#that you should seek out if you are someone who wants help with an addiction
earth-wyrms · 8 months
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crying, wailing, ect
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mrtequilasunset · 11 months
Highkey so sad to see Kim's character get butchered by people who see Harry as whichever addict wronged them in their life.
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fvckednddistvrbed · 2 months
i ate a lot today, not as much as other days, but still im disappointed with myself and starting to feel sick. why cant i be good at restriction? god this makes me wanna sh so fucking bad
#tw s3lf harm#i dont even feel sick from eating too much like usual#its like the feeling of food in my stomach is making my throat feel tight and its activating my gag reflex a bit so i feel like im gonna tu#tw 3d shit#tw 3d vent#3d ana#not exactly pro a*a but not anti either.. :/#i want to post more in this community and get mutuals and get help with navigating this whole thing but im scared cause ive seen#so many people have their whole accounts deleted and i think i would actually kms if that happened since ive had my main for like 8 years#and to be clear im very pro recovery#which i know i know conflicts with the whole wanting mutuals to *help* me with an ed and not help me to *not* have an ed#i think everyone deserves to recover and i hope i do but right now is just not fucking it for me#so for not its a whole lotta#male thinpo#slef harm#right and i definitely cant talk about being b p d uncensored or ill get reported cause the b*d community is super toxic but in the way that#slef harm and scars are chillin but eds are actually a real struggle™️ and you should have it in secret like everyone else#not to generalize all pw b*pd obviously many and probably most arent like this#but tumblr is a very concentrated dose of that kinda person and its sad for us pw b*pd that are both kinds of toxic LMAO#i joke of course#anyway yeah pro recovery for sure but not currently in recovery#ana moots#body chex#someone who could help with that maybe idk im also kinda shy so maybe just someone to help me with restrictions and staying accountable#at least for now#also if you sh all the better cause i will wanna talk about that too#also to clarify my earlier statement 'not pro a*a' means i dont think and 3d is a lifestyle and i recognize that im sick#but 'not exactly anti' means im not going to avoid these communities or report people in them for being pro#because thats about as effective as throwing out an addicts stash or hiding sharp objects from a chronic sh'r- theyll still find a way#and probably way easier and faster than you think and theyll feel even more alienated and less inclined to seek help
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mayullla · 8 months
Title: Obsessive Passion
Character(s): Witch's Apprentice (Unnamed character/original work)
Summary: You didn't know how much jealousy and hatred he had in his heart and you didn't know how desperate his love was too. He was greedy and was even willing to break you so that you would love him back. Tags/Warnings: male!yandere, fem!reader, apprentice!yandere x witch!reader, both are adults, general yandere themes, brainwash/hypno, drugging, manipulation, dubious consent, 3.4k words
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You were a famous witch in the kingdom. Many sought you out for your spells and potions, and the things created by your hand were highly coveted. You were a woman who had reached fame for her talents in magic, knowledge, and powers at a young age. Many sought you out, including the royal family. However, instead of seeking more fame and money, you chose to leave the public eye and live a quiet life away from the capital. Only a few trusted friends and acquaintances knew where you were. You still made many potions and helped whenever the situation required it, but for the most part, you wanted to make time for yourself. You wanted to research and create spells and potions of your interest instead of what was requested and demanded.
With you, you took your apprentice, a man who had talents similar to yours, yet not as fully developed. Many said that he would not be able to achieve what you have due to his lack of mana, but you believed that he would be able to do more, even with that weakness. You knew he was smart, smart enough to figure out how to overcome that hurdle.
But maybe you should have been more careful with him.
You didn't know of the crazed love he had for you, a lust mixed in with unchecked jealousy and hunger. He loved you, he was so madly in love with you that sometimes he felt that it was driving him insane.
You were, in a sense, his savior, someone who took him out of a dark hole and showered him with positive love and attention. You were the one who saw his potential even with his lack of magic when others tossed him aside due to his limits.
It was an innocent crush at first, his heart beating faster when you got close to him as you helped him figure out a new spell that he was trying to create. He was deeply touched when he found out that you created a spell to move your mana to him when he started to run out, effectively stopping him from making progress in a lot of his work and studies.
To him, whenever you poured your energy onto him, he could not help but feel a shiver down his spine. His face flushed into a dark shade of red, perverted thoughts in his mind. All you needed was skin-to-skin contact, holding each other's hand, or you should hold his shoulder. But to him, it was more than that, more than a hug, more than a kiss. It was far more intimate than that when he felt your magic coiling with his, mixing together in his body. It was addicting.
It was difficult for him to hold himself, some days when you saw him panting so heavily after it, he had to make an excuse of some sort.
However, he also had too much anger and too much pride. He resented those who looked down on him, their judgmental eyes ranking his worth in their minds. You were the only one who looked at him in a different light.
You always told him to think of the good for the kingdom, that even when they looked down on him, he could show them what he could do and then their thoughts would change. You were always too kind and so positive.
You weren't naive. If you were, you would have long become a mere pawn of someone malicious, working endless hours for something empty, rather than being free to do whatever you want. But he had always been the more sly one.
That was what he loved about you but also hated. He hated how talented you were compared to him. He hated that you were more powerful than him, that he was in a sense below you. Because you were gifted, you had access to all kinds of magic spell books, even those that belonged to the royal library, while he was not even allowed into the room. He hated your magic because you had so much, unlike him.
He hated your pity.
You did know of his anger, anger towards the world and around him, but you never knew the extent of it. While you also believed that he could do more, you didn't realize what he could already do.
It was just headaches at first when you woke up. Headaches that would never go away no matter what you did. No potion or spell would cast away the pain in your head. Some days it was a numb pain that you could still function throughout the day, but with a few momentary breaks here and there. Sometimes you could go through your day like normal with a very light headache. Sometimes you could do nothing but sit in one place the whole day, unable to think because of the painful throbbing that almost felt like your skull was cracking.
Moments like those always made you mentally note to create another seal for your mind so that you could avoid these sorts of headaches in the future. But by then, it would be too late.
Your apprentice had taken care of most things while you had those serious headaches, giving him work that he could do when you weren't able to do them.
But while doing those tasks, he always took time to take care of you too, handing you tea that was supposed to soothe headaches. While it didn't work for the most part, you appreciated his gesture. Maybe if you were a little more aware and less in pain, you would notice something about the tea that he gave you.
Deep in your sleep, you would never notice how your apprentice would loom over you, having a smile on his lips, cheeks flushed as he played with your mind.
Being famous, you had always been careful of hidden threats and placed many seals in your body to protect yourself. One was on your mind, a seal that you had placed to protect you from any mind magic and dark magic. Much to your apprentice's amusement, he found it very cute that you were that cautious when dark or mind magic had become so rare.
It was taboo and illegal to dabble in such magic after all. Many who were found to be able to do so were mostly killed and burned on torture stakes. It had been years since someone could use such magic. Most magic of that sort was inherited after all, yet when they continued to kill most who could, there was no heir for such magic.
But it wasn't like all dark magic was gone.
He could not help but laugh when he thought of it, how you were so overly cautious of such magic yet took in an apprentice who could use dark magic. This was something you did not know, nor did you know much of. This was what he had over you.
Your seal, while effective if magic was used suddenly to get in your mind, was weak if it was something gradual, slowly chipped away. You would never notice it, not when your headaches started to worsen and worsen the more he chipped your little seal.
It felt like your mind was ripping apart, yet you could not wake up, a sleep potion that paralyzed you, keeping you in deep slumber no matter what he did to you. The torturous pain would be nothing but a nightmare the moment you wake up. He could not help but pity you a little, yet also find a certain thrill to it. A certain satisfaction that he could make you like this.
That he held power over you.
Your body reacted greatly to the broken seal, stiffening as sounds left your mouth, no matter how much he tried to minimize the pain. When it was forcibly broken, there was bound to be some backlash. Yet just as quickly, the sleep potions dragged you back to sleep, unable to react to the shattered seal, unable to see him right above you.
He could not help but laugh, holding it back as he covered his mouth with his hands. His lovely teacher, the teacher who trusted him so much, now at his mercy. He would finally watch you fall from your little stage right under his arms, weak and nothing like the powerful witch you were.
It was a complicated seal that he created just for you, drawn with magic above your head. It was made just for you, like the spell that you had created for him. It would replace the seal that he had broken, and you would be none the wiser. Even if you checked the seal, you would see and feel that same seal that he had broken still there.
One by one, he would change your thoughts, amusing himself in your confusion as he continued to slowly change your mind to his liking, doing things for his pleasure, yet none the wiser.
It took a while, but when you woke up, the headache you had for weeks was suddenly gone.
It was surprising when you realized that you didn't feel like someone was hitting you constantly with a hard, dull hammer every time you even blinked. You were suspicious of the change, but you also felt nothing more than relief. Even when you checked the seals that you placed in your body, nothing was strange.
Yet you just could not help but feel that something was off. That something was not right, but you just could not place a finger on it. You checked the potions and cabinets in the house to see if you misplaced something or if something was stolen, but it wasn't the case. Your apprentice took care of most of the cleaning and potion making while you were resting in bed. Anyone who visited your apprentice had given them the requested items and potions without any problem, but something just felt off.
"Is something the matter?"
You were startled by his voice, jumping a little as if you were caught doing something you shouldn't do. Turning to him, you could not help but frown. "It is nothing, I am just a little confused right now. I can't help but feel like I am missing something."
You honestly replied to your apprentice, wondering and maybe hoping that he had the answer why you were like this. "I am not sure," he answered, having a worried look on his face, wondering if he had made a mistake while you were resting. "Did I make a mistake of some sort?"
Looking at his thinking face, probably trying to calculate expenses or thinking where stuff in where, you shook your head, raising your hand to stop him. "No, it is fine. Thank you for taking care of everything." Seeing that soft smile on his lips, you decided to give your worries a rest.
Yet it always lingered in the back of your mind. As days passed, you started to pay more attention to your apprentice. When you were in the middle of your own research, your mind sometimes thought of him unconsciously, wondering what he was doing and where he was. If he was in the room, you became overly conscious of him. Your eyes could not help but look at him some days, falling into a daze until you snapped out of it with him calling you with a worried look on his face.
It wasn't like you ignored him in the past; you tried to teach him when you were not caught up with your own research. In fact, you were able to give more time to him after you moved to the village, having more time to do whatever you wished. You invested more time into helping him train and learn.
However, this was different.
Your mind just could not think straight sometimes, finding it hard to concentrate when your mind kept thinking of him. He was your apprentice, and while not really far in age, sometimes you thought of him more as an assistant. He was mature and helped you a lot too back then when you had so much work to do. Even now, when he followed you to the countryside, he continued to help you when you needed it. He was reliable.
It wasn't on purpose when you unconsciously started to look over him more often, seeing and checking what he was doing. You took even more time away from your own research to help him learn more about magic and his own research. A quick learner, you always thought, when he picked up a lot of the things you taught him. He was faster… way faster than you when you studied magic around his level.
As more days passed, you started to think that he was better than you, clearly way more talented than you. More often than before, you would compliment him. You complimented him a lot before too, yet you started to do it more and more often. And every compliment seemed to remind you that he was far better than you, that he was better than you.
But it never changed the fact that, unlike you, his magic reserves were smaller than yours. You frowned at the predicament. You were still researching how to help your apprentice's problem, yet you still didn't find a way to fix it. One's own limits were decided the day they were born, and not much could change to make it larger or smaller. The only way you could help your apprentice was to give him your own.
A light touch on his hand or arms, you concentrated on moving your own magic to him. Yet even that took a long time.
Pushing all your other research away, you started trying to find a way to make the transfer quicker and more clean, as there were moments when magic would just leak out and largely go to waste. You were fine with it, to be fair, born with large reserves that it was difficult to use them all in one day anyway, yet you just could not forget your apprentice's face, the jealousy in his eyes when he looked at you.
"Good job. You are doing so well." Compliments continued to leave your lips. Yet as soon as it did, darkness coiled in your stomach as you patted his head. He… he was better than you… Far, far better than you.
You looked down at his sitting form, a smile on his lips, your hand still on his hair as you zoned out deep in thought. "You should really stop patting my head," he told you in a cheery voice, "I am not like some elementary kid who should be rewarded with head pats." You thought for a moment. Looking at him, you could not help but think that it was true, he was far too old for such a thing, but just that you had a habit of doing so.
As soon as you thought that, you tried to take your hand away from his hair, unconsciously wondering if you offended your apprentice or not, yet your hand was stopped by a larger hand. "Ah, I didn't mean it like that!" he said, looking almost surprised when his teacher suddenly started to avoid him. "It is fine to touch my hair, you know… I don't mind," he told you a flush on his face, looking else ever as he tried to hide his cheeks with one hand, "I always know that you like touching my hair, don't you? What I mean to say is that you can touch it whenever... but I am not a kid."
Yes… nothing was wrong… Nothing was wrong at all.
From there, it spiraled again. You were able to function in your daily life, but there were just moments when your memories blanked, and you barely remembered anything. At one point, you thought it was the tea that you were drinking, the one that your apprentice would always make for you.
You were suspicious of the liquid inside your cup, pausing as you stared at it with narrowed eyes. "Is something the matter, teacher?" You looked up at your apprentice, who was looking at you in wonder, an eyebrow raised as he tilted his head. "Do you not like the tea? I made it as you have always liked."
"It is nothing," you said, moving the tea closer to your lips. The smell hit your nose, the same fragrance that you were always familiar with. For a moment, you hesitated, but when you were watched by your student, you chose to take a drink of the tea…
"It is adorable how cautious my teacher is." Your eyes were glazed over as you blankly stared at the floor. Your fingers that were holding the teacup lost their strength, letting the glass fall to the floor and shatter. "Clumsy. Clumsy~" Your apprentice had a mocking tone as he looked at your sitting form. There was no recognition in your eyes, whatever sliver of it was quickly dragged back into the haze. "What would you do without me?"
Moving in front of you, he spelled the glass teacup to rise from the floor and mend itself. When it was placed onto the table, it looked as if it was never broken from the start.
Looking at you, he moved his hands to gently grab your face, forcing you to look at him. "But then again, I always loved my teacher. So much so that it drives me insane sometimes." Your unfocused eyes stared back at him, making him feel chills that he was the one who caused this. That he was the one who made you like this.
He could not help but burst out laughing.
My precious teacher… my precious, precious teacher!" He kept on chanting, in the middle of a quiet forest where there was nothing to hide. His eyes were red with lust and lovesickness.
"My cautious little teacher, slowly you will fall into my arms, and when I finally have you all to myself, I will chain you to me so that you will never be able to leave me. I will make you think of me just as much as I think of you." One by one, he told you all the things he would do to you when you finally could not think for yourself. When your mind breaks and shatters, he will never mend it; instead, he will accept it into his heart.
Then he will create a piece with it that is submissive to him, that yearns for him, that begs for him. One that places him in a high stage that demands others' attention, yet he will give none to them when his eyes are on you, just as he had forced yours to his. You will tell others that he is your heir and that you will be fully retiring.
He will be the one to take care of you, he will take all your magic from your body, greedily taking everything, leaving you unable to even sit up from the bed. He will take care of your body, telling you how well you have done, letting you rest as he fulfills orders for potions and creates spells without limit, looking for you again and again when he runs out.
He will make you sign a contract to become forever his, he will make you sign your name into something that will relinquish everything that belongs to you and give it to him. He will make you give up your talents, your knowledge, your wisdom. He will take everything and gobble it up, as you scream in pain and anguish he will comfort you in his arms and hushed loving words.
You will be his and nobody will be the wiser. Nobody will notice how broken you become as you can do nothing but follow his orders, when you will tell others that he has now inherited your shop and that you will instead become something of a sort of helper. Nobody will know that it is hard for you to make simple potions as he teaches you how to make an easy potion, when you barely even have enough magic to use for yourself as he continues to steal from you.
He will make you clingy, he will make you feel useless and desperate just as he had felt as he looked at you in the past.
You made him insane, and he will show you what it was like as you drowned in his love.
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depravitycentral · 9 months
Yandere! Keigo Takami General Profile
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Yandere! Keigo Takami x fem! reader
Tw: kidnapping, stalking, mentions of non-con, implied masturbation, possessiveness, lots and lots of guilt, Stockholm Syndrome/you've kind of lost it by the end, mentions of eating/eating healthily, mentions of murder, Dabi makes an appearance and is directly responsible for your kidnapping, insinuation that Keigo's jerked it to some rather icky nasty stuff of yours, non-consensual photography, fem reader, MDNI
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy!
WC: 15K (genuinely how)
If Keigo was pressed to describe his type, the very first thing that he would blurt out is intelligent. He wants a woman that can match him in terms of intellect. Someone who can follow his quick-paced jokes, his sarcasm, someone that keeps up with him, really.
He finds it wildly attractive when a woman is confident in her own knowledge, and ideally his darling would be knowledgeable in an area he knows next to nothing about.
He likes hearing them spiel on about something they’re passionate about – and he'll be listening, intently, with a hand under his chin and eyes glossed over because while their words are interesting, watching them is really what’s fully engaging him. There’s something wonderful about the way that they’re able to answer all the questions he prompts them with, never missing a beat and fully dissecting his question before giving their best thoughts back.
It’s just wonderful, and although he’d never divulge any sensitive information to them out of fear for their safety, there’s something euphoric about knowing that if he really wanted to, if he could, he thinks they would understand how he feels.
He thinks they could understand how careful he has to be, how he has to think out his every move and word dozens of times in advance, making sure everything is exactly how it should be.
And really, this helps Keigo feel less lonely – it’s less polarizing and solitary if he knows that his darling could support him, even if he won’t tell them anything.
Just the knowledge makes him giddy, his heart beating faster because it feels so very good to not be alone.
Similarly to their intelligence, Keigo needs a darling who’s able to dish out what he serves. A witty, silver-tongued darling would have him constantly on his toes, finding that speaking with them is entertaining and leaves him wanting more.
His darling isn’t boring, or a drag to speak to – their stories and commentary leave him on the edge of his seat, growing addicted to their voice and finding himself wanting more more more, eagerly asking all sorts of follow-up questions that he normally wouldn’t bother with.
And really, this is one of the first signs that his feelings for them have ventured beyond friendly – he’s never been this invested in someone before, never wanting to interact with them so badly, never wanting to be around them and hear their voice and watch their lips move to form syllables.
He finds his darling’s sense of humor to perfectly match his own, leaving him winded and often more flustered than he’d care to admit.
They’re just so cute – the knowing little look they send him when they crack a bad pun that leaves him chuckling, the way their face scrunches up when they make an accidentally dirty joke.
It’s endearing, really, and it only makes him fall for them harder, his desperation to see them growing stronger with every passing day because god, they’re just so perfect.
While Keigo is capable of developing an obsession with a fellow hero, it’s unlikely.
Part of what draws him to his darling is their innocence – they don’t understand the realities of their society, how violent and horrible the darkest members are, how much crime and unrest fills the city streets right under their nose.
It’s the way his darling is able to be so happy and carefree in the face of such terror that draws Keigo in – they practically radiate positivity, talking about their own mundane life and managing to lull Keigo into a false reality that he, too is simply a civilian.
That he isn’t a double agent with a non-existent sense of self, that he isn’t bursting with stress and anxiety at any given time. It’s a nice reprieve, really, and it’s one that he slowly begins craving. The moments of peace and tranquility addict him, causing him to view his darling as a sort of stress-reliever, someone he can go to when things become too heavy, too dark, too much.
He wants to hear about everything happening in their lives – their crazy neighbors, annoying coworkers, the cat they saw crossing the street, the latest thing broken in their apartment. He wants to know about the mundane things, the things he’s never experienced and never will experience.
His darling is a sort of portal to a totally different world – what he could have had if he hadn’t been born into the family he was, if he hadn’t had inherited his quirk, if he hadn’t have done this or that.
His darling represents possibility, a side of Keigo that he desperately, desperately wishes he could embrace – which is why he slowly begins fantasizing about a future with his darling, always complete with a nice little house, a few children, a pretty ring on their finger, and complete domestic bliss.
It’s a dirty fantasy to him, really, something far off and dreamy, but with every interaction he has with his darling, it only stronger, and he only grows more desperate.
Keigo needs someone who is able to see past the layers of persona he puts on as Hawks and instead see him. Keigo Takami. He needs someone who’s able to listen to his words and comfort him, to see the frightened, abused boy he still is at heart.
The idea of a darling who’s able to understand him on such a deep, raw level leaves him feeling equal parts terrified and relieved, because he’s never really had someone there for him before.
The concept of a companion, of someone to rely on and love and cherish is such a foreign concept to him, and although he finds the idea enticing (having watched more than his fair share of rom-coms and trashy romance movies), Keigo doesn’t believe that he’ll ever get to experience it.
His life is too busy and hectic, and having a woman to hold and love and protect would add too much unnecessary strain. Except once he meets his darling and he feels seen for the first time, things begin changing. No longer does he find himself alone, internally grappling with his real identity and his hero identity, slowly losing himself with all the stress and obligations towards the commission.
No, he’s not alone because he has them – his darling, the one who’s smile and a simple brush of their hand leaves him breathless, feeling like a little kid with a sense of wonder and hopefulness and love that makes his heart pound in his chest.
A darling that’s able to incite these feelings in him is really the key to catching his attention in the first place – a cruel fate, really, considering his darlings is only trying to help him, only trying to help reassure him that he doesn’t have to be the ever strong, ever cool Hawks in front of everybody.
It’s a noble thought, really – but ultimately one that dooms his darling, forcing the blond to latch onto them with incredible strength and never, ever letting go.
It takes quite a while for Keigo’s obsession to form. He’s never really had the time nor desire to get close enough to someone to even consider a relationship, and while he’s a had a one-night stand or two, that one night of intimacy is the closest he’s ever gotten to someone. He’s just not emotionally available, and for very good reason – he’s lived his entire adult life (and much of his youth) completely under the Commission’s control, his every desire, action, and thought controlled by others.
It’s sad and some part of him knows it, pitying himself even, but Keigo’s just not interested in developing any kind of romantic relationship with anyone. He doesn’t have time, and there’s a small part of him that questions if he’s even able to form that kind of a connection with someone. A childhood full of abuse, training and emotional neglect has fucked him up in more ways than one, and he’s genuinely unsure if he’s even capable of something like love, if he’d even be able to give someone a healthy relationship, his heart.
He swears off romance, finding it trivial and just not something for him, but things begin changing the longer he knows you, the longer he’s around you and spends time with you. His feelings are purely platonic at first – you’re funny, someone he finds himself actually getting along with and not dreading seeing, and it’s always a pleasure when he happens to run into you when he’s out on patrol or just wandering around the city in a rare moment of free time.
(And at this point, it genuinely is random – there’s no pre-planned meetings, no orchestrated attempts at just so happening to run into you, no attempt to follow you or know your location at all hours of the day. It’s just fate, really.)
He slowly warms up to you, deciding that he actually really likes you, and as the weeks turn into months, there’s this feeling that starts tugging at his heart. It’s this strange phenomenon where when he’s lost in thought, planning out his next moves in making sure he balances his double agent lifestyle, there’s this lingering thought of you.
He’ll gear up in his hero suit, shrugging the jacket on over his wings and checking himself over in the mirror, only to let his hand linger over his jacket lapel. He’d never noticed the small speck of blood on the tan material – had you? It was surely an enemy’s, some criminal that he’d roughed up a bit too badly before capturing, but it was still an unfortunate sight. His lips quirk down a bit as he thinks of whether you’d noticed it when you’d ran into him at the end of his patrol yesterday – you hadn’t mentioned anything, but maybe you were just being polite.
Something about the thought of you seeing him with blood on him leaves a sour taste in his mouth.
It’s not until a notification on his phone gets his pocket buzzing that he snaps out of his small reverie, blinking at his reflection and feeling a small bit of confusion settle over him. Why was he thinking of you? Surely it wasn’t your blood, and you hadn’t been present during any of his fights yesterday – why had the thought of you popped into his mind?
Keigo’s not sure, but he pushes aside the thought as he jumps off his balcony, the wind catching his wings and letting him soar towards the Hero Commission building.
He doesn’t give it much thought, but then it happens again the next day; he’s out on patrol, flying a good ten feet above the skyline of this particular neighborhood, when he sees a woman walking with a bouquet of flowers. They’re pretty, he supposes – roses mixed with some greenery and tulips, the kind of perfect bouquet you’d see in a rom-com or some cheesy movie.
He smiles a bit, seeing the way the woman was sighing down at them with a dreamy look on her face, and before he can stop himself there’s this flash in his mind of you with flowers in your arms. They’d be a different color, of course – your favorite color, and maybe even a different flower. Whatever one was your favorite, that’s what he’d get you.
He freezes as the last thought flits through his mind, his wings freezing too and causing him to falter a bit mid-air, desperately flapping them to stay afloat. What the hell?
He doesn’t like it, at first – the way you’re slowly seeping into every aspect of his thoughts, always some little twinge of you sitting at the sidelines, an idle thought of wow, you’d look great with that shirt on or a small question of would she like this?
It makes him uncomfortable, because he doesn’t know how to deal with this strange new development – sure, he's heard all about love and falling for someone, because while he may not look like it, he’s watched his fair share of chick flicks and raunchy romances.
But still, this is different – it’s different because it’s him, because it’s you. And it’s different because Keigo notices, as time passes, that none of those films or stories mention just how all-encompassing the feeling is, or how it makes him want to swing by your apartment every night, flying outside your window and letting those honey eyes scan the room to find your familiar figure.
They don’t mention anything about the desire that eats him up at night, how he seems to see you in everything around him – his pillow is soft, but he’s sure your stomach would be softer. His dining chair is comfortable, but having you sit in his lap would make it more comfortable.
The ratty shirt with the massive holes cut in the back is loose on him, but where it looks sloppy on him, you’d manage to look cute, he’s sure. It scares him, if he’s being honest, because he feels his control over himself slowly slipping through his fingers – he can’t stop himself from checking over you when he knows you’re at work, repeatedly flying through the area when he really doesn’t need to, just to make sure there’s no villainous activity.
(And always keeping an eye out for you when he knows your shift is over – he always gets too nervous and chickens out, but one of these days he swears he’s going to swoop down and pick you up, holding you in his arms as he flies around with you, chuckling in your ear and pulling you flush against his body under the guise of ‘safety’ – just please ignore the hardness you feel against your back or the labored breaths in your ear.)
It scares him that he can’t stop himself from suddenly paying much more attention to your every word, listening to you like you’re spouting holy epiphanies as you tell him about your coworkers or this new film you watched, biting his lip and nodding along, letting his eyes occasionally flick down to your mouth as quickly as he can, just so you won’t notice.
Thus starts a troubling pattern – Keigo starts slowly craving learning as much as he can about you, because with every thought that pops up into his head, he finds his knowledge about you is sorely lacking. He doesn’t know what your favorite flower is – he can’t get you that bouquet he was fantasizing of.
 He doesn’t know where your favorite take-out place is – he can’t surprise you with dinner on nights he can tell you’re tired. (He can tell because he’d followed you home from the air and noticed your slouched shoulders and the way you’d looked on the verge of tears when you’d stubbed your toe on the uneven sidewalk, but still.)
He doesn’t know what size shoe you wear – he can’t pick you up those new shoes he thought you’d like, or get you a new pair of those fuzzy, warm socks he noticed were looking a little ragged in your laundry bin.
 He doesn’t know what your ideal date is, so he can’t plan one with the knowledge that you’d be as happy as humanly possibly, all smiley and bashful and shy, all because you’re with Keigo himself.
It frustrates him, and he figures it wouldn’t hurt to look into you just a bit more – he’s got access to all kinds of information, security clearances associated with his status as both a hero, an agent of the Hero Commission, and an agent of the Meta Liberation Army making pretty much any piece of information he wants to get his hands on accessible. He’s getting access to your computer and phone, sifting through your search histories, contacts, even your bank accounts and government information.
(How else would he be able to start depositing occasional bits of money into your account, gifts he knows you won’t notice because you never check your transaction histories? You may not know about them, but he does, and it makes him feel good, important when he’s gifting you a hundred dollars here and there, making sure you have a cushion so that you can spoil yourself and indulge in all the things he knows you want to, but you don’t have the funds to do so.)
He’s designating a specific feather to slip into your purse or pocket, attached to your person so that he can track where you’re going, feeling the vibration against your back when you’re talking, when you’re shivering because you’re cold, when you’re standing or sitting or laying or moaning and gasping and shaking –
(He’ll always stiffen up when the feather he’d managed to slip into your jacket starts vibrating with the sound of your cries, his cheeks and neck feeling unbearably hot as he starts to sweat, wings twitching uncontrollably and rushing to the nearest bathroom, clutching the sink and grimacing because god, you’re moaning so damn much, you must be touching yourself and he’s not even there to see it, not able to watch you fall apart – maybe you’re even thinking of him, of how he’d fuck you nice and deep, pushing your knees up to your ears and groaning your name over and over while he fills you full of his cum – He’s in the bathroom for a suspiciously long time, and when he comes back with his pants just slightly askew, Dabi will cock a brow but not make a comment.)
He’s even going so far as to set up cameras in your apartment, having broken in one day when you weren’t home, making sure they’re placed in inanimate objects so you don’t find one and get scared.
(Though, he can’t deny that the image of you running to him in fear, crying and clutching onto him and telling him that someone’s stalking you has a very nice ring to it… Ultimately, though, he knows it’s best for you to not take on the stress and burden of knowing your every move is being watched, recorded, stored onto his phone and computer so that when he can’t sleep at night or is particularly stressed from all the lying and sneaking around, he’ll have something pretty and sweet to look at, something calming and relaxing, something that makes him sigh and his lips quirk up into a small smile as his thumb rubs the technology, imagining it was your cheek.)
