#as in the body that we would later call pluto
earth-wyrms · 8 months
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crying, wailing, ect
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starberry-cupcake · 5 months
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I don't think I have a lot to update today because life got in the way of me reading as much as I wanted, but if I don't note things down, I'm gonna forget, so here we are. I'm not sure if I'll be able to update tomorrow, but I'll be back as soon as as I can, more for my own peace of mind than anything else.
previously, in harrowlicious the ninth:
this happened
also, I may have or may have not been slightly spoiled about a thing because people in my dash don't use the tags available to us mortals, so I'm gonna have to sprint if I see any semblance of skull make up in my dash
close the tab immediately
close my eyes and cover them for good measure
currently, chapters 12 & 13:
we are training how to...kill planets, I think
basically, I think we're killing a planet and killing the thing that comes out of it when it's killed
this is what the care bears taught me not to do when I was a kid
actually, I think they even made a new one in the new re-design thing specifically to make the point even clearer than in the 90s
this new one
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that's the opposite of what these people are doing rn
so harrowbean is training with mercygirl on how to be environmentally unconscious
if I am understanding the dynamics correctly, you kill the planet and then you chase the planet's soul aka beast through the river and kill that too
if the ones they're escaping from are bigger than these, they must have fucked up massively with whatever they destroyed
when I started reading gideon, I thought the houses were like planet-coded
you know, nine houses and all that
the ninth is now a hypothetical mysterious ninth planet
but back when my astrology lesson was sailor moon
the ninth was pluto
and in that mindset, the ninth would be setsuna meiou, which checked out with some of the harrow aesthetics, I mean
a mix between these two looks???
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I went on a tangent, anyway
I moved on from that idea later but, in any case, these people must have destroyed some fucking huge thing to make the mess they're in now
so, basically, in order to chase the planet's soul (which they call beast, but I think that's disrespectful), that's where the cavalier comes in
the slurped cav is meant to keep the lyctor running through that process, so that their body doesn't collapse
and it's meant to have their instincts kick in to do the final push and use the sword they were trained to use
if mayonnaise uncle had not done what he did, he would have probably been good at this part
but he was obliterated
by hubris
so, harrow cannot do this
for us, at least, because it's more hope for the "gideon isn't gone" theory that keeps us together
I speak in plural, as if you didn't know exactly what's happening, but you get what I mean
in my mind, we're like this, waiting for gideon to come back
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so augustine calls harrow "diet lyctor"
he should call her "lyctor lite"
mercygirl gives harrow crap for not being able to sustain herself due to her lack of cavalier-ness
augustine makes fun of her for her lack of cavalier-ness
and I'm here like...you guys are the ones who started this mess?????
it's not up to a teen to save you in a couple months from something you haven't been able to fix in 10k years????
maybe you deserve it????????
what is this, evangelion????
harrow, coming back from the training and planet killing
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harrow visits yandere twin in her new designated room
yandere twin has a room with a lot of nudes
"life sized nudes in languorous attitudes, generally in oils, and all of the same two persons. They were enthusiastically executed. The duo posing held a variety of objects both likely and unlikely."
so...which lyctor ordered a ton of nsfw fanart of themselves and their cav or whatever????
I'm assuming it's a portrait of one of them and it's this kind of situation
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yandere twin apparently likes the nudes, so they're staying there
harrow doesn't like them
I think it's A Lot tbh, but it's not my lyctor room, so I'm not telling her what to do
who has the room with the ceramics collection? because I call dibs on that
anyway, yandere twin is having a hard time with this too
both of them are having a hard time with doing it, not with the ethical or moral implications of what they're doing or why johnny john john is asking them to do these things
harrow can kill the stuff faster, but she can't be trusted to be able to stay alive after
harrow was never very good at not getting physically damaged at all times
yandere twin has a hard time making chad cooperate
who would have thought
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imma assume it's a problem you might encounter when you slurped your cav against their will
which is what we think happened, idk, we found him stabbed in the back so
and also it's chad
chad complained about everything all the time
harrow tells her it's psychological
the mental health care plan of the lyctors looks like this
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also, harrow suggests yandere twin to cut her new arm if it bothers her
I mean, that's one solution, I guess
it's a very harrow solution
yandere twin points out that harrow is the emperor's favorite
that sounds like a very bad thing tbh
she also asks harrow to make her own arm grow back again and harrow says no because she's not good at the fleshy bits
"the fleshy bits"sounds like something cursed that comes with cereal in a magnus archives episode
but you get the idea
we end the chapter with harrow appreciating yandere twin's company because, when she found her after she had stabbed not!dulcinea's corpse, she said "wish you'd taken off her arms"
I respect that too
again, no camilla yet
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well, this wasn't as long or entertaining but I'll come back whenever I can...life needs to let me read this book
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lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
An interesting au-ish scenario i thought up
Unicron: Earth the spark in this physical body at one point is going to go out. It is a smelter that needs to smelt or else the spark dies i should've made a better design but eh
Earth: Oh..
Unicron: I can with ease create myself a new vessel frame i will do that when your children kill out themselves fully and then you'll be able to transform and move freely
Moon: Then what?
Unicron: We travel the three of us together what else? I have many sights i want to show to the two of you in person. And space whales are worth listening to
Moon: *touched* ...Oh
Earth:  Aww..
Unicron: Ahem.. Cat lady and murderhobo are welcome to join in too if they want i suppose..The more the merrier.. or something ..
Just.. Death and his companions..  Traversing stars together.. Celestial travelers..(potential au name?)
And imagine the potential shenanigans.. It would be especially chaotic if Mars decided to tag along with his sparkling horde *Unicron voice* This is star dust *cue rover sparklings repeating star dust*
I can see this happening eventually.
Unicron will need to break from his slumber eventually. It is the way of the universe, and as Primus becomes more active, so too must Unicron in order to keep the scales even. By the time he actually rises from his slumber, Earth's children will have long since fled to the stars. Earth will be ready for her death. That is the way it was always meant to be. She was born to fill a vacuum, and with that vacuum quickly about to be filled, there would be no need for her.
But of course, in this happier future, Moon and Unicron will have long planned for this. Sweeping in just as he'd waited to do so for so long, Moon will rush to transform and begin working to pull Earth away from her father's frame. Unicron will assist in the effort by forcefully snapping away as much of his connection to Earth as possible, hopefully loosening her with a minimal amount of pain. It will still ache and pain her, but after so long resting and recovering from the burning of Cybertron, Moon will have the strength to pry her off of Unicron just in time for him to properly wake.
Earth, now free of Unicron's frame, will quickly attach herself to Moon. Merging will not be the most fun thing in the world, that with Earth's need to take energy from whomever serves as her host. However, once it is complete, Moon's mission will be complete, and finally the Titans present can deliberate on their next choice of action.
Unicron: The humans will lament the loss of their homeworld.
Moon: They can get over it. Earth shall endure no more pain with me. My citizens will care for the both of us.
Mars: That's all well and good, but what do we do now?
Pluto: I am still very on board with the idea of shooting that Unmaker.
Mars: Pluto, no. He's not insane anymore. I think the millennia spent in his time out box did him good.
Pluto: A bold statement from the one who has yet to let go of those rovers.
Earth: Enough... my children are scattered... I wish to see them... and travel the stars.
Unicron: And your wish shall be fulfilled. Long have you endured the threat of looming doom. But no longer. I shall not come for you this cycle daughter of mine.
Earth: You call me your... daughter?
Unicron: Of course. You are of me, and it is for you that I remain here so that I might show you the stars.
Moon: Took you long enough.
With the stars awaiting them, Unicron will travel alongside his Titan companions to show them the universe he and Primus worked to create. There will be no need to kill Primus just yet. That can come later... whenever the universe needs to be rebuilt from ash and dust. Let Earth and the rest see the place he and Primus created. There is no need to rush the end.
