#atp it's villain vs villain
squishyneet · 1 year
Let us review the major players of Lookism as of late . . .
Charles Choi
Wants to keep running HNH Group, will step on anyone to get his way. Wanted to eliminate the 4 crews since he no longer needs them. Same as ever, pretty straightforward.
Similar to Charles Choi, with the exception of being more careful and considerate of his employees and negotiations and such. Achieved the goal of uniting the 4 crews. Wants to get rid of Daniel Park.
Daniel Park
Wants to stop Eugene and Charles Choi, currently working to find the secret of the two bodies and the history of Jinyoung Park. Also working with DG but does not completely trust him.
DG/James Lee
Has been working against Charles Choi from the beginning. Waited for Daniel to prove himself, currently working with him to uncover the secret of the two bodies. Was blackmailed by Charles since killing Gapryong Kim.
Goo Kim
Has been working with Eugene since before the series started. About to be fired by Charles. True motive unknown. Said he might kill someone.
Whose side are you on?
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alicentflorent · 10 months
FTWDs final season could have been so much better if it was revealed that Troy was running padre and controlling madison (as revenge) this whole time. He knew enough about nick and Alicia to make madison think padre knew who and where they were this whole time. And here are some other reasons how this storyline would make sense and be more interesting:
- Troy has a military background so him taking over and running a military base makes more sense than two teenagers building it up by themselves because all the adults died.
- taking and training up children to be solidiers also would make a little sense because of his own fucked up upbringing and the idea he has of the type of people who were made for this world. He would have probably had the same idea as shrike, that the kids stood a better chance at padre than with their “weak” parents. The mother of his child dying for being a good person and not getting to raise their daughter (who would not be named after his abuser) could have also played into this idea of the kids being separated from their good parents.
- shrikes radiation cure experiments: Troy ran walker bite experiments before, just to see how people would turn. So it would also make sense if the work we see shrike doing was something he approved of or an idea he himself came up with. As for shrike, it would make sense that she turned out this way if she’d spent years being mentored by someone like troy otto instead of becoming evil and stealing children just because her dad died.
- the scene where madison smashes the glass to expose “padre” would have been such a good and shocking reveal if it was Troy. Imagine Madison finding out that Troy is not only alive but had been the one running this the whole time!
There’s also a lot of other things I would have done differently for the other characters too and I would have liked Madison to have a little villain era and do some really fucked up shit as she tries to take down Troy and padre. How dark would Madison go? Would she survive with her humanity still intact?
I know I’m just talking into the void here because no one care about this shitshow but I just hate it when shows have a plot that could have been good, maybe even great but then completely miss the mark and fans come with better theories and ideas with minimal effort and thought.
#somewhere dave erickson is screaming (and relieved that at least frank dillane stayed away from the show lmao)#fear the walking dead#ftwd#madison clark#troy otto#i also would have had s7a focus on strand vs alicia but v differently with only alicia’s ending staying the same pretty much#then 7b would have been wrapping things up with morgans family and actually seeing the group being taken by padre before having a time jump#then season 8 would have been the much better padre/troy/madison arc#the way these writers reaally do not know how to write for troy and madison#it’s like they tried doing what they thought DE wouldve done with them but couldn’t decide if they wanted them to be villains or be redeemed#anyway i will always mourn the arcs we were meant to have in season 4#madison becoming the villain vs nick and alicia and whatever was planned for troy#troy was only killed off bc dave didn’t trust the new showrunners with him and he couldnt save the OGs by killing them too lmao#but i am glad alicia is alive and we got to see daniel sharmans acting bc most of the cast were only giving about 20% atp#but who can blame them? the writing got to new levels of bad in s7/8 and their personalities were changing every few episodes#actually to be fair they did the best with what they were given they just seemed done#i only tuned in to alicias episodes in s7 so my opinion on the rest of it is from what ive read bc i just could not get through it#so my opinion on the characters full arcs in s7 may be wrong
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wolke17 · 7 days
reading the sukuna vs mahoraga fight made me realize how great the initial sukuna was as a character.
and I mean the fact that the reader could actually comprehend why he was the main villain of the series, besides the whole “overwhelming aura” thing.
he shows up and analyzes the situation within a few seconds to the point he knows it’s all a ritual that’s been initiated by megumi. he notices how many people are participating and what its conditions and the unknown shikigami’s abilities are (and mind you he doesn’t have the six eyes or anything).
he has a technique (cleave) that can be changed from the start and is the right thing against an opponent which can constantly adapt. however, he also grasps that there’s a possibility mahoraga could have adapted to slashing attacks in general atp, so he uses his fire technique that was established prior. no binding vows, no sudden revelation of convenient crazy rules or techniques and no talk to gas himself up lol. he just shows up, fights 2 extremely badass fights, causes incredible damage, then leaves while still remaining a big mystery.