It’s a slow slide into his obsessive tendencies, but once his feelings for you have formed in full, Keigo is a lost cause – and once you end up trapped with him, forced to depend on him for everything, this trait will only present itself more strongly, becoming harder and harder to ignore because he won’t bother hiding it anymore.
You’ll be scared and apprehensive every time he arrives with a glass of water right when you were beginning to feel thirsty, but really, you should know better. You’ll be unnerved when he presents a new bottle of shampoo to you right as you start itching to shower, but it’s inevitable.
Keigo knows you better than you know yourself, after all – and he just wants to keep you happy, keep you safe. He's just in love, and doesn’t he deserve someone to love?
Doesn’t he deserve to be happy too, to finally, finally have something all to himself, something that’s his?
Frankly, though Keigo hides it well, his protectiveness over you is unbearable. He’s a seasoned pro-hero who spends a good amount of time with villains, and as a result he’s more than aware of just how dark of a place the world really is. He has intimate knowledge of just how many horrible people are hiding in plain sight, all the violent and horrific crimes they commit, and just how often they manage to escape unscathed.
And of course, he also knows just how many innocent victims get wrapped up in their schemes, often resulting in injuries and trauma and even death. And while Keigo generally is disapproving of murder, he’s even more staunchly against the concept when it’s your death, when you’re the lifeless body that’s laying on the cold, hard cement, blood pooling around your head and your pretty eyes staring aimlessly above, your fingers cold and your neck bruised and oh god oh god –
The realization that the way he feels for you has wandered into romantic territory is the same moment that he realizes that you could very easily be one of the civilians he was just a hair too slow to save.
He’s helping an older woman crawl out of a pile of rubble left behind from a stand-off with a villain, part of the building having collapsed in on itself, and all of a sudden he sees something sticking out from below a large, cement cylinder – a foot, stained red at the ankle, and immediately he feels sick.
Evacuations aren’t always successful, and oh, look at that – the foot’s complexion is oddly familiar, and he swears he’s seen that nail polish on someone else’s fingers before. Bile actually rises up the back of his throat as he realizes that everything about this unfortunate soul reminds him of you, even down to the hair dotting her leg. It’s a hard pill to swallow as images of you bloody and bruised flash through his mind, each one making his chest tighter than the last.
It leaves his fists clenching and his jaw tight enough to make his teeth hurt, and it’s in that moment that his body almost seems to operate on autopilot – the images of you battered and too injured to be helped are still swirling through his mind as his feet leave the ground, his wings beating faster and faster with every second, his desperation to reach you strong enough to get his heart practically racing out of his chest.
The wind is whistling in his ears as he flies to your apartment, his muscles aching from the exertion, his lip caught between his teeth as he mentally chants that you’re okay, you’re okay, please God you have to be okay.
It’s only once he lands on your apartment balcony and sees you clumsily doing your dishes in the kitchen sink that relief floods his system, his entire body sagging against the railing as he finally lets out the breath he’d been unconsciously holding back.
You’re okay.
You’re alive and breathing, and as his eyes scan every exposed inch of your skin, he can’t find even a speck of blood. A hand comes up to rest over his heart, and Keigo swallows, Adam’s apple visibly bobbing with the weight of the motion.
He spends longer than he’d care to admit on your balcony that evening, those yellow eyes watching like a hawk as you move about in your tiny apartment, mentally assessing each and every movement. You’re pretty like this, he thinks – you’re entirely unaware that you’re being watched, but there’s something about seeing you be so natural and free that’s exhilarating, making his heart pound and his cheeks flush pink because this is what you’re really like when no one’s watching. It makes his chest ache to see it, his gloved fingers reaching out and pressing against the glass of your sliding door, the urge almost unbearable to be with you and hear what he’s sure is you singing along to some horrible song.
He’s idly wondering if you cook all your meals, and that’s why you have so many dishes – would you cook for him? He's a lousy chef and frankly a bit picky about his food, but he’d eat anything you make for him with a bright smile and trembling fingers, eagerly wolfing down the food and being nearly brought to tears because you made this for him.
He’s imagining the way you’d let him hold you at night, sharing a bed with you and your body pressed snugly beside his, an arm draped over your side and your soft breaths tickling the expanse of his chest. It’s a pleasant thought, but all too soon his phone is buzzing and he’s brought out of his reverie, glancing at the time and sucking in a sharp breath because it’s been an hour and a half of him just sitting here, gaping like an idiot at you.
Embarrassment creeps up his spine, but before he jumps off the balcony and heads to the Commission to report back, he spares a final glance over his shoulder at you, and the smallest of smiles sits on his lips, something warm blooming in his chest.
But from that moment onwards, Keigo slowly becomes more and more consumed by the idea of just how truly unprepared you are for any sort of villain encounter. You have a quirk, sure, but it’s minor and not especially useful, and it certainly wouldn’t help if you were to be cornered in some dark alleyway, or if you were to hear your front door’s lock being picked, or if you were to be caught in the crossfire of a villain robbing a bank.
And it’s small things that remind him of these facts – he'll see you trip over seemingly nothing, losing your footing and stumbling for just a moment, and immediately fear is sitting heavy in his gut because god, you’d be dead meat running from a villain. It’s endearing, of course, but it’s scary.
He hears you giggle sheepishly and rub the back of your neck as you admit to your friend over lunch that you’d forgot to lock your door when you left for groceries yesterday, his skin and feathers bristling and a small prick of anger bubbling inside him because are you asking to be the next tragedy covered on the news?
 He takes you out for dinner (that he hopes you’ll think of as a date, even if the restaurant is a simple diner that he knows you love) and sees a bandaid on your finger, his voice a touch lower than his previous joking tone as he asks if you’re okay, did you hurt yourself? Your response of how you’d accidentally caught the sharp edge of a razor in the shower makes his entire body tense, both at the idea of you in the shower and at the idea of your blood being drawn, of the way you’d probably hissed and bit your lip, the pain acute. You’ll notice the way he freezes up, this look on his face that you can’t quite describe, but soon he’ll be flashing you that familiar grin, taking a sip of his soda and telling you that unshaved is better, hasn’t anyone ever told you that?
(He likes the way you roll your eyes and pretend that you aren’t embarrassed by his comment – at least, he hopes that’s how you’re feeling, because the comment made him himself a little hot under the collar.)
Everything you do is a reminder to him that you’re weak, and it’s this constant mantra that moves Keigo to take his own measures to ensure your safety. He’ll offer to walk you home from work every day, waving off your concerns by telling you that his patrols end right around that time anyways so it’s no big deal.
(They don’t – they tend to end much earlier, but this way he can fly around for a bit, trail you from the air and keep his eyes trained only on you, all with the luxury of lying when you notice his presence about how his patrol areas happen to line up with the district you work in.)
He’ll tell you that he’s sure your cooking is good, but he knows what place has the absolute best lunches – and would you look at that, it’s not too far from your apartment! Maybe you’d be interested in getting lunch with him sometimes? He knows the owner pretty well because he’s always in there, maybe he could even get the both of you a loyal customer discount.
(He’d only started eating there because a late night of watching you through your apartment windows had led to his stomach growling too much to bear, and he’d strolled into the twenty-four-hour establishment absolutely ravenous for food, still glowing from having watched your sleeping face.)
He’s even making unsolicited, subtle remarks about your own habits designed to get you to change some of your more problematic traits – he’ll tell you that eating breakfast is actually very good for you, he’s heard that people who skip breakfast tend to have bowel problems.
(It’s delivered as a joke and you snort because he’d been a little graphic with a bad pun thrown in there, and as Keigo basks in the sight of your smile and the sound of your laughter, he hopes that you’ll remember the sentiment – you need to be eating properly, after all.)
He’s telling you that crime rates have been awfully high in your neighborhood lately – it’s recommended for all civilians to avoid speaking to anyone on the streets – just for safety purposes, of course.
(And because it dramatically reduces the number of men you interact with, something that makes both his protectiveness and possessiveness cool ever so slightly because that means one less man that you could meet and fall for and want and love-)
And why shouldn’t you believe everything that he says? He’s the number two hero, a man who’s saved more lives than you could imagine – how could he not be the authority on safety? Who are you to doubt anything he tells you, any advice he gives you?
And Keigo knows this – which is why he’ll start pushing further and further with time, trying to convince you to drop anything dangerous at all; did you know that more people cut themselves with knives than with all other cutting tools combined? You should really be careful, you know – besides, sometimes recipes are better with whole tomatoes!
(Really, he just wants to avoid seeing a knife in your hands – you’re not trustworthy with something so sharp, even if the sight of you in the kitchen slaving over the stove is strangely adorable, strangely right.)
Did you know that most animal attacks are from dogs? Maybe you shouldn’t consider getting that cute puppy you’d been gushing about – you just never know.
(Really, Keigo’s just worried that you’ll end up spending all your time and attention with said puppy, leaving him with only the most meager scraps that won’t be nearly enough to satisfy him, and while he’s serious about the dog attacks, he’s mostly just selfish. Plus, an animal companion would make slipping through your window late at night almost impossible.)
Did you know that the vast majority of murder victims are women? You should probably take him up on his offer to be your personal chaperone – consider it a favor for a friend, he’d told you.
(Though he’d been gritting his teeth as he said the word ‘friend’, even the feel of it on his tongue making something ugly twist in his gut. The way he feels for you certainly isn’t friendly – it can’t be, not when he’s imagining waking up with you every morning, the way your lips would taste, how you’d look on your knees staring up at him while you gag and choke and suck so hard your cheeks hollow out.)
And once you’ve been kidnapped, this trait is only furthered, his paranoia eating away at him because he knows you’ll be rebellious, that you’ll want to lash out and hurt yourself and hurt him, and just the thought leaves him buzzing with anxiety, stress eating away at him because he absolutely refuses to let you get injured in any way.
You have to stay pristine – his gorgeous, precious partner that he loves, the only woman who’s ever made him feel something so strong. You have to be okay – because if you aren’t, then he isn’t either, and the only thing more dangerous than a powerful, cunning man living a double life is a broken, apathetic man who wants everyone to know just how little life means now that his other half is gone.
His controlling tendencies manifest as a result of both his extreme protectiveness, and as a sort of coping mechanism from the lack of control he has over his own life. He does love you – at least, he thinks this is love.
(If it’s not love, then Keigo doesn’t know what the fuck this could possibly be – what else would cause him to be thinking of you at all hours of the day, his body physically aching and yearning to be with you? What else could cause his breathing to hitch and become so uneven when you’re in his presence, his quirk nearly out of his control as his feathers ruffle and flutter and come down around you like some sort of cage?)
He loves you, sure, his obsession festering into something darker, deeper, more unmanageable and impossible to come back from, but there’s a part of him that begins exerting this control over you as a way to satisfy himself.
By dictating your life, it’s almost like he’s dictating his own – like he gets to choose what happens, like he has self-autonomy, like he isn’t just a puppet being used by others. It’s euphoric, cathartic, and this only furthers his dependence on you – not only do you make him feel something warm and gooey and suffocating in his chest, but you also make him feel calmer, more grounded, more whole.
But as lovely as it is for Keigo to finally get a grip on his own mental health, this has rather disastrous effects on you – even before he’s stolen you away, these controlling tendencies are present. Of course, they’re difficult to spot when Keigo is still just the handsome, flirty hero who seems to have a soft spot for little old you. You’re in a metaphorical honeymoon phase at that point, beyond flattered that someone like him has noticed someone like you.
And so, you don’t really notice the way that he tells you to stop hanging out with a particular friend that you keep rambling on about. They’re going through a hard time, you’re sure of it – it’s the only reason they’ve been so snappy and distant lately, and it’s only natural for you to bear your burdens to Keigo, telling him how they were rude to you last weekend, how they’ve been ignoring your calls, how you’re at a loss because what could possibly be happening?
And Keigo will grit his teeth, his smile tight and visibly strained as he clutches onto his coffee cup with white knuckles, eventually telling you wow, that really sucks, some friend. Maybe you should stop hanging out with them – obviously they aren’t as invested in the friendship as you are, sound like they’re not as good of a friend as you are, frankly.
It’s good advice, all things considered, but it’s presented in a way that flatters you, that makes you sound like you’re the reasonable, good friend and they’ve simply dropped the ball. And so, you’ll follow his advice – that friend isn’t contacted again, and Keigo personally sees to it that you’ve blocked them, having gone in and manually done it on your phone while you were fast asleep.
You won’t notice how he makes subtle comments about what you should order when you’re at a restaurant together – he’ll never make comments about your weight, but he’ll prompt you to eat something healthier, something more, something that’ll leave you happy but nourish you as well. The comments are again difficult to spot – when he opens up the menu, he’ll pipe up and tell you that they’ve got that salad you were talking about the other day – you know the one? Yeah, sounds good – do you want to split it? I think we should get some extra chicken on top, too.
(Once the salad arrives, of course, you’ll be eating the majority – Keigo will nibble at it, picking at it and making a bit show of always having his fork packed with the greens – and a lot of the chicken – but you’ll be the one shoveling food into your mouth, feeling full by the time Keigo’s eaten roughly ten bites.)
You won’t notice it much at all, really – which is why it’s such a shock to one day wake up in Keigo’s luxury, king-sized bed, the soft white sheets smelling like fresh laundry and the pretty red, silky pajamas he’d changed you into feeling foreign on your body.
But just like his more needy and clingy tendencies, Keigo’s controlling nature will start to show itself once he’s stolen you away. There’s no point in hiding how he feels now, is there? You’re aware that he’s in love with you (he tells you every fucking day, after all, with a hushed voice that sounds much too vulnerable for you to bear and a barrage of kisses along your jawline and neck), so what’s the point in dialing down some of the more questionable aspects of his infatuation?
He’d kidnapped you out of paranoia, and now that you’re with him constantly, he’s able to really, fully control your actions and the things you’re allowed to do. He’s not too dehumanizing with it, but there’s a lot of limits on things that you normally wouldn’t even think about – you’re allowed to watch TV, but only for an hour a day and only specific channels and programs he’s approved.
(Generally, the cutoff for what he considers ‘appropriate’ for you are things without graphic violence, nothing terribly sad, and nothing that would cause you tension or stress. So, all horror movies are off the table, all dramas, all action films, really only leaving the things he wouldn’t mind watching with you – romances, mostly, and the occasional film with much more erotica than he realized. His face will turn red as the actors moan and whisper hushed I love you’s, his yellow eyes nervously flicking over to you from his spot beside you, his fingers itching to reach out to you, the blanket covering you both suddenly feeling much too hot.)
You’re allowed to eat what you want, but with a few very strict guidelines – you can’t have anything over a certain amount of grams of sugar, nor are you allowed to consume anything that isn’t paired with a vegetable. He’s forcing you to eat protein, and if you don’t eat meat he’ll count out a specific number of nuts you must consume that day, just to make sure you’re getting proper nutrition.
He especially loves if you’ll let him feed the nuts to you, or any food, really – he likes to feel needed and helpful, and to have you looking at him with those pretty eyes, the fork pressed against your lips while you swallow and thank him for the food… It makes Keigo’s breathing get a bit heavy, his mouth watering because god, he wants to use that fork after you, would you think that’s weird?
He’s not taking away any of your basic privileges like dressing yourself or using the restroom alone, but Keigo has a way of making you feel pathetic without even trying to; there’s just something about the way he looks at you, all soft smiles and wide eyes, his palms always clammy and nervous, his touch always hesitant but eager.
He won’t explicitly create a schedule for your daily life under his thumb, but you’ll essentially be in one, anyways. He leaves for work in the mornings, parting from you with a very, very tonguey kiss, and while he’s gone on his patrol all day, you’ll cycle through reading a few of the (pre-approved) books he’d gifted you, practicing your art skills, practicing your musical skills, and staring out the fifteen-story window, the one-way, bulletproof glass not giving you even the option to crack it if you wanted to brave the fall.
You’ll be stagnant, really, something that Keigo doesn’t appreciate at all once he notices it happening, but it doesn’t change the fact that he absolutely can’t relinquish control – you’re his, and even if you’re unhappy, Keigo will be damned if he gives up caring for you and making your decisions for you. That’s love, isn’t it? He knows what’s best for you, so why can’t you see that? Why do you fight him and tell him he’s a monster, a horrible, horrible man?
He just wants to keep you safe and happy and loved, so why are you making it so fucking difficult?
While Keigo isn’t too terribly possessive as far as yanderes go, he really only has so much self-control. Of course, he doesn’t like seeing other men around you, those already narrow eyes of his growing even sharper and smaller because he does not like this.
But what sets Keigo apart from others is that while he’s enraged, anxiety and anger prickling at his skin and causing goosebumps to litter his entire body, he’s smart. He’s good at reading people, at fully assessing situations and making split seconds analyses, and that’s exactly what he’ll do whenever he sees you in a situation where another man is showing interest.
He’ll examine the man’s face – is he smiling? Laughing? Serious? Frowning?
Smiling and laughing generally means one of two things – either the man hopes to become friends or acquaintances with you, or he’s flirting and he thinks it’s going very well. Keigo can’t decide which option he hates more.
A serious expression or a frown normally means that the man is trying to create a mysterious air – to embody hypermasculinity, to try and lure you in by looking the part of the strong, dominant man who’s only weakness is you. It makes Keigo cringe, his nose scrunching up in a wince as he thinks of how terribly stupid this man must be to think you’d fall for something like that – he obviously doesn’t know you or your intellect, at least not like Keigo does. Nobody knows you like Keigo does – not even yourself.
He’s looking at the man’s body language – if he’s leaning towards you, he probably has less than innocent intentions, either trying to intimidate you or get close to you to fulfill some sick, perverted urge.
(An urge that Keigo knows all too well – the urge to feel you, to touch you, to smell you, to have your skin against his. It’s an urge that he’s had to fight more times than he can count, stopping himself from scooping your into his arms and burying his face into the crook of your neck, his hands roaming every inch of your body because god, you smell good and you’re so fucking pretty and your voice is like heaven to his ears and you feel too damn good pressed against him like this and fuck you drive him absolutely insane.)
If the man has his hands in his pockets, that generally signals to Keigo that he’s not as confident at this as he’d like you to believe, showing the hero that the man is more than aware that you’re wildly out of his league, that really the man should have absolutely no business speaking with you.
Keigo’s noticing the distance between your body and the stranger’s – if it’s more than three feet, he’s able to take a small, minimally relieved sigh because at least the man isn’t likely to try something. But if he’s closer to you, dangerously close to being in your space and making you feel uncomfortable, immediately Keigo’s wings are flapping, the movements harsh and unconscious as his fists tighten and he grits his teeth because he’ll be damned if he lets anyone make you uncomfortable.
And he’s analyzing your body language, too, of course – if you like the interaction, if you’re pleased by the attention, if you’re scared, if you want to leave, even if you want to leave with the stranger himself. And while Keigo wishes he was wrong, the moments where you actually seem to be enjoying the flirting of a stranger make him bristle, a deep scowl settling on his face while insecurity and panic grip his heart because he has to stop this before it's too late – before you let yourself get wooed by another man before Keigo even gets the chance to fully earn your trust and adoration.
Seeing you approached by potential rivals for your love really brings out the worst side of Keigo – it brings out all the skills the Commission drilled into him, those eyes of his dissecting the other man like he’s merely a slab of meat, the blond finding every possible point of weakness in the man’s stature or attitude, just so Keigo can understand the full scope of what he’s competing with. Just so that Keigo can understand exactly how he can be better than this loser – how he can impress you and get you acting all bashful and dismissive of his witty flirting just like you should be.
Jealousy isn’t too pretty on Keigo, and while he won’t just blindly murder any man that steals your attention for even a moment.
(He’d lose his hero status very quickly, no matter how much he sometimes wants to send a feather clean through their neck, slicing their head off and feeling not a smidge of remorse because now he’ll finally stop running his mouth at you when you’ve clearly already been chosen to be Hawks’s woman – the number two’s sweet, important little partner that he absolutely cannot lose).
His patrol had felt incredibly long today – no large villain sightings, with only a few petty muggers making the time pass. Keigo sighs, wings flapping and wind whipping in his ears as he eagerly scans the streets below.
Normally, you’d be walking to the grocery store right around now – he’d noticed you were low on eggs, so it was only a matter of time before you braved the cold autumn air. Suspicion immediately pricks along Keigo’s spine, however, as he slowly flies along the path that you take to the store. You’re no where in sight – he doesn’t see your familiar jacket or notice the way the sunlight glistens off your hair, and immediately something uncomfortable is settling in his gut.
This wasn’t like you – you’d told him once that you prefer this time of day for your shopping because the store is the least crowded, and Keigo knows how you feel about interacting with strangers. And yet, you’re missing – something that makes him immediately pick up his speed, brows knitting together and his lower lip caught between his teeth. Eager eyes scan every sidewalk as he quickly makes his way to your apartment complex, every second that he doesn’t see you only furthering the feeling of dread slowly eating at him.
He’s near the point of whipping out his phone to call you and check the tracker he’d installed into your phone when he lets out an audible sigh of relief, having spotted your familiar form on the sidewalk below. You’re only a few blocks from your apartment at this point – and with a look of disgust, Keigo identifies the reason why.
There’s a man with you.
You’re standing and speaking with him, tucked away at the corner of the sidewalk, and immediately the feeling of panic is replaced by anger, his shoulders tensing up. As he swoops down and lands on the top of the building above you, he cranes his neck to get a better look at this man. Keigo’s never seen him before – you’ve never interacted with him in all the months he’s been watching you, leading him to believe that this man is a stranger.
Keigo taps his foot impatiently, trying to decide if this is good news or bad news. On the one hand, it’s always good news to know that you don’t have many men in your life – Keigo should be the only one, really, the only person, even, not just man.
But it also means that this stranger probably stopped you to strike up a conversation, which can only means two things – either the man is asking an innocent question, or he’s interested in you. Interested in you, as in wanting to date you, to kiss your pretty lips and hear you whisper those three words and bend you in half and make you scream and moan and gush-
Keigo grits his teeth, left eye twitching slightly at the mere thought of this man being brazen enough to approach you like this. And based off the way he keeps steadily stepping closer to you and you keep subtly shifting away from him, Keigo suddenly understands exactly what’s going on.
He hesitates for only a moment, a small pang of doubt registering in the back of his mind (wondering if this is how you look when you’re with Keigo himself, that annoying insecurity revolving around anything romantic and anything with you once again filling him with false worries), before he’s jumping from the rooftop, landing with a small grunt onto the sidewalk a few feet away from the two of you.
Clearing his throat, he walks with a bit more urgency than normal towards you, slinging an arm around your shoulder and leaning in.
What’re we talking about? Keigo asks, yellow eyes fixed on the man, any semblance of a smile gone from his face. His chest is puffed out ever so slightly, wings spread to make his physical presence as big as possible, to make him as intimidating as possible. Immediately you’re jumping, slightly embarrassed and slightly relieved at Keigo’s sudden presence. He feels you relax slightly against him and tries to ignore the way his throat goes dry and his pupils dilate – he’ll relive the memory of you feeling safe around him later tonight, but now’s not the time.
The man steps back immediately, rubbing at the back of his neck and looking at the hero sheepishly, guilt written all over his face. Keigo scoffs under his breath, examining the man’s face in closer detail. He’s somewhat attractive, and that same nagging voice comes back, idly wondering if you’d prefer brunettes like this man over blondes like Keigo, or if you preferred slightly taller men, because this stranger is easily a few inches taller than the hero. He frows, biting the inside of his cheek and willing the thoughts to go away – at least until he’s sorted this out.
Oh, Hawks, hey man, I didn’t – we’re not talkin’ about anything. Nice to meet you, miss. The man fumbles for his words, before quickly backpedaling and practically running the opposite direction, peeking over his shoulder every once in a while and wincing.
Keigo holds his ground, not moving, keeping those eyes locked on the man’s figure until he’s eventually a good block or two away. Only then does Keigo turn to you, his cheeks a little pink as he flashes you a smile. He’s still got his arm wrapped around your shoulder, and he gives you a small squeeze that he hopes isn’t too forward – he wouldn’t want you to get the idea that he’s after the same thing that stranger had been.
(Though really, isn’t he? He just wants all of you, not only your body – and he can take much better care of you, can’t he? Better than that gangly, sleazy man ever could, better than any other man ever could.)
He’s brought out of his small reverie by you profusely thanking him, telling him that the man had just approached you out of nowhere and you didn’t know how to leave the situation without it potentially escalating.
Keigo only smiles lazily, nodding at you and telling you not to worry, that he’s a pro hero, so it’s kind of my job, you know? Though for my favorite civilian, I don’t mind working overtime.
He winks at you after that, feeling only slightly anxious that you’ll find the action too arrogant, but you only blink owlishly at him, mumbling something about feeling guilty that it’s ‘overtime’. Keigo waves off your concerns, releasing your shoulder and trying not to show loss on his face.
You thank him again, smiling at him in a way that gets his knees very close to buckling, but he just clears his throat and nods, saluting you playfully and letting his wings flap, already a few feet in the air as he tells you to enjoy the rest of your night and to call him if any other creeps show up. You’re still smiling as he flies back over the roof of the building, but you don’t notice how he stops, peeking over the roof to see you make your way in the direction of the grocery store.
A small smile sits on his lips at the sight, smaller and more genuine than the smirk he’d been wearing moments ago.
Knew it, he thinks earnestly, already mentally predicting what you’ll pick up from the store. And as he hovers back into the air, cracking his neck and knuckles, he decides following you there couldn’t hurt – just in case any more men decide to mess with his woman. 
Keigo’s obsession with you is overwhelming, terrifying, and pushes him to do a number of things that force his morals to be flung out the window of favor of keeping you safe, happy, his, but there’s still a few things that he can’t push himself to do, even with you in mind. One of these things is to steal you away.
 Kidnapping you is not something he wants to do – he may nurse a few beliefs about how you’ll eventually forgive him for being so obsessive and domineering over you, but Keigo isn’t stupid. He knows your image of him will never recover if he presses the chloroform-soaked rag up to your mouth and coos at you while you fall limp and into his arms.
He knows you’ll never truly forgive him if you wake up one morning in his apartment, breakfast in bed waiting beside you while he stares eagerly down at you, apologizing for having to be so extreme but trying desperately to convince you that he had no other choice, that he did it for you, that he did it to keep you safe.
He knows it won’t go over well, and Keigo already feels so unsure of how to properly court you and make you genuinely like him and not just Hawks that he doesn’t want to do something even slightly risky. He already knows that stalking you, breaking into your home at night to restock your refrigerator and lay beside you on your bed is crossing enough boundaries and grounds for you to be seriously afraid of him, but kidnapping you is a line he simply isn’t willing to cross.
At least, that’s how he initially feels – until something drastic happens, something that seriously threatens your safety and Keigo can’t just simply sit back and allow it to happen. And of course, it’s fucking Dabi – Keigo’s stomach drops when he hears you mention something about running into a man on your way over a cozy cup of coffee in a local café, the air warm and smelling of espresso.
He’d picked the café because he knew it wasn’t super busy – as much as his pride swells when civilians notice him and beg him for autographs and photos right in front of you, it also makes him nervous because the last thing he wants is to come off as cocky or arrogant or rude.
(Plus, the thought of making you jealous of his fans – especially the adoring women – gets his heart racing, his face and ears feeling hot because it makes him feel good that you’re being possessive over him, but he really doesn’t want you to worry. He’ll always be yours.)
But now he’s wishing it was full to the brim, voices chattering and making it difficult to hear the way you describe a man with so many piercings and a pretty serious skin condition came up to me, he knew my name! Keigo, why do you think he knew my name? Do you think I should be worried?
He’s stiff, every muscle in his body tense and his grip on the coffee cup in his hand so tight that it shatters, coffee and ceramic shards getting everywhere. He’s still staring at you, though, even as you gasp and stand up, running to grab some napkins and wipe up the still steaming coffee. There’s some on his hand but he doesn’t seem to care – to even notice, really, if the way he’s just staring and not even flinching is any indication.
Your brows furrow as you wipe the drink off of him, chest heaving slightly as you ask him if he’s okay, if it hurts, if he’s even listening to you. Keigo just swallows, still looking at you, before telling you with an unnervingly flat voice that it’s certainly weird, but I wouldn’t worry about it.
You don’t mention it again, instead trying to ignore the heavy atmosphere and the way he’s looking at you, all wide-eyed and not a single bit of emotion on his face. It’s scaring you, to be honest, and you’re quick to give him a small side hug and thank him for meeting you for coffee. Keigo mumbles something back as he watches you walk away, something prickling at the corners of his eyes that almost feel like tears as he imagines how Dabi could’ve possibly learned about you.
He’d been so fucking careful – always making sure to not let his phone ever directly point at your face or your address, never explicitly saying your full name in case he was being bugged, never even breathing any bit of information that the greedy bastard could get his hands on.
And yet, it’d all been for nothing – because now that Dabi knows about you, everything has changed. You’re in danger, because although Keigo believes that Dabi won’t immediately kill you, he can’t simply rely on his gut – you’re in danger. And although he’d promised himself he wouldn’t snatch you away, that he wouldn’t betray your trust and make you hate him, he doesn’t really have a choice now, does he?
And so, with a heavy heart and red, puffy eyes, Keigo slips into your apartment, the sleeping pills he’d mixed into your water sitting on your nightstand leaving you out like a light, even as he fabricates the crime scene. He’s shattering your window to mimic a home invader, tangling up your sheets and leaving dirty prints coming out your front door, your clothes ransacked and your television and computer destroyed.
