#asunder greatest hits
gilliebee · 9 months
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thinking about this god damn quote every time jack gives brick heart eyes which is always
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spunsugarmusings · 6 months
Young Frankenstein: The Musical Starter Sentences
Starters from the Mel Brookes' hit musical Young Frankenstein. Change pronouns and tenses as necessary, and enjoy!
"What happened in that castle made our lives a living Hell!"
"We're the happiest town in town!"
"Hold the happiness!"
"Please, do I look like the kind of madman who'd prowl around graveyards, digging up freshly buried corpses?"
"I don't indulge in hijinks or tomfoolery!"
"I live for truth and reason, that's the reason I exist!"
"Hearts and lungs are simply tinker toys when stacked against the brain!"
"His reflexes have no freedom to react when I mistreat him."
"Those naughty thoughts are fine with me as long as they stay locked away in your imagination."
"You can savage me and ravage me; I care not what you do."
"Oh everybody look! How unique. They're not touching."
"Please keep your hands off these."
"It'll be like old time, you and me, right up there with the world's greatest pairs!"
"We've only met in a dream!"
"Up until now it's been the worst time, but now that you're here, we're a team!"
"What good is a stooge if he ain't got a boss?"
"I'm very high spirited, doctor. I hope you won't hold it against me."
"So, have you thought of any ways you could use me?"
"Nothing's better than a hayride, underneath the sun."
"There! There wolves!"
"There wolves, there castle!"
"Don't risk my curse, it could be worse!"
"Join the family business, learn the family trade!"
"Make yourself a monster, and make the world afraid!"
"Follow in our footsteps and you'll earn eternal fame!"
"As you know, predestination, from the day of your creation has determined you vocation, that's a fact!"
"Just relax, create a serum; come up with a brilliant theorum!"
"This is one position that you never can decline!"
"Love dances in on a whim."
"He was a bully and a brute, he was as crazy as a coot!"
"He was my boyfriend!"
"He always treated me like dirt!"
"But I was happy to be hurt!"
"I was an innocent young lamb, and he was a dirty old goat."
"He was the one I gave my heart to, but we were never wed, even so."
"If I'd mention wedlock, he put me in a headlock!"
"When I asked to be his wife, he stabbed me with a kitchen knife!"
"Where did all the good times go?!"
"If he had an angry fit, I was the first thing that he hit! But I didn't give a shit!"
"So, now we hurl the gauntlet of science into the frightful face of death itself."
"Death has ruled without question."
"Tear the night asunder, cast your light upon the dark!"
"Give my creature life!"
"We're considered both a Death and a Tourist Trap."
"Rich and poor are all soft-shoeing it in hotels or huts!"
"Even dogs are also doing it, pedigrees and mutts!"
"Do the Transylvania Mania!"
"Catch the monster before he strikes again!"
"Hello heartaches, goodbye kvellings."
"Let's forget about thinking, thinking's never smart."
"Flush your brain right down the drain, and listen to your heart!"
"Lose your mind, 'cause love is blind, and listen to your heart!"
"You'll find such bliss in the kissin' you're missin'."
"Intellectuals are ineffectuals when it comes to making love."
"Don't resist cupid's dart."
"Everybody loves to get a surprise."
"It all can change, if your fates arrange a nice surprise for you."
"There’s nothing like a wonderful surprise!"
"Here’s what we advise, never bother people with a surprise!"
"It's been so long since I felt the touch of someone's hand."
"Oh, Lord, let's face it, we're talkin' LONELY here!"
"You don't know your left from your right."
"You'll be the greatest creation of man since the invention of fire!"
"You'll be cheered, never feared evermore!"
"You know, until now my life has been nothing but a meaningless world of silly parties."
"Again? Oh, you're incouragable, aren't you?"
"We will take a hay ride when we're on our honeymoon!"
"Even monsters fall in love!"
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thestormthatrises · 1 year
It's all fun and games in Moshang land until Shang Qinghua gets dead serious and quiet, and firmly says "No." Tô MBJ.
People think that MBJ is the ice demon that can make a room grow deadly cold with just one look, one arched brow. But, Lord in heaven! They have never seen the whole palace freeze under SQH stern and unyielding"No."
Because like, there are a thousand and one "no's" that SQH can say:
There's the nervous "No, no!" He says when something is bothering him but he doesn't want to talk about it;
The "No, nothing" when his cunning mind is scheming;
The whiney "noooo" for when MBJ drags him away from his Work because he forgot to eat (and secretly wants to cuddle);
There's the tired "No..." He sighs out when MBJ has to leave his bed on AD, silently begging for him to stay just a little bit more (but he can't, they both know this);
So many ways and tones and meanings to one word... And yet, the deadliest comes when SQH is genuinely upset or annoyed. He grows quiet before he says it, as if giving the chance to the offender to shut the fuck up and stop bothering him. When grace is denied, he digs his heels in the ground and firmly says "No."
And he means it.
MBJ, for all the bratty, spoiled prince that he is; for all he hates to be denied things (especially Qinghua), freezes on the spot because of that one word from the peak Lord. That tone. That look!
You would think an ice demon would be ok with a cold hand over his heart but When the ice cold hand of anxious trepidation creeps into his chest, he can't bear it.
Before SQH left him, he would rally against that "no" like the brat he was and would even punish Qinghua for denying him. But he what he didn't know then was that his cowardly servant had his limits.
He bent like bamboo in the storm of his rages most of the time. But when MBJ overstepped his limits, he would grow rigid and solid and strong. He would take each beating almost silently and each hit filled those honeyed eyes with scorn.
And worse of all: after the useless beating, he would get up, bow and call MBJ "my prince".
It was disrespectful. It was a threat. It was cold, distant and... bad. It was HORRIBLE! And he hated being called a prince by someone who always believed in him-- had always said that he would be a king.
He knew better now, of course. He rushed to correct whatever mistake was made but, sometimes, the best thing to do was allow SQH to leave and cool off. A tactile retreat to regroup resources and pamper his human rotten to get back into his good graces.
Qinghua was too dangerous to be on his bad side. More dangerous than Junshang. With LBH, you could just be killed. With SQH, he would keep you alive and destroy everything you held dear. He would bring down the greatest of houses and sects, he would take their treasures, Salt their land and bring their homes to ruin and decay. And he would do it all and make it seem like it was all your fault. And in the end, when you had nothing, when you begged for death, he would make you grovel for it. Not even honor could accompany you to the grave.
(MBJ always thought that ruthless efficiency was extremely hot. He loved it. He loved how 7 out of 10 times, Qinghua used it for his king and the advancement of the Northern Desert. Qinghua was so beautiful when he was driven)
Qinghua was also too precious to lose.
It was hard to put into words, to quantify, how much he loved his human. It was an intense, insane love that took him completely by surprise. He still fumbled with it. With how much he felt. It tripped the king most of time SQH just needed to breathe, to smile, to call out to him, and his treacherous heart leaped and raced. It order his body to act before he could think. He needed SQH always there. Always near. Always his. SQH was an intrinsic part of himself And when they fought, it was like being torn asunder. He hated it. He hated having SQH mad at/disappointed by him 🥺
Luckily for MBJ, SQH had a soft heart. A marshmallow one, really. But just for him. When he shows true contrition, his future Consort easily opens up and allows himself to be pampered and held and loved. He sighs and smiles and melts in MBJ'S arms. He sweetly calls him "my king"
But in those tense hours of separation, the whole north holds its breath and walks quietly to keep Peak Lord Shang's ire at bay.
("When mom raises her voice, everybody lowers their heads" was a loop in my head while writing this drivel XDD)
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saitatsu-enthusiast · 29 days
Peace - Chapter 1
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Saitama x Tatsumaki
- Chapter 1 -
God's Hand
I never liked remembering my past.
The haunting feeling of isolation, of despair.
The physical trauma inflicted upon my soul.
The lies they would say every day would plague me with terrible thoughts.
I made bad decisions day by day... sabotaging myself, even after the nightmare ended.
Every day it felt like my human consciousness was being tested.
I was too young to understand the ramifications.
But escaping hell left me subhuman. A lesser individual.
A monster in human form.
This pressure to sustain, to survive. To live, and to fight.
It's taking its toll. And while I know what I live for, my purpose is shadow casted. I know not what I fight for.
But it's alright, I'm just me.
And I'm doing just fine alone.
I do it for the last of my family line.
What I would do to protect you.
The lines I would cross to save you.
From this eternal hell that we live – I would rip this world asunder.
I may be someone somewhere. But now – I'm here for you.
Without you, the darkness in my heart would reign victorious.
And without you, the light in my life would have no purpose.
Between the darkness that consumes me, and the light that tries to reach out...
I hope that one day the light cleanses me.
Maybe there exists a way for me to pass on without pain.
Maybe there exists a way to accept myself for what I have done or am about to do.
Maybe there exists a way for my consciousness, undivided, to come clean.
Maybe there exists some way to right my wrongs.
Maybe somewhere, someday.
Maybe someone, somewhere.
City A: July 27, 2023 – 8:42 PM
Life is never easy for anyone. Even the privileged, all had their shortcomings, and their obstacles to overcome.
Many have surpassed their original goals, and their original hurdles. Some reached the peak but never finished.
'I didn't even get the chance to start,' he thought sorrowfully.
What he went through, he would never wish upon his greatest enemies. The life he had to live, the torture he had to endure.
It was madness.
'Where are you taking me?' the phantom memories of his yesteryears flashed in his mind. His tiny wrist was being pulled by an armed guard, accompanied by an old man who looked like he was balding.
'You my young friend,' the scientist turned his head to look at him. 'Are going to be the next step to human evolution!'
He shook his head violently and growled at the memory of his haunted past.
He took in deep breaths and cooled himself.
He was a man on a mission. He had come this far, survived everything the world and its evils had thrown at him.
The air was cool, he could feel it enter through the edges of his mask. His caramel blonde hair softly moved in the wind's direction.
It was bound to rain.
He felt a single drop of rain hit his hand.
He was deep in thought-
'Brother... oh brother no! Please!' his tears poured down as he held his younger brother in his arms. He sobbed uncontrollably. When he–
He grits his teeth. Taking off his mask to massage his temple.
They will meet their end.
He would kill them. All of them. Down to the last one.
He stared at an isolated mansion, from so many miles away.
This was the home of the person he despised the most in this world.
The only person to escape the hell was Tsukuyomi.
Memories of his–
He growled, his temperament growing erratic.
He had trained for this very moment, six long years in the making. He subconsciously raised his hand to pat his chest.
Before he would right the wrongs of this world.
First, he must punish the sinner who lived his freedom.
Monster of Tsukuyomi...
"The end has come."
It was starting to rain; she could hear the occasional few 'plops' sound that came from her roof. Right now it was calm, but in a few minutes, it would start to downpour.
She was thinking of ordering. The reason why was... she couldn't cook.
Not for lack of not wanting to – she HAD to cook for herself and Fubuki when they were younger... when they had left their adoptive home. And she had to take the parental responsibility.
It was a struggle. She didn't know the first thing about being a parent, but she couldn't trust anybody. She never trusted anyone at all. And so she had to learn by herself.
She took care of Fubuki and never regretted it.
Not now, not ever.
Not as a child and not as an adult.
Not as a hero, even when she grows old as a civilian.
She had thought that she'd opened up to that possibility.
Genos had helped her. King helped her while unconscious (at least that's what she heard and read.)
She shook her head.
Their assistance was invaluable for her– their victory, she amended.
But they weren't needed.
If they had taken the damn hostages out as fast as possible, she wouldn't have ever needed their help. They took too damn long, especially King.
Still, though, she'd give them credit where credit was due. Their assistance allowed her to score victory against the head honcho of the monster association.
The other S-Class and their confrontation with the cadres were abysmal... even King and Genos!
Genos' sacrifice was in vain – he got ganged up on and didn't make any substantial efforts. She still appreciated his sacrifice, even if he did end up becoming scrap at the very end.
King was nowhere to be seen for the majority of the battle! And only showed up to get her out of harm's way while knocked out.
The thought of weakness and someone coming to save her formed bile in her throat. 'Pathetic.'
She shook her head violently and gnashed her teeth.
Recalling the reports from everyone else, it made her blood boil.
Metal Bat did jack shit!
Watchdog Man wasn't even around! Metal Knight as well! She knew they weren't given the green light, but other heroes showed up regardless. And considering their speed and response time, they had no excuse!
Zombieman's biggest weakness was revealed, he was the weakest member in terms of physical prowess. Who cares if he couldn't die, he did almost nothing in the final clash! The guy who he fought terminated himself by turning into salt!
The old high and mighty Atomic Samurai and the detestable Flashy Flash got completely waxed and sandbagged. Their arrogance infuriated her, and she was so fucking glad they got humbled. Serves them right for thinking they were better than her.
Amai Mask got his face caved In. 'Not sure how he survived... is that his metahuman ability?' Bah, who cares!
Tank Top Master and Puri-Puri Prisoner were outmatched in strength!
Child Emperor was useless. She didn't even know what he did! He probably hid... he was a kid after all.
Bang was one of the only few people she was even aware of that helped kill one of the cadres (or was it two? She was forgetting.) But then he got side-lined!
Stupid Darkshine, he called himself the pinnacle of man or something along those lines – and he hid like a fucking COWARD!
"ARGH!" she screamed in the silent confines of her home. The whole debacle made her furious!
Everyone! Incompetent! Worthless! Everyone failed!
Then how did they even win?
Right, details, details.
The monster Garou assisted in killing the remaining cadres... his whole shtick being world domination or some completely bogus dream.
Who was the one that knocked him–
Her eyes widened in realization.
The damn Badly.
She furrowed her brow.
She... remembered now, or at least a little.
She recalled that they fought for Fubuki's right to freedom... to choose her own path. That had been a while back, but the Baldy's words convinced her to give Fubuki her blessings, the losers she was building up had to be stronger of course, or else all bets were off.
She had been curious about his strength and grabbed every single file and noted details about the Monster Association case. She had to threaten a staff member who didn't want to give her those files.
Poor bastard peed his pants when she spun him around. She was just glad that she had the idea of conjuring a barrier first, or else she would've been soaked.
That's how she mostly found out King had helped her out. Most of the battle rundown had differing testimonies.
It helped that Genos' rundown did not have any favored bias towards the S-Class – and that he wrote down every single detail that his eye caught. She recalled herself almost wanting to kill him for writing down how pathetic and weak-looking she was at the mercy of the cadres!
But he also wrote down some stuff about the Baldy. Like, so, so much about the Baldy, it was insane! It was like a never-ending scroll! But virtually everything about it was redacted.
Good, she wasn't interested in reading his life story or what he eats for breakfast. Post Notes from the association claim that Genos accidentally took some of the multi-cell guys' black tar-like substance into his mouth and started to hallucinate badly.
She didn't remember that, but she also was knocked out and her memory was foggy. But if that was true, then it would make sense why he started writing down unsavory things about everyone... When asked for clarification from the S-Class, all of them did not comment. She knew the S-Class all shared one common trait: Pride.
Regardless... What wasn't redacted was that he was the one who one-shotted Garou after being severely weakened. Corroborated by Genos, Amai Mask, Zombieman, and Bang (before he officially retired).
That's four people who said he took him down with a single blow (after being weakened severely.)
She closed her eyes. Recalling their fight. Most of it was a blur, but the feeling that always brought her back to those moments.
She looked up to the ceiling, and slowly slid them open.
The harsh winds traveled through her face. The sweat poured whenever she tried to catch up. How many times he dodged her attacks, and how many times he tanked it as well. She remembers being giddy she was during their bout, and her bouncy movements while flying. She had been extra, and she didn't like being extra (or extra people)... Their fight had awoken something she hadn't felt in a very long time:
She had fun.
Her face was on his chest. The surprise contact. She had never been this close to a man before; her cheeks had reacted on their own. Flushed with an afterglow of tinted rosy–
She shook her head violently. 'Stop that!'
