#arrowverse oneshots
akariamai · 5 months
Glitch [Part 3]
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
Pairing: Tommy Merlyn x Reader
Word Count: 1228
You couldn’t help but shake as you neared the Meryln residence. Cooking had always been a world of passion for you, but everything had to go smoothly today. Today is the day you will meet your recently found best friend. You could feel yourself getting cold feet. Oliver Queen was not just Tommy’s best friend, but his chosen brother. What if he didn’t like you? Would it be the end of your relationship?
‘It’s just a dinner.’ You thought, ‘An important dinner with an important figure in Tommy’s life.’
You never felt this way when you had an impromptu dinner with Tommy’s father, Malcolm Merlyn. He had invited himself to one of your more extravagant dates and took the liberty to introduce himself to his son’s ‘current bed warmer’ (his words, not Tommy’s).
You know you wouldn’t be able to survive another embarrassment. Tommy doesn’t hold his father’s opinion in any regard, but Oliver is different. Despite his flaws, Tommy held Olivier in high regard.
Tommy did not take kindly to his father’s words. He promptly cursed his father for speaking in such a way to you, swiftly paid the bill, and got you away from his father and his venomous words. After the horrendous dinner, Tommy apologized for the interruption and his father’s callous words.
‘Please let this dinner turn out better.’
You parked your car, gathered the grocery bags, and walked up towards the door. One of the maids gave you a gentle smile before allowing you inside. You vaguely remember the way to the kitchen. After the encounter with Tommy’s father, the two of you didn’t spend much time at Tommy’s place.
You called out his name before stepping into the exceptionally spacious kitchen. It was the type of kitchen you would see on television—the type advertised to be for the middle class but clearly for the filthy rich. The kind that is just for show and never used.
“Here.” He turned to you with a bright smile. He was finally getting his dream: his best friend and girl were about to meet. It was something he thought would only stay a dream, but somehow it became reality.
You turned your attention away from him and onto the new kitchenware. He definitely bought them for this occasion, even though you offered to bring your cooking utensils. You had even insisted on hosting the dinner at your place, but he had a vision of how things would play out.
You shook your head in disbelief. “You didn’t have to buy all of this.” The equipment alone must’ve cost a fortune, and what a waste if it was only used once.
“How else am I supposed to show off that I am an amazing cook?” He joked. “I need to have proof, don’t I?”
You hummed, “And what have you cooked in this kitchen? Let alone the new kitchenware.”
He shook his head and raised his hands. “It is not about what I have or haven’t cooked in this kitchen. It is about the possibilities of what I can make. Especially for the love of my life and my best friend.”
You could almost feel your heart bursting out of your chest. ‘The love of his life’ It was like hearing your favorite song on the radio. It felt like a warm blanket was wrapping you up on a chilly winter night.
“That sounds like someone who has never worked a bone in this kitchen.” You say, almost daring him to disagree with you, before raising an eyebrow, “Am I wrong?”
He gripped his white shirt in what was supposed to be anguish. “How could you attack my ego so unapologetic? I thought we had something good.” He wasn’t the best actor; his feeble illusion was shattered by the laughter coming through his words.
You joined in, laughing until your stomach hurt. “I just want to keep my man on Earth with me. I can’t have him floating away.”
His composure shattered, and he erupted in laughter. His laugh, his genuine laugh, was so light and gentle. It reminded you of the wind chimes your grandmother would hang out on the porch as the wind created music. You would never tire of hearing his laugh.
He clapped his hands and brought you back from your daydream. “Let’s get started! I want to show off my skills.”
“Or lack thereof.” You joked.
“Hey!” He pouted. He watched as you removed the ingredients from the brown paper bags. “What do you want me to do, chief?”
“Did you preheat the ovens like I told you?” You asked about covering several sheet pans with aluminum foil.
“Yes.” He said, “One was set at 225 and the other at 450.”
“Perfect.” You gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Take the mini medley potatoes and wash them before placing them on this.” You pointed at one of the olive oil-covered pans and said, “Pan and smash them with the bottom of the jar.”
Tommy exclaimed, “Yes, chef!” You could hear him take the potatoes to the sink and turn on the water while you seasoned the bone-in rib eye with salt and pepper.
The time the two of you spent making the perfect dinner felt so mundane. It was something you could imagine doing for the rest of your life with him. Tommy was not your first boyfriend, but he was the first to spend time with you in the kitchen. Normally, you would be busy cooking dinner while they played video games with their friends. You used to do it alone, but these two of you were perfect. You would give anything to continue to have moments like this.
‘Oliver should be here soon.’ You busied yourself by mindlessly plating the uncut rib eye onto the decorative platter. As you did so, Tommy spent his time stabbing toothpicks onto the Bourbon Glaze bacon-wrapped shrimp and moving them to a different plate.
As the two of you continued to finish up, a roar sounded out from Tommy’s stomach, which led to the two of you laughing. “All this work made me hungry.” He rubbed his stomach sheepishly. “Oliver needs to get here soon, or else I’ll riot.”
“He’ll be here soon.” You reassured him before handing him the shrimp. “Go put this on the table.”
“Yes chef!”
Almost as if you could read his thoughts, you called out, “And no snacking!” You could only hear a disappointed groan as you watched him walk into the dining room and disappear. You thought, ‘He was the love of your life. He was your person.’ You would climb mountains to be his.
You were thankful to have Tommy in your life. He showed you the love authors write about—a love you once thought only existed inside the pages of a novel, and you prayed this was real. And that you didn’t conjure him up in your imagination.
You portioned out the cuts of the rib eye in your mind before slicing into it. The slices should not be too big or too small. Each slice should carry enough chimichurri sauce to melt in your mouth.
Once you finished, you washed your hands and checked to see if you had acquired any stains on your clothing. When you deemed yourself presentable, the doorbell rang, and your body tightened. Dinner was about to commence.
Tag: @twilightlover2007
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icedteaandoldlace · 8 months
Calling all Caitlin Snow fans
Hit me with your headcanons! Tell me your favorite canon details about her and why they're significant to you! Favorite storylines! Most relatable moments! Interpretations of scenes that no one else seems to pick up on! Gush away! Nerd out! Go crazy! I'm having a severe case of writer's block, and I need help getting into her head! I wanna see AAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL the perspectives!
(except the ones that involve shipping her with Barry or Cisco, y'all keep those takes far away from me, please and thank you)
Also, keyword here is FANS, so no Cait haters allowed, obvs.
