#assassins creed ezio x reader
kiatheinsomniac · 8 months
hi kia :) are you doing ok? i hope you are queen 💃 I was wondering if you could write how the assassins (altair, ezio, connor, arno, jacob) would react to a reader who suddenly passed out after standing up too fast 😭 it happened to me yesterday and it made me laugh so hard afterwards like thats the goofiest way to pass out ever 💀 iron deficiency queen 👏
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: bestie mood. i stand up too quickly and immediately go semi-blind and have to lean on things for support lol 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: altaïr, ezio, ratonhnhaké:ton | connor, arno, jacob 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ he's got the fastest reflexes you've ever seen, he's lunging to catch you so you don't fall or hit your head. He immediately checks that you're still breathing and will cup your face in his hands and give firm pats to your cheeks while talking loudly to you, trying to pull you back to consciousness
♡ when he finds out why you've passed out, he's immediately reprimanding you and sending you to go and eat enough nutritious foods.
。・:*˚:✧。 ezio auditore
♡ he wasn't quick enough to catch you yes this is based on how quick you have to be to interact with the game or you don't get to hug Leonardo sobs but he does immediately check you over for injury, your head being the first he checks. He lays you on your back with your head in his lap as he waits the few moments it takes for you to return to consciousness
♡ he immediately begins to ask how you feel and if anywhere hurts and wants to know if you're sick or if you've been eating or drinking enough. He'll pick you up bridal style and cook you a meal himself if it's older Ezio but younger Ezio will lay you down somewhere cosy while he sends for a servant to cook for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 ratonhnhaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ he won't show it but he panics. He's watched his village be burned to the ground as a child and his life's work revolves around killing people so when he sees you drop to the floor, his first though isn't that you've fainted but that you've died.
♡ he soon gets over that moment of gut-wrenching panic though and comes to his senses, immediately checking you over for injury, checking your temperature and your breathing. He sets you down somewhere comfortable, assuming you're now on your way to bruising from hitting the ground. He makes sure that you get plenty to eat and drink, trying to use the most nutritious ingredients he can for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
♡ another one who panics due to childhood trauma: when he sees someone laid on the floor like that, for a moment, that awful memory of his father flashes before his eyes. He's not so good at hiding his concern as Connor is though. The panic is evident in his voice as he calls out to you and dashes to your side.
♡ Arno knows to make sure that you haven't hit your head or anything and he sets your head in his lap while he waits for you to regain consciousness. When your eyes do open again and you look up at him, you'll see teary eyes and shaking hands on him. But he's just relieved you're ok. You'll get a very pointed tongue-lashing from him following by him insisting on making sure you're well-fed and hydrated
。・:*˚:✧。 jacob frye
♡ with quick reflexes and his very extroverted personality, Jacob is either fast enough to catch you or surrounded by some Rooks who he can call to so they can break your fall if he's too far. His first worry is that you're overworking yourself so he makes sure you get a break from work
♡ cannot cook to save his life so he's had to go out and order food to bring back for you (or he's begged Evie to cook for which he now owes her many favours) but he insists that you eat and drink well to recover
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demigoddessqueens · 10 months
Assassin's reactions to you trying to learn their native language?
Sure thing!
He’s standing in the doorway when he hears you practicing some words in Arabic. He does commend your efforts for learning but let the master show you how. He is a patient tutor, and he thinks it’s cute when you learn ‘habibi’
I know he speaks English but he is from Wales
If you speak Welsh, it feels like “coming home” for him. A familiar feeling that he feels comfortable with, you two carrying on full conversations in Welsh sometimes.
Kinda same thing for Shay
Speaking Irish Gaeilge/Gaelic is a “safe, familiar” feeling for him, and he’s more than eager to help teach you if you’re curious.
Learning Turkish in your spare time is an endeavor but he’s so sweet about it, commending you for learning a new language and eagerly sets aside time for study lessons
He’s so flattered you’re learning Italian and he’s more into it than you are in trying to learn. But he’s also the super flirty one trying to teach you all the affectionate terms
You’ve always been curious about him and figured a good way to know about him is to study his language. He heard you practicing one day when he comes to the Homestead, and swears his heart started to flutter. Sure he says he’s just trying to help, as if he’s not looking for a way to be closer to you.
aya and bayek
You a new recruit from a different region, and you knew said Founders were adamant about having skills. That being said, Aya commends you for learning the Egyptian dialect and Bayek is such a patient teacher.
He’s going all in when you’re starting to learn French, thinking it sounds so cute when you’re trying to pronounce words and yes, teaches you the flirty ones first
It’s nice to have such an accomplished tutor with Kassandra, and learning Greek just seems more fun when she teaches you. That and the other hundreds of dialects shes picked up over the centuries
Learning Nordic is not easy but whenever Eivor teaches you, it just sounds more melodic with how smooth their voice is you get lost in it
I’d like to think he’d take a more direct approach in teaching you Arabic, dropping a few dialects he’s picked up in Baghdad or in the House of Knowledge.
If you speak a different language around Jacob and Evie, I’d imagine they would be curious about learning a new dialect and would even drop a few new learned words around you
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yasashii-leaf · 5 months
I love your AC doodles! They are SO CUTE! Keep them doing, please! *sends hugs*
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Awww thanks you, here are some doodles that i never published
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Another year and another birthday. You and me Ezio. You and me.
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recreationalfanfics · 11 months
Yandere Assassins + Their Darling Being Scared of Them (pt.1)
Summary: How do the assassins react when they find out that the object of their affection is absolutely terrified of them and just wants them to leave them alone? How would they try to fix it or do they see opportunity in their fear?
Altair Ibn-La'Ahad:
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You are a plague on his sanity and the bane of his existence. If anything, he should be scared of you and this hold you have on him. His every being craves to be near you to the point he watches from afar as his arms desire to be wrapped around you, his thoughts imagine you in crowds and leave him with a dull pain when he sees you are nowhere to be found, and regardless of all that; his soul yearns for you and his heart aches when you flee from him. Because of how passionately he feels towards you that he becomes cold to you and honestly rather annoyed that you cause him to behave this sort of way. Therefore, you believe you have offended him and that every time you catch his eyes staring at you with such intensity, you feel unsafe because you think he's plotting your demise. Altair is a mix of resentment and frustration.
Resentment towards both you and himself. He resents the way you make him feel but he hates knowing that the very sight of him causes you to shrink and flee. He feels frustrated because he wants to convey that he has no intention of harming you, that it might be better for the both of you if you called him 'yours' and he call you 'his', but it only serves to confuse and unnerve you further which he understands. He wishes that he could just grab you and pull you into a passionate kiss that'll make you understand his frustration, desperation, and devotion. He won't because he is aware that it would upset you further but he wishes he could.
Instead, he tries to get you used to him, making earnest yet begrudging attempts to assure you that he does not wish to kill you in your sleep, but also becomes frustrated (mostly with himself) when it proves to be fruitless. Regardless, he will not give up because he is stubborn in his pursuit of you and it will only be a matter of time before you yield to him and his love.
Ezio Auditore:
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It's certainly a surprise to him when he finds out that he intimidates you. He was so incredibly convinced that your shy glances and adorably nervous behavior around him were because you had a crush on him but rumors of his history with romance (if you could call it that) simply prevented you from taking the leap into his arms. Hence why he would try to get you alone and romance you but when his sister makes an off-handed remark about how creepy he is with you and he asks her to elaborate, his delusions are broken and he is absolutely baffled to hear that you, in fact, fear him. The next time he approaches you, he now sees the look you gave him that he mistook as 'shy affection' was actually blatant distress.
He feels bad for misreading you and is desperate to set this misunderstanding straight. So when he once again corners you, you expect him to be once again close for comfort and flirt with you but this time, he's incredibly respectful and very genuine. He feels embarrassed but when you become more relaxed the more he explains himself, he starts to feel better seeing you not so apprehensive around him. Then he finishes off by asking you what he can do to remedy this.
"Ezio, I really appreciate you recognizing my discomfort and apologizing, and I think the best way we can remedy this is if we simply just don't interact with each other."
So it appears that a new misunderstanding has grown; you forgive him for intimidating you but you think the best solution is that he should leave you alone. Which very much conflicts with the goal of making you his spouse and spending every moment of his life admiring and adoring you. He smiles softly at you, knowing that trying to deny you after his apology would make it seem fake, but now it seems he must overcome another problem. But don't worry, Ezio won't give up until you realize you both are meant to be.
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Ratonhnhaké:ton recognizes his feelings towards you are anything but normal and that he genuinely does not blame you for being intimidated by him but it does still hurt when he eavesdrops on you telling one of the women on the Homestead about how unsettling you find him. How his gaze always falls on you, how he seems to always hover around you whenever you need help, and that while you do appreciate it, it has happened way too often to be considered a coincidence. He's more surprised that the OTHERS don't really notice his behavior and stare at you as if you were the one with the unhealthy obsession.
To be fair, Ratonhnhaké:ton is the least threatening Yandere to his darling. Maybe he stalks but he is respectful and keeps his distance and he tries to be polite and treat his darling like he would anyone else, albeit a bit awkwardly, but he is aware of the darker side of his feelings and tries to resist them. However, at the end of the day, he is just a man in love and while it does have some twisted undertones, there is no denying that he is genuine in the pursuit of your affection and that he does want you to be happy.
In fact, YOU might end up being the one who feels bad because when Ratonhnhaké:ton apologizes for making you feel uncomfortable and promises to be more mindful in the future, you feel like you owe him an apology because of the puppy eyes he gives you. When it comes to Ratonhnhaké:ton and his feelings for you, it's mostly an internal struggle with himself and his unhealthy obsession, and you just so happen to be collateral damage in that battle.
Edward Kenway:
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Also understands where you're coming from, he is not a good person and his obsession with you is incredibly unfortunate but unlike his grandson, he isn't nearly as noble trying to resist his urges. It's not that he doesn't care about you or your feelings, especially because he does yearn for you to love him unconditionally, but he is just so damn possessive over you and you're not even his lover. With all the fights he starts over you and how his yandere tendencies flare up when someone so much as says your name in a way he doesn't like, he is aware that he scares you. You never asked for this, he can tell in your eyes that you wish he would just disappear when you look at him, but he just can't resist you nor the way his heart aches to be with you.
