#as a geography person
felgueirosa · 1 year
tagged by @discworldwitches to list 10 songs w names in the title!! tysm i love to share my music!!
elle - mari boine (in particular, the most recent release w bugge wesseltoft, but also like isák's cover)
samson - regina spektor
fernando - abba
ahuvati ester - mor karbasi
laura - bat for lashes
mariana - algaire
cleo at abbey road - shygirl
alfonsina y el mar - mercedes sosa
evelina - katarina barruk
orion - anaïs mitchell
wow! this was much harder than i thought! ummm i tag @gracelandmp3 @angelofdudes @loveydoveykirk @leguindyke if yáll want to and anyone else who wants to! <3
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darcyolsson · 23 days
i doubt anyone who has not lived here will get any more than 2 but i want to join the bandwagon anyway 💛 how many dutch provinces do you know? (link)
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billowingangel · 2 months
╭────────────────────.🗺..─╮ If you're a hetalian and bored click here! ╰─..🗺.────────────────────╯
(≥ヮ≤)Ⳋ Carrd includes 12 different categories you can distract yourself with!
Art included is by @/Titaniumtsar and @/Arumidden (^し^)
( ∂ ω ∂ ) If you have any suggestions for links to add send them my way!
I hope this helps to distract and entertain anyone whose bored (´ヮ`)~*
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
well, this all looks rather familiar...
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
EDIT: You can almost definitely slot most apps into one of the above options.
School app? Slot in with work app.
Transportation app, whether plane, train, or car? Rewards or financial, depending on if they have a rewards program.
Media hosting? I'll admit I should have thought of something like Libby before I made the post, but substack or spotify will fall into social media.
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dandelion-roots · 28 days
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[ID: a digital sketch of Miku with her recognizable long aquamarine ponytails and eyes of the same colour wearing Serbian folk clothes from the Sumadija region. End ID]
There is absolutely no way I'm inking and rendering Serbian folk/ethnic clothes at this juncture in my life, but I still wanted to participate in the Miku dash sweep so here, have a Serbian Miku (specifically from the Sumadija region).
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daily-hanamura · 8 months
I kind of wished that the persona 4 cast wasn’t stuck in a narrative where the main theme is ‘always accept the role thrust upon you and if you don’t like it, just force yourself to like it’. Yukiko actively wants to leave Inaba and create her own life, but is portrayed negatively when doing so, with her character arc involving her accepting the role thrust upon her. Don’t get me started on Naoto. I know you’re the Yosuke guy, and was wondering what are your thoughts on this when applied to Yosuke?
I want you to know that being called "the Yosuke guy" is now my greatest achievement you've made my day everyday for the last week
I do agree with you, and I think it was one of my initial issues with P4 where, for a game whose entire narrative is about being true to yourself, it sure falls back into that tired sense of social conformation a lot. It's grating, right, because it feels like what they really mean to say is "be yourself! but not too much and not in a way that makes other people unhappy and make sure you're still living up to other peoples expectations because that's the real reason why you're unhappy with yourself, you haven't accepted who we want you to be (which is the real you that we've decided) etcetc" and it just undercuts the emotional impact of their self-acceptance (see also kanji and rise). (dw I know P5 also kind of has the same problem, and I can go into a whole thing about the limits of transformative narratives written by capitalist corporations but i wont. today-)
I think with Yosuke though, it's really interesting because his character arc is more so tied to his relationship with Inaba as a place, rather than his fundamental self-perceptions. It's established early on that Yosuke hated the town for various reasons; he's a city boy who wants excitement and connection, but most of the town hates him so he's shit out of luck and it gives him little reason to like the town back. As the game progresses, he starts to like the town -- "it's not about where you are, but who you're with", so it's his friendships (and having people who accept him for who he is) that makes the place meaningful for him. And, at the end of the day, Yosuke did get what he wanted - excitement and connection.
But he's not tied to Inaba.
In P4AU, it's revealed that Yosuke's struggling to figure out what he wants to do in life, but by the end of it he tells Yu that he wants to leave the town and go to college with Yu in the city, and that he wants to see the world and experience more things for himself. It fascinates me because it very strongly implies that Yosuke's arc isn't complete as we're very expressly told that he's still developing. It stands in contrast to the other characters who have effectively been fixed into some role or position (Yukiko as an inn manager, Rise as an idol), and unlike them, Yosuke hasn't been permanently relegated to the things that he starts off hating. He hasn't been written to stay in Inaba or even to continue working at Junes after graduation, instead he gets the opportunity to try things. imo this makes his arc more situational (and therefore layered) - Yosuke's perspective on his circumstance matures, but who he is as a person doesn't have to change, and he's not forced to make a trade-off with the wishes he had at the start.
