#at a certain point you forget they're weapon's
galaxysharks · 1 year
it's my hc that the fanny packs we see maddox constantly wear throughout s3 (and a little of s4 if i'm not mistaken) are like. she just has everything and anything on hand in there
Absolutely, speaking from experience, if you're generally a good kid, you can have anything anywhere.
I got away with so much shit in highschool.... Ok that's a lie I didn't do much, but I know I definitely could have.
But if she's like me then she has EVERYTHING in that little back.
Hard candies
Trail mix
Loose paper
A pocket knife
Note cards
Fidgeting toys
Some rocks
Several small tools
You need it? She's got it.
Mr Mazzara gave her a detention when he found the pocket knife......and another one when she failed to understand what the big deal was.
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Honestly (I know it’s typical yandere behavior) but instead of kidnapping, what if the batfam tries manipulating y/n into coming back to the manor? A lot of people forget that Bruce can be manipulative when he wants to be. Like each of them show up at Y/n’s usual hangouts, like they try to apologize but Y/n walks away and/or tells them off, “One apology isn’t going to erase the fact that you all neglected me!”
But each of them just pops in random places that Y/n happens to be to try to wear them down.
I'd say that jumping straight to some sort of kidnapping has become more common and typical of yanderes, honestly, which is part of the reason I'm putting it off- and also because of what you pointed out!
Some of the Batfam can be really manipulative and smart with their moves, and even more careful about what they say and how they say it to swing things in their favor. Bruce is also a very good example of this, as you've said! Though I'd also go as far as to say that Alfred can be as well but in a different way when compared to Bruce- and I feel like I've kind of shown that already.
Alfred from what I've shown does take a more hands off approach for the most part. Giving just enough of a nudge to get someone started (like Bruce), and or also conveniently place certain things that may or may not spark something, like what he does with Bruce, Jason, and Cass. Though he does also give a little more of a nudge at times as well, like what he does with Dick amd handing him the rest of the flyers for events that the reader wanted the Batfam to go too. And, well, we all see how that turned out.
As for Bruce, he'll simply insert himself into the reader's life as you've stated, and what can further his own manipulation is the family itself. Not to mention he has money, and even if it doesn't work on the reader, who's to say Bruce can't attach and pull a few strings on the people around them? I won't say much, but Bruce is definitely the type to where he controls the situation and environment itself, while Alfred does careful placements instead. Which both can be effective if they know their target well, and even if in this situation one does know the reader and their life better than the other, nothing says that little detail can't change.
What helps with how Bruce tends to be manipulative is that the reader has performances. Rather if their public of private, it doesn't matter because, again, Bruce has money. Lots of it. He could get in without even having to breathe.
Even if apologies don't cut it, there are always other ways to control certain things, and I keep pointing out how much money Bruce has- and honestly just a good portion of the Batfam because that could easily spell the end of it.
They could buy out the reader's apartment building. If they don't want to ruin the reader's career, they very well could easily ruin the lives of the people who dare to associate with them. They could cancel every performance or sell out each and every one just so that they could be the only ones that get to watch the reader perform.
Even without all of that! They could attend each and every performance or event that they know for a fact that the reader is going to, and basically force them into an interaction right then and there. They could even weaponize both their own popularity AND the reader's just to trap them, to overwhelm them, to keep them put so they can actually have a conversation- to keep them close.
There is lots that they could do, and even if the reader were to even gets ideas? What are they doing to do? What can they do? Run away? Leave before they're stripped of anything else or shown how vulnerable they really are without their family? Before they're further deluded into believing that one only people who'll ever see them, that'll ever hear them are the very people who start to show them how invisible they really were in the first place?
Best case scenario is that they manage to get away, but is that even possible? Who knows. Especially with someone as smart as Bruce Wayne on your ass.
Even if an arguably 'calmer' route is taken, with the Bruce and the rest of the Batfam trying to lure in the reader willing but without driving to the point or near insanity or collapse. I still feel like in a way they'd feel... infectious?
Like, as you mentioned- they'd appear around where the reader is a LOT, and I'd imagine it could get to a point where it feels like every waking moment, at least one of them is around. They'd make small talk, not being too pushy and if anything being careful, as if almost trying to be considerate of the reader's feelings- and that's what makes it so frustrating.
They're almost being reasonable- at least Bruce is with his endless amounts of patience, almost holding up a calm and collected attitude. The reader knows where he gets it from, seeing as it heavily reminds them of Alfred, but even if they appreciated it from Alfred in the past, with Bruce maybe they just can't help but hate it a little. It makes it so hard to hate Bruce when he's being cooperative and listening to the reader's wishes, giving them space and time when they ask for it (even if it's by telling him off), and listening to their woes.
He's actually being present now, and it's dreadful.
Ah! But excuse my ramblings! I love talking about these kinds of things if you couldn't tell, and I'd rather stop now before I spoil any potential ideas I might use in the future!
Regardless, no matter the approach taken, they are very determined to bring the reader home! Though I feel as if why a particular detail I'm going to include in a semi-later part doesn't last as long as it does is because the Batfam feels the need to fix things right now. They don't want to wait- already feeling as if they've wasted enough time without the reader, and we'll see if that gets across or not when that comes around :]
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badaziraphaletakes · 7 months
I have no funny meme or gif for this one.
The "Aziraphale needs to see the circumstances around Crowley's fall in order to see what heaven really is and that's going to be what causes him to break away" take really, really bothers me. For a multiple reasons.
The first is because Aziraphale is already miserable and TERRIFIED of heaven. I am sick and tired of the expectation that he deserves to have some kind of (further) shattering emotional crisis about them. They've made him miserable for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years. They've kept him separate from the love of his live. He deserves for them to leave him alone. Not to be further traumatized by finding out more upsetting things. The reason he hasn't "broken away" from them isn't because he "needs to figure out that they're evil" or something like that. It's because they are too powerful and he knows how terrifying and awful they are and that they will do very, very awful things to him if he tries to rebel. The problem isn't Aziraphale's mindset. It's them. It's them. It's them. Period.
Our angel has been through f*cking ENOUGH. He does not deserve to suffer more. He does not need to be tormented more in order to somehow magically be transformed a good person. (Enough, please, with the takes that trauma builds character. That's bullsh*t.)
Please, PLEASE don't forget that all the things he says about heaven being good are said WHERE HEAVEN CAN HEAR HIM. They are effectively omnipresent.
Aziraphale doesn't need to "break away" - Heaven needs to leave him alone. Period. They're the wrongdoers in this situation, not him.
