#athena is just surviving let her be
annaizscribbling · 1 year
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Thinking about them. 
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athena-theunicorn · 9 months
I saw a post abt this the other day but it's been eating me up inside so I gotta get it in writing. Plus it was in meme format when I saw it so I wanna make sure the gravity of this particular thing is out there somewhere bc I said so.
Annabeth was under the impression for most of her life that she had to earn love and respect from those around her. First from her father after he remarried, and she had to earn his attention back from his wife and kids. Then once she got to camp, she had to earn the admiration of the other campers, her siblings, Chiron and Mr. D, and basically everyone but Luke (because she earned his and Thalia's respect by simply surviving so long after running away). AND THEN she had to earn Athena's respect. That was the ultimate reward in her opinion, because that's kinda what I imagine they teach at camp: "You have to earn the respect of the gods to get them to look at you, let alone respect or, heaven forbid, love you." It's fucked up but its true. It's one of the first things Luke tells Percy upon his arrival. It's how you get claimed, earn a quest, and get all these things that Camp deems so important.
And then Annabeth meets Percy.
Percy, who, despite having his own traumas and tough road to hoe, still knows the feeling of an unconditionally loving home and person. He never had to earn Sally's love. She loved him despite him getting kicked out of school every year, despite him being stubborn and kinda an ass sometimes. She loved him despite his own view of himself. She shoved all that aside and loved her son because THATS HOW PARENTING WORKS.
And then you shove these two little kids together who've had wildly different backgrounds and I bet you'd get some interesting conversations (although they aren't shown a lot in the book or the show). Like Annabeth having to explain all the shit she's done to get her mother's attention and Percy being like "well damn."
And then he starts to notice that she applies this to other relationships too. She starts doing certain things that Percy notices as trying to gain his respect and it gets worse as they get closer and he finally has to be like "hey, you know I like you, right? like you don't have to prove yourself to me" and Annabeth has whiplash because she's never not had to earn love.
It just makes their relationship so much better to me.
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apdreadful · 5 months
I’ve decided that from here forward I’m writing Tommy and Buck/Evan as long term canon. In the words of Buck himself “Who cares?!”
I get the feeling that Tommy is difficult to get really angry. Mostly based on his past. And his general roll with the punches attitude thus far. So I don’t foresee a lot of strife or fighting in his future with Buck. Except the first time Tommy experiences the after of that big marshmallow Evan Buckley doing something really dangerous and reckless..again.
And Tommy who never gets angry, who never shouts at Buck, who flew a helicopter into a goddamn hurricane in the middle of the ocean, really loses his shit this time because Buck cannot understand why Tommy is so upset that he dropped into a dangerous situation against orders AGAIN.
Tommy pinches the bridge of his nose to keep from shouting “Bobby told you not to go in. He told you not to risk it. That the floors were too unstable”
“There could have been someone left” Buck replies “Someone needed to check. It had to be me”
“Why? Because you’re fucking super human? The great Buck Buckley from the 118 who scoffs at danger, has survived a tsunami, getting trapped beneath a fire truck, throwing a blood clot, and was officially dead for three minutes after getting struck by FUCKING LIGHTNING!”
“How do you know about all of that?”
“That isn’t what matters”
“I think it is” Buck takes a step toward Tommy “Have you been stalking me babe?”
Noticing the mischievous smile Tommy shakes his head “Oh no no no. You are not going to adorable your way out of this”
Bucks shoulders sag and he sighs “I’m ok Tommy. Not even a scratch”
“I can see that” Tommy lets out a deep exhale “I understand the risks of the job. I’m not like your exes who would get all distraught over you removing a cat from a tree. But for fucks sake, you are worse than the EOD guys when I was in Afghanistan with the walking - or in your case running or jumping- right into the worst case scenario with no thought of your own safety” Rubbing his forehead he continues “Evan. You’ve got a savior complex and it’s noble and selfless..”
Buck cuts him off “It’s not a savior complex. I’m not stupid. I understand that sometimes no matter what you do you can’t save them. But sometimes maybe you can, and in those cases, I just make the most sense”
Tommy crosses his arms to keep from strangling him or kissing him stupid again to shut him up “How is that? How does you possibly dying make any sense?”
“They all have people that need them. They all have someone they belong to and..” he trails off with a small shrug
And Tommy hears the words he doesn’t say. He is…expendable. And just like that all of the anger drains out of Tommy to be replaced by a something else. “Evan” he says softly.
“I know” Buck interjects “I know that people love me and they would be sad, especially Maddie. And I don’t want to die. But I don’t want someone who has someone they need, and that needs them, to die either. I couldn’t live with that”
Tommy closes his eyes. This man..How can he be so adorable and selfless, yet so completely stubborn and a pain in the ass about his own safety?
Once he calms his thoughts and finds the words he wants to say, he opens his eyes to see Evan looking at him calmly. Like he expects Tommy to see the sense in what he said.
“Evan. I know we haven’t really put a label on this. On us. But that’s because I don’t want to pressure you. I’m the first man you’ve been with and you’re still figuring out who you are, and I understand that. But let me clarify something for you. I need you to come back to me. Ok?”
Buck blinks “Huh”
“I need you to come back to me” he repeats “Like Bobby needs Athena, and Karen needs Hen, and yes like Maddie needs Chimney.
“And Jee-un. Jee-yun needs her dad”
“Yes, and in that same vein, Christopher needs Eddie” he agrees, trying not to give in to his exasperation. “I need you. I am that person who needs you to come home Evan”
Evan stops whatever he was about to say. Startled awareness creeping into his eyes..Tommy sees a mix of emotions flit across his face. Surprise, joy, fear, everything just races across that expressive face and then Evan sinks onto the barstool at his kitchen island. His hands coming up to cover his face.
Tommy’s stomach clench’s. He pushed too hard, too soon “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I do care and want you to come home but..”
Buck looks up at him “Don’t you dare take that back”
“I’m not taking it back. I just don’t want to push you”
Something else crosses Evans face at that..but he tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth. “You aren’t pushing. You aren’t pressuring me. I am in this just as much as you. I just don’t know how to say what I want to say without it sounding lame and emo as shit”
“Did you just hear me? You can say anything to me Evan. Whatever it is”
Buck rolls his bottom lip between his teeth again. “I’ve never questioned why I do this…I mean it’s the whole reason I was born. To save my brother. To save Daniel. That’s what I do, that’s who I am. It’s why I became a firefighter. To be the one who saves people. The 118 is my family. And I would do anything to protect them from harm”
“I’m not asking you to stop. I would never ask that. I just want to remind you that you matter to a lot of people, and you also have someone who is waiting for you”
Bucks voice is thick “I know that. I get that. But…Nobody has ever. I have never belonged to anyone, like that”
In a sense of deja vu Tommy closes the short distance to Buck. Tipping his face up, he kisses him. Not soft and gentle like their first kiss in this kitchen. But bold and deep. Branding Evan with his mouth. Pulling back he says fiercely “You belong to me like that. For as long as you want..you belong to me and I belong to you, like that”
“I will ALWAYS need you to come back to me Evan”
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
(and pls a lil make out im begging you😔)
(also i love your work stay strong girl‼️🔥)
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Let’s give this thing a try
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! daughter of Athena! Reader
Pt 1 — pt 2
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The big house was quiet. Quiet was something you had to fight for, being a demigod your life was always chaotic and well noisy— so when you wanted to actually spend some time reading you would make arrangements to spend time in the big houses libary.
That’s how you now found yourself sitting in the library’s floor with multiple astrology books open around you and a note book filled to the brim with your findings
You heard the door open behind you, you looked back and saw clarisse standing in the door way with a few books in hand. Confused you raised an eyebrow studying the beautiful girls collected face. “What’s with the books?” You asked.
At first she didn’t respond, only setting them down on a chair. “Chiron asked me to leave some books here.” Her tone flat and uninterested, in the pile however you noticed a book about the stars that you had been searching for for hours.
You practically ran across the room grabbing the book like it was going to disappear. You looked down smiling at the cover— your excitement was innerupted as clarisse scoffed.
“I swear only Athena kids get off on this shit.” She rolled her eyes while turning to leave.
“Excuse me?” You spoke harshly.
Clarisse let out an irritated sigh. “What?— did I stutter I said Athena kids are the only people I know who can actually enjoy crap like this” she gestured her head towards the mess you had made earlier. “All you guys are the same boring blueprint of your mom”
“I’m not boring” you let out a scoff like laugh. Setting the book down on a table you crossed your arms not wanting to stand down from where you were.
Clarisse raised an eyebrow, it was clear she didn’t believe you. “Know what fine” you walked towards her. “Come here tomorrow midnight and I’ll show you that I’m not boring”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because I can get you out of whatever trouble your in with Chiron”
There was silence for a moment until clarisse rolled her eyes once more, threatening you to make it worth her time before actually leaving
You laid face down in your bed with Annabeth standing near by. You screamed into your pillow fustrated “and who does she think she is! I’m not boring she’s suc—“ you continued to complain until annabeth stopped you
“And Why do You Care what she thinks?” Annabeth sighed while sketching on a map of the forest, making plans for the upcoming capture the flag game.
You kept quiet.. annabeth turned in her seat looking over at you, her sharp grey eyes analyzed you until you knew the secret was you. You groaned in you pillow while annabeth sighed. “Her?! Really.. y/n there’s so many better options here but her your really gonna go with her?” She scolded you.
“Look, It’s.. fuck ok she’s really pretty and her being a bitch is attractive sue me” you rolled over in your bed embarrassed. Annabeth shook her head in disapproval. “Besides your not so innocent I see how you look at the son of Poseidon, uh Percy right? Yeah how does mom feel again about you fraternizing with the man she hates son”
She threw a pillow at your head in response. You just held the soft fabric close wondering how the hell you were gonna survive clarisse, you didn’t even like her that much
You did like her that much.. fuck
You sat in the big house looking out the wall length window admiring the stars. You had a telescope set up propped outside the window with a few books opened around you. Annabeth so graciously and forced helped you set up a cosy scene with some blankets and pillows.
You wore a cute form fitting black jumper dress with a light blue camp sweater underneath and a white ribbion in the back of your half pulled up hair. But this wasn’t a date. You had to constantly remind yourself that you were just proving you weren’t boring.
In mid thought you heard the libary door open, stepping in clarisse wearing some red plaid pj pants and her normal orange camp shirt. You felt your voice get stuck in your throat.
Clearing your throat you patted beside you. “Common”
“This looks boring I’m going back to my cabin”
Clarisse rolled her eyes and sat down— only there because you could get her out of cleaning the big house which you found out was because she may or may not of broke a kids jaw.
There was uncomfortable silence, it clear she was just trying to psyc you out so you would call quits but being the stuborn girl you were you refused.
You saw a shine in the corner of you eye making your face light up. “Look” you smiled. Clarisse groaned as she moved over and looked into the telescope. “It’s a meteor shower”
“I’ve been studying the stars for years but recently I’ve noticed a shift in some of the stars usual locations, see a meteor shower happens when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet or asteroid, As a comet gets closer to the sun, some of its icy surface boils off, releasing lots of particles of dust and rock—“
You had to stop yourself from continuing, proving you weren’t boring didn’t include you yapping about stars. The shower ended quickly and which was normal for a small storm like that one. While clarisse continued to look at the sky however You put a hand on the tool.
