathes some life back into him when you do it over his heart. he can't remember the last time he let someone trace his name so intimately.
"your first name is beautiful, satoru, just like you," you peck his lips. "now rest, you have a long day tomorrow."
"i love you too," the other replies a little late. his heart clenches up at the sight of you, caged and safe in his arms that he isn't sure what to do with his hands. "i love you. i love you. i love you so much."
with one last lingering kiss, you both succumb to slumber in peace, with gojo satoru's first name in the palm of your hand, and his last name aching to take its place in front of your own.
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curekibouka-writing · 3 years
I saw that the requests are open, so I came immediately!!
May I request some headcanons for Cater and Azul opening up to their s/o, and the s/o understands and accepts their true feelings? (+ Bonus points if they hug them for comfort!)
Thanks in advance!
A/N: Hi there! Thanks a bunch for coming immeidately and I'm sorry I took a long time! So... I don’t know if this is what you wanted for the request... I don’t think it’s likely for either of them to actively open up, so I detailed a bit more on what leads up to it, I hope it’s still okay with you 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
**Spoilers for Azul’s backstory in episode 3**
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It’s not easy for Azul to open up about his softer, more vulnerable side, he has been hiding it since childhood after all, and that has always worked in his best interest.
It’s not like you don’t know about it though. Some occasional remarks from Floyd hint at it, and sometimes you’d catch Azul running his fingers along the glass of the aquarium in Octavinelle because it reminds him of the homeland he loves and the homeland where he suffered. But you want him to tell you, you want him to trust you enough to know that you wouldn’t leave him just because he’s not a perfect businessman 100% of the time.
A good first step would be to persuade him to show you his octopus form. Asking him sincerely… probably won’t work, you need to offer him a deal he cannot refuse (“I’ll tell Jamil-senpai three good things about you if you would show me your true form!”)
“Is there a point in seeing me like this?” Azul shifts uncomfortably in the water, you can see his eyes dart around so clearly without his glasses, “Surely Jade and Floyd in their eel forms are more impressive…”
You tell him softly that yes, they are impressive. But he’s different from them. He’s breathtaking the way he is.
You take his slippery hands and assure him that his past made him the man you love now, then you want to know every part of it, every drop of weakness that he smudged and wrote “strength” over which makes it all the more remarkable.
He smiles sheepishly in return. And while he may not speak to you about everything at once, it’s great that he’s taking baby steps out of his deep cavern.
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Cater’s “opening up” is… complicated. He’ll “open up” if you urge him enough, he’ll casually tell you argh his sisters were bugging him over text again or dang some dorm mates were getting on Riddle’s nerves again, but half an hour after you feel satisfied with the heart-to-heart, you realise he told you nothing.
His everyday troubles are not what you want to hear — I mean, of course you are willing to listen, but you want to embrace something truer, deeper within his soul. You want him to understand you’ll accept him for who he is, inside and out. You want him to know that you won’t take his heart and go away.
Then you need to show it. Stay with him when he’s out of battery, hold his hand, look into his eyes. He will surely find excuses for you to leave (“Hey thanks but didn’t you have homework to do?”), or grin and tell you “Haha Cay-kun’s already feeling much better!”. Don’t overstep, give it time, it’s okay to just subtly let him know you want to be there even when he’s not his hyper friendly joyful photogenic self.
Eventually he’ll see that his feelings aren’t boring or unimportant to you. He’ll let you stay when he’s not being himself and being too much of himself. He won’t say a word, they mean nothing, but for once, he won’t be scrolling through Magicam with tired eyes either. He would be sitting back to back with you, humming to an instrumental piece different from the trending love songs he normally plays, or he would lie beside you, a finger tapping rhythmically on your hand as you both stare at the ceiling and drink in the silence and maybe get a little shut-eye.
His “opening up” isn’t him giving you his heart, but you feel close enough to touch it. Tomorrow he’ll be “himself” again, but you’ll have a thread to him that he doesn’t sever.
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾. | 𝙸𝙸
𝕋 𝕒 𝕜 𝕒 𝕞 𝕚  𝕂 𝕖 𝕚 𝕘 𝕠  |  ℍ 𝕒 𝕨 𝕜 𝕤
     ⇴ male reader [22, chubby, 194cm]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↣ rating: 18+ ↣ warnings: smut; height difference/size difference; facesitting; ass eating; modern AU; chubby, tall reader; reader’s “friends” fatshaming reader and just being absolute assholes before it gets to the spicy good stuff
part 1.
Chuckling, his hand reached out to your cheek when you leaned in; immediately returning the sweet kisses. Kei’s golden eyes fluttered open once you pulled back again, only to giggle a “What?” when you turned your head to kiss his little hand.
“Your hands are so cute… and tiny.”, you snickered yourself.
Hawks couldn’t say anything back. After all, it was true. His hands were so small compared to your own – and he adored that. Biting his lip, he tried to suppress his wide smile as best as he could when you pressed another kiss onto the back of his hand and fingers which were adorned with rings. They made his hands even more pretty.
You and Hawks had been dating exactly six months. Hence why you decided to go to the bar where it all started. This time, you didn’t mind sitting at one of the tables, because all you could focus on was this beautiful man besides you. And Keigo definitely made you feel much more comfortable and confident. Love was amazing.
Both of you were so into the moment of sharing little kisses and just having a conversation about different things in life, that you didn’t even realize a few familiar faces entering the bar. And you wished it had stayed that way the moment you heard their calling.
“Yo! It’s [Your.name]!”
“And Takami-san!”
All you could do was fake smile and greet them as well. You had heard from Keigo what one of your supposed ‘friends’ had said. The car accident remark hurt – a lot. So, in the last few months you had tried to distance yourself from your friend group. Not only because you wanted to spend as much time with your boyfriend as possible, but also because they weren’t good for you. You had known that for quite some time, however that one thing certainly was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.
Hawks besides you was immediately uncomfortable, but he smiled politely as well. However, when he started playing with the many rings on his fingers, you knew you had to do something. Especially when they sat down and started chatting.
“Uh, I’ll buy us something to drink, yeah?”, you tried to flee the awkward situation.
“Ah, then I’ll definitely need to make some room for more.”, was Keigo’s excuse as he hastily stood up to walk towards the bathroom.
Taking a deep breath, he leaned in front of the sink, his ring’s clacking as he washed his hands.
“Fuck. How are we gonna get rid of them? This should have been our date… Kh!”, he thought and clicked his tongue in the end.
You, who stood in front of the bar, also were thinking rapidly what you could do. If you could just tell them it was your date with Hawks.
“Argh! You are so fucking big and yet you can’t grow any balls! Idiot!”, you insulted yourself, “If I could just tell them to kindly fuck off… Damn it.”
How often had your friends stood you up? Left you alone during parties? Talked shit about you? And yet you weren’t able to tell them to go away for once.
Hawks was the first to return, however as he walked up your friends were sitting with the back facing towards him, hence they didn’t see him. Thus, they also didn’t see that he stood behind them when they talked shit again.
“I mean… model? Have you seen him? He’s fucking tiny and fragile. As if someone like him would be a model. I haven’t even seen him on any magazine anyways.”, one cackled.
“Right? And he ain’t even THAT hot. But of course stupid [Your.name] is gonna buy it, I mean, his head is as big as a melon but his brain? Nut sized!”, another laughed.
“Their height difference is fucking laughable!”
“Only their height? Fuck, you can make three little Takamis out of [Your.name]. That’s fucking hilarious. Just watching them side by side is so ridiculous. They probably don’t even fuck.”
“Ew, can you imagine [Your.name]? Ugh!”, he loudly gagged, “I’d rather shove a cactus up my ass than do-”
Just listening to that made Keigo furious. Someone who was supposed to be your friend group talking so much shit was disgusting. Hence he stepped forward and banged his hand onto the table, making them stop their cackling. If looks could have killed, all your friends would have dropped dead.
“You’re like fucking little High School girls cackling and talking shit. No wonder none of you is in a relationship, you fucking assholes.”, Hawks growled.
Before he could say any more though, you came back with a Red Bull for you and a drink for Hawks. Though, immediately, you realized something was off.
“Kei? Everything okay?”, you carefully asked once you put down the Red Bull and glass.
He wanted to just grab you and walk out. They ruined your six month anniversary date. Yes, it might be something overly cheesy and stupid, but it was important to you and him. And those fucktards ruined it all. But, he just shook his head and sat down, you had bought the beverage after all, so he was going to drink it.
“No, Baby, everything’s okay. Thanks for the drink.”
So, you sat down as well, wondering why your friends looked so bashful and uncomfortable. It only took a few minutes of you and him awkwardly sitting, no one really talking and just nipping on your drinks. Hawks had been playing with his rings absentmindedly again when he couldn’t take it anymore. Fuck the drinks, this was too much.
“[Your.name], it’s getting late. I need to go to work tomorrow, do you mind if we cut it short today and go home?”, he asked with his fake smile.
For a moment, you didn’t know if he just wanted to escape the situation or if he really wanted to go home. But, as far as you knew, he was free tomorrow and you had plans to stay over-
You needed to stop overthinking everything, thus, you just nodded.
“Of course. I’ll drive you home.”
“Thanks. Oh wait.”, he suddenly said when you had already stood up.
Then, he grabbed a tissue from the table, your friends just watching, still feeling bad that they got caught talking shit. But no one could have known what was about to happen next.
Reaching out his hand, he softly wiped your face, leaving you a bit confused.
“Oh, thank you?”
Keigo just chuckled though and smiled, “No problem. Just wanted to make sure my seat’s clean for later.”
Then, he threw the tissue onto the table, flashed your friends a “fuck you” smile and glare, before grabbing your hand and walking outside. You just completely flabbergasted and a stuttering mess as you helplessly followed your small boyfriend outside.
“K-Keigo…”, you were visibly embarrassed.
Hawks know he may have gotten a little too far. Flaunting your relationship was one thing but saying that thing in public might be too much for your shy heart. So, the ride home was unusually quiet, which weighed down his heart even more. Your date was totally ruined now. He wanted to say sorry, but the silence was just… too much. Thus, he kept his mouth shut as well.
When you finally reached your apartment, you just quietly walked upstairs. You were so deep into your own thoughts you even ran against your doorframe, since you were so tall.
“Ow!”, you immediately grabbed your head. That hadn’t happened in quite some time.
It only showed how distracted you were from the scenario in the bar.
“[Your.name]? Are you okay?”, he immediately turned around and looked up.
“Ah? Yeah. No, it’s… it’s okay. Guess I was just really absentminded. Don’t mind me.”, you smiled at him, though Hawks still felt bad.
He should have just left after he caught them and not do this stupid joke in front of them.
“Okay… I’m gonna take a shower, okay?”
“Yeah.”, was all you answered and then it was an awkward quietness again.
Ah, you wondered what had happened between Hawks and your friends and what had led him to do something like that. Now, as you thought back, it was quite funny. Their faces were priceless, too. And it wasn’t even the case that you couldn’t take a joke. It was just the fact that your friends had to hear it that it was… embarrassing? Why though? Because they found out you had sex? You didn’t really know. All you knew was that, you had to cut them off as soon as possible.
After what felt like half an hour, Hawks came out of the bathroom and thus, it was your turn to shower. Once again, there weren’t any words exchanged. Until you finally joined him in bed after your own shower. Keigo had been waiting for you and the moment you laid down beside him, he turned around to face you.
“I’m sorry, [Your.name]. I know I shouldn’t have lied and done THAT an-“
“Ah no, no.”, you interrupted him and gestured a little, “It’s fine. It was a good excuse and… thinking about it now THAT was kinda funny.”, you finally snickered.
Which certainly made Kei’s heart laugh again as well.
“It was, wasn’t it?!”, he chuckled, then smiled – genuinely.
“Yes, it was a good one. Their faces were great. Sorry, too. I … get so easily flustered still. It’s still kinda new and all.”, you then admitted.
“It’s okay, I know that and still went with it. Next time I’ll only do that when we’re alone.”
“Hahaha, okay. I can live with that.”, you laughed and then finally kissed him softly.
Looking at you for a moment, he didn’t know if he should even say something, but then again…
“You know, I caught them talking shit again.”, resting his head on your shoulder, he slung his arm around your broad chest. His cold little feet touching your shin as he had wrapped his leg around your own. He was so tiny.
“Ah, I thought so…”, you sighed deeply, “I’ll definitely cut them off soon. It’s not like they will miss me anyways, well… maybe because then they don’t have someone who’s their idiot for everything.”
“I’m sorry they ruined our date, Babe.”, you then whispered and kissed his forehead.
“It’s okay. At least we have the rest of the evening just for us.”
Like that, you cuddled together. You didn’t mind it anymore when he grabbed onto your chub. People had done that to mock you before, but Keigo would have never done it with that intent. He just liked grabbing onto you since you were so much bigger than him, which meant he fit just perfectly tucked right under your arm. Just where he belonged.
For a while, you laid there. The quietness surrounding you wasn’t awkward anymore as you softly played with his hair and he played with your hand. It was just relaxed and soothing.
Meanwhile, it looked differently inside your mind.
“Okay, just say it.”, you kept on cheering you on.
Ever since he said THAT, you couldn’t stop thinking about it, which, inevitably, led to you thinking about actually doing what he had said. Which then meant you slowly became horny.
Your heart was hammering against your chest way too wildly when you leaned in. You felt out of breath just by thinking what you wanted to say. It was fine. You were dating. This wasn’t inappropriate and Kei had started it so…
“So…what do you think? Is your seat clean now?”
It only took a second for Hawks to realize it. Redness spreading all over his face in an instance. He always tried to be so confident and cocky, so it caught him off-guard hearing you so straight-forward for once. However, with redness also came a big smirk and his golden eyes gleaming when he looked up to meet your own [eye.color] ones.
“Looks pretty good to me.”, Kei barely whispered back while scooching closer and connecting your lips eventually.
A sweet kiss quickly becoming heated and sloppy as you grabbed his ass and pulled him on top of you. Hawks immediately moaning into your mouth as he grabbed onto the pillow. He loved getting thrown around a little, especially when you were so nice and strong and big.
Even though his cheeks were still pretty warm from blushing, it didn’t take long for him to wiggle himself out of his briefs. It certainly also helped that you hooked your fingers in and pulled them down at last.
“Hmnhh”, he mewled once you pushed him up higher, your big hand clawing at his ass and leaving marks behind.
“Turn around, Baby?”, you asked in between passionate kisses.
And his answer came promptly when he rose and bit his lip for a second.
“It’s a little embarrassing…”, yet he completely sat back up and turned around, which made you chuckle.
“Hmmm, but you did it anways.”, being the one to tease him for once was nice.
“Hahaha I sure di-ahn!”, he laughed only to interrupt himself with a soft whine when you grabbed his ass and pushed him closer against your face.
You didn’t even waste another second as you let your tongue flick against his hole. Lapping around for a moment before teasing him with the tip. Earning his cute moan immediately. Biting his own finger, he tried not to become too loud. Though as you licked over his ass with your broad tongue, a shivery moan escaped his throat just like that.
After using some spit for lubrication your tongue was back instantly to lick and flick. Your fingers holding his ass tightly left red marks behind that made Hawks moan in delight. Pushing himself even further down onto your face without really realizing it. Though you didn’t mind at all, rather you used it to push your tongue inside.
“Ngh! Ahh-“, arching his back, Keigo reached back to try and grab the headboard for support.
Your own deep moans sent vibrations through his body, making it even harder to resist the urge to just ride your face. However, with how eagerly you ate his ass, your tongue relentlessly wiggling and thrusting, it was pretty hard to move himself, thus being completely at your mercy.
“Ohh fuck- Ah! B-Baby…”, he choked out and moaned.
Pulling back a little, you went back to flicking the top of your tongue, tickling his soft hole and listening to his grumbling as he tried to sway his hips to spur you on. But, you loved to tease him. Hearing his quickened breathing and the impatient whines made your cock twitch and leak.
Though, in order to make him feel good, you soon pushed your broad tongue back against his twitching ass to lick almost slowly over his soft hole, before pushing your wet muscle back inside. His delightful hiss and the shivering of his body told you everything you needed to know.
His golden eyes were closed and his bottom lip was caught between his teeth. Another suppressed moan finding its way out of his mouth. Messy blonde strands of hair fell into his face, before he threw his head back when you, unexpectedly, reached around his thigh and touched his leaking cock. Your big hand wrapping around it was almost too much as he tried to thrust into it, simultaneously also rubbing his ass against your face more, thus feeling your tongue even more intensely.
“Ahn Ah! [Your.name] agh-“
However, when he softly pushed your hand away, you were a little surprised. Though not for long when he also raised his ass and turned around a bit, his golden eyes gleaming with lust.
“I want to… cum with your cock inside.”, was all he choked out under heavy breathing.
Hence you just gulped and sheepishly grinned. Reaching for the nightstand, you grabbed the lube, Keigo’s hands already busy pulling down your pants and kissing down your cock. Only to moan loudly when your thick fingers pushed inside his soft hole. The lube making such noisy squish sounds when you thrusted inside. Your big hand groped his small ass to spread his cheeks while you kept fingering him.
Your own deep groans and moans as he licked over your shaft and sucked on your cockhead got him even more excited. Thus, after a few moments of being stretched, he sat back up again so you pulled your fingers out. Simply watching as he moved and hovered over your cock.
“Kei-“, you choked out his name and instinctively grabbed his hips, once again realizing just how small he was. Your fingertips almost touched, he was such a fragile thing compared to you.
Though, despite being so small, Hawks grabbed your fat cock and slowly pushed down. The tip alone made him hiss, before a breathy moan followed. Once he sat in your lap, your dick buried snug in his ass, he leaned back, your hands giving him support and he held himself up as well.
“AHhh!”, one thrust was enough to make him moan in delight, hence with a quickened heartbeat, you started moving.
Easily holding him in place as you started shoving your cock inside his tight ass. Kei’s arms visibly shaking and his head thrown back.
“Ahh- [Your.name]- Mhn! Ah!”, though it didn’t take long for you to push him up completely, his hole gaping and twitching, before throwing him onto his belly.
“AHnn, so rough.”, he purred as he presented his ass instantly. Once again - he just loved getting thrown around a little.
But not being able to think about it much longer, you had already pushed your cock back inside, making him moan in bliss and his hands instantly clawing at the sheets. Your own hands had grabbed his hips again, thus being able to thrust in as deeply as possible.
If it were possible, you might have thought you could see little hearts floating around Keigo’s head with how much he enjoyed himself. His moaning loud and not holding back as you drilled your cock into his tight hole.
Burying his red face into the pillow, he didn’t even try to hold back his moans. Just loving the way you blew his back out, making him so soar that he couldn’t even sit tomorrow morning. His delicate body shaking so much as waves of pure lust swept through him. His small cock bouncing with every thrust, the sheets dirtied with precum and sweat.
