#ascension presents
catholic-zeldastrife · 2 months
I’m a a couple days late but didn’t have time to watch it till just now. It’s spectacular.
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apesoformythoughts · 9 months
🎥 via catholicfaithformation
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 months
I really hate that I know exactly why episode 3 pushed me over from 'eh' to 'OH' and about half of that reason we're just going to file under 'path of deceit vibes' and pretend I liked path of deceit a normal amount, and I'm not projecting anything and that doesn't reveal anything about the extremely specific narrative or character types I'm drawn to (mortifying ordeal of being known etc etc)
but the other half of the reason is it has triggered Theory Brain and I CANNOT stop thinking about the possibilities for what really happened the night of the fire but I also don't want to post about them in case I'm totally off base (very possible)
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eeveekitti · 6 months
yall ever just realize that all the main themes of rain world [sundown, moondown, random gods, and deep light] are the exact same song and need to sit down for a fuckign minute
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sacredlux · 9 months
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lanternlightss · 1 year
sweet dreams | final word count: 3,420
this was meant to be short and sweet. it is no longer short. anyways they’re silly and cute and i love them, your honor.
written for day five: falling asleep together :D!
Venti is in a bit of a conundrum.
You see, as of lately, he has been unable to sleep. He will toss and turn for hours, the land of nod refusing his entry!
Sometimes, he gets lucky, and manages to find rest. Other times, not so.
This night in particular is a very unlucky night. Venti is not quite sure when he first tried to close his eyes to sleep, but it has been a while since.
He sighs, a little frustrated. Sits up. Stretches his wings out, out, out with a small yawn.
The breeze is cool when it swirls around him. He lets it play with his feathers, lets it twirl around curiously over the fabric of his clothes.
When the wind begins to get more curious, and surrounds him in biting, almost freezing air, Venti pulls the cloak around him tighter. He cannot feel cold, not really, but this type of wind is a bit of an uncomfortable sensation.
And—he thinks, pulling the cloak halfway up his face—it is also an excuse to use Cecil’s cloak.
Though, with that, he is reminded of the reason why he cannot sleep.
He curls his wings in, folding them around his body, as some sort of feathery cocoon. The winds scatter at this, fluttering around and around him.
It is a bit of a silly reason, really.
Ah, simply, Venti… well. In truth, he does not necessarily need sleep, but it is. Nice. And the reason for his inability to sleep is that, perhaps, living together for…. so long, uh…
Venti sighs forlornly.
He cannot sleep without Cecil.
They have been by each other’s side for quite some time, so being separated feels… strange. He misses his friend’s warmth, the beating of a heart, the soothing lullabies.
He misses how Cecil’s hair would always be messy when he awoke, the soft laughter when Venti ran his hand through it, the retaliation as Cecil ruffled his hair.
He… he misses Cecil.
However. Cecil did not want to come this time. And he will respect that.
(That is precisely the reason why he has the cloak. They had figured some problems would arise, if one of them ever left the other for an uncertain amount of time.
It is meant to be a comfort.)
Though… hm….
Venti could go back? He is not quite sure how long it has been since he left, so, perhaps….
Hmmmmm. Hmm, hmm.
He snuggles into the cloak, until it squishes his cheeks, and presses his nose against the fabric. The wind dances around his form, poking and prodding.
This certainly should not be such a hard decision! Venti misses Cecil, so he should go back to see his dearest friend, yes?
And he should do that right now, yes?
Venti does not move.
He groans, falling back onto the ground; his wings splaying out on the grass. These wretched what-ifs! Cecil will not be mad or, or annoyed. He will be overjoyed to see him!
Yes, yes, overjoyed! Even when Venti had left their home back in—His time, Cecil was oh so happy to see him return! Why, he had even given him many forehead kisses!
Invigorated (and a little desperate), he swiftly stands up, the winds around him beginning to kick up as he does so. His wings spread out, brilliant and elegant, before flapping—
He pauses.
Carefully, he pulls the cloak off of his body, and folds it. He then sends it to his pocket dimension.
A nod. Now he is ready!
His wings stretch out, flapping once, twice, and—off he goes!
Soaring through the sky, he twists and twirls in the air. Beneath him, the land rapidly changes. Going from a brilliant green, to a frosty blue, to a wooden—
He tumbles. In his attempt to come to a stop, he nearly flies into a tree.