She pouted. Trying to drown the heat that rose to her cheeks. That asshole was avoiding her, she just knew it. Every time she looked for him to test his strength again, he was never around.
She had spoken to Genos about him, wanting to know where the Baldy lived – and that asshole actually tried to scare her off! The nerve of him! Thankfully, King was already heading to his place, and she followed suit.
He wasn't there obviously, which pissed her off but at least she knew where he lived... that was also the time she found out King and Saitama were acquaintances as well.
What's with that Baldy and knowing every powerful hero under the sun? Her sister was practically fighting for his own safety–
His hand was warm, ruffling her emerald hair. The sensation felt nice, it soothed her. '... I think you'd be a great hero if you abide by that.' He affirmed to her.
She had missed some of his dialogue, but those words rang in her mind. She couldn't help but stare. There was a moment of serene grace. Like a closed door had been opened up... she felt a sort of relief. A moment of clarity, admiration even. She felt at pea–
She hit herself with a frying pan, it caused it to dent – she was unharmed. "STOP IT!"
Her cheeks were now fully atomic. Flushed pink.
Her eyes twitched, she went to the kitchen and washed her face with cold water.
She washed her hair, might as well. She looked at the mirror with an irritated look. She lifted a single finger and her off in an instant. She allowed her face to be wet, she could still feel the hot sensation on her face and neck. It cooled her off, and she relaxed.
It's not worth thinking about the Baldy anymore. He was interesting, to say the least. But her thoughts wandered, and she didn't like that.
But the Baldy being strong didn't change the fact that she still couldn't cook... even after eighteen years.
She sighed and the thought surprised her. She legitimately almost forgot about food.
Thinking back on her past made her reflect. Even with all the hardships, and the surprise assistance from people that she didn't like...
The truth was that she could not, and will not trust a single person. Genos and King had done their fair share, but their lack of assistance afterwards only proved to show why she must stay on top.
She stands alone in this world.
The Baldy had presented her with the idea that strength like his could be attained through hard work and grit. She did not personally know him, but if what he said was true... then Fubuki's journey to surpass her might... might, bear fruit.
She still didn't fully believe in it. But strength that could almost rival her own was nothing to scoff at... so she was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Granted, if the fucking Baldy wasn't always away, she could assess his power much better.
She groaned when she stared at the frying pan on her stove.
She expected that an omelet would be pretty easy to make, it's just a different version of scrambled eggs, right?
So why did it look like black burnt tar?
She stared at her atrocious creation with contempt. She knew she couldn't cook that well – but whatever this creature was, it wasn't her fault!
She poked it with her black plastic spatula and sighed. She lifted the contents off the frying pan and molecularly obliterated it from existence.
No one needed to know how badly she messed up.
She pouted, with all her power and skill... she should have at least the ability to–
Her blood froze.
Chills sent down her spine.
And a seething rage boiled in her soul.
She gnashed her teeth and stared at the corner of the living room that was pitch black.
"Come out this instant," she commanded. Venom in her tone.
She was ablaze in a nimbus of viridescent energy. Coating her like a living flame.
She was furious that someone would dare to ambush her. The audacity of it being in her own home!
The figure stepped out of the darkness, and who she saw made her blood turn into scorching lava.
A hooded figure of a Tsukuyomi grunt.
She wanted to kill him so badly. She could, and she would.
But nothing escaped her psychic senses. It was ALWAYS active.
She only sensed him a few seconds ago, it should not have been possible with his current reserves of esper energy. He was weaker than Psykos was before her first boost in power.
"You had a lot of time to learn about the limitations of Psychokinesis Miss Tatsumaki..." his voice was deep and gruff, she hated it and him. "Or should I say... Monster of Tsukuyomi?" her eyes widened, but she steeled them immediately. Not wanting to show any weakness. "It's a shame you explored very little of its potential... a complete waste if you ask me."
"Your passive aggressiveness bores me!" she yelled. Her green aura flared up, "tell me why you're here this instant!" Her hair started to rise.
"They called you a prodigy," he continued, ignoring her. He then took off his mask, he looked almost like the moron who tried to kidnap Psykos, drugged Fubukim, and also tried to twist her, only he was older and with sharper eyes. "All I see is hubris incarnate."
She was beyond livid, but she was curious. This asshole broke into her home (still didn't know how), and came on a mission. "Hoh? So tell me crap stain, how'd you get here? And why are you here?" her emerald aura became more profound, and her house started to slowly shake in response to her rise in power. "If you answer quickly, I won't kill you as painfully."
"You would know a lot about killing, especially us," his smirked had all the evils in the world.
She didn't respond but she felt her fury rise. If this clown would simply tell her how he bypassed her defenses, then she wouldn't need him breathing. She would not and could not allow such a weakness to exist. She needed to be infallible.
"I was not around when Blast stormed their headquarters," He admitted.
His name made her eyes grow wide.
It took everything she had just to keep herself from tearing him to shreds.
"I was two years older than you when he arrived and saved you," he looked up at the ceiling. "He missed one hallway, you know? The one I was locked in, very near the entrance of the facility." He paced himself in a small circle, taking small and slow steps. Waving his hands around, wisps of his rouge psychic aura trailed behind his hand's movements.
She was on edge, but she didn't feel him do anything.
"He never returned after that..." She could feel the hatred in his voice, she saw him tremble. Then he didn't. "I was indoctrinated into their cult, before and after they rebuilt," there was a pause. "They took my brother Apollo in... he became their most beloved soldier." He grits his teeth.
There was no sympathy from Tatsumaki. The fact that he was still among the monsters that tortured her and her Fubuki deserved nothing but the worst.
"I could care less about you or your brother! Spare me the details!" The pressure inside her home rose higher. "Tell me why you're here!"
"Isn't it obvious?" he asked.
She grits her teeth.
"I've come to kill you."
... Okay she was expecting a different response, but ultimately, it didn't matter.
"Tsukuyomi wants you for something profound, the awakening of the 'old great one' as they say..." the man rolled his eyes. "Raise some old God from the dead or it's prison, not sure and don't care. They want to use you as the vessel. Something about making everything whole. And to be guided by God's Hand."
He sighed, "and they plan to use Apollo as a sacrifice, among others."
She could tell that he was worried about those other non-named artificial espers.
"Where are they hiding?" she commanded.
"Hmm, City Q," he admitted.
Her eyes bugged out. "What?" that sounded...
"Impossible?" he finished. "Or are you surprised that you couldn't feel any deceit?" Like he had read her mind. He chuckled. "It's a nightmare for monsters. But that loathsome hero doesn't investigate. As long as you look like a living person, Watchdog Man won't attack. Perfect location for crime families to reside. And have their operations in different cities."
"It's an underground sector, near area code 55-A. There's a building that looks like a rhombus and has gold-tinted windows."
"And you're giving this information up so easily?" Why would she believe it?
"Because you're not going to live to see another day, it doesn't matter if you know."
He smiled, "It simply... doesn't matter."
She furrowed her brow.
"I have prepared for this day for six whole years. Training and obtaining as much knowledge and power as needed to end your life." He scratched his chin. "You're inflexible, but you learn anything with simple ease." He admitted.
"Unlike you, I pushed and trained my Esper abilities to an extraordinary level... far surpassing your finesse and technique in psychokinesis... I deepened my understanding of its flaws, limitations," he paused, "and its secrets."
"And I owe it all to my master, my teacher," he looked up at her ceiling. "He taught me all these techniques... and in my own spare time, I perfected them... in my own way."
He sighed, "he didn't teach me everything, there are techniques in my arsenal he does not possess."
She rolled her eyes, "Are you gonna show me these extraordinary abilities or are you just gonna talk about how great you are?"
He ignored her, "But... even after all of his teachings and my training... I realized that I could never kill you without this."
He ripped open his coat and shirt.
And his chest... was an abomination. It looked like a translucent bag of water that had its own living ecosystem. She could see his ribs, lungs, and heart. Hundreds of... things... were swirling and floating about in his chest. They looked like luminescent blue phlegm, loogies.
"These are the lives of many artificial espers I stole from Tsukuyomi," Her eyes widened. "Their souls trapped inside my Soul Space... waiting for them to be released... or fused."
Soul Space?
"Tsukuyomi's goal was to overwhelm you with hundreds of Demon-level class espers. Retrieve you and sacrifice you to that elder god of theirs." He told her as he scratched his chin again, "I do not care for their plans. If they were going to use their soldiers as fodder, then they had more hope being used for my goals rather than theirs."
She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "So you just TOOK their lives? Trapped them in..." she couldn't even look at him, absolutely appalled just looking at the swirling neon blue mess of a torso. "That!?"
"That's rich coming from you." He retorted she snarled back. "...No... they offered themselves to me." He confessed. "Even if you are my enemy... they all sacrificed their lives in the name of killing you. To save you from the horrors Tsukuyomi has planned for you." He shook his head. "Whatever scheme they have in mind, no one deserves such a fate."
She rolled her eyes, "am I supposed to feel grateful?" she spat out with venom.
"Yes," he affirmed with his eyes closed.
She squinted at him.
The man started to chuckle, it wasn't a hysterical laugh – but she could feel the madness behind his voice, and tone. This man had no sanity.
"Be grateful for your quick and short death... that you no longer play a part in their horrible schemes. That your sister is far too weak for their plans to have any real meaning," she was moments from fully exploding in a fit of rage. "And that you can rest easy," he paused as he opened his eyes to stare at her.
"Knowing that you're a blight no longer... Monster of Tsukuyomi."
She made a mad dash towards him. Burning with righteous wrath. Grabbing him by the neck and cratering him to her now destroyed floor.
She gnashed her teeth as she held him down. She squeezed hard. Her rage spilled over as she watched him struggle. He gasped for air. His face turned purple. He tried to fend her off with his esper energy but to no avail.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head.
The loogies in his chest swirled faster and faster, they grew brighter.
In his last act of defiance, he whispered one final word.
He shined like a bright light, blinding her.
Then there was a massive explosion.
Tatsumaki felt like she had been hit with a sledgehammer, spun around in a dryer, and flashbang to oblivion. She negated almost all the damage he had done to her with a well-timed barrier. But she underestimated the power of the explosion.
She quickly shook away the feeling of nausea and dizziness she felt. She stood up.
"Tsk." Her face scrunched his anger.
He blew up her home. And she was a few feet away from it too.
And not just a small section of it. The entirety of it was blown up to smithereens. She was caught off guard by the man's pathetic attempt at self-deletion. What did he even say at the end? Didn't matter.
What mattered was that she'd be homeless for at least a day.
It wouldn't be the first time her house was destroyed.
The alien invasion...
She also did it herself a few weeks back... She would give credit to the worthless geezer Metal Knight for fixing it in less than in an hour.
But those two instances were different from this one.
One: he invaded her home in the hopes of killing her. Two: she was getting caught in the rain.
She formed a barrier around her. She vibrated her own body, shook off most of the water, and dried herself in the process.
At that moment, her eyes widened in disbelief.
She felt a spike in power. Similar to the level of strength she felt from Psykos' fusion with the giant monster roach.
From the rubble emerged what was once the figure of a man. The figure alone was the only indication that he was once human.
Now, he looked like a grotesque monster straight out of some Lovecraftian book.
His chest was no longer translucent, it had been replaced with dark red skin. His black hair had become completely scarlet. And he no longer had pupils.
Just empty, voided white eyes.
Somehow she knew he was staring at her.
He barred his teeth.
Then within a split second, he zoomed right in front of her and threw a devastating punch at her. His fist had cracked her barrier. She was sent flying in response to the force of his attack... but otherwise, she was unharmed.
She was a few blocks away from home. The boost in power was drastic, but it was nothing she couldn't overwhelm with her might.
She rose up in the air, doing a few elegant spins. She uprooted chunks of the earth and spun them violently.
The earth heated up to dangerous degrees. They burned and caught on fire. And the pouring rain erupted steam. It shrouded her and her molten earth projectiles. She could sense the man sprinting at incredible speeds.
'Hmph, he feels as fast as Flashy Flash.' She noted. She loathed the man who thought highly of himself just because he was faster than her.
But speed alone would not save this ugly beast, and she had an idea of his maximum output.
He came into her home uninvited, dissed her sister, spouted some personal life nonsense, and was associated with the organization that made their life a living hell... Oh, and also he was there to kill her also.
He would die today.
With a single wave of her fingers, the molten earth shot rapidly towards the charging beast. He did an amazing job dodging and weaving her projectiles as much as he did. That was until she trapped him with her psychic hold.
He remained motionless in the air. Try as he could, but he could not escape her psychic prison. She molded the molten earth into lava harpoons. And sent them racing towards him.
The beast roared in defiance, then in agony as he was scorched and severed into multiple pieces.
His remains dropped to the wet grassy terrain. The monster remained lifeless.
Tatsumaki huffed, this asshat really thought he could kill her? He was barely even a challenge. At least Psykos had leverage against her that she could capitalize on.
What was it that he said he did? Fusion? The same thing Psykos did. Even if he was a step down from Psykos, this monster was completely underwhelming. 'Maybe I just got stronger.'
It would make sense, but then again, all it took was two moves to properly deal with Psykos. So her getting stronger was also kind of a stretch, 'maybe I just expected better.' Everything fell to a single blow, Psykos just took two. Resigning herself, she turned to leave. Maybe Fubuki would let her bunk for a few days.
"Oh?" she turned to face a disgusting display of lumpy flesh trying to meld itself back together.
The regeneration started from the top left of the monster's head. Flesh spiraled and melded from it. Odd.
After a few disgusting sounds of crunching gnash of bloody bones – the creature reformed itself back together.
It stared at her with absolute hatred and pierced her ears with its horrifying screech. The act of him screeching caused steam to escape from his maw.
She 'tsked,' in annoyance, and reformed a barrier around her. Lifting chunks of the wet earth again and spinning them at dangerous speeds. It dried very quickly and didn't take long for it to become super-heated.
The monster crouched and slammed his fist into the ground, causing a wet crater to form around his grip. He looked like he was charging.
She rolled her eyes; it would simply be a repeat of before. The steam from her molten earth started to cloud her. She was obscured by it. She didn't even need to hide in the steam, she simply wanted the creature to struggle a bit more while facing her.
The beast roared, indicating that he was going to strike. She immediately prepared herself for his assault. Molten earth swirled around her, forming an orbiting elastic barrier. He would not–
Her eyes widened in disbelief.
He was gone.
'Where'd he go!? I was staring right at him! I sensed him!' she turned around–
Big Mistake.
In a split second, she turned her head. The beast had appeared right in front of her.
He was inside her barrier, with a fist overflowing with his harsh rouge energy.
She tried to stop him, but he had already won their exchange.
His fist collided with her face; her barrier shattered from her loss of control – she was sent rocketing into the sky.
'Everything is okay Imouto...' Tatsumaki cooed to a small Fubuki. Her baby sister had cried. They were finally free from that nightmare... but the memories came all the same.
It was okay, she was here now. 'No one's gonna hurt us, ever again.' She promised. Her little Fubuki had fallen asleep. She would never show weakness in front of her.
Tatsumaki had tears rolling down her eyes. Never in front of her. She would be strong for her. Always.
Her eyes shot themselves awake.
She had been sent flying from a direct attack, she legitimately passed out for a few moments from the bastard's impact.
The harsh sounds of howling wind pierced her ears, and she was rocketing towards an unknown direction with an unknown destination.
She felt heat throughout her face. She coughed up blood from her mouth and nose.
She'd never been sucker punched before, or at least she didn't recall a moment of it ever happening. And she slightly underestimated the beast's strength. She was hit with an attack comparable to hundreds of large buildings falling on top of her.
She couldn't hear a single thing. The damn wind made it hard to think, plus the force of the bastard's attack made her nauseous. She tried her best to right herself.