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channelrat · 1 year
do you have an ao3? or write fanfiction at all, actually? i was reminded of you when I saw an author with the same side blog user :] (elliemiller) regardless those fics are amazing. I’ve been catching up on the tlou fanfic game—
I do have an ao3 but I've not posted any TLOU yet, I have a silly little oneshot fluff inspired completely by something someone said in a comment of one of my asks & i will tag them when the fic is up, that I'm working on right now. my ao3 is AllHaleOlicity but it'll also be posted on tumblr (@ellliemilller 🖤my beloved unhinged sideblog that i didn't think i would ever actually use when i created the name)
it's very very dry on ao3 right now aside from a collab fic i was part of the other year, im revamping (aka i have this lil au universe for Arrowverse with my friend Kayla and all of the fics I had are outdated and I wanna update them)
HOWEVER, if I may... I do have some amazing writers I'd love to turn you towards until I can post something:
@not-so-mundane-after-all -and ao3
@ellie-licious -and ao3
@skoulsons -and ao3
@sotvtaughtmehowtofeel -and ao3
@catsarecutebutaliens -and ao3
@dilf-din -and ao3
@sentientmasstransit -and ao3
@orangechickenpillow -and ao3
@ellies-little-gun -and ao3
@yoursjustasitwas -and ao3
they're all wonderful i recommend them 10 billion times more than i'd ever even promote my own stuff they're brilliant and talented and they all handle tlou so well whether it's fluff, aus, or canon related storyline and plot. So definitely check them out if you haven't already
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sinsiriuslyemo · 9 months
Title: Two Sides, Same Coin
Pairing: Jim Gordon/Reader, !Past Quentin Lance/Reader
Rating: PG13 (some suggestive language, dark humor)
Summary: When your former partner shows up in Gotham City asking for help on a case, Jim gets a bit jealous after learning more about your history.
Notes: This idea came from the previous oneshot I posted, Sleep Just To Dream. I started thinking about exploring the reverse, where Jim is jealous and Reader has to reassure him. Also, Quentin Lance from the Arrowverse, makes an appearance in this one shot. I realize that they are veeery loosely the same universe, and at the end of the day, not really since the Nolanverse is sort of stand alone, but too bad. I did it. It's done. I am not sorry, Paul Blackthorne is hot as well 😂 Divider by @firefly-graphics.
Warning: mentions of alcoholism, past trauma.
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DD5s were among the most boring paperwork that existed in law enforcement, but much to your chagrin, they were necessary. You, of course, were a master procrastinator, letting them pile up until you had little choice but to finish them lest you not be able to ever find your desk with how many there were to enter into the system. While you waited on the result of a DNA sample, you had some time to kill and decided to at least get started on them, when a familiar voice sounded from behind you.
“I see you still let your paperwork pile up.”
A smile formed on your lips as you swiveled your chair around before you stood. “Like you’re any better than I am.” Closing the couple of steps between you, you flung your arms around your former partner, Detective Quentin Lance of SCPD. “How’ve you been, Lance?”
“Oh, you know,” he answered, hugging you back. “One day at a time, keep it simple.”
The common AA phrases made your smile widen as you pulled away. Quentin had fallen on hard times after his daughter, Sara, died, turning to his work and alcohol to help him drown the pain. Of course, having you for a partner — a rookie who had just earned her shield and was still in the throes of her early twenties — hadn’t exactly helped. In the end, his vices had cost him his marriage, which only seemed to make things worse for a while. By the time you had transferred to Gotham, he had better control over his drinking, though he would still go on a bender every once in a while.
“That’s great to hear. I’m proud of you, Quentin.”
“Thanks,” he said, returning your smile. “How about you, huh? Looks like you’re doing pretty good here.” He glanced around the precinct for emphasis.
Your eyes flickered to Jim’s office, where he was hunched over paperwork as you nodded. “Yeah, things are great.” You look back at Quentin. “So, what brings you all the way to Gotham?”
“Actually, hoping to talk to you about a case I’m workin’. Background check showed the perp has a record in Gotham City, I wondered if you could let me have a look at them.”
“Yeah, sure, I just have to clear it with my Sarge, but I’m sure it’ll be fine,” you replied, gesturing to Jim with one hand. “But you could’a called for that, so… what gives? Why fly all the way across the country?”
He smiled nervously in an effort to mask the fact that he’d been caught with his hand in a cookie jar. “You got me. Uh…” He glanced around the room again. “My captain doesn’t exactly know I’m here. Sorta used some of my PTO to come here on a hunch.”
You nodded once. “Okay.”
“Captain wants me to let this one go, but —”
“You can’t,” you offered with a smile.
He held out his hands at his sides. “You know me, once I get my hooks in something —”
“You don’t let go until you’ve reeled it in,” you finished, adding fondly, “Same ole Quentin.”
There was a bit of pink that made its way to his cheeks as he mirrored your nod and lowered his eyes.
“You got a name?”
“Yeah!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a scrap of paper, unfolding it and handing it to you. “Tyson Beckett, I like him for a string of homicides.”
“Okay. Give me a couple hours? We can go for a cup of coffee,” you suggested.
“Yeah, that’d be great. I appreciate any help you can give,” he replied. “I’ll just run to the hotel. Be back in two? Sound good?”
“Sounds great, see you then,” you answered.
“Alright,” he said, taking a step back, his smile warm and nostalgic. “It’s good to see you.”
Your cheeks grew warm as you answered, “It’s good to see you, too, partner.”
You waited until he left the precinct before you walked to Jim’s office, leaned against the doorframe and knocked on the open door. He looked up and gave you a smirk, returning his attention to the report he was filling out.
“Aren’t you supposed to be clearing your DD5s?” he asked.
“I was,” you answered, stepping into the office and closing the door, as was your habit any time you discussed police business to ensure you didn’t have any unintended listeners. “Quentin Lance is in town.”
He didn’t look up as he replied. “Your old partner from Starling City?”
“Yeah, he was asking about a suspect for a case he’s working. Apparently the guy has a record in Gotham, Lance wanted to know if he could have a look at those files.”
“He came all the way here in person for that?” Jim asked, finally looking up at you. “He could’a done that in a phone call.”
You bobbed your shoulders. As much as you hated being evasive with Jim, Lance was once your partner, and the habit of covering for your partner wasn’t an easy one to shake. “Yeah, I dunno, I guess it’s just a sensitive case.”
Jim smirked and leaned back in his seat as he arched a brow at you. “You’re a terrible liar.”
You should’ve known Jim would see right through you. “Well, you might have an unfair advantage. You’ve seen me naked, been inside me, so.”
His smirk widened. “My favorite place to be.”
Trying to suppress a smile, you nodded as your cheeks warmed under his stare.
“Look, I get it, he was your partner, you’re covering for him,” he said, letting his chair fall gracefully back into place, his elbows propping themselves against the edge of his desk. “But if there's something I should know, I hope you’ll tell me.”
You averted your eyes, taking a deep breath. “His captain doesn’t exactly know he’s here.”
“So he’s gone rogue,” Jim assumed.
“Sort of. Look, Lance is… he’s a bit bullheaded. Once he catches a bone, it’s really hard to get him to let go.”
Sighing heavily, Jim leaned back in his seat again, rocking back and forth. “You trust him?”
