#as u can see the weather was a bit better lower down than at the top. i think this was like halfway up or so
digestionmachine · 4 months
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climb to Khicho Tal / Ice Lake near Manang, Nepal. July 2023. 28.666921, 84.053483
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moonstruckme · 3 months
im literally in lovee with your writing of sirius black id love love love more of him x reader pleasee [my favourite is friends to lovers or just being super domestic but tbh I'd read anything u write with him in lmaoo]
Thank you for requesting lovely! It worked out that I'd just written this when I got your ask, so I hope it fits what you're wanting!
cw: reader has hair long enough to tie back
Sirius Black x whimsical!reader ♡ 833 words
Sirius finds you out behind Remus’ house, sitting in the grass and, by all appearances, playing with mud. 
“Hey there,” he says, “did you manage to find the bathroom?” 
You have a tendency to wander off. Sometimes it’s intentional, sometimes you get lost, and Sirius can never tell which is happening at any given time. As much as he’d like to tie a string between you so you’re never very far, he’s learned to let you go where you will; you always end up where you want to be anyways. 
“You were talking about football,” you say by way of answer, the slightest hint of sheepishness in your sweet voice. “I thought you wouldn’t mind if I went off for a bit.” 
Sirius hums and lowers himself onto the grass beside you, stretching his legs out. The sun is warm and welcome on his face, just enough breeze to keep it from getting too hot. 
It’s a beautiful day, you’d noted upon waking up this morning, already opening the windows in his bedroom. 
Looks like it, Sirius said from bed. He smiled wryly. It’ll probably be the last decent one we have all year.
You’d frowned. That’s not a very nice way to manifest the weather. 
While Sirius is upturned, you’re bent over, messing with something in your hands and dipping your fingers occasionally into a pail of water. 
“What’ve you got there, pretty girl?” 
“A mug,” you say simply. You thumb concentratedly at the slimy thing in your hands, lips pursing. “Or, a soon-to-be-mug.” 
“And you’re making it out of…mud?” 
“No,” you laugh, looking up at your boyfriend in that fond, indulgent way you have. Like he can be so silly sometimes. “Remember how Remus said there was clay by the stream back that way? I’m using some of that.” 
“Ah.” Sirius tilts his head, studying the misshapen lump in your hands. “I see. And this is going to be a drinking mug?” 
You hum in affirmation, and he leaves it at that. He’s not terribly sure whatever you end up with will be able to hold water, but he knows better than to try and dissuade you once you’ve set your mind to something. Maybe he can sign the both of you up for a pottery class sometime. 
A piece of hair falls from behind your ear, and you blow at it, trying to keep it out of your face with your hands occupied.
“Here,” Sirius offers. He takes an elastic off his wrist, gathering the hair away from your face and tying it back loosely the way you like it. 
You gift him a sideways smile in return. A bit of dried clay on your cheek cracks with the movement. Evidently, this isn’t the first time you’ve had to push your hair back. “Thank you.” 
“Baby,” he says, voice laden with fondness. He steadies your face with one hand, swiping at the clay with the other. “You’ve got it all over you.” 
It’s true. It covers your hands up past your wrists, and several places on your legs have pale gray tracks where you’ve wiped your fingers off on them. 
“It’s a messy business,” you say matter-of-factly, “but it dries sort of pretty, I think. Do you want some?” 
He cocks an eyebrow. “How do you mean?” 
You set your soon-to-be-mug down gingerly, extending a hand to him. “Give me your arm.” 
Sirius suppresses a sigh. He didn’t really plan on getting dirty today, but he’s hardly in the habit of denying you anything you ask for. He sets his forearm in your hand. 
You dip a finger into the wettest part of your clay, setting it to the skin above his wrist. Your touch is cool and slick on his sun-warmed skin. You draw a little star like you’re fingerpainting, the clay a funny contrast to the dark tattoos surrounding it. 
You look so pleased with your work that Sirius can’t help himself. He leans forward, giving you a drawn-out, amorous kiss. 
“Thank you,” he says in his most saccharine voice. 
Your lashes flutter prettily as you blink, a rare shy smile taking you. “You’re welcome.” 
Sirius dips two fingers into your pail of water, using them to wipe the remaining clay off your cheek more thoroughly. When he’s done, he spots another smudge on your shoulder, inexplicable. He tsks. “When you’re done with your mug, we might have to ask Remus if you can use his shower, lovely girl. You really do have it all over you.” 
“Oh, there’s no need to trouble him,” you say airily. “The stream’s not very far, and it’s flowing rather quickly with all the rain we’ve been having.” 
He blinks. “Did you bring your swimsuit?”
You look at him bemusedly. “No. Why?” 
Sirius bends his head, letting his hair fall like a curtain to conceal his smile as he kisses the clean part of your shoulder. “I think it’d be better if you used Remus’ shower, sweetheart. I’m sure he won’t mind.”
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thyfleshc0nsumed · 1 month
Hey Hank! I am just getting into leatherworking (you inspired me a lot tbh) and I have some qs! If you can't or aren't inclined to answer them thats all good I just thought I would ask you :)
1) Do u know if its like... weaker to have the flesh side out on part of a project? I'm considering riveting straps around loops so that the like... shorter flap bit is on the front with the flesh side out but idk if theres a reason other than aesthetics that ppl don't do that?
2) Do u like working with veg or chrome tan leather better? This one I'm just curious about ur process lol
3) have u ever used tandy rivets & do you know if they're okay? I'm nervous about their hardware quality but idk if I have reason to be 😓
Anyways I love ur work a lot & seeing it has made me stop putting off my leatherworking journey which I am v grateful for ❤️
Gah! I'm so happy to hear this!
As far as I know it's gonna be down primarily to aesthetics but it's also gonna be harder to clean and care for the flesh than the grain, especially if it's a lower quality piece that has a pretty fibrous flesh. Burnishing isn't like, a permanent process so even if you have those fibers slicked down really well, after long enough, they'll start to loosen again. Id also guess (and really, I still consider myself a novice so I could be wrong) that the flesh is a lot more permeable so will weather worse, even if it's a quality, non fibrous piece
I actually have very limited experience with chrome tan, the only chrome I've really worked with is garment leather. Dont do much with it. Almost everything I've done in the last 9 months at least has been undyed vegtan. I do have a chrome tan side somewhere (my car I think lol) that I've been meaning to use for a flogger but have yet to get around to it.
I really like latigo, which isn't exactly vegtan or chrome tan, it's kinda it's own thing, but I don't really buy it anymore since it's a lot more expensive plus u can only really buy it by the side, and my natural double shoulders are a lot easier for me to work with + way more cost efficient.
I don't have experience with Tandy rivets, but for the most part, rivets are rivets. Like as long as theyre not aluminum or like, zinc, they'll be fine. OTB is the only exception, their rivets are fucking incredible but they're also like 16$/100... The rivets I use are 16$/1000. I get it from an Amish company but I'd guess their supplier is the same as tandys, as most of their hardware is, so I'd say go for it
Thanks for the questions lovely!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
oh!!!! happy 100k words wfrau!!!!!!! she's getting bigger (<- like you would speak of a puppy). how long is it supposed to be & how far along are you? and also... would you like to share a snippet you like (from any chapter ofc... no pressure if no it's completely understandable)? what do you enjoy the most about writing it? bc it seems like you're having fun & it's so nice to see someone enjoying a hobby so openly online... especially writing... there's this conception that writers don't actually enjoy writing (the whole 'forcing myself to write' bit) and i'm curious to hear your perspective on it!! also!!!!!! i hope moving will be easy & fun & the world will be kind to you with the change <3 i keep telling myself 2 read marx but i can't find any good translations to my native language and reading it in english is making my brain go grgrgrgrgr like an air conditioner on its last leg so alas it might have to wait... so true for liking iced drinks they're really the best!! i've heard someone say it's childish but i think they just live a very miserable hot life in the august heat drinking their hot coffee instead of putting some ice cubes in it :) it's funny you say that about fav line because it's definitely my fav fic of your writing & the ending of it is soooo beautiful i get back to it every time i need to feel something!!!!! that song line is beautiful too omg... and well the weather is hell everywhere at least the world is all suffering together :( i hope the atmosphere isn't suffering too much :/ honestly i am a big 'i would rather be hot than cold' believer because i am from a hot country so i know how to deal with the heat but you know what i'm sure the chill can also be intriguing to some... not me though... i hope the winter will be kind on you <3 thank u for letting me invade ur ask box i am creating myself a room here for now i think. anyway. love and hugs!!!! <333
hello!! she is indeed getting bigger <3 if i had to guess right now i'd say i'm maybe...possibly nearing the halfway point of the fic, plotwise? but honestly it's really hard to say lol. i've got 2 more story arcs to cover in part 3 (plus finishing the current one), and then part 4 is gonna have like...2 or 3 story arcs as well, plus an epilogue. so it just depends on how long it takes me to cover all that ground!
and yeah i'm having a lot of fun writing!! i know what u mean abt the whole "ugh writing amirite" bit that writers do lol and i'm sure i do it sometimes too...i mean i think tone varies a lot and many people who complain about writing still really enjoy the activity, but i do think there is sometimes this self-flagellating tendency amongst some writers to act like writing is meant to be this strenuous, emotionally draining activity like ur...idk sisyphus w the stone or something, and if you're writing something 'easy' or 'fun' you're somehow a lower caliber of writer than those who Nobly Suffer for their art, etc...which i think is dumb lol. suffering doesn't inherently make art any better or more noble
& thank u 4 the well-wishes w moving!! i'm mostly nervous about getting to my flight on time lol i have to go into work the literal day before i leave and then catch a train across the country at 5am the next morning 2 get 2 the airport...not going 2 be fun so i'll take all the well-wishes i can get !!
sorry 2 hear u can't find marx in ur native language :( it's hard enough 4 me 2 understand reading in my first language i cannot imagine trying 2 parse it in a second language...maybe it might be easier 2 find one of his (or engels') shorter texts 2 read? capital is a monster but i started off with a few shorter pieces ('socialism: utopian and scientific', 'principles of communism', 'wage labour and capital,' 'value price and profit') which i found helpful! also there are lots of secondary resources of other people breaking down + explaining marx's work; maybe there's a good source in your native language that could give a summary/overview of capital? there's no one right way 2 learn, it's just abt finding what works best for u!!
iced drink supremacy 4ever truly <3 me myself & i we can only enjoy a hot beverage if it's very cold outside...otherwise i am simply thinking well why would i do that 2 myself... & thank u!! happy 2 hear u like the lines!! v happy w them v proud <3 & also appreciate the well-wishes re: weather i cannot relate 2 the hot-weather preference i much prefer cold...or at least i used to i grew up in a relatively cold climate but then i moved south 4 university so at this point i'm going on 6 years of living in what is categorized as a "humid subtropical climate" & i think my winter tolerance has been all but destroyed it hardly ever drops below freezing...but hot&humid weather is still my least favorite i think i would prefer icy-cold winter + mild summer but i will be actually putting that theory 2 the test this year so!! who knows maybe my hubris will be my downfall...
& of course!! u are welcome 2 stop by + chat anytime...in my heart we are drinking iced beverages 2gether <3 also as requested here is a snippet from ch 14:
“Don’t,” he tells her, firmly, “Don’t say that. I don’t—want you involved. If they ever did anything to hurt you…I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” She stares at him, eyes ablaze. “And how do you think I feel? Knowing that they only pick on you because—” her voice falters, cracking, “Because you’re with me?” Her lip is trembling again, tears threatening to spill over from her eyes. Sirius shakes his head, helplessly, at a loss for what to do.
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cookiesfor-nialler · 2 years
Easing Your Family Dog Out of Noise Phobias
A dog’s most important sense is his smell, but hearing comes in at a close second. You probably already know that Marlin can hear a whole lot better than you can, especially when he runs to the door to greet a visitor before they even ring the doorbell! Unfortunately, this amazing sense of hearing causes most dogs to react poorly to loud noises like thunder or fireworks. hond wil niet naar buiten Some dogs get irritated and bark loudly (perhaps also engaging in some destructive behavior) while others become terrified, hiding in corners and cowering until the noise is over.
Many owners accept this case of acting up since it occurs infrequently-given the infrequency of both fireworks and thunderstorms. But what if Marlin is a bit more sensitive than most dogs, and hates it when you get on the phone or laugh loudly or raise your voice? These kinds of things happen on a daily basis and are problems that you’ll need to address. Understanding what’s behind it will help you combat the issue and make both of your lives better.
What Loud Noises MeanIn general, loud, unexpected noises mean bad things to dogs. This isn’t hard to understand, as the same thing happens for those of us of the two-legged variety. It’s an evolutionary trait that puts us on the alert for incoming danger. If you’re calmly watching TV with your partner and they suddenly yell at the top of their lungs, your heart rate is going to quicken, your body will tense and your brain will start the fight or flight reaction.
For Marlin, this reaction is intensified. His lack of reason and understanding of noises coupled with his highly receptive hearing make any loud noise worse for him. Marlin’s hearing is much more sensitive than yours. He hears things at greater distances and higher frequencies than you. As a result, noises that don’t trouble you may be very bothersome for him.
You can’t sit down and explain to sensitive Marlin that your laughter is a good thing or that raising your voice sometimes just means you’re talking to someone who’s upstairs (and not that you’re angry). Instead, you have to gradually desensitize him and associate these noises with positive things. Because he doesn’t understand what these noises are and mean, he can only rely on instinct and conditioning to tell him whether these noises pose a threat to him or not. It may have taken just one instance of something bad happening simultaneously with this noise for him to make the association forever. So you need to change these associations to something positive.
What to DoThe first thing you need to understand is that you can’t coddle and comfort Marlin when he reacts badly to your loud voice or laughter. Then he’ll associate bad behavior with rewards. For infrequent events like thunderstorms, it’s sometimes suggested to provide a safe and quiet space for Marlin to weather the storm (literally), but this isn’t a solution for daily noises.
What you can do is slowly get Marlin accustomed to the specific noise that bothers him. If he hates it when you laugh loudly, sit near him, armed with a handful of treats. Laugh quietly first and see how he reacts, giving him a small treat if he remains calm. Keep raising the volume of your laughter until you get to a level where he becomes agitated. At this point, refrain from giving him a treat, but remain still and quiet. mijn hond is bang voor vuurwerk Lower your laughter again and see if he calms down. By doing this frequently, you can get Marlin used to laughter by associating it with good things. The same can be done for yelling or any other daily noise that causes Marlin stress.
There are some things that’ll we’ll never be able to understand about some dogs. The amount of strange sound phobias that exist are widely varied and sometimes quite bizarre; there are cases of dogs being afraid of the humming of a refrigerator or even the sound of the toilet paper roll! Even if you never know the root cause of what makes Marlin fearful of certain sounds, you can understand that he perceives noises very differently than you and patiently get him more and more used to hearing them in a positive environment. Then life will be much more pleasant for both of you.
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travellingarmy · 4 years
║Venti║ Stars (R)
Requested from Wattpad.
Female reader as requested.
Warning: •Those who does not know what R-rated means, it simply means that it is restricted to children under 17 (according to google).
•This will most likely be crap because I still don't know how to write NSFW oneshots.
Word count: 2.1k
"Just - hic - one more, Master Diluc!" Filled with the nightlife atmosphere in Angel's Share, Venti decided to join as well for the sake of sharing the same joy every Mondstadtian holds.
"You do know that these aren't free.." Diluc grumbles, a look of irritation visible on his face. "And don't you think you've had enough? You've had 33 glasses now."
"Ah, I can never get enough of Master Diluc's amazing brew!" the small bard exclaims. Diluc's face remained unchanged by the complement and went to make another glass for him. "You better pay for these."
"Haha, oh, Master Diluc, aren't you the jokester." Venti giggles. "I'm not joking," Diluc plainly said. "Haha, oh well.. Anyway.." Sounds of chatter drown out the taller male's warning that night by a loud bard who was starting to become tipsier with each drink.
After a couple more drinks- actually, it totalled to 50- Venti was now showing signs of passing out with his head on the counter, aside from occasional giggles and hiccups. Diluc grumbles in complete disbelief. Now that the bard was drunk, there was no way he would listen to his words.
An irritated sigh left the tavern owner's lips, seeing as he could do nothing about it. "I'll make sure you pay for it tomorrow so just go home," Diluc said to the bard who luckily listened, walking drunkenly out the tavern. "Thanks, Master Diluc!"
The cold air of the night brushed past the skin of the male, giggling as it tickles him. Oh how much he loves the wind so much.
Tonight, Venti did not go home- if he even has one- and instead, walk straight out of the city's gate; heading towards Starsnatch Cliff where he knew someone was sitting there all in her lonesomeness.
"(Y/N)!" the bard cheery voice made its way to your ears, making you turn to look at him. He waves and drunkenly giggles. "Venti, what are you doing here?"
"Hehe, I thought that my goddess wouldn't be asleep at this time and was here~" he answers, sitting down beside you. One sniff of him and your face wrinkled as if you were smelling a garbage site. "Ew, you went to the tavern again!?"
"Ehe." He shrugs, eyes closing into crescents as he smiled. You shook your head and brought your knees close to your chest, hugging it. You did not want to further push about the boring topic as it was quite often he would try to get wine from Diluc so silence was the only thing you could do.
You look at the stars in awe, a small smile tugging the corner of your lips. "It's quite nice today-- even the weather," you stated randomly. Venti leans back, using his arms as support. He took a glance at your soft figure before averting it to the sky you were seeing. "Even if it was cold, I would control the wind to make it warm for you," he points out, a smile of his own visible on his face.
In the midst of another silence, Venti's drunken state had his eyes started to wander on you, eyes tracing your face down to every detail. Your eyes that were half-lidded, your nose that was ever so his favourite feature, your lips-- oh let us not get into detail as to how much he loves those lips. Soon, his eyes wandered down to your neck and the strands of hair resting on it to tease him.
It might just be him being drunk and deluded or the atmosphere, but something in him wanted to do more than just looking at you.
With that being said, his hands slowly encircled your waist and drew you closer to him so that he could rest his chin on your shoulders. To you, it was just him wanting to hold you; nothing too suspicious and you continued to dismiss him.
However, that innocent thought was no longer when you felt his hands rub your sides in a slow and lustful manner. "V, Venti..!" you stutter, eyes widening as you look at him from the corner of your eyes.
He hums, eyes closed. "What is it, (Y/N)?" his voice still holding the same cheeky persona as his smile just grew wider. "U, um..!!" Your words died out on your tongue, the sudden rise of heat too overwhelming for you.