“Right here” you shifted it, you showed her the Aries constellation. “There’s Aries, and that red circle underneath it is mars” shifting the telescope some more you continued to talk “and there is the great square of Pegasus”
It was still quite the only round being the creaking from the telescope. You pulled away fiddling with your hands. “I—“
“It’s cool” clarisse mumbled “i guess” she looked over at you from where she was laying. Your cheeks flushed from the sudden compliment. “I still think your boring though spending all your time reading in here, but this” she titled her head more toward the window “this is all right”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not boring”
“Mmhm” she sat up stretching as she did.
The two just sat there looking at eachother. You now taking the chance to really admire the girls features with the only source of light being the moon. “Your hair.. I like it, the way you style it and keep your curls in such good condition… it’s pretty”
“You can touch them if you want” her offer took you back, but you didn’t deny her. You reached out and touch her soft hair wrapping a curl around your finger. “Your hair smells like fruit punch” you giggled.
“Thanks?” She laughed softly, her hand now tracing gentle circles on your thigh. You could tell she liked the jumper dress on you, making your heart beat faster.
You leaned closer to clarisse nervous you read the situation wrong. Your lips were close just barley brushing against eachother.
You felt your heart start to race, you’ve kissed girls before but something about clarisse made you nervous, nervous like you wanted to run away but excited like you needed more.
Clarisses hand trailed up your body and found its way to your waist, she gently pulled you forward finally kissing you. The kiss was short repeating a few times adding a sense of hesitation.
You felt clarisses Hands squeeze you lightly as you both looked into each others eyes. Your left arm was now around the girls shoulder with your other hand keeping you up for balance.
You moved you hand to her hair before leading her in for a more passionate kiss. It was immature and inexperienced but needy. Clarisse Bit You bottom lip making you moan allowing her to move her tongue into the mix, you moved while kissing her to sit on the girls waist.
You both fell now with clarisse laying on her back and you pinning her down, both panting while looking deeply into each others eyes. You kissed her again with a sense of urgency.
Whines and soft moans filled the air as you kissed. Clarisses hands finding themselves under your tight jumper dress resting on the sides of your thighs while you had your hands held the girls face.
Pulling away you hid you face in the crook of clarisses neck allowing her to shift positions around now with her on top, trailing kisses down your cheek jaw and neck.
She pulled back panting. “How far are we going” her eyes meeting yours.
“Only.. only this” You whispered, clarisse nodded before kissing your neck again while softly nipping leaving dark hickeys.
The following morning you had to hear a long lecture from annabeth about the marks on your neck and the new found relationship between you and the daughter of ares
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Annabeth - shes a terrible Person
Y/n - now it’s suddenly a crime for a woman to have a personality?
Go look at this persons post about Palestine and aid links
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wlntrsldler · 7 months
i. busy streets and busy lives, and all we know is touch and go. | luke castellan | state of grace
fourteen-year-old luke castellan develops a crush on the pretty girl who shows him a type of kindness he'd never experienced before.
athena!reader x luke castellan. not canon compliant, no betrayal. happy ending luke :)
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fourteen-year-old luke castellan was apprehensive to let go of annabeth’s hand. the small girl just healed from her injuries following their arrival to camp. she showed no sign that she was physically not okay, but luke could still feel her shaking. they’d both just lost thalia, a companion, a friend, who they faced the scariest things with, far greater than any of their imaginations could conjure up combined. luke didn’t think it was a good idea for her to be sent off to cabin 6 just yet, away from him. 
“s’kay, luke,” annabeth tugged on his hand. he looked down at her, finding no trace of nervousness on her features. instead, she had an eager smile on her face as mr. d and chiron waited for her to walk across the stone path to meet her siblings. “i’m not going far.” 
oh, luke realized. he was the one shaking. 
he put on his brave face, telling himself that he had to be strong for his sister, but he knew deep down, he probably needed annabeth more than she needed him. the girl looked excited to be with her real siblings, and luke was being selfish keeping her away from them. he’d just lost so much already; his childhood, his sanity, at one point, his mom, thalia, and letting go of beth’s hand felt like he was giving up. he just needed something to live for, something bigger than his survival. 
luke crouched down to get eye-level with her, smiling softly, “if you need anything, i’m just a few doors down, ‘kay? whatever you need, little beth.” 
“i know,” she giggled, innocence in her eyes. she didn’t quite understand why her brother was being dramatic about it. they were safe now. 
luke ruffled her hair, making her squeal, before getting up. he gave a courteous nod to chiron and mr. d, taking hold of beth’s hand again as he walked towards the two children of athena waiting across the way. 
luke didn’t miss the way annabeth’s eyes sparkled at the buildings around her. she pointed out the intricacies of the columns lining the exteriors of some of the cabins, marveling at the vines that engulfed the walls of cabin 4. luke wondered if he was ever this small, if he ever found the beauty in the small things the same way that annebeth did. perhaps, in memories that are lost and locked away in the back of his mind, he used to be like her. 
annabeth looked happy here, safe. luke let out a breath of relief that he didn’t know he was holding in. he’d given up on a life other than survival a long time ago. since he was nine, he’d been running from everything all on his own. then he met thalia and he didn’t feel so alone anymore. and meeting annabeth, well, he found a new reason to keep going after that. she was too young to have experienced all of this. if he couldn’t protect his own innocence, maybe he could protect hers as much as he possibly could. 
“you must be annabeth,” you smiled at her, crouching down to her height the same way luke just did. “i’m y/n. i’m so glad to have a new sister.” 
“yeah, i’m annabeth. nice to meet you,” annabeth removed her hand from luke’s grasp, reaching over to shake your hand. your eyebrows raised in surprise, pleased at her manners, and accepted her handshake. she pointed at luke, “this is my brother, luke.” 
the boy beside you, holding a clipboard, furrowed his eyebrows. he flipped through the notes he had on his board, “i was told there was only one child of athena.” 
“yeah, no, i- i’m a child of hermes,” luke shook his head, the name of his father tasted bitter on his tongue. he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, “she just means it like metaphorically? is that the word? we-we’re not actually related.” 
you stood up, eyes darting between him and beth. luke’s eyes met yours and he couldn’t help but flush under your stare. he’d seen pretty girls before; in line at a grocery store while he stuffed his pockets with stolen twinkies and chips, in the mall where he’d sit at sometimes to get away from the harsh weather outside, even on his way to see chiron and mr. d when he got a glimpse of aphrodite’s daughters, but he’d never seen anyone like you before. 
you had a commanding presence about you, like you had the answers to everyone’s questions and knew what was best for everyone, but it wasn’t intimidating at all. one look at you and luke knew you were a leader, one that led with grace and empathy and blessed with a face of an angel. you had soft features, kind eyes, high cheeks like you didn’t go a day without smiling, and hair that framed your face perfectly. he wouldn’t be surprised if people didn’t hesitate to follow you to the ends of the world if you asked them to. he was about ready to do that and he’d only just met you. 
you grinned at him, the crinkles by your eyes appearing, “but she’s your sister.” 
the smile that he returned to you was effortless. he glanced down at annabeth, nudging her, “but she’s my sister. annoying, but my sister, nonetheless.” 
you and luke laughed at her harmless protest, sharing a look with each other that nobody else caught. the boy next to you, who unenthusiastically introduced himself as oliver, tucked his clipboard under his arm and motioned for all of you to start walking to the cabin. 
“luke,” oliver said, stopping his tracks, “we can take it from here. i’m sure you want to get some rest in your cabin after the 48 hours you just had.” 
luke wanted to say no. he didn’t want to leave annabeth yet. he would rather sit through long, droning minutes of learning about athena’s cabin, though he had no use for it since he won’t be living there, than retreat to the hermes cabin. but he also didn’t want to seem weak, clinging onto a seven-year-old girl when he should be perfectly fine on his own. annabeth said so herself, she wasn’t going far. 
you lived up to your angel-like demeanor when you spoke for him. you noticed the flash of panic in his eyes as he took in oliver’s words. you cleared your throat, “rest is for losers, oli. plus, the more the merrier. i say luke should come with us.” 
oliver huffed, but nodded, continuing his steps to cabin 6. you fell into a rhythm with him, conversing about camp activities that luke wasn’t too familiar with yet. annabeth trudged happily beside him, silent as she stared out into the view of camp. luke had to pull her by her shirt to stop her from running into things, her excitement getting the best of her. 
as oliver began his rant about some ares kid, you turned your head to sneak a glance at him and annabeth. luke felt his chest tighten when you smiled at him, all teeth and sunshine, before returning to your conversation with your brother. 
annabeth tapped luke’s hip, “i like her.” 
luke couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he looked down at her. his cheeks hurt from smiling so much, “me too.” 
luke wished he could say that the rest of his introduction to camp half-blood was as pleasant and nice as his interaction with you, but the rowdy cabin he was met with after he left annabeth in cabin 6 was something that he was not prepared for. unlike the athena cabin, where things were neat and put together, scrolls and books lining the walls, the hermes cabin was a mess. 
there were clothes thrown everywhere, makeshift beds in every corner of the cabin, and dozens of kids, claimed and unclaimed, running around. luke wanted to punch oliver across his face because how on earth was he supposed to get some “rest” with all of this going on? 
luke sighed, adjusting the bag on his shoulder as he searched for an empty bed. much to his dismay, the only bed available was the one right next to the entrance. he tried not to think about how little sleep he’d be getting with the door slamming open and shut with how many kids seemed to live in this place.
luke rolled his eyes, watching his siblings jump on the beds as they chased each other. none of them seemed to notice that he arrived, that he was new, but he learned from you earlier that too many half-bloods came and went in the hermes cabin. they were probably used to seeing unfamiliar faces and didn’t bother to introduce themselves anymore. 
with a silent groan, luke lay on his bed, trying to drown out the noise of laughter by pushing his thin pillow against his ears. the noise wasn’t unwelcomed, per se, but it was just foreign to him. he’d spent countless nights falling asleep to the sound of coos from animals in the woods and the sound of hushed echoes in the caves he called home. he’d slept through the roaring of the train tracks by his head and the sound of city noise outside his window when he managed to sneak into an empty motel room. he’d slept through the feeling of imminent danger, but never this. he doesn’t remember the last time he slept to the sounds of children laughing. 
he probably got a few minutes of rest before the cabin door swung open. the children quickly quieted down, which made luke get up from his position on his bed, ready to thank whoever it was that got his siblings to calm down. of course, luke wasn’t surprised when you were standing at the door, arms crossed over your chest. 
“come on, guys,” you tutted, shaking your head. “can’t you see someone is trying to rest? luke is new here and you’re not making a good first impression.” 
mumbles of apologies rang through the cabin before they all scurried out the door, all blushing in embarrassment as you sent them a look of faux disappointment. you walked over to luke, stopping at the foot of his bed. he sat up straighter, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes. 
“sorry about them,” you grimaced, “they have too much energy for their own good sometimes, but you’ll grow to love them. i swear it.”
“yeah, they’re cute.” 
you couldn’t help but snort at the sarcasm in his voice. you motioned for the seat beside him on his bed and luke moved over to give you more space. you were so close to him that he could feel the heat of your skin radiating off you. “i take it your first day hasn’t been the best?” 
“it’s been… okay,” he trailed off, suddenly self-conscious. his curls were a mess on his head and he’s sure the pillow he had against his face left an imprint. “just a lot to take in, i guess.” 
