#as the stars are shining fanfic
vanishedangels · 1 year
As the stars are shining
Summary: Jedi Luke Skywalker's world turns upside down when he comes to the aid of a force-sensitive child only to find that Din Djarin, the only man he has ever loved and pushed out of his life six years earlier on Dagobah, is the kid's guardian.
Blame it on the storm & Castles on the sand sequel
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Paz Vizsla, Ahsoka Tano, Greef Karga, R2-D2.
Rating: Mature
Tags: AU, Canon Divergence, Post The Mandalorian Season 2, Getting Back Together, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Tumblr Prompts, POV Alternating, Mostly Luke's POV.
Chapters: 2/3
Navigation: <- Previous Chapter • Next Chapter ->
Part 3 of Wonderwall series
The mandalorian stood still staring at the living waters for a while before he started to remove his cloak.
"Din?" The Jedi said but the man in beskar didn't pay attention to him, Luke's heartbeat sped up the moment he realized that Din was taking the pieces of his armour off. Luke's heart leapt in his chest when his former lover's fingers were dexterously loosening the straps of his chest plate. He was holding his breath while Din was removing his armour piece by piece until he finally unzipped his flight suit, he stopped when he reached his waist, exposing his upper body. Luke knew every inch of his skin, every freckle, every scar, but seeing him for the first time, really seeing him with his own eyes, even when they were in semi-darkness, was something else entirely. Luke's skin prickled with something that resembled want when the mandalorian put his hands on his helmet, finally taking it off.
Chapter 2: Take what you need and be on your way
He didn't even need to consciously reach out through the force this time in order to find Din. The moment Luke jumped inside his cockpit he could feel a sense of a déjà vu, everything was unfolding before him smoothly, it felt like a string pulling him towards Din Djarin, effortlessly.
He pressed the child against his chest staring at the N-1 starfighter grounded by the entrance of a cave system, only occupied by a R5-series astromech droid that looked suspiciously familiar. He climbed down the X-Wing carefully placing the child inside the hovering pram. He looked around and then he looked down at Grogu beside him "You know how to use this." He rested his gloved hand on the pram "Just, stay close to me." The baby cooed. "Always."
Inside the intricate multilevel destroyed capital city, once known as Sundari, the darkness engulfed them completely until Grogu turned on the hovering pram's flashlight, Luke breathed in admiring the ruins surrounding them, he walked through the destruction guided by that recognizable pull that, apparently, still connected him with the mandalorian. All of a sudden, a tall creature jumped from a rock landing on its feet before them, armed with a heavy stick with a thick end, Luke craned his neck to look at it, he narrowed his eyes, the creature's skin was gray, matching the colour of its hair and it had four eyes and tusks. The moment three other creatures joined the first one, Luke sent a message to Grogu through the force and the baby closed his pram, securing himself inside it. The darkness was surrounding Luke once again until he ignited his lightsaber, only illuminating his own face, painting it in a green shade, when two of the creatures tried to come close to him Luke outstretched his right arm wielding his saber and made a spin cutting the two of them in half. He could feel the other two large creatures approaching him, and he ducked his head to dodge the creature's attack, he frowned curling his free hand into a tight fist and when he unfurled his hand, the creature's body fell lifeless on the floor while his saber was buried deep inside the chest of the remaining creature. The light of Grogu's pram bathing him again, he extinguished his saber letting the attacker fell into the abyss surrounding them. He looked at Grogu nodding and they continued their journey.
After descending several levels they finally came to a halt, Luke touched the pram letting Grogu know that he should stay behind him, the child was clutching the edge of his pram, Luke could feel his distress through the force, they were hiding in the shadows, watching. Din was trapped inside a cage while a cyborg, that Luke could tell it was a little creature inside a spider tank, was walking around him. Luke heard a pained grunt coming from Din and he squinted to see what was that creepy creature doing to him, his eyebrows rose when he could see that it was draining Din's blood with a tubing, making his hair stand on end.
Luke walked towards them as he heard Din gasping the moment he held his hand up and the cyborg froze, Luke scowled discovering that an organic eye was staring at him from inside the mechanic structure "So there you are." He said piercing the only organic part of the creature with his saber. When the cyborg unit shut down, Luke ran towards Din, carefully unhooking the tubing from him "Din, please, hold on." Din didn't answer. "Din?"
He opened the cage and tried to find Din's pulse pressing his digits against his neck, just like that time when he found Din on the verge of death in the Western Dune Sea many years ago, and he sighed relieved when he realized that Din passed out but his heartbeat was strong and steady.
Luke was sitting on a rock with his elbows propped on his knees, hunching forward, when he heard Din groaning as he started stirring on the ground, Grogu was standing next to his helmet pressing his little hand on the visor and Luke shook his head slightly, he frowned staring at the floor remembering Ahsoka's words "This is a mistake." Indeed, he needed to work really hard if he wanted to provide Grogu with the means to find the way to balance his feelings. He finally looked up when the mandalorian placed the kid inside his pram and he swallowed hard as Din stood in front of him, he rose to his feet staring at his visor. "You saved my life, Skywalker, I'm in your debt. Thank you." Luke pressed his lips together, widening his eyes, Din sounded so distant and polite, his reaction was so different from the last time Luke went to his aid. "How did you find me?" Din inquired, Luke's answer died in his lips when he could only pulled a face and before he could find the words Din tilted his head "Was it the force?"
Luke sighed, talking about the force with Din was hard for him since it was a stark reminder of his biggest mistake "Yes." He said quietly.
The mandalorian shifted his weight from one foot to the other "Did you find me on Tatooine using the force too?" Luke's eyes went round and he nodded, Din huffed "You shouldn't be here." He added walking away. "Take Grogu with you and leave."
Although Din had every reason to be maddened by Luke's actions in the past, and he knew Din should be mad, the Jedi couldn't help but feel desperate, he followed Din grabbing him by his upper arm, when Din stopped in his tracks, the blonde hissed, his fingers twitching around Din's biceps before he withdrew his hand "Sorry, I didn't, I didn't mean it." He said staring down.
Din turned around "Why are you even here? It's obvious that you don't care about me." He said closing the space between them.
Luke was gaping, he blinking "I do care." He whispered.
Din remained silent and then he walked towards the child "It's dangerous, take the kid with you." Grogu was staring at him with pleading eyes, his big ears lowering a little.
"He's worried about you, we're not leaving." Luke stated standing beside him.
Din sighed as his shoulders slumped, visible defeated. The child chirped.
"Bo-Katan said that the living waters are located under the civic center." Din said as Grogu was holding his forefinger in his little hand.
Who's Bo-Katan? Luke thought "Alright." He said instead "Let's go."
"I, I'm not sure where the civic center is." The mandalorian stated staring at him over his shoulder.
Luke narrowed his eyes "I feel something, it's weak, but still, I can tell that the source is powerful. It could be the living waters."
Din nodded "Take us there."
The living waters were in front of them, Luke could tell the way Din's breath was going faster. The mandalorian stood still staring at the waters for a while before he started to remove his cloak.
"Din?" The Jedi said but the man in beskar didn't pay attention to him, Luke's heartbeat sped up the moment he realized that Din was taking the pieces of his armour off. Luke's heart leapt in his chest when his former lover's fingers were dexterously loosening the straps of his chest plate. He was holding his breath while Din was removing his armour piece by piece until he finally unzipped his flight suit, he stopped when he reached his waist, exposing his upper body. Luke knew every inch of his skin, every freckle, every scar, but seeing him for the first time, really seeing him with his own eyes, even when they were in semi-darkness, was something else entirely. Luke's skin prickled with something that resembled want when the mandalorian put his hands on his helmet, finally taking it off. Luke stared astonished as his eyes roamed Din Djarin's dark curls, and his mind went back to the times he stroked that silky hair in the past, and the sheer thrill that that memory triggered had tension rapidly coiling hot in his gut. He tried to compose himself when Din looked back at them over his shoulder, standing by the shore. Luke parted his lips as his heart skipped a beat when Din's soft brown eyes met his own. You're as beautiful as the day I saw you for the first time, my love. Luke was gaping at him, not believing that he was actually seeing the love of his life's face. The love of his life. Yes. Din was gorgeous in every way, inside and out, and seeing his face, even with all that darkness surrounding him, stirred something inside Luke. Din's eyes were not only humble but also full of kindness and Luke felt lost in them, deeply, hopelessly, lost in them. Din turned his head towards the waters and Luke was taken aback by him.
Din walked down the stairs finally stepping into the water "I swear on my name. And the name of the ancestors."
Luke was listening to him with curious eyes, and a thumping heart, while Din kept walking.
"That I shall walk the way of the Mand'alor." Din said as his knees were now covered by the living waters, holding his helmet against his bare chest with one hand and playing with the water with the fingers of his free hand "And the words of the Creed shall be forever forged in my heart."
Luke could feel his heart running impossible fast, he was so proud of Din, so proud. Grogu tilted his little head, both of them expectant, until Din finally said "This is the way." And he held his helmet with both hands in front of his face, he made a pause, Luke frowned. Was Din hesitating? He blinked not able to move, still holding his breath until Din finally put his helmet back on and he sighed lowering his gaze finding Grogu's big brown eyes. Luke couldn't believe that Din gave him a gift that he was going to treasure forever, allowing him to see his face, even when it was for a brief moment.