He nodded and sat up again. “If this somehow comes back to bite us, it’s gonna be on you,” he warned.
“That the name?” he asked, gesturing with his eyes and a nod at the slip in your hand.
You set down the scrap of paper Quentin had given you. “Tyson Beckett. Quentin likes him for a string of murders back in Starling.”
“Yeah, I’ll put a call down to Admin, let them know you’re coming down.”
You smiled at him. “Thank you.”
Turning to leave, you got as far as the door when you considered whether you should tell him about the history you and Lance had. On one hand, it had been one drunken night of passion, and had led nowhere. At the time, you were far too focused on proving yourself a worthy detective and Quentin was too focused on drowning his grief that it had only been one night. Still, you felt compelled to be forthcoming, especially since your relationship with Jim was so much deeper.
“Actually, there’s one other thing that — in the spirit of honesty — I should probably tell you,” you said, turning to face him and slipping your fingers into your front pockets.
“What is it?”
Your lips began to form the words, and you rattled off the cliff notes as quickly as you could. “We sort of hooked up this one time. Years ago. It was no big deal, didn’t mean anything, it was just the one time. Okay, bye!”
You started to open the door.
“Wait a minute, wait!” he called out, one hand reaching in your direction. He swatted at the air, silently telling you to close the door again.
You did, mentally preparing for whatever would come, hands sliding into your pockets again.
“You can’t just say that and then walk out.”
“It was really nothing,” you tried to assure him.
“Well, it wasn’t nothing. You ‘hooked up’, does that mean…” He waited for you to fill in the blank.
“We had sex, one time. It was a stupid, drunken hook up. It didn’t mean anything, and it never happened again,” you explained.
Jim let out a breath, slumping back in his seat as he tried to digest what you had just told him. Looking back at you, he tilted his head. “Well, this sort of changes things, doesn't it?”
“Why would it?”
“How do you know that’s not the real reason he’s here? This whole Tyson Beckett case could be a ruse just to see you again.”
You shook your head, smiling at him. “It’s not.”
“How do you know?”
“Because that’s ridiculous! First of all, I’m with you, and anyway, he lives in Starling City. I live here.”
“Maybe he’s hoping to convince you to go back,” Jim replied.
You shook your head, unable to help the way a smile played on your face. “I doubt that. And if by some crazy chance, you’re right, he’s gonna be sorely disappointed.”
“You’re sure about that?”
Arching a brow, you cross your arms over your chest and shifted to face him dead on. “Are you jealous?”
He scoffed, making to go back to his report. “No, I’m not jealous.”
“Really?” you replied, doubt lacing the word.
“No, I’m just saying you should be prepared in case that does turn out to be the reason he came all the way here. That’s all,” he said with a bob of his shoulders, going back to his report.
You tried to keep yourself from smiling and rolled your eyes, opening the door and leaving his office. As you went back to your desk, your eyes fell on the DD5s still await your attention, and you groaned to yourself. You looked back toward Jim’s office and saw that he was on the phone, likely with the Administrative Department to request the records you’d asked for. Pulling your jacket from the back of your chair, you put it on and began to walk toward the elevators when your partner called out to you.
“Y/L/N, we got something?”
“No, I’m just headed downstairs for a sec,” you answered. “I’ll be right back.”
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About ten minutes before you were expecting Quentin to meet up with you, you pulled out your compact of lip balm. The cold weather always took its toll on your lips, and the only thing that worked was your Sugar Coconut lip balm. You gathered some on your finger and spread it on your lips liberally, drawing in your lips to spread it evenly.
“What are you doing?” Jim asked from behind you.
You jolted slightly and turned to look, spotting him about halfway between your desk and his office. Turning back to face forward, you closed the compact and put it back in your drawer. “Putting on lip balm.”
“Because my lips are dry?” you answered.
He came up to sit in the chair beside your desk, facing you. “What, is Lance gonna feel them or something?”
You could tell he had tried to make the question sound playful, maybe even a little sarcastic, but in the end, his tone had been annoyed, and just slightly wounded.
“What?” He shrugged, trying to play innocent.
“Stop it,” you said as a smile came to your lips.
“When’s he coming back for this?” he asked, gesturing with his head at the file that was sitting on your desk.
“He should be here in just a few minutes. We’re gonna go get coffee downstairs,” you answered, trying to sneak in one last DD5 before Quentin showed up.
“Oh, that’s nice,” he replied.
This time when a smile threatened to break through, you did little to stop it. “It’s just coffee. There’s no need for you to be jealous.”
“I told you, I’m not jealous.”
Somehow you sincerely doubt that, but you said nothing, quickly putting in the DD5 in front of you before setting it in the finished pile.
“It’s nice to see you’re actually getting some work done, but then I guess coffee with Quentin is a nice incentive.”
“Oh — My God,” you replied in a chuckle, looking up at him. “Do you wanna just come with us?”
“No,” he replied, shaking his head. “Thank you, but I do not want to come to coffee with you and your ex.”
“He hardly qualifies as my ex,” you said.
“Is this your way of getting back at me for the Brooke Shields thing?”
“What? No —”
“Cause I didn’t actually have sex with Brooke Shields, you at least got to have sex,” he said.
“Don’t piss me off,” you pleaded.
He put his hands up in mock surrender.
“Do you want me to not go? We can just go over the file here at my desk and drink the precinct coffee.”
“No,” he replied, brows furrowing. “No, I trust you.”
“Are you sure?” you asked.
“Yes,” he replied.
A distant ding made you look toward the elevators just as Quentin was getting off, making his way toward your desk.
“There he is, please be nice,” you mumbled to Jim as you stood.
“I’m always nice,” he replied, standing as well and looking over at the dark-haired, older man walking toward you, muttering under his breath. “Well, you certainly have a type.”
A huff of a laugh burst from your lips and you turned your face away, shaking your head. “Stop it.” Turning back to Quentin, you gave him a smile as he walked up. “Detective Lance, this is Sergeant Gordon. Sarge, meet Detective Lance, my old partner from SCPD.”
“Good to meet you, Sergeant,” Quentin said, holding out his hand.
Jim glanced down at it, and shook it politely, and to your relief replied, “Nice meeting you, too, Detective.”
“Really appreciate your help on this case. This guy always seems to be two steps ahead, I’m hoping maybe he wasn’t so careful when he was first startin’ out.”
“Yeah, sure. Hope this helps,” Jim replied with a nod before he looked back at you. “See you when you get back?”
“Yes,” you answered, giving his hand a squeeze before you picked up the file and followed Quentin back to the elevator.
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You got back to the precinct about forty-five minutes later, file in hand, which you promptly took to the fax machine. Mostly everyone was gone besides Jim, who was still in his office judging by the fact that it was one of the few lights still on in the place. After faxing the files to Quentin’s hotel, you went to Jim’s office.
