#even if it is really messy and chaotic still and it might be impossible to actually put up curtains
dummerjan · 1 year
having a bit of a very unexpected emotional crisis
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amorgansgal · 4 months
So it's been a while since I've written any fanfiction (sorry RDR2 lot) but I've definitely been captured body and soul by Baldur's Gate 3 and I bashed this out this morning. I appreciate fully not many might read this as it does concern my own named tav, Vanya, and I just fancied doing a little creative writing. But if anyone does, hope you enjoy. It's from Astarion's perspective.
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Gods, she was annoying
Gods she was annoying. Astarion gritted his teeth as somehow, despite the exhausting fight they had just been through and long day of walking, Vanya babbled on! Gale walked by her side, smiling at her observations on nature, the dinner they had last night, the gnolls they had just fought, her thoughts on whether she would keep her long plait or do something different with her hair tomorrow. Astarion had assumed that all elves were some form of stoicism or stillness, he and Halsin certainly were, but Vanya seemed all too keen to prove the opposite was true!
She scurried around camp, a giddy smile on her lips, greeting people as she went and they would infuriatingly beam back at her, which he was sure just encouraged her. It had taken them goodness knows how long to get out of the druid’s enclave because Vanya had stopped to chat with anyone and everyone, even the bloody animals! She’d almost been pickpocketed by one of the tiefling’s kids to boot because she had to stop to speak to the lad’s sister and Astarion managed to grab hold of the child’s arm before he could wriggle something out of Vanya’s pocket.
‘Really? I didn’t know there were many coastal druids,’ Gale’s comment to Vanya interrupted Astarion’s musings. 
‘Oh no, not many. It’s a bit of a strange calling, most elves like the forests or freshwater lakes or rivers, but we’re there! But I do like the forests too, there aren’t so many animals you can really adopt from the sea, I can’t keep a pet fish on my travels, though I did have a crab. He was very sweet, if a bit nippy.’
Gale’s laugh made Astarion clench his teeth. The greater annoyance Astarion had was somehow, for some unfathomable reason, he was beginning to like Vanya. She did everything seemingly to irritate him, launching herself into fights without so much as a by-your-leave, chaotically flinging around firebolts and laughing joyously as she did! She evidently, rarely ever thought a little tact, decorum and deception would go a long way to avoid a battle, but such things were impossible for Vanya if she thought someone was being wronged or hurt. 
And yet, despite all of her many faults and flaws, she was winning him over and he wasn’t even sure how or when she had begun to do so. Well, he knew what had triggered it, him telling her he wouldn’t sleep with her the night of the tieflings’ party. But the fact he didn’t find her desirable didn’t seem to bother her - she had gone round the entire camp flirting with anyone and everyone, leaving Gale flushed and Shadowheart wryly smiling and Halsin’s eyes following after her and even godsdamn Lae’zel looking at her differently. For him, she was too soft and round for his tastes. Round moon like face, messy red hair that swung behind her in its usual braid, freckles on her cheeks that put him in mind of someone splattering paint over a canvas, she did have beautiful blue eyes, he’d grant her that. And a fine neck. And he supposed that her body was… pleasing to most, but he wasn’t fussed by it. But in any case, it wasn’t finding her attractive that seemed to bother her, what seemed to niggle at her was him just not liking her. No one had to sleep with her, but she wanted everyone under the sun to like her. 
He thought she might learn what he liked, someone who bit back, who could be playful and sharp and acerbic, who might spar with him. But she didn’t, she just was… sweet and nice and kind and it was sickening. She’d rifle through an abandoned box or bag in the old goblin camp and find him a dagger or a lockpicking kit and exclaimed excitedly, ‘Oh, Astarion! This is perfect for you, here you go!’ She happily passed him a book on necromancy, though even that made Gale and Wyll sigh with exasperation. Astarion found himself talking to her about Cazador, admitting to things that he hadn’t told anyone else and- How in the gods’ holy arses had she done it? She’d just been her usual self and slowly worn him down. Was this how she did it with everyone else? Did everyone, who didn’t like her initially, get a concerted effort from her in winning them over? There must be someone who it hadn’t worked on, someone who still didn’t like her however much of a joyful, excitable pup she was. Astarion was tempted to hunt them down and demand they tell him how they resisted.
‘How is it Vanya that you have gone through life, adventuring and fighting, without someone taking advantage of your good nature and naivete?’ Astarion asked pointedly, making Gale and Vanya look around at him. Gale gave him a look and Astarion smirked back at him. Yes, your precious little druid is foolish and overly familiar and one day she’s going to get herself into a mess because she can’t keep her mouth shut or diving head first into situations where she isn’t wholly sure on what’s going on, Astarion thought to himself.
‘Hmm,’ Vanya said, because gods forbid she couldn’t even think quietly! ‘I don’t know.’
Astarion scowled. ‘You don’t know, what do you mean you don’t know?’
‘Do we really have to squabble before getting back to camp?’ Shadowheart asked. Astarion clicked his tongue with irritation. He would’ve thought that even Shadowheart would remain a little contemptuous and irritated by Vanya too, but somehow the druid had worked her charm spell on everyone and Shadowheart had long given up on being cool and sharp with her, except on rare occasions. Too rare for his liking. Only Lae’zel was left, his remaining ally, who would deride Vanya’s softer side. And even then, the githyanki seemingly enjoyed Vanya’s wild attitude when it came to fights. 
‘I guess people like me enough not to take advantage of me and the rest of the time it’s luck!’ Vanya said, turning back round to continue her conversation with Gale.
Astarion sputtered - which was the first time he had done such a thing, but how on earth could the woman be flippant about that too? ‘It’s just luck! No one has ever double-crossed you or used your good nature against you?’
Vanya pursed her lips in thought, then gave him a bright smile. ‘No, not yet. At least, not as far as I know, maybe they did and I just didn’t know about it!’
Gale burst out laughing and Vanya quickly joined him, though Astarion was sure she didn’t quite fully grasp on why such a thing was funny. Astarion glared at their backs and then at the ground. Godsdamn stupid druid with her stupid smile and stupid laugh and careless, thoughtless attitude and everyone in camp encouraging her.
‘You wouldn’t know half the time you had a parasite in your head from the way you take absolutely nothing seriously and waste time gadding about!’ he snapped. The laughter died immediately and while he kept his eyes fixed on Vanya, a tiny flicker of guilt crept into his stomach when he saw the small amount of reproach in her expression. 
‘I do take things seriously,’ she said, her voice suddenly even tempered and cool and measured. It had been what he wanted for weeks, but the tone of it felt wrong and so unlike her that he felt compelled to look away from her unfaltering gaze. ‘I’m worried about the tadpoles, i’m worried about all of you. It would kill me if anything were to happen to anyone here. But I spent a lot of my life not being able to laugh or find joy in things or meeting anyone new and getting to know them, and it’s no way to live, Astarion. So if I seem foolish or irreverent, it’s only because I don’t wish to wallow. I don’t wish to be serious and unable to crack a joke and make people laugh. And what is the good of being stoic and serious all the time? We are infected and there’s not much we can do to change that until we get to Moonrise towers. So I’m not going to sit in camp, feeling sorry for myself, languishing and getting upset when I can’t do anything about it. I may as well find joy where I can.’
‘Hear, hear,’ Gale said, and Astarion could have ripped his head off, but more because he felt… bad… for making Vanya feel bad. When she had spoken about not being able to laugh or meet new people, it didn’t sound like something she had chosen for herself or a malady affecting her in that way, it sounded like she was… coerced, controlled, ordered and he knew all too well the pain of that. Maybe she hadn’t suffered quite like him, but it sounded like whoever had done that had tried to crush her. 
The serious, sorrowful look on her face rapidly shifted and she smiled at him once more, though it looked a little forced and tired for once, and the guilt in his chest blazed hotter, tightening around his heart and throat. He was grateful they were so near camp and Vanya whipped round as Scratch (one of her blasted pets she had picked up) barked and came running up to greet them.
‘Scratch!’ Vanya cried happily and charged off, ruffling his fur and laughing as the dog licked her face and playfully bounced around. ‘I missed you! I missed you so much, how’s my good boy, my goodest of boys? You want to play? Come on, let’s go play! I left your ball in the chest, come on!’ The dog eagerly bounded after her.
Shadowheart left them to take off her armour and to wash, so Gale and Astarion were the only two left of the party who were still watching Vanya hunt through the travellers’ chest for Scratch’s ball. Astarion was about to make his way to his own tent when Gale caught hold of his sleeve.
‘Look, I know you don’t like her,’ Gale began.
‘I never said that,’ Astarion muttered, because the frustrating truth was he did like her.
‘But don’t hurt her in order to bring her down. She might handle things differently and sometimes her relentless optimism can be… a little much, but we need a cheery sort around camp. I think we’re all too serious sometimes. And I get it, someone will hurt her eventually and it might sour her and make her less willing to laugh and trust others, but I like her the way she is. So leave her be.’
And before Astarion could say anything in reply, Gale had already began walking over to join Wyll and Halsin by the fire, and Astarion didn’t know how to explain that he both couldn’t stand Vanya, but also liked her far too much.
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Big Healer, Little Nurse
Every so often I remember I made this to be a writing blog. I made this to fit a prompt of "incompetent rescuer", which is one of my favorite tropes. When they WANT to be better but can't and know this will have consequences?
Anyway, this might have a part 2 bc I can't keep anything short.
He was big, her healer.
It scared people, his size. They were used to healers being meek women, driven to healing magic to save their children or to make some money on the side to support their homes. No one expected a man over 2 meters tall to have such a gentle way with healing wounds and calming pains.
Joan herself had been rescued by him two years prior. She didn't remember much about her previous life - and what she did was painful and scary to recall. She had been found in the wood, half frozen to death, body full of bruises. Thaddeus had nursed her back to health painfully slow. Back then she felt like she would never fully come back, but he never gave up on her.
Once she was better, she made herself useful, hoping that would mean she got to stay. She cleaned and organized his chaotic home and office. He had been surprised, as if he didn't expect someone to notice he had a hard time with his own messy habits, let alone help him with it. She cooked and took food for him when he was out on house calls because he often forgot to eat. She stood by him and helped with his tools and ingredients when he needed.
So he let her stay. He taught her what he could, but she really had no way with magic. She learned about human medicine, about how a body works and what it needs to be balanced and healthy.
Two years from the day he found her in the woods to the day she found him.
He had been travelling to the next village over the entire week, leaving her in charge of their own village. After making the usual rounds making sure no one was in need of help, she had gone to the woods to gather herbs. That was when she saw him, lying face down on the road. She didn't need to see his face to know. He looked like a mountain had just fallen over.
Joan rushed to his side, calling his name, turning him over to his back. His tanned skin was pale, his lips bluish, a low gurgling coming up from his throat each time he breathed. Little droplets of foam were hanging from the sides of his mouth. She tapped his face, trying to get him to rouse. When he didn't, she undid the ties on his shirt, exposing the top part of his chest and rubbing his sternum. Still nothing.
She opened his mouth. A foul smell came out and his gums were clearly discolored. He had been poisoned. He was probably on his way to this wood, where a lot of antidotes grew. Why would anyone do such a thing to him? He had never done anything but help...
Worried about his bluish lips, she touched her mouth to his and sent a few breaths of air down his throat. He coughed and gagged and she pulled away, moving his head to the side so the foam and saliva could drain out.
"Tad..." She called, rubbing his chest again. "What's the poison? I can't administer the antidote if I don't know..."
His eyes fluttered, but didn't open, only the whites showing inside. She opened one eyelid, and saw his pupils still react to the sunlight above. Good.
She pushed her fingers against his carotid to feel for his pulse. It was weak and erratic, a terrible combination.
Joan took a deep breath. She couldn't do anything in the middle of the road. She had to bring him home, to their tools and their medicine. But leaving to get someone seemed impossible. He couldn't be left alone in this state. She had to do it herself.
Bracing, she pushed his shoulder upward to sit him down. Even this effort got her sweating. He was out cold, his head lolling back. There was no way she was going to be able to lift him over the shoulder like he had taught her to do with someone larger than her.
"You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay."
She told herself even if her eyes were filling up with tears. She got up and held him under his armpits, starting to drag him back through the road. His troubled breathing was a constant in her ears as she sweated and sweated under the sun to pull him centimeter by gods damned centimeter.
Joan hadn't even gotten halfway home when he gagged, heaving. Foam had consistently been dripping through his mouth thorough the process, but it had stopped now. Moaning in distress, Joan placed him down again and kneeled at his back, holding him around the waist. She needed to clear his lungs or he wouldn't make it to the house.
Remembering his strong hands showing her the placement, she found the spot just above his belly button to push upwards. Nothing came out the first few tries, her arms too puny to make enough pressure. But on the third try, a spurt of foam came out and Thaddeus gasped, his entire body shaking. He was warm now and she suspected it wasn't the sun above.
