#asano Gakushuu x reader x karma
hdhdgsgs · 1 year
Can I request karma x reader(fem) x gakushuu? But no smut and it's like totally (as much as it can be with this boys ) healthy romantic relationship. I especially want to know about 1e reaction and how would they hide it from asano's dad (and probably the rest of the school).
These two boys at the start would be an absolute handful, especially when you are around, they are always looking for ways to one up each other. Always fighting for your affection and sometimes the others.
They do love each other a lot but coming to grips with it would be a challenge for both because of their personalities and pride. Basically the first time they would admit it would be after arguing and in private being tired as hell they would finally admit it to each other, angry/exhausted confessions.
When they realised they liked you it would be individually and they would push the feelings to the side because they would think it was wrong when they already like each other, confessing to them wouldn’t be the best course of action bc both are loyal and would reject you.
Instead they would sit down and talk about the feelings and realise that they both feel the same for you, in doing so with all the connections and money both families have, they would set up the most romantic date ever to confess to you, saying it’s just a meeting then leading you to a mountain decked out in flowers and decorations. Even a freaking famous band to play in the background, the actually confession would be heavily practiced and rehearsed, scripted to be the most heart felt thing you’ve ever heard, maybe written by a famous author.
The actual relationship would be amazing once everything settles down, dates ranging from picnics in a park to flying you to Paris for the evening for dinner, just because they can. I can see Gakushuu’s love language being gifts because his father would give them to show love instead of actually spending time with his son (relatable *crying*) so lots of gifts will be given to you, although he does put in more effort to the relationship quality time wise than his father ever did with him. He would spend hours thinking about the best gifts to give you and Karma that not only suit your personalities but something you would like and actually be useful.
I can see Karma however being more of a quality time person because of the literally 0 time his parents give him, he would rather be with either of you instead of being by himself for one second because he gets extremely lonely. Not that he would ever admit it, or not for a long time anyway. Because of that he would plan dates a lot or just ask (tell) you to come over. Sometimes he just wants to have you near while he does his own stuff and doesn’t want to talk, but he’ll express that so you don’t make him agitated (in the best way possible). Sometimes he just doesn’t want to talk or touch at all but he doesn’t want to he alone either.
Neither would be good with expression their love in words which was fine when they were only with each other but with you it was something that’s needed. Every week they would take some time to tell you and show you how much they love and appreciate you, Gakushuu might even make a slideshow of what you both have done and how much you’ve it meant to him, while Karma would just speak from the heart, but it would take a while to get the words out properly so when he has time to himself he usually writes it all down as notes so he can go off that while still making it special because it’s not scripted necessarily.
At first Gakushuu would be very against letting his father know in any capacity because of the fear and resentment he harbours for his father but also the fear he will make you all break up. On some level as well he doesn’t believe his father deserves knowing. After a year or two however, especially when everyone leaves his fathers schools, he would start bringing you to family events/meetings etc, his father wouldn’t be happy at the start especially because of the throuple and his son dating a male and that male being karma but eventually he just doesn’t care anymore, his success matters far more than who his partners are in his eyes.
If either of you broke his sons heart in a brutal way however, your life would be essentially over. Even if Gakushuu begs him not to and does everything in his power to stop it, his father does love his son and would see it as a natural reaction, no one is allowed to hurt his precious/golden/only child (except for him apparently).
Hiding it from the school would be mostly easy as both boys aren’t very touchy, especially early in the relationship. Most meetups after school would be at Karma’s house as it’s empty 99.9% percent of the time. Dates would usually fly under the radar of Gakushuu’s father, except on school nights or times when they had a scheduled meeting with either each other or important clients.
Class 3e would find out because Gakushuu would send gifts that everyone would ask about so Karma nonchalantly explains that you’re all dating or he would visit himself and ask for the two of you to talk which Class 3-E would eagerly listen in to. Shock all around, especially from Koro-sensei who had pairing already made, no worries tho, he’ll change them quick to match the love triangle going on. Lots of questions and gushing would ensue, ending eventually with then having to swear not to tell anyone, especially on the main campus (as if any main campus students would even talk to them anyways). Okuda might be a slight it sad but she’d hide it well and get over it in a few days, all would wish you well and slightly threaten mostly Gakushuu but both boys not to hurt you. Of course Gakushuu can’t know about Koro-sensei so he’d hide but watch and observe, you may even be able to spot him in the distance of future dates.
I could go for hours about the long term stuff which you might like but that wasn’t specifically requested so I won’t…
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semisutopia · 4 months
"ass or tits?"
pairing: multiple characters x fem! reader
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all rights go to @semisutopia on tumblr. please don't copy or plagiarise my work. that's really lame of you.
tag list: @mariaace @kitorin @satoruoo (it's so funny cuz you just posted the same prompt hahaha <3)
dm to be tagged !
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anzulvr · 1 year
May I request how would Karma react when Asano is interested in Karma's s/o? Like here's the story, Asano and reader have been classmates and really good friends but the reader had to be transfered to E-class cause she beat someone up while trying to protect the other student and things like that, and Asano still being interested in reader even if they started dating Karma. Now how would Karma react when he finds it out??
Karma x Reader where Asano has a one sided crush!
(the first part is more explaining the backstory and then the second half of ur main request!!)
Omg I’m gonna cry I wrote this once and it didn’t save😭😭
TYSM for requesting!! I can’t tell you how fun this was this is like my favorite request I’ve ever gotten
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First half ♡ the basis of your friendship with Asano!
Your thoughts on Kunugigaokas academic hierarchy had always aligned with Karmas rather than Asano’s, people were so much more than grades and the popularity came with it.
Asano saw you both in two different lights even if you clashed in opinions with him. You were too kind for your own good and were just seeing the best in people while Karma was, simply put, immature and impulsive in his eyes.
Even if you agreed with Karma on this one you were nothing alike, you couldn’t be.
Whenever you’d hear The Big 5 talk badly of any lower class student you’d tell them to quit it, the rest of the group would call you a buzz kill and reply with something along the lines of “People like them don’t deserve respect”.
(The big 5 is Asano and his main friend group and at the time yours too. They’re more like minions or henchmen to him but ya know)
This was the one type of occasion Asano would tell them to shut it.
“[Name] is right, don’t be so immature Seo, even if Eclass does deserve it.”
“Oh cmon you can’t seriously be taking [Name]’s side right no-“
“Didnt i tell you to shut up.”
“… ”
His favoritism towards you was very obvious (not that he was trying to be).
There were rumors going around saying you were dating and whatnot. His fan club was filled to the brim of pissed off girls who would kill to be in your place.
You’d been classmates with Karma before either of you were bumped down to end class but you were nothing more than desk mates, since he’d always ditch class early and never really talked to anyone other than Nagisa at the time.
Asano had advised you more than once to stay away from Karma, he’d tell you what were practically horror stories about Karmas insane fights and slightly (?) Criminal record.
Safe to say it kinda worked, you were intimidated.
“Really? ? He’s the reason Ren had a black eye last week??”
“Yeah, I’ve told you before- Akabane is more than insane.”
When you learned about further accounts from people other than Asano you’d realized Karma had only been standing up for people who’d been bullied. Your perspective on it all shifted. You had gained respect and admiration for Karma. What he was doing was kind in its own way and pretty chivalrous of him.
