#as of now my main is luchino
akuma-tenshi · 6 months
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fishandships · 5 months
even with fictional characters i still have that mentality like when i was a child worrying my stuffed animals would feel less loved if i had a lot of them, or sad if i had favorites. i feel like having a lot of FOs "cheapens the relationships" the more there are, or feel guilty that i have clear favorite even within the same media.
that's it, that's the post, although i am trying to just accept my Free Serotonin and not worry so much about things like this haha
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A Requested Birthday Gift
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DARLING NOVELIST MY MAIN MY HEART MY -screaming- also i totally reference this fic lol
Rated Explicit | Warning: threesome, consensual use of drugs
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“Hypnos,” You stop midway heading toward your room for a much-needed nap when the Novelist approaches you, “Do you have a moment?” Politely and gentlemanly he strolls over invading your personal space, his hand caressing your cheek giving you the physical affection you much needed. Post-match aches are annoying like it is how you imagine phantom pain is, it lingers and you often seek comfort or nap it away.
“Anytime for you.” Closing your eyes as you tilt your head to the side basking in his presence and touch.
“How easily you say such things,” Orpheus’ hand slips down your cheeks until his fingers dance upon your chin. Tracing your jawline, he moves much closer until his other hand holds your waist, body moving and guiding you, “I shall take you up on your word.”
Orpheus is smooth, well aware, and skilled in getting you to bend to his will, have you pressed against the wall in the hallway to the private guest bedrooms. Your hand goes to his chest grabbing his suit coat tugging him even closer as he kisses you. Sweet, reminding you he misses your presence, and then consuming as wants your attention completely on him.
“Orpheus.” Breathy as he switches from your lips to your neck, “We should go to– Oh!” His leg is between yours applying pressure to your crotch.
“In a moment, allow me to be adventurous, my little writer.”
You nod trying to keep your mind in the presence and not drift off giving into the sensations of his touch.
“I have a request for you,” He is careful not to remove clothes though it is tempting as he kisses your neck and under your chin, “A personal request.”
“A-anything.” Barely able to stay focused.
The Novelist smirks before holding your face to look directly at him, “It pertains to my– Our birthday, my love.”
You blink to regather yourself, “Oh? Do you want to change plans?”
“Of sorts, we would like your permission to try something new with you.”
Something new? You raise an eyebrow while biting your lip as Orpheus rubs your crotch against his thigh, it makes you nearly distracted, “Okay, ah, I am at your ah ah Orpheus!” Covering your mouth when you moaned far too loud.
“At my…?” Teasing you as he keeps going, “Grant us permission.”
“All that I am is yours to use as you wish.” Poetic and romantic, needy and wanting, he adores his little writer.
“I shall hold you to that.” Kissing your cheek as he removes himself from your person, “Find us in the library.” Whispering in your ear.
You shiver both aching and yearning, you wish he would finish what he started but you know the reward is at the end.
Especially when us mean both Nightmare and himself.
Orpheus leaves you after giving you a heated kiss, one that leaves you further flustered than what you are. When he leaves, you adjust your clothes to look decent before moving away from the wall to chase after him.
The door of one the room opens and you turn to see Luchino leaning against the door frame with a casual and clearly known smile.
“Seems you'll be having a bit of fun,” The older man says, it is a bit embarrassing to know he heard all that, “Orpheus restraining himself after such words spill out of his lover is commendable.” A clap before he moves to return to his room, “Good evening, Hypnos.”
God, you are lucky it was the Professor and misfortune it was the Professor who heard that.
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The library is well secluded, rarely anyone but the Journalist or Novelist come here. You have a few times but again it is always empty. Yet, you still try to keep your voice down despite the library always being seemingly avoided.
You can wonder about that later, right now you are barely able to keep your mind from drifting to that pleasant numbing abyss brought to you by Orpheus.
Orpheui because there is more than one? That makes you giggle as Nightmare is rubbing his beak against your face, that rough two-tone voice saying your name followed by a chuckle when you try closing your held open legs.
“Such a lovely voice, my love.” Orpheus speaking from between your legs, he kneeling with his hand guiding Nightmare's unseemly large cock against your well prepared hole. “Let us see how long you can keep using it, hm?” The cock, of dark purple coloring with precum glowing purple, catches and enters your wet heat.
“Ah!” You have taken his cock before with plenty of prep, but God, it is always a deep stretch inside of you. Nightmare groans, his grip on your legs a bit firmer as he lowers you carefully.
“Beautiful, truly.” The Novelist made sure before doing this to have your explicit permission before attempting this. There is a drink he used on himself and a mutual acquaintance that he gave to you, a cocktail of an aphrodisiac based along with alcohol— He made sure it is extra sweet for you. It is both to help with handling Nightmare (who is enjoying himself watching you attempt to ride him), and to last longer— You are not very well trained yet in lasting more than a round with either of them.
“Easy, easy,” Nightmare speaks as he rests your legs on top of his open legs, “We have you.” His hands on your waist as Orpheus stands up to hold your upper body, your hands reaching out yearning to be touched again.
“Say what you need.” They both speak to you, your eyes struggling to focus on who is in front of you. When you open your mouth literal gibberish comes out with whiny moans. Your hands gripping and tugging on his open shirt begging, or trying to form words, for them to start using you.
With lack of awareness, you spill easily how badly you are enthralled by Orpheus— Both of them.
“Next time a lower dosage,” Touching your face, examining your dilated eyes, the way you cannot properly form words, and neediness behavior. “Oh, dear one, you are enjoying this quite well.”
His gift is you, you who has given him a new perspective. Orpheus loves you, they both do terribly so, the thought of him once more not having you will never be entertained.
“Orpheus!” The raven creature is not willing to wait for his counterpart to enjoy the sight.
“Good, you can say our name.” Praising you as he pets your hair affectionately, “However, I am going to need to use your mouth for my own pleasure, Hypnos.”
You nod but he doubts you actually know what you are agreeing with, he will only take as he usually does.
Using your mouth on Orpheus’ cock, Nightmare uses your inviting hole, delighting in their gift.
Even better is you stopped caring about how loud you are, all that matters is him him him.
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sirenjose · 10 months
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Thoughts and Theories about "Identity Switches"
This will cover current Identity Switches (up to Hunter Norton/Fool's Gold), as well as their connections between the Identity Switch and their normal version, motivations, personalities, backstories, etc... as well as some discussion about the plot of the main story and the Oletus Manor tragedy (including my theory regarding Jose's father's potential involvement in that event).
Regarding the topic of Identity Switches, it'll be easier to answer questions about those as Netease releases more, but for now we just have Novelist/Nightmare, Alice/Memory, Professor/Luchino, Weeping Clown/Joker, and now Norton/Fool's Gold (though we'll likely get Melly's hunter version sooner than later as well).
With Orpheus, we've known for awhile how he's talked about having multiple personalities or whatever, but the form he takes as “Nightmare” isn't real. So far, it doesn't seem like the rest of the Identity Switches (Memory, Luchino, Joker, Fool's Gold) are "real" either, at least in the sense as being those being their appearance in the real world and such.
"Nightmare" seems to have formed as a result of his trauma and the aftereffects of the tragedy that killed the DeRoss couple (Alice's parents) who he was close to.
I think Novelist's S-tier Essence, with Hollow, and that essence's backstory does the best job showing this, especially with Alice as Source of Evil's shock and disbelief that Orpheus as Hollow is the one behind everything she's seeing.
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Hollow himself literally states he wants "revenge" during his essence trailer, as well as the rest of his lines during his trailer.
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He used to be kind but his heart hardened after what he experienced, and he's no longer as trusting. He also now seems to primarily see the flaws or "sins" first and their good parts second (which i at least personally think is also visible from the way he writes most everyone's 3rd letters, which usually tend to depict the character in a negative light). He wants people to "repent" (with him seeing himself as the person making these "sinful souls" repent).
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This idea of him focusing on the evil in people and wanting them to "repent" I think could be reflected in Orpheus aka Nightmare as the manor owner. I think it's best shown in Bane’s letter, where he see themselves helping this happen, but also from those same letters, we eventually see them begin to question Orpheus the same way Source of Evil did.
The best example being Bane in William's 4th letter, where we see his doubt beginning to show due to failing to understand why Orpheus would include an innocent like William in his experiments.
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Based on Bane's 4th letter, where Alice talks about Bane missing by the time of the final game, it is possible it is because he begins to doubt that he might've disappeared.
Bane and Burke worked for the DeRoss couple before the tragedy, after which they worked for Orpheus as the new owner. They're people who are close to Orpheus, so if even they are questioning Orpheus' actions, along with Alice at least as Source of Evil, with Alice being Orpheus' childhood friend, that should show just how much he changed.
Sorry it took me so long to reach here, but I think this is what is reflected in Orpheus when he takes the form of Nightmare.
The reason he looks like a bird connects to how birds are stated to be what Orpheus' likes. The gas mask Nightmare wears, which we saw during Time of Reunion, may connect to the drugs Orpheus developed and is using (and how we see him messing with gas in Darkwoods during Time of Reunion).
