#awaken hidden energy
letsberealgenz · 10 months
If you're reading this, you're too late!
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vantaeries · 2 months
Your lips come and take me to the place to go - NCT 127
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Pile : 1 ~ 2 ~ 3
How to pick : Close your eyes, take a deep breath and clear your mind. Trust your intuition and choose a pile that you are most drawn to.
Disclaimer : This is a general reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Remember, the energies can change from time to time. So pick wisely.
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Your future spouse is a reserved and low-confidence person who might struggle or fear to confess their feelings. When they see you talking and joking with another person, they feel extremely jealous. They fear they may have missed their chance with you and are tormented by the thought that you might like someone else. Unable to contain their emotions any longer, they make a bold and uncharacteristic decision. As they approach, their legs feel like jelly and their heart pounds like crazy. Acting on impulse, they pull you into a passionate kiss. The passion from truth. In that moment, time seems to stand still. The world fades away, leaving only the sensation of your lips against theirs. The kiss is filled with all the longing and fear they have kept hidden for so long. The kiss is so raw, intense and might turn into a lustful kiss. They definitely dominate the kisses so you can feel how rough and desperate they are. It's as if they are trying to say, “I was scared. Scared that you might like someone else.” How do you react to their kiss? You feel shocked but you respond to their kiss. Do you know how they feel? Oh, they feel a surge of joy and relief. They get carried away by their animalistic desire lol. I think there will be a celebration after that. I'm feel they might kiss you in front of that person or audience lol. People who had been observing the scene erupt into cheers and applause, celebrating the spontaneous and heartfelt moment. So, they actually feel relieved and can rest well after confirming their feelings.
Keyword : Jealous, Insecure, Fire sign, Capricorn sun, Libra, Scorpio, Aries Venus, Children, Party or Gathering, Music, 444
After a heart-wrenching breakup, they were in the midst of healing their broken heart when they met you. Something stirred within them at that first encounter, an awakening sparked by your presence. It wasn't just attraction; it was a deep, magnetic pull that they couldn’t ignore. The first kiss came about unexpectedly, rooted in a misunderstanding that led to a heated argument. Their eyes couldn’t help but fixate on your lips, watching them move with each word. The sight was tantalizing and seductive, causing them to lose focus in the middle of the argument. Without warning, the argument escalated into something entirely different. They closed the distance between you, and before you could react, they pulled you into a kiss, as if their actions were saying, "Shut your mouth, or I'm gonna kiss you." You were taken aback by the suddenness of it, but your body began to respond to their kiss instinctively. It was your first kiss, and though it was slow, it was deeply satisfying. Your hands found their way to their neck or waist, and they hugged you tightly, savoring the connection. They loved touching your body and were thrilled by the way you responded to their kiss. When the kiss finally broke, both of you were left nearly breathless, cheeks flushed red from the intensity of the moment. So cute sksksks
Keyword : Conflict, 'You are that', Summer, Manifest, Scorpio Mars, Saturnian ( Capricorn & Aquarius), Comfort, Surprise, 555
This experience is different from the previous two because there is no rush or urgency. It's as if your future spouse is saying, "When you're ready, we will do this together." They are willing to give you the time you need, despite the strong attraction and sexual tension between you. Once you're ready, they will kiss you with voluptuous excitement. It's a fun kiss, filled with giggles and smooching. For some of you, the kiss might lead to lovemaking because "just kissing" wouldn't be enough. It's all about passion. The kiss is so addictive and raw, taking both of your breaths away. It's hot and good, awakening the lustful desire between you two. As if they are saying, "Yes, finally, I've been waiting long enough to do this. Everything will be made right." They don't want to confuse or pressure you, so they will take it one step at a time. They want you to feel comfortable and peaceful as you explore this connection together.
Keyword : couple in ecstasy, animal within us, passion, 222, Virgo, Sagittarius, Jupiter, Venus, Moon
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harmoonix · 6 months
🌌Astrology Observations🌌
Spiritual Edition
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🌌 Planets in the 9H and 12H are very spiritual, they are lying deep in the heart of the Universe, the higher mind and the deepest secrets, they combine spirituality with their beliefs
🌌 Neptune/Uranus and Pluto are as well very spiritual planets beside the Moon, they all rule over your subconscious, spiritual mind, your soul/spirit and your higher purpose/higher self
🌌 Having Neptune/Uranus/Moon/Pluto in the 1H is like your higher self tries to send you messages/to guide you on your path
🌌 Moon/Pluto/Neptune/Uranus in the 9H are those type of people who know a lot of deep stuff they won't mention it to everyone, they want to discover what's hidden
🌌 Sun/Moon/Mercury/Chiron in the 12H rule over the hidden subconscious, their subconscious can be either hurt either not so awaken since the moment they wake up (When we sleep our subconscious is the most clear/awaken, that's why most people get flashbacks of the things that happened in their past before putting to sleep) aaaandddd that's why you don't always remember your dreams when you wake up
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🌌 Chiron in the 1st house or at 0° degrees shows a very sensbile soul. A very kind spirit or spiritual people usually call these as "Light worker", this is very powerful if you have it in your draconic/sidereal or ascendant persona chart
🌌 Chiron in the 12H suggest about something bad/traumatic that gets to and end in your lifetime, something bad that "dies* and something good that wil rise after
🌌 Venus in the 12H has the subconscious power to dream about their lovers/partners/or those dear to them,
🌌 Venus/Neptune/Sun aspecting Uranus has the same energy as when as a star is born, something very ingenious is born, giving life to an innovative person
🌌 Pisces/Neptune in the 7H is a very beautiful placement for being spiritual, it will attract spiritual people or people who have a close relationship with the universe (Applied to Pisces Moon)
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🌌 Libra/Moon in the 7H is not far from any of these, here the energy is like the feeling of goosebumps, intense yet refreshing, it fullfils your soul (Applied to Libra Moons)
🌌 Aquarius/Uranus in the 7H is like a rain of falling stars, going from a place to another yet shining/dreaming and desiring the same things at once, the native is blessed with finding the uniqueness in simple/authentic things (Applied to Aquarius Moon)
🌌 Jupiter in the 1st/7H/9H/12H are the little students of the universe, The Universe is teaching them in different ways yet in the same method, to always find spirituality within you
🌌 Moon in the 12H natives can get very many warnings or signs during their sleep/in their dreams, half asleep, half awaken in the spiritual world
🌌 Leo/Sun in the 7H blesses the native with a wwareness of always surrounding themselves with people who appreciate their own selves, like a sign to be more cautious when you find the light of your world (apllied to Leo Moons)
🌌 Ascendant aspecting the Moon is again one of the most beautiful aspects to have related with spirituality. I consider this aspect as the "night's wind" that specific type of breeze hitting you at night, reminding yourself about who you are
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🌌 Neptune aspecting the ascendant is with an eye in this world and with another eye in the spiritual realm, people often think these people just imagine things when in reality they just feel it or see it with their eyes
🌌 People born on the 3rd quarter Moon (Moon Phase) are spirit kids, they may be sensible at first or influenced by a sense of sensibility, kind and generous
🌌 It says that there are 3 types of "souls" people have when they reincarnate on earth
1st type of souls are these souls who come to experience new things, who come face to face with life's lessons and teachings
2nd type of souls are those souls who come here to support or help others, to gain more humanitarian experience,to bring light
3rd type of souls are those who come like a lighting striking who "repairs" or "transforms" things into better, people into better versions of themselves and those who come to finish something from a past life
🌌 Earth and Water Placements are deep connected with the mother earth, I imagine these as a picture with a baby sleeping on ground with the stars guiding his sleep
🌌 Earth Suns are known for being capable during challenges. They are the strong ones and the ones who always have to keep their heads up
🌌 Ceres Asteroid (1) specifically in an air/fire sign is deeply connected with the mind while in a earth/water sign is more connected with the feelings feelints
🌌 "Discover yourself" is what gives Jupiter/Uranus aspecting the ascendant energy, you have something special whitin you
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🌌 "Ray of Light" is what Sun aspecting the ascendant has, very calming/peaceful, just like the ocean, stable and deeply understanding
🌌 Chiron/Pluto/Saturn or Mars in the 4H don't have an easy challenge with their homes and family, they can be generational breakers
🌌 Your 9H sign can actually tell about your ancestors, if you ever wanna know more about them or wanna feel like they calling for you, try to look for your 9H ruler and their aspects 🫶🏼 for example when you have Sag in the 9H it shows your ancestors are very optimistic beings, Virgo in the 9H shows very supportive ancestors, Libra in the 9H shows loving ancestors, Cancer in the 9H shows healing ancestors, Taurus in the 9H shows provided ancestors and so on
🌌 Where Pisces is within your chart you can be the most loving about (the house Pisces is)
Pisces in the 4H about your family
Pisces in the 7H about your relationship
Pisces in the 2H things you spend money on can be the most pleasurable
Pisces in the 1st is yourself
Pisces in the 8H about your transformation/evolution
Pisces in the 5H about your hobbies/talents/free time
🌌 Asteroid Spirit [37452] tells about your soul just like asteroid Psyche (16) try to make a persona chart of it and the result is like a mirror of your soul, your planets and degrees are like your blood vessels and your ascendant is your heart, all working together
🌌 Chiron in your 7H is actually a very strong placement, you can heal others and others can heal your and romantically speaking, you try to find your half soul
🌌 Uranus aspecting Mercury natives have those fast minds who always think faster, think about the future rather than the present, sometimes they can show prophecies
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🌌 Having Pluto and Neptune aspecting together is like an source of knowledge and intuition, your intuition can be so strong and so helpful
🌌 Jupiter and Pluto aspecting can help in manifesting spirituality, if there is something your heart truly wants you'll get it
🌌 Juno Asteroid aspecting planet Neptune gives "Souls don't met by accident" even if the person you met turns to be a bad one it was still meant to be like this to teach you a lesson
🌌 Powerful Degrees to have your Moon in:
Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°)
Sagittarius Degrees (9°, 21°)
Taurus Degrees (2°, 26°)
Born Moon (0°)
Leo Degrees (5°, 17°, 29°)
Capricorn Degrees (10°. 22°)
🌌 Scorpio in your chart/house can show you where you heal/transform/evolve the the most
7H - in your relationship
10H - in your career
1st - withing yourself
4H - in your family
3rd - in your thinking
11H - in your socializing
🌌 Jupiter conjuncting Saturn is a rare yet powerful aspect, grants the native with a sense of teaching and knowledge for "doing more"
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🌌 When Saturn makes contact with the Moon your world can feel like is ending/sad, but you truly try to go deep into the subject you'll see is just a test for you to grow more and more
🌌 Scorpio/Pisces and Cancer Venuses, Venus has a deep lesson for all of them, in Cancer to find comfort and a safe space. In Pisces to follow their heart and their desires and in Scorpio to learn how to love without losing yourself
🌌 Taurus Juno/Venus/Mercury and Moon have the gift of grounding and understanding your surroundings, connect with the nature as much as you can
🌌 Neptune/Uranus in the 6H/10H can indicate that astrology/spirituality can help them a lot in order to fulfill their life path
🌌 Let's also mention that Sun or Moon in the 4H gives a very powerful connection with the family and your ancestors guiding over you
🌌 Shout-out to Cancer Placements especially Rising/Moon/Saturn/Lilith for being so strong and trying to keep it all together even when things may seem to fall apart
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🌌 Shout-out to Capricorn Placements especially to Capricorn Sun/Moon/Chiron/Lilith/Saturn for keeping their smiles even when they had lots of stones on their heart
🌌 Shout-out to Sagittarius Placements especially to Sag Mercury/Mars/Venus and Rising who stopped listening to others and finally decided to do in their own ways, someone is not accepting you? Throw them in the void
🌌 Shout-out to Libra Placements especially to Libra Chiron/Sun/Moon/Saturn trying to keep it at peace even when their mind was overthinking ans stressing over difficult times
🌌 Lastly Shout-out to Taurus Placements especially Taurus Moon/Venus/Sun who always try to show honesty and kindness no matter how bad the other person is
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Today is the day of the eclipse. A very special day in astrology so here we go this with very special post 🫶🏼🌌🫶🏼
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sylusjinwoon · 3 months
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hello morning light.
sylus x (non mc)fem.reader
warnings: some suggestive themes, but nothing too explicit.
you were the first to awaken when you felt the blinding rays of the morning sun against your closed eyelids. the nearly burning sensation causes you to let out a soft moan when you reluctantly open your eyes.
upon awakening, you attempt to move your limbs to stretch them after laying still for so long, only to frown when you realized that you couldn’t move-
and instead heard a soft snore against your ear.
a gentle huff escapes from your lips when you trail your eyes toward your lover, seeing sylus in a deep sleep as he held you close to his chest. you take a moment to admire his handsome features, drinking in his silver locks of hair and full lips. his rufescent eyes were currently hidden beneath a pair of closed eyelids, but that didn’t stop you from gently running your fingertips against them, feeling them flutter beneath your touch.
“sylus…” you whisper his name, a sense of longing filling your heart when you lean closer to press a lingering kiss against his cheek.
“hmph… if your goal was to awaken me with a kiss, then you have completely missed your mark.”
a gasp escapes from your parted lips when you feel sylus’s large hand gently grasping at the back of your neck, opening one eye to observe your every expression before forcing you to come down to him, his lips meeting with yours in an almost searing kiss that left your mind reeling from the impact. you found yourself moaning against the kiss, allowing him to deepen it as he eagerly basks in your taste.
it was at that moment that you felt the embarrassment coursing through your veins, immediately pulling away from him as you let out a shaky breath in response. while sylus smirks at you, you could feel yourself becoming shyer.
“uhm, good morning…”
“hn, morning, love.”
sylus takes a hold of your hand, placing a kiss against the back of it, making you giggle in response as you visibly relaxed against him. “i suppose this means that you’re not letting me go anytime soon?”
