#ava's tea shop
littledata · 5 months
@princington's amazing art brought me back to this fic so have a little extra for them.
There are many, many terrible things about dating Beatrice.
For example: she manages to wake up at six AM every single morning to go jogging and comes home looking sweaty and sexy while Ava is still dealing with bedhead. She's also organised to the point of insanity and remembers every important date, even the ones Ava didn't realise she knew (like the date she opened the coffee shop. They hadn't even met for fuck's sake), and manages to swoop in with a thoughtful gift or kind word to mark the occasion. Meanwhile, Ava is still scribbling DON'T FORGET DENTIST - TUESDAY?? on the back of her hand like a high schooler.
And if all of that wasn't horrible enough, even after almost a year of dating, Beatrice can still roll up the cuffs of her sleeves or adjust her glasses or recite some complicated piece of research, and Ava winds up hopelessly turned on in public on the regular.
It sucks, actually. Ava's life is awful.
None of that is the worst part of it though. The worst part of dating Beatrice, who is sexy and thoughtful and intelligent, is that she's fucking impossible to buy gifts for.
Beatrice doesn't actually want anything is half the problem. She reads a lot of books but she mostly checks them out from the university library. She drinks a lot of tea, but Ava runs a coffee shop. If her girlfriend wants tea, she has a store room full of it. Other than that, she mostly likes crosswords, the gym, her friends, and… well. Ava.
It's making planning for the first birthday Beatrice has had since they've been together exceptionally stressful. Particularly since Ava knows for a fact that Beatrice's parents believed in a "socks and school supplies" style of gift giving which, as far as she's concerned, barely even count.
"What are you getting Bea for her birthday?" she whispers conspiriatorially to Camila one Saturday afternoon in Mary and Shannon's back yard. Beatrice herself is bouncing the baby on her knee and debating some obscure scientific hypothesis - something about mold. Ava is surprised to find she actually has an opinion on the topic. Probably all those mold documentaries.
Camila snorts, "Have you just figured out she's impossible to buy for?"
"Yes," Ava stresses, "C'mon, what are you getting her? And if it's really good I'm stealing your idea."
"Oh no." Camila shakes her head, "It took me all year to think of something. You're on your own."
"Cam." Ava tries her best pleading, puppy dog eyes. They don't work nearly as well on Camila as they do on Beatrice.
"Ava." Camila pats her hand comiseratingly, "Just get her what every self-respecting lesbian wants for their birthday."
Ava frowns, "Power tools?"
Camila smirks, "Strap-on and lingerie."
So that conversation was entirely useless - mostly because Ava already owns more than enough of both those things and they sort of seem like a gift for both of them more than just Beatrice. And more than anything else, Ava wants her girlfriend to feel special. Like she's worth something great that's for her and only her.
Shannon is her next port of call. Ava corners her in the kitchen where she's refilling drinks and, probably pre-warned by Camila, looks entirely unsurprised to be accosted.
"We normally order some of the gross British candy she likes," Shannon informs her. "And before you even try it - she knows that's what we get her every year, so don't try and steal the idea."
Ava groans despondently, "I'm hitting a wall here. What the fuck do you buy for someone who doesn't actually want anything?"
Beatrice does always say that her best friend is unreasonably logical and practical in her advice. For the first time, Ava understands her plight when Shannon shrugs and says, "Have you tried asking her?"
With nothing else to do, Ava tries. Admittedly, she probably picks a bad time to do it: she's shirtless and sitting cross-legged on their bed while Beatrice massages lotion into the new tattoo on her shoulder. Bea's fingers are gentle and thorough and very, extremely distracting.
"Hey," Ava says a little breathlessly, her eyes closed, "What do you want for your birthday?"
Beatrice, because she is Beatrice, says, "You don't have to get me anything."
Typical. This is why dating her is so difficult. "Obviously I do," Ava points out. "For my birthday you took me to a theme park even though it's your idea of actual, literal hell." Bea had even bought and worn a t-shirt that said "I RODE THE BIG ONE". Camila has the photograph framed in her office.
"Not actual, literal hell," Beatrice argues, "I enjoyed that you had fun."
"There's really nothing you want?" Ava asks.
Disappointingly, Beatrice's fingers stop their movement and she puts a cap on the lotion, moving off the bed behind Ava. "Is this what you were whispering with Camila and Shannon about earlier?"
"Maybe. They weren't helpful."
Beatrice's smile is affectionate, "They never are." She leans in to kiss her, her hand landing on Ava's bare shoulder and skirting over her neck, "I'd like to spend my birthday with you. That's all."
Ava wraps her arms aroud her shoulders and sighs, "Dating you is the worst."
"Mm, awful," Beatrice agrees, kissing the corner of her mouth and then her jaw. "Shall we break up?"
"Yep." Ava turns her head to press their lips together again and uses her distraction to lie back, pulling Beatrice down on top of her. "We're over."
(On her birthday, they drink tea in bed and do a crossword puzzle with Ava's head on Beatrice's shoulder. Later, they wander through a museum eating wine gums and holding hands. At Shannon and Mary's place, Beatrice unwraps the cordless drill that Ava bought for her.
"Thank you," she says, "It's just what I wanted.")
(Ava saves the strap-on and lingerie for later.)
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Into Your Arms. - Price x OC
|| [<- Part One] ||
pairing: F!OC: Kathleen "Brass" Moore x John Price words: 4.3K~ cw: smut, piv sex (unprotected), car sex, unsafe sexual practices, pussy slapping, flirting, insults, banter, sexual innuendos/intentions, love confessions.
a/n: yes this is a musical fic/chapter thing and it's inspired by Into Your Arms by Ava Max and Witt Lowry.
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Yeah, I don't mean to make you wait, just the pressure's been gettin' heavy
I know if I fuck us up, we'll be over, done, you'll forget me
They dated for a solid 4 months. 4 months straight of him driving over to see her both at work and out of it. With some small missions in between, but constant time together nonetheless.
Showing up at the military hospital with coffee, or a pastry, or a meal to-go, kissing her on the lips, strong hands gripping at the extra fat on her thighs or her ass or her tummy.
Taking her on fancier dates, dinners, films, tea and sweets, little gifts here in there, letting her drag him around the shopping centre, and swipe his card on the machine before she could.
Ending up in her bed more often than not, sneaking out the next morning, meeting her roommate, Molly Cole, on many of those mornings, only to have a message in his phone by noon complaining about how Molly goaded her over him having spent the night over again.
Meeting her friends, her meeting his. Going out together for drinks at the pub, and clubbing, watching her dance and drink, feeling her body against his, seeing her curves in those dresses, watching how she came close to his height in those tall heels of hers...
Only to have to leave, sent on a mission. Many months long... Uncertain of how long just a "Until it's done" promise.
Their relationship was too carefree for a label or title... and too fresh for a 'I'll wait for you'.
It caused a difficult conversation.
One he hadn't expected to go the way it did.
I'm feelin' bad that I act this way, 'cause you let me
They call me king, but I know my queen will be there to check me
A breeching of feelings that they never had to before.
Standing in her bedroom, she was getting dressed, while he stood in the ensuite bathroom, looking in the mirror.
"I don't know when I'll be back." He announced from over his shoulder.
"That's fine." She replied as she fastened her bra.
"No, you don't understand." He grunted as he turned to look at her.
He watched her reach over to grab a black camisole from the hanger.
"What don't I understand?" She asked as she glanced at him before throwing the camisole over her body.
"That I don't know if and when I'll be back... and I don't want you to wait." He leaned against the doorway, looking at her.
"You severely overestimate how invested I am in this, John." Kathleen said as she pulled her brown hair off from the accidental tuck inside her camisole.
"So you won't care that I go?" John asked her as he crossed his arms.
"Were you expecting me to?" She chuckled as she crossed her own arms, mirroring him.
"And you won't miss me, huh?" He teased.
"Nope." She replied nonchalantly.
"Won't even worry that I might die out there?"
"I hope you do, actually."
John rolled his eyes and scoffed. "You're a horrible woman."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, war criminal-" She rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying, don't expect me to be waiting for you with open arms."
I'm out of my head, out of my mind
If you let me, I'll be out of my dress and into your arms tonight
Feels like I'm always waitin'
Kathleen is good at lying. Normally.
When John told her he had to go, and for the next three weeks, she acted as if she didn't care, as if she wouldn't and didn't miss him at all.
But it was slowly tearing her up from the inside out.
Whenever an SAS team was sent back and came into Tidworth for treatment, she'd stiffen up.
She'd run out to the helipad, rushing for the chopper and directing the other nurses and doctors and triage, and then she'd look around, amidst the chaos, wide-eyed and feral, as if expecting to find her boyfriend on a stretcher...
Was he even her boyfriend?
Had he ever been?
