#athletes with kids is always so wholesome
drysaladandketchup · 9 months
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Leon Draisaitl || No Kid Left Alone Holiday Campaign
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cinnamonest · 3 months
In desperate need of older reader content
//Big age gap with ambiguously aged teenage boys, cheating on NPC husband, dubcon (reader is kinda consenting for once lmao but the first time is questionable in how it begins)
I've had this modern AU idea rotting in my brain for AGES anon, I hesitated to make it but you’ve given me courage, bless you anon
Consider Xingqiu + Chongyun and the sweet older lady that lives in the neighborhood… a neglected housewife with a husband who’s always absent, always on “work trips” and being generally suspicious and never pays you any attention…
You have the typical boys-next-door of the neighborhood — well, they're not actually right next door, one lives a few houses down, the other in that fancy rich neighborhood adjacent to yours — but the two come around your house quite a lot. It's kind of sweet how you've gotten to watch them grow up, you remember when they were very little, running by your house with bikes or kites or whatever they were playing with, and watch them slowly get bigger and older, hear their distant voices chattering get deeper and lower over time.
Sometimes you wave, they wave back.
They come to recognize you. They pass by when you're doing yardwork. You exchange a hey, boys! with a mutually enthusiastic hi miss!, and occasionally, you tell them to be safe because it's supposed to rain soon or because it's getting dark, met with a don't worry, we will! reassurance of some kind.
They're so cute, so endearing. You go out of your way to say hi each time you see them.
Eventually, you finally have a direct, up-close interaction — it's a particularly hot day, you call out to them to ask if they want something cold to drink, and they gladly take you up on the offer.
They're so cute, you think. Teenagers now, bright-eyed and full of that youthful sort of excitement and bliss, not yet old enough to be worn down by the difficulties or mundaneness of life nor have a damper put on their overly-positive outlook on life and the world. You find yourself smiling as you ask them questions about school and what they like to do and their plans for the future and they respond gushing with visible excitement and energy.
And then, they swing by the next day, sheepishly making their way up to you to ask if you have any more. You laugh and smile and tell them of course.
The same thing happens the next day, and the next day. You go out of your way to get some teen-boy-approved type of snacks the next time you go grocery shopping, which end up rapidly disappearing from your fridge and pantry.
You learn them, their similarities and differences, their interests and strengths. Xingqiu is more the academic type, Chongyun is more involved in athletics. You listen to them excitedly ramble about the “important” things going on in their lives, high-school level drama and such, the sort that seems to be of a much greater significance and weight to kids their age, who have no frame of reference for anything more serious than that. You give exaggerated reactions of awe and pride when they boast about their achievements, and it does warm your heart to see that that always makes them more excited to keep going on about it.
With that, you develop a very… wholesome sort of relationship. They start coming by more often.
And more and more often. Nearly each day. It's a very strange situation, yet it just feels natural because you get accustomed to it — instead of going back to their own homes, they head to your place right after they're let out from school. You feed them (they're teenage boys, they're eating more in one sitting than you do in an entire day), talk to them, you've even helped with homework every now and then, for subjects you're knowledgeable in. They seem to really love coming over to your house, and, well, you're often very lonely, and you appreciate them as well.
The neighbors have all seen them going to your place each day, some of them jokingly ask how “your boys” are doing. It’s endearing, really, and always makes you smile.
You know it's not exactly normal, but at the same time, if they trust you and depend on you and cling to you so much, they must not have another source for that — from what they've said, both have very busy and/or somewhat emotionally distant parents, which makes you feel bad for them, tugs at your heart, makes you feel like you should be sure to be there for them and be available when they need you. Like you have a responsibility to be there.
Which leads to you taking on perhaps an even greater role of keeping tabs on them, being responsible for them. You even get a call from the school once when one gets sick, asking you to come pick him up, which he thanks you for repeatedly, but still doesn't seem to treat the matter as quite as unusual as you feel it is. Regardless, you find yourself taking him to your house to recover rather than his own, at his own request.
They're almost a little too comfortable, but it's more comical to you than anything — they reach a point where now, they just come sauntering into your house after school, backpacks dumped onto the floor and flopping onto your couch as if it were their own house. One time when you were home alone, you went out to get groceries, only to nearly have a heart attack when greeted with a hello! as soon as you stepped through your front door when you came back. Turns out they figured out you keep a spare key under the welcome mat… they help you put the groceries away, though. Such sweet boys.
Yes, they’re sweet, helpful, bright-eyed, energetic… even if sometimes, they get a little strange.
Nothing that isn't standard teen boy stuff, though, you tell yourself. You find evidence of their presence in oddly private areas of your home — your bedroom door hanging open when you're pretty sure you shut it earlier, an open drawer, missing clothes, so on and so on.
It's odd, but you don't exactly know how to really go about confronting them, the idea feels awkward and uncomfortable. Not to mention, doubt and paranoia cloud your reasoning — what if there's a perfectly legitimate reason, and then you ruin things by making false accusations? What if you're imagining it? You ultimately decide to try and shake off the creeping feeling of something being wrong.
Worst case scenario, they're being… weird. But teenage boys are like that, aren't they? Raging hormones and all. It's a little unpleasant, but you're sure they'll mature out of such behaviors, if that really is the case. It's nothing too serious.
And then they start getting touchy.
When they help you carry things in (so sweet of them, isn’t it?), you notice that over time, they grow comfortable with your arms and hands brushing against each other. They stand closer to you when leaning over to see what you’re making whenever you’re running around in the kitchen (of course, usually accompanied by asking if it's for them or if they can have some), shoulders bumping against yours. They scoot their chair much closer to yours when you’re helping them with their homework, eventually to where your thighs touch.
Waving goodbye when they go home at the end of the day turns into big hugs. Both of them do so in a way that you just can't shake the feeling of being somehow wrong. Xingqiu pulls your chest against his perhaps just a bit too firmly. Chongyun holds his hands lower down on your back than you feel comfortable with. But then they both flash you such sweet smiles and promise to see you later, and your momentary concerns feel trivial.
Your naive belief in their innocence begins to fall apart, though, because Chongyun is significantly less skilled at keeping up feigned ignorance.
The idea that you were being paranoid, or imagining things, quickly begins to fade from your mind when you notice how blatantly sheepish he begins to become as time goes by. He stops looking you in the eye, stammers and fidgets and squirms when trying to speak to you. As if feeling guilty, as if having done something wrong.
Xingqiu is much better at it — almost scarily so. If it were just him, you'd never notice a thing, and you’re not sure how to feel about that realization. You’re pretty sure he could do something right in front of you and then convince you you did it instead, with how flawlessly he can change his tone and expressions and answer questions in ways that not only fail to answer, but give the impression of an answer, then distract away to another topic before you can even think enough to realize what a non-answer the response he gives is.
You only caught onto it one time, and then when you started to think back, you realized how many times he’s done the exact same thing in the past, all without you ever realizing… those rich business families must have some kind of genetic predisposition to conversation manipulation. Still, it’s nothing malicious, he didn’t do anything wrong, you’re pretty sure at least… he just seems to steer away from anything having to do with the odd occurrences of things that go missing or were different from how you left them.
Still, it reaches a point where you really can’t delude yourself.
But it's nothing serious. It's not enough to warrant saying anything. That’s what you tell yourself.
Because if it were that serious, you’d have to say something. And if you say something, well, that’s… hard. Awkward. Difficult to summon the gall for, especially towards two young, innocent boys who have never done anything really bad to you, who have always been so helpful and sweet, who are just being the way boys that age are, right? It’s ultimately harmless.
You’d ruin things between you all, you’d hurt them. You can’t have that. They’re too precious. They keep you company, they help you out, you’ve gotten so used to their presence in your life, you can’t have that ruined. Thus, you say nothing. Yes, it’s all just normal, it’s no big deal. Soon enough they’ll start getting involved with girls their age anyway, and stop messing with you so much.
Except there's one more issue... that thing where they seem to really not like your husband.
The moment he comes up, they both take a negative attitude. Granted, one day you do end up more or less breaking down as you find yourself venting and lamenting your miserable marriage — how he’s never home, how he’s always doing suspicious things that hurt your heart, how he never treats you to anything, never remembers anniversaries or birthdays, never says anything nice to you… you only pause and start stammering apologies when you notice how quiet they both get, but they insist it’s fine, and follow up by muttering about how you deserve better… you smile and pat their heads.
