#ask meme: morrigan
illusivesoul · 2 months
Heyoooo! I come bearing a prompt: "Sunset in her eyes" for Morrigan and anyone you like.
Hi, friend! Sorry it took me so long, but I finally finished it.
Went with Morrigan and Anora. Once again, I went overboard and the story goes pass the word limit for the ask, so the full thing is here!
The first part of the story under the cut.
Sunset in her Eyes
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Anora had it all planned. The table and bookshelves had been dragged in front of the door as a makeshift barricade, the ache of arm muscles not used to physical effort as they once had been serving as testament to her exertions. The moment one of Howe's men, or if the Maker was feeling kind that day, the bastard Rendon himself walked in to finally get rid of her, she would hit him with the dagger directly in the throat or between the eyes. She'd then grab a weapon and fight her way out. Not a plan worthy of the daughter of Ferelden's greatest general, but it was the only she had. She had not, however, expected the door to start glowing. The spell Howe's mage had cast on the door to lock her in must be going awry. "Or the bastard finally decided to just burn me alive like a coward" Anora told herself as she ducked behind her improvised defenses. "A dagger and tin armour against a mage. How’s that for a challenge, Anora?" The enchanted door began creaking and twisting, the metal and wood groaning as the magic that held them in place was consumed by the fire being thrown from the other side, until they finally gave way with a loud thud that echoed across the room. "And there's that" a woman's voice pierced through the smoke. Sweat rolled down Anora's face as she pressed herself against the wall, her eyes still half closed due to the heat still emanating from the charred door and from the staff of the mage who had just entered the room, the wood filled with carvings and trinkets glowing crimson like the fire they had just helped to create. "You're alright?" Morrigan replied as she stretched her hand towards the queen from the other side of the overturned table. Her heartbeat still beating in her ears, Anora felt bedazzled while looking into Morrigan's eyes, the irises bright like a newly minted sovereign, their yellowish hue singing of mystery and power, the Fade and the Black City echoing distantly in them. "I am unharmed. Thank you" Anora answered as she took Morrigan's hand and stood "You're one of the warden's people, yes?" "I am no one's people, woman. But I am assisting the Warden. For the moment, at least" "You're chasind? You must not know who I am to speak to me so" The woman let out a hearty laugh that dripped with sarcasm "Let me guess. You're lady this and that, married to lord Fancy Shoes, and you've taken offense to being talked to in such a disrespectful way by a southern barbarian. Or you could be the queen we came to rescue. Not that there's much difference between the two, after all. Thought I must say, the queen of Ferelden in a common soldier’s armour is a most amusing sight" Anora felt the bitter sting building up in her stomach. She had always prided herself in being better than most nobles, but the truth in the mage's words had gone past the thick skin she had built from her years at court. "Yes, my offense is great, but I'd prefer to be outraged somewhere where my life isn't at risk. I assume Eamon sent you?" "Most perceptive indeed. The warden is down in the dungeon, taking righteous and glorious revenge against this Howe man" "If the Warden guts Howe, that would be appreciated by most fereldans" Anora replied, her eyes discreetly roaming across the woman's shape "But regardless, I'd be most gratefulif you could get me out of here" "Follow me. Don't get too far. I'd prefer not having to endure another of Cousland's rants as to how careless I was if you were to die under my watch" "I'll be sure to not lose you," Anora discreetly swallowed hard, mentally reprimanding herself over the fact that the sight of the mage's barely covered breasts had replaced all the anger she had felt for Howe by far more improper thoughts.