Even though you and Asano didn’t agree on much your friendship wasn’t something either of you we’re willing to throw away you’d been inseparable for years now, there wasn’t anything that could come between you, or so you thought.
When you got transferred to End Class for defending Hinano from an A class bully, Asano was surprised- he didn’t realize you’d be willing to take a hit to your record for something like this.
(I should add his fan club was over the moon when you got suspended they threw a little celebratory get together.)
Asano still texted you once in a while. It wasn’t the same as hanging out all the time like you used to.
Asano was having a dilemma, he liked hanging out with you but he told himself he couldn’t. He had an image to uphold for everyone in the main campus (and for himself in a way).
His text’s would be things like:
“Do good on the upcoming exams and they’ll want you right back in the main building. Goodluck!”
“Remember to study for next week [name]! unless you’d rather stay in end class.”
— second half:
When Karma first met you he thought you were dating Asano and so did the rest of E class. You had to make it clear Asano and you are nothing more than friends, if you could even call him a friend anymore.
When they find out the reason you got suspended was the same as Karmas they opened up, It was hard having the entire school and faculty against them so it was nice seeing you give up on your main campus status like that in order to help someone else.
This was what first got Karma interested in getting to know you, you weren’t the type to get into fights yet you still did for someone else’s sake. You had maintained a perfect record all throughout school up until now.
Once you start dating, you literally mean the world to him because he feels like you’re the only person he can be completely open with.
Asano: Okay I just heard the craziest rumor you’re dating the Eclass psycho?? Text back asap
[name] : it’s true wdym
Asano: ??? Is he threatening you???
[name]: No??😭
(Omg wtf did I just enter my text fic era(the answer is no))
He genuinely thinks you’re trolling until he accidentally sees you hanging out together somewhere.
when Karma finds out Asano likes you even though you’re very much taken he’s very annoyed but he very quickly turns the annoyance into smugness when realizes he has the upper hand in the situation.
Okay his rival likes you, and HES dating you?? That’s literally the biggest win. It’s Jackpot.
100% rubs it in Asanos face during argument he has with him. He does it casually so Asano doesn’t see it as annoying or stupid but more truthful and hurtful.
“Try not to fail the exams this time around, I know it’s difficult for people as cocky as you to put effort in.”
“Oh don’t worry about my scores Asano, [name]’s helping me study so I’m sure I’ll do great!”
He’s doesn’t usually initiate PDA but the second Asano is in sight Karma will be draped all over you.
He doesn’t really like you talking to Asano because he doesn’t trust Asano to not be a douche but he won’t outright tell you not to because he doesn’t want to sound controlling or needy to you.
If he sees Asano texted you he’ll reply with a selfie of himself
“We’re busy right now☺️.”
Asano is more confused than anything, why would anyone want to go out with that guy out of everyone in the world.
They’ve definitely argued about it
“They only reason [Name] is dating you is out of pity I don’t know why you flaunt it around every chance you get.”
“How would you know? Does she tell you? Oh right you guys barely talk nowadays.”
It won’t escalate to a full on fist fight unless Asano actually tries flirting with you (which I don’t know if he’d be dumb or cocky enough to do 😭)
Like the second something out of line comes out of that dudes mouth Karma is swinging.
Karma makes sure to prove to you he can one up Asano on anything.
Oh Asano got all A’s on his report card? Karma asked Korosensei to make sure the + was added next to his.
Asano can cook really well? Call Karma Gordon Ramsey because he’s now a culinary professional.
Asano made it on the cover of Kunugigaokas student paper?
Karma literally just tutored a bunch of near failing students and helped them achieve perfect scores getting him front cover on next week’s paper. (He stopped right after he secured the spot on the paper he wasn’t about to actually help people like that for FREE 😭.)
♡ ♡ (that one audio just played in my head while writing this “damn… someone took my bitch..😔”)
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cosmic-waves7 · 2 years
Hiii, can I request asano x reader x karma in poly relationship scenario/headcanons? I want a lot of fluff pls
Note: omg I've been dying to this awee, Btw Fem pronouns are used <3
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How did you three even happen??
Class E is flabbergasted.
Honestly, they didn't think Asano was ever going to be capable of removing that stick up his ass, much less for you and Karma of all people.
But your trio is the ultimate power couple of the school and koro-sensi is fangirling hard.
Since Asano is the son of the school principle when I say power couple I mean power. Couple.
Karma likes to joke around and use that as a threat to the rest of the students so -
Both the boys argue a lot so you're the glue that makes this relationship stick.
Doesn't mean you're ever less appreciated.
It also doesn't mean that the two don't love each other dearly.
They love spoiling you.
Definitely make it a competition to see who can one up the other to "win" your heart once more.
It's all in good fun and both know that they are just as much loved and cherished as the other to you.
But still, Karma is going to win that ungodly sized plushie for you at the carnival fair.
Yes. Still Asano will take you out to the most extravagant dinners he can muster.
It's their love language, besides being annoying of course.
Other than that they are so. cute. Together.
Your camera roll is filled with pictures of them cuddled up and asleep.
Who knew Asano could be a little spoon when you're not around.
Karma constantly teases him about it only to be kissed to shut up.
Study datesss.
Asano refused to have slackers as loving partners.
When your in public there'll be next to zero pda besides like hand holding.
Some people may even question you three are even in a relationship rather than just a very good friendship.
That is until they see Karma poking at you and Asano nagging at him like a married couple.
In private it's a whole other story.
Cutesy couple energy to the max.
They still argue tho.
"Put them doWN-"
"noo~" :3
Emotionally constipated + extremely touch starved = very clingy boyfriends
With one another and with you espically.
Both Like feeding u and each other but in private.
They don't look it but domesticity is the way to their hearts.
Easily jealous obviously but they have very peculiar ways to go about their jealousy.
I'm talking thinly veiled threats of murder kind of ways.
They aren't whiny, very confident and powerful personas. If anything they can be quite mean.
Evil even.
But they love youu~
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tangyangie · 1 year
lol love ur writing<333333
idk if u did it or not but-- what'd you think makes asanos and karmas heart flutter?
(honestly I think this is a cute concept just to see them flustered)
synopsis. what makes karma's and asano's hearts skip a beat!! (or more)
notes. also i've never had an anon w an identifier so i guess i'm making an anon list!!! hello 🍓!!
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the way you counter his teasing.
he'll be spouting about how you're so cute when you're angry or blushing, looking at you with a seemingly innocent smile on his face. he likes watching you turn away with an embarrassed smirk, playing his remarks off as if they didn't amuse you. it's even better when you come up with something to hit him back with. sometimes, he'll genuinely be shocked—he'll be red in the face and looking at you with a grin, just because of how surprised he is. he tells you he's been rubbing off on you, as he crashes into you, toppling to the floor as you both hug. little does he know, you can feel the intensity of his heartbreak against your chest. well, it's better to keep it to yourself. he'd probably explode if you knew he lost his cool.
the little things.
the way you bite your lip when you concentrate. how you fiddle with your clothes when you're nervous. the wordle game you do every day. he notices all the things you do, and it's just so endearing to him. you've noticed him zone out a few times while he's staring at you with a lovey-dovey smile on his face. it's honestly out of character for him to do so—he seems so serious and collected all the time. it's not like him to care so much about these tiny things. but because it's you—he'd give everything for you to know how much he cares. anything just so you can be content knowing how much he loves you.
