#ask shalom!
hailpacino · 23 days
hey heres ur photo
this is him im high school
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nauurr he's so adorable i always love that smile since the day 🥺😫🍼🐥 i dont understand why he feels insecure abt that ☹️
but waiitt it's just me or i kinda see him looked toothless LMAO
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aboardthescheherazade · 6 months
@ Anon: I apologize for not directly replying to your message, although I am glad to see it. I just try to avoid talking about particularly heavy subject matter on this sideblog because I don't feel that I can give it the respect it deserves while talking through a fandom lens. However, I do maintain discussion and coverage on my main blog.
All that to say that, yes, even with my Judaic headcanon applied, I think Professor Tournesol would be pro-Palestine. He's already canonically against human rights abuses and war machines:
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(I mean, hell, the land was called Palestine when the Tintin comics were first being made! Some early publications of Land of Black Gold were even titled "Tintin in Palestine", and - oh boy, here I am starting to ramble...)
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edenfenixblogs · 3 months
Hi Eden! I thought maybe you could use a nice ask for once, and also that you and your followers are probably a good resource for this. :3
My intro to Judaism seminar starts in April, and I'm vibrating out of my skin in anticipation. 😂 Do you have any recommendations for how to channel my energy into something helpful/positive in the meantime? I feel like maybe this is an ADHD thing; I'm less than a month away, which is close enough to anticipate but long enough to still feel the wait, lol.
Shabbat shalom and thank you for everything you are, my friend 💜💜
Oh!!!! What a wonderful ask, @melancholic-pigeon!!!! I'm thrilled for you! Yasher koach, my friend!!!!
Well, with Purim fast approaching (and really, any time) there's always Tikkun Olam projects. Volunteer at a nursing home or an animal shelter, etc. General good works are a great way to do good when you have spare time.
If you're just looking for something to do while you go about your day, here's what I do:
Clear out my email inbox
Cook or bake something complicated enough that it demands your full focus
Nail art (any semi-repetitive craft task will work here. For example, knitting, crochet, painting, etc. I personally lack coordination enough for all these, so nail art it is!)
Listen to podcasts/audiobooks/music while doing all these things (that way, you are occupying your body with the physical task and your mind with the narration)
Thank you for everytihng you are, too! You're a wonderful person, and I'm glad to know you!
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unbidden-yidden · 10 months
One might wonder why I'm so specifically hung up on the driving issue on Shabbat, when I tend to be liberal on other issues. So let me explain.
In addition to the fact that it is inarguably melacha (forbidden work), I have some major ideological and just practical issues with it, too.
First, by having your community within walking distance, you create a real community. People know where others live and eat by them and socialize more and better. You don't have the immediate "pack everyone up in the car and drive off" flurry after services, but rather more leisurely conversations as you stroll home or to another person's home, or to the park, or to mincha, etc. The instant everyone lives all over and has the ability to just take off to another part of town, you ruin both the slow pace of the day as well as lose out on the closeness of community. (There's also a lot that could be said about Jewish participation in white flight from city centers and how this enables it, but that's a can of worms that I'm not sure I want to open.)
Second, it's a way of treating creation as sacred, because that is a whole 25 hours during which you are not driving your vehicle and therefore burning more fossil fuels. Shabbat is meant to be a day of rest after the seventh day of creation; what better way to honor it than by reducing your impact on the environment?
Third, for those of us who commute, it's not just symbolic work, but invokes the atmosphere of workweek work (not just melacha, which is sometimes much easier than the shabbosdik workaround.) For me, it totally ruins the Shabbos atmosphere every minute I'm in the car, because it just feels like any other day going to my job or running errands.
So even just beyond the fact that it is melacha, there are solid practical reasons to avoid driving on Shabbat.
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frownyalfred · 2 months
In re: pickuah nefesh and omega heats. My wife LOVES to remind me that it’s a mitzvah to fuck on shabbos, so maybe in an a/b/o world the mitzvah of satisfying a heat overrides fasting.
Also can you even imagine the crazy shit that would be in the Talmud in omegaverse… the sages discussing slick… you’re right that’s enough internet for the day. //capsrecedinghairline
You asking me this on Shabbat and me answering this on Shabbat says a lot about us, huh 😅
I suppose, as others have noted, that the line is drawn when you consider whether satisfying or not satisfying a heat/rut will have an actually detrimental effect on a person. Will they just be uncomfortable? Will they get sick or possibly die?
Just thinking about how shomer negiah would work with various dynamics makes my head hurt.