“[Your.name]!”, he moaned out your name.
Twisting his body lightly, he looked back and reached out his hand, instantly meeting your own as you grabbed and squeezed it.
“C-Come here…”, Keigo stuttered under heavy breathing.
“B-But… I’m gonna squish you.”, you groaned back, not wanting to lay on top of him with your heavy, chubby body. He was so tiny…
“Don’t ca-Ah! [Your.name]… please…”, was the last thing he whined and how could you say no?
“Fine…”, you let go of his hand and hovered over him before lowering your body onto his, “But tell me when it’s too uncomfortable.”
Though Keigo didn’t care anymore as your heavy body pushed him more into the mattress, a mere moaned “Uhgn!” all he could do. And then, you started thrusting again. He simply loved having your body on top of his, feeling your weight push him down.
Since you were already in the perfect spot, you just lowered your head to kiss along the nape of his neck. His soft little mewls as you nibbled on his skin spurring you on more. Your skin slapping against his as your hips moved as much as they could.
“Ah ahh B-Baby, I’m… Nghh!”, he tried to warn you as you kept fucking him mercilessly.
Your hips only stopping for a few seconds here and there, before you were back to shoving your cock inside, earning Keigo’s loud moan. His ass was tightening around your dick more and more as he approached his orgasm. Hawks’ insides were fluttering as you didn’t stop thrusting into his hole.
“Oh fuck- Kei-go…”, you choked out his name as your arms wrapped around his small body. Your hips moving on their own as you vigorously moved. Hips smacking against his ass uncontrollably.
Both of you moaning as you approached your orgasms. Hawks the first who surrendered to the pleasure. A loud, blissful moan escaping his throat and his body shaking underneath you. Cumming onto the sheets while he pulled you with him. Your own body shivering as you hugged him tightly and drilled your cock into his ass one last time before cumming. Filling his sloppy hole with your cum as he just happily mewled and moaned.
For a moment, you stayed like that; gasping for breath and shaking. Hawks groaning, a crooked happy smile on his lips and looking like he was on cloud nine, babbling nonsense. After a while, you slowly sat back up and pulled out. The soft squish sound and the cum flowing out immediately was sending another blissful jolt down south to your cock.
“Hmm, you look even more pretty like that, Baby.”, you chuckled and softly smacked his ass.
Hawks just giggled as well and pulled you down and besides him.
“I love you.”, he whispered before kissing you.
Happily returning the sweet gesture, you buried your hand in his hair, listening to his soft happy hums as you massaged his scalp. Your heart was thumping so much in your chest, wondering how you seriously deserved someone like him.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”, he chuckled as his head fell back into the pillow, his beautiful eyes filled with so much love as he looked at you.
“Just… for not giving up six months ago. I was really- just an asshole to you because of my own insecurities and… when I think about what might have happened if you didn’t try again, I would still be miserable right now. So just.. thank you. I love you.”
Biting his lip to try and hide his stupid happy smile, it, however, didn’t really help much. Hence he leaned in to kiss you once more. Which then ended in your mouths being tangled yet again as you pushed him more into the mattress.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: here’s part two! it took almost a month wtf well here it is!
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xxxrubytuesdayxxx · 3 years
“What are you doing in my bed?”
Hongjoong x Reader
Genre: Fluffy angst and a bit of smut towards the end
Word Count: 7,294
Concept: Kim Hongjoong doesn’t want to be a virgin anymore and he’s determined to get his way, even if it involves sneaking into your bedroom between tasks. 
Credits to a few prompt-lists I found trawling the internet, but I lost the links, I’m sorry :( If you recognise any, please let me know and I will do proper credits x
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“This was a terrible, terrible idea,” you think to yourself, as you survey the ‘damage’ in the dorm. Oh there’s nothing wrong with the state of the rooms - it’s the state of the boys themselves. Because of course what the company set up as a cooking and eating game for a V Live descended into a drinking game the minute the main staff left. Yet it’s actually surprisingly easy to chase the younger ones off to bed. Which just leaves the eldest two: long-legged, sweet but slightly tipsy Seonghwa and their petite, treacherously-pretty but definitely-plastered leader Hong-Joong. Sizing up the levels of intoxication and seniority, You decide to tackle the slightly younger leader first. 
“Bed, Hong-Joong!” you attempt, mustering up what you hope is a convincing ‘eomma’ vibe. Apparently you’re not very convincing though because he just squeals and bats you away.
“Ani! I’m leader! No bed!” he objects. “Anyway, I’m want to annoy Seonghwa first,” he announces, in endearingly grammatically-incorrect English, complete with a mischievous smile, before darting out of your reach and perching himself on the arm of the couch to watch his hyung record a ‘cute’ wake-up message for ATINY.
“I will show you the cute version,” Seonghwa tells his leader dutifully, cue card in hand, before turning towards the one waiting camera.
“Ani, I don’t want to see!!” wails Hong-Joong dramatically, collapsing off the arm of the couch onto the seat itself in apparent agony, with his eyes squeezed shut. “Argh! Jebal!” he yells, clearly determined to be a massive brat about poor Seonghwa’s task. He then proceeds to make ridiculous high-pitched noises while Seonghwa reads his message out, until Seonghwa cuts him off with a soft reprimand, knowing only he can use banmal with his leader: “Ah, keep quiet.” Hong-Joong obediently stops making noises, but then smirks unrepentantly when the older boy laughs at himself and stops the reading before screaming in frustration, himself, at the difficulty of his recording, making the now-quiet Hong-Joong snicker. 
“Argh! I can’t do this!” Seonghwa laments. Noting that Hong-Joong has calmed down, he decides to ask him for some feedback on the instructions:
“What’s the difference between sexy and sensuous?” This gets Hong-Joong’s attention. 
“Sexy? Ah, you don’t know?” he replies, springing up off the couch with drunken bravado, ready to show his hyung how it’s done. He staggers over to a very confused Seonghwa, who looks like he doesn’t know whether to laugh or worry.
“Sexy is...just...you see it…” he babbles meaninglessly. “This is sexy, this is sexy. If it’s sensuous...when you see it…” then gives him a somewhat-mystifying rendition of ‘sexy’ and mumbles "that's what I mean" before drifting out of the room and towards the stairs to their bedrooms, singing to himself. Seonghwa just stares after him, at a loss, then returns to his recording in peace. You give the older boy an encouraging smile, figuring he’s probably still sober enough to get himself up to bed, and then venture up to check on Hong-Joong. Only he’s not in his bedroom. 
Sighing to yourself, you check the other boys’ rooms but then have to conclude that he’s in the bathroom, and there’s not much you can do there, except knock and call out to him if he’s still not out in ten minutes. So you head to your room, intending to get changed and prepare for bed. Only when you swing the door open, Hong-Joong is sprawled on his back, still fully dressed, in your bed - under the covers. You clear your throat pointedly.
“Excuse me, Hong-Joong? What are you doing in my bed?” you ask him, exasperatedly.
“I will try to seduce you, noona,” he tells you, in his adorably-accented, slightly off-kilter English, lovely long eyelashes fluttering coyly, as he sits up.
“Wha-I mean what…?” you stammer, assuming he’s just got his words tangled again. “Seduce?” You’re desperately trying to think of a plausible alternative, but your mind is drawing a blank from panic. Admittedly nothing innocent fits this scenario.
“Eung - yuhokhaeyo,” he affirms, nodding cutely. 
“Um...you’re drunk, sweetheart,” you tell him, sitting tentatively by his side and patting his shoulder soothingly. You want to have misinterpreted him nearly as much as you want to take him up on his offer, but, despite his avowed attempt to ‘tempt’ you, in Korean parlance, you resist. He pouts a little and flings himself back onto his back, eyes fluttering shut again.
“Chwihaji anassoyo~~” [I’m not drunk] he whines, before switching back to English, frustrated at being misunderstood, as he sees it. “I just want...have sex with someone," he tries. 
“Probably not the best time to have sex, really,” you point out, biting your lip to stop yourself from laughing, as you don’t want to embarrass him or indeed give yourself away. He sits up suddenly, opens his eyes and fixes you with an intense stare. You falter, blush and lower your own eyes, but he puts a finger under your chin and gently lifts your face to look in your eyes.
“Will you...reconsider...if I am...sober?” he asks you, carefully, still in English.
“I don’t...I mean it’s probably not a great idea, tiger,” you caution him. “Wait though...are you...what are you saying...exactly?” you correct yourself, suddenly noticing that his cheeks are flushed almost the same shade as his strawberry-bangs and his eyes are avidly studying your duvet. He hums nervously, smoothing the duvet with his hand, but doesn’t answer or even look up at you. The realization hits you as all the pieces come together. “Chyeonyo-ye-yo?” [Are you a virgin?] you ask him softly, not wanting to embarrass him either way. He nods shyly, keeping his head and eyes down and pulling at a loose thread on the duvet as his cheeks flush even hotter.
“Wow...I mean...wow,” you falter. “I’m sorry honey, I really didn’t know,” you reassure him, slipping your hand under his, on the cover, with your palm facing up. After a moment, his fingers curl tentatively around your hand and you feel a shiver of desire run through you. “Well...um...maybe we can wait until you’ve sobered up and then we can try and find you...I mean find a way to help you get...um...erm...laid,” you finish awkwardly, feeling like his innocence is being violated by the very thought of it. But then you remember he was the one who asked, so perhaps he’s not that innocent - at least of lustful thoughts.
“Laid?” he asks you now, reigniting your reluctance to contact one of the professionals the company usually engages for this kind of service.
“Er...laid is a slang term for...for um…” you stall.
“Sex?” Hong-Joong chirps brightly, looking pleased with himself and finally catching your eye, now that he feels he has something to be pleased with himself about - his English ability.
“Yeah, sex,” you admit reluctantly. “Look, Joong, are you sure about this?” you ask him.
“Ne,” he whispers, leaning towards you expectantly and closing his eyes again.
“Wow! No, no, no!” you deter him, hurriedly, gently moving him back against the headboard of your bed. “No, I meant are you sure you want me to find someone to have sex with you?” He pouts and opens his eyes - this time holding your gaze.
“I want,” he hesitates, checking your eyes, “to...to?” You nod, assuming he’s just checking his grammar. “I want to have sex with you, noona. Right now,” he tells you firmly, nodding for emphasis. You’re already shaking your head, but you stand up and pull him up with you to add some weight to your refusal of this proposal.
“No. You’re not losing your virginity when you’ve been drinking and might regret it tomorrow - or possibly not even remember it, from the looks of you,” you tease him gently. “C’mon - come back to your room and get some sleep.” He shakes his head vehemently, tossing his hair petulantly and stamps his foot.
“Kiseu-haejwo~~” [Kiss me] he whines, stubbornly refusing to move when you tug at his arm.
“It’s not happening, honey,” you sigh.
“But you call me honey,” he persists, tossing his hair away from his eyes to wink at you provocatively, and sticking his tongue out for good measure.
“Yeah. I did,” you admit, sighing again at his persistence. “But it’s just a general term of endearment, like...sweetheart.”
“Call me jagiya,” he flirts, deliberately fluttering his amazing eyelashes at you.
“Kim Hong-Joong!” you warn him in a furious whisper. He ignores you, quickly grabs your chin in both of his hands and presses his lips to yours before you can stop him. Startled, you just let him kiss you, until he teases your lips open and slips his tongue into your mouth.
“No-no-no-no-no! Bad, bad, boy!” you tell him firmly, pushing him away with both hands. He just giggles and tries again, but this time you’re ready for him and put your hand against his chest to keep him back. “Right. Bed! Right now...go!” you stammer, fumbling your words as you try to stop yourself from shaking...or wanting to feel his lips on yours again. He smirks, grabs you around the waist this time and slams you up against the wall to kiss you again. This time with no prelude, just straight up making out. You hesitate for a fraction of a second, but then push him away again.
He stops but only to lick his own lip experimentally. “Mm...you taste like fucking candy,” he teases you, with another wink, moving back in for the kill.
“What are you doing?!” you demand, stopping him again. “Behave! You’ll get me fired!”
“I won’t!” he pouts.
“You most certainly will,” you correct him. “If there was a camera in my room, I’d be packing my bags already.”
“Really?” he asks, looking genuinely worried this time. You nod fervently. “Staff have to sign contracts as well, you know,” you explain. “I’m sorry, honey. Look, let’s get you back to your room before the others start looking for you to finish that mission, okay?  He gives you a resentful, sulky look, but obediently exits your room, where you hear his dainty footsteps padding across to his bedroom and his door open and close, just before Seonghwa comes up the stairs looking for him. Trying not to panic at how close that was, you peel your clothes off and start to prepare for bed. 
So you really shouldn’t be surprised when he endeavours to make your job incredibly difficult the next day. Seems, contrary to the saying, hell hath no fury like a kpop idol scorned. Worse, you already have to explain the day’s schedule to eight boys in various stages of hangover hell. Fortunately, in most cases it’s more a matter of keeping them awake and attentive, but Hong-Joong’s idea of revenge is yelling things and making distracting noises throughout the entire meeting. By the time you’re on the last round of explanations and he starts to object, you throw caution to the wind and slap your hand straight over his pretty mouth.
“If you interrupt me one more time, Hong-Joong, so help me God...” you warn him, through clenched teeth. He watches you fake-innocently over your hand, while the others come around long enough to snicker conspiratorially at the sight of their leader being chastised. You remove your hand, but continue giving him a warning look, then finish explaining the schedule and shoo them all into hair and makeup, overriding their pleading cries of ‘feeling sick’ and ‘wanting to go back to bed’ with the reminder that they got themselves into this mess, and that tomorrow is a free day, so they only need to keep it together for the rest of today before they’ll win a break. 
They’re filing dutifully out of the cars, having had the luxury of a camera-less ride to the studio, Hong-Joong looking very pleased with his freshly-dyed bright blue bangs, when San and Wooyoung decide to accost you.
“What is it, Wooyoung?” you ask, eyeing a grinning San off suspiciously.
“Hong-Joong-hyung is want to have sex with you, noona” the younger boy informs you smugly, in halting English. San nods sagely, confirming this apparently hot tip. You close your eyes and sigh exasperatedly, trying not to show them that either a) you know this or b) you’re equally problematically attracted to their leader.
“Okay even if he did...which I doubt,” you begin, keeping your voice calm with difficulty. “Why on earth would he tell you two that?” you ask.
“He tell all members,” San updates you gleefully, before reverting to Korean to elaborate: “We were sharing TMI facts for games.”
“Great. That’s great,” you tell them sarcastically. “And on what planet does he think that information would be an appropriate TMI to share?”
“Oh he doesn’t...he was just really intoxicated by then,” Wooyoung giggles.
“This just gets better and better,” you marvel.
“Are you going to yell at him again, noona?” Wooyoung asks you, trying to contain his obvious glee. San watches seemingly impassively, but you can see the anticipation in his eyes. You narrow your own.
“So how do I know you two aren’t just making this up for a prank? Or to get your leader in more trouble?” you ask, pretending to be suspicious.
“Ask the others,” San shrugs. “Or ask him.” This throws you and they can sense it, which understandably deepens their curiosity and makes you panic.
"Fine. Tell him to come see me once you're done with the radio slot," you tell them, attempting to call their bluff. 
It doesn't quite go according to plan though. You’re just thinking you've maybe impressed the gravity of the situation on Ateez's leader when he interrupts you with characteristic sass, but careful to stick to jondaemal: “Noona, jebal geuman malhago kiseuhae julraeyo?” [Noona, would you please stop talking and kiss me?]. Thank God you were prescient enough to talk to him alone. You stare at him open-mouthed.
“You...what...did you hear anything I just said!?” you demand. He nods, cutely, swinging his shoulders with his hands clasped together in front of him to complete the innocent look, and shoots you a come-hither look, through his eyelashes.
“So um...if you heard me, did you understand me?” you check, wishing your Korean was more fluent for situations like this.
“Yes, I understand,” he murmurs in English, his voice husky. 
“So why…” you try, with another sigh. “Why did you still ask for a kiss?” He shrugs, pouts, pushes the toe of his boot into the leg of the couch he’s standing beside then flops heavily into it with a deeply wounded sigh. You follow suit, seating yourself on the other couch. Hong-Joong keeps his head lowered and stays silent, occasionally adjusting his eyelashes with his pointer finger until you have to ask, against your better judgment, but you feel bad for rejecting him:
“Gwaenchanaeyo, Joong?” 
He sniffs disconsolately, plays with his eyelashes again, and shakes his head with a little hiccoughing sob. Well now you feel really bad, but this is a no-win situation.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you, sweetheart,” you try, softening your voice. He nods, quickly, acknowledging your words, but swipes at his eyes with the back of his hand. You hold back a sigh of exasperation, and move to sit by him on his couch, tentatively placing your hand on his shoulder.
“Come on, Joong - don’t be like that,” you plead. “These aren’t my rules. But even if there weren’t rules...you’re so young. Don’t you want your first time to be with someone else your age. Who maybe can share the...the experience with you?” You try not to picture how it will more likely go if you arrange something for him, but push the thought away, pretending to yourself that the company can somehow make it romantic for him.
“Ani,” he sulks, head still lowered and blueberry bubblegum bangs spilling over his face. “I want you to kiss me.” He finally lifts his head and fixes you with his big, dark eyes. “Jebal,” he begs, voice breaking a little. “Only once, then I stop asking,” he bargains, in English, picking up on the subtle change in your expression. You sigh, close your eyes, and put your head in your hands, steeling yourself. You can feel Hong-Joong’s eyes on you. You can almost feel his heart thumping in his chest as he waits nervously for an answer.
“Okay,” you agree reluctantly, knowing in your heart of hearts that, despite his words, it won’t stop here. “On one condition. You are not to tell anybody ever.” He nods obediently, eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Okay then...Where am I kissing you?” 
He is already facing you in anticipation, his hands neatly on his thighs and his eyes shut so you can see those glorious eyelashes resting on his cheeks. The tiniest tracks of his tears stain his pretty face, and his lips are parted, ready for his requested kiss. But he opens his eyes at the question, confused.
“Right here,” he tells you, cocking his head to the side. You laugh softly.
“No. Where on yourself do you want to be kissed?” you amend.
“Oh…” he is a little flustered by the question. “On…” he touches his lips. “On my mouth,” he requests. You smile at his innocence. 
“Okay. Close your eyes again,” you tell him. He does so obediently and you lean across to kiss him softly, but sensuously, letting him slip his tongue into your mouth, and tangle it with yours. He wraps his arms around your waist, and you twine yours around his neck, turning your head on the side to allow him to sate his appetite on you. You only stop him, gently, when his hands sneak around towards your chest.
“There you go,” you murmur, extricating yourself reluctantly from his embrace. “Happy?” 