“i get that,” you said, taking off your shoes to sit criss-cross on his bed. luke thought the cartoon owls on your socks were charming. “i remember my first day here and how chaotic it was. i would love to tell you that it stops being like that after a while, but i’d be lying and i don’t want to start off our relationship on a lie.”
luke knew that what you meant by “relationship” was platonic, with no romantic connotations, but he was a teenage boy developing a hopeless crush on a pretty girl, way out of his league, so so sue him for how his heartbeat increased ten-fold at the word.
he tugged on the neckline of his shirt, “do they always listen to you like this?” 
“i don’t know if “listen” is the right word,” you chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “i’ve been here a while, so all the kids know me. i dunno, if i had to guess, i’d say they’re just used to me.” 
luke hummed. you were being modest. it was clear that all the kids liked you. on the way to the athena cabin, multiple campers greeted you as you passed by, completely ignoring oliver who was beside you and him and annabeth who were trailing not far behind. you had to make so many stops to engage in small conversations with the people you ran into, younger and older kids alike. he was shocked at how you remembered everyone’s names. he lost track after the third kid. 
luke’s stomach growled in hunger and he couldn’t even play it off because it was silent in the cabin. he shut his eyes, embarrassed, as he looked away from you, clutching his stomach, begging his body to be his friend for once. 
“perfect timing, luke,” you showed no sign of being affected by his embarrassment. you slipped your feet into your sneakers. luke noticed you tied the laces of your shoes loosely, making it easier to take them on and off. “lunch is in five minutes so we better get going. when the ares kids get there first, they massacre the food before any of us gets the chance to put anything on our plate. all that training makes them hungry.” 
luke followed you out the door as you explained the structure and schedule of camp half-blood. he was only half paying attention to you because he was too busy listening to the sound of your voice and watching your face light up when you talked about something you found particularly cool. 
as you approached the line for food, thankfully before the ares kids, you handed luke a tray. he began to scoop up some food, before turning to look at you, “don’t take this the wrong way, but shouldn’t the hermes head counselor be showing me around? not that i’m not enjoying this tour you’re giving me, but i figured each head counselor for each cabin would be doing this for their new siblings.” 
“typically, yeah,” you shrugged, “i’m not even the head counselor of cabin 6 yet.” 
luke’s eyebrows raised, “you’re not?”
“nope,” you replied, leading him over to an empty table. he sat across from you, waiting for you to continue. “oli is, but he’s leaving after this year. he got accepted to MIT. i’ll be taking over for him when he leaves.” 
“that’s cool,” luke nodded, taking a bite out of the chili mac on his plate. “who’s the head counselor for the hermes cabin?” 
a frown appeared on your face as you looked down at your plate. you used your fork to push around your food, “lettie used to be.” 
luke knew that tone– grief. it was the same tone he used to tell two apollo kids to be quiet when he overheard them talking about thalia when he and annabeth were still in the infirmary. that tone meant that it was something that shouldn’t be discussed. he changed the subject, “how’s little beth settling in?” 
your usual smile returned to your face at the mention of annabeth. luke was glad it was back. “she’s great! she’s brilliant, which i expected, but she’s incredible. truly, luke, she fits right in.” 
pride bloomed in his chest. of course beth was already impressing people. she was too smart for her own good and sometimes luke had trouble keeping up with her. at least now she had her siblings to talk to. “she is great, isn’t she?” 
you nodded, “polite, too. can’t say the same about some of these kids.” 
as if on cue, two kids started bickering with each other, using colorful language that luke was sure they probably shouldn’t be using at their age. they continued to spew insults at each other before an older camper marched over to them and scolded them. the interaction ended in the two kids muttering insincere apologies to each other.
you motioned to the scene with your fork, “see what i mean?” 
luke laughed, bringing his attention back to you. “how long have you been here?” 
“three years,” you pulled out the necklace from under your shirt, showing off the beads on the string. “i got here when i was 11. grover was my protector, too.” 
“how was–” he cleared his throat, swallowing the last bits of chili mac he had in his mouth. he usually didn’t care about how messily he ate, but you were so put together that he figured he shouldn’t scarf down his food like a heathen in front of you. beth used to make fun of him because he inhaled his food so fast that she wondered if he even chewed. “how was your life before all of this?” 
“nothing special, really. my dad tried his best to raise me, but he didn’t really know what he was doing. a single dad raising a daughter on his own is hard enough, and adding that your kid is a demigod would surely have anyone raising a white flag.” luke nodded in understanding, too familiar with the pressures of that from what he could remember about his mom. you continued, “but life was good before camp half-blood, normal. i grew up in a small town in connecticut so there wasn’t much to do.” 
luke’s eyebrows raised in surprise, “where in connecticut? i grew up in westport.” 
your jaw dropped, eyes lighting up in glee. you dropped your fork on your tray, leaning over to grab his shoulders from across the table, “no way! i’m from south wilton!” 
the name sounded familiar. he recalls seeing the name on a road sign when he first left connecticut, but he couldn’t remember exactly where it was. a lot of the places he used to go to as a kid blurred together into one giant mush over the years, but with how excited you were to find out he was from westport, he figured you guys lived relatively close to each other. 
luke thought about it; a different life where he probably met you under a different circumstance. maybe you guys ended up at the same high school, both terrified little freshmen, hoping that the older kids would take it easy on you on your first day. or maybe you met earlier than that; perhaps luke was sent off to another middle school, no doubt after getting expelled because of his shenanigans like he always did, and you’d be a student there. there were so many other ways you could’ve met each other, but something in his heart told him that the ending would be the same. 
you’d still be the nice, pretty girl sitting in front of him at the lunch tables, showing him the ropes of life, showing him the type of kindness he never experienced before. though, he’d probably be eating the smushed pb & j sandwich that he forgot in the bottom of his book bag that his mom packed him for lunch instead of chili mac and you’d both be normal kids, excitedly talking about recess activities instead of swapping war stories about hellhounds and monsters. 
“what a small world,” you commented, sitting back down on your seat. luke missed the feeling of your hands on his shoulders. he liked how touchy you were. it was like your emotions were so intense that you had to grab onto someone to keep you grounded. you looked up to the roof, wondering, “i wonder how many times we almost met each other. south wilton is only ten minutes away from westport.”
“probably not many times,” luke replied, off-handedly. he wiped his greasy fingers on the napkin beside him. he didn’t know he still managed to get messy even though he tried his best to eat proper, but you didn’t seem to mind. “i didn’t really go out a lot, i don’t think. always had to stay home with my mom.” 
maybe it was because you were the daughter of athena and you were blessed with heightened emotional intelligence, but you sensed that there was something deeper to luke’s words that he seemed to not want to share. 
luke lived with the unfortunate ability to only remember the bad things that happened in his life. he attributes it to his knack for survival; if he remembers the things that could get him caught in a sticky situation, then he won’t put himself in that predicament again. dodging death left and right for five years meant that his brain was filled with a step-by-step guide on how not to die, which left little to no space for happy memories. the things that he does remember from his childhood were things like turning the stove off because his mom forgot she was in the middle of making dinner or remembering to close the window in the fall or else the house gets too cold because his mom forgot to pay the electric bill for the heater. 
not really the best memories to have of his childhood, but it taught him a lot. it kept him alive. 
“that’s okay,” you took a bite out of the strawberry on your tray, red juice slipping from the corner of your mouth. you wiped it away with your forearm, giving him a wide grin, “we met each other here so it doesn’t really matter, does it?” 
before he could answer, annabeth came racing to the table, out of breath. she was grinning like a fool, already talking luke’s ear off about how great the athena cabin was. luke pushed his tray away, turning to face the girl, nodding happily as she animatedly explained all the new things she’d learned. he couldn’t get a word in to respond because she kept talking and talking, but luke didn’t mind. 
he stole a glance at you as annabeth took a break to take a sip of water. you watched the two of them fondly, chin propped up on your hand, listening to the girl’s stories as if you weren’t there when it all happened. 
he thought of your question. no, he decided, it doesn’t really matter. he was here with you now.
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evergreen292 · 9 days
I think Jorge made Athena half dead at the end of the God Games just for plot reasons. Because in any other way in given circumstances Athena would just must fight Poseidon in Vengeance Saga and there is no way in hell that she could win against the one of the Big Three. But now in her state she possible can't interfere at all, judging on the fact that it will be Hermes, who lets Odysseus free from Calipso and not her.
The question how Odysseus is going to survive Poseidon is still open, though...
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hyacinthusmemorial · 20 days
TW: Mentions of SA
In my works, and other places, people have been asking me my opinion on Achilles attacking Troilus. I would just preface I’m not an expert on the Trojan War. I was sick the week we did the Iliad in high school and they made me perform as Odysseus when we read the Odyssey and i had no clue what was happening, but I am in the process of reading it now.
I think if you are studying these events from the perspective of the god Apollo, then Achilles kind of loses his Brad Pitt appeal that the movie Troy (which I have never seen) gives him. So if Achilles is your guy, stop reading. I’m thought dumping.
There is something wicked and powerful about Achilles k*lling and r*ping Apollo’s own son on his own altar in his own temple. Because that is the implication of the iconography and artwork.
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Achilles drags Troilus by his hair to the altar of his father and the story doesn’t say if Achilles r*pes him, but it is implied. For one it talks about Achilles being overcome with lust for Troilus, who is the image of Apollo in human form. A beautiful golden haired, youth.
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Not only is Troilus the son of Hecuba, he’s Apollo’s image. Sources say he is the most beautiful of the Trojans and Greeks. But he has been designated a fate where he represents the city of Troy. Hence the name Troilus. If he reaches adulthood, the city survives. If he dies as a youth, the city will fall.
Athena leads Achilles to Troilus to ensure his death and thus Troy’s fall. She does not account for HOW Achilles kills Troilus.
He sees Troilus on his horse, and he is overcome with lust. I think he probably offers Troilus some sort of deal, come sleep with me and I will let you and your sister go, but Troilus refuses and runs away and hides in his father’s temple. He is a little kid running to his father for help. But, Achilles breaks in, finds Troilus, and enraged kills him either on or near the altar of Apollo.
Troilus is the image of Apollo. He is his son. He is a prince of Troy. I think this is a tipping point for everything—the point of no return.
This seals Troy’s fate, but I think the reason for that are because of Troilus’s death. I think before this point there is the possibility there will be peace. I think Big Bro Hector would have sent Helen back, I think peace would have been sued for and Troy would stand. But Fate has to be accomplished. This is the point where Troy no longer gives a damn—their prince has been m*rdered and r*ped on the altar of their chief god. Priam is upset because he loved Troilus as his own son, and he calls Achilles a child-slaughterer after that. Hecuba is besides herself, and Hector wants to kill Achilles. I think this is the point where they decide that, yes, they are going to die fighting this war, but they have a GOOD REASON to. It’s not about Paris and Helen and Aphrodite and a dumb apple. It’s about a boy being murdered.
But Apollo, Apollo is now vengeance. He is acting as an arm of fate. He’s already peeved at Achilles, who had killed another son Tenes. (A different story about Achilles r*ping someone)
I said this to one of my commenters—an altar is a god’s dinner table. Apollo’s hands are tied by something—either Fate or Thetis or his Father, and he cannot stop Achilles who is savagely attacking his own son on his own table. He has to watch, has to sit there and taste his own son’s blood in his mouth, watch him brutally die.
Achilles’s fate is sealed. Apollo is going to kill Achilles. It’s just nine years later.