Din walked in their direction to finally joined them, Luke's eyes roaming all over his helmet "I'm redeemed." He said making Luke's heart flutter.
"Yes, you are." He said half smiling. Din was now staring at the child, Luke walked away from them, trying not to intrude into their special moment.
He contemplated the way Din put every beskar piece on from afar, still he was watchful, ready to protect Din and Grogu. He flinched slightly when he saw Din hunching down by the shore, he could realize that he was filling a small flask with water. Realization hit him, it was obvious that Din needed to prove he bathed in the living waters to someone. But who was this person?
They walked in silence until they reached the point where they needed to go up, Din looked at Luke tilting his helmet "How did you manage to reach this level?"
"Grogu can pilot his pram." Luke said staring at his visor, Din hummed.
"And what about you?" He insisted.
Luke clicked his tongue "I climbed down." He clenched his left hand wondering if Din could notice the scratches all over his skin, he shook his head realizing that he couldn't have seen them in that darkness. "You two go first, it's gonna take a while, just-" He shrugged "Please, just wait for me up there."
The mandalorian looked at the child and then he looked at Luke again "No way." He said under his breath closing the space between Luke and him, he encircled the blonde's waist with one arm, Luke froze staring at his visor. "Is this okay?" He asked sheepishly as their bodies were pressed flush against each other, from thighs to chest and Luke couldn't help but feel a familiar tingling warmth in the pit of his stomach as his heart was pounding against his ribs.
"Yes." He said not breaking eye contact with Din. He squeezed his eyes shut when he heard the jetpack's turbines burst and his stomach flipped when he didn't feel the ground under his feet anymore, he opened his eyes as the wind started messing with his hair, dirty blonde locks brushing against his eyelashes, he blinked staring up. He felt Din's fingers twitching against his ribs, then he was digging them into Luke's flesh making him look at Din again, he was boring into his visor, relishing in the way the man in beskar was staring at him behind his helmet, so painfully close.
They landed on the high level smoothly, Din withdrew his arm from Luke leaving the Jedi missing his warmth, a cold wave invading him as he tried to ignore the way Din was making him feel, so vulnerable but at the same time so shamelessly eager to press his face against Din's chest and stay there for hours.
Wake up, Luke. He said to himself when they were approaching their ships, Din stood in front of him "I need to visit my people, please be safe." He tilted his head towards Grogu. "And, thank you, Luke." Luke shrugged giving him a smile. "I'll see you soon, kid." Din said holding Grogu's hand.
They left Mandalore a minute later, Luke stared at Din's N-1 starfighter until it hit hyperspace, he frowned thinking that this was wrong. Feeling the way he was feeling was not only wrong but also selfish, he realized that he wanted Din with every fiber of his being, still he was conscious that he didn't deserve him.
I will never be worthy of his trust again.
Din came back to the Temple after a month, Luke noticed that he was changed. A little. He seemed more relaxed than the last time they met, showing a light-hearted mood. By the second night he stayed with them, Grogu was sleeping peacefully in his pram next to Din. They were sitting around a bonfire, Luke was lying on the grass propping himself up on his elbow, Din came closer to him, sitting down with his legs crossed "Thank you for letting me be here, Luke."
The Jedi looked up at him finally sitting up, mirroring Din "I'm glad you're here." He breathed out, feeling completely relaxed next to him.
"And how is it?" He leaned a hand on the grass, close to Luke's leg "To be a Jedi."
Luke looked up at the night sky "It's a lonely journey." He stayed quiet for a while.
They spent hours talking about the years they were apart, Luke told him about the force, his masters, and even about his father and how he learned Leia was, indeed, his twin sister. He didn't hide any detail from Din, even the painful ones, he blinked back tears more than once and he could feel Din's hand rubbing little circles on his own.
"I wish I could have been there for you." Din said while Luke was holding his breath staring at the stars.
He looked at Din incredulous "Please, Din." He pleaded. Again, guilty was destroying him. How could Din be so humble and pure at heart when Luke himself was the reason why Din couldn't be there with him?
Din withdrew his hand staring down "You're so powerful now." He said and Luke narrowed his eyes understanding that Din was trying to change his mood. "I can't even describe it, you're the most powerful warrior I've ever seen in my life."
That took Luke's breath away. That statement coming from a mandalorian was an honour and made his head spin a little. "Thank you, Din." He managed to say even when his breath was coming out uneven.
"It's a good thing, huh?" He asked "I mean, you don't need a mandalorian around you to scare stalkers away anymore." Din added and Luke's heart gave an extra beat.
Luke thought that maybe this was Din trying to know if he was seeing someone, or maybe he was reading too much into his words. No, actually, he was so desperate for Din to show him affection that he was imagining things.
He chuckled "Yeah, still, since I'm a Jedi no one is trying to make a move on me anymore." He said trying to belittle the subject.
Din tilted his helmet snorting "Yeah, right." He deadpanned.
"I'm serious, people tend to avoid me, I think they feel intimidated by me." He laughed and he was being really honest.
"Get out, Skywalker." He chuckled elbowing Luke "I still remember your squad mates drooling all over you." Din said making Luke think back to their time together and he smiled tenderly, absentmindedly glaring at him. "I hate them." Din added and he sounded serious.
Luke winced "They're all gone, now." He said avoiding Din's gaze.
"I still hate them." Din insisted earning him a chuckle from Luke.
Luke nodded "At least a good thing came out of that." He looked at Din sideways and then pressed his lips together as he was running his hand over the grass, staring down.
Din went silent. When Luke looked at him again he was staring at him, his visor fixed on his face "I didn't know what to expect every time I went to visit you."
"What do you mean?" Luke leaned in closer to him.
"You were too special, I didn't know why a guy like you could be interested in being with a guy like me." Din explained staring down as Luke was astonished now "I always thought that one day, eventually, finally, you would blow me off."
Luke's heart broke into pieces.
"What?" His body was tense all of a sudden and his heart was in his throat.
"And it happened."
Fuck. No. Not this.
Luke put a hand atop Din's thigh and the mandalorian looked at it not able to face the Jedi.
"It didn't, it didn't happen Din." He was feeling a wave of cold sweat spreading down from the nape of his neck to his lower back "I-"
Din met his eyes, shrugging "It's okay."
"No, it's not. I didn't want to let you go, I was trying to protect you." He shook his head "I thought, maybe, well, I knew that you didn't feel the same-"
"The same?" Din cut him off.
"You didn't want to label our relationship so it remained casual that way, and I gladly accepted that. Because it was better than not having you at all." He said under his breath. "Maybe I wanted something more, but I couldn't drag you into my crusade and put a target on the back of your head."
Din groaned "I know what you mean." He shifted a little "And about labels, Luke? I always knew that you were my cyare." Hearing Din saying that pet name again made Luke shiver as warmth began pooling in his belly, those words coming from Din felt like honey on his tongue, soft and sweet, intoxicating him. His lips tingling at the memory that that word prompted, the taste of Din's skin on them, the kisses they shared, the pleasant weight of Din's body against his own. He couldn't even believe it.
Then he realized that he couldn't understand what Din was talking about "What-what is a cyare?" He asked as he felt his cheeks slowly blossoming with a red shade.
Din tilted his helmet and Luke tried to ignore how adorable the man looked every time he did that "You mean you don't know?" Luke shook his head keeping his gaze "What about mesh'la and cyar'ika?" Luke sighed devastated.
Please, stop saying those words. Although Luke didn't know their meaning, every one of them were pulling him back to the memory of Din's arms around him, while he was whispering sweet nothings in his ear after loving him on their blankets in the safety of the Razor Crest, Din's mouth pressing open-mouthed kisses all over him, leaving love marks behind them as Luke was falling apart behind his black blindfold.
"I don't know." He swallowed through the lump in his throat.
Din stared at him for a while and then he rolled one shoulder "Alright." Luke stared at him expectant "Mesh'la means beautiful." The blonde's mouth curved into a smile "Cyar'ika, means sweetheart." He said and Luke's smile slipped "And cyare-" Din cleared his throat "Cyare means beloved." He looked down as Luke's eyes were fixed on him.
"Din." He said almost whispering "Din." He tried to seize his hand but he wasn't sure, not believing what he was hearing, Din was telling him that he was his beloved. And he spoiled everything by being an insecure man.
"I'm sorry Luke, It's getting late and I think, I should-" He gave Grogu a quick glance over his shoulder "Can I take him to his bed?"
Luke pressed his lips together frowning "Yes, sure. Sure. It's late, you're right." It was late, in every sense of the word. Late. It was too late.
Luke kept tossing and turning that night, his mind going back to Din's words "I always knew that you were my cyare." Then he thought about Din telling him that he always expected Luke breaking up with him and his stomach clenched.
"I loved you too, Din." He whispered resting his hand on his stomach "I loved you too."
Next morning Luke found it hard to look at Din directly, he realized he was conflicted, overwhelmed by mixed emotions. The mandalorian stood beside him while Grogu was resting after a training session.
"I need to go to Nevarro, Greef Karga needs help." Din said and Luke stared at his visor. "He's a friend. I need to go now."
Luke nodded "You're going to need a hand." He moved to face Din.
"No, it's okay, I'm taking my people to Nevarro."
Luke couldn't help but remember the first time he went to Nevarro, when he was a naive young man going to an unknown planet to meet Din. Their first date. He smiled fondly.
"I'm coming back soon." The mandalorian said looking at his face, Luke nodded again as his eyes traveled down, he was staring at Din's chest plate now.