Edward might also kinda take advantage of the fact you fear him by scaring you away from other people. When you push someone away for the first time, worried that Edward might do something to them, it's like a switch flicks in his brain. Again he won't hurt you but when he asks you who it was that you were talking to, you immediately plead with him and tell him not to do anything, and he can't help but soften because he knows you'll keep your word. Because you're a good person who cares about others and he'll softly caress your face before promising you that he won't do anything as long as you promise never to go near that person again. Not only that but when you start to touch him and be affectionate with him whenever he becomes upset to try and appease him; giving you the illusion that you have some sort of control over him when in reality; that is not the case.
Yes, he is weak for your touch and will allow himself to lavish in it as you timidly beg him not to hurt someone but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll do it, even when he "promises" it to you. Especially if that person hurt you or tried to 'steal' you away from him. Edward is painfully aware that you don't do this out of love but once he narrows down your options and isolates you for a while; maybe one day your fingers won't tremble as you run them through his hair and that he can kiss you without feeling your tears run down your cheek.
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emzysimagines · 8 months
I refuse to stand aside while this happens...
All telecommunications and internet has been cut off in Gaza for almost an hour. The bombing got worse than it had been this week. Two hospitals have been threatened - that's what we knew BEFORE they lost connection.
Israel's isolated Gaza and is striking them from the sea, air and ground NOW. Ethnic cleansing/genocide is taking place NOW.
To all bloggers here on Tumblr, don't be on the side of genocide with your silence.
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elfven-blog · 2 months
Make me a Daddy
Summary: You tell Ezio you want a baby, he makes sure it takes.
Ezio x F!Reader CW: MDNI, 18+ Only, p in v, eating out, breeding. Word count: 1.1K
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It was like a switch had flipped in his head the moment you had spoken those magical words. So many hours in your day now spent with your husband between your legs, just as you were now.
Your thighs thrown over his shoulders, his beard scratching at the sensitive skin between your thighs, his tongue flattening as his nose nudged against your puffy clit causing you to whine. Your hands tugging at his salt and pepper hair, only serving to pull his face impossibly closer until his tongue worked its way into your fluttering hole. His own hands gently squeezing and massaging the fat of your thighs.
Ezio had been at this for what felt like hours, drawing orgasm after orgasm from you and making you a mess on your shared bed. Your bottom lip trembled as he worked you towards another high, thighs squeezing around his head as you tried to push him away but the older man’s hands moved to grab your own and he pushed your thighs off his shoulders so that he could keep you pinned down with his body weight instead.
“Stop moving” he voice vibrated through your cunt, ripping another whine from you at the feeling. All the while his tongue is still lapping at your soaked pussy, your eyes barely able to stay open as he pulls another orgasm from you. Your body shaking and hips jerking at the feeling. “Fuck, that’s a good girl, amore”
Satisfied with this, Ezio pulled away. What a sight he was, his beard dripping with the hours worth of arousal and juices he had earned. His hands gently massaging up from your legs to your hips and sides “‘M sorry, princessa. You just taste too good” He slowly kissed his way up your body.
Leaving you painted in marks as he went, your hands clenching at the sheets as you tried to clear your mind but the way he’d spent so long tasting you had your mind cloudy. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a reward, sweet girl” One of his hands moved to pull your leg up and back over his shoulder, his mouth trailing kisses along your neck and shoulder.
He grinned against your skin as he felt you arch, gasping as the head of his fat cock pressed against your hole. He shushed you gently as he pressed more kisses to your skin, his hand resting in the crook of your knee to keep your leg there as he stretched you open. Ezio waited only moments for you to get used to his size again before his hips were moving, the older man rutting into you at a slow teasing pace.
He only sped up once your arms wrapped around him, nails digging into the skin of his back in that way he loved so much. His teeth scraping against your neck as he fucked you, his other hand moving to grope your breast, thumb rubbing over your nipple until it had hardened into a peak “Gonna make me a daddy, pretty girl? That what you want?”
You could only whimper and whine in response, breathing coming out as pants and cunt squeezing around his cock causing his hips to stutter in their pace “That’s a good girl” he whispered in your ear. Those same fingers pinched your nipple so he could watch the way your bottom lip trembled, his own eyes fluttering shut with every throb of your hole around him.
He moved off your body, hips not stopping in their rutting against you as he unwound your arms from around him, smiling as you whined at him for the action and clasped your own hands around your knees to keep you in that position. His hand gripping the headboard as he rolled his hips against you, the sound of skin smacking filling the room with every thrust. 
His other hand dimpled the bottom of your thigh as he used it to keep you still as every time his cock drove into you, you’d move up the bed even more. Ezio couldn’t keep his eyes off you, watching the way your tits bounced slightly every time he thrust, your eyes unable to focus and fluttering constantly or how you couldn’t seem to decide between biting your lip with a moan, or letting it drop open with a gasp.
If he was any less of a gentleman he would invite Leonardo to come and paint you in this moment, he was no longer Catholic but he’d worship the ground you walked in all of his waking moments. 
His hand slipped down from its place on your thigh, his thumb finding your neglected clit and beginning to circle. It felt like lightning through your body, your legs tensing up as that familiar coil tightened in your body and your eyes rolled back as you arched. You were more sensitive after he’d spent so long between your thighs maybe that’s why tears trailed down your cheeks and your mouth opened in a silent cry as your orgasm peaked.
The mess on the sheets worse now as you gush around his cock,slick soaking Ezio’s cock and dripping to the bed below. Ezio’s own eyes rolled as he practically fell back on top of you, his weight pinning you to the bed as he humped at your cunt. Grunts and groans filling your ears like the sound of an orchestra, his beard tickled the skin of your neck and shoulder as he buried his face into the skin. 
You whined as you felt raw and sore from how he continued to push impossibly close to you. His arms falling from the headboard so he could wrap them around you, pulling you even closer and your legs shake from the overstimulation. “Fottere! Take it, princessa, take it!”  The man’s hips still as his cock twitches and fills you with hot ropes of cum, a low groan slipping from his mouth as you both lay still, breathing heavily from the exhaustion.
Your hand moves to stroke through his hair, nails scraping his scalp in that way that makes him moan and your brow furrows when he doesn’t move out of you. “Are we not finished?”
Ezio grins at your question, lifting his head as he presses a kiss to your cheek and his hands move to hold his weight above you again “Did you not say you wanted me child?” his hips began to move again, his eyes sparkling with something as he watched your own widen at the realisation that he had yet to go soft “It is best to go multiple times…to make sure it takes, no?”
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ridingtorohan · 4 months
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𓇻 ft. ezio auditore x civilian gn reader
𓇻 summary. There's just you, Ezio, and a slow, sleepy morning on a rooftop.
𓇻 content. platonic or pre-relationship. pre-Brotherhood.
𓇻 enjoy! feel free to like, reblog, or send in asks!
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Soft strands of sunlight crests over the city walls, dusting over the roof slates in a golden sheen. It’s beautiful and tranquil, the starlight fading overhead into hues of gentle light. Early dawn has you feeling cold, a little uncomfortable under the brisk air. Monteriggioni feels quiet beneath the sway of your feet, the small city silent with sleep. Ezio barely breathes - and when he does, it’s relaxed, the motion slow. He’s, somehow, not quite what you imagined and yet everything all at once. Quiet. For all the charismatic clamor you see him with, he watches over the city with a sense of calm that Claudia has never spoken of.
Aristocratic nose, fine cheekbones and firm jawline, Ezio was without a doubt a cut of the finest cloth. Boisterous. Loud. Everything you’ve heard spoken about him - and even seen him act. This is a tender side you didn’t know existed, hidden beneath swaths of fine armour and silky fabric. Looking at him as you do now, his presence almost muted beside you on the rooftop, he seems more man than myth. Gentler, almost, even with the garment of metal strapped to his wrists.
Despite all the armour he typically wears, the imposing and broad figure he cuts, he’s everything but. You’ve seen him out and about, moving along the rooftops and city walls, scrounging for feathers - you still didn’t quite understand that— and tending to mundane jobs. He’s even swept out an arm to guide children back to their feet after a tumble to the street. Which happens a fair bit, even to a young child from your extended family.
Thing is, while it happens a fair amount - Ezio is there to stop it. Always visiting, moving between houses and tending to the people with a spirit and jubilance that you haven’t even seen the Lord cherish the town with. He loves it like his own, a home far from his birthright.
You don’t know much about Ezio’s past, only gleaned some of it from gossip and from Claudia. Even that isn’t enough. Enough would be to hear it from his own lips, to have the man himself explain. But, the strange thing is, despite all the good tidings he gives to the town, when he’s alone with you like this, he grows somber. A million miles away, lost in a world you can’t comprehend.
Other days it’s good. He tends to you like every other townsperson in Monteriggioni, making sure you have everything you need. You’re not even sure how spending time with Ezio like this even happened - what you did to make him choose you. There are many ladies who express an interest in him, many soldiers who want privy into his skills. But he chooses you, takes you for strolls and stops first thing at your market stall when new produce is brought in.
Today is not one of those days.
“I am sorry,” he says then, voice hard in the growing daylight. Not because he’s harsh - never is— but because that’s just how his words sound. “My mind is … quite occupied today.”
“It’s okay,” you breathe out, because it is. It’s okay. You don’t question where his mind goes.
There’s a long moment of silence before Ezio quietly elaborates, “It is close to my Christening day.”
“Oh-” You pause and consider his tone. “I’m sorry.”
His expression twitches then, mirth dancing in his eyes, dark eyebrows knitting together. A small smile plays across his handsome face, fingers spreading across his thigh. “Thank you.” He laughs, an unused sound that rests deep in his throat. “Ah, I’m sure you’ve already heard of Claudia arranging a party, no?” Your pinched expression gives you away and his laugh deepens, eyes turning away.
“She wanted it to be a secret-” You stop yourself there by instinct. But Ezio doesn’t interrupt, he never has. He’s attentive that way, always listening to what you have to say, even if it’s about the soil or the worms in your garden. “You weren’t supposed to know about it.” “She always tries to make it a surprise,” Ezio responds, eyes tender as he looks at you.
“And yet you know of it anyway.” There’s a twitch of his scarred mouth when you speak.
“Mm.” He gives a slow nod of his head, leaning back, brown hair moving from his shoulder to spill over his back instead. Ezio closes his eyes, the hazy sunlight moving across his face as it climbs into the sky. “Has anyone invited you?”
“The whole town is going.”