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Nightmare's finger being a pen connects to Orpheus as a writer, a "novelist", while the music notes on his arm can connect to the Nightingale's song and the piccolo we saw being used during Time of Reunion to open the gates of the manor, and how Alice says during Ashes of Memory that the nightingale's song can open all the doors in the manor. We see Orpheus playing the piccolo during Novelist's release trailer too (as well as bandits who come in and kill Alice's parents during the live action trailer for ToR).
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Then there's his name, which his rumor seems to explain the meaning of "Perhaps known only to 'Orpheus', this nightmare of his memory".
Finally there's how Nightmare is essentially a raven. This can relate to how the raven is sometimes seen as a bad omen, which fits with Orpheus' change after the tragedy.
So, at least based on Novelist and Nightmare, we can see his Nightmare is a combination of things related to Orpheus himself, his past, but also an emphasis on the... darker side of his personality. Many of the other hunter Identity Switch's we have I think are similar. Their hunter versions seem to put a spotlight on the darker aspects of their character and thus also why I think they tend to be depicted as inhuman, as a way to emphasize how they aren't how they normally are, except these dark parts which are normally hidden internally are now reflected externally in their appearance, and show them as monsters normally or exaggerated versions of their normal selves to mirror their inner darkness, but if that darkness was cranked up to the max.
Joker in a way is similar to Orpheus. Both used to be kind people but changed drastically after going through painful experiences. For Joker, this was the pain and humiliation he was forced to subject himself to day in and day out for the audience's amusement, the pain Sergei caused him, both physical by the acid, and the mental due to Joker's ruined face now preventing him from playing his role in Hullabaloo anymore, not to mention more emotional pain as Sergei was with the girl Joker loved, made more complicated when Joker learned Sergei was abusing her, whatever happiness Joker felt at Margaretha coming to him for comfort because of that abuse, complicated further as it was this event that made Sergei hurt Joker. And even more as Margaretha may not have loved him back, but Joker still cared about her. Put everything together, and it should make it easy to understand why Joker did eventually reach his breaking point, which was the day he killed Sergei, took his face, and then (likely) killed everyone else at Hullabaloo that day, which is the tragedy Mike refers to in his backstory, and is the thing motivating him to go to the manor.
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Joker looks the way he does I think at least in part to represent Sergei, or at least maybe how Joker saw Sergei, but also combined with maybe how Joker wishes he was. Compared to Weeping Clown, Joker is much bigger and stronger. But he's also always happy and smiling, which is what Joker wants, what he's been unable to do for so long (just read Joker's deductions, I think it makes this apparent enough).
Moving on to Luchino, I think he's potentially the easiest to understand his Identity Switch/hunter version. His deductions and backstory make his interests clear, as well as how far he'll go for his research. Professor's trailer and backstory tell us in a way he sees his hunter version as "evolution" and stepping over the "last of my boundaries", while his current state (with Professor) is "a small price to pay on the path to truth". His rumor and summaries put best when they basically say Luchino's hunter version an emphasis on his "exploration into forbidden areas" or him going into "territories of taboo".
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Maybe Luchino's most recent (4th) letter can give us a bit more insight. It says he is "I've spent my nights suppressing the inhuman desire within me and battling against that 'instinct'". Maybe, compared to his hunter version, this could help show that Luchino's hunter version, like the others, is still an emphasis on a character if they went all the way to the extreme and focusing on their darker traits. Based on his following comment in that letter about "understanding of humans", this could be what his real goal is.
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Next I'll mention Alice and Memory. Memory we know is entirely because of Orpheus. It is how he views Alice. Or, to put another, it is what he wants to see. If we go back to Hollow's trailer, he says he wants to "rebuild paradise", which so far I think is the easiest thing to understand regarding what Orpheus is doing and why he has done everything he has.
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We know he was torn up by guilt over the tragedy based on Alice's letter to Orpheus in the 2nd anniversary package, where she says "Please don’t blame yourself for father and mother’s death". I think this can even connect to a line by Burke in Bonbon's deductions, where Burke mentions "Since he got back from his 'real' parents, that brat lost various valuable items again... He tried to take full responsibility for it, but such tolerance and protection will only feed their greed".
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There’s also how, based on Time of Reunion trailers (live and otherwise), cutscenes, and even Hollow’s essence (S19 E1), at least to me it seems to be implied that it is Orpheus’ fault the bandits got into Oletus Manor to kill Alice’s parents.
The farmer looking people we saw in the portrait during Time of Reunion and during Ashes of Memory when Orpheus is talking about his past may be Orpheus’ “real” parents, the ones Burke mentions during Bonbon’s deductions that Orpheus may be taking valuables from the manor for, which implies Orpheus’ real parents were likely “greedy” people.
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During Orpheus’ story in Ashes of Memory, he refers to the man as a “forest ranger” the DeRoss couple hired. This actually can fit with Burke’s deductions, where he talks about the DeRoss couple “bought their own staff” for the manor, after which he says there was “a strange boy in this annoying group”. Orpheus being the son of forest rangers the DeRoss’ hired would explain why he appeared when the DeRoss bought their staff, which could include forest rangers, as we know Bane used to be a forest ranger hired to work on the “hunting grounds of Oletus Manor” (those grounds being the Forest of No Return, as that’s where we can find Bane’s cabin) according to his backstory. Though Bane, unlike Orpheus’ real parents, was loyal to the DeRoss couple.
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Orpheus in his story says this forest ranger (likely his real father/parents) “colluded with bandits” (during that scene we see the forest ranger dropping some coins, likely to imply he hired the bandits), the same bandits that killed the DeRoss couple and “ransacked the manor”.
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We know from Burke’s and Bonbon’s deductions, as well as from Time of Reunion, that the “key” to get into the manor was a piccolo, likely combined with having to use it to play the nightingale’s song as Alice says during Ashes of Memory.
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We see Orpheus playing on this same piccolo in Novelist’s release trailer. We also see the bandits playing on this piccolo during the live action trailer for Time of Reunion. During Ashes of Reunion 2, as Alice is walking through the Muse Corridor, we see the lines “How did they get inside?!”, implying it shouldn’t have normally been possible, likely due to the security we know Burke installed for the manor.
If the piccolo was the key, we know that must be how they got in. How did they get it? Well, we know Orpheus has been taking valuables for his “real parents”. We also know he’s held and used the piccolo before. Maybe Orpheus knew about it from getting close to Burke, who does say right after first mentioning Orpheus in his deductions that the kid “showed great interest in my studio” and “I can always see his clothes or shoes sticking out from the corner”. It’s also possible Orpheus was able to learn about it or get his hands on it due to getting close to the DeRoss couple, especially once Alice was born and he got attached to her.
If Orpheus did help the bandits get into the manor, potentially by giving them the key, that would parallel Hollow’s essence trailer well, as we see in that trailer the young, still innocent Orpheus reaching his hand out to the shipwreck survivors, with the very next scene being these same people attacking the manor.
It would also explain Orpheus’ guilt and why he blames himself for Alice’s parent’s death according to Alice’s letter in the 2nd anniversary package.
Now why do I say all this (besides the fact I think as I talk and couldn’t help going on a tangent as I think about other things)? Orpheus is the one who sees Alice as “Memory”. “Memory” is just as her name says, a memory of the past. Alice looks just like she did back then. Back when things were happy, before their “paradise” was destroyed by the events of the tragedy. Hollow does say he wants to “rebuild paradise”, which reflects his desire to go back, to “look back” if you will just like Orpheus in the actual Greek myth, an action that causes him to break his promise to Hades and thus lose Eurydice.
Orpheus is unable to see Alice as she currently is. He is unable to move forward. He is unable to get past the guilt Alice mentions in her letter to Orpheus. In that same letter, she tries to tell him “You’ve already done everything in your power to save them; my survival is proof of this”. This can connect back to the words we saw in Ashes of Memory 2 when Alice is in the Muse Corridor. We hear someone saying “Take her and run. And don’t turn back”, followed soon after by someone asking for where the kids went (Orpheus and Alice), with the last line we see and hear being Orpheus who says “Don’t be afraid we’ll meet again”. This last line likely is a reference to how Orpheus helped ensure Alice’s survival as she mentions in her letter, potentially him trying to hide her from those looking for them (if they were found, it is possible they would’ve been killed like their parents. Though Burke and Bonbon’s deductions imply they were found, it’s possible timing and exactly who found them was important to ensure their survival).
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But based on the first lines in that letter, it seems Alice (in the present, likely during the final game) so far has failed to get Orpheus to stop what he’s currently doing. We know she’s trying to stop him based on the shock and disbelief Source of Evil expresses during her essence to Hollow’s actions, as well as during Novelist’s release trailer as we see a lady holding Memory/Little Girl telling Orpheus to “Stop it! End all this now”.
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Orpheus is incapable of stopping himself from focusing on the past, on revenge, on getting back what he once had. His pain and desire is too great, potentially to the point he was willing to use the drugs on himself as Alice in her letter to Orpheus says “regardless of whether you can or cannot remember”. Drugs to help him forget, to ease his pain, but also the same drugs that cause characters to hallucinate seeing others differently, such as seeing Orpheus as Nightmare.
