#as long as it's not from Shinobu they should be fine
likesaly · 1 year
The blue sun trio r the sillies and my favorite disaster trouple /lh
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hoshiina · 3 months
pairing: hoshina soushirou x gn!reader (no prns)
request: hii ive been superr into kn8 recently and was wondering if i could req a lil hoshina fic/ imagine wherein theyre in an established relationship and like no one knows and reader can be like a capt or vice capt from a diff division who was visiting or like was also assigned to the same mission/ is the back up and if its ok to req that reader’s fighting style is like that of shinobu’s where its more on piercing motions rather than slicing. im a sucker for secret relationships where they just dont say it out loud but theyre not exactly hiding it either. thank uu
notes: you have a horrible ex (gender not mentioned), TYSM FOR THE REQ im so sorry it took so long to get to
wc: 1900
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You didn’t have a good prior experience with dating in secret. Or rather, you had an awful experience before so near the beginning of your relationship when you had to decide what to do, it was a rather tough decision to make. You and Hoshina had been close friends since far before this relationship and so he knew all about how your ex had been seeing other people while keeping your relationship “private”. It was a no-brainer for him truly— he had told you that he thought to make it public before you had even mentioned it, but you asked him to wait a little first. While it thrilled you that he wouldn’t even hesitate to make your relationship known, he was the vice-captain of the famous 3rd division at the end of the day, and you were also a vice-captain yourself. If you had disclosed this to even your fellow officers, it would make it out somehow and that would make it a relatively big deal.
That being said, it still frightened you to keep a relationship private even if you knew Hoshina would never do anything horrible, making it a rather difficult decision for you to make.
Yet as time passed, you felt sure that you were okay with it being private. Rather, you almost preferred it that way. You the way Hoshina’s face would light up when you walked into a room and it would have people questioning him, only for him to smile and play it off somehow. Yet, he'd hold eye contact with you from across the room and smile— just at you. He'd very obviously look for excuses to come visit your division when he could get anyone else in the 3rd division to grab some documents— anyone who wasn't the vice-captain with loads and loads of things to do, yet only you would see the look he gave you when he walked into your captain's office. He’d then find time to pop by your office just to say a quick “love you” before he’d hurry back to his division to tackle the mountain of work he’d given himself. It was silly; there was no need for him to do so for a couple more minutes with someone he lived with, but he loved to be with you and you loved to be with him. And he'd do anything to make you happy.
Before you knew it, you were fine. Hoshina had washed away all the remaining hurt you felt from your past relationship, and you felt so safe with him. You were fine now.
“Soushirou, I think we should date secretly,” you said to him one day, and immediately he stopped what he was doing to sit next to you.
“Why?” he asked, eyes wide and tone serious. “I think we should share. If you're concerned about the media, surely it won't get out that quickly.” His voice softened. “Moreover, I'd like to brag about my lovely partner.”
You shook your head. “I'm alright now, Soushirou,” you said, softly but surely. “You make me feel alright.”
The look on his face softened and he looked so full of love it made you fluster. See? You'd be damned to let alone else see such an expression on his face.
“I'm thrilled,” he said, and you laughed a little. “No, I really am. How about we just tell close friends for now? And we can always tell more people later on. I'm serious when I say I want to brag about you a little.”
“That sounds great,” you said, a soft smile on your face. “I have some people I've been dying to share this news with too.”
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It had been almost a year since the two of you started dating, and while you were both getting used to dating in secret by now, Hoshina was starting to get comfortable around you in public… almost a little too comfortable.
In the recent turn of events, the entire defense force had been far busier than ever, giving you both more work and less time to spend together. Although both of you loved the work you did, it was needless to say that you missed each other. A lot. This started to lead to quick kisses in an empty hallway or longing stares from across the meeting that lasted a little too long. You'd scold him later at night that people were going to start questioning it, but he truly couldn't care less anymore.
“But baby,” he said, his arms pulling you close. “I miss you.”
Your heart tightened as you leaned into his touch. You were in his room to wish him goodnight and scold him a little before you went to bed. You were calling it a day, but unfortunately, he wasn’t just yet. Your hands cupped his face as you rubbed your thumbs along his exhausted eyes. He didn’t need much sleep to keep him going, so he didn't really get eyebags, but you could tell he was tired.
“I miss you too,” you said and something in your heart broke a little. “If only we were in the same division at least.”
“Oh, if only,” he said.
“Soushirou, will you sleep soon?” you asked.
“I’m not sure…” he said, looking at the mountain of binders on his desk from all the research he was doing.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” you asked. “It’s probably quicker if we do it together.”
“No, go sleep,” he said. “It’s late enough as it is.”
“Then, together?” you asked, hopefully. It had been so long since he was last by your side while you fell asleep. “You look exhausted.”
He smiled softly and closed his laptop.
"Yeah," he said. "It's been a while since I fell asleep with you."
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However, yet another week had gone by and there was no end to the work, and you were both utterly frustrated you couldn’t see each other. More of your kisses had been shared in empty offices than at home lately, and dinner was really the only time you had together. So at some point, you stopped caring about keeping your relationship private— if they find out, they find out.
It truly felt like a miracle when it was announced your division would be backing up the 3rd division in another kaiju attack. You had been so sick of watching Hoshina come home horribly beat up all the time ever since the kaiju attacks were often centred around the 3rd division base. You’d finally be of some help and you'd get to work with him.
Like Hoshina, you specialized in neutralizing smaller kaiju, and like Hoshina, you wielded a sword. Your division was only backing up the 3rd division, so you got to watch Hoshina expertly cut down kaiju and neutralize them while you made sure smaller yoju weren’t getting away. You loved watching Hoshina do what he did— there was such beauty in the way he used his blades. To others, it may look like some flashy moves from someone brimming with talent, but any sword user would see the careful foundational work behind every swing he did. It was truly nothing other than stunning to watch.
Yet, as more kaiju came his way and his suit seemed closer and closer to overheating, you couldn’t possibly just watch.
“Permission to backup Vice-Captain Hoshina, please,” you asked your operation room through your earpiece.
“Permission granted, please go ahead,” they immediately replied.
“Thank you,” you said and that was all you needed, you were rushing to his side. Oh, how you missed fighting with him. It was back when you were still a regular officer when Hoshina would often make time to help you with ways to use your sword that would fit you more— it’s been an awful long since then.
Hoshina had managed to slice just enough to expose a glimpse of the core, but that was all you needed. If the core was visible, you’d just pierce it— and you did exactly that. While Hoshina would slice at incredible speeds, you would pierce with your sword at precise gaps or points with impact.
“Oh, your work’s fantastic as always,” he said and you rolled your eyes.
“Says who,” you said.
These kaiju were just perfect for the way you worked together. They had an insanely hard shell so Hoshina would crack it in any way possible, and you'd jam your sword precisely into the cracks until you exposed the core. While it was tough work, you were ecstatic. It had been so long since you had worked with Hoshina and it reminded you of all the nights he had spent working with you. You had come so far— and he had been with you to get you this far.
Before you knew it, it was over— the honju had been neutralized and the yoju were taken care of. Before you knew it, Hoshina would be the grand vice-captain of the 3rd division that you had little connection with again.
“Reminded me of all that practice we would do so many years ago,” he said and that made you smile. He had treasured those moments too.
“I would love to tell you from back then that I’d actually make it somewhere,” you said to him. “That you weren’t merely wasting your time.”
“Not once had I not wished to help you,” he said immediately, almost cutting you off. “You couldn't possibly know just how thrilled I was to see another sword user.”
Your heart swelled— he meant the world to you.
There were a few of his officers nearby so you made sure to keep your voice down.
“How long have you loved me?” you asked, simply curious, but as soon as it left your lips you realized how awkward that sounded. “Sorry—”
“For forever,” he said, without hesitation. “Truly since we’d train all those years ago.”
Your eyes widened. You didn't expect that for some reason.
“Gosh, I’m just stupid, aren’t I?” you said, flabbergasted. If you had just cleared your mind, you wouldn’t have gotten played around by that stupid ex of yours and you would’ve been with him for so much longer.
“No,” he said, breaking eye contact, looking horribly ashamed. “I was just lame as hell. If I wasn’t a coward I wouldn’t have let an asshole take you away.”
You laughed. “I think that one was on me,” you said. “It’s okay, we’ll make up for lost time now.”
“Do you know that I love you?” he asked and that made you chuckle. You did.
“I love you too,” you said.
Your conversation was not loud enough for anyone to hear, and that was okay. It was just for the two of you. However, saying all this didn’t change the original problem of the sheer lack of time you had to spend with each other lately— so when were you going to make up for said lost time?
Simple, you’d use the time you had.
Hand-in-hand, you walked off the site together and neither of you could hide the smiles on your faces.
“Soushirou, when’s the last time we held hands?” you asked, and your question made you let out an appalled chuckle.
“Don’t ask,” he said. “I thought of the same thing just now and a part of me died.”
You’d hear other officers gasp softly or murmur when they saw you, but you’d let them wonder. You’d let them wonder why the Hoshina Soushirou looked so bashful, hand-in-hand with you. You'd let them wonder if he always smiled so lovingly around you.
You’d let them wonder if you were his special someone.
And they’d be right. You were.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 5 months
Live for us | {SaneObaGiyuu}
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Theme: Angst+fluff+angst!
Note: TW's!! self harm, suicide, self degradation, blah blah, ok you get it
they're already dating and tanji doesn't exist <3
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There was a thing about life that made it so unappealing. Several things, actually. But for one, you don't even make it out alive. What's the point? What do you live for if you're just going to die in a couple years? You don't even know if you'll make it past tomorrow. So what's the point?
The fact stood, however, that if Giyuu died, he would no longer see Sanemi and Obanai anymore. Which seemed to be the sole reason he was alive. He didn't even know if he should keep living for them. He was a nuisance anyway. He would only bother them and they were better off alone. He wondered, often, if they would notice if he died.
Though they did seem to notice other things. Like if he was quieter than usual—which was saying something, considering he was often quiet—or if he hadn't been eating. His eating problems weren't like Obanai's. They were selfish—Obanai's made sense.
Giyuu didn't eat because he hoped he would starve to death. He would waste Sanemi's carefully made food just because he wasn't happy. He was stupid.
He was so sure that Sanemi and Obanai were quite done with him. He figured that if they weren't so nice, they would've dropped his ass immediately. He had forced them into the relationship anyhow, right? He'd forced himself into theirs. Somehow, for some reason, they had let him. They acted as if they loved him—but did they really?
Sometimes, when he watched them, he could imagine that they would be perfectly fine without him. Smiling and laughing. They looked good together. They were better off without his presence. He was nothing but a river between to pieces of land, pushing them apart. He only ruined things. 
They insisted, for his sake, that he wasn't annoying. They said they loved him. They said they cared. But they couldn't truly, right? Shinobu had said it herself—nobody liked him. Nobody wanted to be his friend, much less his boyfriend. So how had he gotten two boyfriends? Simple. They were too kind to let him down. They probably figured he would cry like a fucking baby and follow them like a stupid child if they rejected him. He would. He probably would.
That was the worst of it. He knew why they hated him. But he couldn't let himself to accept it. Or, at least, leave them be. He stuck to them like glue, unwilling to leave their side. You see, they were the only people who could make him feel, even just for a split second, that he might possibly want to live. That he might be worth it. That life might be worth it. Just for a minute. And it was the most selfish thing he ever let himself keep. He refused to be selfish, typically, but he needed it. Wanted it. He longed for it. Yearned for it to last. A little longer. A minute more. 
Sanemi knew what it looked like when someone hurt themself deliberately. He would know. He used to do it. But that was in the past. He hadn't given it much of a thought again after months—years—passed. He began to feel content again and mostly forgot that he'd ever had an episode like that. 
Obanai and Giyuu were his absolute pride and joy—and Genya, though he would never admit it to anyone. They made him feel as if he could lead a somewhat normal life, or at least die a content death. So he went along with his life just fine for a while. Until Giyuu stumbled into his house, face pale and arms slack.
For a moment, he got a sense of déjà vu. He didn't understand it at first and simply picked up Giyuu, asking if he was alright. Then it hit him.
The first time he had purposefully harmed himself, he hadn't been sure what was wrong with him. It was when Masachika was alive. Sanemi hadn't slept well that day and had awoken with a surge of guilt and pain. He didn't understand himself. He had grabbed his katana and numbly drew it down his own body, watching blood spill from the wounds. The blade had been sharp. And he had pressed much too hard. But the pain felt relieving, as if feeling some pain would make up for the loss of his family, his siblings he'd been unable to protect. It soothed his mind. But then Masachika had entered the room.
The katana had dropped and suddenly his wounds stung in a million other ways and he no longer felt the momentary comfort from them. He cried out, standing. He had wobbled towards Masachika, unsure what he was doing. He was sure, now, that he must've looked exactly as Giyuu did now. Collapsing into Masachika's arms, molded by the concern lacing his friend's gaze.
He must've looked the same. Pale and shaky. Wondering what the hell had he done.
Sanemi tugged Giyuu's sleeves up. When he had done it, it had been all over his body. His legs, his arms, his chest. But he had caught a glint of bandages from under Giyuu's haori sleeve. It hadn't been there earlier and he hadn't gone on any missions since they had last met.
The bandages were stained red. It was only one arm, but it was still one arm. It was still there.
He scooped Giyuu up, taking him to his room. He placed him down on the futon, ordering him to stay there before shouting at his crow to go find Obanai and scouring his bathroom for towels and bandages. 
When Obanai had arrived, they had mopped up Giyuu's arm, putting light pressure on the wounds as they dabbed the blood with the towel. The bandages were wrapped around his arm and then they pulled him under the covers of the bed, quiet. They stole worried glances, holding Giyuu in a tight embrace.
After Giyuu had fallen asleep, they had spoken to one another in hushed tones for hours. They hadn't known that Giyuu had been unhappy to the point he would do something like this. And Sanemi feared it wasn't a one-time thing. That it was worse. That it would spread. 
Obanai suggested they spoke to Giyuu about it. He said that they would have to help him, somehow. To make him have something to live for, maybe.
When they talked to Giyuu, the following day, over this matter, he had brushed it off.
"I'm alright," he had said. "I was just feeling bad yesterday."
Neither believed him. Giyuu had never been the best at lying. He hadn't suddenly gotten the talent to.
They ended up dragging him back to Sanemi's house for another cuddle session. This time, however, they involved Giyuu in the talking. The conversation went back and forth time after time, constantly revolving back to the fact that Sanemi and Obanai loved him dearly and then Giyuu denying it and assuming they didn't.
In the end, however, they were satisfied with the results. Giyuu ended up contently snuggling into their hugs and finally giving up with his argument. he seemed a bit happier after the talk and Sanemi and Obanai relaxed slightly.
Of course, they of all people should've known to never let their guard down. But it's only human to forget every now and then. Even when it comes at the worst times possible.
It would've been a lie to say that Giyuu hadn't felt better after his boyfriends told him how much they loved him for an hour straight. But it would've also been a lie to say that it helped him on the long run. See, it made him feel better for about two hours after the talk. Roughly. And then his mind ran wild.
They must've been telling him that to make him stop being a burden to them. So they would stop having to help him. They probably felt pressured to do it. Yes, that was it. They didn't love him as much as they said they did. Words were empty, right? Promises didn't save Tsutako's life. Neither did they mean much when they told him "I love you." They didn't love him. They shouldn't. They wouldn't. Who would love him anyway? It was illogical. Unlikely. Stupid.
The thoughts molded his mind. They made up his thoughts. They made him want to curl up in a ball and cry. And maybe get dehydrated from that and die. Then in that moment he made a decision. It wasn't a sober one. He wasn't in the right mind. But it was far too late to stop him.
He was being ludicrous. Of course they didn't love him! Of course they wanted him out of their sight right away! Why would they care about him? There was nothing appealing about Giyuu; he was quiet and stubborn and annoying. He was nothing but another person to worry about because he was too childish and careless to take care of himself. So he was better off gone. Out of their lives.
His hand was on his katana, pulling it out of his sheathe. Then the blade was at his throat. He felt nothing more.
It came, as would be expected from anyone but Giyuu, a shock. At first, the Hashira were confused. Was this a joke? It was the middle of the day. What had happened to Giyuu? How had he died? And then one word fell upon their ears and they were stiffened with shock. 
The news reached Sanemi and Obanai first—who were on their way to Giyuu's house to hopefully spend some time together. They had been making their way idly to his house, talking lightheartedly. Then a crow swooped by. Was that Kanzaburou?
The word of Giyuu's death that he'd inflicted upon himself had barely left the bird's beak before the two had dropped their food—which they'd had to maybe convince Giyuu to eat lunch with them—and rushed to his house. The door was broken open—there was no use knocking.
The house was eerily silent for the middle of the day. Their footsteps, though loud, and their calls of his name didn't fill in the quiet that had befallen over the house. They stopped dead at his bedroom door, eyes wide but face otherwise slack with shock. Giyuu's body was slumped down, his head deattached from his body. His katana was held loosely in his hand, blood dotted vaguely on the blade. He was dead.
First came the shock. The processing. Then panic surged both Hashira forward and they stumbled towards his body, kneeling by his side. There was no hope on saving him. There couldn't be.
They searched the room. Had there been something to trigger him? No. What was it? Had they not done enough? Had they made it worse? What had happened? What the hell had fucking happened?
The news rippled through the Hashira. A death like this, though not uncommon for Demon Slayers, was the first amongst the Hashira in decades. Because of that, several Hashira were at Giyuu's house within minutes of getting the occurance. They found Sanemi and Obanai bent over Giyuu's body, clutching each other and shaking. Tears didn't seem to be coming out but silent screams rendered them useless as Tengen slowly pulled Giyuu from under them, wrapping him in a blanket to be buried.
Neither Sanemi nor Obanai knew what had happened. But both blamed themself. And the cycle began.
« Word count: 1921 »
sun is shining, birds are singing, nice day to write angst!
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ghostbite0 · 3 months
The horrors have returned D: I hope you get better soon!
