#as well as the other aus of the deep city verse
Out of curiosity - you've written Dreams au for Prompto and Ardyn kickstarting the Reunion, plus the Gladio version that became canon.
But what about Ignis? How would the verse where he finds Noctis first look like?
Not gonna lie. This one had me stumped. I never considered that Ignis might be the first to find Noctis (my mistake) and so didn't even have an incling about how it might happen. Until about half an hour ago, that is, when an idea fell from the sky. Or my shower head. Depending on the point of view.
(I wrote this really fast, so it doesn't fit stylistically into the Deep City verse. When I have time, I'll try to write a 'proper' version.)
You could say this starts around Noctis's 17th birthday. Ignis hasn't been doing well. Not at all. His friendship with Gladio is splintering like rotten wood and his uncle as been... distant lately.
Ignis does his best to bury his worries with work, but that's only helping so much. What with his work now being a glorified secretary for whatever ministry, board or committee will have him at the time. Still, Ignis does his best. What else can he do?
So, that one fateful day, on Noctis's 17th birthday, when the hurt is rubbed fresh and raw again and there is no work for him to do...
Ignis bakes.
He tries, once again his best, to recreate that one sweet pastry from Tenebrae Noctis liked so much and Ignis could never get right. Once he's done, he goes outside and somehow finds himself in a park in a working class area. Later, he will think is has been fate.
Right now, he doesn't care, strangely glad for being outside his usual haunts, and unpacks the pastries he has brought.
Their taste is warm and creamy and so sweet Ignis can practically feel his teeth rotting in his mouth. Was that the right taste? he wonders and hates that he will not get an answer.
"Yer usin' the wrong types of berry," an old, creaky voice says behind him.
Ignis whirls around and whom he finds fits the voice very well. It's an old woman, bent and with wrinkles deeper than he has ever seen. Her hands are bony and full of spots. Her dress looks more like it's been made from patches than proper fabric. The smell of freshly baked bread hits Ignis's nose.
"Excuse me?" he asks.
"Tha' pastry o' yer's," she says in the strangest accent Ignis has ever heard. "Them berries're too sweet. Yer'll need them from northern Ulwaat. T's colder there, so they need ta be more hardy. 'Too sweet' tha' prince o' yers would say."
Ignis feels ice cold dread creep up his spine. Does this woman know Noctis? Does she have soemthing to do with his disappearance?
"Now, now laddie. Get those thoughts outta yer head. Ah'm simply following the fire to where it'll lead me."
"Fire, laddie. It knows ye got to play a part in the storm ta come, and it likes ye. So Ah'll make sure ye know wha' ta do once the time is right."
"I'm afraid I do not know what you are talking about, Maselle. Excuse me, I have work to do."
Ignis turns around, intend to leave the obviously mentally unstable old crone behind him, but her next words make him stop.
"None o' tha', Ignis Scientia. There's no work waitin' for ye today. Yer uncle is teachin' yer cousin Paxil in the hopes he'll not be a disappointment, an' yer friend'll not get a diagnosis fer his sister t'day."
Slowly Ignis turns around. "Are you threatening me?" he asks, low and dangerous. One hand his inconspicuously reaching for the dagger he never goes without these days.
"Ye can leave tha' dagger where it is, laddie. Ah'm not threatening ye, simply sayin' things how they are."
"How do you know all this?" Ignis finds himself asking through the fog in his mind.
"The fire, laddie. Once ye know how ta listen, it'll never stop tellin' ye things," the crone says and waves her hand in a way that makes it clear that she wishes for him to follow. "Come," she says. "Ah'll show ye."
And against his better judgement - and the usually so large, but now tiny rational voice in his head baring warnings at him - he follows.
Nearly three years later, he stares at the fire burning between his fingers, and follows it's call deep into the ancient bowels of the city.
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 months
im soso curious, i need to know... why is tim a child of apollo? bless u for not going with fanon<3
[referencing how I decided who the Batfam's godly parents were in my PJO AU WIP]
People like to sort him into Athena because DC has spent the last few years emphasizing how smart he is and how he's better at the more “cerebral” and detective aspects of the job. But Tim’s most prominent pre-reboot traits are not actually his detective or tech skills: they’re his reckless, impulsive bravery, his ability to analyze and think very quickly on his feet in dangerous situations, and his "power of friendship" idealism.
He's a people person; it's one of his greatest strengths. Tim is like...physically incapable of going somewhere and not making at least one friend while he's there. Hell, when he ran off to travel the world on his "fuck you, I'll find Bruce on my own" trip he still managed to pick up his own little crew of assassin friends along the way. Making connections and talking to people and relying on others for help is how he successfully navigates being a hero, as he himself notes on multiple occasions:
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"Did you think I was going to run all around the city, desperately trying to save everyone all by myself? I'm not Batman. I have friends." -Red Robin #12
Tim loves his family and friends, and losing so many people he's close to within such a small timespan sends him off the deep end in multiple ways (trying to clone Kon, fighting Dick to get the Lazarus water, isolating himself from everyone, fighting with Dick and running off to find proof that Bruce was alive on his own, etc).
At his core, Tim is an idealist who becomes a hero for no other reason than a) a broken man needs help and a broken family needs mending and b) if Dick won't go back to being Robin he might as well do it, because someone has to be Robin. He sees what will happen if Bruce stays on the path he's on and says "no. I'm not going to let that happen." He's a hero because someone has to help, and he's able and available to do so. He doesn't work on cold hard logic and facts. He works off of gut instinct and then uses his big brain to go find facts and logical conclusions that support those instincts.
Tim was never going to be an Athena child.
So I started thinking. At first, I wanted him to be a Hermes child; it seemed right to frame his parentage around being the child of the messenger of the gods given how he became Robin. But that's not really him, either. Apollo, within the scope of both classical mythology and the PJO-verse's depiction of him and his children, fits him better.
While modern culture tends to zero in a lot on Apollo's status as the god of music, poetry, and the arts (for good reason), Apollo in classical Greek mythology was first and foremost known as the god who (for lack of a better term) helps his people. He's the god of the sun, of light, of medicine and healing, of prophecy, of truth.
Tim comes into Bruce's life at a time when Bruce is at his absolute lowest point. Jason is dead. He's estranged from Dick. He's failing in his mission to save Gotham. He's highkey passively suicidal. And Tim takes it upon himself to fix that. And he does it by being a solid, bright, stable presence in Bruce's life and an extremely blunt, truthful messenger of the future he sees: Batman needs a Robin, and if Bruce doesn't have one he's going to die.
And I didn't abandon his intelligence in the calculations: Apollo is also the god of rational thinking, order, and knowledge, contrasting and working in harmony with Dionysus (the god of irrationality, chaos, and passion). He was also known to be the god whose job it was to interpret the will of Zeus to humankind, which I thought was appropriate for a boy who spends quite a lot of his time being the living communication translator between Bruce and everyone around him.
So. Apollo child.
............also I thought it was funny to make the god of youth the father of the boy DC refuses to allow to age.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
So Mk gets surprise eggo because of paint and confined space and lack of food? Imagine that he has no idea what’s wrong with him, he goes to Lao Tzu, and when Lao Tzu goes “congrats on the baby” Everyone just kinda stops.
And Mk bursts into tears so loudly that all of heaven can hear. He’s all “I can’t have a baby, it’s too dangerous!” And “I’m not ready!” Pigsy and Wukong are trying to comfort him, and the poor boys is just a sobbing mess.
And Lao Tzu is just standing there like “?????”
Sorry MK XD You're getting Egged
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Bonus Anon asks:
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Referencing this post where someone pointed out that MK could theoretically create a Stone Egg + the sequel that pointed out that he'd most likely do it on accident.
I could see this most likely happening in the Canon! verse since I bet the other au MK's would be more wary of Stone Egg mishaps. But I could 100% see it happening in the SlowBoiled au since that causes more drama.
And as much as I love the idea of MK becoming *ahem* egg'd as the result of a bad guy's plans or a huge catarosphe, I think it would fit more if MK did it completely on accident.
So the idea:
Post S3 MK decides that he needs some "Me time" and takes a break from work and training after the whole "Saving the world from a bone demon"-thing. He just needs some time to shut off completely from his responsibilities in the city. His friends understand and wish him well, even though they're worried since MK won't tell him *Where* he's taking a break to.
"Where" turns out to be a cool cave-let MK found while exploring FFM during S2 with no Monkey King to hover over him. Its quiet, it's secluded, its completely off-grid... But MK just can't relax. His brain is all busy, and everytime he sleeps he sees Her.
So he starts painting. And drawing. And using charcoal. Maybe a little rough pottery with the muddy clay-like stuff in the water? And soon enough he's looking like his Artist Clone with how caked in material he is.
In liu of going to sleep and risking terrible bone demon nightmares, MK meditates like how he saw the Monkey King do. In these moments his thoughts wander into deep, dark teritory. Real "call of the void"-type of thoughts.... hey should he eat something? It's been... oh gosh Pigsy's gonna killl him if he doesn't at least text to tell him how his sabbatical is going.
After his inpromtu vacation is up, MK feels... really gross? Maybe thats cus he hasn't really washed or slept or ate, or spoken to anyone in all that time. Weird.
Pigsy asks him how long it's been since MK last ate a full meal, and huffs with disappointment at his nervous laugh before pouring his son a bowl of noodles.
Bouts of nausea and dizziness follow MK everywhere afterwards. He had no idea why - paint fumes maybe? Did some toxic chemical seep into his skin? Did he get sick somehow from isolating himself in that cave? Is that Jin and Yin trying to take over the city?
At somepoint in the utter chaos of S4 likely as the rest of the gang are recieving training from Subodhi; a certain alchemist meets MK to whisper a few questions into his ear.
Lao Tzu: "I was told that you've been experiencing extreme power fluctuations for the last few weeks. May I run a few test to rule out any abnormalities?"
MK: "Oh cool, no probs! Just don't put me in that furnace thing-y."
(*a few tests later*)
Lao Tzu: "Ok great news, it's not a curse or medical problem."
MK: "Phew! Then why is my body feels like its "glitching" all the time?"
Lao Tzu: "Thats a decaying glamour spell. Its likely that you had one affixed to you shortly before you were given up by your creators."
MK: "Glamour spell...? Wait, then what about my powers wigging out?"
Lao Tzu: "Oh thats easy. You're just pregnant."
MK (has not Done the Do): "What!?"
Mere seconds after Lao Tzu gives the diagnosis - MK just starts bawling.
He doesn't want this! Not now! He does want to have kid while all This is going on! The world might be ending for Buddha's sake!
MK is having a million panic attacks rn. He wants to have kids, so many, but only in the *Future*! When he's like semi-retired and has a protege of his own to take over the monkey business- HEY WAIT, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!
Subodhi has to drop the big lore that MK is a Stone Monkey - capable of reproducing asexually under extreme circumstances, in order to clear up the whole immaculate conception part.
Then Lao Tzu has to tell MK that the Stone Egg he carries will likely Kill him since he's (mostly) mortal.
MK starts crying before deciding to tackle the issue Later.
Ofc MK simply doesn't want his family to worry about him what with all this Brotherhood stuff going on... so he just keeps quiet for now.
His family are going to find out soon though. And by Guanyin, Pigsy is gonna freak.
Macaque (and later Wukong), just need to sniff MK once after they reunite to notice whats up.
Wukong offers to grab some No-Baby Spring Water immediately if MK doesnt want to keep the Egg. Macaque briefly panics thinking that the kid got knocked up the old-fashioned way... only to panic harder when he and Wukong determine it to be a Solo-Made Stone Egg(!!!). Cue two panicking fellow Stone Monkeys making MK feel even worse about his conflicted feelings on the matter.
Pls add on what you think so far! :3
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
I have the first chapter of the Civilian AU done, it's just going through beta slowly, and I decided I wanted at least half of chapter 2 done before I posted since it's gone from 3 chapters to 4 somehow TT
But! In the meantime, do you remember the multi verse AU aside? Where canon or Canon adjacent BatFam meets Civilian AU BatFam? Well, currently I'm thinking about the reverse, for full Drama (tm).
A villain attacks a fancy gala event, a fundraiser for children's literacy programs in Gotham, planned by Tim, at Gotham oldest hotel, in the ballroom. The villain takes the building hostage kind of situation, but a child there is a meta kid whose powers of time and space manipulation, and manages to transport all 173 people to a new universe, where there is a hero named Red Robin.
Batman responds with Superman since a whole building being consumed by light and suddenly being replaced by a similar building, one without any snow and whose lights are all lit. He ends up calling Diana and Superman, plus a few other league members because he quickly realizes there's multiverse travel involved.
News channels abound by the first hour, interviewing scared guests, alternate versions of Gotham's elite and some underprivileged children and their parents. Among them is Bruce Wayne and a strange woman none of them recognize on his arm with a baby on her hip.