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artsyannierose · 1 year
Nene’s Dead Corpse and her ghost bf
randomly made a crap ton more sense to me
fricking school (screw school I hate you (no not rly I’m just stressed))
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Anyway I’m a biomed class where unit 1 is studying medical investigations forensic science style
and one of the things is like, what happens to a person after the body has been dead for a while (post mortem or sum, see im learning :D)
Things like algor mortis, livor mortis, I’ve heard of. In fact I’ve even studied the clouding of the corneas before, but it never got to me till today
maybe it’s cause I cannot for the life of me study forensics without my wild imagination giving me nightmares or just panicking when I’m alone but aNyWays
I tend to imagine characters associated with death in these scenarios so I don’t lose it in class💀
*cough* Nene *cough cough*
So as I was taking notes on the slideshow, some of the images of clouded corneas reminded me strangely of something familiar, but at that point I couldn’t tell. There’s something haunting about the eyes (or maybe it’s just my over-analytical brain loving small details like this) they’re GORGEOUS
Maybe it’s ‘cause the true color of the iris is completely visible in all its glory, without the pupil obscuring it
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(something like this?? A little vivid tho lol)
but like
there’s no
no reflection, no emotion…nothing (which is so hauntingly beautiful leave me alone I’m a sucker for this now)
it’s literally just an eye with nothing but color
and then it hit me…it’s exactly the look Nene had when Mirai fast-forwarded her time
you can see in the image it’s just her plain magenta eyes with a fuzzy de-saturated blob in the center…aka clouded corneas
And that honestly made me realize that in this scene she’s not—she’s not even unconscious
No she’s literally, physiologically dead
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she is literally a dead body this hits me so hard😭😭
and I can imagine algor mortis kicked in by then, her body was probably cold to the touch
so imagine how he felt, and I’m aware people have analyzed his emotions but just think about it
he’s always seen her so full of life and hope, and now all he has left is an empty shell of her, cold and dead with no life left inside
…just like him
the more I think about it Hanako is just an animated corpse
he has no reflection in his eyes most of the time because he is ✨dead✨
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I mean Mei, Mitsuba, and Hanako don’t have a little white reflection dot like Nene and Kou
Or maybe I’m overthinking it and Nene’s eyes are just super reflective
even for someone who presumably took his own life, he probably never saw tsukasa’s body start postmortem and actually feel dead bc it looked extremely bloody ngl (I’m guessing he killed himself right after 💔)
and now he’s holding someone he cares about like this for the first time and I’ll bet that scarred him
and he figured out that never, never ever did he ever want to see his sweet assistant like this again, lifeless in his arms
and so after that, cue Hanako in his villain era who basically became a yandere the entire picture perfect lmao
and he was unbelievably adamant about it too
I mean honestly if I held anybody I knew lifeless like that I’d be scarred for life and crying for days
seeing the light drained from someone’s eyes is so interestingly sad to me
Look at the difference:
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vs Sad/Determined
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vs Depressed (ig??)
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vs Dead
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She still has so much emotion in her eyes
and then d e a d
literally looks like a porcelain doll
wait she looks so pale in the last image compared to the others now that I think about it
I love aidairo’s eye for detail it’s so fun to figure out
Well anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk essay atp-
send help
anyways excuse me while I grab a box of strawberries to munch on and cry my eyes out all over my homework before I sleep-
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pwnyta · 4 months
Now after listening to Euphoria and the rest.....
Bakugo and Shoto with All Might!!!
...Very genuinely this is baffling.
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Girl Im so sorry... You deserve better than this.
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Award for HARDEST FUCKING PAGE goes to...
All Might and Nighteye for 'YOU ARE NOT DEAD YET'
Damn he really is this bitch...
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Award to HOTTEST CAMEO goes to...
Ms. Toshinori!!!
Damn girl, when I die im divorcing my wife for you. I'll adopt your son too... I'll be the dad that stepped up no problem.
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Award for LITERALLY ME PANEL goes to...
LMAO... same.
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Stain and All Might vs some bald bitch!
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BAKUGO AND ALL MIGHT in gauntlet pass!
Damn I definitely woulda cried!!
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NIGHTEYE in he literally saw All Might get torn completely in half in his future vision god damn...
Nighteye im sorry these stupid ass bitches (EH/AM fans) would ever say anything about you...
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Damn... really.... She just looks like a fuckin normal ass girl? ...Lame as fuck dude. Youre just showing her for fanservice ATP
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STAIN for... knowing exactly what All Might's blood smells like...
.... The way his eyes roll in the back of his head... JFC Stain....
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The award for HYDROGEN BOMB VS COUGHING BABY goes to...
Girl what...???
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On that note...
Award for UGLIEST BABY goes to....
Damn thats an ugly ass baby~
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AFOs most horny fixations!
LMAO... but I mean seriously... I woulda really liked to see them just talk about stuff.
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Award for OH SHIT YOU DIDNT DIE??? goes to...
Stars boys! WTF??
All Might thank you so much for saving them!!
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All Might! For never having a chance to talk to Endeavor after it was revealed his replacement abused his family!
It woulda been real cool Hori! All Might punching Endeavor sorta like he punched Deku and except actually impactful cuz the lack of physical damage gives way to the emotional damage of All Might being so fucking disappointed in him after trusting that he'd be good to take the mantle of #1 hero... DAMN.
