#awkward rodrick heffley
embodyingchaos · 1 year
hiii! could you do a rodrick heffley x bass guitarist reader? maybe they meet at a battle of the bands/ at the talent show or something like that? really anything bassistx drummer.
thanks so much!
❥ hi there, lovey! of course, i can! you didn't specify the pronouns so i decided to go with gender neutral, hope that's alright! IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT
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drummer boy pairing: rodrick heffley x gn!reader genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, this is so short warnings: awkward rodrick, reader suddenly getting cocky out of NOWHERE word count: 549
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the air was cold backstage but y/n couldn’t stop themself from sweating out of anxiety. they shook their hands, trying to get loose and relax. “yo, y/n!” cherry, the drummer for their band, called out to her, “we’re up soon.” she tells them, blowing a tiny bubble between her lips with the gum in her mouth. y/n nods and holds two thumbs up, looking entirely frantic. cherry eyed them weirdly before walking back to where the rest of the band was waiting.
“nervous?” a sudden voice asked from behind them, making them jolt. y/n looked to their left and saw a boy around their age with ruffled hair and too much eyeliner on for comfort, awkwardly posing with his elbow on the wall. “hi.” he greeted in a small voice, smiling. y/n tilted their head to the side, “hi?” they greeted back, a bit confused. “and sorta, this would be my first time performing in front of an actual crowd.” they confessed, rubbing the back of their neck with a sheepish smile on their face.
the boy let out a loud ‘pfft’, “don’t worry! i- uh- i’ve performed before, not like a big gig or anything like that but it was still a performance! you know…” he rambled on, y/n found him adorable and awkward, but still adorable. he laughed nervously, “i’m rodrick.” his voice cracked as he introduced himself, “y/n.” they smiled at him, “so, what instrument do you play for your band, rodrick?” y/n asked, leaning closer towards him. rodrick only gets even more flustered at the proximity, “i-i- you know, i drum, and all that.” he chuckles, trying to play it cool. 
“u-uh, what about you?”
“i play the bass.” they answered, holding up the bass that had been in their hand the entire time they were talking. rodrick’s eyes widen and he blinks, “oh.” he quietly muttered, feeling a tad bit embarrassed. y/n giggled and it immediately caught him off guard, it made him regain his composure. “so, uh, y/n, i was wondering if you’d maybe wanna-” “rodrick! dude!” one of rodrick’s bandmates came up to him, interrupting their conversation. “we’re up next! flirt later!” he told him while catching his breath, rodrick glares at him before turning back around to y/n and back to him. “give me a moment, will you, ben? i’ll be right there. just go, go!” he shooed ben away when he wasn’t budging, “you should really get ready, rodrick.” they teased, “my drummer’s pretty good.” rodrick raised his eyebrow at the sudden cockiness, “oh, really? i doubt they’re better than me. i’m what you call a drumming enthusiast.” he boasted as he smirked but it only made y/n smug smile grow wider.
“we’ll see about that one, drummer boy.” they taunt, poking his shoulder. “thanks for the short pep talk, maybe you’ll see me after the show.” y/n winked at rodrick before making their way past him, towards their other band members. rodrick stared at their form walking further away from him, grinning from ear to ear. “i am so asking them out.” he whispered to himself full of confidence, but knowing deep inside he was going to be a stammering, blushing mess when he does so.
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crljhnn · 2 years
Math tutor
Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x fem!Reader
Summary: Rodrick is continuously unsuccessful in asking you out, so when he finds out that you are now tutoring his younger brother he decides to use this to his advantage. The only problem, Greg doesn't play along.
No physical description of the reader; No use of y/n
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: None
>Posted on AO3 as well<
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“So that means x equals 9.” The answer comes out more like a question.
You've been tutoring Greg for about three weeks now and he finally, for the first time since starting this school year, seems to understand what is going on during math class.
“Yes, that’s right!”
While Greg wasn’t the first Heffley you ever tutored, he was the first to actually listen to what you said and process your explanations.
A few years ago you were taking the same math class as his older brother Rodrick who, back then, quite literally begged you to give him some tutoring lessons. While you didn’t like the idea of spending extra time at school to teach someone math, him apparently being so desperate for help, tugged at your heartstrings, making you give in.
On top of that, him being kind of cute and your teeny-tiny crush on him helped convince you as well. However, this adoration you harbored for about three months at that point, died about 5 minutes into your session.
He was barely paying attention to what you were saying, focusing more on drumming his pencils on the edge of the desk while humming along, using every breath you took to change the subject, mostly telling you about this little band of his. The straw that broke the camels back was when he dared to ask why you wanted to end the session only 15 minutes in, following it up with a „That was fun, let’s study together again soon!“.
Since you felt rather disrespected by that, you haven’t really spoken to him since. The highest form of communication was a forced smile when he would greet you in the hallway. You don’t have any common classes anymore.
However, your fiasco concerning Rodricks tutoring lessons didn’t stop his mom from asking you to tutor her younger son who, unsurprisingly, was falling behind in math as well. The significant difference this time was, that you were being paid. So even if Greg turned out to be just as uninterested in what you were saying as his older brother, it wouldn’t be a complete waste of time, at least for you.
That’s how you ended up in the local library every Monday and Wednesday for the last few weeks, explaining math to the younger brother of your former crush.
Today was different though. Since the library had to close down for a week, because of renovations, you decided to meet at the Heffleys house instead.
The last thing Rodrick expected, when he went downstairs to raid the fridge for snacks, was finding his crush of 3 years sitting in his living room.
Having his eyes fixed on you, he misses the last step, causing him to stumble, managing in the last second to grasp the railing to stop himself from face-planting. The result was him reaching the end of the stairs with a loud crash.
“You surely know how to make a remarkable entrance.”
“Haha yeah, hi.” He nervously scratches the back of his head “What are you… hah… what are you doing here?” ‘Stay cool Rodrick, you got this!’
“What does it look like? She’s tutoring me dumbass” The oldest Heffley son honestly didn’t even realize his younger brothers presence until he spoke up.
“Ah cool, so uhm good luck?” With another awkward laugh, he turns around and runs back upstairs.
Back in his room, he begins to panic, if he would have known that you were here he would have prepared better. But he’s sure he can still wing it.
First of all, he’s calling the band over for practice, I mean, he has his own band, chicks dig that.
He has it all planned out in his head, he will put on nice clothes, a nice perfume, and maybe even a bit of eyeliner as well, surely you’re into that. Then he’s gonna go downstairs, let his band in, and have a little jamming session with the boys.
Then there are two possible ways how the plan could continue to play out.
Possibility one, you hear his band playing from the living room and are so impressed that you just have to go and get a closer look. After that, he is going to invite you to sit in on practice for a bit longer. At the end of the session mesmerized will be an understatement to describe your state of mind and you won’t even have to think about it twice when he finally asks you out on a date.
The second possible outcome of you hearing him play is that you, while amazed, are still too shy to come up to him, so he will take a little break to get himself something to drink. Like one of those movie cliches, he’s gonna come in all sweaty, taking a sip of water and then emptying the rest of the bottle over his face and body to ‚cool himself down. Women find that hot, right? You definitely won’t be able to take your eyes off of him then.
While he is daydreaming about you drooling over him, he simultaneously digs through his closet, trying to find this one specific band shirt, that he bought after overhearing you gushing about their newest album. At the same time as he finds it, he hears his friends pull up, making him change in record speed while leaving his room to go back downstairs.
“Oh my god thank you for finally changing your shirt, the last one was smelling disgusting after you’ve been wearing it for like two weeks straight.” Greg had picked up on Rodricks crush on his tutor instantly, quickly deciding that using this new information to mess with him is the best form of revenge for the years of torture his brother put him through.
“Ugh shut up.” He turns to you “He’s lying you know. I change my clothes an appropriate amount of times. I actually just got ready for band practice. You remember me telling you about my band right? The boys are gonna be here any minute now.” He tries to be casual by leaning against the railing of the stairs but ends up stumbling instead.
“Yeah, I remember,” You don’t seem too happy about it though “But why do you have your shirt on backwards?”
Rodricks head snaps down. Fuck. Greg giggles. An awkward silence follows.
He's saved by the doorbell ringing, followed by the other Löded Diaper members walking in.
“Hi bro!”
“Yo Rodrick!”
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Why do you have your shirt on backwards?”
This time it’s you who giggles.
Sensing how embarrassed their band founder is, the boys take pity on him and rush him away.
After Rodrick explained his plan to his friends, resulting in him getting hyped up by them, they played for a while. After about 30 minutes he concludes that you won’t make the first move, which brings him to execute plan B of his strategy: to take matters into his own hands.
“You got this man!” He jogs back towards the living room, expecting to find you and his younger brother still studying but instead, he is greeted with Greg sitting in front of the tv playing video games.
“Oh is your tutoring session over already?” He tries to sound unbordered but fails horribly.
“Yeah you know I found it really hard to concentrate with this loud music, so we cut today short.” Greg grins up at the oldest Heffley child.
“Listen up you little shit-” he doesn’t finish his sentence. Maybe he could use Gregs help for his own benefit since you always seem to flee when he tries to make a move. It was the same a few years ago.
He had it all planned out back then as well. First, he was gonna ask you out for a study date, well that didn’t quite work out and it ended up more like a tutoring session. However, the result was that you two were spending some alone time together, so you could say that he roughly reached his initial goal. At least he counted it as a success.
Then Rodrick was going to make you fall for him. And how was he gonna do that? By impressing you of course. And what is the best way to impress a girl? Being in a band! Easy.
Well, that didn’t work out, driving you away even further. So maybe he could use his younger brother to get some inside info on what you like in men and what makes you fall for them.
Rodrick is fast to lay out his new plan to Greg.
“And why would I assist you with that? What is in it for me?” As expected, he is not exactly keen on helping his older brother out. So threatening it is.
“Cause if you don’t, you will regret it.” Greg is about to refuse again when he gets an idea. This would be the perfect way to get revenge on Rodrick. He is just gonna spin around everything you say and make his older brother ruin every chance he's ever had with you.
“Alright fine, I’ll do it.”
“Okay spit it out!” You and Greg are seated at your usual table at the library “You haven’t been able to sit still since you got here, what’s wrong?”
“I have a question.” He is not looking at you.
“Okay shoot!”
Greg has been thinking about how to interrogate you about your type without raising suspicions since the day he agreed to help Rodrick. “So there is this girl I kind of like and I wanted to ask you for advice. If a guy would want to go out with you, what would he need to do to stir your interest?”
“Well, every girl is different so-”
“Yeah but what about you?”
That confuses you a bit, but Greg asking you for girl advice was cute enough for you to not overanalyze it further.
“Well me personally, I like sweet and considerate guys,…”
“So what did she say?!” Rodrick was waiting for his younger brother at the front door, attacking him with questions as soon as he was close enough to hear.
“Calm down! So first of all she said, that she likes assholes you know, just your typical badboy!”
“…you know, the kind of guy who listens to what you have to say and really values your opinion. I want someone who actually hears what I say and shows that he is interested in me as a person...”
“She wants someone who is just a natural leader, an alpha, someone who makes decisions for her and shows dominance by interrupting her frequently. Also don’t seem too eager, she said she finds that overwhelming and just too much. Play it cool, act like you don’t care.”
“… so that means I also prefer deeper compliments, not just about my looks. Of course, it's nice to be called pretty every once in a while, but there is nothing worse than a guy repeatedly telling you how attractive you are, without ever appreciating anything else about you! Like is that the only thing about me that you like, my looks?…”
“She also likes to be complimented about her looks a lot, the more the better. Don’t even bother with any other kinds of compliments. ”
“… And lastly, never compliment a woman by putting other women down. The whole ‘Oh you're just not like other girls’ thing is deeply rooted in misogyny. It’s never a flattering compliment when it's only working because you are putting someone else down.”
“And lastly, she wants to feel special, you know, the best compliments include a comparison, for example, tell her how she is prettier than other women!”
Rodrick was hastily writing everything down.
“Thank you so much, I owe you!”
“No problem”
While you forgot about Gregs weird behavior as soon as you go back to explaining math, you are reminded of it again later, when he asks you to have your next session at his house, without giving an actual reason.
The weirdness reached its peak when he, shortly after you arrived at his house the next week, excused himself to quote ‘Look for, uh… you know,… a thing? That’s in my room’, then went to the bathroom instead, and ‘coincidentally’ as soon as he left his older brother showed up.
“Heyyy what’s up?” Rodrick mentally revises the list he learned by heart last night.
