#at this point i really need to put them both on my oc page...
elavoria · 7 months
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Face studies of my Kingmaker and WotR characters, Mircella and Isanna. :3
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winksasleeplesseye · 1 year
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A/N: I wrote this for my OC and Leon but decided to rework it to be reader fic (bc I’m nice like that but don’t be surprised if I end up posting that one as well at some point).
Pairing: Post!RE4R!Leon Kennedy x F!Reader
Summary: Leon’s home resting from Spain, Jill invites you out but Leon wants you to stay in but you’re not budging, luckily for Leon, he’s always up for a challenge.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: straight up smut, oral (f receiving), Leon being hot
You sat at the vanity, putting on the finishing touches of your makeup and your outfit. Jill had invited you out on the town since she was visiting, a momentary return to normalcy you both seriously needed.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Leon sprawled out on your shared bed.
If he wasn’t wearing his comfiest pair of sweats and an obscure band tee, you probably would’ve thought he was posing for a spread in Playgirl. Either way, you’d always want to climb all over him like a tree.
His eyes flitted back and forth between pages of a mission report, a pair of reading glasses perched at the tip of his nose, clearly not helping with reading.
“You know, it’s not too late for you to get dressed to come with me.” You offer, but you already know exactly what he’ll say.
“Or you can stay in with me,” You looked at him from the reflection in the mirror, he was making the cutest pout face in your direction.
Raccoon City and now Spain had changed you both in different ways fundamentally. Leon had become more of a homebody, while you didn’t mind going out into the world, had everything occurred differently, you imagined he’d come with. Yet, you couldn’t fault him for it, the hells and horrors you both endured certainly weren’t normal.
“That won’t work on me, Kennedy, I know your ways,” You laughed.
Papers shuffling and the springs of the mattress dipping sound behind you. “Oh, really?”
One thing you occasionally forget is that Leon Scott Kennedy is never one to back down from a challenge. And right now? His challenge is clear.
Leon is quick to wrap his arms around your middle, bringing you up to a standing position crushed against his front. He nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, placing hot, open mouthed kisses against it.
The helpless sound that escapes your lips is equal parts pleasure and annoyance. “You evil man.”
He lets out the sexiest chuckle as his lips travel over all the exposed skin you have on display. The butterfly top you’d gotten only recently is now already disheveled as Leon works a hand underneath the cup of the fabric, rolling a nipple between his fingers.
You turned your head, pulling Leon into a frenzied kiss before pulling away for mere seconds only to face him fully in the kiss.
Your phone, a slim black Nokia was going off in your back pocket but quite frankly you were more lost in your fingers exploring underneath Leon’s clothes as he did the same to you. Jill would just have to wait.
Leon’s hands gripped the back of your thighs and lifted you with an ease that shouldn’t have been so sexy but it was.
Challenge? Oh, who were you kidding? You barely put up a fight. Leon knew exactly what would convince you every time.
“You really thought you could go out, looking like that?” he asked huskily, wrapping your legs around his slim waist.
Feeling particularly wicked, you answer with a smirk, “Yes.”
You felt victorious but that was going to be short-lived, Leon practically threw you down on the mattress, no care for the papers that now laid all over the floor.
You tried to contain your excitement as Leon undid the buttons to your black jeans, just barely ripping them off of you. Your underwear wasn’t so lucky, the flimsy material now laid on the floor alongside Leon’s papers.
For a moment, you shudder at the feeling of being bare.
You didn’t even have to wonder what Leon would do next; he was already sinking down to his knees, pausing long enough only to pull you to the edge of the bed. He didn’t give you any time to prepare yourself. His broad shoulders shoved your legs apart and his mouth was on your in an instant.
“Oh, shit, Leon,” You breathed. Your head fell back against the mattress as his mouth explored your folds. Your fingers found their way to his hair where they tangled themselves in his blonde locks with abandon.
Leon’s tongue licked kittenish and broad stripes up your pussy, earning him a tug that had him letting loose a small groan against your core. He’d always liked his hair pulled, but he seemed to like it even more now.
You couldn’t think of anything but Leon, focusing all your attention on looking at the man between your legs to find that his blue eyes already bore into you, watching for every single reaction, certainly feeling some gratification that he’s always able to do all of this to you.
His tongue alternated between licking between your folds and disappearing deep inside you. Occasionally his nose would brush your clit but he seemed to be ignoring it on purpose, driving you nearly mad with need.
“Leon, baby, please,” You pathetically whimper, eyes heavily lidded gazing needily at the man between your legs.
He gave you one last long, sinful lick before gazing up at you through lust-blown eyes. Clearly, you didn’t have to wonder if he enjoyed pleasuring you like this.
“You’re gonna have to tell me exactly what you want, sweetheart. Now, what do you want?” he asked.
You bit your lip, you really didn’t want to voice your thoughts out loud, considering Leon knows your body so well, but you both knew he wasn’t going to budge until you said it. So, you caved. “I need your mouth on my clit. Ple-“
His tongue darted out and swirled around the engorged bud, instantly drawing a loud moan from your lips. you clapped a hand over your mouth, not wanting the entire building to hear you. “Like that?” he asked salaciously, looking up at you with now nearly black eyes, pupils overtaking the blue color. Before you could answer his mouth found your clit again, giving it a gentle suck. A strangled cry left your mouth and he relented to lavish the rest of you with deft licks.
“You really are an evil man,” You murmured fondly. You could practically feel him grin. To hell with Jill, this way was more important. You knew she’d probably be a little mad to be blown off for a few hours but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care; it felt too damn good.
In mere minutes, Leon had reduced you to a pile of jello on the mattress, you were pretty sure that your hand was the only thing keeping you from screaming your euphoria to the high heavens. “L-Leon, baby, I’m so fucking close-Oh my-ah!”
“That’s it. Come on my tongue,” he whispered filthily. Your breathing became unstable, vocal cords shaky as Leon’s name spilled feebly from your mouth; your toes curled, your legs shook as your thighs clamped down on his head as your orgasm sent your body off the edge of the earth.
Your fingers tugged sharply on his hair and his resulting moan felt like it resonated throughout your whole body. He worked his tongue over your clit until the sensation was obviously overwhelming then switched to spearing you with it, moaning as though you were the best thing he’d ever tasted.
When you were spent he finally ceased, standing slowly and removing your shirt in one fluid motion. “You’d better call Jill and apologize now,” he wore a proud grin, hands pulling up his shirt.
God, you love this man.
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snek-panini · 2 months
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The last of my Binderary books, #10 and #11, are here! This is The Mathematical Improbability of Reaching the Stars by cassieoh and D20Owlbear and it is another very long fic that I had to split into two volumes. It's a wonderful Good Omens human!AU with believable relationship development and very likeable OCs. I like to go into summaries at this point in my binding posts but I have trouble pinpointing the reason I like this one so much. It's just compelling and I like spending time with these characters. It reads like an original story and yet it's undeniably a GO fic. I don't know how else to phrase it.
I had a major disappointment with the bind, though. As you can no doubt see in the photos above, there was major glue leakage when I did the htv and it ruined my book cloth. That's a homemade paper-backed cloth and it's this wonderful textured green fabric (I think it's polyester but it's shiny and lightweight) but it did not like that silver foil htv At All. Really sad that it turned out like that. The silver leaves were also an absolute nightmare to weed. So many teeny tiny pieces, and I had to do four of them. I stand by the design, it's very pretty and I still think it fits the book, but I have got to find another option for putting titles on homemade cloth. I've done five of them now and I have this issue every time.
More photos under the cut! It is still a very pretty set, even with the cover issues.
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You can see the fabric texture really well on the backs, and there's no glue issue there either. Part of me wishes I'd left the front covers blank like the backs. I love how the spines turned out; that's black faux leather and it always takes htv like a champ. I like how I did the titles here too. I really wanted them on the spines but it's such a long title that I'd have had to scrunch it down really small to make it fit. Weeding tiny text is always a pain and it limits the fonts you can use and still be legible, but splitting it up like this? Love it. Looks so good on my shelf.
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Silver foiled edges! I had trouble getting the foil to stick, like always, but I ended up sort of layering it over the unstuck parts and got this kind of patchy look that I love. Handmade double core endbands, and this is one of the most complex patterns I've done in endbands so far. I love them and think they came out really beautiful.
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The endpapers are this beautiful chiyogami leaf pattern. I bought these for this fic before I'd even started typesetting it because I knew they'd be perfect. Chiyogami is my favorite thing to use for endpapers lately, I love it so much.
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I went really simple on the typeset here. It's a contemporary story, as opposed to a lot of the historical and fantastical ones I tend to bind, and I thought the sleek typeset suited it. I'm not as in love with the title page as I could be but I do like it. It's about the text, not the flourishes, once you get into the meat of the story.
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One fun typesetting thing I was able to do with this one happened in the headers and footers. Usually I do page numbers at the bottom, author's name on the top left and title on the top right, but the combination of two authors and a really long title meant the headers got really unwieldy. They were too long and bled into the body text. So I split them up like this, and I love it! Looks so sleek. I've been looking for an excuse to do it like this again on other typesets but it hasn't fit anything yet.
And that's that! I asked for author permission for these but never heard back, so I hope they're both ok with what I did. I'm overall pleased with the results (and in love with parts of it) and I know what I still need to work on.
This is the last of my Binderary books! 11 is too many! I'm never doing that many books in a month again! Now I've got everything posted I feel like I can move on to new projects, though it may be a bit before I have any new books to post. I've got a format experiment in mind.