Anyway if you're up to it I'd love to hear about the pint sized pillars "kid modes" that they have. It's so cute :( I just want them to have happy childhoods
hi anon! im so sorry i took so long to respond to this ask— this ended up in my drafts with how often i was going back to edit it haha ;u; i had to brainstorm a bit!
in order of eldest to youngest—
sweetest soft spoken sensitive teenager ever
he really doesn’t change all that much— he’s definitely less “leadery” and “old” though. he acts like any other kid
very gentle and humble. he gets easily flustered
amane gave him a kiss on the head and gyomei had to excuse himself
sanemi and tengen found him knelt down and trying to hold back tears. he was not expecting such affection since he’s used to always being the caretaker
one day he was deep in kid mode while everyone else was fine. and him being so naturally kind and loving caused several of them to drop down with him
he’s 10x more silly and playful
however it’s also obvious he has some self confidence issues
tengen doesn’t go kid mode a lot but when he does he gets really embarrassed and upset about being seen like that
he’s like those disney channel cartoons where the little kid thinks someone is really beautiful so he constantly gives them flowers and gifts. thats him with suma, makio, and hinatsuru
“honey you don’t need to do that… we’re all married to you in the future!”
when tengen recovers from kid mode he is as red as a tomato while his wives fawn over him and reassure him its okay
kid mode tengen loves playing with the little ones, and rough-housing with sanemi and rengoku
ohhhhh he’s a happy little thing. it freaks everyone out at first
very friendly and compassionate, though he mostly keeps to himself
kid mode giyuu is a little more talkative, but only after he comes out of his shell
usually it’s one of the older boys or shinobu who can get him to engage with everyone
if one of the other kids struggles he will awkwardly shuffle over and give them a hug
kid mode giyuu is fairly close with rengoku, kid mode or not
he also really likes being around sanemi and obanai, since they are his age
if all three of them , or if just sanemi and obanai , are in kid mode, they’re a trio of best friends
he is so god damn helpful
sanemi is pretty sweet and smiley, and he always leaps at the opportunity to help one of the other kids
kid mode sanemi tends to constantly wander up to kagaya (or whoever is babysitting) and ask what he can do
but every time they just reassure him its ok, and he should go be a kid and play with the other ones
he’s disappointed but then he gets really excited when tengen and rengoku invite him to play and he’s the happiest little thing
kid mode sanemi likes hanging out with the big kids, especially tengen. tengen (and kid mode tengen) think its sweet, and make a point of including him whenever they can
he’s weirded out by genya being older and taller than him but genya makes up for it via piggy back rides
shy and jittery little thing. he doesn’t drop his guard until a bit into the transformation, even in kid mode
usually the telltale sign of obanai being in kid mode is how small he looks. he curls in on himself and his eyebrows furrow with anxiety
he’s also way more flustered around mitsuri. he has a big crush on her. kid mode mitsuri and mitsuri both find it adorable— though she doesn’t recognize the “crush” aspect. mitsuri just finds obanai very sweet and open
he is also really sensitive. you break a rule in a game? he’s upset. you take someone’s spot? he’s upset. you try to steal food from mitsuri? run
he always needs to be warm … if obanai is the only one in kid mode, you better believe everyone is offering him a warm hug or snuggles
obanai has a hard time choosing who to go to, so then half of them/all of them have a group hug
he whispers a lot. it can be hard to hear him sometimes
when he wants something, he frames it as “kaburamaru wants x” or “kaburamaru says y”
think regular rengoku but now a literal child
honestly people cannot tell when he’s in kid mode or not. rengoku is sweet and chaotic no matter what
though kid mode rengoku tends to address everyone in a very polite manner. he calls gyomei “mr. himejima,” despite gyomei telling him he didn’t have to
he does get a little sad when people mention his dad. he will straight up start crying his heart out if he’s reminded of his mom in any way
kid mode rengoku tries to be a big brother to senjuro, and senjuro plays along, but then it cuts to rengoku being fast asleep and senjuro tucking him in, or senjuro having to help his brother get ready for bed
rengoku talks about senjuro whenever he can, kid mode especially. he has no filter at all
he would be a leash kid purely because he has a habit of forgetting small things and getting distracted and wandering off because he saw a cool butterfly and wanted to tell senjuro about it
similar to rengoku she doesn’t change all that much, but she’s even sweeter and more emotional than before
and like rengoku she’s more polite, though she doesn’t really have any problem asking for things or communicating her needs
kid mode mitsuri wanted to rough house too, but the older boys thought she would get hurt. she proceeded to lift sanemi up and hold him above her head
since then she has been invited to play with them every single session
she thinks obanai is super cute and is less filtered about it. same with muichiro, though mitsuri will just walk over and pinch his cheeks or scoop him up into a hug
when they play house, mitsuri is always the mama, and muichiro is always her baby
she and shinobu regularly team up to do the boy’s hair and makeup
mischievous little beast
scary smart, but way more obvious about it
this four year old will casually list all the elements on the periodic table then pretend nothing happened , as to intimidate the others
everyone fears her
LOTS of batting her eyelashes and an extended “pleeeeaaaaassssseeee”
she has her rage and can be a grumpy kid. she’s usually well behaved, but if she didn’t get a nap, or if she’s hungry, that’s when she gets more bristly and sensitive
shinobu tends to be more open too. there’s multiple instances where she started getting really sad out of nowhere, and when pulled aside by gyomei, she would start crying about how much she misses her big sister
she and kanao are still extremely close. kanao loves having a little sister, and does her hair and plays dress up with her
she still pesters giyuu. though when giyuu is also in kid mode, the two can usually be found giggling and chatting, and giyuu will give her piggy back rides and what not
literally a one year old baby
the sweetest and happiest little baby. he is usually seen smiling and his giggles will fill up the room
he loves being around the others. he especially loves “play time” because he’ll crawl around on the ground and go right up to people
mostly gyomei. he mostly approaches gyomei
but as happy as he is, he cries pretty easily. can’t find his stuffed bunny? cries. cant fall asleep? cries
everyone spoils the hell out of him. they love when he goes baby mode. he is the cutest little thing
lots of idle babbles and muichiro making one-worded sentences that mostly consist of him saying someone’s name or pointing out something
amane and kagaya are extremely paternal to the point baby mode muichiro refers to them as his mama and papa
it breaks everyone’s heart
the baby always wants someone’s attention. even if its as simple as being in their arms. he especially loves being with gyomei
there have been several instances where he noticed obanai wasn’t eating, and would try to feed him his baby food so “obi” could get a full belly
tengen and sanemi started laughing and it resulted in the two getting a face full of mushed up veggies and rice
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 11 months
Hey I hope you have a great day.
So I just saw the post with the wrath of the creator on Azar and I had an idea.
I am very emotional and I bailed my eyes out when I did the chasm quest with xiao and he nearly died AND I got a sad cutscene of the adepti after so my traveler was just stuck in the dialog with Xiao while I was crying a whole waterfall and sniffing really loudly and the only other quest where I had that was when we were in the chasm with dain and he tells us that the hillichurls are cursed people from Khanri'ah. I stood in front of the corpses and cried heart out.
So I wanted to ask the characters reactions to that. Especially Xiao, the archons we know (because khanri'ah and its destruction is a big thing here) and dainsleif.
I'm sorry this got so long. If you want to change something or want to add someone or take a character out it's okay, this is just my 5 am thought I just had.
Alr, Anon! Coming right up! Imma just focus on the Perilous Quest lol-
Creator Having A Meltdown During Perilous Quest
(Warning: Might Be OOC & Spoilers to the Perilous Archon Quest!)
She wasn't going to lie, she wasn't expecting you to cry your heart out so freely. Raw emotion was hard to come by when people grow. They tend to be more...seclusive, with their emotions.
You, on the other hand, were free-balling it. You did NOT care if people were gonna look at you weird, you are gonna cry because you are sad! And honestly, Yelan's glad that the Almighty Creator is expressive and sentient. It proves just how much you care for the characters.
"It seems the Almighty Creator is far more connected than anyone thought..." She wonders what she can do with this information, but at the same time, keep it under wraps. Letting this information slip into the wrong hands was always dangerous.
She wouldn't gamble your safety. Never. Safe to say Yelan's got you covered.
Woah, woah! He did not expect you, the Almighty Creator, to be crying their eyes out the moment he wakes up from passing out and all that—what he miss? What happened while he was sleeping?
Wait, they're not in the Chasm anymore? Oh Archons, someone just tell him what happened! Why the heck is the Creator balling his eyes out?
"Huh—? What's going on? We're out of the chasm?" Poor guy is so oblivious, and no one's bothering to fill him in—at least, at the moment.
He'll pester Shinobu about this later. Just, someone, stop the Creator from crying! Those are sad tunes, not something you want to hear when you should be celebrating about leaving that gloomy place!
She was NOT expecting you to be this emotional! Yanfei feels a little guilty not being able to do anything about it, to be honest...
She has to resist the urge to shake Xiao out of his stupor, because a) that was unprofessional, b) she's more relieved than anything, and c) Yanfei wasn't sure if you, the Creator, would think she was okay if she started acting out like that.
So, instead, she tries to ground herself, and do her best to make sure that the situation is fine, and that everything will be okay. That's the least she can do to reassure you, and everyone else, right?
"Hopefully, Their Grace will stop those tears...Hearing them sad makes me feel sad..." As a lawyer, Yanfei knows how to sympathize with her clients. This, however, felt like she could really understand what you were going through—there was a bond between you and everyone.
She doesn't want to make you sad. That's one thing for sure. Yanfei wouldn't be able to sleep out of guilt otherwise.
She wasn't expecting you to be crying your heart out, but she loves how sentient you are. It shows just how you truly care about Xiao, and about everyone.
She really appreciates you. She can see how you connect with every character—how you cheer with everyone, cherish the moment with everyone, rejoice, and mourn. This was visible proof of it all.
"Hm...How should we comfort Their Grace..." Shinobu wants to do something—for the sake of the gang's gratitude for their Almighty Creator. And everyone here as well.
You contributed much of yourself for them. For that, she's grateful.
She'll have to explain to Boss later...but that's besides the point right now.
He feels guilty for making you cry. He heard you call out his name several many times. He hears how you ball your eyes out, thinking you were gonna lose him, only for Rex Lapis to save him just in time.
He doesn't know if the Lord of Geo heard your divine prayers, or if he went on his own accord, but he feels guilty. He placed a heavy burden on you. He didn't mean to.
"How should I make it up to Their Grace..." He listens to how you scream and cry (out of joy now) that he was alive. You, the Almighty Creator, already connected yourself to someone like him. Your bond was too severe, and he tried to cut it off.
But the way the Traveler is smiling at them with a reassuring smile, Xiao wonders if he will be forgiven. Perhaps far quicker than he imagined.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: This honestly feels too OOC—I don't really know Yelan's personality all that well, and honestly I don't think I caught the full potential of Yanfei, Itto, and Shinobu. I do hope you enjoyed this, but I'm also sorry if this came out disappointing.
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chiharuhashibira · 7 months
What about a shorts featuring your fave Kimetsu No Yaiba teacher?
But make it Professor X Student👀
Hey guys~ Like what I said on the last chapter, here is the second and final part!
Again, thank you for answering the poll we had before!
Anyways, let’s start!
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒚
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: ProfessorXStudent/Age Gap/Suggestive/Curse Words/Matured Content/18+/Sexually Explicit/Risky Sex/Mentions of Death/Angst/Tragedy
Minors DNI.
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🌸𝑶𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒊 𝑰𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐🌸
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(Images are not mine, credits to the rightful owner)
“Then why didn’t you say anything?”
“What should I say then? ‘Hi, I’m Obanai, the boy from the foster home who also didn’t manage to save your sister from the fire. How are you?’”
His words offended you. But before you could leave the room, a cold hand wrapped around yours, pulling you back inside his lonely classroom. You turned to look at him, and there, the nonchalant facade that Obanai always had shattered.
Frustrations and regret masked his face as he held your hand tighter, not letting you go. And without wasting a second...
"Y/N, I didn't know how to tell you," he confessed, his voice thick with emotion. "I thought it was best to leave the past buried."
But you couldn't suppress all the reminiscence that came flashing in her head—the smell of burnt wood, the shouts of the children as they cried because their teachers were left inside, your sight blurred by your tears, and the agony the bad news had brought to you.
"You're here now, unscathed. So why didn't you save my sister?"
Your voice trembled with the weight of the accusation, and your eyes were brimming with unshed tears. You were lost for words as you felt your knees weaken. But then Obanai sighed for the nth time as he let go of you. Immediately, you felt the cold air wash away the remnants of what his hand had held earlier.
"I tried but I can't."
"No. I guess you didn't try at all."
Anger flickered in Obanai's eyes, and you clearly saw it. It was as if you've unlocked something dark in him. In that instant, you realised that you shouldn't have said that. You shouldn't blame him. But before you can take back what you've said, Obanai has already spoken up.
"Fine. Blame me. I won't say anything again because, I guess, you'll never listen to me."
"Go home. I've got lots of things to do. See you in class tomorrow."
The coldness of the breeze blanketed you as you watched how darkness seemingly swallowed Obanai's expression. You waited for a bit for him to say anything, but nothing came. So with tears running down your face, you ran outside his lonely classroom. Your heart heaved from the loss that felt like it might swallow you whole.
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Days have passed since you've learned the truth. And yet, the air remained on your shoulder, bearing the unspoken tension between you and Obanai. Yes, you've cried for nights once again, as if Shinobu's death was just yesterday. The devastation was too hard to bear, but you know you can't back away from what you've started.
You know your sister won't be happy to see you like this forever. Despite the storm raging within you, you came back to your senses and faced Obanai in his classes as professionally as you could.
"So, Y/N-san, what's the answer?"
You blinked in surprise as the familiar voice called your name. You stood up from your seat and faced him with oozing confidence, which made Obanai's eyes widen.
"Yes, even at freezing temperatures, water can remain liquid."
It was the first time in a while that Obanai looked into your eyes. And there, you've no traces of that darkness that he had back on that afternoon. For a while, no one has responded, and both of you just looked into each other's eyes, seemingly longing to put closure on what happened. However, Obanai looked away and spoke up with a cold tone.
You sat back and watched as the professor explained. But of course, you couldn't help but feel so guilty about the things you told him. Looking at him now, you just want to apologise for letting your emotions get the best of you.
And perhaps you might need to do that before your guilt turns into unnecessary anger.
Now, you're face-to-face with Obanai in his empty classroom. Yes, the professor is well aware of your presence, but he refused to acknowledge it. Oh well, not until you stood in front of him and spoke up.
"Where's Kaburamaru? I haven't seen him."
Surprise almost ebbed out of Obanai. Little did you know, but the chemistry professor was dying to talk to you. He had been longing to fix things, as he was well aware of how jerky he acted back then.
You were lost and in despair with the sudden information that he had revealed. Of course, you would react that way. Especially when he had left so much of the information unsaid.
But of course, he is Obanai. He won't let that emotion show. So, he immediately composed himself and faced you without any expression.
"Why do you care? Classes are done. Why are you here? Stop pestering me."
His words made your eyebrows crease. He's colder than usual, and that makes you feel a bit vulnerable. He has all the right to be angry and avoid you after what you did. So you clenched your fist and swallowed your pride.
"Are we seriously going to ignore the elephant in the room?"
"As far as I know, we're done with this discussion—"
"I'm a bitch for blaming you. I didn't know what really happened back then. I just assumed things. I let myself be consumed by my overwhelming emotions. I know it's not an excuse for saying those words to you but sensei, I want to know what happened. And I'm so sorry."
"I'm busy, Y/N-san. Can't you see?"
You groaned, feeling that anytime soon you'd scream with frustration. Desperate to talk to him and knowing everything that happened in the past, you came up with an idea. You leaned in on his desk and spoke up in a low tone of voice.
"If you're so busy right now, meet me at 10 tonight. I'll wait for you in that same coffee shop, Obanai."
Before he can say anything again, you've turned your back and left. If what he said back there is true, if he really cares, then he'll come.
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Clad in an off-shoulder blue top, a red skirt, and black rubber shoes, you found yourself fiddling with your hair as you waited unsurely for Obanai. You really can't blame him if he doesn't come at all, as, first and foremost, he is your chemistry professor. You're well aware that he shouldn't have these kinds of rendezvouses with his students.
Secondly, you've been a little shit for blaming him for the death of Shinobu and for making him feel guilty for surviving that tragedy. If you could just turn back time, you wouldn't have reacted that way.
Thirdly, it's possible that Obanai now despises you. You felt sick in the pit of your stomach at the notion of him hating you. Despite all the shit that has been happening, you can't hide the fact that you still like your professor.
His eyes—those rare heterochromatic eyes and his voice—can all send you to heaven, for all you care. Why hasn't it come to your mind that the boy before had those same beautiful eyes? So that's the reason why you have always found it so enigmatic.
But like before with science, you've messed things up again.
You felt hopeless as you looked at the time. It's past ten, almost eleven. And as if fate hated you, the owner sauntered towards you and told you that they'd be closing the shop.
Feeling embarrassed, you stood up and left, apologising for the bother.
And here you are now, standing in front of the closed coffee shop, as it started to thunder and drizzle. It's past eleven, almost twelve, and still, Obanai isn't here.
You felt your heart hurt in this situation. Tears started to fall on your cheek as you let all your frustrations get ahold of you. Of course, why would he show up?
Crouching down, rain started to pour, but you refused to leave, thinking that perhaps he'd come if you'd wait for a few more minutes.
But no, it's only two minutes before the clock strikes midnight, and yet, there's still no traces of Obanai Iguro.
Soaked in the rain, you covered your face as your sobs became louder. All you wanted to do was apologise and know what happened, and yet, it seems like it won't happen anymore.
"Y/N. Why are you here?"
Hearing that familiar voice, you felt your heart start to race. You looked up and there; those enigmatic heterochromatic eyes clashed with yours. Suddenly, you felt an arm wrapping around yours, pulling you under the protection of his umbrella.
Obanai groaned and took off his jacket, wrapping it over your shoulder.
"Why the fuck would you wait for me under the rain? You should've gone home, dimwit."
"I told you I'd wait."
"But why? Nothing will change Y/N."
"Because I want you to forgive me. Because I want to know what happened. Because I want you to... to be angry at me anymore."
"Whatever. I can't leave you like this. You're soaked to the bone. Ugh, fuck this, come with me."
Your eyes widened with his words. But you didn't complain or ask for more information. You let Obanai lead you to an apartment complex.
Yes, you didn't make any sound, even until he brought you inside his home.
"Sit there. I'll grab some towels and clothes."
Waiting for Obanai to come back from inside his bedroom felt like forever. So then, you looked around, observing his place. The apartment isn't big, but it isn't small either. It lacks colour, and yet the scent of lavender welcomed you. It's quite comforting, unlike your seemingly cold-hearted professor.
You let your eyes wander around as you shivered through your wet clothes. There are tonnes of books, and you assumed that all of those relate to chemistry. You started to wonder how many hours did he stay here to just read those. There's a lot so, what drove him to spend those time, just doing that?
And there on the corner was Kaburamaru, slithering inside his shelter.
But the thing that caught your attention was the picture on his study table. You stood up from your seat and sauntered towards it. You felt warm in your chest as the image registered in your senses.
There, you saw a glimpse of your sister's smiling face. Her beauty is immortalised in this image. And there beside her was a girl who wore braids. Memories of this girl braiding your hair like what you do to yourself came flashing in your head.
You looked at her little image beside Obanai, who had that small smile painted on his face. Yes, they look happy in this picture, and perhaps it was taken back when they were still volunteering for that foster home.
"What are you doing?"
Obanai's cold voice almost made you faint. You turned around, and there you saw him holding the towel and an oversized shirt.
"Nothing. I just saw a photo of the three of you."
"And who allowed you to go through my things?"
"Sorry, sensei. I was just curious."