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moon-lv3r · 1 year
beach date ~ 🍅💯
🦋 category: one-shot
🦋 characters: karma, asano, mentions of asano's father
🦋 summary: a small and fun beach date was suddenly flipped upside down as asano suddenly passed out for seemingly no reason
🦋 warnings: heat stroke? bad parenting from asano's dad
🦋 notes: i accidentally deleted the ask from the requester omg i am so stupid istg... but i remembered their user (i hope) @project-neo thanks for requesting !
it was a request where asano, karma and reader were out at the beach and asano suffered from a heat stroke, due to his shitty father
there's a little part inspired by the manga where asano and his dad talk about suing each other that I decided to include in here bc I thought that it would be funny. I actually don’t remember if that scene was animated or not lol
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  The blazing hot sun did you no favour. Every step felt like walking on lava. Karma was behind you, laughing at your struggles, as if his hair wasn’t dripping with sweat this very moment. Asano walked behind the both of you, maintaining a distance he always had, fearing that he would be seen one day. He seemed to be embarrassed by the sight that had welcomed his eyes.
  He was beginning to question why you had to plan a beach day. In such hot weather no less. It was psychotic of you. Asano was beginning to see that he seemed to have a type. He wondered why he even decided to go on this trip, he must have had a screw loose in his brain. 
  The sun had provided extra glare on the sea, the water surface reflecting off the light from the sun. Karma seemed to be well prepared for the day, which was obvious as he was the one who had planned it. You just joined because you had nothing else better to do. Asano joined because of your relentless talk about wanting a triple date. He could only give in to your charms. 
  The summer seemed to be the perfect time to visit the beach. The blazing sun shone the areas around the three of you as you all looked for the perfect spot to lay down beside each other, though Asano would prefer to keep his distance from the two of you, due to his fear of being caught. He had no idea as to why he was even involved with the both of you, it was something that just��� happened. But he didn’t stop it either, Asano just chose to let the relationship continue. Whether it was a decision he regretted remains to be seen.
  “Karma!” You shouted, “I found a spot!” Your arms waved enthusiastically, signalling for the boys to come over. Karma looked over and smiled, seemingly satisfied with the spot you had found.
  “Not bad,” Karma replied as he placed his items before helping you to arrange yours neatly on the sandy ground.
 Asano just followed, not wanting to argue as he had a bad headache. Perhaps it was due to him not being able to get enough sleep and thus not at his best. But he still decided to follow them on this date, for some unknown reason. Asano was beginning to think that he had broken his brain at long last, after his constant studying. There was something wrong with him, wasn’t there? 
  The sun continued to bake the ground and the sand they were sitting on, the shade doing little to lower down the temperature, though it was still better than being out in the open. Karma was getting restless, it was not a part of his plan to just sit around and let the sand be blown into their eyes. He wanted fun, his type of fun.
  It was not a date with Karma if everything went smoothly without pranks.   
  “Y/n!” Karma chanted happily, with a wide grin plastered onto his face. You looked at him, confused but on high alert, one can never have their guard down around him. Even Asano had his guard up even though it was not his name that left Karma’s mouth.
  One can never be so sure of their safety.
  “What is it Karma?” You asked, ready to defend yourself. That only egged Karma on more as he inched closer, his hands hiding behind his back. You knew this could never be anything good.
  He was Akabane Karma. 
  “Karma,” Asano began softly as he rested on the sand below him. “Can we have a normal date for once?” Asano seemed to be awfully tired and had his eyes shut despite being underneath the shade you had found. You just assumed that he was tired from studying all night. 
  You nodded in agreement, “Asano is right! We need a break, you know!”
  Karma laughed in response, “Wouldn’t that be such a killjoy?”
  You looked at his arms, tilting your head so that you could see what he was hiding. “A crab! You’re holding a crab!” You decided to guess. It was a wild one with no evidence but it was also the one that had made the most sense to you.
  “Come on!” Karma continued, “We’re out here to have fun, aren’t we?”
  You did not know how to respond to that, because technically, Karma was right. You were all out here to simply have fun. Though you were not interested in Karma’s idea of fun. It seemed more like hell to you.
  “I'd rather die than enjoy the ‘fun’ you have for us,” Asano replied. It was like he had read your mind and said the exact words you wanted to come out of your own mouth.
  Unfortunately, Asano’s words seemed to have little effect on Karma. It seemed as though nothing would have him under control. He was a wild animal it seems. You often wondered just how you got into this mess to begin with…
  Karma still kept his hands out of view, which only solidified your thoughts further. It had to be a crab, there was no other explanation. What else could he take from a beach? Surely Karma would not take a jellyfish right?
  And you would be right to think that it was a crab. Karma suddenly threw it at you, catching you completely off guard. You let out a loud screech before crawling over to Asano. All Asano did was to glance between the both of you, “Do I have to remind you guys your ages?” He said before laying down. His head was hurting badly and he needed that rest. It was just a headache, it will go away, right? 
  “Asano!” You began. “You’re sweating so much even under the shade! The weather really can’t be that hot!” You laughed.
  Asano’s body seemed to be sweating a crazy amount, more than Karma even. Asano merely brushed your comments aside and ignored it, acting like all was normal with him. Though he could feel that there was something wrong. 
  Something wrong with his body
  Karma, however, frowned and sensed that something was slightly… amiss. He squinted his eyes at Asano, who glared back. Karma was examining his dearest rival and lover, only to get a glare back, how kind of Asano. “Are you sure you are alright?” Karma asked.
  Asano could only nod in frustration, “Do you guysss think… I am a small child?” He snapped, his words sounding slightly slurred and dragged on.
  “How else are we supposed to treat you?” You joked, not sensing that there seemed to be something wrong. 
  “I don’t knoww,” Asano replied, his speech still dragged on as his head was hurting him more. “I’m goingggg to get sssomething.”
  Asano tried to stand, but his legs seemed to give up on him. His hands reached for a tree as you stood up and rushed towards him, finally realising that something might just be a little bit wrong. Asano tried to tell you that he would be fine but he could not even stand properly.
  “I- amm finee,” He said. His speech was sounding even more slurred than previously. He could not even speak like a normal person. Something was definitely wrong and you should have realised it sooner,
  The gravity of the situation only fully fell upon you when Asano completely collapsed in your arms, going limp. Karma rushed towards the both of you and touched Asano. The both of you felt his bare skin. It was weirdly hot. Something seemed to be wrong.
  “Heatstroke,” Karma quickly deduced. “I’ll carry him to the male’s, you call an ambulance.”
  You nodded and handed Asano to Karma as quickly as you could. Next, you looked through your bag and took out your phone, dialling for the ambulance. You wondered if you should let Asano’s family know about it. They were a family… but they don’t know about you and Karma, for obvious reasons. You decided to play it safe and not call them. You will let Asano decide if he wants to call them when he wakes up.
  Karma went to splash cool water on Asano using the showers while you called the ambulance. It did not take long for them to arrive and take Asano with them, though only one of you could follow Asano in the ambulance as there was limited space. Karma let you follow Asano while he took public transport. The paramedics assured you that Asano was not in any critical danger and that you guys had Karma to thank for his quick thinking. 