Morrigan walked out of the room, her latest verbal sparring match with Elissa Cousland leading nowhere as it always did. Yet, it had become a good way to let out her frustrations. She walked across the empty hallways, where no one roamed this late into the night. Well, no one but Elissa on her way to make the bard sing those late night tunes she was so bad at hiding. "At least this time they're on another floor" Morrigan thought before seeing the light coming from the only open door on the corridor. Reaching the entrance, she saw the queen sitting in front of the fireplace, her gaze fixated on the large portrait of the recently deceased king which towered over the room. “Did you love him?” Anora slightly turned her head, just enough to see Morrigan standing by the door. The whisper of a smile formed on the queen’s lips. It was refreshing having someone not constantly treat her with royal deference, though she would not admit it “Love? In a way. We both had many things we loved, and we had been together all our lives. We weren’t unhappy, but… well, I guess we had as good a marriage as we could” “Curious” “Curious why?” “How you grieve for someone you didn't truly love. And if this Cailan was anything like his brother, I find it even harder to see anyone mourning his loss" The queen remained silent for a moment, her gaze returning to the large portrait of Cailan that dominated the room. “Yes… most curious how losing someone you've known so closely for decades may be difficult. Perhaps the sense of familiarity and loss in different in the Wilds” “You could always remarry if the prospect of loneliness troubles you so. Is that not what is expected from you royal women? To be always married and make heirs and their spares?” “If you had a large white beard, I could have sworn I was talking to Eamon” Anora answered as she stood and walked towards the chair by the window that overlooked the courtyard of Eamon's state “Regardless, if Eamon has his way, the throne will go to your friend, Alistair” The chuckle Morrigan let out echoed across the room “Alistair is not my friend” “That much was clear. But at least I made you smile. I imagine that’s quite the achievement in itself. Now, if you were looking for someone to have another shouting match with, since apparently your fight with Elissa didn't leave you sated, I suggest you go to Eamon and tell him that the Theirin bloodline is not a sacred gift from the Maker himself. He will give you all the fighting you could possibly want” "You heard my little disagreement with the warden" Anora chuckled, "I'm sure my father in the royal palace heard it. I learned years ago not to bother arguing with Elissa. She can be somewhat… abrasive" "And here I thought it was gulping down darkspawn blood which had soured her spirits. Interesting to know that she has always been such a delight" The sarcasm was evident in the witch's voice, yet Anora answered nonetheless "Her arguments with my husband were legendary. There ever really was only one thing that made that woman happy. Well, made a lot of women happy, to put it in a way" Morrigan remained silent for a moment, her eyes slightly widening as the realization dawned on her once she saw the coy expression on the queen's face "She bedded you too. My, my. Now it's clear how you endured those years at Cailan's side". "It was always a pleasant time when the Couslands came to Denerim. The downside was having to endure Elissa's manners when outside the bedroom. But enough about that" Anora stood and reapproached the fireplace "In case my head remains on my shoulders after the Landsmeet, how would you like to be the arcane advisor to the court?"
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hmm fuck marry kill for: morrigan, vivienne, sera 🥰🥰 (i made it hard on purpose 😌🙏)
Damn you, you really did. Fuck.
Fuck: Vivienne
Marry: Sera
Kill: Morrigan (😭😭😭 I'm so sorry, queen!)
My reasoning is that Morrigan has some not-so-fun stuff going on with Flemeth and Old God baby and the Eluvians etc etc. I love her so much, but Viv and Sera both have significantly less world-altering baggage to worry about.
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cpendentif · 6 months
∅ for Timo?
I've been looking forward to this one
(I'm definitely gonna send Silas... and maybe even Morrigan for funsies)
He thinks about it for a moment. "No, I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting him yet, but... He sounds nice enough. Someone who took care of Clearcove can't be too awful."
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bogunicorn · 7 months
12 & 16!
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom I've been following/mutuals with @elizabethrobertajones since we were both actively watching Supernatural, and we eventually ended up in the same fandom again when I started playing FFXIV. Her posts are always delightful; her WoLs are charming, her observations are interesting and funny, and her non-fandom posts are delightful. She's great, A+ follow, would recommend.
16. A tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate In Dragon Age: Origins, Leliana and Morrigan have a conversation where Leliana talks about what sort of dress she thinks Morrigan would look good in: red velvet, gold embroidery, low in the front, hair up. Morrigan dismisses it.
When Morrigan appears in Inquisition, she's wearing this:
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And Leliana is being too catty to acknowledge that Morrigan took her advice.
Love Your Fandom Ask Meme
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madmanwonder · 7 months
Original male AU crossover AU domestic AU
Issei Hyoudou and Morrigan Aensland
Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates 
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No 
Have sex on the first date? Yes | No
Confess their attraction first? Yes | No 
Have children/adopt? Yes | No 
Die for your character? Yes | No 
Cheat on your character? Yes | No 
Lie to them? Yes | No 
Cuddle after sex? Yes | No 
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bookofmirth · 1 year
headacanon ask: #1 for the inner circle
Thanks! I had fun with this one.
1) Who would take care of the other when they went out drinking?
After the years, they've devised a system in which they play a game before going out to decide whose turn it will be to play the mom friend.
They originally had a rotation going but then it got too complicated and accusations of misremembering got out of hand. The solution was a board where they kept track (cue me wondering if they have chalk) but then there was the scandal where it got stolen one night, and it took a long time for them to recover from those accusations. Rhys said that perhaps the maids misplaced it, Mor said he was lying because obviously he just didn't want to have to be the mom friend on his birthday, voices were raised, oaths were made, fists clenched. So they decided it was best to leave to the Mother and the flip of a coin.
