#arthurian retellings
wrennwyrmnest · 1 year
i’m very very curious about your arthurian retelling! who are the central characters? what do you find most interesting/exciting/compelling about them? what are your arthurian sources & inspirations (be that medieval texts or modern retellings)?
Hey there anon! Thank you so much for asking this question - this is going to be a bit of a long answer but I get the feeling that won't be an issue :D (Maybe grab a snack?)
Firstly I'll explain why I'm using 'reimagining' rather than 'retelling', namely it's because of moving Arthur and co into a high fantasy setting rather than just Britain etc. which, while of course there will be analogues, there's going to be a bigger part that other fantasy species play. Christian themes and I guess, reasonings, aren't found but linger where appropriate (Grail Quest is there but but Galahad doesn't like yk go to Heaven afterwards) as some media I've been inspired from as well as I think a big thing of Arthur's legend of moving from one world into another whether that be Pagan -> Christian or Anglo-Saxon -> Britain(* all the big asterisks there because yk fiction and history not aligning).
Oh boy. Firstly I'd like you to check out the chart that was added to the wikipedia for King Arthur's Family: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Arthur%27s_family *how I wish this was there last year :sob:* and basically this kinda gives a good scope of characters I have 'webbed' out. I've gone to both Welsh and French texts for inspiration since Welsh includes Arthur's trips to the underworld ( ;) ) and French is when we get Lancelot and the Grail Quest. Firstly know I have taken some liberties both in Arthur's family tree as well as some creative ways that account for say multiple parents (Lancelot is recorded as being the son of a King but also as a son of The Lady of the Lake ~plot reasons~ they're separate uh, instances lets say ;) of his parents in my story). But in terms of characters whose voice I have a pretty good grasp of, their emotional arc(s) and a clear image in my mind of what they look like are (and grouped for no particular reason...):
Arthur, Lancelot, Gwen, and two others in their polycule.*
Igraine, Uther, and Gorloris.**
Merlin <- think druidic Loki vibes, he's a pain in my ass and I love him.
Hector his daughter Ser Kay.
Nimue and The Lady of the Lake.
Morgause and her son Mordred.
Madoc and his brother Mark.
Morgaen and how they were separated from Arthur at birth.
... The notion database I've created by pulling all the characters from sources comes to 258 but the above lists some uh key figures that are fleshed out as protagonists, antagonists, and anti-heroes.
(*) I'll get to Arthur/Lance/Gwen's triad a bit more below, but what I will say is that polycule is an important term here as everyone isn't with everyone, if that makes sense? But imagine found family five-man-band vibes.
(**) SO fun fact, when I watched the movie Merlin as a kid I misheard Gorlois as Goloris so I just kinda stuck with it. Unsure if that'll upset people too much though aha.
Why Tho? Exciting/Interesting/Compelling reasons why these characters have my soul.
I'm a big fan of Fairy Tales, Folklore, and Mythology. Seeing comparisons and also seeing both the Disney-fied versions but also the original tales. Arthurian legends has scratched an itch of dragons, knights, and magic that I've loved and is also shared by other stories too - which in part is why I'm spending so much time worldbuilding up front so I have a whole world sandbox to play in and tell some other tales too with it.
Why did I go with Arthur instead of say the Little Mermaid & Harpy sapphic reimagining I've got stashed? Honestly? Because he answered the call to adventure - the quest I have planned - but also because the Arthur I have in my mind, a big theme for him is Courage and doing the thing even though you're scared to which I resonate with a lot. Lancelot came stumbling in as his best friend from their squire days after disappearing for a few years for a second chance romance plot. Gwen butting heads with her twin sister had a certain, fire let's say ( ;) ), that need to pull these two dorks out of their heads while also exploring themes of empowerment. Mordred's arc which I hope to pull off as well as Zuko's was. Merlin, whom I love, was the one who revealed the world to me and really sparked the magic of it all. But then two scenes came to my mind, in full colour and with a big emotional impact.
Arthur and Morgaen's next meeting after finding out they're siblings.
Lancelot's lost memories returning and Arthur knighting the man who had turned to stone to save him.
I'll need to go through and make a full list of tags eventually but uh, lots of Angst/Hurt/Comfort mixed in with wholesome moments. I'm leaning towards potentially writing in a serial format and also doing maybe side stories from different character perspectives.
Sources & Inspirations
In terms of Arthurian specific things:
Welsh sources: Black Book of Carmarthen; Red and White books of Hergest; Culhwch and Olwen; Mabinogion; and the Welsh Triads.
Geoffrey of Monmouth, notably for Arthur's connection to the Roman Empire and characters from that region.
French sources: Le Mort de Arthur, Tristan and Iseult, Perceval and other stories such as Lancelot and the Knight of the Cart (I cackled a bit when I read that one ngl).
I tend to listen to the Myths and Legends podcast by Jason (something) who will be coming out with an Arthurian book sometime which I am keeeen for.
In terms of post-medieval things, there's a lot of nodding to fairy tales such as Tom Thumb and any story where Jack is mentioned.
Merlin the 1998 miniseries with Sam Neill. (This is the one that I misheard Golois as Goloris aha.)
The Mists of Avalon 2001 miniseries. (I haven't read the books and don't plan to support the author or that estate in any way due to the abuse she aided and abetted in).
Sword and the Stone is a classic Disney film but the main thing here I took inspiration from was to really highlight The Great Game in some way... Which is also a nod to Talesin in the Mabinogian. Also enjoyed Quest for Camelot as well.
There's a sapphic scifi retelling that I love called Once and Future.
And I also watched King Arthur's Disasters as a kid which, ngl I prefer the Welsh versions where he's a badass but this was amusing at the time.
In terms of non-Arthurian sources and inspirations, oh boy this gets quite long but basically from the above there are offshoots that I've done in terms of exploring:
Other Welsh tales.
Folklore of Europe as well as Ireland, Scotland, and Britain.
A lot of dabbling in comparative mythology and folklore as well as such as the Aarne-Thompson-Uther Index for folklore to create some original but familiar folk heroes and lore for my world.
Consuming pretty much everything on Overly Sarcastic Productions.
I've mentioned that Avatar the Last Airbender and Fullmetal Alchemist are two comparative points of media: the first being for the elemental magic system as well as just some solid worldbuilding and character arcs - one of my blocks with writing is that I have like this big epic quest, various wholesome slice of life moments, deep emotional beats, but then also some spicey scenes that come to mind; the latter is mainly for a nod to alchemy, and magitech as well as some character beats.
I've also mentioned ASOIAF and really want to highlight that there won't be any inc##t at all in my books. There will be dark themes such as abuse of power, manipulation, and there will be people who get hurt or take advantage of, but I just really don't like that plot beat at all. Hence why Mordred is no Arthur's son.
*flops* Okay thank you for sticking with me through all of that. Let me know if you have more questions or if you'd like me to elaborate on anything! Thank you again for your question, it means a lot that people are finding it interesting (helps stop the imposter syndrome voices yk?)
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Morgan Pendragon + headpieces in Camelot
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meat4meat · 5 months
Extremely niche comparison but the plot of The Locked Tomb is so similar to what a Mechanisms album about the bible would conceivably look like.
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bbc merlin is so queer like not only the way they go about magic being a very easy parallel for queerness and the obvious merthur stuff but just the relationships between all the knights
the implications that Gwaine and Merlin shared his bed when he was staying bc we know they have a spare bed but we know it's near Gaius and Merlin definitely wasn't using it
Pericival and Gwaine so gay for eachother the way Percival holds Gwaine when he dies is almost as gay as Arthur asking Merlin to hold him
there's so much more aswell
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the-wanderer · 4 months
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marthalmary · 1 month
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joemerl · 7 months
Medieval sources on Lancelot's backstory: His parents were the rulers of a French province called Benoic, and the family were the only survivors when their castle was attacked by the evil King Claudas. His father died of grief, and baby Lancelot was spirited away by the Lady of the Lake, who is either a fairy or a powerful sorceress. He was raised in her underwater kingdom with two of his cousins and a bunch of other magical ladies. He grew up in only three years, then went out to discover his true identity and join King Arthur's court. The Lady of the Lake gave him a bunch of magical weapons, and she or her damsels occasionally show up to help him on his quests.