"Whatever," Obanai said, then tossed you the towel and shirt. "Go get change. I already cleaned the bedroom so you can stay for the night. Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch. I'll walk you home tomorrow when the storm calms down."
So, he'll let me stay? You thought as you gave him a faint smile, which made him look away. "Thank you, sensei."
After that encounter, you headed to his bedroom and looked around once again. The scent of lavender smells stronger here, but in a good way. Perhaps Obanai wants to calm himself so badly with this scent. It works well, though. Your anxiousness seemed to fade away.
His room is full of books too. But what surprised you again is the other photo on his bedside table. It was still the three of them. But here, Mitsuri was hugging him... He was smiling.
A pang of pain hit your chest as you decided to saunter quickly in the shower. Yet, even if you wanted to ignore the thought so badly while showering and even dressing, you couldn't help but wonder if he and Mitsuri were a thing before.
Possibly... They're close.
And she's nice; she probably won't say the things you told him before. Yes, Mitsuri is a great woman, just like your sister. It's just so sad that their lives ended before they could flourish for something more.
"You okay there, Y/N?"
You turned, and there you saw Obanai standing by the door, giving you a curious look. 
You wanted to ask so badly, but you stopped yourself by biting your lip. But then, Obanai seems to notice. He sauntered inside his bedroom and placed the photo inside his drawer.
"I know you want to ask things. Ask now before I change my mind."
Obanai said as he took off his facemask and fixed his hair. You were astounded to see him without the facemask again. You can't still believe the fact that he's really that mysterious boy from the foster home.
"Oh, Obanai, are you and Mitsuri—"
Your face dropped; it seems like there are tonnes of secrets living inside this lad. For some reason, you wanted to know. He gave you this chance, so,
"Almost? What do you mean?"
"Mitsuri's the only girl who made me feel like a normal boy back in the foster home. But I never got the chance to tell her my feelings. I was about to confess when the fire happened."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's okay. It's been too long and I've moved on. But honestly, when I first saw you in a braid back then at the coffee shop, you suddenly reminded me of her."
"But then it was just that time. Because you're really different from her."
"Of course. I'm not as nice as Mitsuri-san. Not as pretty as her either."
"Not that. You're... fuck it. You're nice and pretty... and smart, okay? Stop saying that. It's something else. It's more than your physical appearance."
"Then what? Do I remind you of my sister, instead? She raised me so—"
"Not that either. You remind me of... my younger self. Not Mitsuri or even your sister. You're like the young Obanai who hated everything for the pain the world has brought to him. The one who chose to use that loath to try to be in a better place. I'm not saying I am a hundred percent alright now. But it's just that I don't hate the world as much as I did back then. We got to celebrate little wins, right?"
His words crept into your senses and sent you a cold shiver. What does he mean? You felt like you were lost for words as you looked at Obanai and tried to analyse what you heard.
Suddenly, you felt his hands on your cheek again. There, you were sent to the first time he did this. It was when these revelations happened. So what will happen now?
Like a pack of wolves, your anxiousness started to prey on you. Your breathing slowed down, and you felt the tension in the air as Obanai leaned in to embrace you.
"I'm sorry that I made you wait. It was a jerk move."
Without words, you let yourself embrace him back, burying your face in his body. His apology sounded genuine, which made you feel a bit better.
Warmth suddenly flowed within you as you felt Obanai's hand caressing the back of your head, letting his cold fingers run through your locks. With that sensation, you weren't able to stop yourself from wanting him to stay.
"Can you stay here with me, Obanai?" You whispered, which made the man pull out from the embrace. "Why?"
"It's just... I want to know everything. I want to hear what happened."
You heard him sigh as he sat beside you. There, he looked nothing like the Obanai Iguro at the university. He looked nothing like your stern chemistry professor who is apparently allergic to women.
In this moment, he just looked like a normal guy, solid, warm but might be vulnerable. Just like how he looked back then when he was younger, but prettier.
"It's a long story."
"We have all night."
The night passed quickly, and yet you and Obanai didn't notice it.
He told you everything that happened back then, after the last time you'd seen him in that garden. Apparently, he was taken in by the Rengokus with Mitsuri.
He told you how Kyojuro and Mitsuri helped him come back to his senses. They are both reasons why he wanted to be a chemistry professor. It's a payback for how nice they were.
And yes, he had these little visits at the foster home by then, curious to see where the 'girl who weren't afraid of snakes' was. But you weren't there anymore, as you were taken in by the Kochos.
Time passed, and there he met with Shinobu once again as his co-worker. But back then, he had no idea that you were a part of her family. And yes, he didn't ask.
She seemed nice to Mitsuri and to him. But, of course, he didn't reciprocate well. He can't, as he was apparently 'allergic to women' or, more like, hated them, as his family, which is full of women, used to abuse him before.
He treated Shinobu as just a colleague, but never a friend.
But Mitsuri is an exemption as he grew with her. She proved to him that not all women are bad. And yes, he developed feelings for Mitsuri. But he can't reveal it, as he was too afraid. Not until it's too late.
Obanai told you that he was wrapping up his night classes back then when suddenly there was an explosion somewhere in the building. Afraid of what it might be and the consequences, Obanai ran towards it, and there he saw Mitsuri... dead.
It was too late to save her. He can't help but to wonder what if he just arrived a few moments earlier. Would his first love still be alive?
Obanai told you how it ebbed out all the remaining strength in his body. He just wanted to die.
But then he heard another voice from the room, and there he had a glimpse of an injured Shinobu, who was carrying a child. She ran towards him and told him to get the child out of the building, as she would try to look around to see if there were other children left.
And with the shock of seeing Mitsuri dead, he just followed Shinobu's orders and brought the child out to safety.
But then he realised that he shouldn't let his emotions get ahead of him, as there might be other children left inside. So then he ran back inside, and there he saw the weakened Shinobu under a fallen pillar. Obanai tried to save her, but then the girl refused and pointed towards a little girl who was crying on the corner.
She told him to save the child instead, despite all his complaints. He had no choice but to go to the little girl to save her as even if he tried every thing, there is no way that he can pull Shinobu out of the collapsed pillar. Besides, she was too injured.
"I didn't want to leave but Shinobu insisted. She told me that she would never sacrifice anyone for her sake."
Obanai paused to hold your hand as you started crying from what you are hearing right now.
"And there... your sister made me promise. She told me that if ever I see her youngest sister someday, I should do my best to bring her passion for science back. She told me that you were mad at her that day because she told you that she needed to leave for her science project at the foster home. She already knows that you'll hate science, as you might think that it is the reason why she'll die. But she never wanted you to feel that. It was no one's fault. Y/N, she loves you so much."
"Is that the reason why you gave me that notebook?"
"Yes... I always had that notebook because I always thought that perhaps someday I'd meet her sister. I actually prepared it for you in case what Shinobu said became true, and it did. I wanted to fulfill that promise so bad."
"I-I hated science because of what happened. My sister would've been alive by now if she didn't leave that night... But, perhaps that's really what we do if we love something?"
"She loves you more than anything Y/N. Always remember that. No one knew that the tragedy would happen..."
"Yes... I'm sorry for being so illogical Obanai. I am trying my best but... it still hurts a lot."
"No, it's okay. You didn't know. And you should take your time to heal yourself. There's no rush..."
"Thanks. But still... Why did you make this effort at all? Why did you want to fulfill that promise if my sister isn't important at all to you?"
"I don't know. I think it's how I dealt with the guilt of not saving those two—Mitsuri and Shinobu. I always thought that if I couldn't save them, perhaps I could help you? But I really didn't know if what I am doing right now helps you. Perhaps I should've buried—."
"Obanai, don't say that. You... you helped me a lot. And yes, I know you already made Mitsuri and my sister proud of this. And I can't thank you enough for these efforts that you've already made for someone whom you haven't met yet.."
Tears suddenly poured out of Obanai's eyes after hearing those words coming out of you. It's like the knife that has been stabbing him again and again all these years was suddenly pulled out, and there you are, trying to heal his wounds again.
You, on the other hand, realised what your sister's love could do. And you ended up crying too as you realised how wrong you were for telling Obanai that he never tried to save them. He did. He tried his best.
Seeing the strong Obanai breaking down made you feel more vulnerable, and suddenly, you felt the urge to slowly lean in and give him a passionate kiss.
Obanai was stunned. Never in his life has he experienced this. No one has ever looked at him this way after Mitsuri's death. But then, here you are now, kissing him passionately. He had tonnes of questions in mind. But then he shoved all of those and buried them deep within his mind as he let his hands slip around your body.
Warmth embraced the both of you as Obanai started kissing back, slowly pushing you down on the mattress. But then, before he got carried away, he pulled out, blushing so madly.
Drunk in passion and confusion, you opened your eyes, and there you saw Obanai trying to look away. So then, you sat and looked on your lap, feeling the regret of letting your passion take over.
"Sorry Obanai..."
"It's okay."
"I just wanted to... thank you, but I got carried away. I'm so sorry."
"Is that all that kiss was for? Just to thank me?"
His question made you think hard, because what would you answer? Is he expecting you to say yes or no? Confusion blinded you as you felt your hands start to shiver. It's just all too much for tonight.
Obanai noticed it, so he decided to drop the issue and speak up in a calmer tone. "I guess we can talk about this tomorrow. I'm sorry for scaring you again."
He was about to go when suddenly you pulled his hand again and said, "Stay with me, please."
Falling for that beautiful look you had now as you flaunt your vulnerability to him, Obanai can't do anything but agree. And there he stayed the night, lying beside you to caress your hair as you drifted into sleep.
Little did you know that as you slept, the man looked at you, thinking how he'd want to risk everything just to protect you. He touched your cheek and kissed your forehead. Obanai couldn't stop himself from taking in your wonderful image.
Questions are still in his head, especially about the reason behind that kiss. He felt his heart racing once again as he looked at you. He never wanted to be with anyone, but now he thinks he is starting to fall in love again.
All he knows right now is that he adores you, so he wanted to know you better. 
Obanai stopped praying. He has never prayed since the night when he escaped his abusive family. But then this night, he prayed so hard that fate would let him be with you. He also prayed that Mitsuri and Shinobu wouldn't kill him for feeling this intense passion for you. 
He wants nothing but to be there for you. Aside from protecting you, Obanai would want to risk everything to lift the burden inside of you, even just a little.
It's the least that he can do, as you gave him another chance in life and made him feel like a normal guy again. And for a while, it was peace that he felt right now as you slept on his arms.
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Feeling a bit hazy, you opened your eyes, and there, the scene that you never expected to see welcomed you. Obanai was there, facing you as he slept quietly. His hand was wrapped around your body, making you blush hard. The man looked like it was the first time that he had slept this peacefully in years.
Seeing him like this ignited your passion, which made you want to caress his cheek. Suddenly, faint fragments of the night came into you, which in turn made you redder than you already are. You felt your body heat up as you remembered that you'd kissed this guy last night.
Yes, you kissed your chemistry professor.
It's insane, but you also remembered how you made him confused with the words that you'd told him after. Then it finally hit you... How can you face him at class so casually again after that night? Aside from those heavy revelations, there seems to be a deeper connection that is happening with both of you now.
So even if you still wanted to lay there and just stare at his wonderful face, you slowly lifted up his arms and crawled out of bed. You sneaked towards the window to see if the rain had gone away. It was all stormy last night, but then, it's good to know that the sun is shining brightly today.
You were about to head out of his bedroom, as you badly wanted to sneak out. You just don't know how to react in front of him after everything, and you want to just escape the possible awkward encounter.
But then, just before you could make another step out of his bedroom, Obanai's sleepy voice made you turn to look at him. "What time is it?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes with his hand and stretched his back.
Gulping before you spoke, you looked at the wall clock and spoke up with a trembling tone. "Seven in the morning. I have classes around nine. I should get going." Obanai perked up, realisation coming into his senses.
"Gosh, I almost forgot... I'll cook you breakfast. Wait."
Obanai stood up from the bed, making you bite your lip. As if his intrusive thoughts overtook him, he ruffled your hair before heading out of his bedroom.
Realising that you're all alone again, inside his bedroom, you felt your knees finally give out, and you fell to the ground. How can he act so casual about this? You thought as you blushed madly.
But then, you quickly got on your feet as you realised that even if you ran back to your house to change, you'd still be late. You walked quickly to the kitchen, and there, you saw Obanai making two omelettes.
Your heartbeat rushed as your eyes met. Obanai smiled at you, which almost made you melt. He looks nothing like yesterday. It's like all the grumpiness in him was suddenly gone.
"You hungry? I'll be finished cooking in a few minutes. If you want, you can take a shower now. I have some hoodies and pants that I think would fit you."
You blushed at the thought of you wearing his clothes to the university. "Won't people notice that I'm wearing your clothes?" You asked, fiddling with your fingers.
Obanai tilted his head to the side while looking at you. "Have you seen me wear hoodies at the university?"
"Then no. Go take a shower now."
You wanted to complain, but as if you were automated to do so, you headed to the bathroom and took a shower. It was surprising to see a lilac hoodie and black pants prepared for you at the bed.
A small smile crept onto your lips. You never expected that Obanai would be this caring. But then, you reminded yourself that perhaps he is just doing this because of his promise to your sister.
Sighing, you put on his clothes and fixed yourself. You know that you shouldn't bother yourself with these thoughts, so you tried shoving them deep within your head.
You went out of the bedroom and were astounded to see the delectable dish that the man had prepared for you.
Obanai appeared out of nowhere, from behind your back. "Y/N, I've already eaten. I'll just take a quick shower, and then we'll head to the university. There's a spare toothbrush that I've prepared there. Feel free to use my comb as well."
"Yes, sir," you said, blushing, and there, Obanai finally left again.
You could see how Kaburamaru stared at you in the corner of your eye. You smiled at him and then proceeded to finish your breakfast and fix yourself.
Obanai emerged from his bedroom, and yes, the lavender smell made you turn your head towards him. He was clad in his usual formal clothing and oversized lab coat again, with that face mask.
You suddenly wanted to tease him, and so you did.
"It looks like my grumpy sensei is back."
He facepalmed and sauntered towards you. You were astounded by the next actions that he took. Cornering you on the wall, Obanai pulled down his facemask and leaned in to kiss you.
A yelp escaped from your mouth, but then you found yourself leaning in to kiss him back. It seems like your vision was filled with fireworks as you felt warmth burning at the pit of your stomach.
Obanai suddenly pulled out, panting from the intense kiss. Before you could say anything, the chemistry professor finally spoke up. "I don't think I could just be your 'sensei' after last night. If you really just kissed me just to thank me, I'll do everything to change that. Y/N. I don't care anymore, but I want you to be mine."
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Panting while trying to suppress all your moans, you found yourself skin-to-skin with your chemistry professor. Obanai covered your mouth as your nails dug into his back.
"Obanai... Mmmm, yes..."
"Sshh, if you'll not be quiet, someone might hear us."
Obanai bit you on your shoulder as he wildly thrusted his throbbing cock inside of you. Making your eyes roll back because of the sensation that he is giving you, a loud moan almost slipped out of your mouth. Thankfully, Obanai managed to cover your mouth before you could scream in pleasure.
But as the pleasure started to engulf you, you started to wonder. How did this happen?
Days have passed since Obanai's confession, and yet you still haven't told him about your real feelings. It's like, whenever you feel that you're ready, you'll end up swallowing the words back again.
So then, Obanai is still oblivious to your feelings. And when we say oblivious, it also means that it makes him more determined to court you. Yes, he is well aware that this could be wrong in the eyes of others. But then, he wanted nothing but to protect you and help you heal.
He wanted to fulfil his promise to Shinobu, but he also didn't want to commit the same mistakes that he had done to Mitsuri. He won't let things become too late before he makes a move.
At school hours, Obanai remained professional—and, of course, grumpy—to all of his students. You are not an exception to this. But then, after classes, the chemistry professor would pull you into an empty hall, away from prying eyes, just to give you your favourite snack or a flower.
Yes, he courted you like a gentleman. Even if it is behind the curtains of being acceptable to all, you can't help but fall for him more.
So then one day, when your curiosity took over, you directly told Obanai something that made him flabbergasted to the bone.
"Are you doing all of this because of the promise that you had with my sister? Because if you're just efforting for that, please just stay as my professor. I can't risk everything if I know I'll be in a situation wherein I'm going to lose more than myself."
Clicking his tongue, Obanai raised his eyebrow at you. "Here you go again with your assumptions," he said with a tone of dismay in his voice.
"I just want to be sure because, just to be clear, you don't have any responsibility for me. I'm a grown woman."
"And I'm well aware of that. I'm not stupid."
"You're not stupid, but I might be. So please just stop this if you're just doing it because of that promise or because I remind you of Mitsuri-san...."
"No. You're wrong. I'm doing this because I like you. Okay? You are good to me even if I was being an all-time jerk. You treated me like a normal guy. And it always feels like I've known you forever."
Hearing those words coming from his mouth, with the clear truth painted on his heterochromatic eyes, you felt your heart rise. And there, finally, you spoke the words that Obanai had been wanting to hear.
"I-I like you too, sensei."
Before you could reply, Obanai tugged off his facemask and snaked his arms around you, pulling you into a passionate kiss. There, you felt your knees weaken as you submitted to his strong arms. Never have you imagined in your life that the boy who saved you from being bit by Kaburamaru when you were younger would also be this man who ended up falling for you.
Taken by his emotions, Obanai slowly bit your lip, letting his hands slip under your shirt. Without caring that anyone could enter the room by now, you let his tongue slip inside your mouth, with the kiss only ending with the both of you fighting for dominance.
Heat crept up on your body as you felt his usual cold hands run on your body. With shivers running up your spine, you pulled out and looked into Obanai's eyes. Surprised by the passion painted on his marvellous orbs, you caressed his face and gave him a soft smile.
"I'm all yours, Obanai," you whispered before leaning in to kiss his lips.
Little did you know, your words flipped a switch on Obanai, giving him the strength to carry you to the table. Slowly, his lips went down on your jaw, planting ticklish kisses that went down on your collarbone. A soft moan escaped from your lips as you wrapped your hands around his neck.
That made the chemistry professor look up at you and caress your face. "I want you, Y/N." His words were vague, but you already know what he means. And yes, how could you resist those wonderful eyes and that fierce expression on his face? He was hungry for your touch.
You didn't answer; you spread your legs, inviting him to move closer to you. And there, Obanai gulped and positioned your body between your thighs. There, you slowly felt his hard member, cloaked under his pants, as he slowly grinded on you while kissing you deeply.
And there, another moan escaped your lips, which in turn made Obanai harder than he already is. "Oh, you make me want to fuck you so bad right now," he whispered in your ear, with a voice so sensual that it made you almost cum.
"I want you too, Obanai."
"Are you sure?" He asked as he ran his hands on your hair. You nodded, and there, a small smile managed to escape from his senses. Without saying a word, Obanai's hands worked up on your shirt, taking it off you. Slowly, he opened your bra, making you gasp as the sudden coldness of the room embraced you.