The second reason I hate, hate, hate this take is because we don't know whether Crowley wants Aziraphale to know about his fall. YOU DON'T ALWAYS WANT THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR TRAUMAS. And that does NOT indicate a lack of trust or a flaw in the relationship. It is FINE not to ever want to tell people you love about certain sh*tty things that happen to you. This is very normal and okay.
I can think of multiple separate instances of this in my own family.
My dad never told me or my mom about the things he experienced during war. Not in detail. What would be the point? It wouldn't make him feel better, and we wouldn't really understand, because we haven't experienced that. It would just upset everyone.
I never told my family I was sexually assaulted. Most survivors don't tell many people about the experience, including people close to them. Why the hell would I????? It would just make them miserable and it wouldn't make me feel better. Sharing things like that doesn't always help. I only talk about it with people who've been through the same thing.
If Crowley hasn't talked to Aziraphale about his fall and doesn't want him to know how bad it was, I say good for them both. Leave it there. I would feel very violated if Aziraphale found out inadvertently (or worse, went snooping - although I don't think he would do that, but I digress) about something Crowley didn't want him to know about, and the show presented it as something that "needed to happen". That's messed-up. We shouldn't go prying into people's traumas like that. (Besides, Aziraphale is already very aware of how lonely and depressed Crowley is. He knows Crowley didn't want to fall. He knows he's upset about it.) If Crowley is keeping it from Aziraphale, that is his prerogative. It is a completely valid choice that needs to be respected. It doesn't necessarily mean he made that choice out of some misguided notion of "protecting" Aziraphale. It could very well just mean he doesn't see the point in telling him something that would probably just make them both miserable.
I am not here for the trauma of Crowley's fall being weaponized as some kind of teaching tool to make Aziraphale "learn his lesson". (Especially if Crowley's not the one to tell him.) That's sick. It's cruel for them both. It would in all likelihood not be good for their relationship.
Ehh I feel like there's more I could say on this but I'm getting too emotional to be coherent so I'm just going to leave it there.
Thanks for reading, friends.
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head---ache · 2 months
hi im gonna drop brass' lore on you bc i didnt realize i never did
Just for context, Brass and Emmie are the same age, with Brass being born a couple of months after. So, while Emmie was cooking in the tube, Starline, who we're gonna say is alive, steals Tails' Tube Baby Project™ files, and tries to copy it, because he believes this is an attempt to make a bio-weapon at the same level of Project Shadow, and he wants to be ready for that, and besides, this seems like an improvement from Surge and Kit to him.
So he gets on with it, and he of course has Surge's DNA, but he doesn't want to combine it with Kit's because he can't imagine the result of that mix would be of any use. At some point he gets his hands on one of Amy's quills, probably by being a creepy stalker to all of the main cast, and decides to mix it with Surge's DNA in order to continue with his Anti-Tube Baby Project™, however, he then realizes Tails is actually attempting to take down the power levels and make his project more stable, which is not at all what Starline is looking for. And also, most of the power Tails' baby project would have comes from both from the Chaos Energy Sonic and Shadow have, and the Black Arms DNA passed down from Black Doom, which are things Starline simply can't get his hands to: Chaos Energy? Maybe, but not nearly enough, and it would probably be fake, highly unstable energy. And Black Arms DNA? Simply impossible.
So he just gives up. Tails isn't even making a weapon out of his project, so Starline doesn't even need his own anymore. So he abandons the hedgehog baby he made, inside the tube, and forgets about them for months.
One day Surge and Kit break into Starline's base, looking to steal some stuff from him, mostly Surge's idea just to annoy the guy. They eventually come across the big tube holding the small green hedgehog, still in the tube, however, pretty ready to go. And Surge just acts out of instinct, she doesn't even stop to think for a second before taking the baby with her and running as Kit follows her and keeps trying to ask her what she's doing. The thing is, she doesn't even know, but leaving this baby behind was not an option.
And when they got home it finally dawned on her, that now they had a baby at home and she didn't know what to do with it.
"So, uhm- Are you gonna raise it?" Kit asked, and Surge suddenly snapped as if nothing had happened. She stood up and walked away from the baby, crossing her arms behind her head and turning away.
Chaos, no. She was already a terrible mother to Mareep, she couldn't do that to another child.
"Nah! You can keep it if you want, tho." She shrugged.
Kit moaned, wavering.
And so Brass grew up with Surge and Kit, but they wouldn't call either of them their parents, although Kit would maybe be closer to that, as Surge seemed to be trying very hard to not be a parental figure to another kid.
On the other hand, Brass' relationship with Amy is fine, they can talk, Amy does try to be part of their life, but Brass is very indifferent to the idea. I'll share a little dialogue I have in mind because to be honest I don't really have much context for it, but it explains Brass and Amy's relationship kinda well.
"Listen, Amy, you're nice, and all, but you're not my mom."
"But I could be, Brass. I want to be, if you let me."
"I just- I don't think I want that, yeah? You can just pay attention to your actual children, I'm fine."
And also about Brass relationship with Mareep, it's also fine. They get along, they're just not super close. But they also have a mutual understanding, and Brass might be a little jealous since Mareep at least has Lanolin. And Mareep is a little jealous because Brass doesn't seem to be doing too bad even after being raised by Surge, while on her end Surge was kind of the root of all of her problems. But they get along fine.
Basically Brass wasn't super close to anyone (but acting as if it was fine), until she met a certain hedgehog-alien girl and her AI girlfriend TEHEHEHE (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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meguwumibear · 5 months
yakuza!shouto x reader writing warm up
you fucked up.
broke into the wrong place at the worst time.
in your defense, you've been casing the joint for hours. it was supposed to be empty. how the hell were you supposed to know it was anything but?
the scene before you is gruesome. the body on the floor still warm. and the killers? yeah, they're staring straight at your dumb fucking ass.
you just had to choose this fucking house to break into. didn't you? what shitty fucking luck—not that you've ever been on particularly good terms with the lady. besides, you're really a horrible thief. too loud. too clumsy. probably should've gone into construction instead.
you're fast at least. from all these years of running. you're good at creating space, at keeping a distance between yourself and others. thank fuck for that because if your speed fails you now you are most certainly going to eat a bullet for dinner.
maybe a bullet wouldn't be so bad actually. you've had worse things to eat. what kind of metals are in bullets anyway? your anemic ass could certainly use some iron.
there's a car running in the driveway. likely an escape vehicle which means it would be an absolutely stupid thing to steal. the assholes are probably tracking it somehow. hitmen do shit like that, right? they keep close watch on their property?
the footsteps behind you are close. way too close for comfort.
fuck it. whatever. gambling's never been your vice, but it's probably worth the risk. you'll just hightail it out of here and ditch the car the moment you get the chance.
the driver's side door swings open when you pull at the handle.
idiots. who forgets to lock their fucking getaway car?
no matter. you're not one to look gift stupidity in the mouth. those morons can eat your fucking dust.
you throw the car in reverse and slam your foot on the pedal just as two hulking forms come into view. they have their weapons raised, poised to shoot.
tires screech on gravel as you tear down the driveway. you keep your head low in case your pursuers decide to empty their entire magazine into the back seat in a last ditch effort to kill you.
the rain of bullets never comes.
they probably could've hit you. is the car you're in worth so much they wouldn't risk dinging it?
the moment you hit the city you pull the car into a narrow alleyway and shift gears into park.
the night is too quiet and still. it does nothing to keep your mind off of your rabbiting heart. the stupid fucking thing is beating so fast you're certain you're setting some sort of world record.
you take a long deep breath in to steady yourself, relaxing your grip on the wheel.