His lips made their way to your earlobe. "What's wrong, (Y/N)? Are you unwell?" he asks, a smirk replacing his playful smile. You bit your bottom lip and closed your eyes, unsure of what to do as you felt something in your stomach. It was like a fluttering feeling when you see your crush, but quite different.
"Do you.. Want me to help you, (Y/N)?" he breathlessly asks and went to nibble the sensitive part of your ears. A whimper that escaped your throat failed you which just urge the male further. His lips then slowly made their way to your neck and he was suddenly washed with the intoxication of your smell.
Not waiting for a reaction, he starts off by licking your neck and soon, sucking it hard enough to leave a mark. Once again, another whimper left you. You felt embarrassed by the sounds you had made, but the growing heat in the atmosphere was too much for you to fight.
One of his hands made its way down your body, rubbing your thighs as the other massages one of your breasts. Your chests start to expand wider with each breath you take.
Venti's hands soon returned to your chest and began to unbutton your shirt ever so skillfully. Once it was fully undone to the last button, he moves in front of you, pushing you down the grass and hovering on top of you.
His eyes were filled with lust and craved for you and your body. Hungrily, he smashes his lips onto yours and had a full heated session. He licked the bottom of your lips and you obliged, opening your mouth to allow his tongue to adventure inside, winning dominance.
He went back and suck the other side of your neck, also leaving a mark there as his hands unclip your bra, kneading your breast between his fingers.
At that point, heat, too, filled your body and made your mind hazy, letting out a moan. Soon, his lips trailed downwards and took the other breast in his mouth. He continued to do so and switched to give the same attention to the other.
His hand went lower, pulling your skirt down to your thighs. Teasingly, he rubs his fingers on your clothed cunt and you moaned yet again. "Hehe, you are so naughty, (Y/N)~ Already this wet for me?" he says, continuing to run through the article.
Soon, he had enough of the teasing and pulled down your last piece of clothing, leaving you fully exposed to the cool air of the night while he was still fully clothed.
"Tell me, (Y/N), what do you want me to do~?" he asks, pressing his cold fingers on your cunt, making you whimper. When you didn't say anything, he leaned closer to your ears and whispered, "If you don't tell me.." He moves his fingers teasingly. "I could just leave it here~"
"N, no..!" You shot your eyes wide open, revealing your desperation and lust. "Hm~? Then tell me, what is it that you want me to do?" He smiles and his eyes were overshadowed with a dark playfulness.
"P, please.. I, I want your fingers.. In me.." you say, a bit embarrassed at the dirty words that left your tongue. Venti chuckles, but answered to your wish, plunging one finger inside which made you moan. Urged on by the sound, he entered a second one. "Look at you~ So greedy for my touch."
You weren't listening to his words as he starts pumping his fingers, slow at first to make you just whimper. "What do you want me to do now, (Y/N)?" he asks once again. "Is this too slow for you?"
"Please.. G, go faster..!" Again, listened to your wish and started to pump faster, adding two more fingers in the mix. He returns to attack your breast and bit your nipples and his free hand went to massage the other.
The stimulation was too much for you, being touched everywhere soon made a knot inside of you that was waiting to be snapped at any moment. "V, Venti..!" That was all he needed to hear for him to stop, moving away from you.
You look at him, confused and upset, but that was soon answered as he stood up and pulled both his pants and undergarments down. "(Y/N), why don't you be a good girl and repent?" he beckons you to go on your knees.
You listened, getting on your knees and bringing your face closer to his cock that was dripping with precum. "Well? Don't tell me you don't wish to repent." You gulped and slowly bring your lips to the tip of his dick, licking the precum off of it.
You felt him shudder from above which urged you on. You opened your mouth and brought half of it inside your mouth, earning a groan from the male.
You then started to suck on his cock and another moan erupted from his vocal cords, putting a gentle hand on your head. You only sucked halfway of it and pumped the rest, not wanting to choke.
When it has gotten to a point that was much to his pleasure, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and pushed your head; pushing his cock deeper into your mouth. You moaned on his cock, feeling it touch the back of your mouth and made you gag.
"Don't stop now, (Y/N). After all, you want to be forgiven right?" He tugs on your hair and you continued. Venti became a moaning mess, guiding your head as he does so. And soon, you felt his cock twitch inside you. You suck him faster, wanting to help him in his release.
Followed by a long moan, he fills your mouth with his juice, keeping your head locked on his dick so that you don't waste a single drop.
Once you gulped all of them down, he pulls away. "Aren't you a good girl~?" he coos. "You deserve a reward so why don't you get on your hands and knees for me, hm?"
You listened, wanting to get your own release as well. He got behind you and you felt excitement wash through you and the knot that was still there.
He put his hands on your breasts, giving it a little squeeze. "Are you sure about this, (Y/N)?" he whispers in your ear. "You can always tell me to stop, okay?" You nod.
With that, he moved his wet cock inside you. You whimpered at the overwhelming foreign heat that entered you. Venti was patient with you and waited for you to adjust to the feeling.
"P, please move.." you say breathlessly after a while. Venti listened and started to enter and leave your hole, building up his stimulation once more.
Moans, pants, and lust filled that night and at each thrust, he went faster and faster as you grip onto the grass, feeling your legs numbing. "Harder, Venti..!" you cried out, the knot close to breaking.
His grip on your waist was for sure going to leave marks on your skin, but that didn't matter to your right now.
He pulls out completely but quickly slams it back inside you. Your head jerks up and moaned loudly. The sight of the was stars blurring as you were being pounded into and drool went down the corner of your mouth.
Venti's thrust became sloppier and sloppier by the second. He buried his face on your shoulders and bit it hard enough that it drew blood, but you were too focused on the pleasure that you hadn't noticed.
"V, Venti, I--" At that moment, the knot snapped and you came on his dick. Venti thrusts a couple more times before he, too, came inside you, groaning as his second wave was finally released.
He fell on top of you, both your legs too weak to carry the weight of your bodies. He didn't take himself out just yet and listen to the two of you pant.
"Let's go home, hm?" he suggests between heavy breathing. You nod and watch as he pulls out, letting out a whimper at the sudden emptiness inside you.
He dresses himself up first and later helped you since you were unable to do it and carried you home. "I love you, (Y/N)." He kisses the side of your head, watching you slowly fall asleep.
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wizardimagines · 4 years
jealousy, part 2, draco x reader
pairing: draco malfoy x reader word count: 1,6k summary: you and ron becomes closer as you help him study, draco doesn’t take this new relationship well. a/n: here you guys go !! part 2 of jealously,, i’m in shock as to how many of u liked part one !! i’ve gotten such amazing feedback and it makes me super happy so thank u so so much <3 i’m gonna be completely honest tho and let u guys know im really unhappy with this one , i feel like it could be a lot better and i might actually rewrite it at some point . but hopefully it’s somewhat ok, enjoy !! <3 READ PART 1 HERE
warnings: TW !!! mentions psychical abuse
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The following week was exhausting. You hadn’t seen Draco for a couple of days, doing everything you could to actively avoid him. The truth was you were scared. You were terrified, to say the very least. You had no clue what to say to him at this point, afraid that you were just going to make him even more upset than he already was. You didn’t even know if you two were a couple anymore, and the thought of it made your heart shatter into a million pieces.
You also distanced yourself from Ron. You knew the whole situation happened because of your friendship with Ron, and the only solution you could come up with was simply to stop being friends with Ron. He had approached you multiple times, asking you if you were free and wanted to go study, but you had declined each offer. You felt absolutely terrible, you truly did like Ron and you enjoyed spending time with him. But you knew your relationship with Draco was more important than any friend you had and at this point, you’d give up everything to fix your relationship.
It felt so hopeless. You skipped every class you had with the blond boy, you didn’t even dare look his way whenever you walked into the great hall to eat breakfast, petrified of your eyes meeting his icy ones. Today was no different. Everyone was in class, everyone but you. You knew you would have to face Draco sooner or later, today was just not the day. You were sitting in the library, trying your best to distract yourself by reading a book. However, it wasn’t going too well. You couldn’t focus on any of the words and your thoughts kept wandering off, thinking about other things. Suddenly, a warm hand was placed on your shoulder, making you snap out fo your thoughts. ‘’Why aren’t you in class, Y/N?’’ A similar voice said behind you, making you turn around so you could see who the person was. In front of you stood Ron. ‘’Ron,’’ You let out, feeling somewhat relieved it was only Ron. You shut the book close as the red-haired boy sat down in the chair next to you. ‘’You scared me.’’ You chuckled lightly, looking down at your lap where your hands were resting. ‘’Sorry about that,’’ Ron answered. ‘’But why aren’t you in class?’’ He repeated himself. 
You didn’t know what to tell him. You knew it wasn’t a secret that you were avoiding Draco, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to admit it. ‘’I just,’’ You started, biting your bottom lip nervously. You were still staring at your hands,  nervously playing with them. You just couldn’t bring yourself to look at the boy in front of you. ‘’I have to go.’’ You blurted out, quickly standing up. ‘’Y/N! Wait,’’ Ron let out behind you, standing up as well. ‘’What’s going on with you?’’ Worry lingered in his voice, and you couldn’t blame him.
You felt your bottom lip starting to tremble. That was when you noticed the tears that were welling up in your eyes, making you shut them close to prevent the tears from hitting your cheeks. ‘’Whatever it is that’s going on, I’m here for you, you know?’’ He said, placing his hand on your shoulder once again. You took a deep, shaky breath as you turned around and fell straight into his arms. You could tell he was surprised, but quickly wrapped his arms around you. You let the tears fall silently down your cheeks. ‘’Hey, it’s okay,’’ He mumbled as he stroke your back using one of his hands, the other one holding the back of your head. ‘’I think Draco broke up with me,’’ You quietly whispered into his shoulder, tears still falling from your eyes. ‘’Bloody hell Malfoy,’’ Ron muttered under his breath, pulling you closer to him.
At this point, you didn’t even care about the whole ignoring Ron thing you had planned to keep until you fixed things with Draco. The feeling of someone holding you and being there to comfort you finally made you feel a little bit better. Ron’s warm hands were nothing compared to Draco’s cold, lanky hands but it didn’t matter at this point. ‘’I’ll walk you to your dorm,’’ He mumbled as he pulled away from the hug, spotting your tear-filled face. He slowly wiped the tears away using his thumbs, making you nod. ‘’You can start walking, okay? I just need to go get my things and then I’ll catch up with you.’’ He said, giving you a small smile. You nodded once again, giving him half a smile.
The halls were empty. You weren’t complaining though, you didn’t want anyone to see you like this; like a crying mess. You slowly walked down the hall, taking your time as you looked out each window you passed. The weather had somewhat cleared up, dark clouds still covering the sky. ‘’Y/N?’’ A voice suddenly called out, making you turn your head to the side. And there he was. His eyes were dark, not the usual bright blue color they always used to be. As soon as your eyes met his, your heart dropped. You felt your throat tighten up as you felt completely paralyzed. You felt your eyes widen as you suddenly realized that you had to get away, quickly. You turned around, quickly making your way down the hall without saying a word to the blond boy. ‘’No, wait!’’ He shouted behind you, grabbing your wrist.
Your wrist. The same wrist he had grabbed that night. The same wrist that now had a bright red mark from his tight grip. You felt the pain shot up your arm, making your eyes well up with tears once again as you cried out in pain. You quickly snatched your wrist away, holding it with your other arm as you bit your lower lip in pain. Draco looked at you in confusion before looking down at your arm, spotting the red mark. He felt the guiltiness and pain hit him all at once. His heart dropped as he realized it was him that had left that mark. ‘’Y/N,’’ He whispered, his facial expression softening. You quickly looked up at him, tears falling from your eyes as you took a shaky breath. He slowly reached out to you, making you jump. 
He froze. ‘’I’m not going to hurt you,’’ He let out, pain and shame lingering in his voice as his eyes teared up. ‘’Please don’t be scared of me, I would never hurt you,’’ He continued, shaking his head as a tear hit his cheek. Draco had never felt such pain. He had felt pain multiple times during his lifetime, but nothing could compare to the pain he was currently feeling. You just stood there, staring at the boy in front of you. You didn’t know what to say or do, so you just let the tears fall down your cheeks. ‘’I’m so sorry, please let me hold you,’’ He mumbled as he tried his best to hold back the rest of the tears, slowly walking towards you. You watched as he got closer to you, terrified of what could happen next. But Draco slowly put his arms around your waist, burying his head between your neck and shoulder. You felt a sob escape his lips.
‘’I’m so sorry,’’ He kept repeating it over and over again between sobs. You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck, you had never seen him in this state before. ‘’I don’t know what happened. I was just so angry,’’ He sobbed. ‘’But why?’’ You whispered back. ‘’Because I really thought I was losing you,’’ Draco responded. You slowly pulled away, Draco looking at you in fear as you did so. ‘’Please don’t go,’’ He whimpered, his bottom lip trembling. You grabbed his hands as you shook your head. ‘’I’m not leaving, Draco.’’ The boy in front of you closed his eyes as he grabbed onto your hands harder, like he was scared you were going to leave anyway. ‘’I’m so sorry for saying all those things,’’ He cried, pulling you back into a tight hug.
This time he placed his head on top of yours, placing one hand behind your head and the other one on your back. ‘’And I’m so incredibly sorry for hurting you like that,’’ He whispered. You pulled yourself closer to him, placing your head on his chest. You could hear his heart racing, as well as his shaky breath. ‘’I will never lay a finger on you again, I promise,’’ He continued, making you sigh. ‘’Please just hold me Draco.’’ You whispered, causing the taller boy to pull you closer to him immediately. You closed your eyes as a tear escaped from your eye, Draco pressing multiple kisses on top of your head.
You knew it would take a while to forgive Draco, but it didn’t matter. You were willing to do anything for him, just like he was willing to do anything for you. ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
TAGLIST: @justmesadgirl @thefandomplace @kodydoescrap @slytherinsunrise @xdracosmalfoyx @imjustboredso @lexi-ravenclawdracomalfoy @retrouvailessx @night-girls-world @andressavp @inurealiyah @lilgoddesshines @iamaspicytriangle
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moralesispunk · 3 years
In his eyes II (Blacksmith Pero Tovar AU)
Pero Tovar x Female Reader
Part 2 of a short Pero Tovar Blacksmith AU
Part 1 here | Masterlist here under Pero | Part 3 here
Summary: after spending some time with Pero, your relationship takes a more personal turn when he comes by your father’s house every week to teach you checkers.
A/N: At the start we get to see some of this from Pero’s POV. I didn’t realise how much I enjoyed writing for Pero until I did part 1 so I hope people enjoy this part as much as the first!
The now empty basket where the bakings so kindly gifted by the bakers daughter had arrived in sat atop Pero’s workshop table for two days before he found confidence in the depth of his body to return it. While he waited, the lily that she had wrapped in the string around the bread had been pressed between the two heaviest books Pero could find. It was something he had watched his mother do whenever she received flowers from his father before he passed. He placed the now flat flower in the front of his notebook and placed that notebook in the safe keepings of his drawer at his bedside, opening it every night to run his fingers over it before going to sleep.
He wasn’t sure what the feeling in his stomach was when he thought of her was. The first time he had laid eyes on her was when he had walked into the village. While most people had stared at him, they looked away when his eyes met theirs. But not her. She held his gaze until he had completed passed by and her soft lips had even began to curl into a smile.
He had seen her every other day since then, eating more bread following his arrival in this village than he had in the rest of his life put together. Her gentle voice would wish him a good day and try to make conversation about the weather or the new pastries her father had baked that morning. While he usually avoided conversations with others because he did not want to entertain them, he avoided talking to her because he was worried that he would scare her off in some way. So instead, he let her talk about how the sun was arriving earlier in the village this year and he would offer a smile when she joked that maybe he brought it from whatever land he had travelled from. 
Eventually, when he noticed how she spoke more to him than the others who were customers at the bakery, he began to offer his voice more. The day he learned her name was the day he swore his soul had been tied to hers for eternity. He spent the rest of his day repeating her name on his lips, listening to how it sounded in the different moods he went through as the day went on.
He still could not put a name to the feeling that swirled around his veins every second of every day for her. His stomach felt like it was flipping with every step he took towards the bakery, his heart felt like it had stopped for a moment when their eyes met and his palms would sweat when she first started talking. All these symptoms were usually of a sickness, something deep inside that had to be rid of, but he wanted to feel it more. He went out of his way to talk the long walk home from work to pass by the bakery and catch one final glimpse of her for the day, hoping she would turn and look up at him to make his heart stop.
As he lifted the basket to return to the bakers he walked by the checkers board she had commented on before she left two days before. He picked the board up folding it over and placing the checkers in a small bag to place in the basket as well. He had no one to play with and was not even sure why he brought it on his travels so maybe she and her father could have better use for it.
As he walked towards the bakery thoughts swirled his head of what she would be wearing today and whether her hair would be tied back or loose as she sometimes wore it. When he entered the bakers there was no one at the front of the shop, the only sound being the bell that rang through to the back as he opened the door. The baker walked out from the back, wiping some flour on the front of his apron as he headed towards Pero.
“Ah, Mr Tovar! Thank you again, I don’t think I have had such an easy time of making bread in years.”
Pero just grunted in response, making sure to nod his head so not to appear too rough before the kind man. He handed the basket over to the baker, watching as his eyebrow was cocked at the contents of the basket.
“What is this?”
“Checkers. Your daughter noticed it and you need two people to play,” Pero watched as the baker’s confused expression did not lift, “... and I have no one to play with so you two would have more use of it.”
“I do not know how to play.”
“Oh,” was all Pero could offer in return, heat climbing to his cheeks as he was lost for words more so than usual.
“You are not very good with women are you,” the baker chucked, “well, women like my daughter,” he clarified, both men aware that men who travelled did need their beds warmed like the rest.
“No,” Pero sighed, worried about what the baker was about to say.
If the man warned Pero away from ever talking to his daughter again he would have to respect that but his heart would ache every day. The thought of not getting to see the most beautiful woman he had seen across all the lands or listen to the most wonderful voice as she wished him a good day was already making his heart fall lower into his stomach.
“Well,” the baker interrupted his thoughts, “the bakery does not open on Mondays so you will come and teach her. Do you know where we live?”
Pero shook his head and the baker told him to walk east out of town, through the path in the forest until he reached the cottage. Pero nodded as he listened to the instructions, waiting until the baker had finished before walking out. As he reached the door he turned to thank the man. He did not know why he trusted Pero with his daughter but he had shown him more kindness than most. The baker smiled before turning and heading into the back of the shop.
For the rest of the week Pero thought about Monday. He did not sleep much the night before, something he never usually had trouble with. When he woke the next day the sun had barely risen above the trees. He set the pot of water above the fire, warming it just enough for a bath. He could not remember the last time he had spent this long in a bath but by the time he was changing into his clothes for the day the sun was well into the sky.