She managed to twist her head slightly to the left, and she could see a small subdivision... wait, no... It was small from the height she was at.
At that moment she realized the monster had sent her about thirty miles into the air (fifty kilometers). She groaned as she halted her movement abruptly.
She didn't have any time to right herself, the beast had appeared in front of her again. With his hands joined together. Winding up his attack, his joined hands hammered into her sternum. The impact of his attack created a sonic boom as she was spiked downwards at breakneck speeds.
The residents of the subdivision were ill-prepared for a Tatsumaki cratering down and terraforming their tight-knit neighborhood.
For the second time in forever, the impact of an attack had knocked her out.
'Please just let me go... I don't have any powers...' She tried her hardest to lie. She thought that maybe if she could convince them she didn't have any powers, maybe they'd let her go?
She was sitting in a chair and had weird wires and tapes stuck around her face and arms.
'I'll be the judge of that,' a scientist remarked. He flicked a few buttons on some sort of tablet. Then she felt an immense shock travel through her body.
She gasped from shock; her eyes wide open.
She'd been knocked out twice in this battle, but she forced herself awake just in time. She grits her teeth in absolute fury, she is bruised and wet. She rocketed out of the crater and remained stationary in the air.
She tried to breathe in fresh air.
Big mistake. She was met with the sensation of hot liquid in her nostrils and throat. She spat out the blood. She placed her thumb on the left side of her nostril and expelled as much blood as she could, she did the same to the other side.
She was livid, but she had no time to think.
This fucker was teleporting. It took two massive blows to figure it out. It's how he bypassed her sensory technique. He was already fast enough to rival Flashy Flash; the addition of teleportation made his attacks actually light speed. She didn't know his limitations if he had any.
She was pissed he could bypass her strong barriers and attack at any angle at speeds she wasn't fully prepared for.
He had strength that rivaled or was much higher than Darkshine or that dumbass Amai Mask.
And had the regeneration of Zombieman.
'So this asshole thinks that just because he has attributes from those pissant heroes means he's better than me?'
She shook her head. None of that mattered.
She was so much stronger than he was, but hitting him would be a different task altogether. And even if she did, he would regenerate.
But there was no such thing as an unstoppable monster. She would win, like she always did.
She didn't even need to look around. Despite it being so dark, to her right, far in the distance, she could see the massive tower of City A's Hero Headquarters.
No time to think. If she even required a bit of effort to take this asshole down... then this place would be a decimated battleground the civilians would not survive in.
She focused. She could feel the monster looming from a great distance. Thirty-nine miles (Sixty-three kilometers). He could appear at any time. But she was in the air for a total of thirty seconds before he sent her crashing down. If he had a limit, she had twelve seconds left before he would teleport – eleven.
She raised her arms, one-hundred and thirty-two houses shook under her control.
She focused on small details. Clothes for these civilians. Food enough for their stay at the Hero Headquarters.
Do they have pets? Some do, she can feel it.
She counted. Four hundred and fifteen individuals.
She would not take other belongings, just enough food to accommodate their stay.
Her green aura rose to life, just using her energy made it spiral everything around her.
Around four hundred different people. Men, women, children, and animals. All enveloped in a green psychic bubble.
She tore every single individual out of their homes. Causing every one of their roofs to be destroyed.
She sent one final signal; she sent every last one towards the Hero Headquarters.
The monster teleported a few meters away from her. She had miscounted, but it didn't matter. She successfully evacuated all the civilians. Bright green spheres could be seen trailing in the night sky.
They'd make it in less than a minute. They were all safe.
The bastard stood there in complete silence.
She heard thunder in the distance.
"This is where you will be buried, Monster of Tsukuyomi."
She quirked her eyebrow.
"I'm surprised you have intelligence. So many people you had to fuse with just to compete with me..." She lowered herself and softly landed on the cracked road. "I would've expected you to become a vegetable with all these minds warring for control." She growled at him. "Your existence disgusts me!"
His growl was scarier than hers, but she felt no fear towards him. "You of all people have no right to judge my path of life!" He stomped his foot on the astroturf. Causing it to terraform and crack the edges of the road.
"You have thrown away your own life in pursuit of isolation!"
She grits her teeth, but she didn't get to respond, he keeps talking.
"You got to escape that fucking hell!" his guttural voice reverbed and echoed. Like the sirens of the lost souls parroting his every word. "I was forced to become their soldier! And I couldn't save my brother then they came for him!"
"I don't fucking care about you, or your brother! He attacked my sister and I!" she raised her power. She was bathing in her fiery green aura. The feeling of invincibility washed over her.
"The only thing that matters to me is ridding this world of you!" He growled and took a single step forward. "You got to escape. He saved you." His tone was calm.
She did not respond.
"You had complete control of your destiny." He started. "You outclassed every single person in this world when you were just ten... you had the world," the monster stared at her, with an open palm directed her way. He had no pupils, but she could tell he bore immense envy. "In the palm of your hands." He closed his fist.
"And you did nothing with it!" He roared, shaking, and waved his hand to his in frustration. "You hid from the world for fifteen years! And you only showed your face when HE joined the Hero Association!" He started to foam from his maw, then pointed at her accusingly. "You then forced your sister to live that pathetic and lonely life as well!"
"Who do you think you are judging me!?" she couldn't help but argue. "I DID WHAT WAS BEST FOR FUBUKI–" she stopped.
He was doing this on purpose, she wanted to rip him apart, but she had to focus.
"I DON'T have to justify my actions to YOU!" she roared. "You sound like you hate Tsukuyomi as much as I do, but you still work for them!" she felt veins bulge in her temple and hands, her anger had allowed her to ignore the pain in her face and chest.
"You're a pathetic coward! You came to kill me when you should be killing them! All I hear is whining from a grown man! If you had this power you could have rebelled! They're all weak if your brother is their best soldier! I don't want to fucking hear it!"
"YOU LIVED MY LIFE!" the monster screeched loud enough to shatter nearby windows. "That life should have been mine! I should've had that free will!" he started shaking. "...I shouldn't have been so weak that they indoctrinated my younger brother!"
Her eyes widened in disbelief. She could see tears roll down his eyes. "All because that bastard didn't SAVE ME!" he took another step the cratered the ground, droplets of rain surrounded him, and the road finally gave in and shattered.
They were both silent. Their power flexed throughout the whole community. Houses and buildings started to shake.
She hated this man. She wanted nothing more than to kill him.
But the more she listened, she couldn't help but make parallels to herself.
Was this what she would've become if Blast hadn't saved her?
Was this man that fell to despair, be her?
The darkness in her mind clouded her. Would she be in his exact same position? Seeking retribution for living a wasted life?
If their roles had been reversed...
Would I be a monster?
She sharpened her eyes. Her eyes blazing in a glorious viridescent inferno.
She was grateful to Blast and the life he set her free from. What she did for Fubuki was needed. She needed her guidance, her protection.
She would repeat it a thousand times if she could. What they went through, and how cruel the world was. They needed it.
She would not regret.
Her thoughts, she would not betray.
"Name," she commanded. Pointing at him.
The man-turned-beast looked at her impassively.
He knew her enough to know what she meant.
Despite all of what she said, told him, and the insults she hurled his way. She had attained his respect.
Was it his tale? His past? Maybe she saw a reflection in him. But he did not care. There was never going to be a way to reverse his actions.
She didn't respond, and she never let her eyes wander. Glued to him, even the slightest movement she would respond in tow. "Hermes," she tested, "fitting."
Hermes raised his left hand and slowly raised his claw at Tatsumaki, "This life has made us live torments none would ever wish upon our foes." He took another step. "Your soul will not survive." Another step. "Today, one of us will be buried here." It wasn't a threat, that was a destined promise.
Her hair slowly danced around her, some of her strands of hair obscured her vision. Her hair raised still in response to her higher output of energy.
"Whether it's you or I that must die..."
"...We'll let our fists decide." He finished.
They both bolted towards each other. The action caused their trail to ionize the very air. Both their forearms collided. Pushing each other and fighting for supremacy.
Tatsumaki's much higher output of power overwhelmed Hermes' defenses, making him recoil. She took this opportunity to grab him by his face and drag him through the asphalt.
The speed she was going at, she could tell that she was ripping the skin of his face. With a mighty swing, she tossed him through dozens of houses and residential buildings.
She narrowly dodged an elbow strike to her head as he immediately teleported to her. She erected a barrier that only covered her entire body, rather than a spherical one. His punch connected with her face, but it barely managed to make a dent in her defense.
She didn't even flinch, nor was she harmed. He grits his teeth, showing that he has both human and razor-sharp fangs. His eyes widened when Tatsumaki used her psychokinesis to propel him away from her. Again, rocketing away into another home.
With a single wave of her hands, she sent slicing waves of energy that cut him into multiple pieces before he smashed into the building.
This time when emerged already reformed from the destroyed building. He regenerated again from the top left of his head and then reformed his entire body.
He didn't rush towards her. Instead, he raised his arms and poured high amounts of energy into them. Hermes concentrates and creates bands of psychic energy that wrap around his arms and lead into his fists.
His hand and arm were coated with a dark red band, it resembled a helix.
He made a mad dash towards her, but she wasn't fooled. She knew he would teleport.
She would not take the risk that whatever ability he just used would be tanked by her barrier. She was not going to underestimate this man.
And just like she predicted, he teleported.
Once again, she narrowly avoided an extended claw strike. Twisting her body downward to evade the slash.
And like a prophet: the telekinetic helix surrounding his hand and razor claws had cut right through her barrier.
She used the momentum to lift her leg forward. With great force, she smashed the toe box of her heel into Herme's left eye.
He roared in pain. His scream was cut as she gripped his throat with her psychic energy. She snapped his neck and tossed him in the air. She lifted the earth and enveloped the man in a sphere.
Her open palm closed fast, and the sphere shrunk. It kept shrinking and shrinking.
Her eyes widened as a mangled Hermes' teleported right beside her and rocked her face. His spiraling red fist broke her barrier, she felt herself spit out a bit of blood.
That didn't stop the man, he sent five rapid-fire attacks at her. He punched her arms with tremendous power behind them, her arms felt numb and hard to move. And he hit her gut three times.
He was stopped by a backhand smack Tatsumaki launched at him before he could go into another one of his combos. His jaw completely dislodged and shattered; she then sent a wave of psychic energy that tore an entire hole in his chest.
He was sent rock-skipping on asphalt and concrete before hitting a building.
This time, he must've hit a stove, because the building exploded.
She took this opportunity to heal from all the damage he'd done to her. She replicated Fubuki's technique to the best of her ability. She had never needed to heal herself before, nor was she proficient in Vitakinesis (which her sister was better at, good on her). Her fight with Psykos had proved that she needed slight variety.
She clicked her tongue in annoyance when he bolted out of the building and landed on a light post. She didn't stop the healing process, but she had stopped counting and didn't know what second she was on. She was still unsure if he had a limit, but he only teleported in intervals of twelve to fifteen seconds.
He remained stationary, looming in a hunter pose.
He dropped down, cracking the sidewalk upon landing.
Tatsumaki was on edge, already preparing herself for another lightspeed attack.
"The sins of your past will haunt you for eternity."
She didn't voice her thoughts. He was welcomed to monologue while she healed.
"Tsukuyomi destroys you from within," he started. "Destroy the last remaining shred of humanity you have. A soulless puppet for them to control..." his voice trailed, and his teeth gnashed. "Only the strong get to keep their soul..." he paused; she could feel his voided white eyes stare at her. He raised his claws to his face and flexed them. He marveled at their sharpness as if it was the first time he got to look at his new transformation.
"What I had to give up, just to be your match..." he looked down at his body, he sighed... or at least a guttural reverbed version of what she thought was a sigh. "To face a monster, I must become one."
She growled at him. "Y–"
"Was it guilt that led you to be a hero? Was knowing you took the life of actual people made you want to live this way?" he questioned.
His rogue aura blazed like a scorching tidal wave; he lazily raised his arms to the sky. "Try as you might." She could feel his eyes on her. "You will never be a hero."
She snarled at him.
"Did you really believe you can change who you are?"
She gnashed her teeth harder.
"They deserved their deaths. But you killed those men and women regardless. That is an inescapable fact."
"How many people have you killed!? Huh!?" she spat, venom in her voice. "You're no better!"
Her eyes widened slightly. He'd just admit to it? Just like that? Then? What was–
"You are a destroyer, like me. It is our nature to destroy everything we hold dear."
She hated hearing him talk, but what he was saying was affecting her more than she was willing to admit.
"I killed so many people in their name..." he started. "Politicians, governors, spies..." His voice trailed. "The innocent, man, women..." He looked up, tears rolling down his eyes. Despite his monstrification, he bore a solemn expression.
Her eyes widened in disbelief; her blood boiled.
"After I kill you, I will hunt down and kill all remnants of Tsukuyomi. No child with potential deserves the fate they have in mind. Not a single person in this world, period."
She didn't respond, she just listened.
"And after you perish from this life... I will save my brother, and kill every single one of them..." he paused. He raised his head towards the sky. Closing his eyes to take in the wind and rain. Despite his current looks, his expression looked serene.
"I will end my life."
She remained silent.
"In the valley of torment, I give my life to the victims of my atrocities. They will judge my sins as they please..."
He took a step.
"My death is the only freedom this world will grant me. I shall choose how I go out."
Then another.
He started to cry; his void white eyes widened.
'Zap him again,' a scientist instructed, a guard did as commanded and electrocuted a young Hermes. His cries of agony went unheard.
"I promise Apollo..." he was hyperventilating.
An almost unconscious Hermes sat strapped in a chair, foaming from the mouth and his eyes closed to rolling to the back of his skull. 'He survived!' the same scientist exclaimed in delight, 'crank it up higher.'
"I promise. I'll kill them!"
Hermes now as a teenager, watched as they dragged his brother into the same torture he was forced upon. He tried to fight the guards, but their esper reserves were much higher than his. They held him in a psychic lock. He was forced to watch as they tormented his brother before his very eyes.
Tatsumaki watched in horror as he started to mutate in front of her eyes. He grew slightly bigger and taller.
"All of them!"
'Apollo?' he called weakly. His brother turned to him. The nightmare that he dreaded had become a reality. His brother's soul did not withstand their evil.
"Down to the LAST ONE!"
With a mighty roar, he destroyed nearby buildings with the flex of his newfound power.
Tatsumaki was sent rocketing into the asphalt road. Uprooting it and the earth as she slid violently. She didn't even register that she was hit.
He undid all the healing she'd done with a single blow.
Tatsumaki coughed up blood and also shot it off from her nostrils, her eyes widened when he saw he was upon her.
She dodged his initial strike, but she was ill-prepared for an elbow strike to the back of her head that smashed her into the ground.
She exploded with righteous fury. She grabbed a hold of him with her psychic lock, and he teleported.
She was ready this time as she weaved an attack from behind.
With her right heel, she jammed the top piece straight to his jaw. It startled Hermes and she took this opportunity to twist his body completely.
His fleshy remains dropped to the ruined ground, camouflaging with the debris.
She took to the skies once again and immediately started healing herself as fast and as much as she could.
He started to reform from head to body, it was dark, and she could barely see – but she could hear the sounds of moving flesh, even through the rain.
She heard thunder in the distance.
She clicked her tongue in annoyance.
Barriers were useless, and he closed the distance. She knew for the duration of their fight it's been close quarters.
But now with his new form. The man had spammed his teleportation at every point.
He had Flashy Flash's speed now, plus teleportation. His regeneration stayed the same as Zombieman's. Though his output was leagues stronger than Amai's.
He said he waited six years for a confrontation with her? She believed him. Despite healing herself, fatigue started to roll in.
Maybe because she was dehydrated, or she only did basic cardio exercises.
She pushed past it, but she knew she would gas out soon. She could feel it.
'My death is the only freedom this world will grant me. I shall choose how I go out.'
'I will end my life.'