You can imagine how reliable that is when you're playing against a High Lord who can flick things magically, but at this point they've all come to accept that Az will never let himself get that drunk anyway, and he's always on high alert, and he has those wings which are good for transportation.
So it's Az. Rhys is good backup but even a High Lord has to let loose sometimes.
some headcanon prompts :D
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mcrcki · 1 year
@tragcdysewn said : ♫ mor and feyre
music starters || gale song by the lumineers
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"it's a lonely road full of tired men, and you can see it in their faces." mor pushed a drink towards the other, not waiting to see if she wanted one or not, she figured feyre wouldn't pass it up, not when she overheard her friend complaining about work. the same passionate tone in her voice that she had followed into war filling her ears, wanting nothing more than to have her sister turn to look at her and know who she was. 'you'll be home in spring-- i can wait 'til then.' she thought to herself.
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rosella-writes · 2 years
For you, Kitty, I have the fruits of the inspiration your own Loghain work gave me 💚 A lil Warden Loghain x Morrigan spice:
“You were so young,” he mused, remembering. He laid a featherlight kiss on her cheek, then the other. “You pretended at seduction in an attempt to fool me, to disguise how little you knew.”
She snorted inelegantly — he brushed his lips across the tip of her nose and chuckled when she wrinkled it. “I thought I did well! ‘Twas no pretend, no playacting.”
“A game, then.”
She grinned, and those hawk-like eyes flashed beneath dark lashes. “If there was then, there is none now. But I can be persuaded to play, if that is what you wish.”
“No,” he said, laying a kiss on the corner of her mouth. “No, I would have you as you are.”
“Is that not what I have done? I could have come to your window in the shape of a bird, or crept beneath your door as a serpent would. Would you rather I —”
Loghain cut her off with a sudden, greedy kiss, silencing her but for a sharp giggle. He did not know she could giggle, and he needed more — more of her enjoyment, her levity and sharp maturity, her teasing words and sounds that were fondness disguised beneath acerbic quips. He cradled her head in his hands and kissed her deeply, claiming her little sounds with a deep, satisfied grumble.
There was the soft whisper of her shawl falling to the ground, then her petulant little sounds as she pushed at his clothes. They parted only long enough to breathe, for Morrigan to utter a nearly-silent curse and kiss him again. His gambeson joined her shawl on the floor.
Her hands paused at his open collar — he felt her slowly explore the thin, exposed line of his chest, her fingertips hesitating at the sensation of hair. He made a questioning sound, then reached over his shoulder and tugged his nightshirt over his head.
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
Fiora: Alistair 3, Leliana 1, Morrigan 4
Alistair 3: Was Alistair reunited with his sister, Goldanna? What did your Warden think of her? Did they relate to Alistair with their own familial struggles?
She did reunite them and.... well, she understood where Goldanna was coming from. If your long-lost bastard half-brother who is also now frontrunner for the throne just showed up one day in the middle of a Blight while you're living in squalor with... squints five kids? to support, of course you'd be snappy.
But Fiora was there for Alistair's benefit, not Goldanna's, and once she started demanding money, Fiora threw the coins at her and dragged Alistair out of there because he does not need to deal with that.
She felt a little guilty, because she has an older sibling (at this point she doesn't know if Fergus is alive or dead, but she's hoping) and she just assumed that sibling feelings would happen once Goldanna saw Alistair, but... They didn't.
I think after the Blight, Alistair still feels bad about Goldanna and offers her more support now that he's king. Fiora doesn't approve, but she decides to observe before bringing her foot down. If nothing else, I think Alistair adores his nieces and nephews and Goldanna isn't so bitter that she won't let him see them, period. Fiora's keeping an eye on her, though.
Leliana 1: What was your Warden’s position on the Chantry? Were they wary of Leliana due to their religious beliefs or lack thereof?
Fiora's Andrastian, but in the same way as Catholics who only go to church on Easter and Christmas. She believes, but she's not overly devout, and she doesn't necessarily believe in the institution of the chantry. So yeah, I think there was a little wariness on her end when Leliana came in claiming to have received a vision from the Maker.
She's like the weird old revered mothers that Fiora and Fergus would giggle at and make fun of in hushed voices during chantry services. Of course, she warms up to Leliana more once the non-chantry sides of her personality are revealed, and I think they have conversations about faith that help them understand each other more.
Morrigian 4: Did your Warden attempt to find Morrigan after the Blight? Did they ever succeed in meeting her again?
