#astro yod
geminimoonmadness · 7 months
I know there isn’t a lot of information out there on Yods (AKA- Gods pointing finger, Finger of fate, etc) and I’ve had a heap of requests to make a post on this fairly rare aspect pattern. I plan on going further in-depth with Yods at a later date but for now, this is what I know…
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The Yod in astrology is often found in the charts of people whose lives are colored by intensity and constant adjustment.
Yods symbolize patterns in families that have lasted for generations. Carriers of the “Finger of Fate” can also feel insecure or have trouble expressing themselves and they may often find themselves in unusual situations. People with Yods in their chart have a restlessness, like a sense of their unique purpose and a calling to be their authentic selves at any expense.
The discomfort of a Yod tends to manifest more in the mental and emotional realms. Yod people may always feel like some crucial understanding or piece of information is missing—one that would help transcend the irritating sense that things are not quite as they should be.
If you have one or more Yods in your astrology chart:
You elicit strong, recurring responses from your environment that you don’t understand
Your parents had trouble comprehending you as a child (and as an adult)
You maneuver through intense circumstances that would break other people’s spirits
You experience things “out of the blue” that are beyond general life events
What crosses your path often involves some scare, shock, security threat, or some other uncomfortable situation over which you cannot exercise any influence. Strange events simply “happen,” often out of the blue
Simply put, the role of Yod bearer is to break ancestral patterns. Yods are strange, but also somewhat mystical and fated. Those who have Yods in their birth charts are here to shed light upon patterns that have gone unaddressed for generations. The planet at the top point of the yod is the solution. When the yod is activated you have the choice to make society better or worse and your choice can not be undone. Whatever fate you choose is set in stone. No pressure.
Side note: Yods can also be a health aspect. You have 2 planets in a sextile so they get along really well and then you have the activation point…It is always a sign that is not Compatible with the other two which causes irritation.
Example: Someone who has a very long history of being ill and fighting to figure out what is wrong & why has a yod containing Mars in Aries in the 6th quincunx the sextile planets. Neptune in Scorpio in the 1st and Pluto in Virgo in the 11th. Which Jupiter in Virgo in 12th is in opposition to the Mars in Aries.
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knightofhylia · 11 months
🌌And now, the astral weather report:
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If anyone is wondering why everything has been so crazy with self identity, emotional independence, and all around chaos it's because right now Venus(self image) Neptune(delusions, imagination) and Pluto (transformation) are all in a Yod formation. What's the yod? When the planets are in this position everything is about timing, crisis, and quick action. Because it is showing you where things are going FAST, it's known as the Finger of God. What finger? The GODDAMN MIDDLE ONE 🖕🖕🖕🖕
Check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is a fine line between taking opportunities and taking risks.
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astrosky33 · 6 months
Astrology Observations Part 20
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I always talk about Neptune is the higher octave of Venus on my page but Uranus is also the higher octave of Mercury and Pluto is the higher octave of Mars as well. There’s also other higher octaves involving dwarf planets -> more here
People with their Venus in the 9th house/Sagittarius tend to be more attracted to British accents or races outside of their own than others
People with Lilith in the 1st house naturally attract male attention really easily. The downside is they attract female jealousy easily as well - I prefer looking at h13 lilith
Asteroid Thalia in the 7th house can indicate being in long term relationships with, marrying, or being attracted to really funny people - code: 23
I’ve noticed the “enemies” aspect of the 7th house seems to apply more when I have a 7th house stellium in my Sidereal Composite Chart with someone whereas in Tropical I don’t seem to have that issue (for friendships)
Thalia in the 10th house in Composite Charts can indicate you both being viewed as a funny couple by the public
Lilith in the 1st house in a Composite Chart with women can indicate a lot of jealousy from both sides
A Yod in Davison Charts can indicate an off and on relationship. Breaking up and getting back together with each other over and over and over. I find that a lot of Twin Flames have this
If you have your “Lot of Fame” in the 10th house you were meant to be famous -> astrology lots
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sokosmic · 8 months
Inconjunct/Quincunx Signs & the Yod Configuration in a Chart
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When there are planets involved, inconjunct signs essentially form a Yod. In astrology, a Yod, often called the "Finger of God," is a rare and powerful aspect pattern formed by three planets. It resembles an isosceles triangle, with two planets forming a sextile aspect (60 degrees apart) and both quincunxing (150 degrees) a third planet. The inconjunct planet becomes the apex planet of the Yod and represents the focal point of tension and adjustment in a person's life. It is where the energies of the sextile planets converge and manifest in a unique, often challenging way, pushing the individual to address specific issues or life lessons associated with that planet. The apex planet in a Yod serves as a catalyst for personal growth and can indicate a significant life purpose or area of intense focus. The Yod is associated with a sense of fated events, unique challenges, and a compelling need to address a specific purposes or lessons. It symbolizes a pivotal crossroads where individuals are called to make significant choices and spiritual growth, often requiring adjustments and redirection in their life path.