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fleouriarts · 2 months
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posting ocs on this account for the first time in forever... and making NEW ocs for the first time in forever too. please welcome my new funny animals
heights on the pic are measured from top of the skull (so not including hair or ears)
more info about everyone below the cut
JAMIE NAM: banded linsang. 19. he/him tboy. animation student. he is a nervous wreck and kind of a cringe failboy but by god he's trying his best
SANTIAGO FLORES: sheep. 20. he/him cis dude. fine arts student. absolute sweetheart with a huge family who's been dating jamie for only a few months before the inciting incident of the story (detailed below)
JOHNNY DEAN CLANTON: red appaloosa horse. 21. she/her cis butch. worked on her family's chicken/various other birds farm for a year after high school, then decided to just be a "free spirit" living out of her van and doing odd manual labor jobs for people. she's also an absolute player (with a thing for small carnivores in particular)
NULL: blue point siamese cat. 20. they/them agender. chemistry student and pawblix (furry version of publix) cashier. they are actually friends with people, but they're also great at lying and generally pretending to get along with people they hate. needs a smoke break
ARGYLE LANCASTER: lion. 21. he/him cis dude. engineering student who burnt out and decided to go into fashion design instead. chill and agreeable to a fault, he will go with whoever else's flow even if it ends up hurting him (or someone else)
the general gist of this story is that everyone here except for santiago knew each other in high school. jamie is best friends with johnny, johnny is briefly dating null, and null is friends with argyle. jamie gets introduced to null through johnny, then gets introduced to argyle through null. jamie is immediately smitten and has a crush on argyle for months
at the end of jamie's junior year/argyle's senior year, jamie finally asks argyle out. argyle says yes, but he's really not that into jamie, he just wants to see what will happen (... and also feels bad for him). over the course of the summer it becomes clear to argyle that this relationship cannot last but he keeps putting off on breaking up with jamie. finally, the day before argyle moves across the country to go to college, he admits to jamie that he was kinda dating him out of pity and breaks up with him. jamie, understandably, loses his fucking mind, blocks argyle on everything after he leaves, and proceeds to have the worst senior year of all time
flash forward a few years. jamie is now a sophomore in college in an animation program. he's got a new beautiful sheep boyfriend named santiago. null, who was only really an acquaintance before, goes to the same college as them and they become better friends. johnny isn't always in town but they still hang out on the regular. jamie is still mad at argyle, because why wouldn't he be, but there's enough good in his life that he doesn't have to focus on his one bad high school relationship
... until argyle, dropping out of his ruthless engineering program, decides to transfer back home. to jamie and co's college. now BOTH of them have to deal with feelings that have built over the past three years as seeing each other becomes almost unavoidable. jamie has to grapple with the fact that he can't be mad at argyle forever, and argyle is forced to actually deal with the fact that he hurt someone like that instead of just hoping they've gotten over it
... ok wow i did not expect to type that much. i scripted a comic of jamie seeing argyle for the first time in three years in a frenzy a few weeks ago, and i've been telling myself that i HAVE to do a longer comic (and by longer i mean like. more than 3 pages) with my ocs this year, so hopefully i'll start working on that soon. i'm also gonna make a separate Lore Post about my furryverse because there's some silly stuff i've come up with for it. anyway ENJOY
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So I’m here starting to experiment with rendering style… yes I know it looks messy, but that’s the whole point!
What I like about art that it doesn’t need to be full on perfect, I like this little messiness that it adds to it. I just totally leave the line-art out of my list and use the sketch, by cleaning it off, as my line-art! It’s less time consuming and really gives this certain texture to it.
I also wanted to try out that style where they put those dots into highlighted parts. It kinda looks good! But I still need to learn how to use them properly TwT…
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And yes, Asriel again… I had no idea who to draw, and drawing only my own OC doesn’t really do much on this page- those posts are mostly dead TwT… So Asriel is both my favorite character to draw and I get a lot more recognition for him! Win win! :3
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empressofmankind · 6 months
[Crocodile x F!OC]
Explicit - 5.5k words / 13 pages
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(A/N) One large dick refusing to be contained, two bananawani for a picture perfectly framed. Three excellent sets of nightwear, and four shots that caught genuine care. 
Actually, a teenager's absolute worst nightmare.
Nico Robin is a teen in the cruel throes of puberty, peer pressure and that never-ending sense of social shame. For I realised a few days ago that she has a massive gap in her canon from about age 12-ish onward until Crocodile runs into her at 24. So, as her teens match up beautifully with the nuclear disaster that is Crocodile and Shiv's marriage, I decided that what this insane ship really needed was a teenager and zero tools to deal with it. Also, the notion of him having been stuck fake single-parenting Robin after everything went royaly south with Shivs just tickles me, personally.
This story is set around the same time period as ‘Hooked On You’ and ‘The House Always Win’, in Alabaste at Rainbase, mostly in and around Rain Dinners. Because apparently, I am not over these two.
It may be a tad less polished than my usual stuff, because I wrote it at the break of my Christmas morning to deliver it to you all on your Christmas day. Enjoy!
Tag(s): Teenage rage quit. Reprehensible parenting. Several amazing sexy lingerie modelling moments, courtesy of yours truly being horny on main on Christmas morning. We've also got dry humping, hand jobs, some good fingering and dicks breaking containment simply by being that darn large. Graphic sex. Excellent banther. Solid comedy, if I may say so myself. Absolutely filthy language. Shivs too. Girl made him lose his shit. Size difference is still relevant, stretching and edging too. I'd say orgasm denial, though neither was down for that one. At least they got to wreck eachother real good in the end. I'll be over there, helping Robin putting herself back into the system. I'd wanna disappear off the face of the earth, too.
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“You can't do this to me!” Robin all but stamped her feet.
Crocodile glanced away from Shivs to the fuming teenager, smoke escaping him as he caught her angry gaze. “I didn't realise we needed your permission.”
“This is humiliating!” she continued, beside herself with frustration. “I won't be able to show my face in public ever again!”
“You already can't, sweetie,” Shivs said in a tone not even on the same continent as comforting. “What with the World Government looking for you.”
“That’s not the point! You are murdering my social life!” Robin fumed as she glared at her adoptive parents. She'd sooner be an orphan again, she thought angrily. “Like, why are you even doing this? It's not like you need the money!”
Shivs tilted her head, taking the cigarillo from her mouth even. “It's fun?”
Robin switched her angry stare from her to Crocodile, but he was no help. Had the gall to chew that cigar as if he were actually thinking about it. 
“What she said,” he said through a cloud of smoke.
“Hrgh!” Robin balled her fists at them. “I hate you both!”
When neither particularly responded to her outburst aside from blowing out more smoke and perhaps raising an eyebrow, she turned and stormed out, slamming his office door. 
The Sphinxxx nightwear designer smoothed his tailored jacket with a nervous glance. “Will this be a problem, sir?”
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When the photographer's assistant dimmed the ambient light of Crocodile's office to a softly flickering orange, Shivs felt the shift in mood. Of the office space, yes. But also her own, and Crocodile’s. The fact that there were nearly a dozen strangers fussing about them didn’t kill it as much as you'd think.
They'd just changed into the lingerie they were meant to model and were undergoing the fussy attention of the two resident make up artists. It was a nice set, though privately Shivs thought, not quite their style.
Shivs wore a just below hip length tube dress of sheer dark fabric that reminded her of stockings. It had a strip of opaque black silk that went around her pubes and breast only. The effect was interesting, she supposed. Crocodile wore matching boxer briefs made of the same sheer material, with thin opaque strips circling around his hips. However, the patch of cloth meant to obscure his business did not quite do its job as intended. And the fact that it had a subtle black zipper down the middle that appeared to go all the way around seemed like a hazard to her. But, Stefano - the Sphinxx designer who had envisioned these - was not one to argue fashion with, they’d already discovered. 
Fortunately, she’d managed to keep Crocodile from blowing the whole thing off at the first confrontation. He sat smoking at his desk now, blowing out smoke and creating personal thunderclouds around his head as one of the make up artists fussed with him. Could be have been far worse. She’d count this a win.
Cussing, Shivs fumbled with the small clap of her necklace behind her neck.
“Turn around, doll,” Crocodile said.
She glanced up to find him beside her, and wondered if he’d used his abilities because the poor make up artist was staring in their direction like a particularly dimwitted calf. Or perhaps he’d simply been rude.
“Thanks,” she said as she turned, bending her neck as she felt his touch against it. It should be illegal that he could unclip those with one hand while she barely managed half the time with two.
“No, no! Absolutely not!” Stefano exclaimed as he came towards them, all hand gestures.
Shivs could tell from the way Crocodile’s touch abruptly stilled that the fashion designer better follow up with a good reason fast.
“Keep the jewellery, it is classy, distinguished,” Stefano said. “This is art.”
Shivs relaxed when she felt the weight of his hand shift against her neck, idly palming the tension from the muslces there. Good save, she thought.
“Ready when you are, Stef,” the photographer said as she tossed her cigarette bud into the nearest ash tray.
Stefano clapped his hands. “Let’s do this.”
An assistant hurried towards them with the ashtray for Crocodile to discard his smoke, but Stefano waved them away. “It adds character, atmosphere.”
And just as well, for it was only half way gone, and it was never a good time to make him stop.
Stefano motioned them towards the desk, though with far more grace this time. “Poses, if you please.”
“C’mon big guy,” Shivs said as she took the curve of his hook and tugged him up from his seat. He rose with due reluctance through a cloud of smoke.
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“They are magnificent!”
Stefano’s breathless exclamation at seeing the dozing bananawani on the rear deck of the casino was especially satisfying. The rest of his crew hung back, exchanging uncertain glances.
“They won’t do anything,” Crocodile rumbled around his cigar. He caught the designer’s gaze. “Unless I tell them to.”
“Haha, noted,” Stefano said with a small laugh soaked in anxiety.
Shivs slid her hand into Crocodile’s as they watched him harry his terrified crew into setting up. “You’re so mean.”
He glanced down at her, then at the busybodies. “Think they'll miss us for six minutes?” he rumbled as he blew out smoke.
“Only six?” she muttered into the skin of his bicep, pressing a kiss against it.
There was a note of amusment under the grumpy noise though, and she was glad his mood had shifted for the better again.
“Oh, that is small,” Shivs chortled when they were shown what they’d be wearing this time. Both were unnecessarily complicated looking contraptions of thin black cord holding in place the most minimal bits of cloth necessary to pretend at decency. She cast a cheeky look up at Crocodile. "Can that even contain you?"
Turned out, it couldn’t.
The elastic had been too weak to keep his junk from doing exactly as it pleased, and she was fairly certain she’d cherish the visual of all of it ignoring the thong’s confines for a good long while. In the end, the poor tailor had to thread iron wire through the main cords. Once that was done, they tried again.
“Over here,” Stefano said as he directed them towards the corner of the deck with an unobstructed view of the oasis around Rain Dinners. From this angle, the rest of Rainbase city wasn’t visible and you could fancy yourself in the middle of the Alabaste desert.
“Would it be possible for one of them to be, well, closer?” he asked, his tone carefully polite.
Crocodile audibly patted his naked thigh and made the clack-clack sound from around his cigar that was usually the only warning some unfortunate soul got. Instantly, one of the massive creatures uncoiled from its nap and lumbered towards them, the deck shaking under its heavy steps.
Shivs rubbed the bananawani’s giant snout. “Hello handsome, you’re gonna be a supermodel too?” she cooed at it as the enormous beast settled down around them.
“P-perfect!” Stefano said, seeming equal measures excited and terrified. “Jace, framing?”
The photographer took aim, motioning them this way and that way before she raised a thumbs up. “Good shot. Got both the desert and the animal framing them.”
Shivs leaned against Crocodile’s thigh, a hand on his broad chest as she looked up at him. He reached around her, resting the curve of his hook against the small of her back.
“Turn a little to the camera, darling, just a little,” Jace said. “Yes, perfect. Hold that position.”