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Award for WHAT IN THE JUNJI ITO IS GOIN ON goes to...
All of the BNHA villains!!!
Uzumaki ass warts power....
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AFO holding Toshi up like this--v
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God damn bro you can draw.... Thats crazy. Your line work is so fucking clean my guy..
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Spinner (& others but most importantly Spinner) for becoming a villain for Stains ideals! Literally where did this go?
Hey Spinner look at me? ...bitch. Keep Stains name out of your fuckin pathetic mouth!
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Bakugo and Deku
You aint gettin me to believe these are good friends Hori...
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Koudas bird talking being a believable offensive attack....
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Award for.... Yeah sure... I guess you exist... goes to...
...I mean... Why not? At this point... may as well.
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Award for CUTEST CRY FACE goes to...
Reigning champ! I will kiss your forehead and put bandaids on your booboos baby girl dont you worry!
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AFO being that old man from Shigas backstory and fucked up his entire life!
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Honestly so many people but Thirteen deserves an award SO HERE YOU GO!
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All Mights neck!
Girl what that neck do....
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This concludes ROUND 3 BNHA AWARDS!!!
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thesungod · 8 months
my lowkey zeus apologism is feeling very vindicated rn rick shouldve done more expansion on zeus’s character so that he conflated with pjo zeus more. zeus is the god of kingship and lets be objective here he is for the most part a good king. him killing apollos son? bad dad move. Very bad grandad move. but to him that was the best way to satisfy his subjects and then he brought asclepius back to life anyway Fuck Hades or something. besides apollo is literally zeus’s favorite son who also happens to be ridiculously rebellious (no reason for him to join heras coup bro 💀 no reason), zeus can be paranoid about the guy considering the many threats to his reign and whatever the fuck apollo was on during the trojan war. what about the clash between fatherhood and kingship! WHAT ABOUT THE CLASH!
apollo’s vents about how his love hurts everyone implies why the gods became distant and installed laws about staying away from mortals but I think rick riordan is a criminal for not doing more about that. Come on old man. Lets talk about that. my second thing is i think there should be something about his dynamic with ares vs apollo because mythologically its unfairly fucked 😭
tldr no one understands zeus like i do
i think percy jackson causing people to greatly… dumb down and simplify the figure of Zeus is sad.
and what you say about the clash between fatherhood and kingship is so real because i eat that shit up.
however, strictly speaking pjo, zeus is a villain. i don’t know whether rick meant him to be the Big Bad from the start (he was always… not great, but one could argue that in the first series he wasn’t worse than many others and better than Kronos) or not, but it’s pretty undeniable atp.
apollo is in part an unreliable narrator but not when it comes to Zeus, i think
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Why??? Don’t drop this chapter means a high possibility of gojo being alive him yuta and yuji will fight against sukuna trusttttt
anon i’m literally in mourning rn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 using this ask as an excuse to rant about this chapter because i’m bitter don’t mind me
(jjk chapter 249 spoilers under cut !!)
to be clear i’m not actually dropping the manga lol i could never but i am eerily tempted <333 this is the only time i’ve actually been upset w akutami (normally i’m his white knight)……. i just feel sooo disappointed? part of me still has hope but i just. ack. :’3
first of all!!! i 100% believe gojo is alive and will return, and also that yuji & yuuta will be able to get gumi back (not sure if that’ll end well tho lmao) so i’m not worried abt that!! and i’m very hyped for sukuna vs yuuta in general, yuuta’s domain is sooo fucking sick and perfect for him!!!!
to be perfectly clear!! i’m upset about this <33
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…………… i was so convinced that kenny wouldn’t die but my hopes are almost completely crushed atp… this just Feels like a death moment yk?? and i’m so disappointed not ONLY because kenny is my favorite character but also because this is such an unsatisfactory conclusion for him. :( kenny has so much depth and he’s so important for the narrative, so the fact that we didn’t get a single inner thought from him in his dying moment is like. sacreligious to me. TO BE CLEAR i LOVE his last words and the fact that he mentions takaba (kenkaba stays on top <333) and he looks super good in this panel also… but his death still feels so out of nowhere and unfinished to me.
a part of me is still hoping that he’ll survive somehow, or that we’ll at least see more of him through flashbacks or some afterlife sequence or whatnot, but i kinda…. doubt it. and that irks me. like i’m sorry but to me this just feels out of character for kenny?? he just accepted his death??? really????? he literally spent a millenium planning the merger and culling game just to satisfy his curiousity and suddenly he’s fine with not seeing it?????? i had this whole theory that kenny would find meaning in death (since it’s something completely outside his control, which is explicitly what he was searching for all along) but we didn’t get a single inner thought. no look into what he feels except that he’s happy to have met takaba (which is really sweet and i cried but that’s besides the point)…..