Two months came and went and it settled however. She started seeing other people, one-night stands (shameless ones), a couple of dates with blokes she found a bit too nice (boring)...
It was an earnest attempt at moving on.
Then he came back. She heard of it from others...
He didn't contact her for the first two weeks.
Acting like he was single, like he had been single this whole time.
Like she had been too, she guessed.
Yeah, I don't mean to make you wait or to contemplate about us
My ex, she loved to lie, guess that's why it's harder to trust
I been searchin' to find myself and not get too lost into lust
But she couldn't help but wonder if when he said 'don't wait for me', he really was just looking for an excuse not to continue dating her when he came back.
Then on the Saturday of week three, at 11 P.M., she received a text from him.
Big Bastard 🙄: "Can I come see you?"
And she let him.
She opened the door for him and he pushed his way inside, arms wrapped tight around her waist, a hand digging into her scalp, pressing her into the wall and claiming her mouth with a greedy kiss.
His tongue dug into her mouth like he was trying to stake claim on her from the inside out, pressing her body to his, her heavy breasts pushed tight against his muscular, nearly spilling out of her cami top as he groaned into her mouth.
They ended up tangled in each other's web again for two more months, having picked up right where they left off.
Going on dates again. Beach days, pool days, picnics, hikes, long drives, concerts and films.
Being all over each other, in each other's beds. In each other's arms.
Then he got another mission. Another 'don't know when I'll be back'.
Another 'I won't wait for you'.
But this time, when she said it, he saw through it.
He saw the look in her eyes. The exact opposite of the look of relief she had shown the day he came back into her life.
And he promised himself that when he did come back, he wouldn't reach out. That he wouldn't crawl his way back into her bed, her arms, her life.
If it was up to you now, you would be mine
I'm on the road more than I'm home, and still I find it's only you on my mind
He came back four months later. Early february.
And as he touched down and the helo lowered the back hatch, he stood there, with his arms crossed behind his back...
And he sought her out. As if expecting her to have somehow heard of him coming back, and would be there waiting.
When he left the base to hit up Hereford for a drink with his team, or his mates, he found himself missing the turn because the muscle memory to speed off to Tidworth was too much.
He'd be at the pub with his mates and look around, scanning the crowds of women with fake tans and skimpy dresses, as if look for those legs, that tummy, that set of tits.
You can't buy time with your money
And you love goin' to the beach whether it's cloudy or sunny
He'd go down to the shopping centre to get a new shirt or pants or shoes, and he'd pass by a window and take note of what in there he could buy to surprise her with.
He'd find a new restaurant she'd have wanted to try, a local shelter advertising a cat for adoption, her friends posting pictures with her on social media...
And he'd open her contact on his phone and his fingers would type a message...
Kat 😾 John: been thinking about you x
He couldn't reach out to her though, he couldn't. Not when she's that attached to him. Not when she needs him to stay, to be hers, to make promises and uphold them.
And you love drinkin' all your wine until it hurts in your tummy
You call me, "Honey, I'm tipsy and really all I want is for you to love me"
And then at 0200 hours, in one of the nights where he was out for a drink, his phone rang. He nearly jumped out of his seat when he saw her name on the screen.
"Yeah?" He greeted once he picked up, after having stepped out of the pub and standing in the dark and cold street under the pub awning.
"John..." She murmured, sounding whiny on the other side of the line.
"Kat..." He returned the greeting. "What's wrong?"
"I miss you." She whimpered into the line with a huff.
He knew that tone. It was the tone she always had when they'd go out together and she'd get pissed.
"We can't do this, Kat."
"John..." She whined.
Needy, soft, desperate to be held, to be kissed, to be fucked.
Fuck, how he missed her.
"Where are you?" He ended up asking her.
That's all it took. A drunk call, a messy drunk kiss as he helped her into bed, cuddling all night.
That's all it fucking took.
And then they ended up tangled in each other's web, once again.
Five months.
Dates, birthdays, a vacation overseas to Portugal, and sort of, but not really, pondering about moving in together.
And then he got called for another mission.
And as he sat her down again, this time, they breached it much differently than the other times.
Because this time, he had a timeline. Somewhere between six months and a year and a half.
"I'm not waiting for you." She told him directly, before he even had time to say anything.
He swore the ring box in his pocket was burning a hole through the fabric and onto his skin.
He just clenched his jaw and nodded. "That's your choice, then."
"It is." She replied. "Easier for the both of us."
And so he went and, as assumed, he came back nine months later.
And he tried. He tried. He tried to fucking stay away. He really did...
For two fucking days after touching down.
But his hands itched to touch her, his arms longed to wrap around her, his body felt colt and alone in his twin bed in the barracks;
His ears itched to hear her mewl and croon as he worked her sensitive bundle of nerves between his lips;
His soul itched to argue with her, to watch and hear her fight him, to witness her preen when she delivered a devastating insult, only to be hit with one back, to watch the smirk on her lips and the shine in her eyes as they challenged each other;
He missed her sitting pretty in his passenger seat, he missed her pulling him by the arm in public like a dog on a lead, he missed her being vocal when someone pissed her off, he missed surprising her at work with food and drink, he missed being sent out at night because she ran out of fags, he missed keeping a change of clothes in her closet, and a spare key in his pocket, he missed the looks men would give him when he walked around with a beautiful woman like her hanging off his arm...
He missed the dulcets of her voice even when she raised it.
He missed the scent of her shampoo, and her perfume, and her lotion.
He missed the red lipstick stains she'd leave all over his face.
He missed her.
I know I need to tell you, I care before it's too late
Before someone steps to the plate
Before you decide not to wait
Before you decide not to chase
So, like a bloody coward, he showed up at her flat door at 2000 on a Saturday, finding Kathleen's roommate, Molly Cole.
"She's not home, John."
"Is she having a shift at the hospital? That's fine, I don't mind waiting all night if I have to."
"No, she's on a date."
He felt his blood run cold.
No way in fucking hell was he letting another man have Kathleen.
He didn't care how pathetic it made him look.
So, after getting the information of where she was and with whom, John took off after her.
The text pinged Kathleen's phone while she was halfway through talking to her date.
A nice bloke named Edward, with whom she'd been on dates a couple of times by now. He wasn't completely boring though she had yet to feel the spark.
Probably because every bloke she'd go on dates with between John leaving for deployment and coming back would always get compared to John.
Big Bastard 🙄: I'm outside. Leave him and let me take you home.
She glanced at it and only answered after asking for a moment from Edward, claiming it to be her roommate.
Kat 😾: I'm not leaving.
Big Bastard 🙄: Either you leave or I'll go in there and take you back myself.
Kat 😾: I'd love to see you try.
She didn't know what she was saying. Not really. She always loved to play games with John in the past, to taunt him and goad him and tease him until his buttons were pushed too far and he acted.
But they had never had a moment like this.
One where the door of the restaurant was pulled open by John, and he marched inside, still in uniform, right up to her table, eyes locked on her, like a predator zeroed in on its prey.
And she had no intentions of running away.
He came up to her and grabbed her by the forearm, yanking her up and out of her seat, causing the cutlery to rattle against the plate.
"What is this? What do you think you're doing?" Edward spoke up as he got up as well, as if he could somehow stop this from happening.
John shot a look at Edward, a glare that could make most men freeze in the spot, as he grabbed her coat and draped it over his free arm, same with her purse.
"Your date is over." John said bluntly as he stared at Edward. "She won't be calling you again."
Then he walked off, pushing Kathleen along toward the door, carrying her things for her, as he dragged her toward the car.
Kathleen was almost ashamed to admit how much she had enjoyed that display of caveman-like possession on his part.
Hell, it turned her on.
But that didn't mean that she would just lay down and take it.
No, John, despite everything, had no right to do this. To come waltzing back into her life as he so pleased, acting as if he had a claim to her.
And she was going to make sure he knew it.
As John got into the driver's seat after having helped her into the passenger's, and began driving off, she threw a hand at him and started hitting him in the arm.
"How bloody dare you?!" Kathleen raised her voice as she hit him repeatedly, fists slamming into his arm and shoulder in such a way that he knew in the morning he'd have bruises.
Heavy handed she always was. Just like him. She'd leave him bruises and bleeding, he'd leave her bruises and crying. After sex, that is.
"Stop that, Kat, I swear to God." John grunted as he moved his arm a bit to try and catch her hands and stop her from hitting him.
"What do you think you're doing, ruining my date like that and... kidnapping me like a... Neanderthal?" She continued scolding him and hitting him, dodging his attempts at grabbing her.
"I didn't kidnap you, shut your fucking gob for once, you cunt." He told her. "You're acting as if I threw you over my shoulder while you were kicking and screaming. I just walked ya out!"
"It doesn't matter! You have no fucking right to do that, I was enjoying myself!"
"Like hell you were!" John shouted as he suddenly hit the brakes, pulling the car over to the side of the secluded road they were on, and turning swiftly to face her. "Say that again."
