#attractiveness is subjective
winksasleeplesseye · 2 years
y’all be calling joe quinn ugly like it’s a solid objective fact when attractiveness and what people deem attractive is subjective. like just say you’re mean and go.
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f1-birb · 8 months
Why are thick necks so attractive I don’t understand
more surface area to bite idk dude me neither 😅
nah I mean it's each to their own on what you consider attractive, but if I had to guess I'd say it's another visual display of strength that a lot of people are drawn to? like I look and go "damn you stand a chance against whiplash and not getting your shit fully rocked if you got punched hard in the face"
I know a lot of people have a thing for hands, not me personally (there are some exceptions though 👀) same as some people like smiles, eyes, chest, 🍑
it's personal preference, but may you find somebody with a thick neck if that's what you want 🫡
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every time i watch anything with him in it (admittingly, predominantly from the Dropout app), i am reminded that Lou Wilson is the most handsome man to have ever lived. like, objectively. he just is. i will hear no arguments for any other person to be ranked higher. Lou Wilson: whose face single-handedly shows humanity can go no higher in beauty. he is THE most attractive man in the world. argue with the wall lmao
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headcanonthings · 16 days
*During their first date* Bernard: So… what do you like to do in your free time? Tim, sleep deprived with no filter: I like to stalk. Bernard: Oh! Well I like to make Youtube videos Tim: I know.
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stressedbeetle · 5 months
so I just found out that there are four people (including me) that are asexual in my university class. My university class only has 12 people in it.
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sarahreesbrennan · 10 months
Is Elliot decently muscular and athletic to the people in the Border Camp? Does he realize this?
Absolutely yes, and absolutely no.
Elliot has two superhuman personal trainers. They are intensely motivated by his wellbeing, and he is intensely motivated by his desire to earn their affection.
... He doesn't have to do this, but he doesn't realise that. It was interesting for me to chart Elliot's development over years, both physically, mentally and emotionally. To me his outside is a mirror for his insides, as he grew more socially adept and confident and able to charm and negotiate, but still thought of himself as a social reject even while using those skills, despite the cognitive dissonance inherent. Elliot doesn't realise his deeper qualities attract people's love as he doesn't realise his surface qualities attract admiration.
Being unloved by your primary caregivers in childhood means you carry with you--despite evidence to the contrary, despite your own intelligence arguing otherwise--a deep-rooted conviction you are unlovable. And if you have a prickly personality (with that conviction, it's likely: neglect, like other forms of abuse, does not produce perfect victims) you're going to receive feedback that looks to you like more evidence to back up those beliefs, and you won't see the arguments against it. Elliot is observant as hell, but only sees a certain amount because of his blinkers.
... Also I do enjoy writing characters who are deeply oblivious, and providing the clues for my readers. Every character is a mystery in themselves! And the mystery is both tragic and comic.
To people in the Border Camp, Elliot's less impressive than on our side of the wall: they're accustomed to said superhuman personal trainers, but he is still remarkable enough to be remarked upon by their commander. That's especially significant as many of the 'humans' in the Borderlands have inhuman blood, and thus everyone's approach to 'can a human jump from a tall cliff and land unhurt' is 'that doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about the capacities of the species to say...'
Elliot's unquestionably seen as the jock of the council course, which would disgust him if he knew. He's picked to play the homme fatale of his school play and put in revealing outfits, and the very night of the school play while still in sexy costume he sleeps with the (widely-considered) hottest girl in school. (Having already romanced the other contestant for hottest girl in school. And then goes on to hook up with the two best-looking boys. Truly a bisexual icon among the beautiful people.) Extremely fit in all senses of the word, and to those of the Border Camp being visibly athletic is especially attractive because it indicates you're more likely to survive.
To those outside the training camp, well, he gets courted by a harpy on sight ('who is that striking gentleman? I must bring him a bouquet of dead rabbits!), propositioned repeatedly by an elf, and kissed by a mermaid during their first encounter. It is fair to suspect that some of his diplomatic missions have been helped out by people responding to him with 'he's not that diplomatic but... that ass.'
To the people of our world, as Jase testifies, Elliot is clearly the product of fairly intensive athletic or military training.
I remember one post that says 'he is so tall and so ripped' and another one saying he is totally jacked and the fastest man alive.
... I endorse them both.
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chirpsythismorning · 9 months
this has been on my mind recently...
Tumblr media
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mr-payjay · 2 months
hey apparently there are haters following me and i just want to say i fully support mspec lesbians, mspec gays, lesboys, gaygirls, gaybians, etc etc and any queer good faith identities that are contradictory or confusing or """"wrong""". my own identity and some of my friends' identities fit this definition completely. if you don't like this you can unfollow me 👍
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stiffyck · 9 days
So I've seen some posts about body neutrality and I think it's a great way to look at human bodies but some of the posts are. Not sure how to put it but some posts just make me feel really weird about what the op meant.
"Some people are ugly and that's okay" I feel like this just circles back to calling people ugly and being negative about something. It's the opposite of calling someone pretty.
Just like beauty, ugliness is subjective.
I genuinely don't think calling people ugly or saying "some people are ugly and that's okay" is productive or a good way to look at it sorry. It just doesn't feel like neutrality to me.
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wickjump · 12 days
weight gain to show happiness trope but it’s lust sans adjusting to a lifestyle where he doesn’t have a job that requires plenty of physical upkeep and he can relax more often and be more sans like in terms of behavior because he is still a sans
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utilitycaster · 4 months
in keeping with my unpopular opinions re: the attractiveness of fictional men love and light and I adore both Liam and Taliesin as performers but Liam is literally always dressed like this, and Taliesin is, I would assume on purpose, giving Evil Count Von Count while providing an object lesson in why his goth look in the 1990s was platinum rather than jet. like am I insane or is Imari's holster look hottest of the guys and it's not close
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yugsly · 7 months
how do you make such Attractive Puppet men (I have been in Love with MR NEIGHBOR since the first drawing page you made of him)
It's because I am gay and like attractive puppet men
Simple recipe for success
I am glad you like him
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atyourperil · 2 days
hey, actually. justice for ugly people. justice for people who have never been kissed/fucked/whatever because nobody wanted them. justice for the people who were asked out as a joke or dare as kids. people are so mean to people they think are ugly and it’s fucking unfair. it’s not a sign of a lack of worth or morality or whatever. it sucks sometimes but being unattractive isn’t a failing. you didn’t do anything wrong. beauty is not the price you pay for existing in the world.
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I showed my friend Simeon and she went 'Ewww' 😭 like, there are people who don't find Simeon attractive????
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cannibal-of-god · 1 year
it’s not that Wally is hot, per say, it’s that he has secrets and he might be evil and he’s gay and he’s a cutie pie
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
my character designs are for anyone who’s ever felt like a difficult creature to love.
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