  Karma had always been smart, of course he would realise what was happening and immediately follow up with the solution to ensure that things would go smoothly. That was one of the reasons why you were drawn to him. He was just full of the unexpected and there would never be a second of boredom spent with him around. 
  The drive to the hospital was a mere ten minutes, yet it felt like the ride was longer than you had been alive. Your gaze was stuck on the unconscious Asano, your hands held tightly to his, hoping that he would awake and tell you that this was all just a huge, elaborate prank by him and Karma, though it was unlikely. Asano would never work with Karma for a prank. That wouldn’t be Asano anymore. 
  You followed the paramedics as they rushed Asano into the hospital, into a room, until you were not allowed to follow them anymore. You texted Karma your location, hoping that he would join you soon. Karma took a while to arrive but you were glad that he did. The both of you sat in silence, your lovely beach date ending just like that. You two still had to figure out the reason behind Asano’s heatstroke as well.
  Why was he severely dehydrated? Why was he severely dehydrated? It didn’t seem to make any sense that Asano would just not drink water, there had to be something more behind it. Asano was not the kind that would just risk himself like that. Karma shared the same thoughts as you as well. The both of you decided to approach Asano about the topic in the best way the both of you could, without pushing him away.
  “We should just ask him,” Karma suggested, “Like a casual conversation. Talk about it like its some normal thing.”
  “And how do you even go about that?” You asked, “How do we even phrase it?” 
  Karma paused as he thought about it. His gaze fixed on the wall in front of him as he tried to figure out ways to your dilemma. Asano was still not a very open person despite being with the both of you. It takes a lot, trying to enter his world that he had kept closed to many around him. You were just scared that he would not be truthful. 
  “We can just say ‘why did you faint? What did the doctors say?’,” Karma suggested. 
  You nodded in agreement as the doctors exited and approached the both of you to inform you two that Asano was alright, he just had a heatstroke and that he had been transferred to a room for further observation, but he should be fine to leave in a few hours. The doctors even thanked Karma for his quick thinking, otherwise who knew what might have become of Asano Gakushuu. 
  The both of you thanked the doctors before heading off to find Asano to check up on him. There he laid on the hospital bed, looking the same as ever. His face facing out the window. His eyes glancing at the scenery. 
  “Asano,” You chanted with a huge smile on your face as you slowly approached him.
  “The doctors said I got a heat stroke right?” He asked.
  You paused as your mind scrambled about to find the right words to respond, but Karma managed to beat you to it. 
  “So straightforward!” Karma laughed, “How did it happen to you?” He asked in the most inappropriate, unserious tone you had ever heard from Karma. He had just gone against the plan! 
  Asano sighed as he turned to face the both of you, “You know… my father.”
  Karma laughed once more, you shot him an unimpressed look while Asano looked as annoyed as ever. “A man can’t just cause heat stroke, you know,” Karma replied.
  Asano rolled his eyes, “My father did not allow me to drink anything if I could not pass the papers he made me to! I can’t drink a single glass if I don’t meet his expectations.”
  You did not know how to respond to that. It was not what you were expecting to hear. You knew Asano had problems with his father but you never knew it would be this bad. That man should not be a father.
  “Sounds like a good lawsuit, child negligence. Don’t you think so?” Karma responded, saying the last thing you expected to hear in a situation like the one you were in right now.
  You stared at him with the most judgmental face you could show while Asano actually seemed amused by what Karma had said. 
  “Now that,” Asano replied. “Is a good idea, I wonder how much I can make from this.”
  You frowned at the both of them, absolutely bewildered at what had just happened, at what you had just heard. It was more than crazy. Have they gone insane?
  “Y/n,” said Asano, “You seem scared.”
  “Yeah,” You replied, “At how crazy the both of you are.”
  Asano and Karma laughed like it was just a silly joke. You just kept your judgemental face and looked at them. Why were you even involved with them was anyone’s guess.
  The hours ticked by and soon, Asano was allowed to return to his home. He was already getting tired of the hospital bed and the food was not suitable to his taste, he had asked you to grab some food for him. He was lucky that he only stayed a few hours, you had thought about making him and Karma stay longer due to how crazy they have been.
  You and Karma had to ensure that Asano made it home safely, not that you were complaining. It was the funniest and weirdest date you have ever been on with those two. After telling Asano to drink more water, and Karma telling him to drink from the toilet if he had to, the both of you made your way home.
  Things with the both of them can just be so crazy sometimes.
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May I request a Karma x Fem!reader
Where Karma is meeting Y/n’s family…But she’s an Asano…
Ah, thank you for requesting! I am so glad that you like my other AssClass story as well! Just a gentle reminder that I only write gendered readers when gender is essential to the plot since I want to promote inclusivity in my writings!
warnings: none!
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Inside the dining room, the air is still. The three warring parties all sit at the table, you between Gakushuu and Karma, with your father The Principal sitting opposite you. 
You eat your casserole, oblivious to the dark looks the other three have been giving each other. Oblivious, or knowing full well and laughing at all of them. There is no in-between with you.
Tensions have been high since the beginning, and by now it is practically guaranteed that something will explode. Everyone present is simply waiting for the inevitable explosion to happen, waiting for that spark which will set everything ablaze in a rage of fiery destruction.
“Can someone pass the salt?” you call out.
“Sure, sweetheart,” says Karma.
“Alright, (Y/N),” says Gakushuu.
And the battle begins.
Karma reaches for the shaker, and so does Gakushuu, and as they do, their hands touch, at which they promptly look at each other and glare.
“…Akabane,” says Gakushuu, smiling politely, tugging the shaker towards himself, “you can let go. I will give (Y/N) the salt.”
“No, no, you don’t need to.” Karma’s own smile is as sharp as a knife, and he tugs the shaker towards himself again. “I’ll pass it, no problem.”
“No, let me Akabane. I can’t have you breaking it, after all.” Gakushuu tugs the shaker away from Karma again with a dark grin on his face.
“Who said I was going to break it?” Karma tugs the shaker back towards himself, where it belongs.
“You break everything.”
“Well, you’re wrong, because I’m going to take care of it with my life, whether you like it or not!”
“Well, I’m not going to make it easy for you! Akabane, you give it back!”
“No, I won’t–!”
 The sound of The Principal’s voice stops the two of them in their tracks, and they slowly look at him and the terrifying smile on his face. “I will take it, being the person best equipped to handle it.”
The two of them scowl but bow down to the apex predator in their midst and set down the shaker. The Principal takes it, and hands it to you with a smile. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, Dad," you say, and take the shaker with a slightly disgruntled expression, and you're just about to use it, when you pause, look at it, and frown. 
"This is the goddamn pepper."
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Mc, watching Karma and Gakushuu fight: can i get a waffle. can i please get a waffle.
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akabanerio · 2 years
*Rio reading Gakushuu‘s diary*
Gakushuu: Nakamura- what are you doing on my room?!
Rio: Shhh be quiet I’m reading. It‘s a very good book. I love enemies to lovers
Gakushuu: It‘s not what you think-
Rio: Yeah sure, so you are in love with someone else named Akabane Karma? What are the odds? *grins*
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kumikuzushi · 4 months
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12 : 51 - chapter one
Assassination Classroom
Gakushu Asano x F Reader !!