It has to look real, after all – faking a death is difficult but he’s done it before, and as he soars away across town to his own apartment, with you clutched in his arms and your hair tickling his neck, Keigo can only whisper apologies against the crown of your head, squeezing his eyes closed and hoping that even in your unconscious state, you can feel how terribly, terribly sorry he is.
Of course, even though your kidnapping isn’t the idea situation for you or your captor, Keigo still tries to make the best of it. He doesn’t pretend to think that you’re happy with him – he expects the crying and screaming when you wake up the next morning, his expression carefully neutral as you accuse him of being a villain, a creep, even though it makes his chest ache in a way no injury ever has, his lips feeling numb because god, he can’t breath with how you look at him in disgust and hatred.
It’s horrible – but he grits his teeth and bares it, avoiding the pillows (lush and top-quality, of course, covered in sheets of your favorite color) you’re throwing at him, not saying anything until you’ve had your fill. And really, his explanation once you’d calmed down enough to listen to it isn’t nearly enough – he’s at a loss for words, really, looking at you with such honest eyes that it only makes you cry harder.
He’ll tell you that I need to keep you safe, and I – I’m selfish, so this is the only way. It’s lackluster and it’ll have you despising him, but as the days slowly pass, you’ll find yourself growing less and less enraged at him, instead growing more and more complacent about your new life.
Because really, Keigo absolutely fucking spoils you. He’s certainly not hurting financially, and he won’t bat an eye at buying anything and everything he thinks you could possibly want.
He’s getting takeout every night, ordering all your favorites (without having to ask you, of course, something that’d scared you at first, but there’s something about the way he eyes you as you eat it that makes you pause, his small, almost shy question of do you like it sounding rushed and nervous) and making sure to pick up snacks and goodies on his way home from almost every patrol. He loves to see you smile, and even in the beginning, when you’re still afraid of him and betrayed, the way your lips quirk up ever so slightly into the shadow of a smile when he hands you your favorite snack makes him gulp, something warm and overwhelming and hopeful bubbling up inside him.
He’s buying you pretty necklaces and jewelry that remind him of you, all the pieces startlingly within your tastes, his memory of the jewelry you used to wear so acute and strong that he knows your style even better than you do.
All of the clothing he buys for you (mostly comfortable clothing, lounging shirts and sweatpants and giant blanket ponchos) fits you perfectly, almost seeming to be tailored with the way they fit around your bust, hips, ass, shoulders, and thighs.
(He won’t buy you any formal clothing, however – he’s faked your death, and he can’t exactly take you out for a nice date now, can he? He wouldn’t mind doing a candle-lit dinner in his own apartment, maybe sprinkling a few rose petals over the table and cooking you something that he really, really needs you to like, but he knows you aren’t willing. You’d thrash and refuse, not eating his food and looking at him with those eyes, the ones that are hard and calloused and sting with pain. So, he instead purchases the pretty dresses with low tops and slits up the leg, storing them in his spare closet so that you never see them, so that you don’t feel forced into anything more than you don’t want. Kidnapping is enough – romantic dinners would be amazing, the kind of thing that Keigo thinks about with a small, sad smile on his face as he watches you sleep late at night, but certainly not a thing that could happen. Absolutely not – at least, not any time soon.)
He’s embracing each and ever artistic and creative passion you’ve ever had, buying you unfathomable amounts of supplies and instruments of the highest quality, waiting with baited breath to see if you like them, hoping with his hands clutched into fists at his side that you’ll smile at him, that you’ll look at him in anything other than hate – and perhaps, if he’s lucky enough, you’ll even thank him.
(Just the thought makes him shiver, a blush rising from his chest all the way up his neck because he can’t not immediately imagine the way you’d thank him – perhaps you’d give him a kiss, full of tongue and spit and moans, or maybe you’d even sink to your knees for him, telling him that you appreciate his thoughtfulness, his love, how he works so hard to keep me safe, won’t you let me thank you, Keigo? Please?)
It’s wishful thinking, of course, but Keigo tries to do everything humanly possible to keep you as happy as you can be given the situation. Of course, he’s still controlling, laying down rules that you’ll be too afraid to disobey, because although Keigo is soft with you and treats you like you’re made of glass, you’ve seen the televised fights, the way his knuckles are sometimes bruised after patrols, the way he snaps angrily into his phone when the Commission calls him with yet another assignment. He’s still dictating what you can eat, how much contact you get with the outside world, your limited sources of entertainment, anything and everything. But he tries his absolute hardest to respect you in every other way, if only to perhaps plant the seeds of you one day growing to tolerate him, of you one day even perhaps loving him.
And so, Keigo forces himself to do the hardest thing of all – not physically crowd you. He’s always wanted to be touchy with you, the years of not having anyone to hold or even give platonic physical affection causing him to be touch-starved, and so once you come into the picture?
Well, he’s only a man – he can’t help but imagine the way your hand would feel in his, fingers intertwined and your soft skin pressed against his own rougher hands.
He can’t help but imagine kissing you, feeling how soft and gentle your lips would be against his, how you taste, how you’d make little sighs and whines when he starts kissing you harder, deeper, letting even just the smallest sliver of his desperation for you shine through.
He can’t help but imagine pulling your body against his own, keeping every inch of you flush with him while you watch a movie together, his fingers toying absentmindedly with your hair, deep exhales sounding from behind you each time he leans in to catch a whiff of you.
He can’t not imagine the way you’d get all shy and bashful when the hand that’s been running up and down your sides suddenly dips lower, cupping at your ass while he lowly mumbles your name, telling you that he can’t hold back anymore, angel, can’t I have a taste?
He’s being good – he’s forcing all those urges and fantasies to the side, not putting you in a position where you feel forced into physical contact of any kind, sexual or otherwise. He’s respecting you, prioritizing you, even if it slowly destroys him. Having you right there, stuck with him, permanently bound to his side makes him want to grab onto you and never let go, to latch onto you like some sort of leech and take everything you have to offer and then some. It drives him fucking crazy, but he knows he’ll get nowhere by forcing anything onto you.
And so, he holds his tongue, forcing his hand to not reach out and touch, forcing himself to not say the compliment on the tip of his tongue that’ll likely make you more uncomfortable than flattered. He’s good, and eventually you’ll end up slowly coming to tolerate him. Sure, he’s kidnapped you and sure, you’re still understandably upset at him, but isn’t he right? You’d seen the man that approached you before Keigo stole you away – if he’d attacked you, what would you have done? You’d have hoped and prayed that Hawks would have shown up, that you’d been saved because you were too weak and incapable of doing it yourself.
So maybe he’s right – maybe you do need him, like he tells you late at night when he thinks you’re asleep. He sounds like he’s trying to convince himself, sounding more and more sure of himself as the night wears on and he repeats aloud that he’s keeping you safe, I’m keeping you safe, I know you don’t understand it now but someday you’ll realize that I only took you to keep you out of harm’s way.
And once you get past that barrier of hatred and animosity, it’s disturbingly easy to let Keigo take full control, to give into him in every possible way.
You’ll stop fighting his diet planning, you’ll gladly thank him for any book he gives you as entertainment, you’ll eagerly listen when he tells you about his patrol and how he encountered so many villains who’d done horrible things. And Keigo will notice this change in your attitude – it’s too early to tell and he’s always been too pessimistic to be hopeful, but you almost seem to be liking him. You’re starting to revert back to the woman he first became obsessed with – all smiles and laughter and snarky comments that left him choking on his drink.
And he can’t believe it – he has to pinch himself, staring at you in shock with a flushed face as you make some comment alluding to him being ‘too handsome for his own good’, the fork in his hand clattering down onto the plate. From there, it’s a steady trajectory up – you’ll start getting even more little knick-knacks, shiny things and expensive things that he leaves in pretty, bow-wrapped boxes for you, a card written in his best handwriting that says something along the lines of for my angel.
It’s cheesy and makes you laugh a bit, but Keigo keeps doing because god, please laugh like that again, say his name while you do it and maybe even reach out to touch his shoulder…
He jumps at the opportunity to further your changing opinion of him, determined to make you like him, determined to let him love you like he knows he can – like he’ll do anything to prove to you.
As a general rule, getting Keigo upset with you is kind of difficult. He views you as his own personal slice of heaven, the only thing that he truly has. You’re the only thing that belongs to Keigo Takami, not Hawks, not the Commission, only him, and because of that he tends to idolize you.
You’re his first real romantic partner, his first real romantic experience, and the combination of that plus his intense, pitifully strong desire to please you makes it hard for him to stay angry at you for any significant period of time. And so, while he’s far from the ideal captor (too clingy, too controlling, too awed when he looks at you), Keigo will avoid punishing you at all costs.
He just doesn’t see the point – he doesn’t want you to hate him any more than you already do, and the thought of purposefully hurting you makes him feel physically ill. He hates seeing you in pain – it’s part of what drove him to steal you away, after all, the terror he felt at knowingly putting you in harm’s way. He’s protective and frankly anal about your health, and so to purposefully bruise your pretty skin or make you cry makes him angry enough to want to hit something, angry enough to literally writhe in his own rage.
And so, Keigo swears off any sort of physical altercations with you – he’s just too strong and you’re just too weak, and it would break him to know that he was the source of your pain and misery.
(He knows he is, already, but he can’t be the source of it physically, too, otherwise he might just shatter, feeling entirely numb and carrying out his missions like a robot, utterly unaffected by the world because he hurt you, and can he even call himself a decent hero, a decent man after that?)
However, while causing you physical harm is off the table, Keigo is realistic enough about your situation to know that punishing you entirely is something he can’t avoid. You will act out, he’s sure of it – he’d be concerned if you didn’t, really, and so he’s expecting you to lash out at him and try to hurt him. If he were you, he’d do it too.
But as much as he expects this behavior and wouldn’t fault you for it, Keigo knows that if he wants to make any progress, if he wants to give you even a chance at eventually growing complacent (it’s a selfish desire, really, but it’s the only route he can see to where you’ll be even remotely happy, or at least not fighting tooth and nail at all costs), he has to establish repercussions for when you’re throwing tantrums or acting poorly.
It feels condescending and Keigo hates it, but he decides that where physical punishments fail, he must rely on emotional ones. It’s manipulative and it makes Keigo feel dirty, disgusting, like a poor excuse for your so-called-protector, but it’s his only choice. He has to get you into shape, both for your sake and his. It’s the only choice, he swears.
You really hadn’t meant to stumble upon something you weren’t supposed to find, really. As a general rule, you don’t snoop through Keigo’s things – he’s a clean freak, first of all, the apartment he keeps you in minimalistic with everything in its correct spot. It’s classy and pretty, sure, but it’s boring, and can you really be blamed for wanting to explore after a few weeks cooped up in this penthouse?
Certainly not – which is how you find yourself tiptoeing into Keigo’s bedroom – he’d brought up the idea of sharing a bed multiple times only to be outright refused by you, and so he kept his things in this separate room. And it wasn’t explicitly off-limits, your captor never actually telling you that you couldn’t venture in. And so here you are, opening up the tall, wooden cabinet in the corner of the room and immediately sucking in a sharp breath at what you find.
You’d known Keigo had stalked you, the confession slipping from his lips early on into your captivity and the evidence difficult to deny.
(How else could he have known all your preferences before you ever voice them, knowing the way you like your morning drink, the products you use in the shower, hell, even the way you sleep – getting the pillows you like, pajamas similar to your own, even the type of sheet you prefer.)
You’d known, sure, but this – this is something else entirely. The cabinet’s housing a variety of items that send a chill down your spine because they’re yours.
An old bottle of perfume sits on the corner, the brand name smudged off from wear, and you bite your lip as you notice it’s still got just a bit left, though not nearly the amount you remember when it’d gone missing a few months ago. Your nose scrunches at the thought of him using your perfume, and bile rises in the back of your throat as you start imagining exactly how it’d been used, for what purpose and how often for that much to be gone.
There’s a few old lip balms sitting there, organized by flavor – cherry at the right, then melon, then mint, then peach and coconut. You don’t bother looking at them closely, too nervous to find signs of usage from someone other than you. (Which is good: the mint flavored Chapstick’s missing a chunk, with  what looks like teeth marks sunken into the material.)
There’s an old hairbrush you thought you’d left at a friend’s place, still a few tufts of hair left between the bristles, though something seems to be crusted against the handle, and you wince at the thought of what that could possibly be. You’re scared, really, your heart screaming at you to stop searching, begging you to not look deeper because you don’t want to know what else he’s stolen from you, but your mind urges you to keep going, some sort of sick urge to know exactly what he’s taken, why he’s taken it.
(Though, you think you already know – the way he leans in close to smell you when he thinks he’s being subtle is telling, as is the way he has you sort out your used period products into a separate waste container, telling you that it's because the pads he gives you are compostable. You’ve seen the way the bags linger, though, staying in his bathroom, blood sometimes sitting under his nails when he emerges, eyes dilated and licking his lips at you.)
But as soon as you spot the photographs, you crumble.
Of course you’d known he was stalking you, following your every move and watching you at your most vulnerable, but somehow this is worse – there’s dozens of them, stacked neatly in piles that you can’t even begin to understand. Leafing through them with shaking fingers, they only seem to get worse and worse, images of you laying on your couch, cooking, doing your makeup, changing into your bathrobe, sleeping, and oh god, there’s even one of you on your bed, legs spread and fingers thrusting and rubbing and oh god you’re going to be sick-
The photographs fall from your fingertips as you shakily take a few steps back, the sound of the front door opening and Keigo’s call of I’m home making panic swim in your veins. He’s quick to come find you, asking you in a voice that’s edging on concerned where you are, but when he steps into his bedroom and spots you against the far wall, hands covering your mouth and the wooden door open and askew, Keigo’s clenching his teeth, jaw working.
Oh, is all he has to say, and it snaps you out of your horror.
Oh? That’s it? That’s fucking it, Keigo? What – what is this? You’re sick, a sick freak! Why do you have my stuff? What’s wrong with you? You’re yelling, pushing yourself further against the wall, and he can only frown, irritation and worry eating away at him because god, hearing you so upset is physically hurting him but there’s nothing he can do.
You weren’t supposed to see that, it’s, uh… He trails off, mind racing and panicking as he tries to think of what to say, but you don’t let the silence sit for long.
There’s something wrong with you, you’re a fucking monster! You think you’re a hero? Stalking some poor civilian, stealing her shit, photographing her while she’s sleeping? You’re disgusting, a horrible, twisted, sick creep! Stay away from me!
You’re crawling backwards away from him as he comes towards you, his hands in front of him as a sign of peace. You’re crying, he can see, and it only makes his chest ache more, shame and self-loathing away at him because you’re right – he’s sick in the head, he knows it, but he can’t help it.
I know, I know, calm down, you’re going to hurt yourself if you don’t stop crying, angel –
It's the wrong thing to say and he immediately knows it, because you give him a glare that makes something sharp dig into his heart, so much so that he physically clutches at his chest, wincing and averting his eyes from yours.
I hate you, Keigo, you whisper, and it makes something ugly come from his throat, a mix between a gasp and a whimper. I hate you I hate you I hate you.
He’s frozen for a moment, before swallowing, nodding his head and blinking the tears out of his eyes. I know, he starts, before turning on his heel and walking towards the doorway to the bedroom. I know you hate me, but you’re stuck with me.
And with that he walks to the front door, slamming it behind him and leaving the apartment empty. You stay curled up on the ground for a few minutes, still crying and hiccupping, the influx of emotion making your head ache. You’d been here for weeks now, and you thought you’d moved on from these crying episodes, from these emotional outbursts, but something about the photos had opened the floodgates.
After another ten minutes, you shakily get up, still rubbing at your eyes and avoiding looking at the wooden cabinet. You all but sprint to your own bed – the bed he gave you, at least – and curl up on top of it, letting your eyes shut and exhaustion fall over you. It’s not until you wake a few hours later that you notice Keigo still hasn’t returned home yet.
That was odd – he’s not on shift, and it was the middle of the night by now. Where was he? Shaking your head, flashes of the photographs race through your head, forcing you to stop thinking of Keigo. The night is quiet as you make yourself something small to eat – a piece of bread and a small amount of the low-fat butter Keigo eats, the apartment still eerily quiet.
You fall into a restless slumber soon after, your dreams filled with the sensation of something – someone – watching over your sleeping form.
When you awake, there’s still no sign of him – everything’s quiet and empty, and you bite your lip, equal parts relieved that he’s nowhere in sight but also slightly concerned. The feeling looms over you as the day slips away, his presence still gone. It’s not until two days later that Keigo finally returns home, and by that point the paranoia at his absence leaves you perking up when you hear the faint jingling of keys.
You’re immediately on your feet, practically tripping as you run to the front door, eager for him to return, eager to not be all alone and scared – something you’d realized about a day ago. You’d actually been afraid of his absence. Perhaps it was survival, wanting to make sure you had enough food and someone with the locks to all the keys that’d be able to let you out, or perhaps it was that you needed him. Maybe you needed some human contact, the total silence and your inability to contact anyone driving you stir crazy.
Regardless, you wait with eager anticipation as Keigo opens the door, those yellow eyes immediately catching yours, his expression carefully neutral though you can see something behind the practiced apathy. It’s relief, you think, and something else – something more desperate, something more vulnerable, something that makes you launch yourself into his arms, nearly knocking the wind out of him as he stares wildly down at you, shock written all across his face.
He’d expected that you’d be relieved that he came home, happy to have your source of food and care back, but not this excited – he swallows, frantically trying to not focus on the way your body is pressing against his and how he can feel all of you, instead letting his arms hesitantly wrap around you, not wanting to scare you.
You’re saying his name, he realizes, and he furrows his brows, closing his eyes and letting the sound ring through his ears. It’s wrong to be enjoying your clearly distraught state and he knows it, but he can’t help it – you’ve never initiated physical contact like this before, and is it really such a crime to be enjoying it?
I’m here, angel, ‘m here, he tells you, petting a hand over your hair and letting you squeeze him tighter. Please never leave me again, Keigo, please!
You’re begging him, he realizes, and it forces him to hug you just a bit tighter, his wings coming down to join the hug to. Closing his eyes again, Keigo lets out a slow, deep sigh, relishing in the way you’re clinging to him for comfort, begging him to never leave you for a moment.
And as he whispers a small I’m yours, I’ll never leave you again, you can only nod against his chest, disgusted with yourself for this display of your dependence on him. Because really, when had you become so fond of your captor? The photographs are still on the ground in his bedroom, all the things he's stolen from you sitting in that damned cabinet, but you find yourself not caring.
As you breathe in the now familiar smell of his cologne, hear his heart pounding away in his chest, you find that you don’t care about anything, really – because perhaps what he’s been saying along is really true.
Maybe you are in need of protection, needing him to provide for you. Because you’d been left alone for three days, and what do you have to show for it? Panic, loneliness, fear that he’d left you behind? Maybe you really are just as weak as he makes you out to be – and as you slowly pull back from the hug, you find yourself ever so briefly being thankful for him.
Thankful that you’ve finally, finally found where you belong: by Keigo’s side, letting him fawn over you and keep you locked up like some prized pet.
Keigo is less dangerous and more paranoid. He has so many alter egos and warring identities that once you come along, encouraging him to just be Keigo around you rather than Pro Hero Hawks or PLF Hawks, he can’t let you slip away.
There’s something about you that doesn’t leave his mind – perhaps it’s your mannerisms, your looks, the way you speak, how you walk and how you smell and how you think. Maybe it’s some twisted form of fate, or some long-repressed part of his quirk that’s beginning him to finally find a companion, a mate, someone to share himself with.
Regardless, once Keigo’s obsession forms, he’s a lost cause – he’s thinking of you constantly, unable to stop his mind from wandering into idle thoughts of what you’re doing or how you’re feeling. He finds himself unconsciously trailing behind you, watching over you from above with those sharp eyes of his narrowed in on your form, studying and memorizing the curves of your body underneath your clothing, the way you walk ingrained into him so deeply that when he closes his eyes all he sees is you.
His paranoia grows as his obsession does, too, the worrying realization that you’re weak making it difficult for him to ever part from you, anxiety swimming in his gut because what if you get hurt and he isn’t there to help you? What if you get into trouble and he isn’t there to swoop and be your savior?
(Some sick, twisted part of him almost wishes you would run into trouble, just so he could put himself into the position of being your knight in shining armor, of making you swoon for him, feeling the way you’d be so very grateful and want to make it up to him in any way you could. He forces the thought down, disgusted with himself for fantasizing about you being in danger, but during long nights where he tosses and turns in his too-empty and too-cold bed, the thought of you looking at him in such awe and gratitude makes something warm, wet, and shameful throb to life between his legs.)
He does eventually kidnap you, yes, but as time passes you’ll find that slowly you’ll stop caring about how he keeps you trapped by his side, how he controls your every day life, how he forces you into all sorts of loungey, comfortable clothing that always smells like him. Because really, Keigo is awfully pathetic – he thinks he’s good at hiding just how badly you affect him, but you can see the way he perks up when you enter a room, looking so hopefully and lovesick as he gazes at you that it almost hurts.
You’ll be able to tell how his heart is racing in his chest when you get close to him, his breath turning ragged and his palms so sweaty that when he wipes them on his pants they leave wet marks. It’s pathetic, sad, cute, and as time passes with Keigo as the only person in your life, slowly you’ll begin wondering if being loved by him isn’t bad.
Is what Keigo can give you – protection, adoration, reliability, devotion – really so bad? Is it so bad to just be loved?
And Keigo will be there waiting for you once you finally come around, his hands trembling as he hugs you, burying his face into your neck and you swear you feel something wet against your skin, his tears tickling you as his shoulders shake. He just loves you, and how cruel can you be to reject him, to leave him without the only person he’s ever cared for?
How could you be such a monster?
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puppym3 · 2 months
Could you maybe write a fic based off of your favorite fancam? I know it sounds like a weird suggestion but I'm curious
⌦ .。.:*♡ "take you home tonight"
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
playboy!seungmin x fem!reader
"let’s get out of this noisy place without anyone knowing no bad intentions just wanna know you more"
synopsis: seungmin knows you from mutual friends, and he always thought you were cute but you've never interacted with him. you both were at a house party you both were invited to and once he finally grabbed your attention, he never let it go.
wc: 5.7k
warnings: MDNI 18+, playboy!seungmin, cocky!seungmin, alcohol consumption, pining, tension, confessions, seungmin knows he's hot, at least he's respectful, seungmin is a little bit of a tease, text message segments, kissing, piv, protected sex, brief oral (f rec.), fluffy, seungmin wins reader's heart over, (lmk if i missed any!)
a/n: honestly, this really confused me at first, but then it really intrigued me and i couldn't stop thinking about it. thank you anon for giving me this change to dig deeper and be more creative with my writing!! before we start the fic, i should let you guys know what my favorite fancam is!!!
it's seungmin's "my house" fancam from the 2020 SBS music awards!! you can watch it here! i think it's the way he moves in it that's just so addictive, i've probably watched it millions of times, i suggest you watch it too!
let me know in the comments what your favorite fancam is! <3 (ALSO pls pls leave suggestions in my inbox i literally love doing these)
here's the song on spotify, as well!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
The thumping bass of the music vibrated through the walls of the house, mingling with chatter and laughter. You navigated through the crowd, holding a red solo cup filled with some concoction you barely knew the name of. It was one of those typical college house parties—loud, chaotic, and bursting with energy.
You kept on losing your friends through the crowd of drunk dancing people, and the dim lights didn't help at all. The place was huge too, either someone rented out a mansion for the night, or they just happened to own a place this huge, and also had enough money to turn this place into a club-like setting.
Relieved to have found a quieter corner in the sprawling mansion, you took a moment to catch your breath and gather your thoughts. The night had been a whirlwind so far, and you couldn't help but feel a little lost in the chaos. You sipped your drink, scanning the room for any familiar faces.
Seungmin, a familiar face from your mutual friends, spotted you from across the room, his eyes lighting up when he saw you alone. He had been trying to catch your attention all night, but every time he got close, you seemed to disappear into the crowd.
Seungmin, little did he know, you were purposefully avoiding letting him come close to you all night. You barely knew the guy, sure, but every single time you've seen him, his charms made you undeniably angry, always seeming to have a different girl attached to his side.
He's a playboy, and you didn't want to get yourself tangled up in his game, you didn't want to be used for a quick fling, no matter how sexy he was.
So you continued to evade him, making sure to keep your distance from the boy who, even though you've never had a full conversation with, you couldn't get out of your mind.
Contemplating the chaos inside, you made a conscious decision to seek some fresh air and stepped out onto the balcony, feeling the cool breeze on your face. The night was quiet out here, a stark contrast to the party inside. You took a deep breath, trying to clear your head.
After a few minutes, you felt ready to dive back into the chaos. You re-entered the mansion, weaving through the crowd once more. As you made your way back to the dance floor, your eyes landed on Seungmin.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes in exasperation at the uncanny ability of fate to always lead you to the one person you least wanted to encounter.
He was dancing in the middle of the room, his body moving effortlessly to the rhythm of the music. His hips swayed with a natural grace that was almost hypnotic. He was laughing, his face lit up with genuine joy, and for a moment, you forgot everything else about him.
You couldn't help but be mesmerized by the way his body moved, how charming he was even when nobody was watching.
For the first time, you saw him without the usual entourage of girls. It was just him, immersed in the rhythm, completely unaware of the eyes on him. The way he moved was magnetic, and despite your better judgment, you felt a pull towards him.
Before you knew it, your feet were moving, carrying you closer to the dance floor. You tried to keep your distance, but your eyes never left him. Seungmin's dance was intoxicating, and for a moment, you let yourself get lost in the sight.
Then, as if sensing your presence, Seungmin looked up and caught your gaze. His eyes locked onto yours, and a slow, confident smile spread across his face. He held out his hand, an invitation in his eyes.
You hesitated, your mind racing. Every instinct told you to turn around and walk away, to avoid the playboy who had captured your attention. But something inside you wanted to see where this moment could lead.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward, closing the distance between you and Seungmin. His smile grew as he pulled you into his arms, his hands settling on your hips. The tension between you was palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife.
"Look who finally stopped running," he teased, his voice low and smooth.
You smirked, trying to keep your cool. "Look who's finally dancing solo. What happened to your other girls?"
Seungmin's smile widened, a playful glint in his eyes. "I figured they were getting in the way of something I really wanted."
You raised an eyebrow, a touch of skepticism in your voice. "And what’s that?"
"Getting to know you," he said smoothly, his fingers lightly tracing your hips as he guided you into the rhythm of the music. "I've been trying to catch your attention all night, but you keep slipping away."
You tilted your head, a smirk playing on your lips. "Maybe I was trying to avoid you on purpose."
"Really?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his tone. "And why would you want to do that?"
"Because you have a reputation," you said, your voice tinged with a mixture of defiance and curiosity. "One that doesn’t exactly scream ‘relationship material.’"
Seungmin chuckled, his grip on your hips tightening slightly. "What if I told you that my reputation is all just a show?"
"I'd call you a liar," you said, your voice teasing. "Because I've seen the way you flirt with anything in a skirt."
Seungmin spun you around, your back now pressed against his chest. His voice was low, his breath warm against your ear.
"And what if I told you that there's more to me than just a pretty face?"
You shivered, goosebumps rising on your skin. Your mind was telling you to run, to get away from the playboy who had captured your attention. But your body was telling you something else.
You leaned back into him, the heat of his body seeping through the thin fabric of your dress. "I'd say prove it," you challenged.
Seungmin's hand slid from your hip to your stomach, pulling you closer to him. "Come to my house tonight," he murmured, his lips brushing against your ear. "I'll show you everything."
"Why should I trust you?"
"You shouldn't," he admitted. "let me earn it."
You bit your lip, your heart racing. You knew it was a bad idea, but You found it impossible to ignore the undeniable chemistry that crackled between the two of you.
Seungmin’s hand rested on your lower stomach, his touch firm yet gentle as he guided your movements with the music. You could feel the heat radiating off his body, mingling with the intensity of the night. His proposition tugged at your desires, yet caution whispered warnings in your mind, leaving you torn.
You were just about to make your decision when the song changed, the beat shifting from fast and pulsing to something slow and seductive. Seungmin's hand moved from your stomach to either side of your hips, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"Last chance to get away," he whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
With a sharp intake of breath, you turned around and pulled Seungmin closer. His body pressed against yours, and you felt your skin burning up.
"If you get any funny ideas, I'm out." You huffed, acting like you totally weren't being swooned.
The bass of the music was heavy, and the heat of the room was nearly suffocating, but nothing could compare to the electricity between you and Seungmin. You were pressed up against each other, dancing with a natural ease.
Seungmin had his hands on your waist, and you had yours around his neck. The two of you moved in sync, as if you had done this a thousand times before. It was exhilarating, and you felt as if you were flying.
Seungmin smiled, and you felt your heart flutter. You had been avoiding him all night, but now you couldn't get enough of him.
As the music shifted to a faster pace, Seungmin's hands moved to the small of your back, and you felt his body moving with yours. The two of you were practically wrapped around each other, and you couldn't help but revel in the way he made you feel.
He was dangerous, but you couldn't resist him. He was a playboy, but there was a part of you that wanted to see where things could go.
The night went on, and Seungmin's offer remained on the table. You kept your distance, but you couldn't get him out of your head. When the party started to wind down, and the crowd began to disperse, Seungmin held his hand out to you.
"So, are you coming with me?" he asked, a smile on his face.
The words were simple, but they carried weight. You looked at him, and the temptation was almost too much to resist.