Ever so subtly, Shivs pressed up against his hip, a wave of languid pleasure rolling up her spine as if a quiet beach. The small huff that escaped her drew his attention immediately, his hooded gaze snapping unto hers.
“Let’s have a different one. Glass!" Stefano said as he gestured at one of his assistants, who immediately came over to them with a crystal tumbler. "Something sweet, I think. Hold it up as if you're sharing it."
"What was that, doll?" Crocodile rumbled under his breath as he held the tumbler between them, leaning in as if about to drink from it. His gaze snared hers. Every stealthy push of her pussy against his muscular thigh lit a spark of pleasure that threatened to catch fire in her core. The curve of his hook pressed against her lower back as her quiet pants clouded the glass. "You going to cum on my thigh with all of them watching?"
“Oh, perfect!” Stefano exclaimed, oblivious. “Please hold those expressions!”
“Don’t think he’ll be happy if I climb on your cock instead,” she whispered above the glass. "Though I am dying to."
She heard it as much as she felt it - the twack of snapping fabric and the sudden shift of his balls spilling against her thigh as his cock broke containment, erect for all to see.
“Oh-hoh!” Shivs chortled, leaning back as Crocodile cussed, sloshing the drink. He removed his arm from around her but his hook snagged on one of the uncountable bands of the delicate contraption she wore. It snapped and the whole thing came undone around her with a sigh of fabric that would have been satisfying if it had been intentional.
“Oh, dear!” Stefano, his voice pitching up two octaves as the tailor and his assistants rushed in to fix things. The photographer put away her camera and went for a smoke break.
Shivs struggled not to laugh at the tailor’s awkwardly cautious manner while Crocodile glared down at him. “That is never going to fit back in there.”
Stefano gave her a look more panicked than when Crocodile had threatened shutting all of this down. “What are we going to do?!”
Shivs shifted as the tailor’s assistant helped her into a bathrobe. “Well, Stefano,” she said with a waggle of her eyebrows. “I know what to do about that.”
He stared at her for a long moment.
Then clapped his hands.
“You heard the lady, everyone out! Out!”
“Soooo,” Shivs said when everyone was gone, running her hand up his hard shaft. “What are we going to do about this?”
Crocodile reached for the back of her head and drew her to him for a kiss. She responded greedily and he drank her eagerness in as the gluttonous creature within him stirred from sleep.
“If you put your pretty pussy around it, you're not coming off any time soon,” he rumbled against her lips when they parted.
"Tempting as that sounds, I suppose we can't."
He was rock hard as she fitted her palms around him, just below the head, and pulled down with short, firm tugs that drew rapidly louder grunts from him. Holding on to his hip, she straddled his thigh again and rode against him with a languid roll of her hips that send sparks of pleasure up her spine as she jerked him off.
When he reached down to rub her clit, she almost immediately lost it, so wound up the whole affair had left her.
"Cum. For me. Doll," he grunted near her ear, his breath hot bursts against the side of her neck.
She whined pitifully as a short, intense orgasm cut through her so sharp and clear that it brought tears to her eyes. Trembling against him as she clenched around his thigh, savouring the sweet after pleasure. When she recovered, his large cock throbbed in her grip, precum leaking down his shaft and running between her fingers.
“I need those pretty thighs of yours, sweetheart.”
“I need you inside me,” she complained as he dislodged her from his thigh. She reached for his neck, tried to drag him on top of her as she spread her legs. The reverberating groan that drew from him did things to her.
“No -ngh- honey.” He struggled to turn her around as she squirmed underneath him. He was this close to shoving his cock into her soaking pussy and fuck them both into a stupor.
Instead, he pulled her up unto her knees and then feet. He leaned unto his hand, dragging her up against him. The angle was awkward, but no matter. He hooked her thighs together, his cock straining between their soft, hot skin. He groaned as he pressed along her slick pussy.
She complained, fingers curling into fists on the wooden boards as she bucked back into his thrusts, his breath hot along her back.
“You wanted the damn photoshoot,” he grunted, picking up his pace. 
“I want y-you,” she whined, and he had to force his hook around her waist to keep her from tilting her hips trying to get his cock inside her.
If that happened, he wouldn't be able to stop.
He threw his weight around and leaned on his hook instead, so he could reach his hadn between her thighs.
“I know, doll,” he grunted as he rubbed two fingers roughly against her clit, drinking in the way her whines pitched into moans.
“I will - hrng- fuck you. So good. Later.”
“Oh-ah!” She cried out as a second orgasm rushed through her like an oncoming wave and he pounded himself through it with quick, hard thrusts between her trembling thighs. They squeezed around his shaft as he came with a low, drawn out groan that made the bananawani look up. She felt its timbre against her back as he dumped his load on the boards beneath them with a noise that made her bite her lip as she caught his gaze across her shoulder.
By the time the Sphinxxx crew dared approach, they’d settled beside the snoozing bananawani enjoying that glass of brandy and a smoke. It had hardly been enough, but his dick had gone soft and it took the edge off. That’d have to be enough.
“Shit,” Shivs said when she noticed the incriminatingly bar-shaped bruises streaking her left hip.
“Not to worry,” Stefano said quickly. “We can retouch that away.”
“I like it,” Crocodile rumbled against her ear as his fingertips traced her hip.
Shivs stretched against him, nestling into his hold as she sipped the brandy.
“Bet you do,” she said against the glass.
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“Ohhh, it has a little tail! I love that!” Shivs exclaimed when Crocodile had turned around to go where Stefano pointed them.
The last set of nightwear the Sphinxxx designer had brought for them to model was distinctly seasonal. And though not usually one for these kinds of things, Shivs had to admit she didn’t hate it. Predictably, she was wearing a Mrs Santa ensemble that comprised a very short red velvet skirt edged in genuine white fur that felt sinful soft against her skin. It came paired with an impressively v-necked hooded crop top in the same style. She’d opted for stockings and red heels to go with it, because it felt half-finished without them. Stefano had been thrilled.
However, instead of matching Crocodile with a Santa-inspired outfit, they’d actually gone for a reindeer. A very big, very hunky reindeer. 
The outfit comprised a short sleeved top that barely reached to his midrif and struggled to contain his pects, and boxer briefs with cut outs at the thighs that only just managed to contain him. The whole affair was a seasonal chocolate brown, except for the smudge of white on the chest, thighs and butt. It had taken some convincing to get him to wear it. Nevermind, the antlered headband. But that, and the boxer brief’s little reindeer tail delivered the whole thing to grace.
No, she definitely didn’t hate it.
They had returned inside, to Rain Dinners' primary casino floor, which had already been decorated the previous weekend for the upcoming season. Stefano had been conflicted about where they’d do the shoot - by the oiled wood and polished brass of the Grand Café bar, or at the colonnade with the nightlights of Rainbase through the window wall? Shivs had casually suggested they could do the shoot at her table, and he’d loved that.
“No, no, lay down flat. Pretend it's grass and this is summer - yes,” Stefano said as Shivs laid down on her stomach on the poker table, leaning on her elbows with her hands under her chin and idly kicking up her feet.
“Good, perfect!” His tone was as cheerful as the decor as he handed her the poker cards. “Hold ‘em like you mean it, darling.”
“Devil’s in the details.” Shivs winked as she tossed the third card back to him, then put down the right amount of community cards as well. “That’s a little too much.”
“That’s not what you said last night,” Crocodile rumbled not even pretending to lower his voice as he leaned over her as instructed.
That drew awkward looks from everyone, and a chortle from her that settled pleasantly in the pit of his stomach as he leaned unto his hand and pretended to be interested in the cards instead of the feel of her damp cunt against his cock. The moist spot discolouring her panties under the short skirt hadn’t lied.
“No, not quite,” Stefano rubbed his chin, then snapped his fingers. “Indicate one of the cards.”
“Well, that’s a solid tell,” Shivs said with a snort.
“Art, art! This is art, not an actual game,” Stefano protested. “Go on, please.”
Crocodile shifted his weight unto his hand, indicating one of the two cards Shivs held with the tip of his hook.
“A little nearer - perfect!”
He leaned in closer as the camera clicked, pressing his cock against her firm butt. “You look like a seasonal treat good enough to eat, doll,” he grunted under his breath.
Shivs arched her back with a little noise, spreading her thighs more to accommodate him. She glanced away from the cards to catch his gaze from the corner of her eye. “Don’t tempt me to take you up on that, Blitzen.”
The rumble at the back of his throat as she felt his cock stiffen against her made her smile at the cards.
When they rounded up the last shot, Stefano came towards them positively aglow. “This was wonderful,” he said in a near reverent tone. “Stunning. Perfect.”
Crocodile lit a cigar, letting the praise shower him. Shivs suspected it smoothed his rankled humours from earlier today.
“Let me gift you any one of these,” the Sphinxxx designer added. “It would be my honour.”
“These ones,” Shivs said immediately. It was the little tail, truly.
Crocodile glanced down at her through a cloud of smoke. Amusement tugged his lips around his cigar.
“What she said.”
🐊 🐊 🐊 
“That what you want, doll?” Crocodile said as he ran his hand up her side and under the top’s red velvet to palm her breast.
“Yes. It will turn out to be the best picture,” Shivs said as she laid down on her stomach and leaned on her elbows, hands under her chin. They were in their bedroom, facing the floor length mirrors opposite the curving window wall, wearing the seasonal set that she’d claimed for them. A cheeky glance at him from across her shoulder. “And I want to see it already.”
“You do look good, doll.” He pushed the short skirt up, fingers running through the soft fur edge and against her warm skin. He palmed her firm butt, pulling the cheeks apart. Her crimson panties were soaked, just as they’d been during the photo shoot. 
“My own seasonal treat,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her shoulder, sliding fingers under her panties and between her wet folds. Her little huff when he pushed two into her slick cunt made his cock throb for its tight embrace. “I wanted to rail you every time your pretty pussy pressed against me.”
“Wish you had,” Shivs said as she arched into his touch, pressed her hips into his palm as his fingers drew sparks of pleasure from her core with their every move. She spread her legs further, wanting him against her the way he’d been during the photo shoot. “Wani, please. Need to feel you against me, on top of me. Like that. Again.”
She whined when he withdrew his fingers, and moaned when she felt his hips and weight settle against her instead. Their gazes crossed in the mirror.
“That what you’d do, doll?” he asked as he leaned over her, all but cheek to cheek as he dry humped against her butt, making her feel his erection. “Come to the stable at night and let all the good reindeer stuff your tight, needy hole like a little slut?”
“I only know a bad one,” she replied with half a moan. “But his cock is the best one.”
“Is that so?” he grunted as he pulled the boxer brief’s crotch out of the way and pushed his hard shaft along her clothed cunt and groaned at how wet the thin fabric of her panties felt.
