#god i am SO excited to finally have this finished so i can move on
justworthlessreblogs · 8 months
sent part 6 to my beta. if all goes well it should be posted tonight or tomorrow
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Swipe (Lucifer morningstar x reader)
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Description: after his divorce, he finally gets back into the dating game…through a dating app :)
Please note I’m writing this before the release of ep7 and ep8 so-
Takes place between ep 5 and right before ep 6
I wrote nearly 98% of this at like 3 AM-
Part 1 of 3
Warning: Lucifer being a dork, Lucifer being a dorky dad, age gap(reader died at like 25 and Lucifer is like a good few thousands years old so), talk of divorce, Charlie being a supportive daughter, I’ve never used a dating apps so i might get info wrong, Lucifer doesn’t know modern day technology or slang, lying, Lucifer straight up cat fishing reader,
No one’s POV
Lucifer was a wreck after his divorce with Lilith. Becoming the shell of the man he was, going from a family-oriented to a man who barely talk to anyone. After visiting his daughter and her hotel, he knew he had to be there, he already missed so much he wasn’t gonna miss another second of it. Becoming the best father he could also meant moving on, it’s been seven years since the separation. Charlie knew her Dad had been in pain since the divorce but she could tell, he was trying and she was going to be there.
Lucifer’s POV
“Charlie, are you sure about this?” I ask still hesitant, I knew Charlie just wanted to help and had the best intentions, but a dating app?  “Of course!” Charlie exclaimed, face lite up. “It’s perfect! You get to meet people without the face to face interactions!” Charlie said downloading the app, viva by Voxtech.
Charlie’s was more excited than I was, I wanted to meet people but an app? I can’t help but feel my heart race and my body get heavy, why was I this nervous. In the middle of my overthinking Charlie handed me the phone, it had a profile made it had my name and many details. It felt like I was giving it to all 9 rings of hell! “Ok! How we gotta add some photos an-“
We both turned are head to see Alastor and Vaggie standing there. “Can you help with something real quick?” Vaggie ask seeming annoyed. “Of course!” Charlie’s called back before as standing up. “You go ahead and add those photos dad I’ll be back!” Charlie said as she ran to the two, leaving me alone on the couch staring at the screen. 
I read over the info and it all was so…personal. How would anyone be comfortable putting this much out? I Don’t get me started with being the King of Hell it’s self, then an idea popped in my head. I turn my head slightly to see Charlie still talking to the pair so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I added photos of my duck inventions and made a duck with a white top hat as my ‘icon’. Now onto the name, Lucifer was too out there everyone would know, think! L names that are similar.
Luca! I instantly think changing the name quickly, removing the last name from the profile along with it. After that it looked like a normal profile. When I finished and satisfied with it Charlie was walking back over. “Sorry bout that dad! Now back to w-.” While she was speaking I shove my phone in my pocket and stand up. “No it’s fine! I set it up!” I nearly screamed it out as I stood from the couch. Charlie stared at me shock for a moment before her normal bright smile returned to her face. “Wow that’s great!” She said as she walked over “Look at you getting the hang of technology!” Charlie said happily. I didn’t know why I was so nervous by an app, but it was on my mind. After finishing talking to Charlie I was able to leave, soon I was back in my bedroom. I let out a sigh and feel onto the massive bed and pulled out my phone, Viva still open.
God this app was a never ending app of swiping left on people wanting hook-ups was tiring. This was the last time I’d take F/N advice and use a dating app, the fact they exist in hell was already surprising. It was nude after nude of people looking for a hookup. Then something different popped up, instead of the naked body I almost have gotten used to, I was greeted by a rubber duck with a white top hat. My eyes widen a bit as I layed there I swipped to look at the second photo, more ducks. I then moved and read the bio. “Luca..” I said quietly to myself reading the short info. I looked at the photos and the bio, it stood out in the sea of profile, i stair a while longer…
“CONGRATS! YOU GOT A MATCH!” Popped up on my screen in red shades, with the little duck icon. “…that was quick” I think to myself. I click on the little message option.
Y/N - Hi :)
No ones POV
Lucifer layed there looking at the profiles, this was dating. More like brothel. He could barely understand, after swiping left a few times he chose to just turn off his phone, it was a mistake to think an app could help. Almost as soon as Lucifer sat his phone down his phone went off, illuminating the room …then it went off again.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow picking up his phone to see two notifications, both from Viva. Seeing a match with someone named Y/N and a message from them. Lucifer felt himself lose the ability to breathe, “A match?” Lucifer asked himself, confused on what that meant, he open the Add to be greeted my the words “CONGRATS! YOU GOT A MATCH!” And the icon that belong to Y/N.
The icon was a photo of Y/N. Lucifer’s eyes lit up and he finally let out a breath. He admired their features. Their H/C H/L that looked perfect, their E/C eyes drew him in. He clicked the image see their profile, he was greeted my a normal photo of you, it stood out. Lucifer saw the message illuminating in corner of the screen, he let out a breath and opened the message and saw a simple
Y/N - “Hi :)”
I sat their staring at the message before typing himself
Luca - Hi
Time skip (why? Because I fucking said so.)
Over the past few weeks, Lucifer and Y/N talked every day. Learning every little detail of each other. Lucifer learned about your job, your friends, how you lived and how you died even. He couldn’t help but want to know everything.
Y/N learned he had a daughter and that he’d been “recently divorced”, his words not theirs. Y/N learned that he loves ducks and creating new duck toys, he was a big dork, like a big puppy dog. Of course you didn’t know you were talking to Lucifer himself, you thought you were talking to a man named Luca…
During Lucifer’s now frequent visit to his daughter and her little Hazbin hotel, Charlie couldn’t help but notice how her dad was one his phone more then usual, usual being never. Naturally, Charlie was curious. “Sooo..” Charlie started, a little unsure what to say about her fathers new found internet obsession. “Who are you talking to?” Charlie ask curious.
Lucifer was quick to meet his daughters eyes and quickly put his phone face down on the table . “No one!” He said in an almost scream, before it buzzed again..and again…and again. Charlie eyes went between her dads now sweating face and and his phone. Before Lucifer could even react, Charlie reached for his phone. “Wait!” Lucifer said reaching for his phone from her hands, the phone screen lite up and Charlie was greeted my 4 notifications from someone named Y/N from Viva. Charlie gasp turning quickly turning to face him, Charlie’s face lite up like Christmas lights. “YOUR TALKING TO SOMEONE?!” Charlie squealed from excitement, since she helped set up his password she quickly opened his phone to see more.
“Charlie don’t-“ Lucifer started to say before seeing her face fall from its happy to confused. “Wait..” Charlie said looking at his profile, “why is your name ‘Luca’?” Charlie ask her eyes moving from his phone finally to be greeted with Lucifer’s red face “well…,” Lucifer started, “I wasn’t comfortable putting my name and photo on there so…I put a different name and photo.” Charlie’s face went from suprise to more annoyed, not angry, just disappointed. “Dad you can’t just do that!” Charlie said to her father, her free rubbing her face. “You can’t just catfish her!”
Lucifer looked confused, catfish? Like the animal? “Catfish?” Lucifer asked, truly not understanding the term. “Yes dad you can’t just lie about who you are to someone like that!” Charlie said scolding her father. Lucifer after that was able to put two and two together, the weight of what he’s been hit him like a bus. “Dad,” Charlie said letting out a sigh, “you have to come clean to them.” She said as she handed him his phone. “Char ITS not that easy!” Lucifer said taking the phone from then hand seeing them newest text, her caring words, them asking if he he’s eaten, remind him to take care of himself, her word hit his heart hard. “It’s not a normal situation, I’m the king of hell, not some random sinner!” Lucifer said he eyes not leaving the illuminated screen. “Dad, they’re gonna find out sooner or later, it’s better if you do it now, early into you talking then later..”
Lucifer stated quiet, he knew deep down she was right, he did truly like them and want more with them, he could only imagine how you’d react if he waited much longer it’s already been a few weeks… Lucifer let out a sigh and looked up at his daughter. “your right..” he said quietly, “I’ll tell them just…give me time..” Charlie stared for a moment before letting before smiling again. “Just do it soon dad…” Lucifer knew she was right.
Later that night Lucifer layed in his bed, looking at her last message, contemplating how to tell them, shoudl he texted it, no they’d think he’s joking, “maybe…” he though out loud. “A FaceTime..?” He asked himself, no, he didn’t even know how to start one… maybe…a date? You’d know he wasn’t lying about being satan himself, he could explain better then over a device and he could only imagine how beautiful you were in person… Lucifer looked down at the message you last send hesitation purged his mind, but slowly he began to type.
Luca - hey, can I ask you something?
Y/N - of course ask anything! :)
Luca - I was thinking he could go out sometime? Like a date going out.
After a a minute he saw you typing a new message. He could already feel his heart race a mile a minute, he felt a cold sweat form. Why was he so nervous? Then a little buzz when off, it was you he was hesitant but swipe to open the message.
Y/N - wait really? You wanna go on a date with me??
Lucifer swallowed the lump in his throat before typing with shaky fingers.
Luca - yes Y/N I really do.
Y/N - Yes I’d love to!! ❤️
Lucifer’s eyes lit up seeing you answer in only seconds, he can’t help but feel his heart flutter at the simple heart emoticon. Soon you both planned to meet for dinner the next night at a nice restaurant, named killer appetite, closer to the center of pentagram city, then he hit him…you both were actually going on a date. Together…
When I saw his message asking me out, I could have screamed. He actually wanted to see me! I quickly typed and agreed to it. We chose dinner at a nice high end restaurant closer to the center of the city, I’ve heard of the place it was up scale. I was so ecstatic.
The next day at work couldn’t have gone slower, it felt like every minute was a hour long but as soon as that clock hit five, I was out the door racing home to get ready.As soon I was ready, my hair and outfit was perfect. I was quick out the door to the restaurant. On my way I received a message from Luca.
Luca - hey! Placed a reservation under L.M.
“L.M?” I asked myself, wondering what it meant, maybe his initials? I smile and replied ok,only a few minutes later I was at the restaurant, even though it was only 7 the restaurant was lively, full and packed. I walked over to the hostess stand.
“Hi, there should be a reservation for L.M?” I felt nervous, a mix of because of how busy it is and meet him…when I said the name of the reservation the hostess gave changed a mix of nervousness and excitement. “Of course! Right this way!” She said trying to put on a happy face but the nerves over shadowed that, she let me to a table already set up in a quieter area, almost completely different from the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant. “your server will be with you shortly, please enjoy!” She said as she raced out the room. I staired at the entrance way confused, why was that girl so nervous, and to have such a secluded area on a Friday night, it was unusual…
I sat down at the table that faced the entrance way. I pulled out my phone to text me.
Y/N - Hey! I just sat down! We have a really nice table, are you almost here? :)
I saw he read the text but no reply, I felt nervous again, my eyes kept watching my phone, my mouth was dry. But then I heard a voice “sorry I’m late..” the voice sounded nervous. I look up to a short blonde man. My eyes widen and my mouth is dry…
I was looking at Lucifer himself…
@reverse-soe @kazurami14 @netheris @rainycloud858
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worldlxvlys · 5 months
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the way i loved you
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: cursing
a/n: hope you likeee <333
i watched as nick pulled an array of snacks from a plastic bag, setting them on the table.
today nick, matt, chris, and i were going to be filming a video where we rate snacks from around the world.
once nick set the camera up, he did the intro and explained what we would be doing.
while nick explained where he got the food, i watched Chris pick up a small pink tin, inspecting it.
i slowly began to tune out nick’s voice, focusing on the way chris’s fingers ran across the tin.
he carefully placed the tin down, drumming his fingers along the table.
god, his fingers are so long. they’re perfect-
no! stop! you shouldn’t be thinking about your best friend’s fingers like that !
i quickly look away from his fingers, realizing i was staring.
luckily, he didn’t seem to notice.
as nick continued to explain the concept of the video, i watched as chris began to smile.
i love how excited he is, he’s adorable.
as i smiled at his eagerness, he happened to look at me, catching my gaze as we smiled at each other.
once nick finished explaining, we decided to try the sour candy in the pink tin first.
i watched as chris attempted to take the plastic wrapping around the tin off, but was unsuccessful.
he fumbled with the plastic, and it seemed like he couldn’t keep his hands still. he almost seemed, nervous ?
he turned to me with a bashful smile on his face, “can you open it, please?”
“yeah, i got you” i said as i grabbed it from his hands, removing the plastic wrapping and handing it back to him.
“this one has vitamin c, which one’s that?” he looked at me, expectantly.
“why would i know ?” i asked, furrowing my brows.
“i don’t know, you’re the smart one” he mumbled.
“shut up” i laughed as i shook my head , “you’re smart too” .
we all tried one, and agreed that they weren’t actually sour, despite the tin having the word sour across it in big letters.
“doesn’t it feel like you have to put a lot of effort into getting that grape flavor ?” nick pointed out.
he scrunched his face up, making us all laugh, as chris put his hand on my shoulder, leaning onto me as he laughed.
i love hearing him laugh.
we gave it a rating, and moved onto the next candy.
once we realized they were slide whistles, we all started busting out laughing.
we all started fooling around, laughing at each other’s shenanigans.
chris wrapped his arms around my waist, laughing into my shoulder. the sound of his laugh, made me laugh even harder.
as we continued to try and rank the snacks, chris grew more and more touchy.
not that i’m complaining.
there were many times where i would catch him staring at me and vice versa. he made it so easy to enjoy his presence.
once we finished our last snack and agreed on the final ranking of everything, nick closed out the video and turned off the camera.
i turned to chris. “that was fun” i said trying to fight the shit-eating grin that was forming on my face.
“i agree” he said, returning the smile.
“jesus christ” matt spoke up from behind us, rolling his eyes and walking away.
“what ?” we called out.
nick, chris, and i were hanging out in the living room.
i was scrolling on tik tok, occasionally showing them videos that i found funny.
as i continued to scroll, i came across one video in particular that made my heart begin to race.
the lyrics of The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift filled the room.
what the actual fuck.
and he says, you look beautiful tonight. and i feel perfectly fine. but i miss…
clips of chris and i staring at each other fill the screen.
screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain and it’s 2 am and i’m cursing your name
chris holding onto my waist, hugging me, leaning on me
so in love that you act insane, and that’s the way i loved you
us laughing together, looks of pure joy on our faces.
i glance to my right, seeing chris already staring down at my phone.
fuck. what do i do ? what do i say ?
suddenly, nick yells “oh my god is that the ship edit of you and chris ? that shit’s blowing up !” he said.
“damn, nick. how’d you know ?”
“i reposted it”
“WHAT?” chris and i stared at him like he had five heads.
“well, it was good. and c’mon, doesn’t take a genius to realize y’all like each other” he said, nonchalantly.
“i’m going to the bathroom” he said, walking off.
i’m literally losing my mind. a ship edit ? a TAYLOR ship edit ? we’re never beating the dating allegations.
“well, what do the comments say?” chris asked, his voice shaking the slightest bit.
i glanced over at him, before opening the comments.
awww they’re adorable
they’d look so good tg
they’re literally in love no one can convince me otherwise
i literally love them tg 💗
they need to stop playing and get tg
them + taylor makes me so happy
“damn. they kinda love us together” i said. i scrolled, expecting to move onto something else.
suddenly, Tattoo by Loreen came on. this edit had clips of chris and i from the recent video and over the years.
it’s like we’re watching a progression of our relationship over the past few years.
every wandering eye, stolen glance, smile that was a little too wide, touch, hug that lasted a little too long, the fans always noticed them.
it was literally right in front of our faces the entire time.
listening to the sound of violins swelling while watching chris and i’s interactions almost made me want to cry.
i turned to chris, who was already staring at me.
he looked down at my lips. “what do the comments say?” he asked.
i turned back to my phone, opening them up.
they’re literally perfect for each other
how adorableeee
they’re cute ig but me and jimmy would be cuter
literally just watched them fall in love with each other
they’re good for each other
so so happy for them
“they think that we’d be good together” i told him.
“i think i agree with them” he whispered.
“then maybe you should ask me out” i said, my gaze shifting from his eyes to his lips.
our noses touched. “will you go out with me ?”
i smiled, “hell yeah” i whispered before pushing my lips onto his.
y’all see any familiar names ? 🤨
i love y’all <333
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @mommysturns @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @rheaakayourname @defnotayonna
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bigwishes · 1 month
"I wish it was bigger" (vote story)
Joey was one of the biggest guys in the gym, perfect chest, perfect abs, perfect arms. Almost every part of him was perfect apart from one aspect. Every bodybuilding show he did he got the same feedback "his glutes were underdeveloped" he had been training for years and no matter what he did he couldn't force them to grow. He even started to have a dedicated glute day but it did nothing, he was cursed with terrible genes that just left him with a flat ass.
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Despite the rest of him being perfection Joey still couldn't help but dream of a nice big bubble but. He loved the idea of having to wiggle to fit his jeans on in the morning. He longed to feel a guys hand grab a handful of his meaty ass and his desperation to find a solution to grow his ass lead him to strange corners of the internet.
Whilst scrolling on his phone between sets he found a website "MAGICKSPELLSFORYOU.WISHNOW" he opened it up and saw a pixelated night sky background with a chat box in the middle. A message appeared with the sound of a slight ping.
Joey laughed and wrote back "hey is this where I make a wish?"
Joey chuckled, clearly whoever was running the site was desperate for engagement and he decided to play along.
"okay, I wish for a bigger ass"
"yep thats right buddy, I wish for a bigger ass, give me a big fat juicy ass"
A little ding noise played as a pixelated animation of a shooting start played on Joey's screen before his search engine crashed and returned to him home screen. But Joey didn't have time to play any more silly games, it was time for his next set.
Joey stepped up to the squat rack and began to move the weight up and down, with each movement something felt strange, it felt like the muscles in his glutes were being worked but, something else, something more. A few reps went by a Joey placed the weight back, as he turned to the side he saw something sticking out from behind.
Joey had extra mass in the back, a big bubble but stuck out from him. He was stunned and his jaw almost hit the floor as he rubbed it. He put both his hands behind him holding his cheeks and making his new ass bounce. Joey turned around facing his back to the mirror looking over his shoulder with a smile as he rocked from his toes to his heels watching his new big bubble but bounce.
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He was so caught up in the excitement of finally having his glutes fill out his frame that he didn't realise he was starting to look puffy.
The sides of his waist began to creep over his gym shorts as the definition in his thighs began to merge together into one slab of mean, same with his arms, but nothing could get his attention, that was until he turned his front back to the mirror and in an instant.
Joey's eyes widened as he watched his perfect abs suddenly bulk forward into a large swollen muscle gut.