You thought back to all the rumors you had heard about him, the countless girls he had charmed and seduced, but you didn't care right now.
There was something about him that drew you in, and even though you knew it was a bad idea, you couldn't say no.
"Okay," you breathed, taking his hand.
The two of you made your way out of the mansion, and Seungmin led you to his car. The night was quiet and still, and the moon was high in the sky. It was as if the world had paused, giving you a moment to breathe before diving into the unknown.
"This is it," Seungmin said, his voice low and steady.
What did he have planned? Was he planning to just invite me here like all of his other quickies and make me leave the next morning? Or was he being serious?
The questions raced through your mind as you looked up at the apartment. It was smaller than you expected it to be, and in a quiet neighborhood. You had imagined him living in a luxury high rise, but this was surprisingly humble.
Seungmin held his hand out for you, and you took it, letting him guide you up the stairs. His hand was warm and reassuring, and for a moment, you could almost forget that you were in the home of a notorious playboy.
"Make yourself comfortable," Seungmin said, his tone soft and inviting.
You blinked in surprise, 'make yourself comfortable?' You thought he would jump you the moment you stepped foot in his place. But instead, he was offering you a seat, a drink, and an ear to listen.
You couldn't remember the last time you had spent an evening with someone in such an intimate setting. Usually, if you were to go home with someone, it was because they were expecting something to happen.
But tonight, it was different.
Seungmin was patient and attentive, asking questions about your life, and listening intently to your answers.
When would he drop the facade and make a move on me?
You questioned repeatedly, feeling a growing sense of anticipation building within you.
"Are you cold?" Seungmin asked, noticing how you had unconsciously wrapped your arms around yourself.
"Um, yeah, a little," you lied, knowing full well that you were just nervous.
Seungmin slipped his jacket off, draping it over your shoulders. "There you go," he said, his voice low and smooth. "That better?" The warmth of his jacket and the smell of his cologne surrounded you, and for a moment, you couldn't find the words to speak.
"Thank you," you managed, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach. He had only given you his jacket, and yet your heart was beating like a jackhammer. You couldn't deny that you were attracted to him, and that you wanted him to keep on stripping.
But Seungmin surprised you again, by not making any move. It started agitating you, the anticipation of him not doing anything was killing you.
"Are you okay?" Seungmin asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Yes! No! I mean- I'm fine, it's just..."
"Just what?" he prompted, his voice soft and understanding.
"You're not gonna, y'know..."
"Gonna what?" he asked, a look of genuine confusion on his face.
You huffed, your cheeks red. "I mean, isn't this when you'd, like, y'know, make a move or something?"
Seungmin bursted out laughing, shaking his head. "Is that what you think this is? Me, bringing you back to my place so I can have my way with you?"
You pouted, a look of embarrassment on your face. "Isn't it? Don't you bring girls back to your apartment for this reason?"
Seungmin shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. "This is the first time I've invited any girl to my place," he admitted, "why? Did you want something to happen?"
"I- what? No, no!" you protested, but the blush on your cheeks betrayed you.
Seungmin's smile widened, and he leaned closer to you, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Are you sure about that?"
Your breath hitched in your throat, and the tension in the air was palpable. You could feel his body heat radiating off him, and the urge to close the gap between you was overwhelming.
"Y-yes, I'm sure," you stammered, but your eyes gave you away.
"Really?" he murmured, his hand brushing against your cheek.
"I mean, why did you bring me here, if not to... do things?" you asked, the curiosity getting the best of you.
Seungmin's smile faltered slightly, and he looked away, as if embarrassed. "I like you," he said quietly, "and I wanted to spend time with you, get to know you, in private."
You couldn't believe it, he didn't even try anything at all. He really did just want to spend time with you.
"You don't have to lie, you barely know me, how can you like me?" you huffed, a bit annoyed at his antics.
"Because, I don't chase, and for the first time in my life, I want to."
Your heart skipped a beat, his words catching you off guard. You looked at him, and you saw nothing but sincerity and vulnerability in his eyes.
"You like me?" you asked, disbelief and hope intermingling in your voice.
"I do," he affirmed, his gaze locked on yours. "I've been trying to talk to you for months, but you've been keeping your distance."
"I just didn't want to be another one of your conquests," you admitted, your voice soft.
"And what if I told you that I haven't slept with anyone else since I met you?" Seungmin asked, his voice laced with emotion.
You blinked, not believing what you were hearing. "You... haven't?"
"No, I haven't. I haven't wanted to," he said, his eyes holding yours.
Your heart raced, the emotions swirling within you threatening to overwhelm you. "I don't understand,"
"What's not to understand?" he asked, his voice soft and tender.
"Wouldn't liking me make you want to fuck me even more?" you challenged, trying to make sense of his words.
Seungmin sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I want more than that," he said, his voice thick with emotion.
"I want more than sex," he murmured, his eyes never leaving yours. "I want more than a night."
His words pierced your heart, and you were at a loss for words. You couldn't deny the indescribable feelings he was bringing out of you.
You felt his hand cup your cheek, his thumb brushing over your skin.
"So, do you want more?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
You breathed, your voice shaking.
Seungmin's grip on your hip tightened, pulling you closer to him. You could feel his body heat, the smell of his cologne, the sound of his heartbeat. It was intoxicating.
He leaned closer, his lips barely brushing against yours. You could feel the electricity between you, the desire for more.
You didn't care about his background anymore, you didn't care if he had an uncountable amount of women before you, you wanted to be the best, the last, you wanted to be all his.
Seungmin’s breath was warm against your lips, and the intensity of the moment made your heart race even faster. You felt like you were caught in a whirlwind of emotions, and the world outside seemed to disappear. The only thing that mattered was the proximity of his lips, the warmth of his touch, and the promise of something more.
You closed the gap, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. Seungmin responded eagerly, his hands moving to cradle your face as he deepened the kiss. It was as if he was pouring all his emotions into that single, electric contact, and you could feel every ounce of it.
The kiss was slow and exploratory, as if both of you were savoring the moment and the connection between you. Seungmin’s lips were soft and insistent, and you could taste the sweetness of his breath mingling with the lingering taste of your drink. It was a kiss that spoke of longing, of desire, and of something more profound than just physical attraction.
When you finally broke apart, both of you were breathing heavily, faces flushed with emotion. Seungmin’s eyes were locked onto yours, filled with a mixture of hope and vulnerability. As if it was the first time he's ever kissed in his life.
"What does this mean?" he asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
You brushed his thumb over his cheek, a smile playing on your lips. "It means that I'm done running," you murmured, your voice thick with emotion.
"And?" Seungmin prompted, his gaze intense and unwavering.
"And," you began, taking a deep breath, "I want to be more than a night with you as well."
Seungmin exhaled, a look of relief and happiness washing over his features. He pulled you into his arms, holding you close as if he was afraid to let go. You wrapped your arms around him, the feeling of his embrace enveloping you. It was as if the whole world had stopped, and it was just the two of you in that moment.
"Thank you," he breathed, his voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for giving me a chance."
You buried your face in his neck, breathing in the scent of his cologne and reveling in the feel of his body against yours. You could stay like this forever, you thought, but reality soon set in.
You reluctantly pulled back, meeting his gaze. "So, what now?" you asked, your voice laced with anticipation.
"Now," Seungmin began, a smirk spreading across his face, "Can I take you out on a date, maybe?"
You couldn't help but giggle at the hopeful expression on his face, "Of course," you replied, your heart fluttering with excitement.
"How about tomorrow?" he asked, a grin spreading across his face.
You nodded, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You couldn't believe this was happening, and part of you still wondered if it was a dream.
He leaned in and captured your lips in another but shorter kiss.
When he pulled back, you found yourself unconsciously chasing his lips, stopping when you realized what you were doing.
Seungmin smirked, and the look on his face sent a shiver down your spine.
"Are you going to keep teasing me?"
"Do you want me to?" he countered, his seductive tone back.
You playfully hit his chest, the flusteredness showing on your face.
"You were the one who told me to 'not try anything funny'." he teased, his fingers trailing over the back of your hand.
You wanted to curse at past you for setting you up like that. And at him for using it against you at this moment.
You wanted to tease him back, it wasn't fun being the only one cock-blocked.
"You can take your jacket back," you said, taking it off and handing it to him.
He looked at you, confused.
"I won't be needing it."
You brought your hands to the back of your dress, pretending to slowly unzip it.
His eyes widened and his face was red when he realized what you meant.
"Wait, so does this mean- Are you-"
"I don't know, am I?" you taunted, enjoying his reaction.
He blinked a couple of times, trying to process the situation.
"But aren't we going to date first?" he asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Dating doesn't equal fucking."
His breath hitched in his throat and he looked at you as if you were an entirely new person.
"Did I surprise you?" You said, removing your hands from the back of your dress.
He was too stunned to say anything.
"Good night, Min,"
"W-what? Are you not staying?" he asked, disappointment laced in his voice.
"We have a date tomorrow, right?"
You turned away and made your way to the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow,"
You didn't bother to hear him out, closing the door behind you.
You were dying laughing, all the way down to the bottom of the apartment.
Suddenly you felt a buzz, a text came in from your phone.
Seungmin: I wasn't expecting that.
You: You said you wanted to chase.
Seungmin: You got me,
Seungmin: Goodnight.
Seungmin: See you tomorrow.
Seungmin: Sleep well.
Seungmin: Text me when you get home.
As you turned off your phone, a mix of excitement and anticipation lingered, and you couldn't help but wear a stupid smile on your face. You knew he had you hooked.
You laid in bed, Seungmin still flooded in your head. The smell of his cologne ghosted your senses and the memory of his lips on yours replayed in your mind.
"I'm so fucked,"
You eventually fell asleep, excited for tomorrow.
When you woke up the next morning, the first thing you did was reach for your phone to check your messages. It was still early, so there were no texts from Seungmin on your phone.
But someone else did message you overnight, your friend who invited you to that party.
> I heard you left with Seungmin. I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU DIDNT DO ONE-NIGHT STANDS!!!
> Did you use protection?? please tell me you used protection.
> You're not even responding...
> Oh god, what happened??
> Don't tell me you're dead, naked, and your body is in a forest somewhere???
> You're still not answering.
> At least tell me if the d was big though? Did he know how to use it?
> Wait, don't tell me, I don't want to know.
You couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter, your friend was always one for drama. You decided to leave her on read, knowing that she'll be annoyed with your lack of response.
It didn't take long for Seungmin to text you.
Seungmin: Morning,
Seungmin: Do you have any plans today?
You: Yeah, I have this really hot date in a little bit.
Seungmin: I'm jealous.
Seungmin: He should know you're mine.
You: Come pick me up, Min.
You: So you can remind me.
Seungmin: Address?
You sent Seungmin your address, excitement bubbling within you as you prepared for your date. Your heart raced with anticipation, and you found yourself fidgeting with every little detail of your outfit.
When the doorbell rang, it felt like time slowed down. You took a deep breath, trying to calm the fluttering in your chest, and swung the door open. There he was, standing on your doorstep with a charming smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. The sight of him sent a surge of desire through you, making you want to drag him inside and forget all the plans you had for the day.
“Hi,” he greeted, his smile widening as he held out the flowers. “I thought these would brighten your day.”
You took the bouquet, feeling your cheeks flush. “Hi. Thank you, they’re beautiful.”
Seungmin’s eyes sparkled with genuine warmth as he looked at you. “Ready for our adventure?”
You nodded, your excitement palpable as you stepped out and closed the door behind you. The day was just beginning, and you could already tell it was going to be special.
The first stop was a museum, a place you had never been before. Seungmin seemed to know all the best exhibits and shared interesting facts with you as you wandered through the halls. His enthusiasm was contagious, and you found yourself captivated by his passion for art and history.
Next, he took you to a quaint little café for lunch. The food was delicious, but what stood out the most was the way Seungmin made you feel. His attention was solely on you, and every moment was filled with easy conversation and laughter. Despite your attempts to pay for your share, he insisted on covering the bill, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he did so.
After lunch, Seungmin took you shopping. You roamed through boutique stores, trying on clothes and laughing together as he gave you his playful opinions on various outfits. His generosity was evident as he insisted on buying you a stunning dress you had your eye on, despite your protests.
As the day wound down, you returned to Seungmin’s apartment. The atmosphere shifted as you walked in, the intimate setting contrasting with the excitement of the day. Seungmin pulled out his guitar, a soft smile on his face.
“Let me show you something,” he said, settling into a cozy spot on the couch and gesturing for you to join him.
You watched in awe as he began to strum a gentle melody. His fingers moved skillfully over the strings, and his voice, smooth and heartfelt, filled the room with a beautiful song. It was a side of Seungmin you hadn’t seen before, and you were mesmerized by his talent. The way he played and sang seemed almost magical, and you found yourself lost in the music.
When he finished, you were already snuggled up next to him on the couch, a contented sigh escaping your lips. The movie playing in the background was a mere backdrop to the warmth and closeness between you. You didn’t care about the film; all your focus was on Seungmin and the comforting presence he provided.
Seungmin’s arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. His touch was gentle, and you could feel his heartbeat against your back. His voice, soft and slightly teasing, broke the silence. “Did I earn your approval?”
You turned your head slightly to look at him, a playful smile on your lips. “Hmm, I don’t know.”
He feigned concern, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at you. “You don’t know?”
You didn’t answer him right away. Instead, you shifted your position, climbing onto his lap so that you were facing him. The move was intimate and bold.
His hands rested on your thighs, and he looked up at you with curious eyes.
You placed your hands on his shoulders and leaned in to capture his lips in a slow, passionate kiss. He eagerly reciprocated, his hands traveling to your hips.
As the kiss intensified, you could feel your arousal growing, and the ache between your legs was almost unbearable.
You ground your hips down against his, and he let out a low moan, his fingers digging into your hips.
You could feel his bulge pressing against you, and the friction of his hardness against your core was driving you crazy.
"Fuck, I need this," you breathed, tugging at the hem of his shirt.
He lifted his arms, allowing you to remove his shirt.
As soon as his shirt was off, his lips were back on yours, kissing you with an almost desperate urgency.
His hands traveled up your back, pulling at the zipper of your dress. He removed your dress and tossed it on the floor, leaving you in nothing but your bra and panties.
He looked at you, taking in the sight of your body. His gaze was filled with lust and hunger, and his touch was electric on your skin.
His lips left a scorching trail down your neck, his hands exploring every curve of your body as he planted kisses and gentle nips on your sensitive skin. You let out soft moans, his touch and kisses sending shivers down your spine, unlike any you've felt before.
He reached behind you and undid the clasp of your bra, letting it fall to the floor. His hands cupped your breasts, and he ran his thumbs over your nipples, sending a jolt of pleasure through your body.
You gasped, arching your back and pressing yourself closer to him, wanting more. He obliged, his mouth capturing one of your nipples while his hand teased the other. You were panting and gasping, the pleasure was almost too much to bear.
His continued attentiveness sent waves of overwhelming sensations cascading through you, each touch and kiss a symphony of pleasure. You could feel yourself getting wetter by the second, and the throbbing between your legs was growing more intense.
Descending lower, his tongue painted intricate patterns on your skin, a tantalizing journey that culminated at the edge of your lace panties. With a deliberate motion, he hooked his fingers on the elastic of your panties, easing them down your legs with a gentle tug, baring you completely to his heated gaze.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his gaze full of desire.
With a tender push, he guided you down onto the plush couch, settling himself between your parted legs. His tongue ran up your inner thigh, making you shiver.
When his tongue reached your core, you couldn't help but moan, the pleasure was almost too much.
"You're so wet," he said, his eyes wide as he felt how slick you were for him.
He went back, his tongue swirled around your clit, taking his time to taste you, and the sensation was so intense that you could barely think straight.
"You taste so good," he groaned, his tongue plunging inside of you.
You cried out, your fingers gripping his hair. You could feel the heat coiling in the pit of your stomach.
"Seungmin, please," you begged, the need to release was growing more and more unbearable.
He pulled back, his fingers rubbing your clit, "What is it, baby?" he asked, his eyes scanning your face.
"I need you inside of me," you gasped, the sensation of his fingers on your clit was sending you over the edge.
He smiled, the look on his face making you even more desperate for him.
He leaned down and captured your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue dancing with yours. You savored the taste of yourself on his lips, finding it to be the most tantalizing and erotic sensation you had ever encountered.
As he continued to kiss you, his fingers worked their magic on your clit, and the heat and pressure building in the pit of your stomach was becoming too much to handle.
You could feel the tension daring to snap, until his fingers retreated, leaving you feeling empty.
"Why did you stop?" you pouted, your hips bucking against him.
"Because, you're going to cum on me." he teased, his tone seductive and teasing.
He undid his pants, grabbing a condom out of his back pocket before throwing it to the side, along with his boxers, revealing his cock.
Your eyes widened, taking in the sight of his size, he looked delicious.
He looked so sexy as he rolled on the condom and discarded the packaging, and you couldn't wait for him to fill you.
"Ready?" he asked, lining himself up at your entrance.
You nodded, the anticipation was almost too much to bear.
"Yes," you breathed, the need for him was almost overwhelming.
With that, he slowly entered you, stretching and filling you like no one ever had before. He moaned little curses, the sensation of being inside you was driving him crazy.
You whimpered, the feeling of him filling you was unlike anything you'd ever experienced before. He felt so good, and the pleasure was almost unbearable.
"Oh my god, Min, you feel so good," you gasped, your nails digging into his back.
He started thrusting in and out, the friction of his cock against your walls was sending sparks of pleasure throughout your entire body.
A guttural moan escaped your lips as the feeling of him moving inside you rendered your mind a haze of pure pleasure and ecstasy.
You felt like your brain was being reduced to mush, the pleasure was so intense, and his cock felt so good inside you, rubbing against your walls in ways you've never experienced before.
You arched your back, meeting his thrusts with equal fervor, feeling the tension build up in your core. The room was filled with the sound of your moans mixing with his, the heat between you both rising to an unbearable level. Every touch, every movement, every sensation was heightened in that moment, making you feel alive in a way you had never felt before.
The tension snapped, and you felt the heat and pleasure crashing over you, sending waves of ecstasy through your entire body. You cried out, the feeling was too intense, and the pleasure was almost overwhelming.
"Oh my god," you moaned, your nails raking across his back as the orgasm tore through you, rendering you a shaking, quivering mess.
He cursed in response, feeling your walls clench around him and your orgasm washing over him. The pleasure was too much, and the feeling of your walls pulsating around him was sending him over the edge.
He came undone after you, the pleasure crashing over him, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he rode out the waves of pleasure, the sensation too intense.
You held each other close, basking in the afterglow of your orgasms.
After a few minutes, he lifted his head, placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Did I meet the qualifications?" he murmured, his eyes shining with affection.
"More than qualified," you sighed, returning the kiss with a lazy smile.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
taglist: @loverbangchan, @reignessance
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
hey sex witch, you’ve talked a lot about porn addiction on here but I have some other questions if that’s ok.
I go to Christian highschool and we often have discussions about porn addiction.
my teacher says that most addicted people start consuming porn at around 9. And that even seeing one naked person or one porn or whatever on the internet can put you at higher risk of developing an addiction to porn.
does absolutely any of this have a base in science? Or is this all fear mongering and what not?
hi anon,
first of all, I just want to say that I think it rules that you're seeking information outside of what's being taught at your school. learning how to question what you're told and seek out answers from other sources is a really important skill that can be VERY hard to even begin if you aren't given the resources to easily go looking for information, and I think it's great that you're taking the initiative of seeking out other perspectives :)
now, let's break this down: the concept of "porn addiction" is one largely discredited by psychologists. while people can certainly develop maladaptive coping mechanisms around sexuality, porn, and/or masturbation, this isn't strictly the same as addiction, and several studies have found that the people who are most likely to identify themselves as porn addicts are people who harbor religious or cultural shame about sexuality and porn use, rather than people who use porn more than the average person. it is, largely, a matter of perception.
while access to smartphones means that many people first encounter pornography at a young age - the current average age is somewhere between 9 and 13, depending on the study - and that can be confusing to a child who isn't given the proper framework to understand what they're seeing, it's also not a new phenomenon. in my role as a sex educator I also get to talk with a lot of parents about their early sexual experiences, and many of them recall encountering printed pornography as children when they find it in gutters, the woods, the bedroom of parents or friends' parents, or even stowed in farm equipment. these adults tend to remember being intrigued and excited along with a little confused or alarmed by this first brush with sexuality, but crucially it did not define them as people. as evidence by the fact that they've grown up to send their children to queer-friendly, sex positive, nonjudgmental sex ed classes, early exposure to porn did not stop them from growing into curious, thoughtful, and supportive parents who want to encourage healthy attitudes toward sexuality for their children. porn alone does not have the power to determine the direction of someone's life.
just seeing a naked person or pornography on the internet also cannot immediately make you an "addict." as you've already guessed, this is what we call fear mongering, using information in a way that's exaggerated to make people nervous to even engage with a topic. fear mongering about sex is common among adults and education systems that don't want to young people to be curious about their bodies; another common one is "teaching" young people about sexually transmitted infections by only showing them pictures of untreated cases that have become drastic and painful while insisting that no STI can ever be treated, which is definitely not the case. but the facts don't matter; the priority is trying to make sure teenagers are too scared to have sex until they're adults and the school system is no longer responsible for them.
(and it doesn't even work; states with higher rates of abstinence only education are CONSISTENTLY among those with the highest rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.)
when presented with absolutist statements like this, it's worth poking holes in the logic. for instance, if seeing any naked figure is bad, what about classical art? do nude marble statues put you at risk of being a porn addict? what about other artistic depictions of nudity? or anatomical illustrations? what about real people just changing clothes in a locker room, or young siblings bathing together? does it not count for people who are nearly or partially nude, like someone wearing a bathing suit or athletic clothes? people changing in a locker room together? what about young children being bathed together? and what about all of those depictions about Jesus on the cross wearing nothing but a loincloth? what's the line between "good" and "bad" nudity, and who's deciding where that line is? can such a line even really exist at all?
the truth is that people are undressed or partially undressed in all kinds of situations, and none of them are a corrosive influence on your brain. just looking at something is not enough to completely rewire your brain and permanently change your behavior. ultimately, you are responsible for your own actions.
I hope this has been a helpful answer, and that you stay curious about what you're being taught.
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valeriele3 · 6 months
hello! I've been craving some octotrio angst and was wondering if you would indulge lol. if it's within your boundaries, what about a reader who struggles with self harm?
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Octotrio x GN!Yuu/Reader
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The reader in this fic is Yuu although the fic is mostly in 2nd pov ^^; Warnings: Self-harm(reader/Yuu), attempted suicide(reader/Yuu), and implied depression(reader/Yuu), not proofread (Please lmk if I missed smth) Words: 2019
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It was one of the things you thought you'd never do.
Everything was perfect; your life was perfect, or so you thought.
You were grateful; you really were. You had both your parents, had nice siblings, or, if you ignore the usual sibling shenanigans, they were nice, your grandparents had always supported you, you had a lot of friends, good grades, you never had to go through a day with an empty stomach, and even lived in a decently sized house.
So where did it all go wrong? Why have you fallen into this hole? When did it start?
All you knew was that one moment everything was perfect, and the other everything seemed to crumble down.
Little by little, the beautiful tower you had built crumbled and turned into ruin. 
The anger, the sadness, and the fatigue that you had been keeping locked away burst open, spilling all over.
No matter how much you try to scoop it up and place it back into its container, it leaks back. After all, a broken container can't keep everything inside; it'll continue to leak.
The festering emotions got too much to handle.
And so, you just gave up.
Why try to contain something that'll somehow keep getting out?
You hid
You cried
Pleading that someone, anyone, to help you, to rescue you, to be that prince who rescues his damsel in those fairytales you've read as a child.
But, oh, you've mistaken something. Life isn't a fairytale; it never was and isn't even close to being one. This is reality; there is no shining prince to rescue you, and there is no happily ever after.
But then, you thought of something; why not distract yourself instead?
If, for even a second, you could forget about your troubles, wouldn't that be great?
Although temporarily, you can be free.
'Ah, but isn't self-harm bad?'
'I̵̬͝'̸̨̈́m̷̘͒ ̸͙̅s̷̹̋u̶̫͗r̵̠̾e̸̘͝ ̶̳̈́i̵͓͂t̷̤͊'̷̞̓ṣ̷̃ ̶̪̆f̴̮̔i̸̳͆n̸̜̊e̵̤̍.̸̱̈́ ̸͎͝Ì̷͖t̸͙͠'̶͇̄s̴̻͛ ̶̛̼ó̴ͅn̴̝͝l̸̤͛ý̵̤ ̴̹̔ó̴̖n̴̖̄c̶̻̈́e̵̦͘ ̶̟̀o̷̻̎r̶̺͛ ̷̬̄t̵̜̏ẃ̴̠i̴̗̇c̵̱͌ȩ̶̑ ̶̺͋a̶̱͋n̷̪͘ỳ̴̖w̷̤̐a̷̟͋ỳ̸̟.̵̠̂'
'Just o̵̪͒n̴̜̈c̵̤̃e̴͕̚ then..'
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Oh, how foolish you were.
Once someone feels the relief they've been longing for, it's hard to let go.
They'll keep seeking it.
They'll keep wanting.
They'll grow to be reliant on that addictive feeling of your worries going away.
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With each passing day, week, and month, the scars on your arm increase.
Your family has grown worried.
Their once cheerful child suddenly turned gloomy. Oh, what could have happened to their beloved child? But alas, they never dared to ask.
They just watched as you spiraled down into the abyss.
Everyone did
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You and your 'friends' were hanging out during lunch.
You sat at the farthest corner, listening to their laughter, when suddenly one of them piped up, "Hey, Yuu, you should go to a therapist; otherwise, you might just infect everyone with that gloom you have." Everyone seemed to think it was funny and burst into laughter.
That comment was obviously a jab at you, but.. maybe they were right.
A therapist—you never thought of that. Maybe.. you can return to your old ways if you try it out.
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You had been going to a therapist for the past 2 years.
The progress is slow, but there's a bit of improvement, at least.
You were slowly returning to being a "normal human being."
You'll be free.
You'll be free from the shackles.
You just have to endure a bit more.
'̶̯͠A̶͓͠h̸͎̊,̵͇̈ ̸̺̍ȟ̶̜o̷̬͒w̵̠̎ ̸̤̏s̸̬̅t̸͙͠ǘ̸̠p̷̙͝i̷̯͝d̶͔̂ ̷͈̚I̶̧͗ ̷̤̉w̴̩̄ȃ̸ͅs̸̠̿ ̴͚̀ť̴̫o̴͉͛ ̴̜͗b̸͎̏ę̷̂l̷̰̂ị̶̈́ẻ̵̩v̴̟͐e̶̗͘ ̷͒͜ḽ̷͌ì̷͙f̶̹̓ḙ̷̂ ̶͒͜w̸̻̿o̷͚͛ų̴̛l̶͈̉d̵̠̀ ̷̧̈́b̵̛̜e̷͍̾ ̴͙̓t̴̞̋h̶̥̍à̶̫t̶̖̿ ̶͈͛ë̶͎́a̸̭̍s̷͚͂y̷̼̾'̴̯͝
Just when you thought life had finally smiled upon you
Everything seemed to crumble again.
Your failing grades had caught up to you; your family is now struggling to make ends meet; and the people around you slowly left one by one.
̸̳̂"̵̦͊I̵̡͝'̶̺̑l̷̼̈́l̸̬͌ ̴͓͠b̸̩͌e̷̳͒ ̶̪͝b̴̨͆ḛ̶̊ṯ̸͘t̵͈̅e̵͓͐r̸̫̃ ̶̮͝t̵̫̓h̵̻͐i̷̖̅ș̴̎ ̸̞͌t̶̼̆i̵͓̿m̸͓̀ë̵̻́!̵̪͂ ̴̙̀P̴̋ͅl̶͔̾e̸͇͌a̴͍̾s̶̬͝e̴͉͑ ̴̺̈́c̶̜͊o̷̘͝m̷̩͛é̶̟ ̷̜̊b̷̦͝ä̶͎́c̷͍̐k̶̩̓!̸̭̒"̶̞́
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Everything crumbled beyond repair
Life.. felt hopeless and useless; it was painful.
You were walking down the street when you thought
'Maybe if I were to rush into oncoming traffic, my pain will finally end'
Just as you were about to take a step towards the traffic, you heard a horse neighing. 
You turn your head to the left and see a carriage heading your way.
You were frozen.
One part wanted to move away from danger, and the other wanted to stay in place.
Y̵͚̋ò̵̝u̴͍͑ ̴͔̍w̴̪͆ã̴̙n̷̠͝t̷̖͌e̴̳̍d̶̖̑ ̸̦͆t̵̗͑o̷̫̓ ̶̙̉l̶̞̔i̵̦̿v̵̩̈́e̷̡̔
Not even a second later, you collide with the carriage.
'Ah, I guess I really am destined for a bad ending'
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"Shrimpy~, wake up!"
"Floyd, I'd wish for you to please not bother the prefect."
"Eh~, but they're cryin' in their sleep."
"What?" Jade and Azul say in sync.
"Floyd! What did you do?!"
"Wha~t? Me? I didn't do anythin'!"
"Don't blame me, blame Jade!"
"I don't see why I should be blamed, Floyd."
"I bet you made Shrimpy cry with your weird mushrooms!"
"I don't see any reason for my sweet innocent mushrooms to be dragged into this conversation" Jade says, giving his signature customer service smile.
Grumbles and mischevious laughter fill the room.
"All right, stop it, both of you. You'll wake the prefect up if you continue this childish banter."