Modern stories on Lancelot's backstory: He's French. We'll explore this by making French jokes.
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nightbigail · 10 months
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“I once saw the face of God, a vast and sudden silence among the noisy heavens. That evening I dreamt I listened to one side of a conversation I should not have overheard. I do not watch the skies anymore. I do not look up.”
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This Galahad lives in a dark fantasy world where monsters and terrible people run amuck and where everything sucks. He supposedly ascended to the heavenly realm after he found the Holy Grail, but nobody really knows what happened to him. He’s spotted years later as a lonely, jaded man who lost his chivalric spark. Whatever it was, he refuses to speak about it. Only God knows what he went through…
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momolady · 6 months
War on the Mists :Author April #2
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(This was another novel I was working on. The characters are ones I have used before and would love to use again. Heloise is one of my favorite OC I've ever created, and she's stayed with me forever. I was also super-duper into Revolutionary Girl Utena at the time. Anyways, this was my take on the Arthurian legends. There is a lot more to this if you all want to see the rest.)
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Chapter One:
Just beyond the gates of Cleatom Academy is a wide polished stone with a slit in it’s center. It sits in the center of a wide, shallow pond. Water pours continuously from the slit, filling the pond and creating a simplistic work of art for all those you come to the school to see. The students referred to it as Stone Lake.
I had seen Stone Lake first through a brochure that I had come across when I had finally convinced my father to take me off home schooling. It took some hard work and heavy screaming to convince him to let me attend Cleatom. But I already knew all about Cleatom Academy. It is an academy was for the children of powerful people, people like my father. It was a place to turn the children of said people into equally powerful people, the kind of person I was afraid of becoming. Despite my dislike of the place and it’s populace I am looking forward to the transfer. There was a reason I had been needling my father for years about Cleatom. Not only is it a boarding school, which meant I would be able to breathe, I’d be out from my father’s oppressive, suffocating house. But there was something much more. Something I had been fighting for since I was a child. I would be able to see my brother Ty. The most beloved person in my life and someone who has been kept too far out of reach from me for too long.
The moment I was dropped off at Cleatom, I couldn’t help but smile as my father’s limousine pulled away from the boarding house. I laughed out loud even as I stood in the center of my room. I wasn’t even mad when they told me I’d have a roommate within a few days. Please, I begged the air, let it be someone normal! I didn’t have much time to celebrate though, as I wanted to get some sleep for school. But when my mind keep whirring and clicking, thinking about Ty and how I’d get to see him everyday. I just couldn’t turn off completely. I got up extremely early the next morning, the light outside gray and fog as far as the eye could see. I got into my school uniform, a white blouse with a form fitting black vest over the top of it and then a gray plaid skirt. There was also a silvery gray tie and the school’s emblem emblazoned as a pin at my throat. I got to wear whatever shoes and accessories I wanted the head master had explained to me like it mattered. For me, clothes were just the armor I put on for my father and the people he surrounds himself with. Since that was no longer necessary for my defense, I had my attendant back home help me order a pair of high top sneakers in my favorite color, red. I also bought for myself an assortment of odd and colorful knee socks. I was only ever allowed to wear tights or hose before.
Then put on my sneakers for the first time. I never knew comfort like this. I then slipped on the beaded bracelet Angie, my attendant, made for me and went out the door.
The hall was quiet and I heard no activity from the other rooms. But as I began descending the stairs I came across several girls who I assumed to be the attendants of the girls in the dorm. They seemed surprised to see me on the stairs, or just even there. I now wish I had allowed Angie to come with me, but I’m glad she’s getting some respite. Maybe I’ll call her here next semester.
I walk outside, shrouded in mist and cool damp air. I walk through the garden that surrounds the girl dormitories. They have all sorts of plants growing, its very beautiful in the light. Several classes have the students raise and cultivate their own plants. I made sure to sign up for one. I stop just before the gate leading out of the dormitory village and walk off towards the herb patch. The ground is freshly upturned and sprouts are peeking out all over. I think of the little clay pot that sat on my balcony. Angie and I began it when I was twelve. I’m sure she took it home with her to take care of it. At least I hope she did.
I look up, fairly sure I sensed a presence around me. I saw the swaying of the willow trees branches, but nothing else. I stood, looking forward, knowing I could feel eyes on me from somewhere in the mists. I take a cold breath. My lungs freezing as I turn and unlock the gate into the cobble stone path leading to the school.
Stone Lake was much smaller than I pictured. Then again, compared to the castle the school had been built into, everything looked smaller. The stone rested slightly above me. And the small shallow pond wasn’t even deep enough to hold fish. By the time I had come to the pond and sat for a moment students were arriving, not just from the dormitory village but in limos and cars coming through the front gates like I had yesterday. I watched as these cars pulled up at the doors, letting out their pristine cargo. I watched my new classmates. I watched for Ty.
I then heard laughing from around the other side of the stone and when I leaned out slightly I saw a group of girls walking away. All laughing and tossing their hair. It was a victory lap for them. I walked around to see what was so funny and saw a girl sitting in the water, her head down low.
I went towards the girl, standing up on the rocks to get level with her. “Are you alright?” I held my hand out towards her.
The girl looked up, her berry red hair plastered to her face. Her eyes were wide and gold, peering out frightened behind strands of shining hair. I tilted myself down towards her.
“Did they push you in here?” I held my hand out to the girl again.
The girl opened her mouth then closed it, lowering her head and began shuffling her hands through the water. I stepped up onto the platform and kneeled down beside the girl. “Did you loose something?”
“My glasses,” the girl murmured.
I began looking around too. “What do they look like?” I was feeling about the water beside her.
“Silver, with pearl accents.” The girl said.
I looked down to her left and saw the glasses hanging on a shrub. I picked them up and cleaned them with my sleeve. Smiling, I extended them to her. “Here.”
The girl quickly took then and placed them on her face. She looked up at me and nodded, pressing her lips firmly together. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” I replied. “Are you ok? Do you need me to help take you back to the dormitories?”
The girl stood up and smoothed her hand down utterly soaked skirt.
“You must be freezing.” I moved to remove my coat and the girl began stepping out of the water, moving quickly away from me.
“No, I’m fine, thank you.” She picked up her bag from the ground. “You’re an Emerald, you shouldn’t have to.”
I touched the jeweled bauble on my throat, attached to the top of the school uniform tie. It was the school emblem, but encrusted with emeralds. “What do you mean?” I followed after her.
The girl lifted her chin, touching her tie pin. Instead of emerald, her pin was pearl. I arched my brow at this, thinking that all the pins would be the same. “I’m a Pearl,” the girl continued. “And you are an Emerald.”
“I’m sorry,” I was shaking my head. “But I’m new here. I’m not sure what you mean.”
The girl pulled her wet hair and placed it in a heavy bundle on her shoulder. “I am beneath you.” She said simply and walked away. I wanted to follow after her but I had a feeling she‘d be even more humiliated if I did. I decided instead it would be best to find Ty.
Cleatom Academy had been built into and expanded from a castle made of white stone. I’m sure all the students felt even more superior because of this. True royalty! I walked up the ramp into the doors and into the commons area. It was like the food court in a mall. There was a coffee bar, a cupcake place, many tables and chairs as well as several large overly stuffed sofas and recliners. It certainly didn’t look like an antiquated castle.