In the art, Thetis, Athena, Apollo and Hermes are in the background of this event. Athena and Thetis as support of Achilles, but it makes me curious what Hermes is doing there. Is he holding Apollo back? Has Thetis begged Zeus for Achilles life? Athena regretfully watching as she accomplishes her plan only to realize WHY it worked?
I think in this way you can fashion the Trojan War as a direct conflict between Apollo and Achilles. Everything else is going on around it, but at the heart of it, is Apollo and Achilles. Apollo waiting for his father and the fates to give him the go ahead because Achilles will die, and Apollo is going to take away everything from him in the process. Briseis, Patroclus, and then he’s going to take his life.
Achilles is the villain in Apollo’s story. He’s invulnerable, he’s circumventing fate, he r*pes anything under his power, he disrespects the gods. He is a lesson in what men do when no one can stop them, and the most powerful thing is that the Father wins. He finds and kills his son’s murderer even after all the roadblocks in his way.
Troy is a revenge story, and if I ever get to writing it in my series, it’s going to be written like a revenge story.
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 4 months
Astyanax takes another step towards the reconciliation with Odysseus, long snippet ahead, grab some popcorn
One cannot be raised by Odysseus and not ended up being resourceful. In the following week after finding himself alone in Trojan territory, Astyanax had managed to do a few things.
Using the curtains from the palace, he made a cape and something to cover his face while he scouted the ruins filled of dus. This way he managed to find ink and paper, which he use to let letters in the main doors of what was the city of Troy once before.
With the longest stick he could find, he draw in the wet sand of the beach the map of his travels, one he has always known from memory, and with the memory of Eurylochus' voice, he used the stars to situate Troy in said map.
He didn't build a refuge, the weather allowed him to sleep at the beach, covering himself with the curtains once more. Food wasn't a problem either, after sharpening his stick, it was a matter of patience and stabbing some fishes in the water at the shore.
The little ghost even made a bow, rough and rudimentary, but it served it purpose.
The problem came when he thought about leaving Troy. Building a raft wasn't a plan, it won't survive the distance he wanted to cover, and he didn't know if he could build another later on. Every small boat he had managed to find was rotten, so that was out of the question too.
And of course, he didn't even think once about asking the gods for help, cynic as he was of them. Pity that they didn't think the same.
An owl had been following from afar the whole week. He didn't have any interest in befriending Athena, nor he wanted to be her enemy, but the owl couldn't be blame for being the goddess' puppet, so Astyanax let him half of every fish he captured.
The bird was actually a good listener.
"Shouldn't you be doing anything else? Stalking me can't be that funny, I'm just a boy!"
Sometimes he commented on the situation, puzzled.
"What about helping Odysseus? He's in a lot of shit right now. Calypso has only been nice to me, but that doesn't mean she's nice to him...look, I'm worried about him, ok? All alone in that island with that woman and his luck? Not a good combination."
The owl never answered of course, but in exchange for his kindness, the bird guided him to a box of candles, deep in the palace. The boy brought the opened box to his nose, lowering the cloth that covered his face, and marveled at the delicate smell that came from the candles. He knew exactly what to do with them.
He went to the pile of rotten wood that stood in the main place, as he has been doing every time he needed to light up some fire. The wood that caused once Troy's fall was now keeping him dry and warm, there was something poetic in that, and in a way, Odysseus was taking care of him again, despite the original purpose of the wooden horse.
Astyanax looked for a corner of the place where the wind won't disturb the flame of a candle, and there, he light up one of them and make his offer. A leaf with water, a shiny seashell, a rock with the colour of the Moon, a few drops of blood and a piece of his hair.
Yes, he was a cynic, but he was no atheist. Defying the gods was one thing, but having been raised by a religious man, he would never renounce them.
"I pray to Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and the hunt, carer of children, may her bless this bow and protect me in my deeds. I pray to Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, may her stop me from succumbing to Ares and the nonsense of vengeance. I pray to Hermes, God of Messages and Travelers, may him..."
A laugh interrupted him.
"You know, I'm already here, you may as well ask me in person."
Astyanax stood and turned to look at Hermes.
"I thought someone would show up", he admitted, "but I wasn't expecting you."
"Oh, you know me, I like surprises."
"Do you now." The boy let the candle burning and the box next to it. Their purpose was fulfilled. "What can I do for you, herald of the gods?"
He walked to the beach, Hermes following behind.
"Shouldn't I be asking that question, my friend? Look at you! Leaving messages here and there! Yelling at Zeus to spread your word! I'm curious, whose the recipient? Who should receive your words of defiance?"
"They're not of defiance."
"Then what?"
"Hope. That's my message to every Trojan survivor and to the gods," Astyanax look into the distance, lost in thought, "Troy will rise again, that's my message. But before that..."
He slide downwards through a sandy dune, moving towards the shore.
"...before that I must get Odysseus home, I have nothing without him, no family and no purpose. I can't rebuild Troy in my own and I can't let him alone no longer with Calypso." He stared at his map, calculating distances in his mind. "I must get back to him quickly."
"That's a great plan, what a shame he's no longer at Calypso's anymore."
"Wait what." Astyanax stopped in his track, bewildered. "What do you mean?"
Another laugh came from Hermes.
"I mean what I said, friend! He's at the sea as we talk, and in great danger."
"Of course he is," said the boy as he rolled his eyes, "it wouldn't be him if he wasn't."
He looked at his map again, thinking.
"I'm too far away from Calypso's," he murmured to himself, "I'm closer to Ithaca, unbelievable. No raft would survive the trip but...you are still here."
Always the jokester, Hermes mirrored his calculating face, but he was smiling.
"You still haven't asked me for anything."
"You are going to make me beg?"
"Beg? Who do you think I am? Do I look like Zeus to you? Nah, you want something that I can give, all you have to do is ask."
"No tricks?"
"No tricks."
Astyanax stared at the sea, knowing that beyond the horizon, beyond Ithaca, was his father.
"I want a way to reach him in time, nothing else."
Hermes clapped his hands.
"A thoughtful wish, that's for sure!" He bowed, still smiling. "I came here with something for you, you know? It's good to know that you also want it."
Reaching into his satchel, Hermes took out...
"Wait, really? A pair of your winged sandals?" Astyanax was shocked.
"What? You don't want them?" Hermes laughed.
"I didn't say that! I-I... it's because I know what it means."
With his free hand, Hermes ruffled Astyanax's hair. The boy blushed, fast.
"Aww, he's shy because he is under my protection now!" The god didn't doubt in mocking him. "Come on, put them on! They must be exactly your size."
"Y-yes, of course."
"Hm, they look good. Ok, walk a little, yes, now a little sprint...they suit you! I don't need them back, but use them wisely!"
Astyanax nodded, still red as a tomato.
"And because I'm awesome and those are my sandals after all, not only they are disguised as normal shoes, they also light up if you stomp your foot! Cool, isn't it?"
"Really cool," agreed the kid, "you are so random, I love it."
"Glad to hear that! It's part of my charm, my friend. And last, but not least..." Hermes winked, before handing him two sticks. "Be careful with them, have you ever heard of 'don't play with fire'?"
Astyanax grabbed the sticks, but Hermes didn't let go, still playful, but now serious.
"These sticks, when rubbed together, always make fire, I don't need to warn you about the dangers of fire, do I?"
"I'm aware of the danger."
"Good! Now, for my last little gift... don't you have some kind of rope?"
The boy, surprised, pointed at the curtains he took from the palace the first day he found himself at Troy.
"I didn't find any rope, so I cut some stripes from the curtains and then braided them."
"That's perfect, now, gimme gimme gimme...good, now give me your haaaand...yes yes yes, there, a nice friendship bracelet!"
"Mmm...what for"
"To find that father of yours, of course! You just have to ask."
Astyanax looked at Hermes, then looked at the rough braid that was now around his wrist, long hanging ends and all, and decided it was worth a try.
"Where's Odysseus of Ithaca?"
In a heartbeat, the loose ends starting floating, no, pointing...
"Great! So I just have to follow...and fly there." He said, remembering his new sandals. "The last thing I told him was that I hated him...he must think I abandoned him. Thank you, Hermes, how can I repay you?"
"Repay me? What for? Don't be boring, my friend, that's more than enough."
"Boring? I'm the righteous heir to the Trojan throne, I don't think I can be boring."
"That's the spirit, friend, good luck out there!"
And then a flying pre-teenager with two fire-sticks and a lot of self confidence aids Odysseus against Charybdis
Also, Astyanax in this point of his life:
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blahwithasideofblah · 9 months
Ok, but how did I only just realize that their fatal flaws are the reason Percy and Annabeth fall?
Like, we've got Annabeth, who's fatal flaws is pride, who has known her fatal flaw is pride since she was thirteen! And here she is riding high after beating the quest noone else has even survived!!! She found the Athena Parthenos!!! She beat a giant spider using only her wits!!! Of course she managed to cut all the spiderwebs first try, of course she doesn't need to double check that!!!!
And Percy. Percy "my fatal flaw is loyalty" Jackson. He doesn't even think. Of course he's not letting her go. Letting anyone go would be a betrayal, but this is Annabeth. Nothing else matters!!! No! Other! Choice! Matters! It doesn't matter that they'll probably die. It doesn't matter he might be more help above. It doesn't matter that he's been missing for a year and has not seen his mother once that entire time!!!!! It does not matter!!!! Because Annabeth is hanging off a cliff and he's the only thing keeping her from falling and letting her go would be a betrayal of the highest order and he cannot do that. So of course he falls with her. What other choice is there?
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backpackingspace · 21 days
Odysseus knows he made a mistake calling out for Athena. He knew the second her name left her lips. /she/ doesn't like it when he calls out any name but hers. When he mentions home or telemachus or gods forbid his penelope. It's not allowed. He's not allowed to think about anything but herherher. He knew it was a mistake. But
He had /felt/ Athena. For the first time in years that old connection sparked to life. A muscle long stiff with use but /there/he felt her. And if she heard him. If she chose to help well.
It would have been worth calypso wrath.
In the days that follow, it's all silence. All signs of Athena having disappeared. And as odysseus hangs from his wrists, numbly allowing his master to do as she pleases, he can't help but regret.
He knows the rules. He knows how to survive (dying is pointless /hes tried/) he can't help swallow the bitter pointless helpless rage. Why had athena even checked on him if she was just going to /leave/ him like this. And even still, as soft fingers drag their way down his skin, he can't help but silent pray (his tears long since dried up. It only ever made things worse) please goddess, please Athena don't leave me here. Kill me punish me in any other way just please please let it end.
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aphroditeinthesea · 6 months
will solace x chaotic daughter of dionysus reader where he's the responsible one thats like "don't do that. you'll die" and reader's like "yeah whatever" ?
" long story short i survived "
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will solace x reader ☀️
three times when y/n was crazy and three times when will loved her anyway
tw none
⋆ ˚。 ⋆ 𖤓 ⋆ ˚。 ⋆
“Funny meeting you here,” was all Will heard as he walked past a room in the infirmary. He stopped in his tracks and peered into the room. There, lying on a bed, was his girlfriend.
“Y/N,” he spoke as he entered the room, “what happened?” Concern filled his voice, but at the same time, he couldn't be too worried. After all, her winding up in the infirmary was a common occurrence.
“Silly story actually, you're gonna laugh,” she prefaced, “so, you know how there’s like archery practice?”
He nodded along, “I pretty much know the concept.”