“and why would i ever give you the freedom to leave me?”
his haughty words makes you roll your eyes in response as you lean down to press a kiss against his cheek before whispering in his ear, “i guess that means… you don’t mind if i offer to shower together with you, right?”
a mischievous glint was seen in sylus’s eyes, darkening his burgundy gaze to an even deeper hue as they became dilated with desire for you. with a growl of your name, sylus scoops you within his embrace, entering the bathroom while slamming the door shut, proceeding to lock it so as to give you and him some much needed privacy.
your clothes were tossed on the floors, with you and sylus sharing the shower together. the misty glass keeps the evidence of your intimacy hidden; the steamy heat of the shower, combined with the achingly intimate atmosphere creates an almost palpable energy between you and your lover. the sensations of hot water, of skin gliding over skin, and of the steam surrounding you enhances the experience…
needless to say, you both spent a long time indulging in each other, exploring each other's bodies under the shower's spray, your passion and desire intensifying with each passing moment before reaching a breaking point, the sensations of it all making you cry out to sylus as he merely smirks at you in response, watching with a fascination as you fell apart for him.
by the end of your ‘morning routine,’ sylus dons you in one of his silk robes, wrapping your form in the expensive material as he carries you out of the bathroom whilst dressed in only a pair of his sweatpants. you shiver, still feeling the pinpricks of pleasure coursing through your veins as you tease him, “mmm… i hope you’re ready to cook a huge breakfast for me… because i need some sustenance after that…”
he lets out another rich chuckle before leaning down to press a kiss against your damp cheek, “well, lucky for you, i happen to be quite the chef, my love. i’ll make sure to feed you so well, you’ll forget what it’s like to be hungry.”
after reassuring you, he places you against one of the stools of the kitchen counter, giving your lips another chaste kiss before heading towards the stove. with his back facing you, you felt yourself biting down on your bottom lip, actively checking him out as you basked in the sight of him only wearing his signature pair of grey sweatpants.
even as he gathers the ingredients to make breakfast, he can practically feel your hungry gaze lingering on his body, making a cocky smirk appear on his face as he begins preparing breakfast. the powerful man knows you’re watching his every move, and he takes great pride in putting on a bit of a show for you.
sylus allows his muscles to flex and stretch with every movement, his bare upper body glistening in the light as he cooks. it’s clear that he enjoys your attention and is silently relishing the effect he has on you, as if knowing that you were practically drooling at the mere sight of him.
after realizing how you were in a bit of a trance, you quickly snap out of it when sylus began flexing while cracking some eggs into the skillet, making your eyes roll once more as you made a poor attempt at keeping your pride intact, acting as though you hadn’t been drooling over him for these past 10 minutes.
“did you really need to flex while cracking some eggs?”
sylus meets your gaze with a smirk, purposely rolling his shoulders back before telling you, “what seems to be the problem? you’re clearly enjoying the show, and it is only my duty to make my cooking routine more entertaining for you.” he ends up finishing his statement with a wink that was hot enough to make your toes curl.
but you refuse to give into him so easily. “you’re so hot, but dorky and adorable at the same time.”
your lover feigns a wounded expression. “i’m dorky and adorable to you? ouch, and i thought i was supposed to be an intimidating leader.”
“intimidating? is that so? then why are you so achingly soft with me, hm?” you tease him once more, your question being rhetorical in every sense of the word since you didn’t expect a genuine answer from him.
yet still, sylus manages to surprise you. he goes back to the task of making your breakfast, keeping his gaze on the skillet before admitting to you, “achingly soft? well, i wouldn’t say i’m soft, darling. but with you… i can’t help but be. you just bring out something in me, love… something that i have never felt before.”
the sincerity heard in his words makes your heart melt in response, the adoration you felt for him coursing through your veins as you gently slid off of your seat, allowing your bare feet to pad across the floor before pressing yourself against sylus’s back.
you bury your head against him, placing both of your arms around the front of his bare abdomen when you murmur against his skin. “i love you, so fucking much.”
a gentle huff escapes from his lips when he returns your embrace, “i love you, too…”
you hear him shut off the stove, moving around a bit before revealing two plates with a heaping portion of omelettes with some bacon and sausages to the side. “come, my love. let us enjoy this meal… and once you’re all fed and satisfied, it’s time for you to satisfy me in our bed.”
you could only manage to let out sounds of protests, stuttering his name as your lover simply basks in your adorably flustered expression, knowing full well that he had found the love of his life in you alone.
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a.n. - this may be ooc, and that’s a fair criticism to make. i have never been interested in the love and deepspace fandom (hence why you’ve never seen me in the tags before), but seeing sylus made me feel a plethora of emotions. if this oneshot is hated, rest assured this may be a one time deal, lol just kidding unless 👀
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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esoteriamaya · 4 months
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Sun/Venus - A person with a sun/venus aspect has a charming ability that can masks itself into getting others to do what you want. The original sirens. Learning how to express this more often can garner them more fame, respect and power. They are naturally popular, but if they dont know how to awaken it, they usually have to embrace their sensuality much more often and get more into the spotlight.
Jupiter/Moon - Knowing what works is a natural ability they have. This takes a little arrogance on their end (jupiter) and trusting the power of intuition (moon) to make it more favorable. It seems as if that placement just knows things without knowing. And they should be more honest with themselves instead of guarding this gift. You never know when someone is going to need your intellect in somethning.
Mars/Moon - Hidden geniuses when it comes to working hard for something. That inner passion they feel sparks up real big energy, so a small tip for them is to work on that thing each day no matter what. It could be 30 minutes a day or whatever, but to keep the drive and focus churning more they have to keep the momentum.. because once they stop its harder to get back in with that same momentum.
Pluto/Sun - Transformative by nature, they need to spend more time in nature imo.. Nature is the inner reflection of us all, so these people have to learn to transform themselves like the way of the water, the trees, butterflies etc. Like how the seasons change, so do y'all. Very similar in nature to sun/neptune but more on the darker end. You guys need to be at peace with your transcendence and not reject it. The more you open yourself up to others the more powerful you become. <3
Mars/Jupiter - Being able to focus on a path that makes your heart sing, that is transcendence. You guys have a big appetite for learning, so putting all your effort in making a stronger impact on your mind is necessary. The choices you make in bettering yourself is a form of self-mastery and at some point might take up space. We're dealing with jupiter, after all.
Sun/Moon - Whew. I love yall. such a whimsical energy present. Your love for yourself and the world is a reflection of the inner child that is always constantly moving. Keep doing you, is my main tip. Focus on having a more balanced presence, and doors will open up for you much more easily. Got it?
Mercury/Jupiter - Talk. Talk. Talk. But talk about the things you love, what excites you, what makes your world much bigger. Your infinite mind is the key to enrichment in your journey, so why not share that with others who might be interested in the same. It could be as simple as a good book you just finished reading. Inviting others to how you see the world will attract more followers to you that you ever knew.
Neptune/Moon - Learning to accept your boundaries with others helps you heal a lot more than you realize. You're not for everyone, your cool, calm collected nature is what attracts people to you like flies... but its not for everyone to receive. You get me? Just be open to more out there, because the world is your oyster no matter who tells you otherwise. K <3
If you're interested in learning more, check out my tags! Also, if you want to know anything about your own chart, feel free to go into my asks! Thanks for reading, chow :)
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a-lexia11 · 15 days
First love
Kyra Cooney Cross x reader
Word count:2,8k
Warning:some angst,Kyra being your sexual awakening, struggling with your sexuality.
Summary: You're starting to develop feelings for your best friend Kyra, but you're unsure how to handle it. After all, she's your closest friend, you've never been in a relationship before, and up until now, you thought you were straight.
Based on this request.
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You’ve known Kyra for as long as you can remember. She was your first friend, your teammate, and the one constant in your life through all the ups and downs.
She was a great friend, always making you laugh and enjoy yourself. She had this way of being a bit of a pest, constantly poking and prodding, but you wouldn’t change a thing. Her presence was always a source of fun and joy for you.
You both grew up in Australia, sharing everything from your love of football to your dreams of making it to the top.
When you both signed for Arsenal, it felt like a dream come true. There was no one else you would have wanted to embark on this journey with.
But there was one thing you didn’t know about Kyra, something she’d kept hidden for a long time. Kyra was in love with you. And as much as everyone else seemed to notice, it was a detail that had completely escaped you.
You’d always thought of yourself as straight, never really questioning it because you’d never felt anything significant for anyone. Sure, you had fleeting crushes here and there, but nothing ever seemed to stick.
You never got involved in relationships or even had your first kiss, because your entire focus was on football. Climbing to the top, honing your skills, and being the best took up all your energy and time.
There was always another training session, another match, another goal to reach—so relationships just didn’t seem that important in the grand scheme of things.
The whole thing just seemed… distant. Maybe that’s why you never noticed the way Kyra’s eyes lingered on you a little longer than anyone else’s, or how she always found an excuse to be close to you, whether on or off the pitch.
It wasn’t until that night, when the team went out to celebrate a win, that everything started to shift.
The team chose to celebrate after a stunning victory over Chelsea. It was a night filled with just the team, a few drinks, and lots of laughter.
You felt elated for both yourself and Kyra, taking pride in your achievements and looking forward to continuing to play together on one of the best teams in the world.
You didn’t think much of it when Kyra started drinking more than usual. She was always one to let loose and enjoy herself, and tonight was no exception. You watched her laugh heartily at one of Beth’s jokes, her eyes twinkling in the soft light of the bar.
As the night progressed, Kyra’s behavior grew increasingly affectionate. It began with subtle gestures—a light touch on your arm, her head resting gently on your shoulder. At first, you didn’t think much of it; after all, Kyra was your best friend.
However, when you both ended up alone at a table while the rest of the team danced, she draped her arms around your waist and laid her head on your chest.
“Y/N,” she mumbled, her voice slightly slurred but overflowing with affection. She looked up at you from where her head rested on your chest, her arms still wrapped tightly around your waist. “You’re the best, you know? I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You let out a nervous chuckle, trying to deflect the intensity of the moment. “Come on, Kyra, you’re drunk.”
But Kyra only tightened her hold, her face nuzzling into your neck. Her warm breath tickled your skin, and her words carried an earnestness that made your heart race. “No, I’m serious. You mean everything to me.”
Her close proximity and the way her breath caressed your neck sent shivers down your spine. The sensation was new and overwhelming; you’d never felt this kind of awareness or fluttering in your stomach before. Your skin tingled with each soft touch, and the closeness made your thoughts swirl.
Struggling to make sense of these unfamiliar feelings, you tried to laugh it off and gently extricated yourself from her embrace. “Let’s get you home, alright?”
Kyra pouted but didn’t resist as you helped her up, guiding her out of the bar with a wave goodbye to the other girls. The walk to her apartment was quiet, with Kyra leaning heavily against you.
Her taller frame made it challenging to support her, but you did your best. Each time she glanced up at you with those hazy, adoring eyes, your heart skipped a beat, and the strange feelings you were trying to suppress only grew stronger.
In the days that followed, you couldn’t shake the memory of that night. Every time Kyra touched you, even just a friendly pat or a casual brush against you, your cheeks would flush and your heart would race.
It was bewildering. You’d always been confident in your straight orientation, believing that Kyra was merely a close friend. But now, you were questioning everything.
To make matters more confusing, Kyra seemed entirely unaware of the effect she had on you. She remained her usual affectionate self, oblivious to how deeply her gestures were affecting you.
Whether it was an arm around your shoulders or a playful nudge during training, every touch made your mind spin.
Initially, you tried to dismiss it, convincing yourself that it was a fleeting phase and that you’d eventually move past it. But as days turned into weeks, the feelings only intensified.
The more you tried to ignore them, the more awkwardness crept into your interactions with Kyra.
You began to distance yourself from Kyra, finding excuses to avoid spending time together. After training sessions, you’d make excuses to leave early or pair up with someone else for drills. One day, after a particularly grueling workout, Kyra approached you with her usual cheerful smile.
“Hey, want to grab dinner together?” she asked, her eyes full of hope.
You hesitated, trying to sound casual. “Oh, I’ve got some errands to run. Maybe another time?”
Kyra’s smile faltered slightly, but she nodded. “Sure, no problem. Maybe later this week?”
You forced a smile. “Yeah, definitely.”
But the week passed, and you kept avoiding her. When Kyra tried to catch up with you, you would be quick to change the subject or make a hasty exit. Even during training, you found ways to keep your distance. If Kyra tried to partner up with you, you’d find an excuse to switch partners or avoid eye contact.
One afternoon, while stretching after practice, Kyra came over, visibly upset. “You’ve been distant lately. Is everything okay?”
You shifted uncomfortably, feeling a pang of guilt. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Just… busy, you know?”
The change in your behavior didn’t go unnoticed by Kyra. She began to withdraw as well, her once vibrant energy dimming. You could see her disappointment in her eyes, but you felt trapped.
You didn’t want to jeopardize your friendship, but the feelings you had for her were growing more intense.
You were puzzled by your feelings for Kyra. Your whole life, you’d thought of yourself as straight and had never questioned it. The sudden onset of these emotions was confusing and unsettling.
You’d always been close friends with Kyra, but now, every touch and glance seemed to carry a deeper meaning that you couldn’t ignore.
This new dynamic was completely foreign to you. The idea of being attracted to Kyra felt like it came out of nowhere, and it clashed with everything you’d believed about yourself.
You found yourself caught between wanting to explore these feelings and fearing what it might mean for your relationship with Kyra. The internal conflict was overwhelming, and you struggled to reconcile this new reality with your long-standing self-perception.
One evening, as you prepared to leave the training ground, Kyra approached you once more, her voice barely above a whisper. “I miss how we used to be. Can’t we talk about this, why are you being so distant with me?”
You glanced at her, feeling the weight of her words. “I… I don’t know what to say. I just need some time.”
Kyra’s face fell, and she took a step back, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “Okay. But if you ever want to talk, I’m here.”
And with that, she turned and walked away, leaving you standing there, grappling with your emotions and the realization of how much you missed the closeness you once shared.
“ Y/N, what’s going on with you?” Alessia asked one day after training. You were on the bench, tying your shoes, when she plopped down beside you, her expression serious.
You tried to act casual. “What do you mean?”
Alessia gave you a knowing look, her gaze unwavering. “You’ve been avoiding Kyra lately. I’ve seen it. You’re always finding excuses not to hang out or partner with her during drills. What’s up?”
You hesitated, searching for the right words. How could you explain something you barely understood yourself? Alessia wasn’t the type to let things slide, and after a few moments of your silence, she sighed heavily.
“Listen, I know it’s not my place, but Kyra’s really hurting. She’s confused and upset because she doesn’t understand why you’re pulling away. She’s been talking to me about it, and it’s breaking her heart.”
Her words hit hard. The last thing you wanted was to hurt Kyra, yet you found yourself doing just that. Guilt washed over you, and you bit your lip, feeling the weight of your actions.
“I just… I don’t know, Less. It’s complicated.I think…I think that I might have feelings for Kyra and I’m scared,I don’t understand” I said whispering the last part.
Alessia’s eyes softened, and she placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “It’s okay to be scared. This is a lot to process, but you can’t keep running from it. And you’re not alone in this. You don’t have to figure it out on your own.”
You frowned, feeling the pressure of the situation. “What do you mean?”
Alessia gave you a compassionate look. “Kyra’s in love with you, Y/N. She’s been in love with you for a long time.”
The revelation was like a punch to the gut. Kyra? In love with you? It was hard to believe, but reflecting on her actions and how she’d always been there for you, it suddenly made sense.
“Why hasn’t she said anything?” you asked quietly, the weight of the news sinking in.
Alessia’s expression was filled with empathy. “Probably because she’s afraid of ruining what you have. She doesn’t want to risk losing you. Just like you, she’s scared.”