Author's Note : One of my favorite characters! But sadly not enough content of him out there TOT so here's my shot eheheh this story will be put into chapters hopefully I will be able to update in a reasonable time but here's chapter one!! I hope people enjoy :)
(she/they pronouns is used for reader!)
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪⚝₊ ⊹˚.𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪⚝₊ ⊹˚.𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪⚝₊ ⊹˚.𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪⚝₊ ⊹˚.𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪
"Good evening (name), we bumped into eachother this afternoon and you dropped your test paper on the ground. You were quite in a hurry earlier so I wasnt able to give it back, Would you like it back?"
(name) read through the message for the 6th time this minute, scanning through the words with heavy eyelids begging to rest, it was a message from Gakushu three hours ago.
She read the text message once again, despite memorizing each words of the text, she examine the words with a hint of hope that she might had skipped over a word.
Earlier that day, the teenager was walking back home, (name) was with Kayano, Nagisa and a bunch of her other e-class classmates when they separated ways, (name) was first to bid her goodbyes as she has a different route than the rest of the group. (Reader and Asano lives in the same neighborhood)
(name) was wearing the winter uniform of their school since December finally came and it was starting to be more chilly. With a scarp wrapped around her neck and lower face, adding the fact it was already 4:30 pm.
It was yet still so early but the cold breeze made the teen drowsy.
With a tired mind—(name) had just close their eyes for 3 seconds before the feeling of a bump of another person's body immediately woke them up. The force wasn't that strong as it just slightly pushed them but strong enough to cause a few of her papers to fall off her loose divider.
(name) immediately shook her head awake and stood up straight, the girl was about to bow at what she first thought was a stranger.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry-" Her apology was cut off when she realized the figure, strawberry-blonde strands that don't fail to daze her—immediately got recognized by (name)— so much that they froze on their spot. "My apologies also, please let me help you." Gakushu examine, slightly fixing himself after the event with a gentle pat before turning to (name).
Witnessing that he was about to turn, the (color-haired) girl looked away - half of her face covering by the hue of her hair.
Despite the unclear angle, When Gakushu completed sighted the person he bumped into to - he immediately recognized the hue and essence of theirs.
"oh, (last-name)-san" There was a quick flinch shown by (name) upon Gakushu calling them by their last name, it felt eerie to the teen. Though just when Gakushu was about to add to his sentence - the girl curled their whole body away to the other way.
"I'm sorry for bumping into you, I have to go."
She spoke with depth before not wasting any time walking away from the male, the first step away from the strawberry-blonde was describe instant regret by (name), Gakushu wanted to call out for (name) but nothing came out of his mouth as it was now too late that the girl is far from his reach.
At that moment when Gakushu watched the girl walked away from him—(name) the other hand, left the scene with a part of her to also stop on her tracks and say something but her legs just continue to move with a mind of its own, the breeze got colder when she saw him again, all the memories came rushing back to her head in those seconds. In one point the girl stopped and with a crack breath - she looked back to check the male.
Her lips frowned, seeing that the male was also walking away - the gush of wind blew the strands of hair away. The feeling of relapsing rushed all over her body as this time—she watched the male leave, just in this case (name) watched him until he completely disappeared on sight.
Coming back from her memories, (name) blinked and then stared up to her ceiling.
The outline shape of the moon shined through her window—her whole body was wrapped nicely with a thick blanket but yet the breeze was still cold on her skin. (name) didn't realize she was tearing up, they cursed under their breath upon realizing that they were crying. Sitting up - she blinked to stop a crystal from falling before whipping the drops of tear with her hand.
(name) hands drop down to her lap, at that point her irises was tearing up even more. She already accepted the fact he was no longer hers—though (name) knew he was never officially hers nor was she was officially his.
The fragile teen was struggling to grasp the acceptance that Asano Gakushu is day by day becoming a stranger in her chapter.
(name) read through the message one last time before finally typing out an respond back.
"No thank you :)"
Another few dawns and midnights passed, (name) and some of the e-class was in the Main building of Kunugigaoka merely just passing by to exit the school grounds, like usual most students from the upper classes watched the e-class with a smirk, and eyeing them with aversion. Everyone in the class just put their head down - ignoring the laughter and stares when passing by.
"Hey watch this" A student from class B whispered to his classmate as he secretly extended his foot - Manami who didn't have time to react, step on the student's foot causing him to loudly groan 'in pain'.
"Ah! I-im so sorry!" Manami immediately apologized, slightly backing away from the male student. "Augh you E-class scum! Come here-" his own sentence was caught off by his own gasp and choke.
Manami who shut their eyes - mentally preparing a stack of words thrown at her or even a hit until after a few seconds nothing came, she peeked over her glasses upon hearing the cut off sentence of the male.
With a speed of an arrow, the pencil that (name) was holding—with an eye like a killer and aura full of bloodlust, the pencil dangerously looked like a real knife in the teenager's hand. The male let out a scared gasp but his heart rate went so down he choked down on his own air—his eyes wide and petrified, soon realizing that it was the (color-haired) girl just holding a pencil—even worse the sharp part of the tool wasn't even pointed at him, it was the soft pink eraser.
The look of dumbfounded mix of shock only made (name) scoffed as she backed away from the student, (name) only set away the pencil—eyeing the boy with his friends who was also in shock with a complete dead stare.
"Are you okay, okuda?" (name) asked with a soft tone, the quick switch of aura made the other class stiffed. "Y-yeah.. thank you so much (name)-chan" She whispered, (name) turned back to the other students who immediately got shaken, The girl only shot them a harsh judging glare before taking Manami's hand and walking away.
Walking back to the group who watched in concern but calmly—knowing that the (color-haired) girl got it under controlled.
"Okuda are you okay?" Megu was first to ask the group's concern, almost everyone immediately went for the purple-haired as they brought her close to them to avoid bumping any other more main building students.
(name) of course was also asked if they were alright but with earlier's mood she only nodded nonchalantly and kept quiet. Nagisa pat the girl's back in assurance before they all continued walking.
As so, (name)'s gaze slowly travelled to her left, to check if the students had already left, instead her chest unconsciously tighten.
Their now widen eyes intertwined with the familiar purple hue irises, In reaction her pace went slow as they both looked with eachother. It was hard to tell how Gakushu felt looking at the female's eyes but (name) knew he saw what just happened.
Just when another figure came into her view - she blinked and stopping at her tracks.
"Gakushu-kun!! You waited for me?" A girl appeared from behind Gakushu examined with a cherry voice, her eyes were clashed with excitement and joy, her presence can bring a curve to one's lips Her words coming out her mouth in a singing-like manner.
Seeing that girl in the exact moment made (name) feel the exact pessimistic opposite of her.
(name) watched as Gakushu willingly turned around to face the other female, the look in her eyes was no too hard to tell. She refuses to blink at the scene but her lower eyelids slightly flicking, to top it off with an dejected aura surrounding her.
It wasnt difficult to tell that (name) was jaundiced, emulous at the other girl, or in short—jealous.
Gakushu wasn't the type to entertain people like this, only as far just providing a helping hand to his fellow schoolmates with studies or just being a gentleman. But (name) didn't think he would be the type to pass his time to wait. For someone.
That isn't her.
"(name)?" Nagisa pat the said girl's shoulder - causing them to finally snapped out and remove their sight out of the scene.