Kathleen went quiet as she glared at him and him and her, chests rising and falling, breaths erratic.
"Go on. Say it again. Say you were enjoying yourself." He goaded her. "Say you were truly and whole-heartedly enjoying yourself. Say it and I'll take you back there."
She continued staring at him. She was normally a great liar, an excellent one, a great poker face, quick at coming up excuses...
And sure she had been enjoying herself... just fine during that date. Maybe... maybe not as much as she would with John. But better than the others.
But she knew she couldn't lie about it this time. So she just huffed and muttered a 'Fuck you, John'. Her brown eyes jumpy and erratic, flicking between his blue ones.
"Oh, is that how it is?" He asked her with a cocked brow as he pulled the break on the car and then leaned over the centre console toward her. "A 'fuck you' is what I get?"
"Yeah, it's what you get." She replied with a sharp nod, her brows furrowing in anger and frustration.
"Well, then, fuck you too, sweet'art." He replied as got right in her face, both of them staring deep into the other's eyes like they were seconds away from throwing fists.
"Oh, I already know everything about how you want me to go fuck myself, Jonathan." The brunette told him and, for once, her voice quivered for a moment.
Vulnerability. He never thought he'd see the day.
"I've never wanted that." John said while shaking his head. "You're the one that always says you're not going to wait for me and you don't care about me going on deployment, Kat. So who's really making who go fuck themselves?"
"I do that for you, you bloody fucking idiot." Kathleen spat in a vitriol tone as she glared at him. Then, she turned her face and looked away, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Oh what? Do you? And how's that?" John confronted her as he leaned his head over so he could get back in her line of sight. "By acting like you don't care about me? About us?"
Kathleen's head snapped toward him again, eyes widened. "Oh, so there's an 'us' now, is there?" She asked with nothing if not disbelief in her voice.
"There always was an us." John replied as he glared at her. "Never fucking wanted anyone else. And you can't tell me you've wanted anyone else either."
"Oh piss off. You think I don't know what you soldiers do when you're overseas?" She goaded and nodded upward in an act of challenge. "I'm an Army nurse, John, not a civvy."
"I won't lie and say I didn't get involved with other women overseas." John told her point blank. "Just like you can't day you didn't get involved with other men either." He raised his brows, which caused her her grimace and nod.
"But we both know what the fuck that was. And what it meant. And where it stands compared to us."
"Oh don't give me that bloody 'us' bullshit." She grumbled and rolled her eyes. "You don't like me all that much, and I don't like you all that much."
John reached forward and gripped her around the jaw, tugging her face toward him, before looking right into her eyes.
"I might not. And you might not." He nodded as he stared into her eyes. "But it drives me fucking mental to not have you with me. I think about you every fucking day."
Her lips parted for a moment as he continued. "I want you by my side and not some other wanker that you know doesn't do it for you the way I do." He warned her, his eyebrows setting low over his blue eyes, causing them to darken.
"You're such a bastard, you know that?" Kathleen told him, eyes widened and pupils blown as she glared into his eyes too.
"I know. And you're such a cunt." John grunted in reply.
They stared at each other silently for another moment before they both lunged forward and kissed, their hands finding their way amidst each other's hairs.
John slid his seat back as far as it could go and then lowered the backrest all the way until the headrest was flush against the backseat.
He flipped him and Kathleen over, breaking the kiss for just a moment in order to slot her beneath him on the driver's seat.
He parted her legs and rolled up the hem of her little black dress, exposing her backside and cunt to him again.
"Fucking slag, not even wearing underwear..." He grunted at the sight of her cunt, deliciously wet and glistening in the orange light provided by the street lamps above.
"Fuck you, John. I had a date." She complained.
"Of course, how could I forget... You never wear knickers for those, do ya? Never did with me." He goaded.
Slipping off her high heels, he tossed them haphazardly onto the backseat as he slotted one of her feet on the ledge of the driver's side window, the other over his shoulder.
"You're still in bloody uniform, you want to talk?" She pointed out, which earned her glistening cunt a smack from his calloused fingers. "Shut your gob."
Hissing, she rolled her eyes and lifted a hand at him, flipping him off, which caused him to growl under his breath and slap her pussy again, making her squirm beneath him.
"Bloody hell... I missed that cunt of yours..." He grunted as he ran his fingers over her folds affectionately, collecting some of the wetness before he slipped them into his mouth, for a taste of her, due to lack of a better position for it.
The groan that came from him after tasting her again was obscene. "How'd I go almost a whole year without tasting you?" He complained.
Kathleen bit her lip to hide that smirk that wanted to take over her lips, trying to act like she was still unbothered by it. By him.
"D'she miss me too, da'lin'?" John asked her with a cocked brow as he got busy undoing his belt and unbuttoning his pants.
"No." Kathleen lied with a shrug. "Been keeping her awfully busy." She remarked nonchalantly.
"Right..." John said as he pulled down his boxer briefs, allowing for his hardened cock to spill out, too heavy to bounce back against his stomach, and instead hanging low, the head already brushing against her glistening cunt.
"But none of those knobheads you've been getting busy with are me, now, are they?" He teased.
And, before she could come up with a scathing, hurtful comment about how the others were better, which John could anticipate her doing, he plunged his cock balls deep into her in one swift motion, causing her to let out a startled, choked sound.
As he bottomed out inside her, feeling like he was home again, he leaned over her, pressing his weight forward on her leg and folding her over herself.
"That's it..." He grunted, pulling his hips back barely an inch before thrusting them forward again, causing a squeak to escape his woman's plump lips as his cock stretched her full.
"John..." She whined, one hand leaving a handprint on the glass window beside her, the other with the arm wrapped over the centre console of the car for support.
"Yeah, call my name." He demanded and hissed through his teeth before he pulled a few more inches back and then thrusted back in, his cock stretching her sinfully and his cock head pounding into her cervix.
Kathleen squirmed and gasped, feeling every inch of his thick cock push and pull across her gummy walls, his heavy balls beginning to steadily slap against her ass as he pounded into her.
One of his hands found its way around her neck, squeezing the sides as the other gripped the top of the driver's seat for support, allowing him to continue in his filthy avenue: taking her for all she's worth.
"Fuckin' ell, Katy..." He grunted as he looked down at her, the way her mouth hung open with desperate gasps and little whines escaping her.
Digging her nails into the leather cover of the console next to her, she whined in delight, already breathing heavy even if he wasn't actually squeezing her throat.
"I can never have enough of you." John grunted, his head rubbing against the plush interior ceiling of his car with each thrust of his.
"Look at me." He demanded, her brown eyes flittering to find his blue ones, the pupils wide and dark. "Keep your eyes on me..." He huffed.
Nodding, Kathleen continued making eye contact with John, though she was so overwhelmed by pleasure that she couldn't necessarily focus.
"Fuck... I swear... It's like you love when I call you a cunt... when we argue... You always get so fucking wet..." John grunted through clenched teeth and ragged breaths, his ears honing in on the filthy sound of his cock plunging into her dripping cunt.
"You'll be the bloody death of me, Kathleen..." He grunted as he leaned forward and caught her mouth with his, sucking her lips greedily.
Their tongues slipped out of their mouths and met in the middle, the both of them nearly drooling from the intense pleasure, eyes falling closed as they panted and moaned, muffling each other and trading saliva.
"I love you..." Kathleen moaned as she looked up into his eyes, which caused John to groan, eyes rolling back, before letting his head fall forward to hide his face in her neck.
"Fuck..." John moaned in her ear. "Tell me again... tell me you love me."
"I love you, John..." Kathleen whined, causing him to hiss again.
"I love you..."
"Oh, fuck... I love you too..."
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jeridandridge · 1 month
Domestic Melissa x Sophia, Sophia helps a stressed Melissa.
Sitting in the living room with four stacks of papers from her second and third grade class Melissa huffs bringing her hand to her forehead. Across the room Sophia gets up from the recliner tossing her book onto the seat as she goes over to her girlfriend, her hand outstretched. “Okay, hot stuff. That’s enough grading for a bit.”
“Hon, I have to get these done.” Melissa sighs reaching up to gently squeeze her girlfriend’s hand.
Sophia knows how frazzled the redheads been with the extra workload and how Ava won’t budge on getting an aid for the class. Now she does everything she can to make sure her girlfriend relaxes enough.
“Take a break, baby.” She smiles as Melissa stands pulling her into a hug to rest her forehead on her shoulder with a sigh.
“These kids are kicking my ass and Barb keeps saying we need to keep the extra help for the young’ns but I don’t know how much more I can deal with.”
As Melissa tiredly rambles the brunette rubs her back kissing her hair. “If you’re having a tough time there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. That’s what Ava’s supposed to do as your boss.” She gently pulls away keeping her hands on her arms.