You nodded slowly, your mind racing. The realization that Kyra might feel the same way gave you a glimmer of hope amidst the confusion.
“Talk to her,” Alessia urged gently. “She deserves to know how you feel. You might be surprised by her reaction. And remember, I’m here for you. Whatever happens, you’re not in this alone.”
You felt a wave of relief wash over you at Alessia’s support. Her encouragement and understanding made you feel less isolated in your struggle. “Yeah… yeah, I’ll talk to her.”
Alessia smiled, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Good. I’m here for you, every step of the way.”
That night, standing outside Kyra’s apartment, you felt a whirlwind of emotions. The entire day had been spent rehearsing what you were going to say, but now that you were here, those carefully planned words seemed to evaporate.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves, and knocked on the door.
Kyra answered quickly, her surprise evident but quickly replaced by a warm smile.
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up?” she asked, her tone light and welcoming.
You swallowed hard, trying to keep your voice steady. “Can we talk?”
Kyra’s smile faltered slightly, but she stepped aside to let you in. You followed her into the living room, your heart racing as you tried to find the right words.
“So, what’s going on?” Kyra asked, sitting down on the couch and looking up at you with those big, curious eyes.
You sat down next to her, your hands trembling slightly. “Kyra, I… I’m sorry. For how I’ve been acting lately. I know I’ve been distant, and it’s not fair to you.”
Kyra’s expression softened. “It’s okay, Y/N. I just… don’t understand why.”
You took a deep breath, knowing this was the moment of truth. “I’ve been feeling things I don’t fully understand. It’s confusing because I’ve always thought of myself as straight, but lately, I’m starting to realize that maybe that’s not entirely true.”
Kyra’s eyes widened slightly, but she remained silent, giving you space to continue.
Gathering your courage, you finally said the words that had been swirling in your mind. “I have feelings for you, Kyra. More than just as a friend. It’s been overwhelming because I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, especially not a girl. I didn’t know how to handle it, so I started pulling away. I’m really sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.”
Kyra’s gaze was fixed on you, her eyes full of intensity. The silence between you was heavy with unspoken emotions, and you feared you might have ruined everything. But then, she spoke, her voice soft yet firm.
“Y/N… I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember.”
Her confession hit you like a wave, flooding you with a mix of relief and disbelief. You had heard it from Alessia, but hearing it from Kyra made it feel real and immediate.
Kyra continued, her eyes locked on yours. “I’ve been too scared to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin what we have. But I can’t keep it a secret anymore. It’s tearing me apart.”
The weight of her words sank in, making the room feel smaller, filled with the intensity of your emotions.
Without thinking, you reached out and took Kyra’s hand in yours, your fingers trembling as they intertwined with hers. “Kyra, I don’t know what this means for us, but I don’t want to lose you. I care about you more than I can express, and I think… I think I might be in love with you too.”
The silence that followed was thick with anticipation. You could feel Kyra’s warmth, her gaze unwavering. For a moment, neither of you moved, both overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation.
Then, Kyra leaned in, closing the distance between you. Her lips met yours in a kiss that was soft and tentative at first. This was your first kiss ever, and you were acutely aware of every sensation. Your lips moved slowly, following Kyra’s rhythm, your heart racing as you navigated this new and unfamiliar experience.
The kiss was a revelation, a blend of warmth and tenderness that seemed to make the world around you fade away. Kyra’s touch was gentle yet insistent, pulling you closer. It was a deep, unspoken connection that had been building between you both, finally coming to life.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, foreheads resting together as you tried to steady your racing hearts. Kyra looked at you with a mix of awe and disbelief.
“Y/N… I can’t believe this is happening,” she whispered, her voice full of emotion.
You smiled, your heart swelling with joy. “Me neither. But I’m so glad it is.”
You both sat there, absorbing the reality of the moment. The relief and happiness in Kyra’s eyes mirrored your own emotions.
Kyra’s shy smile widened as she reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Does this mean… we’re officially together now?”
You chuckled softly, feeling warmth spread through your chest. “Yeah, I think it does. I’ve never done this before, but I want to be with you. Do you want to be with me too?”
“Of course I do,” Kyra said with conviction. “I’ve wanted this for so long, Y/N. You have no idea.”
You laughed, the sound light and carefree as you leaned in for another kiss. This time, it was slower and more tender, giving you both a chance to savor the moment. When you finally pulled back, you couldn’t help but giggle at the dazed expression on Kyra’s face.
“Wow,” she murmured, breathless. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to that.”
You grinned, feeling a profound sense of joy. “Well, you’d better get used to it because I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon.”
Kyra’s smile widened, and she leaned in for another kiss, her lips lingering before she pulled back slightly to whisper, “So… would you like to go on a date with me?”
Your heart fluttered at her question, and you nodded, cheeks flushing with excitement. “I’d love that.”
With that, Kyra pulled you into another kiss, and as you melted into her embrace, it felt like everything was finally falling into place. The doubts and fears that had been haunting you seemed to dissolve, replaced by the certainty that being with Kyra was exactly where you were meant to be.
You never imagined that your first love would be the person who’s been your best friend all along.
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transform4u · 19 days
Hey, I need your help! I'm in a happy and healthy gay relationship with the partner of my dreams, but there's this girl in my college who always had a huge crush on me. Her dad is some kind of powerful conservative politician or something. She keeps trying to get between me and my boyfriend. I'm so worried that she'll do something really bad just to get what she wants.
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The party buzzed around you as you stood by the punch bowl, your mind still lingering on the auditions you’d just completed. You were feeling a mix of excitement and exhaustion, but that quickly shifted when your cute boyfriend returned with drinks in hand. You gave him a quick kiss, enjoying the warmth of his lips before he wandered off to grab something else. That was when Samantha, the quintessential entitled, snobby, rich girl, sauntered up to you.
She practically oozed privilege with every step, her designer clothes and perfectly styled hair making you want to roll your eyes. You tried to ignore her, scanning the room for your boyfriend. “Like, what are you looking for?” she asked, her tone dripping with condescension.
“My boyfriend. He’s supposed to be coming back with drinks and—” you started to explain, but she cut you off with a saccharine smile.
“Oh, silly, don’t think about him. I have a drink for you,” she said, fluttering her lashes as she handed you a plastic cup of jungle juice.
You took the drink with a mix of reluctance and resignation, your annoyance barely concealed. Samantha was everything you despised about this college—rich, entitled, and deeply conservative. But a drink was a drink, and it was better than standing around thirsty. You took a sip, and the jungle juice was a surprising burst of sweetness, the alcohol warming your throat as it slid down. It was smooth at first but quickly gave way to a burning sensation, a hot pain settling in your stomach.
Then, a peculiar sound rang through the room—a sharp, resonant snaaaaaaaaaappppp that seemed to echo and reverberate. You glanced around, but no one else seemed to react. Your attention snapped back to Samantha, who had an odd, almost predatory glint in her eyes now. "Don't ever think of that annoying little faggot boyfriend ever again", she said with a coy smile.
As you looked down, your Adam’s apple seemed to swell, bulging noticeably as an unfamiliar energy surged through you. It was as if a hidden force was awakening inside you, making your skin tingle. You could feel the jungle juice transforming, its warmth morphing into a strange, pulsating energy that made your entire body feel alive.
Your gaze flicked to your reflection in a nearby mirror, and you saw your once-skinny, frail theatre boy body starting to change. The energy coursing through you felt both exhilarating and disorienting. Your muscles twitched and rippled beneath your skin, their contours gradually shifting. Your arms, once slender, began to swell, veins popping up as they became more defined. Your chest and abs, previously delicate, were now straining against your clothes, hardening and sculpting into a more robust form.
Samantha’s voice echoed in your mind, whispering, “Babe.” The word seemed to fuel the transformation, as though her very presence was molding you. You watched in disbelief as your body continued to change, every muscle becoming more pronounced, more powerful.
Your reflection now showed a strikingly handsome, young preppy bro—a vision of sculpted perfection. Every muscle was meticulously defined, from your abs to your biceps, which now bulged with impressive strength. Your shoulders were broad and commanding, seamlessly transitioning into powerful arms that seemed to effortlessly draw attention. Even your legs were a marvel of athleticism, each step you took radiating a potent mix of power and grace.
Your face, too, had transformed. The high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes spoke of classic, preppy charm. You wore a confident, almost cocky smirk that suggested a mix of intelligence and mischief. The entire package radiated youthful vigor and meticulous grooming, a modern Adonis wrapped in preppy charisma.
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The energy that had transformed you was now settling, leaving you with a blend of awe and confusion. Samantha’s gaze was one of satisfaction, her eyes twinkling with a mix of triumph and something darker. You could feel her influence lingering, but now, you were faced with the new reality of your own transformed self—a striking figure of athleticism and charm, commanding attention with every move.
As you stood there, grappling with the bizarre transformation, Samantha’s voice cut through the confusion like a siren’s call. “Babe, Daddy’s going to love you,” she moaned, her words resonating with a deep, almost hypnotic allure. The sound wrapped around you, and a shiver ran down your spine. It was as if her voice was weaving itself into the fabric of your thoughts, reshaping them.
Memories, once vivid and cherished, began to flare up in your mind, but they weren’t the memories you expected. The recollections of theatre camp, where you’d shared innocent kisses with your boyfriend under the stars, or the electric thrill of singing showtunes in dimly lit dive bars seemed to dissolve into a searing blaze. In their place, new memories, laden with a different kind of intensity, started to worm their way into your consciousness.
You saw yourself in the opulent ballroom of a fancy party, dressed in pristine designer attire, the epitome of privilege and entitlement. The room buzzed with the drone of high society gossip, and you were at the center of it all, effortlessly commanding attention. You could almost taste the exclusivity, the heady sense of superiority that came from being part of this elite circle. The feeling was intoxicating, a stark contrast to the camaraderie of your previous experiences.
Flashes of prep school days invaded your mind—those were the times when you were the quintessential preppy douchebag. You remembered the way you’d sauntered through the hallways, your perfectly ironed shirts and perfectly tousled hair marking you as someone who was above it all. You relished in teasing those you deemed beneath you, their attempts to fit in falling short against your polished, unapproachable demeanor. The thrill of belittling others, the way their reactions validated your sense of superiority, was both exhilarating and addictive.
Images of fucking your way through the entire cheerleading team danced across your mind. The clandestine meetings in the back of limousines, the whispered promises, and the easy conquests—it was all part of a lifestyle built on entitlement and indulgence. Each memory stoked the flames of an arrogance you hadn’t fully realized you’d possessed.
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As these new memories took root, you found yourself looking at Samantha through a different lens. Her entitled, snobby demeanor suddenly felt less like an affront and more like an extension of the world you were now embracing. The rich, privileged allure that had once seemed so foreign to you now felt familiar, even appealing. The changes in your body mirrored the changes in your mind, reinforcing a new self-image that was sleek, assertive, and commanding.
Samantha’s satisfaction was evident, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of triumph and something else—perhaps a touch of smugness. You understood her now, or at least felt you did. Her world of high society, privilege, and unabashed arrogance was no longer something you resented; it was a realm you were beginning to inhabit, relishing in the power it conferred.
The cacophony of sound fills the air, like a chorus of the gods screaming their praises, yet your gaze is fixated solely on Samantha, and it feels as though nothing else matters. The colorful lights spin around you as you raise your voice in exuberance, towering above the rest like a towering behemoth. You lick your lips, feeling them plump up as you imagine all the ways you want to ravage her. The thought of her heaving breasts is driving you crazy, and you can't wait to get your hands on her.
As you imagine the ways in which you want to fuck her, you start to feel like she's your property, your plaything. You envision squeezing her ass, pulling her in for a kiss, and then taking her hard and fast. The image is so vivid that you can almost taste the sweat on her skin and feel the heat of her body against yours. "Babe, this fucking party rocks!" you scream, your voice carrying above the din of the music. But as the words leave your lips, your mind starts to dwindle, your thoughts growing foggier and foggier.
The booze is running through your veins, clouding your judgment and dulling your senses. You feel dumber and dumber, your movements becoming more sluggish and less coordinated. But you don't care - you're too busy imagining all the ways you want to take Samantha. You're too busy picturing her screaming your name as you ravage her, too busy feeling like the king of the world.
As the music continues to blast and the crowd swirls around you, you stumble and stagger, your vision blurring. But you don't care - you're too busy chasing after Samantha, too busy trying to catch up to her before she gets away. You're too busy imagining the way she'll look as you take her, too busy picturing the sound of her moans as you fuck her hard and fast.
You spot a faggot wandering around, desperately looking for his boyfriend. You remember him from that one theatre production you attended, the one with all the faggots dressed up in drag. You recall how he pranced around the stage, reciting his lines with an over-the-top flair. He's a real theatre dork, and you can't help but roll your eyes at the sight of him.
You take a step forward, a scowl on your face. "Yo faggot, this isn't a fucking party for loser gays like you," you scream at him. The other partygoers turn to look at you, their faces a mixture of confusion and amusement. You don't care. You're too busy being a homophobic jerk.
You take the drink out of his hand and spill it all over him. The liquid drips down his shirt, leaving a trail of red on his white skin. He looks up at you, his eyes wide with anger. You just laugh. "What's wrong, faggot? Can't handle a little bit of spilled drink?"
Your dick starts to harden as you think of the ways you want to fuck Samantha. You can't believe how lucky you are to have her all to yourself. You run your hand through her blonde hair, feeling the silky texture between your fingers. She looks up at you, a smile on her face. "You're going to go far in politics with daddy's money," she says, her voice husky with desire. You just laugh, knowing that you've got her right where you want her.
As the night goes on, you and Samantha act like an entitled, douchey couple. You hold hands, kiss, and cuddle in front of everyone. You make sure to show off your wealth, flaunting your expensive clothes and jewelry. You even go so far as to hire a private bartender to serve you and Samantha drinks, just to make it clear that you're above the rest of the partygoers.
Samantha runs her hands over your biceps and pecs, making you feel insanely horny. You can't believe how lucky you are to have her touching you like that. You start to feel like you're going to explode with desire. You grab her hand, pulling her close. "Let's get out of here," you whisper, your voice low and seductive. Samantha nods, following you as you make your way out of the party.
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thesilmarillionblog · 4 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Part: 5
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: heavy angst, hurt, PTSD, violence, mentally unstable Soldier Boy, anger issues, Soldier Boy hates everyone, Countess is a bitch
Word Count: 3032
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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Present, 2022
Butcher grinned and added, “Lift your asses up, boys. We're heading to Russia. Let's see what's being hidden there that could kill.. Cuntlander.”
Butcher had been looking for any other way to terminate Homelander and was working hard to get the chance to succeed. Butcher's past was clear after everything that transpired with Stormfront, but he didn't like the quiet. He still had unfinished business with Homelander. He was willing to take a chance and find a way out, but he wasn't sure if his plan would work out well. He would fuck around and find out.