"i'd torch the thing if i were you," comes a voice from the backseat. "you're dead if they find even a trace of something that could lead them to you."
that rabbiting heart of yours? yeah, it near about stops. you can barely find the courage to turn to meet the eyes of whoever the fuck you just took for a joyride.
the man is beautiful in a way that cuts like a knife. lean build. smooth skin...well mostly smooth anyway. there's what looks like a long since healed burn around his left eye.
the man also has a gun in his hand. he's not pointing it at you. he's not even fucking looking at you. he has his elbow propped on the window and his head resting in his hand.
yeah, you are so totally screwed.
"arson's not really my thing, but thanks for the tip," you reply, throwing open the door. it hits the brick wall of the alley with a dull thud.
you wince at the impact, wondering how much it costs to buff that kind of dent out of a car like this.
you chance a glance behind you, and the man is looking at you now, red eyebrows raised in amusement.
motherfucker's toying with you.
there isn't a large enough gap for you to wriggle out of the car, and you don't have the strength to yank the door closed again now that you've so dimwittedly sandwiched it into the wall.
the asshole in the back's just watching you. he seems curious what you'll do next.
psh, as if the solution isn't obvious.
you start the car, moving the gear stick into drive, and slowly scrape your way down the alleyway, aiming for the entrance.
"bit conspicuous, don't you think?"
"shut up," you spit, stopping the car nonetheless. "like you could come up with anything better."
a lazy smile touches the corner of his lips.
"i'd never get myself into such a predicament. i would have-" the man is cut off by a buzzing in his pocket.
holy shit he has a phone on him?!
"do you mind?" he asks, answering the call anyway. "i kind of need to take this."
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year
Imagine being in love with a broken cyborg. Like something that may have once been very dangerous and built for a perspose, but has since been distorted into something horrific and unable to function.
They'll never really be able to have a normal life after what happened to them. They're in pain a lot, and get scared for no reason, and need you to comfort them a lot. Sometimes they'll talk about how cold they feel, or have panic attacks about how certain parts of their body are just gone.
They're probably incredibly powerful, their body is filled with weapons, and meant to be far stronger then any human. But they still need you to hold them, and comfort them, and tell them you'll protect them.
Some days are better, and you'll forget there's anything wrong with them. While other days they'll be too upset to function or they'll have conplealty reverted to a robotic warlike state, and you'll have to devote your time to keeping them safe and comforted. But you love them nomatter what.
Mabye at some point they'll tell you have much they miss their old face, and how horrifying they find their body now. And you'll tell them they're beautiful, and you'll hug them, and if they feel cold you'll make them warm.
Is that anything?
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dicentsalve · 10 days
Hey I really love your art style it's amazing... And since we had la squadra and l'unita headcanons may i ask for zucchero & sale headcanons?
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I like the direction we're going
Thank you, bb!
I haven't really thought about them as much as I'd like, but I have a couple of notes
First of all, I'd like to note that these two work quite closely with Luka, receiving possible information from him due to influence and a certain power (I will also touch on Luka a little and note that every member of Passione knows and respects him, regardless of status within the family. I mean, boy at least passed Polpo's test and was left without a stand🧍)
Buuut not always they can pay for the services provided
● Sale
As I mentioned, he's Squalo's older brother and has been working at Passione longer, but he still hasn't been able to get higher (if we don't take into account the events of Vento Aureo)
Since I gave Squalo the peculiarity of unusual teeth, Sale has them too, but less expressed and not so noticeable. His central and lateral incisors are normal, but starting with the fangs, as they approach the edges, the sharp teeth become more expressed. Btw, this pisses him off.
Has impaired water exchange up to dehydration.
Doesn't have a driver's license. Can't drive, could I say, if close communication with Mario hadn't forced him to learn it.
For some inexplicable reason, I associate Kraft Work with a cactus (that's why in one of my old sketches Squalo calls Sale a cactus ass🧍), in connection with this: Sale loves cacti. And Mario, with his ridiculous clothes, btw, resembles a cactus. Maybe that's why they're still together.
Doesn't like fish very much, but eats it to annoy Squalo.
Obviously a Tuscan, like his brother, but he has no accent or dialect in his speech. He uses dialect words only for confidentiality or out of harmfulness.
Has a stand since birth, which is why, even in childhood, having mastered the stand, he became proud and impudent And was a bully in childhood 🫵
Based on the Kraft Work ability, I like to think that Sale has a slight peculiarity of "dropping out" of a conversation/situation and just staring at one point for some time.
Like Squalo, he also has problems with his parents. But for them, this is rather a huge ground for jokes than a burdensome problem.
● Zucchero
Mario isn't only an inattentive, careless person, but also has some problems with his eyesight. Not in the sense that he needs glasses, but he has "tunnel vision", which neither Sale nor Zucchero himself knows about, believing that everyone has it. So in order to concentrate on the road, he can't look away even a millimeter. Otherwise, he is a really good driver, who has saved them from total ass more than once.
Very hunched over.
Despite his last name, he is rather clumsy and slow (in general, everything that, ironically, a lack of sugar in the body leads to), requires more time to process information, which also infuriates Sale.
Quite often he goes to women, cuz of which he often doesn't get in touch and gets scolded by Sale for his recklessness.
He's involuntarily acquainted with Tiziano and already doesn't have the best relationship with him, although they have only met once.
Since Soft Machine uses a blade, Zucchero is very good with bladed weapons.
He likes decorative poodles (I won't explain it)
Lives with Sale cuz it's safer and cheaper (he's just too lazy to clean the apartment)
Often takes Sale in the evening after work to see the sunset (he forgets the way home)
And original of meme
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lullabyes22-blog · 7 months
Snippet - Spread Her Wings - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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The prospects of Jinx's dating life loom like a future graveyard...