“Go upstairs, get comfy, and I’ll be up in five.”
Letting out a content sigh Melissa nods knowing her girlfriend is right. Tipping her head up she gives her a soft kiss before going upstairs. when the redhead is up in their room Sophia smiles moving around the kitchen knowing exactly how to give her girlfriend a pick me up.
Coming upstairs a few minutes later Sophia smiles seeing her girlfriend cuddled in the mound of blankets on their bed. “Okay, we got camomile tea, a cookie from the shop, and your favorite trash tv.” She smiles setting the threats down on the nightstand.
“You’re good to me, Amore.” Melissa beams tiredly, patting the spot next to her as she sits up.
Moving to her usual spot Sophia sits propped against the headboard with her arm around the redhead, happy to see her relax. As Melissa nurses the tea in her mug her eyes are glued to the grown adults fighting on the tv while her fingers absentmindedly play with Sophia’s.
“So this guy cheated and now they have split custody of the dog?” Sophia hums paying attention to the show a good thirty minutes in. When Melissa doesn’t answer, Sophia looks over seeing her girlfriend completely asleep. Carefully pulling her arm back she fixes the blanket around Melissa and leans over kissing her temple.
Getting up Sophia turns the tv volume down and takes the empty mug with her back downstairs where she eventually sits on the floor, arms propped on the coffee table with a green pen in hand, because according to Melissa red is too harsh, as she works through the stacks with the answer keys.
It’s a simple action, but she loves to help her girlfriend when she can.
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tongue-ttied · 2 years
my avatrice headcanons cause they’re adorable:
-Ava was the first one to call Beatrice her best friend
-it made Bea’s heart warm and happy knowing she’s that important to Ava, but also sad thinking that’s all she was to her
-Ava wants to know everything (especially little things) about Beatrice so she asks her a lot of questions; she now knows her last name, middle name, zodiac sign, birthday, shoe size, favourite food / colour / animal / song / movie / book, if she’s ever had a pet, if she’s ever broken a bone, etc
-Beatrice learnt to cook at boarding school, Ava can barely boil water
-Beatrice cooks while Ava sits on the counter and snacks on the food
-Ava plays music really loudly in the apartment
-Ava takes a TON of pictures especially of Bea
-Beatrice rereads the same book over and over again because it brings her comfort
-Ava was so excited to drink coffee but she found it way too bitter at the cats cradle and hated it
-Ava drank hot chocolate instead of coffee for the first month in the alps until she found out you can add flavoured creamers to coffee (she still prefers hot chocolate)
-Beatrice drinks a lot of tea, Ava takes a sip every time and hates it every time
-Ava stops to pet every dog or cat she sees
-Ava’s obsessed with cows
-Beatrice has warm hands, Ava has cold hands (i know everyone thinks the opposite but this just makes sense to me)
-Ava always tucks her cold hands up the back of Bea’s shirt to prank her
-when Ava and Beatrice stayed at Jilian’s house they shared a room ; Beatrice helped Ava settle in and then went to leave but Ava shyly asked if Bea could stay with her since she was used to them sharing the same space
-apartment had one bed ; Beatrice offered to sleep on the couch
-eventually they share the bed, Ava loves to cuddle, she curls up into Bea, tucks her cold toes under Bea’s legs, tucks her cold fingers into her shirt, tucks her cold nose into the crook of Bea’s neck
-at first Bea internally freaked out every time Ava did this, but now she can’t sleep without her
-when Beatrice reads, Ava always sits next to her and asks her 100 questions about her book
-after a while when Ava would sit next to her she’d start reading out loud for her, Ava then started laying her head on Beatrice’s lap to listen
-Ava takes a lot of naps / she can fall asleep anywhere
-Beatrice can draw / she totally drew Ava sleeping on their couch
-Beatrice can sing but she’s too shy so she only does it when she thinks she’s alone / Ava’s caught her singing a few times and it’s her favourite thing ever
-Ava always buys trinkets and knickknacks from every little shop she goes to in the Alps to decorate their apartment
-Ava always steals Beatrice’s shirts and sweaters cause she says they’re comfier (she just likes how they smell like Bea)
-Ava tried to cook Bea pancakes and burnt them
-Beatrice got a cold and Ava acted like she was on her deathbed / was a helicopter girlfriend and totally babied her while taking care of her
-Beatrice still has all of Ava’s clothes so she started incorporating some of her pieces into her own wardrobe
-Beatrice still reads out loud even though Ava isn’t there to listen
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writingwhimsey · 2 months
Married to The Enemy - Shingen Ch. 41
Chapter 41
After an initial and slightly awkward introduction, we were all sitting at the dinner table. Oba-san sat at the head of the table, Shingen sat to one side of her and I sat next to him. Touji sat directly across from Shingen and Shoko sat across from me.
“Okay, I have to know, since we got interrupted before you could answer,” Shoko began looking at me, “How did you two meet?”
I was a terrible liar. Oba-san had known the truth, but Shoko and Touji didn’t know…and it would be much harder for them to come to terms with the truth. I needed to come up with something that was believable but close to the truth. Thankfully the interruption had given me some time to think.
“We were set up by some friends.” I answered. Set up by friends….arranged political marriage for the sake of an alliance…close enough. 
“Oh so a blind date?” Shoko asked. 
Blind date, blind wedding…same thing. “Yes. And Shingen was a perfect gentleman and charming and I quickly fell for him.”
“Not nearly as quickly as I fell for you, my goddess.” Shingen said, looking at me with warm gray eyes. “I still think I’m the luckiest man in the world to have you as my wife.” He was then reaching for my hand and bringing it to his lips to place a light kiss on the back of my hand.
“You guys are so cute.” Oba-san said. 
“What was your first date like?” Shoko asked.
We got married. I thought, but then again we did have a first date after that. “We went to a traditional tea house and then walked around some traditional craftsman’s shops.”
“Oh, that sounds like fun. You’ve always appreciated traditional crafts.” Shoko said.
“Yes, and she wouldn’t let me buy her anything.” Shingen said, giving a slight pout.
“If I let you buy me something every time you wanted to, we’d have no room for anything else.” I replied. 
“So, you typically try to buy gifts on a first date?” Touji spoke up, apparently deciding he wanted to join the conversation.
“From the moment I met Ava, I knew I wanted to shower her in gifts.” Shingen replied. “Ava is the most special kind of woman who deserves nothing but the best in life.”
“How exactly do you plan on providing that to her?” Touji asked. “What exactly do you do?”
I looked over at Touji. “Why are you questioning my husband like you’re my father?”
Touji seemed taken aback for a moment. He cleared his throat. “I just…you’re my friend and you just show up here married to some stranger. I just want to make sure he’s good enough for you.”
Shoko was choking on her drink at the time.
“I think I am perfectly capable of determining who is good enough for me.” I said, feeling annoyed.
Shingen was giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. “It’s alright Ava. I don’t mind and I can understand where he’s coming from.” He told me. “Besides at this point I am used to being questioned by the other people who care about you.”
I knew he was referring to Hideyoshi and the other Oda warlords. I smiled at him. “Shingen…”
Shingen was then turning back to Touji, directly meeting his gaze. A cool confidence in his eyes even as he still held my hand. “So, ask any questions you have.”
Shoko was grinning. “Oh, this just keeps getting better.” She muttered, taking a sip from her glass. She was clearly enjoying whatever was going on.
Touji seemed taken aback by Shingen’s direct look. But then he squared his shoulders and gave Shingen a rather challenging gaze. “Right…so my question still stands. What do you do? I run my family’s grocery store with my sister.”
How in the world was Shingen going to answer this? I mean he couldn’t exactly tell him he was a warlord in Feudal Japan. But I also felt like I couldn’t answer for him. Especially after what had just happened.
Shingen didn’t seem to be phased at all. He had been learning a lot about the modern day in the short amount of time we had been here. “I am a property manager.” Shingen answered. “It was a family business that I inherited and I do quite well.”
That…that wasn’t really a lie. Left out a LOT of things, but…it was close enough to the truth. I honestly think Shingen went with that explanation for me since he knew I wasn’t a good liar.
“I see.” Touji replied. He was not expecting that answer. “And what do you plan to do to make sure Ava is happy? You know she wants to be a fashion designer. You better not be expecting her to be some housewife barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.”
“I would never dream of standing in the way of my goddess’s dreams.” Shingen replied.
“I’ve actually gotten even more sewing work since Shingen and I got married and I moved in with him.” I said. “A lot of his clients order commissions from me. And Shingen has been very supportive of my dreams. In fact my first commission he ordered from me, though secretly so I didn’t know it was him until he gifted me my own piece…well pieces.”
“Oh, what was the commission?” Shoko asked.
“Matching yukatas for a festival we attended together.” I answered.
“Oh, that’s adorable.” Shoko gushed.