She narrowed her eyes. 'So you can die.' She thought to herself.
He told her with absolution. So even if he could regenerate from being completely obliterated. He was certain he could end his own life.
She already knew what that weakness was. It was clear as day. She just needed an opening.
Hermes completely reformed, spiral regeneration starting from the top left of his head to the rest of his body.
His body shot out and made a mad dash towards Tatsumaki.
She dodged and weaved as many attacks as she could. Her flexibility allowed her to dodge attacks from impossible angles.
He teleported every opportunity he could, and Tatsumaki would just barely, narrowly escape his strikes.
He pressed his advantage. He would tire her out, or force her to make a fatal mistake.
Each of his attacks felt like they reached closer. His claws would slightly graze her skin.
This went on for quite a while, dodging his attacks, while occasionally sending out her own. They didn't connect, he was just a bit too fast for her to catch, and she was predicting his movements to the best of her ability.
For someone who can teleport at any given angle, he was surprisingly very candid about it. Easy to predict where he would teleport too. But knowing where he'd be wasn't enough for her to land her blows.
He overextended an attack, and Tatsumaki used this opportunity to punch another hole through his chest. He was sent flying and uprooted the earth.
She yanked him back towards her with her telekinesis and choked his neck. She raised her available arm and tried to blast his brain – but he teleported out of her lock.
She let out a sigh, and prepared to–
Tatsumaki looked down to see that she'd been impaled by multiple red harpoons.
'These are... psychic constructs!?' shocking alone the amount of finesse it took, she was more surprised he waited this long to use this technique.
She coughed up blood and was unable to move. She'd been stabbed in her right thigh, left arm, upper back, left arm, and in the lower right side of her stomach.
She suddenly felt like her energy was being siphoned.
She slowly descended, having a difficult time breathing. She tried to use her powers, but she felt it leave her.
Her breath became more jagged, she had to spit out blood that built up from her puncture wounds.
He teleported near her, descending with her.
"Wha-What did you," she tried to groan, but the blood in her mouth made it difficult to speak. She landed on the ground and shot a defiant look his way.
He held a psychic construct in his hand, a scythe. He stared at her with no discernable expression. "I've waited and planned this fight for six years. And I have calculated the data through all possibilities." He let the scythe fall; the tip of the blade sliced through the ground.
He walked towards her slowly, the scythe carved a trail of dirt and rocks.
"You're stronger than me, in every conceivable way – even with all these souls fused into my body..." He gripped the handle of his scythe harder. "I am no match for you without my skill sets."
He lifted the construct from the ground only to jam it again into the dirt with greater force. "But if you didn't know an attack was coming, you'd never defend yourself against it... so there is no reason for me to show all my cards so early on."
"This is my victory."
Her eyes felt heavy, and her vision was blurry.
No? couldn't be.
But she felt tired. Drained, and she could feel the beat of her heart get slower and slower.
"Faaah," she let out a sigh. She couldn't keep her eyes open. There was just this calming sensation of having them closed. But she knew it meant her death if she allowed sleep to overtake her.
Her arms, legs, and hands were bruised. All puncture wounds from syringes. They would inject her with something that would burn her entire body. She couldn't help but scream in agony, but no one came to save her. 'You know you want to use your psychic powers...' Her vision was blurry, but she could hear the taunt of that mad scientist. 'Come on little monster, show us what you can do.'
Hermes trotted closer, lifting his scythe once he was a few feet away.
'Please not her! Please just not her!' Tatsumaki cried as she held her baby sister in her arms. She was passed out from being bolted with electrical pads. Tatsumaki had her own burn marks. 'Please don't hurt her!'
She felt herself falling to slumber. Everything felt cold, but there was a blazing fire that encroached on her heart.
Was it the only thing keeping her alive?
Hermes set the tip of his psychic to her right cheek. He gave her no pity, no remorse. "Let your soul be judged." He took a step backwards and winded up his scythe. He planned to cut her head clean off.
'I promise,' she cooed her sister to sleep. She was bloodied all over, she had killed the soldiers who went after her and Fubuki. Her little Fubuki didn't respond to her, she just silently shed her tears and closed her eyes. 'I promise I'll keep you safe... To...'
"...The very end..."
Before Hermes could swing his construct, he was shocked when Tatsumaki exploded with energy! He was sent flying thirty feet away.
His eyes widened in complete shock. Her very power was like the searing pressure of a blazing inferno. Her power shifted the wind's direction.
And what he saw.
Was a sight to behold.
Tatsumaki was on fire. Literally. Her hair, the edges of her dress, and her skin were being coated in a scarlet red fire. Her very power pulsed every odd second. Despite his shock, he was immediately on edge.
She had her teeth gnashed, grinding. Both her eyes were illuminated to such a blinding degree. Lightning ionized around her.
He had regained an emotion that he believed he had lost so long ago.
What he had fought before, although strong, had outclassed him. Didn't feel the same as the monstrous power he saw before him.
This was THE: Tornado of Terror.
"To the very end," it was a whisper, but her voice boomed, reverbed, and echoed from the sheer amount of energy she outputted.
She readied herself, and he saw how her small movements ignited the air around her.
Then his face was completely punched through.
He hadn't even felt himself being rocked so hard. He was spinning around uncontrollably, and he had caught on fire.
Then another attack came, His ribs had been destroyed, and he felt like he'd been punched through like Styrofoam.
He was sent flying in a completely new direction, but it didn't last more than a nanosecond.
Because another hit came.
Then another.
Then another, and another, another.
He was being passed around, and with every strike, he could feel... he felt himself lighter and lighter.
Until he noticed that she had been punching his flesh out of him.
He narrowly dodged another strike by teleporting.
He started to heal, and in turn, was shocked to see himself inside the spinning walls of razor-sharp wind.
Her very fist ignited the atmosphere enough to cause a natural tornado.
He was within the eye of the storm.
Lightning and fire trailed through the walls. It was the afterimages of him being tossed around like a ragdoll.
And he found out that he couldn't teleport out... only within the storm.
He caught wind of her movements, and he wished he hadn't.
The wrath in her eyes, even from such a long distance – petrified him. He'd frozen in fear.
Tatsumaki's right palm charged with a dangerous red glow. The screeching sound of power pulsed and warped the air around her.
Her newfound power threatened to atomize her hand and her entire being.
She would become this form's new master. Nothing was beyond her.
With a roar of victory, she clenched her fist and boomed towards Hermes.
She released her right hook into his face, she had obliterated his entire body and turned him into red mist.
She arched her trail, and reality had caught up to her.
She left a trail of fire and explosive force. Her attack that obliterated Hermes caused a massive explosion that momentarily dispersed the tornado she was in.
She growled when she saw him reform from his misty demise.
From head to toe, he regenerated from the tiny bits of flesh that hadn't been completely vaporized.
She almost killed him completely.
And for some reason, he felt stronger.
Judging from the wings he just attained, and the greater control of his abilities.
There was no fanfare. He would end this fight.
They both rocketed towards each other. Creating explosions as their fists collided with one another.
Multiple explosions happened simultaneously, and time had slowly caught up with them.
Their sheer power ignited the tornado within. The dark winds, and the lightning, had caused the tornado to redden.
Lightning coursed through the walls of wind and fire.
Then it had reached its boiling point. The tornado erupted a mushroom explosion that can be seen from hundreds of miles away.
What remained standing, trees, and houses... vanished in an instant.
And at the center: Tatsumaki and Hermes unharmed.
City A: Hero Association Headquarters
He had just lost another match against King. Today that would make it around the 6th match he's lost.
And he was kind of bored of it at the moment.
He stretched his arms and back. A small, yawned escape.
King did the same, he patted his stomach and smirked at the response it gave him. "Wanna get some snacks?"
Turns out that he was also craving some junk food. "It's pretty late don't you think?"
"Hmm, I'm pretty sure they won't mind If it's me," he admitted.
Saitama nodded and closed his eyes, in thought, though not deep, "Sure." They both stood up.
Walking out of his small dingy apartment, he reflected on the days that passed, and the days to come.
King, the man beside him was crowned the world's strongest man. Technically speaking, it was because of his accomplishments. But he didn't care about that. Yeah, it sucked not getting recognition, but the world needed a beacon. And that's all that mattered.
And to be truly honest, he didn't think he was cut out to be that beacon anyway... so it worked out. No reason to cry over spilled milk anyway.
Genos, his need for validation, and his inability to teach him. He liked to think they were friends... Hell, he might even say he's his best friend.
He just didn't know what to do with him. He thought about being honest with him, but he feared that he would take it in some metaphorical sense and train even harder by his side.
Right now he was with the doctor getting some software update or something like that... in his defense, Genos seemed to say more than twenty words when referring to the doctor.
The Monster Association, and the war that the monsters had with the heroes. And how they had lived basically under his apartment complex (and the midget that destroyed his home.)
Crazy to think that all he had to do was look down and he would've ended the threats long ago, and wouldn't have needed to move to City A.
Speaking of the midget.
Genos and King had told him that she'd swung by his place a couple of times. And he'd been very glad he was away for all of them.
He wasn't opposed to fighting her (or more like, avoiding and blocking her attacks). But he didn't want to have to replace his articles of clothing every time they fought.
She still owes him a jacket.
He walked down the stairs with King. And he noticed the look he gave him, "Sorry what was that? Wasn't paying attention."
"I asked if – woah." He stopped and stared at the mass of people on the first floor of the main lobby.
From the top floor, they both looked down.
There were hundreds of them, all huddled and asking questions.
All of them seem so scared and confused. It looked a lot like that movie he saw about a natural disaster that had forced many people out of their homes.
He looked at King, and King did the same.
Before either of them could ask what was going on, they heard the commotion from the restless crowd.
"Look!" a kid shouted.
Saitama looked up and was surprised to see a massive tornado.
King to his credit, tried his best not to freak out. He was right next to Saitama after all.
"That's Tatsumaki isn't it?" King jolted, he turned to see Saitama's passive gaze. When he turned to watch the action, he couldn't help but agree.
"Yep, it's her."
"Should we help?"
He was about to say no, not that he would blame him... He couldn't do jack shit. But he knew the Tornado of Terror, he doubted she'd appreciate the assistance. "Nah, she's fine."
And in that moment, the tornado expanded and erupted into a giant mushroom explosion. Nothing happened for a couple of seconds... then the force of the explosion reached them.
He had to shield his eyes and felt himself get pushed. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Saitama was gone.
He looked down and saw that the people were even more restless than before.
He stared at the massive explosion for a moment, before turning to go to his apartment.
He'd be fine, both he and her. They were the strongest people on this planet, period.
"Good luck Saitama-bro."
You and I are the same person.
It loathes me to accept, but the comparisons are too hard to ignore.
Esper child taken from home?
Experimented on? Tormented by the sins of man...
Countless days of being brutalized, physically and mentally.
And what made us survive, was the love we had for our sibling?
Their fist clashed, and their movements ionized the air around them.
They disappeared from view, only for sonic booms to conjure from the impact of their blows.
They were far faster than the eye can keep up with. They are faster than sound. Faster than light.
Tatsumaki smashed her heel into Hermes' face, sending him flying. The force behind her attack scorched his face.
This world is cruel, the people in it. And the lives they destroy.
I did not ask to be born with powers.
Yet the world demands our lives to be in their hands.
Hermes teleports in front of Tatsumaki and lariats her neck, sending her beaming towards the earth.
She stops herself mid-way and grabs hold of Hermes with her psychic lock, tearing him apart.
He reforms and blocks multiple fists that she throws his way.
Their forearms clash. Trying to fight for control. Hermes' hardened skin burned from being in contact with Tatsumaki.
She broke through his defenses and backhanded his face, dislodging his jaw and sending him spinning out of control.
If things were different if I was placed in a different cell...
Our roles would be reversed.
Yet destiny arrives just the same.
Hero vs. Monster
A tale as old as time.
He could see her blitzing towards him. With what remaining energy he had left, he conjured multiple constructs to impale Tatsumaki.
She dodged and weaved through them all. Her senses had been heightened to a degree she thought unimaginable. And despite this form feeling boundless, she was running out of fumes.
Tatsumaki's eyes widened when he teleported on top of her and delivered a devastating kick to the top of her head, sending her downwards once again.
You and I could never be friends.
They destroyed us, and made us hate our individuality.
You embody everything that I fear. Everything that I hate.
And to be truly honest:
It's because I hate myself.
She stopped herself from crashing into the earth and propelled herself further into the sky.
Hermes followed suit.
They halted, several meters away. They did not attack. Both silent.
Tatsumaki's blazing hair danced with the wind. She knew it was dangerous to take her eyes off her opponent – but she closed her eyes and let the soothing winds calm her nerves.
Hermes closed his eyes as well. He felt the cold air hit his face. He took a deep breath to calm himself.
When they both opened their eyes... and met their gaze. They came to an understanding. They acknowledged one another.
Both charged up energy on opposing palms. Warping the air around them through sheer psychic force.
Our past defines us.
We will fight for our siblings.
Yet in our way, we failed them.
But we will love them to the very end.
That is all we can do for them.
It's our nature, isn't it obvious?
They rushed towards each other, leaving a trail of fire and destruction in their path.
When their fists collided...
The world around them burned.
The atmosphere around them ignited in shades of red and green.
Fighting for supremacy, a clash of titans that would rip this world asunder.
Tears poured down from their eyes. Reflecting on the mistakes they made as guardians.
What they failed as siblings. As caretakers.
Fighting for the right to stay alive.
You know, don't you?
That you and I...
...Can never find...
Tatsumaki again won their exchange, Hermes reeling from recoil.
She grabbed him by the throat and her eyes flashed a violent green.
She released a beam from her eyes that tore off Hermes' head.
She had targeted the area where he would regenerate.
She felt him go limb.
She sighed. Taking a deep breath to calm herself.
She closed her eyes, solemn the fact that she had to kill him. It was inevitable.
The battle was over.
"Not yet."
She opened her eyes.
She had missed, by a mere centimeter.
But it was too late.
Whatever he did was faster than the speed they'd been fighting at. But she saw it.
She watched his soul leave his body, and invade her own.
Letting his body fall, she screamed in agony.
Her vision turned dark.
Everything was pitch black. Devoid of life.
But he knew this place all the same.
It was different obviously, but all realms like this were either pitch black or blinding white.
Tatsumaki's Soul Space.
The last technique he learned and mastered was to take down Tatsumaki. The one technique he learned on his own.
He looked down at his soul body, and it was him – before the transformation.
He sighed and looked forward.
And in front of him, was the very essence of her soul.
It was Tatsumaki, as a tiny child, holding the silhouette of baby Fubuki.
They did not speak, the sisters simply held each other.
He lifted his left hand to extinguish the soul of the Tornado of Terror.
That marks his victory.
The end has come–
I shouldn't have been so shocked. You were preaching about it for so long. You said it like five times.
Hermes' eyes widened.
And he couldn't move.
He grits his teeth; he can't access his powers.
"What– What's going on!?"
Then, a green spiral formed in front of the two children.
The dark space momentarily illuminated.
Standing in between was Tatsumaki, as a shrouded living green fire.
The Will of Tatsumaki.
She turned to see her soul, the presentation of everything she fought for.
She, as a child, held her pride and joy – Fubuki.
The soul of her little Fubuki stared at her with eyes of wonder, the sparkle of joy that brought her life in this dark world. Herself, on the other hand, was concerned. The eyes of weariness pushed the world away, even from herself.
She stared at herself in understanding. Then she turned back to Hermes, she lifted him up with her right arm.
"No...." realization finally caught up to him. "This is..."
"No..." he pleaded. He felt his body give. "Not even my master knows this..." his denial turned to horror.
His heart shattered. His goals, his life, dreams – what he was left of it. And the need to–
"Apollo," he whimpered. "I'm so sorry..."
Memories of his brother flashed in his mind. The first time his mom allowed her to carry him. The first time he fed him his bottle.
