#aside from him i have 3 others im working on slowly
politemenacephd · 1 month
Period pains (NSFW Version)
Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader (+18)
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Contents: Comfort + smut, Period sex, Use of sex toys, Cooling lube, Multiple orgasms, Aftercare.
Word count: 3947
Notes: I'M BACK and im going through it let me have this please god. I'll be updating my other stories soon i promise <3
It was 7:30am at your apartment, and Miguel was checking his hair in the bathroom mirror.
He’d gotten up early to make coffee and eggs for you both, so you’d hopefully at least eat something before you headed out for work. he’d seen you accidentally miss breakfast one too many times.
He brushed back his hair and grumbled a little, noting the little shadow of stubble around his jaw and the flick of what might be a grey hair on his head, only to pause.
Where were you?
You were always awake by now. You’d been unresponsive spare for a few grunts when he woke up at 6am to get in a few pull-ups and a cold shower, but, that was pretty normal. By now though you’d always be at least listening to videos on your phone.
But… he couldn’t hear a thing. He slowly left the bathroom and headed down the hall.
‘Mi amor?’
Miguel pushed your bedroom door aside and whispered for you. The light inside seemed to be off, with only your bedside lamp on to illuminate the space, which surprised him further.
He pushed into the room and allowed his dark red eyes to adjust to the gloom with ease.
‘Mi amor? You- oh, mi alma.’
He dropped that soft, sympathetic nickname as he spied you utterly buried in the sheets of your bed, your face barely noticeable beneath the soft folds of fabric. He knew that face.
‘Mi alma, shh, it’s okay.’ He whispered soothing little words as he tutted and dropped down to your side, his knees bent into a squat so he could stroke the hair from your face. He watched you sniffle.
‘You’re cramping again, aren’t you?’ Miguel whispered.
‘It’s really bad, Miggy’ you whined. You looked unbearably tense, your nose creased from straining against some unseen hand squeezing your lower abdomen like a cruel god. He could see the exhaustion, the pain, the way your lips were slightly nicked from being bitten.
Miguel maintained his soft expression, gently running a worn hand down his face. ‘Shh, shh. No se preocupe, mi pobre angelito/a…’
He whispered that word over and over as he leaned in and kissed your neck. ‘Pobrecito…’ he purred, letting his lips linger up to your ear and temple and finally your head, where he tenderly breathed in your scent.
‘I-I gotta go to work, Miggy, f-fuck… Ah, I don’t know what to do’ you whimpered, tensing as another tight cramp made you curl in on yourself. You looked utterly drained. ‘I used up all my sick days, and my boss sucks, ah…’
Miguel’s face changed immediately, from soft to angry. His thick brows lowered and his lip curled, revealing a flash of his fang. He looked so stern, so protective. ‘Absolutely not’ Miguel said, his voice taking on a firmer tone. ‘No. Not on my watch.’
‘They won’t let me take time off just to—’
‘Let me talk to them.’
‘W-Wait, what?’
‘I’ll talk to them! I’ll explain.’
‘Miggy, that’s not how this works—’
‘It’s how it SHOULD work’ he insisted harder, with his clawed finger now pressed to his chest. ‘You’re hurting, you shouldn’t have to work. It’s that simple. Please, just- I’ll take care of it.’
Before you could even get a word in, Miguel got up and stormed over to the apartment landline. He scrambled in the dark for your little notebook of numbers before eventually realizing it was written on the kitchen whiteboard and not in there. He gave you another quick, tender kiss and then hurried to the kitchen to call your work.
You could only faintly hear him from inside the bedroom, but you knew he was heated. You could hear him arguing, spitting things in Spanish before dipping to remind the person on the other end just who he was.
‘¡Oye! What did I just say? I keep this city safe, and that includes you. Now, I’m keeping THEM safe. Do you understand?’
You felt your face getting warm at Miguel’s insistent whispered shouting.
‘Look, I’ll pay for an extra shift, whatever the hell you want. I’ll send in a note to HR explaining the situation. Do you want Spider-Man leaving a note to your boss? Or do you want to just be reasonable, and let them rest for just one day, because you’re sick?’
Your embarrassed heat grew deeper, rising to the point that it almost hurt.
It sounded like, in the end, he lectured your boss for so long on human anatomy and why you needed time off that they just caved and hung up.
When he reappeared in the doorway with that same soft, sympathetic smile on his rough, chiseled face, you couldn’t help but manage a soft chuckle.
‘They’re just gonna get rid of me now, so they don’t have to deal with you’ you mumbled up at him. Miguel approached the bed without concern.
‘Mm. They can try. I’ll remind them again that the protector of the city and the multiverse is overseeing your care’ he said in that smooth, rough voice, carefully parking himself on the edge of the bed once more. His weight caused the mattress to creak, nearly jolting your body with the size difference, but he steadied your hip with one hand over the sheets.
‘Okay, let me just…’
With his eyes trained on you Miguel reached beneath the sheets and groped around until he found your soft belly, and with a sigh, he started stroking it. His palms were warm, his fingers calloused and thick, his hand big enough to just fully envelop your lower abdomen no matter how bloated it was.
‘Shhh’ he cooed.
‘I’m not a- baby, Miguel’ you grunted back, though you were clearly enjoying the contact.
‘Mm. No. Wrong’ Miguel said with a soft chuckle. ‘You’re my baby. Mi alma, mi vida.’ He bent as he spoke to kiss your forehead, all while continuing the gentle strokes, letting the warmth of his hand soothe a little bit of the pain.
‘I’ll think, if I can, I’ll try to get in contact with Lyla in a minute. I’ll let her know that. if there are no big emergencies, I’ll be staying in today. Okay?’ he whispered against your temple.
‘Miggy, you don’t need to take time off as well just for me’ you grunted. You saw his playful red eyes crease, revealing the little lines by his cheeks. ‘Mm. I don’t need to, no. But unless the multiverse is falling apart at the seams… My job is to take care of people who need me, such as…’
He paused mid-sentence to bump your nose with his own. His skin was a little rough, so coarse and masculine. ‘Cute little civilians like you, eh? So, if the only person I save today is you, that’s my job done.’
‘You- dummy’ you grunted, laughing in spite of the pain as it made you wince. Miguel’s eyes softened with worry.
‘You stay there, and I’ll take over. Okay?’ he whispered. You sighed as the cramp loosened its hold on you.
‘Yeah… Yeah. Okay.’
From then on, Miguel was in full care mode.
He kept the lights low and brought in another blanket from the winter storage cupboard, just to make sure you were comfy and totally covered.
He went to the kitchen and ran the hot water, filling up the little plush hot water bottle shaped like a fluffy spider he’d got you as a gift a year or two ago when he found out how bad your cramps got.
He made hot chocolate over a pan on the stove, knowing you probably didn’t want bland tea or coffee since you were sleepy, but he added a bit of chili like he always did to give you something nice to enjoy while the cramps went down.
He brought it all in himself, his huge arms piled up with items. He was a little overkill, yes, but you let him pamper you. You were in no position to argue, and it wasn’t like the attention wasn’t welcome. You knew he thought of this domestic bliss as a privilege, not a chore, and so you’d gotten used to him spoiling you rotten.
‘Here, mi amor. Gently.’
He sat down and put the hot chocolate on the bedside table, and he watched as you quietly sipped at it with the sheets still huddled around your shoulders. It was a bit too hot and you almost burned your tongue, but it tasted so damn good. The satisfied little mumble you released was enough for him.
As you settled into the sheets, Miguel reached down and held up the little hot water bottle, waving it lightly. ‘Mm? You want this too?’ he whispered. When you nodded his smile widened, and he playfully walked the little fluffy spider up your belly and over your face before shifting it beneath the sheets.
‘Don’t! You know that thing terrifies me’ you said, spluttering slightly on your words as the spider-shaped bottles fluff got in your mouth.
‘Oh, no, scary’ he teased, pressing the warmth against your lower abdomen over your shirt. ‘Don’t be mean to him. He loves you so much, see?’
You rolled your eyes but did eventually relax, clutching the little plush to your navel. It was so warm, so fluffy. You could feel the slight dampness on the fur from condensation. It was soothing as you clutched it close.
Miguel’s eyes softened even further. ‘Good, good. There you go’ he whispered, tucking your hair behind your ear. ‘Now… Do you want your very handsome, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to crawl into bed with you?’
‘Oh my god, stop’ you giggled, admiring his charming but slightly goofy smile. You had to admit, he was a good distraction. ‘Yeah, come on, hero. Hop in.’
Without another word Miguel shifted beneath the sheets himself, throwing off his shirt until only his pyjama pants remained. He kicked the sheets up and yanked you close to him, squeezing you tight to his chest.
‘Mm… Mmm, mi amor’ he purred, pressing his sharp chin and jaw into your shoulder blade. He clutched you to him like you were a plush doll, spooning you hard from the back until you were squished against his pecs and belly and thighs, and he held you there as you tucked his chin above your head.
‘Miggy’ you murmured under your breath.
For a while you both lulled, half asleep and half awake, with your phone sideways on the bedside table quietly playing your favorite videos to keep you company. You were still in a bit of pain, but it was fading into a dull ache now, leaving you to enjoy the warmth and safety of Miguel’s body.
And… the stirring of hormones in your body.
You began to stir a little as time passed, in the warmth and darkness of your room. Even in the mild amount of pain you were in, with Miguel’s huge body at your back, it was hard not to feel a slight, familiar stirring in your aching loins.
His breath above your head, he occasional little gruff snores, the feel of his biceps rippling as he pulled you close. The slight sweaty sheen over his abs against your back… The feel of his bulge, with no real cover spare for his pajama pants, pressed right up against your rear… His claws on your skin, his thundering heart…
In that dizzy state, you murmured softly, letting out only the faintest noise of pleasure. It was barely a whisper, and yet-
Miguel’s eyes shot open like a hawk, the red glow visible on your pillow sheet, dancing like the reflection of water. You felt him grunt.
‘… Really? You want to?’ Miguel murmured. You flushed so hot it hurt. Oh god, how did he know? How did he seem to smell it on you?
‘I- No! I mean…’
You stammered on your words as he leaned into you, squashing you down into the soft mattress. You saw his claws braced on the sheets and nearly rolled your eyes back into your skull.
‘Are you not in too much pain for that?’ Miguel whispered softly against your ear. He felt your hips buck at the sensation of air against that sensitive spot, and deep down he chastised himself for being a horny fool, because he knew he did it deliberately.
‘Mm… I mean, it- aches a bit, but— Look its fine, I-I don’t want to like, make things awkward or gross you out—'
‘Mi amor…’ Miguel bent down and kissed your cheek, his lips ever so soft, before moving those same lips back to your ear. ‘Do you really think I could ever be disgusted by your body?’
You didn’t reply immediately. ‘No…’ you said eventually, mumbling the words, as while you did trust him it was hard to not feel insecure.
Miguel leaned in and whispered again, this time, more directly, showing how aroused he could be if you wanted him. ‘Quiero cogerte, mi amor?’
You did a full-body shudder at his words, and he grinned, sensing that he knew the answer. ‘Mi vida, let me help you with the pain…’
You whimpered at his soft, husky voice, at his burning eyes now half-lidded with desire. You couldn’t pretend you weren’t still a little nervous, but…
God, you wanted to try.
‘Okay, okay’ you murmured softly, ‘Oka—’
You couldn’t even get the third ‘okay’ out before his lips were on yours, gentle at first but soon turned ravenous. He pried your jaw down with his rough hand and traced his tongue around your mouth, letting it flick and hug your own tongue into submission, all while feeling you squirm and arch against the sheets.
‘Mmm! Mm…’
You practically melted as you tasted him in your mouth. He was still ever so gentle with your body, still petting your bloated belly as he kissed, but with your face he was as rough as possible. He bit at your lip, sucked on them, grunted when he pulled back and groaned while letting your mouth muffle the noise.
When he pulled back you were a mess, with spit hanging between your lips and your mouth filled with his taste. He looked down at you with a soft, breathy open mouth, and he grinned as he panted.
‘That’s my baby’ he purred. ‘On your front, lie down. Let me try something.’
You did as told, rolling onto your belly for him with the spider hot-water bottle still beneath you. You could hear him rummaging but couldn’t see what for.
You felt rather than saw him put a hand on your rear, easily tearing your pajama pants and panties down. He carefully folded them to the side for you to put on later, ignoring the pad so you knew he wasn’t fussed about your body.
‘There, mi amor. Shh. That’s it.’
His rough hands gently kneaded and massaged down from your lower back to your glutes to your upper thigh, relaxing your tight muscles all while enjoying the chance to get a handful of your ass as well. He loved the way you moaned softly, the way your hips shifted from the sensitivity, the way the warm flesh filled out his fingers when he squeezed.
It didn’t take a lot from you to get him as hard as possible, to the point his cock was straining against the fabric to get free.
He bent down and gave you a few teasing pumps, grinding his erect cock up against your ass cheeks until you squeaked, before quietly pulling down and kicking his own pants to the floor.
‘Okay angel, stay still for me. That’s my baby. I’m gonna try something’ he whispered, pressing the words into your back with a kiss.
‘W-What? Try what?’ you murmured, half delirious in a state of anticipation and dull ache.
‘The cooling lube’ Miguel replied in that husky voice. You could hear the soft, wet thwapping noise of him smothering his shaft with the stuff, the lube he’d got you with the added addition of a cooling sensation when applied.
He gave himself a few good stroked until his hand and cock were dripping with the stuff, unable to stop the urge to just fist it a few times while admiring your ass, but after one or two he found himself too desperate for the real thing.
As he mounted you from behind he let his weighty, slippery, lubed-up cock slip down to brush your entrance, holding himself up with just one hand until his bicep veins bulged, all so his other hand could grab something else. He pulled over the little bullet vibrator he’d got you, and with your belly on the bed, he slipped it down so it was comfortably squished against the mattress and your clit before clicking it on.
He bent and eagerly whispered in your ear. ‘Quiero metértela…’
The vibrations quickly melted you, but not before he made you tense again by slipping his whole cock inside you.
‘MM- MM, MM!’
Your muffled moans echoed through the room as Miguel slid in right to the base, his pelvis hitting your ass with a dull thud as he settled in your cunt. A heady, ecstatic groan escaped his lips, almost like a sigh of relief.
‘Mmm, Dios mio… uh- qué rico’ he whispered breathily, more to himself than to you.