“Yes, I imagine.” Ezio laughs slightly then. “I’m inviting you as my guest.” It feels like it should be a profound statement - something awe inspiring or an utterance to make you gasp. It doesn’t. Instead, all you feel is a low seeping warmth that touches the tip of your toes. You look down, swaying you feet over the edge of the roof. Ezio isn’t saying it to be polite - there’s something about the way he speaks and acts with you that makes you feel like he’s genuine.
“Thank you,” you say after a moment. “That’d be great.”
Ezio says nothing to that, though you can feel his eyes turn from you back towards the city at your feet. An emotional eclipse washes over you and you’re left feeling cold. Every moment with Ezio is like this - inviting, like summer days and fireflies. Like he sees who you are and accepts it.
There’s nothing for a long moment, just you and Ezio and the slow march of time. Dew glistens on the lower tiles, the rough texture cold beneath your palms. “Thank you for going,” he says - and the way he says it makes it feel more profound than it originally sounds. Like it matters to him, like your presence is something he basks in.
You look at him, at his battle worn features, weary lines smoothing into something almost peaceful. He needs moments like this, you realize. Needs it like you do - the companionship, the ease from everyday life. The slow, quiet mornings, the yawning pull of life. An insurmountable, insignificant second of life - every second that amounts to something more. Because he exists, you exist, and this moment exists.
“I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” you promise, meaning every word of it. You enjoy these mornings with him just as much as he does.
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thesharktanksdriver · 9 months
Blood's Thicker Than Water (Platonic)
Made this cause I love assassins creed and I hate how they left the plot point about Desmond having a kid from a one night stand. Like sure there’s a comic for Elijah but let’s be real, who here has read that comic?
Sorry if any of them seem out of character, I haven’t played the games in a long while lol
Also thanks to my friend for streaming the games so I can get back into them lol
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You never really met your dad but from what your mother described him as he was….a troubled soul
Now to be fair you’ve never exactly met Desmond Miles yourself but from the stories she told it’s obvious he had his fair share of demons
Some of which seemed to spill from the cracks of his soul from the short time she spent with him
A bartender is what he was, until he suddenly up and vanished from said bar in 2012 and died not too long after
It didn’t really make sense then even to your young mind
The gap between his sudden disappearance and death leaving too much unsaid for your mind not to be annoyed by
But as a child you eventually put the thought away
Eventually you forget
Instead going on to pursue your next whim as you focus on the present, or in your case Learning about the past in the present time
Unlike your fascination with your father that went away, your love of history never faded with time
It just seemed to grow the older you got
Your not sure why but something about history just clicked with you
It was somewhere within the range of middle school and reading national geographic that you had realized you liked it
That despite how some areas of it were bleak and disturbing it was interesting
And it got even more so interesting as you delved deeper into the depths of libraries
Nose buried in books lined with dust and old parchment
Yellowed pages and old ink that you carefully decode from centuries of lost meaning and metaphors lost to the modern age
You studied from the ancients all the way up to Victorian
Easing your way though literal centuries of historical records as you soaked up information like a sponge
And it’s there you vegans seeing an odd…repetition of events that seemed to occur
Odd assassinations plagued each era you looked into, all of which connected somehow by people in odd dress
In some journals that had luckily stood the tests of time you uncovered more eye witness accounts
A solider’s log back in the revolutionary war talking about an odd man meeting with his superiors in the dead of night
The diary of a log master who wrote of an odd frequent visitor that had an odd blade hidden beneath his sleeve
The drawing of a Victorian child being freed from a factory that had a hooded lady and man on the rooftop
I’m one you found a symbol, one created from the bottom perspective of an eagle skull, something also commonly associated with these hooded figures
What’s odd as well is that with these hooded assassins you also find traces of another group
One well know to historians such as yourself
Oddly enough the symbol of the Templar knights keep showing up even after their annulment
It’s odd, but what’s more odd enough is that both seemed to be tied to other historical artifacts
Ones well kept in archives and from the public eye
Ones you shouldn’t technically know about if not for you sneaking into sections your don’t have the status to enter
Their always gold with odd symbols. Somehow always pristine and polished despite the fact their dated to be from before ancient times
They for some reason seem to call to you specifically
Tempting you with forbidden knowledge you wish to taste like Eve
But for now you choose to wait until you can do proper analysis on them without the risk of punishment
So you lie and wait
Admittedly you didn’t think anyone expected for you to be this good at your job
In their defence you were a university student here on Co-op and not an actual full time historian
Hell you were in first year for gods sake
But somehow despite it all
Despite the fact you had actual historians and people in the history program years above you here you quickly began to become an outlier
A shinning beacon within the large archive, so much so that you began being allowed in the restricted sections you already snuck into
Mind you, now properly allowed there with some supervision of sorts gave you much more flexibility in research
You got to touch these artifacts
Hold them in gloved palms as silk covered finger glide across its edges and ridges
You study them extensively decrypting and decoding the ancient texts and hieroglyphs
Jotting down what you found in both a report and your own personal journal
Your not sure why you do so but you chock it up to making sure no one takes credit for your work
And this continues to the point your eventually allowed alone with them
It’s great
You dedicate yourself to this task as you learn more and more
Soaking up knowledge like a sponge as you find out more of what was previously lost
Find new angles and perspectives on events
For history isn’t just a set time and date, it’s interpretation based on what we know from sources
And even then sources can be biased
Sources can lie and silence another person’s view on the event
Your more than happy to try make your own interpretations
Admittedly when you were asked to study what looked to be a necklace from these unidentified ancient artifacts you were ecstatic
How could you not be?
Intricate gold woven in something akin to Grecian jewelry
Yet also had hints of something akin to Egyptian
It also…glows? Or at least you swear you’ve seen it glow gold and pulsate a few times but that could be the sleep deprivation speaking
Either way it’s an honour
One you don’t take lightly as you study it
Spending countless restless nights and days trying to crack its code
An unknown source has been funding the archive and your research quite a bit
Betting big money on it much to your surprise and suspension
You get that this is potentially something big but it feels out of left field
Especially since no one knows the name of the company
It’s just under an anonymous donation every month
It’s sketchy
But you aren’t one to argue about free money to further your and your colleagues pursuit of knowledge
Not when this beautiful place used to be underfunded
Not when most historical records were donated by people with a good conscious
Not when this place was almost shut down
With a sigh you continue on your work
Diligently tact checking and writing up a storm
Your writing looks like chicken scratch but that was a commonality between all history majors
Well, along with being giant nerds
And it’s there at that desk at 3 am in the morning, tired and only running on 3 hours of rest you find something peculiar on the necklace
A sharp jaded edge that you absentmindedly prick yourself on by accident
With a groan you wipe the blood away on your pants
Then going up to get a bandaid
You swore to god if you died of tetanus you’d be positively pissed
Unknown to you the necklace starts to glow
When you get home your more exhausted than usual
Your limbs feel like their kade of concrete and your head is stuffed with tissue
Eyelids trying to glue themselves shut
You practically kick off your shoes before tumbling to the couch
Not bothering in changing clothes or showering for the sweet relief of sleeps embrace
So you flop down face first into the old leather cushions of your couch
Only putting in the effort of fishing a hand to grab a throw pillow and blanket from nearby that you burrowed yourself into
A comfy cocoon/prison you couldn’t will yourself to leave even as you swore for a moment you heard something in the house
But your mind writes it off
Your too tired to question anything let alone get up
All you want is sleep
And that’s exactly what you get as your eyelids shut
You fall into the realm of dreams, odd ones playing out in your mind
Blurred images of odd men
A weird void-like realm
The cries of an eagle overhead
A single word appearing in your head
And then your eyes snap awake when the sound of arguing fills your ears
Yelling of several male voices jumbling up your already fogged up sense as you practically fall off the couch in a mixture of fear and confusion
Curses escaping your mouth when suddenly the voices go silent and your left in a realm of fear
Hair standing on end as the creaking of the house makes you more alert
Despite the fact you’d never fought a day in your life you will up the courage to grab a baseball bat and cautious cross to where you heard the commotion
Careful steps on the non-creaky boards of the home that you’d luckily memorized
And there you find several men in old garb
Accents of Red tying them together like a string of fate
Or a trail of blood fainting their very existence
they turn to you with sharp eyes
It’s the one in modern clothes that surprises you the most
The face of your supposed dead father staring back at you
Ocher brown eyes that had long lost their life now rejuvenated as they seem to find familiarity in your own features
Some of which mirror his own along with some of the others in the room
The bridge of your nose
A all powerful spark in your eyes as they flick between everyone and escape routes
The way your lip slightly twitches when you try to keep a brave face
Your posture as you decided what to do
It’s all too familiar to him and them in a way that isn’t just coincidence
Especially not when all of them are Kenway
Not when he had been able to prove to them that fact through the experience of virtually living through their lives up until his death
“I’m not sure who the fuck all of you are but get out of my house.” Your fingers twitch and flex as your palms grow sweaty, the wood absorbing the pressure and moisture “especially my dead dad look-alike”
You all but confirm his suspicions
Their suspicions
And it looks Ike for you tonight will be much longer than you anticipated
Turns out that artifact you were studying wasn’t just as normal one
Neither were the other ones you looked at
The way they explained it as was their “artifacts from dead gods”, a fallen civilization that engineered humanity into being their slaves
It’s a lot to take in
Even more so when your suspicions of something bigger happening throughout global history with those odd deaths were real
Oh, and these were you dead ancestors and dad somehow back from the grave and now in your home
…..yeah safe to say that’s a lot to take in after an already very long and tiring shift
You sit there as they explain this, half asleep, and half exasperated
Cause how the hell are you supposed to believe all this bullshit that for some reason feels correct
Something in you tells you that their right yet your mind is fighting that logic
You’d always been a logical person, when it came to most situations you used your brain instead of your heart
And in those cases things ended up fine
But now your faced with this
A situation where your heart is screaming for you to listen as your brain tries to take this all in
Cause logic is completely out the window at the moment
For now you have to trust them even if your still afraid
I mean, how couldn’t you be?