"Take care of yourself, Din." He met his visor one last time.
Din was absent for almost a month, and since he came back, Luke started to feel more and more comfortable around him. One night he was inside his room, he let Din with Grogu in the child's bedroom. Lost in thought, he didn't close the door and he peeled off his robes, tossing them aside, he walked around, unclipping his saber and leaving it on the bedside table, he brushed his fingers through his hair and turned around, he froze when he saw Din standing by the door, suddenly conscious of the state he was in, half naked, only wearing his pants and with tousled hair. He swallowed hard pressing his lips together but he didn't cover himself, almost enjoying the way Din's visor was fixed on him.
The mandalorian didn't make a sound as Luke finally put his robe back on walking towards him "Yes, Din?" He tilted his head delicately adjusting the lapels of his rob, a sliver of his soft skin was still on display and Din's visor shifted slightly from his face to his chest and back to his face again.
"I just wanted to say good night."
Luke could feel his skin reacting to the sound of his voice, so mesmerizing, soft and deep. He had to gather every bit of strength in him not to ask Din to stay for a little while, and he could sense Din's reluctance to leave as well, certain that he was feeling the same way.
Sometimes he would catch Din staring at him, some other times he was the one at the other end. And whenever he accidentally touched Din he could feel his skin prickling and his heartbeat going faster.
A bad idea.
He closed the door behind him, leaving his room after talking with Leia via holocom, he knew what to do, and the fact that Din was still on planet was pretty convenient. He walked into the dinner room, Din was sitting at the table, forearms rested on it, he looked up at him, Luke bowed his head and sat down beside him, he blinked staring at his visor.
"I hope you don't mind, I was waiting for you before going to bed."
Luke nodded in silence "It was Leia. I need to ask you something." Din tilted his head, attentive to what he was saying. "I'm leaving tonight." Din shifted in his chair. "The New Republic never said a word about it but someone close to us found out that the ship that was transporting Gideon was attacked, and we're sure that he has escaped." Luke tried to assess Din's reaction, he used to be pretty good at reading Din's moods but years of being apart have taken their toll on that ability, he realized he was rusty since he couldn't figure out what was going inside the man's mind. "I need you to stay here with Grogu, or maybe you should take him with you, I'm tracking Gideon down, I don't know how long it will take."
He could hear Din taking in a sharp inhale as he leaned back in the chair, forearms still on the table "You don't need to."
Luke frowned, his lips twisting almost letting out a weak what? when Din talked again.
"I already tracked him down. You're not gonna hear about him again." He made a pause "I killed him." He added staring at Luke's blue eyes.
The Jedi widened his eyes, perplexed, his lips parting, he was not expecting Din to be a step ahead on this matter. It didn't happen often, but he left him speechless.
"I killed him on Lanz Carpo." He shrugged one arm staring down "Are you disappointed?" He asked giving Luke a quick glance.
Luke opened his mouth and closed it again, he shook his head slowly "No. I was planning to do it myself." He heard Din sighing deeply.
"Wasn't the first time I killed to protect a loved one." Din said tightening his hands into fists over the table, Luke put a hand over Din's gently, making him look at him again.
"I'm proud of you." Luke said staring at him and his eyes carried a mixture of respect and softness. "How did you know about it?" He lifted his shoulder in a half shrug.
"My friend Cara contacted me two weeks ago, some blue man told her about it, I think she knew what she was doing by telling me about it." He huffed.
"Can't believe The New Republic doesn't care." Luke said absorbed in thought, completely oblivious of his surroundings until he felt something warm against his arm, he looked down only to find Din's free hand caressing his forearm through the fabric of his robe as he was still holding his other hand, he looked up meeting Din's visor "Then I'm not going anywhere." His words eliciting a soft chuckle from Din.
"Yeah, I figured that out."
The Jedi burst into laughter, curling his hand around Din's, they went silent for a moment and Luke knew, he knew that Din was feeling the same, and if Din has forgiven him, he hasn't forgiven himself.
"There you are, Luke." Din said under his breath, Luke blinked staring at him. "I missed your laugh."
Luke turned his head away, withdrawing his hand from Din, he cleared his throat. This life, the Jedi's life, wilted his soul, he knew it, but he was starting to wonder if the reason behind that dryness was, actually, the loss of Din's love, a consequence of embracing his destiny, and his stomach churned at the mere thought.
Walking away from Din that night felt wrong, still he did it, even against his own desire. When he closed the bedroom's door and leaned his back against it, he pinched the bridge of his nose, screwing his eyes shut. Maybe he was still in love with Din. Maybe he has always been in love with him.
He was staring at Grogu training by the creek, the little force-user was jumping from rock to rock dodging the blasts coming from a training remote drone successfully. Din joined him, Luke looked at him giving him a smile.
"What is that thing?" The mandalorian asked him.
"It's a Marksman-H training remote. Don't worry, it's harmless." He explained, knowing Din, he was definitely thinking that a flying killing ball was trying to obliterate Grogu.
When the training session finished, the child was lying exhausted over a big rock. Luke frowned, hands folded behind his body "I still can't believe that my father is responsible for all of this. The Jedi purge. All this suffering, Grogu's suffering." He made a pause staring at the child, still he was pretty aware of the way Din was pointedly staring at him "And I inflicted him more pain by not telling you I was force-sensitive." He shrugged "I'm a Skywalker after all." He whispered the last part, broken-hearted.
The mandalorian leaned closer "I don't know what that means."
Luke let out a harsh breath "That everything we touch, we break it." He said in a low-pitched voice.
"I don't believe that." Din retorted clutching his forearm.
Luke looked down at his hand on him and then he looked up to meet his visor "I hate myself because I didn't trust you enough. I failed you. You were everything I ever wanted and I didn't tell you about the major part of me, that the force was strong with me. Should I have taken all the time in the world to explain you about it? Yes." He looked at Grogu again "Although I didn't know anything about the force when I first met you, that's not an excuse, Din. Do you know why?" He bored into his visor "Because I didn't tell you that I was staying on Dagobah to train in the ways of the force, and you were so merciful that you didn't even push me, you accepted my silence and left. I didn't deserve you. I know that now." He choked with emotion as his eyes welled up, he looked away trying to hide his tears.
"I've done my part too, Luke." Din's words making him look at him again, as he was wiping tears from his cheeks. "I was hiding many things from you too. I understand, sometimes you need to protect yourself and the ones that you look after. I never told you about my covert's location, never took you there because it was forbidden, never told you that I loved you, even when I was dying to hear you saying that you loved me back."
"What?" Luke froze as his heart skipped a beat and his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths.
"Stop being harsh on yourself, you can't change the past, but you were there when we needed you the most, that's all that matters."
Luke flinched a little when he felt Din's gloved hand on his cheek, so warm and tender against his skin, he closed his eyes reveling in Din's spontaneous outpouring of affection, he leaned into his touch drawing his hand up to place it over Din's, as he started to stroke his cheek "You were there, cyar'ika. And I'm here now."
Luke couldn't hold the tears back anymore, Din brushed his fingers across his forehead before wrapping his arms around Luke's body, holding him tight and Luke hid his face in the crook of his neck, as many times before, as many cicles ago, he hooked his arms around Din's "I'm sorry." His muffled voice giving his sorrow away.
Din kept holding him until the last tears rolled down his cheeks as the sun was setting down kissing the creek.
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alrightbuckaroo · 4 months
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tender eyes that shine
1/1 | Rating: M | 16.1k | A Carlos Reyes character study in which Carlos learns to love himself a little more, even the soft parts. | All the thanks in the world to @bonheur-cafe for beta reading this one <3
Carlos is eight years old.
His favorite food is pizza flavored Kraft macaroni and cheese, his favorite movie is Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron , his best friend is a stuffed koala named Kique, and at this very moment, he’s heartbroken over the passing of his abuela.
“No llores, nieto,” Carlos’ abuelo tells him during the wake of her funeral. Gray clouds are scattered across the sky and coating the somber event in an even more somber tone.
His abuelo crouches down, his joints cracking and popping as he stoops to Carlos’ eye level. He raises a calloused thumb and wipes away the tears that are still falling from Carlos’ wide brown eyes.
“Men like us,” His abuelo continues, his words casting a wide net. ‘Men like us’ is synonymous with anyone that looks like Carlos, has his skin tone, or shares his namesake. “We don’t let the world pity us, we can’t let them see us as soft.”
Carlos nods, wiping away any new tears that are starting to fall. The right sleeve of his charcoal gray suit now comes away colored a staunch black where Carlos’ tears have dampened it.
For some reason, the way his abuelo says ‘soft’ ricochets off of Carlos, as if it were stone and Carlos is a thin sheet of glass nestled into a window pane. It’s left a dent, an imprint, an impression, but hasn’t done enough damage to cause a crack.
Carlos’ bloodshot eyes shine with hesitation as he asks, voice small and insecure, “Reyes men don’t cry?
“Reyes men don’t cry,” His abuelo confirms.
continued on ao3.
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turtlesunshineheart · 20 days
Pairing: HumanAlastor x FemReader
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The Masquerade Ball
-February 7, 1924-
February had begun and with it the annual masquerade dance held every February 14 was near.
This dance was a great celebration that all couples could attend, although people looking to find a partner could also attend.
For these reasons this was the most important month for clothing stores and tailoring shops as the nobles did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to have the best clothes.