“Yes,” he breathes, but he looks distinctly the opposite. “Noona? I...I have to go,” he tells you. You’re a bit taken aback, but you nod to him and let him up and he darts out of the room without a backwards glance. ‘Oh boy - this is gonna be fun’ you think to yourself, before leaving the little studio lounge to go round the other boys up.
You leave Hong-Joong until last, to give him some privacy to sort out his presumably mixed emotions, but it gets to the point that you really need them all in the cars, so you have to resort to checking the private recording booths, though you can’t imagine why he would be in one of them without booking it, and of course the bathrooms - which you plan to leave until absolute last. You ask the others if they’ve seen him, but they all shrug at you innocently. Finally Yeosang remembers that he saw their leader go upstairs to the sleeping pods. Thanking him exasperatedly, you jog up the stairs and then enter the space quietly, knowing that idols use it to recuperate between scheduled events. Most of the pods seem to be empty though, and it’s only when your ears adjust that you hear Hong-Joong’s voice and feel your cheeks flush. 
At least he’s not sleeping, you reason, so you won’t have to wake him, but the sharp little intakes of breath and the quiet moans you hear make you think waking him would be infinitely less trouble. Still...if he’s with someone, at least now you won’t have to find him a date. You slide the door across, preparing yourself to chastise him at least a little, for form’s sake, but he’s alone. And boy, does he look guilty when he catches your eye. After a brief deer-caught-in-headlights moment, he freaks out completely, squeals loudly and throws himself commando-style off the further side of the little camp-bed, re-emerging adorably with the top of his face peeping over the mattress at you. 
“Hong-Joong?! Are you alright?" you laugh.  He nods and gives you cute v-fingers over his eyes and a mischievous smile. "Erm, good...what were you...wait were you just getting yourself off?” you ask him, the words spilling from your lips before you can stop yourself and wishing he didn’t look quite so delectable - kneeling up on his shins, chest heaving, with his hair dishevelled, lips just parted and eyes at half-mast and his arms awkwardly crossed across his crotch.
“U-uh...no...I was just…” he stammers, deeply unconvincingly, despite the tinkling sound of the buckle of his jeans belt dangling against the side of his leg.
“Okay, so the second car is leaving and you need to get yourself down there quick smart before it leaves without you,” you tell him, choosing to leave the subject.
“Or…?” he asks you, a little panicked. You hesitate, not wanting to give him any ideas. But it’s going to be just as awkward if you make him come downstairs with you right now. 
"Or we'll have to arrange another way to get you home," you concede. "Look, just...fix yourself up. I'll work something out and come back for you. "
So this is the series of racy events that leads to you finding yourself in the back of a taxicab on the way back to the dorm from Hongdae, slightly the worse for the soju, with an endearingly tipsy Hong-Joong’s pretty head in your lap, using all your self-control to ignore the tantalizing effect of the incredibly illicit kisses that he is bestowing on your stockinged thighs whilst he’s meant to be ‘resting’.
“Joong, stop it! I’m warning you,” you chastise him for probably the twelfth time since you’ve clambered into this cab together. “I cannot believe you talked the staff into having me chaperone you for a night out on the town.” You don’t add that neither you nor they would have gone along with this if they’d had any idea whatsoever of his intentions. But lucky for him, you obviously weren’t going to tell on him and you gather the other boys had his back as well. Now however, you’re not entirely sure the scope for gossip won’t kill them.
Thank God, the taxi makes it back to the dorm before he can test you any further, and you jump out of the backseat to pay the driver, before helping Hong-Joong out and guiding him inside and up to his bedroom, where he spins around in a sort of pirouette before flinging himself onto his bed with a cute giggle.
“I look pretty today, don’t I, noona?” he checks with you, preening a little. 
“Very pretty,” you assure him, careful to keep the tone of your voice neutral. 
“No, you’re teasing me, noona~~” he whines. “Say it properly that I look pretty.” He shakes his head, making his long, silver earrings dance and jump.
“You look pretty, Hong-Joong-oppa~,” you tell him, with an aegyo flourish, before rolling your eyes teasingly at him and he laughs, loudly, with his hand in front of his mouth, then hits you playfully, in that adorable fashion he has. You give up on any pretence that he’s not dangerously close to getting his way, what with your guard being down and the soju still buzzing through you.
“Are you trying to turn me on, or are you really just that oblivious?” you ask him, wryly. His eyes go wide, unsure if he’s just understood you correctly.
“Mwo?” he chirrups.
“You heard me,” you purr, leaning forward to kiss him lingeringly. He responds immediately, arms coming around you to pull you against him and lips moving against yours eagerly, before you feel his tongue searching for yours. You kiss for a while, but when he lays down and pulls you over on top of him, you stop him.
“Okay, okay,” you laugh. “I think we need to stop now, before someone gets hurt.” You stand up reluctantly, and give him what you plan to be one last kiss, tugging at his bottom lip gently with your teeth, before you pull away. He clings to you, kissing your jawline and then your neck, but you extricate yourself and stand up, making his face fall and his pretty smile merge into a pout.
“Wae, noona~?” he sulks, cute.
“Did you honestly think your devious little plot would work?” you tease him. “Whatever happened to ‘I won’t ask anymore once I get one kiss,’ hmm? You’ve had way more than one kiss, Joong...it’s time to move on back to reality now,” you tell him, sadly, turning to go. He sighs his defeat, letting his shoulders sink and making you wish fervently that you could just hold him and make him feel all better. You honestly can’t think of a reason that one of the professionals the company can hire for him will make him feel any more of a man than you could right now. And just as you’re mulling it over, reluctant to take your final leave, he lets his gaze rake you from head to foot, winks provocatively, and then bites his lip with a little ‘c'mere’ tilt of his chin.
“Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lip?” you ask him, rhetorically.  “‘Cause, you know what? If you did, then, fuck the rules. We’re having sex. Right now.” This time he manages not to give himself away completely, but his eyebrows go up and he swallows hard. He rearranges himself nervously on the bed as you check his door, making sure it’s locked. When you turn your attention back to Hong-Joong, you almost have second thoughts. He has arranged himself carefully, so that his shirt is open half-way to his waist, exposing most of his chest but artfully concealing his nipples, and he's leaning back on his hands, legs stretched out in front of him to give you the best possible view. His head is tilted, eyes lowered, and his slender neck looks impossibly delicate, wrapped in a black silk choker. He smiles bewitchingly and dares a look up through his lashes when you walk over to him and sit on the edge of his bed. 
“Are you sure you want to do this, Hong-ssi?” you ask him softly.
“Yes!” he tells you firmly.
“Really?” you confirm. “Because you seem...maybe a little shy?” you try gently, putting your hand on his to try and help him relax.
“I have a little...little nervous,” he explains, bravely, in English, showing you with his fingers pinched together how ‘little’ the little bit of nervousness is.
“Oh - ginjanghaessoyo?” you check, in Korean. He nods quickly, blushing. You put your hand on his cheek and give him a light kiss. “Well, you don’t need to be. I promise I’ll look after you. And I’m sure you’ll do great for your first time. Still good?” Another nod. “Now, remember just tell me anytime if you want to stop, okay?” you instruct him. “I won’t be annoyed.”
“Okay,” he says with a bright smile.
“And you don’t need to be shy about making noise either, okay? If it feels good, you let me know and I will do the same. It makes it more fun,” you add, with a wink. He giggles, bites his lip and then nods again. “Now c’mere, you sexy little thing,” you tell him, hooking your arm around his waist to pull him closer, and kissing him lingeringly. He moans softly into your mouth and you reward him by deepening the kiss and letting your other hand stray inside his open shirt to play with one of his nipples. He gasps and then moans again, his lips still attached to yours and his tongue exploring your mouth with swiftly-growing passion. You keep kissing him, but press him back onto the bed properly, so that you can straddle his thighs. 
“Where do you want me to kiss you next?” you ask him, unbuttoning his shirt the rest of the way, and pulling it open, so that you can stroke his naked chest.
“Odiena,” [everywhere] he begs, writhing impatiently under your touch and tossing his head on the pillows in an agony of anticipation. You laugh softly.
“I can’t kiss you everywhere at once,” you object. “Give me a clue...” You let one hand stray back to his nipples, making him arc his back, then you let your other hand deliberately brush the front of his pants, making him buck his hips up to press himself against your fingers.
“Seems like you’re having trouble deciding,” you tease him, letting your lower hand run the length of his still-clothed erection but bending your head towards his chest. You don’t let him get away with it that easily though, swerving at the last second to whisper into his ear:
“Why don’t you show me what you were doing in that booth upstairs this afternoon?”
“I...I wasn’t…” he stammers, blushing and nervously playing with his eyelashes.
“You were though, weren’t you?” you say. “That’s why you ran off when I kissed you. Do you have any idea how much catching you like that turned me on?”
“Oh jinjja?” he asks, surprised, but clearly flattered.
“Mmhm,” you assure him. “C’mon...let me see your jaji...I mean it feels pretty sexy,” you tell him, curling your fingers around the outline of it through his jeans. “Besides, do you honestly think I’ve been able to concentrate on anything all day while you’ve been teasing me while looking like a whole snack with this new hair?” you ask him, undoing his belt and jeans as you speak. He giggles, then self-consciously pushes his bangs back from his face and gives you another of his very pretty smiles but then hisses through his teeth and moans softly as you release his erection from his boxer-briefs and start to stroke him.
“But it’s you who tease me now, noona,” he complains, kissing you until you’re frantic for him. “You make fun by saying me all this things,” he elaborates, his breath getting more and more shallow as you speed up your strokes and his hips follow along by instinct, a thin trickle of precum leaking from his tip and making him groan helplessly.
“I’m not teasing you, babe,” you reassure him. “Every time you’ve caught my eye today, every time you’ve shown off these lovely assets of yours,” you stop caressing his cock to run your fingers longingly over his lips, then along his clavicle and then down over his hip, making him arc into your touch again… “I’ve wanted you more and more. But I’ve known that despite every inch of me aching for you, I’m not allowed to have you. You got teased by the others for saying you look pretty today? Well I think that you look not just pretty but also hot and very sexy. But I’m not supposed to tell you that. I’m not even supposed to think that,” you murmur, running your tongue over his bottom lip and eliciting a needy whine from deep in his throat. “But I don’t care anymore, Hong-Joong-ah...I want you so badly.” You kiss him again and he responds eagerly, but chastely, making you melt at his angelic sweetness. 
After a moment, you reach for his cock again and start to pump your hand up and down it, but he flinches, so you pull back straight away, noting that his cheeks are aflame with blushes.
“Would you like to stop?” you check with him, keeping your voice soft and gentle.
“Ani, ani,” he stammers, waving his hand to show he just needs to catch his breath. “I just worry that I...will make a mess everywhere...too soon,” he attempts to explain.
“Oh! You’re worried you’re going to cum soon?” you check. He nods, embarrassed. “That’s okay, jagi…” you tell him. “We can slow down for a little while if you like?” He nods again, quickly this time, smiling at you sweetly when you deliberately use the term he had asked you for earlier. You let him fix himself up and then curl into your arms against the pillows with his head on your chest. You lay together quietly for a little while, kissing occasionally, as you play idly with his blueberry-bangs. 
You’re just starting to count your blessings, thinking he’s actually drifting off to sleep after all and you can escape, leaving both his pride and his virginity intact, as his limbs start to feel heavier and his breathing slows towards sleeping pace. But then, just as you begin to gently disentangle yourself, he hooks your leg with his to stop you escaping, rolls over to press his hips against yours and then kisses you rather too passionately. You give in straight away this time, kissing him back with a ferocity to rival his own, and wrapping your legs up around his waist.
He pulls away a little, clearly unsure how to proceed, and kneels up between your legs to watch you, biting his lip again, but this time with a truly unconscious innocence of how sexy he looks. He tilts his head on the side, and then cautiously runs his hands up your sides, apparently not daring to do more. You smile at him and nod discreetly, but he just blushes again and clears his throat nervously.
“It’s okay, Hong-ssi,” you reassure him. “I won’t bite, and I’m not going to stop you anymore tonight. Just follow your instincts. You look like you maybe want to undress me?” you suggest. “Go on then, go ahead.” You smile again, trying to put him at ease, then raise your hand to his cheek and sit up to kiss him messily. You feel him smile and then his hands come up to peel the straps of your top off your shoulders and down your arms.
“Mmm…” you murmur against his lips, shifting to allow him to undo the front of your top, then wriggling a little to help him remove the whole thing, so that you’re kissing him in only your bra and skirt. “Mmff...keep going, jagiya,” you encourage him, lifting his hand back up to your bra straps. You let him struggle with your bra while you get to work on removing his shirt properly and undoing his jeans again. You know you could help him, but you kind of sense it’s better to let him make any mistakes that he’s going to make now, while he’s in a safe environment where he won’t be judged if he’s not perfect at everything. He makes a cute little frustrated noise as he tries to figure out the clasp, but then another pleased noise when he manages to get your bra off, but you pretend not to notice and just let him have his moment, sliding the garment off, then pulling you into his arms again, against his naked chest. 
You kiss the tip of his nose, then tease his jeans carefully off his hips and down his thighs, letting him kick and yank them the rest of the way off until he’s kneeling on his bed in front of you, blushing but eager, in only his boxer briefs. You lean across and start to tease kisses from his knee, working your way up his thigh towards his thinly-veiled erection.
“Oh, jebal~,” he begs you, trying to move his leg so that you will come higher. 
“Jebal? Mwo, jebal?” you murmur, wanting him to say it. “What do you want me to do?”
“Kiss...kiss,” he breathes, still in a pleading voice.
“Kiss? I’m already kissing…” you tease him, tickling his skin with your tongue now, and allowing your lips to dance ever nearer to the bottom leg-line of his panties. He moans, much louder now, and you let your other hand dip into his waistband to just barely skim the silky head of his cock. His moans intensify and he slams his head inadvertently back against the headboard of his bed, startling you a little, but not as much as he startles himself. He winces then rubs the back of his head with his hand and gives you a slightly hurt look.
“Yah, noona~” he whines. “You know what I’m mean. I want you to please...put my...my [he gives up and opts for the Korean when he can’t think of the English] je jaji...into your mouth,” he explains in a pouting almost-aegyo tone. You kinda want to tease him a little longer, but frankly you can never resist him when he talks in pout, even when the stakes are this high. And, judging by his sparkling eyes, he knows it too.
Trying not to hurt him, you pull his boxer-briefs carefully away from his erection and lick his shaft from balls to tip like an icecream. He shudders and another long, low moan escapes his body as his hands clutch his bedsheets. You raise your head to take him in your mouth, gently moving one of his hands to place it on the back of your head and indicating he should let you know how fast he needs you to go. Arcing into you, he presses his hand against the back of your head, needing you to speed up, which you do, using your free hand to hold him steady and being careful to keep your teeth behind your lips. After an interval of his pretty moans and your jaw starting to feel it, his hips dance, and he swears under his breath, in Korean.
“Wait-stop-stop!” he yelps, trying to pull away, but it’s too late and his voice trembles into another prolonged groan as you taste his warm jizz flooding your tongue. “Oh, shibal, mianhamnida,” [fuck, sorry] he stammers, mortified. You ignore his sweet objections and lick him clean, then pull him down by your side and let him cuddle shyly into you with his face turned into the crook of your neck.
“Noona?” he asks, squeezing your waist with his arm.
“What is it, Joong?” you murmur sleepily, the soju finally settling in your veins.
“Please stay here with me?” he requests. You sigh, afraid to tell him.
“No, no - that’s too much, doll,” you try to cushion the blow with a finger under his chin and a soft kiss on his lips. “I have to go back to my room, now that the damage is done.”
“But you say...well...we are going to have sex,” he pouts.
“And we did, you little minx,” you tell him, but he is already shaking his head, cheeky.
“Ani. I still am...virgin,” he corrects you defiantly, pleased with himself for remembering the English word. 
“You’re still? Wow...you’re really going to go for the literal definition, are you?,” you laugh quietly at his sass. “Well, you may find you need to recharge a little first,” you sigh, giving in. He veritably purrs at this update and you see a devilish grin slip across his lips, though he keeps his eyes tightly squeezed shut, making you marvel anew at his beautiful eyelashes, by this stage of the evening innocent of eyelash-curlers or mascara, yet still works of art in themselves. 
You cuddle up together for another small interval, but this time you realize that you must have drifted off to sleep yourself, when you open your eyes to find the sun peeking over the horizon outside. You smile to yourself when you notice Hong-Joong slumbering sweetly, completely naked in your arms, but you’re not sure how to disentangle yourself without waking him again. You manage to edge yourself out of his embrace, get your top back on and locate your bra but when you turn to give him one last longing look, he is propped up on one arm, eyes blearily open and watching you resentfully. He opens his mouth to say something and you swiftly close the distance between the two of you, to put a finger to his lips.
“You trick me,” he whispers fiercely. You try not to laugh at his indignant tone.
“I didn't, sweetheart! I fell asleep, same as you,” you defend yourself.
“So we have sex now?” he asks you, yawning and covering his mouth politely. You shake your head at him with amused incredulity.
“We can’t now,” you tell him. “There’s no way people won’t find out. It’s morning.” He just shrugs and tries to pull your skirt off.
“I don’t care,” he informs you cheekily, switching to an attempt to remove your top when you intervene with his attempt to remove your skirt. “If we are...balli-balli...[quickly - if you go fast] then we not wake members,” he bargains.
“Okay, okay! My gosh, you’re persistent,” you marvel, drawing him into your arms and kissing him. He deepens the kiss, tugging at your lip with his teeth in the sweetest punishment as his hands work quickly to remove the rest of your clothes.
“Hey - where’s that shy boy from last night?” you tease him, but he just sticks his tongue out at you and taps your legs, making you spread them so that he can climb between them. He’s all masterful confidence until you feel his erection tickling the inside of your thighs and he pauses, on his hands and knees, looking at you nervously. You run your hands along his body and down onto his hips and pull him forward.
“Ah - there’s our shy boy! It’s okay, jagi,” you reassure him, wrapping your legs up around him and lifting your hips to meet him. He kisses you under the jawline, and lets his hands stray towards your chest, so you drop your hand down to guide his cock to rest against your already-wet folds, then give your hips a little thrust so that he slips in. He gasps and thrusts his own hips instinctively, then you grab them and pull him the rest of the way forward, simultaneously eliciting a jagged moan from his lips and sighing with relief yourself, as he slides right up inside you, making you call out his name. He moans your name back to you, then finally starts to rock his hips back and forward, his breath coming hotter and faster against your neck as his moans get louder and more urgent.
“Aigoh! Ai-ai-yuh...uh! Aiohhohh!” he vocalizes shamelessly as he gets more and more caught up in your lovemaking, until he appears to have forgotten his surroundings. You surrender to him completely, kissing and caressing every part of him that you can reach.