“Knock, knock,” you said, coming to a stop in the doorway.
Looking up from the file on his desk, he leaned back in his chair. “How’d it go?”
“Great, actually.” You held up the file and stepped into his office, sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk. “It’s a good thing we had this in our records. I think it might’ve cracked his case. I just faxed over some copies for him to take back to Starling City.”
“Well good, I’m glad you two still make such a good team,” he replied.
His mustache shifted just enough for you to tell that he was subtly smirking, and a smile teased your own lips.
“I’m not his partner anymore,” you replied. “Would it be okay if we lock this up in here tonight? I can take it back in the morning. I hate going to the basement this late, it’s creepy.”
“Yeah, sure,” he answered, leaning forward to take the file from you and putting it in the top drawer of his desk. “Look, I’m sorry for being a little nutty before. But the thought of you with some other man — touching you, kissing you the same way I do…” He shrugged as a sigh blew through his lips. “It made me a little nutty.”
“I’ll say.”
“And then seeing that same guy going to get coffee with you, it just…”
“I’m sorry. That’s not why I told you about Quentin. I only told you because if you had somehow found out some other way, I didn’t want you to think I was trying to keep it from you. I wasn’t trying to make you feel jealous or upset, I swear.”
“I know,” he said. “And I really am glad we were able to help him.”
You nodded. “He really needed the win, so, me too.”
“Yeah, I know. I checked him out after you left earlier,” he said.
“You vetted my old partner?” you asked with a smirk.
“Course, I did. I wanted to know more about the guy that was taking my girlfriend on a coffee date,” he answered, mirroring your expression.
“It was more of a meeting that happened to include coffee.”
“Whatever it was, I know he’s been having trouble at SCPD these last few weeks. Hopefully this’ll help turn things around for him,” he said, closing the open file on his desk and standing up. “Now, come on. Let’s get home.”
“What about my DD5s? I’ve still got a few to input into the system,” you asked, thumb pointed toward your desk as he came around to stand in front of you, close enough that you could feel his body heat against your own.
“You can finish them tomorrow. Right now, I just wanna take you home, take off all our clothes, crawl into bed and do unspeakable things to you,” he said, moving some hair behind your shoulder, the tip of his finger grazing across your neck.
Goosebumps erupted on your arms, nipples tightening against the lace material of your bra and your breath deepening. “Fine by me.”
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skalidra · 1 year
Fic Writers Showcase Game
@there-must-be-a-lock tagged me!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First fic published on Ao3: That would be The Other Side of the Mirror, an Earth-3 continuity mess with a JayDick main pair, featuring Roy as a 3rd PoV. First chapter was posted in September, 2014, currently 200k, 20 chapters , and as of yet unfinished, though I think as it stands it ends on a decently hopeful note. I do still recall the main plot points of where it goes, and would like to finish it someday.
Last fic published: I posted the first chapter of Five Finger Discount just yesterday, which is the 5th piece in my Worth Counting series, an alpha!Slade/alpha!Jason series exploring a variety of kinks but with a focus on non-formal dom/sub vibes, competence/strength kink, and mostly-play fighting. (The last finished story was Shifting Into Fourth which is the 4th piece of that same series, so, I'm a little bit on a theme here.)
Fandom/ship I only wrote once: I uh. I wrote Hamilton/Jefferson/Madison room-where-it-happens porn. For the Hamilton musical. It's called Do Whatever It Takes and I think it is still the thing that makes me feel the most sinfully dirty of all the things I've ever written. So there's that.
I also have Let's Be Clear, which is my only fic set anywhere in the MCU, and is a Daredevil oneshot of an asexual!Wesley being invited to join a Fisk/Vanessa relationship, as I vibed real hard with Wesley as a character and never really got over his unfortunate demise.
(Honorable mention to my four stories that are technically fandoms of their own, but all fall under the 'DCU' umbrella, being for the Arkham games, two shows in the CW Arrowverse, and the Teen Titans cartoon.)
Favorite fic in most popular fandom/ship: This is a little hard to quantify. Technically 'DCU (Comics)' comes in at 93k in stories, which would make JayDick the most popular pairing, which makes my favorite story Captain's Privileges. It's a Star Trek mirror!verse fusion with Captain!Dick and Engineer!Jason and so many unhealthy relationships everywhere, and I love it.
However! 'DCU (Comics)' is a very broad umbrella and it's not really fair to say it's my biggest fandom, since the slice I belong to is much smaller. Which means the more accurate winner is Voltron, at 85k stories. I technically have a Klance story but given that it is a big poly clusterfuck dark!fic I really have to actually give this to the second most popular pairing by stat, Sheith. Out of those, I think my favorite is I'm Not That Man, which was an early false-memories/brainwashed!Shiro fic set just before the wormhole split them all up.
Fic I wish more people read: An Extra Shot, hands down. Come read my gen, Wilson-family-focused exploration of what happens if Adeline dies during the attack on Joey! Come read Slade Wilson being forced into confronting the fact that he is a terrible dad and also now a widowed dad of three kids! Come read Billy trying his best to bludgeon all the terrible communicators of this family into actually working things out! READ THIS. THERE'S A SEQUEL IN PROGRESS. IT'S GOOD I SWEAR.
Fic that was hardest to write: I think the award for this has to go to Me, Not Her, a CaptainPan/CaptainSwan piece which I was apparently so frustrated with at some point that I straight up deleted the file. Four years later (no I am not kidding) I had the vague memory of it. Some sketchy thing I could maybe expand, now that I was having thoughts about OUaT again. I pull it out of the (then eternal) trash of Google Drive. It is five thousand words long and needs no more than pretty basic editing and a little padding at the end to round it off. I don't know what the hell was happening with me when I deleted it, but wow, lesson learned.
Fic that popped out fully-formed: I don't recall any that were explicitly like this, but I also don't tend to write like, neat little packaged stories all that often. If I'm writing oneshots they're usually for events. So my best answer to this is probably Fucking Androids? It's a Reed900 relationship origin story that blazed its way out of me during NaNoWriMo one year, named entirely for the sex pun and then in the end absolutely refusing to have any sex in it, so it won that fight. I remember at least most of it coming really, really easy.
Fic I'm proud of: Pulling out a weird little one, here. I'm going to say Take a Ride. It's a JayDick, Gotham City Garage story that I wrote for Firefright's birthday one year, and on reread I actually still really, really like it? It's just a neat apocalyptic-desert vibe relationship building thing, set in the criminally under-explored and rushed GCG world, and I really like how I put Dick together in this one. I recommend it.
Not tagging anyone specific, but if anyone would like to do this as well, feel free!