Uhhh, yeah, that's her bestie. She understood Morrigan's reasons for leaving, but she also made herself clear that she would do her best to find her again anyway - which Morrigan, I imagine, was secretly touched by.
And when she did find her again, they had a rather heartfelt reunion. Fiora tried to convince her to come back, maybe ask her to live in Highever, where she can live like a noble and raise the baby in comfort. Fergus would look after her, she knows he would.
She actually wants Morrigan to come to Denerim, but she knows that having a pregnant unmarried woman living with the King and Queen isn't a good look, especially since the unborn baby is, uhhh, the king's.
Naturally, Morrigan rebuffs the offer, intent on continuing through with her original plan. Knowing she can't change her mind, Fiora instead hugs her friend and makes her promise that this won't be the last time they see each other. Morrigan hesitates... then promises, before walking through the eluvian as Fiora watches with a sad smile.
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For the fan-tastic ask: 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16!
Hi Rose! Thanks for the ask!
7. You’ve published or shared your WIP and it develops rabid fandom. What’s the fandom known for?
I don't have to even think that hard about this one. They all want to give Kristopher a hug. He deserves better and they know it.
8. Create an incorrect quote meme for one of your OCs.
I've done it before, here, but have another one: Fallon (or literally anyone): How many kids do you have? Captain Blackthorne: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
9. You’re browsing the Internet and you find a weird piece of unlicensed fan merch for your WIP. What is it?
Oh wow, this is hard. I'm not very good at thinking up merch ideas. Maybe a tapestry with a royal crest for the Oakes family? That would be really cool, actually. (If only I knew what their crest looked like...)
11. Write a 5 star review for your WIP.
"One of the best books I read this year. Lovable characters, compelling relationships, and an intriguing plot. Not to mention a wonderful balance of angst and fluff!"
12. Write a 1 star review for your WIP.
"Terrible. The characters were boring and there was no plot to speak of. The romance was too slow, and the number of characters made it confusing."
16. Make a meme for your WIP.
I made one here, but take another!
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an-excellent-choice · 7 months
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asetoblog · 3 months
One day, Dragon Age fans will have to explain to me why they think Morrigan did something wrong or betrayed us, because that's nuts to me. And I don't mean this in a meme way, like "she did nothing wrong :(", she literally DIDN'T and I'm dead serious.
All your "mage betrayal" memes make no sense to me.
Her ritual wasn't something she did behind our backs, she asks us, she lets us make a choice and she is totally honest and transparent about that, even about the fact that if we agree then she will leave us. I see no freaking betrayal. If you do, you might need to check the meaning of the word on the dictionary.
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twisted-in-underland · 8 months
Twisted Wonderland staff OC’s; Tangled edition
The full character spreadsheet is finally done! Here are my three TWST staff OCs twisted from Tangled! I’m going to touch on all the points mentioned in the images so no worries if you can’t read my handwriting
Everything will be under the cut so it doesn’t look so overwhelming 😌💕 Likes and reblogs are appreciated, but please don’t repost my art!
Marius G.
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Age: 32
Hometown: Isle of the Sun
Pronouns: he/him
Gender: male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Twisted from: Mother Gothel
Marius is an alumnus of Night Raven College and currently works as the Arts Director for the school.
Despite the grey streaks, Marius appears quite young for his age. He was classmates with Divus Crewel and was in Pomefiore while a student.
As the art director, Marius is in charge of classes spanning from the fine arts to music to theatre. Marius is often times teaching the theatre classes but since the arts are electives it all depends on how many students are attending classes.
Marius is incredibly vain. This man will stop class to ask his students if he looks good and is chronically fashionably late to nearly all his classes.
He does, however, have a keen eye for detail which might be because of his vanity.
Marius has forgotten that he’s supposed to be teaching classes on multiple occasions. He is the physical embodiment of the "I'm late for school! Oh wait I'm 30... I'm a teacher!!" meme
Marius can be quite strict as a teacher. Critique days are dreaded by students because Marius can be harsh with his words, though it’s usually because he wants to see his students succeed even if it doesn’t seem like it.
Marius is also known to not only have favourite students but also isn’t shy about reminding his classes who his favourites are. For example; when it comes to performing arts like theatre or singing, Vil is Marius’s favourite. Jamil also seems to be in Marius’s good graces due to his dancing skills.
Marius, Sunna, and Máni are all from the same hometown. Marius once tried to ask Máni out on a date when they were still in school; Máni punched Marius in response.