“Oh-uh...pokbalhaga naol got gatayo~” [I feel like I’m going to explode] he confesses as his hips start to reach jackhammer speed.
“Oh, jinjja?” you gasp. He moans in the affirmative into your neck. “Do it, jagi. Cum inside me!” you gasp. His hands force you to speed up to his pace and his lovely voice climbs high enough to definitely have caught the attention of the other members. 
“Oh shib!” he groans, his lips parted and his eyes at half-mast in a perfect mask of sexual gratification. “Oh...oh ne...oh fuck...Do you think…” he pants out “they can...hear us?”
“Yes we can!” hollers WooYoung from behind the wall, his voice indicating that he’s been wanting to object since the beginning of this latest tryst. “Please stop already! We’re happy for you hyung but honestly, we’re trying to sleep too, you know?!” he elaborates. Shaking your head at WooYoung’s lack of tact, you grab Hong-Joong’s sexy, taut ass in your hands, kiss him fiercely on the lips and lift your hips to a higher angle, letting him penetrate you even further. His hips do a final dance and you feel him cum up inside you, before collapsing next to you on his back, chest heaving and one arm flung across his face, while the other pulls you close.
“Better?” you ask him, cuddling against his side.
“Mmm....ne...much better,” he affirms, sighing contentedly. 
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anonymousfiction211 · 4 years
A plaything
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You attend a feast in honour of Prince Thor. You are bored and plan to leave. However, Loki has different plans.
Word count:
2.771 words
Swearing and shameless smut
You looked around the room, trying to find some entertainment. But this party was the same as any other party, celebrating the return of one of the princes. The whole ballroom was decorated extravagant with silver cloths, red curtains and multiple chandeliers that were hanging from the ceiling. It was all dressed in the colours of Prince Thor. You always preferred the gold and dark green, which were Prince Loki’s colours. But Thor had returned home from a battle and apparently him not dying needed to be celebrated by every noble family. Including the noble family, you belonged too. You did not attend these parties very often, since your family stood very low in the hierarchy. And even if your family did get invited, your parents would often go themselves. But tonight, happened to be their anniversary, so you offered to go for them instead.  
The servants were currently clearing the last of the cutlery from the tables and pushing some tables around to make room for people to dance. You were still bored from the conversations you had to endure during dinner. It was always the same conversation, how other families were doing, if anything new happened (which was almost never) and praising the royal family for all they had done over the last time. You ordered another glass of wine, the open bar at these parties did make the whole thing slightly more bearable. Then you heard music playing and faced the dance floor to watch the opening dance. King Odin was dancing with his wife Frigga. After the dance ended more people made their way to the dance floor, while Odin and Frigga retreated. With that notion you decided to leave, when you had finished your drink. Since the king and queen left it would not be considered insulting to the royal family if you left early.
You started to down your drink. When your cup was empty you placed it back on the bar and gave the servant a genuine smile. Just when you turned around you heard him ask ‘Would you like another drink lady y/n?’. You turned back to decline the offer when you heard a low voice speaking ‘Yes she will, and I will have the same, please’. You annoyingly turned your head to see which guy had answered, when you saw Loki. Shit. You really wanted to go home but could not decline a prince. Argh.. just this one drink, which was already your fifth, stick to protocol, be polite and leave before you will do something stupid you thought. You quickly smiled at Loki ‘Thank you, my prince’. He gave you a quick smile back. ‘You are welcome, so what do you think of the celebration?’. You complemented the celebration, had the same sort of conversation you had with everybody else all night and drank your drink as fast as you could. When you finished your drink, you were about to excuse yourself and leave. That is when Loki extended his hand to you ‘Would you like to join me for a dance?’. The first thing you thought was I would rather do anything else right now, than dance with you. But you know you could not say that, so rather reluctantly you accepted his hand.
He led you to the dancefloor and he spinned and twirled you around. He did not say a word to you while you danced. He did keep his gaze on you the entire time. He moved gracefully and you started to admire some of his features. You were thankful when the dance ended, because now you finally had an opportunity to leave. ‘If you will excuse..’. But Loki cut you off and led you to a table with some snacks on it, and offered you one. Before you could finish it one of the servants had already brought the two of you a drink. At this point Loki was really getting on your nerves. You gave him one of your fakest smiles, hoping he will take the hint ‘My prince, it would be rude to deny your other guests to have the opportunity to talk to you tonight, it is already getting quite late and..’. He then cut you off again. ‘I find these events quite unbearable. Always the same dull conversations, nothing ever seems to happen. So, to get through them I like to find something to play with.’ You looked confused at him before saying ‘I am getting tired, I think I should leave early tonight’. He leaned a little closer to your ear and purred ‘You have been wanting to leave from the moment I saw you down your drink, but it can’t have my plaything leave early tonight’. He quickly took your hand and walked you over to the table where his brother was sitting with his friends. Before you could protest you heard him say ‘Thor, this is lady y/n, she is a little bored. Kindly take care of her, will you?’. And with that your evening was getting quite long. Thor made you play drinking games and told long stories about his battles. Every time you tried to leave Loki would suddenly show up with someone to talk to, dance with or with something to drink or eat. Every time he did you glared at him, which just made him smirk back at you. Bastard.
The evening would at least go on for another two hours, but you had far too much to drink. When Loki was nowhere to be seen you said goodbye to Thor and the rest of the table and left. You were relieved to be almost at the exit, but suddenly Loki appeared in front of you. To say he looked not amused, would be an understatement. ‘Where do you think you’re going?’ he growled. You took a step back, but he was already walking towards you. ‘I am going home, I wanted to leave for a very long time now. You’ve had your fun by torturing me all evening, now let me go home!’. Loki raised his hand and for a moment you thought he was going to slap you. Since you were being quite rude to royalty. Instead, he brushed your cheek with the back of his hand ‘But darling, you can’t leave until tomorrow.’ You sighed ‘And why not?’. He then looked at you with a dark look and grabbed your waist with both his hands ‘Because I am going to fuck you so hard you will not be able to walk until tomorrow.’ Hearing him say that in a lusty voice did something to you. Before you could answer you saw a green shimmer and you were not standing at the exit anymore.
He pulled you closer to him. He placed two of his fingers under your chin and made you look up at him. He closed the distant between your faces and his lips were now brushing yours. He did not break eye contact and his gaze softened a bit. You saw lust in his green eyes, and you swallowed in anticipation of what was to come. ‘May I?’ he asked. You nodded at him. He then pressed his lips against yours. Your lips move in sync with each other, like you have done this a hundred times before. He moved his hand from your chin to your neck to deepen the kiss. You felt his tongue against your lips, and you opened your mouth to let his tongue enter. Loki then started to kiss you more passionately, which made you moan. He broke the kiss and smirked at you. He put his hands on you butt and lifted you in one smooth motion. You squeaked a bit in surprise and instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. He started to walk with you and kiss your neck. The feeling of his lips on your skin made you breath faster. Then you felt his teeth sink into your flesh, just on the brink of pleasure and pain. You tightened his legs around him, making you feel his hardened cock through his pants.
He had walked you to his bed and laid you down on your back. He shimmered your clothes away and you lay naked before him. He took one of your nipples in his mouth and circled it with his tongue until it hardened. One of his hands was caressing the inside of your thighs. You quickly become a panting mess underneath him. He slipped one finger between your folds and felt how wet you already were. You moaned at the sensation. Loki suddenly stopped and looked deeply into your eyes. He takes his finger with your wetness on it in his mouth and started to suck it. The sight of him sucking his own finger made you tremble. You felt his knee lining up at your entrance putting a slight pressure on your clit. You let out a low moan and started to move your hips up and down, to create some friction. You grabbed his jacket and pulled it off. The fact that he was still fully clothed, was becoming frustrating. You desperately needed to feel him. But before you could undress him any further he grabbed your wrists with one of his hands, and pinned them above your head. He removed his knee and you whined at the loss of pressure on your clit. You felt your pussy throb, begging for attention, but Loki just grinned at you. ‘You’re an eager little thing, aren’t you? Look at my pants’. You looked down and saw a large wet stain at the part of his knee you rubbed your clit against. You started to blush.
Loki flicked his hand and you suddenly felt the touch of cool metal against your wrists. You looked up and saw your wrists handcuffed together. Attached to the handcuffs was a chain which was bound to the headboard of the bed. You heard him chuckle ‘I prefer to have both hands free, when I play with my toys’. Normally you would protest to any man who would do something like that without asking, but with Loki it was different. The fact that he was treating you like his personal toy to play with, was a real turn on for you. Loki moved to lay besides you. He had one hand supporting his head while his other hand was stroking your breasts. You felt your pussy throb harder and started to squirm at the feeling of his touch. He was watching how your body reacted to his touch. He slowly started to move his hand lower. ‘I must say that it was a pleasant surprise to see you tonight’. His hand was now on your hip slowly making circles. You felt the bedsheets underneath your pussy become damp. Your breaths were shallow and you mind was racing. You desperately needed relief. He moved his head to your ear, and his other hand grabbed your hair. He pulled on it slightly and you could feel his tongue stroking your earlobe ‘I noticed you a few feasts ago and ever since I saw you, I have not been able to put you out of my mind’. You moaned at the feeling of his tongue on your ear and bucked your hips in the hope he will touch your pussy. ‘I do admit that I tend to break my toys, but I am going to play with you for as long as I can’. He then put a finger on your clit and started to rub slow circles. He puts just enough pressure on it to feel him, but hardly enough to give you some form of relief. His touch was driving you crazy and you started to moan his name repeatedly. He removed his other hand from your hair and started to stroke your cheek.
Then there was a knock on the door. ‘Prince Loki?’. Loki looked annoyed and turned his face towards the door ‘Come in.’. A guard walked in and he froze for a moment before he regained his composure. Loki chuckled while he was still stroking circles around your clit. His other hand was brushing to your hair, like he was petting you. You could do nothing else than moan his name. You were hardly aware that there was a guard now watching you. ‘Ehm.. the feast is a- almost at an end and Prince Thor is requesting your presence to say goodbye to the remaining guests.’. Loki sighed and looked at you. Your eyes were closed and your whole body looked flushed and was moving ever so slightly. Loki saw just how desperate you were to come. ‘I’ll be there in five minutes’ Loki said to the guard. The guard then left as quickly as he could. You groaned ‘Please Loki, please. You can not do this to me, I need you’.
Loki pushed your legs open further and positioned his face right before your pussy. He hummed in approval. ‘I know darling, but I will not be gone long. Now you have been moaning my name so prettily, let us see if I can make you scream it’. Without a warning he pushed his tongue hard down on your clit and moved it up and down. Two of his fingers slipped easily inside of you and started to pump in and out of you. The wet sounds that were coming from this action sounded sinful to your ears. But all you could care about is the feeling of your orgasm building up inside of you. ‘I do only have 3 minutes left, so I need you to be a good girl and come for me. Now!’. The vibration of his words against your clit sends you over the edge and you screamed his name. His fingers started to pump slower and his tongue was now drawing slow long circles against your clit. He worked you through your intense orgasm and looked smugly at you, trembling, and still moaning his name softly. He brought his fingers to your mouth and you eagerly started to lick them clean. ‘Now, I will be gone for about 30 minutes.’. You looked at him with widened eyes. He then gave you a darkened look ‘But I’m far from done playing with you, yet.’
With his fingers now clean he stood up and grabbed his jacket, put it on and straightened the rest of his clothes. You started to tug at your handcuffs which made Loki chuckle. He then went to one of his cabinets, opened a drawer and pulled out a ball shaped like an egg. ‘You know what it is?’ You shook your head. He walked towards you and pushed the egg-shaped ball inside of you, which made you jolt. Then he showed you a remote in his hands. ‘Like I said, I will be back in 30 minutes. But you do know how I need something to play with during these tedious events.’ He pressed on a button and the egg-shaped ball started to vibrate. You gasped and started to squirm. Loki bent down to kiss you and you started to moan into the kiss. He then whispered in your ear ‘When I come back we’ll play some more before you break. In the meantime, you are not allowed to come until I get back. I want to watch as you come undone every time I let you. If you do come before I am back, I promise you that you are in for a rough night. Remember that right now, I am still going easy on you. Don’t worry the doors will be locked and no one else will be able to enter.’ 
He then stood up straight and started to walk towards the door. You were whimpering softly, trying to distract yourself. You were not sure if you could handle this vibration for so long, without coming. Plus, you did not know if you wanted to know what a rough night with Loki meant. The way he plays with your body was already hard to sustain. You heard him open the door and you looked at him. Just before he was through the door, he turned around to face you ‘Oh, one more thing darling..’ he shot you a wicked grin and you saw him push another button on the remote. The vibration increased, you let out a loud moan and arched your back. Already feeling your orgasm build up. ‘This is not even the highest setting’. And with that he left you to moan, squirm and wait until he gets be back.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 10.822
Warnings: some cursing, fluff, mentioning of cheating
A/N: So.... this idea started as a quick idea for a one shot.... I guess, it got a little bit out of hand... but who cares... have fun... it's worth to read it
Summary: Your ex marries your cousin and because it's family, you have to attend there with a date. No matter how hard it would be for you. You talk with Crowe about it and she comes up with an idea: a fake date with one of her friends, Nyx Ulric. Nyx agrees reluctantly and even if he had sworn to himself to avoid meeting new people or rather to let them get too close … little did he know that you could change this plan without even knowing it…
"Crowe, it's horrible! I really tried to talk with my mother but she won't accept the fact that I don't want to come to this wedding. She said: 'We become a family. You're mature enough to work past all this'. Argh! I would love to scream.", you cried out, raking violently through your hair with your fingers.
"Yeah... Right... It's about maturity that you have to watch how your cousin marries your ex-boyfriend who had left you. For your cousin. This marriage is crazy. Since when do they even know each other?"
"For seven months.", you muffled into your hands.
"Wait! What? You met this idiot what? Ten months ago!"
"Yup. And then, we had a family meeting where he met my cousin. They got along pretty well. Maybe I should have sensed something there already. But I didn't.", you said heartbroken.
"So, he met your cousin behind your back, he cheated on you and your mother still wants you to join the wedding? Are really all of your family so stupid, sorry for that, to accept the fact that he’s a lying and cheating bastard?"
"Yes, they are!", you cried out, burying your face into your hands once again, "Just because he's some high-paid, upper class doctor. And you know what the worst is? I have to bring someone with me. A date. You know for the 'aesthetic'. It’s my mother’s twisted ‘perfect world’ thingy. But I don't have someone. I'm still hurt because of what he had done to me. I don't wanna meet someone new.", you breathed devastated.
Crowe nodded slowly, understanding your point because she was there as she had picked up the shattered pieces that had been your former self. Then, an idea popped up in her mind even if it was a tricky one, "YN, I might have a solution for your problem."
Slowly, you looked up, "Yeah... I already considered running away but I can't. My mother would find me everywhere."
Crowe chuckled, "No. Not that. Maybe we keep this running away idea as a back-up. No, I might have a solution for your date misery."
The next day, Crowe searched for Libertus and Nyx in the training area of the Kingsglaive headquarters. Finding them warping around, she watched them for a while before both men closed up to her for a small break.
"I will never really get used to this warping shit. My stomach makes somersaults all the time.", Libertus complained and rubbed over his stomach and chest to calm down the heartburn.
"Well, not every person is made for flying.", Crowe said teasingly what caused Nyx to chuckle and Libertus to roll with his eyes.
"So, what's up? It's a bit too early for you.", Nyx said, leaning against a pillar with crossed arms.
"Actually, I wanted to talk with you, Nyx. I... I need your help.", Crowe said carefully.
Nyx frowned as he saw the wariness in his friend's eyes, "And for what?"
"The thing is... I don't really need your help. It's rather a friend of mine.", Crowe said and saw how Nyx pressed his jaws together.
"Crowe? Is this another try to set me up with someone?", he asked serious.
Crowe gnawed on her lower lip, "No... Well... Not really?"
"Crowe! Come on. We already had that!", Nyx said serious, drawing his brows together.
Crowe raised her hands, "I know, I know. You made this clear the last time. But this is different. YN really needs help. Listen, their ex marries and they have to attend there-"
"Why? Why do they have to attend their ex' wedding?", Libertus asked confused.
Crowe grimaced, "Well, he's marrying their cousin."
"What?", Nyx and Libertus called out at the same time.
Crowe pinched the bridge of her nose, "It's a pretty shitty situation. This asshole cheated on YN with their cousin a few months after they started to date. But because he's such a great doctor, with much prestige and money, everyone seems to be cool with this wedding no matter how YN feels about this."
"Holy six...", Libertus whispered, shaking his head at how complicated this situation seemed to be.
"And why do you need me? What role shall I play in all this?", Nyx asked even if he already had an idea what would come next.
"Well... Not enough that YN shall be part of the wedding, they also shall bring a date along. Something about aesthetics or stuff. I dunno. Don't ask me. And that's the point where I need your help, Nyx.", Crowe said and looked at her friend with a pleading expression and a hopeful smile while Nyx stayed silent.
"Why don't you ask me for help?", Libertus asked, pointing at himself.
Crowe looked apologetically at the taller man, "Well, sorry, but I think Nyx is more of their type-"
"More of their type? Crowe!", Nyx called out, getting slightly agitated.
Crowe raised her hands in surrender, "Calm down. I don't wanna set you up with them. But YN shall bring a date to this already crazy and hilarious wedding. The idiot cheated on them for several months, left them and now, YN’s still very hurt. After the breakup and the announced engagement, they were a mess. I needed some time to collect all the pieces that were left from them. They're not able to date someone or to find someone new. So, I thought about a fake date. It's not a real date. You just have to act like it. Please, Nyx. You don't have to do much. Just accompany them to this wedding. Keep them company and distract them a little. Just have some fun."
Nyx considered the idea. He wasn't really in the mood for dates or weddings but he knew Crowe well enough. If she thought about this as a good idea, he really might be helpful. Nyx’ strong helper syndrome was now also kicking in once again, "So, just if I say yes, and I say if, what shall I do?"
On Crowe's lips grew a smile because she knew Nyx would say yes if he was already this far with his considerations, "Nothing much. You meet them. I guess they will pick you up or something. You attend the wedding in the church and the party afterwards together. That's it. You don't have any responsibilities except to be by YN's side as their date. Maybe support them a little bit during this whole carnival."
"And when shall this trickery be?", Nyx asked warily.
Crowe's face changed into a grimace once again, "That's the stupid part... It's this weekend."
"Crowe!", Nyx called out. It was already Wednesday.
"Hey! It's not my fault. YN also told me about it yesterday. Obviously, they tried to discuss this whole thing about the presence with their mother but she was very persistent with this point. Nyx, it's urgent. Next to you two, they're my best friend. I hate to see them suffer. It’s not fair because they’re a jewel of a person. That their ex shall get a happy ending after everything he had done is already the biggest joke. But now, he will become part of their family, as well. I really need your help.", Crowe begged.