“It was and it was shortly after that that I started getting in lots of commission requests.” I went on. “This man is just the sweetest.”
“Not nearly as sweet as my angel.” Shingen replied.
“Speaking of sweets, why don’t we move this into the garden outback?” Oba-san suggested. “We can have tea and dessert out there.”
“That sounds lovely.” I said.
“Very lovely.” Shoko agreed.
We were all moving outside then to the outdoor seating area. Oba-san had a nice table in the center that we were able to sit our tea and sweets on. I was reaching for one of the special tea cookies Oba-san was famous for. “Oooh, Shingen, you have to try Oba-san’s tea cookies. She makes the best ones.” I was offering the cookie to him.
Shingen grinned at me. “You know I can’t say no to anything sweet.” He said, leaning in to take a bite of the cookie directly from my hand, making me flush since we were still around everyone. Of course, my embarrassment went away when I saw the genuine smile on Shingen’s face. I adore the way that man loves sweets. “Oh…that is good.”
I smiled. I was then turning an accusatory look to my grandmother. “Yes and it’s one of the only things Oba-san still hasn’t taught me how to make yet.”
“I taught you.” Oba-san replied. “It’s not my fault you couldn’t get it right.”
“Yes it is. You definitely left something out of the recipe.” I told her. “Mom didn’t even know how to make them either.”
Oba-san smiled. “Well, I can’t give away all of my secrets.”  She then winked at me.
“I knew it.” I replied.
“So, did you two elope?” Shoko asked once we had all settled in. “I mean since Mrs. Shiba didn’t mention attending a wedding and all…and she said this was her first time meeting you, Shingen.”
“Oh, I just wasn’t able to attend the wedding.” Oba-san said. 
“Yes, it was some distance away.” I added. “Just a small intimate ceremony at a shrine.”
“Oh, so you went the traditional route and not the Western route?” Shoko asked.
I nodded. “Yes and it was a perfect day.” I said smiling. 
Shingen smiled. “The happiest day of my life…well except for perhaps the day you told me you love me.”
I smiled as I recalled that day…it actually wasn’t all that long ago. Sure I had fallen in love with him quite some time back, but I didn’t verbalize it till just recently. It had been the day I had learned of Shingen’s illness. I’d confessed my love for him with tears in my eyes as I told him I didn’t want to lose him.
“I notice you two don’t wear wedding rings.” Touji stated. “I find that odd. I mean, you claim to be married, but then don’t wear the proof of your union? Seems like it would make it easier to cheat.”
I glared at Touji. 
Touji gave me a look. “What? I am just looking out for you Ava. And I also don’t see an engagement ring either.”
“Wedding rings aren’t common everywhere you know.” I pointed out.
Though Shingen didn’t know what a wedding ring was exactly, he was excellent at gathering context clues. “I don’t need an outward reminder to not cheat on my wife.” Shingen spoke up. “Besides, I would never do anything to break Ava’s heart. Making an angel cry is a sin. And why would I want any other woman when I have the most wonderful one right here?”
I was melting at Shingen’s words. I knew he was responding to Touji’s challenge…but I also knew he really meant every word he said.
“Awe…” Shoko and Oba-san gushed in unison.
Touji seemed irritated. It was as if he were trying to find some flaw with Shingen. Find some reason…which given what happened when he first showed up, I can only guess that he was. I would have thought he would be happy for me. I mean I guess I should have realized that he had feelings for me, but I had always thought we were just good friends.
“So, Ava, you said you were getting in more commissions.” Oba-san said, jumping into the conversation. “Tell us what that’s like.”
I was grateful for the subject change and gave my grandmother a smile that said as much. “Oh, it’s great. I get to work directly with my customers and make their dream outfits.”
“So, it’s like when you made those outfits for me when we were growing up?” Shoko asked.
I nodded. “Yes and I am building up a good client base and I really love it.”
“Wait, so is Miss Shoko here the friend you mentioned?” Shingen asked. “That you made your first piece for.”
I smiled. “She is.” I answered. “I told you about that so long ago, I can’t believe you remembered.”
“I remember everything you tell me, my love.” Shingen replied.
The conversation flowed for a while longer before Oba-san was asking me and Shoko to come help her clean up in the kitchen. She asked Shingen and Touji to help clean up the outside seating area.
“Ava, I must say, Shingen seems like a keeper.” Shoko told me.
“I have to agree.” Oba-san said, smiling. “I knew you had a glow about you when you first came to visit me and now I can see why. He seems like a VERY wonderful husband.”
I smiled. “He really is the best.” I replied. “And I love him so very much.”
“And I can tell by the way he looks at you, he loves you so very much in turn.” Shoko said. “The way his eyes light up and his face softens when he looks at you…THAT is love. That’s love that’s written about in all the romance novels.”
I giggled. “It really does feel that way sometimes.” I said. “He just…he makes me feel so loved and so safe and warm…”
“Okay though, now that it’s just us gals, I gotta know…what’s he like in the bedroom?” Shoko asked.
I blushed. “Shoko…”
“I already asked her before and she said he’s easily the best she’s ever had.” Oba-san spoke up.
“Oh?” Shoko asked, giving me a look and wiggling her eyebrows. “Come on, do tell? I bet with as large as he is he just completely envelops you?”
“I mean…yeah.” I replied, letting out a bashful giggle. “And…he really knows what to do with his hands…his very large dexterous hands…his lips and tongue too.”
Shoko nudged me with her hip. “Oooh, girl. Tell me more.”
I giggled. “Well, you mentioned romance novels…imagine the steamiest most romantic romance novel you can. That’s what making love to Shingen is like.”
“Oh, I am jealous indeed.” Shoko replied.
“Speaking of jealous…do you really think those two will be alright out there?” I asked, thinking about Shingen and Touji.
“Well, we all know Touji is no fighter…and even if he was there’s no way he could do anything to Shingen. I mean the size and muscle difference alone.” Shoko said.
I sighed as I gave her a look. “That’s not what I meant and in that case I would definitely be more worried about Touji.” Shingen is a warlord after all. Expert with a freaking great sword… I don’t think there’s any opponent he couldn’t take down.
“I am sure everything will be fine.” Oba-san said. “Honestly it might be better for them to sort things out without us all out there hovering.”
“You might have a point.” I replied. “But still…”
“It will be fine.” Shoko said. “Besides, Touji is a big boy now. He’ll get over this. And being one on one with Shingen might even help that.”
“I suppose.” I replied.
Shoko patted me on the shoulder. “It’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry.”
“And I am sure Shingen won’t get the wrong idea either.” Oba-san said. “After everything I am sure that your feelings are clear to him.”
That was definitely my other worry. I didn’t want Shingen to think he had anything to worry about from anyone else. He was the man I loved and wanted to be with. How my grandmother knew that that’s what I was thinking, I’ll never know.
“Alright, now stop worrying about the guys and let’s keep catching up.” Shoko said. “You know, my oldest boy is nine now.”
“My goddess, time really does fly.” I said.
Shoko nodded. “Yup. And Touji and I are running the store now.” Shoko happily prattled on about her life over the last few years, catching me up on everything that had happened while I was gone. I appreciated the distraction and learning that she was doing well. Though I still couldn’t help but to worry about Shingen and Touji outside alone.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @oda-princess @tele86 @kisara-16 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic
@bjorkshire-pudding @eventinelysplayground hope you two are enjoying the show with your popcorn
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itscappyj · 1 year
Avatrice + soft mornings
Today's prompt comes in the form of a Band AU deleted scene. This takes place the first winter after they get together and Ava is in her final year of university. They've been a couple for about 7 months by this point. (Yes I did read the prompt, you have to trust the journey on this one):
Sleep had become a problem.
Every waking moment, Ava’s brain was occupied by assignments, exams and performances. When she wasn’t thinking about her to-do list, she was obsessing over what had already passed. Things she could no longer control, nothing to do but wait for the results.
She had spent the night on the phone to Beatrice, hoping and praying that her mind would settle enough to let her rest. They talked for hours, until the yawns from the other end of the line could no longer be ignored.
It worked a little - she managed to get a few hours before her body woke her up in a flash of anxiety. She had given up trying to go back to sleep and now sat by her bedroom window, huddled up in a hoodie. Too many weeks had passed for it to smell like Beatrice anymore but she still found comfort in it.
Outside, the sloppy remains of snow began to reflect the barely rising sun. It looked so peaceful and quiet out there, like the world itself was asleep. 
The boys were staying at Michael’s mum's house for a bit while she recovered from a broken ankle. The house had been so empty. So lonely.
She had Beatrice to talk to, and it helped, but it wasn’t enough. There was no one here for those little everyday interactions. The things you take for granted until they’re gone. Someone asking how your day was when you get home; asking if you want a cup of tea made because they’re popping the kettle on; checking to see if you need anything from the shop; showing you a meme that made them laugh over breakfast.