Flying is still a bit difficult in this form…
Shaking it off, he looks ahead, at the city of Mondstadt. A soft smile pulls at his lips—no matter the time, Mondstadt always looks so beautiful.
He flies closer, scanning the city, looking for—ah, there!
With a twirl, the wind swirls around him, until he and it are one in the same. He glides down, breezing past buildings of every kind, until a certain house comes into view.
It is a humble abode, really. Cecil and Venti made sure of it to be.
Looking similar to all the other houses in Mondstadt—the only few differences being the wind chimes hung from the porch’s ceiling, and the many potted Windwheel Asters and Cecilia’s on said porch.
As Venti hovers closer to the house, the wind chimes begin to sway and sing from his wind.
(Inside the house, Cecil stumbles at the sound. He rushes to the front door, knowing who it was from.
Venti squeezes himself through a window right before the door bursts open.)
He sets down, invisible feet grazing the wooden floor, by a corner in the room. The wind dissipates and scatters from his form, and he is returned to his visible and corporeal body.
The door clicks shut.
Venti watches and waits as Cecil turns, a stack of papers in hand. His wings tremble in anticipation, wanting to launch himself at his friend.
They lock eyes.
Cecil stares, a million expressions crossing his face, until he lands on a hopeful disbelief.
“Venti?” He murmurs. Then—
His wings puff up in surprise when Cecil drops everything in his hands onto the floor, and begins to sprint towards him.
He trips, right before—ah.
Venti is enveloped in a warm hug.
Wasting no time, he returns the hug, holding onto his dear friend as tight as possible. He even wraps his wings around Cecil!
(Though, he is very careful to not squeeze his friend too tightly. Last time he did that, he nearly broke a bone…..)
Except—Cecil seems to share his thoughts. He clutches onto Venti, his nails digging into the back of his robe.
“Oh,” he breathes, sounding as though he were choking back a sob. It makes Venti’s chest twist. “Venti, Venti, how glad I am to see you again!”
There is a sniffle, this time. It is just as devastating as that choked sob. Worse, somehow.
Cecil nuzzles into his neck, a content smile on his lips, and Venti tenses. Horrified at the wet sensation that follows soon after.
Oh no. No, no, no.
This is worse than if Cecil were to be angry. If he were to curse him out for leaving, for… abandoning them all. (A rather unreasonable thought, he knows. It is just….)
He made his friend cry.
Frantically, he pulls away—Cecil making a soft sound of protest. He cups his friend’s cheeks, presses their foreheads together, and begins to murmur words of assurance: I am back, it is okay, please do not fret…
Venti quiets when two hands reach up and guide his own away.
“These are happy tears, friend,” Cecil reassures, soft and gentle, “you need not worry.”
His wings flutter and puff, bashful.
He must be quite the sight, now. Round eyes, small splatterings of teal on his cheeks, glowing braids….
A soft laugh leaves his friend. He smiles, leaning forward to nestle his head against the crook of Venti’s neck once more.
“I do appreciate that you made sure I was okay,” Cecil says, fondly. His hair brushes against Venti’s nose, and the ticklish sensation causes him to sneeze.
Cecil tries to hide his amusement at this, in a valiant manner. He then purposely nuzzles his head into the robes.
As a retaliation, Venti summons a small gust of wind between them. Both as a way to dry his dear friend’s tears, and to mess up his hair, just a tad bit.
He laughs, once more. There is a pinch to Venti’s robes.
When the laughter fades, that smile—drops. A heavy sigh follows after, and he is left as the only thing holding up his friend when Cecil leans all of his weight into him.
“I thought,” a pause, “I thought you would be gone longer. Did you get there earlier?”
“No, I…. ehe, never got there.”
Cecil shoots up, careful not to knock their heads together.
“Never?!” His grip on Venti’s robes tightens. “Was there an emergency? Did something happen? Do we need to—”
“Ah, no, no! Nothing like that! Everything is okay, I promise.”
His grip slackens.
“I missed you, is all.”
Cecil stares, wide eyed and baffled.
He pulls away, the hands falling from his face. Reaches up, up, up to brush away Venti’s bangs.
His wings flutter, happy and joyful, as a kiss is pressed to his forehead. Cecil lingers, for a moment, before leaning back.