Joan helped him breathe a couple more times since they had stopped. He looked like death now, his pallor growing lighter and lighter and his lips bluer.
"We're almost there." She assured him (or herself) before closing her arms around him and starting to pull him back to their cottage again.
But his breathing didn't get better and neither did his shaking. Eventually, he started gasping loudly, no sound of air coming out. They were only about twenty steps from the house, but her arms gave out as she put him down on the dirt floor.
"Please, breathe." She begged, pressing more air down his throat. His chest lifted but needed help falling. She had to press on it for the air to come rushing out, along with more viscous saliva and darkened foam. "That's not good."
The noise kept coming from his throat, not matter her efforts. She was about to keep breathing for him when she had half a mind to look for his pulse again.
"But they were breathing," she remembered saying after a particuarly bad night where they had lost a patient.
"No. Their body was trying to breathe, but the air wasn't sticking to the lungs." Tad had said, shaking his head.
No beat pressed against her fingers. She pressed harder and harder, sure she was wrong. He was just big, maybe his heart was taking longer. She laid her head on his chest. Nothing.
"No, no, no!"
She put her hands to his chest and started pressing down. Her arms were already shaking from dragging him there and almost buckled when she pushed down not nearly enough. She wiped the sweat off of her forehead and tried again. Each time, she got a little further, but she knew it wasn't enough.
"Damn it, Tad!" She straddled him. That made it easier, but not less challenging. She either didn't press hard enough or kept the wrong rhythm. Tears were streaming down her face as she gave it her all. This couldn't happen, not like this.
She stopped at 30 like had instructed and delivered a trio of breaths. Agonal sounds escaped him as she pushed his chest so the air could escape. Taking advantage of her position, she laid his head to the side and pushed on his abdomen, trying to clear his lungs. The popping of bubbles in the foam would haunt her dreams and the stench of the dark liquid would never allow her to feel clean again.
Another cycle. Another failure to keep the minimum. She couldn't keep this for long. She used to let him do this, they only traded placed on in a while in very long resuscitations... she really should have been better at this.
She had lost track of how many cycles she had done when he gasped again. Her hand went to his neck. His heartrate was too fast, but was there. That was all she needed. A chance.
Joan rushed into the cottage, grabbing all of the antidote shelf. She had had time to catalog his symptoms enough to have an idea of what this could be. The bad smell, affecting the lungs, the darkening of his saliva... Running to him again, she opened his mouth and rubbed a couple of leaves of ancient berry bush in his gums as he gasped and heaved. She delivered a few more breaths to him. The antidote wasn't a quick one, but it would work. She just needed time.
Since his heart was still unwell, she tried her hand at pacing him again, pushing his chest another two rounds of half assed compressions. As her arms shook with exhaustion and she herself felt a pang in her own chest, she gave up. She was probably doing more harm than good.
The smell in his mouth was better, but foam kept coming up, his lungs probably too overtaken.
Still straddling him, she crushed the antidote eaves until they let out their goop and dilluted it in salline. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She couldn't miss and she couldn't hold back. This could be his only chance of making the next hour.
So she touched his chest, looking for the right placenent, took a deep breath and insirted the syringe right into this heart, releasing the liquid directly in there before pulling the syringe out.
Joan took the last of her strenght to give a few compressions more to get the antidote running. She rolled off of him, lying on the dirt. He was still gasping, still shaking from his fever, but she could feel his heartbeat on his wrist when she held it between her fingers.
5 seconds and she would drag him inside and wait for him to recover. Just... 5 more seconds.
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calchexxis · 2 years
Post recommendations for your ten favourite fanfics and tag the authors if possible. Tell us what you like about their work.
Tag five people of your choice to do the meme too."
I was tagged by @blood-lich-crow @heroinejinx and @ghostofyaz
Fair warning, I do not read much Fanfic anymore as I spend most of my time writing it, so some of these fics are probably going to feel really scattered. With that said, let’s get into it.
Non-Linear Growth by @booking-and-blogging (Elfen1012 on Ao3)
A lot of people reading my work have said that Flashbangs is the Lightcannon bible, but if that’s true then NLG by Elfen1012 is the Lightcannon New Testament. It hits the ground running from the perspective of a Jinx that is trying to piece herself back together after the end of Arcane and it is something to behold. I cannot recommend this enough.
Luxurious Anarchy by @cannibalelf (Cannibal_Elf on Ao3)
A kind of Soulmate-lite longform fic in which Lux is drawn across the span of Valoran to find her one-and-only: Jinx, mad and still struggling with the events of Arcane. This is just a really fantastic romp through the world of Piltover and Zaun, thoroughly enjoyable on every level. The prose are punchy, the narrative is clean, and I really enjoyed my time with it.
Friction Coefficient by @blood-lich-crow ( Blood_Lich_Maeve on Ao3)
I would argue this is probably the best Modern!AU Lightcannon on Ao3 right now, at least in my very subjective opinion. It gracefully deals with a lot of delicate topics like internalized (and external) homophobia and transphobia, trans issues, and addiction. This is one of the messiest romances I’ve ever read and I am here for it. 
PISTOLWHIP (Caitlyn/Jinx)
the lover of my impossible soul by Goldfyshie927 on Ao3
This Modern!AU features Caitlyn as a professional escort who is drawn into a relationship with the wealthy and chaotic Jinx in order to keep her father happy and convince him she had mellowed out somewhat. The profound sense of loneliness you get from both characters throughout the story, and the way they inelegantly mesh together is really profound, and I look forward to seeing more of this story come out. Big recommendation for very unusual ship.
SYLVAINA (Sylvanas/Jaina)
Vintage by (jointly) @redisaid and @uninspired--poet
How do I put this. To date, I’ve read the entirety of Vintage six times. Vintage isn’t just a fanfiction I think is good. Vintage is one of the fanfictions I go back reread every now and again to remind myself what willful romance is supposed to look like. In this Modern!AU where Jaina is a college student and scion of a wealthy family, while Sylvanas is the owner of a small, failing vintage goods shop in New York. It’s a story about falling in love and then choosing to stay that way despite the many things that crop up. It’s about coming up against the difficulties in relationships and choosing love, with all its messy difficulties, over the path of least resistance. Read this, I am begging you.
Fearless by @redisaid
This might be the best example of modern magic I’ve ever read. It’s as subtle as it is overt, and as entrenched a part of the world as it is wholly separate from it. Jaina, a ghost-eating witch, finds a house haunted by a powerful banshee, and fully intends to consume her for power. Over the course of the story, that changes, and everything from the side characters, to the small moments, to the strong finish has stuck with me to the point that it inspires aspects of my own writing.
Within The Drift by @uninspired--poet
It’s hard to do a good crossover, even when the crossover’s make a kind of thematic sense. Writing a good crossover when the two subjects have jack shit in common is testament to a great author’s skill. Within The Drift is a fantastically put together sci-fi/fantasy action-romance crossing over Pacific Rim with World of Warcraft, featuring Sylvanas and Jaina as contentiously drift compatible pilots. I’ve read this story back to front several times, and it never gets old.
KAZULA (Azula/Katara)
Measure Each Step to Infinity by paxbanana
Set in Post-Canon ATLA, Measure is fantastic enemies-to-lovers-to-wives story full of angst, intrigue, action, and redemption. It has one of my favorite depictions of Azula and, surprisingly, Aang, which the story humanizes wonderfully. Azula is as morally gray as ever, and her struggle to leave behind the horrors of war and emotional abuse inflicted on her by her father to be better, and Katara’s growing dedication and devotion to her over the course of the story is gripping.
KORVIRA (Korra/Kuvira)
you know you'd look good in my hand by Goldfyshie927 on Ao3
Phenomenal Modern!AU Kuvira fic and I will shamelessly plug this because I love a good bartender character. Kuvira and Korra instantly charm in the first chapter, and their friendship blossoms into a lot more. This is a story that’s impossible to summarize without spoilers, but it is an absolute rollercoaster of emotions, drama, angst, and disaster gays from start to finish and you’d be doing yourself a favor by reading it.
Run At The Cup. by @thehomelybadger (TheHomelyBadger on Ao3)
I’ve reviewed this story before on this very blog so I really feel it’s necessary to have it here. I don’t read a lot of CaitVi but this one absolutely knocks it out of the park. Or rather, into the goal. Run At The Cup is a Hockey!AU, it’s a fantastic underdog story of a brand-new NHL team, the Zaun Sumprats, and it’s mix of sports jargon, action-packed hockey games, and interpersonal and political drama make for an absolutely gripping story.
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gutsfics · 1 year
Since you write for multiple Choices stories, I'm curious: (how) do they all intertwine? Do your various MCs know each other? How do they get along? How did they meet? If any of your stories don't exist in the same universe, how would the characters get along if they did?
aaaa i love this question!!!! i love figuring out how these stories all fit together even if they don't interact <3
they do all intertwine, but in some places what's 'canon' and what isn't gets a little muddy. like for example, for me both RCD and HWU are equally canon, but its impossible for them to both exist in the same timeline, but that doesn't mean that there isn't connections that happen in both versions. Simon is Hunt's nephew in both RCD and HWU, but how he met Avalon is different because how Hunt met Avalon is different. and that's not even touching on all of the different versions for It Lives I have, and how those different endings would change how It Lives connects to all of the other stories. plus also: all of my sillies fun aus (which i will not talk about here at risk of this post going wayyy too long)
this might get a little messy, my mind is bouncing all over the place. under a read more bc i Will talk way too much about this <3
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anyway since i mentioned Simon by name I'm gonna start with him. im ignoring choices HSS for him & his friends, bc i don't like that it kind of retcons some of HSS prime + makes all of the original friend group just People Who Go To School Together And Barely Interact.
obviously, he is Thomas' nephew, his dad is Thomas' older brother. they're very close, Thomas is his favorite uncle & he's very supportive with Simon figuring out his gender stuff. in fact, he's the person who buys Simon his first suit and the person who helps Simon find a good surgeon for his top surgery, as Thomas himself had issues with his own and didn't want Simon to experience the same things he did (more on this later)
in the HWU world, Simon meets Avalon over his spring break, which he used to sit in on a few classes of Thomas' classes. they know who each other are in really simple terms, just "there's that tall guy from that one class Thomas teaches, he sure is a nice dude :)" "oh, there's that high schooler who's sitting in on classes that Ethan wants to be the agent of. i hope he doesn't feel too pressured to make a decision right now, he's still got plenty of time to figure things out". they do eventually form a stronger relationship but that's only after Thomas and Avalon end up together officially- Simon thinks Avalon is really cool, and Avalon likes that his daughters have a cousin they can look up to (Simon LOVES babysitting/hanging out with Dawn and Lily btw theyre defo The World's Most Chaotic Cousins)
in RCD world, Simon was very small when Avalon and Thomas were together the first time and he knew Avalon just as Thomas' Cool Fun Roommate. he was absolutely DEVASTATED when Avalon "moved away" (read: they broke up) bc he thought Avalon was just SO COOL. but alas, since he was so small at the time he doesn't really remember Avalon all that well. But he is excited when Avalon reenters Thomas' life, and even more excited to find out that they're getting married (he'd be about early/mid 20s by this point). he may not remember Avalon too clearly, but he remembers how much he loved it when Uncle Thomas and his Best Friend Avalon came to visit
in both worlds: one Dr Bryce Lahela does Simon's top surgery (i'd say he gets it maybe mid/late 20s). he specifically chose an Edenbrook doctor bc Thomas knows Dr Banerji and he asked if there were any surgeons that Dr Banerji would trust to do the surgery properly, and he recommended Bryce :) more on how Thomas knows Naveen later
Baxter & Reigan
theyre getting a whole section to just them bc theyre BoyBestFriends and there's a lot about em (but ill try to keep it short)
Baxter and Reigan met in high school, after Baxter was deemed healthy enough to actually attend school instead of just being homeschooled in a hospital room (it was absolutely 100% Baxter's idea and want to do this, their parents wanted to keep them in the hospital 24/7 bc they were worried they'd immediately get sick)
at the time Baxter had been super standoffish and did not like being around people, so Reigan was the one to approach Baxter first. he was fairly well liked and respected by their classmates & he wanted to make sure that they didn't have an awful experience in school. eventually Baxter ended up asking Reigan out, not because they were particularly attracted to him (they were a bit of a late bloomer in that regard) but because they wanted to have all of those Normal Teenage Experiences(tm) and they did like spending time with him. and he said yes, bc even though he didn't feel any attraction either (he's ace/aro), he did like spending time with them as well (and to some degree was hoping that attraction might happen eventually)
dating for them just looked like how hanging out did, although they did hold hands a bit more and kiss at some point, when Baxter decided that they were at The Point In A Relationship Where You Kiss. they also went to prom together.