It wasn't challenging to enter the Russian basement with Temp V on his body and the boys around. When they stood near the well-guarded metal object that concealed the potential end of Homeland, they took extreme caution. They all were aware of that was their final shot. Butcher didn’t know what could he done more to end Homelander.
Kimiko and Frenchie retreated a step as Butcher approached and removed the metal object's door with ease. Frenchie's gun-wielding fingers clenched, and Kimiko attempted to peek inside the box. As the strong smoke began to reduce, MM's eyes grew wide with horror, his heart paced with distress. Butcher leaned forward and muttered, “Soldier Boy.”
Ben removed the handcuffs and the object from his face with ease as his senses began to awaken. His legs felt like jelly, and he was holding on to the metal object he was in. He couldn’t see a shit at first; everything was blurry as fuck. When he began to realize the real gravity of what was happening, he understood that he was completely naked. He was being watched intently by a few people around him. He blinked in confusion, sensing immense power beneath his chest. His muscles began to tense with fury.
“It’s okay,” one of them said with a calm voice.
That fucking calm voice, Ben thought. It was the same tone as the fucking scientists who tortured and poisioned him for years, like they were studying a fucking little rat. They were all going to pay for what they did to him.
Ben experienced an immediate increase in warmth and energy in his chest. As he exploded, he let out a painful shout and felt a wave of relief afterwards. Fuck, he thought. What the fuck was that? What they have done to him? He was aware that he had to leave the region as soon as possible. He needed to get out from the lab as quickly as he could before they caught them again.
Ben then remembered you. He was informed that Vought had punished you for treason by shipping you to Russia in a metal box where you would be subjected to the same smoke that he had breathed for decades. You were nowhere to be found, even though he tried his hardest to locate and rescue you. When he realized that fucking Crimson Countess had betrayed him, it was too fucking late. She would be the first to die.
He would track them down and rip their limbs off for their betrayal. Stan Edgar would be the fucking second among them, if he was still alive. He had to find you first, though. He didn’t know what exactly happened to you. He didn’t want to think the possiblity of your betrayal. Ben had done unforgottable things to you, hurt your heart pretty bad, after all. He wouldn’t be surprised.
Ben stuck into an airport after he stole some clothes and illegally boarded a passenger plane bound for America, New York. It was the city that he had known you had been last time he remembered. However, he got confused seeing huge buildings and crowd. The city was nothing like he remembered at all; there was huge screen around, everywhere. Ben paused for a moment and thought what he should do. Everything he knew had changed and he didn’t feel like fit in there.
A nearby location played Russian music on the radio that Ben heard as he wandered down Manhattan's street. He recalled all of the torture and shit he had endured over the years. Back in Russia, he experienced the same overwhelming sensation in his chest. He struggled to control this new power without drawing attention to himself or doing any harm, but the terrible memories overpowered him so much that he was unable to control it and let out a loud groan as he exploded.
“Oh fuck,” Ben whispered when he opened his eyes. Maybe he needed to find Legend first to make a start somewhere before he exploded the whole country. Fuck, he needed you.
Butcher and MM were too late when they arrived in New York, where Soldier Boy exploded. Their eyes widened with shock, seeing the entire building burn out. There were at least ten corpses around the building. It was a big fucking mess. Butcher’s chest overwhelmed with remorse. He was the one to free Soldier Boy after all. But there were no place for soft heart at that moment.
“Where could he have fucking gone?” Butcher murmered as he wandered around, overwhelmed by the chaos in the street and hearing cryings. He wasn’t sure at this point if Soldier Boy was really controllable or not.
“Who else lives in this city?” MM said, raising his eyebrows. “Think about it.”
Butcher’s eyes widened with excitement, and he said, “Legend.”
Legend was drinking his visky in joy when Butcher, MM, and Hughie knocked on his door out of the blue. He resisted letting them in after seeing Butcher among them, but he eventually gave up and invited them in.
“I swear on my kids,” Legend said, raising both hands up. “I haven’t seen Soldier Boy.”
“You hate your kids.”
“Well, you’d hate them too if they were your kids,” said Legend with an irritated voice.
“Fuck, stop being stubborn. Nothing will happen to you. I give you my word,” MM said, trying his best to convince him to talk. Butcher’s patience was also growing thin.
“Your word? He gave his word too once. I fucking lost my leg.” Legend snapped suddenly, showing off his prosthetic leg and waving it on the air.
“You’ll have to order another one if you keep talking like that old man,” said Butcher, getting up from his couch.
“Let’s calm down,” said Hughie. He got anxious because of the heat of the moment, but nobody gave a damn about him at all, so remained silent.
Legend sighed as he kept sipping his visky, and he murmered “I thought I'd seen a ghost. Fuck, he never aged a day, despite his long, odd beard. He just took his suit, nothing more.”
MM and Butcher exchanged a look.
“It seems like he demanded something,” Butcher stated, casting Legend a wary glance.
“Well, he requested the address of the Crimson Countess. I don't know, but he appeared quite furious. I don't expect to have an enjoyable visit.”
Ben learnt that Countess had been living in a trailer before he arrived. Thankfully, it was very easy to locate the bitch. His heart filled with anger seeing she lived her life while we was burn and tortured for decades. Before he entered the trailer, Ben had seen the same cocksucker back in Russia. His eyes narrowed in confusion. He had a very punchable face.
“You’re the same asshole in the lab,” Ben said with a questioning voice.
“Yeah. I am the asshole who let you out. Your lovey-dovey countess is inside the trailer. All yours. Consider it a good gesture of faith,” said Butcher giving him a sly glance.
“Good faith for what?” Ben asked in an arrogant voice, ignoring his little stupid comment about Countess. Ben didn’t even know that cocksucker, but he had a lot of things to do, and he didn’t have time for games. He couldn’t rely on anyone either.
“I was thinking, you and I might come to an arrangement, you know.”
Ben didn’t say a word as he walked by him and went inside the trailer.
“Ben?” Crimson called him with a shaky voice. Her hands were in chains, and she was looking at him with fear. The place she lived looked pathetic to his eyes. Ben’s heart was filled with immense hatred seeing her face after all those years. How could he even spend a minute with her? “You look so young.”
“You don’t.” Without letting her talk, he inhaled deeply and asked with a calm voice, “Why did you even sell me out? How much did Russians pay you?”
“I wasn’t paid,” Countess said, closing her eyes with shame and fear. She never thought this day would come.
“What?” Ben blinked his eyes in confusion.
“What did you thought would happen? Everyone hated you so fucking much,” she went on while she was looking at him with despise. “It wasn’t my idea, but I wish it was,” she said cruelly. Ben’s grip on his shield grew tighter as she spit hatred towards him.
You also warned him that Countess would be the first to betray him if he continued to behave as he used to. It felt like it had been a day ago when you had that talk, and it was painful to realize how correct you were. He bet you would die to see his face right now.
He didn’t care what she or others felt towards him at that moment, though.
“Where is Y/N?” he asked with a firm voice as he got closer.
With a sly smile, Crimson raised her eyebrows, saying, “How could I know this? But she’s most likely napping. Perhaps in China, perhaps in Russia, who knows.”
Every time she spoke, Ben's chest grew warmer, but he had to maintain his composure in order to get to know your location. “She was already off the team. What the fuck have they done to her? And Why?”
“If anything bad did happen to her, it was due to her own naivety,” Crimson snapped. “You were the only person they intended to capture, but they also wanted to ensure that no one would come to your rescue. She tried to save you, and that was a big mistake.”
With one quick motion, Ben grabbed her throat, his glowing chest continuing, he knew it was getting out of control, but he couldn’t stop it. “I asked you a fucking question, and you'll fucking answer me,” he repeated while still strangling her.
She was attempting desperately to free herself from his strong hold, but she remained helpless, his strenght was unmatchable. Ben continued to choke her and ask the same question, and she closed her eyes in misery.
“You’ll never know. You lost the only person who wanted to rescue you. Good luck with living with this,” Countess whispered with a weak voice. Not being able to control himself anymore, Ben exploded with an angry growl.
He walked out of the trailer with a heavy heart. He considered the awful experiences you may have had for decades because of him. Despite everything he had done to you, you still loved him and attempted to rescue him. However, all he gave you was pain and suffering. You may be in a container of metal or suffering from torture right now while he was free. Feeling his shield becoming heavier in his hands, he tried to process what was happening. He fucking had let you down. He has never felt so lost.
He didn't know where to look for you because he was unfamiliar with the modern world. Even if he was still the strongest supe, he didn't feel that way at that point in time. He knew he would never give up looking for you, even if he had no idea how to find you. There was nothing that could stop him.
Ben turned to face the cocksucker who had been following after his balls since yesterday after sensing that someone had been observing him.
“It seems that you require a place to stay, don't you? After all, you are currently the state's greatest enemy.” With an encouraging smile, Butcher added, “You need our help.” He was closely gauging Soldier Boy's facial reactions.
Ben nodded and followed him out to his car. Hughie and Butcher exchanged a look and both sighed with relief that Soldier Boy wasn't hostile or anything.
Ben was given a cheeseburger and anything he wanted, including cocaine, some pills, and a drink, by Butcher in the morning. Ben needed to be in business and in shape, and he needed his fucking energy back. 
Ben continued eating his hamburger and said, “So, what exactly in the world do you two fuckfaces fucking want from me?”
Hughie turned to face Soldier Boy's enormous shield and used all of his strength to try to raise it. It was so freaking heavy that even with his best efforts, he could not get it to move an inch.
Ben angrily commanded, “Hands of the fucking shield,” to which Hughie responded with a shy smile and a mumbled apology. 
“We will assist you in locating your former teammates who betrayed you,” Butcher stated bluntly as he settled into the seat. “so that you can take your revenge.”
Ben instantly dropped the hamburger and furrowed his brows in suspicion. “But how can you manage to track them down?”
With hesitation, Hughie walked up to Ben and smiled slightly, saying, “Internet, GPS, Google Maps—you can find anyone with those things.”
Ben’s heart paced with hope as the bottom-faced guy said strange words. They could find Crimson even before him, after all. Maybe finding you wouldn’t be so hard. He had no other choice after all.
“You made those words up,” Ben said, not sure if they were talking true shit or just trying to deceive him.
“Those words are real words.”
“The kid’s right,” Butcher said as he gave a sly smile to Ben. “We will find every single member of Payback, so you can have your revenge.”
“And what do you cocksuckers want in return?” Ben asked rudely.
“We just want you to add one single person to the list. The cunt’s name is ‘Homelander’”
“Alright,” Ben responded without raising any further concerns. He wouldn't bargain when it was your life he was talking about. He could easily kill one more jackass; he'd killed plenty already. “But who is he? I’ve seen his pictures.”
When Soldier Boy didn't even hesitate, Butcher and Hughie sighed with relief and were unable to control their big smiles.
“He’s the new you,” Butcher said with a smirk.
“No one’s the new me, pal,” Ben answered with pride and arrogance, but deep down, knowing he was betrayed by his own country and team, he couldn’t help feeling a bit insecure. Nevertheless, he surpassed his feelings with a smile.
So, that was it. His nation used him in every operation, every war, and anything that required a supe, but they treated him like a worthless piece of trash in return, repaying him with disloyalty. Despite everything he had done for his nation, he was ignored and treated like a rat in a lab. He realized at this point that you were the one person who had never betrayed him and that you were the only one who would care about him. He made a promise to himself that he would make everyone pay for how they treated him and you, and he would make sure you and him would rule this modern world together.
“Let me to test you. What functions does your so-called internet offer?” Ben asked Hughie seriously, changing the subject.
“Alright. It can display images, films from all eras. You can even see the space through Internet,” Hughie answered, attempting to seem straightforward and sound simple like he was talking to a child so as not to confuse him. “You can learn everything from it. Billions of people are having their job done through Internet.”
Fuck, Ben thought. How the fuck he was supposed to save you through Internet thing? He was so fucking unfamiliar with that bullshit.
“Is there a way to see a photo of a Payback member?” Ben got up and asked. The excitement in his voice was obvious. 
“Absolutely. You can even find more information about them on several websites.”
Soldier Boy was watching very carefully when Hughie asked him the name he was interested in, and Hughie then showed him your images, saying “Here.”
Ben quickly grabbed Hughie's phone and gazed at your photo with a heavy heart. Fuck, he thought to himself. Undoubtedly, the term ‘internet’ was real and it fucking knew everything. He felt helpless at that point, since he had missed you so much. To find you, he would kill anybody those fuckers needed him to.
“I need to find her,” Ben whispered, showing your picture to both of them right to their eyes like they were blind or something. “If you help me find her, I’ll help you two fuckers kill that guy, Homelander. That’s the fucking deal.”
Next Chapter
A/N: Consider this chapter as a filler chapter. Sorry, if it is bad. I kinda didn’t like it personally, but here we are. Comments and reblogs are very appreciated! ♡♡♡
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kalki-tarot · 1 year
Pick a pile, left to right ♡
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Disclaimer — The images I used to select a pile were sourced from Pinterest, I hope the reading will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Tap Masterlist for more !
Pile 1
They like to take the lead, might be dominating.
Sets strict boundaries for people.
They're protective, stable and authoritative.
They move on easily.
They might've had a rough and financially poor background or past.
They are a fair person, they don't like injustice for other people.
They like drinking and may have a whole collection of different kind of drinks.
They like to party and socialize a lot.
They constantly move forward in their life, from one place to another. They're very determined and goal oriented.
They might've had a very bad heartbreak in the past in love which made them very emotionally hurt. They are moving forward from this though.
Pile 2
This person dreams of a lot of nightmares.
Very hardworking person, takes up many responsibilities.
They've worked very hard for becoming what they are right now. They still continue to work hard.
This person works in a team, they're most probably leading this team.
They are currently working hard to learn or master a new skill.
This person is detached from the world.
He's thinking and waiting for an offer right now, romantically or career wise.
Very rich financially. On a high position at work.
This person is afraid of failing.
This person has the ability to grow and develop.
Pile 3
Very mischievous and funny.
Very easy going, doesn't stress much about things in life.
Invests a lot for future gains, emotionally or financially.
They are a healer, they help people move forward in their life.
Very mysterious, may have some hidden talents or knowledge most people don't.
This person is a strategic thinker.
Very masculine, dominating and leading energy.
Wants to travel the whole world.
Likes work and personal life balance.
Pile 4
Works very hard and takes up a lot of responsibility.
Currently moving on from a tough situation in life.
Very emotional and offering in love.
Eyes hold a lot of depth. Very deep and pure soul.
This person's intentions are very pure, they don't wish bad for anyone.
Very practical approach towards life.
This person is surely gonna be wealthy and rich in the future.
This person questions things like god and religion.