The woman is beautiful despite being chubbier then most socialites, but would be just curver anywhere else. She does wear the Wayne Family jewelry however, a keen Vicki Vale notes, cornering her while Superman talks with this new Bruce. And then she manages to get one of her most viewed clips
"Tim Wayne, but Mrs. Wayne is fine Ms. Vale."
"And who finally tamed Bruce Wayne? What's your maiden name, Mrs. Wayne?"
"Drake, Timothy Drake." And so the world (mostly gotham, goes fucking insane." Oh, of course they find out Tim was just his secretary but it calls everything else into light. New light is shone on Red Robin and Bats both in and out of cape, while people keep trying to save Tim Wayne from his bad situation. Jason Wayne is also there, trying to defend his step mom and Dad, while everyone else thinks they're like in a cult or something. The cult of Bruce as it were.
Red Robin is so into DILF Bruce and his wife and soon gets seen making out with Mrs. Wayne of course 🤭🤭🤭
-Lady Lilac aka ♡♡♡
😍😍😍😍😍!!!! i LOVEE canon-verse/canon adjacent interacting with the multiverse!!!!!!!!!
i love the idea that tim in the civilian secretary au is a real martha wayne type socialite! because even in red robin and batman's universe this sort of expected way that married socialites are supposed to behave and act. no matter how progressive society becomes high society very much has deeply patriarchal values and failing to adhere to them gets you excluded, shunned, and bad mouthed. so everyone, bruce too, needs to adhere to it. and as much as the whole 'playboy' thing may have been entertaining and funny for much of high society, the older he got meant more than a few people started...wondering why he wasn't settling down. it's not like he was short of choice. and him turning down their daughters and such would be alright with them if he brought around women of equal or better standing but instead he'd bring about the likes of miss....selina kyle. well then at that point more than a few people start getting offended. angry even. bruce has a lot of money and has done a lot of work to make sure civilians never perceive him as more than a harmless idiot and that's great. that helps a lot for his work as batman. but it damages the work he can do as bruce wayne. bruce's actions are seen as disrespectful towards people with very deep pockets, deep pockets who can do a lot for the city. while the batman of one universe has a lot of charitable endeavors and does well...he doesn't do nearly as well as the batman of another universe. a batman who got married to a wonderful, darling little wife. who had plenty of rosy cheeked babies that all the wealthy grandmamas at galas and balls would coo over and pinch. a batman who managed to not step on any toes with tim there to apologize for him and grease squeaky wheels, who worked with him as a well oiled machine to make sure every ambitious goal they had in mind for the city came to fruition (because it turns out that bruce is more at ease at those events if he has someone holding his hand). tim takes the reins of the good will and projects for a 'better gotham of tomorrow'. being held in high regard means more solid connections, ones that bruce doesn't have the luxary of like of the newest mayor who is listening very intently over hor d'oeuvres about improved city planning so all those abandoned factories that are all around the city can re-enter production (sure it will make some people are a lot richer than they need to be but it will also ensure that a boom of jobs occurs in gotham with it's struggling market). so tim has his "little projects" that the other wives and ergo their husbands attend.
because tim is VERY well received by high society and all its stuffiness because he plays dutiful, loving wife who supports his husband.
tim and bruce's eldest child is just starting elementary school and it brought out stories from jason about his first day in first grade and about how he'd been one of only three kids who had been able to read a handful of words by the end of the year. and tim...well he thinks of all those children in his step son's place who still don't have the resources. the gotham media eats up how tim always has a new project coming out. a few of the crueler journalists make a joke about how he almost pops out as many charities and benefits as he does kids. that particular online newspaper gets blacklisted from all WE events.
tim does a good job and its the first of his projects he's undertaken with jason helping him on. having jason around helps especially since tim is very far along with jason's latest baby sibling. the program for literacy is a success. it's also the biggest task they've undertaken since in their research they realized a significant portion of adults from the lower income bracket in gotham were also illiterate. jason is the one who comes up with the idea for making the program run on a tv channel. unlike when he was a kid, nowadays most people had tvs. and since there were no playgrounds or places to play that didnt have broken bottles or dirty needles lying around that meant most kids watched tv.
having the kid's program be on tv meant that other information like job resources, night schools, and other programs could be spread to the parents of the child who were either in the room or watching with them.
it's a success. jason is the happiest that bruce has ever seen him as he gets ready for the one year celebration at a nice vintage hotel that is popular with the older crowd of socialites. normally jason hates these events but he's more than willing to shake a few hands in order to see the looks on kids from his old neighborhood's face when they see that the night's goal for the benefit is converting some of those condemned apartment buildings into a multilevel afterschool care center.
damian is relieved he doesn't have to go and has volunteered to stay the night with his younger siblings (no one mentions about how dick is upstairs and could easily babysit).
tim is cooing to their sweet one year old that they're taking (with them because the baby can be a little fussy) and beautifully filling out the silk halter dress he's in. their poor baby is whining and pawing at his mother for milk even though they're trying to wean him.
bruce is happy and content to accompany his wife and sons to the event. that changes very quickly when some masked gunmen show up because of course something has to happen when they're doing something for the underprivileged part of gotham.
jason is furious and carefully shielding tim and his baby brother across the room while bruce is in agony having to watch them as they're ordered on their knees with their side of the room.
but then...something pops.
there's no other way to describe it. it's like a big shiny soap bubble in his ears inflate and...pop.
bruce recognizes the sensation. it'd be hard not to recognize the sensation of dimensional travel though....he doesn't recall it ever happening with such a massive group before. in fact it might be the whole building because the front doors suddenly let in a gust of icy gotham winter wind even though bruce knows for a fact it's july.
normally bruce would be on alert. an entire building of people suddenly appearing must've set off every large energy monitor in the cave. if there's a batman in this dimension then...he must already be on his way.
the lights in the ballroom cut out for a moment but flicker back on. the gunmen are hunched over alongside many other guests who are in pain from sudden popped eardrums. many of the young children are crying including bruce's youngest child who is sobbing and burying his face in his mother's neck. the lights flicker again and bruce's knuckles throb from knocking out the gunmen as he crosses the ballroom to reach his family.
bruce is right about there being a batman in this universe and it appears this batman has wisely requested the justice league come help. and he does arrive. but not as fast as the gotham media who descend on this event like bloodhounds.
a few guests make calls on their phones, which apparently still work, asking for ambulances because a few of them panic at the blood leaking from their ears. ruptured eardrums are hardly something to panic about but bruce's heart aches at the sound of his baby sobbing. jason is helping comfort the other children while bruce carefully checks over tim, pressing firm fingers to tim's soft, pillowy sides.
bruce pulls himself from tim's side for only one reason and its at the sight of superman. his family might have thought he's turned into a softy ever since tim entered his life but if this is a universe with a hostile superman...well he'll deal with it.
it's not. clark is just as he remembers him. despite his firm voice in questioning and wary gaze as bruce approaches, dodging other reporters, there's a...softness...a relaxed sort of fondness that bruce hasn't seen in a while.
things had been awkward for a while after bruce married tim. and although clark may have come around there was an awkwardness between them. clark may not have said lois disapproved of their continued friendship- and maybe he did it to spare bruce's feelings but...he knew.
with this clark, once he figures out bruce isn't a threat by listening to his steady heartbeat, there's no...tension. no small lines of stress between his brow.
it's while he's talking with clark that the batman of this universe shows up and starts harshly interrogating him in low tones, quiet enough that surrounding guests being interviewed or attended to by paramedics don't hear. it's while theyre occupied that vicki vale makes her move.
bruce really shouldn't be surprised by the sharpness and readiness of the media. especially vicki. after all, it was those drama ridden articles she published about him and tim that was what landed her a talk show spot on good morning gotham.
the clip is circulating barely three hours later but within minutes of vicki finding out tim is his wife other reporters similarly descend and bruce has to leave the conversation to protect his wife from all their probing while dismissing their questions with tense words that they're frightening his wife and child.
jason swoops in for a rescue but grows hostile at the accusational questions about bruce and his and tim's relationship.
jason's harsh demand that they leave his mom alone elicits even more buzz. elicited and bloodthirsty buzz.
it reminds bruce a lot of how the media acted right after his surprise wedding announcement.
bruce is stuck dealing with a repeat of that so that means that fixing the whole dimensional mess falls to the batman and justice league of this world. thankfully keeping track of the guests is easy since they're in a hotel that had been on the decline for awhile and there are plenty of open rooms to house all the guests and families that attended.
turns out that in this universe this hotel was boarded up and shut down ages ago. that at least lightens concern about the hotel that is now in bruce's dimension.
it's been a while since bruce was enveloped in a media storm but thankfully, once they get over their shock, this dimension's batman and the justice league start gathering all the reporters up, trying to limit their probing into the situation given that the average person has no experience with alternate dimensions.
bruce appreciates it even if he catches a few of their grimaces and pursed lips. a few of the bats remain at the hotel to oversee and monitor the situation.
bruce recognizes all of them except one dressed in red and black wearing a cowl.
he catches the name. red robin. but can't quite pin the name to the suit.
until a few reporter photograph open windows and both he and the rest of gotham are treated to the sight of red robin and his tim wetly making out. black gloved hands squeeze his tim's plush waist and full tits and oh how bruce would recognize that pretty blush painting the visible part of red robin's face anywhere.
and well...bruce must admit he's only human. and given the stress of the situation he's certain that he's allowed a moment of weakness.
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phoenix-flamed · 5 days
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Wait have I ever actually talked about Elwin's family situation in my VII AU verse. Or, really much of anything about this verse at all. I ... genuinely do not remember. SO LET'S DO IT, FUCK IT. This is tentative, because I still don't know shit about fuck when it comes to most everything the new releases are throwing at our heads. Details can and probably will change as I learn more stuff because ????????????????????? yes.
Elwin's family isn't dead or anything, Anabella just took their boys and left him -- and Junon entirely. Originally, the family lived in Junon; to no one's surprise, Elwin had been part of the resistance forces trying to push Shinra out in favor of regaining its lost freedom from the war back in the day. Anabella didn't see the point of this; if Junon would just let go of the past and get with the times, they could work on getting in Shinra's good graces. But what she really wanted was for their family to leave Junon for Midgar, so that they could live comfortably on the Upper Plate.
But to do so meant abandoning everyone stuck living in the undercity of Junon; friends, partners-in-arms, etc. Elwin couldn't do that. He couldn't up and leave them behind, not while knowing that Shinra would never make good on any of its promises to them from when it dismantled the republic and instated its own authority over the area. He wouldn't do that.
So Anabella grew fed up and left him.
Assumedly she went to Midgar with Clive and Joshua, but Elwin has no actual idea where they are or what became of them after their silent and abrupt departure.
Elwin, after that, laid down his arms so to speak, and gave up. He opted to instead start trying to convince everyone else in Lower Junon to quietly accept Shinra's rule, a complete turnaround from how he had been before. The hope had been that maybe, just maybe he had been wrong -- and that Shinra just needed them to prove their loyalty to them in order to provide them with more than the lot they had been forced to take in life. Of course, no one else agreed with this sentiment --
And for good reason, because of course Elwin was very much wrong. He finally did leave for Midgar, joining Shinra not as a SOLDIER where one would expect him to go, but instead seeking to take a desk job within the company's headquarters. Meanwhile, he sought to foster better relations between Shinra and Junon, to no avail; his optimism of improving the quality of life and living conditions of his fellows back home was effectively crushed by Shinra itself. They wouldn't accept compromise, nor would they accept mimicry of fealty from a dead slum of a city that only existed now because of their "kindness". One that they could easily crush at any given moment, if they so pleased.
And so Elwin was stuck. He couldn't return home, because the people of Junon would never accept him back after his betrayal and abandonment, no matter how well intentioned it had been. Shinra, on the other hand, saw potential to exploit his skills in dealing and working with others. The end result was him becoming the head of a Department of Public Relations -- a role that, if Elwin was being entirely honest, felt more like mockery of him than anything else.
Deep down, there's always been a part of him that does hope that maybe, by some miracle, he will find Anabella and their children again in Midgar. So far, though, it hasn't happened.
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mellowsarts · 3 days
Welcome to Apotheosisverse!
First off, a few warnings this place will contain mature themes(16+) if you don't likes the following things please don't even bother being here, move on and don't make a fuss about it: Violence, blood, slight NSFW, angst, deaths, slavery, abuse
Buut will also contain: adventure, romance, occasionally fluff, and lots of ocs.
Also note not all the art belongs to me but the ocs are so yea-
This place is an apocalyptic AU/verse where a mysterious virus is slowly taking over and destroying worlds, homes, hopes and dreams some places have lost everything to the threat leaving nothing but a few survivors to none, some other places don't even know the existence of the virus and is all thanks to a crew led by Dream, they are responsible on trying their best to keep the peace and to stop the virus from causing more devastation the virus behaves very differently in each word it touches so is is very difficult to find a cure to stop it..