“I missed you, too,” he murmurs. “Terribly so.”
“O-Oh? Terribly?” Venti repeats. His wings twitch as an idea begins to form. “Hmm, that simply must not do! I must make up for this!”
Gently pushing away from Cecil, Venti swings his head around, and—
He pauses. Finally takes in the state of the room.
There are papers nearly everywhere. Blankets scattered about, a jar of quills knocked over, the table is askew….
That is not all of it, not at all. The room looks as though it had been torn apart.
He turns back to Cecil, who is beginning to look rather nervous, and fidgeting with the cuffs of his sleeves. Are those… ink stains, on his clothing?
“Please do not give me that face. I promise it was not like this for a while.” Cecil whines.
Still eyeing the stains, Venti asks, “How long has it been, then?”
“Only a few days!” Cecil exclaims, flailing his arms out. They still, suddenly, before being brought back against his chest. “Three, give or take. Four…?”
Venti places his hands on his hips, as he gives his friend a stern look.
He brightens a moment later, and straightens up with a jump as he clasps his hands together in excitement. Not long after, his expression morphs into a somber one.
Clearing his throat, Venti adopts a rather theatrical voice, and says, “After a long period, the Anemo Archon has finally returned! And their first act back will beee…”
Cecil tilts his head.
A squeak of surprise escapes him when Venti steps forward and picks him up!
He spins them around once, then twice, before falling to a stop. A small breeze dances around them joyfully, and it matches the grin on Venti’s face.
Still holding his friend up, he continues, “….to make sure their dearest prince gets well deserved rest!”
Cecil blinks, bewildered. His expression then shifts into something more… fond. Soft, and kind, and nice.
“Oh, that sounds wonderful. And very sweet of you, too, hehe.” He begins, and Venti’s wings droop at the tone of his voice. “This is an offer I must refuse, however. I truly apologize, there is still much to be done.”
Cecil is set back onto the ground. There is a very prominent pout on Venti’s face.
“Oh, come now. Please do not make that face.” Cecil reaches out to brush back his bangs. The pout does not leave. “It will only take a little while, promise. We can cuddle, if you would like. I am nearly….”
He trails off as his eyes catch on the pile of papers on the table, and the mess beside it. His brows knit together, a little distraught.
“Um… well, I thought I had more papers finished…”
He brings his arms up, toying with the ruffles of his blouse.
“It… it is pretty late, no?” He murmurs. “And my head is beginning to feel a little funny…”
A glance at the room. A small wince. A small sigh.
“Okay, okay, you got me. I suppose we shall head off to the land of nod?”
Venti steps closer to his friend, holding out his arms. Cecil huffs, amused, and nods once—to which Venti immediately responds to by scooping him up into a bridal style.
He adjusts his hold, jostling his friend slightly. “Comfortable?”
“Mmm…” Cecil leans his head against him. “Very. Thank you, little one.”
Venti beams at him, before making his way to their room. There is a small bounce in his steps as he goes—wings flapping happily behind him.
(Of course, he does make sure to send a tiny gust of wind into the room. It swirls around, picking up all the stray papers and placing them into a neat pile!
It even fixes up the table, quills, and thrown about blankets.)
The halls of this house are rather spacious; built specifically so that Venti may walk through them with his wings open or folded. He rarely ever knocks into anything.
At least—supposedly, he is not to be knocking anything down. Admittedly, he is still getting adjusted to this form….
Humming a small tune, Venti carefully maneuvers around a bookshelf; pushing open the door besides it. Walking over to their bed, nestled right against one of the corners of their room, he gently sets Cecil upon it.
The bed creaks as Venti moves back.
Here, laid upon soft quilts and pillows, under the soft moonlight trickling in through the spaces of the curtains—does Venti see how truly exhausted his friend is.
The dark circles under his eyes, the tangles in his hair, the slump of his shoulders, how he seems to practically melt into the sheets—to name a few.
(Belatedly, Venti realizes he is much the same. There is dirt and leaves in his wings, his robes stained green. A worried crease to his brows, a tenseness to his entire body.
The trip took… more out of him than he thought it did.)
“Would you like to change out of your clothes?” He asks, softly. “Or would you like to simply sleep?”
Cecil hums, low in his throat. He looks half asleep already. “Change, please. Thank you greatly.”