There was a tailor shop in particular to which the nobles commissioned their costumes.
"Very well ma'am, you can pick up your dress in three days, just present this ticket"
She placed a small piece of paper on the counter and handed it to the woman in front of her.
"Thank you _____, I'll see you later"
The woman came out of the tent and _____ sighed relieved.
"At last peace and quiet"
The door opened and a pretty blonde girl came in with a smile.
"Farewell peace and tranquility"
That's what she thought as she looked at the girl who had just walked in, she looked like another one of those girls whose daddy indulged all her whims and hated dealing with them.
"Good morning Miss, how may I help you?"
You forced a smile as you watched the girl approach the counter.
"Hey, I hear this is one of the best tailoring shops in town and I wanted to see if you could make some adjustments to my dress."
The girl showed a big smile as she looked around.
"Well, I guess so, what kind of adjustments would you like me to make to your dress?"
She watched as the girl placed a bag on the counter and then pulled out a bright pink dress.
"This dress was my mother's and I'd like to adjust the waist measurements so it doesn't fall off while I dance."
_____ took the dress and analyzed it for a moment.
"I looked, miss, I need to take some measurements with the dress on."
The blonde nodded, ______ led her to the dressing rooms in the store and after the girl got dressed he took her to a platform in front of a mirror.
It took you ten minutes to make the necessary arrangements and after finishing the girl went to take off the dress.
She wrote down the measurements and adjustments she had to make while waiting for the blonde to return.
When the girl came back you started talking.
"Okay, I need to know what date you want your dress ready for, I have a lot of work and I have to consider the time"
"Well, it could be ready for February 12th."
_____ forced a smile, she had very little time and a lot of work.
"I'll pay anything, I know it's a bit rushed, but I really need to wear this dress."
_____ sighed and nodded.
You took a piece of paper and started writing.
"Excuse me, what's your name?"
"Emily Williams"
You nodded and continued to write.
"Very well Miss Emily, with this ticket you can come pick up your dress in case I'm not there, you can pay that day or leave a portion of the money right now."
Emily nodded and took the small piece of paper.
"Thank you very much, have a nice day"
She dismissed you with hers hand and left the store.
-12 February 1924-
"Are you angry?"
_____ rolled her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.
"Of course not."
The man sighed and tried to take her hand but she pulled it away.
"I told you I won't be in town, I really wanted to go to the dance with you but my dad wants me to go to New York with him."
_____ sighed and took his hand.
"Noah, I'm fine, I don't mind, there'll be more dancing later and we can go"
She wouldn't admit it, but she really wanted to go to that dance with him.
They had been dating for half a year and this was their first dance together, and it was the first time she would attend.
Noah sighed and nodded.
"I love you, Noah."
She smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Me too"
Emily was supposed to come today to pick up her dress and there was still no sign of her.
The door opened and finally the blonde came in.
"Hello, sorry I'm late."
_____ smiled and denied.
"Don't worry miss, your dress is ready, you can try it on to make sure it fits you, I'll take care of leaving the dress in the dressing room"
Emily nodded and ran into the dressing room.
After a few minutes he came back and stood in front of a mirror.
"I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of making other adjustments to the dress to make it look more appropriate for the time, I can fix it if it bothers you"
Emily quickly denied it.
"No, actually I like it."
You sighed relieved and smiled.
"I'm glad you like it, now would you mind if I put your dress in a bag so it won't be damaged"
You kept the dress and gave it to her.
"Here you go."
The girl put money on the counter.
"Thank you, come back soon."
Emily smiled and said goodbye to her before leaving the store.
-14 February 1924-
It was only a few hours before the dance started, most businesses closed early so that they could get ready before the dance started.
_____ was at home preparing dinner when you heard the sound of the door.
You walked to the entrance and opened the door.
The girl threw herself on her to embrace her, ______ returned her embrace with a smile.
"Meli, I'm glad to see you too but you won't let me breathe"
Amelia walked away from her.
They both went into the house and sat down in the living room.
"Why aren't you getting ready?"
_____ sighed and explained her situation.
"Wait, you're telling me that because Noah won't go to the dance, you won't go either."
_____ nodded and Amelia denied disappointed.
"You should go, you bought a nice dress"
_____ sighed and denied.
"I already said no"
"Please _____, it's your first dance, your grandmother wanted you to attend"
There was a moment of silence, maybe Amelia was right, it had been one of the things your grandmother had asked you before she died.
"Besides, it could be a great night, maybe you meet a good gentleman, not like that idiot Noah."
"Okay, I'll attend, but I'm NOT looking for a partner."
Amelia rolled her eyes and nodded.
"I'll be back for you in a little while"
She kissed you on the cheek and quickly left the house.
"Well I should get ready before she comes back or she'll kill me."
Your friend was right that night would change your life.
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sunlight-fics · 4 months
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•Andrew Hozier X reader
-Warnings: none, fluff and Andrew think you’re trying to kill him.
You and Andrew have been engaged for a while now and you love every second of your life with him. From watching him perform at festivals or just baking together in the kitchen of the house both of you own. He was on tour in United States and with you being from the states you decided to go along with him. One of the shows was not far way from your parents house and your hometown. You talked to your parents before had about staying just for the night and they weren’t reluctant to let y’all in. The day had gone great and the concert was even better. It was around 11 pm when everyone said goodnight and when to their own rooms. You and Andrew shared your old room together, while laying in your oversized childhood bed you started thinking about how your father would take you out each morning to the country to see the stars. “Hey Andy?” You said while rolling over to look at him. “Yea?” His thick Irish accent made your heart flutter. “I was thinking. Me and my dad always used to go out to the country and stargaze or just drive. There are some really beautiful things out there. Would you like if I took you tomorrow morning?” He opened his eyes and looked at you smiling. “Sure. I would love to, honey.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. “Oh awesome! It will be a little early, but it’s definitely worth it.” You could help but smile. “I’m sure it will be worth it, darling.” He buried his head the crease of your neck and whispers “I’ll see you in the morning, my love. I’m excited.” You felt his breathing on you neck and as he said that you couldn’t help but smile. “I’ll see you in the morning.” You whispered back at him. You set your alarm and went straight to sleep. The alarm woke you up at exactly 5 AM. You gently rubbed Andrew’s back trying to gently wake him up. After a good couple of minutes he finally woke up, y’all got dressed and ready of the day. While you were waiting on Andrew to get dressed (because he was having an outfit crisis) you made and pour you both coffee. Finally he settled on just sweatpants and the sweater you bought him. Handing him a cup of coffee, the both of y’all left the house quietly. Getting the car he rented you in the drivers seat and him in the passengers, y’all headed off into the woods. While driving you connected your phone to the car stereo, you decided to turn on some of Noah Kahan’s music instead of torturing him with his own music. Y’all were getting deeper and deeper into the woods, he turns a looks at you. “Do you have a plan to kill me?” He ask with a grin. “Hell no! Why would I?!” You responded a little confused. “I guess watch that horror film last night got me edge…” He said in responses. “Well I promise I’m not going to kill you.” After a while of driving and singing long with the song she pulled over to a little trail, you parked the car and they both got out. “Look up, love.” He looked up at the sky, the full moon also setting and the stars bright than ever. The music in the car was still playing, this time it was one of his song and your personal favorite song of his ‘Abstract (Psychopomp)’. “The earth from a distance, see how it shines~” Andrew laughed at his own lyrics, “The earth does indeed shine, well technically the solar system shines.” You looked away from the sky and looked at him, his eyes glistening with the stars light. He was everything to her. “It does really shine.” She wasn’t even paying attention to the stars now, she was only paying attention to him. “I love you, Hoziy” You sipped your hand into his pocket and held his hand, and rested your head on his shoulder. “I love you too, my star.”
Note: Tysm for reading!!!!!
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formlessvoidbeast · 9 days
“Obi-Wan,” Jango asked. “How long can you keep running with them?”
Obi-Wan breathed deep, head briefly tipped up to slide his hood free from his shaggy hair. The light of the moon Concordia that shone down on them was bright enough to carve shadows beneath his cheekbones, in the hollows beneath his blazing eyes. His body was whittled down from hardship and exhaustion, clear down to the core of him, and yet he burned. Not like a fire that would fall to ash by the morning, but like a star, endlessly
Obi-Wan smiled, lips thin, skin split and chapped with dehydration. “As long as it takes,” he said. And Jango was the furthest thing from ka'ra-touched but even he could tell that it rang with truth. Obi-Wan would never break, never surrender. Not claimed with the misplaced pride of those who had never been tested, but known with the surety of one who had walked through haran and forged their soul in that terrible crucible.
On instinct, Jango pulled his buy'ce off to meet Obi-Wan's gaze eye to eye. “And if you do not have to?” he asked. “Your enemies are our enemies. The Haat'ade will gladly face them if they come for you.” He closed his eyes briefly. Jango had been told that he had very strong mental shields 'for a force null' but he had from time to time practiced pushing emotions through them for the ka'ra-touched to read. He focused on his respect for all Obi-Wan had done in the past six months. On his desire to help. He thought he must have done it right when Obi-Wan gasped.