“Good morning Cleatom!” A voice sang from the speaker system. “It’s another lovely day and I have just a few announcements before we all go to home room. We have three new students joining us today. Gregory W. Mansfield, Diamond. Heloise E. Boniface, Emerald. And Samantha B.D. Lewis, Ruby. Let’s be sure to greet them warmly!” I did not like the sound of my voice being introduced. “Students with birthdays today make sure to make your way to Sweetie Belle Cupcakes today for your complementary birthday cupcake. Today’s special is a chocolate, strawberry glace cupcake with an extra large chocolate covered strawberry on top. Yum!” I also didn’t like how scripted the yum bit sounded.
I walked around a gaggle of girls heading for the cupcake shop then and began zigzagging my way through the tables and chairs. “Also, would Heloise Boniface report to the sound booth.” The over head voice said.
I froze, what did they want with me?
“You can find your way there by heading to the glass elevator and pressing the button labeled SB3.” The voice continued with it’s wide awake voice. “You are in for a surprise.”
As I made my way to the elevator I knew I was the topic of the hour. Most heads turned and looked my way. Girls bent to whisper into ears, their eyes trailing me. Luckily the elevator was unoccupied when I entered. I pressed the button, a shiny chrome one with the letters and numerals illuminated behind it. Once the button was pressed the lettering flashed bright green. I was jostled for a moment as the elevator sprang to life, pulling me up above the crowd and through the levels of the castle until I reached the third floor.
The elevator opened up into a dimly lit room full of dark furniture. Beyond this I saw a huge white room behind glass brightly lit and glowing compared to the room before it. There someone inside talking into an old fashioned microphone and working a control panel of buttons. He removed the headphones he was wearing and pressed a button. Behind me, I could hear music playing in the elevator.
The man inside came out of the white room, running his fingers through his brick red hair. “It’s been a while.” The voice from the announcements said.
I furrowed my brow at him. “Excuse me?”
He turned on a light, illuminating the dark room. “Surely, you remember me a little.”
I stared, recognizing the freckled face, the deep brown eyes. Mainly the toothy smile. “Ty!” I flung my bag aside and ran into his open arms. I noticed that Ty’s pin was ruby.
“I’ve been waiting on you forever.” Ty said, stroking my hair. He stepped back, bracing his hands on my shoulders. “You haven’t grown an inch!”
I scowled at him. My height had always been an issue with my father and a joke with some of the staff. “Some heart warming greeting.” I brushed his hand away and began pacing the room slowly. “What is this?”
“The sound booth where I make all the announcements.” Ty said, following behind me. Mimicking my posture and how I held my hands behind my back. “Normally I have groupies, but I chased them off so I could have you by myself.”
“How kind.” Rolling my eyes, I smile. “Why do they let you make the announcements?”
“I’m the House Speaker,” Ty replied. “I’m an elected official.” He mocked snapping suspenders.
I turned towards him, raising my eyebrows. “Elected?”
“Student government,” Ty said, putting his hands on his hips and cocked his head to the side. “I’m a pretty powerful person around here.”
“I bet Mrs. Jerrick is so proud.” I sniffed.
Ty laughed. “Of course not. Not when my sister is  the VP!”
I looked back at him. He was talking about his half sister Cordelia Jerrick. Poor Ty was born between worlds. The bastard love child of my father and Mrs. Jerrick a world renowned business woman of the cosmetics industry. “So, are you meeting me illegally then?” I looked back towards the elevator doors then, just expecting Cordelia Jerrick to burst forth with soldiers, ordering I be tar and feathered.
“I made the announcement over the intercom, she would have been here by now if that was the case.” Ty replied, a smile in his voice. “She knows she has no control over me here.” He then reached out, taking my pin gently between his fingers. “Lucky you. You’re an Emerald.”
“I don’t get that.” I tap the expensive bauble on my throat. “What do these pins mean?” I had thought my father had simply chosen the Emerald because it was the most expensive.
Ty sighed, leaning back against the wall. “This school has a sort of…caste system.” My eyes widened at this. “It goes all the way from the working class students who serve the higher students, up to the most elite.”
He explained it all to me starting with amber, said working class. Most Amber students are actually the staff of the higher up students. That explained the maids I saw this morning.
He went on to the Pearls, which are students who are children of teachers or have scholarships. The girl this morning was a Pearl. This probably also explains why she was the victim of those girls. She was beneath them, like she said.
Then there are the Diamonds, students who are at the top of their classes or students who have celebrity. He explained that even Pearl students who have worked their way up can become Diamonds.
Rubies, like Ty, are next and they are the children of people who have donated a large amount of money. “Bought students, we’re called.” Ty smirked, somewhat proudly.
Then there was my group the Emeralds. A good combination of Diamond and Ruby. Students whose parents have donated large sums of money. These students could have been Rubies at one point, but moved up the rank because of celebrity status, grades, and etc.
“Then there are the Sapphires, like Cordelia.” Ty hesitated for a moment, gauging my somewhat disturbed expression to it all. “Sapphires are the elites, those who have all of the above and then some.”
I cleared my throat after a moment of it sinking in. “How is she a sapphire when you’re just a ruby?”
Ty laughed “You forget, I’m a bastard.” He put his arm around my shoulder and began leading me out the door. “I had to be bought.” As we approached the elevator it dinged and the door swished open, revealing the young man inside.
“Just in time,” Ty looked at the young man. “Heloise, this is John Whitney,” I saw that the boy’s pin was diamond. “He is going to be your guide.”
“Oh?” I looked from Ty then at John. “That isn’t necessary.”
“I think you’ll find it will be,” John said, a gentle chuckle to his voice. “This place isn’t easy to navigate for a first timer. It’s code that the Student Government assign a guide to each new student for as long as they need them.”
I nodded. “Well then, if it’s mandatory…” I looked John over. He looked like he was a football player from his build. His purposefully tousled dark blonde hair, hiding a scar on his forehead just so. His eyes were the a sort of hazel and gold color. His teeth bleached white. But there was a crookedness to his tie I liked, showed he wasn’t perfect.
“I was chosen because all our classes match up.” John replied, extending his arm and allowing me to stand in the elevator. “The Student Government normally tries to match up girls with girls and such, but I was the only one who matched.”
“It’s quite alright.” I waved to Ty as the doors shut. “I get along better with boys anyways.”
“So,” John said, pushing a button for the fifth floor, “what school did you go to before Cleatom?”
“I was home schooled actually. Well,” I set my bag at my feet. “My father hired tutors.”
John bobbed his head politely. “So what made him send you here?” He looked me over then, knowing Ty couldn’t see his eyes wander. “Excuse me if I’m being a pest.” His eyes immediately snap to my eyes.
I smiled, still looking forward. “No, you’re fine. But, I asked to come here. I’ve been fighting my dad about for a long time.”
John furrowed his brow. “What made him change his mind?”
“My dad is a gambler,” I looked over at John and his raised eyebrows, “so I made him a bet.”
John looked surprised. “What kind of bet.”
I put my finger to my lips as the elevator doors whooshed open into a crowded hallway. I gently dipped to grab my bag and slung it back over my shoulder. John walked a good few paces behind me, like one of my father’s bodyguards.
Turning and looking at him I snapped, “what? Student Government doesn’t allow you to walk beside me?”
“Well,” John blushed. “You are an Emerald, Ms. Boniface.” I arched my brows high at the fact he had referred to me in such a way. “It is not normally-”
I took a step back, aligning myself with him. “It’s not a rule is it?”
“No,” John swallowed, looking around. “Just…tradition.”
I then snapped my fingers, surprising him again. “Oh, do you know a lot of the students here?”
John nodded, swallowing. I was making him nervous. “It’s part of my role in the Student Government.”
I slide my bag down into the crook of my elbow. “Do you know a girl with really, really bright red hair? Almost like a lip-gloss color?” I motioned with her hands the style of the girl’s hair. “Also, wears glasses,” I mimed glasses.
John smirked at my monkeying and thought for a moment. “Maybe that’s Den Anais.” He said. “Why do you ask? You know her?”