AND THEN THERE’S ALSO HIS CONNECTION TO YUJI. really???? we’re never gonna see a confrontation between them???? yuji is never gonna learn that kenny is his fucking mom????? even if choso tells him or whatever it doesn’t feel conclusive. i’m just mad because it feels like gege had soooo much planned that he wasn’t able to execute because the manga industry is running him ragged and that just sucks :(((( like. hahhhhh….. i just really feel that a villain as wonderful AND as important as kenny deserves more than just a couple panels for his death. naoya got more than that. obviously he was gonna die at some point but i had such high hopes for his final scene and even though i adored his fight with takaba it doesn’t feel right for him to die here.
so as u can tell i am extremely upset <333 i’ll get over it soon and i still have just a tinyyy bit of hope that we’ll see more of kenny but i just feel… so let down by this. i’m gonna treasure the kenkaba panel forever and ever and (again) i LOVE his last words but i just can’t feel satisfied with his death. for now i’m just gonna wait until tcb translates the chapter because the translation i read was clunky…. but i kinda doubt it’ll change much T_T
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vampiricgf · 4 months
the whole hybe newjeans situation is so weird to see in the context of fans talking about it because I think anyone with a brain can see that being paid a $3 million salary, getting preferential housing, and the multitude of brand deals they have is hardly mistreatment from the company for a group. and if anything them potentially going with ador is a poor move business wise. it's hybe as a company that has the financial ability to not just pay their salaries but to pay for their comebacks and promotional materials and manufacturing albums and merch. ador is a subsidiary of hybe, they themselves would not have the same level of financial ability to do that as a separate, smaller company no longer attached to hybe. those resources won't go with them if they sever ties. not to mention ador would be in a sticky situation regarding its image after all this is settled, even if it turns out in mhj's favor her reputation is already smeared and a lot of people will be wary about working with her and by extension about working with newjeans. it's very very risky for them to position themselves at all in the situation rather than just continue with their contractual obligations neutrally and let the companies battle it out in court
and that's not even mentioning how inappropriate and odd it is for an adult woman to be so emotionally dependent on four teenage girls. they aren't therapists, she should be seeing a professional rather than using them as emotional crutches because it puts them in a situation where they potentially feel responsible for a grown ass adults wellbeing and that could potentially explain why they've taken a stance with mhj without seeing the risk they're taking by doing so. they handed hybe reason to disband them on a silver platter so they theoretically could just dissolve the group if the risk outweighs the benefit of keeping them around for hybe as a business
truly I don't think it's hybe that's hurting the girls image rn it's mhj and her intense emotional entanglement with them.
and the illit stuff is a weird distraction, if hybe owns both groups how does it make sense for them to sow discord between them? a business that depends on these groups to make money is not going to sabotage them right out of the gate especially after they've already invested money in training and debuting them the entire point is to recoup that investment as well as make a profit outside that. they are a business so what matters to them is the bottom line and this fan created scenario of hybe villainously sabotaging both illit and newjeans makes zero sense in that perspective. why risk having to dissolve two groups and eat the cost of training, debuting, and maintaining them with nothing to show for it but a negative profit? the hand movements people are pointing to as this damning evidence of dance move plagiarism is silly, that movement has been used by multiple groups in choreography atp. and the girls' group aesthetics are different, modern y2k vs dreamcore. the similarities begin and end at minimalistic hair and makeup, it's just been blown out of proportion by diehard stans who take it as a personal insult that another group of girls would debut with neutral looks and an easy listening sound
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1goth · 2 years
Break Point:
Just finished watching all 5 episodes, tt's kind of boring, in a dull almost lifeless way... it's lacking something like you can tell if you were watching the matches live, there would be the thing you get, the emotion & passion but idk, it's been sucked out in the show. It’s something that you watch once and know you won’t rewatch it again. It’s actually really really boring. 
Kyrgios got a rather flattering "he's a bad boy but he's misunderstood, his mummy loves him" image from his episode (which so far is the most boring episode) they show like hardly of his worst moments from 2022 (like flashes, i guess if you were to put it all together it could literally cover an hour so)
It's awkward to see Ajla & Matteo together in episode 2 knowing they broke up not long after.
"When will you see each other next?" Ajla: "Indian Wells"
Aka when the rumours surfaced they broke up was like awkward as hell tbh.
And netflix gave the most unflattering & unnecessary image to Andrey. Did we really need to see the slow mo/replays of him hurting himself to make him look like a total psycho while Fritz's coach goes on about how he teaches Taylor about mentality? No because it honestly came across as scary psycho russian vs all american hero. And it got a bit weird when they’re showing Taylor on bike after that match and his team basically walk all over him while he’s trying to be positive about himself which really contradicts what his coach was saying about building a “positive mindset”.
The WTA side honestly was much more better than ATP side, Ons & her husband were so cute. What was NOT cute was Netflix giving Iga (and Rafa) a borderline villain edit lol. 
Also Felix, drop Toni Nadal. He does not have your best interests at all. 
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henrysglock · 2 years
Am I missing something? Why do people keep ''theorizing'' that Henry took Will to the Upside Down when literally it is all very clear that it was Henry? Who has the power of telekinesis to capture Will like that aside from Henry himself? the Demogorgon cannot do it, the MF cannot do it AS IT DIDNT EVEN SHOW UP until S2 anyway. It literally couldn't reach or do anything and it doesn't have telekinesis powers so... who would have done it besides Henry?