[Image on hos the virus works coming soon]
For now let's meet the main crew!
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Daylight: The one who sends the crew to dangerous missions either outside or inside to investigate dangerous sectors of the cities to keep the peace he doesn't smile much
Mist: usually calm and collected he's the one who leads the missions most of the time not only outside but inside the city as well being the only one to survive the virus with his brother he is sometimes protective of him he doesn't really know how to talk to people outside work however.. he is quite shy.
Shira: Usually the second in comand agile, friendly, loyal but quite a bit hot-headed at times she gets along with most of the crew she lost her arm and a small shunk of her soul on a fight and constantly has phantom pains she hates looking at it or others mentioning it Sugarbee usually helps her whenever they need to fix the arm.
Ves: she is usually sent on missions inside the city a bit quiet and impulsive, but always follows orders to the leter gets along well with Shira, she is often confused as a guy but she doesn't really care.
Kuru: A demon who saved Ves from human hunters on her once home and now is resident on her soul keeping her alive usually the voice of reason whenever they are on missions.
Cipher: The very first one to loose his home to the virus and is constantly looking for the one responsible for it workaholic, he is the only one known to survive the strike from the virus leaving his arm permanently damaged
Artik: Him and Mist where the only ones to survive when their home was destroyed by the virus. He is very mischievous and loves to mess around with others just to get them to smile after what they've been trough but he finds it difficult to take care of himself so his brother is constantly nagging him about it. He also gets in trouble a lot for not following orders in missions sometimes.(Flake and him are best friends)
Sugarbee: A sentient AI robot built by Cypher using what he could save from his home to help detect any viruses or issues outside or inside the omega City, he is flirty, loves to mock and he is a very good singer usually the one in charge of tech and weapons
Hohenheim: Shy, anxious but always ready for whatever they throw at him. hugee pacifist and only fights when he needs to he is the healer of the group and extremely good at archery he believes everyone's good deep down.
Gunner: one of the most recent ones to have lost his home and joined right after out of revenge for his home grumpy, mean to the crew, barely smiles and of course a bit lazy he only tolerates Hohenheim.
Now that you've met the main crew, let's meet the others and their place in their homes!
There's this place called omega city Is a huge void-like world that are the homes of our Guardians Ying and yang! They are the only ones who can led access to this place.
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They make sure to accommodate all beings who have lost their homes to the virus here and most live happily in peace..but you cant keep the peace everywhere...This place has many flaws, from anarchy between humans and monsters to mafia, monster facilities, to dense forests with tribes and dangers in every corner.. there's a little bit of everything in this place!
And now to show you where everyone lives! There's many places scared outside the main city to explore!
[Images of the city layout coming soon]
⚙️The Outcodes⚙️
These are people who want to live as much of a normal life possible in the city center after the many events that have happened to them These peeps mostly live in peace with one another and rarely even fight with some having homes, jobs, etc but not everything is 100% peace..
Flake: Extremely anxious, insecure but very kind and generous, he always tries his best on whatever is thrown at him even tho he sometimes panics he sometimes trains with Artik with his ice magic to defend himself better(he is in a very toxic relationship with Jiro)
Simon(parasite): Outgoing, yet anxious when meeting new people this parasite in disguise is very well known and liked because of his career as a streamer he also owns his own brand of clothing. Doesn't go outside much.
Jiro(parasite): only there to cause a bit of chaos and eat the souls of lost citizens around the city doesn't matter the species he can paralyzed his victims using a toxin on the tip of his fingers one smal scratch and you are done for he is very flirty, manipulative, controlling, abusive and extremely dangerous(he is in a current relationship with Flake)
Kai: He was a sex slave since he was very young that is all he knew but years later humans discovered he was the last of his kind after thue to over hunting so he was put for exhibition and all that and pay lots of money to sleep with then till the day he snapped and murdered everyone in sight before disappearing. He is adventurous yet timid with people. Has a hard time trusting others but gets attached easily. He was a bit of a sarcastic tone at times with people he doesn't know well and only loosens up when someone proves they're able to be trusted. Can be over protective and only wants to find someone he can truly trust.He is also very sex repulsed..yet craves it.
♠️♥️Mafia alley♣️♦️
This place is what they call the wealthy moster section of the void here mosters rule these area this place is mostly crime driven and the place with most fancy restaurants, bars and clubs
[Image coming soon but for now their names]
Leonard Maximilian
🏢⛓️The labs and facilities⛓️🏢
This is a place where mostly humans live and the few monsters that are here are slaves for the wealthy humans is either of this section made in breeding factories and sold to serve the humans who live there. Most of the monsters live in facilities and know very little about the outside.
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Brax' info is on his ref sheet-
🪵🌳The woods🌳🪵
his place is one of the biggest  in this place connecting all around the the void/world where tribes and much simpler people live in and where most of the organic food grows to be distributed across but there's also many dangers on these parts to tribes feral monsters to dangerous entities! Humans sometimes will come here to hunt down creatures for pleasure or trophies and such but not all of them come out alive to tell the tale.
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Shin: Has been alive for thousands of years even before Ying and yang this fox spirit takes care of the forests keeping humans away as best he can he is quite respected by the tribes and most who live in the woods
Patches: A strange doll-like creature who feeds on human flesh and souls he is always alone thue his fear of hurting and scaring others and will usually starve himself just so he doesn't hurt people or until he looses himself to hunger will sometimes observe villages from a distance and learn stuff with his smaller from to not attract unwanted attention.
And now for the extras...the bitties!
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And now that you've met everyone inside the omega city..let's meet the ones outside!
❌️⚠️The threats⚠️ ❌️
There are many threats that want to find, harm, and destroy the omega city Ying and yang are very sought after by the people who want to do harm since they are the key to even get there but most of the threats are taken care of...but for how long?
[Note: I don't have all the references yet so please bear with me-]
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ㄅɬЯⅰк∑Я: it is believed to be the cause of the virus, but they aren't 100% sure of it they are always around with two giant wolves who destroy and eat the souls of innocents his face remains a mystery to the crew and are always actively trying to catch him but to no avail..
And that's about it for now! Hope you enjoy it here. Asks are always open for well- asks, interactions, ships and roleplay!
[This post will update over time not all the info will be present for the time being please do be patient ;; thank you for reading!]
Last update: 3-Jun-24
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localwebslingers · 11 days
| Headcanon Dump: Paw Prints in the Subway(Werewolf AU) |
As with all the posts like this, this is just to get some of the basics of this verse and what it would entail out there for people to see. Please note: in this universe Peter will NOT have spider powers. We're not doing any were-spiders here(actually that sounds truly HORRIFYING to think about) so this is just being a supernatural being.
Werewolf basics:
No one knows the origin of where werewolves came from. All the old stories about them from various cultures have been suggested as starting points but no one knows for sure.
People are either born as werewolves or have to be bitten during a full moon to pass it along. This rarely happens and is often either by accident or because a human partner has decided to change as well. The bite has to be deep and it is painful.
There is no weakness to silver, that's just Hollywood. Werewolves do, however, have a natural and severe allergy to Wolf's Bane(think how lavender is really bad for your cat). The symptoms include coughing, severe respiratory distress, nausea, weakness/fatigue, fever, and in severe exposure cases even death. There are treatments available, but it's never a guarantee with heavy exposure.
The change is into just a large wolf. The bipedal and anthropomorphic appearances is, once again, just Hollywood.
Werewolves can shift at will, however they are forced to at the peek of the full moon(the full moon lasts three days, they're forced into the change on the second day). Many will shift before moonrise to make the change easier and less sudden.
Werewolves largely leave humans, and other beings, alone, even when shifted. They hunt other animals but will only lash out at people when threatened, scared, or injured, just like any wild animal. There are of course exceptions to this, but the vast majority are, for the most part, harmless.
Both of Peter's parents were werewolves, and so was Uncle Ben. Aunt May, however, is human. She was never changed and has no intention of being changed. His parents and uncle were killed by hunters.
While most packs in the city are all werewolves, Peter's own is mixed. This is in part due to the fact that May is human, but also because his pack is more of a "found family" and thus any friends he's especially close to get invited into it. (each Peter have similar and different members, and a lot will be thread/partner specific)
Peter shifts into a large, brown wolf.
There's a cabin outside of New York that was owned by Peter's parents and passed to his aunt and uncle when they died. It's used as a place for the entire pack to go to sometimes for the full moon, so he and the other werewolf members can shift and actually run around a forest for a change.
After a shift, especially the full moon, Peter is near ravenously hungry and exhausted from the amount of energy it takes. May always called out for him in school so he could rest most of the day to sleep off the worst of it.
The pack has no real leader, however everyone still agrees that it's May, even if she denies it.
Peter has not killed people as a wolf, he has however severely injured several people who have tried to hurt him or another pack member. While he's not aggressive like most people stereotype werewolves to be, he is fiercely protective of anyone else who's a pack member.
Leading up to the full moon Peter tends to get more and more energetic. He talks more, struggles to keep still, and also has more body language communication. Things like leaning on people, making sounds similar to growling, and can be quicker to agitate in tense situations.
Peter tends to lay on his partners when he's a wolf. He can't hug them so it's the next best thing. And yes, ear scratches are welcomed and encouraged.
Peter has a cord necklace of a wooden wolf that's a protection charm(as in actual magic) from when he was a kid, passed down to him by his parents. It's one of his most valued possessions, and when he married it'll be passed on to whoever his partner is, or their child if they have one.
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mantleoflight · 5 months
SW Verse Thoughts: Light outside of Sol & Sol in the "Known Universe"
//So, been thinking about Echo's SW verse and how proximity to the Traveler does, in fact, affect ghosts and probably Guardians. The idea that the farther they are from the Traveler, the weaker their Light is is really interesting to me bc it would actually give a lot of leeway in their interactions with different aspects of other Sci-fi universes without being Overpowered.
//Because let's face it, Guardians are made to go toe to toe with big bads and outstanding numbers. They are made to go into impossible fights and come out on top. Because that was the situation the Traveler was in when it was first "killed" by the Black Fleet.
//But given the handicap of limited Light outside of Sol, not only do Drifter's stories of the Bad Things out there ring true, but it also gives other narratives a chance to shine as well. So the idea is that Sol is actually deep in the Unknown Regions and that the Traveler, after dealing with the Witness and them, actually came to this galaxy with a Last Stand intention. It's scared and it knows the ones hunting it will destroy more and more, and it's just come into this new galaxy after the last one was collapsed by the Witness. So it does the only thing it can think of: it makes a lobster trap.
//The Traveler is a Terraformer, it can't do anything but give life. So it does, but in a way that turns a whole third of an unsuspecting galaxy into a giant lobster trap. At first, it was unintentional. Then it became calculated, and soon it had drawn its enemies to a center point within the 1/3 galactic lobster trap and temporarily perished, giving life to the Guardians as both its gift, curse, and apology for what it brought to Sol.
//For the sake of this AU, this is what I think happened and why only 1/2 of the galaxy is mapped: Because of the buffer made between the darkness-poisoned Lobster Trap and the flourishing galaxy.
//But with this in mind, consider: After the Vanguard deals with the Witness and once things settle down, imagine the Last City developing a Representative Consensus instead of a Faction Consensus, and are introduced to the New Republic when a guardian gets tossed across the universe and finally makes their way home with new friends and new ways to make things easier on everybody.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Ari Levinson Masterlist
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She’s Desperate
Dire Straights AU
What That House is Made Of
Sweet Little Whore
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All That Glitters - Leaving behind your baby daddy, you are desperate to find a job you are introduced to the nightlife of an exclusive club. The Moonstone Lounge offers you more money than you realized. Coming into contact with Pete Brenner on the first night, and it didn’t go well. Will his attempt to make it up to you, and remove you from the menu for other men to devour work? Will you allow him to dress you, tell you when you should eat, what you should wear, accompany him to his business parties, and even how you greet him? Everything has a price, and Pete credit card have no limit with you.
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A Losing Hand -  Mafia AU, nothing is what is seems. Trust no one, and listen to everything. Alliances will form, and they will fail, but who is playing who?
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A Tainted Heart -  You and your sweet Max have a job, but somehow more and more obstacles keep getting in your way.  And now your ex boyfriend, Ari, a former CIA agent, has caught back up to you.  Are you and Max going to be able to pull off this robbery?  And will you ever get far enough away from Ari...or do you even want to?