The walk to the baker’s house was not long but it was peaceful. It was just outside the village, through a forest path. When he finally reached the house he took three deep breaths, counting them slowly, before he knocked on the door. The baker opened it, welcoming Pero in with a smile.
When he stepped inside, the baker's daughter sat on the floor next to a small table that came to his knee height. It was a warm cottage, not just from the roaring fire than spread heat around the room, but from the personal contents that decorated each shelf. The warm browns and reds of throws and pillows to make the wooden benches softer would make anyone feel at home, even the tall, dark, mysterious man who was entering their home today.
The baker’s daughter was laying out the board, placing checkers on squares. As she looked up, he noticed the way her eyes shimmered from the candles lining the edge of the table. She smiled at him, at first a small, welcoming curve of the lips, before it turned into a wide grin that showed all her teeth. She looked so... pure. Loving. Caring. Innocent. A thousand words swam around his skull as he took her in.
She sat with her legs tucked under her, one hand playing with the hem of her skirt enough to show the soft skin at the bottom of her leg and the other resting on the board.
"Pero, I hope I set it up right I tried to remember how it looked in your workshop."
As the knock finally came to the door the butterflies in your stomach were stalled. Your father walked to the door, opening to reveal Pero at the door. He was still dressed head to toe in all black but his layers less constricting that the ones you had seen him don in the village. The ones he wore now truly showed his proportions to you - his broad shoulders that looked as though they would not be able to fit through the doorway, his large arms from years of hard labour, the way he appeared slightly softer around the middle.
He nodded to your father as he walked in, his fingers rubbing together as he stepped into the house. Despite his dark eyes and hair, his scowl and large frame it felt as though the room got that bit lighter when he walked in. 
"Pero, I hope I set it up right I tried to remember how it looked in your workshop."
He looked down at the board, reaching to move two pieces into what must have been their correct spaces.
"Sit," you motioned to a pillow you had placed at the other side of the table.
You had to bite back a laugh at the huff Pero let out when he lowered himself to the ground. You must not have done a good enough job, noticing the way Pero's eyes glared into you a little before he smiled.
"I'm going into the garden, the weeds are coming back. I expect you to make my daughter a checkers genius," your father motioned between you before walking out the door.
"Your father is a kind man," Pero noted after your father had moved to the garden.
"He is," you smiled, “would you like a drink?” 
Pero nodded and you lifted the jug next to you on the table to pour two glasses and handing him one.
"You are kind too," he added after taking a sip.
"And so are you."
Pero shook his head, "I am not."
His eyes that had not moved from your face since he walked in suddenly found whatever was on the ground more interesting. You frowned, moving closer to the table.
"You have been nothing but kind to me." 
"You do not know me. What I have done before I came here," his voice quiet.
"And you do not know me other than the girl who sells you bread. I can see you're a good man, Pero, in your eyes."
Pero did not know why you had so much faith in him, he certainly did not deserve it. He looked up at you again and stopped himself from telling you that you were wrong, that he was a horrible man who had done horrible things when he saw the softness in your eyes. Maybe he could be kind for you.
"So, how do you play?" 
"You will play black to go first and I will play white. You must try to move all your pieces to my side of the board..."
He explained the game as you went, taking his time in telling you how to move around the board so you would win the first game. He never got frustrated at the questions you asked and did not care when you asked him to repeat the rules for the sixth time. As he told you to make the final move, making you the winner, he smiled, a true smile that took over his face as you laughed and cheered.
"Okay, okay. Will we play again? This time don't let me win," you laughed.
Pero chuckled, setting up the board again but still letting you go first.
"So, what did you do before you came to the village?" you asked after a while.
You watched while Pero's forearm tightened as he reached for the piece in front of him. He turned to look out the window, looking for your father before answering.
"He cannot hear us. Even if he could, he is not a naive man," you reassured.
"I sold my sword. To Kings and Lords or whoever had coins to spare. I travelled a lot of lands and fought a lot of men... and beasts."
"I bet you have a lot of stories. A lot more than everyone in this village put together."
"Probably. But for another time because I," Pero moved one final piece, "win."
You both laughed, leaning back to hold yourselves up with your palms resting on the ground behind you. The room was a lot darker than when he had came earlier today, the light from the sun almost non-existent and the fire lighting up his face perfectly. The red and amber glow that covered his face showed it perfectly. His jaw and nose were sharp as if carved from the strongest stone, softened slightly by the lines that surrounded his eyes while he smiled. 
"You will come back to play then?"
"Yes, but you should practice so I do not feel so bad winning next time," he teased.
Pero stood from the table, the few hours you had spent sitting opposite one another meaning you had forgotten just how large he was until he towered over you. You tried to stand and join him but the pins and needles running up your legs made that difficult.
Pero reached a hand out, letting you hold onto it as you stood. His hand surrounded yours easily, the rough skin contrasting the gentle hold. You held onto it for a moment longer while you spoke.
"Thank you for teaching me," you whispered.
"Thank you for letting me," Pero lifted your hand placing a kiss to the back of your knuckles before dropping your hand again.
Your eyes remained on one another for a moment until your father entered the house again.
"Ah, Mr Tovar. How did my daughter do?"
"A natural," he turned, winking at you outside of your father's view.
"Will you be back? Next week?"
Pero nodded turning to wish you goodbye as he walked by your father who held the door open for him. As Pero walked out your father headed to the kitchen to start dinner and you moved to the window.
Pero stalked the path, each step powerful and calculated as he walked away. When he was outside of your garden, walking on the forest path he turned back to your house, catching your eye. He smiled, lifting a hand to wave. You waved back, unable to stop the childish grin on your face that did not come off until Pero must have been home.
Pero came every Monday for a few weeks, teaching you new tricks and manoeuvres to better win. You learned more about him as the weeks went on. He told you about his home land, his family and even some stories from his travels. You would see each other in between Mondays with you stopping by the workshop to say hello on the way to the bakers and he would drop in for his bread as usual, you wrapping some extra sweet pastries in along with them.
You waited by the doorstep for him to come today. You could make his walk out as his body emerged from the trees. His usual dark clothing made the flowers in his hand stand out even more. You stood from the step as you approached, flattening your skirts until he stopped in front of you, lifting the flowers to hand them to you.
“I saw these and - I- I thought of you.”
“They’re- they’re beautiful, Pero. Thank you,” you smiled as you lifted to smell the flowers, “the weather is lovely today, will we play outside?”
You and Pero played your games outside today, not talking too much other than sharing a story of your past every so often. The sun shone down on the garden, the smell of the pollen and sound of birds surrounding you both. When the sun finally started to lower and you packed the board away, your father called you both into the house.
“Pero,” you smiled as your father used his first name, something Pero had requested he do after you had watched him tense every time he called him by Mr Tovar, “I am away from the village next week, I have to visit my brother. Would you be so kind to check in on my daughter while I am gone?”
Pero’s mouth opened for a moment before he forced it shut again. You turned to look at him and as his eyes fell on your face he nodded before voicing an agreement to your father.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. I leave in two days.”
And with that the conversation was done and Pero began to leave once again. As you watched him go this week, your mind spun faster than it ever had before. You imagined the next time he would walk down this path would be to visit you alone in this house.
Pero was a gentleman and he respected your father but you knew as much as Pero that your father did not have any unreasonable expectations about what would happen when he was gone, otherwise he would have asked the butcher or the farmer, people you had known since a child.
He walked away a little slower than usual this week, turning more than once to wave goodbye. You couldn’t stop the way your heart was beating faster in your chest with this goodbye, looking forward to the next time you would see his face as he walked up the path.
Permanent tag list // @phoenixhalliwell @asta-lily @hb8301 @princess76179 
Pero tag list // @bonktime @justpedropascal @coldlilheart @shadowolf993 @stylelovechild @frostsoldier @idreamofboobear 
Excited for a part 3 where Pero and the baker’s daughter get some one-on-one time...
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headheartbellarke · 4 years
Requested by anon: “hello🌼 could u please write a charlie x reader imagine when he posts a picture on his instagram story with a girl to makes his crush jealous, but she end up distancing herself from him bc she's hurt and respect what she thinks is his relationship” PAIRING(s): Charlie Gillespie x fem!reader WORDS: 2,445 WARNING(s): angst w a happy ending, some language SUMMARY: “I wish you knew that I'd never forget you as long as I'd live."
A/N: hi, everyone!! really, really sorry that this took so long. haven’t had the best march tbh, and writer’s block is a bitch. && this isn’t very good, either, but i had to get something done. love u <3
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“And… post!” Charlie taps his phone, grinning brightly.
Owen cheers from behind him, his voice meshing into the humdrum of the bar they’re currently at. “I’m so proud of you!”
His friend laughs, spinning around in the bar stool to face him. “She’ll finally understand what it feels like!”
Owen nods frantically, taking another sip of the drink in his hand.
Charlie copies his movement – a part of him knows that he is absolutely hammered, but the bigger part of him doesn’t care. He’s had a long day, and he deserves this.
Besides, how else would he and his best friend have thought of this wonderful plan if they didn’t have a billion drinks in their system?
A knock on the door pulls Y/N from her thoughts. “Come in!” She yells, but her voice comes out feeble and hoarse, probably from all the crying she’s been doing for the past hour.
As the door swings open, her best friend, Savannah, pokes her head in. “Hey, babe. You all right?”
Y/N sniffs. “M’fine.”
Savannah enters the room, closing the door softly behind her. She walks to the window, opening the curtains, and Y/N groans when light floods into the previously dark room.
She sits on the bed beside Y/N, and Y/N rests her head on her shoulder as she pulls the covers up to cover their bodies.
“I’m sure that they’re not dating.” Savannah says, wrapping an arm around her best friend.
Y/N chuckles sadly. “You don’t have to lie to make me feel better, Sav. I mean, in the photo, he was kissing her cheek. Literally. And he put a heart between them.”
Savannah sighs. “That’s so not Charlie, you know… kissing random girls in bars and posting pictures with them.”
“Yeah, that’s so not Charlie, because she’s not a random girl. Her name’s Francesca and she went to high school with him, so, technically, she’s known him longer, and probably better than me.”
“I – I had no idea.”
“Y/N, babe, just tell him about how you feel. I’m sure that he likes you too.”
“If he liked me, then he wouldn’t be kissing Francesca!”
Y/N exhales, as Savannah gulps, not knowing what to respond. “Y/N, I – I swear, he’s crazy about you. I don’t know what happened between last Friday and today, but I swear – the Charlie that I know – has eyes for no one but you.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, feeling a pang in her heart at Savannah’s words. “Savannah, we kissed and then he ghosted me for a day and now he’s posting pictures of him kissing another girl! I think he has eyes for everyone!”
Savannah bites her lower lip, not knowing what to respond, again. Her best friend feels tears prick at the back of her eyes when she says, “Maybe I’m a bad kisser.”
Savannah’s eyes widen, and she sits up, straight. “No. No. Babe, no. Don’t say that, ever. You’re a great kisser, okay! You’re an amazing kisser. Your lips are fine as hell, believe me. He’s the one with crusty ass lips. They’re not even lips, they look like… like… peanuts.”
Y/N stares at her best friend for a moment, before saying, “Peanuts, Sav? Really?”
“It’s the first thing that came into my mind!” She says defensively, before the girls break into a fit of laughter.
“I’m never talking to him again, ever.” Y/N says after they’ve calmed down. “I’m never even gonna look in his direction. Fucking asshole.”
Charlie sighs, taking another sip of his coffee. It’s eight in the morning, and he’s normally a morning person – he loves the mornings, the peace, the quiet, and the feeling that comes along with it more than anything, but right now, he just feels… sad.
On regular days, he would be talking to his best friend, Y/N, about everything that’s on his mind. But today’s different.
Last Friday, Y/N kissed him, and long story sort, it was the best thing that’s ever happened to him. After work that day, they went to get some food at a drive through, like they usually do. All throughout the ride, they made plans to go hiking once the production for season two finishes. She drove the car to a lookout, and oh, god, it was so pretty. The midnight sky was littered with stars, and since they were at the edge of town, there was less pollution, and they could see bits of the galaxy, too.
But, for some reason, the girl next to him seemed more beautiful than anything he’s ever seen, and after they finished eating, he just sat and stared at her talk about the last book that she’d read, for a while. He knows that it was terrible that he wasn’t listening – but how could he pay attention to anything when she looked like that, especially with passion illuminating her face like times square on New Year’s Eve?
She had looked at him as if he’d just grown a third head. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Li – like what?” He’d asked, embarrassed to be blatantly caught.
“Like that…” She’d said and kissed him, and it felt like he was seeing colour for the first time. Although, the next day, everything turned to shit.
Now, it’s Monday, and she’s nowhere to be seen. He desperately wants to know if his and Owen’s plan actually worked (no reason that it wouldn’t), and he feels so impatient right now, and he misses her. Also, his massive hangover isn’t helping, either.
He hears his name being called, and sees Kenny smiling at him.
“Hey, so we’re gonna do a different scene today, since Y/N and Savannah are out, is that okay with you?”
His heart races. “What happened to them?”
“Y/N’s sick, and Savannah’s taking care of her.”
“Oh. Yeah, it’s okay with me.” He says, feeling his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach.
“This is the last time I’m asking you this…” Y/N sings, wiping her nose with the sleeve of her sweater.
“Put my name at the top of your list!” Savannah sings, using Y/N’s straightener as a mic.
“This is the last time I’m asking you why!” Madison joins.
“You break my heart in the blink of an eye, eye, eye!” Jadah sings, jumping on the bed.
As the second verse comes on, the girls sit on Y/N’s bed, huddled close to each other.
“You know, I’m feeling better now than I did when I woke up.” Y/N says, resting her chin on her knees.
“Taylor Swift can fix anything.” Madison says, leaning her head on Y/N’s shoulder.
She nods. “And y’all. Thanks for being here.”
Jadah grins, wrapping an arm around her. “We couldn’t let you have a pity party all alone!”
Savannah laughs. “I’m gonna kill him, I swear.”
“As relieving as that would be, don’t. I’ve decided what I should do.”
Madison quirks a brow. “You’re gonna kill him yourself?”
“Madi! No. I’m gonna distance myself.”
Savannah tilts her head. “I think that maybe you two should talk it out.”
“I don’t think so. I need space, time to figure it out. My head feels like a mess. And I respect him and Francesca, and I’m not gonna dip my toes between them.”
The other girls solemnly nod their head.
“You do realize that that’s not actually the saying?” Jadah says, after a while.
“Don’t embarrass me, kid.”
Charlie exhales, watching his breath crystallize to tiny ice particles in front of him. Even though, he’s a Canadian, he still feels cold. Although maybe it’s not due to the weather, but due to the coldness in Y/N’s eyes.
He watches her chat with Jeremy a few feet away, both of them discussing something that is out of bounds to him. He knows that it’s probably decisions regarding their characters, considering Y/N’s character is Jeremy’s character, Reggie’s love interest, but a part of him feels like it’s shit about him.
He has no reason to feel that way, of course. He hasn’t spoken to Y/N in four days, and this morning, when he saw her after for what feels to be eternity, he was blatantly ignored. He had only watched helplessly as Y/N exited the room the moment he entered and had sunk into his chair feeling like absolute shit, especially with everyone’s pitiful stares.
Charlie’s mind keeps replaying each moment, torturing over every tiny detail, wondering what he did wrong.
And that’s when it hits him: she really doesn’t want him anymore.
Last Saturday, he had hopelessly watched her with her long-term boyfriend of god-knows-how-long – he had come to surprise her on set, and it was Charlie that was more surprised. Because he thought that they were over, for good. And it wasn’t like they seemed like they weren’t dating. They were acting just like they used to when they were dating, and he was too close to her for his comfort. They still laughed the same, joked around the same, and were just as inseparable as they used to be.
A question kept rising in Charlie’s mind, like an icicle to his heart: why would she kiss him when she already had someone else? Why would she give him hope, and then take it all away? Why would she dangle his hurt in front of him?
So, he decided to give her a taste of her own medicine, and posted a picture with Francesca, his high school friend, who he had run into that night.
Owen sinks into the chair beside Charlie. “You okay?”
“I’m starting to believe that our plan didn’t work.”
“Hey, uh, Y/N?”
The girl in question hears Charlie’s voice, and turns around, avoiding looking into his eyes.
“Can we talk?” He says, and for a moment, her defences are down again. He looks so… tired, almost like he’s going through the same things that she is. Almost like there’s an explanation as to why he broke her heart, why he ruined something that had the potential to be extraordinary, why he made her feel so bad about herself.
And she almost believes it, too. Like the fool she is.
She presses her lips into a thin line, and says, “Nothing to talk about.”
As Charlie opens his mouth to protest, she smiles and walks away.
“Okay, Charlie, you two need to talk it out. This is too much. Both of you are obviously hurting, and there’s obviously some serious miscommunication here.”
Charlie shakes his head at Savannah’s words. “She hates me.”
“No. She could never hate you.” She says, thrusting her phone in Charlie’s face. His eyes squint to read the text on the screen – from Y/N.
Sorry – forgot to leave a note. Drove down to Dad’s, gonna stay here for a while. It’s too painful – honestly, you know what? I’m still very, very, very mad at him. But I’m also missing him very, very, very much. So, I need to flush it out. Flush him out. He might be a jerk, but he’s still one of the best people that I’ve ever met. Love you, okay? Will return when the time is right.
Charlie’s eyes widen, and he stares at Savannah’s face for a while. “There – there is still hope!”
She nods frantically. “You should call her –”
“I’m gonna drive down to her dad’s house, too!”
“That works, too.”
A frantic knock on the front door pulls Y/N from her thoughts. She stops typing on her keyboard, and flips the lid shut, keeping it on the dining table in front of her.
She runs to her dad’s door, knowing that it’s him, back from his shopping. She opens the door, saying, “Let me take those for – Charlie?!”
Y/N’s heart swells at his sight as he grins sheepishly.
“So, there’s been some misunderstandings… can I come in?” He asks, and Y/N pauses, considering.
He sighs, and adds, “Please?”
She stares at him.
He juts his bottom lip out. “Pretty please?”
“Fine, come in.”
He closes the door behind him, wordlessly following Y/N, who feels like she might hurl right now. They sit on the couch, and it’s really, really awkward for a few seconds.
Y/N sighs. “You said you –”
“Yes. Yes, yeah. OK, so – I, uh, I –”
She couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Why would you do that to me? Do I really mean that little to you?”
“I could say the same about you!”
“Yes! I saw you with Shahid that day, I know that you two are back together –”
She stares at him, baffled.