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
"They'll be working together?"
"Separate spheres. Same goal."
"Nothing stays separate in close quarters. Especially with a teenager’s hormones in the mix.”
Silco's stare locks on hers.
"You said it yourself," Sevika says, "She singled Viktor out. Might be a coincidence. Or..."
"Maybe the girl's got a crush."
Silco makes a soft sound expressive of disgust. "Don't be ridiculous."
"It's a theory."
"She does not have a crush. She was testing him."
"Testing him?"
"Assessing his value. As an ally." The thought occurs to him. "I suppose she's growing bored with Magnus. The dog has his uses, but he can't engage the mind."
"And Viktor can?"
"His intelligence is a match for hers. Shocking, considering their age difference." 
"That's my point." Sevika's features, upside down, hold a smileless amusement. "Viktor's not a child. He's not a dog. He's a grown man. And Jinx..."
Silco preempts the rest. "She is only seventeen."
"Only? How many seventeen-year-olds are capable of blowing up an entire city, or taking down an Enforcer cavalcade singlehandedly? Let's not forget the time she hijacked a fucking airship. Or the time she took out a roomful of Slickjaws armed with nothing but six color pencils. You've set her loose on the world. She's got the experience of a war veteran." Her jaw sets. "The baggage, too."
"Your point?"
"My point is, her tastes are different from the average girl's." The corner of her lip curls. "Older men get to be a nasty habit. They're all about control. And when you're used to being a little monster, you enjoy getting put in your place. It's a headfuck. Like playing chicken with a loaded gun. And we both know how much Jinx likes guns."
"You're saying Viktor would take advantage of her." The words are clipped; the tone, icy. "That he'd play into her trust."
"If not Viktor, then someone else. She's not a kid anymore. She'll be a woman soon. And she'll catch the eyes of every fucker out there, sooner or later." Her hand never ceases its small caresses. But her stare holds his: challenging. "She's gonna catch the eyes of a certain type in particular." 
"What type is that?" 
"You know. The hellraisers. The risk-takers. The ones living for a thrill to top all thrills." Quieter: "Like you at that age."
A vein pulses in Silco's left temple. "You are implying she'll find a lover soon."
"More than one."
It comes out sharp enough to take a head off the shoulders. Yet the creeping tide of possessiveness is very real. All that dilutes it is the knowledge that Jinx has—so far—seldom expressed an interest in either boys or girls.
It isn't that she is oblivious to her own charms or their effect on others. Silco has taught her to weaponize her appearance with the same deft precision as a blade. Yet she's never shown an inclination to go prowling, either. Certainly not the way Silco used to at her age. A casualty of premature initiation, or his own base nature; his mind was always acutely attuned to the sensual.
Typically, his own child's budding sexuality is a subject best avoided. The few times it's come up has been pithy summations from his network: She gets off on booms, not bodies.
Unspoken but blatant: Freak.
Most are convinced Jinx is a rare species of deviant. Someone more gratified by mind-fuckery than the primal simplicity of teenaged hormones. If she were, Silco wouldn't be shocked. Hell, he'd encourage it. There are few more intoxicating modes of control than insinuating yourself into peoples' thoughts, playing hell with their emotions, seeping into their psyches in an act of irreversible infusion. In face of that, sex pales in comparison.
But outsiders have always tenaciously clung to the notion of Jinx as a monster.
So, Silco concedes, has he.
Jinx is still a growing girl. A girl exposed to every stripe of brutality—and yet spared the worst by virtue of his own aegis. She's never before declared it smothering; never rebelled against his rules. The issue has always been unwanted people wanting her.
Now Sevika is telling him she might want people back. Not just want them. Crave them. The same way Silco had craved Vander, or Nandi.
Until it'd all soured in a bath of blood.
"Viktor is not Jinx's type," he says. "Nor is she his."
"The boy's never touched a woman. Let alone bedded one."
"You're saying—?" Sevika's brows wing sky-high. "Huh. Explains why there's never been rumors."
"My sources are reliable. The boy lives like a monk. The closest he's come to a relationship is Talis, who is so obtuse he missed a mile-wide opportunity." He lapses into musing. Her nails lightly raking his scalp have a strangely meditative effect. "I'd wager that's part of the reason Viktor and Jinx found each other. They're both outliers. The odd ones out." He thinks of Viktor's expression at the gala, when he and Jinx bid each other goodnight: courtesy that hid a strange kinship. "He won't touch her. Not that way."
"And the next one who does?" Sevika looms in. Her dark hair sluices over her shoulders, like a pair of wings. She's letting it grow, finally, past the nape of her neck. It suits her. "The next one who sees her and wants her and goes for it?" 
"Jinx can take care of herself."
"What if she wants 'em to touch her back?"
Silco's good eye narrows. "Are you under the impression I'd forbid her?"
"I know you would." Her tone brooks no argument. It's a blunt statement. "But that's not the point. You can't treat her like a little girl forever. She's got too much curiosity. Soon, she's gonna start exploring. And it won’t stop at sex. It'll be the world, next. Once she's had a taste, she'll want it all. She's a firecracker, Silco. Always has been. The question is: are you ready?"
"For her to spread her wings?"
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hero-israel · 11 months
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There's a lot more like this.
I think we can take some pride in the fact that, even on a steadfastly very very pro-Jewish and pro-Israel site, readers are NOT galloping towards revenge and butchery, they are showing basic humane care for Palestinians. It is much better than you see aimed at Jews from our enemies.
So much of the popular understanding around Gaza has been twisted by propaganda and weasel-words. People can be astounded - or accuse you of lying - if you point out the normalcy, even luxury, in the sectors where the favored and well-connected live, or that the widespread accusations of "starvation" are a pure hoax, that so much of the "humanitarian aid" meant for them are just photo ops. The obviousness of how much the outside world doesn't care about Gaza is matched only by the obviousness of how we are expected to forget the hysteria and moral panics of each successive "report".
When the same people who claimed Gaza was a starving ghetto that would spontaneously Rapture into total emptiness four years ago now make more accusations against Israel's conduct, how are we supposed to believe them?
As a Jew, I cannot respect any notion of "genocide" that is NOT both deliberately aimed at cutting down / destroying a racial / ethnic population and also at least somewhat successful at it. The Palestinian population has never shrunk, has more than quadrupled since 1967, and in Gaza has more than doubled in the last 20 years. If that was like the Holocaust, like Warsaw, where do I sign up? There are people who recommend different definitions of "genocide," but before I take them seriously I would first ask them whether they apply the same term to the Oct. 7 massacre, or if they are purely bullshitting together ad-hoc terminology, like how Amnesty International made up a new definition of "apartheid" that is explicitly not supposed to resemble South Africa at all so any differences between Israel and South Africa are irrelevant neener neener no backsies.