Slowly, Obanai removed his lab coat and shirt, making you gasp as you saw a burn mark on his chest. You touched it gently, making the man bite his lip.
You felt a pinch on your chest with what you saw. He must have gotten that burn mark back that night. So then, even if you knew it wouldn't heal it, you slowly planted kisses on it, making Obanai moan loudly.
Slowly, Obanai slipped his finger under your skirt, pulling your pants to the side. And there, he slowly ran his hands on your wet slit. "Fuck..." you mumbled as you buried your face on his bare chest, licking his scar down to his sensitive nipples.
Pain and pleasure embraced you as suddenly, Obanai slipped two of his fingers inside of you. "Fuck, so tight," he said as he laid you down on the table, spreading you open like a book. And there, his mouth worked on your nipples, nibbling and licking them as he continued to finger-fuck you with an unpredictable rhythm.
"I'm near," you whispered as he fingered you faster. But then, after hearing that, the man stopped and kissed your lips instead.
"I'm so hard right now..." He whispered, making you wetter than you already are. "Fuck me then." You said confidently, ignoring the fact that it'll be your first time if he does what you're suggesting.
"You sure? It'll be my—"
You were astounded by what he was going to say, but then you cut it off by saying, "It's mine too... And I want it to be you. Make love with me, Obanai." You said, making the man nod.
With your words, Obanai pulled down his pants, and there, his hardened cock surprised you. You spread your legs more as Obanai positioned his cock on your entrance, rubbing it against it to tease you.
Feeling impatient, you pulled him close to you and gave him a deep kiss as he slowly entered you. The pain that you felt eventually subsided as Obanai thrust himself in and out of you, whispering how he loved you.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, letting him go deeper into you. But then, just as before you could feel your climax, a knock stunned the both of you.
"Iguro-sensei? Are you here?"
Realising that the door wasn't locked, your heart thumped hard. "Fuck," Obanai groaned as he carried you from the table, still not pulling out. He kicked your clothes under the table as he commanded you to bend down under the table so that nobody could see you.
No one should see you in this state except him!
So there, you followed him and bent down under the table, with his cock still inside of you. Obanai put on his shirt and lab coat, draping them on you.
And there, your heart thumped harder. But the risk he is putting you in right now didn't stop you from feeling more aroused. He signalled for you to shut up, and there he spoke up with his usual uninterested voice, letting the student into his classroom.
"What do you want?"
"Sensei, you have no facemask," Nezuko said, surprised to see their professor like that for the first time.
"So? What do you need, idiot?"
The innocent Nezuko came in and spoke up. "Iguro-sensei, I just want to ask if you have seen Y/N. Our next class will start, but she still isn't around."
You felt a bit guilty for making your classmate worry, but then you knew that you couldn't just show up right now. Looking up, you saw Obanai flash you a 'you're dead' look that made you gulp. The professor hates it when students skip classes, and now you're skipping one to get fucked by him.
Obanai groaned at Nezuko. "Do I look like a babysitter? She's not here, can't you see? Go find her somewhere else. Perhaps she's out there slacking off or what, for all I care."
"Sorry sensei..."
"Go out and lock the door before closing it."
A few seconds after Nezuko left and locked the door, Obanai yanked you out of the table with your hair and bent you on the table.
"So, you're skipping classes now, huh? I'm going to fuck you so hard for this. Bad girl."
Obanai said, not letting you speak as he thrust deeper and harder into your wet pussy, making you moan loudly. He took off his remaining clothing again and yanked your hair harder as he grinded in his cock on your damped hole.
"Fuck, you feel so good."
End of flashback
"Obanai... Mmmm, yes..."
"Sshh, if you'll not be quiet, someone might hear us."
Obanai bit you on your shoulder as he slowly inserted his throbbing cock inside of you. Making your eyes roll back because of the sensation that he is giving you, a loud moan almost slipped out of your mouth. Thankfully, Obanai managed to cover your mouth before you could scream in pleasure.
With your orgasm building inside of you, you felt yourself tearing up. Obanai kissed your neck, groped your breasts, and played with your nipples as he fucked you hard.
"Fuck, I'm near..." He said, turning you over to face him now. There, he laid you on the floor, with your lustful and passionate eyes locked with each other. "I want to see your face as you cum." He said, and there, Obanai started slipping his cock in and out of you as his right hand worked to rub your clit.
With the overstimulation, you can't help but wrap your legs around him, pulling him down to kiss him deeply as you tear up with the sensation that you are feeling.
And there, as if atoms had collided, you felt an explosion inside of you as your sweet juices mixed with Obanai's cum. "Fuck!" He said as you bit his shoulder, letting the pleasure take over.
With his thrusts slowing down, Obanai collapsed over you, panting. You ran your hands on his hair and buried your face in the crook of his neck. Your heart is racing with the rhythm of his.
"I love you, Obanai."
"I love you too. You're mine."
"I'm yours."
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You looked at the sky, letting the cold breeze caress your skin. Resting on your lap was Obanai, who was petting Kaburamaru.
You looked down on the chemistry professor, and realisation hit you again. This marvellous man is yours. Who would have thought that the boy you've met at the foster home would change your life?
And there, you realised that if Shinobu and Mitsuri could see the both of you now, perhaps they would be happy. You know how those girls wanted you and Obanai to be happy before, and now it happens because you found love with each other.
And it's true, Obanai had seen his old self in you, but now it's different.
Like he had said before, both of you are not a hundred percent alright right now. But it's just that you don't hate the world as much as you did back then. And yes, you have to celebrate little wins, right?
And now, celebrating will be better, as you will get to celebrate it with the one you love every day.
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓥𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷!
Phew! All done with the Special Classes series finally! How has it been for you? XD I hope you enjoyed reading every single version!
It was quite hard writing Obanai's piece as it became deeper than I expected it to be (yes, I guess... he'll want it deep 🤭) But kidding aside! I enjoyed writing this as much as I wanted sleep hahahahaha!
Love yah all and thank you for the support as always! Feel free to reblog, request, and comment!
See you on the next series that I'm making (Tsugoku X Male Hashira and Oiran X Male Hashira) and the other one shots that I am preparing.
I'll be accommodating reqs as soon as my sched clears out UwU
Thank you again, minna-san!
Ja ne~
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
358 notes · View notes
echantedtoon · 1 month
A Lovers' Circle (Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch7 Date Weekend: Sunday
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(Or alternative title- Obligatory anime shopping montage. Just an excuse for Y/n to get to know everyone before the real romance starts. I'm using the chart above as headcannons ages for Sanemi's sibs for a modern au for future reference. Short chapter. 
Warnings for some nudity mentioned but nothing NSFW.
Hearts conquered so far: Mitsuri and Gyomei and secretly Kanae.)
Taglist: @shadyd3ar @jcrml @tengensangel
@miniverse-zen @mysteri0uz
Remember if you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
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Bright sunlight shown down from the sky and illuminated the entire world in a nice warm glow. Soon fall would be hear turning the leaves shades of yellows, reds, oranges, and brown. Cold weather would soon follow after with the spookiest day of the year right around the year before eventually snow would fall and bring with it icy sidewalks and the likelihood of being pelted by snowballs. 
So it was a good idea to get out and enjoy the warm weather while you could.
"Dammit! Im fine!" Obanai scrunched up his face and narrowed his eyes but didn't stop his girlfriend from pushing his bangs from his face to frown at him.
"But what if you get lost?"
"We're going on a hiking trip to see a waterfall and then we're going to the movies," he deadpanned, "It's not like we're going skydiving."
"I know but what if you run into a wolf? Or a wild bear?! "
His hands were held up bluntly. "We'll be fine. It's not the first time we've been in the woods. You go have fun at the mall."
She still frowned at him but didn't argue- Only reach over to give him a big kiss to his forehead leaving a red lipstick mark he'd wipe off later. Right now they were in front of the local park waiting for everyone else to arrive. Most of them were already there, minus Shinobu who needed to wrap up some last minute emails concerning her part time job at an office and Gyomei who was coming by bus after picking up his .. Girlfriend? Did she count as his girlfriend if they've only been on three dates? He guessed they were still just casually dating right now and testing the waters. Y/n seemed like a nice girl or 'unicorn' as Shinobu put it but he still wasn't too sure what to think..She seemed ok at least to him. Maybe that'll change later but who knows?
The sounds of the park around them continued through the air as kids ran around giggling and squealing their little heads off playing. Swings to be swung, slides to slide, and jungle gyms to climb. Lots of little smiles on little cute faces running around playing or toddling after parents walking around. Or in Sanemi's case allowing his little brothers and sisters to be climb all over him where he stood eating an energy bar in one hand while his other arm was slowly lifted up and down with two little boys and one little girl clinging to him. Three of his little siblings with a fourth standing just standing off to the side. The second oldest other than himself. No doubt babysitting a few of their little siblings today.
Kanae was letting one of their other little sisters mess with her hair and admire how pretty she was. She was rather pretty. However the sounds of a little PING sound took his attention off his friends and towards the pocket on Mitsuri's right side as her hand automatically dug out her phone and looked at the screen. 
"It's Shino! She says she's running late so she's just heading to the mall to meet us there."
"Oh. That's convenient." He didn't think they'd be able to leave on their hiking trip until Mrs. Shinazugawa came back to take over her youngest children. "Anything else from Mei?"
She shook and one of her braids smacked against his cheek. "Nope! But the bus should be here soon! Ooh! This is gonna be so much fun!"
Considering if they'll get here already. They were taking so long and it was already painful enough to have to fork over fifty bucks after loosing that stupid game Tengen decided to make them do. Sigh. Oh well still better than loosing a hundred dollars each. He didn't want to lose that too-
Well it's about time!
The tall, unmistakable form of Gyomei walked down the road and started making his way towards them walking slower than normal because of the smaller woman walking next to him holding his arm. You smiled at them all and waved an arm at them all as you got close enough to be heard.
"It's about time you all showed up. I was starting to grow a beard from how long it took."
"My apologies." Gyomei smiled despite his apology. "But we're here now. Is everyone else here?"
"Except Shinobu. She's gonna meet the girls at the mall. We still gotta wait for Sanemi's mom to come back before we leave too-" he gestured behind him at the giggling little kids despite Gyomei obviously not being able to see them. "-but she should be back anytime now. The girls can go ahead and leave." 
"Are you sure?" Mitsuri gave him a puppy eyed look. 
"Yeah. We'll be fine. You girls go enjoy your frilly spa day. Well meet up with you after Sanemi drags us to the movies."
"I promise."
It wasn't him her cupping his face and gifting him a giant smooth to the forehead before excitedly looping an arm around your arm and excitedly began to pull you towards the other girls. In fact you were barely able to shout a goodbye to Gyomei before the unusually strong woman literally dragged you off towards the other girls. They were all there except for Shinobu whom Mitsuri briefed you about meeting you all there, and Kanae who had to wrestle one of Sanemi's baby sisters off her before joining you all there. Mitsuri and Suma both super giddy with excitement.
"This is gonna be great! We're going shopping and then to Salan,Sauna, and Beyond!"
..You blinked. "What's Salon, Sauna, and Beyond?"
As if you had insulted her,her family, her friends, and cat- Suma gasped so loud you jumped as she clutched her turtleneck. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SALON, SAUNA, AND BEYOND IS?!"
"Um. No? Should I?"
"YES!," She yelled at you waving her arms around, "It's like only the greatest place ever to get your nails done and get pedicures and it has like these REALLY good massages that help melt stress awa- HEY!!"
MAKIO shoved her head aside with a hand with a deadpanned look. "It's a salon and spa with an attaching sauna room and one. It's a pretty popular place to go unwind and relax."
"Oh. I've never been there before."
"Kanae, tell her to stop being mean to me!"
"Ok. Let's calm down now. C'mon. We don't want to end up missing our bus."
Hinatsuru was lightly surprised you didn't run away or show annoyance at the fighting but remained smiling as Kanae hered the still arguing wives towards the bus station where you first arrived with Gyomei. It also turns out the boys were not going to be going with all of you like they did Friday night and all day Saturday when you weren't around. Instead they planned on having a few hours to just bond with the boys as the girls just bonded with each other which includes a nature hike, movie Sanemi insisted on dragging them too, and then they planned to go somewhere to eat before meeting back up with the girls near the end of the day at the sauna. Sounded like a plan. 
The ride to the mall was pretty generic. On the way there you sat by Mitsuri and talked with her about your pets. Her cats and bunnies and your goldfish you named Goldielocks.  It was a peaceful ride up to the ginormous building that was your city's local mall complete with a lot of stores inside. And conveniently waiting for you all in the parking lot was Shinobu, eating what looked like a granola bar while she was waiting for you all to show up by the entrance. It got a raised brow from Makio.
Shinobu shrugged again looking at you all. "You all were taking too long. I got hungry and ate something."
"Too long? It's eight in the morning still!"
"Let's not fight anyone! I wanna swing by CePora's! They have this new Summer's End eye shadow palette I've been wanting!" 
"I think the yellows and oranges would look good on Makio," you added trying to get the group moving, "Let's go in and see if it's still there!" Your arm gestured towards the large building.
Luckily that seemed to have worked and the group ended up being dragged by Mitsuri all the way to the escalator and up to the second floor where she then proceeded to not stop until she was dashing through the automatic front doors of the famous make up chain of stores. It was ok. You got a cute little compact mirror in the shape of a Tanuki so it all worked out before someone directed your group towards the check out and then a few different stores. This time a few clothes stores.
Honestly you were surprised one mall could have five different clothes stores and no one seemed to care. 
Your attention was mainly upon the plethora of outfits Suma and Mitsuri thrusted into your arms and insisted you try on because-
"You'd look even cuter next to Gyomei if you wore these!"
Nice to know that they cared about their friend at leas and you did end up liking a few of the outfits so that was a plus. Until Hinatsuru pointed out something with a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
"Hey. We've been going to all the places we like. It's not fair to Y/n to just drag her everywhere without stopping where she wants to go as our guest. Let's go where she wants." She smiled at you. "Pick wherever you want to go, Y/n."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! Where do you want to go?"
"Well, there's a bookstore here that has a new recipe book on deserts from Canada I'd really like to get."
"Consider it done!"
It was a nice trip to said bookstore where Mitsuri bought herself at least three romance novels and you think Shinobu got herself a book of space sciences. It was another small thrift store or two before it had occured to you all that it was noon already and you all were very hungry. Mitsuri's immediately reaction was to suggest going to the resident cat cafe, but knowing her appetite Shinobu suggested that you all go to the other mall restaurant that had an all you can eat buffet instead. Yeah. That was probably the better idea considering that Mitsuri had finished off her twelveth plate by 12:45 and about ready to go back for her thirteenth. You weren't even done with your own plate yet but giggled as she looked at you in question before you held up a napkin to her and smiled sweetly.
"Here. You have some gravy on your cheek from the mashed potatoes."
She blinked at the kind gesture but smiled widely. "Thanks!"
It was a mutual agreement that they approved of your gesture by the many smiles you've gotten from them. "So, Y/n. How's your day so far?"
You beamed brightly. "It's been wonderful! I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun!"
"Don't you go to the mall?"
You shook your head. "Only sometimes if I need to pick up something or if I'm shopping with my family. I don't really have a lot of friends who're free or like to go shopping with me."
"You don't have friends?"
"Well...Not a lot. My one friend is usually working and studying hard for his bachelor's and he's already busy enough with his boyfriend so we don't get to hang out as much as we used to."
"AW! That's so sad! It's ok!" You were suddenly grasped up into the arms of one pink haired girl who squeezed you tight enough to make you wheezed and pop a few of your bones as she hugged you to her. "We'll be your friends now! We can go on trips and I can do your nails and-"
"Mitsi! You're suffocating her there!"
Green eyes blinked before looking down at your pale face before she squealed out and pushed you away with a worried look. "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Oh my gosh! Are you ok?!"
You slowly gasped a lungful of air after getting squeezed like a lemon before nodding. "Y-Yeah. I'm ok." 
If you counted being squeezed like an orange ok. But you weren't going to fault her for it especially since she's been so nice to you so far. After a moment of you all just talking, mostly about what they were doing for classes starting Monday tomorrow or what they all did at the beach together yesterday when the waiter stopped by the large table to collect the dirty dishes ..and gave an annoyed dirty look at Mitsuri who was scarfing down the remainder of her thirteenth plate before adding it to the stack he had to take away eventually.
"Eh...Is there anything else I can get you ladies?," he asked despite still eyeing the stack of plates with narrowed eyes. His tone not hiding his annoyance either.
"Can I get some of the devil's food cake on the menu?" Mitsuri beamed up at him widely as his nose wrinkled up. 
"I'm sorry but we're OUT," he bluntly stated before reluctantly grabbing the tall stack of dishes and grunting annoyed. "Can I get anyone else anything?"
Mitsuri blinked giving a glance at the stack of dishes the waiter was forced to carry away before guiltily and ashamedly looking down at her own hands. It caused a chain reaction of glares and frowns from the other girls glaring at him annoyed back.
"No. Just bring us the check."
The waiter seemed annoyed still but relieved to start collecting everyone else's plates adding it to the big pile in his arms before pausing as you gently reached out to gently tug on his sleeve and smiled politely. "May I please have some of the devil's food cake on the menu? Just add it to my part of the check please."
Now this time every gave you wide eyed looks at the audacity of the situation especially when Mitsuri was literally right THERE next to you but the waiter was all too happy to smile at you. "But of course. Give me just a minute to get back to you."
"Thank you very much!"
There was just dumbfounded silence as he walked away after picking up Kanae's dishes and hauling them away from the stunned group as you all sat there stunned other than you who only smiled... Eventually Mitsuri broke the silence with a mumble. 
"I thought they were out."
"What the heck, Y/n?!," Makio demanded as you just smiled at her as she gestured to Mitsuri and you. "She's right there! Did you freaking forget or something?!"
"Oh no. I know exactly what I'm doing."
"Why you-"
"Makio, calm down. We can't stop her from buying her own dessert if she's paying for it herself." Despite Kanae's soft tone, her look was obviously disapproving. "It's not like we can demand someone that they can't eat something."
Makio didn't say anything but she shot you a glare as you still smiled at her and Mitsuri sunk down further into her seat as everyone awkwardly waited for the checks to be delivered along with your dessert. About five minutes later the same waiter returned looking a little less annoyed but still had that blunt tone to him as he placed down at least seven checks for you all and a second later a VERY big delicious smelling, mouth watering, chocolate upon chocolate cake slice in front of you. 
"Here you are, Ma'am."
"Oh thank you! If you wait just a second, I'll give you your tip!" You clasped your hands happily as he smiled at you... Before you bluntly reached over, grabbed the plate, picked it up, and just placed it back down in front of Mitsuri who blinked in surprise. "Look, Mitsuri! They had some after all and what luck we were able to get you the last piece!" Her eyes widened bigger at you. "Aren't you lucky?"