We see the lights flicker at the Wheeler's house the moment Will starts to bike away. We see that the TV at the Wheelers house doesn't work which are all effects of telekinesis. So, what is there to theorize or deny?
We see Will running to the shed, there the shed's door unlocks by itself. I see people saying that it was El who did it. Which doesnt make any sense. If El did open the door, then who did capture Will to the UD after the light at the light at the shed shone like crazy and then Will disappeared out of thin air? Even if El did unlock the door and then got scared and ran away, who flickered those lights at the Wheeler house and broke the TV?
''the MF obviously must have done it, he is the main villain actually and he is the one who was following Will it has nothing to do with Henry'' WHAT are you saying now??? the MF literally doesn't have the power of telekinesis, and it didnt even appear and couldnt reach the Rightside Up until S2.
''the lab must have done it.'' So, is Will hallucinating? If the lab did it, who did those telekinesis stuff like lights flickering, the TV not working, the door of the shed being unlocked, the light shining like crazy and the Will disappearing out of thin air and ending up in the UD? When would the lab have 'drugged' Will?
''It must be El or Will from the future that meddles the situation'' HOW??? Not only that is misunderstanding the ''time is stuck'' thing, but it doesnt make any sense??? the time isn't 'stuck' in the UD. It just looks like November 6.... it is about how it looks like / is shaped. The characters do not affect the past events from the future. THAT is NOT what happened in S4. When characters flicker the lights (the teenagers) to alert the other characters, it happens in the present time. They are NOT affecting the past. I think people didn't understand this and that is why they keep saying there is time loop, or time travel fuckery stuff going on. But it's not about that. The UD isnt stuck in the past in the literal sense. It just looks like past because someone (Will prob) shaped it to look like November 6. It is not stuck in time in actual sense.....
Like, I just... dont get it. I mean theorizing is good and all, but when it comes to a point where people just ignore and deny the canon evidence, and the points and clear stuff that have been shown.... it just kind becomes being obtuse on purpose. Just like the ''MF is actually the big bad actually lol he is the real mastermind lol'' argument. Like it just...... doesnt make any sense from the way the show portrayed things. Please.
Besides all of this, WILL literally (the one with the actual experience) say that it has been Henry all along... and people say he is just an unrealiable narrator. Not only that is misunderstanding what ''unrealiable narrator'' means, it also is literally discrediting a character's lived experience and knowledge. That shit doesnt make any sense when people believe in Dustin's words that he said before the big reveal that came after..... so we are to believe that Dustin is the Reliable Narrator, but Henry, Will, El and Brenner are NOT??? WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about???
Anyways I am done lol. It was a nice ride to just speak these out bc I am just tired lol.
You’re so right for this, esp on the big bad/s1 arc stuff.
I don’t know shit about the UD vs time thing really, so I won’t speak on it.
But everything else? So true.
There’s no way it can be anyone but Henry atp. idk. Will says it was Henry. He knows the Mindflayer, and he’s known it since s2. It’s not a reveal anymore. Henry is.
But sure DnD is gospel even though it’s literally said in the show that “this isn’t DnD, this is real life”. DnD is just the framework the kids use to process traumatic experiences that they can’t fully comprehend.
Dustin doesn’t know shit about what happens in the UD until the end of s4. Will does. Thus, we believe Will over Dustin. It’s really not that hard.
Will has no reason to be suspected of lying about his experiences, intentional or otherwise. By this point he knows the difference between the Mindflayer, Henry, and a demogorgon. Also, Henry’s POV is a flashback, and flashbacks haven’t lied to us before. Why would they start now?
Henry and Will escape the unreliable narrator allegations about the UD.
It’s tiring and frustrating, Anon, I feel you. Especially for people like me who have been in Will’s situation, it’s hard to not fly off the handle about him being dismissed and not trusted to describe his own trauma.
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hermithomebase · 1 year
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (4/30)
Today we are talking about queer representation in media. In 1894 "The Dickson Experimental Sound Film" is released, becoming the first "gay film". It was also known as "The Gay Brothers", it feature two men dancing together and it reportedly "shocked audiences with its subversion of conventional male behaviour". Unfortunately, in 1934 the USA introduced the Hays Code, which, while it didn't explicitly ban queerness, banned queerness in effect. This resulted in three decades of queer-coded villains, such as Joel Cairo in "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) and Jack Favell in "Rebecca" (1940).
The Hays Code was lifted in 1968, and the queer cult classic "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" was released in 1975, and gave a much-needed positive and FUN representation of queer people and queerness. Unfortunately, this was short-lived, as the rising AIDs crisis worsened the stigma around the gay community. This didn't stop everyone though, and in 1985 "Desert Hearts" was released; regarded as the first mainstream lesbian film with a happy ending.