Siren Song is the drug that causes hallucinations. We see Alice, right after she sniffs the bottle, to briefly hallucinate seeing Mary and Nightmare.
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I also believe this is the same drug that was used on Jose’s father, Joaquin, and his crew the day they disappeared, depicted in Jose’s 1st letter. They mentioned things that the “cannons couldn’t kill”. The reasons the cannons didn’t kill anything was because the things they saw weren’t real. However, unfortunately for them, their actions still had consequences, which was why their ship likely sunk and why Jose, who waits for his father returns, never sees his father again, and why the Queen assumes Joaquin made off with her treasure and so punishes the Baden family.
(I also still believe in my theory that Jose’s father and crew were the shipwreck survivors depicted in Hollow’s essence in the Season 19 Essence 1 trailer who later may have ended up being at least some of the “bandits” that Orpheus’ real parents “collude” with aka hire or pay off to attack the manor, steal its valuables, and kill many of those inside, including Alice’s parents. We know Jose mentions his father changed course due to a storm in his 3rd deduction, while his 4th and 7th imply the “loss of most of the crew” wasn’t because they were fighting pirates, and instead because “the nightmarish waters had swept them away”. We know from deduction 2 that Joaquin’s change of course took them through an area “not recommended for sailing”. Therefore, the “nightmarish waters” and “loss of the crew” could imply they shipwrecked just like we saw in the Season 18 Essence 3’s (Source of Evil) and Season 19 Essence 1’s (Hollow) trailers. We also can make a good guess the large ship at Lakeside may connect to Jose’s father due to the items on the ship, including a map of the Mediterranean, where we know Joaquin was sent the day he disappeared, a paper with the same symbols as are on White’s compass, a Teru Teru Bozu doll, which is for praying for fine weather and can relate to the “nightmarish water” or the original storm that made Joaquin change course, a picture from Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea of a sailor being grabbed by a giant squid, and a nighttime picture that looks very similar to the images from Wu Chang’s backstory trailer. This could imply Jose and his father have been here before, and if his father participated in the attack on Oletus Manor that killed Alice’s parents, that could explain why Jose is so traumatized after they return from this voyage based on Jose’s panic attacks stated to be worsening as well as explain why Jose says in his 7th deduction that the “nightmarish waters” swept away both his “companions” as well as their “conscience”, which implies they did something bad based on the implications from lacking a conscience, especially when we know Joaquin saw this voyage as so important he refused to turn back due to a storm and instead changed course through an area not recommended for sailing. If they did shipwreck, causing them to potentially lose all their cargo, that’d risk Joaquin’s reputation and his desire for fame and fortune. So he would be the type who’d be willing to fall to the lengths of attacking and stealing from a manor to potentially regain what he lost. This would explain why Jose says whatever happened “awakened the demons flowing through the Badens' blood” as well as the Queen’s “wealth” they were said to have “protected” and returned with after the voyage, which is what earned Jose’s father the fame and fortune he always wanted. And again, it would explain some of the other sarcastic lines in Jose’s deductions including “Redemption: A sin the gods can't forgive, but a king can”, which can tie to how Orpheus as Hollow says in the trailer for his essence “Only a sinful soul does as it pleases” and “Revenge! To hell with the gods!”. This idea could also explain why Orpheus in Jose’s 3rd letter calls Jose a “gift” from a “friend who passed away” that Orpheus “treasured” to use in his experiment, so much so he was willing to pause the experiment when it looked like Jose’s mental state was deteriorating too much. The “gift” from the “friend” that “passed away” can be a sarcastic way to refer to Jose’s father.)
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Speaking of the drugs that cause hallucinations, I want to go back to Joker. Remember how I said Orpheus is the one who sees Alice as Memory? Well I think it’s possible Margaretha is the one who sees Weeping Clown Joker as Smiley Face Joker. We know drugs weren’t used on Mike, Joker’s 3rd letter implies the same it seems based on “But even without the influence of drugs, Subject 8-0-3's emotions still moved uncontrollably toward the extreme”, for Violetta it was twice said that it “wasn’t the plan to use medicine” on her, and Murro like Mike has “?” for the 2nd spot of his serial number, which usually implies the character didn’t have the drugs used on them. In which case, Margaretha was likely the 1 to hallucinate Joker’s Identity Switch. And it makes sense too as Margaretha knew a lot about Sergei, ran away with him, but also experienced his abuse. We know from Margaretha’s 3rd letter that, due to the drugs, she mistook Joker as Sergei for a time. That could explain Joker having an appearance that may have a resemblance to Sergei. It could also explain why he’s as big as he is. It could be in part tied to her fear of Sergei due to his abuse.
That then leaves us with Norton and Fool’s Gold. We already got a good bit of information about him from his Design Notes video by Netease. His name itself comes from Norton’s 1st letter from Benny, as well as how the “strong contrast between his outer appearance and inner self” fits well with how Fool’s gold aka pyrite looks similar to gold but is actually iron.
After this part is likely the best answer to your question regarding what an Identity Switch is (https://twitter.com/IdentityVJP/status/1723176218563149901):
“IDENTITY characters and their bodies are somewhat similar to the concepts of id and superego. Or, it can be said to be the difference between the perception of other participants in the game and the person's own perception.
As for character design alone, when we select an IDENTITY character, we tend to enlarge his or her most prominent tags.
Norton's most notable tags were hard work, reticence, being weighed down by life, having no choice but to endure, suppressed anger inside, and ambivalence created by ambition and desire.
We showed one side through Survivor Norton and hoped to show another side through 'Fool's Gold.'”.
After this it further explains why he has a stony appearance, which they say involves his occupation as a miner and how he had been “losing his humanity”. This was why they made the hole in his chest, to show the mining accident damaging “more than his body. When he lit the fuse, his morals, social norms, and appearance of good nature were completely shattered”.
As we said, the Identity Switch/hunter versions are essentially an emphasis on their negative traits which are turned up to the max in this version of themselves. Sort of like how a ONCE skin is a what if something about their story changed, Identity Switches/hunter versions are like a what if the worst or extreme parts of a character were cranked up way more than they actually are.
With hunter Norton, going back to his design notes, it describes this version of Norton being someone that was “reborn in the collapsed mine”, while the hole in his chest involves him “no longer needing the lungs that had been in constant pain before, and that he had been given a new lease of life!”
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At least for me personally, another visual for this being a version of Norton with his darker traits magnified is how Norton’s usually crooked smile is now instead a full smile. Norton in his survivor version has a crooked smile to emphasize his name as well as his 2 sides, 1 being his “gloomy and depressed” side (the sad Norton desperate to escape poverty and depressed at his inability to do so no matter how hard he works) while the other is his “avaricious” side (the one affected by the “magnets” said to have “disturbed his brain”).
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Fool’s Gold having a magnetic pickaxe he can throw and recall, as well as dash towards, is a reference to Norton’s magnets, the ones he made after he took a chunk of the meteorite from Golden Cave after the mine collapse before managing to dig himself out.
Fool’s Gold/Hunter Norton is a version of Norton that has his greed and willingness to do anything to escape poverty turned up to the extreme. This is a version of Norton no longer in pain from black lung, a version no longer letting himself be abused by his coworkers or employers, a version where his darker side won the inner/mental conflict in Norton, which is depicted in his backstory trailer when we see him holding his head in pain and see both survivor Norton and hunter Norton at the same time (to even better show this is a conflict between survivor Norton, aka his better/good side, and his hunter version, aka his worse/bad side).
An even easier visual and proof of this conflict being part of at least normal, survivor Norton comes from Norton’s 2nd letter. The author is Norton, but he’s also talking to himself, trying to convince himself to accept the job and to kill the female he was asked to kill for the monetary reward he was offered. The fact he has to try to convince himself shows Norton needs convinced aka he hasn’t decided completely if he will go through with it or not, or at least he’s having 2nd thoughts, which again also helps to show survivor Norton and hunter Norton are different (that hunter Norton isn’t necessarily the real version, it’s a what if his darker side was magnified).
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There is also the chance the eye in Golden Cave is involved in all this. The Famitsu article already suggested the magnets may be messing with his head, magnets made from the meteorite that came from Golden Cave, where the large eye is. We even see similar fiery eyes appearing as effects with hunter Norton’s S-tier Infernal Skin. I do think there’s a chance hunter Norton is a version of Norton controlled or manipulated (more than normal) by whatever the meteorite and the eye in Golden Cave is.
(I have discussed the idea of the Golden Cave eye being Cyaegha before: https://www.tumblr.com/sirenjose/731920677136924672/golden-cave-eye-cyaegha-theory-updated?source=share).
While I’m thinking about it, I do wonder if we can say Orpheus’ and Norton’s Identity Switch’s/hunter versions are different from the others. I say this as Orpheus has already been said to have multiple personalities, while for Norton he’s already been said to have 2 sides and we’ve already seen him arguing with himself in his 2nd letter. In a sense, I wonder if we can say their hunter versions are “real” in a sense, just that the ones we see in game are now actually (externally) visible and magnified more than normal.