Aries: Virgo - Scorpio
In a Yod formation with Aries as the apex planet between Virgo and Scorpio, the intense energy of Aries becomes the focal point. Aries, known for its fiery and assertive nature, acts as a catalyst for the practical, analytical Virgo energy and the deep, transformative Scorpio energy. This Yod configuration propels the individual to take assertive action in addressing life's mysteries and making practical changes with great determination. It signifies a strong drive for self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of a unique life purpose that requires a balance between assertiveness, practicality, and deep transformation.
Taurus: Libra - Sagittarius
In a Yod formation with Taurus as the apex planet between Libra and Sagittarius, Taurus serves as the focal point. This Yod combines Libra's quest for balance and harmony with Sagittarius' pursuit of truth and expansion. Taurus, with its practical and grounded nature, encourages the individual to find a harmonious balance between these two energies, emphasizing the importance of seeking truth and personal growth through tangible, reliable means. This Yod configuration highlights the need to harmonize relationships and values with a broader philosophical perspective, all while maintaining practicality and stability in one's pursuits.
Gemini: Scorpio - Capricorn
In a Yod formation with Gemini as the apex planet between Scorpio and Capricorn, Gemini takes center stage. This Yod blends Scorpio's intensity and transformational energy with Capricorn's ambition and practicality. Gemini, known for its versatility and communication skills, acts as the bridge between these two powerful energies. It highlights the importance of using adaptable communication and intellectual agility to navigate intense emotional transformations and career ambitions. This Yod signifies the need to balance deep, transformative changes with a practical and communicative approach to achieve one's goals and personal growth.
Cancer: Sagittarius - Aquarius
In a Yod formation with Cancer as the apex planet between Sagittarius and Aquarius, Cancer assumes a central role. This Yod merges Sagittarius' quest for knowledge and Aquarius' innovative, unconventional energy. Cancer, known for its nurturing and emotional nature, acts as the conduit between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence, home, and family in navigating philosophical pursuits and innovative ideas. This Yod signifies the need to balance personal emotions, comfort, and a sense of belonging with the quest for intellectual and societal advancement, promoting personal growth through emotional intelligence and a strong sense of community.
Leo: Capricorn - Pisces
In a Yod formation with Leo as the apex planet between Capricorn and Pisces, Leo takes central stage. This Yod combines Capricorn's ambition and Pisces' dreamy, imaginative energy. Leo, known for its creative and expressive nature, acts as the bridge between these energies. It highlights the importance of self-expression, creativity, and individuality in achieving ambitious goals and nurturing spiritual pursuits. This Yod signifies the need to balance personal creativity and self-assuredness with the pursuit of dreams and aspirations, promoting personal growth through confident self-expression and pursuing spiritual or artistic passions.
Virgo: Aquarius - Aries
In a Yod formation with Virgo as the apex planet between Aquarius and Aries, Virgo takes on a leading role. This Yod combines Aquarius' innovative and Aries' assertive energy. Virgo, known for its practical and detail-oriented nature, acts as the intermediary between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of careful planning, attention to detail, and methodical execution when implementing creative and individualistic ideas. This Yod signifies the need to balance innovation and assertiveness with a pragmatic and systematic approach, promoting personal growth through methodical problem-solving and the practical application of visionary concepts.
Libra: Pisces - Taurus
In a Yod formation with Libra as the apex planet between Pisces and Taurus, Libra assumes a central role. This Yod merges Pisces' dreamy and Taurus' sensual energy. Libra, known for its sense of balance and harmony, acts as the mediator between these energies. It highlights the importance of seeking equilibrium and fairness in relationships and financial matters while navigating artistic and idealistic pursuits. This Yod signifies the need to balance the desire for security and sensuality with an appreciation for artistic and compassionate values, promoting personal growth through harmonious connections and a focus on aesthetic and ethical considerations.