Marius now appears to show romantic interest in Sunna who often ignores his advances.
Marius has stated to despise young children (pretty much any child up till the age of 15). He seems to tolerate high schoolers, however.
I feel like Marius would have some kind of unique magic, I just don't have any ideas for what it would be. Maybe it would be centred around Gothel's manipulation skills or have something to do with age manipulation in some way.
Dr. Sunna Blumen
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Age: unknown
Hometown: Isle of the Sun
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Twisted From: the sundrop flower
Sunna is a diurnal fae and is the older sister of Máni. They’re either step siblings or adoptive siblings, they don’t quite remember which (totally not an excuse for me being indecisive)
Sunna had no prior involvement with NRC prior to working as the schools nurse. She’s one of the few female staff members at the school.
Sunna is a generally warmhearted and gentle woman. She has excellent bedside manner and most who visit the infirmary feel welcome.
However, if provoked, Sunna will be passive aggressive in her medical care. Think tightening bandages just too tight, putting rubbing alcohol on a wound, etc. Sunna is a very patient person though so it’s not often that someone provokes her to this point.
Sunna seems to be the current subject of Marius’s romantic affections, though she generally ignores him half the time.
She almost always has candy on her to give to her patients. Sunna also adores children and often acts as a maternal figure to others.
Sunna’s unique magic is called “Flowers glow” and is like a stronger version of Morrigan’s unique magic.
While Spring of Avalon can only heal injuries/illnesses inflicted by magic, Flowers Glow can heal almost any injury/illness regardless of how it was inflicted. The spell essentially returns the targets body back to its “prime” or state of being before the illness/injury occurred.
Flowers Glow does require more magical energy than Spring of Avalon, though Sunna doesn’t often need to use her unique magic. With the exception of overblots, regular healing spells/potions are typically enough to heal someone.
Máni Stein
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Age: unknown (younger than Sunna)
Hometown: Isle of the Sun
Pronouns: he/they
Gender: nonbinary
Sexuality: Demiromantic Asexual
Twisted from: the moonstone opal
Máni is a nocturnal fae and is the younger brother of Sunna. His eyes and the blue streaks in his hair glow in the dark.
Máni's hair is inspired by Rapunzle's (in the series) hair turning black when she was reading the decay incantation. I did, however, switch the green streaks for a turquoise similar to Cassandra's when she was corrupted by the moonstone.
He works at RSA as the ancient spell and counter-spell professor.
Máni definitely has Aizawa vibes. He would die for his students but he has also been shown to become annoyed with some of the more rambunctious students (ie. Amir or any of my Wonderlands OCs)
He almost always dresses comfortably and looks like he just woke up. Compared to his sister, Máni is the complete opposite; he’s often quiet, low energy, and can seem apathetic most of the time. However, he can be quite blunt when he does speak up, sometimes even coming off as rude or insensitive on accident.
Whether it be the way he was raised or his age, Máni values hard work and dedication. He isn’t one to serve the answers to a problem on a silver platter no matter the person and tries to instil that thinking into his students. Don’t even think about asking for a grade bump, Máni will laugh in your face.
I swear I didn’t have Aizawa in mind when I made Máni…he just gives Aizawa vibes 🤧
I’m a sucker for irony, that’s why Máni is at RSA and Sunna is at NRC despite seeming like they should be switched.
Marius asked Máni out on a date exactly one time, except Marius was rather blunt with how he asked and it offended Máni. Marius got punched as a result.
Máni is the unfortunate "leader" of the trio when they have to be together. The siblings don't always spend time with Marius outside of inter-school events, but when they have to be together Máni is the one who keeps everyone on track.
How does his earring stay on? is it super heavy or is it lightweight? the world may never know.
I don't have a set idea for Máni's unique magic though I think it would be some kind of variation of the moonstone's powers in the series. I'm not sure though if I want the UM to be based on just one of the powers (either the decay aspect or the stone creation aspect) or if I want it to be a combination of the two.
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Here are a couple of little expression doodles! I love how the one really showcases Máni and Marius's relationship lmao.
What did Marius do wrong? I'll let you decide
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And here's everyone all together! Fun fact: the pattern on the gold trim of Marius's tunic is the outline of the sun drop flower! it was a pain in the butt, but I thought it was a fun little easter egg.
the sketches with the original reference images can be found here and here!
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szalonykasztan00 · 10 months
People new Tamsand Au drop.
As always sorry about mistakes if you find any DM me I will edit it out.
If someone wants to write this fanfic. I will give it up for free but I ask that someone who gets Tamlin stargule with his gender write it.