You really meant the whole thing as mere venting, so it makes you feel bad when, seeing as your birthday falls very shortly after that conversation, they both get you things on said birthday. Chongyun’s is something he made himself, albeit on a very low budget, Xingqiu’s is the inverse, some piece of jewelry that’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever owned… and they remembered even when your husband didn’t. It makes you feel guilty, like maybe you baited them by inducing their pity, but they both seem so happy to give you something, and even when you say they didn’t have to do that, they insist they wanted to… maybe it’s alright, then. They were already sweet to you too, of course, but you notice that they give you compliments and such more frequently too.
Regardless, you notice that even before your complaining, they both sort of scowl when your husband is mentioned, even more so after you reveal the rocky state of your marriage. There’s an unmistakable resentment in some comments they make — you start talking about how you’re worried that you spent too much on groceries and will make him mad, to which you get a scoff and a ‘well who cares what he thinks?’, or, when you’re worried the house isn’t presentable enough for your husband coming home, you get a shrug and mutter, ‘he can just deal with it…’
Your husband doesn’t exactly care for them either. You mention it to him because you feel you should, although apparently neighbors already informed him of the matter. You get a few gruff comments about how bizarre and inappropriate it is that you’re letting two teen boys just sit around in your house. Every now and then, you get snapped at in irritation about a piece of a wrapper left on the sofa or a pencil left on the table, how it’s because you let those damn teenagers stay in your house, how you’re draining his hard-earned money on feeding them, so on and so on.
They only actually interact once, seeing as the man gets home so late each day that it’s usually long after both boys have left for the day, but one time their presence does overlap — it’s very awkward. You didn’t hear the car pull up to the house, so when he comes walking in, the two boys quickly get their things together and scurry out the door, all without exchanging a word, although the tension and glaring is palpable. You’re reminded that he tolerates you having them there, and that he had better not come home to find them in his house so late again. You nod your head — but you still let them stay fairly long each day… now they make no attempt to hide their disgust each time you mention your spouse.
Their increasing negativity towards him, their increasing affection towards you — there’s a sort of tension that builds over time. Every party involved feels it, you’re certain, one of those things where everyone knows what’s happening and no one acknowledges it out loud.
By the time it happens, they're so comfortable that it's practically nonchalant, and for you, well, somehow you don’t feel particularly surprised. It feels more like something you knew was going to happen, but maybe pretended in the forefront of your mind that you didn’t know, that it wasn’t inevitable.
Likewise, it happens so quickly that you barely register anything as it happens, it doesn’t sink in as real until it’s too late and you’re already too far into it.
You don’t remember, afterwards, exactly what you were doing — were you helping them with homework at the kitchen table, or were you all watching a movie on your couch beforehand? You’re not sure. You only remember feeling an unusual palpable energy in the air, them looking back and forth at each other as if to confirm to move ahead with some premeditated plan. You remember that it was Chongyun that initiated it, to some extent—
I— I mean, we wanted to, uh, talk to you about something, and, ah…
He seems to lose his words halfway through, and sort of pathetically looks over at the other, as if silently begging for help, which is met with a sigh and a few back and forth comments as you stare on in bewilderment — that ‘no, you were supposed to do that part,’ or ‘no, YOU were supposed to do that,’ so on and so forth, until they both seem to just give up on whatever the plan was and go for it instead.
That’s where it becomes a bit of a blur. You don’t remember which one grabbed you first, which one’s mouth met yours first.
You think you said a few things to deter them, obligatory statements of how I can’t, I’m married and the other standard lines you’re supposed to say because you have some sense of guilt and honor, don't you? You have to deny them the first time, it's only right.
And yet, you’re pretty sure your resistance didn’t last long.
The reality of it all doesn’t sink in until you’re at the point where you can no longer bring yourself to care, too lost in excitement and ecstasy and basking in the feeling of being so intensely desired, until you’re on your knees with one in your mouth and one from behind (although later, you can’t recall which was which at first — they switched up a few times, you’re pretty sure). You don’t even remember how many times they came inside you, only that you felt some vague alarm the first time, but stopped caring soon after, letting yourself be bent over your couch and put on your knees on the floor, letting your mind melt away, focusing only on pleasure and longing and, in the back of your mind, a twinge of guilt knowing that maybe you knew this was what they wanted all along.
Good thing your husband was on another one of his business trips. You’re pretty sure he’d be furious to know you took them upstairs and continued all night long on his own bed thereafter, eventually all falling asleep there too, with you sandwiched in between… only to wake up and go at it again the next morning. It’s Saturday, after all, they have to fill their time with something other than school.
You have different sets of issues, after that day. You’re not worried about their affections being inappropriate — you’ve long since accepted that, now you’re just a little worried about how they keep pressuring you to divorce and move in with one of them (Xingqiu reminds you his family is very very wealthy, this in turn upsets Chongyun, who insists he’s trying to ‘win you over’ which is ‘unfair’ to him). You don’t worry about your missing clothes or their touches, those are no longer an issue… now your biggest concern is keeping their voracious sex drives at bay, which it turns out you severely underestimated, and you have TWO to deal with on top of that, practically getting pounded and plowed at every opportunity.
Then you have to worry about how virile they probably are… you’re not on birth control, seeing as your husband has demanded you have a kid. He might get one, even if not how he expected… and then you have to worry about giving both boys equal affection, lest you hurt one’s feelings or make them jealous… and then you have to worry about your poor weary body, which can barely keep up with them…
And, of course, you worry about the inevitable, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before things fall apart, one way or another. A matter of time before they decide to ‘deal with’ your husband — you heard them use that exact verbiage muttering to themselves, only for them to go silent once they saw you. A matter of time before they do something, and you get the feeling that you're not going to like whatever something is.
Yes, you know things can’t stay in this limbo forever… and that worries you, no matter how much you try to put it off and pretend things are fine and tell yourself you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it, only to find the bridge is growing closer with each day. After-school threesomes on a limited schedule can only keep them content for so long, especially when they've already started to push the limits of how long they can stay, how many times they can go, insisting you can get one more round in before your husband comes home.
At least you’re pretty sure no one else knows. The neighbors still ask you how “your boys” are, and seem to do so with endearment, with no trace of any concern or outrage or disgust.
You haven’t changed your answer in all the time they’ve asked — you always smile and say they’re doing just great. Perhaps that’s even more true now than it was before.
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simonsrosebud · 2 months
heyy I'm absolutely in love with ur foxes next gen socmed au like they're so funny and chaotic and thus I have a foxes next gen au living in my head rent free cause of it😭😭😭 anyways I'd love to know more about ur ocs or even get more content of them😞😞 (picture me holding out a cup to u begging for more of ur foxes next gen socmed au)
brb i’m falling in love with u rn😭🫶🏼 i love them w all my heart check the bottom for a gift
As mentioned in the socmed au, Elliot has ADHD, dyslexia, and anxiety.
Abram helps Elliot’s ADHD a lot when they start living together freshman year of college because his patience is unrivaled. He doesn’t get bothered by Elliot losing track of his point mid-speech or excessive talking, or when he’s easily distracted.
When Elliot is unable to sit still or starts fiddling (aka picking at his nails) Abram will give him his hand to fiddle with instead (and it makes Abram’s chest flutter) and will actually limit him to 10 minutes when he gets hyper-focused on a task and says “one more minute” bc it’s never one more minute.
Amalia doesn’t always look indian to people (based off my google search that Muldani is an indian surname) and she gets pissed off when people ignorantly decide point it out. She likes jokingly pulling the brown skin card to the other fox kids as a power move: “Annie go grab the TV remote” “You grab it” “Is it because I’m brown? Are you being racist?”. She pulls it with Kevin too but he does not put up with it.
Annie is such a daddy’s girl that when Andrew babysits them as little girls she clings to him all day and follows him around with her little hand in his. It’s jarring for him the first time she does it.
Jace treats Elliot like a little brother and it’s very wholesome and needed. The Boyd’s only live 25 minutes from Andriel so Jace and Abram see a lot of Elliot and Blake once Andriel folds them into their lives.
It takes Blake a while to let go of her mother hen tendencies over Elliot bc of how they were raised.