“So…so… Francesca….”
“I only posted the picture to make you jealous! She asked me if I wanted to go out with her and the rest of my high school friends, and of course I went, and she saw that I was being a little… unsocial. So, I told her about how the girl that I’m completely crazy about has a boyfriend! And a long term one at that, too! And then Owen came up with a brilliant plan, and I guess you know what it was. Now, I’m realizing that it might not have worked.”
She stares at him for a moment, before she bursts out laughing. Charlie throws her a confused look.
“You – you thought that Shahid – Shahid, my best friend since we were in nappies, Shahid who is married to this amazing man, and at whose wedding I was the maid of honour – you thought that I was dating him?”
“He’s gay?!”
“Bisexual. Oh my god, I have to tell him. This is hilarious.”
Charlie bites the corner of his lower lip, feeling his cheeks heat up. “This is really embarrassing. But you two act like you’re dating!”
“No, we don’t. You’re just being insecure and jealous. I’ve known him forever, and yes, I am the most comfortable around him. Because he’s my family. He’s my brother. Oh, god, I can’t believe that you were jealous of him – wait, have you thought that we were dating this whole time?”
“Kind of. I thought you guys broke up when he didn’t visit you on set during the first two months of production.”
“He was helping feed kids in Somali.”
“Oh. Oh. God, I feel so –”
“Dumb? That’s because you are.”
He grins sheepishly, his cheeks crimson.
Y/N smiles. “But I forgive you. And I wouldn’t mind if you took me on a proper date this time.”
“Deal. Also, promise that we’ll always talk it out before… you know… doing anything?”
She laughs, and nods. He wraps his pinkie finger around hers.
“Well, Owen’s plan did kind of work, though.”
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sageinacage · 3 years
Hi! Saw your post about Sap and Tubbo and I’ve missed their dynamic sm so I wanted to send in a request! How about lee Tubbo and ler Sapnap? Maybe Sapnap wanted to see if Tubbo was just as ticklish as he was back then and uses one of his favorite tactics a bunch, raspberries?
Still the Same summary: sapnap wants to know if tubbo is still as ticklish as before, in his own sapnap way. a/n: sorry for the wait :( low motivation bc of personal stuff happening, but im doing a bit better so i wanted to get this out asap! hope u enjoy :D warnings: swearing, sapnap is Evil (/lh) w/c: 1.6k DSMP, Platonic
Everyone always says it’s easier to clear your thoughts from a high altitude. Why is that? No one knows, though no one is going to question it either. It’s always nice to enjoy the breeze from up above.
The only problem is, finding that high altitude and then having to climb up to it.
Tubbo closed his home door behind him, glancing around to find some sort of easy-access place he can sit for a while. As the boy walked around, he was quick to notice the gentle breeze that brushed against his cheeks and over his nose.
He sighed, enjoying the perfect weather present on this day, deciding to start walking down the path to town. As he walked, he chuckled as he recognized the spot he was standing at.
The day he and Sapnap had a playful bicker. It involved Tubbo making fun of the demon for miswording something, and a playful fight lasting afterward. The boy chuckled to himself, then his eyes widening.
Thinking about his old friend reminded him of the hill they used to hang out on. The perfect altitude to sit at, might he add. Now walking with intention, Tubbo smiled at the old memories that were unfolding in his brain.
“Here it is, it feels like it’s been years,” Tubbo spoke softly, arriving at the same hill he and Sapnap used to goof off on ages ago. He smiled contently, plopping down on the grass, and leaned against an oak tree that sat on the hill.
He let his head relax back, enjoying the nice breeze brush through his hair and the convenient shade the oak tree provided for him. The people were right, this is a good place to clear some thoughts up.
Meanwhile, a certain demon was also heading somewhere to relax for the day, wanting a break from all the serious ‘bullshit,’ as he would call it. Sapnap looked up at the tree that rested on his favorite hill and saw a figure under it.
He smiled to himself, recognizing a certain ram hybrid settled underneath the shade of the luscious tree. With a mischievous smirk, Sapnap tip-toed up the hill, avoiding any crinkly leaves or twigs along the way, motivated to startle his old friend.
Oh, how much Sapnap missed being so goofy and carefree. It was honestly a natural instinct to playfully mess with Tubbo, almost like how siblings always try to push each other's buttons. It’s safe to say he saw the boy as a little brother.
“Tubbo!” Sapnap squealed, whipping his head around the tree with a giddy smile. “Sap… Sapnap?! Where did you even come from?!” Tubbo gasped, holding his heart dramatically at the sudden scare.
“From down the hill, you goof.”
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t, why’re you smiling then?” Sapnap sniggered, earning an eye roll from the ram. “Because you’re annoying, and it’s making me smile because of how annoying you are.”
The demon snorted a laugh. Tubbo really was the sassy boy he always remembered.
The two settled underneath the tree together, just catching up. They really needed it, it was obvious on both sides that they both missed each other dearly.
They missed the playful bickering and fights they’d have over literally nothing, maybe a piece of bread if anything. Tubbo especially missed the warm feeling he got while around Sapnap. Was it the feeling of coziness inside of him, similar to the feeling of home you get when you’re around someone you’re genuinely fond of- or was it just that Sapnap is warm because he’s a literal fire demon? Probably both.
All was content and nice until Sapnap had to bring up a redacted memory, one Tubbo couldn’t think about without a wild blush spreading across his face.
“Hey Tubs, do you remember the tickle fights we used to have? Well, not exactly fights since you never put anything up- Ow!” Sapnap rubbed his shoulder where the boy flicked him, a grumpy but obviously flustered scowl painted on his face.
“Embarrassed, are we? C’mon, it’s not like you’re still that ticklish anymore!”
The embarrassed squeak that left Tubbo really just made all the dignity he had left drain away.
“...Or are you?” Sapnap continued, his curious glance turning into a dark grin. “Hey there- buddy, friend, mate- you d- don’t gotta… gotta do it… actually I think it’s getting late and I should be getting home!” Nervous giggles poured out of the boy, shuffling backward on the grass.
Sapnap just shook his head. “I don’t think you’re going anywhere, Tubbo. Not until I get my answer!~”
Oh shit. A surprised squeal left Tubbo as he was wrestled onto the ground, though the boy was strong as well and fought back. “Oh, actually fighting back, are we?~ Now that’s a change!” Sapnap teased, making Tubbo’s body go limp.
‘Teasing makes him go all jelly, got it.’ Sapnap thought with a snicker, looking down at his friend.
“S- Sapnap… dohoHON’T- SAHAPNAP!” Tubbo barked out a laugh, trying to twist on his side away from the prodding fingers on the right side of his ribcage. “Nuh-uh, you aren’t going anywhere, mister!” Sapnap sniggered as he pushed the boy’s hips on the ground, drilling his thumbs into the bones in the process.
A loud shriek left Tubbo, failing to buck Sapnap off of him. He fell limp against the grass, knowing that he wasn’t gonna get out of the predicament anytime soon. Not that he exactly wanted to, though.
“Remember you can tell me to stop whenever you’d like me to, bud.” The demon’s face softened into a more reassuring look, slowing down his tickles. Tubbo nodded, opening his mouth to speak before being interrupted with another screech.
Sapnap’s fingers found the sides of his lower stomach, massaging his fingers into the soft skin. This seemed to be successful, Sapnap found.
“SAP-HEHEHEHAHA- F- FUHuhuck ohohoff!” He continued to squirm, stomping his hooves in the plush grass behind Sapnap. “D’awww, Tubbo!~ That wasn’t very nice, was it? Maybe I should remind you of my favorite tactic?” Sapnap raised an eyebrow, relishing in the immediate anticipatory high-pitched giggles that emitted from the smaller boy.
“Do you remember? I think you do, champ! I think you remember all the nibbles and raspberries I used to give to your cute lil’ tummy- and oh how bad they tickled!~ Are you excited? I think you areeee, I can hear your tail thumping on the grass!”
Note taken; Sapnap was still as evil as before.
“Y- Yohou’re so mehehean!” Tubbo whined, covering his bright red cheeks, his shirt riding up with his arms raising. “Uh oh, Tubbo… Look what I have here! A perfect snack right in front of me!~” The man cooed, dragging his dull claws over the ram’s belly before leaning down and blowing a big raspberry right beneath his belly button.
“SHIHIHIHIT! N- NOHOT THAHAT!” Tubbo shrieked, arching his back up. “Not this? Alright, your wish is my command, champ! Guess I have no choice but to do this instead…” He chuckled slowly before beginning to gently nibble on Tubbo’s lower belly, moving up the side to nibble near his waist.
Fuck Sapnap and his stupid stubble, and his even dumber fangs.
“SAAAAHAP- NONONONOHOHOHO!” Tubbo pleaded, weakly pushing at Sapnap’s head, but the damn thing didn’t budge even a centimeter. “No? Okay!~” He giggled, going back to plant another raspberry over the side of his belly.
Arching his back again, the ram dug his hooves in the grass to try to ease the sensations at least a little bit, but the ticklish stubble dragging around his tummy kept making him go limp. “F- FUHUCK YOHOU- Y- YOHOU’RE SO BAAAHAD!” Tubbo retaliated, yet again trying to twist away but his hips were only pushed back down onto the grass.
“I think you need a little manners lesson, don’tcha think, Tubso?~ N’awww, don’t pout at me, you know I’ll just have to do… this…” Sapnap huffed in a breath, Tubbo squealing in anticipation, but then silence.
Tubbo relaxed his muscles as the raspberry didn’t happen- never mind. It happened.
“FUHUHUCK- PLEEEHEHEHEASE!” Tubbo’s body went completely jelly, the tickling too much for him to fight back anymore. Sapnap looked up, a shit-eating grin on his face. “You were so bold a few seconds ago, what happened? Hmmm?~ Cat got your tongue, Tubbo? Let’s fix that.” He chuckled, wrapping his arms around Tubbo's waist so he couldn't buck away from his attack.
Raspberry after raspberry, Tubbo knew he couldn’t handle it anymore. “STOHOHAHAHAP! E- ENOHOUGH!” His voice was squeaky and tickled-out, taking deep breaths as he laid down completely limp on the soft grass.
“You alright there, Tubso?”
“Here, let me help.” Sapnap smiled, but it was softer this time- way different than the evil grins he was giving while tickling the life out of the poor boy. The demon laid the ram across his lap, gently carding his fingers through his plush hair.
“C- can yohou… keep gohoing? But- gehentle this t- tihime?” Tubbo stuttered out, Sapnap audibly cooing at the sweet boy. “Of course, it would be my pleasure- seeing how evil I was earlier.” He jested, earning an exaggerated noise of agreement from Tubbo.
He snickered, tracing his dull claws in random shapes over the boy’s belly, letting them graze up and down his sides and back down to circle around his hips. The affectionate light tickles were making the tickled-out boy sleepy, as he curled up in the warm demon’s lap and softly snored as sleep swept over him.
“Sleep well, bud. I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ve missed you, y’know that?”
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
Étoilé | m. kevin
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🏵 pairing: bf!Kevin x fem!reader 🏵 genre: fluff, suggestive  🏵 word count: 2.5k 🏵 tw: suggestive themes, a very badly written make-out session in the water 🏵 synopsis: you thought that you’d celebrate your relationship anniversary like every other couple, but Kevin had another plan in mind. 🏵 requested: yes! thank u!! 🏵 a/n: i apologise if it’s cringe or in a rush, i’m still not used to writing this type of thing! i hope it’s any good...
Today was a special day for you and Kevin. Celebrating your third year together, happiness hadn't left you since you met this young, talented man. You were over the moon (no pun intended) when you first started dating this little ray of sunshine, and you don’t know where you would be or what you would do if he had never appeared in your life. He brought so much positivity in your life that you could only thank him for making you a better person and the happiest girl on earth.
And today was the day to celebrate those beautiful years of common life. Kevin and you had made sure that you were clear of any type of schedule or appointments to make the most of this beautiful day. In addition to that, the weather seemed to be on your side considering the temperature skyrocketing as the hours passed, not a single cloud on the horizon ready to come and ruin your day, none of that. It looked like even the stars were ready to celebrate your anniversary by offering you the warmth necessary. 
You had talked about your plans a few days prior, and you were the one to come up with a beautiful idea. Why not going back to the places that were essential throughout your three years of common life? 
Kevin instantly agreed with the idea, suggesting places that brought back beautiful memories. You managed to narrow down the places you wanted to visit again to three.
The first place was the coffee shop where you worked as a student with his sister, the one who made this relationship possible by introducing you to him one night during an aperitif at the shop. You remembered how attractive you found him, being a spluttering mess the entire night spent getting to know each other better. 
The next spot was the abandoned field a few streets away from your apartment building. As for your second date, he had prepared a picnic and you spent the entire day there, flirting like two teenagers. You played around and joked for a while, Kevin suddenly asking you to kiss him. Wanting to play around and tease him, you only kissed his cheek and scurried away, leaving an offended Kevin behind. After running out of breath while trying to flee from your date chasing you, you fell back on the picnic tablecloth and timidly pecked his lips before pulling away, your boyfriend becoming flustered by your actions, a bit disappointed that it didn’t last any longer. 
And the third place was at the beach, where you spent the entire day together, enjoying the ocean and the sun as much as you could. Kevin, being the hopeless romantic that he is, asked you to be his girlfriend as the sun was setting, making the scene unforgettable. You still remembered it, even three years later, gladly telling the story to anyone with a huge smile on your face.
You were so sure to have become the protagonist of a fiction that you had to pinch yourself after he had asked you out, just to make sure that you weren’t hallucinating.
And today, you felt all giddy to back to the same place you went to for your second date. just like the first time, he prepared a nice picnic and messaged you to meet him up at the same spot as a few years prior. 
Kevin looked handsome when you arrived, and you were excited to spend the day together. Everything surrounding you was gorgeous, you took a lot of pictures from the scenery and your boyfriend, having fun and flirting like the first time until the sun decided to leave. However, instead of acting cute, Kevin was more teasing, sometimes borderline explicit, just to see the bashful look on your face.
“Stooop, not this loud,” you playfully nudged him in the ribs and he cockily raised his eyebrow, breaking into a laugh. 
He swiftly tackled you to the ground and hovered above you, nearing his face to yours while whispering sweet nothings into your ears. You grabbed his face and gently grabbed it away from you to press your lips against his, slowly making out with him. 
“So I am not allowed to whisper things to you, but you can kiss me like that?” he said while pulling away, making you giggle as you looked to the side. “You know that there are families around, with children, trying to have a good time together. So try to keep your needs to the bedroom, baby,” he teased, and you rolled your eyes with a huff, knowing that he felt the same as you did.
His teasing grin confirmed what you thought, the light in his eyes changing into something quite different, hotter, needier. With only one look, you understood the other and immediately packed everything, putting away things in a rush, Kevin on your heels as you dashed to the car park of the supermarket nearby. When you were in the car, giggling like a schoolgirl as the exhilaration rushed through your veins, your boyfriend’s hand resting on your thigh as it innocently trailed higher the closer you got from your apartment, breath itching in your throat each time he teased you even more. 
Yet, as you were about to take the small street to reach your building, Kevin decided differently by driving right past it, speeding away after taking a sudden turn. Your eyes watched the street sign and you smiled as he started following a route to a well-known spot: the beach. 
In the thrill of getting out of the car, you took the untidily folded tablecloth and bolted to the beach, laying it on the sand before happily sitting down between Kevin’s legs. His arms immediately surrounded your waist and his mouth trailed open-mouthed kisses on the skin of your neck, making you shudder at the sensation. Kevin smirked as you were easily affected by his touch, laid hold of your waist to press you further against him.
You smiled and gave a half-suppressed laugh as you pressed your cheek on his shoulder, getting lost in the sensation as you struggled to suppress the moans that were already threatening to spill at the abandoned field.  Your boyfriend stopped for a while and you sighed in relief, feeling your heartbeat slowly calming down as he stopped his ardent attack on your neck.
“I have an idea,” Kevin declared, now huskily whispering in your ear. “Yeah?” you replied as his hand gently caressed your thighs up and down. “Do you follow me?” you slightly frowned at his words, turning your body around as you watched him get up. He took off his baseball cap and dropped it on the tablecloth, grabbing the back of his V-neck sweater and took it off before unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt. 
“You wanna go in the water?” You stated, observed getting into work, earning a smirk from the man standing in front of you. “Isn’t it a good idea?” Smirking, he threw his shirt at you while biting his lower lip, rolling your eyes at his comment. “The last in the water will do the dishes until September!” he yelled as he was about to take off his jeans, only to watch you spring on your feet and removed your dress, getting ahead of him as you wore fewer items of clothing than him.
He froze for a quick second as he saw the sheer, sexy white lingerie you hid under the fabric of your dress, his distracted eyes allowing you to take the lead and run towards the ocean at full speed. The water was cold but the burning sensation travelling your body didn’t prevent you from entering the ocean. It managed to cool you down instantly as you got water to your stomach, gazing at a defeated Kevin that arrived a few seconds after you.
“That is so unfair,” he said while entering the water, dragging you by the waist in deeper water as you laughed. 
With your hands resting on his shoulders, he glanced at you with a smirk tugging on his lips, wrapping your legs around his waist. Hair framed your face in the most gorgeous way, Kevin observing you with admiring eyes, a gentle smile appearing on his face. 
“You are gorgeous Y/N. You never told me you were wearing this set though,” he mumbled, without being affected by the small waves, looking at you with a sudden sparkle of lust illuminating his eyes. “Oh. My mistake. I should have undressed in front of everyone at the field to show you,” you murmured with a mocking smile, only to have Kevin roughly grabbing the back of your head to pull you against his mouth, messily kissing your lips as he hungrily held you tight against him.
The hotness of your bodies grinning against the other was almost enough to warm up the entire ocean, his touches lingered in your mind as his hands travelled lower to grab your ass. You hated to admit it, but Kevin only needed to kiss you with all his might to make you melt in a small puddle of love. It was delicious, you couldn’t even deny it, his hands kneading the flesh of your butt cheeks always achieved to make you feel some type of way. Just feeling him against you felt like heaven, pressed chests heaving together as you were about to lose yourself to him. 
“Don’t play with me, baby,” he mumbled against your lips before kissing you again with more eagerness this time. You grabbed the shorter hair at the back of his head and tugged on it, Kevin emitting a groan against your lips.
Pulling away, he slowly yet roughly grabbed your lower lip between his teeth, tugging and playing with it as his hands were busy playing with the wet lace underwater, pursing your lips to stifle a whimper. 
Lust and arousal filled your eyes as you stared at Kevin, barely keeping them open at the intensity of the emotions you were feeling. He let go of a hand on your ass to come and gently cup your throat, tongue slowly entering your mouth and easily dominating yours as you felt a rush of heat bolting south, a small moan escaping your mouth.