Scorpio: Aries - Gemini
In a Yod formation with Scorpio as the apex planet between Aries and Gemini, Scorpio takes the lead role. This Yod blends Aries' assertive and Gemini's communicative energy. Scorpio, known for its depth and intensity, acts as the bridge between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of diving deeply into matters, using strategic communication, and transforming ideas into powerful actions. This Yod signifies the need to balance assertiveness and adaptability with a focus on profound transformation and effective communication, promoting personal growth through strategic, transformative endeavors and assertive, insightful expression.
Sagittarius: Taurus - Cancer
In a Yod formation with Sagittarius as the apex planet between Taurus and Cancer, Sagittarius energy becomes the focal point. This Yod combines Taurus' practicality and Cancer's nurturing energy. Sagittarius, known for its adventurous and philosophical nature, acts as the bridge between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of seeking personal growth through exploring new horizons, nurturing loved ones, and embracing a broad, optimistic perspective on life. This Yod signifies the need to balance practicality and emotional care with a thirst for knowledge, adventure, and philosophical understanding, promoting personal growth through a harmonious blend of grounded nurturing and intellectual exploration.
Capricorn: Gemini - Leo
In a Yod formation with Capricorn as the apex planet between Gemini and Leo, Capricorn takes the central role. This Yod merges Gemini's communicative and Leo's creative energy. Capricorn, known for its disciplined and ambitious nature, acts as the bridge between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of practical and methodical approaches to communication and creative endeavors, promoting personal growth through structured, career-oriented pursuits while balancing self-expression and communication skills.
Aquarius: Cancer - Virgo
In a Yod formation with Aquarius as the apex planet between Cancer and Virgo, Aquarius assumes the lead role. This Yod blends Cancer's nurturing and Virgo's analytical energy. Aquarius, known for its innovative and forward-thinking nature, acts as the mediator between these energies. It highlights the importance of fostering a sense of community and embracing visionary ideas while maintaining a rational, systematic approach to caring for others. This Yod signifies the need to balance emotional sensitivity and practical service with a focus on innovation and a broader societal perspective, promoting personal growth through a combination of humanitarian and analytical efforts.
Pisces: Leo - Libra
In a Yod formation with Pisces as the apex planet between Leo and Libra, Pisces plays a central role. This Yod combines Leo's expressive and Libra's harmonious energy. Pisces, known for its compassionate and dreamy nature, acts as the bridge between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between self-expression and harmonious relationships while nurturing empathy and artistic expression. This Yod signifies the need to balance individual creativity and partnership harmony with a focus on compassion, artistic endeavors, and spiritual growth, promoting personal development through a blend of creative expression and loving, empathetic connections.
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mariaelenaariente · 1 year
I have 4 Yod aspects in my chart, would you be able to give more insight on Yods in general?
Hi! Absolutely, I'd love to.
A short introduction just in case someone else reading this isn't sure what we're talking about here: a Yod is an aspect pattern that consists of two inconjunct aspects (150 degrees) and one sextile aspect (60 degrees). It is formed when two planets are in a sextile aspect to each other and both form an inconjunct aspect to a third planet. I would advise heavily against using points and steroids when looking for a Yod. To take it a step further, I'd only allow personal (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) and social (Jupiter and Saturn) planets and an orb of 2 degrees for the inconjunctions and 4 degrees for the sextile. However, I'll also make some examples with generational planets just so we can get a better feel of this energy.
The formation is a narrow, elongated triangle, with the third planet at the apex of the triangle - this is the "finger" of the Yod and also the focal planet.
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The Yod is a rare and powerful aspect pattern because it involves three planets that are in a complex and dynamic relationship with each other. It's a symbol of spiritual growth and evolution, as it represents a point of tension and challenge that can lead to profound growth and transformation.
Yods are seen as indicators of the soul's evolutionary journey. They are symbols of karmic patterns that need to be resolved in order for the soul to evolve and grow. The placement of the yod in the natal chart will provide further insight into a native's soul purpose and the challenges they need to overcome in order to achieve it.
Example 1: if a native has a Yod involving the Moon, Uranus, and Pluto, it may indicate a need to resolve past life patterns related to emotional (Moon) intensity, rebellion (Uranus), and transformation (Pluto). The challenge would be to find a way to integrate these energies and use them in a positive and constructive way, rather than being overwhelmed by them.