There will be meme visualisations from time to time.
Thanks to the fact that Tamlin can shapeshift he is raised as a girl (High Lord already has two older sons, he doesn't need more sons but a daughter he can sell for alliances).
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Tam and his mom object (obviously). That piss off HL and the other sons. One of Tam's brothers, with malicious intent, suggests marrying him to Night Court's only heir (Crule Sunless Night Court, an heir who becomes famous in the war for his brutality with his Ilyrian buddies). They agree to get an ally in the revenge war they plan with their besties in Hybern. Tamlin is lamenting his doom in the spooky woods of Autumn Court (they meet in Autumn Court as a neutral ground + Kier wants to bind Night and Autumn with Morrigan-Eris marriage (it didn't happen yet in that AU)). He and Rhys meet (he too is lamenting his doom in the spooky woods, more dramaticly of course). Tamlin is in the male form so Rhysand thinks he is just some Spring courtier, not his future wife. Tamlin (because Rhys in his dramatic performance shows his wings) thinks that Rhys is Night Court's famous Shadowsinger. They lose their shit a little bit (because they think someone catches them acting not suited for children of the high lord + Tamlin is not a girl and that might endanger HL's brilliant marriage plan) but after a hot panic minute, they start to talk and then bond over their knives, battle strategies and despotic fathers, and mothers that can't do anything to save their children etc. Now negotiations last few weeks. To keep tradition (and Tamlin's "female" virginity) they never meet eye to eye. Two idiots fell in love at their secret woods meeting. BUT Rhys is convinced that his gay ass is in love with some random low-birth courtier that he can steal with him to Nigh court and hide in Valiaris, in the meantime dumping his new wife in the CoN and forgetting about her for a few centuries. 
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Tamlin thinks he found an ally in scary CoN that will help him survive it and maybe, thanks to his friendship with "Shadowsinger" his new husband would be kind to him and you know don't r-word him and stuff (and maybe he even gets to be a male for few hours a day). They meet last time and Rhys is like "Let me take you to NC's secret city where we can be ourselves together" - a love confession basically, And Tamlin is "Oh shit, fuck, by the Cauldron" he didn't predict that it will go so far. He needs to marry HL's son because if not he and his mother will be tortured and possibly killed. If he accidentally made Shadowsinger fall in love with him then surely his so-to-be-husband will murder him (for almost cheating) or call off the wedding which means he and his mother get tortured and murdered. He panics and runs for his life, disappearing into the sooky woods of Autumn Court. Rhys is first like WTF then he is just heartbroken, and goes to find Azriel to cry to him about it. 
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One panic attack later. And realisation that he in fact loves the shadowsinger. Tamlin clams down with his mother's help and spills the tea to her. How he found someone who would love him as him and let him be HIMSELF. But he has to marry his love's friend and live his life as a female and pop out children that will be forced to live the same fate as him and if some find out the truth then they all be dead.
Then the wedding happens. Tamlin has the veil the whole time (just a quick half-lift to a quick kiss) and he barely sees anything. They married and now sitting on their wedding feast next to each other not even looking at each other. Tamlin is scared shitless because the dramatic ass bat is in such a foul mood. Rhys is just brokenhearted/hungover as shit and he continues to drink more. The wedding night comes. They go to the bedroom but are followed by Tamlin's brothers to "make sure the marriage is consumed" (ad to scary factor and so they can be a dick). Rhysand is not having it (he just lost the love of his life and has to marry that random lady that has a stick up her ass), so he puts up his Mask^Tm and growls some extremely misogynistic comment so they fuck off. They don't. Rhys's father is like "Cut it, Shadowsinger will be the witness". Tamlin's father agrees (he is reallllllllllllllllly trying to get that ally). Tamlin thinks that he is about to be sexually violated and the male that loves him is about to witness it. They go in.