Death comes for all in good time.
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lilacstro · 2 months
interpreting the natal chart of Neville Goddard
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Been a long fan of his work, so we will be looking into some of his placements, since I really want to do this but I am running short on time, so if guys would like we can do part2, or I may do it myself if I get time again.
for those who do not know, he was called "the modern master" and was well-regarded for his teachings around spirituality, especially manifestation. He was a student of Abdullah. The modern manifestation community today, is in fact in some ways largely based on his teachings.
let's see:
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Source of the data: From "The Divine Body"
But when I was born in 1905 my mother, so she told me years later . . she said, “The church bells were ringing when I felt labor. You came at 9:15 on Sunday night in 1905 the 19th of February. And before you were born, I knew a bit of your destiny. I knew what you were going to do; only I interpreted it as a minister. I knew in some strange way you were sent to do the work of God, but I thought that you would be a minister in the Episcopal Church,” which we then called the Church of England. Well, I never became that, not in her eyes. In her eyes, I hadn’t yet accomplished what she felt inwardly that I came to do.
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Mars in 1st house: Neville was a dancer when he came to New York and before meeting Abdullah from what I can remember vividly. He was someone who had a lot of mental energy, a lot of things going on with him most of the times in his life. Full of energy and force and vitality
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The ruler of rising in 6th(Venus): Ah, someone who is extremely good at helping others, serving them and does it with a lot of good feelings and intentions, out of pure desire (until venus/saturn/6th house are in harsh aspects which is not present in his chart from what i see). Our Venus tells us where we earn wealth with happiness and desire, and it was through his manifestation books and teachings, and offering what he knew that he earned massive wealth.
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Neptune in 9th house: Ultimate position that indicates his interest in spirituality and mystic sciences. 9th house is both the teacher and learning, and he was a learner of spirituality and a really good teacher who preached it too. From what I have read, he does in fact quote the bible in his teachings, and this for you folks, is both spirituality and religion.
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Pluto in 9th house: Pluto is where we bring transformation, what is our power, where we transform. Pluto in greek means, wealth and I have seen along with power, a well placed pluto does show where we may earn wealth from. His foreign travel indicated a new change and transformation for him, which is when he moved to new york at 17 to study drama. He did also transform the way most people saw spirituality and the bible. It was what he was known for, so we may say this was his power, spirituality, being a spiritual teacher. This was also what he was remembered for long after he was gone, and this is indeed where he earn some wealth from.
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The north node is rising before the moon in the nocturnal chart, and it just shows someone who has something about them that might be unexplainable, like someone who would reach where they have to somehow, like their purpose in this lifetime, is really important. And there are in fact multiple instances of destiny bringing Neville to the path for what we know him today for. He even had a few people tell him growing up, that he is meant for something different and he is, in some ways, a god's child.
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Uranus in 3rd house, someone who thinks really differently, distinct from everyone, especially in their family or nearby relationships. Someone who may even think beyond generations, but someone who is extremely coherent in the way they think and put things together.
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Ruler of 10th in 6th: Again a profession that involves serving others. That revolves around using details, and the mind extensively.
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Moon in 11th house: oh boy, people feeling good around you, people confiding in you. Can indicate an a good fan following, being well liked between people, being looked up to. you connect with people easily, especially deeply and emotionally and vice versa
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Moon in Virgo: Ok instead of quoting "grounded, logical emotions", think of it this way, mercury is ruling the moon. What is mercury, it is our mind, our thoughts, what we pay a lot of attention to, it is where we make business out of things, and what is moon? moon is our emotional body, intuition, mystics, hidden things, past, our subconscious and mother and many many other things. Now, did it become self explanatory?
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Saturn in Aquarius, is in 5th house, and Sun is in 5th house (which is the planetary ruler of that house) so 5th house becomes a point of focus for us, and Saturn becomes really important. Now Saturn in 5th house can manifest as multiple things, one of them being, having late children and they did have children late. Sun in 5th house, and he was interested in studying drama, but Sun conjunct Saturn in 5th house, and a possible manifestation of that could be, that his life somehow did not really let him do that, for what he really came to new york for. On a positive side, Sun conjunct Saturn also gives you a wisdom beyond years, a strong social appearance, someone who looks really intelligent and determined in what they do. This also shows that your ego, your ambition and your karma are somehow connected. 5th house is also the house of learning in Vedic Astrology, and with Sun and Saturn here, he would have been an excellent learner, and he indeed was.
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Sun in Pisces at a critical degree. Now, I have seen people say critical degree means no association with the sign at all, but what I have instead found, is that critical degrees are exceptional, wherever they are, but they are more of a mix of the the zodiac sign the degree is in and a sign back, and I have seen this work for my clients. Now, what does that mean? We will see his sun will have effects of both Pisces and Aquarius, someone who will be spiritual and a dreamer and will related to the subconscious nature of self, and someone who is different than most, someone who is a really good conversationalist and thinks really innovatively, differently and both of them define him perfectly.
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and lastly, the 4th house, which is a subconscious house again, along with the 8th and 12th house. 4th house is ruled by moon, which we have talked about before. Now mercury again in Aquarius placed in the 4th can show, a different thinking and though process than most people in his home and homeland. It also shows his mother was an important influence in his life. This placement makes someone very creative, someone who in fact thinks very actively and emotionally and can connect to their mind and imaginations very easily.
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His chart is FULLLLLLL (can you see the emphasis lol) of 17 degrees, which is a degree of fame in astrology, so it was inevitable to be famous.
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There is so much more we are yet to uncover, the essential dignities effect, the effect of the chart dispositors (if any), the degrees, accidental dignities, the hard and tight aspects, speed of the planets and declinations and so so much more
i would indeed try doing a part 2. his life was indeed interesting.
paid readings are open
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
I was minding my own business distracting myself from my brain, just scrolling on reddit looking for Buggy content and I am FROTHING
Screen shots from the reddit post under the cut, then I will be going feral
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I'm losing it. I am LOSING my mind. Because if you like. Really think about this, I am. Oh my gods i am spiraling.
Oden, from Wano, who returned to Wano, who served Whitebeard and later Roger, who knew Buggy and knew his powers and could read the poneglyphs and HAD to have known, in some capacity, what Pluton was, where it was, and had Suspicions.
Buggy who fell ill before Raftel, before that final island and had to be left behind due to it, where the greatest treasure laid in wait, where the end of the world is at, surely as it may be -
Shanks, who, by and large, seems to know more than he necessarily SHOULD, who had that secret conversation with Roger that resulted in clinging, in crying, in heartbreak-
We know Poseidon is an ability, is currently in Shirahoshi, and that Luffy, for whatever reason, could hear the Sea Kings- Luffy who is Nika, who is the Sun, who will be King and carries the Will of D in his veins and voice and vivid demeanor.
Luffy has reason to be connected there. Thematically, it makes sense for an old, overarching plot.
But Buggy "could be the strongest if he trained"; Buggy served as a cabin boy on Rogers ship; Buggy is a fool and a fraud and keeps fucking up into success, confusing the hell out if the people who KNOW him; Buggy who has the Chop Chop Fruit, uncuttable and slitable at will, and who also has a CANON history of loving topography and who makes BOMBS-
And Pluton, the most destructive ship in existence, so much so that the blueprints were kept hidden and held carefully to avoid the schematics falling into the wrong hands - and after the 3D2Y movie, after the Groseade, while it may not be canon, it does sort of put things into perspective - especially when you think on how Franky and Iceburg were flabbergasted by the blueprints, were stunned and confused, when Pluton is under Mt Fuji and would need the WALLS REMOVED AND TORN DOWN to be released and retrieved.
And the Groseade needed a Devil Fruit user to BE as dangerous as it is. And Pluton is bigger, badder, stronger.