It also takes Blake one single week living with them to realize that they are not only retired pro Exy athletes, but literal gold medalists. She does a deep dive on them on the internet and freaks out a bit when she reads the stuff about Neil’s past. Neil is very open with her about it and offers to have them housed somewhere else if she felt unsafe, but also that she arguably could not be more safe than with him and Andrew.
Jace has a peanut allergy. In 3rd grade he tried peanut butter at school bc good dammit he wanted to try it. It was very good but he immediately went over to the lunch aide to get his epipen. Matt picks him up from school and is in awe that no no, this was not an accident.
Due to being raised in Georgia (where Matt got drafted and Dan coached high school) and then South Carolina when Matt retired early, Jace & Abram have slight southern accents.
Naturally this makes Elliot shiver every time Abram calls him baby (or sugar in private).
When Sabrina is 19 her and Addie decide to take a break from their long distance queerplatonic relationship bc Addie didn’t know what she wanted, and Sabrina ends up dating Drew Barrymore’s daughter Olive for 6 months. Drew and Sabrina keep in contact amicably afterwards.
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davycoquette · 3 months
OC Facts Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me, @sableglass; you're a real one! 🤠
Rules: Make a list of fun facts about your OCs. Like a headcanon list if you will. Except it’s canon.
This worked out well last time, so: if you see this, TAG, YOU'RE IT! Otherwise I would literally tag every mutual I have, because if you write original characters, I want to eat up information about them. I love it. Please tag me if you do this so I can bask in your gremlins' glorious luminescence.
SHILOH tw; drugs/pills/addiction & animal death mention
Terrified of dogs. Demonstrates by breaking out into a cold sweat or climbing all over the nearest person to escape. The size of the pup has little to no bearing on the intensity of his reaction.
Vegan. He's not squeamish about offing his fellow humans, but a childhood of ringin' chicken necks for supper has forever turned him off eating animals. He also believes the consumption of dairy is inherently anti-feminist.
Believes he excels in the martial arts... but doesn't. He's a wily knife-fighter and all, but all that other fanciness is pure delusion.
Yogi. He's been at this Yoga business since he was about eighteen; he's pretty bendy. He believes it's his meditative practices that have made him so impervious to experiencing physical pain, but is often harshly reminded of the truth when deprived of the hydros he pops like candy for any length of time.
RUCK tw; personality disorder mention
A redneck king. Out of the whole deranged Rucker brood, this one's the prodigal heir to the milk stool throne. Some Ruckers (like his younger brother) are glad to avoid it; others, like his same-age cousin, Billy, covet the position of he who seems to be the whole family's Golden Child.
Husky baritone. Damn if his singin' voice ain't pleasant! He's a six-string picker on top of it; music is his primary but underutilized talent.
Borderline. Almost certainly has borderline personality disorder.
Good intentions pave this self-saboteur's rocky road to hell. He's done some fucked up things (such as murder & multiple bank robberies in the cowboy verse, or bowling for HS kids in his hotrod in the 90s verse), but always in the spirit of self-sacrifice and helping those he cares about. At the end of the day, he's a very simple man - and in a perfect world, he'd live a wholesome life with his wife and their two kids.
Recurring weirdo. He's appeared in a few posted excerpts. Lou indirectly connects several of my characters; perhaps due to his convenient knack for dealing drugs and their knack for consuming them.
TV star. In modern verses, Loik appeared on an episode of a paranormal docuseries to discuss the time he was abducted by a race of sexy alien babes. He fully believes an alien lifeform was oviposited inside him and will one day burst free.
Handler. Despite his penchant for colorful Hawaiian shirts and being Chill AF™, Lou is dangerous. His paunchy physique belies how strong and quick he is, though he seldom resorts to throwin' hands. He'd rather call the shots from behind the scenes, utilizing strays scraped off the streets to rake in his fortunes in blood money.
Therapist. Lou's the best bud you ever had, 'til he forsakes you. The man is willing to listen to your woes, and tends to give kickass advice. Many 'customers' really stop by to unload and get his perspective.
Father of the year. Lou has a stepson and a biological daughter and serves as a deadbeat father figure to both of them.
Coulda shoulda woulda. Showed great athletic promise back in his hockey days, but he'd rather chill, man.
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gyunglitter · 10 months
the losers club !!
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summary: just you dicking around with txt college!au besties
warnings: doja cat fandom slander, mentions of soobin's feet, mentions of bullying, cursing
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contrary to your group’s self-appointed nickname, you guys are actually well known (and liked!) on campus!! :D
you guys have NO IDEA as to how so many people on campus grew to like you and want to hang out with you
especially since you guys had a hard time in school before
but woohoo to not peaking in high school right?!
tbh, you guys are testaments to that second round of puberty nobody talks about
ya know, the glow up that happens after you graduate high school and get away from all the pricks you were forced to see everyday?
yup, you and your losers are finally thriving
besides when you’re dying bc of all your classes and tests
but yeah
while other ppl really like your group’s personalities
i mean, just look at y’all!
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[choi yeonjun]-
‘99 liner//junior
took a gap year before getting dragged back to go to school so he could learn to be a normal human being
did someone say IT BOY??
literally the girls and the gays are in love with this man
dance major and student athlete who unironically does zumba every saturday morning
had no social life in high school because kid was NEVER there
he was a bored only child, while his neglectful parents were filthy rich and figured their kid could do whatever he wanted to entertain himself
so what he wanted, they got it—including vacations
with him being gone so much, his classmates always wondered who this choi yeonjun guy was and how he could miss so much school while still passing
though the intrigue kind of stopped when he pulled up to school with the ugliest shoes to walk south korea
him and his obnoxious shoes gave a lot of people the ick :(
but never fear, yeonjun and his footwear are just ahead of their time!
(you can't say they are in quite yet, but they probably will come around some day!!)
yeonjun typically spent his days doing sports, travelling, and running away from talent scouts lmao
no idol life for him in THIS lifetime
but as life would have it, the man is too scrumptious to be out of the spotlight for too long
bc he became a model not too long after college started due to a school project photoshoot went viral on twitter!!
his twitter is a minefield while he reserves his insta for the wholesome content :)
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[choi soobin]-
‘00 liner//junior
glue of the group despite insisting how much he HATES y’all
broadcast and entertainment major so he can get into the entertainment industry and get the bts of moviemaking!!
(really just wants to meet all of his favorite voice actors tbh)
known for being the Ultimate Boyfriend™ despite never actually being in a relationship lololol
in middle school he got into anime, which was COMPLETELY normal! he actually made a ton of friends that way!!
at least until one of his friends came over and saw his body pillow collection
yikes :/
unfortunately didn’t take long at all for the whole school to find out, and then they never let it go
all the way up until he graduated high school :(((
it’s okay tho!
he had tons of online friends from going to conventions and stuff!!
but making irl friends was definitely hard for him when he got to college
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[choi beomgyu]-
01’ liner//sophomore
absolute MENACE to your little society
he’s the guy who gets whoever is in his company to unironically admit “last night was a movie”
music major studying composition while playing guitar in a band
the girlies are FAWNING
ppl are so in love with him because he’s so pretty
but then the kid opens his mouth :/
he was the most extroverted kid
which worked perfectly bc with his good looks and personality, everyone wanted to be his friend!! :D
but with high school, friends, and all his 100 extracurriculars
kid burned out by senior year :(
his last year of school, he totally ghosted his friends and stayed inside all day playing video games
(he actually got diamond 1 on LoL, boy is nothing if not determined)
eventually rumors went around that he got dropped and turned into a social outcast
but he didn’t really care since he was fine with rotting away the rest of the school year
by the time he got to college, he wanted nothing to do with things that would suck his already nonexistent energy
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[kang taehyun]-
02’ liner//freshman
the one that always has the braincell
and really wishes he didn’t so he could escape yall
stem major for engineering, which is just another one of his controversial choices (being second only to befriending yall)
everyone on campus knows him as that one guy you go to when you need the answers to your homework or your final
yeah, he’s selling the test answers on the black market :P
what? he’s in DEBT
he never gets suspected tho bc he alrdy knows all the answers, so why would he be involved with that??
but the rest of the town?