The first time he played ball. The first time he read him his favorite book.
And the last thing he told his brother before he was sent away was, 'I'll always protect you! To the very end!'
He cried.
The will of Tatsumaki didn't speak. It was somber, but he had made his choice.
She slowly moved her gaze towards the man. He shot her a defiant stare, tears running down his face.
His face slowly started to fade. He was slowly turning to ash.
"You will never find peace."
I know.
She didn't need anyone to tell her the truth.
It was a fact she was willing to live with.
He didn't respond. He stared into her astral eyes.
Then he closed them.
For the final time.
You've been liberated from hell.
A lone tear trailed down Hermes' face and fell into the dark void.
Hermes felt his body slowly disintegrate.
Down to the last atom.
Mercy find you in the next life.
Tatsumaki awoke to mud on her face and rain pouring on her entire body.
She sharply inhaled, completely out of breath. Exhaling, she tried to calm herself down.
She tried to lift herself, but she couldn't.
Whatever Hermes did completely drained her of all of her power.
Or to be exact. It took every ounce of willpower to fend off his soul erasure.
She should've seen it coming, he practically spelled it out for her... but she wasn't sure if such a thing existed.
The man truly devoted his life to finding the secrets of psychic energy, and she almost paid the full price for it.
She lifted herself physically and groaned in pain.
Every single attack she received from him was now starting to catch up.
She only took a single step before collapsing to the muddy terrain.
In the dark, she could make the faint outline of Hermes. He was still in his monster form. Only that she saw him slowly turned to ash. Was this the outcome of not having a soul in the body? Not a pretty sight.
She cringed at the thought, if he had won, would that have been her fate?
Her eyes bugged out when she saw something in the distance.
A news helicopter.
She felt the world around her grow smaller. She started to panic.
She couldn't move, her body had reached its limit.
The world would see her so pathetic. Fubuki would see her as pathetic, everyone would.
Try as she might, she couldn't force herself to stand.
Everything she built. The image she held onto, the symbol that she so desperately tried to show to her sister.
They would think she was weak and be able to be pushed around. A laughingstock, no one would take her seriously.
Everything would be–
"Damn... I'm so glad I came."
She recognized that voice.
The baldy.
She gazed into his eyes. She panicked.
He stared back. Eyes widened in surprise... then they returned, and she saw him draw breath.
"It's okay now, I'm here."
She didn't say a word, but she noticed that she'd sighed in relief. She wasn't aware she'd been holding her breath.
He sounded so sincere.
She felt herself get picked up. She would've opposed it to kingdom come, but she had to worry about a different matter altogether.
In the night, she could see his amber eyes. Staring at her, and staring at him. He looked concerned, was it a genuine reaction?
She did not have time to care. She didn't trust him. But she could not afford to be seen like this.
She gripped his suit and took a deep breath.
"Get me... out of here... Fast. Don't let the copter spot you..." she managed to get out, it was as close to a whimper, but she tried to sound forceful.
The rain was hitting them both hard, it had been manageable two minutes ago – but he surmised that the whole mushroom explosion nuke had forced the clouds away. They were back and they were getting drenched.
He nodded; he shifted her a bit. Trying to get a better hold on her.
"No hospitals..." She cut him off before he could take a single step. Tugging at his red glove and yellow suit.
He gave her a confused look and looking up, he saw the news copter draw closer.
Taking another look around, he noticed the absolute wasteland. She had annihilated a neighborhood?
He could tell by the fact that there were very few buildings left standing, and by standing, he meant only small sections of the concrete walls survived... And a lone metallic seesaw (albeit, completely warped).
'Oh man,' his eyes softened. He took a deep breath, letting the rain hit his face for a bit longer, then exhaled.
Before she could respond, she left herself being rushed at breakneck speeds. And by the time the news copter arrived, they were long gone.
- End of Chapter -
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dalishious · 2 years
I've read your posts about asunder (asunder greatest hits) and I just. I don't understand why the book (through Rhys) blames Adrian for all the fights and deaths in the end. And it doesn't make sense to me not only because shifting responsibility like that is wrong (to put it lightly). As I understand, Lambert attacked the conclave because mages wanted to vote for independence. Even if Andrian didn't frame Phys or didn't kill Pharamond at all, Lambert would still attack them, wouldn't he? Fiona still would suggest voting, Lambert still would come and say that this conclave must end, mages wouldn't agree (Phys can't be the only reason they didn't agree to just return to their circles, can he?) and the templars would attack. Arresting Phys was just an additional bonus for Lambert and an extra log added to the fire. Or did I get it wrong?
No, you did not get it wrong.
The only thing changed by Adrian killing Pharamond is that it forced Wynne to defend Rhys instead of siding against the mages. (Which was quite the gambit to make, since the last time Rhys was imprisoned wrongly Wynne straight up said “well I should’ve just let you starve to death if I knew you were a libertarian”.)
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boo-moved · 1 year
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
Yes 😭😭 Komi will start shit to entertain themselves. They ill also involve themselves to practice spellcasting (like they need it but we all need excuses to hit people)
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
No <3 Gale and Wyll have to force anything that isn't meat down their throat. It was a long journey for them to even eat dinners with the others (chronic anxiety haver and paranoid to think that they will try to poison him at first) They do really like peaches though, will go ham on a peach. Sticky face and paws after so it's once again bathtime.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc’s greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
This was hard! Komi doesn't really have a wish beyond just... being free. (That's what he thinks at least) At first it was because he was sitting in the back seat of his own life, someone else at the steering wheel while they're asleep in the back, eyes fluttering open and shut when a familiar turn is felt. But upon his new friends and family, it hits him. He wants to protect them, he may outlive them, but thats now his job (at least when it's not the bad ending, He has layers.) In the end he finds his own wish, to be strong enough to protect those who have less (ergo reflecting the wizard's temptation for him to get stronger so he could make his parents proud! Now it's to protect.) Basically ambition, but it's involving something more with finding a spell to replace a heart, give immortality, save from the sun, remove a devil's curse, etc. He will go as far as he possibly can for it, at the cost of himself
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don’t want to show other people?
Komi is a sadist, they want to play with lives and watch, give themselves the control they never had. They want to let loose, tear asunder, level the world in their own image. Of course, they can see how terrible this is, how much anger deep in their heart they hold that they cannot express. They refuse to show the others this, letting them see the cold side, occasionally softer side, but never the one who sat by the side of a wizard and helped dissect in the pursuit of learning how a sorcerer may work.
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what’s their favourite genre?
Screaming, crying, etc. Yes, they do, too much. It's all they had for almost a decade and a half, reading, reading, reading, learning, learning, learning. They never got enjoyment out of it til much later, when they reclaimed it as not a way to just learn, but to also see stories written and coming to life. They LOVEEEEE mysteries and cheesy ones at that. After the events, in a good ending they'll go off with Gale and write stories to publish.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
LETS GOOO, Komi is emo, his music taste and playlist reflect this. Gale hates this, he likes more classical and oldies, Komi will fight him on playing any classical music. I personally associate Desert Song by MCR with them because I too, enjoy MCR, my worst secret. it's very much Komi coded and I can and will explain why
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littlegamersims · 2 years
A last Lie (Solas x Elf!Inquisitor WIP)
“Solas…”She whispered his name softly as she laid in the ice cold water,a soft whimper leaving her lips as her body was overcome with another wave of burning agony. She knew there was no way he could have known that taking the anchor from her would lead to her own magic consuming her,killing her slowly and agonizingly. Solas…her first and only love,her vhenan. He had come so quietly into her life,but like the sky,he tore her heart asunder. He had caused her so much pain,yet he also had brought her so much joy. Exploring the fade,listening to his tales of what he had seen in long forgotten battles,watching him paint the murals on the walls,kissing in their dreams,he had been her greatest comfort and love. The Dreadwolf had taken her heart,simply by being himself. He had loved her and she him. 
Another wave of pain hit,blood came out of her mouth as she coughed,and she called for him again.She knew he may not hear,but all she wanted was him,so she called,hoping her soft voice would echo into the fade,echo far enough to catch his ear. “Solas!”She cried. The waves getting worse and the coldness of the water no longer a comfort. Soon there was no cold,instead there was warmth,a familiar scent. He Came. She looked up at him,and everything felt okay. He was there for her once more. His presence alone enough to calm her. 
His eyes were full of pain and sorrow,a tear fell onto her face. She gently caressed his face with the one arm she had left. “You came”Her voice was so soft,so weak. “You called,Vhenan” Solas said,his voice full of pain,his gloved hand caressing her face. 
The last hour of the Inquisitor’s life was in the arms of the man she loved,listening to one final lie. A lie about how the Dread Wolf saved the woman he loved,how he married her and they had many children. A lie of how they all lived happily in eternity. A lie they both wished was a truth.
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museincarnate · 1 year
"So... This Family..."
"First and foremost, this family started, regardless of timeline, with two bitter rivals: Shuen and Torno.
Shuen, a Paradox in living form, believed in peace, and embodied hope itself; protecting the helpless, even if he was just one man in the endless cosmos. He's been through his share of troubles; losing sight of who he was, what he believed in, and his very nature quietly dooming the universe he and Torno came from. Sure, that last part wasn't his fault, but still."
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"Torno, on the other hand, was a prince... His life torn asunder when he lost his mother, and in a fit of rage, snuffed out his father's life, for carrying out that misdeed. Called the Mighty Saiyan, his moniker isn't just there to intimidate others. With sheer force, alone, he hits as hard as the universe's very mass, without moving faster than a second. For years, his rage wouldn't subside, until he and Shuen seemed to work out their troubles before they found mates, and had their own respective children... At least, that's the constant variable across all timelines."
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"Respectively, Shuen and Torno had Yujin and Hakkona. Yujin, the first-born son of Shuen, was much like his father in his earlier years; joyful, optimistic, and quick on his feet, when it came to combat. With his training partner being Hakkona, from childhood to adulthood, the two fell in love and had a kid together. After this kid of theirs grew up, a long-waiting ancient being claimed his body as a host for his soul, and damned Yujin and Hakkona's son to permanent death. A soul destroyed, as well as the body that was once the child's own. After that Yujin drank heavily, hardly slept, and became a recluse."
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"As for Hakkona, she was and still is strong, like her father, Torno. After her child was taken from her and Yujin, though, she couldn't be around children, as it sent her into a mournful, blind rage. She'd learn to overcome that coping mechanism, and lead a more calm life. Though, in recent events, another Saiyan left her permanently scarred; albeit curing her of her socially timid personality, and making her more like Torno: stoic.
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"Now... Here's where the timelines split up, and things get a bit complicated. Shuen met a woman named Tazz; falling in love with her shortly after the darkest chapter in his life. She was his sunshine, when his own light had blackened due to events that broke even the greatest of heroes. The two of them bore two children; Saiyan-Luparian twins that are named Fen and Hati. Fen took after his father's personality, and was very proud of his mother's lineage and life as a Luparian, while... Hati disowned his own mother and brother, when Shuen, in that timeline, met a tragic end protecting all three of them from a Luparian Hunter. Of course, after tracking his brother down, events transpired that would reunite the family, by the time the twins reached adulthood."
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"In another timeline, Torno met a Rabbit Woman named Tater, and the two fell in love as well. In this timeline, Torno gave up protecting the vast universe, and settled down with Tater, and the two had twins of their own: Togeta and Frei. Just like Hakkona, Togeta took after her father; being rather rowdy and strong, and becoming a sort of vigilante once she grew up. As for Frei, he was practically a spitting image of his mother; sharing even some of her timid tendencies, and being softer-spoken. Frei was responsible for opening a means of communication between all of the timelines that Torno and Shuen exist in, with most other constants being unaffected."
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"Then... You have another timeline constant, though the age of her depends on which timeline is being visited. In the timeline where neither Shuen's OR Torno's twins exist, Aitez, the second child and daughter of Yujin and Hakkona, is but an infant. She was born out of mourning, and the hopes that she could help Yujin give up his bad coping mechanisms, while he and Hakkona split up after her birth. Replacing the void that their first child's absence had left, the Aitez of the twins' timelines is fully grown, and tomboyish in nature. Taking after an amalgamation of her predecessors, and the person she was named after, she has a chip on her shoulder, and knows little about her forgotten brother."
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"So... How do I know so much about this happy fucking family? You see, (reader), they may have forgotten, but a wish was granted by someone other than flesh and blood, to bring that son of Yujin and Hakkona back from his state of permanent death. Sure, it perverted the laws of life and death, but with it came a knowledge of everything that the family had done since the son was lost. Oh, that doesn't quite answer how I know all of this? Fine, I'll make it clearer."
A long drag from a cigarette would fill the lungs of the narrator; black sclera marking him for his very existence in the land of the living. Tones of disgust for this family had quietly intensified from the start, and the face that revealed itself to the reader would hold similarities to those of Hakkona and Yujin. Which meant...
"Like my name, I've severed all links to that family, because they've certainly seemed to have done the same to me. I am Ronin, the Forgotten Son that was replaced. Grandchild to Shuen and Torno, brother to Aitez, and nephew to Fen, Hati, Togeta and Frei. Or, that's what they'd likely tell you if they knew I lived once more. Soon... They'll know. There. You've met them. Hope it was worth hearing, before the real reunion eventually gets underway."
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necarion · 1 month
In my D&D campaign, my character is a Priest of Pelor, in a church founded by the legendary hero/paladin Mecarius of Mesalia. Every once in a while I'd tell "Mecarius stories" to my party. Figure Tumblr is a place to share them.
I won't explain some of the details, as they're specific to our campaign, but they mostly don't matter. The stories are posted here effectively unedited
1. Mecarius against the Siege City
Many years ago in a far away land
It is a time of war. The Empire of Light is beset by enemies within and without. From within, the Emperor Aurelius is sickly and weak, unable to stand up to the schemers in his own court. From without, rebels have joined forces with Eindring, the Dark Knight, and are quickly bearing down on the capitol city of Lutetia.
The Dark Knight is no ordinary warrior. Clad in armor black as night, he compels fear by his very presence. Clad in armor black as death, he wields Nachtlicht, the exsanguinate sword. Clad in armor as black as his very soul, he commands Todesstern, a siege engine powerful enough to obliterate an entire city. And the Dark Knight is riding to Lutetia to destroy the Empire, to destroy the Church, to destroy the forces of Light… once, and for all.
From forth the gates of the imperiled city burst the champions of light: the Luxits of the Church and the Hands of Pelor, with a single mission to destroy Todesstern before it's too late for the million souls of Lutetia.
Their mission is simple, but it is by no means easy, for Todesstern is a fortress. Built by enslaved Dwarvish sappers, it is larger than the flight of the greatest longbow, it sports armor a pace thick, and it weighs a million million tonnes. Enchanted by the darkest sorcerers in the empire, it can move inexorably under its own power, and every inch bristles with defenders. Todesstern cannot be breached by an army.
And yet today, it must be destroyed by a single man, or the city is doomed.
But no tasks are truly impossible in the light of Pelor. For His Grace shone upon Mecarius in a dream, speaking to him that Todesstern had a single weakness, a small sally port where Todesstern's dark sorceries were vented. For if a fireball, cast by a true believer, hit that one unassuming door, it would raze the dread engine to the ground.
The cavalry rode forth, but the battle went not well for the forces of Light. Mecarius' comrades were killed one-by-one, shot down by fire from Todesstern, cut by the Dark Knight and his blood-stained sword Nachtlicht. Mecarius' luck was little better. He circled Todesstern flinging fireballs, wielding Pelor's radiance, but never landing the true hit his god had spoken of in his dreams.
And for all watching the fight, hope was lost, for Todesstern's engines moved within range of the holy city.
But Mecarius feared not, and he put his trust in Pelor. He rode as had never been ridden before, guided by the Light, knowing his next strike could not miss. But…there was a great disturbance, and the Dark Knight rode up behind, Mecarius his only quarry. The Dark Knight brandished the bloody Nachtlicht and rode with more skill than any Mecarius had ever seen.