“Good, that's good,” she continued, “so there was this really crazy looking bug like you should've seen it, and then-”
“Please don't say what I think you're about to say.”
She aggressively nodded, “if you think I’m about to say that I accidentally walked into the middle of an archery practice and got shot in the foot, then I’ll just say quiet.”
“Y/N,” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “can you go one day without almost dying?”
“Is that rhetorical? Because I don't appreciate that, Will Solace.”
He laughed, he leaned closer to her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, “I’d just like to not be worried about you 25/8.”
“Twenty-five eight, really?”
“Will!” Someone yelled from the hall.
“Coming!” He called back before turning back to the girl, “I love you, don't die,” he quickly kissed her before rushing out of the room.
It was late at night, not even two days later, that y/n ran into cabin seven, slamming the door behind her. Several of Apollo’s children gave her strange looks, except for Will, who only looked confused.
She smiled, making her way over to him, “Willy!”
“Willy?” He questioned with a laugh.
She sat on his freshly made bed, “I need to stay in your cabin tonight.”
“As fun as getting in trouble for you sounds,” he began, sitting beside her, “can you at least tell me why?”
“Funny story-”
“Is it actually though?”
She bit her lip and looked away, “for spectators, not victims,” she answered, “basically, Annabeth let me borrow this book and I forgot about it and then I accidentally spilled orange juice all over it, so I left iron the doorstep of the Athena cabin and I’m gonna wait until she notices, where then she will ultimately try to kill me dead.”
“Rather than kill you alive?” One of his siblings interjected.
“Kill you alive blah blah,” y/n muttered in a mocking voice.
Will chuckled, placing a comforting hand on her back, “you can stay. Only because I’m also scared of Annabeth.”
She pressed a kiss to his lips, "you're the best.”
Another day, during Capture the Flag, y/n had decided to climb a tree, being too tired to actually participate in the game. However, she hadn't actually put into consideration how she was going to get down.
“Y/N?” she heard the all too familiar voice from the ground.
She looked down to find Will standing with his sister, Kayla. “Hey, sweetheart. Hi, Kayla,” she waved down.
“What are you doing?” Kayla called up.
“It’s a funny story actually-”
“I really don’t think it’s gonna be,” Will mentioned.
Y/N huffed, “I’m about to come down, one second,” she stood on the branch, about to jump down.
“Y/N, Baby,” He yelled, “as a doctor, I can tell you the chances of you not breaking a bone are close to none.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve done this before.”
“That actually makes it worse, y/n.”
She prepared herself to jump down despite the yell of the two children of Apollo and several other campers who had come over to watch the spectacle. She took a deep breath and leaped off of the branch.
You could think that this was one of those things where she jumped and landed in Will’s arms and like rode into the sunset or whatever. It kinda was like that actually, except might have landed on Will’s arm instead. The left one specifically.
“I guess you could say you fell for me,” she giggled, beginning to stand up. She grabbed his hand to help him up too.
“I’m actually surprised we’re both still alive.”
“I told you it would be fine, you worry too much, love.”
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Why do people think Athena is dead????????? She literally has a whole section dedicated to her standing up and SINGS AGAIN IN THE SONG! Also calypso literally said “goddesses can’t die” is THE LAST SONG! AND SINCE WHEN HAS ATHENA DIED???? WHAT WOULD THE POINT OF EVERY OTHER SONG IN THE SAGA BE. Like was Jorge supposed to just be like “lol Telemachus finally has someone on his side let’s kill her and let him just die to Antinous when he’s back from Sparta” like no??? The suitors want to kill him and the only way he’s gonna survive against 50 people who are anywhere between his age and 10 years older than him is with help. Also Athena is Zeus’s favorite child he wouldn’t kill her if he could.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Fight to Survive
Summary: The BAU gets called to a case in LA, California, everything is going great then tragedy strikes. Can the youngest team member be saved?
Pairings: Bobby Nash x Daughter!FBI!Reader, Athena Grant x Stepdaughter!Reader, May Grant x Stepsister!Reader, Harry Grant x Stepsister!Reader, BAU x Nash!Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, guns, gunshots stabbing, swearing, fighting, inaccurate medical talk, hospitals, bruising, being beaten up, strangulation, mentions of sexual abuse (to victims), kidnapping, cheating (not on reader)
A/N: After a long overdue wait I give you the crossover fic that you all voted on. Again sorry for the wait!
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It was a late Friday night when everyone on the BAU team got the call that you all were headed to a case in LA. Luckily for everyone, everybody already had their go bags packed. When JJ got the call you, Y/N Nash, were all out clubbing together celebrating a case solved. You had walked outside to your car to call your dad, Bobby Nash, and mother, Athena Grant. The phone rang twice before he picked up.
"Hello?" Your father's husky voice came through.
"Hey, Dad." You said quietly you always loved the sound of his voice.
"Hey, honey. How are you? You sound tired." He said a little bit concerned then you heard Athena's voice come through and ask if that was you and to put you on speaker phone.
"Hey, sweetheart!" Athena said in her cheery voice and you smiled.
"Hey Athena. How are you and everyone else?" You asked
"We're good! Missing you." She said and you quietly laughed.
"You didn't answer my question Y/N." Your father back on the phone.
"I'm fine. Just a little tired. The last case got to me." You told them the truth. You always told them the truth.
"Are you allowed to talk about it?" Athena asked.
"I can tell you but it's not to be repeated." You said
"We understand." They both said at the same time.
"The case was about an unsub taking kids that resembled their kid that passed away due to drowning. They would keep them for 3 days and then drown them. We saved the last kid but they were around Harry's age." You told them and they were silent.
"Oh baby girl. I'm so sorry." Your father said. You looked up when you saw a shadow standing outside your window. You saw it was JJ.
"Hey guys hold on. JJ needs me." You told them and opened the door.
"Hey sorry to interrupt but we got a case." She sighed and you nodded.
"Ok let me finish up here and start rounding up everyone I'll drive whoever doesn't have a car here." You told her and she nodded and headed off to round everyone up. On the other end of the line Athena and Bobby were smiling at how you were taking charge, it must run in the family.
"Sorry guys. We got a case." You told them.
"You just got done with a case. Have you gotten any sleep?" Your dad asked concerned.
"Dad, I've gone on a lot less. I'll be fine this is what I signed up for when I joined the BAU. I love you guys." You told them, it was true you've gotten some sleep but not enough and you've ran on 2 hrs of sleep before.
"We love you too. Be safe. We'll talk later." Bobby said.
"Absolutely." You said smiling you said goodbye again and hung up.
About the time you hung up the team was heading your way. You got out to greet them. You all load up either in your car or separate cars, thankfully most of everyone took their own cars.
When you arrived at the BAU headquarters everyone got out started to file into the building. Nobody was really complaining about being back except for Morgan who had been currently dancing with some lucky ladies.
"Always when I'm getting my groove thing on with the ladies." Morgan said as you all sat down waiting to be briefed. You just laughed.
"Morgan, I don't think you'll have a problem getting your groove thing back." He just laughed.
"You're just jealous that it's not with you." Morgan teased and you smirked.
"Oh, I'm just heartbroken." You faked hurt. He had always flirted with you but you had another man on your mind, a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed, with a unique birthmark, a few tattoos, and is firefighter under your dad's command, even though he has a girlfriend, you had no interest in Morgan. Hotch, JJ, and Garcia walked into the conference room.
"A body of a teenage girl was found dumped in a local park in CA. According to LAPD, this is the 8th girl taken. Her name was Amanda Hills." Hotch said as Garcia pulled up the pictures.
"The medical examiner has confirmed that they were sexually abused and then their throat slit post-mortem. Then dumped during the night in the park and found the next morning they're usually unclothed." JJ said. "We also have gotten word that a 9th girl has been abducted, Amelia Lanco." She reported.
"All the girls had signs of abuse. They also reported that they were stabbed in the same places beforehand and then strangled. They also had their throat slit afterward." You said looking at the tablet in your hand. You swiped the picture to get a better look at the victims and your heart stopped. They all look like May. You took a shaky breath before continuing "They also sent a video to LAPD which they gave to us." You said and Garcia played it, it showed the latest victim chained to a pole blindfolded, and dressed in only her bra and panties. Only a few seconds were played but that was enough for it to be engraved in your head forever.
"It also says here that he keeps them for 2 days and then dumps them." Rossi said to the team.
"Wheels up now." Hotch said and you all filed out of the room and picked up your go bags and headed to the jet. It was a 5 hr flight. As you were walking up the jet Hotch stepped you.
"Are you alright?" He asked you and you hesitated.
"All those girls looked like my sister, Hotch." You said and he nodded in understanding.
"Do you need to sit this one out?" He asked and you shook your head.
"Absolutely not." You said and nodded.
"If it gets too much come tell me." He said and you nodded your head. You both got on the plane and were up in the air in no time.
"It says here that the unsub keeps them for a total of 5 days before killing and dumping them. All of them were 18-24 years old." Rossi said. "The girls are taken during broad daylight but nobody claims to see anything." He continued.
"What if they do see it but just don't want to mention anything?" Spencer said and you nodded along with the others "It says here that 9-1-1 calls were called in from the same number but they always ended shortly after before help could help. All the numbers were the same and dispatch said that there were before the girl could say what was wrong a man came on and disconnected it." He said.
"Ok. I want Y/N and JJ I want you to meet LAPD and the fire department at the latest scene, we ask for them not to touch it until we're there. Reid and Morgan, I want you to go to dispatch and listen to the 9-1-1 calls. Emily, Rossi, and I will go to the police station to start setting up a profile." Hotch said and you all nodded in understanding. 5 hrs went quickly and before you knew it, you were touching down in LA. You all went to where you were supposed to go. You and Reid got into the SUV, you driving, and headed to the crime scene where you met your father, stepmother, and your current crush.
You strolled up to the crime scene and saw the 118 firetruck and ambulance there along with several police cars including Athenas. You parked in front of the firetruck and got out and killed the engine and got out the same time JJ got out. You both had sunglasses on and walked to the crime scene.
"Welcome Agents. I'm Detective Lou Ransone." Lou announced and JJ spoke up.
"Nice to meet you. I'm SSA Jennifer Jareau but everyone calls me JJ and this is SSA Y/N Nash." She said nodding to you, everyone shook hands.
"Nash? As in Fire Captain Bobby Nash?" He asked and you nodded.
"That would be correct." You said just about the time when Bobby and Athena walked over.
"Hey! I didn't know you were coming to LA." Bobby said and you shook your head.
"Neither did I until 5 hrs ago. So what do we have?" You asked about getting into your professional FBI voice Bobby and Athena was impressed. Detective Lou answered your question as you all walked over to the body and you bent down to examine it along with JJ, who gave you gloves to put on.
"Call came in early this morning, around 7 AM from a frantic jogger that was jogging and discovered the body." Detective Lou said and you both nodded. You were watching JJ when she stopped and that got your attention.
"What do you got JJ?" You asked her.
"This is new." She said and pointed toward the left shoulder. "None of the other victims have had a bite mark on them." She said and your eyebrows shut to the one of confusion.
"You're right." You said, "Do you think we're dealing with more than one unsub or are they changing their mo?" You asked forgetting that the rest were there.
"There could be a good possibility." She said and about that time Buck, Eddie, Hen, and Chimney came over. You looked up and noticed the crowd. You got up which alerted JJ. She looked over and saw the news crew. You looked over at Detective Lou and Athena.