they broke up shortly after graduating high school, half bc Baxter achieved all those Normal Teenage Experiences(tm) they wanted to and half bc Reigan felt bad that he felt no attraction to Baxter, although he didn't mention it at the time bc he didn't want to hurt Baxter's feelings. there was a bit of a pause in their friendship after this, as both of them felt that they had to give the other some space to get over the romantic part of the relationship, but in the end they realized that neither cared? and went right back to being close good best friends :)
their friendship ended up being long distance for a while, as both college and career choices got in the way of being physically near each other. but. the week that Reigan got the job offer for McGraw Byrne was the week that Raf broke up with Baxter AND Ethan left for the Amazon, and the idea of being just a three hour train ride from his best friend defo played a role in him deciding to take the job. he actually flew to Boston instead of NYC so he could spend a little time with Baxter before he got too busy with his job. Baxter, Aurora, and Bryce actually spent one of their days off helping Reigan's dad furnish Reigan's Cool New NYC Apartment :)
speaking of Reigan's dad. Baxter is actually WAY closer w Reigan's parents than they are w their own. in fact, when Baxter went NC with their parents, Reigan's parent's were like "cool WE'RE your parents now :) we love you kiddo"
anyway. the attack in OH year two happened to line up w the end of LOA book one/beginning of book two (at least it does in my timeline) & Reigan immediately dropped everything to head to Boston to make sure Baxter was okay. while he was there, Martin kept trying to give Reigan really petty cases that were a waste of time, even though Reigan had taken time off and given a reason for it. he ended up chewing Martin out over the phone and quitting, deciding that he'd just look for a job in Boston to be closer to Baxter anyway. he stays in Boston for a bit to help take care of Baxter after they're discharged from the hospital, and when he gets back to New York he learns that Aislinn and Gabe also quit & have started their own law firm, which Reigan has been given a job offer for. he takes it only after Baxter assures him that they will be fine if he stays in NYC
Baxter is the reason that Reigan and Tobias meet (but not the reason that they end up in a qpr together) and they're also the Best Man Of Honor at both the weddings they end up having (Reigan and Tobias marry twice-- once in a Boston courthouse bc they decide that the legal benefits of being married work with what they want from the relationship w each other (Baxter's role here was just a witness), and a second time a more traditional wedding (more of an exchange of vows than a legal process this time) a year or two later to appease the parents)
and this does Not have to do with Baxter and Reigan's friendship but it doesn't really warrant it's own section: Reigan and my Bachelorette Party MC, Hallie, are friends from law school :) and speaking of Hallie, she's the twin sister of one of my Lovelink MCs, Harvy, although Harvy and Hallie were separated at birth bc their bio mom didn't know she was having twins until giving birth & she was unprepared to raise both so Hallie was put up for adoption & raised in the US (Harvy was raised in Vancouver, Canada). it takes em a while to find out about each other (Hallie knew she was adopted but didn't know she was a twin (her adoptive parents didn't know either) and Harvy just straight up Didn't Know he was a twin as his mom didn't tell him). also Harvy technically is just A Character I Have Now bc i really don't care for Lovelink anymore
It Lives
ok so here's where it gets messy. also i might kind of be vague here sorry
the It Lives series has a bunch of different ways to end (zero thanks to pb, this is 100% itlivesproject's win [blows a kiss for the itlivesproject crew <3]), all of which i really like.
so tbh for my world. each and every one of the endings is both canon and non canon, depending on which one i feel like writing for. bc sometimes i wanna write some cute soft fluff where Noah and Devi get to overcome their trauma. and sometimes i want Noah to fucking wallow in his pathetic meowmeow sopping wet sadboy misery where [SPOILERS] bc [SPOILERS] and [SPOILERS] (seriously pls go read the it lives trilogy theyre so good, especially It Lives Within)
however. It Lives IS canon in my worlds. i like the idea of a very mundane world having some kind of exciting magic to it, even if its mostly unknown. just. a magic that touches everyone's lives in little ways and connects us all together :) and that's EXACTLY what the Power is
anyway the ending where the It Lives characters get to interact with characters from other stories is the one where Noah and Devi get to overcome their trauma, and they open up a restaurant together <3 basically i think at some point All of my characters will end up having a meal at Baby Jane's. not all together, but they'll make their way there eventually :)
also there's my au where It Lives is a tv show which I KNOW i said i wouldn't talk about aus BUT i just want yall to know that the actor who plays Devi (i don't have a name for him yet, bc hes not technically Devi) sees Avalon as a mentor figure :)
Thomas & Naveen
(tw for medical malpractice and transphobia)
hey so remember when i said i'd talk about Thomas' top surgery later? and that i'd also talk about how he knows Naveen? well.
my Thomas took a gap year between his senior year of high school and his freshman year of college to medically and legally transition. he was moving to a new place and he wanted to be as stealth as he could be. so as soon as he turned 18, he got his name legally changed and started on testosterone, and got his top surgery scheduled. his plan was that by the time he started college, he would have recovered from his surgery and he'd have been on T for long enough that he'd be going through most of the changes he'd want from it
he specifically found a surgeon in the same town his older brother (Simon's dad, his name is Jonathan) had moved to so he'd have some company/a caretaker while he recovered. unfortunately for him, that surgeon... kind of sucked. his surgery was done wrong, and wasn't healing properly, even though both Thomas and Jon were making sure they were doing everything right. but when they tried to talk to the surgeon, the surgeon would just say "nope everything's fine nothing is wrong you are delusional :) its SUPPOSED to be all rotten and nasty :) stop bothering me" and no one else in the clinic seemed to care at all?
anyway one day Jon just had Enough, bc he'd heard from other people who'd had this surgery how recovery typically looked, and his brother was just wasting away, too weak to do anything bc of how his surgery got fucked up and he kind of just. snapped. and started yelling at the surgeon to Please Fucking Do Something.
while the surgeon didn't do anything, Jon's yelling attracted the attention of a different doctor, one who had only heard bits and pieces about this patient who's brother kept stopping by to ask over and over again if a surgery was healing properly, one who'd heard said surgeon being kind of a dick about it in the breakroom, and he decided that someone needed to do something to help these brothers
that doctor being a young Dr Naveen Banerji, pre diagnostics team and pre Edenbrook employment
he caught Jon just outside after Jon had been..... "politely" escorted out and asked what, specifically seemed to be wrong with his brother's recovery
immediately recognizing the problem caused the surgeon's incompetence/prejudices effecting the health and safety of a patient, Naveen helped Jon find a hospital to take Thomas to, one that would actually help him with what was wrong and set him onto a proper path for recovery
he also quit his job at that hospital. he'd noticed things similar to that happening before, but this was just the final straw. he helped as many patients as he could there, but at some point you have to know when to walk away. but that was a good thing for his career, as he was able to start the diagnostics team at Edenbrook, not to mention that other hospital ended up getting shut down for medical malpractice
Thomas and Naveen stayed in touch, and now whenever Thomas ends up in Boston for whatever reason, he'll stop by for a visit :)
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theengineeringmage · 2 years
Some Girls Do by Jennifer Dugan
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An openly gay track star in the midst of a discrimination case and a beauty pageant grease monkey collide in the most unexpected ways. Morgan has been working hard to get a scholarship for college when her preferences are against her school’s code of conduct. At a new school during her senior year, tries to fit into a new environment. Ruby loves working on cars, but with her moms pressure to be a beauty queen, her dreams have been put on hold. Will these two be able to forge their own paths through high school?
I really liked how emotionally vulnerable these characters are. They both have their secrets and insecurities, but it feels more real when they have this back-and-forth in their relationship. It feels like a true tumultuous teenage romance where there are misunderstandings and break-ups and conflicts and impulsive decisions. There is raw emotion and when I think about how they are having these conversations, I see how chaotic and messy their feelings are. It is a nice way to discuss what young love feels like regardless of gender.
Morgan hasn’t felt like she could be as open with her preferences until she joins the GSA club and also volunteers at the community center. The new environment exposes her to a lot of different perspectives that she hasn’t had to deal with. Even if she isn’t in a Catholic school, there can still be prejudice from others based on sexual orientation. It is a truth that I don’t think she really grasped until she listened to why some people are not comfortable being out and proud like she is. It is a big learning experience for her and one that nicely introduces the complexity surrounding being accepted.
Ruby is someone who was used as a substitute to fulfill a dream. She doesn’t love her pageant life, but it keeps her mom happy. This reminds me so much of closeted queer characters in other works. She is meant to be the model, but instead of being the perfect overachiever, she feels the stress of not feeling like she is enough because she isn’t reaching this impossible bar. It feels more realistic that she isn’t doing as well in something she isn’t as passionate about. Her true skill lies in her hands and her mechanic knowledge, but that gets overshadowed by the public face she uses. It is interesting to have a character that isn’t meeting impossible standards and the strain that kind of environment has on someone.
I really enjoyed the read despite how emotional I got with it. It might feel a bit dramatic and trite, but it feels more organic to have a messy love story than one that works out easily. They both just feel human and I love that about the story.
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mxttellion · 2 years
*coughs* whens more paul and pat hcs coming.. *cough*
OH I HAVE. I HAVE A LOT OF THEM it's just that I cannot like. Put them in an actual cohesive post so I'll just. Dump whatever I can think of right now. Welcome to the pilots headcanon dump (everything i remember right now)
Now. Let's see if I manage to rememeber all i wanted to write....
actually, let me divide them between Paul and Pat, yeah
- Patryck
He LOVES birds!! He would totally have a little companion for himself, they're just silly creatures like he is! Like a little cockatiel. Despite his uh. infamous nickname. That everyone gives him (chicken wings), he still loves chickens. I honestly have this little idea that maybe his relatives have a bunch of chickens he loves taking care of. You might find him holding them gently in his arms.
He is a complete mess. His room is just straight up impossible to talk into in somedays, he needs to have everything he needs nearby or else he forgets where he even put it in the first place. He definitely eats and drinks in there too. You might even find a few bottles lying in there. Despite his messy behavior, he takes GREAT care of his appearence. Especially in his clothing and hair. Dont touch his hair. Do NOT even try to do so.
I mentioned how he has notebooks where he notes stuff down for his memory. Well, one of his hobbies is writing! He writes. a lot. About pretty much everything: Thoughts of his, opinions on other people he met, little notes about said people and his friends, about his hyperfixations...and speaking of those, he owns a bunch of binders where he writes all the information he could gather about it. He probably has 2 binders just for aviation alone.
He also likes photography! He usually takes pictures of places he has been during his travels, as he loves travelling a lot. However, he usually travelled alone, so photography and writing were his ways to feel less lonely. He hangs the photos he makes on the walls of his room aswell.
He has had an hyperfixation with planes and dreams of becoming a pilot ever since he was a little kid. However those dreams were shut down pretty quickly by his parents, who prefered if he had any other occupation in his life. Or thoughts the schools were too expensive. That never truly stopped Pat from still dreaming to become one someday, though.
I honestly wanna talk about childhood headcanons I have in a separate post, so let me just say that he was just as chaotic as he is as a kid. He didnt have many friends, though. His college years were definitely the loneliest. He was alone in his apartment, with no roomates, and tried a few flings to feel less lonely. That didn't really work out, and he would usually end his relationships within a few weeks.
...He gets flustered pretty easily.....He's touch starved....Just one compliment and he's out of commission. He just lacked a lot of affection in his early life, I suppose. Even though ..
HE IS SOOO CLINGY. Like. This man jumps on you constantly. He attaches to your back like a baby koala. He strong holds your arm and doesn't intend to leave. He launches onto you when he sees you. He is just an incredibly affectionate guy. Oh, he uh. he stims by. slapping. his friends. a lot. Just slaps them across their face. or poked their cheek. or plays with their hair. yea. Also don't forget that he's soooo patethic. He cries over spilled milk. He drops his lunch and starts sobbing. Also that one saga on my blog is all canon to him. He is that kind of guy.
OOOOH He tends to be such a people pleaser. He needs people to like him. And well, if he thinks you're his friend, he doesnt stop staring at you. Or follow you around. Especially follow you. You might just find him behind you all of a sudden.
I've talked about how chaotic he can be, just let me say that this guy shouldn't be trusted around weapons or explosives. at all. You know. Penis Blast. 20 injured. No one knows how he even owns a switchblade, however he's quite good at close combat. He CAN take you down despite looking like a fuckin stick
I have a few more for Pat, but I feel like they deserve their own separated post aswell because. Paul deserves the spotlight too!!
I'm so obsessed with the headcanon that he had like. 40 different jobs before the army or even after it. So of course I yoinked it for my own interpretation. Even though I see him as more of a mechanic kind of guy? Like. He works with motors and shit. He knows how to fix those. Truck Freak (/j) (is he into cars..maybe...mayhaps....thinks hard) Like. I just see him as a manual jobs kind of guy
He is REALLY strong physically, if that wasn't obvious. He could quite literally chuck Pat into space if he wants. He probably did it a few times not gonna lie
I also really like the idea that he has a twin, and that twin is Mike. (the moviemakers guy, you know). Like yes it's obvious but I like it nonetheless. I also think he had a single parent aswell. I can't honestly decide who, but probably a single father. Loving father and all, of course. But maybe still left his house early to like. help his family financially. He still wanted to give an hand in the house, probably out of not wanting to be a weight on his parent's shoulders.