I shook my head, looking towards the floor. “No, I just saw some girls push her into the fountain out front this morning. I tried to help her but she brushed me off.”
He nodded, sighing somewhat sadly. “Then that must be Den.”
I must of looked disgusted because his eyes took on an apologetic look. “Does that happen to her a lot?”
John shrugged, opening a door for me. “Sometimes. But I don’t work in her department of the Student Government.”
I balked. “She’s in the Student Government?”
“Hand picked by Head Master Emrys. She’s the Advisor.” John shrugged. “She’s sort of like…a personal consultant. She plans all the school events and dances and the like.”
“You think with a role like that people would like her.” I mumbled as we walked into the classroom. History was my first class, a class the dean of admissions said I would enjoy.
“Oh welcome, you must be Heloise.” I looked up sideways as a man in a dark green suit approached. “I’m Professor Lourdes.” He held out a thin pale hand to me.
“Uhm, yes.” I took his hand, it was warm and smooth. “Thank you for letting me in. I had been told you were full up.”
Professor Lourdes smiled, removing his thin wire glasses. He was an exceptionally striking man, young and beautiful for a teacher. “History is a much more popular a field than I anticipated.”
Something about his smile though told me he knew it was because of his looks.   “But I was more than happy to make a spot.” He waved his hand out. “Please, take a seat anywhere. I’m not picky.” He left, walking up to the white board and his desk.
John leaned to whisper to her. “His class is so popular because-”
“Because he’s so good looking?” I finished for him. “Easy to see now why history would be packed.”
We took our seats at a two chair table in the back. The seats were overstuffed rolling chairs. I had one just like it at home. Father had got it for me when I began complaining about my back during lessons.
“Ari is a good teacher though. He’s also the one who over sees the Student Government.” John explained quickly. “He gives a lot of extra credit and he takes us out on a lot of field trips. They’re mainly trips to museums mind you, but he makes the experience interesting.”
I found I couldn’t take my eyes off Professor Ari Lourdes. He was a lithe mover, and his handwriting was impeccable. “Put a long wig on him and he’d pass for a girl, he’s that pretty.”
John snorted. “I’ve actually heard several girls trying to convince him to do such a thing for the costume balls.”
We both exchanged smiles and then began taking out our text books and such.
My attention turned to Cordelia as she walked through the door at that moment. John continued talking, but I didn’t hear him.
Cordelia was tall and blonde, the kind of girl my father wishes I was. And she sauntered right over to Professor Ari’s desk and sat on its corner like she owned the place. She tousled her hair and laughed, slightly turning to see who was watching her, because she knew everyone was. That’s when her gray eyes fell on me. Her expression becoming instantly blank. Her eyes almost bleeding disgust.
John tugged on my sleeve. “Heloise?”
I didn’t move. “Yes?”
“Are you familiar with the Jerrick family?”
Cordelia was turning and whispering to Professor Ari. I looked at John then.
“I’m only close to Ty.”
John gave me a wary smile. “Cordelia certainly doesn’t seem happy to see you.”
I laughed. “That’s putting it gently.” I cupped my hand under my chin and looked at Professor Ari, trying his best to act genteel with Cordelia.
“She’s the vice president of the Student Government.” John whispered.
I scoffed, rapping my fingers against my jaw. “Now that, I did know.” I smiled back at John. He raised his brow. “She’s part of that bet I mentioned earlier.”
John raised his brows. “Oh?”
I laughed. “Oh, indeed!” I leaned closer to John. “I bet if I acted like I was flirting with you, Cordelia would swoop in and steal you away from me.”
John smiled somewhat deviously, his eyes glancing over to Cordelia and then back to me. “You’re that confidant in her evil, are you?”
I nodded. “If there is one thing I know about Cordelia Jerrick, it’s that she absolutely hates me.” I then reach out, adjusted John’s crooked tie, my fingers lingering ever so.
“Sorry about this.” I snicker.
“Oh please!” John laughs. “I don’t mind at all.”
I then reach up, playing with John’s bangs. “What’s she doing?”
John glances aside for me then looks back at me as I drop my hand. “You should be dead.”
We both burst out laughing, and in that moment Cordelia is standing beside me.
John blanches some, but I look up at her like it is the most casual thin in the world. I am more than prepared to deal with Cordelia Jerrick, in fact, its what I’ve been planning on.
“Why,” Cordelia gasps prettily but it sounds more like a war cry. “Heloise Boniface! What a splendid surprise.” She says splendid like it’s painful, like she’d rather wretch bile.
I nod softly. “Hello, Cordelia.”
Cordelia’s eyes flicker over to John then back to me. “I had no idea you’d be attending Cleatom.” She seems to be running out of nice things to say. “Is Whitney here your escort?”
I look over at John and smile charmingly, he blushes some. “Why yes! He’s a lovely boy, isn’t he?” I reach out, putting my hand over his. “I’m thinking about asking Daddy to hire him as my valet for the summer.”
Cordelia’s tongue to captured between her cinched teeth as she smiles. “Oh? Well how wonderful for you, Whitney.” She then squints her eyes at me in an attempt to smile, but it comes out all wrong. “I will have to talk to you later, Heloise.” She turns on her heel just as the bell rings.
“I feel sick.” John whispers to me.
I look at him apologetically. “I am so sorry.”
“I’ve never felt anything like that!” John chuckles, relieved. “I knew she could be something of a bitch, but I had no idea it was anything like that.”
“If she gives you any trouble, just let me know. I can handle her.” I quickly tack on, “Ty too.”
He nods at me. “You’re the bravest woman in the world.”
A smile perks up at the corner of my mouth. “It’s just one blonde girl.”
We both look up in attention as Professor Lourdes begins speaking. He’s writing on the board in his lovely script and we all follow his instruction. My eyes glance over at Cordelia who is also stealing look at me. She turns away, and whispers to the girl beside her.
John elbows me. “And thus one becomes two.”
We both snicker.
“Quite in the back!” Professor Lourdes chuckles authoritatively.
John and I cover our mouths, trying to surprise our huge grins.
I look to John and nod. “Thanks.”
“For what?”
I shrug. “Just for being on my side I suppose.”
Chapter Two:
I didn’t go with John to the cafeteria at lunch. Instead I walked back out to the front gate and sat by Stone Lake.  I pulled an apple from my bag and took tiny bites out of it. I was neither hungry nor interested in mingling with my fellow students. At least not yet. Considering the only ones I’d want to sit with would be Ty or John, are a Ruby and Diamond respectively. They are both technically beneath me. I doubt I’d be allowed by this ridiculous Caste system to even sit by them.
“It’s you again.” I turned to look up above me at the stone. Standing there was the girl from this morning. I stood, standing back up on the platform and waving to her. She smiled back, nodding gently.
“You seem attracted to this place.”
“It’s peaceful.” I put my hands against my hips. “And I love being around water.”
Den stepped down from the stone and into the water of the fountain, pulling her long skirt up as she did so. “Thank you for the help this morning.”
I bobbed my head slightly. I was unsure of what to make of her newfound friendliness. “Of course. Umm-”
“Sorry if I was a bit rude.” Den waded through the water until she stood before me. “I was scared, so I wasn’t much of a people person.”
“No, of course.” I was shaking my head. “I’m Heloise.”
Den beamed. “Heloise Boniface, yes! You’re new today.” Den stepped out of the water and onto the cobblestone surrounding it. “Ty has been anxious.”
John had mentioned she was on the Student Government. It had actually never occurred to me that she and Ty might know one another, talk to each other as friends. My surprised expression has Den explaining.
“Ty and I talk a lot during meetings.” Den twirls slightly. “He says you came here against your father’s wishes.”
I fold my arms behind my back. This is a gesture I take from my father. A gesture that Angie says makes me look like an old man. “That’s right.”
“But you are meant to be here.”
“Excuse me?”
Den stepped off the fountain and into her shoes just below. “Oh nothing.” She giggled, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “Are you busy at the moment?”