Nyx took a deep breath and released the air slowly, "Alright, alright. I will do it. But", he said and raised his hand as Crowe already started to get excited, "I guess I need a tuxedo or something like this-"
"I will take care of that! You don't have to do anything like I said. I promise."
"Then, just one more thing. Maybe it would be better if we met before the wedding? You know, to check if we get along and if the chemistry is working."
"He did say yes?"
"You really had doubts?", Crowe asked with a smirk. Your reaction had been gold as she had told you that she had found a date for you: Nyx Ulric - one of her friends and colleagues.
In fact, you had heard a few things about him. That he was from Galahd, had lost his family and had a tendency to be a little bit gruff in front of others but with that he was just hiding his soft side, as Crowe had told you. To meet him and Libertus was long overdue, "Well... A little bit to be honest. I mean, he doesn't know me. I know we will just be acting but still it's like a blind date. What if we don't get along? It's all about chemistry and stuff..."
Crowe blinked and stared at you, "Well, I'm sure you two will like each other. In fact, Nyx mentioned the exact same doubts with the exact same words."
"Really? Well... it's maybe just coincidence.", you said, turning around to get something to drink from the kitchen.
But no matter how quickly you had been, Crowe had seen your blushing cheeks and grinned about it. It had been a long time since she had seen you like this: filled with life and pleasant anticipation.
"So, Nyx is okay with this whole fake date thingy?", you asked, while gnawing on your lower lip. You felt nervous to meet him even if he was a friend of Crowe.
Crowe smiled, "Don't worry, he is. You said you could get a tuxedo?"
"Yes! Of course. Just give me his size and I will take care of it. It's easy for me. Tomorrow, it can be here."
"Great. So, could I bring him here tomorrow? You two can meet and he can try on the tuxedo."
"Perfect idea. And I will cook something for us.", you said with sparkling eyes. You had no idea why but suddenly, you were even looking forward to meeting Nyx, your unexpected lifesaver.
"You said, I don't have to do anything.", Nyx complained as he made his way through the city the next day with Crowe by his side.
Crowe rolled with her eyes, "Yes and you really don't have to do anything except to try on one or two tuxedos, alright? It's not that I would drag you to a shopping trip. We meet YN at their place where you can try on the clothes. So, we will kill two birds with one stone."
Nyx had laid awake last night while thinking about this fake date idea. Sure, he wanted to help Crowe and her friend but that didn’t change the fact that there was a reason behind his reluctance to date new people. So, once again, Nyx asked himself if he really was doing the right thing…
As you heard the first knock at your door, you jumped by surprise. It was friday evening, the day before the wedding and it was arranged that Crowe and Nyx would visit you after they were done with their shift. But still, as your friend was there, you felt excited. You were even sick with nervousness to meet Nyx. He was the first guy you would meet after the horrible break-up and even if it was just a fake date, your hands became sweaty and your heart began to race.
The second knock brought you back to reality and you hurried to open the door, "Hey, guys. Come in-", you stopped as Crowe passed you and your eyes fell on Nyx who smiled at you warm and softly. Never in your life had you seen such a handsome, good looking man. Even your ex wasn't able to keep up with Nyx’ undeniable, rough sexiness. His eyes were the bluest and his lips the fullest. The stubble he sported and his greyish hair with the braids suited him perfectly. You noticed something wild in his appearance which got underlined by the tattoos on his face and ears. For the first time, you understood what Crowe had meant as she said that it was visible that Nyx was from Galahd. He wasn't hiding his roots and as it was for you, there was no reason for him to do this at all.
"YN?", Crowe asked as she saw you gaping at Nyx. Internally, she was pleased with herself. To see you like this told her that she had been right: Nyx was your type of guy.
Crowe's voice brought you back from your daydreaming, "Yeah... Sorry, I was just... Uhm...", you stammered.
Crowe grinned but stepped in to help you, "YN meet Nyx. Nyx this YN, my emotional support when I have to deal with too much of your bullshit."
You smiled thankfully, "Yeah... The support might be questionable nowadays.", you said shyly.
"That's okay. It will change again. I'm sure.", Crowe said.
"It's nice to meet you finally, YN. I heard a lot of great things about you.", Nyx said politely as you invited him in. As he and Crowe had gone to your place, Nyx was intimidated because of your fancy apartment complex. You were from Insomnia but because you were refugee friendly and even tried to help to improve the underground district your friendship with Crowe had been possible which calmed Nyx a little. But as you had opened the door, nervousness and excitement spread through his emotionally cold veins. Crowe had described you as nice, sweet and beautiful. But in Nyx' eyes, these words were far away from being suitable. Your eyes were clear and bright as you looked right into his soul. Your lips had such a rich color that they already looked delicious. Nyx knew he had to keep his composure together and actually he wasn't really interested in meeting new people as he always said like a mantra but you and your sweet appearance made it extremely difficult to stick to his plan.
"I'm sure Crowe made up a few things to let me look better.", you said chuckling.
As Nyx heard you laughing, his heart made a little jump and suddenly, he asked himself how it was even possible for someone to hurt you at all.
Pleased with Nyx' reaction about her friend, Crowe grinned, "No, I was always honest and I just told everyone how amazing you are."
"Liar. But that's okay. So, I... The tuxedos already arrived and the dinner is almost done. What about you try on the clothes, Nyx, and then, we eat?", you suggested.
"Sounds great.", Crowe said and went into the kitchen to check the oven for what you had prepared.
"Come on, I will show you the way.", you said to Nyx and guided him through your apartment into your bedroom, "So, Crowe gave me your sizes from your uniform. I got an anthracite and a black tuxedo. The only two colors my mother allows tomorrow. Just try them.", you said and shot the man next to a shy smile. Somehow, his scent was able to fill your small room so quickly that you knew it would be stuck there for a few days and you already were looking forward to it.
"Thanks.", Nyx said and cursed himself because he wanted to say more but he couldn't. Somehow, his tongue was tied up into a knot. Obviously, he had been out of training for human interactions a bit too long.
You were about to leave him alone before you stopped at the door once again, "I have to thank you, Nyx. I... If you wouldn't do that I'm sure I would die because of so many things tomorrow. I owe you really big. So, thank you really much.", you said with a shy smile and reddening cheeks. And before Nyx could say anything, you left the room and closed the door.
Nyx stared at the spot where you had stood. It was one thing to do Crowe a favor in helping you. But to see all these raw emotions mirrored in your eyes did something to him. Your voice had been filled with sadness even if you had tried to hide it. And somehow, deep empathy for you flooded his veins and anger towards your ex entered his muscles. He should accompany you? He swore to himself to do this and to watch out for you the whole evening. Because like Crowe, he already hated it to see you suffer.
"So, you like him, huh?", Crowe asked as you joined her in the kitchen.
You stared at your friend with shocked filled eyes, "I- I don't know what you mean.", you said defensive even if it wasn't really working.
Crowe grinned, "Come on, YN. I know you. And I saw how you were staring at Nyx. Therefore, you like him."
You felt your cheeks blushing and you even pretended to look after your cooking pots so you could avoid Crowe's smug smirk, "He's nice, yeah. I mean, I owe him a lot that he does this for me. I'm grateful for that."
"Yeah... Right. Grateful. Grateful with big, sparkling and hungry eyes-", Crowe said teasingly but got stopped by your elbow and in the next moment Nyx entered your kitchen to present himself. Crowe whistled, "Wow, look at this. I had no idea there could be a real gentleman underneath this gruff surface.", she said, which earned her an annoyed eye roll from the Glaive.
You smiled appreciatively, "Crowe has a point, tho. You look really great in this tuxedo.", you admitted. Indeed, Nyx had tried on the black tuxedo first and it was already a match. Because of the white suit shirt, his blue eyes seem to glow even more. His longer strands gave the tuxedo a nice, foreign touch you already liked, "If you ask me, you're done with testing. Is it comfortable?", you asked, checking the fit on his back.
"Yes, it's extremely comfortable. I had no idea it would fit so well.", Nyx admitted while the soft touch of your hands on his back gave him slight goosebumps.
"I'm not surprised. These are high-class tuxedos. They're very expensive. Don't worry, it's borrowed.", you explained as you saw Nyx' concerned expression, "No one should buy such things just for one evening. So, great. That was it. You're done. You can change again and then, dinner is ready. At least a little try to make it up to you and your time."
As Nyx disappeared in your bedroom once again, Crowe closed up on you with a smirk, "It's so good that I was right with my assumption that you two would fit together perfectly. And now, you will even have some eye candy to look at the whole evening. I'm the best friend you could ask for."
Instead of answering, you just rolled with your eyes even if she was right. But you wouldn't admit it out loud. Never.
"God, this was delicious, YN.", Crowe sighed satisfied as she leant back in her seat.
"I just can say the same. This was great. But if I may ask, what was it? I mean, I know the stuff you used but somehow the taste was … I never tasted like this before.", Nyx asked curiously. Whatever you had done, it was delicious but he never had found something similar in Insomnia before.
You chuckled, "Actually, it isn't something fancy. Vegetables, meat and rice. But the spices make the difference. You don't find these here in Insomnia. I got them from Lestallum. There's a huge market full of stands with spices and ingredients you won't find anywhere else. I like exotic stuff so this market is like a treasure."
While you had answered his question, Nyx was fascinated by the way your eyes started to glow in a new way. You were happy to talk about what you liked. Your happiness was contagious and made his heart jump. Nyx caught himself by the thought that this fake-date thingy wouldn't be as bad as he had thought in the beginning.
Crowe watched you and Nyx. She already saw the connection between you two and even if she respected your decision to be alone for a while after everything you had experienced, she saw that both of you were interested in each other. So, for her, it was the time to give you some space, "Oh, look. How late it got already. I have an early meeting tomorrow.", she said and jumped up from her seat, grabbing her jacket, "Thank you very much for this delicious meal and I wish you two a lot of fun tomorrow.", she said before she hurried out of your apartment.
Slightly speechless, you and Nyx looked after her. As Nyx met your eyes again, both of you were laughing. You looked at your clock on the wall, "Late my ass. We just have eight.", you pointed out while still laughing.
"You know what she's trying right?", Nyx asked with a grin.
"Of course. She's trying to set us up with each other."
Nyx shook his head with a grin, disbelieving that Crowe had pulled this trick, "And that although she knows that I don't want to date anyone.", he just said but regretted it immediately as he saw your face. It was a mixture of surprise and disappointment. Quickly, you tried to hide it behind a smile and that sight hurt Nyx even more than he thought, "Oh uhm... I- I didn't mean you... O-or this.. I.. I'm sorry, I...", he stumbled over his own words and cursed himself for speaking so mindlessly.
You waved with your hand to brush it aside with a weak smile, ignoring the disappointment, "Calm down. I know what you mean, Nyx. After what my ex had done, I'm also not much interested in dates. Don't forget that this will be just a fake date.", you said softly to reassure him before you collected a bunch of plates to be able to turn away from him.
But Nyx had seen the sparkling in your eyes that extremely resembled unshed tears. Once again, he cursed himself. Here he was, Nyx had promised to himself to protect you from everything that would happen at the wedding but was able to make you sad in his own way.
Quickly, he stood up, collecting the cutlery to go to your side, "Hey", Nyx said softly to get your attention, he smiled as you looked at him, "I'm sorry, YN. I didn't mean you at all. It's just...Crowe tried many times to matchmake me. It never ended well. I guess, it's because of my job as a Glaive. I try my best but... it's my work. I owe King Regis a lot for saving me. And I see myself forced to pay it back in protecting this city and its people."
"Don't apologize, Nyx. What you and the other Glaives are doing is honorable. Not everyone is able to cope with what you do all day for this city. If someone has a problem with that...well... it's just not the fitting person, I guess. The fitting person would always support you to make your life easier instead of making it more difficult.", you said and smiled.
Nyx was speechless about your caring words and your warm smile, "Thank you. You... I can see why Crowe cares so much about you. You're very sweet. And you know what? I'm looking forward to spending the day with you tomorrow."
You sniffled back a sob, "Thanks, Nyx. I'm sure it will be horrible tomorrow. Just the thought of seeing him makes me anxious right now. But to know you will be with me calms me already.", you admitted softly.
Nyx smiled but also wanted to change the heavy topic to something lighter, "So, about tomorrow. How shall we do it? Already have any plans?"
"Yeah, my idea was to pick you up but maybe it would be easier for you to come here so you don't have to carry the tuxedo around. I mean, if this would be okay for you?", you said while bringing Nyx to the front door.
"Sounds good. Oh, one thing. Shall I do something with my hair? It's not typical for Insomnian citizen-"
"No, please, don't!", you hurried but you looked away as you felt your cheeks blushing again.
Nyx chuckled, shooting you a smile as you looked back at him, "Don't worry. I won't change anything if you don't want to. I just want to make sure that you will have a nice day tomorrow."
The next day, Nyx knocked at your door as agreed. Once again he was excited to meet you. This time because he was looking forward to seeing you again. Usually, if Nyx was dreaming during the night, he had nightmares but the last night was filled with dreams about you. This morning, he was more rested and relaxed than ever before.
So, as you opened the door, Nyx was already smiling and happy but as he saw you, his smile faltered and his expression changed into staring, "Whoa, you look amazing.", he breathed.
Your small smile grew into something bigger that reached each of your ears, "Thank you. Come in.", you said excitedly and stepped aside to let Nyx into your apartment.
Ten minutes later, Nyx joined you in the kitchen, dressed in the tuxedo and ready. You prepared some coffee before the car would be there to pick you up, "So, what's scheduled for today?", he asked and closed the buttons on his cuffs. At least, he tried it.
You watched him fumbling for a few moments until you joined him for help, "In fact, everything's pretty timed. We will drive to the church were the wedding will be held. And after that we will drive further to the Caelum Via where the dinner and party will be. I just hope we can escape during the party when the official thing is over. So, it's done.", you said softly. Your fingers were brushing along Nyx' warm skin. You lingered a few seconds longer before you realized what you were doing.
Nyx felt the connection between you and him as well. Your touch was small, soft and warm and everything he wanted to feel again and again. As he saw your caught expression, he smiled at you to show you that it was okay and he saw that you understood.
Coffee, smalltalk and just being with each other let the time run too fast and as your doorbell rang for the arriving car you felt annoyed because this, with Nyx, was pure fun.
Nyx noticed the change in you and placed his hand on yours, "I will be with you all the time. Or, I will be close to you. You're not alone in this, okay?"
You nodded reluctantly but forced yourself to smile. And with Nyx by your side, you left your apartment for the worst day ever in your life.
But Nyx stuck to his word and was with you. The car brought you to the church and he was about to leave the limousine as he noticed that you weren't moving at all. Ignoring the driver's glance, he leant over to you, avoiding touching you in fear to scare you, "YN?"
You stared out of the side window. There was the church, the church you wanted to marry in one day. Not exactly your ex but generally. Flowers were decorated everywhere and between the different colorful plants stood your family. Your mother, your dad, both of your aunts and uncles and Matt...your ex.
Nyx followed your gaze and saw the group of people. Even without asking he knew it had to be your family, considering the fact how you were looking at them. Nyx noticed the younger guy in the festive attire and knew instinctively that it had to be the groom. The guy was tall, slim fit and looked like a lot of money. But the way he moved and talked was easy to dislike because he looked snobbish. Nyx saw your distress and felt sorry. He could just imagine what you were feeling right now, "Listen, we can go if you want.", Nyx suggested softly.
You shook your head, "I can't. We're family. My mother would kill me."
Nyx sighed low, "I know family is important but... you're also important. And if you think you can't handle this under these circumstances then it's okay. You don’t have to."
Slowly, you looked at him, already thankful to have him by your side, "I can do that. I have to."
Nyx nodded, accepting your determination before he left the car. The driver opened your door and as you left the car as well, Nyx was already waiting for you, offering you his arm to link your own with it.
As you two closed up on the group of your family members, your mother was the first to spot you. Suddenly, Nyx noticed a slight change in your behavior. You straightened yourself, you held your head high but the grip on Nyx' arm also became stronger.
"Darling! You look great.", your mother said, grabbing your shoulders to kiss you left and right of your face without touching your skin.
As she leant back, you saw the huge, happy smile on her lips that only money could produce, "Mother, you look lovely. The whole decoration is breathtaking.", you said with a huge smile.
It was fake. Nyx could already spot the difference because the smile didn't reach your bright eyes. Then, your mother's attention shifted over to Nyx and he swallowed thickly by the sight of her mustering glance at his appearance.
You noticed her glance as well and stepped in, "Oh, right. Mother, this is Nyx. Nyx, this is my beloved mother."
"It is a pleasure to meet you, ma'am.", Nyx said politely and even bowed a little.
Internally, you grinned about her surprised expression because she never had expected such good manners with a guy who had Nyx' looks. You knew her well enough to know what she thought.
"It's a pleasure for me. Where have you two met if I may ask?", your mother asked.
You knew it was a test and you knew how to play this game, "Through a friend. Nyx is working for King Regis."
"For the King? That's amazing."
You saw the sparkling in your mother's eyes but before she could say anything else, you took Nyx' arm to guide him away, "Excuse us, we will go inside. Searching for our seats.", you said and without waiting, you passed the group to go into the church.
As you two were out of earshot from your family, Nyx leant to you, "That was smooth."
You grinned, "Have you seen her eyes as I mentioned the King? That was pure greed. It doesn't matter if it is money or prestige. She loves it. I'm sure she thinks you're a member of the royal family. And that's the reason why it's okay for everyone that my cousin marries Matt. He's a doctor. A high-paid surgeon. Money and prestige.", you explained.
As you and Nyx sat down, a thought struck his mind. He was just not sure if he should ask or not-
"You wanna know how I could land him?", you said as you saw Nyx' glance.
"No, not how you could land him. Rather...what you saw in him. I don't know you for long but...such a guy? I'm not sure if he suits you well…"
You nodded, "Yeah...trust me, now? I know that, too. But as we met, he was…", you stopped as you remembered the early time with Matt, "We met accidentally in a bookstore. Somehow, we ended in the same row of bookshelves and he bumped into me. Obviously, he liked me so he invited me for coffee. I agreed because he can be extremely charming. But if I think about it now, we never had something in common. I was imagining things and was blinded by his looks. Although ...well…recently, I've met a guy who is more handsome than Matt will ever be."
Nyx knew you meant him. In the way you had said it and how you looked at him told him whom you meant. Nyx' heart skipped a beat by the thought of how you saw him. In his eyes, it wasn't fair. Here he was, sitting next to you, starting to like you. He was attracted to you and still, he didn't want to have any love interest. It always ended badly and that was the last thing he wanted for you. Nyx wanted to say something, to lower your interest in him, but the wedding started and cut him off.