Not to mention that it's PLUTON - Pluto - Roman God of Death, the same deity in Greek mythology known as Hades, a name so connected thematically with the afterlife that calling the very land itself by the name Hades is understood in some cultures.
And Buggy, sweet Buggy, crazy Buggy who makes an Olympic sport out of narrowly avoiding death and failure and lucks out to comical effects - he's in hello kitty roller skates on a damned tightrope when it cones to that.
((Also, Hades/Pluto is also associated with wealthy (coughBuggycough) and fortune (CoughCoughBUGGYCoughCough), psa))
Now did you know that nuclear energy is fucking. Potent as HELL. And it's generated with nuclear fission, nuclear decay, and nuclear fusion. It's a meticulous process, but it quite literally boils down to Splitting, Breaking Down, and Putting Together Again.
And if Buggy's Devil fruit could awaken, if he could impose those properties on things OUTSIDE of his body, wouldn't that be more than possible? Wouldn't that be completely feasible, with his history in making WEAPONS, in making BOMBS? The chemical knowledge to do that would be wild, the physics and mechanics alone would be absolutely insane.
But Buggy could damn well be the key there.
If he trained, if he developed his skill and control, he could be the strongest - maybe not literally in a one on one battle royale of brute strength, but he could essentially pilot a nuclear reactor of a giga-ship, the likes of which even FRANKY balked at.
I have... so many thoughts rn and I am LOSING it bc AAAAAAAAAAAA
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riacte · 1 year
A very inconclusive post about the No Man’s Sky stream:
Ren: “Smell ya later Falsie!” [immediately dies]
Joe is so roasty towards Ren like “we can all be dead like Rendog”
Ren: I feel like an idiot sometimes
False: We all feel like idiot sometimes—
Joe: We all feel like that about YOU sometimes.
Scar asking about the gas planet / Uranus again and a scandalised Xisuma immediately says, “Stand WHERE? Geez, Scar—“ also Ren mixed up Pluto and Uranus
Ren repeatedly asked to get “body modifications”
They all made their space OCs and had like a fashion show to talk about the lore they have
For example Scar’s character collects “fat dust” and it’s his whole thing
Ren is a she/her called Samantha and did unmentionable things to get trinkets
Xisuma is like an evil coloniser or whatever
False is Floop. Everything is Floop.
Joe got so excited about… being able to sit on couches
Ren crashed (in game) within half an hour and his game crashed like four times due to his graphics card being old and from 2016
They all made bases and Xisuma’s base is called Pro Zoomer. Don’t ask.
False’s base is called Falsetto Ghetto
Joe is basically way ahead of everyone else and is literally on a different planet while everyone’s stuck (and named a planet Joe land)
Ren made a whole sad and whiny ruckus about being alone and wanted to be neighbours with False and sounded really 🥺 when he said “but I have to go really far away from you”
Ren mentioned indoor plants and Xisuma thought he was talking about irl plants and said he doesn’t own irl indoor plants
Ren being awful at building a base (it has three doors and no floor at some point) yet he still asks people to come around and visits other’s bases “for tea” (the Britishness is showing)
We get wacky quotes such as “I know you’re jealous of my lipstick but this has gone too far”
Ren: Lucky that I have a big booty that can handle laser beams
Scar: Not gonna lie that is a big booty
Ren and Scar atp deserve their own post also by the way Scar wanted to crouch in front of Ren’s window. Interpret it whatever way you like
Ren asked Scar to make babies with him and if he would kiss him. Yes in that order
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theblissfulstars · 3 months
Full Moon in Capricorn, 9:08 EST, June 21st
The upcoming full moon in Capricorn is taking place June 21st at 9:08 EST. Have you ever heard the phrase "once in a blue moon"? Thats what we're having! A blue moon is when a full moon takes place twice in the same zodiac sign, this year that blue moon is in Capricorn
With the blue moon sequence in Capricorn themes of economic instability, contraction of collective well-being, strife, death and turmoil take center stage. This is a primer for when Pluto re-enters Capricorn later in the year. We are going to be called to hard work, toil and struggle in order to innerstand how much we really want what we say we want.
This full moon is currently in a t-square configuration with Neptune, Sun, Mercury and Venus. This t-square spells instability around secret motives, the exposure of hidden enemies in politics and collective emotional dissatisfaction creating the grounds for removal for significant political figures. Our values and how we analyze what we want in accordance with the past and traditionalism, is at odds with the direction we are trying to go. This full moon is a "regime shift" if you will, a transfer of power majorly. With the moon in detriment, this creates collective feelings of ennui, despair and fear and overall feelings of bleakness reach incredible heights during this lunation. Health issues with authority figures is big during this time with sun in the 6th in cancer.
With that Neptune energy, there is a sense of fogginess, cloudiness and low energy hanging around the collective, making it difficult to know who to trust and what the truth is. Especially with Neptune square mercury even though it's loose, we can expect propaganda around nationalism, home place, motherhood and pregnancy to take lots of energy during this time. Despite the cloudiness and confusion, Mars' trine sun and sextile sun, Mercury and Venus show that we clearly know what we want and can get what we want if we put intention and energy.
This full moon carries with it a profound sense of magic,mysticism and wonder. spirits, otherworldly entities and psychic phenomenon will be more activated this full moon, so, be open and receptive to the possibility and messages coming your way.
The sun is conjunct Venus and Mercury, creating an anxious, and deeply physical anxiety that thrums through the whole body. We're going to be ruminating on the past more readily during this time and looking back on things that we could have done differently particularly in romantic relationships, as well as platonic ones. We're going through a period of figuring out how we want to incorporate our values into our life and how we are going to create a home for ourselves both metaphorically and literally as well as reassessing and restructuring how we make money. This year numerologically being a 17/8 year speaks to a year of nationalism and home place being a dominant theme, this is reiterated here.
There is a deeply spiritual and somber quality to this moon, I would describe it as "monkish". We're going to be encouraged to go deeper with what we know about ourselves, look into religions, philosophies and potentially even self-isolate.
We can expect significant court rulings to initiate and take front and center stage this full moon.
There is another t-square as well with mars, Pluto and vesta who just entered leo. There's going to be a major expulsion of energy surrounding nuclear power, and taboos brought to the surface in a not so fun way. However, we can expect these tense situations to actually lead to miraculous developments and violent situations regarding death, resource hoarding and activism.
Cards pulled: The Star Rx, 7 of cups, king of pentacles, king of cups Rx
With the Star Rx and king of cups Rx, we can expect incredibly heavy, dark, and hopeless emotions to emerge collectively during this full moon. However, the star always encourages faith, hope and belief that things will get better, healing is possible, and together anything is possible. Now was the time to envision, think about what you want and to get crystal clear with your intentions. We are going to be developing and maintaining financial, physical and educational systems that facilitate wealth accumulation and growth for the collective and thinking about how we take care of ourselves in the physical in a responsible and mature way.
•Psychic development
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Made some worldbuilding loree
For my pjo au :))
Trying to deep dive into the god lore!?
In the beginning, there were stars. Just a void of space, with the constellations dancing above. The stars were not sentient as god or men are, but they held their wisdom, unknowingly. They were there before the gods, holding the future.
Then, a being sprung up. From where, no one knows, but he came. This being was called Genge. He was smart, wise, and used the stars for guidance. And soon after another being sprung up. And her name was Dawe. And Genge and Dawe roamed the cosmos, seeking wisdom and loving each other, and the world was at peace.
Until one day Genge consulted the stars and was told that he and Dawe should make a child. And they tried. And instead of having one child they had 2. One born of the wisdom of the smaller stars, of the tiny prophetic drops and one born of the searing bold intelligent heat of the suns of the galaxy. And when they were formed, two large bodies sprung up with them. Genge and Dawe named these children Mercury and Venus and all was right in the world.