But you get the sense that they understand
At least a little bit by how their also thrusted into a new environment without much say
Perhaps that (along with your own apprehension) is helping comfort them as well
So for now they’ll stay
Your just thanking (the dead) gods that grandma and grandpa’s old home is big enough for all of them
Altaïr Ibn-La’ Ahad
The oldest down the line of your dad’s side of your lineage finds himself often reading through your books in your study
It was a bit of a surprise one day entering it to find him sitting in a spare chair but you don’t mind the silent company
Especially as he seems to find interest in your studies
Occasionally he breaks the silence and asks you a question about the subject he’s reading about
He’s by far the oldest (even if he’s back in the body of his prime) of them therefore he’s the one who has the most figuratively to catch up on
So you indulge him
And also asks questions as well that he seems eager in answering
Knowledge connects you both, scholarly intellect being the bridge between the two of you despite centuries of time apart
Typically he asks about thinks such as modern life and what is know about his home, what happened to it? What it’s known of his era
You answer as best you can
Especially since that era of time isn’t exactly your forte
But he appreciates it anyways
Appreciates that you try, appreciates that you passionately care about history in the first place
Admittedly your mom was supportive but never understood your love of history
She’d listen to your rants and long conversations with a polite smile but you knew she never understood what you were talking about
But he does
He does and contributes whole heartedly in just as much passion
It’s nice
What’s also nice is that he’s studied the artifacts you now study as well
So now your both constantly coming up and developing ideas together
A constant back and forth
Hypotheses, discussion, and testing
Delving deeper into discovery like you’ve wanted
But with this he also helps you see where passion and obsession mix together
After the loss of his wife and son he delved into studying as a form of escape
It drove who was left away
Made the pit in his heart deeper
He doesn’t talk about it often but he seems to see how you may go down the same path
And he warns you of it
Unlike his younger self (that he now appears as) he’s wise if a little rough around the edges
He encourages knowledge but not to the point where it’s an all encompassing and toxic obsession
Within the household he seems to take a somewhat neutral but quiet role
He helps out and offers advice and guidance
Much like a teacher and grandfather of sorts
Speaking up when he has to and making sure the house doesn’t end up in disrepair
He seems to have a fascination with modern appliances, or at least holds a thankfulness for them
Like a few others he sticks to his robes most the time but you’ve seen him sport more modern clothes once awhile
Stuff still somewhat reminiscent of what he wore before but with a modern flare. Things with hoods and draping. Silks and wool. Something with an accent of red mixed in
Sometimes when you fall asleep in your studies you find a blanket draped over you and a cup of tea at your side
He won’t admit it’s him but he’s the only one who knows your tea preferences
He keeps his worry for you deep down but it’s somewhat relived when seeing that you take his warning of not taking the pursuit of knowledge too far
“It says here there was something called the “French revolution”. Would you care to explain what happened here to me?” He asks making you pause your work for a moment, when he sees your smile he knows your answer. Sure he read some of this book and got the gist of it, but something about seeing your eyes light up at his inquiry makes him feel at peace for a moment.
“Would I ever!”
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
This man is quite literally all up in your (and everyone’s) business
Not in an annoy way per say but he’s definitely curious about the lives his descendants have led (both good and bad)
Ezio is very clearly a family man and it’s somewhat ironic to see since half of this household has some sort of familiar issue
Most of which is some sort of daddy issue stemming from either Haythem or Edward that trickled down the line to you
Something that Ezio is seemingly trying to wrap his head around
Out of the others he’s the one who opens up the most
Partially because you think he misses his immediate family and friends
It must be a lot to handle being away from home, now in a foreign land where everything has changed
Despite that though he keeps a brave face
Almost always flashing a smile as he drags you from your study to have some “bonding time”
You won’t admit it to his face but you don’t mind
Especially as he gives your poor hunched over back a break
And treats your pallet to some good old fashioned (literally) Italian food and not cup ramen once again
He tried it once and threw your supply out, saying he’d be supplementing you with food from now on
You can’t exactly say your disappointment or upset from the heaven that is fresh baked garlic bread and pasta
He cooks not only for you but for the others of the house as well, saying his sister taught him lest he piss off his future lady
Taking in their suggestions and cooking foods from their homes as a way of him offering comfort
Whilst he does these tasks he often hums in his mother tongue of Latin
You don’t have the heart to tell him it’s a dead language
Especially when he seems so happy that you can somewhat understand it
He’s happily rambling and teaching you words
Helping you sound out phrases and pronunciation correctly unlike your Latin professor
Some of his songs he lightly sings under his breath get stuck in your head since he has a good singing voice
But despite the facade you see the cracks
Sometimes you find him looking at modern objects mumbling about how Leonardo would have loved to see this or made something similar
Or how Claudia would’ve liked this book
How Petruccio would have loved this toy
It….leaves a bitter taste in your mouth
Once upon a time you felt this same type of longing for family
Once a time you thought of you dad before going to bed and staring at his old Polaroid with hope
One that would never come to fruition (until now)
It’s why you indulge him, to keep his mind off the deeper plunge of melancholy
Compared to the others he’s relatively open to modernizing
In fact he seems somewhat excited in these things
Raiding your wardrobe like a damn fashionista and critiquing what’s good quality
He also has a wide variety of looks, not sticking to something similar to his time of dress
Versatile and somehow up to date? Your not sure how but somehow he’s in fashion?
Like he must’ve found a copy of vogue or something cause there is no way he just guessed that this was the new trend
When you pressure him on it he replies that he’s simply that amazing
You call bullshit but have yet to find evidence
But in the meantime you ask get him to tell you about Da Vinci and you furiously jot down what he says
Sometimes when he looks at you he sees flashes of Claudia’s quick wit
It makes him long for home yet as he looks at his descendants and ancestor he also feels….something
A small pit of warmth developing as he gets to know the inhabitants of this house longer
Meet Altair besides through a weird vision
His home is in Florence yet that feeling of comfort from the Villa is bleeding into these old (yet new) walls
“So this painting is his most famous work?” He asks looking at your computer with a bit of confusion, his scared lips quirking at the digital image.
“Yeah. This is actually probably the most famous painting in the world”
“Really? Of all his works this one is considered the best? I’m not doubting his skill but of all his pieces?”
“Believe me, I get it. It’s only this famous cause it was stolen”
“Stolen?!? Tell me who did it! I swear-”
Edward Kenway
For someone who was a feared pirate on the seas he’s surprisingly much less violent than you’d think him to be
Sure, he’s scary as hell still but at least he’s not stabbing you in the back and making off with your grandmas pearls or something
Still your a bit unnerved by him considering you did a project on him back in middle school and he’s now in your home
Munching on some god damn biscuits as if this was a normal situation
His son Haytham avoids his as best he can but he seems to bond with his grandson quite easily
Or more easily than he does with Haythem
It takes some time but you eventually go to him when you find him awake at the dead hours of night
A whisky bottle in hands as he occasionally takes a swig in silence as he stares out the window
You don’t talk
You don’t need to when he drinks in silence for awhile staring at the moon before eventually talking about the guilt
In his pursuit of power and gold he let people die
Greed woven into his soul as he sacrificed good men for his cause
He changed and did good yet his past haunts him
Hands stained red
Guilt eating away
A son who doesn’t want anything to do with him
At some point when he stops his rambles you speak
Reminding him that while his actions weren’t good he changed
It doesn’t wash the blood away but it stoped more from staining his hands
Though Haythem avoids him Connor is more than eager to fill his place
It doesn’t fix his overlying problems but it does help
In the morning he ends up talking with you more after this as your initial fear melts away
You end up seeing Edward Kenway, not the fiercesome captain of the Jackdaw
You see a man burdened by past mistakes and still wishes to do better
You see a human being at its core
With history it’s easy to forget the people your looking at was once alive and a breathing being
One who was just as flawed as you and I
But seeing a infamous pirate captain cry about issues pertaining not just time him made you remember that
He isn’t opposed to modernizing but seems to keep a certain sea-like touch to his appearance
Clothes for labourers and something loose is what he normally sticks to
He’s lucky though since he doesn’t exactly have traditional robes and can incorporate what he appeared in with a modern flair
Occasionally when he gets drunk he slurs out old shanties and talks about his epic tales
You might or might not have freaked the fuck out learning that James kidd was actually a woman
Mind blown
Ezio and Altair had to drag you away from your computer from writing an entire essay
Sitting on your countertop he holds a glass of whiskey in hand, one held out for you as you sit down beside him. The moon casts its gentle rays and lights the marble slab you both sit on. “I prefer Rum but this’ll do” it’s said in a playful tone that makes you nod and take a sip.
“I can grab some captain Morgan later…speaking of which, did you know him?
“No, but I did find a few of his things laying about “
“Care to tell?”
“Aye, sure thing”
Haytham Kenway
As the only Templar in this house it’s safe to say he’s definitely the outlier of the bunch
A relative lone wolf from the group that all hold some sort of Ill feelings towards him
From his father its confusion and sadness
The others it’s a mix of that and anger
From Connor it’s just plain…well your not quite sure how to describe it
The two’s entire family situation is just plain messy and thick with tension that their blades could cut through
But here’s the thing, in this house your also an outlier
A neutral zone so to say
Hell, the entire house seemed to be a haven of sorts from their whole Templar vs Assassin conflict
To be honest you don’t really care about this secret war
Well that’s a lie you are interested in these war of secret societies but you don’t specifically care to get involved in their politics
Not when you have business in interfering in it unless a fight breaks out and your telling everyone to calm the fuck down
So safe to say your kinda the only one who talks to Haytham
He is…well sometimes he’s a bit of an ass (in the British type of way) but at the same time he’s good conversation
Specifically when it comes to that of morals and philosophical beliefs
He is a conflicted man
A flawed one
But he holds his beliefs and morals despite the fact he’s been hurt and betrayed by a man he viewed as a mentor
He doesn’t talk about it much but he’s still hurt
Still seething with venom that burns his soul and flesh
Makes him want to lash out despite his upperclassman appearance and attitude
That despite it all he loves his son, so much so he willingly walked into what would be his death knowingly
That despite what happened he loves his dad yet can’t face him yet on account of what he became
What ideals and morals he still believes in even now
It’s perhaps he’s venting this to you rather than a journal because he knows you won’t judge him unfairly on the basis of what side your own
Your judging him as a flawed man and as an equally flawed person
It’s with him as well you open up about your own frustrations
How you still don’t know how to feel about this all
The fact that a lot of what you once knew was flipped on it’s head
Along with the fact your not even sure how to address your dad
It’s an entire mess but perhaps your both messed up together and that also draws you both to talking
To discuss your feelings of insucurity and confliction
To feel comfort that your not alone in not having your emotional shit in order
On some especially…emotional nights you both both have a cup of tea
He seems to enjoy that each time you use a different type, much of which used to be hard to obtain due to shipping and it’s prices
He hasn’t really yet grasped modern technology but your slowly helping him with it
It’s kinda like trying to teach a grandpa to figure out a phone, but now it’s him with the concept of a microwave
Like some of the others he’s yet to really also change his clothes to something modern
There has been a few times though he sported sweaters and vests
Your now working on helping his wardrobe since he prefers a sophisticated look
Occasionally he looks at the photos that line your walls, looking as you evolve through the ages
With Connor he never had the chance to watch him grow
Never a snapshot to immortalize what he was like a child but now ones of you litter the walls like paintings
He feels melancholy
Yet at the same time he’s happy to get another chance maybe
One that is seemingly being helped by your gentle hand unknowingly
“I never thought about it until now but the stars are different” he says taking a sip of his matcha tea, he lets it pool on his tongue and experience the flavour. Not his favourite but not the worst
“That’s cause of light pollution here…though the stars do move so it it’s possible they’ve shifted position in the sky”
“Do they teach you about the stars in your schooling?”