It was hard enough to be in a long-distance relationship but she hadn’t realised just how much of a buffer the boys had been. Now she feels it like a gaping hole. So many little things that could be easily soothed by a squeeze of the hand, a kiss on the cheek, a hug, now spill over until she’s crying at nothing.
The distance itself wasn't even that much. They were both just so busy striving to achieve their own goals. Objectively, they were both killing it. Ava was acing uni and Beatrice’s band was starting to really gain traction. Somehow, that did very little to ease her mind. 
Maybe it was because the exam period had just ended and she was exhausted. Maybe it was the short, dark winter days that embedded themselves so deeply in her soul, it felt like she may never feel the sun's warmth again. Maybe it was that she would lay down at night and curl in on herself so tightly just so that she wouldn't be able to feel the empty space beside her. 
"Fuck, I miss you." A quiet sob shakes her as tears gather in her eyes. 
She hears the tiny pitter-patter of paws approaching from behind and Watson jumps into her lap, nuzzling a damp nose into her hand. 
She smiles through another sob as she strokes soft fur, feeling the warmth of it and the low rumble of a purr spark a light inside her chest.
There's a knock at the door and they both jump at the sound. Ava looks over her shoulder, curious and confused. It's far too early for visitors.
She makes her way downstairs, not caring that she's still in pyjamas. Anyone who has the audacity to disturb people this early in the morning can deal with her boxer shorts and pokemon shirt.  
There's another light tap at the door as she fumbles with the lock. "Alright, geez, I'm coming, keep your -"
The words die in her throat as she swings the door open to a familiar face beaming back at her. 
"Morning, Sunshine."
She surges forward, her bare feet on the frozen ground, and flings her arms around her girlfriend's neck. She buries her face into Beatrice's shoulder as the tears start to flow in full force. 
Beatrice holds her tightly for a moment before gently guiding them into the house and closing the door - Ava stays clinging to her with everything she has, somewhere in the back of her mind grateful to be out of the cold. 
A few minutes pass before Ava can get herself under control and she leans back. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought doughnuts," Beatrice replies, holding up the brown paper bag in her hand with a smile. Ava looks at it blankly. Beatrice brings her other hand up to her cheek, wiping gently at the tears. "The way you were last night…I had to come."
"I missed you." It's all Ava can manage to say.
"I know, darling. I missed you too." Beatrice pulls her back in,  a hand guiding Ava back down to her shoulder. "So much."
Minutes pass as Ava sinks into Beatrice’s embrace, breathing in deeply the smell of home. 
"Come on," Beatrice says as she starts to move them. "We can have these in your room."
Ava leans back then to catch her gaze, a small smile finally breaking through. "Food in bed? Who are you and what have you done with Beatrice?"
Beatrice chuckles and Ava feels the warm, delicate sound begin to mend something in her. 
They settle down in bed - after Beatrice grabs a couple of plates - and Ava finally starts to relax a little. Finally starts to feel how truly tired she is. 
She has three doughnuts to Beatrice's one and then they lay back against the headboard. Ava slowly traces the lines of Beatrice's tattoo with her hand and feels the shiver that runs down her spine.
"Do you want Pikachu?" Beatrice asks, leaning over to grab the plushie from the side of the bed. 
"No, you cuddle him. He missed you too." 
Beatrice laughs again but she makes no objection, tucking the toy under her other arm.
"I brought a couple of my jumpers for you to keep. The extra soft ones." Ava has made no secret of her love for wearing Beatrice's clothes.
"I love you," Ava replies sleepily, her eyes feeling heavy. 
"I love you," she hears Beatrice echo before she drifts down into a kind of peaceful slumber she hasn't experienced in weeks. 
When she wakes, hours later and the winter sun is streaming weakly through the window, she shuffles and feels the warmth of her love still tucked up beside her. 
Beatrice has an arm around her, stroking her hair in a soothing, repetitive motion. Her safest place in the world. 
"You're still here," Ava whispers. 
Beatrice tightens her hold and leans down to place a soft kiss to the top of her head, "Whenever you need."
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c-kiddo · 1 year
what are your ocs' morning and evening routines like?:-)?
this is a good question and im going to figure it out while i type it i think. so, ùna first, then ava, but theyre kind of connected -
ùna gets up in the morning n kinda jus rolls out of bed most of the time , just goes and showers and brushes teeth and things. probably eats breakfast and drinks coffee while she's reading or already working on something. probably gets distracted sometimes and then its midday and she's not dressed but she's been figuring out songs on her guitar. sometimes she sleeps in too. back home she has classes/studio or part-time job to go to in the morning, and probably sleeps in on days off. in evening she tends to just keep on doing what she feels like that day, working on stuff or music or whatever. sometimes watches tv with her flatmates or goes out with friends. with ava she goes on a walk after dinner or they make their music or just work on stuff together or talk until its time for bed. ùna stays up late kind of a lot
ava gets up early, she can't sleep in unless she's rly burnt out or low spoons. she's tried and it doesn't work, she's just awake. usually she just gets up and dressed and washes her face + brushes her teeth and then goes to eat breakfast with the ornithologist + their partner too. (ava lives in a little cabin that's kinda behind their house, closer to the water and trees so its a few minutes walk to the main house). she has tea and porridge or toast or whatever samefood thing. sometimes she makes everyone breakfast. they kind of take turns. there's some morning chores to do like feeding birds and things.. after she goes to her work at the little shop when its the right day for that, and she goes on a bike or walks, depending how she feels and what the weathers like n stuff. if she's rly low spoons the ornithologist helps her get up and dressed too, helps brush her teeth and change into clean clothes etc. . in the night she's usually p tired and has a bath before bed most of the time. she likes going on a walk after dinner and just kind of doing her own thing, painting on newsprint iwth ink and stuff. and then when ùna's there she's learning guitar more (she knew how to play acoustic before) and theyre working together. when she has a bath ùna helps her if she needs it but mostly she just sits on the floor next to the bath and they chat or read or listen to a little radio or something. and then they go to bed, sometimes both squished into ava's bed, sometimes on the mattress on the floor for ùna or separate. she sleeps with a crochet blanket and quilts piled on, the cabin doesn't have proper heating, jsut a little old stove that she watches burning out
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
Cute questions for Carla?
the basics:
name: Carlotta Rose Vasquez-Brice age: 15 zodiac sign: Taurus (April 29) one good trait: persistent one bad trait: needs external validation
one bad habit: she can't let go of a grudge one good habit: makes sure to tell each of her siblings (including/especially the ones who've left home) that she loves them every single day one habit they can’t break: nail biting one they’ve broken: cracking her thumb joint what they’re afraid of: humiliation & failure
their parents names: Antonio “Tony” Motta-Brice & Keegan Brice their siblings names: Carter Brice, Kaia Brice, Malia Brice, Mateo Brice, Maci Brice, Chelsie Brice, Zane Brice, Ava Brice, eventually Beth Brice favorite childhood memory: seeing her first touring show (Cabaret) favorite childhood toy: her nutcracker Barbie embarrassing story: Rachel ripping seams out of her costume so it fell apart onstage (leaving Carla in just a skin tone leotard) and put gum in her hair so she had to cut a lot of it off favorite family member: any of her older siblings, or her cousin Sugar a story about that family member: headcanon not story but every Sunday, she and all of her older siblings treat themselves to coffee (or another coffee shop drink) and then have a video call so it feels like they're all just getting coffee together
what they prefer:
coffee or tea? tea showering in the day or night? first thing in the morning taking baths or taking showers? baths when she has the time tv or movies? tv writing or reading? writing songs platonic or romantic love? platonic/familial iced tea or lemonade? american lemonade ice cream or smoothies? tie cupcakes or cake? cupcakes beach or mountains? beach
song: All Too Well, Taylor Swift band: Taylor Swift outfit: [ see below, red solo cup ] place: her house or Central Park memory: the summer before Carla returned to McKinley, they did a whole family trip to Disneyworld & Universal Studios, all of her older siblings came and they even brought Sugar too person: any of her siblings 🥺 movie: Clueless, Wizard of Oz, Sunset Boulevard show: Gilmore Girls
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littledata · 4 months
coffee au please 🫶🏿
20 & 26
For this ask meme
i like my women how i like my coffee (inside me)
20. What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
I think Ava's back story in this is interesting! Abandoned as a baby is a slightly different take on her character and I kind of wish I'd given myself a little bit more room to explore that. Maybe I'll reuse that at some point.
26. Wild Card! I’ll tell you a fun fact about this fic!
Fun fact... I did not want to write this fic!! I put together my list of AUs and then immediately said...
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To be clear - I have NOTHING against coffee shop AUs. I have read some great ones, I enjoy reading them a lot. I just didn't think I could write a good one that actually had something interesting in it. And also I don't drink coffee/tea/any hot drinks really. I know nothing about coffee.