“I freely offer you and the Kryze ade safety among my people. Sanctuary,” Jango promised. “Haat, ijaat, haa'it.” He reached his hand out toward Obi-Wan. Waiting.
a light along the path 8k words, Jango Fett/Obi-Wan
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ghastlytofu · 8 months
gnawing at my restraints thinking about wyll comparing astarion to the sun at dawn, noon, and dusk. saying he can't believe he almost missed the light. calling astarion a shining star, and then MY shining star i-
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runawaymun · 1 month
Chapter Update: Beneath a Boundless Sky
LOTR fanfic | Elrond Centered with Ensemble Cast | hurt/comfort and action/adventure | Part 2 of the And the Stars Shine the Same series
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20: Lothlórien
Elladan and Elrohir rest, consult their grandparents, and receive a surprise tool that will come in handy later ;)
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tansyuduri · 26 days
Merlin stays unsure around Arthur, in fear of being hurt more when the man he loves dies a mortal death. A new knight and sorcer of Camalot are in love but unsure what to do. Also don't give candy to strange children. ____________________________________________________________
“It was not an animal.” the boy began. As the mother looked like she was about to speak Merlin held up a hand giving her the look again. “Please, it's important we get what he saw unfiltered.”
The boystared at them and Merlin got off the sofa, moving forward. 
“I know you’re scared.” Arthur’s  warlock told the boy. “If you tell us what you saw and what happened we can stop it.” Merlin’s voice was soft, gentle, and Arthur could see the boy respond to it.
“It looked like an old man… but not… the head was too big and its body was furry in places… It had a long nose and big feet.” the boy began. Merlin's encouraging blue eyes never left the child’s. “It had a tail with fur at the end and its eyes were strange and yellow.” The boy stared at Merlin wide eyed as he spoke. “It wanted me to come with it and I almost did. I wanted to go with it.” The boy paused and Merlin reached forward and squeezed his hands.
“What stopped you?” Merlin asked gently.
“I jumped. There was a log in the way and I jumped and suddenly I didn’t feel like following it anymore… So I kept jumping quickly until I got home.” He told Merlin.
“You were very brave,” Merlin told him. “Thank you.”
The woman looked at them “So what do you naturalists think it was.”
Arthur could feel a low ‘oh no’ in his chest as he realized Merlin was too far away for him to silence. He tried to move forward but it was too late.
“A bat.” Merlin blurted out. “A giant bat.”
The woman raised a brow. “During the day?”
“This type of bat sometimes comes out during the day. It's a special kind. You see. Low flying.. Likes daylight and… strawberries.''
The woman narrowed her eyes. “Bats eat bugs.”
“Not this kind… like I said it's a special bat.” Merlin was scrambling.
“What university did you say you were from?” The woman’s eyes flicked to a broom in the corner.
“We should just tell her that it's a-” Sebiles voice broke off mid sentence. Arthur looked over in horror to see Danad covering her mouth, eyes wide and looking to Arthur in a panic.
Arthur felt like running his hands down his face in exasperation but that would make things worse.
“We never mentioned our university. We’re independent.” He hoped the words made sense somehow.
The woman narrowed her eyes and turned. Rage suddenly came over her features. “OI, ARE YOU GIVING MY CHILD CANDY?”
Arthur spun to to see Merlin giving the boy a lollipop he must have conjured. Merlin looked at her and let out a hesitant. “Yes?”
“Yes, of course, my lady” Arthur went to grab Merlin but his warlock was already rushing out of the door. Arthur followed him closely.
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kiwiflame · 1 year
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porygon2 coworker
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runbulletproof · 21 days
no... I've had this account since 2010 😭 I was a whole damn child on this website... tumblr raised me, which is exactly why I am the way I am
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vanishedangels · 1 year
As the stars are shining
Summary: Jedi Luke Skywalker's world turns upside down when he comes to the aid of a force-sensitive child only to find that Din Djarin, the only man he has ever loved and pushed out of his life six years earlier on Dagobah, is the kid's guardian.
Includes a scene inspired by Secret place by talented 3D artist @lil-dormouse This chapter is for you, bestie.
Blame it on the storm & Castles on the sand sequel
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Paz Vizsla, Ahsoka Tano, Greef Karga, R2-D2, Anakin Skywalker (Force Ghost), Leia Organa.
Rating: Mature
Tags: AU, Canon Divergence, Post The Mandalorian Season 2, Getting Back Together, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Tumblr Prompts, POV Alternating, Mostly Luke's POV.
Chapters: 3/3
Navigation: <- Previous Chapter •
Part 3 of Wonderwall series
You came back.
The Jedi smiled "Welcome, Din." And he was staring at his visor with sincere eyes, full of love. He closed them leaning forward and Din met him halfway, eliciting a sigh from him when the cold beskar touched the skin of his forehead, feeling Din's strong hand caressing his waist, his hand finding Din's elbow, holding him there, welcoming him in every single way. He opened his eyes softly, smiling, glistening, pulling back a little to gaze at Din feeling his heartbeat thumping in his ears as the water drizzled onto the rocks behind them and Grogu chirped between them caressing their boots.
Chapter 3: Your destiny may keep you warm
For a couple of months Din kept returning to them after spending some time with his tribe, it felt like the old good days, when Luke was receiving him at the Hoth base, longing for his lover's affection, except this time Din wasn't his lover but his good friend. The hours they spent talking about their feelings and thoughts, slowly opening themselves up to each other, made him feel at home somehow.
One day Luke woke up in the middle of the night, sitting up onto the mattress, panting and sweating profusely, he squeezed his eyes shut running his hands through his face as the thumping beat of his heart overwhelmed him. It happened again, and again, until he started to feel anxious before going to bed every night, and every time, he couldn't remember if it was a bad dream that disturbed his sleep, but he knew something was wrong and even when he couldn't decipher what was it, he was certain that it had to be the force, trying to show him something.
"You look like you're parsecs away, Luke." Din said resting against a tree, tilting his helmet, his visor on Luke.
Luke met his visor and blinked "It's nothing, I just-" He frowned staring down, wetting his lips with his tongue "I could feel that something is off." He swallowed tightly looking at his Padawan, the kid was playing with some rocks before him "I don't know if this is about him, or-" His voice trailed off.
"Or?" Din leaned forward and started walking towards him.
When the mandalorian was right beside him, Luke looked up at his visor "Or about you." He said quietly "The worst part is that it isn't clear, it's not a vision, not even a thought, it's just an unfathomable feeling, a continuous pressure in my chest." He shook his head slowly, deep in thought.
He parted his lips and drew in a long breath the moment he felt Din's gloved hand on his shoulder "Are you worry about us?"
Silence. They stared at Grogu for a while, Luke smiled fondly watching the little child playing peacefully on the grass, Din's voice bringing him out of his mind "I was thinking about him." Luke looked at the mandalorian. "You said that he could live for hundreds of years, I'm-" He tilted his helmet "What is going to happen when we're not longer here?" Luke's heart wrenched, he knew exactly what Din was feeling at that moment, he pursed his lips and frowned, it wasn't like he hasn't thought about it himself.
The Jedi sighed "I know what you mean. He's going to be a child for a while." He nodded searching for Din's eyes behind the vision "He needs community, a family."
The mandalorian remained silent, therefore Luke needed to cut to the chase.
"You're planning on taking him to your tribe, aren't you?" He asked quietly, noticing the way Din slightly flinched.
"Are you thinking about taking him to Nevarro?" Luke added crossing his arms over his chest. Din lowered his gaze and then he looked at his face again.
"He's with you now."
Din sounded so soft by saying it that it warmed up Luke's heart. He shook his head slowly, staring down and half smiling "Din, I can't give him community." He looked at Din's visor "I'm alone." He added as his lips curled up slightly in a fake smile that didn't light up his blue eyes. A feeling of numbness invading him. There, with those words he was telling Din that he regretted not being able to find a way to share his new life with him in the past, regretting he didn't even give it a try.
To Luke's surprise Din seemed to understand him in a way that only Leia and Han could, the man in beskar, the man he loved, closed the space between them and took Luke's breath away by saying "You don't have to." Din's voice soothed Luke, he stared at his visor frowning, his heart leaping and his mind running wild. Was Din saying what he thought he was saying? "You were important to me, Luke. You are important to me."
"Din." Luke managed to say as Din's hand found his. He looked down as they intertwined their fingers.
"Look at me, Luke." The Jedi obliged. "I'm here. And I think you know what I mean."
Luke could tell by the way Din's breath was hitching that he was growing uneasy and, presumably, pulling out all the stops to make Luke understand what he meant to him. Din squeezed his hand and sighed quietly, and Luke knew that he needed to show him how much he knew what Din meant.
He fluttered his eyelashes until he finally closed his eyes as he leaned forward, slowly, softly, resting his forehead against Din's helmet and a much-missed warmth traveled through his whole body, making his heart flutter while Din wrapped his arms around his middle. He drew his hands up, desperately, grabbing the back of Din's helmet, pressing his chest against Din's, he could feel the mandalorian's heartbeat quickening through the thickness of his beskar and he chuckled almost letting a tear roll down his cheek.
"Luke?" Din said under his breath as he pressed his fingers against the blonde's small back, adding more pressure between their bodies. "F-Fuck-" He stuttered rubbing his helmet against the Jedi's forehead "Fuck, Luke, I'm here." He said again, this time his voice broke a little.