I looked at him once and thought. Oh, you have the worst anger issues known to man (/hj). What do you mean he's screaming? that's his normal voice tone. He isn't angry HE IS INCREDIBLY CALM. If only he wasn't paired with a guy who constantly makes him go nuts over the tiniest thing. and takes actual pleasure in doing that too, just making him scream at all times. He is very quick to just grab someone and shake them profoundly. OH, his dead pan look is the default face he has. I mean, you've seen the uno animatic.
His sleep schedule is a complete disaster. He probably sleeps for like, 3 hours at best. Don't worry, he has tried everything he could to help with this. nothing has worked. no wonder he looks 50 despite being barely 28. Single divorced father looking ass
Yes, He still has his smoking habit. It became less with time, if that is something, honestly. He still smokes two packs a day though, which isnt really much better
He's secretely a softie despite his outside personality. Oh he cares a lot about the people close to him, wanting to protect them and stuff. He'd die if something bad was to happen to any of them. But he has also built 40 different emotional fortresses in order to not let that even slip. If you find out about that, your days are numbered. He really doesn't want to be seen as weak or vulnerable because of his feelings.
Yes, he still is the brawn to Pat's uh. uhh. brains. Nevermind. they both exchange roles honestly, they shouldn't be having ideas together constantly. They're both chaotic together. Maybe he also wants to see the world burn and Patryck will help him with that.
This also was taken from a rp I had with a friend, but I like to imagine that he's a coffee addict. Probably even tea. Then he wonders why he doesn't sleep at night. I mean, at least he stays awake enough to do stuff, the daily grind or something, He doesn't want to waste time or anything....
AAND that's all I have for this post, and like I said, I probably forgot some stuff once again, but because I have sooo many of those that unless i write them down, i'll just forget about it. Yeah that's on me this time around, feel free to ask or something if youre interested- wow that sounded weird JDGLKSDGHS plus this post is long enough.
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blu-joons · 3 years
When He Looks After Your Children Alone ~ BTS Reaction
His eyes widened as he walked back into the kitchen to the state your two youngest children had made of their food on the floor and their seats. “You’re never this messy,” Jin muttered under his breath, “why are you like this for me?”
“What?” Your daughter asked innocently as Jin grabbed the paper and wipes to clean it up.
His head shook, kissing against the top of her head, “you like causing trouble for daddy, don’t you?”
“Me?” She continued to tease, staring across at her brother who matched her own clueless expression. “We didn’t do anything wrong; we just ate our dinner.”
“Sassy like your father too,” he frowned, kneeling down on the floor. “Did you even manage to eat any of this?”
His question was answered when his son opened his mouth to reveal a mouthful of food. “Yeah!” He spluttered, only adding to the mess for Jin to clean up.
“Alright, let’s stop talking and eat,” Jin chuckled, tapping the top of his head, “it’s like cleaning up a zoo in here.”
“We’re not animals,” your daughter smartly responded, rendering Jin speechless.
“No, you’re beautiful humans little one.”
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The sight of the living room left Yoongi stunned, noticing the toybox of your children turned upside down, leaving the toys all over the floor. “My doll fell right to the bottom,” your son announced, holding up the toy he searched for.
“Your mum will be home in a minute,” Yoongi sighed, kneeling down to pick up a couple of the toys.
Your daughter followed behind Yoongi, noticing the mess. “She won’t like the house being this untidy.”
“Exactly,” Yoongi frowned, looking between the two of them. “Do you reckon we could clear up the toys and then I promise we can all play with our toys.”
“But I want to play with my doll now,” your son cried out, crawling to the back of the room. “Y/D/N can help you clean up; she’s not doing anything.”
Yoongi’s head shook, taking the doll from his son. “You’re the one that caused this mess, so you can help clear it.”
“I’ll tell mummy,” your son continued to whine, but Yoongi’s head shook, refusing to let him get away with doing nothing.”
“I’ll tell mummy your trouble,” he challenged, watching your son’s eyes widen.
“Fine, I guess I’ll help.”
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His arms wrapped around his two girls who curled into either side of his chest, gripping tightly onto their blankets as their eyes threatened to close. “Daddy, can you sing to us?” Your eldest whispered up to her father.
“I don’t sing,” he reminded them yet again, “I don’t think a rap is good to get to sleep.”
Your other daughter’s head shook, glancing up at him. “You can sing, that’s why you’re famous.”
“Of course,” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to the tops of both of their heads. “Is there a song you can agree on for daddy to sing you to sleep then?”
“Butterfly,” your youngest called out, but straight away your eldest groaned, shaking her head across at her sister. “What’s wrong with butterfly?”
She let go of a sigh, “I prefer when daddy sings Mikrokosmos, it reminds me of when we went to go and watch him in the concert with uncles.”
“How about I sing both?” He suggested, determined to keep the peace between the two of them. “I can do a medley of the two to keep you both happy.”
“But Mikrokosmos first,” your daughter quickly chimed, making Hobi chuckle.
“Maybe I’ll choose a different song first.”
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He couldn’t help but groan as the shrieks of your three children playing downstairs gave him no peace to carry on with trying to get his lyrics written. “What’s wrong?” Your eldest asked when Namjoon sighed yet again.
“You’re so noisy,” he laughed loudly, “how does your mum work with all of this noise every day?”
Your youngest shrugged beside him, “mummy plays with us too, not just sit on her computer all day.”
“Does she?” Namjoon frowned, noticing the third spin around to nod in agreement with their siblings. “I guess I have been a bit neglectful of you this morning.”
“What if we help you write a song?” The eldest of the trio suggested, “you always say that you want us to be like you.”
Namjoon hummed, glancing at the three of them, “why don’t you grab a pen and some paper, and we can see if we can come up with something good to write?”
“I’m on it!” Your youngest yelled, racing through the house. “Maybe we could be the ones to write BTS’ next hit.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” Namjoon smiled, “but it’s worth a try maybe.”
“Don’t underestimate us daddy.”
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His eyes lit up when he noticed the drawings your two sons had drawn, squinting his eyes to try and figure out what exactly it was. “What have your drawn?” Jimin asked, trying not to hurt their feelings with his question.
“It’s mum,” the eldest of the two pointed out, as if it was far too obvious for Jimin to doubt.
Jimin looked a little closer, still struggling to see the resemblance. “How come you’ve drawn mummy?”
“We miss her,” the younger announced, “we want to give her a present for when she came back from her work trip so she wouldn’t forget us.”
“She’s not forgetting you,” Jimin quickly assured the two of them, “she’s only been gone for two days, it’s impossible to forget you.”
Their two sets of eyes turned up to look adoringly at their father. “Do you think mummy would like to come home and see our paintings up on the wall.”
“Of course, I do,” Jimin grinned, knowing how much you savoured all of their work. “We can put them all up in the living room.”
“Really?” The elder asked in slight disbelief, “can we make more for her?”
“We can make plenty.”
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When you were called into work last minute, Taehyung was terrified about being the only parent, waiting anxiously for you to come home that evening. “So, how was everything?” You asked him and your children as you sat to dinner.
“We had fun,” Taehyung began, trying to stop his children to spoiling the truth about the day to you.
Your head nodded, looking across at your three kids. “Did you have fun with daddy, was he good?”
“Well,” your eldest stuttered, feeling Taehyung’s eyes stare across at him. “It was a little bit chaotic; daddy definitely needs you mummy to look after us.”
“He broke some of the dinner plates,” the middle child interjected, “and I’m pretty sure he burnt our dinner, it was a bit black.”
Your eyes widened, glaring across at Taehyung. “How did you manage to burn their lunch? It’s one of the simplest meals to make, which is why I chose it.”
“It’s not as easy as you make it look,” he protested, “and they were no help, all they did was laugh at me not help me.”
“They’re children,” you reminded him, “what more did you possibly expect from them?”
“Single parenting is not for me.”
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Your two daughters groaned as Jungkook finally pulled out the karaoke machine, much to their dismay. “We don’t want to sing,” the eldest cried out, “we always just end up listening to you singing to us instead dad.”
“It’s fun,” he protested, plugging the machine in. “And you love to hear me sing? You always ask me.”
Both of their heads shook, “we enjoy going to your concerts, not singing in our living room together.”
“Mum would never do this with us,” the other chimed in, rolling their eyes. “She does things that all of us want to do, not just what she wants to do.”
“What does she do?” Jungkook asked them, refusing to acknowledge that you might just be the better parent of the two.
Their eyes looked across at each other, “she always takes us to the park, and she knows how much we love to bake, that’s why you always come home to cake.”
“Then, let’s make a cake,” Jungkook established, unplugging the machine. “If mummy can make a cake, then daddy can also make a cake.”
“Can you make a cake?” Your daughter squirmed, staring hopelessly at him.
“Of course, I can make a cake.”
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Avengers x teen!reader
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Thin ice.
That’s what Secretary Ross had said to you the last time you spoke. You’re on thin ice, kid.
Why did he choose to threaten you like that? Because you were iffy on the Accords. That was all it took. He was threatening your position as an Avenger, one you had fought so hard to secure. And there were still hurdles you hadn’t quite hopped yet, being the youngest on the team and all. A “kid” to them.
One strike and you were out, they warned you some years ago, but did you listen?
No, that’s why you were standing in an evacuated airport with Steve and the sensible half of the gang. Guard up, morale down...but you suppose that your expectations were the same.
“Y/N, you really need to rethink this one before it’s too late.” Tony had warned you, but you were so goddamned sick of being warned. You knew exactly what you were doing and you were not going to be stopped, it was time for them to stop pretending like you needed constant guidance.
“Do I, Tony?” You crossed your arms and tapped your foot on the pavement, just on the verge of snapping. “Have some faith in me, why don’t you? Who’s got a better track record of thinking things through: me or you?”
“Seriously, kid, you’re putting everything in jeopardy.” He sounded serious, that was new. “If you get stuck on the wrong side of this, it’s no more avenging for you.”
“Is that a threat?” You raised your eyebrows as Steve glanced at you, making sure that you weren’t having second thoughts. Yeah, right.
“That’s a promise.” Tony honestly looked a little scared. He should be. “Do you remember how hard it was to get you on the team? You were a child—still are, might I add! They said you didn’t belong out here, we said you did. I’m beginning to regret that now.”
“You’re saying they’re gonna demote me?” Could he tell you were stalling? Oof, guess you’ll know soon enough.
“Demote you?” Tony repeated back. “I wish that were it, y/n. You’re gonna get canned, blacklisted. They’re gonna make your life a living hell. You really want to give it all up now? You’ve come so far, don’t throw it all away over Steve’s sentiment.” You’d heard enough of that, now it was time to lose your cool.
“This isn’t all about helping Steve,” you told him while raising your fists, ready to cause some chaos, “I’m sick of taking the fall for you.” Tony rolled his eyes and finally called for backup.
“Underoos!” A blur of red flew in front of you and Steve, disarming your counterpart before the kid rambled an introduction that sounded a bit...off.
“Are you kidding me, Tony? You give me shit for being a kid and then recruit a twelve year old?” You groaned and watched the kid’s masked eyes get wide. “Don’t correct me, bugboy, I don’t care.”
“Yeah, well, he’s on my side so I’m cutting him some slack.” Tony justified his reasoning as you waited just a few more seconds for Scott to get into position.
“That’s enough, are we ready yet? This is starting to get boring.” And then all hell broke loose as Steve got free of webs, Scott threw the first punch, and the rest of your teams took off. That was your chance to strike Tony with a bolt of lightning in an attempt to shut down his suit, but he always had contingencies.
“Nice one, y/n, but I installed a surge protector after the last time!” Tony blasted at you with his repulsors set to stun, only missing you by a hair.
“Oh, yeah? You get one for Rhodes, too?” You asked, switching your aim to the War Machine armor and overloading it until it shut down.
“Seriously, Tony? You didn’t think to upgrade mine, too?” Rhodey groaned while rushing to reboot.
“Get over it!” Tony bickered as you ran by, booking it for the Quinjet. “Vision, don’t let y/n get away!” And then the android was flying towards you.
“I can’t let you go any further, y/n.” He informed, blocking your path and giving you a moment to catch your breath. “It’s not too late to change sides. You could help us all stay together. After all, that’s what we all want.” You took a glimpse behind you at all of your feuding loved ones who were beating each other senseless and although you hated to see it, you would not be backing down so easily.
“I’m not risking innocent lives to stay roommates.” You gave him a quick jolt that’d incapacitate him just long enough for you to escape his grasp, but it wasn’t long before the team called upon you for help.