You could feel his shaft stretching you out, bulging you a little with the sheer size, but all you could focus on was that cooling effect as it took over. Oh, fuck, it was amazing. It was so soothing, the mixture of pleasure from the vibrator on your swollen clit and his slowly, careful pumps gently numbing your sore insides.
It didn’t quite cover every ache but it was a heavenly relief. You moaned without shame, loud enough to fill the entire apartment, as you felt his huge body gently arching and rolling and pumping his hips against you. He breathed down on your neck as he moved, with one hand on the bed for stability and the other squeezing your hip and ass cheek in his claws, holding you in place as he slipped in and out.
The sound was obscene. The sensation was obscene. The sight of your bodies moving together, naked and sweaty in the dull red light of your lamp, getting faster and faster, was obscene.
And bit by bit, he got faster.
It was a mess, one that made you entirely forget about the state you were in. A wet, lurid mess of huffing and growling and hip slapping, of wet flesh squishing with each thrust and the mattress creaking like it would break at any second.
He had gone feral in this state. The feel of that wet, tight cunt was enough to make him lose all higher thought and function.
‘Mmf- that’s it, that’s it, take it, fuck you feel so good—’
Every soft pulse, every moment your cunt squeezed him, every time he heard the soft sound of his own cock penetrating, it made him want to scream.
He pulled back and stroked his member around the rim of your entrance, letting the sensation of that and the slowly humming vibrator make your toes curl and your cunt clench like a fist, knowing exactly what would happen.
The moment you peaked he thrust back in, filling you out as you orgasmed, letting you scream and shudder and quiver as the tip of his cock eagerly twitched against your g-spot. He held you there and let you get it all out, letting you slowly tense and then collapse as the pleasure numbed the pain, before starting all over again.
He was edging himself in this state, refusing to stop until he’d let you cum as many times as possible.
He kept going, pleading softly each time for another one, coyly pulling out and bucking his hips until only his thick, throbbing member was pulsing in and out of your soaked pussy, and every time you orgasmed.
He repeated this nearly four times, until you were an exhausted mess and your clit was so swollen that just nudging it made you spasm a little, and only then did he give in to his own needs.
He grabbed your hips and pulled back, using just half his shaft so he didn’t go too deep and hurt you, and he began rapidly humping in and out as he chased his own high. He was grunting hard, his breath hot and his biceps dripping with sweat, his abs tensed and rock hard, as he finally felt that release build.
He groaned out loud, filling the apartment with his cry of relief, as his shaft throbbed and pulsed that thick load inside you. He pumped low and deep, letting the warmth fill you up and soothe the soft ache, making sure he got every inch inside your creamy little tightness before gently pulling out.
‘Are you okay, mi amor?’ he asked between pants, as his first priority was still to be sure you were okay.
Your low, shell-shocked moan of pleasure was enough to give him a bit of relief. He kissed your lower back, letting you stir and relish in the sweet, numbing after-effect of all that pleasure.
But then you shifted, and you felt the sheets beneath you. They were wet. They were soaked.
‘Oh, shit- Miggy, the sheets—’
‘Oye. I can change the sheets later if need be, it’s fine. We can get new ones.’
‘I’m- sorry, I—’
‘You did nothing wrong, my carino’ Miguel whispered affectionately. He pet your hair until you lulled.
‘I’m sorry, fuck- I’m such a mess—’
‘¡Oye! Oye…’ Miguel nestled in close and squeezed you tight, kissing down your sweaty neck to your back and then back up to your forehead. ‘Shh. Mi amor. It’s natural. It’s okay. I’ll deal with it, you relax. I had a great time…’
You managed to chuckle at that, at the very least.
As you silenced your worries Miguel continued with the aftercare. He stroked your back and hips and kissed your cheek, telling you how good you did and how good you were, how much he loved you, and ensuring he didn’t go too rough.
Only when he was sure you were exhausted and on the verge of sleep did he start dealing with the bed. He lifted you up with one arm, holding you to his chest as he cleared the sheets away and got new ones from the laundry cupboard, all while still holding you close. He had to put you down for a moment just to put the new sheets on, but the second they were you were back in bed.
He came in with a fresh box of pads and made sure they were by the bed so you could handle that yourself, with your folded clothes beside the bed to put on when you were ready.
He then turned and let you get ready with his back turned.
You were exhausted, but even in this state you felt your heart swelling with love for the big, soppy idiot of a man. You got dressed quickly and then settled back in bed, and after hearing your soft mumbled ‘done’ Miguel turned and crawled back into the clean, fresh sheets beside you.
He let you fall asleep in his grip, his lips on your forehead and his head in your hair, stroking your back all through the later afternoon as he let you drift off in a state of mildly aching bliss.
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sacharinee · 1 year
thinking ab peter having a bad tiring day and reader giving him face massages and body massages after they take a bath ‼️
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pairing: bf!peter parker x reader
w/c: 780
a/n: hi anon!! i loved writing for this request sm so thank u for sending it <3 i did, however, completely forget to write abt the part about them taking the bath together. im so sorry 😭 but i hope u still enjoy :(( about one spider-man kiss and a ton of domestic!peter
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peter knows exactly what he needs right now after a long day. 
there’s only one thing in the world that could make up for having a shitty day and that’s you. 
but unfortunately for peter, when he patters into your shared apartment, you’re nowhere to be found.
“babe?” he calls out. 
he strips himself of his shoes and walks down the short hall to your bedroom, only to find the closet open and your work clothes missing. peter skrinks at your absence and pouts, “great.”
he ponders about taking a nap, but it’s a quarter to nine and he’d rather be awake when you arrive home. 
when his stomach growls, he realizes he’s gone almost an entire day without a proper meal, save for the granola bar you shoved in his hand before he kissed you goodbye. 
as he enters the kitchen, he finds a note left on the counter, scribbled in your handwriting,
“emergency shift at the hospital, back by 9 tonite. food in the fridge, love you!”
peter frowns at your note, sticks it onto the fridge, and pulls out the meal you prepared for him.
he heats up the food and chews the stale chicken slowly. he really misses you. even with your bland food and lack of seasoning, he still enjoys anything from you. you try your best for him. 
when he’s finished cleaning his dishes, peter debates on showering. he wants to wait for you, to take a nice hot shower with you, and clean each other’s stress away. but he’s really stinky from work, and he’d rather just go to bed with you. so he undresses and takes a long shower alone.
peter’s prayers are answered when he reenters the shared bedroom dressed in pajamas. 
“hi baby,” you chirp. you take off your glasses and set the book you were reading aside. 
peter’s heart swells at the sight. you’re laying on your side of the bed, hair in a bun, away from your face. you’re dressed in your boyfriend’s plaid boxers and a geeky t-shirt you stole from his dresser.
the tv is playing some rerun of your favorite tv show as he crawls himself across the bed and plops himself in between your open legs. 
peter nests his heavy head upon your pelvis and lets out a deep sigh. your palms run down his clad back, kneading the tense muscles.
“did you eat yet?” he tries to nod his head, “yea, chicken was good, super tasty, thanks, y/n/n” he replies.
he may or not be telling you the whole truth. you’re cooking wasn’t amazing, but he would never tell you that. 
peter flips himself over, staring at you adoringly upside down. your soft hands trace his buff arms, comfort spreading throughout his skin from your touch, “what happened today, petey?”
he exhales, furrowing his brows, and squeezes his eyes shut. he juts his bottom lip out while you weave your fingers and pull through his damps locks. 
“everything went wrong today. everything,” he takes a deep breath, “i was late for biochem, had a pop quiz for psych. not that it was hard but still. i forgot i had tutoring today too, so i'm out fifteen bucks. and we were understaffed for work, so that was a bust. so many mean customers in queens,” he takes a look at you, “we should move somewhere else.”
you snicker at his comment and slide your fingers over his funky left eyebrow, smoothing out the knit and massaging his temples, “yea, like where?” 
you love all versions of peter, but you think this is your favorite. relaxed at your touch, devoting himself wholeheartedly to you. he’s embraced and fully engulfed by you, like putty in your hands. 
“like,” your boyfriend seems distracted, voice deep, staring at you with nothing but affection, “sunnyside? maybe?” peter licks his lips and clears his throat, “just somewhere safer, nicer. for you.”
you’re beaming down at his face; your warm hands cup his cheeks while you land a long and overdue tender kiss upside down. you feel peter smile into the kiss, exhaling through his nose in contentment. 
you keep your hands on his face and gently caress the soft skin as you pull away.
“that sounds nice,” your heart squeezes at the thought as he continues, “we could settle down there, have a family, you know? white picket fence and all. ‘m picturing you in your hot scrubs, bringin’ home the bacon. and i’ll be at home, taking care of the kids.” 
you’re giggling at the scene as you chime in, “and we could have family dinners every saturday night, or- ooh! i could take yoga classes sunday mornings and-”
peter snickers at you, “what you need are some cooking classes.”
gasping, you flick his forehead, “you said you loved my cooking!”
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sofs16 · 7 months
our home
part 1: paddock day , part 2: our leclerc win, part 3: our love in photos — next
not proofread, as usual:)
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budapest, hungary
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liked by charles_leclerc, alex_albon, carlossainz55, and 392,383 others
yn.jpg beautiful race and driver who man never sits still 😆
view all 82,484 comments
laufeyyn as much as i love you and paddock yn, do you not have a job? 😭
⤷ yn.jpg NOO DW ID QUESTION THIS TOO! i actually still do have a job but it’s mostly online unless there’s a photoshoot somewhere or meeting:) i usually do my work at the paddock (war flashbacks to when i was called a horrible wag for being on my laptop😊) but yes i still work! ⤷ ynml i love how straightforward she is esp w the hate she got at silverstone LOL HATERS
[liked by yn.jpg]
chacha166 i love how its been a year but yn is still so active with us 🥹
⤷ yn.jpg you guys are so kind and silly its kinda hard to stop 🤷🏻‍♀️
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️
july 23, 2024
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liked by yn, and 7,383,383 others
charles_leclerc P2 at Spa! Huge congratulations to Carlos on his win. Started at P14 and maximized the car. Time to recharge ❤️
Photo 📷: @yn @yn.jpg😘
view all 271,484 comments
yn proudest of you ❤️‍🩹
⤷ charles_leclerc ❤️
carlossainz55 Why does yn not take photos of me
⤷ yn i do but i havent posted them yet, carlitos :( congrats on p1! yahoooo
july 30, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 6,373,383 others
yn something happened 💟
view all 981,574 comments
charles_leclerc 🏠
⤷ yn hehehe
[liked by yn] ⤷ yncharlesparents SHITTING MY PANTS
⤷ yn wear a diaper, it helps
yourbsf i better have a room yn yln
⤷ yn the living room is spacious enough ❤️
⤷landonorris what about me
⤷ yn um we have 2 couches? ⤷ landonorris good enough
august 3, 2024
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liked by yn, and 10,483,494 others
charles_leclerc Home ❤️ And can you believe Yn has 2 closets and says it’s not enough? 😂
📷 Photo: @yn @yn.jpg 😍
view all 1,483,695 comments
user11 she’s so ungrateful
user13 I bet she makes him buy all her clothes..
⤷ yn @user11 @user13 Actually, I have a job that allows me to pay for my wants, not that I need to explain myself! And I am very grateful for everything so don’t make assumptions, it was a joke. Hope you have a good life and actually find a job instead of being rude to people you don’t know! ❤️
[liked by charles_leclerc]
⤷ yneditss I fear, she ate. ⤷ charles283 I bet the PR is not happy abt this but we are 😊
⤷ yn i spoke my truth 🤷🏻‍♀️
⤷ ferrariforza You know she’s serious when she makes the capitalization and punctuations 😭
yncharles16 i love how yn is slowly taking over charles’ insta hehe he’s so whipped
august 6, 2024
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liked by yn, and 7,585 others
f1wagsoft._ Yn and Charles ❤️❤️
view all 328 comments
yn 🥹❤️‍🩹
⤷ ynstan yn is always active for f1wagsoft._ AHAHA
⤷ yn loveeee em
⤷ f1wagsoft._ ❤️ august 7, 204
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 2,483,595 others
yn.jpg peaceful life 💌
view all 1,385,584 comments
littlewomennzz EXCUSE ME?
lovelaufhlife WHAT
charles_leclerc Beautiful❤️
⤷ landonorris WHAT IS HAPPENING
⤷ ynschild you’re our mother. ⤷ yn.jpg true dat, child
⤷ ynsfan did she just say “true dat” HAHAHAHA IM GIGGLING I LOVE
⤷ yn.jpg WHAT AB IT ??????? august 8, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 4,484,484 others
yn im sincerely sorry for the fright. i am not pregnant or with child or have child 😭
that was charles’ nephew and niece…
view all 934,484 comments
landonorris Soon?
⤷ landonorris maybe.. idk
⤷ yn IM OLDER THAN YOU? ⤷ landonorris BY A FEW YEARS
charles_leclerc Cuteeee🤓
[liked by yn]
yourfavynstan All jokes aside, she looks like she’s make a lovely mother:( especially one with those quiet lives away from all the chaos of fame
⤷ charles.updated the day they settle down and charles content disappears 😭😭😭😭
⤷ yn this is so kind omg. and you will never run out of charles content as long as i live and we live together! pinky swear
august 9, 2024
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liked by 14,383 others
f1wagsoft._ That… is not Yn Yln with Charles Leclerc.
view all 29,383 comments
ynchar YN? MOM? WHAT
charrrl guys, theres more pics leaked.. it’s him… and not yn.
charlando WHAT
ynupdated @yn pls what. be active. youre always active here
user16 i don’t like charles with anyone other than charlotte and i thought i would he happy about this but im not. charles and yn truly did look like they loved each other
⤷ f111grid delulu is the solulu. we’re the same 😞
ynleclerc1 Not with zandvoort gp 2 days away.
riciando idt yn will respond abt this. sure she seems very open but you can see she’s only open about certain parts of her life. we don’t even know how old she is or where she lived before charles or anything 😭
august 23, 2024
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#SOF : is this a bad time to say im a writer who likes to leave cliffhangers ?
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redr0sewrites · 7 months
Ok so uh- I’ve been having brain rot about having Muzan sitting on readers lap cockwarming y/n and struggling to do his work as reader is enjoying seeing him struggle
(male reader if possible please <3)
-🪳 roach anon
🥀Cw: smut, amab!reader, edging, brat!muzan, dirty talk, just filth
🥀minors dni
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muzan twitched, shuttering as you shifted your hips. he had lost count of how long he'd been sitting in your lap, your cock filling him so nicely as he struggled to focus on his work.