Further on, the first gay kiss on TV in the UK was on "EastEnders" in 1989, "Ellen" became the first American tv show with an openly gay lead in 1997, and other show such as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" started to add recurring LGBTQ+ characters. An important show in the UK was "Queer as Folk" (1999) which was one of the first shows to depict the queer community as vibrant and alive.
Even further forward, and "Moonlight" (2017) became the first LGBTQ+ film (and the first all-black cast) to win Best Picture at the Oscars. GLAAD publishes an annual report showing how representation is changing. 2005-2006 1.4% of regular characters vs 2020-2021 the figure is at 9.1%. So, there is still a long way to go obviously, especially because media is often the main or only place that young people have an insight into the community at all.
Because of this, I want to ask you for a recommendation: What is a piece of queer media that you think more people should see? (it can be literally anything, big/small, funny/sad, smart/stupid <- just anything you think deserves to be watched!:))
(I'll go first: "Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "I Don't Want to Go Back Alone) is a really really cute Brazillian short film available on Youtube! (if you enjoy it, there is also a full-length film version called "Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho" (or "The Way He Looks"))
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
everyone is gonna be really really mean to me for this answer and i need everyone to HEAR ME OUT….if you like anime and you want a good deep story about young gay girls please watch puella magi madoka magica + rebellion 😭😭 if you are a cdnfer who loves tragedy and devotion and longing PLEAAASEEEE give that show a chance.
it was so lifechanging for me as a young queer to see a story about a young girl sacrifice everything for another and their love means so much to me 😭 it is not a happy watch, i have to be honest, but it means the world to me.
alt answer: san junipero from black mirror. that episode wasn’t as formative for me because i was already a well established queer atp but it’s still such a lovely watch that will stick with you forever
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mintmoth · 2 years
I love the characterization and care you show for both Jamil and Kalim equally because people (it’s like a mild gripe of mine) paint one person to be the villain ( Jamil with Kalim and vice versa) and how at the end of the day both of them have their own issues and that they are not lost causes to each other and their friendship. ATP idk if I am even making sense. iykyk-❤️
XNDISNSK thank you!! 😭 Honestly that does mean a lot since outside of my goofy comics they're both very dynamic and complex and honestly there's a lot at play between the two of them, and I've also seen people making one out to be the villain vs the other- and honestly if someone just doesn't like one of them that's fine! You can not like a character and not make them out to be something they're not
I feel like it's really easy to take characters (within twst especially) and break them down to their worst points without understanding why they are how they are or without seeing the good that balances it. Jamil is self centered, egotistical, and puts himself on a pedestal above others with the "I'm better then the idiots around me" mentality while simultaneously hating himself. He's vitriolic and angry and resigns himself to stewing in it. Kalim is naive, inadvertantly self centered, overly self sacrificing with people pleasing tendencies, but overall has a hard time understanding that his life experiences are not universal. He relies on others (mostly Jamil) to make up for areas where he personally lacks because he's simply so accustomed to it that he sees no qualm
And neither of them are the villain here.
Ultimately they're both tangled in this horrific mess of generational trauma and general trauma on top of all of it being normalized to them as they've grown. Spoilers for Book 5- But I think it's showing really well here as we see Jamil and Kalim when they actively interact with people other than each other where they mention things they've had to grow up with, because other people are HORRIFIED. But it shows how this has been so inherently normalized for them in how Kalim can laugh about the idea of being poisoned and how Jamil can see this and go, "well he's laughing so it's not a big deal." It's how Kalim could simultaneously regard Jamil as a servant and heap jobs on to him while also regarding him as his best friend. It's how Jamil could resent having to take care of Kalim but also consistently firmly uphold the status difference between the two of them
But it's also why the two of them more openly communicating and learning from their mistakes as they go forward is so important. Because it shows that both of them want to change. They want to grow and get better and do better. The steps we're shown are small but they're steps none the less
Jamil learning to take a step back and let Kalim do things on his own, to communicate his feelings to Kalim without the bitter hesitation he's been made to foster, to let himself do his best openly without hesitation- and (Book 6 Spoilers) not just wait for some big moment to prove that he's been far more impressive then anyone has known all along- That he needs to start giving things his all and keep doing as such so he can really become the competent person he believes himself to be. He has the drive and the skills, he just needs to put them to work
Kalim learning to step up more and take others feelings into consideration. He's very good at reading people and understanding them but he often can take things at face value, or regard situations with his own personal feelings. He's realizing how much he's been spoiled without even realizing that is what was happening as he grew, and instead of being upset that he can't go back to that, he's letting it fuel him to become more competent. He's learning his true strengths and weaknesses and trying to better accommodate for them and push himself to do better
Honestly I'm probably rambling at this point but so many twst characters have this fantastic complexity where they have wonderful traits that make them likable, admirable, and relatable, but they also have these inherent flaws that they have to work on as time progresses that, well, also make them very relatable