“Y/N, I need backup!” Steve called over the comms.
“On my way, Cap!” You doubled back and met up with the rest of your team, knowing that this battle had only begun. You looked down the line of allies you had and looked across to allies you’d lost, knowing that this day would change your life forever.
“You guys ready?” You sighed, charging up your fists and deciding on a target.
“Ready for what?” Scott asked as the two lines of super-people began to converge. “Oh, that.” You all picked up the pace and you decided to take the fight to the kid since he’d been causing enough trouble.
“Woah! What was that for?!” He yelped when you gave him a little shock and rubbed is arm. “Am I gonna have a heart attack?”
“You’ll be fine,” you scoffed, still ready to strike again if need be, “and it’s just business, kid. Tony should have known better than to get you involved.”
“Well, Mr. Stark made me this really cool suit, so I’m not complaining.” He shrugged before shooting a web from each wrist, but he’d regret it just as quickly as he acted since you accidentally sent two charges back up the web, sending him flying back.
“Oops...” You covered your mouth and watched to make sure he got back up, or maybe you did give him a heart attack. No, he was getting back up. “Are you good?” You called over.
“Yeah, I’m good!” He gave you a thumbs up and crouched over to catch his breath.
“Just walk it off, kid!” You reused some old advice and were suddenly called on by the person who gave it.
“Y/N, it’s now or never!” You swiveled your head to see Steve and Bucky make a break for it and decided that it was time for you to do the same, so you ran straight past the kid and tried to keep up with the two super soldiers. Thankfully, Wanda gave you a boost so you didn’t get left behind. After Natasha let you past, you and just two of your teammates made it out of there. At least some of you did.
You stood your ground against Tony as he lit up his repulsors, trying to get a clear shot of Bucky or Steve.
“Y/N, you haven’t thought this through at all!” Tony argued with you, trying to get you to see it from his poing of view. “I promise you it’s not too late to turn this all around. I’ll tell Ross you were my double agent or something, anything to keep you from getting thrown in the Raft!” You glanced back at Steve, who was buying into Tony’s rant more than you were.
“He’s right, y/n.” Steve lowered his shoulders some. “I can’t drag you down any more, you can’t come back from this.” You gulped, feeling as something were stuck in your throat. You didn’t think that this battle would lead you here.
“After everything I did to help you, you want to leave me with him?” You asked with tears beginning to brim in your eyelids.
“I don’t want to abandon you, that’s the last thing I’d want to do.” Steve explained. “But I know that Tony’s telling the truth, he won’t let them hurt you. If you get caught with us, they’ll know you’re guilty and you might never come back from it. I can’t let you give it all up for us.” You looked back to Tony, who agreed with Steve for once.
“I’ll make it go away. And I won’t hold it against you, okay? You made me proud, even if you were a pain in the ass.” His hand was still aimed towards Bucky, but you’d yet to budge. This was a big decision you’d have to make. Switching sides just for a bailout? And then Tony’s aim switched to the opposite side of you, just before you felt a hand rest on your shoulder.
“You’d be doing me a favor by keeping yourself in Ross’s good graces, how about that?” Steve tried to reason. “I need you to stay safe, you won’t be safe with us.” You bit down on your tongue and took a deep breath, realizing that you’d have to take the easy way out of this one. You lowered your guard and gave everyone in the vicinity a moment of peace of mind.
“You two are both impossible.” You hung your head and relaxed your tense muscles, knowing that this was no longer your fight.
“Glad you finally realize that, no go wait in the Quinjet.” Tony instructed, patiently waiting for you to leave the blast zone before the three of them got to work. It was about to get much more messy than it did at the airport, they’d rather you miss this part. And even if it broke your heart, they had to do what was best for you. Apparently, it was never too late to start.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @blizzardbabe // @agentshortstacc //
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
Giving Home a Heartbeat - @doubleredweek Day 7
Read on AO3
Jason’s pretty sure that somewhere underneath all these boxes is the house they bought, he’s just not quite sure where.
“Jay Jay, Daddy stopped picking up boxes and sat down, so I’m picking up the slack!” Lian shouts over the distinct scraping sound of cardboard. Jason turns and there she is walking backwards her tiny hands pulling a box along that’s practically the same size as her not even breaking a sweat. Sometimes Jason thinks they really need to ask Jade about any superhuman abilities she might be hiding that could have been passed down.
Jason shakes his head and walks over to her lifting the box and sitting it over with the rest of the living room Jenga stack of cardboard boxes that is their life.
“Good work princess,” Jason says ruffling her hair as she sidles up next to him looking at all the boxes with a much more gleeful look on her face than the one he’s sporting.
“I am not slacking,” Roy shouts with a struggling groan. Jason turns back to the door watching as Roy takes a step through with three heavy boxes precariously stacked on top of one another in his arms blockading Roy’s body almost entirely from view. Jason rushes over to his side taking the highest one revealing Roy’s head his messy hair dripping with sweat and poking out wildly from underneath his backwards cap.
“These are the last ones and I just didn’t want to make numerous trips,” he grunts shifting the boxes in his arms. “Dick and Babs are taking the truck back and sweetly said they will not be coming back to help us unpack.” Jason rolls his eyes eight siblings, one younger than them aunt, two pseudo sisters-in-laws, a literal space traveling brother-in-law, three parental figures and one grandfatherly figure between the two of them and not one of them stuck around long enough to put all these boxes through the front door.
“We don’t know exactly how you want everything set up,” Connor had justified as he and Kyle started floating up into the sky and away as soon as the truck was full as if Jason, Roy and especially Lian wouldn’t happily boss them around with instructions of where to place things.
Stephanie, Tim and Damian even had the audacity to eat half the moving day pizza on their own, pick up one box together and then disappear. Teamwork Steph had called it before high fiving Roy and running after her boyfriend. Chaotic bisexuals Roy had sighed as they sped away on her motorcycle Damian already long gone slipping off like a silent shadow in the mid-day.
At least Roy and Jason hadn’t had to pay for the pizza they got one shared slice of, after twenty minutes of arguing about who should pay Oliver and Bruce had settled on splitting. Though knowing Bruce Jason would bet he added on a bigger tip when Ollie’s back was turned just to spite him.
“Do you think the Aqua Family treat each other this way?” Jason says watching as Lian tosses a small box up on the still covered in plastic couch and starts tearing at the tape.
“I bet they swim across the seven seas and happily move their family’s underwater décor without complaint,” Roy says as he slips behind Jason resting his chin on Jason’s shoulder. Together they survey the room with the knowledge that every other room in the house looks much the same, a labyrinth of boxes. It’s gonna take them weeks to unpack all the stuff from the workshop alone.
“I know we don’t know her as well as my dad and Bruce, but do you think if we put in a call to Zatanna she’d just,” Roy says flicking his hands around Jason’s waist in a pale comparison to the intricate patterns Jason’s seen her do in battle. “Ya know, poof and we’re unpacked.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” Jason sighs. Lian has fully opened the box now pulling out item after item that definitely all belong in the kitchen not on their living room couch.
Roy faux cries burying his face in Jason’s neck sadly. Jason reaches up a hand only slightly condescendingly patting at Roy’s head.
“Alright, we gotta start somewhere. Lian’s room is the priority, you and I have slept on far more uncomfortable things than a plastic wrapped couch,” he says, they’ve already got a start in there anyways thanks to Alfred the only member of their families who’s not an ingrate setting up her pink and green matching bed, bookshelf, desk and wall shelves without even being asked. Jason survey’s the room eyes falling over to the kitchen. “I’d say we shoot for finishing the kitchen tonight too, but we can always just order takeout again.”
“More pizza!” Lian squeals in delight twirling a bundle of measuring cups around and around in one hand.
“No, we’ll get something else,” Roy says and Lian’s face drops just a little. “Something with lots of vegetables, like Thai maybe.” She perks back up at that.
“As long as I don’t have to eat peas,” she grumbles trading the measuring cups out for a ladle she taps delightedly on the boxes flap.
“Fine, no peas,” Jason says slipping away from Roy and grabbing the box Lian has been playing around with as she shouts triumphantly about the lack of peas in her future. He tosses the things she’s taken out of the box back in and slides it onto the kitchen counter to deal with later.
“Go to your room and start unpacking the boxes labeled books first okay,” Roy says lifting her up from the couch her legs sticking to the plastic as he does and settling her feet on the ground. “Put some on the lower shelves, but don’t try to reach the high shelves without Jay or I’s help okay?”
Lian nods furiously skittering off clapping her hands in joy, her light up Scooby Doo shoes going wild with every step.
“Promise, Daddy!” she shouts as she hightails it up the stairs and turns the corner sharply. A light thud earns their attention as soon as she disappears from sight followed by silence.
“Lian?” Jason shouts after her already braced to rush the stairs if she doesn’t respond instantly. Roy does the same.
“I’m okay, I just kicked a box over!” she shouts back and they both breathe a sigh of relief. “And it knocked over two more!” she says with utter delight causing them both to chuckle.
“If we want to get this house done before she’s out of high school, we’re gonna need to send her for an archery range day with grandpa tomorrow,” Roy says walking over to Jason. He hops up onto the kitchen island kicking his feet out back and forth.
“And maybe an ice cream day with aunt Emiko the day after that, just in case,” Jason adds on as he settles himself between Roy’s dangling legs his back to Roy’s front. Roy wraps his arms back around him, placing his chin back where it had been in the living room.
They both gaze out across the rooms, across their home, across what it will be in a few days’ time. Jason never thought he’d call Star City home, hell he never thought he’d get out of the Narrows, but here he is a homeowner with a man he fully intends to keep for the rest of his life and a little girl he considers his daughter.
“It’s gonna look great when it’s all set up,” Roy says nuzzling his face softly to Jason’s temple. “The perfect mix of superhero chic and parents of a five-year-old who only occasionally cleans up after herself.”
“An interior designers dream,” Jason chuckles leaning back further into Roy’s arms.
“Jade’s gonna hate it,” Roy laughs.
“Oh god, I’ll fly Alfred out to help me clean just to be sure it’s spotless when the time comes. When does she get back from South America?”
“The fourteenth, she’s taking Lian for the week, remember?” Roy says pressing a quick kiss to Jason’s jaw. The fourteenth, that’s plenty of time to make it look it’s best to at least cut her sly judgements in half.
They’re quiet for a while comfortably listening to the rustling sound of Lian tearing tape off of boxes above them. She’s probably gonna be wrapped in it by the time they get up here.
“We own a house,” Jason says breaking the comfortable quiet still stunned by the fact they’ve made it here. Six years ago he walked away from Roy, the worst mistake he’s ever made, and somehow impossibly when he came crawling back Roy welcomed him with open arms and now they’re here. It feels almost too good to be true.
Roy nods and Jason can feel his smile against his neck.
“Your stuck with me now Jaybird,” he chuckles and Jason pulls Roy’s arms around him tighter, happily stuck. They bask in each other’s arms a little longer when the sound of tape gets louder and more prominent followed by a giggle and comical ‘oops’ from Lian.
“We better go help her before she mummifies herself in packing tape,” Roy chuckles slipping out from behind Jason and making his way to the stairs taking them two at a time. Jason hangs back for a moment just looking one last time at the space in front of him, looking at their home before following the sounds of tape being unwrapped from clothes and the laughter of the two most important people in his world.
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veliseraptor · 4 years
how about top 5 ways Yi City arc could've ended differently?
oh god, anon, there are so many and as long as Xue Yang comes out of them alive I’m on board for pretty much all of them, but I guess if I’m picking favorites...we’re talking, like, branch points anywhere?
1. The concept behind if living can be this where Song Lan makes a major moral compromise and ends up moving in. Whether or not secrets come out immediately is optional. Anyway! He got invited for a free lunch and he should take it.
Though I’ll go ahead and broaden this one and say any universe where Song Lan shows up and it doesn’t end in anyone dead (and specifically in eventually some form of cohabiting) which is a thing that could take many forms (I’ve written at least three) and they all have much potential for angst and misery and that good crunchy shit like that.
This is, in some ways, the most...functional??? of the five scenarios on this list. Alarming.
2. Xiao Xingchen comes back. Obviously this is the premise of the spectacular fic by @silvysartfulness, but I’m going to be here for anything where Xue Yang somehow manages to pull off the impossible/implausible and, sometime during the period of time between Xiao Xingchen’s death and Xue Yang’s death, brings him back from the dead. It’s not going to be good! Or easy! And you can do fun things with horror of many different types with this idea, in varying levels of darkness/dead dove to fix-it, depending on how you’re feeling. Obviously I’m going to prefer the latter. Or, well, really, some combination of both, but.
I am always a bit of a sucker for comes-back-wrong.