Though speaking of the 2 of them, going back to you wondering if it could relate to the Identity Switch being someone more willing to follow the manor owner or supervising the games, we see Norton during Ashes of Memory 2 seemingly working with Norton. This is based on how Alice encountered Hunter Norton while chasing after Orpheus (the black figure she was initially chasing after), then she is knocked out by Orpheus while Alice is running from Hunter Norton, who we know is actually Norton based on his reflection in the puddles. After this, we then see Norton using the Hydra drug on Alice, with Orpheus likely nearby considering we hear him questioning if the drug is working as Norton is giving it to her. Norton is only officially announced to arrive at the manor the day after that scene takes place. The other bit making it pretty evident Norton is likely working with Orpheus is how we see Norton in the secret basement/cellar that no one besides Orpheus (and Alice now due to her investigation, but none of the other participants at least normally are shown to know anything about it) knows about, not to mention how he knows about Orpheus’ drugs that he likely wants to keep secret from everyone, especially the other normal participants, as them knowing would likely ruin his experiments.
So Norton (or the others really) I don’t think was turned into a hunter/got an Identity Switch because of a “punishment”, nor has he done anything I believe to warrant a punishment, especially with him seemingly being someone directly working with the manor owner rather than just 1 more game participant.
The hunter versions for Orpheus, Joker, and Norton seemed to have formed due to pain (especially over a long period of time) and trauma (powerful experiences). Memory is due to Orpheus’ desire to go back to when things were happy. Luchino I’m less confident about, but maybe we’ll get a better idea as we learn more about his game. It’s possible he could be because of his obsession. It could also be because someone hallucinated him that way similar to Margaretha to Joker and Alice to Norton, which is a combination of knowing or being told about the person and seeing them as more extreme than they currently/actually are likely due to fear. So far though, drugs seem to be the main cause, though not all hunters are just hallucinations (like Leo), but it’s hard to say without full confirmation by Netease how much of each hunter is hallucination and how much is real. We can make guesses, like Bane for example seems mostly real, but who knows if they might surprise us and show their real version is a bit more toned down, like they did for Joker and Luchino.
(As for the question about detention, I don’t believe it’s ever explained in detail, so I think it’s fine to imagine or explain it however you may want. My best guess is maybe it can be explained sort of like adrenaline. Kind of like how the last week before a season ends is called Final Push, I think when the last cipher machine is decoded, it’s like the “final push” to the end. For survivors, this is to escape. For hunters, it is to eliminate everyone. Survivors “borrowed time” talent, which is when they heal when the last cipher pops, has the text “To what end will the last gleam of hope lead?”, which connects with this. Hunters’ detention on the other hand has the text “What's the hurry? Stay here forever”, which I think could help back up by guess that survivors may be more “adrenaline”, while for hunters it may be more… something like bloodlust? The desire to eliminate them all before they can escape. If you want to imagine it as a loss of whatever humanity they had, even if temporary, I think that’s fine ^_^; !)
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joyfulxgod · 2 months
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~~~.~💡~.~~~ || "Prisoner" - Identity V || Dreveel's 333 follower event "Day 1: Make a stimboard for your favorite fictional doctor, inventor, and or scientist! The more mad and deranged the better."
I was actually considering makeing a Doc Ock (spiderverse version!!) stimboard, but honestly I couldn't think of what to add to it ananksjscjsd, so I just stuck with a character I knew very well :> Luca was my first dedicated idv survivor main!! :D Now I main Luchino, but I still go back to my roots when I'm feeling lazy sometimes :) Looking for gifs for this one was pretty nice <33 I like mechanical stims a lot!
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ANON YOU SO REAL FOR THAT flirting with luchino mains in match on identity v is my fave activity FR!!!! I couldn’t write this one very well so I apologize dearly <\3
But I really hope you enjoy!!!
🦎Luchino X Reader that loves to flirt with him (slight NSFW)
Reader is GN.
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˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-You guys have been talking to each other for awhile and oooo boy.. the way you swoon so badly for this lizard boy…
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-You would always knock on his door, giving him flowers and gifts and such like that, while saying the most cheesiest pick up line ever that makes him roll his eyes at you.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-But that doesn’t mean he don’t like it…
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-In fact, he finds it very amusing, seeing you try and shoot your shot multiple times, he acts oblivious on purpose to study and see what you would do, he thinks of this like a game, sort of.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-“Human. What are you trying to do? What’s with that face?” “Nothing~ Just thought I gave this flower to you.. the scent reminds me of you, cause it’s as pleasant as you..❤️” “Are you drunk again?”
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-Despite you making so many hints towards him, he just wouldn’t get it, or so you thought. You started to get tired of it a little bit, and stepped it up. There’s no way he won’t get this…
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-“Luchiiii~” you drag out his name. He was doing an experiment and you were watching him at his lab.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-“What is it that you so dearly want?” He replies to you, almost hissing in a way.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-“How come you don’t do experiments outside of lizards and.. weird reptile stuff like that?” You say.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-“And what do you mean by that…?”
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-“I dunno, you could perhaps.. do an “experiment” on me, instead…~” you say, super flirtiously, leaning into him closely with those lovey dovey eyes, and at this moment, he couldn’t hold it back
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-“Mmmm..” He purrs out. “Maybe I should. Does tonight sound good?”
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-Now you’re becoming a blushing mess, surprised that he even responded like that, making you stutter a lot, too. (Mans got you speechless FR😭)
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-Let’s just say, during that night you guys had a bit of fun. And now this man just fully flirting with you, purposely making you flustered any given moment he can. Lol
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x-infernhoes-x · 9 months
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𝕁𝕁𝔹𝔸𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕚𝕝𝕖- 𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝔸𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕠˖°˖🌪˖°˖ •☽─────⋅☾⋆⋅ ゚⛆˖°˖🌪˖°˖ ゚⛆ ⋅⋆☽⋅─────☾•
Updated as of 12/15/2023
Created on 12/13/2023
Hi! so this is just an update of sorts for my old JJBAsona bio that has something to do with my self shipping considering that I've been dragged into the Jojo fandom again HVFSHJABF HJ
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˖°˖🌪˖°˖𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕚𝕝𝕖˖°˖🌪˖°˖
•☽─────⋅☾⋆⋅ ゚⛆˖°˖🌪˖°˖ ゚⛆ ⋅⋆☽⋅─────☾•
❝𝕆𝕙, 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕙𝕖?❞ - I Monster, Who is She?
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Codename: Paella Visconti
↳ Namesake: Paella: A Spanish rice dish from the Valencian Community.
Luchino Visconti: Italian filmmaker, theatre and opera director, and screenwriter
Birthname: Eunice Flores
Nickname(s): Elvis (by Mista and Formaggio), En, tigrotta mia (by Risotto Nero, Abbacchio, and Bucciarati)
Age: Depending on the verse but the main verse has her as 24 years old
Birthday: February 8th, 19██
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Tiger
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5 ft 3 in / 160 cm
Weight: 100 lbs / 45 kg
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: ████ ██ ██████,Metro Manila, Philippines
Eye Color: Dark Brown/Black
Occupation: Assassin (current), University Student (formerly), Personal Bodyguard of Italy's pop sensation, Trish Una (Formerly), Bruno Bucciarati's personal assistant (formerly)
Ethnicity: Filipino
Nationality: Filipino-Italian (through marriage of connivence)
Organization: Passione
Backstory: Born and raised in somewhere in Metro Manila, Philippines, En or more commonly known by the undercover name she had once she had joined Passione as Paella Visconti (often shortened to Ella or Elvis as Mista and Formaggio would call her), she had a relatively normal and quiet life in her hometown where she was raised by her father’s parents inside the walls of the very same home her father and his siblings had grown up on. But En knew she was destined for a life that was just more than normal. A natural born stand user, En was initially unaware of her abilities as a stand user and has been subconsciously using its abilities from the start, En’s stand managed to manifest itself physically at the age of 16, triggered by her intense emotions during her days as a junior high student. She also happens to be a close friend and ally of Josuke Higashikata whom she met online at age 14.
She first appears after the events of Golden Wind and Purple Haze Feedback, she subsequently crosses paths with the one and only Bruno Bucciarati himself at the age of 21 during a trip to Singapore and ends up working for him as the Capo’s personal assistant before getting assigned as the personal bodyguard for Italy’s pop-sensation singer, Trish Una along side with Narancia Ghirga, Guido Mista, and Shiela E.
Now a bonafide member of Passione, En is assigned by Don Giorno himself to the newly reinstated La Squadra Esecuzioni, En currently lives in Naples, Italy, with her boyfriend of 3 years, Pannacotta Fugo along with their cats and their roommate, Guido Mista.
(Relationship lore of Fugo and En can be found here!)