"Aha ha! It looks like your warning came off late, Azul~"
"Welcome to the world, Shrimpy!"
"Ahem..I believe it was, "Welcome back to the land of the living," Floyd" Jade snickers.
Floyd ignores Jade and opts to engulf you in a hug instead.
You feel him squeeze tighter and tighter until you can barely breathe.
"F-Floyd- a-ir"
Azul gives Jade a pointed look, signaling him to stop Floyd in his assault lest you go back to being knocked out.
After catching your breath, you look around the room you're currently in.
You were in the lounge VIP room.
"Ahem, um, what am I doing here?"
"Hm? Do you not remember?" Azul turns to you
"No, I don't think so.?"
Floyd was about to say something when suddenly Azul stopped him from saying anything further.
"Yes sir"
With that simple exchange, Jade drags Floyd out of the room.
"Since it seems that you've forgotten, allow me to refresh your memory."
"You see, you came here to have lunch, but then suddenly you fainted! We were so worried that we decided to graciously let you rest in here until you woke up."
"I see.." 'I guess that explains why my head is sore..Although it feels more like I got hit rather than some sort of mental pain..'
You decide to trust Azul this time
"Anyways, feel free to rest some more or leave if you feel like you can move without any problems."
"Right, well then, thank you for taking care of me." You begin to stand up, only to almost fall down.
It seems that your leg fell asleep.
You chuckle awkwardly. "Or... maybe staying a bit won't hurt."
"I..Please stay as long as you find necessary." Azul pretends to have seen nothing.
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After resting for a bit, you exit the room and walk around the place.
Noticing a glint in the corner, you turn your body towards the source.
You come face-to-face with a room full of aquariums.
No, can you even call it that? The room was so majestic, it almost felt as if you were in the ocean itself.
It felt.. relieving, serene, and healing.
Suddenly, you were engulfed in a hug.
You tried to turn your head, but the person ensured that you wouldn't be able to see them, even hiding their face in the crook of your neck.
But hidden or not, you could easily tell it was Floyd. Due to the number of times he'd hugged you, you learned to recognize it right away when it was him who hugged you.
"Who made you cry?" His voice, barely above a whisper, was laced with concern, sadness, and anger.
"Cry? What do you mean, Floyd?"
You received no reply.
Just as you were about to speak up, your eyes got covered by someone's hands.
Naturally, you started to panic, but then a gentle voice spoke, "Don't keep everything inside. It's alright to cry." You recognized the voice to be Jades.
The tightness around your chest, your vision blocked, only able to rely on your sense of hearing
It would make one panic.
It felt suffocating, but.. for once in your life, this tightness, this darkness you feel around you, felt warm, comforting, welcoming, and protecting.
You hear footsteps make their way towards you.
You can hear them stop in front of you.
"Yuu, don't be afraid. It's alright, you can let it all out."
"We'll be here supporting you."
It was Azul; he tries to sound confident and maintain his usual composure, but you can easily tell by his tone of voice that he feels awkward saying this.
Suddenly, you feel a sort of gust of wind, and next thing you know, the solid floor you had been standing on is gone.
You panic once again and try to speak up, but a finger, presumably Azuls, shushes you.
The tweels let go of their hold on you. You opened your eyes, and in front of you was complete darkness.
"Jade? Azul? Floyd? Where are you?"
You turn but something feels off.
The pressure you feel makes it feel like you're underwater.
All of a sudden, a light enters your field of vision.
Two blobs? 
You notice the two glowing things getting closer to you.
Hurriedly, you try to swim away as fast as you can, but something else keeps you in place.
Something slippery, like tentacles, held you in place.
You close your eyes, accepting your fate, but after a few beats of nothing happening, you open your eyes to see once again, only this time you could actually see something and not just darkness.
In front of you were the tweels, with one of them barely being able to contain his laugh, and the tentacles that held you in place belonged to none other than Azul Ashengrotto himself.
Upon noticing your gaze, the octopus man, as if acting on instinct, slaps your face in the other direction.
You stare dumbfoundedly.
"Ah, ahem..I sincerely apologize for.. slapping you, Prefect."
Floyd, no longer able to contain his laughter, bursts out laughing, "Pfft- Aha ha! Shrimpy looked so scared, and Tako-chan accidentally..Pfft"
Azul gave Floyd a pointed glare. "Hmph, and here I thought you'd dropped that Tako-chan ages ago" he mumbled.
"Fufu~ As entertaining as this is, I'm afraid you guys just traumatized the prefect."
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After giving all the explanations (Especially how you're able to breathe underwater and not die from the water pressure..) and needed sorry's, they officially started the so-called "Give the Prefect a relaxing day." mission.
The name really didn't match any of the events that happened today, but.. you can't do anything about what's already happened, sadly.
And so, the rest of the day consisted of them dragging you around the ocean and showing you things they thought you'd like.
Visiting the city and just having fun.
"Azul, Jade, Floyd! Look! It's ice cream! Underwater!! This has to be magical ice cream!"
The octotrio watched as you admired the ice cream you had in your hand. It was like watching a child see ice cream for the first time.
Seeing the smile on your face, the trio deemed the mission accomplished.
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Tired, you and the trio decided to rest in a nearby, secluded spot.
"Thank you"
"Hm? Did you say something, Prefect?" Jade asks.
"Ah, no, it's nothing." You smile, silently thanking the trio once again.
After a while, you unknowingly fell asleep, and when you awoke, you were back at the Ramshackle dorm, safely tucked away in bed.
You figured that maybe what happened was just a dream.
Unbeknownst to you, however, while you were still asleep, the trio swore an oath to make sure you were protected and would never be hurt again. Be it physical or mentally
The scars on your arms felt different this time around. As if someone had kissed it so lovingly and thanked you for being still alive that you were still here in the world, but, oh well, it's probably just your mind making things up, right?
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.ೃ࿐Reblogs are highly appreciated! ^^
I'm so sorry for this abominationnnn. I lost all the vision I had by the time the trio appeared, and when I regained it, it was already too late, as I had already written a lot. And the ending is so rushed too T-T
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aphrostarot · 6 months
Why Does This Energy Keep Coming Back Into Your Life?
Are there any energies that keep coming back into your life? If so, check out this reading to find out what lessons your guides are trying to teach you by bringing this back over and over again.
As this is a general collective reading, some things may not resonate with you or your situation. DO NOT try forcing it to fit. If you would like to book a personalized reading with me go to my profile and follow the instructions on my pinned post.
If you enjoyed this reading and wanted to support me further you can do so by tipping me in the link in my bio or by booking a personal reading with me.
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Pile One:
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Who are you?
Eight of Cups, Knight of Wands, and Five of Pentacles:
At your core you are someone who is very adventurous, energetic, and someone who is not afraid to leap into the unknown. You may be known in your circles as someone who has an enthusiastic approach to life. All of this being said though, you are not feeling like this in your current moment in life. You have been down in the dumps, experiencing a significant loss of some sort. You have been feeling lost, stuck in the dark with nowhere to go and this has taken its toll on you. For some of you, you are coming out of this darkness, finding yourself seeking deeper meanings for why you have been so stuck recently. You have abandoned the path you are on and are moving on to a different approach to life, trying to find your inner truth.
What is this energy that keeps coming back?
Four of Wands, Nine of Swords Reversed, and Death:
It seems like the energy that keeps coming back into your life is you finding yourself in a dark place unexpectedly. You will be riding a high in your life, feeling great and appreciating all the good in your life and then the next day you hate everything in your life and can’t seem to get out of a mental slump. For some of you, this could be burnout, but for many of you, this could be a lot of addictive behaviors and mindsets coming back after you thought you overcame them. It’s a constant death cycle you can’t seem to escape. These behaviors and mindsets may revolve around your family or home life. Addictions may run in your family which is why you also struggle, or, there may be a specific mindset or behavior pattern that you learned from your family and can’t seem to escape or unlearn no matter how hard you try.
Why does this energy keep coming back?
Page of Wands, King of Wands, and Six of Cups:
This energy keeps coming back because you are not learning the lesson that it is intended for you to learn. You need to dive into your childhood, look at the darkness you are not addressing, and sit with it. Sit with the discomfort that comes with these dark times. When you sit with these feelings you are forcing yourself to feel them, something you have not done in quite some time. Doing this will allow you to better understand where this darkness stems from so you can make a plan of how you are going to heal. Spirit keeps bringing this energy back to you because they want you to heal, so you can become your best self. If you need help doing this please reach out to a professional, you do not have to do this alone, therapists or counselors are great at helping you navigate hard emotions. With the King of Wands coming out too, this is your guides telling you who your best self is. The King of Wands represents someone who faces any problem in front of them with ease, they are a natural-born leader, someone who commands respect wherever they go. Your guides keep sending you this energy so that once you learn this lesson you will be able to face any problem that comes your way with ease. Know that there is light at the end of this tunnel, all you need to do is face this darkness instead of running from it. You are meant to break the cycles that have been in your family for centuries, let this knowledge guide you.
Advice from spirit on how you should approach this energy:
Ace of Swords Reversed, The Devil Reversed, and Nine of Cups Reversed:
The Ace of Swords coming up reversed means that your thoughts are clouded with confusion and chaos at the moment. This isn’t a good time for you to make any decisions, since you do not have clarity on what you should be doing, which means that the chances of failure are pretty high right now if you were to take any actions. Your guides are saying that it would be better for you to prepare yourself and take baby steps - work methodically as you slowly move towards achieving your goals. This is the perfect time to lay back and rationally think your way through each stage rather than acting on impulse which you are wont to do. They are also telling you that it is a good idea for you to seek advice from a professional since things may not be as they seem in your life currently. The Devil Reversed shows someone at a moment of self-awareness in their lives, they are breaking all of the chains that come with their addictions and poor habits. Your guides are saying that this can be you if you listen to their advice. They are tired of you running in circles and are telling you here, that you need change in your life. They say that breaking off these chains, especially those of addiction, is never easy. So, you need to be prepared to make the necessary changes that might initially seem painful to make the adjustments that will pay off in the end by being able to find your true self again. Self-assessment is called for in this case and you need to take some time and list all of the things that you need to get rid of. And once that has been done, then it will be time for you to embark on the difficult journey of self-improvement. Your path has been a hard one, and you’ve arrived at a period where you may have the appearance of fulfillment, but something else is missing. This may outwardly appear as smugness and can indicate your desire to receive attention and recognition for all that you have achieved. But you personally still feel dissatisfaction in yourself, it seems as though your desires are never-ending, a black hole. Where does this stem from? In what parts of yourself are you lacking confidence? The Nine of Cups reversed shows that it is time for you to stop placing a value on all of your blessings, and instead pay attention to the quality of your life. The true treasures lie in your relationships with those around you.
Bottom of the deck energy:
Page of Cups Reversed:
The Page of Cups reversed shows someone who is struggling. Someone who is afraid to face reality, be it emotional, financial, or some kind of illness. You may be escaping your reality by drinking, or using drugs, this is only making it harder for you to face yourself and your guides are sick of you ignoring your problems and are forcing this energy back into your life so you can learn to live a healthier lifestyle.
Some of you may be drawn to the colors; purple, blue, and pink.
I was getting strong pulls toward negative behaviors while pulling for this pile. Many of you may be struggling with addictions, including addictive behaviors and mindsets.
One of the candles I had lit stayed lit even when there was nothing left to burn. This tells me that many of you may be running on fumes, or could be someone who never gives up, no matter how low you go, you always pick yourself back up and keep going.
There was lots of Taurus energy with this pile so, many of you may have significant Taurus placements in your chart.
Wands represent the fire signs in astrology, so, many of you could be a fire sign, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, or could have significant fire sign placements.
Extended Reading (how can you learn these lessons and release this energy?)
Pile Two:
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Who are you?
Nine of Coins, Four of Cups Reversed, The World, and Page of Swords:
You have reached an ending of some sort in your life. There has been a completion of a cycle that you have been living through for quite some time now. I feel as though many of you may not outwardly be aware that there is a completion happening in your life but, you feel it happening. There have been some internal shifts happening in you recently. Your outlook on life has changed, you have now started to see the world around you through a different lens and you are experiencing a spark of inspiration and joy you haven’t felt for quite some time. You are excited to jump into this new journey in life, looking forward to all the new things that are soon to be coming in. Many of you enjoy the finer things in life, enjoying a more luxurious lifestyle no matter how much money you have. Due to this lifestyle you chose to live in, you may struggle a great deal in life, struggling to make ends meet, struggling to feel satisfied with what you have. Whatever it may be, it seems to me this mindset may be the thing that will be changing for many of you. For some of you even, it may be that you will be changing your current mindset to start to appreciate the finer things in life if you currently do not allow yourself that luxury.
What is this energy that keeps coming back?
Knight of Coins Reversed, Judgment, The Emperor, The Tower Reversed:
It seems like the energy that keeps coming back into your life is you feeling like there is a crisis or some sort of disaster looming when there may actually not be one. You may be someone who likes having a routine but at the same time, you also get bored of the same thing very quickly. So, when you start to feel like you want to switch things up and try something new all of a sudden you get anxious, feeling like you just screwed everything up and you did something wrong. You fear change yet desire it at the same time which brings you to this energy that keeps coming back of you preparing yourself for the worst and expecting some sort of disaster to come in because you jumped the gun and made a spontaneous change. This leads to you overworking yourself, and making spontaneous decisions because during these moments you lack self-control. You are living in a constant state of survival during these times, not actually living your life only making decisions that you feel will protect you from this unavoidable doom that may not even be coming. Then all of a sudden it’s like the veil of confusion and fear that you’ve been living in gets lifted and you realize that you were living in a state of fear, letting your anxieties dictate your life. Then, you start to reflect on why this happens to you, trying to psychoanalyze yourself to hopefully get to the bottom of this so you can stop it from happening again, yet it never happens and this cycle keeps repeating itself.
The energy that keeps coming back into your life is very confusing and I tried my best to articulate it less confusingly. If you have any questions feel free to comment or DM me and I will try my best to answer them.
Why does this energy keep coming back?
Five of Swords Reversed, Five of Cups Reversed, Eight of Coins, and Ace of Wands:
The reason your spiritual team keeps bringing this energy back into your life is that there is something good coming out of it, yet you do not see that. There is something in your past that you have been feeling guilty or beating yourself up over. You have been struggling with this since it happened and you refuse to allow yourself to feel anything good because you feel you deserve to suffer because of whatever it is that you did. Now, this energy coming back is your guides wanting you to forgive yourself and heal but you are not seeing that. Your spiritual team wants you to start over and have a new more focused and inspired approach to life, but first, you need to forgive yourself and address whatever it is you are punishing yourself for.
Advice from spirit on how you should approach this energy:
Three of Coins Reversed, Eight of Cups, The Wheel of Fortune, and Six of Cups:
You’ve been feeling quite bitter in your life recently and your guides want you to see the beauty and goodness everywhere around you. They want you to challenge yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone. There is change coming in your life and this change will hopefully result in you leaving this negative mindset behind and embracing the positives around you. You have been feeling lost in your life and not recognizing that there are people in your life who are trying to help you. You have shut the door in many people's faces, refusing to believe they have good intentions, and to this, your guides are saying stop. Your guides have sent you a person or a few people who you need to stop shutting out in order to get you out of this darkness.
Bottom of the deck energy:
Nine of Swords:
The nine of swords is the card of intense anxiety. When it comes out in a reading, especially at the bottom of the deck, it represents mental anguish, nightmares, and excessive worry. It comes out in a reading when your anxiety has been at its worst. This has been the thing that has kept you in this darkness, refusing to forgive, refusing to heal. You need to do some self-reflection, and some calming and grounding exercises. Doing this will help you to see the reality instead of your anxieties. Some of you may need to speak to a professional to help you do this, whether it be a psychologist, therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist, please reach out to someone if you need help with your anxieties.
Some of you may be drawn to the color yellow.
There were a lot of reversals with this pile, so, many of you may be feeling like your life has been flipped upside down, or you may be feeling lost currently.
I was feeling strong unevolved Libra energy with this pile. So, many of you could be Libras or have significant Libra placements.
Extended Reading (how can you learn these lessons and release this energy?)
Pile Three:
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Who are you?
Balance, Rebirth, and Messenger of Air:
You are an eternal optimist, believing that anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it. Finding balance within yourself is key to your joy and sense of peace. Speaking of peace, keeping yours is very important to you, and you will do anything to protect it. For most people, it can be difficult to let go of the past, or dreams that haven’t come true, or love that is no longer in our lives, but for you, this comes easily. You are not afraid to let things go if it means that you will come out better and healthier than before. You take pride in being able to live in a balanced and healthy state, and this is something that is admirable to the people around you.
What is this energy that keeps coming back?
Ace of Water, Craftsman of Air, and Three of Water:
There are moments in your life when you become filled with uncertainty and confusion. It's almost as if you are totally fine one minute and then the next you have a fog covering your brain and eyes and you get stuck as a result, not knowing what to do and why you are so confused about where you are in life. While you are in this brain fog, a great deal of emotions you had thought you’d dealt with come rising to the surface, forcing you to feel things you didn’t know you’d not dealt with. As a result of you being forced to feel these things, you become obsessed with trying to find a way to stop this from happening, studying therapy and meditation techniques trying to keep your peace maintained. Meanwhile, you are unaware that doing all of this is actually not helping you at all, which is why this energy keeps coming back into your life when you thought you’d already dealt with it.
Why does this energy keep coming back?
Two of Water, Ancestor, and Nine of Air:
As I established above, you are very proud of yourself and the ways in which you chose to heal and live your life. However, with the energy that your guides keep sending back, it seems to me that they are not happy with the ways that you choose to live. They are saying that you need a change in your life, a death cycle of some sort, and this death has to do with the cycles you keep repeating in your healing journey. They are saying to you that the ways you choose to heal are actually repetitive cycles that have been running through your ancestry for years and years and that they are not as healthy as you think they are. You need to address these issues and patterns you repeat when you try to deal with the problems as they arise. See these unconscious patterns from your childhood, the ways you cope with the traumas and sorrows you inherited from your parents, who inherited it from theirs.
Advice from spirit on how you should approach this energy:
Ace of Air, Four of Fire, Ten of Fire, and Messenger of Earth:
Your guides are advising you to slow down and listen. There are answers coming your way and all you need to do is listen for them. You have a strong intuition and psychic abilities but you are either unaware of this or just don’t tap into them enough, it is time that you do. You need security and peace in your home life and your guides want that to be your focus at the moment. Make sure you are intentionally getting rid of negative energy in your house, smoke cleansing with incense will work well for you during this time. Make sure you are aware of the energies you are allowing into your home at this time. Your home is your sanctuary and when you allow people with negative energy into your home you are tainting the sanctuary you so desperately need to protect.
Bottom of the deck energy:
Six of Water:
In all tarot readings, the bottom of the deck energy gives you the overall energy of the reading. Having the Six of Water at the bottom is telling you that you need to dive deep in order to get through this. You cannot redirect the river of Life. Instead, plunge in, surrender to it, dissolve in it, and allow the “molecules” of your expectations, plans, and intentions to mix with the waters flowing all around you. Let go and let your heart become a vessel of understanding. Let it hold the memories of your life of all life. To remember, you must allow the waters of life to flow through you. Begin now - fill the waters of your life with stories.
There is strong earth and water energy with this pile so, many of you may have earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) signs or have these significantly placed in your chart.
Some of you may also be drawn to the colors, blue or green, mainly green.
Many of you may be drawn to water or trees.
Extended Reading (how can you learn these lessons and release this energy?)
Pile Four:
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Who are you?
The World, Eight of Wands, and Knight of Wands Reversed:
There is some contradiction in who you are at this moment. What I mean by this is, at your core, you are someone who is well-balanced and has great control over your emotions as well as being very optimistic in life. However, it seems as though recently you have been more erratic, aggressive, and quite sensitive. You’ve been quick to jump down people's throats before giving them time to explain themselves. Lately, you haven’t been acting like your calm, cool, and mature self. Instead, you’ve been unrecognizable in your emotional outbursts. Some of you may know what has triggered this in you, while others have no clue why you are acting this way.
What is this energy that keeps coming back?
Four of Cups Reversed, Three of Wands Reversed, Ten of Wands, and Page of Cups Reversed:
You have reached completion of some sort, whether it be that you’ve recently graduated from college and are looking or just got a new job, starting your career off, or you just moved out of your family home and are taking on much more responsibilities than you had in the past. Whatever it is, this energy that keeps coming back is you overburdening yourself with too many responsibilities and then becoming blocked emotionally, and physically because of it. It’s like you were loving life and being hyper-successful one minute and then the next, you’re overworked, drained, and stuck in a never-ending cycle of lacking inspiration. For some of you, it may be that you start to despise the work you are doing or start to realize how you are underappreciated at work or in life and this causes you to become depressed. Either way, it seems as though the energy that keeps coming back ends up with you being stuck in darkness when you used to live in the light.
Why does this energy keep coming back?
Seven of Pentacles Reversed, Five of Pentacles Reversed, Six of Wands, and Eight of Pentacles:
Ultimately your guides are telling you that this energy keeps coming back because you have been putting too much emphasis on getting recognized for your achievements and being rewarded for your work when you really should be just focusing on the work and not the reward. They keep bringing this energy back to you so you can start to realize that you may be doing this job or hobby or hanging around these people for the wrong reasons. You want people to recognize how good you are and to praise you for these things and that is not the reason why you should be working or hanging around people. Success comes when you work hard and have your head in the game. So, your guides are trying to tell you here that to get what you want you need to make changes, you need to come at this with a different approach.
Advice from spirit on how you should approach this energy:
Four of Wands, The Fool, Ace of Wands, and Judgement:
Before this new beginning can come in, you need to do some self-evaluation. Really dig deep, and find out why you want this success and recognition. What is it feeding in you? It may have something to do with your home life, how you were raised, or the way your family treated you growing up. You will also need to evaluate if these things you are going after are things you truly want or, do you just think you want them to feel success and admiration. Once you do this you will need to come at your career and life overall from a new, clean slate. A whole new approach is needed for you to reach the goals you truly want.
Bottom of the deck energy:
Queen of Wands Reversed:
You have been in a low place overall in your life for some time now. You’ve been letting your insecurities control your life and the decisions you make. Because of this you’ve been very short-tempered and tend towards bullying either the people around you or yourself. You demand way too much of the people around you and of yourself and this is not a good place to be in. You know this, as I established above, this is not who you truly are at your core, you are a nice and gentle soul who loves life and loves people but, recently you have been showing a much darker and much more insecure version of yourself that needs to be dealt with for you to reach fulfillment.
There was very cutesy energy with this pile. It's almost like that sound on TikTok, “Looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll” and, “Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll” Some of you may hide your cutesy energy as a defense mechanism while others are more confident in themselves and aren’t afraid to be themselves.
The color pink, specifically baby pink may be of significance to some of you.
There was a lot of Pisces and Cancer energy with this pile, specifically unevolved Pisces and Cancer energy. A lot of you may be afraid of your emotions, afraid to feel, or you may see yourself as weak when you are emotional. There is also some Aries energy here, but very little, almost like you are a Pisces or Cancer with an Aries moon or other placements in Aries.
Extended Reading (how can you learn these lessons and release this energy?)
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primaviva · 9 months
gingerbread; gwen stacy
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featuring. gwen stacy x fem!reader
synopsis. making gingerbread with your girlfriend—gwen stacy.
warnings. none, just fluff! one suggestive joke and intense kiss description
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gingerbread—a cherished christmas classic that invokes a symphony of senses, whisking you away to a world of holiday enchantment. as much as you would hate to admit it to someone who is passionate about christmas, the art of constructing a gingerbread house has eluded you. well, perhaps there was a time in your youth when you attempted such a creation, but it never truly became an integral part of your holiday traditions. sure, you delighted in the occasional indulgence of premade gingerbread cookie snacks found at the local market, striving to awaken the spirit of the season. however, those moments were akin to coloring within the lines of gingerbread-themed books from your childhood—a fleeting taste of the magic.
but today, it seemed that this would change.
gwen, surprising a fervent advocate of all things christmas, extended an invitation to her home while her dad was out working late. the purpose? to make gingerbread.
as you stepped into gwen's apartment, a winter wonderland unfolded before you. the air was infused with the delicate fragrance of freshly cut pine, mingling harmoniously with the nostalgic scent of cinnamon and nutmeg. not to mention the little festive touches to the apartment like the wreath that was in your face as you knocked on the door.
in the heart of gwen's kitchen, a tableau of culinary goodness awaited. the ingredients for gingerbread lay scattered across the countertop, more than enough boxes than there should be of premade mix. the scent of ginger mingled with the warmth of the earthy undertones of almond, blending into a fragrant melody that coated the room in an irresistible aroma.
the room buzzed with excitement as you and gwen meticulously measured, combined ingredients, and kneaded the dough. the rhythmic sound of the wooden spoon swirling through the mixture created a rough cadence, accompanied by the gentle clinking of utensils against the mixing bowl.
time seemed to both pass by and stand still at the start of things. with each roll of the pin, the dough spread out, its surface becoming a blank canvas waiting to be shaped into something deliciously beautiful for you to destroyed. gingerbread walls, roofs, windows, and doors emerged from the malleable dough, ready to be transformed into a festive yet architectural masterpiece.
as the premade gingerbread pieces were placed in the oven, the minutes stretched out like taffy, building an air of suspense. the addictive scent of freshly baked gingerbread wafted through the kitchen, enveloping you in its warm embrace.
finally, with a melodious ding, the timer announced the completion of the baking process—a moment that marked the birth of something truly extraordinary.
impatience tinged your words as you exclaimed, "goddamn, i could practically feel my toenails growing in place while waiting for that damn timer!" your frustration evident, you turned your head to the side, seeking any distraction from the anticipation that had reached its peak. with a determined stride, you made your way to the oven, bending down to peer inside. the radiant light within the oven cast a mesmerizing glow upon the smooth, golden-brown texture of the gingerbread, causing your mouth to almost involuntarily salivate.
as you stood there, captivated by the sight before you, gwen playfully observed your expression and couldn't help but chuckle. "take it easy," she teased, joining you by the oven. "even as your girlfriend, i don't think i want to eat gingerbread covered with frosting and... saliva."
her playful remark lightened the moment, allowing a smile to grace your face. the warmth of her presence, coupled with the tantalizing aroma filling the air, intensified the feeling of holiday joy. with a deliberate grace, gwen adorned the oven mitts, preparing to retrieve the gingerbread from its warm haven. as she carefully lifted the tray and placed it on the countertop, the sweet fragrance enveloped the room, an atmosphere of festive delight. it was as if the very essence of christmas had materialized in that humble batch of gingerbread.
"voilà!" gwen declared, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "our gingerbread base is ready for some serious decorating." the prospect of adorning the freshly baked canvas with a burst of color and creativity brought a renewed sense of excitement, infusing the air with a contagious energy.
gwen's eyes sparkled with mischief as she turned to face you, a playful grin spreading across her face. "so, my creative partner in crime, any design in mind for our masterpiece?" her words inviting your imagination to run wild. "i was thinking a haunted gingerbread house, complete with gummy worms and licorice spiders. but i'm open to suggestions, of course." a sigh left your lips, of course spiders.
you couldn't help but wear a sly smirk on your face as you locked eyes with gwen, indulging in the banter between you. "y’know, you sound so corny right now," you jest, a hint of truth lacing your words, eliciting a dry laugh.
gwen couldn't help but laugh at your reaction. "alright, alright, no more cringey names, got it," she replied, feigning seriousness.
sauntering toward the countertop, you leaned on it, peering closely at the freshly baked gingerbread, contemplating the possibilities. "how about we recreate your apartment? a cute lil’ surprise for mister stacy when he returns home."
the thought of transforming the gingerbread canvas into a miniature replica of her own living space definitely excited gwen, even if it was up to debate if she had the skill to execute that.
