#athenian owl
frippp · 2 years
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I drew a lil athenian owl since i was lucky egnough to visit this week!
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athenepromachos · 8 months
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Athena Piraeus. Discovered in 1959, the 8ft tall bronze statue of the Goddess dates to second half of the 4th Century BC. 🏺🏛
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imlyfie · 2 years
Cabin 6 head can on(i have no idea if it fits but lets go along with this):
In BoTL they described cabin 6 to have an stone owl and gave a sliver glow or something Iike that and im thinking its a gift from their mom and that Athena grants all her kids a gift (something small like Annabeth's cap).
I was wondering if the stone owl actually had a purposesor if it was just decor. I like to think Athena was better in the PJO series and im gonna ignore the HoO series for this headcanon where I believe Athena actually cares for her children but she's not good when it comes to feelings. Hence she shows her care by keeping them safe(ie guiding 'beth to Thalia and Luke when she was a runaway) and giving then weapons and little trinkets to eveyone of them at some point in their life.
When Athena grants the gift to her children they have access to the stone owl that comes to life and becomes a helper of sorts. It does tasks like giving lighting round quizzes or fun things like getting specific scrolls. The owl chages it's species and name depending on who calls it (so it's like a pet for everyone but they can only use it one at a time).
Eg. Annabeth a snowy owl she named Glacia (glay-sha) and Malcolm a Eurasian horned owl named Oak
The Athenians need to keep the owl at prim condition by giving it praises and grooming sessions so the silver light never goes out. The light acts as a spider-repellent. When the owl senses the light fading, it always takes flies to the head counsellor to solve the issue.
They can't speak to it like how Peecy speaks to horses but they can understand the intentions if the bird.
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local-queer-classicist · 10 months
Now that the semester has ended, I’ll be going over the completely detail-less itinerary of a wedding that’s in two days 5 hours from my house in an attempt to plan every step so I don’t get overwhelmed because of the autism thing while also trying to figure out if there’s enough buffer time on the ends of the event that I can get away with safely binding the whole time without needing to take up half my bag to bring a backup bra to the venue because of the trans thing. Pray for me, people in my phone.
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Starting November 13rd 2023...
Please repost if you like it because I want to popularize this. Also hoping an artist comes across this, hopefully not wanting to be paid, cuz I'm thirteen and broke as hell.
I will be making new issues/chapters every Monday of a series I'm making called Murder Owls, starting the 13th of November
It follows mainly four people: A bisexual man, his cishet cousin, his pan trans cousin, and his lesbian best friend. What they do here is they kill rapists and anyone who follows what the Greek god, Zeus does.
10 years before this takes place, so 2025, the Greek Gods have a civil war of some sorts. Zeus's side wants to continue to directly interact and interfere with human life. While Athena's side does not want to interfere and use vessels of some sort.
However, this series will eventually develop different plotlines and different storylines but the first one that starts on Nov 13 follows what I've just explained.
Follow and repost, and don't forget to have a good day/night/afternoon/evening/morning
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i'll never forget the time that a random girl from my history class came up to me after class twice in a couple weeks, introduced herself to me, then put her hand on my arm and told me i did really great in class and she was v impressed and i was SO DUMB i was like I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND but couldn't think of how to say it so i just DIDN'T BOTH TIMES and when i told my friends about it they said she was flirting w me and i didn't know how to break it to them that i don't think i was winning anyone over by roleplaying a kid with a vendetta in an ancient athens assembly post-the thirty's rule for three weeks
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toumpasebay · 2 years
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Ancient Greek Owl Pendant Goddess Athena Jewelry Athenian Owl of Wisdom Necklace.