Luke nodded against him and sighed opening his now twinkling eyes "I know." He finally said stroking Din's helmet, hands roaming the beskar until he reached Din's neck, the tip of his fingers finding the soft skin beneath the fabric. He stopped when Din groaned, digging his fingers into his waist "The kid, Din." It took everything in him to say those words, but he wouldn't go any further knowing that his young Padawan was playing sitting on the grass a couple of feet away from them. Din nodded still holding him tight and then he looked at the child, still absorbed in his rocks and giggling at the distance ignoring whatever was going on between his mandalorian friend and his Jedi Master.
Luke stroked Din's arms around his waist and his hands tickled while he was looking dumbfounded at his silver helmet, his eyes traveling down dwelling on his neck and shoulders, longing for drape his arms around them "You're leaving tonight." He said pulling back a little, instead.
Din's visor shifted from Grogu to Luke's face, he nodded "Tonight." He said withdrawing his arms from the blonde and pulling away letting go of him completely. He looked at Luke for a while, in silence, Luke held his gaze without even blinking until Din walked away and towards the child.
Luke stood there, rooted to the spot, his mind swirling around Din's words "You don't have to." , "I'm here. And I think you know what I mean." and he was trying to embrace his feelings, to welcome the way Din's body against his own set his skin aflame.
He walked in the Temple's direction, clenching his hands into fists as intrusive thoughts started filling his mind, making him feel insecure, the internal conflict torturing him in that familiar way again, something that he believed he has had left behind him. Wrong.
There, within the confines of his Jedi Temple he finally realized that this duality, this struggle between his mind and heart, has cost him his own identity. He sat down on the floor in the meditation room peeling off his heavy robes, staying in his undershirt. He crossed his legs and leaned his forearms on his knees, sighing and staring at the ceiling.
Who are you?
He asked himself, frowning and running his forefinger on the floor doodling absentmindedly while thinking about the person he once was, the boy from Tatooine, the rebel pilot, the guy in love with a mandalorian.
And then, that unsettling feeling creeping on his soul again. He tried to compose himself, he eased his mind, closing his eyes and he was trying to reach out using the force, certain that this time he would get answers.
"Son." He heard a soothing voice making him open his eyes slowly until he could see the blueish image of his late father and his heart skipped a beat.
"Father." He said astounded widening his eyes "Father, I can't believe you're here." He added staring at the vision of his father's former self.
Anakin Skywalker smiled slightly, standing before his son "Seemed like you needed a little help."
It was uncommon for Luke to see the ghostly manifestation of his father, therefore he was grateful but worried at the same time.
"Why now, father? I've been struggling for so long and you haven't shown yourself until now." He rested his hands on his knees.
"Because this time you won't be able to work things out all by yourself." Anakin tilted his head, his eyes looked full of kindness, the same way Luke remembered them.
"Is this because I can't understand what the force has been trying to show me these last days?" Luke inquired.
The force ghost hummed "You will see it when the moment is right." He folded his hands in front of his body, his robes dancing eerily around him "Until then, you should be patient."
"Patient." Luke sighed lowering his gaze.
"I know you think it's about that mandalorian." Anakin said and Luke flinched a little looking up at his eyes again.
"He's going to Mandalore with his people." Luke explained frowning "He said they are going to retake their home world. He's leaving tonight."
"I know, and I know what you are thinking." Luke bit his lower lip listening to his father "You are not going with him, Luke."
His father's words made him feel stripped and utterly vulnerable, he ducked his head trying to hide his shame.
"Oh no, Luke, you can't fool me, I'm aware of the feelings you developed towards this man."
"Father, please." He said under his breath staring at the floor, as a scarlet shade was spreading from his neck to his cheeks.
"I had made a terrible mistake, son, and I paid for it, and even worse, I hurt a lot of people along the way. It doesn't mean it would happen to you as well." Anakin's voice sounded soft and soothing, still Luke was feeling anxious as he started rubbing his hands against his thighs.
"I'm confused, father. I know how I feel about him, but I don't know if I should-" He trailed off.
"You will know, you will get there." Anakin stared at his face trying to catch his eyes "Tell me now, when you are trying to know about your future through the force, what do you see?"
The blonde Jedi shifted a little on the floor, he blinked and then he narrowed his eyes "Shining stars above me and I am at peace, and I know in my heart that as the stars are shining nothing would hurt me, and I feel warmth, and I feel at home." Luke frowned, saying it out loud for the very first time left him perplexed, although it made him feel powerful and his heart was thumping with excitement, brimming with love and hope.
"You're not me." Anakin replied nodding as a gentle smile appeared on his face.
"What?" Luke snapped his head up.
"I know Ahsoka told you about my fall and the reasons behind it. And I also know you think that the love you feel about Din Djarin would eventually lead you to fear and anger." He made a pause "Every time I tried to see what my future would hold for me, I only found darkness and regret. You're not me, son. And this is why you will let him leave tonight all by himself, and you won't interfere in the internal affairs of Mandalore, they need to do this by themselves." Anakin stated holding Luke's gaze "This is why you are here now and not out there with him, this is you trying to accept that you can't interfere, and I think that you know I'm right."
Luke covered his eyes with his gloved hand, sighing deeply, feeling the way his throat tightened and his heart was pounding against his ribs. He drew in a deep inhale and rubbed his face with his hand, he held his breath when he saw Din standing by the entrance.
"Din?" He asked looking around trying to find Anakin's force ghost but he was already gone "I'm sorry, I was meditating. What time is it?" He asked trying to reach his robes next to him on the floor, but the mandalorian was already sitting down beside him. The blonde stopped in his tracks staring at his helmet.
"I hope you don't mind, I already fed Grogu and he's sleeping now." Din nodded at him.
"Oh." Luke frowned "I lost track of time." He pressed his lips together.
"I came to say goodbye." Din said putting his hand atop Luke's making him sigh, Luke interlocked their fingers thinking of the possibility of never seeing him again and his heart broke into pieces.
"Please be safe." The Jedi said boring into his visor.
"As always."
"No, I mean it." He retorted bringing Din's hand to his face, Din understood the unspoken plea and started brushing his fingers against his cheek, gently, softly. Luke's lips curled up into a smile "I want to give you something. It might help you." Luke said slipping the fingers of his free hand between his boot and leg, Din tilted his helmet down, his visor fixed on Luke's hand until the Jedi pulled a vibro-knife out of his boot.
When Luke put the knife in Din's hand the mandalorian curled his fingers around it "Luke, this is-" He looked up finding Luke's eyes "The vibro-knife I gave you."
The Jedi nodded and his smile reached his blue eyes "It's very important to me, so I want it back." He held up his forefinger at Din "Bring it back to me, Din." His eyes traveling down to the floor where Din was leaning his hand to support himself while pressing his helmet against Luke's forehead.
"I'll bring it back to you, cyare." He promised and Luke closed his eyes reveling in the moment and in the way his heart melted at Din's term of endearment.
Yes, love, I'll be here waiting for you.
He was resting his hands on the table, the dim light casting shadows on the wall, his eyes were fixed on the little child next to him, the kid was eating his stew with his little hand wrapped around a big spoon, he was twitching his big ears, making little happy noises and Luke found himself chuckling and caressing Grogu's head, then he blinked realizing that the time he spent with the kid was filling his heart with some pleasant feeling, he withdrew his hand staring down, understanding that things weren't happening the way they supposed to, he grimaced thinking that Grogu was more than a Padawan to him, and he froze terrified, he was caring about this child in a way a Jedi Master shouldn't, he was caring about Grogu as a son, and he felt confused. This was getting a bit out of hand.
All of a sudden he pressed his hands against the table, digging his fingers into the wood as Grogu whined letting the spoon slip from his hand. Luke gasped as the unsettling feeling reached him through the force. He squinted looking at the wall and it was as clear as daylight, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, he twitched his fingers finally closing his hands into fists. A disturbance in the force.
He looked at Grogu sideways, the child was staring at him with a worried look on his little face "You felt that too, didn't you Grogu?" The child nodded babbling.
Later that night he was sitting on his bed, with his head hanging down, holding his hands, finally he understood what was the force trying to tell him and he knew right away that he didn't think things straight the moment he took the child in, what was he supposed to do now? He didn't have a backup plan, if he needed to go through the galaxy to find the source of the disruption in the force he also needed to leave the child in the Temple, but, as he told Din, he was alone. No. Leaving the Temple wasn't an option, he sighed lying on the mattress thinking that he would wait for Din to come back and then he would be on his way. And if Din never came back, he considered that and shook his head as his heart clenched painfully in his chest at the mere thought, then Leia was his only option.
Grogu and Luke were wandering in the forest, three days had passed since both of them felt that switch in the force, although they never felt it again and Luke started to wonder if the source was already extinct. They came to a halt in front of a creek crowned by a curtain of water surging and plunging down the mountain, like a source of infinite life, Luke breathed in closing his eyes, the sound of water flowing and the humidity curling the end of his hair soothing him, the child amusingly strolling by the shore warming his heart, he chuckled and then he frowned when he felt a well-known presence through the force, he spun on his heels only to find the mandalorian walking towards them and his heart gave an extra beat.
He crossed his arms over his chest, staring down and kicking a little rock letting Grogu run to Din, his eyes on them as his lips curled up into a soft smile. When the mandalorian let go of the child, he closed the distance between him and Luke.
He came to a halt in front of him, tilting his helmet "Hi, Luke." He said sending shivers down Luke's spine.
You came back.
