#ask bib
odddogs · 2 months
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i wasn't going to submit this foster dog but looking back on these photos... the breadth of emotion she can achieve with her face is a little bit odd i must say
she has a very "do you have games on your phone" kind of expression
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worldruins · 5 months
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It's bib time baybee
Blessings In Bloodshed (a self-given name, though not far from the original) is a reserved but stubborn iterator. They've made easing the pains and ailments of their own kind their life's work- or rather, the work of their second.. and third.. chances at life.
Built right around the time of the Great Equalizer, she was originally made to preserve and elevate an old pilgrimage site that would have been lost to the floods and changing landscape. It's a similar situation to the True Anointed Citadel, but BIB's monks were considerably more welcoming to them, and much of the original construction as well as many sacred artifacts were successfully disassembled and relocated to a new home atop the superstructure. Blessings was regularly in contact with the mortal sick and dying, and was regularly sought out to endorse a freshly-deceased individual's safe and fortunate passage to the next cycle. Even when he no longer does that sort of work, Blessings remains personally spiritual. He believes in the void as a conscious force acting upon the world, a benevolent but mercurial actor in the great forces of the universe.
BIB shares a group with True Accord, Uncast Shadows, Six Stunned Silences and (unofficially) Twelve Bound Hands. They consider all their groupmates siblings; TA and US are older than them, SSS and TBH are younger. The five of them have grown closer over time, connected by circumstance, need and the desire for family. That was not the case back when the creators of the iterators left their creations behind, and Blessings found herself profoundly alone. They were distraught, and felt that they had failed in their duties to their people. They tried to focus on their work, on the Big Problem they had been created for, but found themself unable to cope with the frustration and failures that felt more humiliating every time. Their chosen path forward was bioengineering, and they did grow skilled at working with biological materials, though they hardly felt accomplished.
Blessings In Bloodshed did not tell his groupmates when he decided to turn some of his resources towards figuring out how to destroy himself. She did not think she'd be able to ascend, or even to reverse their creators' very thorough work ensuring true death would not come for iterators like her. They just had to get close enough. They made a few attempts, none of them successful, all of them leaving a different sort of damage (physical or otherwise) behind. He might have been desperate, but when the rot came as a result of their final attempt at self-elimination, it was not welcomed. The despondent BIB finally reopened communications with the group to warn them of her condition. The disease was highly aggressive, and he predicted he only had some tens of thousands of days left before her structural integrity would fail.
With help from her group, Blessings survived the illness, though not before it had claimed more than half her structure- half her body, half her mind. He was surprised by the concern he received alongside the frustration that she hadn't reached out earlier. Their siblings- the iterators they would come to consider siblings- had been concerned and were now shocked by the state of their mild-mannered neighbor. They were a reason for Blessings to keep fighting. In the end, it was her own work that proved fruitful in treating and finally curing their own case of rot. That didn't mean reversing the damage, though- only that the cysts were dead and wouldn't spread or pose an active risk. It left him covered in scars, pockmarked metal and components rendered useless. Repairing themself involved creating organisms and constructs to carve them back into their original shape and break the dead rot back down into the materials they need.
Blessings had always been interested in medicine. It was not what her creators and residents asked of her, so her attention had never been devoted to it as a younger iterator. At most, they idly considered examining and treating mortals ("mortals" being the respectful name for the people who built iterators as a whole, in comparison to their towering creations), allowing the daydream some space in the back of their mind. He considered it something of a bitter irony when he wound up caring for himself in his own severe illness. Once the rot was under control and BIB had some space to breathe, though, they couldn't help wondering how effectively an iterator could act as a physician to other iterators. With their preexisting knowledge and everything they learned trying to save their own life, they were the best equipped to address their own group's ailments, from True Accord's widespread rust to Twelve Bound Hands, an illicit construction, literally falling apart. As their skills and confidence grew, they started looking outside their local group. They know the fate of their kind is inevitable, but their hope is to minimize suffering and stop other iterators from becoming insensate or nonfunctional before they're ready to be. It's a difficult, sometimes insurmountable task and their scope is very limited. That's not stopping them from trying.
BIB would never be the same as they were before their illness, and they're not really trying to be. He's forgetful, and easily baited. They were always something of a bleeding heart- pun intended-even more so after the rot. Their chosen "job" comes as a surprise with how sensitive they can be, but their friends know them as The Doc all the same.
The cracks all across Blessings' puppet aren't from the rot and they aren't self-inflicted- not really. But that's a whole other story. Thank you for reading about my bibby <3
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columboscreens · 2 years
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happy fat tie tuesday
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turnipoddity · 7 months
so I finished the preist Lawrence fic and I checked the word count and it’s like 5k words😭 idk if you even care but it’s finished lol
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
Hey, love the art. Question about your version of Jacen - will he file his teeth like some Twi'leks do? (I think it's filing rather than natural and mostly male, but this has maybe flip-flopped lore wise)
they do WHAT
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bibliophilea · 6 months
From the wip game, whats 50 Ways to Not Learn Ghost Speak?