well, the town knows him as terry
mans is always seen at the gym and the club pulling without even trying
this is TOTALLY contrasting to his high school life, where he literally only gave his time of day to his studies
mans did not have TIME to hang out with anybody
bc of this, he became a bit of an easy target to the one-dimensional jocks that tried to use him to get them better grades :(
he was a small kid, so he got picked on and tossed around a lot :(((
it’s okay, since he’s buffer than them now!! >:)
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[huening kai]-
‘02 liner//freshman
maknae that’s more mature than ALL OF YOU
he acts like he isn’t, but kid grew up a MIDDLE CHILD between TWO SISTERS
they’d managed to craft the most perfect and thoughtful angel to grace south korea
except for his demonic laugh :/
he’s coasting through college, wishing he could tell you what major he was
but boy is constantly changing it LMAO
he just loves learning about different subjects!!
not to mention he’s good at most things he tries
so he makes tons of friends!!
but he didn’t always :(
from middle to high school, he was THE band kid
he could play the guitar, percussion, trombone, and piccolo!!
so when little kai walked home in his minecraft hoodie carrying his giant instrument case
8/10 times kid would get pelted by eggs or something on the way home
good thing he had his trombone case to shield him!! :D
kai would also be insanely awkward and didn’t have good icebreakers besides his plushie collection
too bad that didn’t become socially acceptable for another few years
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[y/l/n y/n]-
‘01 liner//sophomore
ladies and gentlemen i give you
the group's resident photographer, despite the fact that you're SO HOT
you are beauty
you are grace
well, you are now
high school: not so much
you were LOSER #1 girlie ://
you were just a little slow to pick up on a lot of social cues and what was "cool" or not, making you prone to awkward situations and bullying
for example: pinky promises and saying “on god” was quirky and acceptable, but spit shakes were not
neither were bowl cuts
or pretending to drown at the school pool and see how everyone would react
like i said, you were behind on a lot
but what took you the longest to learn—the people you thought were your friends were no longer laughing with you and your unfortunately timed puns, but at you (and your unfortunately timed puns) :(((
but you digress, because your overactive imagination worked to your advantage of getting clout and a full ride scholarship!!
you’re an art major with a minor in photography, winning a national photography contest that got the attention of your college
your genius piece of "different kinds of falls in public", where you purposefully tripped people walking by you and taking photos of them, had won the heart of the public and the school board over to the point of them begging to have you!
your parents and teachers just wished you had the same genius outside of cameras--as you slacked off in every other academic aspect
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notes: enjoy me being unfunny but having a blast anyway! feel free to send in asks/requests regarding this fic. can't guarantee i'll respond to it, but i'd love to see what you guys think/want!
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ninja-muse · 5 months
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So I like Kate Quinn. I love the way she writes unsung women in history—not just that she writes them, but that she takes the time to flesh out their historical context. Women (people) don't just wake up and suddenly find out that they're a spy or a code breaker or an opera singer, after all. They're shaped by their time and their culture and their upbringing, and they have to navigate their present, at its best and its worst. Quinn makes sure that's true for her novels.
I also love that Quinn has a way of pulling you gently along so that suddenly you look up and you've finished the entire book. Her prose is strong, her plots are great, and her characters are compelling, but they never feel fast. There's time taken to build things up and build them up, to give small details and day-to-day lives. It's immersive without being grim. And yet, like I said, I get addicted. The longest I think I've taken to read one of her books is three days. Usually it's two.
Which is why you should listen when I say this is one of her best.* The vibrancy of the characters is a notch up. The topics she's tackling are wider ranging and so the research feels deeper. Her ability to look at the 1950s, see how complicated they were, and encapsulate that in the boarding house setting was marvelous. The structure was a step up too. And the way she spun the characters off each other and developed their friendships? She's always been good at that but again….
The basic plot, for those who haven't had this on their TBR for six months, which is probably most of you: it's 1950 in Washington, D.C., and a new woman has moved into a depressing boardinghouse in a seedy neighbourhood. Over the next few years, she brings the residents together through a secret dinner club, and then somebody is killed. (They all have secrets; it could be anyone, and anyone might have done it.)
The other boarders shine light on facets of the era: the British army wife, the Hungarian refugee, the pro-McCarthy Texan, the athlete, the plus-sized secretary who grew up in a Hooverville, the cop's daughter who's turned her back on her family, the imaginative teen son of the landlady and his kid sister, the young widow. (Not to mention the side characters who all drift in and out of the women's lives.) They shouldn't have anything in common and they shouldn't like each other, and yet there is so much found family in this. So much wholesome comfort and people helping each other fix problems. So much arguing and so much unity.
(It surprises me not at all that this book was Quinn's reaction to the fear and anger that was 2020–2021.)
And I've waxed on enough. Quinn's hit a home run, to use one of Bea's sports metaphors, not only in terms of setting and character and plot, but also in general everything else. It balances the darker parts of the 1950s with their hopefulness for the future and the found family of the house. It talks about a lot of stuff that gets glossed over in the standard pop culture '50s, and while it doesn't dig as deep into some (marginalization) issues as it could, I understand why Quinn left the depth of those tales to people with lived experience.
If I say more, I'll be truly spoiling the experience of reading this, so please, if you're going to read a Kate Quinn book this summer, make it this one.
Out July 9.
*Of her 20th century novels; I haven't read her Romans and Borgias.
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spopsalt · 8 months
Okay, so I love Frosta, don’t get me wrong here. I admire her enthusiasm and her ride or die attitude. But I’m just gonna say what we’re all thinking.
Why the heck did they make her a kid?
I mean, I know they aged down other alliance members (at random, with no real reasoning behind which ones they did this too). But why did they make Frosta a literal kid? They had concept art of her being a teenager like the other characters, so why? I’m guessing they really just wanted a little sister type character. But if that’s the case, why not Glimmer? She was the baby of the bunch in the original lore. So it would make sense if they aged Glimmer down with everyone else to make it relative, right? But Frosta from the OG lore is probably older anyways. I mean, not THAT much older since she had a crush on Adora’s brother, but still. She was a Queen, and according to the supplemental material (I don’t remember if it was comics, toys, or bible), was meant to be besties with Casta and Angella who are also queens. So it’s a really weird choice to make HER the feral little girl type character.Especially considering the original already HAD that character. PRINCESS ALLEGRA.
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She only appeared in one episode. But look, if Nate can have Perfuma, and Huntara, and the Star Siblings, and Lonnie, and Kyle, and Double Trouble who was in ONE COMIC, he could have added Allegra at ANY POINT. She’s LITERALLY the definition of feral little sister. Her episode is called Wild Child.
Quick rundown. She’s from the faraway Green Island Kingdom, was lost when her ship crashed on the mainlands when she was 7, and was raised by creatures called White Fangs for the next 5 years. That one in the picture is her sister, Ayla. She’s considerate, protective, athletic, feisty, and a bit short. She’s pretty much could have been what Nate made Frosta into. I personally think they should have just had her and both her families, and made Frosta a cool older sister type instead.
PS, if you’re looking for episode recs for S:POP Classic, I recommend Wild Child. Let me know what you think. I’m always happy to recommend some more of my favorite episodes if you’re interested. Goes for anybody else who sees this post too. 😉
Thanks for the ask! Yeah, aging down Frosta was random, I guess they just wanted a chaos kid, but like you said, they could've added Allegra, instead of changing Frosta from being a mature and responsible kid to a chaos kid in like 2 episodes, where was the development? She could've had such a wholesome arc where she finds out it's ok to act like a kid sometimes, but nope!
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rempesluck · 2 months
Shoulder Check anon here (it was such a wholesome and fun event 10/10 recommend), checking in 🫡 with Remps observations:
—before the game, he spent sooo much time with the fans (mainly bent under a tree lol); the event staff had to eventually whisk him away so he wasn’t late for the game
—an absolute sweetheart, signed everything, took every photo
—his eye is still not okay!
—why does he still have a stache and such pls give him a razor
—my god hes so tall and 🥵 irl
—he gave Kreids a huge hug like wrapped around him skating for a bit in warmups; v sweet bond there
—a ‘we want Rempe’ chant broke out like 20 secs into the game led by little kids, it also happened in the line before the game multiple times. Only player it happened with. Little kids kept chanting Rempe behind the bench where he was sitting.
—Rempe GOAL! Place of course goes crazy
—it was cool to get to see what his play was like without being able to check or be physical since charity game: he had moves, kept getting some breakouts. His speed was very noticeable and seemed improved
—you cannot look away from him on the ice (true at msg too) in part bc Tall and just how he skates and gets to speed. He just continuously energizes a crowd in this special way
—instead of sitting on the bench he was mainly standing and was super into the game
—we left before the players came out, but from the line there, it was clear they were all waiting for him and he was going to be signing everything
Srry this is so long! Also, such amazing news that he’s going to train with Kreids in the gym and on ice! So good for his development and it says a lot that Kreids wants to mentor him.