Mercury and Venus were children whose ‘planets’ did not hold life. But no one knew exactly what life was then. So it didn't matter.
And soon again the stars told the couple to have a child. And they did, but this child was born…strange. They did not seem to be born at all, but were constantly changing and confused. But Genge and Dawe loved it, at first, and they called this child Earth. And with Earth a planet sprung up. A strange place for a strange child. With things that everyone else…lacked.
But Earth seemed not to be suited to the roaming life of the family. And so Genge and Dawe left them on their own planet, alone, with no guidance, for this child seemed too strange. The stars had nothing to say, no warning nor help. So they left their child, confused as to why the stars would want them to have someone who clearly wasn't good enough.
You see, the stars had no wisdom on this, for as it is a sad event which should have been avoided, the Reckoning also would be helpful. No matter what happened, it was suffering and hope and love and life.
And Genge and Dawe had children. More and more. They had Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. And slowly but surely Earth faded away from everyone's memories.
All of these children had personalities, but nothing to watch or guard over. They simply searched for wisdom, some more than others, but that was in their nature. They were not gods, not yet, just powers.
And Earth was alone, because while her siblings' planets were close enough to hers, they never came to them. And she didn't want to see them much anyway. She changed a lot. She realised it when the things came or when the things melted or when they began to shrink or when things simply happened. And she studied and named these things, and took pride in them. She was a goddess in her own right, of a living earth. She helped humans, pushed them along. But it was too much, too much for one to encompass it all. To be everything of the world, and later humanity. But she did not know that yet.
And it continued like this. Until Earth was taken over.
The Reckoning was the beginning. The reckoning of which the entire world of earth as we know it can be traced back to. As yes, Earth had things, but these things were out of balance. As it was only here. If she had some siblings, some mother or father, some help. Maybe it wouldn't have been such a tragedy. Maybe less would have died and the world not basically restarted. But as it stands, it jas happened. The great evils seized earth,tormenting those who lived there. The civilizations. The ones which mortals will never hear uttered, but were amazing. Earth was vulnerable, and then wiped out. A mass extinction of suffering and pain.
But many would argue a necessary one. That is a debate for another day.
The other 8 planets came to fight off the evil once it started to threaten their planets, as they couldn't care less about their wayward sister. And they killed it, but not before Genge and Dawe were killed. But not by the Reckoned forces, but by Earth.
You see, Earth is no longer a power, as she chose to absorb herself into the very planet she lived on, giving up sentience to become like the stars. She is Earth the planet now. But in her last moments, after she was saved but in great pain, after the reckoning was over and everyone was glaring at her for ‘all the unnecessary stress’ she killed her parents. For abandoning her as a child. Not teaching her ways of which she might have saved herself already. And then she joined the planet she loved so much.
There was much discussion over what to do with Earth. But the stars said they must rule over it, become the gods of the world. So they did. They nudged the world along as it rebuilt itself. They saw creatures and developed aspects as the world grew. They ruled over domains that corresponded with their personality.
And they had demigod children. For gods could only sire demigods, only sleep with mortals as it was written in a sacred code. Only mortals. So there will be demigod heroes.
And they hated it. They hated earth and some hated their parents and some missed earth a bit and some never knew her and some loved their new roles and all hated each other. They were amazingly dysfunctional.
There are some…minor gods. They become gods by achieving a gods special favour. They don't get a cool planet name or anything, just immortality and all that jazz :)
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believesthings · 5 months
Not Just A Girl - Chapter 6 // Jason Sudeikis x Reader
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When Jason promised you dinner at home you had half expected him to have something delivered… he’d had an early call time that morning after all. Why hadn’t you considered that Jason wanted to cook for you? He had tried to plant you in a chair at the table while he worked but you wandered to find a better spot to watch him move about the kitchen.
You’ve ended up settling just off to his left where the L shaped counter provides a corner for you to stay tucked out of the way. Incidentally this spot also gives you the best view when he turns to the stove… Sure, you’re setting yourself up for some sort of trouble but honestly your body has been humming ever since your interrupted greeting in his dressing room.
Watching Jason cook is incredibly, wonderfully, distracting. Scratch that, watching him breathe is distracting, everything else just compounds the problem. While preparing the meal Jason entertains you with stories about his day, waving whatever utensil happens to be in hand as though it were a weapon. You eye him wielding the knife while he dices the vegetables and talks about the next few days of work.
“Though we are all well trained in swordplay we won’t be fighting with weapons – at least, not yet.”
You had always found it easier to learn without the distractions of props or costumes, but then some people complained that the added weight was a distraction later. “I’d imagine that would make it easier to learn the footwork? Or were you just looking forward to swatting at your costars?” You move close to him and reach out to provide emphasis to the comment by running your hand over one of his shoulder blades and down following the muscle definition.
He stills under your touch and then looks sideways at you over his shoulder. “Honey, it isn’t called swatting when you do it with a sword in hand.”
“Hmm oh of course not.” He stoops slightly as you stretch to kiss him on the cheek, reading your movements with ease and making it easier for you to hit your target. You have to remind yourself that the man is trying to cook, a much easier task when not dealing with distractions.
You have observed him retrieve things enough that you feel confident that you could get the flatware out to set the table. Your first attempt rewards you with the drawer of utensils. You hum as you gather what you hope are the needed items.
“What are you doing?”
You stop humming to respond. “Setting the table? Helping - I hope. Trying to stay out of the way. I miss having a kitchen – that will change soon I hope.”
“Oh? Plates are just over there.”
“Remind me and I’ll show you the pictures of the places on my phone. Todd says I just need to sign the papers for whichever place I choose. Although…”
Later. You’ll have that conversation later – after dinner, after a good night’s sleep, after they reinstate Pluto as a planet… You really don’t want to start this conversation but you opened the door, might as well walk through it.
“Todd said that they’ve decided on doing a sequel to All Your Monsters.” It comes out in a quick, nearly unintelligible stream of words.
Very good. Nice panicked transition to the conversation.
Jason has stopped what he was doing to turn to you. “That’s wonderful! Though I thought you would be dancing with excitement?”
You pinch the bridge of your nose as you scowl to yourself. Well done you for bringing up the topic that you wanted to avoid.
“I am excited…” you can’t suppress the smile that surfaces when Jason tilts his head down to give you a doubtful look, though your smile quickly fades again. Not entirely wanting to voice your thoughts, you lock your fingers together before unclasping them again. Why do you insist on making things awkward? You emit a small shrug, “Well, James & Mia will be filming here. All Your Monsters filmed in so many different locations. I can’t imagine that being different for the sequel. Does it make sense to stop living out of a bag? I can’t help but wonder now … Oh… Ok… ok, I can’t organize my thoughts. Sorry. Sorry…. The success of All Your Monsters – the award - which is still so astounding I’m half expecting them to call me up and ask for it back. The most I ever hoped for was a nod of recognition, maybe a ‘put in a few more years kid’, but never what actually happened.”
You’re rushing through all the thoughts that are fighting to the surface. Jason is soaking up every word that spills out, patiently letting you stumble through it, bless him.
Jason. Jason standing there before you. It is easier to focus on him alone. “Meeting you that night - I figured I’d just introduce myself as one of your fans and be done with it… swoon from afar.” This elicits a chuckle from Jason and you’re this close to telling him how deeply you’ve fallen for him but manage to contain the words. Now is not the moment, not in the middle of one of your more awkward spells. He was right, back in his dressing room. The man had found his way inside your defenses.
Your willpower to keep your language clean is slipping so you wince when a word slips out. “Fuck…. Erg, ok.… This, us. I - logically… Next month, for example…”
Jason picks up the thread midsentence, much to your relief. “You are adorable when you’re flustered. Two weeks from now you’ll be gearing up for your role as Mia.