‘Be an asshole’ he kicks your water bottle that was standing next to you, “Oops…”
“Rodrick what the fu-”
‘Show dominance’
“Pick it up!”
“Excuse me? What is wrong wit-”,
‘Act like you don’t care’
“Quit talking like I care about what you have to say, what was your name again?”
“Wh- We both know that you know my name, what the fu-”,
‘Compliment her looks’
“You’re hot!”
And lastly, ‘Make her feel special by comparing her to other women’
“Especially compared to the other girls at school”.
A perfect delivery. He did everything that Greg told him to do. But why did you seem so angry? You looked like you were ready to swing at him.
That’s when he saw it. His shitty little brother was watching the interaction through the slightly opened bathroom door, holding a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. When he catches Rodricks eye he slams the door shut.
“I’m gonna kill you!” He is sprinting towards the room his brother is hiding in, banging his fists against the door.
“What the fuck is going on?” You haven’t been so confused in a long time. That’s when it clicked for you too. That’s why Greg was acting so weird, that’s why he asked about YOUR dating preferences specifically. He asked for advice for Rodrick but must have messed with his brother, based on the older ones reaction.
“Rodrick, were you trying to hit on me?” Your voice is heavily laced with disbelief.
The boy stopped his obnoxious assault on the door.
“Did it work?”
You barely hold in your laugh. “Sure.”
“Wait really?”
Your smile is kinder now, finding this side of Rodrick, where he is eager to appeal to you, really endearing. Shit, are your feelings for him coming back? You definitely were completely over your crush before, so how did he so easily wrap you around his finger again?
“I would have never guessed that you out of all people were into me, you know, after the little stunt you pulled a while ago.”
“What do you mean?” Rodrick is confused, when did he do something that made you believe that he wasn’t interested in you?
“Our tutoring session? When you completely disrespected me by not even listening to me after you were the one to ask for help.”
“I was listening to you! It's just hard to concentrate when you are so… you! And your voice is so…” Wow he just has this way with words “And I didn't intend for it to be actually studying when I ask you. I just wanted an excuse to hang out with you, maybe impress you a bit, my band being the impressive part by the way, and then later ask you out on a date.” He scratches the back of his head sheepishly.
“And this little scene that played out just now, I guess that was Gregs doing?”
“Yes, since it didn’t work out the last two times I tried to get you to go out with me, I thought this was the best way to do it.”
Oh, your crush was definitely back, and bigger than ever at that.
“Well you never actually asked me out, maybe that would have been enough.”
“I don’t know, guess you have to ask to find out.”
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A Rodrick x reader where they're friends with benefits and aren't aware of each others feelings towards the other util reader gets asked out by someone from their school :]
i started this one earlier and then the draft got deleted (this is why you dont take grilled cheese brakes kids) Thank you so much for the request, i have never written fwb before so i hope i meet your expectations :) (p.s. im a sucker for hand/knuckle kisses and it shows) lets just say greg and rowley weren't there for the party.
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"Dammit Rodrick," you chuckled slightly, sitting on a desk.
"What?" The raven haired boy started, "Don't like doing this anymore?" His hot breath tickled against your neck.
"It's not that," you muttered, "I just, don't feel like making out in an empty classroom five minutes before lunch ends."
"Oh, 'cause you are so above that," he retorted, going back to his assault on your neck and jawline.
"I'm turning over a new leaf!" You leaned back slightly, humming.
"Proud of yourself?" his hand relocated to your waist, the other supporting his weight.
"I would say I'm more proud of you,"
"You haven't gotten a detention in two days!" at that, the boy laughed, and removed his head from the crook of your neck.
'God I love you!' he wanted to say, but you seemed content with your current status, and he got to make out with you whenever he wanted... so he was fine! Totally.
"Has that Micha kid been bothering you?" The so called 'Micha kid' had been trying to hit on you for months, and you were to nice to tell him you secretly hated him, but you were working on it (thanks to Rodrick)
"Kind of? He tries to talk to me a lot, but he's less persistent."
"Good" he smiled, patting your waist before kissing you again.
You pulled away after a moment, "We should probably get our stuff," you commented, pulling him out of his blissful state.
"uh, yeah!" god he was so awkward sometimes. He held out his hand for you to take, (which you did) and you slid off the desk.
"You're such a gentleman!" you mocked in a brittish accent
"Oh, I know, love," he carried on.
'party at my house -rodrick' The text had been sent four minutes ago on the dot. Your parents were out of town, so you could go without being caught. So you fucking did. You put on a white button-down, black skinny jeans that were torn to shreds, and You put your earbuds in and started walking the block to the Heffley household. Your mind shifted to your previous interaction. How concerned Rodrick was being, he did care about you. and some times it felt like he loved you. you felt as if you could only dream.
You knocked on the door, the music was so loud already.
"Y/NNNN!" Rodrick dragged your name out, he took your hand and kissed your knuckles, "You do know this is casual, right?"
"Alright then. Get in here!" he pulled you in the house, there were lights, MCR's 'na na na" was blasting at full volume, and there were high-schoolers making out in random corners, someone had started a fistfight, and it seemed like it was more Rodrick's element than yours, but that was ok. And then you saw him.
The boy who looked at you like a Piece of meat.
you grabbed Rodrick's sleeve, "Micha's here," You said desperately. He noted your concern, and looked around for the boy, "Hey," he said, grasping your arms, "It's gonna be fine! if he starts bothering you, just come find me and we can make out or some shit!" He looked you in the eyes and smiled, trying his hardest to reasure you.
"Thanks Rodrick," you said hugging him.
"Of course!"
Rodrick had decided to be social, so you just wandered around the house, looking at the people you knew, and those you didn't. When you heard that terribly familiar voice.
"Hey y/n!"
Well fuck. you turned around, and sent a glare that could kill toward the boy.
"How's the party?" Micha said.
The sound of his voice made you want to yell. "Good." you said, not looking at him.
"I haven't talked to you in a while,"
"I know." you kept your answers short and half assed. Hoping he would get the memo.
He didn't.
Lucky for you, Rodrick had pardoned himself from his buddies chit chat, to make sure you were alright.
An arm looped around your shoulders, "Hi," the boy said "Uh, Micheal, was it?"
"Oh, sorry meesha,"
"That isn't even close to my name."
"Cool" you were never really religious, but you took the time to thank god for Rodrick. "Now, Mickey, can you not tell that you're making y/n uncomfortable?"
"I figured they would tell me if-"
"Micha, I don't like you." you said, voice laced with anger, "I never fucking have."
The boy just looked at you sadly and nodded before walking away.
"Rodrick, thank-" you were cut off by a rather agressive and passionate kiss.
"Y/n I love you. It's okay if you don't love me back but seeing you that uncomfortable made me want to tell you."
you could only stand there shocked. "I- Rodrick I" you stuttered, "I love you too. I always have and I really want to thank you for keeping me close!"
Just hearing those words made his heart melt and his confidence boost dramatically.
"I know this is my party, but" He tried, "Wanna blow this place?"
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princess-glassred · 7 days
Au where Butch and Sonia get married and now Henry and Eddie gotta be step siblings, and they both suffer greatly because of it.
You might think Butch and Sonia would be terrible for each other, and have nothing in common, but you'd be wrong. They are actually weirdly into each other for various reasons. Butch likes a woman who will baby him and take care of him like a mom (he's traditional in the worst way). While Sonia likes a big scary police officer as her hubby cause it means he can constantly protect Eddie when he's out and about. He day drinks, she binge eats, and they both never get off the couch or stop watching tv. The only real conflict of interest between them is parenting styles, but Butch doesn't really care to discipline a kid that isn't his and Sonia doesn't give a shit about Butch abusing Henry unless he starts doing to to Eddie.
Henry and Eddie were very angry when they found out who their parents were dating, but Henry's dad doesn't give a shit what Henry thinks and Eddie's mom insists butch will be good for Eddie. Now that Henry and Eddie live together their dynamic is very Rodrick and Greg Heffley. You'd also probably assume Henry would abuse Eddie alot now that they live together but aside from typical older brother bullshit Henry leaves him alone. He prefers to bully him outside the house, mostly because, and he would never ever admit this, he's a little terrified of Sonia (she's a fucking massive 40 year old woman, and even if he did fight back Butch would beat Henry for it later).
Speaking of beatings, Henry notes that it's odd how Butch doesn't beat Sonia like he beat his mother. It appears Butch seems aware that with Sonia he's got a good thing going, and she's also bigger than him so she could probably kick his ass if he wanted, so he doesn't hit her. On the other hand, Eddie notes that the way she coddles butch is disturbingly similar to how she coddles him, but he's DEFINETLY not gonna unpack the implications of that shit.
Henry would never admit it, but a teeny tiny part of him is kinda bummed that Sonia doesn't care about him. Maybe it was a pipe dream, but for a hot minute he considers it might be nice to have a mother. Unfortunately, if you thought Sonia was a bad mother, just wait till you see her as a step mother. Even though Henry is an abuser himself, if this was cinderella he would not doubt be the one cooking and cleaning all day. At the wedding Sonia purpofully ignores him and leaves him out of all the pictures.
Eddie and Henry have not acclimated to living together very well, Eddie particularly hates when Sonia INSISTS Eddie calls Henry his brother. Because of that he'll sometimes go in Henry's room and be like "MY mother says dinner is ready, and she asks me to come get you because you're NOT my brother.". The fact they have to share a bathroom now only makes it worse, because Henry is unsurprisingly gross as fuck. His rooms a pigstye too, and his mom forces Eddie to help Henry clean it from time to time.
That's the only chore Sonia will ever let Eddie do, Butch has tried to force Eddie to help on the farm but Sonia hates it so he just lets him get away with not working. Henry finds that super unfair, but any complaints about this makes his dad threaten him so he keeps quiet until he can pummel Eddie for it later. Family dinners are super awkward, because Henry and Eddie don't really wanna talk to each other even on good days. That's fine for their parents because they constantly are so wrapped up in whatever gross flirting they're doing at the table to notice their sons silence or vehemnt digust with them. And don't even get me started on how awkward it is when they invite their friends over.
At the end of the day though, despite how much Henry and Eddie loathe each other for many valid and not so valid reasons, and their resistance to ever accept each other as family, there are a few... odd moments here and there. Fleeting moments where their parents are acting crazy, and they lock eyes, and there is a quick flash of understanding, and possibly even a bit of sympathy.
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agaypanic · 5 months
I saw that you are writing about Roderick Heffley.
Can I make a request about Rodrick Heffley/reader (punk grunge girl)?
The reader has been friends with Rodrick for a year, she has her own band and she often hangs out with Rodrick.The reader writes songs for the band and when I realized that I fell in love with Rodrick, I wrote an entire album in his honor.(but since the reader replaced male pronouns with female pronouns in the songs, Rodrik did not understand about falling in love.)
You can make an awkward but sweet confession at the end.(like Roderick only got it when his friend told him directly about it, or when the reader was leaving town...)
I apologize if this is too specific and detailed. And I also ask you to forgive me if something is unclear, English is not my native language.
My Muse (Rodrick Heffley X Songwriter!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Inspiration for new songs strike you when you realize you’ve fallen in love with your friend Rodrick Heffley. But when you get the guts to play him a song as a way of confessing and he doesn’t understand, you figure it’s a lost cause.
A/N: reader is more of a pop-punk artist, and she wrote the only exception by paramore bc i said so. Idk much about instruments/terminology and also writing a character singing feels so awkward to me so sorry if it’s bad. Reader’s band is named after the one in metal lords (such a good movie ugh)
You and Rodrick had been friends for years, bonding over a shared love of music. As the two of you got older, you ventured into this interest by forming your own bands. Rodrick’s band, Löded Diper, was more rock, while yours, SkullFlower, followed more of a pop-punk genre. But that didn’t stop you and Rodrick from jamming and writing together during your free time.
With all the time you spend with Rodrick, you soon realized that your feelings for him grew beyond platonic, as cliche as it sounded. You obviously didn’t want to say anything and risk ruining what you had with him.
But you couldn’t help but have hope that Rodrick returned your feelings. No matter how many crushes he had, how distracted he became with his band’s latest business venture, or how often he got grounded to the point of not being allowed to leave the house for anything besides school, he always found his way to you. Sure, your heart ached a bit to see him so hung up over a girl who wouldn’t give him the time of day. But it was always made better when he’d sneak through your window just to sit with you when he should’ve been at home.
You didn’t want to bottle up your feelings forever, so you decided to write it all down in the form of lyrics. What started as a verse and half of a chorus soon became a complete song. And then one song turned into a handful. When you showed your bandmates, they immediately wanted to get to work on the instrumentals.