“I’ll never get over how easily you get turned on with just with my hand around your throat,” he chuckled, and you groaned, slightly annoyed at how cocky he sounded. 
Kevin acted all smug and playful, but you also knew he was slowly losing his mind at how much he loved and cared for you. The only thing that he wanted to do right now was showing you all the love he had for you, but he also knew that words and actions weren’t going to be enough to even reach how much he loved you.
You wanted to talk back, but he was quick to silence you by trailing his hand to your cheek to cradle it while his mouth went the opposite direction, leaving prominent hickeys on the smaller ones that he gave you on the beach and at the field. Your eyes rolled at the back of your head and your stomach did somersaults at the overwhelming sensation. 
“I think that’s enough foreplay. Don’t you think?” you said, and his mouth stretched into a smirk, dying the following second as he kept on taking the right path to send you to cloud nine.  “Someone’s quite eager tonight, hm? Let me take care of you, love,” he whispered and disappeared in between your breasts.
Chests rising and falling against the other, Kevin gave you a quick kiss on the lips and another one on your jaw before walking closer to the shore hand in hand, feeling the exhaustion washing over you. With an arm crossing over your breasts just in case, you picked up the discarded bra on the sand that your boyfriend threw a few moments prior, holding it away from you as it was wet and sandy.
You both quickly paced to your tablecloth, drying yourselves as best as you could as you got dressed again, relieved when you noticed that no one had stolen anything during your little lovemaking session. The adrenaline rushed through your veins as you pulled your dress over your body again, shivering as you felt the lace wet some parts of your dress. Quickly discarding the panties off your legs for some comfort, you glanced at your boyfriend who was rebuttoning his shirt as if nothing happened.
“Naughty girl,” he smirked as he detailed your actions, handing you his V-neck sweater. “I’m not that cold,” you stated but took it anyway, Kevin breaking in a fit of laughter. “Your nipples say otherwise, darling, or it's the thrill of getting freaky in the ocean maybe?” your eyes widened at his boldness, a shocked, playful look painting your face before putting his sweater on. “You perv,” you giggled, and he shook his head, grabbing the panties you were holding and tucked them in his jeans back pocket.
Turning back to the ocean, you looked at the dark blue water, the starry sky and the moon illuminating the small waves and the foam crashing on the sand before vanishing back in the salty water. You sighed and softly smiled, two arms wrapping around your shoulders in a much gentler way than a few moments prior.
“What are you thinking about, Y/N?” Kevin whispered in your ear and you lifted a hand to rest it on one of his forearms, enjoying your boyfriend’s hold and warmth surrounding you. The teasing atmosphere had disappeared, getting replaced by something deeper, softer. “Look at the sky, it looks gorgeous,” you whispered as if speaking louder would break the moment. Kevin kissed your cheek, lips lingering on your skin and you smiled, gently turning your head to peck his lips. Everything was slower, gentler, and softer as if your actions in the water were just a great memory. “It is indeed gorgeous, there’s nothing compared to you admiring it,” he whispered, and you smiled, a delicate warmth engulfing your heart in a hug at his cheesy words.
Boy, this man was a flirt, but you adored it. It made you feel like you were still in the chasing part without the doubt of not being this type, and you could stay in this state forever.
“I love you,” you whispered, and Kevin placed himself in front of you, lifting your head with his finger under your chin, admiring your face as pure love adorned his pupils.  “I love you too Y/N, to the moon and back. I love you even more than all the stars in the sky tonight. Happy anniversary, love,” he whispered before taking your hand, lifting it to his lips to press a gentle kiss on top.
You shivered at the contact and Kevin drew you closer to him, lips connecting with your forehead before you started to walk back to his car. 
He was the best thing that had ever happened to you.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
If you’re up for more of a series could you possibly write the part of Remus recovering at home after leaving the game (the one with the stick to the face) and Sirius having to take care of him and all that?
Yes, I can! I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the continuation of something I wrote so long ago <3 Side note: I would give my left foot to be part of the Lions groupchat. Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for bruises and blood
Sirius was worried. Even though Remus claimed he felt fine, he was just fine, everything was fine, a small seed of doubt lingered in the back of his mind. He had dozed off in the car on the way home—Sirius’ heart had stuttered for a moment before the swelling-enhanced snores started. His phone lit up every few seconds, but he didn’t dare take his eyes off the road for even a millisecond, just in case.
Remus woke when the car stopped and immediately winced. “What’s wrong?” Sirius asked, taking the hand that rested on his thigh.
“Just hurts.” Remus kissed his knuckles as best he could. His skin felt strange, and the edge of the tape was an unfamiliar sensation next to the softness of his lips. Sirius collected their gear from the trunk, then helped him up the front steps; just as he went to unlock the door, he felt Remus’ hand tighten on his forearm. “I hate not being able to see well.”
Sirius kissed his temple. “That’s what you’ve got me for.”
Hattie stopped in her tracks as soon as the door opened, and Remus frowned. “Hatters? Where are you, sweet girl?”
“She’s here.” Sirius whistled for her and crouched, setting their bags aside while Remus sat crosslegged on the floor and held his arms out. Hattie’s tail wagged low, almost as if she was afraid; she glanced up at Sirius, who tilted his head back toward Remus. “Go on, mon chou, he’s not going to break.”
“C’mere,” Remus said softly, shifting in her direction. “C’mere, babycakes. I need some cuddles right now—there we go. Okay, Hat Trick, okay.”
Sirius carefully closed the door as Hattie climbed into Remus’ lap and let him hug her, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Good girl,” Sirius said softly. A quiet sniffle led to a flinch. “Re? What’s wrong?”
“I fucking love our dog.” His voice sounded even more clogged than before.
“Are you alright?”
“It really hurts.” A shuddering breath made Hattie nuzzled closer. “Hey, good girl. I love you.”
Sirius sat down next to them and wrapped his arm around Remus’ shoulder, tracing a pattern with his thumb. “Deep breaths. You can take more Tylenol in a few hours. Let’s go get some ice, yeah?”
“Can I stay here with her?”
“Of course.” Sirius kissed the top of his head and gave Hattie a gentle pet before walking into the kitchen and grabbing an ice pack out of the freezer, as well as a towel to wrap it. The last thing Remus needed was a freezer-burned bruise. They were in the same position when he came back, though Remus raised his head from her thick fur when he heard him coming. “I’m going to put it on your face, okay?”
“Okay.” Remus sighed when the ice pressed against his eye and one hand came up to cradle Sirius’, running carefully down to his wrist. “Love you.”
“I love you, too. I was thinking about making some soup if you want to hang here for a bit.”
Remus nodded silently, though his lower lip wobbled in the one spot it wasn’t puffy. Sirius carefully transferred the ice pack to his hand and ran his thumbs over Remus’ cheekbones—usually they were sharp enough to cut glass, but now they were purple and overheated under his touch. He kissed each one before going back to the kitchen.
After grabbing some soup from the freezer and turning the stove on, he finally took his phone out. You Have: 20 New Messages
Message From: J ;)
Did you get home safe?
Call me when u can
Lil is worried ☹
Tell Re we send big hugs
 Message From: Tremz <3
Lmk when you get home
Leo is making soup for u
Bringing it over demain matin and won’t let us have any :(((
 Message From: Bliz
Nat sends her love for Re
Remember ice packs and NO IBUPROFEN DUMBASS
 Message From: Dumo
Sa mère est inquiète
Send text when home safe, love you
 Message From: Walkie Talkie :P
U okay? Sending lots of love
Lmk if you need soup or smth <3
 Message From: Hope <3
Thank you for the call honey <3
Tell Remus not to look at his phone and keep us updated please
Love you so much <3
 Message From: Baby Rookie
I’m bringing y’all soup and that’s a threat
Big hugs for Re <333
 Sirius laughed under his breath.
Home safe. Re is fine, getting lots of cuddles from Hattie. Thanks for the messages.
 He sent a few more texts to the individual people and, after a quick conversation with Hope, stirred the soup until it began to bubble. Remus entered the kitchen a few seconds after he took two bowls out of the cupboard. “Smells good.”
“It does. Are the lights bugging you?”
“Nah. At least I can see.”
Sirius poured out two portions and set one in front of Remus, handing him a spoon as well. “Careful, it’s hot.”
The corner of his mouth twitched. “Can’t cook it cold.”
Sirius’ phone began to ping several times in rapid succession and he turned the ringer off quickly, checking the screen to make sure there wasn’t an emergency. “Leo’s bringing us soup in the morning.”
“Neat. Is everyone else okay?” Remus blew the steam off his spoon.
“The guys are all worried about you.” Sirius glanced back up, only to see Remus staring down at his soup bowl, frozen in place. “Re? Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Is this my mom’s?” he asked in a small voice.
Sirius wracked his brain. “…I think so? It was in the freezer. Is that okay?”
He nodded silently and a tear dripped down his cheek. “ ‘s fine.”
“Are you sure?” He reached across the counter and pressed Remus’ hand between his own, wiping his cheek dry.
“God, I miss them. You called her, right? To let her know I’m fine?”
“I did. She told me to give you something.”
Remus’ eyebrows drew together and he looked up. “What?”
Sirius scooted around the table and wrapped his arms around Remus, pulling him in for a tight hug and pressing his face into his curls. “This.”
“Thank you.” Remus went a little boneless against him. “I needed that.”
“I bet. Do you want me to give them another call so you can talk to her?”
Remus squinted at the clock. “It’s pretty late.”
“They’re still awake.”
“Could we?” Remus dug around in his pocket and handed it to Sirius, who dialed Hope’s number and put it on speakerphone.
The call connected on the first ring. “Hello?”
“Hey, mom.”
“Are you okay, love?” Hope sounded like she was on the verge of tears already. “You sound a little funny.”
“A little banged up, but I’m alright.” Remus gripped Sirius’ hand tightly. “We heated up the soup you left us.”
“Oh, I’m so glad. Have you taken any Tylenol? Ibuprofen is bad for bruises, but I don’t know how much pain you’re in.” Her voice hitched at the end of the sentence.
“Mom, it’s okay,” Remus said gently. “It’s okay, I promise I’m fine. It looked worse than it was.”
Looks pretty bad to me. “Hestia took really good care of him,” Sirius said instead. “We got home safe and we’re icing up now.”
“What’s the healing look like? Sirius said you didn’t have a concussion.”
Thank you, Remus mouthed before turning back to the phone. “About two weeks, mostly for the little scrapes.”
The ‘little scrapes’ were held together by strips of medical tape, but once again, Sirius kept his thoughts to himself. “The blood was just a regular old nosebleed and a cut on the lip.”
Hope paused and they heard a new voice in the background. “Alright. Is it okay if Jules and your father say goodnight?”
“Yeah, totally.” Remus sniffled and Sirius silently handed him a tissue.
The line crackled for a moment. “Re?”
“Hey, buddy!” All trace of pain and exhaustion disappeared from his voice. “How’s it going?”
“Are you still bleeding?”
“Nope, my nose is a-okay. I’ve got a pretty cool black eye, though. Kinda look like a pirate.”
“The announcers were saying you were really hurt.” Jules’ voice wavered and Sirius’ heart broke a bit.
“Well, they were wrong.” Remus leaned closer to the phone, as if he could reach right through it. “In two weeks I’ll be good as new. I was really lucky.”
“Okay,” Jules still sounded unsure. “Mom says I have to go to bed.”
“Yeah, it’s late, buddy. Sleep well. I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
There was a rustling noise. “Remus?”
“Hey, dad.” The exhaustion returned and Sirius rubbed his back gently, letting him lean on his shoulder.
After a moment of hesitation, Lyall sighed. “Alright, they’re in the other room. What actually happened?”
“High stick from the Ravens caught me in the face. No concussion, just bruises and swelling.”
“Do I want to ask Sirius to send me a picture?”
Remus winced. “Probably not.”
He sighed again. “I’m sorry we can’t come out and see you.”
“Don’t worry about it, dad,” Remus said softly. “Really, I’m okay. It sucks, it hurts, I’ll ice it and be fine.”
“Sirius, are you there?”
“I’m here.”
“If he starts pulling some ‘go back to practice early’ bullshit—”
“—don’t let him. If you have to lock him in the bathroom, I promise to cover for you.”
“Yes, sir,” Sirius laughed.
Lyall chuckled on the other end as Remus groaned. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. If Sirius locks me in a bathroom, I’m citing you in the court case.”
“There won’t be enough witnesses if he does it right. Sleep well, kiddo. Thanks for calling.”
“Love you,” Remus said again as the call ended. He blew out a long breath and leaned his forehead on Sirius’ chest. “Thank you for that.”
“Ne rien, mon loup. You should eat and then take a shower.”
“Are you saying I smell?” Remus teased.
“Yes, I am. I also think you’ll feel better if you do.”
They ate in silence; both were hungry, so it wasn’t long before Remus walked carefully up the stairs. Sirius checked the groupchat as he poured himself a third bowl of soup. You Have: 7 New Messages.
That is the blandest fucking response I’ve ever read
I’m guessing y’all are alive then???
Haha y’all
Ok gator boy
Give Hattie lots of kisses from us and also GIVE US DETAILS
What do you want to know??? We got home, ate soup, called parents, and now Re is showering
You’re so fucking nosy jfc
Also cut Rookie some slack it’s hard being so far from his swamp
From the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself.
He doesn’t have to he has Remus
Pots I’m going to remove your kneecaps
 Sirius paused just before responding. Despite the quiet of the house, he couldn’t hear the shower running. “Re?”
“Up here.”
“Did you take a shower already?”
“Not yet.”
The bathroom door was ajar and the light was on when he entered their bedroom; Remus stood at the sink, staring into the mirror as he felt along the edges of the butterfly tape at his lip. “Did something happen?”
“It’s worse than I thought.” Sirius stepped inside and joined him, staring at their reflections. The stripes that marked the stick’s edges had turned almost indigo since they left the rink; no less than six pieces of tape decorated the places between mottled bruises. Remus reached up to touch his cheekbone and Sirius guided his hand back down.
“Poking it won’t help.”
“Two weeks, huh?”
“That’s what Hestia told me.”
“Will you help me get the tape off?”
Sirius patted the edge of the counter and Remus pushed himself up on it, leaning forward for easy access. The first one was easy—a small cut just below his brow. It slid away without an issue and Sirius pressed a gentle kiss to the spot, then moved on to the next one. They fell into a rhythm—one side, second side, slow pull, and a kiss, until only two were left.
Remus hissed in pain as he lifted the edge of the tape across the bridge of his nose and Sirius shushed him softly, moving to the other side. “Two more, sweetheart.”
“Just rip it off.”
Sirius gave him a look. “Absolutely not.”
“I’ll do it.”
“No, you won’t, because that would be a stupid idea.”
Remus huffed, but didn’t protest. His jaw ticked as Sirius pulled the last bit off. “Can we leave the lip one?”
“Not unless you want an infection.”
“You’d be a good PT.”
“I would be the worst PT.” Sirius worked the inner edge free. “I know, like, ten stretches and basic first aid. My bedside manner sucks, too, and I’d pass the fuck out if someone asked me to set a bone for them.”
“Good points all around,” Remus laughed.
The motion pulled the last of the tape off and Sirius held it up with a grin. “All done. Hey, your swelling is down. I can see your eyes now.”
The slight gleam of amber brightened as Remus smiled. “I thought I could see a little better.”
“Do you want company?”
Remus thought for a moment, prodding the cut on his lip with his tongue. “As much as I’d love to invite you in, I think I need a second to myself.”
“Cool.” Sirius kissed his cheek and stepped out of the bathroom. “Yell if you need anything. I’ll be in bed.”
He made a pit stop downstairs to gather Hattie and bring Remus’ ice pack up, and by the time he finally slid between the sheets it was nearly midnight. Remus came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, looking happier but still incredibly worn out. He took another Tylenol and snuggled up against Sirius’ side with a quiet hum, laying the ice pack over his face once again.
“Sleep tight, Re.”
“Love you.”
205 notes · View notes
smutbymia · 4 years
Hi 💖 I want to request best friend haechan (and dom) who has been in love w u since always but you have a boyfriend
You punched in your entry code into the keypad of your apartment, causing it to ring out a series of beeps — granting you access to the space you shared with your roommate who also happened to be your best friend.
All of the lights were off and it was 1AM so you figured Haechan had fallen asleep already. You sighed to yourself, feeling exhausting and a bit off after yet another crappy date with your boyfriend.
You had been dating for 6 months and things were going really well for a majority of that time until recently. You guys were starting to argue more and it overall felt like less effort was being put in by him. It was actually a bit difficult to accept because you genuinely put your all into the relationship but you weren’t giving up just yet.
You sighed to yourself after taking off your shoes and sliding your feet into your house slippers when you walked into the living room to find Haechan on the couch with the only source of light being the dim light of some movie he was playing on screen. He paused it when you entered.
“Are you okay? Did something happen again?” he questioned. You avoided his gaze and waved your hand out, heading in the direction of your bedroom.
“Ah, just the usual crap. It’s all good,” you muttered.
“Break up with him!” Haechan yelled down the hall after you. The only response he received was the frustrating slam of your bedroom door as you called it a night.
The next morning Haechan made breakfast. You woke up to the aroma of eggs, bacon, and pancakes filling your apartment. After freshening up you entered the kitchen.
“Hyuck...” you whined when you saw the extravagant spread of breakfast foods set out for you to eat.
“I was in the mood to cook,” he shrugged. You leaned against the fridge with your eyes narrowed and your arms crossed while you pouted.
“Liar,” you said. Haechan always made you breakfast whenever you were having bad days in order to cheer you up.
“You just feel bad,” you grumbled as you were walking past him towards the dining table. Just as you stepped past him, Haechan pulled you into a back hug. You froze momentarily before settling into his touch. He rested his chin on the top of your head and squeezed you tightly. His warmth was comforting.
“Just enjoy your meal,” he mumbled before releasing you. And in that moment you felt very grateful to know your best friend was always there for you when you needed him.
The next time you needed Haechan was actually much sooner than the both of you expected. This time it was 12AM.
TAEYONG: Hey.... are you up?
TAEYONG: I’m in a bit of a situation
TAEYONG: y/n is here and she’s really drunk
Taeyong is typing........
Before Taeyong’s last message could come in, Haechan was already ringing him up. On the phone Taeyong had explained that you had come to the bar he worked at by yourself and started drinking heavily. You had explained to him that you got into a fight with your boyfriend and needed a few drinks. Taeyong claimed that by your 4th drink, your boyfriend had stormed into the bar and caused a scene before he was escorted outside by security a mere few seconds before Taeyong texted Haechan. Taeyong wanted to know if he could come and pick you up since you were too drunk to get home in your own.