It’s all good the more detail the better! I saw the video of kids chanting his name when waiting before the game, while he was literally ducking under a tree signing autographs and saw multiple tweets from fans on how he was dedicated into making sure everyone got there things signed!
Haha yeah the stye is still there, hopefully he isn’t getting lazy with the remedies before it comes back full swing 😵‍💫.
I know the event isn’t about the athletes going all out but to me he played much better then I expected. He definitely took this as an opportunity to be bit more crafty since he had less pressure and nothing to lose. And as always he was one of the guys who had the crowd going crazy for him from start to finish.
Glad you enjoyed it and found it to be worth it! I feel like they could’ve done more with the event, but it’s only there second year of doing this, so hopefully each and every year it grows and improves.
Very excited for Matt’s training with Kreids, I think when you’re mentored by someone like him there is a guarantee you’re going to get better.
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confettiswirling · 4 months
Emmeline Summers (Fireman Sam)
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Emmeline Summers is a fanmade Fireman Sam character. She's a Junior First Responder, Captain of the Recess Rescue Crew, and the mayor's foster daughter. She is 10 years old and is an unofficial member of the rescue team, training under Penny Morris.
Here are her Tropes:
Acquainted with Emergency Services: Because of her advanced safety knowledge, Emmeline receives one-on-one training with Penny rather than being a Safety Cadet. She also often hangs out around the Fire Station and sometimes tags along for rescues.
Action Girl - Always on her feet and plenty athletic.
Aesop Amnesia: Emmeline always seems to forget that attempting a rescue with minimal training is dangerous.
Banker Street Regular: While she isn't an official part of the rescue team because of her age and lack of training, Emmeline sometimes performs minor rescue support at the Pontypandy Primary School.
Brains and Brawn - While she often displays both, she's for the most part the brawn to James's brain.
Children Raise You: When she is with her father, Emmeline is often the voice of reason and often needs to keep him calm in moments of panic.
Cool Bike: Emmeline's "vehicle" Trailblazer is a red mountain bike with a fire design running across it, along with a compartment for safety gear and for her cat Tracy to sit.
Cool Pet: Emmeline has a pet tuxedo cat named Tracy.
Didn't think this through: Emmeline sometimes doesn't use her best judgment, such as not realizing that not taking her narcolepsy meds would cause her to fall asleep at the worst time or that attempting a water rescue could end badly for her.
Fatal Flaw: Her ambition almost always gets the better of her. And then there's her eagerness to impress Penny.
Fire-Forged Friends: Emmeline and James start out as rivals, both believing they know safety better than the other. This changes when they need to work together to get to the mountain rescue center.
Happily Adopted: By Mayor Robert.
Heartwarming Orphan: Despite spending years without a family, she's still a wholesome individual.
Hero Worshiper: She is this towards Penny Morris.
Jumped at the Call: When Norman gets stuck on the roof in the episode "Emmeline to the rescue", Emmeline is quick to come to his rescue. But she doesn't realize that she shouldn't do rescues without training.
Kid detective: A few episodes involve her doing detective work, such as finding a (non-existent) burglar and tracking down a stolen test answer key.
Kid Hero: She is considered both a "Junior First Responder" and a "Playground Rescuer" as this is where most of her rescues take place, as well as occasionally joining Penny for rescues.
Nice Girl - While she can be uptight and sometimes tough, she is a fair individual who won't shy away from helping.
Not so above it all: Despite being the kid who knows nearly everything there is to know about health and safety, she has her moments of making unsafe decisions, such as attempting rescues she isn't trained to do or using the fire hose after Penny told her not to.
Odd place to sleep: Emmeline's narcolepsy causes her to sometimes fall asleep in strange places when she doesn't have her medication, on a cliff or a snowbank.
Only sane man - Among most of the kids, Emmeline is often the voice of reason, alongside James.
Sleepyhead - In the episode "Night Shift" Emmeline is seen frequently falling asleep at inconvenient times. This is later revealed to be caused by narcolepsy.
Spoiled sweet: While enjoying the luxuries that come with being the mayor's daughter, Emmeline is still a hard worker. In one episode, she turns down the idea of getting her dad involved in a problem because this is something for them to figure out.
The Captain: When there's an emergency on the schoolyard, Emmeline is the first to direct the others as the captain of the Recess Rescue Crew.
The Medic - Among the children, she even has a first-aid kit on her waist.
Trademark Favorite Food: Peanut butter, she even keeps a small jar of the stuff in her bag.
Uncertified Expert: Despite being too young for the rescue team, Emmeline is an expert in health and safety.
"Well done, son." Guy: She'll take any opportunity she can to make Penny proud of her.
Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?: Emmeline's reaction to realizing Trevor runs the Pontypandy Pioneers. This is due to her unexplainable fear of men.
These are the different attires she wears throughout the series:
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Recess Rescue Vest
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Fire Crew Outfit
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Wearing a firefighter uniform
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Law Enforcement Outfit
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Snow Gear
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Forest Ranger Outfit
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Mountian Rescue Outfit
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Serach and Rescue Outfit
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Water Rescue Outfit
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Animal Rescue Outfit
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Casual Clothing
Emmeline's "vehicle" is a mountian bike called "Trailblazer"
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This is the longest post I've ever made lol. Be sure to eave a comment because I love responding to those.
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love/healing potions= fluff, antidotes= comfort, poisons= angst, ✧.*= personal favourite
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Love Potions:
Public persona vs behind closed doors || 2.5k || Hcs + Drabbles || ✧.*
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna, atsumu, oikawa ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: the side they show the world vs the side they only show you
Online class shenanigans || 2k || Hcs + Drabbles
⇢ ˗ˏˋ sakusa, kenma, osamu ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: what's it like to have online classes with them
Surprising them with flowers pt.1 // pt.2 || 4.4k || Hcs + Drabbles
⇢ ˗ˏˋ iwaizumi, akaashi // kita, hinata ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: their reaction to receiving a flower bouquet from their s/o + my thoughts on how the flowers reflect their character and relationship
Wearing their clothes || 2.6k || Hcs + Drabbles✧.*
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna, atsumu, osamu, futakuchi ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: what´s this shirt made of? boyfriend material
Haikyuu!! but make it greek mythology || ~500 || Headcanons
⇢ ˗ˏˋ various characters ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: do i actually need to explain this?
Hollysm: Day Three [Event] || ~750 || Drabble
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna ࿐ྂ
event prompt: corn maze
Royal Concubine AU || 2.4k || Drabbles/ Rambles
⇢ ˗ˏˋ kenma, shouto, inui/koko, kaveh/al-haitham ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: i'm back on my "'i have more knowledge on x topic than all your advisers together, i just couldn’t progress through the ranks for one reason or another, so you should definitely make me your concubine, so i can gossip about your minister of finance’s stupid proposal while wearing expensive shit and fine dining and then we slowly fall in love' royal au" bs again, so have some rambles because there are a lot of possible constellations here
Cute things with him || 1.9k || Blurbs
⇢ ˗ˏˋ atsumu, osamu, suna, kita, oikawa, iwaizumi, matsukawa, semi, akaashi, kenma, kuroo, daichi, suga, sakusa, komori, futakuchi, keishin ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: just some cute things they do in a relationship
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Flours for you || ~880 || Drabble
⇢ ˗ˏˋ oikawa ⋆ˎˊ˗
event prompt: baking warnings: misunderstanding/ forgotten birthday (resolved)
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ no potions brewed yet ࿐ྂ
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Aphrodisiacs: [Nsfw, minors dni]
Suna Drabble || ~1k || Drabble✧.*
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna (duh) ࿐ྂ
summary: maybe telling your competitive athlete of a boyfriend you’d never orgasmed before wasn’t as much of a smart idea as you initially thought it was because he saw it as a challenge warnings: nsfw drabble, minors dni, fingering (f! receiving), pet names, (slight) marking, soft! suna, size difference/kink if you squint
Halloween Drabble || ~770 || Drabble
⇢ ˗ˏˋ incubus! suna ࿐ྂ
summary: as promised, the outline for the halloween fic i didn’t write haha warnings: nsfw/ minors dni; incubus! suna, somnophilia, allusion to oral, wet dreams, dub con
With your hands on my skin || 5.5k || One-Shot
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna ࿐ྂ
summary: opening up about your insecurities is a daunting thing, but suna lets you know you’re in good hands warnings:  smut/ comfort, minors dni; skin-related insecurities (acne, scars, bumps, etc) with comfort, unprotected sex (use condoms, don’t get a kid or a std), pet names (doll, pretty), marking, very wholesome spice if you can say that jsjsh, also very self indulgent; i wanted to name it ‘under my skin’ first, so now i have mirotic stuck in my head
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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midnightmah07 · 6 months
hi hi again!