"Should we go?" Nagisa asked, (name) looked at the male with unsureness but then looked back at Gakushu, the girl leaned closer to him with a smile.
A bite was received on the inside of their cheek, (name) just let out a tired sigh.
"Yeah" (name) responded, Nagisa nodded understandingly, guiding the girl out to walk off. (name) didn't looked back this time, refusing to do so.
Failing to see Gakushu's look of forlorn towards her.
Gakushu Asano never considered himself as a good person, The male knew his actions towards the e-class was immorally wrong— but that is how the school works.
After the midterms, he found himself rethinking the gap between the class and him—he found himself comparing himself.
Gakushu found himself considering the (color-haired) girl as his friend, the moment he saw her interduced themselves on the first day of school—he sparked an interest.
Lucky for him, (name) reciprocated the feeling, Gakushu liked (name)'s factors.
They were intelligent enough to keep up with the male, they were well-behaved as should an A-class student should, they listen and respected her elders and treated the people that respected equally. That is at first.
However, unlike Gakushu, (name) loathed the way the students acted towards their fellow batch mates—treating them like an outcast.
She was heavily against with the discrimination towards her batch mates as her kind persona would always turn off whenever e-class was degraded or looked down to in her presence.
It cause worries from a lot of student that smart, kind and beautiful person like (name) would just end up in the low class all beacuse of her actions. Though (name) couldn't care less as she didn't held back her tounge—remotely causing her downfall.
(name) caught up on how awful the school's system were - something Gakushu wished never happened.
"You were sent to E-class?" The tall male asked, the tone of dissapointment and disgust was smeared all over the sentence, the sharpness of his voice was able to bring a person's spine to chills, make them shiver with tears.
"It wasn't my intention to." The female replied, this time - (name) sounded blank, a tome with no other intention, no sign of immitation, just plain honestly.
Gakushu crumbled his fist, "I told you, there will be consequences defending the E-class yet you didn't follow, what were you thinking?"
He spat with a glare, however behind the gaze was just a sphere of faze hiding through a thin sheet of pride. It sting that despite the numerous calls and counsels to enact the girl on the out turns—she still continue to do it.
It wasn't her intention beacuse she never cared to be in trouble in the first place. (name) knew her intentions and staying in Class-A was never in her list, and Gakushu knew that.
(name) release a sigh before looking up to the male, "I enjoy the privileges and view I have as a student here, but I cannot fully rejoice it knowing my friends are treated the opposite!" She raised her voice, composing her posture to face the male.
In a second, you could see the swift change in Gakushuu's stare, the look of lour was slowly washed into a state of shock—his frown was emerged into a thin line after hearing her. 'friends' he blinked again trying re-call if he heard her right.
"You...befriended them?"
Her answer was said with no hesitation, no shame or unsureness. Gakushu stared down at (name)'s eyes, it was filled with the truth and care—he knew she wasn't lying.
Gakushu wanted to ask, how about me? Wasnt he your friend too?
For the first time in his life, The blonde found someone who's eyes he could stare at with genuine gentleness, someone who's presence so serenity despite the loud voices ringing around—he found (name).
Gakushu felt the overwhelming bliss when he's around the girl, it hurts him knowing she's growing away from him, just when he almost knew his feelings were.
There was so many things he wanted to say at (name), the urge to confront his fondness, the itching hand to hold the girl he wanted to stay.
However the remaining grudge held his voice over, the frame of mind towards the fact she was moving to e-class—that she choose to be in, took over his next move.
"You dissapoint me."
It came out so harsh, so bitter, so cold that it froze the girl, the stare full of negative emotions upon her, the aura surrounding them.
The words were meant to hurt.
It was all too much for her to process properly—to make matters worse it came from the man who she admire.
The (color-haired) girl remained silent after his comment, the aching pain from her chest was enough to shut her up—in addition the overwhelming feeling of humiliation bite her like vampires, none were gentle and it almost brought her into tears.
Gakushu didn't know if he meant it, or if he didn't—but the second he spoke, regret was pouring in.
There was an awkward silent after that—neither of them wanted to break it however the continues pour of shame and ache was far from bearable for the girl, slowly but noticable—she shut her eyes in anguish, a mix of anger started to fill in, (name)'s hands curled into fists as she shot her eyes open to stare back at the male.
This time the hint of anger became salient as she was now staring at Gakushu angrily.
"So be it, if that mean I'm simply refusing to be an asshole like you then feel whatever you want." She spat back, her spleen echoing in the sentence. For a second both teens just stared at eachother, Gakushu did not give a response back as silence accompany them.
At the second moment, (name) walked away.
Not a moment where her gaze looked back at the male, however the strawberry bland watches the (color-haired) teen slowly vanish in the distance leaving him completely alone.
This time though, Gakushu thought he would never get to tell you how he feels that brought an unfamiliar sore in his chest—more specifically where his heart is.
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wander-lum · 7 months
can somebody find that karma akabane oneshot (?) fic where his s/o is as confident, competent and kinda hot-headed as him? somebody humble too, like theyre rich rich and buy expensive things (the example shown was a watch) but they hide it and they dont rub it in that person? and theyre also soft and emotional but only when in the privacy of their own space, the example shown was an dead animal and the they wanted to burry it properly. i first found it in the akabane x reader tag.
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strawbearrrry · 5 months
Uhhh I'm writing a fanfic on quitev, it kinda sucks rn because I literally had no idea how to start it but it'll get better later, it's a Karma x Reader x Gakushu
There's more of it but I just put down the first bit
Here's the first bit of it
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Y/N L/N is the smartest girl in her school
The smartest girl in Asagao high
Y/N L/N is also the loneliest girl in her school
The loneliest girl in Asagao high
She doesn't have any friends, doesn't talk to anyone and spends almost all of her time in a small cramped room in the back of the school. They don't mind because it hasn't been used in years.. It hasn't been touched for good reason, but you're a sweet girl and she would've wanted that so they don't mind at all! 
That really isn't what she would've wanted
But they don't know that
Sometimes though, she likes to spend time in the music room playing the violin. Or outside doing archery, she seems to be very talented. 
But currently she's in class, staring at the rain as it hits the glass of the window. She's not paying attention because she doesn't need too, till she hears her name.. 
"Y/N L/N?"
You flinch and look at the teacher
"You're needed in the principals office"
You get up and grab your stuff, this is normal being a top student. You would know, she told you all about it. 
You knock on the door, expecting to not get an answer but and Suzumi Satoo opens it for you. She was your first year teacher and now she works as a counselor. She has always looked out for you, not just because you're the top student, but because she genuinely cares. She greets you with a warm smile and gestures you inside. 
It's cold and very dark inside, the only light that's on is a small lamp on the desk. It smells like old books and 
"Y/N?" The principal turns his chair around as you sit down in the chair across from him. "You do know what's happening next week don't you?"
You wince remembering
Right, the games.. 
Every two years Asagao and their rival school Kunugigaoka have a 'friendly' competition, students go head to head competing in everything. Regular academics, sports, home ec.. Anything
The competition is anything from friendly though the two schools hate each other
Right now the two schools are tied in wins, you've only remembered because she won for Asagao
"The games right?" You speak quietly but it sounds so loud in the almost empty room
"Yes, I want you to compete this year" his intimidating voice spoke, his face was covered with a folder that he was looking through. "Y/N you are our top student, the best of our whole school. Having you there will guarantee our win"
You knew this was coming, but you still weren't prepared. Of course he would ask you, you're a child prodigy, too student! But you really don't want to do this, however your parents you really don't have a choice. 