"Tell your detectives and officers that this does not get to the media. Not until we're ready to give a profile." You said and they nodded.
"Buck that means no telling Kelly anything." Eddie said and a surge of jealousy went through you. You didn't wait around to hear the rest. You went back to searching the crowd when you spotted something out of the ordinary. A man in his late 20s with a ball cap that was hiding his face and a jacket on with his hands in his pocket. He saw you and started to move.
"What is it?" JJ asked you
"There is someone in the crowd that doesn't look too concerned." You said and when you both went to question him he was gone.
"Let's get back to the station and get with Hotch and the rest." JJ said and you nodded and did just that
While you headed back to the police station you talked over all the details with JJ. When you arrived you killed the engine and walked in and to the conference room where you were set up for the time being.
You told Hotch what you had come up with. He nodded letting you know he understood. "I think we're dealing with more than one unsub." You had said.
"Why is that?" He asked asking for further explanation.
"JJ I forgot to show you but I got a picture. There was another set of footprints, smaller than the other. Also, new evidence has been found, there was a bite mark on the shoulder of the latest victim." You said and pulled up your pictures sending them to the tablets. "Also if you look back at the video you can see at least one male forcing moves on her, and another one holding the camera." You said and they looked at you and realization came upon their face. Gracia phoned you all and Morgan answered the phone.
"Talk to me momma." Morgan said
"Ok my lovelies I ran the names through all of the systems and it turns out that they all went to the same high school and lived in the same neighborhood." Garcia said.
"Do you have an address of the latest victim and the other one that recently was taken?" Rossi asked.
"What kind of question is that? Of course I do. I'll have them to you in a jiffy." Gracia said and hung and true to her word she had everyone's phones pinging.
"Nash and Morgan I want you to go and talk to the parents of the latest victim, Mr. and Mrs. Lanco, and start talking to places that they frequently visited show them pictures of Amelia. Rossi and Reid start building a geographical profile and JJ start going through tapes and camera. Prentiss your with me, we're going to go and check out the Hills." Hotch ordered around and you all nodded and you left with Morgan with Preintess and Hotch following.
You both got into the SUV and headed to the address that Garcia had given you. It was in a neighborhood you knew all too well, it was the neighborhood your parents currently lived in. You arrived at the Lanco Residence and got out of the SUV when it was parked and turned off. Morgan stood right by you as you walked to the door. Morgan knocked and Mrs. Lanco answered the door.
"Mrs. Lanco, I'm SSA Morgan and this is SSA Nash." Morgan said introducing you both.
"Oh like fire captain Nash?" She asked and once again you nodded.
"Yes ma'am." You answered her. "Mrs. Lanco, we're here to talk about Amelia." You told her and let you both in and into the living room where Mr. Lanco was.
"Honey this is SSA Morgan and SSA Nash." Mrs. Lanco said her husband got up and shook both of your hands. She offered you a seat on the couch and you took it.
"First I want to say I'm sorry for your loss. Did Amelia have any enemies?" You asked then.
"No none at all. She was a very well-liked girl." Mr. Lanco said "She wouldn't hurt a fly." He continued.
"She always helped around the house and loved everyone." Mrs. Lanco said and you nodded.
"If you have any more to add, here is my card with my number. Please let us know if anything else comes up." Morgan said and handed them his card.
"We will. Have a nice day agents." Mr. Lanco said and got to show you to the door. Once out and in the SUV, Morgan was the one driving this time, you two began to talk.
"Ok so Amelia seemed like a nice girl. She helped out around the house and helped her parents." You said to Morgan and he nodded.
"She also didn't have any enemies, no one to hate her. That we know of." He said and it was your turn to nod. "I wonder if Hotch and Rossi got anything different." He said and you nodded. You started to visit each location the victims frequented but it was no use until the last stop who told you both a description of the guy and actually had videos from CCTV.
You both arrived at the station and got out of the SUV and made your way into the building. When you got to the conference room Hotch and Rossi were already there and were already talking.
"What did you both find out?" Hotch asked and so you spoke up.
"She was a really well-liked girl. She helped out around the house and wouldn't hurt a fly. She also loved everyone. Also, the last place they visited had a video that showed the victims leaving with one of the unsubs. Videos should be here now." You said relaying the conversation that you had with the parents and other information. Hotch nodded.
"This Hills said the same thing about their daughter. So why is this unsub going after friendly girls and who helps around the house? Rossi said and asked.
"He must be going after a specific person but can't have her or saving her for last." Emily spoke up and it hit you. May was like that so he must have May on his mind. You looked at Hotch and he was looking at you, you knew what he was thinking.
While you, Morgan, Hotch, and Emily were out. JJ, Reid, and Rossi had gotten the names of the unsubs, Jackson Phillips and Anthony Bennett. Garcia also gave pictures and. It was silent for a minute then Gracia phoned.
"Guys I just got a video of Amelia from the unsubs." Gracia said "Sending it to you now." She said before you all could get anything else out. Your phones pinged.
Just then Athena walked in "We just got a report of shots fired at 23 South Comet Drive."
"That's the same address that the video sent from. Ok guys let's go." Hotch said and you all threw on your Kevlar FBI vests and you were on your way.
You all got there at the same time as the 118 and the other police officers. You were the first one out of the SUV and then followed by Morgan and the others followed. You saw Buck and he was looking at you but you were too busy running to the door. When you got there you had decided to kick down the door.
"FBI! OPEN UP!" Hotch shouted and when you got no response he nodded at you and you brought your foot up and kicked down the door. In fluid motion and boy did you feel powerful. You all rushed in. Everyone split up.
"CLEAR!" Hotch yelled out
"CLEAR!" Morgan yelled out
"CLEAR!" Emily yelled out and then you got to the basement.
"Guys we need a medic down here!" You said into your comms just as the man coughed and blood spewed out.
Everyone else ran down along with Hen and Chimney. You were bending down when they came in. They worked on him and when they got him out onto the gurney he was awake and you went up to him along with Hotch. "Anthony Bennett?" You asked.
"Yes?" He replied.
"You are under arrest for the murder of Amanda Hills and 6 other kills and the kidnapping of Amelia Lanco." You said authoritatively he just looked down like he was upset that he got caught. An officer gave you cuffs and you handcuffed him to the gurney then turned the officer as Hotch spoke.
"I want an officer posted at his hospital room at all times and when he's healed take him away." He said and they nodded. He turned to you once they loaded him up and left. "You need to tell them who they're really after." He said and you looked at him he would never suggest that. He must've seen the look because he continued "They need to know and I know how you get when you have to keep a secret." He finished and you nodded.
You walked over to Bobby and Athena as well as Eddie and Buck. They saw you and saw the look on your face. "What's wrong?" Buck asked.
"This is not easy for me to say this but the unsub's target is May." You told them and the color drained from their face the same it had done to you when you saw it. "That's the same look I had when I saw it." You said and you felt bad "I wasn't allowed to tell you until now." And that was true even if it wasn't spoken you knew the rules.
"Are you absolutely sure?" Athena asked
"Yes. We want to put someone with her the entire time and we will be calling the 911 command center to let them know. I also want Maddie to know." You said and they nodded. You all talked more and then you needed to go.
"Y/N wait." Buck said as he jogged over to you and you turned. "How have you been?" He asked and you looked at him expression neutral. Even though you were jumping for joy on the inside but you knew he had a girlfriend.
"I've been fine Buck." You said and gave him a small smile.
"That's great! Hey listen maybe we can hang out after this is all done." He said and you sighed.
"We can hang out but Buck you have a girlfriend and I don't want to stand in the way of you two." You told him and he nodded his head "Do you have your phone?" You asked him and he nodded and so you held out your hand and you put your number in and then sent a message to yourself "I have your number now. Text or call me." You said and then turned away and back to the SUV. What you didn't see was Buck smiling like an idiot and what you didn't know was that he liked you too.
It was the next day and you had gotten zero sleep. You just couldn't fall asleep not with that creep of a murder running around. Everyone greeted each other and got to work. "I think we're ready to give a press conference. Y/N want you to give it." Hotch said and that surprised you but got ready to do one anyways. "Tell them that we have a suspect in custody and tell them what and who to watch out for." He said and you nodded your head. The news reporters and several television stations were there. You were nervous but you were ready to give to do it.
Bobby had told Hen and Chimney what you had told them and Buck had told Maddie. "Hey the FBI is about to give a statement." Buck said and so everyone gathered around.
"I'm SSA Y/N Nash with the FBI. We have a suspect in custody but the other one is still at large. We ask you not to approach this man he is considered to be armed and dangerous. He is a white male in his early 30s and has black hair and blue eyes. He is usually seen in a black baseball cap and has a scar over his right eyebrow. Up on the screen is a picture that will help you identify him. We also ask any female to not be alone at all times while this case is going on. If you see this man or he approaches you please call the FBI hotline or 911. There will not be any questions at this time. Thank you." You finished your speech.
Everyone was silent. "She looks stressed." Chimney said and everyone nodded in agreement.
"She also didn't look like she got any sleep." Hen said.
"I just hope she's ok. Maybe I can convince her to stay a couple of days afterwards." Bobby said
"We would love to see and hang out with her again." Eddie said and again everyone agreed. Buck was silent he loved you and wanted to be with you but was too stupid and hid it, now he was with Taylor and he didn't want that anymore he wanted you.
Everyone at the call center gathered around the TV as the news began to play. There was chatter going around and questions. May and Maddie were together when it was playing and it freaked her out because she knew this person.
"I'm SSA Y/N Nash with the FBI. We have a suspect in custody but the other one is still at large. We ask you not to approach this man he is considered to be armed and dangerous. He is a white male in his early 30s and has black hair and blue eyes. He is usually seen in a black baseball cap and has a scar over his right eyebrow. Up on the screen is a picture that will help you identify him. We also ask any female to not be alone at all times while this case is going on. If you see this man or he approaches you please call the FBI hotline or 911. There will not be any questions at this time. Thank you." You finished your speech.
"Oh my gosh." May said in disbelief.
"What? What is it?" Maddie asked her concerned.
"I know that man. He's always in Cali Café. The café that I really like and the one I brought coffee to you from. He's a barista." She said and Maddie knew what she was talking about.
"Have you told Y/N?" She asked and May shook her head. "I think you need to." She said and May nodded her head and pulled out her phone and dialed your number. You answered on the first ring.
"May?" You answered
"Y/N I know that man." May said to you.
"You do?" You asked surprised
"Yes he's a barista at Cali Café. That's my favorite place to get coffee. He was fired last week though for inappropriate behavior towards women and taking off so often." She told you and you nodded tho she couldn't see.
"Ok. May we are sending someone to stay with you until this whole things blows over. I want you to be safe and if you need to stay with Maddie." You told her
"Ok. I got it." She said
"Good. I don't want anything to happen to you. I love you May." You told her
"I love you too sis." She said and then you both hung up the phone.
You relayed the information to the team and they had sent an officer her way. Everyone was working and trying to figure out a plan and his plan when Athena came rushing in "They just found a body." She said and that had you all getting up and rushing off. When you arrived it was in a park just like he originally had done. There were strangulation marks around her heck and she was severally beaten and the new signature of a bite mark. The 118 also arrived a minute later.
"That is Amelia Lanco." Rossi said standing up from having been bent down.
"Someone needs to go and inform the parents. Reid and JJ you go." Hotch said and they nodded and headed to one of the SUVs.