"something wrong?" you coo, grabbing his face and forcing him to turn and look at you, smirking as muzan's cheeks flush. "it can't be that hard to focus, can it, doll?" muzan shoots you a glare, ripping his face from your grasp and turning back around.
his behavior makes your blood boil sometimes, and you harshly grab his hips. a needy squeak is pulled from his throat as you buck your hips up, pushing your cock deeper against his prostate. muzan mewls, eyes glazing over in pleasure as he fights to stay coherent. his nails are digging into the desk, his painfully hard cock dribbling precum all over his thighs.
"awww, are you really that needy already? i havent even done anything!" you snicker, slapping his inner thigh so, so close to his cock. muzan lets out a hiss in pain, and even as the flesh heals almost instantly, the stinging pain serves as a reminder of who is truly in control.
muzan tries to focus on his work as time drags ever so slowly onwards, sweat dripping down his face as his hands tremble. you find a sick sense of pleasure in the occasional whine that slips past his lips whenever you shift below him, and while you adore torturing him, you're beginning to grow impatient. slowly, you drag your hands from his hips to his nipples, pinching both roughly.
"ff-fuck- uhhngh-" a pitiful noise is ripped from deep inside him, catching him off guard. muzan's whole body shivers, hips bucking backwards instinctively as you continue to grope at his chest. one hand continues to abuse his tits, palming the flesh there and rolling the hardened nub between your fingers. the other hand slowly begins to trace down over his abs and stomach to the base of his cock. precum is dripping from his tip, and his poor dick is almost purple with neglect. you move to massage his balls, then moving up towards his tip, catching some of the pre on your fingers and smearing the creamy liquid on his head. muzan whimpers, throwing his head back and clawing at the desk as you begin to pump him ever so slowly. his hole is squeezing your cock so tight, and even the slight stimulation your giving him is enough to make his release build.
"awww, does that feel good?" you sneer, biting down roughly on his shoulder. you begin to pump him faster, still groping at his chest as you palm his cock. muzan begins to rut up against your hand, hips stuttering as you begin to grind against him as well. your cock is hitting all the right places inside him, and the stimulation is making his whole head fuzzy.
"ngh- ye-y-yes, plea- oh ffuck, please, mhngh-" hes practically sobbing now, the coil in his abdomen so close to snapping yet so, so far. muzans thighs are trembling so much that the entire desk is shaking, and you stand up abruptly, bending him over and shoving whatever he had been working on aside. your hand moved from his chest to the back of his neck, pushing him down while the other continued stroking him. you could tell he was close, his whole body seemed to be quivering in anticipation.
"please, fuck- fughnngh pleeass- im so close please mmnhh-" he gasped out, hole clenching around you so tightly as his cock twitched in your palm. you removed your hand from his dick, and muzan let out a pathetic whimper. his orgasm fades, and tears begin to form on his lashline as he grinds back against you, trying to get you to move inside of him.
"fuck, be patient," you grumble, grabbing his hips with the hand not wrapped around his neck and snapping your hips against his, setting a rough pace almost instantly. muzan lets out a choked moan as you manhandle him so that he is arching his back, still facedown against the desk as you continue railing into him. you know you aren't going to last much longer, and from the looks of it, neither is muzan. his eyes are glazed over, and you squeeze his neck tighter making him let out a choked moan. you only fuck him harder, his knees giving out as he collapses beneath you.
"ple-please, master, fuuck, mhm, please..." muzan was begging with tears in his eyes, chasing his high so desperately as he grinded his ass back, desperate for release.
"please- shit- please what?" you managed, cursing as his hole squeezed around you so tightly. yoh were almost at your wits end, and you knew both of your orgasms were close but you wanted to hear him say it. "be a good boy and use your words like ive taught you," you spit out, thrusting into him so deeply he swears hes seeing stars.
"i- i wanna come, please, i need to come! i need it- i need it so bad-" muzan was practically blubbering, looking back at you with teary eyes, and your cock twitched inside him at the sight of his flushed face.
"fuck- go on doll, you can come" you murmur in his ear, and muzan whimpers, shaking as his orgasm finally washes over him. it pulls him under like a tidal wave, snatching the breath from his lungs and making his whole body quake. your own euphoric high comes at the same time, the both of you gasping and whimpering as you come down from the rush of lust. muzan is quivering, his desk and abdomen is coated in his own release. you chuckle, pulling out and whispering praises to your lover as he winced in overstimulation. a ring of white coats the base of your cock, and the both of you look like fucked out messes. muzan reaches out, sitting on his desk and pulling you into a hug.
"are you okay?" you ask, gently running your hands through his hair as his shaky breathing evens out.
"shut the fuck up," he replied, burying his head in the crook of your neck. ah, some things never change.
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zyonsay · 5 months
lil bro~~ its my birthday~~
wanna gift me with some hmm aah oscar smut? hahshwhshe
His Cherry lips OP81
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: Tonight you need it a bit rougher
Warnings: Oscar in the wild, Smut, choking, Misuse of Bananas (im kidding)
Now playing: 'Off to the races' by Lana del Rey
AN: LIL BRO HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ofc you'll get Oscah smut >:D
I hope you have an amazing day and i adore you pookie <3
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Soft sobs echoed from the bedroom through the door and into the empty hallway, most lights were off, and your belongings just carelessly tossed aside.
Usually your work was nice, but from time to time a rude client can get to you. The rustling of keys caught your attention, it must be Oscar coming home from the press conference he had told you about. Quickly wiping your eyes, you sprung up from the bed and rushed over to greet your boyfriend. Oscar offered you a sweet smile before pressing a quick peck to your lips. He couldn’t help but notice your red eyes and your sniffling nose. Immediately a worried expression painted his features. “What’s wrong baby?”, he now snuck his arms around you. Oscar is a gentle person, but you knew that he wouldn’t let you go without confiding in him. This type of trust was very important to him, and you were glad.
He guided you back into the bedroom while you told him about your client and what they had said to you. He slipped off his jeans, leaving him in his orange McLaren hoodie and his grey briefs. Sitting on the bed with you, he gently rubbed your back. “It’s not ok for them to talk to you like that. Talk to your boss about it. There has to be something to protect you from those nasty people.” His gentle touches and soft words made you smile slightly. You really had the perfect boyfriend. Oscar’s hand slid around your neck, pulling you into a sweet kiss. The warmth radiating from his body was comforting. Admittedly, you missed him throughout the day. Your hand slid into his soft hair, lightly tugging on them. While he gasped into the kiss, you used that opportunity to slide your tongue into his mouth. He hummed at your antics, very obviously enjoying the moment. His hands slid down to your waist, holding you like you were the most precious being in the world. In his you were.
The dim light made your boyfriend look inviting and awfully… irresistible. With a hand to his chest, you pushed him onto his back and straddled him. His sweet smile had turned into a grin. “You look good on top of me”, his tone was genuine, almost innocent. With a dangerous smile you ground against Oscar, earning a groan from him. He placed his hands on your waist and held you in place as he craved more friction. “Take these off.”, he hooked a finger into the inside of your shorts and lightly tugged on them. Quickly climbing off of him, you threw the shorts on the floor, you’ll collect them after this is done. You were about get on top of Oscar again, as he grabbed your chin and embraced you in a warm kiss. There was nothing you could do when he pushed you down onto the mattress. He tugged your underpants off of you, tossing them aside. With a teasing look in his eyes he held two fingers towards your mouth, gesturing for you to suck on them. You generously covered his pale fingers with your saliva as you swirled your tongue around them. He was quick to pull them away again, you whined at the loss. But that was quickly replaced by a soft gasp as Oscar prodded at your hole with the same two fingers. He slowly and carefully pushed them in, centimeter by centimeter until his whole digits were dipped inside you. A soft hum rang through the air as he began gently pushing in and out of you. With one hand you grasped his arm and with the other you held onto the sheets, your knuckles white and your head tipped back.
Every sorrow was gone by now, only the aching for pleasure pumped through your body. Oscar deemed you stretched out enough and began fumbling with his boxers. The fabric, like many before, was tossed onto the ground. Oscar pressed sweet kisses to your chest and stomach while stroking his hard length. “Love you”, he whispered while aligning his cock with your entrance. With a smooth motion he pushed into you. He was gentle and so, so sweet.
“Please Oscar, be rough.”, your voice was quiet, almost a whisper as you begged him. He could never decline any of your wishes, he’d do anything for that sweet voice of yours. His pace rapidly increased and now he was practically slamming into you. You felt so alive, so real.
The city outside was asleep, there were barely any cars on the roads and the only light around were the dim streetlamps and the moon. One peek through your bedroom window showed a not so peaceful scene; loud moaning and the sound of Oscars hips snapping against yours filled the room. It felt like the atmosphere was on fire and he was the only bit of fresh air nearby. A few strands of his beautiful hair stuck to his forehead and his Hickory eyes were swallowed by his pupils. Oscar’s hold on your hips will for sure leave bruises. You darkly chuckled at him, while rutting against his motion. “Is that the best you can do?”, this made him quirk one eyebrow. Though he didn’t say anything, he just slid his hand up your chest and around your throat. Oh god.
He smiled sickly sweet before pressing hard and closing off most of your air supply. You gasped for air, while the pleasure inside you began boiling and tightening. The corners of his cherry lips tugged up into a sweet, but dangerous smile. The palms of your hand began feeling hot and you arched your back as the pleasure grew and grew. The bedroom’s ceiling blurred into a big mess as you craved oxygen in your lungs and then – snap!
White, creamy cum shot out of your length while Oscar released his hold on you and grabbed your hips again. He groaned as thick ropes of cum spurted out of his cock, right inside of you.
With an exhausted huff, he laid down on top of you, his head on your chest.
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
HIII hiii idk if you have doen this yet but can you write a lil thing abt a first kiss with the slashers?? i love your writing sm and. i kinda binge read Almost everything
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First kiss with the slashers
Omg my heart is melting, i'm so honored that you like my writing T^T and I’m so glad you suggested this! I’ve been wanting to write it and you’re a great motivation! I don’t know which slashers you want so im gonna do Michael and Thomas, if you want to see others please let me know! I’d be happy to write more of this!!!! I really enjoy fulfilling requests <3
Tw: This one is a bit nsfw, but its just kissing!
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•Oh my goodness, your first kiss with Thomas was so cute and sweet!!!
•You were sitting on his bed taking a break from chores and talking. Poor thomas was so hot that he really wanted to take off his mask, but he was afraid of scaring you away, that you’d see him as a monster…
•Once his mask was set aside, your mouth fell slightly agape. He initially panicked, thinking the worst he quickly went for his mask, but you stopped his hand. You carefully crawled up onto his lap to get a better view of his face.
•You place your hands on either side of his face and lean in, he froze, a mixture of shock and his natural shyness. He begin kissing back quickly, once he process what's happening that is. He places his hand at the back of your neck and pulls you impossibly closer.
•You pull away, embarrassed and bright red, you begin appologizing and stuttering like mad. He isn’t good with words, so instead he pulls you in for another gentle kiss to show you its okay.
•You can hear fake gagging noises from the doorway, both of you spin around, a blushing mess to see who it is, though you both knew before you looked. There Hoyt stood with the most disgusted face.
• “You both have work to do, quitmessing around!”
•you both nod and awkwardly look away from him as he stomps away. When you look back at eachother, you both are blushing messes
•Just know if Hoyt ever messes with you and tommy about being romantic, just tell Mamma Luda Mae, she’ll handle it, Hoyt will spend a night sleeping on the porch :)
Michael RZ
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•He would be very aggressive about it but he has sweet intentions
•Your first kiss would most likely happen 1 of 2 ways
•The first way would be on a movie night! You set out all the snacks and sweet treats for the both of you. He’ll take his mask off so he can eat and watch at the same time, if he rolled up his mask every five seconds to eat his vision would be pretty hindered.
•He’s pretty cute when it comes to horror movies, especially gory ones. When an intense moment comes on he’ll cover your face with his large hand, even if you tell him your okay with it! But if you tell him you actually enjoy it he’ll pause, and possibly get a boner- put your murder boner away!
•you rest your head on his shoulder, and that has him melting. He’ll slowly turn to face you, thinking you did something wrong you quickly sit up and go to apologize. What you didn’t expect was him to grab your shirt and pull you in for an unpracticed rough kiss.
•He pulled you to his chest and the movie was quickly forgotten. I think we all know Michael is very handsy, he’d grab your butt and squeeze, not too hard though, making you gasp into the kiss, allowing him to slip his tongue in.
•You both pull away for air, your eyes are wide and a string of spit connecting the both of you. He’d pull you in and rest his head in the crook of your neck, he’ll stay there for hours if you let him <3
•The second way is if a victim got to you…
•He’s on his usual hunt, but the victim ran into his house after a long chase. You were inside and jumped at seeing a bloody figure that wasn't Michael. They caught on pretty quickly to why you were there and cornered you.
•He wrapped his hands around your throat and began to squeeze. You choked and clawed at his arms, you screamed desperately for Michael with your limited air to come save you, ironic isn't it?
• “That freak killed my girlfriend! So I'll kill his little toy!”
•Blood suddenly sprayed all over your face as the hands around your neck loosen significantly until they fall. A large hand pushes the body to the left, making it fall with a thud. You look up and see a comforting sight, but for the first time, you saw something different in his eyes. Michael looked scared, honestly scared. You thought you’d never see the day.
•He pulls you in and looks you over for any wounds, once satisfied he delicately lifts your chin and leans down. Fireworks go off in your head once your lips connect, he becomes rly soft and gentle when worried about you T^T <3
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leclsrc · 1 year
i love your proposal drabbleeee! could i get another about time based one where theyre planning the wedding? happy 1k!! i love u and the movie so much<3
honeymooning – cl16
You find a creative way to quickly plan your wedding.
auds here... ik i said that was the last req but i have so many im just ignoring jshdhs and i just rewatched about time so this was Birthed... sorry
“We’ve officially broken the world record for time spent engaged and not married,” you announce, walking into the living room of your flat in a hoodie and loose pajamas. 
Charles looks up from where he’d been reviewing something—finances for the team, if you recall correctly—and adjusts his reading glasses (that he will never admit he has to use.) And he laughs, like this is all a joke. You place your hands on your hips, rolling on the balls of your feet as you stare at him menacingly.
“I am not joking. The only thing we’ve—you’ve—decided about our wedding is that I’m going to be walking down the aisle to some weird song you heard in The Godfather.”