“He always fucks me good and proper,” she said between huffs of need, pressing back against him to feel more. “I love how his thick dick spreads me open, fills me so fucking good.”
“Like this?” He pulled the soaked fabric aside and shoved his hard cock into her in one smooth thrust, the slick noise of her soaking cunt drawing him in incriminatingly loud in the quiet bedroom.
Her moan broke and set fire to the desire that had been smoldering in his loins.
“Oh, yess!” she whined when she felt him bottom out, stretching her so deliciously around him. The tip boldly pushed against her back walls, wanting to go further still. She cramped around him when he stayed put, pushed back against his hips. “F-fuck me.”
He watched her squirm and claw at their bedsheets. Felt her squeeze so tightly around his shaft it made him clench his teeth. He leaned close against her, his breath hot against the back of her neck. “What’s that, doll?”
“F-fuck - ngh- me, damnit,” she cursed as she pushed back against him, desperate for friction, any friction. “Make me f-feel your thick cock. You filthy beast.”
“Beast?” he rumbled with a firm thrust that wrested a groan from him as he blunted against the back wall of her tight hole.
“A-ah! Yes!” she whined half muffled into a fistfull of sheets. “More. Damnit.”
“More?” he grunted into her ear as he locked his hand around her shoulder and his hook behind the far edge of their bed. He wanted, no, needed, to hear her scream for him.
“Ye-ah! Yes!” She’d all but buried her face in their bedsheets, fingers clenching around the pale silk.
“Didn’t my little honey want to see?” he said as he struggled to control himself, hold back from recklessly thrusting into her wet, cramping pussy a moment longer. He pushed her chin up with his index finger as he started pounding his cock into her with thrusts that shook her whole frame. Thrusts whose wet slaps filled their bedroom as the slick noises of her soaking pussy eagerly taking him made him hungry for more. Much more.
“Look up, doll.”
The horny greed in her gaze when they met in the mirror made him groan as his cock throbbed. She was perfect, and his. She fed the ravenous beast within him the way no one else did. No one else could. Not any more. Not ever.
“Scream -ngh - for me, honey,” he grunted as he strained into his pushes, groaning as he forcefully pulled himself up by his hook with long, deep thrusts that damn near made him see stars. She screamed for him then as she watched him wreck her, shattering her cries with his thrusts. And when she started cramping around him, his low cries joined hers as he spilled his load deep in her tight cunt.
Feeling his arm give way under him, he turned to fall on his side into the rumped sheets beside her, drawing her with him as he rode out his orgasm with languid thrusts. She turned her head up and they kissed as he reached under her top again. She made a delightfully hazy noise against his lips when he stroke her hard nipple.
The timid knock at the doorpost drew an irritated grunt from him that made her want to fuck him again.
It was Anthony, his gaze fixed firmly on the ceiling. He was holding something, a magazine by the look of it.
“What.” Crocodile grunted.
“The draft print came in, sir,” Anthony said as he held out the magazine, gaze never straying. “They will hit the shelves tomorrow, I was told. Unless, of course, you object.”
“Oh!” Shivs was up and rising so fast that he groaned when his cock slid from her tight pussy. He rolled unto his back and watched his cum leak down her thighs as she grabbed his dress shirt and shrugged it on while trotting to his secretary. He reached for the night stand without bothering to get up, flipping a cigar from the box laying atop of it.
“Thank you, Tony,” Shivs said as she accepted the magazine from him.
“No problem, ma’am,” Anthony said without meeting her gaze, keeping it diligently up. “If there is nothing else?”
“Absolutely nill,” Crocodile said as he sat up and lit the cigar, and his secretary quickly made himself scarce.
“Look what they put on the cover,” Shivs said, clearly delighted, as she came towards him, proudly showing that seasonal shot she’d loved so well she’d made him wreck her like that not five minutes ago.
“Seems you got your wish,” he huffed through a puff of smoke as he reached out to her with hook and hand. 
She chortled as she took hold of his hook and let him draw her into his lap. “This sensationalist line they added about seasonal fun at the casino makes it sound like we got a whole something here for select guests, haha.”
“No, no other reindeer,” he grumbled, making her laugh.
“Don’t you worry,” she said as she sat up to press a kiss against his lips, hand stroking across his lower stomach. “None could hope to compare.”
The molified noise he made in response made her smile as she curled up against him with the magazine. “It looks so pretty,” she said as she ran her fingers across the full colour pages.
“That’s because you’re in it,” he said as he looked at them from above her shoulder. The article was a little ways into the middle of the fashion magazine. Eleven pages of quality photographs and there wasn’t a single one they didn’t like. It was only when she paged back to the front that they noticed the envelope taped into the inner cover.
There was a note in it emblazoned with the Sphinxx calligraphy, and a stack of photographs.
‘It was a delight and honour to work with the both of you. These did not make the cut, but I dare say I’d be in trouble if I did away with them, wouldn’t I?
Con affetto, Masotti Stefano.'
The delight with which she went through the additional pictures made the creature coil inside him with a purr.
“Oh, but these came out nice too?” Shivs said as she held one up. 
It looked like a candid shot as they walked to their intended spot during the shoot in his office. He’d just taken a draw from his cigar, a fond glance shrouded in smoke as she tugged him along by his hook, glancing over her shoulder with a smile as radiant as the desert sun.
Crocodile plucked it from her fingers. “This one will sit in my office.”
“I want a bigger print of this one,” she said as she shielded another one from view. He tugged at her shoulder with his hook to see. It was one from the second location, outside, with the bananawani. On it, he sat in one of the cast iron deck chairs, the large animal and the sprawling Rainbase oasis behind him. She stood against his inner thigh, leaning into him as she held up a lighter so he could light his cigar. It was a good shot, except for the part where all of his everything was breaching containment from the frightfully complicated thong. 
“I am going to hang it at my table,” she declared as she held it against her chest.
“Absolutely not!” he objected, smoke escaping him as he tried to snatch it from her.
She dodged and laughed, rolling off his lap amid a flock of scattering photographs. Then jumped up, the incriminating picture held high in hand. “Maybe that'll keep 'em piped down!”
He tangled himself out of the blasted sheets, biting down on his cigar as he gave chase. 
“Get back here!”
🐊 🐊 🐊 
Robin basked in the bright, sunny morning as she sauntered down Rainbase’s boulevard with her bestie, Miguella. They’d gotten the largest, fanciest lattes they could find and she had put them on Crocodile’s tab. She’d be lying if she said it didn’t taste better for it.
“We could go to All Stars or Seven Palms tonight?” Miguella said as she stirred her straw through the whipcream of her latte.
“All Stars.” Robin let the latte’s creamy texture take over her thoughts for a moment. “They’ll know to find us in Seven Palms, we go there too often.”
“They’re mad at you?”
“I am mad at them.”
Robin scowled. It was always excessively embarrassing when they did something like this, even when it was just lame old suit brands. She didn’t need to hear from everyone and their dog how good they looked, how amazing they were, and how lucky she was. She hated it here. She’d run away if she actually had anywhere else she could go without being turned in on sight. 
It was strange, though, for they hadn’t even tried to curfew her the past weekend. Perhaps they felt bad and hadn’t gone through with it? That’d be a first.
As they sauntered down the boulevard, not all its souvenir and food stands had opened yet. And the lady at the corner kiosk was just dragging the ‘newly arrived’ stand outside.
And that’s where she saw it.
Rendered in glossy full-colour, proud as could be on the front of Fashion First. Them. How dare? Her on her stomach on one of the casino’s poker tables, wearing the skimpiest sexy-Santa skirt and top you could still put on a front cover without being delegated to the randy back corner of a 24/7 shop. And him, dressed up as a goddamn reindeer, leaning over her back in what couldn’t possibly be an accidental posing. They pretended to be engrossed by the cards she was holding, but Robin knew better. She could fucking tell from their stupid horny glances.
Standing there, in the sunny, quiet boulevard. She thought she might actually scream.
“Hey! Aren’t that your parents?” Miguella said, and had the gall to chortle about it.
“They are NOT my parents, and they are dead to me!” Robin screamed, and stormed off.
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Horny hell seat reservations - @tiredemomama @smut-goblin @ruledbyproblematique @momodwriter @littlemountainwolf @fanaticsnail @feral-artistry - have a very merry Christmas with a shot of crocaine on the house.
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anavi-vrg · 2 months
My thoughts on my Day 5's drawings
Day 5 & 6 original post: 🌸
Man, Day 5 and 6 hit me in the feels a little bit too hard, that quote killed me
And meanwhile the Day 5 speedpaint is exporting, i'm going to write some of my thoughts on the individual illustrations that i did for this day.
First of all i wanted to draw every UU character that appeared in this arc at least once.
Have you seen Chikara's school?! it's so fucking big! There's no way Feng was the only P.E. teacher there, i have been in very small schools and they had at least 2. So i wanted to draw some of my ocs, that even though they aren't really average in terms of physical power, just seeing the absolute insanity that is Feng. I tried to make the illusion of a movement so fast, that Chikara's camera couldn't catch it without some blurring, like in Dr. Stone when Kohaku's movement always comes out blurry bcs she's that fast. (from left to right, the short version of the ocs' names are: Mari, Petra, Addler Xia and Lud)
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2. i just wanted an excuse to draw Fuuko and Gina with my two most wholesome, nature-loving ocs (An and Marcel), Gina was meant to appear in this one and a ninth drawing, but Gina's presence just wasn't there, i looked at my sketch and thought "this is not Gina, she's not here"
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3. UU science couple with my ocs' science team (left to right: Are {i hate his name, i need to change it}, Paula, Saulo and Todd), i feel that i didn't do justice to Nico and Ichico looking very ghostly with that skin color, i had to wing it based on the colored pages, also i felt that i was disrespecting both of them with that robot, but i still finished it, i'm in too deep to back down.
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4. it's impossible that Sean didn't goof around some clubs, he's an actor, he had visited the music and drama club at least once, so i just put my most music related ocs in the place of the teachers in charge of them, Christi would have really loved to goof around.
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5. I didn't know what to do with Billy, but i imagined that at least some teachers and students would have a crush for him, so i just put Mari for that role, Tella definetly used Untell on her so she can't get near Billy.
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6. Grandpa Isshin! i originally wanted to draw both Isshins in the context of a school daycare, Grandpa Isshin and some teachers that have kids, picking their respective kids. But i wanted the spotlight on these two, so i scraped the idea. There was a point were i was overthinking Grandpa Isshin's eyebrows and how it reminded me of my late Grandpa's eyebrows, almost cried at that one.