I think these two in particular can get hit with the misunderstanding beam pretty hard because of how parallel they run. Often it can be much easier for someone to see a character they relate to or understand and see another who's tried to hurt them or do them wrong and just. Paint them to be a villain. And it makes sense to do so, even if it's often far more complex then that, especially when it comes to characters who can be simplified within fandom spaces to be much more easy to digest. Sunshine baby who can do no wrong versus asshole treacherous snake. Talented servant kept unjustly in the shadows versus spoiled and obliviously incompetent master
Honestly a big part of why I love the Scarabia duo so much is because of their parallels and the relatability that they both hold. Their good and bad sides have elements I can see mirrored within myself, and in that way I do admit that wanting to see them grow and establish a more genuine friendship between the two of them could be seen as self love in that regard
But also I can admit that I just love characters who are flawed with a bunch of trauma learning to grow and get better for themselves but also for another person because yeah the cliche healing powers of love but also you have to do better for yourself and also actually get therapy please
I have gone WAY off the rails with this post but honestly I just love how complex and complicated these two are and I'm the "Fix him?? No I accept the murder as a part of him. I've seen the atrocities and decided I think they're funny" post regarding both of these two lmao
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bendarius · 3 years
ok continuations off spiderman au with exploration bullet points of either ben or darius as spiderman and just a general exploration of the world cause they would just be aus in the same set up
-brooklynn the best friend. met her thru internet kinda like carmen sandiego situation and her internet presence is lower so she actually has time to work behind the scenes to help darius. not sure if i want them to be irls or not tho i would want them to meet up at one point. maybe school trip
-still loves dinosaurs. if he faces the lizard hes def gonna be like Holy crap real dinos (not sure if JP is gonna be a canon thing in this verse)
-ben being his irl childhood buddy still germaphobe (gets better as they age so not as extreme as before but are still traces) but maybe darius shows up injured/some spiderman situation happens and it kinda forces him to overcome it at that moment which jumpstarts the process of getting thru it. maybe multiple situations where he has to come thru for darius and one would be facing a villain straight up (hostage situation??) and he flexes it after lowkey but like “i did this holy crap but well i mean you save lives everyday and deal w bad guys so this isnt big”
-they eventually get together after one too many close calls. idk when he would find out abt spiderman darius would prob keep it to himself until an injury is too obvious and ben confronts him so he gives in cause he’s physically and mentally weak and that ends in a hug. confession happens when hes not mentally drained or injured. unless darius just tells him and they freak/geek out over it together
-ben screaming his head off when darius takes him swinging basically petermj happenings. darius just laughing and telling him to live a little. “NEVER DO THAT AGAIN” idk if hed be obsessed w finding out the id of spiderman but he’d def want to find out why darius is suddenly acting so distant and the cause of the changes (this is if darius doesnt just straight up tell him basically mj in mcu) 
-kenji/yaz sibling figures w sammy in the friend group basically the camp fam is a firend group but only brooklynn is aware of darius’ identity at the start at least. darius just introduced brooklynn as an internet friend n she fit right into the group
-kenji green goblin would be crazyyyy esp since it fits w osborn stuff. he wld be against spidey, yaz would be neutral, and sammy would be a fan. Ben thinks spiderman is cool but also gross for the webs (darius defending spiderman’s honor)
-i think the bite situation would be on a school trip and he’d wake up feeling all weird. classic spiderman beginning scenario. not sure how old i want him to be i dont want to put a 12/13 year old thru this. Maybe 15 atp god thats still so young but you know how the spidermans roll. he’d probably think that its really cool but also yo wtf
-ben is 16 (theres a point bday wise in the year where ben is a year older and he makes sure to flex this. darius turns a week or two after) theyre in the same grade. kenji and yaz are 17 while brooklynn and sammy are also 16. kenj/yaz are sophomores, brooklynn is homeschooled but advanced learning so fresh-soph curriculum, and sammy is a freshman like the other two (yaz and sammy meet through a club)
-not sure abt the web fluid here darius is smart but not sciency smart but maybe he can overhear abt some process in science class and work on developing some. maybe kenji’s dad is working on some serum like that. maybe he comes up w the concept of swinging by webs on his own based on common sense of spiders being able to do that. maybe he just goes without it 
update: just read up about the spidermans web fluids throughout all movies (and noticed amazing spiderman’s was basically the serum thing i mentioned up there) and i think both ways are equally plausible (organic vs synthesized) organic would solve a lot of issues tho on how to make it but synthesized would make things so much more fun
-idk if spiderman would exist in both universes but it wouldnt make sense if it wasnt a multiverse thing right....unless. ok if it did id have both of them inspired by the webs there and figure out how to cope by using the comics as an instruction manual
-idk how he’d tell brooklynn abt it maybe he went to some anon messaging site and texted her but also i want them to be established friends before the whole debacle so maybe therye friends but nothing too personal and no personal info so darius confides in her and shes like youre not pranking me right. ok cool can i be your girl in the chair i have skills
-his family would be worried abt his sudden change in demeanor cause the loss of the dad is still strong so they might think its a side effect of grief. maybe darius is so psyched and into it and taking it in stride bc it distracts him from his feelings but it also makes them intense in a way (cause new spider feelings too!) so we will have an emotional breakdown where the camp fam doesnt know whats happening but pick him up afterwards anyway