The ceremony was beautiful and romantic. You had to admit that even if you hated it. Your cousin looked wonderful and as they both brought up their vows in a solemn way, you had to suppress a tear because it was sweet and lovely what they swore to each other. Just the point 'I will never love someone else next to you' from Matt caused you to roll with your eyes. It was pathetic.
Most of the time, Nyx tried to stay focused on the wedding but it wasn't easy. His brain was busy with different things. On the one hand, he searched for a way to keep you on distance but whenever he had an idea, Nyx asked himself 'why?'. Why should he stay away from you when you were interested in him? He was interested in you, too. You were attractive, sweet and nice but also hurt. The last thing Nyx wanted was to take advantage of your sore emotions or to be the reason to get hurt even more.
Your voice brought him back to reality and he realized that the church emptied slowly, "Sorry, I was thinking about something."
"Totally get it. This wedding was...I don't know. Maybe it was the sweetest thing I have ever seen or the most hypocritical. But no matter what it was, it's over now."
"Then, if I may?", Nyx asked and offered you his arm once again.
Smiling, you took his arm and walked down the aisle with Nyx to leave the church.
As you reached the festive decorated ballroom of the Caelum Via, Nyx wasn't surprised anymore. You had told him that your family and even Matt's had a lot of money and they loved to show it. But even if you were dressed in something expensive and even if you knew how to act properly amongst all the other high society people, Nyx noticed that it wasn't really your world. You had been forced into it by blood and family relations.
You introduced Nyx to everyone you met on your way to your table. And not for one second, Nyx felt misplaced by you. You even gave him the feeling as if you were proud to have him by your side.
"Holy six, we have made it.", you sighed as you slumped down on a seat of the table you were aiming for, "Once again, I have to thank you."
Nyx smiled softly, "But I've done nothing."
"You're here. You're by my side. And you're not running away after meeting my family. You keep me sane. I would say you do enough."
Nyx watched you but he was sure he was right with his assumption, "You don't have the best bond with your family, do you?"
You chuckled dryly, "No, not really. It's better now but...I haven't become a lawyer like everyone else, tho. I mean, even my mother had been a secretary in a law office. There, she met my dad, who’s a lawyer. Like my uncles."
"So, you're kinda the black sheep?", Nyx asked amused and saw himself as confirmed: this world was not yours.
"Oh, yeah. You have no idea. That I dated Matt had raised my prestige in their eyes but…", you stopped as Matt and your cousin entered the ballroom under loud cheering, "I have no idea what I was for him. Time distraction? Toy? I mean, we had fun and I feel so stupid for not seeing anything coming."
Nyx had no idea what he should say to comfort you. Maybe there was even no way to comfort you at all. Things like this needed time to heal. But somehow Nyx got the impression that you were stronger than you seemed to be right now.
You wanted to say something but your mother and dad joined your table and gone was the calmness you had felt during the last few moments.
"Darling, have you congratulated Matt and your cousin?", your mother said, placing one hand on your shoulder and one on Nyx'.
That touch looked more possessive than you liked to see, "Of course, I did.", you said with a charming smile.
"Wonderful! Wasn't the wedding a dream? And the vows! I really had to suppress a tear."
"Yes, mother, it was wonderful.", you agreed.
"And you, Nyx? Everything's-", but your mother got called over by your aunts and excused himself again. Even your dad excused himself again.
Nyx waited till she was out of earshot before he turned over to you, "You haven't congratulated them, have you?"
"Of course not.", you said with a huge grin that made Nyx chuckling. You liked the way he smiled. You already liked his presence. He was calm and quiet but knew how to tell his stories to entertain you.
Quickly, the dinner got served and was done and the last part of this circus started: the party. You knew you couldn't leave right away. Even if you wanted to run away as far as you could, it wouldn't look too good. So, you stayed until you would find a good moment to escape.
"Hey, you wanna get some fresh air?", Nyx asked as he saw how you were watching Matt dancing with his partner closely to a slow, romantic song.
Like awakening from a trance, you blinked with your eyes and nodded as you looked at Nyx and his warm, encouraging smile. As you stepped out, you breathed in the fresh breeze with closed eyes.
Once again, Nyx caught himself staring at you in a fascinated way. While you walked across the balcony to the handrail, Nyx followed you slowly and thanked Crowe silently that he had met you, "How do you feel? You're still okay?", he asked carefully.
You turned over to him, "Yes. Yes, I'm feeling good. As I watched them dance, I noticed the way Matt looked at my cousin. He never looked at me this way and I'm… I'm getting okay with it. If they're happy then I don't care. Maybe this wedding was the right cure."
Nyx was impressed how strong you really were. He was sure that you were still hurt but it looked as if you were on the right way.
"Can I ask you something?", you asked, gnawing on your lower lip.
"Of course. I'm at your service no matter what it is. So, what do you desire to know about me?", Nyx said solemnly and smirked as he heard you chuckling.
"I know Crowe can use the King's magic. So, I guess, all Glaives are able to do that?"
"Yes. That's why we're members of the Kingsglaive. Not everyone is able to use these powers so, just the 'best' or talented of the refugees get picked out.", Nyx explained.
You nodded slowly, "It's too bad that refugees get used to fighting battles to secure this city instead of the citizens who actually live here.", you said while letting your eyes roam over the skyline of Insomnia.
"I'm okay with that. I mean, Niflheim attacked my home, Magiteks killed my family. If I can fight against them, I know I do the right thing. Taking revenge. At least as good as I can.", Nyx said low and also watched the scene in front of him.
"I'm sorry for your loss. Crowe told me about it once. Nothing much, just a few things. Is… Is this also the reason why you try to keep people away from you? In fear you could lose them as well?", you asked carefully. Maybe you were too bold but you felt a connection to Nyx that gave you the courage to ask these things.
With a sad expression, Nyx nodded. He was surprised that you had figured him out this quickly but maybe he wasn't such a riddle or you were really attentive when it came to him, "Yeah... you're not so wrong. I know how it feels to lose loved ones so I don't wanna put someone else through this as well. And as a Glaive things can turn bad really quickly.", he said and watched your reaction.
"I guess you're right."
Nyx nodded and felt an unknown pain stinging his heart that you thought like this as well.
"But", you started again, looking straight into Nyx eyes, "I got to know you a little bit today. Trust me, I understand your point but as I said yesterday, the right person wouldn't see a problem with that. I mean… you shouldn't be alone Nyx. No one should. And if you think life is so short for you, you should stop being alone and start to make the best out of the time you still have.", you whispered.
Without noticing, Nyx had closed up on you forced by your words. Unknowingly, you had hit a point: he was alone...rather he was lonely. He felt lonely when he was done with the training and went back to his empty home. He felt lonely when he came back after an exhausting fight on the battlefield. When he felt lonely, the flashbacks and nightmares became worse and darker. These were the times where he wished to have someone by his side who would be there for him. Who would drag him out of the darkness because their light was so much brighter than every shadow would ever be. Bright like your glowing eyes and your charming smile.
Slowly, Nyx leant forward and raised his hand without thinking about it. He just wanted to feel your skin under his touch. Softly, he placed his hand on your cheek and saw your surprise but you stayed where you were as if you wanted him to continue. Driven by your alluring scent, he closed the gap slowly and-
The cry of a bird that flew above your heads let both of you jump away from each other. You and Nyx were breathing heavily while you two recovered from the shock. You smoothed down your clothes to distract yourself while Nyx ran a hand through his hair to do the same.
The situation became awkward but Nyx wanted to show you that everything was alright. At the same time, he wanted to show himself that everything was still alright between you and him, "Hey...uhm… You wanna see some magic?", he asked softly, almost shy.
You smiled, thankfully that Nyx had sensed the awkward tension, "I would love to.", you said while still recovering from the surprise that Nyx wanted to kiss you. Not that you would have stopped him…
Nyx grinned and raised his right hand. He showed you the bare palm and in the next moment, sizzling flames were dancing over his skin as if they were following a rhythm no one could hear. Nyx checked your reaction and was pleased as he saw your sparkling eyes, illuminated by the flames, and the growing smile.
Fascinated, you watched the flames. You felt the urge to touch them but as you closed up on the flames with your forefinger, you already felt the warmth so, you retreated your hand again, "It's hot! I don't know why I'm surprised but… Don't they hurt you?", you asked concerned.
Nyx chuckled, "No, not at all. If you can use elementary magic, you're safe. It's just painful for your enemy.", he said with a grin and was happy to see you smile again.
"Can you just produce fire? Or is there more?", you asked excitedly, totally hooked about the fact how cool this skill was.
"Two more. Lightning", Nyx said and killed the flames by closing his hand before his fist got enveloped by small, twitching bolts that ran across his hand like busy worms. But they became a bit too fast and 'overexcited' and Nyx casted them away before something could get hit by them, "And then, there's ice.", he said and changed the bolts into a subtle fog.
You leant forward to look closer but even in the dim light from the candles and the light coming from the ballroom, you noticed small, sparkling ice particles which were swirling through the fog. Whenever light hit them, they were glittering in every possible color like a prism, "I- I… that's so beautiful. I mean, it sparkles like millions of diamonds."
Nyx chuckled, he never had seen the magic he used on a daily basis as what it actually was: magic. It was something not many people could control. It was indeed something special, usually just reserved for the royal family and yet, he was also able to produce ice and let your smile grow even bigger than before as you had seen the fire, “I don’t know but I guess to see the world through your eyes must be wonderful. You seem to be delighted by the smallest things.”, Nyx said low but smiled as you looked up with a now shy smile on your lips.
“Life is more than just money and prestige. We are surrounded by wonders barely someone sees anymore. I mean, for example in Lestallum, the city uses the energy of a meteor that lies there for centuries. You should see the magical view by night. The golden and blue light dancing into the sky. I swear you never had seen something like this before.”, you said excitedly and once again, you noticed how Nyx was staring at you. It wasn’t unpleasant. Rather quite the opposite. It was a silly thought but somehow you had the feeling that Nyx could see more in you than just a little flirt and a nice kiss at some wedding.
It was crazy. As Crowe told you Nyx would be your type of man, you had laughed about it. After everything Matt had done you needed a break from dates and men and love and all these things. You didn’t want to quit it forever just a little longer but obviously your friend saw it differently and silently, you already thanked her.
Once again, Nyx was mesmerized by you. The way you saw things. How you looked at the world. How you looked at him. He was sure you weren’t flawless - no one was. But no matter what kind of flaws you would have, he wouldn’t care about it. He would deal with everything as long as he could keep you in his life. Giving him the magic he had lost somewhere in his life. Maybe you could be friends or … maybe even something more.
Nyx killed the ice and once again, he leant in for another attempt to kiss you. The moment was perfect again. The way you looked into his eyes and how your lips slightly parted told him what he needed to know - you wanted the same. So, he stepped closer, cupping your face with both hands softly as if you were made out of glass and while you leant forward to meet him on the half way, Nyx leant forward to kiss you-
"Hey, YN, can we talk for a moment- Oh! I’m sorry. Did I interrupt something?", Matt asked and grinned amused as he saw you and Nyx jumping away from each other like caught teenagers.
You cursed internally because it was the second interrupted kiss and you had no idea how many times Nyx would try his luck considering the fact that he even was willing to go this step at all.
Nyx saw that you were annoyed. And he felt the same. He had noticed that you wanted the kiss as well so it was clear for him to try it again but maybe all the interruptions were just signs for him to let it slip? Maybe he shouldn’t try his luck because he was still the Glaive who could die during the next battle. He looked from you at Matt who closed up slowly no matter if his timing had been good or not. And suddenly, Nyx saw that the guy had done this on purpose. He saw it in Matt’s gleaming eyes and in his smirk that he was amused about the fact to humiliate you once again. But as you had said before, he was part of your family now and maybe Matt just wanted to apologize or something. So, Nyx did the only logical thing that came to his mind, "Is it okay for you? I will get something to drink for us then.", he asked carefully, watching your reaction.
You weren’t amused about the idea to be alone with Matt but you nodded. You understood that Nyx might need a break. You waited till Nyx was gone before you crossed your arms over your chest, “You wanted to talk?”
"Yeah, this guy… Tell me, what did you have to pay him so that he would accompany you to this wedding as your date? I’m sure he’s a stripper or something like this. Poor soul-", the loud slap into his face let Matt stop in his sentence. While holding his stinging cheek, he looked back at you, surprised that you were even able to have such a power.
With raging eyes, you stared at him, standing your ground in front of him for the first time. All the anger and sadness you had felt had laid in this one single slap and even if you were no fan of violence, you noticed how relieving this had felt. It had been long overdue, "Don't you ever dare to talk like that about him ever again. He's a Glaive! Protecting you and everyone else in this city with his life."
"Oh, interesting! So, he's just a refugee? He’s not from here? Fascinating with what kind of people you spent your time with. Your mother will be pleased to know that.", Matt said with a smirk, turning around to go back into the ballroom to find your mother.
You called Matt back and he stopped, looking expecting at you with one raised brow. You saw the surprise about your courage in his eyes but the thing was your strength was never gone you just had forgotten to use it. You just needed a trigger to get back to your old self and Matt had found this point without knowing it. So, you stepped forward, keeping eye contact until you stood right under Matt’s nose. With a low but serious voice and a lopsided smirk on your lips you said: "You know, it doesn't matter what he is or not. It doesn’t matter what you or anyone else will think. He’s a soldier and it’s honorable. It doesn’t matter where Nyx comes from. And besides, Galahd was a beautiful, magical and unique place before Niflheim decided to destroy this jewel. No matter what you will do or say to whomever, Nyx will always be more of a man than you will ever be in your entire life, you little, lying cheater.", you said and ended your little speech with a sweet grin as you saw Matt’s shocked and surprised expression.
As you watched satisfied how Matt disappeared back into the ballroom and into the world he belonged to, your eyes landed on Nyx who stood there in the door frame with two drinks in his hands and staring right at you with big eyes.
With a soft, warm smile you walked over to Nyx, taking one of the drinks from his hands, “So, you heard what I said, I guess?”
“Y-yeah, actually every single word.”, he whispered, still not believing what you had said about him, “You had defended me in front of him. I- I mean, I have no idea what he did so you would react like this but … it was impressive to watch and … flattering.”, Nyx said honestly.
You nodded before you gulped down the stiff drink in one go to calm your nerves, “You know, to talk back to this asshole was long overdue. And … as long as he was attacking me it was okay but you … You don’t deserve this. Never. From no one. And mostly not from one person in this room.”, you said and somehow Nyx’ eyes were sparkling even more. Emotions were staring back at you which seemed to be buried away for a very long time.
Nyx, who was still flashed by you, closed the small gap, cupped your face and leant down to kiss you and this time, it worked. As he felt your warm, soft lips, he couldn’t believe it. An emotionally lightning shot though his body and electrified him within seconds as if he had been dead before for years. Your lips tasted as sweet as he had imagined and that you moved along with him gave him goosebumps.
Your heart skipped a beat as Nyx kissed you. It was perfect. It was the only way you could describe this whole scene: as perfect. Nyx’ full lips were warm and demanding in a sensual way. He kissed you not to say something he couldn’t find words rather because he just wanted you. To pull him closer, you grabbed into his suit shirt and jacket what caused Nyx to chuckle about your eagerness but you didn’t care. Like a thirsty plant for water, you were thirsty to taste more of Nyx.
Slowly, the kiss increased as both of you opened your mouths to taste each other's tongues, exploring each other. Nyx still tasted the stiff alcohol on you and breathed in your breath while deepening the kiss. He moved his hand from your face down to your back to pull you closer-
“YN! That’s not appropriate behavior for a wedding!”, your mother called out.
Slowly, you left Nyx’ lips, not seeing any reason to hurry at all. With a stupid grin you looked into the most perfect blue eyes you had ever seen which were sparkling with so much fire and joy as if their light had been rekindled after a very long sleep.
Nyx matched your grin and was still holding you in his arm, snaked firmly around your waist, not ready to let you go just now. Gently, he nudged your nose with his own, “What do you want to do now, YN? Any plans?”, he asked.
“We will leave this place. Together. Come on, Glaive.”, you said, taking his hand in yours to leave the balcony. As you passed your mother, who stared at you in shock, you said: “Goodnight mother, we will leave. Usually, I would say ‘it was a nice evening’ but that would be a lie.”, you said and stepped forward before you stopped once again, “Oh, and I didn’t congratulate the bridal couple because, well, for reasons. But I’m sure they will be happy together. Something tells me they deserve each other.”, and with that said, you left the wedding with Nyx.
Your mother was calling after you but you ignored her. But if you would have turned around one last time, you would have seen how your dad was grinning and cheering for you because in his eyes, you had done the best move possible.
While the driver of the limousine drove the two of you back to your place, none of you said something. You were just cuddling. As Nyx had entered the car, you had scooted over to him immediately, leaning your head against his chest while he laid his arm around your shoulders. You had intertwined your fingers with his and with your thumb you drew small patterns on his skin while you were smiling stupidly.
Nyx followed his own thoughts while burying his nose into your hair to breathe in your scent. But none of his thoughts were dark anymore. Rather, he asked himself why he had withdrawn himself the whole time and thought he would do the right thing? The only one he was punishing was himself and with you, he realized that he had done it far too long. The first kiss had been enough to spark the dying flame of all his hopes and dreams again. But the flame wasn’t just some smoldering. It was a roaring fire that filled his chest with all the emotions he had sealed somewhere deep all these times before. Just one kiss with you had been able to break this firm seal.
There was no turning back and Nyx would fight like on the battlefield to let this fire burn till he would die…
Still cuddled to Nyx’ side, he brought you to your floor and to the apartment door. You were about to open the door which would mean the end of the night as you turned around, flinging your both arms around Nyx’ neck to kiss him longingly.
Nyx didn’t need to get asked twice. He pressed you against the door, letting his hands roam over the fabric of your clothes to get a first feeling of your curves while he noticed how your fingers found their way into his hair. You played with the longer strands, tracing down the braids and stopping at the beads you found. Alone this touch was enough to make Nyx hungry for more.
You were surprised how soft his greyish hair really was. The whole evening you had asked yourself how Nyx’ hair would feel between your fingers but reality was so much better than what you had thought. Unfortunately, your lungs demanded oxygen and so, just very reluctantly, you left Nyx’ lips. He rested his forehead against your and was as breathless as you were but he was also grinning. Still playing with his hair, you pushed yourself to ask the question you wanted to ask, “You… Would you like to come in?”, you asked hopefully that he would say yes. For you, the night was still not over.
Nyx leant back, looked into your eyes and chuckled before he smirked about your confusion, “Of course, I want to come in. My clothes are still in your apartment. Remember?”, he teased.
“Oh, right… your clothes.”, you said, grinning from ear to ear, “How inconvenient this coincidence is.”, you teased back.
“Just open the door and I’m sure your clothes will join mine pretty soon.”