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Ari & Curtis - a continuation of Desperate Affairs, and is part of a huge AU, the Desperate Verse, but most can be read as a standalone
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Desperate Affairs -  Engaged to Andy Barber, and deeming him too safe, and only wanting to be intimate to get you pregnant, you start a sex only relationship with Ransom Drysdale.  Nothing is ever easy, and you get yourself into a web of lies.  Are you the only one lying?   ⭐COMPLETE⭐
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Flowers of Waverley Road -  Magnus Romano is a fierce leader of the biggest Mafia family in Boston.  And deep outside of the negotiating and the city he has remained to keep his daughters hidden.  But continues to use them as a bargaining agent.  Each daughter has their own journey and story.  Each daughter has their own tests and heartbreak.  And each daughter is fiercely loyal to each other.  His pretty little flowers.  His major point of bribery.  But they’re not as delicate as Magnus thinks that they are, or as stupid.
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Goldilocks & the Three Men -  You were warned not to go into the enchanted forest, but there was something that was calling to you, and you ran in anyway.  You shouldn’t be talking to strangers, shouldn’t be eating unknown fruits.  You shouldn’t have done a lot of things. ⭐COMPLETE⭐
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I Love You Like Crazy, Girl COMING SOON -  Ari was reckless.  He wasn’t your typical romantic guy.  He didn’t want a house with a white picket fence or a wife with a baby on her hip.  The one woman he tried to be faithful to and thrown him for a loop.  She wanted everything he did not want.  Needed to be loved and cared for, and he couldn’t be that man for her.  And then there comes you.  A long lost relative of someone with connections to his ex, and he becomes addicted to you, and you him.  Twin flames getting high on living crazy.   *Part of the Keys in Your Ignition AU*
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Keys in Your Ignition -  Caught up in a sexual relationship with your father’s Vice President, and trying to not get caught.  Blind to everything else that’s going on in the club, and even your old crush, Bucky Barnes.  Not even noticing your brother and best friend flirting, until your father suddenly passes, and things in the club drastically change.
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The Legends of Collingswood Glade -  Deep into the woods, and past the veil is a beautiful place.  Beautiful but dangerous.  Faeries are not to be trusted, and in their world rules often change.  Each court is different, but one rules them all...
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More Than You Know -  When you and fiancé go back to your hometown of Santo Padre, it opens up a world you thought you had left behind.  Running back into an ex set off a whirlwind of emotions and happenings, leaving you to move to Charming.
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The Original Dolls COMING SOON -  In a world where a man can have a wife and a doll, a real life sex doll.  Pick out by their own hands and used for their pure filthy enjoyment.  Better get used to the life of being their play toy, and these men never miss an opportunity to indulge in playtime, no matter where they are.  And you can’t say no.  
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Out of the Sea -  He needed your help, and you couldn't let him drown.  Now that he's back he doesn't need your help, just you.  Your body.  Your everything.  Both of you spent the years desiring and obsessing over the other.  Now that you've reconnected you want to teach him the ways of the ocean, and he wants to teach you the ways of him.  Will this be a matchmade in heaven or in sin?
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Rebuild Your Ruins -  Adopted by Ragnar Lothbrok himself, you train to be a fierce Viking warrior with Bucky.  As children you hated each other.  He despised you for slowing him down, but as you got older you became best friends, and were not ready to be forced into marriage.  Not to mention you may have confusing feelings towards Ari.  Can you navigate relationships with both?  And can Bucky handle him not being the most important man in your life?
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Underneath the City Lights -  When your father dies, and the Dirty Martini is ran by your brother, all hell breaks lose.  And the one person who knows the secret to the newest mafia family in town is you.  Forced to perform, and bought by August Walker.  Who knew it was going to take an old family friend to save you?  Hiding you away from the families is where the two of you start to fall....
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Whiskey on Your Breath COMING SOON -  Being a virginal saloon girl had it’s perks.  Flirting with all the men.  Becoming untouchable to them.  All they wanted was you, and all you wanted was Raleigh Beckett.  But sometimes what you want doesn’t matter.  Not when your innocence is put up for sale.  Losing it all to the highest bidder, while Raleigh had nothing...
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hungerun · 8 months
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i wanna explain/slap down some descs of my diff verses and aus, so. uh. yeah! * heiress au : after a failed escape attempt by her father, mamiko fujioka grows up residing on the maw, instead of the mainlands. under the lady’s care, she is raised as the ship’s heiress: it’s something the girl has been prepared for her entire life, but.
whether her mother is ready to hand over the torch, is another thing completely. plus, mamiko has been slowly uncovering more and more about the maw, about what really goes on there, and, well. * dbd au : in the 1920s, tragedy struck in tsuruoka, japan. an orphanage, housing many children under the care of a headmistress, was the site of a brutal massacre. one night, under the dark of the new moon, many children were killed in their beds, and the building set ablaze. there were no survivors, and the headmistress, nor her body, were ever found.
ninety-eight years later, two runaway kids stumble upon the remnants of the burned down building, hidden deep in the woods. as the night was stormy, rain coming down in blinding sheets, they decided to take shelter in the building and wait for the storm to pass. these children were never seen again. six, been taken by the entity, is now a participant in something known as ‘the trials’ in the entity’s realm. there, she has to fight tooth and nail to survive, escaping killers the best she can while repairing generators and make it out alive. again and again shes forced to take part, but, determined as ever, she knows that, one day, she’ll escape these games for good.
* twdg au : a resident of a group home prior to the appearance of walkers, six and her best friend, mono, remained there with other kids and social workers when the world fell apart. they were safe there, all things considered, until a group of raiders happened upon their hideaway. due to the actions of the raiders, a horde washed over the group home, as a result, six was bitten. thankfully, it was discovered that six was immune to the bite -- at least, partially. she keeps ahold of herself, though at times she falls into fits of insatiable hunger, much like a walker. despite this, mono stays by her side: after all, they are best friends. the two of them now travel together searching for a place to call home.
* bioshock au : katsumi fujioka, (stage name, ‘the lady of the sea’) was a socialite in rapture, working closely with sander cohen, being a long time friend, and student of his, she worked in his nightclubs as a performer – and she was considered the best of the best. however, like most of the city, she slowly developed an addiction to adam, using it to keep herself beautiful and to upkeep her talents, refusing to give up the spotlight no matter the cost. despite knowing, at least in part, the horrors that awaited a child within those orphanage walls, her growing need for adam eventually led her to trade her young daughter, mamiko fujioka, for a steady supply of the stuff she craved. the girl was quickly placed in the little sister program, and eventually became one of the children rescued by a rebelled dr. tenebraum, who managed to mostly reverse the procedure. but, something went wrong with mamiko.
while yes, it reversed any physical effects, and stopped any adam production from occurring; mamiko’s body couldn’t seem to understand the loss. because of this, she suffers fits of hunger where her body attempts to replace the adam that it no longer creates, causing massive cravings. since then mamiko has been living within tenebraum’s safehouse along with the other rescued children, as the doctor tries to find something to rid her of her unfortunate complication. and, where they stay, holed up; she, along with a handful of the other children, act as scouts of sorts for the safehouse. taking a numbered nickname as they go out to look for supplies to help sustain the group, helping rescue more children still trapped within the program, etc etc.
* lady of the maw au : after braving the horrors of the maw and defeating the lady, consuming her power, six finds herself over -whelmed with the memories that wash over her, revealing the truth of the maw, her family, and all the horrors that come with it. exhausted from everything that she faced, from the fact that her father tried so hard to save her from this fate and failed, six no longer has the fight left in her to turn her back on what seems to be the only path left. instead of forging on, creating her own fate, she takes over as the ruler of the maw.
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wcrstarter · 6 months
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RESIDENCE: Verse dependant. Canon verses she atypically lives in the Castle Corvinus in her private quarters, or a cabin in a remote location of her choosing. Modern verses even if she is involved with the covens it's rare she will stay with them, she will have a city residence of a condo that she keeps private. Most crossover au's she will live in a cabin in the wilds quite happily.
TYPE OF BED: She's not terribly picky, she's slept on a bedroll on the ground before. If she has the option, she does preferred a stuffed mattress when possible and will craft her own if she needs to. However, it's usually more firm than most people like.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Sonja is immune to cold, and is only as warm as her ambient surroundings. She does enjoy her creature comforts, in winter time she will (in most verses) have a thick goose down duvet that she will nestle into. Usually there are woolen knit blankets and animal furs, no more than two at a time. In warmer seasons it's usually a lightweight linen blanket thrown over her bed.
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: Usually only two, one of which she will use as a makeshift body pillow unless she has company, then it'll be given to them instead.
TYPE OF CLOTHING: Either nothing to bed (only in private residences), often just a large shift or shirt (if she can swipe a partner's shirt she's inclined to). If she's travelling its unlikely she would do much of an outfit change just to sleep, she might leave her armour on and simply go to sleep in it comfort be damned. Otherwise it'll be leggings with a large shirt/oversized shirt if she's not fully comfortable where she's bedding down for the night.
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: Depends on verse/other muse involved. If romantically inclined she might want the company, if she views them in a familial platonic manner she might sleep next to them to guard them while they sleep. This would apply to any mortal who would need to rest during the night when she's active.
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: Yes, especially if she knows them well over a one night stand.
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: Not particularly, in verses where the sun cannot hurt her she enjoys sleeping in the sunlight or under the stars. If she is staying at the residence of someone she doesn't like, she might pretend to be fussier over her sleeping conditions--if its a court setting and she cannot stand the other noble she will deliberately do this and then simply sleep on the floor to be contrary.
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?: She'll often sing to herself, cradle songs and war chants, pace around the room/campsite, or read until she finally drifts off. She has a hard time getting her hunting/predator instincts/battle instincts to shut 'off' in order to rest and often suffers racing thoughts closer to her bedtime.
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: Some verses, her memory of burning under the sun. Most verses its relieving battles she fought in the past, or moments she regrets. Memories she prefers to avoid during her waking hours if she can. She will only talk about them if she truly trusts the other person.
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: Deep slumber, she's too restless to nap unless she's been unable to sleep for days and then it'll be an exhausted driven nap.
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: When she needs to, when she can no longer put it off, or can finally shake off the insomnia to rest.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: Sonja's a ambush style predator by nature, the slightest sound or movement will wake her. She might not indicate she's awake and aware, and there is usually a weapon nearby she will use (if she is not the weapon herself).
EARLY OR LATE RISER: Early, she'll only sleep in late if she's truly exhausted/injured, or if she has a bed companion she'll be more inclined to stay where she is and curl up closer to them.
Tagged by: @ithring
Tagging: @penddraig @tornsurvivors @halfvampirehalflycan @sookiestackhcuse @ofcatnaps @parainvestigate @causeitsmyboat @llosgcariad
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
How I would overhaul That 90s Show, via my verse. Downstairs People (or The Kids are Alright, I haven't decided).
The Premise: 1998/99. Away from the city lights, it's either summer camp or spending a couple of weeks at their grandparents' abode for the Forman and Hyde kids. With lots of adventure, and lots of shenanigans. Just like the good 'ol days.
Here, there are really no clear parallels to the OG gang, other than Chelsea being an artsier Donna and Kate having main character syndrome like Eric. They're tweens (like they should be), figuring out themselves, with no filter. No Disney-esque facade, no superficial diversity. It's a deep dive, into what makes kids tick, as they interact with the world around them. Much like season 1 of That 70s Show, whereas Netflix's That 90s Show? Reeks of The Conners (so. much. retconning, to the point of it being an obvious AU), and Girl Meets World. A dumpster fire mixed with outright mediocrity.
Kate Forman: Eric and Donna's 12/13 year old daughter, and the central character of the series. In Chicago, she's the endearing popular girl with straight As. As a budding activist, and with a bohemian flair. Can she reinvent herself in Point Place, and can she ever relax and just be a typical kid, with typical adventures?
Becca Hyde: Jackie and Hyde's 12/13 year old daughter, who's struggling to come to grips with her budding bisexuality. She has a crush both on Leonardo DiCaprio and Lindsay Lohan. Her on-off boyfriend Danny, and her best friend Kate. And meeting Mel brings it all to light, slowly but surely.
Adrian Forman: Fez and Laurie's 13/14/15 year old son. Abandoned by his mother at a very young age, he has little to nothing in common with his flamboyant, bisexual father. He spends his summer with his grandparents every summer, because he identifies so much more with them. Red in particular. But as he goes through growing pains, and lovingly eyes the girl next door, he'll have to confront the fact that maybe, just maybe? He isn't as much like his grandfather as he thinks, as the generational divide becomes more and more apparent.
Chelsea O'Connor: The girl next door, and the granddaughter of Red's childhood best friend Arch. Quiet but rebellious, she's an artistic soul with a love of music. Her parents, Edie (Arch's daughter) and Elliot, are local music teachers with nightly "concerts" that drive Red crazy. Her parents might be...eccentric, but at least they helped bring Red and Arch back together again, after decades apart.
