#awkward laughter
bush-hobo · 10 months
So, this evening my Mum mentioned someone being executed for being gay and I uhh, looked at my grandma and said:
"you know who else could be executed for being gay? Me."
So uhh, I'm not sure whether this is the best or worse coming out ever. I then had to awkwardly explain that I'm not fully gay, just a little bit. (I'm Pan.)
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hawkinsqueers · 2 years
idk much about u but can we have ur name?
I usually wouldn't do this but I'm feeling funky. So with that being said my name's Caroline... Most people call me Cal or Callie tho so I prefer those.
Oooh I'm not as mysterious anymore
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Draw your squad like this
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
POV: Mark Webber is your house husband
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super-sootica · 2 years
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atths--twice · 9 months
Rediscovering the Thrill
What may have happened while they were staying at The Falls when Mulder left the bedroom telling Scully that the thrill was gone.
Fictober day 4 prompt 9: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
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The thrill is gone. 
The words Mulder had said when he left the room kept repeating in her ears as she straightened up while she waited for her face mask to dry. 
The thrill is gone. 
How could it be gone when it had never even started? At least not in the way he was implying. Not how Rob would mean it if he was speaking to Laura. 
She knew he was teasing her, acting the part of a hurt husband, but still… 
Picking up his shoes, she placed them on a shelf in the closet. Seeing his sweatshirt had been left on the bed, she sighed as she snatched it up to hang it in the closet.
The thrill is gone. 
Is that what he wants? she wondered, placing the sweatshirt on the hanger. A thrill? Something that isn’t who we are? Does he want to be someone else? For me to be someone else? Or is it our thrill that’s gone? 
“Hey, Scully,” Mulder said, poking his head around the corner. 
“Jesus Christ, Mulder,” she said, dropping his sweatshirt and looking at him in exasperation. 
“Sorry,” he said, tapping his fingers against the doorjamb. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“Yeah, well,” she huffed, picking up the sweatshirt and hanging it with a bit more force than was needed. “Did you need something?”
“It’s still early,” he said rather sheepishly and she raised her eyebrows, waiting. “I know I won’t be sleeping anytime soon. You wanna watch a movie or something?” 
She stared at him, crossing her arms and drawing in a breath. 
“You don’t have to, but-” 
“No, I…” she said with a quick nod. “I will.” 
“I mean I don’t know what’s on, but…” 
“It’s still early,” she finished and he nodded, tapping his fingers on the doorjamb again. “Maybe we could see what’s inside that gigantic basket Pat gave us.” He grinned and she attempted to smile back, but her skin felt tight. She touched her face and nodded. “You go open it, I’ll wash this off and join you.”
“You got it, Mrs. Petrie.” 
“Shut up,” she said, pushing him out of her way as she walked to the bathroom. She heard him laughing as he left the room and she smiled slightly. 
Ten minutes later, she walked into the kitchen to find the contents of the entire basket laid on the counter as Mulder looked at it dubiously. 
“Nothing good?” she asked and he sighed. 
“I don’t know. It’s all so… frou frou-y.”
“Frou frou?” she teased. 
“Yeah. They’re not brands I recognize. Look at this one, what’s that name? I can’t make it out. Solare’s? Sss… Salane’s? I can’t tell.” 
“They’re crackers,” she said, looking at the box and then at him. “Take them, the salami, and that cheese and I’ll grab a knife and a plate.” 
“The wine too, or no?” he asked and she shook her head with a slight frown. 
“No, the wine at dinner made me feel… I don’t know. I don’t want any. But you go ahead if you want.” 
“Nah. It’s not exactly my first choice, especially this one from… Zairess? Seriously, what is this? Where did Pat get these things?” 
“Probably some hoity toity shop somewhere. Gotta keep up with those appearances, right?” she asked as she opened cupboards and drawers searching for what she needed. 
“I would hate to live in a place like this,” he said and she snorted. “No shit,” she said, rolling her eyes. Shaking her head, she finally found what she was looking for and grabbed a large plate and a sharp knife. 
“But you wouldn’t mind it.” 
“Living somewhere where neighbors help each other out? That’s not so bad.” 
“But dinners at their house? Tuna casserole dinners, Scully? ZZ Top wine?” He gestured to the bottle he had put back into the basket and she laughed. “From the finest little shop in San Diego, but still…” His eyes widened and he stepped backward out of the kitchen as she followed. 