“Yeah I took some. Not sure why, it just kinda spoke to me. Maybe it’s the Kenway blood”
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway
Of the group Connor is the most quiet and surprisingly the one whom you connect with the best for some reason
Perhaps it’s cause your both socially awkward in ways that let you relate
Or the fact you’ve both been ostracized by society for various reasons
His company is that of a quiet one but one you accept it with ease as you both sit and enjoy each others company
A quiet kinship made of unspoken but understood words from one another
The reminder that someone else is there and your not truly alone
He is perhaps the one you feel you can understand the most
And it’s the same likewise for him
Your both people deeply hurt and still bleeding internally
People raised by only their mother in a cruel and harsh world
People who were let down one way or another by their father
People who are still mad and angry but use that to further their determination
It’s odd but you feel truly understood
Like your soul was peeled back to reveal at your core your still a lone spirit lost in the world
One clinging to what they know as their only lifeline in this confusing and jumbled mess of a situation
The hulking 6 foot 2 man shows you trails near your home
Taking to the forest paths you’ve know your entire life and helping you discover even more about them
And while he does this he teaches you more about the world as you both walk the old beaten path
He tells you how to identify what type of tree is which, which stones are likely geodes and what tracks belong to who
It’s honestly petty interesting especially since he adds snippets of stories from his heritage
In return you talk about what you know as well
Snippets of your own knowledge that he seems to store into his mind just as you do with his stories
An equal exchange of sorts
On these walks you begin to notice he takes you out on these when your at your most stressed
The times in which your mind is overworking and consuming itself with anxiety
The times in which you need to breath
Connor doesn’t seem like one to vocally express his care but he does so through action
Small inconspicuous actions that mean a lot more than what meets the eye
It’s seems that his towards you is helping you when you need it most
Taking you away to just take a moment for yourself
To just breath in the fresh air and let the sunset coloured leaves of autumn crunch under your boots
Letting the cold breeze take away your worries
It’s perhaps better than any type of verbal support
Yet another unspoken action of care and compassion through knowing and watching
Of watching and knowing when you need a break
When you realize this and give him a small tired smile as a thanks he seems to know
Only giving a small nod with a minuscule smile of his own
It only grows bigger when you begin to ask him if his traditions, of the stories and practices of his people that he’s more than willing to tell when he knows you ask out of genuine curiosity and respect
Connor is somewhat 50/50 in modernizing
He adapts quite well but still needs help with certain things as he navigates the situation
But like usual he is anything but resourceful as he watches what you do and figures it out
He helps the others quite a bit with what he’s picked up and somewhat takes pride in the fact he can help them
Whilst he’s privy to wearing his robes he isn’t against more modern clothes
The only problem though is sometimes finding stuff that fits him considering he’s not only a giant but also fairly muscular
But your both eventually able to find some stuff for him to wear that he likes
He really appreciates though that you try to buy clothes and jewelry from nearby indigenous peoples
It might not be his but he appreciates the sentiment and familiarity that the beaded jewelry give him
“I’ve lived here my whole life and walked down these paths a thousand times yet it seems more like your the local here” you say with amusement as you follow Conner through an area you’d be never been before.
He smiles, it’s small but there as he adds “just a matter of perspective. You see the paths your used to and I see ones you hadn’t noticed”
Desmond Miles
Yeah so this is entirely awkward for you
Like how the fuck do you emotionally deal with this and the fact your very dead dad who didn’t know you existed till now is now very alive
And living in your house with his very dead ancestors that are also now alive
Case and point you don’t, specifically you ignore the problem and act like everything is fine
You lock yourself away and try to avoid him like the plague
Somehow Scurry past him and into the kitchen to grab something before returning to your abode to eat
But then things got complicated
Things change
You began talking to the others
Slowly coming out the darkness of your study and joining the dinner table
But you still try to avoid him
It feels like the sight of him burns your mind, all those nights as a kid coming back to you
The hope and then disappoint in learning he died and that he likely never wanted you
Your mother never said this but the other kids did. They always teased and picked at the fact you were a mistake
It’s why you push so hard now to be the best, To prove them wrong (to prove to yourself that your worth existing)
The fact is that now he’s here and you don’t know how to deal with that
How would you even start?
What do you even say to him?
You quiet down when he enters a room because you don’t know what to do
Whatever your about to say dying in your throat like a caged bird and all that came come out are garbled noises as you evade him
Eyes casting down to your hands like a child averting their gaze from their parent when in trouble (he is your dad so it’s the same thing right?)
Leaving the room he’s in as quickly as you can once a take is done
The others notice quick, I mean how can’t they? A damn butter knife can cut through the tension
The whole thing with Haytham and Connor is less tense than this
But what can you even do?
How in thick do you talk to him and how can he even talk to you?
Your 18 and in university, he’s 25 and was a bartender in New York before apparently sacrificing himself for the world
He’s closer in age to being a big brother rather than your dad.
But even besides that he’s been long dead and gone since 2012
It’s been years since that point and more importantly he’s someone important and your not
He’s an assassin born to a bloodline of other assassins
Someone who was raised in this tradition with greatness not only in his origin but also in his death
And your you
A child born from a one night stand who’s only achievement is being good at knowing about old people
It hurts but it’s true
If he’s a star then your a candle compared to his light
A mere blip or spark to the greater picture
There had been times he looked like he wanted to say something but you scurry away before he can say anything
Sometimes you catch the looks and small gestures Ezio tries to make as if to encourage him to go up to you
How Connor sometimes brings up to you how he wishes for reconciliation with his dad and that perhaps it’s possible with your own
Altair not beating around the bush and plainly telling both him and you to talk
But it all feels for naught and dies when those feelings and thoughts return
But eventually he corners you
Well not really corners you per say but he catches you as you leave your study after a talk with Altair
“Listen I don’t have any grudge against you. For one you died, I’d be a dick if I blamed you for that or your decision to save the world and whatever. Second you didn’t know about me in the first place” you say briefly looking up at him before averting your gaze, he looks like he wants to say something but he can’t get a word out before you continue “but you don’t have to act like my dad or anything. You never asked for me, it was a mistake, I was a mistake and I’m fine with it.” (Your lying to yourself)
You leave before he can get a word out, and he’s left alone in the hallway. When he returns to Ezio he just sits down in silence. It’s enough for everyone to know I didn’t go the way he wanted.
Admittedly when you begin to notice odd figures at the achieves you write it off
I mean it could literally be anyone plus the supervisors aren’t making a fuss about them here
If anything their welcoming them and looking at them with hopeful eyes
Small glances full of opportunities in them
It’s odd but maybe their just some non-profit here to support the archive
Or even private benefactors of sorts
But then they turn their attention to you
Plastic smiles on their faces, artificial pleasantries as their main spokeswoman sits in front of you in a slick suit
Her stilettos tapping against the ground as your eyes trail to her bodyguards of sorts
They stand not too close nearby
And then she begins talking
And slowly you grow more and more uncomfortable
Hands playing with one another, fingers twitching in your palm as crescent are indebted in your skin
They apparently are interested in your findings
In your research
But more specifically you
They’ve researched you…a lot
Down from where your mother was born to her great great something grandfather
And your father
…but that’s not public knowledge
It wasn’t even on your birth certificate
This….this isn’t
She smiles though now the darkness melts away into something more knowing
Dangerous and sadistic of sorts
And it’s there on her little pin showing her name you recognize the logo
Within your house you’d vaguely heard whispers of the others talking in hushed tones
You didn’t mind
The less you know the better in that sense
Out of sight and out of mind
But sometimes you’d hear the mumbles of a name that you didn’t put together until now
One spat with venom just as they did with the word of the Templar
You barely have time to react before your black bagged and sufficiently knocked out
Mind drifting to that of panic
What would happen to you?
What will happen when the others find out?
But then those thoughts fade away into the dark void of sleep
When you wake up things are odd
Everything is a sterile white and too bright for your foggy sleep tinged eyes
The room is blurred as is your senses as you weightlessly drift
Everything feels odd
And then it happens sharp and pure pain that leaves you writhing and screaming into the void
And that’s when you notice that white light had left and your in a void of sorts
Empty glitching effects all around you as your left to look around in confusion until you see something
A memory? Specifically one of your memories
Your staring at a simulation of sorts of your past self
A 8 year old in their bed with chubby cheeks pulled up into a melancholy smile
You recognize this moment, your small hands holding a picture that had long been put away into a scrapbook and forgotten
Your left wordless and confused
And then that bitch’s voice appears again and she explains
This entire thing is a simulation of your memories
And essentially their gonna go through your head picking through them to not only learn what they want but then use you as their lab rat cause of your bloodline.
Cause apparently memories of your ancestors could be accessed that way and it was generally easier to have a descendant rather than finding objects and artifacts
And it’s there in that simulation it feels like your mind is being ripped apart
Memories ripped from your mind to play out in front of you as she makes comments and documents them before their forced back in and another is ripped out
Like book having pages torn out and then crudely stitched back in
It hurts so damn much
Over and over
Your just left in screaming again on the ground of this simulated world as she makes idol comments
Left begging for it to stop
For someone to help
For the love of god someone help you make it stop
Of course this would happen to you
You’ve always had shit luck despite your whole family motto being “make your own luck”
What utter bullshit
You can’t make good luck from bad
Can’t just change things when the scales are already tipped one way
But then like a miracle from above she goes quiet and suddenly the memory is gone
And your left in the void still reeling from it all
Still on the glitching ground before once more white encompasses your view
Blinding and bright as your still recovering
And then an unfamiliar voice tunes in
“Your safe” it’s heavily accented, in an Irish twang that’s soft as he says these words to you. A reminder that your ok now, it’s over. “Can you walk?”