James Hyde: Jackie and Hyde's 10/11 year old son, and the "little brother" figure for Adrian. Well, and he's Becca's literal little brother, and he drives her insane. With his wild schemes, and entrepreneurial dreams.
Leah Forman: Eric and Donna's 8/9 year old daughter, who loves stirring the pot. Green Day is her soundtrack, and she's having the time of her life. With her best friend James by her side, and not those snotty girls at stupid camp.
Kevin and Daniel "Danny" Acosta: Buddy Morgan's stepsons, and Leo's great-grandsons. They spend their weekends with their mother (and Leo's granddaughter) Maura. Kevin is Adrian's best friend, a STEM nerd to the max. And Danny is a reckless, rebellious skater boy, and Becca's on-off boyfriend. Who Hyde hates.
Melanie "Mel" Parker: Raquel's daughter, Colette's niece, and Becca's secret girlfriend. She drags a socially awkward Becca to many local hangouts, from Mt Hump to Grooves.
Arthur "Arch" Holland: Chelsea's grandfather, Edie's father, and Red's childhood best friend. Oh, and current best friend.
Eric: Aw, Dad has a best friend!
Red: Wipe that damn smirk off of your face!
They fell out after fighting over a girl in high school, and they firmly went their separate ways. With Red going the more conventional route, and with Arch floating around for awhile before starting a construction company. Ever since '80, when the O'Connors moved next door, they've been reconstructing their friendship. Step by step.
Hannah Kelso: Kelso and Brooke's 13/14 year old daughter. She loves the Backstreet Boys, all things Disney, and animals (including stuffed animals). In 1998, she chooses summer camp ("it was my last chance, to be a kid!"), and in 1999? She chooses to hang out with her boyfriend Tommy in Chicago, but Fez and Kelso still try to set her up with Adrian, with bad results.
Hannah: But Daddy, I have a boyfriend!
Kelso: C'mon, you guys would be like Red and Kitty!
Hannah: And Adrian has a girlfriend!
Fez (with a gasp): I didn't know that!
Kelso (patting Fez's shoulder): Now you do.
Hannah (loudly clearing her throat): That means you can stop trying to set us up...
Kelso (with a crazy laugh): Yeah, right...
Fez (interjecting): Rome wasn't built in a day.
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I posted 451 times in 2022
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#unlikely salvation - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#wanted to try and convey night time with the colours but i'm honestly not sure if this works or is just too dark
My Top Posts in 2022:
They gasp and shudder in her arms, fingers clinging feebly to her shirt. When they look up at her, their eyes barely stay open. There's a smear of blood across their cheek. 
"Did…" they rasp weakly, "Did I do… a good job?"
She looks around at the carnage on every side. The strewn wreckage. The flames still roaring, close enough that the pair of them feel the heat. 
She looks down at their injuries, their torn clothes, the exhausted heave of their chest. 
She takes a deep breath. 
"No," she says. "You really screwed this one up." Against her shoulder, they wheeze a thready laugh. "Yeah," they agree, eyelids fluttering. "I guess… I really did."
85 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
“What are you giving me?” the prisoner asks. The fever distorts his voice, makes it unfamiliar, like someone else is speaking from his throat. “It is called terizocam.” The mask and goggles and hairnet make the doctor seem scarcely human, but her hands are gentle. “I think it will make you better.”
He barely feels the needle. The drug stings a little as it goes in, but not a lot. Almost more an itch than a pain.
“... you think? You don’t know?” “Maybe it will harm you. I do not think it will harm you.”
The needle goes into a bag marked BIOHAZARD. The doctor puts a little fabric plaster over the injection site, as if the prisoner is a child.
“You don’t know,” he repeats. His thoughts move like oil. “This is… I’m a guinea pig.” “I am afraid so.” “You can’t do that,” he protests weakly. “It’s not… it’s illegal…” “Someone must be the ‘guinea pig’,” the doctor says. “You are very sick. With no medicine, I think you will die. This drug might help you.” “Or it might kill me.” “I do not think it will kill you. It has not killed anyone else.”
The prisoner shudders as the room flips from unbearably hot to freezing cold once again. He has been shivering so long that it hurts.
“I don’t want to be a lab rat,” he whispers. “If the drug makes you more sick,” says the doctor, “you tell me. If there are side effects, I will help you. I do not want to harm you. I want you to get well.” “But I don’t get a choice.” “No,” she agrees. “I am sorry.”
104 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Magic always has a price, and most often that price is measured in suffering.
The first of the sorcerers used their own pain, in rites of scarification and coal-walking, of harrowing and mortification of the flesh.
But magicians are enterprising creatures, and soon turned to sources outside of themselves.
The courtly mages use condemned criminals.
Any city of sufficient size produces a steady supply of miscreants. While lesser criminals go to the gallows, the most reviled vanish into the deep labyrinths beneath the palaces to fuel the great works of their betters.
Out here in the hills, life doesn't come so cheap. How often do you see a murder out here? Not in my lifetime.
Our mages take familiars for their sources, and never will you see such a miserable creature under the sun.
Some familiars are condemned, like their shorter-lived cousins beneath the courts -- sentenced by a magistrate, or purchased from a city dungeon and dragged out here to the hills.
Some are debt-slaves, paying off with blood and misery the debts they could not pay with coin.
Some are even apprentices, enticed with promises of power to call their own some day -- if they survive the demands of the master long enough to see it. Whether any ever graduate from such wretched tutelage, well, who can say.
Magicians are crafty creatures, and not renowned for kindness.
The wise make no bargains with them, and keep well away from the places where magicians make their lairs.
Who is to say whether the scarred creatures that creep at their heels were ever given fair trial, whether they owe a rightful debt, or whether they were simply snatched from shaded woods and lonely mountain trails?
We don't travel alone, up here in the hills, and we don't trust lightly.
178 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
"See, you're worth a pretty penny, but not nearly as much as I'll get for bringing in the rest of your little nest. So I'm willing to cut you a deal -- you lead me to your hidey-hole, and I'll let you slip the net."
267 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Today's mood: gloves.
Stylish black leather gloves, fitted as close as a second skin.
Gloved fingers gliding over bare, vulnerable skin. Tipping a chin up. Gloved hands wrapped lovingly around a throat.
Fingerless gloves. Gloves with hard plastic reinforcement over the knuckles for more effective beatings.
Tough work gloves. Wear-resistant fibres rough and abrasive against narrow, bruised wrists. Gloved hands dragging a struggling body.
Black gloves, knuckles cracking before they get to work.
Bright coloured gloves, a distinctive splash of colour that will always remind the victim of their attacker's hands.
Gloved hands cupping the side of the face. A gloved thumb digging in under the jaw, digging into a bruise. Gloved fingers tracing over the marks left by the whip.
Gloves protecting the torturer's hands from their tools -- barbed wire, sharp metal, a hot brand.
Prison guards wearing gloves rather than deign to touch the prisoners they manhandle.
Latex or nitrile gloves suggesting that the subject is contaminated, too filthy to touch. Or that it's not safe to touch whatever substance they are about to be introduced to.
Surgical gloves.
Delicate formal gloves on a villain who doesn't like to get their hands dirty. Silk clad fingers elegantly curled round the stem of a glass, watching an underling carry out their will.
And then of course, the moment when their temper snaps and the gloves come off.
272 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hungerun-a · 1 year
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i wanna explain/slap down some descs of my diff verses and aus, so. uh. yeah!
* heiress au : after a failed escape attempt by her father, mamiko fujioka grows up residing on the maw, instead of the mainlands. under the lady’s care, she is raised as the ship’s heiress: it’s something the girl has been prepared for her entire life, but. whether her mother is ready to hand over the torch, is another thing completely. plus, mamiko has been slowly uncovering more and more about the maw, about what really goes on there, and, well.
* dbd au : in the 1920s, tragedy struck in tsuruoka, japan. an orphanage, housing many children under the care of a headmistress, was the site of a brutal massacre. one night, under the dark of the new moon, many children were killed in their beds, and the building set ablaze. there were no survivors, and the headmistress, nor her body, were ever found. ninety-eight years later, two runaway kids stumble upon the remnants of the burned down building, hidden deep in the woods. as the night was stormy, rain coming down in blinding sheets, they decided to take shelter in the building and wait for the storm to pass. these children were never seen again. six, been taken by the entity, is now a participant in something known as ‘the trials’ in the entity’s realm. there, she has to fight tooth and nail to survive, escaping killers the best she can while repairing generators and make it out alive. again and again shes forced to take part, but, determined as ever, she knows that, one day, she’ll escape these games for good.
* twdg au : a resident of a group home prior to the appearance of walkers, six and her best friend, mono, remained there with other kids and social workers when the world fell apart. they were safe there, all things considered, until a group of raiders happened upon their hideaway. due to the actions of the raiders, a horde washed over the group home, as a result, six was bitten.
thankfully, it was discovered that six was immune to the bite -- at least, partially. she keeps ahold of herself, though at times she falls into fits of insatiable hunger, much like a walker. despite this, mono stays by her side: after all, they are best friends. the two of them now travel together searching for a place to call home.
* bioshock au : katsumi fujioka, (stage name, ‘the lady of the sea’) was a socialite in rapture, working closely with sander cohen, being a long time friend, and student of his, she worked in his nightclubs as a performer – and she was considered the best of the best. however, like most of the city, she slowly developed an addiction to adam, using it to keep herself beautiful and to upkeep her talents, refusing to give up the spotlight no matter the cost. despite knowing, at least in part, the horrors that awaited a child within those orphanage walls, her growing need for adam eventually led her to trade her young daughter, mamiko fujioka, for a steady supply of the stuff she craved.
the girl was quickly placed in the little sister program, and eventually became one of the children rescued by a rebelled dr. tenebraum, who managed to mostly reverse the procedure. but, something went wrong with mamiko in particular. while yes, it reversed any physical effects, and stopped any adam production from occurring; mamiko’s body couldn’t seem to understand the loss. because of this, she suffers fits of hunger where her body attempts to replace the adam that it no longer creates, causing massive cravings.
since then mamiko has been living within tenebraum’s safehouse along with the other rescued children, as the doctor tries to find something to rid her of her unfortunate complication. where they stay, holed up; she, along with a handful of the other children, act as scouts of sorts for the safehouse. taking a numbered nickname as they go out to look for supplies to help sustain the group, helping rescue more children still trapped within the program, etc etc.
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mak3itr7ght · 1 year
pair: Namjoon x fem!reader (Sing au)
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genre: Animation movie, fantasy, romantic.
Movie: Sing
*Is it possible for a human being the a koala's nephew? Well.. nothing is impossible~
Namjoon's pov
The Moon theater.. the world's most beautiful theater, in my opinion.
My uncle, Buster Moon, is the chief of this amazing theater and I really admire him.
Since I was a child, I come here to watch the shows' premiere.
To be honest, at first, they seemed boring...
But.. I've really felt sorry when I discovered that the whole building just collapsed and that my uncle lost everything.
Because..yes, for him, this theater is his life, above all, 'cause my grandpa worked hard for buying it for his son.
Luckily, my uncle's positivity never betrayed him, not even then:
He setup a pseudo theater with the remains of the old one, and obviously, with the help of his crew too, then bring a mind-blowing show.
He managed to rebuild the Moon Theater, and after several adventures, he managed to debut together with the other members of the crew in the famous town of Redshore City, in the Crystal Tower Theater, just think... that even the great Clay Callway was part of the show and now...it's part of the crew!! But I think you already know all the details, don't you?
It seemed like a hopeless situation! But my uncle's voice was still enthusiastic as he told me what had happened and it was also full of amusement. After hearing this story and seeing for myself the show that brought uncle Buster and his crew to their current fame, "Out of This World", literally a whole new world opened up for me.
I started to appreciate theater more and also started to develop the dream of wanting to bring my own show. I've always loved hip hop and rap for as long as I can remember.
I always had a deep connection with music, through my lyrics I tried to express myself and most of the time I was able to do it great, in fact, I still do it now.
Even at school I spent hours writing down lyrics, and I got numerous scoldings from the teacher because I completely forgot about the lesson.. one day, I even rapped the verse of one of my songs, out loud, during a class test... despite this, however, I was a model student!
other times, I did Freestyle battles with my other classmates or older students and... I always won, modestly. And  when I don't write lyrics or produce songs, for lack of inspiration, I take refuge in books or in nature. Books inspire me a lot and also thanks to them I have the pleasure to flex my open mind.
I like reading especially under the huge oak near my house, with the sounds of nature accompanying my reading sessions.
Going back to my big dream... before becoming interested in the theatre, I didn't have a real dream, in fact one of the songs I am most emotionally attached to, is "No more dream", written before my conversion. I would love to include it as an introduction to my show.. but I never had the courage to talk about it with Uncle Buster.. but today I know it's the right day to tell him!