Two months later…
You stood in your kitchen, preparing the morning coffee as you did every day. The rising morning sun was illuminating your apartment in a magical, golden light. It was this kind of light and the smell of the brewing hot liquid that made it easy for you to lose track of your thoughts. Just two strong arms around your middle brought you back to reality and conjured a lovestruck smile on your lips.
You turned around in the arms to face Nyx who was matching your smile even if it was a tired one. Even his hair was tousled and so, you smoothed down the long, stubborn strands before you pressed a gentle kiss on his lips, “Good morning, handsome.”, you whispered.
“Morning, babe. I missed you in bed. I wanted to cuddle.”, he said, pouting.
You chuckled softly, feeling sorry to disappoint him, “I know but I have this important call in an hour and have to do a few things before- hey! Let me down! Nyx!”, you shrieked, laughing by surprise. Nyx had grabbed you to throw you over his shoulder. With you hanging upside down, he carried you back to the bedroom. You bounced slightly as Nyx let you carefully down on the mattress, “Nyx, come on. I don’t have time.”, you chuckled while he was crawling on top of you, kissing along all the bare skin of yours he could find.
“You said one hour. That gives me still forty minutes to have some fun with you. And then, you will still have some time to prepare whatever you want.”, Nyx said between a bunch of hot kisses along your collarbone before he continued over your neck, your weak spot he had figured out really quick.
You sighed, obeying him and his lips as you always did when he was in this kind of mood. It were two months you dated Nyx and it was still thrilling like in the beginning, “But this call is important. It’s with my dad. You know, because of the contracts I need for the refugee foundation.”, you moaned while Nyx bit into your neck. It was already difficult for you to keep your thoughts straight.
Nyx leant back, looking at you with a smirk, “With your dad, huh? He will understand it if you need some extra time. Don’t forget that he likes me. A lot. So, stop trying to resist me. It’s not even working. Just obey me and my lips.”, he breathed, leaning down, “I know you want me.”, Nyx whispered and kissed you passionately that you melted underneath him. Like you always did.
And Nyx was right. You were delayed and you apologized a hundred times to your dad but as you mentioned Nyx, your dad was understanding and brushed it off with a smile and a bunch of questions about Nyx and how he would be doing. In fact, since the wedding two months ago, your whole life had taken a complete turn.
After the wedding, Nyx stayed the night. And the next night. And the night after that. Quickly, the two of you had developed a deep, loving and strong relationship and three weeks later, you followed your heart: you had asked Nyx to move in with you. You didn't need much persuasion because Nyx was looking forward to being able to spend more time with you.
Your mother had called you after the wedding, scolding you for your behavior and how you could dare to bring a refugee as a date. But quickly, you gave her a talk about how bigoted she was and that she had to be more open minded if she wanted to keep you in her life. Very slowly, she realized that you meant what you said and gave in. She needed a bit more time but after a while she started to like Nyx, too.
It was helpful that your dad liked Nyx from the start. After the wedding, your dad had called you to congratulate you for your impressive act in front of your mother before you had left. In fact, he also had heard your little speech you had given Matt as you had defended Nyx and was proud about this as well. You had been speechless because til this day, you never had thought your dad would be proud about anything you ever did. And because the ice was broken between you and him, you talked about everything.
So, three weeks after the wedding, as you, Nyx, Pelna, Libertus and Crowe sat at Yamachang’s, you came up with an idea. You loved spending time with Nyx, Crowe and the others. You loved being in the underground of Insomnia where the refugees were living. You loved the different foods and the music, the atmosphere was unique and exotic but the circumstances the refugees had to live in were questionable. So, you had the idea to do something against it. You were already a big fan of the different cultures and you were convinced Insomnia would benefit as a city if it would use this unknown knowledge.
And with the help and support of your dad, who was hooked by your idea immediately, you started and planned a foundation to help the refugees. The infrastructure of the underground had to be changed and some things had to get modernised while the heart and the soul of everything had to be preserved.
You never congratulated Matt on his wedding and if he was at family meetings, you just refused to come as well. Your mother was raging. Your dad had your back with the most creative excuses. But now and then, when you were awake at night, and while you were watching Nyx sleeping next to you peacefully, you thanked Matt for cheating on you. Otherwise, you would never have found this treasure of a man who had turned your world upside down.
You never thanked Crowe for setting you up with Nyx and you didn’t have to because you knew she was already proud of her matchmaking skills. To see two of her best friends finding happiness and love in each other was enough regard for her.
Because in the end, she had done nothing more than finding a fake date for you, a friend in need…
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amazingphilza · 3 years
study buddies :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some headcanons if the mcyts were trying to help you do hw :D
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
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i feel like he’s the type to be in a long discord call with you whilst you both try to finish your work
mans uses the screensharing feature like there’s no tomorrow
“y/n watch my stream on discord and help me guess the answers”
“tommy no! i haven’t even taken a film class before”
“your guess is good as mine”
“just cheat and google the answers!!!”
“fuck you”
he actually just wants your attention because he’s bored out of his mind doing homework
five minutes later of asking you to help him guess questions he’s like
“hey y/n”
“what now?”
“let’s play bedwars”
“oh my god shut up!!!”
if tommy has to speedrun something before a deadline, it is a whole different story tho; he will be so focused on completing that he won’t hear what you’re saying
if you’re struggling in math, you’re on your own
“math is shit, only numbers i need is my primes and youtube analytics” says tommy any time you complain about math
besides the fact he isn’t good at solving math problems, you can’t even read his handwriting if he did try showing you how to do a problem
“okay, y/n, it’s simple, just look” he says in his kareninnit voice and everything
you’d be like “is the variable a G or a 9??”
“fuck you that’s a 4!!!”
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i don’t know if tubbo ever talked about school before but something about him makes me think he’s actually pretty good at math
like he can explain a few things when it comes to math / algebra
no geometry or calculus though, anything past algebra will go bad
if tubbo is doing homework with you, he will definitely tune you out
“hey tubbo can you help me on this question?”
you don’t get a response until like 20 minutes later
“oh yeah, what was it y/n?”
like now you answer? i just got the answer myself after so long, forget you smh
“oh nothing tubbo, nevermind!”
but you’re still grumbling in your head because if he answered just a bit earlier you wouldn’t have gone through the work of finding the answer online
i can also imagine if you’re taking chemistry tubbo is like ;
“oh you’re taking chemistry? let’s make some bombs!” /lh
tubbo would definitely pull an all-nighter with you to finish your projects together
if you had a group project, he would make you do the writing part while he does the drawing part
“we definitely aced this project”
“of course we did, if i made you draw we would’ve ended up with stick figure diagrams”
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okay i know ranboo said he isn’t a theatre or band kid (unless im wrong and forgetful) but i feel like he’d be somewhat educated in the topics nonetheless
half the time he’s great moral support, helping you stay motivated !
the other half is him making fun of you
“i cant believe you’re failing, that is so sad, can’t be me”
“it’s literally an honors class, ranboo! it’s supposed to be hard!!”
“taking an honors class willingly? also cant be me AHAHA”
i honestly can’t see ranboo going to school like i know he’s a minor and said he had zoom calls before and plays volleyball but like did i miss something? has he dropped out yet? like something about ranboo does not scream “student” /lh
besides that, i’m not sure what subject he would actually be good in,,, but something about nutrition/health sciences,, he knows a few things
don’t get me wrong, i don’t think he actually likes the subject but somehow remembers what he learned from the class
also gives me the type of energy of the type of person to take a first aid class to be a certified person to do cpr on someone just to kill time during his lunch breaks for a while or something
“i am a certified cpr person”
“my life in ranboo’s hands? oh god please no”
you two would probably joke about the ‘bad’ people in your classes or talk shit about your schools than actually doing anything homework related ngl AHAHAH
“you think your school is down bad? mine went back to campus full time after like 6 months into quarantine because they were running out of money”
“what the hell y/n? your school is a scam, drop out”
“arghhhh i knowww”
“i bet i make more money than your teachers combined AHAHAH”
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wilbur soot
he doesn’t seem like the best person to ask for help for homework but can info dump you on very specific historical events + a bit of geography
i kinda see him as the person you can ask to proof read an essay for you and would help it improve immensely
who needs a thesaurus when you have vocabulary boy wilbur?
i dunno if it’s an american thing only or at all, but if/when you get to studying hamilton in your english class, he will get so fucking excited
“no wilbur it isn’t fun! imagine listening to lin-manuel miranda rap ‘alexander hamilton’ at the white house from like 2009 on repeat for over an hour whilst trying to write an analysis about it!! it was so distracting”
“well clearly someone has a personal problem with mr lin-manuel. if i were you, i’d be singing the whole thing”
is this last bit personal and complete spite from my freshman year english class? yes. i do not care? no. /hj
unrelated but i actually scribbled nice guy ballad lyrics and other songs on my english scratch papers in freshman year but anyway
probably isn’t the best person to be in a call to do homework with but wilbur doesn’t mind you ringing him occasionally sometimes
i dunno i can just see him easily get bored of the silence or something but also doesn’t want to bother you too much
but he is genuinely proud of you whenever you tell him you aced a big test you were studying for :D
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this man’s bad advice is as bad as him trying to help you on any subject
he’s an old man so /hj
but like honestly, he hasn’t been at school for so long, phil can probably only help with the most basic things when it comes to school
if you have a wack teacher that makes you collect data through surveying people, phil would be one of the best people to ask! straightforward and won’t take too much of your time compared to other people ahem,,
statistics things ! sobs
if you ever complain a lot about your classes and contemplating dropping out and stuff, he will def scold you hard
“ugh phillllllllll can i just like,, never go to school again?”
“do not drop out”
“argh fine, i won’t just ‘cause philza minecraft said so”
honestly if you get a high score in a big test like your sats/gcse’s (whatever you’re taking from wherever you are) he’d probably order you a small meal or something to celebrate :D
like how phil bought ranboo bought him food to his house, it would start as a joke but when you get your test scores back he’s like “YOOO GOOD JOB Y/N”
expect a left meat pizza coming to your house .
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like wilbur, techno is also helpful when it comes to history!
def knows a decent bit of literature too
besides that i don’t really see him being that helpful
even if he was supposed to be an english major
he will just get mad at the school system for teaching you useless things
“being in school is good but why do you need to know how to know if something is a triangle or not? i can obviously see with my eyes that it’s a triangle”
“i dunno! ask the person that made up geometry”
“just look at a kaleidoscope and be over with it, it isn’t that hard”
“that isn’t how it works—”
if you’re looking for the person to call while doing homework, he is not the person /lh
it’s either like 0 or 100 with techno
he can just completely not say anything and ignore you or go on a full rant about whatever class or homework you have
if you have an essay you need written, it will take a lot of bribing but he might take the opportunity if you are rich
“techno i’ll paypal you $10 please help me”
“no. i can make 10 times that amount in 5 minutes if i just started streaming right now”
“techno i don’t have that kind of money! pleaseee”
“no. instead of complaining, you can use that time to actually start you work”
“you’re the worst”
then you speedrun the essay and get an A just to spite him
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Prompt: Drew and Y/N are reunited once again
Word count: Long!
Pairing: Drew McIntyre x Reader
Warnings: +18, fluff (by the end), smut, vaginal sex, anal sex, fingering, oral sex (male and female receiving), 69, anal plug, dirty talking, trichophilia (hair kink - pulling), asphyxiation kink (breath play - chocking) in other words: just pure filth😈
Tagging: @jibbles26 , @akiko-tanaka , @blondekel77 , @theworldofotps , @new-zealand-chic
Notes: Originally this shouldn’t be up until March but you already know me: I have no self respect at all! In a conversation with the lovely Marissa aka MJ, aka @howdareyouhydra. She asked if I could come up with a part 2 and 3 for the original “Let’s (Not) Keep It PG”. Part 1 and 2 are already up (you can read it on my Masterlist) and this is the finale: part 3! I thought to myself: Go big or go home! So here’s the result of it! Also: I tried to keep it “as real as possible” SPECIALLY with the first time anal thing. I just want to put it out there that communication is KEY and HIGHLY important kiddos, so please before doing the dirty business find someone who will truly care about you and your wellbeing! Not only with their own pleasure, ok?!...Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊)You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
❤️Drewy❤️: I’ll be home in 20 minutes
I reread the message Drew sent me once more. Staring to feel the goosebumps all over my skin.
I was patiently waiting for him in the bedroom, dressed in a lavender mini circle skirt; nude underneath it, a white tulle crop top with my breasts bare and some sheer white medium length socks.
I listen to the sounds of Drew’s heavy footsteps upon the dark wooden stairs, that are now leading him to our bedroom.
The door swung open and an impatient Drew, dressed in a black dress shirt and pants comes in my direction.
“Finally!” He grunts, giving me a bear hug while inhaling deeply upon the nape of my neck “Argh, I missed ya so much. I missed your smell, your skin, your lips” He kisses me urgently.
“I missed you too baby, those two months without you were a literal hell” I close my grip tighter around his neck.
“I know, princess” He coos “But we’ll have one whole week to make up for lost time” Smiling he kissed me again
“How’s daddy’s little girl doing?” He whispered
“Lonely, without you,”
“We’ll fix that right away, love” He began to kiss my neck
“Daddy...I have a surprise for you” I smirked when he backed away to look at me
I nod “Yeah, while daddy was away I took the time to prepare myself so daddy can claim the one thing he hasn’t claimed yet”
I watch as all the blood from Drew’s face is drained in disbelief
“Did you really?” He breathlessly asked
“Yes, do you wanna see it daddy?” I deviously grinned
Drew just nods, completely speechless as I lean in all fours on top of the bed with my bottom facing him. He scooted closer and lift my skirt slowly up to my hips, moaning a long ‘fuck me’ in a thick accent when his eyes encounter the beautiful dark pink with a flower base, glass butt plug.
“Did you liked my surprise, daddy?” I smiled innocently, looking at him over my shoulder.
“Liked? Oh love, I hope you’re not planning to go somewhere tomorrow ‘cause I’m sure you won’t be able to even get up from the bed!” He caresses my butt cheeks “You’re so perfect, princess. So fucking perfect” He praised “Turn over and lay down for me, love”
Drew unbuttoned his dress shirt, eyes glued to mine. He slowly takes the shirt off, letting it slide through his arms until it reached the floor, followed by his pants and underwear.
He kneels down, dragging me closer to him. The movement made my skirt go up to my waist.
“I missed this sweet pussy” He let a glob of spit fall upon my clit so it would drip down to my entrance. Drew watched until his spit reached the bedsheet, only then leaning in to give me long, teasing licks until he focused on my clit and slid one finger in.
“You managed to get even tighter without daddy, love?” He added a second finger in “I can barely fit two fingers inside of you”
He moves his fingers at a slow pace as he incredibly softly sucks on my clit.
Low moans fell from my lips when he speeds the pace of his fingers and tongue
“Daddy, please” I beg
“What do you want, princess?”
“I want daddy’s cock on my mouth” I babble
Drew slowly removes his fingers, lay down on the bed and motions for me crawl to him.
“Straddle my face, baby” He says panting
As soon as he has his face between my thighs he pulls my core towards his face and I lean down to suck him off.
The bedroom soon filled with our muffled moans of pleasure. I can feel my orgasm reaching close, making me suck Drew even harder. He slides two fingers in, pumped twice and that was enough to make me reach my high. With Drew’s own orgasm followed by, once he feels my walls suck his fingers in.
I swallowed his seed, turning over to meet his blue eyes.
“Come here” He beckons me
I crawl to him, hovering his body. He rapidly pulled me up, so he could kiss me vigorously.
“Think you can take another round right now? ‘Cause I want that pussy AND that ass” He nibs my jaw
“I’ve been waiting two months for that. Ruin me, daddy” I smirked
“Oh princess, you should’ve chose wiser words” He laughs, entering my core in one swift motion and wasting no time to pound me roughly.
“Oh fuck” I moaned. The way the butt plug pushed my walls further to the front, made the whole pounding feel like it never felt before. The whole sensation was like being doubled penetrated.
Drew close his fingers around my neck, pressing it lightly as he kisses me, tossing his free arm around my waist to keep me in place.
“Did you missed daddy’s cock, princess?”
I nod lightly
He releases his grip on my neck to only keep my head in place by locking his thick fingers on top of my head, firmly gripping my hair.
“Did you missed the way how daddy’s cock stretches your pussy, love?”
I nod again
“I bet your vibrator can’t do that, can it?”
“No, daddy. Only you can” I whispered
“Argh” He growls and pounds me even harder “I love how your pussy feels around my cock baby” He pulls me down by my hair so his lips can whisper in my ear every kind of obscenity you can think off: how good I felt, how his cock missed me, how he couldn’t wait to fuck my ass...With every filthy word his accent grew thicker and thicker. Drew always knew that dirty talking was my weakness and also the fastest way to make me cum.
It didn’t take long for me to reach my second orgasm, he continued to pound me but this time it was softer, making the orgasm last longer.
Drew caresses my cheeks, whispering
“Are you ok?”
*Always so thoughtful* I thought
“I’ll be better once you fuck me in the ass” I giggled and he laughs
“There’s nothing that I want more right now than to fuck your ass, baby. But I don’t want to push ya too far...I don’t wanna hurt ya” He brushes my hair with his fingers
“Drew” I caress his beard “I love how much you care about my wellbeing, but trust me, tiger: You won’t hurt me and I’m still really turned on, so would you please, kindly, fuck me?” I bat my lashes
“You’re gonna kill me someday, woman” He grunts, carefully sliding out of me
“Where’s the lube?” He asks in a raspy voice
He got up from the bed and took the plastic bottle on his hand, leaning down to kiss me softly
“I love you Y/N”
“I love you too, Drewy”
He smiles fondly “Turn around, princess”
Drew squirted some of the lube on his length, carefully took out the glass plug and squirted more lube upon my hole, inserting one finger in and out
“Are you ready, love?”
“Drew, stop teasing me” I yelped
“So eager, aren’t you?” He laughs, positioning his cock’s head upon my hole, carefully entering me.
The feeling was...new, the fact that I took my time to prepare myself with the plugs undoubtedly helped, a lot! He entered easier than if I didn’t had, but at the same time Drew is thicker and bigger than the butt plug so the pressure was different. Not hurtful, just new. He was half way in when he stop it.
“Are you ok, baby?” He asks, drawing soothing circles with his palm on my back
“Yeah, it’s just different”
“Different good or different bad?”
“Different...weird” I laughed lightly
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Y/N, love. Talk to me, I need to know how you’re feeling” Worry surrounding his voice
“It doesn’t hurt or anything like that, if that’s what you’re worried about. It’s just that you’re bigger AND thicker than the plug, so it’s a new feeling that’s all. But not bad, you’ve got the green light Scotsman” I joke
“Ok” He chuckled “But if at anytime you feel like you wanna stop, you let me know ok?”