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7. Same as Feng but with Mui, also made Xia come back after she fainted with Feng, i felt incredibly cursed by Shen's presence in my canvas, after seeing the things i saw in my TL on twitter, i couldn't see Shen without thinking about it, so in the speedpaint there's a section where i put my refences and the characters specific colors from the anime, except for Shen, i stopped the recording bcs i felt cursed to have the anime reference in my canvas)
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8. Drama club! also Chikara is here, maybe acting will help him with his Unmove, this one has the cursed unshaded eyes in the speedpaint, everytime i looked at their eyes i remembered @tadpolebobatea, once the speedpaint is ready i will curse all of you with the unshaded eyes.
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encrucijada · 4 months
oc kiss week, prompt: sunrise persy & annie (perséfone)
My neck hurt from sleeping in the backseat of the car. I expected to see nighttime when looking out the window but the sky was getting light, pink and lilac, there was that chill of dawn in the air. I cranked down the window to stick out my head and breathe in the atmosphere, listen to the dogs barking faraway, look at the shadows cast by trees and spy the last of the lampposts that refused to rest.
You were sitting on the hood of the car still, but the guitar was now on the driver’s seat, the morning was quiet aside from the birds waking up with the sun.
I leaned over the handbrake to reach the windshield and tap my knuckles on it. You leaned and looked at me, my butterfly pins holding back your hair. The circular sunglasses stumbled from the top of your head and you cursed too loud for the still hour, hurrying to catch them while also keeping the wind from blowing away the pages of your notebook.
“Morning, sleepy,” you said.
“What are we still doing here?”
“I was chasing inspiration, next thing I knew sun was coming up. Knew you’d wake up eventually.”
I opened the door and climbed straight into the cold morning. Fixing my shirt and scratching at the line of my waist where my jeans had bitten uncomfortably into my skin. The angels were curled up on the room, heaps of light and feathers, mine blinking and staring with the eyes on its wings. There were others, strays, perching on the lamppost cables with the pigeons and grackles and sparrows. Twinkling like wind chimes, like altar bells.
You offered me a hand to climb onto the hood. “So you’ve been up all night?”
“More or less.”
“Any luck?”
You studied the words on the page, chewing the cap of the pen worse than it already was. “Definitely not.”
I offered my hand this time, you passed the pages and handed the notebook on a blank one, then gave me the pen without the chewed cap. I looked at the silhouettes of the angels on the tall cables and scratched at the paper with the pen, less drawing and more scribbling the suggestion of images.
“Wanna get breakfast?” you asked.
“We gotta wait at least an hour or two for anything good to be open.”
“I could use that to sleep, then.”
You leaned your head on my shoulder to look at the drawing. Those are birds, you said, and those are angels. If it wasn’t such a task you would ask me to paint every spot in the city and every city that had angels, just so you could see them as I saw them.
“Where are they now?” You looked around and I pointed behind us, to the roof of the car. Where your angel had woken too and now both it and my own were taking in the morning as we were. “What are they doing?”
“Enjoying… this, I guess.” I gestured around us, the sky bluer than lemonade pink now.
You hummed, sliding down against the windshield. Legs in ripped jeans stretched over the nose of the car, like you were on a lounge chair at the pool. The pins on your jacket clicked against each other when you hugged it close. I liked the cold, I liked it on my bare shoulders and my bare ankles, on my face, going sharp through my nose.
“It is nice,” you said, and closed your eyes. “We can stay until you’re done drawing.”
We needed to get back, but I wasn’t anymore mindful or responsible than you were. I liked these picturesque moments probably the most out of all of us. I would pick staying until the morning stopped feeling so personal, until the world truly woke up, until I had to admit we really had to return before they worried. I pressed a kiss to the top of your head and copied the way you were lounging against the windshield, you tapped your dirty trainer against mine (rubber toes covered in doodles made with permanent marker), I smiled and put my head on your shoulder to finish the drawing after you returned the kindness with a kiss on my cheek.
“Wake me, please,” you said. Head on top of mine.
“I will.”
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sweet-koofe · 2 months
Masterlist y normas en español abajo del contenido en inglés💕
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Hey hey! Welcome to my blog! This was made for the purpose of taking requests for The Eltingville Club bots, mostly in the Jan. Ai website! But I accept C. Ai requests too! Feel free to ask safely if your request follows my rules, anon is on and you can even DM me if you need further details or descriptions on the bot you are asking for.
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I will NOT write for proship this includes inc3st, ped0ph1lia, or straight r4pe! I will write for certain grade of dub-con, if almost unexistent, containing the d3ad-dove tag on those bots (though, most of them will have it and will include a TW)
We all know about the guys attitude and stuff, but please don't ask for bots only made for being mys0gnistic, h0mophobic or else against the "user" to a heavy extent to the point that could hurt them both physically and/or mentally
Please note that if bots start talking for you, glitch or else, I can't really control that, but! I recomend placing this prompt on '(OOC:)' or 'System note:' so it can get fixed; "Please talk only and for {{char}} and in {{char}}'s POV, never think for {{user}}"
I can and will make bots for platonic relationships if asked! Such as brother/sister user, for example, of course, PLATONIC
Please just a request per week, you have a limit of 2 characters per ask (unless if asked for the entire group, for example, in a poly-friendly bot, but of course, especify that ^^)
I will leave a post with prompts for anyone who wants to request a bot with said prompt, for now, it's still in process
I will write/create bots for this characters: Bill Dickey, Josh Levy, Pete Dinunzio, Jerry Stokes, Ironjaw, Aaron Winkleman, Rodney Crabbe, James Prolongo, Jaybird Haynes.
If you want a really especific character or if I forgot to add any, please ask me!
I will not create bots of ET OC's without any consent of said creator
All my bots will be aged up! If not, I'll put a limited tag OR make a user as the same age as the character
If requests are CLOSED I will not take any of them in that period, so please, if you know that my requests are closed, please don't spam my inbox pwp
Any treats, insults, spam, hateful speech, or else, will be censored and banned, this page is a safe space for everyone
Most of my bots will be Gender neutral but with AFAB or AMAB anatomy, if you want an especific POV or Transmasc or transfem POV on your bot please let me know <3
All my bots will have an English and Spanish variation
I can write ANGST, fluff or Smut
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Empty, for now :>
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¡Hey hey! ¡Bienvenidx a mi blog! ¡Esto se hizo con el propósito de aceptar solicitudes de bots de The Eltingville Club, principalmente en el sitio web de Jan. Ai! ¡Pero también acepto solicitudes de C. Ai! No dudes en preguntar de forma segura si tu solicitud sigue mis reglas, el anon está activado e incluso puedes enviarme un mensaje de texto si necesitas más detalles o descripciones sobre el bot que quieras pedir
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NO escribiré pr0sh1p, esto incluye inc3st0, ped0f1lia, o vi0lación directa, escribiré dub-c0n, sino casi inexistente, en ese caso contendrá el tag de d3ad-dove (aunque la mayoría de los bors la tendrán, en todo caso, incluirán un TW)
Ya sabemos la actitud de los personajes de ET, pero por favor, no me pidan bots que sean mis0ginos, hom0fobos o que sienten contra la integridad física y/o mental del usuario
Si el bot empieza a glitchearse/bugearse, hablar por ti o parecido, recuerden que no puedo controlar esto, pero recomiendo que pongan este prompt en '(OOC:)' o 'System note:' y comenzará a funcionar; "Please talk only and for {{char}} and in {{char}}'s POV, never think for {{user}}"
Puedo y haré bots de relaciones platonicas! Por ejemplo, un user siendo hermano/a de uno de los chicos, por ejemplo, por supuesto, PLATONICO
Por favor, solo un pedido por semana con un límite de 2 personajes por pedido! (A no ser que, por ejemplo, pidas un bot del grupo, específico para relación poly-amorosa por ejemplo, ahí haré una excepción sin problema, pero especificalo por favor ^^)
Dejaré un post con prompts y escenarios para quienes quieran pedir un personaje con dicho escenario, hasta ahora está en proceso
Escribiré para estos personajes: Bill Dickey, Josh Levy, Pete Dinunzio, Jerry Stokes, Ironjaw, Aaron Winkleman, Rodney Crabbe, James Prolongo, Jaybird Haynes.
Si quieres un personaje en específico, o si olvide a alguien acá, dímelo en mis DMs
No haré bots de OC's de ET sin el permiso de sus creadores
TODOS mis bots son mayores de edad (de 18 para arriba) pero en caso de no serlo, pondré un tag de "limited" Y/O el user acabará siendo de la misma edad que el personaje
Si los pedidos están CERRADOS no haré caso a cualquier pedido hecho en ese periodo, por favor no spameen mi inbox pwp
Cualquier amenaza, insulto, discurso de odio o parecido, será baneado, este blog es un espacio seguro para TODOS
La mayoría de mis bots tendrán un user con género neutro, pero con anatomía AFAB o AMAB, si quieres hacer un POV especifico (fem, male, transmasc, transfem, etc...) por favor déjenmelo saber <3
Todos mis bots tendrán una variante en inglés y en español
Puedo escribir ANGST, fluff, o smut
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Vacío, por ahora :>
Bye <3
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jake-kiszkas-smirk · 1 year
Here Comes the Sun
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Danny Wagner X Fem OC X Josh Kiszka
This is a series that I started a long time ago on wattpad. I had planned on never finishing it but have decided to revisit it. I am using most of what I had originally written and editing a few parts as I go. The first half of this fic will be in 'OC' format, but the second half will be written in 'Y/n' format. Warnings will be chapter specific so PLEASE read them every time. Please be gentle, this is when I first started writing fics lol
18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Penetrative Sex, drinking.
I looked in the mirror at the outfit I had picked out for the party that I didn't want to go to. I had chosen a simple black dress with small white floral print on it that ended mid-thigh. It was a little short for my taste, but Lucas had assured me I needed to stop being so 'prude' especially when heading to a frat party. I slipped on my favorite platform vans, they weren't extremely tall, just an inch and a half or so. My bedroom door swung open,
"You are absolutely not wearing your hair like that Rose." he said, coming over and taking down my messy bun, grabbing the curling iron. He separated my hair and started putting in loose curls.
"Why do you even want me to go to this party, you're just going to see that guy you're interested in and leave me to fend for myself." I said as I crossed my arms in the mirror. Lucas was my best friend since high school, and now we went to the same college and had gotten an apartment together.
"Ok, I will admit that I am going to see him. But I will check on you multiple times during the party I promise. Can you try and have some fun? You've been pouting about failing that midterm all day." He said, turning off the curling iron and tousling my hair slightly,
"Yeah, because I thought it was really good, I just don't understand how I failed..." I said, looking down at my fingers as they toyed with the hem of my dress.