It sounds like torture, competition isn't really your thing. You don't like getting on people's bad sides and competing against them is the easiest way to do it. 
Noticing your hesitation, your principle spoke up. "I know competing isn't your thing, but think about her. She would've wanted this, right?"
Wow that's terrible, why would he use her like that? You're trying to forget about her.. 
Let's face it that will never happen
"Okay.." You mumble quietly it could take your mind off of her, and maybe this is what she wants
Besides they put this on records for university, winning could be great for you
"Good, I expect great things from you Y/N" 
And with that you got up to leave, before hearing his voice
"And one more thing"
You turn around and look at him
"There are two students in your grade that go there, both have perfect grades and athletic records. I'll have files sent to the back room for you to look through" 
That's right, he's never played fair. You remember her telling you all about it
"What are you doing?" A twelve year old you walks into ____s room
she turns around in her chair with that warms smile she always gave you plastered on her face, but despite her warm smile she still scolds you "Y/N you should be resting!"
You frown "but I'm so bored!" You whine "can I just stay with you? I pinkie promise I won't get you sick!"
she sighs "Okay.. But I'm doing boring stuff too, your still gonna be bored"
you smile "I'm never bored when I'm with you!" You sit next to her, looking at the screen of her laptop "now can you tell me what you're doing"
she giggles and pinches your cheek "okay nosey rosey, I'm just looking up some stuff for the games next week" she looks writes some stuff down in her purple notebook. 
on her screen was records of this building.. "What's a Kunugigaoka?"
She laughs "it's a school silly! Im just looking up information so we can win" she continues her typing
you jaw drops as you gasp dramatically "Cheater!" You then start coughing
"Y/N!" She gets you some water and scolds you again "this is why you need to rest!"
you take a sip of your water and stop coughing "sorry ____" you pout
"it's fine but you should rest now" she takes your hand and starts walking to your bedroom
"but why are you cheating?" You frown looking up at her
"I'm not cheating!" You feel her hand rubbing the top of your head "I promise I'm not, I'm just getting information so I know what to work on"
"so you promise you won't cheat?"
You never did find out if she cheated or not, but you hope for the best.
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semisutopia · 3 months
"contact name"
warnings: fluff, crack, tiny bit suggestive in maehara's (ofc)
pairing: multiple characters x fem! reader
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all rights go to @semisutopia on tumblr. please don't copy or plagiarise my work. that's really lame of you.
tag list: @mariaace @kitorin @rewh0re @7surugi @satoruluvies @nanaslutt @sirhysteir
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anzulvr · 3 months
୨୧ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader I| Chapter: 06 ୨୧
Prev || 06 Lies || Next
— After hyping herself up in the bathroom mirror for half an hour this morning, [Name] concluded she was capable enough to pull off her plan and manage to get demoted to E-class.
[Name] worried she might get herself expelled but looking back on Karmas situation put her at ease. They practically bring equal academic value to the school and Karma was able to get away with a lot because of it. They'd let him off the hook for fights, pranks and persistently cutting class. If anything this might not be enough to demote her.
A few days prior Gakushuu informed her that his father had a meeting to attend later today. The Chairman is constantly praised for his input during board gatherings, which is why [Name] decided she would sneak into his office and replace his notes for some fake ones written with Karmas assistance. She'd make her switch careless enough he could trace it back to her.
Karma also suggested switching Gakuhō's papers for some questionable magazines would be an easier, more impactful trick, he could get Okajima to give him a few, he probably wouldn't be super-compliant about giving them up but when was anyone ever compliant to anything Karma plotted? He got them but he didn't tell her how he convinced his friend to let him have them.
[Name] had never done anything that could get her into trouble at school, what if it went on her record?
"[Name]? You're here earlier than usual."
She jolted back in surprise and nervously held her hands behind her back, "Yeah, I thought I'd have a change of pace today." She was anxiously swaying back and fourth.
"You? Change? That's rich."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Last time I called you at 7 AM you blocked my number for a month."
Gakuhō came up behind Asano and rested his hand on his son's shoulder,"Gakushuu fix your posture."
Asano straightened up, The chairman looks over at [Name], "It's nice to see you again [Name], how have you been?"
"Im doing good, and you?"
"That's great to hear, I would like to talk more but I need to speak with my son for a moment, if you don't mind."
"I’ll leave you to it then, see you around Shuu!"
Perfect opportunity had risen, he was down here, that means his office would be empty this early in the morning.
[Name] opened his drawers and found many, many folders filled to the brim with papers. She wasn't sure how she was going to find the one she was meant to trade out.
She drew out her own papers along with the magazines, she couldn't help but question what kind of perverted friend Karma had that just has these lying around.
She was digging through them when she knocked into one of the opened sliding shelves a file titled "Confidential" fell out from a compartment hidden underneath the cabinet. She got the feeling she really wasn't supposed to open, the forbidden feel to it only enticed her more.
[Name] wasn't sure what she expected to find but it definitely wasn't government files about the moons explosion. They never disclosed this to the public, why would Gakuhō have this? Her eyes rushed through the pages, there was a picture of the culprit, a price on his head, and way too many details to take in. The documents alleged that End class students of Kunugigaoka High would be the main individuals with the responsibility of assassinating the out law. Failure to assassinate him by the end of the year will result in the extinction of the human race.
There was so much to process, she was going to die? In any other situation she’d doubt the authenticity of these papers but everything lined up with the moon explosion. She couldn't even humor the idea anyone could kill that thing based on description of his abilities alone. The files mentioned the creature being 3 meters tall, and a very long list of his documented capabilities such regeneration, super human speed and strength. It would be stupid to believe some high schoolers could assassinate a monster with the power to destroy the earth in seconds. Her future was essentially gone, and Karma, he knew about this all along.
'Did he expect me to go on living, knowing there's a good chance I'll die before I even graduate?’
How could he? He never mentioned this. This whole time he'd let her believe everything was fine. That he liked his class? The stupid bounty on the monsters life was giving him false hope.
She has good grades, sure, but that's pretty much all [Name] has going for herself. Now that she was thinking about how her future was over this all made her realize she never really had much of a future. Nothing made her stand out from the rest of her peers.
The members of the student council are everything she is and more. Not only are their grades outstanding they each have individual talents that set them apart from the rest. That set them apart from [Name]. The students definitely saw it that way, people often talked badly about how she didn’t deserve her spot with the rest of the student council.
In contrast Karma definitely has a lot going for himself. He isn't just smart, he's great at anything he touches. He has a good reason to live. Maybe that’s why he kept it a secret? He didn’t think it mattered in her case?
She felt herself tearing up, not knowing what to do with herself she kept flipping through the documents. Karma let her continue living so ignorantly, for what? So she could die soon without warning?
"[Name]. What are you doing here?"
Just like that she was taken out of her entranced state, "Nothing! I was waiting to speak to you, sir." She hid the file behind her back, ironically all she did was make herself more suspicious. Kaho did always tell her she was a horrible liar.
Gakuhō wasn't supposed to return to his office this quickly, then again she isn't supposed to be poking around where she's not welcome.