“A lovely song,” he interjects, watching you walk until you’re just a few metres in front of him.
“Absolutely not.” You pause, breathing slowly. “And we have no other mutual free days for a while. So here’s the deal—for every decision you make about the wedding, I take one article of clothing off.”
He laughs outwardly, nodding and setting aside the thick stack of paper he’d been perusing. “Deal. You have my attention.” He settles further into the chair, staring at  you with want and amusement.
“Um, okay. Where do we get married?” You smile.
“Italy. Everyone knows everyone here in Monaco, and everywhere else is too far.”
“Okay,” you agree, wrestling the hoodie off and revealing your bra underneath. “Good.”
“You’re beautiful,” he says quickly before you slide into the next prompt.
“Sweet talker,” you retort, settling your thumbs into the drawstring of your trousers and readying them to pull downward. “Alright. Band or DJ?”
“Oh, shit.” He thinks. “Band. It’s got to be band. And if that goes to shit we plug in a phone and play Spotify the rest of the night.”
You laugh, nodding in agreement. “Smart,” you huff out, pulling your pajamas down. He stares, eyes running up and down, anticipatory. Fingers make their way to the clasp of your bra and you mull over the next question. You’ve both settled on a few things—catering and cake and the like—so you skip over those. Then you remember the reason why your guestlist remains unfinished and unfinalized.
“Best man?”
“Oh, nooo,” he moans. “Damn, no.”
“I need an answer,” you sing-song, playing with the clasp. “Or these stay covered all night.”
“It’s too hard, beautiful,” he groans, covering his face with his hands. “Okay. Fuck, okay—Joris.”
“Your choice,” you say, brows raised.
“He’s going to make a fool out of me during his speech, isn’t he.”
“Very likely.”
“Okay, no—Lorenzo.”
“You sure?”
“No—no, Pierre. Pierre.” He nods once. “Pierre.”
“Pierre, final answer,” you say smilingly, unclasping your bra. He smiles, giddy when he finally gets to see almost all of you.
“Yeeee—no, no, Lorenzo.”
“What?!” Your hands flee to cover your breasts and you narrow your eyes at him. “You are such a—that is cheating. Cheating!”
He just laughs, shrugging his shoulders as if to say what can you do. You roll your eyes, but maintain composure, nodding slowly. “Alright… oh, honeymoon.”
“Uh, uuuh—five days in Paris,” he says eventually, grinning.
“Oh, these panties are not coming off for Paris.” Granted, it’s a beautiful city, but both you and Charles are there nearly all the time for work, and it’s so near Monaco it’s basically the same thing. 
“It’s all I can do for my schedule,” he retorts, insistent. “Take off your panties.”
He has a glint in his eye that strikes both amusement and competition in you.
“I will not,” you shoot, smiling and stepping backwards once, hands still covering your chest.
“Take! Off! Your panties!” He hollers, getting up and making a beeline for you. You squeal, turning around and bounding up the stairs toward your bedroom; he’s hot on your tail, laughing.
“Never!” You yelp, a high-pitched sound as you take refuge in the bedroom. “I want three weeks in Hawaii!” 
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artful-aries · 11 months
Hiii again :D how are you doing? ,-, i hope you're doing well!!!!
My school finally ended and im free- so i was wondering if i can request for some hcs if your okay with it :>
Ive been having this idea for awhile now so, how about Xiao, Zhongli and Cyno with a s/o who avoids conflict? Like, whenever a conversation is slowly heading towards an argument they'll try to end it quickly and whenever a fight is going on they suddenly go quiet due to past traumas
Its up to you whether you wanna write it or not, but make sure to not overwork yourself and thanks for your time :] <3
I’m glad you’re out on break!! I have unfortunately been working my ass off for a promotion that should be finalized in the oncoming weeks, so needless to say I’ve been busy. At any rate, I hope you enjoy! This could be read as platonic if you squint
How They Are With An Argument Avoidant S/O (Xiao, Zhongli, Cyno)
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If you end an argument before it starts, it will actually take Xiao a little while before he notices the behavior. He thinks that you just finally understand his point and agree with him, rather than just saying whatever will stop the argument from escalating
Socializing isn’t his forte, so picking up on human social cues is quite a task for him. He can tell you’re nervous, that much is obvious by the way your breathing picks up, the way your eyes can’t seem to stay on him for too long, and your heart will be beating slightly harder. He knows this, yet he’s not sure exactly why, and can’t connect the dots. You’ve been nervous around him before and told him it was just because of your attraction to him, so when he notices these things he thinks it’s the same as what you told him before
It’s not until the day you aren’t quick enough to end the argument, when his tone gets sharper with you and you go silent that he discovers the issue in the first place
Even though Xiao knows something is wrong, he has the misfortune of not knowing how to be tactful about it. He will likely just bluntly ask you why you’re quiet, his tone neither gentle or comforting
Obviously, this makes the situation worse, and he’s confused as to why you seem to clam up even more, or in the event that he actually makes you cry, he’s extremely shocked
He’ll stay still as a statue, staring you down like his life depended on it as he tries to think about what he knows of humans to explain why you’re suddenly behaving this way. The fact that he can’t figure it out stresses him, which inadvertently makes him glare at you
If you keep trying to brush this aside and act like everything is fine Xiao will get very irritated with you. Why are you lying to him, and to his face no less?
At the sight of your tears he will do one of two things; either he will leave immediately, or will straight up ask you if you’re afraid of him. Most of the time he will go with the first option, as he often sees himself as some tainted beast with his karmic debt, but under the right circumstances he will feel the compulsion to ask, even though he’s afraid of how you might answer
If you say that you’re scared of him it’ll break his heart, and he will remain stony faced as he simply nods and leaves. If you reassure him that you aren’t scared of him, he will be very relieved, but won’t show it other than a slight tension leaving his shoulders
Xiao isn’t going to dig in much further on your feelings unless you volunteer the information, but he will try to find a way to get you to relax, whether that’s awkwardly asking if you want to share almond tofu with him, or giving you a slightly hard pat to your head to give you comfort
He might not completely understand your reaction, but he does have enough sense to connect the dots and tries not to raise his voice or sound too mean during arguments. Xiao isn’t always successful, but the attempt is there
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After millennia of watching humans, the former Archon is pretty observant when it comes to reading subtle emotions and changes in demeanor of people, and you are certainly no exception
With the first few arguments that you go out of your way to deescalate, Zhongli will quietly let you do so, but don’t think for a second that he doesn’t know what you’re doing.
He wants to give you the chance to work your way out of this habit on your own. Humans are capable of so much growth and change in such a short amount of time, and he doesn’t want to feel like he is meddling with that. To him, it’s preferable that you come into your own and develop beyond this habit you have clung to for who knows how long
As long as the arguments aren’t serious, he will continue to let you fall back into your habit, waiting on you to feel comfortable enough to have a normal disagreement with him rather than backing down at the first sign of conflict. It’s only when he feels very strongly about the discussion that he’s trying to have with you that he will confront you on your behavior
Even when arguing he’s never been one to raise his voice or seem threatening, but when you once again try to take the easy way out he will fix you with a stern gaze and ask you why you always seem to shy away from tough discussions with him
If his intensity seems to intimidate you, he’ll softly sigh and ask you to join him for tea, but if it gets you to open up about why you don’t like arguing his expression will soften, and he will pull you into a hug if you’ll let him
Whichever route is taken, he is sure to reiterate that you are completely safe with him, and that no harm will come to you so long as he is alive. Zhongli isn’t naive enough to think that this will solve the problem, but he knows you need to hear it nonetheless
Be prepared to be sat down for a long, extensive talk with him. He’ll make sure it doesn’t sound like he is lecturing you, but it’s important to him that you feel comfortable in this relationship to argue with him. As he will so eloquently put it, “What is a canyon without the river to erode it?”
Zhongli desperately wants you to see arguments as something as inevitable yet mundane as a rolling thunderstorm, and not something cataclysmic like a typhoon. They are a natural part of interpersonal relationships, and he doesn’t want you to fear that form of intimacy with him
He will be one to effectively communicate and help you overcome your aversion to more tense discussions, gently getting you out of your comfort zone until one day you find yourself not feeling dizzy at the sight of his brows that are furrowed at you, you don’t feel ill when Zhongli frowns disapprovingly at what you said. Before you had even realized it, arguing with him just felt like arguing with an extension of yourself
He won’t say anything when he sees how much you’ve changed, but when he watches you argue with him there’s a light in his eyes that wasn’t there before. He’s proud of you.
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He’s one who is aware of how he could come across before he even knows of your aversion to arguments. Despite how serious he gets with work, he always does his best to not take that energy home with him, but some of that is bound to bleed over eventually
He might write off your dismissive, avoidant behavior the first time, but come the second time when you once again keep your head down and just mumble words of appeasement he will not have it
Cyno will cross his arms across his chest, and flatly ask why you seem to just be agreeing with whatever he says like he’s your boss. He loathes the thought of you behaving like everyone else in the Akademiya. He wants to just be Cyno to you, not the General Mahamatra
When his sternness seems to put you more on edge, he will attempt to make a pun about whatever it was that you were arguing about in an attempt to get you to at least relax a little. If it works, he will be relieved and ask you to not be afraid of sharing your thoughts even if they oppose his own
If making a joke seems like poor timing or if it doesn’t get a smile or laugh out of you, Cyno will frown a little and study you intently, trying to figure out how to approach this sensitive subject. In the end, he’ll settle on asking you if you want him to leave you alone for a while or if you want to have a discussion
Even if it hurts his feelings a little to leave you alone, he won’t show it as he’ll give a silent nod and stay out of your way for a couple of hours before checking back in on you. Though he would prefer to discuss things immediately, he loves you too much to push you
When it comes time to sit down and talk with you, only one question burns in his mind: Why did you seem to be scared of him? Regardless of what you tell him, he will listen without interjection, and will make sure to keep any emotions under control while you express your feelings
Whether it is his fault or not, Cyno can’t help but feel guilty. Perhaps if he didn’t come across so seriously most of the time, then maybe you wouldn’t have felt this way about arguing with him. He’s not one to dwell on his regrets, and will immediately ask what he can do to make things better for you
Your wish is his command, and whatever you suggest Cyno will make sure he fulfills it the next time you two have an argument. The last thing he wants is to instill fear into you, and will do absolutely anything to keep you from feeling uncomfortable or afraid
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So for this hc thing...how would they spend birthdays? All 3 of buck, eddie and Chris birthday?. I have it in my head that someday on bucks birthday Chris and eddie will make him breakfast in bed and Chris will give him this giant wrapped box that's really light, and inside that is another box and so on, until eventually buck finds an envelope with adoption papers. Yes I know I'm cheesy
okay anon first im gonna need you to write that fanfic and send it to me immediately because that is absolutely adorable… NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR CHEESY BUDDIE FLUFF I EAT IT UP ALL THE TIME
as for birthday headcanon, I have to think about those because for some reason i’ve never given much thought to birthdays specifically?? ive headcanoned so many other things about them but have never given this one much thought aside from what days their birthdays are lmao
so please bear with me as these are not super in depth but just little things i could see them doing ✨
- i think that for a long time (especially after maddie left) buck didn’t like celebrating his birthday, and even to an extent now he doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it, but early on in his friendship with eddie, chris asked when buck’s birthday was and got so excited to celebrate with buck that now that buck and edsie are married, they always do a big celebration with just the three of them; chris and eddie bringing him breakfast in bed, Chris still makes a homemade card for buck, even as a teenager, and when it falls on weekdays when chris has to go to school, buck and eddie spend the day curled up in bed cuddling and talking… eddie has also grown accustomed to taking buck to dinner for his birthday— nothing to fancy, but they enjoy having a date night just the two if them for the occasion. It’s the only reason buck no longer hates his birthday.
- Eddie’s birthday is the same level of big deal for buck and christopher, only Buck ramps up the birthday breakfast to the extreme. Everything else is pretty much the same as buck’s birthday, but for eddie.
- Buck slowly warmed up to the idea of doing something with the 118 for his birthday at Bobby and Athena’s after a few years of working there, and now it is a staple event each year.
- Buck goes all out trying to throw the biggest and best birthday parties for Chris, but as Chris gets older the more he wants a more laidback party with his closest friends rather than a big celebration like when he was younger. He misses the days if a huge party, but is still more than happy to follow Chris’s wishes every year.
- Eddie collects newspaper headlines from each of chris’s birthdays. It was something abuela started with eddie and his sisters, and while he was in the army, he asked if she would start doing the same for chris. Buck never noticed until more recently, and he began doing the same.
- For Buck’s first birthday after their wedding, Eddie gifts him with a small ring on a chain- telling him it was made from the bullet from the sniper— the st christopher emblem is engraved on top of the ring, and buck wears it around his neck
- Buck insists on giving eddie a kiss for every year he’s been alive on his birthday
- eddie proposed to buck on chris’s birthday after asking what chris wanted for his birthday and he said “i want buck to be my other dad”
- chris has a scrapbook that shannon started for him with every birthday card he’s ever gotten— he kept it up after she died, and eddie didn’t find out about it until chris asked if they could buy another scrapbook for him to continue
- Eddie and Chris visit Shannon’s grave every year on Chris’s birthday, Eddie giving him some alone time to talk to her; they also visit for her birthday every year, Chris insisting on leaving her favorite flowers
thank you for the ask, anon! and again I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to this one 😭😭💕💕
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vampireloverz · 1 year
cw/tw: gn! reader, dom! reader + sub! aizawa, established relationship, one mention of sub reader, spanking with a paddle (aizawa receiving), safeword discussion but no use of them, no sex
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“Remember your safeword, yea?” you ask, securing his hair up with a claw clip.
Aizawa says the word, its repetition as easy as breathing, your dynamic already woven deep within the foundations of your relationship. It’s not always like this; sometimes you submit, sometimes there’s no play at all, but tonight you have a small leather paddle in your hand, your favorite to use on him.
The way each smack quickly melts into mind numbing stings is the best for when neither of you want a slow burn. You hate to tease Aizawa for too long, it’s too fun to watch him give himself to you. The way his eyes go all hazy and soft when he starts to sink doesn’t make you forget your role like it used to but it does make you a little more giving.
“Count,” you kiss his shoulder and you know he can hear the whisper of the paddle as you shift it into your hand, “Be good for me.”