This person is going through a divine and spiritual awakening.
Traditional and conventional.
Pile 5
This person is very fast.
This person quickly jumps into romantic relationships.
Very romantic and passionate.
Hopeless romantic.
This might be contradicting but this person now waits and thinks before jumping into romantic relationships.
It's because he's had bad experiences due to being too quick and rushing.
This person is scared to fall in love again due to past heartbreak.
This person just waits now before making any decisions.
Very Masculine
Might be older than you.
Pile 6
Rich background
Fair and logical.
Indecisive sometimes.
Very intuitive and spiritual.
Likes balance in life.
Says the truth no matter what
Old soul, wise
Very prosperous and wealthy
Moving on from something chaotic.
Impulsive sometimes.
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sensualnoiree · 1 month
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Key Themes: New Beginnings, Initiative & Action, Cardinal Fire Sign, Leadership, Vibrancy & Vitality, Boldness & Courage, Sudden Bursts of Power, Spontaneity, Quick Decision Making, Spark of Inspiration, Pioneering, Risk-Taking, Passion & Enthusiasm, Empowering Energy.
Symbolism & Archetype: Aries embodies the essence of the "pioneer" and "warrior." It signifies the spark of life and the birth of new cycles. The assertive and action-oriented nature of Aries is linked to its role as the first sign of the zodiac, where the journey begins. As a Cardinal Fire sign, Aries initiates action with a fiery zeal, often acting as a trailblazer in any situation.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I come forth, and from the Plane of Mind I rule" encapsulates Aries' journey of self-realization and mastery of will. Aries is where divine ideas are born, and its energy drives the manifestation of the divine will. The "Heart in the Head Lotus" represents the spiritual awakening and higher consciousness that Aries can achieve when aligned with its higher purpose.
Key Themes: Fixed Earth Sign, Venus Ruled, Grounded & Stable, Appreciation for Nature, Enduring, Stubbornness & Reliability, Cultivation of Taste, Value for Quality, Slow & Steady Rhythm, Resistance to Change.
Symbolism & Archetype: Taurus is the "builder" and "preserver," embodying the energy of stability and endurance. As the Fixed Earth sign, Taurus is connected to the physical realm, emphasizing the importance of security, material wealth, and sensual pleasures. The bull symbolizes strength, patience, and a deep connection to the earth.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "I SEE, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined" reflects Taurus' journey toward spiritual illumination through the material world. Taurus is associated with desire, but this desire evolves into a drive for spiritual beauty and the synthesis of the divine within the physical form. The "penetrating Light of the Path" signifies Taurus' role in revealing the hidden mysteries of the heart.
Key Themes: Quick Learners, Social & Charming, Mercury Ruled, Communication, Intellect, Curiosity, Versatility, Adaptability, Dynamic & Changing Energy, Love of Learning.
Symbolism & Archetype: Gemini is the "communicator" and "trickster," representing the duality of mind and the flow of information. As a Mutable Air sign, Gemini is associated with the exchange of ideas, quick thinking, and adaptability. The twins symbolize the dual nature of Gemini, constantly exploring both sides of every situation.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I recognize my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow" speaks to Gemini's journey of integrating the higher and lower selves. Gemini's energy is about relating and connecting, overcoming the illusion of separation. It is linked to the heart of the Sun, symbolizing the central role of communication and connection in the sustenance of life.
Key Themes: The Crab, Intuitive & Sensitive, Moon Ruled, Emotional Sensitivity, Nurturing & Protective, Strong Attachment to Home & Family, Sentimental & Nostalgic.
Symbolism & Archetype: Cancer is the "nurturer" and "caretaker," embodying the energy of emotional depth and protection. As a Cardinal Water sign, Cancer is associated with the nurturing of life, whether it be through family, home, or emotional bonds. The crab symbolizes protection, retreat, and the cyclical nature of life.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "I build a lighted house and therein dwell" reflects Cancer's journey of creating a safe and sacred space for the soul. Cancer is where the light of the soul begins to shine within the form, illuminating the path of life. The sign is associated with the breath of life, signifying the connection between spirit, soul, and form.
Key Themes: Fixed Fire Sign, The Sun, Leadership, Radiant Personality, Attention-Seeking, Bold, Creative, Passionate, Loyalty & Stability, Devoted in Relationships, Heart Chakra & Compassion.
Symbolism & Archetype: Leo is the "king" and "hero," representing the power of self-expression and leadership. As a Fixed Fire sign, Leo embodies the energy of creativity, confidence, and vitality. The lion symbolizes strength, nobility, and the desire to shine.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I am That, and That Am I" reflects Leo's journey toward self-realization and spiritual mastery. Leo's energy is about illuminating the self and others, leading with the heart, and achieving self-mastery. The "will-to-rule and to dominate" signifies Leo's potential for self-control and the conditioning of the environment in alignment with the divine plan.
Key Themes: Mutable Earth Sign, Mercury Ruled, Attention to Detail & Discernment, Analytical, Practical, Connection to Digestion & Assimilation, Preparation for Judgment & Equinox, Diligence & Service.
Symbolism & Archetype: Virgo is the "healer" and "analyst," embodying the energy of service, organization, and purification. As a Mutable Earth sign, Virgo is associated with the practical application of knowledge, meticulous attention to detail, and the cultivation of order. The goddess Demeter symbolizes the nurturing and harvesting aspects of Virgo.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "I Am the Mother and the Child; I God - I Matter, Am" reflects Virgo's journey of integrating the spiritual and material worlds. Virgo's energy is about nurturing the divine potential within the material world, preparing for the revelation of the hidden spiritual reality. The sign is associated with the nurturing force of substance itself.
Key Themes: Cardinal Air Sign, Venus Ruled, Balance & Weighing, Harmony & Fairness, Focus on Relationships & Social Harmony, Beauty, Art, & Aesthetics.
Symbolism & Archetype: Libra is the "diplomat" and "judge," embodying the energy of balance, harmony, and fairness. As a Cardinal Air sign, Libra is associated with the weighing of options, the pursuit of justice, and the importance of relationships. The scales symbolize equilibrium, duality, and the quest for fairness.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force" reflects Libra's journey of finding balance between opposing forces. Libra's energy is about achieving harmony between the soul and personality, creating a point of balance where spiritual opportunity arises. The sign is associated with the probationary path, where duality is known and choice is inevitable.
Key Themes: Fixed Water Sign, Ruled by Mars, Intense, Mysterious, Deep Emotional Connections, Passion & Intensity, Resourceful, Strong Intuition, Power of Self-Transformation.
Symbolism & Archetype: Scorpio is the "transformer" and "warrior," embodying the energy of deep emotional intensity and the power of transformation. As a Fixed Water sign, Scorpio is associated with the exploration of the depths of the psyche, the confrontation of fears, and the process of rebirth. The scorpion symbolizes resilience, defense, and the ability to regenerate.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "Warrior am I and from the Battle I emerge Triumphant" reflects Scorpio's journey of inner transformation and spiritual triumph. Scorpio's energy is about the merging of the light of form, soul, and life, leading to the liberation of the soul from the lower worlds. The sign is associated with the trials and tests of the soul's journey, ultimately leading to triumph and liberation.
Key Themes: Mutable Fire Sign, Ruled by Jupiter, Outspoken, Adventurous, Philosophical, Freedom-Loving, Idealistic, Generous, Wanderlust, Spiritual Aspiration.
Symbolism & Archetype: Sagittarius is the "seeker" and "philosopher," embodying the energy of exploration, truth-seeking, and spiritual aspiration. As a Mutable Fire sign, Sagittarius is associated with the quest for knowledge, the pursuit of higher wisdom, and the desire for freedom. The archer symbolizes direction, focus, and the pursuit of lofty goals.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I see the Goal. I reach that goal and then I see another" reflects Sagittarius' journey of continuous spiritual growth and expansion. Sagittarius' energy is about seeing the vision of the goal and directing one's course toward it, driven by an intuitive sense of direction. The sign is associated with idealism, spiritual aspiration, and the power to see beyond the present.
Key Themes: Cardinal Earth Sign, Ruled by Saturn, Ambition & Persistence, Practical Applications, Duties & Responsibilities, Focus on Building Secure Structures & Financial Security, Connection to History & Ancestry.
Symbolism & Archetype: Capricorn is the "builder" and "strategist," embodying the energy of discipline, responsibility, and long-term achievement. As a Cardinal Earth sign, Capricorn is associated with the pursuit of goals, the importance of structure, and the mastery of the material world. The mountain goat symbolizes perseverance, ambition, and the climb to the top.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back" reflects Capricorn's journey of achieving spiritual enlightenment and the responsibility of turning back to serve humanity. Capricorn's energy is about balancing the light of the personality and the soul, leading to the experience of the mountain top, where spiritual initiation takes place. The sign is associated with the triumph of spiritual will over material limitations.
Key Themes: Fixed Air Sign, Ruled by Uranus, Humanitarianism, Idealism, Connection to Higher Thought & Collective Ideals, Social Reformer, Emphasis on Friendship & Community.
Symbolism & Archetype: Aquarius is the "visionary" and "reformer," embodying the energy of innovation, idealism, and the collective consciousness. As a Fixed Air sign, Aquarius is associated with the pursuit of knowledge, the importance of social connections, and the drive to create a better future for all. The water bearer symbolizes the pouring forth of knowledge and wisdom to humanity.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty men" reflects Aquarius' journey of serving humanity through the dissemination of spiritual knowledge and the promotion of unity. Aquarius' energy is about the realization of the oneness of all life and the importance of the collective good. The sign is associated with the awakening of spiritual consciousness and the unfolding of the plan for humanity.
Key Themes: Mutable Water Sign, Ruled by Neptune, Compassion & Empathy, Connection to the Subconscious & Dreams, Intuition, Spiritual Awareness, Sacrifice & Service, Boundlessness & Unity.
Symbolism & Archetype: Pisces is the "mystic" and "dreamer," embodying the energy of compassion, empathy, and spiritual transcendence. As a Mutable Water sign, Pisces is associated with the dissolution of boundaries, the exploration of the subconscious, and the connection to the divine. The fish symbolizes fluidity, the connection to the ocean of consciousness, and the ability to navigate the depths of the soul.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "I leave the Father’s Home and turning back, I save" reflects Pisces' journey of self-sacrifice and spiritual service. Pisces' energy is about the realization of unity with all life and the willingness to serve the collective through selflessness and compassion. The sign is associated with the completion of the soul's journey, leading to spiritual liberation and the merging with the divine.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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crystalsenergy · 1 year
8th house and spiritual experiences 🌌🕯️💜🖤 - the good & the bad (Sun to Pluto)
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Sun in the 8th house (Sensitivity to Spiritual Transformation):
With the Sun in the 8th house, individuals have a heightened sensitivity to spiritual transformation and the depths of the unconscious mind. They may be naturally drawn to explore the spiritual and mystical aspects of life.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often have profound spiritual experiences that involve personal transformation and rebirth. They may undergo a spiritual awakening that leads to a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. The 8th house energy can facilitate a sense of merging with higher consciousness.
Depth of Spiritual Exploration: With the Sun in the 8th house, individuals are driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore the depths of existence beyond the material world. They are naturally drawn to esoteric and mystical teachings, seeking to uncover hidden truths and spiritual insights that lie beneath the surface. This placement fosters a sense of urgency to understand the mysteries of life, death, and transformation on a profound level.
Sensitivity to Energies: Sun in the 8th house bestows an acute sensitivity to energies and entities that exist beyond the veil of the physical world. They may have vivid spiritual experiences, such as encounters with spirit guides, profound dreams, or out-of-body experiences. This heightened sensitivity allows them to bridge the gap between the seen and unseen realms.
Unearthing Hidden Realities: These individuals possess an innate talent for unearthing, discovering hidden spiritual realities. They are not content with superficial answers but are relentless in their pursuit of uncovering the concealed aspects of their own consciousness and the collective unconscious. Their heightened sensitivity allows them to penetrate the veils of illusion and reach into the hidden chambers of the soul.
Fearlessness in the Face of Darkness: Sun in the 8th house individuals are unafraid to confront the darkness within themselves and in the world around them. They possess a unique fearlessness when it comes to diving into the shadowy corners of the human psyche. This courage enables them to explore their own unresolved issues and confront the fears that often hold others back from spiritual growth.
Transformative Power: The 8th house is associated with transformation, rebirth, and regeneration, and when the Sun is placed here, it infuses the individual with a potent transformative power in their spiritual journey. They have the capacity to undergo profound inner shifts, shedding old identities and beliefs to emerge as spiritually evolved beings. This transformative energy can be harnessed for their own growth and the benefit of others.
Magnetic Attraction to the Occult: These individuals are irresistibly drawn to the occult, the mystical, and the metaphysical. They may find themselves naturally attuned to practices such as astrology, tarot, energy healing, or shamanic rituals. The hidden aspects of spirituality hold a magnetic appeal for them, and they may become skilled practitioners in these esoteric arts.
Connection to Others: Their sensitivity to spiritual energies also extends to their interactions with others. They have an empathetic connection to the spiritual experiences and journeys of those around them. This enables them to provide support, guidance, and healing to others on their spiritual paths.
Mystical Illumination: At their best, individuals with Sun in the 8th house can experience moments of profound mystical illumination. These moments may feel like a merging with divine consciousness or a deep connection to the universal source of all existence. This illumination serves as a guiding light in their spiritual quest, offering clarity and purpose.
Challenges (the bad)
Egoic Attachment to Spiritual Experiences: There is a risk that individuals with Sun in the 8th house may become egoically attached to their spiritual experiences. They might use their heightened sensitivity to spiritual matters as a means to gain a sense of superiority or as a source of personal validation, which can hinder genuine spiritual growth.
Power Struggles in Spiritual Groups: These individuals may be drawn to spiritual communities or groups where power dynamics and control issues can be prevalent. Their sensitivity to power struggles may lead them to become embroiled in conflicts or manipulative situations within these contexts.
Overemphasis on Dark or Taboo Spiritual Practices: Due to their intense interest in hidden or transformative aspects of spirituality, they might be drawn to dark or taboo spiritual practices that can be harmful or exploitative. This can lead to negative spiritual experiences and a potential descent into destructive spiritual paths.
Obsession with Death and the Afterlife: While their sensitivity to the mysteries of life and death can be profound, it may also lead to an unhealthy preoccupation with mortality and the afterlife. This obsession can hinder their ability to live fully in the present moment and lead to anxiety or existential crises.
Manipulative Use of Spiritual Insight: Like Pluto in the 8th house, individuals with this placement may possess deep spiritual insight, but they could misuse this perception to manipulate others who are vulnerable or in search of spiritual guidance. This can lead to ethical dilemmas and harm to others' spiritual journeys.