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"WHAT THE FUCK" Joey yelled out
"Im...f...FAT" Joey's face turned bright red as people around the gym began to look at him, nobody seemed to notice what was happening. He quickly waddled his way to the changing room feeling his stomach grumble and all the muscles and mass across his body jiggle.
Joey stood in the mirror of the empty changing room, shocked and horrified, his perfect body was now big bulky and bloated out, he was starting to panic as he rubbed his new fat muscle gut.
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"Oh god....how am I gonna be ready for my show in a week....oh fuck...I....I look like a fucking muscled up pig"
As Joey finished his sentence another pulse hit his body, increasing the size of his muscles and bulk all over, but he noticed it was extra concentrated in once area, as he felt his new massive fat ass split through his shorts making the fabric start to sag, only just holding on around the waist band,
cementing his transformation as a big muscle pig, with a huge fat ass.
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joekeeryswife · 5 months
arranged marriage 2 - f.c
hello angels! oh my goodness thank you all so much for the love in the last chapter, i cannot express how grateful i am to all of you! Felix is 22 and reader is 20.
here is chapter 2 (there may only be 1 or two chapters left 😔) of my short series! here is y/ns ring, if you don’t like it you can change it, there is also going to be a link to a few dresses and again if you don’t like them you can change it!! there will probably be some mistakes so bare with me lol, enjoy reading🩰
taglist🩰 (add yourselves here): @hummusxx @lalademie @kikiandbella @anamiad00msday @saltburntt @livvy256 @gee72sstuff @edogiscool @real-lana-del-rey @cel3stel0v3r
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it had been almost three months since your engagement party and a lot had changed. you and Felix were not getting along at all. your parents had thought it was best if the two of you moved in together and it had been the worst decision they had ever made. all you would do was fight and argue.
today, luckily, your mum, Elspeth and Venetia had decided that it was best for you to start trying on wedding dresses which meant you wouldn’t have to see Felix. “how are things with you and Felix going?” Elspeth asked, the three of you were sat in the back of the car almost at the wedding dress shop.
“not good. all we do is fight, i’m seriously considering not following through with this marriage” you rolled your eyes at the mere thought of Felix. “he’s being a dick head. sorry about him y/n, it’s like he’s on his period” Venetia apologised for how her brother was acting.
“oh no y/n don’t think like that, it’s just nerves. the two of you are going to have a very extravagant wedding and he gets nervous with those sorts of things” Elspeth said as she ran a hand through her hair. “it will get better i promise” she finished, showing you a sweet smile.
“surely you’re excited to try some dresses on? you might even find the one today” your mum finally spoke up. she loved the idea of you in a lovely white ballgown, walking up the isle arm linked with your fathers.
she had been dreaming about you getting married for years. “i hope so. how do you know if it’s the right dress for you?” you questioned, both women had been married and been through this exact same experience as you.
“you just have a gut feeling. i mean with me i had two dresses. i had one for the ceremony and then one for the party, god i wish i could relieve my wedding. it was the happiest day of my life” Elspeth said and your mum hummed, agreeing with what she had said.
“you’ll know if it’s the right dress, don’t worry about that sweetheart” your mum grabbed ahold of your hand and squeezed it gently. you nodded, giving her hand a squeeze back. “oh look, we are here” Elspeth said as the driver pulled up outside a fancy wedding boutique. “well, here goes nothing”.
“oh that dress is ravishing” you heard Elspeth say as you looked at yourself in the mirror. “it’s elegant, fits your body nicely, you look beautiful. what do you think?” she continued as she looked at the dress. this was the fourth dress you had tried on and you were beginning to think that this bridal shop didn’t have anything for you. “well, it’s a pretty dress. but i think it’s a little too plain” you mum agreed “it is a little too plain. very pretty but you need some sort of design on there” Venetia nodded her head, indicating that it was time to try on yet another dress.
you walked back to the changing room with the stylist and she helped you get into the next dress. this one was beautiful, it looked like a princess dress and that was something you loved. however, the dress was still plain. you walked out and stood in front of the three of them, their gasps were loud. “oh my goodness, this dress looks absolutely perfect on you y/n” Venetia said as her eyes trailed over the dress.
“y/n, you look so beautiful sweetheart” your mum said as she looked at you in awe. “i love it but it’s still plain, i want some sort of pattern on the fabric. i love the way the dress is and i would have picked it if it had a pattern” you said as your hands brushed over the dresses skirt. your bridal stylist Amy spoke up “you do look gorgeous in this dress style but i think i have one similar to this with a pattern. why don’t you go to the dressing room and i’ll bring it through?” you nodded, a smile appearing on your face.
you made your way to the dressing room filled with nerves and excitement. hearing that she had a dress similar to this made your heart beat fast. after a few minutes she came into the dressing room with the most perfect dress you’d ever seen. it was exactly what you wanted.
she helped you put the dress on and your heart fluttered, this was your dress. you walked back out your mums eyes filled with tears and both Elspeth and Venetia gasped, i’m awe of how beautiful you looked. “y/n i seriously have no words. you look so radiant and elegant, i am praying that you have picked this dress” your mum said, the dress was absolutely perfect.
“i can’t see any flaws in this dress, i think if i was to ever design my wedding dress this would be it” you turned to face the three of them, you’d never felt like this before. “that dress is just absolutely gorgeous. you look like a bride” although you were mad at Felix, you were excited to get married. not because you were marrying him but because you could party like no other in the most beautiful dress with your family and friends.
“i think my brother might fall in love with you when he sees you in this dress” Venetia somewhat joked, she knew her brother would at some point fall in love with you and this dress would make it 100x easier. “i think it’s time we buy this dress and go celebrate” Elspeth said which you all agreed too.
you had been out all day and it was now 7 at night. you hadn’t heard from Felix at all and you were not looking forward to seeing him. you opened the door to your house. “Felix, are you home?” you called out but got no response. you walked round the house saw him sitting on the sofa watching the tv.
“hey” you spoke as you sat down on the sofa next to him, you put your bag next to you and sighed. it had been a long day and finally sitting down felt amazing. he ignored you, his eyes still fixated on the tv screen. “how’s your day been?” he shrugged at you and you sighed, rubbing your forehead in frustration. “we can’t live like this Felix. this is no life” you looked over at him.
“y/n, have you ever thought that maybe i don’t want to live here with you?” his tone didn’t shock you, he had been in a bad mood for weeks. “i’m sorry but this wasn’t my decision either. do you really think i want to live here when you’re in a bad mood all the time?” he was silent.
“maybe think that i’m trying to work this out for the sake of our parents and whatever this relationship is and you’re just throwing it back in my face” he stood up, his tall frame towering over you.
“y/n. this isn’t a relationship. we are being forced to marry each other” you stood up, you weren’t going to let him intimidate you. there was an uncomfortable distance between you both.
“what is your problem Felix? why is there such an issue with you marrying me. i get we don’t love each other but am i really that bad?” you hated to admit it but even though Felix had been awful to you, there was a part of you that was falling for him.
there was some days where he was okay and the two of you got along, having Felix be nice to you was what made you somewhat fall for him. “don’t try guilt trip me y/n. you hate me just as much as i hate you” he scoffed but you just shook your head.
“what? i have been nice to you since after that talk we had in the bathroom at the party. i’m sick of you blaming me for absolutely everything when i’m reality it’s you who is the problem. i don’t think you realise how you make me feel when you treat me like shit” you could feel yourself getting upset.
“don’t pretend like you really care. you never cared about how it made you feel before so what’s changed now?” you shook your head, embarrassed that you were even about to admit this.
“what do you think Felix?” he looked at your confused. “there has been some days where you’ve been so sweet and it’s hard for me to not catch feelings for you” his eyes widened and you looked down at the ground, way too embarrassed to even look at him.
you could feel your eyes welling up with tears of embarrassment and frustration at the fact you had just admitted to Felix, the one person you’d thought you’d hate for the rest of your life, that you had feelings for him. and you knew that he didn’t feel the same. you could tell by his energy when he was around you.
it was silent, it felt like an eternity waiting for him to say something. when you felt like you’d been standing there long enough you decided it was best for you to leave, you’d embarrassed yourself enough and you just wanted to be alone. you grabbed your bag and started walking away from Felix who was still trying to process everything you had just said.
“y/n wait, don’t leave” he noticed that you were heading for the front door and was quick to follow you. Felix was never good with expressing how he felt and spending this time with you, living with you, made him realise that he was falling for you and that scared him. he’d been in love once before and it ended horribly and he didn’t want the same thing to happen with you.
“i’m going to my parents house don’t follow me. i want to be alone” you continued walking and looked for your car keys in your bag, he could hear the waver in your voice as you tried your hardest to keep your tears at bay until you weee away from him.
Felix continued following you and when he was close enough he grabbed your arm and turned you to face him. in one quick motion Felix pressed his lips against yours. it took you by surprise, it was filled with passion and love.
you quickly kissed him back and dropped your bag on the floor. your arms found their way around his neck, pulling him in closer. you’d been in one relationship and had your fair share of kisses in the past but it was nothing like this.
he pulled away, both of you breathless “please don’t go. i’m sorry i upset you. i am just scared” his eyes looked deeply into yours and you felt your heart flutter. “i’m scared that one day you’re going to find someone better than me because let’s be honest we haven’t gotten along, well, ever” his cheeks flushed a bright shade of red as he confessed his feelings.
“at first i didn’t want to do this marriage but now, it’s all i can think about. i see us getting married, travelling together, having kids together and growing old together and i’ve never felt like this before” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, Felix Catton the one boy who truly hated was confessing his feelings for you.
“do you think maybe we could start over and try make this work? not like we did the last time in the toilets” you semi-joked which made him smile, you hated to admit it but his smile was beautiful.
“come on, let’s go back inside it’s freezing out here” he said, pulling away from your hold but he grasped your hand and squeezed it softly. “i can’t believe you dropped your birkin bag for me” you picked it up and looked it over. “you’re lucky, it has no marks on it. looks as good as the day i bought it”
the two of you made your way back inside hand in hand, happy that you both finally expressed your feelings for one another. the only thing left was for the two of you to get married.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
could you do angst -> fluff?
you and peter are long distance. someone sends you a picture of "peter" cheating. but the picture isn't peter.
Long distance relationships sucked. 
You may be biased, but you knew that long term relationships were the worst of them all. You’d put that in the same category as finding out you’ve been catfished for years. 
It could be worse, like Sadie and Dylan. Dylan moved across the country for school and watching your roommate go through the process of trying to set up date facetime calls, and scheduling calls between the hours of the night, made you feel like you didn’t have any say about yours. 
At least you and Peter were in the same time zone, he was only an hour and a half train ride away but it felt like lifetimes when for years you shared a school and zip code. You always had Peter around, and it’s very noticeable when he’s not. 
Imagine not being able to kiss your lover everyday, hold their body, or look in their eyes. 
Sadie smiled empathetically when Peter called, she got up to leave the room empty. Many times you’ve gotten out of bed at three am for a long bathroom break, you know that there are some things you tell Peter you’d never want anyone else to hear. You could extend that to Sadie as well. 
Peter’s voice was warm through the phone. 
“Hiya, baby.” 
You bit your bottom lip, too excited to keep it in. 
“Hi, handsome.” 
“Tell me three things from your day.” 
You paused to think, you knew this question would come up, you made a mental note of what to tell Peter. 
“So, the fat squirrel by park hall attacked this guy for his sandwich, and I know what you’re thinking, but that squirrel is fucking vicious. And, hm…” 
Peter shuffles around on his end. 
“Oh! My English professor is letting us have open notes midterm, and finally… I really, really missed you.” 
Peter gives you a soft chuckle, you wish you could see his face too. 
“I missed you too, also that fat squirrel? Next time I come down I wanna see him in person, pictures don’t do it justice.” 
When he comes down, he hasn’t visited in a month. Not that you can’t go see him, you make sure to take trips but he also has his aunt here, and he tries to do Spidey in the city as much as he can to keep questions to a minimum. 
“Two more, petey.” 
He hums on the line, you miss feeling his chest vibrate when he does it against your back. 
“I ate a salad for lunch,” 
“Bullshit.” You cough on the line. 
“Okay, listen here, stinky.” 
“Shots fired! I’ll hang up right now.” 
Peter whines, “you can’t! I have to tell you my third thing.” 
“Go on, I have a call to finish.” 
He scoffs, “rude, I was going to say that I may have found an out for my robotics midterm so hypothetically-” 
You squeal so loudly on the phone Peter pulls his own away from his ear, it was slightly obnoxious but knowing you were just as excited to see him made his heart melt. 
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” 
Peter gives you that boyish laugh, the one that makes your heart beat three times fast. 
“Baby, I didn’t even finish.” 
“You don’t have to! I know what you’re saying and I need you here so I can kiss your face and other stuff.” 
Peter’s tone drops seductively,  “oh? Like what other stuff?” 
“You want to see the fat squirrel right?” 
“The one in my pants?” 
“Oh my god.” 
“Okay, okay, so I was thinking I could come up on-” 
His name was called in the background, it made you pause for a second, he stopped talking for a minute. His name was called again, it was tilted, like a song almost, it was a female for sure. 
“Oh, peteyyy?” 
Your stomach dropped, that was your name for him. The name that he only liked you calling him, it was something that was so sacred and this person you don’t know saying it so loosely, like it’s regular. 
“Pete?” You say his name like you’re asking ‘who’s that?’ ‘why is she calling you that?’ ‘where are you, are you in your dorm?’ ‘why is there a girl in your room calling you my name?’ 
He coughs, “sorry, baby. I uh, I need to go but I’ll call you in a few hours, okay?” 
“Oh. Oka-” 
The line went dead. 
Your mind swimmed with dangerous thoughts, each one simmered down with the overwhelming echo that peter would never do anything like what a part of you is insinuating. Not to mention you were sure that he’d explain everything when he called you in a few hours, except when you sat around and waited, and waited, and waited, he never called. 
You fell asleep waiting on his call, you woke up with your morning alarm and checked your phone, no missed calls or texts. It felt weird, he never missed goodnight calls. It wasn’t until ten he tried to call, you had to ignore it because of your class but made a note to call him on your way back to your room.
At lunch everything shifted. 
You and some friends met up in the dining hall and you were in the middle of scarffing down fries when you tried to look up your friends ex’s new girlfriend on instagram, you were confronted with a message request. The picture and text made your hand fall, french fries scattering, you felt like you were about to puke all over the table. 
“I’m pretty sure you’re peter's girlfriend, we shared a class last semester and he talked about you all the time. I was out with some friends last night and I’m pretty sure I saw him at a bar with a girl that doesn’t look like you. If this isn’t him or if you guys aren’t together anymore please ignore this, idk i’d want someone to tell me. I’m sorry :(“ 
Sure enough the picture was grainy, definitely zoomed in from across the bar but it sure did look like him. A plaid button down you’ve seen him a million times in before, curls poked out the sides of his head, it seemed curlier and longer than you remember but it’s been a while since you saw him in person. 
His left arm was looped around the waist of a girl totally opposite of you, it looked like his other hand held her face steady as he kissed her. It made your vision go blurry, you’ve never felt this way before. Curls blocked the side of his face but it looked like him, maybe he looked taller than normal but it was a pic taken from far away, you want to question everything about it but the longer you look at it the sicker you feel. 
You shut out of the app and go back to smiling with your friends, you wonder how you’ll call him out. If you were strong enough you’d just ghost him all together, never speak to him again and make him question his insanity. 
Instead the second he called when you were home you picked it up with shaky hands. 
“Hi ba-” 
“We’re done.” 
You hung up the phone. 
It rang less than three seconds later. 
“I’m sorry, what did you-” 
“I said we’re done. Goodbye.” 
You hung up again. 
It rang even quicker, immediate redial. 
“Is this a joke?” 
“I dunno, peter. Am I?” 
“Save it, it doesn’t matter. We’re broken up, you can stop calling.” 
You don’t know why you thought that would settle things, if anything that made everything worse. 
The fourth time he facetimed, he only did it when he was alone, you assume he either kicked his roommate out or is biting the bullet to get teased by his friend for the rest of his life while he begs to keep his girlfriend. 
You answer, “what.” 
“I need to see your face, what are you telling me?” 
“What did you do last night?” 
Peter’s eyebrows furrow, “I don’t know, what did I do?” 
You take a deep breath, “don’t play dumb. Who was she?” 
He makes a face of realization, “Ohhhh, you mean the girl on the phone?” 
You mock his tone, “yeah, the girl on the phone. You know, the one you were making out with?” 
You hear someone cough, it’s not peter, you can imagine the dead silence that just blanketed the room. 
Peter immediately takes the defense, “I didn’t make out with anyone last night, want to take the offense louder?” 
“Someone literally texted me a picture.” 
“Okay, so let me literally see it.” 
You narrow your eyes, “I don’t have to entertain this, peter. I broke up with you and you cheated, the end.” 
Peter sits up on his end, “no, not the end. You’re throwing damaging accusations out there and not giving me any fucking context.” 
“I. got. a. text.” You paused between each word to prove a point, also a little condescendingly. 
“Show. me.” He mocked your tone. 
You let a groan rip from your throat, “it doesn’t change that you did it.” 
Peter rubs his hand down his face, “okay, fuck this. I was here all night, in my dorm room. If you want you can ask my roommate, he was here, with his girlfriend,” he enunciated the last word, “who called me petey, you know, like you do, maybe, I don’t know, mockingly?”  
His words make you think, if he was truly guilty you don’t think he’d be defending himself so hard. You would think that once he was caught he’d fold his cards, instead he’s insulted you could even assume something like that. 
You take down the threat in your voice, “but… I got a picture. And it looks just like you.” 
Peter takes your side, he may defend his but he can’t make it better by pitting against you. 
“I’m sure it does, baby, but I promise I was here all night.” 
“Peter, it looks just like you.” 
He takes a deep breath to settle his frustration, “I know, but I promise it’s not me. Why would I cheat?” 
It’s a good question, you never would’ve thought he could but the picture was damning evidence. 
“I don’t know. I didn’t think you would, but I mean pete, it looks like you. He’s even wearing your green blue plaid button down.” 
Peter’s eyes bug open, his head spins, you know he’s staring his roommate in the eyes. 
“Evan!” They both exclaim at the same time. 
Your eyebrow scrunches, “who?” 
“Hair a little longer than mine? Maybe a little taller?” 
You pull your head back, “yeah… why?” 
Peter smiles wide, “making out with a blonde? At a bar?” 
“That would be it.” 
Peter shares a high five off screen. 
“That’s our friend Evan, he was on a date. He borrowed my shirt, wasn’t me, promise.” 
You stare at the screen, he seemed authentic and desperate for you to believe him. 