I shake my head.  “No. Why?”
“C’mon, just follow me.” Den waved her hand to follow and began walking back towards the school. I sling  my bag back over my shoulder and walk off after Den.
“We have a special gallery here at the school.” Den explained as we walk, bypassing the glass elevator and going behind it to a small service type elevator. Den pulled open the little iron gate and allowed me to step in first. She closed the gate behind her and locked it.
“Professor Lourdes helped piece it together, but not a lot of students know about it. It’s mainly a sanctuary for the Student Government.”
I tilt my head to my shoulder “Then why tell me?”
Den just smiled, pulling hard on the lever that began dropping the us down and down. “This place has a basement?” I ask, amazed.
“This old place has a lot of hidden places inside.” Den replied, looking up at the darkening ceiling.
I could feel the air dampen and chill around me. I wrapped my arms around me,  wondering just how far down Den was going to take me.  I pictured a cave below the school, massive caverns and alters like the Phantom had under the PAris Opera house.
The lift came to a jolting stop and Den unlocked the little gate and opened it wide, stepping out before me this time. I looked around, it was a massive round room. The walls decorated with tapestries and elegant paintings. Between these hangings were suits of armor, and in the center of it a wide, round table.
“Wow,” I murmured as I looked around, setting my bag on the table. I walk around the table, my fingertips gliding along the smooth, gilded edges.
“The student government meets here most of the time.” Den said, walking around the table, aiming herself at the suit of armor at the very back of the room. It was different from the rest, for one, it was on a raised pedestal and it was more golden. Also, although it’s hands were posed in such a way, it was not holding a sword.
“This one is my favorite.” She said, dusting at the helmet with her hand.
“What is all this stuff?” I asked, approaching a suit of armor that had long green feathers coming down from the top of the helmet.
“It’s a story,” Den said, folding her hands behind her back and turning towards me. “A history really.”
I had the long green feather between my thumb and forefinger. “Of what?” I gently rub the feather, a feeling of nostalgia washes over me and I feel warm and proud inside. The feeling disappears as I release the feather.
“Something that is thought to be make believe these days.” Den sighed, still dusting at the suit of armor. She places her hands over the gold golves, like she reassuring an old friend. “But, it is all tribute to a great king.” She smiles sadly.
I shrug, sitting on the edge of the table and pulling my apple back out from my pocket. “Like King Arthur or something?” I bite into the apple.
“The very same.” Den exclaimed. “Do you like Arthurian legend, Ms. Boniface?”
I grimaced at her formality. “Heloise, please.” Den looked surprised. “And yeah, I’ve heard a bed time story or two about King Arthur.”
Den seemed disappointed. “Only bedtime stories?” A hand slips away from the armor as she turns to face me.
I slide back off the table and walk towards her. “They were the only ones my dad would actually read to me.” I touched the shining helmet of the suit of armor before me. It had a blue, tartan sash going across its chest. “I always wanted Excalibur.”
Den smiled brightly at this. “Oh?”
“Dad said I couldn’t have it though, because Dagonet threw it into the lake.” I looked back at Den. “Is this whole school based on those stories? Castle and all?”
Den shrugged. “Perhaps.” She then sighed and looked down at her watch which had begun beeping. “Excuse me for a moment.” She turned off the alarm then disappeared down a hallway next to the lift.
I walked around the table, looking at each suit of armor and the paintings between them. Knights brandishing their swords, bowing before a king, being awestruck by ethereal women. I then stood before the gold armor, missing it’s weapon. Its mate. I reached up, cupping the helmet in my hand. It felt warm to the touch.
I was so captivated by the armor I didn’t hear the elevator churning behind me. I only noticed it when the creaky gate opened and shut with a tight clang. Turning I found Professor Ari Lourdes standing behind me, a book in one hand a sack lunch in the other.
He saw me. Even though he was some ways away, and his glasses covering them, I could see his green eyes widen.
“Ms. Boniface,” he took a tentative step forward as my hand slipped from the armor and turned from it, and folded my arms behind my back.
Ari removed his glasses. “What are you doing down here?”
I dipped my head to the side. “Den was giving me a tour.”
“Den?” Ari pocketed his glasses. “That’s odd, she’s normally so…shy.” His breath seemed to falter, seeing me posed before the golden armor.
I pointed my thumb over my shoulder. “What happened to it?”
I turned back towards the suit of armor. “This suit is missing it’s mate.” I say,  laying my hands over those of the armor. “Den said you helped piece together this exhibit.”
“Ah yes, well, that is said to be a replica of King Arthur’s armor.” Ari replied as he walked around the table towards them.
I cup my hands around the gold gloves, thinking that they seemed small. My hands could fit inside them perfectly. “Then where is Excalibur?”
“At the bottom of a lake.” I looked up, Ari standing a few inches behind me. He smiled, “or so legend has it.”
I smiled back. “I believe that is the main theory, yes.”
“The head master of the school has always been fascinated with the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. His whole family in fact, dating back to the founding of this school.” Ari said, taking a seat at the table. “They wanted to be able to teach children to be chivalrous and brave like Arthur and his knights.”
My smile turns smug for a moment as the idea dawns on me. “So then, the Student Government is very much an attempt to copy the Round Table?”
Ari laughs looking at the table. “You’ve caught on to that, have you?”
My hand glides across the back of Ari‘s chair as I walk by. “A round table surrounded by suits of armor.” I want to tousle his hair but I draw my hand away. “It isn’t hard to catch the drift.”
“I read your records your tutors provided,” Ari said, watching me as I stopped two chairs away. “You’re…you’re actually quite brilliant, Ms. Boniface. You’re father is breeding you to be a great leader.”
“A leader of companies.” I spat hatefully.
Ari looked taken aback by this. “Do you not want to inherit your father’s dynasty?”
I whirl around in a viciously cyclone. “I want my own dynasty!” My hand slams down on the table.
My wild hair flying about my head, falling on my shoulders. Catching myself in his eyes I straighten my back, regaining myself. “I want to build something…with my own…two hands.”
“You could do it.”
I glance quickly at him and then away again. I felt near tears. “He, my father, would never allow it.”
I comb my fingers through my hair then tossed it back over my shoulders. Now that I didn’t have stylists to fashion my hair sleek straight or into to corkscrew curls it was beginning to return to it’s natural wild lion’s mane.
“He didn’t even want me to come here. Afraid I’ll learn to fight him.”
Ari chuckled. “Looks like you already know how to do that.”
Aside from his beauty, it was easy to see why his classes were always filled up. He could see me. Behind all my armor and father’s make-up he could see me. He knew how to reach people by that, too.
I laugh. Covering my hand with my mouth. “Yes. I suppose so.”
“I was surprised when I first saw you,” Ari said, opening his sack lunch. “You and Ty look an awful lot alike.” He pulled out an apple. “The only thing he shares with Cordelia is a name.” He said Cordelia’s name with an acidic bite.
I smile. Not just because he said Ty and I look like siblings but because he could also see through Cordelia. “That’s probably why Cordelia hates us.”
Ari laughed. A knowing glint glowing in his eyes. He looked up though as Den came back into the room.
“I’m done now.” Rather than seem surprised by Professor Lourdes, she smiles knowingly and quite brightly. “Oh, Professor Lourdes, how are you?”
He nods towards her. “I’m fine Den. Glad to see you befriending Ms. Boniface.”
“Heloise.” I corrected him.
Den smiled, not answering him. She turned to me and waved her hand to the elevator. “Ready to go? Classes will restart soon.”
I go back and pick up my bag. “Thanks for the chat, Professor Lourdes.”
He smiles. “Ari.” He corrects. I turn but he touches my elbow. “If you need help catching up to the rest of the students, my door is always open. I’ll help you in any subject you need. Heloise.”
“That’s very nice of you.” I feel my cheeks warm at his touch. “Might take you up on it.” I nod then head back to Den who is smiling at Ari. She follows me into the elevator and shuts it tight.