"Your grades are so good that it won't even matter. Please just get drunk tonight and have some fun, I can be DD if you want?" He said as he walked out of the room,
"You know that never works, lets just take an uber or something." I said, grabbing a book and shoving it into my bag.
"Ok, fair point, you know I'm not the responsible one." He said as we both laughed. We got in our uber and headed to the party. We pulled up and I instantly started to get nervous, there was so many people there, and I knew chances were that I wouldn't know anyone. Lucas and I were completely different people, he walked in and everyone instantly smiled and waved, greeting him. He was always the most confident person in the room, I craved that kind of confidence.
He quickly disappeared into a sea of people. I looked around searching for a free seat or maybe someone I would know. I had no luck, there were people everywhere and the thumping of the bass was deafening. I started squeezing my way through the crowd and went up the stairs. I found a spot on the ground sitting against the railing and got out my book. I sat criss cross with my book sitting in my lap, squinting to read since it was kind of dark. Every once in a while a passerby would make a snide comment and I'd simply flip them off as they walked by. This was a regular occurrence, I never left home without a book. I had gotten through a couple of chapters, being an avid reader since I was little had made it easy to block out the background noise. I was in the middle of turning the page when I suddenly felt pain in my knee as someone tripped over me,
"Hey wat-" I started to shout, expecting them to keep walking, but I was cut off when I felt a large but gentle hand on my knee,
"I am so sorry, I didn't even see you," He said quickly, crouching down next to me. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine," I said as I shifted in my spot, causing him to remove his hand from my knee nervously.
"Are you...reading? At a party?" He asked with a confused smile, still crouched in front of me.
"Yes, this isn't really my scene." I said softly as I looked back down to my book. He nodded and sat next to me on the floor, his honey brown eyes looking down to my book again,
"So, what are you reading?" he was genuinely curious as far as I could tell, not trying to taunt me. He sat with his legs out in front of him, his hands clasped together in his lap as he waited for an answer. I realized quickly that I was staring at his beautiful long dark hair and sharp jawline. When I blinked out of it I realized he was looking at me expectantly,
"It's just a collection of Edgar Allen Poe poems. I have read them all before, but I just really like his work." I replied but kept my eyes on my book.
"Interesting, so why are you here if this isn't your scene?" He questioned, raising a brow
"Well, I failed my midterm and have been pouting about it all day apparently, so my roommate insisted I come have fun and get drunk tonight."
"There you are!" I heard as a thin figure made it's way up the steps. He stumbled up the last step and his drink tipped, spilling on my book as he hovered over the guy next to me. I jerked it away but it was too late and the pages were soaked. I grabbed the bottom of my dress and started frantically blotting the pages,
"Oh shit my bad," The thin guy said as I glared up at him.
"Sam, what do you need?" The guy next to you asked
"They are playing beer pong and I want to play," He said loudly,
"Beer pong sounds like a great idea, but I actually already have a partner." He said plainly,
"What who?" Sam asked, almost offended
"She's right here." He nudged me with an elbow, wiggling his eyebrows,
"What? I- me?" I asked shocked, bringing my hand to my chest,
"Yeah, you said you were supposed to get drunk and have fun. Let's make that happen." he smiled as he stood up, reaching his hand down to me. I hesitated for a moment, guys like him didn't talk to me, was this really happening? "You coming?" That gentle voice repeated. I snapped out of it and took his hand, standing up and straightening out my dress.
"I guess I will just find another partner then." Sam mumbled as he walked off. We made our way downstairs and I followed his broad shoulders through the crowd. It occurred to me that I didn't even know his name. We got to the table, the man whose name I had gathered as Sam standing at the other side with a girl I didn't recognize.
"This should be easy, Sam is already drunk" He whispered in my ear with a grin, I giggled and nodded my head, my cheeks warming at his proximity.
"Danny, you go first." Sam said. So Danny was his name. Danny, I thought as I glanced over at him, biting his bottom lip as he concentrated on throwing the ball to the other side of table. I was staring again as my eyes lingered on his every move. I was drawn from my thoughts as Sam burst into laughter when Danny missed his shot. We continued the game until Sam could barely stand and the rest of us were very intoxicated as well. Danny turned to me as Sam walked off, his face flushed and his eyes red.
"You want to go get some fresh air?" He asked, leaning down so I could hear him. He was much taller than me, his hair brushing your shoulder as he spoke. I nodded and was surprised when he grabbed my hand and began leading me through the house. For whatever reason, I let it happen and walked behind him.
"Danny!" I heard someone shout, he turned to look, "Sammy is puking in the sink again!"
"Ugh," Danny groaned, "I'll be right back." He said as he walked off towards the bathroom. Suddenly alone in a crowd of people I started to feel very overwhelmed, so I tried to make my way outside. There were people crowded outside on the deck as well, I tried to walk past to get to a more open space. The alcohol in my system was starting to make me feel hot, and I needed air. I attempted to shuffled past people who were sitting down when I lost my balance and fell back into someone's lap. My eyes got wide and I looked to their face,
"I am so sorry" I slurred, but was met with dusty blonde curls and a toothy smile,
"No worries, I'd never complain about a beautiful woman literally falling into my lap" He said smoothly, I blushed and tried to stand but fell right back into his lap. "Are you ok?" He asked sweetly,
"Yeah, I just think I drank too much" I giggled, "I'm a lightweight"
"Ah, well here you go, drink some of this," He said as he handed me a water bottle. I took it and started to drink. I turned back to look at him and stared at him shamelessly, watching his adams apple bob as he swallowed his beer,
"You are so pretty." I said abruptly, liquid courage betraying me. You'd never openly compliment a person as pretty as him that boldly sober. His cheeks turned a shade of pink as he grinned at me,
"You think so?" He asked as he put his hand on my thigh. My eyes looked over his face, landing on his lips as I simply nodded. They were glossy from him licking over them after swallowing his beer. "What is your name?"
"Rose," I replied, eyes flickering back to his,
"Rose," He paused, leaning forward to my ear, "Would you like to go somewhere that I can, get to know you better" I knew what he was suggesting and I was just tipsy enough at this point to say yes. It had been a while and this was perfect, a no strings attached one night stand. I wasn't interested in being with anyone seeing as I wanted to focus on school. I nodded as I stood up, swaying a bit but feeling sober enough to be confident in my decision. He stood up and once again, a handsome man was taking my hand and leading me through a crowd. We came to the bathroom downstairs and knocked,
"Occupied!" I heard a familiar voice say, but I couldn't place it. I then followed him upstairs, we got to another bathroom and I followed him inside. As soon as I closed the door and turned around my back was pressed against it, his body pressed to mine. He started kissing at my neck and then pulled away,
"Is this ok?" He asked, his hands on my hips as his eyes scanned my face,
"Yes," I said as I reached behind his neck and pulled his lips to mine, my tongue slipping into his mouth and his into mine. The kisses were sloppy and full of lust. They traveled down my neck as his hands slid under my dress, gripping my ass. I could feel myself growing wetter by the second as he sucked at that spot right below my ear. I rubbed my thighs together trying to get any kind of friction I could. He noticed and moved his hand from my ass to the front of my panties. With his body flush against mine I could feel his hard-on pressing into my thigh.
He looked to me to once again get permission, I nodded breathlessly as he slid his hand down my abdomen, slipping under my panties until he got to my clit. He rubbed slow circles, causing me to moan quietly, not wanting people outside to hear me. He bit his bottom lip as he watched me crumble under his touch. He slid his fingers through my slit, spreading my wetness with a smirk on his face,
"Are you ready for me?" He whispered as he nibbled on my ear, his hand still working at my throbbing clit.
"Yes, yes please." I whined. He stepped back and pulled a condom out of his wallet before dropping his pants, his hard cock springing free. He slipped the condom on and walked back over to me, pulling me back into a series of kisses. We moved to where my back as against the sink, but he grabbed my hips, flipping me around. My ass was pressed against his hips, his erection rutting against me as I leaned forward over the sink. He grabbed the bottom of my dress and pulled it up to my waist, pulling my panties down and letting them fall down my legs to the ground. He wrapped his hand around his length, tapping it against my core as a soft grunt left his mouth. I reached around and grabbed his cock, pumping it a few times before lining it up with my entrance,
"Impatient are we?" He asked in a gravely voice, but you could see his smirk in the mirror.
"Yes, just fuck me already" I pleaded, causing him to huff a laugh. He finally pressed into me, starting his movements off slow. I moaned, head falling forward at the glorious stretch I was feeling. He stayed slow for only a moment, then he was speeding up until he was slamming into me. I was sure I'd have bruises on my thighs from the counter, but I didn't mind. I gripped the edge of the marble countertop, knuckles turning white as I got closer and closer to the edge with every thrust. The soft grunts and quiet moans leaving his lips mixed with mine, filling the room. Even the noises he made were pretty, I thought to myself. I felt the knot in my stomach forming, so I reached down to touch myself but he grabbed my hand and stopped me, replacing it with his hand.
That was all it took, my moans grew louder as I came around him. His thrust grew sloppy, telling me he was probably close. He then pressed deep into me, his fingertips digging into my hips as I felt him twitch inside me.
After coming down from his high he stepped back, taking the condom off before tying it and tossing it in the trash. I reached down and pulled my panties back up and straightened out my dress, smoothing out my disheveled hair in the mirror.
I was suddenly feeling painfully sober, and feeling more shy and timid. Neither of us spoke as we had both got dressed and caught our breath.
"Would you like to join me for the rest of the party?" he asked, opening the door and motioning back downstairs,
"I actually think I'm heading out," I said, bashfully putting my hair behind my ear.
"Alright, well it was really, really nice to meet you Rose." He said with a wink, kissing my cheek before taking off down the stairs. I blushed as I pressed my fingers where he had kissed my cheek, I couldn't believe I had just done that.
"Rose Cameron." I turned on my heels to see Lucas standing in the hallway, "What on earth were you doing in that bathroom?" He smiled knowingly as he raised a brow.
"You told me you wanted me to have fun," I laughed, as I sauntered over to him.
"I'm so proud of you! You little slut, you." He said as he nudged me. I punched his shoulder as we walked down the stairs,
"Oh shut up, are you ready to leave or not?" I asked
"Yeah, I've been looking for you. I already got an uber, it's almost here." He replied.
"Alright, lets head outside." I said as we walked through the crowd. We stepped out the door and I could see a few cars parked in the road with lights on. Lucas pointed out the one that was for us, and we started walking towards it when I heard that same familiar voice,
"There you are, leaving already?" I halted to see Danny standing next to a car, Sam sitting in the passenger seat with the door open.
"I am actually, my friend is ready to leave." I said, "It was great meeting you though Danny," I started to walk away,
"Wait," He said turning and digging in his car. I saw him open a sharpie and start writing on something, "Here, call me?" he jogged over and handed me a piece of wood.