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entityupdates · 1 year
September 2023 General Fanfic Status Update
Currently posting:
Masking (Final Chapter will be posted soon)
Immorality Is Hard On The Mind
Masking Spin Off (First chapter will be posted soon, about halfway written)
Submas Monster Transformation AU (Aiming to finish before posting but idk, about halfway written)
Posting soon
The two versions of the Masking epilogue that I decided not to use
Trans AU if My Adventures With Superman (deciding if it’ll be a oneshot or multichap)
Ideas I’m thinking about writing
Legendary Pokémon AU of Masking
MCU/ Submas Xover
Arrested Development/ Pokémon Xover
T4T Shining Vigilante oneshot
Additionally, I am considering editing and transferring more of my fics from FFN to ao3. Some I’m considering are
Falling Feathers - Warriors fanfic about Jayfeather and Crowfeather
Broken Nature - Warriors fanfic about Brokenstar and his deceased siblings
The Wrong Pawsteps - Warriors fanfic about Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing
Quick To Rise - Arrowverse fic based on the CW Flash books, focused on Johnny Quick
If anyone is curious about any of these ideas, feel free to bother me about it. Being bothered often makes me more motivated to write.
I also realized that I never commented on finishing my Rook Gets the Omnitrix AU. I’ve decided that I’m not really interested in continuing it. It has an end and I think I should let it rest.
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pencilofawesomeness · 11 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @kiliinstinct so let's go
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Okay so the number on my account is a slight lie because I have two anthology-type fics with many fics inside of them like an egg sac, and in htryds’ case I took all of them out and separated them and I pulled one out of the other so.... 130 unique works. And if I count the oneshots shoved inside my 2021 Whumptober anthology, then 159.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
This also requires some math for the above reason so.... 948,078. (Holy cow I am so close to one million, wait—)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Fairy Tail, Genshin Impact, and Twisted Wonderland, in that order, buttttt I have a few other fandoms under my belt and I am known to branch out on a whim. (Others include Voltron, RWBY, Fullmetal Alchemist, Seven Deadly Sins, Arrowverse, Transformers, Owl House, and literally so many others that I haven't actually published...)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Alright, we got:
—5. Demon Tales [Fairy Tail] - 762 —4. The Eighth Tower [Fairy Tail] - 914 —3. Sparks in the Night [Genshin Impact] - 1,066 —2. Pain Comes in Many Forms (and so does Comfort): Whumptober 2021 [Genshin Impact] - 1,121 —1. Of Dragons and Fairies [Fairy Tail] - 1,405
(So I guess, to no one's surprise, it's mainly HTRYDS but I will say I continue to be baffled by Sparks in the Knight, that random twoshot I wrote in two days XD)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love responding to comments, both because it's fun and I love to let people know that I totally did read and enjoy their comment. (And I've even been able to just chat with people this way, beyond the scope of the fic itself, which is a fun little community feature I do enjoy as well.) If there's a comment I haven't replied to, it's probably because somehow it was marked as read and therefore I forgot to go back and respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm that is a tough one. I do tend to want to end things on a lighter note, despite the amount of whump I write... Maybe Mortal Instinct, actually, since I pull a bit of a (self-perceived) fate-worse-than-death bit. Though solely by audience reaction I guess it's Coming Home since I left it on a purposeful note of suspense, eheh.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh geez, um... I think a lot of them?? Have very happy endings?? Uhhh maybe I'll just say Of Dragons and Fairies, then, because it's meant to be very hopeful and family-shaped, with that bright future ahead.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No not really, actually. I have had a very good experience, especially on AO3.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ha. No. (Guys I'm so aroace I barely write romance I will probably never write smut XD)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes actually! Not many that are finished/posted, but boy I actually love them a lot. (Many live in my head in amorphous form to be honest.) Most are AUs, so like the world of X with the characters of Y, but for straight-up crossovers, I think the craziest is The A.I.D. Files which is a co-project with @therosefrontier where we have a longstanding universe where we combine literally everything into a multi-sectioned multiverse, and the story focuses on an agency that is comprised of people from all manner of universes, leading to a team that includes Tech E. Coyote, Dani Phantom, Iggy (from Maximum Ride), Jim Hawkins, Numbah 5, and more. That said, there's not any present plans to continue it even though it lives on in our heads XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
There is one! (That I know of, lol.) Sparks in the Night was translated (into a paraphrased version, at least) into German, which can be found here.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup. With my sister, over the years. Not really a direct one on AO3 though. (Just a shared storyverse or series there.)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Uhhhh I am not really a shipper at all, so I don't really have a hill I will die on, even though I do have ships I enjoy.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I hold onto the delusional hope that I will go back and finish all of my wips one day because I haven't abandoned them in my heart, but, I doubt I will finish United because it was a largely original world and I have been scheming for a way to make it an original work altogether, so when I revisit it, it will probably be for that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Um. I like to think I do good character voice/inner monologue. Strength of tone and syntax and all that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes pain me and I also am not great at scenic/setting descriptions, mostly because I forget.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In most cases I think there are better ways to go about it, but it has its place. Especially if the POV character doesn't know it and is trying to learn or pick up words. (Essentially it boils down to making sure the experience is understandable and authentic to the reader's promised language, otherwise it is just a surprise obstacle/gate, like expecting a reader to understand excessive medical jargon in order to know what is happening. If the language is meant to be understood by the pov character, and therefore the audience, then I feel it's best to offer a direct translation in some way.)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sonic the Hedgehog. In a place. That I will not name because I was very young. But it was Sonic the Hedgehog...
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh geez um picking favorites is hard. The How to Raise Your Dragon Slayers series as a whole is obviously my baby and I am very biased towards it, but one of my favorite pieces might actually be a FMA/MHA au oneshot that I lost in a harddrive crash and I am haunted by it because I wrote it in a frenzy of inspiration and honestly I think it slapped. XD
Okay so let's see which victims to tag... (Though obviously there's no pressure to do this lol): @therosefrontier, @forwantofacalling, @breezy-cheezy, @ljf613, @xxthe-hidden-spyxx, and whoever else wants to do it
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the-feral-gremlin · 6 months
Wip Wednesday
Finally on time for this!!! Send me an ask about any of these wip fics of mine and I’ll respond with an excerpt from them!
Late night stake out thing (arrow/arrowverse)
Oliver and his complicated relationship with his mother
Lauren runs away Au oneshot (the gifted)
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bloodgarnet · 3 months
final piece in my trio of funny little unconnected oneshots for smoshblr – based loosely on an au I once read in Arrowverse fic but don’t sweat the details.
3/3 – Love is Blind (But Negotiable)
Shayne wipes his palms against his thighs, counts carefully in-one-two-three, out-one-two-three, and opens the door to let himself into Ian’s office.
It’s probably nothing, he thinks to himself. Totally just a super minor, unimportant matter. Catastrophising is a bad habit and nothing big is going on.
“I won’t lie to you, something big is going on,” Ian starts. It’s a bad start, made infinitely worse by the way he won’t make eye contact. Shayne instantly feels clammy all over.