Everyone stared gobsmacked as you just hummed along going to dig around in your purse for a second to pull out a five dollar bill before holding it up to the waiter whom looked like he was slapped across the face. The moment you waved the bill in his face, he glared at you before snatching it from your hand and stomping away from you table. There was another awkward moment as you left the thirty dollars for your part of the meal on the table before you blinked at the wide eyed stares given to you.
"What? Did I get her the wrong cake?"
Instead of an answer you were given a squeal from Mitsuri and then after another bone crushing hug as she hugged you with a large smile. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!  THIS IS LIKE THE NICEST THING A NEW PERSON HAS EVER DONE FOR ME!!"
You smiled wider looking at her. "No need to thank me. You shouldn't be treated badly just because of your appetite." She blinked as you patted her arms. "That guy's a jerk. Forget about him and just enjoy your cake. My treat."
She continued to stare at you before her face turned to a bright red and her hands let go of you to clasp her cheeks. "I-I don't know what to say. Oh my- Such a gesture!"
"You don't have to say anything. Just enjoy yourself. Sorry if I didn't explain it earlier."
"Oh. So that's why you ordered it." 
Makio slowly relaxed as you nodded.... Oblivious to the lovestruck, blushing face Mitsuri was giving you before you slowly got up to excuse yourself to the bathroom and asked them to watch your shopping bags in the meantime. The SECOND you disappeared from sight, Mitsuri slammed a determined palm down on the table and clenched a fist.
"Ok! It's official! Let's do all we can to get her together with Gyomei! She's absolutely perfect!"
"Huh? Where did this come from?"
"Oh..N-No where but we owe it to Mei to try and get him a great girlfriend like he deserves! So let's make her feel welcome! I mean like c'mon! She's literally perfect! She even tipped the waiter so we didn't have to!"
"Are you..blushing?"
"N-NO! I'm just very flattered at the gesture!"
By the time you got back, Mitsuri was already done eating and giddy again especially when you came back. The group gathered up the bags and decided to stop by two more small shops to pick up some pre-ordered stuff Tengen already paid for (a canvas and a box of hard to get paints) before they ushered you back out of the mall and on the street. At least four shopping bags hung from your own arms as Mitsuri held your hand and pulled you along behind her continuing to babble on about...Well you lost track after the part where she told you about how she got into ballet but you politely listened since she seemed so happy now dragging you down the road as cars drove by and people passed by on the sidewalk.
The building they stopped in front of was a smaller building than the mall but still bigger than your house. The sign on the front saying Salon, Sauna, and Beyond. Ah! So this must be the place that they were so excited to go. You allowed Mitsuri to excitedly drag you in after the others and the nice smells of rose air freshener hit your nose along with the cool air from the ac. The inside of the building was mostly white with a few paintings on the wall, some soft looking chairs, and a reception desk where a middle aged woman smiled at you all. Ah. This must've been the waiting area. 
The woman smiled at the group and waved a hand. "Good afternoon. Are you here to book an appointment?"
"I have a reservation for a group under Kocho actually!"
The lady took a moment to rummage around on her desk and look for something.. before nodded and happily looked at Shinobu. "Of course! We have your party booked for our three o clock reservation. If you'll follow me, you can get a locker for your belongings before proceeding to the salon floor."
In an instant Mitsuri looked excitedly at you. "Have you ever been to an onsen before, Y/n?"
You nodded. "My cousin had everyone go to one for her bachelorette party, so I've been to one once."
"Oh you'll love it then! The water is from natural hot springs so it's got minerals that's really good for your skin! But first we're getting our nails done and-"
And off she went again. 
It was ok still. You still were going to have a good time. It was just a small matter of getting a small safe place to put your shoes and bags before following the others to the other section of the salon separate from the onsen addition. Other an an older woman getting highlights in her hair, your group had the entire place to yourselves. 
It was a strange and new but not unpleasant experience there. After all you've never had your nails done let alone had anyone else take a nail file to your nails or had your feet soaked before getting a pedicure for the first time. As said it wasn't a bad experience just new. However you declined the massage offered to you. By the time three hours had passed and everyone had a turn to everything that was offered to them(none of you noticing the second group being escorted towards the onsen), it was time for the onsen according to Suma. There was only one problem however-
"Hey. Um..I don't know how any other way to say this,  but I don't feel comfortable washing with you all before we go to the onsen."
You weren't actually planning on getting into any onsens either and was just going to sit on the edge as they soaked, but you had to bath before going into the onsen and you didn't feel comfortable doing that as a group. Luckily Shinobu seemed very understanding and smiled at you. 
"That's fine. We're not going to make you do something you're not comfortable with so why don't you want outside for about fifteen minutes? We'll all be done by then and you can join us when you're done."
You sighed relieved. "That's great!"
"Good. When you're done just go through the doorway and down the hall. We'll be through the green door."
"Ok! I'll remember that!"
Guess who decided to show up in your life again? Yep that's right. Bad luck.
You had waited outside of the bathing area with the long fluffy white robe and the soap the spa ladies had given you to use and waited about twenty minutes for them all to get done (an extra five minutes just to be sure) before deciding to see if everyone was clear. A quick shout didn't get any response and a careful peek inside revealed that indeed no one else was in the room. Perfect! You were able to scrub down really quick and change into the robe you were given before wrapping a towel around your hair. Now let's see. Shinobu said they'd be in the room down the hall from here through the green door. Perfect! Easiest directions ever!
...or it would've been if you weren't staring at two exactly identical green doors at the end of the hall. 
You stood there dumbfounded staring between the doors again. There was a sign saying which one was the men's section.. unfortunately it had fallen off the wall where it was hung up and for some reason had been kicked to the middle of the hall so you had no idea which door it had been hanging above. Was someone trying to play a joke?! Or did no one notice the sign on the floor?! Or did they just not care and just kick it out of the way?! Either way you were screwed in this situation. Great.
Ultimately you decided to go through the right door. There was no one else in the spa besides yourself, your group, and the employees. The worst you'd do is enter an empty room or run into an employee who you'd just explain that you were were lost, and you might just run into the group. So you didn't think when you pushed open the door. When you stepped inside. When you smiled at first hearing the sloshing sounds of water. When you called out happily.
"Hey! I'm sorry I took so long! I got lost so-"
You froze as at least six heads turned to look at you in the doorway. 
It felt like an eternity to process what you were seeing as your mind just blue screened, but at the same time it felt like someone dropped a boulder into your stomach and jabbed ice into your veins with a syringe. There was definitely a group occupying the onsen in here alright...however it was uh...
They were definitely not girls. 
Six pairs of eyes stared at you. Some frozen in shock, some confusion, and at least in Sanemi's case it was a big 'wtf' look. Speaking of which-
The boys all stared at you from somewhere in the room. Rengoku, Tengen, and Sanemi from in the water. Obanai sitting on the ledge looking wide eyed frozen at you with a towel around his middle and his mask still on his face. And Gyomei and Giyuu standing off to the side looking like they had been having a conversation but stopped when you walked in. However-
"*ahem*" Eventually it was Gyomei who broke the extremely awkward silence by clearing his throat making you jump and calmly gesturing a hand back to the door. "Y/n, I believe you meant to enter through the o-other door."
The door all but slammed behind your quickly disappearing form and the sound of your quickly retreating footsteps left everyone else staring there stunned in the aftermath.. before Tengen snickered body shaking lightly before his entire head was thrown back with his loud booming laughter echoed off the tiled walls.
"HAHAHAHAHA!! Well if she didn't think you were good looking before she does now!," he loudly announced with more laughter that turned into sputters and coughs once Sanemi splashed water into his face.
You didn't mention anything about this to the others. Didn't even answer them when they asked what took you you so long and why your face was burnt red. You only squealed out that you got lost but didn't answer anything else. Thankfully they didn't push it and you were able to try to forget about it..but failed. You were horrified by the time you all left and the guys were literally RIGHT THERE  in the lobby and...
Absolutely chill?
They didn't look the least bit out of the ordinary and just greeted their girlfriends like it was any other day except for Tengen who gave you a deeply amused smile but before he could say anything Obanai kicked his leg hard enough to make him wince. So hopefully he wouldn't be telling anyone else about this- A gentle large hand placed on your shoulder causes you to jump out of your stupor and snap up to a concerned looking Gyomei. 
"Are you alright?," his tone was gentle and concerned. "If you're uncomfortable being around after..*ahem*" His own face dawned a light pink. "I-I can pay for a taxi to take you home."
"N-No! I-It's ok! That was m-m-my fault! Um...How was your hike?" You quickly changed the subject.
Taking the hint he nodded clearing his throat. "I-It was wonderful. The forest was very vibrant with life and the waterfall was especially alive. There's not really anything that sounds quite as powerful as the Earth's own power."
"It sounds beautiful."
"It was."
*Until Sanemi dragged us to that ghost story knock off."
"That is enough!" The sudden shout from the otherwise soft spoken Gyomei was so out of the ordinary that it made everyone turn on the spot in shock and surprise. His face turned down on a frown towards the both of them. "This entire day was supposed to be about spending time with one another not argue over who has better taste in films. Further more you both are being very inconsiderate to make such fools of yourself in front of our guest for this trip. Now will you both please kindly stop going at each other's throats?"
There was a stunned small moment of silence as the both of them slowly relaxed back looking suddenly guilty. After another few seconds Gyomei nodded before looking back to you apologetically. 
"I'm very sorry."
"It's ok. I really don't mind anyways." 
"No. It's not ok. We were supposed to relax today without any fighting. They promised and now-.." He just sighed. "It's getting late and we all have classes and work tomorrow. We should all return home and get a good night's sleep. Do you need me to drop you off?"
You shook your head at him. "No it's ok. I can walk home after I take the bus back." 
"Then allow me to walk you home. It's the least I can do."
After such a kind gesture,how could you say no? That's what lead to you both walking down the street with your arms linked and the sun barely in the sky, and him carrying your bags in his other hand even though you told him he didn't have to but he insisted. It made a warm fluttery feeling go off in your chest that barely let you register saying goodbye to everyone else. And you definitely didn't see the way Mitsuri was giving you the 'first crush' eyes or the very approving look Kanae gave you. Only focusing on the fact that you were home now and the good feelings in your chest didn't go away even when he handed over your bags. 
"Thank you for walking me home."
He smiled. "As I said before it's the least I could do. I'm just happy you had fun with the girls today. I hope Mitsuri and Suma weren't too overwhelming. I know they can be a lot." 
"No they're great! I had so much fun. It's the best time I had for a long time to be honest." 
He chuckled too and looked like he was going to say something but at the same moment and elderly couple smiled at you while walking into the building next to your home. "Oh look, Dear. A young man walking his lady home. How charming. I remember when you used to walk me everywhere-"
"Oh no. He's not my boyfri-..He is?"
The look of surprise on his face as his head turned to you wide eyed. "I am?"
There was a silence other than the chatting older couple just entering into the building and leaving you both alone staring at each other for a long moment. Eventually you looked down at your feet and rubbed your arm.
"I-I mean.. Would you like to be?"
His white eyes widened to the size of plates as he was taken aback before the brightest shade of red came over him as he just.. couldn't believe it. Before a big smile replaced the shock and he nodded. "Y-YES! I mean- *ahem* I would like that very much. However are you sure you'd like to have me for a boyfriend. I will not sugarcoat the obvious." A hand gestured to his face. "I am blind and scarred."
"If I was really shallow to not date because of looks, then I wouldn't have agreed to that first date with you."
"I am seeing other people whom I love and care about very much. .. I'm not going to break up with them or any other outrageous demands."
"I wouldn't even dream of asking you to break up with them! I think they're wonderful people so I couldn't ask you that. And it's not going to be me dating them. I'm going to be dating you and I'm ok with that." You smiled. "You're the first guy I dated that's been completely honest with me and so kind. It makes me feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world."
"I-... Don't speak like that please."
You blinked. "Huh. Why?"
"Be-Because the beauteous genuity of your words only make you sound more beautiful to my mind."
Huh. You were both closer than he remembered. Just a few inches from one another twinkling under the lights. And you blinked at the sudden closeness too. Face going a dim pink and a few chuckles from the moment escaping you. Barely anyone was outside now, too busy inside mingling, eating the food, and enjoying the evening. So it was just you two. Alone out here with nothing but each other for company. His mind felt completely blank and numb but in a good way, compelling him to reach his hands up and cup a cheek of yours something his rational brain wouldn't allow himself to do. Inches away now. You didn't move away.
He stared at the woman in front of him, this silly silly woman with the beautiful voice. If he was watching this as an outsider, he would've laughed at how they were literally just strangers less than a while ago, but right now it didn't seem any of that or anything else mattered. Not even the topic they had been discussing just a few seconds ago. Or removing the hand that now cupped her cheek. Maybe it really was a mutual madness they both shared or some form of chaos in their lives, but right now....With them being so close...And so vulnerable. It was only natural of course-.. It's what soulmates do-.. Of course they would since-...
They kissed.
"Hey. Do you think Gyomei is going to be angry at us still?" Sanemi gave his girlfriend a glum look as she patted his back. 
"Of course not. He's just stressed trying to make a good impression is all. I'm sure he'll be just fine." Her boyfriend didn't look convinced as he gave her a pout. Oh well. She was distracted anyways by the ringing of her phone in her pocket to which she promptly pulled out and automatically held up to her ear. "Hello?"
"Kanae! Quickly I need help!"
She blinked as Gyomei's voice cut through the phone. "Mei? Are you ok? What happened?"
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megantrancyfanfics · 2 years
Better than me? Kyojuro Rengoku x female reader smut
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Warning: public sex, jealous sex, overstimulation, fingering, teasing, pet names, creampie.
Tags: @animupiglett
Notes: once again, Rengoku is rotting my brain so you’re getting more content I’m sorry this rut might be over soon but who knows
Enjoy ❤️‍🔥
When Mitsuri suggested for all the hashira’s to go to a mixed bathhouse together, everyone was joyous about it. After all, it would be a relaxation trip; meaning no crows were to interfere unless it’s absolutely an emergency.
The thing that feared you, was it being mixed. You and the flame hashira have been flirting back and forth for a while, with no understanding of what he wants. Is it all just fun to him? Or is the flirting meaningful?
“Aww c’mon now y/n don’t be so shy!” Mitsuri exclaimed taking out her final braid.
“How are you so confident Mitsuri..?”
“It’s simple, I just don’t care what others think about my body, because at the end of the day it’s my body. I’m not here to please anyone but myself. Plus if anyone does dare to say something mean to me Obanai will kill them” she says with a giggle.
“Just flirt if it feels right.” Mitsuri continued with another giggle before grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of the changing room before you had the chance to grab a towel to cover yourself.
Rengoku, Giyuu, obanai, shinobu, And Tengen we’re already in the bath. The loud slaps of both yours and Mitsuri’s bare feet alerted the ones already in.
“This is gonna be so fun!” She giggles letting go of your wrist and jumping into the spring before going over to Obanai, Giyuu and shinobu.
You felt 2 pairs of eyes on you: both Rengoku and Tengen were staring at you like a predator laying eyes on its prey.
“My my y/n! Who knew you were hiding that Divine body under that baggy uniform!” Tengen said as you walked into the water, his eyes roaming your body.
‘Just flirt when the time feels right’ Mitsuri’s voice rang through your mind as you took a seat beside tengen.
“Oh? Divine enough to become a fourth wife?” You ask flirtily, making Tengen chuckle.
“Maybe, suma as been wanting an addition to the family.” He says with a wink. “If it does happen, I’ll make sure to treat you good.” He says huskily.
You playfully fanned your face and let out a quick “oh my~” before looking at Rengoku. His gaze and expression dark, only for it to snap back into its usual happy go lucky expression.
Rengoku let’s out a laugh. “My my! Tengen I do believe you’re allowing a problem to grow under the water!”
Both you and Tengen blank stared at the flame hashira, you being the first to catch on. Your body jolted as your face turned red. “Oh goodness! I did not mean for that to happen!” You exclaim moving over to sit beside Rengoku.
Tengen’s cheeks turned a shade of pink as he slid farther into the water. “ ‘s fine..I didn’t mean for that to happen either..I hope it doesn’t effect us.” You quickly shook your head no, before the three of you moved off of the subject at hand to talk about random missions and demons. Before long 2 hours had passed, merely all of the hashira had left to reside back in the hotel besides the 3 of you.
“Well, it’s been so flashy to talk to the two of you, but this hot water has me over cooked!” Tengen says with a laugh standing up, making you advert your gaze elsewhere.
“You two better not spend too much longer in here or else you’ll pass out.”
“Right! But it’s also good training to endure the heat!” Rengoku exclaims as Tengen leaves the spring to grab a towel. A quick “yeah yeah” leaving his mouth as he went to the changing rooms.
“So, you didn’t want to take a peek at tengen’s dick when he stood up?” Rengoku asked quietly and darkly, making you look at him.
“I mean come on you flirted with my best friend in front of me! I’m rather shocked you didn’t wanna sneak a peek. Didn’t he say he’d treat you good? You should have snuck a peek at what he was talking about.”
“Now where is this coming from? Don’t tell me the flame hashira is jealous of a silly little flirt!” You coo playfully making Rengoku huff.
“Is it just a mere silly flirt when you’re flirting with me?” He gets close to your face, your lips inches from touching as he lowers his voice. “Because it certainly isn’t when I’m flirting with you, my dear y/n.” He says so quietly if he wasn’t as close as he was you wouldn’t hear it. He captures your lips with his, the kiss slow, sensual, you were able to feel the love Rengoku was wanting you to feel from that kiss.
When you pulled away, you locked eyes with him. “It’s not silly flirting when I flirt with you, Rengoku. I have deep feelings for you.” That’s all Rengoku needed to hear. Before you knew it, you were pulled onto Rengoku’s lap, your legs resting against the sides of his thighs as he slid his hand down to your pussy. Two fingers instantly started to rub your clit.
“Mm. That’s what I’ve been wanting to hear.” He coos before kissing down your neck until his lips latch onto your nipple, his fingers quickly turning you on, so much so you couldn’t help but to roll your hips to gain more friction. When your release started to build up, Rengoku stopped toying with your nipples and leaving little love marks around your chest, and slowed down his pace.
When you were about to protest, a gasp left your mouth when 2 of his long fingers entered your cunt.
“Aww if you’re already looking this fucked out and satisfied maybe I don’t need to make you mine in another way than just asking you out.” He says darkly, slowly pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt, before finding your g-spot when you arched you back and let out a whine. Rengoku quickly slapped his hand over your mouth before quickening his pace, abusing your g-spot. He felt your legs starting to shake and your pussy tighten.
“Now we can’t be getting caught unless you don’t want to feel that sweet release I know you’re so desperately close to receiving. Be a good girl and be super quiet for me. Once we get back home I’ll have you screaming for me ok?” With that, you were sent overboard, your orgasm washed over you, legs shaking even after you were coming off your high. You were embarrassed though, as Rengoku pulled out his fingers, and removed his hand from your mouth to place them on your hips, you were still horny and craving something to be inside of you. You moved closer to rengoku’s cock, once on top you couldn’t help but to roll your hips, letting out a satisfied “mm” when having something rubbing against your clit.