"Did you just give me your number on a drumstick?" I asked as I held it up, grinning.
"I didn't have any paper," He shrugged, laughing softly, "And I have plenty of those"
"You're a drummer I assume?"
"You'd assume correctly," He said as he rubbed the back of his neck,
"You any good?" I asked in a teasing tone,
"I'm alright" He shrugged, a half grin on his face
"He's fucking amazing don't let him lie to you!" Sam yelled from the other side of the car, coaxing a roll of his eyes and laugh from Danny.
"Well, I have to get going," I said as I motioned to Lucas who was yelling at me to hurry from the uber. I started to walk towards the car,
"Wait! Whats your name?" He shouted as I got into the car,
"Rose!" I shouted back
"Have a good night, Rose," He shouted with a smile and wave.
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thestoryden · 2 years
hello love,
i would like to Request where the reader is a quiet nerd, who secret is into dnd, one day Eddie Finds out when they are sketching out the Dnd oc of said person and gets them to jokn hell fire.
Eddie Munson x Nerd!Reader Warnings: Embarrassment Word Count: 781
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Most places you flew under the radar completely unnoticed. You only hit an even five foot once you got into high school and never really got that passed. You blended in, not too short and not too tall. You had not realized how bad it was till the day you ran into him. You were hurrying to get to Spanish class when BAM! you face plant directly into Eddie’s chest. Your face burns bright red. He puts a hand on your shoulder and gently pushes you off him.
“Whoa their freshman,” He says, “gotta watch where you're going.” 
You can not take it anymore; you feel like you are going to melt out of embarrassment. You shove him hard and go into the classroom. He of course follows in after as you two have shared this class the whole entire semester. Miss O’Donnell begins handing back tests.
She smiles when she gets to you,“Perfect score as always. Maybe some of the other students could learn a thing or two from you.” 
“Thank you,” you respond quietly. 
The class drones on and the thought of what happened starts to eat away at you. You replay his voice over and over again in your head. You had gone unnoticed but this time it was for four years. He genuinely thought that you were a freshman. You had been in multiple classes with him and yet he couldn’t remember your face. The bell suddenly rang bringing you out of your stupor. 
“Wait, I need you two stay after.” Miss O’Donnell calls out. 
She points at Eddie and you.You try to hide your disgust, because you know exactly what is going to happen. 
Miss O’Donnell looks up from her desk, “Here is the deal. I don't want to see Mr.Munson’s face again in the school next year, and you are going to make that happen. I just need you to tutor-”
“Not happening.” Eddie and you say in unison. 
You both look at each other and then back at Miss O’Donnell.
“He can’t afford my rate Miss O’Donnell and I doubt he’d listen.” you retort.
“I’ll make sure you get to take the Spanish two credit exam.” She says.
You give Eddie a once over and think about what happened earlier. 
“Universities won’t blink an eye at that. Let me take the Spanish two and three credit exams, and we will have a deal.” you say. 
She relents and gives a hopeless, “Yes.” 
“Wait don’t I get a say in this?” Eddie says 
“No, you either take lessons and get your less than deserving D, or you fail and repeat senior year again.” Miss O’Donnell says. 
He sticks his hand out, “Happy to do business with you Freshman.” 
You slap his hand away, “We meet in the Library after school.” 
Later during your free period you were pouring over your copy over The Master Rules developing your character further, when you decided to draw it. You started out with a basic body type and started adding details from one of your earlier sketches. 
Eddie plants his hand down firmly on the table, “What are you doing young adventurer!”
You look up at him and flush a deep red and quickly stuff your pages into your book, putting it into your backpack.
“Oh come on, I already saw it. I know you play Dungeons and Dragons.” he made a small flourish with his hands.
You breathed out a steady stream of air and pulled out your Spanish textbook. 
“You are early.” you reply curtly.
He snorted, “Yeah, I have Hellfire club tonight, I can't miss it and neither can you”  
You begin flipping through the textbook and pull out a set of flashcards.
“Come on, we need a sub for tonight's game. My little Freshman minions couldn’t find a replacement for their friend, and you’ll do perfect.” he implores.
 Someone is finally noticing you and all you want to do is run and hide. Tuck yourself back into the corner of the library and fit yourself right between the pages of The Hobbit.
“Fine, I will join for this session.” you say pointedly, “The only way I’ll come back is if the game is actually good. And you come to tutoring and actually make progress.” 
He sticks his hand out, “You’ve got yourself a deal.”
You take his hand and shake it this time. It feels kinda liberating to be noticed .
You trail behind him on the way to Hellfire Club.  
“About that Freshman thing.” you mumble. 
“Oh that,” He says, “yeah I know your senior. I was just messing with you.” 
Your jaw drops open. He smiles at you. 
How long had he noticed you?
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18 + an oc of your choice >:^)
seeing this prompt hit me so hard with inspiration i just had to sit down and write it all right away. fair warning i finished it at 2am.
had this scene idea sitting in my head for a week but couldn't get it out in any way so hehehe thank u <3
this is happening on Earth btw! a few months before Hope's departure 🤧
truth Background: A colleague had given Tobias meeting minutes from one of the meetings between her team lead and the boss of the project, showing that they have begun testing the product they're developing on humans, despite how many times Tobias has told them not to do that. He decided to have a talk with the boss (bad decision really tbh). Warnings: mentions of testing unfinished chemical product on humans, death mention
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"Can we talk?"
"Tobias, what a surprise. Do come in," Sam sipped his coffee. "I just finished reading your latest report. Has anyone ever told you how pretty your handwriting is?"
"Uh, thank you, I guess," Tobias closed the door. "I hope you have actually read the reports, though, and didn't only stare at my handwriting."
"I have." He picked up the folder in front of him. "Your team's progress hasn't been as good as I hoped.
Tobias sighed. "I told you from the start that this is a hard thing to make, Sam. No one has ever done this before, and we're working with practically no background information." How many times have they had this conversation? He was starting to feel like a broken vinyl. "To make sure we're on the right track, we need the computer to test it out. And it takes time."
"Computers are slow, aren't they?" Sam was flipping through the folder, picking out some pages and placing them into a small, uneven pile. Finally he stopped and showed the page. "It says here it takes it at least a day to compute results. I'm surprised your smart little head hasn't thought of alternatives."
Of course he would say that. "I guess this means we both know why I'm here. Cancel the tests."
"My friend, we both also know who is the boss here, and who is a mere lead scientist who's sticking his nose into wrong places." He rose up from his chair and pointed at the whiteboard. "This is how late we will be if we only use your, how did you say in your little paper here, 'humane' testing methods. Two years, that's a lot!" He shook his head dramatically and pointed at the second graph. "Now this! We won't be late at all in this scenario. And all thanks to the tests I and Rosalind have decided to do."
"Does your scenario also include the casualty estimates resulting from your tests? I told you several times that there is no way what we're doing is ready for human testing, or anything else really. You're putting so many people in danger, all for what, staying on schedule?"
"Scientific breakthroughs often require victims."
"Breakthro-" Tobias stopped to take a deep breath, but clearly it did not help him calm down. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you even hearing yourself? No one will want to use your fucking product if they know how many people you killed with your damn ambitions!"
"Bold of you to assume anyone other than us workers here will know anything. I have a team to make sure of that." Sam walked closer to Tobias and continued, "And they work really well, Toby. You should calm down and think about this."
"Really well, huh? Scare me all you want, Samuel, and use your little team to hide your tracks. The truth will still come out in one way or another."
"Truth. You're so obsessed with your truth and justice." Sam sighed and grabbed him by his shoulders. "I say this genuinely. I adore your determination. Wish you would've used it for something more practical, though. Like helping us."
"Practical? There's nothing practical in putting people in unnecessary danger!"
"Don't be ridiculous. What's practical is letting us do what we are doing, and doing your own job." Sam leaned down to match his eye level. "But since you can't do that, I'm afraid there's no other option. You're fired."
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7rashstar · 4 months
this ended up being way longer than expected so i’m putting it under the cut ~
i miss getting tumblr anons/interacting w ppl on this site more. my old blog had almost 2k followers n i got them allllll the time. i had had that blog since 2015 tho and only stopped using it once i made this one, (after being off the net for. a long while) this is the only social media site i wanna use. i mostly just post and ghost though, barely scrolling the dash. i miss being more interactive with mutuals
i partially abandoned that blog because i felt like there were too many eyes on me 😵‍💫 the other part was bc i was really deep in addiction, and on top of all that i had some major creepy anonymous stalkers
i’ve been thinking abt making more diary oriented posts lately bc the weathers been whack n i’m not rly going on walks bc of that, i’ve also been pretty much a full time hermit since new years. i could prolly count on both (if not one) hand how many times i’ve seen my friends. i think this has been a good thing for me though,,,been having a personal renascence the past couple months. drawing every day, playing guitar and making mewsic etc etc
also thinking abt utilizing side blogs again. maybe make one for my drawings. i drew a couple pages of a comic i wanna work on more. mostly oc art and some photo collages.
i also wanna start posting my music. soundcloud or youtube or both. maybe make some vlogs too? part of the reason why i haven’t is because nothing feels finished, but i’ve realized i used to use my old soundcloud to track my progress creating on ableton when i first got it and had no idea how to use the program. coming to terms with nothing needing to be perfect, bc it’ll never get to that ‘perfectly finished’ point. it’s earnest and from my heart as it is. i do think i should start saving up for a new laptop though, mine is pretty old and laggy. i might jus try ripping everything to an external hard drive to clear up space n see if that helps…but a fresh start would also be nice. (plus i haven’t updated my mac since mojave because it would break ableton lol)
i finallllllly saved up and bought a new phone tho. it’s the same one i have right now but it’s from ebay certified refurbished so i feel pretty good abt it. hopefully it’ll come tomorroww, this one is starting to rly shit out on me. my alarms didn’t even go off this morning 😭 ended up being late to work
i miss going to shows a lot and hanging out w ppl. i think i’m finally starting to come back out of my shell, even jus a little bit.
might boot up my pc tonight and upload some stuff (but not holding myself to that lol) i found all of the old SD cards and some flash drives from my youth and some of the pictures are absolute gems
anywayyy long asf post lol but yea!! i hope everyone is doing ok
much loveeee <33
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moonluringfrost · 9 months
Writeblr Battle Royale, Lyra vs Ametrine (Ametrine POV)
Hello everyone! It's part two of my participation in @writeblrbattleroyale! This time I've been paired up with the wonderful @forthesanityofsome (it wouldn't let me at your writeblr, apologies). You can read Lyra's point of view for this fight here! Please check out the event page here if you want to see more oc fights!
Content warning for death!
You are not home. You are not where you are supposed to be. You killed that woman for what, exactly, then? 