if you don't mind, I need to know what are daiggie's thoughts on maggie getting into pomefiore! (ooh wait maggie ruggie i just realized)
also I just want to know more about maggie in general aah being based on the pumpkin carriage sounds so cute 🥺
-- @/crystallizsch
Honestly both Ruggie and Daisy were a bit shocked that she went to Pome, but more Ruggie than Daisy; I put her there bc obvi it makes sense for her but also, if Daisy got sorted into a dorm it would be Pome, so kinda in her genes lmao
Ok so Maggie's like a Daddy and Mama's girl all the way, but Ruggie especially pampers her a lot. She eats a lot of food, especially since older Ruggie now has a estable financial life so he would give her a lot of food, which makes her a bit more chubby than both of them. The theme of her being based on the Pumpkin carriage arrives when she was growing up and people made fun of her for her appearance, especially because she didn't really care much about it, dressing whatever – well, ever since Daisy stopped dressing her bc when Daisy did she dressed like a little princess – and always being dirty for playing on dirt and playing sport, so she wasn't very feminine and that wasn't a bad thing — daiggie made sure to tell her it wasn't – but it didn't stop people from mocking her, this was her "pumpkin" era; her "pumpkin carriage" era is when she gets into Pome and starts finding joy in being more feminine, she learns she can be both that little athletic kid who always got dirty but she can also be a little princess
Other fun thingies about her is that her full name is Magnolia Bucchi, but they call her Maggie for short; Ruggie has the habit of calling her "pumpkin" and "princess", they're very cute and wholesome; and she gets in trouble with Daisy a lot... Because unfortunately Ruggie's pickpocketing habits passed on to Maggie as well😭
Also I remember u also having a Jamil and Yuusha (I'm so sorry if I mistook her name) kiddo?? Her name was Jas if I'm not mistaken?? I'd love to know more about her!
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obae-me · 2 years
dunno if someone already asked but can you rank your most to least fav characters in Obey me?
I have done this before but I don't mind doing it again! Besides, maybe my tastes have changed a little since the last time I did a list. So here we go! (I'm not going to add Raphael, Thirteen--even though I do love her--and Mephistopheles since I haven't gotten that far in game yet)
Lucifer: He gets my top vote always. Sorry, I can't help it. I am a sucker for any kind of grumpy/serious/sadistic character. Can't stand anyone else but loves you? Gets me every time.
Mammon: This boy has come a long way in my few years of playing Obey Me. I was kinda not into the whole tsundere thing, but the 'I loved you before anyone else did' feeling he gives off has really stuck with me. That and he's just...adorable.
Belphie: I can fix him. Enemies to lovers? Yes please. Plus personally, I feel like I share a lot of personality traits with him, so I relate to him a lot. Sleepy boy who loves the stars is top-tier.
Beel: Big himbo family man, I have to put him near the top. I'm not usually into the athletic types in otome games, but he makes up for that in just pure love and innocence.
Levi: As a gamer and anime lover, I just love Levi in general. I played Mystic Messenger as my first otome game and Yoosung was my first route so nervous and cute video game boys will always have a place in my heart.
Satan: I adore Satan. He's so mature and wise in some aspects and then can pull a full 180 and do anything for cats or cat related things, and even play the most childish of pranks on Lucifer like he's a giddy little kid. Get you a man that can do both.
Simeon: The more I play the game and write about this angel, the more I love him. He's just so wholesome. He loves Luke like a doting mom, teases Lucifer like a little brother, and treats technology like a grandpa. Beautiful character, beautiful man. 10/10.
Diavolo: Himbo #2. I wasn't sure how to feel about him starting out, especially when the whole 'is he really a master manipulator' thing was strong. It might still be going on actually, but I don't care, I see him as just someone who's been sheltered in a castle his whole life and is figuring things alongside everyone else. You know when you have to 'grow up' too fast as a kid and then when you're more of an adult you start doing things to heal your inner child? That's Diavolo. There's a chat in game where all he wants to do is invite everyone to the castle to play hide-and-seek. Need I say more?
Barbatos: A demon butler? Come on. Let's be honest, I never fully left my black butler phase. An extremely powerful demon who spends most of his days making tea and sweets? Amazing.
Asmo: I hate putting him this low on the list, but just as far as character personalities go, I've never been the most into the 'pretty and popular' characters. I think the fandom pulls out the best of his character more than the game does (unless I've just missed some crucial Asmo moments) but he has his tendencies to be super sweet when it counts.
Solomon: I don't hate him, I swear I don't, it's just when I'm forced to make a list, some people are going to be near the bottom! I do love his character though. The mischievous wizard who is also more powerful than some people probably give him credit for. He's great, I want to see more of him.
Luke: My baby, my son, I know he's down here at the bottom, but still my love for him is so great. I don't particularly like children but I will adopt this angel boy. Especially with this last event and he was feeling sleepy, and Lucifer said "now is the time where all good children go to bed" and he fell asleep?? I cry. I will tuck him in.
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stellarboystyles · 2 years
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Chapter One — Begin Again
a/n: hiii chickens! so this is the start of a chaptered fic i've written over the past six months and she's finally ready! this story was very fun and painful to write because it's based off of the whirlwind that has been my life over the past year, so i hope you love it &lt;3
content/warnings: first base shit, oversharing and a night full of wholesome cuteness. you're welcome
"Do you remember the night we met?"
A sweet smile crept up onto her face, one she couldn’t hide, but tried to as she took another sip from the glass she was holding. 
"I do."
"Ooh, haven't heard those words in a while."
"Shut up." she laughs.
"Oi, fuck you then." he bites, failing to hide the smirk on his face behind his own glass.
"Easy." he warns with one finger. "Don't make me come over there."
It was easy with them, the connection they had. They've always been that way.
"Best first date ever though, right?"
"Right." she giggles at the smirk on his face before taking another sip.
"No matter how much I forget short term," he narrows, rolling his eyes for a moment at the annoying reality. "I still remember that night like it was yesterday."
March 2nd, 2019
"I can’t believe I’m doing this."
Parker's gripping her steering wheel, white knuckles and all after she rushes through the motions; putting her seatbelt on, shifting into reverse, all the while genuinely shocked by her own actions, that she’s actually going through with this. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
She repeated the same sentence over and over as she sped off down the street and into the city. It was her first first date in five years. How people do this on a regular basis, she truly can't fathom how. Who just meets up with a stranger on the internet after texting for a few days?! Parker, apparently. She's starting to question her own morals, because where did they go?
She was always the quiet kid in school. Kept her head down, never spoke out of turn and always avoided unnecessary social situations. It's more of a curse that a blessing, really. Considering it takes a lot for her to speak out against anything came with everyone else typically leaving her alone for the most part. On the other hand, as she got older she realized that it sucked to feel lonely. No matter how introverted she was, everyone wants friends. Parker grew up in a small town where if you weren't an athlete or a mean girl, no one really paid attention to you—and when they did, they never had anything nice to say. High school sucks for most of us, and she was no exception.
In other words, if you told seventeen-year-old Parker that she'd be going on a date with a stranger she's never met, she would've never believed you.
She's grown up a lot since then, though, and she's proud of that. It took years, but healing doesn't come easy. And right now, Parker was in the middle of that moment that everyone talks about.
Where you finally feel like you're ready to date again. When you've finally broken the walls down, ready to put yourself out there and see what happens.
She had a good feeling about this guy—if not she would've canceled days ago. Parker doesn't go on random dates, and if there is so much as a sliver of doubt, whether it's something they said or she's just getting an off vibe, date canceled. No energy needs to be spent on unnecessary ventures, right?