“Fine. We’re still dating for now, but I need to see you and him in the same room. Preferably from the back and in the same shirt.” 
“Done. I’ll print them out and bring them when I see you next week.” 
Peter winks at the screen and you squeal at the thought of seeing him so soon. 
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missmonsters2 · 10 months
Mirror, Mirror | Three
Tumblr media
Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Certain thoughts and feelings are starting to arise in Wanda whenver she looks at you (god forbid she touches you). Despite these feelings, Wanda has no idea how to shift the dynamic. Resigned, Wanda knows she needs to ask for help and the advice she gets is probably going to land her in another bizzare plan.
Warnings: best friends to lovers. shenanigans. jealousy, jealousy. sexual tension. pining. yearning. sexual thoughts. spicy (tumblr's version). stupid steve. neurotic nat. brat & stinky. bug as in shutterbug.
*explicit version will only be available on Ao3 & will be posted there after series is completed*
Note: another wacky plan that probably is gonna get Wanda in trouble LOL
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Series Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Count: ~3.8k
Wanda lays with her arm behind her head, staring at the ceiling while she waits for you to finish in the bathroom. 
This was an opportunity, wasn't it?
Alone at night, in one bed, in close proximity—this would be the perfect opportunity for Wanda to make a move, isn't it? The perfect opportunity to create some sexual tension so that you'd look at Wanda differently. 
So...so, should she—Wanda gulps—cuddle you?
You and Wanda have cuddled many times in the past. It was nice to have someone to snuggle up to when watching a movie; the habit slid right into place so easily. 
But those times had been innocent. Wanda hadn't been thinking anything about it other than how comforting it was. 
Now—Wanda's thinking about other things. Touching would be exciting—exhilarating, even. 
Yet, the more Wanda thinks about it, the more rigid she becomes. 
Should she...should she just try to wrap her arms around you like usual? Or should she try to get a little frisky and "accidentally" let her fingers trail underneath your shirt?
Wanda blushes so hard, rolling over completely, and pushes her face into her pillow. She screws her eyes shut. 
God, she wanted to scream. 
"Are you trying to suffocate yourself to go to sleep?"
The sudden voice makes Wanda turn over. You enter the room with a tiny smile on your lips as you toss your worn clothes onto a chair in the corner. Your PJs consist of a worn-in oversized t-shirt and shorts, though Wanda knows the shorts are mostly for her sake as you prefer to sleep without them. 
Oh, if you only knew Wanda had absolutely no qualms about you sleeping without them. In fact, to be generous, Wanda could insist you sleep without your shirt, too. 
Wanda takes a deep breath, trying to will the blood in her cheeks to leave. Her head is slightly dizzy from the thoughts.  
"You know how I am if I wake up in the middle of the night," Wanda sits up and replies wryly, clearing her throat as it's suddenly dry. 
You grab a water bottle from your desk, opening it to take a sip before you close it and toss it towards her. Wanda catches it, opening it immediately to take a gulp of water. She stares at you as you apply chapstick to your lips for the night before you shut off the lights and make your way toward the bed. 
In the dark, Wanda feels her heart start to race with anticipation. The bed dips, and Wanda takes a shaky breath as she closes the water bottle and sets it aside. She lays back, staring at the ceiling, hearing your soft sigh of contentment of finally being in bed. 
You're lying on your side facing Wanda, but when she turns her head to the side, your eyes are closed as you breathe steadily, trying to fall asleep.
Wanda swallows. She wants things to change so badly. Wanda wants you to look at her differently, to notice that as the blueprint to your type, you could just have the original—if that was what this is all about.
So, Wanda turns on her side, blood pumping in her ears, making it nearly impossible to hear anything as she shuffles closer to you. You've only been on one date with Raye, and it didn't even end with sex. It's not cheating, Wanda tells herself. It's really not. 
When Wanda's face to face with you, her limbs almost feel numb. She wants to do something, but she doesn't even know what. The more she thinks about being bold, the shyer she's getting. 
Wanda's starting to chicken out. 
Wanda's hand pauses right in the middle of the space between you two. 
This is so stupid, Wanda thinks. She's never going to be more to you than just a friend. You're never going to think about her the way she thinks about you. You—
Fingers slide between hers, grasping her hand flat against the bed. 
"Do you remember the first time we had a sleepover?" Your voice carries through the quiet of the night, somehow gentle but crisp as it makes its way to Wanda's ears. 
"You mean when I cried because I'd never slept anywhere other than at home and was scared of the dark?" Wanda replies wryly. 
Those days were long gone, and right now, she's grateful the dark can hide her red cheeks. 
You laugh. "Yeah, but then you still didn't want to leave and made me hold your hand the entire night."
Wanda groans, caught between wanting to pull her hand away in embarrassment but liking the feel of your hand too much.
"I remember holding your hand so seriously because I couldn't let my best friend be so sad, especially after she wanted to stay despite crying," you chuckle quieter this time. "I kind of miss those days; they were simpler."
"What do you mean?" Wanda feels you stroking the back of her hand with your index finger in a small line.
"Back then, you used to cry about the dark and scraped knees, and I could make it better by just holding your hand. Now, you cry about boys breaking your heart and homesickness, and you're still sad after I hold your hand," You sigh like it's your fault.
"I'm not sad," Wanda insists, a whine in her tone. 
"That's why you crawled into my bed at midnight?" Even though Wanda can't see, she can tell you have your brow raised. 
"Maybe I just want you to hold me," Wanda bravely says. Her heart is doing that thing again, and she thinks she might actually be entering into cardiac arrest. The cowardly part of her backs out and softens the statement. "Maybe at 14, hand-holding was enough to solve the dark and scraped knees, but as adults, we need something else."
It's quiet, and for a second, Wanda thinks she might've made a terrible decision and wants to burst out crying. Her words are caught in her throat, and her breathing feels shallow. Even though she doesn't really want to, she's about to tell you she's just joking, but you move closer.
It's slow as if you're trying to be careful not to make the wrong move, like accidentally kneeing her in the crotch. You move like you're trying to make sure everything slots together perfectly. 
The hand-holding is gone with her arms over your waist, and yours are over hers. Your hand settles loosely against her back, the warmth of your palm seeping through her shirt. Her face is pressed against your chest, and the embrace is warm. 
Wanda doesn't know what to feel; it's too much at once. She feels warm, nervous, horny, content, and mostly dizzy. 
"So, you admit you are sad," you joke quietly in the dark. "I knew it, you lying brat."
Despite the dizziness, Wanda gumbles, "I'm not sad, you stinky accuser."
"So, you don't feel better then?"
There's a moment of silence again. Wanda doesn't know how to quite articulate how she's feeling. She is better, she supposes. But she also feels crazier. 
"Yeah, this is better," Wanda manages to say. "14-year-old us wouldn't even be able to wrap our heads around this."
Your chest rises and falls in quick succession with laughter. "Oh my god, shut up and sleep."
Wanda mutters something, but it's completely unintelligible. Time passes too quickly, and Wanda slowly starts falling asleep again. 
It's not quite the sexual tension she hoped for, but this was just as good. 
"Just a heads up, I expect to be the little spoon at some point. Return the favor, brat."
Wanda smiles. No, this was perfect.
Wanda takes a deep breath, letting her eyes flutter close momentarily. 
She knows she can't delay this anymore. Wanda's hit a wall in her progress, and she needs to admit that she doesn't know what she's doing anymore—not that she really knew what she was doing in the first place.
This was going to change everything—somehow make it more real. The thought of it makes Wanda somewhat glum, but she resigns herself before she takes another breath and rings the doorbell. 
Wanda hears footsteps approaching the door before it opens, and Natasha stands there with an iced coffee in her hand. 
"Oh, Wanda," she blinks in surprise, "I didn't expect to see you."
"Really?" Wanda asks dryly. "Even after you texted me that you were bored with nothing to do today 6 times in a row this morning?"
"Yes, and like the terrible friend you are, you were pointedly ignoring it," Natasha raises her brow at Wanda.
"I wasn't ignoring it," Wanda denies. "I'm here, aren't I?"
Natasha snorts but then opens her door wider, stepping to the side to let Wanda in. Once inside, they make their way to the kitchen, and Natasha begins fixing Wanda a cup of cold brew.
"Want anything in it?"
"Do you have oat milk?"
Natasha hums absently, but Wanda knows the redhead heard her. As her drink is being made, Wanda taps her fingers against the counter, feeling the nerves thrum against her veins. She's unsure how to bring it up but doesn't want to beat around the bush. There's a time crunch, and Wanda can't afford to waste any more time. 
"Natasha," Wanda says just as Natasha sets her cup down. "I'm in love with—"
"Bug?" Natasha cuts in. "Yeah, I know."
Wanda's jaw drops. "What?" She says before she slumps in her seat. "Is it because of our phone call a couple of weeks ago, or did you suspect all along?"
"No, I mean, kind of yes," Natasha scrunches her nose. "I don't know if I would say I suspected all along. You've always been close to Bug, but she was always quick to correct anyone back then that you were just friends, and to be fair, nothing happened. I think soulmates can exist as friends too." 
Wanda purses her lips but nods, and Natasha gives her a smile.
"But," Natasha interjects. "I did start to suspect after our phone call. I mean, you and Bug do everything together, so honestly, I wasn't that shocked if you both wanted to get married at the same time and live in houses next to each other. I think it was more the fact of how upset you got."
"Yeah," Wanda sighs, rubbing her temples.
"But mostly, I knew because Yelena told me."
"What!?" Wanda squawks. "She wasn't supposed to tell anyone!"
"I'm not anyone," Natasha sticks her tongue out. "I'm her sister. We gossip almost daily."
"Ugh, did she tell you—"
"How you took her on the worst date of her life and stalked Bug and Raye? Yeah," Natasha looks sympathetic. "I'm glad you went home instead of waiting outside while they did it."
"They didn't do it!" Wanda jumps up in her seat. "Apparently Raye got hung up on a phone call, so it didn't happen and she came home."
"Oh, really?" Natasha's brow scrunches together. "Raye—"
"What?" Wanda interjects. "Is Raye saying they slept together? What a dirty liar—"
"God, no—" Natasha rolls her eyes. "Calm the fuck down, jeez. Raye didn't say they did, but she didn't say they didn't either. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use that as an excuse to break them up."
Wanda groans, slumping back into her chair again. She reaches for her cold brew and sips at it dejectedly. 
"So, spill," Natasha prods. "After all these years, why did you suddenly get a change in feelings? Is that why you ended things with Vision on Yelena's birthday?"
"I don't know if it's sudden," Wanda mumbles but launches into a long monologue of everything that's happened since Stupid Steve dropped the information bomb on her and every single thought that accompanied each event.  
45 long minutes pass before Wanda finishes with how she's been more cuddly the last week but is having trouble moving past that. 
"Have you managed to create any sexual tension?"
"No," Wanda sighs frustratedly. "I don't know what to do! In our years of friendship, I've changed in front of her before and worn sexy outfits, and we already have physical affection between us. Nothing has ever happened and it was never weird. I don't know how to change things!"
"Why don't you just confess to her?" Natasha asks with a tilt of her head.
Wanda scoffs as if that's the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. "Because she only sees me as a friend, so I can't confess until she sees me as a potential partner. It will clearly boost the odds of my confession being accepted, duh."
"Right," Natasha replies dryly. 
"So?" Wanda taps her nails on the counter impatiently. "Do you have any advice or should I ask Yelena?"
"As if," Natasha snorts. "Yelena's idea of flirting is bullying. It's a miracle that Kate hasn't tried to cancel her on social media. I highly doubt Yelena's method will work for you."
"So, what should I do?" Wanda laments. 
Natasha hums. "I guess it's true you've been friends so long that normal things other people would do wouldn't work for you. She has seen you in so many sexy clubbing outfits and hasn't done anything, and unless you start groping her private bits, I don't think physical touch will spark anything new."
"This is great advice," Wanda says sarcastically.
"But do you know how to make those things work?" Natasha asks, rolling her eyes at Wanda's tone. "You need to make her aware that you could potentially be hers."
"I've literally just said—"
"Right now, you're just her best friend that's probably going to end up dating another guy. And as long as she thinks that, those things will never work because in her brain, she can only see you as a friend," Natasha cuts Wanda off. 
"Okay, so..." Wanda drags out so that Natasha will continue on. This was making sense and leading somewhere!
"So, there's two new things you need to add to your relationship," Natasha pauses. "Awareness and jealousy—and not the jealousy like 6 years ago when you thought that exchange student was replacing you as her best friend."
"In my defense, Shuri was trying to," Wanda gripes.
"You know what you need to do?" Natasha ignores Wanda's comment. 
"What?" Wanda asks warily because Natasha has that smile on her face. And when she gets that smile, something crazy is about to come out of her mouth.
"Tony and Pepper's 10-year anniversary party is next Saturday, right? You need to bring a date. A girl date," Natasha grins. 
"But I don't want to date other girls," Wanda groans. "Plus, how am I supposed to get a girl to go on a date with me if I need to tell her it's actually to make someone else jealous. That's literally terrible to hide."
"Oh, don't worry about it," Natasha waves her hand nonchalantly. "I have a coworker who can help. She owes me one, so she'll do it without actually expecting anything."
Wanda is in disbelief. 
Natasha then perks up. "Actually, this is perfect because to really open up Bug's eyes, the person you go on a date with should be similar to her. Then, she'll think about how she could be dating you. This coworker is perfect for it; she's nice, if a little sarcastic, and has similar humor."
"Is she hot?" Wanda asks.
"Yeah, of course she is. I can't set you up with an uggo. That would never make her jealous."
"And she's into girls?"
"Yeah, she's single right now, though."
Wanda's eye twitches. 
Wanda tries to take a calming breath before nearly yelling, "Why didn't you set up Raye with your other coworker then!?"
"How the hell was I supposed to know you'd fallen for her at that point?" Natasha winces.
It's a fair point, a completely valid one to make, but Wanda still holds a grudge against Nat for putting Raye in your path. 
"Also, why does your company have so many sad, single coworkers? I mean, I guess you're also single—"
"Don't get mean, or else I won't help you go shopping for a dress."
Another few days pass, and Wanda finds herself taking deep breaths to give herself courage again. 
Natasha just texted her that the coworker, Darcy, confirmed she was available, and everything was set. 
So now, Wanda just has to work up the nerve to tell you she has a date for Tony and Pepper's party. A girl date. 
"So," Wanda's voice is slightly shaky. The two of you are eating dinner while watching some trashy reality TV show that Wanda can't even focus on right now. Wanda wishes she hadn't said anything because now she doesn't know what else to say. "Are you, uh, excited for Tony and Pepper's party?"
You don't take your eyes off the TV, completely invested in what is happening even though you never watch reality TV on your own. 
"Yeah," you answer. "Raye will be back in town, and I'm bringing her along."
Wanda chokes on the potato that's just starting to slide down her throat. You turn over to look at her with concern as she grabs her drink. 
"You okay?" 
"Wrong pipe," Wanda gasps as she clears her throat. "What were you saying? Raye's coming with you?"
You smile, "Yeah, she's back in town later this week, but my photoshoots conflict with her schedule until the party."
"Awesome," Wanda grits out through her teeth with a forced smile. Suddenly, all that missing courage builds up in Wanda, along with pettiness. "That brings me to the fact I wanted to tell you I have a date to the party too."
"Oh?" You pause the TV, fully accepting that neither of you is watching it now with the conversation at hand. "Who's the lucky lad?"
Wanda actually hesitates. A part of her is nervous to tell you, even though she knows you'd never think of her differently or judge her. She sometimes wonders what's going on in her brain because if Wanda actually got with you, it would inevitably mean you'd know she was into girls. 
Or was she just into you?
Now was so not the time to be trying to figure this out, Wanda swallows. 
"Uh," Wanda starts, feeling a little sweaty. "It's actually with a girl. Natasha is introducing me to someone."
There's silence for a moment, and Wanda's gripping her plate of food so hard, even if she's trying to pretend she's not. In an attempt to take the pressure off herself, she stares pointedly down at her plate. 
Wanda's heart still feels like it will leap out of her chest and run to her bedroom to hide under her pillow.
"You're into girls?" You finally say after a long moment of silence.
"I think so," Wanda mumbles weakly. Well, she was definitely for sure into you. "I think I've always been but never really given it too much thought since I was dating Vis for a long time." AKA, Wanda's always been into you but never realized until recently. 
"So...now that it's really over between you and Vis, you want to try dating girls?" Your tone is careful, and Wanda wishes she could dive straight into your brain to find out what you were thinking. 
"Yeah," Wanda says, still looking at her plate. 
"I'm a little hurt."
The words make Wanda's head snap up. Your face does look a little crestfallen, even if you're smiling. 
"I guess you told Natasha first since she's setting you up on a date?"
"Oh," Wanda is caught off guard. "I mean, kind of? It just...sort of came out when I was with Natasha last. I wanted to tell you first, I just didn't know how. I think I was nervous. But I swear—"
"Relax," you smile at her. "You don't need to explain it."
"No," Wanda insists. "I did really want to tell you, but I just didn't know how to broach the subject, and I was trying to ask Nat for advice on what to do, and then it just spiraled."
You start laughing, which stuns Wanda.
"Man," you laugh into your fist, trying to balance your plate with one hand on your thighs. "Sometimes I forget how spastic you can be."
"Shut up," Wanda would throw a cushion at you, but you'd probably spill your food everywhere. 
"It's fine," you tell her sincerely. "I'm just...shocked is all."
"How come?" Wanda asks carefully, cutting up her already bite-sized potatoes even smaller to seem nonchalant. 
There's a pause, and Wanda peers through her eyelashes at you. You're lost in thought, trying to absorb the information.
"I guess...I just never thought about it either," you shrug. "I always thought you'd marry Vision and if not him, then another guy who is just barely good enough for you."
Wanda can't help but laugh at that because you've been somewhat vocal throughout the years that while you didn't mind Vision, you didn't think he was good enough for her. You got more vocal each time they broke up after getting back together. 
"So," Wanda says after the laughter dies down. "Do you think it'd be weird? Seeing me with another girl?"
You shift your weight, adjusting on the couch. Your face doesn't show much of what you're thinking, and Wanda's wondering if you're doing it to spare her feelings in any way. 
"I don't know," you finally say. "I guess maybe it depends on the girl."
The words give Wanda something to think about as you take it that the conversation has ended. You resume the TV, quietly eating your dinner, just as Wanda does. 
Wanda wonders if you're imagining yourself with her. She could definitely feel the shift in your thoughts as you process the information. 
It was out there. It was really out there that Wanda didn't just date boys. A part of her is actually curious about her date with Darcy, even though she knows that it's not really real. Wanda wants to know if she actually would enjoy dating other women or if she's only in love with you.