Before he can ask the eponymous question—do we still have jobs?—Ian quickly clarifies, “It’s not bad. Not that bad. Well, it’s… okay, there’s been some, like, issues with the old Defy CEO.” Oh, Jesus. “Obviously, that shouldn’t be possible but there’s a couple of loopholes and, uh… you’re going to be hearing some things about Smosh entering a marriage contract.”
Words cannot express the sheer horror that Shayne feels in that moment.
“A marriage contract,” he hears himself repeat distantly.
Ian winces. “That probably sounded—okay, I’m going about this wrong. Smosh is going to be… on the market. For a suitable partner. That’s the easiest way to get out of the whole Defy issue without doing anything too reckless.”
Bad. Very bad if they’re having to resort to those kinds of extremes.
“Are there any other options?” Shayne asks desperately. A fucking marriage contract, what the hell.
“I’ve talked with legal and there’s really not much else besides, like, shutting down everything and restarting, which has, you know, massive ramifications all over the place we might not be able to undo later, so yeah.” Ian coughs awkwardly. “I wanted to let you know personally first because it’s going to sound like you’re the one being put on the chopping block for a, haha, bride price. Dowry. Whatever. And we’re not going to do that to you, because that’s crazy.”
Shayne stares at him. His eyes kind of ache a little with how wide they’ve been this whole conversation. “Why would it sound like that?”
“Because for the contract to work properly, it has to be the face of Smosh,” Ian says. “In this case—the business sense, I mean—that’s me.”
Later, Shayne will reflect guiltily on the instant deluge of relief he’d felt, before the whole oh shit sets in. Marriage contracts between companies are serious fucking business. Sure, content creators have taken a lighter approach in modern times with the whole perma-collab trend, but it’s still a binding marriage. There’s a big difference between two D-rank solo channels partnering together and Smosh searching for an equal with its thirty-some full-time employees.
Back in the day, partnership contracts had been one of the few ways to guarantee sustainability, but duo channels hadn’t needed to bother with that. Things have changed a lot since then.
At the very least, there’s a certain amount of schadenfreude to watching everyone else’s faces go slack in shock when they collectively receive the news at the all-hands. Then the second bomb hits when they realise that going through traditional processes means that the company itself has to act as the negotiator, aka The Matchmaker.
It’s totally the setup for a high-larious sketch, if not for the terrifying reality of looming financial ruin.
Angela just looks around the room blankly, clearly not getting it, and asks hesitantly, “So, uh… what are we actually supposed to do? We gotta hook Ian up with someone? This is fucking wild, guys.”
“I know some women in the comedy scene who would be up for a shotgun wedding,” Amanda says thoughtfully. “Not very picky, very business-minded. No offense.”
The empty space where Ian might once have been before he cringed out of existence does not seem offended.
Their Mythical representative clears her throat. “Unfortunately, for legal reasons, we can’t just pick anyone. The partnership has to meet certain criteria for the match to be ‘successful’, so to speak.”
She lays out the terms and, impossibly, the situation gets even worse.
The match must: - be a celebrity or business owner (preferably both) of relative social standing - have a generally positive reputation - have an active and well-liked social media presence - not be currently or previously involved in any scandals - be available/unattached
It goes on.
In the smaller text way down below all of that, negotiable conditions include business acumen, age (yikes), education level (why?), YouTube channel ownership (ironic), further details on specific threshold statistics they’ll need to meet…
“We’re so fucked,” Shayne mutters under his breath. Courtney absently puts a hand on his shoulder, their eyes tracking the extensive list with palpable concern. There’s a lot to take in.
A couple hours and a few trips to the crying bathroom later, Shayne volunteers to track Ian down and squeeze some more answers out of him, because as a group they’d come to the horrifying conclusion that the list wasn’t specific enough, i.e. it said nothing about the kind of person Ian himself was actually looking for, or if he had anyone in mind. If, you know, that was at all possible to accommodate.
Probably not. Shayne wanted to actively avoid thinking about Ian’s feelings, given the usually hard to read guy visibly wants to die every time he’s been spotted since the meeting.
“We probably should’ve guessed, but he’s pretty close-lipped about it,” Shayne reports back. “All he would say is ‘someone who will marry me’.”
“Incredibly helpful,” Tommy states dryly. “We’ll add ‘won’t destroy Smosh’ and ‘good with divorces’ while we’re at it.”
Shayne purposefully leaves out Ian’s ‘will kill me when I ask for it’ because, yeah, unhelpful.
Predictably, their schedule gets rapidly shuffled around to make up for the lack of upcoming shoot days, and the editors get a lot of paid overtime if they can figure out how to stretch out the content backlog before it runs dry. Spencer starts making ominous comments in a very post-apocalyptic Chosen kind of way.
Management helpfully provides outlines and example precedent for the legwork they need to do, which mostly boils down to a fuckton of email negotiations and setting up face to face meetings. It’s an odd sort of office-themed hell.
Shockingly, there’s actually quite tons of interested parties to sort through, though the majority get ruled out immediately as ‘rising star’ TikTok clout-chasers. The entire cast and crew has a grand old time laughing at the absurdity of barely legal thots bragging about their follower counts, like that means anything. Some of them don’t even know how to pronounce Smosh.
They start cracking open the cases of alcohol when they get to the YouTubers who are of appropriate age but can best be described by the term ‘open relationship’ or ‘throuple’.
Ian coughs awkwardly when he’s informed that the top matches so far are male and, looking anywhere else, asks for them to be sent his way for review. Chanse has a lot to say about how shitty it is to be forced out of the closet, but it’s not like Ian sticks around to hear it.
Shayne suspects if they do get him to sit down for the marriage interview, he might just bolt. And if he does, none of them will be able to catch him.
Nearly a month goes by before their first successful in-person is arranged, date set and room booked, when—“They cancelled?”
“Last minute,” Courtney confirms, baffled. “The reason they gave was… kind of bizarre?”
He reads over her shoulder. “Arrangements, timeline, blah blah blah… other party has already expressed interest? What?”
“That implies she was told there’s already a confirmed partner, right?” Courtney frowns. “I fucking wish there was. Is someone trying to sabotage us?”
“Oh, shit,” Shayne murmurs. “No. You don’t think…? It could be a rumour that’s gotten out of hand.”
A notification pings on his computer: another DM declination, this one more transparently stating that they had been convinced not to pursue the deal. Slowly, he and Courtney exchange looks.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like it,” they declare. “If someone is hunting down all our potential matches and getting them to cancel, maybe we should hunt them down instead.”
Logically, it could be Defy trying to interfere—incredibly illegally, might he add—or it could be a no-name scumbag trying to ruin their work and force them to accept a shitty, lop-sided deal. Either way, not great for them.
“We could force this guy to attend the marriage interview,” Shayne jokes, but Courtney’s eyes shine with mischief.
They grin. “I like that. I like that a lot.”
And yet despite all their preparation, none of them could have guessed who shows up.