Haechan however, was already heading through the door before Taeyong even picked up the phone. The bar wasn’t far from where you both lived, just an 8 minute walk on foot. Haechan got there even faster than that, jogging most of the way there — thankful that it was still summertime and the weather was quite nice even this late at night.
When he approached the bars entrance, Haechan found your boyfriend surrounded by about 3 security guards caught up in a massive argument. When your boyfriend caught sight of Haechan, he immediately tried to approach him.
“HEY! Help me out here,” he began, “Tell these idiots that I’m y/n’s boyfriend and that they’re doing this for no reason!”
Haechan rolled his eyes. “You’re drunk. Go home,” he responded, but your boyfriend began to protest. He pushed through the guards momentarily and charged towards Haechan, but was instantly met with a punch straight to the face that left him on the ground groaning in pain.
Haechan shook his hand off before reaching into his pocket and grabbing out a few bills to hand over to the security guard before muttering, “get him into a cab.”
He turned around, not bothering to wait for a response from the guards before swinging the front door of the bar open and entering the building. “Gosh, what a loser,” he complained.
Haechan's eyes immediately drifted over towards the bar where you were seated, propped up on your elbows with your hands cupping your face. You stared off into the distance and Haechan could feel his heart ache a little bit for you.
He slid into the seat next to you and rested a hand on your back. “Let’s go home,” he said in a soft voice, moving his hand in small circles.
You turned to him slowly, tears pooling in your eyes — so happy to see him there. He ran a thumb underneath your eyes, cleaning off smudged mascara, before gripping you tightly to his side in order to prevent you from stumbling too much when you walked.
He gave Taeyong who was serving customers on the other end of the bar a quick wave to let him know you were both leaving. By the time the two of you returned outside your boyfriend was long gone. Haechan held you close to him as you began your walk home.
You couldn’t fight back the tears any longer, quietly letting them spill down your cheeks. Haechan looked down when he started to feel wetness seep through the side of his shirt your face was leaning into.
He immediately stopped the two of you before stepping in front of you and holding you with both arms out in front of him. He lowered himself slightly so that he could look up at you seeing as you had been hanging your head, eyes glued to the floor to avoid his gaze with a sad expression on your face.
“Hey, stop that. You know I don’t like seeing you cry,” he said to you softly. You frantically wiped your fingers under your eyes, trying to get rid of the tears after feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over you.
“S-sorry, I just feel like such a lonely drunk loser right now,” you said. Haechan tried his best to hold back his laughter but failed miserably. Your description had been funny but what made him really laugh was the cute expression on your face as you pouted. He was gazing up at you when you finally lifted your eyes to meet his with your dark and wet eyelashes that clumped together making Haechan’s heart momentarily skip a beat as his laughter went quiet.
He quickly snapped out of it, eyes drifting behind you to a 24 hour convenience store. “Alright, fine. I can change that,” he said, pulling you by your hand towards the store. You stumbled slightly behind him, clutching your purse and trying your best to keep up with him.
You crossed the street, hand still in Haechan's grasp when he pulled out a chair for you and urged you to sit outside and wait for him to shop around. You smoothed down the skirt of your minidress as you sat down, head still spinning.
Within a few minutes, which really felt like a few seconds in drunk time, Haechan had emerged from the store with a bag in his hand. He slid your favourite strawberry candies across the table to you and you squealed happily, before he began emptying the contents of his bag onto the table. He had bought a bunch of beers and immediately cracked one open to down it in one go before opening the next one.
“What are you doing? Slow down,” you said as you popped one of the jellies past your lips and into your mouth.
Haechan shook his head. “You can’t be a lonely drunk if I get drunk with you,” he murmured as the second can met his lips. This time he drank about half of its contents before setting it down on the table in front of you both and reaching for one of your jellies.
Your cheeks went warm and for the first time that night you smiled a genuine smile. Haechan smiled back at you before starting a random conversation about his middle school days which caused you to go back and forth over a series of topics and stories — ending with the both of you dying of laughter in front of the convince store. You shared the last few beers with Haechan causing him to finally become almost equally as drunk as you were.
After cleaning up the two of you stumbled home together in a fit of giggles. “D-do you feel better now,” haechan slurred as he pressed his lips to your ears. You giggled at the feeling of his breath tickling your skin. The sound of our laugh made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. God, he loved you, he thought to himself.
“Yeah, you’re actually a bit funny when you’re drunk,” you teased. Haechan pouted before mumbling a quick, “whatever,” making you chuckle as you approached your apartment door. You were still pressed to Haechan’s side, strolling down the hall with his arm around you when your phone buzzed at your side between the two of you.
You separated yourself from him momentarily to reach into your purse, fumbling around for your phone. When you pulled it out to check the notifications you found yourself staring at a screen full of messages and missed calls from your boyfriend urging you to call him back with a series of apologetic texts and another about getting punched in the face by Haechan.
“You punched him?!” you half yelled at haechan while you frantically scrolled through the messages. Haechan groaned before reaching for your phone and plucking it from your fingers. You tried to grab it back but he held it out of your reach, turning it off where both of you could see. You whined his name the entire time as you watched the screen go black.
“Hey! I need to talk to him,” you pleaded but Haechan’s face simply went stone cold before he pocketed your phone and walked right past you, tapping the code to your apartment in on the keypad before swinging the door open without a word.
You stomped your way into your apartment hot on his trail, cursing him the entire way and demanding for your phone back. It only took a few seconds for Haechan to reach his limit. The door closed behind you and within seconds he had you pinned to the back of it, cutting you off mid sentence as one of his hands forced your hips back and the other found itself around your neck.
You let out a gasp as Haechan’s face hovered a few centimetres away from your own. His breath was hot and smelled of alcohol and strawberry sweets. He spoke in a deep and low tone.
“You’re not calling him tonight. In fact you won’t be calling him ever again, do you understand me?” he warned. You stared back at him -- not saying a word, as your breathing got heavier. What the hell was going on?
Haechan stepped closer to you, his body pressing into yours before he spoke again. “I’m tired of seeing you cry over that piece of shit. He can’t make you happy, or treat you the way you know you deserve to be treated,” he said as his voice grew louder.
“Do you know how much it pisses me off every time I hear you come home from your dates just to lay in bed and play with yourself because he can’t even do the bare minimum and make you cum?” he said through gritted teeth. You let out a gasp before stuttering “H-haechan!” You were burning up from the embarrassment that you felt from his explicit words. “Did you know that whenever you get drunk, it’s my name that you cry out anytime you make yourself cum all over your little fingers?” he asked.
“W-what??” you answered. Yes, you had the occasional wet dream about Haechan but you didn’t think much of it, yet now you were internally freaking out at that fact that those thoughts may have caused you to let his name slip whenever you drunkenly masturbated. You felt him harden against your front as he covered your mouth with his fingers and dropped his voice down to a pleading whisper.
“And do you know how much it turns me on when I think about all the ways I’d make you cum, instead?” His eyes danced all over your face, resting on your lips. He reached his other hand into his pocket and pulled out your phone, not moving even an inch away from you. He held it up next to your faces, just close enough for it to be in your line of sight even though the two of you drunkenly gazed into each other’s eyes. Your head spun and your chest rose and fell at your best friends proximity and the feeling of him hard, and firmly pressed against your core.
“Tell me to stop and I’ll give you your phone back,” he said. His words were followed by a silence that was broken by a whimper that managed to escape your lips when you accidentally moved your hips causing you to rub against his cock briefly. Haechan struggled to remain still as he let out a quick breath at the sudden contact.
You stayed frozen in your position against the door with your eyes still locked on his when you reached up and grabbed the phone. You watched as his face flashed a quick look of momentary disappointment before completely catching him off guard by dropping the phone along with your purse onto the floor next to you and leaning into him to press your lips against his, rotating your hips to grind your centres against each other.
Haechan pulled his mouth off of yours to let out a deep groan. “That’s my good girl,” he said, running the back of his knuckles over your cheeks as he met each roll of your hips with a thrust of his. He returned to your mouth deepening your kiss as his movements became more aggressive. He gripped at your neck, tilting your head to the side as he trailed kisses along your flesh, stopping briefly to Mark your skin.
“You’re mine now,” he said as he planted a soft peck over the fresh hickey that had formed on your skin. The two of you continued to make out, kicking your shoes off and stumbling away from the door and into the apartment. He ran his hands all over your body as the two of you sloppily stumbled down your hallway.
Haechan’s room was the closest bedroom to the entrance so that is where the two of you ended up. He slammed the door behind the two of you before you fell onto his mattress. He mounted you, completely covering your body with his as the two of you grabbed and groped at each other’s bodies.
His hand brushed up along your leg and over your thigh as it made its way under your dress. Haechan’s hand danced across the waistband of your undies as his tongue circled into your mouth, the two of you moaning into each others touches. You had already soaked through your panties and Haechan was about to come to that realization.
“Fuck... you’re so wet, baby,” he muttered as he brushed two of his fingers back and forth over the cotton material. You whimpered, grinding into his touch for additional friction as you squeezed your thighs together around his hand.
“Open,” he ordered as pressed down on your clit through your panties. You let out a loud moan in response before you reluctantly separated your thighs to give him better access to your core.
“Good girl... You’re good at taking orders, right?” he praised while he drew heavy circles over your bud. Your body shuddered. Something about the way he spoke to you was driving you crazy. You didn’t know how or why but he clearly established the power dynamic that existed between the two of you now and you couldn’t help but follow it.
You melted under his touch, moaning softly as you felt yourself grow even more aroused. Haechan played with you for a few more seconds before moving to pull the material down to your thighs, too impatient to remove them entirely. He flipped up the bottom of your dress, pausing to praise your “pretty pussy” (his words).
Haechan brought your legs together, folding them up — your undies still around your thighs. This put you in a position where you were laying on your back and haechan could admire both your ass and your core from this angle.
“Mmm,” he murmured as he leaned down. You couldn’t see him too well from that position so you jumped in surprise when you felt his mouth connect with your center. Since he folded your legs up, your lips were squished together, puffing up your clit and putting it on full display. Haechan licked over and over again up and down your slit, loving the way your pussy looked all flufffy when he had you like this.
You could feel your juices gushing out of you and dripping down your ass when he slipped a finger in, immediately hitting your g spot from that angle. You groaned as you felt tension begin to build up inside of your pelvis.
“I need you naked, right now,” he ordered. You scrambled to your feet feeling weak in the knees as he Haechan joined you, lifting himself off the bed to unzip the back of your dress before stripping himself down until he was naked too.
He was rock hard and you could see tiny beads of pre-cum forming at his tip as you instinctively licked your lips, zeroing your eyes in on him.
Haechan giggled when he followed your gaze to the spot between his legs and began pumping at his length softly while you looked on.
“baby?” he asked. The pet name still made you melt twelve times over but that wasn’t even important right now. You nodded your head as you watched the way his fingers danced over his skin, making himself throb in his own hands.
“Lay back down for me,” he ordered and you followed quickly, thoughts racing. After propping you up in a half seated position with some extra pillows, Haechan positioned himself between your legs and sat back.
“Play with yourself,” he ordered next. You hesitated, slightly embarrassed when you remembered Haechan mentioning overhearing you.
“Don’t be shy. Trust me, I’ve heard you enough times already. So this time I want to see you,” he urged. He continued to pump at his length as you let your hands fall between your legs. You kept your eyes glued on his cock, watching as he ran his fist up and down his shaft before letting himself fall from his grasp to squeeze at his balls, moaning under his own touch.
Haechan wasn’t shy at all. He was beautiful and he knew that very well. You watched his abs flex as his entire body contracted whenever the pleasure he was inflicting upon himself became too intense.
Looking at him turned you on so much that you found yourself touching your own body with ease. You ran your index and middle finger over your slit a few times, feeling your juices spread between your folds. You shuttered as you spread your wetness over yourself, making your skin slick with extra moisture. You then used your index finger to draw circles all over your swollen clit — dragging your fingers back and forth over the soft bud, finally allowing yourself to get quicker with your pace.
Haechan watched you intently. The way your chest shook with each breath you let out and the way your legs were spread apart in front of him had him losing his mind. “Fuck, that’s right baby. You’re doing so well. Going to make me cum just by looking at you,” he groaned as his grip tightened around himself.
You were getting closer to your orgasm, wrists beginning to go weak when you slipped your fingers off of your clit and back and forth down your folds a few more times before slipping to of your fingers into your hole.
“Haechannn...” you mewled, as you slid into yourself, the sound of your wetness drawing a loud and higher moan from Haechan’s lips. He sounded heavenly.
“Shit, you have no idea how fucking pretty you look moaning my name like that,” he praised.
He gripped one of your thighs, sending you into a daze but refusing to interrupt the show you were putting on for him.
“G-gonna cum,” you mumbled. You felt his grip tighten as you watched him jerk himself through your hooded eyes.
“Go ahead, baby. I’m watching,” he encouraged. You reached out for Haechan as he moved closer to you. Your eyes fell shut and you tugged at the arm he was using to jerk off — forcing him to let go of hisself before slipping his fingers into your mouth to muffle your moans. You suckled at his fingers, tasting the bit of pre-cum that had spilled onto them when you felt the pleasure overcome you. You writhed around in Haechan’s bed, cumming quietly around your own fingers before your eyes fluttered open again.
Haechan gazed down at you through glazed eyes as he watched the lines on your face disappear as your orgasm finally calmed down. He slowly slid his fingers out of your mouth, letting them drag across your lips as he cursed to himself. His cock was still rock hard, dying to be taken care of.
“Wow, if you look that pretty now I wonder what you’ll look like when you do that on my dick,” he said softly. His words were vulgar but his voice dripped in honey. He reached his hand down to run softly over your slit, making you twitch under his touch.
“So wet... need to feel this right now,” haechan slipped his fingers into his mouth to taste you. “You’ll be a good girl and take me even though you’re still so sensitive right?” he said as he pressed down on your clit, making you groan in agony and jerk your hips upward.
“Come and bend over for me right here,” he said, dropping his voice and patting a spot beside him. You crawled into position, looking over your shoulder once you were on all fours.
Haechan met your gaze as he positioned himself behind you. You could feel his shaft brushing against your lips and the sensation caused arousal to build up once again in your core.
He ran his palms over your ass, gripping ever so softly at your cheeks before landing a firm slap on your skin. You groaned at the contact, instinctively pushing your hips back and grinding your wetness against him.
“Fuck,” he muttered as he froze. He shuffled around behind you, pumping at his length as he teased your entrance. He slid into you slowly, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“I want you to listen to me carefully okay, baby?” he warned.
“Y-yes,” you murmured, pushing back against him to try to get him deeper. Haechan held you by your waist firmly, not letting you quicken the pace. He wanted you to feel very last inch of him enter you.
“Don’t be so impatient, baby,” he warned as he slowed down even more, making you groan in frustration.
“Please, haechan...” you begged, and the sound of your voice had him snapping his hips the rest of the way into you as he bottomed out. You groaned his name in response as he began to slowly fuck into you, increasing his speed after a few agonizing minutes of you whimpering around his cock while he sang praises in your ears and reminded you to follow the orders he gave you unless you wanted to be punished even more.
Soon enough when he was satisfied with your obedience, Haechan began to move at a much faster pace. He was thrusting into you quickly, landing slaps against your ass after praising the sound of your squeals whenever his hand connected. Finally he diverted your gaze to a floor length mirror that was positioned in front of you on the wall in front of his bed.
“If you ever even think about going back to that idiot I want you to remember exactly how you look right now,” he said as he ordered you to observe your reflection in the mirror. You carried a fucked out expression on your face. Your tits shook with every thrust he delivered into you from behind, and your bottom lip was trapped between your teeth as your mind went fuzzy. His hips continued to snap forward into you. You could feel the head of his penis brush against the deepest parts of you, knowing you had almost reached your limit.
You let out a loud groan when haechan lifted your torso up, pressing your back against his front to fuck you from a different angle. He thrusted up into you as he spoke his final words. “And I want you to remember how this feels anytime you even think of another man,” he spat. “No one - other than - me - could ever - make you - feel - this - good,” he said fucking into you over and over again until your head lolled back to rest against his shoulder.
“Now cum for me,” he ordered. Your mind went blank, overcome with only the feeling of your orgasm. You could feel your throat go dry, as you let out a series of moans and screams of pleasure but your ears were filled with only white noise. Your lips moved to let Haechan’s name fall from them over and over again but the sound never reached you. It wasn’t until you could feel the warmth of your best friend spilling into you and filling you up so much that you could feel him seeping out of you again, that you started to return back to reality.
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck!” moaned haechan as he held you tightly, shaking ever so slightly against your back as he fought to hold both of your bodies up. You had gone limp and gasped for air before the two of you separated from each other to lay down.
The room felt like it was spinning when you both closed your eyes for a moment, reminding you both of how intoxicated you still were.
“Y/n,” haechan said between deep breaths.
“Y-yes?” you responded.
“I know this might not be the best time to say this but if it wasn’t already painfully obvious, I think... no, I’m 100% sure that I’m in love with you,” he confessed.
“So don’t you dare think that this was a one time thing. Always remember who you belong to,” he said as he reached over to pull you to his chest.
You chuckled against him, before responding “so I don’t have a choice?”
Haechan groaned, “we live together, and i literally just came inside of you. If you weren’t on the pill we would be one step closer to starting a whole ass family. At this rate, all that’s left is for us to get married... what’s left to discuss, baby?” he murmured as he dropped kisses on top of your head.
You swatted at his chest before planting a kiss on his lips. “Who said I was on the pill?” you joked. Haechan froze before pulling away from you to look you in the eyes with a slightly panicked look on his face.
“Y-you let me... do that? Even though you could easily get pregnant?” Haechan dropped his head back before groaning, “ugh, that’s so hot”
Your jaw fell open in shock as you swatted at his chest once more, making him wince in pain. “Haechan, are you crazy? I was just kidding,” you said as he pouted — genuinely disappointed that you had lied.
“Hey, I’m obviously not in a rush or anything. Besides, you still have to get rid of your OTHER boyfriend before I can actually put a baby inside of you,” he said rolling his eyes. You gasped at his words before the two of you fell into laughter.
The rest of the night was spent like this. After cleaning you up you moved to your room instead (cleaner sheets) and talked the way you usually did, this time with a few extra kisses and suggestive touches on the side. Haechan was probably more happy than you were. After ages of trying to get you to dump your shitty boyfriend he finally managed to make you his. And he vowed to himself to treat you much better than anyone else ever could to make up for all of the shitty experiences you had to go through.