Aizawa lays face down on the bed with his head cradled by his arms and body laid bare. You idly trace the curves and sinews of his body with the paddle, just light enough for him to feel it. He doesn’t move, doesn’t egg you on with words, he just lays there, waiting. His breath quickens when you take the paddle off him. All he can do is wait, he can’t see or feel you now.
You know his hero training instinct is telling him to perk his ears up to try and sus out where you are, you just have to wait a minute for him to fight that part of himself. You’re patient, but you can hear your heartbeat in your ears. The moment you see his shoulders relax, you move.
The strike on his ass must sting but you think it was more loud than painful. You wait.
You smile, proud of him, and get to work.
The numbers fall easily, if not shakily, from his mouth as you build a steady rhythm. Not quick enough for each hit to blend into the next, just enough for each one to have its own noticeable pain, just enough for Aizawa to anticipate the next blow.
On a strong hit, he flubs the count, mumbling something incoherent that makes you pause. You tilt his head back and see exactly what you expected to see; teary eyed and slack jawed Aizawa. Your heart skips a beat at being able to get him to this point, to watch him sink even deeper into submission, it’s enough to make you want to push him a little further.
“I didn’t hear that, baby, try again.”
He blinks slowly then his gaze travels over to you. A tear rolls down his cheek and you brush it away with your knuckles, waiting patiently for him to speak.
Aizawa swallows deliberately, almost mechanically, and his voice is raspy and quiet when he admits, “I lost track.”
You click your tongue, “Then we start over. This time, I want you to thank me.”
A pause to let the order sink in, he nods. Then you’re at it again, the strength of your arm just a little more cruel.
“One, thank you.”
You make it only a few more spanks when Aizawa’s voice breaks on the second syllable of a number. He trembles as you move and sit beside him, setting the paddle aside so you can pet his back and release his hair clip. 
“Tell me how you’re doing.”
Aizawa huffs, his breath coming out warbly as he turns his face towards you. His face is beautifully flushed, eyes wet with tears and lips bitten dark. It takes a moment for him to focus on you but he smiles when he meets your eyes.
“Green,” his eyes flutter when you drag your thumb along his bottom lip, “Green.”
You grab a fistful of his hair with your other hand and tug hard enough to tilt his head back, “So what do you say?”
“Thank you.”
Aizawa groans against your lips when you kiss him, a soft, almost pathetic little noise in the back of his throat. You pet his cheek and whisper, “That’s my good boy.”
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for yoooooou my love @pupkou 🤍 im so sorry this took 6348790328 years </3
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thelovelylolly · 1 year
hi!! i saw your requests were open so i thought i’d send you one :) can i get a poe dameron x reader, where the reader is a mechanic and everything is so hectic with the resistance, that everyone is kind of ignoring/speaking over/forgetting them. maybe they’re especially hurt that poe is acting like that, but they understand that everyone is busy? i was thinking sort of like a hurt comfort with a confession at the end? i absolutely adore your work <3
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Summary : It's a hectic time in the Resistance, and you seemed to be singled out by everyone. Including Poe. Warnings : being ignored and stuff like that i guess Notes : thank you for the request :) im so glad you enjoy my work love <3
You knew when you joined the Resistance that things would be a bit crazy. You worked hard to protect the galaxy, everyone had a part to play. But recently, things seemed to be turned up to 11.
Your friends were always busy, having no time to even say 'hi' to you. At meetings, you would be ignored or even talked over. You were busy as well, one of the top mechanics on the base, but you tried to make time for everyone.
What hurt most was Poe seemed to ignore you entirely.
You and Poe had been good friends since you had joined the Resistance, and you had quickly caught feelings for him. You two always hung out whenever you could, you two were inseparable. But recently, you two had slowly had stopped hanging out.
You had made an effort to talk to Poe and spend time with him, but he was always busy and whenever he wasn't, you were.
It was always "I have to finish mission reports" or "I have to run drills" or "the general is having a meeting and I have to be there" from him.
You tried to get by without seeing him everyday, but it was hard.
One day, you had woken up from a nap after a long shift and decided to run to the cafeteria for some caf and a snack. You walked in and got your caf, but then you heard a loud laugh. Poe's laugh.
You turned around, seeing him laughing with some other higher ups. He had told you that he was working, that you two couldn't hang out because he was busy. Why did he lie to you?
You sipped your caf before walking over to him, a smile plastered on your face. "Hi Poe," you said, catching his attention.
"Hey! I didn't know you had today off," Poe replied, turning to face you.
"I, uh, I don't. I worked the early morning shift today."
"Don't you usually take the 12 hour day shift? You're one of our best mechanics, someone has to be out there to make sure people do what they need to do," he joked.
You looked down at your cup of caf, your finger tapping the side of it anxiously. "Yeah, I do, but I asked for the early shift so we could hang out. Then you told me you were busy and it was too late to change it, so here we are."
"I did? Kriff, I'm sorry, I-"
"You're clearly very busy with your other friends so I'll just go."
As you left the cafeteria, you heard Poe calling for you, but you ignored him just like he had ignored you recently. Were you overreacting? Maybe, but if he didn't want to hang out with you, then you wouldn't bother him.
You downed the rest of your caf, throwing the cup away on your way back to your room. Once you got there, you changed into fresh, comfortable clothes. You were so tired after your early shift that you fell asleep in your mechanic uniform. You didn't know what you were going to do the rest of your day since you had it off.
A knock at the door snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Go away, Poe!" You yelled, tossing your dirty clothes into a hamper to get washed.
"How'd you know it was me?" You heard him call back.
You sighed before walking over to the door and opening it. "Because I heard you calling after me when I left the cafeteria."
"Can I come in?"
"Please? I just want to talk, that's it. And I know you're not busy because you have the rest of the day off and you never know what to do on your days off."
He knew you too well.
You rolled your eyes and stepped aside to let him in. The door slid shut behind him and he turned to face you. Your arms were crossed in front of your chest as you glared at him.
"Listen, I know I'm a jerk for doing that-"
"Jerk is an understatement, Poe. You lied to me. I thought we were best friends, that we don't lie to each other to hang out with other people-"
"I thought our shifts wouldn't line up-"
"Poe, you know that I've been trying to hang out with you or see you or even say 'hi' to you, but we've been too busy for all of that! But at least I've been trying to see you! You don't even put in effort to see me-"
"Why are you so upset over this? We're all busy, it's just part of the Resistance! You're not the only one overwhelmed and stressed over this!"
"I've been talked over and ignored, I haven't gotten proper sleep in weeks, and on top of all of that, I never see you! We went from spending everyday together to not even hearing from each other for days! And what makes it worse is that I love you, but you don't seem to even care!"
You were so worked up, so upset, that you didn't even notice what you had said until it was too late. You and Poe stood there, a little out of breath from the yelling match you were having.
You tried to blink away the tears that had started to form. You shakily took a deep breath, looking anywhere but at Poe. "Just ignore what I just said-"
"You love me?"
You finally looked at Poe and nodded, wiping the one stray tear that had fallen down your cheek. "For awhile now."
Poe's heart ached when he saw you wipe away the tear. He quickly pulled into a tight hug, his chin on the top of your head as you buried your face into his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around you.
You two stayed like that for only a few minutes, but it felt like eternity for you. After weeks of not seeing each other, a hug was just what you needed. Even if Poe knew you had feelings for him, and even if he didn't have the same feelings for you, you were just happy to have that moment.
Then, Poe pulled away a little bit. One of his hands tilted your head up before cupping your cheek. He leaned in and softly kissed you. You quickly forgot the argument, melting into the kiss and getting lost in it. But he pulled away again, leaning his forehead against yours.
"I love you, too, sweetheart," he murmured, pressing another soft yet short kiss to your lips.
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angel-eyes05 · 1 year
i remember his hands - chapter 3
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PAIRING: kang the conqueror x fem!reader
SUMMARY: after a scientific experiment goes horribly wrong, you've been transported to the quantum realm and have been stuck there for the past decade. with no company, aside from janet van dyne, your life changes forever when a mysterious man in a golden ship crash lands next to your settlement. startled with his initial presence, you two have a rocky start. but as time goes on, you two find each other slowly drawn to one another. you have secrets though, and he has a past he refuses to bring up. can you two make it through navigating an unknown world together, discovering any ulterior motives, and stand the test of time in a place where time has no meaning at all?
INFO: slow romantic burn, pretty fast sexual burn, kinda enemies to lovers????, takes place during that little flashback janet has during quantumania, idk how accurate this is gonna be to canon stuff cause i get very confused about the quantum realm lol, reader is in mid to late 20s while kang is in his “early 30s” (ik he like technically doesn't age or whatever idk the lore but i just made it accurate to jonathan majors age and wanted to give an accurate age range/gap/count), y/n will be very fleshed out like im gonna give her everything lol
WARNING: explicit language, smut (minors dni), masturbation (f), oral sex (fem receiving), cum play, not a very happy ending (guys aftercare is important)
NOTES: i just wanna say thank you for all the love recently! idk if ill set a specific schedule for when ill release the chapters or not cause honestly i just work better whenever i write when i want without a time constraint so thats probably what i’ll end up doing. if you want me to write a specific one shot for kang or even another character (i feel most comfortable writing for mcu, star wars, the last of us, and stranger things, but if i know the piece of media youre talking about and feel comfortable writing about the character, im down) just lmk! also i decided at the last second this was gonna be a smuty chapter so..yeah!
It had been about two weeks since you found Kang at the crash site. Despite the moment you two had when you first fixed him up, you two had very little interactions since then. It made sense though. Both of you were taking your own separate times to heal, you in your room, bedridden from your horrible headaches, him on the couch, still unable to walk due to his foot and abdomen. According to Janet, he hasn’t been very talkative. He would occasionally respond to her comments about how he was feeling, but wouldn’t say anything about where he came from or why he was here. So she just stopped asking. It took a while for you to open up to Janet about how you got here at first as well though, so you understood why he would be all shut up about it. It got you thinking about how you ended up here. How much you left behind. God you wish you got the chance to leave a note or something. At the very least, for them…
You quickly dragged yourself out of that thought, knowing the path it would lead you down led to nothing but wasted tears. It was late at night, and you laid sleepless in your bed, so it was easy to let your mind wander. To distract yourself, you replayed the moment with him in your mind. You were a little touch starved, in that way at least, so feeling Kang’s hand in that sensitive of an area drove you mad. Thinking about it would always give you the same reaction. Butterflies slowly fluttering into your stomach, roses blooming onto your cheeks, and the near uncontrollable urge to touch yourself. You know your relationship was non existent right now and had a horrible start, but sometimes you wondered what would happen if you walked over to the couch right now and started to kiss him. The only thing you ended up doing though was changing your now soaked underwear.
You always felt bad when you let yourself think like that. Poor guy was probably just looking for something to hold while he was in pain. And you were taking advantage of it. Then again, you remembered how he slowly pulled his fingers away from your thigh once you were finished stitching him up, an act that did seem very purposeful. Again though, he might have done that unconsciously. You always sent yourself into this back and forth inner dialogue with yourself about his intentions in that moment. Whether you liked it or not, during the past two weeks, you’ve only had two things on your mind: your pain, and him.
With the mix of your restless mind, the ache between your legs, and your now grumbling stomach, you decide to get out of bed and go to the kitchen to find something to eat. Also partially because you would get to see him, awake or not. To be honest, you preferred him asleep. You could just admire him from a far, without the complexities of a conversation to mess anything up. You crept into the hallway, adjusting your eyes from the dim light in your room to the rest of the house, enveloped in the darkness. Thankfully, you knew the layout of the house well, so you doubted you would trip over anything. You wandered throughout the cabin until you got past Janet’s room and into the kitchen. You didn’t realize how flawed your plan was, it just now clicking that you wouldn’t be able to see Kang in the darkness. You didn’t entirely mind though. Just knowing he’s in the same room as you put your thoughts slightly at ease. 
You finally make it to the counter and put your arms out to find something. They land on a round, spiked fruit. Too scared of accidentally cutting yourself if you use a knife to peel it, you decide just to bite into it. Juice drips down from your mouth as your teeth sink into the fruit. Although the food here was no where near as good as back home, you managed to find a few gems here. The fruits were definitely one of them. Once you finish with the fruit, you use the sleeve of your loose shirt to wipe your mouth. You paced the room a bit, still kind of restless. Your eyes still haven’t entirely adjusted to the dark, but you think you have a pretty good standing of your ground. That is until you trip over the back of the couch. You brace yourself for the impact of flying over the couch and waking up everyone in the process, until you’re suddenly stopped.
It’s a hand. No, not just a hand. The hand. His hand.
Again, it stays there longer than it should have. Placed just below where your sternum meets your breasts. You could feel your heart beating faster the longer his hand stayed there. “You’re a loud chewer” Kang finally said. It was more of a deep whisper though. God you loved the sound of his voice, despite the few times you heard it. “You must be a light sleeper then” you replied in a similar tone. Despite still not being able to see his face, you could tell he was smirking. He slowly push you back up to your normal position. The trick was that he didn’t move his hand. He actually tightened his grip on your shirt. That’s when it clicked for you. He wanted it just as bad as you did. 
You then placed your hand over Kang’s, rubbing deep circles just below his knuckles with your thumb. Then, he began to pull you by your shirt to the front side of the couch. You followed his hand until he stopped pulling, leaving you in the same place you were when you stitched up his shoulder. You stood there as he began to move his hand down from your sternum. The feeling of him dragging his fingers down your body at an agonizingly slow pace was enough to get your starved pussy wet. Then he got to your hips, where your loose pants rested. He then took his other hand and used both hands to drag your pants off. Once you kicked them off, he went back up to your panties, hooking his pointer finger around the sides of them and dragged those off even slower than the pants. 
He then placed his hands on your bare hips, digging his thumbs into them. A slight moan escaped your lips. In response, he placed his finger over your mouth in a shushing action. “She can’t hear you.’’ You were overcome with embarrassment at the fact you were so enveloped in the thought of having sex with Kang that you forgot that Janet was only a room away. You decided now you had to be silent, however hard that would prove to be later. He put that hand back on your hip and helped you onto his chest. You placed your hands over his shirtless shoulders, being mindful of his left one. You pressed your hands deeply into them and began to massage them. Thank god your eyes had finally adjusted to the dark, because now you could see every emotion playing across his face as you sunk your hands deeper into his shoulder muscles. You moved the massage down his arms, making your way to his biceps. They were massive and tough. All you could think about was how much you wanted them around your neck. Ironic. Once you moved on from those and finally made it to his hands, you took hold of them.
