#ask meme: hera
rocknroll7575 · 22 days
Knight of Olympus
Jaune: Sorry everyone I was busy....inspecting the armory
Grover: Every time Hestia... distresses with you the hearth fire blows up for a few seconds
Jaune:.... Ah
Drew: In all seriousness is she good cause the fire was like 30ft at it's highest
Jaune:...OK so anyway we'll be doing basic survival training today
Demeter: Chaos, is he that good!?
Hestia: Indeed! In fact, If I wasn't a god, I fear I wouldn't be able to walk all day today~!
Hera: Chaos! What are they feeding humans in his world!?
Hestia: Don't know, don't care~! I'm just having the best time of my life!
Hera: I missed when you were my innocent older sister
Demeter: I don't! Give me more details!
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darthyourmomgay · 1 year
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Star Wars Rebels x Mitski
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twistedtangledfate · 2 months
“I’m just so scared it’s going to happen again.”
Hera could see why he would have been shaken. His concerns were not without cause. She exhaled sharply and then closed the distance between them, hands reaching out to cradle her husband's face. "Look at me." She directed him, her tone stern just for the purposes of getting him to do what she had told him.
"It won't happen again. We have proven our strength once again. You lead us in this fight and proved to all the world that we are the power and the authority. Their time is over and they know that now more than ever." Hera's tone had softened drastically as she brushed a thumb against his cheek.
"There will be no monsters in our future beyond the ones we may create, although I would prefer we created beautiful, strong Gods rather than monsters." It was an attempt at a joke but Hera didn't exactly have a great sense of humour.
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lewishamiltonstuff · 1 year
I am also asking 4 bono asmr
Right. Bono ASMR coming right up. 👩🏿‍🍳🤵🏿‍♀️
Anyone else want anything while I'm at the shop? I shall make a list.
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gardeniaresilia · 7 months
🛼: draw the character at a rollerskating rink
For Hera
Ask Meme
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She would do her best, but I think she'd feel weird doing it. She'd be more used to the ground staying still underneath her. At least she'd have fun even if she's falling over.
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brochacho · 5 months
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thegodcyclecomic · 2 years
Greek myth ships? 🛳
Feel free to ask if you'd like me to elaborate more on this as it appears in the webcomic-- because it is a non-canon Greek mythology pairing. Nonetheless, it is a vital component to the story I want to tell in The God Cycle which talks primarily about war and the military as a theme.
Side ships:
Fairly standard, though I would like to bring a new angles and portrayal to these relationships particularly for Zeus/Hera and Patrochilles because I am not satisfied with how their dynamic is written in other media.
Added Note: I would classify this webcomic to be a dark fantasy horror story foremost and not a romance story, so when relationships are explored and discussed (even romantic ones) they are done so from that lens.
Thank you for the ask.
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gunbunnyroleplay · 2 years
👍 WoL!Lee and Hera
Hera has an uncanny ability to get Lee to wear things she normally wouldn't. Normally, Lee prefers to dress dashing and gallant. She believes it suits knight and a hero, befitting the image she has cultivated to inspire others. It also helps to cover up some of her deep rooted body issues such as her scars or her discomfort with the male gaze she developed being pushed at an arranged marriage at too young an age.
Most find it difficult to get her to branch out from this. Lee resists such efforts saying it doesn't suit her. Not Hera however. Be it suggestions for personal outfits or modeling her fashion designs to draw attention to them with her unique status, she never fails to get the Warrior to wear whatever it is she wishes. Lee even learned to walk in heels from her. "Fair Hera is quite fearsome. Between her and Tataru there is no chance of resistance. it is better to just submit and act as a model."
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"...Still, if it makes her smile and helps her pursue her dreams I am proud to wear her designs. I actually rather quite like some of them, if I'm honest. I never thought I would look good in such things, but having someone as fashion minded as her making them specifically for me makes it easy." "..Just don't tell her I said that, Okay? That is how I end up trying to fight primals in a mini skirt and stilettos."
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grcveyacd · 8 months
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“ i’m not even going to pretend to understand what you’re talking about. “ she clearly knew what they were talking about but she wasn’t in the mood to deal with this right now. “ are you sure you’re not just making shit up again? “ // @moonvvrites
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universal-legacy · 10 months
what’s your OTP when it comes to your muse? (One for each of the main cast?)
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Well, ain't this a heck of a question. Just the main cast then, since we know that there's just too many muses to go through otherwise.
For Hero, I can't really decide between your wonder Dianne and chaotic Chara, so I more see them as an OT3 that I can't separate easily.
Lucas has always been very well connected with Fisk, just generally speaking. Both of their "I want to die, but I won't let you die" attitudes make it so that they're both lovingly at odds with one another, and it's perfect. But Lucas and Woojoo also make for a wonderful pair, since they're both trouble makers of different kinds, and they would work together to pull off some interesting results, as we have seen in our Persona verse.