Yods are also symbols of spiritual potential and transformation. They are indicators of a native's spiritual gifts and talents, as well as the challenges they need to overcome in order to fully realize their potential.
Example 2: if a native has a Yod involving the Sun, Neptune, and Pluto, it may indicate a need to develop their spiritual gifts and talents in a way that is aligned with their soul purpose. The challenge would be to overcome any illusions or delusions that may be blocking their path and to use their spiritual gifts in a way that is aligned with their highest good and the good of others.
I talk about all the important configurations in my astrology book btw. It's very affordable and aims to give you all the needed basic skills to understand the foundations of natal astrology.
Interpreting Yods is actually pretty challenging because of the very complex dynamics they involve. Here are two things to consider:
First, it is important to consider the planets involved in the Yod and their placement by sign and house. This will provide valuable insight into the nature of the challenge and the area of life where it is likely to manifest.
Second, it is important to consider the sextile aspect that connects the two inconjunct planets. This can provide insight into the resources and talents that can be used to release the tension and achieve the desired growth and evolution.  
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occultic-luna · 2 years
Now I’ve really not seen many people talk about this and I think like quincunxes need to be talked about more, this definitely needs to be talked about more in the Astro community.
So a yod is basically a formation in the natal chart, this is when 2 planets make a sextile to one another but both of those planets form an inconjunction/quincunx to one other planet. It’s shaped like an isosceles triangle. The two long opposite sides are the inconjunctions and the shorter side connected to the two longer sides is the sextile aspect.
The yod is also known as the “finger of god” or the “finger of fate.” I mentioned in my 2nd astro observations post that people that have a yod aspect in their birth chart feel like and really have a very specific calling in life, you see a common factor in many people that are remembered years and years after their death and they have this aspect. I can list a very specific example. Princess Diana.
Below is Princess Dianas birth chart
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Now as you can see the 2 long green lines and the blue line between them forming an isosceles triangle. Theres so much that can be spoken of in her chart which also correlates so much to her in real life but the Yod really sticks out to me.
The Yod consists of her Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury. I've noted that the furthest planet represents the native and the 2 planets making a sextile aspect represent the parental figures or figures of authority in the natives life and aspects to those planets too can potentially explain a lot about the relationship. I'm not going to get too much into her relationships, I will just explain things more on a general level.
Having a yod in ones birth chart can imply having to deal with a lot of hardship and intensity from a young age but it also is an extremely strong and intense formation. These people usually leave their mark in the world. It also signifies talent.
Now Princess Diana's furthest planet is Jupiter which is in Aquarius in her 2nd house in retrograde. This kinda shook me lol because of how this resembles her so well.
Jupiter in Aquarius shows how much of a free spirit she was, she couldn't be tied down and i'm pretty sure we already know this. Her Jupiter shows her blessings coming through being a humanitarian and speaking her truth and again everyone knows her for her free spirit and her humanitarian nature. She has Jupiter in Aquarius in her 2nd house, this is the house of things that hold worth to us, including self esteem. That being said, it shows how helping others and her being unique and herself bought her great satisfaction and elevated her self esteem, also because of the presence of Jupiter there which brings abundance to whatever it touches. Her comfort was helping people.
Now talking about the quincunx aspect it makes to Pluto and mercury. Quincunx signifies tension because the 2 planets cant seem to find common ground because of the sign/house they are in.
Starting off with Pluto in her 8th house in Virgo. I think it will be safe to conclude with this aspect that her true nature may have been considered a "taboo" in the royal family, she may have been constantly criticised for the way she was, especially from her in laws as 8th house also rules the in laws and we already know how there were restrictions put on her, but she tried breaking them down and proved how much she really couldn't be tied down, they saw her as some sort of a threat and lets not forget her tragic, untimely death with that Pluto in the house that represents death itself, potentially linking to her true nature even.
Now moving onto Mercury in her 7th house in cancer, this to me shows how she potentially had to maintain a soft spoken, royalty type nature in front of the public which you can see she did but she wasn't able to hold back on how she really was and how she felt, at times you really can see it playing out. You can almost see her trying to force it down. Especially when she was lying to maintain some sort of image about something, it really sticks out.