My position is that there is a difference between genocide and killing civilians while bombing military targets. But I also recognize that beyond a certain number of dead civilians, that difference might be moot. I am still very worried that we might see a true cataclysm in Gaza. That that there could be a civilian death toll one or two orders of magnitude greater than any previous round. It never used to be true and I really, really do not want it to actually come true now. As my previous post said, I spent a year hoping the Israeli government would be less a gang of talentless fuckups than they seemed to be, they dashed those hopes, and now they're the same ones supposed to be managing the counterattack. They have to know the risks. It is their job to know and plan around those risks.
David Schraub does a decent job of capturing the "what comes next?" part. There needs to be SOME vision of breaking this cycle. The best scenario I let myself imagine would be that Israeli raids are able to truly wipe out Hamas' command capabilities, weapons, and infrastructure, and Munich-style track down and kill all the perpetrators of Oct. 7. The most respectable and talented leaders in the Palestinian Authority (*crickets*) will have to be physically airlifted into Gaza to assume command, maybe with some plucky UN peacekeepers, then Israel and regional partners (assuming it still has any) work on humanitarian aid and rebuilding so the locals feel like there is some option for a future that doesn't involve suicide belts. I have no hope for live hostage rescue.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
hmmm.... i have a question. not really a question, more like rambling actually.
so we know that n darling doesnt want to get attached with blade, she mostly sees him as her fuckbuddy for a bit which i think is funny, hence she is his long term long distance low commitment gf.
but im actually curious on blade's view on this relationship. does he feel mutual about this? i mean, clearly he doesn't, but im dying to know the specifics.
does he not prod on the topic because he knows n darling would ultimately be his anyway? (based on... whatever elio's script says) or does he just... not care for any specifics and just already considers her his gf without said gf even knowing 😭😭 actually both theories sound more or less similar.
im so excited for ch 5, ive been rereading nexus over and over again lol (and of course... ch 3 and 4 has the most reads for certain reasons im sure you know)
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me thinking of a way to respond without accidentally delving into spoiler territory GJKJDF
i will say that the answer to this question is different pre and post chapter 4. i can come back and give the latter after chapter five is posted.
OKAY, so. initial impression (after saving n darling from alister's knife attack in ch1), was... nothing really. a slight pull and nothing else. at that point, he knew the specifics of his job, which he didn't view differently from the hundreds of jobs he'd be assigned before. he doesn't usually bother thinking about the greater picture. he considers himself a weapon who will simply do as he's told until elio fulfills his end of their agreement.
for a while after that, he finds n darling kinda weird. he doesn't get why n darling thanked him and made her synalink offer when it's pretty obvious she doesn't like the stellaron hunters. it wasn't clear to him yet that in the same way he considers himself a weapon, n darling views herself an integral organ to eris. n darling's gratitude wasn't so much that he saved her life — but that he saved eris' 'life.'
he didn't actively try to understand her because he wouldn't care to. the sole reason he picked any of this up is just from the sheer amount of time they spent coexisting. it's inevitable he'd become familiar with her to some extent. there's that, and well... n darling is rather stunning. an assignment where he basically gets to stare at a beautiful woman for days on end isn't something he's complaining about.
what served as a turning point is the nectar guide incident.
(i didn't expect for this to get so long good god but here's blade's mental health going 📉 as his journey to tap n darling begins)
when he comes to, the sight he's greeted with is this high stationed individual weeping for him and desperately tearing her clothes in a attempt to stop his bleeding. he cannot recall a time when anyone has bothered to do so, since it's known no matter how awful an injury he suffers, he'll regenerate eventually. that aforementioned slight pull grows stronger.
regarding blade's reaction to n darling poking around in his psyche uninvited, that wasn't what actually upset him. it was the possibility he'd be less attentive to her safety if he were to go around searching for survivors. for some inexplicable reason, this irked him.
then, at this exchange in ch3:
“Can it really be considered a sin if it’s beyond your control?” 
“It won’t always be,” he replies. “Until then, I can’t allow myself to forget. You must get why.” 
You wish you didn’t. 
it finally dawns on blade that he and this diva-who-pretends-she-isn't-a-diva actually share common ground. that they're both stuck in this self-perpetuated cycle of guilt and admonishment for circumstances that weren't entirely their fault. he doesn't know what to do with this information and stuffs it away for safekeeping.
then another turning point goes down:
the dissonance between lear's id and ego/superego culminates to such a degree that n darling goes unresponsive, the psychic backlash is that bad. blade doesn't understand the specifics. all he sees is this woman he's begrudgingly intrigued by collapsing to the ground with blood rushing from her nose, while her noisy friend and quiet friend rush around. eventually, he can roughly piece together what happened from these tidbits: n darling's aversion to physical contact (seen in ch1 when he reaches for her wrist and she freezes up, then once more when she avoids him after the nectar guide incident).
n darling then confirms this: "What you’re referring to is a precaution my mother suggested. In the past, strange reactions have occurred after I came into direct contact with someone."
along with well-intentioned nona's exclamation: "i yelled at him that if he hurt lear you would turn his mind into goop"
blade wouldn't have thought to configure lear into things as soon as he did had nona not given this slip of information. he already had suspicions that lear and n darling had some sort of Situation between them, because lear isn't slick and makes googly eyes @ n darling like nobodies business, but this. this is different. he could write lear's googly eyes off as a crush, which is whatever. but n darling caring for lear to such a degree that she's fine with risking her wellbeing because she likes being around him that much? hence:
You’re so swept up in your thoughts, that it takes you a while to notice how Blade’s been staring at you. This in and of itself is nothing new. He’s been your shadow ever since forced this arrangement. It irritated you at first, but that blistering offense eased into acceptance. His vigilance felt befitting of a guard. Taking in your surroundings, assessing any threats; such is his prerogative. 
How he’s eyeing you now feels different. It’s as if he’s looking through you, not at you. 
“Is something wrong? You’re making such a scary expression,” you joke. 
at that point, blade is Not Happy to an extent that confuses even him (ch5 will go into why).
then he happens to be brooding in the distance, as he's prone to do, when he sees n darling looking absolutely defeated (post the convo with caicias and chrysus). he feels this need to do something about it, remembers how often she drinks that ambrosia tea, then makes some for her. he really was going to just leave it and then give her space, but, alas:
"Your body springs up of its own accord. You balance the teacup in one hand and reach out to him with the other, your fingers fanning out, ready to sink into whatever they can. Everything happens in the blink of an eye. Your free hand succeeds in finding a destination — settling on the abrasive finish of his bandages. 