Hera mixes with Maika in an interesting fashion, and it's a classic to me. Extremely peppy and bouncy with the quiet bookworm that's secretly yandere. It's fun. I have also been thinking about another possible ship, but I will almost always happily come back to this one.
Luca with chaos. End of story, she doesn't safely mix with anyone else other than Chara. And that's more just a friends with benefits/playful rival type of relationship that I get from them, rather than OTP. Luca is just insane enough that she's always doomed to be a single pringle forever.
Michael and Krystal are the OTP for one another, but that's not what you were looking for obviously. Honestly, setting the canon pair aside, Michael's perfect partner is almost definitely Fisk. They mesh so well with all of the science that they get to commit to.
Krystal has multiple options that she works moderately well with, and among those? I strongly stand by the idea that she works best with Dianne. The way that they look so alike to one another, that if they were closer in age, one would wonder if they're sisters? Or one could mistake Krystal as being Dianne's mother at times when there's a bigger age difference (though that circumstance is more of a mother/daughter type relationship to me anyways).
Finally, we have Zayn. And hoooo boy, do we have a wide array of options to look at with this, since we've shipped him with Fisk, Dianne, Maika, Woojoo, Annette. It's easier to ask who we haven't shipped with him, y'know? But I'd have to say that Fisk remains the best option here, given the ways that we've written their experiences together, dealing with Wakabe all the time.
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adaleim · 2 years
💌: I'm not opposed to ideas but not sure about whole prompts. Not a no, if that makes sense.
🍕: I want to have enough written that I can post like, more than once a year. Or at all. First step is to actually write tho lol 😭
🛳️: Yes, Hera is a skank and I have so many awful ships to flesh out. Probably need to sort the arc with Bairn out early on since he's a plot device later, even if it's a small one.
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twistedtangledfate · 2 months
HC: hera!!
1: Hera takes great pride in her peacocks and has been observed to treat them almost the way she would treat a child. In some cases, she has been kinder to them than her actual children.
2: Hera enjoys spending time in her garden, by her tree and just indulging in the illusion that she isn't the Queen of the Gods but with a limited amount of power and married to a God whose love she doesn't know in her heart truly if she owns.
3: Hera has a tendency to cover up her hurt and upset with anger and it is why she is perceived to be rather temperamental because, a lot of the time, she is secretly hurting but she can't bring herself to show it for fear that it would be viewed as weakness or she would be told that she doesn't have any right to feel that way, to become even more of an object of ridicule.
4: Hera really likes mortal honey.
5: Hera wants to be a good mother but she fears that she doesn't know how to because she had a lack of good parents in her life teaching her how to be a good parent.
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lewishamiltonstuff · 1 year
Pls replace brundle
Me omw to replace brundle (don't mind me as I take the liberty to make some other decisions and replace Karun Chandok, Stefano, Ben, and a few others):
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unhinged-waterlilly · 2 months
Why would you be scared of me?
Ooc Intro
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My name's Lilly Darhk. I'm a daughter of Poseidon, adopted daughter of Odysseus, Penelope, and Hector anddddd Legacy of Styx(just don't ask). I'm a ✧female✧.My pronouns are she/her, fuck if I know my sexuality. I'm currently possessed by Nyx, Scylla, Styx, and Hera(how am I alive? We'll never know). A Champion of Athena(my dad's proud of me for thattt) and Achilles.
Reside in Itacha now! I used to live at Camp Half-blood though. I still go to Camp pretty often. Usually I train the newbies. More often, I just kick them down on their ass.
Keep the hellhounds away from me, or I swear to Hades, I will kill them. Sorry, the only hellhound I'm okay with is Mrs. O'Leary and I prefer staying away from her too.
Currently on a self appointed quest of getting as many bows from as many gods as I can so if you're a god or if you know a god who can give me a bow tell me please- gimmeeee.
My fatal flaw? I've been told it's my pride. I can't imagine why.
For weapons, I got two bracelets. Ones for my daggers, the other for my bows. There's a full quiver on there, too. Just flick, and there in my hand. Pretty neat.
My kill count? Monsters or mortals? Do you really want to know? Next is death count. Haven't died yet miraculously. How many times I've almost died is a whole other thing.
Nyx(purple, bold) Scylla(blue,bold) Styx(red,italic) Hera(orange,italic)
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Face Claim:
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Something about @/demigod-jack-hearth...
Something about me...