And after all my dramatics about it, this has probably become one of my most liked/well-received fics. So. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, is the lesson here I guess?
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wizardofrozz · 10 months
*comes charging in* OLLO!
I have fall asks for Nali, Kora and Aiden 👀
📚 Books: Does your OC look up to anyone? If so, who?
☁️ Cloudy Day: Describe how your OC acts when they are in a bad mood.
☕️ Tea: Share a fun fact about your OC!
Because I wanna ask about them all and can't decide 🤣 As always feel free to ignore one/all asks if you do not want them
It makes me so happy that you want to know about all of them 🥺 I always want to talk about them lmao ❤️ thank you!
Nali Bosac
📚 Books: Does your OC look up to anyone? If so, who?
Nali looks up to her mother. Her mother, Onna, started, ran, and managed a food stand in the lower levels when Nali was kid, while also taking care of three kids. She admires her mother's strength and strives to be like her.
☁️ Cloudy Day: Describe how your OC acts when they're in a bad mood.
Nali can be very harsh when she's in a bad mood. She's all claws and teeth, although, she does feel bad about acting that way, especially when she can feel how it upsets the person she's talking to. But she can't help it. She's always been abrasive, and it only gets worse when she's in a shitty mood.
☕️ Tea: Share a fun fact about your OC!
The first time Kix tried to kiss her...he missed. Completely missed her mouth and they laughed until they cried. Then, they finally kissed properly even though they had wide, goofy grins on their faces.
Kora Shinax
📚 Books: Does your OC look up to anyone? If so, who?
Kora looks up to her father, Jaler, and her grandparents, Bo and Arle. Kora's relationship with her mother was strained at best but she's always had a strong relationship with her father and her paternal grandmother and they continue to support her following her dreams on Coruscant.
☁️ Cloudy Day: Describe how your OC acts when they're in a bad mood.
Kora doesn't talk very often, to begin with, but when she's in a bad mood, it's even less likely. Kora will herself into her work and hide away in the back of her shop most of the day. She prefers to work through her emotions on her own before venting to any of her close friends.
☕️ Tea: Share a fun fact about your OC!
Kora really likes to garden. Despite Coruscant lacking many places to do so, she has a little garden at her shop where she grows herbs and spices.
📚 Books: Does your OC look up to anyone? If so, who?
Being the "youngest", Aiden looks up to all of his batchmates (Quater, Sawbones, Kix, and Jax), but he also looks up to his commanders (Fox, Thorn, Thire, and Stone).
☁️ Cloudy Day: Describe how your OC acts when they're in a bad mood.
Aiden gets very quiet/short and closed off when in a bad mood. He'd much rather internalize his emotions than bother anyone else with them.
☕️ Tea: Share a fun fact about your OC!
Aiden has a...thing 😏 for hands. However, he didn't realize it until he met his girlfriend, Ava.
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badnikbreaker · 8 months
who is briar the bear? glad you asked!
an older man who used to run a small antique shop / old - timey drugstore, his shop was destroyed during the war. it took some time to save up, with the help of his community, to buy a new one. but he has, and it's been reopened for a few months! he wears round glasses with rose detailing and lots of long brown jackets. his presence is earthy and comforting and warm. he's generous and full of love. he always has been.
he met ava while she was on the run after her near - killing of tails, made sure she got some food in her and gave her some money. he could tell she was troubled, maybe hoping to die, and did what he could, in his own way, to ensure that she'd have a chance at staying alive. he'd later meet sonic, if only briefly, while the blue blur searched for the damaged rabbit — he keeps up with both of them, particularly ava. he doesn't know the whole story, nor does he need to. he just knows that when he sees someone hurting, he can do nothing but help.
he enjoys watercolor painting and gardening, loves reading poetry, and is an excellent ballroom dancer. the neighborhood kids love him because if they come over, even unannounced, he always makes them tea and lets them try something he's backed recently. ( he makes killer rosemary cookies especially. ) he's the nicest dude ever born
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dontbestingybaby · 9 months
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from Photoplay, January 1947
Photographer: Ann MacNamara
transcription below:
It's new! Camera capture of Ava Gardner from yawning rise to midnight bed
7:00: Time to start a star's day. Ava Gardner ignores the clock's alarm for a few, cozy minutes
7:30: Coffee perks while Ava showers—short-cut to breakfast later
7:40: Scale session: One hundred and twenty pounds. Check!
7:50: Breakfast on the terrace while Ava, intelligent girl, catches up on the news
8:30: She counts the minutes with upward strokes—five to go
8:35: Another brush for her only make-up—lipstick
9:00: On schedule. The gold watch bracelet—designed by Ava herself
9:35: Off to Metro—the speedometer set to a busy morning
10:00: Picture conference with producer George Haight
10:30: Guilaroff, hair stylist, with sketches of hair-do's for "Wanted"
11:00: Posing for veteran studio portrait photographer Clarence Bull
11:30: Star autograph for studio mail boy
12:00: Substitute for lunch—her favorite sport at nearby court
3:15: Car inspection before shopping spree
4:30: Top-heavy return—all for the new apartment
5:00: Checks icebox inventory with Mearene
5:30: Homework: Returning telephone calls, answering fan mail
6:00: Tea-cup interview with Photoplay asking the questions
7:15: Time for final fitting of new Adrian suit
7:30: Date Bill Harbach calls—to get a line on evening's fun
7:31: They're dining in, dressing for Mocambo later
8:10: Hostess hello—typical Gardner glad hand
8:30: The way to a man's heart is by candlelight
9:35: Off to Mocambo: Next night—same place, different date
11:30: Back home early to study next day's lines. Hot milk helps!
12:00: Night watch. Seven hours before the alarm rings in another day
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
✨🙌 aaaaand ❌ :) :)
thanks smo even if you are emoji blind
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
I am apparently good at dialogue? I really like some of the imagery I come up with. I'm generally very happy with characterization, and with what I've done with Shannon
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Ava rambles on as they make their way up the street, about Hans (I dared him to let me shave his moustache), the dog she'd seen outside the bar (the size of your fist, Bea!), her plans to get a haircut (It'd be so much more simple to deal with). They pass shop owners propping open doors and pulling up shutters and Ava is effusive, trading easy grins and waves, promising to stop by later for tea or a chat. And then they're past, moving swiftly onwards towards the outskirts of the town, the sounds of the hustle and bustle fading out behind them.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
All's Fair In Love & War- Nobunaga Ch. 7
Chapter 7
A few more days had passed. I had spent my days doing some training, but also going around Azuchi and finding merchants willing to come to the festival. Hideyoshi was with me as apparently everyone in town knew him and loved him. So he was the natural choice to help me with this.
We had just exited our fourth shop of the day when Hideyoshi was looking at me. “Are you getting tired or hungry? We’ve been at this awhile. We should probably take a break. There’s a lovely tea house just this way.”
“I’m fine to keep going a bit longer.” I replied. 
“You shouldn’t overwork yourself.” Hideyoshi countered. 
“Yeah, but I’d really like to get as many merchants to come to the festival as possible. I’d really like for trade between my land and Azuchi to be good and thriving.” I replied. “It’s good for both people.”
“While I admire your efforts and the way you obviously care for the people, you do have to take care of yourself, too.” Hideyohsi replied. “If you’re overworked or burnt out, how will you be an effective leader?”
I felt a bittersweet smile cross my face at Hideyoshi’s light scolding and fussing. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. I quickly looked away from him. “Alright, let’s go…take a break then.” I then began striding off in the the direction of the castle.
“Uh…did I do or say something wrong?” Hideyoshi asked, as he hurried to catch up to me.
“No.” I replied. “I just…realized how tired I am that’s all.”
“And…why are we heading towards the castle?” He asked.
“I’d just…rather take that break in my room.” I replied. I suddenly felt the need to be alone.
We soon reached the castle and I didn’t even look at Hideyoshi. “Thanks for coming with me today. If you have time…maybe we can pick back up tomorrow?”
“Uh, sure.” HIdeyoshi replied. “Ava, have I said or done something to offend you?” 
I shook my head. “Nope. I just…didn’t realize how tired I was.” I was then striding off towards my room. Though when I approached the door, I could hear Sato and Jiro’s voices coming from within. I fought back a sigh as I quickly changed direction and made my way outside to the garden.
I could have ordered them to leave my room, but I didn’t want them seeing me like this. I didn’t need to add to them worrying and fussing over me. I found a secluded spot in the garden and sank down under a huge tree with blossoms hanging from it, hiding me from view. It was here that I sat, burying my face in my arms as I brought my knees to my chest and let myself cry.
I wasn’t sure how long I had been there before I felt someone move beside me and then a familiar deep voice speaking. “You have disturbed my rest.”