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knightrahu · 7 months
those new designs completely broke me, everyone looks so good T_T
I hope when shalom is back she gets a new classy fit too, gotta keep up with her gf <3
Same… Chief and Zoya ain’t looking bad themselves either 👁️ I’m SO excited for when this update hits global it’s not even funny…
But yes!! Shalom deserves the VIP treatment too, honestly I’d love for them to get matching outfits again like the one they got during Rain Burst because they both had me feral back then, imagine now on their little evil paradeisan outfits?? Amazing
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prinz-vassago · 9 months
l'shanah tovah ben! :D
Gut yontev! G'mar chatima tovah!! <3
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thatweirdtranny · 18 days
I am so so so so sorry for the way people are treating you for the high crime of.... using neutral pronouns when not familiar with a person and then immediately correcting when it was pointed out? Saying "Jews and Palestinians are both equally human people with equally legitimate rights to exist"?? They really seem to hate you, and I'm sorry on behalf of every anti-nationalist jew who isn't a moron. You're obviously on the side of peace, as we all ought to be, regardless of details and names.
thank you ☺️ hope you have an absolutely wonderful weekend friend
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princessg3rard · 3 months
boop! I booped your nose!
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dankovskaya · 7 months
i went to a well known predominantly Jewish university in the us (it’s probably definitely the one ur thinking of) and those tags are so insanely real like the amount of acquaintances and people i thought were rational, kind people, even some who i even would think of as leftists more than liberals, who are just coming out of the woodwork saying the most classic Zionist talking points straight from Israel’s twitter propaganda. it’s just really fucking insane
No like really it's kind of horrifying 😭 Especially cause there seems to just be 0 self awareness. Some of these ppl definitely think theyre like. YA novel protagonists fighting against the dystopian oppression of People Who Are Against Genocide Oops I Mean Terrorism Sympathizers. Remarkably childish self-victimizing oppression fantasy shit from people who r ACTUALLY OPPRESSED. like how does this happen. Yes antisemitism is upticking and you guys and your stupid fucking golden calf of an illegitimate white supremacist state are making it WORSE FOR ALL OF US❗️❗️❗️ It's actually scary .
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hailpacino · 2 months
i srsly need matt dillon to like my comments on insta 😭
hes making me muy triste rn.😔🤟🏾
well.. i've told him if he didnt like my comment, we're married 👰💍💐 so yeah hehehe
but it's okay bby you're not alone bc ME TOO 😩😔 like i've always tried to comment on his post a few minutes after I'D TURNED ON THE WHOLE NOTIFICATION OF HIM 💀💀💀 BUT I THINK MY COMMENT IS INVISIBLE LMAO im so sad #NOJOKE HE'S LITERALLY ALWAYS GOT ME BEGGING 😔😩🧎
dear matt, if you still didnt wanna notice me i'll actually RIOT ‼️😔✌️
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handmedownpocketpussy · 6 months
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Got sent a care package for Rosh haShanah and it just got here hahaha-- BUT it contained za'atar so i made za'atar challot for shabbat
Unfortunately, my Palestinian family is still too depressed to do much, so we are continuing with the tradition of davening for peace and a free Palestine
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fugamalefica · 1 year
Do you have any suggestions for less mainstream Bellatrix fancasts? While I love HBC and other suggestions, I'm looking for more distinctive options.
I suppose Shalom Harlow could work, even though she is a model not an actress. I have never seen anyone use her and she is a great fit physically. The aura fits, and her eyes and bone structure are perfect. She's also very tall (5'11").
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Heavily lidded eyes. That's how Bella looks (down) at people.
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You probably won't find much content with her but as a reference for imagination or aesthetics she's great.
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shackld · 7 months
my favorite part of the event is everyone trying to get to chief and like. they know, they've constantly talked about how she's a troublemaker but they don't know the half of it - she's a silly little guy and they'd be begging for her to be ko'ed again the first words out of her mouth will be bad jokes i fucking know it
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answersfromzestual · 11 months
I hope my anon with their friend, they are both doing alright. I am hoping by the lack of reply that perhaps he got some help somewhere? If not, I'm sorry. Let me know if I need to do some serious digging.
Stay golden ✌️ 💙 💜
שבת שלום Shabbat Shalom ✌️✡️✌️
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waugh-bao · 2 years
@thedookieshooter and @charlesandkeef tagged me to share my instafest lineup (I’ve only had Spotify for a week, because I finally gave up on Amazon Music, so the results might not be super holistic):
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Tagging: @charliesmydarling and @aiaiawar
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