After a few long rehearsals and some convincing from the rest of the band, you decided to let Rodrick hear what you had been working on—half for his opinion and half as a love confession to your best friend.
“So…” As you walked to class with Rodrick, you kept having to tell yourself not to feel so anxious. Just think of it as just another band practice, and not you telling your best friend that you’re in love with him. “SkullFlower’s having a little rehearsal tonight. I think we’ve gotten a new song down pretty good. Did you wanna come?”
“Hell yeah!” Rodrick responded, seeming more pumped up than before you had asked. “What time were you thinking?”
“Probably around five. It’ll be at Steph’s place, since she has the best set up.”
The two of you stopped in front of your class, standing a bit to the side of the door to not block anyone’s path. 
“I’ll be there,” Rodrick said with a grin, patting your shoulder and giving it a squeeze. “See you then.” Then he turned around and left to go to his own class, leaving you to walk in alone. As you sat down in your seat, the only thing on your mind was how you hoped everything would go right tonight.
It was a pretty common occurrence for you and Rodrick to be at each other’s band rehearsals. So, none of your friends were surprised to see him pull up in his somewhat busted van while you tuned instruments and set up equipment. He jogged up the driveway with a grin and two slushies, one for him and one for you. Another common thing between you two was showing up with some kind of sweet treat just for the two of you.
“Hey guys!” Rodrick greeted everyone in Steph’s garage before handing you a large slushie cup filled with your favorite flavors. “Hey, rockstar.”
“Hi, Roddy.” You said, blushing at the little nickname before sipping your drink. You averted your gaze to somewhere else in the room, so you missed the slight pink on Rodrick’s cheeks from the nickname only you were allowed to use.
After a few minutes of mingling, you and the band got ready to play while Rodrick settled in a lawn chair. He sat directly in front of you, so you felt you had no choice but to look at him while fiddling with the microphone stand.
“This one took, like, a day to write,” you warned, taking a final sip of your slushie before setting it on the floor next to you. “It’s a little softer than the stuff we usually play, but I think it’s pretty good. But I wrote it, so I’m a bit biased.” 
“Everything you write is good, Y/n.” Rodrick tipped his slushie cup towards you. “Lemme hear it.”
You nodded and turned to Hailey. She started strumming on her guitar as Steph accompanied her on the keyboard. You swayed along to the music with closed eyes, internally counting down to your cue. 
Rodrick had probably heard you sing a million times, you’d probably sung more around him than you did alone. But your nerves made it feel like you were performing in front of a sold-out stadium for the first time, instead of in your friend’s practically empty garage.
“I’d never sing of love if it does not exist.” You plucked up the courage to finally look at Rodrick, who was already watching you with a smile so small you almost couldn’t see it. “But darling, you are the only exception.”
You didn’t know if it was the fear of knowing you were confessing your feelings to Rodrick or the bravery from opening your eyes and looking at him in the first place. But for the rest of the song, you and Rodrick maintained eye contact, making it feel like you were the only ones in the room. You wondered if he knew that the words were written just for him. 
As Hailey played the final chord of the song, letting it ring out, you gripped the microphone a bit nervously. At first, you thought the hard part was finally over. But then you remembered that Rodrick’s reaction was to follow.
“So… what’d you think?” Everyone eagerly awaited Rodrick’s response. Your friends knew about how deep your feelings went for him. And although they’d sometimes make fun of you for it, they were truly rooting for the two of you.
“That was awesome!” Rodrick said, throwing his arms out wide to emphasize his statement. You grinned, bouncing slightly on the balls of your feet in excitement. “Whoever you wrote that for is lucky, dude.”
And in an instant, all that excitement and hope diminished. 
“Oh.” You let out a small sigh before clearing your throat. “Oh, yeah, they are. They are lucky.” You could practically feel the pitiful stares of your bandmates. That, accompanied by Rodrick’s now slightly perplexed expression, made you feel uneasy. “Um, I’ll be right back.”
You were out in a flash, running into the house and to the bathroom to hide. Your band watched you disappear before looking back at Rodrick, whose eyes were stuck on the door you had gone through.
“Wow.” Dylan was the first to speak, looking at Rodrick with a raised brow and crossed arms. “I know you’re kinda dumb, Heffley, but this might be a new low.”
“Excuse me?” Rodrick quickly rose from his seat, looking at Dylan, offended and confused.
“Oh, come on, Rodrick. Don’t play stupid.” Hailey said as she set down her guitar. “Who do you think Y/n wrote that song about?”
Rodrick thought about the question for a moment, wracking his brain for an answer but coming up with nothing. He shrugged, hoping that one of your friends would just tell him outright what was going on.
“I’ll give you a hint,” Dylan said. “She only invited one person to this band practice, and she only wanted to play that specific song.”
The look on Rodrick’s face was starting to make your friends wonder if you were better off without him knowing about your feelings. But suddenly, he gasped in realization, looking at each of your friends for confirmation of what he was thinking. When they all nodded, relieved that he was finally starting to understand, he grabbed your slushie from the floor, muttering something about being back in a minute. 
In the bathroom, you were trying not to have a total freak out. You wondered how you could play this off. Although Rodrick wasn’t the brightest, he could be observant and stubborn when he wanted to be. He’d probably ask what was wrong, and if you could convince him that everything was fine, he would probably start asking who you wrote that love song about.
After splashing some water on your face to calm yourself down, you opened the door, only to see Rodrick standing on the other side.
“Jesus!” You jumped in surprise.
“Sorry.” Rodrick laughed nervously. “You, um, you forgot your slushie.”
“Oh, thanks.”
You fell into an awkward silence, standing in the threshold of your friend’s bathroom and slurping down your drink so you wouldn’t have to speak. Eventually, both of you were out of slushies.
“Was that song about me?” Rodrick blurted out, tilting his head in curiosity. You blinked, not expecting that to be the question he would ask. It seemed like he already knew it was.
“That depends,” you said, toying with your straw as you looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact. “Would you still like it if it was?”
Your attention was pulled from your shoes by a hand lifting your head, forcing you to look up at Rodrick. He leaned in to kiss you, just for a quick second, as if he was scared of you freaking out. But you were left in a daze as he pulled back.
“I’d like it a lot more if it was.”
Overwhelmed by what had just happened, you flung your arms around Rodrick and kissed him again. He stumbled back a step but caught you by the waist, kissing back eagerly. The world around you seemed to disappear.
“Ahem.” Slowly and reluctantly, you and Rodrick pulled away from each other to see Steph looking at you amused, Hailey and Dylan standing behind her. “Mom made us all a snack, unless you guys are too busy sucking face.”
“Oh, shut up, Steph.” You said with an embarrassed laugh. Your friends headed to the kitchen, but you and Rodrick slowly trailed behind to sneak a few more kisses to each other.
Rodrick Heffley Taglist: @tweedledipshit
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mozzarella-stickz · 2 years
Lovers Rock: Rodrick Heffley x F! Reader
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Author’s Note: Special thanks to @celootaku1 for telling me I should write this :) Hope you enjoy! Sorry it’s like months late though…
Summary: A panic attack in the school cafeteria leads to a chance encounter with none other than Rodrick Heffley.
Warnings: anxiety, panic attacks, probably OOC Rodrick don’t hate me. Otherwise lots of fluff <3
You were certain this was the worst day of your life.
As soon as you woke up, the impending doom of the day seemed to loom over your head, your brain repeating over and over how bad today was. Your head felt fuzzy and confused, your body shaky and riddled with random jolts of anxiety.
It all came to a climax during lunch time, when the smells, sounds, and godawful fluorescent lights of the cafeteria all become to much for you, and you bolted. You grabbed your lunchbox, excusing yourself from your table, and bolting out to your car in the parking lot. The school was well aware of your condition, and all you had to do was nod and they let you out.
You slammed your door shut, the panic setting in. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Your breathing cycled over and over, rounds of seconds of holding and exhaling.
Unbeknownst to you, was the guy sitting in the van parked right next to you. Rodrick Heffley had decided he did not want to go so Spanish that day, instead choosing to take a nap in the back of the van. He was rudely awakened however, by slamming doors and the loud beeping of the car’s lock system.
“Jesus Christ,” he groaned, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
Rodrick climbed to the front of the van, looking at his window at the commotion. He noticed you sitting in your front seat, breathing in and out as tears flowed down your cheeks, smearing your mascara down your face. He felt a little bad now, panic attacks were something he’d dealt with a lot in middle school. He took a deep breath, opening his van door, and knocking on your window gently. You jolted up, and he winced. You took another deep breath in, before rolling your window down.
“H-hi?” you said, voice weak and shaky. You were absolutely confused as to why Rodrick Heffley was knocking on your window, much less doing so in a nice way.
“You okay?” he asked, shuffling a little as he leaned down to your window.
“Not really,” you sniffled, wiping your eyes.
“Do you want to talk?”
“There’s really nothing. I had a panic attack over nothing.”
Awkward silence between you both. Rodrick because he wasn’t quite sure what to say, and you because while you appreciated his concern, you really did not feel like talking at that moment.
“I can go if you want…”
Rodrick looked at you, slightly puzzled. It didn’t seem like you wanted him to be there, but your outburst was strange.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to yell, I just…”
“Nah, I get it.”
“You can get in if you want.”
Rodrick opened your car door, sliding into the passenger seat. You leaned your head back into your seat, continuing your breathing slowly and gently.
Rodrick sat, watching you. You were always such a fun-loving person, caring and kind, smiling like nothing was ever wrong.
Your heart started to settle down and your head cleared slightly. You checked your phone, seeing a few texts from your friends asking if you were alright. You smiled, but set it down. You would reply later.
“Thanks for sitting here,” you said, turning towards Rodrick. “I really appreciate the concern.”
“Yeah, anytime. You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just sometimes I wake up with the worst feelings of anxiety for no reason. Today was one of those days. Cafeteria was just too much today.”
“I get it. In middle school, I used to get super anxious all the time. But my way of coping was just to not care, I guess.”
“I wish it was that easy.”
“It was hard, but that’s when I started to drum too. Helped me with the nerves and shit.”
You giggled a little, wiping your eyes. You pulled down your mirror, groaning at the raccoon eyes look you were pulling off right now.
“I’m a mess!”
“Hey, no worries, I have an idea.”
Rodrick bolted, rushing into the front seat of his van for something. After a few minutes of sifting through not done homework and fast food bags, he grabbed a small bag. Sitting back down in the seat, he opened it and pulled out an eyeliner pencil. You cocked your head, looking at him with a “what the fuck” look.
“I wear it for gigs sometimes. I carry it around just in case any pretty girls need it.”
Your heart fluttered at that comment.
“Close your eyes,” he said. You obliged, tilting towards him. He lined it around the top of your eyes, smudging it a little with his fingers.
“Okay, open.”
You did, and then he drew a small line underneath the bottom of the rim of your eye. Taking his pinky, he smudged it, wiping away the flakes of mascara along with it.
“Alright, done.”
You flicked your mirror down, examining his work. You smiled in astonishment, you looked wicked cool and totally smudged on purpose.
“I love it!” You squealed. “I look awesome! Thank you so much!”
You sat in silence, examining it. You looked so…not you, and it was so sick. You checked your phone again, seeing it was almost time for lunch to end.
“Crap, I gotta go,” you said, sighing. Instead of pocketing your phone, you handed it to Rodrick in a bold move.
“Can I get your number?” you asked, “Just in case?”
“Huh…oh OH yeah, um of course!”
You giggled again at his shock, handing him your phone as he put his number in. Rodrick handed your phone back, his hands so shaky it was endearing.
“Thanks again, Rodrick. See you soon.”
You exited your car, bolting back inside. Rodrick shut your car, staring at you walking inside. See you soon. His heart fluttered a little, something that hadn’t happened since Heather Hills sat next to him in class several years ago.
Later that evening, Rodrick felt his phone ping in his pocket, picking it up he read a text from your presumed number.
Attachment: 1 image.
He opened it to see a picture of you holding an eyeliner pencil in the makeup section with a smile on your face.
Another text from you that said:
had to get my own since i looked so cool! thanks again <3
His heart fluttered again, this time at an alarming rate. He typed out a response, palms sweaty and hands once again shaking like a leaf in the wind.
of course, pretty girl <3
From the other end of the phone, you felt faint. You set your phone down, letting your brain formulate a response. You typed it down, breathing in and out before sending:
do you want to hang out this weekend?