Spiritual Arrogance: There's a potential for these individuals to develop spiritual arrogance, believing that their understanding of spiritual matters is superior to others. This can alienate them from genuine spiritual communities and create a sense of isolation.
Avoidance of Personal Shadow Work: Their sensitivity to the unconscious can lead to a temptation to bypass personal shadow work or unresolved psychological issues. They may use spiritual experiences as a means to escape facing their own inner challenges, hindering their spiritual evolution.
Challenges of the Shadow: While this placement grants incredible depth and spiritual insight, it also comes with challenges. The depths of the unconscious can be both enlightening and daunting, and individuals with Sun in the 8th house may grapple with their own inner demons and psychological complexities. It's crucial for them to engage in ongoing shadow work and self-reflection to navigate these depths.
Moon in the 8th House (Spiritual intuition):
Moon in the 8th house individuals possess a strong sensitivity to their own spiritual intuition and the unseen energies that shape their spiritual path. They may have a keen sense of emotional and spiritual interconnectedness.
Emotional Intensity in Spiritual Pursuits: Individuals with Moon in the 8th house approach their spiritual journey with a remarkable emotional intensity. Their emotions are intimately intertwined with their spiritual experiences, often leading to profound emotional and spiritual transformations. This depth of feeling allows them to connect with the spiritual dimensions on a visceral level.
Intuitive Insight into the Unconscious: These individuals possess a heightened intuition and psychic sensitivity that allows them to tap into the unconscious realms with ease. They may have vivid dreams, psychic experiences, and a strong inner knowing that guides them in their spiritual quest. Their intuition serves as a valuable compass in navigating the hidden aspects of spirituality.
Empathy for Others' Spiritual Journeys: Moon in the 8th house individuals have a natural empathy for the spiritual experiences and emotional struggles of others. They can intuitively sense the emotional undercurrents in their relationships and offer emotional support and guidance to those on their spiritual paths. This empathy fosters deep connections with like-minded souls.
Embracing the Dark and the Light: This placement encourages individuals to embrace both the light and the shadow aspects of spirituality. They are unafraid to confront their own emotional wounds and the darker aspects of their psyche. This willingness to explore the depths of their own consciousness leads to personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.
Cycles of Emotional Transformation: The Moon is associated with cycles, and in the 8th house, individuals may experience profound emotional and spiritual transformations in cyclical patterns. These cycles of inner renewal and rebirth mirror the transformative energies of the 8th house and deepen their spiritual understanding with each cycle.
Spiritual Healing Through Emotional Expression: They have a unique capacity to use emotional expression as a means of spiritual healing. Engaging in practices like journaling, art, or music can help them process their emotional and spiritual experiences and facilitate profound inner shifts.
Nurturing the Soul: The Moon's nurturing energy extends to the soul for these individuals. They have a deep desire to nurture and care for their spiritual well-being, seeking solace in practices that offer emotional and spiritual sustenance. This may include meditation, prayer, or spiritual retreats.
Mystical Connection to the Divine: At their best, Moon in the 8th house individuals can establish a mystical connection to the divine. They may experience moments of profound emotional and spiritual union with the universal source of love and wisdom. These moments of divine connection provide them with deep spiritual fulfillment and purpose.
Challenges (the bad)
Emotional Turbulence in Spiritual Pursuits: Individuals with Moon in the 8th house may experience intense emotional ups and downs in their spiritual journey. These emotional fluctuations can lead to inner turmoil and difficulty maintaining a consistent spiritual practice.
Attachment to Emotional Drama: There's a risk of becoming overly attached to emotional drama or intensity in spiritual experiences. They may seek out chaotic or emotionally charged spiritual situations, which can be draining and disruptive to their well-being.
Struggles with Emotional Boundaries: These individuals may struggle with emotional boundaries in spiritual contexts, leading to emotional overwhelm or vulnerability to manipulation by others who recognize their emotional sensitivity.
Fear of the Unknown: Despite their depth of emotional understanding, they may have a fear of delving into the unknown realms of spirituality. This fear can hinder their ability to embrace new spiritual experiences and concepts.
Emotional Vulnerability in Spiritual Pursuits: Moon in the 8th house individuals may find themselves emotionally vulnerable in their spiritual pursuits. Their sensitivity can make them more susceptible to emotional turbulence and upheaval, especially when confronted with the intense energies of the unconscious. It is important for them to cultivate emotional resilience and self-care practices.
Mercury in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Hidden Spiritual Knowledge):
Mercury in the 8th house suggests a sensitivity to hidden spiritual knowledge and the ability to communicate about spiritual topics with depth and insight. These individuals may have a natural gift for uncovering hidden truths.
Intellectual Depth in Spiritual Inquiry: Individuals with Mercury in the 8th house possess a keen and probing intellect that drives them to explore the hidden dimensions of spirituality. They approach spiritual matters with an analytical mind, seeking to uncover the underlying truths and mysteries that often elude others.
Communication as a Tool for Transformation: Mercury's influence in the 8th house highlights the transformative power of communication. These individuals have a unique ability to articulate their spiritual insights and experiences, making them effective conveyors of esoteric knowledge. They can inspire and guide others on their spiritual journeys through the power of words.
Sensitivity to Symbolism and Esoteric Language: Their sensitivity extends to symbolism, metaphors, and esoteric language often used in spiritual teachings. They intuitively grasp the deeper meanings behind these symbols, allowing them to connect with the profound wisdom embedded within spiritual texts and teachings.
Psychological Insight into the Unconscious: Mercury in the 8th house fosters a profound understanding of the human psyche and the workings of the unconscious mind. They may excel in fields like psychology, psychoanalysis, or depth therapy, using their intellectual acumen to delve into the hidden recesses of the human soul.
Gifted in Uncovering Hidden Truths: These individuals are gifted in uncovering hidden truths and exposing secrets, both within themselves and in the world around them. Their intellectual curiosity and intuitive insights enable them to unravel mysteries and bring the hidden into the light.
Mystical Insight through Communication: Their communication skills can lead to mystical insights during moments of deep reflection or meditation. They may receive profound spiritual guidance or epiphanies through the act of verbalizing their thoughts or engaging in meaningful conversations.
Teaching and Sharing Spiritual Wisdom: Mercury's presence in the 8th house encourages these individuals to share their spiritual wisdom with others. They may become teachers, mentors, or writers who convey complex spiritual concepts in a clear and accessible manner.
Challenges (the bad)
Overintellectualization of Spirituality: Those with Mercury in the 8th house may be prone to overintellectualizing spiritual matters. They may become overly analytical and skeptical, which can block them from embracing the more intuitive and mystical aspects of spirituality.
Compulsive Need for Spiritual Knowledge: Their thirst for knowledge can become compulsive, leading to information overload and spiritual materialism. They may collect spiritual information without truly integrating it into their practice or personal growth.
Difficulty Expressing Spiritual Insights: While they may have deep spiritual insights, they might struggle to effectively communicate their experiences or understanding to others. This can lead to frustration and isolation in spiritual communities.
Cynicism and Skepticism: Their analytical nature may lead to cynicism and skepticism toward spiritual teachers, practices, or traditions. This skepticism can hinder their ability to trust and fully immerse themselves in spiritual experiences.
Venus in the 8th House (Spiritual Connections):
Venus in the 8th house indicates a sensitivity to spiritual bonds, deep connections, and the transformative power of spiritual relationships. These individuals may seek profound spiritual experiences through their connections with others.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often experience deep, spiritual connections with others, which can lead to profound experiences of love and transformation. They may explore the spiritual dimensions of love and relationships, seeking to merge their hearts and souls with others on a spiritual level.
Deep Emotional Connection to Spiritual Experiences: Individuals with Venus in the 8th house approach their spiritual journey with a deep emotional connection. They seek to understand the spiritual dimensions of love, intimacy, and human connection. For them, spiritual experiences often involve a profound sense of emotional bonding with the divine and with others on a spiritual level.
Transformation Through Love and Relationships: Venus's influence in the 8th house highlights the transformative power of love and relationships in their spiritual growth. They may experience profound inner shifts and personal evolution through their connections with others, especially in romantic and deep, soulful relationships.
Sensitivity to the Mysteries of Love and Desire: These individuals possess a heightened sensitivity to the mysteries of love, desire, and passion. They are drawn to explore the spiritual dimensions of these intense emotions, seeking to uncover the hidden truths and transformative potential within them.
Embracing the Dark and the Light in Relationships: Venus in the 8th house encourages them to embrace both the light and the shadow aspects of love and relationships. They are unafraid to confront the complexities, vulnerabilities, and hidden desires that often lie beneath the surface in their connections with others.
Healing and Transformation Through Intimate Connections: They may find that their relationships serve as catalysts for personal growth and spiritual awakening, allowing them to release old wounds and patterns.
Empathy and Compassion in Spiritual Relationships: These individuals have a natural empathy and compassion for the spiritual journeys of others, particularly in the context of relationships. They can deeply connect with and support their partners or loved ones on their own spiritual paths.
Challenges (the bad)
Attachment to Sensual Pleasures: Individuals with Venus in the 8th house may be prone to attachment to sensual pleasures and material comforts, which can distract them from their spiritual pursuits.
Emotional Turmoil in Relationships: Their sensitivity to deep emotional and transformative experiences in relationships can lead to intense emotional ups and downs. This emotional turbulence can disrupt their spiritual practice.
Materialistic Approach to Spirituality: There's a risk of approaching spirituality from a materialistic perspective, seeking spiritual experiences for personal gain or a sense of beauty and luxury. This can hinder their genuine spiritual growth.
Difficulty in Letting Go: Venus's attachment to beauty and harmony may make it challenging for them to let go of attachments and embrace the impermanence often emphasized in spiritual teachings.
Mars in the 8th House (Spiritual Empowerment):
Mars in the 8th house suggests a sensitivity to spiritual empowerment and the use of spiritual energy for personal growth and transformation. These individuals may harness their inner strength for spiritual pursuits.
Spiritual Experiences: Individuals with this placement often find empowerment through spiritual practices and may engage in transformative experiences that require courage and determination. They may use their spiritual energy to overcome obstacles and challenges on their spiritual path.
Passionate Pursuit of Spiritual Truth: Individuals with Mars in the 8th house approach their spiritual journey with a fiery and passionate determination. They are driven by an intense desire to uncover the profound truths that lie beneath the surface, and they tackle their spiritual pursuits with vigor and enthusiasm.
Action-Oriented Approach to Transformation: Mars's influence in the 8th house highlights the transformative power of action and personal will. These individuals believe in actively engaging with the hidden dimensions of spirituality, using their energy and drive to effect meaningful change within themselves and in the world around them.
Courage to Confront the Shadows: Mars in the 8th house individuals possess the courage to confront their own shadows and the darker aspects of spirituality. They are unafraid to delve into the depths of their psyche, addressing unresolved issues, and facing their fears head-on as part of their spiritual growth.
Fearless Exploration of Taboos: Their sensitivity extends to the exploration of taboos, forbidden knowledge, and the boundaries of conventional belief systems. They approach these subjects fearlessly, seeking to challenge and expand their understanding of spirituality.
Sensitivity to Energetic Shifts: They have a heightened sensitivity to energetic shifts and power dynamics in their spiritual experiences. This sensitivity allows them to perceive subtle changes in energy and empowers them to actively participate in the transformative process.
Sensual and Mystical Spiritual Experiences: Mars's influence can lead to sensual and even ecstatic spiritual experiences. They may find that their spiritual encounters are deeply rooted in physical sensations, leading to a sense of union with the divine through the body.
Embracing the Warrior Archetype: Mars in the 8th house individuals often resonate with the warrior archetype in their spiritual journeys. They view themselves as spiritual warriors who confront challenges and obstacles with courage and determination, ultimately emerging stronger and wiser.
Challenges (the bad)
Aggressiveness in Spiritual Pursuits: Those with Mars in the 8th house may approach their spiritual journey with excessive aggressiveness or a competitive spirit. This can lead to conflicts within spiritual communities and hinder inner peace.
Power Struggles in Spiritual Groups: Their assertiveness, when used in excess, can sometimes lead to power struggles within spiritual groups or communities. They may clash with others over leadership or control issues.
Impulsivity in Spiritual Practices: They may be prone to impulsive or reckless spiritual practices, seeking intense experiences without considering the potential risks or consequences. This can lead to spiritual burnout.
Challenges in Achieving Inner Calm: Their innate restlessness and drive may make it difficult for them to achieve the inner calm and stillness often sought in spiritual practice. They may struggle with meditation or contemplative practices.
Jupiter in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Spiritual Expansion):
Jupiter in the 8th house signifies a sensitivity to spiritual expansion and a desire to explore the depths of spirituality and transformation. These individuals may have a natural inclination toward spiritual growth.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often embark on spiritual journeys that lead to personal expansion and a deeper understanding of life's mysteries. They may seek wisdom in the spiritual realms, exploring different belief systems and philosophies. The 8th house's transformative energy can lead to profound spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Expansive Quest for Spiritual Wisdom: Individuals with Jupiter in the 8th house embark on a grand and expansive quest for spiritual wisdom. They possess a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge that leads them to explore the profound mysteries of life, death, and transformation.
Optimism in the Face of Spiritual Challenges: Jupiter's influence in the 8th house fosters an innate optimism, even in the face of spiritual challenges and the exploration of the shadow aspects of existence. They believe that there is always light to be found in the darkest corners of the psyche and the spiritual journey.
Embracing the Mysteries of Life and Death: Jupiter in the 8th house encourages individuals to embrace the mysteries of life and death with open arms. They have a deep fascination with the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth and may explore spiritual practices that delve into these themes.
Empathy for Others' Spiritual Journeys: These individuals possess a natural empathy and understanding for the spiritual journeys of others. They are often sought after as spiritual guides and mentors due to their ability to provide encouragement and wisdom.
Sensitivity to Synchronicities and Signs: They have a heightened sensitivity to synchronicities, signs, and meaningful coincidences in their lives. They view these occurrences as guidance from the universe and are adept at interpreting their spiritual significance.
Seeking Wisdom & Diverse Spiritual Traditions: Jupiter in the 8th house individuals often explore a wide range of spiritual traditions and belief systems. They are open to learning from diverse sources and may synthesize their spiritual beliefs from various philosophies.
Generosity and Compassion in Spiritual Endeavors: Their expansive and benevolent nature often leads them to engage in acts of generosity and compassion as part of their spiritual practice. They may support charitable causes or engage in volunteer work to make a positive impact.
Challenges (the bad)
Excessive Idealism: Individuals with Jupiter in the 8th house may have a tendency to idealize spiritual concepts or teachers. This can lead to disillusionment when reality does not meet their high expectations.
Overindulgence in Spiritual Experiences: Their expansive nature may lead to overindulgence in spiritual experiences, such as excessive meditation or seeking out gurus and retreats. This can lead to imbalance and neglect of practical life and responsibilities.