The Jedi smiled "Welcome, Din." And he was staring at his visor with sincere eyes, full of love. He closed them leaning forward and Din met him halfway, eliciting a sigh from him when the cold beskar touched the skin of his forehead, feeling Din's strong hand caressing his waist, his hand finding Din's elbow, holding him there, welcoming him in every single way. He opened his eyes softly, smiling, glistening, pulling back a little to gaze at Din feeling his heartbeat thumping in his ears as the water drizzled onto the rocks behind them and Grogu chirped between them caressing their boots.
"I brought you this." Din said handing him the vibro-knife and leaning an arm on the wall above Luke's head, encasing him, almost pressing his body against Luke, the Jedi realized that he was refraining from actually touching him, but the mandalorian's body language was betraying him. He seized the vibro-knife staring at Din's visor.
"I'm glad you're back." He said under his breath and Din hummed. Luke frowned staring at his utility belt, he slid his hand over it and he tried to ignore the low rumble coming from Din's chest "Din, where's your saber?" He frowned staring at his visor, Din took a few steps back.
"It's gone."
Din sat at the table and the Jedi followed him suit, the mandalorian breathed in "Luke, that saber means nothing to me or my people, it's a symbol of destruction and segregation, it didn't unify the mandalorians in the past." He looked down "We fought together this time, different tribes, different houses, and we're trying to understand what's the meaning of being a mandalorian. Together."
Luke was attentively listening to him, absentmindedly curling his hand around Din's over the table.
"We fought together and we retook Mandalore, and we decided that we didn't need a reminder of our bloody past. We destroyed it." Luke was holding his breath. "It's time to write a new history, it's time to leave the old ways behind us, those ways fractured us as a community, it didn't work in the past so why we should keep on trying to follow a rule that only brought pain and death upon us?" He asked tilting his helmet and Luke's heart was pounding in his chest.
Din was right. He frowned avoiding his visor, he could feel Din's words hitting in all the right places, his mind swirling around what he father told him, "You will know, you will get there."
And he knew right there and then that he wouldn't run away from his feelings anymore, that he could walk a new path as well, he felt an irrepressible urge to show Din how he felt about him, he opened his mouth to say something when the mandalorian talked first.
"We need to talk, Luke." He said staring at the Jedi and he sounded serious.
He told him about an imperial base beneath the mines of Mandalore, how they fought against troopers that carried beskar armours and Luke's blood was boiling inside his veins, his heart skipped a beat when Din explained how Paz, Bo-Katan and him barely walked out in one piece of an encounter with three men in red armours wielding weapons he has never even heard about before. Luke widened his eyes when he heard that they destroyed the base and managed to kill a dozen of clones of Moff Gideon.
"So that was it." The Jedi muttered "I felt them through the force, Grogu too." He stared into Din's visor "They are creating force-sensitive clones, we felt them before they were killed."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm positive." Luke said standing up, Din tilted his helmet up to stare at him "They're back, I won't let them." He said clenching his jaw "Din, go back to your home world and take Grogu with you." Din rose to his feet towering over him.
"I'm not planning on going back." The mandalorian said making Luke frown "I left Mandalore, I won't go back, I want to hunt imperial remnants down. I was thinking-" He looked around "Maybe you can talk to Leia, you can count on me."
Realization hit Luke "You want to work for The New Republic?" Din nodded.
"And with you." He added and Luke could notice the way his voice trembled a little.
Luke considered it for a moment, and a lopsided smile crossed his face "Like the old times, huh? Leia hiring you." He chuckled, Din folded his arms defensively. Is this really happening? Luke thought staring at him for a while "Alright, Din, we're going to Chandrila." He walked away glaring at Din over his shoulder, the mandalorian was staring at him, frozen. "Now."
"Fuck, Luke!" Leia ran her hand through her long hair closing her eyes "Shit!" She slammed her hand on the table, then she bored into his brother's eyes "I knew it, this is not over, huh? It was never over."
"Just, please, I know it's hard to swallow, but I'm here, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna find them. We are gonna find them." Luke held her hand in an attempt to reassure her.
"Anything you need, you got it. You hear me? I'll see to it." She nodded and rested her chin on her palm "So, you're together, huh?"
Luke shifted in his chair "I wouldn't say together." He retorted, although it felt like that in so many ways.
"But you're in love with him." She added leaning forward. Luke's mouth set in a hard line. "What about your academy?"
"I don't know." He shrugged one arm "We're taking the child with us. The lines are blurred, Leia, I can't pretend that Grogu is just my Padawan, I took care of that baby for months. I'm still training him though, but as-" He blinked.
"As your son?" She arched one eyebrow.
"You think I'm crazy?" Luke snapped back. He was being honest with her, wearing his heart on his sleeve and his heart was pounding fast.
Leia shook her head still staring at him "Of course not, I'm happy that you're opening your mind and not living like some exiled Jedi." She smiled fondly reaching out to take his hand in hers "You don't deserve that kind of life, brother. You can make this work. I know it." She added squeezing his hand and joy and relief welled up inside Luke.
Leia arranged and apartment for the three of them, Grogu was already sleeping in his little bed in the small room when Din walked into the kitchen, Luke was resting his backside against the countertop, he was holding a cup of caf between his hands, his eyes curious, following every move Din made. The mandalorian walked towards him until he came to a halt in front of him, he grabbed the cup from Luke's hands and put it down on the countertop behind him, instinctively Luke drew his hand up, curling it around Din's biceps, he sighed "There's only one bed, Din."
Din snorted out a laugh, pressing his body against Luke's, eliciting a groan from the Jedi.
"I'm sleeping on the couch then." The mandalorian teased, running his hands down Luke's waist and hips.
"Din." He leaned forward pressing his face against Din's neck "Take me to our bed, Din." He said caressing his chest plate and he couldn't believe that this was really happening, that he was being true to himself for the first time since he pushed Din out of his life on Dagobah and he finally let emotions flow through him.
Din pulled away staring down at him in silence, and Luke's skin prickled with want, the mandalorian grabbed his hand taking a few steps back, guiding him to the main room.
When they were finally inside the room, Luke leaned in closer to Din pressing his hand on his helmet right where his cheek would be and planted a soft kiss on his visor.
"Luke." Din said in a low-pitched voice and wrapped his arms around the blonde's torso. He gently pushed Luke against the mattress and rubbed his stomach with his gloved hand, pressing his helmet against the Jedi's cheek, instantaneously tying knots in Luke's belly .
His entire body was aflame with his touch and he closed his eyes relishing in the way Din's body pressed against his own had tension rapidly coiling hotter and tighter in his gut.
"Din." He said as his hands roamed over the man's back "Wait." Luke hated himself for spoiling the mood but there was something that he needed to say if he wanted to give them a chance. Din growled as his hand stopped right around Luke's thigh making him shudder. He opened his eyes staring at Din's visor "Can I ask you something?"
Din growled again, pulling away and Luke gave him the once-over realizing that the man was growing impatient and he felt miserable knowing that once again he was making Din feel rejected.
"No, wait, stay like this for a while. Please." He whispered encircling Din's neck with his arms bringing him close again "Din, why did you show us your face on Mandalore?"
Din sighed and brushed his fingers against Luke's cheek "I wanted to show you my face, I've always wanted to give you that, although I couldn't, that was the only time I could show you my face and I used it."
The blonde looked down nibbling on his bottom lip, he looked at Din again when he felt his thumb pressing on his lip softly, freeing it from his teeth.
"What is it, cyare? What is going on inside that mind of yours?" He asked amused, brushing his fingers against the blonde's lips now, making Luke's breath leave his body.
No more lies.
"I always knew how you looked like, Din." Luke said feeling the way Din's muscles tensed up under his hands "Even when we were just pretending that we were dating."
"What did you do, Luke?" He asked and Luke could hear the way his voice cracked.
"Oh, no." Luke sat up moving his hands to grab him by his biceps "I saw your face through the force, I didn't know anything, like anything at all about the force back then, I didn't know how to stop it, I think that my desire to see you was so strong that the visions came easily." He was desperate clutching Din's pauldrons now "I'm sorry Din, I couldn't control it." Din didn't say a word, his visor fixed on Luke's face. "I'm sorry Din, I know I betrayed your trust, you must feel so vulnerable now, I'm so sorry, please." He stroked Din's helmet adoringly.
"You saw my face and you still liked me?" Din asked catching Luke off guard.
"What?" He frowned "Well, yes. Din, I know every inch of your skin, every freckle, every scar. I like every aspect of you." Din was hovering over him, it looked like a dream come true "And, I love your eyes." He said sighing and he couldn't hold it back anymore, he moved his hands slowly, caressing Din's pauldrons finally lacing his fingers on the back of his neck, bringing Din closer and pressing their foreheads together.
He let out a shuddering sigh, closing his eyes and tilting his head a little, savouring every little detail, Din's hands leaving a trail of electricity on his skin as Luke rested his head on the mattress letting Din guide him, he move his leg up to hook it around his waist as the tip of Din's fingers were burning against his thigh through the fabric of his pants. All of a sudden Din pulled away, and Luke opened his eyes only to find him straddling his lap, he parted his lips, his eyes on his helmet, the mandalorian tilted his head grabbing his hand and making him touch his chest plate, the blonde's fingers twitching, encircled by Din's hand "Take my armour off, Luke." He said under his breath as Luke stared at him dumbfounded. He blinked a few times and then looked around.
"Are-are you sure?" The Jedi stuttered.