The fact that her mercury is in retrograde and sextiles Pluto in virgo in her 8th house further implies how she struggled to voice her opinions in fear of receiving criticism (Pluto in Virgo), now that the 8th house also represents in laws, if we put the pieces together she was afraid of being criticised even punished by her in-laws. Therefore she remained silent. Her in laws seemed to have also triggered many transformations in her.
Her Jupiter in retrograde just shows how much of an old soul she was and she had an innate sense of morality and wisdom, but a lot of her true feelings were projected inwards because she couldn't project them outwards very much.
In all of this, her pure talent was the fact that she knew just how to fit right into peoples hearts, she managed to be that royal that everyone really looked up to and could proudly call a princess, just by being a free spirited and humanitarian soul.
To tie it all in, watching her interviews, to me the best thing she's said that resembles this whole analysis was in an interview with BBC when the interviewer asked her if she thinks she’ll ever be queen and her response was "I’d like to be the queen of peoples hearts, in peoples hearts, but I don't see myself being the queen of this country. I don't think many people will want me to be queen. Actually when I say many people, I mean the establishment that I married into because they have decided that i'm a non-starter" when the interviewer asked her "and why do you think they've decided that?" she flat out told him "Because I do things differently, because i don't go by a rule book, because I lead from the heart not from the head and albeit that's got me into trouble in my work and i understand that, but someones got to go out there and love people and show it" and that is exactly what she achieved in the end.
That is the end of my analysis, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making it
Tell me what you guys think i'm always open to feedback : )
Till next time, see ya! ✌️
Love, Luna ✨🌙
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
Hi friend, hope you're thriving out there. Can you please share your thoughts on Yod in composite chart (midpoint)? The only information I got is that it might indicate fated connection and that two people might be very intensely drawn to each other and want to be together no matter what. How much of this is true? I think there must be more to it and I would love to hear from someone who knows what they're doing. Thank you and take care.
Heya lovely ♡ I hope you're doing great as well 🥰🥰
Yod in the natal/synastry/composite chart
I don't find Yod to be related to destiny as much as other positions are. When it comes to observing if the relationship is fated, I rely much more on Vertex and NN placements. Also I look at the 12th house in synastry 💘
For those who don't know what a Yod is, it's when two planets are around 60 degrees appart (they form a sextile) & both of the planets are also 150 degrees apart from another planet (for ex. you have a Sagittarius Venus that sextiles your Libra Mars at 0°, but at the same time your Venus & Mars sign quincux your Taurus Jupiter at 1°). Easier way to remember this is to look at the sign that is between the 2 signs the planets are in (in my example it's Scorpio - it's between Libra and Sagittarius) and then you look at it's opposite sign - Taurus. If you look at the natal chart wheel, these aspect lines form a letter Y. In my example, the Jupiter is the action planet (since the two other planets are aspecting it). A Yod can represent a sudden change in someone's life & routine (if you have this placement in a composite chart it could mean that your interaction could be interrupted by un unexpected situation or event that will change your dynamic forever - the two individuals will be forced to adapt to these new curcumstances). A 4th planet could also be involved in a Yod & this interaction is called a Boomerang (if any of you want to learn more about Boomerang please comment!).
You're right though, some astrologers do look for Yods and see it as a sign of an certain destiny meeting. However, Yod indicates a strange destiny connection between the two individuals. This is not necessarly a benefitial configuration, it all depends on which planets are involved. Yod could be an indication for disruption and negative change. However, in my opinion, that's all that it always is - an indication of unusual progression of the relationship.
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degreedummy · 2 years
Yods [Chart Pattern]
Have a yod in your chart, and you can't figure out how to approach it? Focus towards the sextile! This is where both find common ground in the disagreement with the apex, so pushing them to work together is literally pitting 2 against 1.
Yods consist of 2 inconjunctions and one sextile, usually being known as "the finger of God", seen as a test of your ability to fight against fate. The solution to those world-ending problems lies within the sextile. The fault with reading chart patterns is looking at the entire pattern all at once, you want to start with one aspect at a time, in this case, the inconjunctions, to understand what conflict you're facing due to the apex placement.
So, let's say there's a Yod between a 15° Leo Moon, 15° Pisces Mercury, and a 15° Capricorn Sun. In this case, we'd find a Moon-Mercury and Moon-Sun inconjunction and a Mercury-Sun sextile.