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tylermileslockett · 11 months
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“I begin to sing of Pallas Athena, the glorious goddess, bright-eyed, inventive, unbending of heart, pure virgin, saviour of cities, courageous, Tritogeneia. Wise Zeus himself bare her from his awful head, arrayed in warlike arms of flashing gold, and awe seized all the gods as they gazed. But Athena sprang quickly from the immortal head and stood before Zeus who holds the aegis, shaking a sharp spear: great Olympus began to reel horribly at the might of the bright-eyed goddess…” (-Homeric Hymn, translated by H.G. Evelyn white)
ATHENA (uh-THEE-na) , the virgin goddess of wisdom, war, strategy, defense, city state building and crafts like pottery, and patron goddess of Athens. In my Illustration she towers above Athens, as the city's patron and eternal defender. 
She was born from Zues' head fully armed, and wears upon her chest plate armor the infamous Aegis, with medusa's head, (sometimes depicted as a shield) which is used as a protective amulet and was said to let out a terrible roar in battle. Upon her shield is a horse and rider wearing a bridle, which Athena invented for mortals to ride and control horses (along with chariots and wagons). 
Upon her arm is her sacred animal, the owl, with its night vision, having the ability to see things that others cannot, hence it being a symbol of wisdom. The snake at her feet represents the early Athenian ruler, Erichthonius, whose symbol was the snake. He is represented below the statue of Athena in the Parthenon as the snake hidden behind her shield. The most sacred building on the Acropolis of Athens, the Erechtheum, is dedicated to Erichthonius.
Support my book kickstarter "Lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in early 2024.
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diana-thyme · 1 year
Greek Gods 101: Athena
Athena is a deity of wisdom, good council, war, the defense of towns, heroic endeavors, weaving, pottery, and other crafts. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Olive Oil
Weaving Tools
Quills and Other Writing Tools
Depictions of Owls
Depictions of Spiders
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Learning New Things
Learning How to Fight
Learning About the Military
Protecting Yourself, Your Friends and Family, and Your Home
She is celebrated in multiple Athenian holidays;
Kallynteria and Plynteria
Athenian New Year
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thearchaicsmile · 1 year
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Reverse side of an Attic silver tetradrachm (τετράδραχμον, 'four drachmas'), depicting the owl of Athena facing forward, with the abbreviation ΑΘΕ (ΑΘΕΝΑΙΩΝ, 'of the Athenians'), indicating the coin's origin. Such coins were often referred to as glaukes (γλαῦκες, 'little owls') and became widespread throughout the Aegean during the 5th century BC as Athenian dominance over the eastern Mediterranean grew.
🏛️: © The Trustees of the British Museum
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alsadeekalsadouk · 2 months
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‏Symbols on ancient Greek coins
Ancient Greek coins often featured unique symbols or emblems that represented the city-state that minted them. These symbols were an early form of coinage emblem or "badge" that promoted the prestige of the city.
Some common symbols :
- Owls on Athenian coins, representing the city's patron goddess Athena.
- Pegasus on Corinthian coins, representing the mythological winged horse tamed by the hero Bellerophon.
- Bees on coins of Ephesus, representing the goddess Artemis who was associated with the city.
- Lions on coins of Miletus, a common symbol for the city.
- Roses on coins of Rhodes, representing the island's famous flower.
- Celery on coins of Selinunte, depicting the local plant.
These symbols were more than just decoration - they served to identify the issuing authority and promote the identity of the city-state. Coins were an important symbol of civic pride and power in the ancient Greek world. The variety of symbols used reflects the diversity of Greek city-states and their local mythologies and iconography. #archaeology #history #ancient #art #alsadeekalsadouk #ancienthistory #travel #archaeological #rome #italy #museum #roma #heritage #greek #arthistory #culture #antiquity
#4thcentury #photography #tetradrachm #greekcoin #greekarcheology #greekancientcoins #stater #الصديق_الصدوق
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athenepromachos · 6 months
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The Lady Athena with her owl 🦉
According to the Roman writer Ovid, Athena's owl was named Nyktimene 🏛🏺
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ygoartreviews · 2 months
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Minerva, the Athenian Lightsworn
Guess who's back for a surprise round three? It's Minerva, now even older and wiser than she was before! Her main outfit hasn't really changed all that much from her Exalted form (aside from the replacement of her hood with a tiara and a decorative golden arch that goes over her head), but her wings and staff have become significantly more decorated. Her glove also now boasts a tiny shield, essentially removing its function as a falconer's glove, which is probably why her owl is banished to the background now. I like how her owl looks in her Exalted form best; here it just looks like it was added an almost an afterthought, which makes me sad because it's clearly so old now. The stylized feather moustache is very funny though. One thing I appreciate through all three of her cards is that her gloved left hand always looks like a glove. There's a certain weight/thickness to it around the fingers that makes it look like a quite realistic depiction of a glove, honestly. I just feel like this is a detail not always considered/executed well lol. All that said, this is probably my least favorite of Minerva's three forms, because she loses a certain softness she had before in her past two cards.