The peeps I knoww:
They, like, possess me: @primordialgoddessofnight , @werelonelydemonsfromhell , @heraaaaaaaa
Champions of: @achilles-the-greatest
My bio dad: @that-little-fucking-shit
Dad, who adopted me: @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost
Another version of the dad that adopted me that I don't like as much: @odysseus-reigning-king-of-ithaca
Other dad who looked at me and was like 'That one' (he regrets it every day): @paris-you-idiot
My mom, who was completely okay with ody adopting me and didn't question it at all(which i still find kinda weird): @penelope-is-waiting
My sister from Poseidon: @daonedaonlyskh
My other sister from Odysseus: @reigningprincesstofithaca
My psychotic adoptive brother: @reigningprinceofithaca
Other version of my brother, less insane more sad: @telemachus-of-ithaca
Other other version of my brother, but he's 12 and adorable! (And if anyone hurts him... you better hope you die before I get to you) @telemachus-is-lost
Other other other versions of my brother are 10 noww: @young-telemachus
Other other other other version of my brother and he has horrid taste in men: @the-prince-telemachus
Other other other other other version of my brother who thinks he's Shakespeare or that arrow Apollo dealt with: @ithacas-prince
Other other other other other other version of my brother except Poseidon took him or something: @taken-by-the-seas
Other other other other other other other version of my brother who..wait that isn't right... Not traumatised???? I don't know how this is possible: @youre-fatherless-im-not-hehe
Other other other other other other other other version of my brother who's 15 and just...i don't know how to feel about him if I had to kill a Tele I'd probably kill him: @another-telemachus-wont-hurt
My brother from Poseidon, who's an idiot: @forbiddensonoftheseagod
My cyclops brother, very tall, very blind and does not know what small talk is: @my-baseballs-are-humans
Ma boyfriend, who's very awesome, and if anyone hurts him, I will make sure you die a very slow death. :D @madson-of-hermes-notluke
My boyfriend's half sister(who's also my friend ig): @hispanic-child-of-hermes
Richbitches4lifeee: @if-chaos-was-a-boy
Nyx possesses this dude, too. Oh, and there's also his husband: @idontloveanybodythatsmypower
Some dude who sent me a meme to be my friend and then wrote me a song: @clown-energy-skyrocketing
Fellow Luke defender😌 @childofthewargod
There's more people I know-
Cool art of meh :3
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Stuff about Lilly... (1)
No NSFW. DNI if you're zionist, transphobic, homophobic, racist, sexist, a nazi, xenophobic, or otherwise
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nexxocatt · 26 days
Genuinely how can I live my life normally after this. Like,, HOW.
TWs/CWs: swearing, mentions of violence and death ig. If you're uncomfortable click off any time!
And without further ado, let's gooo!!
- Gosh, 'Suffering' is maybe probably most definitely my second fav song (after 'Thunder Bringer' ofc) in this saga. It's just so GOOD UGHH!!! I'm utterly OBSESSED with whoever voices Penelope/Siren Penelope cause they just sound ETHEREAL. Also the amount of memes with the "You know I'm too shy" is astounding. Def my fav part of the song.
- I hc that Ody, in 'Different Beast', when he said "You are no wife of mine!" that he pulled an "erm, actually-" and basically: "Nah cuz you got a few details ab my wife wrong, homie. You see, her ponytail's tips actually reach 3.5 cm lower than that, plus you got the shade of her eye color wrong. And gods she'd never wear that tunic without matching earrings!" Homie's obsessed lmao.
- Oh. My. God. KJ. KJ! THE ABSOLUTE QUEEN GAHH!!! The fucking growl Scylla had on "Give up your honor and wraith!" Made me literally almost fall over. I had a ton of fun just dancing to KJ's vocals. My GOD that's beautiful💯💯
- Tell me y'all can hear the absolute desperation in Eury's voice at the start😭 bro does NOT wanna believe his home bro Ody just gave up six men's lives like that. Also not Jay bringing back the "This is the home of the wind god" bullshit like pls I cried enough at 'Monster'😭😭 And not Eury turning Ody's words around by saying "I'M JUST A MAN!" then stabbing a cow, like HOMIE. WHY.
- Here comes Zeus the party crasher everyone! Yippee! But no, seriously, I've had 'Thunder Bringer' stuck in my head for a while cuz my boy Luke Holt's vocals be giving me shivers. Imma cry cause the absolute pain and crack in Ody's voice when he says "I know..." like,, 😭😭 Also the animatics where the crew just attacks Ody and the dude just accepts his fate are CRIMINAL. Ain't nobody asking me to cry today bro🙏🙏
- Gotta be my fav saga yet. The "Watchu gonna do about it, champ?" line was delivered PERFECTLY🙌🙌 Ayron is the absolute Top G. Also Miguel's voice for Telemachus is just UGHH SO GOOD!!! Also Tele be like: "STAY BEHIND ME MOM I'LL PROTECT YOU!!🤺🤺🤺"
- Let's fucking go Athena is back on track, baby! Literally LOVE both hers and Antinuos' vocals. They were ON. TOP. I couldn't help but giggle at Tele's "Woah,, that is so sick!!" Like he's my baby boy I love him smmmm!!!