This might be because Yosuke is Atlus' favourite character of the contrast between Yosuke's city background and the rest of the Inaba folk. There's a guy in the school who talks about how most people who finish high school in Inaba just go on to get jobs, and very few actually leave for college and beyond. It's something deeply realistic and reflective of human geography IRL, because that's very common in small communities. A fear of the outside world because of how isolated they are (and Inaba kind of is - remember how Yosuke said they barely had cell connectivity up until recently) means they tend to look inwards instead of out, so there isn't as strong an awareness of what else there is out there and a belief that your options are basically just that (it also makes it all the more impressive that they have surprisingly well-traveled teachers). Yosuke, on the other hand, is very much connected to the internet and the outside world, and he also tends to think about the things that he's missing out on more tangibly.
It makes for a very interesting parallel with Yukiko, who had grown up in Inaba all her life and also expresses that same interest in wanting to go out and see the world. Yukiko's idea about the kind of options that she has is weirdly limited for someone who is supposed to be at the top of her class. When you meet her at the bookstore, she talks about getting a job license so she could leave town, and her first thought was interior decorator (do you even need a license for that? it's not a chartered profession unlike an architect or interior designer, but things might work differently in japan). And maybe she does have a genuine interest in it so I'm talking shit, but it also feels like it's a job that she's aware of only because of the ryokan. As far as I could tell, we don't actually see her express any interest in, say, furniture themes or colour swatches and fabric textures in the way Kanji very clearly does. Her world view, like everyone else, is bounded by the reach of her experience, but because Inaba is so small and cloistered it impedes her ability to imagine beyond that. Even when she's thinking of leaving, her options are still limited to her experiences at the inn. I'm still really salty about how she decided to stay at the ryokan in the end, because something much more satisfying in my opinion would have been for her to get the opportunity to try different things elsewhere in the world, and if she decided that the ryokan was the right thing for her, then, well, fine, I guess? Or some cliche like exploring other inns elsewhere so she could bring that knowledge home. Especially since she had the support of her family and the inn staff, it makes her narrative feel more like an acceptance of her lot in life, rather than a genuine realisation that yeah, this was what she wanted, which was what the game wanted us to think, except it's not convincing. Instead, it just feels like a weird stagnation because her initial wish of wanting to see the world beyond the ryokan was not satisfied.
But hey, guess who does!
Yosuke gets to learn how to make the best of a situation, but ultimately, he's not beholden to it. He - and his writers - understand that he's not done growing, so he doesn't fix himself to a role that he doesn't like. AND IT'S GOOD. I just wish everyone else got that opportunity.
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i miss being 11 i miss having a normal borderline indifferent relationship with studying
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Theory About Who Has the Gnosis
My theory about who presently has the Hydro Gnosis, and who the true Hydro Archon is, is that it's...still Furina, actually. Just not the Furina we've been interacting with so far.
"Okay what the hell are you on about now, Glass--" So glad you asked, dearest darling readers!
So one thing I've been utterly obsessed with in Genshin is how every Archon(except Zhongli) has a dead doppelganger that makes them depressed. Venti has the Nameless Bard(modeled his form based off them), Ei has Makoto(identical twins), Nahida has Rukkhadevata(used the same model when they finally got to speak with each other, adult Rukkhadevata looked like an older Nahida)
So this sets up for Furina, Murata, and the Tsaritsa possibly having their own doppelgangers. As such my theory is that Furina's doppelganger is actually currently still alive, and is the holder of the Gnosis. Furthermore, it is actually Furina's memories of the Gnosis and certain knowledge required for being and acting like an Archon 'given consciousness'. This other-Furina (we'll just call THIS one Focalors to prevent confusion) is probably also the one who's been gathering Indemnitum and figuring out plans to deal with the Prophecy while our Furina keeps the populace calm and entertained, hence why Furina is so confident that she can deal with the prophecy, to the point the Traveler doesn't think she's putting on an act anymore, but can't actually answer any of Arlecchino's questions during the Archon Quest. That was her 'original, complete self' briefly shining through.