“My, someone’s eager.” He coos, surprising you when he rolls his hips. “Even though you just finished you want more?”
“Yes please I want it so bad, I’ve been wanting this for so long, I’ve been craving you. I want you Rengoku.”
A small smirk was on his lips as you felt his cock slip into your cunt. A soft moan escaped while biting your bottom lip. His movements started off slow, experimenting with each thrust before tightening his grip on your hips, eyes locked with yours.
“Remember to keep quiet.” He says before ramming into you so hard you start to see stars. Your hands rest on his shoulders, nails digging into them.
Dirty praises were murmured into your ears, but to be quite honest you couldn’t make it out all of your attention was drawn to your limit that quickly approached.
“Oh my stars, you’re tightening down on me so much.” He groaned out. “Do you think Tengen would be able to treat you better than me? Better than how I’m making you feel right now?” He asks, his hot breath tickling your neck before closing his mouth around your sweet spot to abuse it.
“N-no way..you’re making me feel so good kyo. I wouldn’t want anyone to even try to make me feel like this.” You moaned out, earning a satisfied mm from the man.
The man pulled away from your neck, his head falling backwards as his thrusts became sloppy. “Y/n you feel so good.”
“I’m so close” you whined, making Rengoku lock eyes with you. “Me too.”
“I want you to cum inside me Rengoku.”
“A-are you sure?” He stuttered out, you could tell he was fighting back his orgasm. With a nod of your head, both of you reached your peak.
Rengoku helped both of you ride out your highs before helping you off his cock and out of the hot spring.
“My Rengoku, I didn’t see you as someone who would be down to do such a naughty thing in a public place.” You say with a wink before capturing his lips with yours before pulling away.
Rengoku chuckled. “This place is meant for relaxing after all, dear y/n. Now go clean up. I wouldn’t want you making a mess and leaving evidence of what we did. I’ll wait for you so we can walk to our rooms together.”
Sorry for disappearing and coming back with such a crappy fanfic I promise I’ll be writing a better one soon! I hope y’all are doing well
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gabbytbll · 2 months
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word count: 882
masters list
Authors note: i have been obsessed with this man recently so what else to do except make something for this fine man eheh. But i don't feel like this should be NSFW as I'm not in the mood for that but i hope u still like it!! im going to open requests soon on Sunday! don't worry to the people who requested Ima bang them out since i feel bad i left y'all for so long even tho i was having internet problems!!
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Note: Master list has been updated with people from demon slayer! Next update ill add Jujutsu Kaisen!
i was listening to this song while making it and i thought it fit!
no warning's♡
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• Giyuu is very quiet so i feel like he would randomly hug you from behind or randomly show up to where you are just to check on you or just to listen to you talk because we all know he's a listener.
• Giyuu loves to give you your favorite food whenever he's free he likes to say it brings the both of you closer than ever!
• He is the type of guy that is protective of you so he keeps watch on you at all times because he's worried you will get hurt like Sabito did, he hates for you to get hurt he thinks it is his responsibility when ever you need medical
• I feel like he might try to learn how to heal wounds and medical from Shinobu to help you whenever you or him is hurt, It definitely took him a while to understand everything Shinobu tells him
「∘˙○˚.•」 Giyuu pointed at a light-colored vial filled with a slimy texture. "But what does this do?" Giyuu said is a small whisper. Shinobu's right eyebrow twitches as she quietly let out a puff of air in anger. As she turns to look to her left at Giyuu. "Tomioka-San i already told you what that did, do you not listen Tomioka-San?" Shinobu said with a tiny smile while poking his arm with her finger. Giyuu look's down slightly with an unreadable expression. "Im sorry Shinobu" Giyuu said. She lets out a hum as she turns back to point at the colored vial with an unreadable expression. " You put this on the wound's before you wrap it with gauze, so it can heal faster!" Shinobu said with a serious expression. Shinobu looks back at Giyuu and poked him lightly. "Now Tomioka-San don't put too much on the wound or the gauze will not hold up right like it's supposed to!" Shinobu said with a serious expression. Giyuu nodded with a determined expression
• After He learns about how take help you when your hurt He would help you with all your wounds even your small cut's it doesn't matter to him, He just loves taking care of you
• He would love to do missions with you if you're a Hashira, i like to think he doesn't like to do missions alone but since the other Hashira's don't really like him, he has to bear with it but ever since you been joining him on mission's i feel like he would be much happier
• Some time's he loves to take you out to eat to spend more time with you and to talk about some things while the both of you were away to catch up
• I feel like he would randomly buy you clothes that he likes would look nice on you even tho u might not wear it, he is even ok if you just hang it up somewhere!
「∘˙○˚.•」 Giyuu was walking towards your home with an almost unnoticeable smile. He also had some bad? in his hands. He saw you look out your window to see him coming towards you. He felt his heart skip a beat. Your smile.. Your beautiful smile. Your smile lights up his whole day. He walks fast towards you in a hurry to reach you. As soon as he reached your door you open it before he could knock. "Giyuuu-sannn! how have you been? i hope you been really good! I was making some food do you want some?" You said in a hurry with a big smile. You opened the door more so he could come in and sit down with you. "Do You need anything Giyuu? i have some tea!" You said as you were walking thru the house to the kitchen. Giyuu started to follow you after he closed you door shut. "Um can i have some tea please?" Giyuu said while putting down the bag gently on the table. You turn to look at him after you got his tea ready. "Hey what's that? did you get me something?" You said with an excited tone of voice. Giyuu softly smiled and nodded his head yes. Your eyes light up in excitement as you hurried to look in the bag. You took out a (f/c) kimono that is perfectly your size. "WOWW! this is so pretty Giyuu-san! where did you find this?" You said while jumping up and down in excitement while hugging the kimono. Giyuu let out a small chuckle at your reaction.
• He sometime crashes at your place because its closer from his mission when he's done then his own, plus he would rather sleep at your place anyways
• He would randomly come in your house and scare you on accident because he's so quite sometimes you won't even know he was there until you find simmered salmon with daikon randomly on your kitchen table
• He loves to leave random things in your house if u don't find him by the time he leaves you to go do a mission or check on something
• He loves to leave you flower's next to your bed whenever you're feeling down or not feeling well, he also loves to make you soup and food that will help you get over your sickness
「∘˙○˚.•」 You let out a puff of air out of your nose out of frustration. You just came back from a mission, and you were dead tired. What sucks is you haven't got to see your friends yet today either. As you finally get close to your home, all you were thinking about is to get a shower and go to sleep. You walk thru your door after you open it, all you can smell is food? was someone is your house?. You let out a small hum in confusion at the smell. You carefully walk around the house to check if someone was in your house just to make sure there was no intruder's. You finally react the kitchen to see Giyuu asleep on the table with his head down with salmon and daikon next to his head half ate. You shake your head while chuckling accidentally waking up Giyuu in the process. As Giyuu lifts his head up alerted at your chuckle. He sees you standing near him with a tired smile after finding him asleep on your table. "Oh sorry (Y/n) i feel asleep and your house was closer than mine" Giyuu said softly in a tired tone. You let out a small hum before you talk "It's ok Giyuu-san your always welcomed in here" You said while moving his food to put away knowing he was about to go to sleep again. "Giyuu-san do you want to come to my bedroom and sleep? or do you want to go to sleep in the living room?" You said while looking at him. He sat there thinking for a second. Giyuu gives a small nod and say's "I'll come sleep in the bedroom with you". You nod at him with a smile. You wave for him to follow you as you start to walk towards your bedroom to go to sleep. As the both of you reach the bedroom you go in first to show him where to sleep. "Here you sleep here while i go and get a shower" You said while making his bed quickly hoping he will be comfortable in it. "Ok than you (Y/n) i hope you don't mind me sleeping in here" Giyuu said is a tired whisper. Giyuu moves to finally lay down and get comfortable while waiting for your answer. You let out a small laugh at his question. "Oh Giyuu-san your always welcomed in my house please do get comfortable I'm going to go get a shower" You said in a soft voice while getting up to move. Giyuu lets out a small hum as he was half asleep. "Sleep well Giyuu-san" You said as you bend over to kiss his forehead.
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Welp i hope you like it i worked hard and there will be mistakes! make sure you like and reblog to support me thank you for reading!!⛱
©️ gabbytbll. do not copy, repost, or translate across other sites. do not copy my sentence structures, plot or characterization.
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peekawoocc · 5 months
P.s. ok, so I wrote this within the span of a day, so if there's any mistakes, I apologize. As I mentioned in the first part, this loosely goes along with the actual chronological events of the Wano season of One Piece. If I missed any important details, I'm sorry. I'll probably do one or two more parts. The last part will probably take a while because I'm still watching Wano.
CW: Smut, Oral sex (reader recieving), yes we get cockblocked yet again my dudes.
Cockblocked in Wano Pt.3
You followed after Law once he walked out due to his fight with Shinobu. You knew he and his crew never ratted the Samurai out. To be completely honest, you were just as mad as Law, which seemed impossible considered the sour look he had.
How could Shinobu have accused the Heart Pirates of such betrayal? How could she say anything bad about them when they had Bepo? You would've killed for Bepo. He was a whole reason on his own for why you could no longer stand there and listen to her accusations.
As you were lost in your thoughts, you were suddenly brought back to real time as you accidentally walked into Law's back. Somehow you were at the Polar Tang.
"If you'd rather go back and be with your crew, I completely understand," Law said carefully.
"Oh, i-its fine. I don't think I could handle being near Shinobu anyway, not after that. Now's not the time to be pointing fingers,"
"I completely agree y/n. I'm not stranger to being accused of being the bad guy, I'm a pirate after all. Oh well," Law said with a hint of appreciation in his voice. He could tell you were on his side. Always loyal and kind.
You followed Law as he entered the submarine. It was quiet. Perhaps too quiet. But how could you possibly know? This was your first time in the Heart Pirates home base.
Law walked towards one door way and then turned to look at you.
"Stay here for a moment,"
Law looked around the shared quarters belonging to his crew. He saw a few faces and noticed they were all sleeping. No hints of danger.
Law exhaled a sigh of relief as he turned back to fetch you.
"It seems everyone's getting some rest, follow me,".
And you did just that.
Not sure where he was leading you, you felt yourself get nervous with anticipation. You knew you could trust him, that's not what worried you. What worried you was the idea of being completely alone with Law. No interruptions. No more having to worry about being walked in on like this morning. However, you two had already gotten into some fun once already. Maybe it could happen again. Your heart fluttered at the thought.
"These are my quarters,"
"Maybe we should try to get some rest too. I wasn't expecting to be woken up so suddenly this morning,'
"Yeah, sorry about that,"
"No need to apologize. Hell, I should be thanking you if anything,"
"What, why?"
"I can't tell you the last time I slept for hours like that without waking up 3-4 times from nightmares. It was strange, but it was really nice. And I think its because of you,".
He opened the door to his bedroom, smiling as he did. You felt yourself blush at his kind words.
You took a good look around his room. It was well kept and clean. There was a desk next to a bookcase in one corner, filled to the brim with folders, books, and various documents. Everything from medical books to comics. On the opposite side of his room was a bed. You were surprised to see how big it was. You were expecting something smaller due to Laws lanky, skinny figure, but it made sense. His legs are so long and he must toss and turn a lot if he has trouble sleeping, must need room to sprawl out.
"Mind helping me sleep again?" Law asked without looking at you, he was blushing slightly.
You felt yourself flush slightly, you felt like you sounded too eager to cuddle with the black cat-like man.
But he didn't acknowledge it. He put Kikoku against the wall and his hat on his desk before making his way to the bed. He watched you make your way towards him and generously held the blanket up for you to snuggle next to him. You prompted yourself up slightly as you laid down, pushing Laws shoulders down and pulling him in front of you.
Before he could ask what you were doing, you answered his thoughts.
"Lay your head on my chest,".
This caused Law to glance down at your breasts as he gulped audibly. How cute, you thought, as you saw him get flustered. As you watched his expression, you felt some boldness due to the sight of how weak your body made him. You giggled and before he could look back up to your eyes, you grabbed the back of his scalp and pushed his face down into your breasts. You heard him gasp into your chest and began giggling more.
As you did, not paying much attention to the man suffocating into you, Law slowly lifted his gaze to your face as he gently bit your displayed cleavage.
"Ouch, what was that for?" you asked, giggling calming down.
"Clearly you're not tired enough for a nap, maybe I should help tire you out," he smirked, and dove back down to suck on your exposed skin. Your giggling was replaced by sucking in your breath as you felt his lips on you. Law began trailing down to your right nipple, dragging his tounge towards it as he pulled your his kimono to the side, opening your body to him more.
He gently sucked on your nipple, and brought his right hand over your unattended tit.
You let out a shaky low moan. Not even loud enough to be considered a whisper.
"L-Law? W-what are you aah~, d-doing?"
He let out a low chuckle, almost growling as he spoke.
"Following through on my promise, I meant what I said,".
He winked at you before diving back down on you, slowly kissing his way lower and lower until he was completely covered by the blanket. Conventially, your legs were already spread for him to hold his body in between. He stopped his trail of kisses and pressed his open mouth to your left hip, sucking in your flesh in between his teeth as he bites you. The bite is gentle at first, but it becomes stronger, earning him a gasp from you. He chuckles again as he makes his way lower. Slowly he places wet open mouth kisses on your inner thighs.
"L-Law!" you whimper, desperately needing to feel him on your core.
He began biting at your thighs, but suddenly stopped.
"Law?" you asked, curious as to why he pulled away.
Suddenly the blanket was gone, and Law had a hungry, devilish smirk on his face.
"I want you to watch me turn you into a mess," he spoke calmly.
Before you could respond, he started devouring you. Pulling moans out of you as your head falls back.
He started sucking lightly on your clit, just enough to make you crave more of him. As you bucked your hips to encourage him, he didnt seem to get the memo.
Letting out a groan of frustration for not getting what you wanted, you looked down at the hungry man between your thighs. You were met with a gaze that seemed to have already been staring at you.
Law smirked. "Bout time you looked at me. Watch me and I'll give you what you need," he said as he began to pick up the pace.
It was exactly the kind of pace and pressure you needed. You started to feel the coil in you getting closer and closer to snapping. Then he added 2 of his beautiful fingers into your entrance making his way to your sweet spot as he lapped and sucked on your clit. It didn't take much after that to make your vision go white as you rode out your orgasm.
After you came back down to reality, you panted as you looked back down at Law. He was licking his fingers, swallowing down your essence. If he didn't give off black cat energy before, he definitely resembled the actual thing with how he licked his hand. It was cute.
"Thank you, that felt amazing,"
"Too soon to thank me, sweetness. I've got more in store for you,"
"Oh really~. Like what, exactly?"
Law slowly started crawling over you, hovering above you.
"I was thinking about fucking you until you went dumb on my dick-"
*Bang Bang Bang*
"CAPTAIN!? IS THAT YOU!? ARE YOU BACK!?" a female voice called from behind the locked door.
Not again. What happened this time?
"Dammit," Law sighed, he sounded desperate as he pressed his forehead against yours and closed his eyes.
He lifted his head back, raising an eyebrow.
"Do I have time to-...get prepared?"
"Why can't anyone stay out of trouble," he began. Though his words sounded harsh, you could hear the sloght tremble of worry they carried.
"Coming!" he yelled at the voice behind the door.
You heard some footsteps shuffle away from the door.
"Not in the way I'd like to...," Law sighed with furrowed brows. All you could do was giggle.
"Come on, we need to go find your crewmates,"
"Not we, I got it. It's not your responsibility. Oh, and two more things-"
"What?" you couldn't help sounding slightly dissapointed to be away from him.
Sensing your disapproving tone, he hoped that what he was about to say would make you cheer up.
"-First thing, don't tell the Straw Hats about my crew being captured. I'm going to get them back,".
You understood why he didn't want Luffy to know. You knew Luffy would cause more trouble breaking down walls to help Law rescue his crew.
"Ok, what's the second thing you wanted to say?"
"When I get back, I'm going to fuck you so good, you'll want to join my crew instead," he smirked at you. You went completely red. You were so hot and bothered it looked like steam was blowing out of your ears.
Law giggled and got up to reposition his kimono. He started making his way to the door, then he looked back at you fondly.
"Wait for me, sweetness,"
"I-i will,"
And with that, his mission began.
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mysicklove-main · 1 year
A/N: Tanjiro writing to his long distance partner bc thats so cute and im in love with him
My Beloved,
I feel as though a part of me is missing without you by my side. I find myself constantly looking for you, even though it’s no use. Oh how dearly I wish you were here. But even so, I feel at peace knowing you are at home and well rested. Safe from harm.
I can’t contain my questions. So please make do with my ramblings.
How are you? Are you sleeping well? Do you feel lonely at home? Have you been keeping busy? Has Shinobu been visiting you? Where Has your hair grown out since my absence? You haven’t been going out at night, right? Is your finger still bare?
I’ve been growing quite worried with the time apart. I feel as though you may find another if I leave for too long.
I’m sorry, I know you would scold me for thinking these things. I wish desperately that I could hear your scolding. But I can’t stop the thoughts that creep on me in the night.
Nezuko is doing fine. She’s getting stronger by the day. She misses you immensely. It’s strange to see how uneasy she is without you. I don’t blame her. I wonder, if you were
Inosuke and Zenitsu are also getting stronger. I hope I can keep up with them. I train day in and out hoping to not fall behind. I think I am getting stronger. I have been working on Hinokami Kagura. It drains my body, but still I push forward. I have to master it, even if it is such a slow process.
At night I find myself daydreaming. Maybe one day you could call your husband lover a hashira. Would we live together peacefully? Or would I be gone on missions like these? I don’t think I could bear to leave you for long. It’s so hard t But I am getting ahead of myself. I am only doing this to save Nezuko. And of course to protect you! I don't need to become a hashira.
I hope my crow has been delivering the gifts properly. I wish I could see the way your eyes light up when you receive them. I’m trying not to let the separation get to me, but when I think about these moments it’s always so hard.
I’m getting distracted again, I apologize my love. The crow should have delivered you the jewelry box. A kind woman sold it to me, and please don’t worry! I promise that it was fairly priced! I hope through its journey that it didn’t get chipped. But I know you don’t care about those things. Either way, I hope you use it well.
My beloved, I do have a favor to ask of you. I hope this is not too much to ask, but the same woman from the market told me about something that cannot seem to leave my head. She explained that many soldiers from the Meiji period used to tie fabric from their lover's kimono around the hem of their sword. It was a symbol of good luck, and that they will always be together no matter the distance between them.
I thought it was…romantic. It made my cheeks burn at the thought. I really I would love if I understand completely if you don’t want to tear a part off. But I can’t explain the joy I would feel if you did. I would treasure it dearly.