"I think now that he's dumped her. He's going to go after May now." You said and they nodded in agreement. You all didn't care who heard since you had already told the 118 and Athena. "We have an officer with her, correct?" You asked and Athena nodded her head.
"Yes Detective Lou is with her." She said and you nodded your head. Hen and Chimney had loaded Amelia up and headed off.
"Good." Just then the media rolls up and to be honest you were pissed. "What the hell is the reporters doing here? How did they get information?" You asked sounding pissed and everyone could hear it.
"Rossi and Prentiss go take care of it." Hotch said and he nodded and headed that way then you looked at Buck.
"Did you tell her?" You asked in a pissed off voice.
"I swear I didn't. You have to believe me. Y/N I promise I didn't." He said defending himself and that's when Bobby spoke up.
"He didn't tell her anything. He hasn't even looked at his phone since he's been at work." Bobby said to you.
"He's been with me the entire time." Eddie said and you nodded believing them but it still infuriated you that she found out somehow.
"Agent Nash! Agent Hotchner!" An officer yelled out and you and Hotch turned and saw an officer waving you both over. So with one last look at Buck who had an expression on his face that you couldn't place you and Hotch walked over to the officer.
Buck stood there and looking in shock. He then turned to Bobby. "I swear I didn't tell her." He said.
"We know that Buck. She knows that too but she's just stressed right now and from the looks of it not getting enough sleep. She would never jeopardize a relationship that she truly believes in. Just give her some time." Bobby said and Buck nodded.
You were truly getting frustrated and were getting little to no sleep. Hotch has pulled you aside and talked to you about snaping on people and that if you didn't stop he was sending you back to the hotel. It was in the middle of the day when you got the worst news any FBI agent or sister to get. Your face drained of color and you would've collapsed if it weren't for Hotch holding you up. Athena was also there when she got the news and you two comforted each other.
Once you got over your shock you really dived into your work not stopping to do anything. "Ok so we know that he keeps them for a total of 2 days. He usually abuses them, sexually assaults them, strangles them, and slits their throats post-mortem. He then dumps them naked in the local park. He used to have a partner but doesn't anymore so it's going to be harder to dump them." You said pacing around thinking. You turned to Rossi "Did it say where May was taken from?" You asked.
"Y/N." He said and you looked at him with a look you've never given them before and it scared them.
"Where Rossi?" You said sternly and he looked at Hotch and he nodded.
"Coming out of the 911 dispatch center." You could've sworn you felt your blood boil.
"Wasn't Detecive Lou with her?" You asked incredibly annoyed.
"Yes there was but they found him knocked out where the cars were. Cameras did show that a black Toyota Corolla stop and the unsub got out and knocked him out and pushed May into the car." Hotch said.
"When was she taken?" You asked sternly
"This morning after her overnight shift." Reid told you
"Does Bobby know?" You asked looking at Athena who had just walked into the room when she heard commotion.
"No he doesn't." She said and you looked at Hotch.
"Go tell him in person. You need to cool off." He said tossing you the keys to the SUV and you stormed out and got into the SUV and drove to the firehouse.
You arrived at the firehouse and blew past several people until you got to the kitchen. You looked him straight in the eye "May has been taken." You could see the color drain from his face.
"When?" He asked "What are you doing here?" He asked again.
"This morning after her overnight shift. They sent me to tell you because I was starting to snap at people. Hotch told me to." You said and he nodded. Just then your phone buzzed. You looked at the message it was from Garcia she gave you the address "1157 California Lane. Is close to here right?" You asked looking up at your father.
"Yea it's about 20 minutes away from here." He said, and you rushed down the stairs with everyone following they watched you throw on your Kevlar vest and then get in the SUV before any of them could say anything and speed off sirens blaring. As you were driving you got a call from Garcia.
"Hey you're on with everyone else including Athena and the 118." She said and you didn't say anything.
"We're right here with you Sweetheart." Your dad's voice came through your phone.
"I'm almost there." You said
"You wait for backup. Understood?" Hotch said and you didn't say anything too busy grinding your teeth "Agent Nash. Do you understand?" He asked again voice going authoritative.
"Understood." You said teeth clenched together.
"Good. Here is the plan. When we all get there we'll all go in together and get May put safely." Hotch said and you knuckles tightened until the turned white. You knew you needed to follow orders but you didn't like it.
They continued you talking but you tuned them out when you arrived at the house. You switched your phone to your comm. You hated waiting. Just then a scream came from the house and you couldn't wait anymore.
"Hotch I can't wait anymore I'm going in." You told them.
"Just wait for backup. We're 10 minutes out." Morgan said and you shook your head.
"10 minutes is too late. I can hear screaming." You said getting pissed.
"Y/N, Sweetheart. Just hold on a little longer. I know its hard and it hurts. We're 8 minutes out." Athena said and again you shook your head.
"Y/N please listen to them. We're almost there." Buck's voice came through and you closed your eyes you wanted to listen.
"Agent Nash. Stand down." Hotch said but you needed to go now.
"I'm sorry, I'm not waiting anymore." You said and got out and ran to the door. They were screaming in your ear but you ignored them.
You got to door and tried the knob and it opened so you pushed it open and quietly walked in. You cleared each room one by one. Until you got to the basement and then May screamed again and that had your aderline pumping and walking down the stairs. You say May and you started to walk to her she had blood coming from a cut over her eyebrow and brushing on her temple along with a cut. She also had some signs of strangulation.
"Y/N/N?" She asked looking up and you nodded you holstered your gun.
"Yea it's me. We're gonna get you out of here." You said and spoke in your comm.
"I have May. I-" you said and then May stopped you.
"Y/N/N behind you!" She said and when you turned around the unsub, Jackson Phillips, was behind you with a 2x4 and he swung it and hit you across the temple. It had knocked you down and your vision was disoriented. You saw him coming for you and you used the wall to help yourself up as he took a swing at you, you ducked and he hit the wall and you stumbled forward holding your head. He grabbed your shoulders and pulled you up and punched you in the face. You need to fight back and so you did. You took a swing and successfully hit him across the face knocking him to the side.
"Jackson Phillips we can work this out." You said
"Oh no. Working it out with you people means guns." He said and stood up and rushed you. You stepped aside and he quickly recovered. This went on for about 3 minutes and both of you were pretty beaten up. He grabbed a knife and got some good cuts and stabs in you but you quickly disarmed him and then he grabbed a gun and you quickly upholstered your gun.
"One last chance. We can work this out and I can get you a deal." You said standing up in front of May to protect her and labor breathing. He raised his gun.
"I'm not going back to prison." He said and both of you fired two shots. One of his hit your shoulder and the other just below your vest. Both of yours hit his chest successfully but somehow he was still alive but barley hanging on. You stumbled over to May and untied her and then collapsed. And spoke into your comm.
"Suspect is contained. I'm gonna need a medic." You said and your words were slurred.
Then everything turned black. You didn't hear May's pleas for you to wake up or the pressure she had on your wounds. You felt nothing.
Everyone could hear what was happening and it was breaking their heart. They drove as fast as they could. Buck, Bobby, and Athena were taking it the hardest.
They heard you fight with the unsub they heard every hit and every word.
"Y/N/N behind you!" May shouted and they heard you grunt in pain and then hit something metal. "
Jackson Phillips we can work this out." You said sounding out of breath.
"Oh no. Working it out with you people means guns." He said and more punching and throwing around could be heard along with grunting.
"One last chance. We can work this out and I can get you a deal."
"I'm not going back to prison." He said and both of you fired two shots. Everyone’s eyes went wide and they drove faster.
"Suspect is contained. I'm gonna need a medic." You said and your words were slurred.
Bobby had his head hung. Buck was looking wide-eyed. Athena was gripping the steering wheel. Hotch, Emily, Reid, JJ, and Rossi were in shock and afraid for their youngest member's life. They could hear May shouting out at you but you didn't respond.
"Y/N, please! Wake up! You can't leave!" She said but got no response back and they heard her start sobbing.
Everyone arrived and the BAU rushed in along with Athena and the 133 paramedics. Two other ambulances, 133 and 136, had arrived with them. Jackson Phillips was still alive but barley there. They loaded him up as Athena put cuffs on him and then the gurney "Keep him alive I want see him charged for murder and attempted murder of a federal agent." The 133 paramedics nodded and took off with him. Along with another officer to stand post at the room. The other suspect was healed and in prison already.
Emily had removed May with the help of JJ, she didn't want to leave but she knew she had to they took her the 136 ambulance to have her checked out. Hotch was bending down next you and putting pressure on. "Y/N, can you hear me?" He asked but you didn't respond. Chimney and Hen came down with a backboard. They started to put the pulse ox on your finger and hook you up to the heart monitor.
"She has a pulse but it's weak and her oxygen is dropping. We need to move her fast." Hen said and they all nodded and Hotch and Morgan helped them get you onto the backboard and helped them out of the basement and then onto a gurney. They got you into the ambulance and Bobby climbed into the ambulance. Chimney put an oxygen mask on your face as you started to come to and lolled your head the side and saw your dad there.
"Dad?" you asked slurred and he looked at you and you held your hand out to him for him to take.
"I'm here, Sweetheart." He said with tears forming in his eyes.
"Did I get 'im?" You asked eyes wanting to slip closed.
"Yea, Sweetheart. You got him." He said stroking the back of your hand. Then your grip loosened and fell out of his and your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your head lolled to the side as the heart monitor started to go crazy.
"She's flatlining!" Chimney yelled out and started to take your vest off and Bobby helped. Once it was off Chimney started to do chest compressions and then Bobby spoke up.
"Don't you leave me, Sweetheart. I can't lose you." He said and that seemed to work because your heartrate came back your eyes began to open.
"Hey, welcome back." Chimney said just as soon as they pulled up to the hospital. They got you out and wheeled you in and gave you off to the doctors "She codded in the ambulance once but came back." He said and they nodded. Now they had to wait.
3 hrs. that is how long it took for you to be in surgery to repair some major wounds and remove the bullets. 3 hrs. is how long you spent fighting to survive. 3 hrs. is how long everyone had to wait nervously in the hospital waiting room. 3 hrs. is how long Buck had to wait for an update for the love of his life. Everyone had changed but Athena since she had to work still. Michael, David, Harry, and May were at the hospital as well waiting. Athena had arrived and spotted Bobby who was talking to Hotch and the rest of your team. "Any word?" She asked and they shook their head.
"No, not yet." Bobby said and she was about to sat something when your doctor came out and Bobby looked over and nodded his head.
"Family of Nash." Bobby, Athena, and Hotch walked over.
"I'm her father and this is her mother." Bobby said and pointing to Athena.
"I'm her boss." Hotch said and the doctor nodded.
"I'm Dr. Summers. I was Agent Nash's surgeon and doctor. We lost her twice on the table but she his stable now. I want her to stay here for a few days just to make sure she recovers well. You can see her but if she starts getting overwhelmed I recommend limiting her visitors." She said and they nodded their heads understanding "She's in room 555." She said and they thanked her and she was on her way.
They went over and told the others and everyone sighed in relief. Buck even collapsed in the chair. "We want to limit the people she sees to at least three." Bobby said and they nodded.
Hotch, Bobby, and Athena went first. They walked up to the room and looked through the window. They could see the brutal attack you went through. They walked in and you looked over to them. "Hey." You said weakly.
"Hey, Sweetheart." Bobby said for everyone.