You used them to help you take off your shirt and bra. After tossing your bra to the floor, you placed his hands on your breasts and began to grope them with his hands. His eyes rolled back into his head, and as soon as you could tell he was about to moan, you smashed your lips into his to capture it. You took your hands off of his to cup his jaw to fully envelop yourself in the kiss. He kept one hand on your breast while he moved the other one down and began to run circles around your clit. You softly moaned into his mouth with each rotation he made. As each second went by, the kiss became more intense. More desperate. You had no idea how long it had been since he had touched someone like this, and you knew it had been forever since you were touched like this. You two both had some desperation to your actions. Like this would be the last time either of you would experience something like this ever again. Both of you so starved of touch. You needed this so badly, and part of you knew he needed it too.
As he began to circle your clit with more ferocity, you felt the heat in your chest growing stronger. God he had just started and you were already about to come. You didn’t to yet. If you did, that meant it would be over. Lucky for you, you felt his hand pull away from your clit. He pulled away from the kiss ass well, panting. “I need you to help me up for a second” he said. You reluctantly got up, wondering if he was just going to leave you here like this. It was just now that you realized how naked you were. Sure, he didn’t have a shirt on, but you still felt much more exposed than him for some reason. You helped him up onto his feet, also now realizing exactly how much taller he was than you. Seeing him staring down at you like that. Like you had suddenly become the most important thing in the world to him. Suddenly, he turned you around and shoved you onto the couch. You sat there as he kneeled down and began too kiss your inner thighs.
He moved those strong, dry hands of his to the top of your thighs and sprayed them out against them. He dug his fingers into them as he moved his mouth from your inner thigh to your lips. Feeling his warm breath against them in the cold room sent shivers down your spine. You grabbed the top of his head for leverage as you thrust your hips into his mouth.  “Look at you” he said in between kisses. “Being such a good girl and getting so wet for me. Seems like you completely forgot about the fact we were trying to kill each other two weeks ago.” It was strange to you a little. You had convinced yourself you wouldn’t be safe in the same house as Kang, and now here you were, completely naked on the couch with him eating you out. 
He wasn’t doing enough though. You weren’t nearly as satisfied as you were when he was circling your clit. He had yet to stick his tongue in you, all he was doing was kissing your folds. He was just teasing you again. “P-please” you said desperately. “I-I need y-you d-deeper.” He removed his mouth from your area and moved his hand to your clit again as he talked to you to keep you stimulated. “Oh thats what you want now? Am I not doing enough for you? Because I could stop if that’s what you prefer.” “N-n-no!” you nearly shouted out. “P-please, I-I j-just wanna f-feel you.” He sat there for a moment thinking, fingers still on your clit. “P-please Kang-g.” You asked again, looking deep into his eyes. “Well, since you asked so nicely. And plus, how could I say no to someone as pretty as you. Sitting there so neat and ready for me.” 
Next thing you know, he dives back in, his tongue licking all over your folds and into your pussy. Your strangled moan makes one strange noise, but he must have liked it because he moved his hands up to grab deep into your hips in response. God you could stay here for hours. Layed here sprawled out on the couch with him eating you out. You just wish you could moan and whine for you. You wanted so desperately to scream his name out into the world and let it know how much he had you under his grasp. And you knew he wanted it also. But that was part of the appeal of everything. Knowing you had to stay quite. It made it more enticing. But man you couldn’t wait until you had the cabin to yourself. When he could fuck you through your bed properly, where you could scream his name at the top of your lungs, and him with yours. For now though, you would take this. It was enough for what you needed right now.
As he moved his tongue from your folds to your swollen clit, he begins to suck on it. You felt the heat return back to your core as you itched with pleasure, a roaring tide begging to wash from your pelvis into his mouth. The heat of his breath on you, the tightening grip of his hands on your hips, his tongue fluttering over your folds and clit, the soft hums he would make after tasting you. “F-fuck K-kang. I-I-I’m gonna c-cum” you said, the words barely making it out of your mouth without being mixed with a moan. He nods slightly in approval, gliding his tongue over your folds like silk and moving on of his hands to circle your clit to help pull it out of you. Finally, you feel the wave escape your pussy. You grab a pillow near you and release all your moans and screams into as the ecstasy exits you and enters his mouth. You arch your back as he tries to swallow as much of your cum as he can. You’re blinded by the intensity of your orgasm as your thighs tense up and you can hardly move anything, except to move the noises out of your mouth.
Once you finish, Kang stays there, licking off the last of your essence off your folds and feeling your throbbing clit under his tongue. He backs away from your pussy and moves up to your mouth as he kisses you, sharing with you some of your cum. He uses your shirt to clean up his mouth and the remaining bits of cum from your folds. To your surprise though, after that, he tosses the shirt on the floor, stands up, and walks away to your room. In shock, you convince yourself he went to your room to grab you a new change of clothes. Once you hear the door close though, you snap yourself back into reality. Looking down at yourself, naked and trembling (part from the cold and part from the orgasm), embarrassment floods your body. You couldn’t believe how easy you gave yourself up for him. God you knew you were desperate, but you didn’t know you were that desperate. And there he was in the other room, sleeping in your bed. Leaving you there on the couch, laying out naked, waiting for someone to take you away like some fantasy. But there you were. Alone. And really fucking cold.
A/N: yeaaaaaaaah, i needed drama so i did that. sucks but i didnt have any other ideas sorry lol. hope you liked the chapter though! this was actually my first time writing smut so i hope i didnt do that bad. looking forward to chapter 4!!! also sorry i didnt really proofread this one either cause it was super late when i posted it so sorry
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hihii! i love love love your works sm im😭😭
for the prompt game, from list #74, prompts #3 & #8 with hyunlix and reader!
hope you have a nice day today 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Prompts: "If I can get it in pink, I want it in pink."
"I'm more of a glass half-full type of person." "Mhm. And what's in the glass?" "Poison. Why?"
Members: Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix
Relationship: Aristocrats FemReader x HyunLix
Genre: Fluff with a sprinkle of Criminal Activities
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"God, these parties are incredibly dull."
You take a delicate sip of your wine as Hyunjin sighs, leaning back against the wall beside you, watching the throng of people on the floor dance an elegant waltz.
"Don't let your father hear you say that, or he'll consign you to attending them for the rest of your life." You tease back beneath your breath, shooting a sidelong glance at the long legged aristocrat beside you.
He scoffs, eyes darkening behind his mask. "And what exactly, pray tell, am I doing right now?"
You set your glass down, turning to face him as you carefully straighten the tie of his cravat, smoothing your hands over his dark suit as you glance up at him, a slight smile on your lips.
"You're in attendance tonight of your own accord, Lord Hwang. Because someone here has something we want." You tilt your head, grinning up from beneath your own mask. "And your father is none the wiser."
Hyunjin's eyes flash, and his tongue darts out to wet his lips in anticipation.
"Speaking of," He glances past you, around the room once more, brow furrowing. "Where the hell is Felix?"
As if summoned by his name, the man in question appears at your side in that moment, slightly out of breath, but not a blonde hair out of place, as he leans against the wall beside Hyunjin.
Hyunjin gives him a shrewd, teasing glance, taking in the long tails of his suit coat and the sweeping elegance of the mask that hides his face. "Do I know you, sir?"
Felix rolls his eyes and grumbles something under his breath that sounds remarkably close to fuck you.
"So?" You ask curiously, leaning into Hyunjin's space to peer at Felix, hiding what you're saying behind the fan you hold up in your hand.
Felix nods, eyes scanning the room, before he turns his attention back to you and gives you the hint of a smile.
"He's here."
You feel the breath you've been holding go out like a gust, and Hyunjin visibly relaxes.
"Good, that's good." Hyunjin nods, sounding relieved, even though he's trying to hide it. "I mean, we knew he would be after all-fat, rich bastard can't resist a chance to show off his wealth and position any more than Felix can resist a cute, fluffy mongrel, or some pleading, wide-eyed, waif."
Felix shoots Hyunjin another glare, and he merely shrugs in response.
You pluck a glass of champagne off a passing waiter's tray and pass it to Felix, who gulps it gratefully, before he grimaces and sets aside the empty glass.
"Whoa, easy there, buddy." Hyunjin glances at Felix, but you don't miss the way there's heated admiration in his eyes as he regards the other.
"I need alcohol to deal with you."
Hyunjin feigns hurt. "When did you get so negative, Lixie-boy?"
Felix snags another glass of champagne and downs this one a little more slowly than the first.
"The moment we stepped into this party." He glances sidelong at Hyunjin, relaxed against the wall beside him. "You're not nervous at all that this'll go haywire?"
Hyunjin shrugs, eyes scanning the dance floor. "Nah. I'm more of a glass half-full type of person, my friend."
You scoff, hiding the sound behind your fan, and Hyunjin arches a brow curiously in your direction.
You fix him with a cynical stare, ticking your own brow up and holding his expression.
"Mhm. And what's in the glass, Hyunjin?"
Hyunjin grins in that often unhinged way he usually does and leans back against the wall, crossing his arms casually over his chest.
"Poison. Why?"
Felix chokes on his champagne.
Your glance to a couple waltzing by you, giving them a tight smile, before you lower your voice and speak again.
"We need to get that signet."
Hyunjin rolls his eyes behind the plumes of his mask, his sharp, delicate nose crinkling slightly.
"Yeah, kinda what we came here for, (Y/N)-girlie."
He has his hair pulled back tonight, held high by a navy ribbon that matches his suit, and he looks good.
You've noticed more than a few women-and men-eying him from across the room.
Felix nods thoughtfully. "Luckily for us, we know his vices."
Both their eyes fall on you, and you sigh heavily in response.
"-and booze." Felix finishes off, nodding again, tugging at one of his cufflinks, straightening the sleeves of his dress shirt.
"Not just any women though." Hyunjin slings an arm around your shoulders, his breath tickling the top of your head, his body warm against your own. He grins and leans down to whisper in your ear, "Exceptionally pretty, well bred, women."
You bat his hand away. "Yes, I know my role in all this, thank you."
Hyunjin holds up his hands, backing up to lean against the wall once more, though the smirk still hasn't left his pretty face.
"I'm just saying, sweetheart, you've got incredible birthing hips and the bloodline to match. You're every aristocratic man's wet dream personified."
You flip him off.
"Except I'm too mouthy and a smart ass and could never sit demurely by having tea and gossiping and cross stitching while my 'husband' fucked the woman next door under the excuse of 'business relations.'"
Hyunjin laughs. "That you are. Which is why, sweetheart-" He leans in close again, lips brushing across your throat and leaving heat in their wake. "-you need a certain kind of man to keep up with you."
Felix rolls his eyes. "Can you two flirt later?" He passes you a knife discreetly, and you hide it in the billowing folds of your skirt.
The metal is cold in your hand, and your fingers clench around it as you look to Felix.
"He's there then?"
Your question is vague, but Felix nods confidently. "Right where we thought he'd be."
You take a steadying breath and push off the wall, determination flowing through you. "Right. I'm off then."
Hyunjin smacks your ass, and none too discreetly, and more than a few people look in your direction in horror, whispering behind their hands.
You glare at him, and he grins cockily, tilting his head, eyes falling down to your ass openly.
"Go on, sweetheart. We'll be right behind you. And then, maybe we can talk about you putting that luscious ass to good use later."
You roll your eyes and ignore him, weaving off through the party toward the den, but not before hearing Felix say behind you, in a low, annoyed tone, "Dude."
Hyunjin laughs. "What? You want me to put your ass to good use later too, Lixie? It can certainly be arranged. Don't feel left out, pretty boy."
You filter out their bantering, the chatter of the party from around you, and knife clutched tightly in your hand, go to find the Duke.
You find him in the den, smoking a cigar, bourbon in his hand, just where Felix said he would be.
When you enter, you make extra sure to sway your hips and walk slowly, so he can take all of you in as you come toward him.
Despite Hyunjin's teasing, you do indeed have a fantastic ass. Not to mention, tits to die for.
The duke's eyes light up when he sees you, a sleazy grin sliding across his mouth, and he brushes off the maid he was currently in the middle of fondling without a second glance.
The poor girl looks more than a little relieved, darting past you and silently out the door.
You're sure the duke's advances weren't welcomed. They never were.
Rich men had a habit of taking the things they wanted from people, especially pretty women.
You lean over the duke so he can get a full view of your cleavage, and setting your refilled wine glass on the side table, slide onto the couch beside him.
He smells like alcohol, and cigar smoke, and you do your best not to wrinkle your nose in disgust as you glance sidelong at him from under your lashes, giving him a shy smile.
He bites immediately.
"Lady (L/N)." He purrs, inching closer, his hand finding your thigh through the billowing skirt you wear. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
You giggle as he leans closer to you, forcing a pink blush to your cheeks, looking away as if flattered by his attention.
You've had plenty of practice, being a daughter of Lord and all.
It was easier to let men think you wanted their attention than fight it off. Got you things you wanted in the long run if you knew how to play the game.
And know how to play the game you did.
The duke's fingers inched higher up your leg, and you tried to keep your expression innocent as you glanced at him once more.
The garnet signet glinted on his finger, and everything inside of you coiled in anticipation.
"Why are you in here all alone, Duke, when you could be out there enjoying all the pretty women vying for your attention?" You question, though you already know the answer.
You just need to keep him talking until Hyunjin and Felix are in position, and then you can drop the charade.
Your fingers clench around the hidden dagger.
"The only pretty woman's attention I want is yours, my dear." The man smirks, leaning into your space, his eyes clearly drawn to the dip of your breasts in your corset.
You resist the urge to pull away and give him another little charming smile.
You're well aware the duke knows who your father is, what your bloodline holds, and you know, it's all just an act to get what he wants from you.
Sex. And then your fortune.
"You're sweet." You coo back, leaning over to pat his cheek as a wave of bourbon washes over you with his breath.
"Not as sweet as you." He sneers back, and you almost gag at the insincerity dripping from his words.
His hand slides beneath the skirt of your dress, and the feel of his fingers on your bare skin makes you itch.
"What inspired this dress? You look absolutely ravishing tonight." His fingers stroke across your thigh, and his eyes fall down once more to your breasts. "Quite a choice of color, my dear."
You glance down at the pink confection you wear, layers of tulle draped around your legs, pushed up by the duke's wandering hand.
You shrug, playing the innocent, naive card.
"If I can get it in pink, I want it in pink."