As the lift clatters back to the student commons, John is waiting for me. He is leaning against the wall reading a book. He stands in attention like a soldier as Den and I step out.
Den tilts her head at me. “Did you enjoy the gallery?”
“Very much.” I nod. “Thank you, Den.”
Den nods then flits off without a word. I stare after her, confused.
“She’s an odd one.” John says. He begins to say something else when the music for the student announcements comes on. “Oh bother.” John huffs. We stand in the middle of the commons.
“Hello Cleatom Academy!” Ty’s voice echoes. “Afternoon classes have been canceled for today.” A low roar comes from the commons as students cheer for their good fortune. “I know? Isn’t that just the bee knees?” I smile picturing Ty in his box. “But feel free to use the rooms for study. Also, it’s happy hour at The Creamery Coffee Shop. All drinks half off!”
Another low roar.
“Want some coffee?” John asks.
I shake my head. “Uhm, no thank you. I think I’ll just go back to my room for now.” I say. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, though.”
John nods as we begin to separate. “I’ll meet you in Professor Lourdes classroom.” He waves and vanishes into the growing crowd aiming for the coffee shop.
I turn on my heel and head back towards the lift. I go to wrench it open when I realize it is gone. I hear it below, churning and working it’s way up. I step aside and watch is rise. I see inside a couple inside. I recognize the sleek golden hair as Cordelia and I step further into the shadows. I see the man she’s with, tall and slender with dark hair. My jaw drops as he walks out, pulling Cordelia with his lips. They separate briefly before she has him locked again.
“I really must go.” Ari is breathless.
“Oh fine.” Cordelia pouts girlishly. She stays in the elevator. “I’ll see you later then, darling?”
Ari smiled. “Of course.” He waves her off as she turns the elevator back on.
Disappearing below again. I look at Ari and watch him adjust his tie and collar. He wipes at his mouth and smoothes out his hair. He produces the apple he had been eating when I left him and takes a bite. He then walks away and into the glass elevator.
I’m not sure what to feel. Shock definitely. Betrayal? But why? I don’t even know Professor Lourdes. I only had a brief chat with him a moment ago. But he was nice to me. He listened to me. I thought he saw me. I thought he saw Cordelia.
Why Cordelia?
I slide to the floor. Bewilderment sweeping over my brain. I think about Ari’s apple and decide to throw mine away. It’s probably brown by now. I go to reach for it and notice a little red book in my bag. I take it out. It was the book Ari had been carrying when he first came into the room. How did it get in my bag?
The cover it soft cloth. Once it had been deep red but it was faded now, but the gold emblem emblazoned on the front was just as dazzling as it must have been when it was first published. The gold lion on the front matched the one on the school pins. I opened it up and a pressed flower fell out into my lap. Picking it up I realize it’s a lilac. I read the title page.
Merlin’s Arthur
I flip through the pages and something else slips from the pages. It’s heavy and cold. When I hold it in my palm I see it’s a key, a lion head serving as the top. It’s mouth gaped open, the key serving as its tongue. And engraved on it’s tongue was my name.
Chapter Three:
The academy has long since emptied out and I sit alone at Stone Lake. I thumb the key in my hand, wondering what it means. Did Professor Lourdes give this to me? I hold it against my chest, looking up at the dim windows of the academy. I wonder if he is still in his room? Was he expecting me to take him up on that study session?
“I can see you out there.”
I let out a yelp as a voice booms out over the empty campus. I huff, flustered. Realizing Ty has seen me some how.
“I’ll meet you in the commons.” Ty says and then the intercom goes quite.
I stand. Placing the key in the pocket of my vest before I walk back to the academy. I go in and wait before the glass elevator for Ty. I keep finding myself glancing at the little iron elevator behind. Why do I care what Professor Lourdes does? I convince myself its because it was Cordelia. Nothing more.
The glass elevator swings open and Ty comes out. He’s out of his school uniform, weAring only a pair of jeans and a dark t-shirt. “Wanna have some fun?”
I shrug. “Depends.”
Ty loops his arm around my neck and leads me away. We walk for a long time in silence. It’s hard to think we’ve been separated from one another for ten years now.
“I have a wonderful evening planned,” he tells be just before we reach the dorms.
I look up at him, his arm serving as my scarf. “Oh really?”
He smiles impishly. “You are a very lucky lady. Many women fight for the hand of Ty Jerrick, but only you can have it.”
I scoff at him, knowing him all too well.
He squeezes his arm tighter. “Go up and get changed, quick.” He commands me, pushing me to the front door of my dormitory.
I look back at him before I walk inside, slightly afraid when I come back out he’ll of disappeared into the golden autumn air. It’s where he belongs anyways, my flitting leaf.
He shoos me and I smile at him. “Ok, ok, just a second.” I call to him and rush inside and up to my room. I hurry myself into a t-shirt dress and grab my jacket. I don’t want to miss a moment with him.
We then walk to the school garage. A lot of the students who stay in the dorms have cars they use to go into town. We get into Ty’s car, a 1969 olive-green Mustang, and drive off.
He has the last picture taken of us together taped to the rearview mirror. I’m six, he’s seven. We’re hugging in front of the old cinema.
“I thought I’d take you to the docks.” Ty puts on a pair of sunglasses. “I know how you like the water. Plus, there is something I want to show you.”
“Sounds fun.” I lean back in the leather seat. “Why were afternoon classes canceled?”
He shrugs. “Silly reasons. Works in our favor though.” He says with a grin. It’s the kind of grin that makes me think he had something to do with it. But I know that’s just Ty. Everything he says sounds mischievous. He used to get in so much trouble back when he lived with father and me. I think that was one of the reasons Mrs. Jerrick and my father decided he’d be best with her.
Ty parked his car on the street and we got out to walk. He put his arm around my shoulders again. He probably thought I was cold in the wind.
We stopped at a sweet shop and got hot coco. I got marshmallows and cinnamon. Ty got whip cream and sprinkles, and another with marshmallows and caramel.
I crook my brow at him. “Why’d you get two?”
He mimics my eyebrow, then flips it to the other brow and back. “Too keep me sweet.”
I couldn’t wait to get to the dock. I loved the smell of the wind off the ocean. Even now I dream of the summer house in France, an old chateau overlooking the ocean. I’d fall asleep in the box window, just watching the sunset melt into the waves.
The dock is made of old but hard and sturdy wood. I love it instantly. The sun reflects in glittering cascades off the water. As I race Ty towards the end of the dock a small girl comes into view. The sun glows off her golden hair like she has a halo. I think of the extra coco Ty bought, marshmallows and caramel. I feel like such an idiot for not realizing it sooner. She turns, her pale face flushed from the breeze. I raise my hands to my face and race to her.
“Nissa!” I cry as I scoop her up in my arms. “How on earth?”
She clings to me, gripping on as tight as she can. “Heloise,” she whimpers into my chest.
I cupped her face in my hands, beaming into those blue-gray eyes. “I thought you were in America!”
She was almost crying. Then again she always had tears in her eyes when she was happy. “Grandmother convinced Mama to send me back here.”
I pinched her cheeks. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
She bit her lip. “Grandmother doesn’t like you.”
I laugh and pull her into another tight hug, cupping the back of her head. “I’m so happy to see you. I don’t care what that old bird thinks.”
Behind us, Ty laughs. “I told you you’d like the docks.”
“Are you attending Cleatom then?” I ask, reluctantly pulling back.
She nods. “Yes.” She pulls out her Diamond pin. “Isn’t it pretty?”
I feel upset she is only a Diamond. Her miserly old grandmother is a modern day Ebenezer Scrooge. Plus you add in both her mother’s celebrity and her own, she should be an Emerald. I cup Nissa’s hands in mine, ignoring it.
“I saw your last movie. You were so wonderful.”