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lodeddiperactivate · 4 months
I hate you more! Part 4
Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x fem!reader
Word count: 1,601
Warnings: angst, drugs, alcoholism, substance abuse
Summary: A classic enemies to lovers! Y/N decided to go to that college party, saw her ex at the party, then Rodrick showed up. Ofc, nothing bad will happen, right? ;)
Author’s note: I've been busy, not much to say, but here's part 4! I'm thinking of ending this series by part 5 and will prolly make it smut :>
Tags: @tomhockstetter7-111 @quadraticmandela @bubbl14 @iliterallydontexistlol @avihtoria
Rodrick agreed to your offer that you'll split the $100 a week with him if he cooperates and takes it seriously. This also means that your session for that day can end early so you can go to said college party. You quickly said your goodbyes to the Heffleys and went home to get ready. This was your first time sneaking out to a party in an entirely new town so you were kind of nervous, mostly because you're worried someone might recognize you at the party, which is why you chose one that's quite far (sort of). This also means taking the bus at night to a part of town you've never been to. It was all so scary but exciting for you, and you just longed to be surrounded by strangers. You were so deep in thought while waiting for the bus that you failed to notice Bill, Loded Diper's lead vocals. You've seen him a couple of times when you were at the Heffleys, and you've also confirmed with Rodrick that Bill is around 35 years old.
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Shoot! You begged and hoped he did not see or recognize you. Luckily enough, you saw the bus rounding the corner just before Bill eyed you curiously. When he finally recognized you and was in the process of calling out to you, you had already boarded the bus. There weren't a lot of people riding the bus or even waiting for the bus so you breathe a sigh of relief as the bus drove away before Bill could catch up to you. You immediately slouched back to one of the seats and relaxed a bit.
You were nearing the party when your phone rang. It was a common friend between you and your ex, they were the one who initially told you about the party. Your heart sank when you saw the words on your screen, "I'm so sorry Y/N, I know you wanna go to this party to escape but I heard that he might be there!"
Great! You said to yourself. Your ex is gonna be at the party. Your mind goes to the worst case scenario where your ex is already hanging out with some hot new girl, making out at some corner or whatever, and you'll be there, not knowing anyone and being awkward and all. You're typically confident in your social skills but you can't seem to shake this nervousness and inferiority complex whenever you're around your ex. Your ex is 5 years older than you, and you had always thought he was so cool, that is until he started bringing girls to his college dorm. He assured you that nothing had happened, and maybe nothing did, but you knew that that was not how you wanted to be treated.
The bus stopped at a screeching halt and you walked out to greet the cold evening air. You wore a slightly oversized leather jacket over a plain white shirt and a black mini skirt. You wanted to appear cool but not trying too hard but with all this nervousness, you decided that your first agenda for the night is to get some alcohol in you. From the bus stop, it was only a 3-minute walk to the house. It was already getting late so no one was checking who was coming in and out of the house, which makes it easy for you to sneak in.
As soon as you stepped in, the music was blaring, college kids were drinking and dancing and groping each other, and making out. It was utter chaos, and for someone who likes to be organized, it was funny finding peace amidst the chaos. You went into the kitchen and found a couple of hard liquor, you went in for the kill. After just a few drinks, you found yourself walking to where people were dancing and started swaying your hips. One of your hands holding a cup while the other one freely roamed and caressed the rest of your body. You weren't sure how long you danced but you've noticed that another hand was also exploring your body. You turned to see that it was your ex.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?" He asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," you slurred which gave away the fact that you were already slightly intoxicated.
"Well, I for one am a college student, this is a college party." He said.
"In that case, why don't you go find some college girls to invite back to your dorm huh?" You said as you pushed his hands away. You tried walking away from him but he quickly yanked your arm which made you yelped. The music was loud to begin with but he yanked it so abruptly and out of nowhere that you were sure your voice pierced through the loud noise.
"Hey man, let her go."
Wait a minute. You know that voice. No no no, it can't be. Your ex was blocking the person who just spoke but as soon as he turned to see who it was, you kew your suspicions were right. It was Rodrick. Of course, Bill would tell him he saw you at the bus stop. Your mind ran frantically at all the possible situations that could unravel.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Rodrick. Let her go, I mean, don't bother Y/N."
You can tell he was nervous. Your ex was more muscular than Rodrick, and you don't know Rodrick well enough, but you can tell he has never been in a fight before. Your ex, on the other hand, has been in plenty. Although, he has been in reasonable fights and not petty ones, you try to convince yourself that as long as Rodrick doesn't do anything stupid, you can easily walk out of here in one piece.
"You don't want me bothering Y/N?" Your ex asked slowly, almost mockingly.
"Yeah, that's what I said, butt breathe!"
Butt breathe? Where in the hell did he learned that insult? You decided to step in.
"Come on, Rodrick, let's go." You walked past your ex and grabbed Rodrick by the arm.
"Yeah, you're lucky, Y/N is here to stop me because if not, I would've showed you what it's like to get your teeth punched, I mean like knocked out...get your teeth knocked out from punching."
You hear your ex scoffed at Rodrick's attempt to scare him. And with you grabbing Rodrick's arm and rushing to get out of that house, the last thing you heard was your ex calling out to you, "I'll see you soon, Y/N".
Rodrick had drove all the way to the house party when Bill texted him he saw you at the bus stop. And so, with the events that had just happened, you weren't surprised that the ride back was just pure silence.
You can tell Rodrick would look at you every now and then, trying to come up with something to say, but you were blankly staring at the road. The truth is that the breakup had left you feeling hurt and unwanted. Seeing your ex at the party and feeling his hands on you made you yearn for something, well, physical. You were embarassed at this fact but what can you do?
Rodrick coughed, probably in an attempt for you to look at him. You slowly looked at him, and he smiled. His smile was all teeth but his brows were wrinkled like the top part of his face was worried yet he was attempting a smile. It was the most ludicrous smile you had ever seen that you couldn't help but let out a small giggle.
"What?" He asked smiling back.
"Nothing. It's just that you have an ugly smile." You said as you let out a heartily laugh.
"Don't knock it 'til you try it."
"What? Try smiling like that?"
"Yeah." He said slowly, smiling.
You didn't realized it immediately but did he mean something else entirely? You looked back at him, he was focused on the road. You were probably 20 minutes away from home at that point.
"Thank you."
"What for?"
"Hmmm," you thought, "for protecting my honor."
Rodrick seemed proud when you said it that you saw him made his usual grin. You were grateful but at the same time, you just love teasing him.
"Although, you really need to work on your insults."
"What's wrong with them?" He genuinely asked as he turned a corner to where your houses are at.
"A lot!" You said and giggled as he slowly pulled to the front of your house so as not to wake your parents. You quickly said thank you again as you opened the passenger door to his Loded Diper van.
"Maybe.." he said. You paused just as you were stepping out of the van.
"Yeah?" You asked, as if you were hoping for something, the tone evident in your voice. Rodrick looked at you, and you thought that for the first time, he held your gaze.
"Maybe you can teach me how to properly insult someone, next time?"
You smiled, "Of course!" You replied, and before you know it, your entire body was moving on its own as you leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his check. He was surprised as you are as you both stared at each other for a few more seconds before you said goodnight and hopped out of his van. As you walked to your front door, you turned to wave goodbye to him and he waved back, smiling.
DOAWK masterlist
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corpseidol · 4 months
🩸- anon here with a few more silly ideas. (I’m a masc person so most of these are from a masc perspective:((( )
Logan and Goth older brother reader, kind of like Sunshine X Cerberus, but in the phantom realm? Readers the terrified one. And then Logan takes the protective role of :3
Ashlyn with a tap/acro dancer, friendly competition of different dance styles. Or a martial artist, I say this because if you’ve ever been in a dance studio that does multiple styles, the friendly beef is CRAZZYYY
Ben with either really short chaotic reader or a reader who’s taller then him and is the dad friend, bro is prepared for everything^2
Tyler with a Shakespeare quoting theatre kid, overly flirty and all (with consent ofc) they’re so gay for eachother
I literally can’t view Taylor dating someone who’s masc, but best ship I think is girlboss (Taylor) X girl failure, like fem reader is clumsy, bad at school, but in phantom realm? She’s the one hunting the phantoms down
no idea if this is a request, i assume not. but i’ll involve this with the misc list since i throw in my own ideas and a whole ass rant.
LOGAN. sunshine x cerberus would be the funniest thing ever because it reminds me of rodrick heffley. so lots of bonus points if goth older brother is a HUGE tease and does music. i feel like it’d be fun for goth!reader and aiden vs tyler with that personality i’m going for. just imagining goth laughing and encouraging taylor to record them; even provoking aiden and tyler when they’re all grumpy. but side effect: VERY IGNORANT PERSON if they were not involved with the phantom world, they would tease logan about the whole thing; even in public. which would cause serious problems like accidentally outing them and causing suspicions. if they were involved with the phantom world, they would react the same way tyler did but start a whole argument with tyler using tons of different insults. (bonus: actually very loving towards logan. does not care if their teasing goes too far but would protect logan with his fucking life.)
ANOTHER BONUS! in the band au, goth!reader would def help logan with his eyeliner (only did it when he noticed how half-assed logan’s make up was.)
ASH. at first, would most likely find the competition weird. if you made playful competitive jokes when you first meet her, she’d most likely be confused with your tone. are you making fun of her? are you trying to fight? are you joking? honestly kind of like another aiden x ashlyn if he was a dancer.. turns into a taylor x ash dynamic if we make this competitive little fella a good comforter. that’s absolutely adorable. at some point ash will find the playfulness easing her; sometimes irritated when you accuse her of “cheating” in the playful competition which is… most definitely not possible. if sbg were to be a musical, just imagine these two having a song where ash has to keep up with tap/acro dancer; most likely a “the other side” from the greatest showman type of song ngl.
BEN. would have such a fun personality if there was another dude who was way taller and was more of a dad figure. huge idol for ben honestly. yk the scene where ash compliments him for his good “first aid skills” or wtv and he blushes? imagine him always blushing everytime dad friend!reader compliments him or pats him on the head telling him that he did such a good job and that he’s proud. ben would hate showing his anger issues more towards dad friend!reader because he feels something in him that he doesn’t want to disappoint dad friend!reader. when they first met, he’d be way more timid because i like to think dad friend!reader would be a yapper but more of a calm one. would find it absolutely awkward being around dad friend!reader but finds so much comfort when dad friend!reader does something father-like (finds himself agreeing with dad friend!reader a lot and mindlessly following him while also throwing in his ideas.)
BONUS: picks up random habits that dad friend!reader does
TYLER. would find it absolutely ridiculous if a kid were to quote Shakespeare to him. but get this guy in a grumpy mood and tell him a shakespeare quote him? now you’re just being annoying. THOUUGHHHHH this guy seems to be keeping those words? oh m ygod just imagine reader getting upset and he pulls up with a shakespeare quote and he gets all shy when you tease him because he just gave out that he thinks of you when he sees ANY quote at all. proceeds to say “it’s just a one time thing” but uses quotes you have said to him to motivate him in the phantom world.
TAYLOR. she SCREAMSSSSS bisexual in denial. just imagine her blushy face when she sees how strong reader is in the phantom world, constantly defending her n shit. bandaging her own brother can be hard, but bandaging you??? YOU????? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO WITH HER?? MARRY HER??? BECAUSE SHE ISN’T SAYING NO!! just imagine ash having to divide the group for a plan and taylor immediately volunteers to go with you because holy shit. shy clumsy girl who’s good in fighting? no need for more info, she NEEDS that number. just imagine taylor teasing you and when you get all blushy and laughy, she sees your face and turns into a TOMATO. despite you being the clumsy one, she feels like she’s the clumsy one around you; becoming uncoordinated and messy when she sees you wipe a bloody nose and breathe heavily. bonus points if shy clumsy girl actually did martial arts and has a uniformed (person in the army) father who is HELLA STRICT WITH HER. more bonus points if the shy clumsy girl is actually really slim and her body aches after experiencing high amount of adrenaline
this is very self projecting because im literally describing myself. sorry guys.
btw just imagine being the clumsy girl and running into taylor in a garage where she’s wearing a white tank top with oil all over. ohMY RHAOJCOCJOWWMOANSODMDDJQOWMSODMDO HELDOFOPSPWP
AIDEN. huge angst here idc i love aiden angst! just imagine his childhood friend being aiden’s BIGGEST friend but suddenly lost all contact when they moved houses, and aiden just loved them so much he thinks of them everyday; doing things that his friend would’ve done and likes videos that reminds him of them. despite him learning to be able to live without them, he has so much loyalty for them. just to run into them at the school and seeing that they refuse to interact with him until they were forced into the group bc of that TEACHER. huge slowburn due to their unknown want to avoid from aiden. bonus points if aiden tries to push them (like how he was pushy the first few eps) by reminding them of things they used to do when they were kids or showing them things that remind him of their childhood.