“Of course. It is Barbatos’ duty to care for all in Mondstadt.” He reaches over to lightly pinch at Cecil’s cheeks. “Especially a certain wily bard.”
“Hee, the bard is not that wily….”
“Hmm, maybe so. However, he is quite stubborn, as well as quite the trouble maker. Or, so Barbatos has heard.”
Cecil sits up ever so slightly, opening his mouth as if to protest, before snapping it shut. He falls against the bed and turns away, a little bashful.
The statement is true, they would hardly be where they are now if he did not get into as much trouble as he did…..
“The trouble has gone down….” He says, weakly. A bold-faced lie; he is still finding himself in difficult and worrisome situations. “… a little.”
Venti chuckles, ruffling his hair, then turns away from him. With a flick of his wrist, the drawers of the wooden closet open, glowing teal.
He rummages through it, picking out a sweater embroidered with flowers, boxers, and loose, flowy pants.
Pivoting on his heel, he flicks his wrist again, and the drawers are gently shut. Faint traces of Anemo rise away from the wood and dissipate.
“Here, my friend,” Venti gently calls, to a Cecil who looks as though he has fallen asleep already. “Are you…?”
“Mmm… still awake, promise.”
He opens his eyes, enough that Venti can just barely make out the lovely steel-grey of them. Sitting up, he extends his hands out, a tired smile gracing his lips.
The clothes are gingerly set into his awaiting palms.
“Thank you.” Cecil pats at the clothing, then brings them toward his chest. “It is much appreciated, little song. Perhaps tomorrow…. we can bake something?”
Venti’s wings flap, overjoyed at the idea. “Can we? That sounds absolutely wonderful!”
“Hee, of course we can.” The bed creaks as Cecil moves off the bed. “Mmm, that settles it, then? An apple flavored delight, first thing tomorrow.”
“….tomorrow afternoon,” Venti suggests.
Cecil takes a moment to consider. Then, he nods.
“Alright, tomorrow afternoon. Now, could you, ah… would it be okay for you to turn around?”
Venti does just that, only to catch his eyes on his robes. Gently, he grabs at the edges of them, pulling lightly. They are stained…
An easy fix; his body glows a soft teal, and, poof! A long-sleeved, frilly top that goes past his thighs, and shorts.
Satisfied, he hums a small tune, one he learned from Cecil, and begins to busy himself with the items of the room.
He piles together the music sheets and notes scattered across their desk, straightens out the framed pictures, dusts off the shelves, blows a breeze through the potted Windwheel Asters on the windowsill, levitates a—
“Having fun?”
The Anemo encompassing the carved, wooden finch trembles for a moment, and Venti turns, wide-eyed.
Cecil is sat reclined on the bed, his hands splayed out behind him, and feet lightly touching the floor. The sweater is a tad bit big on him, hanging slightly off his shoulder.
“Much fun,” he replies, and places the finch back on the table. “Are you ready for the land of nod?”
“Mhm. Are you?”
Venti blinks.
Cecil attempts to hide his smile behind a hand. “Your wings, little one.“
Said wings fluff up, and he spins around, trying to get a good look at them. Perhaps laying in the dirt, surrounded by everything nature, was not the greatest idea when you have feathers.
A giggle slips through Cecil’s fingers. “If you would like, I could groom them for you?”
That does sound lovely. However….
“Are you not tired?”
“Extraordinarily,” Cecil sighs. “Though, I cannot imagine sleeping with sticks in your feathers would be comfortable.”
He scoots back on the bed. Pats the space in front of him invitingly.
Venti hesitates for one beat. He is crawling onto the bed in the next, planting himself directly in front of his friend.
A hand grazes the outer feathers, before it begins to carefully, and methodically, brush out all the sticks and pebbles and dirt from his wings.
As he works, Cecil sings a lovely song under his breath, one he made himself; about a boy and his wind spirit, and all the adventures they have gone on, and the ones to come.
Put together, all of this does a very good job of making Venti awfully sleepy. When Cecil pulls away and mutters a soft, “done,” he is struggling to stay sitting up.
There is a soft tug at his elbow.
“Hehe, come now, little bird. Before you fall off the bed,” Another tug.
His wings twitch, then fold in. Cautiously, Venti turns, so as to not knock his friend over with his wings.