You try to look at him with squinting eyes yet they still can’t adjust, your limbs feel heavy like solid rock. Unmoving even as you try. With some difficulty you shake your head
“Aight, I’ll have you carry you then. Are you alright with that?”
“Just get me out of here…please. I just want to go home, I miss my family” it sounds pathetic but as tears begin to fall the stranger doesn’t seem to think Ill of you.
“Don’t worry, I get what that’s like.” The tone is sympathetic and like before is soft “you’ll be home I no time, I promise”
You think for a moment before responding “I trust you”. For a second you feel him go still at that before he picks you up.
For awhile there’s buzzing alarms and panic as your saviour gets you out whoever’s you were taken too
There’s not a moment of silence as he sharply runs and dodges past what you think to be gunshots
Occasionally he grumbles something but for the most part he seems calm
Composed despite the chaos of it all
So much so that it makes you wonder if this is an average Tuesday for him
There’s so much shout and yelling for your already pounding head
But sometimes the yells are silenced as the sound of a blade cuts it short
Footsteps far behind eventually stopping
Sirens getting more and more distant and allowing you and the man to breath
It’s there in the pocket of silence you learn his name
It sounds familiar, like really familiar yet you can’t put your finger on it
Either way your grateful because how can you not be?
Your away from that place
Away from the torture of having your mind picked apart like a lab experiment
Having the privacy of your memories looked at and prodded
But now your somewhat okay
Your eyes feel weird, your vision feels weird like it keeps switching between something
Your at least somewhat able to walk though it’s unbalanced
but Shay doesn’t seem to mind
He offers an arm that you cling to for support
A kind smile on his face as he makes sure you didn’t injure yourself further
And then you notice his clothes are….old
Like Haytham and Connor level old
It’s halfway home through the trails you recognize due to Connor that your vision changes
The world feels bigger as if your third eyes opened or something
Shays figure and presence is highlighted in a clover green
And perched nearby is another green figure, one waiting for a good moment
Shay follows your sight before promptly having to duck out the way from a knife that flies at his head
He pushes you back behind him, you stumble back vision switch between monochrome and normal as someone else grabs you
Instinctively you almost yell before realizing who was now helping keep you steady
And the other person now attacking Shay
“Connor! He’s good! He saved me!”
“He’s a Templar!”
“So is Haytham and you haven’t killed him…again have you!”
At that Shay pauses, turning to look at you with confusion as Connor stops his attempt as slitting his throat
Ezio on the other hand helps you up but keeps a firm protective grip
Watching Shays movements like Connor in apprehension before the two settle down and stare at you for more detail
Both waiting on your word
“He saved me and today has been a long ass day-“
“You’ve been gone for 4 days”
You pause momentarily at that before adding “long 4 ass days of having my mind literally ripped apart. Can we please head back to the house and settle this there? Thank you”.
The moment you get back your almost immediately tackled to the ground by a familiar white and red hoodie wearing absent (dead) father
It’s….odd but nice
Desmond (still feels too awkward to call him dad) is holding you like a lifeline and you notice bags beneath his eyes
He looks like hell
But none of the others are any better either
They all like positively exhausted yet light up when seeing your safe
Your home
It reminds you of your mom when you returned home from school
The long work day evident on her brow but her smile lighting up the room at the sight of your face
It’s no different compared to then except for the fact they all (except Haytham) then protectively pull you away from the nearby Shay who’s being glowered at by Connor
Safe to say it’s a little awkward until you somehow pull free of Desmond’s death grip hobble your ass between the two lone Templars and Assassins
A long discussion having to take place between them all as you not only explain what happened but also it seems you all forget one crucial thing
It seems you forgot about your mom’s side of the family
Whoop de Doo you have more things to process and so does everyone else here
Specifically Connor and Haytham Because before apparently knew (or know of) Shay
Great, another complex relationship in this household like there needed to be more of that
But with this entire situation it also highlights something bigger
Your not safe
None of you are safe
Perhaps you never truly were
And that in turns leaves you with the difficult decision of what to do next
Because In this difficult game of politics between two ever warring groups your a neutral force
You wanted to stay that way but unfortunately fate had other plans
as your drug into this game your left with limited options of sides for not only yourself but for the others who seem keen on following you
Even the two (former?) templars seem to follow your decision
So When Des…er your dad suggests finding his old friends it seems like the best option
It’s either that or be kidnapped and prodded again and who knows what abstergo will do to everyone else (even one’s that once upon a time we’re on their side)
Besides, he says you’ll get along well with someone named Shaun so It can’t be too bad
So he sends out a message and you leave the home you find yourself look at with melancholy
It stopped being a home when mom died but now it seemed like it was just that again
Only time can tell what will bring upon you next
But….you think you’ll be ready for whatever is thrown at you when you have this odd group of family at your side
The expression of blood is thicker than water never really held much weight since you only ever had your mom until she was gone
But maybe you understand it a bit better now
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onecoolcatlover · 4 months
Imagine trying to explain to Ezio what the term derpy means.
Or worse rizz
“So what you’re saying is I am a master rizz”
Imagine explaining to Malik google maps
He be so mad like
“” you mean people don’t have to draw maps where your from?!”
Imagine explaining to Desmond the havoc of COVID
Poor man would be so confused
“ what why did they buy all the toilet paper?”
I’m also 100% sure both Malik and Evie would want a copy of “the internet”
“ where can I purchase this magical book?”
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jacobfryes-hoe · 1 year
period headcanons
A/N: Altair, Arno, Edward, Ezio and Jacob with a significant other on their period.
Disclaimer: gifs are not mine! mentions pain and menstruation.
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Altair doesn't have much knowledge of periods but tries to understand what your going through.
he does his best to comfort you, even though it's not his forte.
he will go to the shops for you, but wouldn't have a clue what to buy, he'd be in the right aisle but wouldn't know what products to get and would just buy one of everything because he is too proud to ask for help.
tries not to snap back when your period makes you irritated.
brings you plenty of water and nutritious food to help you feel your best.
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Arno has quite a bit of experience with periods because of Elise, so he knows mostly what he's doing.
he will bring you whatever you want if that be treats from the cafe, cuddles, blankets etc, you name it and he'll have it there as quick as possible.
If the pain got too much Arno would get you some painkillers and a hot water bottle to help and if that doesn't help, he'll try to distract you from the pain by reading to you or doing your favourite hobbies with you.
doesn't mind your mood swings.
would spend the day with you cuddling and eating treats.
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Edward loves using your period as an excuse to stay in bed all day eating junk food.
he doesn't really know how to deal with mood swings, they put him on edge and he probably would just stare at you with a blank expression or offer you food to see if that will cheer you up.
will fetch you painkillers, food, drink and anything you want.
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Ezio spoils you when you're on your period, constantly reminding you how amazing you are, and showering you with both affection and treats.
would cook his mother's recipes for you.
will and loves to cuddle up with you.
does his best to help with the pain, whether that is getting you a hot water bottle, running you a nice warm bath or just getting you painkillers, he's on it.
is very patient when it comes to your mood swings.
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Jacob is the best for cheering you up with his stupid jokes.
he can't cook for you but will buy you your favourite snacks from the shop.
same as Edward, he loves using your period as an excuse for spending the day in bed.
doesn't really know much but tries his best - asks Evie for advice.
confused by your mood swings but isn't annoyed by them and is easygoing about them.
is very sympathetic when it comes to the pain, will make you tea in bed and cuddle up with you to comfort you.
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 2 months
Desmond x Ezio au drabble 🤍
No matter what year it is, a bar is still a bar. Drinking, brawling, flirting, and general chaos will forever be commonplace.
“It's nice to know some things don't change.” Ezio's smooth voice sent a slight chill up Desmond's neck as the Italian man draped his arm over Desmond's shoulders. With a toothy smile Desmond knows he did it on purpose. Always teasing him whenever he sees an opportunity. Always getting a little closer. He may be touchy now, but soon Ezio's hands will roam and only ghost over him. Leaving Desmond craving more, Ezio knows exactly how to push his buttons.
Desmond, however, was not the only person the Italian had been close to tonight. Unfortunately this is where the trouble started.
A tall burly man sauntered up to the two assassins. Head high and shoulders back, the man oozed bravado. Though neither of them paid him a second glance until he loomed over them and started speaking a little too loudly. It was an obvious intimidation tactic that fell short of any real threat to the two sitting at the bar.
“Whitch one of you fuckers kissed my girlfriend!” Desmond could smell the booze on his breath, rancid. Nothing like the sweet scent of wines that lingered on Ezio.
Speaking of which, Desmond shot Ezio a questioning look. Ezio leans back in his chair and shrugs.
“She never said she had a partner, but I did have a beautiful bella kiss me earlier.”
In the blink of a golden eye the mans first started towards Ezio's face, and Desmond's instincts had already kicked in. Grabbing the man's wrist and twisting him around until he kicked the man's back making him stumble forward.
He regained his footing and faced Desmond who now stood between the two drunks. Fists clenched and eagle eyes looking for the slightest movement.
The drunk man charged at him and without thinking and Desmond redirected him and smashed his face into the wooden bar top.
Ezio sat back and watched as fists flew. Both brawlers oblivious to the shouts and cheers around them, too focused in the moment. Ezio saw something else too, something only he could see.
Desmond's posture was straighter, his hands were lower, shoulders more relaxed, and his stance was ever so slightly farther apart. It was like looking in a foggy mirror.
Desmond was bleeding Ezio's fighting style.
By the time the one sided fight was over the drunk was a bloody mess on the floor and Desmond was unscathed except for some busted knuckles. Desmond went to return to his barstool but the three were promptly kicked out for fighting.
Ezio laughed as he and Desmond walked down the street looking for another place to relax. Meanwhile Desmond kind of just grumbled to himself for getting kicked out of the bar.
“I didn't even start the fight! Why am I getting punished for this!” Ezio's rich buttery laughter filled the cool night air once more.