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u’ve been fed.
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taesanluv3r · 1 month
okay hear me out we all know that taesan is kind of shy and awkward boy himself ( hot loser ) but he’s hot and somehow confident on stage SO i was thinking abt taesan = rodrik heffley. they kind of give me similar vibes so what do you think abt writing something like nonidol!taesan x crush!reader who he spotted in the crowd at his own bands concert and decided to ask reader out ‘cause he thought “ohh she’s cool and pretty” but when he finally reached her after the concert to talk he’s SOOO AWKWARD AND LOSER CODED WTFFF
going thru alllll the reqs rn coz even if i dont hv motivation to write rn everyone deserves to see all these amazing ideas from my anons :3
i used to have a massive crush on rodrick heffley. like the rodrick to taesan, loded diper to boynextdoor pipeline is SOOOOO real!!!! and i love the idea of taesan spotting his crush in the crowd and absolutely losing his mind. like imagine he's singing and playing guitar and he looks so cool but the minute he spots her he LITERALLY shits his pants and his voice almost cracks as he sings TT
also the scene in diary of a wimpy kid where rodrick is singing baby by justin bieber at the birthday party to impress holly's sister but he just makes a huge fool of himself!!!! that's so losercat taesan coded TT
ugh i could go on and on
and i love you anon for sending this in MWAHHH
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
Kids | Rodrick Heffley
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Spotify Playlist Link
Rodrick Heffley becomes obsessed when he finally meets his thirty-five year old band mate, Bill Walter’s, younger sister.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Drug use. Sexual content. Violence.
“The Date”
Sunday nights were always busy shifts for Sara. She was also somehow one of the Sunset Lounge’s most popular night shift waitresses, which meant, oftentimes, her workload was more than others’.
“Hi, welcome to the Sunset Lounge, I’m Sara, and I’ll be your server tonight,” she said as she provided a table with menus, “How are we doing tonight?”
“Great, thank you,” one of the men at the table, a blond guy in a blue button down, smiled up at her.
His gaze was just a bit too intimate for her liking, lingering for too long.
“Excellent, can I start you off with any drinks?” she looked around, note pad at the ready.
“I’ll have a house martini, thanks.”
“Of course. Anything for you gentlemen?” she turned to the others.
She quickly passed their drink orders along to the bar, quickly returning to her section of the restaurant when she saw a group of familiar faces.
“Hey, Sar Bear!” Bill waved, coming in with the boys from the band.
They had all been seated by the hostess right in her section, coincidentally. Chris and Ben both greeted Sara, while Rodrick just sat silent next to Bill, looking sheepish as he stared down at the table.
“You know I can’t serve them alcohol, right?” Sara asked her older brother.
“Yeah, don’t worry, it’s fine! I just wanted to come visit you with the boys,” Bill assured her, “We’re all nursing pretty gnarly hangovers…”
“I see that,” she remarked, watching as Rodrick only seemed to be half upright.
“I woke up in Chris’s bathtub,” Ben shared.
“I don’t give a fuck,” Sara Walter scoffed, turning to the other guys. “You guys want anything to drink?”
“Just a round of sodas, thanks, little sis,” Bill told her.
“I’ll be right back,” she nodded.
“She’s hot when she’s mad,” Ben grinned.
Bill shot him a dirty look, opening his menu to explore the options.
“What? Is she still mad about the thing?” he asked, completely out of touch.
“Who wouldn’t still be mad about the thing? I’m still mad about the thing,” Chris scoffed.
Rodrick looked up once he was sure she had walked away, staring longingly at the tight pants she wore for just a split second before he joined in on the conversation, which was about Scooby Doo, for some reason. He did his best to behave as he normally would, acting as if Sara didn’t exist.
Meanwhile, she was far too busy with the rush to even consider Rodrick’s standoffish behavior.
“Where the fuck are my orders?!” another waitress shouted at the cooks in the back. “Two of my tables have been waiting forever, and the owner’s here! I’m gonna get fired!”
“Wait, what?! They still haven’t made an order of mine from half an hour ago!” Sara exclaimed. “What the fuck are they doing back there?”
“Not fucking cooking,” the waitress, Kayla, scoffed before leaving.
Not seeing any other choice, Sara stormed into the back of house, watching as the cooks scrambled.
“What’s going on back here?!” she exclaimed, never having seen it get so chaotic.
“Three cooks are out,” one of the women informed her.
“…Fuck,” she groaned, running back out.
The next five minutes felt like five hours.
“Hi, how are we doing? …Great, I’ll be back shortly.”
“Hi, anything I can get for you? …Sure, just a moment.”
“Another water? Of course, just a moment… Here you are.”
Sara could feel herself sweating underneath her work clothes as she quickly made her way to the back, carrying two plates and a water on a tray before returning to the table of what she could only describe as aged finance majors.
“Hi there, anything else I can get for you?” she asked politely.
“Your number?” the one in the blue shirt asked hopefully.
“Yeah, sixteen. Go find a hole in the wall,” she muttered, walking away as a very awkward silence fell over the table. “Yo. You guys know what you want?” she asked as she returned to the band’s table.
“Yeah, can I get the mac and cheese?” Bill looked up at her.
Sara just stared at him blankly. “That’s a kids’ option.”
“But it has truffle in it,” her brother argued, sounding disappointed.
“It’s under ‘kids’,” she said in exasperation.
“But I want it,” he pouted.
“Bill! The owner’s here, if I do that, I could get fired, apparently!” she whispered. “Normally, I wouldn’t give a fuck, but tonight has been very stressful, so I’d really rather not right now.”
“Please, Sar Bear?” Bill whined.
“Alright! Fine! If anyone asks, you’re twelve,” she rolled her eyes, scribbling aggressively on her notepad. “Ben. What do you want?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t decided!” he exclaimed defensively.
“You probably won’t get it for another hour, so you might as well decide now!” she warned.
“Uh, the steak and potatoes!” he blurted out, alarmed.
“Can I get the linguine?” Chris asked.
“Yeah, sure. Rodrick? What do you want?” Sara asked.
“Uh…” Rodrick looked up at her, not expecting to be addressed. “Can I have the chicken alfredo? Please?” he asked.
“Alright. Gimme a minute,” she rushed off.
As she brought out two more orders, she nearly crashed into one of the other waitresses, a woman in her mid thirties named Elizabeth.
“Fuck!” Elizabeth hissed, nearly falling.
“Sorry, sorry,” Sara sighed, helping her steady herself, “Also, I’d try to be on your best behavior. I heard the owner’s here.”
“Fuck, so that was him,” her work friend sighed.
“Which one is he?” Sara questioned, “I’ve never seen him before.”
“That one, over there. Sitting next to the sweater with ears.”
Sara quickly located the man she was pointing out, who did indeed seem to disappear into his sweater, except for his giant ears. Then, she realized that they were indeed in her section, and she froze when she saw that the man Elizabeth was referring to was blond, and wearing a blue shirt.
“Fuck, that’s him?!” she gasped, trying to avoid his eye-line at any cost.
“Yeah, why?” the other waitress questioned.
“He’s in my section! He asked me for my number, and I basically told him I was sixteen, and to fuck off,” Sara whispered, beginning to hyperventilate.
“Oh, God!” the pretty brunette breathed. “That’s not good…”
“Why?” Sara demanded. “Is he gonna fire me?!”
“I don’t know, sweetie… He gets butthurt pretty easily. Hates getting shut down by the waitresses; not that it happens a lot,” she remarked, as Sara gave her a strange look.
“What? Look at him!”
“I am so fucked,” Sara sighed finally.
“Just keep smiling and hope for the best,” Elizabeth offered sympathetically.
“I’m gonna take my break,” she announced suddenly.
“Wha— In the middle of a rush?!” Elizabeth questioned as she headed towards the back.
“Sorry! I’ll be back in fifteen!”
After clocking out, Sara all but ran behind the restaurant with her purse, shakily pulling a cigarette from her half empty pack and struggling to light it. She wrapped her arms around her body, failing to comfort herself as she breathed way too fast for it to be effective.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Sara felt herself quickly going more and more insane, not caring anymore that she’d have to go back into work with black tear stains down her cheeks. She inhaled and exhaled violent puffs from her cigarette, trying to get ahold of herself. She wasn’t sure why, but the world seemed to be crashing down on her.
“You’re a useless sack of shit just like your father, just like your brother,” Randy’s voice mocked her.
“You best believe that the first of the two of you to be thrown out of this house wouldn’t be Randy,” her mother had warned her.
“I can’t leave them, Sara. You’re on your own,” Bill had said with a sad frown.
“Why can’t you and Dad just get along?!” Connor had screamed at her before running up the stairs that one night.
Sara tried her best to breathe, still feeling a giant weight on her chest.
“Fuck!” she yelled in anger, taking it all out on a green crate that was meant to be garbage that had just been lying on its side.
She randomly kicked it into the wall, like a tic, seething as she squeezed her head between her hands, trying to get the violent ringing in her ears to stop. She inhaled the cigarette as quickly as she could, unable to calm the tremors in her hands. Eventually giving us on soothing the anger, she practically ran back into the restaurant after her break was up, breathing harsh and irregular.
She did her best to serve the owner of the restaurant’s table as sweetly and politely as she could for the duration of their stay, smiling so hard her eye almost twitched. Her tip from them was miraculously sizable, most likely out of guilt. It seemed that her job was no longer in jeopardy, but her sanity certainly was.
“Sara. You took your break during the rush?” one of the managers, Diane, asked.
“I’m sorry, but I needed a minute.”
“You do realize the owner was here tonight?”
Clearly, management didn’t know about the incident, which was definitely a good thing. On top of everything else, it definitely would’ve affected her job.
“Yes. I made sure they were taken care of,” she promised.
“You know things were chaotic enough as it is?!” the woman demanded. “Three cooks are out, one server called in sick! We’re behind twenty minutes! This is not the Sunset Lounge standard!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You should be. I’ve had to comp two meals! We are totally fucked on service tonight! Hell, we’d still be fucked with one more server!”
“Then why are you standing here yelling at one?” Sara mumbled, before realizing the mistake she’d made.
Diane actually preferred her to most of the staff, but like many in the food industry, she still wasn’t above verbal abuse.
“Are you serious?” the woman demanded. “Are you fucking shitting me?! You don’t make a quarter of what you’d need per hour to talk to me like that!”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it,” Sara apologized immediately.
“Then shut the fuck up, and get out there!” Diane pointed. “And wipe off the tear stains, you think we want people thinking our waitresses are miserable here?! Fuck!”
Sara quickly wiped away her smudged eyeliner as she returned to her section, running around in circles like a trained animal. She then made her way over to Bill’s table, watching as the boys waited around.
“Can we get the check?” Bill asked with his mouth full.
“Yeah, sure.”
Sara eventually returned with Bill’s change and receipt, standing there silently as he and the others said goodbye to her.
“See you at home,” Bill called on the way out.
“Bye, Sara!” Ben yelled.
“Later!” Chris waved.
Rodrick, however, didn’t even look at her, walking out without a word as Bill was too clueless to notice. Sara just let out an exhausted sigh, shaking her head as she wiped at her face with her wrist. She hardly even had the energy to be annoyed at this point.
The Angel From My Nightmare
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
(˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ ) ✧ rodrick heffley masterlist
last updated: 25th august, 2023 newest: rodrick before/after pregnancy hcs
rules for requesting: ✮ disclaimer: i do not do smut, i can do dark themes such as stalking, etc. requests are closed.