You catch a glimpse of a shadow slip into the room, and the door to the den falls quietly shut.
The duke doesn't even notice, intent on working his fingers up your thigh with zero class and more than a little fumbling clumsiness.
You grit your teeth and force yourself not to roll your eyes.
"Get this pretty little dress out of the way-" The duke mumbles underneath his breath, pushing your skirts to the side and letting his fingers go to the belt that holds his pants up over his ample belly.
Your fingers tighten around the hidden weapon, cold against your thigh.
The sound of the lock turning makes you perk your ears, and suddenly, it's go time.
The duke has almost gotten his belt and pants all the way off, fumbling and swearing as his drunken fingers take longer than normal to cooperate, and when he finally looks up with a triumphant smirk, you're holding a knife to his throat.
His eyes instantly flash with anger, then down to the knife, then back up to your face.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He hisses out, trying to covertly tuck himself back into his pants.
You don't give one shit about his tiny, limp penis.
You hold the knife out, pointing it at his chest, as you motion with your head toward his hand.
"Give me the ring."
His eyes flicker down to the signet he wears, and he laughs, the sound cold and demeaning.
"Little girl, you don't know what you're getting yourself into."
"Oh, I think she does."
Hyunjin appears at the duke's shoulder then, sliding out of the shadows, grinning like a wild man, leaning over to look the duke in the face as his grin only grows wider.
The duke's eyes widen, and you see flicker of fear there.
"Me." Hyunjin shrugs, glancing to where the point of your knife rests against the duke's chest, digging into the expensive fabric of his waistcoat. "Now, I suggest you do what she says, if you want to survive to fuck and drink another day, old man."
You motion with your chin to his hand once more, eyes cold, expression set.
"Ring. Now."
The duke swears, clenching his hands in his lap, and glancing past you toward the door. The door that's locked and watched by Felix, just outside.
Hyunjin sighs patiently, patting the duke's shoulder as he comes out from behind the couch and squats in front of the man, looking up at him with patience, like he's a child who doesn't understand.
"No one's gonna help you, I hate to say. So, I'll say it again." Hyunjin's easy smile drops off his lips instantly, his expression going sharp with danger. "Give my girl there her ring and you'll live to see another day."
The duke swears, and you drag the knife up underneath the wobbling jowls of his chin, digging it into the skin there, drawing a sharp, red droplet of blood.
"Fine. Fine." He hisses out, reaching with fumbling fingers to slide the ring off his thick finger, tossing it on the floor at your feet. "Take it. But mark my words-" His beady eyes flash, his tongue darting out to lick his swollen lips. "-you will pay for this."
Hyunjin chuckles, pushing himself to his feet as you bend down, never taking your eyes off the duke, to pick up the ring and tuck it into your pocket.
"I seriously doubt that, dukey, but I'd love to see you try."
"I know who you are." The duke continues his tirade, like a toddler throwing a tantrum, pointing a shaking finger in Hyunjin's direction. "I could bring ruin to you. To your father. Your mother."
Hyunjin moves so fast he's a blur, pinning the duke back against the settee with an elbow pressed down on his throat.
"Don't ever-" He hisses, getting in the duke's face, features warped with rage. "-threaten my mother."
The duke coughs raggedly, Hyunjin releasing him and stepping back, straightening his suit jacket as if nothing happened, turning to you, the knife still held by your side, the ring safely tucked away.
He cocks a brow at you. "Care to do the honors?"
You nod with a grin. "Love to."
"You ingrates-" The duke is back to spitting insults and threats, spittle dripping down his chin, face red, which means, he doesn't even see it coming when you lunge forward and jam the syringe into the meat of his thigh.
He goes down instantly, slumping on the couch like a sack of potatoes, and Hyunjin whistles appreciatively.
"Damn, Felix. Good serum that one."
"Did someone mention me?" Felix appears then, slipping in through the cracked door of the study, and you hold up the empty syringe for him to see, tossing it to him so he can put it into the hidden pocket of his suit coat.
"Just talking about how good you are at your job." You reply, leaning up on tiptoe to press a kiss to his cheek as he blushes.
Hyunjin sniffs at the empty glass of bourbon on the table, and knocks over the bottle beside the duke for good measure, eying the set up critically, before he nods and steps back.
"No one will suspect a thing."
Felix nods. "Just a poor, old duke passed out alone at a party."
"I paid off the maid by the way." Hyunjin adds, glancing to Felix, eyes glinting with amusement. "She'll back us up that he was in here alone all night."
"Hold on." You step forward, ripping open the duke's expensive looking vest easily, the buttons flying in all directions. You pour some brandy down his exposed chest and glare down at him with disgust.
You step back. "Sick bastard deserved to be the one exposed against his will for once."
Hyunjin looks at you with an unreadable expression, and you shoot him a curious look.
He shakes his head as he takes you in from head to toe, slowly and openly, making your toes curl and your face feel hot.
"Nothing really. It's just sexy as fuck to watch you do shit like this. Gets me hard every time."
You roll your eyes, but your stomach warms pleasantly with his words.
Felix nods in agreement, biting back a grin. "Something about righteous vengeance. It's look good on you."
"Or some shit." Hyunjin mumbles under his breath, and you laugh, the signet heavy in your pocket as you slip the dagger in to join it.
You're glad your plan had worked without shedding blood, though heaven knows the duke deserved it.
You liked this dress.
"C'mon." You loop your arm through Hyunjin's, and then Felix's, glancing up at them both with a smirk.
"I believe there was a previous offer from earlier in the evening that involved my ass? It's time to pay up, boys."
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girasollake · 2 years
IMAGINE while the gang are out doing their bit and Eddie is still hiding out, the reader has to keep him company and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. She takes like board games and stuff to pass the time and hopefully make it a little less awkward. BASICALLY IDK HOW BUT THEY END UP FUCKING 😭😭😭😭
unexpected | e.m.
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pairing: eddie munson x afab!fem!reader
type: smut
warnings: sex 18+, minors DNI, swear words, pullout method, cum on body?, pussy eating, hair pulling, neck holding?(not choking), guys idk what more..
summary: in the ask:]
a/n: i have been writing it for like two past hours, i am so terrified of watching the new episodes when i wake up cause rn its 1 am and i wanna go to sleep, if they kill eddie or steve im suing... anyway i hope you'll like this piece anon<3 (also i feel like i suck at writing smut)
word count: about 2k
It was a windy afternoon. (Y/n) was sitting on her bed reading a stupid book her dad had made her read. Branches of a tree outside were softly hitting her bedroom window, the wind was making weird sounds. She turned over and tossed her book on the floor. With a sigh she got up and made her way downstairs. She didn’t want to interrupt her father who was working so she went to the kitchen. She was a bit tired from the morning events where she had to help her friends so she definitely needed a cup of coffee at that moment. While she was making the drink the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it dad!” She yelled, voice directed towards the office.
She opened the door and saw Robin, the rest of her friends sitting in a car parked in the street. Robin was grinning and fumbling with her hands.
“What is it this time?” (Y/n) threw her head back and sighed.
“I just have a tiny, really tiny, little favour to ask you.” Robin bit her lip. “Can you watch Eddie tonight and like keep him company? We have some really important stuff to do and we need someone to… you know… make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”
(Y/n) massaged her temples with her fingers, eyes closed. An annoyed groan escaped her lips but after all she agreed.
“Just wait a minute, I’ll go grab some games and tell my dad that I’ll sleep at your place.”
Robin was patiently waiting in the car with the others when the door opened and slammed just as fast.
“Thank yo-“ Steve started saying.
“Shut up and drive Harrington before I change my mind.”
All she wanted was a peaceful evening, maybe a warm bath. All of the latest events were getting into her head and she needed something to take her mind off of them, that something certainly wasn’t Eddie. She didn’t know him at all except for the fact he was quite weird, at least that’s what she had gathered from the 30 minutes she had spent with him. Maybe getting to know him more wouldn’t be that bad?
She took her bag and swung it over her shoulder. She slammed the door of Steve’s car again and started walking towards the boathouse.
“We’ll be back in 5 hours!” Robin screamed through the unrolled window.
“WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN 5 HOURS?!” (Y/n) turned around, anger written on her face.
“Or more!” She waved her hand at the furious girl while Steve was driving away.
(Y/n) groaned and adjusted her bag. She knocked on the door and opened it slowly.
“Eddie? It’s (Y/n). I’m here to babysit you.” She whispered while entering the boathouse.
He was sitting with his back pressed to the wooden wall, gaze fixed on the lake.
“I don’t need a babysitter.” He muttered.
“I know, but the others would disagree.” She came closer and took a seat next to him. “I have some board games to pass the time.”
Eddie finally looked at her, she had looked the same in the morning but now her smile looked more authentic, there was softness in her eyes. He put his beer aside and shifted in his seat.
“Okay, show me what you’ve got.” He smirked and nodded towards her bag.
(Y/n) couldn’t deny, she started feeling a bit tense. It wasn’t because she was scared, it’s because she started noticing his best features. The fact that she was left with this man alone was also doing the job. She observed him while he was looking through her games. His brows furrowed, mouth slightly agape, veiny hands caressing the boxes.
Were those rings there before?
“This one should be good, I played it once or twice.” He handed her the box. “You want to make a bet?” He added, his body softly leant towards her, enough for her to notice.
“Um, what kind of bet?” She tucked a strand of her behind her ear.
“If I win, you give me a kiss.”
“Pshh, hell no Munson.” She rolled her eyes.
“Come on, what do you have to lose?” He tilted his head.
Right, what do I have to lose?
“Yeah, ok, I’ll do it. But if I win, you will lent me some of your Metallica records when you get out of this shitty situation.”
“You like Metallica?”
“I like many things you wouldn’t think I like.” She winked. “So deal?”
They shook hands and started playing the game. Two hours of constant mocking, bickering and swearing passed and now they were waiting for the moment of truth. Eddie shook the dice in his hands and threw it on the board.
“I WON! HOLY SHIT!” He screamed, his arms flying to the air. Then his eyes met (Y/n)’s. “You know what that means, (L/n)”
She gulped and felt her body going even more tense than before.  Just his presence was enough and now a kiss?
It’s just a kiss.
It’s just a kiss from a hot metalhead, you can do it.
She tried to reassure herself while Eddie sat next to her. His hand came up to hold her cheek and he slowly turned her head to face him. His cold rings were like ice to her heated face. Eddie leaned in and their lips collided in a soft, warm kiss. His hand went into her hair gripping it gently. The kiss was short, they pulled apart and (Y/n)’s eyes looked straight into his, she didn’t waste a second to connect their lips again. This time it was messier and harder, filled with passion. She sat up and then quickly swung one of her legs over Eddie so that she would sit on him.
“It was supposed to be one kiss.” He said while he tried to catch his breath.
“I can stop if you want to.” She whispered, her lips softly sucking on his neck.
“Fuck no.”
He switched their positions so that she would be underneath him. That place wasn’t the cleanest but neither of them cared at that moment. Eddie’s lips were attacking her jaw and neck where he left two small hickeys. (Y/n) cupped his face with her hands and made him look at her.
“Touch me Eddie.”
He lowered his head to kiss her again and just before they kissed he whispered the words “As you wish”. One of his hands lifted her shirt, his fingers caressing her delicate body. There was this feeling again, his cold rings against her warm skin were making her shiver. She moaned into the kiss, Eddie’s desire growing stronger. He took off her shirt and started kissing everything on his way, he then placed his hand on one of her breasts squeezing it lightly. He then took it out of the cup and started circling his tongue on her nipple, the other boob being massaged with his other hand. (Y/n) threw her head back, her body arching into his. He used her movement to his advantage, his hands sneaking onto her  back and quickly unclasping her bra. He threw it somewhere next to them and then took off his own shirt. They were both staring at each other, it was getting dark but the sunset was still present and it gave them all the light that was needed. He was in awe of her messed up hair, soft breaths coming from swollen lips and her breasts moving with each of those breaths. She was in awe of his softly sculpted body, tattoos adoring his skin and his face features which were so unique and well-matched. Her fingers started dancing on the tattoos, slowly tracing their outlines.
“You like them?” He asked her.
She nodded softly and smiled.
“I just didn’t expect you had so many.” She looked up at him. “They’re hot.”
“I know they are.” He gave her a smug smile and kissed her.
He grinded into her and groaned into the kiss. (Y/n) softly scratched his back and deepened the kiss at the same time. Eddie’s hand cupped her boob again, his finger gently flicking her nipple. Then she was the one grinding into him, pressing her hips into his more and more.
“Are you sure?” He whispered.
“Shut up and fuck me Munson.” She arched her back again and pulled him towards her.
Eddie didn’t waste a second to take off her jeans and panties, but before he did what he was asked to he wanted to do one more thing. He lowered his head and trailed kisses from her neck down to her thighs. His fingers slightly tickling her lower belly and hip bones. He placed a soft kiss on her clit earning a moan from her. He held her hips tightly and started flicking his tongue occasionally licking all over. She was shaking, hands gripping his hair, her orgasm approaching rather quickly but Eddie stopped right before it hit her.
“I want you to cum when I’m inside you.” He said and pressed their lips together.
He threw his pants and underwear to the side and lined himself up with her entrance. He lowered his body and connected their lips again. She felt his tip slide inside her, it was uncomfortable at first but when she felt all of him it was amazing. They both gasped at the feeling and Eddie started slowly moving his hips.
“Faster.” She managed to say between the moans.
Eddie did what she said, his body loudly slamming against hers. He changed the position and threw her legs onto his shoulders which sent (Y/n) over the edge. She came without a warning, her walls squeezing Eddie’s penis and enhancing his pleasure.
“Fuck Eddie, fuck, fuck, fuck!!” She screamed while digging her nails into his arms.
Eddie helped her through her orgasm and then pulled out. She whimpered at the loss of contact thinking he was also finished but she was so wrong. He held her up and turned her around so that she was on all fours and pressed her head down. He waited a couple seconds and then shoved himself inside of her, she screamed and desperately tried to hold onto something but with no luck. She closed her hands into fists and moaned with each of his thrusts.
“You like being fucked like that?” He asked and went even faster.
She didn’t answer him, her vision going blurry from the pleasure. Eddie noticed that and pulled her up by the hair.
“I asked you a question.”