Din nodded slowly, reaching out to toy with a lock of dark blonde hair with his free hand and tucking it behind Luke's ear "Uh-huh, I don't need my armour here, I got a Jedi to protect me now."
That made Luke blush from ear to ear as he bit his lip down to suppress a chuckle, he shook his head and chewed on his bottom lip utterly smitten with his mandalorian, gingerly picking at the buckles of his chest plate. He removed Din's armour piece by piece and his heart was thudding heavily in anticipation, he understood that this was a gift, something that Din was offering him for the very first time and when his warm fingers found the skin underneath the flight suit something stirred inside him, he pulled the suit down admiring him for a while and then he leaned in closer nuzzling his chest relishing in the way Din's breaths quickened, he looked up at his visor stroking his stomach and he closed his eyes pressing open-mouthed kisses on his neck.
The mandalorian groaned threading his fingers through his blonde hair, bringing him impossible closer, emboldened by the inebriating salty scent of Din's skin and the little noises he was making, Luke pulled the flight suit all the way down, exposing Din completely, he pulled back to stare at him searching for his eyes behind his visor, his glistening lips, red and plump matching his crimson cheeks, Din looked at him and chuckled "I forgot how beautiful you looked like this." He muttered running his thumb along Luke's jaw "Perfect, cyar'ika. You're perfect." He sighed undressing Luke slowly, the Jedi rolled his shoulders slightly letting Din slip his fingers under the tunics. The moment they were pressed flush against each other, Luke smiled playing with the soft curls on Din's nape under the end of his helmet, completely lost in the feeling of Din's skin against his own, their chest moving in sync with every breath, he looked into Din's visor cupping his helmet "I love you Din, I've always loved you." He said out of breath and his heart leapt in his chest.
Din sighed deeply "I love you too." He said pressing their foreheads together "I never fell out of love with you, cyar'ika." Luke nodded against him, utterly touched by his man's worlds, finally at peace knowing that this was right, this has always been right. The blonde fumbled with his robes discarded next to them on the mattress finally clutching his black belt, wrapping it around his head, and the last thing he saw before covering his eyes was Din grabbing his waistband and pulling his pants down. In the darkness of his blindfold he felt at home, hissing when Din's mustache tickled against the corner of his lips, and Luke kissed him. It felt like they had been kissing each other for hours, between giggles and whispers and when his man pulled back he was threading his hands through his dark hair, Din's mouth felt so good and warm on his chest, on his belly, on his thighs, he shuddered knowing that they belong together, he smiled tilting his head down caressing Din's cheeks, and this time the visions of his lover pleasuring him weren't present, he sighed relieved, moaning Din's name as they became one.
The blonde woke up in the middle of the night feeling lighter and pleased, he stirred beneath the sheets smiling until he realized Din wasn't lying next to him, he frowned finding out that the mandalorian was sitting on the bed, staring at the window, Luke's throat constricted all of a sudden, dread invading him, he sat up on the mattress, watching him in silence for a while. Maybe Din was regretting their night together.
"Din?" He asked quietly, the mandalorian tilted his head down a little, he was giving his back to Luke, hands resting at both sides of his thighs on the mattress, Luke considered it for a second, trying to assess him, Din was only wearing his helmet, still naked, that made Luke realize that this wasn't about regretting being together again but something else entirely. He kneeled behind Din encircling him with his arms, still not believing that they were skin to skin, and pressed a kiss on his shoulder, he felt bold enough to ask "What is it, love?"
Din put his hands on Luke's arms, caressing them, resting the back of his helmet against Luke's temple "You wore a blindfold." Luke froze, his lips stopped against Din's skin. "Why you didn't ask me to take my helmet off?"
The blonde blinked pulling back a little when Din turned his upper body towards him, he frowned "Your creed." He said under his breath.
"I've been showing Grogu my face since I redeemed myself." Luke parted his lips astonished. "I know, I did wrong, I kept that from you, I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry. But I never stopped considering him my clan, Luke."
Luke pursed his lips not breaking eye contact with him behind his visor.
"Is that wrong?" Din asked staring down.
"No. I do believe that he's your son." He said making Din look at him again. "I won't repeat the Old Jedi Order mistakes, Grogu needs community, I told you, I want to give him that."
"Good." Din sighed and sounded relieved, he ran his fingers over Luke's chest "Because I want to be with my clan." He found his hand squeezing it "And I want to show my face to the people I consider my clan." He drew in a sharp inhale "And that includes you." He went silent expectant and Luke's heart soared.
The Jedi blinked back tears completely choked with emotion "Yes, Din, I'm your clan." He nodded leaning in closer to him and Din curled his hands around Luke's to place them on the sides of his helmet. Their joined hands lifting the last piece of armour between them, Luke's eyes went round when he finally saw Din's eyes boring into his own, brown and gentle as he remembered them, he smiled cupping Din's cheeks, the mandalorian closed his eyes sighing, placing his hands on Luke's hips, digging his fingers into his skin "My Din." He whispered against his lips, kissing him softly, he broke the kiss resting his face against Din's, eyes closed "I love you." The mandalorian chuckled rubbing circles on his back.
"I love you, cyare." And his voice sounded more beautiful than ever.
The mandalorian, the Jedi and their force-sensitive child went on missions across the galaxy, returning home between quests, some people said that they lived in a little cozy cabin on the outskirts of Nevarro, some said they settled on Mandalore, some said they built a Jedi temple on Ossus, and all of them were right, the Galaxy became their home and they were its protectors.
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padshiyangel · 1 year
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turtlesunshineheart · 2 months
Pairing:HumanAlastor x FemReader
Warnings:Fluff,Mentions of Cannibalism
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"Nothing better than walking at night in the dark forest, don't you believe it dear"
She looked at her companion with a smile.
"It would be better if you would help me"
She rolled her eyes and stopped walking.
"You said yourself you didn't need help"
The man sighed and stopped what he was doing.
"We should rest, we're far enough away and no one will be able to see us"
They sat down on the cold forest floor and the moonlight shone brightly.
"The night is beautiful, don't you think"
The man nodded and looked at the woman with a smile.
"Very beautiful"
She noticed his gaze and smiled with her cheeks slightly stained red, approached slowly and put her lips together.
He took her cheeks in his hands to bring her closer and she wrapped her arms around her neck.
After a moment she slowly parted from him.
"Wait, what are we going to do with him?"
They both looked at the corpse next to them.
"Well, sweetie, we should bury him, after all I don't eat crap."
She made a grin of disgust.
"You're disgusting Alastor"
Alastor only laughed at his partner's reaction.
"Let's be honest, darling, if you found it disgusting, you wouldn't let me kiss that pretty little mouth you have."
Her cheeks turned completely red and she looked away to ignore her growing shame.
"Sometimes I think about,why I married you?"
Alastor took her hand and deposited a kiss on her wedding ring.
"Because you love me sweetness"
She rolled her eyes mockingly and intertwined their hands.
"I can't deny it, I love you"
Alastor gently squeezed her hand.
"I love you too, darling"
"Until the stars stop shining"
It's so fun that I had only written two chapters and decided to rewrite the entire story.
But this idea crossed my mind and well I said "why not?"
I hope you like it even though I will write it again.
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cicisiniestra · 2 years
Dinluke fanfics are so romantic when they describe Luke's eyes and compare them to the sky or sea but....have we ever thought about Din's dark brown eyes and how they hold the galaxy within??? Those eyes that shine so tenderly and marvellously like the stars whenever he sees Luke
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formlessvoidbeast · 10 days
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Words: 8,600 Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Battle of Galidraan Didn't Happen, Mandalorian Competence Kink, Badass Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan is Mando Bait, Mando'a Language, much killing in self defense, mentioned slavery, brief rape threats, (not between the main ship), respect, Introspection, Age Difference, Qui-Gon Jinn engaging in Old Man Yaoi off screen, the entire lineage of Yoda are chaotic bi sluts is what I'm saying, Obi-Wan comes by it honestly, there is no monogamy to be found here, Kissing, caught up in the moment, Impulsive Sex, consensual but poorly negotiated sex, Post-Battle Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Clothed Sex, Sex in Armor, Telepathy During Sex, misuse of the Force probably, no beta we die like death watch, loving without attachment, Fond farewells, Hopeful Ending, Complete
Jango made it to the top of the slope and leaned against a large rock, close enough to talk comfortably, but with enough space between them that the jetiika shouldn't feel crowded. Everyone had seen the footage of Obi-Wan fighting like a feral strill when cornered. He was a survivor, that much was abundantly clear. Jango knew very well that he wouldn't get a chance to finish a civil conversation if the jetiika felt the slightest bit threatened.
OR: Mand'alor Jango Fett offers sanctuary to the Kryze sisters and their jetii protector when they're on the run from Death Watch during the Clan Wars, setting the stage for a united Manda'yaim. Respect and friendship naturally follow. The romance was unexpected.
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the-commonplace-book · 7 months
chapter 3: respite and the stars shine the same podfic ( and the stars shine the same by @runawaymun )
LOTR fanfic | Elrond Centered with Ensemble Cast | Hurt/Comfort and Action/Adventure | Mature Rating
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Thank you for all the comments and support for the first two chapters, and thanks for your patience with the delay on this update. Hopefully should be a shorter wait on the next one.
If you’d like to send some love to the author you can find Beth @runawaymun both here and on Ao3. She also is doing all these beautiful illustrations to accompany the chapters!
Ao3 podfic link if you want to add it to any collections
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