I'm sure he'll take my idea and help me make it happen! I run to the theater with a USB full of songs that I recorded. I enter into my uncle's office, almost breaking the door, because of the emotion, and find Miss Crawly, my uncle's over 100 year old secretary(Johnny and Ash speculate that she has existed since the time of the dinosaurs) cleaning the desk.
'Good morning, dear Namjoon!! Did you sleep well?'
After all, she's a sweet old lady.
'Good morning, Miss Crawly! Yes! I slept very well!
Can you tell me where I can find uncle Buster?'
I ask, impatiently.
'Oh, Mr. Moon is downstairs, he's helping the guys carrying their suitcases!'
I am perplexed.
'Yes! The tour starts today! Don't you remember?'
Oh god the "Out of This World" tour.. I totally forgot about that.
I won't see my uncle for months... And I'll have to postpone the realization of my dream... again...
I go, feeling down, with Miss Crawly, downstairs where i find uncle Buster on his own. I run to hug him and wish him a safe journey. I'm sure this tour will take the show even higher and I'm so happy for the whole crew. This has always been my uncle's biggest dream and then... he deserves it, he has gone through everything to achieve this goal, he worked hard, all of the members worked hard.
'Listen, Nam, I want to give you a very important task!'
Uncle's voice always energizes me, he's always so full of positivity, one of the many reasons I admire him.
'What kind of task??'
I ask, curiously.
My uncle is unpredictable, you never know what can go through that hairy head.
'I want to entrust the teather to you!!'
I don't know what to say, I can only gasp. I told y'all, my uncle is unpredictable... but I didn't that much..
'I'm sure you're the best person to run our wonderland! And then you will not be alone! Miss Crawly will be there to help you!'
I can't say anything, but I think uncle felt my happiness. That theatre, that place of wonder, would become mine, temporarily, but mine.
my uncle smiles. I knew he would understand anyway. He always told me that he finds a little bit of himself in me. And there is no more beautiful compliment for me.
'But now, if you'll excuse me, the bus is leaving!! I love you, my nephew!!'
And after hugging me again.. he goes away, leaving the whole theater in my inexperienced hands.. But come on... at least there's Miss Craw-
'Namjoon!! Have you seen my glass eye????'
...okay maybe it will be more difficult than expected..
As I help Miss Crawly in looking for her glass eye, hoping I haven't already crushed it and shattered it into a thousand pieces under my foot, without realizing it, in my head there is a tangle of thoughts and ideas but, obviously, the most accentuated one, and which let a toothy smile appear on my face, is certainly to make my biggest dream come true. It seems a bit as if uncle already knew..and therefore he had literally left me a blank check..because when Uncle Buster is absent with the company, generally, the theater remains closed..
I turn around, looking at the building keys, in my hands.
Now it almost seems as if uncle, with this move, told me "Hurry up and seize the moment, my nephew" By now I'm almost 30 years old, I want to bring my own show and I'll try now, moreover, I also want to discover myself and I really want to identify myself as Namjoon Moon and not just "Buster Moon's nephew". I run to the office to move all the songs I've written down over the years to my uncle's computer, at least the most suitable ones, and I start writing the script for my show. As soon as I conclude the first draft of the storyline, I realize that it is already evening.
I decide to print the script and, while looking for a stapler, I finally find the Miss Crawly's glass eye, I have to advise her to put more glue on it..
After a week finally the plot of my show is finished and ready to be put on stage. I also adjusted the melodies and lyrics.
Now the main problem ... the actors / singers and dancers .. I think it will not be a piece of cake as my face is little known beyond my neighborhood, also I have never presented myself as a public figure, but it won't be bad to try, right ? Maybe my surname will help me in this case.
'Miss Crawly!! Can you please print some flyers for the show's auditions? I'll send you a draft!'
Miss Crawly's office is literally attached to my uncle's, so between our offices there was just a transparent window. So i asked her to print the flyers with all the info about the auditions, like the time of the event, it will be tomorrow at 9:30 PM.
Hope we will be able to deliver all of them in time... 
After printing enough flyers were printed, the Miss Crawly's fan just decide to 'share' them by flying them out of the window...well...so.. the teather itself is trying to help me. 
I remember that this happened to uncle Buster too, when he was still in debts .. maybe it will bring me good luck too. I cross my fingers..
I'm going to move here, for this period. I will sleep in uncle's room. Yes, he sleeps in the theatre, did I already tell you that this theater is literally his life? Probably yes. Now that I think about it, I'm starting to bond with it too. I feel that... something beautiful, really beautiful, is about to happen.
Y/n's pov
"I'd still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya.."
I love this song. I've always been a big fan of Bruno Mars and this song is one of favorites of all the time. I've always imagined what it was like to feel a love so strong to get to the point of, take a grenade, jump in front of a moving train, put your hands on a sword... in summary, sacrifice yourself for your loved one. I feel a love like that for singing, not for a person, every now and then I take some lessons, but I've never performed on stage, and I don't think I would ever be able to, as much as I wish. I love to hum when I read. Yes, I also love to read, especially psychology books. But tonight was different. Instead of starting one of the novels I bought at the bookstore today, my friends literally dragged me to the disco and... I'll be honest... it was not only the first but also the last time I'll set foot in such places... it's not my cup of tea I've always been a person who doesn't like these kinds of entertainment. For me, leisure is reading, on the comfortable bed in my room, singing outloud when I'm alone, taking walks on the hill behind my house, or... going to the theater!! We have one of the most renowned theaters in the nation in town, the Moon Theater! Actually my passion for singing was born right there! Before that.. I didn't have a real dream and I was desperate because I wanted to find one!
I went to the show that Mr. Buster put on after the fall of his theater and from the very first performance, in which Mrs. Rosita and Gunter danced and sang to Taylor Swift's "Shake it up", to the last performance, in which Meena, I love her voice, sang "don't worry about a thing" by Tori Kelly, Johnny's performance too, where he sang "I'm still standing" by Elton John, i admit i had a big crush on him for a few months.. In summary, my life has changed since then, and I still go there often... that place has something magical about it... it's a land of wonders.. now that I think about it, they staged a show on 'Alice in Wonderland' too! That's one of my favorite shows. I really should go there, these days, who knows what show will be scheduled... I get lost in thoughts, remembering the shows I went to watch in the last period, while I take one of my friends to her house, who is completely drunk, then, a paper sheet stuck to my face. I take it, seeing that it's a flyer for auditions... FOR THE MOON THEATER!!!! Either there is someone spying on me... or finally the wind is blowing in the right direction.. Okay. Maybe tonight didn't was the best of my life..but what if it was fate?
I hurry to take my friend house and, at the speed of light, I comeback home then I spend all night looking for the right song for tomorrow's audition and.. after evaluating about 1294 songs... yes.. exactly .. I opted for the usual, 'Grenade'. I realize it's 4 in the morning, I panic, and I immediately go to sleep, I have to collect these 5 hours of sleep or at least I'll try. I just hope I don't panic or shy on that...big, huge, stage...help. I noticed that Mr. Moon won't be there, this audition was launched by his nephew, Namjoon, I've seen him in the past, at the theater, a few times, but I've never spoken to him.. I hope he has inherited his uncle's dreamy and positive vibe. In my heart, I feel that something beautiful, really beautiful is about to happen.
Namjoon's pov
I wake up with the sound of uncle Buster's alarm clock, I set it at 6 so I would have 3 hours to organize everything better. With Miss Crawly we check the stage, the lights, the props, clean up the entrance and even uncle Eddie came to help us! I call him uncle, but he's practically uncle Buster's best friend and the nephew of the great Nana Noodleman, who financed the theater when the building completely collapsed. Full of anxiety, I run to the office to double-check the script and when the time comes, I see people approaching the entrance, leaflet in hand. I'm so excited but at the same time.. scared. A few minutes before the entrance opens, I decide to go through a sort of "secret passage": It is located in the part of the ceiling above the stage, uncle Buster always brought me here when I was little, other times I used to come here alone, to have a sort of "VIP seat" and better follow the show. My uncle, every time he has to start the shows, comes here, sits on the fake moon and then he slides down... what an entrance, right? I think I'll adopt it too, maybe it will become the signature of the Moon family hehe. I go down to the grandstand and as soon as 9.30 am I immediately ask Miss Crawly to open the doors. There are almost 200 people .. wow. I didn't expect to attract so much attention, but as I said before, my surname and the name of the theater helped me. However my goal is to create my own name, not to live in the shadow of uncle Buster and the Moon Theater.
I breathe a sigh of relief and welcome the candidates one by one.
'Hello creatures great and small, welcome to Moon Theater, I am Namjoon Moon and I am ready to show you new shades of the magic of this wonderful theater! And I want to do it... with your help!'
I tried to be as convincing as possible. Now let's start the auditions. Some performances were good but... not suitable for my show.. others were perfect: A couple who duet 'Shallow' by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper... wow what chemistry, what chemistry.. she has a sweet and strong voice, just like Lady Gaga's, incredible, he has a very low voice, very sensual...I like it; Another couple, he rapper and dancer accompanied by another girl, only dancer, on the notes of an unreleased song, 'more'...wow... they have a great complicity too. She literally seems to burn for him, I bet the whole theater, that those two aren't "just colleagues" as they said in their presentation, he has a bit hoarse voice, the perfect voice for a rapper, moreover, he manages to change his flow in a second, finally here we can talk about full-blown Rapper. Together, they'll set audiences on fire, I'm sure;
A guy, another rapper, brought his unreleased track called 'Daechwita'...HE RAPS BETTER THAN EMINEM. Wow wow wow I'm getting excited, another rapper with all the skills, who manages to insert a certain sensuality even in a song that has a completely different topic. And finally, three other boys, with different but beautiful voices, who respectively brought, An unpublished track, 'Abyss', this boy's voice is high, but not too much, sweet and ringing, 'Snowman' by Sia, the other's voice is almost feminine, but for me it's not an insult, on the contrary, I admire his voice, it manages to reach such high notes that it's enviable even by the best singer in the world..and 'falling' by Harry Styles, this boy has a particular voice, I don't know how to describe it, but he reminds me so much of Johnny, he's a born singer, you can see it in his face.
In the evening, I marked the names of those six boys and two girls in my diary. I have found some real talented people, however.. I feel that something is still missing.. I don't know.. 
As I'm about to close the entrance, I see a girl running towards me. "SORRY SORRY SORRY!! I WAS VERY LATE YOU MUST FORGIVE ME! Is there still time for another audition?" I can't tell her no, just because she could be the 'thing' that is missing in my show. 
Y/n's pov: 
Mr. Namjoon, oh my..calling him mr. seems a bit of an exaggeration since we probably have a few years difference between us, anyway, he was very kind to let me do the audition, just like I thought,  at the end, he is Buster Moon's nephew. This morning I didn't hear the alarm and I continued to sleep peacefully until 5 this afternoon.. I'm mortified.. it seems like fate wanted it to go this way. This feeling of being on a real stage is strange.. but at the same time I'm scared.. so scared 
'Whenever you want! Y/n! I'll start the base'
I can already hear the start of the song but I feel almost paralyzed.. 
I can't even speak.. Namjoon shuts down the music, gets on stage, and approaches me, putting a hand on my shoulder.
'I know someone who started out like you, and now she's on tour and she's the best singer in my uncle's crew, I assume you know Meena, don't you?'
I nod. She is my idol .. and I didn't know that she was scared, like me, at the beginning... 
'My uncle encouraged her to sing by saying a line which souynds like his 'motto', "Don't let the fear stop you from doing what you love most." 
So now, even if you're a little scared, let it go away and sing, you will feel good.. then.. it's a love song, right? You will definitely have a boyfriend, so think about him, and let your feelings go free, they will sing with you.'
 Wow, Namjoon looks so much like his uncle in this aspect. I'll follow his advise. Although..I haven't a boyfriend.. but... I'll let myself go...let's get it!
Before starting to sing I turn my gaze to Namjoon, he has a beautiful smile on his face, which calms me down, he also has dimples, how cute~ I heard the base and.... Here I am, singing, without thinking about it, and, incredibly, during the chorus, the only person that comes to my mind is.... Namjoon.. Him? A boy that i just met few minutes ago? Crazy stuff... but... okay, I'm in the theater where anything is possible, so, it's okay.
" Yes, I would die for ya, baby But will you do the same?"
My head decided to change the lyrics, without my permission. I connect with the real world again and I see Namjoon and his secretary standing, clapping, I hear more applause coming from behind the scenes, where I see a group of people smile at me. 
'Well! Smile Y/n Y/s! Even your colleagues were amazed by your voice!' 
Colleagues? Does this mean...THEY GOT ME? AM I SERIOUSLY IN??!!!?!?!? I smile, beaming more than ever , also looking at my new colleagues. All thanks to Namjoon. I can't wait to work with him... ah and of course with the others too... 