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˖°˖🌪˖°˖𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕤, 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕤, 𝔽𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕨𝕤
𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕖𝕥𝕔.˖°˖🌪˖°˖
•☽─────⋅☾⋆⋅ ゚⛆˖°˖🌪˖°˖ ゚⛆ ⋅⋆☽⋅─────☾•
❝𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕓𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖. ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖, 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀'𝕞 𝕒𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕕 𝕠𝕗. ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕦𝕟𝕥 𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥, 𝕀 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖.❞
- Taylor Swift, Daylight
Favorite Color(s): Dark colours and certain pastels, anything that doesn't look like an eye sore or gross
Favorite Flower(s): peonies, lavender, garden roses, forget-me-not, and blue hydrangeas
Favorite Movie(s): Stay Alive (2006), Moulin Rouge (2001), Mamma Mia! (2008), Mulan (1998), Les Miserables (2012)
TV Show(s): Revolutionary Girl Utena, Digimon, again too many to count
Favorite Food(s): Kare-Kare, Tteok-Bokki, Pizza, Cheeseburgers, Fries, Pasta, usually depends on what she hyperfixates on
Hobbies: Reading novels that fall under young adult, greek mythology related, fantasy, or even classics, cooking, singing, dancing as a form of leisure exercise (though not very good at freestyle), video gaming, art, doing runs, listening to music, reading and learning.
Musician(s): Too many to count or list but is found mostly listening to her top five artists: Hozier, Florence and the Machine, Mitski, Taylor Swift, and Fleetwood Mac, occasionally listens to David Bowie and Kate Bush.
Likes: Cats, books, memes, video games, puzzles, her family, coffee, pickles, trail mix, astronomy and astrology, anything witchcraft related, visiting historical sites, learning, swimming, the beach, stormy weather, learning about flower languages and plants, listening to podcasts that are mainly true crime or character/media analyses, psychology related stuff, cinnamon, people who ask nicely and talk without malice or anger.
Dislikes: Fried Chicken that has too much oil in it or repeatedly being served, being seen as her being like parents/her father, the weather being way too hot, creeps, misplacing or losing her items, people who chew loudly, sewer rats, stepping on things with her bare feet, basically anything gross, certain conspiracy theories, people lying and those who deceive her, any type of abuse, harassment or violations against someone’s consent, animal abuse, cucumbers, going to the sea/beach without slippers, sand getting into places that shouldn't be in, physical touch from people who she aren't close with without warning, people who don't ask nicely or yell, patriarchy, weird textures.
Fears: Being seen as someone who is a burden to people, being seen less as a person and discriminated due to her learning disability which is ADHD, failing or becoming a disappointment, being seen as a terrible person, being betrayed, losing her loved ones, becoming like her father, the apocalypse, certain carnivorous reptiles such as snakes, heights, and certain images of saints aka 'Santo'.
Flaws: En, while highly self-aware that she can overthink, has this certain tendency to keep her thoughts to herself and bottling it up due to her upbringing and her fear of being a burden to people. Though while this is mainly solved and is making progress of keeping in touch with people she cares and trusts enough, the habit is still there. She also has the habit of apologizing when there's no need to and also thinking that she's invincible but not to the point of tomfoolery especially when it comes to dangerous or high-risk situations but rather, this manifests as mostly in completely mundane things such as her sleeping and eating habits. She also has this internalized vindictiveness to her that sometimes shows itself from time to time but this is regulated.
She also has this habit of offering sage advice to people but never follows her own advice, thus calling herself as a 'walking contradiction' due to this, she also developed this habit of taking care of others, making sure their needs are well met and forgets about her own, sometimes her 'mother hen' like habits can be smothering but manages to keep it on the low. Despite of her flaws, she is currently working through these issues to the best of her abilities.
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˖°˖🌪˖°˖𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟˖°˖🌪˖°˖
•☽─────⋅☾⋆⋅ ゚⛆˖°˖🌪˖°˖ ゚⛆ ⋅⋆☽⋅─────☾•
❝ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕀'𝕞 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕪𝕠𝕦.❞ -Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Home
While it is common knowledge amongst her peers that En comes from a big middle class family back in the Philippines, she doesn't really mention any of them by name, considering her position as a hitman and a member of Passione. The info below is taken directly from her file from Passione as per requested by the Speedwagon Foundation to add to their database and associates. It seems that most of it is blacked out as it follows:
KNOWN RELATIVES: Father: █████ ███████ Flores Age: [REDACTED] Status: Alive Stand User: No Mother: ███████ ████████ Age: [REDACTED] Status: Alive Stand User: No Grandmother: ████ Flores Age: [REDACTED] Status: Alive Stand User: No Notes from the Researchers: has been suspected as a Ripple User as is the rest of the subject's family from the 'Flores' side. This is also suspected with Subject 13 herself considering that one of her stand's abilities happens to be healing through the means of breathing. -Subject 13, aka Eunice ███████ Flores, first born daughter of █████ ███████ Flores (second son of ████ Flores and the late ███████ Flores) and ███████ ████████, has been raised by the matriarch and former patriarch of the Flores family since she was born. Medical records state that the Subject was born prematurely and was raised by the new grandparents. Our researchers have also noted that Subject 13 happens to be the only known natural born stand user amongst her family members, and by extension, her 12 cousins. Subject 13 happens to have at least four known siblings, but the whereabouts or status of the fourth sibling happen to be unknown.
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𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
•☽─────⋅☾⋆⋅ ゚⛆˖°˖🌪˖°˖ ゚⛆ ⋅⋆☽⋅─────☾•
❝𝕄𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞, 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕟, 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕀 𝕗𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖?❞ - Hozier, Francesca
Stand Name: Heroes
Stand Namesake: Heroes (David Bowie Album & Song)
Ability Types: Close-Range/Long-Range, Semi-Sentient
Form Type: Natural Humanoid Stand
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History: Heroes is a close-range/long-range natural humanoid stand of En Flores who possesses a range of abilities focused on air/weather related abilities. Though she’s been with the user from the beginning, Heroes makes her first physical appearance to a young En at the age of 16 after the latter had experience a bout of strong emotions, most particularly emotional distress over something that happened during En’s time as a Junior High student (which, funnily enough, happens to be En stressing over her History test) and has been with her ever since.
Personality: Noted by some of En's friends and enemies alike, Heroes, while seemingly looking like as if she has no innate personality due to her stoic disposition, has shown bouts of intense protectiveness over her user, En and by extension, those who En holds dear to her heart, mirroring the user's mother bear habits. While it's not very obvious to some, Heroes seems to sometimes have a separate consciousness from her user and has been noted to have mannerisms similar to that of a curious owl or a playful and mischievous feline at times.
In battle, she remains as composed as she is in general, barely showing any emotion unless En herself feels a strong bout of them, which Heroes would mirror. Another thing that not most people know much about is that Heroes can speak for herself but instead of a normal voice, those who aren't close with En get to hear the sound of every storm, howling winds, and blizzards and a banshee's* *combined but En understands her perfectly. However when a connection is formed, Heroes' voice becomes crystal clear, speaking in a voice that's similar to her user's but much more ethereal, airy and echoey with the hints of the previous sounds and her way of speaking is mentioned to be very polite and smart.
Physical Description: Heroes is a humanoid Stand of a feminine figure, resembling its user in some of its proportions. Often characterized by its free flowing golden locks tipped with silver, blue winged helmet-like mask with the Christian cross in the middle, obscuring its eyes and the upper half of its face, and pale silver skin and the motif that its sporting being a notable mix of a valkyrie, a ballerina, and Elizibethan fashion judging from its collar and overskirt.
The lower part of its face has these distinctive markings of two vertical lines across its eyes and a half circle under its lower lip which are painted gold.
Heroes wears a body suit of gold and blue with two elongated hexagonal shapes at the sides of its hips, a tear drop shape opening right over where its belly button should be, and multiple lines sewn onto it finished by the feathered blue Medici styled collar and overskirt detailed with thin, golden tendrils of pure lightning; it also wears knee-high boots where the kneepads baring some sort of resemblance to the frangipani flower, african violets, strawberry blossoms, and marsh marigolds with the stem pointed out as a blade in the middle of a ribbon spiral finished off with two-tiered pauldrons resting on its shoulders.
Abilities: Heroes is a highly versatile stand possessing the ability to control the weather. Though Heroes’ ability may be near similar to Weather Report’s, it’s not the same. Unlike Weather Report, Heroes can manipulate certain elements such as thunder and lighting and be able to create weapons out from the elements that they can control. One of Heroes’ featured abilities are giving its user the ability to fly and glide in the air, breath healing, controlling the atmosphere and the weather, aerokinetic invisibility, air attacks, and weather weaponry. It can also have control over any form of precipitation and storms and grant the user a banshee-like physiology.
Its range when creating large-scale storms is based on the location where the user is currently situated. The most notable example is that if Heroes and En found themselves in a city such as Venice, Italy, that would mean the entirety of Venice would be affected, and where both the stand and user are will serve as the main landfall zone where the storms are particularly worse than the rest of the location.