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band-aid genre: rodrick heffley x fem!reader, fluff, light angst(not really angst) warnings: pillow fights(gasp), rodrick accidentally elbows reader in the face muahahhaah synopsis: rodrick and y/n are playfully fighting before rodrick accidentally hits her in the face. drummer boy genre: rodrick heffley x gn!reader, fluff, strangers to lovers, this is so short warnings: awkward rodrick, reader suddenly getting cocky out of NOWHERE synopsis: y/n and rodrick meet at the battle of the bands, them a bassist, and him a drummer - a drummer boy. things genre: rodrick heffley x pregnant!fem!reader, angst, fluff, established relationship warnings: rodrick's mom being a KAREN, y/n's parents shunned her, greg is nice ??? synopsis: y/n's been kicked out of her parents' house after telling them she's pregnant, and now she lives with her boyfriend, rodrick, and his parents. she asks for money from rodrick's parents to buy things for her baby but they say no. rodrick doesn't take that well. potential genre: rodrick heffley x fem!reader, fluff, strangers to lovers warnings: rodrick is a goofball, y/n's band is named velvet ecstasy(dont ask), the band plays garbage truck from scott pilgrim vs the world mUAHAHH synopsis: the whole point of battle of the bands is for you to win the acknowledgement that you're the best band out of all of the other ones that compete. lucky for rodrick, even if he didn't win that acknowledgement, at least he got a potential girlfriend. meeting/dating rodrick genre: rodrick heffley x gn!reader, headcanons, SHORT AS HELL warnings: kissing, awkward roddy rodrick before/after pregnancy genre: rodrick heffley x gn!afab!reader, headcanons warnings: pregnancy stuff
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artistic-killjoy · 2 years
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"ᴛʜɪs ɢᴜʏ ᴅɪɢs ʙᴀᴅ ɢɪʀʟs" ʀᴏᴅʀɪᴄᴋ ʜᴇғғʟᴇʏ x ғᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Genre: Fluff, Maybe angst
Warnings: Jealousy, Name-Calling
Summary: Reader is Heather Hills's friend. Reader believes that she doesn't have the slightest chance with Rodrick, because it seems like Rodrick likes Heather. Rodrick throws a party, blah blah blah, feelings are revealed.
Hi, I'm Y/N, probably one of the least popular girls at my school. Yeah, sure, I've been friends with Heather Hills since kindergarten, but she never seems to have time to hang out in public, so we're never seen together. I suppose my bad reputation doesn't help my lack of popularity, though.
I mean, who would wanna date and/or hang out with a girl who doesn't look or act her own gender?
I'm always wearing band tees, ripped jeans, and dirty Converse. Oh- And let's not forget that I'm Löded Diper's guitarist. Löded Diper is the loudest- and only- band in the neighborhood. Parents don't typically look at the only female in a band full of teenage boys, and think, "I would love to have my son/daughter bring her home for dinner!".
At school, most people don't know me. But, a lot of the ones who do know me, refer to me as "Slut", and other rude nicknames that I don't even bother trying to remember.
I'm loud, probably seem annoying to most people, obsessed with rock and metal bands, and would choose a new sketchbook over a new friend.
I have two best friends- Rodrick Heffley, and Heather Hills.
Now, you're probably thinking, 'If Heather has so many friends, and you're friends with Heather, shouldn't you and Heather's friends get along?'.
Well, we don't. Heather's friends hate me, and I hate those bitches right back.
OH- I almost forgot to mention- I've got a FAT crush on Rodrick. But, I'm 99 percent sure he's only friends with me so he can become even the slightest bit closer to Heather. It's sad, yes, but what can I do?
Anyways, I was walking home from school, when Heather and her group of giggling girly-girls stopped me.
"Hey Y/N. Got any plans for tonight?" Heather asked me.
I nodded slowly. "Uh, yeah... I'm going to Rodrick's party tonight. Sorry." I apologized.
She smiled slightly. "Think you could ask him if he'd let me tag along with you?" she replied.
I wanted so bad to say, "No, I don't think I could." out of jealousy, but out of kindness, I said "Yes".
'She's going to ask him out. He's obviously going to say yes, because that boy is head-over-motherfucking-heels for that girl.'
And that's the only thing I could think, the entire way home.
'Time to get ready for the party, I suppose...'
And with that, I headed upstairs to my bedroom to get ready. And when I say, "Get ready," I mean, "Apply Eyeliner And Blast 'Let Go' By Avril Lavigne Until My Mom Says Turn It Down".
I turned my CD player on and put in 'Let Go' by Avril Lavigne, (AMAZING album- please go listen to it if you haven't already) hit play, and began applying eyeliner.
Before 'Losing Grip' had even ended, my mom was knocking on my door. "Y/N, could you turn that down?"
I sighed. "Yes ma'am.." I reached over and turned the music down. Once my eyeliner looked alright, I picked up my phone and called Rodrick. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hey! What's up?" he asked.
"Nothin' much. Heather Hills wants to know if she can come to the party." I replied. 
"Hell yeah she can!" he finally exclaimed.
"Okay, cool!" I replied in the cheeriest voice I could manage. 'Probably a little too sugary-sweet, but whatever.'
I quickly hung up before things could get awkward. I stared at my phone for a good five minutes before finally calling Heather. The second she picked up, I blurted out a "You're invited" and hung up. I didn't feel like explaining why I sounded so pissed.
I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and went downstairs. I hugged my mom goodbye and explained that I was just heading over to Rodrick's to hang out, then left.
I reached up to knock on the door, but before my hand could even make contact with the door, it swung open, revealing a very happy Rodrick.
"Y/N! S'glad you could make it! Food is...wherever you can find it. No alcoholic beverages, due to Greggy and Rowley." he told me. I nodded and gave him a small smile. I opened my mouth to ask where the drinks we could have were, when the sound of Heather and her Pink Ladies, as I like to call them, (Grease reference lmao) filled my ears. Rodrick saw them over my shoulder, and turned his attention over to Heather without a second thought.
I frowned as Rodrick quickly hugged me and rushed over to greet Heather. I scratched the back of my neck and stood there awkwardly as she waved at me and started talking to Rodrick. Finally deciding that I wanted nothing more than for my best friend to be happy, I sucked it up and walked inside.
I walked into the living room and stood there, looking for a familiar face. Suddenly, something much shorter than me slammed into me. I made a small noise of surprise and looked down to see what it was.
I smiled a bit as I gently patted his head. "Hey dude! How's it going?" I asked.
He looked up at me with a grin. "Its-" he started, but was quickly cut off by Greg, who rushed in to make sure Rowley wasn't about to do anything embarrassing.
"Rowley! What are you doing?! She's our ENEMY!" he hissed.
I reached out and grabbed Greg by the shoulder, pulling him into the hug. "Hey hey, bro! I bought ya somethin'." I told Greg as I pulled a new video game he's been wanting for a week now out of my bag. He gave me a look of clear suspicion as I handed him the cased disc.
"What's the catch?" he asked me.
"You gotta let me play a game o' that. Heard it was really freakin' awesome, so I gotta try it out." I told him.
A grin slowly spread across Greg's face. "Alright. Maybe you aren't so bad after all."
"Sweet. Can we go try it out after I get a drink?" I asked.
Greg raised an eyebrow. "What about Rodrick? I thought you two were- like- inseparable!"
I shrug, looking away and shoving my hands in my pockets. "I don't care what he does right now." I said quietly.
"Really? Why-" Rowley started.
"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Greg cut him off.
"Gosh, how'd you figure it out so fast?" I said sarcastically, before going to the kitchen. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Rodrick and Heather talking and laughing their asses off. I stopped walking and frowned. I could feel tears coming to my eyes as I realized how close they were. I quickly tried to make a run for it before I was spotted, but one of Rodrick's buddies saw me and called out to me.
"Yo! Y/N!" he yelled. My eyes widened and I slowly turned around.
"Y-Yeah?..." I asked meekly. Rodrick and Heather were staring straight at me.
"Y/N? You good?" Rodrick asks me, seeing that I'm about to cry. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, pulling myself together.
"Yeah, why?" I open my eyes and force a smile as I respond. He shrugs and turns back to Heather. Heather stares at me a few seconds longer, her eyebrow raised, before facing Rodrick again. They go back to talking. I'm seemingly forgotten, so I turn to leave the room. I make it to the living room, when Rodrick's friend gently grabs my shoulder.
"Come with me." I hear him say. And with that, he leads me outside. He sits on the steps of the porch and pats the spot next to him. I hesitantly sit next to him.
"What- What's up?" I ask, curious.
He looks at me with an expression that says 'You Know Exactly What I'm Talking About'.
I sigh. "Alright, alright. It's just that- that- I really really like Rodrick, but it hurts when all I want is for him to be happy and he's all heart-eyes for my best friend, and I don't want him to be with her because I want him to be with me, and I feel like I'm not good enough-" I tell Rodrick's friend. He cuts me off as soon as he hears "Not good enough".
"No. Y/N, listen to me. Look at me." he demands. I look at him, tears (yet again) threatening to spill.
"You are perfect. You are more than enough. Rodrick never shuts the fuck up about you when it's just us guys. And you know what? He likes you. As more than a friend. He told me so. Just, ah, don't tell him I told you that." he says. I giggle slightly at the last bit and nod.
"Thanks, dude... You're fuckin' awesome." I tell Rodrick's friend as I lean in, hugging him and possibly crying into his shoulder. These tears were tears of joy, though.
I pull back when I hear the sound of the door swinging open (and almost hitting me in the head), revealing a confused Rodrick. "Y/N? What's going on?"
I look over at Rodrick's buddy, who simply nods at me and stands up, walking back inside.
Rodrick watches as his friend walks inside, closing the door behind him. When he looks back at me, I pat the empty spot next to me on the steps. "Sit." I tell him.
He slowly sits next to me. "Seriously, are you okay?" he asks me.
I look down at my hands. "I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm not okay." (I promise- ILYSM IF YOU GOT THAT REFERENCE)
"Well, why not?" he questions.
"I like you. I don't want to be your friend. I wanna be your girlfriend, but I also want you to be happy, and it seems like making you happy means getting you and Heather together, or at least just letting you two be together." I say. After a few seconds of silence, I look over to see that Rodrick is simply staring at me with wide eyes.
"Look- I-I'm sorry-" I start as I begin to stand up. Suddenly, my hand is grabbed and I'm pull back down.
"I like you too, as more than a friend. I just never caught onto your hints, apparently. I've been hiding my feelings for you by pretending to like Heather. It seemed easy, but believe me- if I had a dollar for every time I wanted to tell you how I felt, I'd be fuckin' rich." Rodrick tells me.
I smile and quickly lean in, grabbing the sides of Rodrick's face and smashing my lips against his.
"Woo! Go Y/N! I knew you could do it, girl!" I hear Heather call from an open window of the living room.
"YO! RODRICK! CONGRATS, MAN!" Rodrick's band buddies call from the same window.
I turn to Rodrick, and we both just smile.
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brae-brae · 9 months
I speak Italian Darling
This is part one of something I've been working on. this is my first post on here so please don't judge:))
Gia Iseppa De Luca. the only daughter of an immigrant mother and sister to 6 boys, one of which is in prison, which isn't exactly smooth sailing. Ive lived in the sunshine state most of my life. That is until the end of last school year. My parents had the bright idea, "Oh let's move from Florida to Massachusetts! WHO NEEDS SUMMER BREAK WHEN YOU CAN MOVE STATES AWAY! It's not like we could have just stayed there after we had our 4th kid and just bought a bigger house which we obviously could afford if we moved to FLORIDA! Oh how smart we are." Yea no. Not to mention just when I think I have this 16 year old girl shit down with making friends and fitting in, they throw 2 boys into my house for A WHOLE MONTH?! Whatever summer I have left, I better enjoy. I will be blaming my parents.
Sinceramente tuo, il pasticcio adolescenziale
P.S. I speak Italian Darling
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  As I got out of my shower I heard my mom welcoming some guests. “Hey, boys! Hey Susan and Frank, how have you been? David and I..” I walked into my room, cutting out their convo. I turned on Spotify on my TV, blasting The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls while I got ready to go to Kristi’s house. As I threw on my sweats and plain black bra, I heard my door open and my mom’s voice. “This is Gia’s room, the boys are at their clubs and whatnot right now. Oh, dear! I didn’t realize you were getting dressed!” My mom quickly shut the door. Before she closed it, I caught a glimpse of a black-haired boy with eyeliner, looking at his phone with headphones in. “Dio, mamma! Impara a bussare! Gesù!” I yelled through the door. I quickly put on a plain black shirt with the band name KORN, putting my unruly curly hair in a low-effort ponytail. I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and highlighter and grabbed my guitar bag, phone, vape, and AirPods. I walked out with my things in hand, jogging down the stairs. When I got to the door, I looked over at Mom catching her attention. “Hey, I’m heading to Kristi’s. I’ll be back later. Love you!” She made a huff before stopping me. “First I want you to meet the guests. These are the Heffley’s!”
     I looked over at them. Normal, basic-looking people. Then I realized the older boy was staring at me. I thought I grew a 3rd eye or something. Honestly, it was getting a bit awkward. Before I could dwell on it anymore, the mom chimed in. “Hey Gia! Oh my goodness, I haven’t seen you since you were as big as Manny!” she said lifting the little boy in her arms. I straightened my lips into a line and looked out at my car in the driveway. 