(for this tag game)
This one is based on a 2020 Phic Phight prompt by @a-closet-emo, and also a throwaway line @currentlylurking put in their phic, “Still Better Than Google Translate”!
The line in question: “I tried looking stuff up online, but then there was that whole thing with Technus and the duolingo owl escaping the internet, so that was a bust.”
The prompt in question: “As Wesley Weston hurtles in his mud-stained tutu and matching tiara towards the nearest building and his fate as a smear on said building’s side, he reflects on the ridiculous day he’s been having.”
I don’t have anything written prose-wise at the moment - just summary!
Technus unleashed Duolingo Owl upon the world
Wes catches the Owl
Wes makes a deal with the Owl: teach him ghost speak in exchange for freedom
Owl goes on about all these different sounds from all these different languages Wes needs to master
Owl puts Wes through a training regimen which, oddly, includes some ballet dancing. Which he can do, grudgingly - he quit ballet and took up basketball to be more normal, and he doesn’t like it when other kids bring up his ballet days. He wishes the Owl would quit poofing him into a tutu and tiara for the work - his dad has nearly caught him like three times today - but at least the Owl lets him keep this embarrassing ordeal in his room.
That is, until the ballet-parkour training.
And that’s what I’ve got! It’ll be phun to turn this into a fully fledged ridiculous story!
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thetaey · 8 days
can you do users for instagram with the name bia or bibs
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— ★ . 𝐁𝐈𝐀: ᴜsᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇᴛᴀᴇʏ
starbia senbiat biawaii
bia.ly biacatz yinbiak
biangel lonebia skzbian
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— ★ . 𝐁𝐈𝐁𝐒: ᴜsᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇᴛᴀᴇʏ
beabibs mxbibs mabibs
bibssing twobibs ninbibs
crybibs bibsvin bibsdark
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ant1quarian · 2 months
Okay okay okay- sorry, nervous.
BIB Dust is a very grumpy, anti social bunny. He's the most likely to stray from his fellow BIBs, he's the most likely to give you the -_- face, or make grumpy noises. He can summon little carrot shaped bone attacks, instead of normal ones-
He very much, however. Likes being held. Like he could be trying his best (which isn't great) to fight you—And if you pick him up. He just freezes, and just let's himself be carried. He likes being carried. (His BIB brother Papyrus used to carry him on his back a lot-)
Also out of all the BIBs, Spread is the most squishable. This guy is just—He's so round.
Thank you for letting me info dump :]
Of course! Thank you for info dumping :]
Hehe wait that's so adorable
OG accidentally offends Spread and then immediately just. Refuses to attack him. And then at some point just picks him up
Sounds like the embodiment of OG's touch starvedness /silly /j (/hj?)
Nah BIB Dust sounds so awesome though. Just a silly lil' guy
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biblixsmia · 7 months
haha Yuuji’s “Kento-dude” moment is so funny bc isn’t that your father? but it’s also cute since they’re on a first name basis (or he’s being disrespectful in sub AND dub)
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lexosaurus · 1 year
Also, for those who didn't know, Bib was a HUGE help to me my first semester of school by basically teaching me how to do all the math for one of my classes. Math is really not something I'm good at, and I was really struggling with the homework! But Bib saved the day and also my GPA! 💚
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odddogs · 2 months
this man has lived in my house for two weeks and will stay for many more. his name is Mac.
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hes ears.
he's more than ears,
he's.... *tears up* he's everything
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lazaruspiss · 9 months
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i would actually love some nightwing recs from you
Aha! You activated my trap card <-(completely forgot how public they are with their nightwing obsession) (ps: i also talked nightwing recs here too <3 i simply love to talk about my baby boy)
My "area of expertise" is mainly Nightwing 1996, so that's where most of my recs come from. There was also Nightwing 1995, which was more of a test run for 96. I think it had 4 issues total? It's not bad, just not noteworthy either. I've been working on a big spreadsheet of info for 96, including trigger warnings, but im only like. 15 issues in. hashtag pain and suffering. Issue #1 already has a woman being threatened, I have it down as "attempted rape" in my list, and that kind of sets the tone for what you need to be able to handle to read everything in that series.
The biggest downside is that it's all pre Damian :( son boy i miss u and i wish u were in better comics. Tim is funny tho. The first arc in 96 is great scene setting, and Tim shows up in #6 to be a lil stinker :3. We establish Dick's goals, motivations, etc, as well as what the state of Blüdhaven is and who our main baddies are.