Natasha's right, Wanda thinks listlessly. If Darcy was anything like you personality-wise, as Natasha suggested, would Wanda be interested? If Wanda couldn't have you, would she resort to dating women like you?
Would you notice such a pattern? 
Everything is getting more complicated, and Wanda is starting to think she's digging herself into a deeper and deeper hole. In some ways, it would be easier to just confess to you outright. Yet, she can't bring herself to do it. 
There's a deep longing to make sure her odds are at their best when Wanda does. She badly wants you to feel the same, or at least be open to trying with her. 
It's probably wrong, but Wanda needs to know if it was a possibility that you'd get jealous—jealous like Wanda's been. 
Wanda really, really hopes you get jealous in the way it means you want to be the one dating her. 
"So," you say, breaking the silence. "Kind of weird that Natasha has a bunch of single coworkers, right? Wonder how they haven't started dating each other."
Wanda turns to you, a giant smile on her face. "That's what I said!"
There's no way in hell Wanda is ready to let another person have you.
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simp4wom3n · 2 years
Celebrity Crush
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Reader
Requested: Yes/No ~ request @meimei-a
Summary: Y/N has been simping over Jenna for years. What happens when Y/N finally gets noticed by her celebrity crush. (Y/F/M = your favourite movie) ~ Word Count: 2,190 ~ Warnings: swearing
A/N: Hello everyone!! Idk why these keep getting longer and longer but hopefully you guys still like them. Obviously because they are longer they take longer to write but my schedule has loosened so I have more time to write so hopefully the next one will be finished soon <3
Part 1 ~ Part 2
“And here to promote her new movie, the newest star of Hollywood, the amazing, and beautiful, Y/N L/N everybody!!” Jimmy announces with his iconic smile plastered on his face, his hand gesturing towards you as you walk out. Dressed in an extravagant pantsuit and heels, you wave to the audience as you make your way towards your chair. You greet Jimmy as you sit down, taking a moment to take in your first late night show, sat across from Jimmy Fallon, in-front of a large audience, cameras covering you on all angles. Sure you had done press before but this was something else.
Whilst you are undeniably nervous, the excitement of another ‘I made it’ moment overshadows any of your anxiety as you finally face Jimmy as the cheers of the audience diminish. “Welcome Y/N it’s amazing to finally have you on the show. How are you feeling?” he starts with a warm smile, instantly calming your remaining nerves. “Thank you so much for having me. This is definitely a dream of mine so a little nervous.” you explain, earning a nod from Jimmy. “I’m used to being in the audience so it’s still sinking in” you add, gesturing and glancing towards the audience, still unable to grasp the fact that your here.
“Well you have definitely earned it, I mean your incredible.” he commented, earning a chorus of cheers from the audience. A tight lipped smile of appreciation crosses your face as you reply, “Thanks Jimmy thats mean a lot”. “Now… your new movie Y/F/M, am I right in saying its your first lead role in a blockbuster film?” “Yes it is” you reply with a nod. “Now I know they are really strict on what you can say but is there ANYTHING you can tell us.” he asks with genuine curiosity in his eyes.
Despite wanting to go on and on about the movie and reveal every little detail you can, your director says otherwise meaning you can’t say a thing. “I hate to break your heart Jimmy but my lips are glued shut. All I can say is I’m really proud of it” you answer solemnly, giving both Jimmy and the audience a small smile of apology. “It’s annoyingly ironic. Like I have to sell a movie without actually talking about it.” The solemn look on Jimmy’s face is quickly replaced with one of pure elation as he leans back in his chair, letting out his signature laugh, instantly bringing a smile to your face. 
He took a minute to settle down before he moved on, “I had a feeling this would happen so I prepared a little game for you” he started with a mischievous look on his face. You matched his energy, playfully glaring at him, “Ok…” you replied with concern earning a chuckle from the audience. “So I had my team go through your twitter and try to find any common topics you talk about” At the mention of your twitter account you could feel your cheeks warm as you realise where he is going with this.
“Oh god…”. Despite having a decent following, you essentially used your twitter as a dumping ground for all of your opinions on films, actors, food, basically everything. Which also meant you tweeted a lot, and I mean a lot, about your celebrity crush. The breathtaking Jenna Ortega. You practically worshipped her. Your initial film reviews of her performances soon turned into you straight up thirsting over her, so much so you had been asked about it before in previous interviews. It was impossible to deny so you would always openly admit your crush, quite passionately if you might add.
“And it would appear there is one VERY prominent subject” he continued, attempting to hold back a chuckle after seeing the mix of concern and acceptance on your face. “Mhm” you hum as you rest your head on your hand, waiting for him to just say it. “Jenna Ortega”. There it was. You closed your eyes attempting to compose yourself as a smile grew on your face just at the mention of her. “So I thought we could take a look at a few of the more recent ones and you could explain them to us all”, he finishes with a look of satisfaction, knowing he had struck gold. “Really trying to expose me aren’t you Jimmy.”, you chuckle as you straighten your posture and face the screen, “Your lucky I’m passionate about this.” you add causing Jimmy and the audience to laugh.
“Ok first one”. A screenshot of a tweet you posted in January 2022, the day that ‘The Fallout’ premiered for streaming, came up on the screen. It read ‘Just watched ‘The Fallout’ for the first time. Jenna Ortega everybody🧎🧎🧎’. You chuckled as you listened to Jimmy read it out to the audience. “I mean it’s pretty self explanatory” you start, reflecting back on that day. “I didn’t get the chance to see it beforehand so I had been waiting for it to come to a streaming service and when it did… OOO Jimmy you have no idea.” you explain whilst the audience bursts out laughing and you just shrug your shoulders. “What can I say. Not only was her performance Oscar worthy but DAMN she looked good doing it.” you fall back in you chair with a massive smile on your face whilst they all cheer and laugh around you. 
“Ok ok next one” Jimmy says through his laughter. A new screenshot of a tweet from a week or so later, right after you had seen ‘Scream 5’, appears on the screen reading, “I’m not one for horror, but did I just binge the entirety of the Scream saga to see ‘Scream 5’ with Jenna Ortega? Absolutely. P.S it was so worth it”, Jimmy read it out as you and the audience laughed whilst your hand hid your massive smile. “Lets just say I would do anything to be able to watch her.” you say with a smirk on your face as you try to suppress your giggle. “I actually really don’t like horror that much. I hate jump-scares with a passion. I was also praying the entire time that Jenna’s character didn’t die. That was basically all I cared about.”
“Ok final ones” Jimmy states as he pulls up a tweet from only a few weeks ago from after you binged ‘Wednesday’ is one sitting. “Guys someone explain to me how Jenna played a literal psycho but was still incredibly attractive AND girlfriend material.” Jimmy read as he also pulled up another one from a few days ago, ”These bts photos from Wednesday… Someone take them away from me I need this girl as my girlfriend ASAP” you chuckle as he finishes reading them out. “I mean look I think we can all relate to a show being that much more enjoyable because an actor you love is it in right?” you question, looking at the audience who respond with nods and cheers “Right so when I saw that Jenna was playing Wednesday I legitimately counted down the days until it aired and I watched the entire show in one sitting” you finish with a laugh. “That first tweet was right after I finished it and the second one… I mean guys have you seen those photos how could I not be in love”
The Tonight Show was a show that Jenna frequently watched. She had been checking Instagram to see who would be appearing on the show when she stumbled across you. She noticed someone who she instantly found attractive, and their name sounded familiar although she wasn’t sure where from. ‘Y/N L/N…. where do I know you from’ she thought as she googled your name in an attempt to connect the dots. Browsing through your movies and tv shows, nothing seemed to trigger any realisation despite having seen some of them. ‘Weird’
Jenna set her phone aside, sat down on the couch, and took out her TV remote, turning it on and switching the station to start the show. Turning it on just as Jimmy announces you, she watches you walk out and her eyes widen slightly as her cheeks warm ever so slightly. You were gorgeous. She sat there speechless as she watched you smile and wave to the crowd, and she couldn’t help but smile with you as you sat in your chair.
If she was being completely honest with herself, she was entirely distracted by your beauty and hadn’t been listening to a majority of what was said, that was until she noticed you glaring at Jimmy. Snapping out of her trance, she listens to Jimmy explain the ‘game’ he wanted to play with you, something about looking through your twitter. ‘Wait have I seen her on twitter?’ Jenna briefly thought as he continued explaining. Her eyes shot open as she unexpectedly heard her name. ‘Wait what’, her ears immediately perking up, her attention now entirely on Jimmy.
As soon as the first tweet came on screen, Jenna’s mouth dropped open as she was suddenly hit with the realisation of where she had seen you before. She wasn’t one to frequent twitter, but whenever she did she would always notice a large amount of tags and tweets relating to you. The ones she had seen were just her being tagged in the comments of your tweets but she thought nothing of it and just presumed it was the fans messing around. She was obviously mistaken.
As you continued talking about your tweets and your love for her so openly on live tv, her cheeks burned as she sat there on her couch in pure disbelief. “How could I not be in love” is what you had said. That was all she needed to hear before she decided to binge almost all of your previous interviews, and to her surprise, and delight, you mentioned her in almost every one.
‘Holy shit’ she whispered as you wrapped up talking with Jimmy, saying your goodbyes and promoting your movie one last time. As she watched you stand she thought ‘fuck it’ as she reached for her phone, immediately opening instagram and going to her DMs.
Back at the studio…
You had just left the stage and were taking a moment to relax and think about how everything had gone. ‘I really just said that on live TV’ you thought to yourself as you chuckled and headed back to your dressing room to get changed and head home. The first thing you did was change out of your outfit because, despite how beautiful it makes you feel, your one and only real love—aside from Jenna—is an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. Once you had changed you grabbed your phone off the table and took a glance at your notifications, the number of which multiplied significantly since before the show. ‘Oh wow ok’ you mumbled as you scrolled through them seeing if there were any of significance.
You were about to put your phone down before a DM notification caught your eye, your breath hitching as you read the name. ‘Holy shit no way’. It was from fucking Jenna Ortega. ‘What the actual fuck… oh my god ok’. Deciding to wait until you got home to answer it, so you don’t seem too unbearably desperate, you grabbed your things and walked briskly to your car. As you drive along the quiet streets late at night, your mind is racing as all you can think about is her. ‘Oh my god does that mean she watched the interview?’ ‘I can’t believe she actually knows who I am’ ‘How am I going to respond to this oh god’. 
When you finally arrived at your apartment, you hurriedly got out of the car and made it to your floor before you almost crashed through the door with excitement. Not bothering to do anything else, you instantly collapse onto your couch and open you instagram, saying ‘Fuck it’ and opening the DM. “Hey cutie” it started, instantly making you blush. “I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to reach out to you. I would love to get to know you better so I was wondering whether you wanted to maybe get dinner with me sometime this week?? Absolutely no pressure but I would love to meet you in person :)” You sat there speechless for a moment. Jenna Ortega, your celebrity crush, wants to go out with you?!? ‘This is too good to be true’ you thought as your fingers hovered over the keyboard. You eventually decided to just go for it, “Are you asking me out on a date?? ;)” you typed quickly and sent before you could start overthinking it. 
You were shocked when it was read in just a few seconds, and you waited eagerly for her reply “How could I not ask such a beautiful girl on a date <3”. Here you were, on what you thought would be a regular day of press, instead being asked to go on a date by your celebrity crush. This was an ‘I made it’ moment on a completely different scale.
Part 2
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girlwitheconverse · 2 months
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Pairing: Keegan x singlemom!reader
Genre: fluff
Story type: one shot
Word count: 2k
TW: unexpected pregnancy
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You take a sip of your iced coffee, well deserved you must say, as you look around the coffee shop finally relaxing after a stressing day.
Then you remember that it’s still 10 in the morning and that your work break ends in ten minutes.
The life of a single mother of a toddler of four isn’t easy by any means but you wouldn’t change it for the world, you love Ellie, your daughter, too much to even think of a life without her. You remember all the emotion you felt the day you discovered you were pregnant: shock, fear, and excitement; in this precise order. Ellie’s father probably stopped at shock, because the day after you told him you were pregnant you received a break-up message and he ghosted you.
He disappeared. Completely. Even moved out of his apartment.
Your parents? Like the religious people they are…They kicked you out of the house because you had a kid outside marriage! How outrageous of you.
“Sorry? Is this seat free?” a deep voice makes you come back with your mind on earth, you look at the man and damn is he handsome. Black hair, blue eyes, athletic…Definitely your type. Before answering you look around: the place is almost empty and there are plenty of free tables. Is he…Does he like me? Is the first explanation that comes to your mind but you can’t be sure of it: maybe he just doesn’t like to sit alone.
You nod with a polite smile “Yes.”
The mysterious handsome man sits in front of you and places his cappuccino on the table. The air between you two is awkward so you decide to say something.
Because standing up and leaving seems mean.
But before you can say anything he speaks, “My name is Keegan.”
You blink a few times, then smile “I’m Y/n”
He’s definitely trying to flirt with me.
“I’m not usually one to flirt like this so forgive me if I'm straightforward but that's just how I am.” He says, leaving you shocked. “But…I think you’re beautiful”
You notice his ears getting red and smile at the cuteness. “Thank you, Keegan.”
When was the last time a man flirted with you? You can’t even remember. Every time you go out you have Ellie glued to the hip and that makes most men run away. You’d be lying if you said you didn't like the attention.
“Would you…like to go on a date with me?” He asks as he looks into your eyes, he is indeed very straightforward.
“I…” You try to buy yourself time by taking the last sip of your coffee, should I say yes? He’s totally my type…But what if he drops me as soon as I tell him I have a daughter? Maybe I should just see how the date goes and then decide how to procede. Yes. Definitely that. “Why not?” you say with a smile.
He smiles too and Oh God, his smile is so pretty you feel like you’ve already fallen in love. He hands you his phone to put your number in it, you do so and then stand up.
“I need to go back to work, it was a pleasure meeting you, Keegan…I’ll wait for your text then.” You smile at him and walk outside the cafe, already calling your best friend.
“Girl, I need you to babysit Ellie someday…I don’t know when but I’m going on a date with this super handsome guy and-” before you can finish talking your best friend screams.
“Going out with a guy? An handsome one? You? Damn I’ll babysit Ellie anytime! You go get that D while me and your daughter have a tea party while we talk shit about Cinderella, never liked that bitch anyway.” You laugh and can’t help but feel grateful for having her as best friend.
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A week later
“Do I look cute?” You ask as you show your best friend your outfit “it’s a picnic date, I wanted to stay on theme”
“You really went for the slutty sundress, uh” she says with a smirk, your eyes shoot wide and you look down at Ellie, hoping she didn't hear the swearword.
“Mommy pretty!” She says as she hugs your legs, you pick her up and kiss her round cheek, chuckling as you need to clean your lipstick off her cheek.
“Mommy loves you.” you say before placing her on the ground, “Mommy is going out with a friend okay? I’ll see you later.”
The doorbell rings and you hold back a scream of excitement before picking your purse and walking outside, making sure that Keegan couldn't see Ellie from the door.
“H-hi.” You stutter as you see his outfit, a white t-shirt and brown pants, he’s holding a picnic basket, nothing spectacular but he looks so handsome. His bicep is so big.
He smiles and you notice him looking at you from head to toe, “Hi…Let’s go, I know you can’t wait to see my secret spot.” He says with a chuckle and you two start walking side by side. You and him have been texting each other for the past week and you discovered that he’s in the military, it now makes sense why he has such perfect physique, you also told him about your job as a banker.
As you walk, you chat about anything and everything, from your favorite books to the most embarrassing moments of your childhood. Keegan is easy to talk to, and his warm laughter puts you at ease. You can't help but wonder what he would be like with Ellie, but you quickly shake off the thought, reminding yourself that it's too early to think about that.
The spots he brings you to is a beautiful park with green grass and flowers, “it’s beautiful!” You say as you look around while he puts a blanket over the grass.
“Next time I’m taking you to the beach.” He says as you both sit down on the blanket.
“I love the beach!” You say excited, it’s been so long since you felt like this…Like a woman and not only a mother. “And I love sushi too…” You say as he takes the food out of the basket.
“Yeah, you already told me that a few times by message.” He says with a chuckle, remembering how you spent more than twenty messages talking about sushi.
“It was my worst craving when I was-” You stop before you can say too much, you still haven't told him about Ellie “When I was sick a few months ago, but the doctor said I couldn't eat any.”
He shakes his head and hands you a pair of chopsticks, “Oh, I almost forgot” he says as he picks from the basket a bottle of white wine and two glasses.
“The wine too?” You say shocked but with a smile on your face.
“Of course.” Keegan puts some wine in a glass and hands it to you, “to this date.”
“Hoping that this will be the first of many.” You add before you take a sip of the wine.
You two spend an hour eating and chatting before you lay down on the blanket with a sigh and a smile “I’m so full!”
“Even for these?” Keegan asks as he takes out of the basket strawberries that have been dipped in chocolate.
“I’m never full for these” you say with a chuckle.
“Say ah…” He says as he picks a strawberry and places it near your mouth, you blush but let him feed you the strawberry.
The sweet taste of chocolate and strawberry floods your mouth, followed by the warmth of Keegan's gaze. You blush profusely, your heart pounding in your chest as he chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You sit up and pick a strawberry, “say ah…” you say as you feed him the strawberry, he laughs but lets you feed him. “ops, you’ve got chocolate here” you say before kissing his lips. He’s frozen at first and you think you’ve gone too far, but then he places his hand on the back of your head and deepens the kiss.
The kiss is a heady, intoxicating rush that seems to consume every part of you, spiraling through you and leaving you breathless, your senses filled to the brim. The world narrows down to just the two of you, and for that moment, nothing else matters. As you reluctantly pull away, still caught in the lingering haze of the kiss, you can't help the bubbling laughter that escapes your lips. Keegan, ever so stoic, stands there looking utterly bemused, that stunned expression on his face worth a thousand words.
"That was... unexpected," he murmurs, his voice a low, husky whisper that sends a thrill running down your spine. There's a hint of a smile playing on his lips, a soft, almost shy admission that echoes your own feelings.
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A month and a half later
You’re panicking as you text to Keegan, cancelling the date (one of the many you two had in the past month and half) last minute because your best friend just told you she has a fever and can’t babysit Ellie. Is also too late to call a a babysitter, so you don’t have any other choice if not to stay at home with Ellie…Ellie, whom you still haven't told anything to Keegan.
I’m getting deployed tomorrow after lunch, we won’t see each other for two month after that…You really can’t come?
I’m sorry but my stomach hurts so much, I just got my period :(
Then I’m coming at your place with some chocolate ice cream and chips
You really don’t have to
Too bad I'm already in my car.