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Okay so hi! First off the pic came from here and that I just edited it on my computer considering I haven't been able to draw anything as of late :"DD which would also explain why the picture I have for my sona lacks glasses ;u;
As for the timelines, there are at least two known variations of it! The main verse, which I will be calling as strawberries and cigarettes, and a secondary verse called which will be called as fulmine dorato [eng. golden lightning]!
So basically, in the strawberries and cigarettes verse, the events of Golden Wind + Purple Haze Feedback take place in the year 2015 as opposed to 2001. It also means that the events of DIU happened at less than a year before the events of Golden Wind basically making Josuke, En, and Fugo be the same age. Also this is a verse which basically reverses the deaths of Leone, Narancia, Bruno, and La Squadra but they all carry some form of scarring from the nature of their deaths and whatnot. I got inspired by theclockworkkid on ig and this one fic I read way back in 2020 something and it just stuck on me.
For the fulmine dorato verse, its basically the canon version of golden wind/purple haze feedback (no one dies in La Squadra and Bucci Gang bc I am a sucker and I want them to have happy endings HBVFHJASFB) and that En has been around Passione since she was 15 and was originally a part of La Squadra before being put under the custody of Bruno Bucciarati's team due to 'mysterious circumstances as of late' (basically, La Squadra protecting their youngest bc they're about to betray the boss after Sorbet and Gelato's deaths, only to find out that En would go down the same path as they did aka betraying the boss insert spiderman pointing meme here)
so yeah! Which leads into the tag of 🍓🌦children of the revolution//fugoen children🌦🍓that can be seen on my blog and the family's introduction which can be read here!
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drfeelgreed · 9 months
something you must know about me is that i am extremely autistic about the things that happen in baccano! but in the strangest ways possible.
for example, a character called luchino b. campanella is a stage magician for his day job---a very world-renowned one, if i may add. the only plotline he features in takes place on a cruise ship in 2002, and he does a magic show on the ship for the entertainment of its passengers. there's a brief section in one of the beginning chapters of the book that introduces him that actually skims over some of the acts in this scaled-down cruise ship show.
naturally, one of these tricks involves a baby alligator.
now, okay, this is something one might be inclined to overlook in a series like baccano!, considering one of the main characters of an arc that takes place in the past is an actual circus bear, but i happen to have lived my whole life in one of the stage magic capitols of the world. you can't just GET an animal like that for the purposes of the magic show, first of all, you have to have either an incredibly good rapport with the animal's handler or literally own the animal. both of these possibilities are extremely funny considering luchino moonlights as the young not-yet-adult leader of an underground widespread criminal organization---like, he already has to find the time to both lead and perform, where is he getting the time to purchase this exotic animal or get himself in the good graces of its handler?
anyway, this is just the preemptive to the real question of why the hell did he bring a baby alligator onto the ship in the first place? where is the baby alligator staying? it doesn't come back again, by the way, so there is a moderately reasonable chance for it having survived, except the SAMPLE cultists literally knew where luchino's cabin on the ship was. when you bring birds onto a cruise as part of a magic show, which i'm pretty sure luchino also had as part of his act, they DO stay in a special location, but there's no existing protocol for a baby alligator.
anyway, after i introduced these ideas to them the wider baccano! fandom said the alligator's name is huey eater 30000 and that it's luchino's treasured pet. i'm inclined to agree.
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soapkaars · 11 months
If you could cast Peter Lorre in a modern day film or tv series, what character would he play?
So I already sort of answered a similar question in another ask, but let's go in the weeds properly with this one!
I am a big fan of detective mysteries - I grew up with Inspector Morse and Maigret, so naturally my first thought was casting Peter Lorre in one of those. I am firmly convinced Lorre would’ve been an excellent Poirot:
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The character was made by Agatha Christie in the same time Lorre's acting career took off, so Poirot is literally a contemporary of Lorre's and a type of character he would definitely have been familiar with - the well-groomed, slightly prissy foreigner with a strong accent but an excellent grasp of the English language (though not always with its colloquialisms) who uncovers the dark secrets of British upper class families. It's a pity Mr Moto and Charlie Chan were so popular in the US, because in an ideal world the foreign detectives who took Hollywood by storm should’ve been based on Hercule Poirot, and then I would've had my wish.
I really should watch Twin Peaks because from everything I know through cultural osmosis about that series, Lorre would've fit right in. I think Peter Lorre would've definitely been a great fit in some of David Lynch's films (Eraserhead, Blue Velvet…) , particularly because he loves to cast oddball characters who are larger than life. Come to think of it, a lot of late 20th century American films have delightfully strange and fascinating characters and plots Lorre could be a part in - from the French Connection, to American Psycho, to Videodrome (Lorre in a Cronenberg film! Imagine), to Pulp Fiction… I’m not even imagining him as playing a main role, some of the auxiliary characters in those films would fit him to a T.
The only thing I'm having a hard time imagining him in are contemporary films of the last five years. Certainly not Hollywood films as they are now! But… I do think he would be a natural fit in Wes Anderson films - so many of his films hide this deep melancholy and ennui under their perfectly maintained facades, and considering how Lorre acted: always being the best dressed in so many films, but at the same time hiding so many layers of characterisation under those stylish clothes…
In fact, coming from the German Expressionist tradition and avant-garde theatre, Lorre would do very well with auteur directors from almost any era! Exercise for the reader: imagine Lorre in a film by
Jean-Pierre Jeunet: Amelie Poulain, Alien Resurrection (I know people hate this film but just imagine him as that creepy doctor - perfect fit), The City of Lost Children, Delicatessen (you know he would fit so well in that one)
Francois Ozon: Swimming Pool
Tom Tykwer: Lola Rennt (Run Lola Run)
Federico Fellini: la Dolce Vita, 8 and 1/2, Il Bidone
Paolo Sorrentino: La Grande Belleza, Il Divo, Youth, Loro
Luchino Visconti: Death in Venice, Ludwig, Ossessione (an adaptation of The Postman Always Rings Twice!)
Bernardo Bertolucci: Il Conformista
Stanley Kubrick: The Shining, Dr Strangelove, Clockwork Orange, the Killers
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deniisu · 2 years
Tagged by @maidoftin, it has been a while since I got a mention in my main!
last song - Dua Lipa: Levitating Just a cute, innofensive pop song. Incredibly catching and a nice soundtrack for when I'm reading stuff :x
last show - The Empress (Netflix) A tad too slow-paced for my liking (and I LIKE slow-paced period drama), I don't think the modernized costumes worked as well as on Bridgerton, buuut I'll finish the season (just 6 episodes) before I elaborate a proper opinion. The sets are GORGEOUS, though (location?)
last movie - Death In Venice I'm sorry, Luchino Visconti fans, but actually enjoyed Ludwig more! That said, yeah, mandatory watching if you enjoy 1970s shoujo and NOT JUST the m/m ones. The pacing, the atmosphere, it's all there. Hagio Moto and Keiko Takemiya watched a lot of European movies at the time AND IT SHOWS.
It's definitely not for everyone though. While it IS symbolic and artistic and a study about beauty, it's still and old man getting horny for a young teen boy :P They don't even touch, but STILL. YEAH.
currently watching - exactly right now? Nothing! But I'll soon go for Extra Credits History to check for new videos
currently obsession - I'm becoming just like mom and getting on a binge of period dramas. Always liked the stuff, but it took until my early 30s to not... get self-conscious about it? It's not even because of the romance, it's because I kinda feel conflicted about being a leftist and enjoying aristocratic bullshit XD
tagging: @welcomedmachine @demonfox38 @margaretacarter @erotamborki
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fgooooooo · 2 years
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soul--weaver · 2 years
Gonna drop money for an S skin for the first time when survchino drops probably
Saved 12k inspirations for this but I doubt it'll be enough sjfjdjdjdn
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heartshapedbubble · 2 years
Soul Cather and Spring Heated Wine with a child reader who really looks up to them and is just absolutely clingy? Along with being just a ball of sunshine please?
this is such a cute ask😭!! here you go anon 💕
norton campbell soul catcher and luchino diruse spring heated wine hcs with a child reader🧲☠🦎🍷
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art creds: @/w3w1w7ags on twt
norton campbell/soul catcher🧲☠
soul catcher nort is already well known in the town, especially by the kids - and they LOVE HIM
they're obssessed with chasing him down whenever he's running and jumping from roof to roof, point their fingers at him and yell whenever they spot his figure moving around, and always beg him to stay longer
norton finds it really cute, he just can't resist the puppy eyes of the local kids and always stays longer if possible
tbh soul catcher nort is one of the rare nortons (if not the only one maybe?) that knows how to deal with kids - he never had them nor does he intend to for now but he knows they're often better company than any other egoistic adult out there - basically peter pan of idv to sum it up
he actually named the group of kids and him "el escuadrón increíble"
quite literally the big brother of every child from the town :') think something like jack frost
so when he sees you shyly approaching him, your eyes twinkling, he knows just what to do
he finds you so cute and bubbly, a little being full of adrenaline lol
^you got yourself the nickname "fuego vivo" from him because of your energetic personality
always telling you to not feel so anxious and be more confident, he wants you to think of him as a big brother/friend rather than a mythic hero you may portray him as in your head
almost always notices you stalking him a bit longer than the other kids but never says anything, and he uses that opportunity to show off and do more acrobatics than usual
kinda nosy so he often just pops up behind you like "what are you doing :)" when he sees you playing with a toy or reading a book, it's all out of pure curiosity though! also he has all the time in the world to listen to you ramble about various interests
if he sees you being particularily upset, he's going to do any funny trick to make you laugh
as i mentioned in my other norton hc posts, he's very bold and daring, meaning he often does various risky acrobatics like hanging from balconies, climbing up houses etc.