Rating: 8/10
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arthurdrakoni · 1 year
Flags of the Athenian Empire
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These are the flags of the Athenian Empire.  I couldn’t decide which I liked better, so I went with both of them.  They come from a world where Athens won the Peloponnesian War.  Following the defeat of Sparta, the Delian League was expanded to include the Greek colonies in Italy, the city-states in Anatolia and all of Greece.  All of this new territory meant more treasure for Athens' coffers.  Athens used much of this new-found wealth to expand its military and navy.  The unification of the Greek city-states meant that the Macedonian Conquest never occurred, and Alexander the Great never came to power.  Though it was still known as the Delian League, in reality, all of the city-states knew that they were now part of the Athenian Empire.
The threat of Persia was an ever-looming concern.  Athens funded many rebellions against Persia in regions such as Egypt and the Levant.  Eventually, Athens declared war on the Persian Empire and conquered it in short order.  However, most of the territory was lost within a few generations.  Athens also went on to conquer Carthage, the fledgling Roman Republic and expanded its territory into Gaul.  Athens also expanded into Hispania and the British Isles, but never for too long.  
Following this series of conquest Athens began to focus more intellectualism and the acquisition of knowledge.  Many libraries and centers of learning were founded across the Athenian Empire.  The Athenian Empire never truly fell, but over the years it did lose territory; at its smallest, it was comprised of Greece and Anatolia.  However, Greek influence on language, art and culture is felt throughout its former empire and the world at large.  In many ways, the Athenian Empire can be seen as the Western world's equivalent of China in terms of influence and culture.  
The flags feature an owl clutching an olive branch, symbols of Athens patron goddess Athena.  The colors of the flags are black and orange in reference to Ancient Greek pottery.  The black on the first flag is also a reference to the black sails of Theseus, mythical king of Athens.
Link to the original flags on my blog: http://drakoniandgriffalco.blogspot.com/2017/09/flags-of-athenian-empire.html?m=1
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mischivana · 2 months
Are you just going to leave me here?
Connor Stole x Athena!reader
Genre: Fluff
Requested by anonymous
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I was in my cabin quietly reading a book my sister Annabeth recommended to me about ancient architecture in western civilizations. It was surprisingly good, she’d been trying for a while to get someone else into architecture so she could geek out with her. Her plan had worked, I was hooked.
I was reading about Athenian architecture in the United States capital specifically when there was a knock at the cabin door. I grabbed my owl bookmark to keep my page, set down my book, and walked over to the door.
Before I could even get to the handle the door swung open revealing my best friend, Connor Stoll. With his curly hair and cheeky smile he walked into the Athena cabin and slumped down onto my bed. “Making yourself at home are ya?” I said, with a small laugh.
“You know it. Your cabin is so much nicer than Hermes” he said, his face in my pillow. “That’s because we know how to keep our cabin clean” I responded, walking over and sitting at the foot of my bed by his feet.
He flipped over and looked at me and then back at the large library room in the center of the cabin. The only part of the cabin that was any sort of messy. Looking at it, it was somehow easy and impossible to believe it belonged to the children of wisdom, books were everywhere. Unevenly on shelves, in large stacks on tables and desks, chaotic piles on the floor, you name it. There was one large circular table in the center, with a cutout so people could get to the middle. There were chairs on either side, though no one ever used them, a lot of our work was done standing. The table was littered with loose papers, torn up documents, finished and unfinished maps, stuff like that. There were all sorts of writing utensils as well. There were pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, even a few quills in ink pots. It looked like an archive had exploded but to me and my siblings, we knew where everything was and where everything needed to be.