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thatonefng · 4 months
Welcome to my blog
Hello there to anyone who finds this. I am a new blogger that just explores this app and is inspired to create my own. In my early 20s and pronouns are he/him.
Highly interested in writing hetero relationships (I’m just tired of homo relationships tbh, no hate, just saying)
P.S. I looked at other people’s rules while writing my own.
Fandoms that I will be writing for
- One Chicago (Fire/P.D./Med)
- Star Wars (The Clone Wars)
- DC Universe/Arrowverse
- Others will be added soon
- Request
- Oneshots/headcanons/imagines/etc.
- Female/Male platonic or romantic relationships.
- Unless suggested I will write using gender neutral pronouns
- Character x Reader from any fandoms. No Character x Character
- Be precise with what you request. One-shots, head-canons, etc. One-shots and/or head-canons must include one character
- If a request makes me uncomfortable I will not write about it, (sorry in advance)
- Pedophilia
- Kinks (though tolerable for some head-canons)
- Rape, Non-con, Incest
- Extreme Gore, Self harm
- Polyamory
- Violence
Thank you for taking your time to see this and requests will be open and I will try to get to some. As for now, enjoy your day.
- Astro
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akariamai · 1 year
Glitch [Part 2]
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Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Pairing: Tommy Merlyn x reader
Word Count: 1088
Tommy Merlyn hurriedly got ready to leave your condo for dinner at the Queen’s household. His best friend, thought by the world to have been lost at sea, was found alive. Oliver Queen clung to life as his father’s yacht sank beneath the treacherous and unforgiving waves of the ocean. He learned to survive alone on an island fraught with danger for five long years. Tommy knew his friend, the person untouched by the current situation, would not be the same. He knew Oliver would be a changed man but so was he. He would still lend a hand to his friend and be patient and understanding. He would lend an ear if Oliver wished to speak about those years but never push for information. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” It was not the first time he had asked you. The first came right after the call he received from Moira Queen. An invitation celebrating the survival and return of her son. A family affair. You refused to intrude such an event. You had no connections to Oliver Queen before the accident. He was merely a celebrity on the television. 
“I don’t think it’ll be a good idea.” You nodded confident of your resolution. Oliver Queen did not need to be overwhelmed with an unfamiliar face at his dinner table. Five years away from society and people is already enough to fathom. Having to learn to adapt in a world that had moved on without your absence was unimaginably incomprehensible. To be able to see the scars left after your supposed death could not be easy to swallow. Unthinkable, really. Adding an additional change probably wouldn’t be beneficial to his healing. Oliver needs time to adjust before anyone other than his friends or family waltz into his life however, you did understand where Tommy was coming from. He wanted support from his significant other as it was all too ponderous. 
Disappointment spread throughout his ridiculously handsome face before disappearing entirely. He nodded in acceptance, “Alright.” He made his way over to you, giving you a hug before placing a kiss on your forehead, “I’ll let you know when I make it home.” Starling City, while was home for the two of you, was also a dangerous place to live. You had learned the hard way and now place measures to ensure each others’ safety. 
In the early stages of your relationship, upon leaving his place in the dead of night, a random car intentionally rammed into yours, speeding away from the crime scene, leaving you unconscious and hurt before help arrived. You were told you were lucky someone had found you that night. Your injuries were extensive to put it bluntly. You would not have survived if it wasn’t for that passerby. Tommy, unaware of what had occurred, was notified of the situation the next morning and felt nothing but fear and guilt. 
The accident had left scars within your relationship. Embedded fear into your hearts of not being able to hold the other in the morning after. It left you with everlasting night terrors of that night. Continuously creeping into your dreams and scaring you awake. Tommy would stay at your place, holding your trembling body as he whispered sweet nothings in an attempt to soothe you. 
He helped you overcome your fears of being inside a car again. Your body remembered the accident all too well. Memories of the night would come flooding back, ultimately shutting down your body into a blubbering mess. He stayed by your side the entire time when he could’ve left. You wouldn’t have faulted him for leaving. You were in shambles but he helped bring order back into your life. 
You kissed his cheek and flashed him a gentle smile, “Have fun and be careful.” Horrific scenarios always tried to engulf your thoughts whenever he was out of your sight. Flashes of him bleeding out in a disfigured and wrecked car lingering in the back of your mind. These feelings of dread and fright were a byproduct of your accident and remedy your emotions. Calls from unknown numbers, during the time Tommy is away, raises your worries. 
He closed the door behind him as he left, leaving you alone with your thoughts, and you began to preoccupy yourself. You loved cooking, the negative thoughts swimming within your mind quiets, and you lose yourself within the intricacies of making dinner. In the background, a cheesy romance movie played on your TV. Occasionally, you would watch as you waited. Internally keeping track of the clock for you to finish cooking. 
Once dinner was finished you made yourself a plate and proceeded to finish watching the movie. Laughing at the ridiculous moments and crying towards the very end. The commercials left you alone with your thoughts, slowly spiraling, and was interrupted by your ringtone ringing. It left you with a different feeling, more anxious that something could’ve happened to Tommy, and you picked your phone checking the caller ID.  
It was Tommy and you sighed in relief for a moment before answering. “Hello.” Tommy usually left you a text message in case you were busy washing the dishes or taking a shower. You wondered what made him change his routine. 
“Hey!” He enthusiastically began, “I came up with a brilliant idea... but I wanted to run it by you first.” You remained quiet. “I want you to meet Oliver. The two of us could prepare dinner for him at my place. I want him to see the person who managed to set me straight.” He laughed towards the end, reminiscing his time as a playboy. 
Tommy asking you to meet his best friend was tremendously important to him and for yourself. While you had not met his father yet, Tommy had hinted his relationship with his father was staggering at best. Oliver is like a brother to him. You wanted to give Oliver time to adjust to the modern world before springing your relationship onto him but if he agreed then you saw no problem with introducing yourself. 
“Only if he agrees.” You didn’t want to do anything that would make Oliver uncomfortable. You were sure Tommy wouldn’t either. 
“Great!” His voice slightly rose in pitch, “I’ll ask him after dinner tomorrow and make sure my kitchen is stocked with whatever we’ll need... if he agrees of course.” You hummed in agreement. “I can’t wait for the two of you to meet! He’ll love you almost as much as I do.”
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mcrdvcks · 4 months
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You can also read all of my work on AO3.
Anything with a '*' means there is smut.
Star Wars
Down Bad - Hunter x Original Female Jedi Character*
A Moment of Silence - Hunter x fem!reader
Project Reverie - 3 part series, including Sweet Dreams
Sweet Dreams - Logan (X-Men) x Original Female Character (platonic relationship)
Oblivious, Baby, Oblivious - Logan (X-Men) x fem!reader
Sweet Nothing - Logan (X-Men) x fem!reader*
Darkness Masterlist
Darkness (Marvel) - Tony Stark Daughter Original Female Character x Original Male Character
Darkness #332 (DC) - Battinson Sister Original Female Character x Original Male Character
Darkness #556 (DC/Arrowverse) - Barry Allen (Arrowverse) Sister Original Female Character x Oliver Queen (Arrowverse) Brother Original Male Character
Note that all the Darkness stories are connected! They contain the same main female character and the same main male character, just in different universes. Read summary for Darkness if still confused.