Nissa beamed and asked about our father. I told her he was the same as always. I obligatory asked about her mother. Nissa answers that she’s been so busy, with movies, TV, and even a book in the works.  I have no idea what that woman would write about but I nod and smile. I’m just happy to have Nissa back in my arms again.
“How long have you been in Cleatom?” I asked.
“A year,” Nissa admits guiltily, biting her bottom lip. “But I’m moving into the dorms soon. Grandmother’s health is failing and she said it would be best for me to stay away from it.” Poor sweet, darling, Nissa.  She’s covering for the world’s oldest hypochondriac. I bet the bat sent Nissa away, complaining that she was the cause of her warts or something idiotic like that.
“I have us reservations set up.” Ty says, tapping the face of his watch. “I figured we Boniface children should have our long, over-do family dinner.”
Nissa squeezed onto my hand as we walked, she caught Ty’s and we walked in a row down the street. One thing I am grateful to my father about is this, my siblings.
Once we sit down at the restaurant Nissa and I begin peppering each other with questions. She asks me about home. Ty asks her about what celebrities she’s met. I ask her about her travels.
“Oh!” Nissa suddenly exclaims. “I haven’t told you the best thing!” She giggles excitedly. “I’m Ty’s assistant!” She says, touching his hand. “I’m part of the Student Government.”
“Really?” I gasp.
She nods. “Yes! I never thought Ty would hire me.” She blushes some. “I thought for sure he’d pick some pretty girl.”
Ty scoffs. “I did pick a pretty girl.”
Nissa rolls her eyes, same as me. “You know what I mean, Ty.” She looks at me and we both crack up.
“I see what you think of me.” He scoffs, slapping his palm against his chest and turning his head over-dramatically away. “I am saving myself for marriage.”
Nissa and I laugh harder. I’m squeezing Nissa’s hand, not realizing how hard, but she offers no complaint because she squeezes right back.
We leave just as the restaurant closes. Ty drives us back dropping me off at my dormitory. I kiss Nissa goodbye, almost wanting to cry as I watch them drive off.
I suddenly feel exhausted as I get to my room. I strip as I walk to the bathroom where I shower. As I dry my hair with a towel I pick up my dirty laundry and toss it in the allotted bin. One of the staff would collect it in the morning. I picked up my uniform and the key fell out of the pocket.
I had almost completely forgotten about it. I roll it through my hands then set it in my bedside table. I get into my sleep shirt then return to the key. I look up at it as I lay on my bed. I drift off to sleep soon with the key clutched in my hand.
I’m standing on a boat, my body badly injured and bleeding. I’m screaming. Fighting against arms holding me back. I know I have won against these arms many times in the past, but my body is so badly beaten they are winning.
I’m screaming someone’s name. Someone I don’t want to leave. Someone I love.
I finally collapse to the floor of the boat, sobbing their name over and over. I’ll never see them again will I? I look up at the one who was holding me back and he shakes his head sadly. He gently wipes away my tears and leads me into the boat. He sets me down gently on a comfortable chair and he extends my legs, removing the heavy metal boots from my feet.
I’m still whispering the name, over and over.
Two soft hands gently cress my cheeks and pull back my hair, tying it up and away from my face like I like. I look up into her warm, familiar eyes. She is crying too and I am comforted there. I lean my head into her arm as she removed the metal gauntlets from my arms. She’s singing a song to me.
I look down at the man tending to the wound in my belly and I ask him something. He looks at me and answers, “Your loved ones cannot follow you here, my lord.”
I’m baffled.
He doesn’t allow me to argue. I whisper the name again and he shakes his head.
The woman pulls a locket out from around my neck and opens it before me. I preciously cradle it in my hands. Inside is a lock of raven black hair. It sends me into shuddering tears.
I awake from the dream, still whispering the name, still crying. I sit upright and rub hard at my eyes. The name has already been forgotten, but the heart break I felt in longing for it still haunts me.
I realize I’m still holding the key. In the darkness I think for a moment it is glowing, but I decide it is merely the full moon reflecting off it. It is half past midnight and despite that I decide I must act crazy and go for a walk. Anything to subside the pain of my heart breaking.
I put on some jeans and a plain shirt. I stuff the key in my pocket and walk out of the dorm. I walk up the cobblestones of the dorm village. I walk past the boy’s junior dorm. The female senior dorm, and I walk further. I walk past the student garage and into the forest.
I think, perhaps if I keep walking I’ll reach the cliffs over looking the ocean. Instead, I come across a massive cast wrought iron gate. It looked like a palace itself with all the intricate works and towers to it. In the very center, where the gates open up, was a lion’s head. It’s mouth gaping open and it’s tongue serving as the latches.
I touch the key in my pocket. It is iron too. I take it out and compare the lions’ heads. They look like they match but in the moonlight it is so hard to tell. I stand closer to the gate, looking for the keyhole. I suddenly have an idea and hold the key in my hand and insert my hand into the large lion’s mouth. Sure enough, the key slides right in and I turn to unlock it.
The gate creaks open by itself, first slow then it suddenly blows open, sending me back a few paces in fright. I hold my arms before me as I am greeted by a cold burst of air, strong enough to almost knock me over, but I manage to hold my ground.
As I peel my arms away I see a thick, heavy mist pouring out from the open gate. I hold my breath and look all around me. I decide maybe I should head back. Then I think that the key had my name on it, perhaps Professor Lourdes meant to tell me about it and forgot. Perhaps, since I was Emerald, I had special privileges to certain areas on the campus. The campus was massive enough to allow such a thing. So I stride into the mist. I hear the gates close behind me and I am suddenly tight inside with dread.
I take a few steps, barely able to see anything around except for the cold, white mist. My toe hits something and I fall. Breaking through the mist I fall and hit on a set of stairs.
The mist is so thick around me I can barely make them out, rising through and going up in a gentle slope. So I begin climbing the stairs, I remember there being mist in my dream, it completely engulfed the boat I was on. Who else was there with me? A man and a woman of unearthly beauty. It is so funny how you can forget a dream so powerful so fast.
Above me I see the beginnings of a building rising above the trees, but the deep fog is swallowing me up.
Am I in another plain of existence?
At the top of the stairs I see not a building but a huge marble platform surrounded by tall statues of women bearing shells and children, massive lions with their mouths wide open, men wielding swords or embracing a woman. All of them an Atlas, holding up the a massive dome covered in tiny fragments of glass that glittered and glowed in the moon’s radiance.
“Oh wow…” I whispered. I am aware my toes are freezing, and the cold begins climbing its way up my body. Tiny frozen fingers ripping through my clothes and sending my skin into gooseflesh. I shuddered and hold my arms across me.
“Are you cold?” I look up in response to the voice. Before me, coming down from a platform at the far end is a man. “I see you didn’t need my help finding this place.”
I’m confused. The cold seems to be stabbing at my brain now. “John?”
I then see two more appear behind him, a tall figure that remains in the shadows and the second comes out farther than John. She smiles shyly at me.
“Den…” I shake my head. “What is this?” I ask, taking a step forward.
John raises his hand out of the fog and I was stunned to see him holding a sword.
“John!” I exclaim, jumping back.
My back hits a wall, cold as ice. I whip around, there were stairs here just a moment ago. Instead there is this cold wall. A wall of solid ice. My breath comes out in thick white puffs now, fast little ghosts leaving me. A warm hand touches my shoulder and I spin around to face Den.
“Hold still.” Den commands and I stand rigid, her hands touch my chest and I fell a small weight against the collar of my shirt. It is an Emerald pin. Den then puts her cheek to mine.
“Never let go of your key.” She whispers into my ear and then she steps behind me, her warm hand lingering on mine.
I look back up at John, squeezing the key tighter in my hand. “John, what’s going on?” I try to stay calm, but my voice is noticeably shaky.
“What is going on is a rite of passage.” The man behind John responds. His voice is deep and I don’t recognize it.
“For what?” I snap.