Rhysand is going to the window to drink some more not even looking and his wife. He gives quick. "Get naked and on the bed, oil is on the nightstand, the veil stays on." (He thinks it would be easier if he could pretend it's his "Little spring beasty") Tamlin starts to undress, takes off the veil for a moment to get read off the partially tricky part of the dress and takes a look at the dark room. "Where is shadowsinger?", "In the shadows, mind your own business". (Azriel is not in fact in the room. He is spying on trying to fuck Eris.) Tam does as he is told. Is in the position, and the veil covers his face. Rhys is like "Get this over with" Rhys fails to get himself ready for action. Tamlin red as a beetroot, innocently asks: "Can I do something?" Rhys gets even more angry. "Shut up". They do it somehow. Thanks to Tam's shapeshifting ability it is not painful but it's awkward, extremely unpleasant and… well…. traumatising (as any unwanted sexual interaction). As soon as it's over Rhys is out of the room and either finds Azirel and/or Cassian to mop some more or straight to night court to mop in Rita's. Tam cleans themself and then cries themself to sleep. The next day they return to their courts (akward bedsheet-cecking scene mandatory). Tam gets a nice room (with a window) in CoN and tries to fit in the society and politics. There is angst time for both of them but mostly for the bats. Rhys is drinking and fucking his sadness in various bars and brothels in Valeris. (like every blond, green-eyed, guy or male prostitute). After a few weeks of that shit, Azriel is done and "Fucking hell I'm going to find that guy and convince kidnap him to come here so they either be together or kill each other." 
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He goes and scans Spring Court from top to bottom and just can't find the guy. Then "Maybe he looks like he is from Spring but is actually from Autumn" Scans AC from top to bottom. (Mandatory spying on trying to fuck Eris.) Still nothing. Not even a sign that he ever existed but the guy can't just vanish in thin air (ironically). He for sure was with the wedding party. So the only person who might know something is Rhys's new wife. And he is like "Fuck it. If I have to hear Rhys sad ass song any longer I'm cutting my ears off". Azriel goes to CoN.
Tam in the weeks of being left alone starts to crave some peace and security. He made some friends and allies. Mosty his new sister-in-law. She knows well her brother's disaster-dramatic gay ass. So is incredibly sympathetic to that poor "female" who was forced to marry him. She basically welcomes and integrates him into the court. Against all odds, Tam gets incredibly respected and extremely well-liked in the court. With her help, he charms his father-in-law and mother-in-law. (They have family dinners every other day and it's actually nice and not like at home). Even Kier is like "She is a nice well-rise lady that knows what to do, maybe a little unconventional but if she manages to make that idiot of an heir to behave I might even consider not assassinating the whole family of NC." Life is good. People are nice and his husband is nowhere to be found. He even is granted super wards to his room, that no one can get there without his permission (even his husband, but shadowsinger can but Tam doesn't know it). So when he is alone in his room he drops female form and is being himself.
One day he is readying himself to play his fiddle (a welcome gift from his Father-in-law) and then from the shadows reveals himself male figure of a stranger. And he is like "WTF Who are you? What are you doing here? How are get through wards?" Azriel is like: "Who am I? I am this court shadowsinger. Who are you? Where is the Lady? Wait a minute... Are you the guy from AC who seduces Rhysand?" And they have a very awkward conversation. They figure out the whole story and shit. Azriel takes Tamlin to Valeris so he and Rhys can talk it out. Rhysand is a drunk dramatic bitch and it takes a while. He sobres up. Rhysand apologies for their wedding night. They make up. Talk about their new relationship, and make rules and plans. Rhysand tries some moves but Tamlin is "Too soon". 
Time skip. 300 years. They are happy. Tamlin's father and brothers (alongside Amarantha) are dead. His mother is leaving with Azriel's mother as she heals from her marriage. Rhysand and Tamlin have twin boys (sorry Tam but you and Fruit Bat need hiers). One for each court. Tamlin is an HL of SC but Rhys's father is still alive, as are his mother and sister. Tamlin and his Fruit Bat and their children live permanently in Spring but are often visiting grandmas. Life is good. 
The End.
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v-arbellanaris · 3 months
2, 4, and 7 for the da questions?
from this ask meme!
2. Which Dragon Age game is your favorite so far?
it's definitely hard to choose between da2 and dao. dao does have my favourite character but i think, overall, i'll have to say da2! da2 is such a comfort game to me, running around kirkwall and knowing exactly where everything is and all the banter and the COMPANIONS and i love the dlcs and and and!!! i love the central conflicts, i love the layers of the story, and i love even the parts that make me so mad about it.