After that - you’ll have your work, and your costars, you won’t even notice that I’m home for a while. Remember, Brett changed his schedule so he could be in the film with you. He’ll be more than happy to keep you company.” 
Is that jealously dear Mr. Sudeikis? You finally let yourself fully smile again. The way you respond to a mere look from him? Not notice? Ha.
“Brett may be a tall, gorgeous Brit but he isn’t you.” You realize Jason has just let you talk yourself back from your melancholy while also getting you to assure him of your feelings for him. Clever man.
“Ok - now that she smiles again – can we circle back to the announcement regarding the All Your Monsters sequel?”
Ah – you’d forgotten that Jason was a huge fan of the film. How on earth did you forget that? Oh right, your heart had been close to stopping, as that had been the night you met him. “Of course. Would you like me to tell you again as though I hadn’t just had a mini freak out here in your kitchen? You can ask Todd – there was an abundance of giddiness and dancing, but…” When he reaches into his pocket you stop the thought midsentence to question him, “What are you doing?”
“Placing a call.” He has his phone out and starts to dial.
“Daniel Jason Sudeikis, please don’t scare Todd with a second phone call regarding me in such a short period of time.”
Distraction. Distraction. You need to distract him. What can get him to hang up the phone?
“Jase, the food.”
He pretends to ignore you as you step towards him, closing the space between the pair of you again. He may be pretending to ignore you but you note that his free hand is quick to slide around your waist when you’re close enough. Remembering how he momentarily stilled when you touched him earlier you lightly touch at his waist before letting your hands wander up towards his shoulders. Jason clears his throat but determinedly keeps the phone to his ear. He is looking down at you now, eyebrows raised and clearly enjoying himself while the phone continues to ring.
“Phone. Down.” You wrap your arms around his neck. Pressed against him as you are you can feel his muscles move with each breath. Dear Lord you are distracting yourself more than you are him, and he knows it. You hear an answer finally on the other end of the line and stand on the balls of your feet to whisper into Jason's free ear, “Jason….”
Though he still maintains the phone call he is also egging you on – he is helping you to stay on tiptoe now by holding you tightly against his body one handed. He plants a quick kiss on your neck before speaking, “Hello again. Sorry to call back so soon…”
By now you’ve realized that getting him off the phone is no longer your main priority as your hormones have taken full control. You let your lips brush against his jaw before slowly moving your attention down towards his collar. He takes a step to propel the pair of you backward. “Yes.” Step. “Ah. Maybe. Back an hour.” Another step.
Back an hour? What? Your ears relay to your brain the conversation that is taking place. You pause your attentions as you bump back against the counter, allowing yourself to settle flat foot to the floor again. Jason rings off quickly, “Yes. Of course. Goodnight.” He holds his smile in reply to your questioning expression before putting his phone aside. “Don’t stop now that you’ve got my full attention.”
You pointedly look over at his phone and back. “Not Todd?”
“No–” He scoops you up and places you gently onto the counter before him, lifting your weight with apparent ease. “Not Todd. The car service I reserved to take you home tonight. I thought a little more time would be good. Though, if you’d like I could call Todd…”
You silence him by pulling him into a kiss. Once you release him again you shake your head. “Nope. I’ll tell you anything you want to know. Leave Todd be and let’s get back to concentrating on that food that smells divine.” Anything but returning to the ever so awkward profession of emotions that you stumbled through.
Nodding your head over his shoulder towards the stove you reply, “Yes, din…” He stops your reply with another kiss. Sitting atop the counter you can’t exactly escape the man’s reach easily, not that you really want to at this point. But the already cooking food… You lean back to release your lips from his. You try for stern but end up emitting a rather breathless: “Jason.”
“Saying my name like that doesn’t make me want to concentrate on the food.” He chuckles.        
Jason escorts you out to the waiting car under the gaze of what seems to you to be a million eyes. It was the middle of the night, surely everyone has better things to do than wait to see you leaving his place. He had insisted upon walking with you out to the street after dinner. Just before shutting the door behind you he leans into the backseat to kiss you again. You grace him with a lopsided smile when he stands and does his best to stifle a yawn. “I’ll let you know when I get back to my room if you aren’t asleep by then.”
“I’ll be waiting.” You note that rather than retreating back inside he waits to watch the car drive down the street with a few photographers following. 
Tag list: @my-soupy-brain @tegan8314 @tortilla-maria1 @nerdgirljen
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locking-the-tomb · 3 months
Third Read Notes & Soundtrack
I wallowed for about 14 hours after finishing my Nona reread and decided to start over again and write myself some summaries during The Wait.
Gideon the Ninth Chapter 1
In which we learn Gideon is a goob but we love her.
Gideon is escaping. She stole a security cuff key but left the cuff on until the morning of. She's taking her sword, her "shoes" - later called steel toed boots- , and her smut mags. Her clothes are all synthetics. She has enough hair to brush. She knows about chocolates and fancy hotels, somehow ... from mags? From Wake/mom's niche is 22 flights of stairs up to the landing field, which is still at the bottom of a deep tunnel. There are lamps on but they're low. She's kicking apart lumps of "rubble" but that's not further described. She eats porridge from a plastic bag then throws the bag over a rail somewhere. There's a balcony area. Skeletons with red eyes go to pick snow leeks.
There are white castle doors at the bottom, "three bodies wide and six bodies tall". She talks about the figures carved into the area above the doors and remembers screaming as a kid about them creeping her out. I wonder what they are, maybe related to the killed generation? How much trauma from a two year old survivor of all the kids dying?
Muster call (20 Bells) calls back the skeletons.
That's when the Marshall/Crux stomps in to accuse her. Gideon says, "say my shuttle exploded, I died and it was such a shame". 😳 (Crux thinks great idea, will do) Introduces Frontline Titties of the Fifth. He calls her chattel. He wears a big knife over a shoulder.
He gives an impressive number of threats. Gideon wasn't bothered by Crux's threats. But then he invoked Harrow and her "palms prickled". He leaves and Aiglamene enters. Gideon says she's tried to enlist 33 times. Aiglamene has a badly repaired missing leg and a scarred face.
Gideon lists what's happened when she's tried to leave before: jammed in lift, turned off heat frostbite in three toes, poisoned. She clarifies that she's indentured not a slave and claims she's not of fiscal use there. She says she will "you can quote me 'do my duty to the ninth' ". Gideon goes on a rant about "your lady" with a host of great insults, then gets slapped.
"Nobody had ever loved her in the ninth". Aiglamene was the reason she got to have a sword and training. "I'm naturally demeaning". Aiglamene walks away and Gideon falters a bit but sticks.
"Nav was a Niner name". Mentions the prison as a bubble halfway up in the atmosphere. At the end of the chapter we get the limited story of day-old Gideon being in a bio container plugged into the suit of a braindead woman who had fallen in a suit down the shaft 18 years ago. None of the Ninth necromancers could get her ghost to do more than scream Gideon three times then she fled.
"They chipped her, surnamed her, and put her in the nursery". I don't think they mention the chips again, interesting. She was kid #201. Where did the kids come from? Had they been harvesting gametes and growing them? Because the "old" people going into the doors were heavily outnumbered by skeletons. Then two years later it was just her, Harrow (who still hasn't been directly introduced as other then Lady), and Ortus. By 10 she "knew too much and that she could never be allowed to go". Of course. Because that's when Harrow had opened the tomb and her parents had died. She had started trying to escape when she was 4.
Thoughts. What's up with all the plastic? Isn't plastic from petroleum? How would Pluto have petroleum?
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nico-esoterica · 6 months
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It’s almost midnight and I feel like talking about LaLisa. Ms. Manobal—Didn’t I call for at least 2 years that she’d make a HUGE gargantuan career move at this time?