You sigh you look at the text and sit on the couch, damn him and his perfect personality. Maybe it’s the universe telling you to stop hiding the truth from him, to stop ignoring the elephant in the room.
“Mommy look!” Ellie says as she shows you the drawing she just made: some yellow on top of the paper and then blue on the bottom, “It’s sea!” With that you realize that you were holding the drawing upside down.
“Oh my! It’s so pretty! This definitely goes on the fridge” you say as you stand up to put her drawing on the fridge, next to your favorite drawing she made: the one with the two of you.
“Yay! Mommy likes it!” She says as she jumps up and down happily, you pick her up and kiss her cheek.
“Listen, Ellie, mommy’s friend is coming here and you need to be a good girl okay?”
“Auntie?” she immediately thinks of your best friend.
“No, not Auntie, another friend.” As soon as you say those words the doorbell rings.
You place Ellie down and walk towards the door, when you see Keegan standing outside with his hands full of snacks your heart breaks because of all the lies you told him but now is the moment of the truth. Will he run away? Will he get mad? You couldn't really blame him if he did so, not after all the lies.
You smile, “Thank you, really but…I need to tell you something…”
“What’s wrong?” He asks worried, but before you can speak a little voice behind you speaks and a little head pokes out the door.
“Mommy friend came?” Ellie asks as she looks up at Keegan with her big eyes. The man looks at you confused and you give him an awkward smile.
“I think it’s better if you come in.” You say as you let him in, Keegan enters and places the snack on the coffe table in front of the couch in the living room.
You place your hands on Ellie’s shoulder and take a deep breath, “Keegan, this is Ellie…My daughter”
To say that he’s shocked is an understatement, he stutters for the first time since you have started dating him, “w-what?”
“I shouldn’t have hidden this from you and i’m so sorry for my stupid actions I was just…afraid I guess at the thought of losing you.” You admit and Ellie looks up at you with a confused expression, you don’t want her to think that you don’t love her.
“You thought I’d leave you because you have a daughter?” He says even more shocked than before.
“That’s what most men do when I tell them.”
“I am not the type to do something like that, I love you and the fact that you have a daughter? Just makes me love you more” your heart flutters as he drops the l-word and your cheek flush red.
“You love me?” you ask with wide eyes.
“Damn if I do!”
“I love you too…And I was so scared of losing you, I’m so sorry…” You say with a smile, he smiles back and then crunches down to Ellie’s height, smiling at her.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Keegan, mommy’s…friend” Keegan says with a smile as he holds out his hand towards Ellie.
“Hi I’m Ellie” Your daughter says as she puts her small hands in his, shaking it clumsily.
It was such a sweet moment and you were almost tearing up when, “Are you my daddy?” Ellie suddenly says. You choke on your own saliva and Keegan laughs, shaking his head.
“No…Not yet at least” Keegan says as he smiles up at you.
“Watch Mulan with me?” Ellie changes subject immediately, very much toddler like, and pulls Keegan towards the couch. You can’t help but laugh as you look at the two of them playing together, feeling like you just found the missing piece of your puzzle, which is now perfect.
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Ugh, this probably sucks and I’m sorry but I recently got back to writing and I’m trying to stay consistent to it :(
If you liked the story don’t forget to like, reblog and maybe even leave a comment :)
And remember, my inbox is always open for requests! even anonymous ones (emoji anon too!)
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girlgrouptrash101 · 5 months
Yunjin (Lesserafim) - New York, New York
Request: "Glad to see that you’re back! May I request a fluffy yunjin fic where they explore New York together? It could be in yunjin’s home city or New York City!! Everything else is up to you, I’ll appreciate anything honestly ahhaha ty" Word Count: 1,531 Warnings: N/A A/N: a christmas fic after christmas? how dare i...
- C
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It had been a long time since you had travelled outside of Korea, all thanks to work, those pesky bills that needed paying every month, and all those other fun responsibilities of daily life. Adulthood was simply keeping you so occupied that the thoughts of vacationing abroad had not crossed your mind in a very long time. With Christmas soon approaching, you were just looking forward to some downtime with your girlfriend, Yunjin, and perhaps a glass of wine or two.
Surely nothing could be better than that, right?
Or so you thought.
It was a cold evening outside, your breath lingering in front of you as you made your way to your apartment block. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you moved along the sidewalk, deep in concentration to avoid stepping on any slippery patches that would have you falling over. Once you finally made it inside the lobby doors, you made a beeline for the elevator that would quickly whisk you up to your apartment door and into the warm embrace of your beloved girlfriend, Yunjin.
The red-headed girl in question was waiting nervously in your apartment, side-eying the red envelope she had left sitting on the kitchen counter earlier. It was your guys’ second Christmas together, and the first where you both were able to get time off, and she wanted to make it special. However, knowing you were looking forward to a quiet Christmas at home, she was worried the gift wouldn’t go down well.
Yunjin’s thoughts were cut short when she heard your key in the door, her smile reaching her eyes as she saw you. She opened her arms wide for you to fall into, her arms rubbing up and down the back of your long winter coat as she tried her best to warm you up. After greeting each other and catching up on all the happenings of the day, Yunjin finally moved to hand you the red envelope. Before she let it go completely, she let all of her worries spill from her lips.
“Listen, baby, I don’t know if you’ll like the gift, and that’s totally okay! Just let me know and we can return everything, I just thought it would be a nice idea, but seriously if you don’t want to-“
“Jen.” You said shortly, cutting off her rambling. You didn’t need to say anymore as your eyes conveyed the rest of the ‘girl, I didn’t even open it yet’ message that you were relaying to her. With a smile playing on your lips, you carefully unsealed the envelope.
Your eyes widened as plane tickets fell out. Not just any plane tickets either, plane tickets to Yunjin’s hometown, New York. Before you could even thank her, your girlfriend began to mumble again.
“Again, baby, if you would prefer to just spend the holidays here-“
Anything else she had to say quickly escaped her mind as you kissed her. You were over the moon with the gift, excited to spend Christmas differently this year.
“Jen, darling, I love it. I am so excited, I already can’t wait to go!” You exclaimed, your arms looping around her neck as she held your waist tightly.
“Well that’s great news, considering our flight leaves tomorrow…” She replied, a sheepish look on her face as your eyes widened.
“Tomorrow! Jen I haven’t even done any laundry this week! Oh my god…”
And with that, you quickly ran to your room to get your things together, your girlfriend following behind you with a smile on her face, looking forward to all the memories you were soon to make together.
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You found it hard to believe that just a day or two before you were finishing up the last of your work in your office before the holidays, and now you were here in New York with the love of your life. With a coffee in one hand and Yunjin’s hand in the other, you couldn’t imagine a better way to spend your Christmas.
You were especially relieved to see that Yunjin hadn’t forgotten anything about New York despite how long she’d been living in Korea. She brought you to all her favourite places in New York city on the first two days of your trip which had been amazing, (apart from the rats, of course). The restaurants, endless flashing lights, shopping, galleries, and everything had been truly amazing. You couldn’t help but feel like a princess as Yunjin took you everywhere and anywhere that she thought you’d like, and of course, every time she was right. How lucky you were to have a tour guide who knew you like the back of your hand, huh?
As Christmas eve rolled around, Yunjin decided to move away from New York city and towards her hometown, which was completely different to the hustle and bustle of busy city life. The calmness of the suburbs was something you felt grateful for.
After arriving at Yunjin’s family home and being introduced to her relatives, your girlfriend decided to take you out on an evening walk to show you around where she had grown up. Standing at the end of her driveway, you waited for her to finish tying her winter boots before walking down to you.
“Better wrap your scarf up love, it’s going to be a chilly one.” Yunjin said as she made her way towards you, already reaching for the ends of your scarf herself as she spoke. After wrapping the material around your face and neck and satisfied you’d be nice and toasty on your evening walk, she gave you a quick peck on your already reddening nose before interlacing your fingers and leading the way.
“So firstly, this, of course, is the street I grew up on.” She said matter-of-factly, a smile on her face as she looked at the rows of houses around her. “My best friend, Leah, used to live in that house over there. And scary neighbour Larry used to live in that green one over there!” She rambled, the memories of her childhood racing back to her as she retraced the steps along the familiar street that she used to walk everyday all those years ago.
“Scary neighbour huh? What made him scary?” You asked, the smile never leaving your face as Yunjin animatedly recounted stories from her joyful childhood.
“I’m sure as kids we found him much scarier than he was, but he was the kinda guy to keep any toys or stuff that accidentally landed in his yard. We never got anything back from him, no matter how nicely we asked! Pretty rude if you ask me.” She said playfully, squeezing your hand as she pulled you closer to her.
After a trip round the neighbourhood that brought you past the schools Yunjin attended, the park she used to play in with her friends, her favourite local store with the nice lady who used to give her free candy, and so much more, you finally recognised the street as the one where Yunjin’s house was. Knowing your walk was coming to an end soon, you stopped her with a tug on her hand, the soft hand that hadn’t left yours go for a second since the day she met you.
“Jen, I just wanted to say thank you for doing this. Like, showing me around, looking after me, even just bringing me here in the first place. Just, for everything. Thank you.” You said honestly, feeling a little shy as you looked down at your snow-covered boots.
“Y/N, you don’t ever have to thank me for anything. It should be the other way around you know. What would I do without you and the endless patience you have for me and my stories, eh? You know you can tell me to shut up if you need to.” She said jokingly. You laughed with her for a moment before speaking up again.
“No, Jen, honestly… like, I have never felt this way about anyone before. Being here, learning even more about you, I could never get tired of it. I want to know everything about you, love. I just want to be a part of all this, be a part of you and your life.” You said, looking her in the eyes. Yunjin was taken aback by your sincerity, it was a side of you that didn’t show often.
“Hearing that means so much, Y/N. I want to know everything about you too, and go everywhere with you, and experience life with you. I haven’t felt like this about anyone else either, you know? You really are my person.” She replied, that soft smile reaching her eyes again. If there was one thing that could always make you weak in the knees it was that damn smile. Not being able to hold back anymore, your hand finally left hers to cup her cheek, pulling her in for a soft kiss.
There was no one else who could make you feel the way she did.
In that moment, there was no one in the world that could have convinced you that Huh Yunjin wasn’t made to be your soulmate.
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malertop · 1 month
Stefan Salvatore x Witch!Male Reader
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Gif is not mine!
Genre: nothing (for now..)
Season: 1 or 2 (beginning)
Y/N was Infront of the Salvatore mansion, after helping his best friend Elena, after finding out he's a witch and everything that has happened he just needed a normal day,while he, Elena and Stefan were in class they had to make a project, The teacher chose Elena and Bonnie and Stefan and Y/N.Stefan and Y/N have never been together without Elena or something so at one point Y/N was nervous while Stefan was excited as he wanted to get to know Y/N even better, after all they are classmates and friends, why was Y/N nervous? Well..let's just say there are some pretty big feelings that exist for Stefan but he can't tell him because he doesn't want to end his friendship with Stefan or Elena, after all Elena was his best friend just like Caroline and Bonnie, but she was just like a sister that Y/N needed after his sister died.
1.23 PM: Thursday
"Okay M/N you can do this" Y/N said as he was Infront of the Salvatore mansion while his arms were shaking and his bodies moving from left to right "Okay...it's time M/N" he said as his finger hit the bell, the door opened as nobody was shown to open it, neither Damon, neither Stefan. "Oh wow an opening from no-one door...how exciting..and weird!" Y/N said with a smile as he finished his last sentence and entered inside the mansion "Hello?...Stefan?..Damon?" Y/N said as he looked left and right for them as he was walking in the mansion, searching for where either Stefan or Damon are.After walking some more he decided to go to the second floor where he found an opened door "Maybe there?...or maybe there's much bodies of people that got killed and they are sucking their blood everyday and night so they cannot be hungry..." Y/N paused for a second "Well worth the try." he said as he began walking, as he was in front of the door there was nothing and no one again.Y/N entered and started walking deeper into the room, he turned his head towards the door to see if there's anyone there and the next second he bumped into something very strong which made him fall on the floor "Oh my god,I am so sorry M/N!" Said someone as they offered their hand for help "it's..okay" Y/N said as his vision was blurry for some seconds, he saw the blurry hand that he knew was offered for him and took it but damn, he got up in no more than 2 seconds.As he blanked one more time his vision became normal "finally,i can see again..not that I was blind" Y/N said as he didn't saw who helped him get up, he looked up and saw Stefan with nothing but a towel "Thank you Stefan" Y/N said with a smile but after realising who he bumped to and that this is the Stefan who was also with nothing but a towel his smile instantly fell "Hey, sorry for making you search for me, I was just showering and when I heard you I was trying as fast as i can to wash faster" Stefan said ashe was fixing his towel, making sure it didn't fall but Y/N didn't say anything as he was looking at the taller man's body "So are you ready for the project?" Stefan asked Y/N but there was no answer, was he not answering because he was fixing his towel Infront of him? "M/N?" Stefan asked in questionable voice as he said the shorter guy's name, after fixing his towel he looked up and saw Y/N who was starting at him, Stefan saw his reflection in his eyes but then Y/N's eyes went to the muscular guy's body which made Stefan looked down to see his body too then he looked towards Y/N, After 1 second Stefan realised it all..so Y/N was enjoying the show.
"M/N?!" Stefan said a little bit of loudly which made Y/N shook his head, now he is back to his sense again "Yeah? Sorry I umm..I zoomed out a little bit" Y/N said as he looked into the guy's eyes "Yeah before everything...I got to ask you something" Stefan said with a smirk as Y/N looked confused but still half smiled "Yeah what is it? Are you going to ask me if I brought everything? Because I made sure I do so don't wor-" "No..that..that was not what I was going to ask you.." Stefan interrupted Y/N as he tried to cool him down "Then what?..." Y/N said with a little smile "Do you like what you see?" Stefan asked with a smirk while Y/N blush could of had been noticed already for 10 minutes, his small instantly fell "W-What do you mean?" Y/N stuttered as he got nervous "I mean do you like seeing me like that?" Stefan couldn't stop smirking as he teased the shorter guy "I mean you know I can hear from miles away or more..right?" Stefan asked as Y/N instantly realised what was happening...he knows.Y/N's eyes went wide opened as he began to worry about his next act, slowly backing away he asked "so since you know are you going to kill me now...oh wait maybe even bite me and drink my blood!" Y/N said as he was backing away to the door as Stefan looked confused "what? no M/N" but Y/N still looked worried,scared and nervous which Stefan didn't like, he didn't like seeing Y/N scared or worried or anything but happy, peaceful and okay."M/N I wo-" but as Stefan was taking it was too late..Y/N was already gone.
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eee-lordy · 4 months
Number 13 please? I love sickfics!
here is a short little sick/comfort blurb for ya 😍
"I don't feel so good."
───※ ·❆· ※───
Jacob was bounding across the tarmac, suitcases flying behind him. After one long movie shoot and a never ending press tour he was finally home.
You stood giddy, watching him step closer and closer to car you waited outside of. Ever since he left to film, Jacob phoned every day, dreaming up plans with you for when he landed home again. There were countless dinners and dates and trips he couldn't wait to make happen with you, and it was finally time.
"My love!" You called, when he was finally in ear shot. Jacob halted his luggage by the tires of your car and swept you into an embrace that sent your heart fluttering. You hugged him back and let him lift your feet off the ground and rushed to stand and face him when you registered his sniffles.
"Miss me that much?!" You cooed. Jacob's eyes were red and misty, and then he spoke.
"Well duh. But... I don't feel so good." The poor guys voice was worn and you could tell now that there was a pallor to his face.
"Oh babe, come on let's get you home." You pet his face and watched as he grumbled in frustration, still keeping a hold of you.
"But we have reservations tonight. I really want to take you out. It's been too long-" Jacob whined and sniffled.
"Hey, s'okay. We can still make up for lost time without big plans. Don't argue! Get in the car, you poor tired thing." With a nudge, you directed your boy to head to the passenger seat while you snatched his luggage before he could reach it.
That night you whipped up a cocktail of cold remedies, drew a bath that was probably too hot, and dotted on Jacob's every move.
"S'just a cold love, I'm not a cripple or something." Jacob laughed a stuffy chuckle as you presented him with a warm pair of joggers and an old concert tee.
"Even if you weren't sick I'd still be all over you silly. I've waited months to trail behind you like a lost puppy. Months!"
"God I'm so glad you're who I've got to come home too. Once I don't feel on the verge of constantly passing out, you're getting this treatment times a billion." Your sweet boy ended his declaration with a vicious cough.
He'd pushed himself so hard this last handleful if months, to get his film finished and promoted and get the hell home. It was no wonder he caught a little something at the tail end of his never ending adventure.
You saw Jacob off to bed, tucking yourself in at his side and insisting he save stories of his time away for the morning.
The next day you snuck to the kitchen to cook up a big breakfast, letting him sleep away the sick and relishing in the simple fact that he was home at long last.
When Jacob finally padded into the main living space he tried insisting he felt much better, beginning a speech about taking you on a date.
"Absolutely not." You waved off the offer and sat the tall guy down. Neither of you were going anywhere until the red left his eyes and the sniffles stopped entirely. You ordered takeaway and kept Jacob on a steady cup of hot hot tea.
After a day of lounging, he seemed almost back to normal. Though you were hesitant to offer, you said "If you're still this lively by tomorrow night, I'll go out with you."
"Swear?" Jacob rose a brow, grinning in anticipation. You held out a pinkie as if to promise. You weren't long up, cozy in bed with your beloved boy, another early night.
And then... you woke up coughing. Awe fuck.
You tried to play it off. Like a passing tickle in your throat. But soon you were sat up sniveling away, much to your dismay. All your racket woke up the man at your side. And he registered your condition right off.
Jacob let out a low chuckle of surprise, a smile growing wider as he sat up to reach out to you.
"Jacob Elordi are you excited that I'm sick?"
"Of course not." He responded, planting a firm kiss to your head. "But I am looking forward to taking as much care of you as you've taken care of me the past two days."
You cooed and cuddled closer to his side, feeling weaker now that the sickness was unavoidably addressed.
"Don't you dare move. It's my turn now, my love." Jacob smiled, locking those beautiful dark eyes on yours before getting up to follow in your footsteps. Cooking and cleaning and laying out your clothes so you didn't have to lift a finger.
You were bummed to miss another night out. But you were so damn glad Jacob didn't let a little sickness ruin the time the pair of you had been waiting to spend connecting again after so long.