I felt the surprise as I lifted my head, turning to see Nobunaga lying in the grass. He had apparently been here this whole time and I didn’t even notice in my haste to find a spot to hide. I quickly began to wipe at my tears as I felt heat come to my cheeks. “Oh…I’m sorry…”
Nobunaga was sitting up and moving closer. He pulled a hand towel from the folds of his kimono and held it out to me. “Here.”
“Uh…thank you.” I replied, accepting it and using it to clean my face up a bit. “Sorry for..disturbing you. I didn’t realize you were out here.”
“It is an effective hiding spot.” Nobunaga replied. 
“I guess so.” I said.
“Why do you cry like this?” Nobunaga asked me after a moment.
“Just…I was out with Hideyoshi…speaking to merchants about the festival…and then he started fussing over me, telling me I needed to take a break and take care of myself and such…and it just…reminded me of my mother and how she used to fuss over me and my father.”
Nobunaga looked at me, as if bewildered by the words I spoke. “That is…painful for you?”
I felt myself looking at him, just as confused by his confusion as he was about my emotions. “Yes…I loved my parents very much…and I miss them very much.” I replied. “Did… did you not have similar with your parents?”
Nobunaga shook his head. “No… I didn’t even have much to do with my mother. The maids and attendants took care of me when I was young and then when I was old enough I began my training.” Nobunaga replied. “And as far as my father was concerned, I was just something he had to have to carry on the clan when his inevitable death came. And if not me, my brother.”
“Oh…I see.” I replied, feeling sad for that. Though, had I not fallen through time and landed in the Sengoku…I never would have met my parents…and I never would have known what it was to have a family.
“But…you had a different relationship with Lord Riku and Lady Kaede?” Nobunaga asked after a moment.
I nodded. “Yes…they’re the only parents I ever knew.” I said. “My birth parents…they died when I was very young. I don’t even know who they were. Then I ended up in the middle of a battlefield when Riku found me… he saved my life that day and he and Kaede soon took me in and adopted me, trained me and taught me everything I know…and well…they quickly became very important to me.”
“I see.” Nobunaga replied. “Shall I tell Hideyoshi to not be so motherly to you, if it causes you such distress?”
Though I still had tears stinging at my eyes, I felt laughter bubble up past my lips as I shook my head. “No…I don’t think anything could make him stop that.” I replied. “Not even you.”
“That is probably true.” Nobunaga agreed. “He is a troublesome one at times.”
“You’re only saying that because he scolds you about eating too much konpeito.” I replied. “But… I will just have to work on not breaking down every time he reminds me of my mother.”
Nobunaga looked at me, his expression curious. “You truly mourned their loss?”
“I don’t know if I’ve ever properly mourned.” I replied. “I mean sure we held a funeral and all that… but I pretty much went for blood right away… no time to truly grieve when you’re fighting your enemies…. I suppose that’s why things still get to me.”
“Loss is an inevitable part of life.” Nobunaga said after a moment. 
“Yes…it doesn’t make it hurt any less.” I replied. “But…we had plenty of good times together and I still carry them with me wherever I go with the lessons they taught me.”
“I suppose we are each made of the experiences we share with others in our lives.” Nobunaga replied. 
I nodded. “That is true.”
We stayed there sitting a moment, letting the silence surround us. My tears were slowly drying. “So, what were you doing out here anyway?” I asked curiously. “You mentioned something about this being a good hiding spot…and I know you weren’t hiding from Hideyoshi.”
Nobunaga chuckled. “Sometimes I enjoy coming out here just to be alone and not be disturbed.”
“Well, then I am sorry for interrupting.” I said, pushing myself up. “I’ll leave you to your time alone…”
That was when I felt Nobunaga’s hand on my wrist. “No…I do not mind your company.” He said, tugging until I was sitting back beside him. “I do not mind being interrupted by you.”
I felt my heart pick up its pace at those words…and the look in his eyes. Why…why is it that when he looks at me like that and says those things…why does it make my heart do flips? I cleared my throat in an effort to mentally shake myself. “W-well, I guess I’ll stay then. You’re not such bad company.” I replied, doing my best to give a teasing smile.
Nobunaga smiled at me as he released my wrist. Then his hand was coming up and I felt his fingertips brushing at my cheek and the corner of my eye. “I am glad to see you in better spirits.” He said. “Seeing you distressed…it… I would rather see your smile…”
I think something broke in my brain. Between the touch of his fingertips…and the words he spoke. What were these feelings? Why…why did it feel so…so good to have Nobunaga touching me? Why did his words stir my heart? And…why is it that he almost seemed confused as well? Were these feelings strange to you, Nobunaga? And what…what exactly are your feelings? Is your heart pounding as much as mine is?
I wasn’t sure what was going on, but a force more powerful than my own will felt as if it were taking over. I found myself leaning towards Nobunaga…and if I wasn’t mistaken, he was leaning towards me as well, his hand still on my cheek.
“There you are.”
Whatever spell Nobunaga and I had been under was broken at the sound of the familiar voice. Though when we looked, it wasn’t that we had been discovered. We looked out in the garden and saw Hideyoshi chasing after a small monkey. I blinked. “Wh-what…”
“His pet, Uri.” Nobunaga explained, seemingly back to his normal self.
How he could feel so calm after what just almost happened…I don’t know. Which…was I really about ready to lock lips with Nobunaga? I felt myself panicking. “W-well, I think I should probably get back inside. I still have some things I need to go over with Jiro and Sato…”
“Will I see you for our game tonight?” Nobunaga asked.
“I…uh…I guess.” I replied, still feeling a bit flustered by everything. Could I really see him tonight? Would I even be able to act like everything was normal?
“I look forward to our game.” Nobunaga said, grinning at me.
“As you should.” I replied, doing my best to try and be my normal self. If he could be back to his normal cocky self then I could be too, dammit. I can’t believe that for a moment I thought… thought that maybe he could be feeling the same as whatever I was feeling. I was then jumping up and practically running off.
When I got back inside, I found an empty hallway to hide in. I leaned against the wall and took deep breaths. “Calm yourself down, Ava.” I muttered to myself. “You can’t…he’s just an ally… just a friend…you can’t have anything more…you can’t let THAT happen…not again.”
Nobunaga watched as Ava fled from him as if she were a frightened rabbit. He was then looking down at his hand, his fingertips still warm and wet from her tears. Why did he feel the urge to reach out to her like that? Why had he been fighting the urge to pull her into his arms when he saw her tears?
“Why can I not stop thinking of you?” He murmured to himself. He wasn’t sure what was going on. He’d never experienced anything like this feeling before. He didn’t like seeing Ava crying or upset… it was almost as if he felt her pain as well. Seeing her in distress as she had been… all he wanted to do was help her and see her smile again.
Nobunaga was no stranger to women. He’d had many partners in his life…yet there was something different about Ava. He thought of her throughout the day and wondered what she would be doing… he looked forward to any moment he would spend with her. “What… what is this? Why… do I want more?” He murmured, though no answer came, only the beating of his own heart and the lingering warmth of her tears on his fingertips, how soft her cheek had felt beneath them…
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lifeofkaze · 11 months
☕️ and 🌙 for the October asks please?! 🧡
☕ coffee or tea: describe your OC’s favorite place to relax
Selene is the calmest - "calmest" - when she's out and about wandering the Highlands surrounding Fraser Hall.
Caro finds her relaxation in equal measures behind a bubbling cauldron - the more complex the potion the better - or in the most expensive boutiques the Wizarding Shopping Streets of Europe have to offer.
Henry, my beloved spirit animal, loves himself a calm and quiet and ABANDONED library.
🌙 moon: do any of your OCs have dark backstories or secrets they’re trying to keep?
The story of how Caro's eldest sister Alyssa was disfigured isn't exactly a secret but Caro isn't too keen to present it to the public either.
Ava's story is dark and twisted and heartbreaking and still prone to revelation to anyone but you and me.
The darkest secret any of my OCs harbours has got to be Dylan's. In the deepest darkest hour of the night, where no one can listen but the stars above and the dead underground, he would maybe - begrudgingly - admit that sometimes, under the right circumstances and with all the grace in his heart he has to offer... Rory McTavish isn't actually that bad.
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phoebejaysims · 2 years
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Mills Family - Round 4
Roxie Clegg turned up on Mollie’s doorstep come Christmas morning. Christmas had come so suddenly, Mollie hadn’t had any time to prepare! With nothing to do in her small flat, the two ladies went down to Henning Teas. 
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It was a good excuse to stock up on herbs too, since Mollie was all out.
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After saying their goodbyes (Roxie had children at home after all), Mollie treated herself to lunch at Ava’s Bakery.
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Her friend, Jess Bailey was also there, so the two of them ordered together.
To end off the night, it was down to the Coffee-Shop-With-The-Name-I-Can’t-Remember to perform stand up comedy (to a crowd of 0) and do karaoke!
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