I also probably prefer Xiao Xingchen coming back after some period of time has passed, though I’m flexible on that - I like giving Xue Yang time to go through coming up with some kind of explanation for himself about how yes this was terrible but it’s going to be fine and they can totally figure this out, people have fights all the time and it ends up okay, it can’t be that hard.
(It is that hard. It is actually harder.)
Part of the appeal here, too, is even if Xiao Xingchen doesn’t come back wrong there’s still the trope of comes back fucked up, in the style of Buffy’s resurrection - beyond just traumatized by his death and what happened before it, being traumatized because he was brought back.
I love psychologically torturing characters for fun and no profit! That is a normal hobby, surely.
3. Xue Yang survives and goes on a horrible road trip with Song Lan. eyyyy will you look at that, another one I’m writing. look, I feel like ultimately I’m going to end up writing some form of everything on this list, sooner or later. I am just Like That and also that desperate.
There’s similarities, potentially, between this and above, but the thing about this one that’s different is the fact that Xiao Xingchen (at least for now! I always want to get him back eventually) is still dead, as is for sure a-Qing. Which means it really is just this miserable pair of people who hate each other with three arms, fourteen fingers, and one tongue between them.
And look. I am weak to a lot of things that this potentially entails. Road trips with people who loathe each other! Unwillingly shared grief! People trying to navigate life after they thought it was over! Almost certainly eventual hatefucking/proxyfucking/grieffucking! Good stuff and I’m here for all of it.
And like. This is a canon with necromancy, who says Xiao Xingchen or a-Qing need to be gone forever.
4. Xiao Xingchen knows who Xue Yang is from the beginning. (And doesn’t kill him.)
Actually, this one might be the most functional one on this list, depending on how it goes. Again, it’s one which also has a few different directions it could go, including one that I probably will end up writing, eventually.
This is also related to AUs where Xiao Xingchen figures out who Xue Yang is at some point in the middle, which are also good; I’m especially fond there of ones where Xiao Xingchen doesn’t outright or immediately tell Xue Yang that he knows.
As an AU, this one is nice because it has the potential to forestall some of the worst of Yi City happenings (all the murders) by virtue of Xiao Xingchen either being more cautious (if he doesn’t tell Xue Yang he’s aware), or Xue Yang not being able to play the game he wants to (because he knows Xiao Xingchen knows who he is, which necessarily changes his behavior). It’s also nice because it means getting to play with moral flexibility and questions of morality generally, which is something that I like and also part of the appeal of #1 on this list.
5. Xiao Xingchen’s suicide is unsuccessful. There are so many ways!!! this can go (do you see a theme here?) and all of them are potentially messy and horrible. I’ve written headcanons for a couple different versions of this (here and here) and a fic for another version. Some of the appeal here is that it can either go really badly (ending in, most likely, a murder-suicide) or it could go better, though that would take a hell of a lot of work, but that is the fun kind of work, at least for me if not anyone else involved.
This one has some overlap and similarity with #2 on this list, to some extent, but it’s also different - the major way in which it’s different is that while there’s the panic resulting from Xiao Xingchen nearly dying (whoops), there’s not the period of grief and desperation that follow after him actually dying. It makes for a rawer Xue Yang, and one still scrambling to figure out what to do about the situation while he’s still in the middle of it, as opposed to one who has had the chance to think a little, and a Xiao Xingchen who is also much rawer in some ways, but also doesn’t have the trauma of death on him. (Doesn’t have the possible peace of it, either, but.)
BONUS: Ever since I wrote blood, dust, ashes I’ve been haunted by the concept of a-Qing and Xue Yang collaborating after Xiao Xingchen’s death to try to bring him back (and bonus dead!Song Lan? not sure how a-Qing would feel about that). It might just end up crashing and burning and ultimately going the same way as canon but regardless I find the concept extremely intriguing and kind of want to poke at it more, if I had the time/energy/motivation/concrete idea for it.
I have just gotten very attached to that relationship and the chaotic energy of that team up just seems like a fantastic opportunity and also the kind if disaster that I love.
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
Upstead prompt 67 and/or 77 💛
67. “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.” + 77. “There is nothing wrong with you.”
It’s her fault things have been awkward between her and Jay, Hailey knows that.
He hasn’t really given her an answer to her suggestion that they get married. But if she’s being honest, she sort of needs it. Things are too chaotic and messy in her head right now. Every time she closes her eyes she’s back in that warehouse with Voight. Jay’s the only thing that makes it fade away into the back of her mind. Marrying him feels right. And so what if it’s just her clinging onto the only stable thing in her life? That doesn’t mean she’s not ready for it. She is-- or she thinks she is, at least.
But he’d told her to think it over, that they should talk about it after they know Kim’s okay, and she takes it as a bad sign.
Kim gets out of the hospital today. They’re finally discharging her and Jay’s dropped by to change into new clothes before going to see her. Adam had arranged for the whole unit, with the exception of Voight, to be there for her when she gets to the apartment. Makayla will like the extra company and Kim being alive is worth celebrating.
When Jay’s done changing, Hailey’s still pacing around her apartment. She knows today will be hard: seeing Kim without thinking of what she and Voight did will be damn near impossible and frankly, she’s already spiraling enough as it is. But Jay notices her distress, furrows his brows and steps in front of her to stop her pacing. “Hey, I’m ready. Are you good?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” she tells him absentmindedly, her mind elsewhere as she runs hands through her loose hair. She realizes she hasn’t stopped fidgeting since Jay came out of her room but honestly, fscing him head on is too hard not to. This uncertainty about whether he wants to marry her, on top of the secret that’s devouring her whole, is enough to make her afraid to look at him. We can go now.”
Jay eyes her up and down worriedly, shaking his head after a beat of silence. “No, not yet. Not until you tell me what’s up with you.”
“What?” Her head jerks up, meeting his steady gaze for the first time that afternoon. He doesn’t look angry or scared, just concerned. He’s soft and warm and she melts under his gaze. It makes her want to scream and cry and let everything out.
She doesn’t.
“You’ve been acting strange ever since Kim’s abduction. I know it was scary and we all got put through the ringer, Kim especially, but this is different. So talk to me, Hailey. What’s going on?”
She swallows hard, choosing the more surface level issue to talk about instead of the real issue. Because the real issue is something dark and ugly that she isn’t ready to face. Not yet, anyway. “I know you said I said we should get married out of shock, but it’s been two weeks. Kim’s better, she’s getting discharged from the hospital. You haven’t said anything about it.”
His shoulders sag slightly as he shakes his head. She can see his mind spinning in his irises. “I told you, Hailey. There was a lot going on that night, I just don’t want to jump into anything if you don’t mean it.”
“I do,” she insists. “I mean it, Jay. I know it’s fast but we love each other.”
“Yes, we do,” Jay agrees. “But there’s more to this than just me not giving you an answer about getting married, Hailey. I’m not giving you an answer because that’s not the top priority. The top priority now is whatever’s going on with you.”
“Nothing’s going on with me,” she protests meekly, almost in a whisper, as she breaks eye contact and bites her lip.
“Like hell it is,” he replies. It’s not loud or roaring, but there’s the slightest edge to his voice that’s only slightly overpowered by his overwhelming worry. “You haven’t been the same since that night. Even then, when you came home before seeing Kim in the hospital, you were freaked out. You think I don’t know you well enough to know when you’re spiraling over something? C’mon, Hailey. I can tell something’s wrong. What the hell happened at that warehouse?”
“Nothing,” she tries lying again but is completely unconvincing— and completely filled with tears that start to pool up in her eyes. Blinking them back only ends up blinking them out and they stream onto her cheek. Fuck. This lie can’t keep going, can it?
Voight had told her not to say a word though. Jay won’t look at her the same after this. He’ll hate her; want nothing to do with her. But the damn is slowly breaking with each aching plea that Jay lets out. She can feel it but can’t fight it.
“Don’t do that,” he warns. “You can’t keep shutting me out. I’m not going anywhere don’t you get that by now? At the very least, just admit something’s wrong. If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.”
Hailey shakes her head, her hands shaking even more. She’s tempted to start her pacing again, adjacent to Jay, but instead settles on shifting her weight over to her other leg and fidgeting with her thumbs. “I can’t,” she sputters, choking on her words. “I can’t, Jay. You’ll never look at me the same again.”
“How can you know that without telling me what it is?”
“I just do,” Hailey tells him. “There is something very wrong with me, Jay. That night only made it worse and now I can’t go back or undo my mistakes. I thought if we got married that it might make it go away but it won’t. Everything that happened, everything I did, it’ll never go away. Just don’t ask me to drag you into this hell too. You deserve better than this— than me.”
“Hey, hey,” he soothes her, closing the small space between them and lifting his hands to rub her shoulders. “There is nothing wrong with you. And I’d go through hell for you, Hailey, you know that. I love you. Please, just— just tell me what happened. Tell me why you’re so freaked out. Please.”
She sucks in a sharp breath. That little voice in her head, the one scarily similar to Voight’s, is telling her that she needs to keep her mouth shut if she wants to survive. But her heart, in a rare moment of clarity, know that she needs to tell Jay if she wants to live. She may never have a happy ending with him if she tells him, but she definitely won’t have one if she doesn’t. Jay Halstead is the most steady constant in her life. If that steadiness is now conditional on her telling the truth, then, well… she’ll keep it intact. She wants to rip of the bandaid and break free from this prison her mind’s been in for the past two weeks. She wants to finally be saved from this secret that’s been drowning her and reap whatever consequences that come her way. She wants to tell him.
So she does.
She takes another deep and shaky breath, wiping away the tears that only frustrate her more. Her head bows, but then move back up to meet his eye. His steady gaze gives her the last push of strength she needs.
“I killed Roy.”
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shaolin-spin-doctor · 3 years
Yo. Can you imagine kissing Kung Lao? Like not only just his face and lips but also just him? Be he be in the movies, video games, older or younger, or rev.. Y'all are walking holding hands and you just bring his hand to your face to kiss it. Or cuddling with his biceps close to your face so you turn your head to give it a kiss and hold him tight to you. Just kissing him, littering his face with kisses and just giving him a deep one on his lips with your hands cupping his face. He wakes up after a nightmare and you kiss his neck, collarbone, shoulder, back, or what have you to let him know you're there for him and cuddle? I'm yearning pretty hard over here, and I need to get to sleep it like a little past 1:33 a.m. over here, but it's Kung Lao! Did I mentioned how much I love him? Cause I do.
It's okay my dude. we all love Kung Lao over here and yearn for him 24/7 because he deserves all the affection in the world
Okay so, kissing Kung Lao. Since you mentioned a couple of versions of our boy, I'm gonna go ahead and describe what kissing some of them might be like taking into account each incarnation's personality because all of em deserve love.
Kissing the original Kung Lao feels impossibly soft and tender, almost ethereal. He'll return your advances with delicate kisses of his own, his lips akin to rose petals brushing against your skin; being the absolute gentleman he is, he'll then follow it up by wrapping his arms around your frame and whispering love words into your ear, his velvet voice rendering you unable to do anything but melt into his embrace. He'll treat you with the utmost care and devotion, but it never feels overbearing - you're his treasure, and he'll make sure to remind you of it with every touch.
Kissing Shaolin Monks Lao is harsh and rough around the edges, just like him. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but be aware that it can get kinda messy if you tempt him enough, and this man has very little restraint when it comes to... pretty much anything, really. Thus, kissing this version of Lao is a bit of a game of chance - sometimes he'll respond to a sweet kiss on his hand with a soft caress, a flirtatious remark and a little smooch of his own, and others a simple peck on the cheek will end up turning into a wild make out session against a wall. It's kind of chaotic, yes, but you can't deny it adds a captivating sense of thrill to the relationship.
MK2021 Lao is really, REALLY smooth, and while he might not return all your kisses right away, he will most definitely give you a charming smile, praise your kissing skills in a soft, almost purring voice and ghost his fingers over your skin in a way that makes you shudder and get goosebumps (the good kind). Whether you peck him on the nose, brush his neck with your lips or trail kisses down his spine, he will make sure to let you know how he feels about your advances with almost poetic compliments, and when he does reciprocate, well... Let's just say you're left breathless by the lethal combination of his sharp ability to find your tender spots and his kissing prowess.
Giving 9, X and 11 young Lao a kiss feels just like the first time both of your lips met - bold, vibrant and full of energy. His almost puppy-like eagerness to return the gesture and the way he'll chuckle, pick you up and twirl you around makes you want to cover him in even more smooches because gods, he's simply adorable. You can count on him absolutely smothering you with both verbal and physical affection everytime you do as much as give him a quick peck, and the soft feeling of butterflies fluttering inside your stomach never quite goes away no matter how many times it happens; it's pretty much the textbook definition of young love, and while it might be a little cliché, neither of you could care any less. Sure, Lao might boast about it to pretty much everyone (even yourself), but seeing the lovestruck smile on his face as he does so is completely worth it.