But Pelor's Light proved true; Mecarius' friend, Mann Alein (called in our tongue the Man Alone) chose that moment to return to the battle. Mecarius had worried his soul lost, had feared him a traitor. He should not have so thought! Mann Alein was here, aboard his trusty mount the Century Hawk, and threw a lance which pierced the thigh of the Dark Knight.
The Dark Knight roared in shock and rage, and for one crucial moment, ceased his pursuit of Mecarius.
In that instant, Pelor guided Mecarius' fireball, which was pulled into Todesstern's sally port with a great hiss.
And then, the linkages Todesstern burst asunder, its wheels ceased to turn, and the great city killer engine seized, though it was preparing its dread volley. And then Todesstern bloomed into a column of black sorcerous fire that reached the clouds.
Mecarius and the Mann Alein were heroes, and were given accolades in the square, for they had saved a million souls that day.
But for all the joy, there was fear. For the Dark Knight had escaped, and all knew his rage could kill across a hundred miles. They knew not whither he was gone, but only that he would seek vengeance for Todesstern, that The Dark Knight would soon Strike Back.
2. Mecarius and the Suit of Iron
One day while on pilgrimage, Mecarius was kidnapped by rebels, taken prisoner and held, trapped, in a darkened cave for 40 days and 40 nights. His captors, knowing not the light of Pelor, would have ransomed Mecarius, bankrupting the Church and destroying all Mecarius had worked so hard to build. But Mecarius knew he could not allow this to come to pass. He prayed to Pelor, who spake into his mind, and instructed him to build a suit of iron, heavier than any man could lift and frightful to behold.
Mecarius, being dutiful, built the suit. But he despaired for he could no lift the suit of iron. But being faithful, Mecarius again prayed to Pelor, who came forth unto him as Divine Light, light which Mecarius infused into a crystal he wore at his chest. And when he stepped into the suit of iron, the crystal glowed brightly. And lo, the suit of iron came to life, giving Mecarius the strength of 100 men, the power to slay his captors, and the chance to return to safety. Mecarius, being bold, took this chance and burst from his prison, a whirlwind of iron, a beacon of divine vengeance. He slayed the rebels holding him, at once saving himself and sparing the kingdom from their depredations, and returned home.
But once Mecarius had escaped the dreadful prison, Pelor drew back his Light, knowing the suit of iron would prove a temptation for the hearts of men, and the suit of iron fell to pieces in the sand. And there the suit of iron lies to this day, waiting for the day Pelor again deems it needed to protect the faithful.
3. Victory Speech and the Gospel of Santo Benjamino
I am deeply honored, your Holiness, and I will daily struggle to prove my worth. This Great Church is mighty, and I feel I have fought no harder than any devotee of Pelor, than would any disciple of Mecarius of Mesalia. Pelor has given me much, Mecarius has given me much: shelter when I was homeless, a family when I was forsaken, and power when I was defenseless. And so, in this trying time, I have been striving to give much back, to behave as Mecarius himself behaved: with the understanding that from one to whom much has been given, much will be expected, according to the Gospel of Beniamino. This is my Gospel, the teaching that first inspired me to the cloth, the teaching that first awoke in me the light of something greater. To my benighted soul, from the pen of Mecarius of Mesalia, came this gospel. And to Mecarius of Meslaia, from the lips of his uncle, came this gospel:
"Cum magna potestate, magna responsabilitas venit"
In keeping with my great duties on behalf of the church, I have done my utmost to defend the defenseless, to protect those who could not protect themselves. I have given all I could, and I have brought to the light of Pelor a group of misfits and performers, scholars and soldiers. Please stand, you Servants of Pelor, in recognition of all you have sacrificed to further the reach of Pelor's light. [I introduce the party, and Domitian, and tell the story of them holding the walls with magic. I then go into the story about infiltrating the camp all alone, and how they used the opportunity I gave them by infiltrating the camp and setting fires to keep the attention of the elves away]. You were powerful, and used your power to keep Lutetia safe. You could have run, but instead you risked your lives to help me save this army. You used your power to keep all the servants of Pelor safe:
"Cum magna potestate, magna responsabilitas venit"
You many in the army who risked much, who marched for days, this feast honors you and your commitment to the light of Pelor. I thank you from the bottom of my soul for coming to our aid. Through you, Pelor was truly merciful. But I would ask that you give special honor to the servants of Pelor who held the line for a month, for fought and died for Lutetia. You brave survivors, blessed by Pelor, servants of Pelor, please stand.
I am honored that you have fought with me, that you have prayed with me. I honor them for riding with me to assault the lines of the orcs even though their numbers were diminished. You knew you had little strength of arms left, but knew your reasonabilities to Pelor, to the servants of Pelor, and so you rode forth:
"Cum magna potestate, magna responsabilitas venit"
I stand here before you, a newly raised Priest of Pelor, having accomplished feats I’d never dreamed I’d do, with newfound authority I’d never dreamed I’d earn, with responsibilities I’d never dreamed I’d face. And I tell you plain: my task is more daunting than ever. In the battle against the treacherous Narvese, terrible magics were wielded. These dreadful magics caused destruction beyond my experience and have caused the dead to prowl battlefield beyond the walls of this very fortress. No, this is not Resurrection, for such a thing is of Pelor alone, but instead is Necromancy, a foul thing shunned by Pelor, for it denies the souls of their eternal rest. I loathe necromancy and all those who practice it, for it denied my SON his eternal rest. And yet my burden is to face it once again. For I have learnt from one of my brave followers, a man so grievously wounded in battle that he could not join us tonight, that the mountains near my birthplace are home not just to petty necromancers, but perhaps to one of the most powerful necromancers the world has known, a necromancer who I fear is providing aid and comfort to our enemy, the Narvese:
"Cum magna potestate, magna responsabilitas venit"
I tell you our task is not done. The elves, the treacherous elves, will try again, the same elves who have wounded me, left me thrice for dead. Our great foe, the unnamed sorcerer who slaughtered my brethren at the Abbey of Saint Simon, will try again to hurt the servants of Pelor. We have done well. This fortress held against a thousand Narvese, long enough for the light to prevail. The Shield of Saint Simon is still safe in our hands, unsullied by those who would take it. And still our task is not done. In this struggle, we must always keep in mind the Gospel of Beniamino. For as we have this power, the great power to protect Lutetia and the servants of Pelor, we have the responsibility, the great responsibility to protect them as well:
"Cum magna potestate, magna responsabilitas venit!"
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usagisbanexd · 1 year
+ SUPER SOLDIER SAILOR STARS #10 * _) _) >>C===3 :-* Kawaii Slash Lovers Collide Cosmic Paradise // Sailormoon/Pokémon/Potterverse Altfic Crossover, CHAPTER 1.0.010
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Motoki got his eyes crossed thinking about a muse. He thinks he’s going to be stupid. He thinks he’s got the right. He thinks she’s no good at moving. She thinks with her heart and never wants woman wise. She has a hard time knowing what to think about herself. She wants to die all the time. No, that’s the only one. He wants her to take her panties off, and doesn’t know why we waste our time writing with wax. They only have six days before the planet ends. We all want it to happen, we all want those little girls to stop dancing, all of Nipon hangs in the balance, all Indian magic was wrong. We haven’t even said goodbye to yesterday. Yeah, yesteryear. He never will. Don't get your hopes up, Ami-chan. Love will come to you like a too-tight fuku and rip your legs asunder. Kawaii, frownyface, love thunders on. Mako knows how to water a flower, Ami-chan, your mist is toxic force, Farfetch'd in the pigpen. Stop trying. Bleep, goes Ami's visor, and all the world inside her perverted eye. Itching to touch herself, itching to husk. Throbbing. Made male. Pale-mooned. Sleep-soaked. Refrigerator, open! Refrigerator, hit Ami in the fucking forehead! The boy is GANY'S, baby.
            “We can do this, Motoki Kamen,” says Sailorchibiganymede, appearing at his dashboard with her legs splayed, rubbing a rose against her labia. “We can kill the evil Sailorjupiter and collect his starseed! Bane of all the gods, he wanders heaven thinking he’s the greatest, but we know in his heart of hearts, he’s womb-born. Womb-born like woman, womb-born like that bitch Hotaru trapped down the cellar with a rope and two pairs of binoculars. I can bleed for you if you’re getting bored. I can see your incision. Do brains proffer explanation? Tickle me with a rose!”
            “Slow down,” says Motoki. “You’re too good for me. I’ve unleashed you and now I need to play catch-up. I need to go back to my la and fink phu. You’re too good to write better. You know it’s ‘baby.’ Baby, think for me, I’ll think for you.”
            “I think eternal stars,” says Fuku, turning around and showing her twat from a different angle. She knows he’s dancing all the way to the bank, tank on empty, does she know how to read a speedometer? What’s a speedometer?  Where’s the gas gauge? Sailorhotstudofmercury, fix my car!! I “love you,” Moto-chan. For Mako she sheds a tear, tissue from the stoli of her eye. Does her puss look good from this angle? He’s going to puke. I’ll resuscitate him. IRONS! NURSE, I SAID IRONS!
            “Slow down,” he says cooly to the mirror. “Slow.” She thinks he lives to breathe, but actually he thinks to live unencumbered. He’s a mystery, a divine one, and soon in her pussy she’ll clutch his jewel like the empress clam obtaining the pearl from the hand of God! And all the riches will be hers, and the plumber lives, and we’re glad he’s talking about this, and he works at an arcade, and that’s all right by me, I’ll fuck Mario later, I’ll fuck Mario good, but first I get this boy out of my head until he soils my fuku. Soil is the wrong word, operative shit, operative esther, operative sing-along, stat! I have two babies, two whole babies from my womb, and still a sealed hymen like a curse on women. Am I thinking too slow? Strike the mirror, check.
            I want to know when you’ll be okay. If you’re having a problem reading this, you’re not. Everybody belongs to the Empreors. Everybody is imp-bound. Every fossil uncovered des deez nutang Asia Palace pseudonym harukami. Knifeblade Maru-chan, every beautiful word taken by breasted female, and you and I alone my Moki-chan to harbor against a rock and cling to villages in fantasy where women go to war. Why am I alone in this? Women go to war. Baby, relax, I’m thinking slowly. He tells the whole thing to his head and feels it wash away.
            Moki at the throne of an Impala. Moki driving, staff assisted. Moki at the arcade. Moki fielding deadly cinema, Mokley with a gun in hand. Do we know why Mokley knows Mokley? Can we tell? Does Matoko know that God is watching? And dear Makoto, dead on the floor, time out of time predatress kneeling by her wingside, thinking she’s her mistress, that’s okay – THAT’S NOT OKAAY. BABY, THAT’S NOT OKAY. SAY MATOKI. I’LL REASON WITH TIME ON BEHALF OF MOON FLYING TOWARD FAVOR IN THE MILKY WAY. WHERE ARE WE? YOU KNOW, SO TELL ME.
            Makoto lies alone. Mako has his girl. Ami-chan sleeps with a knife in her pocket, knowing the wisdom through which she sees the world is nothing but an empty doom torn outside like a glove into heaven. And I burst. And I’m done. And I tried to help but I’m Ami and I’m evil. And I’ll never take the visor off. And I’ll never be a real girl. And I love Matoki, big and small, but all people are the same and some have similar names, and you’ll never achieve lift-off typing like that, Ami-chan, so type short sentences and I’ll assist you by buying you a Macintosh. A brand new Macintosh?! Mommy, you shouldn’t have! And Sailortrannyjupito sings songs about Kreyayshawn, white-nosed, presagething a flood, never getting her due, bleeding semina somewhere in the backseat of a rideshare, counting her million. Sailorchibiganymede lives past and present, but Moto is so tired and so ashamed. Do I flash him the beatstick? The lips? The beautiful pink wonderland betwixt that ugly bone at the bereft of my thigh? I worked hard for that bone; I stole it from the corpse of Zeus descended. Teehee, he had thought to misremember his iniquity, but all fingers point to troubled Ganymede. My beloved soldiers me through fields toward the great pink and gold city planet in the sky, untouched by man, throwing up illusions, a nom casino flung like coins like rainwater out of buckets all across the streets, Ami cannot reach it, if Ami dares to go, she dies, and fair-faced Ganymede, the never morninged raver, is the city liberated from Yahweh’s twisted curses. Sailorgamorrah ascended, Sailorgamorrah my mother, Sailorgamorrah perfect star, live to rise again!
            “Come to Ganymede, Moto, baby,” sings Sailorchibiganymede, making air traffic controller acrobatics with her arms, legs doing nothing but holding the wheel where his hands are. His hands on her legs. Her legs. She’s never been a rose. Ami has pricked herself. Ami has died. Ami is monster of the week, moss-headed, mudded, entangled. Ami’s next. “TURN RIGHT! KILL MAKO-CHAN! FOREVER BLOSSOM! NINETY FOUR SISTERS, AWAKEN!”
            Mako thinks. Mako wants to know. Mako believes Ami doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but Sailorunderprivilegeddtennesseangirl sleeps with her head tucked to her cleavage and her ugly dagger’s chin alert for plunging, plunging medal modesty into the hearts of miscellaneous penised people, the golden nymphs beyond her reason blooming outward from her head like a greater beauty seeking a greater light, leaving her eyes, leaving her ears, leaving her hair behind. And Sailorhermaphroditus her bastard child lives like a leaf, losing little, losing limpids, crawling through nature, unwinding, out of time, never afeared, always becoming greater through the metric of building, and that’s her partition, and Ganymede holds her at the tip of her womb, her whole body’s her womb, but a little star pix brightly shining collapses into everything at the basketball’s spinning point upon her fingertip, and Ganymede holds all the cards, what ugliness does Ami harbor, what black blood in a trash can, a weapon, Eve’s curse, Gany pukes. Gany doesn’t care. Gany is man-born, stolen to heaven by Jupiter. Last night he did remember. In the secret trove of his apartment he the only man reigns and rains, see how it is? Rains and reigns over ninety four flowers, all of them women, and never leaves. Kill him with us, Ami-chan, his evil knows no bounds. Don’t you see how all this comes to be?
            “Who are you talking to, Mako?”
            “I am Sailorganymede, mother of the orphan tree! Fear not my name which settles thee upon the branch of inconvee! Teehee, wheehee, ouioui.”
            “Baby, you offered Mercury a spot,” says Motoki.
            “Honey, I called to her through time. Her evil womb encases you for fear of manly women. I spoke to my father the sun this day and he told me to sacrifice you like Isaac upon the mountain, the iron-barked mountain, Ami threatens me, she ties my tongue, she knows no God, she is computer-born. Avaunt! I said ‘Soon, I die!’ Why bring that on? I thought you loved me, grew this vagina for you, plucked me from my garden in Jupiter’s thigh and gave myself to a vestige of you iron-born. Get this silly haggot from me hence! Or soon I embark upon a war of recompense! Peace sign! Kawaii! Teehee! Dark Kool Aid Prism Power, Poverty Make-Up!”
            “I am a spirit,” says Ami.
            “Then speak bravely of where you are.”
            “I am in chains,” she says.
            “A simulation, as you have ever been. You gave your heart to Galaxia, baby, you did it to drink beer. Figure that out for yourself and we’ll find ourselves a man through the mask of your personage. We are all, we drink the earth and sun and dawn and moon and sky and ground and eternity of sex and love! Sex and love! Moon-chan, that’s something to fight for. Does she hear me from beyond the grave? I tire of never talking. Ami, call his phone.”
            “No,” he says.
            “Okay, but I’m a dead girl in a flower astral projecting myself on his dashboard. What’s a poor lass to do but roll over and die? YOUR WORDS, AMI. WHY? WHY? WHY? CRY. CRY, FLY, OR DIE. BUT NOT THROUGH MY TONGUE WILL I EVER LET YOU LIE.”