───※ ·❆· ※───
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Swipe (Lucifer Morningstar x reader) Preview
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This is a preview of my WIP fanfic for Lucifer, it’s a three parter and this is a small about of part 1, since it’s still a WIP it’s not yet proof read :) Description: after his divorce, he finally gets back into the dating game…through a dating app :)
Please note I’m writing this before the release of ep7 and ep8 so- 
Takes place between ep 5 and right before ep 6 
I wrote nearly 98% of this at like 3 AM-
 Warning: Lucifer being a dork, Lucifer being a dorky dad, age gap(reader died at like 25 and Lucifer is like a good few thousands years old so), talk of divorce, Charlie being a supportive daughter, I’ve never used a dating apps so i might get info wrong, Lucifer doesn’t know modern day technology or slang, lying
⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧ ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧ ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧
Lucifer’s POV
“Charlie, are you sure about this?” I ask still hesitant, I knew Charlie just wanted to help and had the best intentions, but a dating app?  “Of course!” Charlie exclaimed, face lite up. “It’s perfect! You get to meet people without the face to face interactions!” Charlie said downloading the app, viva by Voxtech.
Charlie’s was more excited than I was, I wanted to meet people but an app? I can’t help but feel my heart race and my body get heavy, why was I this nervous. In the middle of my overthinking Charlie handed me the phone, it had a profile made it had my name and many details. It felt like I was giving it to all 9 rings of hell! “Ok! How we gotta add some photos an-“ 
We both turned are head to see Alastor and Vaggie standing there. “Can you help with something real quick?” Vaggie ask seeming annoyed. “Of course!” Charlie’s called back before as standing up. “You go ahead and add those photos dad I’ll be back!” Charlie said as she ran to the two, leaving me alone on the couch staring at the screen. 
I read over the info and it all was so…personal. How would anyone be comfortable putting this much out? I Don’t get me started with being the King of Hell it’s self, then an idea popped in my head. I turn my head slightly to see Charlie still talking to the pair so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I added photos of my duck inventions and made a duck with a white top hat as my ‘icon’. Now onto the name, Lucifer was too out there everyone would know, think! L names that are similar.
Luca! I instantly think changing the name quickly, removing the last name from the profile along with it. After that it looked like a normal profile. When I finished and satisfied with it Charlie was walking back over. “Sorry bout that dad! Now back to w-.” While she was speaking I shove my phone in my pocket and stand up. “No it’s fine! I set it up!” I nearly screamed it out as I stood from the couch. Charlie stared at me shock for a moment before her normal bright smile returned to her face. “Wow that’s great!” She said as she walked over “Look at you getting the hang of technology!” Charlie said happily. I didn’t know why I was so nervous by an app, but it was on my mind. After finishing talking to Charlie I was able to leave, soon I was back in my bedroom. I let out a sigh and feel onto the massive bed and pulled out my phone, Viva still open.
God this app was a never ending app of swiping left on people wanting hook-ups was tiring. This was the last time I’d take F/N  advice and use a dating app, the fact they exist in hell was already surprising. It was nude after nude of people looking for a hookup. Then something different popped up, instead of the naked body I almost have gotten used to, I was greeted by a rubber duck with a white top hat. My eyes widen a bit as I layed there I swipped to look at the second photo, more ducks. I then moved and read the bio. “Luca..” I said quietly to myself reading the short info. I looked at the photos and the bio, it stood out in the sea of profile, i stair a while longer…
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lemons4u · 7 months
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒┊i should’ve made one of those aesthetic banners for this smau… 💔 but it’s really short anyways so hshshs
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒┊fluff, suggestive (ofc, it’s written by pri, what else do u expect?), a little sad, fem! reader, modern au, somewhat ooc alhaitham not rly though, AND CUTIE PATOOTIE READER… w a little attitude
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“ your… GOING OUT WITH A GIRL? ” kaveh shrieked, perhaps alhaitham shouldn’t have told him— but then again, he was in need of desperate help.
“ well… yeah… i am. ” alhaitham shifted nervously, looking off to the side.
“ YOU ONLY GOT THIS APP TWO DAYS AGO THOUGH…!! wait, how long have you even been talking to her? ”
“ uh since like… last night. ”
kaveh blinked at him a couple of times. “ of all people i wouldn’t expect you to… rush all this so… quickly. ” kaveh murmured.
“ i mean usually people wait a couple of months or so. ” kaveh continued.
“ yeah, usually… but since we’re located in the same area i thought this would just be better, no? ”
“ plus, this way i know she’s not some 67 year old… eugh.. ”
kaveh sighed, leaning against the wall. “ i guess you got a point— also that’s an oddly specific age… wanna explain alhaitham? ” he grinned.
“ shut up, you make my head hurt. ” alhaitham snapped back, brows furrowing.
“ ahem, now can you actually help me like… prepare for my… ” what would he call it…?
“ date.” kaveh finished for him, crossing his arms across his chest.
“ yeah sure… if that’s what you wanna call it. ” alhaitham tapped his fingers against the wall… date sounded like a perfect word— he would never admit it though.
“ moving on! what are you gonna wear? ” kaveh exclaimed, clapping his hands.
“ uhm… well i was thinking a brown sweater with a collared shirt and— ”
“ ah ah!” kaveh cut him off, snapping his fingers. “ and jeans right? that’s what you were gonna say… ”
alhaitham nodded sheepishly which made kaveh let out a heavy sigh.
“ i’ll look through MY closet for you, and no i’m not giving you clothes because i like you! because your going out and i’m helping you… and i can’t justlet you embarrass yourself like that. ” kaveh said dramatically.
“ mm… okay. ” alhaitham grumbled, picking up his phone as kaveh dashed away.
he was probably more excited for this than alhaitham himself.
once he finally settled down alhaitham could see the notifications that he completely ignored— a few of them being yours.
god, he shouldn’t have left his phone on silent like that.
immediately he opens up your texts, ignoring everything else.
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though he acted quite understanding— alhaitham had to admit he was kind of ( very ) upset…
on such short notice too? how could someone just… do that?
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daleyeahson · 2 years
Girl On Film | Perv!Eddie Munson x Best friend reader: Part 2
Summary: When Eddie finally decides to make a move on his best friend, he can’t seem to find the right words. The only way to explain how he feels is to show her.
Warnings: 18+ Smut smut and nothing but the smut. minors dni // M and F oral receiving, P in V, unprotected sex (big no no), degrading and praise kink, slight breeding kink, cursing, cum tasting, face fucking, use of y/n but still mainly pet names.. just overall filth so if that’s not your thing, this isn’t for you lol
Word count: 3.7k
previous part | next part
A/n: Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.. here’s part 2! No seriously tho, I am overwhelmed with the reaction I got from part 1 of this… good to know I’m not the only one who absolutely loves pervEddie! Again, still new at this so any feedback is welcomed! Please send in requests of what you’d want to see more of! Thank you again, enjoy x
Rushing out the door to his van, Eddie’s heart was racing. He had so many questions and so much to say, but didn’t know where to begin. Why did you play along? How long have you felt this way? Is this some kind of joke? Did you really want him to make a move? He didn’t have time to question things now. He wanted you and from what he heard and saw on that tape, you wanted him too.
He finds himself back at your place for the third time, speeding the entire drive there. A drive that usually takes him ten minutes was shortened down to a mere five. I’m mean, can you blame the guy? He’s been on the edge of an orgasm all day and now he’s got a chance with the person who’s the cause of it all? Yeah, he’s definitely not wasting anymore time. Getting out of the van, he makes his way to your place. He repeatedly knocks real loud on your door which startles you.
“Jesus, what the hell?” You say as you make your way to the door. You open it quickly, only to be left standing there with confusion written all over your face when you find out who it is that’s causing all that noise. “Eddie, what the fuck? Why are you beating down my door?” You ushered him inside and closed the door. “Is something wrong? I thought Wayne needed you?”
“I lied.” He says, not wanting to get into the details of why and only wanting to hurry and make his move. He couldn’t wait any longer and any questions you had would have to wait.
“What? What do you m-” he doesn’t let you finish your sentence before he crashes his lips into yours, holding onto your face with both hands. It takes you by surprise, but you finally settle into the kiss and put your hands on his waist. You had be waiting so long for him to make the first move and here he was, doing just that.
He backs you both up and forcefully pushes you against the wall. He presses his whole body against you, practically trapping you where you stand. He’s got you right where he wants you. Breaking away from your lips, he starts to leave kiss after kiss on your neck. You can’t believe this is really happening.
“Ed- Eddie” you try saying, finding it hard to get the words out at a time like this.
“I’ve wanted this for such a long time, princess, you don’t even know.”
Eddie starts to gently grind himself against you. Groaning at the feeling of friction he so desperately needed, the wave of pleasure it gave him only making him more excited. Without even thinking, his hands move up to the collar of you shirt and rips it right down the middle. You gasp at the sudden ferocious nature of him, but you don’t stop it. In fact, you want more of it. You’re left there in nothing but your panties for him now and Eddie steps back so he’s able to take in the sight of you, in person this time.
“God, you really are beautiful. So fucking gorgeous, baby.” He says as he’s running his hands over your body, admiring every inch.
He leans down and takes one of your tits into his mouth, sucking and biting at it while using his hand to gently massage the other. After letting your nipple leave his mouth, covered in his saliva, he starts to kiss on your body again. He makes his way all over leaving small bruises across your neck and chest, causing you to moan in his ear. He reaches for your hand and guides you to his very prominent bulge that’s begging to be released from his sweatpants. Pulling away from you, he looks you in the eyes with blown out pupils, nothing but hunger can be seen from him.
“You feel that? That is what you do to me, baby. It’s all you. All for you.” He says, out of breath.
“Yeah?” You say with a smirk on your face. “I guess I better take what’s mine then, huh?”
You don’t give him a chance to respond before you’re dropping to your knees. He looks down at you, taking it all in. You looked like a fallen angel to him, so beautiful he could hardly stand it. You toy with the waistband of his sweats and pull them down only to be met with his leaking cock already.
You look up and wrap your hand around him. You gather up his precum and slowly start stroking, causing him to hiss slightly at your touch. “No boxers? How presumptuous of you.”
He chuckles lightly, “You could say I was in a bit of a hurry.”
You smile at him, then slowly lick from the base of his cock to the tip, feeling every vein along the way. You don’t take your eyes off of him as you take him into your mouth.
“Ohhhh, fuck. Look at you, baby, taking me in that mouth of yours so well. You look so pretty with a mouthful of my cock.” You moan in satisfaction at his praises and it causes a whimper to come from him. Hearing him losing control from above you turns you on even more. You can feel your arousal pooling in your cotton panties, leaving a dark spot on them. While one hand is stroking him as you’re bobbing your head, taking him as far as you can go without choking, your other hand reaches down between your legs and starts to play with your clit.
“Shit, princess, are you touching yourself?” Eddie coos. “So needy for this cock that you just can’t take it anymore? Shit. God, your mouth feels so good.”
Without warning, you take him out of your mouth and he stares down at you, visibly pouting at the loss of contact.
“What are you d-”
“I want you to fuck my face, Eddie, please?” You say looking up at him. He could’ve came at just the sight of you like this, begging on your knees for him to fuck your throat.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you know I could never tell you no. Especially not to an offer like that.” He says while smiling down at you.
He grabs his cock and starts smearing the precum and saliva that was already coating it all over your lips. “Open up for me, baby.” You did as you were told and he slowly slides himself into your mouth, the both of you groaning at the feeling of it all. He grabs your hair, pulling it back into a ponytail in his hand so he can have a better view of what’s going on below him. He starts thrusting in and out at a steady pace, just barely touching the back of your throat. Wanting more, you try to push your head further down him every time he thrusts.
“You want more, baby? Hm? You wanna be my cock hungry slut? Wanna choke on my dick until you can’t breathe?”
You look up at him with pleading eyes, hoping he would take it as a sign that you did want all of that. You wanted anything and everything he could give to you. Luckily, he gets the message loud and clear.
“Alright, but remember you asked for this. I’m not holding back once I get started, understand?” You give a slight nod. “Good.”
Eddie begins fucking your face at ruthless speed. He really did mean it when he said he wasn’t holding back. You can feel your spit and his precum running from the sides of your mouth down onto your chest, tears begin to form in the corners of your eyes with every thrust he makes.
“Relax for me, let me get deep in there.” You do and instantly his cock is even further down your throat. You can’t help but start to choke, fighting for air, but that doesn’t seem to phase Eddie. He’s so close that all you are to him now is his little fuck toy he gets to use to chase his orgasm.
“I know, baby, I know. It’s so much to handle, yeah?” He says in a patronizing way. “Just a little bit longer, sweetheart. I’m almost there, I promise. Be a good girl for me and take it, okay?”
You can’t help but moan at the sound of being his good girl. Something about the sound of it had you dripping down between your thighs and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Eddie.
“Oh you like that? You like being my good girl? O-oh fuck.” His hips start to stutter, a sign to you he’s so close. “You gonna be a good girl and let me cum deep down in your throat? Have you swallow every drop I give to you? Yeah you are, you’re gonna take it no matter what.”
You moan once again and the vibration of it sends him into a spiral and makes him a blabbering mess, begging to reach his climax. “Shit. I’m so fucking close. So close. Fuck, oh my god. Yes, just like that baby, being so good. F-fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum. O-ohh fuck. Shit, shit shit shit.”
Eddie pushes and holds himself deep in the back of your throat while you swallow every drop of his cum that you could. Some of it even spilling out the sides of your mouth, joining the rest of the mess you have all over you. He gently pulls out of your mouth and groans at the sight of you. On your knees, covered in his cum, hair a mess with tear streaks running down your face. Even in a state like that, he still thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Once he pulls his sweats back up, he reaches a hand down to you.
“C’mere.” He says as he helps you up from the floor. He wipes away the tears on your cheek and pulls you in for another kiss, tasting his cum from your mouth. This one is more tender than the last, him really taking the time to express his love for you. “You were so good for me, it’s only fair I return the favor, if you’d like.”
You can’t help but laugh a little, not at him, but at the fact he thought that you’d even turn down the offer, especially after what just happened. You bite your lip and raise your eyebrows at him in a suggestive look.
“Bedroom?” You ask.
“Bedroom.” He agrees. He quickly lifts you up and places you over his shoulder.
“Eddie!” You shriek. “Put me down! I can walk ya know?”
“Yeah I know, but after all of that, I think it’s time we give your legs a break.” He walks into your room and tosses you on the bed. “Besides, I’d rather have you on your back for me anyway.”
He makes his way onto the bed, placing himself between your thighs. Leaning down, his mouth hovers over your ear as he whispers, “Don’t worry, baby, I’m gonna take good care of you.” His voice alone sends chills down your spine. He begins leaving a trail of wet kisses down your body, from your neck all the way until he reaches the hem of your panties. He looks up at you, asking for permission to continue.
“Please, Eddie, I need it.” You whine.
Eddie huffs a slight chuckle while pulling your panties off, “Be patient, y/n, you’re not the only one who gets to have fun with this.”
You scoff at him. “Fuck you.” How dare he use your own line against you when you wanted nothing more than for him to devour you.
“You will, I promise, but first I need to taste you.”
He lays his tongue flat across your slit, lapping up your arousal that’s dripping from you and makes his way up to suck on your clit causing you to moan for him.
“That’s my name, do you need something?” He does it again, but this time he doesn’t raise back up. He stays there, going back and forth between fucking you with his tongue and sucking at your sensitive bud, making you squirm underneath him.
“Please, I- fuck, more.. I need more..” you beg, trying to keep your legs spread for him.
Face still buried between your thighs, he takes one hand to push your legs farther apart while the other makes its way to your cunt to slowly slip his fingers into you. Hitting that spongy spot within you, it doesn’t take long before your hips start to jerk and legs shake. The sensation of his thick fingers deep inside you, alongside the sucking and nibbling of your clit is almost too much for you to handle. You begin to involuntarily clench around his fingers as your body tries to make it to the finish line.
Eddie raises his head up just for a moment, “That’s it, baby, go on and cum for me. Be a good girl and cum for me. Take what you need, I’ve got you.” Instantly the rubber band inside your core snaps and Eddie keeps his fingers moving to help you ride out your high. “There you go, such a good girl for me.” Once your orgasm ends, he takes his fingers out and pops them into his mouth. Moaning with pleasure at the taste of you.
“Mmm, so good. You taste so sweet, princess. Here, try it.” He comes up to press his lips to yours, tongues dancing around each other in a sloppy kiss. Tasting yourself from his mouth was something you never thought would happen in a millions years, and now that you have, you’re not sure if you could live without it. As you two continue to kiss, Eddie begins grinding against your naked core, the only thing in the way of his growing bulge is his sweats. Desperate to feel more of you, he raises up to take his shirt off. You pause for a moment to admire him like he did you earlier. The way his tattoos decorate his body and the light sheen of sweat forming on his skin already. The pause you took to gaze upon his body in admiration was misinterpreted by him as you being hesitant to go forward.
“We can stop if you want.. you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“Eddie, look at me.” You sat up so that you’re able to reach up and cup the side of this face. “I want this, okay? I want you.” Your hand found it’s way back to the waistband of his pants and you tugged on it a little bit. “Now, when I take these off again, I expect you to keep them off, got it?” A smile jumped across his face and he was filled with excitement knowing that you truly did want this. “Yes, ma’am.”
You take his pants off, again, this time making sure he fully steps out of them before throwing them across the room out of the way. With the both of you now fully nude in front of each other, you bring him down to you, placing a gentle kiss on his lips as a way of letting him know it’s really okay to keep going. He takes this opportunity to push you back down onto the bed, and reaches for his cock. He slid it in between the folds of your cunt to lube himself up “You ready?” He asks. You nod and he gently pushes himself into you. Inch by inch he slowly makes his way in until he’s completely bottomed out in you.
“Ohhh, fuck.” You say throwing you head back. Eddie starts to kiss on your exposed neck. “I know” kiss “I know, baby” kiss “just let me know when you’re ready for me to move.” another kiss. You give yourself a few seconds to adjust to his size before letting him know to keep going. “Okay, I think I’m ready.” With that he slowly pulls back then thrusts himself back into you, gradually speeding up to a steady pace.
“Jesus Christ, you feel so fucking good. It’s like she was made for me, baby, she’s just sucking me right in.”
“F-faster.” You sputter out. “Go faster for me, I can take it. I want you to be rough, please.”
With a loud groan Eddie picks up the pace, snapping his hips into you. The lewd sounds of your skin slapping together and heavy breathing takes over the room.
“Is this what you wanted, hm? Wanted me to fuck you so good you can’t walk the next day? Wanted to be a good little whore for me didn’t you? Fuck, just taking me so well.”
“Yes! God, yes! Fuck, Eddie, making me feel so good, so so good.”
“Yeah?” Eddie reaches down to play with you clit, “Does my cock feel good, baby? You feel how deep I am? I’m hitting all the right spots, aren’t I? That pretty pussy of yours seems to think so, she’s squeezing me so tight.” You can feel you second orgasm coming along and can’t help but beg for more.