The sheets rustle as they both lay down and make themselves comfortable on the bed. When they’re both satisfied, Cecil throws a quilt over the top of them.
The night is quiet. This—huddled in a bed, with the moonlight washing the room in a soft glow, and the curtains swishing gently….
Ah, how he has missed this.
Arms wrap around him. They nudge, gentle, and Venti is far too happy to scoot closer, snuggling into Cecil’s chest.
His friend laughs at his eagerness. One arm reaches up, beginning to card through Venti’s hair.
“Goodnight, little wisp.” A kiss is pressed to the top of his head. “Sweet dreams.”
“I always have sweet dreams when I am with you,” Venti replies, a little cheeky.
Cecil grumbles into his hair—something about being “unfair.”
“I swear,” he begins, “you always say the most loveliest things when I am least expecting it. How lucky you are, friend, that my brain is foggy—else I would put the charm on…”
Venti smiles into the crook of his neck. He does make sure to say these lovely words when Cecil is not expecting them—his reactions are simply the best!
Hehe, it is a little difficult to fluster his friend, after all, and Venti is still learning how to string words together in a poetic way. So he will take any win he gets.
“Goodnight, dove,” He whispers, wrapping his arms around Cecil’s waist, and his wings around both of them. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“Do be careful tomorrow. I will be showering you in every affectionate and loving words I know, swear on it.”
Venti barks out a laugh.
“Looking forward to it, friend,” he says, voice low and soft.
It does not take long after that for the both of them to fall asleep. Now warm, and cozy, the land of nod finally accepts their entry.
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palatinewolfsblog · 1 year
Random Thoughts on Ascension day.
In Germany also known as Father's Day. When fathers meet up with friends. Go on a hike with handcarts full of drinks and food, forget about their daily work and problems and have a good time. The actual meaning of the day - that Jesus returns to his father - moves into the background. No problem. After all: It's just another ancient story that defies Logic and - Gravity. Right? I see it differently. And start with an even older story of a powerful ruler from the Ancient Orient who staged his personal ascension. His name is Naram Sin of Akkad. Until today we see impressive statues of him in museums and a very special stele too. A giant with a helmet with horns that emphasize his superhuman strength. We see him climbing a stairway - up to the stars. His followers right behind him. Enemies fall or are trampled under his feet. What a scenery. This guy knew how to impress others. He knew a lot about - Progaganda. I have to think of some modern powerful people who are also making their way up - at the price of people being left behind or becoming victims. Elon Musk comes to mind with his dream of reaching the stars. A leader for whom other humans are only means to an end. And then i must think of this Carpenter King from Nazareth. Who wanted to help others. Women and children, outsiders, strangers, the many victims of the powerful few. He had a dream of a better world. He had a vision of peace and social justice. And he gave his life for it. Without fear of the powerful, who tried their very worst to crush and destroy him and his friends. Ascension Day is a reminder to me that this story went on and continues to this day. Ascension Day teaches us to look ahead and up. Take courage even when things get tough. To make this world a better place. Let's try. He show us the way and will help us to succeed. Ascension Day is an reminder: Dreams and Visions can come true. Change often begins with an individual who breaks new ground and inspires others. Helps them to focus on their dreams, goals and ideals and keep moving. Remember: The sky is the limit! ;)
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cometrose · 7 months
whenever people describe zhongli with silk flowers i always get happy please do it more
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vitanithepure · 11 months
The question about god!Gale has compelled me to ask --
What is Vitani's approach to faith? And how would they react if Gale became a deity?
Oof, what a combo of questions. There is no easy or short way to answer this, not with what’s going on in my head about it, so… grab onto something - we are diving deep into Vitani’s psyche :)
Vitani is a very devoted Lathanderite. If they thought more of themselves, they would certainly join the Morninglord’s priesthood a long time ago. They are as close as people in this setting can be to being henotheistic, they may invoke other gods from time to time, but at the end of the day (or, rather, at the beginning of each) they only hold Lathander in their heart and prayers. Faith is something they consider being an integral part of themselves, who are they without a deity guiding them?
Now, armed with the knowledge of how Vitani feels about faith…
Vitani went into the relationship with Gale very... well, not intimidated, but certainly unsure. They would never dream of Lathander even bothering to show himself to them, and this guy was intimate with Mystra? Vitani recognizes Gale as a man of deep faith, very much as they are, but this is another level of devotion altogether for them - making him so much more than a simple mortal or even more than a Chosen of a deity. They do a lot of comparing themselves to others, so this relationship all kind of rides on him becoming more human in their eyes over the time they are together.