Kissing old Lao feels like a combination between his original incarnation and his younger self - age has mellowed him out a little and turned him into a bit of a romantic, so while there's still a bit of childlike excitement to be found in his reaction everytime you kiss him, more often than not his response will be soft and tender rather than intense. He'll gently take your face between his hands and place delicate kisses on your nose as he strokes your cheeks with his thumbs, or run his hand through your hair and massage your scalp in a soothing way, all the while bragging about how charming he is, because that is one thing he's never grown out of (though his ability to smoothly transition into flirting with you after he's done stroking his ego has only gotten better throughout the years). Not that it's a bad thing - he's right, anyway, and even if you were to get tired of it, you know you can just shut him up with a well placed smooch on the lips.
Kissing revenant Kung Lao... Takes a bit of getting used to. His skin feels tight and ice cold against your lips, completely unlike the gentle warmth you had come to expect, and the unnatural stiffness of his frame makes it almost impossible to believe he's the same man who used to hold you in his soft, cozy embrace all those years ago. You know it's him, but it doesn't feel like him, and, as such, trying to kiss him is kind of strange, at least initially. When you do get used to it again, however... you'll find yourself unable to stop peppering kisses all over his face, neck, chest, literally anywhere you can think of; his self-consciousness about his condition makes him uncharacteristically shy when it comes to returning your advances, but he's completely unable to hide how much he actually enjoys being coddled, so you will always feel him lean into your kisses or hum with contentment everytime your lips press against him. When he gathers enough courage to actually let his fingers trace your knuckles or even return your smooches with some of his own, he'll do so with an infinite amount of care, his touch so faint and gentle it makes you feel warm inside despite the iciness of his body - you know he's doing his best to return the love you show him, and it makes everything worth it.
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lost-inthedream · 4 years
SF9 Reaction to you asking for a facial
* Angel, you know that it is about c*mming all over your face, right??
This is hightly NSFW, so procced with caution. +18
You may find the reactions right under the cut. Have fun.
Is already used to pull his dick out and paint your thighs and/or stomach. Eventually spilling some of his seed on your throbbing pussy as well, but he never has a real target since cumming gets him too carried away every time.
If you ask him to cum on your face when he is about to release on the usual places, he would get really surprised, but would not think twice before gladly giving you what you want. He always give you whatever you ask for and feels glad that you aren’t ashamed at all.
Certainly cannot really pay attention if his cum hits your eyes or nose or… He just spurts everything out harshly.
Quickly removes the sticky fluid from your eyes or from close to them. He does not want it to irritate them or make you uncomfortable. He surely shows you the kindest gaze as he calls you his dear princess.
Usually cums inside and presses you very tightly onto his body, doesnt matter if he is thrusting into you from behind or face to face.
That’s why you prefer asking him to cum on your face when you still making out. He’s already drawing soft paints out of your mouth but you manage to gasp your request.
“Are you really into it or…?” he asks making you look into his eyes, because he genuinely worries about making you uneasy during your intimate moments. Since your signal is brightly green he is going to remember what you wish later, but it will not make him rush your session.
He makes sure to having you coming before him and then asks you mischievously “Will you let me pant this baby face of yours?” Once you barely hum back he places you sitting so he can stand up and shoot his load right in between your eyebrow. He groans then hisses but kept stroking his length until he is done.
Leans down to kiss you chaotically in no time as a reward or thank, it’s hard to distinguish it. 
Not gonna lie, he was the one who brought this subject first, but you refused it because you felt insecure.
It might take some time but one day or another, the idea seems appealing for you. Everyone can have a dirtier moment, right? At this point of your relationship, Jaeyoon has already come over every inch of your body but your face. He haven’t mention doing it a second time though.
When that terrible urge finally felt impossible to ignore, you finally ask him to do it at once.
I bet you’ve never seen him coming so fast, but just a feel harsh stimulations with your hands have him spilling a thick jet on you, on the space between your lips and nose. He takes his dick from your hands and jerks himself off in a fast and desperate pace. His moans are louder enough to fill the entire room as his head falls back.
He gets on his knees in front of you and kiss you recklessly, tasting his own seed on your lips and making it even messier.
This guy might have been thought about staining your pretty face with his cum a lot of times but he was sure that you would say no. In the other hand, he has came on your breast plenty of times and it felt pretty satisfying for him.
This time you stops him from  doing so, once he points his pulsating cock towards your chest and suggest him to splash everything on your face instead. “Y/n fuck” he hisses and releases so much on your cheek. His legs shaking, his eyes stuck on you but actually very hazy because he’s too high as usual.  
He just breaths heavily after he runs all of his load out on you.
You take his cock in your hands to distract yourself while waiting him to come back to Earth. His viscous fluids drop a bit from your chin but it does not bother you, you just want him to see how beautifully he has adorned your face.
He gets back to speak once you start to lick his tip “Aah… Look at you, all dirty, yet so sweet.”
Appreciates making a little pool overflowing the border of your navel with his cum and won’t ask for more than that.
If you ask him to cover your face instead of stomach he is going to grin unable to hide the happiness that such idea brings to him, yet he asks you if you are sure, while avoiding his seed to pour with a hard grip on the base of his dick. After the positive answer, he rearranges himself quickly straddling your torso as you prop your body on your elbows.
He is the type to stroke his own member slowly to enjoy the moment completely as well as to make his cum jet exactly where he wants. The back of your head leaning on the headboard as he groans and feels his orgasm hitting nicely.  
You finally give up on the rest of strength you still had to keep your torso up. Juho goes away from you and starts cleaning your face while caressing it. “Baby girl needs help to clean, huh? Let me take care of you.”
Another one who gets way too excited with the idea of covering your face with his cum. But thinks you are going to find him gross if he comes up with it.
Loves having you laying between his thighs and sucking him off lazily as he sweet talks you in a low voice and holds your hair out of your face. “It feels so good, beautiful. Look at me. Yes, so pretty.”
He warns you once that overwhelming sensation is growing so much that he must be about to reach his climax.
“Okay, what if you cum on my face?” you ask. “Yes, please.” He begs without thinking, he is just so close that his thoughts cannot come together into any sense or concern. It’s too late. His body squirms intensely as his grunts grow into full loud moans, his cum bursts on your face in no time, hitting your chin first, then you leans your face a bit to receive the next shot on your cheek.  His hand still holds your hair but almost pulling it.
He seems drained after a few strokes, then you stop in order not to overstimulate the poor guy. He looks at you with panic in his eyes and says sorry numerous of times. You rubs his stomach and soothes him out of any paranoia.
You talk to him about this idea after you already had a first round and you both were on a little pause to recover. Both laying in your backs and looking at the bedroom ceiling, you asked if he would enjoy it.
He gets a bit thoughtful at first, since he could ruin your hair in the process, but you ties it up and says he would make you really glad if he does so. “Please, baby.”
He agrees and you start everything again. Your legs getting tangled, hips grinding onto one another, lips moving in consonance, the same hungriness.  You snake your hand between your sweat bodies and massages his member. “I guess I have to sit.” he says. You all shift positions, you now kneeling in front of him, looking at the way his face scrunched a little as he hisses and focus on his cock.  
You rub his thighs in anticipation until the sudden gush hit your face. You don’t control the gasp that leaves your mouth. He whines so deliciously as his hands move fast. You two smile at each other after his orgasm evanesced. You can’t say who is more satisfied.
This topic came to your mind during one of those late night conversations you used to have when one of you couldn’t sleep. You remembered that time when he made you sat on his face and it became drenched by your juices and his drool after you let go of him. He was so smiley and wrecked that you got jealous.
“I want something like that too, Kyun.” You whine. “I want my face all sticky”
“ You know that if I cum on your face it will get really messy, right?”
Someone kill me. I think he has so much cum to paint your face
Can’t control where his seed splashes at all.
Is going to take a time just staring at you, then he leans closer and brushes his nose on you or even lick you clean. Who knows where his mind goes to after you look so happy covered by his own liquids.
Usually has a lot of fun cleaning you up from his cum. He enjoys feeling whatever part of your body he made use of to release his load on, because he keeps changing according to his mood.
“Where are you gonna cum today, Chani?” You struggle to ask him as he pounds his dick into you mercilessly. “Why are you asking it?” he returns the question.
You lock your eyes with his and speak through your teeth “cum on my face today, baby”. He does not answers right away as he gets a little trapped at the way you insert one finger into your mouth and sucks while muffling your moans. You are so pretty, of course he would not say no to such request. He loved to see you all wasted and asking for more. “Ask again.” He says starting to feel his motions getting heavier.
“Cum on my face!” You scream.
He pulls out so fast that you barely see him straddling your chest and pouring on the corner of your nose with your eye. His curses sounded like a melody that you close your eyes to. He pokes your lips open with his tip after he is done and you start sucking him very gladly. “My precious Y/n”.
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If you were put in charge of the Dream SMP's storyline (from the exact moment that Tommy got exiled from L'Manburg.), how would you move said storyline forward?
I feel like that’s kind of an impossible question to answer. Not one that I could answer well, at least. I’m not a good writer. And, mainly just because the story as it exists hasn’t ended yet. Everything to do with Pandora’s Vault? The Blood Vines? Whatever is going to happen on Wednesday? We don’t know where all these threads are going to end up tying in together, so attempting to create an alternate path where they end up is difficult, since I don’t know where they’re meant to end yet.
All these little hints and pieces of foreshadowing or set-up, I don’t know what missing pieces they’re meant to fit with.
That being said, I’ll try and give a proper answer. 
I think the Exile Arc as it went was fantastic, and easily one of the best arcs when it came to pacing and acting. The build-up was great, it had its combination of fun moments, funny moments and sad moments, and Tommy’s realization at the end was a very powerful scene. It changed the status quo of how a plot could be, the stakes felt genuinely high in a way that Tommy’s previous exile didn’t, and by separating the clingy duo, we got to see both characters react to the plot in different ways and show how they differentiate from each other in their philosophies.
Loved it! 
The ending, though, with Tommy escaping to Techno -- while I love the interactions we got between Tommy and Techno -- I feel like that could’ve gone differently. Most of the issues we’ve found with Tommy and Techno being pitted against each other and both suffering for it came about because their partnership was doomed to fail, just by nature of how their characters are.
Techno was too stubborn in his ideologies to ever come to an agreement with Tommy to let L’manburg live, and Tommy would never agree to hurt Tubbo like that, and I don’t think it’d make writing sense to change either character’s beliefs just so that Techno and Tommy could remain together. That’s not how Techno’s character has ever been written.
I think Tommy could’ve gone to live with someone else. 
I think he could’ve gone to live with Sam. 
Think about it -- the Blood Vines arc was beginning, Pandora’s Vault was commissioned, Sam is involved in both plots. He already established that he was willing to give Tommy a home on the first day of exile, he’s got Sapnap and George as roommates, and he’s a major player in both the Badlands and the prison plot. 
This gives him some added conflict, and ties the threads into each other a bit sooner. 
He’s already got some tension between his allegiance to the Badlands and his alliance with Dream at the moment, why not throw Tommy into that mix? He’s the one Badlands member who’s favorable to Tommy. It would make sense.
You’ve got a similar plot to Techno’s where Sam has to hide the fact that he’s got Tommy as a refugee, but without the disagreement in their ideologies that leads to them falling out.
I think the main issue with this would just be that Sam was very busy with building the Vault all this time, which is why it couldn’t have feasibly happened in canon. It’s just a nice idea.
Maybe just the Badlands in general could’ve housed Tommy? Get Antfrost and Bad involved? I dunno.
I also think it might have been better to have Techno actually die at the execution? Don’t get me wrong, the Totem exploding was really cool, and his escape to the Final Control Room was cinematic as hell, but I feel like his outrage at L’manburg for attempting but not succeeding in killing him made his subsequent destruction of L’manburg feel a lot less justified. 
Now, with Niki’s arc, while I like that she’s getting into the lore a bit more, it just feels a bit sudden. She hasn’t had much development since the Finale of Season One, so unlike Fundy and Jack, whose arcs have been getting that gradual build-up throughout the season, Niki’s feels too unexpected.
I think instead, Niki and Puffy could have an arc together where, as the relationship between the Dream SMP faction and L’manburg shifts, they could reconcile the fact that they’re on separate teams a bit more. Puffy’s new hero arc is fantastic and I’d rather Niki join her on that than take out misdirected frustration on Tommy. Plus, the groundwork for it was already set at the time of the exile itself, as Puffy and Niki were the ones to witness Dream first building the walls.
That being said, I do get how that would be an unrealistic wishlist plot since Niki’s been busy with her other series and hasn’t had as much time to stream the SMP. A lot of the time, real life things interfere with the SMP’s plot, and that’s just kind of a fact of the medium that we’ve gotta deal with.
But again, who knows where the plot will end up going? I’m very intrigued by the Blood Vines and the prison, and those plots are still developing. 