She gasped at the new sensation of her hair being pulled, she had never felt so much pleasure during sex. She didn’t know how much more she could take but this feeling of him filling her up was the only important thing, she didn’t want to lose it. Eddie let go of her hair and placed his hand on her throat pulling her towards him. They were both on their knees, Eddie fucking her from behind, her whole body pressed into his. His other hand started massaging her sensitive spot on her pussy. Next thing she knew she was cumming again. She threw her head back onto his shoulder, his hot breath hitting her cheek. After her orgasm he helped her get on all fours again and pulled out quickly, she collapsed on the floor and felt something warm on her back. Eddie groaned and sighed.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Mhm..” She mumbled still trying to catch her breath.
Eddie stood up and dressed himself into his clothes scattered on the floor, he then took a towel which was a bit old and dirty and used it to wipe off the cum from (Y/n)’s back. He threw it somewhere under the table and helped her sit up. After helping her dress up he took a blanket Dustin had brought him and covered them both with it.
“Was I too rough?”
“No Eddie, you were perfect.” She kissed him on the cheek and then nuzzled her head into his chest.
Just before she fell asleep she thought of the plans she had had before she had come to spend time with him. Maybe she was wrong? Maybe Eddie was that something to take her mind off of things?
taglist: @r93339 @stvrdustalexx @cursedandromedablack @ccosmic-illusion @luvwanda @justice4lils @heizenka @wolfstarsimpxx @madokas-heart @screambih @lyntic @freeshavocadoooo @laracrof7s @naturalswifty89 @bvmbshell @alainabooks143 @squidwardsluverxx @phantomxoxo @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @stilesks @ilovedilfs32 @kaitlin-r130 @greengarsstuff @axen-gers @088i880 @ilovefictionalbrunettes
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honeyglz · 1 year
Deal me in.
A/N - This is going to be a series because I said so ALSO CHECK OUT MY OTHER SERIES 'New light' !!! (Update) P2 is up!
Reader - Fem (she/Her)
Pairing - Bakugou x reader
P2- Amaryllis's ball
Au - Royal Au
Disclaimer- I do not own any of these character aside form Y/N / The reader
Warnings!!- Angsty stuff guys, Arranged marriage. Pls lmk if I missed any !!
The rules were simple. Once your in pay up, you can't let your partner know you are participating and you can not under any circumstances allow yourself to be caught. What were all these rules for?
Simple. A bet to see who could survive marriage the longest.
Now of course marriage is supposed to be the tie between lovers. A symbol of commitment and admiration. But her's, to put it plainly, was an power move. A stepping stool for everyone but her it seemed.
The hallowed halls of the stone castle she called home were silent. Most nights were. She sat on her vanity, skin dripping in fine silks as she stared dully into the mirror. Bags sat under her eyes still scanning the letter in front of her. An invitation to play for her freedom. The crisp white paper crumbled under her grasp, waxy red seal glistening under the warm hues of the candle light. She stayed with her thoughts until a soft voice pulled her out of her trance. "Sorry to interrupt ma'am, but I thought I'd inform you of his majesty's arrival, him and his troops have made it back from battle." A young maid announced leaving swiftly, sending her alone once again. Her hands ran over the letter once more before slipping it behind the mirror, a place she hid most things away. Just as she anticipated heavy footsteps rang through the hall way, quickly she stood, a small hopeful smile gracing her lips as her heart pounded. The wooden floor creaked as he entered, messy blonde hair tangled with dirt and grime, skin covered just as much. His pale skin was beaten and bruised, small wounds littering his skin as his heavy boots hit the floor, armour clanking loudly as he dropped the metal on the floor. He didn't say anything as he began to rip of his armour, layer by layer he worked swiftly, tried grunts emitting every now and then. She gulped slightly as her mouth dried looking for the right words, any words really. Slowly she began walking over to him. "Don't." She was taken aback abit before he spoke again. "Just leave me. Whatever you thinking about doing, just don't." This time she spoke up. "I'm just trying to help." "Well don't. I barely wanted you around before I left, what makes you possibly think now is any different" his voice was cold, words sharper than any blade he could have wielded, far more swift than any blow. She felt her heart sting as she swallowed any growing heartache as she turned back to vanity. "Well I'm sorry for trying to make this marriage even abit more bearable." "Tch, see that's where you'er wrong, this, this thing we're stuck in-" She didn't respond as he continued. "-It's not marriage. It's a fucking arrangement alright? Nothing more, nothing less. We're not together, we're not inlove and we sure as hell aren't fucking married." He stood, dropping the last of his armour before leaving, the cold chill of the night cooling down her heated face. A tear ran down her face, then another, more and more they fell gently. She cursed silently as she wiped them to no avail. Her heart aching she grabbed a quill, snatching whatever paper she could grasp she began writing. The letter was short, accompanied with a bag full of gold as the messenger ran to deliver it. The paper stated in coal black ink- 'Deal me in.'
A/N - Short little intro to a new series. Im vry sorry for my lack of posts I was camping :). As always enjoy <3 (also. If u wanna be on the tag list pls state so !!)
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
OMG IM SO EXCITED THAT YOUR REQUEST ARE OPEN!! i miss my baby atsuko so much so maybe can we get a drabble of him and his pretty mom? maybe with your fav hard kinks? only if you want to of course! <3
┌─ “ ! „ UNFAIR
tw.  incest, degradation, jealousy, more atsuko because i can a/n. yes you guys let me indulge too much thANk yOUUUU aHHHH ♡ have some,,, soft tooru and hard atsu. i might come back to add to this but right now brain is pretty blank so it's a bit lacking in actual smut smut but i tried!
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Uncle Iwaizumi tells you the kid is spoiled rotten sometimes. You’re going to have to start believing it soon. From as soon as Tooru gives the go-ahead, Atsuko is dragging over enough beers to topple an army, filling your kitchen with ‘summer spirit’, as he so calls it. “Atsuko, I told you we wouldn’t be having any more parties until you clean up the mess you guys made last time.”
“Tooru said I could.” He just shrugs, bending to drag another whole crate of beers next to the already stacked fridge. Your house has become a jungle gym for university kids ever since he’s been home for the summer.
“You shouldn’t even be asking Tooru, because I already told you no,” you try again, slowly shying back when he comes to stand before you with that same knowing grin that had you swooning every time before this one. He runs a hand through his hair, letting the words just float by. You frown. “Ko—”
“I love you, mom,” he softly says instead, long lashes spreading over his cheeks as he smiles even wider. He leans in to give you a kiss so soft it tingles down your spine, before humming into your mouth. “You taste good.”
It has you flustering, balling your hands into your dress and staring at him in exasperation. But your son is already sending you a wink and going back to his business as he had been, contentedly. 
Of course, the gentle coo of Tooru still rings in the back of your mind as you go back to just watching Atsu load the fridge with ice and other colorful drinks. “You have to be a little tougher on him, or he’ll walk all over you,” your first brunet had whispered into your hair just a few hours ago, where you could still feel the smile curl onto his pretty lips on cue.
Tooru knows full well you’re not the delegating type. He knows, because he’s the one to give you rubs under your chin like you’re a pet at the first sign of complying behavior, bathing in your pouts and sighs like the mere idea of it brings him joy. You suppose it probably does. Your husband is a menace all on his own. So when you sigh, and he chuckles; you almost wonder if he’s expecting you to try at all. And try you would, if the charming grin on your boy’s face wasn’t sent your way so easily.
Instead you’re walking through the house towards the office, let the pats of bare feet ring behind you to drag yourself through the heavy door. Tooru’s sitting with one leg propped onto his knee, light brown hair swept away from his forehead as he drops his pen at the first sight of you. Whatever paperwork he was working on is slid aside like he was waiting for you. “Hi baby,” his smile is bright, too charming to ignore, “what’s the matter? You look like you’ve just tried to fight a whole war by yourself.” He laughs when you let out a noise of displeasure at that, motioning you over to place you on his lap. “What, little one?”
Your pout is on before you realize it. “You’re laughing but I might as well have.” His hand softly grips your jaw, brings your lips close enough to his to tickle. As he does, he basically reads your mind, sliding his other hand along the small of your back to soothe you. Gentle but present, demanding.
“Ko’s giving you a hard time?”
You sit nose to nose for a second, before placing a few soft kisses on his lips and letting out a noise. The truth is, Atsuko isn’t a difficult person. He wasn’t a difficult kid, and though he had his moments as teens do; he was always more than happy to help you out and even aid in house work. Always with no more than a quick hum and an encouraging squeeze of your shoulder. All he asked was some freedom to do as he pleased in return. Was it really so hard to believe that you’d find it easy to roll over and take most things as they came?
“Not really,” you mouth gently, then let out a sigh. “You know how he is. He’s sweet, -he is- but—”
“Used to getting what he wants,” your husband snickers before placing another kiss onto your lips, shifting your legs aside to sit you down more onto his lap. “Well, can’t do much about it now.” You want to glare at the resignation in his voice, and blame Tooru a little more. He wasn’t much help in that matter either, as far as you remember. You live with two hedonists, who love nothing more than to push and prod at your boundaries all day long. But then Tooru tilts your head back to face him, and starts laying needy kisses under your ear.
“Why don’t you try disciplining him for once? I’ll back you up.”
It’s an order, not a suggestion. You know this. But the way he caresses up your sides and moans hoarsely at the slight shift in your weight is a bit too distracting for your own good. He brushes your hair aside to kiss down your neck until the crook of it, then bites down on the skin and makes you shiver. “Where’s our boy?” The low whisper is an afterthought when he rolls his hips into you, strong thighs flexing as you thread your fingers through the shorter hair on the back of his head.
“Terrace— kitchen.”
Tooru hums, then catches your lips again and lets his tongue meet yours, only pulling back to send you a wolfish grin. “We got some time then. Good. You look so fucking hot right now.”
You should know that when Tooru says ‘back you up’, he really means —witness your suffering. Atsuko’s long since grown too tall for you to seem like any kind of serious rulesetter, all physicality of a line-backer making him seem much the intimidating young man. And for all his gentle consideration towards you, he loves nothing more than fighting you on simple decisions. For absolutely no reason. Because he can. You don’t even get to feel like a mom with how often he’s waltzing all over you like it’s his personal hobby. It’s why you usually left the strict punishment to Tooru. Hell, you can’t even remember the last time you truly disciplined him ever since the kid hit puberty. It’s not your fault you’re a bit of a pushover, and both your boys know how to slither out of your hands.
“Yes?” Atsuko is currently taking your freshly washed towels to the pool deck with a little whistle, while Tooru’s leaning back against the couch and trying not to watch you too obviously. But you can feel his eyes burning into your skull each time your boy walks past you and you slump in on yourself a little more. You can’t do this.
You physically have to fight the words out of your mouth, moving to stand in Ko’s path before he stops what he’s doing to peer down at you. Almost like him and Tooru both are in on it, and you hate that your cheeks are already hot. “Atsuko.” He doesn’t say anything, but raises an eyebrow, and bends down a little to add insult to injury. “What is your plan with all this crap? You don’t think you-” you glance over your shoulder to look at your husband, before waving your fingers about for emphasis, “-have to consult your parents about this?”
“Aw, come on.” He shrugs, before blinking a few times. “You always like my parties.”
“That’s not the—”
And grabbing your hand to pull it to his chest, making you stumble a few steps closer, he continues. “I even seem to remember you had a great time. Or— Times. Four separate ones I think, until I had to carry you to your own room because your legs gave out.” Whatever you were planning on saying dies on your tongue when he dips to kiss your mouth with an excessive kissy noise, before wrapping his arms around you and squeezing until you’re all warm on the inside. Then he slips past you to open the floor length windows wide with the same song he was whistling before.
You glance at Tooru with an expression you’re not sure is anger or complete mortification, but your husband’s reaction is anything but helpful. Just tilts his head and sends you an unimpressed look. “That went as expected,” he mumbles under his breath, before pulling away from the couch to give you a few pats on your head and a click of his tongue. He lifts his lip in mock confusion, before letting his eyes trail after his younger copycat of a son. “Always with the public stuff,” he mutters though, sending you a look that makes you want to melt into the floor.
By the time Atsuko comes back into the house you’re stirring the vegetables for dinner with a glare. Always with this. You go on muttering to yourself about the two men you’ve gotten stuck with when the tallest peeks his head in the door. You had to remove yourself from Tooru’s presence after the afternoon, because he’d taken the little Atsuko stunt as a personal challenge to make you cum all over his face instead of going on his run, and your stance is still a little wobbly after it all. But as your luck has it, Atsu’s back to melt himself to your back and sway you a little. “Hey, pretty lady.”
You keep glaring at the popping vegetable oil in the pan as he squeezes your hips. “Mom,” he whispers, and you hold the urge to let your eyes flutter shut. Stupid. “Mom.” Warm lips track your pulse along your neck, stopping for a second to ghost over Tooru’s mark. You know it must drive him a bit wild, ever the competitive type, but he ignores it in favor of sliding his hands along your belly into the front of your shorts and drawing shapes much too low on your pelvis. “What was that earlier, hm?” There’s a tone in his voice you recognize, and it immediately sets your hairs on end.
Because the low, rumbly gravel is the exact one he loves to use when he’s bending you over and stretching you on his cock and— and you’re supposed to be mad at him! You are mad at him. “Tell me,” he breathes though, pushing one hand down with a punishingly slow pace, before palming your pussy. A little whimper breaks through your mask when he applies pressure just where you like it, but the brunet doesn’t delight in it like he would. “Come on, pretty thing, use your words. You were trying to tell me something earlier, weren’t you?”
The lazy rubbing of your pussy causes you to quickly turn off the stove in fear of getting burnt, before you try to look over your shoulder at him with narrowed eyes. But at his cocky smile you fall quiet, so quick to be back at his mercy. “But you’re all mine, and you can never say anything, hm?” If anyone saw, they’d see what a truly pathetic figure you are buckling under the slightest push. The prodding of his fingers doesn’t speed up, but he starts to circle your clit with a precision you wish he didn’t have, and raises a brow. “So soft and good for me,” his breath tickles along your neck as you look away from him, grabbing at his wrist.
To push him away or pull him closer, you’re not sure. You want to stand your ground, truly. You do. Atsuko just doesn’t care right now. “Maybe it’s because you’re always thinking with this cunt. Can’t discipline me when you’re trying to get this pussy ate.” He slips two fingers between your lips into your wetness, backing you away from the counters and leaning into him. “Let your son ruin your pussy like this— what a nasty, dumb girl. You’re pretty fucked, y’know?” His coos are whispered almost lovingly against your cheek, if not for the smile and the sharp edge to his voice.
“I should show you what it’s like to punish someone, don’t you think?”
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