So, one at a time: 15° Leo Moon inconjunct 15° Pisces Mercury 15°- Gemini- communication, writing, publishing This is someone who finds confidence in their ability to write or speak, feeling at home in front of a crowd--but,(inconjunction Pisces Moon), they’re so strongly impacted by the opinions of others that they don't want to say anything unfavorable, specifically anything that would be held against them later on. They think conversations ahead.
Now, for the other inconjunction, the 15° Leo Moon-15° Capricorn Sun: Like we said before, this is someone that finds confidence in making themselves heard, having no problem with the lone act of putting themselves out for the world to see. Inconjunction a 15° Capricorn Sun, this is someone who SO strongly understands their own potential and wants to be known for their abilities that every step needs to be planned out to perfection, because they know they can do it. Anything less than that is nothing. So, what do both inconjunctions tell us? This is somebody that believes in themselves so much that they don't want to slip up and have that be the reason they'll never be able to succeed again. Inconjunction a Pisces Mercury, every connection they make is made with the intention of bettering every person they meet, so when they fail, they feel like they're failing absolutely everyone. Leo Moon, they take it as a complete destruction of their ego.
 Then, for the 15° Capricorn Sun-Pisces Mercury sextile: Sextiles show a positive relationship between planets whose potential ends as far as you're willing to run. They're quieter, and they don't demand our attention, but making time to care for them benefits us wholly. So, back to the "Finger of God" comparison, we find that the key is simply belief. Forcing yourself to believe. Removing anything from your life that reminds you that you shouldn't. In this case, a 15° Capricorn Sun/Pisces Mercury, this is someone who needs to push themselves over the edge and see what it feels like to say how they really feel for once. They need to be aware of where they're trying to get with it and focus on where they are right now, using that as inspiration. Instead of living within specific boundaries to benefit from the same comforts other people find to garner support, progress demands that they lead who they have into the future, using results to prove their strength.
With this Yod, you can say as many pretty words as you want, but inaction is a broken promise. Find that same level of fear in what happens if you don't confront this pattern. Finger of God, giving this ignorable frustration attention is the split between two fates. You can continue working within the limitations that this Yod provides, it's irregular Grand Trine shape giving you scrapped semblances of comfort, but you should know that the option for more is there for you. In a way, Yods bring our focus to issues in a way that conditions us to want better, but we have to be able to recognize when old patterns aren't adapting to your current needs. Don't admit you're wrong, prove to yourself that you're wrong.
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supermoongirl9 · 1 year
The apex planet in a Yod is the key you don't know how to use because to you it doesn't look like it will work for various reasons (because you've never used it like this before, because others told you it's not the right solution etc). You need to at least try it and see!
Also it's because to you it doesn't look like the traditional idea you'd have of what a key is suppose to be and look like : it's a lot about personal bias and preconceptions about what you're capable of - when you're actually worth so much more than what you think.
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astro1derland · 1 year
In today’s transits, the Moon at 13° Taurus forms a Sextile to Venus at 11° Cancer. Our need for belonging blends perfectly with our need to feel close to others and share emotions in an affectionate and nurturing way. Expect a pleasureful blend of feminine energies today! Heal the feminine today!
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ninjasmart · 3 months
hi ninja.. how are you? As for PC H, how is the marriage? and his birth chart has Saturn close to the moon, does it indicate difficulties with the female figure, mother or wife? Can you tell us if he has a twin flame out there? There are a lot of questions, I know.
You are right- there are a lot of questions and it's hard to focus the energy on something.
What I pick up on is Saturn close to the moon. No one aspect is enough to determine what is in the chart for someone.
Individual aspects are important but - take it this way, you have a party. Your astro party. And you have invited all the gods and goddesses and they all interact. They don't just sit in the corner talking to themselves. Based on how your guests interract you can tell what kind of party mood you have.
So - for love I look at mars and venus interacting with the personal planets, then at the geometry - a yod or a star of david is always a big yes for me, but a Thor's hammer is just painful to be in this relationship.
Then I look at neptune, uranus and jupiter - in what house are they. If they are in the houses of children or marriage - perfect: luck, unexpected events or rose tinted glasses are always a good thing in a relationship.
Then I look at squares and oppositions and sextiles and at Juno and Lilith.