With the NN currently separating from (most) of her stellium, all but one, this indicates to me that her recent arrival at RCA records was probably finalized around the time of the solar eclipse on April 8th. This would be due to said eclipse occurring at 19° and formed a neat conjunction to her Mercury at 21°. 19 degrees falls within a Libra degree in Degree Theory, which can symbolize contracts and peaceful agreements (albeit rushed in Aries tbh), and Astrologer Kira Ryberg describes the second face of Aries as not only being highly dignified because of its amplified solar energy but creates a sense of royalty, honor, and the question of worthiness that follows with the 3 of Wands energy associated with this phase.
Before one embarks on their journey, they stare out into the horizon, waiting for the ship to arrive and are filled with a gnawing sense of anxiety amidst their excitement. Will fear or the courage for adventure take hold?
Lisa’s actions tell us that the latter is her decision. Especially since her Mercury, which is associated with writing, speaking, and the mind, was the catalyst. However, seeing as the last full moon and penumbral lunar eclipse occurred on her Sun and Venus, I can also see negotiations happening at that time, which would mean, imo, that the October eclipses on this axis were also relevant to this deal being made. But I alsoooo believe that since so much of her chart is being activated at this time (we haven’t even discussed PLUTO’S SEXTILES), there’s more down the pipeline coming that we don’t see. A lot of the kpop tarot readers have been mentioning that ONE particular member of Blackpink would outshine and out pace the others and my betting horse was always Lisa.
But with so much activating for her, esp with her Saturn Return in Aries on the horizon, I also feel like it should be mentioned that ‘pace’ should be a factor here. Aries, at its worst, even if it’s doing well, can run the risk of burning itself out often with disastrous results if they wait until the last moment. With the next nodal cycle occurring RIGHT on top of her Retrograde Virgo Mars next in Sep later this year and in March the following, we’re going to find out if she’s been learning that this power thrust of sudden momentum can only be sustained through Actual ™ periods of rest and downtime.
Meaning—not still working when you’re supposed to be sleeping and doing nothing. With a Scorpio Moon ruling said Mars and the stellium ruled later by that, she may not believe in the concept of rest or taking it easy. She’s so neurotic and frenetic that it just doesn’t make sense to her because that isn’t the way her body works. At rest, she’s often antsy, hard to pin down, and is most likely doing something ‘productive’ to channel that extra steam into. I can also see her being rather lazy and sleep prone during her down periods in response to it. ‘Lazy’ isn’t a bad word either.
However, this can also mean a more strategic shift in direction where she becomes more mindful of where (and who) she invests her energy into. She’d see herself as The Star ™ instead of a playing piece and would value her self worth and act accordingly. She’d also make more informed choices. With Pluto in Aqua sextiling her points after its official permanent ingress after December, this would amplify the inclination for her to want to be more reserved and discerning in how she conducts business and navigates her stardom. Imo, the South Node conjoining her Retrograde Virgo Mars feels like a growth period after a break out, if that makes sense. Breaking free into the wild and then re-learning yourself as someone who’s liberated opposed to imprisoned. It shifts you from a scarcity mindset of needing to sign everything, do everything, and reaching for the top for the sake of it to being more relaxed and self-assured that you’re doing everything right and don’t need to prove yourself.
It circles back to that creeping 3 of Wands worry of ‘worthiness.’ To project further, what comes next in the arcana series are the 5, 6, and 7 of Wands in Leo, the domicile of the Sun, who’ll occupy the South Node in the eclipse following the one to come. Since the Leo decans surround topics of earning your place, celebrating it, and defending it, Lisa’s next phase will predict how she’ll handle this one since the Sun exalts in Aries.
I think she’ll do exponentially well. However, I see an issue that I’ll bring up in my next piece about her.
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kakiastro · 10 months
Astrology of Tyler Perry
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His chart
Disclaimer: I want to remind you that if you have a similar chart or placements , this DOESNT mean this is how it will play out in your life, your kids or other loved ones. astrology is complexed and placements have many meanings and theme to them!
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So I just got done watching his documentary on Prime called “Maxine’s Baby” Maxine was his mother’s name and it’s pretty much the story of his come up. It’s a classic rags to riches story, it’s also a story about believing in yourself. I wanted to breakdown his chart and the documentary really shows on his chart
Whether you’re a fan or not, this a good way to see astrology in real life!
Throughout this whole documentary, he talked about how close he was to his mother until her passing.
1. Moon Libra 1h. I’m starting to realize that men who has their moon in the 1h are mommas boys. They are the ones who would do anything for their moms even if the relationship is toxic. Now Tyler relationship with his mother was healthy. Libra is the sign of business and his brand started out as representing mothers and women. Libra rules over grandmother and Madea is literally everyone fav grandma lol
Another big thing he talked a lot about in his documentary was the physical and verbal abuse from his father growing up. There’s a few planets that has the “father” archetype (Sun, Saturn and Jupiter). I’m going look at his Sun because that’s the planet I personally look at for fathers, Saturn for father /authority figures and Jupiter grandfathers.
2. Sun Virgo 11h, close to 12h. Virgo is the sign of criticism and harsh judgements. Virgo Suns may be extremely critical and push themselves to the point it affects their health. That’s because at a young age they are told they’re not enough, or you’re not doing this correctly, “that’s good but you can do better.” They develop this perfectionism attitude about themselves and can project that on others if they’re not self aware of this. The 11h rules over feeling outcasted or not knowing how to fit in. He talked lot about how he never felt loved or wanted by his father and been very public about that. 11h rules over the public.
Speaking of Sun 11h. This indicated having well known friends and collaborators. Having a well known networking friend. He’s good friends with Oprah who’s an Aquarius which rules. The 11h by the way.
His Sun conj Pluto. Pluto rules over abuse and Virgo rules the physical health of the body. Yeah he had it rough in his childhood. The thing is, his father was just projecting his own insecurities and hurt onto him with his Pluto in the 12h.
He has a Capricorn 4h. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn rules over restriction, career, work ethic and authority figure. He has a huge work ethic and his career is tied into his private life. I remember him saying he wrote 20 scripts in two weeks and had submitted them to get them made. That’s actually insane, if you’re a writer then you’ll know how crazy that is! That’s Capricorn energy for you though. Remember Capricorn is exalted in Mars. The grind is real here. He also have Saturn 6h which indicates being a workaholic.
It’s paid off because he has Saturn Taurus 6h. Saturn Taurus can indicate building wealth or living comfortably later on in life (post Saturn return).
His MC is in Cancer. What did I say about his private life being intertwined with his work life. His work life is a reflection of his childhood and. The people he grew up with, his Moon in the 1h. The 1h is your point of view of things so he’s writing about the women in his world.
He also said he originally wanted to be a pastor before becoming a writer and filmmaker. He also said m, he comes from a long line of pastors that goes back generations.
3. Moon Conj Jupiter. The moon rules over our lineage and where we come from and Jupiter rules over religion and our philosophical ideals. The fact Jupiter is so close to his rising and close aspected to his Mercury, his ideals and message comes through his writing. This makes sense on why there’s always spiritual element to his movie such as gospel music and Madea giving life lessons.
Y’all we are truly our charts!
What is his destiny and where is he going this lifetime?