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joanthangroff · 5 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thanks for the tag @incorrectcoldflashblog! :)
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I've been writing my own stories since I was like 10 or 11, but when I got on tumblr a few years later I discovered fanfiction :D First in a German forum where I mostly read Harry Potter fanfiction and eventually I tried my own hand – with drabbles (the actual exactly-100-words-kind of drabble, thank you very much) and then oneshots about Draco/Luna – because what else could have made me write than a rarepair? When I got more into the Glee fandom, I also got more used to fic in English and then I tried my hand on that, too (mostly because, again, I was into a rarepair that nobody else wrote about).
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
If we take all the Arrowverse shows as one fandom, it's 10 :)
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
At least for 13 years :D
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
At the moment I read more – because I rarely write at the moment :D But usually I'd say I write more.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I'm much much much better at introspection!! My fics consisted mostly of dialogue when I started writing. And now I spend more time analyzing characters' thoughts and feelings, I think?
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Oh, don't we all have that moment where we text our bio-engineer friend at 2am in the morning and ask "Hey, if a person in Illinois died in the night of December 11 2013 because they were struck by lightning and then got buried in moist soil, how rotten would their body have been after nine months?"
Otherwise I'd say the month I spent researching lacrosse which almost made me start playing the sport was a very wild ride, personally.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
"I love all comments equally!", I say like a father who's asked to name their favourite child. (In truth, I have always loved comments that are written while people read the fic. I used to write them, too, but since I mostly read via phone nowadays it's a hassle.)
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Trans Indian Epic, baby!
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
TIME TRAVEL!!! Do you know how many fic ideas I have that I just can't execute because I keep running in circles whenever I think about the implications of time travel?????? And also anything involved with lots of movement.
10. What is the easiest type?
Chatfics, my beloved <3
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I write per hand most of the time while my mum's watching something on TV that I'm not interested in. Then it gets typed up to Google Docs and from there it finds its way to ao3.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
The Glee/Flash AU of your dreams is resting in my head. And also the Teen Wolf season 5+6 rewrite where Mason can see Auras.
13. What made you choose your username?
It was my tumblr URL at the time and is a relict of my Marauders phase. pettigrace = pettigrew + ace. Do not mention Peter Pettigrew to me unless you want to be exposed to a rant that would make me look like a Rat Apologist. (On that note: FUCK JKR!!!!!)
I am tagging @lalalenii @pikechris @sophiainspace @frosty-the-killer-doll and I cannot think of a fifth writer rn.
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avatarskywalker78 · 8 months
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It is Thirsty Thursday which means it's time to promote my fics again!! I mainly write for the Arrowverse, Cobra Kai, and Ace Attorney, plus others such as Diagnosis Murder and the MCU. This is my fic blog where you'll find fic uploads, updates, OC information, moodboards and web weaves, and you can find me on:
AO3 (where I mainly post)
SquidgeWorld (my backup, slowly transferring stuff over)
For specific fic series:
The Shieldmaiden Saga - The Flash, focuses on Steph Taylor (OC), her friendship with Eddie Thawne, and her quest for justice regarding the particle accelerator and its' consequences
to fix the timeline (or make it better) - Krypton-centric, OC: Ashley Tanner as a main character
emerald legacy - Arrow AU where it's Oliver, not Tommy, who dies in the S1 finale, and the latter takes up the mantle of the vigilante
flufftober 2021
flufftober 2022
flufftober 2023
Cobalt Blue and The Flash - Flash AU where Malcolm Thawne and Barry Allen are best friends and both get struck by lightning. Malcolm wakes up earlier, reconciles with his brother early, and changes the game
Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites - what it says on the tin!
Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent - focuses on my OC Nicky Connors and her somewhat complicated friendship with Johnny Lawrence over the years
bad boy (no more) - Unconnected oneshots focusing on Mike Barnes and his family
Tales of the Koopalings - oneshots about Bowser's kids
Old works - imports from my FFN days
All likes, follows, and asks will be from @goldheartedchaoticdisaster, my main.
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waltermis · 1 year
Laurel Lance Masterlist 🕊️
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x Reader
This takes a turn for the worst when you catch the love of your life in bed with another person
Okay, Well I Guess That’s It Then (Part 2)
Arrowverse x MCU Crossover. Two years after you found out that Laurel was cheating on you, you run into her again. In front of your apartment door.
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Someone help me; I’ve got too many WIPs
Tagged by @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess to share my WIPs. I too do not have a WIPs folder bc google docs won’t let me sort like I wanna so their meme in their post is relatable.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I’m so sorry if this is long I can’t access desktop to insert a read more line :”)
Resident Evil WIPs
Shadows Within
Over the Mountain
Discarded Experiments
To be a Heisenberg (Whumptober Collection)
By Your Side
When Home Finds you
A Good Son
Untitled Document
(The) Infidel Heart
Love is a Sickness
Mother’s Special Child Sequel
Supernatural WIPs
The Rising Son
Chapter ???: Sorry (Can’t Save Me Now)
Chapter 10: Moral of the Story
Chapter 12: When the World’s at Stake
Of Witches and Men
Capital Offense
Sunday at the Theater with Dean
This House Don’t Feel Like Home
In the Dark of the Night
A decision Made in Blood
Think of Me (Once in a While)
Falling Up
Arrowverse WIPs
Unknown Draft ooooohhh spooky
Chapter 2: Safehouse
Chapter 1: This isn’t a Vaction
The Divorce Child
Troubled Souls
Survive the Night
Hold On (Just a Little Longer)
This Year’s Love (It Better Last)
Date Night
Sad Short Story
Unbroken (I Came, I Saw, I Failed)
Hear Me Now
Story Idea- Natural
Untitled Work
Cop Oneshot
Oliver Identity Crisis Thing
Fallout 4
Danse Hancock fic
Heaven Won’t Miss the Devil
Sunday Fanfic Idea(s)
Italy ain’t big enough for the both of us part 4
First Flight
I even dug through my phone’s notes for this so :) some of these drafts date back to 2017 which is fun.
Tagging @politecorvus , @daily-escuella , @thetragicboysclub , @suncaptor , @splat-dragon , @sentanixiv , @aen-lu , @danger-r-98-5 , @12timetraveler , @fangirl-ramblings , and @godangrily - I think y’all are some of my writer people lol. If y’all wanna do this and anyone of my other writer moots consider yourself tagged!!
Thanks Mish for the tag!
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