But - back to Saturn. See - love is fleeting. It lasts - about 2 years, unless you work on buildibg it every single day. Love and relationships are not only happiness and joy. You musy have heat - squares and oppositions to keep it moving.
I would never recommend a wedding on Saturn's day but a few good placements between Saturn and the other person's planets adds to the special sause called: long lasting.
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alexjni · 1 year
i'm back :P
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hi guys! i know it's been a while and i haven't posted in a longgg time, but i've decided to put an end to my mini retreat and continue working on my astro blog on here!
with this message i also wanted to say thank you to all of you guys who liked and reposted all my posts whilst i was gone, so thank you for all of the love and support, it means so much to me!
i'm going to pick up with where i left off with my blog, on my series on chart patterns (stelliums, grand trines, grand crosses, yods, etc). i think after this i'll either continue working through the houses (like my planets in the 12th house series) or i might hold a public vote/poll so that you guys can decide on what you'd like to see the most from me!
i'm also gonna make some minor changes/reforms to my posts. every time the season changes (the first will be when taurus season begins, on 20/04), i'm going to make a seasonal post. at the beginning of every week (as of 17/04), i'm going to make a post describing all that week's notable transits, and what they signify astrologically. on top of all of this, i'll also add some wider reading to the bottom of my new posts (and hopefully, with time, all of my old ones), including some sources i used for supplementary information in my post, and just general links i've found and think could prove useful to aspiring learners!
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i also added the above bar to my profile, meaning you can now give me any suggestions (e.g. series ideas that you'd like to see on my page that i can give credit for, or just general changes to my blog itself), ask any questions (can be about your personal astrology/placements, or just about general things in astrology, or even non-astrological related, if you just want to have a conversation!), and even ask for chart readings!
overall, i'm so happy to be back, and thank you for all the love and support you've shown me whilst i was taking a break! i love you all so so deeply <3
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1eos · 1 year
wait are yods good or bad? because apparently (astro-charts says) I have one but it uses Chiron and I read a lot of ppl don’t count that to make a yod. (It’s point is chiron 8th) I’ve tried to look up all this before and gave up because it confused me and still does. also I have a grand cross in the cardinal signs which apparently is bad? what do you think?
yeah there's basically no info on yods unless u hunt down books 😭😭😭 like chart pattern info is rare enough online but yods are even worse. from what ive read yods aren't good or bad they're just kinda....ominous? very heavy energy that can propel you to great heights but it'll be hard? something abt the sextiles bringing easy energy but the quincux fucking it up. which is how i feel abt most of the chart patterns like there's so much energy that you have to harness positively or you'll go crazy lol. and this is the best description of grand crosses ive found! its from the book the art of chart interpretation by tracey marks and i peddle it all the time 😭😭😭😭
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taisoleil · 1 year
What do you think about Yods and are they a big deal?
I was going over my tropical and sidereal chart on astro-chart, using whole sign system, and it said i had 3 Yods while on my tropical it's 2.
I think yods are good to consider as any other system! BUT I think the biggest thing is to know when it should be considered, but not an overall a basis of who you are.
I know for some aspects of my chart I consider it as some light seasoning, but not the meat of what I am. So yods are appropriate for talents and etc, but it shouldn’t be used as a full dependence. More major and rulerships should be considered to get a better basis of who you are and again that should be used as nuance. Take it serious, but not that serious basically skskks hope that makes sense.
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occultic-luna · 2 years
Welcome everyone to my second Astro observations. Thank you for all the love on my first one : )
Here we go : )
✨🌙 Why aren’t inconjunctions talked about enough? They are seen as minor placements but in my opinion can be so intense. If your inconjunctions also known as quincunxes are around 2/3 degrees they really do play a visible part in your life.
✨🌙 Scorpio Mercury and being friends or socialising with shady people. I know someone with this placement and they can literally give me a list of people involved in shady business. How do y’all know these people? 😭
✨🌙 Sag placements and thighs 🥵 it’s a stereotype I know but boi it’s true. Doesn’t help that sag rules the thighs and the legs lol.
✨🌙 Why does every Capricorn dom man give such daddy vibes pls. Oh wait the Saturn influence lol.
✨🌙 A yod in a birth chart is very intense, Princess Diana had one. These individuals have and feel like they have a very specific purpose in life and are usually remembered and known for years and years after their death.
✨🌙 Chiron in cardinal signs especially Capricorn may have had to mature quicker than normal for their age to handle all the responsibilities that were forced on them.