It's all a bit heartbreaking in retrospect. Dick fails. He wants to be more independent and remove himself from Bruce's shadow, Blockbuster is established as the big bad for him to bring to justice, and he wants to make things at least a little better for the people of Blüdhaven.
He ends up dragged back to Bruce by an invisible leash, he technically beats his main villain but only in the absolute worst way after losing everything (and continues to lose more after, losing things he didn't know he had), and Blüdhaven is destroyed.
Dick loses. It's a bad end. A tragedy even. And yet, because of the nature of comics like DC, his story continues. It continues in crossovers and fan service and whatever else might sell. His most personally meaningful story ended prematurely for fucking War Games. sorry I know I just complained about this but cmon.
There were some good storylines after that! But I'm still bothered by the fact that the Tarantula arc was cut off after like, 2 issues. Road to Nowhere (#94-95) really did go nowhere. But the concept was there and it had the potential to be a decent story about an abusive relationship.
Mobbed Up (#108-111), Renegade (#112-117), and Brothers in Blood (#118-122) are some of my favorite arcs, all post Blockbuster. But after those I kind of lost interest. Annual #2 also came out sometime after all those, and I can't stress enough that it is absolutely not worth reading. It was written an illustrated by men, reduces Babs and Kori to nothing more than romantic partners, and completely misrepresents older stories. They literally retell older Dick/Babs moments, but without anything that could make their relationship at all complex or questionable to the consumer. Dick saw her as a sister, but rather than use that as a sign of closeness and respect they cut out all reference to that entirely because god forbid relationships have any nuance nowadays. Annual #1 was alright. I think it came out in the first or second year of the 96 run, and it's a nice self contained murder mystery one shot that showcases Dick's workaholic habits, his want for a family, and his tendency to try and change himself to makes others happy. He also comes off as very accidentally arospec. There's a moment where he tries to get a woman to stay with him by saying things like "but I could learn to love you" and if that wasn't me everyday throughout my middle to high school years than I don't know what is.
Outside of 96, I wanna point out The Search for Ray Palmer: Red Rain. Which may not be a Nightwing story but is absolutely a Bruce & Dick story (with vampires!) I haven't actually read much of the original Red Rain because. Dick's not really in that one. The Ray Palmer spin off however has Dick hunting down his parents' killer: one vampire king, Bruce Wayne. If you find those posts about Dick initially being a vengeance hungry 8 year old interesting than this is about as close as actual comics get. In the main timeline, yeah, Dick wants revenge, but because he's 8 and really just going through it rather than being genuinely bloodthirsty he's very easily talked out of it. In the Red Rain universe there is no comfort. He's alone, and grief consumes him. Bruce killed his parents for that very purpose, because he wanted Dick to be consumed by grief and hopelessness like him. Getting Dick to be like him and getting Dick to be obsessed with him was kind of his entire goal from the moment he laid eyes on him. Bruce's main presence up until the end where he shows up is shown largely through Dick's hunt, through Dick's obsession. Bruce wanted them to be inseparable and he very much succeeded in the end. By the time Jason and crew cross paths with them it's already too late. Everything is as Bruce wanted it to be. So a yandere vampire brudick au, basically.
There's also Outsiders 2003, which I keep meaning to read but haven't quite gotten to. Dick leads another team, but Donna just died so he's even meaner and cagier than he usually is.
gah. i really wanna finish that nightwing spreadsheet. i'll probably post it once i finish the 1996 section, or at least get it caught up to where it stops before crossing over with war games.
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i've made a lot of these but theyre just things that i eventually wanna read, the dick grayson one is really the only one with anything in it rn <-(one track mind. and that track is called blorbo)
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housewifebuck · 7 months
dude doesn't remember anything, not even the big epiphany of not needing people to see him and being good enough for himself. went right back to crisis mode and taking whatever 2% love people want to give him
omfg...buck found dead in Miami
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jacquesthepigeon · 8 months
Has Season 5 at least softened your views on Adrien, or are they still the same?
Why would they soften?
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justworthlessreblogs · 7 months
sent part 6 to my beta. if all goes well it should be posted tonight or tomorrow
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bibliophilea · 9 months
Hey Bib, I have a question. WTF is going on in your profile pic? I stopped to look at it closely for the first time, and there's just. There's just so much going on here. So much.
Oh yeah! That’s a remnant from a Dannypocalypse long past!
So, my icon has, for about as long as I’ve been on tumbl, a variation on the four-eyes joke:
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Namely, that I have “four eyes”, but three of them are real eyes, and one of them is a monocle!
For 2017 Dannypocalypse, I decided to expand that joke to Danno, and also make a few more phun icons!
After a couple years of changing back and forth between my current icon and my other four-eyed icon, I got lazy and decided to keep this one!
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Hope this helps!
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