I nod
“I’m serious Y/N, at ANYTIME”
“Noted!” I mock him and gained a hard slap on my ass
Drew slowly moved until he was buried deep inside.
“Motherfucker” He faintly moaned and stayed still for what it felt like ages
“Drew, are you ok back there?” I mock “Aren’t you gonna move?” I ask
“Yeah, yeah, just give me a second” His voice breathless “I need to focus, because you feel too fucking good and I will be damned if I cum just now! So I just needed to breathe” He says and slowly started to move.
The once weird feeling became extremely erotic when he started to move. It was still different, but incredibly good.
“Daddy” I call
And look behind my shoulder to see Drew’s eyes glued to the sight of his cock going in and out of my ass and I could swear, I saw some drool escaping his lips. I’ve never seen him so turned on before and the vision woke up a primal part in me.
“Daddy” I call again, but this time louder
He awakens from his lust haze and stopped moving
“What’s wrong princess? Do ya want daddy to stop?”
“No” I whined “I want daddy to go faster”
“Faster? Are you sure?”
“Yes! Please daddy” My eyes pleaded to him
Drew circled one arm around my waist, pulling me up and out of my in all fours position so I could be kneeling down on the bed and started to increase his pace.
One arm around my waist, another vigorously gripping my hip and a fast pounding got me moaning loudly.
He started to bite my cheek, neck and jaw line, making me lift my arm up so I could bury my fingers on his dark hair, keeping his face glued to mine.
Drew releases his grip upon my hips to roam down and rub my clit.
“In, put it in, please” I babble incoherently but he (thankfully) understood
Entering my core with two fingers and roughly finger fucking me.
It was all too much and too good. His cock inside my hole, his fingers in my core, the biting, the moaning...it was all so dirty and lustful.
“I’m gonna need you to cum princess, Right now!” He mumbled
With two more thrusts I came the most eye rolling orgasm I’ve ever had in my life! I was coming down from my high, when I felt Drew pulling out and the hot spurts of his thick seed landing on my butt cheeks.
I collapse onto the bed, with Drew landing by my side a few seconds later, after cleaning us up.
“That was...beyond this world” I mumbled with my face pressed against the mattress
He laughed loudly before saying
“YOU are beyond this world!” He pulls me towards him like a rag doll, turning me over so I could lay on my back “Are you ok?”
“Drew, I’m fine! More than fine” I giggled
“Are you sure I wasn’t too rough?”
I lightly touch the frown between his eyebrows “You’re never too rough, you’re a perfect gentleman every single time” I pecked his lips
He shyly smiles, slightly blushing
“Thank you for the surprise. I really, really loved” He said and stared at me for a few minutes
“What?” I ask, feeling incredibly exposed due to his intense staring
“You’re so beautiful, on the outside undoubtedly! But on the inside as well. Just so beautiful...I can’t imagine my life without you” His voice is in pure awe
I never knew how to react whenever he said those sort of sweet and deep words to me, Drew was always the romantic one: expressing himself, talking about his feelings and wishes. Me? I was the complete opposite: shut down, didn’t like to show that many emotions, didn’t knew how to express my feelings. I was ‘the ice queen’ as he used to tease me ever since we’ve met. It took me precisely 2 YEARS to take the courage to finally say that I loved him, when he was able to do it after 2 months!
I didn’t knew how to reply to his beautiful, kind, loving words so I decided to deal with it, my way: Break the uncomfortableness with a joke
“Does that means my Voodoo dolls have worked then?” I narrowed my eyes “You got no choice but to stay with me forever, McIntyre” I chanted as if it was a spell
He laughs like a child, cups my cheeks and says
“I do have a choice, love! And I choose you, everyday! Today, tomorrow and forever! My one only gal” He winks and I blushed
Already thinking what other joke could I crack in order to break the spell he casted on me now...
Please let me know your thoughts on this? Feedback is always appreciated 🥰😘
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thescottpack · 3 years
Kissed By The Fire (Brett Talbot)
A/n: This is part of my fanfic but you can read just this part if you want.
Brett Talbot x Y/n
warning: mention of sex
The bell had rung indicating that classes were over that day, I couldn't feel happier to leave that place, no one could stand to hear about square root and where is the x anymore. I was leaning against Lori's locker with my backpack already on my back waiting for her to finally show up then she appeared at the end of the hallway talking to Scott Mcall and Stiles Stilinski, when she noticed me she came running and gave me a hug.
"I didn't see you at lunchtime, where did you go?"
"I got stuck trying to finish my biology homework in time."
"Well, did you have time to finish?"
"Yeah I did, I was here waiting for you." I said smiling at Scott and Stiles.
Lori turned towards the boys. "I was talking with the two of them about the Lacrosse game on Friday."
"Are you going to watch Y/n? Stiles is going to play and I don't think you want to miss this one." Scott said laughing at his friend.
"Haha very funny, you know what Scott sometimes I think you should become a comedian, anyway Y/n I'll do my best and I know you know that right?."
I smiled saying "Of course you will Stiles". I put my hand on his shoulder looking into the boy's eyes. "I trust you."
Stiles looked at Scott. "See!At least someone trusts my abilities."
Suddenly a feeling invaded my body, it was warm and comfortable and made me feel full of joy. Smiling I turned to Lori and said "Brett is here, we should go."
Scott and Stiles looked around and Scott asked where he was.
"Where?I don't see him around, I can't even smell him."
Stiles grunted making a disgusted face. "Geez dude, you don't have to go sniffing around all the time."
"I don't it happens naturally.I just didn't know a phoenix could smell people." Scott explained himself.
"I can't! I just know he's arrived and he must be out there waiting, I kind of feel his presence, honestly I don't know what it is but it shouldn't be anything unusual.Anyway I'm leaving, Lori are you coming?"
"Yeah, I'm going to take a ride with you two, bye guys!"
Scott and Stiles said goodbye to them, while Stiles waved Scott asked confused.
"How the hell does she sense someone and I don't?"
Stiles took a deep breath, clutching his backpack and rolling his eyes. "Scott, you definitely need to chill."
When Lori and I reached the parking lot, Brett was leaning against the car waiting for us. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss listening to Lori make a sound like she was going to throw up.
"Please sexual tension is not allowed when I'm around, thanks." She said getting into the car while Brett and I did the same thing.
"I'm going to drop Lori at home and then we'll go to yours okay?"
"Thank God you have no idea how unbearable it is to see my brother with my best friend."
"Will you shut up?" Brett said.
"There are billions of people in the world and you had to choose my best friend, now I have to live with this situation. Don't get me wrong Y/n I love you from the bottom of my heart but I CANNOT LISTEN TO YOU FUCKING ANYMORE! "
I started laughing uncontrollably, every time the three of us are together it's always the same story and she does it just to annoy her brother and always worked.
"Lori if you don't shut up I'm going to stop the car and leave you on the road!"
"OKAY! I was just playing with you guys...Kind of. So Y/n was explaining to me that she senses her presence every time you're around, do you think that's normal?"
"Maybe, I don't know. I feel her presence too." Brett said smiling holding her hand with his free hand. "Whatever it is I don't think it's a bad thing, it feels right."
"Do you think I should talk to Satomi about this?" I asked Brett.
"If you want to."
"I wasn't thinking it was anything different until Scott and Lori started talking in my head about it."
"Scott Mcall? What the fuck did he say to you?"
"Nothing important, he was just confused that he couldn't tell you were around but I do, you know, I'm not a werewolf I don't smell people."
"Well I can smell you and sense your presence and that's perfect for me."
Brett said stopping the car in front of his house.
"Ew, you two are weird." Lorri said getting out of the car. "See you tomorrow Y/n and do your homework AT HOME instead of giving this human being attencion!"
Brett rolled his eyes again. "I swear she wants us to fight."
"No she doesn't, for her this is a joke you always fall for." I said smiling.
Brett smiled putting his hands on my cheeks pulling me in for a kiss, I jumped on the sit when I heard Lori screaming through the window. "GET A ROOM!"
"Come on, I'll take you home."
Brett parked the car in front of my house and we finally got in my place, I called for my parents looking around the house but they weren't there. We went upstairs to my room and threw my backpack on the floor, taking off my shoes.
"If your mom sees the way you take care of your backpack she'll curse you until your ears can't take it anymore." Brett said lying down on my bed.
"My room is clean for your information."
I said climbing on top of him starting a kiss, my tongue slowly entered his mouth while Brett held my waist tightly, I went down the kisses to his neck and I could feel his scent. Brett suddenly flipped us over on the bed and was on top of me, breaking the kiss.
"We won't do anything until you finish your homework."
"Please, just a quickie."
"Liar, come on go do your homework I'll help, you'll finish faster."
"Argh! I hate it when you have common sense."
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Lost Letters
Masamune x MC Fluff Parts of this work include suggestive content. [To avoid suggestive content, skip the following months: May, January.] Word Estimate: 2k
Honourable Customers,
We are pleased to inform You all the lost letters were successfully delivered.
Your trustworthy messengers, Azuchi-Kasugayama Postal Service Crew
Content Warnings: war mention, injury mention, suggestive content, food mention, anxiety mention
To my beloved Masamune. It is March now, and the frost has begun its retreat from the air. You are not here, and I do not expect to send this letter… Yet I miss you so much the words seem to be writing themselves without much help. In this very moment, I wish I could ask how your day was. It is one of those rare instances where I miss modern technology – my helplessness is simply disarming me completely. I console myself with the thought that you will be back tonight. I missed seeing your face so bad. There are so many things I want to tell you, my heart is overflowing. I don’t think I should let any of them spill, yet I cannot hold all either. So, even if just on this paper, I must confess: I love you, Masamune. I love you so much it hurts. I could not focus on anything but your return the entire day. I cannot let you see this letter. You will never let me forget it. Although maybe... Maybe I should.
To my beloved Masamune.
It is March now, and the frost has begun its retreat from the air. You are not here, and I do not expect to send this letter… Yet I miss you so much the words seem to be writing themselves without much help.
In this very moment, I wish I could ask how your day was. It is one of those rare instances where I miss modern technology – my helplessness is simply disarming me completely. I console myself with the thought that you will be back tonight. I missed seeing your face so bad. There are so many things I want to tell you, my heart is overflowing.
I don’t think I should let any of them spill, yet I cannot hold all either. So, even if just on this paper, I must confess: I love you, Masamune. I love you so much it hurts. I could not focus on anything but your return the entire day.
I cannot let you see this letter. You will never let me forget it. Although maybe... Maybe I should.
To my courageous Masamune.
It is April now, and you came back all beaten and tattered. Your muscles tensed whenever I touched your skin. The disinfectant seeping into your cuts did not help either, I suppose… But you hugged me tight all the same, and did not let go for long. Your breath tickled my neck as you held your ear pressed against my pulse. I wonder, how bad was it this time? But do not get me wrong. I do not mind, I can stay in your arms for however long you desire.
This time, however, it was different. I cannot describe the feeling that I felt when you looked up at me and simply said you feel terrible and need rest. You… Appeared so vulnerable? And I know it never comes easy to you to be in this state.
I love you so much. Thanks for coming back yet once again. I am writing this as you sleep only a few meters away. Please, rest well – and thank you for trusting me yet once again.
To my flirtatious Masamune.
It is May now, and the weather has got quite warm already. However, my dear tiger, treat this as a note of complaint! Although… You will never see it, hopefully. You would see all the other ones then.
Never mind that! How dare you! You big, unruly, sneaky…!!! You know my knees get weak when you kiss me, and yet…! In the middle of the crowd, at that! Truly, my “knees were not a problem” as you put it after lifting me up, but my face surely was! I was red like a crab, Masamune!
How dare you uphold that air of coolness! If it were not for what you whispered… Curse that too, argh! Surely, nobody realised, and you always walk this fast, but… But it is the next morning, and I still am a mess after all the things you did to me the last night!
How dare you stay on my mind even now. Well, you did leave some marks, so surely, it is hard not to think of it, but… ! I want to lay in your arms a little longer, but alas. You had to start work early today of all days…
To my caring Masamune.
It is June now, and somehow, I managed to catch a cold. It is nothing much, really, but you insist I don’t leave bed today… Honestly, I feel a little guilty, but I am enjoying myself. You’re spoiling me quite a lot, my love, and I can hardly oppose it…
You brought some of your work here, so that you could watch over me while I napped. You checked my fever, brought me more covers when I was cold, even got Shogetsu to cuddle me up. When I woke up, you cooked me porridge, and I don’t know what rituals you did in the kitchen,  but it was beyond delicious. Or perhaps I’m getting better?
My eyelids are heavier and heavier… And you’re insisting I stop writing and cuddle with you now. You didn’t want to move to sleep in a separate bed either…  How could I refuse? I swear, tiger, some may say you hardly care, but whenever I see you acting like this, my heart beats faster.
To my curious Masamune.
It is July now, and this is both a letter of praise, and of complaint. For somebody who learns so fast, you surely never learnt not to get taken away by challenges. However, here end my complaints, as it… Surely is quite entertaining.
We are still running away from our own allies now. We have just settled for the night, and you are calling for me to come eat and sit with you by the fire. Have I ever told you you are the most beautiful when you are free and wild? No? Because your eye sparkles so gorgeously now.
You’ve made me appreciate so many new sides of life. I love sharing it with you, both the good and the bad. I don’t know what you’ve made, but let’s be honest, there are only starts above us and I couldn’t care any less about food right now.
Yes, yes, I’m coming, you impatient cat…
To my hardworking Masamune.
It is August now, and you are swarmed with work. I do not know how you manage to stay on top of it… But truly, you seem tired now. You set off early, and come back late, and it takes little before you fall asleep.
You… You cannot know it, but each night, you return my embrace quite strongly, even if deep slumber has already claimed you. You are adorable – your nose crinkles slightly whenever I kiss your forehead. I started telling you I love you, and you usually mumble back that you love me too… Then you generally get a little upset and nuzzle into my neck, and sometimes scoff about some pillows or radishes, whichever one it is this time around.
I must never reveal the fact that you talk in your sleep if you are tired enough. What if you forbid me from ever indulging in it ever again? I don’t think I could live without it anymore.
Your Beautiful Futon
To my joyous Masamune.
It is September now! I want to go celebrate with you, so this letter will be brief:
Thank you for having been born, Masamune.
Please, live a long life. I want to love you plenty more. I need to love you plenty more. To hear you laugh, to see your smile… Your happiness is infectious, and I want for it to last for as long as it can.
To my resilient Masamune.
It is October now, and it came in sour, as if to balance the joy of the previous month. This battle was harsh. You emerged victorious, but at what price? So many were lost… Although I think you would care even for a single person just as much. War is a dreadful thing, to say the least. You know it better than I will ever be able to. That is why you protect me from it, is it not? I wish I could carry half your burden...
When you returned, you only latched onto my wrist. Your hands were cold, and you looked almost lost. Were you scared that I would be gone too? My love, my heart… You held yourself together bravely the entire time, but I am glad you let yourself unwind once in our quarters. I needed to feel that you were alive too.
I helped you wash, and you seemed to relax when I ran my fingers through your wet hair. Perhaps the bath was a good idea in the end. I hope no nightmares come your way today – but if any do, I will do my best to chase them all away. I know you would do great by yourself… But I love you, so please, do share some of your concerns.
To my grumpy Masamune.
It is November now, and oh my, I got to pay you back for how sweetly you cared for me when I was ill. It appears it was your time, my love. I did not expect you to resist so much! “Sleep in a different room”?! As if I would even consider that much! But… You were quite sweet once you caved in. If we were in the future, I would give you a good patient badge!
Kojuro came in later too. You were so adorable when he started telling stories from your childhood! Ah, and you were locked in bed, so for once, I got a chance to actually listen to them too! A shy little Masamune… I wish cameras were a thing in this time.
It was a good day, but please, do not fall ill much. I will always care for you, it is only that… As much as your pouts were a sight to behold, I love your content smile even more. I will have to make some of today up to you.
To my thoughtful Masamune.
It is December now, and you surprised me yet once again. I do know we celebrated Christmas together once, but I did not expect for you to hold onto the idea. This time, you organised everything by yourself, with your own twists to everything.
The party was great – the music, the food, the gifts, I loved every single moment of it. You dressed well too, and I swear, you look even more handsome in the more so festive clothes. It was just cool enough for me to shamelessly cuddle into your side as well… Did you plan that as well?
I must thank you for the gift tomorrow. You must have had ordered this fabric months in advance. It… It really feels amazing knowing that you truly listen to what I say. I love you, Masamune. Somehow, you have this way of making me feel loved even without using any words.
To my adventurous Masamune.
It is January now, and winters in this part of the country tend to grow rather harsh. The snow is thick, and it seemingly keeps on falling, and falling… I did not expect for you to suggest taking a trip, much less one to the hot springs.
I do not know what heated me up more – your kisses or the water. Good thing we retreated to our room fast, otherwise we could be thrown out of the estate. I am quite relaxed after we have made love… Perhaps my initial fear of you suggesting doing it in the snow was completely unfounded. Well, you would not force me to go forward with it anyway, but your drive for novelty is infectious at times.
You went out to get some food for us to share, and I am still lying in bed. The pillow smells of you, and the covers are pleasantly warm from our shared heat. I think you will want to slide right next to me once you are back, will you not? I know you do better with cold than the heat, but is it not too tempting? Ah, I think I can hear your steps… I wonder, what are those plans for tomorrow you have made.
To my calm Masamune.
It is February now. You seem to be at home plenty, and I welcome the change. We cook together nearly everyday, and I am enjoying it a lot. At first, those were more of classes than anything else, but now… We recreated some of the future dishes I told you about. Is that not amazing? You truly could be a chef in my original time.
However! Today I shall take my revenge! Just you wait and see, Masamune Date! I will pay you back for all those hugs from behind, and “sampled dishes”, and for all those “you seem to have a bit of the sauce over your lips”! I prepared something you did not expect yourself, and you have made me this devil!
I hope I can get this surprised face out of you. It should be tasty enough for that? I should carry it to you before it gets cold…
To my beloved Masamune.
It is March again, and I love you all the same.
Tag list: @datenoriko, @nad-zeta, @tsubaki3192, @missjudge-me, @ikemencrossedmyth, @nuttytani, @thesirenwashere, @milas-imaginarium, @kisara-16, @yukas-clover, @alerialumina , @cheese-ception , @iamryxx, @cottonfluffballofdoom, @ozziegrl71, @rikumorimachisgirl, @bestbryn, @kink-rabbithole  @ikesenfangirl @themysticalbeing If you want to be tagged under my future works, let me know (any way works)! ^^ Also, do remember to specify fandoms (and characters, if you are interested only in some) :D If it ever happens that you wish to be removed from my taglist, for any reason, do let me know. I will not ask why, it’s all fine ^^
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