4. North Node Pisces 5h. Transcendence through fame and creativity. Pisces is that spiritual sign so he may dive deep into that. This is probably me just grasping at straws but he may step away from the industry and let his son take over when he gets older. Pisces rules over isolation and living life like a Monk basically lol. Pisces also rules the ocean, will he start his own cruise? (Just a joke but who knows, he’s rich😅) the 5h rules over fame and children. I believe his son and any other future kids he may have will carry his legacy. More so his eldest because 5h rules children
There’s so much I can probably breakdown but that would take me a week and I have readings to do finish😅
Feel free to comment what you notice, keep it astrology based please
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stra-tek · 1 year
Lower Decks' cheesy museum exhibit Voyager was pretty much as I imagined the Starfleet Museum years ago when I wrote my forever-in-progress I Survived Kirk
There are multiple Fleet museums, one in San Francisco, one around Pluto, another at Memory Alpha, one at Copernicus, one at Andor etc.  We walked the San Francisco one.  I got to visit Enterprise NX-01, which had been equipped with little plaques everywhere giving backstory to everything from the mess to the warp reactor to what the Captain liked to watch in his quarters.  The plaques all had buttons which played various Captain’s Log excerpts.  The staff wore period-appropriate Starfleet uniforms (navy blue boiler suits with Enterprise patches on the shoulders), which I questioned the legality of since they’re not Starfleet officers.  I was told it was okay because they were period costumes, not actual uniforms.
I’d buddied up with Morgan Bateson.  I really liked his sense of humour.  And neither of us knew our fathers, although Morgan was pretty convinced he’d meet his in space one day, perhaps as head of some evil empire or other.  Oddly specific and statistically impossible, but weirder shit would happen in my time in Starfleet.
We visited the engine nacelle the crew hid in during an ion storm, the mess hall where they ate sandwiches and watched a movie every Friday night. The Captain’s Quarters where Admiral Archer probably masturbated a thousand times, a section of corridor where the chief engineer died in what they called a heroic act of self sacrifice but read more like a suicide, the sickbay where the captain’s dog was treated when it contracted an alien disease (and upon the underside of one of the cabinets, someone had crudely engraved “BR+DS 4EVA” which I doubt was part of the recreation), and the decon chamber.
Oh god, the deacon chamber.  Before transporters had biofilters (which screen out potentially harmful stuff and prevent us from bringing back deadly diseases), the crew had to strip down in a room and rub antibacterial lotion (which smelled like a mint julep, there was a sample for us all to sniff) all over themselves and/or each other’s bodies.  Sounds nice and wholesome and definitely didn’t fuel my sexual fantasies for the rest of my academy tenure and adult life.
Engineering had the second most little plaques with buttons after the bridge.  Most of them were about the warp five engine and how revolutionary and amazing it supposedly was.  Of mild interest was a video clip of an old Zefram Cochrane made shortly before his disappearance, where he said what became the Captain’s Oath.
The bridge was spammed with plaques and buttons, which played countless audio clips of the crew doing crew-y stuff.  The communications officer speaking Klingon slowly and awkwardly, the helmsman had exactly one soundbyte: “aye, sir” (seriously, couldn’t they get anything better for that guy?) and the Captain saying heroic-sounding things which sounded weird out of context.  The captain’s chair was actually missing, being repaired after a member of the public broke it.  Instead there was just the mounting pole sticking up in the middle of the room, which we all made obscene comments about sitting on.
The Captain had a tiny ready room just off the bridge, which had a century-old game of water polo playing on loop on a TV, a desk, a stack of music minidisks and not much else besides lots more buttons and soundbytes. There was a single cargo transporter nestled halfway along a corridor.  The crew used it to beam themselves to and from alien ships and worlds believing it to be safe, but it really wasn’t and many of them suffered sterility and health issues in later life.
It was a fun little excursion.  I didn’t learn much more than I’d already absorbed as a kid growing up, but actually being on the iconic vessel-turned-tourist-trap made it all seem real.
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
A Correction of my Roman Numerals Post (About IX - Levi)
Hey, it’s me again. So I made a post about the LGI MV and the Roman numerals attached to each character as well as a quote connected to each. However, I actually fucked up pretty badly on the background text in the Levi section, so I decided to make a post addressing that.
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So, in my original post, I claimed the background text here related to the discovery of Pluto, since that’s what Google spat out when I put some of the keywords at the bottom. However, I have to admit something always felt off: the image in the background has nothing to do with Pluto or its discovery, as far as I could tell.
I didn’t look too much deeper into it, and that’s my bad. Turns out, the text is actually talking about something else. What tipped me off was this:
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The text there on the forefront mentioned Jupiter, which made me think of Levi’s text. And turns out, it actually is related.
This is about a comet named Shoemaker-Levy 9, which yes, has both “Levy” and “9” in the name, I’m pretty sure that’s why Levi was even given IX in the first place. After a bit of research, I’m pretty confident this is the thing Levi’s background text is actually about. In particular, I want to give a shout-out to weightedblankettt, who in their downright spectacular post dissecting the MV managed to find the original image used for the background, which yes, was Levi’s.
So what’s the deal with this thing? It’s a comet which crashed into Jupiter in the 90’s, but the really noteworthy thing about it is that it was the first asteroid discovered in the Solar System which did not orbit the Sun (it orbited Jupiter), and its crash was the first extraterrestrial impact between two celestial bodies we where able to see via telescopes. This is thanks to the scientists it’s named after, who made predictions based on its orbit to figure out when the impact would happen.
The one thing that throws me off a bit is that you can clearly see 1930 in Levi’s background text, but… nothing regarding this comet happened in 1930. It wasn’t discovered until much later, and according to Wikipedia, it didn’t even start orbiting Jupiter until 1970, 1960 at the earliest. However, I did find a singular, notably shady source saying it may have actually started orbiting Jupiter in 1930, so there’s that.
So that’s cool and all, but how is this connected to Levi? Well, I actually think the comet is connected through Jupiter.
You see, the mere existence of this comet is actually proof of an astronomical phenomenon where, occasionally, Jupiter “protects” the planets of the inner Solar System by “sucking up” asteroids which would have otherwise impacted them into its orbit. According to Wikipedia, some astronomers claim mass extinction events on Earth caused by asteroids would have been much more common if Jupiter didn’t exist.
It’s not difficult to connect this to Levi.
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As his quote states, he’s a very protective character. Like Jupiter protects Earth from asteroids, Levi offers protection to the cast. So there it is.
… And then there’s my theory. For like the fiftieth time, I’ll remind you I believe Eden’s the killer and Levi’s an accomplice. At first this protectiveness seems like a problem for that theory, but it really isn’t. Part of the theory already was that Levi lost faith in the rest of the group, and his protective instincts shifted over to Eden. In other words, the “inner planets” aren’t the rest of the cast anymore, just Eden.
In fact, the analogy may actually work better under that interpretation. Jupiter sometimes is struck by the asteroids it protects the inner planets from, as was the case with Shoemaker-Levy 9. In fact, this particular comet left behind a “bruise” even more noticeable than the Red Spot (or whatever that thing’s called). So it can be said (if you’re dramatic) Jupiter sacrifices itself for those it protects. Apply this to Levi, and the impact of Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter would be like Levi getting executed for protecting Eden. Though you could argue the “bruise” is actually an analogy for that scar on Levi’s shoulder, so it’s definitely not conclusive either way.
So, yeah, that was the main correction I wanted to make. Another small ones:
• Footnote 12 is actually on the screen after Min’s numeral, which wasn’t made clear, and I actually missed footnote 6 on Min’s section. It flashes on screen next to the hands in prayer, and the footnote is just “(Prayer)”. Not much to say about this one. I guess Min may have been praying because she was about to die? Idk.
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•Also, I just completely forgot to mention footnote 7 is on Arturo’s section? The footnote states that 7 is considered lucky in Western cultures, before saying “Let’s skip it”. I guess I took the footnote too seriously, since I completely forgot it was there.
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Anyways, it’s not like I know what it means. There’s nothing inherently lucky about Arturo, so it’s just weird. Though it’s worth noting this numeral appears right after the “correct/incorrect” code, which uses footnote 13, and 13 is an unlucky number. Again, cannot tell you for the life of me what the hell this has to do with Arturo of all characters, but it’s there.