"May?" You asked scooting up and groaning in pain everyone rushed to help you.
"She's ok, thanks to you. A little bruised and some cuts here and there but ok." Athena said and gently grabbed your hand and rubbed it. You smiled and then turned to Hotch, he knew what you were asking.
"They want you to stay here in the hospital for a couple of days. I also want you to take some time off and recover. You're not going to be able to fly for a few weeks so I thought you could stay here." He said and turned to Bobby and Athena.
"Of course. You don't even have to ask. It would be great to catch up." Athena said and you smiled so it was settled you'll be staying home for a couple of weeks.
Everyone visited you but Buck. You were a little sad but put up a wall and masked your feelings. You were just about to go to sleep when Buck knocked on your door and walked in and you smiled.
"Buck." You said his name and it brought chills up his spine.
"Hi." He said and walked over and sat down by your bed and you looked over to him "You gave me, well everyone, a scare." You smiled.
"Sorry about that." You said and chuckled but then groaned in pain and Buck jumped up.
"Are you ok? Do I need to go get a nurse?" He asked and you waved him off.
"It's ok. I promise." You said and he sat back down.
"Listen Y/N I really like no love you. I have ever since I laid eyes on you but never made a move. I was young and naïve and you were just visiting from Quantico. I want to be with you even if it is long distance." Buck said and you thought about it.
"I've always loved you Buck. You never seemed interested so I never went for it. You just never seemed to pay attention to me or knew I existed. I really do love you Buck but you're with Taylor and I don't want to get in the way of that." You said and before you knew it or continue his lips were on yours and you were kissing him back. You only broke apart when air was needed "Buck. What about Taylor?" You asked and he shook his head.
"I don't want her. I want you and only you. I'm going to break up with her when I leave here." He said and you nodded. He sat down and you two talked in a comfortable silence. Bobby and Athena walked back in, they had decided to stay with you until you were ready to leave. Buck left but not without giving you a kiss and a wink.
Bobby and Athena started asking 20 questions and you couldn't help but smile. This was the family you had been missing but you loved your job. Buck and you were finally together and everything was right now. Yes your job was dangerous but you loved it and wouldn't give it up for anything. You couldn't wait to start your recovery with the people you love.
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bagerfluff · 8 months
Affection In 10 Different Ways
Annabeth Chase x Non-Binary Half-Blood Reader
AN: If you have any request for who's next please tell me
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1. Smiling at each other from across the room
You were sitting at your cabins table during dinner. You had a very hard day so you were really happy that you could finally eat. You were eating the last of the food on your plate when you felt someone watching you. You looked around to see who was looking at you when you caught the gaze of your girlfriend. You smiled at Annabeth before going back to your food. Not seeing the small smile she had on her face.
2. Kiss to the side of the head
You were training with Annabeth since neither of you had anything else to do. You both were practicing with swords despite the fact that Annabeth doesn't really use them. But you did. So you were teaching Annabeth how to use them. The longer you went the better she was getting. She even got so good that she was able to disarm you.
It took a while but she did it. "You did it!" You yelled. You picked up you sword and walked over to Annabeth. "I think that's enough for today" you said before placing a kiss to the side of Annabeth's head. Annabeth blushed before walking with you to put the swords back.
3. Fixing each others clothes
You let out a yawn as you walked out of your cabin. You had stayed out a few hours late cleaning the dishes after dinner. You hated cleaning duty. Since it took you so long, you had gotten to bed two hours later. But you still had to wake up early since you had to teach some new campers Greek. So you were dead tired when you woke up.
You stretched and started to walk when you heard someone call your name. "Oh. Hi Annie," you yawned in the middle of your sentence. "Hey, Y/n. You okay?" Annabeth asked. You nodded, "Just tired." Annabeth walked over to you and fixed your shirt. You hadn't even noticed. You were that tired. "Thank you," you said, placing a kiss on her forehead before leaving.
4. Embracing them from behind
You and Annabeth were on a date to a museum. But all Annabeth did was look at the architecture. You found it a bit weird but cute. That was your Annabeth. While she was busy looking at the walls you walked up behind her and hugged her. "So what's that?" You asked and pointed to something. Annabeth smiled and started talking about the architecture of the museum. You just smiled as you hugged her tighter and listened to her speak.
5. Ruffling their hair
You were sitting by the fire tell some younger campers a story from one of your adventurers. You were telling them how once when you were out on a quest, you fell off a ten foot cliff and survived with no scars. The campers didn't believe you. Saying that was impossible. But you swore that it happened. You were there. "It did happen. I fact Annabeth was there. Annabeth!"
You said. Yelling at Annabeth to come over to you. "Yes Y/n" Annabeth asked once she came over and stood next to you. You told her what you and the campers were talking about. "Yes Y/n you did fall off a cliff with no scars. But the cliff was only five feet, " Annabeth said with a smile before ruffling your hair and leaving. Leaving you with blush on your face and laughing campers.
6. Take a photo of them
You brought your camera to your face and looked through it. You were planning to take a picture of Annabeth. She was sitting in front of you reading a book. Her hair was in a messy pony tail, and she was still in her pajamas. But to you, she looked like a goddess.
Like she had ben blessed by Aphrodite. So you wanted to take a picture so you could keep this moment forever. But right as you took the picture, Annabeth turned to look at you. You smiled as you brought the camera down from your face and looked at it. It was perfect.
7. Putting a blanket on them
You walked into Athena Cabin looking for Annabeth. You two were planning to hang out since neither of you had anything to do. But you hadn't seen her since dinner so you were a bit worried. But the minute you walked into Athena cabin, you realized what she had been doing. Annabeth was sitting at one of the desks in Athena Cabin. She was resting on the desk.
The closer you got, the sadder you got. The desk was covered in paper and pencils. The pencils had no erasers, and the papers were coved in drawings. You figured that she was working on something for Olympus. Annabeth always overworked herself. You sighed and picked up a blanket that was on her bed. You then put that blanket over her and placed a kiss on her head. "Goodnight Wise Girl"
8. Laying your head in their lap
You were sitting next to Annabeth while you both read books. This was a common thing to happen. After a long day of doing things around camp, it was common to find you and Annabeth sitting next to each other doing your own thing. But in each others presence.
But after reading for a couple of hours, you were starting to get tired. You rubbed your eyes before putting a bookmark in your book and closing it. You placed your book on the table and let out a yawn. You then positioned yourself so your head was in Annabeth's lap. You then closed your eyes and started to fall asleep. With Annabeth's hand running through your hair.
9. Laying your head on their shoulder
You were sitting next to Annabeth watching the camp fire toast your marshmallow. You could hear the Apollo kids playing instruments while singing. You could also hear other campers joining in on the singing sometimes. You however, where focused on your marshmallow. Watching it slowly cooked while the campers sung in the background.
Since everyone was so happy the fire was big and bright. Blazing a nice yellowy orange. All the stuff, the heat from the fire, the sounds of happy campers, the smell from the marshmallows. It made you tired. So you leaned over and placed your head on Annabeth's shoulder. Annabeth smiled and placed a kiss to your head. Making sure to remove your marshmallow from the fire when you fell asleep.
10. Hugging them
You were hunched over breathing heavy. You had just killed a monster and you were beat. Blood was running down from a gash on your arm. Sweat was dripping from everywhere. Your body ached. It seemed like everything that could hurt, was hurting. But you weren't concerned about that.
You were concerned about Annabeth. You looked to your left, the last place you saw her. You saw Annabeth running towards you. You only a few seconds to prepare before Annabeth hugged you. "Oh Y/n. I'm so glad your safe" Annabeth said into your shoulder. You smiled and hugged her back with your good arm.
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lilislegacy · 4 months
hi i was wondering what you think on this
so basicly do you know the sound were its "l'd let the world burn for you" so i was reading mark of athen and percy said i woud rather have the world burn then never have annabeth back. and this was when annabeth was going on by herself.
thanks for the ask @idkmyaesticgrily!
percy loves annabeth with every fiber of his being. it’s all-consuming. like, he doesn’t say he would watch the world burn to save her life, he says he would watch the world burn just so he can be with her.
it’s an extremely selfish thought, and that’s what i love about it. percy is perhaps the most non-selfish character in the entire series. he always puts other people first.
but you can’t save others before you save yourself. it’s like they say on planes, you have to put on your own oxygen mask first. and annabeth is his oxygen mask. he’s completely selfless until it comes to her. he is always selfish when it comes to being with annabeth, because being with her is the only thing more important to him than other people. and some people, like athena, think that that’s bad. maybe it is, depending on how you look at it. but i think it’s beautiful and realistic
it’s not that he thinks the world and other people are worth less than her. he just needs her. not to survive - no, he’s perfectly capable on his own - but in order to think clearly and have any sort of determination for happiness, he needs to know they can be together. he is willing to be a hero and put up with anything - monsters, gods, everything in between - as long as he gets his annabeth. it’s his only condition. and i don’t think that’s a conscious thought. it’s not like he thinks “okay if something happens to annabeth i’m becoming a villain.” but when it comes down to it, being with annabeth comes first. everything else second. and he’s completely entitled to that.
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scriptorsapiens · 11 months
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Classicstober Day 13: Arachne (𐀀𐀨𐀏𐀕)
Arachne was a mortal woman and a weaver beyond compare. She claimed that her skill surpassed even the gods'. An old woman warned her in a cracked voice:
"Be careful what you say, child; the gods loathe hybris."
"I'm not afraid of the gods. Even if Athena, goddess of weaving herself, appeared before me I know I can make a better tapestry than her!"
Arachne clearly had no idea she was living in Bronze Age Greece, because when an elder warns you about the ways of the divine it is ALWAYS a god in disguise.
Long story short, she is the reason spiders can weave so well.
Those of you who know me, and those of you who take the time to read these 'behind the scenes' things know that I do lots of research, but sometimes there just are no resources for me to draw on. Case in point, we know that the Mycenaeans had looms like the one I depict here, but as far as I know no Mycenaean tapestry has been preserved. This is not unexpected, since perishables like cloth can't really survive 3000 years without lots of luck and/or intentional preservation, but it also left me with a question of how Arachne's tapestries might have looked.
While we have some preserved Mycenaean and Minoan frescoes, I decided to not really draw from those for Arachne's tapestry. Her art was supposed to be breathtakingly realistic, so I opted from a more naturalistic, if a mite stylized, rendering of a woman. Perhaps a little anachronistic, but Arachne was a prodigy.
Speaking of which, Arachne is wearing a typical Mycenaean skirt and tunic but this piece finally gave me a good chance to show off Mycenaean makeup. Women, when depicted in Minoan and Mycenaean art, are often very pale and sometimes their faces are decorated with red florets on the forehead and cheeks. Arachne is not royal, but she is incredibly proud. Therefore I decided she would powder her face and rouge her lips, almost making herself look royal. The florets are just dots on her face, but the extras added to her forehead let me evoke the spider eyes she will bear in the near future.
Gods often take the appearance of the elderly (Zeus, Hera, and Athena all come to mind taking this disguise), and for whatever reason I have always had a vivid image of what Athena's mortal guise would look like. I know black was usually a very difficult color to dye, making it reserved for the wealthy, but maybe because of the old women in Portugal I grew up seeing the archetypal Old Woman is wearing black and using a shawl.
I would also like to formally apologize for not including the Linear B name for Athena, which is preserved: 𐀀𐀲𐀙
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