“i would love for my dad to come home to see a miniature gingerbread version of our apartment,” she put it simply. gwen leaned against the countertop next to you, examining the gingerbread pieces. "we'll need to get creative with the decorations. maybe some pretzel stick furniture, and we can use icing to make tiny portraits of us hanging on the gingerbread walls," she suggested, eyes sparkling with excitement.
gwen walked off to her cabinets and grabbed an array of things ranging from sprinkles, pretzels and cookies, to gumdrops she had stored all the way in the back where you swore you could’ve seen some cobwebs. "so, how's it feel to be in the presence of a master gingerbread architect? i hope you can keep up with my design skills, babe,” gwen smirked playfully, raising an eyebrow at you.
you couldn’t help but let a laugh escape from your throat. “master gingerbread architect? please, if you can’t make your webs stick to the side of a building for more than fifteen seconds i can only imagine how you think you’ll be able to stick two gingerbread walls together with some frosting,” you tease, playfully bumping her hip.
gwen couldn't help but burst into laughter at your remark, pretending to be offended. "hey now, my web-slinging skills may not translate perfectly to gingerbread construction, but i'll have you know i've got a few tricks up my sleeve," she quipped, winking at you.
as she picked up the box of icing, she playfully flicked a bit of it in your direction. "watch out, or i might just stick you to the gingerbread walls too," gwen teased, sticking her tongue out at you.
but in all seriousness, she was grateful for moments like these, where you could just be yourselves and have fun together. as you focused on decorating the gingerbread pieces, she couldn't help but steal glances at you, a soft smile playing on her lips. it was moments like these that made her appreciate how lucky she is to be in your presence.
you chuckled lowly at her little threat. “i think you should watch out then, cus’ who said i wouldn’t enjoy being webbed to the wall by you?” you questioned, making a bold comment to the tall blonde.
you watched as she got together the frosting, mixing it before putting it in baggies. you began copying her movements, helping her mix the already selected holiday colors such as red, green, and white and put them in their respective baggie before cutting the tip of it so it can dispense the frosting.
gwen couldn't help but blush at your daring response, her pale skin transitioning to a pretty rose while feeling a rush of affection toward you. "oh, you’d enjoy it, huh?" she replied, voice laced with amusement. "well, maybe i'll have to put that to the test sometime."
as you worked together to mix the frosting and fill the baggies, she admired the way you effortlessly picked up on the process. it was one of the reasons she loved being with you—you always embraced new challenges with determination and a willingness to learn.
or at least get through those said challenges… if anything.
gwen grabbed a decorative plate, seemingly a fancy traditional plate that looked irish, probably a gift from her grandparents to her dad. once the frosting was ready, she grabbed one of the gingerbread walls and the floor from the parchment and put a dollop to the plate to make it act as glue for stability. then, she began piping a decorative trim along the edges, using the red frosting. gwen delicately squeezed the baggie, letting the smooth, creamy texture glide onto the cookie. the scent of the sugary frosting mixed with the warm gingerbread, creating an intoxicating aroma.
she glanced over at you, noticing your focused expression as you worked on your own piece. "looking good over there," gwen complimented with a grin, playfully nudging your shoulder. “gingerbread, not you, well you are but- i’m talking about your lovely art right there.”
you let out a choked laugh as your hand faltered from piping the frosting down the side of one of the big gingerbread squares for the apartment. it wasn’t too difficult, but for someone who doesn’t do this annually you clearly struggled with some things. “all i've done so far is stick the back wall to the other side that you did,” you state plainly. “if this is art to you then i would hate to hear what you think of picasso.”
gwen couldn't help but let out a boisterous laugh at your self-deprecating comment. "hey, don't sell yourself short! i’m sure picasso would be so proud to see your one singular gingerbread wall," she reassured you, trying to suppress her giggles.
gwen put her piping bag down and walked over to your direction. you felt her chest hit your back as both her arms snaked from behind your waist to your arms. she reached over and gently took your hand, guiding it back to the frosting baggie. "here, let me show you a little trick. just apply a little pressure and let the frosting flow out smoothly all on its own. you got it," she encouraged, setting an example for you.
you tried to pay attention, but it was hard when her smooth yet raspy voice was whispering in your ear, so close you felt her breath tickling your cheek.
you both continued decorating the gingerbread walls, adding intricate details and personal touches. gwen used the white frosting to create a snow-like effect on the roof, while you expertly piped green frosting to resemble a wreath on the front door.
as you worked side by side, the room filled with laughter and the sweet scent of gingerbread and frosting. it was moments like these, where both of you could be silly and enjoy each other's company, that truly made gwen's heart flutter.
you carefully spread a layer of frosting inside the gingerbread house, creating a smooth carpet-like surface. a mischievous grin plays on your lips as an idea takes hold. secretly, you squeeze a dollop of frosting onto your pointer finger, ready to execute your playful plan. "gwen, come see the carpet i did," you command, diverting her attention from the oh so important and intricate task of assembling miniature furniture out of cookies, pretzels, and other random yet surprisingly edible materials. she turns towards you, her gaze fixed on your direction, unsuspecting of what's about to happen.
swiftly, you rise onto the balls of your feet, reaching her height, and with a quick and unexpected motion, you press the frosting onto the tip of her nose, smudging it up towards the bridge. a mischievous giggle escapes your lips as you revel in the spontaneous act, marveling at the frosting adorning gwen's nose.
gwen's eyes widen in surprise, a gasp escaping her lips as her fingertips touch the sticky yet velvety texture of the vibrant green frosting adorning her nose. its hue is so vivid, it could rival even the grinch himself. her eyes widened in mock shock, but a mischievous grin quickly spread across her face. "oh, it's on now!" the blonde exclaimed, playfully narrowing her eyes at you.
without missing a beat, she grabbed a dollop of frosting from the table and quickly retaliated, smearing it on your cheek. "oops, looks like you've got a little something on your face," gwen teased, unable to contain her laughter.
the two of you burst into a fit of giggles, frosting-covered fingers and all. you couldn’t take each other seriously. as the frosting war continued, you both ended up with streaks of frosting on your faces, looking more like abstract art than gingerbread decorators. but it didn't matter—you were having fun, and that's all that truly mattered in that moment.
“hey, i put a lil’ dot on you and not this fat ass blob,” you defend, wiping some of the frosting from the pile she planted on your nose and adding it to her nose. “cute nose job, rudolph. not lookin’ botched at all,” you teased.
gwen couldn't help but laugh at your quick retort, wiping off some of the frosting from her nose and smearing it on your lower jaw. "oh, so you're a critic now, huh?" she playfully responded, a smirk as clear as a snow globe. "well, i'm just gonna add some extra flair to your already sexy nose. rudolph will have nothing on you."
your laughter filled the room as we continued the frosting battle, merrily colorful streaks on each other's faces. no matter how silly or ridiculous you two might look, you were always able to find joy and laughter together.
but amidst the chaos, gwen couldn't help but steal a moment to appreciate your playful spirit and the way your eyes sparkled with mischief. you were truly her partner in crime, and she wouldn't want it any other way. or how she would put it, her “creative partner in gingerbread crime.” well, whatever that means.
the frosting war continued, we eventually ran out of ammunition, leaving you both covered in frosting from head to shoulder. you and your girlfriend stood there, breathless from laughter, and she couldn't resist pulling you into a tight, frosting-covered hug. "you're the best, you know that?" gwen whispered, her voice filled with genuine affection as raspy as it came.
you instinctively step back from the hug, finding yourself nose-deep in gwen's sweater. the thick frosting that had made its way into your nostrils tickles uncomfortably, and you valiantly suppress the urge to let out a loud sneeze. hastily grabbing a napkin, you wipe away the frosting, finally lifting your gaze to meet gwen's as her words register in your mind.
in that moment, clarity dawns upon you, and you realize what she said. the initial distraction of the frosting mishap fades away as you comprehend the deeper meaning behind her innocent words.
“what?” you questioned, urging her to repeat it.
gwen quickly snapped out of her daze, realizing that she had been staring at you. a slight blush crept up on the blonde’s cheeks as she realized that she had been caught. "oh, uh, sorry," gwen stammered, sounding a bit softer than usual. "i was just… admiring how cute you look, even covered in frosting."
a nervous chuckle escapes gwen's lips, a blush creeping across her cheeks as she finds herself feeling more embarrassed than that one time her headphones failed her during class, blaring my chemical romance for an unplanned five seconds. "i guess i got lost in the moment there. but hey, you're always a sight to see, whether you're covered in frosting or not," she stated, trying to play it off like her hands still don’t falter to shake when you make her nervous. gwen reached out and gently wiped a bit of frosting off your cheek with my thumb, her touch lingering for a moment. "you’re my favorite mess," gwen added.
a warmth spreads across your cheeks in response to gwen's comment. "oh, really?" you retort, secretly wanting to hear more from her. however, you quickly regain your composure, reminding yourselves of the task at hand. "enough, we still have shit to do," you interject, trying to steer the focus back to the gingerbread house.
gwen raised an eyebrow at your response, but couldn't help but notice the underlying hint of vulnerability in your tone. “learn to take a compliment,” she comments.
but gwen's soft smile tugs at your heartstrings, drawing you closer to her. she leans in, her gaze fixed on your eyes, as if she's searching for something deeper within you. in a surprising move, she uses her thumb, still adorned with the frosting she had wiped off you, and gently smears it across your lips. her voice carries innocence as she remarks, "looks like you've got a little something."
the touch of gwen's thumb against your lips sends a subtle jolt of electricity through your body, leaving you momentarily breathless.
but as she stepped closer to you, faces mere inches apart, gwen couldn't resist the magnetic pull between you.
as you close the remaining distance between you, gwen's lips meet yours with a gentle, lingering pressure, initiating a tender kiss. the sensation of her lips against yours sends a shiver of delight down your spine. the world around you seems to dissolve into a hazy blur, leaving only the two of you enveloped in a moment of pure connection.
your lips move in perfect synchronization with gwen's, their dance a delicate and intimate rhythm. each brush and caress of her soft lips against yours ignites a cascade of sensations to your skin—subtle yet electrifying. the taste of the frosting lingers on your tongues, a delectable blend of sweetness merging with the warmth of her own unique lip balm, a hint of vanilla intertwined with the minty sweetness.
lost in the tender embrace, you become acutely aware of every detail—the velvety texture of her lips, the way they meet and meld with yours in the most gentle and affectionate manner in which she moves. it's a moment where time stands still, where nothing else matters except the intoxicating closeness and shared intimacy between the two of you.
as you gently pull away from the kiss, your eyes instinctively rise to meet gwen's gaze. her lips, now adorned with a generous coating of green frosting, seem to attract even more of the sticky sweetness due to the presence of her lip balm. a rush of heat floods your cheeks, betraying your flustered state, while gwen smirks knowingly at you. a dry scoff escapes her lips, her eyes fixed unwaveringly on you, clearly surprised by the effect she has on you.
your attention is captivated as gwen's tongue emerges, delicately gliding along her lower lip, collecting the frosting in a deliberate and tantalizing manner. the sight of her tongue ascending to her upper lip, methodically removing the sweet coating, holds you in a mesmerized state. you watch with unwavering focus, afraid to tear your gaze away, as she withdraws her tongue back into her mouth, savoring the taste once more.
gwen, fully aware of the effect her actions have on you, wears an expression of both satisfaction and amusement. it becomes evident that she takes pleasure in being the sole catalyst for such a reaction from you, relishing in the power she holds over your senses.
as gwen finished licking off the frosting from her lips, she let out another low laugh. "mmm, still tastes as good as ever," she commented, her voice tauntingly husky. "you’re right, enough is enough. let’s get back to work, shall we?"
with a playful wink directed your way, gwen swiftly turns around, retrieving a towel and extending it towards you. you accept it, grateful for the gesture, as she grabs another towel for herself. without missing a beat, she proceeds to wipe her face clean, the remnants of frosting vanishing from her lips and leaving behind a pristine canvas. with a determined focus, she resumes her position, ready to dive back into the task at hand.
as you and gwen huddle together, the gingerbread apartment sprawled out before you, a wave of excitement washing over you both. the gingerbread walls, perfectly baked and golden brown, stand tall and sturdy, ready to be transformed. with nimble fingers, you take the lead, carefully applying royal icing along the seams of the rest of the walls, joining them together to form the structure. gwen follows suit, her touch deft and precise, ensuring the stability of the gingerbread apartment. the icing, a pristine white, resembles freshly fallen snow, enhancing the enchanting charm of the scene.
together, you meticulously construct the details—a miniature door, adorned with candy cane stripes, opens up to reveal a sugary haven within. the windows, crafted from translucent sugar sheets, allow glimpses into the home.
inside the gingerbread apartment, you and gwen become masterful decorators, so much so even the hgtv channel overlords would envy you two. tiny tinsel garlands, carefully woven together, drape along the walls, reflecting the glow of imaginary holiday lights. delicate icicle-shaped ornaments, made from crystallized sugar, hang from the ceilings, shimmering with a frosted sparkle. the living room area boasts a miniature christmas tree, painstakingly fashioned from piped green icing and dressed with tiny edible baubles, crafted from old halloween candies. a crackling fireplace, created by using chocolate shavings and red m&ms, casts a false warmth to the empty room. moving into the kitchen, a gingerbread dining table, complete with intricate icing lacework, holds a feast of miniature treats. tiny gingerbread cookies, iced with intricate designs, sit in a bowl, waiting to be enjoyed by you and your girlfriend. plates of assorted candies and chocolates are arranged, slowly dwindling as your hands continue to dig into the bowl for more material.
the two of you continued working on the gingerbread house, your playful banter and teasing gradually fading into a comfortable silence. as you placed the final touches, the gingerbread apartment began to take shape, looking like a cozy little abode.
both of you stepped back, admiring your handiwork. the walls were neatly decorated with frosting trim, the roof had a snowy white frosting coating, and the windows were outlined with colorful candies. it was painfully over-stimulating to the eyes of anyone who hates christmas, but also beautiful.
gwen reached out and took your hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "look at that! we make quite the dynamic duo, don't we?" she remarked, a bit too prideful of her mediocre work. "our gingerbread house is the envy of all gingerbread houses.”
you continue to stare at it, finally realizing why it bothered you. “it’s missing something,” you put simply. “we need to add the little people who will live in this apartment.”
gwen nodded in agreement, leaning a bit onto your shoulder to see from your perspective. "you're right, it needs some little residents to bring it to life," she replied, her mind already racing with ideas.
she reached for the bowl of extra gingerbread dough and started rolling it out. gwen looked over at you, a soft yet evident grin on her face. "how about we make gingerbread versions of ourselves? it'll be like a little homage to us," she suggested, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my lips.
gwen began cutting out the shapes, carefully crafting miniature versions of the both of you with the dough. as she added the details, gwen couldn't help but chuckle at the tiny gingerbread drum set she included for her miniature self.
once the dough was baked and cooled, you set to work on decorating our gingerbread doppelgangers.
as gwen rummages through her cabinets, retrieving an array of icing tubes, a flicker of suspicion tugs at the corners of your mind. the sheer variety she has in her possession leaves you slightly amazed, as well as curious and a bit concerned. nonetheless, you set aside your intrigue and begin piping the features of your gingerbread creation, starting with your own skin tone, meticulously crafting every detail.
glancing over at gwen's side, a knowing smirk graces your lips as you catch a glimpse of her artistic endeavors. with precision and flair, she expertly pipes her iconic half-shaved hairstyle onto the gingerbread figure. the piercing blue eyes she possesses, which sometimes give you the creeps, are replicated with remarkable accuracy. the adorable ensemble of wide-legged jeans, converse shoes, and a shirt adorned with a hand-drawn heart catches your attention. squinting slightly, you can read word for word what it says.
"i heart my girlfriend?" you repeat aloud, surprise evident in your voice.
gwen's laughter rings out, full and infectious. "you took the words out of my mouth," she playfully teases, reveling in the shared sentiment.
unable to resist the warmth that spreads across your face, you steal a glance to your right, discovering that gwen has already crafted a little gingerbread man of her father. turning your attention back to your own mini-you, you work diligently, not wanting to fall behind the swift pace set by your girlfriend.
as you finished and placed the gingerbread versions of yourselves inside the gingerbread house, it truly came to life.
you stepped back, taking in the sight of your creation one final time. "perfect," you declared, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction filling you.
"it’s so perfect,” gwen adds, mimicking what you said.
you let out an exaggerated eye-roll, your playful annoyance evident. "well, thanks for that," you quip, though your words are tinged with a hint of amusement. but then, as a mischievous thought strikes you, you freeze in mock disbelief, placing your hands dramatically on your head.
in a sarcastically shocked tone, you inquire, "but wait... who will protect them from harm?" your voice drips with playful melodrama, heightening the comedic effect of your question.
slowly turning towards her, you meet her gaze, awaiting her response. with a mischievous grin, she finally breaks her silence.
"i'm so glad you asked," she declares.
in one swift motion, gwen lifts her mini gingerbread representation of herself and playfully makes it leap onto the roof of the gingerbread apartment. as she rotates it, a delightful surprise is revealed—the infamous ghost spider suit, meticulously piped onto the other side down to the mask to the teal ballet slippers.
"don't worry," gwen reassures you with a touch of theatrical flair, "i'll be there to save my damsel in distress."
you try to maintain an unamused expression, your face fighting back a smile as you struggle not to burst into laughter.
gwen couldn't help but break into uncontrollable laughs at your reaction, her shoulders shaking with mirth.
"surprise!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her amusement. "you didn’t think i would add the one and only spider woman of new york? you had to have seen this coming."
gwen playfully made her mini gingerbread ghost spider do a little victory dance on the roof of the gingerbread apartment, reveling in the silliness of it all. but beneath the lightheartedness, there was a hint of truth to her words.
she walked over to you, wrapping her arms around your waist, laughter subsiding into a warm smile. "but y’know, i don't need a superhero suit to be your hero," she whispered.
gwen couldn't help but lean in again, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, the taste of frosting still lingering.
both of you erupted into laughter, unable to contain your amusement at gwen's joke. the joyful sound filled the room until it was cut short as the door knob turned and the door abruptly swung open, revealing gwen's father returning home from his shift at the station.
"how's it going, girls..." his voice trailed off, his steps slowing as he took in the unexpected scene before him.
the air was thick with the scent of frosting, and the room bore witness to a delightful chaos of flour, candies, and scattered decorations. but amidst the mess, the most prominent sight was your meticulously crafted miniature replica of the apartment.
you both froze in place as her dad's voice filled the room, a mix of embarrassment and panic coursing through your girlfriend's veins. she turned to face him, cheeks burning with a bright shade of red she usually rocked when embarrassed. "uh... hey, dad," gwen stammered, trying to sound casual despite the chaos surrounding you both.
gwen quickly glanced at you, hoping to find some solace in the situation, but it seemed like you were just as caught off guard as her. she could practically hear the gears turning in her dad's head as he tried to make sense of the scene before him.
before he could say anything, gwen took a deep breath and mustered up all the confidence she could. "surprise, dad! we made a gingerbread apartment!" she blurted out, gesturing towards your creation. "and, uh, we may have gotten a little carried away with the frosting and...stuff.”
“stuff?” george repeated, stepping closer to the counter to get an even better look at the creation. you could see her dad's expression soften as he took in the sight, his lips twitching with the hint of a smile. "well, it certainly looks like you two had a blast," he chuckled, shaking his head. "just make sure to clean up after yourselves, alright?"
in perfect synchrony, your voices blend seamlessly as you both respond simultaneously with the words "of course, mr. stacy" and "yes, dad.”
relief washed over you both as you realized her dad wasn't angry or upset. he understood that sometimes you both could get a little carried away with our antics. you both nodded vigorously, already planning on how to tackle the mess.
as her dad left the kitchen, she turned to you with a sheepish smile. "well, that could have gone worse," gwen affirmed, relief evident in the way her chest exhaled. "looks like we'll have a lot of cleaning up to do, huh?"
“a lot seems like an oversimplification of it,” you groan, looking around at the absolute mess you both made of the kitchen. “and here i thought we was finally gonna eat the damn thing”
gwen grabbed a nearby towel and started wiping the frosting off the table, motioning for you to join her. "but you know what they say, babe. teamwork makes the dream work," she added, causing you to instinctually roll your eyes yet again.
as you diligently sweep the floor, meticulously wash down the counters, and even kneel down to scrub away any lingering evidence of your reckless baking, your eyes continue to wander back to the oh so enchanting gingerbread house. its intricate details and sugary allure beckon you, tempting your senses to just skip the cleaning and go straight to dessert. from a distance, gwen chuckles playfully as she attentively wipes down the inside of the stove.
"ahem," she interrupts. "i must kindly request that you refrain from placing your little grimy hands on our masterpiece," gwen mockingly asserts.
she pauses, allowing a moment for her words to sink in. "please, let it exist in its full glory for at least thirty more minutes," she pleads, a hint of jest coloring her voice. "or, if you can't resist, at least capture its beauty on your phone before you rip it apart."
a deep sigh escaped from your lips as you surrender to your girlfriend, continuing to guide the broom across the floor.
- comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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strawb3rrystar · 2 months
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Rehab and therapy.
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Pairing: Angel Dust, Husk x Masc! Reader
Summary: An addict, addicted to all things drug centered or related, seeks out Hell's greatest hotel to get fully sober once and for all.
Warnings: Substance abuse, drug usage, references to sex and prostitution, alcoholism
Word count: 968
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You were wasting away in Hell. Like most sinners, you were somebody before you died. Someone who never wronged anyone but himself. You tried, really tried to get sober the last few months of your life. But a breakdown caused you to go on a bender which led to your untimely death. An overdose, what a pathetic way to die. You died the same way you lived, alone in a dark alleyway.
Being a sinner had very little limitations. And seeing as you couldn't die by any normal means, you kept doing lines of coke off of some guy's dick. Every hit needed to be stronger, every high needed to last longer for you to be satisfied. Even if you were in Hell, that shit ain't cheap. So you ended up doing the most disgusting things just for another shot of heroin.
It wasn't until Hell's vanquish on Heaven that you learned about the Hazbin Hotel, and what it was about. And you eventually made up your mind that you were going to get sober and give redemption a shot.
So, you marched your ass to the hotel after its renovations and grand re-opening. The main lobby area was very nicely decorated and fairly clean. Giving you high hopes that you were going to enjoy it here. After a few seconds of looking around, you saw a lanky, blond woman coming down the stairs. You immediately recognize her from TV as the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar. She notices you and comes straight over. "Hi! Hello! What can I help you with today?"
Her upbeat, bubbly personality was a breath of fresh air in contrast to the rest of Hell. Your eyes were fixed on her features for a moment as her big eyes stared back at you. "Um.. I'd like a room. Please."
Charlie claps her hands together, a smile stretching across her face. She moves to stand behind the front desk, disappearing underneath it for a moment before she's back up again. "I'll need you to fill out some forms and then we can get you settled in."
You sat down in one of the many plush chairs in the lobby, filling out and signing the forms. Most of the questions were 'why do you want to be redeemed?' or 'how did you die?'. Basically the type of questions you would expect to fill out at a doctor's office. 'Extensive medical history' bullshit. You made sure to read the fine print to make sure you did not have to negotiate for the price on rent. You didn't have a stable job currently and barely had enough money to buy you a crappy joint.
Satan, you're here to get sober, quit it with the drug references.
Reading the fine print caused you to quickly discover that there were no fees for staying there. Perks of being the daughter of Lucifer, I guess. You handed Charlie the forms after you finished filling them out. She did a quick scan of them before handing you a room key. Like a good host, she showed you up to your room. "I'll have Angel Dust come give you a tour of the hotel in a few minutes. But get settled in and enjoy your stay!"
You didn't have much with you. Just a small suitcase of your clothes and a few personal items from your last almost bare apartment. You thought that after you got sober enough, you would get a 'normal' job and be able to get yourself more stuff. These thoughts circled your head as you unpacked your stuff. Then, you were interrupted by a knock on the door. You sigh, fixing your hair in the mirror for a second before opening the door.
You're met face-to-face with Hell's most famous porn star, eyes widening a bit in surprise. Clearly Charlie's words went right over your head. Angel ended up giving you a decent tour of the hotel. He mostly just told you where you should avoid and where the best places to sneak people in are. Not that you were planning to do either, but still. The tour ended at the bar, where you met the bartender, Husk. Angel sat on a bar stool, gesturing you to join them as Husk poured the spider a drink. "For you?"
As you sit down, he asks you a question. It takes you a second to register it before you shake your head. "Just a water, thanks."
"Come on, this is Hell. Loosen up a bit." Angel lightly nudges your shoulder, taking a sip of his drink. Husk rolls his eyes, setting the glass of water in front of you. You pick it up in your hand before replying to him. "No thanks. I'm here to finally sober up, stop being a drug addict. I don't need to add alcoholism to that."
Angel raises his eyebrows in surprise, not expecting that answer. "Well, I've been there, toots. I know how fucking torturous it can be to get clean in a world like this."
The three of you talk for three very long hours. Well, it was mostly Angel and you, while Husk refilled your drinks. Until Angel drops something unexpected. "Hey, toots. Me and whiskers were goin' to watch a movie tonight. Wanna join us?"
You blink in shock a few times, strangers you just met a few hours ago were inviting you to join their movie night? No way would you turn that down. So you agree with the invitation. This finally felt like a turning point in your life. A brand new novel waiting to be written, where you could just start fresh. Maybe a few new friends could guide you through that experience. Join you on your journey. And who knows, you might just have met your soulmates.
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Star's notes -> This was my first time ever doing a request from AO3, so I hope I did well.
(Thank you, ActTasLam on AO3, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @alexandria-fandom @corruptcoder @perfectlycraftychaos @stressedbleach @ghostdoodlen
@roboticsuccubus83 @marenelili @mollzaj @t0uchst4rv3d @saints-wrapped-in-plastic
@sweetadonisbutbetter @little-miss-chaoss @sunr1s3-strab3rr1 @naathanuwu
@solicitedfreakiness @f4gg0t-4-0b3y-m3 @alastorthirsty @sketchpawz
@astrolovedy @idontreallyexistyet @blood-heart22 @cirrus-sampling-sanity @onyxxtheghost
@budozone @sugarplumz100 @myamythos @hazbinhappy @samohxt2-0
@parasite-b @myheartticks @facelessfionna @thatqueertheaterkid @shae-mermaid | Join the taglist
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electraslight · 5 months
ben 10 2006 kevin arc: addicts arent good or bad. they can be kind and good and pure and everything a person 'should' be and circumstances can still align and draw them to addiction. kevin is a sweet kid who wants to make friends and is continually shown to be kind when sober, but even in his very first moments it's seen that his trip can drive him to hurt others and himself. he doesnt have any other choice though, because he couldn't survive without his addiction and the power that it gives him. this is understood, and yet ben's arc is about understanding that no matter how much you may care about an addict or a mentally ill loved one, no matter how many chances you try to give them, there comes a point where it is lethal for you to keep trying to help someone who cannot be helped. Ben gives kevin mercy, tools to help himself, and while their might be animosity about it, he really only wants kevin to be ok but even if you believe in someone with all of your soul, you cannot stay with them if they can't value you in the way you value them. Addiction is not a fault, but it is also not an illness that breeds nice people, and continuing to try and help someone who will hurt you for trying is less helping and more self-flaggelation.
ben 10 ultimate alien kevin arc: hey look at this horrible irredeemable criminal junkie lol. everyone can treat him like shit and ignore his feelings because he was on drugs once, and hes even been to jail!! isnt that horrible? doesnt he deserve to be the narrative punching bag? hes an ADDICT he can take it!! look at him getting off the wagon lol, isnt he awful for that? let's have his girlfriend and best friend call him ugly and have him get molested and enslaved!!! also when dealing with a partner going through a violent relapse its totally cool and romantic to 'believe' in him even when he is actively seeking you out to kill you. you should not distance yourself and get yourself to safety because thats LOVE and you can FIX him and ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT. we are a progressive show that has progressive politics
(these are my own interpretations btw i cant argue for intent only what i took away from it. but uaf's botched 'progressiveism' grates on me heavily when even ogs's villians are treated with more sympathy about factors out of their control than one og the teen main characters. ill make a seperate post about botched themes and whitewashing of actual issues later but focusing on this rn bc this is what made kevin resonate with me in the first place and i hate how they botched it)
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kabie-whump · 6 months
How about another request, if you're up for it? 👀
Whumpee being kidnapped and used as bait for Caretaker. The kicker? Whumpee thinks it's not gonna work, since they and Caretaker got into a big argument before Whumpee was taken, to which Whumper reassures/taunts that Caretaker will come for Whumpee no matter what.
Then, to Whumpee's surprise and horror, Caretaker did come... and fell right into Whumper's trap trying to free Whumpee. 😈
-- @whumperofworlds
Of course pookie! :3 I'm just gonna continue what I wrote for u last time if u don't mind <3 (Just ignore the part where I said Ventis shows up on his own after a week lol)
Definitely ended up way longer than I intended teehee
Content: kidnapping, stress position + bondage, used as bait, child neglect mention, drug addiction + forced relapse, choking, blood, force feeding (not w food though cause ew)
Ventis takes stock of his condition. A cloth blindfold stretches across his eyes. His shoulders ache; unsurprising considering his hands are tied with a chain that stretches above him, forcing him to stand on his tip-toes to avoid putting too much pressure on his joints. Being unconscious in this position has probably fucked them up already. He much prefers when kidnappers tie him to chairs or leave him lying on the floor.
The next thing Ventis checks for is his magic. Sometimes he gets lucky and his kidnappers will forget to do anything to suppress it. Others will rely on the old-fashioned gag + blindfold + thoroughly bound hands method. And then there was his least favorite: anti-magic enchantments.
He's blindfolded but not gagged. That leaves two options. There's only one way to find out which situation he has found himself in.
Ventis steels himself, then tries to summon a simple lightning spell. As soon as the first draconic word leaves his mouth, pain shoots from the cuffs through his whole body. He cries out and his knees buckle, putting agonizing pressure on his shoulders until he recovers and goes back to balancing on his toes.
Definitely enchanted. Shit.
"Oh, you're awake." It's a woman's voice, coming from somewhere off to his left.
Ventis gasps for air as he takes note of the way her voice echoes. It sounds like they're inside, and it's far cooler than any building should be in the heat wave the city's been experiencing. He's either been taken somewhere very far away, or he's in a basement. Hopefully the latter.
"If it is ransom you seek, you took the wrong Riinturuth. Father will not pay for me."
Ventis has said those words so many times now that he wonders if there's some list of kidnappable nobles somewhere that he needs to get his name removed from. Just because he's the first son does not mean he's the favorite.
"Oh, I know. Don't worry. That's not what this is about."
That's... odd. "What do you mean?"
"Simple. You're going to help me capture the Ventura boy."
Onthyes. Fuck.
That's the thing about having an important father and being close with someone who also has an important father. Double the kidnapping risk. This scenario has only happened once before, and Onthyes appeared in no time and easily overpowered Ventis's captors.
It was kind of hot, if Ventis is being honest.
But that's not going to happen this time. Not after the argument they'd just had. Especially since Ventis had stated very clearly that he didn't want Onthyes protecting him from everything all the time. Oops.
"I will do no such thing."