“Please, don’t stop. E-Eddie don’t stop. Right there, please, o-oh my god. Please let me cum, I’ve been a good girl. I’ve been so good.”
Eddie nearly cums at the sound of you calling yourself a good girl. You had been a good girl, but hearing it come from your lips felt unreal. Pushing your legs to your chest, he’s able to get much deeper than before. “Come on, cum for me, baby. It’s okay, just let go. I’ve got you, let it happen, sweetheart.”
“Oh, Eddie! E-Eddie! Shit. I’m gonna cum. Oh my god I’m gonna fucking cum. Yes, god, yes right there. Yes yes yes.” You can’t help but hold your breath as your orgasm inched closer, and once it peaked, you moaned loudly while gasping for air. Lost in your orgasmic high, you didn’t even realized you had squirted all over yourself and Eddie. It was just the thing to bring him to the edge.
“Holy shit, you squirted all over me. Fucking drenched my cock, baby. Fuck, that’s so hot. O-oh god. Baby, I’m so close. Like really fucking close, where-”
“Inside. Cum inside of me, please, Eddie. I wanna feel it. I want you to fill me up.” Eddies eyes rolled back and he wrapped his arms around your body. Dipping his head down between your breasts, he starts to mumble nonsense. Having a one sided conversation just to help push him over the edge.
“Yeah? Want me to fill this pussy up? Sh-shit.. have you so fucking full you’re still leaking my cum in the morning? Maybe I’ll get you knocked up, hm? You’d like that wouldn’t you, having my baby?”
He wasn’t expecting you to answer any of his questions and even if you had, he wouldn’t have been able to pay attention to the answer right now. He picks his head up a little bit and you can see his chest was flushed with a red tint that went up his neck and to his ears too. Eyes closed and his brows furrowed, his mouth hung open in an ‘O’ shaped manner while a bead of sweat ran down the tip of his nose, dropping onto your chest and rolling down the valley of your breasts. It felt like such an intimate moment despite how rough you were being. His breathing became heavy and uneven as he got closer to coming. His thrusts becoming sloppy and his legs started to shake.
“Oh-oh god. I’m gonna cum. Oh shit..oh f-fuck. I’m gonna fucking cum, baby. Gonna get it deep inside you. S-shit. Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Here it comes, sweetheart. Here it fucking comes.”
Just a few more thrusts and Eddie came undone, shooting ropes of his cum deep inside you. Cumming so much it started to spill out of your cunt. He laid on top of you, still shaking from such an extreme wave of pleasure, face buried in your neck. Once your breath slowed down and evened out, he turned his head to look you in the eyes once again, pushing a strand of hair out of the way, and placed a kiss on the tip of your nose. He pushed himself up so he wasn’t laying on you anymore. “You ready? This might sting a little.” You nodded at him and he slowly pulled out of you. You hissed slightly because it did in fact sting a little, but it wasn’t anything unbearable. Standing straight up, Eddie started to make his way out the door.
“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”
You chuckled, “I didn’t plan on it.”
Eddie goes to the bathroom and comes back with a warm washcloth to help clean you up. Once he was done cleaning, he maneuvered you both to where you were now laying with your heads on the pillows. He laid on his back while you laid on your side, one leg thrown over his body so you could cuddle up next to him. He traced shapes on your back and played with your hair until you fell asleep. He wished he could do the same, but now he has even more questions than before.
He knows all of this means something to him, and he wants to be with you romantically, but did you feel the same? Did you know that’s how he felt about all of this? Would you regret it later? Sure, during it all you both made comments about wanting this, but you didn’t really discuss anything beforehand, so you didn’t know what this was. Would it turn into something more or just be a friends with benefits type thing where you occasionally have sex? Up until that last part, he hadn’t really processed what had just happened.
Oh my god, he thought, he just had sex with his best friend.
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nichuuu · 1 year
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Tags: Smut, creampie, facial, handjob, teasing, subby joy, doggy, riding, fluff(?) Word count: 6k++
The clacking of your keyboard filled the empty office. Your eyes throbbed in their sockets, begging you for some sort of rest from your computer screen. The minute hand of the clock was slowly approaching the 12 mark on the clock, it would be 1 am soon. Regardless, you were determined to put in those extra hours and finish this damn proposal. With a sip of some extra strong coffee, you let the caffeine take over your senses. You mindlessly typed away, words appearing on the document faster than your mind could process. 
Your teammates had gone out drinking again. Unlike them, you had a sense of responsibility in you, so you were the one who stayed to finish the last leg of the proposal. While your so-called “teammates” were busy celebrating god knows what, you were slaving away in your space, fingers achy and joints sore. 
“Wow… Hard working as ever…” 
You looked up. A familiar face smiled back at you over the cubicle.
“Not now Soo-young,” You huffed, looking back at your screen. From your peripheral vision, you saw the woman pout. 
“Aw… Why so grumpy?” She teased you. You glared at her. 
“I said: Not now,” You repeated yourself. Joy rolled her eyes.
“Fine…” She sighed. Her head disappeared behind the wall of your prison, re-appearing from the entrance to your cubicle. 
“Is it me? Or does this place get messier and messier each time I visit?” She mused.
“Keep your hands off my shit,” You warned her, eyes not leaving the screen.
“I’ll do what I please, thank you.”
You heard her rummaging through some papers on your desk. You wanted to whip around and just let her have it right there, but you were so close to completing your task. Forcing yourself to stay laser focused, you pushed yourself a little more. Your fingers moved faster, the frequency of the clacking increasing. At some point, you felt Soo-young looking over your shoulder, watching silently as words appeared on screen. Then she went back to poke her nose into the papers on your desk. 
“Damn… This paper was dated 2 years ago!” You heard her mutter. “He really needs to sort his shit out…”
More rustling came from behind you. You were on the final stretch now, just a few more sentences left. You could feel your heart beating faster in excitement as you made your way towards the light at the end of the tunnel.
Alas, you typed out the final word. A rather loud yell of victory left your mouth as you saved your work. You crashed back in your chair, feeling more relieved than you’d ever had before. 
“Oh my god… Never again…” You grimaced, massaging your tired eyes. 
“This all seems like a you problem not gonna lie,” Joy chimed in. You opened your eyes. 
“Joy… Please shut the fuck up,” You requested. In response, she dragged your chair out and spun you in a circle. You yelped, quickly planting your feet down in the ground to stop yourself. God forbid those 4 cups of coffee came out of you.
“You’re done with your work! Stop being a grumpy old fart!” Soo-young reminded you. You sighed. 
“Stop nagging. You remind me of my Eomma,” You told her. She scoffed. 
“Maybe you should take better care of yourself. That way I can stop taking care of you like you’re a little kid,” Joy retorted. You wanted to argue against her statement, but she had a fair point.
“Fair enough,” You relented. 
“That’s what I thought bitch boy,” She sneered playfully. You chuckled.
You weren’t sure how to describe your relationship with Soo-young. You started off as complete strangers to each other, strangers that worked 2 desks away and always seemed to go to the same spot for lunch everyday. One fine day, she sat down next to you in the middle of a meeting—she was half an hour late—and introduced herself to you. You spent the long hours of the meeting entertaining yourselves in hushed, clandestine conversations, stopping only when your boss turned back to face the zombie crowd. At the end, you made yourself a new friend and exchanged numbers with her. 
Months passed. You got closer to Soo-young, close enough to call her what all her friends called her.
“They call me Joy,” She told you one morning over some doughnuts and coffee. 
“Joy?” You mused. She shrugged. 
“Yea… I never really understood why, but the name stuck.”
You would come to understand why with time. She truly lived up to her namesake, her bright, contagious smile and her amusing personality making her a true Joy to be around. You liked her company, it made the office feel like less of a slave plantation. 
Your relationship with her was simple up til Christmas day. She invited you back to her place for a couple of drinks after an office party, and you gladly obliged. A few jokes, some snacks and quite a few glasses of wine later, your clothes were discarded together with Joy’s and you were taking her against the window of her apartment. After your fling with her that night, you two made a mutual agreement: What happened would be a one time thing. You were friends, simple as that.
However, neither of you really kept to the first part of the agreement. It was broken just a few weeks after when Joy pulled you into a storage room and sucked your cock.The she proceeded to take your cock up her pussy, your hand clasped around her mouth to prevent anyone from hearing her moans. You broke the agreement two months later, guiding her away from the poolside party at a friends house, ripping her bikini off her and fucking her senseless in the guest bathroom. Since then, sex with Joy happened almost on a weekly basis—sometimes a monthly basis if you two were really busy. No real feelings had manifested for Joy, and Joy certainly didn't seem interested to enter a relationship with you of all people. Hence, the two of you declared yourselves friends with benefits.
“Why are you still in the office?” You asked Joy, powering off your monitor. Soo-young sighed.
“Had to file my team’s paperwork again…” She lamented. “I really hate these slackers.”
“Same here,” You chuckled bitterly. “I just keep saving their asses over and over again while they go out drinking every other night… Ridiculous if you ask me.”
Joy laughed, clearly sharing a common sentiment. 
“Should’ve just shredded all the papers… Let those fucks rot for all I care,” Joy mused. 
“We’re on the last leg of the proposal submissions… Presentations are tomorrow,”  You reminded her. Joy nodded. 
“Yep… Which is exactly why I plan on calling in sick tomorrow,” She said. You raised an eyebrow. 
Joy scoffed. 
“We’re the same. We both stay for long hours in the office saving our team’s asses, but we get zero recognition at the end of it all cause it’s a ‘group effort’,” Joy lamented. “I’ve been doing all the work. I want to see how they pitch the proposal without me tomorrow.”
You smirked. 
“You’re more cunning than I thought,” You mused. She winked. 
“I’ve got lots of ideas up here,” She said, tapping her head. “You know, maybe you should call in sick tomorrow too…”
You shook your head. 
“As much as I want to let my team burn to the ground, I don’t see myself doing that,” You told her honestly. Joy groaned.
“Oh my god! You and your morals!” She sighed. “Have a little fun! You certainly seem to be able to put aside your little moral compass when we fuck.”
“But that’s because… Because… Uh…” You struggled to argue. 
“Because what huh?” Joy pressed. “Because you like using my tight little body and ravishing my ass? Is that it?”
She wasn’t exactly wrong, but you didn’t want to let her win just like that. 
“And what if that is the reason? What are you gonna do, Joy?” You challenged her. Joy stared at you for a moment. Her brows furrowed, visibly deep in thought. 
“Alright then,” She finally said after some time. “If that really is the reason… I pitch you an offer.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Let’s hear it.”
Joy leaned against your desk.
“If you call in sick with me tomorrow, I’ll let you fuck me tonight.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“I’m guessing there’s a catch?” You prompted. She grinned. 
“But of course,” She replied. “If you fuck me tonight. You have to come to the beach with me tomorrow.” 
“That sounds like more of a win for me,” You told her bluntly. 
“It’s a win-win for the two of us,” She explained. “You get to fuck me and go to the beach—I get to screw over both our teams, get railed and go to the beach. Simple.”
You nodded your head thoughtfully, pretending to think it over. In truth, you had your answer ready for quite some time. 
“So?” Joy urged. 
“I accept your offer,” You answered. Joy grinned. 
“Perfect,” She said. “Now get your shit and let’s go. All this talk about sex has me aching for your cock.”
As she turned to leave, you grabbed her by the wrist. 
“Who said anything about leaving?” You asked. Joy raised an eyebrow.
“My my… Getting mischievous aren’t you?” She teased. 
“Well… Like you said: I can set aside my moral compass when it comes to fucking you.”
Joy smiled that lustful smile. 
“So are you just gonna keep talking? Or are you gonna kiss me?” 
In a flash, you were up on your feet, her tight frame in your arms and her lips on yours. Her hands touched your chest, your own hands on her ass.
“I know the pin to my boss’s office…” Joy whispered. “She has a couch in there.”
A sly grin made its way up your face. 
“Then what are we waiting for?” You asked. Joy giggled. She grabbed your hand, hurriedly pulling you towards the direction of her boss’s office.
Looks like your night was far from over.
You ran to that office with Joy like it was an emergency. Once there, Joy hurriedly punched in the numbers. A series of beeps, a green flash and Joy threw open the door, pulling you in with her.
“Any cameras in here?” You asked her. 
“Nope,” She replied confidently. “Funnily enough, the CEO turns off all the cameras at night to save money on electricity. That’s why we have so many security guards.”
“That sounds oddly convenient,” You mused.
You found a light switch and flipped it on. The room filled with warm light, revealing the spacious office that was at your disposal.
“Christ. Just shut up and undress me already,” Joy huffed. She moved to unbutton your shirt, and you did the same. The lacy fabric of her bra slowly became more and more visible with each button that came undone, heightening your excitement and making your cock twitch wildly in your pants.
Joy tugged at your pants.
“Get this off,” She whispered. You gladly undid your belt and unbuckled your trousers. They fell with a ‘thump’, pooling around your ankles and exposing the very apparent bulge in your underwear. Joy got her skirt off, making quick work of the article of clothing and tossing it to a side.
“Come here,” She said. She captured your lips, hands hooking the waistband of your underwear and pulling it down. You jolted a little when you felt the coolness of her palm against your shaft, but quickly adjusted, relishing the small sparks of pleasure when she stroked your length slowly. Your lips parted with hers, your eyes drinking in Joy’s curvaceous body.
“The usual?” She asked, toying with the tip of your cock.
“You pick,” You told her. There was a gleam in Joy’s eyes as she placed a finger on her lips, deep in thought. 
“I wanna ride you,” She decided. You grinned.
“Sure thing, but I want to eat you out first.”
Joy let go of your cock.
“Then fucking eat me.”
She guided you over to her boss’s desk. She propped herself up on it, spreading her luscious thighs apart and exposing a wet patch on her still-clothed pussy. It would only be a matter of time before her underwear would be discarded as well.
You didn’t need to be invited over. You were on your knees in a flash, hands pushing Joy’s spreading Joy’s legs a little further. Your index finger pressed against the damp spot on her panties, making her gasp when you started tracing the outline of her pussy with your fingertip.
“D-Don’t tease me like that…” She whispered. 
“I like to play with my food a little,” You smirked.  She whined, her voice full of need and desire.  She squirmed atop the desk, eyes squeezed shut and head tilted back. She made no further attempts to cease your teasing. 
When you eventually decided you had Joy riled up, you pulled the thin fabric of her panties off. Her pink folds glistened under the light. You licked your lips, mouth watering at the sight. 
You planted a kiss on her left thigh, then her right. Joy’s legs trembled in anticipation. 
“Look at me Joy,” You ordered. She bit down on her lower lip, eyes locking onto you. Maintaining eye-contact, you leaned forward and placed your mouth on her soaking pussy. 
You’d never forget her reaction when your tongue darted out, sweeping across her slick with the tip of your tongue. Her head whipped back, jet black hair sent flying behind her as she let a sharp sigh escape her lips. You quickly responded with another lick, your tongue tracing a path from the bottom of her slit to the top of her opening. Her juices accumulated on your tongue, her taste lingering in your mouth. 
Joy’s hand found your head. She gripped a fistfull of your hair, your name spilling out from her half-parted lips. Her thighs clamped around your head, the flesh drowning out the whir of the air conditioning — a warm, pillowy heaven. Her moans resonated through her body, her thighs vibrating slightly with each gasp or sigh. Your tongue attacked her folds, the flat side of your tongue brushing up Joy’s womanhood in slow, long strokes. The tip of your tongue flicked the swollen nub at the top of her pussy, playing with her clit to your heart's content as you made Joy writhe with pleasure.  Nails dug into the back of your skull. Her Thighs clamped down harder around your ears. Her juices leaked out of her cunt, pooling in your mouth as Joy pushed your head into her, forcing your tongue as deep as it could go. 
Her thighs shifted down slightly, gripping your cheeks in their grasps instead. 
“Fuck… Keep going… Keep eating me…” She pleaded, face twisting in pleasure. There was really no need for that request. You never intended on stopping till she came. 
It didn’t take long for you to get close to accomplishing your mission. When her thighs tensed around you, you increased the intensity of your assault. Joy’s breaths became shallower, the intervals between her moans decreasing with each one that left her mouth.
“Oh god… I’m cumming… I’m fucking—”
She never finished her sentence. Her throat strained visibly, her vocal chords tensing as the pleasure struck her like a bolt of thunder. In a sweaty, beautiful disarray, Joy orgasmed. Her lips formed a round “o”, her nails threatening to puncture your scalp. You lapped up the juices that gushed out from her entrance, drinking in as much of her as you could. You fell some of her sweet fluids dribbling down your chin, but you’d handle that later. 
You held her body down by her thighs as she shook and quivered on the table. Eventually she settled down enough. She brought her left hand—which had been digging into your scalp—-down to your cheek. She lifted up your head softly. 
“Couch… Let me fuck myself on your cock.”
You smiled. 
“With pleasure Joy.”
You stood up. Grasping her hand, you helped her off the table and onto the couch. Your cock throbbed violently in her hand as she gripped it firmly, guiding the tip of your shaft to her entrance.  Without a word of warning, she dropped down, sheathing you inside of her tight little cunt. Your eyes bulged, a strained sigh leaving your throat. Your hands found her full ass, gripping it tightly. 
“Fuck… I always forget how big you are…” She breathed, slowly grinding against you to adjust to your size. 
“But you never forget how much you love bouncing on my cock, do you Joy?” You asked. 
“Of course…” She replied, eyes glazed with pleasure. “I will never forget how good it feels to be filled with your cock.”
Her hips stopped moving. She shifted on top of you, her hands resting on your shoulders. She kissed you tenderly, tasting herself on your lips. 
“I’m gonna fuck myself so hard on this big cock,” She whispered. 
“Go ahead Joy,” You said. “Show me how you ride this cock.”
When she began bouncing on you, the sensation of her walls gripping and sliding up and down your shaft almost made you black out. You grounded yourself in reality with the aid of the tender flesh of Joy’s butt, your teeth clenching as she impaled herself on you relentlessly. Her pussy pulsed around your shaft, each beat matching her pace. 
“So… Fucking… Big…” She gasped. “I’m… Addicted… To your big cock.”
Her voice was raspy, filled with desire. She wanted this. She needed this.
You smirk, eyes glued to her breasts that were bouncing with each impact she made against you. She caught you looking, taking the hint and leaning forward to give you better access to her assets.
“Thank you,” You smirked through the overwhelming pleasure. You dived in, licking up the sweat between her breasts before shifting slightly to take one of her tits into your mouth. Joy’s walls seemed to clench down tighter around you, responding to the attention you gave her breasts. She moaned louder, riding you faster as your tongue swirled around her taut nipple. 