The next morning you woke up in bed alone with the smell of breakfast pulling you out of your sleep. After freshening up and slipping on one of his T-shirts, you went to the kitchen where you knew Haechan would be waiting for you.
“Yesterday wasn’t a bad day. Why’d you make breakfast?” you questioned, making your way over to him.
“Do I need a reason to cook for my girlfriend?” he scoffed. The word girlfriend made you feel warm inside. He titled your head up for a quick peck.
“Now enjoy your meal so i can have dessert,” he said suggestively, squeezing at your ass before you both sat down to eat.
“You’re not supposed to have dessert with breakfast!” you said.
“So, I can’t eat your pussy after we’re done eating then?” he said.
You gasped, fork falling against your plate. “Haechan, you can’t just say things like that!” He shrugged and flashed you a cheeky smile.
“Why not? It’s not like anyone else lives here besides us. Plus, I’ve always wanted to bend you over the kitchen counter and taste you,” he said matter-of-factly.
You rolled your eye as you picked up your fork to continue eating as haechan went off on a tangent.
“And when you were cleaning the shower last week I thought about how great it would be to...” he continued before you kicked him under the table, making the both of you break into laughter again while Haechan ignored your warnings and continued to list off all the fantasies of you he had collected over the years — some sounding outright impossible and ridiculous, but leaving you thinking to yourself that you could certainly get used to mornings, days, weeks and years like this. In fact, you would be more than happy to spend a lifetime with him.
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bevioletskies · 3 years
dream a little dream of me
summary: Ryunosuke had never been one for gloomy, rainy weather, had always preferred the comforting warmth of a clear, sunny day. When a particularly heavy rainstorm keeps him and Kazuma in bed for hours on end, he finds himself slowly starting to think otherwise.
word count: 2.4k | read on ao3
a/n: For @asoryuu-week, day four of seven (prompt: "domestic"). This fic takes place post-Resolve; mild spoiler warning for Adventures and Resolve, where events may be alluded to but not described in detail. All names and honorifics are taken from the official localization, with the exception of Sherlock and Iris.
Fic title is from the song Dream A Little Dream Of Me by The Mamas & The Papas.
“Remind me, Ryunosuke, what is it they say about a heavy head? Because yours is certainly making it harder for me to breathe.”
Ryunosuke sighed, lifting his supposedly heavy head from his partner’s chest to level him with a sleepy glare. “Good morning to you, too. Must you demean me before we’ve even gotten out of bed?”
Kazuma’s warm, slightly raspy laughter soothed Ryunosuke somewhat, though he still couldn’t help but feel slightly irritated. “Well, it’s hardly my fault you’re so fun to tease. No one else reacts quite like you do.” Then, Kazuma cupped Ryunosuke’s jaw in one hand, running his thumb across Ryunosuke’s mouth. “And I mean that in all manner of things, if you get my meaning.”
“You’re terrible,” Ryunosuke informed him, though he allowed Kazuma to kiss him anyway, grunting slightly when Kazuma rolled over to straddle him, sinking his entire body into Ryunosuke’s, fingers digging into his sides. “Mm...Kazuma, th-they’re waiting for us downstairs - ”
“Let them wait,” Kazuma murmured, playfully nibbling Ryunosuke’s bottom lip. One of his hands had now moved to Ryunosuke’s thigh, caressing him teasingly. “It’s been too long since we’ve had some time to ourselves.”
“You were only here two nights ago,” Ryunosuke said breathlessly; Kazuma’s mouth had quickly made its way from his neck to his collarbone, leaving a heated trail of kisses down the length of his throat. “Remember? That’s when I finally agreed to - ”
“Ry-u! Kazz-y! Won’t you be joining us for breakfast?”
“Damn,” Kazuma muttered, reluctantly climbing off so he could smooth out the front of his jinbei. Despite Ryunosuke’s continued annoyance at Kazuma’s insatiable nature, if he wanted to put it kindly, he also couldn’t help but admire how flushed Kazuma’s ears, neck, and chest had become in the last few minutes alone. “We’ll be right there, Iris, sorry for keeping you!”
“That’s okay!” Iris called back, her footsteps already beginning to fade away. “Just as long as you’re both properly dressed, alright?”
Ryunosuke groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “This is all your fault, you know that?” Kazuma merely scoffed, rifling through his bag so he could find the fresh set of clothes he’d packed for his overnight stay. “Though I suppose nothing will ever be as bad as the time you pulled me aside in the middle of an investigation and - ”
“I thought we both found that to be a thrilling and memorable experience, but fine,” Kazuma said with a dramatic sigh. “I’ll see to it that we won't try anything that adventurous ever again.”
“We almost got caught!” Ryunosuke exclaimed, agitatedly flapping his shirt in Kazuma’s face. “Don’t you realize how much trouble we would’ve been in?”
Kazuma stared at Ryunosuke in complete and utter disbelief. “...Ryunosuke, you’ve committed treason. You’ve implicated so many government officials, exposed so many government secrets - ”
“...all the more reason not to take a chance?” Ryunosuke offered sheepishly. “Anyway, let’s get dressed before they come looking for us again. I swear I can hear Susato-san’s footsteps coming up the stairs.”
A little over an hour later, Ryunosuke, Kazuma, and Susato returned to the attic, pleasantly sleepy from the generous meal that Iris had prepared for everyone. The rain was still thumping against the windowpane, an erratic tap-tap-tap that filled the entire room, rendering the three of them barely able to hear themselves or each other.
“I know you were planning on returning to your own flat, Kazuma-sama, but I would advise against it in a storm like this,” Susato mused, momentarily brushing the curtains aside so she could look out over the soggy, sorry state of London’s streets. “And I’m sure Naruhodo-san wouldn’t complain if you stayed.”
“I’m sure as well, though Ryunosuke is clearly in no position to answer either way,” Kazuma said dryly, gesturing in Ryunosuke’s direction, where he was currently curled up on the floor by Susato’s tea set, half-asleep and hugging his daruma to his chest. Susato watched, giggling, as Kazuma walked over to gently prod Ryunosuke in the shoulder with his foot. “Come now, Ryu, don’t make me carry you back to bed.”
“We both know you’d like that,” Ryunosuke mumbled. Susato only just managed to refrain from rolling her eyes at them - she’d been privy to far too many of their supposedly private conversations for her liking - instead electing to pat Kazuma on the arm.
“I think this is the perfect weather for a nap, personally,” she said, looking at him meaningfully. “If you plan on returning to bed as well, I can let Iris and Mr Holmes know not to disturb any of us until dinner.”
“That would be great, Susato-san, thank you,” Kazuma said sincerely, though he secretly suspected she just wanted to leave them be. Once she disappeared back down the stairs, he looked down at Ryunosuke with an irrevocably fond sigh. “Ryunosuke…”
“Yeah, yeah, ‘m getting up,” Ryunosuke yawned, reluctantly pulling himself to his feet. “Bed?” Grinning, Kazuma wordlessly took Ryunosuke by the hand and led him towards his bedroom - their bedroom, really, given how often he stayed over these days. Moments later, they clumsily tumbled back into bed, having changed into their sleepclothes once more.
“You’ve still got a bit of egg on your face,” Kazuma observed, wiping Ryunosuke’s cheek. “How does this keep happening to you?”
“Eat too fast,” Ryunosuke murmured, turning to kiss the palm of Kazuma’s hand. “Food...good.”
“Your grasp of both the Japanese and the English language is incredible,” Kazuma drawled, carding his fingers through Ryunosuke’s hair. He then pulled him closer, burying his face into Ryunosuke’s neck. “I thought you went back home to finish school, did you not? Surely you can do better than ‘food good’.”
“You’re so mean to me,” Ryunosuke said, sighing, letting out an exaggerated exhale directly in Kazuma’s face. Still, he turned over so he could wrap his arms around Kazuma’s waist, snuggling contentedly into his chest. “I really should just kick you out and make you go home.” Laughing, Kazuma kissed the top of his head.
“Not in this weather, you wouldn’t,” Kazuma replied. As if to illustrate his point, there was a loud, thunderous crack that practically shook the entire room. “If this storm keeps up, I might have to live here indefinitely.” Ryunosuke merely grunted in response. “Well, you don’t have to sound so pleased about it.”
“Oh - no, it’s not that,” Ryunosuke reassured him, sitting up somewhat so he could look Kazuma in the eye. Despite Kazuma’s typical brusque, yet affectionate nature, he could tell that Kazuma was slightly hurt. “I was just thinking about how much I dislike storms. Rain is fine on occasion, but...it seems as if London is in a permanent state of misery sometimes, you know? And it makes us miserable all the while.”
Kazuma’s clouded expression cleared up instantly. “It’s been ages since we’ve had sunshine,” he agreed, now dropping his head to rest on Ryunosuke’s shoulder. “It would’ve been nice to go for a walk together before I leave...whenever that is.”
“Like we used to do before class,” Ryunosuke said quietly, nodding. “You could never convince me to join you during your morning exercises, though.”
“Forget morning exercise, I had to literally drag you out of bed sometimes,” Kazuma snorted, tangling their fingers together. “I hear Susato-san hasn’t had any luck with getting you to exercise more, either.”
“I exercise enough,” Ryunosuke huffed, pinching Kazuma’s side; much to his dismay, Kazuma merely laughed in response. “I do plenty of pacing up and down during trials, you see.”
“I do see,” Kazuma teased. “I should look for permanent scuff marks behind the defense bench and the witness stand the next time we’re in court. You have a tendency to drag your feet, after all.”
Rolling his eyes, Ryunosuke made a show of yanking his hand out of Kazuma’s grasp and turning over with his back to him, pulling his side of the blankets over his head. “...I’m really starting to think you have nothing nice to say about me at all.”
Even when he wasn’t looking at him, he could tell Kazuma was smirking. “Oh, I think I praise you plenty. But in case you were wanting to hear it…” In one quick motion, Kazuma swept the bundled-up Ryunosuke into his arms, Ryunosuke’s back pressed against his chest, his breath ghosting the shell of Ryunosuke’s ear. “...I love you, Ryunosuke. And I’ll say it as many times as you’d like; all you need to do is ask.”
“Wonderful, now I just sound needy,” Ryunosuke said, sighing yet again, though he craned his neck to kiss Kazuma anyway, tossing the blanket around his shoulders so they were both enveloped in its warmth. Kazuma slowly lowered him onto his back, onto the mattress, knees braced on either side of Ryunosuke’s hips, fingers digging into Ryunosuke’s waist.
“You can insult me back, I don’t mind,” Kazuma murmured, sucking a bruising kiss along the crook of Ryunosuke’s jaw. Though they’d crawled back into bed for a nap, Ryunosuke was starting to feel more and more alert by the second. “Do your worst.”
Ryunosuke hummed, thinking. “...sometimes, you try too hard. You need to relax more, Kazuma. There have been some jurors and witnesses who’ve been intimidated by you, even though you aren’t trying to be malicious.”
“Fair enough.” Kazuma’s voice was low, raspy, sending shivers up Ryunosuke’s spine. “Anything else?”
“You have a bad habit of interrupting people,” Ryunosuke continued, prodding Kazuma in the chest with an accusatory finger. “Even Iris seemed annoyed with you last night, when she was asking us about our latest trial. I know you think you were helping, but I can speak for myself just fine. We’re not in school anymore.”
“...ah.” Kazuma looked humbled, almost remorseful. “I...I’m sorry, Ryu, I didn’t realize. I honestly thought we were just telling them about what happened together.”
“And you need to stop biting me like I’m a piece of meat - ”
“No one can see them!”
“Kazuma, you're doing it again - ”
“Doing wh - oh.” Kazuma burrowed his face into Ryunosuke’s chest, cheeks burning hot with shame. Ryunosuke couldn’t help but laugh; it wasn’t often that he got to embarrass Kazuma and render him speechless. “I...see that I’m not quite the partner I’d thought or, or hoped I was.”
“Last, but definitely not least - ” Ryunosuke abruptly took Kazuma’s face in one hand, squeezing his cheeks until his lips puckered “ - you don’t need to be quite so dramatic, either. I still love you all the same, Kazuma.” He smirked. “And I’ll say it as many times as you’d like; all you need to do is ask.”
Kazuma stared down at him with wide, imploring eyes. Then, he cocked his head to one side, his frown melting into a warm, radiant smile. “...again.”
“I love you.” Ryunosuke kissed Kazuma’s cheek, then the tip of his nose, then finally, his lips. Beaming, Kazuma kissed him back, a little sweeter this time, a little less sensual. “Especially because you’re a little needy, too.”
They fell silent for a few minutes, save for the steady sounds of the rain and thunder and wind whistling past their window, exchanging slow, languorous kisses and simply enjoying one other’s company. Though Kazuma spent more nights at Baker Street than not, in a way, it still felt as if they had months, even years, of lost time to make up for, even though they hadn’t been apart - or a part of each other’s lives, for that matter - for that long. It was times like these that Ryunosuke found himself reminiscing about their university days, the early days of their companionship, when they’d have spirited debates that ended in spirited laughter and meandering conversations about nothing in particular.
“I can hear you thinking, partner,” Kazuma murmured, brushing Ryunosuke’s hair out of his eyes. “Something wrong?”
“No, not at all,” Ryunosuke said, pulling away momentarily to yawn. “Only that we were supposed to be taking a nap, and instead, we spent the last ten minutes poking fun at each other. Though I suppose that’s just an extension of the way we speak to each other in court at times.”
“Susato-san has been scolding you about that as well, has she? Perhaps we do need to - I need to be more careful,” Kazuma corrected hastily when Ryunosuke leveled him with an impressively Kazuma-like glare. “Though we’d be in even more trouble if I were to, say, openly comment on how handsome you looked in court just last week, when your hair was a little bit longer in the back. I thought it suited you.”
“Why do we need to be in trouble at all?” Ryunosuke retorted, elbowing him a little harder than necessary. “I’d rather we do our jobs like the proper lawyers that we are - ”
“Well-behaved schoolboys, you mean,” Kazuma teased.
“ - and come home at the end of the day, where we can do as we please,” Ryunosuke finished.
Kazuma looked at him consideringly, his gaze impossibly soft. “Ryunosuke Naruhodo, are you implying you’d like me to move in someday?”
“What? I - ” Ryunosuke stared at him, momentarily stunned. Then, he relaxed, his head dropping back to his pillow, where Kazuma followed him down, their eyes still locked. “I, er...I thought that was a given. Though I worry that...that people might talk, as they’re wont to do.”
“Professor Mikotoba lived here with Mr Holmes for some time, did he not?” Kazuma pointed out. “Besides, even if people talk, why listen? All that matters is what we think of ourselves, as trite as that might sound.” He leaned in close, pressing a lingering kiss to Ryunosuke’s forehead. “So, just know that whenever you decide to ask, you already have my answer.”
“Then I think I’ll make you wait for just a little bit longer before I do...if only to get back at you for two nights ago,” Ryunosuke added with a smug smile, laughing when Kazuma glared daggers at him in response.
“And you think I’m the cruel one,” Kazuma muttered, pulling Ryunosuke into his arms once more so he could hold him rather possessively, their legs loosely intertwined beneath their mess of blankets. “You told me you enjoyed yourself.”
“I did, believe me,” Ryunosuke grinned, blushing faintly at the sudden vivid memory that had come to mind. “But just this once, I’d like to have the upper hand.” He then leaned in to kiss Kazuma’s exaggerated pout. “Anyway, we really should be getting to sleep now, or it’ll be time for dinner before we know it. I can barely keep my eyes open at this rate.”
“Agreed,” Kazuma said, yawning. He shuffled closer, dropping his forehead down to rest against Ruynosuke’s. “Good...morning, Ryunosuke.”
Ryunosuke shot him one last sleepy, fond smile before letting his eyes drift shut. “Good morning to you, too, Kazuma.”
a/n: Welcome to my fourth entry for Asoryuu Week 2021! We've moved on from sad Kazuma hours to semi-horny Kazuma hours, I guess? Blame it on Kazuma talking about getting Ryunosuke off and holding his hand over a hot plate and finding ways to shut him up; you can't tell me he's not doing this at least a little bit on purpose. Anyway, I always love writing plotless cuddling fics where they basically talk about nothing. I could've made this way, way longer, easy, but we've still got three more days to go!
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Likes and reblogs would be much appreciated, and I hope you're all safe and healthy and doing well ❤️
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suddencolds · 3 years
different anon here but omg im so happy you made a kaeya/albedo drabble.. could you write up a pt 2 where kaeya catches his cold? doesnt have to be long, anything would do if youd be so kind
😭 anon... please, have mercy. Reversed roles are my absolute ~weakness~, so just this once, I am here to deliver a fic that I didn’t spend like 300 years writing. (Thanks for the excuse to write these two!!)
[part 1] 
A few days pass before he sees Kaeya again.
Albedo is only at the headquarters to ask Lisa if she has any books on the medicinal uses of Liyue specialties. The meeting is a coincidence, all things considered. Kaeya is leading a group of Knights—new recruits, Albedo thinks, because he’s pretty sure those are new faces—back into the main hall.
“Captain,” one of the recruits is saying. “I’m sorry about today. I’ll do better next time.”
“Struggling with training?” Kaeya asks. “I hope you weren’t hurt.”
“I wasn’t. I just… I should have been able to dodge. Back up in Starfell Valley, when that hilichurl fired. It wasn’t hidden or anything, but I didn’t notice.”
Kaeya shakes his head. “It’s a lot to think about, right? That’s one of the tricky things about fighting with a close-range weapon. It’s not a bad thing to pay attention to whomever you’re clashing swords with. Just don’t forget to keep an eye out for enemies that are further out.”
“Got it,” the recruit says, solemn.
“Your swordsmanship has improved, though.” Kaeya adds, “I can tell you practiced. The new sword suits you.”
The recruit brightens visibly. “Thanks a lot, Captain.”
It’s not surprising, really—Kaeya has a strange talent for saying the right thing at the right time. He’s patient, too, and good at strategizing; all things considered, Albedo can’t think of someone more qualified to be training the Knights.
But Albedo isn’t here to watch. It just looks like their group is about to adjourn, and he figures he should really thank Kaeya for his help a few days ago—Kaeya is a fast learner, and an even better conversation partner. Had it not been for him, Albedo knows he would’ve been up on Dragonspine for much longer.
Currently, Kaeya is turning to address the entire group. He still hasn’t noticed Albedo’s presence, it seems.
“Great work today,” He says, then launches into a speech about strategy. It’s not a notable incident—or, it shouldn’t be—except the more he talks, the more Albedo can tell how tired he is. It’s subtle. It’s Kaeya—of course it’s subtle. But his posture looks deceptively casual—really, it looks like it’s taking all of his energy to keep himself presentable—and mid-speech, he’s actually stifling a yawn. His voice sounds slightly off, too, perhaps from overuse.