Dogmatism and Self-Righteousness: They may become dogmatic in their spiritual beliefs and adopt a self-righteous attitude, believing that their spiritual path is the only correct one. This can lead to conflicts with others who have different beliefs.
Lack of Discernment: Their optimism and trust in others, when used in excess, may lead to a lack of discernment, making them vulnerable to manipulation or exploitation by unscrupulous spiritual figures.
Saturn in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Spiritual Discipline):
Saturn in the 8th house individuals have a sensitivity to spiritual discipline and the importance of structure in their spiritual pursuits. They may take a disciplined approach to their spiritual path.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often find spiritual growth through structured practices, such as meditation or rituals. They may seek to master their spiritual path through patience and commitment. The 8th house's transformative energy can lead to profound spiritual discipline and growth.
Disciplined Approach to Spiritual Growth: Individuals with Saturn in the 8th house approach their spiritual journey with discipline and dedication. They have a structured and methodical approach to personal growth and transformation, viewing spirituality as a path that requires commitment and effort.
Sensitivity to the Depth of the Psyche: Saturn's influence in the 8th house fosters a sensitivity to the deep layers of the psyche and the hidden aspects of the self.
Embracing the Challenges of Transformation: These individuals view challenges and obstacles as essential components of the transformational process. They are willing to face the darkest corners of their own psyche and explore the shadow aspects of existence with courage and perseverance.
Practical Application of Spiritual Insights: Their sensitivity extends to the practical application of spiritual insights in their daily lives. They are interested in integrating their spiritual beliefs into their actions and behaviors, striving for a harmonious alignment between their inner and outer worlds.
Resilience in the Face of Spiritual Challenges: These individuals possess a remarkable resilience when confronted with spiritual challenges and setbacks. They do not easily give up or become discouraged, viewing difficulties as opportunities for growth and learning.
Challenges (the bad)
Rigidity and Fear of Change: Those with Saturn in the 8th house may have a fear of change and a tendency to resist the transformative aspects of spirituality. They may be overly cautious and resistant to new spiritual experiences.
Rigorous Self-Judgment: Their critical nature can lead to rigorous self-judgment in spiritual practice. They may be harsh on themselves, believing they are not progressing fast enough or living up to their own expectations.
Fear of the Unknown: Their fear of the unknown and a desire for control can hinder them from embracing the mystical and unpredictable aspects of spirituality.
Spiritual Austerity: They may lean toward spiritual austerity, denying themselves joy and pleasure in the belief that the pain is necessary for spiritual growth. This can lead to a lack of balance and a sense of deprivation.
Uranus in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Spiritual Awakening):
Uranus in the 8th house suggests a sensitivity to spiritual awakening and a desire to break free from old patterns and limitations in the pursuit of higher consciousness.
Spiritual Experiences: Individuals with this placement may experience sudden spiritual awakenings that lead to radical shifts in their perception of reality. They may be open to unconventional spiritual practices and may explore innovative approaches to their spiritual journey.
Quest for Spiritual Liberation: Individuals with Uranus in the 8th house have a strong desire for spiritual liberation and freedom. They seek to break free from traditional or conventional spiritual beliefs and explore new, unconventional paths to enlightenment.
Sensitivity to Radical Transformation: Uranus's influence in the 8th house fosters a sensitivity to radical transformation. They are open to sudden and profound shifts in consciousness and may have experiences that shatter their old belief systems, leading to a redefinition of their spiritual identity.
Innovation in Spiritual Practices: These individuals are pioneers in the realm of spirituality, often embracing innovative and cutting-edge spiritual practices. They may explore technologies, alternative healing methods, or avant-garde spiritual philosophies in their quest for spiritual growth.
Sensitivity to Universal Consciousness: Their sensitivity extends to the interconnectedness of all beings and a sense of universal consciousness. They may have experiences of expanded awareness and interconnectedness that lead to a deep sense of unity with the cosmos.
Sensitivity to Paradigm Shifts: They have a heightened sensitivity to paradigm shifts and collective consciousness evolution. They may be at the forefront of societal changes and spiritual movements that challenge the status quo.
Embracing the Unconventional: These individuals are unafraid to explore unconventional and uncharted spiritual territories. They are drawn to the mysterious and the unexplained, seeking to push the boundaries of their spiritual understanding.
Sensitivity to Energetic Shifts: Their sensitivity allows them to perceive subtle energetic shifts and changes in their spiritual experiences. They may have intuitive insights into the energies at play in the spiritual realms.
Empathy for Outsiders: They possess empathy and understanding for outsiders and those who feel marginalized in conventional spiritual communities. Their open-mindedness makes them accepting of diverse spiritual paths and beliefs.
Challenges (the bad)
Restlessness in Spiritual Pursuits: Their restlessness and desire for freedom may result in a lack of commitment to any one spiritual path. They may flit from one spiritual practice to another without finding deep inner connection.
Inability to Ground Spiritual Insights: While they may have sudden and innovative spiritual insights, they may struggle to ground these insights in practical ways or integrate them into their daily lives.
Resistance to Structure: Uranus's resistance to structure may hinder their ability to establish a consistent spiritual practice, leading to sporadic or unconventional approaches to spirituality.
Challenges in Finding Stability: One challenge they may face is the need to find stability and grounding in their spiritual pursuits. Uranus's influence can sometimes lead to a sense of restlessness or a constant quest for the next spiritual breakthrough.
Neptune in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Mystical Connection):
Neptune in the 8th house signifies a sensitivity to mystical connection and the desire to merge with the divine and the spiritual realms.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often have profound mystical experiences that involve a sense of oneness with the universe. They may be drawn to spiritual practices that facilitate a deep connection with the divine and the unseen realms.
Intuitive Connection to the Unconscious: Individuals with Neptune in the 8th house have an innate and intuitive connection to the unconscious mind and the hidden realms of existence. They may possess heightened psychic abilities and a natural affinity for dream analysis and symbolism.
Mystical Experiences: Neptune's influence in the 8th house often leads to mystical experiences and encounters with the spirituality. They may have moments of profound spiritual insight and union with the universal consciousness, transcending ordinary reality.
Sensitivity to Spiritual Healing: These individuals are sensitive to the healing power of spirituality. They may explore alternative healing modalities, energy work, or holistic practices as part of their spiritual journey, often with a focus on emotional and soul-level healing.
Empathy and Compassion: Neptune in the 8th house fosters deep empathy and compassion for the suffering and struggles of others. They are drawn to service-oriented spiritual practices and may work in fields that involve supporting those in crisis or experiencing emotional challenges.
Dissolution of Boundaries: Their sensitivity extends to the dissolution of boundaries, both in the physical and spiritual realms. They may have a fluid sense of self and a capacity to merge with others on a spiritual or energetic level.
Artistic Expression of Spirituality: These individuals often find artistic and creative outlets for their spiritual insights. They may excel in music, visual arts, poetry, or other forms of artistic expression that convey the ethereal and transcendent aspects of spirituality.
Sensitivity to Spiritual Illusions: Neptune's influence can lead to sensitivity to spiritual illusions and the potential for self-deception. They may need to discern between genuine spiritual experiences and delusions or escapism.
Intuitive Guidance: They rely on intuitive guidance and inner knowing in their spiritual pursuits. They may trust their inner voice and intuition to lead them on their path, often making choices based on a deep sense of spiritual guidance.
Sensitivity to Collective Unconscious: These individuals are attuned to the collective unconscious and may have a deep understanding of archetypal symbolism and universal themes in spirituality. They can tap into the wisdom of the collective unconscious for spiritual insights.
Challenges (the bad)
Escapism Through Spirituality: Individuals with Neptune in the 8th house may be prone to using spirituality as a means of escaping from the challenges of reality. This can lead to a lack of grounding and practicality in their spiritual pursuits.
Illusions and Deception: Neptune's influence may lead to illusions, self-deception, or susceptibility to manipulation by charismatic but unscrupulous spiritual figures.
Difficulty in Discerning Reality: They may struggle to discern between genuine spiritual experiences and fantasies or delusions. This can lead to confusion and a lack of clarity in their spiritual journey.
Overidealization of Spiritual Teachers: They may overidealize spiritual teachers or gurus, placing them on pedestals and failing to recognize their flaws or unethical behavior.
Pluto in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Spiritual Transformation and Power):
Pluto in the 8th house indicates a sensitivity to spiritual transformation and the exploration of spiritual power and the unconscious mind.
Spiritual Experiences: Individuals with this placement may undergo intense spiritual transformations that lead to a deeper understanding of the hidden forces at play in the spiritual realm. They may seek to harness their spiritual power for personal and collective growth. The 8th house's transformative energy can lead to profound spiritual evolution and the exploration of the mysteries of existence.
Profound Spiritual Transformation: Individuals with Pluto in the 8th house undergo profound spiritual transformations throughout their lives. They are drawn to experiences and practices that lead to inner rebirth, often through the process of shedding old layers of the self.
Sensitivity to the Mysteries of Life and Death: Pluto's influence in the 8th house fosters a deep sensitivity to the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth. They have a fascination with these themes and seek to understand the cycles of existence on a profound level.
Sensitivity to Energetic Shifts: Their sensitivity extends to perceiving subtle energetic shifts and power dynamics in the spiritual realms. They may have a heightened ability to sense the energies at play in their own lives and the lives of others.
Spiritual Regeneration and Rebirth: Their spiritual path often involves cycles of regeneration and rebirth. They may experience moments of spiritual death and resurrection, leading to a deeper understanding of the eternal nature of the soul.
Sensitivity to Power and Control: They are highly attuned to power dynamics and issues of control, both within themselves and in the spiritual realms. They may be drawn to spiritual practices that empower them to overcome personal limitations and gain greater self-mastery.
Sensual and Mystical Spiritual Experiences: Pluto's influence can lead to sensual and mystical spiritual experiences. They may find that their spiritual encounters are deeply rooted in physical sensations and a sense of profound unity with the universe.
Exploration of the Unconscious Mind: These individuals are drawn to explore the depths of the unconscious mind and the hidden recesses of their own psyche. They may excel in psychology, psychotherapy, or depth-oriented spiritual practices.
Challenges (the bad)
Obsession with Control: Individuals with Pluto in the 8th house may become obsessed with control in their spiritual pursuits, seeking to manipulate spiritual energies or outcomes. This can lead to ethical dilemmas and power struggles.
Fear of Transformation: Paradoxically, their sensitivity to transformative energies may lead to a fear of personal transformation. They may resist letting go of old patterns and embrace change.
Attraction to Dark or Taboo Practices: Their fascination with the hidden and taboo may lead to an attraction to dark or potentially harmful spiritual practices. This can result in negative spiritual experiences and psychic wounds for them or others.
Involvement in Manipulative Spiritual Groups: Their deep desire for transformation may make them vulnerable to manipulation by spiritual groups or leaders who promise rapid change (be careful with this) but exploit their vulnerability.
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celestialtarot11 · 7 months
Composite/Synastry Chart Observations & aspects 🪻🤍☁️
Hi friends! 🫶🤍 We’re going over composite chart observations. I really love looking into synastry and composite charts as there is so much to learn from. Enjoy! Please reblog, like and share your thoughts with me as it’s appreciated 💌
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🖱️Composite Observations🖱️
Sun in the 10h- The father may be involved in the connection or relationship somehow. Whether it’s in a positive way or negative, the 10h can suggest the Fathers focus is on the relationship. Usually the father has strict roles, expectations, and is invasive in the relationship. If mars is placed here, the Father is aggressive, authoritative or has high standards. Its easy for the father to project his way of thinking onto the connection.
Scorpio mercury- Telepathy. Strong telepathy is associated with this placement, hidden knowledge comes to light in the connection through dreams, and intuition. It can also indicate a sense of privacy in the relationship, not being public, moving away from family roots/home to live a private life with the significant other. Or friend!
Moon in the 12h- Lots of emotional healing, transformation and realizations. Usually the 12h represents separation, retreat, isolation and healing in that, so the connection can experience breaks or endings. The 12h goes back to womb, where we were isolated, growing and life was being sustained. I think in this placement both learn to balance being with each other and alone to heal.
Chiron in the 1st- Healing insecurities regarding physical appearance, health, and the identity. In the connection both people go through awakenings and realizations about their values, beliefs and subconscious behaviors. Its possible someone could end up having a surgery as seen with this placement and it may highlight insecurities within the person.
Venus in virgo- Relationship is built off of some sort of practicality, help or function. For example you may have met this person because you needed their help, or they needed. Virgo is analytical here, so its possible someone was thinking of a future with this person. Likely would have been friends before lovers.
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Aspects and how they influence the connection in synastry:
Whilst houses and signs are relevant, aspects are important because they show us how the individual/s show up in the connection. Houses and signs are expressions of energy, where/how it’s expressing itself. But aspects have to do with individuals.
🤍 Moon square ascendant- The moon person can bottle up their feelings in the connection towards the ascendant person, and may project their hurt instead of turning inwards to heal it. This can show up as the moon person finding faults in the ascendant person.
☁️Ascendant square Venus- The ascendant person may struggle with their values when it comes to love, either through codependency or shutting out love. The ascendant person if dealing with insecurities, can feel insignificant and compare themselves to the Venus person. The ascendant person may also have a striking first impression on the Venus person.
🪻Mars sextile ascendant- The mars person awakens the ascendant person. The energy here flows optimally and smoothly, and the ascendant person finds themselves enjoying the Mars persons influence. The mars person is captivating, powerful, and their energy is impactful on the ascendant person. Even if paired with water sign synastry, there will always be an underlying tone to the Mars person, in which they appear magnetic, fiery, and passionate. The mars person may be into fitness.
💌 Venus trine ascendant- The Venus person makes an appealing impression on the ascendant person. The ascendant person feels comfortable, cared for, and seen in a way by the Venus person. Also indicates the two have a lot in common, shared goals, shared experiences, and future ideas which causes them to bond. Shared belief systems. Family systems/childhood experiences may appear similar. Venus person may be into beauty of some kind!
☁️ Sun sextile moon- The sun person helps bring clarity, truth, and vitality to the moon person. Out of the dark, can the moon person find their peace and truth. When the moon person is with the sun, they feel accepted, harmonious, and present. The subconscious and conscious are balanced here, both have a willingness to learn from their past and heal from their mistakes. The sun person can be a teacher or someone who harbors a lot of philosophical knowledge.
🪻 Moon conjunct mercury- The moon person has a way of appealing to the mercury person, certain topics are easily had because the mercury person feels safe. The moon person organizes a calm and blissful space, and the mercury person opens up. There’s bliss, peace and spiritual communication between the two. The two almost read minds. Mercury person helps bring analysis to the moon persons emotions.