"But you're already doing it." The woman's voice is just in front of him now. Ventis flinches away from her. "He knows where you are, and when he comes for you he'll be all mine."
"He will not come for me," Ventis assures her. "This is a waste of your time and mine."
Ventis yelps as an open hand strikes his cheek.
"Don't lie," the woman hisses. "I've been watching him. He's protective of you to a fault. He'll come."
"I did not- '' Ventis's words are cut off by a strong hand gripping his throat, making him squeak and choke, barely able to keep his weight on his toes. Claws prick at the delicate skin.
"He'll come," she says again. "And when he does I'm going to make you watch as I tear open his throat."
"No," Ventis chokes out. "Please. Don't hurt him."
The clawed hand releases its hold and Ventis gasps and coughs. His legs shake from the effort to stay up on his toes.
"Here, open your mouth. This'll make you shut up."
Something is pressed to Ventis's lips and he recognizes it immediately by the smooth texture and faintly sweet smell alone. Nightspill. The very same drug he had just fought to free himself from.
He seals his lips tightly, trying to turn his head away despite the urge to open up and accept his return to the blissful numbness the pill offered. He had worked so hard to get sober. Onthyes and Shayah had worked so hard to help him. He can't go back now.
The woman growls, "Stop being difficult," and digs her claws into Ventis's side. He can't help but scream, and she pushes the pill into his mouth and then covers it with her other hand so he can't spit it out. "Swallow," she demands.
Ventis sobs and shakes his head, trying to twist away from her but only succeeding at making his shoulders burn unbearably from the pull of the chains. She digs her claws deeper and pulls, slicing slowly through his skin.
The blindfold soaks up Ventis's tears as he continues to scream and sob and struggle while still doing everything in his power to resist the urge to swallow. The taste is familiar on his tongue. It's so tempting - it would definitely help to dull the pain he's in.
That one stray thought is all it takes. Ventis swallows before he even realizes what he's doing.
The claws retreat from is side and he can feel hot blood streaming down from the wound. The woman pries his teeth apart, searching his mouth with metallic tasting fingers to make sure the pill is really gone. Ventis tries to bite, but he's too slow and winds up snapping his jaw on nothing.
"There." Ventis's captor sounds entirely unbothered as she steps away. "Maybe that will help you calm down."
Ventis feels panic waking up somewhere deep in his stomach and struggling to fight its way to the surface, but it dies out before his heart rate can even begin to pick up. He's left feeling fuzzy and peaceful and devastated all at the same time.
"Now all we have to do is wait."
They wait for a long time. Ventis's legs shake uncontrollably. His hands go cold and tingly and then numb. The nightspill wants nothing more than to lull him to sleep but every time he starts to doze off he loses concentration on standing on his toes and a blinding pain in his shoulders rips him back to consciousness.
Onthyes isn't coming. Ventis wonders how long it'll take for his captor to realize that and just kill him.
Then- "Let him go!"
Ventis jolts. "Onthyes?" He croaks. That absolute idiot. Does he not know a setup when he sees one? "What are you doing? Get out of here!"
Armor clunks loudly as Onthyes runs up to him. A gloved hand touches his cheek, then pulls off the blindfold.
Ventis blinks spots out of his vision, everything slowly coming into focus as Onthyes fusses over him. "Run," he insists weakly. "Please."
Onthyes ignores him, his brow furrowed as he examines the chains. "I need to find the key. Hang in there."
An involuntary laugh bubbles out of Ventis. "Hah, hang? That is all I can do, my friend."
Onthyes just sighs and shakes his head as he turns away.
That's when Ventis's captor strikes. She emerges from a shadowy corner and pounces on Onthyes, all sharp claws and jagged teeth that barely fit behind her red lips.
Onthyes yelps and staggers backwards as she clings to his back, her claws searching for any holes in his armor. After finding nothing she turns her attention to pulling his hair so hard his head hits a nearby stone wall and he falls to one knee.
Pounding footfalls, followed by a battlecry and the appearance of a hulking half-orc woman - Shayah. "I told you to fucking wait for me," she yells as she rips Onthyes's attacker from his back and throws her across the room. She hits the opposite wall hard and goes still.
Onthyes rushes over to Ventis as Shayah retrieves the key to the cuffs. She barely has to reach to unlock them.
Even nightspill can't dull the pain that follows as Ventis finally lowers his arms and lands on flat feet for the first time in hours.
Sensation rushes back into his limbs and he screams. Onthyes is there to catch him when his knees buckle, holding him and whispering something along the lines of, "It's okay. You're okay. I've got you. I'm so sorry. Just breathe. You're okay."
When the pain finally recedes some Ventis is left gasping and trembling. He lets Onthyes lower him to the floor, too exhausted to support his own weight anymore. Shayah begins to check him over, using some scraps of fabric to stem the bleeding from the claw marks in his side.
She makes eye contact with Ventis, then pauses, a look of concern crossing her face. "Are you on something?" she asks softly, cupping his cheek.
Ventis gives a tired nod. "Nightspill. I'm sorry," he sobs. "I-I didn't want to. She made me."
"Shit," Shayah and Onthyes mutter at the same time.
"I'm sorry," Ventis repeats. "I tried. I really tried."
Onthyes brushes Ventis's hair from his sweaty forehead. "It's alright. We're not upset with you. We'll take care of you."
Onthyes's kind words don't help, not when the echoes of their argument from last night still haunt Ventis. "I-I thought you wouldn't come. After last night-"
"Last night's not important. I'll always come for you. Always. I..." Onthyes looks away, shaking his head. "I should've walked with you. I'm so sorry."
"Alright, boys." Shayah claps her hands, getting both of their attention. "You can wallow in guilt and pretend not to be in love with each other later. Let's get out of here."
"Right." Onthyes takes Ventis into his arms carefully and lifts him up, and Ventis finally nods off with his head lolling against Onthyes's shoulder.
Next Part
Ventisposting taglist: @scp-1296 @sapphicccici @acer-gaysimpstuff @morning-star-whump @yeetmyskeet @rainydaywhump
@unicornbeck @whumperofworlds
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skippyv20 · 3 months
Shame! How sad for anyone to live carrying shame! Shame, we should feel at times, but….then we have to let it go! Shame makes us aware of something we have done, that we truly regret. Shame isn’t seen by others, it is only felt “inside” by you. Some people are very fortunate to never have done anything, anything in their lives to feel shame. Is that true? I doubt it!
I have been watching You Tube videos from Texas Pictures Documentaries. Families speak on the loss of a loved one to drugs laced with fentanyl. They talk about life with their loved one who was addicted to drugs of many varieties. The stories they share are the same. Their pain watching and feeling helpless, and the judgment their loved one receives after their death.
DRUG ADDICT! “They decided to do drugs”, “They should have known there was danger of drugs being laced with fentanyl”, “Your son/daughter was a drug addict”, “The law won’t help, because my son/daughter is a statistic, just another of many”.
What The Loved Ones Say
“She/he was in so much pain”, “She/he didn’t want to die”, “She/he had been to rehab 6, 10 times”, “ She/he stole from anyone they knew”, “She/he sold themselves” “She/he did so many things, they are so ashamed, they can’t get past it”
You can replace “drug addict” with “homeless”….There is so much stigma attached to both those words. They are words that should make one quiver. This could be your loved one, your friend. I am trying to understand how, how it is that people addicted to drugs, or people that are homeless are considered “less than”. Why is their life so much less important than yours, or mine? Why is it that society makes them feel worse about themselves? These people are in pain, and they are trying to exist with the immense “shame” they feel. Their lives are not what they had planned. They had dreams too.
Yes, people make choices! Some make good choice throughout their lives. Some make bad decisions, one after the other. The ones that make good decisions are not better than the ones that make bad choices. They are just different, and blessed that they have the tools necessary to get through life. Almost all the cases of people that do drugs and/or homeless have lived with trauma. We all deal with trauma differently. Some people are running to escape, anyway they can.
The most important thing you can ever do for another (besides praying for them), is to remind them….they have to forgive themselves, they have to let go of the shame. Every single day is a new day to start over. Everyone has that opportunity. We are all the same. When we fall, we need help to get up again. The people addicted to drugs, or homeless people think they deserve the life they are living. How sad is that? How heartbreaking is that? There are success stories out there. There are people who have overcome being addicted to drugs, or people who are no longer homeless. They can do it. Words matter. God doesn’t pick and choose who is worthy. God knows we are all worthy. Our job is to make these people believe that. God forgives those who seek forgiveness.
I am serious! I hate that people feel they don’t matter. I hate that people think they are seen as the lowest of society. I hate that people think they deserve everything bad that happens in their lives. I hate that people make fun of people who are down and out. I hate that people make people feel worse about themselves. I hate the words “drug addict”and “homeless”.
Drug addict….should simply be…someone addicted to drugs
Homeless…..should be someone “unhomed”
I will throw this one in as well…
Committed suicide…should be “died by suicide “
Words matter……
I know periodically I send out these rants, skip on by if you are not interested…..I rant and ponder…..maybe you will as well. I don’t know. What I do know is…sometimes we just have to stop and think about others…..God is for all of us. A smile, a kind word, a kind gesture…can make someone feel “special”. It can be the beginning of change for them, maybe that one moment…they will find courage and hope.🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
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depravitycentral · 1 year
Yandere! Gyutaro General Profile
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Yandere! Gyutaro x fem! reader
Tw: kidnapping, violence, mentions of non-con, mentions of masturbation, nonconsensual touching, semi graphic descriptions of violence, murder, mentions of catcalling and objectification (not by our lovely disturbed Gyutaro), poor nutrition, descriptions of Gyutaro consuming human flesh, lack of vitamin D in the underground lair, Gyutaro is cripplingly insecure and it shows, threats of violence against you, yelling, deragatory language, Stockholm Syndrome, mentions of reader being non-traditionally pretty, fem reader, MDNI
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy! 
WC: 11K
The feelings he holds for his darling are, of course, not platonic, but there’s a part of him that craves to be cared for.
Daki cares for him, true, but he needs more – a sort of love that will leave his cold, empty heart racing, a love that will make his pessimistic views of himself and the world just a bit softer, someone to hold and warm his bed and tell him that he’s enough.
It’s sad, really; he’s so painfully insecure, so full of self-hatred and loathing that the moment his darling shows even an ounce of kindness or care for him, he’s done for.
He’s latching onto them, desperate for any ounce of love or attention they can give him, greedily taking and taking and taking, needing to feel cared for and wanted in a way he’s only ever dreamed of.
His darling is addicting, the feelings they give him becoming something he needs in order to simply just function, and a darling who can help foster these feelings and continually care for him would be very, very attractive to him.
He needs a darling who pities him, really, though he doesn’t want this to be obvious – they need to feel for him, to want to help him and stop all these horrible self deprecating comments, to help give him even just the slightest bit of confidence.
And just these efforts alone will have him gulping, his claws sinking into their sides in an effort to keep them by his side, safe and secure and trapped, so that they can never leave him.
He’s emotionally stunted.
 Having been turned to a demon from a difficult, horrible human life, he’s never had any experience with romance or how to properly woo someone. He’s rough around the edges and short tempered, easy to set off in a fit of anger with very little reason.
 He’s genuinely quite difficult to be around, and the constant negativity he spews about his life, humanity, and himself can be hard to tolerate.
As a result, he has to have a darling who is patient; they need to be able to handle all of the foul words and complaining he sends at them, just nodding along and comforting him, letting him clutch onto them and curl around their body, nearly suffocating them as he pours his heart out, relishing in the feeling of someone being there for him.
They need to be able to sooth him when his emotions get out of hand, running their fingers through his spindly hair and slowly rubbing his back, whispering his name and telling them that it’s okay, I’m here now, let’s try to get some sleep.
He needs a steady figure in his life, someone he can fall back on, someone to depend on and keep by his side as his rock.
He's too reclusive and standoffish to have had anyone prior to his darling, and the moment that his obsession forms, he’s latching onto them and never, ever letting go, akin to a parasite.
They become his sounding board, and while he does come as close to love as his twisted heart can get, at the end of the day they’re a possession of his, and they must be able to handle him.
Things will ugly very quickly if they can’t; a fate both he and his darling want to avoid.
Gyutaro likes the idea of a darling who will revere him. He doesn’t want someone who is feisty or stubborn; he likes the idea of a darling who is submissive and nurturing, kind and patient and utterly willing to do everything he wants.
He has such trouble being vulnerable, and a darling who challenges him in any way will immediately force him to backtrack any sort of progress he makes in this field, his shell closing in on himself and cutting him off from any further emotional contact with his darling.
He’s sensitive, and he needs someone who will simply nod and allow him to hold them, even if his hands are deathly cold and he’s so awkward about physical affection that it hurts.
He needs someone who will smile when he asks them to, the apples of their cheeks plumping up and their pretty teeth on display, the smile – even forced – making his heart ache in a way he simultaneously adores and makes him nauseas.
He needs someone who will let him rant and rave into their ear, his grip on them slowly tightening as he details all of the horrible injustices in the world, complaining about humans and how vile they are.
(He’ll always begrudgingly bury his face against his darling’s back or stomach when he does this, his voice small and weak as he says but not you, you’re different, you’re the only good one of those miserable, filthy beings…)
He just needs someone who will support him, even if that obedience comes from a place of fear and self preservation.
It doesn’t matter, because all that matters to Gyutaro is that they’re with him, warm and alive and pliant in his arms, listening to him and touching him and running their fingers through his hair.
He just needs someone to love, and is that really so much for a creature like him to ask for?
Not traditionally pretty 
While this isn’t a requirement, Gyutaro finds that a darling who isn’t the classical beauty everyone idolized when he was a human is preferable.
He certainly doesn’t find his darling ugly - absolutely not, but the idea of having a darling who has an insecurity regarding their looks is very, very attractive to him.
He doesn’t want his darling to be perfect in others’ eyes – no, they can only be perfect in his eyes, because he’s the only one who seems them for who they truly are.
He’s the only one who understands that they’re more than just their beauty, that they’re sweet and smart and gorgeous and intriguing and so, so very warm.
It makes him feel like he and his darling are connected if they don’t fall under the mainstream category of beauty, like they share something secret and primal, like they understand the suffering and horrors he’s experienced.
It convinces him further that he and his darling are bonded, that it’s some sort of twisted fate that they end up together – the monster and his love, the freak and the only one who could ever love him. It’s oddly poetic in his eyes, and so while this isn’t an absolute necessity, it definitely encourages his attraction towards his darling.
They just grow more beautiful to him day by day, their imperfections becoming the things he loves most about them, and while it sounds almost sweet and innocent, it really, really isn’t.
He’s hyper fixating, and while he doesn’t mean to be rude or prey on his darling’s insecurities, he’ll often comment on these perceived imperfections, telling them that they’re different, unique, weird, but in what he hopes is a comforting, awe-filled tone.
(It’s not, and it will take his darling quite some time to figure out that he’s being honest – he really, truly loves these features. It’s not a lie, even if he sounds like he’s belittling you – truly.)
Gyutaro is, tragically, not the most confidant creature on Earth. He’s internalized every bit of negative treatment he’s experienced, fully believing himself to be repulsive, disgusting, a freak.
And this doesn’t exactly instill confidence in his ability to interact with you – he’s convinced he’ll somehow royally fuck up if he approaches you, whether that be by scaring you, accidentally hurting you, or making you hate him.
He’s sure you’ll find him ugly and strange, that you’ll stare at him in horror and try to run away from him, only to leave him with a broken heart and anger simmering through his veins because how dare you reject him?
 He’s convinced things will go awry if he tries to interact with you in any normal, healthy manner and so he falls back on a less consensual, less perilous position – that is, there are many, many benefits to stalking you.
He can observe you much better this way, watching you at your most vulnerable, when you think you’re alone, when you’re comfortable and at ease and utterly unaware of the violent monster sitting on your windowsill as you sleep, or the shadow in the corner of your bedroom as you dress to get ready for the day.
(You’ll sometimes hear this ragged sort of gasp, so quiet you’ll think you’ve made it up, but it’s real, his cheeks on fire and his hands shaking because god, even just the sight of your bare shoulder is enough to bring him to his knees.)
He’s watching through Daki as he resides inside of her, taking in the way your lips move when you speak, your tongue darting out to lick at the dry skin, your employer feeling the way her brother’s emotions spike upwards the longer you talk.
He watches the way your fingers skillfully move as you fold and sort the laundry piles of Daki’s clothing, your eyes glimmering in the light of the ornate House room, your lashes looking perfectly curled, the urge to count each individual hair making him urge Daki to slowly creep closer, dangerously close to bridging the too-big gap between your bodies.
He takes in the sound of your voice; sweet, like honey, something that makes him close his eyes and bite his lip, his brows drawing inward, the idea of you saying his name making him have to grasp onto the nearest object to keep his composure.
He’s hanging on to every word you say – your replies to Daki’s commands, your words of appreciation when she treats you like a slave, how relentlessly kind to her you are. It’s odd, and frankly he doesn’t understand it – why would you be so sweet to someone treating you so poorly?
It almost makes him mad, as he lays dormant, wishing he could escape his sister’s body and carry you to another room, to wipe the somewhat sad look in your eyes away, to maybe even hold you like he’s seen humans do, pressing you against his bony chest and feeling your warmth and seeing your pretty eyes look up at him and maybe even kissing you –
He’ll always stop himself with a miserable wail when these thoughts get too out of control, confusion coursing through him because what is he thinking? You’re a lowly human, weak and disgusting and obsessed with trivial, horrible things like beauty and greed – you aren’t worth his time or energy, even if your skin looks smooth to the touch, even if your body looks warm and soft underneath the layers of your clothing, even if he swears that you sometimes even seem to see him through Daki, as if you can sense his presence.
The denial slowly begins ebbing out of his system, however, as time goes on – and instead, he replaces it with an increased sense of desperation for you.
He starts spending more time outside of Daki’s body than inside, wishing to be independent so that he doesn’t have to merely observe and hope that Daki will be in the same room as you.
Now, he can freely follow you; tracing your every move to different rooms in the house, around the district. He can see who you interact with, learn what makes you smile and laugh, what makes you cry, and see how you grow uncomfortable when strange men leer at you and ask to see what you’re hiding beneath your kimono.
(Rarely does Gyutaro kill non-slayer humans with purpose aside from eating or petty revenge for reacting badly to his appearance, but that night those men died in the most excruciating way he could think of, their voices ringing in his head. C’mon pretty girl, a good bitch like you is only good for one thing. Aw look, she’s scared. That just makes me even more excited, little girl. The rest of the night he spent on your windowsill, yellow eyes fixed on your peacefully sleeping form, trying to engrave the sound of the men’s screams into his mind.)
He likes being your shadow; of course, he fantasizes about the day he’ll get to interact with you himself, but for now this is enough. He's terrified you’d reject him if he were to try to speak with you like a human, and if he tried to confess his feelings for you and you were to reject him?
Well, Gyutaro isn’t afraid of many things, but he’d rather insult Muzan than see the disgust and hate in your eyes directed at him.
So, he satiates himself with simply watching you, always keeping a healthy distance between you, one that makes him equal parts relieved and frustrated.
It’s easy to pretend like he's in your life this way; he’ll imagine you saying his name, imagine holding you while you sleep, brushing away stray strands of hair from your face while you smile at him. He runs his fingers over your pillow when you’re not in your room, brings your toothbrush to his lips as he slowly, deliberately licks across the tied bristles, eyes rolling back because is this what you taste like?
It’s easier to pretend like you actually know of his presence this way, like you’re happy that he’s watching out for you, like you want him to stare at you, like you want him to just be there, to be by your side.
He won’t be content forever to simply follow you, but before he steals you away to Daki’s lair, it’s enough. Just barely, but it takes Gyutaro so long to gather the courage to actually interact with you that this is the only way to save himself from potential embarrassment and rejection.
After all, he feels like he’s getting to know the real you this way – too bad you know nothing of the looming, violent presence sticking onto you like fucking glue. 
Gyutaro has a difficult time expressing his feelings. With his limited romantic experience, he’s very much not adept at human emotional communication. He struggles to properly display how he feels for you, especially towards the beginnings of his obsession.
At first, he’s incredibly resistant to the idea of growing attached to you. You’re just a human, and a weak one at that – you’ve been blessed with a pretty face (gorgeous even, he might say, though the barrage of scratching at his eyes that follows that statement deters it), you’re kind, you’re everything he claims to hate.
And yet, he can’t stop thinking about you – it’s infuriating, and at first he finds himself idly wondering if he should just kill you to get all these confusing, uncomfortable feelings to go away.
He doesn’t like how he’s not in control when he thinks of you, his heart racing and his palms growing sweaty, this weird, foreign sense of urgency fluttering in his stomach because he just needs to see you, to let his eyes settle onto your figure, to hear your voice or watch as you bite your lip in concentration or peacefully sleep.
He wants to kill you, but the more he thinks about it, the less sure of that he becomes – there’s this sour taste in his mouth when he imagines your dead body, and it makes him scratch at his neck to imagine you not being alive and therefore not watchable.
So, begrudgingly, he decides he shouldn’t harm you – not out of cause for your safety, but rather out of selfishness. This is, of course, just what he tells himself – in reality, it’s very much because he can’t stomach the thought of you getting hurt.
He doesn’t want a single scratch to mar your pretty skin or a single hair on your head to be touched – you’re perfect, and you’re his little bit of perfection, one that he’s never had before. He’s never had someone make his heart race like this, nor has he ever had someone be so unintentionally kind to him.
Originally, you’d caught his attention because you’d seen a shadow of him in Daki’s room in the house, and as her servant, you’d quickly closed the door and begged her forgiveness for interrupting, only to offhandedly compliment the colors of his hair as you attended to her.
Gyutaro, having been resting within her, had heard your compliment, and immediately was bristling, his heart fighting between extreme anger that you could be making fun of him, and a smaller, pathetically hopeful piece of him that was wondering if you’d meant it, if he’d really just received the first compliment of his life.
And from then on, he’s lost – his obsession festers quickly and strongly, his dependence on you growing with every minute of every day as he relives your compliment over and over, slowly finding everything you do endearing and interesting and – dare he say it – cute. And so, simply put, any time that Gyutaro is not sealed away inside of Daki, he’s diligently by your side, stuck to you like glue.
Once he develops feelings for you, he becomes much more independent than his previous self – rarely does he reside within Daki anymore, unless he needs to rest. He doesn’t like being trapped and separated from you, because while he still retains a level of consciousness of what’s going on around him when he’s sealed away, residing within her limits his ability to communicate with you.
And god, does he love to do that – once he’s stolen you away, he’s always, always talking to you, his gravelly voice ringing in your ears even when you try to sleep. He’s always asking your opinion on things, questions that seem pointless about your favorite foods, colors, activities, even personal questions about himself.
(What is your favorite thing about me? And don’t lie, I can sense when you lie; your lip trembles slightly, and I’ll sense your heart beating faster. It might be hard to answer, I’m so ugly…)
And of course, when he’s got you trapped in his thin, inhumanely strong arms while you both reside in Daki’s nest as the sun beats on the ground above, he’s reaching deeper, the questions becoming more personal.
Hey, what’s your biggest fear? What makes you the happiest? How does it feel to be so misfortunate as to have me as your lover?
He’s not always looking for answers – though most of the time he is – but rather he just likes the way you look at him while he asks. Your eyes are wide, your rapt attention given to him, and the way you hang onto his every word has him feeling important, understood, even if your answers aren’t what he wants to hear.
He’s never punished you for a wrong answer to these questions, though it’s easy to read his disappointment. Mostly, he absolutely hates it when your compliments fall flat, or if you aren’t as kind and loving as you normally are to him.
If you don’t give as heartfelt of a compliment to his appearance as you did yesterday – instead of praising his collarbone as being defined and curved like a bird’s song sounds, you’re telling him his eyes are pretty – he’ll pout, like some child, though the repercussions and feeling of terror you’ll experience are anything but childish.
He’s frowning, a scowl pulling at his features because he wants more. Tell him how his eyes make you feel – do you get nervous butterflies in your stomach from them? Do you lose yourself in the amber depths, getting lost in the way he gazes at you with such ardent adoration and lust?
Gyutaro is needy, really, and you’ll very quickly learn this. It takes a while for him to allow himself to touch you (he’s nervous at first, though he’d never ever admit it – he’s killed and injured too many, never having known how to be gentle and loving, and the thought of accidentally hurting you has him scratching at his face and chest, agony blooming in his heart), but once he crosses that mental barrier, he’s suddenly never taking his hands off of you.
The touches are small at first – a hand at your cheek while his thumb traces your cheekbone, the sharp nail unbearably close to your eye as you stay as still as you possibly can. He’ll run his fingers over your hair, the texture growing familiar as that strange, dazed look overtakes his features.
He’ll try to have you in his arms as often as he possibly can, whether that’s leaning over your body while you stand before him, or forcing you to sit in his lap as he runs a finger up and down your spine, marveling at how soft and warm and pliant you feel in his grasp.
(You’ll be able to tell he’s in awe, too, because there’s always something hard pressing against your lower back and the breaths he wheezes into your ear are strained and uneven and gaspy.)
He grows a penchant for simply watching you, his eyes fixed on your form as you bite your lip and shiver, the freezing temperatures of Daki’s lair making your skin burst into goosebumps.
He’ll occasionally bring back human items; you’ve woken up to a ratty woolen blanket covering your form before, a thin pillow under your head while Gyutaro’s face peers at you from a mere foot away, his own body lying down beside yours. You’re sure he was watching you sleep – as he often does – but you can’t deny the warmth the blanket offers you, and you’ll even whisper with a soft voice, thank you, Gyutaro.
(You hadn’t been aware previously to him that demons could blush, but the soft pink that envelopes his cheeks is difficult to ignore, as is the way he warbles and rolls over to face away from you, curling in on himself and violently scratching at his chest, the embarrassment and influx of something warm and sweet and good in his heart making it hard to look at you.)
Generally, Gyutaro’s main goal is to always be around you, whether that’s being in the same room, you in his arms, or simply just staring from aware.
He’s needy, absolutely desperate for you to acknowledge him and validate every insecurity still left over from his time as a human, and while he doesn’t believe you most of the time, it’s still euphoric to hear. So please, please tell him you love the way he holds you so delicately and carefully. (Don’t mention the way his protruding bones dig into your skin, causing your discomfort and making it hard to spend the hours laying with him that he wants.)
Tell him that you enjoy the way he says your name, that it sounds sweet and romantic and loving. (The odd lilt that sounds just a bit too much like a moan isn’t important, of course, nor is the way you sometimes see his eyes roll back just slightly, as if the mere thought of you is enough to get his knees weak and blood rushing south. It is, but again, it’s not important.)
Tell him that you wish he’d be with you forever, that you’ll never leave his side. (And when you’re forced to drink Muzan’s blood – and Gyutaro’s, too, because he wants to feel more connected to you - and you become a demon, don’t be surprised when he says with a gleeful smile that now we can truly be together, stuck with me for all eternity, clutching onto you with all the force and strength he’s been yearning to for months.)
He just loves you, or as much as a demon can, so just take it, yeah?
Once his feelings for you begin to form, the residual urge to protect Ume that resided within his human self comes into play.
Of course, he still protects and prioritizes Daki’s safety, but you’re equally as important to him, just in a different way. With Daki, it’s about survival – he cannot live without her, and she cannot live without him. They’re siblings, bonded by something deep and intangible, something that can never be broken.
But you?
Oh, it’s different with you – you’re something he wants to protect, his own sweet, naïve little human that he gets to keep as his own for all eternity. He wants to keep you pristine and healthy and detached from the vile, horrible human world, because he wants to feel like your protector, to feel like you need him, like you wouldn’t be alive today without him stopping all sorts of threats.
(He’s the only real threat facing you, of course, but it’s not like that – of course not, because he loves you, and why would he ever hurt you? He’s already decided not to eat you, so why do you still seem so uncomfortable around him, always flinching away from him or breathing hard when he comes near you?)
Despite his mantra of balancing the inequalities of misfortune he’s had to endure, he sees you as his sole light. You’re the only thing he’s been given by the heavens, and how could he squander the only good thing he’s ever had?
The prospect of you dying or becoming horribly injured makes his eye twitch and his fingers grasp onto his scythes so tightly that his knuckles turn white, his bloodlust palpable in the air. And so, Gyutaro takes your safety very, very seriously.
He himself only eats human flesh, but he knows (begrudgingly), that you won’t partake in this particular diet, so he scrounges up stolen food from the various shops in the district. He’s not quite sure what all you like, and he’d never gotten the opportunity to try most foods when he was a human, so he relies solely on smell to guide his food picking.
 Everything he brings back is either extremely healthy (earthy materials with a residue of dirt on them, likely pulled directly from the ground out of someone’s home garden), or extremely unhealthy (boxes of pickled candies with minimal nutritional value).
He doesn’t remember what humans need in order to survive, so while the constant supply of food is good, the food itself is not.
And yet, there’s something oddly endearing about the way he watches while biting his lip (his sharp teeth drawing blood along with the nails that scratch at his biceps), eyes trained on you as you chew and swallow, watching every movement like a hawk. He’s so focused, the nervous question of do you like it rolling off his tongue before he can help himself, shame eating away at him because he sounds so damn pathetic. He’ll watch you eat, making sure you don’t choke, with his fingers shaking slightly as he holds himself back from reaching out to touch you, to make sure you’re real.
He’s always asking you if you’re feeling good, hoping that you don’t fall ill, because he remembers nothing of human medicine and he can’t exactly take you to a doctor with his condition.
And while his protectiveness in terms of your needs as his captee are admirable for a man-eating monster, the level at which he obsesses over your safety in other ways is less than ideal.