So if he did decide to claim godhood at the end (and we assume he survives, of course)? Well, Vitani’s love for him at this point would certainly not just disappear, but become a lot more complicated. There is already a god they devoted their heart to, and Vitani doesn’t do things halfway, so one has to go.
I see it going two ways:
In both of them, Lathander is gone from Vitani’s life. That alone makes them miserable even if they don’t recognize it. In this path Vitani devotes themselves to Gale completely, but they lose themselves in the process. You can’t be the sunshine in everyone’s life if you are a Chosen of the god of ambition. Their love becomes more of a fanatical worship than anything else.
The other way I see this going is, tragically, Gale’s history repeating itself. Vitani does something really stupid and destructive to prove they are capable and worthy of the trust Gale puts in them. Because Vitani will never be sure if they are enough with a partner that is this much out of their league.
They want Gale Dekarios, they could handle Gale of Waterdeep, but Gale the God is just too much.
So…I guess this is a long way to say I don’t see it working out for them this way, not in a happy way 😭
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catholic-zeldastrife · 10 months
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katyspersonal · 1 year
That one interpretation about Micolash’s fate now lives rent free in my head. I’m not opposed to the notion of him dying once and for all, and I like the irony of a scholar obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge spending his last moments in ignorance. But being forever trapped in his own mummified body seems like the perfect punishment and suits the theme of hopelessness so well. For someone who despised his humanity so much, who went above and beyond to escape the limitations of his body, being forced back into his pathetic, frail, powerless body must be pure torture. Once Micolash’s consciousness is brought back, he’ll have all eternity to ponder over the fact that his efforts were fruitless and he’s nothing but a withered corpse, a manifestation of human fragility and mortality. But in contrast to the situation with Lovecraft’s priest, there’ll be nobody around to destroy his brain and end his sufferings.
No, this is absolutely valid, and from the standpoint of a person that gives "proper" judgement to Bloodborne characters - yeah, he "deserved" it!
I just have a completely different way to look at the things, and Soulsborne games offer me the most freedom in this. Like I said, the whole theme of 'fate worse than death' applied to the war criminals we meet in these games just doesn't do anything to me. Doesn't make me mad (because, again, they probably "deserve" it) but also doesn't really excite me... The problem with Soulsborne settings is that things are so chaotic and flipped upside down that morality, principles and and judgement as we know them no longer apply in my opinion- heck, I always said I can't really guilt characters like Aldrich or Rykard for how much atrocities they've committed, because the world they're in is so fundamentally broken and doomed that in the end, what they'd have to do to escape it no longer matters...? Elden Ring didn't touch upon it well enough, and even gave us *gasp* OPTIMISM!!!!, but Dark Souls totally falls for this... mess.
On the other hand, characters like Allant or Shabriri in my interpretation I'd totally say deserved "real" judgement. And Micolash is kinda complicated... He falls exactly in the middle. Dude did quite the unthinkable things to break free from the humanity, but also his setting kinda falls for the trope of "humanity is doomed anyways" and his only fault is that he tried to escape, whatever it takes, rather than pull the whole 'I will perish but at least not lose my human decency uwu' thing. For most people, choosing the latter feels like an axiom and they don't need reasoning to why it is "the only acceptable way", but for this type of high IQ investigators not necessarily so. Because hooooow many tiiiiimes you fuckers need an evidence that huge intellect caaaaaan be as much of a cuuuuuurse.
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But, again, Bloodborne setting is less obviously... that. Dark Souls IS doomed, yes. Bloodborne is, like... well, he is (presumably) stuck in the city that will wither under endless cycle of the hunt no matter what. So I speculate his problem (and many other characters') is witnessing the knowledhe humans were not meant to see - and losing the sight of worth of his humanity as a result. Again, the smarter you are - the more damaging this effect will be! More simple-minded people would be able to withstand the comprehension of futility of humanity and the cyclic trap that deems both beasthood and Kinship meaningless because "but humanity is still important just because". (Also love how Bloodborne itself addresses this complexion by the fact that the higher person's Insight level is, the stronger Frenzy damage they take!)