“I might as well have been the one fighting anyway. Why did you get involved?” Desmond knew that Ezio noticed the bleeding effect, but was strangely embarrassed to admit it. Maybe it was because he had one too many shots but talking about using Ezio's experience felt… intimate.
“So why didn't you jump in then?” Desmond's words came out harsher than intended, but as always the Italian just shrugged it off.
“The two of us would have been overkill. Not worth getting both of our hands dirty.” Ezio suddenly stopped in his tracks and grabbed Desmond's hand. Gently he brought his hand up and kissed his bloody knuckles, all the while staring Into Desmond's normal whiskey colored eyes. “I will admit I enjoyed the show you put on~”
Embarrassed, he pulls his hand away and continues walking. All the while Ezio has that same sly grin on his face. “You're buying the next round.”
“Whatever you say, vita mia~”
Desmond's face felt warm and no matter how hard he tried to convince himself, he knew the heat in his cheeks wasn't just from the alcohol.
Bella: woman or beauty
Vita mia: a very close term of endearment. Literally translates to my life
@sulfies his art has been living rent free in my head for a month and was the inspiration for this fic!
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months
Imagine Altaïr, Malik, Ezio, Haytham, Shay, Connor, and Arno trying to deal with an S/O who has befriended the local crow population.
It's cute when the crows keep bringing you small trinkets, keep using you as a perch, or follow you around all the time.
What's not quite as cute is when one day you get captured and the damn crows keep breaking into the residence and SCREAMING at your poor boyfriend. He'd be finding you right away the instant he knows something's wrong and you're hurt, and the corvids are definitely more than smart enough to help.
Oh, and when you're found? Injured? Not only are you staying right with them at all times but you're being watched by five or six sets of beady eyes all the time.
Awww! This was so cute and then got angsty then cute again!
It’s 50/50 with him, either he’s intrigued by your bird companions or annoyed they impose on moments with you
if you were ever taken from him or missing, Altair tries not to panic but feels some relief that he can track you down when the crows lead him to you
Now he appreciates their loyalty to you and how they’ve come to accept him as well. After all, he’s glad there are those who look after you when he’s not there
Thought it was a bit odd at first, but it wasn’t a bother to anyone, and at least when you visited there was additional company with the birds. As long as they didn’t make a mess of things.
if anything bad happened to you or you were taken, he’s grateful for their lingering presence to signal where you are
After an incident like that, Malik now has the habit of tying notes to their legs, saying something like “whatever impulse you have that leads to trouble, think twice about that.”
Equally annoyed but intrigued about the corvids and tries to bribe them to bring him trinkets too
in the case of you being taken or missing, every eye on the ground and in the sky is able to find you safely.
Also likes to tie notes to said crows’ legs to pass along to you. Something funny, cute like “I see you.”
Is not amused at all. He thinks they’re annoying 😝
but if you were ever kidnapped or separated from him, he’s grateful that the unlikeliest allies help find you
There was a rare moment you saw him attempt to bond with them, one successfully perching on his finger
He didn’t think much of your pet birds before but they were a welcomed presence on the ship during longer voyagers
the one time you were not by his side, his fiery temper almost got the best of him before your own trackers lead him down every path to find you
From there on out, he greets them like he does any other crew member. Giving them treats sometimes
He adores your birds and thinks it’s sweet they look out
however, pity the souls who try to take you away because there’s no corner they can hide in
Of course your pet crows are just naturally drawn to his calmness, always perched on his shoulders
He thought it was oddly endearing that you’ve bonded with these birds, although they happen to be a bit of a nuisance
Now if you were to ever be taken from him, it’s all hands on deck
Given the amount of loss and heartbreak he’s had in life, it’s no surprise that Arno always wants you close to him and appreciates the corvids for keeping tabs on you
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yasashii-leaf · 6 months
Bear Ezio! Big snuggles!
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reddeaddamnation · 1 year
welcome back to the writing side of tumblr! idk if you’ve written something like this, bc i can’t find your masterlist, but how would the assassins or at least my baby ezio act when they find out assassin!reader is pregnant with their child but still taking on missions and possibly putting themselves in danger, no matter how good they are at their job xx
Thank you it's good to be back. I missed you guys and your creative ideas lol I don't remember writing anything like this so there you go
Basim would be like nah nuh-uh. You say in bed and take care of yourself because in his culture a woman who is pregnant is sacred and needs to take care of herself. The most you can do is go to the market if you won't have any trouble with walking. If you're in discomfort - he will go with you.
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Eivor would try to explain to you the dangers of the missions as if you don't know already and would kindly and politely tell you to think about your child because he will be devastated if something happens to either of you.
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Alexios' jaw would just drop and he would have no idea what to even say. "Please don't." He would just say in a monotone voice but with the most pleading eyes you ever saw him pull off. He wants to say so much but doesn't even know where to start, because he was shocked when he found out.
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Bayek would sit you down and lecture you in a rather angry tone because he had flashbacks of when he saw his own son die so he will NEVER allow it to happen again. "I'm very disappointed that you don't know how to take care of yourself in this condition. What came over you?"
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Altair would cut you off mid-mission and would tell you to turn back or else. He will take care of the mission instead of you if you promise to not put your head in danger and don't be stubborn because he can be more stubborn and will not budge until you accompany him back to your home. No matter how long you spend in that one place he met you.
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Ezio would be like "WHAT" and chase you down hoping he isn't too late and would give you the lecture of your life. "You know you're more important to me than anything. Now that you are carrying our child, I will worry about both of you and will not forgive you if you put the two of you in danger again. The baby did not choose to be here. Think about it."
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Connor would be so disappointed. Honestly how will you look at him and still do it? He asked you to take care of yourself and rest and here you are putting yourself in danger. Usually he communicates everything but this time you get the silent treatment for at least a few hours.
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Edward would sigh and say "I ask you for one thing and one thing only. Stay. Out. Of. Danger. Don't you realize what you're doing?" He wouldn't show his true anger tho and would leave you with your thoughts for a few hours.
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Arno would pace around all day and when you come back, he will nag you to oblivion. "What do you think you're doing? Why? What do you want to prove? Is our child less important than the damn brotherhood? I can't stop you if you don't want to quit but at least think about what you're doing."
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When Jacob found out you want to come on the mission too, Evie begged him to tell you to reconsider. He just walked past the both of you like "Y/N you're not coming." in a stern voice, leaving you shocked. "If you're so adamant on coming, I think you should think about the consequences" Jacob? Consequences? Don't go, for the sake of this nice change in him!
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Shay would be angry. So angry and so stern. "You know the consequences if anything were to happen to you and I can't be there to say anything except I told you so because we both know what will happen if you keep going on like this. Instead of resting and staying safe, you go out of your way to put yourself in danger. You're acting like a child."
Haytham would just sigh and rub the bridge of his nose. "Don't make me lock you in our room with guards outside because if you don't have the decency to keep yourself safe, I will."
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navstuffs · 1 year
ezio auditore x shy!fem!reader ?
Il Dottoressa
Pairing: AC2!Ezio x ShyFem!Reader
Summary: Ezio has a crush on you, the doctor's daughter; or where Ezio gets hurt on purpose to see you.
Warnings: non-canon compliance, non-history compliance (i had to adapt), LONG ONE-SHOT, no description of reader, FLUFF, blood, injuries, italian translated using translator
Author's Notes: hii, thank you so much for requesting <3! i hope you enjoy reading it because i had tons of fun writing it! just a reminder: my requests for ezio are still open! click here for more info!
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You should consider yourself a lucky woman. Your father Giuseppe was a man of Science, a doctor who always cared about your well-being and education, especially after your mother's death. He didn't obligate you to wed or have kids like most parents.
For him, for you to carry the family's legacy was to become a doctor. So you did your best to learn as much as possible, in secret. To the rest of society, your father suggested you be portrayed just as his errand daughter. Nobody knew the full extent of your abilities. So you advised treatments, assisted your dad in the shop he had, and turned out to be every child's favorite doctor. They were easier to talk to than most adults. You meet Ezio on your first day alone at the shop. Your dad had to help a patient with an urgent matter in another town and gave you clear instructions on how to proceed.
"They will try to bargain but do not drop the price too much. Let them think they got a deal."
The day went by relatively easy. Two regular clients pass by to get some medicine and talk a little. After a few hours of boredom, you open a book and let your eyes wander through the pages. Your dad may allow you to help with surgery next time if you gather more knowledge. You also needed to focus on having a steady hand...
Startled by the sudden voice, you held your book close to your chest so it wouldn't fall. When you turn around, you immediately recognize the man: Ezio Auditore. Your dad had alerted you about him: the questionable man with a white robe and hood that always paid the total price. Your dad ordered you not to over-extend the conversation with the strange man. Your attention goes to his arm, where he was holding a torn, bloody sleeve. You don't need to predict he will ask you for a curative. You point to the chair, and Ezio sinks into the chair.
You get some alcohol and some clean cloths. You have no reason to be afraid or nervous; you are in the middle of town, and the man won't do anything. And now, most importantly, he was a patient.
Ignoring your internal concerns, you focused on working. His torn sleeve was soaked with blood, but you no longer saw any blood dropping out of the cut, so you concentrated on cleaning the blood from the injury with alcohol. Like most people, Ezio didn't react to the pain, so you continued. Then you begin to wrap his arm in a bandage. That cut had to be done with a sharp spear.
"Where is the other Signore that stays here?" Ezio asked, his voice sounding tired.
"My father had business somewhere else," You responded, focusing on finishing the bandage. When you are done, you make sure it was all secured. Looked perfect.
"So I won't lose my arm anytime soon, Signorina?" Ezio attempted to joke, giving you a faint smile, and you ignored him. You placed your stuff on the shop's cart and waited as he checked your work.
"Grazie. I haven't seen any women doctors around town. What is your name?"
"It will be 30 florins, Signore."
"Va bene," Ezio put the money in your hand, and you counted. It seems he gave you an extra five florins. He was already gone when you lifted your head, disappearing in the middle of the people. You want to call his name and catch up to him, but you shake your head. He either purposely did that, or it was just a mistake. 
After that day, your dad decided you could stay in the shop alone. You were so excited and thrilled. Your dad could now go to another town as a doctor while you cared for his business. 