- I ain't got no shit on Athena no more. Home girl's just guilty frfr. "You're a good kid." "Thanks!" AHHHH THEM>>> Anyway, great song. I love Athena now. I don't hold no grudge against her anymore, no siree. She my homie now💪💪
- WANGUI. THE LEGEND FRFR. They could never make me like Calypso but Barbara served. I listened to 'Love In Paradise' on my headphones and did not expect to hear Polites' voice in my left ear and Eury's in my right😭😭 The time-dive was LEGENDARY (haha.) and Ody's screams then him just yelling "ATHENA!!" cause he doesn't have anyone else to call for help was heartbreaking 💔
- Ahhh the fact that Jorge got his dad to voice Hephaestus is so cute <33 And Mr. PAM-PAM was right. Luke Holt's BEASTMODE ZEUS IS PHENOMENAL. I adored the transition between 'Warrior Of The Mind' and 'Legenday' after Zeus supposedly struck Athena down, which were – by the looks of the animatic shown in the livestream – the memories that got the goddess determined to stand back up💪💪 The way Ares' voice almost broke when he asked "Is she dead..?" broke me like😭😭 And whoever voices Hera is an absolute legend how the fuck is your voice that HEAVENLY😳
Also pls let the 'Silly Saga' be a thing, I had all the vids from Jorge's Disney Princess Era plus the Jimmy Neutron specials stuck inside my head non-stop for daysss🙏
Ooh and if we're lucky (and Jorge wants to ofc) maybe we'll get an album with cut songs! That would be amazing!! No pressure for the team tho, whatever they choose will be respected by everyone!
Also guys dw Athena's not dead, goddesses can't die you silly geese🙃 She's just injured n I'm absolutely sure we'll hear more of her in the upcoming Sagas! ^^
That's all for now! Take care y'all!! Stream the Wisdom Saga NYEOW👿👺!!!!
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skzhera · 7 months
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Hera and Her boys.
An Award show incident.
Everyone knows, Hera is not the biggest fan of skirts or dresses and strays as far as possible. She usually prefers to stick to her usual style of pants/ trousers/ oversized or baggy fits. No matter what. And the stylists seem to cooperate with her on this. But once, for an award show, the stylist wanted to switch things up a bit and gave her a dress. It was quite perfect for her aesthetic just not something she is used to or comfortable wearing. Just as they got changed into it, she stepped out of the room whining and hating on it. The members picked up on her distaste and asked the stylist to change, but it was too late.
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While at the show, on the red carpet, she could be seen being quite, straying in the background, taking cautious steps, having to cover her chest with her hand, constantly tugging the incredibly short hem of the dress. The boys seemed concerned and irritated as well. While getting out of the car, they helped her out by covering her up with blankets. At the show, when seated, they ensured she got a blanket to cover herself, but at times the camera did manage to catch a distressed look on their faces, including Heras'. Being professionals, they tried to pull through this one evening, and never let this happen again. Once the performances began, Hera got a lot more comfortable, with the blanket covering most of her. It was Mamamoo, the idol group's, turn and the group began engaging with the crowd and other idols sitting on the couches, mid performance. Knowing each of them as fierce powerful women of the industry, Hera was overjoyed for their performance. Dancing and jumping around in her seat, along with Han, Changbin and Hyunjin. Little did she know, Hwasa would make her way straight to their table and dance with each member for a couple of seconds, until she reaches Hera. That's when she takes her hand, and tugs her towards the stage. Shocked at first, Hera hesitated a great bit. She just could not go. but her mind did not let her overthink. She got up as soon as Hwasa held her hand, following her to the stage with the rest of the girl group members. Knowing how happy and overjoyed Hera would be, not really thinking about what could possibly go wrong, the second she got up from her seat, all her members rose in panic. Bangchan, hesitantly pointing across the table, trying not to humiliate but still ask her not to go on the stage with her. Lee know in sheer panic, glancing in Changbin's direction. The rest just enjoying the moment the idol has graced their table and encouraging Hera to go. Meanwhile, Changbin rose in panic as well, but quickly within seconds, took out his jacket, and with Lee know's help tied it around her waist in a couple of seconds. The scene made it into the news, the Instagram posts, memes and a subject for laughter for a good while. The scene of Lee know and Changbin panic running behind Hera, tying a jacket to her waist, as she has pure glee on her face for being able to dance with The Mamamoo!
Hera's Masterlist!
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