But this one felt different. She couldn't explain it...she'd never met him but she could feel in her heart that he was a good person. Sure, they've only been talking for a few days, but something about him just felt good, and right. When he talked, you could just tell he was good.
They'd "met" online, the god-forsaken dating app that most people used for casual flings or random hookups; however, they were part of the fraction of decent human beings left in the world looking for something real, and long term. To no avail of course (until now) swiping left, left and left again was exhausting. Until she saw one that piqued her interest in a way that just felt different. Of course, there were a few she’d matched with, but they never made it past hey or what's up due to either her being distracted by this one, or the typical outcome of them just not responding. Leading her to become bored of the rest. 
Harry, 20 Raleigh, NC Duke University
Not to be cliche, but to say this one was gorgeous was the understatement of the year. The goofy videos on his profile combined with the "I have a Damon Salvatore complex" in his bio definitely had her starting to crush on him.
What’s your major? was met with It’s complicated. That’s a conversation we should have on snap (:
He was really cute, no doubt about it. He had that all-American baby face, good hair—
and those eyes, my God.
It's important to mention, though, that if he was simply looks and there was no substance to him then there would've been a zero percent chance of her falling for him like she did. But there were little things that set him apart from others.
He sent her videos a lot instead of just snapping pictures, because honestly, talking is a way better form of communication. It was different and it was clear that he really tried to make each moment with her special. He'd cancelled their first date a couple of times (due to running behind because of one of his classes getting out late) and he'd told her he wanted to be able to give her all his time and attention. Which, was one of the sweetest things ever. It gave her a good feeling about tonight, for sure.
In the first video he sent to her that night, he started to explain how he was dropping out of college to go into the military, and eventually he would become an agent. She was impressed. Mostly because of the fact that he had real goals and dreams for himself, his future; something that a lot of people their age seemed to lack; drive and ambition. However, being a Virgo, she couldn't stop herself from picturing her future if they ended up together.
The CIA? What would that mean? Long distance, for sure. There was so much unknown, and Parker was slowly coming to terms with the solid fact that you can't control every part of your life. It didn't help either that her neurodivergent brain hated change, especially one so drastic. Regardless, she had to learn how to cope with this new chapter of her life. You could imagine that being newly single at 24 was not in her 5-year plan after college.
Parker's well aware of the fact that the current state of her life feels and looks just like a shitty Hallmark movie. The thought makes her want to gag, but that's what coping skills are for, right? So you're not cringing at every inconvenience at every moment? If there's one thing you need to know about Parker, it's that she hates small talk with a burning passion. If she could damn the mere idea of it back to hell, she would, because how could anyone enjoy that?! It's the number one reason she dreads first dates.
The further she got into her drive, the more nerves started to build up. Mistaking anxiety for butterflies was a feeling Parker knew all too well. Her past few boyfriends weren't exactly Romeo, so she was well versed in spotting a toxic person from a mile away.
However, with that came something more edgy. The sole idea of dating again petrified her. Getting close to someone again, being vulnerable and real just to get heartbroken again? The mere thought of it was enough to make her swear off dating ever again, but she told herself she wouldn't let it win, and she meant it.
Deep breaths. Whatever happens, happens.
It's easy to say, but as much of a control freak as Parker is over her life, so much easier said than done. She's had a 10-year plan outlined for her life since she was six years old, for Christ's sake. But that's another story for another time.
They'd decided to meet up in a parking lot, then they would both get into his car and go together. So when her peripheral picked up a car pulling up next to hers, she thought her heart wanted to beat out of her chest. It’s him, she knows it’s him, but she doesn’t react yet. Still staring down at her phone just in case it was some random person, even though the probability of that was less than likely. But if it was, how awkward would that be?!
Snapchat from Harry
She has to stop the smile creeping on her face. Now it has to be him. It was, because when she opened the snap and it was a picture of her in her car looking down at her phone, she's got a light smile on her face as she gets out of the car and walks around to the passenger's side. Moments like this happen so fast, you can't really plan for them, can you??
"That would’ve been really awkward if that wasn’t you."
They shared a laugh as she got into the car.
"So…Starbucks or Dunkin?"
"Definitely Starbucks."
"Y'know what, I respect that."
The more they talked as he drove, the more Parker realized Harry had something that was hard to find these days; that old school charm. Opening doors and all that. As soon as they walked in, Harry leaned down to her ear.
"M'gonna take a slight detour," he mumbles, one hand slipping from her waist. "Gotta pee, I'll be right back."
She looks up at him. "Do you want me to order yours?"
"Oh, no, it's ok." he assures. "I mobile ordered, I don't order in person...I'll be right back."
She didn't really have time to respond, which was probably intentional on Harry's part. On another note, how and why has she never thought of doing that?!
The voice made her reluctant to turn around, because she knew it wasn't Harry.
"Is that your boyfriend?"
He was taller than her, dark hair. Nothing to write home about, but it was obvious he was trying to be semi-intimidating. She gives him an annoyed smile.
"We're on a date."
"Oh, gotcha." He nods and goes to turn around but stops. "You know he's not allowed to go on dates, right?"
She can see Harry in her peripheral walking back towards them, thank God.
"I'm back." he turns to the guy that was talking to her, but he's already sitting back in his seat across the cafe. "What was that about?"
"Something about you not being allowed to go on dates?" she answers before thanks the barista for their drinks as they’re walking back out to his car.
"Yeah," he starts, pulling his safety belt. "We go to college together. And we're not allowed to date anyone, or like be seen out with a girl, y'know. At our school, I mean."
She nods in realization when he cuts in.
"But tomorrow's my last day, so I don't care."
He shifts the car into reverse. She almost forgot about the fact that his leaving, so really, it doesn't matter if they were seen together but Harry did a good job of easing any anxiety she could have about the possibility of getting him in trouble.
"I'll take you to my favorite spot." he mentions. “It’s a really good view.”
The drive was only a few minutes, but it felt longer. In a good way. He really wanted his hand to hold hers, but he was nervous. Little too soon too, right?
"You look really beautiful." he breathes. "I mean, you look amazing."
She bashfully thanks him, looking down at her knees while he's keeping himself from putting his hand on one of them.
"Okay," he sighs, trying to distract himself. "What music do you wanna to listen to?"
Of course, she gave him the typical response that the genre didn't matter. "It doesn't matter, anything."
"Really? 'Cause I don't think you'd like the music I listen to." he jokes.
She shakes her head dismissively in response to his satiricy. "It's fine."
"It's fine?" he teases, leaning into her as he starts messing with the aux. "I mean, it's kinda metal."
He shows her two bands, and she recognizes both almost immediately.
"I grew up listening to this."
"Yeah," she continues. "My dad loves rock music, we'd always listen to it when we were travelling."
"Did you travel a lot growing up?"
"Like vacations and stuff." she nods. “We used to live in the OBX.”
"Ah, gotcha." he nods before referring back to the previous conversation. "Yeah, I just went to one of their concerts, actually."
It was obvious that Harry was a passionate person; passionate about things he loved, like music. He was showing her concert videos on his phone and was telling her about the ideas and concepts behind each of his favorite bands.
"I love that...that's what makes big artists as successful as they are." she adds. "When you have something that sets you apart from everyone else."
He can't help himself, looking at her in pure disbelief for a moment before turning back, laying his head on his headrest. "You are the girl of my dreams, Parker Finn."
She lets out a giggle, rolling her eyes at the not-so-subtle remark at her Tinder bio.
girl of your dreams x
"How was your drive here, by the way?"
Okay, maybe she could tolerate some small talk...from certain people.
She also begrudgingly knows that you have to have some miniscule amount of small talk to get to know each other, so she allows it.
"It was good." she smiles. "I love driving, so--"
"Me too." he smiles. "In my hometown...I love just driving and listening to music."
"I do too!"
They quickly discovered there was a natural flow between them, something that you couldn't force. It was just there.
"So do you come to Raleigh a lot?"
Parker shakes her head. "I haven't been back in a long time."
"Well," he muses. "Today's your lucky day, because you have the best tour guide."
He leans into her, pointing at different buildings and what they are. Where he goes to school, where he used to work, stadiums and others similar.
"That’s where I went to school…that’s where I used to work, and that—" he points over to the far right. "Is the best stadium in the world."
she nods. "Home of the Blue Devils."
"Exactly." he looks at her with a narrowed eye. "Y'know, I love a girl who knows sports."