You feel another texture alongside it. 
It’s smooth, cold, and visible through the interstices of his winding bandages. 
His skin."
this contact quite literally Awakens something in him (👁👁),
"Blade’s gripping your comforter hard enough for his knuckles to turn bone white. He’s leaning forward, as if ready to pounce, yet lucid enough to exercise some semblance of self-control. He reminds you of a starved animal trapped in a cage, salivating over a piece of meat hanging outside the bars. Goosebumps cover your body. This isn’t simple lust… it’s visceral, some primitive desire too overwhelming to be understood.
You’re the one he’s staring at with this unbridled yearning.
Yes, he’s teased you. Pushed your buttons and riled you up. Not so subtly flaunted the strength that lets him maneuver you like you weigh nothing. You might have status and mastery in your given field, but he’s participated in the annihilation of worlds; the end of civilizations that span back since time immemorial.
He should be the one in charge.
Yet as you stand here, witnessing how he tortures himself by not pouncing on you like he easily could, a thought is planted.
He’d really do anything you asked if it kept this from ending."
from this point to where chapter 4 ends, blade's brain is in some sort of caveman mode. he wakes up. thinks about fucking n darling. fucks n darling. waits around impatiently until he can fuck n darling once again. fucks n darling again. goes to (half) sleep. rinse and repeat.
not only is his mara manageable when he's around n darling, but he gets this thrill too? it's a high unlike anything he's experienced in the miserable centuries he's been cursed with immortality. he isn't really worried about the specifics of their relationship, so long as he can keep railing her on every surface around. n darling's body, how she carries herself with such confidence, the way she pokes and prods at him; he's obsessed. addicted. nothing short of feral.
every stage on his hierarchy of needs has been replaced with n darling.
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lunatic-pudge · 14 days
Postal 2 and 3 Dudes Competing for Reader (and Then Learning to Share :D) (Requested by Loco)
-Oh my god, these two goobers are RIDICULOUS, I swear. The way P2 is always five seconds away from murdering P3 and P3 just constantly messing with P2 means more to me than you could ever understand
-They're constantly trying to one up each other. If one gets you a gift, the other is taking it as a challenge and attempts to get you something better. Due to the constant one-upping, they tend to forget that they're trying to woo you rather than show who the better one is. It starts with cute things like plushies, but then devolves into some weird and questionable things. Like, I don't think you should be giving someone lingerie as a way to win a person's affection over, but that's just me
-Yes, they have fought each other in front of you. I feel like P3 would have a more "muscular" (dad bod) than P2 so I'm sure who you can imagine who is winning these fights. It's best you just sit on the sidelines til things start to go bad. Once the weapons come out is when you should attempt to intervene
-How you put up with these two is beyond me. At some point you're gonna have to sit them both down and have a talk, explaining how you were willing to them how you were fine with being with the both of them at the same time, BUT, they had to stop fighting and learn to get along
-It was a fair compromise, really it was, but it had a rather rough start. While both Dudes were willing to accept this compromise, it wasn't easy to just stop fighting and stop the one-upping. Think of them like cats, you gotta keep them separated for a few days and slowly introduce them to each other.
-The best thing to do is to take them out on dates individually. Spend some one-on-one with them. But make sure to an even amount of time with both of them, cause they will notice and it will cause problems
-Okay, so you know how in Paradise Lost, P2 and P3 (technically Alt Dude but plz hear me out. He's dressed like P3 so we're calling him P3 for the sake of this) argue about who Champ belongs to, going back and forth with the "No, he's my dog.", yeeeaah, they're gonna do that with you. You three be in bed cuddling (with you in the middle, obviously), all is good, all is well, until one of the Dudes gets on their high-horse and declares that you're their partner. The other Dude will not tolerate such malarkey and immediately goes into the, "No, they're my partner." Yes, they will keep going back and forth on it til you stop them. But it's also very funny so enjoy it before it becomes annoying
-To be honest, I feel like once P2 and P3 accept that they gotta share you, they make for a very fun (and strange) set of boyfriends. They'd take you on some of the wildest dates. They tend to argue on the type of dates they'd take you on. Usually, they'll wrangle you in one of their cars and go out and away from society. It makes a great away to get away from the stress of life, but also gives them the ability to have a little bit of "fun" with you wink wink
-These two goobers are so similar, yet so different at the same time. P2 is this snarky, sarcastic, and violent man while P3 is just there. No thoughts, head empty. While they may collide in personality, they can agree on certain things
-First, being overprotective of you. Both Dudes can be "protective" of what's theirs so they don't like when people try to mess with you. P2 isn't scared to get violent and P3 is scarily good at hiding the body and any evidence (well he was a police officer in the game sooo…). Most of the time, you'll never know this happens. They're both good at keeping quite. If anything, you're better off staying blissfully unaware of what goes on
-Another thing is that they both crave attention and physical affection, P3 moreso than P2 though. Sometimes affection can be a lot for P2. He has times where he needs to be by himself cause he's not doing well mentally, and being alone is what helps him cool down. But P3 has very big golden retriever, lap dog energy. He is always wanting to spend time with you and for you to love all on him. He will constantly by your side, touching you in someway (like hand holding, nothing inappropriate… yet). But, my god, will these two just dog pile on top of you when you least expect it. I hope you don't have any plans later tonight, cause once the cuddle pile starts, it won't end for hours
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therealeagal · 1 year
You know, I've mentioned before that I don't care for certain genres of video games. It's because I'm a scrub who hates losing and a fake gamer who likes games that are easy, and in neither case have I the patience to Git Gud.
On the other hand, I've also mentioned that I am endlessly fascinated by Greek mythology because I'm a nerd. It's always interesting, if a bit over-exposed. How about a game about mythology other than the bloody Greeks and the Norse? I'm lookin' at you, Kratos.
I guess there was that one Hinduism game some years ago. What was it again? The dude with the multiple arms and the giant planet sized dude who tries to crush the hero with his finger. I think it started with an N...ok I found it. Asura's Wrath. I was way off.
Didn't get enough credit if you ask me.
If one were to make a game based on mythology, perhaps there's something from Africa that would make for an interesting concept. I don't know, I'm just spitballing. Preferably one that doesn't involve freaking Anansi, because he's overexposed too.
So I picked up Hades on the strength of being a nerd, not because I had a sudden change of heart viz a viz rogue-likes.