Our leader, as it got late,sent us home, saying that rehearsals would start early the next morning, repeating us to not to be late.. I feel particularly involved, hearing that sentence.. As soon as we left the theater we decide to spend the evening, eating out to get to know each other better. Everyone is so nice. There are ten of us in Nam's crew, including him, who obviously is a rapper, although I haven't had the opportunity to hear him yet: There are Seokjin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin who have the role of singers, and I am among those , along with a certain girl whose nickname is Luv, she seems very nice and knows her stuff, she showed us a part of 'Blank space' by Taylor swift and I love her tone of voice. Furthermore Jungkook and Jimin are also dancers, Taehyung is a good dancer too, but Namjoon decided to give him only the role of singer. Then there's Yoongi, Hoseok and Angie, the other girl, who is, as I understood, Hoseok's girlfriend, or at least, they claim they're just colleagues, but in my opinion they're either hiding something from us, or they're together without even realizing it... Yoongi and Hoseok are rappers and the latter is also a dancer, together with Angie. We make quite a good gang. I haven't had such a nice evening in quite a while. I rushed to sleep, eagerly awaiting the morning. That morning which actually arrived right away. This time I woke up on time and immediately run to the theater where Hoseok, Angie, Taehyung and Luv are already waiting, the others are probably arriving. At 9 Namjoon and Miss Crawly welcome us into the theater and take us to the rehearsal room. There are different rooms to rehearse, one for dance, one for singing, one for rap and many others! I feel like I'm living a real dream! After we settle in, Namjoon makes us gather on stage and announces that first he would let us stage a provisional show and then he would reveal the real show with which we will really debut... such a mysterious boy.. The others are a little perplexed, but something tells me that I have to trust him, I'm sure he has something great in store for us! And he'll have his reasons for keeping it all from us, for now.
About 2 months have passed since then, we have bonded a lot among us  and Namjoon has also proved to be more present than expected, especially with me. We get on quite well together, to tell the truth, I think I'm falling in love with him.. but I feel that, for him, I'm just a person to admire.. it hurts, but that's okay.. maybe time will open Namjoon's eyes. For now, in his heart, there is only room for the show that he dreams to take on stage. The day of the provisional show arrives, obviously not public, but  the show will be attended by Miss crawly, Nana Noodleman and her nephew Eddie ... I admire Nana .. but ... that lady scares me a lot .. 
From behind the scenes, I see Namjoon, standing on the fake wooden moon, on which Mr. Buster always climbs for opening his shows. 
'All creatures great and small...' 
Namjoon's pov:
As I recite the opening of the show, I am very nervous. In these months, I haven't been able to say anything about the real show to my crew.. mostly because, I hate to admit it, but I'm scared abou that too . I'm scared of their opinion, that they might disagree.. here's what I didn't inherit from uncle Buster , his leadership.. his ability to keep the attention and the authority, while remaining the cute koala  he actually is, remaining professional.. he just convinced Ash to sing 'Call me maybe'!!! 
I'm afraid to show my songs to the public.. So, I put this show on the spot, to prove to the others, but mostly to myself, that I can do it. As soon as the presentation is over, the show begins.. I will have to perform last, with Y/n, I admire that girl a lot, she has a wonderful voice, and she is so kind, but when she wants, she can also be tough, I'll be honest . I noticed that we have many things in common, she also likes reading and walking in nature and above all she discovered her dream thanks to the Moon Theater too. I admit I've developed pretty strong feelings for her, but I have to take them apart, we're colleagues, we can't be anything else.
I just admire her. 
The show seems to go smooth as butter, I also included some of my unreleased stuff, like 'Jamais vu' that Hoseok, Jungkook and Seokjin will sing, 'Friends' that Jimin and Taehyung will sing, since they told me they've known each other since elementary school , for Yoongi , honestly, I gave him all the freedom he needs, he told me that his dream is to become a composer, so I decided to let him use another unpublished work of his, 'people'; For the girls, I gave them already famous songs. I don't know... there were some songs in which I saw them more, compared to my unreleased ones. For Luv I opted for Katy Perry's 'ET'; for Angie, I decided to make her dance on Shakira's 'Whenever, wherever'; For Y/n, I assigned her 'Rolling in the Deep' by Adele, a sort of remix, in which i added a rap part written by myself. During my performance with Y/n...it was a bit tense but..everything seemed to be going well even if, I'll be honest, there's something wrong..I hope it's just my imagination. After the show, the boys ran, exhausted, behind the scenes. I'm about to reach them when I hear my name being called. I turn around and see Nana asking me to go over her.. I have a weird feeling.. 
Y/n's Pov: 
The show went pretty well. My fear didn't stop me, and that's very reassuring, although, I admit, taht during the duet with Namjoon, I thought about the fact that he probably doesn't prove the same things as mines... which spoiled the mood. I tried to keep everything hidden, but I'm afraid that I failed... who knows what Nana thinks of our chemstry, will she consider it up to Buster Moon's crew's? At one point, as soon as we see Miss Crawly take Nana to her limousine, we catch Namjoon join us behind the scenes, with a look.. a bit gloomy. 
'hey Nam!! Is everything okay?'
 Taehyung asks. 
'What happened?' 
asks Yoongi.
 'Did Nana say something bad?' 
Jungkook asks 
'Did Miss Crawly lost her eye again?' 
Angie's usual way to resolve the situation.. 
' guys, let him explain. Boss, what's going on?'
 Luv silences everyone, giving Namjoon space to speak. 
'Guys, I don't know if we can perform the show..' 
Namjoon lowers his head.. I don't understand.. 
I shut my mouth, realizing I've screamed. 
'yeah.. Nana called me aside because she wanted to see the real show I had in mind. I showed her the storyline and everything and she said that the audience probably won't like it.. and I'm not cut out for this role.. I'm sorry guys.. I know I shouldn't listen to her.. She could definitely be wrong, but..' 
Namjoon can't finish the sentence, his voice shaking.. how I feel bad for him.. he can't give up.. not at the first difficulty. I see Nam rushing upstairs to his office, leaving us all speechless and confused. 
'Y/N, you should go..' 
I hear Seokjin's voice telling me to go to Namjoon. 
I answer even more confused. 
'It's evident that Namjoon gets along better with you, maybe you will be able to understand what happened and to convince him to don't give up' 
So...to the others' eyes Namjoon and i have a sort of connection... I hate seeing him like this, during the rehearsals he was full of positivity but at the same time quiter than his uncle. He has a dream and he can't let it go like this. All right. I'll go talk to him. I nod to the others and run upstairs. 
Namjoon's pov;
Nana's words occupy my head. 
'I'm sorry Namjoon, but I think you're not cut out for that.. Theater is more, romantic, more, magical, it's not hip hop, or whatever.. I appreciate this little show you put on here, but you won't go far if you continue like this, I don't think this is what your uncle taught you.. Then you see that there is a sort of tension among you and your crew, you should have faith in them, so that they will have it in you. .' 
End Flashback
Those words reverberate in my head like a drum... I ran away from the guys too, they'll think I'm a loser, that they trusted the wrong person and indeed, now they're all probably already at home.. Nana said it, they don't trust me.. 
 A familiar voice takes me out of this hurricane of thoughts. 
'Y/n.. I thought you were back home..'
'I would never move from here, even if the building were collapsing again, like in the past..'
Y/n sits next to me. 
'Tell me what happened and what Nana exactly told you'
 Y/n always manages to calm me down, with her slightly low but sweet voice, for a few seconds, my thoughts disappear. So I decide to tell her everything... 
'But Nam!! You don't have to listen to her! Do you realize that you could bring about a revolution in the theater?? A bit like Goldoni did it with the Venetian theater!!!!'
'Y/n! Do you understand that... I.. I'M SCARED'
I almost yell at her without realizing it, I can feel something wet coming down my cheeks.. Am I crying? Really? Is Namjoon Moon seriously crying? Y/n puts a hand on my head, bringing it to her shoulder. 
'It's normal to be afraid, boss. But, as you told me that time, when I looked like a lost, scared animal, on that stage below, "don't let fear stop you from doing what you love most". If the show goes badly.. Never mind. We will try again! But think if it will go well, if you are successful, your dream will come true and... I will be happy to be part of it. And then.. there's a crazy chemistry among all of us, you've always been there, with Miss Crawly, together with us, supporting us like never before in these two months.. Do you remember when I didn't want to try that high note in Ariana Grande's 'Problem'? I was just trying it with you and we stayed until the next morning trying it. Or when Seokjin and Taehyung had a fight over that cup of ramen?...you rolled up your sleeves and made them reconcile, or when Hoseok thought he couldn't make that pas de deux with Angie because they'd never tried to dance on a slow song like 'in the name of love'? When, with a lot of patience, you taught Jungkook to play the piano, just because you wanted so much to make him sing 'I'm still standing'? You tested all of us. And we trusted you blindly. 
You understand it? We are here with you. And then there's one thing you have to give up..being liked by everyone. Remember that nothing and no one has ever succeeded in pleasing everyone. You may prefer some musical genres to others and you preferred the nine of us to other artists, during the audition, who will have been as good as me or Luv or Seokjin or Yoongi or others in the crew. It's Okay, Namjoon. We are doing something we love. Let's not care about the opinion of others, we are talking about dreams, something that goes far beyond a simple opinion of others. Look around.. This theater, this wonderland has always helped us. Even Mr. Buster, your uncle, has always been close to us, still during the tour. And then.. there's a phrase that Mr. Buster has always repeated loudly.. "When you hit rock bottom, do you know what the most beautiful thing is? It's that the only direction you can go is... up"..so Namjoon Moon, you are not like your uncle, and trust me, you are perfect just the way you are, and you are a fantastic leader, even if you don't notice it..my lead-em..our leader'
 Y/n is right, she is right in everything she said.. We are talking about dreams, not opinions.. I tested all the crew and they passed it.. now that I am put under the test.. I have almost failed. Yes... almost.. because now.. we're going up. Up to the moon. I have my crew, I have Y/n and there is also my uncle and the others supporting me...
I have decided. I have to put this show on stage and it's going to be AMAZING. I look at Y/n and smile at her. God how grateful I am to her.. what if I hadn't allowed her to audition?... where would I end up now? I don't know, nor do I want to know, from now on, one only looks straight ahead. I hug her tightly.  She doesn't hesitate to hug me back and, I feel like she's sobbing... she's crying too.. I feel a strange feeling in my heart.. but for now I can't give it weight. I smile at her and only after being reciprocated, I take her hand, that delicate little hand, and we immediately run downstairs. As I go down the stairs I see all the boys surprised, but I can feel a certain happiness in their eyes. Their gazes are spreading.. relief? I don't know, but this makes me relieved too. They are my first real best friends, almost my second family, even though we know each other from few months, I feel there was a reason why I chose them that day. In front of me, in front of us, I can already see a future brighter than the sun. There will be obstacles.. but hey, where's the fun otherwise? 
'Well guys, sorry for what happened earlier. I'm ready to tell you everything and above all, today.. I'll tell you know about the show that will take us to the top.'
 All my crew smiles at me, Nana has already made a mistake about this, there is something magical among us. After making the guys sit in the stands, I go on stage, starting to tell a sort of presentation on which I have been working on for the past 2 months: 
The show will be called "The most beautiful moment in life" And it will talk about the story of a group of friends, a boyband, which will be us 7, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook and me, Namjoon. They will debut with a song "No more dream" and, after several songs, they will reach a point in their career, where, they will lose themselves and decide to think about their solo works, to find what they had lost, they will release a song as a " ""goodbye""": 'Yet to come'. During their solo projects, three of them will find their twin flame, Hoseok will find a fan, Angie, from another nation, younger than him, but a sort of harmony will born between them that will set everything on fire ...thanks to Angie, Tae will come introduced to Luv, a friend, who will become Tae's twin flame, even if Tae is initially uncertain about his feelings.
And then, there is Namjoon, who finds.. Y/n... with her, he will be able to find his way.. The group will come back fully united and, in the end, there will be the grand finale, where they will all sing together 'For youth', as a love song for their fans, because after all Hoseok and Tae have found love among them, stating that, they will continue to sing for a long, long time to come.' 
Before speaking again, I catch my breath, addressing my friends, my crew.. I explained everything... putting my soul into it, as if the show had come to life in my head while I was telling it.. I admit I didn't explain all like this to nana.. i'm very tense.. this is literally the show i've been working on for all my life, this is the business card of the most important dream of my life.. i'm afraid of what they might think, what the public will think, what uncle Buster will think.. I'm afraid to express my weak point, but fear won't stop me. I'll make my dream come true...or die trying. 
'so.. What do you guys think?'