✨🌙 Saturn in 2nd house, how’s your bank account doing? Or exactly how restricted are your finances?
✨🌙 Pluto in 8th house are very mysterious people, their life experiences have made them closed off and they never really reveal their true selves. These people also take an interest in the occult and even psychology from a pretty young age.
✨🌙 Neptune or Jupiter even Moon in the 12th house can give the native prophetic dreams.
✨🌙 Moon in the 1st house always look like they’re seemingly lost in a world beyond the physical. They also have prominent eyes majority of the time.
✨🌙 Neptune in angular (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) house individuals never truly feel understood by the type of people that house is ruling. For example Neptune in 10th house can be projected onto a lot by the people at work, this includes positive and negative projections. They are also likely to end up in careers involving healing and the arts since it involves the 10th house. Neptune in 1st can be projected onto a lot because of their looks and the persona they show to the public. Neptune in 7th can never truly feel understood by their romantic partners. Neptune in 4th can be projected onto by their relatives.
✨🌙 Saturn conjunct Mercury… How many times have you been made to feel like your opinion on things were invalid? Even by authoritative figures in public and/or family?
✨🌙 The aspects made by from Saturn and North Node really show what it is you need to learn in this lifetime. For example Saturn aspecting Venus, learning to appreciate the finer things in life and finding out what exactly makes you the happiest etc
✨🌙 Scorpio moon really do feel a lot, but if they have earth placements especially sun they learn to mask their emotions and bring out a cold exterior.
✨🌙 People tend to take advantage of the calm nature of a Taurus moon, it takes a lot to get these people triggered but once you do…. You must have really not treated them well. These people can be one of the most loyal individuals and it takes a lot to make them leave you.
✨🌙 Another note, there’s a stereotype surrounding Taurus moons that they have it easy and were provided with the material comfort etc…. It really depends on other placements and degrees and houses matter a whole lot. A lot of Taurus moons I know suffer from eating disorders because they were made to feel like they were bad for eating “a lot” or “not enough.”
✨🌙 Sun and mercury in 3rd house, how boastful are your sibling(s) especially your younger one(s)?
✨🌙 Neptune aspecting ascendent, literally every Neptune person I’ve met has such an ethereal and otherworldly aura surrounding them.
✨🌙 You can never really fully hide anything from a Scorpio. They’ll dig deep till they find what it is they’re looking for.
✨🌙 Virgo sun Cancer moon, these people are really intuitive lie at your own expense.
✨🌙 Why are all Aquarius mars men that I know shorter than the average height? Someone explain please. Like it’s not fair on them.
✨🌙 Water sign in the 3rd house can make for a great singer. Their voice can bring out a lot of emotions from people and strong emotions too.
✨🌙 Some people think Libras aren’t go getters and just use their charm all the time. From what I’ve seen y’all need to remember Libras too are a cardinal sign. Yes they are ruled by Venus and can be very charming individuals but they are also go getters, compared to the other cardinal signs though it’s more subtle. People don’t usually see it coming.
✨🌙 Saturn in 11th house could indicate being bullied and feeling alienated. Even Uranus, although Uranus is at home here it still is a planet that has the same connotations as the 11th house, so this can manifest as someone who feels like they’ve always been left out by society. Extra points if it’s in Aquarius.
✨🌙 Neptune aspecting Mercury, either the handwriting can be so sophisticated or all over the place depending on the type of aspect. These people can also be naturally great at art.
✨🌙 Mars in the 6th house… How obsessed are you guys with working out? I know people in Mars 6th that are totally obsessed with it.
✨🌙 Chiron in 9th house could indicate being bullied for expressing your culture. I know people with this placement and they were literally bullied for bringing home made food into school, and by their own people too. At one point they even stopped eating at lunch, they even hid it from their parents 😭. But they eventually learn that there is no shame in expressing your culture and heritage.
✨🌙 Chiron is the wounded healer, it is where we hurt the most but eventually we grow from it and we help ourselves and others.
This is it for now thank you for reading! I’m always open to feedback! See ya ✌️
Love Luna ✨🌙
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astroartmuse · 1 year
looks at all the geometric patterns in my chart on astro-charts.com
1 grand water trine
2 castles 🏰
4 tsquares
2 rectangles
1 yod
4 cradles
Like woah yo that's a lot
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