“At least the tuna was dolphin safe,” she deadpanned and he grunted. 
“Not as safe in my stomach. It definitely did not agree with me.” 
“Proper food can have that effect on a body used to only eating takeout and microwave dinners.” 
“Are you knocking my frozen meatloaf meals, Scully? How can you when it’s made for hungry men like me?” 
She laughed again as they sat down on the couch and she set the plate and knife on the coffee table. He added the salami and cheese, opening the box of crackers and then the bag inside. Placing some on the plate, he picked one up and took a bite, chewing thoughtfully. 
“Not terrible,” he stated, chewing again. “But definitely dry. I’ll go get us some water.” 
“Hmm,” she hummed with a nod as she opened the salami and began slicing pieces of it and laying them beside the crackers. 
Mulder came back and snatched a piece as he set the glasses of ice water on the coffee table. 
“Hmm. That’s good. Zany Tony makes a good salami.” 
Scully laughed as she opened the cheese and started slicing it. 
“Who makes this cheese?”
“It said Wandering Willows Farm on the package.” 
“The fuck it did,” he laughed, reaching for the wrapper and looking at it. “Tira’s Cheese. Tira.” He looked at her and shook his head as he dropped it back onto the coffee table. “Your name was better.” 
“If I ever decide to throw all this away,” she said, waving the knife to indicate the room at large. “I’ll become a cheese maker and call it Wandering Willows, just for you.” 
“It’s a solid plan. People do love cheese.” He tried to take a slice, but she stopped him by blocking his hand. 
“I have a sharp knife in my hand. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” 
“But, Scullyyyy,” he whined. “Tuna casserole.” She shook her head and snorted out a laugh. “With white wine, need I remind you.” 
“No,” she said with a shiver. “You don’t need to remind me. I think Tira’s vineyard made that wine too.” 
“Ha!” he exclaimed, bumping her with his shoulder and laughing quietly. “Cheese and wine. You’ll have some stiff competition at ol’ Wandering Willows.” 
“I can take her,” she said, finishing with the cheese and setting the knife down. 
Picking up two slices of cheese, she handed him one. They nodded as they tried it, watching each other as they chewed. 
“It’s… cheese,” he stated and she nodded in agreement. “It’s not bad.” 
“But it’s not great.” 
“Better than tuna casserole.” 
“Hell yes it is,” she said, reaching for another piece as well as a cracker and a piece of salami. “Let’s see how all three are together.” 
He prepared a cracker for himself and they nodded once again as they took a bite. 
“Oh, that’s good. Much better as a combo,” he said, shoving the rest of it into his mouth. 
“Yeah,” she agreed. “Much better.” 
“Does it need mustard? I think there’s a jar of Zoreli’s in that basket. Or Tortoroni’s Tangy Mustard.” 
“Is it Zoreli’s and Sons? Because I really prefer that brand over just Zoreli’s.” 
He laughed as he began stacking the salami and cheese onto another cracker and she smiled as she did the same. 
“Wandering Willows will have to speak to the Zoreli’s about an exclusive deal to work with them.” 
“It’s in the bag. One of my employees is sleeping with the boss of the Zoreli family. They made an offer they couldn’t refuse,” she said in her best Brando voice and he choked on his cracker when he started laughing. 
He reached for his glass of water, choking and sputtering, as she thumped him on his back and chuckled softly. 
“Scully,” he said in a strained voice after he had taken a few large drinks, shaking his head and coughing as he laughed again. 
“You want into the Willows… you’re then in until you die.” 
“Or you’re given a pair of cement shoes,” he said with another cough. 
“Meh…” she said with a shrug. “You gotta protect the family.” 
“I never knew the cheese/wine/mustard business had such a dark side.” 
“Why do you think you don’t recognize the brands we’re eating tonight? The others…” She ran her thumb slowly across her throat and his eyes widened. “We don’t play at the Willows.” 
He smiled slowly, shaking his head as he stared at her. She smiled back and then looked at the television. 
“Are we still going to watch a movie?” 
“Yeah,” he said, smiling as he set his glass down and reached for the remote. “Yeah, we are.” 
He flipped through the channels until he landed on something, glancing at her for her approval. She nodded, not really caring what they watched. He set the remote down and made up another cracker to eat. 
They watched the movie in near silence, eating their snack and drinking their water. 