 I say, in a surprisingly confident voice. After a few seconds, I hear a clap. I look closely at the origin of the sound and I see her, Y/N.. I can see her hands becoming red from clapping so much and observing her closely.. she has tears in her eyes... 
Y/n's pov: 
I can't help but applause, Namjoon only showed us an outline of the show.. yet here I am, with red hands, still clapping and with tears in my eyes.. I think I understood what "reduced" me like this: The feeling with which Namjoon laid out these four lines of plot. His eyes sparkled, as if he were showing his greatest treasure. He brought it all out... and I feel so lucky to be one of the first people he did that to. 
 I scream without even thinking about it, and soon after, I see Namjoon with tears in his eyes, for the second time today, but those are different tears, he is happy. I turn to the others and they are moved too, intent on applauding and rooting for our leader. I can't wait to start rehearsals for this masterpiece...and to be honest, I'm really happy to be Namjoon's twin flame, at least in this show, the most important project of his life? WHY DID HE CHOOSE ME? Aish.. I don't know, but... I love him, I love him to death. Now I'm starting to really understand what Bruno wanted to say through "Greande". 
Another 4 months have passed since then. We've been working hard every single day, and the debut of 'The most beautiful moment in life' is in two days. There's a lot of anxiety in the air, you can almost touch it, but at the same time, we're all excited. The general rehearsal started yesterday. In the end we decided to insert a choreography for all the songs of the "bangtan boys", the name of the boyband, so Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi went started dance lessons, the choreographer of the Mr. Moon's crew also helped us, Nooshy, although she could help just a little, since she is on tour with his crew, but with several video calls we managed to compensate. Then we have some ACEs here, Angie and Hoseok, who, personally... are scary when they have to play dance teachers.. Luv and I are saved, we will also have some steps in our duets, but nothing too difficult. Speaking of Mr. Buster, as soon as we told him the date of the premiere, he immediately moved the date of his show to that evening, in order to be free to see his nephew's debut. I'm so euphoric I can't stand still aaah. Ah and about the relationship between me and Namjoon? Well... nothing new, we just seem like best friends, and I don't have the slightest intention of confess my feelings.. just being with him is enough for me, so I've kept my feelings a little apart, at least for now. 
Angie interrupts my thoughts. 
'Well.. you don't?'
 I add, laughing. 
'Okay okay you're right Y/n. And.. tell me... there are rumors that you will confess to Namjoon during your duet, I hope they are true!! Now Miss Crawly too ships you two!!'
Angie comes up to me giving me a little nudge and a mischievous smile.. BUT WHO HAS SPILLED THIS RUMOR?
'Are you kidding?????? But I would never think of confess to him in that situation!! Whoever put up this voice got screwed up.'
I reply, but I already know I'm blushing, Angie's giggle is proving me that. 
'Mh okay... but what if it will be Namjoon who will confess his feelings for you, instead? What would you do then?' ...actually I had never analyzed this option.. But... naaah 
'Don't worry too much, it won't happen, Namjoon only feels admiration for me, at least that's how he made me understand..'
 I say with a slightly despondent voice, lowering my head . 
'And let me understand.. do you think two lovers can't feel admiration for each other? In my opinion, loving someone also means being a fan of your loved one, I could be wrong.. but my instinct tells me that I'm more right than you think hehe'
 Angie winks at me, then goes back to practice.. she's not entirely wrong .. maybe it's my greatest wish, to be Namjoon's lover.. who knows... 
'Y/n!!! We have to try 'Love'!! Run!!!'
 You speak of the devil... here he is calling me haha I better go.. 
' I'm Coming.. Nam!!!!' 
Namjoon's pov: 
It's the day of the show and to my immense surprise.. we did a sold out... There is not a single empty seat out there.. And there are also journalists, critics.. All here for my show... 
'So.. guys! Come here'
We'll all get in a circle. 
'It's the big day... let's go out there... and show them who we are.'
They all answer in chorus.. my gaze obviously goes to Y/n, you can see she's as anxious as I am, but I know what she's thinking: "Let's do it", so let's really do it. Through the usual path, I hold on to the fake moon and signal to uncle Eddie to start the special effects.. Let the show begin.. 
'Creatures great and small!!!! It is a pleasure tonight, having you here with us, Today.. you will be witnesses, of a revolution. Today... I'm going to tell you a story... which... starts like this...'
 Author's pov: 
With the lights off, 'The most beautiful moment" in life begins: 7 guys, who have already reached their twenty years old, who still can be considered teenagers. All brought together by their passion for music, but there is also something else that unites them, the question ... "What is my dream?" What's your dream?...' 
You can already hear the voices of the journalists, the audience taken by that hip hop rhythm, by the coordinated steps, by the voices of those seven guys.. that no one would have ever imagined seeing climbing the highest peaks of the world. And if you don't believe me.. keep watching, how mankind itself has evolved over the centuries, how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly... these guys have changed, passing from the hip hop of 'No more dream', 'We are bulletproof', 'N.O', 'Boy in luv', 'Danger'; To the sweetest and most melancholic notes of 'I need u' and 'Run'; To the energy of 'Fire' and 'not today'; To the sensuality of 'Blood, sweat and tears ';
To the fairy love of 'DNA' and the strength of 'Mic Drop', the unhappy love of 'Fake love', the redemption of 'Idol'; To the genuine love of 'Boy with luv'; To the poetics of 'On' and 'Black swan'; To the sweetness of 'Life goes on'; Up to the freshness of the singles 'Dynamite', 'Butter' and 'Permission to Dance'; And then? And then... here they are... When you are in a group.. sometimes you can lose yourself.. so. The seven stars have decided to put an end to the first chapter of their career with 'Yet to come'..
 'You and I, the best moment is yet to come..'
 And start a second one.. From which...they will come out many surprises. The dancer, the bearer of hope, met a fan of his, spoke a different language than his, or so it seemed, and had two hopeful green eyes.. he didn't necessarily need her, yet his eyes saw her not as a fan , but something more.. She had kindled a flame in him.. it was up to him whether to put it out or feed it... 
'Equality is you and me..'
If the flame of love burned on one side, the one of doubt was next to it, a singer, with a voice so low, almost chilling, who fortunately, or unfortunately, found himself together with his dancer friend, when the fateful encounter took place, the green-eyed girl had a friend with her, with sea-colored eyes, in which the singer was almost shipwrecked .. It almost seemed like a dream .. but the boy with the frozen voice could not give in, perhaps out of fear, out of cowardice, out of disbelief, he wanted to let her go but ... 
'Never mind, I' I'll find Someone like you..'
No one would ever be like her.. so the boy relented. And he did not regret it. Three boys find their Beatrice. 
Well, I'm about to tell you about the Third, perhaps the one who least expected a gift like this from life. The rapper, the leader, walking down that country road, starts humming an almost improvised song, but his singing gets a response. Another girl there, humming with him, for him. in love they could try each other.. But... there was something.. he still didn't know, that love that was blossoming in him, for that girl, who sang with him.. 
'Is this love, yeah Is this love, yeah Sometimes I know, yeah Sometimes I don't, yeah'
Namjoon's pov: 
Wait... I have Y/n right here in front of me... I wrote this script before I even knew her.. I .. I've done everything without thinking about it until now... now that my mind is free.. now that all this is about to end.. I have her in front of me, this woman, the woman who has never stopped supporting me , to stand by me.. the woman who.. without realizing it... I seriously loved and that I'm loving even more, now that I'm aware of it. Fuck the royalties, admiration and all... I love her.. 
Y/n's pov:
I hear the music finish... I sang with Namjoon for the umpteenth time, yet today was different- I feel.. something soft on my... lips... wait... N-Namjoon? Is Namjoon kissing me? Yes... he's doing it.. and I'm kissing him back?... My body no longer responds to my mind.. I feel like I'm lost in a limbo, as if time has stopped... it's such a beautiful feeling...Did he do it for the scene? We've never talked about kissing...was it out of enthusiasm? Possible... but... I feel something special, as if with these kisses he is trying to tell me something.. When the curtain is about to cover us, I can clearly see an "I love you", mimicked from Namjoon... I smile at him miming "me too". We don't have enough time to talk.. We have to sing 'For Youth'... Throughout the song we kept exchanging glances and smiling at each other... I don't know what happened to him.. but I'm glad he opened his eyes. I am happy that this wish of mine has been fulfilled. But...wait! Did that crackhead Angie know something? Who knows... she's Cupid's descendant there... apparently. After the show, I thought too much on me and Namjoon, when I realize that, in front of my eyes, in our... eyes, there is the loudest audience: Who applauds, who cries, who laughs, who smiles, who screams... And... there's also Mr. Buster and his crew in the audience.. Nana, all the critics, my family... They're all there.. To frame this magical moment.
My gaze can only go towards the others, all moved, and on Namjoon, my Namjoon, on his knees, moved more than all. 
Namjoon's pov:
 There was my uncle there in front of me, my idol, the others, the delirious audience, Nana winking at me, that sheep, she had done it on purpose to tell me those things.. 
uncle's screams could only increase that idyllic feeling I was already feeling, my gaze then falls on Y/n, who already was looking at me, smiling, that wonderful smile... We stood there applauding for more than 10 minutes to then go backstage and of course the first thing I did was hug my sweet Y/n. 
'You did it' 
She says smiling even more. I dry her tears. 
'We did it together, all of us' 
I add, before giving her a kiss. 
I hear Jungkook's screams and then everyone else all over me and Y/n. Miss Crawly was there too!!! And then... I see my uncle coming towards me, smiling like never before. 
'I'm so proud of you, Namjoon'
 I smile at him.. 
'It's all thanks to you, uncle, and...to my crew' 
I hug Uncle Buster, a little harder than other times. Then I see some dudes coming towards me. 
'These gentlemens want to offer you a contract... my dear nephew, apparently this is just the beginning.. this show will remain on everyone's lips for a loooong time' 
I turn abruptly towards the others, we all look at each other with wide eyes.. 
'So what? Are we going to climb this peak?' 
they yell in chorus, my guys. Y/n runs again to hug me.. 
Alright, I was right.. something beautiful, really beautiful.... it really happened.. But.. The most beautiful moment.. is yet to come.
Author's Note
so... i decided to translate from italian to english all the one shots i wrote and the ones i'll write in future! Hope that this one helped you to have faith on your dreams and to never give up!
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gospi · 1 year
Malec Secret Santa is revealed so I can finally share this one with you!❤️
It's written for @rinledraws
It's the darkest thing I've written so far: a canon verse, soul mate AU with self-sacrificing idiots in it.
Happy reading!
Soul Deep
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"And then I'll meet my soulmate and we'll make history," the young recruit says dreamily.
Another young recruit makes a cooing noise and Alec does not even try to hide his eye roll as he overhears them walking past them. So young, so naive. The entire Institute is buzzing with excitement, love is in the air after all, and every god forsaken time they had a wedding at the Institute, people get all riled up about soulmates. Nevermind if the wedded couple actually are or not.
Alec is only twenty-four, but he knows better than to dream. Soulmates are rarer than Shadowhunters turning 60, in fact, no soulbonds had been formed this century. It was ludicrous to even entertain the idea that one would have a soulmate.
With a sigh, Alec drops the thought. He's got other things on his mind, and the wedding the New York Institute is hosting is not only a nuisance, but also, according to Alec, completely inappropriate given what's going on in the city. Alec had tried to argue, but he hadn't stood a chance against the Inquisitor this time.
"If you don't stop frowning like that, it will stick. And all your potential suitors in there will be sooo disappointed to have such a pretty face ruined."
Alec huffs as he slowly turns around. That voice is one he would recognize even in his sleep. For many reasons.
"What are you doing here?" Alec glares at the other man.
"Oh, haven't you heard? There's a wedding going on." The man's golden eyes sparkle with mirth. "And here I thought the Head of the Institute was competent and wise."
Alec rolls his eyes. "That wasn't really an answer to my question, you know."
Magnus sighs dramatically and tuts. "I'm here as the warlock representative for the Downworld Council."
Ah, of course.
Alec does know that, but with everything going on, it slipped his mind that every faction of the Downworld Council has a standing invitation to every event at the Institute. It was his own initiative, and something he had fought hard to get the Clave to agree upon.
"Right, of course. I'm sorry. It slipped my mind, with everything going on and all. So please, don't let me keep you."
The warlock's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, but much to Alec's delight he doesn't comment on it. "Well, I guess I see you in there, Alexander," he winks and walks past Alec, brushing his shoulder as he does. Alec ignores the tingling feeling the touch leaves on his skin.
Alec turns around, his gaze following the warlock's retreating figure. They had known each other for little over two years, and many days Magnus Bane, with his teasing, flirting and borderline inappropriate comments, is an ass. Alec's eyes drop, and something stirs inside him. It's too bad the ass is such a glorious view.
Continue reading here on Ao3
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