He’s so, so scared of you harming yourself that he does nearly everything for you. He’ll call you weak as he helps you bathe, his hands running over your naked skin with strokes that are much slower than they need to be, but he doesn’t mean what he says.
(You’re not even sure he's aware of what he’s saying – the way his eyes bulge out of his head every time he sees your bare ass tells you as much, as does the way his breathing gradually picks up as he bathes you, uneven breaths turning into labored pants until it reaches a fever pitch and oh – was that a moan of your name?)
He’ll tell you that you’re pathetic for needing his help walking around the lair, though you very much never asked for his assistance; nonetheless, his arms wrap under your armpits regardless, helping ease some of your weight off of your knees, the lack of exercise you receive from staying underground all day long making your muscles tired and weakened.
He’s condescending, really, though it’s painfully obvious he doesn’t mean to be. There’s malice in his eyes when he tells you these things, though you’ve learned he always has malice in his eyes, so is it really aimed towards you?
If he really hated humans and the blessed as much as he claims, would his grip on your delicate skin be as gentle as it is? You don’t think so, and while it hurts to be called weak and incapable every day, his insistence on helping you with the most trivial of tasks tells you that he cares about you more than he’s willing to admit.
And – heaven forbid – if you were to ever be in danger from another man?
Well, Gyutaro’s never enjoyed a kill so much, even against pesky Hashira. Because when he eventually tears out the man’s eyeballs, his teeth bared as he growls and groans at the fresh corpse, obliterating the body in a more graphic and violent way than usual, Gyutaro can’t help but feel smug because he saved you, he made sure this vile excuse for a life never laid a hand upon you.
And if it’s another demon that’s threatening you? Gyutaro’s an Upper Rank for a reason, and while this battle is significantly more terrifying for you to watch, he's torturing the demon as slowly and painfully as he possibly can with two main goals in mind.
Firstly, he’s making a point to the other creature, showing him that only he can lay eyes upon you, and only he can have and hold you.
And the other reason? Well, he can’t deny the way his heart races when you praise him for his power, telling him he’s so strong, I – I feel safe with you, Gyutaro…
He feels needed when he protects you, and so your best course of action is really to just let him baby you. Daki and you both might hate it, but Gyutaro needs to take care of you – he needs to hear you praise him and thank him for his hard work, and with every compliment that slips from your lips he only grows more and more obsessed. 
Quite honestly, the likelihood of anyone else giving you the attention or time of day that Gyutaro is afraid of is extremely low.
The only people you’ll really ever see are himself and Daki; your lone companions for the rest of your life. Being kept hostage in Daki’s underground lair makes it very, very difficult for you to receive visitors, and unless you’re able to crawl at a steep upwards incline for miles through tunnels, you have very little hope of ever escaping. Consequently, the chances of you ever interacting with someone that could spark jealousy within Gyutaro while you’re under his thumb is very low.
But that’s the key part – while you’re under his thumb. He doesn’t act on his obsession very quickly, instead preferring to simply stalk you for months on end, watching and observing and letting his feelings fester, growing stronger and stronger until they eventually bubble over and he can’t not be with you at all hours of the day.
But that period of a few months between his feelings for you forming and when he eventually steals you away are wrought with jealousy and frustration on his end. He’s constantly, constantly paranoid that another man will come and sweep you off your feet, that you’ll fall head over heels for some lowly human man, that your heart will be stolen and possessed by some weak, pitiful human that doesn’t even deserve you.
(Not that he feels he deserves you either, but it’s different for Gyutaro – at least he can protect you, at least he can keep you safe. What can this man do? What could he possibly offer you, aside from perhaps a more pleasant face?)
He’s monumentally terrified of you ever finding someone else to love, the prospect of you leaving him behind, your feelings (whatever they may be) for him withering away into nothing while another man holds your attention and love being more painful to him than anything else he could ever imagine.
He doesn’t want to lose the feelings you give him, so he resigns himself to knowing he has to do something to stop all these men from potentially stealing you from him. He doesn’t like how weak this all makes him feel, the paranoia churning in his gut and forcing him to act in ways he'd never expected to, ways that disgust him, ways that embarrass him when Daki asks why the hell he seems to be going so far for some stupid human woman.
He’s never even totally sure himself, only guided by the knowledge that he has to keep you his, that he can never go back to his life before you wandered into it. All he knows is that when he hears your voice (so pretty and sweet, something he could listen to for hours if you’d let him) accompanied by a more masculine, male one, he’s seeing fucking red.
He’s never felt this angry before; Hashira have come and gone, made his sister cry and landed a few good hits on him, but he’s genuinely enraged in that moment, honestly livid at what’s happening right before him.
The idea that you could be talking to another man haunts him from that night forward, the jealousy brewing in his gut difficult to identify but horrible to harbor. Gyutaro gets jealous extremely easy during this time period between the formation of his feelings and eventually kidnapping you; he’s so terrified of another man grabbing your attention, and can he honestly be blamed?
He’s a monster, and his self esteem is so low that he’s sure every other living being on the planet is more attractive than him – so why would you ever choose him?
Gyutaro gets very, very angry when jealous.
He’s naturally quick to kill, but in the context of him being fearful of your attention wavering from him, he’s even more trigger happy. He’ll kill without a second thought, slashing at the heads of any man he thinks has even the merest idea of potentially pursuing you.
So when he’s coming back from a kill one night, with blood already staining his fingers and his stomach full, the last thing he expects to hear is your voice. He’d hated having to leave you alone; normally, he’s following you like a shadow, never more than a few feet behind you, following your every move and staying with you for hours on end.
You’ve never really noticed, as his skills of deception and hiding are high, and being this far away from you for a few hours has taken its toll on him. He’s exhausted, and every muscle in his body is taut and alert – ready to see you, to smell your now familiar scent and gaze at your beauty in whatever working kimono you were wearing this evening.
However, your voice brings him out of that reverie – you’re laughing. And so is the man you’re with. Immediately, Gyutaro’s face twists into an ugly scowl, his claws scratching at his cheeks and chest as he begins muttering under his breath, trying to pinpoint where the sound of your voices is coming from. He growls as he finally decides on the direction, before sprinting off, already arming himself with his sickles.
His shoulders are more hunched than usual when he lands on the balcony of the room you’re currently in, the man in question sitting across from you over a small table. Gyutaro’s eye twitches, his gaze raking over the man in question. He’s tall, he can tell; a brunette with soft hazel eyes, his physique decent underneath the black robes he wears. Immediately Gyutaro finds himself hating him even more – he looks rich, happy, handsome.
For a moment Gyutaro is frozen, simply watching the scene play out with wide, panicked eyes, his pulse racing dangerously, before the man’s reaching hand caressing yours over the table snaps him out of his daze. He growls lowly, charging into the room as quickly as he can and snatching the man into his arms, thrusting him outside and disappearing before you have a chance to register what just happened, everything happening in the blink of an eye.
As he runs through the crowded, loud backstreets of the Entertainment District out to somewhere more private where he can probably dispose of this scum, he hopes that he was fast enough that you didn’t catch a glimpse of him. He’d heard your confused calls of what he assumed to be the man’s name, but that only made him angrier, his steps faster and faster as he neared the woods.
Soon he’s surrounded by trees, their shade darkening his body, only allowing his eyes to illuminate. Gyutaro throws the man to the ground, the dirt of the forest surely staining his robes an ugly brown color. The man hacks as he touched the ground, the force knocking the air out of his lungs, but Gyutaro doesn’t wait.
No, instead he throws the man against a nearby tree with a scythe, the sound of cracking making a wide, gleeful smile cross his features. The man’s back is broken, surely, but it’s not enough.
You think you’re special, don’t you?
He warbles, eyes narrowing while the smile stays spread across his lips. The anger in his veins is so potent that it forces him to take staggering steps, his mind too hyper focused on killing this man to walk properly.
You think you can have any woman you want, don’t you?
The man gasps something, though his body isn’t moving from where the scythe has him pinned against the bark.
Gyutaro spits at him, a glob of saliva landing on the man’s cheek.
I may be the repulsive one, but you’re pretty pathetic too, huh? Letting someone as ugly as me kill and devour you…
Gyutaro cuts himself off with a giggle, his fingers once again coming up to scratch at his face and neck.
Then I’ll make you suffer… you’ll watch as I feast on your flesh.
And with that he charges forward, his fingers wrapping around the man’s forearm and pulling, hard, the resounding sound of tearing flesh making him grin. As he brings the severed arm up to his mouth, blood streaming down his arm, Gyutaro can only shake, the thought of eating the man that dared touch you and steal your attention making a strange sort of euphoria dance through his veins. Not a piece of the man is left by the time Gyutaro is done an hour later, his stomach sated as he scowls down at the bloodstains left by the stranger.
(He’d paid special attention to truly savor and enjoy the hand that had touched you – licking at the skin, a moan tumbling from his lips because this is the closest he’s ever gotten to touching you himself, and even if it was the disgusting man’s arm, the experience was still intimate, sweet, enough to force him to have to lean against the nearest tree so as not to fall to his knees when they buckle.)
He spits once more at the ground, cursing the human, before sprinting off to the room you’d been in, hoping with everything he has that you’d still be there.
Maybe he could watch you for a while; you always looked prettiest when you were unaware, and maybe you’d even fall asleep so he could come closer, so he could smell you, touch you ever so lightly, listen to the way your heartbeat beats again, and again, and again…
The rage subsides slowly as he places himself outside the window of your home in the House, his harsh breathing slowly returning to normal, until a light pink flush coats his cheek and he coos your name, wishing you’d turn around and smile at him, that you’d cup his face and tell him I love you Gyutaro, no one but you.
Because Gyutaro’s feelings for you take a while to accumulate (mostly through watching you while he’s dormant inside of Daki, or stalking you from the shadows as he grows more and more fascinated with you), he’ll slowly come to the conclusion that you can’t be left alone.
He discovers he fucking hates not having you next to him; you’re the one thing he looks forward to every day.
Seeing your smile ignites this odd sense of happiness inside his chest, a feeling he’s not sure he’s ever experienced before.
His fingers shake when he’s around you; nerves eating him alive, because as desperately as he wants you to give him attention, he’s also terrified you’ll find yourself repulsed by him, that he’ll do something that causes you to hate him or be afraid of him.
He needs your focus on him, but he’s just so, so scared that you’ll reject him – which, in combination with his jealousy, leads Gyutaro to an odd dilemma.
On the one hand, he always, always wants your presence near him – you’re like his drug, the one he’s hopelessly and happily addicted to, and to be without you would mean death to both the small grains of humanity still within him, and any sense of self he possesses.
And on the other hand, he’s terrified that you’ll find someone better than him, that you’ll replace him and leave him in the dust behind you, heartbroken and enraged that you’re gone.
And so, he does the only thing he can think to do – if he’s afraid of losing you and your gorgeous, bright smile aimed at him, then taking you before you can leave is the only solution.
He’s not particularly regretful about stealing you away from your life; you didn’t love the world you were in, he knows that. He knows that despite now being stuck with a grotesque monster, you’re in a better place now.
Because despite his flaws (both internally and externally), the one thing that Gyutaro can do better than any other man on Earth is protect you. He’s strong, capable, destructive, and thoroughly able to take care of you.
Thus, don’t you belong fully under his protection, where the world can get at you (and you can’t get at it)?
Gyutaro believes so, and stealing you away not only keeps other men away from you, but now you’re fully his. Daki’s lair is empty most of the time anyways, and maybe in the dimness you won’t see Gyutaro very clearly.
Maybe then the compliments that come from your lips will feel more real – and maybe then, Gyutaro can will himself to believe that you mean it when you say you don’t think he’s ugly, simply special. 
Of course, Gyutaro is a demon. He’s by no means an ideal captor – he’s only marginally aware of what humans need in order to survive, and despite his intense devotion to you, he’s not fully changing his personality just because of your presence.
He becomes much softer around you; less harsh around the edges, more like a nervous teenage boy because fuck does he want to impress you.
He doesn’t want you to be disappointed in him, so he tries his absolute best to keep you comfortable and happy, though he isn’t always successful. He doesn’t fully understand that insects and scraps of food from various shops in the district aren’t your preferred meal, but don’t mention it to him. He doesn’t realize that the one kimono he’d stolen you away in has grown to be caked in mud and dirt since you’ve been ‘living’ in this lair of his, but you won’t say anything out of fear that the alternative is wearing nothing.
Don’t ever say anything even somewhat negative to him about his actions; he’s extremely sensitive, and one small critique of him in any way has him caving in on himself, scratching at every inch of his skin as warbles away about how you don’t love him, you’re lying to him, how he knew there was no way you could love such a disgusting monster.
 He’ll close himself off, the anger and hurt making his head spin, and after a long few minutes of him wallowing in his self pity, he’s suddenly up, staring at you with wide yellow eyes and a tear or two, his hands shaking as he lunges at you.
However, while he’s somewhat stand-offish at the start of your captivity, he slowly warms up to you.
Mostly, he’s just terrified that you’ll confirm all of the insecurities he possesses; he’d die if you were to call him ugly, his heart cracking into a million little pieces while tears well in his eyes and his lips spread into an ugly sneer, bitterly telling you he knew it, I knew a spoiled whore like you could never love a monster like me.
Of course, you know well enough not to do that (you’ve seen Daki and him smeared with blood too many times to fear how they’d deal with your resistance), but the fear is very present in his heart.
He’s always nervous you’ll turn back on your compliments, that your sweet words and touches are born out of trying to trick him into being falsely secure, then tearing the rug out from under him, leaving him a shell of what’s left of himself.
However, as you don’t morph into the monster he secretly half-hopes you’ll become, Gyutaro slowly grows more trusting of you, more believing of your kind words.
He starts touching you softly – his fingers brushing over your skin, over the fabric of your kimonos. He’ll throw an occasional smile at you under the guise of being teasing, though despite the stinging, rude comment he likely uttered, the quirk of his lips looks strangely genuine.
Eventually, he’ll allow himself to hug you, your softer body against his making his knees feel weak, his heart leaping up to his throat.
And as his physicality grows more lenient with you, as do his words – instead of only teasing, crude remarks made towards you, he slowly begins complimenting you as well. He’s used to hiding behind his mean words as a defense mechanism, but when you’re looking up at him with your watery, scared eyes, how can he call you a pathetic excuse for a human?
You’re beautiful; every imperfection and blemish on your body is gorgeous to him, and how could he ever make you feel terrible about yourself?
And so, instead of telling you that you’re really pretty sad, you know? Laying on the ground scared like a worm, a poor excuse he’ll instead say you have some dirt on your cheek, you’re so messy.
It’s not that much better, but as time passes his words slowly grow less harsh and more appreciative, until he’s pulling you close one night and whispering into your ear that he thinks he loves you, that he needs you, don’t ever leave me alone, I can’t live without you.
Aside from the way he acts around you, your living conditions will be painfully unchanging. You’ve been relocated to Daki’s lair, deep underground. A few lamps were brought in by Gyutaro so that you could see, the warm light making you feel slightly better as the chill of underground seeps into your bones.
He’s collected a number of human items for you in an attempt to get you feeling more at home; a collection of blankets sits at the end of your futon, a makeshift pillow sitting on the other end. A few novels have been delivered to you, and while you’re not a particular fan of any of the genres present, you’ve read them cover to cover more times than you can count during your time with Gyutaro.
He brings you human foods (though they’re marginally considered food), and he’s placed an instrument he stole from the House down there as well, as entertainment for when he can’t be with you.
(When he’d brought the instrument, he’d set it down in front of you and scampered back, his shoulders hunched in slightly, nervously glancing at you as you appraised his gift, his heart racing wildly because do you like it? Are you happy he thought of you and stole this for you? Are you appreciative? Will you give him a kiss as a thank you?)
Daki is hardly ever around, and while her belt can be annoying when it speaks, a quick conversation with Gyutaro about not bothering you had Daki reluctantly relenting to keeping her belt mute, only furthering her irritation with you.
Gyutaro is always in the lair with you unless he’s directly needed by Daki, or to feed. As such, you’d better be prepared to constantly be stared at, watched, poked and prodded, your sleeping body waking up to a different position than the one you fell asleep in, nail marks still imprinted on your skin.
Gyutaro just really, really likes having you in close contact, and while he knows you likely aren’t extremely pleased by your forced relocation, isn’t this better?
Because now you’re safe – with him, where he can keep every man and demon away from you, keeping you selfishly all for him. 
As a captor, Gyutaro is a delicate balance of gentleness and abrasiveness.
Of course, he’s a demon. He’s naturally violent, crunching human flesh between his teeth often, and the strength in just his pinky is more than every muscle in your body combined.
And as a demon, his temper is rocky, at best. He’s extremely temperamental, and it takes little to nothing to set off his anger.
When it comes to you, he’s marginally more in control, but for the most part you need to exercise extreme caution once you’re in his captivity.
Gyutaro isn’t the best communicator, which often times lands you in the unfortunate position of having to guess what makes him mad; you’ve built a list as time goes on, mentally noting any time he seems to get agitated, when he starts scratching more at his neck or his voice gets tight and curt. The list is vivid in your mind, something you diligently avoid bringing up in conversation or doing, if only because you’re still terrified that one day it’ll be your blood staining his teeth or splattered across the metal of those scythes he carries.
And the list is long – he’s easy to set off, whether it’s from mentioning the name of another man, or even just slightly flinching when his hands begin travelling all over your body, his breath ragged and deep.
But you’ve found, through experience, that there are three things he tolerates the worst, one of which being any mention of your past life before meeting him and Daki.
It’s not that he’s not interested in knowing about your hobbies and the people you knew (and, frankly, all that stalking makes you having any habits he’s not aware of extremely unlikely), but rather that he gest so, so jealous when you talk about former friends or important people in your life.
It pisses him off to hear you talk so familiarly about anyone that isn’t him, and each jealous thought is immediately followed up by worries about what they do better than him, if they’re more attractive (he’s sure they are), and just how much better than him they must be.
He’ll also get upset if you mention anything about wanting to escape or leave the lair. He takes it as a sign that you’re not happy here, with him, that you don’t think he’s doing a good enough job of taking care of you.
And lastly, while he knows you’re stuck with a demon like him and are understandably terrified, he doesn’t tolerate your nervous twitches and flinches when he comes near you, or your hurtful words insulting him in any way.
He views it as you rejecting him and his presence, and that’s a sure fire way to find letting a deep scowl settle across his features, his fingers tugging at his hair while he runs off to find some human to kill and feast upon to release his anger.
It’s easy to set him off, yes, but while Gyutaro is by no means gentle, he won’t often actually physically harm you.
He might, potentially, begrudgingly, to prove a point, but the worst he’ll do is break an arm or a finger, something to scare you but not actually threaten your life. And even then, this will take a huge amount of anger on his part to actually follow through on. He’s still hesitant to hurt you in any way, too afraid he’ll accidentally lose control of his strength and kill you, and so frankly these situations are often just as painful for him as it is you.
He avoids these physical punishments, though, unless he absolutely has no other choice – but as a general rule, a twisted arm or swollen joint isn’t the repercussions that await you when you anger him.
No, instead Gyutaro does something much worse – his punishments aren’t planned, purely emotional outbursts that end up warping your view of him, damaging your perception of reality until you’re so unsure of how you real feel or what he really is that you’ll blindly cling to him, the Stockholm Syndrome festering and growing until you become just as dependent on him as he is you.
Generally, any negative comments towards him set him off, but any comments specifically referencing his appearance will bring out a very specific type of rage, and this particular brand of anger is very, very scary.
What makes it so dangerous is that Gyutaro is not only pissed, angry, livid, he’s also incredibly hurt. He hates allowing himself to believe your kind compliments and words, but every once in a while he’ll let them settle in, letting hope bloom in his chest that maybe you mean it.
(He’ll delude himself into believing that you really like his eyes, or that you think his facial birthmarks are endearing, that you aren’t just saying that so he won’t kill you. And it makes him feel good, a sense of belonging and bashfulness making him struggle to meet your gaze and instead tug at your kimono and ask you to say it again and again and again, committing the sound of such sweet words coming from your lips to his memory.)
And the main reason for his anger when you lash out and call him hideous is because he should have known.
It’s a slap in the face – how could he have allowed himself to be so foolish and naïve? How could he have allowed himself to get comfortable, to forget his cursed appearance, to forget that he’s a monster in every sense of the word?
He’s frustrated at himself for not seeing this coming; there’s no way you’d ever like someone like him, and it was stupid of him to even entertain the notion that you don’t see him as a grotesque, terrifying predator.
And so, as the words slip past your lips, he’s immediately freezing, his shoulders going slack and his jaw hanging open slightly. Don’t touch me, you monster!
The lair is eerily silent for a few moments, your words processing in his mind as he stares at you, the only sound filling your ears being your own heavy, nervous breaths.
But soon a small, nearly breathless giggle echoes in your ears, the sound making you suck in a sharp breath. The chuckle soon turns into quiet laughter, rising in pitch and volume until Gyutaro is cackling, his voice cracking and hiccupping as his eyes go wide, his hands scratching welts so deeply into his sides that it almost concerns you.
His whole body is shaking, shoulders violently jumping up and down at the force of his maniacal laughter, but eventually it subsides, his hair hanging forward to cover his face.
Do you think that I’m a monster? You think I’m a freak, huh?
His voice is more unsteady than normal, you note with a sense of fear. He tilts his head up slightly, peeking at you from underneath his bangs, his lips pulled into some mixture of a grimace and a grin, the sight making a shiver crawl down your spine. It’s only now that you notice his eyes are red rimmed, his cheeks wet, as if he’d been laughing so hard he was crying – or, perhaps, he really was crying.
Huh? Answer me, dammit!
He’s screaming now, the grimace getting tighter. He takes a step forward, and you shuffle backwards, scooting the backside of your kimono across the dirt as you shuffle back against the wall, trying to get as much space between the two of you as possible.
Answer me, you bitch!
You squeeze your eyes shut and whimper out a n-no, but that only makes him angrier, taking another step forward, the sound of his foot crunching against the dirt making you sob.
You’re a liar! A filthy, disgusting liar!
His words hurt, though you can’t explain why. They make you flinch, your hands balling into fists as you bring your knees up to your chest, trying to become as small as possible as he takes another few steps towards you.
You’re nothing without me! He’s screeching now, his voice unbareably high, raw emotion shining through as the words start tumbling from his lips. You’d be dead without me! Imagine that? Something as beautiful as you needing a monster like me to keep you from getting devoured by some demon or some human. You’re pathetic, are you ashamed of yourself?
You’re crying now, fat, ugly tears streaming down your cheeks, but he’s too blinded by his rage to notice.
Does it make you feel good to think you’re better than me? Does it make you feel important? You’re a liar! How dare you do this? How dare you lie to me and tell me that you love me, when you just think I’m ugly and horrible!
His voice is close now, too close, and as you peel open your watery eyes, you see his own yellow ones mere inches from your face. His teeth are bared, every muscle in his neck and chest flexing as he struggles to stop himself from reaching out and clawing at your face, destroying your face until he can no longer recognize you.
You’re speaking before you can help yourself, fear and panic and a cold, gripping sense of regret climbing into your throat.
I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I don’t think you’re a monster, I’m just – I’m just scared Gyutaro! I’m scared of how you make me feel! I’m sorry, please don’t hurt me, please…
You cut yourself off with a sob, fingers digging into your palms, and as you close your eyes and wait for something to happen, all you’ll be met with is the sound of a gulp, his breath still huffing against your skin. It’s silent for a few moments, before you brave a peek to look at him.
His eyes are wide, the yellow bright and still tinged with red as he stares at you. His chest is heaving, breaths falling heavily, and he’s biting his lip. Blood wells up against the wound, but he doesn’t seem to notice. No, he’s staring too intensely at you to notice anything.
Scared of how I make you feel? He questions, moving a few centimeters closer to you.
You nod shakily, swallowing down as much fear as you can manage as you whisper out that he makes you feel wanted, in a way I’ve never felt before, and I don’t know how to deal with that. I want to hate you, but I can’t.
He makes a sound then, like a wounded puppy, deep in his throat as his brows quirk up. Something in his stomach twists, a pleasant feeling settling at the base of his ribs.
You can’t hate me? You can’t despise me?
You nod, biting your lip, and Gyutaro stares at you for a few moments, before his arms are suddenly wrapping around your waist, his body closing the distance as he pins you against the wall, his face buried into your neck and his waist worming its way between your thighs.
You love me, you love me.
He’s chanting against your chin, a bit of his saliva getting onto your neck. His grip on you is tight, soffucating even, making it difficult to breath. He doesn’t seem to notice, though, and with a small, unsure swallow, you try your best to rub at any skin of his that’s available, soft petting motions that make another little whimper muffle against you.
You love me you love me you love me you love me –
It’s a mantra, like he’s trying to convince himself, but as he spends a good forty minutes repeating this to himself, keeping you trapped in his arms against the dirt wall, you’ll find yourself wondering if he’s really even lying – do you love him?
You hadn’t been lying when you said you aren’t able to hate him. He’s a monster and has killed countless people, kidnapped you, keeping you locked up and always touching you and forcing you to look at him, but do you love him?
Maybe you do, because as you find yourself relaxing into his arms, finding comfort in the feeling of his hot warm breath against your skin, you almost feel at ease. Maybe it’s survival instincts, maybe it’s something else – it doesn’t matter though, does it?
Because you’re stuck with him, and he’ll never, ever let you go.
Gyutaro is less dangerous to you and more dangerous to those around you.
He’s by all accounts shy in the beginning of his obsession with you – stalking you relentlessly from the shadows, watching and waiting and never leaving your side for even a moment, content to simply see you as you smile and sleep and live your life.
He won’t ever hurt you – at least, not often – and in fact protects you to a fanatical degree, but the same can’t be said for the other people in your life.
He’s very, very willing to eliminate anyone he deems as competition for your attention and love, enjoying devouring them and ending their miserable lives in the most painful, drawn-out way possible. He views himself as your protector, watching from the shadows and acting as your twisted guardian angel, until suddenly it’s not enough – he needs more.
He needs to have you looking at him, acknowledging him, your pretty voice saying his name and your soft hands on his calloused, rough skin.
He needs to have you fall asleep in his arms, your breathing even and steady and so very precarious, your unaware and vulnerable state making him lick his lips and slowly, carefully, timidly press a clumsy kiss against your lips, immediately pulling back with pink tinged cheeks because oh, he wasn’t expecting your lips to be so soft and warm.
If you can look past the kidnapping, murder and invasions of your privacy, Gyutaro is honestly not the worst – he’s temperamental and difficult to handle with all of his triggers, but if you can find yourself balancing and managing to placate him, life with him won’t be too terrible.
He'll care for you as best as he knows how, keep you company whenever he can, drown you in physical affection once he musters up the courage, and over time his harsh comments will eventually morph into honest, genuine compliments about things so specific that you’ll feel seen, understood, perhaps even loved.
 Because while Gyutaro may be rough around the edges and difficult to understand, he really does love you in some twisted, fucked up way – and if you’re to be stuck with him for the rest of your life, isn’t it better that you accept it?
Wouldn’t it just be easier for both of you to let him hold you, to whisper to him that you’re happy with him?
Just accept your fate – you’ll be much, much happier that way. 
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You should do more chive/ches:)
I should! People only love Dee though :( [I did a Lif drawing lmk if yall want to see it]
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Summary: Chive has a crush on Sebastian's sister
Just like his meeting with Sebastian, his with you was a complete accident
You already knew who he was, thanks to snooping on your older brother
Chive didn't even realize you were related to Sebastian and tried chatting you up like a normal person
You just looked at him funny while he was trying to win you over with his flirty personality
Color him surprised when Sebastian dragged you off, obviously annoyed that some 'amateur' beat him for first place [He was angered when seeing you talking to said amateur. He accidentally let it slip to his sister and she 'accidentally' let it slip to your father]
When your father found out he was livid. Though, not at you. He was angry at both your older siblings for letting some lowlife get close to you
"He started talking to me, not me to him"
"How could you let something like that?"
You saw how much it upset your father, so you started seeking out this 'Ches' guy
He was more than pleased to have your attention
Your brother was annoyed, because if father found out, Sebastian knew if dad found out Dad would be mad at him, not you
^Sebastian would reprimand you, so you'd get yelled at by someone
Though, this just makes you more rebellious
You start to meet him at night in hidden places
You both hang out for hours and talk
What began with rebellion turns into a genuine liking for Ches
You become really 'invested'
Until Ches and Sebastian eventually become friends
Even when they're friends, Sebastian still doesn't like him near you
"She's my baby sister! You can't date her!"
"Why not!?"
Glam looks at Ches wide eyed, "ARE YOU KIDDING? SHE'S MY SISTER!"
Ches adores Glam's Friendship, but given the choice... Well, he's in love with you not Glam
Your brother complains to you too. Saying you're to good for Ches and that Ches isn't going to treat you right [Not to mention his addictions]
This does end up bothering you, but you really like Chive
When you do end up giving him the ultimatum, he does end up quitting cold turkey, much to your brother's disappointment [While he was glad that Chive quit, he didn't like that it made your relationship with the male stronger]
"If it helps you feel better, I love your sister-"
"Yeah right. I'm sure you did. Like you loved all our fans?"
"You know it's not like that-"
"Then what is it like?"
Chive is really sweet to you
He adores listening to you talk and talk and talk
He could just listen to you for years, decades, his whole life
How has he lived his whole life without you? God, you're perfect and sometimes he feels like he doesn't deserve you
Though, when looking into your eyes his whole world, all the anxiety, depressions, fear, confusion, it all just disappears
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