...and he often offers to do the same with the kids! quite strong too so he can put two kids on his shoulder at the same time and balance of a railing or something
soul catcher loves seeing people happy, and you're no exception! he enjoys seeing a bright smile on every child that looks up to him :)
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art creds: @/karunota on twt
luchino diruse/spring heated wine🦎🍷
there is not a (professor at least) luchino that's good with kids😭
i mean, he doesn't hate them in any way - he just has no idea how to properly deal with them - think of that "you want a beer? HE'S FOUR!" audio
the spring is reserved for adults only, so when he notices you sneaking in and swimming in some of the pools, he's quite troubled since he's scared of you getting hurt
tries to bait you out of there by giving you candy or offering you toys but to no avail
he's now stuck with a little gremlin beside him who runs into the ladies carrying towels and steals grapes from the serving plates
he IS annoyed as you embarrass him in front of the guests often but he just can't say no to you okay, he finds you really cute (and a bit annoying at the same time)
notices you inspecting his robes but doesn't do anything about it until one day you yank the long piece of fabric hanging off his shoulder with full strength, almost making him fall down (after that he started being way more careful and would even flinch if you waved your hand near him)
thinks he's not the best role model for a kid, both by his appearance and acting so he feels guilty - has no clue why you look up to him either since in reality he doesn't think that high of himself
keeps you hidden from the guests and main pools while they're crowded and when it gets late and people leave he lets you swim in them
one day you propose him the idea of playing water polo together since it's boring to swim around alone
at first he's like ???? since he's not a huge fan of sports and the springs are used for relaxing after all but eventually he gives in woo
you're always asking him questions about his scales and even called him a dinosaur once
steals snacks from the plates so he can give them to you once you arrive
you're basically glued to him 24/7 - either you beg him for piggyback rides or cling onto his leg as he's walking, and ask him soooo many questions. luckily he's a walking encyclopedia so he tries to provide you with every answer you need
shows you the frescoes on the walls of the spring while carrying you around and tells you various facts about them since he's also passionate about art!
realizes that the spring feels way less lively without you entertaining him with your shenanigans and is actually excitedly awaiting your arrival every day
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21tailsofwoe · 3 years
“cry for the moon: side H” musings
so i watched the hunter side of identity v stage episode 3 “cry for the moon” and i would like to let out my thoughts because there are so many of them and i do not know any better way of coping with my feelings.
spoilers for the stage play under the cut:
simply said, this production was leagues above episode 1, which i also hold very close to heart so you can imagine what episode 3 did to me. i’ve loved mary ever since i started playing the game almost a year ago, and to learn that there’d be an entire stage play dedicated to her. and not to mention that cecile daigo would play her role, i was already sold.
putting her character against eli, whose character (at least in the stage) is supposed to be this calm, supportive, empathetic person, i’d keep thinking how they’d pull it off, how’d they frame mary’s backstory, how everything would work out in the manor...i had so many questions. in the end, i came out so thoroughly satisfied by this stage. in fact, my friend and i cried multiple times watching this. it affected us THAT much.
the story is a little straight-forward. mary is a queen who was executed by her own people. from my understanding, they didn’t allude to the revolution or anything, simply the fact that mary grew up in royalty and luxury, was taught to be high-headed, and self-centered, maintain that elite image. and in following this way of life, she ended up being extremely lonely, till everyone around her betrayed her and she was left to be executed. in the manor, now that she’s dead, she’s still very stubbornly insists that everyone treat her like royalty, that everyone else in the manor is beneath her, just so she could justify the pain from the loneliness and betrayal she felt. eli shows up, reaches out, the concept of ‘skins’ in the game is very cleverly used as a plot device, and the stage ends with mary learning about the Power Of Friendship(TM). she also learns to accept herself as a person, not as a ‘concept.’
i feel like the motives of the hunter main character seemed a lot more fleshed out. the connection to the survivor main character was established in due time, and all the pieces started fitting together as the story went on, something i found a little lacking in the first stage. like i said, it’s straight-forward and easy to digest, but still ends up tugging at your heartstrings.
mary’s characterisation was phenomenal. i’ve always been bitter about the fact that the game straight up copy pasted marie antoinnette onto her, but in the stage the creative liberties were put on full display. she’s her own character, with abundant past trauma which makes her cold and unapproachable. she’s so protective of her world view that she’d lash out on anyone and everyone who dares to change it. being called a ‘hunter’ makes her snap, makes her pissed, because she’s a queen! she always has been! there’s no way she could be standing along with other people! that’s not what she’s learned in her life time!
eli doesn’t have a lot of character moments because this was the hunter side after all, but he’s the same as the first stage. sees a lonely, recluse person, and wants to reach out. though the creators have stated that each stage is a different manor, or a different story, they’ve stuck to this characterisation of eli and i love it.
while the other hunters also had their parts, the more prominent ones were luchino and joseph. and joseph. oh goodness. his transformation from the first stage to now was something i craved for. he’s joking around with the other hunters, the other hunters also clown him pretty bad. he has a soft spot for robbie. the back and forth he shares with luchino also filled my heart with so much love. and most importantly, he’s the one who tells mary to embrace the present as it is, because holding onto the past will not do much. he fits the gap between eli and mary perfectly, and moves the story in his own joseph way. seeing him actually move on from his past and live with a healthy mindset, something we’ll probably never see in the game...it destroyed something in me.
joseph’s character also emphasises that in the confusion of whatever the manor wants from them, the hunters at least have each other. it was a very nice touch.
acting, direction, dialogue:
this is the part where episode 3 completely overshadows episode 1. cecile daigo is the star of this stage. she has once again won my heart. when she’s being cold, you’ll feel a chill down your spine. when she’s angry, you’ll physically feel that tension. when she screams and cries, you’ll have your heart sink. her dialogue delivery in any given situation hit in all the right spots. i’m still scared to go rewatch the guillotine scene because it was so incredibly painful to watch the first time.
not only that, but the way they creatively used this open stage which made the play seem so much more idv-like. the way they would place eli on one end of the stage walking in one direction, and mary would be on the other side walking in the opposite direction. or when the lights would follow them around the stage as they sang their duet, OR OR OR the way the actor playing mary’s mirror image would sync perfectly with mary, or even the way eli talks to mary in a soft, calm manner, knowing that she’s going through something very traumatic. it was all so beautifully done. the dialogues themselves were so impactful, we had to rewind some scenes just to appreciate the words properly.
music, costumes, misc:
the music. GOD the music. not only the hunter song, but also the score in the play itself. the fairy-tale like song in the fake world. eli and mary’s duet song. it was all perfect. in the end when mary returns to all the hunters with a change of heart, and ‘acclamation’ plays in the background i actually got teary eyed lmao. just the timing of everything was so spot on.
the costumes, just like the previous stage, were also perfect. mary rocking bloodbath while bride eli mopes in the background. the other characters in their alternate clothing was. something.
also. norton in a tux. phenomenal.
my personal favourite part from the alternate world was the dance, where i lost my shit two times: one, when i saw 0.3 seconds of fiopat and two, when i saw xiefan fist bump.
ty for the fanservice idv stage play.
as a milf enjoyer, i would’ve appreciated more of marymichi but i think this one screen cap alone is enough to fuel me for the next ten years.
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gotta appreciate michiko for taking the shot at the start of the play. she missed terribly, but she took a shot and that’s what matters. go get your girl, michiko.
my review could be very extremely biased, though. sorry for ending on this note LOL. i love identity v so so much and i’ve invested myself in these doll characters way too much, so actually getting to watch my favourite characters TALK to each other, be part of each other’s stories, it may have slightly skewed my perception of of the play. of course, it isn’t without faults, but to anyone who loves idv, who loves mary especially, this is a must watch. i genuinely mean the praises i’ve given to this stage play and i do not regret spending my money on this.
i’ll watch the survivor side and the comedy stages eventually and i don’t know if i’ll be making reviews for those but i just had to talk about the hunter side.
thank you so much to the creators of this stage, to all the wonderful talented actors, and a big thank you to the new writers. this was more than i could’ve asked for.
hoping for a stage 4 with mary’s return xx
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Hi! this is my introduction for this account so here it goes!
I write for lots of fandoms but I mostly write for identity v so I'll just be doing that for now :) I do commissions for items off my wishlist, currently I want Blindspot since I'm an Aesop main!