-school dance also happens here but its more of Finally a normal date that wont be interrupted and its a school dance /r rather than the spiderben scenario (it gets interrupted. maybe. both ways would cause angst if i made a preventable situation happen bc if darius went then ben would question his place in the way of a hero’s + his personal desire not to see darius hurt. if darius didnt go bc he didnt know there’d be some self blame for sure)
-weight of the world once again even tho he’d be older
-spiderangst....even tho its a diff world where he didnt go through the stuff in jwcc (with his family situation the same in canon of course. not gonna kill off anyone) i dont want him to suffer sobs
-thats it really i think i came up w more stuff for spidey darius in terms of dynamics than i can for ben but lets see
-update ive delved more into ben’s state of mind than darius bc well. ben is something too personal too me to not do so so i added in the last pros bullet point to be fair but also cause ben not taking in in stride just gives me more to work w. however i assumed darius would take it in stride without giving it much thought which while he would there’d def be underlying causes for that so boom
-so i think he’d def have a moment at the start where he just tries to ignore the stuff happening to him after getting bit. (he fainted on the school trip when he saw the spider on his hand and the bite) he’s like maybe im just paranoid that was just a common spider...but when things start sticking and he’s jumping way too high hes like oh goddddd esp one day where he wakes up on his ceiling bc his mother dropped a plate downstairs
-giving him the natural web fluid out his wrists would be so funny he’d pass out if that happened But spidermans usually dont have natural web (tobey exception) so ig he’d have to figure out how to make web shooters. after my update on reading up web origins for spidermans tho i think both would be plausible but organic web fluid is the best route for ben just for the initial reaction. darius would be like DUDE. HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK
-i think the dynamics will be similar from above since theyd be taking place in the same world just diff aus in it ^^ childhood best friends benrius, pincusfadoula siblings (not sure if i wanna canonize it like step siblings or lost siblings or adopted...), good buddies with kenji, sammy is a new addition to the grp by yaz and gets along well w kenj....ben and brooklynn prob wouldnt talk much they’d be friends like in canon. i mean the prev spidermans didnt have ppl to help so i think ben would go that route just cause he thinks this is too much but he has to get through it alone cause he’s read hero books....he knows about secret identities and how important they are
-the ignoring his new abilities lasts for a week darius + camp fam def notice. yaz gets to him before darius does (pincusfadoula siblings...) and he’s just like im going through some changes itll be fine
-darius ben convo goes like the s3e1 one except ben just snaps and is like a lot of things are happening in my life okay and you cant help me no one can
-awkwardddd tension in the group after cause they all heard it and ben knows and just walks off its a bad day even worse when this old lady nearly gets hit by a truck but ben just doesnt think and speedruns her out of the way and hes like holy crap. i actually did something. this feeling is great (bc another reason why hes against being spidey is bc he doesnt think he can affect anything despite the powers he has now. his cleanliness is an attempt to keep himself safe from the rest of the world in a way bc if he cant affect the world might as well not let it affect him at least physically)
-he apologizes to darius after he gets himself in order + what he wants to do and obvs welcomed back w open arms
-one day darius just corners ben and is like okay i thought after getting space you’d be back but youre still acting off and atp ben is knee deep in spiderman things and hes like uhhhhh and he just lies his way out of it. darius is hurt obvs bc he can tell but he stops pushing. theres just a weird gap between them now cause they used to tell each other everything. this kinda happens in spiderdarius au too but cause of injuries rather than the purposeful isolation
-one day too close of a call ben swings into darius’ room riding on an adrenaline rush and is like darius its me im spiderman and i almost died today so i really need to tell you that i like you So thats how that confession goes contrary to spiderdarius’ tender comfort/healing moments. darius has to sit down and process these two drops of news
-darius would find the swinging fun but ben would be swinging way too much for his own stomach so he needs to take a breather at the top of a building and darius is like whoa check out this view!! ben’s like i’d rather not
darius: but youre spiderman arent you used to heights by now
ben: im working on it....
-they dont rly start dating since the i like you was served alongside of the identity reveal which is Huge but just small hints darius gives that he likes ben back. school dance comes up they get to go ben asks darius as a way of An Official More Thought Out confession (w yaz’s help)
-the preventable situation during the school dance...if i did go thru w that and not let them have a normal night. it would basically be the same emotional turmoil happening as i stated for spiderdarius bc hero’s guilt is universal yada yada
-honestly none aside from the fact we miss out on spiderdarius cause we cant have both at the same time sobs
-id make sure not to overshadow other’s characterizations bc of my bias on ben and some on darius. the thing is i never want to focus on a ship so much that their interactions become unnatural even if my ideas stem from these two most of the time
idkkkk i kinda wrote all this to get out combined brainrot but i like what ive conceived of this world i could see it as a dual series like. idk which one of these would be the “original” and which one would be its “au” cause i dont want to give the og title to either so maybe if i ever wrote anything for it itd be similar summaries. yeah its swag. congrats if you got this far my brain just spits things out while i black out in a trance and then i come to and realize how much ive written
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