As for how such a thing is possible...Furina actually strikes me as pretty competent, if anxious and insecure, when she sets her mind to something, and seems to have some sort of specialty in information gathering. She's good enough at it that she's the first Archon to figure out where the Traveler is going, and set agents to inform her of our arrival so she can make a grand entrance literally minutes after we entered her nation--without Archon powers. It's also very interesting how, despite how Makoto and Rukkhadevata have left things behind, the things they leave behind tend to be restricted to their nations. They even both died within their nations But the place where Egeria died...is in Sumeru. Just within the border, yeah. And it does do a lot of work in setting up Fontaine lore to hype us up. But...it feels a little weird to me that Egeria didn't die within Sumeru.
I wonder if it's a hint that shortly after becoming an Archon, but before Rukkhadevata's death, Furina asked Rukkhadevata to use the Irminsul Tree to help her with something--namely, to help her pull off the ultimate performance. I think that Furina might be the ultimate method actor--what better way of hiding one's Gnosis and disguising one's true plans, after all, than wiping your own memories so that, even if someone interrogates you you can't give up your Gnosis' location or what's necessary for your plans, and even if you're killed by an assassin capitalizing on the opportunity, 'another you' can keep working away at all the issues, and everyone now knows there's someone after the Archon/Gnosis.
Of course, this does mean that Furina's plan may have backfired a little. If this is true, then she's a great decoy...but she's also got a self-inflicted inferiority complex, and is so afraid of admitting that she's weak, confused, and helpless that she can't even admit to Neuvilette someone made an attempt on her life.
I already talked once about Furina, Ei, and Nahida all being foils for each other, where they end up isolated due to being in the shadow of their predecessors, and feeling they're not equipped to do a good job. But if this is true, and Furina created a Focalors-doppelganger, then Furina is also standing in the shadow of her own self. It'd also be incredibly interesting if, while Nahida had to erase memories to move out from Rukkhadevata's shadow, Furina has to regain them--and it'd also have some interesting implications about why Rukkhadevata chose to erase herself, too. Because maybe she got the idea from someone else...
"This is all well and good, but wait, where's Focalors then?"
Ah, this one I actually think most people have already guessed correctly. What's a machine that creates and gathers indemnitum, that's powered by a belief in justice, which Furina supposedly built but doesn't seem to understand(anymore), which apparently spoke to Lyney when he tried infiltrating the Opera Epiclese to examine it, and which Neuvilette ultimately chose to respect the judgment of when it gave a verdict different to his?
Suffice to say. Much like how Elynas chose to appear as a Melusine and Rukkhadevata appeared as Nahida...I think we'll get to chat with the Oratrice in a dreamspace and it will appear as Focalors.
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Most of these are islands because those are the ones I know of, but I tried to include a few landlocked ones as well
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dougielombax · 14 days
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This is Mount Ararat! On the border between Armenia and Turkey. (Formerly part of western armenia)
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This is Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia.
Don’t get them mixed up.
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minmin-vs-physics · 1 month
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smh i shouldn't get into the habit of backdating posts
[13/8/24] i skipped work bc i was flying across the country to visit my parents lol. i love flights so much; im so excited to sit at the window!
so i didn't download an emotionally charged show like i usually do for the journey which meant i actually ended up doing some calculations on the plane as well. (calculations not pictured) it's bad when u start doing work for fun, so i also read a good fraction of my fave fic ever (i forgot how GOOD it was.)
the first photo is the NYC skyline, and the third is a view of the Sierra Nevada Mountains I think (?). My flight map was not working so this guess is based on the topography and timing of the photo. I was really hoping for a good shot of the Rockies proper but it was pretty cloudy then :(. I love the Rockies; I'd love to visit someday! I love looking at mountains from the plane bc everything looks so textured.
anyway, that's enough yapping about topography. i talked too much about my location than i thought i would drop. ill be back at campus soon enough and im supposed to be working this week too.
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this bit is half a second long and it's one of my favorite scenes in the reboot
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sadbeautifutragic · 2 months
the "unschooling" trend on tiktok is messed up. you're depriving your children of the right to education which will put them at a significant disadvantage later in life :/
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philzokman · 2 months
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starbuck · 10 months
just made the worst PowerPoint of my life and i’m going to turn it in for five million points
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