Anyways, correction complete, thanks for bearing with me! Now, back to rewatching this video until I find wherever the fuck footnote 8 is! Seriously, has anyone found that one? It’s the only one I’m missing.
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ratsoh-writes · 6 months
E hummed in thought. "I might have to sit soon, but I don't really want to sit in a crowd like a performance.... Maybe we can people-watch the cosplayers?" She stopped for a moment and reconsidered what Pop had said. "Wait, how would you cheat at a toss game?" Last she checked, they both had terrible aim.
Even Briar started to look a little frustrated at the situation while searching for a conversation starter. It was painful to watch. Only about a drink or two in, did Shilo finally start showing interest in conversation. And it looked like Briar ate that up, nodding their head attentively.
As Shilo began to speak more, his hands also started to move more, emphasizing his words. While you couldn't hear what he said, you could get a general energy of the conversation.
After a while, Briar's head nodded much slower as she took in the conversation. Their mouth no longer smiled. Her ears flicked forward and backward, defensively. Now thir head was shaking.
About five minutes later they seemed to get into an argument and you could tell Briar was holding an unusual amount of restraint and frustration. The bartender was called. The check was split.
Shilo stood up and walked away, exclaiming something that made other nearby customers look up and gossip to their neighbors. The bartender looked on sternly as he left.
Briar sat and stewed for a few minutes, ears back defensively but head down in embarrassment. Until eventually they got up and walked on the shoreline, opposite to the higher traffic crowds, seemingly without an end goal.
Aspen nodded her head at the situation. "Looks like we'll have to kill him."
She was joking, right? Right??
Pop: mmmmagic~ and calculating the math of the throw in my head. Pluto taught me how to add angles to my throws last week and it works!
Sometimes you forget how smart your husbone is
Pop gives you a mischievous look and points to the top of a boat on one of the docks. It’s one of the large navy boats. A section of it is higher than the rest, with a flat surface. It’s clearly not accessible to the public
Pop: I bet I can shortcut us up there. A great view and no crowds, what do you think?~
Sails: finn and I can drop off the body with our fishing boat~
Poor guy looks frantic
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turnerandhooch53 · 2 years
A little over 700 years ago is where our story begins. A forbidden love between an angel and a demon will forever change how things are done. “Is this really how you're going to start this story?” Asked Daimon. “Yes it is, thank you very much,” Alya said, matter of factly. “How boring.” Daimon yawned. “Well lucky for us nobody asked you. Anyways, where was I, oh yes now I remember.” From this love came a child named Mason. “Yes. Yes. Things were changed forever yadah yadah yadah blah blah blah. Get on with it, will you? I already know how this goes.” Daimon just wanted to aggravate her now. “But those who see this might not,” Alya said. “Now, if it is alright with you, can we get back to the story?” Alya asked, peeved and glaring at him. “Fine.” Daimon drawled with a slight smirk. “Why thank you,” Alya said sarcastically. He would later in life be known as the Original Reaper. He was the embodiment of pure light and darkness. Being the first of his kind nobody knew what to do. Now before reapers existed there was something called the 9 Circles of Hell. It was how the Underworld was set up. Each one was worse than the last and it seemed as though the farther down you went the worse it became. “Alright that might be true but that doesn’t mean that you can go and talk bad about my home. I still live there. Besides, it's not all that bad.” Daimon defended. “Well it’s not as though you speak any better about mine.” Alya fought back. “Anyways, we're getting off-topic. Let's get back to the story.”
The 9 Circles of Hell were:
Limbo- The First Circle of Hell is resided by virtuous non-Christians and unbaptized pagans who are punished with eternity in an inferior form of Heaven. They live in a castle with seven gates which symbolize the seven virtues, overseen by King Minos.
Lust- In the Second Circle of Hell, people who were overcome by lust are blown violently back and forth by strong winds, preventing them from finding peace and rest. Strong winds symbolize the restlessness of a person who is led by the desire for fleshly pleasures.
Gluttony- The Third Circle of Hell is home to the souls of gluttons who are overlooked by a worm-monster, Cerberus. Sinners in this circle of Hell are forced to lie in a vile slush that is produced by never-ending icy rain. The vile slush symbolizes personal degradation of one who overindulges in food, drink, and otherworldly pleasures, while the inability to see others lying nearby represents the gluttons’ selfishness and coldness.
Greed- In the Fourth Circle of Hell is where the souls of people who are punished for greed reside. They are divided into two groups – those who hoarded possessions and those who lavishly spent it – jousting. They use great weights as a weapon, pushing them with their chests which symbolizes their selfish drive for fortune during their lifetime. The two groups that are guarded by a character called Pluto (humans believed to be the ancient Greek ruler of the underworld).
Anger- The Fifth Circle of Hell is where the wrathful and sullen are punished for their sins. This is where the river Styx is located. The only way to cross it is by being transported on a boat by Phlegyas. This is where you will find the furious fighting each other on the surface of the river Styx and the sullen gurgling beneath the surface of the water. Again, the punishment reflects the type of sin committed during their lifetime.
Heresy- When reaching the Sixth Circle of Hell, you will see the souls of heretics being tortured in the successive Circles because they have committed heinous crimes and are punished with a severely tortured climate. The souls of people who denied the cores of Christianity are trapped in flaming hot tombs.
Violence- The Seventh Circle of Hell is divided into three rings. The Outer Ring houses murderers and others who were violent to people and property. The souls are submerged in a river of boiling blood and shot by beings with the lower body of a horse and the torso of a human, called Centaurs if they rise too high out of the river. The Middle Ring is where those who committed suicide are located. They are turned into trees and bushes which are fed upon by harpies. Profligates are found here being chased and torn to pieces by dogs. In the Inner Ring are blasphemers and sodomites, residing in a desert of burning sand and burning rain falling from the sky.
Fraud- The Eighth Circle of Hell is inhabited by the fraudulent. This circle of Hell is divided into 10 Bolgias or stony ditches with bridges between them. In Bolgia 1, you see panderers and seducers. In Bolgia 2 you find flatterers. After crossing the bridge to Bolgia 3, you will see those who are guilty of simony. After crossing another bridge between the ditches to Bolgia 4, you will find sorcerers and false prophets. In Bolgia 5 are housed corrupt politicians, in Bolgia 6 are hypocrites and in the remaining 4 ditches, you can find hypocrites (Bolgia 7), thieves (Bolgia 7), evil counselors and advisers (Bolgia 8), divisive individuals (Bolgia 9), and various falsifiers such as alchemists, perjurers, and counterfeits (Bolgia 10).
Treachery- The last Ninth Circle of Hell is divided into 4 Rounds according to the seriousness of the sin. Though all residents are frozen in an icy lake. Those who committed more severe sin are deeper within the ice. Each of the 4 Rounds is named after an individual who personifies the sin. Thus Round 1 is named Caina after Cain who killed his brother Abel, Round 2 is named Antenora after Anthenor of Troy who was Priam’s counselor during the Trojan War, Round 3 is named Ptolomaea after Ptolemy (son of Abubus), while Round 4 is named Judecca after Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
It is in the Seventh Circle within the Middle Ring that we find those who will soon be given a “second chance.” Those who took their own lives will be given a chance to “redeem” themselves for their sin. They will become eternally grateful to us. “You can’t say that Alya.” Daimon chuckles, looking at her with amusement. “Well, why not? It’s true, if it weren’t for us they would have never been given a second chance.” Alya says with a slight pout. “Precisely my love. If it weren’t for us then none of this would have happened.” Daimon says. Through a sigh, she answers. “…Fine.” They will become eternally grateful to the two people who went against everything to be together. That is until everyone learns that what they have done has caused an ancient prophecy to be put into motion. A prophecy that could potentially be the end of all humanity and cause the downfall of the Gods.
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