🤍 Mercury trine sun- The mercury person helps the sun person feel confident and seen. A bit of an ego boost as well. The sun person can help channel the mercury persons passions, and offer them a beautiful space for their creativity. The sun person loves to learn and listen to the mercury person. Lots of jokes and inner child healing. The sun person can share a lot of wisdom to the mercury person, and the mercury person bounces off of it with their ideas.
🪻 Neptune trine moon- The Neptune person is highly receptive of moods, emotions and spiritual telepathy. The moon person feels in touch with their deeper roots or spiritual self around the Neptune person. There may be illusions surrounding the dynamic, and emotional limitations will present itself to be healed. Be wary of rose colored glasses with this person and the connection! Overall it can be healed with attention and care 💗
☁️ Venus conjunct Jupiter- Lots of expansion and spiritual knowledge is gained through the connection. Usually the Jupiter person can have access to higher knowledge like college, but does not have to be. For example they may be well versed in a certain topic that appeals to the Venus person (shared interests) and its how they click. Somehow, the two keep adding on and on to the conversation and it flows.
Square aspects indicate growth and development. The moments of self actualization. Squares are not bad! They are fundamental to relationships and our inner journey as individuals. Where you have squares in your chart is actually your greatest power and strength.
That’s all! Thank ya’ll for reading & stopping by ☁️🤍 means the world to share this with you all. Please feel free to like comment and reblog! 🖱️🤍
Paid readings💗
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lovers-rck · 11 months
Can I request a touch starved! reader x Spencer Reid which they are friends and become cuddle buddies? Maybe more... :)
Spencer Reid x fem!reader (but it's actually pretty gn actually)
The room was in silence, the only thing that could be heard was Spencer's calm breathing.
Rays of the sunrise peeked through the space between the curtain and the window, saying goodbye until the next morning. The black curtains blocked every possible outside light, letting the room almost pitch black.
Your body was hidden under the blanket, immobilized by spencer's arms around your waist, keeping you by his side.
It all started a few months ago, when the both of you started to sleep in eachother shoulders in the plane after a case. You liked the feeling of Spencer's body and he discovered that he could sleep better with you by his side, so you two keep doing it.
A few weeks later since that, Spencer started to invite you to his house after long cases to have dinner and discuss about the case itself, which ended up with both of you in his bed, sleeping long hours in eachothers arms.
But it was just that; sleeping next to eachother, nothing more.
So after every hard case, he drove you to his house and you both spend the night together, watching documentals of serial killers and in each other's arms, just like now. At five pm he suggested a quick nap to regain energy, and two hours later you two were still in bed.
"Spencer" you murmured his name, waiting for a response
You could feel Spencer's hot breath in the back of your neck, his arms holding you against his chest, keeping you still.
"It's time to wake up" you said, and heard how he groaned in protest.
You giggle and started to turn around, facing him. You saw how his curls were displayed all over the pillow, perfectly desorganized.
"It's seven pm" you murmured to him, your finger making invisible doodles in his cheek.
You were looking at his lips when Spencer opened his eyes, puffy and tired. His arms untangled themselves from your body to stretch.
Your eyes averted shamelessly as you watched spencer's shirt lift slightly, leaving a patch of skin exposed.
"Hello" he said to you, sleepy.
you smiled at him slightly "We have to take the plane at eleven o'clock" you reminded him, pulling the blanket to cover your body.
He nodded quickly "The case of the killings on Chicago"
"That's right" you said "Did you rest?"
"Yeah, i feel rested" he murmured "And you?"
He looked at you, his gaze dancing from your eyes to your lips. You nodded and  slipped into spencer's arms, your head on his chest and his arms protecting you from the outside.
"I wish we could keep sleeping"
"We have time" he said "We could stay in bed a little more"
For a few minutes, everything went silence. You could hear Spencer's heartbeat.
"what are we doing?" you murmured
"Cuddling" he said "Are you uncomfortable? Do you need me to move?"
"No, i mean" you stood up, sitting down across from spencer "What is this, Spencer?"
He looked at you, knowing exactly what you meant. He would be lying if he said that the same was not questioned in his mind for extensive amounts of time. His time was devoted to facts, data collected and evidence, not love.
The terrain of love and feelings was an unknown field in his eyes, not because he wanted to, but because he never had the opportunity to explore it.
"I don't know" his tongue caressed the dry lips "I enjoy sleeping with you"
Sometimes, when you fell asleep first, Spencer would spend time examining your fractions. How your hair caressed your skin, how your lips took on the perfect pink as the temperature dropped, and how all these things awakened something in him.
"I know, and i enjoy it too" spencer wanted to adjust the lock of hair that fell in your eyes, doubting if it was a very bold gesture on his part "But friends don't do this"
He looked at your lips, and for the first time in his life he gave in to his impulse and kissed you.
His kiss was hungry. His hands cupped your face controlling you as he wished, his thumb caressing your cheek in small circles, as if you were the most delicate flower in the garden.
Slowly and sadly, his lips left yours, his forehead resting against yours.
"You are a good profiler" he said "And that was my clue to my feelings toward you"
You laughed softly, and pressed his lips against yours again.
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jxsterr · 11 months
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the craziest thing about this quote i find is, again, not only is this Not touched upon in the game in the slightest, but how totk actively goes against this. i find it genuinely odd how going back in time to see her ancestors is “what changed her mind��
because if we think about this. right. with the fall of the kingdom after the calamity and the destruction of the castle and the castle town, zelda choses to put her people first and channel all of her energy into rebuilding the World rather than rebuilding the Monarchy. she chooses to rule amongst her people rather than Above in a fancy castle, something which the npcs in totk illustrate works so much better because of how much they love and adore her. zelda has so much more influence over her people and can help and do so much more as a princess on the Ground without any royal escorts breathing down her neck telling her what is and isnt a good idea. which directly shows that hyrule as a kingdom is stronger and much more united without an official monarchy. because people come together at the disappearance of link and zelda to find them, they build lookout landing specifically for it and work together to keep each other safe through the motivation of finding their heros because they’ve actually been given the chance to know them rather than a figurehead of them. in botw nobody really knows how to protect themselves, only a few travellers brave it in the wild and the majority stay comfortable in their towns until monsters start trying to intrude, but then in totk, after zelda’s Direct influence, they band together to protect one another AS WELL AS link and zelda. the people want to protect them because of how personal zelda’s help is
she has more power as a wandering princess than stationed in a castle!!!!!
pre calamity we know that realistically most people wouldnt have even known what she looked like, nor what she wanted for the kingdom or even her character since it was constantly getting smeared by gossipers around the castle, which would inevitably spread around. she was hidden behind doors in the castle as True Royalty and thus struggled to have any real impact on the world like she so desperately did. she tore herself to shreds trying to awaken her power just so she could help her people because there was nothing more she was allowed to do to help. and you’re telling me she would willingly choose to rebuild the monarchy and the kingdom as it was beforehand knowing that she can do so much more to help without the constraints of royalty??? doesn’t that just disregard all of her character development?????????
god knows if any of this makes sense
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kyoghurts · 4 months
a very special oneshot written by @kyoghurts on their bday, pure fluff & very self-indulgent. 1.1k wc. literally i feel very single with this.
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you’re awakened by the sudden attack of kisses invading your face, a swarm of heart fluttering feeling fizzing around your stomach, usually you’d giggle from the affection that which mash burnedead presents. but…it’s odd, its so early, and you’re pretty sure your boyfriend of 3 years isn’t a morning person like you either.
and so the first thing that comes out of you is a low grumble, a tired movement averting from mash’s lips, he stops when you do so, and you don’t have to open your eyes to see his expression. you know he’s slightly pouting just from the quiet whine you’re hearing. without opening your eyes, you mutter, “mash… what are you doing?”
“what do you mean?” he snuggles up to you, the bed creaks as his weight shifts towards you, surrounding your legs with his and his arms circling around your waist. giving you a warm back hug. “it’s a special day today.”
“what?” he gives your ear a little teasing nibble, making you squirm. “…tickles..”
“it’s your birthday,” your name under his lips, a smile in his tone that nudges you in the direction of realization. “you always forget your own birthday.”
ah, your birthday. right.
it seems like you lost the ability to speak, because all you ever do is grumble. mash chuckles, ever so softly, his breath warm as it ghosts across your neck “it’s okay. i’ll never get tired of reminding you anyway.”
you take a moment to ponder. how unusual your birthdays often unfold, mainly because mash is here, and partially because you don’t see any value in celebrating it. well, at least, not by standards. your age only serves to bring stressful & anxious thoughts to you, of how you’re constantly growing up to a person that society cultivates you for its own gain, of how time never stops for anyone, of how greedy life asks of you. you don’t like birthdays, or at least, not anymore.
you’d like to think its only a simple moment of truth, a short pause to your life frame that you can use to your hearts content. and by that, you wish to spend this day as plainly as possible, as sluggishly and lazily as you can get. because to you, this is the life. to you, this is a paradise you’re honoured to be graced upon.
but with mash, oh…you never seemed to get a chance to convince him that your preferences are better. he has persuaded you many times that your birthday is a sacred time, a moment of outburst energy to be spent in the form of laughter so pervasive it fills your home until it reaches to your roof, in the form of inviting the people that have already taken residence in the comforts of your heart, in the form of smiles that ache your cheek,
and in the form of staying up late with him, confined in the four walls that keeps your hungry touches, silvery whispers, a secluded, precious part hidden beneath the piles of gift you could ever receive.
…maybe the last part isn’t so bad, though.
you want to set everything aside except the man who loves you enough to celebrate the day you’re born. even when you say it’s not worth the effort. he makes it a mission to convince you so. that you’re worth it, in every step that you take, in every part of you and your life, in the ups and downs.
he reminds you that this is the day he has been grateful of because you exist. that he is permitted to love you with all his being.
you take a deep breath, and let it all out. “reminding me of my birthday, huh?”
you take his hands from where it finds purchase in the dip of your hips, bringing his knuckles to your lips, “you know i only want you.”
he doesn’t react, although you can sense his confusion from the way his head slightly tilts up. momentarily withdrawing from your neck. you continue, “if you want to really celebrate, it can be just the two of us.”
“you don’t want to invite them?”
“your friends, our friends, our loved ones.”
“mash.” although you don’t want to face him just yet, you might have to show him you’re serious. you begrudgingly move your body, now mirroring him as you capture his figure, pulling him closer than before. your hands massages his hair, fingers running through his now messy strands. his silly bed hair drawing out a huff of amusement from you. “cut the act now, i know you. you don’t want them here either.”
his expressions softens into a shape of tenderness, as if to say ‘caught me already?’ and provides you nothing except a short peck to your nose. hopefully that suffices of an answer for you.
“confess your crimes to me properly, please.”
“i’m sorry…” he pecks you again, this time on your eyelids when you promptly close them. “i just want to make you happy, ‘s all. make this day as eventful as possible. i want to let everyone know how special you are, i want to show how much i love you. because i do and.. that i don’t show it enough”
“you make me happy. you make me feel loved.”
he blinks, puzzled. specks of light in his eyes glowing under the sunlight peeking through the cracks of your curtain. “i do?”
“you do.” you give a warm smile. “more than you can see it. i feel it everyday. you don’t have to question it mash. you never make room for doubts and insecurities, i hope i never make you doubt yourself too.”
“i love you.” he says, breathless, misty pink dusting off to the planes of his milky cheeks. “i love you always.”
“i love you mash.” he presses his lips on yours as a gift, like a promise of the sun to its flower, like a reward for something you didn’t think it meant a lot. when you part, you take mash without the doubts nestled in his bones, he allows you to bury deep within himself, your dreams and his dreams and his love and your love intertwined as one. you say, “you’re a gift to me i don’t want to share with anyone else. i want to have you on my birthday and no one else.”
“okay.” you rest your head on his chest. feel his heartbeat in sync of your own. “you sure you don’t want anything else?”
“only you, mash, only you.”
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© kyoghurts ★ reblogs & likes are well appreciated!
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
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Jupiter square ascendant - Difficulty in spaces where their idealistic views and beliefs can piss off certain people. It is because they are more open to the universes astral possibilities and sometimes can be around others who will try to make them 'tone down' there optimism. Sometimes they will have to spend time alone to understand the path they are embarking. It is not until they leave that environment, that inspiring mark they leave on others transforms other people around them.
Venus Sag - Talented in music, arts, spirituality but they have their own twist to it. The seekers they are, they find new ways to bringing out their interest in a light that makes you ponder on it a little. Very intriguing love lives, eventually they let go of all the standards they have over their relationships and make new ones. Trying anything new in their relationships give them the wisdom they need to move forward on their journey.
Don't get your feelings hurt, tho... they are always in charge. Whether you like it or not.
Jupiter Conjunct Moon - The power they have. Whew. They are good orchestras of emotion. They have the ability to cast a spell on you with their large auras. Its hidden in plain sight. It's not until they express their emotions in a way that has people trembling at their feet. Could be amazing performers or people of intellect. They have a lot of knowledge hidden inside them. You just have to be on the other side of their overflowing emotions ;)
9th House Saturns - A long time journey with changing their beliefs through time to time. These people should go on frequent trips to the cabin, and enjoy the mountains for time to time. This will ground them and help them change their perspective a little. A little more outside time will do the trick.
Neptune/ Jupiter aspects - Your subconscious beliefs need to be above the roof. If you have a lack mentality jupiter will extend on it ten times more. Having more faith within your belief system will help you enjoy the fruits of your labor. It's all in the mind, and your luck comes from the infinite consciousness that is your imagination.
Sag Rising - These individuals possess a star light on their appearance that awakens enlightenment in other people. A dream come true in a way. Can have a persona that is of the likeness of a celebrity and have a very powerful energy to them. Something about them screams 'force'. They just got it. The mystery has yet to be solved.
Mercury Trine Jupiter - They could have an audience who just adores their opinions if they just spoke! These people are fascinating to listen to and get their point of view on things. They have a likeable aura when it comes to their speech. The ideas these peeps have within them can be used to change the minds and perspectives of others helping them expand. Can receive divine insight on what needs to be shared, learned or even be expressed in their thought waves. Deep thinkers, but in a way that philosophies whatever it is they put their mind too.
Pluto Trine Jupiter - A POWER HOUSE PLACEMENT!! These are the people who end up wealthy, famous or politicians. Naturally come into positions of power with ease. They know exactly how to get there and what they gotta do to keep it.
Sun Conjunct Jupiter - Popular. Well known. Attractive. Lucky. Lucky lucky lucky. Their faith gets them exactly what they need to fly. Even when the world throws them obstacles they wake up and keep trying. Very inspiring and influential. You can't take that away from them.
Neptune in the 9th - Believe in yourself. The world may not understand you and your own ideas but it isn't for everyone to appreciate, just simply to absorb and allow the consciousness to unfold its gifts into new horizons. Your vision is inspired by the ethereal realms around you and your environment. And you find new ways to gift others a new sense of enlightenment on each persons journey.
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