“Clean” he said in a sarcastic tone. “I looked at him with a playful grin and said “ha ha you know what I mean,” I looked back at the room and remembered the map I had promised I’d finish for my brother and got up. “That reminds me,” I said “I needed to finish a map for Gabriel” and walked over to the table to start working.
I felt a hand grab my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. “Wait-” I heard him say. He was sitting up now, his arm outstretched to grab mine and his face tilted slightly up to look in my eyes. He continued, “you’ve been reading and working all day, you deserve a break” he told me with a sympathetic smile. Gods how I loved that smile, it always made a dark situation have a little bit of light. “I haven’t been working that long, it’s only been a few hours” I said, not moving still. “You skipped lunch, I don’t even think you realized it” he told me, starting to sound a little worried. He was right, I skipped lunch and hadn’t realized. I was reading so much and working so hard I hadn’t even acknowledged how hungry I am. “It worries me when you put work over eating,” he said.
I blushed a little, I wouldn’t tell anyone and especially not Connor himself but last summer I’d fallen for him. How funny is that? Daughter of wisdom falling in love with the son of tricksters. To know he cared about me made me feel special, but he’s my best friend, he probably was worried because of that reason, not because he loves me back.
“I know,” I lied, I hadn’t known, “but I promised Gabriel I’d finish this” I said and turned to keep walking to the table. I picked up a compass and a pencil that’d been lying somewhere on the table and started to chart the map again. I saw Connor pull out a chair and sit in my peripheral vision. I looked at him quickly and gave him a small laugh which he returned. We remained that way for a few minutes, me in the zone charting the map and him watching, before I heard let out a sigh and started to get up. I looked at him as he said “well let me know when you’re done, I have an awesome prank planned for the aphrodite cabin but I need a strategist” before turning to the door.
I dropped the compass and the pencil and grabbed his wrist, stopping him like he’d stopped me before. He turned to face me with a little bit of a questioning look on his face. “Are you just gonna leave me here? To work on this map all alone, in an empty cabin?” I said, in a joking tone. A smile crept up onto my face.
He smiled back and looked at me for a sec before dipping his head and laughing a little. He had a big smile on his face, like he was planning something. Before I knew it he’d leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. It was short lived and over before it began,“as long as you’re done soon” and took his chair back to watch me work again.
I stood there for a moment, stunned at what just happened. The boy I'd been in love with, my best friend, just kissed me. I turned around to face him, he was in his chair looking at me with that same cheeky smile. The one that always made me happy. And I smiled back. I walked back over to the table, grabbed my compass and pencil and began to work again, him watching me with loving eyes. At that moment all my fears about him not liking me back flew out the window and we sat there for what felt like ever. Alone in the cabin, as I worked, as he watched, in love.
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ironspdr6700 · 6 months
Tydeus The Dark Warrior of the Mind is my personal headcanon
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This is what I've been doing for the last three days. Sorry, I'm not quick at drawing and I obsess over details and I don't know how to draw in digital.
According to the Thebaid of Statius, Tydeus is small in stature, wears the skin of the Calydonian Boar (his land of origin, from which he was exiled for the murder of his brother) and has a sword that Ares/Mars gave to his father, Oeneus.
The shield with the Athenian owl was my main addition, since he is Athena/Minerva's champion during the Theban cycle.
He is an extremely skilled warrior and you can see why Athena noticed him. As he was leaving Thebes on a diplomatic embassy, he was ambushed by 50 of the best Theban soldiers to assassinate him. Tydeus killed them all, except one so that he would tell everyone in Thebes how he would reduce the city to ashes.
Which leads to mention of his fateful flaw: his lack of self-control in battle, making him terribly violent, ruthless, and aggressive in both action and word.
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