I have been avoiding the real reason I wrote this letter and I can’t go on without saying it. Oh, my love, I miss you dearly. I miss the scent of you. I miss your smile, your laugh. I miss waking up to you every morning, that vision never seems to leave my mind. I miss your voice, your touch. I desperately crave it.
I’m sorry. A man shouldn’t act like that. Tengen left his wives for months, and was completely fine. I wish I could do the same. It’s been five weeks and the fight seems to dwindle in me without you here.
I’m trying though. I won’t give up. I will make it home to you and then I swear I’ll never leave you again.
A couple more weeks until I am home. The thought of you in my arms once again makes me feel dizzy with need. I will come back safely for you.
So please, my everything, please take care of yourself. I can’t bear the thought of you being unwell. Please stay safe and don’t walk alone at night. Please eat lots and sleep well.
I will write to you next week with more updates. I promise the next one will be less about me and more about you. I want to hear everything about how you are doing.
I await for your reply, and hopefully the fabric.
I love you more than words can describe.
Forever yours,
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anzulvr · 11 months
This is the first time I ask for any scenario/Headcanons and for some reason I am nervous- aksksksk-
What do you think about Headcanons from Karma x reader that has Shinobu Kocho's personality? It popped into my head and I don't know, I think it would be fun that kind of dynamic- but obviously take your time- I saw you've been getting a lot of requests- take care^^
Karma x Reader with Shinobu like-personality. <33 sorry for being so lateee!!
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— He finds it so funny when he first gets to know you, from the outside you seem to be the sweetest calmest person but in reality you’re kind of seething inside.
— when he sees you pissed for the first time his reaction is all: “I knew it was impossible to be that happy all the time!”
— like when he introduces you to his friends (e-class) you’re full of surprises for them; the first few interactions you’re the most laidback person on the planet but when they get to know you on a deeper level they can see why you and Karma are such a good match.
— You don’t bat an eye whenever he brings trouble, you’re used to it.
— Hinano will rush in the room like; “[Name] Karma just broke a guys nose and is being detained at the police stati-”
“Yeahhh he does that sometimes, it’s fine the cops know him.”
“How is that a good thing??”
“They like him, we bribed them with doughnuts last year and they’ve let him off with warnings since.”
“I thought that only happened in movies?”
“Yeah same, He’s very convincing..”
— He likes to see you show your angrier/argumentative side because it’s like seeing a chihuahua bark. (They look harmless but are the most terrifying dogs lmfao)
— Karma and you are tied together no matter what, worse comes to worse and you both know you’ve got eachothers backs.
“=⌕[A/N] //﹫..
I know very little about demon slayer so I’m sorry if this isn’t the most accurate! From what I found she has a nice attitude on the exterior but is actually batshit crazy. (I love girls like that ugh maybe I should watch..) again sorry for taking so long :(
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smashingdollz · 2 years
Headcanons of Giyuu, Rengoku, Gojo, and Nanami react to shy crush confessing to him?
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hello anon, thank you for the request! i can do that.
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-Shinobu definitely teased you about your crush on Giyuu, "how could you like Tomioka out of all people?" yet she also teased you into confessing to him. (she still wanted to support you)
-when youre confessing you arent actually intimidated by him, even if he is just starring at you quietly waiting for your confession to end so he could return your feelings. he actually has this aura that somehow calms you even if youre in a situation that should make you extremely nervous. of course youre still stuttering, but not as much.
-as youre confessing he feels extremely warm inside. ever since he joined the Demon Slayer Corp he has been constantly surrounded by hate, but he gets a break whenever hes around you. he just wants to embrace you and feel that way all the time.
-the way you shyly praise him is what keeps him going. you in general is one of the main reasons he keeps going, he wants to live a quiet happy life with you. and he would do anything he can to obtain that.
-and he verbally expresses that; he walks over, and gently places his hand on the back of your head to bring you closer to him. "as long as your by my side ill do anything to protect you, so we could live a peaceful life"
-Shinobu teases the hell out of both of you. whith Giyuu its way worse though 💀 but overall everyone is completely shocked that the two of you ended up together. a couple of people asked if you were okay when they heard the news.
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-you could not meet this mans gaze, you would honestly look anywhere but his eyes. he would notice this and would take your fidgeting hands into his which automatically sends a comforting warmth through your body.
-he boldly, and loudly accepts your confession. and very boldly praises you. "I LIKE YOU TOO Y/N!", "YOU LOOK EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL/HANDSOME TODAY!". the more he praises you the more hes slowly breaking you, he doesnt mean to of course, please forgive him.
-he does find your shy demeanor quite interesting though, since hes always been confident an loud. he does try to get you out of your comfort zone at times, but if you dont want to he respects your boundaries and maybe gives it another try some other time, he just wants to raise your confidence a bit and wants you to see yourself the same way he sees you.
-after that day hes always by your side, you insist that he can go do whatever he wants but hes always say "THATS FINE! ID PREFER TO STAY BY YOUR SIDE FOREVER!" he just wants to make sure your safe! whenever someone talking over you he speaks up for you! or he announces that you have something important to say.
-Mitsuri squeals every time she sees the two of you. she thinks the two of you are so cute together, especially because the two of ypu are polar opposites.
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-at this point im praying for you and getting your casket ready. he would absolutely teas the hell out of you till youre red in the face and pass out- then when you wake up hell refer to himself as your "savior" jk jk, but honestly please be prepared for a lot of teasing during and after your confession.
-when you get nervous and start fidgeting during your confession he turns off his force field (its been so long i forgot what its called, infinite?) so he could comfort you. (he makes it extremely worse 😍) but honestly the fact that he turned off his ability just to comfort you is so cute. you know that scene when he held that curses hand? yeah he did that with you.
-he takes in your quiet praises and hod them close. sure he loves all the praises he gets, but he especially loves them from you, what you say about him is the only thing he cares about. and just like how you boost his ego, he makes sure to boost yours as well
-"you know, youre extremely cute when youre bold, i guess thats one of many reasons why i like you. but when you act shy youre even cuter!" MANS CANNOT LET YOU BREATHE FOR A MINUTE- he definitely shows you off and you become apart of the silly shenanigans he pulls.
-his students are totally kicking their feet and giggling at the fact that their teacher is getting confessed to. yet some of them are wondering why and how this man is getting confessed to and how someone like you can like him. they send you their best wishes and "get well soon" cards 💀 youre gonna boost this mans ego, but thats okay, anything for this man and his beautiful eyes.
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-he is extremely patient with you. "theres no need to rush in. please, take your time." he knows you act like this around everyone, but he wants you to be comfortable around him. he wants you to feel what he feels when hes around you, you make him feel extremely warm, and whenever your around him you make him forget about this job that he hates so much.
-if youre still struggling with your words he stops you, "thats okay, you dont have to say any more, because no matter what you say ive already decided that ill spend my life with you" thats when you fell in love with him all over again. hes so considerate with how you feel, and he doesn't make you go out of your way if you dont want to. he wants to give you a happy comfortable life.
-he doesnt mind the way you act at all, even though to others you may seem childish or insecure. he knows its something thats normal and doesnt bash you for it, he would rather worry anout you (and Yuji) than anything else.
-you guys cannot catch a break with Gojo, he would be teasing the hell out of both of you. youd just be standing there all flustered as this man goes on and on and Nanami is just staring at him like 😐 Yuji thinks the two of you are absolutely cute together though!
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i hope you like these, it was really fun to come up with them. i absolutely love Gojos and Nanamis parts. thank you for requesting!
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xxlady-lunaxx · 9 months
Closet love | {RenGiyuu}
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Theme: Fluff!
"Listen. If you two are going to continue being clueless, go in the closet and fucking figure things out!" Shinobu said, her hands on her hips as she looked upon the two Hashira. "You both are still unfit to go on missions so as long as you have time to kill, might as well make a move, understood?"
Kyojuro and Giyuu stared at her. No, no they didn't understand. 
She sighed. "You two will be the death of me. Fine, I'll give you a prompt. Both of you—stand up," she ordered.
They stood.
"Follow me."
She stalked off to one of the guest rooms and opened the door, raising her eyebrows. "Go in," she told them.
They walked hesitantly inside. 
"Alright, I'll trust you'll use whatever you trained your night vision for the two of you to be able to see. Now, I'm going to keep you two closed in here for some time for you to figure things out," she said, tapping her foot impatiently on the floor.
"Figure out what?" Kyojuro asked curiously, finally speaking up. 
Shinobu gave him an irritated look and slammed the door shut, locking it quickly from the outside. "I won't forget about you two so don't try breaking the door down. There's a pocket watch in there somewhere so if you find it, use that. If I don't come back by midnight then I probably did forget abut you," she said, walking to the door.
Kyojuro whined and Giyuu stayed quiet, his eyes trying to focus in the dark.
"What about the prompt you said about?" the Flame Hashira asked as Shinobu could be heard  opening the door to go out the room.
"Right! What word starts with an L, ends with an E and is an emotion or feeling you two feel for each other? Four letters in total, should be easy, get it over with," she said, leaving.
"Wha-" Kyojuro started, but he heard the door click shut. "Sorry, Tomioka," he apologized after a minute of silence.
"Mm," Giyuu hummed, his eyes closed.
They sat in uncomfortable positions against the walls, trying to stay furthest they could from one another.
"It's... a tight space, no?" he commented, waiting for any sort of response from the raven—though he got very little.
"Can you see yet? I can't really, there's not light coming from under the door so it's a lot harder for me when there isn't any obvious source of light helping me see," Kyojuro said, shifting slightly.
Giyuu opened his eyes, met with a dim outline of Kyojuro and the space around them. "I can see a bit," he said.
Surprised, Kyojuro laughed. "That's the most of you've said to me in a while. Five words!" 
"I prefer to be silent," Giyuu remarked.
"I've noticed! Should I stay quiet?" 
"I admire your talkativeness. You may continue," he said, his voice holding a light quiver in it. Some sort of nervousness.
Kyojuro beamed, his smile so bright it probably could've provided them light if not for Giyuu closing his eyes again. "Thank you, Tomioka! What do you think Kocho meant? About the L and E and uh... I forget!" 
"Do you forget things easily?" Giyuu asked, opening his eyes a bit.
"Not particularily! I suppose I was paying attention to you more so than her words and it slipped my mind!!" the fiery Hashira said thoughtfully.
"Say, Tomioka, she said we both feel this way about each other! Do you know what it is?" he asked, completely from curiousity—he had no idea what Shinobu had meant somehow.
Giyuu had... unfortunately, as he told himself, understood what she'd meant. "...No," he lied. 
"You hesitated!" Kyojuro pointed out.
"I didn't!" Giyuu said defiantly, sounding so childish that Kyojuro laughed again. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing! She said we had to 'figure it out' to get out, so we should try to, right?" he asked, changing the subject.
"Okay! What starts with an L... and ends with an E?" Kyojuro thought aloud, tapping his chin in a comical manner. "Hm! L....Lane?" he said, confused. "No, she said it was a feeling, right? Lonely? No, that doesn't end with an E. Hm..."
Although Giyuu was quite lonely often, he thought to himself. At least he appeared lonely.
"Are you lonely often, Tomioka?" Kyojuro asked, forgetting that he probably shouldn't ask that.
Yes, he probably should not have. But it was too late to take back the words. "Are you lonely?" 
Giyuu was quite for a moment and Kyojuro was about to offer to change the subject when he said, "Sometimes."
"Awhh, why don't you go hang out with me?" Kyojuro said.
"Because I prefer to be alone."
"But then you'll be lonely!"
"I said sometimes."
"But... Tomioka?" he said, having a sudden thought. 
"Are you just bad at socilizing?"
Giyuu paused. "Oh." 
"Oh? What does that mean?"
"Uhm..." he stuttered, shifting on his spot on the floor. Fuck.
"Should we change the subject?" Kyojuro offered, not really minding the way they skipped around. 
"Yes. I'd... appreciate it," Giyuu said.
"Okay! I'm going to move a bit, okay? I'm a little uncomfortable," Kyojuro said, moving around.
"You are? Should I stand?" he asked, wanting to move around a bit anyways. 
"It's okay!" Kyojuro said, but Giyuu had already started to stand.
Due to the lack of light, Kyojuro didn't realize this fast enough and his chin went crashing against Giyuu's head. The stumbled backwards against the walls, their legs somehow ending up tangled together in all the confusion.
"Ahhh... sorry," Kyojuro apologized when they finally stopped moving, though they were as uncomfortable as ever, their legs entwined together and their backs pressed against the wall. 
"It's... fine." No, no it wasn't. Giyuu was flushed at their physical contact, never having been so close to someone like this in a long time. He was suddenly grateful for the darkness and he shut his eyes tightly, trying to breathe out the red hue framing his cheeks.
"Ehm... how do we move out of this position?" Kyojuro asked uncertainly. 
"I... don't know," Giyuu mumbled. 
"Okay... Okay, how about we try to sit down? Then maybe we can make sense of everything. I'm starting to see better now," Kyojuro said, nodding to himself though Giyuu only new that for the sound of fabric moving.
They descended upon the ground (that sounds... goofy in this context) ever so slowly, seperating from the support of the wall as they did so.
Then they sat quietly on the ground, their legs crossed against each other. Neither said anything for a minute, unsure if there even was anything to say. Giyuu was fighting to keep his breath as normal as it kept rising with his heartbeat with an uncomfortable feeling of... something he'd rather not acknowledge.
"I think I figured out how to get out," Kyojuro said, his voice oddly quieter. 
"Mm... How?" Giyuu asked, not sure if he even wanted to untangle himself.
"We have to uncross our legs in some ways. It's better to just do it, there's now real way to explain I suppose," he explained. He seemed to prop himself up, his legs brushing against Giyuu's. His hand slipped between their entangled limbs and, at the touch, Giyuu flinched.
"Sorry! I'm sorry, am I moving too much?" Kyojuro asked—totally not making the author struggle to not make this sound sexual as fuck.
"No..." Giyuu said, his voice tense. "It's fine, we're almost out."
"Right..." Kyojuro continued until he was free, his hand lightly hovering over Giyuu's thigh—somewhat unknowingly to himself—for a second as he pulled away.
It was silent again and Giyuu took this as a time to gather himself up; his thoughts and his heart. 
But then Kyojuro leaned closer, his hand lifting Giyuu's chin up to face him and the butterflies in Giyuu's stomach went berserk. 
"Are you alright, Tomioka? I could tell you appeared to be as if you'd run around the world a couple times," he asked, obvious concern lacing through his words.
You aren't making it better!! Giyuu thought furiously. He shook his head. "I'm fine... Don't worry about me, Rengoku."
"You sure? Your breathing is faster than per normal and your pulse..." Kyojuro trailed off, his hand brushing against Giyuu's neck. "-is also faster," he decided.
"I'm... you're just..." Giyuu hesitated. 
"I'm what?" Kyojuro asked, not moving from his position over Giyuu for reasons unknown to the both of them. 
"Too... close," Giyuu whispered, his face erupting more so at his own words.
"Oh. I'm sorry!!" Kyojuro said, skittering away. He pressed against the wall as if it would give them more room. 
The warmth of his hand on Giyuu's chin was gone and he let his head hang down against his chest, breathing slowly. "It's fine," he repeated. "I'm fine."
It was quiet, then, growing from an awkward silence to a deafening one, both Hashira shifting uncomfortably every now and then.
Kyojuro couldn't take it anymore, not used to the silence as much as Giyuu was, and said abruptly, "Is it love?"
"What?" Giyuu asked, startled. His finally calmed pulse quickened again and he cursed himself at his stupidity. 
"What Kocho said... Four letter word, starts with an L, ends with an E, an emotion or feeling... we both feel," Kyojuro said, his voice faltering at the end. "I... I can't speak for you, but I certainly feel, what I presume is love, for you, Tomioka. I didn't think it would be this... because you seemed to bored with my talking. Your responses were short and often not much to show you gave care to what I said. But you... just now, you said... you said you were like that because I was close. Other times... other times I've noticed other people or Hashira around you, in similar proximity although not situation... You never reacted with much but annoyance for them. I... I'm sorry, this is just me thinking out loud, pay no mind to it, Tomioka," he rambled.
Then the silence was back. 
But only for a minute.
"I'm going to fucking regret this," Giyuu started, making Kyojuro look up in surprise. He'd not expected a response. Neither of them had. "Rengoku, that might be it. What you said about the... word. If it's true on your side as... as well, then it is most likely the correct answer." He closed his eyes, leaning his head against the wall. "I said I admired your talkativeness earlier. That was only half the truth. I admire you as a whole, as a Hashira and a person and... a friend. I couldn't imagine the Hashira being whole without you—I couldn't imagine myself without you. I don't understand why; I barely speak to you. But it is what it is and... it's true."
He stopped, then, feeling he'd spoken way too much. Said way too much and Kyojuro would get disgusted and burst out the door and tell everyone what a weird person Giyuu was and-
"Tomioka, can you open your eyes?" Kyojuro asked.
"...how do you know they're closed?" Giyuu said quietly. "I thought you couldn't see."
"I got used to the dark," he said, waving off the question. 
Giyuu opened his eyes, blinking several times. Kyojuro was standing now—when had that happened?—and he held out a hand to Giyuu.
He took is and then they were both standing, their eyes locked to one anothers.
"Tomioka, I find such affection for you inside me when I see you, or even think of you," Kyojuo said, his hand entwined against Giyuu's. 
"But why?"
"Why? Is that a trick question? As you said about myself—which I feel is quite rude of me to not say anything to so I will tell you now that what you said just made me the happiest man to exist—I admire you greatly. And I feel that you are one of the most amazing people in my life. One of the people who have made me open my eyes widely and wish I could take you in whole, keep you for myself, no matter how selfish it may be." Kyojuro paused then, averting his eyes. "I never made a move for fear you weren't... into men. Into me, specifically. And I'm still unsure of it. I'm unsure if all what you said came solely from the kindness in your heart and you're simply wanting me to be happy. Or to stop pushing. So if it is that, please stop me. Stop me before I do anything you'll hate me for. That I'll regret."
He got nothing in response, no movement, no words, just... silence.
He looked up and was met with Giyuu's eyes, shining somehow, despite the lack of light. 
Once their eyes met, Giyuu spoke, his voice insistant and almost commanding. "Rengoku... I don't think anything you could do would make me hate you. In fact, if you will go and say all of that, I'm going to put up the same rules. I want to do something right now and... and if I go too far, please push me away. Just... be as harsh as you want, if I'm reading everything wrong that's my fault and I must take the blame."
"Wha-?" Kyojuro started, but lips were pressed against his and his eyes widened. For a moment, he couldn't think, he didn't know what to do. But then he kissed back, his sturdy arms wrapping around Giyuu's waist, almost as if he'd expected it. 
Hashira... are quick to react, quick to focus on what's happening in whatever situation, quick to adapt. 