I write:
Joke fics
Baby making in general
I won't write:
Memory or Robbie, unless they are mentioned or the reader/character acts as a parent to them
H*mophobia (unless a character is being h*mophobic for a comfort fanfic)
I specialize in:
Gay relationships! especially mxm, it's easiest for me as a gay man!
trans reader/trans characters
GN reader
Characters with tails, ears or other body parts im not thinking about
Lizard Luchino
Mike Morton
Norton Campbell
I don't write nicely for Freddy Riley, if you like him, I can write him nicely! I usually write him as a jerk/enemy, as a kreacher kinnie it only makes sense
Rates aren't 100%, it all depends on the price of the item! I do free asks so send some my way! if your looking for a commission, also shoot me a dm :)
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pochiperpe90 · 4 years
Points of view – The Interview: Luca Marinelli
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How do you approach your characters. 
Sometimes I also wonder how I get to the character. For “Non essere cattivo”, I had a very detailed script and a fascinating director at my disposal, so I didn't struggle to relate. It was a very brave script for the way it dealt with reality. At first my auditions went in the direction of Vittorio's character but also knowing the figure of Cesare, more than once I thought I would like to play him. I saw the auditions of others and I stopped to think how I could have done Cesare. Then at a certain point I remember that Claudio looked at Valerio and told him that it would be better to reverse the roles, to let me try Cesare, and so it went. When I read the script of “Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot”, the first thing that struck me, besides the courageous imagination, was to understand how a film of this kind could be made. 
In the first part of your career, you brought an image of introverted and staid youth to the screen. Was this a choice. 
Absolutely not. Or rather yes, it was the choice of those who met me first. Perhaps a part of my personality has been seen that could best marry the characters in question. It happened both in “La solitudine dei numeri primi” by Saverio Costanzo and later with Virzì in "Tutti i santi giorni", then it can be said that with Casare of “Non essere cattivo” and the Zingaro of “Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot” I was allowed to turn things around slightly, to play a character who had a disposition and behavior that was completely the opposite of what I had faced previously. 
What do you remember about your debut with Saverio Costanzo. 
He was my initiation into cinema, I came from the Academy and I had no idea what it was like to work on a set. The best memory, in addition to the experience of the film with him and Alba, is the first meeting, the first audition, where I really understood that I strongly wanted to work with him and that if this had happened I would have ended up in the hands of a great author. 
With that film you found yourself in the main competition of the Venice Film Festival. What memories do you have of that first time at the lido. 
Of a huge confusion and a big headache. We were tossed around from one interview to another and not only that, because the worst thing was always answering the same questions, and I was terribly worried not to make the situation even more boring for the machine operator, who never changed, and I don't think could take it longer to hear the same phrases over and over. Fortunately, Alba was there as well and saved me in more than one interview. The experience helped me because the following times I knew slightly more what I was going through and how to manage situations and keep stress at bay. Or maybe not yet, it's a long way. 
I noticed that when you talk about your job you do it using the verb “to play” (giocare). Is it a coincidence or the choice has a precise meaning. 
Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that in English the term recite is said precisely in this way because in my opinion to play, or the French jouez, represents the feeling of freedom and fun that is inherent in the job I do, better. As far as I'm concerned, the moment of the take is when the actor has to stop thinking, abandon worries, to be able to bring out the energy of his character. He has to play with the same seriousness and commitment with which a child does. I remember a piece of advice from Carlo Cecchi on the fact that in acting counts listening and the here and now. Being actively present to oneself and to others at that exact moment.
You have a method for achieving this condition. 
If someone asked me something about technique, I wouldn't know what to answer, apart from listening. On the set of Andrea Molaioli's film in which I am the father of the young protagonist, the actor who plays him, Ludovico, who is really good, full of talent and very smart, once asked me what was the technique to make the best of the character, and the only thing I felt able to advise him was to try to be present in that moment and then to let go, listen and not think about the rest. 
But I imagine that there are also practical aspects in the preparation that precedes the start of filming. 
As for me, I try to prepare as much as I can before arriving on set because at the start of the shoot it would be good to be ready. But not everything happens automatically, in the sense that you can’t always find the character immediately. However, I have always been lucky enough to have more or less long periods of rehearsal before starting a film. I remember this moment with Saverio and Alba, where we spent weeks among us and also with the kids who would have played us as children, to try the various scenes and to create a union and harmony between the characters. The same happened with Paolo Virzì, Thony and I, more than once we gather, facing the script, to clarify all the passages and moments of the scenes. 
And how did things go with Claudio Caligari. 
The same thing also happened with Claudio even though the illness made everything more complicated for him. He asked us to change our bodies, to participate in the auditions of the other actors. This allowed all of us, the cast, to integrate and develop a unity of purpose and a truly rare familiarity. So in front of the camera it seemed to me that the gang, to which Cesare and Vittorio belonged, was really part of my life, that it wasn’t hard to pass from Luca to Cesare, because I had found him. And always to identify with the environment of the story, I preferred a house in Ostia, and Alessandro often came to me from Rome to spend time between the two of us. Claudio, in addition to having reading meetings together, also showed us films that were a source of inspiration for him for this film, such as “Accattone” by Pier Paolo Pasolini, “Rocco e i suoi fratelli” by Luchino Visconti and “Mean Sreet” by Martin Scorsese.
Instead, I wanted to ask you what happens between takes, for example when you come home after a day of work. You stay inside the character as it happens to Daniel Day Lewis, or you put it aside and think of something else like Marcello Mastroianni did. 
I try to disconnect from the set. I try. I go home and try to do something else, but the last thought before falling asleep always goes to the next day's work plan and I leave myself a few minutes for the memory and concentration useful for tomorrow and then I close my eyes.  
We asked Roberta Mattei and we ask you too. During the processing you were aware of the exceptional nature of what you were doing. 
Yes. Let me explain: I saw with my own eyes that what was happening was exceptional, a man who was dying wanted to give his latest work to the public, to his audience, to his people, to people. This has no equal for me. Don't think about yourself in such a situation but about others.
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Then it was the turn of Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot. 
I shot Jeeg Robot in March 2014, and therefore before “Non essere cattivo”. The fact that Mainetti's film is only coming out now is due to the long post-production period necessary to assemble the shot with the special effects present in the film. 
Here as well it was an interpretation and a character who completely overturns the transparent and pristine image of the first part of your career. 
To make Jeeg Robot we had to convince each other, Gabriele Mainetti and I, about my success in the character. I pushed him towards a theatricality and Gabriele towards a real madness, a pure pain. In the end, I think we have found the right amount. 
The construction of the Zingaro was already very clear in the writing and it was up to us, however, to find its true aspect. 
Guiding him is this crazy and boundless ego, and the obsession with having to leave a mark. The Zingaro's eccentricity is partly reflected in his look, halfway between a rock star and a suburban bully. For the costumes and make-up we were inspired by the great rock icons. We dared in some choices, such as the black coat with pink leopard lining that characterize the wardrobe. For the aspects related to the way of performing, his model was Anna Oxa and in particular the video of her at Sanremo, when she sings “Un’emozione da poco”. 
In part you have already answered, but I wanted to know how you choose to accept the proposals that are made to you and if you have any foreclosures towards television, or more generally towards commercial cinema. 
I choose the proposals on the basis of love at first sight that must happen with the film, with its screenplay. Then figure out who will be leading the film, meet the director. I don't have any kind of foreclosure, let's say that if I don't like something I don't do it and if I like it I do. And it doesn't matter if it's cinema or television. 
As a spectator what is the cinema you love. 
I like films that have something to say and that I also choose based on who directed and starred in it. Usually when they ask me to name some titles I have a void. Think that the same thing happened to me also during the audition to enter the experimental center, when Lina Wertmuller asked me the title of a film I had seen recently. I was struck by a cosmic void and instead of naming her an authoritative and important film I left her stunned by citing Batman, I think Nolan's first, still a good film, but I still had Wertmuller in front of me... But to go back to what you asked me, I tell you that in general I always like to watch films that come from Sundance, of which I remember, for example “Like Crazy”, which I found disarmingly beautiful, the films of P.T. Anderson, Wes Anderson, the Cohen, there are many, and among the Italians those played by Alba Rohrwacher, Valerio Mastandrea, Elio Germano, Kim Rossi Stuart and directed by Alice Rohrwacher, Costanzo, Virzì, Sorrentino, Garrone, Salvatores. Without forgetting those of the great Joaquin Phoenix. But in reality I look at everything, let's say that I try not to lose anything of these. 
Despite the certificates of esteem you have received for your performances, the impression is that of an understatement that almost seems not to be aware of what you have achieved so far as an actor. 
Whenever I see a film of mine I always think there is something I could have done better. But basically I'm happy with what I've done so far. Having said that, I think that the films alone should be enough to explain everything and that the interviews don’t add anything new to what there was to say before making them. But when I am in the dance, when I need to promote, I am committed to doing it in the best possible way. I strongly think that in life and at work it’s important to demonstrate that you know how to do and not to show at all costs that you do.
Just wanted to translate this old interview for the non-italian’s fans ^^ (sorry for my English)
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