You glow with pride and happiness. You see Ezio Auditore once or twice, jumping around buildings, doing who-knows. He didn't seem to notice you, which you thanked mentally. You had asked your dad what exactly Ezio was doing, and your dad affirmed it was neither your business nor his to know, it just looked dangerous. Ezio only appeared in his shop with parts of his body hurt, cut, bruised, or broken more than the average person. As curious as you are to ask, you understand your dad is done with this conversation.
The next time you see Ezio, he has a dislocated shoulder. You try to give him something to bite, but he shakes his head, gritting his teeth. You want to ask how he got this, but it is not your place. When you pop his shoulder back into place, Ezio grunts. You recommend that he avoid using that shoulder for more vigorous activities. Ezio gives you a half-smile as if he knows something you don't.
"It will be 50 florins this time."
You feel he gives you more florins when he hands you the money.
"You are giving me too much, Signore."
"As a thank you. Can't I do that?"
You don't really know how to respond to that. It is his money. Extra money even. Before you can answer, he grabs your hand and kisses it lightly. You freeze in your spot, unable to move.
"Name is Ezio Auditore. Can you tell me yours?"
It is your first time giving a good look at Ezio Auditore. He seems to have brown hair. He has a scar across his lips, now with what appears to be a naughty smile, which just makes him more charming. He is staring at you, really staring at you. You want to protest, but your voice dies down your throat. You gulp, trying to find something to say, but nothing comes out.
"We shall see each other around, Dottoressa."
And you do end up seeing him, now what it seemed once at least every week. Ezio appears with a horrible bruise on his back and watches, delighted, as you look away, mortified, when he lifts his robe. He appears a few days later with a raspy cough. Then, comes back three days later, alleging he fell to his head and had a horrible headache. You want to ask him if there are no other doctors in town, but hold your tongue. And Ezio was sincerely trying to make you smile and laugh most of the time.
Like when he appeared with a bow attached to his back. You took it out carefully, ensuring you didn't hurt him too much or cause him to die. Besides, you were thankfully thanking his presence at this point: the rate Ezio got injured, he would end up being your first surgery.
"Does it look like I die today, Dottoressa?" He exclaims as you finish cleaning the hole. Why he has to say that in such a sexy way?
"Not today, Signore Auditore."
"Ezio," He corrects you, as the other times, and you roll your eyes, ignoring him. When you are done, Ezio gives you more money than he should.
"I should not go far, probably. I will get hurt and come here for you to repair me." You answer him with a half-smile, too nervous to say anything else. You know he is getting hurt on purpose; he probably knows that as well, and instead of sending him away, you continue seeing him.
"Oh, mhm, I almost forgot," Ezio taps his body, takes out a book, and handles it to you. It seems to be about different kinds of poisons and diseases.
"What is this?"
"For you, Dottoressa. I have seen you read books about it and presumed you would like it."
You are surprised, flipping over the book with care. It looks expensive and updated. That would help you so much with your studies. You couldn't believe Ezio got you something like this.
"Signore Ezio, I can't accept it. "
"Per favore?" Ezio's voice sounds like he imploring, "You have done so much for me. It is the least I can do."
You want to say no and argue that he has already given you more money than he should, but Ezio appears so anxious for your answer. You feel the heavy book in your hands, and your desire gets the best of you. You nod, and Ezio's worried expression turns into a big smile.
"I will see you around, Dottoressa."
"Grazie, Ezio." You finally say when he is too far away to hear it.
After that, your relationship with Ezio got closer. Although you hadn't said your name, he seemed satisfied to watch you flustered when he called you "Mia Dottoressa favorita" or "Il Dottoressa Bella." Or when he continued to bring you more books. When you finally open them at home, they would have different flowers inside.
It wasn't hard to keep all of that hidden from your dad. Your father was out of town almost daily, traveling around Italy. It was also challenging to just not tell Ezio your name. Before, it was for your sense of security, but now, there wasn't much reason to keep it hidden. Ezio was nearly like a friend. Yes, he could be cocky and a little show-off, but he also had a gentle and entertaining side. He could listen to you speak for hours about how crazy the human body could be. He never interrupted you or seemed bored. On the contrary, it was like nothing else existed except for you. 
"Are you going to be a Dottoressa at the end?"
"Si, Signore Ezio. Your books are helping me a lot." You confessed, feeling breathless like always when he was around. Gathering all your courage, you finally ask him, "Can I ask you something?"
"Si?" Ezio's gaze looks full of hope.
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Why are you always so hurt? Who are you fighting?"
Ezio ponders for a moment before answering.
"For mi familia. I would tell you more, but- " You certainly felt like you shouldn't have asked now. Idiota, you think.
"Well, if that might help you... I am your Dottoressa after all."
"Oh, you are my Dottoressa?" The way he emphasized the word my! You wish a hole had just opened in the ground so that it could eat you as a whole. This was something regular now: Ezio always says or does something to leave you without words. One of those days, you will gather all your courage and do the same to him. 
But until then, you are happy that Ezio sticks around. Always afraid he will be one of these days badly hurt, and you won't be around to help him. You could only hope he would always come back to you.
You are almost home when a few guards rush in your direction, screaming and pointing at the sky. With your heart shrinking, you look up, wishing that Ezio is safe tonight. Almost at your door, you hear a loud thumb next to a haystack pile. Looking around and assuring there is no one, you investigate the origin of the noise. To your surprise, you see Ezio badly injured. You run to kneel at his side, checking the extension of his wounds. It doesn't look well.
Merda merda.
"Ezio? Can you hear me?" He is semi-conscious, his eyes struggling to stay open. You can hear more guards getting close. With no choice and all your strength, you pull his body towards the haystack, hiding and praying that the guards won't see the trail of blood behind you.
The guards finally arrive, and your heart bumps against your chest as they investigate everywhere. You feel Ezio's rapid breath as you lightly place your hand on his chest as if keeping you there alive with you.
Ezio moans low, and you bend to his ear, whispering frantically.
"Shhh, I am here, Ezio, it is me. We will be okay."
When the guards finally leave, after what seems to take an eternity, you leave the haystack pile, making sure no one is around. Not hearing anyone, you hurry back to Ezio, attempting to make him fully conscious.
"Ezio, per favore, you have to focus on me. On my voice. We need to get you out of there, we need to bring you inside!"
"Dottoressa?" His voice sounds so weak it just breaks your heart. You hold his cheek, and his skin feels hot. A fever? What if he has been poisoned? You have to get him in your house, but you are afraid to pull him, and he dies, afraid you might be found by the Guards, and he dies. 
There is no time for this, Dottoressa. This is your patient, and you better save him. 
You pull Ezio's body with your arms to your house entrance. With difficulty, you place him on an old sofa-like, not caring about the mess. With not a lot of options, you rip his destroyed robe and his shirt. At this point, Ezio is shaking with cold, despite his body being extremely hot. You start disinfecting his injuries, checking how bad they are. It doesn't seem that he was punctured. While you clean, you notice the rest of his body for damages. You take his boots out, and with hands shaking, you rip his pants. Praying mentally for no injuries, you cut until his upper thigh. Nothing. Relieved, you focus on his head, letting go of his ponytail. No extensive injuries. Good. You continue cleaning and give him some medicine for his fever, covering his body with a clean sheet.
You let yourself get distracted by how long his hair is. You always theorized it was much shorter. You pass your finger through his hair, and Ezio lets out a long sigh. 
You know the following hours will be crucial. Ezio might react badly; you must stay awake if he needs you. If he was poisoned, he might respond during the night. You bring a chair close to Ezio, watching him peacefully sleep. You implore him to survive. You plead for him to be healthy. 
When Ezio wakes up in the morning, he is immediately aware of being in a strange house, not a cell. He tries to move, but his body just hurts so much. Last night, when he was on his way to see you with a small cut on his finger, he ended up getting in the middle of a mess. After fighting his way out, he was still followed. Tired and exhausted, he didn't know the extent of his injuries until he passed out and fell from the top of a building.
He examines around, finding you sound asleep in a chair. How he ended up there? Ignoring the pain in his body, Ezio sits down, roaming his eyes through his body. It could have been worse. He lifts the sheet, notices you cut his pants down and chuckles low. That seems to wake you up, and Ezio feels slightly guilty about it. 
"Dottoressa?" He calls you. You promptly get up, touching his head and arms to check for any signs of fever. Looks normal. You were glad you didn't choose the leeches last night.
"How are you feeling, Ezio?"
"I am fine, probably thanks to you. How?"
"I heard something falling from a building last night. When I went to check, I saw you badly injured. Had to hide in a haystack while the guards were looking for you. Brought you here and kept an eye on you for the rest of the night."
"How come if you have slept, Dottoressa?" He jokes, and you laugh, glad to see him alive.
"Now I owe you my life. How much is this even going to cost me, Dottoressa? Am I going bankrupt?" Ezio questions in a teasing tone.
"N-no? I am just glad you are alright, Ezio. I was so afraid last night that you were going to di-"
"You saved me, mia bella. Just to prove you should be my particular Dottoressa. Not anybody else's. Mine." He provokes you again, confident that you wouldn't answer.
"Do you want me? To be just yours?" It is funny to watch Ezio lose all the color on his face. For the first time, he is the stunned one, left without an answer, "What happened, Ezio Auditore? Is something wrong with your tongue? Should I check for you?"
You don't know if it is last night's stress or Ezio looking like he is losing his mind, but you laugh until your belly hurts. Ezio is confused at first but smiles, understanding your joke.
"Very good, mia cara. Very good. Joking with my feelings like that. I could have died last night, you know."
Cleaning the tears in the corner of your eyes, you pull your chair close to his. Ezio observes, curious, while you grab and hold his hand into yours.
"I wasn't joking when I said I could be yours."
Your confession makes Ezio's mouth drop slightly, but he quickly recomposes himself. He cleans his throat, with his other free hand calling you closer. You get up from the chair, your legs shaking, and he starts by caressing your chin. You close your eyes, and Ezio follows his touch to your cheeks and lips. He traces your lips with his fingers, admiring you as the most beautiful piece of art he has ever seen.
You melt in his arms when he brings you closer and finally kisses you. Holding into his shoulder gently, you kiss him back, letting yourself fully stroke his hair. Ezio's hands are placed on your cheeks. When you two finally break apart, you are both breathless, wishing for more. Your heart, your soul, asks for more.
You shake your head, smiling, and finally tell Ezio your name.
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