“If you have a name on the key.” The voice tells me. “John,” he says in a commanding voice.
John was suddenly charging at me. I hold up my arms, bracing myself. He knocks me upside my head with the blunt end of his sword, and I fall, hitting the frozen ground.
“Get up!” John yells.
My head in throbbing and words and pictures are mixed up in my head. My vision is whirling and spinning.
“Get up!” John barks again. Using his foot he flips me over onto my back. He then takes his sword and touches the tip to my pin. “I’ll break it if you don’t get up.”
“Heloise!” Den whispers demandingly.
I whimper a loud, choking sob. “For the love of God! What?”
John circles me, the tip of his sword pointed at me. “Draw your weapon.”
I swallow and roll to my side, wobbly standing to my feet. I still have my key clutched in my hand. “Tell me what’s happening.” My speech is slow.
John holds his sword up. “Draw your weapon.”
I grip onto the side of my head. “Weapon?”
John sneers. “Draw it, now!”
Confused, hurt, and angry I scream out. “I don’t have a weapon!”
I raise my hand, attempting to throw that damn key and then the sound of steel hitting steel resonates like a gunshot, and a bright flash of light that blinds me.
The mist clears. The light dims. Looking up I see a sword in my hand where the key was.
In my stupor John easily forces my sword down and he raises his against me again, bringing it down towards my neck. I swing upwards, hitting John’s wrist, ripping away at his starched sleeve. He jumps back and I run away, a stupid move because his sword is slicing by my leg, cutting into my thigh. I cry out and fall to my knees.
Den cries out. “Get up!”
I shakily move to stand and I hear John charging towards me. The fog is closing in, engulfing me, swallowing me whole.
I drop back to my knees and suddenly I am gone.
John’s sword hit’s the floor before me and I jump away, still low and in the fog. If I remain hidden in the fog, I think, perhaps I can regain my footing, regain some of the sense John knocked out of me. My ears are ringing, blood rushing to them and to the throbbing lump near the back of my left ear where John had hit me.
What was happening to me?
What the hell was wrong with the people at this school?
I then hear a scream. It’s Den. I jump out of the fog instantly, seeing John approaching Den with his sword ready.
Without a second thought I lunging through the fog and the air. I am flying. I am swinging my sword. As I swing at John, for the briefest flash, I see someone else. I see a man with long golden curls, and a strong yet angelic face. He is wearing shimmering armor almost pearl in color.
I strike him.
John’s arm is braced against mine, his hand pressing hard against my shoulder. I’m staring at him, wide eyed and frightened. I hadn’t been in control of myself.
Someone else had.
“Heloise-” Den gasps.
I hear the slight tink of something hitting the marble, echoed by tiny droplet-like sounds raining on the floor. Looking down I see I only have the key in my hand, the sword has gone away in John’s hand as well. He pulls away from me and the mist begins to recede.  Looking down I see John’s diamond pin on the marble, all the individual tiny diamonds scattered like so many drops of rain.
John is looking at me, hard and long. I look back at him, confused and afraid. Was he going to hit me now?
John lifts his head, looking away from me and towards the back. “You were right.” John says to the man at the back.
“I don’t…” I murmur, slowly shaking my throbbing and confused head. “What do you mean?”
“We’ve been waiting a long time for you to come back.” The man in the back replies.
John is then bowing before me. “The one true king.”
I’m confused beyond reasoning. I clutch my head in my hand. “John stop. What are you doing?”
“Look at your key.” Den is behind me, putting one hand on my shoulder and the other on my waist. “You’ll see your true name written upon it now.”
I lay the heavy key flat in my palm. Engraved where my name used to be read the name: Arthur.
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thatsmybook · 5 months
"Since the 2nd grade when I started being bussed in to white schools, I've spent my entire life proving that I belonged in elite white spaces that were not built for Black people. I got a lot of clarity through what happened with the University of North Carolina. I decided I didn't want to do that anymore. That Black professionals should feel free and actually perhaps an obligation to go to our own institutions, and bring our own talents and resources to our own institutions and help to build them up as well.
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This is not my fight. I fought the battle that I wanted to fight which is - "I deserve to be treated equally and have a vote on my tenure". I won that battle.
It's not my job to heal the University of North Carolina. That's a job for the people in power who created the situation in the first place."
This is Nikole Hannah-Jones Pulitzer-prize winning investigative journalist announcing to Gayle King on CBS News in July 2021, that she has declined a tenured professorship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and will instead take a position as the inaugural Knight Chair in Race and Reporting at Howard University, an Historical Black University (HBCU).
This is a real world scenario echoed in YA fiction in both Legendborn by American author Tracy Deonn (set at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, where Bree deals with racism and exclusion at her new school whilst grieving the loss of her mother); and in Ace of Spades by British author Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé (set at a fictional elite all white high school, Neveus Academy where the only two Black students are subject to increasing instances of racism and physical threat).
That young adult fiction is speaking to current times in different genres, especially those written by Black voices, is so exciting and enriching to all readers.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 10 months
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familiar places
thumbnail sketch of a scene from IRE/Arcadia of Avalon I’ve been thinkin about my arthurian boyos again aaaa
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wrennwyrmnest · 1 year
Lil intro post
Hey there! My name is Wrenn and I'm worldbuilding a high fantasy world as a setting for stories and a TTRPG game. I'm getting back into the swing of tumblr for a number of reasons, particularly the fact that I can maintain a blog but also share memes.
A lil about me:
Neurospicy, queer, and I use she/they pronouns.
One of my special interests is cards, yes, all things cards.
Big on communication and being compassionate.
I quite like puns.
About the world and my projects:
High fantasy, building a secondary world.
Will be sharing my progress on the map, setting, speculative evolution, and magic system among other things.
My world & magic system doesn't work for D&D, so I'm creating the base TTRPG game using the Year Zero Engine by Free League.
I'm a slow writer but I'm currently cooking up an Arthurian reimagining which is queer AF.
My focus isn't really going to be on the maths (outside of the TTRPG I guess), the areas I'm keen for doing into depth will be all things culture... yes that's quite a big iceberg but we'll cross that bridge.
I guess people do a pitch of sorts? Here's my world Drak'Arna in short:
What if the theory of classical elements were true?
That Air, Earth, Fire, and Water were the fundamental building blocks of reality? How would that impact and shape the world?
Drak'Arna is a world with an elemental magic system akin to Avatar: The Last Airbender meeting the alchemical tech of Fullmetal Alchemist. The scope this author hopes to achieve is akin to ASOIAF but considering the aforementioned Arthurian reimagining, would like to make it VERY clear there's not going to be any uh, Lannister sibling-like relationships featured in their works.
~ ~ ~
Speaking in third person feels @.@"
If you'd like to get a visual feel for my world, check out my Pinterest, but if you have any questions my Asks are open.
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Morgan Pendragon's purple dress & orange cloak in Camelot
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starsaroundsaturn · 2 months
by request of @kindlythevoid
          It was a cold midwinter morning in the dark heart of seasonless space. The child was placed in a pod programmed to travel towards a lonely planet that had been called Myra a long time ago. Timothee Du’Lac’s face was hard as stone as he watched his wife’s bastard departing.
          Murphy watched Lord Du’Lac with a sort of fascinated horror. He had become a page in the Lord’s house in hope of being a knight. At this rate, he thought it might be more honorable to jump out the nearest airlock.
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septembr-moon · 9 months
Ok, so I finished Gwen and Art are not in love a few days ago, and I have decided that I NEED to see some fanart of a byler and Arthur x Gabriel (idk their ship name) or elmax and Gwen x Bridget (again, I don’t know their ship name) CROSSOVER
anyways… if anyone wants to try something like this I would be forever grateful to you (could you maybe tag me in it? 🥺)
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queer-ragnelle · 11 months
i might have to start writing/editing wikipedia’s arthurian entries bc so much info is missing that i could add lol
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