The use of environment in the plot especially has been what’s gotten me most excited. Pandora’s Vault and the Blood Vines would never have happened in Season One. Heck, there was a whole set up for a jail time plot point in the Manberg arc that was just never followed up on, even though that was a considerably smaller scale build. The Manberg Hotel never happened. The lakes were never filled. 
But that’s a bit of a tangent for another time.
As much as it is easy to get caught up in what things could be, I’ve been enjoying seeing where everything’s going so far. It’s very different from Season One, but I appreciate that they’re evolving the story in these new ways and experimenting with the medium of the game more and more. 
As chaotic as the plotlines can be, and how messy everything is, I also appreciate that it’s a very collaborative story right now. It’s far from perfect, but... I feel like for all its chaos, Season Two’s really been taking advantage of this extremely unique format of storytelling. So many characters who were sidelined in Season One as side characters are getting a chance to tell their stories. I like that.
There’s been a lot of comparison between Wilbur’s writing style and the current group writing style going around, and honestly?
I like both!
It’s a grass is greener situation. This is a bizarre medium to work with. There’s no established “right way” to run a Minecraft roleplay server storyline, so there are going to be pros and cons to any approach.
But yeah. I am not a writer! Who knows if it would actually have been any better with those changes. 
And again, I have no idea how the story will go, because from what we’ve heard from Tubbo and Dream, a lot is about to happen. Doomsday wasn’t a season finale, it was just a midpoint. 
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I can be your lover
Part 4
Robbe takes forever to wake up. Sander watched him sleep for almost an hour and he didn't look an inch more awake. It’s impossible not to notice the differences. Sander has looked at this boy, looking a lot more like a man now, so many times, for so long. He looks different. The long time without seeing each other in person has something to do with it but Robbe looks different. His hair is longer, he's skinnier and pale. He's still the most beautiful human Sander has ever laid his eyes on but him looking less of a boy makes Sander feel anxious, getting out of bed carefully to not wake him up, closing his bedroom door to leave Robbe alone in case someone is home already.
It's been too long since they started this. From friends to secret lovers and it feels like they're stuck. Any other occasion this would have turned into a relationship already, if they were mature people they could move in together, not worry about school or money or distance pulling them further and further apart slowly. Like bread crumbs slowly being taken away from a trail, leaving them lost in the middle of nowhere.
There's nothing that Sander wants more but Robbe can't come live here now and they clearly suck at long distance and being secretive. Moving away from home isn’t as easy for Robbe as it was for him. Robbe thinks his mom is his responsibility, no matter how well she's doing these days.
While he waits, Sander collects all the clothes they left as a trail leading up to his bedroom door. His phone is still inside his jacket and Sander knows he should text her, tell her that Robbe is home and he knows she'll understand. He wasn't lying when he said things were different but in the back of his mind he's still upset, certain that Robbe will leave and expect him to become a saint while they're apart for God knows how long.
He folds their clothes and leaves it next to his door and goes back to the kitchen, trying to type a text that explains well enough in a few lines how difficult his current situation with Robbe is. She and everyone else here knows Robbe is his priority, no matter how selfish he's being by living away and having high expectations about their messy relationship and how Sander should behave.
Robbe is here now and Sander won't worry about the future. Minute by minute all over again.
He reads his text a bunch of times, hoping he's being clear but not mean without meaning to.
"Sander…” It's not louder than a raspy whisper, but scares him anyway, pressing the send button accidentally, putting his phone down like it’ll change the fact that he was caught texting someone else.
Robbe is there, leaning against the wall in between the kitchen and the living room, looking very sleepy still, wearing one of Sander's shirts and his underwear from last night. His eyes stare at Sander's phone for a little too long on the counter and Sander knows he's been there for long enough to connect who he was struggling to text.
"You don't have to apologize. I was the one to come without a notice.” Robbe gives him a sad smile and Sander sighs, wishing the universe would work on their favor for once. Couldn’t Robbe wake up a minute later? He walks around the kitchen, his fingertips walking on every surface as a distraction for his eyes to not stare at Sander and he steps aside, pouring some coffee for both of them, offering a mug to Robbe.
Sander pulls Robbe closer by his waist, unable to wait another second with this awkward thing growing between them, “It's not like Britt, Robbe. You can read it if you want. She knows about you, I told her that you were home, finally and that's it. I couldn't just not say anything. She's a friend of a friend so they know her and they’ll mention her and they know about you and they're terrible at handling weird situations. So I just had to rip the band aid off and try to make this less awkward for you. But you're here now and you might not be here tomorrow, or the day after. And it pisses me off."
“I know I'm making this harder for you. And me too, trust me. I know it was stupid to come like that, after seeing you moving on with someone else. You don't owe me any explanation but I promise, I never mean to be this fucking confusing. You don't have to break up with her if you don't feel like it. Like you said, I'll leave soon. Not because I want but because there's school, and my mom and I can't just drop everything and be on your back here forever. It's messy now. So I get it.”
Hearing Robbe say it makes Sander anxious one more time for bringing the future up because he doesn't care about it that much if Robbe is here and they're together for now.
“Stop. What's done, is done. You're here and I want to be with you. So we'll go back to minute by minute while we’re together.”
Last night was a rollercoaster and Sander had very little time to enjoy every second of it like he wanted to. If he had the brain space to think that it could be the very few times they might have this time he would have forced himself to enjoy more. He was too caught up in the excitement of having Robbe back. His mouth waters thinking about kissing Robbe again but he doesn't have the time.
"Good morning, good morning, lovebirds!” Someone screams and claps and Robbe moves away from his hug in a quick jump and Sander sighs, looking up to find Elias entering the kitchen, smiling like Robbe is not a stranger in his kitchen. He stands close to them, offering his hand and Robbe shakes it instantly, still blushing, a little embarrassed to be caught about to be kissed by Sander.
“Elias. And you're the Robbe.” Elias asks, with his inquisitive eyes and a smile on his lips. He knows Robbe from the many pictures Sander has of him but Elias has to make it awkward.
Sander looks at him, and Robbe is looking back, opening and closing his mouth, laughing.
“Yeah. I'm Robbe.”
“The Robbe.” Sander corrects him.
Their breakfast goes surprisingly well, Elias puts his arm around Robbe’s shoulders like they’re friends, asking what he wants to eat. Sander is extremely thankful for his friends for being so welcoming, making Robbe feel really at home. Elias can clearly feel the awkwardness because whenever Robbe is busy - grabbing more coffee for them or going to the bathroom - Elias looks at Sander like he wants tips on how to help.
Everyone keeps Robbe busy with questions about him, about school, about how Sander was when he was home so they don't have much time alone to finish that conversation. But Sander acts like they're okay because he misses Robbe too much and wasting a second worrying feels like too much time wasted. He holds his hand every time he can, he keeps him close, kisses his cheek and his lips whenever Robbe looks at him for a little too long.
Sander doesn't care about anything else right now.
He doesn’t want to go anywhere, just wants to stay home with Robbe and hopefully have some honest conversation that they are in desperate need of but it’s not much of his choice to make. In the afternoon while they’re all sprawled around the living room, Robbe leaning carefully against his chest, not completely relaxed, Sander notices, the boys are all on his phones, finding parties for them to choose which one to go to.
Robbe looks up at him, excited with the idea and Sander rolls his eyes, being outnumbered. They’ll go to parties then.
There’s only one bathroom in the flat and so not even while one takes the shower the other can stay inside the bathroom so they can talk. The walls are thin and his friends are too curious for Sander to trust them.
So he lets Robbe go first and in the few hours of preparation, they don’t have a minute alone. Everyone is so curious about Robbe, wanting to get to know him for his own perspective, not from Sander’s perfect idea of him. They take some shots before leaving the house and Robbe holds his hand on their walk to the party.
It's one of the biggest, most chaotic parties Sander has ever gone to since he got here. And Robbe seems happy, a little overwhelmed but happy to be with Sander too. He keeps drinking and drinking and drinking and Sander lets himself enjoy a beer or two because it's a really fucking good night but he knows Robbe is about to get really drunk.
Sander watches it carefully and a little mesmerized, finding it hard to keep his hands down and not bring Robbe to himself. He knows Robbe knows how to party, he has some wild friends just like Sander does but he can’t help but worry. Now that he’s here, experiencing something differently than Robbe, it feels like the difference between how high schoolers party and how college kids do is a lot bigger. Robbe and his friends are probably used to some warm beer, cheap weed that’s probably old grass and Sander just wants to keep Robbe safe.
He knows his friends and he knows they would never leave Robbe go too far but still. Their endurance is so much higher than this smaller, skinnier boy that Sander loves so much it’s hard to be reasonable and not overprotective.
In the back of his head he also thinks about what Robbe will think of all of this. Of how different his life is here and it’ll make Robbe think less of him. Sander bites his tongue not to start explaining in the middle of a party how this is not his daily life to Robbe. How he’s still mostly the same Robbe used to see - and kiss and have sex - every other day.
He smiles when Robbe looks at him and nods his head, accepting the shot that they’re apparently all drinking.
Like a child, as Sander is busy only for a second opening his third beer, Robbe is gone. Sander looks around himself and can’t find him. Elias is nowhere to be found either so Sander slaps whichever friend is standing to his left.
“Where is Robbe?”
“Was looking for a bathroom, Elias went to help him find one.” Sander exhales and breaths slowly a few more times, nodding his head, “Relax, bro, your boy is safe. It’s like we’re his personal bodyguard team.”
Sander drinks all his beer while his eyes scan the room looking for familiar faces. Robbe is there, he’s safe but Sander finds himself more attached than ever to him so a quick trip to the bathroom feels like a long time to be apart, for bad things to happen, for rumors to get to Robbe’s ears. Sander has been living here for some time and it feels like anyone could tell Robbe anything that would hurt them even more. He didn’t date anyone but yeah, he had his fun. Because it was allowed, they talked about this before. How they would have to live their lives the best they could because there was no expiration date from this secret-long-distance-mess they had going on.
He gives his empty can to someone as a joke and waits impatiently.
Like a dream, Robbe appears, bursting the fog of all types of smoke that’s surrounding them. His beanie is still on his head, slightly tilted to one side and when Robbe crosses their circle and sort of melts against Sander’s chest. He can see how Robbe’s pupils are blown, almost completely black and how deliciously warm his body is. When he wraps his arm around Robbe’s waist inside his jacket, he can feel how the black shirt is sticking to the skin on the small of his back and just the thought of Robbe’s soft skin being that deliciously warm makes him overheat himself.
Robbe puts his hands on his face, half of his hands covered by his long jacket and they kiss, not caring for a second about the others still there, staring and making jokes, clapping their hands. Robbe’s tongue is so warm and inviting, kissing Sander dirty, making him dizzy and he smiles, feeling his mouth water more than normal because of Robbe’s taste, quietly sucking Sander’s bottom lip, his actions hidden by his hands still on Sander’s cheeks.
He scrambles but finds the end of Robbe’s shirt, putting his hand inside so he can scratch the skin of his back, making Robbe arch against Sander.
“I think you had enough fun for your first night here.” Sander says when they stop kissing to breath, smiling against Robbe’s pouty lips.
Robbe shakes his head from one side to the other and Sander feels him losing his balance a little because of it so he squeezes Robbe’s back tighter against him to keep Robbe in place. He nods his head and Robbe shakes his in response.
“My night hasn’t even started yet.” He whispers against Sander’s mouth and he stares at Robbe’s shiny lips, “Let’s go home.”
Before Sander can find anything to say, Robbe puts his hands over Sander’s n his back, holding it and turning around to talk to the others. Sander can’t see but he hears the smile in Robbe’s voice.
“Can you guys find somewhere else to sleep tonight?”
Sander has to laugh, shaking his head, resting his forehead against the back of Robbe’s neck. He can hear his friends’ answers, more than happy to give them some privacy for as long as they might need, someone says and before he can pull himself out of Robbe’s spell, Sander is standing on his own legs somehow, walking around the circle, shaking his boys’ hands one by one, hearing all types of jokes and words of encouragement.
Robbe finds the way out of the house for them and somehow, they end up in the street safely. Sander looks around but there’s no cab in sight so he pulls Robbe closer for another quick kiss before their ride. Robbe moans against his lips and Sander really needs them to be home already.
“You know I’ll take my time with you tonight, right?” He whispers before licking Robbe’s ear, smiling when he feels Robbe nodding his head eagerly, almost as a reflex.
It’s an excruciatingly long walk home but they make the most out of it, pulling each other for another heated kiss whenever they find themselves all alone on the sidewalk. It doesn’t take a second from slamming the door shut to them pressed against each other against the hallway wall, safely inside, taking their clothes off, almost ripping some fabrics when the zipper of Robbe’s jeans gets stuck or when Sander can’t take his boots quick enough again. Sander drops his left boot on the floor and grabs Robbe by his thighs, carrying him to the bedroom while kissing his neck.
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