Basically, what I am saying is, this is a "satisfying" fate for Micolash by common logic.. But I personally would rather either let the guy die a real death, or let him be reborn into something else. His setting and the things he learned make his pursuit to transcend humanity at all cost not only fair in my eyes, but even couragerous, in a way. Actually.....
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^^^ what really skewed my perspective on most of the Soulsborne's "war criminals" was Miyazaki himself perceiving Fauxsefka as a heroine xD I was instantly able to decipher it as the fact that her courage is doing a 'morally reprehensive' thing (turning people into cosmic Kin) for the greater good (so they lose any chance to become the beasts instead). Not everyone will "dirty" their own hands for some greater idea. But, yeah, Micolash is likely not 'heroic', as he simply cared for helping himself. The only other Mensis scholar we know of is Damian, who actively works against Mico's goals (which is very telling); the other participants of his ritual are prisoners (damn, Miyazaki, can we go against the dilemma of "deciding for everyone else" for ONE game??).
I am glad that you've found a resolution for Micolash's arc that is very satisfying and exciting for you, though! This sorta thing always feels cathartic!
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honks-n-stonks · 2 months
bell's ask got me thinking about my crazyass MH au again. I WAS planning on adding Rain World to it but now it made me realize that YES I could totally get away with the existence of the iterators and essentially keep them intact in the au. as well as the creatures that exist in RW.
after all, it's been shown multiple times that some of the ancient civilizations DID totally have some really advanced technology, as shown with the artian sets as well as the tower from frontier. also the scrapped/noncanon stuff like the equal dragon weapon. oooohoohooooooo
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Working more on the local group of Synchronized Light and hoo boy. There's smth wrong with these guys.
#rat rambles#oc posting#rain posting#theyre mostly a different flavor of messed up than my other guys as theyre all like family drama messed up#these guys are not family except for the obvious two they're just all either the worst or going thru it#oh also the girlfired of my ancient girl is a part of the group and they have a name now theyre twisted orbit 👍#orbit has gotten the pleasure of not just having an upsetting backstory but also an upsetting present due to one of her neighbors#and funnily enough its not synchronized light she basically never interacts with those two#instead its the circles second most fucked up lil guy named putity preserved#he is an absolute ass and has been absolutely obsessed with the idea of being the one to find the tripple affirmative for ages#back when the ancients were around he managed to convince his city's council to allow him to experiment on prisioners and after the mass#ascension he has continued to experiment on the various lifeforms he can get his hands on#for most of the time before the mass ascension orbit wasnt particularly invested in solving the great problem so he didn't pay her much#mind but after a certain incident where she broke down and had her memoried shifted through and selectively romoved he started to pay more#attention to her even though for the first while up until the mass ascension she mostly just seemed hollow#eventually after the mass ascension they seemingly suddenly gained an immense interest in solving the great problem#and that was when purity reached out offering to work with them on the project#at first orbit was unwilling but after the sliver incident they seemed a lot more willing to hear him out#which was perfect news for him because the sliver invident made him Furious and he was desperate for a way to revise history#and thankfully orbit's motivation for solving the great problem was exactly what he had been hoping for.#then theres the other two members of the local group endless grains of sand and deep coated mist who are the old ladies of the group#and theyre like old old they were some of the first iterators constructed and it shows#mist especially as her structure is both much larger than a modern iterator and also way less efficient and with much higher steam output#the quirk of this local group is that they all sorta use the same water that's rotated through them all#sand being located by the ocean and mist being located far away on the peak of a huge mountain being the connecting points of the loop#sand fiters a bunch of the water and sends the excess upwards towards a variety of water resavoirs and also mist#mist then slurps up a shit ton of it and outputs a shit ton of steam which condenses to water and flows downwards through the mountainous#area she's perched atop from#this water then forms a series of rivers and lakes downwards through the other 3 and since they require way less water than her theyre able#to all safely recycle mist's outputted water
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conscious-pisces · 1 year
Genuine appreciation/contentment can lead to many synchronicities.
Just give thanks.
For all that already is.
Right here. Right now.
“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.” —Carl G. Jung
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titsthedamnseason · 8 months
wait my eyes just went so wide because why did one of the italicized bits at the beginning of a chapter just mention ELEND ?!?!?!
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artificidel · 2 years
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deacon of the faithful
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