     “Wish I could say I remember you..” I said looking at my feet. “Gia Iseppa De Luca-Void! That was rude!” I threw my hands up in the air, “Hey I! I wasn’t trying to be, I just don’t know who she is!” I told her. I looked at the dad and the boys, the older one not having moved an inch. “Oh well, the last time I saw you, you and Rodrick were only about 3.” my mom quickly gaped,” Oh Susan, do you remember when they would take cute little baths together? Oh, I miss those days..” my mom said holding where her heart should be. 
     “Ma! Really? What the hell?!” Her face hardened. “Iseppa! Watch the language! Ci sono piccole orecchie per sentire! Continua così e passerai il fine settimana qui. Capire?” I rolled my eyes. “Sì, capisco, mamma…” I mumbled, “Kristi is texting me, can I go now?” my mom rolled her eyes. “Introductions, then yes.” I put down my guitar and walked up to the family. “I’m Susan, as you might have guessed, this is Frank, Manny, and these are-” the smaller one walked up to me taking my hand. “bonjour beauté..” I looked at him questioningly. “I speak Italian. Not french,” I smiled. He blushed and dropped my hand. I turned to the other boy and looked up at him, his eyes following me. 
3rd POV: 
     As the Heffleys arrived at the house, Rodrick put his headphones in and texted Bill. They started planning when our next band practice could be. He wasnt paying attention as he made his way up the stairs, causing him to step on Greg’s shoes. “Hey! Watch it bigfoot!” Greg snapped back, which only made Rodrick do it purposefully. “Mom, why do we even have to be babysat? We learned not to throw parties! Promise!” Susan turned to them quickly. “No, you learned how to be sneaky, not responsibility. So you are staying here. There are other boys here, you'll be fine. Your father and I need this, so please. Behave.” Greg looked at his shoes and Rodrick, well, rolled his eyes, popping his earbuds back in. He didnt even notice the half naked girl that was just walked in on. 
     As they stood in the dining room, Rodrick felt a light poke on his side. He ignored it, only to be poked again. He looked at Greg who was pointing at something. Rodrick looked up and locked eyes on her. His breath stopped and his hands instantly got warm and sweaty. Even his loud music went silent. He saw her lips moving but he couldn't focus on what she was saying, only how her lips moved and how her pale green eyes popped against the dark colors around them. Small strands of hair escaped her ponytail that hung against her back, bouncing with every step she took closer. Wait, is she walking over here? Well no shit, we are the only ones over here she could be walking towards. Think Rodrick, fuck. His eyes never left her, especially when she inched closer and closer at him.
He didn’t even realize she had said something until she looked at him and stopped talking for a moment. “Huh?” was all he could muster. He internally punched himself at his stupidity. Now is not the time to be dumb, get it together!  “I said, do you want some water? Your mouth seems a little… Dry..” she grinned and looked at his lips. He closed his mouth and shook his head, maybe a little more than he should have. She looked back at his eyes and spoke. “I’m going to assume you’re Rodrick. My bathing buddy?” my heart stopped. “W-What?” he asked rather fearfully. She tried to suppress her smile and looked at him, probably noticing how nervous he became at her words. “Mom was saying that we used to take baths together when we were babies.” The thought of them taking a bath together when they were babies made Rodrick cringe, but then another thought ran across his mind. A more present one, one that made him blush and wouldn't let him get words out. “Anyway, Ciao! A dopo, mamma, Papà!” with that she walked out, guitar in hand. Oh hell. This girl is gonna be the death of me. 
“I'll show you boys to your rooms!” Julieta announced. 
Well shit.
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minawritesfanfic · 15 days
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Backyard Boy Part 7
Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Word count: 3k
Summary: After a fun day in the sun with Rodrick you get quite the surprise at Heather’s party, on the bright side you know just how much your parents love you?
Part 7
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☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
Heather's party had been planned to happen the following weekend and was going to be the first big party of the year, so most of the school was buzzing with excitement about it. All of the positive energy was infectious so despite my initial apprehension from the weird way she had invited me, I ended up just brushing it off as things just being a bit awkward between us. If she was willing to extend an olive branch who would I be if I didn’t take it? I was just excited to go to a high school party and was bc really hoping it would be like in the movies. Even if it wasn’t I still had the good weather to be happy about, it was a calm Thursday and the sun was high in the sky shining down warmly on me. I lay quietly in the grass with my eyes closed basking in the warmth and cool breeze.
My tranquility was interrupted by the abrupt thud and groan coming from in front of me, I sat up and was surprised to see Rodrick rolling around in the grass cradling his arm. It didn’t take long to put two and two together, this idiot had jumped the fence. I burst out laughing and he just looked at me red-faced, I eventually got up and helped him to his feet. He shook his arm quickly flexing it and everything seemed to be okay, minus the not-so-subtle embarrassed blush coating his cheeks. He looked away shyly scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, and all I could think was how absolutely adorable he looked when he was all bashful like this.
“Rodrick.” He seemed to flinch at his name hesitant to meet my gaze, “Why the hell did you just climb my fence?”
“I really don’t know-, I thought it would be cool if I superhero’d my way over the fence… that you’d think I was cool.” He said somewhat confidently at first but turned away again and muttered to himself too quietly for me to hear but I just shook it off.
“You are such a dweeb sometimes Roddy,” I said turning around already regretting the stupid nickname as it came out my mouth, but I just laid back in the grass pretending I hadn’t said it.
“Ro-roddy?! Since when did we use nicknames, I thought you said you think nicknames are dumb.”
“Ugh yes I do think they are dumb, I don’t even know why I said that. Roddy is a horrible nickname, but I don’t know I guess I don’t mind if it is as much when it’s you. I’d actually let you call me a stupid nickname and not be totally grossed out by it.” I rambled slightly as I laid back in the grass my arms crossed against my chest as I stared up at the hypnotizingly blue sky above.
Rodrick laid on his side propped up on his elbow staring at me, “You say that now but I can think of a bajillion nicknames to make you regret saying that.”
“Don’t. You. Dare.” I said turning and glaring at him but he only laughed narrowing his eyes.
“Homie, superstar, partner in crime, amigo, Pickle, silly buns, Pookie, sillykins, sillykins mcsillerson, snickerdoo-” He went on and on before I finally shoved my hand over his mouth with a laugh.
“Ew ew stop! Okay, you win, oh my gosh those were so bad! Pickle isn’t even a nickname?!”
“Says who? They used to call me Pickle back in middle school yknow.” He said pushing my hands away and grinning.
“There’s no way in hell they called you Pickle in middle school, how’d you even get the nickname, Pickle? Like it’s one pickle it's not even a group of them?!”
“Uhhh I- fine fine you caught me, they didn’t actually call me pickle. They used to call me Baldrick, I got gum stuck in my hair and had to cut it all off. Right before picture day.” He laughed as he laid down on his back as well, I turned my head looking over at him. His expression was peaceful as he watched the clear sky above us.
“Pffft- you poor thing that sounds awful, they called me barfy back then though. You accidentally puke on a teacher ONE time and well… you know.”
“Barfy? That sounds like it sucked, fuck we both had horrible nicknames in grade school.”
“Yeah, I know right? I’m glad I finally got out of that town.”
“I almost forgot you just moved here, why did you guys end up moving here from…California right?”
“Yeah that’s right, but uh it's a long story that I don’t know if I really want to get into. Long story short though we just needed a fresh start, and it just so happened that my mom inherited this place from my Aunt.”
“Crazy Lynn is your Aunt?” Rodrick said abruptly sitting up with wide eyes, I sat up as well nodding.
“Crazy Lynn? I want to be offended but Aunt Sherylynn is a bit eccentric, what did she do to get that nickname?”
“The better question is what didn’t she do, she used to get in trouble with the city all the time because she started raising a flock of crows. They kept attacking people whenever they came near her house and they shit damn near everywhere.” I sighed and shook my head with a smile.
“That sounds like my aunt alright, I swear I’m nowhere near as eccentric as she was.”
“Are you sure, you seem pretty crazy to me.” Rodrick teased and I just nudged him with my elbow, he fell back onto the grass feigning a wound.
“Oh knock it off baldrick.”
“You first barfy.”
We paused to stop and look at each other, both of our expressions blank and unreadable. Rodrick was the first to lose his composure as his lip twitched upward in a smirk which only made me snicker in response. It wasn’t long before we had both bursted out laughing, rolling around in the grass. It was wonderful being able to be so vulnerable with someone and still be able to laugh wholeheartedly like this, it’s moments like this that make me fall even harder for Rodrick. As our laughter died down we laid face to face in the grass just smiling happily at each other, the sun was warm and when it shone on his face I could see the beautiful chocolatey color of his eyes. It was the silence that finally made me realize how close me and Rodrick were, I quietly gulped to myself as my eyes instinctively looked down at his lips. His cheeks flushed red as he realized what I was looking at, but he mirrored my actions looking down at my lips. We lay there quietly thinking the same thing but both were too scared to say anything let alone make a move, before I could even think of what to say his lips were pressed against mine.
The kiss lasted no more than a few seconds yet it still managed to fluster the both of us, we pulled away and I sat up looking in the opposite direction. I glanced back to see Rodrick sitting up and looking down at his feet, his ears were a bright red and his fingers rested on his lips. He looked back at me with a nervous smile that I returned, I was about to lean in for another kiss when my mom came out onto the patio.
“Sweetpea, Rodrick I made you guys some sandwiches in case you were hungry!~” She said ever so chipper, but she suddenly gasped and gave me a look.
“Thanks, Mom, we appreciate that.”
“Oh yeah! I’m so sorry, I’ll leave you too alone.” She said quickly setting the plates down on the patio table before darting back inside, not without giving me a playful smirk through the screen door.
I rolled my eyes trying to hide my smile as I stood up, “A peanut butter and jelly sandwich does sound great right now. Don’t you agree?”
★ ✮ ★
Saturday night, the night when Heather Hills would be hosting the first big party of the school year. So obviously it was a big deal, which means I couldn’t just wear any old all-white outfit. It was a bit hard to find an outfit given the limited color palette but somehow I managed. I wore an off-the-shoulder white shirt, white denim jeans, and a black studded belt that I hoped wouldn’t be a big deal as it matched my shoes. I also decided to style my hair a bit differently since I was already out of my comfort zone with the all-white outfit, overall I felt like I looked pretty good. When you look good you feel good, I excitedly headed downstairs to show off my outfit to my mom. She smiled at me and lightly pinched my cheeks before I pushed her away with a groan.
“C'mon Mom, I’m not a kid anymore,” I said with a huff but I couldn’t hide the smile on my face.
“Oh I know, but you’ll always be my baby. I’m just so glad you’re fitting in so well here, I knew this would be a good start for all of us.”
“Yeah you guys were right, I really think I’m starting to like it here in Plainview. I’m glad we moved.” I hugged my mom and she hugged me back tightly placing a kiss on the top of my head.
“That’s the spirit, now let me drop you off. My sweetpeas first high school party, oh wait I need a picture!!”
After my mom fussed over me she finally dropped me off at Heather’s house, which was huge. It was practically a mansion compared to the houses on my street, as I stepped up to the front door I could already hear the music blaring from inside. I smiled and opened the door, I walked through the small crowd of people talking at the entrance. I gave a polite hello and walked past them looking around, the further I got inside the house the more I realized that I didn’t really know that many people. I eventually found myself in the kitchen and grabbed a red solo cup full of fruit punch, I made sure to be careful considering it would ruin my outfit but I wasn’t nervous about it.
“There you are! Just the person I was looking for.” I turned upon hearing my name being called and saw Heather followed closely by Renatta and another girl I’d frequently seen Heather with.
“Hey Heather, this is a great party.”
“Oh yes thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far. I have so much more planned, you even came in white!” She said with a wide smile as she pulled me into a hug, I hesitated but hugged her back.
“Yeah I did, I noticed nobody else was wearing white though.”
“Oh don’t worry about that, everyone had a color they were supposed to wear but clearly you’re the only one that takes my word to heart. It's whatever though the party will still go on, we have a very special event planned. I don’t think you’re ready for it.”
“I can’t wait, thanks again for inviting me I really hope we can get along.”
“Me too, well I’m going to go keep saying hi. I’ll see you later Renatta.” Heather squeezed her shoulder before walking off.