But every once in a while, he glanced at her and shook his head as he laughed through his nose. She smiled and shrugged, an entire conversation being spoken without saying a word. 
What do you think now, Mulder? she thought, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. Is our thrill still gone? Do you-?
“Is being bedfellows the only way into a place of employment at Wandering Willows?” he asked, pulling her from her thoughts. 
“Not always,” she said, carefully considering her words. “All options for employment are taken into consideration.” 
“So if it’s beneficial to the farm…” 
“Or if the person is just really good looking…” she said with a shrug and he smiled. 
“And they own a mustard farm…” 
“Or a fruit farm. We’re always looking to expand. And if we can lock down jellies… well…” She sucked air in through her teeth and he threw his head back as he laughed. 
Yeah, she thought with a smile. The thrill is definitely still there.
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ender1821 · 1 day
chapter 2 posted on ao3: read here!
Gem ran.
It was the only thing she could do, the only movement her limbs knew, the only reaction she could have— running, the sole act that can save her from scarlet cloaks and white wolves and crooked towers and the thoughts that make tears prick her eyes and none of it made sense—
There is no real escape, the white blur of a building that Gem’s approaching reminds her, because she’s just woken up from death to find herself in a new cage, which reeks with the same smell of death and sulphur.
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jmflowers · 30 days
How do you feel about Amelia and Monica? I see the potential (especially after this week) but I’m not sure the writers can pull it off
I have been rooting for them since that first tense meeting in their patient’s room, tbh. They have a fun back-and-forth and Amelia is so good at shooting her shot at all times.
Monica reminds me a bit of Erica? I’m not entirely sure why, though.
But yeah, I’ve been yelling at them to just make out already for a couple weeks. I have zero expectations for how or where it’s gonna go beyond the ✨ chemistry ✨ so the writer’s can’t fuck it up for me (yet).
We’ll see how they do?
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pathetichimbos · 7 months
Thinking about how the other night my uber driver (an older man) made a joke about how he should marry me and my first reaction was 'well actually my wife (thomas hewitt) would not like that very much'
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wispoet69 · 3 months
Pretend this is Emo Biwi pretend this is Emo Biwi pretend this is Emo Biwi pretend th
Hey... I noticed you were into poetry...
Do you wanna, like... join my poetry club...
I wouldn't enjoy it, or anything... but I guess it could be cool for the club to be, like, more than just me...🖤⛓️🐺🩸🦴💔
huh.... i didnt know there was any fellow poetry enjoyers here...... that sounds pretty cool...... i guess...ahahahaaaaaa........ 🥀🐺🥀
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only-one-brain-cell · 10 months
Imagine if there was a episode of Criminal Minds where models are getting killed so the BAU goes to a fashion show and starts talking to the models and one of them has to go undercover to catch the UnSub. Naturally Hotch would ask JJ or Emily to go but the person who’s in charge of the girls asks Spencer if he’s ever modeled before and all the girls start crowding around him. Hotch leaves him with them thinking never mind they found their model. Derek of course gives him shit for eternity and is on the phone with Penelope “hey babygirl pretty boy is a model now.”
“Derek Morgan if you don’t send me pictures-
“Oh don’t worry you’ll get pictures all right.”
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Look, I don't know about you guys but when people start talking about their comfort shows and its something really sweet and it's a sit-in-with-a-coffee-lazy-day kind of show and they ask about mine I just kind of freak...like
Them: wbu?
Me: (nervous laughter knowing my comfort show is supernatural and it's the most chaotic, weird ass show ever) ummm... it's this cool show, you probably haven't heard of it...haha
My social skills are non existent, someone help.
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sigmoon · 4 months
What the actual fuck was that?
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amalgamateofficial · 4 months
Hey, y'all! If you missed the Amalgamate chapter 20 livestream I did last night, you can watch it here :)
The stream ended up being 75 minutes, and I talked about a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff such as content that got cut from ch. 20 (for now) and some of my plans for ch. 21. We also dunked on Tsumugi constantly while praising Maki, so that was pretty awesome lmao
Sorry about the terrible lighting, though. As soon as I'm able to stream again, I'm gonna do it in a totally different room where the main light isn't busted
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starbuck · 5 months
seeing films live has really impressed upon me how strongly laughter functions as a response to intense discomfort for many people. it’s really interesting!
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paradoxlemonade · 9 months
I have decided that my new favorite piece of bad writing is describing a character's handwriting by naming a specific font and which website it's from
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