“Fuck yes, suck my tits. Suck my fucking tits!” She screamed. Her cheeks were flushed, her body glistening with sweat as she rode you fiercely. She wasn’t letting up on her pace, fucking herself harshly on your cock just as she promised. She seemed to be sucking you deeper and deeper between her folds. Each bottom of her strokes squeezed you deliciously, partially forcing you out of her pussy when she rose. The motion repeated, driving you closer and closer to the edge.
You could feel the cushion of the couch compressing under your combined weight, Joy’s frantic bounces onto you making it feel like you were on a trampoline. She moaned right into your ear, making your hair stand as her scent filled your nose. Joy overwhelmed your senses. You were going insane. 
She continued riding you, thighs clamped around your waist and her arms wrapped around your neck. You released her tit from your mouth, mounds of flesh glistening in a mixture of sweat and saliva. Joy’s eyes, half-lidded in pleasure, stared into yours. The intimacy was sublime. 
As much as you would have enjoyed letting Joy bounce on your cock forever, you had your limits.
“Joy…” You grunted. She understood. 
She stopped riding you, quickly dismounting you and sitting down next to you. Her hand gripped your shaft, slick with her juices, jerking you off frantically. 
“Quick, choose a place to cum,” She urged you. 
It takes effort. But through your gritted teeth, you manage a reply. 
“Y-Your face. Let me cover your face.”
Joy was on her knees in an instant. Her hand never left your shaft, pumping away with gusto as she closed her eyes. Her free hand fondled your balls, gently massaging your cum up your shaft as your toes curled into the carpet. With a grunt, you let loose.
Rope after rope of your hot seed shoots out of your cock. Joy’s face is covered almost instantly, your load painting her features white in your semen. She squeezed your cock, forcing every last drop of cum out of you. Your body went rigid in overwhelming bliss, your senses numbed by the force of your tidal wave of an orgasm. 
Joy waited patiently for the last drop of your cum to ooze out of your twitching shaft. Her tongue emerged from her cum stained lips, licking up your seed that was around her mouth before cleaning you up thoroughly. You mustered the strength to rest a hand on her head, gently stroking her sweat-matted hair as she worked on your cock, helping you to gently ease down from your high.
“That… Was better than I imagined,” You mused. 
“Ever since when has sex with me been a disappointment?” Joy grinned, gathering bits of your load off her face with her fingers. 
“That’s true…” You mused. Joy giggled, slapping your cock against her face. 
Joy waited for you to regain some strength, content with sucking your cock in the meantime. 
When you could finally stand, you assisted Joy in cleaning up the mess you made on her face. When all was said and done, you and Joy made sure that there were no odd stains left anywhere in her boss’s office. Once you were both sure that your deed would not be discovered, you hastily put your clothes back on. You turned off the lights and slipped out of the office. 
“That was fun,” Joy giggled, hugging your arm. “Now… I expect you to hold up your end of our deal.”
You chuckled.
“It would be rude of me not to after what we did,” You mused. Joy smiled. 
“Good… Then it looks like we’ll be seeing each other tomorrow.”
The sun shined intensely on your face. Joy’s car cruised down the road, the wind catching her flowy black hair and making her sundress flap a little in the wind. 
“Quit staring at my tits will you?” She remarked. 
“You can’t blame me,” You defended yourself. She rolled her eyes.
“Right. I just look too good in this don’t I?” 
You chuckled, your eyes turning back to the road. The sand and the blue waters were visible now, you were close. 
“Take the exit just up ahead,” You instructed her. 
“I know what I’m doing. You don’t need to backseat drive,” She scoffed. 
“All right… You’re the boss…”
Joy smirked, pushing up her sunglasses a little. When the exit came, you were amused when Joy’s car sped right past it. 
“I thought you said you knew what you were doing?” You questioned.
“I do,” She answered confidently. 
“Then why the fuck did you miss the exit?”
“Cause we’re going somewhere else.”
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I thought you said we were going to the beach?” 
Joy smiled innocently. 
“We are, just a different part,” She answered. You gave her a look.
“What?” She asked. “Why are you giving me that side eye?”
You folded your arms. 
“Why are you suddenly changing our destination?” You interrogated. Joy’s lips formed a thin line.
“Relax. I’m not kidnapping you or anything,” She reasoned with you. “Just calm your ass down. We’re almost there.”
You were a little sceptical, but you knew better than to doubt Soo-young. But you still had the urge to have a final say.
“Always breaking agreements,” You muttered. 
“I heard that,” She told you.
“You were supposed to,” You replied. Joy clicked her tongue in annoyance, but you recognised that familiar cheeky glint in those eyes. She was having fun, so were you.
Joy drove for another 10 minutes or so. A roof of a structure slowly emerged, a stand alone seaside chalet revealing itself. 
“We’ll get the beach to ourselves here,” Joy grinned. You chuckled.
“You’re full of surprises,” You remarked.
“And you’re full of shit,” She shot back. 
Joy’s car pulled up to the gate of the chalet. She rustled through her tote bag for a bit before retrieving a remote. With a click of a button, the gate rolled open. Joy drove in, parking the car just outside the entrance to the small house.
“We came here on a team retreat a year ago, I figured out how to book it,” She told you.
“I didn’t ask,” You said.
“But you’re bound to ask at some point,” She fired back. 
She wasn’t wrong. 
You helped Joy to unload the things in her trunk, amused to find that she had brought beverages and meat to grill. You quickly deduced that this would be an overnight stay, realising why she asked you to pack an extra set of clothes. 
You entered the chalet with Joy. While Joy put your things in the room, you busied yourself with storing the meat and drinks in the fridge. It was quick work for the both of you. 
“Look around for a bit, I need to change,” Joy told you.
“Can I watch?” You asked. She slapped your arm.
“Fucking pervert.” 
You chuckled. Joy giggled a little before retreating back to the room and shutting the door behind her. You did as suggested, exploring the place a little while you waited for Joy to emerge out of the room. It was a cosy little spot, complete with an outdoor dining area that offered a breathtaking view of the sea. The view was great, but something told you that the view of Joy’s naked body would’ve been better. 
“All right. Let’s head to the water.”
You turned. Your mouth dried up. 
Joy sauntered towards you, towel in hand. Her wide hips swaying in those skimpy shorts that cut off perfectly around the fullness of those thighs, perky breasts bulging out behind that tight neon-yellow top on her body, bending the words “Life Is Sweet” around her ample tits. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail, a cap sitting on her head to block out the harsh sun.
“What?” She prompted, giving you a look. 
“N-Nothing,” You quickly replied, shaking off the dirty thoughts in your head. “Let’s go…”
You slid the door open and walked out into the deck. You could hear Joy’s pattering footsteps behind you, and you had to resist the urge to look back and get another good look at her. You’d seen her in all sorts of clothing. Suits, dresses, mini skirts, you’d seen it all. Hell you’d even seen her naked countless times. 
But this? This felt so different for some odd reason. 
Your feet hit the sand, the grains crushing under your feet as you moved towards the water. 
“Wait,” Joy called out from behind. You turned—a little too enthusiastically—and saw her holding out a bottle.
“Put on some sunscreen,” She told you, walking up to you and uncapping the bottle. You held out a palm, and Joy pumped a generous dollop into your hand. You thanked her with a smile before applying the lotion onto your body. Joy busied herself with her own body, the Sunscreen making her skin gleam slightly before she rubbed the lotion into her skin completely. 
“Could you help me with my back?” She requested, turning her back to you. You quickly took a moment to soak in the shape of her ass in those shorts before walking over and taking the sunscreen from her. You pushed down, pumping some of the lotion onto your hand before applying it on Joy’s back. Your hands cheekily slipped under the bits of her top that clung to her back, earning a playful gaze from the woman. You took your time to rub the lotion into her smooth skin, savouring the curves of her body from behind. 
When you decided that you were satisfied, you stepped away. 
“All done,” You smiled innocently.
“You sure took your time. Had a good look?” She teased, catching you red handed. You smirked. 
“Definitely,” You replied. She smiled and pinched your cheek.
“What a cheeky boy…” 
Joy laid down a mat under the shade of a tree, far enough from the tide but close enough for you to quickly access the water. You walked towards the azure blue sea with Joy, wet sand squishing under your feet as you went deeper and deeper. The two of you didn’t go in too deep, stopping when the water hit your knees. A wind had picked up, and Joy stretched out her arms.
“Ah… This is nice…” She sighed. 
“Mhm,” You hummed in agreement. A smile made its way onto the girl’s face. 
“I wonder how our teams are fairing…” She giggled. 
“Not too well probably,” You answered truthfully. 
“Ah well… We all get what we deserve…” She sighed. “And we deserve this nice bit of relaxation…”
You nodded, silently agreeing with her. There was a moment of silence between you two as you both stood there, letting the water sweep around your knees. The sea water left a pleasant tingle on your skin, giving you some sort of a respite to the heat of the summer. 
Joy moved closer to you.  
“You know what’s nice about this?” She whispered. 
“What?” You asked. She stretched out her arm towards the shore.
“We have this segment of the beach to ourselves.” 
She moved in a little more, your bare arms touching each other. You caught her gaze. She smiled. 
“Say…” She began, gingerly reaching for your hand. “I wanted to ask you a question.”
“What is it?” You asked. Joy didn’t reply, opting to silently guide your hand onto her toned tummy. Your knuckles slipped past the waistband of her shorts, your fingers coming into contact with something warm and wet. Experience allowed you to deduce what exactly was against your fingertips.
“Ever thought about fucking on the beach?”Joy grinned. 
“Nope… But I’m down to try,” You replied.
As quickly as you had entered the water with her, you found yourselves back up on shore, tongues in mouths and hands on each other. Joy’s mat served as a barrier between you and the sand, providing a perfect place for you to lay Soo-young down and slip your digits into her slick folds. A moan escaped her lips, her front teeth becoming visible as she bit down on her fingernail. You pumped your hand, working your fingers deeper into her slick cunt, your lips peppering her neck with kisses and light nibbles. A stream of moans and whines flowed from Joy’s mouth.
“Oh yes… Right there baby… R-Right fucking there,” She hissed, hips jerking  when your fingers curled up and made contact with the soft flesh on the roof of her walls. 
“You’re so wet Joy,” You muttered. 
“I’m always wet for you…” She replied. 
You smiled. 
“You're always such a little slut for me, aren’t you?” You whispered into her ear. She nodded. 
“O-Oh… Y-Yes… I’m your little slut…” 
Your fingers worked faster, pumping harder and deeper into her warmth. She gasped sharply, her back arching deliciously. You bent her to your will, a dark part of you finding pleasure in making her yours.
“Oh shit… Don’t stop… Please don’t stop,” She whined, her left hand kneading her left breast while her right clung to your shirt sleeve for dear life. She let her sighs and gasps tumble out of her mouth, not bothering to control her volume as her hips start grinding against your hand. Her eyes filled with need, her tight body quivering and thrashing against your hand as she moaned your name into your ear. With each entrance of your fingers, a delightfully erotic squelch filled your ears, mixing with Joy’s filthy exclamations of pleasure. Your lips found Joy’s, muffling her cries with your mouth. Her thighs clamped down tightly around your hand, keeping you deep inside of her while you drove her wild. 
Your left hand found one of her taut nipples, and you gave the nub a pinch. Joy moaned into your mouth, her right hand shifting up and gripping your forearm. You released her lips, allowing you to hear those cute mewls and gasps clearly. Her moaning increased in volume, her eyes widening. 
“Fuck… I-I’m gonna cum,” She said, nails digging into your arm. “Keep fucking me with your fingers! I’m fucking… Oh!” 
Joy came, tight frame shaking violently. Her mouth opened  in a silent scream, pupils dilating further as her thighs quivered around your hand. Her back arched further, her breasts proudly protruding on her quivering chest. Your hand slowed, gradually halting to give Joy a breather through her high.  Her body crashes down on the mat mere minutes later, heaving with each breath Joy took as the bliss faded. Sweat beaded on her brow, her skin glistening deliciously under the light. 
Her weak left hand tilted your chin towards her. She finds your lips once more, holding you in a sweet kiss for a little before releasing you. 
“Fuck me however you want… Just promise that you’ll cum in me this time.”
You smiled. 
“Of course Joy…” You affirmed her. “Let’s get you undressed.”
Her soaking wet shorts were off in a flash, her skin-tight top following closely behind. Joy undid the strings of your shorts, pulling them down to let your hard cock spring out. Her hand gripped your shaft, slender fingers squeezing your member gently as she stroked you lazily. 
“The usual?” She asked. You nodded, feeling a little bit of Deja vu. Joy’s hand left your cock, planting itself behind her. She flipped herself belly down, her big juicy ass raised and presented for you. You pulled your shorts down past your knees before positioning yourself behind Joy. She looked back at you, that devilish smile on her face as you slapped your cock against her ass.  
“Put it in…” She whispered. 
“Patience, Joy… You’re always in such a hurry,” You  told her, taking your time to line yourself up with her slit. While you were aching to enter her, a dark part in you took pleasure in making the girl beg. 
“Please… Please just put in already…” She implored, a wanton expression wiping the smile off her face. You finally relented. 
You pushed your tip in, parting her flushed, pink lips as the rest of your cock slid into Joy’s cunt with ease. You groaned, hands gripping the full cheeks of her ass as you hilted yourself in her tight walls. It was pure bliss.
“God… You’re always so fucking tight Joy,” You hissed, spanking her with an open palm. She yelped in delight, ass rippling under the impact. 
“Fuck me…” She gasped. She was so full of need and lust. 
You did as she requested. Your hips popped back, your shaft redrawing from her slick momentarily before spearheading right back into the depths of her cunt. You gave her no time to adjust, quickly establishing a rough, frantic, carnal pace and taking her pussy. Joy was gasping, crying, screaming in delight, her ass rippling hypnotically with each deep stroke you made. Her little body rocked, the warmth of her ass cushioning your crotch with each entrance. Her hands dug into the sand, fingers buried deep in the grains to hold her steady as you pounded her tight little pussy mercilessly. Her walls sucked you in, pulling you deeper and deeper into her till you could feel the warmth of her core on the tip of your cock. Jolts of pleasure shot up your spine and through your nervous system. 
Joy lowered her upper body to the ground, deepening the angle of your frantic thrusts into her. You reached down, hands quickly locating her swaying breasts and cupping them. You played with her soft ample mounds, relishing Joy’s curves in your palms. 
“Oh fuck Joy… You take my cock so well,” You grunted. 
“My body… Was made to take your cock,” She hissed back. “This pussy is yours. Take my slutty little pussy like it’s yours.”
She made eye contact with you for the nth time. The look in her eyes made something snap inside of you. 
Your palm left her tits, pushing down on the small of Joy’s back. Her face dug into the mat, her thighs spreading even further to take you deeper into her folds. She screams your name, begging you for more. 
You doubled down on Joy, your slick shaft emerging and disappearing between her slick pussy lips.  Her hand reached between your bodies, rubbing frantically at her clit. 
“Oh fuck fuck fuck! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!” She cried, sounding breathless. She was enjoying every last second of her treatment. The waves crashed against the shore, doing little to mask the screams of pleasure escaping from Joy’s lips.
You fucked Joy into the sand, taking control of her body as you bent over her to keep her pinned between you and the mat. 
“How does it feel Joy?” You growled into her ear. “How does it feel being fucked like a dirty little slut?”
Joy struggled to answer.
“It feels… So… Fucking good…”
The pure filth coming from her mouth spurred you, making you fuck her faster, harder… You wanted to fuck her senseless like you always did. Joy loved taking your cock till her mind went blank. Be it in the office, in between her own sheets or even in a car, she relished the feel of your cock stretching her out and fucking her till her brain rattled in her skull. There was no such thing as “Slow” when you were with Joy. 
Your hand gripped her ponytail, yanking back hard till her head was looking straight ahead. 
“I’m gonna fucking cum Joy,” You hissed. “I’m gonna fucking cum inside your tight little cunt.”
“Yes yes yes… Do it! Fill me! I need it so fucking bad!” She grunted. Your hand leaves her hair, both hands gripping her wide hips roughly as you give Joy all you had.
Your orgasm almost made you black out. You buried yourself as deep as you could inside Joy’s body, struggling to keep your upper body upright. Your cock spasmed and pulsated, your body quivering and shaking — absolutely overwhelmed by pleasure. Joy’s sighs drowned out the noises around you, a dull ring in your ears as you pumped your load into her awaiting cunt. It takes an eternity for you to recover. When you do, Joy was quick to request for more. 
“I want it in my ass next…” She told you. Through your sweat-matted hair, you managed a grin. 
“Coming right up.”
You wouldn’t be going back into the water for quite some time.
A cool evening breeze ruffled your hair, rustling the leaves of trees behind you as you sat on the deck with Joy. Her head rested on your shoulder, mouth busy chewing on the piece of meat in her mouth. There was a pleasant silence between the two of you, both of you silently listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. 
“Feed me another piece,” Joy requested. You gladly obliged, poking a slice of grilled meat with your fork and bringing it to her mouth. She bit it off your fork, chewing happily. 
“You know… I think we should do this more often,” She told you between bites. 
“There’s a limit on the number of times we can call in sick Joy,” You reminded her.
“Ah who fucking cares,” She said. “We can probably find other loopholes in the system.”
You chuckled. 
“I guess so,” You mused. She tapped your hand. You fed her another piece of meat.
A deep sigh left her mouth. You risked a glance down, noting the look of content on her face as she stared out into the sea. The sun was setting just past the horizon, an orangish-golden glow illuminating the surface of the water. The sunlight blended with the deep blue water of the sea, the sun reflected on the surface of the water. It was… Oddly romantic.
“Thanks for coming out with me today,” Joy said. “I really appreciate it.” 
You smiled. 
“No problem Soo-young,” You replied. “I needed this break either way.”
Joy giggled. 
“I know. So did I.”
“So was I always meant to be invited?” You questioned. 
“Hm… Maybe.”
You feigned offence. Joy laughed and smacked your arm playfully.
“Well… Intended or not, I’m glad you asked me to come,” You told her sincerely. Her expression softened. 
“That’s great… Would’ve been a waste if you didn’t,” She replied. 
Your eyes met hers. For once, past the cheekiness, past the lust and past the mischief, you saw a faint glimmer of… something behind her gaze. Something stirred in you.
You looked back out towards the sea, feeling an odd sensation on your chest. You didn’t know what it was, but it made you hold Joy a little closer.
Maybe… Just maybe… You felt like the two of you were more than just friends with benefits.
Hello. Hope you enjoyed this one. I had a little bit of a Joy overdose so...
Anyways, thanks for stopping by and reading! Have a great day!
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