“I see you two are getting along swimmingly, I’m so glad. I hated having to pick between the two of you.” Renatta said pulling me in for a big hug which I returned with a smile.
“Me too! It was kind of weird how we glossed over it but it was years ago so it makes sense, I’m just glad my favorite people are getting along. Now for the rest of the gang to warm up to her.”
“I’m sure they will, she can be a bit harsh but Heather just grows on you.”
“Exactly! I’m glad someone understands, anywho how are you and chocolate fountain?” She said wiggling her eyebrows as she leaned against the counter, picking at the snacks on top of it.
“Oh you know… things are good. We even kissed early this week, but we haven’t really acknowledged that we did.” I said stuffing a pretzel into my mouth.
“Shut up! No, you did not, yknow what happens after you k-i-s-s, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a bab-“ I shove a chip into her mouth as my face flushes red.
“I get it, I get it! I doubt we’ll get that far, so don’t put any more ideas in my head.”
“Okay fine, I won’t tease you too much. I should go see where Heather ran off to anyways.”
“Okay, I’m just gonna hang out maybe explore a little bit.”
“Okay if you need anything you know where to find me, by the way, the event Heather was talking about starts soon so head to the living room.”
“Gotcha, I’m just gonna snack a little bit more. See ya later Renatta.” She started to walk out of the room but turned at the last second before rounding the corner.
“Oh and one last thing, make sure you name one of your guy's babies after me.”
I blushed and she just laughed before leaving, I sighed but smiled at the thought. Though quickly brushed it aside, Rodrick and I weren’t even dating yet I shouldn’t even be thinking about having a kid with him. Especially not at this age, I ate another pretzel hoping the saltiness would draw me away from my thoughts and thankfully it did. I couldn’t help but wonder what brand of pretzels Heather buys as they were really good, likely more expensive too but it might be worth it. I glanced up from the platter of finger foods to see people gathering in the living room, I figured now was the time. I dusted my hands off and joined the crowd. Heather stood on the mezzanine she talked into a microphone that was connected to the speaker, I wasn’t really paying much attention to what she was saying until she called my name whilst pointing at me.
“If you guys didn’t know they moved here not too long ago from California, can you believe that? A truly beautiful place if any of you have ever been there, but we met while our families were on vacation. Can you come to the middle of the room please?” I felt a little nervous about being singled out like this, but as everyone cleared a path for me I felt like I had no choice.
I looked out at everyone in the room as they all stared back at me, “Heather what is this?” I asked looking back at her but she only smiled.
“It’s so crazy seeing you again after all those years, did you guys know that this lesbo tried coming on to me? She even tried to kiss me, now she’s followed me all the way here.” Heather said with a disgusted face down at me and all I could do was freeze, tears already welling up in my eyes.
This couldn’t be happening, this wasn’t happening right? I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe, I could barely even think. Why was this happening, what did I do to deserve this? I thought things would be different, after a year of being tormented because of my sexuality I never expected that after moving all the way out here that I would go through this again. Heather’s voice was tuned out by the sound of loud ringing in my ears and the fast beating of my heartbeat, I looked around the room and everyone’s eyes felt like laser piercing my skin with fire. I felt so small as they stared at me in disgust or laughed at my embarrassment, but the worst was yet to come. I jumped as ice-cold water flooded my vision and drenched me completely, I looked back up at Heather who sneered as she and the girl from before held a now-empty bucket. If everyone wasn’t laughing before they were now, I looked down at my clothes which were now see-through and dyed a vibrant blue color. Everything after that was a blur.
I don’t remember leaving Heather’s house, or how I went home, just seeing my mother’s startled expression as she rushed over to me waking up my dad who slept peacefully on her lap. I just stood there at the door my head hung low and my now blue shirt clinging to my skin. She pulled me into a hug, I cried into her arms nearly collapsing from the weight of it all. She only held me tighter and rubbed my back gently, she fell with me to the floor cradling me right there in her arms as I sobbed my heart out. I felt so childish crying in her arms like this, it had been years but I couldn’t help it, especially after the night I had. I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore, my eyes were red, puffy, and sore. My mom helped me to my feet and brought me to the bathroom where my dad had drawn a bath, it was really like I was a kid again. She washed my back and hair, singing a song she always used to sing when I was younger and it almost made everything feel alright. After my bath I crawled into bed between my parents, my skin tinted a faint blue due to whatever was in the water Heather poured on me. I tried to ignore that fact as I snuggled up to my dad who held me tightly in his arms, my mom was close behind me and rubbed small circles into my arms. It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep, having my parents so close I’ve never felt safer and it all lulled me into a sense of security that let me relax enough so that I could sleep. I would never understand why I stopped sleeping with them, they’re warmth and affection lulled me into a deep and dreamless sleep.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
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agaypanic · 8 months
They're open yay omg!! Ok I had a cute idea for Rodrick Heffley if you're up for it! :)
Rodrick x Male!Reader where reader sings him 'boyfriend' by Big Time Rush the same way that Rodrick sang 'baby' by Justin Bieber for that one girls birthday (I literally don't remember her name lol but also it doesn't have to be his birthday) but like, it doesn't end as badly as it did for him lmao
Idk if they should be an established relationship between him and reader or if this is like readers confession so ill let you choose what you feel like writing for!
Boyfriend (Rodrick Heffley X Male!Guitarist!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: While waiting for your friends to show up to band practice, you decide to show Rodrick a new song you’ve been working on.
A/N: this is my first time writing for rodrick so pls lmk how i did! au where reader wrote ‘boyfriend’ instead of btr (with a few tweaks). rodrick and reader are in the talking stage (i dont wanna say situationship but ig that works lol) but their friends dont know about it. the only instrument i know about is the violin so sorry if i get anything wrong. also i think doing singing in stories/fics is kinda weird/awkward but whatever lol
You always cherished the few minutes you had alone with Rodrick during band practice. Sure, you liked your other friends. But there was something about being able to watch Rodrick not put on the whole ‘bad boy rocker’ persona that he was used to wearing. Around you, he felt like he could wind down and not think as much.
Although, he didn’t think too much in the first place.
“I think we have a real shot at winning this talent show,” Rodrick said, drumming a beat on your thigh as he watched you tune your guitar. “We just need to practice more.”
“Well, I think we sound fine right now.”
“We don’t need to sound fine; we need to sound great!”
“Chill out, Roddy.” You said gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. “It’s a month away; we have plenty of time.”
“Don’t call me that.” Despite his words, the corner of Rodrick’s lip twitched up at the nickname. You were the only one who called him that. At first, he didn’t like it; it wasn’t a hardcore rocker name. But soon, he found himself getting giddy at the softness of it. “I guess you’re right, though.” 
Rodrick strummed his fingers across the strings of your guitar, laughing when you slapped his hand away.
“Work on anything new lately?” He asked, looking up at you from his hunched-over position. Along with being the guitarist, you were one of the main songwriters in Löded Diper, having many one-on-one writing sessions with Rodrick. That’s how the two of you grew closer, going from childhood friends playing on slides to somewhere between friends and something more, playing songs. Secret handshakes turned to lingering touches, and loud laughs turned to whispered jokes.
You were a bit hesitant to answer. You had been working on some new songs, but they didn’t exactly fit the Löded Diper brand. They were love songs, most, if not all, written with Rodrick in mind. 
“Kind of.” You finally say, picking at a frayed edge of your jeans. Rodrick perked up, always loving your new material.
“Yeah? Show me!”
“It’s not exactly like the stuff we play.” You argue, a bit anxious at the thought of Rodrick hearing what you had been toying with recently. “Besides, it’s not finished.”
Rodrick just shrugged, leaning back in his seat.
“Show me anyway.”
You hated how you could never say no to those eyes. You sighed and finally agreed, fiddling with your guitar while trying to remember the chords.
“No laughing.” You say.
“When do I ever laugh at you, Y/n?”
“All the time.” With that, you started playing. You gave Rodrick a nervous glance before clearing your throat and singing.
“Have you ever had the feeling you’re drawn to someone?
And there isn’t anything they could of said or done?
And everyday I see you on your own
And I can’t believe that you’re alone
But I overheard your friends and this is what they said”
Looking over at Rodrick, you saw him intently listening. Any other time, you’d be prideful of the fact that all his attention was on you. But right now, it made you wanna run. But you stayed planted in your seat and continued with the song.
“That you’re looking for a boyfriend
I see that, gimme time, you know I’m gonna be there
Don’t be scared to come put your trust in me
Can’t you see all I really want to be
Is your boyfriend
Can’t fight that
Knock me down you know I’m coming right back
I don’t care at all what you done before
All I really want is to be your
You let the last chord ring out before you set your guitar down and cleared your throat.
“So, yeah…” Rodrick kept staring at you. “That’s… the song.”
Rodrick scooted closer to you, and you lifted your head to face him eye-to-eye.
“Did you write that about me?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. You bit your lip, watching how his hair fell from the movement.
“Depends.” You say, taking a deep breath. “Did you like it?”
Suddenly, Rodrick laughed. It made you stiffen, but you soon relaxed when he put a hand on the back of your neck.
“You’re so corny, dude.” He said before closing the gap between you. 
After the shock washed away, you gripped at his hair and ratty t-shirt, wanting to keep him close. You had come close to kissing Rodrick a few times, mainly while drunk at parties that you shouldn’t have been at or during writing sessions that eventually got interrupted by Rodrick’s younger brother Greg. But those close moments didn’t prepare you for how good the real thing felt.
When you parted, you rested your forehead on Rodrick’s as the two of you caught your breath. You opened your eyes and moved back a bit so you could see him clearly.
“So…” You start, not knowing what to do from here. “Are you looking for a boyfriend?”
“Sure.” Rodrick snorted before kissing you again.
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freshoffthebeats · 4 months
MASTERPOST OF MEN (for list of inspo)
___ = actor specific crossover ***= world similarities cross over (may require more info)
⨶ = awkward puberty times wholesome memories ⨷ = teen and angst ⨻ = teen turn to adult ✰ = ADULT
🌝 = finished 🌑 = havent started yet 🌓= in the middle of
OUT OF THIS WORLD(𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘹𝘺, 𝘮𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩, 𝘸𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘴, 𝘩𝘺𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘦)
Tumblr media
Obi-Wan Kenobi
★彡fanficiton 彡★
Fallen (ao3) - 57k words. 18+. non force oc royalty ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Cal Kestis
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Legolas (middle earth)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Robb Stark (𝘸𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘴)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ⨻ The Goddess of the North (ff) - star wars oc crossover. 106k words, 50 chapters. completed
✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Bran Stark
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Oberyn Martell
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Link (hyrule)
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THE REST (timeline accuracy)
Jack Kelly (1882)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Dave Jacobs
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Kid Blink
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Narnia⨷ ⨻
Edmund (1930-49)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Peter (1937, 2555 narnia)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Holdovers⨷ (1970)
Angus Tully
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Harry Potter⨶ ⨻
Remus Lupin(1971-1978)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Fred Wealsey(1989-1996)(ri98)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Oliver Wood (1987-1994)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Stranger Things ⨻(1983)
Jonathan Byers
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Steve Harrington
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Breakfast Club⨷(1984)
Brain Johnson
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Ferris Buellers Day off⨷ (1985)
Cameron Frye
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
IT✰⨶ ⨻(1989-2019)
Stanley Uris
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Gilmore Girls⨷(2000-2007)
Jesse (1983)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Mike Schmidt
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Diary of a Wimpy Kid⨷ (2003)
Rodrick Heffley
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Joel Miller
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Little Miss Sunshine⨷ (2006)
Dwayne Hoover
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Skins⨷ (2007)
Sid Jenkins
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Breaking Bad✰(2008-2013)
Jesse Pinkman
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
MBSAV⨷ (2010-2012)
Benny Weir
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Ethan Morgan
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Teen Wolf⨷(2011-2017)
Stiles Stilinski
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Jurassic Park⨷ (2015)
Zach Mitchell
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Greg Hirsh
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Ted Lasso✰(2020-2023)
Jamie Tartt
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Outerbanks⨷ (2020-)
JJ Maybank
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Druig (5000 BC -)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Jerome(gotham timeless)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Peter Parker (01-04)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
, (12-14),
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Charles Xavier(1932-1962((firstclass)))
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Frenchie('85) (2019-)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
thing of solda boy and huey and rest of averngers and general marvel timeline
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
ASOUE⨷ ⨶ (timeless)
Klaus Baudelaire
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
Hunger Games✰(future)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
The Maze Runner⨷(future)
★彡fanficiton 彡★ ✬drabbles✬ character inspo stuff
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