Cast in the role of protagonist, one Zagreus, son of Hades and (so he formerly believed) Nyx, respectively the god of the Underworld and the goddess of the night.
But some how that I forget, young Zaggy discovered that Nyx is not truly his mother. His true mother is actually named Persephone and that's a whole thing, but suffice it to say, she left the underworld at some point because reasons and hasn't been seen since.
Anyway, so then young Zaggy must fight his way out of the underworld in search of his mother. Along the way, he receives help from several of the gods who reside upon Mount Olympus, who are his uncles and assorted cousins as well as his grandmother (who doesn't know she's his grandmother. It's a very top secret hush hush sort of thing), Demeter.
Then middle middle middle, everyone lives happily ever after. Except not really because they're doing a sequel, but I'm sure that game will have everyone living happily ever after. Except for the Titans, I guess, but fuck them anyway.
So anyway, as to the gameplay, I was prepared for a slog, and mightily did I toil until - while searching the settings for the volume controls (it's a very loud game) I discovered a nifty little option in the settings menu called God Mode. Fake gamer that I am, I naturally took the opportunity to activate it, providing 20% damage reduction, which reduction would grow incrementally 'pon my inevitable death, capped at 80% and rarely did I turn it back off.
It really does make a world of difference. What once promised to be an unbearable slog was now instead an enjoyable game.
The deaths I still suffer on occasion (on account of being a fake gamer) still manage to advance the story 9 times out of 10, and always manage to entertain and at no point do I feel overwhelmed or frustrated by needless difficulty that the devs refuse to accomodate. Well, except when using the bow. I know it's supposed to be the strongest weapon, but I'm more of a button mash kinda gamer. Perils of being a filthy casual, I guess. Gimme Excalibur any day of the week.
The only thing missing is a sword beam and a Japanese highschooler who wants to be a hero.
That's a reference by the way. It shows that I am very clever. But it's an anime reference, which cancels out the cleverness and instead shows that I'm a jackass.
P.S. If you are offended by my use of God Mode, which invalidates everything that you - as a REAL gamer - went through to Git Gud, then please remember that I warned you several times throughout this post that I am both a filthy casual and a fake gamer, so... well, I won't tell you to eat all of the shit and then die, because I am a nice person, but I will think it. Really hard.
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voidcat · 2 years
congrats on the 900 followers, ill make sure to buy a cake im celebration once you hit the 1k mark👀
and for the event i'm asking for hugging headcanons with makima because of course i am 🥲
Hi there love<3 I’ll hold you to that promise then ahahaaha
And for what I’m about to write… ik it’s cliche at this point but the whole maternity vibes w makima- yea…
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Makima + Hugging headcanons
needless to say Makima is a very good hugger, exceptionally so... when she hugs, she hugs with her entire body, being and soul, making the other party feel the warmth radiating from her, feeling her muscles move with each breath she takes in and out–
of course, all of that to her hugs and more is intentional. because jst like everything she does, her hugs are a weapon on their own, a way to utilize her means, to achieve certain wishes from others.
she inspects people and knows how to hug them accordingly. big, tight hugs, small ones with a hint of hesitancy that allows a little space to create a fake sense of privacy, hugs that make you forget about everything else, a hug that says it'll all be alright, a hug you didn't realize you missed your entire life... the list goes on as makima wears a faint smile, her chin resting on your shoulder.
and that said, makima hugs only when she sees it necessary, practical to her cause, and in private too. anyone to claim they got hugged by her or that she is a very good hugger wouldn't be very convincing (unless they're someone known to never lie or make things up)
and as comforting and "just what you needed" as her hugs feel, they leave the person with a sensation they cannot seem to shake of. because when she leans in for the hug for the first time, you are overcome with surprise and shock, as her arms are wrapped around you, hands on your back, trailing patterns with a finger– it all feels unreal, some sort of fever dream, a fractured reality you wish was real but it can never be, right? right?!
the control devil hugs with intention and agenda hidden behind, full control of her body and how each of her muscles formulate the hug, what kind of hug you need and at what moment exactly; there is tenderness, there is love, there is care, she is everything you have been craving for since day one out of the vomb, she is everything you have been missing your whole life without knowing at all.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Ducky anon is back! I'd like some Specimen 8 (Deer Lord) and Unknown Specimen 4 (Tirsiak) with a pacifist animal lover Reader that just befriended Violent Deer and Ghost Animals. I guess they just like being around animals
-duck🦆 anon
Specimen 8 (Deer Lord)
He senses a visitor in his domain and waits for the right moment to catch them by surprise.
He assumed it was just another hunter trying to make minced meat of the deer.
Little did they know..he'll swiftly claim their soul and leave their flesh behind to sustain his children's appetite.
However, when Deer Lord sees you in one of the "outdoor" rooms, he doesn't sense a single ounce of hatred or violence in your heart as he observes you interacting with the deer.
Despite being violent creatures, they're somehow calm as they allowed you to pet them, lightly brushing their fur with your fingers.
One even trusted you enough to lead you to some leafy foliage, where his mate, a sweet doe, has recently fostered a fawn. Even its sharp teeth were nearly fully grown.
You just coo in happiness, but the sound of Deer Lord's voice made your blood run cold.
"Are you pure of heart, child?"
Seeing this tall deer-skull monster shrouded in darkness has you terrified, but you calmed yourself down and nervously smiled up at him.
"Y-Yes, erm..my lord.." You weren't sure if that's the proper way to address him, considering all you've ever been doing was running from specimen. You never actually stopped to talk to one.
But clearly, this one had some morals left and didn't mindlessly kill like all the others.
"They lashed out at you." He pointed out the small bite marks on your hand. "Why didn't you retaliate?"
"Well..I can't blame them. You guys are probably used to seeing violent people," you tell him. "But all your children needed was a little compassion, right?"
True to your words, another deer calmly walked up beside you, sniffing your hand for nonhuman food.
It's safe to say you earned Deer Lord's respect, as he allowed you to rest in one of the cabin rooms for some time, calling a truce.
You wonder if Spooky's gonna get mad at him for this, but he assures you he doesn't answer to her for the most part...only someone named "Bayagototh".
Unknown Specimen 4 (Tirsiak)
Ruthless as she is, Tirsiak was also curious about you, watching you closely upon your arrival into her snowy forest domain.
Although she gave chase almost immediately, she stopped when you encountered your first shadow wolf blocking your path.
She wondered what you'll do...but is certain you'll strike it down with that sword/axe of yours and move along.
That's okay, though.
Soon enough you'll be brutally maimed out in the snow, just as you have maimed her precious creatures.
Yet you lower your weapon and instead..