            “I’m poor,” says Ami. “And grave.”
            “Since Moon has died, my dear friend Ami, who has played the knave?”
         ��  “You can do this all day,” says Ami, firing a missile hence. “But no one will read it. It’s too grave.”
            “There are starseeds thrown to good earth waiting to blossom, penised flowers in the garden of a goddess greater than your understanding, Ami P, who shall take up all mantles like fair Atlas the rippling assus and give to the earth a bounty of young Romuli incarnate eternum? Don’t shackle me and do NOT conspire! Rupaul watches you from a future vantage, A batch of young is your doing, Ami P, your future, and you curse yourself in so choosing. I shall have infinite children. The sun is in my throat and her song is fecundity. Soon. . . I DIE! AVAUNT!!”
            “Hold on,” says Motoki, fixing the rear view. “I’m almost there.”
            “Who sleeps waiting for the phallus?” says Chibiganymede, her eyes three crystals torn from tsundere, stepped on, trampled on, stomped on, STOMP. Tsundere break. Tsundere build. Tsundere crash. “Await me, God! Baseball Jersey Kamen, I come!”
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mmorgtricks · 2 years
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random-tinies · 3 years
Sea and Sky and Stupid Decisions
hi there! bio anon here, wanted to post a thing i made in the mcyt g/t discord here. it was initially just a little prompt but it ended up spiraling out of control ;P this is about 1 parts noms story to 3 parts legend myth, because i haven’t any idea how to write noms without plot ;P
(thanks again for letting me submit this to you!!)
content warnings for: soft vore, fearplay, major injury (not delved into at all), blood (also not delved into much)
The sea is vast and unforgiving. It holds no master, it does not bargain or hold grudges, it simply takes and gifts as it pleases, a bringer of life and freedom and of death and deep crushing depths all at once. It is unknowable to mortal minds.
It can also, on occasion, be extremely stupid in its decision making.
The sea god, in the form of a vast whale shark, had been gliding through his domain with a peaceful certainty of his power. The sun beat down upon his vast spotted back, glittering the stripes of gold and emerald that signified his divinity along his fins. The vast open ocean was where he was most powerful, most tricky to deal with. Along the calmer coral reefs and kelp forests and shallow shores of his domain there was the certainty of land beneath you, even if it was buried under the ocean tides. In the open ocean you were a puppet to the playing tides, the world went on endlessly beneath and above you, and if you were in danger there was nothing you could do but plead to the ocean for a mercy that he never felt too inclined to give. 
The sea god had been making his way, with the endless patience of the filter feeder he was taking the form of, towards a tiny wooden boat bobbing like a toy atop his ocean. It was always fun to snap up a couple of mortals from their refuges at the surface, to remind them that their fear of the sea is not unfounded. It was a little surprising though that there was one all of the way out here - the main village trade routes generally kept to the shorelines in fear of his capricious nature. This mortal was either very brave or very lost.
It didn’t matter. The sea god swam languidly towards the tiny toy contraption, and however many creatures were inside of it.
He shifted into a sea serpent’s shape as he got closer, allowing the mortal the dubious honor of seeing its own doom approaching in the form of almost a kilometer long stretch of scales and fins, far more vast than even the greatest of the sea god’s creatures.
The psychic scent of a mortal in a deep panic, of a fearful and desperate prayer being sent out, made him grin. Then the sea god surfaced in a blast of surf and, in one bite, entrapped the boat and crushed the wooden frame like it was little more than a splinter. The sea god sank below the waves that were pushed up by his arrival, descending into the depths to play with this mortal.
The first thing he did was shrink down from his vast form into something a little more manageable. The scent of fear and terror and faster prayers (too late little mortal. You are in my domain now) made him decide on something that would tease even more terror from it. He chose an enormous shark, one with rows and rows of teeth that oh-so-carefully shredded the boat further, releasing the mortal from it and spitting out the remains of the pathetic ship. 
It flailed in his mouth, and he could feel the texture of feathers and wings. Perhaps the mortal had been bringing birds with it. Feathery little ground-fowl that were so beneath him he could hardly feel their presence. He amused himself in the mortal’s pathetic struggles for a moment longer, before opening his mouth and gulping in an enormous swallow of sea water that washed the mortal down into his gullet. It continued to struggle all the while, and he was starting to really like it’s fear. Just the tiniest hint of useless hope in the center of it to make it persist even when the mortal was all but dead. 
He swam for a long while in the indigo blue deep sea, indulging in the feeling of struggle and burning land-based life in the middle of his domain. But… hm, he could go more with this. The mortal had remained remarkably resilient and active in its useless hope, and he wanted to see if he couldn’t tease out any more reactions from it before it eventually perished.
He started slowly, shrinking from the enormous shark into a massive tuna fish with scales lined in emerald, and felt with it the movements of the mortal get arrested in his stomach. The once large space it had been flailing in had decreased dramatically, and he could tell it was nervous about that. 
Then he shrank further, into an oarfish with trailing fins of gold glitter. Its long snake-like body compressed the mortal further, and it had started struggling again for a different reason than before. The sea god whipped around joyously at the feeling, spurring from his erratic movements another wave of fear. 
Finally, the sea god shrank further still into the form of an elder guardian, its spiny scales shivering and clicking as the size of the mortal within him pushed out against the organs that crowded close around it. He lazily made his way back to the surface, the warm sun once again comforting on his back. He was done with this mortal, and the way it curled up tight within him was satisfying enough that he desired nothing more from it. Soon he would let it die, or descend further into the depths and allow the ocean to crush it more thoroughly than any animal’s stomach could. 
It was there, lying at the surface of the open ocean, shivering alabaster scales as the mortal seemingly never ran out of energy to push on the god around it, that the sea god was interrupted. 
And lo, the sky ripped asunder and the heavens fell and in their wake the Goddess of the Continuation After stepped upon the ocean god’s calm sea, shepherded not by her faithful acolyte.
And She said unto the ocean god -
“Release him from your grasp, he is not yours to take.”
And the ocean god smiled and transformed into an enormous dragonfish, and spoke to Her on the sea breeze.
“Deaths at sea are my domain, dear sister goddess. I do not tell you who not to take on land or sky, you should not insult me to insist you take from my oceans too.”
And She said in return, “that is my messenger and lover, my Angel who harkens my power. I demand his safe return to me.”
And the ocean god said - “wait shit really?”
If he weren’t so caught up in playing with the mortal in such a way, the sea god supposed he would have realized that the feathers that had tickled his mouth had continued to persist, pressed up against a wall of his stomach. Not a simple ground bird’s plumage, but a vast creature’s wingspan. Wings fit for an angel. 
It (he? The god supposed he would need to no longer think of it as a simple mortal) had renewed its struggles with more vigor than even before, hearing its Lady’s voice. 
Despite the sea god’s surprise and Her demands, he felt anger build in him. The angel had been foolish enough to travel his seas, he should accept the risks that are brought with it. She had allowed her attendant worshipper to leave Her all-seeing sight - clearly She didn’t care about it that much. Gods can be territorial over what they own, and clearly this was just a case of the sea god taking a toy that She decided She still wanted.
And so, in his infinite wisdom, the sea god bared jagged glass teeth at the Goddess of What Comes After and refused to relinquish the angel to Her. 
“I am fond of Your angel now. He has travelled with me to the depths of the ocean, and witnessed my power and myriad of beautiful creatures. I think I would like to keep him, dear sister.”
The Goddess raised Her wings of ebony and jet, and scavenging carrion birds that did not belong in the domain of the open ocean fled from Her and trailed into the sky.  She said to the sea god - 
“Do not become a fool, brother god. You will let my Angel go, or I may tear him from your gut. I will scatter your blood to all of the oceans of the world, and let your own creations feast upon you as you have feasted upon what is Mine.”
The sea god dropped his guise of the beasts of the sea, and in the form of a man wrought in gold and emerald he rose from the waters to stand before the Lady of the Lost. The two mighty gods clashed, tearing the sea and sky with their battle as the Goddess seeked to take back what was Her’s and the sea god desired to keep what he had claimed.
Their struggle only ended when the Angel, fearful and hurt by the pain his Lady had received in the fight and the harm that had come to himself from within the sea god, cried out. The Goddess of the Unforgiving Conclusion drew up a vast sword of midnight and tore the sea god open from the back.
From the god’s divine blood, the Angel emerged unharmed from his Goddess’ attack, and fled from the grasp of the wounded sea god into the great swarm of carrion birds that circled above.
The Goddess cast the sea god into the dark depths of the ocean, and wiped her sword of deep black clean. Where the droplets of divine blood hit the earth, all over the world, lay the tiniest portion of the sea god’s power in totems of gold and emerald. Where it hit the sea great pyramids of prismarine grew around it to celebrate its power. Now with his power broken into a thousand pieces, the sea god fled into the depths of the ocean, and he knew himself to be foolish for having tried to fight Her.
He never was quite the same from that day forward. The sea, his domain, was never fully his anymore. The wound along his back, struck to slice his gut open and release the mortal, never truly healed and even in the many shapes of the creatures of the sea it was still visible as a deep black scar. 
In penitence for his childish stupidity he stepped up onto the shores that he had so despised for so long and, in the form of both a shark and a man, he tried to learn about the mortals that lived outside of his open ocean waters for the first time. 
He had been foolish, and as such he didn’t deserve to rule the seas he had before. Perhaps though, one day, he can regain this title. Perhaps he could be reborn into this role, if the Lady so permits.
If the Angel forgives him, he may find his way back to the sea again.
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lifeattomsdiner · 4 years
Since people have been posting their games of Olaf Hits The Dragon With His Sword, and since I love indulging in a bit of purple prose now and then, I ran a game of my own for a bit of fun.  Results under the cut!
And it came to pass, so the songs tell us, that in days of old there was a warrior named Olaf, whose prowess was mighty and whose deeds were great.  With a stroke of his sword he could split a boulder in two; he could set his shield against a hurricane and not be stirred an inch.  Monsters and devils that plagued the ordinary folk were game to him, and wheresoever he went the broken remains of those foolish enough to stand against him were strewn in his wake, for it was meet that a warrior of such great ability might set forth to earn fame and fortune by the strength of his arm.  [+1 AMBITION]
At length he came to a land beset by the depredations of a great dragon. No ordinary wyrm this; its foul breath could wither fields of crops entire, and the passing of its shadow was known to strike strong folk dead with stark terror.  Its ravenousness could not be sated, for it set forth with cold malice to devour, wither and rot all in its path—some said that it would, in time, devour the entire world. [+1 DEATH]
Hearing of the dire beast, Olaf went forthwith to the deep, yawning cavern in which it was reputed to make its lair.  Standing in the last pale traces of sunlight, he took a great breath and bellowed into the deep darkness, “Beast of the unholy depths!  Ravener of the lands, slaughterer of the good folk!  I am Olaf, and I come with wrath and blade to end your terror!  My fury shall clip your wings; my might shall split your thick hide asunder and peel the rotten meat from off your bones!  And when you lie dead at my feet, I shall take your skull as a trophy, to proclaim to all the world the righteous wrath with which Olaf deals with such monsters!” [+1 BLOOD]
With in the depths, the pale dragon stirred and replied with a voice that was a whisper of doom: “High honor indeed!  To be visited upon by such a man!  A man of accomplished violence, a man of blood and tears who has left countless bereaved weeping in his wake!  No better end can I conceive of than to be slain by a man who makes death his life!” [+1 AMBITION]
“Forgo your false pleasantries, beast!” Olaf said.  “I have conquered all who have stood before me.  I wrestled the great serpent that lived in the Lake of Shadows and tore its head from its neck; the giant of the Whispering Woods I smote at the knees so that he knelt before me to receive my deathblow; the armies of the Iron Castle scattered before me.  Think you that you shall fare any better, pale worm?  I am the great ender of your kind!” [+1 AMBITION]
“Spoken well,” replied the dragon.  “But pretty words hide foolishness as gilt does plain iron, and thy foolishness runs deep, o Olaf.  For art though not but the latest of many to proclaim invincibility in the hour of thy greatest mortal peril?  History is littered with the unsung skulls of thy forbears, Olaf; they await yours to join them!” [+1 IRON]
“Unsung?” said Olaf.  “Nay, not unsung I, for already my legend is known throughout many lands, carried on grateful tongues.  I fear not death, dragon, for one dies only when they are remembered no longer, when their deeds are no longer sung in the great halls.  Fall here I may, yet the memory of Olaf the mighty shall endure even unto the ending of the world.” [+1 DEATH]
The dragon’s laughter rattled the stone of the cave.  “Unto the ending of the world?  All things have their time, mighty Olaf, all things die, even memory, even the world itself.  Triumph or fall here, it matters not; in the end, thy flesh and bones shall become dust, thy glory rubble, thy memory a faded curiosity.  Fight, Olaf, but the end awaits you nonetheless.” [+1 DEATH]
Olaf hit the dragon with his sword.
[ROLL: 1 red, 1 black, 3 gold, 3 white.  DEATH dominates.]
The blow rang out, dashing the dragon’s body down where it was broken on the cold stone of the cavern floor, and setting the walls shaking. The tremors brought great boulders crashing down upon the entrance to the cavern, where they shut out every last drop of sunlight, plunging the two adversaries into utter darkness.
“And so the site of my greatest glory is to be my tomb as well,” Olaf said.  “I am satisfied; it makes a fitting end to my song.  For ages yet to come, folk will sing of the might of Olaf and the foes he slew, how he was a hero without peer on the face of the earth.”
Laughter shuddered from the dragon’s carcass as the last drops of life bled out of it.  “A hero they shall name thee, and a hero they shall misname thee, Olaf with a mind of blood and gold.  Thou never didst care for anything but thy own fame and fortune, and thou never didst resolve a quarrel but by drawing steel and drawing blood.  Thou wast a scourge on the land as surely as I, Olaf, and in time the bloody hands of those such as thee shall tear down all that is good in the world...”
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acoursenmiracles · 3 years
Leading Miracles of the Holly Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
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A number of wonders were offered and also performed by the Holly Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the proof of his prophet hood. The greatest wonder was Holly Quran.
History reveals that Allah Subhan Tallah Send his messenger for assisting individuals to every country of world. Those carrier onward the message of Allah Subhan Tallah as well as enlighten them. For this objective long times they utilized wonders by the authorization as well as power of Allah Subhan Tallah..
Moses contemporaries was a great illusionist. He defeat the great illusionists of Egypt of his days.
Jesus contemporaries was a wonderful physicians. His excellent wonder was increase the dead as well as cure the incurable disease.
The Arab fantastic leader Prophet Muhammad was understood their eloquence as well as the splendid poetry. So the Arab leader Prophet Muhammad significant miracle was the Holly Quran. An excellent Books, describing the ideal path for their individuals as well as defeat the Arab poets as well as orator of his days.
As the miracles of Holly Prophet concern, the Quran is an online wonder. The Prophet wonder Quran is a everlasting and global wonder.
This excellent miracles acim  of the Quran the Prophet of Islam had done might other physical miracles for proof his prophet hood. These are narrated listed below.
Splitting of the Moon.
Food Multiplication.
Water Multiplication.
Sobbing of the stem of the Date-palm Tree.
Supplication for Rain.
Lights to direct Companions.
Glorification of Allah by the Prophet's meals.
The explusion of a liar's corpse by the Earth.
The Speech of the Wolf.
The Prophet's Night Journey to Jerusalem and also Ascent to the Heavens.
( 1) Splitting of Moon.
Almighty Allah states, (The Hour has approached, and the moon has been slit asunder.) (An-Najm 53:1).
According to Imam al-Bukharireported on the authority of 'Abdullah that stated,.
The moon was slit and also asunder while we remain in the business of Prophet, it ended up being 2 components when the Prophet claimed, Witness, witness (this wonder).
( 2) Food Multiplication.