"Well that is where I went to school." she mentions.
"Ah, okay. So you're not really into football."
Guess it's your lucky day."
He chuckles in disbelief. Not only is she breathtaking...he couldn't really explain it yet. He'd only just met her, but there was just something about her. Whether it was the way the moonlight glows on her face, or the way her cheeky smile gave him butterflies, he was hooked.
"So what made you want to join the military?"
He lets out a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair. "Well,"
She notices his apprehension. "You don’t have to tell me—"
"No, no, it’s okay." he reassures. "Basically…I’m just not happy with the direction I was going, if I stayed at school."
"I hear that."
"It’s just…I just feel like I can do so much more, y’know? For the world."
"That’s how I feel a lot." she adds. "I always think, like…if I can help just one person feel like they’re not alone, or help them get through a hard time, then I’ve done my job—but if you can help more, and make a career out of it, that’s amazing."
"Do you ever get sick of your job?"
"No." she lets a light laugh. "I love what I do. You just have to find something that you’re really passionate about."
"I love that." he hums. "I need that."
"It takes time." she adds. "At least it did for me, to get where I am now. Everyone has their thing. The thing they love. Not like a person or anything like that. It could be a hobby, something you're good at or just something you want to be good at."
"Are you doing that? You're a teacher, right? S'that what you wanna do for the rest of your life?"
"I love teaching." she admits. "But I have other passions, too."
"What are the other ones?"
She shrugs. "Guess you'll have to stick around and find out."
He catches himself staring at her in awe, but he couldn’t help himself. The high points of her face were glowing in the moonlight.
"Where did you come from?"
She turns her head, looking out at the skyline. She doesn't quite know what to say, and doesn't really have time. He places two fingers on the right side of her jaw, turning her head. She smiles out of knowing what he's doing, and her smile is contagious, leading him to quickly mirror her action.
He kisses her.
And in that moment, nothing else mattered, and everything made sense.
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
Hi, if it’s possible, would I be able to get a romantic TWST match up?
I’m not exactly one for athletics, but I’m a huge music nerd. I did choir for 8 years, and vocal training for 10, and I was a big theatre kid. I also enjoyed history and biology classes the most in school, and I’ve got a love for forensics. I also do doll repaints, and it’s one of my favourite hobbies.
I also enjoy gaming, but playing combat games gives me a lot of anxiety, so I only play when I have my cat to comfort me because I’m really jumpy, at least until I am ridiculously overpowered for the area I am in and can one shot any and all enemies. Outside of online gaming, I also like to play TTRPGs with my friends, and I lean towards playing either bards or sorcerers.
My personality as a whole tends to slip between “mother of three kids who is always sighing at their antics” and “if god wanted to stop me I wouldn’t have made it this far” depending on who I’m with, but I’m overall a fairly strong introvert, and I like to have some time to myself every day, though I do have a habit of swearing like a sailor.
Hello and thank you so much for your request!! As a fellow TTRPG player, I mostly play as either a rogue or a druid. Though, I do have one bard character I have yet to play!
Tw: None
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I match you with........
Idia Shroud
Right off the bat, this man would absolutely love to do TTRPG's with you! He is very selective as to who he plays these with. Ortho will join him, maybe Azul here and there (Azul would honestly be so good at these sorts of things, I swear). And the moment that he hears that you play them? Bring all your supplies next time because the both of you are going to have a long night.
Now, as to the relationship part of this, it was hard to get him to open up to the idea of one to begin with, let alone being in one. It took a lot of time, effort, and dedication to get to that point, but you made it! Bonus if you ran a campaign throughout the duration of this process and in the end, managed to ask him out (or even the other way around), honestly, how could he say not to that?! Like I said, dedication.
Idia plays a lot of combat games, but he knows that you aren't the biggest fan of them, and given just how heated he can get over these matches, he is careful about how out of hand these games get. While he may not have a cat to help comfort you when you do choose to play a combat game, he has plenty of squishmellows. Feel free to go and choose one!
Game night dates, 100%. This man is the very definition of an introvert. If you opened a dictionary to look up the meaning of the word, his name is right there in big bold letters. So the fact that you are also more of an introvert is like a dream come true to him. No one to try and pull him out of his room for outdoor time. You two could just curl up in his room watching the latest slice of life anime, play tabletop games, or any of the various games that he has.... which is a lot.
He will never be able to admit this without his hair turning fifty shades of pink, but he loves to be able to hear you sing. The fact that you practiced for as long as you did to harness such a skill is always something that impressed him. Sure, he's had to work for years to harness certain skills that he has but nothing as skilled as working with your own voice.
Overall, honestly it's just a very wholesome relationship that you have with the gloomy housewarden. He is just thankful that you actually put up with someone like him with how self-depricating that he is about himself. But you make him smile, you make him happy, and he certainly hopes that you feel the same way.
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yisanged · 1 year
i've hated dog motifs ever since i got on a crowded bus in eighth grade (terrible time to experience any kind of situation) with a bunch of popular kids (especially bad) and i chose to sit next to a girl i've been friends with since third grade that i've since grown painfully out of touch with but it's fine and we sat together that day but i apparently took the seat of some popular boy that normally sits next to her and so he just took the seat in front and he and his horde of fellow athletic popular boys kept talking at her and me by proximity which was scary and he was also flirting with my friend and it was kind of disgusting. and she said that her type was golden retriever boys that are just always so nice and maybe act kind of dumb but are still smart and wholesome and whatever tf and all of his friends were like shoving him around and like whispering "dude that's totally you... nice haha" and i almost threw up all over that blonde hockey player
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chcmpagneprblms · 11 days
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[ mike faist, cis male, he/him ] — whoa! GAVIN STIRLING just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe he needed it more. he has lived in the city for ALL HIS LIFE, working as a FIREFIGHTER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 29 YEARS OLD. some people say he can be a little bit OBLIVIOUS  and SELFLESS TO A FAULT , but I know him to be WHOLESOME and DEDICATED. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope he likes the ride back to BROOKLYN! — (rae, 26, mnt, she/they, n/a)
IN A NUTSHELL: sweatpants, morning runs, floppy hair, a helping hand, a wide goofy grin, meal prep, fun socks, takeaway coffee cups, a hero complex and smiley face doodles
gavin is 29 years old and has lived in new york city all his life, there’s still a lot of aspects about him and his life up until now that i’m still unsure about and am learning about as i go because he is a very new muse so bare with me! but! he was very much filled with lots of energy as a kid (inklings of adhd at a young age? who knows, not his mom) and tried out every sport that he could growing up
has wanted to be a firefighter for as long as he could remember, so set on helping save lives and being a hero, he just wants to HELP his community in any way that he can, and in his eyes he’s been riding the high of his life since starting this job in his earlier 20s, if you ask him he’s practically like…set for life now man, there’s nothing better than getting to do what he’s been dreaming of practically his whole life
lives in brooklyn currently in the renaissance buildings (so hit us up if your muses do too) and makes a point to acquaint himself with all the locals around, he strives to be like…a version of spider-man to the town
he’s definitely athletic and loves recreational sports and is probably seen in a firehouse t shirt (of which he has so many) and basketball shorts when not on duty and wearing the uniform and/or proper gear, and is probably on a few community teams of basketball or soccer in the rec center; he’s also a morning person and starts the day with a workout or morning run, you gotta keep your body right to keep your heart and head right, he swears by excersise being the best therapy available and makes sure to always eat right and stay hydrated, he’s not religious but he likes to think of his body as a temple
single mom who works as a nurse raised him and his two younger siblings, and he loves her so much!! tho there’s definitely something in there that can be said for why he may feel the need to be a hero to others and put their needs over his own like literally all the time
like i wanted his url to say he is in fact mr march on the fndy calendar lol he is more than willing to take pictures and sign it for people if they ask (may also show them his abs if they want but just a peak, he’s a humble man after all!)
ya know i think he may be bisexual but is for sure still on the self discovery journey for that so that will be fun for me to get into a little, i’m excited about it
he can be a little lost when it comes to things that require a lil more smarts, he’s the brawn not the brain and he really tries not to let it get to him but it was pretty frustrating in school when it was difficult to stay concentrated and was still confused when the time for questions ended etc, he just wants to do his best!
he’s literally just a PUPPY y’all, head empty jock himbo who just wants to be a hero so bad!!! he’s just some guy! i love him!
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