But they were trained to be like this in fighting. They were trained to be like this while threatened by life or death situations and an art of something magical in such a bad way, forming dangerous days and death right around the corner. They weren't trained for relationships in any way. Nobody ever said how difficult it could be to understand the emotions and feelings of a human being. Nobody ever warned them about... this.
And yet you must collect yourself as you were taught. You must take on the situation, analyze it or just dive straight in. Don't think too much about it, just do it and survive. Even if the situation isn't the dire from the outside, once you're in it... how would you react?
They pulled apart, their lungs aching for air, their face flushed with other than embarrassment. 
It was the answer to the most obvious question ever, wasn't it?
And yet neither had grasped it, not because they were stupid but because they didn't believe it. 
But it was true. It was very much true.
Giyuu... smiled, then. A tentative, hesitant, unsure smile. But a smile all the same. 
And it was bright. And beautiful. And it lit up the whole closet.
Wait, it lit up-
Shinobu's face popped up in their vision and the two Hashira blinked furiously, trying to get used to the light that spilled into the closed space. 
"Why hello you two gay shits. Looks like you've figured everything out? I'll let you out now. I don't want you fucking in my house," she said, herding them out of the closet. "Go back to your rooms. I'll let you two out of here tomorrow because I'm worried what you two might do if I let you out before you think things out more."
Giyuu and Kyojuro stumbled out, less so from the light and more so from embarrassment. 
As Shinobu left, trusting them to know their way back, Kyojuro turned to Giyuu.
"Tomorrow, after she lets us leave, do you want to go out for lunch?" Kyojuro asked, sounding more nervous than usual.
"I... would love that," Giyuu mumbled, his hands on his cheeks in attempts to cool them down.
Kyojuro smiled, recieving a small smile in return. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.
{Word count: 2568}
This was longer than I'd anticipated!! 
and it was cute!! Yayy!!
...nd my mom is forcing me to eat lunch 
please tell me you weren't expecting anything else bc of the name HELP
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genshinemblem564 · 1 year
Imposter au headcanons
• In every imposter au I think of there is an actual imposter running around. The people of Teyvat are devout, not stupid, the moment they realize something is wrong, the hunt is on, your arrival is simply poor timing.
• The ones who know your innocent the soonest are Venti and Kazuha ( because the wind ), the more observant followers like Rosaria, Kaeya, Diluc, and Xiao ( if anyone else fits this category I'm sorry, I haven't gotten to know everyone yet ), Nahida ( duh ), and the kinder followers ( they're more likely to test you rather than straight kill you, just in case ) such as Barbara, Yanfei, Ayaka, Noelle, Amber, Candace, and the Arataki gang ( Itto wanted to help you immediately, Shinobu was the one who suggested to test you ).
• If/When you are considered innocent you will be prohibited from leaving whichever city you were judged in for the duration of the hunt, this is done to prevent civilian casualties.
• If you are found by the traveler, they give you refuge in their teapot. Naturally, only their most trusted friends are allowed in afterwards due to this.
• Either way, eventually questions of your past start to come up, whether in the form of official paperwork or idle curiosity. The traveler is the only one you tell the full truth to, about being from another world, because you know they are the most likely to believe you.
• The most honest thing you put on the paperwork is your last name, opting for a false first name for safety reasons, you then have to explain why you have no city of origin on your file, whether it be amnesia, parents lived in the countryside, or what have you, people will start to treat you with suspicion after that, outside of a select few.
• Naturally, while you are under protection, you are not a guest of honor, so a job is provided for you to do so you can afford to stay within the city. This is most likely done by Amber, Barbara, Xiangling, Ayaka, most likely as a servant ( I know that's not within the city but so long as you don't leave the estate it should be fine ), and Shinobu ( with all those certificates she could teach you how to do almost any job of your choice).
• Sumeru is a different story because of Nahida and the Irminsul. When Nahida sees you, she sees every struggle, every labored breath, even the tiniest drop of blood, the tiniest drop of golden blood. So, when you finally make it to Sumeru City, Nahida rushes to greet you, the poor girl is heartbroken to hear that you hold no memories from before your departure from Teyvat.
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I hope you all know I cannot for the life of me write fight scenes! OMG this took so long. Anyway....this is continuation of my Giyuu Secret Family AU story (I guess). She/Her Pronouns.
It had been another month since the last encounter with Giyuu’s “no-longer-a-secret” secret family. A bit of normalcy, or what the Hashira consider normal, set back in. That would be if Shinobu and Mitsuri had not just found Tomioka (Y/N) passed out down the road from Butterfly Mansion! They both rushed to her battered and bruised body. Shinobu could feel a full pulse on her neck. (Y/N) was alive, thankfully.
“We should send for Tomioka,” Mitsuri urged, hoisting (Y/N)’s limp body into her arms.
“Lady Tomioka, please don’t strain yourself,” Shinobu advised. She ushered the two inside quickly. (Y/N)’s muttering was soon forgotten as the Butterfly Girls were quick to take her off Mitsuri’s hands. Mitsuri stood by, worried, as they started to bandage (Y/N).
Time seemed to move slower as they waited for her to wake up. They were both relieved to see (Y/N) sitting up and eating upon coming back to the room.
“Lady Tomioka! I’m glad you’re okay!” Mitsuri cheered.
“I’m the one that’s grateful you two found me.” She smiled. She gazed down at her bandaged arms. “For a demon so weak it’s  blood demon art was no joke.”
“Both your arms have burns on them.” Shinobu said.
“Yeah, all the poison burned off in the sunrise.” She sighed.
“You defeated it this morning?” Shinobu asked.
(Y/N) smiled sheepishly, “It’s no big deal! I promise! My master says I get a little too carried away sometimes.”
It was an awkward position to be in now that’s the big secret is out. (Y/N) felt she should be more casual but how can one be casual with two Hashira in the room? Especially after they found you passed out. “Thank you, again…”
“It’s nothing Lady Tomioka-“
“(Y/N). It’s fine if you call me (Y/N).”
Shinobu smiled, “It’s nothing (Y/N), you’re very strong. I’ll send for Tomioka-”
“No!” (Y/N) yelled to the shock of both women. “Giyuu will worry himself sick if he sees me like this.”
Shinobu gave a sort of skeptical look, “I know he seems cold and hard to understand but Giyuu is the kindest soul I’ve ever met.”
Neither woman could deny her that. After all, he showed mercy to Kamado and his sister. A kindness they could never.
“You sound so in love,” Mitsuri smiled. “What drew you to Tomioka?”
A deep blush crept across (Y/N)’s face as she remembered their younger years, “Nothing at first, he was always kind to me but I started to notice… he was just like me.”
(Y/N) had been found wandering the forest alone and barefoot as a child. She didn’t remember her village or even her family name. She had a thousand yard stare, an emotional and unsettling demeanor for a child so young. It was clear to the swordsman who had found her that this child was the sole survivor of a demon attack and she would never be the same again.
“Our sword masters were both retired Hashira, we had never met though. He bought me dinner after my first big mission.”
(Y/N) thought that becoming a demon slayer would make life easier. As in being able to fight back but, you can’t fight against the motherly love of your Master’s wife. Even after giving some food to fellow slayers the bag at her side still did a number on her feet and shoulder. The dull ache did take away from the general anxiety that had plagued her since last night. Your crow, Chiyoko, delivered the news that you would be heading to a village down south to aid in their demon crisis. There was no mention of other slayers accompanying you. You were doing this alone.
It’s a daunting task and a heavy burden but, you were a demon slayer nonetheless. A friend of yours offered to come by once they wrapped up their mission in the next village east to yours. Still, that pit of anxiety wouldn’t leave. At least the heavy shifting of the bag from one shoulder to another gave you momentary relief as you came to a fork in the road.
“Good luck.”
You nearly jumped out of your skin! You quickly swung your sword in front of you ready to face the thing before but, you only saw a man. He looked your age, long dark hair tied back, deep blue eyes and a checkered haori. Something your master mentioned crossed your mind.
“Be on the lookout for Urokodaki’s student. He’s a Hashira…”
“Tomioka…Giyuu?” You say hesitantly, lowering your sword.
Your face flushed a bright red. You were quick to sheath your sword and apologize to him. “I didn’t notice you this whole time! I’m so sorry!”
“No need.” He replied plainly, turning down the path opposite of yours.
“Um- Good luck!” You called back. He didn’t respond or turn around. That was probably for the best. You had embarrassed yourself enough. Chiyoko swooped back down and landed on your shoulder. “Did you hear any of that girl?”
“You’ll be at the village before nightfall!” She chirped.
“Ah, so it was that bad.”
The village was tucked away in the valley and surrounded by a cool mist.The trees swayed almost unnaturally like creeping hands trying to grab you. There had been no birds for a mile now. The forest fell quiet. All life had just stopped, not disappeared, just stopped. Something was there, you could feel it. Entering the village, it was smaller than you thought it would be. There were many people walking around, surely more than a few buildings could hold. The villagers went about their day completely unbothered by your presence. It was often you wouldn’t get recognized or acknowledged but the people here were treating you like you were invisible. Even when they bumped into you, they kept their heads down. The shoddily built houses loomed over you, held together with wooden beams and prayers. Not even the shops had signs hanging above them. You wandered aimlessly around the village or what seemed to remain of it. Just past the main commerce area was the renents of a house. The dirt seemed to be swirled in the giant crater. More were haphazardly littered across down the road towards the forest. You finally found what you thought would be an inn and was met by a young girl with braided pigtails.
“Hello? Do you have a room for the night?” You asked.
She stared at you blankly, examining you. Wordlessly she walked from behind the desk and beckoned you to follow her. The halls were quiet but you felt the peering eyes from behind the closed doors. “It sure is misty outside, is it always like that?”
She stayed silent.
“A-Are your parents not home? Do you run this whole place by yourself?”
“You ask too many questions.” she said plainly. She pulled the door open and ushered you to go inside. “You should leave tomorrow.”
“Why’s that?” you asked.
She sighs with a slight twitch of the eyebrow. She goes to turn back into the hall and you grab onto her arm, “Is there somewhere here you’re afraid of? Someone that can hear you if you say too much?”
She snatched her arm back and hurried back down the hall. You quietly closed the door back and listened for any noise. The inn settled and all was quiet again.
Is it in the Inn? No, there are people here, they are still alive. Is this its resting place during the day? It’s near the destroyed houses…
“Here you go Chiyoko,” you handed her a small note. “Maybe the next village will have something for you to eat. Be back soon.” Watching Chiyoko fly off into the sunset, you resigned yourself to a very eventful night.
Investigating proved to be hellish. No one wanted to talk, not even the children. It was like everyone was trained to be quiet?! Just how strong was this demon? You couldn’t even buy something from the shop without ominous stares and the clerk, all too happy to usher you out. Upon exploring the surrounding forest, the road from the village led deeper out and only welcomed more crater and debris. By the looks of it all, the demon was luring people deeper into the town. At this rate everyone was as good as dead. The forest proved to be just as creepy. The trees stretched abnormally high in the sky, if they had any leaves they would have blocked out the setting sun. The surrounding area lacked any life or color, like after a fire.
Before you could react a jagged tree branch shot out and grabbed your leg. It swung you around violently as she tried to swing your sword at the branch. You were able to slice it and the tree let out a loud hiss and shriveled into a pile of ash. “Show yourself!”
You heard a giggle circle around you. The vine tightened as a figure appeared from the shadows. It had a dark body that stretched as tall as the trees it hid behind. It’s long, spindly arm came out to hold your face, “What a pretty one you are.”
You yanked your head away from its grasp, “I might just let you live if you leave this village now!”
“You little swordsmen don’t scare me.” They laughed. You felt a tug. The ground opened up and the vines started to pull you down into the earth. You thrashed wildly against the vines as they pulled your body underground. The light faded and all you felt was the cold dirt. You could feel the vines pulling you down. You struggled to hold your breath and your sword as the vines began to speed up. You finally caught your breath as you were dropped into an underground cave. You cursed as you coughed up the dirt.
“Another one..” someone whispered. There was a small group of people, dirty and their clothes ripped. They huddled on the other side of the cave. Behind you were decomposing bodies wrapped in vines, their only remains were the black demon slayer uniforms they wore. You stifle a scream and back onto your feet. The people jolted back as you did. The cave wasn’t too big. You were completely surrounded on all sides. The roof was interconnected with vines all converging to the one large hole that the vines came from.
“How long have you all been down here?” You asked.
“A week, at least I think so.” The older man spoke up. “However, that thing has been hunting us for months. It started out slow with someone going missing but then it got stronger.”
“The monster destroyed our homes and took us in our sleep.” A woman said.
So that’s it… You asked, “How often does that hole open up?”
“Every night.” she replied “He brings back whatever he didn’t eat here.”
You drew your sword back, “I don’t have that kind of time.”
You started to hack away at the vines around the body. If he won’t come down here, you will fo to him! You were able to cut one loose and it made the same hissing noise. The vine around the body started to rot and turn to black ash. All that remained were broken bones. The vines still descending from the earth started to retract. You grabbed onto it and wrapped it around your wrist pulling it further and further down. “Come on you coward!”
“Miss please!” a young boy called out. “He’ll eat you!”
“If I don't! He’ll eat all of you!” The vine started to tighten around your wrist but you still kept pulling back. “I will not let this demon terrorize anyone anymore!”
The hole opened up wide and pulled you up through the dirt. Your body was slammed onto the surface. “I hate slayers like yourself, you never know when to lie over and die!”
You got to your feet and took off running towards him, swinging at his arms. The demon’s vines sliced through the air. Trees cracked under the weight of both of your attacks. The tree twisted and bent as it lunged at it and struck the ground. The ground shook and shot up from under you. The trees spiraled around you, crunching at the earth where you stood. You jumped from one to the other and slid down the vines. You could see the demon at the bottom, still attached to the roots. You drew your sword back and swung it towards its head!
The demon let out a wicked cackle as you saw its body reattach itself. “You cannot kill me as easily.”
“I-I…I missed.”
The demon broke out into a fit of laughter, almost doubling over, “You should have stayed down there to die!”
More trees shot into the air and you were quick to slice them all, with a loud hiss. The ash clouded the air and hung heavy in your chest as you landed. The demon stood before you, its feet and arms spread into tree trunks that buried itself into the ground. You coughed, “Spores- really?”
“What will you do, little slayer? I won’t be moved.” he sneered.
Just what the hell does it take to kill this thing! How do you kill a tree!?
The demon swung its arm towards you and knocked you back into another tree. This started to coil around your leg but you quickly cut it off and watched it hiss. The realization set in. The demon had hunched forward with its arms and legs retracting into the ground. Around its body are two lanky trees that twisted and coiled into the air like tentacles. You steadied yourself on the ground in preparation. No matter what happened you knew you couldn’t last until morning, especially since most of these trees seemed to be part of its control and they held up just fine in the sunlight. You couldn’t wait for your friend in the next town over either. These people solely depended on you. You took a deep breath to steady yourself.
“Giving up demon slayer?” he sneered.
I can do this… I can do this!
You pushed yourself off your back foot and took a running start towards the closet decrepit tree and sliced it. Then to another. Another, and another. The demon’s branches swung towards you and coiled around yourself and trees still standing. You raised it towards its body to slice on the lanky tree branches. The other was able to grab you by your leg and while it dragged you towards it you plunged the sword into it. The demon finally let out a loud screech as it turned to reach for you. The incoming vines sliced in two across your blade as you gained distance on the demon still planted firmly in the ground. The demon started to get frantic, sending more vines out to try and slow you down but to no avail. He lost sight of you amongst the tangle of vines. A sharp pain jolted in his lower half as one of his roots was severed from the earth. One after another he tried desperately to call what trees he still controlled to his aid. The one remaining tree was able to coil around your legs and sling you into the air. Before the demon could try to reattach his root your blad came down across its neck. The head rolled a ways away and disappeared into dust, as did the one tree remaining and the roots.
You breathed heavily as adrenaline was still rushing towards you. Your head was ringing, you almost didn’t process the voice calling to you. “(Y/N)! (Y/N) are you okay?!”
Your friend caught you as you almost fell over. “Masato..?”
“Oh (Y/N), I was so worried about you!” She hugged you tightly. “The demon, is it gone?!”
“It is…” You breathed out. “Go alert the villagers please, we need to dig the survivors out.”
“Okay! Please rest!” she said and turned to other slayers you didn’t notice were there either. Out from the sky came a familiar fluttering. Chiyoko nuzzled up against your cheek with worried chirps.
“Did I worry you Chiyoko, I’m sorry. Thank you for coming back for me.”
The village erupted in laughter and cries. So many worried families reunited with each other. The villagers couldn’t thank you enough. They showered you with treats and prayers and gratitude. The little inn girl even thanked you for returning her family. It would all be greater if you were so exhausted. Your feet ached on the path back home. You couldn’t wait to be bandaged up and sleep. Masato and the other slayers said their goodbyes as you came upon the split in the road. She smiled, “Get back home safely.”
“I will.” you sighed “Are you sure you don’t need me to tag along?”
“Nah, we’re meeting up with some others later on. You get home and sleep (Y/N).” Masato stated before going off down the road. You kinda just stood there for a moment, taking everything in. Though your shoulders still felt heavy with tiredness You felt lighter somehow. You had a jumping feeling in the pit of your stomach even though you couldn’t bring your feet to move. You saved those people. They looked so happy because you saved them. It felt nice but heavy. That was the best way to explain it, a heavy feeling you knew was good because it helped others but only you got to shoulder it. It will pass. You would fight another demon. It would come back and then pass again. And maybe, hopefully, the good feeling would last a little more.
Your thoughts left you as you heard someone walk towards you. To your shock it was Tomioka! You looked slightly surprised to see you, or at least a little bit interested. Hard to tell with him. “Are you done with your mission?” he asked.
“Y-Yeah, I am.” You started to walk forward with him. “How was your mission?”
“Fine,” he replied blankly, “Yours?”
“It was rough but I pulled through.” You were very unsure how long you should speak. Tomioka didn’t seem like the type to meander on. It was very awkward.
“You’re fast then.”
“And that was the extent of our conversation all the way back.” (Y/N) smiled.
“That sounds…so…like him,” Shinobu gave a half playful, half pitiful laugh. Even she had some hope that his spouse had a much more romantic meeting with him. It made way too much sense for him to be that awkward.
(Y/N) giggled, “Well I was only a Kanoe at the time, so I guess finishing at the speed of a Hashira was impressive. By the time we made it back I was starving and I came straight here.”
(Y/N) recounted seeing Giyuu talk outside the Butterfly Mansion with Rengoku. As the Flame Hashira walked away Giyuu bluntly asked if she was hungry. He admitted that Urokodaki has told him to look out for her but he had forgotten for two months and felt bad once he finally saw her. She was in such a bad shape that getting a hot meal from Giyuu calmed her nerves. He told her, “Come to me if you have a problem or want to eat again.”
“We became great friends from that point.”
Mitsuri felt her cheeks burn up as she watched (Y/N) smile. “Aw! You two are just too cute!”
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