"There are serious repercussions for sneaking into my office and going through student files, you know that right? We place value in the privacy of our pupil."
"Principal Asano, It's not student files I'm interested in. I'd like to be transferred to End class."
“End class... What makes you suggest such a thing?"
“I know the truth.”
"You'll have to get more specific [Name], what truth?" He walked over to his desk, looking straight at her, she hands him back the classified file.
[Name] is taken aback when the chairman laughs.
He was being so casual about it still, for some reason, she felt like there was a knife against her throat.
"[Name] you're a good kid, I'd think about this twice if I were you. You'll have to renounce your position in the student council if I go through with your transfer. We really can't afford to have word get out either. You'll either forget everything you just read or you'll have to deal with the consequences."
His eyes scared her, she was in over her head.
His eyes shift to the messy table top, thanks to [Names] disorganized snooping. The duplicate papers and magazines were front and center of the clutter.
"What are these strange magazines doing here?"
"Those are, uh- not mine! I'll dispose of them regardless!"
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poppylovestowrite · 1 year
Hello :] I wanted to say that I really really love your writing! Could I possibly request Gakushu telling reader his feelings, but they reject him? [If you want you can say Reader likes Karma but thats up to you]
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Confession | Gakushu Asano x Reader
Gakushu kept hearing the tapping sound of your pen against your notebook. Normally, this would annoy the strawberry blond, but over the years he has known you, it doesn't bother him if it came from you.
In fact, when you do this, it tells him you're stuck on a question.
"Are you having some trouble with a question?" Gakushu asks.
"Oh," you raised your head. "No... I... was just thinking."
"You sure? I don't mind helping you."
You smiled and nodded, appreciating his offer.
"I'm sure," you said then went back to the question you were stuck in.
Gakushu knew you were having trouble answering a question. He was doing the same assignment a dozen minutes ago, and since he knew all of your strengths and weaknesses, he knew you were going to have some struggles with this assignment.
Still, he doesn't butt in and insists on helping you. Because he knows how smart you are. You'll figure it out.
"Ah," Gakushu noticed your face light up.
'I guess she figured it out.'
After fifteen minutes, you finally put your pen down.
"Finally, done." You smiled and stretched your arms into the air.
"Would you like a ride home?" He offers.
He would always offer you a ride, only because he wants to spend a little longer with you.
"No thanks," you replied as you began to pack up your stuff. "I'm taking the train. I told Karma I would hang out with him later."
Ugh. Not that delinquent.
The annoyance on Gakushu's face was subtle but obvious. You assumed it was because he just doesn't like Class E in general, therefore, he doesn't want his good friend to spend time with any of them. But, no, it's actually because he's jealous. He hates how close you are to Karma. Even though Gakushu has known you for years, he feels as though you're closer to Karma than to him.
Karma is able to make you laugh and smile more than he ever could. 
"Why do you hang out with him?"
You didn't get mad at his question. He's your friend and as many issues as Gakushu has, you learned how to talk and deal with his controlling nature. 
"Gakushu. He's my friend. Just like how you're my friend. I like spending time with him, just like I enjoy spending with you." You playfully poked his nose.
He sighs. He wants to get it, but he just can't. Karma is such a barbarian, so why does he get more of your attention than him?
"I have known you for years now. I consider you to be the only person I trust."
You furrowed your brows. Where is this coming from? 
"Um. I know." 
Gakushu held your eyes. As much as he wants to, he can't look away. "And I would hate it if anyone were to take you from me."
Your heart freezes. You have never heard him speak so earnestly before. You didn't even know he was capable of speaking so softly to you. He hasn't finished speaking, yet you feel like where this was going. 
Gakushu sighs, mentally preparing himself.
God, he has never done anything more difficult in his life. Is this what every other person feels like when they confess to him?
"You're very dear to me, (y/n)," Gakushu says lovingly. "For a while, I was thinking that our friendship could be something much more than that."
There it was. You were afraid he was going to say that. 
"Gakushu... Look." You sighed. "I'm really flattered, and don't get me wrong... You're very important to me. I care about you, I really do, a-and I always will--"
"Just say it already," Gakushu irks. 
You winced and pressed your lips together. 
Ah, he already knew your answer. He just wants you to at least be honest and say it quickly to get it over with. Fine. He's your friend, he deserves the truth. As much as it hurts to break his heart, you have to do this. Gakushu would hate you more if you lied to him. 
"Gakushu... I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way." 
Gakushu softly nods and finally 
Wow. That has got to be the most painful thing he has ever experienced. Gakushu never had an easy life. Living with his tyrant of a father was hell. But, this moment right here felt a hundred times worse.
"You... you okay." You asked tentatively. 
"I'll be fine." He says. He gives himself a few seconds before finding the courage to look at you again. This time, it felt like you were talking to the typical Gakushu Asano. The strong, confident Gakushu you know. 
"But," Gakushu starts. "I don't think we should speak for a while."
You slowly nodded. 
Just so long as he's not cutting you out of your life. Leaving him alone for a while would be best. 
"See you tomorrow." You said it like you would to him on any other day. You smiled, but it was a strained one. 
Gakushu says nothing back to you though, which caused you to wince in pain.
Then, you left the library. 
And all Gakushu could do is watch you leave.
This is the last time he would open his heart to anyone.
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tangyangie · 1 year
Hii!! May I request Karma x reader when Asano is interested in Karma's s/o? How would Karma react to his rival having a crush on his s/o? Thank you ^^
synopsis. karma x gn!reader whom asano is romantically interested in!!
notes. ooo drama 🤭 also i just got like 10 reqs in the last few days so i'm closing reqs for a bit :((
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karma's... happier than ever. weird, right?
he just thinks it's so funny that he has something asano wants and has no way to obtain. you!! there's not a chance karma's gonna let asano off so easily.
he's going to show off at the worst moments. kissing you in the library in front of asano's study group, on the way home, in class (although not nearly as show-offy. that would give him many detentions!!)
karma loves to see the look on asano's face when he sees you both together. asano definitely has a lot of jealousy in him!!
but, you spend enough time with asano—he had to have fallen for you somehow. so—obviously, karma's also got some jealousy. not that he doesn't trust you, it's just that he's not there to show you off to asano.
sometimes, when karma's not with you and he sees asano, karma'll loudly talk to his friends about your most recent date together. or, maybe, the one he's planning on taking you on.
obviously, though—if you tell karma to stop testing asano like he is, he'll tone it down. but he's also doing this to prevent his actual jealousy from getting to him, so he's going to continue at least a little bit.
karma does keep his eye on you, though. he wants to make sure asano isn't getting too hopeful. but, just in case he does, he'll always be around to steal you away with some stupid excuse.
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notes. it's like 3 AM when i'm writing this and i'm so hungry oh my god
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roseauthor · 2 months
𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 ’𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐫’: 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Main masterlist:
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𝐈𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞:
Here is a list of character replacements:
Asano Gakushuu as Shirogane Miyuki
Shinomiya [Name] as Shinomiya Kaguya
Nakamura Rio as Ai Hayasaka
Shirogane Kei as herself
Itona Horibe as Ishigami Yuu
Tsubame Persona as Tsubame Koyasu
Nagisa Shiota as Miko Iino
Fujiwara Y/N as Fujiwara Chika
Karma Akabane as extra
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