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
i've been waffling about which worldstates i'll be plugging into datv, because i want to do a few! i wanted to do my canon worldstate which is evadne -> mage!hawke -> marya, but i also wanted to do kal -> warrior!hawke -> isra alternate worldstate and then i definitely want to do one run with aedan -> joan -> iskandar "well shit" worldstate... but i was ALSO waffling up pro-mage evadne -> mage!hawke -> isra worldstate... and all elven kal -> moon -> marya worldstate...
ultimately, they all symbolise different things! like my "well shit" worldstate is basically a world that refused to change at every precipice, a world that really plays into the way bioware keeps "re-setting" the changes in the world we try to make - a world that has stubbornly stayed oppressive of mages, of elves, over the last decade, through the various decisions of the pcs. a low approval iskandar and an anti-mage, anti-elf worldstate would be the darkest timeline - and likely, the timeline solas feels most justified in because people don't grow or try to be better, and he's not friends with the inquisitor, and the pendulum of change swings to stagnation.
on the other hand, the other two worldstates are worldstates where things get better. kal -> warrior!hawke -> isra worldstate is also about revenge and regret and clawing for change, and it's about how stories make you seem larger than life, how stories immortalise you, so there's the obvious appeal in bringing that worldstate into da4. the evadne -> mage!hawke -> marya worldstate is a really good one where it's like change is possible! change happens, bit by bit and there are as many downs as ups, but it's possible, and people are committed. and of course, it's my solavellan worldstate, so obviously i wanna import that!!! but i'm not 100% sure yet :(
7. Which character from the previous games or other media are you most hoping will make an appearance in DAV?
WELL OTHER THAN THE OBVIOUS ONE. i'm betting on a teia and viago appearance (from tevinter nights)! it feels very unlikely too but i'm hoping to see yavana back, fenris, carver hawke, and maybe even the marquis/e of serault since morrigan went there to study serault glass (which she is using to research the eluvian!)
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deathbydarkelves · 5 months
why has no one asked about Ylrith yet??? please tell us more about Ylrith
In all fairness, I don’t post about her that much. Mostly because I’m not currently working on any stories that directly involve her so she’s not in my brain as much. I LOVE her, I’m just more focused on the characters I work with more often lol
But basically: poly lesbian mob boss with a snake obsession
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She’s the head honcho of a centuries-old crime syndicate called The Gray Order. Ylrith (il-rith) herself usually goes by “The Gray Matron”, but her enemies have given her a plethora of other, similarly sinister names. By now, the Order has connections all across Azeroth, in most any faction worth a damn. The opening up of Kalimdor to the rest of the world was one of the best things to happen to her.
The Order specializes in smuggling drugs, weapons, and other illicit items, but Ylrith will ferry war refugees to safer lands too, and other such things. All she wants is money and more people under her thumb — if you have the money, or are willing to do a favor for her, she’ll help you do what it is you want done. Her trademark phrase isn’t “A favor for a favor, darling” for nothing. Of course, she’s a master of wordcraft, and often gets people to promise more than they think. She’s also got informants everywhere — brothels in the big cities, innkeepers, compromised city guards, and so on — and thus is master of blackmail. You go to her to discuss a deal, you say something she doesn’t like, and she’ll drop a detail about your life you thought no one else knew.
She also has an EXTENSIVE snake collection of species from all over Azeroth and even beyond. If we’re being realistic a lot of the money she makes goes into caring for them lmao she just really loves snakes <3 In fact I was leaning so hard into the snake thing I decided to just say she’s (the elf equivalent of) autistic because no neurotypical person could possibly be that into snakes KSBXBJD Which makes her my second autistic night elf, the first being Cathala 💜 Yet another win for lesbians.
The third key thing about her is the upper crust of the Order are all in a sapphic polycule. They use their powers of polyamory for evil (affectionate). Ylrith is also kind of(?) a “lesbian femme fatale type”. One of her favorite activities is fucking with the royalty of patriarchal cultures like humans by seducing the wives of powerful men and then helping them kill their husbands, the end result being Ylrith now has control over that piece of land at best, and that rich woman’s loyalty at worst. It’s enrichment for her.
Now for more art. This first one is her and her spymaster/favorite assassin/girlfriend Delphine Kaltel, a.k.a. The Serpent’s Fang. Originally Delphine had actually been hired to kill Ylrith but it was an enemies-to-lovers thing <3
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This one’s her and her blue dragon girlfriend Tyalagosa, who’s sort of her “court” mage, I suppose:
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(She has more gfs/people in the Order’s upper crust, those are just the only two I’ve named, designed, and drawn. One I have yet to draw is Evelyn Torvannas, another Nightborne. She’s the head of a fairly powerful merchant family in Suramar.]
One showing off her other tattoo:
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And her voice claim :) (Morrigan from Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Plus this dumb meme that sums her up perfectly imo:
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I also like to imagine she has the stupidest most cartoonish rivalry with Shaw lmao. She doesn’t see him as a threat whatsoever and loves toying with the funny little human man, while he fucking HATES her because she’s got her tendrils all up in the Alliance but always worms her way out of repercussions. WLW and MLM hostility.
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