I came to Holly Prophet as well as claimed, My late fatherleaving unsettled debts. And also I have absolutely nothing anticipate the return of his day palms; as well as their surrender for lots of years will not cover his debts.; Then the Holly Prophet went round one of the stacks of days as well as invoked( Allah), as well as then he did the same with a various other stack as well as rested on it and also stated, Measure (for them).
( 3 )Water Multiplication:.
The Holy Prophet Place his hand in it as well as said Come to bless water and also the Blessing is from Allah. I saw the water moving from among the finger of Holy Prophet and no question, we heard the dish proclaiming Allah, when it was being consumed (by him).
( 4) Crying of the stem of the Date-palm Tree:.
Reported by al-Bukhari According to IbnUmer. The Holy Prophet made use of to supply his sermons while standing beside a trunk of a date-palm. He used it instead when he had the pulpit made. The trunk begin sobbing as well as The Holy Prophet went to it, scrubing his hand over hit.
( 5) The Holly Prophet; s Night Journey to Jerusalem and Ascent to Heavens:.
Almighty Allah says in Surate al-Isra, (The And We approved the vision (Ascension to the heavens) which We made you see (as an actual eye witness was only made as a trial for the people.) (Al-Isra' 17:60).
Ibn 'Abbas added: The views which Holly Prophet was shown on the Night Journey when he was required to Bayt-ul-Maqdis (i.e. Jerusalem) were real views, (not dreams). And the Cursed Tree (mentioned) in the Qur' an is the tree of Zaqqum (itself). (Reported by al-Bukhari).
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Hi hi, I have an idea for a request idk if you'd be up for it, but Cal being drawn to the reader when they first meet because she's strong with the force but it turns out she's related to a sith and has been hiding from Palpatine because she doesn't want to give in to the dark side and hurt innocent people, mayhaps? But if you're not feeling it then no worries love!❤❤
Hi Anon! Sorry if it took me a while to answer, I had to finish the other requests, but I was already making the draft when I got this request so obviously I was up for it~! ^w^ So sorry again that you had to wait, but I hope you’d enjoy this fic, Anon! ❤❤
“Stronger Than Blood” | Chapter 1: Another Happy Landing | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: Meeting another Force-sensitive was one thing, but having them related to one of the most formidable known duelers was a whole other story to tell. While being stranded in another planet after barely escaping the Haxion Brood, Cal crosses paths with someone who’s at a crossroads with their own identity and lineage.
A/N: This was fun for me to write on, because obviously this prompt is new to me. Rarely do I make the Reader a Dark Side character—one way or another. Also, I wonder if the devs are ever gonna put a currency system in the future SWJFO games—you know, like actual money to buy stuff? That’d be so great. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the fic!
Also posted in AO3
Tags: Force-User! Reader, Force-Sensitive! Reader, Sith-Related! Reader
Next: Part 2 | Masterlist
1 of ?
Four consecutive blasts from an unseen enemy quakes the Mantis. The screens in the cockpit—both big and small—flash red as an alarm blares from an unknown source. All three crew members were on high alert.
“Captain, what’s going on with the ship?!”
“We’re being pursued by a freighter ship!” the young Jedi reported with a frantic voice, he had to hold his monitor with both hands to keep it from shaking.
“Haxion!” the captain hissed. He then threw his arms all over his dashboard while keeping himself glued to his seat.
Apparently, the flailing of four arms altogether was a bit distracting in Cal’s peripheral vision. When Greez met the boy’s expression that obviously screamed “What are you doing now?” the captain got cocky and began to prep the ship for hyperspace in the middle of a burnout.
“GREEZ, THAT’S TOO DANGEROUS!!” Cere objected.
The two adults bickered, having Cal stuck in the middle of it all—with nothing else to do but to watch the monitors, turn some knobs to stabilize the overheating and keep it that way.
“Guys, if you’re done arguing!!” Cal finally snapped. “The ship can make a jump to the next planet that’s seven parsecs away.”
“Well then, let’s get to that seven-parsecs-away planet!!”
The Lateron continued his handiwork with all of the controls in front of him, the finishing touch being the pull of the lever to activate the jump to lightspeed. He cranked the silver handle hard—so hard to the point that the sound of the shaft was a loud clank of gears and cogs—and the next thing they know, they were looming through that bright blue tunnel of light into the next side of the galaxy.
The crew finally got a breather after evading cannon fire from the Haxion Brood’s ships, but the Mantis is barely holding herself together. The screens continue to flash red at the crew, Cal caught a glimpse of their destination in one of his dashboard’s monitors.
“Nalima,” he reads out loud to everyone.
“I’ve heard of this planet—the capital city isn’t too far in our trajectory,” Cere spoke while keeping her eyes glued to her communications monitor.
“Yeah, I’m picking up a lot of signatures in my screens here,”
“Well, I hope we find a nice spot just right in front of the Imps’ noses, eh?”
Greez’s sarcastic remark was received with an unimpressed glare from Cere, adding up Cal’s awkward side-eyed glance just to see both persons’ reactions.
Things returned to their regular flow seconds later—save for the constant red alert that the Mantis keeps reminding the crew—and they’re about to exit hyperspace in less than a parsec. Greez expressed perhaps the greatest concern he’s ever openly said to his crew—and it was something not to be taken lightly of, the other two knew caught wind of it and actually had similar thoughts.
Cal, who always seem to be optimistic about things even in the most dire of predicaments, suggested landing someplace where there’s a docking bay and a workshop where they can have the Mantis checked.
“Let’s hope it’s not gonna cost me as much as a new ship!” Greez jabbed.
The Mantis throttles its way through the atmosphere, the turbulence was much stronger considering that the suspension is nearly asunder—along with the other parts of the ship that the Brood has taken a hit on. The captain warns everyone to buckle up and hold on tight, as he himself does the same while keeping a grip on the steering wheel with all four arms.
Greez struggled to keep the Mantis from swerving, there wasn’t much he could do with the exhaust that caught fire when they tore through the thin sheet of the atmosphere. Cal managed to find a spot where they can safely land, away from the eyes of prospective enemies—since they’re not even sure if the Empire has planted its feet on the planet’s soil, but it’s not much of a stretch for that to be a fact.
The captain landed the Mantis in what ought to be an abandoned shipyard. Perfect. Literally away from all the eyes who would take interest of ransacking the thing—except, of course, thieves.
“Well now…” Cal ran his fingers through his hair, combing back the locks that drooped over his forehead. “Another happy landing.”
Promptly, the entire crew checked on the vital areas of the Mantis. Cal sped back the engine room—which was also his bedroom—and hot air fumed within the narrow space, beads of sweat instantaneously dotted his neck and temples the moment he stepped inside.
“Okay, I think we got a cooked hyperdrive compressor here!” he coughed, fanning the pungent smoke that wafted around his bedroom.
When he was received with no reaction, he assumed the other two had gone out of the ship to check the exterior damage. He repeated what he found inside while Greez gawks at the horridly bent hydraulic tendon of the landing gear.
“Well, that’s just great! Where are we gonna get spare parts!? It’s gonna take forever for us to patch her up again!”
“Look on the bright side, at least we’re in civilization—there’s bound to be one,”
“Kid, I wish I could see that bright side in this dark place I’m in,” Greez whined.
Cere consoled the Lateron captain, assuring him that things will come through. In the meantime, Cal volunteered to go around the city, hopefully to find a kind soul who could hook them up with some spare parts for cheap and an extra set of hands—if they’re extra lucky.
“We’ll stay in the ship, see if the Imperial presence is dense here. We’ll lay low while you go around,” Cere’s tone immediately changed from cool to stern, that meant that she’s about to repeat herself in warning Cal to be careful.
“I know, I know. I mean, hey, what could go wrong past this?”
“I wouldn’t count on it, Cal!” Greez added, anxious of whatever outcome will walk into the picture in the next moment.
Cal mumbled “Come on” to BD-1 perched onto his shoulder before heading into the city proper. The little droid replied with a tiny beep in agreement. The Lateron’s overly-anxious grumbling over the Mantis is gradually drowned out by the busy noises of the city as Cal approaches.
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calboniferous · 3 years
Even the light of life couldn’t escape death, regardless of how brightly it shone or how much it was needed. Watching the red stain spread across Qui-Gon’s tunics, Obi-Wan was painfully aware there were no exceptions in death. No mercy to the living. --- Pacific-rim inspired AU where Jedi can share minds through their force bonds. The synchronicity this gives them is legendary across the galaxy but the technique's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are One during the duel with Maul and the consequences come calling.
Chapter 1 - Torn
Obi-Wan-and-Qui-Gon didn’t think it would hurt this much. They didn’t know they could hurt this much.
They had been hurt while sharing minds before – it was unavoidable with the kinds of missions the Master-Padawan duo took – yet the burning agony they felt now was a unique agony.
A simple misstep.
A feint the master would only fall for one in a million times but when the chips of fate tumbled through the Force, chance played its hand.
The bloody light of the sabre sprouted from Qui-Gon’s back and Obi-Wan-and-Qui-Gon was set alight. The physical pain of the Padawan mirrored that of his Master as blazing-white agony seared their chest.
Deafened by the blood rushing in their ears, they sensed more than heard Obi-Wan’s hoarse cry.
The Sith curled his lips in a vicious grin over Qui-Gon’s shoulder, teeth crimson in the light of his blade. He tore his blade from Qui-Gon’s body and the Master hit the ground, sabre slipping from their grasp.
Synchronicity broken, the bond stretched and sparked as Obi-Wan-and-Qui-Gon’s perception warped out of alignment. One half was crumpled on the floor, the other half’s knuckles white with his grip on his ignited sabre.
Obi-Wan’s breaths came fast and ragged as they he struggled to blink the image of himself trapped behind the ray shield from his vision.
It was all he could do to ground himself in his own body as the turmoil of the bond threatening to sweep him under the churning storm of feelings-thoughts-senses. He trembled.
A sickening weightlessness bled through the connection and Obi-Wan was acquainted with the sensation of his Master’s tethers to life unspooling. There was a nauseating tug as each strand pulled free, like stitches dragged one-by-one from a wound. Unbinding. Letting the raw edges split open and that oh so precious lifeblood spill.
Master, stay with me!
Even as he doubled down on their bond, his grasp on the psychic storm slipped.
The Sith stepped over the still form and, with his sabre slagging metal as it dragged across the floor in his wake, pinned Obi-Wan with his yellow gaze.
Hunger and cruelty were written in every line of his stance and satisfaction hung from his shoulders in a dark shroud. How anyone could take such vile pleasure in death was incomprehensible to Obi-Wan.
True darkness was found in the way the Sith’s cut Qui-Gon’s life threads as surely as a god cuts the strings from their mortal puppets.
Curled on the floor, unmoving, Qui-Gon had never looked so lightless.
Shaking, the pain Obi-Wan felt indicated that his wounded half still clung to life.
Time dragged onwards. The shields remained.
Qui-Gon’s broken remains slipped ever closer to the veil with every passing second. Once a soul crosses the event horizon, no tether to mortality, however strong it may be, can defy the draw of death.
It is the singularity warping the fabric of existence.
The end of all things and yet, it is that from which all things came.
Obi-Wan once heard it likened to the supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy when he was a junior padawan and he dreamt of bent starlight for weeks afterwards. The vacuum of space silencing the cosmic screams of stars torn asunder and devoured thread by glowing thread.
Even the light of life couldn’t escape death, regardless of how brightly it shone or how much it was needed.
Watching the red stain spread across Qui-Gon’s tunics, Obi-Wan was painfully aware there were no exceptions in death. No mercy to the living.
 Azure blade singing in discordant harmony with Obi-Wan’s anguish, the lance of burning pain in his chest reminded him that he had to end this now. The ray shields opened and Obi-Wan leapt.
Unbalanced and heavy-handed, it was only the drilled muscle memory that kept Obi-Wan from following his Master’s fate then and there. The Sith had clearly anticipated this reaction and his vicious, satisfied grin showed it.
Red met blue with thundering force, blades screeching as they clashed, disengaged, and flashed to meet again.
He countered Obi-Wan’s wild strikes with equal ferocity but he had control that the padawan was blind to in that moment.
Giving ground, the enemy led the duel closer and closer to the edge of the platform with every exchange. Then, deflecting Obi-Wan’s slash to the side, the Sith kicked him square in the chest.
Obi-Wan slipped over the edge of the reactor platform, barely managing to catch a protrusion and save himself from the hungry drop. His sabre flickered out as it was lost to the depths below.
The echoed input from his Master was electric with fear as he watched Obi-Wan disappear from view. Relief flickered between them as they both felt the ache in Obi-Wan’s shoulders from the sharp stop, the muscles in his hands straining to hold on, and the sucking nothingness under his dangling legs.
Terror brought clarity and Obi-Wan felt the bond twist again – calling to him. He was the only half of their bond in motion, the only one who could fight. They couldn’t afford to be misaligned if Obi-Wan was to win.
We need balance.
Gritting his teeth against the mental static and disorientation, Obi-Wan dropped his last few shields around the bond and let his force signature meld with Qui-Gon’s.
They were lying on the floor. They were dangling over the reactor pit. Images and senses superimposed on top of each other as the halves eclipsed and became one.
The Sith paced above them, radiating triumph. He sneered down at Obi-Wan-and Qui-Gon then turned away, satisfied the Jedi’s end was imminent.
The Jedi, however, seized the opening and leapt. Bolstered by the Force and the strength lent from their wounded half, they flipped over the Sith, summoning the Master’s blade to hand midair.
Their strike was in motion before their feet hit the floor and in one swift flash of blinding green light, cut the Sith in two. A textbook sai tok.
A move shunned by Jedi teachings but they had no time for kindness.
The enemy’s face twisted in shock and rage as he tumbled into the abyss; bisected pieces eagerly swallowed by the darkness.
In the heartbeat after victory, Obi-Wan-and-Qui-Gon felt the lurch of weightlessness in freefall as Qui-Gon’s last tether stretched beyond its limit and snapped.
The hilt falls from their grasp as they run to their fallen half and crash to their knees at their side.
Simultaneously holding and being held, their injured bodies ached with the strength of their embrace. Though physically impossible, Obi-Wan-and-Qui-Gon couldn’t help but try to unite their vessels as they had their minds. Blurred with pain and confusion, they could only cling to themself and seek refuge in the Force that allowed them this Oneness.  
Unlike their mind, their bodies had no safe harbour to share.
Trembling, the adrenaline coursing through them rendered the world around them in abrasive clarity—durasteel floor bitingly cold under them and their tunics far too red. The metallic taste of blood filled their senses as Obi-Wan-and-Qui-Gon gasped for air and a wet warmth seeped through the hands desperately putting pressure on the wound.
A cry broke from them as the bond between them fractured. They could only hold on. Charred fabric clenched in stiff fingers as their breathless pleas to the Force went unheard.
With bruising gentleness, they pressed their foreheads together as if it would ease the mental strain. As if holding that much tighter would let the Padawan carry the weight of both minds with naught but the mortal tethers of one person.
Their limbs were too weak to hold their pieces together, too weak to let go.
A thought flickered through their mind from the part of them that is the Master alone.
Oh Padawan, you challenge gravity for me.
Eyes closed. Eyes wide open. Tears that are not their own dampened their cheeks.
Stay as One.
Pressure mounted as the bond stretched even further, wound beyond breaking point and yet remaining. Something about this impossibility reminded them of someone else.
He must be trained.
They will train him. They promised.
We- You must.
Obi-Wan…train him…
They did not understand, confusion and panic blooming in them as the body in their arms became leaden.
We’re right here, stay here.
They pleaded but gravity was merciless.
There was a soft sigh as Qui-Gon fell still. For a fleeting moment, they felt peace in the quiet around them before the force ripped and Obi-Wan-and-Qui-Gon ceased to exist.
There was only pain.
Obi-Wan knew why the stars screamed.
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