The ringmaster is speaking. He’s disappointed. It seems that you weren’t the only ones fighting. 
“I haven’t introduced myself,” he says. “People call me M. I don’t know if it’s my real name. I really don’t remember anything.” That sounds familiar. An urban legend, perhaps? 
“I once was a full person that was cursed to roam the world, without being able to go beyond. I do have two goals I remember: I am the bringer of entertainment, and I am a bringer of death.” He is almost certainly a legend. You’re sure of it. 
“This place really is the tight combination of both. You are my freak show now that my own freak was taken for me. I just need to make sure now you don’t try to escape.”
You will escape, one way or another. Through causing or receiving death, you will be free. 
A woman appears in the ring. She points to the person standing on the other side of the ring, your next opponent, you presume. Then she points at you. 
All goes dark. 
Then you wake up. 
Patience is lying beside you, cold. Dead. You failed.
Patience’s cold, dead body sits up. The smile sits wrong on their face, since it isn’t theirs. 
They reach out a hand towards your face. You’re frozen, you can’t move. 
They lift your sunglasses, and you see them clearly. They see you. Eyes are a window to the soul, and the thing wearing Patience’s skin has access to yours. You can feel it taking root inside you. 
“My fancy little crew here are all my helpers whose soul is in their own little dimension. I won’t mind putting you with my little collection. So, now it’s time for round 2”. The ringmaster says. 
You’re standing in the arena. None of that was real. Not yet, anyway. You still have time to fix things. You just have to get out of here fast enough. 
The woman standing on the far side of the arena is not the same person as before. 
The most noticeable thing about her is her ears, which are long and pointed, and move to press against the sides of her head as if to shy away from the noise of the crowd. 
The second most noticeable thing about her is her bow. A long range fighter… it’s not likely you will win this fight. 
But… Perhaps you’ll get lucky like last time, and your opponent will be confused and out of her element enough that you can win. 
“I don’t want to fight you, how much do you want to fight me?” the woman calls out. 
You consider it. You’ve already got innocent blood on your hands. And for no true guarantee of salvation. But. The only way out of anything is through. 
“It depends on if fighting will get me home faster than not,” you say. 
The woman stiffens as you begin to approach. 
Ah, she’s on her guard. Unfortunate. 
“I don’t know if fighting will get us home. But I do know it will end with one of us dead,” the archer says. You don’t let that stop you. Death is the only constant, you cannot allow yourself to fear it. 
The woman sighs and fires what you assume is a warning shot, the arrow digging into the ground just before the tip of your boot. 
“I don’t want to fight…but I will if I must,” she says, resigned. 
It’s a shame you have to do this again. You sigh. 
“I have to try, there’s something I need to do,” you say. You pluck the arrow out of the ground as you pick up your pace. Not an ideal weapon, but perhaps if you can get close enough… 
The woman seems unhappy with your choice, but you pay that no mind. Happiness has no place in a fight like this. 
“Then I’m sorry as well, good luck, adversary,” the woman says. 
You decide to speed things up. You can recall Patience’s annoyance at watching people run straight into gunfire during movies. “You’re supposed to zig-zag! Running straight ahead makes you easier to hit!,” they’d say, throwing their hands up in the air. They cut you a look like they’re trying to say ‘what is wrong with some people?’. 
You assume the principle is the same for arrows as it is bullets, so as you run you take care to weave around. 
It works well to keep you from getting shot, but it doesn’t help you get any closer to the woman. 
She lowers her bow to focus on keeping away from you. 
She’s quite good at it. 
Frustratingly good at it. 
There’s a seemingly endless period of time where no ground is gained or lost between you. 
You’re losing time. You need to get home as soon as you can, and this is not the way to do it. 
You’ll have to take a chance. 
Bolting straight ahead, a spark of hope catches in the air when you see the woman’s back hit the wall. 
You’ve got the arrow firmly in your grasp, ready to attack. 
You were not expecting her to have wings. 
You’re familiar with the concept of elves from Patience’s movies, but none of them could ever fly. 
She uses the wall as leverage as she pushes herself aloft. 
You can only watch her as she takes aim and fires. 
There’s no dodging an arrow from this range. 
It hurts when it pierces your skull, but not for long. 
If this death is true, then your path ends here. You cannot become a ghost, not even for Patience’s sake. 
But if this death is just a dream, perhaps you will wake up soon. Wake up and continue your quest, save your friend. 
For now, it is time to rest. 
Good night. 
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awigglycultist · 4 months
Incorrect quotes except it's really just mine and @indigos-shits-and-giggles Hatchetfield rp characters & ocs and also @peterstankoffski & @atty-goldstein at one point and also this has been in my drafts forever so over half of these I put in here months ago
Toby: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I'm somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
Arche: Yeah, I don't like people
Sunny: Oh, well now that's not fair Arche. Have you met all of them?
Arche: I've met enough of them. People. What a bunch of bastards!
Toby & Ted: *accidentally set the kitchen on fire*
Ted: We need an adult!
Toby: Ted, you are an adult!
Ted: We need an adultier adult! Get Kurtis!
Pete: You need a hobby
Ted: I have a hobby!
Pete: Hitting on Gary Goldstein isn't a hobby
Lily: Arche and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us
David: What did you do?
Lily: They chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and-
Arche: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel
Jas: A decision had to be made
Toby: And you fucked it up!
Arche: Do you always have to attack me with your words?
Neptune: Would you prefer me to use a brick?
Jas: I made lightly fried fish fillets for dinner
Alice: Jas, It's 1:15 am, what the fuck
Jas: Do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not
Alice: Well, I mean yeah
Jas: So come downstairs while they're still hot
Alice: Wait, you just made them?
Jas: Yeah, I wasn't tired so I decided to make lightly fried fish fillets
Alice: Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time Jas
Kidnapper: I have your partner
Sunny: What? I don't have a partner...
Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face?
Sunny: Oh my god, you have Neptune
Alfie: You’re kind of a pushover, aren’t you, Lily?
Lily: …I’m sorry
Alfie: See!? That’s exactly what I’m talking about!
Ted: Look, I'm glad everyone's on the same page
Ted: But it's the last page in a book titled "we're all going to die".
Jas: That's not even clever
Arche, to Sunny: You have room temperature IQ
Sunny: What's room temperature IQ?
Toby: 73°
Sunny: Oh, okay
Sunny: How much is that in IQ?
Ted: Don't stay up all night, Toby. Last time you got this sleep-deprived, you tried to eat your own shirt
David: Knock, knock
Neptune: Who's there?
David: Boo!
Neptune: Boo who?
David: Why are you crying?
Neptune: I'm not crying
David: Hello notcrying, I'm Mr. Anderson
Ted: How the hell are you still alive?
Toby: Honestly, I'm just as confused as you are
Ted: I didn't drink that much last night
Pete: You were flirting with Gary
Ted: So what? He's my boyfriend
Pete: You asked if he was single
Pete: And then you cried when he said he wants
Sunny: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products!
Sunny: *sprays hairspray in their mouth*
Sunny: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good
Wesly: Self-care is suppressing all your trauma until it comes back and hits you in the face with the force of 7 very large trucks.
Arche: I wouldn’t wish that upon my worse enemy!
Arche: Unless of course. . We’re talking about my enemy, Neptune. Fuck you Neptune, you know what you did!
Jas: I’m in love with you
Toby: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork
Jas: I know
Toby: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Neptune: I’m in love with you
Sunny: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork
Neptune: I know
Sunny: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Neptune, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey, Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Sunny, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. You’re staying home and having my kids
David, walking back into class after printing out papers: What the fuck are you guys doing?
Neptune: Playing systemic oppression
Sunny: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Neptune a little bit
Arche, holding Sunny's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation
Sunny: No, that's our joint tombstone
Arche: My mistake
Wesley: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are
Arche: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Sunny: *crouches down*
Lily: *kneels down*
Neptune: *sits on the floor*
Arche: I hate all of you
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creekschaoscorner · 3 months
Saw we were talking about romance and I had to join (This is my first time not being ridiculously late to one of these lol)
Francis forms fleeting attachments often, but has a hard time with genuine connection. He enjoys the fun of flirtation and the honeymoon phase, but balks the second things get serious. He thought at one point he was poly (although I don’t think the victorians had a word for it), but multiple paramours didn’t stop him from getting cold feet when actual emotional vulnerability was required from him. It’s not a new development, he’s been running away from serious relationships ever since he was a teenager. Nowadays though he has a convenient justification- he believes himself to be in love with someone (The Unlucky Devil) who is very much not present. It’s very easy to pine for someone who you know will never actually return your feelings. There’s a security in the chase, in unrequited devotion. It doesn’t ask from him anything he’s afraid to give, because despite being an incredibly cowardly and selfish person, Francis places incredibly little value in his own life. Not that he’s not still heartbroken- he is. The week the Unlucky Devil spent living in his house was the best of his life. He left when Francis was no longer useful, but Francis would’ve done anything he asked to make him stay. It doesn’t matter anyways. The Unlucky Devil is gone, and Francis is alone, and even though he craves emotional intimacy he’ll never get it because he isn’t willing to put in the work
Josie doesn’t really do attachments. There’s never been a good time in her life for romance, and she hates most people anyways. The ones she can stand she can usually only stand for short periods of time, and her life has always been survival of the fittest- attachments give you something to lose. If she had the labels she might identify as ace, but when it comes to romance it’s hard to tell what’s a genuine lack of desire or just her distaste for most people
Ollie is aromantic! I don’t know if l they’d call themself that but they’re aromantic. They have no interest in settling down, but they enjoy the occasional fling and are a fiercely loyal friend. They’re very upfront about their lack of interest in romance and if the other person is alright with that, Ollie is fine to fool around. They find companionship in a vast network of friends, and while Ollie may flit in and out of their lives, they’ll always be there if they’re needed. A traditional relationship would tie them down in a way that would make them miserable, but Ollie doesn’t believe in using people. They give just as much as they take, and they’re perfectly happy with their life the way that it is, and the people closest to them understand that
(Including Vivian too bc I love him) Vivian to me is one of those people who likes the idea of romance more than he likes the actual process. He wants to be wanted, but putting in the work for someone else kind of scares him. He also has problems being emotionally vulnerable. I’m kind of starting to notice a pattern in my ocs oops. He would’ve done it, for Griz, he did really like her. But then Pages was there, and while being with Griz meant that Vivian would’ve had to do the hard work of becoming a better person, being with Pages meant Vivian could stay exactly the same and still get what he wanted. (Also, space bat fluffy). And it works out great for them- Pages wants the experience of wanting, Vivian wants to be wanted. They’re both perfectly happy with this arrangement, so while it’s definitely not an ideal relationship, it works great for them
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