They’re all busy, Albedo knows. But he feels guilty nonetheless. He knows it had been Kaeya’s decision to help him, but still—perhaps it hadn’t been the best choice, seeing how much he still has to do.
“Captain Kaeya,” one of the other recruits interjects, after Kaeya finishes his speech. Most of the other Knights have already started to leave. “If you are free later, could I stay late to train with you today?”
And Kaeya—
—Kaeya, for some reason, hesitates. He shuts his eyes for just a second, as if he’s at war with himself, before he opens them again. This time, his smile is a little less effortless, a little more strained. “Of course. I need to get some paperwork filled out first, but I’ll meet you after.”
“Alright, thanks! I’ll wait for you outside?”
“Sure. I won’t be long.”
The recruit—oblivious to the fact that something’s wrong—turns to head towards the exit. Kaeya sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows furrowed. He really looks exhausted.
Albedo wants to call out to him. He’ll say thanks, and then he’ll get out of Kaeya’s way. But then Kaeya starts off towards Jean’s office—to pick up paperwork, presumably—and stops halfway down the hall, tensing, one hand hovering over his face—
“hiiH… hiiH’ESSCH’ew!”
It sounds… rough, and tired, as if he’s been doing that all day. He sniffles, shivering, and continues walking, and Albedo knows.
He feels bad immediately. Kaeya had been kind enough to help out—of course he had, he’s selfless like that—even though he must have been busy. Meanwhile, Albedo hadn’t thought to tell him to sit further away, hadn’t been careful enough about not touching what he’d touched, hadn’t stepped away when Kaeya had insisted on walking back with him, hadn’t protested when Kaeya had lent him his scarf for the walk back through Dragonspine’s freezing weather…
...All things considered, this is most certainly Albedo’s fault.
“I got it, Jean,” Kaeya says, taking the pile of paperwork from her desk.
“Take it easy,” she says. “You should go straight home after this.”
Kaeya smiles tiredly at her. “Oh? I thought you didn’t want me slacking off. I can do more today, really.”
Jean rolls her eyes. “You look like you’re about to fall asleep standing. Please, for the love of Barbatos, get some rest.”
Kaeya can’t say he feels very differently than Jean says he looks. Still, even if Jean won’t ask him to stick around, the new recruits will—he likes them, but they’re still new to combat, which makes things harder on him. In between scouting domains, looking out for the younger knights, and trying to cover for the mistakes they make, perhaps he’s pushed himself just a bit.
“It’s just a cold,” he says, turning as far away from her as possible to cough into his elbow. “No one’s ever taken off work for a cold.”
“For now it is,” Jean says. “I don’t want it to turn into something worse because you won’t rest.”
“It won’t. It’s just paperwork, right? I could do that in my sleep.” And one-on-one training with a recruit. And after that, another meeting with the Knights, and a domain East of here to scout out on his own, but Jean can find out about that later when she’s reading his reports.
It’s very unfortunate that he has to sneeze.
He takes another step away from her, lifting his hand to cover.
“hiIH’EESCH’-ew!” he winces. The sneeze is loud, and it sounds almost as miserable as he feels, which means it feels far too transparent. “Hiih… hIIH… snf… hiiih’IiDDZScsh’ew! hIIIH’EZSCHh’-iu! ugh… snf…”
“Bless you,” Jean says, sighing as she passes him the tissue box on her desk. He takes a generous handful of them and before handing it back. “You sound awful.”
Kaeya laughs, pocketing the tissues. “You never fail to flatter me, Acting Grandmaster.”
“Forgive me for being worried,” Jean says flatly. “At least tell me you’ll take care of yourself.” “Of course. When do I not?”
She gives him a significant look, which is fair.
He takes the chance to leave her office. His head hurts, more than it would if he’d just had a bit too much to drink, and it’s the kind of headache that he knows is going to get much, much worse if he doesn’t take it easy. Maybe if he rushes, he can get the paperwork done before then.
The recruit he’d spoken to is waiting for him outside, he recalls. He rubs his nose, shivering, and heads for the door.
Someone is waiting for him, but it’s not the person he expects.
Kaeya musters the energy to smile. “Albedo! Did you need something?” He probably shouldn’t be taking on additional responsibilities after Jean’s already told him to take him easy, but then again, this is Albedo—whatever he needs, it must be  worth staying late for.
“I just happened to be stopping by,” Albedo starts. “I, err, wanted to ask Lisa about my research.”
“I take it that you didn’t find what you needed?”
“I did.” “Is that so?” Kaeya says, faltering—if that’s the case, he’s not sure why Albedo is still here. “Were you waiting for me, then?”
It’s supposed to be a joke, except Albedo hesitates, and Kaeya feels bad for suggesting it.
“Actually, I was,” Albedo says, which is a surprise.
Kaeya’s breath has gone unsteady again, and he rubs his nose, sniffling. Albedo, who seems not to have noticed, keeps talking.
“I wanted to tell you—”
Kaeya doesn’t want to interrupt, but colds tend to make his sneezes so jarringly unavoidable. He turns away, lifting up a hand to shield his face. “Hiiih… hiih’EESCHh’ew!” He gasps, and with a muffled sniffle, presses his hand closer to his face. “HIIH… hiiIH’IIZSCHH-uu! hIIIH’NGKT-Sshew! snf…!”
—His shoulders untense as he finally lowers his hand, fishing through his pocket for tissues. How embarrassing, he thinks, blowing his nose as softly as he can. He doesn’t exactly want to look over to Albedo to see the expression on his face—disgust, probably, or worse, pity—
“I’m sorry,” Albedo says instead.
Kaeya’s glance snaps upwards in surprise. “What?” “I was hoping you wouldn’t catch this,” he frowns, looking away. “I wasn’t careful enough. I did not intend for you to feel miserable because of me.”
What is that supposed to mean? “This isn’t because of you.”
“Captain,” Albedo starts, completely serious. “Whose cold do you think you have?”
Kaeya blinks. It’s true—he’s probably caught this from Albedo, given that he can’t think of anyone else who’s been sick lately—but that doesn’t mean that Albedo should feel guilty over it. “Colds spread. It happens, it’s not your fault.”
“I should have been more careful,” Albedo shakes his head dejectedly. “Or perhaps I should not have accepted your help at all when you offered to stay. I knew you must have had a lot of work. It was selfish of me.”
“I told you, I wanted to help,” Kaeya insists.
Albedo sighs. “You are selfless to the extent that it is detrimental sometimes.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I sent the recruit home, by the way. Really, you couldn’t have told him to wait a couple days?”
“He asked for my help.” Kaeya holds a hand up, veering away again. “I wasn’t going to deny him just because of… a… hiIH… c-cold… HIIih’EESSCHh’ew! HIIIH’GKTt!-shew!” His head throbs in protest, and he sniffles, tilting his head upwards, a fresh tissue in hand, in ticklish anticipation. “hiIIH… hiIIH’IIIZZSCH’ew!”
It takes everything in him not to slump against the wall.
“Bless you,” Albedo says. “You sound—”
“—awful?” He lowers the tissue with a laugh. “I know. Jean informed me.”
“I was going to say tired,” Albedo says, shifting forward to feel Kaeya’s forehead. His hand shifts to Kaeya’s cheek, studying him with a look of such intense concentration, Kaeya tries not to smile. “I don’t think you have a fever, but you’re warm. Allow me to walk you home?”
As enticing as the offer sounds, he shouldn’t. Everyone else is working hard—he knows if he does less work than usual, it will be Jean and Amber picking up the slack, which is the last thing he wants. “I still have lots to do.”
“It can wait until you’re well. The Knights will survive if you take a day off.” Albedo drops his hand, but he’s still looking at Kaeya with the same intensity. “I will talk to Jean, if it’s an issue.”
“Please don’t talk to Jean,” Kaeya says sheepishly. He’s sure she wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to find out about his plans to stay and work late.
Albedo raises an eyebrow. “Will you listen to me, then?”
Maybe it’s not such a bad idea, after all—he can head home, sleep this headache away, and come back in the evening. “Well,” he starts. “If… hiIIH… hiiIH’ESSCH’ew! snf-! If you insist…”
“I do.”
“...I guess I could head home early.”
It’s worth it, for the way Albedo smiles softly in response. He looks... relieved, Kaeya realizes, which is strange, too—he hadn’t expected Albedo to be so worried about him.
Kaeya starts off in the direction of his house. It’s not a long walk from the headquarters—certainly closer than the manor was, back when he’d lived there. Admittedly, it’s lonelier sometimes, living on his own.
Unexpectedly, Albedo follows him.
“You’re really walking me back,” Kaeya says, slightly disbelieving.
“Yes,” Albedo says. “Would you prefer if I didn’t?”
“It’s nice.” Kaeya sniffles, stifling a cough into a raised hand. “I hope you’re not just doing this because you feel bad about this.”
Albedo hums. “I’m not. I am quite free this afternoon, thanks to your help. I do feel bad, though.”
“Doing alchemy with you was the most exciting part of my week,” Kaeya says honestly, flashing him a grin. “I’d say it was worth catching a cold over.”
Albedo stares back at him. Then he smiles back, so brightly that Kaeya feels warmer, just looking at him. “You could come visit more often, then. I enjoy having company if it’s you.”
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yuusa · 4 years
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝟐𝟎
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𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐𝟏𝟓𝟏
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟐𝟎:
"Did you wait long?" You quickly ran towards the bench that Machi sat on, her familiar coat wrapped around her body as she wore the same outfit from a few days ago. You waved at her as you breathed heavily, holding onto your knees as you tried to steady your breathing. 
The day had been a bit rough for you. There hadn't been a single break throughout the school day due to committee work beginning to pile up, you had to stay in the classroom for lunch to even finish the assigned work that your upperclassmen had given to you. Although you both had different schedules and plans, there was something that compelled you to constantly invite Machi out to somewhere. You learned that she was in fact, one year younger than you, and would eventually transfer to Kaibara in the next year. It was strange how fate had brought the two of you together in such a convenient way.
You wore your signature sweater and black pants, you didn't wear any sort of jackets from what Machi had noted. Your body was already warm enough to keep you shielded from the weather. She noticed that your hair was slightly disheveled and wondered how much trouble you went simply to hang out with her.
It was strange for you to do so much for her when you were only 'friends'. She didn't think that friends went this far for each other, but it might have simply been you or her lack of experience with talking to other people. However, her lack of words and silence never seemed to bother you as you still made an effort to take her out to the mall. 
She shook her head before standing up from the bench, "if you were busy, you didn't need to come out to see me." 
You awkwardly smiled before straightening your back, "it would be rude of me to invite you out and leave you alone." 
"Where would you like to go first?" You asked, the two of you walking together around the different stores.
"Anywhere is fine." She responded, her monotone voice still prevalent as ever. 
The two of you explored the shopping district together, a silent journey that you both engaged in. Machi tilted her head towards you, her mind still questioning the events of earlier.
You had every chance to push her away and lie to her, to say that something had come up and to leave her waiting at the bench for you. You never really had to befriend her at all, she wasn't worth the effort. She wasn't worth as much as someone as you and she feels as if you could do better with someone else than her. 
You were strange. 
“I can’t wait for you to transfer to Kaibara, Kuragi-san.” You said, intertwining your hands behind your back as you looked at the variety of gift shops. 
“Why do you say that?” She asked, not understanding the reasoning behind your words.
“. . . You would feel less alone right?” You smiled, causing her heart to beat slightly faster as she turned her head away from you. 
“Since when did that sort of thing matter?” She mumbled, clutching her bag tightly to her body. 
You were strangely blunt to her, something that was unexpected, even to you. You wondered if it was because you felt distant from Tohru’s friends or if it was because you weren’t close to the Sohma family, these were the only people you constantly saw and talked to in your life. Your personality was inconsistent, something that you couldn’t quite understand but was struggling to learn. However, as you held onto your phone with the dangling charm on the edge, you could feel yourself loosening up just slightly.
“It reminds me of another friend of mine.” You responded, your voice lowering as if you were recalling a painful memory, “I. . . I think he feels lonely as well.” 
Machi pressed her lips together at your reason. She had forgotten that she was merely another friend of yours that was easily forgettable and disposable, someone that you talk to when you had no one else. 
“. . . I hate it when people feel lonely,” you admitted, feeling a burst of confidence as you clenched your hand tightly into a fist, “. . . It hurts to be alone, Kuragi-san.” 
Before she could open her mouth to respond, the two of you heard a small child pointing at a merry go round at the center of the mall. He was bundled up in a jacket, his brown hair looking rough and messy while his mom stayed by his side, her hair tied back in a messy ponytail as she smiled. The wrinkles of her skin having smile lines as her son held onto her hand tightly. You felt your smile drop down to a frown as the two of them held each other close with their hands. 
“Wow! Mama can we go on that!” The young child stared at the horses in awe as he gently dragged his mother to the ride, her laughter erupting from her body as the two of them walked over to the ride. They looked so happy together, a very kind and loving family that you never had. You fiddled with the edges of your sweater as you unconsciously stared at the family without realizing it. 
Machi noticed the sadness that was forming in the pools of your eyes as you watched the mother and son duo laughed together in happiness. She wondered if being with her made you bored of her, or if they reminded you of something you didn’t want to see. She wanted to say something to make the mood better, but she didn’t know what she was supposed to do. There was a brief moment of awkward silence before Machi pointed at a nearby store. 
“Let’s go in here.” She suggested, you nodded before tearing your eyes away from the family and walking with her into the store. 
You looked around at your surroundings, seeing that it was a fragrance store filled with shampoo and a variety of body products. You wondered why out of all stores Machi wanted to go into this one but decided not to question her decision as you smiled, letting her guide you around the shop. 
“Do you like these products. . . ?” You asked, holding up one of the perfume bottles that the two of you had stumbled upon. 
“U-Uhm. . . No.” She turned her head away in embarrassment. 
You looked down at the perfume bottle, noticing that it was the same scent as yours. She held up another bottle to the light, seeing the colors of the liquid shine underneath the whites of the lightbulbs. You chuckled as Machi turned her head around to face you. 
“W-What’s so funny?” 
“N-No it’s just,” you stifled a burst of laughter, “Kuragi-san likes this type of stuff right?” 
Her face began to turn a pink color, “w-what?! I-I don’t! Let's leave!” 
Before she could grab onto your wrist and drag you out of the store to avoid further embarrassment and attention on her, you stayed stationary and unexpectedly sprayed her hand with the scent. She flinched in response as her face began to turn an even brighter shade of pink. 
“W-Wha-What are you doing?” 
“You don’t have to run Kuragi-san,” you smiled, “I like these sorts of things too.” 
She didn’t understand you. 
She didn’t understand why you wanted her to stay so badly when everyone else wanted her to leave. She was an unchangeable force that only brought others misery, but the way you looked at her made her feel as if there was something that she couldn’t see in herself, something that only you saw and understood. 
“Y-You don’t have to lie.” She mumbled, pulling her hand away from you as you placed back the bottle on the shelf. 
“I’m not lying Kuragi-san,” you responded, “I really like this smell.” 
Machi looked at the bottle and examined the labels that were placed on the side, noting the fact that it mainly consisted of chemicals mixed to create the smell of lavender. They were just chemicals. Nothing more and nothing less, but you liked them nonetheless. They weren’t worth anything, you didn’t need to spend money on perfume, but you did anyway. 
She wondered if she was like a perfume bottle. Something that was a mix of everything unknown and indescribable, something that wasn’t needed yet existed on shelves. She watched as you took out some of the paper strips and sprayed other scents onto their edges, the white color becoming a slight blueish grey as you inhaled its scent. 
You never really needed perfume, it was just chemicals being poured into a bottle and packaged, it wasn’t special, but the smell of it was. It was alluring and calming as Machi held up her hand, feeling the dampness on her skin slowly fading away as she took a small whiff of the smell, her heartbeat slowing down as she remembers the lavender smell. 
She wasn’t special or bright but you treated her as if she was. 
There was a lot about you that was strange. 
You held onto her wrist gently before tugging her over to the lotion section, commenting on each of the flowers that were featured in every bottle. Your eyes brightened slightly as you pointed at one of the bottles that were a light pink and purple color, you told her that lavender was a popular scent. Machi only nodded to your words as she scanned the shelves by your side. She wants to ask if you like flowers, but couldn’t find the time or words to fully express these thoughts. 
You were very awkward when it came to talking, she thought. Sometimes you would stutter and apologize for the simplest things, occasionally you rambled and spoke thoughts out loud without realizing it. You were much friendlier than she thought, and it warmed her up on the inside just a bit. 
Machi stared at the charm that was attached to your phone, noticing the eagle figure dangling from the black strings. It matched you in a weird, awkward, yet fitting way. You looked like you wanted to be free from something when you watched the family from earlier attend the merry go round. You looked slightly envious and conflicted, but most of all, you felt alone despite being surrounded by people. 
Although you wanted to be the one for others, it never filled in the space within your heart that was beginning to grow cold. You looked lonely and sad, she didn’t know why you kept putting on this mask.
You tried to make yourself untouchable at school for several years. Staying at the top could only get you so far when you are surrounded by meaningless admirers who worship your outer appearance. You shoved away suitors and distanced yourself from many of the students at school out of fear. You felt afraid that people will learn about your family origins and give you the same sympathetic look as your teachers. 
You felt disturbed by your past and wanted nothing to do with what had happened several years ago. You knew that despite your constant restraints and boundaries you built, there would be a time where all of these emotions would burst open. You wouldn’t be able to hide the part of you that you wanted to shove down into the center of the Earth’s core. 
People say that trauma is a lasting imprint on someone. Like hot iron to the skin or a deep scar on flesh, it was something that stays and never fades. You wondered if it was possible to rid yourself of your instincts, to withdrawal the talons you were born with that you sharpened throughout your childhood. It was a hopeful yet unrealistic thought. 
Your eyes fluttered shut for a few seconds. You wished those memories could simply be erased. There was a lot that you wished in this world, some that may never even come true. You tightened your grip around the sleeves of your sweater as your smile slowly cracked, revealing a pained and forced expression. 
Machi pressed her lips together in a frown before turning her head to stare at the ground. 
She didn’t understand why you smiled when you felt so alone in this world. 
There was so much pain bottled up in the glass body you had. It was pressing up against the walls and forcing itself through the small cracks that had formed. You may have looked like a perfect doll, but you were made up of broken parts that will never be fixed. 
Machi wants to know more about you, but she fears that she would only make your misery worse.
. . . You fear that Machi and everyone else might be eaten alive by your own darkness.
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