Pet the wolf? Or at least attempt to as your hand phases right through its ear.
Yet it reacted as though you did, indeed, pet its fur, wagging its tail.
Tirsiak didn't know what to think, at first. She's never known a human who acted kind towards animals...only those who slaughtered them with blades, arrows, guns, etc.
So your strange actions have her too intrigued to kill you at the moment.
"You there. Why are you doing that....thing?"
"...uh..petting an animal..?" You look at her confused.
Honestly it's hard for you to take her seriously when she's cute and confused af about what you're doing. It makes you forget she's a dangerous specimen.
You explain the concept of petting animals to her, showing that her companions do love the affection and proving that you're not gonna harm any of them.
After giving it some thought, she floats to the ground and...asks for pets herself, bowing her head slightly.
Rather awkwardly, you pet her wolf ears, but you grin upon seeing her tail wagging, too.
"Aww that's adorable-"
"Call me "adorable" again and it'll be the last thing you'll ever say." She snarls.
'Jeez, guess someone's been around Spooky for too long..'
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Excuse whilst I ramble for a second, need to get my thoughts out about this but there's something abotu Rapunzel being based off of a Roper that's so interesting to me
Firstly basing her initial stablock off of a monster to begin with says something. And I know it's been done before and whatnot, but still, how much do you want to bet that Rapunzel viewed herself as a monster before joining the princesses' group? A monster hiding behind a civil facade, but a monster nonetheless
Which brings me to my second point of Ropers being monsters that hide in plain sight. They're quite similar to mimics really, they can just only look like one thing and that is a stalagmite or stalactite. And if we think back to the episode when Timothy has his chat with her and finds something to be off about her. Well what isn't off about a fleshy stalactite/stalagmite?
There's also something in the way in which she is defeated.
Ropers are known for eating everything they come across, only being unable to digest gemstones, magical items and a few certain metals I believe (I may be forgetting some things). In a series all about consumption of others, and embracing who you are (even if it's deemed monstrous), Rapunzel is defeated by Gerard through consumption. The princess based off of the monster that survives by eating everything it can, that is rather intelligent and makes deals with other monsters for more food so it can survive, even in co-habitation with other monsters, is consumed by the prince who doesn't want to be monster, by a weapon that is very similar to the inital tendrils of a Roper. I love that, it's so cool. And I know none of it was done on purpose but the nature and building of this story has worked so well that it lets great moments like these happen which such massive underlying subtext and you don't even really notice unless you go and analyse it.
Not to mention, this is a creature that is solely based around food (most of the time), eating to survive, setting up deals so it can eat and I think it's wild that the first time we have a proper conversation with Rapunzel is in the kitchen, where Timothy taints the food. Which would be like, the ultimate snub to a Roper so no wonder Rapunzel hates him so much,
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star-shapedfruit · 1 year
Alright lets talk about THAT scene
Honestly I'm still processing all of it and I don't even know if this is even gonna be coherent or more like
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This is long. LETS GO
So it's still very much up in the air as to whether that was really Hiyori or not because of the whole illusion thing that Father has going on in this domain but I'm going to assume this is actually her. It just seems kinda weird for Adachitoka to pull that and then go 'Haha SIKE! Jk!' in the next update. Like, if you're gonna pull a scene like that- you gotta commit to the bit ya know?
So let's assume it's all real. Cord snapped. Kapow. She's dead. Now what? God I wish I fucking knew because Adachitoka LOVE to throw curve balls at us so no matter what we predict it'll probably be wrong 🙃
But I think this might have something to do with it.
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Kofuku was the one to originally tie the plaques together (uh oh) but then Ookunushi was the one to place them back and bless them with happiness. So you've got a disaster god dooming them but a god of fortune blessing them. Those poor plaques are so confused lol. But either way, Yato and Hiyori are bonded for life and that's an already pretty strong bond they've got. They're two idiots in love and call it silly and cliché but perhaps it's that bond that will save them.
Hiyori is a special case. She's a half-Ayakashi with ties to both the Near Shore and the Far-Shore and we have no idea what happens to someone like that when they die. Do they lose their memories? Will she forget Yato, Yukine, and everyone else from the Far Shore? Will she forget her name? Again, a tricky one but since she treads the lines between the two worlds and her soulmate is a god, maybe not. It could be possible that she retains all those Far Shore memories and forgets a lot of the Near. She remembers her name but can't recall her parents or friends faces.
(That then brings up the huge elephant in the room of what other shinki will think of that and then start to ponder their own deaths leading to the GGS (the likes of Daikoku, Bishamon and Ebisu's shinki etc) but let's just put that to one side for a minute. I can only have one panic at a time)
I think one thing is for certain at this point though. Noragami won't exactly have a happy ending. Either Hiyori somehow lives and Yato is forced to cut her ties and she forgets everything or she dies and permanently joins the Far Shore, leaving her life, ambitions, friends and family behind. And yeah, neither of those are good. But it looks like they're the only options. Now shoot me for this but I seem to lean towards the latter. I really hate endings where someone forgets the entire journey they just went on and it ends up in a sort of 'it was all a dream' ending. They just make me angry lol. Person has this amazing story and adventure and it ends with a literal I forgor meme? Lame. It's more impactful if both parties suffer 😈 (Why I always get more emotional watching the S2 finale of Doctor Who than the S4 finale. I hate that Donna had to forget everything to save her. But that's a completely different kettle of fish).
I went on a tangent there oops. ANYWAY. If we go down the route that Hiyori is dead then it seems like only two things can happen; she'll become a shinki or she'll be deified. She can't be dead dead I refuse to believe that 😤 Not only because she's my favourite character but I really can't see Adachitoka killing her off for good.
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Now call me a hopeless romantic (and my Yatori brain going ding ding ding) but the immediate answer that came to mind when I saw this passage at the end of the chapter is love. Perhaps it'll be Hiyori's love for Yato (and Yukine of course) that will be the Deus ex machina that will ensure that she can come back and that she comes back with her memories in tact, maybe even bypassing the GGS. With that, she may be the secret weapon to destroying Father (did Ebisu and Take even destroy the shrine? Honestly can't remember). Whether that means Yato will name her and the three of them will completely whoop his ass or something else entirely, but I think that post-death Hiyori will be the final piece needed to end Trash Dad and the crisis on earth.
Horrific as it is, It would be fitting for her character to make that sacrifice. She's always been brave and selfless and if she knew that in order to save everyone she loves on earth and the rest of the population by fighting by Yato's side, even if that meant that she had to die, she'd do it.
Yes this isn't the perfect ending but there is no perfect ending. Hiyori has been doomed ever since she jumped in front of that bus.
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